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Cheap perlntts sign. alslow s`art
SEP'rEMB^I 20, 20, .,. WWWafi'. coin ^Inn IAIRM^W Carbon tax 4-page pull-out Renewable Energy P ,=. .*', ., ^. by""'a ,- ^ =t^',~ a " ,=^ ^ .^ .^ * ,. 37' ~^ $^^.';I^-. :^!^-.:-, ^ 10 Passwi"dfan" in California, withinre han 2000b, chi"us ... AUSh. alin's rane"abh energy*arg. ,should dire local mrs^ in TheSa. tech"obgyoverc. rimgy"rs. Ploto: BILL CLARK Wind power likely to dominate in early years, then solar is expected to heat up Cheap perlntts sign. alslow s'art Overview Treasury in Gini^ forthe Mareus Priest carbon rice scheme putsthe 2014/5 carbon price at $29. But Bloomberg pr jotsthe collapse in 'If solar thermal or PVCa" deployed 'The carbon price from this point the required scale and price, it has a is likely to trackthe system's price number of benefits over wind, floor, whichrises gradually to inclu inghaving muchmore $17.50 in 2020. As mand from the predictable availability. Solar '^:::t^;4^!^;;,\;^:';^^!^"'to ^;,:^::;;, am^^:^;^:,;^:;^:^" at tile req", red scale expect ::'^^:^:^^:::;:^::It::^:' the international carbon fired generation by 2020 du to a will fall much lower, should comprise a larger portion of Australia's energy mix" The fulling cost of the technology price to fall below the Australian price floor. * and the high Australian dollar Westpacheadofinftastructure would alsohelp driveso18rprojects. '"The commercial and technical andutilities Didjet Van Notsays the amd rice, it has a weakintemationalcarbon market, Bloomberg clean energy analyst buttherenewable energy target of KobadBhavnagrisaysthetransition number of benefits 20 per cent windriveinvestment - from a carbon tax to a market. based co andtrade scheme in 2015 energy landscape between 2020 and viabinty of the next generation of mainly in wind teelmology. over un, ,d. ' 2030 will notlook much different solartowertechndogy has been However, the consensus opinion meansthe price signal to invest in Westpac's DidIer\^n Not from today, giventhelifocycleof proven, "saysACCIONAEnergy of participantsin The Austinli", I renewablesislikelytobef^irlylow Oceaniadevelopment 'rector investment initie energy sector. financial Reviewrenewable energy until2020 because of the ability to Andrew Thornson. "Plans are "Buttherearea number of roundtableisthatwhile windwill buy international permits. "We forecast that the carbon under wayto buildthese jests at interesting unknown variables, " dominate over coining years, the scale and to make substantial Van Notsays. cost of solar energy is uickly price is likely to dedine from $25 in "Ifsolarthennalor PV contributions to global energy 2014/5 to $16 in 2015-16, " says coming down and will become IPhotovoltaicslcan bedeplo at supply. " competitive sooner rather than later. BhavnagrL Carbon GetsTaxed Butthedebate goeson, . On 13 September the Government introduced its carbon price legislation to the parliament. This ground-breaking legislation wit now be dissected and debated overthe coming months. Business and industry are stintryingto understand the issues and developments. Being prepared is paramount. Do you have aquestion aboutthe newCarbon Planthat BDO can answer for you? Lodgeyourquestion at bcc. coin. a" DistinctiveIyd' t-it's howweseeyou AUDIT. TAX. ADVISORY IBDO 24 The A" n Rinncl, Tuesday 20 September 201. , Carb, on Tax Participants Re ewabe Energy The future The state of play "any",,"arsel""alga tod, .do^"hushon^"SIbr r GaryW6a, e, , Chairman, Industry Rinds Managernent. Policy Gemi, ,Iy . . . will electricitygenerationwil becausedby 11^ 11 toad^win^"^, g^ ,g 2000MWofbrowncoal^itedcapacity. bluntssWhy1, "1'111iereb. orige^ Leeltiscertainly possibleto shiftto ,epb"rentalmm^ MORAustralia's rtunate position of having an abundance of cheap, fossil fuelenergy o tions haslargely negated the needfor the developmento its renewable sources of energy, and the SouthAustralianenergymarl, et, in What"maleelea"o1.0rgyb"dsea"e and Denmarkshowthatthistransition hikilkei"roan^an Whichfomtsof ispossible, withwindenergyleading rine, ,able", orgy. ill .' theway. LC=hourview, allrenewablesare worlddasseolar, win wane and likely to succeed Its more a question geothermal resources in the absenceof Whilell, orrise, ,, pipelineo, Mereble of proportion and, the timing of that . innediately contorth arc""d eventual success. $20 billion in new invest, "e"I. attof^diveregitlatoryframeworkthat d'orgypr^Is? priced the environmental cost of fossil 11^Thereia a very substantial pipeline "08 The International Energy Agency fuels. dB. of renewableenergyprojectsin isnowsayingthat20percentof GW:Windisby forthecheapest of Australia, mostly windf^rins. thesetechnologiesintermsoflarge- Currently thereis 17.6GW(^igawatts) scale energygeneration, but iris still of wind projects in the pipelinein Tom Regional Director BP Solar AUStralasia. It is likely that fossil fuels will still doni"ate power global power will be supplied by solar by 2050, Ithink difforent markets windemand different combinations more omensivethar, burning broom Australia. IfconstnEcted, these of clean energy technologies. For coat This is exacerbat by thetact projects would amountt0 $35billion example, Carnegie's coTO wave of new investment. that the gridhasbeendevelopedto technology is idealIy suited to remote assist oristing coalfired generation island markets where there is often ICS Our project development pipeline andwateris made available at tosome $2 billion The technology mix insufficientland for large-scale solar, negligible cost for cooling. where wind is not wanted in a includes solar, wind, geolhennaland run^f-river h us= A10t of developers have been tourism environment and there isn't struggling to get Ielectricity'l retailers "F= mis very substantial The 2010 term period, people are notreally ' sufficient biomass foedstock Mr: Our view is that salar and wind winGross thswithinthis timeframe. ereasoniswind is not correlated with demand whereaa sdar 11thad Lead Clean touroftaking arketriske. LC: While renewable energy has been more in the past, the health Analyst Australia, and environmental costs of mining has a positive correlation, although it is for from perfoct. This essentially gives Bola a leg-up in gener ' "pt02020-2025. to pay a pricedIat makes the prqject economical Withoutgetting aretoner listing oftenewable power projects un inning the priceoveralong- Bloomberg New Bier^, Finance. , the costrace, a so far, solar PV fobotovoltaicjin particular has an burning fossilfiiels have never beenappropriately allocated Past shifted down the experience cost curve considerably faster than anyone in the utilities sector of the industry anticipated Ir: It depends to a large extent on the price of natural gas. At current prices studies in Australiahaveshownthat By 2020 we forecast tl, at brown coalgeneration, for example, A"SLralia will have nore than 5GW of small-scale PV. marcessof $50 a tonne of Co, attracts ahealth andenvironmentcost emitted Iselte hardto balmve now, but as recently as 1998, the oilindustry was P mer 11n un ... solar corer co"re of gas, you winget coal. to-gas shifting for new entry and some focusing on onshore wind andsolar. when Queensland coalseamgas energy, "S= We must begeeingmore shifting in short-run dispatch There renewables by virtue of the RBI' is a lot of gas capacity already in the Irenewable energy targetjbut we thinl system that doesn\runnery much it will be primarily gasin Australia. with a carbon price of zero. However, 183.1arreally", ohmre"fre if gas rises to international parity for Iifo with oil at $101bbl Its really only since 2004 that oilprices have moved sharply higher. 'Riday, wind and biomass can AndreuTh", Ison be co titiveandsolarPV Director Development, ACCIONA Energy. tohonoroltaic!is certainly getting closer to panty with fossilfiids. begins to beexported, than amuch GWS Most of the new generation The 1.11, re doesn't hinge on ."e single technology. '3rdbrine ripeesibh*. chin Gridmpa"dab"", artusl? Mr: About 85 per cent of Australian electricity production is sourcedftom to cause this shift. coal. Transitioning the sector away from incumbenttechnologies neednot riaser Chiefexecutive. AGL. The key ele""it o1.11e carbon price sche", e is the targeladoj, Led beyond 2015. higher Garbo price will be required Ifgas-fired generation fails to make listed more than 129 individual reduceourrelianceoncoalfi, r proposals, with an aggregate generating capacity of 12,600MW electricity, The elegance of amarket whichwere capable of producing mechanism is that the cheapest abatement options are those a pted by the market KB: The carbonprice will probably not ' ethe economic signal to retire about33,200GWh[gigawatthour] - more than enoughto satisfy the capacity built over the next 10 years, given current policy Bettings, will be gas-fired and wind But the relative mroads (due to high fuelprices), then cost curve for solar technologies is renewableswillneedtqmakea fulling andislikelytobeginyielding greater contribution to the energy commercialsdar-powered largescale mix Those that come down the cost electricity generation withintiie curve quickest to coin te with the current decade. There is always a Currentleast^OSt option - wind chance a new technology will burst are likely to succeed But we must on to the scene due to intensified recognise that dueto our relatively researchdriven by the seriousness of smallpopulatiori, Australian residual 20 per cent REFtrenewable dimate change science. energytargetl, ThemIue of these deployment has a minorimpactin ATS AcerONA is already building project proposalsis about $32 billion. technology cost reduction relative to hundreds of megawatrs of utility coal^I'itedgenerators before 2020 buttt With the reductions in costwe are global deployment. should provide tile long4erinprice seeing for solar, we a, pectto seemore TS= There is ito silver bullet. Its scale solar thermal andsolar PV sigpalto preventnew coalplants being large-scale solar projects a edtothis difficult to try and predict one companies are doing the samein built Thegyeatestshiftfromcoalfired project pipeline. plants in Europe and the Us. Other winner. ^'omBP'spy 're, weare thesecountriesandinothers. The The price of carbon effective withoutthe central economic Whatareco", pantssd. ingtcpre"rotor legislation. Themextstepwasto beln"""chandracarhy, p^co? determine eligibility. for free permits, sumeruralchange agent arthe core of likely to be drivenby the cost of buying credits from themternational waiting. Afiew people have started to finally, develop optimisation negotiate contrasts. Therellbe a lot of strategies andcarbon abatement businessesthat 'tevenreali8eitS lograms. there. 'sstaggeringhowlittlepeople gun ergtandingtheim or On GW: A clear mechanism that investors omitake into accountforthe future rather than endless debate and IEuropeanUnion emissiontra ' g schemel slows, we expectthe international carbon priceto foil actually appreciate whatis going OIL earnings, whichwillinclude an in:It has a very in:At themoment, ,they'rereallyall again hairlycomple, Kmskandthen, the ckage. market. As uncertainty. andfromtheEU andtri-generation are likely to provide costs andthe availability of compensation in the form of cashor permit allocation. emissions. Companies are looking at optionsfor making their o rations more efficientAsane, ,ample, AGL Whatdoyo"believe ishekeyeb, ,wild recentiy entered into ariagreementto hererbo"pricesGID", e? builtin a decade. 810wer country transitionsto carbonfuture. In tileshort*erm, 000SildOe, IOU^Ibe, 100", agea", encouragedGinonstration and deployment - assolar PVbecomes additional transitional measures - the development of suchtechnologies, netto, rein. abb carbonpriceitselfis unlikely below the Australian price floor. to 'veasigyificantshiftawayfrom MOB FortheemergingTenewables reduction on 2000. levelemissions has coal-Ired electricity generation before sector, it is the complementary bipartisan support. As such, this 2020. We forecastthatthe carbon TS8 The first step is to validate targetislikelyto bedte key driver o price innkely to dedine from $25 in greenhousegas umbers andwhile BP doing asit will determinethelevelof 2014/5 to $16 man15-16 with the had been collecting emissions data for abatemalt re sum of the traded market. This is competitive with fossil-fuel generation within the nortfive years or so. rig One of tilestrong points of the package is the $13 billion available through A&CEFCtOean support mechanismsthatsit alongside Energy Finance Corporationlfor the a carbon price that are key to driving development anddeployment of innovation. Wave, geothermal andto a renewables and other clean energy lesser extent largescale solar are at options. This is a strong commitment, manyyearsit wasstilla I^iny in^jor ., rs Without doubt, the price itself. The essentially because the way the system the higher fish'rewardendofthe taskto ensure antiiedatawasfiilly complementary measures are compatible with the proposed important and helpful, but not TS8 In time, the carbon pricing suchas the solar Flagshi ro - are necessary to foster AltonaplruitinVictoria. The focility beyond2015. misworthnotingthat IDE the 2020 target of a 5 percent particularly daring times of lower invesnnent{isk appetite. targetis maintained, iris an agg ramp-up overtime and provides an opportunity to transform the economy. construct a state<>f4he^rt tosoertl, e MrsThekey element of the carbon cogeneration focitityforQenosatits priceschemeisthetargetado ted energy? represents Australia's largest industrial cogeneration plant to be intensive andcanbe difficultto fund mechanism will assist Australia asthe ive long-term MR Energyefficiency, cogeneration assessment of the ability topasson target - 80peroentby20SO. Ifthat verylow^OSto SIbrreducing that of the ' atesector. New power technologies are generally capital asbeendesignedmeansthatfrom investmentspectt'minandoften 2015-16 the Australian carbonpriceis demand investment horizons beyond cornmensurate with the scale of in ittcalledforbytheGamaut Review. ^avlew WWWafr. coin 4 Participants 1:1 solar d or natural gas throug that will be the maindriver. Ifwe have a subsequentintemational agreement, that won't necessarily change tilings in Australia that much because Australia vinalready be tied into that agreement through our domestic framework, with similar targets and similar obligations. Is=Emission uctiontargetsare clearly important, but in the transportation sector we're seeing mail, et forces deliver increasingly efficient cars and planes. As the scale of renewable technologiese ds and costs reduce, we see consumers pulling greater demand for deaner energy. . lacks. "key Head of Utilities. Energy & Renewable Solutions, Coinrronwealth Bank of Australia. nerd. "reare^^ingb ge. ,^bilersb paya pricetl, at inkesll, e ",^*econ""^aL "arum Wilder Head Global aNironrnentalMarrets and Climate Change, Baker MeKerizie 11's staggering thou I'LLe people actually apprec, Caning". alla, calis, ionllvcalel, "pan what is goingO". Laine, ,,, California, Gem""^Spina"d China riderdoping ac, con"orgy Industry? IsB With regards to European countries, I bareve Australia will eventually surpass them in terms o La"e renewable energy development, and we can competewidiCalifomia and General Manager China. Australia is very well endowed Australia, Pacific Hydro. with resources and we have abun ant land on whichto buildlarge pro^Cts. 1,501areo"Ii""eSt08 It is more challenging, however, to cheaper, iruillconpe, e, ,in compete with China as a renewable . . fors in Australia. Pluto: GLB\IN energymani, factoring base, asitis I"j"" later, 1.1sdecade. with othe manufacturing sectors. I believe we should focus on being a commercial and technical viabilily of 5 per cent by 2020 or 80 per centby output and efficiency from incumbent renewable energyknowledgebase, whichwould include a substantial mix the next generation of solar tower 2050? romBP'sperspective, we have generators. technology has been proven, It comes alwaysf^voured a cap and trade us= Nobody really knows. Its going of renewables projects, but also with higher capacity fortors and system, so lets start with the desired to be a combination of a lot of things mature R&D capability, and specific reduction in emissions and then let storage technology to proride - gaspricesandwhereblackcoal areasofadvancedmanufacturing baseloadgeneratidn. Plans are now themarketdecidethepriceofcarbon. prices go as well, .. matsodepends andhightechnology. under wayto buildthese projects at "FSTb incentivise new gas-fired on the pass-throughofcarbon into rr: The goalislowering Australia's scale andto make substantial the wholesale price of electricity. Its ^;!'^I^^^,^:"9,81::^':11^^',^::;Iy- Tile relative cost ^':Ii;:^"'^^"':;'I;';:^^:^^^:"' errve for solar reaUythe movement in wholesale 11.11an T"rank lineslinenl Manager, Cleantech \fontures. emissions. The most cost^fibctive way to do this may beto deploy re technology tmost solar and carbon rice. Whatthat levelis will windtecbnology deployed in a" depend on the bidding bebanjour Australia is not Australianl. It may electricity price that reflects the be neither efficient nor desirable to ,arts dine, ,, Id. ""daremm hqto.^" in technologies is falling. of my,black coal.andfired plants,There's to!brow Australia as wellifwe willing browncoaL going try to compete with China in the IVla"y renewable reso"reus to"d to be ramob fron tile exisli"g grid. GaryWeaven, chairman, to be 810tof turing invest in the change. Where, Gosuiepr^Goreatho" "alto got. dined. ango? Industry funds Management n the manufacture of renewable energy plants and some of these are going to technologies, but nor should this have a look at what are their asset nec ' y be the objective. LC= Australia missed the boat on lives now - are they going to see ATSApriceof$50t0$608tonneis generation, the carbonpricewould longer orshorterasset!ives? - and someelementsbutwithclearpolicy needed to drive I their maintenance. That will affoct to investment needto be between $20 and $30 a and investmentsignals, it can in windover the nextfive years' We tonne based uponcurrent commodity the prices that they're bidding in the certainly providecomponentparts expect costs of other technologies prices. short and long term manuf^sturmg - KeppelFrince luridnel O"aviano including wind power to come down However, there are likely to be a Engineering in Portland is a clear number of lower^OSt and small substantially and become more ,ham"itartbtl, ede, ebp"". 10/11, a casein point. On technologies that competitive during this period opportunities for reducing emissibns. industry is aglobalagrco, ,e, ,, cribi"ding are at earlier stages, we potentially red"sth"targets? TS: The price depends on the timeline These include energy efficiency have opportunities there in allied Complementsrynecl, un that sit ab"BSide carbon price tore 11/01 key to mr. vato, , of change required Are we looking at opportunities and smallchangesin UnWS Ageumi^g the carbon price gets manufacturing. Managing Director of Carnegie Corporation . FuelTax Credits A greater imposton business. A new approach to fueltax credits is a key part of the Government's proposed Ca Plan, Although riotimmediate, the approach is expected to affectthousands of busine^ses. Understanding how it will affectyour organisation-will be paramount. Do you have a question aboutthe new Carbon Plan or FuelTax Credits? Lodgeyour question at bdo. coin. au Distinctivety different - it's how we seeyou AUDIT. TAX. ADVISORY IBDO The Aug. ralla"rina"cmlRevlew 42 Tuesday 20 September 20, .,.. WWWalr. coin Carbon Tax Re ewabe Energy Investment Playing politics Ed. Incatlton see What is ale approach of AUS". alto" banks and superannualion fi, "ds to renewable energy? Ir: At the moment there is a capital freeze in the energy finance markets for large^cale new entry plants due to the lack of certainty as roct11^reinenit Clean show Clean technology stocks v S&PIASX 100 index I%) 80 CARBON POLICY AN"DUNCED > ' 70 60 on carbon. in, There's a lot of pressure on the Feb'attiarm Carbon Conscious super fun andbanksto finance CarnegieWave Energy process too - educating on why these .., are workable. think CO2 Group S&FIRSX Inn Syl. x Systems Jul 4 6 8 11 Dyesol 13 12 14 15 expensive than projects in other project plan and they cam markets. The renewable sector is more establish overseas andthe Australian financial sector is still bed. nohad, rush^ emonstrate arecord of delivery. While the technology may be different, the basics of project planning and delivery remain constant. There aren't any irisurmountable barriers and, an the competitive position o renewable energy projects continues to improve over time, we would expect financing to become increasingly Mr: enewable energyprojects 11ace available. Our experience with the building capacity to fund projects in the sector. Whata, .,,, o9.00bs* harmrs/dnlb"gustofl"and"g renewable"Iergyprojects?Whatcan is to demonstrate at their proposed prt:jest has a robust 10 arge^cale PV built from 2.1 to 5.1GW by 2020. 00 1110: Ithink the best example of another country acting proactiveIy ms Untiltheoppositionmakesit The prospect of 6750 million over 20 years in last time, and it didn't get establishing a wind in risky which through, sothey'repiobablywaiting in 2008 alone contributed twice a hide bit longer this time. I'llblic fi"anGing crowding out that to their GDP. private financing is something that should be looked at. Grits windo with that when it comes in. ^fo\, egot a lot of crowdo", prints financing? governments playing politics at the "F= That is certainly something moment that should belooked at We are obviously keen to engage with the merit on exactly what the role of the CEFC is and exactly how it is going to interact with the RET scheme because the onething we are obviously concerned aboutis to A make sure there is Do diminution in , the incentive to invest for the private sector in renewables as a consequence of the operation of that corporation. uss That is one thing lain keen to Moree solarfbrm basshown tha KB: It could have a very significant where commercial finance is not andmanaged, and that thensk of the investment is adequately role in providing the "pull" for technicalIy proven technologies that available, or the volume of commercial finance is not enough the private sector will invest. willp"him, Ina"orig look into a bit further. '13, pically, , , what a governmentshould bedoing' is only using an entity like that 111F= AGLeconomists produced the initial analysis, which demons". ated the impact of carbon policy uncortaintyonel " prices. They updated this initial analysisto The challenges rusts an area that tile CEFCcould Whatarelliegr^chalkyesto ^brd^^,", re"ouchb play ani ortantroleiii, to energypr*CIS? leverage privatesector financeinto ATSThedimatechangedebatean largescaletransmission interconnectiorL TSE The bustsites for renewable approach andbipartisan supportfor energy projects are ofteninregiona! arespongeto climate change and areas, yet the cost andincentivesto renewables, we willstruggleto drive connectto the grid are within the change. in^jor conurbations. We believe us=Oneofthebiggestissues with governments, state andfodera^ should address network legislation getting a prqject to commercialisation is along-term toreflectandencourageafuture certainty o price. The retailers have beentaking on more of the price NULLARBOR PLAIN risk and not ying a premium for EASTERllEHD OF TREELESS PL, .;N longer-term ricecertainty. includetheimpact of alackof bipartisansupportfora legislated omissions trading, scheme. While investment would be likely to itselfa badthing. It only becomes a $30 billion investmen by the problem whenthelights go out. The utilities could be reduced drastically proceed, 810ss of capital market networkisthereto matchsupply and by introducing incentives to install efficiency- higher riskpremium$ demand alleast cost to consumers, solarfarms or commercialsolar being applied to jestdebt - in should notbe orerbuiltto suittor FV systems on large warehouse would result maround $5 billion in subsidiselthe investment objectives GWSBetterlinkages, forexample transmissionlinestotakerenewable throu Ithinkinmostpeo Ie^ betweenVictoria and South energy from the Byre Peninsula into mindsthatpremiumwillreduee. Australia, will themtate higher and the main grid ,,, but because of the History would say that the likelihood way the regulatory rules have been a change. ingovernmentwouldresult eveloped, you've now gotthis maprogrambeing unwoundor cut situation where there's a shortfinin back is probably relatively low, financing, because you can't get Thereha, ealr^^Iannhero, enough people financing because ^linearitdn"gesi"hfomla",*to they may never recover it, and if they do recover it, they cant make a rane. abhoriergypoli. yse"ings. What "coinfi"Gritslare"d'orkco, draints decisions? roofs. higher costsfbrconsumers to 2020. of power projects. There isno role WIW:We worked lastyear with "S:Its a big question There's very for public finance in this space, Macquarieon the Green Grid much a higher[risk] reinium now Projectforthe SAgovernment That before legislation has bam Whalea"bedo"ebaddross", oof prqjecrwasdesign to build butthenoncelegislationgoes on fun, !ore"Guabbe"orgyi. ^ant \, AT: This is a significantf^ctor and constrainsindustry progress. South profit on it because it's allregulated impartwillll, Geeha, eforpb""all, E \t, in need to change some of the prqeGls? rules and incentives. 11.8 T e planning law changes in ATS The National Electricity Victoriacoul utsignificant Objective must acknowledgeand amountsofthe4.4gigawattwind supporttlie introduction of pipeline and billions of dollars of Australia for instance has significant untappedwind resources, but relatively small demandgrowthandlimited scope for energy exports out of the state mixed renewables corerono. Agood foster deploymen of renewables. initiative would be identification of Public financesupport andprivate renewablesandthe newemissions due to constraints on interconnectors. Transmission infrastructure investment must be a tra key to Australia unlocking its renewable potential Irs Many renewable resources tend to be remote from the existing grid. Its also not clear whatthestate Isherea dangerp"bit, Ina. ting will ensuring that risks are identified to priority for government and is , later with the a mori of"market invested 810tinthelea u to the carbon nutionreductionscbeme pulp tariffs, invested about rincha"bus harehreducing technologycosts? associated topics are highly politicised. Without an o1,601ive solarindustryin Australia continues to suffer from boom-bust cycles generated by varying state and foderalpolides notoptimisedto worktogetherforthe longterrn. and capturing a marketis the clear what its actual policy is, there 40 Danish win market. Basically the will be uncertainty. Ithinkitis Danes, initially through unlikely the Coalition will unwindi^ but its not clear. A10t of coin nits "technology ugh"grants and then similar issues to other capital projects in tenns of resource rislr, technology rislr, coinmerciaVfinancing risk, construction risk, operating rigl:, etc. The key for investors is What' from banksand superannuation "bankability"hurdle, but also lower funds. the cost finance 'rig them Is= Stable palicy and certainty is more competitive sooner. By cutting crucial to alllongtemi infrastructure investinents, the costs orborrowing, loan 2019 in normal circumstances. That could boostthe amount of for immediate "locked in" cash reflected in the expected financial return of the project. Is='inhe challenge for any developer invesintentinrenewables largely 20 SOURCE UrulSC"E8W ATE Policy uncertainty and the need flow can be a limiting f^ctor for investment by the financial sector Its also our experience that the highcost of debtin Australia can make Australian projects more callfortharound $20billion innew 30 guarantees, large^Gale PVwillbe expandandcontracrveryrapidlyas constructed in 2017, rather than government policy changes. The ^ and wholesale energy prices. Once the backlog of rooftop PV certificates are cleared - expected to occur by 2015 - prices win again reflect entry levels, a necessary prerequisite for finance. GW: Policy certainty aroundttie continuation of therenewableenergy targetschemeandasecurecarbon pricing mechanism will immediately "levelised" cost of energy of subsidies as partoftheproject finance. Insular we've seenmarkets 40 renewable generators. Our modelling indicates that, with. loan jincountriessuch as Spainl both Goodynamlcs they'rejust nervous. Mr: Right now the most significant challenge is the low market price for renewable energy certificates mechanism They help emerging technologies overcome the Giniruimen. havoc""loinllulo, rule"ables? 50 guarantees significantlyreducethe especially REDneswhichbankon more in the renewables. fo date they simply haven't done it. I'm optimistic that in the longer term they will Its part of an education are not yeteconomically viable. Loan guarantees can be an effoctive and efficient support Whimpaetwill"re"ItsI renewables' precincts acrossthe technologies and how bestthe ion networks can'conn investment could play asignificant reduction target0 80 percentby role. 2050. This would allow concepts nuchasthe Scale Efficient Network TSS With respectto solar PV, in n atriskOuranalysis suggests that Victoria could lose 81.4 binionofinveeinientin 919 megawatts of new windprqjects. to them changes to legislation to increase the Extension rule, proposed in 2010 by LC8 While it is certainly Mr: A powersystemfree of network amountofdistributedenergy across the Ministerial Councilfbr Energy, disappointing, twillmean investmentsgoto otherstates and constraintsisgoldplated. Network Australiawouldreducethe needto to progress, enhancing the constraintsexist, and apply to all investso muchinupgradingtheerid industry's ability to implement cost- that Victorianretailere will efl^ctive invesinients in remote forms of generation investments, not to handlejust a ,^w hours of peak effoctively import clean energy from just renewables* and this is not of loadinthesu Grinonths. This trans 'rimfrastructure. other states. I^A042