October 2012 Newsletter - Dogwood Animal Shelter
October 2012 Newsletter - Dogwood Animal Shelter
WWW.DASLAKEOFTHEOZARKS.COM PAW PRINTS—AUTUMN 2012 Why Carley is still at Dogwood, after being brought there as a pup six years ago, is a question we all ask ourselves. Maybe it’s because she has no outstanding physical features that catch the eye of the potential adopter; she is just one of many black, large dogs in our kennel. She does not rush forward in search of attention either. So it’s easy to walk past her pen without really seeing her at all. Unless your eyes happen to be caught by her steady perceptive gaze. After you’ve spent some time with her—it doesn't take long—her beautiful true colors start to shine. One Dogwood volunteer, JoAnne Spurgeon, has done that. She has spent literally hundreds of enjoyable hours with Carley, including serving as her handler in a six week session of dog obedience classes that are offered at Dogwood. She says that Carley is exceptionally intelligent. She learned all of the commands very quickly—and still remembers them. When she’s in crowded situations, such as fundraising or adoption events, she remains calm and composed, focused on her handler. JoAnne fostered Carley in her home for a short time in order to learn how she might adapt to home life. She readily accepted the alpha dog in the family and easily fell into the routine of the household. Never having experienced a real home environment before, she was naturally a bit fearful of ordinary noises and things in the house; ceiling fans, stairs, etc. After just a little time learning to trust her caregiver though, she became a playful, happy dog! JoAnne says she absolutely LOVES water! We have faith that Carley’s long wait is not in vain. Her gaze will capture someone very unique and a beautiful friendship will begin. We are grateful to the Tillman family, friends and so many supporters for the most successful fundraising event in Dogwood’s history! $35,000 was raised – enough to cover needed improvements in our low-cost medical/surgerical wing and still make a payment on the sizeable loan owed for the shelter building. To say that the First Annual JT Tillman Memorial Golf Classic was a success would be an understatement! The kindness and generosity of JT's family and friends was certainly a touching testament to his character. Ninety six golfers turned out on that sunny day to play on Lodge of the Four Seasons Cove Course. Many more friends attended the after party at Shady Gators for an evening of great music, delicious food, dancing, reminiscing and perusing the silent auction. This event could not have taken place without the talents and efforts of Lori Tillman, Jan Dowden, Georgie Aldy, Casey Milligan, Baub Eis, Lisa Mollerus and many others. Please forgive us if we’ve inadvertently left someone out of these lists, and be assured that each contributed dollar, hour, product and service are greatly appreciated! Thank you to the generous sponsors of that event! Plantinum Sponsors: Joe and Debbie Jacobson, Marvin Dufner, Gary Prewitt, Fred Treadway, Sherwin Williams Gold Sponsors: Wyoming Dog Hunters, Carl Esrey, BAM Brands, Tillman Paint and Wall Covering, GNC, Lakeway Motors, MassageLuxe & Carpet One Hole Sponsors: Ackerman Toyota, Albers Family, Allen Outdoor, Alley Cats, Backwater Jack’s, Bam Brands, Bartlett Family, Cannon Smoked Saloon, Captain Ron’s, Carfix X, Chevys, Crane Insurance, Dick Otke, Dog Days, Fairway Optical, Farmers Insurance-Brant, Farmers Insurance-Hamilton, Fluid Power, Gateway MSP, GNC-Jan Dowden, Greg Dusselier, Helser, Integrity, JB Hooks, Joe and Debbie Jacobson, JJ’s at the Copper Pot, Keys to the Lake, Killian Family, Lake Dental, Lake Media, Manlin Development, Marvin and Renee, Massage Luxe, McCelland Insurance, MOTO MG, New Transitions, Osage Animal Hospital, Point Oasis, Printing Center, ProBuild, Seebold, Shady Gators, Sherwin Williams, Shorty Pants, Smith McGehee Insurance, Student Aid Administrators, Tillman Painting, Tim Dick-Top Gun Parasail, Topsiders, Treadway Fred -Ricky Bobby, Uncle Tom, Vinson Mortgage, Vandervort Family, Volvo, Wobbly Boots, Wyoming Dog Hunters, XI Delta Lammbda Memorials and Honorariums In honor of Russ & Jennie Schmidt’s 40th Wedding Anniversary by Frances Pitts In memory of Ron Lewis by Bree Kerley and Carol Brian In memory of Bunny Scott by Carol Zoeller In memory of Coleman Woolery by Robert Luby In memory of “Josie” and “Toby” Costa by Betty Beal, Jeff & Mo Warford, and Russell & Jennie Schmidt In memory of “Bobbette” by Russell & Jennie Schmidt In memory of “Frisco” by Allan & Nancy Brandmeyer In memory of “Annie” Jacobs by Linda Hare In memory of “Sasha,” “D-Boo,” and “Charlie” by Mike Schaefer In memory of “Duke” and “Cody” by Patricia Casper For three years running, Rachael Arnold has held her birthday parties at the Linn Creek-Osage Beach Lion Club’s annual Pancake Flip as a benefit for Dogwood. Rachael (one of Dogwood’s weekly BINGO players) celebrated her 92nd birthday this March, and again asked all her friends to bring donations for Dogwood in lieu of presents for her. Thanks to this very special birthday bash, Dogwood received cash donations as well as toys and animal care items. Dogwood’s pets—and people—are very grateful to everyone involved, especially Rachael! (Here, Rachael smiles for the camera with one of her favorite bingo friends!) Ellen Sharp and her late husband, Basil (right) were steady supporters of Dogwood for many years. With just a phone call from us, they would jump in Basil’s “pick ‘em up truck” and head out to parts unknown collecting donations of furniture for the thrift shop, or join in helping to plan a fundraising event. Their sense of fun always kept things interesting! Ellen moved away in July to be closer to her family, but will always have a special place in our hearts. She asked that this excerpt from her good-bye letter be included in Paw Prints. Dear Friends, You know that I am moving to Chicago and can hardly wait to have my children and grandchildren close to me. I leave July 31st. You have been a large and important part of my life and of course of Basil’s life, during our years at the Lake. I will truly miss all of you dearly. My new residence in Chicago allows pets and I will be getting a kitty cat soon after I move. I am naming him Tommy. (My friend) Tom left to move in with his son in Colorado, so I will have a new kitty to love in his honor!! Enclosed is my last donation of $50. Saying good-bye is never easy, but I hold in my heart, the fondest memories of the Animal Shelter and the relationships with all of you. Please put this in the newsletter and don’t forget to keep me on the mailing list so I can stay in touch. Stay well. Love Always, Ellen Sharp • October 27: Third annual Howl-O-Ween Festival at Dogwood Animal Shelter! Featuring pet costume contests, grilled food, unique shopping, kid-friendly events, live music by Shawn C, and much more. See you there! • • November 3: Casino Night at Old Kinderhook’s Trophy Room! Gaming starts at 7pm and ends at 9pm. $10 Minimum buy-in will be donated to Dogwood. Call 573-317-3560 for dinner reservations. Dock Realty’s Deck the Docks Cruises! Each weekend from Black Friday to New Years Eve, the Celebration yacht will offer family cruises with Santa and evening cruises with live entertainment. What a great way to see the beautiful Lake of the Ozarks’ winter wonderland of lights! A portion of each ticket sale will be donated to Dogwood Animal Shelter! Stay updated by tuning into KRMS. CHLOE OUR WISH LIST: Bleach & Vinegar Dish Soap Copy Paper & Stamps White-Out Scotch Tape Legal-Size Envelopes Plain Clay and Scoopable Cat Litter Toys & Treats for Cats & Dogs Purina Cat Chow Paper Towels Canned Food for cats, dogs, puppies, & kittens Puppy & kitten replacement milk Heating pads Volunteers to exercise dogs and play with puppies, cats and kittens. Volunteers and saleable items for Dogwood Thrift Shop. DOGWOOD ANIMAL SHELTER Open Monday-Saturday. 1075 Runabout Drive, Osage Beach, MO 65065 573-348-4411 LUCKY Lucky is currently the oldest dog at Dogwood. She lost her good home after the death of one of her owners. Perfectly healthy and full of energy, she’s nine years young! Emily came in with eight littermates at two months of age in 2006. She’s the only one left and one of the longest term dogs here. EMILY Chloe, at 10, is the shelter’s oldest cat. Her owner lost his home and had to relinquish her about a year ago. Baby Girl came here as a young stray found in a ditch containing chemicals—the cause of her partial eyesight loss. She’s now been here longer than any other cat we have. Baby Girl LOW COST SPAY/NEUTER CLINIC Located at rear of shelter. Call shelter for appt. DOGWOOD THRIFT SHOP Open Monday-Saturday 311 S. Business Hwy. 5, Camdenton, MO 65020 573-346-7932 LOW-COST DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSES Several 6-week sessions are offered throughout the year. Call 573-348-4411 for more information. Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter: @ DogwoodShelter Special thanks to the following for their special contributions: Allan & Nancy Brandmeyer, Dale & Pat Griffin, KCLQ’s KC and Roundman Morning Show, KRMS radio station, 101.9 The Wave, Charter Communications, Big Dog outlet store, Eagle Scout Tristan Straw, Vince & Deb Reefer, Steve Wallace, Jackie Krokson, JoAnne & Ron Spurgeon, Camdenton United Methodist Church Volunteers. SPONSORED BY FALL FUN FOR FAMILIES AND FURRY FRIENDS! GRILLED FOOD—MERRY MARY THE FACE PAINTING CLOWN PETTING ZOO—DOGS BOBBING FOR HOT DOGS PUMPKIN DECORATING—BAKE SALE—FREE GIFTS FROM BIG DOG! PET PARADE AND FUN PET CONTESTS: BEST COSTUME, BEST KISSER, PET/OWNER LOOK-ALIKE, LONGEST TAIL, SHORTEST TAIL! BY SIC C U M WN SHA —1 11 START YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING! SCENTSY—THE PAMPERED CHEF 31 GIFTS—WILD TREE—MARY KAY STABBIN’ RAGS WITH JACKIE AVON—PARTYLITE TURTLEDOG GARDEN ART PRECIOUS PAWS FASHIONS HUGS PET PRODUCTS HOME MADE SOAPS, POTTERY,ARTISAN BEADS SATURDAY, OCT. 27 10AM—2PM DOGWOOD ANIMAL SHELTER 1075 RUNABOUT DRIVE, OSAGE BEACH Dogwood Animal Shelter 1075 Runabout Drive Osage Beach, MO 65065 Phone 573-348-4411 Standard Rate U.S.Postage PAID Permit No. 95020 Camdenton, MO 65020 Non for Profit Organization ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED HOMELESS PETS NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE BECOME A MEMBER. (SEE BELOW) Please take a moment to complete and mail this page along with your tax-deductible check to Dogwood Animal Shelter, 1075 Runabout Drive, Osage Beach, MO 65065 ____$15 Individual ____$25 Family ____$50 Business ____$75 Caring ____$100 Supporting ____$250 Sustaining ____$500 Partnering Name Address__________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________ State_______ Zip Phone # Email address (optional)__________________________________________________ Board of Directors: John Reinhold, DVM (President), Dennis Wright (Vice President), Pat Peters (Secretary/Treasurer), Allan Brandmeyer, Barbara Bender, Dale Griffin, Dale McElwee, DDS, Lisa Mollerus, Ann Niznik-Steward At the time of this printing, Dogwood has taken in a total of 414 puppies and kittens in 2012. That number does NOT include adult dogs and cats that came to us this year—only the babies. Hundreds more have not been sheltered or cared for. Many of them will not be adopted, but grow to adulthood in the shelter, meanwhile decreasing the chances of adoption for the existing adult dogs and cats. So far in 2012, 246 kittens have come to Dogwood. Pet overpopulation continues to cause much suffering in our communities. Please spay and neuter. So far in 2012, 168 puppies have come to Dogwood.
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