April 2015 HCN - Greenfield Hill Congregational Church
April 2015 HCN - Greenfield Hill Congregational Church
Hill Church News Greenfield Hill Congregational Church, Fairfield, Connecticut United Church of Christ April 2015 THE 2015 DOGWOOD FESTIVAL IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! This year’s event will be held on Friday, May 1st – Sunday, May 3rd The hours of operation are 10:00am -5:00pm on Friday and Saturday, and from 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm on Sunday. We are waiting for spring and the Dogwoods to bloom but our hilltop always looks beautiful, and enthusiasm for our 80th Annual Dogwood Festival this May 1st, 2nd, and 3rd has never been higher. This year's festival promises to be full of music, fun, wonderful activities, great food and fellowship. All is being made ready as we invite the rest of Contents: the world Minister’s Message...............2 to Prayer Concerns ...................2 celebrate Book Chat...............................3 spring with The Gathering........................3 Did You Know? Adult Ed......4 us and help Dogwood Info....................6-9 raise funds Mission Corner.....................10 to support GHCC Events....................4-10 charities Youth Notes...........................11 near and far. Thanks to all who have volunteered to help with the festival so far and if you haven't stepped up yet, please join us-- we can't do it without you. Check out the Dogwood Festival Page on our Website (or click here) and you will see what we have in store AND be able to sign up for ANY section of the Dogwood Festival... or multiple areas! See pages 6-9 of this newsletter (that’s 4 pages!) for more info on exciting events and what to expect from this year’s festival! We can’t wait for the fun and fellowship and are looking forward to a memorable weekend, with dogwood trees in bloom and a great line up of familiar favorites and exciting additions! Can;t wait to see you there! Minister’s Message: Living Proof What an Easter! We write this at the end of a glorious Easter Sunday, still smiling at the joy of being with so many of our church family. The day began at 7, with the sun’s new rays streaming into the church’s windows ... as our Confirmation Class led a beautiful ‘Sunrise’ service. With wonderful music, prayers, and thoughtful reflections, our 8th graders set the tone for the whole day, with words such as these from Caroline Lauf: Easter, for me, says when your faith dwindles, when you’re lost, when life looks dark, there is strength to be found, God will show you the way and there is always, always light: the bright, spring sun of hope! At 9 and 11, we asked you to think about this: if Easter offers us Proof of Life, how can we live a Life of Proof? ... how can we live so that in every day, in all that we do and say, we can be living proof of God’s endless love. So, we invite you to reflect: who are the people in your lives who have been ‘living proof’ to you of God’s presence and power? And how can you live from this moment forward as ‘living proof’ yourself? Our Easter Challenge! Thank you for sharing in a glorious Easter Sunday with us -- and for continually inspiring us! In Christ’s peace, David and Alida Sara Mastrony Hoefer (Junior Choir director) and husband Craig welcomed Ella Doris Hoefer into the world on April 4. Congratulations to the Hoefer family! Vickie Frankenburg continues her recovery from extensive rotator cuff surgery on February 23. Dorothy Lotker, longtime church member, died on April 1; a graveside service will be conducted at Lawncroft on April 9 by Rev. Sheldon Smith. Contacting GHCC Office Telephone: 203-259-5596 Roni Widmer, ext. 1107 Office Email: [email protected] Staff Contacts: David Rowe: home office: 203-259-1790 email: [email protected] Alida Ward: office: 203-259-5596, ext. 1210 email: [email protected] Marcia Carothers:office: 203-259-5596, ext. 1206 email: [email protected] Susan Rippey: Nursery School office: 203-259-7597 email: [email protected] To submit articles, photos or information for the Hill Church News, please email Roni Widmer at [email protected] Page 2 book chat, Bible study, and MORE ... No Book Chat for April due to Alida’s vacation and Dogwood, but we’ll be back at the end of May!! Book Chat: Check back for the next book, to be discussed in May! SpinRaiser for ASP at ZenRide Spinning Studio! April 26, 2015 Have fun AND help send the SPF kids to Appalachia this summer! Christina Studdard, trainer at ZenRide Spinning Studio, Fairfield, leads an afternoon of spinning for a cause! Sign up for an hour, or two, at $16 per hour. All proceeds go to the ASP trip! Click here to sign up!!Do good for yourself while doing good for others! (Many thanks to Jessica Gray, owner, ZenRide) Bible Study at The Gathering... David may be away but we are still hosting Bible Studies! Rev. Sheldon Smith (see page 4) will be our guest leader! Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. and 7:30 pm at the Church House Library (corner of Old Academy and Bronson). GHCC Fellowship Event: "Girls Night OutHealth and Wellness Evening" at the Norma Pfriem Breast Care Center April 15th, 7-9pm Join us at the center at 111 Beach Rd in Fairfield on the evening of April 15th for a night of health, wellness and inspiration featuring a "welcome" with wine and cheese, kundalini yoga, acupuncture and a discussion on how to have heathy beautiful skin, the natural way, given by Dr Veronica Waks (a naturopath). It's an incredibly fun and inspirational evening for all, and it’s free! We ask that people come in comfy gym attire. It will be appropriate for ALL AGES! Please RSVP by Friday April 10th to Nancy Church at [email protected] Namaste! Check out our awesome WEBSITE!! ... go to www.greenfieldhillchurch.com Page 3 Let’s Put out the Welcome Mat for Rev. Smith! While David and Alida are away on vacation... please meet Rev. Sheldon Smith ~ Helping us out while they are gone! The Rev. Dr. Sheldon T. Smith is a native of Connecticut. A graduate of Amity Regional High School, Smith earned a BA degree from Defiance College and received his M. Div. and D. Min. degrees from Andover Newtown Theological School. He was ordained in the Orange Congregational Church by the New Haven Association of the United Church of Christ. He and his wife, Nancy, are the parents of two grown sons. They have four granddaughters. Smith has served the Westmoreland United Church, Westmoreland, N.H., the Ellington Congregational Church, Ellington, CT, The First Congregational Church of Waterville, Maine, and the First Congregational Church of Bethel, CT. Prior to retiring, he served as Chairperson of the Committee on Church and Ministry of the Fairfield East Association. He has also served as a delegate to two General Synods. He enjoys fishing, gardening, cooking and early American martial music when he is not playing with his grandchildren. Come hear “Ms. G” Preach!!!! Join us in worship on Sunday, April 19, when we are delighted to welcome our Ministerial Assistant, Jamilah George, into the pulpit as our preacher! Jamilah has been with us since the Fall of 2013, when she came on staff to help lead our younger youth programs and Confirmation. “Ms. G.”, as the kids know her, will be graduating in May from Yale Divinity School, with a joint degree from the Institute of Sacred Music at Yale. A bright, lively and talented presence among our youth, she is also a gi,ed preacher -- we’re delighted to have a chance to hear her! The GHCC PROGRESSIVE DINNER has been RESCHEDULED to May 30th! A very popular GHCC tradition which recently new members and veterans will love it!! More details to follow in May, but if you know you would like to join in the fun (and we promise you that it will be lots of FUN), and would like to sign up for the event and/or volunteer to host, or just have a question, please contact Kim Baer [email protected] or Chris Gulotta [email protected] or contact the church office at [email protected] . From our Adult Education Board: written by Linda Wenger Thinking of and Talking to God We think of times of joy as we celebrate the birth of a new baby. As a congregation, we rejoice while we participate in the baptism of each and every little one. We think of God as we bless the marriage of a young couple as they walk down the aisle together as man and wife for the very first time. We take time to thank Him for the richness of our own lives, for the beauty of the Earth around and above us. “For the heavens declare the glory of God and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.” (Psalm 19:1). Take one minute of your very busy day for yourself, to meditate and really look at the beauty of it all. We are blessed. We ask God for guidance when we try to make important decisions in our lives. We also think of Him in times of sorrow. We ask that He protect a family in the absence of a loved one. We call to Him in times of illness and death, asking that He give us peace. “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” (John 14:27) He always answers. “Do not fret or have anxiety about anything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving. Continue to make your wants known to God. And God’s peace shall be yours…” (Phillipians 4:6) Peace be with you always. Page 4 Missed Sunday service and want to hear a sermon?... go to www.greenfieldhillchurch.com The Summer Worship Helpers Sought! -- One of the best traditions in our church, our layled services take place each summer Sunday at 8:15 a.m. on the Church House lawn. These services are a chance for individuals or families in the church to have fun sharing their faith and their thoughts in worship. In the past, we’ve had services on the themes of “Friendship”, "What Church means to me”, “Forgiveness” and many others. We are looking for people to help lead these summer services! The pastors are very happy to sit with you and help plan, so you are absolutely not on your own. A great way to get closer to God and your faith, a great project for a family to do together! Please be in touch with Deacon Anne Orvis at [email protected] to express your interest! Appalachia Trip News: THANK YOU to all who gave so generously, and enjoyed themselves so thoroughly, at the Evening for Appalachia last month! We raised more than has ever been raised at this fundraiser, making it possible for us to trek to Central Appalachia for a week of home repair through the Appalachia Service Project. Thank you!! And speaking of the ASP trip – would you like to join us? Would you be willing to come along with us, help lead the group of fantastic teens, and share in the incredibly rewarding task of helping Appalachian families in need? We’ll be making 30+ homes “warmer, safer and drier” this summer … as well as helping our teens have the experience of a lifetime. If you’d be interested, please contact Alida – a willingness to work, a love of kids, and a big heart are all you need! Help Wanted! Our church has a long standing tradition of hosting a spring luncheon for the residents of Parish Court, which is affordable elder care housing complex right here in Fairfield on Warde Terrace, which is jointly owned by Fairfield Grace Methodist Church, Trinity Episcopal Church, First Church Congregational and US! We need some volunteers to help us set up, some cooks (we will provide the recipe), and especially needed are people to help serve and clean-up. The date is Wednesday, April 8th with lunch served at noon. If you would like to be part of this special opportunity, please contact Marcia Carothers mcarothers@greenfieldhillchurch.com). Sign ups for most of our events are available at www.greenfieldhillchurch.com Page 5 9 th A N N U A L GREENFIELD HILL CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Dogwood Dash, 2 mile family fun run, Saturday, May 2, for runners ages 8 – 60+. Race begins 8:30am. Awards for all age categories including best team and biggest family. First 100 entries receive a free T-shirt. Mini-Dash starts at 10:30am in the Memorial Garden, for runners ages 2 – 7. Free. Prizes for all. Register online at www.greenfieldhillchurch.com on Dogwood Festival page. Lots of volunteers are needed for this event... just click here to sign up!! COME CELEBRATE TEA! Save the Date ~ Friday, May 1st! It’s time for the not-to-bemissed 6th Annual Dogwood Festival Luncheon! We are thrilled to bring you “Tea Time”. We will be hosting tea historian Betty Johnson from Bigelow Tea. Keep an eye out for your invitation, this event is sure to sell out quickly. Page 6 SIP AND SORT Kate’s Clothes would love for you to drop off your new and gently used clothing, shoes, and accessories to Room 200, in the Church House. We would also love to have you join us to help sort the clothing and enjoy a glass of wine at our annual Sip-n-Sort, on April 22nd. If you have questions or would like to volunteer, please contact: Kelly Vogel [email protected] or Jessica Selden [email protected] AND don’t forget about Kate’s Jewelry! You can bring ANY jewelry (costume, estate, or fine jewelry) to the Church Office to help us bring in lots of $$ at the Dogwood Festival this year. Please contact Susan Perdiue with any questions (203-255-4022). Like us on facebook, youʼll be in the “know”... www.facebook.com/GreenfieldHillCongregationalChurch Last Chance to Put your message in the 80th Dogwood Festival Source Book! This is our fifth edition of the Dogwood Festival Source Book. And it has become a great way for members of the congregation to express personal messages while supporting the mission of the Dogwood Festival. It's a great way to honor someone, surprise a loved one or say: “Happy Mother's Day”, “Congratulations on your Confirmation” or “Thanks” Honor a loved one or send a special Dogwood greeting. We hope you’ll consider an ad in our Dogwood Festival Source Book. The Source Book is a one-stop guide to the entire festival and a Dogwood Festival keepsake. Full of event information and history, this attractive 5.5”x 8.5” booklet is distributed to all Dogwood Festival attendees– we print 2,500 books. Full Page $175 | Half Page $90 | Quarter Page $45 Just tell us what you want to say and we’ll do the rest! Don’t delay, Deadline is April 8th!! Contact: Tom Wambach at [email protected] Everyone’s Dogwood favorite, KATE’S CORNER, could use your donations!! We are accepting donations starting on April 11th through April 29th at the Len Morgan Youth Barn. Furniture and large items we will be gladly accepted starting on April 22. These need to be delivered to the tent, which will be set up in front of the Youth Barn. We need items that are in GOOD SHAPE–CLEAN, USABLE AND WORKABLE. Kate’s Corner will also be selling collectibles this year. Please consider donations of garden statuary, collectible glass, silver, china, artwork or furniture. So hop to it and look around your home or attic for those treasures! Please call Karen Wambach at 917.539.7538 if you need a special drop off time. Kate’s Corner Drop-Off Schedule: Saturday April 11, 12pm - 3pm, Merchandise only Sunday April 12, 12pm - 3pm, Merchandise only Mon April 13th - Fri April 17th, 10am - 5pm, Merchandise only Thurs April 16th, 10am - 4pm/6:30 - 8:30pm, Merchandise only Saturday April 18th, 12pm - 3pm, Merchandise only Sunday April 19th, 12pm - 3pm, Merchandise only Mon April 20th - Fri April 24th, 10am - 5pm Merchandise Weds April 22nd, 10am - 5pm - Furniture Drop-off Starts Thurs April 23rd, 6:30-8:30p.m. Merch & Furn accepted Saturday April 25th, 12-3pm Merch & Furn accepted Sunday April 26th, 12-3pm Merch & Furn accepted Mon-Weds April 27th-29th Furniture Only Final Day for General Drop-Off April 29th! A Special Kate’s Corner Dogwood Challenge from David and Alida: “Walk around your house....find something special...donate it to Kate's!..a tea cup, a fur coat, a Ferrari, a chair, a painting, a suit, a Cuisinart, a necklace! Everybody: find something, donate something!” All things “Dogwood” at ... www.facebook.com/GreenfieldHillCongregationalChurch Page 7 Kate’s Corner 2015 needs your donations! Start checking your attics, cabinets, closets and basements for: Antiques ! Aprons Art Baskets - in good condition Bicycles - in working condition Books - especially children’s and cookbooks Cameras - w/working batteries and manuals Candles/candlesticks CDs Clocks (working) Collectibles Craft sets, boxed, complete Curtains/draperies Dolls/doll clothing Small Appliances (working) Fabrics (misc. pieces) Fireplace tools Frames Furniture: Beds - no mattresses Bookcases, Chairs Desks, chests, dressers Mirrors, Stools Tables, card tables Garden, decorative Garden equipment Kitchenware China/crystal/glassware - no chips, no cracks Cookware, Cutting boards, cheese boards, Cutlery, gadgets Dishes -sets, serving bowls, platters no chips, no cracks Flatware, stainless, silver, silver plate Mixing bowls/salad Outdoor Furniture Pots and pans Placemats, napkins, Tablecloths (size marked, if known) TOYS all types Pillows, decorative (no bed pillows) Puzzles, complete, boxed Quilts/afghans, clean, in good condition (size marked, if known) Riding toys - in working condition Sheet sets - complete, size marked Sporting Goods Stationery/cards - unused Strollers (working) Umbrellas, (working) Vases (Please limit florist vases) Watering cans Yarn, Knitting needles, Needlework canvasses or kits What we do NOT Need (Please): NO Baby Beds NO Christmas/Holiday Decorations NO Computers/Printers/ Electronics NO Couches NO Luggage NO Shoes/Boots NO Skis NO Stuffed Animals NO VHS tapes PLEASE, everything clean and in good condition. Kate’s Corner will also be selling collectibles this year. Please consider donations of garden statuary, collectible glass, silver, china, artwork or furniture. So hop to it and look around your home or attic for those treasures! Drop offs will start in mid-April (see next page for schedule). Additionally if you are closing down a home or involved in extensive refurnishing and have LOTS of stuff we will make special arrangements for pick-ups or drop-offs. Contact Karen Wambach: 917-539-7538 or [email protected] Thank you! We can’t do it without you. Page 8 Holy Website Batman! www.greenfieldhillchurch.com Dogwood Volunteers Needed.... and we’ve made it SO easy for you to sign up for any area, at any time! We need helpers before the festival (as early as 4/27), during (5/1-5/3) , and after the festival on 5/4. All you need to do is go to www.greenfieldhillchurch.com and go to our Dogwood 2015 page, at the top there is a link the brings you right to Signup Genius where you can click on any Dogwood area tab to fill a slot... OR.... you can just click here! Right now... why delay?! Thank you in advance!!!!! SPRING OFFERINGS FROM THE DOGWOOD PLANT TENT! We look forward to the festival and are proud to offer: A glorious variety of herbs and flowing plants to brighten up your home and garden; Chance tickets (1 tkt for $5, 3 tkts for $10, 10 tkts for $20) to win succulents planted in cool concrete troughs (easy to maintain and generously donated by Oliver's Nursery); and, New this year...We've chosen Two unique bulbsPerfect for Dogwood Tree Companion planting and naturalizing. You can pre-order these beautiful, prize winning, Dutch flowering bulbs (which will be available for pickup in September)... either Narcissus Thalia - 20 bulbs for $20! OR Muscari armeniacum (grape hyacinth) 60 bulbs for $20! CHECK OUT WHAT YOUR GARDEN CAN LOOK LIKE WITH THESE BULBS: And, Kate's Corner is looking for volunteers to transform the Morgan Youth Barn into Kate's Corner. We will have 2 sessions for setting up: Friday April 10th, 7-8:30 pm (with PIZZA) and Saturday April 1, 8:30-10 am (coffee, donuts and bagels) OR if anyone with a pick up truck would be willing to go out and pick up donated furniture (this can be done when they are available). Please email Karen Wambach [email protected] or call her @917.539.7538 Thank you! Not Dogwood, but still important... The Chancel Choir is looking for new members! If you love to sing please consider joining our group. We practice on Thursday evenings in the church parlor from 7:30-9pm. We sing during 10:30am Sunday services, special events, and holiday services. You do not need to attend every practice or event~just join us when you can! We are especially in need of alto singers. If you would like more information please contact Sandra Murphy, our Choir Director, at [email protected] or call Linda Wenger, Choir Chairperson, at 203-292-7447 Donʼt miss out! Everyoneʼs checking out www.greenfieldhillchurch.com Page 9 Our own Bob King will be running in the “500 For the Fallen” relay (that spans 500 miles from Concord, MA to Washington, DC) in ! support of the Children of the Fallen Patriots Foundation which funds education expenses for the children of Service Members that have died while in the line of duty. He was a Platoon Leader in Operation Iraqi Freedom. During his tour, his company lost three soldiers; Staff Sergeant Joseph Camara was one of those soldiers. He was killed by an IED on Main Supply Route Tampa on September 1st 2003. He left behind a loving wife and three young children. When he thinks about his time in Iraq he frequently thinks about the soldiers we lost as well as Joe Camara's family and how they are doing. Then he thinks about the other service members who have lost their lives in Iraq and Afghanistan that left behind children. Please consider making a small donation ($5, $10, $20 or any other amount) to not only help Joe's children but also the thousands of other children who have lost a parent in service to their country. If you would like to make a donation please click here to visit my fundraising page. Thank you in advance! GHCC MOVIE NIGHT A perspective and story that should be heard: “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. The Adult Ed Board will be hosting a movie night in the church parlor on Friday, April 24th at 7pm to watch “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”. The timing and selection of this film was chosen given the Town of Fairfield is memorializing The Holocaust this same week. This movie is set in Nazi Berlin in 1942 and is about a 9 year old boy who befriends another boy who lives in gray striped pajamas on the other side of a long tall wire fence. To say the least, the ending will get you thinking. Thoughts and opinions will be shared after the movie with Rachel Baumann moderating. mission corner... It is a privilege to work with a dedicated group of individuals who care about mission at our church and take that responsibility seriously. I’m highlighting a local agency that GHCC supports: Mi Casa also known as GBAPP. GBAPP’s mission is to serve the Greater Bridgeport community by providing direct service and educational programs to reduce teen pregnancy, reduce the spread of HIV and to increase access to care and support services for teen mothers. This is done through a variety of services including Mi Casa, a licensed maternity home for teen mothers & their children as well as an additional home for teenagers transitioning from foster care. GBAPP serves approximately 5,000 high risk and vulnerable youth and families per year and is hands on providing these well-needed services to our local community. Late in the fall of 2014 the mission board coordinated a diaper drive for GBAPP. Your generous donations made a difference! As they gratefully stated “We want to thank Greenfield Hill mission board for the many diapers that were donated for our programs at GBAPP. Many of the diapers were used for the babies and toddlers of the teen dads and moms involved in the GBAPP Teen Fathers Program. Others were given to the teen moms in our supportive housing programs.” Thank you for making a difference! Page 10 Check out some familiar faces on our “Meet our Members Page”... www.greenfieldhillchurch.com C C H G S E T NO o r i n f o H df ! r T a W OU Alida g lists Y act Re v. on mailin c o n t t o ge t & Our Vacation Bible School Program will be held this summer from August 17-21, 2015. Registration is underway now and forms are available online via the website OR in the church house. We are already over half way filled so if you are interested in registering, don’t delay! Questions? Please contact Marcia Carothers at [email protected] SPF (9th through 12th grades) April 2: our traditional Maundy Thursday special meal, 6:00 in the Memorial Room. April 9: nutritionist Donna Brown is going to tell us how to get and stay healthy! No SPF meeting on April 16 or April 30. Church Member and Early Childhood Consultant, Ellen Swan, is working with a child care center (8 weeks to age 5) that teaches under served children in our area. The school has very few materials for the children. She is asking you to to see if you have any toys you have out grown or are no longer in need of to help this school out. They are looking for anything children ages infant through five would play with: books!, shape sorting games, blocks, dolls, dress up clothes, cars, trucks, puzzles, art supplies, play food, play strollers, doll clothes, matching games etc. She will come to pick up, just contact her at 203-913-5082 or [email protected] Many blessings to you for considering her request! JPF (Junior Pilgrim Fellowship) for 6th and 7th graders. We won’t meet on April 5th or 12th (Easter and Vacation) – come join us on the 19th and the 26th! AND we will be meeting in the Memorial Room in April, due to Kate’s Korner set up in The Barn!! YPF (Young Pilgrim Fellowship) for 4th and 5th graders. Meeting on Sunday, April 26, 2 to 3:30 in the Memorial Room (due to Dogwood)! Youth schedules and more information can be found at www.greenfieldhillchurch.com Page 11
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