Bulletin 030713 - Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour Daybreak


Bulletin 030713 - Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour Daybreak
Rotary Club of
Coffs Harbour
Daybreak Herald
The Fou r W ay Test
Editor: David Schama (Notes taken by Jane Bridgman)
Meeting Roster
(If you’re unable to attend it’s your
responsibility to find a replacement)
17 July 2013
Door Attendance
Judi Elliott
Thank Speaker
Sjaan Williams
National Anthem
Marilyn Brien
24 July 2013
Door Attendance
Mark Spencer
Thank Speaker
Ann Gee
National Anthem
Jennifer Stratten
31 July 2013
Door Attendance
Gary Hutchinson
Thank Speaker
Di Leach
National Anthem
Lucie Wekeem
Club Contacts:
President: Elaine Norman
Secretary: David Schama
Postal Address: P.O. Box 58
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Meeting: 3rd July 2013
Meeting Information:
7am Wednesday at the Coffs Harbour Deep Sea
Fishing Club – Jordan Esplanade Coffs Harbour
$20 for a buffet breakfast
Meeting Calendar
Wednesday 17th July 2013
Wednesday 24th July 2013
Wednesday 31st July 2013
Committee Meetings
Board Meeting: Tuesday - 9th July DSFC
Club Service Meeting - TBA
Community Meeting - TBA
Fundraising Meeting - TBA
International Meeting - TBA
Vocational Meeting - TBA
Youth Meeting – Wednesday 17th July 6p.m. at
Mark Spencer’s home
Guests: Brian Leiper and Scott Stacey from
Coffs City Rotary Club. President Drew and Alan
Freedman from Sawtell Rotary Club, Hassan Bur
Rotary Youth Exchange Student from Finland
(Hosted by Sawtell Rotary Club)
The Rotary Club of Coffs Harbour South
Meets each Tuesday at 6p.m. at the Deep Sea
Fishing Club Coffs Harbour. Founded in 1971
President: Val Saunders
Raffle: won by Ingrid Gardiner (we owe you a
winning ticket)
http://www. coffsharbourdaybreak.org
Upcoming Events
Friday 5th July 2013
Changeover at Pacific Bay Resort 6:30 p.m.
4th AugustRC Coffs City Bike Ride
17th August – Paper Lantern Festival
12 to 15 September – Coffs Car Rally
15 September – Coffs Half Marathon
17th to 20th October - RYME
4th December - AGM
7th December - Christmas Party
28th to 30th March – District Conference
30th March – Ocean Swim
3rd May – Pride of Workmanship Awards
1st to 4th June – International Conference in
21st June - Club Changeover
28th June - District Changeover
Incoming Board Members 2013-14
President: Deb Farquhar
Secretary: Vince Brooker
Treasurer: Brian Armstrong
Past President: Elaine Norman
Vice President: Loretta Rigby
President Elect: Peter Davies
Club Service: Ingrid Gardiner
Community Service: Peter Davies
International: Bev Stalling
Vocational: Sjaan Williams
Youth: Mark Spencer
Public Officer: Peter Davies
Secretary: David Schama
Correspondence this week:
District 9650
Aust. Govt. Business
Allison Davidson*
Jenny Kitchen
Melanie Jenkins
Kelli Sadler
Merchandise Invoice
District per capita dues
Business Registration
Term Deposit advice x 2
Apologies for Club Meeting
• Bev Stalling
• Brett Martin
Next meeting: 17th July 2013
• Lucie Wekeem
• Noel Austin
• Ann Gee
• Charles Barnes
• Liz Donnan
Leave of Absence
• Brett Martin (pending approval)
Chair: President Elaine Norman
Thank you to Ann Gee for the splendid Japanese
Gardens breakfast and for organising not only
gas heaters, but also blankets. It was a
wonderful event and much enjoyed by members.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer – Brian Armstrong
Proposed that there are enough Club funds
remaining to take a trip to Grafton (quite cool at
this time of year Ed.)
Vocational – Ann Gee
No Report (absent)
Fundraising – Peter Davies
No Report
Community – Jen Stratten
Thanked committee members for all of the
support over the past two years.
Youth – Mark Spencer
RYME meeting postponed and new date to be
advised as soon as possible
International – Helen Houston
Advised that the Computers for Vila in Vanuatu
have now arrived safely after all of the efforts
by RAWCS and members to make this happen.
Everyone had a wonderful time with the Peopleto-People visitors over the weekend evidenced
by the group hugs and gifts exchanged when the
bus departed (albeit late Ed.) on Saturday
Club Service- Judi Elliott
Celebrated Ingrid’s Birthday in June.
Introduced our guest speaker Hassan from
Norway (Sorry! Finland)
Guest Speaker – Hassan Bur
RYE Student from Finland hosted by Sawtell
Rotary Club (see content at the end of this
http://www. coffsharbourdaybreak.org
Fine Session: Mark Spencer
David was fined for (too many reasons to list).
Most of the club was fined and cross-fined
escaping without any change. However, a number
of people did escape with their brightly coloured
clothes intact. Even our guests were relieved of
the burden of any loose change. (Contributions
for Treasurer Brian’s trip to Grafton)
Thought for the day
“I'm not afraid of dying. I just don't want to be
there when it happens.”
– Woody Allen
Duck of the Day
A firefighter was telling his non-firefighter
friend that while he was responding to a twoalarm fire the other night, he hit a duck way in
the middle of the road.
After thinking about what his firefighter friend
had told him, the non-firefighter friend finally
asked,in a calm voice, "What's a duck way?"
The firefighter responded, "about two or three
Next meeting: 17th July 2013
Finland, a country left behind me
Hassan Bur
Kerttu, 57
Elshiekh, 58
Met when studied medicine in
Leningrad, Soviet Union. Nowadays
known as St. Petersburg, Russia
Hamid, 23
udying medicine
Uni. Oulu
(3rd year)
Uni. Oulu
Key Account Manager at
Rovio Entertainment Ltd.
Studied a year medicine in
Riga Stradiņš University,
before got place in Finland
(Responsible for Middle East
and Russian Marketing &
sales activities.)
5,4 million,
16.0 inhabitants per km²
(40.5 per square mile)
Area: 338,424 km²
(131,985 square miles)
Capital: Helsinki
(1.25 million inhabitants
in metropolitan area)
Other major cities in
Finland include Tampere,
Turku, Oulu and Jyväskylä.
Living and population
Life expectancy: Men 76 years, women 83 years
3 Official languages: Finnish (spoken by 91%) and Swedish (5.4%). Sámi is the
mother tongue of about 1,700 people, members of the indigenous Sámi people of
northern Lapland
Main religion is Christianity; 79.9 % Lutheran and about 1.1% Orthodox.
Geography & Climate
There are 188,000 lakes (called land of thousands lakes) !
6% of the land is under cultivation, with barley and oats the main crops.
Forests (mainly pine and spruce) cover 70% of the country!
Climate: Great contrasts – cold winters and fairly warm summers (2011
extremes: coldest day in Salla -41.8 C, warmest day in Ylitornio 32.8 C )
Living close to nature
Nutrious soil (peat)
National bird
Hooper Swan
Vitamins from forest
Water, water everywhere
25m shoreline for everyone
Town and nature
Politics & government
Independence: Declared on December 6, 1917. (95 Years)
Previously a grand duchy in the Russian empire for 108 years, and a part of
Sweden for 600 years.
Form of government: Republic, parliamentary democracy
Parliament: 200 members in one chamber, elected every 4 years in a direct
vote (next elections in 2015)
Multiparty coalition cabinet. The current Cabinet is run by Prime Minister
Jyrki Katainen (National Coalition Party).
Head of State:
President of the Republic, elected every 6 years, two-term maximum.
Currently Mr Sauli Niinistö (National Coalition Party), elected in 2012.
Finland is known for
technology: Nokia, KONE (elevators, escalators)
Rovio (Angry Birds)
paper factories, ship building
Santa Claus, Artic Circle
Midnight Sun
Northern Lights
School in Finland –
The key to the nation’s
Free education for all ->
School starts at the age of 7
and you're allowed quit at the age of 17
or when you've finished comprehensive school
78% of the population aged 25 to 64 have completed upper
secondary or tertiary education and 35%(Highest in the EU countries) have university
or other tertiary qualifcations.
Finns have succeed in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests
(Finland ranks at or near the top in all the PISA studies, organised every three years since the year 2000 by OECD. PISA measures the
competence of 15-year-old pupils in mathematics, science and reading literacy. It is particularly noteworthy that among Finnish
schoolchildren the difference between top-scorers and low-scorers is small, and that ability levels are strong in all types of schools.
Sport and hobbies
Summer and winter sports
Team games (e.g. ice hockey, soccer, volleyball, Finnish baseball)
Individual sports (fishing, tennis, golf, rally, formula 1, skating, downhill -,
cross-country skiing, hiking)
Specials (Sauna, ice fishing, swimming during the winter time ”hole in the
Success (according to the population of Finland, the success has been quite
common → Leads the Medals Per Capita in Summer Olympics, Australia