10.1 - Western National Insurance


10.1 - Western National Insurance
Personal Auto Edition
Did You Know?
My Account
Western National’s Collision or Other
Than Collision coverage comes with car
seat coverage. This means if you are in
an accident that’s covered by your
policy, we will pay, without application
of a deductible, the reasonable cost to
replace any child safety seat damaged
in the accident.
My Account is a convenient,
easy-to-navigate area of our website
where you can pay your bill, view and print
your policies, print your ID cards, and opt
for a paperless policy. Managing your
policies has never been simpler!
Check it out at www.wnins.com
Child Booster Seats Continue
to Increase in Safety
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, child booster seats are
improving in quality and safety. In their most recent booster seat evaluation report,
the majority of the new booster seats received the highest rating (“BEST BET”).
This rating means the booster seat properly positions a seat belt on a young child
(4 - 8 years old) in the majority of vehicles. The complete list* of highest-rated
booster seats is below:
- Britax Frontier 85 & 85 SICT
- Britax Parkway SGL (highback mode)
- BubbleBum
- Chicco KeyFit Strada (highback mode)
- Clek Oobr (highback mode)
- Diono Monterey (highback mode)
- Diono RadianR100, R120, RXT
- Eddie Bauer Auto Booster
(highback mode)
- Evenflo Big Kid Amp
- Evenflo Big Kid High back
(backless mode)
- Evenflo Big Kid Sport (backless
- Evenflo Maestro
- Evenflo Secure Kid LX/DLX
- Evenflo Symphony 65 e3
- Ferrari Dreamway SP (highback
- Graco Argos 70 (highback mode)
- Graco Backless TurboBooster
- Graco Nautilus (highback mode)
- Graco TurboBooster (backless &
highback mode)
- Graco TurboBooster COLORZ
*Some entries contain multiple booster seat models
Western National’s Personal Auto
Policyholder Newsletter
Issue 10.1
- Graco TurboBooster Elite (backless &
highback mode)
- Graco TurboBooster Safety Surround
(backless & highback mode)
- Harmony Carpooler
- Harmony Cruz Youth Booster
- Harmony Dreamtime Booster
(backless & highback mode)
- Harmony Olympian
- Harmony V6 Highback Booster
(backless & highback mode)
- Harmony Youth Booster Seat
- Kiddy Cruiserfix Pro
- Kiddy World Plus
- Kids Embrace Dale Earnhardt Jr.
- Maxi-Cosi Rodi XR (highback mode)
- Recaro ProBOOSTER
- Recaro ProSPORT
- Recaro Vivo
- Safety 1st Boost Air Protect (highback
- Safety 1st S1 Rumi Air/Essential Air
- The First Years Pathway B570
Source: Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (www.iihs.org)
Have questions about anything mentioned in the Focus?
Contact your Independent Insurance Agent or visit us online at www.wnins.com
What to Do While Driving
in a Thunderstorm
The weather can be unpredictable, and it can put you in some
difficult situations. If you find yourself driving in a thunderstorm,
the safest option is to pull off the road and park. When you’re off
the road, stay in your vehicle; it’s much safer in a car than outside
in the storm. If it’s raining heavily, turn on your emergency
flashers to make sure other drivers can see you. While you wait
out the storm, avoid touching any surface that may conduct
electricity, especially metal. Only pull back on the road once the
storm has completely passed.
Source: Ready (www.ready.gov)
H.E.L.P. Roadside Assistance Upgraded!
Western National recently changed to a new provider for our Highway Emergency Loss Protection (H.E.L.P.) roadside assistance program. We
now work with Quest Towing Services, who provide improved anytime access to roadside assistance (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days
a year). If you have H.E.L.P. coverage on your policy and are in need of assistance, call the same toll-free number as before (1-877-963-2456),
and you’ll receive fast, friendly service.
How to Avoid Buying a Flood-Damaged Car
Superstorm Sandy may have happened on the East coast, but its
effects are starting to be felt across the country. Vehicles that
were severely damaged in the storm due to flooding are filtering
into used car markets throughout the United States. Here are a
few ways to avoid buying one of these cars:
- Look for fading on the door panels and upholstery.
- Do a title search of the car.
- Check for mildew, water stains, and silt or sand under the
floor mats, carpets, and behind the dashboard.
- Pull the seatbelt out as far as possible to check for grime,
moisture, and mildew.
- Look for grit or mud in unusual places, such as the spare
tire compartment.
Western National Insurance Group
5350 West 78th Street
Edina, Minnesota 55439
Toll Free: (800) 862-6070
Twin Cities: (952) 835-5350
Source: National Insurance Crime Bureau (www.nicb.org)
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