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The medical and health procedures in this book are based on the training,
personal experiences and research of the author. Because each person and situation
is unique, the editor and publisher urge the reader to check with a qualified health
professional before using any procedure where there is any question as to its
The publisher does not advocate the use of any particular diet and exercise
program, but believes the information presented in this book should be available
to the public.
Because there is always some risk involved, the author and publisher are not
responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any
of the suggestions, preparations, or procedures in this book. Please do not use the
book if you are unwilling to assume the risk. Feel free to consult a physician or
other qualified health professional. It is a sign of wisdom, not cowardice, to seek a
second or third opinion.
Originally published in the United Kingdom by Red Moon Press, 1976, a division
of Sunwheel Foods Ltd., London, England.
Cover photograph by Kathryn Abbe
Cover designed by Rudy Shur and Martin Hochberg
Copyright © 1983 by Michio Kushi
ISBN 0-89529-214-9
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
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O r d e r and M e t h o d of Diagnosis
The Embryo
The Face
The Eyes
The M o u t h
The Ears
The Skin
The Hands
Touching: The Meridians and the Pulses
The Voice
Advice on Food
Giving Advice
Suggested Readings
Accurate diagnosis is a key factor in the treatment of any illness.
With clear knowledge of the major symptoms, a cure is easily
sought. M o d e r n medical diagnosis often employs techniques
such as exploratory surgery or the administration of dyes followed
by X-rays, all of which can actually harm the patient; and it seems
that the more specialized these techniques become, the greater
their potential risk. Moreover, these sophisticated forms of
diagnosis look only at the body, its function, and its physiology,
while attempting to pinpoint the cause of the problem. The
person's overall health, mental state, and lifestyle are completely,
and quite mistakenly, overlooked. Perhaps this inadequacy of
modern diagnosis explains the relative failure of medicine—and
the success of wholistic therapies such as macrobiotics—in
reversing degenerative illnesses including cancer.
Oriental diagnosis views the total person, physically and
mentally, as well as the troubled organs or body parts. The
practitioner interprets the person's lifestyle and social and
environmental surroundings to arrive at the cause and cure of the
problem. Traditionally this wholistic diagnosis was used not only
to study individuals, but to analyze society as well. It was passed on
by word of mouth only, having its origin in the Oriental law of
change as indicated in The Book of Changes (l-Ching) and other
Oriental classics.
Without books or schools from which to gain knowledge, my
own understanding of Oriental diagnosis developed slowly, only
after years of practice. The late George Oshawa, a philosopher
and expert in Oriental medicine, directed me to the study of
biology, biochemistry, astronomy, history, and other scientific
and cultural disciplines so that I could obtain an understandingof
human health and illness—and ultimatly a humane and effective
form of diagnosis.
Thanks to the efforts of William Tara, w h o edited the lectures
that gave birth to this book, you can begin learning the basics of
Oriental diagnosis in a matter of days, for diagnostic skills are
useful not only for medical practitioners but for anyone w h o
wishes to refine his awareness of those around him.
Oriental diagnosis requires neither expensive equipment nor
elaborate technology. Your eyes, ears, touch, nose, and intuition
are the only tools employed. Of course, the sharper your
instruments—the healthier you are—the more accurate your
perceptions will be. Therefore, I recommend that you refine your
own health and sensitivity as I have, by adopting a wholesome
macrobiotic diet consisting mainly of whole grains, beans and
I sincerely hope that this introductory book will stimulate
further study. My book, How to See Your Health: Book of Oriental
Diagnosis (Japan Publications) and regular articles appearing in
the EastWest Journal are recommended for further reading.
Through regaining a sensitivity to your own body, and better
understanding the health of your loved ones, friends and
associates, you can learn to recognize the signs of physical illness,
and prevent—even reverse—its development, while restoring
vibrant health.
Michio Kushi
The material contained in this book was taken from lectures given
by Michio Kushi between 1970 and 1973 at the East West
Foundation in Boston, Massachusetts. The material as finally
developed constituted a seminar entitled "Diagnosis and
Physiognomy," held in April and May 1973 and published in the
Michio Kushi Seminar Report, Volume 111, Nos. 1-4, edited by Jim
Ledbetter. Some additional material appeared in The Order of the
Universe, Volume IV, Nos. 7 and 10, edited by Thomas Lloyd.
We are highly indebted to Mr. Kushi for his encouragement
and support in producing this book. We would also like to thank
Jim Ledbetter and Thomas Lloyd for their work in the original
transcription of the material. A special word of appreciation must
go to Sherman Goldman for his generosity in reading the
manuscript of the book and making many helpful suggestions.
Oriental Diagnosis
The medicine of China, Japan and other countries of the Far East is
among the oldest in the world. This medicine can teach us a great
deal that can be practically applied today. The basic philosophy of
Oriental medicine is the complementary opposite of the kind of
medicine currently practised in the West. Western medicine, with its
emphasis on the treatment of symptoms by drugs and surgery, is
increasingly powerless to cope with the rising tide of degenerative
illness that now threatens to engulf the industrialised world. Clearly
we need to supplement our mainly symptomatic medicine with a
medicine that is preventive in direction and humane and economical
in application. Oriental medicine can contribute greatly to filling
this need.
The standard Oriental writings on the causes of disease stressed
the relationship between an individual's health and his or her diet,
activity, spiritual attitude and total environment. No single aspect
of human life was considered separate from another. The biological,
psychological and spiritual were seen as related aspects of the
totality. The practitioner was an adviser and teacher who could
point out the source of a health problem and give practical
suggestions for changes in life style that could ameliorate the
problem at its source.
In Western medicine, diagnosis identifies a disease by observation of its symptoms. The experienced Oriental diagnostician,
however, can foresee the development of sickness before the sick
person has specific symptoms such as pain. The principal tool of
Oriental diagnosis is physiognomy — the art of judging a person
" f r o m the features of the face or the form and lineaments of the
body generally" (Oxford English Dictionary). The basic premise of
Oriental physiognomy is that each individual represents a walking
history of his or her development. The strengths and weaknesses of
our parents, the environment we were brought up in, and the food
we have eaten are all expressed in our present condition. Our
posture, the colour of our skin, the tone of our voice and other traits
are externalisations of the condition of our blood, organs, nervous
system, and skeletal structure, which in turn are the result of our
heredity, diet, environment, and activity.
The secret of diagnostic skill is to recognise the signs of a particular set of changes before they become serious — to see the signs
that stones are developing in the kidneys, that the heart is becoming
expanded, or that a cancer is developing — even before these
symptoms bring pain and discomfort. This type of diagnosis depends
completely on the practitioner developing his or her own sensitivity
and understanding fully the principles that underlie the techniques.
Yin and Yang
The principle behind Oriental medicine is the theory of yin and yang.
The starting premise of yin/yang philosophy is that everything in the
universe exists in a continual state of change. This change is
expressed in terms of yin becoming yang or yang becoming yin. Yin
and yang are relative, not absolute. Everything exists in
complementary opposition. Without cold there would be no hot;
without up there would be no down. Without opposition there
would be no movement, no change. As the Tao Te Ching puts it,
"From the One came Two, and from the Two all things were born".
If the tendency of any movement is contracting, or moving towards a centre, then the dominant force is yang. Contraction
produces density, activity, heat, weight, speed, etc. If the tendency
is expansion, or moving away from a centre, then the dominant force
is yin. Dispersion produces less density, less activity, lightness, slower
speed, etc. At the extremes, yin and yang change into one another.
Contraction at the limiting point produces a tendency to expand,
and vice versa.
This pulse of life governs all things, from the way the tides ebb
and flow and plants grow by a sequence of integration and differentiation, to the yearly pattern of the planets around the sun. Within
our body we are aware of the expansion and contraction of the
heart, the filling and emptying of the lungs, and the tension and relaxation of the muscles.
From the ancient philosophy of yin and yang, George Ohsawa
extracted seven principles and twelve theorems that summarise the
operation of these forces. If the reader wishes to have a real under-
standing of the material of this book, we strongly advise him or her
to study these principles and theorems. Without such understanding,
the particular techniques are of almost no value.
The Seven Principles of the Order of the Universe
All things are the differentiation of One Infinity.
Everything changes.
All antagonisms are complementary.
There is nothing identical.
Whatever has a front has a back.
The bigger the front the bigger the back.
Whatever has a beginning has an end.
The Twelve Theorems of the Unifying Principle
1. One Infinity differentiates into yin and yang, which are the poles
created when the infinite centrifugality arrives at the geometric
point of bifurcation.
Yin and yang result continuously from this infinite centrifugality.
Yin is centrifugal. Yang is centripetal. Yin and yang together
produce energy and all phenomena.
Yin attracts yang. Yang attracts yin.
Yin repels yin. Yang repels yang.
The force of repulsion is proportional to the difference between
the like components, and the force of attraction is proportional
to the difference between the unlike components.
7. All phenomena are ephemeral, constantly changing their constitution of yin and yang components.
Everything involves polarity. Nothing is solely yin or solely
There is nothing neutral. In every occurrence either yin or yang
is in excess.
10. Large yin attracts small yin. Large yang attracts small yang.
11. At their extremes, yin produces yang, and yang produces yin.
12. All physical forms and objects are yang at the centre and yin at
the surface.
atomic particle
nervous system
purple, blue, green
short wave
K, 0 , P, Ca, N, etc.
gentle, negative
hot climate
yellow, orange, red
long wave
H, As, CI, Na, C, etc.
active, positive
cold climate
Yin and Yang and the Classification of the Organs
The classification of organs into yin and yang used in this book is
opposite to that found in some books on acupuncture. The system
used here is based on the structure of the organ. In this book, organs
that are more solid and dense, such as the heart, liver, spleen, etc.,
are classified as yang; organs that are hollow, such as the stomach,
bladder, intestines, etc., are classified as yin. The classification used
in some acupuncture books refers to the quality of " C h ' i " energy
that forms and nourishes the organs.
In Oriental medicine each major organ is considered to be in an
antagonistic/complementary relationship with another major organ,
as follows:
Large Intestines
Small Intestines
(Urinary) Bladder
Gall Bladder
If any problem arises in one organ of the pair, there will also be a
problem with the complementary organ.
Diet and Diagnosis
According to Oriental medicine, proper diet is the principal source
of our vitality and health; a poor diet is the principal cause of sickness. If our diet does not enable us to respond to changes in the
climate and our activity as we develop, then sickness arises. A proper
diet should reflect the evolution of humanity, the environment the
individual is living in and the type of activity he or she is engaged in.
The tools for discovering our proper diet, and how we can vary
that to f i t our personal needs, are yin and yang. To understand the
importance of yin and yang in food selection we can look at the
yearly cycle of vegetal energy. Plants grow in complementary
opposition to their climate. That is, if the climate is yang, yin plants
are produced, and vice versa. In the winter it is cold (yin). During
this time of year the energy in the vegetal world descends to the
roots of plants (yang). In the summer it is hot (yang); the energy of
the plant is drawn up and out (yin). Winter vegetables, such as
parsnips and pumpkin, are drier, grow slowly and are heavy. Summer
plants, such as lettuce and cucumber, grow quickly, have more water
and are generally light. If we eat the foods that grow in the season
and location in which we are living, we also can make balance with
our natural environment. Thus, Bedouin, for example, eat the juicy
fruit (yin) of cacti which grow in the dry (yang) desert. Eskimos live
almost entirely o f f meat (yang) to provide them with warmth in their
cold (yin) climate.
Several common food plants and the yin and yang factors in their
Using the principles of yin and yang in food selection and
preparation is an important part of 'macrobiotics', a word adopted
by George Ohsawa to describe Oriental dietary and medical
principles to the West. It is a combination of 'macro', meaning great
or large, and 'biotic', meaning related to life or living things. Macrobiotics is a way of making our life larger, more in touch with the
environment, closer to the infinite. Through regaining our sensitivity
to the environment we can begin to experience our relationship with
nature and our own ability to freely determine our health and
destiny. An important tool in taking active responsibility for our
health is Oriental diagnosis, which indicates the deficiencies or
excesses in our diet. If we can recognise these signs we can then
change the food we eat in an appropriate manner, reverse the course
of developing sickness, and begin to restore our health.
David Lasocki
William Tara
Order and Method
of Diagnosis
When diagnosing people, try to see their total condition, their
wholeness. See their past, present and future — their background,
their physical and mental condition, and their possibilities for
growth. What is their destiny? Consider their personality, their
judgement, and their spiritual level. The Order of Diagnosis comprises three steps. First, you understand the individual's total environment. Second, you see his present physical and mental condition and relate it to the totality. Third, you see the details —
symptoms. Modern Western medicine tends to pass over the first two
steps and concentrate on the third.
The Method of Diagnosis comprises five steps: (1) intuitively
grasping the whole; (2) listening to the person's case history; (3)
observing the person's handwriting or aesthetic expression; (4) seeing
the symptoms; and (5) touching to confirm what you have seen.
Work in this order; do not touch first. In this way you can develop
your intuition. Then, even when people are not with you, you can
know their condition by intuition. And when they come to see
you, you will already have an image of them. You may not know the
details, but you have a feeling about what their problem is.
You know this already from personal experience. When you
meet strangers you have a feeling about their personality or their
spirituality. When you check their symptoms by listening, seeing
and touching, you are learning in more detail what you already
know about them. By developing your sensitivity, you can diagnose
even when the person only calls you on the telephone or writes you
a letter. If you become really good, you do not have to meet people
at all. Of course, people would not be satisfied with this, so we have
to meet them. Still, sitting down with people, talking to them,
touching, should be nothing but confirmation. This keen intuition
is the essence of traditional Oriental medicine, but unfortunately
most doctors — Oriental and Western — have lost this ability.
Let us consider the order and method of diagnosis in a little
more detail. When first looking at people, ask yourself how old
they are. Their chronological age is less important than their biological age. A person who is chronologically only eighteen may be
much older than that physically and spiritually. Healthy people
should look younger than average people their age. A twenty-year
old should appear two to three years younger; a person of thirty
years of age, three to four years younger; a person of forty, five
years younger; and so on.
Next try to sense their level of mental evolution: do they seek
spiritual things?; what is their scope of judgement? Then determine
whether their development tends to be smooth or whether they have
radical ups and downs. Are they orderly or disorderly? To see these
tendencies, look at the side of the face. Many hollows, indentations
and corresponding high places indicate a tendency to go to extremes.
You should also see in what kind of environment individuals
were brought up: small city, big city, or the country. Is their way of
life easy or hard? Are they rich or poor? For this you must study the
bones. People brought up in a city are generally weaker than those
brought up in the country. The fragility of their bones shows this
long term weakness.
You can then begin to use this information to visualise
individuals' past and future life. You should be able to see what is in
store for them if they continue to live the way they are going.
As people become healthier, they tend to become more active
socially. You can see if a person has the potential for leadership.
The natural ability to lead is indicated by a strong constitution, large
hands, and large ears that lie flat to the head.
After you have gained a general impression, it is time to look at
the details. What kinds of foods has the person enjoyed, and what
effects have these foods had on their health? Observe which organs
are weak — the heart, spleen, large intestine — and check the effect
of this weakness on the complementary organs (see p. xi). If the
heart is weak, for instance, check the condition of the small
As an example, let us consider the spleen. To check for problems with the spleen look at the bony ridges above the eye and the
periphery of the ear: they will be red. You can also see spleen
problems on the sides of the bridge of the nose: there is often a
slightly green colour.
Many people in the modern world have spleen problems caused
by the removal of their tonsils. If the tonsils are removed, the spleen
must work harder; there is more stress, and problems may develop.
This is especially true when people consume sugar, chemicals or
drugs. The removal of their tonsils decreases their resistance to the
strain caused by the intake of those things. The spleen is a cleansing
organ for the blood and the lymphatic system; the tonsils perform
the same kind of function. Swollen tonsils indicate that toxic
material is being gathered there. When we operate to remove the
tonsils, we destroy this function and spread the toxins to other parts
of the body.
The method of diagnosis taught in this book is an integral part
of preventive medicine, which sees symptoms not as problems to be
removed but as indications of underlying causes which can then be
changed at their point of origin.
The Embryo
We must distinguish between people's condition and their
constitution. Constitution is determined before birth — by the
characteristics of the mother, father and ancestors, and by the food
eaten by the mother during the individual's embryonic stage of
development. The bone structure, the facial structure, the depth and
width of the skull, the shape of the hands and feet, and to some
extent the height and width of the body and the length of the legs —
all these make up a person's constitution. The characteristics
acquired later, such as the hue and texture of the skin, indicate a
person's condition. It is relatively easy to change people's condition
through good diet and other changes in life style, but it is almost
impossible to change their constitution. What happens to the embryo
during the mother's pregnancy is crucial for health and happiness.
Our body has three main systems: the digestive, the nervous,
and the circulatory. The digestive system of the embryo is on the
inside (yang) and the nervous system on the outside (yin). As both
systems develop they gather to themselves opposite factors and
therefore change polarity. Minerals go to the back, and proteins,
fats, etc. go to the front. The yin outside of the body attracts yang
and becomes hard, forming the spinal column and back. The yang
inside attracts yin and becomes soft, forming the internal organs.
This alteration is an excellent example of the fact that yin and yang
are not static, but dynamic, always changing.
The lower portion of the digestive system, below the rib cage,
handles the yang part of physical food (solids and liquids). The
upper portion, above the rib cage, becomes the lungs, developing
the capacity to handle yin physical food (air).
The nervous system is also divided into two. At the time in his
evolution when Man was without consciousness, there was only one,
undifferentiated nervous system, which had orthosympathetic
characteristics. This then divided to form the central nervous system
and the autonomic nervous system. Finally, the autonomic system
further divided into orthosympathetic and parasympathetic systems.
The orthosympathetic system makes yin organs expand and yang
organs contract. The parasympathetic system makes yin organs
contract and yang organs expand.
The relative position of the three major systems in the embryo
How can we divide the circulatory functions by yin and yang?
Blood is red and active (yang). Lymph is clear and slowly gathers
the used body fluid from the periphery and takes it back to the
heart. These systems are again yin and yang, distributing and
In the body there are two major antagonisms — front and back.
Solid, liquid and air are all taken in by the front systems (digestive
and respiratory). Then vibrations — short ones, long ones, magnetic
ones — are all taken in by the back system (nervous). Food, which
is yang, is drawn downwards spirally and dispatched from the lower
centre. Vibrations, which are yin, tend to go upwards, again in
spiral motion, to the brain. Metaphysically, these two regions are
called the 'hara' and 'third eye'. They should be kept warm and
cool, yang and yin, respectively. If these front and back activities
do not coordinate well, one cannot control food and nerve impulses.
The circulatory, digestive and nervous systems all gather at the
region of the mouth. This region is the tightest place in the body,
the most yang. Yang can gather and take in; from this region we
eat and breathe. Yang is also active; from this region there is also
movement — we talk. The mouth is the body's centre, the place
where we exercise our consciousness and freedom. It is the pivot of
the body's functioning. By controlling our eating, breathing and
talking, we control our lives.
Whether the region of the mouth is yin or yang is the prime
determining factor of each individual's personality or spirituality.
This region is a clue to the whole body; we must learn to 'read' it.
Look at your friends and see if their mouths are tightly closed or
not, whether they are loose or swollen, etc.
The position of the embryo can be seen in the following
The internal organs of the body correspond to the embryonic
position of the arms and legs. The ankles and buttocks correspond
to organs on that level — the sexual organs. The middle region of the
legs corresponds to the digestive organs. The area around the knees
and elbows corresponds to the liver, spleen and pancreas. The hands
are folded across the chest. The wrist therefore corresponds to the
organs at that level — the lungs. The hands can also be folded across
the face. When we are startled or embarrassed or cry, our hand goes
immediately to our face; we yangize and our hands take their
embryonic position.
After birth, our arms hang at our sides and begin to have a
correspondence with the areas to which they are now in proximity.
The wrist area begins to represent the sexual functions. If our wrist is
stiff, the energy in the sexual area is blocked, rigid. If the wrist is
flexible, the sexual organs are functioning well.
You can observe the condition of people's bodies easily during
the summer when they are wearing shorts or swimming costumes.
Notice any marks, hair, spots, veins; observe where the body is expanded or tight; note the general colour. All year round, however,
we can diagnose people's condition by giving them a massage. Are
there any places on the legs, for instance, that are watery, tight, or
swollen? Remember that the ankles represent the sex organs; the
Achilles tendon should be tight. The calf represents the intestines,
and higher up the leg shows the condition of the liver, spleen and
If a person's spine is curved, then the organs at the level of the
curvature are either swollen or tense. It is easy for the cartilage
between the vertebrae to become expanded and out of line. Are the
spaces between the vertebrae even or not? If there is a big space, the
region behind this place is too yin — expanded by intake of sugar or
excess liquid. If the space is too small, the region is too yang, tight
— from excess meat or salt — but this condition is rare. If we push
strongly in a place and there is pain, something is wrong in the
corresponding organ.
The Face
No one has a perfectly proportioned body or head. Each of us is
different, depending upon the foods we are nourished with while in
our mother's womb. Facial proportions can tell us a great deal about
a person's constitution, their condition at birth. We can divide the
face into three sections, as shown in the diagram below.
The three sections of the face and the development of the corresponding major systems of the body.
During the first seven days after conception the fertilised egg
travels down the fallopian tube towards the depth of the womb
where implantation occurs, and the organism increases rapidly in size
for the next 21 days. These first 28 days account for the main
development of the top section of the face. If chemicals or drugs are
taken during this period there will be trouble for the person's whole
life (less so if the drugs were taken before implantation). 'Birthmarks' are usually caused in this period. During the next 63 days the
middle section of the face has its principal development. At 91 days
all of the structures are generally formed. The bottom section of the
face develops most during the remaining 189 days before gestation.
Note that all the periods just mentioned — 7, 21, 63 and 189 days —
increase in the proportion one to three.
280 days
The development of the systems in the embryo.
The three systems of the embryo develop continuously, but the
principal development of each system takes place as follows. During
the first three months the nervous system progresses rapidly. After
this, during the second three months, the circulatory system and the
organs used in filtering the blood and balancing go through a period
of rapid development. The final three months see the greatest
development within the respiratory and digestive systems. The most
yang system (nervous) is developed at the periphery of the
embryonic spiral (the most yin part). The digestive system, which is
hollow (yin), develops at the centre of the spiral (the most yang
position). In between these two systems, making balance, is the
circulatory system.
Since pregnancy lasts nine months, we pass only three seasons
in the womb. Our development takes place in four ways in relation
to the seasons: spring, summer, autumn; summer, autumn, winter;
autumn, winter, spring; and winter, spring, summer. In ancient times
people ate more yang food in winter and more yin food in summer.
This led to contraction (yang) or expansion (yin) of the section of
the face that was developing during the particular season. We can still
look at people over the age of forty and see clearly which season
they were born in. But since we now eat so many foods out of season
— for instance, ice cream and bananas in winter — younger people
have different proportions in the face.
Following traditional patterns of eating, there are four basic
shapes of face that correspond to the four orders of seasons possible
during pregnancy.
Type A is steady and practical. Type B is more romantic and
emotional, sentimental, idealistic. Type C tends to be a thinker,
intellectual. Type D is active, a do-er.
Constitution and Condition
All matter is created by a contracting force which reaches a limit of
contraction and then expands. All material things therefore tend
to be yang (dense) inside and yin outside. The stronger the
contracting force, the greater the expanding force. The leaves in the
diagram below are arranged to show the effect on their structure of
decreased contraction due to increasingly hot climate. The leaf on
the left is an evergreen from a northern area; the contracting force is
great. The leaf on the right is from a tropical area; the expanding
force is greater than the contracting force. The leaf in the middle,
from a temperate climate, shows a balance of forces.
These trees are all affected by the climate and the nourishment
they take from the soil. The internal and external forces strive for
balance. It is the same with mankind. We receive influences from
nature and society, and we generate our own internal force. All these
affect our form. We cannot control the external forces, but we can
control the internal force through our diet. As far as physical food is
concerned, if we take in an excess of food or more yin food, our
internal force is expansive. If we take in little food or more yang
food, our internal force is more concentrated.
We can see the operation of the internal force in the features
of the face. Some people's eyes are more indented (yang internal
force), some are more protruding (yin). People who have flat noses
cannot hold eyeglasses on; but since they are more yang they seldom
need glasses. If you observe people on the streets you will notice
that some have mouths that are swollen towards the outside; others
have thin, shallow lips. The thin lipped people are usually strong,
but often also tend to be inflexible.
The vertical direction is yin (expanding force away from the
earth); the horizontal direction, yang. Long, narrow eyes are therefore more yang; wide eyes (with more vertical force), more yin. A
long nose, especially one that protrudes, is yin; a flat nose is more
yang. Horizontally expanded nostrils indicate a yang constitution.
A large, well-defined jaw is another important sign of a yang constitution. People with such a horizontal form in their face are often
very active.
The face on the left is an example of a more yang facial structure.
The face on the right is more yin, governed by vertical movement.
A person's constitution is established in the womb. Before birth
the structure of the face is created. As far as the constitution is
concerned, horizontal lines are a sign of yang. After birth, however,
features such as wrinkles appear. Vertical expansion (yin) causes
the skin to wrinkle in horizontal lines. Such wrinkles are most
common on the forehead, where they are caused by excess liquid
An example of horizontal lines on the face in the area of the forehead and under the eyes. These are caused by excess liquid, not the
facial structure.
Vertical lines between the eyes indicate problems with the liver
and gall bladder. Below the liver area, on either side of the nose, is
the area corresponding to the spleen and pancreas — and, because
these organs are complementary to the stomach, also corresponding
to the stomach. The green colour often found in this region indicates
problems with the stomach and spleen.
Vertical lines such as those above the nose, between the eyebrows,
are caused by an excess of yang food in the diet. These lines are a
sign of a bad liver.
Since the shape of the eyebrows is determined by the underlying bone structure, it is an indication of the individual's
constitution. If a mother eats more yang food, especially meat,
while she is pregnant, the baby's eyebrows will be slanted down towards the middle of the face. Vegetarian peoples have eyebrows that
are curved down towards the outside.
Here we can see the meaning of the most common lines that develop
on the face. The depth of the lines is an indication of the seriousness
of the problem.
The Eyes
To understand the relationship of the eyes to the body as a whole we
must look at the evolution of Man. In the fish stage, the eyes,
digestive and nervous systems were arranged in a fairly straight line.
There is therefore a connection between our eyes and our digestive
and nervous systems. As far as the digestive system is concerned, the
eyes principally represent the liver. Many liver problems can be seen
first in the eyes. As far as the nervous system is concerned, the eyes
are where the system comes to the surface. They reflect the condition of the whole nervous system, and ultimately, since this system
is connected to all the organs of the body, the condition of every
The large brain, small brain and mid-brain are placed at the top of
the central nervous system, which runs down the spine, like a flower
and its stem. The visual centre corresponds to the back brain in a
back/front relationship. There is a similar relationship between the
back brain and the liver.
The face was made by yang force, pushing from behind and
causing the two sides of the face to move forward and join. At one
early stage of the development of the embryo the eyes are at the
sides of the head, like a fish's. If yang force was lacking during this
period of pregnancy, the baby's eyes will be widely separated,
showing a more yin character, lack of vitality, and a tendency
towards isolation and separation in life. In the Orient such a face is
Three stages in the development of the face in the embryo, showing
the contracting force that forms the features.
The Japanese word 'sanpaku' means literally three (san) whites
(paku). It refers to a condition in which the eye presents three white
sides or areas around the iris. The usual kind of sanpaku — lower
sanpaku, in which white is showing at the sides and below the iris —
is caused by expansion (yin). As the eyeball becomes enlarged from
excess yin, it rolls upward, since it is resting on bone and must rotate
on its axis. Upper sanpaku, in which white is showing at the sides
and above the iris, is caused by contraction (yang). This is why all
newborn babies (who are yang) have upper sanpaku. The condition
is also often found in people who are violent.
When we are becoming sanpaku in the usual sense — lower
sanpaku — the whole body is becoming too yin. Instead of maintaining its desirable tautness it becomes loose — the muscles, the
heart, the brain, all the organs. Practically everyone in modern
society is sanpaku. Some people appear not to be sanpaku when they
are looking straight ahead, but the test is whether you can see white
below the iris when they are looking upwards 45 degrees. Only one
in thousands or tens of thousands completely lacks sanpaku.
Sanpaku appears in proportion to the degree of the excess
causing it. The more white that is visible, the worse the condition
of the person.
L o wer sanpaku
Upper sanpaku
Another type of sanpaku is one in which the eyes protrude.
Such horizontal expansion is less yin than the vertical expansion
just discussed, but it is still a sign of sickness. When horizontal expansion occurs, the eyesight changes. The distance between the
lens and the retina is altered, producing near-sightedness. The usual
type of sanpaku often results in far-sightedness.
In the Orient both vertical and horizontal expansion are recognised as sign of misfortune or danger. In cases of sanpaku the
normally compact central nerve and mid-brain become swollen,
and therefore perception is not accurate. As the cells of the large
brain expand, their reception of electromagnetic energies is poor. If
these cells become swollen and watery, then thinking becomes onesided, narrow or confused; the view of the whole is lost.
A healthy person has a tremendous ability to judge, and can
usually sense the onset of danger. We should have this ability at least
as much as animals do. Before fires in homes or wrecks of ships, rats
will often escape. Snakes will dig unusually deep holes for
hibernation before an extremely cold winter. Our ancestors knew
how the natural environment was changing. They could tell if there
was going to be a hurricane. Without listening to any weather forecast they would know several days ahead of time so they could protect themselves. These people knew the Order of the Universe and
could use it. In ancient times there were many such people, but now
there are few.
Your grandparents' generation included many people who knew
when they would die. My own grandparents, who died in their
eighties, knew several days ahead of time. They cleaned their rooms,
put their private things in order, wrote their wills, visited their ancestors' graves, and prayed. None of the rest of the family knew.
Then one morning they found the old people had died a natural
death in the night.
Today almost no one knows when they are to die. There are
assassinations — John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther
King, and countless others. John F. Kennedy did not sense his
coming assassination in Texas, although he received many warnings.
Because modern men and women are so often sanpaku, they are
frequently subject to tragic death. People should be careful and
moderate in their life, humble and modest, as our ancestors were.
Cross Eyes
Cross eyes are caused by excess yang food. In such cases the eye
rotates on a vertical axis as a result of muscles contracting behind
the eyes. If the eyes go in the opposite direction, towards the
outside, the cause is excess of yin food. It is easy to change either of
these conditions with diet. If you change to a balanced diet the eyes
will move into alignment after a short time.
Round Eyes and Thin Eyes
Considering that women are apparently more yin than men, why
do they tend to have rounder eyes — a more yang condition,
mechanically speaking — than men? Although women tend to have a
yin exterior, they have a yang interior. Here and there we get a
glimpse of the yang within them. The eyes are a good example. If a
woman has round eyes she will be more soft and feminine. If she has
thin eyes she will tend to be more active, and perhaps masculine. A
man with round eyes will tend to be more sensitive, artistic and
gentle. For a man, thin eyes are a sign of a strong, active
The Eyeball
We can divide the eyeball into yin and yang areas. The yang areas
are those closer to the nose and those in towards the centre of the
eyeball (iris). The most yang areas correspond to the most yang
parts of the body (the back). The yin areas of the eyeball are those
towards the outside of the face and the periphery of the eyeball.
The most yin areas correspond to the soft parts of the body (the
In each area of the eye the organs themselves are arranged
according to yin and yang. For example, the brain is arranged from
the cortex to the medula. The small brain is represented on the side
of the eye nearest the nose. This part of the brain is the gathering
point for nerve messages — a yang function. The cortex is
represented on the outside; its functions are more abstract (yin).
The intestines are arranged in the same way — the large intestine
towards the periphery and the small intestine towards the centre.
If all the organs are weak, you will see twelve main bloodshot
lines in the white of the eye. If there are more than six, there is
serious sickness. Usually there are about four. But any lines at all
indicate an imbalance in the body's condition. These lines change
every day. If you eat animal products, beer, ice cream, etc. before
going to bed, when you wake up in the morning you will see many
small capillaries showing in the areas of the stomach, intestines and
If the lines end in small spots, there is hardening and stagnation
in the circulation of blood or lymph. Often from looking at the area
of the white of the eyeball that corresponds to sexual function you
can see that the person has kidney stones. Spots in this area can also
indicate problems in the lower spine or sex organs, prostrate inflammation, or cysts on the ovaries. Such spots, or dots, are usually
either dark (brown or black) in colour, or red or yellow. The brown
or black colour is more yin and indicates stones or cysts. The yellow
or red colour indicates stagnation of blood; it is not so serious.
You can often see colours in the pupil, which should be transparent. (It is slightly blue in babies, and becomes transparent in
adults.) A yellow colour indicates mucus due to malfunction of the
gall bladder. A black shade shows trouble in the kidneys. Even if
these colours are in a different region of the eye from their corresponding organ they have these meanings. A purple or green shade
anywhere on the eye is very dangerous. Dark brown shows that the
organs are becoming harder and inflexible. The eyes should have a
soft translucent quality and not be hard. Hardening of the eyeball
causes decreased eyesight, ending eventually in blindness. If you
examine the eyes of the blind you will notice that the white part
often has changed to a dark blue or grey colour.
The Iris
The borderline areas between the pupil and iris and between the
iris and white of the eye indicate the condition of the nervous
If the boundary between iris and white becomes dim and undifferentiated, orthosympathetic sensitivity is weakening and eyesight is declining. This is common.
Many people have perpetually wide pupils, a yin condition,
often caused by the use of L.S.D., marijuana, other drugs, or medications. The pupil should be small and respond quickly to changes
in the light. If the autonomic nervous system is not working well, the
response is slow and the reaction slight.
The iris is a replica of the eyeball. Dots in the iris correspond to
stones or cysts or stagnated blood in the corresponding organs. We
cannot see details without a magnifying glass, but we can see dots
and changes in pigmentation.
Eyelids can be double (curving around the eyeball) or single
(straight). Western peoples tend to have double eyelids, which indicates a more yin condition. Single eyelids are more yang.
The standard speed of blinking is four times per minute, or once
every fifteen seconds. Blinking is a sign of excess yin. A baby does
not blink at all. A healthy man's eyes can go without blinking for
many minutes. If you are negotiating and your antagonist stares at
you without blinking, you cannot stand it, and you lose. Cats and
dogs blink more than we do. If we stare at them they look away. If
you meet a tiger and stare at him, he will try to look back but finally
back down. See how much a person blinks. If they blink less than
you do, retreat!
The Eyelid Region
To examine the eyelids, open the person's eyes and observe the
area under the lashes. This is an area of discharge. The edge, where
the lashes come out, indicates the condition of the nervous system.
(Hair appears at the terminal points of the nervous system, e.g. on
the top of the head.) The lower lashes and lid show the condition of
the sexual organs. The upper lashes and lid show the condition of the
brain and head region.
Eyelashes normally slant inwards. Any curling outwards indicates problems with the sexual function. An outward slant in men
indicates impotency; in women, frigidity, barrenness, or a tendency
to miscarry.
By pulling down the lower eyelid and looking at the exposed
area, we can see the condition of the circulatory system. This area
should be pinkish. A white colour indicates anemia. (In the same way,
anemia is indicated by a white colour under the fingernails when the
fingers are stretched.) Sometimes the area under the eyelid is very
red. This shows infection and inflammation; blood is coming to the
surface. With people who eat meat, fruits and sugar, this area is often
bright red. We may also see defined dots or spots in this area, which
are a sign of excess yang. This condition — trachoma — is caused by
animal products, especially cheese, fish and milk. Hardening is produced when the fats from the animal products are congealed by the
acids from fruits or sugar.
There are tiny hollows between the upper and lower eyelids at
the outside and inside corners of the eyes. White or yellow deposits
here indicate mucus deposits between the organs. Deposits in the
lower organs will show in the lower lids; the upper organs, in the
upper li-ds. A yellow colour is caused by cheese and eggs, a white
colour by milk and animal fats. If a woman has thick mucus there is
a tendency towards vaginal discharge.
The Area Around the Eye
The area around the eye corresponds to the kidneys. Bags under
the eyes are of two kinds — soft or hard — and two causes, water
or fat. If a person has been drinking too much liquid, the kidneys
are overworked and cannot discharge properly, so liquid accumulates
under the eyes. Swelling that has a harder appearance is caused by
the consumption of too many fats. The excess is stored in the
kidneys as fatty deposits, which impair kidney function.
A red or purple colour under the eyes indicates blood stagnation in the kidney region, purple denoting a more advanced stage
of stagnation than red. In advanced stages we can occasionally see
the actual blood vessels, swollen and discoloured. In cases of swelling
without discolouration, hardening is taking place; there may be
stones, cysts or fatty deposits. Kidney stones are indicated by a
gathering of discolouration into defined spots. All these problems
appear in or around the eye on the corresponding side of the body —
left eye for left kidney, right for right.
The Mouth
The mouth should be ideally about the same width as the nose — a
little smaller in women. A small mouth shows yangness, vitality.
A large mouth shows the opposite: contracting force was lacking in
the formation of the embryo. Nowadays everyone has a large mouth.
This increase in the size of the mouth is a sign of biological degeneration; it means that the digestive system is losing its strength.
A mouth several times larger than the ideal.
The area above the upper lip (and the moustache in men)
corresponds to the sexual organs. If there is a horizontal wrinkle in
this area when we smile, there is weakness in the sexual organs. Such
a wrinkle in men indicates weak sexual vitality, and in women,
trouble with menstruation. The cause is overconsumption of animal
products, including all dairy products. Vertical lines in this area show
that the sexual organs are shrinking. This is commonly seen in older
people who can no longer have sexual relations.
Different parts of the lips show the condition of different parts
of the digestive system. The upper lip corresponds to the stomach —
the top part of the lip to the upper stomach (where the strong
hydrochloric acid is released), the middle part to the middle part of
the stomach (weaker acid), and the lower part and the corners of the
mouth to the duodenum (the exit of the stomach, connected to the
liver, gall bladder and pancreas). The lower lip shows the condition
of the intestines.
The parts of the Hps and their corresponding organs in the digestive
If the digestive tract is expanded, flacid (yin), then the lips are
swollen. An outward swelling of the lower lip shows a tendency to
constipation. Dark spots or recurring sores on the lips show ulceration and stagnation of blood in the digestive system. Such spots and
sores occur on the same side of the mouth as the side of the digestive
system in which the irritation is present. Lips that are whitish in
colour show that the blood in the intestinal region is weak, and
absorption is poor. Tightness in the mouth shows that the intestines
are tight (and in women, that the vagina is tight). If the intestinal
villi are too tight, they cannot absorb well. But the mouth should be
fairly tight, especially in women.
An example of example of extreme swelling of the lower lip. This is a
sign of swollen intestines and a tendency toward constipation.
In the Orient there is a proverb that separations between the teeth
mean you will not see your parents when they die. A cleft in the
lower lip is also such a sign. People with these features are apt to
leave home at an early age and do much travelling; they will then
settle down far from their parents. When their parents are old and
about to die, such people are living too far away to return to them in
time. The separations or clefts are caused by yin factors and can be
changed by eating a more yang diet for a long time.
Teeth that protrude are yin. People with such teeth have
trouble eating in a balanced way. They can understand the principles
of macrobiotics, but they find the practice difficult. People whose
teeth angle inwards (yang) have the opposite problem: they have
difficulty in understanding the principles, but possess a great
intuitive faith and find the practice easy. People who have straight
teeth tend to be steady and patient. Often in modern people we see
varied teeth — some teeth go in, others go out. This is caused by
chaotic eating patterns, by consumption of extremes of yin and
yang. People with such teeth have many problems. Their temperament, like their teeth, is varied. They become depressed or angry
very easily. For them the practice of macrobiotics is difficult, especially eating in an orderly way. It takes a long time for them to find
After people begin macrobiotics, the spaces in their teeth
become smaller, and old fillings drop out. The fillings should not be
replaced straight away. Their teeth are contracting and changing;
they should wait six months and then fill them.
The Ears
The ears are located towards the centre of the embryonic spiral
and so reflect the development of all three major systems of the
body — the circulatory, digestive and nervous systems. The circulatory system is represented in the outer area of the ear, the nervous
system in the middle ear, and the digestive system in the inner ear.
The areas of the ear and their correspondence to the systems of the
A protruding middle area is yang; indented, yin. The form and
definition of the ear indicates what the person's mother was eating
while she was pregnant.
If the ears stick out, the person has a yin constitution. A person
with such ears is at a disadvantage: the radius of his hearing is not
great, and he may develop a narrow viewpoint. Ears lying close to the
head, especially long ones, are more balanced. The great leaders of
the past all had such ears, with which to hear all sides and make
sounder judgements. Small ears give a more limited perspective.
Ears that move are a sign of excess animal foods. You can see
such ears on a fox or a dog.
Many older people have earlobes that are well defined and
slightly detached. Detached earlobes are a sign of eating more vegetable and less animal food than most people do today. As people
begin to eat more animal food, the ears become higher on the head
and lose the lobes. After eating macrobiotic foods for several years,
many people experience a change in the shape of the ear. The lobe
will develop a fissure and detach a little, then heal up.
Hard hair means that the person has eaten a good proportion of
vegetables and grains; soft hair indicates heavy consumption of
animal food. Straight hair indicates consumption of more vegetables and grains, or food that is well balanced between yin and yang.
Curly hair is caused by extreme yang food, or extreme yin — whether
yin food or drugs. Dry hair and wet hair are caused by consumption
of too little or too much liquid. Oily hair comes from eating too
much animal food, especially dairy products, and from sugar.
Strong hair is the result of eating vegetables and grains in an
orderly manner. Fragile hair — that is, a strand can be plucked and
broken easily — is a sign of poor health.
Hair generally indicates the condition of the intestinal villi.
There is actually a physical correspondence between the two, except
that the villi are in liquid and the hair is in air. Baldness is a sign that
our internal organs are becoming weak. We can tell which organs are
concerned by the area on the head where the hair is sparse or absent.
If for instance, someone is weakening his lungs by taking too much
yin food, his hair will start to recede in the front. It is possible
for the hair to grow back if the person eats wisely. Some people lose
a lot of their hair when they begin eating macrobiotically, but this is
only bad quality hair; good hair grows in later in plenty.
Babies, who are yang compared to adults, are usually born with
light coloured hair, which becomes darker (more yang) as they grow
older (and more yin). Many Japanese babies are born with brown
hair, which later becomes black; then in old age, the other extreme
of life, their hair becomes white (the most yin colour).
If a woman has a moustache, her reproductive organs are weakening and she probably has difficulty with menstruation. Thick
moustaches on men indicate strong sex organs. If the remainder of
the beard is heavy, however, it shows excessive protein intake.
There are generally two types of hair: so-called baby hair, which
is silvery and fine in texture, and normal adult hair, which is darker
and coarser. Baby hair on the body of an adult indicates overconsumption of milk or other dairy products. Such baby hair does not
appear at random, but lies along the meridians and also the paths of
connecting tissue and muscle. We can think of this as an overflow of
protein from the organs. If there is trouble with the kidneys, for
instance, then baby hair will appear over the kidney region; hair on
the chest indicates weak lungs.
Excessive body hair is caused by eating too much protein,
either directly as protein, or indirectly from excess food which is
converted into protein. Even if you have cut down on your intake of
protein — especially animal protein — if you are overeating you will
retain excessive body hair.
The Skin
Skin Colour
Colours can be seen on the body in two ways: as specific features,
such as spots, dots, lines, etc., or as a general colouration. The
yang colours (brown, red, etc.) have a tendency to gather into
specific features. The yin colours (yellow, green, etc.) tend to be
more diffuse.
Each colour that appears on the skin indicates a certain condition of the body. The colours of our environment arc the green of
plants, the blue of the sky, the white of the clouds. We came from
these natural colours; we make balance with them. Therefore the
healthy human body does not have these colours — it has colours
complementary to them. If we drink milk, for example, we take on
the colour of clouds; we begin to have nature's colours. We are
returning to nature, our origin; decomposition and death are
The colour red can appear in three ways: as a general colouration,
as spots, or in the form of individual expanded blood capillaries.
Red skin indicates a yin condition: the heart is overworking, causing
the expansion of the capillaries towards the surface of the skin. In
the early stages of the problem the capillaries are still soft enough
to produce only a general colouration. But eventually the arteries
and blood vessels harden and the capillaries themselves appear on
the surface. The cause of these conditions is excess yang — animal
food, including fish, and also salt. A pink colour rather than red
is produced by the addition to red of white from milk consumption.
On some occasions, however, veins come to the surface naturally. One such time is pregnancy, when a woman's body undergoes
enormous activity. The peripheral parts of the body become more
yin as the centre becomes more yang through activity in the depths
of the womb. The surface expansion causes the veins to appear. After
pregnancy a woman's skin should become very clear and clean. If she
was consuming yin foods, however, this does not happen, and the
surface of the skin is spotted with the dischage of these yin factors.
Blushing is normal. It indicates an active circulation. Becoming
red quickly upon drinking alcohol is also a good sign. If you become
warm and red after drinking only half a glass of beer, your condition
is very good. A pale or grey colour after drinking indicates deep
Brown is generally a sign of trouble with the liver and gall bladder.
The colour brown can appear as a general colouration (including
tanning) or as spots (freckles). It can also be caused by consumption
of white rice or monosodium glutamate, which is often added to
foods in processing. A quite different cause of brown is excess
salt. The two different processes are sometimes called 'sugar burns'
and 'salt burns'.
If the mother eats very yin food during pregnancy, it will show
up on the baby as a 'birthmark'. The location of the mark tells us
which organ is affected and at what period of the pregnancy this
excess occurred. With good eating, birthmarks can fade but seldom
disappear completely.
The colour yellow is an indication of problems with the pancreas,
liver and gall bladder. We can see this phenomenon most clearly
in jaundice, where the person's whole colouration becomes yellow —
even the eyes. When bile cannot flow normally it moves into the
blood instead of the duodenum. In the blood it is carried through
the entire body. For such an over-yang condition we should
eliminate the over-yang foods — salt, meat, etc. — and include more
vegetables. Sometimes a person eating macrobiotically can develop
this skin colour by eating too much salt.
Newborn babies are small and yang; a slight yellow colour is
normal. Mother's milk makes them progressively more yin, and they
lose this yellow colour. Babies sometimes have jaundice. This is not
normal, but understandable if the mother has been eating excess
animal food.
The colour green is seldom seen, except in very yin parts of the
body such as veins. Green is seen in nature as the colour of the plant
world, in the form of chlorophyll. The colour of the animal world is
red, in the form of haemoglobin. Man's essence is red. If green
appears on the skin — except in very yin places such as the veins — it
is a sign that our animal quality is degenerating and regressing into a
vegetable quality. A greenish cast to the skin is typical of people
suffering from cancer, the major degenerative disease in the Western
world. A slight green colouration indicates a tendency to develop this
If you observe the people on the streets you can see many with
this slightly green shade. It occurs mostly on the sides of the face,
indicating lung cancer, or on the back of the hand between the
thumb and index finger, indicating cancer of the intestines. This
colour also appears frequently on the stomach meridian on the legs.
The expression 'green with envy' is very appropriate. Cancer patients
tend to be irritable, pessimistic and sometimes greedy; people with
such dispositions do in fact tend to be more susceptible to cancer.
Blue and Purple
If the veins, which normally appear greenish, become more yin
through intake of refined sugar, cold drinks, soft drinks, ice cream,
etc., the green colour changes to blue or purple. This is a very dangerous sign. We rarely see blue, but purple is quite common,
especially among older men. Many men over forty develop red or
swollen noses, and sometimes a purple colour appears. The red
colour is caused by the expansion of the vessels, but purple indicates
a more advanced stage of degeneration. Purplish colour on the nose
indicates a very expanded heart and high blood pressure. When the
heart starts to become expanded, more pressure must be used to
pump blood; that is high blood pressure. When the heart expands
even more, it begins to lose its force; low blood pressure is the result,
and the veins appear purple. A purple colour is even more dangerous
than green. In cancer death usually comes slowly. But although a
person with a purple colour may appear active and healthy, death
can strike at any moment.
A nose which is red and swollen on the end is a sign of an enlarged
heart and an overburdened circulatory system.
On the body the colour black can appear as spots or dots, or as
a general colouration over a wide area. This colour is often associated
with kidney problems. The cause is usually extreme yin, especially
strong medication and drugs, or cold yin foods or drinks. The cause
is yin, the colour is yang. Black is the colour of death. In tuberculosis patients we see a very pale colour; as they approach death their
skin colour tends toward black.
Sometimes we find black spots, or so-called beauty marks.
These occur mostly on the acupuncture meridians or on the
junctions of muscles or connective tissues. By noticing which
meridian they lie on we can deduce which organ is in trouble. They
often appear after a high fever, when the sickness has run its course.
When we were born we had no beauty marks and very clear
skin. Therefore beauty marks are a record of sickness and fever while
we were growing up. If we eat wisely for a considerable time, these
marks can fade, but they never disappear completely. Moles, which
are more brown in colour and caused by excess eating or an excess of
animal protein, can disappear completely, especially if we avoid
A greyish cast to the skin is quite common in Western industrialised
countries, though it is seldom found among people who eat wisely.
It indicates a swollen, hard liver. The skin is insensitive and dull.
People who have this grey colour are often easily depressed ('grey')
and tend to become angry. Although this colour is similar to black,
it does not occur in spots, but appears as an overall colouration.
Pallor indicates a yin condition in the lungs. Again, there are no
spots or dots: it is a general colouration. There may be asthma or
other respiratory problems, including allergies.
A transparent and pale quality of the skin can be seen in people
suffering from tuberculosis or skin diseases caused by bacteria,
especially leprosy.
A white tinge to the skin, especially a milky shade, is very common nowadays, because of heavy consumption of dairy food. It
appears both as spots and as a general colouration. Sometimes the
white spots appear much the same as freckles, particularly on the
lower leg, forearm and upper back. In such cases, the cause of the
spots is still dairy products, but more yoghurt and cheese (especially
cottage cheese). In a healthy person the complexion has a slightly
white colour, but the quality is different than the dull white caused
by consumption of dairy food. In health the skin is firm and tight
and radiant. The Japanese word for a healthy complexion is
OMOSHIROI, which also means 'interesting'. The characters that
make up the word are those for face or surface (OMO) and white
(SHIROI). Traditionally the Japanese people realised that if individuals' faces were white, they were leading healthy, happy, interesting lives.
A General Comment
Different racial groups have different underlying skin colours,
but the same characteristic colours appear in all people suffering
from disease; we just need to train ourselves to see them. With black
people, for instance, we can see the colours most clearly in the
hands, faces and eyes.
Skin Texture
Each individual's skin also has a unique texture: smooth, rough,
oily, dry, etc. Each texture indicates a certain condition.
The skin of most people in the West is generally smooth until they
are about twenty to twenty five years old. After that age the skin
rapidly becomes rougher (yin). This condition is caused by excess
animal fats. An abundance of saturated fats in the diet produces a
hard texture in the skin.
Oily skin results not only from eating too much oil, but also from
overeating. When we overeat, the excess food is converted into
fats, which come out on the skin as oil.
Excess liquid on the skin indicates overconsumption of water or
other drinks. We can feel this condition when we shake hands. People
like this sweat easily, and their feet and underarms are often damp.
They are suffering from overburdened kidneys and sometimes an
overworked heart.
The above areas of the face are used for spotting problem in the
organs concerned. A bnormal colours, changes in the texture of the
skin, or surface eruptions or rashes are early signs of developing
The Hands
The wrist of a healthy person is flexible enough to bend backwards
at a 135 degree angle without any pain. If it will only go forwards
90 degrees, hardening is present.
The wrist should be able to bend backwards 135 degrees without pain.
Make a fist and push between the knuckles. If you cannot make
an indentation between the knuckles, there is hardening of the
arteries and the kidneys are swollen.
Hold the fingers out straight and see whether they are straight
or curved. Straight is normal. If they are curved check to see Which
meridian ends or begins on that finger (see chart of meridians on p.
53 ). Curving away from the thumb is yin, and towards the thumb
is yang.
Next, look at the length of the fingers. The middle finger is the
longest. The index finger and ring finger are often different in length.
If the index finger, which represents the intestines, is longer than the
ring finger, it indicates that the intestines are quite yin. A longer ring
finger shows that the triple warmer (metabolism) is yin. Left and
right hands are not always the same, indicating problems in the left
and right sides of the body.
Hold your fingers straight and together; see if there are any
holes betweeen them. If there is space between the fingers, you are
yin, and therefore somewhat impractical; money 'passes through
your fingers'. The fingers should be tight together (but not swollen).
Swollen fingers are an indication of high blood pressure.
The tips of the fingers show the top of the body — the brain.
The lower parts of the fingers show the sexual organs. If the fingers
are red, purple, painful, and if the nails are chipped, broken, or weak,
the ability to think and the generation of sexual energy are poor. An
enlarged top section of the finger, like a snake's head, indicates a
very yang constitution. The person was originally yang at birth but
consumed excess yin, which led to expansion of the periphery —
fingers, toes and nose. Often people with such fingertips have difficutly getting along with others. Their inner character is tender, but
their rough manner of expression repels people.
Check the joints of the hand for hardness, swelling or arthritis.
In cases of real arthritis the joints will become painful, and each
section of the hand will become swollen or tight. Women have a
greater tendency towards swelling of the hands. If a man's hands
start to swell he is usually eating or drinking too much. His kidneys
and heart are becoming swollen and weak.
Lines on the Hand
With the thumbs together and the palms out, you can see the totality
of the hands. The lines in the hands form a spiral.
The spiral structure of the lines of the hands.
For our purposes we need only pay attention to the four
principal lines in the hand, which in the West are usually called the
Heart, Head, Life and Fate lines. ^^
The four principal
of the
hand and
their physiological
These lines should be seen as representative of their corresponding
organs. The so-called Life Line represents the digestive and
respirator systems. This line, the first circle of the spiral of the
hands is around the base of the thumb and encloses the area
corresponding to the intestines — the fleshy mound below the
thumb. Stiffness ad pain in this part are a sign of intestinal
problems the length of the Life Line can be broken into a logarithmic progression corresponding to the years of one's life, as shown in
the diagram below.
The positions ofthe Life Line corresponding to the age of the person
To the middle, it shows up to the age of about twenty. The part
to the junction or fork (if there is one) shows up to forty-three to
forty-five and so on. Ideally, this line should be very clear and long,
going all the way round the bottom of the hand. If it is doubled, the
mind is also split; around the corresponding age there will be social
and mental difficulty. if the line is jagged and unclear, the digestive
and respiratory systems are weak, and sickness may occur at any
time. A break in the line indicates that there will be danger, serious
sickness or death. Through proper eating one can change these lines;
a broken line can join.
The Line of Intellect corresponds to the nervous system. This
line should also be strong and clear. If the nervous system is more yin
and the person tends to be intellectual, the line tends to go downwards and be longer. With a more yang nervous system the line
tends to be shorter and go straight across or slightly upwards. People
with such lines are active and practical, rather than artistic and
The Line of Emotion corresponds to the circulatory and excretory systems, which include the heart, kidneys and bladder. A long
line extending towards the index finger is a sign of yin. It is better if
this line goes to the mount below the index finger. Some people have
another line, the Line of Love, a horizontal line which shows above
or across the Line of Emotion. It indicates an emotional or poetic
The Fate or Destiny Line is another line which only some
people have. It is a vertical line going up the centre of the palm. It
shows that your mother was hardworking and that you have a strong
If the nails (usually on the index and middle fingers) turn white
when you stretch your fingers, you are suffering from anemia. White
spots indicate consumption of excess sugars or fruit. Since the nails
grow continuously, they are a record of what we have eaten. The
portion closest to the cuticle shows your eating pattern a few weeks
ago; the middle portion corresponds to three to four months ago;
and the top, about six months ago. Of course, the rate of growth
varies somewhat with each person. As we grow older our nails will
take about nine months to grow from base to top.
In young people the half moon which shows at the cuticle is a
good sign. It is yin, and young people need yin to grow. After the
body is mature, the half moons gradually lessen, until after the age of
thirty-five they should slowly disappear, leaving only a small trace.
Long nails indicate a yin constitution; short, square nails, a
yang constitution. In heavy drug users the nails become rough, with
broken tips. This indicates sexual proble
processes. (The region between the thumb and index finger of people
who take many drugs also becomes purple, indicating intestinal stagnation).
General Comment
Wide hands with short fingers indicate a relatively yang, more active
constitution. Narrow hands with long fingers indicate a relatively
yin, intellectual or artistic person. The strength of the hand grip
shows the person's vitality.
The Meridians and The Pulses
The Meridians
Ki or Ch'i energy - also called prana, orgone energy, etc. - circulates
through the human body in fourteen channels or meridians. Ten of
these meridians correspond to organs or specific functions of the
body: bladder, gall bladder, heart, kidneys, lungs, large intestines,
liver, stomach, small intestine and spleen/pancreas. Four of them
correspond to more general functions: governor vessel, conception
vessel, heart governor and triple warmer. (For more details on the
meridians see the books on acupuncture listed in the bibliography.)
The principal meridians are shown in the drawing above.
A knowledge of the meridians is useful in diagnosis. For
instance, moles, spots, warts and discolouration occur along the
meridians, indicating problems in the corresponding organs. A good
test to discover which organs are weak is to apply pressure to main
points on the meridians. If an individual feels sharp pain when you
press a point, the corresponding organ is weak. A few such points
are shown in the drawings below.
In addition to points on the meridians we can look for areas
where there is swelling or stiffness, discolouration or excessive body
hair. Some of these areas are on the meridians; some lie over the
organs themselves. The following two drawings show several such
areas on the front and back of the body.
The Pulses
Western medicine recognises only one pulse. Oriental medicine
recognises three on each wrist, each of which can be taken on the
surface or by pressing deeply. The pulses and their corresponding
organs are as follows:
Right Hand
1. Deep: Lungs
Surface: Large Intestine
2. Deep: Spleen/Pancreas
Surface: Stomach
3. Deep: Heart Governor
Surface: Triple Warmer
Left Hand
1. Deep: Heart
Surface: Small Intestine
2. Deep: Liver
Surface: Gall Bladder
3. Deep: Kidneys
Surface: Bladder
The surface pulse is felt by light touching; the deep pulse, by
deeper pressure, firm and constant, although not so much as to cause
pain. After some practice you can learn to find these pulses easily.
The exact line of the pulses depends on the person concerned; you
have to search to find it.
The surface pulses correspond to the yin organs (bladder, gall
bladder, large intestine, small intestine, stomach, triple warmer), and
the deep pulses to the yang organs (heart governor, heart, kidneys,
liver, lungs, spleen/pancreas).
When taking pulses hold the person's hand lightly with one
hand. Use the index, middle and ring fingers of your free hand to feel
the pulses. Start from the bottom fold of the wrist; then each finger
will fit into the proper place. It is best to close your eyes and keep
very quiet. Practise by taking the pulses on yourself. You may find
that one or two of the deep pulses are missing. If four or five are
missing, the person's condition is critical.
The position of the hands taking the pulse.
I myself rarely take pulses. When I do, I feel in between two of
them. This shows the correlation between the antagonistic/complementary organs represented by each pulse. For instance, the pulse
between the kidney (deep) and bladder (shallow) positions shows the
condition of the kidney/bladder system. This is not a traditional
technique, but I find it very useful.
The pulse on the front of the throat indicates the state of the
whole mind and body. A slow, steady, quiet pulse indicates calm
spirituality; a pulse that is racing or uneven shows mental
The Voice
Judging a person's condition by hearing requires a more refined
sensitivity than judging by sight or touch.
Everyone uses one ear more than the other to listen with. The
favoured ear is the one closer to the centre of the spiral pattern of
hair growth on the head. Hearing is most acute through the sector
parallel to the axis of the spiral. People tilt their heads to one side or
the other depending on where their spirals are located. A spiral on
the right side of the head indicates that the person's mother had a
stronger constitution than his or her father, and vice versa.
Voice Qualities
We can gain an idea of the condition of people's internal organs
by listening to their speaking voices. The pitch of the voice is
regulated by the lungs, its speed and rhythm by the heart. Other
qualities can be recognised by very careful listening, and by comparing different people's voices. When listening, use the antagonisms:
high/low, fast/slow, loud/soft, sharp/dull, dry/wet, clear/unclear,
penetrating/not penetrating, tense/loose, regular/irregular (stuttering).
Some of these antagonisms are discussed below. Try to work out the
significance of the others for yourself.
High/Low. A high voice is produced by very contracted vocal
cords. When a man becomes an adult his Adam's apple expands; his
voice therefore changes from high to low. Because a woman's Adam's
apple is more contracted, her voice is higher. Salty foods and refined
carbohydrates make the pitch of a voice higher. Water, dairy
products, oil and fat make it lower.
Fast/Slow. A fast voice is more yang. A yin person speaks
slowly, especially a sick person. Most mentally ill people speak
slowly, although certain yang mental illnesses — hysteria, for
example — are characterised by fast speech.
Loud/Soft. If a voice is not firmly rooted (coming from deep
within the body), the intestines are functioning poorly. Some people
have very weak voices; it is difficult for them to speak or read aloud.
As well as showing shallow breathing — and therefore bad lungs and
infirm intestines — this characteristic often indicates a very yin
autonomic nervous system.
Dry/Wet. A wet-sounding voice is a sign of excess liquid in the
body, moisture in the lungs, and overworked kidneys. Sweating,
swollen legs, diminishing sexual activity, an enlarged heart, thin
blood, expanded capillaries, and falling hair are all conditions that
can accompany a wet voice.
Clear/Unclear. An unclear voice is caused by mucus in the
In order to judge people's conditions by their handwriting, examine
personal letters rather than business letters. The first thing to notice
is the general character of the writing. Is it pleasing to look at and
clear to read? Next, observe the details: the slant of the letters,
whether forward, backward or straight; the regularity of the spacing
between the letters; the consistency of the height of the letters;
whether the written lines have a tendency to slant upwards or
downwards on the paper.
Here are two examples of handwriting. Which is yin and which
is yang?
The forward slant of the first example is more yin; the backward
slant of the second example, more yang. Handwriting with a vertical
direction is more balanced. It is difficult for children to write with a
forward slant — they are too yang. Women, however, tend to write
with a forward slant.
Lines that slant upward are yin; lines that slant downward are
yang. Vertical strokes are yin; horizontal strokes are yang. In English,
yin strokes predominate; yang strokes are used mainly for connecting.
In between are the circular strokes, which can be either yin or yang,
depending on their form.
Yin people coordinate the rhythms of their writing with their
breathing. Yang people coordinate it more with their heart beat. (In
general, speaking is in harmony with breathing, and writing with the
heart beat; but there is a tendency for yin people to be influenced
by the rhythm of their breathing when they write.)
The spoken word is more yin than the written word. A yang
person is drawn to speaking; a yin person, to writing. It is difficult
for a yin person to speak in front of many people: he will prefer
writing. Very few people can do both; most people have a preference. Among great religious figures in history, for instance, Jesus
was very yang, so he wrote nothing, but Confucius was yin, so he
did a great deal of writing.
When we begin to write, consciousness (yin) comes first, and
also the will (yang) to write; these are complementary, front and
back. Then intellect begins to work — seeing that there is no misspelling, seeking clarity, etc. — and also determination. Then comes
emotion — the desire to write beautifully, to be artistic — and
sentimentality. Then follows sensory desire, and modification.
Finally, we want to reach the end, to complete the task, which is
an expression of our more mechanical nature.
All of these aspects of our judgement succeed one another at
enormous speed. These five stages occur in each word, each sentence,
paragraph and chapter. The influence of the organs of the body on
these aspects of judgement is as follows:
Even one word, one sentence shows this order. A handwritten
communication that is regular at the beginning and irregular towards
the end indicates that the writer's intestines and autonomic nervous
system are in poor condition, although the brain, heart and lungs
are functioning efficiently. With this tool we can see the overall
condition of the people who write to us, and whether they are
practical, romantic, cold or warm — as well as many other things
about their character and state of health.
All individuals have a unique, characteristic way of presenting
themselves which is an indication of their internal condition. For
instance, they may make certain habitual gestures while talking.
These signs are messages that can be used to diagnose the mental,
physical and spiritual condition.
Many habits are acts of self protection by the body. The outer
structure of the body contracts, expands, bends, or twists to accommodate and make balance with internal disturbances. For
example, if the lungs are functioning poorly, the shoulders will move
forward to protect them. Sometimes people cross their arms — just
as in their mother's womb — to make themselves more yang. They
do so because the inside is yin and weak. If mucus is scattered
throughout our lungs, we feel more safe and secure with our arms
folded across the chest. Crossing the legs is also a telltale sign; it
shifts the weight off one or the other side of the intestines.
We are all different; we each have our weaknesses and strengths.
One person may be attracted to art; another may not. We may be
attracted to playing music, but if our fingers are stiff we will content
ourselves with listening. A person with small eyes tends to enjoy a
relatively yang form of art such as home decorating, which requires
more physical activity than writing, for example.
A person who was born yang and attracted to yin foods is
more apt to develop into a spiritual teacher, artist, etc. Those who
are born yin and attracted to yang foods tend to become more active
as politicians, businessmen, lawyers, etc. Our selection of work can
tell much about our constitution and condition. The same is true of
our selection of friends, lovers, husbands or wives. One man would
never even think of marrying a certain woman; another man may fall
in love with her immediately. We are all seeking balance through
Advice on Food
Proportions of Foods
In the Beginning, the earth was composed of elements and simple
compounds — hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water
— and from these life began. Protein molecules were formed, building
primitive cells. Then two main lines of development evolved, one yin
and one yang: the plant kingdom and the animal kingdom. In the
diagram below we can see how these two channels developed simultaneously and complementarily.
Humanity is the terminal point of this 3.2 billion year
evolutionary process. As a species, humanity evolved and has continued to survive by eating cereal grains, which appeared on the earth
under the same climatic conditions as we did.
The evolutionary process develops logarithmically with time.
To determine when each period of development took place, we can
divide the total 3.2 billion year period by two, then divide that sum
by two, and so on.
The first scale shows the periods of evolution. The second scale
shows the proportions of food in a proper diet — which are complementary to the time proportions. In other words, half of the diet
would be made up of cereal grains, beans and seeds, the most recent
foods to evolve. Half of the remaining portion would be land
vegetables. Then half of the remaining portion would be sea
vegetables — including soup, which is a replica of the ancient sea we
evolved from.
The unit of division in this logarithmic progression can be
changed, but the principle remains the same. The proportion of main
food should be decided first; then the secondary foods will follow
the logarithmic progression. Here are two examples.
Food proportions, showing how the change in principal food changes
the total diet.
If you begin with 50% of the total for the staple food, then 50% of
the remainder is the next category of food, and so on. If you begin
with 70% for the main food, then the next category is 70% of the
remainder (70% x 30% = 21%), and so on. People who are suffering
from a condition due to excess yin need to become more yang. To
accomplish this we expand the proportion of main food (cereals),
which will make the other proportions smaller in relation to the
total intake of food. If the person is too yang, then the reverse is
true: decrease the proportion of cereals, which makes the
proportions of the other foods correspondingly larger. When you
advise someone on diet, start with the appropriate percentage of
cereal grains, and work from there.
The Order of Eating
Thorough and proper chewing is extremely important. It aids the
digestion of all foods, but especially of grains, which are digested
almost entirely in the mouth rather than in the stomach. Remember
the saying: Chew your liquids and drink your solids. And merely
moving your jaws up and down is not enough. Use your molars
efficiently: chew in a circular or spiral motion.
It is not advisable to eat near bed time. If you do not leave
three or four hours between eating and retiring, food will sit in the
stomach and intestines while you sleep and will not be digested
A meal is best eaten from yang to yin. Grains are the main food,
so we take them .throughout the meal. We go from soup to
vegetables, and if there is fruit we end with that. The main food is
balanced, but the side dishes have mixtures of yin and yang. There
may be many different vegetables, but even if they are cooked
together we should eat the yang ones (root vegetables, etc.) first,
then proceed to the more yin ones (leafy greens, etc.) always alternating with grains. (See the food table on p. xiv.) Since salad is yin
it should be eaten toward the end rather than the beginning of a
meal. A salty soup comes at the beginning of the meal (the salt
stimulates digestion), but a 'sweet' soup should be taken at the end.
Yang beans such as aduki beans can be eaten throughout the meal
along with the grains; yin beans such as soya or lima beans, at the
end. If you eat yin foods before the meal, your appetite is decreased
and your meal will not 'sit' well. Even if you are eating good food, it
will not be effective unless you consider the order of eating.
Since salt is yang, with a more yang diet the amount of salt is
increased; with a more yin diet the salt is decreased.
Many people trying to eat macrobiotically are unnecessarily
afraid of salt. They do not wish to become yang. Life is a process of
expansion, growing towards death and extreme yinization. This same
life process also creates sickness and decomposition. If we expand,
yinize, too quickly, we destroy ourselves. Modern humanity seeks
extreme yin in the form of sugar, coca cola, ice cream, etc., and is
destroyed. To be more yang — to decompose more slowly — and to
govern our lives in moderation is the secret of longevity. Do not
seek to be lazy and comfortable. Even though taking salt is difficult,
use it to keep the process of life slow.
Because many young people today have taken a lot of drugs,
making their autonomic nervous systems weak, they have lost their
innate judgement and cannot control themselves well. Such people
need smaller amounts of salt, to be increased gradually. Several years
ago, people who were starting to eat macrobiotically could use quite
a bit of salt and not have any bad reactions.
Now people who enter macrobiotics are weaker and need to be more
careful; they cannot change so quickly. It is amazing to see such a big
difference in just the last six or seven years. After a period of
yangization through good eating, we are free to begin experimenting
with food to become more yin or more yang, as we choose.
Animal Foods
If we wish to eat animal food it is wiser to choose those animals
that lie furthest away from us on the evolutionary scale. Of all the
animal foods, fish is the most commonly used in macrobiotic
cooking. Although the animal kingdom is generally more yang than
the vegetable kingdom, fish is not necessarily yang. Depending on
the type and method of cooking, it can be yin or have yin elements.
The small dried fish that still have the bones (Japanese iriko) are
yang. However, the white fish often served in restaurants can be
quite yin. Fish is a good source of protein. Protein is yin. Therefore
salt or tamari (soy sauce) is used in cooking fish. Instead of thinking,
"I ate fish and became yang", it would be more correct to think, "I
ate fish with salt and became yang". The point is that animal foods
contain certain qualities of both yin and yang; we must use them
Giving Advice
Giving advice entails not only telling a person about treatment
for their particular condition, but the physiological, mental or psychological, and spiritual causes of the condition. If you begin and
end with symptoms you are a 'professional', a specialist. You should
try to help people remember their infinite dream, together with
the understanding that this world is ephemeral. Symptoms can be
cured and eliminated, but ultimately people have to understand their
total freedom and their own creation of their misery. Without such
understanding they will repeat their sickness and come back to you.
When you treat sick people try to set them on the path of rediscovering their innate freedom. It is difficult, but possible. You
can, of course, use specific treatments and local applications, you can
eliminate symptoms, but that should not be your purpose. Do not
limit yourself.
The greatest difficulty with giving advice is that even though
you may understand the cause of a person's problems, you have to
communicate that to them effectively. If the person does not
practise what you suggest, then your effort is in vain. But if you can
see people's wholeness — the unity of physical, mental and spiritual
condition — you can communicate with them in a way they can
If a person is egocentric, only seeking self gain, you may have to
say that they had better see a specialist, that this is not the place for
them. Many people seek only personal, selfish gain. This mentality
has made them sick. If you cannot turn their mentality around 180
degrees, their health and happiness will never be secured.
To erase symptoms is easy, but to change a person is difficult.
You can see a few hundred patients and become a good symptomatic
doctor. But to turn people toward freedom you must see thousands,
and this is a lifetime's training — perhaps the training of many lifetimes, I do not know. Our diagnostic advice is primarily education.
Its purpose is to develop the sick person's view of life, his spiritual,
mental and physical condition. This way of healing was practised by
Jesus and Moses, but there are very few practitioners of this holistic
medicine among the millions of doctors in the world today.
There is no word to describe a practitioner of this kind of
medicine. When I first met George Ohsawa, I wanted to introduce
him to some professors at Tokyo University, where I was a postgraduate student. I needed some personal history and asked him
what I should write about his occupation. He could not say. He was
not a doctor, or a nutritionist, but more — something like a
philosopher, yet not in the academic sense. George laughed at my
perplexity, and I always laugh when I have to write my occupation.
For it is a way of life, not categorised. Many students want to learn
Oriental medicine. They say "I am an acupuncture doctor", or "I
am macrobiotic", but that is ridiculous, if you think about it; a
person is not limited, confined, to anything. If we know the Order
of the Universe, we are limitless.
When you give advice you will find that there are two kinds of
people: (1) those who see only the small view, the details, and
neglect the whole; (2) those who see the big view, but are not keen
on detail. We must give opposite kinds of advice to these two types
of people. With the first type, you tell them, for example, how to
cure a tumour with application of compresses, etc., then you go to
the cause — why the tumour arose. You lead their thinking to their
way of eating, then to their way of thinking. " Y o u trust modern
medicine too much". Or, " Y o u are too egocentric: that is why you
ate the foods that led to this sickness". For the second type of person this approach must be turned around. They may say, "Probably
I made a mistake — it is my karma", not talking about their tumour
or other symptoms. You must therefore lead their thoughts from the
whole to the parts. "Yes, your sickness came from karma. But what
is karma?" You should explain that karma is the Order of the
Universe. Then explain what they should eat within that Order, then
finally discuss their symptoms.
You must learn to understand the person's level of judgement.
There will be some people who come to you with fragmentary knowledge, talking about, say, vitamin B12 and other modern concepts.
When they ask advice, begin at that level. Unless you start at their
own level, they will not be able to understand. You must explain to
them in scientific terms the effects of the food they eat, and how
they need to change it.
You have to train yourself to be very flexible. Staying at one
level is not being a free man; if we stay at a very high level all the
time, that is being a saint. A limitless person goes freely from one
level of thinking to another, according to the circumstances. To do
this we must loosen our rigidity, become friends with everyone, and
have the same loving feelings for everyone. Then we can give advice
to all kinds of people. If there is someone or something you dislike,
you are still limited, and your ability to give advice is decreased. If
Richard Nixon should come to you for advice, say, "Hello, Richard,
what is the trouble?" Do the same with a sick animal: "Hello, rabbit,
what is the problem?" For anyone, the same. A free person acts like
You cannot stay with a sick person all the time. You must
respect a person's freedom to the maximum; if people really want to
die, let them: it is their freedom. The point is never to become an
authority figure; remain a friend or adviser. People should not come
back repeatedly for consultation; if they do, your advice has been incomplete — you did not know how to give them proper advice about
freedom, the cause of causes. If they do not understand that, sick
people become slaves; they are still afraid inside, and are dependent.
That is no way to build a healthy world and help people become
happy and free.
Two types of people are easy to help: (1) People who have experienced the range of fear completely and now want to be free.
They have tried many different symptomatic approaches and been
disappointed. They are now ready to give up their defensive way of
life, their stubbornness and their rigidity to find freedom and regain
their health. (2) People who have specific ailments but still retain a
strong spirit. These people had a strong biological base
embryologically and in early childhood, even though they spoiled
their health in later life. They have a base of commonsense and appreciation — which they have forgotten. They only need to be
Individuals' ability to cure themselves depends on whether they
have a strong will. This internal faculty can be seen by the following
diagnostic signs: (1) a large head; (2) firm bone structure, especially
with men; (3) eyes that remain focused firmly when the person is
talking. People with these characteristics can do what they are determined to do.
The essence of macrobiotics is our ability to live in harmony
with the order of nature. To see whether people can follow a macrobiotic way of life, look for signs of order in their constitution and
present habits. The first sign of a potentially well-balanced sense of
judgement is teeth that are straight and well formed. Next observe
the vertical balance of the body. Imagine a vertical line running down
the middle of the body and see if the two sides are generally
balanced. Then do the same with the front and back of the body. See
if the arms hang vertically at the sides, if the nose is straight or slants
to one side, and if the ears are vertically aligned to the head. See if
the spine curves. A large curvature generally makes it more difficult
for a person to develop balanced judgement.
Next check the horizontal lines. Balanced eyebrows are a good
sign, as are balanced ears and straight shoulders. It is natural for
these lines to be a little off balance, but the more they are off the
more difficult it will be for a person to maintain balanced judgement.
Next look at the curved lines: the collarbones, rib cage, pelvis. When
standing, the angles of the feet should be roughly equal. It is best if
the feet are straight ahead, but if the feet angle to the inside or outside, they should do so equally.
Consider the orderliness of individuals' personal manner and
lifestyle. Do they arrive on time? Do they slam the door? If people
live with respect for others, keep their things in order, wait to eat
with others at the table — these are indications that they are thinking
of the whole and not just of themselves. If we see ourselves as simply
part of the larger whole, then we can create happiness in our lives
and those around us. An orderly person can understand macrobiotics
very easily; more narrow people need time and patience until they
can understand basic causes.
Orderliness appears psychologically as an attitude of
appreciation or gratitude. Much of this mentality is nurtured in childhood. If a mother is sloppy, her children will have a tendency to be
sloppy too. From our mothers we learn the differences between
social and selfish behaviour. The most difficult people to change are
those who were given too much rich food in the womb and in childhood and received excess knowledge, techniques and concepts from
modern education. With such people you must be very patient. The
first step is to change their diet, which will help to change their
mentality; then start to discuss with them ways to recover their own
freedom. Sometimes you must give a hint and let them do the rest by
themselves. Often George Ohsawa would say to a patient, "Figure it
out for yourself". These people were always making appointments
and hanging around him, causing him many troubles, but he wanted
them to be truly free whether he lived or died.
If people do not understand what Infinity is, our advice
becomes symptomatic or conceptual. We have seven principles and
twelve theorems (see p. ix
). Please study them until you master
them. The key is to let people understand this Order of the Universe.
That is our foundation.
For more information on East West activities; East West centers in
your area; or other books in the Macrobiotic Home Library series,
call or write to:
Kushi Foundation
P.O. Box 1100
17 Station St.
Brookline, MA 02147
(617) 731-0564
Suggested Readings
Aihara, Cornellia. Macrobiotic Kitchen: Key to Good Health.
Tokyo: Japan Publications, Inc. The Do of Cooking, 4 vols.,
Oroville, Calif.: George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation.
Dufty, William. Sugar Blues. New York: Warner Publications.
East West Foundation. The Macrobiotic Approach to Cancer,
Wayne, N.J.: Avery Publishing Group, Inc.
East West Journal. Monthly. Brookline, Mass.: East West Journal.
Esko, Wendy. Introducing Macrobiotic Cooking. Tokyo: Japan
Publications, Inc.
Esko, Edward and Wendy. Macrobiotic Cooking for Everyone.
Kohler, Jean
Mary Alice. Healing Miracles From
Macrobiotics. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Parker Publishing Co.
Kushi, Aveline. How to Cook with Miso. Tokyo: Japan
Publications, Inc.
Kushi, Michio. The Book of Do-In. Ibid.
Kushi, Michio. The Book of Macrobiotics. Ibid.
Kushi Micho. Macrobiotic Dietary Recommendations. Brookline,
Mass.: East West Foundation.
Kushi, Michio. Macrobiotics: Experience the Miracle of Life. Ibid.
Kushi, Michio. Natural Healing through Macrobiotics. Tokyo:
Japan Publications, Inc.
Kushi, Michio. Visions of a New World: The Era of Humanity.
Brookline, Mass: East West Journal.
Ohsawa, George. The Book of judgement. Oroville, Calif.:
George Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation.
Ohsawa, George. Cancer and the Philosophy of the Far East.
Binghamton, N.Y.: Swan House.
Ohsawa, George. Guidebook for Living. Oroville, Calif.: George
Ohsawa Macrobiotic Foundation.
Ohsawa, George, Zen Macrobiotics. Ibid.
Ohsawa, Lima. The Art of Just Cooking. Brookline, Mass.: A u t u m n
The Writers
About The Author
Michio Kushi was born in Kokawa, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan in
1926. His early years were devoted to the study of international law
at the University of Tokyo, and an active interest in world peace
through world federal government in the period following the
Second W o l d War. In the course of pursuing these interests, he
encountered Yukikazu Sakurazawa (known in the West as George
Ohsawa), who had revised and reintroduced the principles of
O r i e n t a l m e d i c i n e and p h i l o s o p h y u n d e r t h e name
"macrobiotics." Inspired by Mr. Ohsawa's teaching, Mr. Kushi
began his lifelong study of the application of traditional
understanding to solving the problems of the modern world.
Mr. Kushi came to the United States more than thirty years
ago to pursue graduate studies at Columbia University. Since that
time he has lectured on Oriental medicine, philosophy, culture
and macrobiotics throughout North and South America, Europe
and the Far East; he has also given numerous seminars on
macrobiotics and Oriental medicine for medical professionals and
personal counseling for individuals and families, including many
cancer patients. While establishing himself as the world's
foremost authority on the macrobiotic approach, he has guided
thousands of people to restore their physical, psychological and
spiritual health and well-being as a fundamental means of
achieving world peace. He has also presented an address to a
special White House meeting and two addresses to the delegates
of the United Nations on the applications of macrobiotic
principles to world problems.
Mr. Kushi is founder and president of the East West
Foundation, a federally-approved, non-profit, cultural and
educational organization, established in Boston in 1972 to help
develop and spread all aspects of the macrobiotic way of life
through seminars, publications, research, and other means. He is
also the founder of Erewhon, Inc. the leading distributor of
natural and macrobiotic foods in North America, and of the
monthly East West Journal and the quarterly Order of the
Universe periodicals. In 1978 Mr. and Mrs. Kushi founded the
Michio Kushi Institute of Boston, an educational institution for the
training of macrobiotic teachers and practitioners, with affiliates
in London and Amsterdam; and at the same time, as a further
means toward addressing world problems, established the annual
Macrobiotic Congresses of North America and Western Europe. A
non-profit organization, the Kushi Foundation, was established in
1981 to assist with the coordination of educational and research
Mr. Kushi's published works presently include Natural
Healing through Macrobiotics, The Book of Macrobiotics, The
Book of Do-In, How to See Your Health, Oriental Diagnosis,
Visions of a New World; The Era of Humanity, and the quarterly
Order of the Universe. Mr. Kushi presently resides in Brookline,
Mass., with his wife Aveline and children.
About The Editors
William Tara has been presenting the macrobiotic approach to
health via public lectures, seminars for medical professionals,and
personal counseling throughout Western Europe and the United
States for over fifteen years. He is the founder of the Michio Kushi
Institute and the Community Health Foundation in London, and is
currently serving as the Executive Director of the Kushi Institute in
David Lasocki studied chemistry at University College in London
before coming to the United States, where he studied music
history at the University of Iowa. He has been studying
macrobiotics since 1971.
About The Illustrator
David Elliot studied architecture at Manchester University and the
Architecture Association in London. He has studied macrobiotics
since 1970, works as a freelance design consultant and architect,
and teaches Hatha yoga.
Fate Line, 49, 51
Food, 67-71
animal, 71
order of, 69-70
proportions of, 67-69
Front systems, 7
Advice, giving, 73-77
Ankles, 8
Back system, 7
Baldness, 37
Birthmarks, 1 1 , 4 0
Blinking, 28
Gall bladder, xi, 53, 58
Cartilage, 9
Ch'i energy, x, 53
Circulatory system, 5, 6, 11, 35
Clefts, 18
Habits, 66
Hair, 37-38
Hands, 47-52
Handwriting, 63-65
Hara, 7
Hare lip, 18
Head line, 49
Hearing, 61
Condition, 5, 9, 1 1 , 1 4
Constitution, 5, 14, 15, 16
Destiny Line. See Fate Line.
method of, 1-3
order of, 1
Diet, xi
Heart, xi, 20, 37, 45, 48, 53, 58
Heart Line, 49
Digestive system, 5 , 1 1 , 31, 35, 50
Iris, 27
Ears, 35-36
Elbows, 8
Embryo, 5-9, 22
Eyeball, 26
Eyebrows, 17
Eyelids, 28, 29
Eyes, 15,21-30
bags under, 29
cross, 25
round, 25
t h i n , 25
Ki energy. See Ch'i energy.
Kidneys, x i , 20, 2 7 , 3 7 , 4 5 , 4 7 , 53, 58
Knees, 8
Large intestines, xi, 8, 20, 37, 45,
Life Line, 49, 50
Line of Emotion, 49, 51
Line of Intellect, 49, 51
Line of Love, 51
on face, 16-20
on hands, 48-51
Liver, xi, 8, 20, 3 7 , 4 5 , 58
Lungs, xi, 8, 37, 45, 53, 58
Face, 11-20
development of, 12
proportions of, 11
shapes of, 13
Macrobiotics, xiv, 34, 70, 74, 76
Massage, 9
Meridians, 53
Mouth, 18,31-36
Nails, 51-52
Nervous system, 5, 11, 21, 22, 35
Nose, 18, 19
Ohsawa, George, ix, xiv, 74, 77
Order of the Universe
seven principles of, ix
twelve theorems of, ix
classification of, x
complementary, xi
structure of, x
Orgone energy. See Ch'i energy.
Oriental diagnosis, vii-viii
Oriental medicine, 1, 58
Pancreas, 58
Physiognomy, vii
Prana energy. See Ch'i energy.
Pulses, 58-60
Respiratory system, 50
Sanpaku, 23
Sexual organs, 8, 20, 32, 4 5 , 4 8
Shins, 8
Skin, 39-45
colour, 39
black, 42
blue and purple, 41
brown, 40
grey, 43
pallor, 43
red, 39
yellow, 40
transparency, 43
white, 43
texture, 44
oily 44
rough, 44
wet, 44
Small intestines, xi, 8, 20, 37, 45,
48, 58
Spine, 9
Spleen, xi, 2, 8, 16, 45, 58
Stomach, xi, 16, 32, 33, 45, 58
Teeth, 34
" T h i r d eye", 7
Tonsils, 3
Touching, 53-60
Urinary bladder, x i , 53, 58
Vegetal energy, xi-xiv
Vertebrae, 9
Voice, 61-62
Voice qualities, 62
Western medicine, vii, 1, 58
Wrists, 8
Y i n and yang, viii
diet, xi-xiv
organs, x