massage parlour
massage parlour
~ =-=- ~~~ ~~-- ~~ MPSJraids illegal I massage parlour <~ Unlicenced cybercafe also operating behind closed doors. By THO XIN VI thoyinyi@thestar,C()'n,my , r " '"",.,'" " ;j \po-.' . :.. } ~INGthe facade of a vacant shoplot as cover-up,an illegal cybercafeand unlicenced massage parlour were operating in jalan Merak 2, Bandar Puchong . jaya. One would not have guessed that vice activities were going on inside the shoplot as the shutters were cI(}sedand it bore no business signboards. But the regulars knew best as they go up the stairway to the entrance to the cybercafe, and a locked gate that led to the two~f1oor massage parlour upstairs. The $ubang jaya Municipal Council (MPSj) enforcement team, which smelt a rat, observed the movements and barged in on Thursday afternoon. They found eight local Muslim women, aged between 24 and 33, in the parlour that was equipped with nine small partitions, a sauna room and three bathrooms. Inside each partition were a stained mattress, pillow, blanket and massage oils, while the bigger "VIP"room had a sofa and massage bed. MPSj enforcement director Mohd Zulkurnain Cqe Ali ordered his.personnel to break the partitions and send the women to Selangor Islamic Mfairs Department Oais). "We found the most number of Muslim masseuses in this operation. They worked in other parlours before and joined this centre when we closed down the others," Zulkurnain said. The parlour was sealed under the MPSj beauty and healthcare centre bylaw 2007. At the same time, 15 sets of computers were seizetl from the cybercafe downstairs. "II '- ~i ',,--- ' "'-- ~ ~ - -- -- "'" .. '!II iii) ..,'''''' --- ~ ~ Mil. \\~ ~ t Vice den: The shoplot appeared vacant on the outside but vice activities were going on inside. STAR. 'fU~h: ._n" 0 9 NOV 200i lU Tracing: Mohd Zulkurnain (right) checking the identity of the masseuses. I , -- Recognising residents' committees By JADE CHAN jadef.;thcstar ~() I THE Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) may introduce some form of reward to recognise the residents' committees GKP)that have been performingwell. " "Community development is important, as well as aspects like neighbourliness, cooperation and cleanliness, hence my suggestion for this ,reward," said MPSJpresident Datuk Adnan Md IkshanAdnanat the MPSJJKPSeminar2009. . eradicating corruption. Representatives from Alam Flora Sdn Bhd ahd consultancy companyOpus International (M) Bhd also conducted presentations on waste management and public cleanliness, and the proposed LRT extension for the Ampang and Kelana Jaya Lines respectively. The seminar's objectivesincluded establishing the JKP's management, providing knowl~ edge in terms of administrative management; leadership and finance, and providing exposure to solvingresidents' problems. Adnannoted thatthe annuals~inar offered a platform for the counciland variousagencies to conveymessagesto the cQmmunitythrough the JKPs,while getting their input and sugges- On the MPSJ's 2010 budget, Adnan said the council estimated that its revenue would amount to RM201 mil compared with RM186miI this year. "We've been able to collect about 90%of this year's revenue as of the end of last month," he said. "Next year's projected expenses are: 20%for emolument (staff salary), .16.8%adm\nistration (office operations), 58.5%back to basic maintenance (road patching, repairing streetlights, cleaning work), and 4.6% development per se (new roads and parks). "We also took in the MPSJ~otincillors' views and included several new programmes for next year," said Adnan. "The council has included inits 201OJ>udgeta RM350,OOO allocation to build a e-ematoriumin Puchong;" As part of its CSR initative, the. !\liPS]will .. have a poverty eradication fund for human development activities, and afiatnraldisaster fund as a:contingency plan. "Depending on the programme, we .have allocated about RM1.000 for a sewing workshop for single mothers," said Adoan. "Money from the natural disaster fund will be.given as a token contribution to victims of . -~ . -- $~ tions. ~(II In his opening speech, Adnan outlined the roles of the JKP,like serving as the communication entity between the MPSJand communitY,encouragingneighbourhoodparticipation in community programmes, fosteringa closer relationship within the community, and addressing community problems. "The MPSj'sJKPstructure has evolvedsince being established in 2001. There are 24 zones then but there is no financial allocation,"he said. "This year's allocation for the 24 zones is RM100,OOOeach, which the JKPcommittee members have to budget based on use for infrastructure and landscaping, community activities and management," said Adnan. III firesand floods." Several issues were highlighted at the seminar, including those on the council's 2010 budget, the gated and guarded cohtept, and Token of appreciation: Adnan (centre) presenting a certificate of appreciation to aJKP committee member froin the 2008/ 2009 term. Looking on is M~SJ secretary Siamat Hamzah. STAR ....Tarikb: 0 9 NOV 2009 -- Penduduk al.pabanterasdenggi Biarkankawasanperumahanjadi 'juara'kesdemamdenggitertinggidilaporkan ... ..... : Mukadimah .. . :. idakdiPandang ~ ~ Peningkatan kesdenggi yang.dilaporkan di kawasan Subang Jayasehamsnya t . pendudukme",ka bakalbemadapantindakankompaun , ''.'''''''''''''''''''' <II'''''''''''''''''''~ . penyakitpembawamall! itu," katanya. Beliaukesalkerana pendudukkerapkall berpendapatIonggpkan sampah danairlangkangtersumbait yang mewuiudkantempat pembiakan. "Namundalamkebanyakan kes,anggotaJabatanKesihatan menjumpaitempatpembiakan nyamukdi dalamrumahbukan di kawasanluar. "Pemikirandan mentalili menyalahkanpihakberkuasa tempatan(PBT)harusdiubah supayapencegahandapat dilakukan,"katanya. Menurutnya,dalam keseluruhan350 kesdilapor1<an kepadaMPSJbagikawasan SubangJaya,40 kesdilapordi kawasanPJS7 dengan30 daripadanyaadalahpositif. "OiPJS2, duadaripada mangsayangdilaparkan mengidapdemamdenggi adalahahliJawatankuasa Penduduk(JKP)Zoo2 dan beberapaahlikeluargamereka. "Statistikyangdiberialeh JabatanKesihatan ielas memblmbangkankerana kawasanDUNSubangJaya mencatatjumlahtertinggiketika ini," katanyakepadaSinar Harianketikamengikuit operasi rumahkerumahdijalankan ~. '''''~)L dlmaklumkan termasuk pasu mangsanya. Kempendiwar-warkanbagi membersihkankawasan rumahdaripadatempatpembiakan ).. nyamukselama10 mini! semingguhamsmenjadiamalanpendudukbagi mengelakkan taman pemmahanmerekamenjadi'juara' dalamrekodlaporankesdenggidi sesuatukawasan.Bag; "J kawasanMajlisPerbandaran SubangJaya(MPSI)sendirisikapmemandang ",mehterbadapperkara.) . itu akanmembawapadahkeranasekiranyatempatpembiakannyamukditemuidi kediaman ~ :. ","""'''.A "Oleh kerana itu, mereka perlu menilikbera!l<ankebersihan terutama.di kawasan yang remehapatahlagi penyakityangbolehmembawamaUlito menyerang tanpamengirasiapa .. sedikil - . -~~~ j pegawalkesihatanMPSJbagi memeriksalempatpembiakan nyamukAedesdi dalam kawasanrumah. Hannahberkata,langkah pendudukyanghanya memeriksapersekitaran dalam rumahmerekasebulansekali adaiahtidakmencukupikerana mendakwakitaranhidup nyamukberlakudalamIEmpoh tujuhhari. . . "Ramaiyangsambillewa denganperkaraitusehinggalah adadi antaramerekamenghidap mengalamisendiripenyakititu. bungadan sebagainya," katanya. Raslan berkata, apa yang dikesalkah beliau adalah . 4 pemeriksaan dijalankan dan jumlah kompaun di","uarkan kepada penduduk ",belum Ini masih tidak mepYJ3(Jarkan masyarakat "Jika 0gC!\ lalujumlah kompaun dikeluarkan adalah sebanyak 35, danjumlah yang keluarkan ","marin adalah 26, kita dapat melihait sendiri penduduk masih tidak mempunyai kesedaran kerana jumlahnya masih bnggl, "Apa yang mereka tahu adalah mengatakan IEmpat pernbiakan wujud di kawasan Iongkang sedangkan yang paling banyak ditemui adalah di dalam rumah; katanya, Ketika mengulas bagaimana . 'Hannahketikamelihat sampahyang dilanggokkanpendudukpangsapuri yang mencatat 18 kes clenggldi kawasanitu ~ "Justeru,sa}'"sarankan perduduksupayamengambil berathalkabersihan termasuk tidlakmembuangsampahsecara Iorm>!<yangboIehmewujudkan tempattakunganairjemlh ,,*,,"snya menjadikannya tempatpembiakanienbk-jentik, I(ompaunhingga RM500 Mana-mana pernllik prernis yang dikesan mempunyal tempat pembiakan nyamuk di dalam rumah mereka bakal berdepan tindakan kampaun antara RMICD-RM500 tagi setiap satu Iokasiyang ditemui. Peg;3WiJ1 Keshatan MPSJ, Dr Raslan Mohamed Hussin berkata, dalam operasi dijalankan pihaknya Ogos lalu, pihaknya sudah mengeluarkan 35 kampaun kepada pernilik terbabit dan dikenakan kampaun RM100 bag; sellaPIEmpat pernbiakan yang diiumpai. M€nurutnya, peringkatan kes dengg di kawasan Subang Jaya iaitu 350 kes lapor dengan 231 daripadanya adalah pjsitif menyebabkan pihaknya ..... -' . '" . " -0" '. . 5emburan pengewasapanhanyalahmampu memusnahkannyamuk clewasaberbandingmenghapuskantempat pemblakanjentlk-jentik di kawasanrumah. mengambil inisiatif melakukan pernerksaan dari rull}ah untuk mencari Iokasi pernbiakan nyamuk. "Penduduk parlu tahu bahawa telur nyamuk Aedes itu boleh bertahan selama enam bulan walaupun' di tempat yang mempunyai kuantiti air yang SINAR HARIAN Tarikh: O..9..~.Q.y'.200~ ---. bndakandiambilkepadapernilik penduduk sukar melaksanakan rumah,Raslanberkata,sampei Kemper 10 minit bag; membersihkan rumah dalam jentik-jentik yangditemuiakan dibawakemakmaluntukmelihat tempoh seminggu untuk samaada.ia'adalah ienisnyamuk membendung kes itu daripada Aedes, terus meningkat," katanyayang . "Selepas disahkan,kompaun mendakwa semburan akandl","uarkankepada pergasapan hapyalah mampu penghunlrumahterbabitkerana memusnahkan nyamuk dewasa bert:>andingmenghapuskan gagalmemusnahkanlEmpat '. sendiri tempat pernbiakan jentikpembiakanitusebelumini. ' "Sayaberasahalranmengapa ientikdi kawasan rumah, ,;. Residents voice.cQ.nQQrn -o~.r'llr'.JI.ediibofeliftSSi5prQject By JADE CHAN STAR ~ft~b: 9..t~9.~..~pg~4" -- -- -- - - ""-...--I Remedial measures: Wor~in progress at Kml3 of Jalan Ipoh where a I I' II landsUdeoccurred recently. ~ I f I' E I, »11fyeuleave your hand abandoned and I lithe act,ionbri,ngs to adverseefiects I {lthe peo,ple and Ir~~noundings, the :.istate should seize I I!~our land« Ii $:AN SRFKHALID'IBRAHIM II I . I ~4'H Hillstope landownerswarned Selangor may seize abandoned plots tnatendanger By YIP YOKE TENG t"ng( O WNERS of land on hillslo[)e beware, the SelangOr govern- ment may seize your land if you fail tofulfil your responsibilities in ensuring that it does not pose a danger to the people and the environment Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said the state was working with its legal advisers to im[)lement the' measure through provisions under the National Land Code as a measure to prevent landsli\les. "Ifyou leaveyour land~ljandoned and the action brings adverse effects to th~ people and surroundi11gs;the state should seize your land and become the rightful owner. ''This is the extreme measure w~ may take to monitor the situation," he said after chairing the draft , , tnepllblic the state. Selangor Highland and Hillslope had lifted its freeze on ,hillslope State Town and Country Planning PlanningandDeveiopmentG4ideline developments. Department director 'Mohd jaafar He said the workshO[1had received workshop on Saturday at the State Mohd Atan said the guidelines, prea lot of feedback, especially regardAssemblyHallinS.\1ahAlam. The workshg[) was the second ing the development of Class 3 pared by the department together with the Mineral al\d GeosGience organisedbY the stat~ to gather slopes as well as on the maintaining" Department, other relevant' techni" adding that these inputcfrgmthe communities, devel. of hillslopes, cal agencies and local authorities, points would be taken into considopers, professionals . i!\1dNGOs to addresstheproblem:Aboyt 150rep- eration during the fine-tuning of the') would be ready by February. He said the three important eleguidelines. resentatives attended thewotkshop "We will also look into how the ments introduced in the new guidewhile theJlrstsession held on Sept Unesare: guidelines should be enforced. This 18 involvedsome 200 participants. .' THE buffer between building He said 141hillslope projects may lead to the setting up of a and slppe with a gradient of more involving Class3 (between 25' and special committee to monitor the 35') and Class'4 (35' and above) approvals and maintenance of hills- than 70 degrees'should be twice the . height of thhlbpe: slopes Were now frozen byt the lope projects," he added. At rhe same time, the state will . 'THE hillslope development developers could submit fresh appliinstruct local authorities to stUdy the must not close up any,natural watercations drawn in accordance to the guidelines, anc;lthe state would hillslope developments in their areas way: and . ruE topography must remain. assess these. by forming a task force consisting of "'You cannot go against' nature, "It is not economically viable to officers with the expertise. therefore we must make-sure that He added that even though the just freeze all these projects involvdevelopers'do',not tamper ,with the workshops were over, the public ing millions of ringgit,"he said. However, he denied that the state coyld still send in their feedback to topography and desfroy natural STAR Tarikb: 9J.................. NOV2009 waterways," he said. Mohd jaafar said the draft guide' lines had incorporated existing °Iles governing hillslope development pre[)ared byt\1el:lousing and Local Government' Ministry and' Natural Resoyrcesand,Environment Ministry il\1997, 2005 and 2009. The gYidelines take heed of four main principles, namely safety in terms of geologital disaster, development viability, environmental mairitemtnce and legality. He added that hills in Selangor were ~?stly found, in Ampang, Ulu Selangor, Selayang, Rawang, Kajang, Subang and Shah Alam whith the TitiwangsaMountain Range encompassed. "The focus is on Ampaflg wher~ the hills lopes are most dangerous. If the state gov~mment permits, we wil1 laum:h a study specifitallyon the area," he said. (uep~csmahujumpa PM,blncangisu bonus~I ! K . ... ~ UALALUMPUR:Cuetetapi keputllsan ahli kong. paes dala1nmesyuro:at res yangmewakili kakita- . khasnyakelmarin, memu- ngan awam di seluruh netuskan untuk mengadakan gara. "Saya kesal kerana tinpertemuan dengan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib dakan kalIli dikatakan unRazak bagi membincang- tukmeneari popuIariti. Sekan isu bonus untuk ka- benarnya bonus ini adalah kitangan aW;.tm. untuklllehgurangkan bePresiden Guepaes, Omar ban kakitangan .awam teOsrp,an,berk,atapertemuan rutamap.Yakumplllansoko- i itu juga lU;:@membbleh. ngan satu dan dua. kan pihaknya membeI'i "Pembej;ian itll(bonu$)' penjelasanmengenai. tup. l1.ierekabolehgunakan Dagi~ tutan bonus duablllan yang tujuan membayar ellkai dibuatkesatna),l .sebelum,persiapan peI''6Ia-~ han anak mereka. SayakiI'a Baj!:)t2010. . Katanya, mesyuarat ltu ~ik.ab Ol1US tiad ap.,adatabun . turnt membin~~gk~ Re- ml mereka. terp~sa mem- : nyataan:perdana Menteri buat. pinjaman dengan koya),lg l11enga):lgg<\ppermo- p!i)r~~idanMgiYang '~ia9a . h()ri~'bon.l1s'du(lbUlangaji koperasi terpaksa.pinjam oleh Guepacssebag;.tisalah ~°n.~:'k8,tanya .ketik~ (Iidar~segi4Ioral,'khus$riya hub$~di'sinisel11aIam. 1 ketikaekonQIlli cnegara beCuepaes mengharap:kan Ipmpulih sepenuhnya, Pel11be]jianb/)I1;Jls4tU.lij- I "'matfPer- umumkanda@nBajet20ij). dana Menteri, namun ke- ~againl.an8,pup,apabila fi- I putlls@ untuk membh(i)n adabonusaium1:Uhkan.m~'I bonusdua 1Julangaji ifu reka memohon untukberjUlllpateru;sqenga),lNajil1~i I bukan kehendak~uepacs .. . . . " . . BERITA HARlAN . Tarlkh 0 9 NOV '" 2009 " .......... . .. .. . . . . I.
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