-'-- -- ----- Pengusahapusat siber~:berdegil Pengusaha terbabit melanggarakta Undang-undangKecil 21(3)PusatSiberMPSJ 2007yang~eQ1bawa tindakansitaanpremis manakalabarangbarangberupaunit komputerdirampas: . NURFARHANAABDUL MANAN BI./KIT SERDANG -Pihak Majlis' Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) kecewa dengan sikap segelintir pengusaha premis pusat siber di bawah kawasan pentadbimnnya yang dikesan masih menjalankan perniagaan tanpa lesen malah beroperasi sehingga24 jam sehari. Dalam serbuan yang dilakukan ke atas dua premis di Taman Bukit Serdang dan Taman Universiti Indah' di sini awal pagi semalam, pihak MPSJ mendapati terdapat remaja di bawah umur18 tahun masih melayari internet dan bermain permainan video walaupun waktu itu melebihi jam 2 pagi. Operasi membanteras premis perniagaan tanpa lesen itu diketuai pegawai Penguat kuasa MPSJ, Ainol Salnee Salim dengan bantuan 27 anggotanya. Jurucakap Bahagian Perhubungan Awam MPSJ berkata, salah sebuah daripada premis yang diserbu semalam mempunyai lesen tetapi gagal mematuhi waktu operasi yang Salah seorang anggota penf,luat kuasa MPSJ menampalnotis Sebahagial1 barangan sitaan di salahsebuah.premls Indah. semalam. yang disita dalam operasi tersebut. ditetapkan iaitu melebihi jam 12 tengah malam. . Katanya, pengusaha terbabit melanggar akta Undangundang Kecil21 (3)Pusat Siber MPSJ 2007 yang membawa tindakan sitaan premis manakala barang-barangberupa unit komputer dirampas. "Pengusahajuga boleh dikenakan tindakan kompaun RMl,OOO kerana melanggar syarat-syarat permohonan lesen dan undang-undang yang telah ditetapkan pihaknya. "Manakala sebuah lagi pusat siber yang rliserbu semalam tidak mempullyai lesen perniagaan sah malah turnt menjalankan operasi melebihi waktu ditetapkan," katanya. Katanya, pengusaha pre- mis pusat siber di Taman UniversitiIndah itu didapati melanggar akta UndangUndangKecil Pusat Siber MPSJ 2007di bawah Seksyen 3 yang membawa tindakan tutup premis dan sitaan unit komputer. "Operasi ini dijalankan. kerana kita menerima aduan daripada orang ramai yang mendakwa anak-anak mereka sering pulang lewat kemna berada di dalam pusatpusat siber ini. "Malah ada juga yang mengadu berlakunya kecurian tanpa lesen di Taman Universiti di rumah, apabila kanak-kanak yang kini sedang bercuti sekolah menghabiskan duit mereka serta ada yang sanggup mencuri untuk bermain permainan video di situ;' katanya. Menurut sumber itu lagi, pihaknya juga kesal kemna ada pemilik yang sanggup .mengetepikan undang-un'dangsemata-mata mahu nie" ngautkeuntungan lebih dengan beroperasi Z4jam sehari tanpahenti. "Perkara ini juga boleh meningkatkan gejala sosial kerana kanak-kanak di bawah - umur yang sepatutnya berad.a di rumah masih menghabiskan masa mereka di pusat-pusat si- ber tanpakawalan "Sehubungan itu peng- usaha siber diingatkan suray~ mengikut garis panduan dan undang-undangclitetapkan bagi mengelakkan lesen yang diperoleh ditarik atau cIiranipas;' katanya. Em' SINAR HARlAN Tarikh: penjaga. -- ...J..o.,MAY...2D1111........ ~-- , ' '. 'c ' , , , ' , SINAR HARTAN~~ >Y."". .' '3ri~MAY 2UU~¥1"-'V ~- Peneroka. haram, cuballiklr:"hutan , Perbuatanitu dipercayai berlaku keranamereka, . ", ' ' "'-"...:':',..,' ",'''':0''> Pembantu khas Ahli. Dewan JelasAwtar,kawasanitu dah.ulu- sehinggamembukapeluangkepada UridanganN ege)'i tADUNY' Seri nyaad\ll\lhpenempatanpendudukse- penerokaharammemasukinya. didakwacubameneroka "Mereka yang tidak berSerdang,]3AwtarSinghyangditemui tingganKampung~t¥citSeriPuchon~ berkata,beliaudalamperjalananfi.1ec."sebelum1l1erek~-Aipindahkanke ka- tanggungj\lw~1J kembalitanahmiliksebuah juga,perti,ndakmePuchongsebelummelihatapi, 'wasaplain untuktujuan pembersihc masangtali bagimenentukankawasyarikatpemajuyangseb~llJm nujuke marakdanasaptebaldi kawasanhu- an. santanahuntuk giterokasedangkan ini menjadikawasan tanierbabit." , KatanY\l, selepa~,proses pe- ia bukanmilik.mereka. penempatansetinggan. Katanya,'sebaik memberhentikanmindahan seiinggan,kawasanber"Justeru,sayall1enggesapihak' kenderaan bersebelahandengan,Lebtilikenaansudah dibersihkariolehMajlis yangberkeriaanterufamapemilikJa~ ,iii NURFARHANAABDULMANAN 'raya DamansaraPuchong (LDP),b~1i- Perbaudaran'Subang Jaya(J\1PSJ) na~ nahmell1bersiltkan tanahmerekabagi" aumendakwaternampak beberapain- mun pemilik tanah bagaikantid\lk mengelakkankawa§an ituditer?kase-c PUCHONG- Beberap\l individUyang diyiduperh\lmpirandengankawasan, aIIlbil peduli keadaanka,;vasanitu caraharaIl}selaiVll1engehikkal1 petp.~ dipercayaipenerokaharamdikesan itu ll1elarikandiriseqaik§ah~jame-" . -,~ cubamembakarhutandi tanahmilik diperhatikan'., " ',''T p~rseridirianberdekatan PasarTimi nyedarimereka "J(etika d\llam perjalanaJIm~nujR i-, KampungKenangandisinikira-kira" .ke P~ichong, sayatema~p~kasap.te1?al, :.. jam 1.30pet\lng,selllalam. danterusmenghubunglplhak~omba Perbuatanitu aipercayaiberla- bagimemadamkankebak\ltan, ' " ku keranamerekadidakwacubame. "Seq,elum itu, sayatemarnpakbenerokakembali tan\lhmilik sebuah berapa,lelakimelarikandiri di celah~ syarikat peinaju yang sebelumini celah kawasanhutandan tIlengesyat<i menjadi kawasan penempatanse- mereka sengajamembllkar hUtantertinggan. babit,"katanya. "" ' bakatanterbuka,;;katanya. Awtar ketika ditemui juga memintaker\ljaa1!nege)'i memaJItau perkarairii danmerampas kelllbalitanah sekiranyapemilikengganmembersihkan kawasansertamembiarkanpenempatan.haram berlakti. Sementarairu: kebakaransemalam beIjayadipadamkankira-kira lima minit selepaspasukanBomba dan PenyelamatSubangJayatibaGi kawasanitu qersama,enam anggota. . ' , ' " Anggota bomba memadal1'l~ebakaral),yaf1gdi,,~rcay.idilakuka~ olehpeneroka haral1\. ',' Hipermedla ~i;r~~l:::i~ra ry,to 'open By DAWN CHAN RENOYATIONSaqhe3C~omplex inSubangJ aya to accommodate the fIiperi1!edia ,Library, .currently locatedat USJ9,is 60 per cent COwpleted. ,-.'. ,..." '.. Sybang.-JilY~;lVI1.miciparCoJ,1ncil (MP$Jlpresidenf 'Dat~k AdnaIiMd lkSnan sil~djth.atJl!e'library -fs ex~ ,pect{)~;.t~!be;up,andruIining by ;.S{)Pt~lI!perJhisyear<s;" 'ntwill beta definite.hitas itisf '..'. . FE~~~l~1~~~i~~.i" sa~l;'il~,'e 'j" ;>.r.orfe-~o~f.Jl'Per>.I~o Ie '~~P~EJ4n~ baysAot ~sito~~,'~'ne.'told . ... ";lI{ii(~b"1itqgl.ilslhighe\i.:'i'~; ;;...<. '. .:' 9pene~it~~~R,gr~,;to}he ' . ~public-in~999.n has15~?~P\11e.rsto acces~ Internet\seroce§llt;..ID43,!per hour for members' ana 'ribn~niember$, and CD-N{)t"1\cc~ss\Vhefriri:~m-. bers are able to acce~~rese~~ch'ma~ terials throughjl~' Lc)c:ro;Ai:e~. Ne.twork and prog~arl'lII1~d.J()calS'~adio station channels. -. .' .' MALAY MK 1'arikh: .., ..~..~..~~X..ZQQL '~~~~*lf~!!*11~ fi (~#29 '491;!,f ~ift{f, tr~,"1i~)~ ~ , . .w.'/~ E 1ft} 1ij-~ ~ 11"'*.i au ~ ~ Jii.' ~_o ~t& WJ,]!. ~J:T ,:4iJ!IillJ.m~~fiMHoo:l:/j\, ;ltr:p-~ *§f~ :m:flMiltfT, n~u-r = RI¥J#e tHIl 1m~(:t~ill,'mlRa"Jm~:M~, 9='~ ,trtm JfiW 15:. '~ ,t] ' ;iMJ~*' {)tmmJt1!1~~*~ffi'A, ?Jtl;~M!~IJ!U' ~t#t'rM!o 1tITff,~t~,r:p{.\f§1J,l¥J1fjjg 1[~ ~tfj*T7C~~l'F' ',"Ii~~~~~M!W F£~~"f&i'fI3~I~&Jm;@;)1~o m. ,,' J3., m1m~ IKA.~ fl'HTJ't 1::;7j, ,~JWg ' .~j~' "~~-' <~JR' ~ .:~.~~mg~.~*@~~.T i~~n[QjOO};!f]}; ~t€i,' . ~;@;o', , . ' /NYRJ:j:t{.\l¥J~ , ' " 1'aJ "" .it~~Ktttf~ ~~~*rt~~~.; ~~mlR~Y , ,''''d F\1j*1~ifF. 1i* rfi]!mE~ ~j::$ WI, /ftl ~ ~~r:p {.'&I!ftJa1m };!f iX~~, §mJjn¥9:¥Jj*.f~ ~~~*H~ ~ ~ OO)I~tt, ~~Bj,!!XftIf ~-tl!~ !!Jti&t!uttf#cf&t9:tt"itA ~g~.o~mn*M&..,.~t m<L\n}JII5I('~~9!~W1:T.~ ~.r:p1TM!, B"1Jiffi~JVt~JmIff1mo " J1m*~-tl!m~WMff~.., ~.* ftu:$~!1!tl~13f=f~o \" ~-1J[tjj", jtij*-tl!1~mlK---Jtl;tfjne I ~£¥~11ftu#c~1¥J Elf~o /f~Z 1JE:tE¥*~ Y Al¥Ja'H~IJ, .7f1:Ttt#cf&ftuJE#cf&fIJ E!!~, i1 E!!.=f$ftt51~.,1m1:T i!! ~1ItfBt , 'tmtlf;x~~ffo . r.t*tt MJf~Trm#~$)~~~eiB1JB"1jgn:~ +iJE!!~, i;J:1m*~~IJ:;f~o '~, ~n,t~ :I:/j\;:4it~~3&~tt:I¥J1mill'.g. ~a$:S't~lWo ~'fIt fn ~*~ ,1mill'-IK I¥J m1:T, ",~:"'" ' mJn't:~~1Ef~5 i-1: 1m ~ [8i tq{1!' J't~, "¥,ffftm~f)lo" ' , .ltt~& £t~3t.1tj:9bR~mn . ' , .' :..\-(1f0 {ll- p0"3 3 0 MAY2008 , Gobi'nd.'to 'the.rescue/ 1 ,RESIDENTS ofPuchong \ 0 j I~ ' II a " Intan Apartment want. a speedy solution to their woes and reckon theIr Member of Parliament, <iobind Singh Deo, would be thl;)person to deliver. They have severalout- standing matters to resolve with the developer, Max Benefit Sdn Bhd. Bince the residents seem to get nowhere, not even with the Subang Jaya Municipal Council, they have, enlisted ' I Gobind's help. There was a meeting among the three parties the residents represented by the Puchong Intnan Joint Management Board BAHARUN: Hopes fOflpatters to be (JMB)- twoweeks a:go.The Ascertained Damages council was represented (LAD) payment and the by its secretary Slamat Hamzah and Commissioner hand-over of accounts. of Buildings Nor Azmi A riewIiieeting was fixed Mohd Rosli. for end May. According to Jl\1B secWhen contacted yesterretary Baharun Ngah, the day, however, Baharun said issues discussed during ( there waS no news from the meeting were inad- either the council or develequate parking, spoilt lifts, opers. As such, they decided to get Gobind involved. outstanding Liquidated settledsoon,;c, Said Gobind: "There are two aspects to this, which are the LAD cTafms and the condition of the apartments. I advised tbat the two should. be dealt with separately. "The LAD issue seeins pretty straightforward. So, I don't understandwhy it has not been paid yet," MALAY MAIL te.rikh: G()BIIIID: Promiseno look into the matter ... ..}..Q,,~A.Xr;m9Pn The apartriients were supposed to be completed in 2002 but was extended to 2004. However, residents received their keys in June, 2005. Gbb~nd intends to meet with Max Benefit and MPSJ after receiving a list from the JMB on those involved and the problems. I Dengue figures , al,armirig' ' By OARSHINI , KANDASAMY THE dengue situation hi Selang()f is still critical de~pite a slight drop in ~ -- reported cases, with Shah Alam registering the most alarmIng nUmber.' 'In view of this, the SelangorHealth Department will embark on a large scale 'gerak gempur' involving Health Department officers from other StateS,'as well as localcouncils. - .FLASHBACK: outreportonApril29 State Health DirectorDr Rosnah H~dis told/{alay Mail yesterday: "We will carry on present operations but -from Saturdax, more officers will be deployed" some of whom will be from Malacca and Negri Sembilan;. "Although there was a slight reduction, we are on alert as anything more than' 300 cases is alarming." 'The'gerak gempuf' will include inspections a,:ld" fogging activities in- residentialareas,' II I ' construction sites, abandoned houses andprojects. Construction and abandoned project sites remained the' biggest culprits, said Dr Rosnah. Besides Shah Alam, they will also focus on Petaling Jaya. Figuresobtained byMalay Mail reveal as of May 24,there were 6;853 reported dengue cases in the State, with 3,050 prQVirlgpositiy~. This works out to 21 cases , p~rday. and 4! positive cases -and From May 18 to 24, Subang Jaya with 60 and 22 there '-were 492 reported respectively. However, there was also dengue cases, of which 459 were derigue fever and 33 a slight, dip of 19 reported haemoiThagic dengue fever cases and 25 positive cases while 155w:er~ found to be froIn/the previous week's statistics ,as from May 11 positive. Of these, Shah Alam to May 17. There were 180 reported 110 ca&es, 30 . positive dengue cases froin ' positive - more than h andi5 tim~s higIler than Belayang with only 1()reportedaIld :2 positive cases. This wasf611ow~dclosely by Kajang with 78 repqrted -, MALAY'MAIL Tarikb: ... .~..q..M~Y...2iJfJa.- . J:he 511 reported. Last month, Malay Mail highlighted the high dengue stat:istics with an average of 19 people contracting the disease daily. . II Pendapatan ~-'"keloargakurang tJ.f)\ty-::' R'M660dfbantu SHAHALAM- Kementerian Perurnahandan Kerajaan Tempatan'(KPJ(T)menyarahkan,golonganberpen- ' dapatan diQawah~M660 bagisetiap isi keluarga yang memilikilima ahli boleh mendapatkan pelbagai,ban~ Ctj1andm-ipa,dapihak berlwasa tempgtan.(PBT). " Menurut'SetiausahatBahagian :I(emiskinan Bandar ,KPKT, Roh,ani Omar, iakerana golonganitu memenuhi kaq!lr 'Paras 9aris Kemiskinan(PGK)YaIlgbaru Cli- tetipIsanker~jaan sejakOktoberlepas. / i,,' .'t , :K,atanya, merekayang, mem~nuhiJdterii itliboleh membuat. permohonan melalui. PBT ,masing-masing dengan mengisi borang yang disediakail,. ",', ."Uapan jenis bantuan yang disediakan'iaitu sewaan rmnah, p()rsiapan kemasukan ke sekolah<;lan institusl pengajiantinggi, kospeng!lllgkutan, kos jagaankanak-kanak ketaska/tildika atiu rumah jiraIl' "Selaini'itu mereka turutHipantu "dari:segi",kos pengangkutan k~, tempat ketja, kos r~watan di3.1isis buah pi~ggaIlg, latihan¥emahiran danpantuan ilJ,$an:' keluarga miskin tegar bandar," ujarnya.,' . .,,'~ Beliim berkata demikian pada Majlis Taklimat ~rogram Kemiskinan, Bandar BandaJ;' yapgdiadakati di WismaMajlis .BandaraYa Shah AJam (MBSAIdi sini semalam.j, ,:"f!ft,"'; ,J'" i'" M:~nurut ,Rohani;PGI{iJrie~upakan, program basmi Remiskinan' bandar'dan kadar, itu diseragaink[i~'di seluruh semenanjung, w~nakala bagi'Sarawakjnlla. iillah RM'Z80" dan Saba,h '.RM880 b~gi se.ti.[ip )sike.luarga. '" ... . "". ,"i.' ""',, "",,' "Jelas~Y$l,selain kiraan pendaPat~Il Plllanan, s!l~ulagi kg~dah yang;jllga di~akall ialah"~~nerusipen': dapatan per kapitg setiap anggota kelUi!rg!l di, pelldapatan!mlanap.' ke!uargadibahagiki:\ll dengaIl' jumlah isikeluarga. , " ,. .' ,."",.".".,' ",' ,',;,! - "Jika pe.ndapatan per' kapita" !::Iagi,s!;!tiap aIlggottt Keiuarga'kUrangdarill.r1/1160'mak!l mereka l[l~ak CY-'f' k!lt(!g?rikan sepagai golongaIl miskinbandardan,b()leh memohon .bagimendapa~kah' bantuarl'llleller!l~fprogr!ll!!gerkeIlaan;,,~:uja~ya;, ,"",! ''''i' ',Tam!::lahnya(sejak Kadar PGKbarll itj1 dilak§!l~aIsan sgh,ingga Meitahunini; sebawakJ3,143 keluargatelah mendaftar, dan', jumlali it11 'mf;Jrupakan' peningkatan berbanding 12,000 keluargi pada tahun Iepas:' ,.JSOSMO 3 0 MAY 2008 Tarikh: ........................ Leftovers: units. Constr~ction materials can still be seen . Ap-artment owners . upln arros They claim Cfs issu~d wit110ut proper checks of the preIl1ises By M. KI'ISHNAMOORTHY [email protected] checking the premises shoUld be. questioned. ' Purchaser Loke Khing Hong said he could not understand how MPSJ could issue the CF without the electricity and water supply in place. OREthan 200 apartment owners at Bandar Sunway Mutiara Perdana, PJS7.are crying foul over,the CF and vacant possession notice to move in one year ago. as they cannot reside there because there »They have are no electricityor water connections. made it difficult Subang Jaya assemblyman Hannah Yeoh discovered broken for purchasers windows. no proper electricity to claim back and water connections, damaged 1100rsand broken toilets during a the costs« recent visit. She said the building was in a LOKE KHING HONG bad state and each apartment owner had paid aboutRMl15,OOO to receive an uninhabitable 'apartment. Yeoh said she would bring up the complaints with the Subang He added that he had Jaya MunicipalCouncil(MPSJ)and approached the Anti-Corruption. other govermrient authorities. I Agency, MPSJand the t'ou Sing , "The developers have breached and Local Government/Ministry the terms of handing over of but nothing had been dpne.! vacant procession according to \ '!'The developers have also the Sale and Purchase refused to rectify the defective M'. , Agreement," shesaid. \ 'workat theapartments. KelanaJaya MPLohGwoBurne, "Theyhave made it difficultfor who was also present. said the \purchasers to claim back the costs government officials who had" of ~th,e'rectification, and repair issued tile fF without£r()perl:/!8s1@l!qt~2!<! s~iifl))'! b:~:,'n"1 .2;- STAR Tarikh: ..a.c..MA~.._..... -- --- ,'" . r i.. ~I '.:~. "~I 1 f~ l - Come with us: Young boys being escorted out of the cybercafe. Illegalc~~ercafes sealed - Packlng!lp: TwoMPSJ ellforcement personnel dismantling a computer ..fromone of the cybercafes. By ELAN PERUMAL [email protected] A N illegal CYberCafe at Taman Universiti Indah in Seri Serdang was raided by an enforcement team from the Subang jaya Municipal Council (MPSj) in the early hours of Thursday. . The . premises .was one of the two cybercafes . monitored by the MPSj enforcement personnel as part of the local authority's war on errant and illegal cybercafe operators. 'The illegal premises was' sealed at 2.45am after checks confirmed that it had no licence to operate the business. . There were more than 30 customers, mostly teenagers, in the premises at the time of the raid. The operator was issued with compound notice under the Cyber Centre By-laws 3 MPSj 2007 which carried a maximum fine of RMl,OOO. The premises was sealed and the operator warned not to reopen it or he would be subjected to legal action. According toa MPSj spokesman, the operator had applied for a licence in December last year but was rejected. The MPSj officer said the cybercafe was raided following complaints from residents that it had been operating till dawn. causing unhealtliy social problems among the young people in the area. "The residents complained that teenagers have been spending a lot of time and money playing games at the outlet," he said. According to a resident who asked noUo be identified, the cybercafe has beenoperating in the area since last year and it had been a nuisance to the residents. "The customers make a lot of noise and many residents, especially those staying nearby, have complained that they have been having their sleep disturbed," he said. 'The operator has failed to respond to the complaints and he deserves this action," the resident said. In another raid in Serdang, a 27-man team puters. At the time of the raid, there were more "Theoperator has defied many of our warnings sealed a premises that flouted the ruling on cyberthan 50 customers. .-'.. previously. ..-- . cafe by operating for 24 hours.> '.. Its.9perator,wasissuecj.~ith a compound notice.0 ""Hemay face..courtaction and have his licence The preIlliseshas:rriore than 90 units of come. :.amounting RMl;OOO,'." ..termin~ted," the MPSjspokesman_said, STAR Tarikh: .~.O.1WA¥~~d-.- Business blues Business operators in Selangor have blamed discrimination against them and corrupt practices as the reasons they resort to operating illegal factories. >M2 ~ '" ~~~;' "'~ Business blues Business operators in Selangor have blamed discrimination against them and corrupt practices as the reasons they resort to operating illegal factories. >M2 STAR fJ" '1""1, 3 0 M ......... Tarikb: .-a.O.U.AY"?OOR ';!i ~ -"" Listening hard: Ean Yang and Subang Jaya assemblyman Hannah Yeah chairing the meeting with the association. Local business dilemma D ISCRIMINATION against local industry players and corrupt practices have been cited as the main causes for the existence of illegal factories in Selangor. Accordingto Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Foundry and Engineering Industries Association(SFEIA)president Fan See Hai,the local industry players were often snubbed by the authorities, who seemed to show preference to the foreign businessI men and investors. Fan said this during a dialogue with Selangor State New Village Development and Illegal Factory Task Force Committee chairman Ean Yong. Hian Wah in Shah Alam on Tuesday. "As Malaysians,we face a lot of hassle even before we can start our businesses while the foreign investors have everything made so easy for them whether it is in making land applications, constructing factories or starting operations," Fan Discrimination and graft the reasons for illegal factories said. . He said the process of setting up a legal factory by a localbusinessman, for example, could take as long as three years for approval to be granted, "Unlessthe factory owner has lots of time and money to spend, the setting up of the factory would have been doomed before it could even start operations," Fan said. "On top of that, we face a lot of pressure from the authorities, especially the local governments, because we have to pay all sorts of 'extra charges' for all kind of applications," he said. Fan said his association had 330 members, mostly among small- and medium"scale industries operators, but 45% of them were operating without permits or business licences while others occupied land witHout industrial status. He said that the total number of unlicensed factories in the state was /f' much more than the figure on the association's list According to Fan, illegal factory problems have existed since the independence of the country. , Fansaid the associationhoped the new Pakatan Rakyat state government would bring changes and ensure fairer treatment for local Fan: 'We face a lot of hassle evejp' business operators, as they did not before we can start our b,usiness.' want to operate without licences Ean Yong, meanwhile, pledged due to the legal risks involved. He said the problems they faced that the state government would look into the plight of the localbusiincluded constant pressure from enforcement officers and difficulty ness operators and review ineffective policiesand practices. in getting loans from banks. ~T/J." Tafikb: 9..~..h1A'(..ZQQ~- Local c6untils told to buck,'~p Hannah: They must m()nitorproject~'>~j8selYi By LIM CHIA YING chiaying@thl.'! HE local authorities in Selangor have been- urged to buck up andbe more responsi. blein monitoringhousingprojects. \ SubangJayaassemblymanHannah 'Y;eohsaid the local councils must also beanresponsibility for a developer's iuesponsibleadions that caused finaridallasses and suffering to buyers. According to Yeoh, many pevelopersare taking advantage of loop\ holes in the existing lawsto escape accountability when winding up their companiesor abandoning pro- jects. . . Yeoh was commenting on the case ofthe Mutiara Court apartment project in PJS 7 BandafStinway, whose , » The c~l:I"cil. .. shQ4,ld.b~IQo~il1g. ,afterthe welfare. , , <." " .of the'p~9ple« .." "It should be the local council's responsibility to closely monitor a project bycom:luctingsite visits and checks' onttie work. The local authorities should take action against a developer immediately if. there are irregularities'il1the project," Yeahsaid. 'The coun~il should,'be lookmg after the welfare ofthe'peQple," she said. devel6pet Westcourt Corp Sdn Bhd was wound up in 2007. The controversy surrounpingthe project was brought to .light when certificates of fitness f?r occupatiol1 (CFs) were issued despite.t~e.> faCt that no water suppJyandeleqric::ity connection had be.en il1stalled. The projectjsamiddle-cost development .comprising 232 units on the project, but le~jt to the developer to dealdirecfly'"with Tenaga Nasional Hhd arid Syabas for eleqricityandwater,"Liusaid, . "The OSC scheme ,was, meant. to speed up the issuance of the CFs,';he said. ' Yeoh, however, insisted that the local authorities should check that everything was in order before authorising the issuing of a CF. She said that when a CF was issued, it meant that the place had been certified fit for occupation and that everything was in place. Yeoh said it was time for the local authorities to be stricter with developers. "Most developers are not involved in just one project, but have' other developmenfschemes. " "The local authorities . should check their previous records before giving approvals and licences for laul1dH~diI12002; . subsequent projects," Yeoh said. According to 5elangor State Local' She said that if a dev~loper was Government Committee chairman found to have abandoned a previous Ronnie Liu, the Subang Jaya Muni- project or violated any law, it should cipal Council (MPSJ) had ,Issued the be blacklisted and denied approval CFsfollowing the implementation of for subsequent projects. the one~stop-centre (OSC)system. She said that there were housing . "After the OSCwas introduced, the development companies that just MPSJdid not have to visit and check closed before completing their pro- . Yeoh: Most developers,are not involvEidinjust oneprojed jects, leaving the buyers of the,pro~ jects in a financial lurch. , ' "The purchasers may not even get. to claim the last 5%of payment held by the lawyer and shareholders that is reserved for claims during the defect period since many' creditors are queuing up for the same pool of money," she said. Liu admitted that such c::aseshappened .dueto the easy certifications by the local coul1cils. "The state will ensure that the local councils will closely monitor the development projectS from now on. The local authorities should be more careful when issuing CFs or giving approvals," he said., "I'll work with all council presidents to make the necessary changes and revise the existing guidelines that are deemed not good," Liu said. "We urge the people to give us their views and suggestions on how to make' improvements and make changestotackle suchproblems,"he said. 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