L~ PER U _--'),"'1 E ER AMA K .. 0 /8,. ~~~OOOf.----' -~~- KElUARAN JUN 1981, Muka I Malaysian newsmen "invade" Kuwait 3 Who was caught in the lift? 4 Talking point - By Govind 5 The editorial I'd like to see on April 1,1981 6 Berita dari Kedah 7 "Katil? •• siapa yang mati, Tuan? ~ II 9 Tahniah 10 This one's for you ••••. wherever you are - CeciUa Tan II Semutalk Pengarang: Mohd. Jamil Abdullah Penolong kepada j>engarang: Richard Thean . Sobrey Jaafar .Pemberita Bulan ini : Govind. Penyelaras: Norijah Mohd. Noor ....~------------------------------------ !'MIA YSIAN NEWSMEN "INVADE" KUWAIT , Malaysian newsmen including myself will never forget th~ 'trouble' we caused to the telex office in Kuwait during the recent world cup soccer qualifying tournament. Everyday for two weeks we from Bernama, Berita Harian, STAR and New Straits Times, would beseige the office with )ong copies of our stories to be filed to Kuala Lumpur. Initially this proved too;fl1uch for the telex operators to handle that, in the true tradition of Arab hospitality (no' malice intended), they made all kinds of fuss about it. Fo~tunafely or otherwise, the l'elex operators kept changil;lg t.hus sparing us from the antics of the really fussy few. One of them would tell us: 11 why so long, short good". Another complained: "you _must type big letters. Don't use this bad paper, my eyes want come out typing your copy. II After a while we iust took this in our stride, their antics and all. But there is one operator who mus.t rate as the kindest Kuwaiti we've met during our stay there. Always accommodating~ understanding even:'under great pressure as the telex office had to handle many other clients especially from the business community. Some of them would also make comments about our stories and they naturally felt delighted because the Kuwaiti tea~ almost always got all the delectable adjectives from us. The telex operators and clerks were however surprised that our enthusiasm (at filing stories) were nof d';minished by the disappointing performance of the Malaysian team for obvious~y the Kuwaitis we met were disappointed at our national team. They told us that they wanted Me laysia to meet Kuwait in the final. Despite our feam's poor show, the tournament had made Malaysia more known among th~,Kuwaitis for everytime I boarded a taxi, the driver would ask where I was from and after telling him, he would say: "Oh, Malaysia, football ??" . ' .' There was also an occasion when a taxi driver.coula not find the stadium I had wanted to go to cover a match even though I showed him the venue in Arabic as printed in the programme. He had to consult a policeman before we fipally got to the place rather late. -----------------------------------~ 2 The worst experience for me was covering the final betw~en Kuwait and South Korea where P'ng Hong Kwang of New Straits Tim,s and I were caught in a near~tompede while trying to enter the stadi~m. The policemen at the g,ate hod to pull us out from among the fanatical crowd before we could be squeezed in. Many fons who hod bought their ,tickets hod to be . locked out that day as the stadium was pocked. Coveriqg the final, we hod to moke do by stretching our necks over the headgears of;;the Kuwaitis who in their euphoria couldn't be bothered to provide us some space. Azmon Ujong. ,. -. ****************** You need not get uptight when someone fpulad up your story. To err is human .and some people are more than othe~. . 3 WHO WAS CAUGHT IN THE LIFT? One evening lost month Sdra Rohman Sulaiman, who was going home after work, happened to hear someone shouting for help in a jOmmed lift on the ground floo('~ He called out to the person to remain calm and that he was getting help.' Rohman come running to the Subs wing on the first floor, wonting to know the telephone number of the lift foreman. At that ti~, he was told somecme hsJd already contacted the foreman. I'accompon'ed Rahman to the ground Jh:JOr. A number of people hod gathered there to pacify the "jammed II person ~ No one knew who it was, except that it wosa man. The lift indicdtor lights on the ground floor flashed "G II and "l I I . Apparently, the man inside was pressing the button 111 11 hoping the lift would me·ve up, Rahman, seeing this, shouted to him to press button 112". The person did so, and we saw' the "2 11 flash on the indicator. Rohman and I raced up the stairs. Ha If way up-'~e saw one of the MCOBA security guards coming down. We enquired: "Tpdi orang sangkut daJam lif sudah keluar ke ? "Suda h, II co rT)e;the reply. We hesitated 9nd then continued up the stairs, eager to know who the person was. Somethipg made us stop. We dashed down, caught up wi th the security guard on the first floor and a~ked him who 'the person was. The guard s(mply said: "Soya lah l. " ., " \ , . -- Govind. **********~****** TAKZIAH Kepada Sdri. Mafuzah Ahmad yang telah kehilangan ayahnya pada 17 Mei lalu. Mafuzah dan ahl; keJuarganya mengucapkan terima kaslh kepada semua petugas BERNAN\A yang memberikan 5umbangan kepadanya. , . 4 TALKING POINT - BY GOVIND Congratulations, Bernama '. You have done it again. For those of you who are wondering what this is all about, I would rather quote what the reuter correspondent, .Encik Reg Gratton, wrote In his letter of congratulations to Bernama 's Acting Genera I tv\anager, Encik Yusof Bodor. Quote. Just a short note of thanks to your editQri91 team for the work they put in on covering the formidable Fourth ~Iaysian Plan. It was a great help to our news operation 'to be able to refer to the Bernama summary of the various major topics covered in the 400-page tome. It was also a credit to YO\K agency that it managed. to transmit the rrx.Jterial so speedily. You must have started your own planning on how best to report it five years ago'.. Unquote. ., Another pat on the back came from PTM Communications. Encik Ken Fernandez of the P.R. firm wrote to News Editor Encik S.N. Rajan, thanking him for a service message he had put out over the wire and saying how shocked he was at the impact it had on the press. The message informed the mass media of a press conference by Tourist Development Corporation's Director-General Datuk Baharuddin Musa on April 2. To quote a sentence or two from the letter: "l could hard 11 believe my eyes when I saw more than 20 members of the press and cameramen. Even TV and RTM were there. . "This could not have been possible.if you did not accede to my request to put the event on your morning news schedule or if you did not dish out the flash reminder. II And, TP Senior Supervisor Encik Nusi Buyong has this to say: II A senior RTM officer who called on me recently congratulated Bernama for dishing out speedily the results of the Sabeh elections last March. II Keep it up Bernama '. 5 THE EDITORIAL I'D LIKE TO see ON APRIL I, 1981 Hurray for Malaysia '. We have no assassinations here. Why? Simply because we have a gun law called Isa who goes around in Adidas Training Shoes tripping up Misguided Students carrying Scolt Magnum in plastic bags before they can sight their gllns on the heads of CPO's, OCPD"s and SEC-GEN's. Why doesn't America learn from'f.kIleiysia? No need for all this chest-beating andunited-in-sorrow business everytime a Lennon or Reagan gets shot. Just collect all thOse guns lying around and put Iso on the heels of those who refuse to hand the IR guns in. I mean there are quite a few chaps around who grlipe the Successful and Famous (who among us does not entertain a flash of anger at Ik . Big and Mr. Not-So-Big and if we had a gun, no telling that it won't go off). If there are no guns handy, our gripe will gradually fade away and we will just mellow into Good Citizens, joining MCA or BERJA YA and become, rriaybe, successful and famours ourselves. There is really nothing wrong with America except for their gun lows and superfast neWs media. We hove gruesome tales to tell too, but our reporters do not hove the talent of a Frederick Forsythe or Time Mogazi~e's far-flung reporting team. The single oct of killing can never have anything to do with a whole society as newspaper editorials are fond of implicating. Even if there is a series of killings, it is still a long shot to implicate society as a whole. But what does implicate society is the subsequent publicity whipped up by the media. tiThe nation is shocked", "Society is sick". All this is glib generalizations mechanically token out from the mental drawer by the reporter who has no talent at writing whatsoever. The truth is, any society, any country, has their quota of individuals or groups who hove reached a point in their rationalizations where killings are okay. And don't forget either that the same process is also used by the government-inpower to institutional ize ki Ilings • I foiled to ~e lJny ~I dHf«enu between ChOIrles Monson's Acts and the routine tortures used by secret and not-so-secret police ev«yWhere on their r::"'isoners. We in Malaysia are spared the frequent pangs of Americans precisely because we have Isa, our reporters are untalented, and our parangs, freely available for slashing belukars, do not have the technological clout of a Magnum. ****************** BERnA DARI KEDAH Bolasepak Baru-baru ini satu perlawanari bolasepak antara para wartawan Alar Setar dengan Polis Oaerah Alar Setar telah diadakan di Stadium Darulaman bagi . merebut piala pusingan Oatuk Seri Syed Naher Shahabuddin. Bernoma tidak ketinggalan mewakili p6ra wartawan Alar Setar dalam perlawanan merebutpiala berharga $1,000 itu. Empat orang pemain dari Bernama telah dipilih untuk mewakili Wartawan Alar Setar. Saudara Syed Imran selain dad bertindak sebagai striker juga dilantik sebagai ketua pasukan, Saudara Tan Hock Guan bermain dibahagian midfield, Saudara Aminuddin Ibrahim peniaga gol dan Saudara Hamidi Rashid (PO Padang Terap) striker. Walaupun pasukan komi kalah 4-0 kerana diperdaya oleh OCPO (Polis menurunkan pasukan muda dan tidak Pegawai Kanan seperti dijanjikan), komi telah diberi ganiaran pada molam esoknyo apabila pihak Polis menganjurkan majlis makan malam yang begitu baik sekali di Kelab Kedah Oiraja. Dalam ma il is tersebut pihak polis dan Menteri Besar memberi penghargaan kepada peranan para wartawan. Walaupun rarroi para wartawan dan pegawai polis 'pening lalat' dek minuman tertenh" komi tidak ketinggalan menyumbangkal suara (nak kata merdu marah pula sang kodok). Sdr. Syed Imran dan Sdr. Aminuddiil telah berpadusuara mendendangkan lagu 'curi-curi I diikuti oleh para wartawan lain dan pegawai-pegawai kanan polis. ****************** • c" ,,\ I, ... , " 7 Telatah Semenjak bertugas di Alor Setor, Sdr. Aminuddin dan Sdr. Tan telch sa kin berisi. Nampaknya kedua-dua orang Melaka ini tertorik sekali dengan rrosakon orting utara. Mereka enjoy ~rtugas di Kedah yang luar dari sengkaan mereka. Kami tidak sengka Alor Setar, lebihbesor dansibuk dari Melaka, kata mereka. Tentu Sdr •.,Syed Jamiltersenyum dan. terkenangkankompung. ' Sdr. Tan, pada rnu1anya di gelar Baba oleh rakan-rakan wartowan di Alor Setar. Tetapi, sejak akhir~khir ini panggilan Babe telah diganti dengan Awang pula kerana sifat-sifatnyq yang lebih Meloyu itu. Sdr. Am:nuddin pula setiap heri tidak seber menunggu posmen. Beliau bukan menunggu sampul besar yang berisi dengan stensil atau sampul keeil yang berisi eek wang runeit, tetapisampul airmail dariMetaka yangberisi eurahan hati kekasih yang jauh di mata. Dalam masa seminggu tidQkkurang doritiga sempul surat seperti itu tiba dari Melaka dan Sdr. Aminuddin tersenyumriang. Maklumlah rindu dihati yang terpendam sejak ditugaskan di Alor Seter teloh diubati menerusi kata-kato manis yang diabadikan diatas kertas putih bersih. Kata-kata yang diibaratkan penawar segala pen yak it • Selepas membeea isi surat duo tiga kali, Sdr. Aminuddin segera membalasnya dengan meneurahkan perasoan kasihsoyangnya. Sdr. Aminuddin membelanjako~ $45 sebulan untuk menulis surat kepada kekasihnya itu termasuklan kiriman potret-potretnya yang terbaru den90n berba90i 90ya yang tersendiri. Kepada Sdr. Aminuddin, lekas-Iekaslah kahwin, kan sencUig'. ******************* "KATIL? SlAPA YANG /1M tl, TUAN?'." Terjadinya di Bandung. Sebuah kota berhawo sejuk yang terkenal dengan nama 'Kota Kembang'. Letaknya sekitar 185 km sebelah barat Jakarta. Serombongan wisatawan dari 'Malaysia tiba-tiba muneul di sebuah hotel peninggalan Belanda di awal tahun 1970-on. Hotel "Homan International", yang telah dibeli pengusaha pribumi. 8 Tentu sq.ia karyawan hot~1 itu menjocli ged:>iro. Tidak hanya karena sangat jarang hotel di sana menerima tamJ dari Malaysia di itu, tapi juga karyawannya "sanga t 5 .ka mendengar mereka berbicara. II Ya, mungkin menimbulkan nostalgia ZQrron sebelum IIkonfrontasi ll , ketika filem-filem P. Ramlee begitu akrab dengan rakyat Indonesia. maso Sebagaimana lazimnya kebiasaan sebagian besar karyawan hotel di Indonesia, karyawan Homan juga berusaha agar bisa "membetahkan II sekali gus menjadi "sa habat sejati II tamu hotelnya (ma~f'., ini bukan iklan). Apalag'i bagi "geu lis dan kasepll Bandung yang berpembawaan sangat ramah dan lembut, tentu bisa cepat berkomunik~si dengan tetamunya, termasuk yang dori t-Aala ysia • . ' t •. Mereka saling bertukar informasi mengenai Bandung dan Kuala Lumpur, termasuk .•..(rohasio leloki). Komunikasi berjalan lancar dan do pat saling memahami apa yang diutarakan kawan bicara. Kendati ada benturan poda satu-dua istilah, yang'akhirnya dapatjuga dibereskan. Namun, keakraban yang sudah terjalin itu nyaris terganggu oleh kesalahpahaman istilah. Soalnya begini: . "Soyo minte dikirim satu buah katil ke bilek X. II Terdengar suara melalui telepon intern hotel. Penerirna tetomu yang menyambut telepon itu tampak terkejut. Paras wajahnya, berubah, agak memuc;at. Dengan noda suaro seten~h-eemas setengahketokutan, d ia bertanya: 11K a, t'l?..•..•• S·l apo yang mo t ? I.-II " ' tuan "Haa •. ? ape •. ? mati?II, si-penelepon balik bertonya. "1ak ade yang mati. Saye hanye minte dikirim sabuah kotil. Untok rokon soye. II Yang "Kalau tidak ado mati~' mengapa horus kotil? orang ma~i, tuan II, kato sang-receptionist, lugu. IKon kotil honya buot IIApe pulak katil untok orang moti. Katil laah, untok tidur. Paham tok." Nada suara kowan dari Semenanjung itu keros. Rupanya dia dongkol dan tersinggung. ty\asa I kati I dikatakan buat orang mati. 9 "0000, ranjang maksud tuan. Kalau itu sih beropa iuga bisa kami sediakan. II "Iye, ghanjang. 1I Dia ikut membetulkankesalah-pahaman dalam istilah itu. Tapi r-nya masih seperti ucapan orong bule. ".v.aaf tuan ••• raniang, bukan ghanjang, II ulang si-penerima tarnu. Illyalah, rrronjang, II kato sang-tamu dengan rnemberlkan tekanan pada'r' Terclengar suaro tertawa memecah ruang udara kamar X itu. lI~kali lagi maaf tuan kalau ada perkataan saya yang menying9un 9, koto si -karyawan. Dia memohan, mungkin khawatir telah memberikan kesan baik bagi tamu hotelnya. -- eha •. II ***************** Don't be indispensable. If you can't be replaced, you can't be promoted. ~**************** TAHNIAH Kepada Ismarani Adnan yang telah mendapat seorang cahaya malo perempuan peda 4 Mei, ~981. Berat badan 5 Ih 15 OZ, dilahirkan di Pantoi Medical Centre. ********************* TERIMA KASIH Dari Sdro Kamaruddin Awang kepoda semua petugas BERNAfv4A yang telah membeiikan sumbangan derma dan sokongan moral ketika beliau naik pelamin baru-baru ini. juga ucapon terimo kasih kepoda mereka yang telah bersusah poyah mengiring beliau ke kampong dimana perkahwinan dijalankan. ********************** 10 THIS ONE's FOR yOU ••••••••• WHEREVER YOU ARE - CECILIA TAN This letter is addressed to the invisible man, whoever he is and wherever he is. Of late, you have been removing newspapers from the library. Most of the newspapers seem to have a very short Iife on the shelves, thanks to you '. Now, I am sure you and I would agree that this is tantamount to stealing, to put in bluntly, as I don't believe in polite insinuations. Let facts be facts. You are I am sure aware that newspapers in the Library are for all Bernama Staffers and by removing fhem, you are depriving others of their legitimate right to read them in the library. You are I am sure olso aware that it is 35 sen per copy, one of the cheapest publications on- the scene, inspite of spiralling inflation. Now come on, I am sure you can afford that meagre sum. Don't tell me you are so impoverished a pauper that you have to stoop so low as to steal 35 sen. And besides, a crime is a crime, no matter how big or small the amount involved •. Your next delight is magazines. Among your favourites are Time, Newsweek, Asiaweek and Far Eastern Economic Review. Oops - I forget Life. I think you love it best, perhaps because you can't resist the pictures or perhaps because itls the most expensive item or perhaps, you just must hove all those stolen magazines, sprawled on the carpet in your sitting room, so that it would seem, to your visitors that you keep abreast with the latest. You want to show your invisible visitors no doubt that you're knowledg~ble well-informed and intellectual. Bah '. The books hove not escaped either and you seem to be particularly interested in dictionaries. I wonder why, being anonymous as you are ,you surely don't need to build up such a powerful vocabulary. Or perhaps your vocabulary is to impoverished and malnourished that you are now feverishly swallowing a few hundred words a day - f hope you don't suffer too seriously from indigestion~ Now Invisible Man, I have always thought kindly of most fellow humans. I hove great faith in human beings believing them generally to be worthy of the ,highest trust. You seem to have proved my faith wrong and unfounded. ****************** k _~RODZI 1hQv!. 1u1't\e4 tiherlock holnte$ .... well _ihereVeheetJ re.,.or+-S of -H1afls in -nae office., . recently... tlewspopers, ,*,gQ~,it~---...:\."!I' Qf')4 fue like See... 'It> / e"b\ta~6~ hOI'\Qhl.e O~e .... 1sCAj"~ you c.Of'Ifrl~t- *teo '<4cat\s pM+.L, seller... he may hetVe CI"" dqe.: ,.J, I. -" .~'" sea.,...• ...•., pO ~.~ "Dicetak don diterbitkon oleh B"ERNAMA.. Bongunon MCOBA,42, Jolon Syed Putro, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.