Penjajabantah,-baya,ranbil` air
Penjajabantah,-baya,ranbil` air
. /' ' , " Penjajabantah,-baya,ranbil' . air Kronologikes pemotongan bekalan air pasar pagi'Seri Kembangan NUR FARHAN~ABDUL MANAN SERI KEMBANGAN - Rata16 Oktober: Syalias mengunci meter airselepasbil air tertunggak hampir RMl00,000 rata penjajadi pasarpagi di Seri Kembangandi sini, keliru dan meminta penjelasan. Majlis PerpandaranSubang }aya (MPSJ)berhubungnotis araban pembayaran bil air di pasar berkenaan. 17 Oktober: Penjaja membuka kembali meter air 1 November: Syabasmemotongterus'bekalan air ap~bila bil melebihi RM100,000 Menurutmereka, hanH~ir20 tahunbemiagadipasarberkena- an, merekatidak pemah dikenakan sebarang bayaran dan arahan itu dikeluarkan serta-merta apabila Syarikat. Bekalan Air Selangor (Syabas)mengeluarkan notis pemotonganbekalan airpada,24 November lalu. ~engerusi Persatuan Penjaja Pasar Pagi Seri Kembangan, Liew Choo Long berkataj apa yang dikesalkan notis yang dikeluarkan pihak berkenaan tidak disertai dengan kepala su" rat sehingga' meny~babkan penjajakeliru siapa sebenarnya yang mengeluarkan notis berkenaan. Katanya, ia seolah-olah ada peniaga beranggapan notis berkenaan dikeluarkan oleh pihak persatuan dan mengarahkan mereka membuat pembayaran tunggakan bil air mengikut jenis perniagaal! seperti ditetapkan. "Notis berkenaan hanya menyatakan St(lCU(/r2info daerah. berapa jumlah yang harusdibayarolehpeniagase- , dangkan tidak tertera arahan dikelua~hn oleh siapa sehipggalah'beberapapegawai daripada MPSJ datang meminta karni membuat bayaran. "Arahan rnengemii- pern- ~2 November: PusatKhidmat DUN (DAP) membayar ~~~-'~ Penjajapasar pagi mengadakan piketsecara aman bagi membantah pembayaranair di pasar ' berkenaan PClgikelmarin.(Gambarked!)Liew Choo Long. bayaranitu juga tidak perniih dibincangkan, bersama wakil persatuan, malilh ada di,antara yang bertii:J.dakengganmembayarnyakeranatidakbersetuju mengenai kadar bil air ditetap- kan,"katanya. ' ' Beliauyang menglJ.lasJaktor beberapapenjaja-yang mengadakan pikef membantah pembayaran' air ituipagi kelmarin jugaberkata, perijaja tidak mahu membuat pembayaran bukan saha-ja kerana kelirunamun turut mendakwa terpaksa'membayar air yang tidak digunakan oleh mereka. Katanya, pembaziran air berlaku terlalu banyak akibat paip-paip pecan di' pasar ber- kenaan, malah mendakwa ia tidak dibaiki walaupun,aduan telah dibuat beberapakali. "Penjaja memohon MRSJ mengadakan taklimat bersama ITIl';rekamengenai' pembayarail bil air'berkehaan kerana ramaiyang tidak fahain bagaimana bayaran itu dikategorikan," katanyalagi. "Seorangpembantu penjual daging kambing, Munir, 28,berkata pihaknya mempersoa.lkan mengapa jenis pemiagaan yang dijalankannya dikenakan'kadar bilair sebanyak RM200. bagi menyambungkan kembali bekalan air kepadapenjaja. Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri 4 November: (DUN) Seri Kembanganpula sebariyak RM5,OOOpada 25 UndanganNegeii(ADUN) Seri MPSJ adakan dialqg bersama Ahli Dewan Novemberlalubagimengelak- Kembangan, fan YongHian , kan pemotonganbekalan,airdi Wah,AhliParlimen'Serdang, pasar berkenaan. Teoh Nie Chi,Ja~,!!an berbanding lain-lainjenis per- Sebelumini SinarHarian niagaan-yang hanya dikenakan bayaran air sebanyak RMio sa- pernahmelaporkan Yang Dipertua MPSJ, Datuk Adnan haja. "".", " "McL.',Jkhsan' PerlesenanMPSJ;Jabatan ,mempertimbangkan ;s~m,ula dan1>ekira- ,-perIli' ditanggung p,~nJaia;", . . Kejuruteraan dan Syabas untl!.k membincangkan isu pe- , menjelaskan., "mo!:9ngar\bJlair;d.iI,n "Karni.' m,eminta,t.':Mr§l>. ;futJggakanb,ilairbed<'~1;laair }aQbil~'-}" , kadar)llyaranini RMS,OOO maklumkafi,MPSJ ada membuat pembayaran sebanyak .RMIO,OOOmanakala Pejabat iO~eli;Iii4aK' ,:, '0', "'" peng,utip- ;';~/ ' . 2'H<lovember:Syab,as " '",' nyaJ)ol~h~p.gurangk:p jum- ., ,'!3eliilU berkatapenjajadi:pa-, ", rnengelu\lrkansuratpefihgatan 'lah yangperlu ditaIiggungke-H ,$;jrberkenaanperiumemberikilll:',.kepadaMPSJ lJJ~inta ran~ ha~ya;.berniaga s-ecara ,st,im?a,ngan111l~in~njeliskan ':'rnenjel~S.ka.Q:pil?i(tertunggak kecll-kecllan,"'katanya. . bll alr'berkerntankeranaMPSJ.dan seklfanYil'gagal pemotongDifahamkan;Syabasme- sudallbanyakmemb,antusejak anairdibuatpada26 ngeluar!am ,notis;, peringatan mengambilalihpasarberken,aan' November;' l kedua kepada ~SJ, kerana sejaktahun-12tahun lalu. ,kegagalan'menjelaskan. pernJurnlahYjillg telah diper- 25 November:MPSJY,,{embuat sebanyakY" ~lJayaranbilair yangte(timggak untukkanMPSJ untuk mem" pembayara,n "Sayaydak menggunakan di pa~arberkenaansejal','Pebe-bayarbilaii:aipasaritu~kata'airuntukmenjalankanpemiaga- "t.apa'.buian.lalusehingg~emen- nya juga rii-elebihiRM200,000 ,:~M1~,000k~ada~;t2'~~SXg~as an ini, tetapimengapa harga cecah}ebihRM~OO,OOO. . 1.- 3, Disember: Pengutipan ~i.1 selama. ?eberapa tahun seSmar Hanan turut dlbelum Ill!. air dllaksanakan kepada pen)a)a yang dikenakan terlalll mahal \ " SINAR IifuuAN Tarikh: D.~..QI£.~~.~....... tlA5~ fl(z Siapa selepas Ab~Hakim.? ... _pentingan ramai. "Calon mesti mempunyai pengalaman luas terutamanya dalam hal melibatkan masalah rakyat. "Calon biar darikalangan KPKT atau DBKL,"katanya Oleh RADZUAN HASSAN ketika dihubungi semalam. danSUHANAVERU . "Bagaimanapun, tugasan [email protected] ~ sebagai da.tukbandar bukan , mudah memandangkan'maKUALA LUMPUR - Teka teki siapa - sih. banyak yangperlu di~ Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur kesembilan lakukan. sudah bermula. SALLEH "Jlka dilihatkeadaan sePersoalan sama ada Datuk Ab. Hakim karang, masih banyak benBorhan dikekalkan lagi atau 'brang baru' yang cukup sinonim dengan dunia pih~ dilantik menggimtikan yang tamat 14 berkuasa tempatan(PBT) dan seba.gai qa yang perlu dilakukan t~rutamanya kemudahan prasaranacdan,pengangkuDisember ini masih menjadi tanda ta'bidan' yang melahirkan Majlis Perban~ tan," kata:Fofig. nya. dm:an Subang Jaya (MPSJ) beberapa Sementara itu, menurut sumber, seBagaimanapun, jika peneraju Dewan tahundahulu hingga membawa MPSJ Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL)diberi sebagai PBT paling berpengaruh di Se- lain ada hubungan dimgan PBT, seseorang calon itu perlu dilihat dari aspek kepada 'orang baru' - ramai melihat 'langor kemudiannya. , ketegasan dan kreativitinya menangani kepada dua individu yang layak iaitu Semasa di MPSJ, ungkapan 'Ahmad sesuatu isu di ibu kota. , Fuad itu MPSJ dan MPSJ itu Ahmad Ketua Pengarah DBKL, Datuk Salleh Lagi pun:;selain pembangunan Iestari, Yusup dan Ketua Setiausaha (KSU) KeFuad' memang menjadi ungkapan terata-rata warga bandar raya ini mahu menterian Perumahan dan- Kerajaan rutama di kalangan wartawan kerana 'sentUhan' tersendiri seorang datuk banTempatan (KPKT), 'Datuk Ahmad F\1ad kenyataan kerasnya. Ismail. dar walaupun kuasanya terhad kerana Jika dilantik, Ahmad Fuad akanmenDBKL di bawah kementerian. Selain itu, tidak kurang juga cakap-cajadiKSU yang kedua menjadi Datuk Bagi penduduk, peneraju DBKL bukap mengaitkan pemilihan Timbalan Kec Bandar Kuala Lumpur selepas Ab. Ha.tua Setiausaha Kementerian Wilayah kim yang dahulu KSU Kementerian Wi- kansekadar menyelesaikan isu banjir -kilat,' kesesakan 'lalu lintas, perumahan Persekutuan (Pembangcinan), Datuk Balayah Persekutuan. dan pengangkutan awam teta,pi juga' karuddin Othman. Bagi Bakarudin pula, walaupun bukan kenal 'jiwa' Kuala Lumpur secara peApa pun masing-masing punya kecalon pilihan, bekas YangDipertua Majlis ribadi. lebihan.Jika Salleh terpilih, beliau mePerbandaran Selayang itu juga ada kreApa lagi cabaran semalPn kompleks ngulangi pelantikan Datuk Ruslin Hasan dibilitinya. sekarang selain hasrat menempatkan sebagai 'orang dalam' DBKL yang kedua Sementara itu, sesiapa sahaja yang ibu kota sebagai salah satu bandar raya menjadi datuk bandar. i menduduki 'kerusi panas' itu bakal berterunggul di dunia yang, masih dalam . Atas kertas, pengalamannya di DBKL " hadapan pelbagai cabarari bukan setakat pembikinan. dan ,bekerja di bawah beberapa datuk 'menguruskan' ibu negara tetapi berTidak dinafikan, ramai masih mebandar menjadikan Salleh paling layak hadapan dengan Ahli Parlimen. di karindui 'kehebatan' bekas Datuk Banmengemudi 'bahtera' DBKL: langan pembangkang yang berSikap kridar terdahulu seperti Tan Sri Elyas tis.' Mungkin sifat lembut dan berkomOmar. Ahli Parlimen Bukit Bintang, Fong Kui promi menjadi kelebihannya dan bakatApa pun, terpulang kepada Perdana sebenar beliau mungkin menonjol jika Lun berkata,'individuyang, dilantik menMenteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad peluang. jadi Datuk Bandar Kuala Lumpur perlu Bagi Ahmad Fuad, beliau seorang dipilih teliti kerana ia melibat~ ke- Badawi untuk menentukannya. ~ okus KOSMO Tarikh: ..Q 4 DEC 2008 ...............- , i . ---~--- Liu: PR is not against CCTVs in SelangorWtL By ELAN PERUMAL [email protected] T HE PakatanRakyat(PR)government in .. Selangoris not againstthe installation of 1& eovs, local government committee chairman RonnieLiusaid. However, he added that the state's main concernwas the costs involvedin doing so. Liuwas responding to comments made by Selangor residents and the Selangor police chief Datuk Khalid.Abu Bakar that the state government seemed to be dragging its feet over the matter in yesterday'sStarMetro. As a responsible government, Liu said PR wanted to ensure that publicfunds were used accordingly. "We were shocked to find out that a RM120mil'contract had been signed by the previousgovernm~nt with a private company to install414 eovs in tIiestate. "We have requested the companyto review its costs and subsequently formed an independent panel to review the costs. "Boththe panel and the companyhavebeen "Likewise, a shopping complex in petaling working on it before recentlysubmittingtheir Jaya has installed some 400 units of eovs' and papers to the state," he said. yet finds it hard to control the number of Beside,sthat, Uu said the state was also study- ing the effectivenessof the ecrvs in preventing crime. He said overseas and local finljiingshad revealed that the Ose of eovs was not as . effective ashad'beenpublidsed. . ''The state was made to understand that the presence of 10,000 eovs in London did nof help to bring down the crime rate in Engalnd's capital city. crimes in the buildjng," he said. The other vital concern, he said, was the inferior~quality of the images provided by the cameras. He said the images provided by the ecrvs were not' clear and. they often failed to help identify the criminals involved. ''This has been proven in many cases and the state wants to ensure that' eovs that are installed must be able to provide clear images STAR Tadkb: 0"".'''' i, DEe 2008 ...... th,at they will serve as vital information towards crime prevention efforts or to solve criminal, cases,"he said. 4 Under the circumstances, Uu said there was no truth to allegations that the state was not interested in installing eCfVs. He said the state was very serious in its efforts to ensure that the rakyat's money was wiselyused. ' "We don't want to make a show of installing eovs all over. the place and waste public funds if they are not going to serve a purpose," he added. - --- -~ PST Selangortida'k,berdepan masalahkewangaA !1'rttv f!t~ - SHAHALAM Semuapihak berkuasa tempatati (PBT) di negeri ini berupaya menjalankan operasi seperti biasaJanpa menghadapise!Jarangmas~ah kewangan se~rti yang di~ dakwaKetua Pembangkatig, Datuk Seri Dr MohamadKhir Toyo s~malam., cPengerusi Jawatimkuasa Tetap Kerajaan Tempatan, Kajian danPeny.elidikan, , Ronnie Liu berkata, elaun ahli majlis PBT. tidak dinaikkan sebaliknya mereka diberi peruntukan' RMz;500untuk me- "Kawasari'seperti Majljs Bandaraya ShahAlam (MESA) danMajIis Perbandaran Klang , (MJ?KJmempunyai'kemudahmFberkenaan dan tidak diberi, peruntukan itu. Kerajaari negeri juga membual pemafitauan dari masa ke 'semasa untuk memas~aribaIituan kewaIlg-, an ini tidak disalallguna.k:an,;' katanya pada sidang media Se- , lepasMesyuaratExeoKerajaan Negeri,semalam.' aga(dapat memberikan khid~ matf~rbaik untukmasyarakat setempat," katanya. leh digunakan sebagai:pejabat bagi melancarkan urusan-pentadbiran., . "Kita juga menggalakk:an ahli majlismenggunabangUn",an .niilik kerajaan bagimen.jimatkari kos," katanya. , RoDriie berk~ta memberitahu,~Jenteri Besar, Tan SriAbdul Khalid Ibrahimakan mengadakanpeijumpaanclan , sesi dialog dengan allli' majlis PBT di negeri itu pada Z2 Sementaraitu, Ronnie me- Disemberini. nyeru ahli Barisan Nasional '~Melaluipeijumpaan se(EN) bekeijasama meJ:!lberi begini diharap akan dapat me'akses dewan grang ramaikerealisasikanterjemahan'agennyediakan pejabat yang lengkap untukmemudahkanmenjalan padaahlimajlis PBT yangbaru da 'Merakyatkan- Ekonom~ supaya premisberkenaan bo- Selangor'¥epada seluruh PBT tugas. ' , SINAR HARlAN Tarikh: ...u.LQF..~..~t....... Dalamperke~banganlain, beliau tUf\ltmengumurnkan bah(j.wakerajaan negen tidak melarangpengeluaran lesen besi buru~ tetapi perlu mt;ndapatkan lesen berkenaan daripada 'pihak polisterlebih dahulu. , "Kita membuat keputusan tidak akan melarang sesiapa yang berminat untukmenjalankan perniqgaan tersebut tetapi perlu mendapatkan lesen daripada polis terlebih dahulu. Selepas itu barulall boleh memohon daripada PBT masingmasing," katanya. 5/~ ~li1/ Teres,agesapolispantauaktiviti ~pa SERIKEMBANGAN-Polis ~gesa l1}e-. akhhar srlepashertemu denganZainal berkata,1'ihaknyamengesyorkan polis lakukan pemantal.landan siasatan di pu"' inenggnnakan pendekatanpenyamaran sat urut sertaprt1mis pemiagaanyang menawark:m!<hidmat SPa bagime- , b~kutankedua-duagadis y~g. menngenal pasti sekiranya wujud sindiket jadi mangsa rnelldakwa;mereka:dibawa yanginel1jadi\<:an..wanita dari negara ke'sato tenfpat yang digambarkanse~ luar sebaga:ip~lacur di premis pemiagabagaisp~. anmereka. ':. , .AhliDywaD.;.Urtna: y~ngll1erij~la11K~ppyras" ."dall; (AD UN) Kirtnira, T~resa. berkata,laberiRutantyrbo ~~t~~:~e,IlyarallK~fp~~ , 'c,',"',, " ','" C,'..ay~ . ,f.'1n~¥j ','.dima~g~4l~~{terb~?~Jh1t' "laJ&l,1ke~aj,kydamy,nyyJ~.~~1i,;manlf; kes mell1bab,itkandu~w2 mendaf.wa7nyans dilaqi spa nam!lp ga~al me,' ,.' sebenart~inpatim. .,°' " ''Te~m baIly,cak:~~ll1pat,giIlegeri, 4li " siadanseterusnya menjadikanmangsa sebagai p'eladur. "Sebagai w;1kil rakyat,.sayoabimo bang apabila.pellyeludupan ll1ailUsia berlakudi p,uchong danmerrkayang 'menjadi mangsa.adalahgadismuda yang berkemungkinan tidaktahu ~an terbabit dengall~i?diketpetacurall,?' katanya. - TUrUt mCllemani ,beliau kelliu . . ~ej~batPolisDiler~ SUIJ~l5iaya,kirakirajams:45 pagisemalam,Pembanm KhasnyaiGmyChong..I<;uellYip. '. ,Katan.ya;BplisJ[giwW~~l~(iiYela~7 " kan pelllantauan. di §B~.s,ekit~r,k~\V,a~an. im kenma,bil1lbangP,jlchgn,pwenjadi,lot'.. " kasi. sindik~~;.wel1yelJ1gu~>g~dis-ga4i§ mudaun~wjadik'iinpel~fur." . "Pagiinf(semaJ.aillrsaya oerjjlnipa. denga~Ketua~olis Daerah SUbangJaYll" AsistenKomisioner ZainalRashid Abu . Bakar,bagimelahirI<ank~pril1atin'Waan . kebimbanganJerhadap ke,jadi~n herlaj' ku kepadadua gadis}.varga China yang datangke negara im,"katanya. . Teresa(kanari)bersalarnan denganZainal ketika mengadakan pertemuan itu Teresa ketika mengadakansidang semalam.' .~. ' SINAR HARIAN Tarikh: DJ...r).~.~.2Q9.t..... -- -~---- NST VI (2 ~elaH:gor lifts' ban"pnscrap metallic~nces , ,- ,~ ~ '° ',c<,' . ByV ShankatCia'n~h who operated from industrial lots would be approved. " ,.\§j-2;iVWfi; "We will not allow operaSHAHALAM:The"('" w.on tions mhousing areas, comscrap"Illetal'licenc"-~eh mercial lots or agricultural liftedWiib !IDnH:Jdi ~etih' lan'd," he said after the state' inthe state. executive council meetillg here yesterday. St.ltt,:, ..'tocal.Go¥erIl1Ii~p.t, tiu said existing operations Research an.d, Deyelopl\ltmt 'Youldbe given until June next G:Qmh1itte~ch ',~o)]}Jje tiu s~<J1~ePaIl~, e.~;a(- year to relocate to, inaustrial ter police recent! ulleed lots. thatthey would resume giving .He saidconvertingland stai/yolicepermitsto scrap metq,l' Justo ihdustry lotswould not be allowed, as this was a long opera~s. He said those who wanted, process. till said local authorities the"licence:Q1Ust obtain the po.lice permit before applying to would step up enforcement to the local authorities. ensure operators did not buy However, he said onlr those, stolen items, ~ [email protected] ,.,'~~!,' , ~ -{ " ' ",: < He said meetings were held with scrap metal _operators before. the decision was reached. On another issue, hesaid local authorities Were no! becoming bankrupt as claimed by" state ,opp~sition leader Datuk SeriDr MoM KhirToyo. He said the s~te government was only providihg aid of . not.l\lorethan RM2;QOO per month to councillors who did not have a proper officeto carry out their work. tiiI said councillors from Shah Alam and Klang were not eligilile for this aid as they were provided with office,faCilities. NEW STRAITS TIMES Tarikh: ..o.!t..Q~~..~......... .- BH tf,J/1, BPA ..ikrar selesaraduan dal_amtempohlOhari Birobe~aha beri maklltm balas.'laporatl'~~c48'-j!m. ',POH: Biro Pengaduan 'kan'siasatan danDlembetl- kin, bagi m~mudah.kan Mf~raengallnilai~ahyang kan Dla:klu:tn baIas cikfulDle- rakyatyangmenghadapi Dla-qiambtl ba,gi menyiapkap. ikrar untuk berusaha- nyebabkan,rakyatmenyalah~ salah meDlbuat aduan serla projek landasan berkeDlbar memberi maklum, oalas ter~ kan pengurusan 'kerajaaIl,'" laporan. ,-. dariIpohkePadangBesardi Bellauberkai<!-,BPAjuga PertiS.' hadap semua laporan yang katanya dalam ~idang aklF Dalam pertemuan hampir dibiIat kepada jabatan 1tu da- bar di Ibu Pejabat BPAPerak, akan melantik jawatahkuasa aduan. yang berkhidmat se- duajiUllitu,K'rMB bersefuju lamtempo:t148 jam serta cuba di sini semalam. -menyelesaikannya dalam Murugiahberkata" BPAjU- cara'sUkarela'di-..peringkat untuk mena"ikka~ Kadar tempoh 10hari bekeija. palllpaSal1;kepada antara gadalam perancangan DleDl- daerah. bagLmemastikantuTitnbalan Menteri di Ja- bUka pejabatdi Kelantan, Ke~ gas,anjabatan. itu sampaf'keRM34,boo dan RM295,OOOkebatan Perdana Mehteri,T ;pad~ seDlUJi''peridudUk terdahdan Perlis'secepat Dlun~- peringkat akar umbi.. Murugtah, .berkatalangkah "Melalui cara ini, fungsi. babit. ' , jabatan ini akan Iebih ber' , . Murugiahjugaberpesah' itu dianibil 'bagi ,.mengelak kes yangm~,nyebabkan 'Irek~san dall. dapat;ditnanfaat.'kepad"as€fD1ua,.pend uduk Semuapetugas susahan kepada rakyat nekan' kepada setjap lapisan yang DleDlininyaimasalah. jugadiinlnta gara ini bel'larutanycing'ak,Dlasyarakat.. Pera,ncangan"agfJ,r me1Ilbuat aduan terus memberikan hirnya mengurangkan kesudah-diatur dm1'BPAyiitrii""'o'kepada''BPA untuk. tinda~ percayaan rakyat terhadap j~wahmkuasaift.iaj{a,Ilgiliin-, kan'dan m~ngela~ daripada }erjasama ", kerajaan. . '"t~tidak lapla l!lgtbagi'~en-' .',berjutnpadenganpihak "Semua l!etngas juga diseb~i~"muntJginll jadi .Q~Jll~~tu' ~!J~p.A~,'ja,9~-,;pembangkang. '. .. . 'minta. memberikankerjasatan;,.!ir~pih::ingka:tdaeraij;'~S~Dlu.a Dlas~ah yang di,daomelayan '. masebaik mungkindan tn~kampung'dan pedaIaman," adUkan k~pada"pembangsetiap. masa/an katanya. kang hanya'digunakaJ!unlayan setiapmasalahy~g diadUkan denganseDlpurna Terdahulu, -beJjag sudah tJ,IkmeDlbuatbism& di. ParyangAiadukanbagi niengelak proses siasa~ Dl~nemui22perililiklan,)l1di limen t~tapi. gagal Dlenyeledengan. tan terge~daia mallaj{alasesekital'I{\1.aTh.Kangsari~yaIig' saikannya,jadidataJ,lglahke- . ., cosempprna""" DleDlbuatilapotan,kepadaja~ pada kenij~ dan'kita'akan Dluakaki~gan BPAhendaklah mem beri layanan T MuruGlah batanifu mengenaJ,> pamp.€l"seleS~ikan,;,dengansebaik 7imbalan MenterrdiJabaton, sin Keretap~,TanaHMelaYu Dlungkiri,"katanYI!.- BernaDlesra kepada pengadu. Perdano Menteri . "Kelewatan BPA nierijalanBerhaa (KTMB)yang'terlalu ~ma.;.:. . I. Awam (BPA), membuat , . ". , , ,', I ". ,," -, BERITA HARlAN Tarikh... l\.~..P'g.~..?QQ!-- . No .apOlogi~:J ' 4111, Ito 5 er d ang MCA over: j , hallissue ., I By GEETHA KRISHNAN I I i THESelangor governm~nt will not apologise to the Serdang MCAover the Taman Sungai Besi Indah. community hall issue highlighted on Nov29. State Islamicaffa~rs,Malay.culture, i~frastructure and publIc amemties commIttee chairman DatiIk Qr Hassan Ali said the cur- rent state administration had a different set of rules to abide by. , c. ' I II l Hewas responding to the Serdang MCA's request for an apology after receiving notices from t~e Subang Jaya Monicjpal Council and thePetalingDistric(Office tbhand over .. " the tl<ill. i "We.are not emphasising ownership but on utilisati9-n, where the previous rules no ! ; longer apply," he. said at the Tanjung 12 . sanitary landfillin KualaJ.artgat. i "ThecommuQity hall jn this instance sho!lld not be used for NICA-{elated.activities and programm~s only. but made accessible for all faces and ages,"h~ said. , Hassan also said the. Ampar Tenang dumpsite in Dengkilwouldremain open for another Qve.tosix 'mori,t\1s .although'it had reach~pm~imum capa6JtY. "Ampar Jenang wiIlonly. closepft~r Tanjun~nppensin May."rhestate is Q°"Y. waitirigfortlie PublicWprks D~partmeritto ! complete the 11km access road,and 'tl1e additional 3km,stretc;J1-' by.Worldwide Holdings,"he added.'" ..; . , WoildwtdeLHoldings ,8M had sigrieda concession i)greement With.the state government to manage the landfillfor 20year~.. Once Qpen,the landfill on 64ha or state:' owned land would receive domestic waste from Sepahg, Kuala ~ngat; putrajaya, Cyberjayaarid Kajang.~, On objections from Kampung Sungai Terentang residents in Rawang, over the Tenaga Nasional l3erhad (TNB)RM324mil CentralArea Reinforcementproject, Hassan said the people'swelfarewas paramountbut the state government was also mindful of development. The project is to strengthen the power grid in central Peninsular Malaysia: " \. 1;arikh: STAB.. ... 2008 ....0 it 0EC ." ~~C~-cC- - I ' ingini S~pert itamer ~gut Kata Sharikan, ke, ~ bakaran itu berjaya di- "nyawa Jlka tldak sempat pad3.mkan sepenuhnya kira-kifa'pO pagi kerana pihalq1ya ,mengliadapi masalah angihkuat yang riJ.enyebabkan api me:;. febak dengan cepat. meriyelamatkan diri. '" "Kita menasihati mereka supaya tiqak cinenjadiKanpremis rueJ1Yimpan perabo(se,bagai , ,Namun kata beli- au, pihaknya bersyukur ' kerana anggota berjaya mengawal api daripada merebak ke kedai ber- , , , , , , , ,, " , .l , tempat'tidur malahme'rekajuga perlumemastikansusUn atur bararig da, lamkedai 'berada dalam SHARIKAN BUSJAMANkeadaankemas. . ' ' . ' "Selain itu" peng- ) sebelahan yang boleh menyebabkan usaha juga dinaSih~tk~ supaya ti.1 keadaan menjadi lebih sukar. dakmepyuppan barahg~barangmudah. "Api berjayadikawal15 minitketerbakar atau memblfatpenyambung, mudiandankita mengambillangkah anelektrik luarkawal sehihgga bo: segera bagi mengelakkan ia merebak. teh menjadi fakt& kebakaran," katake bangunan bersebelahan. Namun kenya htgi.< semua barangan diillPeralatan tidak SemeIit~raitu,. pek(1s Ahli dapat diselamatkan kerana api rri,arak I)ewan'Umlangan Negeri (ADDN) terlalu cepflt," katanya lagi. 'Seri Kembangan, Datuk'Liew Yuep. Sehuoungan ifu, Sharikan meKeong yang melawat ke tempatkenasihati pengusaha kedaiperabot su- ' jadian menggesa pengusahakedai pepaya tidak menjadikan kedai perabot I;abotmenjadikankejadian kebakaran 1 ' . mereka sebagai tempat tidur pekerja keran~ bimbang kejadian ctidak di: . I itusebagai iktibar dah memastikan ia tidak berulang pada fuasa Mpan. SINARHARIAN \ Tarikh: O.!t..UEC..200a...... Disabled get Selang,or's ear All EARS: ActivistCarol,Rasiah (inred blouse)wasamongthe disabledand theirfamilieswho;lttendeda dialoguesessionin SubangJayaover,theweekend' , ByT. H.TEOH . friendly State," Liu said. der the ambit ofthe Federal "Including the disabled in government. SELANGORseems to have a the RCs will also help sen"We can start meeting headstart. in making things sitise other members of the miniSters to.remind them right for the disabled, ahead "committee on the various of problems faced by disof this year's International problems and" challenges abled people.,.On my side, I Day for 'Persons with Dis- the disabled face in their will bring up your problems abilities. daily lives. with the presidents of the "We can look into allocat- 1210cal councils," he said. After a special dialogue "We plan to consider prosession for the disabled, or- ing seats in RCs for the disganised bySub;lng Jaya as- abled to join and ,contrib- viding free parking for the semblyman Hannah Yeoh ute to the development of disabled throughout the over the weekend, Selangor disabled-friendly facilities whole State. As such" per,," executive councillor Ronnie in the State." haps in the future, you can Liu said the disabled in SejlCs are now made up of drive around and'park for langor would be invited to individuals who represent free." join the various Residents' the various community Liu also sai!ithe State gov. Committees (RCs) in the groups, residents' associa- ernmentwalltedtheSubang State's 1210cal councils. nons and even non-govern- Jaya'Municipal Council to This move will mark the ment organisations., Each introduce a free van service committee is chaired by a for the disabled. first time in the countryiliat the disabled community is councillor. "All you have to do is dial Liu!,aid the State govern- the designated number at recognised and given a(significantly proactive role to ment would be launching a the council. and they will play in the neighborhoods special welfare programme send a van over to take you they live in. for the disabled next year. wherever you need to go in" I: However, he added that the municipality. .. "We will identify disabled some of the problems faced "The council can build Qn people who can contribute to the various RCs and sub- by the disabled .:-. ,such this proposal and take the sequently pave the way to as education, welfare' and lead for the other councils make Selangor a disabled- transportation - were un- to emulate," he added. ' Hannahsharesthe pain HER voice cracked. Tears it was for those who cared started to well in her eyes for the disabled. as the Iso-odd people who "My grandfather was bedshowed up for the dialogue ridden for months. I can unon disabled people were 'derstand how you feel: You glued on. Subang Jaya as- , are deprived, unlike the rest semblyman Hannah Yeoh. of us,"she said, when, payDespite being composed ing tribute to parents and during her opening ad- caregivers .of the disabled, dress, she began tearing as who had sacrificed a lot in she spoke about personally caring for their loved ones'. "For what you have done, understanding how difficult MALAY MAIL Tarikh: l~.P.~£'.~.Q- I salute you. Today is the first step to reach out to you. We want to have first class infrastructure for the disabled and their families. "So, please speak up and help us make the system better for you to mOve forward with us," Yeah said 'to cheers from the crowd, made up of the disabled, and their families. I Live-and-Iet-Uve sexin Pucbong Brothel located just SOOmfrom police station IN the live-and-Iet-live sin town of Puchong, where prostitutes openly sell sex a stone's throw from the main policestation, sex is even sold ~W~''''..,~ to the rest of Klang Valley ..."",~~ and beyond - through the Internet. By NAJMUDDIN NAJIB and A Malay Mqil probe has TEOHEL SEN unearthed the existence of It is a one"stop site for sexonline brothels operating under the guise ofhealth spas seekers, complete with photo in several budget hotels in the' galleries of the girls available, details of their nationalities, heart of Puchong. Disturbingly, one such the services offered and the Internet-linked brothel is e fee. The website name is deriVed located neai'the Puchong from the term "Cheongster", police headquarters. Residents say Internet 'used to 'describe someone ser" accesshas opened avenues to who enlists aprostitute's tempt'the young to have sex vices. "Cheong" is Cantonese with prostitutes and spread for "rush". the reachofthe sextrade. , Malay Mailhas beenmoni~ taring the websitefor weekS. ,A reader who requested anonymitY said; "Red-light On the niairipage, prospective custoniers can click districts are traditionally known as urban areas where on the scroll down butprostitution and other busi- ton to view picttires oQI1~ nesses in'the sex industry are prostitutes based on their available; nationalities, whiCii include "But now, every computer China nati\>nals( ~ussialls, with Internet access - from 'Thais, Vi~inaJnese alld ' the olie in your office to the Indollesians." A thumbniil gallery of the one in your' child's bedroom - can link one to the sex women w\>uldtI1wappear, trade." , with the manner 'of their Our investigations revealed dressing leavillglittl~ to the that vice syndicates' in ' imagination. Puchong and its sister townUsted too aiehandphone ship of Subang Jaya have numbers as welLas hotline gone online by collectively numbersofagents. ' After, placing a booking? promoting their "products" the customer then makes on a custom-built website. 6. r~~ . \'."",1. -.. I: -k""; 11'\11\ ,. '\",,, - , ." , " , '' ' . ,~' ,',",' , ' ",I ' ,S' '''l~'', '''''' '" , ,-.<'1iIiL,,ii, " , , , , , 1 , , Ot! THESTREET ANDONLINE SEX(topandabove):One~fthe brothelsisl situated at Jalan Kenari 2,~Thepuchong P9Jke stationis in'the vicinity. ! , c~ ',' '", SEXIVI~NU:Aphoto'gallery ofC~i~ese.national girls that,the website daimstobea~retoprovidea~ddeli~~! ", his way to the spa for tile' . Singapore.' ' ;, A check;y~t~rday showed t}lat the website was Closed down yet agaiIi for "maintenance". c . " . ""',,' WhenaMalaY.l\faili-<;~ort" rendezvous. '",', ,'", er, posing asacust!JIn,er, The websitehasproyen call~d'thecn,uml'ers 0,,",the to b~ a hit alI1on,g Illterllet website", th;,agents 011 the us.;rs, attracting more .tliim other ~ndgay~ hllnconfi~a-' ,300,0()()vi~ws froIll notonlytion?fthe bJ:OthelS,inciuding MalaysiaiQ:ut also India and the ,one less than 500 metres from a Police station:' "Yes, our new;, promotioll is RM188 per girl. )t1'Yas " ~. ~ s~e p.exl:J,Jage MALAY MAIL" Tarikh: .0..LQ F..~.:m~~._... '\ Servicecomes with Ja'cuzzi, freemeals from I \ Pa~e 2 RM20g before. IUs complete with sauna,jacuzzi, freemeals, bath and the full service," said,.the"agent,: who claimed that they were tl1echeapestin Kuala Lumpur and that "satis~ faction,is guaranteed". _Heexplained that an extra fee might be imposed, depending on distance, for the girlsto be sent ove~ to a customer's home. '''rhe girls are of course pretty. Juxt come over and take your pick, at any- .HQ6ke(~ jnhiaing time. You can even .stay the .whole day for RM2,03." THE police and Subang Jaya Municipal Council enforcement officers failed to acl1ieve any success early this morning -in anoperation aimed at nabbing those involved in prostitution in Puchong. Some 14 officers from the SubangJ aya district police station and 20 council' enforcement officers raided five premises from lam to 2.30am in an attempt to nab those involved in'the , BUDGET HOTEL NOTE: Subang Jaya district police chief ACP Zainal Rashid Ab\l Bakar &aid police and the $ubang Jaya Municipal Councilclosed down ,the hotel in question in puchong a year ago. " However, our check showed that it was still in operation: Police believe criminals have been, using' spas based in budget, hotels' as a front for organised prostitution. sex trade. \" ' However, the o'pera' tion waS futile as all five' premises were,Ul!expectediy, found to be "squeaky clean". Officerschecked all premises and were visibly disappointed 'at not finding any evidence. Subang Jaya district police chief ACP Zaillal Rashid Abu Bakar said: "Despite not being able to nab any sex worker, this willnot stop the policefrom conducting more raids in the furnre.", """ blamed fQrsins.oftownship ,Authorities By PAULINE ALMEIDA ' REVELATIONS about the seamier side of Puchong have got its residents up in arms,. with many blaming the authorities and at least one residen! rejecting media I reports. "I cannot agree that pros): titution is. rampant in this beautifulPuchong. 1 have . been livinghere forthe past partitions. ."'But. now, 90 per cent of the centres operating in puchong have partitions and this can lead to illegal- there are about 60 massage actiVities.' 'TI,1isappears to be pad in Bandar Puchong Jaya; Bandar ,Puteri and Pus'at J,'\andarPuchopg, "A.wtar sai!i yesterday. 'PusatBandar Puchong Residents' Association treasurer Y.H. Chang said the presence'of massage: parlours does not bpde well for the lO'-year-old .neighbourhood of 28,000 residents. "It has come to our'knowledge there are some ili our neighbourhood. Itisdifficult to telltheirop~rations g-om thefront,:' said Chang, centres there, with "quite a number" operating in Pusat Bandar Puchong. Some 15 centres, legal and, illegal; were operating in Bandar" I>uteri, many of these hav- , II II prices in Puchong. The facts, however, don't seem to be on Lee!sside, According to residents' associations in Puchong, - ing opelled in the last few nine years. It is difficult to months. :'find prostitutes here ... they Puchong Watchdog prodo not loiter in the streets tern committee chairman offering services, Jike they Awtar S,inghsaid previously do in ChowKit,"said Bandar there had been a limit on the' Pu1;eriTesiden~"CoS.Lee, 46. number of massage centres He also expressed concern' an area.couldhave. Licence oyerthe effect of such n(;Jga- conditions also specified tive publicity 'on property~ .there should be no rooms or ' MALAY MAIL Tarikh: ~.~..Q.~.~..m9t...... who blames "failure of.!noni. toring" by the authorities as the cause of the .problem. Bandar Puteri.Reside~ts' Assodationadviser D'atuk, Samson Davi'<fMaman$aid the problem stemmed. from the issuing of licences for foot massage, which pperators used to run a complete massage parlour. "This is evident in this area '...aR three floors of a shoplo~ were renovat~d and the people in the.sQ.rtoun'dingsare oblivious 1"0t4e 1 operations of the massage; parlour," said Maman. I He called on the people of .Puchong to tip off the authorities on shady opera-, tiolls in tneir areas. ~- MailBox . -- f ~~ VIABLESOLUTIONTO STRAYDOG-CATCHING GetNGOsto handle'strays, THERE seems to be no end to the problem of council worke"rsand private contractors being cruel to strCiY dogs while trying to catch them. Regardless of whether ~heStat~is run by a BN or pakatanRflkyatgqi~ emment, the samepe()ple run thelo. cal councils and, therefore, the dogcatchers have not changed; After more than half a century of independence, we still cannot come up with a solution. Allowme to propose a viable solution tb the problem of capturing stray dogs. I suggest that Selangor .set all ex~ ample by taking away the authority to catch stray dogs from the local . councils. and private contractors. 'Who would do it then? Selangor should consult with the SPCA and PAWS and should they agree, both these organisations could be provided with a yearly grant to take over the task, rehabilitating and re-homing of PURE CRUELTY:A stray dog killed catchers strays in Selangor. , 'Selangor could also provide land grants Willallow these organisations checks on all these animalsto be used as an animal salictuary / to buy their own fleet of vans and Groups like the Independent Pet hospital where all strays captured hire well-trained professional dog~ Rescuers JIPR) with their wide so- > would be taken to and treated for catchers who can handle the sn:ays cial.networking in the cOnUnunity are ideal parfuersfor SPCA and any illnesses or injuries alid be al~ in a humane manner. SPCA and PAWS can work with PAWS in the re"homing process.. lowed to reside jn. Only those dogs animal welfare groUps like the IndeThis move. will also remove,-the .fiwith incurable illnesses will be put to sleep. Pendent Pet Rescuers the. nandal burden Qn IPR ';Vhichhas The yearly State. government airiinals and do the usual follow~up to use its own financial resources to MALAY MAIL Tarikh: q.I.~e'!2m8.....- treat the animals rescued. . By taking away the authority to catch stray dogs and other pet animals from the local cbuncils in SelangoI' and giving the mandate to the SPCA andP AWS, it Immediately cuts off the source of cruelty to stray dogs - namely council workers and private contractors. The yearly grants to both these ()rganisations will be taxpayers' mo.ney well-spent as it allows two competent animal w,elfare organisations to take over the professional task of removing stray dogs from the community and housing them in a safe, healthy environment until they are re-homed.. . While we digest the above, we should also chew on what the late Gandhi had to say. on animal welfare: "The greatness of a natibn can be seen by the way it ,treats its animals. " And all is not lost too for the now jobiess council dog-catchers and private contractors. . Wi1:htheir animal-catching skills, I am sure they can be re-deployed to catch lawcbreaking Mat Rempit and snatch thieves at RM45 per capture. , . stray Dog Petaling Jaya .
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