Buletin Akademik Januari 2014 - Terengganu
Buletin Akademik Januari 2014 - Terengganu
PUBLICATION OF UPENA UITM TERENGGANU TERENGGANU Kewajipan menuntut ilmu cukup jelas di dalam Islam, sebagaimana Nabi bersabda “menuntut ilmu adalah wajib ke atas setiap muslim” (H.R Bukhari). Ukuran ilmu bukan terletak pada tingginya CGPA atau pada tingginya pangkat yang disandang. Ketinggian ilmu seseorang adalah dilihat pada mulia dan tingginya akhlak seseorang itu malah di tambah lagi dalam firman Allah “ ilmu membuat seseorang itu mulia, baik di hadapan Allah dan juga di hadapan manusia.” Ini bermaksud, semakin tinggi ilmu seseorang itu, maka semakin dekatlah dirinya kepada Allah. Hari ini dapat kita perhatikan bahawa semua orang yang berakal berlumba- lumba mencari ilmu, ilmu dunia mahupun akhirat. Tetapi,sedarkah kita bahawa dalam kita sibuk mengutip ilmu-ilmu yang berterbangan di ruang langit dan bumi, pernah kah kita terfikir tentang keberkatan ilmu yang kita pelajari? Adakah tersimpan kemas ilmu yang di pelajari di dada? Walhal, Islam memandang serius aspek keberkatan dalam menuntut ilmu. Keberkatan ilmu ini sangat penting bagi memastikan ilmu yang kita perolehi diredhai Allah SWT. Alangkah indahnya jikalau kita berjaya dengan ilmu yang diberkati Allah SWT. Ilmu yang berkat dapat membimbing kita menjadi manusia yang berakhlak mulia. Bak kata pepatah ilmuwan, ilmu yang berkat ibarat benih yang baik, jatuh ke laut menjadi pulau. Bagi seorang yang bergelar pelajar, keberkatan ilmu adalah yang paling utama.Pernahkah kita mengalami situasi tiba-tiba lupa ilmu yang kita pelajari semasa menjawab soalan peperiksaan sedangkan sebelum peperiksaan kita sudah belajar bersungguh- sungguh? Kadangkala kita merasakan sudah bertungkus-lumus mengulangkaji pelajaran dan menghafal semua maklumat yang ada tetapi masih juga susah untuk difahami. Jika hal-hal seperti ini pernah berlaku pada kita, semaklah kembali adab-adab kita sebagai penuntut ilmu,adakah kita menjaga adab-adab dengan Allah dan guru. Adakah sempurna solat lima waktu kita? Adakah terjaga hubungan kita dengan Allah? Adakah kita menjaga hubungan kita dengan kawan- kawan dan pernahkah terdetik dihati kita bahawa hormatkah aku kepada guru-guru ku? Tepuk dada tanya lah iman.Sedarilah bahawa ilmu tidak akan berkat jikalau hubungan dengan Allah tidak sempurna. Ilmu juga tidak berkat jika hilangnya rasa hormat kepada orang yang menyampaikan ilmu. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal berkata: “Kami diperintahkan supaya tawadhu’ kepada sesiapa yang kami pelajari ilmu daripadanya (guru atau ulama’). Lebih mendukacitakan apabila pada hari ini masalah keruntuhan moral saban tahun semakin ketara. Jenayah dan maksiat semakin hari semakin buruk. Hal ini bukan sahaja ditempat awam , malah di institusi pengajian tinggi seperti kolej dan universiti juga memiliki pelajar yang rosak moral. Walhal bila difikirkan secara logik akal, apabila seseorang itu 4 semakin mencapai ketinggian ilmu maka semakin berakallah mereka untuk menilai mana yang baik dan buruk, tetapi apa yang berlaku adalah sebaliknya di mana mereka semakin hari semakin hilang adab dan tatasusila. Mereka juga sudah hilang rasa hormat kepada guru malah juga kepada ibubapa. Inilah antara petanda bahawa pelajar sudah semakin hilang keberkatan. JANUARI 2014 Bila bercakap tentang kejayaan dan keberkatan, ianya adalah dua elemen yang berbeza. Tidak dinafikan, ada saja manusia yang berjaya walaupun adab pada guru tidak dijaga. Ada saja yang cemerlang walaupun meninggalkan solat, melanggar hukum-hukum Allah tetapi kerana tiada keberkatan, ilmu yang dipelajari hanyalah sekadar di hujung pen. Tidak mampu diamalkan dan langsung tidak membawa manfaat buat dirinya. Hanya berjaya dalam peperiksaan tapi tidak berjaya dalam hidup. Ianya adalah istidraj daripada Allah SWT, hanya berjaya mendapat kedudukan di dunia tapi tidak di akhirat. Nauzubillah himinzalik semoga kita di jauhi daripada golongan itu. Sedarlah bahawa ilmu itu suci, takkan hadir pada hati yang kotor dan penuh maksiat. Bangunlah wahai para penuntut marilah sama-sama kita bangkit mencari keberkatan kerana matlamat hidup kita adalah mencari redha Allah di dunia dan akhirat. Matlamat tidak pernah menghalalkan cara. Biarlah ilmu yang kita kutip sepanjang musafir kita di dunia ini betul-betul bermanfaat kepada manusia sekeliling, baik dari segi fizikal mahupun rohaninya. Tanamkan azam untuk menjadi sebagai seorang pelajar mukmin yang beriman dan bertakwa. Sesungguhnya, iman dan taqwalah yang dapat memandu kita meraih keberkatan sepanjang perjalanan menuntut ilmu yang panjang ini. Wahai Tuhan kami, berkatilah ilmu dan ke hidupan kami. Editor BOARD 1 I Think that the sun, moon and stars orbit around me that the wind whispers sweet music when my heart so desires that the waves will leap over the trees and hills upon my command do i not control every steps of my journey am i not the centre of the universe it is the arrogance of me it is the illusion of we for even the pet cat ignores me the school of tiny ants laugh at me the flora and fauna mock me and even every heart beat of me is beyond me 3 Sayonara 2013.. Bye bye.. The past is always the past. Definitely, bygones will never come back. It will remain as fruitful experiences and history which will always be kept in our minds. But, most importantly, it is the future that must be faced, if we are still alive, Insha Allah. When discussing the challenges of the future, I would like to delve on the economic perspective, as it is a key performer as to what and how we are going to handle the challenges that await us. Although I am serving the public as an economic lecturer, it does not mean that I am an expert in the area. This is just my personal opinion, which is open for further discussion. the past as to why the New Economic Policy (NEP) failed. Individuals and households that receive such an aid may use it for other purposes instead of reducing their financial burden. Besides, it creates a “subsidy mentality” among the citizens. Consistent with the Confucian proverb, “Teach the person to fish rather than feed him with fish”, the government is now aware of this problem due to criticism received from various quarters. Recently, the government has announced to substitute the BR1M with some other method which is said to be better compared to the cash aid (Nurul Fathihah, 2013). Such a method is more agreeable as reported by economists and various nonAs an opening remark, various incidents have government organizations (NGOs). Let’s wait occurred in Malaysia which lead to the increase and see. Whatever it is, I personally will support in the cost of living in Malaysia. Among these such measures for the betterment of the society. are the rationalization of the subsidies, as well as the increase in the rates of electricity, tolls in That is my opinion about Malaysians in general. 15 highways and transportation costs and incre- On the problems faced by the industries, let’s ment of rates for LRT and monorail users. To- look at the Small and Medium Enterprises gether with the implementation of GST (Goods (SMEs) and ignore the bigger firms as they are and Service Tax) in 2015, such actions sure to be domimay definitely increase the cost of living. nant in their fields. Luckily, we live in Dungun with no LRT, Th e mini mum monorail and tolls. At least, we are less wage policy comaffected compared to those who live in bined with the increase in various Kuala Lumpur and the Klang Valley. costs such as transThe rationalization of subsidies is conportation, tolls, ducted by the government as a measure taxes, fuels and to overcome its deficit. Subsidies on sugars will severely sugar and fuel have been reduced even hurt their enterthough these two goods are considered prises. Their proas necessities. In the near future, don’t duction costs will be surprised if the price of major goods be forced to sharpand services increase too. The reasons ly increase due to are merely due to the increase in the the abovecosts of transportation, electricity tariff, toll mentioned reasons. They have to pay more for hikes, reduction in subsidies for sugar and fuel labor as well as operating costs. In line with the as well as GST that need to be paid by all par- statement made by the National Wages Consulties, from manufacturers to the consumers. tative Council, there were 4,500 applications Fortunately, most of the necessities have been from the SMEs to postpone the implementation exempted from GST. However, the question that of the minimum wage rate policy due to their arises here is... Why the government is decreas- unwillingness to absorb higher operational costs ing subsidies and allowing the increase in the (Cecillia, 2012). In order to solve this problem, cost of living of Malaysians? The reason is due there are two options available - either to into a high deficit faced by the federal govern- crease the end-products’ price or reduce the ment. If such actions are not taken, it may lead operational cost. The first option may cause to an increase in the already critical national them to receive lower profit margin since condebt. sumers will be wise enough to choose the best Even though there is an increase in the cost of product offered in the market at an affordable living, various measures have been taken by the price. However, if they choose the second opgovernment to help the poor and the needy in tion, they might have to do away with certain Malaysia. Besides the implementation of a min- labor, which seems to be redundant, underperimum wage rate of RM 900 per month, the gov- forming or unproductive. Such an option may ernment has also given financial aid to deserv- further aggravate the already critical unemploying citizens in the form of Bantuan Rakyat 1 ment problem in the country. Malaysia (BR1M) which is valued at RM 650 per household (Cecilia, 2012). But then another question arises - is this amount sufficient? Defi- These are among the problems that need to be nitely it is insufficient for the poor people to faced due to the government’s bid to implement cope, considering the current high cost of living. the current economic transformation. The ecoHowever, the amount received can be used to nomic transformation which was initiated since tide over their basic necessities. But personally, 2010 was meant to transform Malaysia’s econoI quite disagree with such a move since giving my to be a high income country. In other words, instant cash may not solve any economic prob- we are striving for a developed nation status lem. The government should have learnt from with a high standard of living. However, it comes at a cost and many sacrifices. Subscribing to one of the macroeconomic theories, it is quite impossible for a country to achieve high economic growth without having to face these three problems, namely, inflation, unemployment and unequal income distribution. This discipline tries to explain that if the economy is in a booming condition, these three problems will exist automatically due to the market interaction. For instance, the second Finance Minister, Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Mohamad Hanadzlah claimed that the level of income inequality which is measured by the Gini coefficient index is still high compared to neighboring countries (The Star, 2013). For your information, the Gini index ranges from 0 to 1. The higher the number, the higher the gap between the rich and the poor. In 2012, the Gini index in Malaysia was recorded to be 0.431 compared to Thailand (0.4), Indonesia (0.37) and India (0.33). The Gini index of 0.431 is proof that there is still a high income inequality among Malaysians.Therefore, the poor and medium income groups will suffer the most if the cost of living becomes even higher in the future. But, that is the opportunity cost that need to be faced by the citizens since the government is striving for a high income nation by 2020. A higher standard of living followed by an increase in the wage rate is still tolerable. However, in the case of Malaysia, not all jobs are experiencing a wage increment. As example, the government has announced that the wage rate for 81 government servants’ schemes in the public sector will increase starting from January 2014. It gives hope to almost 600,000 workers throughout Malaysia (Cuepacs, 2013). Unfortunately, for the lecturers, only those who are working in medical and dentistry fields will receive such an increment. For record, there are 249 schemes all together. Cuepacs, the umbrella organisation for all unions in Malaysia, is currently negotiating with the government to make improvements to the remaining 168 schemes by increasing the wage rate, consistent to the higher cost of living. So, what should we do now? Plan all expenditures wisely and start saving more money for the future. If you have the capability to do a part-time job in order to earn extra income, do it, since it may help you later on. We do not know what awaits us. References: Cecilia, K. (2012). The effects of rising wages. The Star, December 8, 2012. Ceupacs (2013). Penjawat awam terlibat 81 skim ditambah baik akan terima opsyen bulan ini. Retrieved from http://www.cuepacs.org.my on 27 December 2013. Nurul Fathihah, Z. (2013). Pakar ekonomi, NGO sokong kaedah baru ganti BR1M. Berita Harian, December 21, 2013. The Star (2013). Malaysia’s income distribution inequality ‘still high’. The Star, Au- 2 2