GeoDiscovery Group
GeoDiscovery Group
GeoDiscovery Group Minerals exploration, discovery and management ELs 22209, 22210 and 24725 ROBINSON RIVER PROJECT NORTHERN TERRITORY FIRST ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 8th JUNE 2006 By Neil McLean Geo Discovery Group Pty Ltd On behalf of Gulf Mining Company Pty Ltd, the tenement holder 4 July 2006 GeoDiscovery Group Pty. Ltd. ABN No. 42 087 256 853 PO Box 59, Sherwood, Queensland, 4075, Australia LIST OF CONTENTS Page SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. TENEMENT INFORMATION 1 3. WORK UNDERTAKEN DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD 1 4. EXPENDITURE FOR YEAR 1 1 5. FORWARD PROGRAM FOR YEAR 2 1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Location Plan Figure 2 Location of planned heavy mineral sampling LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix 1. Diamond Potential within ELAs 22209, 22210 and 24725 Robinson River NT SUMMARY A review of previous exploration activity in and around ELs 22209, 22210 and 24725 has highlighted the potential for discovering diamonds within the area. Up to five micro-diamonds, five chromites and a single picro-ilmenite have reportedly been discovered by previous explorers within the area of the licences. In addition there are reports of macro-diamonds having been discovered within a 30km radius of the tenements. A review of existing wide-spaced aeromagnetic data has identified up to twenty three (23) discrete magnetic features. A small program of heavy mineral sampling is proposed in the vicinity of the discrete magnetic anomalies. 1 1. INTRODUCTION Gulf Minerals Company Pty Ltd is the holder of three granted Exploration Licences, EL 22209, EL 22210 and EL 24725, centred on an area approximately 80km south-east of Borroloola in the Northern Territory (Figure 1). Access to the general area is via the unsealed main road from Borroloola to the Queensland border. Within the area of the ELs access is via station tracks. This report presents the results of work undertaken during the period ending 8th June 2006. 2. TENEMENT INFORMATION ELs 22210 and 24725, comprising areas of 74,589 ha and 35,372 ha respectively, were granted on 9th June 2005 for a period of six years. EL 22209, comprising an area of 55,170 ha, was granted for a period of six years on 3rd June 2005. 3. WORK UNDERTAKEN DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD The principal activities undertaken on the project have consisted of a review of previous exploration work and an assessment of the diamond potential of the area. A detailed report outlining this work is presented in Appendix 1. This report stated that previous sampling for diamonds within the area of the tenements had resulted in the discovery of five micro-diamonds, five chromites and a single picro-ilmenite. Macro-diamonds had also been reported from within a 30km radius of the tenement boundaries. An assessment of wide-spaced (500m) aeromagnetic data identified up to twenty-three (23) discrete magnetic features that warranted follow-up. 4. EXPENDITURE FOR YEAR 1 EL 22209 Geological consultancy (Geo Discovery Group) Tenement consultancy (McColl Exploration) 15% Administration EL 22210 Geological consultancy (Geo Discovery Group) Tenement consultancy (McColl Exploration) 15% Administration EL 24725 Geological consultancy (Geo Discovery Group) Tenement consultancy (McColl Exploration) 15% Administration 5. $3,075 $3,000 $911 Total $6,986 $3,075 $3,000 $911 Total $6,986 $3,075 $3,000 $911 Total $6,986 FORWARD PROGRAM FOR YEAR 2 A work program involving the collection of heavy mineral samples in the vicinity of the identified discrete magnetic anomalies has been proposed as shown in Figure 2. 2 This will involve the collection of either loam samples or stream samples depending on the nature of the sampling medium. The samples will be investigated for the presence of diamond-indicator minerals and possible diamonds. The estimated budget to achieve this work is as follows: EL 22209 Sample Assays Geological Contractors Field Support Geophysical Contractors Travel, Accom, Meals etc Supplies & Freight Tenement Admin Contingency $16,000 $8,500 $3,000 $1,500 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $3,500 Total $38,000 EL 22210 Sample Assays Geological Contractors Field Support Travel, Accom, Meals etc Supplies & Freight Tenement Admin Contingency $2,000 $1,000 $500 $1,000 $500 $500 $500 Total $6,000 EL 24725 Sample Assays Geological Contractors Field Support Travel, Accom, Meals etc Supplies & Freight Tenement Admin Contingency $5,000 $2,500 $1,000 $1,500 $500 $500 $1,000 Total $12,000 APPENDIX 1 Diamond Potential within ELAs 22209, 22210 and 24725 Robinson River NT GeoDiscovery Group A.B.N. 42087256853 Minerals exploration, discovery and management PO Box 59, Sherw ood, Qld, 4075, Australia Phone +61 7 3278 5733 Fax +61 7 3278 5744 w w w . g e o d i s c o v e r y. c o m . a u GULF MINING COMPANY PTY LTD Diamond Potential within ELAs 22209, 22210 and 24725 Robinson River NT Report No: 2330 - 2 GD Project Reference No: 2330 Author: M.Dugmore Date: 7 June 2005 Disclaimer The conclusions and recommendations based on any interpretations of geoscientific data contained in this report are provided at the request of the client. GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd accepts no liability resulting from any commercial decisions or actions taken by the client based on the recommendations presented in this report. -1- CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................. 1 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 2 2 PREVIOUS EXPLORATION ..................................................................................................... 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 CURRENT ACTIVITY................................................................................................................ 6 3.1 4 COMPETITOR REVIEW............................................................................................................... 6 REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND MINERALISATION .............................................................. 7 4.1 4.2 5 ASHTON .................................................................................................................................... 4 CRA EXPLORATION ................................................................................................................. 5 STOCKDALE .............................................................................................................................. 5 HELIX........................................................................................................................................ 6 REGIONAL GEOLOGY ................................................................................................................ 7 MINERALISATION ..................................................................................................................... 9 WORK COMPLETED................................................................................................................. 9 5.1 GEOPHYSICAL INTERPRETATION .............................................................................................. 9 5.1.1 Magnetics ........................................................................................................................ 10 5.1.2 Digital Terrain ................................................................................................................ 11 6 CONCLUSIONS ......................................................................................................................... 13 7 RECOMMENDATIONS............................................................................................................ 13 FIGURES Figure 1. Location of ELA22209 and ELA22210 ................................................................................................. 2 Figure 2. Previous diamond exploration activity................................................................................................... 3 Figure 3. Positive DIM within and adjacent to Gulf ELAs ................................................................................... 4 Figure 4. Ashton ELs 7195, 7295, 7296 and 7474 ............................................................................................... 4 Figure 5. Ashton EL7265 ...................................................................................................................................... 4 Figure 6. EL4990 CRAE ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Figure 7. Stockdale Els .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 8. Competitor tenure position..................................................................................................................... 7 Figure 9. Regional Geology of Gulf ELA's ........................................................................................................... 8 Figure 10. ELA22209 showing extensive alluvium .............................................................................................. 9 Figure 11. Magnetic image for ELA22209.......................................................................................................... 10 Figure 12. Magnetic image foe ELA22210 and 24725........................................................................................ 11 Figure 13. Digital terrain ..................................................................................................................................... 12 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 HISTORICAL ELS & CRS GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 - 2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 -1- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ELA22209, 22210 and 24725, held by Gulf Mining, are considered prospective for diamonds. The Merlin diamond deposit occurs 30km west and macrodiamonds are known within a radius of 30km of the areas. Up to 5 microdiamonds, 5 chromites and 1 picro-ilmenite have been located by previous explorers within the tenements. Ashton were the major player in the 1990’s but their program was apparently curtailed due to access problems with the NLC over the area now covered by ELAs22209 & 22210. Thin alluvial cover and flat lying terrain in EL22209 would have prevented effective exploration for diamonds in this tenement. The flat lying Barkly Tableland dominates EL22210 & 24725 and in all cases, these areas of low relief and poor drainages may contain preserved kimberlite intrusives, which had not shed significantly into the present drainages. Current magnetics data is at 500m line spacing and generally considered too broad to be effective in locating magnetic kimberlite intrusives. Although some 23 disccrete magnetic anomalies resembling kimberlites have been identified in the existing data. It is recommended that either detailed magnetics or FalconTM (or both) be flown to fully appraise the potential for diamonds within both these ELAs. Gulf Mining is seeking a joint venture partner to pursue the evaluation of these areas. GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 -2- 1 INTRODUCTION Gulf Mining is the holder of EL Applications 22209, 22210 and 24725. The areas are located 90km southeast of Borroloola and 120km east of Cape Crawford in the NT. The Merlin diamond deposit occurs 30km west of the tenements. First years rent has already been paid and the areas are to be granted very soon. Figure 1. Location of ELA22209 and ELA22210 2 PREVIOUS EXPLORATION Exploration for diamonds within and near to the Gulf Mining ELAs has been carried out in the past. The proximity of the area to Ashton’s Merlin Mine has ensured this exploration activity (Figure 2). GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 -3- Merlin Figure 2. Previous diamond exploration activity (Gulf ELAs in red, previous diamond explorers in blue) Positive results have been recorded within and adjacent to the Gulf ELAs. In particular, many macrodiamonds are known from within a 30km radius of the Gulf ELAs (Figure 3). Merlin 30km GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 -4Figure 3. Positive DIM within and adjacent to Gulf ELAs (Dk Blue: macrodiamonds, Pale blue: microdiamonds, yellow: chromite, green: picro-ilmenite, purple square: kimberlite) 2.1 Ashton Ashton, between 1992 and 1997, explored most of ELA22209 under historic ELs 7295 and 7296. The west part ELA22210 was explored under ELs 7195. The northern part of EL24725 was historically covered by ELs7195, 7474 and 7265. Figure 4. Ashton ELs 7195, 7295, 7296 and 7474 Figure 5. Ashton EL7265 GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 -5- Positive results were revealed from both 7295 & 7296 with 2 microdiamonds discovered. Within Ashton ELs 7195 and 7265 (Gulf ELA 22210), it was considered that low relief and poor drainage could preserve kimberlite intrusives. A number of Landsat anomalies were also identified as potential pipes. Reconnaissance stream sampling returned positive results with 4 microdiamonds discovered. Significant apatite was recorded in a sample in the NW of EL24725 and although follow-up was recommended, none was done. EL9675 abutted ELA22209 immediately to the west where a chromite was recorded on the common tenement boundaries. Ashton considered these areas prospective but further work was curtailed due to access problems associated with the Robinson River Land Claim. 2.2 CRA Exploration EL4990 was held by CRAE over ELA22210 in the late 1980’s. Three microdiamonds was found in separate samples during this program. Figure 6. EL4990 CRAE 2.3 Stockdale Stockdale held ELs4466 and 4467 over ELA22210 in 1986 and discovered a picro-ilmenite and three chromites in four separate samples (Figure 7). GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 -6- Figure 7. Stockdale Els 2.4 Helix Helix Resources explored under EL7354 in 1992 covering only a minor part of the eastern side of EL22210. No positive results were reported. 3 CURRENT ACTIVITY 3.1 Competitor Review Significant current exploration activity is evident to the immediate west of the Gulf tenements Figure 8. Most significant is the recent announcement by Gravity Diamonds of a diamondiferous kimberlite within one of their drillholes into a FalconTM target at Abner Range, west of Merlin. This project area includes a JV on RTZ ground. GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 -7- Figure 8. Competitor tenure position (black:Gravity, blue:Ashton, green:RTZ, brown:Astro, yellow:Striker, thick red:Gulf) 4 REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND MINERALISATION 4.1 Regional Geology Proterozoic sediments of the Wearyan Shelf dominate the rocks covering the Gulf tenements (Figure 9). The oldest rocks in the tenements are sandstone and conglomerate of the Tawallah group, mostly outcropping in ELA22210 and 24725. Basalts of the Settlement Creek Volcanics and Gold Creek Volcanics within the middle and upper part of the Tawallah Group respectively, occur in the east part of ELA24725. GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 -8- Figure 9. Regional Geology of Gulf ELA's (P10: Bukalara Sst, P9:Roper Group, P8: Nathan Group, P6: Tawallah Group, P6green: mafic volcanics) (red dots: mineral occurrences) The Tawallah Group sediments are unconformably overlain by the basal part of the McArthur Group represented by the Echo Sandstone. The Mesoproterozoic Karns Dolomite unconformably overlies the Echo Sandstone and is the dominant lithology in ELAs22209 and 24725. Sandstone and shale of the Mesoproterozoic Roper Group are unconformable over the Karns Dolomite, outcropping in the west of ELA22209. The Cambrian Bukalara sandstone occurs in the southern part of ELA22210 west of ELA24725. Minor isolated outcrops of Cretaceous sediments occur in of ELA24725 and north of ELA22209. Unconsolidated alluvial cover is widespread throughout ELA22209 but in discrete areas in ELA22210 and 24725 (Figure 10). GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 -9- Figure 10. ELA22209 showing extensive alluvium (extensive alluvium shown by fawn colours) 4.2 Mineralisation No mineral occurrences are known within the Gulf tenement areas. A manganese occurrence is located adjacent to the Robinson River off the immediate NE end of ELA22209 (Figure 9 and Figure 10). The host appears to be Karns Dolomite. A second manganese occurrence is located just SE of the SE corner of ELA22210. A copper occurrence within the Roper Group (Mountain Home mine) is located just to the west of ELA22209. 5 WORK COMPLETED 5.1 Geophysical Interpretation A review of the available geophysical data was carried out as a part of the assessment. Although the survey specifications of 500m line spacing are generally considered too broad to be effective for detection and location of kimberlites some 23 individual features have been identified which could be of interest and maybe kimberlites. GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 - 10 - 5.1.1 Magnetics The magnetic image in Figure 11 shows a number if discrete features within ELA22209. At least 16 anomalies occur within this tenement. Many of these occur under alluvial cover. 5km Figure 11. Magnetic image for ELA22209 Figure 12 shows a number of discrete magnetic features in ELA24725 and 22210. GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 - 11 - Figure 12. Magnetic image foe ELA22210 and 24725 5.1.2 Digital Terrain Figure 13 shows the terrain within the Gulf ELAs. The terrain is gently sloping to the northnortheast from the higher Barkly Tableland in the south. The Fortescue, Wearyan and Robinson Rivers dissect the area draining northwards. A relatively flat plain with lowlands dominates ELA22209 while ELA22210 and 24725 have some relief. GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 - 12 - Figure 13. Digital terrain GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 - 13 - 6 CONCLUSIONS Previous exploration companies have reported significant positive results both within and adjacent to Gulf Mining EL Applications 22209, 22210 and 24725. A number of macrodiamonds have been found within a radius of 30km from the Gulf tenements and up to 5 microdiamonds and 5 chromites have been located within Gulf tenement boundaries. A single picro-ilmenite is also known. Ashton has been the dominant player within the region but their exploration program appeared to be curtailed prematurely due to access problems associated with the Robinson River Aboriginal Land Claim and Northern Land Council. Terrain also appears to have played a part in the ineffectiveness of the exploration for diamonds with the Gulf ELAs. Most of ELA22209 is apparently covered by thin alluvium and relatively flat lying therefore preventing intrusives to shed significantly into the present drainages. EL22210 and 24725 have local areas of alluvium but also is marked by the relatively flat Barkly Tableland also with the likelihood of preventing the shedding of kimberlite indicators into drainages. Although magnetics data is generally considered too broad at 500m line spacing to be effective in the location of anomalies associated with kimberlite intrusives, some 23 discrete magnetic features are clearly visible in the existing data and warrant follow-up. 7 RECOMMENDATIONS Flat terrain, thin alluvial cover, inadequate line spacing for current magnetics data and curtailed work programs by previous explorers all contribute to this area not being fully tested for diamonds. The work program proposed is to fly detailed aero-magnetics at 100-200m spacing over the ELs. This will enable the selection of new targets and definition of already identified targets for follow-up loam and/or drill testing. The attraction of Gravity Diamonds as joint venture partner and the flying of a FalconTM survey will further add to the target inventory. GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 -1- APPENDIX 1 Historical ELs and CRs GULF ELA’S 22209, 22210 & 24725 Report Number 2330 –2 (November 2004) GeoDiscovery Group Pty Ltd ABN 42 087 256 853 HISTORICAL Els FOR ELs22209 & 22210, ROBINSON RIVER, GULF MINING CO. PTY LTD EL22209 EL No AP No Company 1343 Aust. Geophysical 2167 ? 2233 Aust. Geophysical Commodity Base metals Mn Base metals CRs 1967-0005 1967-0007 1970-0075 1970-0005 1285 2671 BHP Amoco Mcarthur Basin Base metals 3074 BHP Mn/Base Metals 1980-0072 1981-0052 1982-0182 198200267 4990 CRAE Diamonds 1987-0209 1988-0247 7269 Ashton Diamonds 2000-0005 2000-0004 7295 Ashton/BHP Diamonds 1995-0673 1994-0640 7296 Ashton/BHP Diamonds 1995-0696 1994-0640 1326 United Uranium CEC Aust. Geophysical Aust. Geophysical Metals Investment Hldgs ? Map only Base metals Base metals Base metals Base metals Base Metals CRs 1957-0018 1963-0004 1977-0020 1967-0005 1967-0007 1970-0005 1971-0082 1978-0103 1671 2666 2669 2888 Ward Ashton/EZ Ashton/EZ CEC Mn/Base Metals Base Metals Base Metals Base metals 1979-0032 1980-0030 1983-0098 1983-0098 1982-352 4466 Stockdale Diamonds 1986-0010 1986-0177 4467 Stockdale Diamonds 1986-0010 1986-0177 19720151 19990529 19940501 19940501 19990073 19930651 19980158 19920393 19810070 19820344 19820067 19960631 19940501 19960478 19920433 19950631 19940640 19930651 19970121 19960716 19960160 19950683 19950151 19950430 19940640 19940501 19930651 19920205 EL22210 EL No AP No 545 983 1343 2233 3083 4990 5771 CRAE Golden Plateau Diamonds ? 1987-0209 1988-0247 1989-0410 1990-0490 7195 Ashton Diamonds 1997-0344 1997-0289 7265 7354 Ashton/BHP Helix Diamonds Diamonds 1995-0695 1994-0640 1992-0439 7474 Ashton Diamonds 1995-0694 1992-0432 Hard Copy closed filepermission required 19860187 19860187 19940678 19940563 19930548 19930448 19920397