Pg. Four/Cuatro St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta February 24, 2013 Lenten Stations of the Cross Stations of the Cross With School Children NO BAPTISMS DURING LENT! ¡NO BAUTISMOS DURANTE LA CUARESMA! Week Days of Lent: There is no obligation to fast. However, voluntary acts of self denial are recommended. Days of Abstinence All Fridays in Lent. All who have reached 14 years of age are bound to abstain totally Regulations from meat. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday: Are days of Fast and Abstinence from meat. Limit of one full meal on these days for all between the ages of 14 and 59. Easter Duty of Obligation: The Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion must be received during the Easter Season, as specified by diocesan regulations. Wednesdays at 10:00am in the Church You are invited to join us in the church at 10:00am on the following Wednesdays when our 8th grade will lead the student body in the Way of the Cross: Los invitamos a que nos acompañen en la iglesia a las 10:00am los siguientes Miércoles cuando nuestros niños del 8vo. grado dirigirán a los miembros de la escuela en el Vía Crucis en Ingles: Wed., Feb. 27th thru Wed., March 30th HOLY HOUR / HORA SANTA (Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament / Exposición del Santísimo) Every Friday / Cada Viernes • • • • First Friday ~ 1r Viernes Second Friday ~ 2do Viernes Third Friday ~ 3r Viernes Fourth Friday ~ 4to Viernes - 24 Hours - 6:00pm - 8:00pm - 6:00pm - 7:00pm - 6:00pm - 8:00pm Días Semanales de Cuaresma: de No hay obligación de ayunar. Sin embargo, actos voluntarios de abstinencia son recomendados. Reglamentos Días de Abstinencia: Todos los Viernes de Cuaresma. Todos aquellos que hayan alcanzado 14 años deben abstenerse de comer carne totalmente. Miércoles de Ceniza y Viernes Santo: Son días de Ayuno y Abstinencia de carne. Limítese a una comida completa en estos días si tiene entre 14 y 59 años de edad. Deber y Obligación en Pascua: El Sacramento de Reconciliación y Sagrada Comunión deben recibirse durante la Temporada de Pascua. (regulación Diocesana.) COMMUNAL WEDDING Invitation In response to Pope Benedict’s call to strengthen marriages in this Year of Faith, we are inviting couples who are living together without the benefit of receiving the sacrament of Matrimony to a Communal Wedding here at Saint Martha Catholic Community. For English: WHEN: June 15, 2013 TIME: 10:30am – 11:30noon If interested, please contact Fr. Les Mielechowicz or Deacon Vic Tiambeng at (626) 964-4313 for details and interview. BODAS COMUNITARIAS Invitación To all who have a birthday in February!! May God Bless you on your birthday and throughout the coming year Ante el llamado del Papa Benedicto XVI para fortalecer los matrimonios en este Año de la fe, estamos invitando a las parejas que viven juntas sin el beneficio de recibir el sacramento del matrimonio a una boda Comunitaria aquí en Santa Marta, Comunidad Católica. En Español: CUANDO: June 22, 2013 HORARIO: 12:00noon – 1:00pm A todos los que celebra su cumpleaños en Febrero! Que Dios te bendiga en tu cumpleaños Si está interesado, por favor póngase en contacto con el padre. Les Mielechowicz al (626) 964-4313 para obtener más información y para una entrevista. February 24, 2013 2nd Sunday of Lent / 2° Domingo de Cuaresma American Saint in the Year of Faith (2012-2013) St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, R.S.C.J. Missionary to Native Americans St. Rose Philippine Duchesne was a passionate young woman with a heart for missionary work. She joined the Visitation nuns at the age of 19, but a few years later, convents were shut down during the French Revolution, and Rose was forced to return to life as a lay woman for many years. Ten years later, she was finally able to rejoin a convent, this time as a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart. In 1818, she was sent to the Louisiana Territory as a missionary, facing illness, hardship and hunger to bring Catholicism to the Native Americans. She opened the first free school for girls west of the Mississippi river, as well as the first Catholic school for Native Americans. She was known among the Pottawatomie Indians as the "Woman Who Prays Always." Pg. Five/Cinco The Knights of Columbus will be selling Raffle tickets on the weekend of: February 17 & 24, in the Church Patio to support Rancho San Antonio Boys Home, Inc. Novena of Confidence Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, to your Sacred Heart I confide (this intention). Only look. Then do what your Heart inspires. Let your Heart decide. I count on It. I trust in It. I throw myself on Its mercy. Lord Jesus, You will not fail me! Have you ever thought about becoming a Sister? Single Catholic women ages 18 - 40 are invited to a Religious Vocation Discernment Retreat with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul April 12-14, 2013 in Los Altos Hills. If you would like to know more about attending this prayerful and reflective discernment retreat, contact Sister Lisa Laguna, D.C. at 650/949-8890, 213-210-9903, or email us at [email protected]. You can also friend us on Facebook at: Daughters of Charity Vocations U.S., follow us at Twitter.com/ DofCharity or read about us on www.DaughtersOfCharity.com. READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Mon/Lun Tue/Mar: Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Lk 6:36-38 Is 1:10, 16-20; Ps 50:8-9, 16bc-17, 21, 23; Mt 23:1-12 Wed/Miér: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28 Thurs/Jue: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31 Fri/Vier: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Sat/Sáb: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sun/Dom: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9 Alternate readings (Year A): Ex 17:3-7; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Rom 5:1-2, 5-8; Jn 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42] HAVE YOU REMEMBERED ST. MARTHA CATHOLIC CHURCH or SCHOOL IN YOUR WILL OR TRUST? For further information, please contact the rectory or H. Richard Closson, Director, Trust and Estate Programs 213) 637-7472 [email protected] www.estateplanning.com/trustsacc Our correct legal title is: The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Los Angeles, A Corporation Sole For the benefit of: ST. MARTHA CATHOLIC CHURCH ALTAR SERVERS / MONAGUILLOS Name/Nombre:____________________________________________ Age/Edad:________________________________________________ Phone/Telefono: __________________________________________ Eng./Esp. _________________________________________ Place your information in the collection basket or drop it at the Rectory. Thank You. Coloquen su información en la canasta de la colecta o déjenlo en la Rectoría. Gracias. Pg. Six/Seis St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta ST. MARTHA CATHOLIC SCHOOL Where Every Student Excels TK-8 www.stmarthaval.org (626) 964-1093 We are now taking applications for Transitional Kindergarten (Pre School) to 8th grade for the School Year 2013-2014. ♦ High Quality Education ♦ Catholic Moral Values ♦ Strong Sports Program ♦ Student Government ♦ Computer Program ♦ Music Program ♦ School Choir ♦ After School Clubs ♦ Before &After School Day Care ♦ Scholarships ♦ Affordable Tuition ♦ Fully Accredited ♦ Staffed by the Sisters of the Love of God and Very Committed Lay Faculty You may pick up an application at the school office Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. LIFE TEEN SPRING RETREAT March 22 to March 24 Space is limited!! February 24, 2013 Dear Parishioners, The faculty, staff, and students of St. Martha School would like cordially invite you to our 2013 School Open House, Wednesday, February 27th, from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Visit all the classrooms, talk to the teachers, and inquire about our great school where “every student excels” and where “tradition and technology meet”. We are now taking applications for the 2013-2014 school year for Transitional Kindergarten (4 year olds) through Eighth Grade. For further information, please visit our website: www.stmarthaval.org or call the school office between 8:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. at 626) 964-1093. Thank you and may God bless you, Sr. Azucena, Principal Bishop Amat High School Bishop Amat High School is accepting applications for admission (grades 9 – 12) for the 2013-2014 school year. Incoming ninth grade students must take an entrance exam. The entrance exam will be administered on Saturday, March 2, 2013 at 8:00 am. Call the Life Teen office for more information And/or to reserve your place. 626) 964-1903 [email protected] Applications are available online or in the school office. Bishop Amat High School is located at 14301 Fairgrove Avenue, La Puente. The Archdiocese of Los Angeles La Arquidiócesis de Los Angeles Archdiocese Abuse Prevention & Reporting Brochure Is Online The Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ “Working Together to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse” brochure is available online in English and Spanish. The brochure lists all of the Archdiocese’s Safe Environment offices and contact information, as well as how and where to report abuse or suspected abuse to civil authorities in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara and Ventura Counties. The Brochure is available for download in English at: http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/ protecting/safeguard/Documents/20120321_Working_Together_Brochure-EN.pdf. Please go to the following link for Spanish:http:// w w w . l a a rc h d i o c e s e . o rg / o rg / p r o t e c t i n g / s a fe g u a rd / Documents/2012-0321_Working_Together_BrochureSP.pdf. For further information please visit our website: www.bishopamat.org. El Folleto de la Archidiócesis de Prevenir Y Reportar Abuso esta en el Internet For particular help, you may call Assistance Ministry at (213) 637-7650 El folleto de La Arquidiócesis de Los Ángeles “Trabajando Juntos Para Prevenir el Abuso Sexual Infantil” está disponible en el Internet en inglés y español. El folleto enumera todas las oficinas de la Arquidiócesis que provén asistencia a las victimas durante el proceso de sanación, así como donde y como denunciar el maltrato o sospecha de abuso a las autoridades civiles en los Condados de Los Ángeles, Santa Bárbara y Ventura. El folleto está disponible en ingles en el internet:http:// www.la-archdiocese.org/org/protecting/safeguard/ Documents/2012-0321_Working_Together_BrochureEN.pdf. Y en español: http://www.la-archdiocese.org/org/ protecting/safeguard/Documents/20120321_Working_Together_Brochure-SP.pdf. Para obtener ayuda, llame a la Oficina del Ministerio de Ayuda al (213) 637-7650. St. Martha’s Coordinators: Lupe Coronado (626) 324 - 3968 Hilda Ramirez (626) 715 - 0801 St. Martha’s Coordinadoras: Lupe Coronado (626) 324 - 3968 Hilda Ramirez (626) 715 - 0801 2nd Sunday of Lent / 2° Domingo de Cuaresma Pg. Seven/Siete February 24, 2013 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: DECLARACIÓN DE LA MISIÓN PARROQUIAL: We, at St. Martha’s Catholic Church, a diverse Christian Community, centered in the Eucharist and guided by the Holy Spirit, in imitation of our patron saint, are called in unity to commit ourselves to continue the mission of Jesus to: Nosotros, la Iglesia Católica de Santa Marta, una diversa comunidad Cristiana, centrada en la Eucaristía y guiada por el Espíritu Santo, imitando a nuestra santa patrona, somos llamados en unidad a comprometernos a continuar la misión de Jesús de: ♦Welcome ♦Proclaim ♦Strive for justice and unity ♦Dar la bienvenida ♦Crecer en fe, sabiduría y amor ♦Proclamar ♦Evangelizar ♦Luchar por justicia, paz y unidad ♦Servir al pobre ♦Grow in faith, wisdom and love ♦Evangelize ♦Serve the poor LITURGY (Ministry of Worship) Rev. Mauricio O. Goloran III - Spiritual Director Chairperson: Ed Macalalad Vice Chairperson: Rainier Banzuela Secretary: Annie Harros 626)964-4313 626) 617-9058 909) 861-2223 626) 475-8152 1. Altar Care 2. Altar Servers (English-Spanish) 3. Choir Directors & Cantors (English-Spanish) 4. Eucharistic Ministers (English-Spanish) 5. Lectores 6. Lectors 7. Life Teen 8. Los Jovenes 9. Liturgical Environment 10. Sacristans 11.Ushers (English-Spanish) Becky Calderon Antonio Barocio Denise Lennox Annie Harros Nuria Lozano Suki Lagman Lawrence Dacanay Giovanni Macario Ojie Engalla Juan Perea Willie Castro 626) 964-2114 626) 217-8958 626) 912-4194 626) 475-8152 626) 810-9598 626) 367-4327 626) 964-1903 626) 614-7628 626) 383-8459 626) 330-4232 626) 222-1335 PASTORAL CARE (Ministry of Service) Rev. Leszek Mielechowicz Spiritual Director 626) 964-4313 Chairperson: Lupe Coronado 626) 324-3968 Vice Chairperson: Milagros Perez 626) 964-6301 Secretary: Bambi Castelo 626) 641-4238 1. ACCW. 2. Bereavement Ministry (English) 3. Ministerio de Consolación 4. Christian Service (Bethany Center) 5. Coalition for the Homeless 6. Communion Ministers to the Sick 7. Gay & Lesbian Ministry 8. Grief Ministry 9. Health & Wellness Ministry 10. Hospitality 11. Marriage Case Ministry 12. Safeguard the Children Committee 13. Seniors' Fellowship 14. Vocation Promoters Committee 15. Wings Ministry (Cancer Support) Corina Abeyta Linda Matsumoto Aide Borbolla Lupe Coronado Ed & Leonie Sanchez Maria Elena Solano Vincent Gamalinda Bambi Castelo Lori Vergara Carmen Garcia Rev. Leszek Mielechowicz Lupe Coronado Nelia Ramos Rev. Leszek Mielechowicz Sr. Caridad Reguera, RAD 626) 964-4328 626) 913-9694 626) 393-6907 626) 324-3968 626) 965-3017 626) 252-4560 626) 252- 4482 626) 641-4238 909) 702-4642 626) 330-6503 626) 964-4313 626) 324-3968 626) 388-3721 626) 964-4313 626) 965-1467 FORMATION (Ministry of Formation) Rev. Daniel MalaverChairperson: Vice Chairperson: Secretary: Spiritual Director Deacon Vic Tiambeng Virginia Castro Zenny Bennett 1. Devotions 2. Family Life Ministry & Adult Formation 3. Fiesta Committee 4. Filipino Ministries Committee 5. Finance Council 6.Parish School 7. Parish Staff 8. Pastoral Council 9. Prayer Groups 10. Religious Education & Family Life 11. Spanish Ministries Committee 626) 964-4313 949) 742-2456 626) 810-3519 626) 333-1461 Norma Mayo Deacon Vic Tiambeng Javier Sandino Perla Veneracion Aida Almanzor Sr. Azucena Del Rio Rev. Mauricio Goloran III Carla Villanueva Danny Chavez Sara Monte Maria Ponce 626) 678-4041 949) 742-2456 626) 340-6971 626) 912-2587 909) 680-1954 626) 964-1093 626) 964-4313 626) 964-7743 626) 890-0325 951)529-1020 626) 824-8343 Pg. Eight/Ocho St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta February 24, 2013 Lenten Mission Retreat given by Fr. John Stuzzo ** Parish Life ** Monday, February 25 - Thursday, February 28 8:30AM Mass & Conference 7PM Mass & Conference *Daily Mass will be with a Conference, The subjects of the Conference will change daily SUNDAY/DOMINGO, FEBRUARY 24, 2013 Hall Patio Music Rm. Rm. 11 Fr. Stuzzo will be available for appointments for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Spiritual Direction Lent is thus an opportunity to “become’ Christian ‘anew through a constant process of inner change and progress in the knowledge and love of Christ. Conversion in never once for all but is a process, an interior journey through the whole of life” Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience, February 21, 2007 St. Dorothy Catholic Church 241 S. Valley Center Ave Glendora, CA 91741 626) 914-3941 ALL ARE WELCOME - Nueva Vida Retiro 7am - 8pm - KofC Raffle tickets 7am - 3pm - Santos Angeles Coro 8:30am - 10:30am - Legion of Mary Mother of Christ 1:30pm - 3pm - RCIA Class 9am - 11am - RICA Classe 11am - 12pm - God’s Servant’s Prayer Group 2pm - 5pm MONDAY/LUNES, FEBRUARY 25, 2013 Church Hall Music Rm. Rm. 11 Library Rm. 7 Rm. 3 Rm. 1 - Life Teen 7pm - 9pm - Knights of Columbus7pm - 9pm - Peace & Joy Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm - RCIA Classes 7pm - 9pm - Life Teen 7pm - 9pm - RICA Classes 7pm - 9pm - Cristo Vive 7pm - 9pm - Cristo Vive Coro 7pm - 9pm TUESDAY/MARTES, FEBRUARY 26, 2013 Church Hall Music Rm. Rm. 11 A.V. Rm. All Rms. Rm. 8 - Esp. Lectores 7pm - 9pm - REFL Classes 4pm - 6pm - Practicas del Via Crusis - Nueva Vida Coro 7pm - 9pm - Legión De María Medalla Milagrosa 9am - 10:30am - Wing Ministry 7pm - 9pm - REFL Classes 4pm - 6pm - Clases de Biblia 7pm - 9pm WEDNESDAY/MIÉRCOLES, FEBRUARY 27, 2013 Hall Music Rm. Rm. 11 Library All Rms. Welcome If you are new in the Parish or have moved to a new address, please complete this form, and return it to the Parish Office or place it in the collection basket. NAME: ___________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________ CITY______________________ ZIP:__________________ PHONE:___________________ DATE: _______________ New Registration______ Moving out of Parish ____ Change of Address _______ Volunteer _____ Bienvenidos Si usted es nuevo en la Parroquia o se han mudado a una nueva dirección, por favor complete este formulario y devuélvalo a la Oficina Parroquial o colóquelo en la canasta de la colecta. NOMBRE:_________________________________________ DIRECCIÓN:_______________________________________ CUIDAD:___________________ ZONA POSTAL:________ TELEFONO:_________________ FECHA:_______________ Nueva Registración______ Cambiándome de Parroquia _____ Cambio de dirección _______ Voluntario _____ - School’s Open House 4pm - 9pm -Flautas del Señor Coro 7pm - 9pm - Santos Angeles Choir 6:30pm - 9pm - Nueva Vida Coro 7pm - 9pm - Open House 7pm - 9pm THURSDAY/JUEVES, FEBRUARY 28, 2013 Church Hall Music Rm. Rm. 11 A.V. Rm. Rm. 1 - Quinceañera Practice 6pm - 8pm - La Fuerza del Amor al Santísimo 8pm - 9pm - Practica del Via Crusis 7pm - 9pm - Clases de Biblia 9am - 11am - Peace & Joy Choir Practice 7pm - 9pm - Nueva Vida Junta 7pm - 9pm - Al- Anon 7pm - 9pm - Eng. Lectors’s FRIDAY/VIERNES, MARCH 1, 2013 Church Hall Music Rm. Rm. 11 Library A.V. Rm. Rm. 7 Rm. 6 Rm. 4 Rm. 3 - 1st Friday Bilingual Mass 8am & 7pm - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament All Day - RCIA Mtg 7pm - 8:30pm - Flautas del Señor 6pm - 9:30pm - Santos Angeles Coro Practica 7pm - 9pm - El Señor es mi Pastor 7pm - 9pm - Al- Anon 7pm - 9pm - Mary Queen of all Hearts 7pm - 9pm - Cristo Vive 7pm - 9pm - English Lector’s 7pm - 9pm - Emmanuel Choir 6:30pm - 8:30pm SATURDAY/SÁBADO, MARCH 2, 2013 Church Hall Music Rm. A.V. Rm. Rm. 11 - Adoration 10:30am & 12:30pm - REFL Class 8am - 2pm - Filipino Ministry 2pm - 6pm - God’s Children Choir Practice 2pm - 4pm - Vientos de Paz Coro Practica 5pm - 7pm - Legión de Nuestra Sra. de Lourdes 9am - 10:30am - Vientos de Paz 2:30pm - 5:30pm - God’s Children P/G. 6pm - 9pm 2nd Sunday of Lent / 2° Domingo de Cuaresma February 24, 2013 SUGGESTION BOX: Any ideas? Any Suggestion?... ¿Alguna idea? ¿Alguna Sugerencia?... Please cut this portion & drop in the Offertory Basket. Favor de cortar esta porción y póngala en la canasta de las Thank You/Gracias. Ofrendas. In your charity please pray for the sick & their families. Alejandro Ramos Alfred Serra Alton Perez Aida Santa Ana Angela P. David Antonio Behena Aurora Ruiz Bartolome Ramos Bernard Roldan Bernardo Bautista Billy Cota Brian Anthony Mott Carlota Sano Carmelita Ramos Carmen Vazquez Cayetana Ramos Cecilia Saval Cesar Mendoza Cherylle Lauder-Lariño SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Feb. 24: Mar. 1: Mar. 2: Second Sunday of Lent; Penitential Rite for Candidates for Full Communion World Day of Prayer; First Friday; Abstinence First Saturday Parishioners in the Military Service Los feligreses en el Servicio Militar Let us pray country! for those serving our ¡Oremos por los que sirven a nuestro país! Srgt Ronnie Agustin, Air Force; Jasmine Averica Real, U.S. Army; Troniemar Ancheta, U.S. Airborne; Steven Andersen II, U.S. Navy; Erik Anonas, U.S. Navy; Charlie Arcenio, U.S. Army; Christopher Barcelona, U.S. Navy; PFC. Pedro Berumen, U.S Marine; Adam James Calderon, Air Force; Alberto Calderon, U.S. Navy; Julian G. Cornejo, U.S. Army; Cpt. William Castilla, U.S. Army; Paul John Dy-Angeles, U.S. Navy; Brian Eberhard, U.S. Army; Bobby Gardea, U.S. Navy; David Gonzalez Jr., U.S Marine; Charlie Javier, U.S. Navy; Magana Leo, Air Force; SFC. Jerry L. Luna, U.S. Army; James JF Manipis, U.S. Army; Leopoldo Magaña, Air Force; Christopher A. Mondragon, U.S Marine; Neil Perez, U.S. Navy; LT. Richard C. Quinto, U.S. Army; Andrew Ramos, Army Infantry; Neil Brian Rivera, U.S. Army; Randy Lee Rodriguez, U.S. Army; Jovito Salita, U.S. Army; Steven Soriano, U.S Marine; Gabriel Tavizon, U.S. Navy Pg. Nine/Nueve Chit Alejo Chito Veneracion Ciriaco Maranan Claudia “Dee” Seña Corazon Blanco Daniel A-Richard Daniel Ponce David J. Martinez David Penard Deacon Vic Tiambeng Deandra Trujillo Destiny Trujillo Della Gonzalez Desiderio R. Santos Dionecio Vaca Dolly Ferriols Don Best Dr. Ed de la Vega Dr. Orly Cagatao Edith Bautista Eliza Bladiminoff Emilie Caumeran Enelda Galo Enya Redolfin Frances Castañeda Florentina Motus Gilbert Giron Guadalupe Dualan Guillermo Garcia Hector Gonzalez Helen Estolano-Dizon Hugh Bennett Idelisa M. Esqueda Ignacio Perez Isela Hermer Jaime Garcia Jaquelyn Burruel Jesus Peña Jimmy Manipis Jocelyn Bates John D’Cruz Jojo Alba Josefina Mutuc Aguilor Joseph Lee Josie Gomez Joy Mercado Juana Cuizon Judith Sales Kailee Marcial Kevin Allen Kianna Emma Santos Lita de la Cruz Lita Pablo Lydia Roldan Lolita Mercado Lourdes Santiago Lucio Pasculado Luz & Patty Vazquez Luz Ramirez Luz Zaragoza Tony Solorio Veneranda Ramos Valentine Robles Victor Gecha Virginia Alvarez Virginia V. Santos Luz & Salomon Zermeno Rev. Thomas Anslow CM Manuel Acevedo Maria Alvarez Maria Arambula Maria Isabel Garcia Maria Martinez Maria Theresa Labra Maria Sepulveda Marilyn Gutierrez Marissa Tuazon Malou Roxas Margarita Terraza Marta Lopez Marvin Campos Mary Garcia Mary Joy Pasculado Maryjoy Ruiz Mely Trillo Merced Herrera Myrna Locsin Natividad Nieves Nelia Africa Norma Mayo Atty. Michael Pantig Paquita del Rio Placida C. Zuniga Raimel Pasiliao Ramiro Vasquez Raquel Ramos Rebecca Brillo Rick Kashenberg Roberto Delgado Roberto Enriques Roberto y Rosa Leyva Romulo Guerrero Rosalina Torres Rosalinda Patola Rose Chavez Rev. Matthew Delaney Rev. Tomas Elis Please Pray for these Priest who are ill….. Oremos por los Sacerdotes que están enfermos ..... Rev. Frank Ferrante, CMF Rev. John B. Fitzgerald Msgr. Gabriel Gonzales Msgr. Alfred Hernandez Monsignor John Hughes Father Miguel B. Java Fr. Isaac Kalina, O.S.B Rev. James Kolling Father Robert Luck Father Paul Manzano Msgr. Thomas McGovern Msgr. Vincent McCabe Msgr. Gerald McSorley Father Thomas Meskill Monsignor John Mihan Msgr. William O’Toole Father Anthony Nuanez Msgr. George Parnassus Father Jorge Peñaloza Rev. Miguel Plascencia Rev. Vlatko Poljicak Msgr. John Rawden Father Frank Russo, Jr. Most Rev. Joseph Sartoris Rose Guadalupe Hengehold Rose Magana Rosemary Gabriel Rosina y Victoriano Acevedo Rosita Villareal Ruben Almenendram Rudy Sanguyo Salvador Jaramillo Sam Bautista Severino Gecha Shirley Villagracia Sonette Saint Charles Sr. Josephine Gorgojo Susana Villote Villagracia Teresita P. Caeg Terry Martinez Alacran En su caridad favor de rezar por los enfermos y su familia... Pg. Ten/Diez St. Martha’s Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Sta. Marta Prayer for Pope Benedict XVI February 24, 2013 Oración por el papa Benedicto XVI God, our Loving Father, we ask Your blessing on Pope Benedict XVI upon the occasion of his resignation. Dios, nuestro Padre Celestial, te Thank You for his years of dedicated leadership in which he faithfully administered the mysteries of Your forgiveness and love. Gracias por sus años de dedicación al liderazgo en el que fielmente administró los misterio de Tu amor y Tu perdón. Thank You, too, for the outstanding pastoral care he has so lovingly offered us as our Holy Father. May Your Holy Spirit continue to guide him as he now walks a new path. Gracious God, bless the future of Your Holy Church as it now moves forward to choose a new Pope, a new spiritual leader for Your Catholic people. We pray for the Cardinals as they gather for their Conclave to select the new successor to Saint Peter. With the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, may they choose a worthy steward of Your faith to meet the challenges of today's world. Amen. We ask all these things in Jesus' name. pedimos que bendigas al Papa Benedicto XVI en la ocasión de su renuncia. Gracias también el excelente trabajo pastoral que nos ofreció como Santo Padre. Que Tu Espíritu Santo continúe guiándolo por su nueva senda. Padre misericordioso, bendice el futuro de Tu Santa Iglesia al seguir adelante y elegir un nuevo Papa, nuevo líder espiritual de Tu pueblo Católico. Oramos por los Cardenales que se reúnen para participar en el Conclave seleccionará al nuevo sucesor de San Pedro. Con la inspiración del Espíritu Santo, que elijan a una persona digna de Tu fe para enfrentar los desafíos del mundo de hoy. Te pedimos todas estas cosas en nombre de Jesús. Amén. February 4 - 17, 2013 Saint Martha Catholic Community Our heartfelt gratitude to our Saint Martha Homeless Coalition Coordinators, Edgar & Leonie Sanchez, together with Joe Sarmiento and Robert Macatangay & City on the Hill for their selfless dedication and 'Christian generosity for coordinating and organizing this Winter Program for the homeless. A million thank yous also to the countless and loving volunteers from our parish and neighboring churches, ministries, schools and prayer groups and individuals who took their time to prepare food and served our brothers and sisters (2,169 persons) for sixteen (16) days here at Saint Martha Parish Hall, especially the following: St. Martha's Parish community and the East San Gabriel Valley Coalition for the Homeless thank everyone who provided dinners, breakfast, lunches, entertainment, clothing, shoes, toiletries, prayers, maintenance staff and volunteer services and support in this year's Winter Shelter. The yearly program usually starts Dec. 1st and ends March 15th Several churches in the surrounding area, groups & ministries and individuals participated including but not limited to Medical Team from Azusa Pacific University and Tzu Chi USA Dental Team and hair cut services. God is at work in our lives everyday and helping those in need is one of our many calls to serve Him. Rejoice and give thanks to God for all His gifts to us every single day! Religious Education & Family Life, St. Denis (D), Angels of Hope (L), St. Louis of France(D), St. Louise de Marillac (L), Love of God & God's Servants Prayer Grps (D), English Lectors (L), Hispanic Ministry & Nueva Vida Matrimonial-D, Lectores (L), Bishop Amat HS (D), City on the Hill (L), St Lorenzo Ruiz (L), St. Joseph Parish, La Puente (D), Holy Name of Mary School (L), St Martha School, Couples for Christ(D), Hispanic Ministry-El Senor es Mi Pastor(L), St. Matthew's Church (D), Sanctuary of Spiritual Living (D), Life Teen, KOC, RCIA & L.A. Lions Club, (D & L), Eucharistic Ministry-Bereavement Ministry-Fatima Rosary Group (D). We served more than 2,298 Diners! God Bless you! iDios los bendiga! Pagpalain kayo ng Panginoon!