Joogle Retail System


Joogle Retail System
Joogle Retail System
JOOGLE SOFT LTD. | 89 Dumbarton Ave. Kingston 10
Accessing Joogle Retail System ..................................................................................................................... 2
Main Navigation ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Understanding The Main Navigation Menu ............................................................................................. 3
Point of Sales................................................................................................................................................. 5
Creating Cash Invoice .................................................................................................................................... 8
Add Item to Register ................................................................................................................................. 9
Using Invoice Option ................................................................................................................................... 11
Void Line Item ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Add Discount ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Override Unit Price.................................................................................................................................. 13
Close Invoice Option ............................................................................................................................... 13
Check Out (F1)............................................................................................................................................. 14
Payment Validation ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Printing Transaction .................................................................................................................................... 16
Creating Credit Invoice................................................................................................................................ 17
Add Credit Amount ................................................................................................................................. 18
Delete Payment........................................................................................................................................... 21
Add Customer Name to Invoice .................................................................................................................. 22
View Cash Draw .......................................................................................................................................... 22
Services Stop ............................................................................................................................................... 24
Voiding Invoice ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Reprint Invoice ........................................................................................................................................ 25
Recall Invoice .......................................................................................................................................... 26
Day End ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
Enter Deposit .......................................................................................................................................... 28
My Information ....................................................................................................................................... 30
EOD Reports ............................................................................................................................................ 32
Joogle Retail System – v 2.0.2
Accessing Joogle Retail System
1. To access Joogle Retail System double click the application icon on your desktop or navigate to
program file Jooglesoft > Joogle Retail System
2. Enter your user name and password. If your version is configured to used pin authentication you
can enter the 4 digits pin only.
During login you can dynamically change your assigned branch by select a branch from the
drop down list.
Main Navigation
Main navigation allows users to access all application function. Non admin user does not
have access to all main application.
Understanding The Main Navigation Menu
Point Of Sales
-User Master
- Create New User
- View / Edit User
- Assign Branches
- Create Position
- Create User Group
- Setup Permission
-Setup Branches
Graphical Reports
Allow access to Joogle Retail System Point Of
Sales Terminal
The user master perform all user related function
for the system
-Master Data
- Item Master
- Product Groups
- Category
- Unit Off Measure
- Customer Master
The master data menu performs all master data
function for the system.
- Company Setup
- Application Setting
- Tax
- SQL Data Setup
The preference menu perform all administrator
configuration for the system
- Inventory Processing
- Review Stock Count
- Inventory Audit
- Stock Balance
The inventory menu perform all inventory related
function for the system
- Report Viewer
- Report Manager
The report viewer menu allows you view and
manager report access in your organization
- Import
- Export
This function is currently not in used for
professional version of Joogle Retail System
The help menu perform app activation and
update status
Activate Application
Check for Update
Update Status
Exit Application
Close the application
Point of Sales
1. To access the POS Terminal, click the Point of Sales button on the main navigation menu.
If you are accessing the POS Terminal for the first time you will be ask to start begin day. To
start begin day click the ok button on the “No Begin Day Info”
2. Enter begin day information.
To enter begin day information select the shift name from the drop down, select your tilt
name from the drop down.
To enter cashier float, select denominator from the drop down and enter the amount in the
amount box.
3. Click the START DAY to post begin day and print deposit slip
Once begin day is post successful you will be redirect to service stop screen. The service stop screen
allows you to service your customer and perform sales cycle related function. Notice the POS MENU
button will display by default. This allow you easy access to you most frequently used POS Menu option.
1. To create a CASH Sales, select default account on you POS Menu.
Creating Cash Invoice
2. The POS Terminal will appear. Please note depend on your connection the POS Terminal will
appears to be loading very slow. Please allow the terminal to load.
Add Item to Register
3. To create sale scan item barcode, barcode will appear in green text box then add item to
register. Repeated scanning the same barcode will increase item quantity scan a different
barcode will add a new item to register
You can also add quantity by entering quantity in light blue box in front of barcode before
scanning. Item and Quantity can also be entered by touching the item shortcuts on the top
right of the POS Terminal.
Item on cash register
4. Search and add item to register. To search for an item, click the green find button enter you
search then click the plus sigh button to add item to register. One search is complete click the
hide button to hide search pane
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Using Invoice Option
Void Line Item
1. To void line item double click line item on POS Terminal
Double-clicking the line item on invoice will open the invoice option. In invoice option you
can override unit price, discount and void line item. Invoice option is only available for user
with access permission assign.
2. Enter or scan password in red box.
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3. Click the red process button to void line item. Once successful you will get a confirmation
Add Discount
1. To add discount, click the discount button in the invoice option screen.
2. Enter discount in green box then press the red process button to add discount
Please note if a discount is send on pricing master. Using this option will not affect assign
discount from pricing master. Discount added using this option will add to the current line
item discount.
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Override Unit Price
1. To override unit price, click the price button. Enter new price then click the process button.
The list price after override.
Please note using this option will override list prices for the current invoice. Please note
discount is not applied to override list price at point of sales.
Close Invoice Option
To close invoice option click the Red Done button on the invoice preview pain.
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Check Out (F1)
1. To check out and print invoice click the green check out button.
2. Enter the amount and click add payment button as show below
You can press the F2 key on your keyboard to add payment or click the predefine amount
button or select a different payment method. Example Debi Card.
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3. Once payment is added Joogle will calculate customer change as show below
4. Click complete and print invoice to finish the transaction.
Payment Validation
1. If payment validation is enable Joogle will provide help full tips to ensure you have balance
settlement at day end. Below example show customer paying 2500 for a transaction of 1165.
This could be an error payment how in our case it not so we click yes to continue.
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Printing Transaction
Once a transaction is save successfully Joogle will ask if you want to print. Depending on your
configuration you can print to multiple printer or select from the print dialog to print.
The printed invoice
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Creating Credit Invoice
1. To create a Credit Invoice, select credit customer from customer information screen.
2. Click the Reg. Invoice button
3. Repeat Creating Cash Invoice Step 2 – 4 for adding item to register.
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Add Credit Amount
1. To add credit amount, click the checkout button or refer to check out chapter for detail
Customer can offer to pay for credit transaction at Point of Sales if your business rule allows
such transaction. Once you enter the credit amount. The remaining balance can be enter
using any other payment method. Payment will be update on customer account
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2. To add cash payment switch payment type to cash.
3. Enter cash amount them click Receipt Payment. Complete and print customer invoice.
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Credit Invoice Preview
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Delete Payment
1. To delete a payment from an invoice before posting the invoice click the red x button in the
payment screen.
Payment will be deleted and amount due will reset.
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Add Customer Name to Invoice
1. To add customer name to invoice just type customer name in sold to.
View Cash Draw
1. To view your cash draw, click the draw button on your point of sales screen. Click the cash draw
tabs to view details
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Services Stop
Voiding Invoice
1. To void an invoice in sales cycle, navigate to service stop by clicking the home icon on the POS
terminal or complete an invoice on the register. Click the transaction button
2. Double click the customer name to filter invoice list.
3. In the action column on the invoice list click the Red Void button. The password dialog box will
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4. Enter your PIN and click enter to void invoice.
Please note if you and not authorized you cannot void invoice.
Reprint Invoice
1. To reprint invoice, click the black print button on invoice in service stop under transaction tab
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2. The print dialog will appear. Click yes to print or press F11 on your keyboard.
Recall Invoice
1. To recall an invoice, click the black recall button on the invoice. Please note invoice status must
be “H” and not “P” before attempting to recall the invoice.
Recall Invoice preview. Repeat Invoice add item process.
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Day End
Joogle Retail System offer you and your business the best reconciliation process for your business.
Joogle Retail System day end process will compare sales against cash draw by entering deposit for each
day end or shift end process.
1. To start day end, click the Day End button on Point of Sales screen.
Once you click the button you will get a warning message. This warning message ensure you
don’t accidentally click day end. You should only click day end at the end of every shift.
2. Day end will then as you another question. Click yes to continue
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Enter Deposit
3. To enter your day end deposit, select the denominator from the drop down.
4. Select the currency you are making the deposit for.
5. To enter the amount, count your $1000 and enter the number of $1000 you found in you cash
Please note amount entered in currency other than you base currency will be converted to
you base currency using exchange rate in currency setup.
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6. Click enter to save denominator counted. Repeat steps 3 – 6 for all denominator in cash draw
until you finish the counting process.
While you count day end will reconcile you TOTAL AMOUNT DUE with the My Deposit
amount to calculate your overage/shortage balance. It is very important that you count all
the cash as you found in in the cash draw to get through balance.
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My Information
Once the counting process is now finish you can now view detail break down of your transaction using
my information tab.
7. Click my information tab on the day end screen
Always pay special attention to your tender types summary. Credit sales amount is always
deducted from the TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. You must always maintain a backup sign copy of
credit invoice for each credit customer. All adjustments will be calculated and adjust your
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Cash transfer must be received before it affection your settlement.
8. Once all transactions are reconciled you can now click the I agree check box in the final total
section to digital sigh your day.
9. Click the red POST DAY END button to post day end and print end of day reports.
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10. If your printer is working, click yes to continue.
11. Click yes to print all day end reports
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EOD Reports
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Master Data
1. To create a
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