Out and About in Letchworth Garden City 2016
Out and About in Letchworth Garden City 2016
Looking for a hobby? Need somewhere to entertain the kids? Want to learn something new? Got a Wednesday evening or a Friday morning to fill? Your search ends here. This handy pocket guide gives you a host of things to do, out and about in Letchworth Garden City. Se . on ’s en s. th m tail or no r de in hw he es fo Jo tc l p pag Le ca ntre lo e ce Discover the arts 6 Meet new people 36 Get involved with a charity or cause 14 Get active 58 Explore the countryside 70 Find a hobby 20 Tell us what you think 78 Entertain the kids 28 Get listed for next time 79 Learn something new 32 Supporting local activities 80 DISCOVER THE ARTS Britton School of Performing Arts Dance and musical theatre training. Every Tuesday to Saturday during term-time, afternoon and evening sessions. Wilbury Hall, Bedford Road, SG6 4DU, The Icknield Centre, SG6 1EF or Lordship Farm School, Fouracres, SG6 3UF. brittonschool.co.uk T: 07973 308741 E: lynseybritton@ googlemail.com City Chorus Friendly, mixed ability community choir, raising funds for local charities. Rehearsals every Wednesday evening. No auditions. Free Church, Norton Way South, SG6 1NX. citychorus.org 6 Garden City Samba Teaching Brazilian percussion and dance. Meet every Tuesday except for half-term and holidays. St Francis College, Broadway, SG6 3PJ. gardencitysamba.com E: [email protected] Letchworth Arcadians One of the premier amateur operatic societies in the east of England. Every Tuesday evening. Norton Community Centre North Avenue, SG6 1DH. letchworth-arcadians.co.uk T: 01462 850145 7 DISCOVER THE ARTS Letchworth & Baldock Blues, Folk and Roots Club Musical entertainment. Every Wednesday evening, from January to June and September to December. The Orange Tree, Norton Road, Baldock, SG7 5AW. madnanny.co.uk T: 01767 683583 E: [email protected] Letchworth Art Society Drawing and painting for pleasure. Every Tuesday evening during term-time. The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. letchworthartsociety.info Letchworth Chorale Choral singing. Every Monday evening during term-time. Central Methodist Church, Norton Way South, SG6 3TR. letchworth-chorale.org.uk Letchworth FilmClub Showing quality films not otherwise available in the area. 12 titles over 10 months, usually first Sunday of the month (not on in July or August). Broadway Cinema, Eastcheap, SG6 3DD. letchworthfilmclub.com T: 01462 671679 or to book: 01462 681088 E: [email protected] Letchworth Music Club Promoting the professional performance of classical music. Second Wednesday of the month, from January to April and October to December. Howgills, 42 South View, SG6 3JJ. letchworthmusicclub.co.uk T: 01462 685307 Letchworth Jazz Appreciation Society Coming together to enjoy listening to jazz. Usually the last Thursday evening of the month. Spirella Building, Bridge Road, SG6 4ET. T: 01462 622772 8 9 DISCOVER THE ARTS Letchworth Recorded Music Society Members of the Song, Pantomime and Dramatic Society (SPADS), rehearsing for their annual pantomime. Evenings of mainly classical music recordings usually presented by members. Normally every second and fourth Friday evening, from January to March and September to December. The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. thefrms.co.uk/affprogs/ letch.html Letchworth Sinfonia Amateur orchestra for local musicians. Meet fortnightly on Sundays during term-time. The Settlement Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. letchworth-sinfonia.org.uk 10 Lordship Theatregoers Saving money on tickets to local and national shows at West End, Milton Keynes and Aylesbury theatres. T: 07831 417687 E: [email protected] Rainmakers International Folk Dance Group Enjoying international folk dances. Every Friday evening during term-time. Parish Hall, St Michael’s Church Hall, Broadway, SG6 3PQ. rainmakers.org.uk T: 01462 454210 Song Pantomime & Dramatic Society (SPADS) Local theatre group. Rehearsals for shows every Monday and Thursday evening during term-time. St Paul’s Church Hall, Pixmore Way, SG6 1QT. spads-drama.org.uk Stevenage Male Voice Choir Sing a variety of songs in four part harmony and raise money for local charities. Rehearsals every Friday evening. The Community Arts Centre, Roaring Meg Retail Park, SG1 1XN. smvc.org T: 01462 627502 11 COMMUNITYHUB The Settlement Players Wilbury Hills Amateur Theatricals Amateur dramatics. Every Monday and Wednesday evening, plus occasional Sundays. The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. settlement-players.org.uk E: [email protected] Amateur dramatics and music in the community. Every Monday evening from January to April and September to December. St Thomas’ Church Hall, Bedford Road, SG6 4DU. www.whatperform.org T: 01462 629251 E: [email protected] Variety Express Amateur variety show for charity. Every Wednesday evening from March to October. St Mary’s Church Hall, Baldock, SG7 5AE. varietyexpress.org.uk LETCHWORTH FREE occa meeting sional s commun paces for ity and gro clubs ups. • Chat to the team about making changes to your home, community grants, property or anything else we do. • Share your ideas about the Garden City, present and future. • Find out more about the work we do for Letchworth’s communities. 43 Station Road Letchworth Garden City SG6 3BQ. T: 01462 476694 [email protected] 12 13 GET INVOLVED IN A CHARITY OR CAUSE Abolition Group Awareness about modern day slavery. Supporting Hope for Justice. Contact for details about next meeting. The Icknield Centre, Icknield Way, SG6 1EF. mylgcc.com/abolition-groups T: 01462 480126 E: [email protected] 14 Inner Wheel Club of Letchworth Garden City Service and friendship, supporting local and international charities. Every first Tuesday evening during term-time. Broadway Hotel, Broadway, SG6 3NZ. T: 01462 672380 / 684608 E: [email protected] 15 GET INVOLVED IN A CHARITY OR CAUSE Letchworth Garden City & Baldock Lions Club Social and fundraising. Every second and fourth Monday of the month. Letchworthand baldocklions.co.uk T: 0845 8331406 E: [email protected] Letchworth Howard Rotary Club Fellowship and charitable activities with interesting speakers. Fortnightly on Monday evenings. Broadway Hotel, Broadway, SG6 3NZ. letchworthrotary.org.uk T: 01462 685521 16 North Herts Sanctuary Providing shelter and targeted support to people in need. 25 Nightingale Road, Hitchin, SG5 1QU. northhertssanctuary.org.uk T: 01462 435835 Rotary Club of Letchworth Garden City Service to the community. Every Wednesday evening. Broadway Hotel, Broadway, SG6 3NZ. lgcrotary.org.uk The Extra Smile Project Providing practical help at home for people on low incomes or in difficult life situations. First Saturday morning of the month. The Icknield Centre, Icknield Way, SG6 1EF. E: [email protected] Stewards from the Rotary Club of Letchworth Garden City at their annual Greenway walk. Time Bank Exchanging time, skills and hobbies. Various locations across North Herts. nhcvs.org.uk/timebank Volunteer Centre Make a difference and help your local community by volunteering. do-it.org.uk T: 01462 689400 Sustainability Forum Meets regularly to create a sustainability action plan for our town. Look out for water-saving initiatives with Affinity Water in 2016. sustainableletchworth.org.uk E: info@sustainable letchworth.org.uk 17 DOES YOUR GROUP, CLUB OR CHARITY NEED FUNDING TO ACHIEVE ITS GOALS OR AMBITIONS? DO YOU NEED FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO BE THE BEST AT SPORT, MUSIC, DANCE OR DRAMA? Letchworth Garden City’s traditional working farm New season begins in spring 2016 Wilbury Road, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 4JN T: 01462 686775 Standalonefarm.com /StandaloneFarm @StandaloneFarm One of the Heritage Foundation’s three grant programmes may be the answer. CLUB TOGETHER Mainly for charities and voluntary groups involved with older people or vulnerable residents. BE THE BEST To supports the development of talented individuals or groups. GENERAL GRANTS PROGRAMME Aimed at charities and voluntary groups whose activities support and enhance the quality of life of Letchworth residents. If you think they could help or would like to know more you can contact us on 01462 476057, email [email protected] or visit our website www.letchworth.com FIND A HOBBY All in One Season Dutch floral design. February to December, usually on Tuesdays or Saturdays. allinoneseason.com T: 01462 683743 E: enquiries@ allinoneseason.co.uk Corner Bridge Club Playing duplicate bridge in a friendly environment. Every Thursday afternoon. The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. T: 01462 433393 E: [email protected] 20 Embroiderers’ Guild North Herts & Beds Branch Learn about embroidery through workshops, talks and informal meetings. Every first Saturday afternoon plus workshops on third Saturday afternoon (not August or December). The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. E: [email protected] Hearts and Crafts A group of people who enjoy crafts, especially knitting. Every third Monday of the month. The Icknield Centre, Icknield Way, SG6 1EF. T: 07784 736562 21 FIND A HOBBY LALG Bridge Club Playing bridge. Every Tuesday and Friday afternoon. Howgills, South View, SG6 3JJ. www.lalg.org.uk/bridgeclub T: 01462 670989 E: doreenworbey@ btinternet.com LALG Photoshop Group Learn to edit photographs using Photoshop. Every first Thursday evening from January to March, May to July and September to December. Fearnhill School, Icknield Way, SG6 4BA. lalg.org.uk/photoshopgroup E: [email protected] 22 Letchworth & District Astronomical Society Letchworth & Hitchin Chess Club Observing and learning about astronomy with talks from guest speakers. Every last Wednesday evening. Free Church Hall, Gernon Road, SG6 1NX. ldas.org.uk Playing chess. Every Monday evening from January to May and September to December. The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. letchworthchess.com T: 01462 459873 E: [email protected] Letchworth & District St Andrew’s Society Scottish country dancing. Every Monday evening from February to July and September to December. Scout Hut, Spring Road, SG6 3SH. T: 01462 679112 Letchworth District Gardeners’ Association All things gardens and allotments. Every third Thursday evening. ldga.org.uk Letchworth Garden City Angling Association Local fishing club. Poppy Hill Lakes, nr. Henlow, other lakes at Arlesey and Kempston. River stretches on the Ivel, Great Ouse and Grand Union Canal. letchworthangling.org.uk Letchworth Garden City Camera Club Workshops, competitions, photo-sharing and developing skills. Every Thursday evening, from January to July and September to December. Brunt Room, The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. letchworthcameraclub.org.uk 23 FIND A HOBBY Letchworth Garden City Classic and Vintage Car Club Enjoying ownership and use of classic and vintage vehicles. Every first Monday evening. The Rising Sun, Halls Green, Weston, SG4 7DR. lgccvcc.co.uk E: [email protected] Letchworth Heritage Bridge Club Bridge and socialising. Every Monday afternoon and Tuesday evening. Lessons for beginners and improvers every Friday. Fortesque Hall, St Hugh of Lincoln Church, Broadway, SG6 3TP. T: 01462 730289 24 Letchworth Model Aeronautical Society Letchworth Morris Men Building and flying radiocontrolled model aircraft. Every Sunday afternoon. Letchworth Rugby Club, Legends Lane, Baldock Road, SG6 2EN. E: [email protected] Traditional English morris dancing. Practise every Thursday evening from October to April, with events throughout the year. Radwell Village Hall, SG7 5EW. letchworthmorris.org.uk T: 01462 440683 E: harperandrew937 @gmail.com Letchworth Morris Men in action. Letchworth Model Railway Society Building, exhibiting and operating model railways. Every Monday and Wednesday evening. Standalone Farm, Wilbury Road, SG6 4JN. letchworthmrs.org.uk 25 FIND A HOBBY 26 Letchworth Sugarcraft Club Letchworth Triratna Buddhist Community Letchworth Writers’ Group North Herts Stamp Club Developing cake decoration skills with demonstrations and workshops. Every fourth Tuesday evening from January to July and September to November. Central Methodist Church Hall, Norton Way South, SG6 3TR. T: 01462 672323 E: [email protected] Practising meditation and learning about Buddhism and meditation. Every Thursday evening. Howgills, 42 South View, SG6 3JJ. buddhismandmeditation. co.uk/letchworth Supporting new and established writers. Every first Tuesday evening. Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South, SG6 1NX. E: [email protected] Showing stamp collections and examining stamps of other collectors. Every last Friday evening from January to May and September to November. Second Friday in December. Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South, SG6 1NX. T: 01462 635752 E: david.northover1 @ntlworld.com Letchworth Sugarcraft Club getting to grips with their latest cake creations. North Herts Reel Club Scottish country dancing. Every Wednesday evening from January to May and September to December. St Thomas’ Church Hall, Bedford Road, SG6 4DZ. T: 01462 812691 Trefoil Guild Guiding for adults. Second Tuesday of the month, afternoons from January to March and November to December, evenings from April to October. Icknield Way, SG6 4GY. T: 07805 188671 27 ENTERTAIN THE KIDS Amped Kings Club Youth group for Years 7-13 (term time only). Games and activities for all. The Icknield Centre, Icknield Way, SG6 1EF. mylgcc.com T: 01462 480126 Fun, games, refreshments and stories. Every Monday during term-time for Reception to Year 6. Radburn Way Chapel, SG6 2PP. T: 01462 677250 Boys & Girls Brigade Koffee and Kids A varied programme of activities and games, for ages 5 to 18. Friday evenings during term-time. Central Methodist Church Hall, Norton Way South, SG6 3TR. T: 01462 630489 E: [email protected] 28 Activity morning for parents or carers with pre-school children. Every Friday morning during term-time. Grange Baptist Church, Danescroft, SG6 4WR. grangebaptist.org.uk T: 07923 225277 29 ENTERTAIN THE KIDS Letchworth & Baldock District Scouts Letchworth Garden City District Guides NCT Outdoor Playgroup Providing an activity based programme for all young people aged 6 to 18. Twelve groups meet across the week during term-time. lbdscouts.org.uk E: [email protected] Girlguiding for girls aged 5 to 25. Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday evening during term-time. Letchworth Guides HQ, 247a Icknield Way, SG6 4UE. girlguiding.org.uk/interested E: letchworthguides@ btinternet.com Children’s outdoor playgroup with themed activities Fortnightly on Mondays. https://www.facebook.com/ NCTHertsNorth Muddle Tots Baby and toddler group for 0-5 years with free play and song time. Every Tuesday morning. Letchworth Parish Hall, St Michael’s Church, Broadway, SG6 3PQ. T: 07979 202026 Tiny Tots Under 5’s playgroup. Every Tuesday afternoon during term-time. Kings Community Church, Whiteway, SG6 2PP. kccletchworth.com T: 01462 677250 E: [email protected] Tots’ Time Parent and toddler group. Friday lunchtime during term time. The Icknield Centre, Icknield Way, SG6 1EF. mylgcc.com T: 01462 480126 Wacky Wednesday Club Midweek children’s club. Every Wednesday fortnightly during term-time. Grange Baptist Church, Danescroft, SG6 4RW. grangebaptist.org.uk T: 01462 630894 Letchworth & Baldock District Scouts learn how to make water filters. 30 31 LEARN SOMETHING NEW Letchworth & District Family History Group Talks on family history, occasional outings and socialising with other amateur genealogists. Every third Wednesday evening from January to July and September to November. Upper Hall, Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South, SG6 1NX. ldfhg.org.uk Letchworth Garden City Exhibition Cottages Group Supporting owners of the early Garden City homes with historical information and technical/architectural advice. AGM October, other activities as advertised. exhibitioncottages.info T: 01462 674347 E: [email protected] Letchworth Local History Group Researching the social history of the Garden City. Every first Tuesday evening. The Community Hub, Station Road, SG6 3BQ. T: 01462 684836 E: [email protected] 32 33 LEARN SOMETHING NEW Letchworth Knit and Natter Norton Community Archaeology Group Bringing people who enjoy knitting and crochet together in a friendly environment. Every Tuesday and Friday morning. Brotherhood Hall, Gernon Road, SG6 3HL. T: 01462 689405 Continuing to discover the heritage of the manor of Norton. One Tuesday evening per month, from March to November. The Stable, The Three Horseshoes, Norton Road, SG6 1AG. nortoncommarch.com North Herts & Beds Decorative and Fine Arts Society St. John Ambulance First aid training. Every Monday evening from January to July and September to November. Letchworth Headquarters, 13 Lacre Way, SG6 1NR. sja.org.uk Transition Town Letchworth pressing apples in the town centre. Transition Town Letchworth Sharing knowledge of environmental issues and climate change. Meeting second Tuesday evening in March, June, September and December. Mrs Howard Memorial Hall, Norton Way South, SG6 1NX. ttletchworth.org Art education through stimulating lectures, study days and visits. Every first Thursday from February to July and September to December. Spirella Ballroom, The Spirella Building, Bridge Road, SG6 4ET. nadfas-bedsandherts.org.uk T: 01462 433323 34 35 MEET NEW PEOPLE 248 (Letchworth) Squadron Air Training Corps Giving young people the opportunity to take part in a range of activities and gain an insight into the RAF. Every Monday and Thursday evenings. Icknield Way, SG6 4AD. E: [email protected] 36 26 Club Social club with guest speakers. Meeting fortnightly on Thursday mornings. The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. E: [email protected] 71 Club Social evenings. Every Wednesday evening, from March to July and September to December. Leyden House Day Centre, Leyden Road, Stevenage, SG1 2BP. T: 01438 871479 37 MEET NEW PEOPLE Community Coffee Bar Somewhere to meet and socialise. Every Tuesday and Friday morning. Brotherhood Hall, Gernon Road, SG6 3HL. T: 01462 689405 www.nhcvs.org.uk First Garden City Ladies Group Friends & Neighbours Club Social afternoon for women of all ages. Every second Monday afternoon during term-time. Kincaid Hall, The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. T: 01462 676068 Bingo. Every Thursday afternoon. Jackmans Community Centre, Ivel Court, SG6 2NL. T: 01462 627746 Members of the First Garden City Ladies Group. Grange Wives Running fortnightly, usually the first and third Wednesday of the month, from January to June and September to December. Grange Community Centre, Middlefields, SG6 4NG. T: 01462 635726 E: [email protected] Leisure Direct Providing leisure opportunities for adults with learning disabilities. Offering a range of activities, at least twice a week. leisuredirect.org.uk Letchworth Carers Café Crossroads Care supporting family carers looking after a loved one to help meet other carers and socialise. Every fourth Thursday morning. Various locations around Letchworth. E: [email protected] T: 01462 427010 Growing People 38 Using gardening as therapy to support mental health. Sessions are run on each weekday. Letchworth Centre for Healthy Living, Rosehill Hospital, Hitchin Road, SG6 3NA. growing-people.org.uk 39 MEET NEW PEOPLE 40 Letchworth Caribbean Harmony Group Letchworth Cortex Group Letchworth Garden City Women’s Institute Meeting other members of the community, socialising and taking part in events and activities. Regular group meets monthly. Over 60’s group meet fortnightly. Howard Garden Social and Day Care Centre, Norton Way South, SG6 1SU or Hadleigh, SG6 2LU. T: 07738 511772 letchworthcaribbean harmonygroup.com LGBT Transgender meetings. Last Sunday evening of the month except December. Howard Garden Social and Day Care Centre, Norton Way South, SG6 1SU. T: 01462 742660 E: [email protected] Friendship, education, craft and fun. Every second Tuesday evening during term-time. Free Church Hall, Norton Way South, SG6 1NX. T: 01462 685712 E: [email protected] Letchworth Garden City Society Letchworth Ladies Circle Promoting the ideals of the Garden City, local history and the Arts and Crafts movement. Usually meet on a Monday evening; dates on website and in press. The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. www.lgcs.org.uk T: 01462 686828 Socialising and fundraising. Fortnightly on Thursday evenings, usually first and third of the month. Various locations in Letchworth and surrounding areas. letchworthcircle.org.uk E: [email protected] Letchworth Yvonne Savage Club for Visually Impaired People Lunch and entertainment. Every third Tuesday lunchtime. Central Methodist Church, Norton Way South, SG6 3TR. T: 01462 674552 Meeting Point Meeting new friends over tea and coffee. Every Tuesday morning during term-time. Grange Baptist Church Hall, Danescroft, SG6 4RW. T: 01462 632277 41 MEET NEW PEOPLE Monday Drop-In A friendly place to meet, chat and enjoy activities for anyone lonely or in need of cheerful company. Every Monday afternoon. Central Methodist Church, Norton Way South, SG6 3TR. T: 01462 672281 / 683020 North Herts 50 Plus Giving a voice to the older generation in North Hertfordshire. Third Thursday of the month. North Herts CVS, Campus Five, Third Avenue, SG6 2JF. T: 01462 689400 42 North Herts Community Transport Scheme To support those unable to use public transport due to age, impaired mobility or special needs. nhcvs.org.uk T: 01462 689402 North Hertfordshire Motor Neurone Association Supporting sufferers and their families. Every last Wednesday evening from January to July and September to November. Bedwell Community Centre, Bedwell Crescent, Stevenage, SG1 1NA. [email protected] T: 01438 717169 E: christinecarter @tiscali.co.uk Pembroke Retirement Club Royal British Legion (Letchworth Branch) Gentle keep fit, badminton and social activities. Every Monday. North Hertfordshire Leisure Centre, Baldock Road, SG6 2ER. E: [email protected] Social, fundraising and welfare activities. Membership open to all. Every fourth Tuesday of the month. Letchworth Free Church, Norton Way South, SG6 1NX. branches.britishlegion.org.uk/ branches/letchworth Royal Air Forces Association Letchworth & Hitchin District Branch Social for members and guests, with information and support. Second Thursday of the month. Letchworth Conservative Club, 1 Birds Hill, SG6 1PH. rafa-letchworth.org.uk T: 01462 671534 E: secretary@rafa-letchworth. org.uk Royal Naval Association (Letchworth and Hitchin Branch) Providing friendship and service to seafarers and their families. Meet every second Monday evening. Letchworth Rugby Club, Legends Lane, SG6 2EN. T: 01462 673491 / 07941 470080 E: [email protected] 43 MEET NEW PEOPLE Senior Friends of Plinston (Thursday) Club Social activities. Every Thursday morning and lunchtime. Free Church Hall, Gernon Road, SG6 3HS. T: 01462 684535 St. Paul’s & All Saints Mothers Union Fellowship, speakers and refreshments. Every second Wednesday afternoon. St Paul’s Church, Upper Hall, Pixmore Way, SG6 1QT. stpaulsletchworth.co.uk 44 The Breastfeeding Network Wilbury Community Forum Providing independent information to support those who choose to breastfeed. Every Monday lunchtime. Icknield Children’s Centre, Archers Way, SG6 4UN. breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk E: breastfeedingnetwork.org.uk north.herts@ Community development. Every second or third Saturday morning of the month. St Thomas’ Church Hall, Bedford Road, SG6 4DU. wilbury.org.uk T: 01462 634573 E: [email protected] The Wednesday Drop in Club Drop in club for adults of all abilities to meet and enjoy a range of activities. Every Wednesday. Central Methodist Church, Pixmore Way, SG6 3TR. T: 01462 480528 The team from the Wilbury Community Forum Youth Council. Wilbury Over 60s Support and friendship. Every last Tuesday afternoon. St Thomas’ Church Hall, Bedford Road, SG6 4DU. T: 01462 677342 Wonderful Wednesday A shared meal followed by hymns and an inspiring talk. For senior citizens of the community. Every last Wednesday lunchtime. The Icknield Centre, Icknield Way, SG6 1EF. mylgcc.com T: 01462 480126 45 Letchworth Arts and Leisure Group LALG – Creating a Balance in Life Cinema | Theatre | Studio | Gallery Coming to Letchworth Garden City in 2016 www.buildingbroadway.com Interested in art, culture, trips, theatre, food & drink, gardening, games, sport, walking and more – then LALG is for you. LALG is a not-for-profit community organisation supporting over 80 local social and study groups. There are activities every day, evenings and weekends. Great discounts from over 40 local businesses. Cooperation with other local Clubs brings even more membership benefits. Join now household per year Membership costs from just £10 per omenon now. phen local ue, uniq so why not join this Simply fill out the application form on page 50 Find out more at www.lalg.org.uk or email [email protected] ts and Leisure Group Arts th A h rth Facebook: Letchwo LALG Twit T ittter: @Letchworth_LAL 46 ap, SG6 3DE Bookshop, 14 Eastche Or call in at David’s 47 German Group in Berlin Arts & Culture Arts & Design Group stery Crime and Murder My Childrens Book Group Daytime Book Group Fairfield Book Group Group Readers Choice Book up Gro rs The Reade Film Appreciation wn Walks Guided Village & To s up History Gro tory Group Letchworth Local His up Gro rs' ite Wr h ort Letchw up London Villages Gro Opera Painting Group hilosophers Philosophy for Non-p asure Ple for ng adi Re y Pla Poetry Alive Poetry for Pleasure Singing for Pleasure Textiles ions Theatres and Excurs s he urc Ch Visiting Social Groups Action for Happine ss Daytime Social Grou p Broadway Buddies Bus Buddies Tra T in Buddies Travel Buddies T Wa W lking Buddies SSingles Group Fir F kin Club Fo F od & Cookery Gr oup Just Desserts Lunch Club M lt Whisky Appre Ma ciation Meet for Coffee Pudding Club Supper Club Win ne Appreciation Wine n Discovery Sports & Games Backgammon Badminton Bowls Group Bridge Club Chess Games Club Mah Jong Scrabble Club Whist Short Tennis Social Cycling Garden City Wheelers Greater Mileage Cycling Gentle Exercise & Yoga Table Tennis for Fun Zumba Members at the Brandenburg Gat e Languages Dutch Conversation French Conversation German Conversation Italian Conversation Latin Russian Language Spanish Conversation Culture Welsh Language and Walking Groups Alternative Ramblers Early Morning Walks LALG Walking Holidays (Affiliated - HF Holidays) Long Distance Walkers Mid-week Walkers Midweek Amblers/Ramblers Slower Walkers Strolling (not walking) Sunday Ramblers Trail Walkers Walking Buddies Wild Walks Other Leisure All Things Military Chickens and Chick en Keeping Clock Group Computer Users Gardening: Tea and Tips Gardens for All HPB Bondholders Investment Club Knitting Meditation for Inner Peace Monday to Friday Plu s Occasional Evening Talks Photography - Out and About Photoshop Group Topical Topics Transport & Indust rial Heritage Travel Buddies Weekend Trips Wild Flowers Find out more about these activities and more at: lalg.org.uk T: 01462 643537 or call in at David’s Bookshop Eastcheap; the Local & Tourist Information Centre, Station Road or your local library. 49 NORTHHERTSCVS Sign me up! Membership Application Form FREE SUPPORT FOR COMMUNITY GROUPS Name Address Town Postcode Telephone Email address I would like to receive notification of special events and other important LALG related information by email. I enclose a cheque payable for £12 (or £10 if Newsletter by email only) for my household membership until 31 August 2016. I have been a member before my membership number was: I want to receive my Newsletter by: Post (£12) Post & Email (£12) Signed: Email (£10) Date: Return to Davids Bookshop,14 Eastcheap, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3DE. 50 Promoting volunteering opportunities for local charities, and helping people find appropriate volunteer roles. NHCVS Offices, Unit 30, Campus Five, Third Avenue, SG6 2JF nhcvs.org.uk/volunteering 51 ERNEST GARDINER TREATMENT CENTRE LETCHWORTH GARDEN CITY Nursing, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy • Hip and knee classes following joint replacement • Falls prevention • Rehabilitation following illness, injury or surgery • Aids and adaptation advice for your home • Fasting blood tests and once weekly blood clinic • Hand clinic following surgery, injury or fracture • Doppler assessments for people who may require compression hosiery. Pearsall Close, Pixmore Avenue, SG6 1QZ T: 01462 670955 Registered with Supported by A charitable service of CENTREFORHEALTHYLIVING LETCHWORTH This award-winning centre is the region’s largest provider of complementary approaches to health. • Over 80 weekly classes including Yoga, T’ai Chi, Pilates and Mindfulness. • A complementary therapy clinic. • A large counselling service. Rosehill Hospital, Hitchin Road, SG6 3NA letchworthcentre.org T: 01462 678804 Monday - Friday: 08:30 to 20:30 and Saturdays 08:30 to 15:30 • Programmes for older people, carers, and those with Parkinson’s. Registered charity number: 295219 53 FILM, THEATRE OPERA, BALLET, MUSIC AND MORE Plus special events, art house cinema, film seasons and the essential popcorn blockbusters. Book online now (no booking fee) broadway-cinema.com /broadwaycinemalgc 54 @Broadway_Cinema 01462 681088 Eastcheap Letchworth Garden City SG6 3DD 55 CITIZENSADVICE NORTH HERTFORDSHIRE GARDEN COLLECTION A local charity which provides an independent free impartial and confidential service of information advice and guidance. With more than 250,000 artefacts, the Garden City Collection is a great resource for discovering more about Letchworth’s fascinating history. Free and confidential advice for everyone. Open for drop-in advice. Monday to Friday mornings. Browse the collection online or take part in our free monthly store tours and handling sessions at our dedicated Study Centre. Open by appointment. 66-68 Leys Avenue, SG6 3EG. northhertscab.org.uk T: 03444 111444 Study Centre, Wilbury Hills Road, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 4LB. gardencitycollection.com T: 01462 476075 /gardencitycollection @GC_Collection 56 57 GET ACTIVE 50+ Community Dance Dancing for the over 50s. Every Monday morning. St Michael’s Church, Broadway, SG6 3PQ. activetogether.org.uk Ahimsa Yoga Weekly yoga classes during term time. Tuesday and Thursday evenings, Friday and Sunday mornings. Various venues. ahimsayoga.co.uk T: 01462 643424 E: yogateacher@ ahimsayoga.co.uk Ceroc Learn to dance ‘modern jive’. Every Monday evening. The Spirella Ballroom, Bridge Road, SG6 4ET. ceroccentral.com T: 07801 734268 E: [email protected] Challenge Central Cycling Club A sociable and welcoming group for cyclists. Every Sunday morning. Start from Letchworth Fitness, Muddy Lane, SG6 3TB. challengecentral.co.uk E: [email protected] Members of Challenge Central Cycling Club. 58 59 GET ACTIVE Hitchin & Letchworth Weightlifting Club Letchworth & District Badminton League Local weightlifting club and gym. Corner Sports Club, Whitethorn Lane, SG6 2DN hitchinandletchworth weightliftingclub.org.uk T: 01462 684530 Organising the local badminton league. Ad-hoc times throughout the season. ldbl.org.uk Letchworth Adult Swimming Club Teaching swimming for beginners, improvers and advanced. Meet every Tuesday evening during term-time. St Francis’ College, Broadway, SG6 3PJ. T: 01462 894273 E: letchworthswimming.org.uk Letchworth Croquet Club Learning and playing croquet, socially and competitively. Members play most afternoons (and some other times) throughout the year. Beginners’ courses running April-May 2016. Letchworth Sports and Tennis Centre, Muddy Lane, SG6 3TB. letchworthcroquetclub.co.uk Letchworth Cycling Social cycling over varying distances on roads and trails. Various dates. E: [email protected] 60 A day out for the members of the Letchworth Cycling group. Letchworth Garden City Cricket Club Letchworth Garden City Eagles YFC Playing cricket. Every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from April to September. Players, umpires and scorers welcome. Corner Sports Club, Whitethorn Lane, SG6 2DN. letchworth.play-cricket.com T: 01462 684530 Providing football for the community. Every Saturday and Sunday from January to May and September to December. Pixmore Playing Fields, Baldock Road, SG6 2EN. letchwortheagles.org.uk 61 LETCHWORTHGOLFCLUB FREE ADMISSION Telling the story of Letchworth and Garden Cities across the world with our exhibition, walking tours and illustrated talks. The Parker Drawing Office, 296 Norton Way South, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 1SU Open Friday and Saturday 10am to 5pm; plus other times by appointment. A charitable service of Golf and leisure in the community. Letchworth Lane, SG6 3NQ. letchworthgolfclub.com T: 01462 683203 www.gardencitiesinstitute.com 01462 476070 62 63 GET ACTIVE North Herts Road Runners make it across the line at the annual Standalone 10k event. Letchworth Roller Hockey Club & Skating Academy Letchworth Hockey Club Ladies’ training every Tuesday. Men’s Training Wednesday. From September to March. All matches played on Saturdays. Letchworth Corner Sports Club, Whitethorn Lane, SG6 2DN. pitchero.com/clubs/ letchworth1 T: 01462 684530 64 Skating Academy for ages 5+. Every Saturday morning. Knights Templar Sports Hall, Weston Way, Baldock, SG7 6EY. lrhc.co.uk E: letchrollerhockey@ hotmail.co.uk Letchworth Short Mat Bowls Club Playing bowls. Every Wednesday afternoon and Friday evening from January to May and September to December. Scout Hut, Sparhawke, SG6 4PY. T: 01462 632208 Men’s Only 50+ Fitness Polenastics Every Monday morning. Brotherhood Hall, Gernon Road, SG6 3HL. activetogether.org.uk A fun way to keep fit. Various classes throughout the week. polenasticshertfordshire.co.uk T: 07946 300744 North Herts Bowls Club Redhoods Badminton Club Lawn green bowls. Every Monday afternoon from May to September. Norton Common Lower Bowling Green. T: 01462 893411 Competitive league badminton for experienced adult players. Every Friday evening. Fearnhill Sports Centre, Icknield Way, SG6 4UF. E: [email protected] North Herts Road Runners Running for people of all abilities and backgrounds. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening. North Hertfordshire Leisure Centre, Baldock Road, SG6 2ER. nhrr.org.uk 65 St. Paul’s Women’s Badminton Club Wymondley Tennis Club Social badminton. Every Tuesday morning and afternoon and Thursday afternoon, from January to May and September to December. St. Paul’s Church Hall, Pixmore Way, SG6 1QT. T: 01462 432118 Playing social and competitive tennis. Every Sunday afternoon; plus Thursday evenings during summer months. The Recreation Ground, Tower Close, Little Wymondley, SG4 7JG. wymondleytennisclub.co.uk T: 01462 677715 / 07749 755989 E: bande.anderson@ btopenworld.com Whitethorn Bowls Club Lawn bowls club. Corner Sports Club, Whitethorn Lane, SG6 2DN. T: 01462 684530 E: [email protected] Willian Bowls Club Lawn bowls club. Every Tuesday afternoon, from May to September. Norton Common, Icknield Way, SG6 4UF. T: 01462 642790 66 LETCHWORTHGARDENCITY COMMUNITY MUSEUM Zumba with Fiona Fun and friendly Zumba, Zumba Toning and Fit Steps classes. Every Monday evening. Pixmore School, Rushby Mead, SG6 1RS. T: 07585 393332 E: [email protected] Based in The Arcade in the heart of the town centre, the Community Museum provides the opportunity for local groups to host exhibitions. For more information on the event programme or about using this space, contact 01462 476069 or email [email protected] 67 SPORTS TENNIS LETCHWORTH Tennis, Squash, Badminton and Gym. Seven days a week, all year round. 68 Muddy Lane, SG6 3TB lstc.org.uk T: 01462 675444 LETCHWORTHCORNER SPORTS CLUB Bowls, cricket, hockey, weightlifting, plus facilities for hire for football, functions and parties. Sports Ground, Whitethorn Lane, SG6 2DN. letchworthsports.com 69 EXPLORE THE COUNTRYSIDE 70 Friends of Norton Common Letchworth Natural History Society Tidying, conserving, maintaining and improving our common. Every first Thursday. Meet by Bowls Club car park, Icknield Way, nr SG6 4UF. www.friendsofnorton common.org.uk T: 07969 507864 Learning about anything to do with natural history. Monthly indoor meetings on the second Tuesday, Friday evening rambles in the summer and longer walks on the first Sunday of the month. Kincaid Room, The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. hnhs.org T: 01462 632171 71 RSPB Hitchin & Letchworth Local Group Promoting the aims and vision of the RSPB, plus talks from invited speakers. Every first Friday evening from January to May and August to December. The Settlement, Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. rspb.org.uk/groups/ hitchinandletchworth Members of the RSPB enjoying a talk. Letchworth Garden City’s 13.6 mile country trail Enjoy a gentle stroll or an energetic cycle ride around the Garden City Greenway; with parks, meadows, woodland and much more. Plan your route at greenway.org.uk Pick up a map at: Local & Tourist Information Centre 33-35 Station Road, Letchworth Garden City. 72 73 HOWARDGARDEN SOCIAL & DAY CARE CENTRE Recreational, educational, welfare and general amenities for people aged 50+ with special day care facilities for the frail and elderly. Lunches £4.50 daily; activities £1 to £2 each. Annual membership required. • Bingo Norton Way South, SG6 1NX. • Seated Keep Fit howardgardensocialcentre.org • Table Tennis T: 01462 682524 • Art • Scrabble and Board Games 75 JACKIE’S IN CENTRE Drop in centre offering adults with all disabilities lots to do – including pool, arts and crafts, karaoke, computer access and much more. 76 jackiesdropin.org.uk T: 01462 338752 HOMESTART NORTH HERTS Committed to promoting the welfare of families with at least one child under five years of age. Offering regular support, friendship and practical help to families under stress. Office G, Business Centre West, Avenue One, SG6 2HB. home-start.org.uk T: 01462 678861 77 Tell us what you think about our guide… Get your group or club listed in our next Community Guide Complete our form online at www.letchworth.com/entry_form or call 01462 476015 for a printed copy. 1. This guide is helpful and creates awareness of what’s happening in Letchworth Garden City. (please circle) Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Strongly 2. This guide has made me want to try out something new in Letchworth Garden City. (please circle) Agree Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Disagree Strongly 3. This guide could be improved for 2017 by: .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... .................................................................................................... About this Community Guide .................................................................................................... FREEPOST RSSB-UHEX-JXAK Letchworth Garden City Heritage Foundation Foundation House, Icknield Way Letchworth Garden City, SG6 1GD. 78 Cut along dotted line. Return your completed form to: We’ve made every effort to try and ensure the accuracy of this guide. However, please double check with the group or club before making your journey. The majority of information has been submitted directly by clubs or groups during October 2015. We cannot be held responsible for any errors or omissions or mistakes. No prior checks or assurances about the featured groups and clubs have been made. 79 We SUPPORT LOCAL ACTIVITIES as part of our CHARITABLE COMMITMENTS to Letchworth’s communities. THESETTLEMENT LETCHWORTH This guide is designed to encourage social, educational and charitable activities throughout the Garden City and help clubs, groups and organisations promote themselves to residents and visitors to the town. It also features our own leisure facilities that we fund and run: • • • • • • • • • Broadway Cinema Ernest Gardiner Treatment Centre Garden City Collection Garden City Greenway International Garden Cities Institute Letchworth Garden City Community Museum Local & Tourist Information Centre Spirella Ballroom Standalone Farm www.letchworth.com/heritage-foundation or telephone 01462 476007 80 Providing an environment where an exciting range of educational and recreational courses are delivered, as well as providing a base for dozens of local groups. Nevells Road, SG6 4UB. letchworthsettlement.org.uk 81 MINIBUS IN LETCHWORTH Did you know that Letchworth clubs and societies, charities and voluntary organisations can put forward their members to stand as a Nominated Governor of the Heritage Foundation? Governors play a vital role in bringing the views of the town to us and, in turn, they are among the first to be consulted on issues of the day and our future work. Groups must be registered with the Heritage Foundation and demonstrate how they support one of the following categories: • The preservation of buildings and other items of historical interest • Artistic and cultural activities • Sporting activities • Recreational and leisure activities • Social welfare and relief of poverty • Education • Health Our fleet of minibuses takes residents to social clubs, community meetings and on occasional trips. All of our minibuses are accessible. Get in touch to see if we could help you. T: 01462 476033 82 Other criteria apply. Call 01462 476002 or email [email protected] to find out more. Read more about our Elected and General Governors at www.letchworth.com/ heritage-foundation www.letchworth.com 83 Summer 2015 - Film fans enjoying the second of three nights of Outdoor Cinema in Broadway Gardens. Sign-up for our email newsletter at www.letchworth.com/whats_on_email Find out more about what’s happening in Letchworth Garden City 84 Read the Letchworth Garden City Town and Around column in The Comet newspaper Bookmark www.letchworthgc.com/whats-on Call in at the Local & Tourist Information Centre, 33-35 Station Road. Follow @Letchworth_TIC on Twitter Check the Community Directory on www.hertsdirect.org 85 PARTYSPACES MEETINGSPACES IN LETCHWORTH IN LETCHWORTH Broadway Cinema Eastcheap, SG6 3DD. broadway-cinema.com T: 01462 681300 North Herts Leisure Centre Baldock Road, SG6 2ER. stevenage-leisure.co.uk T: 01462 679311 Central Methodist Church Hall Pixmore Way, SG6 3TR centralmethodistlgc.org.uk Grange Community Centre Middlefields, SG6 4NG. grangecommunitycentre.co.uk T: 01462 620505 Jackmans Community Centre Ivel Court, SG6 2NL. jackmanscommunitycentre.co.uk T: 01462 642525 Broadway Cinema Eastcheap, SG6 3DD. broadway-cinema.com T: 01462 681300 Letchworth Corner Sports Club Whitethorn Lane, SG6 2DN. letchworthsports.com T: 01462 684530 Scout Hut Icknield Way, SG6 4AD. lbdscouts.org.uk Broadway Hotel Broadway, SG6 3NZ. broadwayhotel.co.uk T: 01462 480111 Letchworth Par 3 Golf Centre Willian Way, SG6 2HJ. letchworthpar3.co.uk T: 01462 483863 86 Scout Hut Spring Road, SG6 3SH. 5thletchworthscouts.org.uk Teamworks Karting Pixmore Avenue, SG6 1JS. teamworkskarting.com T: 0845 1803020 Brotherhood Hall Gernon Road, SG6 3HL. T: 01462 434658 Community Hub 43 Station Road, SG6 3BQ. letchworth.com T: 01462 476694 Dorchester Business Centre Dorchester House, Station Parade, SG6 3AW. dorchesterhouse.co.uk T: 01462 478900 Mrs Elizabeth Howard Memorial Hall Norton Way South, SG6 1NX. howardhall.org.uk T: 01462 681951 The Icknield Centre Icknield Way SG6 1EF. icknieldcentre.com T: 01462 480126 Letchworth Hall Hotel Letchworth Lane, SG6 3NP. letchworth-hall-hotel.co.uk T: 01462 683747 87 Looking for a unique & prestigious venue to host a special occasion, wedding or awards evening? Take a look around the Spirella Ballroom. Letchworth Garden City y Local and Tourist Information Centre The Spirella Building, Bridge Road, SG6 4ET. spirellaballroom.com T: 01462 476019 Home to Letchwort h FR SHOPMOEE BILITY sco oter and w h hire serviceelchair e. Ask insid more detae for ils. Available to hire: The beautiful ballroom of the town’s former corset and swimwear factory. Events • Clubs and Organisations • Information • Attractions • Travel Helping you get the most out of Letchworth Garden City 88 T: 01462 487868 www.letchworthgc.com @Letchworth_TIC Open Monday to Saturday 9:30 to 16:30 33-35 Station Road Letchworth Garden City SG6 3BB ield Ickn Way No rto n Wa y Nor th Cow ield Spirella Ballroom N eap Eastch dwat er Av Broa Gernon Walk Pixmore W ay Souberie Ave iew hV st We ut 11 12 Norton Way South ow W ay So Car Park Pixmore Way Mead w Vie 10 enue 9 Local & Tourist Information Centre tt sho Hill 6 Gerno 8 Da Vinci School WC 7 e n Road 5 d Roa 14 Howgills nu WC ing 13 St Francis College Spr 12 Central Methodist Church Hall Av e e Av 11 St. Michael’s Church Hall Le ys Ridg 10 Howard Garden Social and Day Care Centre way WC Broad Brotherhood Hall enue 9 4 ead St Hugh of Lincoln Church y Wa M by 8 tion Sta Rus Mrs Elizabeth Howard Memorial Hall Norton Way South 7 The Wynd Letchworth Free Church Hall WC The Arcade 6 2 oad nR tio Sta d Broadway Cinema 3 oa eR 5 Bird dg Broadway Hotel ll s Hi d Roa lls eve Community Hub 4 1 y Wa n Ick Bri 3 The Settlement Hill 2 slip 1 Public Toilets ay Broad w iew ing Spr d Roa 90 Field Lane 13 Please check opening times of Car Parks and Public Toilets before visiting. hV ut So Railway Station 14 st tt Ea rsho Solle ock Bald d Roa 91 Index 248 (Letchworth) Squadron Air Training Corps 26 Club 50+ Community Dance 71 Club 37 37 59 37 15 59 21 29 B Boys & Girls Brigade Britton School of Performing Arts Broadway Cinema 29 7 54 C Central Methodist Church Hall Centre For Healthy Living Ceroc Challenge Central Cycling Club Citizens Advice North Hertfordshire City Chorus Community Coffee Bar Community Hub Corner Bridge Club 92 J Embroiderers’ Guild North Herts and Beds Branch Ernest Gardiner Treatment Centre Jackie’s Drop In Centre 21 52 87 53 59 59 56 7 38 13 21 First Garden City Ladies Group Friends & Neighbours Club Friends of Norton Common 38 39 71 G Garden City Collection Garden City Greenway Garden City Samba Grange Wives Growing People 57 73 7 39 39 H Hearts and Crafts Hitchin & Letchworth Weightlifting Club Home Start North Herts Howard Garden Social and Day Care Centre 21 60 77 75 I Inner Wheel Club of Letchworth Garden City The International Garden Cities Institute 15 62 76 K Kings Club Koffee and Kids F A Abolition Group Ahimsa Yoga All in One Season Amped E 29 29 L LALG Bridge Club LALG Photoshop Group Leisure Direct Letchworth & Baldock Blues, Folk and Roots Club Letchworth & Baldock District Scouts Letchworth & District Astronomical Society Letchworth & District Badminton League Letchworth & District Family History Group Letchworth & District St Andrew’s Society Letchworth & Hitchin Chess Club Letchworth Adult Swimming Club Letchworth Arcadians Letchworth Art Society Letchworth Carers Café Letchworth Caribbean Harmony Group Letchworth Chorale Letchworth Corner Sports Club 22 22 39 8 30 22 60 33 22 23 60 7 8 39 40 8 69 Letchworth Cortex Group Letchworth Croquet Club Letchworth Cycling Letchworth District Gardeners Association Letchworth Festival Letchworth FilmClub Letchworth Garden City & Baldock Lions Club Letchworth Garden City Angling Association Letchworth Garden City Camera Club Letchworth Garden City Classic and Vintage Car Club Letchworth Garden City Community Museum Letchworth Garden City Cricket Club Letchworth Garden City District Guides Letchworth Garden City Eagles YFC Letchworth Garden City Exhibition Cottages Group Letchworth Garden City Local and Tourist Information Centre Letchworth Garden City Society Letchworth Garden City Women’s Institute Letchworth Golf Club Letchworth Heritage Bridge Club Letchworth Hockey Club 40 60 60 23 74 9 16 23 23 24 67 61 30 61 33 89 40 41 64 24 64 93 Letchworth Howard Rotary Club Letchworth Jazz Appreciation Society Letchworth Knit and Natter Letchworth Ladies Circle Letchworth Local History Group Letchworth Model Aeronautical Society Letchworth Model Railway Society Letchworth Morris Men Letchworth Music Club Letchworth Natural History Society Letchworth Recorded Music Society Letchworth Roller Hockey & Skating Academy Letchworth Settlement Letchworth Short Mat Bowls Club Letchworth Sinfonia Letchworth Sports and Tennis Club Letchworth Sugarcraft Club Letchworth Triratna Buddhist Community Letchworth Writers’ Group Letchworth Yvonne Savage Club for Visually Impaired People Lordship Theatregoers 16 9 34 41 33 24 24 24 9 71 10 64 81 65 10 68 26 26 27 41 11 M Meeting Point Meeting Spaces Men’s Only 50+ Fitness Minibus Service Monday Drop-In Club Muddle Tots R 41 87 65 82 42 30 N NCT Outdoor Playgroup North Hertfordshire Motor Neurone Association North Herts & Beds Decorative and Fine Arts Society North Herts 50 Plus North Herts Bowls Club North Herts Centre for Voluntary Service North Herts Community Transport Scheme North Herts Reel Club North Herts Road Runners North Herts Sanctuary North Herts Stamp Club Norton Community Archaeology Group 31 42 34 42 65 51 34 27 65 16 27 34 P Party Spaces Pembroke Retirement Club Polenastics 94 86 43 65 Rainmakers International Folk Dance Group Redhoods Badminton Club Rotary Club of Letchworth Garden City Royal Air Forces Association – Letchworth & Hitchin District Branch Royal British Legion (Letchworth Branch) Royal Naval Association (Letchworth and Hitchin Branch) RSPB Hitchin & Letchworth Local Group T 11 65 16 43 43 43 72 S Senior Friends of Plinston (Thursday) Club Song Pantomime & Dramatic Society (SPADS) Standalone Farm St John Ambulance St Paul’s & All Saints Mothers Union St Paul’s Women’s Badminton Club Stevenage Male Voice Choir Sustainability Forum The Breastfeeding Network The Extra Smile Project The Icknield Centre The Settlement Players The Wednesday Drop In Club Time Bank Tiny Tots Tots’ Time Town Centre Map Transition Town Letchworth Trefoil Guild V Variety Express Volunteer Centre 44 11 18 35 44 66 11 16 44 17 87 12 44 17 31 31 90 35 27 12 17 W Wacky Wednesday Club Whitethorn Bowls Club Wilbury Community Forum Wilbury Hills Amateur Theatricals Wilbury Over 60’s Club Willian Bowls Club Wonderful Wednesday Wymondley Tennis Club 31 66 45 12 45 66 45 66 Z Zumba with Fiona 66 95 r Ove e and o se t s ng thi try n tha e r Mo ss o r Ac s of day week the s or clubups gro
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