Parton Shower Monte Carlos
Parton Shower Monte Carlos
Parton Shower Monte Carlos Peter Skands (CERN Theoretical Physics Dept) LHCphenonet Summer School Cracow, Poland, September 2013 Scattering Experiments source ⇤⌅ Z LHC detector Cosmic-Ray detector Neutrino detector X-ray telescope … d Ncount(⇤⌅) / d⌅ d⌅ ⇥⌅ → Integrate differential cross sections over specific phase-space regions ⇤⌅ Predicted number of counts = integral over solid angle Z d Ncount(⇤⌅) / d⌅ d⌅ ⇥⌅ In particle physics: Integrate over all quantum histories (+ interferences) P. S k a n d s Lots of dimensions? Complicated integrands? → Use Monte Carlo 2 General-Purpose Event Generators Reality is more complicated Calculate Everything ≈ solve QCD → requires compromise! Improve lowest-order perturbation theory, by including the ‘most significant’ corrections → complete events (can evaluate any observable you want) The Workhorses PYTHIA : Successor to JETSET (begun in 1978). Originated in hadronization studies: Lund String. HERWIG : Successor to EARWIG (begun in 1984). Originated in coherence studies: angular ordering. SHERPA : Begun in 2000. Originated in “matching” of matrix elements to showers: CKKW-L. + MORE SPECIALIZED: ALPGEN, MADGRAPH, ARIADNE, VINCIA, WHIZARD, MC@NLO, POWHEG, … P. S k a n d s 3 Divide and Conquer Factorization → Split the problem into many (nested) pieces + Quantum mechanics → Probabilities → Random Numbers Pevent = Phard ⌦ Pdec ⌦ PISR ⌦ PFSR ⌦ PMPI ⌦ PHad ⌦ . . . Hard Process & Decays: Use (N)LO matrix elements → Sets “hard” resolution scale for process: QMAX ISR & FSR (Initial & Final-State Radiation): Altarelli-Parisi equations → differential evolution, dP/dQ2, as function of resolution scale; run from QMAX to ~ 1 GeV (More later) MPI (Multi-Parton Interactions) Additional (soft) parton-parton interactions: LO matrix elements → Additional (soft) “Underlying-Event” activity (Not the topic for today) Hadronization Non-perturbative model of color-singlet parton systems → hadrons P. S k a n d s 4 (PYTHIA) PYTHIA anno 1978 (then called JETSET) LU TP 78-18 November, 1978 A Monte Carlo Program for Quark Jet Generation T. Sjöstrand, B. Söderberg A Monte Carlo computer program is presented, that simulates the fragmentation of a fast parton into a jet of mesons. It uses an iterative scaling scheme and is compatible with the jet model of Field and Feynman. Note: Field-Feynman was an early fragmentation model Now superseded by the String (in PYTHIA) and Cluster (in HERWIG & SHERPA) models. P. S k a n d s 5 (PYTHIA) PYTHIA anno 2013 (now called PYTHIA 8) LU TP 07-28 (CPC 178 (2008) 852) October, 2007 A Brief Introduction to PYTHIA 8.1 T. Sjöstrand, S. Mrenna, P. Skands The Pythia program is a standard tool for the generation of high-energy collisions, comprising a coherent set of physics models for the evolution from a few-body hard process to a complex multihadronic final state. It contains a library of hard processes and models for initial- and final-state parton showers, multiple parton-parton interactions, beam remnants, string fragmentation and particle decays. It also has a set of utilities and interfaces to external programs. […] P. S k a n d s ~ 100,000 lines of C++ What a modern MC generator has inside: • Hard Processes (internal, interfaced, or via Les Houches events) • BSM (internal or via interfaces) • PDFs (internal or via interfaces) • Showers (internal or inherited) • Multiple parton interactions • Beam Remnants • String Fragmentation • Decays (internal or via interfaces) • Examples and Tutorial • Online HTML / PHP Manual • Utilities and interfaces to external programs 6 (some) Physics cf. equivalent-photon approximation Weiszäcker, Williams ~ 1934 Charges Stopped or kicked Radiation Radiation a.k.a. Bremsstrahlung Synchrotron Radiation The harder Associated they stop, the harder the field fluctations (fluctuations) that continue tocontinues become radiation 7 Jets = Fractals Most bremsstrahlung is driven by divergent propagators → simple structure / 1 2(pa · pb ) a b Amplitudes factorize in singular limits (→ universal i j k “conformal” or “fractal” structure) Partons ab → P(z) = Altarelli-Parisi splitting kernels, with z = energy fraction = Ea/(Ea+Eb) “collinear”: P (z) 2 a||b 2 |MF +1 (. . . , a, b, . . . )| ! gs C |MF (. . . , a + b, . . . )|2 2(pa · pb ) Gluon j → “soft”: Coherence → Parton j really emitted by (i,k) “colour antenna” |MF +1 (. . . , i, j, k. . . )| + scaling violation: gs2 → 2 jg !0 ! gs2 C 4παs(Q2) See: PS, Introduction to QCD, TASI 2012, arXiv:1207.2389 P. S k a n d s (pi · pk ) |MF (. . . , i, k, . . . )|2 (pi · pj )(pj · pk ) Can apply this many times → nested factorizations 8 Bremsstrahlung dσ X ddσσ X+X For any basic process d d = ✓ X+1 $ 1+&2&& X d d X+2 X+3 (calculated process by process) ⇠ 2 dsi1 NC 2gs si1 ds1j d s1j ⇠ 2 dsi2 NC 2gs si2 ds2j d s2j X+1 ✓ ⇠ 2 dsi3 NC 2gs si3 ds3j d s3j X+2 ... X ✓ Factorization in Soft and Collinear Limits P(z) : “Altarelli-Parisi Splitting Functions” (more later) |M (. . . , pi , pj . . .)| 2 i||j ! |M (. . . , pi , pj , pk . . .)| gs2 C 2 jg !0 ! P (z) 2 |M (. . . , pi + pj , . . .)| sij gs2 C 2sik 2 |M (. . . , pi , pk , . . .)| sij sjk “Soft Eikonal” : generalizes to Dipole/Antenna Functions (more later) P. S k a n d s 9 Bremsstrahlung For any basic process dσ X ddσσ X+X d d = ✓ X+1 $ 1+&2&& X d d X+2 X+3 (calculated process by process) ⇠ 2 dsi1 NC 2gs si1 ds1j d s1j ⇠ 2 dsi2 NC 2gs si2 ds2j d s2j X+1 ✓ ⇠ 2 dsi3 NC 2gs si3 ds3j d s3j X+2 ... ✓ X Singularities: mandated by gauge theory Non-singular terms: process-dependent SOFT COLLINEAR ✓ ◆ 0 2 |M(Z ! qi gj q̄k )| 2sik 1 sij sjk 2 = gs 2CF + + 0 2 |M(Z ! qI q̄K )| sij sjk sIK sjk sij 0 2 |M(H ! qi gj q̄k )| 2 = g s 2CF 0 2 |M(H ! qI q̄K )| P. S k a n d s ✓ ◆ 2sik 1 sij sjk + + +2 sij sjk sIK sjk sij SOFT COLLINEAR+F 10 Bremsstrahlung dσ X ddσσ X+X For any basic process d X = ✓ X+1 $ 1+&2&& d d d X+2 X+3 (calculated process by process) ⇠ 2 dsi1 NC 2gs si1 ds1j d s1j ⇠ 2 dsi2 NC 2gs si2 ds2j d s2j X+1 ✓ ⇠ 2 dsi3 NC 2gs si3 ds3j d s3j X+2 ... X ✓ Iterated factorization Gives us a universal approximation to ∞-order tree-level cross sections. Exact in singular (strongly ordered) limit. Finite terms (non-universal) → Uncertainties for non-singular (hard) radiation But something is not right … Total σ would be infinite … P. S k a n d s 11 Loops and Legs Coefficients of the Perturbative Series Loops X(2) X+1(2) … The corrections from Quantum Loops are missing X(1) X+1(1) X+2(1) X+3(1) Born X+1(0) X+2(0) X+3(0) … … Universality (scaling) Jet-within-a-jet-within-a-jet-... Legs P. S k a n d s 12 Evolution Q ⇠ QX Leading Order % of LO “Experiment” 100 100 75 75 % 50 of σtot 50 25 25 0 0 Born +1 +2 Born (exc) +1 (exc) +2 (inc) Exclusive = n and only n jets Inclusive = n or more jets P. S k a n d s 13 Evolution QX Q⇠ “A few” Leading Order % of LO “Experiment” 100 100 75 75 % 50 of σtot 50 25 25 0 0 Born +1 +2 Born (exc) +1 (exc) +2 (inc) Exclusive = n and only n jets Inclusive = n or more jets P. S k a n d s 14 Evolution Q ⌧ QX Leading Order 400 100 300 % of LO % of σtot N U 100 0 A T I 75 200 Born +1 50 25 +2 Cross Section Diverges P. S k a n d s I R Y T “Experiment” 0 ✓ Born (exc) + 1 (exc) + 2 (inc) Cross Section Remains = Born (IR safe) Number of Partons Diverges (IR unsafe) 15 Unitarity → Evolution Unitarity Kinoshita-Lee-Nauenberg: Imposed by Event evolution: When (X) branches to (X+1): Gain one (X+1). Loose one (X). (sum over degenerate quantum states = finite) Loop = - Int(Tree) + F Parton Showers neglect F → Leading-Logarithmic (LL) Approximation → evolution equation with kernel d X+1 d X Evolve in some measure of resolution ~ hardness, 1/time … ~ fractal scale → includes both real (tree) and virtual (loop) corrections ► Interpretation: the structure evolves! (example: X = 2-jets) • • • • • Take a jet algorithm, with resolution measure “Q”, apply it to your events At a very crude resolution, you find that everything is 2-jets At finer resolutions some 2-jets migrate 3-jets = σX+1(Q) = σX;incl– σX;excl(Q) Later, some 3-jets migrate further, etc σX+n(Q) = σX;incl– ∑σX+m<n;excl(Q) This evolution takes place between two scales, Qin ~ s and Qend ~ Qhad ► σX;tot = Sum (σX+0,1,2,3,…;excl ) = int(dσX) P. S k a n d s 16 hich defines the probability for a radiator not to have any emissions between two scales, the total probability for branching of the event as a whole is obtained as a sum of such dP ( ) An equally object in both analytical resummations and in parton showe = gs2 C A(fundamental ) ,! (9) ! Z Q Z Q2 for a radiator not to have any emissions betw d form 2 factor, defines the probability 2 dP (which 2 ) 2 2 2 Q , Q ) = exp d = exp g , (10) and point. (If there are several partons/dipoles/antennae, Q1 and Q , 1 to2denote a phase-space s C A( ) d 2 d Q21 Q21 branching of the event as a whole is obtained as a sum ofZ such terms.) ! Z Q2 2 Q2 2 dP ( ) 2 2 2 ntal object in both analytical resummations and in parton showers is the Sudakov derstood that the integral boundaries must be imposed either as step functions on the (Q , Q ) = exp d = exp g 1 a2 differential equation s C A( ) d What we need is d by probability for a radiator not to havevariables, any emissions two scales, factors. Q21 Q21between yesa the suitable transformation of integration accompanied Jacobian Boundary condition: a few partons defined at a scale (Q very close analogue in the simple process of nuclear decay, in which thehigh probability forF)a where it ! is understood that the integral boundaries must be imposed either as step ! evolves (or “runs”) that parton system down to a low scale Z Q Znuclear 2Then 2 ergo a decay, per unit time, is given by the decay constant, Q 2 dP 2 integrand or by a suitable transformation of integration variables, accompanied by Jaco ( hadronization ) 2 GeV) → It’s an evolution equation in QF (the cutoff ~ 1 = exp d has = exp close analogue gs C A( ) dsimple, process(10) This a very in the of nuclear decay, in which the dP (t) d Q21 Q21 = cN . per unit time, is given by the nuclear decay (11) constant, nucleus to undergo a decay, Close analogue: dt nuclear decay hat the integral boundaries must be imposed either as step functions on the Evolve at antime unstable nucleus. Checkbefore if it decays dP (t)t2 ,+is follow chains of ye transformation for a nucleus existing t1 to remain undecayed time of integration variables, accompanied by Jacobian factors. = cN . decays. ✓ Z dt analogue in the simple process oft2nuclear◆ decay, in which the probability for a )The = exp cN adt =constant, exp ( to cat t) t.1 toundecayed (12) 1 , t2is N remain Probability in the timetime t2 , is probability for nucleus existing time remain undecayed before ay, per unit (t time, given by the nuclear decay Decay constant t1 interval [t1,t2] ✓ Z t ◆ 2 dP (t) pecially simple, since the decay per cN , is constant. By conservation = cNprobability . (t1unit , t2 )time, = exp cN dt(11) = exp ( cN t) . dt the activity per nucleon at time t, equivalent t1 mber of nuclei (unitarity), to the “resummed” cleus existing at time t1 to remain undecayed before timethe t2decay , is probability per unit time, c , is constant. ity per unit time, isThis minus the derivative of , since case is especially simple, = 1 cN t N+ O(c2N ) Decay probability per unit time ✓ ofZthe ◆ t2 total number dPres (t) d of nuclei (unitarity), the activity per nucleon at time t, equivalent to (t1 , t2 ) = exp decay cprobability exp ( cNctime, . . the derivative (12) = = per = t) (13) N dt N (tt) 1 , minus unit is of , dt tdt 1 ∆(t1,t2) : “Sudakov Factor” (requires that the nucleus did not already decay) dPthe d for an atennna not to res (t) e emission probability varies over space,cNhence probability mple, since the decay probability perphase unit time, , is constant. By conservation = = cN (t1 , t) . dt ore formper of eq. (10).atBy unitarity, thedtresummed branching probability clei elaborate (unitarity),integral the activity nucleon time t, equivalent to the “resummed” P.derivative S kis a nminus ds ofthe thederivative Sudakov factor, itthe time, In QCD,of the ,emission probability varies over phase space, hence the probability 17 for Evolution Equations PDGLAP = dQ dz Pi(z) 2 Q " Nuclear Decay ds ds |M (s , s P = i 2 , s)| 3 ij jk ij jk Antenna 16π 2s |M2(s)|2 ! " t2 # dP Nuclei remaining undecayed = ∆(t1, t2) = exp − dt after time t dt t1 100 % Second Order 50 % All Orders Exponential 0% Early Times Time Third Order Late Times First Order -50 % -100 % P. S k a n d s 18 1 2 s 2 d hich defines the probability for a radiator not to have any emissionsQbetween two scales, 1 Q21 The Sudakov Factor where it is understood that the integral boundaries must be imposed either as step functions on the ! ! Z Z 2 2 ntegrand or by a suitableQtransformation of integration variables, accompanied by Jacobian factors. Q2 2 dP ( ) 2 Q21 This , Q22 )has = aexp d = exp g ) d in which , very close analogue in the simple process of nuclear decay, the (10) probability for a s C A( 2 2 d Q1 1 ucleus to undergo a decay, per unit time, is given by theQnuclear decay constant, derstood that integral boundaries mustdP be(t)imposed either as step functions on the Inthenuclear decay, the Sudakov factor counts: =accompanied cN . (11) y a suitable transformation of integration variables, by Jacobian factors. dt undecayed after a time t How many nuclei remain very close analogue in the simple process of nuclear decay, in which the probability for a The probability for a nucleus existing at time t1 to remain undecayed before time t2 , is ergo a decay, per unit Probability time, is given by theundecayed nuclear decay to remain in the constant, time interval [t1,t2] ✓ Z t2 ◆ (t) (t1 , tdP (12) 2 ) = exp = cN .t cN dt = exp ( cN t) . (11) 1 dt This is especially simple, since decayundecayed probabilitybefore per unittime time, y forcase a nucleus existing at time t1 tothe remain t2c, N is, is constant. By conservation f the total number nuclei✓(unitarity), the◆activity per a nucleon at time t,system equivalent to the “resummed” The ofSudakov for parton Z t2 factor ecay probability the derivative (t1 , t2per ) =unit exptime, is minus cN dt = exp (ofcN , t) . (12) counts: t1 dPresthat (t) thed parton system doesn’t evolve The probability =per unit time, = cN (t1constant. , t) . (13) pecially simple, since the decay probability c , is By conservation N dt run the dt factorization (branch) when we scale (~1/time) mber of nuclei (unitarity), the activity per nucleon at time t, equivalent to the “resummed” In QCD, the emission phase space, hence the probability for an atennna not to from a probability high to varies a lowover scale ity per unit time, isEvolution minus the derivative of , probability perof unit mit has the more elaborate integral form eq.“time” (10). By unitarity, the resummed branching probability s again minus the derivative factor, dPres (t) of the Sudakov d = = cN (t1 , t) . (13) dt dPresdt ( ) (replace cN by proper shower evolution kernels) = gs2 C A( ) (Q21 , Q2 ( )) , (14) (replace by shower evolution scale) e emission probability varies overd phase space, hencet the probability for an atennna not to oreP.elaborate integral form of eq. (10). By unitarity, the resummed branching probability S k2 where Q a (n d s) gives the value of the shower evolution scale (typically chosen as a measure of invariant19 h parton b taking a fraction z and parton c a fraction 1 z. To specify the Q azimuthal angle ⇧ of the b around the a direction is needed in addition; is the QCD scale in s . Of course, this choice is more direct iscussions ⇧ is chosen to bewhere isotropically distributed, although options for QCD parts of the shower, but it can be used just as well for the QED on istributions currently are the thedefaults. two variables t and z, the di⇥erential probability dP for parton a to ility for a parton to branch is given by the evolution equations (also called abc arelli–Parisi [Gri72, Alt77]). It is convenient to introduce dPa = Pa bc (z) dt dz . What’s the evolution kernel? Altarelli-Parisi splitting functions 2 dQ 2 2 2 b,c 2⌅ t = ln(Q / ) ⇤ Here dt (in = ln(Q )supposed = 2 limit) ,to run over (162) thedsum all allowed branchings, for a qua Can be derived the iscollinear from requiring Q q ⇥ q⇥, and so on. The abc factor is em for QED branchings and invariance ofbethe physical result with respect to QF → RGE evaluated at some suitable scale, see below). QCD scale in s . Of course, choice is more Thethis splitting kernels Pa bcdirected (z) are towards the he shower, but it can be used just as well for the QED ones. In terms of Altarelli-Parisi 1+ z2 es t and z, the di⇥erential probability dP for parton a to branch is now (E.g., PYTHIA) Pq qg (z) = CF , 1 z 2 abc (1 z(1 z)) dPa = Pa bc (z) dt dz . (163) P (z) = N , g gg C 2⌅ z(1 z) b,c 2 2 P (z) = T (z + (1 z) ), g qq R c s supposed to run over all allowed branchings, for a quark q ⇥1 + qgz 2and b Pq q s (z) e2q ones (to , on. The abc factorais em for QED branchings and for = QCD 1 z = z pa some suitable scale, seepbbelow). 2 1 + z P⇥ ⇥ (z) = e2⇥ , g kernels Pa bc (z) arepc = (1-z) pa 1 z Pq Pg P. S k a n d s s fo 2 1 + z with C 3, TQR2 some = nf measure /2 (i.e. of TR“hardness” receives a contribution F = 4/3, NC = 2 … with dQ Callowed , 2 2 qg (z) = F 2flavour), electric charge (4/9 for u-t qq and e and e = event/jet resolution ⇥ the squared q dt = 2 = d 1 ln Q z Q for d-type ones, and measuring parton virtualities / formation time / … 2 1 for leptons). (1 z(1familiar z)) with analytical calculations may wonder why the ‘+ Persons , gg (z) = NC z) of the splitting kernels in eq. (164) are missing. Thes and ⇤(1z(1z) terms 20 fulfil the task of ensuring flavour and energy conservation in the analytical Coherence Coherence QED: Chudakov effect (mid-fifties) e+ e− cosmic ray γ atom Approximations to Coherence: Angular Ordering (HERWIG) Illustration by T. Sjöstrand reduced ionization emulsion plate normal ionization Angular Vetos (PYTHIA) Coherent Dipoles/Antennae (ARIADNE, Catani-Seymour, VINCIA) QCD: colour coherence for soft gluon emission 2 + 2 = by • ofrequiring emission angles to that be decreasing → ansolved example an interference effect can be treated probabilistically or • requiring transverse momenta to be decreasing More interference effects can be included by matching to full matrix elements P. S k a n d s 21 rat 0.02 10-4 Coherence at Work Figure 3: Di↵erent color flows and corresponding emission Pythia patterns in qq ! qq scattering. The straight (black) lines are 0.01 quarks with arrows denoting the direction of motion in the iniVincia (default) tial or final states, and the curved (colored) lines indicating the Vincia (enh. antennae) color flow. The beam axis is horizontal, and the vertical axis Example taken from: Ritzmann, Kosower, PS, PLB718 (2013) 1345 0 is transverse to the beam. The initial-state momenta would be 0 5 10 15 20 reversed in a Feynman diagram, so that the gluon emissions p Example: quark-quark scattering in byhadron collisions symbolically indicated curly lines would be inside the corresponding color antennæ. Forward flow isoshown on the left, Consider one specific phase-space point (eg scattering at 45 ) igure 2: The Drell-Yan pT spectrum. The dashed red curve and backward flow on the right. hows the value 2 computed using colour Vincia withflows: default antennæ possible a and b unctions, while the dotted green curve shows the Vincia preicted with an enhanced antenna function. The solid blue urve gives the Pythia 8 prediction. inset shows the higha)The “forward” 2 180° T tail. colour flow remit 2 ertainty due to the shower function and in particuar higher-order terms in the shower. The di↵ernce shown here is illustrative only; a more exensive Figure exploration of possible variations 3: Di↵erent colorantenna flows and corresponding emission 0° 45° 90° 135° 180° would be required the“backward” spread as a (black) lines b) patterns in qqbefore ! qqtaking scattering. The straight are q Hgluon, beamL colour flow uantitative estimate of the uncertainty. We may quarks with arrows denoting the direction of motion in the inionetheless thatand thethe Pythia referencelines indicating tial orobserve final states, curved8(colored) the Figure 4: Angular distribution of the first gluon emission in alculation the Vincia (with de! qq axis scattering at 45 , for the two di↵erent color flows. colordi↵ers flow. from The beam axis is one horizontal, and the qq vertical Thewould light (red) ault antenna) by roughly the same in the is transverse to the beam. Theamount initial-state momenta be histogram shows the emission density for the forward flow, and the dark (blue) histogram shows the emiseak region as does the enhanced Vincia reversed in a Feynman diagram, so predicthat the gluon emissions sion density for the backward flow. on. This illustrates aindicated tradeo↵ by between a more ac- be inside the corsymbolically curly lines would nt color flows and corresponding emission responding color antennæ. Forward is shown on the left, ve strategy and a more active radiqq recoil scattering. The(Pythia) straight (black) lines areflow Another good recent example is the SM contribution to the Tevatron top-quark forwardand backward flow theasymmetry right. tion pattern (enhanced Vincia), which in- showers, ws denoting the direction ofon motion in thewill inibackward frombe coherent see: PS, Webber, should Winter, JHEP 1207 (2012) 151 plies that radiation be directed primarily inP. S k a n d s and the curved (colored) lines indicating thep , all eresting to study more closely. At large 3 1 180° 4 22 S({p}X , O) = (O ⇤ O({p}X )) ⇧ ⇤ ⇥ thad ⇥ thad dP dP (O⇤O({p}X )) + dt dtX+1 (O⇤O({p S({p}X , O) = 1 ⇤ dt dtX+1 tstart tstart ⇥ thad d⇧(tstart, t) dt S({p}X+1, O) S({p}X , O) = ⇧(tstart, thad) (O⇤O({p}X )) ⇤ dt tstart Observation: the ⇥ evolution ⌅kernel is responsible d X+1 wX+1 ⌅⌅ for generating P = real radiation. d X wX ⌅PS → Choose it to be the ratio ⇥ of 2the real-emission matrix element dQ to the Born-level matrix element PDGLAP = dz Pi(z) 2 Q → AP in coll limit, buti also includes the Eikonal for soft radiation. ⇥ 2 |M ds ds (s , s , s)| ij jk 3 ij jk Dipole-Antennae PAntenna = 2→3 instead of 1→2 2 2 16⌦ s |M2(s)| (E.g., ARIADNE, VINCIA) (→ all partons on shell) Antennae dPIK s ijk I K k (sij,sjk) P. S k a n d s a(sij , sjk ) ⇤ ⇥ ⇧(t1, t2) = exp ⇤ = i j dsij dsjk 16⌃ 2 s (…) (…) t2 t1 Antenna functions of invariants ⇥ 2CF 2 2 aqq̄ qgq̄ = sij s 2sik s + sij + sjk ⇧ dP aqg qgg = dt dt agg ggg = jk CA sij sjk CA sij sjk TR sjk aqg q q̄ 0 q 0 = agg g q̄ 0 q 0 = aqg 2sik s + s2ij 2sik s + s2ij s 2sij + q q̄ 0 q 0 + s2jk s3ij + s2jk s3ij 2s2ij ⇥ ⇥ s3jk ⇥ … + non-singular terms 23 Bootstrapped Perturbation Theory Start from an arbitrary lowest-order process (green = QFT amplitude squared) (virtual corrections) No. of Quantum Loops Parton showers generate the bremsstrahlung terms of the rest of the perturbative series (approximate infinite-order resummation) +0(2) +1(2) Universality (scaling) … Jet-within-a-jet-within-a-jet-... +0(1) +1(1) +2(1) +3(1) Un ita rit y Cancellation of real & virtual singularities Lowest +1(0) Order +2(0) +3(0) Exponentiation fluctuations within fluctuations But No. ≠ full QCD! Only LLEmis Approximation (→ matching) of Brem sstra hlung sions (real corrections) P. S k a n d s 24 Perturbation shower formalism. Theory with Markov Chains The Shower Operator nsider the Born-level cross section for an arbitrary hard process, H, differentially in an arbitrary ared-safe observable Theory O, 2.1 Perturbation with Markov Chains ! " Consider the Born-level dσcross (0) 2 hard process, H, differentially in an arbitrary H !! section for an arbitrary (1) infrared-safe observabledO O, !Born = dΦH |MH | δ(O − O({p}H )) , ! " H = Hard process ! dσ (0) H 2 here the integration runs over !the full phase space of H (this expression and = final-state dΦH |Mon-shell (1) Born dO ! H | δ(O − O({p}H )) , {p} : partons se below would also apply to Born hadron collisions were we to include integrations over the parton ribution functions in the initial andfinal-state the δ function projects a 1-dimensional slice defined where the integration runs overstate), the full on-shell phaseout space of H (this expression and O evaluated on the also set ofapply final-state momenta which we we denote {p}H (without the over δ function, the those below would to hadron collisions were to include integrations the parton instead of evaluating O on not the finalone). state, grationBut overfunctions phase space would just giveand thethe total cross section, differential distribution in the initial state), δdirectly function projects outthe aBorn 1-dimensional slice defined ToO make the connection parton showers, to discuss all-orders in that context, insert aand showering operator by evaluated on the settooffirst final-state momenta which we denote {p}resummations H (without the δ function, the may insert over an operator, S, that actsjust on the finalsection, state before thedifferential observableone). is evaluated, integration phase space would giveBorn-level the total cross not the To make the connection to parton showers, and to discuss all-orders resummations in that context, ! " {p} : partons ! dσ Born (0) H 2 final state before the observable is evaluated, we may insert an operator, S, that! acts on dΦ the HBorn-level | S({p}H , O) . S : showering operator (2) = |M ! H + shower dO S! i.e., " ! dσH ! (0) 2be responsible for generating all (real and rmally, this operator — the evolution operator — will (2) = dΦ |M H ! H | S({p}H , O) . ual) higher-order corrections dO to theS Born-level expression. The measurement δ function appearUnitarity: to evolution first order, does Formally, this operator — the operatorS— will benothing responsible for generating all (real and virtual) higher-order corrections to the Born-level The measurement δ function appear3 expression. S({p} , O) = (O O({p} )) + O(↵ ) H H s 3 P. S k a n d s 25 The Shower Operator S({p} , O) = δ(O − O({p} )) X S({p}X , O) = δ(O − O({p} )) X X ! # " "t thad ! # " tthad " had had dP dP dPd S({p} dt δ(O−O({p}XX))))++ S({p}XX,,O) O) = = 1− dt δ(O−O({p} dtdt X+1 X+1 dt (Markov Chain) dt dtdt To ALL Orders tstart tstart X tstart start ""thad X , O) = δ(O − O({p}X )) thad d∆(t d∆(t , t), t) # start " thad " thad start )δ(O−O({p} S(S S({p}XX,,O) O) = = ∆(t ∆(tstart, thad dtdt had)δ(O−O({p} dPS({p} dP XX))))−− − dt δ(O−O({p}“Nothing dt→X+1 δ(O−O({p} tstart tstart X )) + Happens” X+1)) dtdt “Evaluate$Observable” $ " tstart " dt dtX+1 tstart $ $ dΦ w dΦ w X+1 X+1 X+1 X+1 " $$ thad P= P d∆(t $$ start, t) dΦ w X X tstart, thad)δ(O−O({p}X )) − dt dΦ"X wS({p} X PS X+1 , O) PS "dt dQ22 tstart % % $ dQ " “Something Shower” PDGLAP = Happens” → 2“Continue dz PPi(z) DGLAP P = dz (z) dΦX+1 wX+1 $$ i Q 2 Q = ii $ dΦX wX PS " 2 " |M (s , s , s)| ds ds " 3 (sij , happens jk , s)|2 ij dsjknothing All-orders Probability that 2 |M s ds % 3 ij jk ij jk P = dQ Antenna 2s 2 P = Antenna 16π |M (s)| = dz P (z) 2 2s 2 AP i 16π |M (s)| 2 2 ! " t2 # Q i (Exponentiation) dP " Analogous to nuclear decay ∆(t dt 2 1, t2) = exp − dsij dsjk |M3(sij , sjk , s)| N(t) ≈ N(0) exp(-ct) dt t1 16π 2s |M2(s)|2 P. S k a n d s 26 A Shower Algorithm 1.0 Solve equation R = (t1 , t) for t yjk ! sjk !sijk ! 1"xi 1. Generate Random Number, R ∈ [0,1] (with starting scale t1) Analytically for simple splitting kernels, else numerically (or by trial+veto) → t scale for next branching t 0.8 t1 0.6 (t,z) 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 yij ! sij !sijk ! 1"xk 1.0 Figure 1: Contours of constant value of the antenna function, ā0ijk for q q̄ → qg q̄ d as function of the two phase-space invariants, with an arbitrary normalization an scale. Larger values are shown in lighter shades. The (single) collinear diverge while the (double) soft divergence sits at the origin. 2. Generate another Random Number, Rz ∈ [0,1] To find second (linearly independent) phase-space invariant factor, and ā is a generic color- and coupling-stripped dipole-antenna function, 0 ijk Iz (z, t) Solve equation Rz = Iz (zmax (t), t) With the “primitive function” for z Z z denote a tree-level quantity. The three-particle matrix element is averaged azimu that our use of lower-case letters for the antenna function is intended to signify t whatscale is called a sub-antenna in ref. [36] for which lower-case letters are likewise (at ) For illustration, contours of constant value of ā0qgq̄ (s, sqg , sgq̄ ) as derived from in fig. 1, over the 2 → 3 phase space, with an arbitrary normalization and a log This function is called A03 in ref. [36] and is identical to the radiation function splittings in A RIADNE. One clearly sees the large enhancements towards the e with a double pole (the overlap of two singularities, usually called soft and co origin, and single singularities (soft or collinear) localized on the axes. 0 as g2 = 4παs and combining it with the phase s Writing the coupling factor we have the following antenna function normalization t d (t0 ) Iz (z, t) = dz dt0 zmin (t) t =t 3. Generate a third Random Number, Rφ ∈ [0,1] 1 αs 0 a0IK→ijk (s, sij , sjk ) ≡ ! " # 4π Cijk āijk (s, sij , sj 2 2 λ s, mI , mK is, we use the notation ā for the coupling- and color-stripped antenna funct Solve equation R' = '/2⇡ for φ → Can nowaThat 3Dantenna branching fordo the “dressed” function, i.e., including its coupling, color, and phase P. S k a n d s Note that g 2 ×(phase-space normalization) leads to a factor αs /(4π) indepen branching. As we believe that the formalism becomes more transparent if the is kept clear throughout, we shall therefore use this factor for all branchings, traditional convention of using αs /(2π) for some branchings and αs /(4π) for ot convention choice will be compensated by our conventions for the color factors a normalizations, such that the final result remains independent of this choice. 27 combined result should contain exactly the correct leading soft and collinear logarithms with no under-counting. Non-logarithmic (‘finite’) terms are in constrast arbitrary. They correspond to around inside the leading-logarithmic uncertainty envelope. The renormalization scale µR principle be a constant (fixed coupling) or running. Again, the point here is not to impose a choice but just to ensure that the language is sufficiently general to explore the ambiguity. Together, eqs. (2), (4), and (11) can be used as a framework for defining more concret The final states generated by based a shower showers. An explicit evolution algorithm (whether on partons, dipoles, or other objec algorithm will depend on specify: Perturbative Ambiguities 1. The choice of perturbative evolution variable(s) t[i] . [i] 2. The choice of phase-space mapping dΦn+1 /dΦn . Ordering & Evolutionscale choices Recoils, kinematics 3. The choice of radiation functions ai , as a function of the phase-space variables. 4. The choice of renormalization scale function µR . 5. Choices of starting and ending scales. P. Non-singular terms, Reparametrizations, Subleading Colour Phase-space limits / suppressions for hard radiation and choice of hadronization scale The definitions above are already sufficient to describe how such an algorithm can be ma → gives additional handles forshall uncertainty beyond just μR of these fixedus order perturbation theory. We later presentestimates, several explicit implementations + ambiguities be reduced by including more pQCD → matching! the form of thecan V INCIA code, see section 5. Let us begin by seeing what contributions the pure parton shower gives at each order in pert theory. Since ∆ is the probability of no branching between two scales, 1 − ∆ is the integrated b Skands 28 probability P . Its rate of change gives the instantaneous branching probability over a dif Jack of All Orders, Master of None? Nice to have all-orders solution But it is only exact in the singular (soft & collinear) limits → gets the bulk of bremsstrahlung corrections right, but fails equally spectacularly: for hard wide-angle radiation: visible, extra jets … which is exactly where fixed-order calculations work! Skands P. P. Skands Introduction QCD Introduction toto QCD So combine them! (2) (2) 1 1 . . .. . . (1) 1 1 0(1) 0 (1) (1) 1 1 (1) (1) 2 2 (0) 0 0 0(0) 0 0 0 (0) (0) 1 1 (0) (0) 2 2 1 1 2 2 k (legs) k (legs) . . .. . . ++ (0) (0) . . . ... 3 3 3 3 . . .. . . (2) 2 2 0(2) 0 (2) (2) 1 1 ? & F+1 LO⇥LL F &F F+1 @@ LO⇥LL . . .. . . (1) 1 1 0(1) 0 (1) (1) 1 1 (1) (1) 2 2 (0) 0 0 0(0) 0 0 0 (0) (0) 1 1 (0) (0) 2 2 1 1 2 2 k (legs) k (legs) . . .. . . == (0) (0) . . . ... 3 3 3 3 . . .. . . (2) 2 2 0(2) 0 ` (loops) ` (loops) ` (loops) ` (loops) (2) 2 2 0(2) 0 F+1 LO⇥LL F+1 @@ LO⇥LL ` (loops) ` (loops) F@ LO⇥LL F@ LO⇥LL (2) (2) 1 1 . . .. . . (1) 1 1 0(1) 0 (1) (1) 1 1 (1) (1) 2 2 (0) 0 0 0(0) 0 0 0 (0) (0) 1 1 (0) (0) 2 2 1 1 2 2 k (legs) k (legs) . . .. . . (0) (0) . . . ... 3 3 3 3 . . .. . . FAIL!involving Figure22: 22:The Thedouble-counting double-countingproblem problemcaused causedbybynaively naivelyadding addingcross crosssections sections involving Figure See: PS, Introduction to QCD, TASI 2012, arXiv:1207.2389 matrix elements with different numbers legs. matrix elements with different numbers ofof legs. P. S k a n d s 29 Matching 1: Slicing Examples: MLM, CKKW, CKKW-L First emission: “the HERWIG correction” Use the fact that the angular-ordered HERWIG parton shower to has a P. Skands Introduction QCD “dead zone” for hard wide-angle radiation (2) 0 (2) 1 1 (1) 0 (1) 1 (1) 2 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (0) 2 0 1 + ... 2 k (legs) (0) 3 ... 3 ... F @ LO1 ⇥LL (H ERWIG Matched) ... 2 (2) 0 (2) 1 1 (1) 0 (1) 1 (1) 2 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (0) 2 0 1 ... 2 k (legs) = (0) 3 ... 3 ... ` (loops) ... 2 P. Skands F+1 @ LO⇥LL (H ERWIG Corrections) ` (loops) ` (loops) F @ LO⇥LL-Soft (H ERWIG Shower) (Seymour, 1995) ... 2 (2) 0 (2) 1 1 (1) 0 (1) 1 (1) 2 0 (0) 0 (0) 1 (0) 2 0 1 2 k (legs) ... (0) 3 ... 3 ... Introduction to QCD P. 1 (1) 0 ... (1) 1 ... + 2 (2) 0 1 (1) 0 ... (1) 1 ... + 2 (2) 0 1 (1) 0 ... (1) 1 ... = ` (loops) (2) 0 ` (loops) 2 ` (loops) ` (loops) Figure 23: Hemissions: ERWIG ’s original matching [112, in which the dead zone of the Many thescheme MLM &113], CKKW-L prescriptions H ERWIG shower was used as an effective “matching scale” for one emission beyond a basic F @ LO⇥LL-Soft (excl) F+1 @ LO⇥LL-Soft (excl) F+2 @ LO⇥LL (incl) F @ LO2 ⇥LL (MLM & (L)-CKKW) hard process. 2 (2) 0 1 (1) 0 ... (1) 1 ... (0) (0) (0) (0) independent (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) since generalized by several groups to include arbitrary of addi0 been 0 0 0numbers 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 tional legs, the most well-known of 1these 2being the CKKW [114], CKKW-L [115, 116], and 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 0 1 2 k (legs) k (legs) k (legs) k (legs) MLM [117, 118] approaches. (Mangano, 2002) (CKKW & Lönnblad,the 2001) (+many more recent; see Alwallscale, et al., EPJC53(2008)473) Effectively, shower approximation is set to zero above some either due to the Figure 24: Slicing, with up to two additional emissions beyond the basic process. showers Image The Credits: istockphoto presence of explicit dead zones in the shower, as in H ERWIG , or by vetoing any emissions S k a noff d s F and F + 1 are set to zero above a specific “matching scale”. (The number of coefficients above a certain matching scale, as in the (L)-CKKW and MLM approaches. The empty part of 30 The “CKKW” Prescription Catani, Krauss, Kuhn, Webber, JHEP11(2001)063 Lönnblad, JHEP05(2002)046 Start from a set of fixed-order MEs Separate Phase-Space Integrations inc F inc F +1 (Qcut ) inc F +2 (Qcut ) Wish to add showers while eliminating Double Counting: Transform inclusive cross sections, for “X or more”, to exclusive ones, for “X and only X” Jet Algorithm (CKKW) → Recluster back to F → “fake” brems history Or use statistical showers (Lönnblad), now done in all implementations Reweight each internal line by shower Sudakov factor & each vertex by αs(µPS) exc F +1 (QF +1 ) exc F +2 (QF +2 ) Reweight each external line by shower Sudakov factor exc F (Qcut ) exc F +1 (Qcut ) Now add a genuine parton shower → remaining evolution down to confinement scale Start from Qcut P. S k a n d s Start from QF+2 31 Slicing: The Cost 1. Initialization time 2. Time to generate 1000 events (to pre-compute cross sections and warm up phase-space grids) (Z → partons, fully showered & matched. No hadronization.) 10000s 1000s C + A RP 1000 SHOWERS IX M O 1000s rt) a the f o e t sta f o le p am x e ( E SH 100s 100s 10s 10s 1s E H S ( A RP L) KW K C 1s 2 3 4 5 6 Z→n : Number of Matched Emissions 0.1s 2 3 4 5 6 Z→n : Number of Matched Emissions Z→udscb ; Hadronization OFF ; ISR OFF ; udsc MASSLESS ; b MASSIVE ; ECM = 91.2 GeV ; Qmatch = 5 GeV SHERPA 1.4.0 (+COMIX) ; PYTHIA 8.1.65 ; VINCIA 1.0.29 (+MADGRAPH 4.4.26) ; gcc/gfortran v 4.7.1 -O2 ; single 3.06 GHz core (4GB RAM) P. S k a n d s 32 Matching 2: Subtraction Examples: MC@NLO, aMC@NLO LO × Shower P. S k a n d s X(2) X+1(2) X(1) X+1(1) X+2(1) X+3(1) Born X+1(0) X+2(0) X+3(0) NLO … X(2) X+1(2) … X(1) X+1(1) X+2(1) X+3(1) … … Born X+1(0) X+2(0) X+3(0) … … Fixed-Order Matrix Element … Shower Approximation … 33 Matching 2: Subtraction Examples: MC@NLO, aMC@NLO LO × Shower P. S k a n d s X(2) X+1(2) X(1) X+1(1) X+2(1) X+3(1) Born X+1(0) X+2(0) X+3(0) NLO - Shower NLO … X(2) X+1(2) … X(1) X+1(1) X+2(1) X+3(1) … … Born X+1(0) X+2(0) X+3(0) … … Fixed-Order Matrix Element … Shower Approximation … Expand shower approximation to NLO analytically, then subtract: … Fixed-Order ME minus Shower Approximation (NOTE: can be < 0!) 34 Matching 2: Subtraction Examples: MC@NLO, aMC@NLO LO × Shower P. S k a n d s X(2) X+1(2) X(1) X+1(1) X+2(1) X+3(1) Born X+1(0) X+2(0) X+3(0) (NLO - Shower NLO ) × Shower … X(1) X(1) … … X(1) X(1) X(1) X(1) … … Born X+1(0) X(1) X(1) … … Fixed-Order Matrix Element … Fixed-Order ME minus Shower Approximation (NOTE: can be < 0!) … Shower Approximation … Subleading corrections generated by shower off subtracted ME 35 Matching 2: Subtraction Examples: MC@NLO, aMC@NLO Combine → MC@NLO Frixione, Webber, JHEP 0206 (2002) 029 Consistent NLO + parton shower (though correction events can have w<0) Recently, has been almost fully automated in aMC@NLO Frederix, Frixione, Hirschi, Maltoni, Pittau, Torrielli, JHEP 1202 (2012) 048 NLO: for X inclusive LO for X+1 LL: for everything else X(2) X+1(2) … X(1) X+1(1) X+2(1) X+3(1) … Born X+1(0) X+2(0) X+3(0) … Note 1: NOT NLO for X+1 Note 2: Multijet tree-level matching still superior for X+2 NB: w < 0 are a problem because they kill efficiency: Extreme example: 1000 positive-weight - 999 negative-weight events → statistical precision of 1 event, for 2000 generated (for comparison, normal MC@NLO has ~ 10% neg-weights) P. S k a n d s 36 Matching 3: ME Corrections Standard Paradigm: Have ME for X, X+1,…, X+n; Want to combine and add showers Double counting, IR divergences, multiscale logs → “The Soft Stuff” Works pretty well at low multiplicities Still, only corrected for “hard” scales; Soft still pure LL. At high multiplicities: Efficiency problems: slowdown from need to compute and generate phase space from dσX+n, and from unweighting (efficiency also reduced by negative weights, if present) Scale hierarchies: smaller single-scale phase-space region Powers of alphaS pile up Better Starting Point: a QCD fractal? P. S k a n d s 37 (shameless VINCIA promo) (plug-in to PYTHIA 8 for ME-improved final-state showers, uses helicity matrix elements from MadGraph) Interleaved Paradigm: Have shower; want to improve it using ME for X, X+1, …, X+n. Interpret all-orders shower structure as a trial distribution Quasi-scale-invariant: intrinsically multi-scale (resums logs) Unitary: automatically unweighted (& IR divergences → multiplicities) More precise expressions imprinted via veto algorithm: ME corrections at LO, NLO, and more? → soft and hard No additional phase-space generator or σX+n calculations → fast Automated Theory Uncertainties For each event: vector of output weights (central value = 1) + Uncertainty variations. Faster than N separate samples; only one sample to analyse, pass through detector simulations, etc. LO: Giele, Kosower, Skands, PRD84(2011)054003 P. S k a n d s NLO: Hartgring, Laenen, Skands, arXiv:1303.4974 38 Matching 3: ME Corrections Examples: PYTHIA, POWHEG, VINCIA |MF |2 |MF |2 Generate “shower” |MF |2 emission |MF |2 2 LL Virtues: No “matching scale” No negative-weight events Can be very fast Loops Start at Born level X +2 Repeat |MF +1 | ⇠ ai |MF |2 X 2 +1 2 i2ant |MX 2 LL 22 LL F| |MF +1 | ⇠ a|M ai |MF | F +1 i |M F || ⇠ 2 |M | i2ant F +1 X Element i2ant Correctato Matrix LL 2! +0 |MF +1 | ⇠ |M2Fa|2i2|MF |2 2 |MFF|+1 | |M |MF +1 | i2ant ai ! P ai ! P 2 aX ai |MF |2 i |MF2| +0 +1 +2 +3 Legs 2 LL 2 |M | F +1 |M | ⇠ a |M | i F aFi +1 !P 2 i2ant ai |MF | First Order Unitarity of|MShower 2 PYTHIA: LO1 corrections to most SM and BSM decay FZ+1 | ai ! P processes, and for pp → Z/W/H (Sjöstrand 1987) |2 Virtual = ai |MFReal Virtual = Z POWHEG (& POWHEG BOX): LO1 + NLO0 corrections for generic processes (Frixione, Nason, Oleari, 2007) Real Correct to Matrix Element Z |MF |2 ! |MF |2 + 2Re[MF1 MF0 ] + Real Illustrations from: PS, TASI Lectures, arXiv:1207.2389 P. S k a n d s Multileg NLO: VINCIA: LO1,2,3,4 + NLO0,1 (shower plugin to PYTHIA 8; formalism for pp soon to appear) (see previous slide) MiNLO-merged POWHEG: LO1,2 + NLO0,1 for pp → Z/W/H UNLOPS: for generic processes (in PYTHIA 8, based on POWHEG input) (Lönnblad & Prestel, 2013) 39 Speed Larkoski, Lopez-Villarejo, Skands, PRD 87 (2013) 054033 1. Initialization time 2. Time to generate 1000 events (to pre-compute cross sections and Initialization warm up phase-space grids) Time (seconds) (Z → partons, fully showered & No 1000 hadronization.) Time matched. to generate showers (seconds) 1000 SHOWERS 10000 SHERPA 1.4.0 VINCIA 1.029 seconds 1000 1000 IX M O rt) a e h t of E e t H S sta f o e l p m a (ex +C A RP 100 10 100 SH Sector Old Sector L) KW K (C 2 3 4 5 unpolarized VINCIA (GKS) sector polarized 1 global 0.1 SHERPA PA R E 10 PYTHIA+VINCIA 1 Global Old Global 6 Z→n : Number of Matched Legs 0.1 2 Hadronization Time (LEP) 3 4 5 6 Z→n : Number of Matched Legs Z→udscb ; Hadronization OFF ; ISR OFF ; udsc MASSLESS ; b MASSIVE ; ECM = 91.2 GeV ; Qmatch = 5 GeV SHERPA 1.4.0 (+COMIX) ; PYTHIA 8.1.65 ; SHERPA VINCIA 1.0.29version + MADGRAPH Comparison of computation speeds between 1.4.0 4.4.26 [27] ; and VINCIA 1.029 gcc/gfortran v 4.7.1 -O2 ; single 3.06 GHz ;core (4GB RAM) Z→udscb ; Hadronization OFF ; ISR OFF ; udsc MASSLESS b MASSIVE ; ECM = 91.2 GeV ; Qmatch = 5 GeV Figure 7: + PYTHIA 8.171, as a function of the number of legs that are matched to matrix elements, for hadronic Z SHERPA 1.4.0 (+COMIX) ; PYTHIA 8.1.65 ; VINCIA 1.0.29 (+MADGRAPH 4.4.26) ; P. S k a n d s decays. Left: initialization time (to precompute cross sections, warm up phase-space grids, etc, before event 40 Confinement Potential between a quark and an antiquark as function of distance, R Long Distances ~ Linear Potential Quarks (and gluons) confined inside hadrons Short Distances ~ “Coulomb” What physical system has a linear potential? Partons ~ Force required to lift a 16-ton truck P. S k a n d s 41 String Breaks In “unquenched” QCD g→qq → The strings would break String Breaks: via Quantum Tunneling (simplified colour representation) P / exp m2q p2?q ! Illustrations by T. Sjöstrand P. S k a n d s 42 The (Lund) String Model Pedagogical Review: B. Andersson, The Lund model. Camb. Monogr. Part. Phys. Nucl. Phys. Cosmol., 1997. Map: • Quarks → String Endpoints • Gluons → Transverse Excitations (kinks) • Physics then in terms of string worldsheet evolving in spacetime • Probability of string break (by quantum tunneling) constant per unit area → AREA LAW Simple space-time picture Details of string breaks more complicated P. S k a n d s 43 H a d ro n i z a t i o n : S u m m a r y The problem: Given a set of coloured partons resolved at a scale of ~ 1 GeV, need a (physical) mapping to a new set of degrees of freedom = colourneutral hadronic states. Numerical models do this in three steps 1. Map partons onto endpoints/kinks of continuum of strings ~ highly excited hadronic states (evolves as string worldsheet) 2. Iteratively map strings/clusters onto discrete set of primary hadrons (string breaks, via quantum tunneling) 3. Sequential decays into secondary hadrons (e.g., ρ→ππ , Λ 0 →nπ 0 , π 0 →γγ, ...) D i s t a n c e S c a l e s ~ 1 0 -15 m = 1 f e r m i What is Tuning? FSR pQCD Parameters αs(mZ) The value of the strong coupling at the Z pole Governs overall amount of radiation αs Running Renormalization Scheme and Scale for αs 1- vs 2-loop running, MSbar / CMW scheme, µR ~ pT2 Matching Additional Matrix Elements included? At tree level / one-loop level? Using what scheme? Ordering variable, coherence treatment, effective Subleading Logs 1→3 (or 2→4), recoil strategy, … Branching Kinematics (z definitions, local vs global momentum conservation), hard parton starting scales / phase-space cutoffs, masses, non-singular terms, … P. S k a n d s 45 tates). e event shapes requiring three-particle final states, six variables were studied 2 /s [20], the wide l: the thrust T [19], the normalised heavy jet mass MH broadenings BW and BT [21], the C-parameter [22] and the transition from wo-jet final states in the Durham jet algorithm Y3 [23]. Need IR Corrections? T [19] ust variable for a hadronic final state in e+ e− annihilation is defined as [19] !" # |! p · ! n | 1 i i " T = max , 1 T !(2.1) 2 ! n pi | i |! 1 T !0 denotes the three-momentum of particle i, with the sum running over all 1-Thrust (udsc) Major Minor . The unit vector ! n is varied to find the thrust direction ! n which maximises T Delphi Delphi L3 10 10 10 Pythia Pythia Pythia ession in parentheses. Major 1/N dN/d(O) Minor 1/N dN/d(Minor) 1 1 Oblateness 1 1 ximum value of thrust, T → 1, is obtained in the limit where there are only 10 10 10 icles in the event. For a three-particle event the minimum value of thrust is Minor 1-T Major 10 10 . 10 -1 10 -2 -2 -2 10 -3 10 Data from CERN-PPE-96-120 Pythia 8.165 -3 10 -2 Data from CERN-PPE-96-120 Pythia 8.165 0.5 Theory/Data Theory/Data 2 /s0.4[20]0.5 0 0.1 mass, 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 emisphere M0.3H 1.40 1.4 1.40 1.2 1.2 1.2 riginal definition [20] one divides the event into two hemispheres. In each 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 ere, 0.6Hi , one also computes the0.6hemisphere invariant mass 0.6 as: 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 2 1 & 2 pk , (2.2) Mi /s = 2 Evis Significant Discrepancies (>10%) Theory/Data V INCIARO OT Data from Phys.Rept. 399 (2004) 71 Pythia 8.165 -1 1-T (udsc) Major Theory/Data -3 V INCIARO OT -1 V INCIARO OT -1 10 Delphi Pythia 10 0.5 Oblateness = Major - Minor -3 10 1.40 V INCIARO OT 1/N dN/d(Major) 1/N dN/d(1-T) PYTHIA 8 (hadronization off) vs LEP: Thrust Data from CERN-PPE-96-120 Pythia 8.165 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0 Minor 0.6 O k∈Hi for T < 0.05, Major < 0.15, Minor < 0.2, and for all values of Oblateness Evis is the total energy visible in the event. In the original definition, the ere is chosen such that M12 +M22 is minimised. We follow the more customary P. S k a n d s n whereby the hemispheres are separated by the plane orthogonal to the 46 tates). e event shapes requiring three-particle final states, six variables were studied 2 /s [20], the wide l: the thrust T [19], the normalised heavy jet mass MH broadenings BW and BT [21], the C-parameter [22] and the transition from wo-jet final states in the Durham jet algorithm Y3 [23]. Need IR Corrections? T [19] ust variable for a hadronic final state in e+ e− annihilation is defined as [19] !" # |! p · ! n | 1 i i " T = max , 1 T !(2.1) 2 ! n pi | i |! 1 T !0 denotes the three-momentum of particle i, with the sum running over all 1-Thrust (udsc) Minor Major . The unit vector ! n is varied to find the thrust direction ! n which maximises T Delphi L3 Delphi 10 10 10 Pythia Pythia Pythia ession in parentheses. Major Minor 1 -2 -2 -2 -3 10 Data from CERN-PPE-96-120 Pythia 8.165 -3 10 -2 Data from CERN-PPE-96-120 Pythia 8.165 0.5 Theory/Data Theory/Data Theory/Data 2 /s0.4[20]0.5 0.1mass, 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 emisphere M0.3H 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.2 1.2 1.2 riginal definition [20] one divides the event into two hemispheres. In each 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 ere, 0.6Hi , one also computes the0.6hemisphere invariant mass 0.6 as: 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 2 1 & 2 pk , (2.2) Mi /s = 2 Note: Value of Strong coupling is Evis 1-T (udsc) Major k∈Hi Theory/Data 10 Data from Phys.Rept. 399 (2004) 71 Pythia 8.165 -1 10 V INCIARO OT -1 V INCIARO OT -1 V INCIARO OT -1 Delphi Pythia 10 1 1 ximum value of thrust, T → 1, is obtained in the limit where there are only 10 10 10 icles in the event. For a three-particle event the minimum value of thrust is 10 10 . 10 -3 Oblateness 0.5 Minor 10 -3 10 1.40 V INCIARO OT 1 1/N dN/d(O) 1/N dN/d(Minor) 1/N dN/d(Major) 1/N dN/d(1-T) PYTHIA 8 (hadronization on) vs LEP: Thrust Data from CERN-PPE-96-120 Pythia 8.165 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0 0.6 O αs(MZ) = 0.14 Evis is the total energy visible in the event. In the original definition, the ere is chosen such that M12 +M22 is minimised. We follow the more customary P. S k a n d s n whereby the hemispheres are separated by the plane orthogonal to the 47 tates). e event shapes requiring three-particle final states, six variables were studied 2 /s [20], the wide l: the thrust T [19], the normalised heavy jet mass MH broadenings BW and BT [21], the C-parameter [22] and the transition from wo-jet final states in the Durham jet algorithm Y3 [23]. Value of Strong Coupling T [19] ust variable for a hadronic final state in e+ e− annihilation is defined as [19] !" # |! p · ! n | 1 i i " T = max , 1 T !(2.1) 2 ! n pi | i |! 1 T !0 denotes the three-momentum of particle i, with the sum running over all Minor 1-Thrust (udsc) Major . The unit vector ! n is varied to find the thrust direction ! n which maximises Delphi Delphi 10T L3 10 10 Pythia Pythia Pythia ession in parentheses. Major Minor 1 -2 -2 -2 -3 10 Data from CERN-PPE-96-120 Pythia 8.165 -3 10 -2 Data from CERN-PPE-96-120 Pythia 8.165 0.5 Theory/Data Theory/Data Theory/Data 2 /s0.4[20]0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 mass, 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 emisphere M0.3H 1.40 1.40 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 riginal definition [20] one divides the event into two hemispheres. In each 1 1 1 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 as: ere, 0.6Hi , one also computes the0.6hemisphere invariant mass 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 2 1 & 2 pk , (2.2) Mi /s = 2 Note: Value of Strong coupling is Evis 1-T (udsc) Major k∈Hi Theory/Data 10 Data from Phys.Rept. 399 (2004) 71 Pythia 8.165 -1 10 V INCIARO OT -1 V INCIARO OT -1 V INCIARO OT -1 Delphi Pythia 10 1 1 ximum value of thrust, T → 1, is obtained in the limit where there are only 10 10 10 icles in the event. For a three-particle event the minimum value of thrust is 10 10 . 10 -3 Oblateness 0.5 Minor 10 -3 10 1.40 V INCIARO OT 1 1/N dN/d(O) 1/N dN/d(Minor) 1/N dN/d(Major) 1/N dN/d(1-T) PYTHIA 8 (hadronization on) vs LEP: Thrust Data from CERN-PPE-96-120 Pythia 8.165 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0 0.6 O αs(MZ) = 0.12 Evis is the total energy visible in the event. In the original definition, the ere is chosen such that M12 +M22 is minimised. We follow the more customary P. S k a n d s n whereby the hemispheres are separated by the plane orthogonal to the 48 Wait … is this Crazy? Best result Obtained with αs(MZ) ≈ 0.14 ≠ World Average = 0.1176 ± 0.0020 Value of α s depends on the order and scheme MC ≈ Leading Order + LL resummation Other leading-Order extractions of αs ≈ 0.13 - 0.14 Effective scheme interpreted as “CMW” → 0.13; 2-loop running → 0.127; NLO → 0.12 ? Not so crazy Tune/measure even pQCD parameters with the actual generator. Sanity check = consistency with other determinations at a similar formal order, within the uncertainty at that order (including a CMW-like scheme redefinition to go to ‘MC scheme’) Improve → Matching at LO and NLO P. S k a n d s 49 Sneak Preview: Multijet NLO Corrections with VINCIA Hartgring, Laenen, Skands, arXiv:1303.4974 First LEP tune with NLO 3-jet corrections (1-loop running, MSbar) 1/N dN/dC L3 10 C Parameter (udsc) 102 Vincia (NLO) L3 1 -1 10-2 10-2 Data from Phys.Rept. 399 (2004) 71 1.40 Vincia 1.030 + MadGraph 4.426 + Pythia 8.175 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 10 0.5 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0 Vincia (LO tune) 10-1 Data from Phys.Rept. 399 (2004) 71 -3 Theory/Data Theory/Data 10 Vincia (LO tune) 1.40 Vincia 1.030 + MadGraph 4.426 + Pythia 8.175 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.2 1 0.8 0 (a) 10 1.40 Vincia 1.030 + MadGraph 4.426 + Pythia 8.175 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.2 0.4 1-T (udsc) P. S k a n d s Data from Phys.Rept. 399 (2004) 71 -3 1 0.6 0.1 10-2 Theory/Data VINCIAROOT 10 Vincia (NLO off) 1 -1 10 -3 Vincia (NLO) Vincia (NLO off) Vincia (LO tune) L3 10 Vincia (NLO) 10 Vincia (NLO off) 1 D Parameter (udsc) VINCIAROOT 1-Thrust (udsc) 102 (2-loop running, CMW) VINCIAROOT 1/N dN/d(1-T) NLO tune: αs(MZ) = 0.122 1/N dN/dD LO tune: αs(MZ) = 0.139 0.6 0.8 1 0 C (udsc) (b) 0.8 D (udsc) (c) 50 Summary Parton Shower Monte Carlos Improve lowest-order perturbation theory by including ‘most significant’ corrections Resonance decays, soft- and collinear radiation, hadronization, … → complete events Coherence → Angular ordering or Coherent Dipoles/Antennae Hard Wide-Angle Radiation: Matching Slicing (Qcut), Subtraction (w<0), or ME Corrections Next big step: showers with multileg NLO corrections MCnet Review: Phys.Rept. 504 (2011) 145-233 PS, TASI Lectures: arXiv:1207.2389 P. S k a n d s 51 MCnet Studentships MCnet MCnet projects: • PYTHIA (+ VINCIA) • HERWIG • SHERPA • MadGraph • Ariadne (+ DIPSY) • Cedar (Rivet/Professor) Activities include • summer schools (2014: Manchester?) • short-term studentships • graduate students • postdocs • meetings (open/closed) Torbjörn Sjöstrand P. S k a n d s Monte Carlo training studentships m Lund Durha ster e h uvain c o n L a M ngen i t t ö n o G Lond uhe r s l r a K N CER 3-6 month fully funded studentships for current PhD students at one of the MCnet nodes. An excellent opportunity to really understand and improve the Monte Carlos you use! Application rounds every 3 months. funded by: MARIE CURIE ACTIONS Monte Carlo Generators and Soft QCD 1 for details go to: slide 7/40 52 Factorization Fixed Order requirements: All resolved scales >> ΛQCD AND no large hierarchies Trivially untrue for QCD We’re colliding, and observing, hadrons → small scales We want to consider high-scale processes → large scale differences Factorization 2 2 ⇥ ⇥ → A Priori, no perturbatively dˆ ⇤ (x , x , f, Q , Q calculable d⇤ ab f a b i f) 2 2 = fa(xa, Qi )fb(xb, Qi ) D(X̂f X, Q2i , Q2f ) observables in hadron-hadron collisions dX dX̂f X̂f a,b f PDFs: needed to compute inclusive cross sections FFs: needed to compute (semi-)exclusive cross sections Resummed: All resolved scales >> ΛQCD AND X Infrared Safe P. S k a n d s 53 Jets and Showers Infrared Safety: Jet clustering algorithms Map event from low resolution scale (i.e., with many partons/hadrons, most of which are soft) to a higher resolution scale (with fewer, hard, jets) Many soft particles Q ~ Λ ~ mπ ~ 150 MeV Jet Clustering (Deterministic*) (Winner-takes-all) A few hard jets Q~ Ecm ~ MX Q ~ Qhad ~ 1 GeV Parton Showering (Probabilistic) Hadronization Born-level ME Parton shower algorithms Map a few hard partons to many softer ones Probabilistic → closer to nature. Not uniquely invertible by any jet algorithm* (* See “Qjets” for a probabilistic jet algorithm, arXiv:1201.1914) (* See “Sector Showers” for a deterministic shower, arXiv:1109.3608) P. S k a n d s 54 Matching 1: Slicing Examples: MLM, CKKW, CKKW-L LO 0 × PS (pT>pTcut) + Std: veto shower above some pTcut LO 1(pT1>pTcut) × PS (pT<pT1) Highest n: veto shower above pTn X(2) X+1(2) … X+1(2) X(1) X+1(1) X+2(1) X+3(1) … X+1(1) X+2(1) X+3(1) … Born X+1(0) X+2(0) X+3(0) … X+1(0) X+2(0) X+3(0) … … Fixed-Order Matrix Element … Shower Approximation … … Fixed-Order ME above pT cut & nothing below Illustrations from: PS, TASI Lectures, arXiv:1207.2389 P. S k a n d s 55 Matching 1: Slicing Examples: MLM, CKKW, CKKW-L LO 0 × PS (pT>pTcut) + LO 1(pT1>pTcut) × PS (pT<pT1) Std: veto shower above pTcut X(2) X+1 now LO correct for hard radiation and still LL correct for soft X(1) X+1(2) Highest n: veto shower above pTn … X+1(1) X+2(1) X+3(1) … Born X+1(0) X+2(0) X+3(0) … … Fixed-Order Matrix Element … Shower Approximation + Generalizes to arbitrary numbers of jets (at LO) Much work on extensions to NLO … Fixed-Order ME above pT cut & nothing below … Fixed-Order ME above pT cut & Shower Approximation below Illustrations from: PS, TASI Lectures, arXiv:1207.2389 P. S k a n d s 56 Matching: Classic Example W + Jets Number of jets in pp→W+X at the LHC Number of Jets From 0 (W inclusive) to W+3 jets PYTHIA includes matching up to W+1 jet + shower With ALPGEN (MLM), also the LO matrix elements for 2 and 3 jets are included But Normalization still only LO P. S k a n d s W LHC 7 TeV W+Jets ETj > 20 GeV |ηj| < 2.8 W ith ith ou t Ma tch Ma tch ing ing RATIO 57 QCD Jets Matching not always needed. Even at 6 jets, there is almost always at least one strongly ordered path → showers work! (In W+jets, that is not the case) But note that spin correlations between the jets will still be absent P. S k a n d s 58