R EACHING O - University of Utah Health Care


R EACHING O - University of Utah Health Care
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
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T a
A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D.
Senior Vice President for Health Sciences,
and Dean, School of Medicine
Webster Jee, Ph.D.
Emma Eccles Jones
Robert Rice
School of Medicine
College of Pharmacy
College of Health
College of Nursing
University Hospitals & Clinics
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
T H R O U G H E X C E L L E N C E I N E D U C AT I O N , R E S E A R C H A N D C L I N I C A L C A R E .
We e d u c a t e
competent and caring practitioners, educators and scientists for the state of Utah and beyond.
We a d v a n c e
knowledge through innovative basic and clinical research and scholarship and translate
our discoveries into applications that help people.
We p r o v i d e
We a n t i c i p a t e
compassionate, state-of-the art clinical care to our patients.
and respond to the needs of our communities through outreach, advocacy and service.
I n t r o d u c t i o n
O u r g o a l as a Health Sciences Center
is to have a healthy impact on our city, state, region and world.
In fact, part of our mission statement reads, “We anticipate and respond to the needs of our communities
through outreach, advocacy and service.”
The theme for the 2003 annual report is
outreach. What is covered here, however,
only provides a flavor; it doesn’t begin to tell the entire story.
For purposes of this annual report, we define outreach as an activity or program that reaches off campus
and benefits people and the communities in which they live.
Most of those people and communities are in Utah and the Intermountain West.
The first priority of any outreach effort is to bring services, goods and support to people and areas that need them. It is
also an opportunity, in some cases, for health-care providers to further their research and increase their medical knowledge.
Statistics show that students and providers who choose to spend part of their time honing skills in medically needy areas
become better at what they do because they learn to function without ready access to the latest techniques and equipment.
They also become much more likely to make community service part of their lives.
You will read about efforts that the Health Sciences Center supports, services that are made possible by outside grants,
and programs that exist only because University employees go into the community to raise funds and form necessary
alliances. Outreach is an activity that benefits all participants.
It is
service at its broadest and best.
Senior Vice President for Health Sciences and Dean, School of Medicine
Soft-spoken and given to self-deprecation,
Webster Jee sits in his office that surrounds him with
personal and professional memories from a lifetime of accomplishments.
When asked about his successes he will acknowledge them,
tell you about them, but somewhere in his answer he will attribute it
all to serendipity. But there are too many
accomplishments to believe that it is all luck. In fact, very little was. Mostly it
was a keen mind combined with a work ethic honed from childhood.
e grew up in Oakland, California, in a “Chinese ghetto” which he describes as a “very close Chinese community.”
His childhood was overseen, with a firm hand, by his mother, and education consisted of public schools followed
by two hours of Chinese School. Old customs and knowledge were taught there and Jee admits that sometimes the biggest
challenge was staying awake.
Jee’s ticket to the broader world of Northern California was his height. In this day of seven-foot Chinese players in the
NBA, it’s hard to realize that his 5 foot 10 inch height would lead to a stellar basketball career. He was the star of both his
community and high school varsity basketball teams. Road trips were more than just another game, they were the seeds
for what would later become a lifelong love for traveling the world and visiting friends.
If there were some true serendipity in his life it involved his military service. When he finished high school in 1943,
World War II was at its peak and Jee went into the service. He ended up in the Army Air Corps as a B-17 navigator, but his
training took an abnormally long time to complete. As a result, when he finally got his wings the war was over. He was
discharged in 1946, having seen several parts of the country, including the deep south, and coming home with the certain
knowledge that he wanted to obtain a college education.
He earned his undergraduate and master’s degrees from the University of California at Berkeley. While visiting friends in
Utah, Jee decided he liked the area and wondered if there were any jobs available. He landed a research assistant position
in Anatomy and Radiobiology and began working on a Ph.D. Eight years later he had the Ph.D and a reputation, while still
a U student, as the world authority on the toxicity of atom bombs and nuclear power plants.
Another extraordinary eight years of research and teaching followed and by 1967 he was a full professor and an international expert on hard tissue diseases and cures.
A Major
Webster Jee, Ph.D.
Supporter of
Hard Tissue
Just as meteoric as his academic ascension was Jee’s growing reputation as a researcher.
Breakthrough followed breakthrough in the area of hard tissue. His work led to
medications that add bone to the skeleton, helping in the treatment of osteoporosis and
Paget’s disease. Many of his students and disciples are now world renown in the field of
bone biology.
For 29 years he has been the force behind and the vision for the Sun Valley Workshop. He
brings in young investigators from all over the world to mingle with international experts
in the hard tissue field. Initially, the attendance was limited to 50, but the demand became
so great, it currently hosts 150 participants.
The week-long conference has a variety of supporters. Jee himself set up a fund in his late
wife Alice’s name to help defray costs for young investigators to attend the conference.
From this workshop have sprung other internationally known gatherings including the
International Chinese Hard Tissue Society. Jee is the chair of the Board of Directors.
These days, at 78, Jee says he is slowing down and traveling only to conferences that
allow him to see old friends. He continues to mentor post-doctoral students and is
co-editor in chief of the Journal of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions. He says the
quarterly needs some improvement “so we can get better quality papers to publish.”
In the case of Web Jee, slow is like serendipity. He says it, but it doesn’t mean the listener
has to believe it.
When you are one of nine siblings
it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle,
particularly when four of your brothers are
Marriner, George, Willard and Spencer Eccles. Her famous brothers may
have been better known, but
Emma Eccles Jones blazed her own, meaningful trail.
er youth was not necessarily nomadic, but she did get around. She was born in Baker, Oregon, moved to Logan,
Utah, at age seven, then back to Oregon near the rough and tumble life of a lumber camp and back to Logan.
While in Utah she attended Utah State, then off to Radcliff College, out to the University of California at Berkeley for an
undergraduate degree, back to Teachers College at Columbia University in New York for a master’s degree in progressive
education and then back to Logan.
She had a driving enthusiasm for early childhood education. “Her interest was probably not so much in teaching the
children as it was in the concept that children could start learning at an earlier age. She helped train teachers how to
teach children at an earlier age,” says Clark Giles, director of the Emma Eccles Jones Foundation.
She pursued her interest with zeal and convinced the Logan public school system to start a kindergarten, one of the first,
if not the first, in Utah. It was housed in Whittier elementary school and Emma plowed her director’s salary back into
buying supplies for the kids. According to grand nephew, Rick Lawson, Emma believed kids, “must learn social skills as
well as develop their minds.” Even in its early form the school had dual purposes: training teachers and teaching children.
Apparently she had some of her own family to practice on as well. Rick’s mother, Janet Lawson says, “When my mother
couldn’t cope with me she sent me up there.” Rick says, with some mischief in his voice, there was a belief that “Aunt Em
could make a decent person out of her.”
In 1958, Utah State University opened the Edith Bowen Laboratory School, named after Emma’s good friend and
compatriot. Edith had been key in getting the first kindergarten opened. Now there was an elementary school on a college
campus that embodied Emma’s belief of beginning kids on the road to learning at age 5 and training teachers to guide
them on that journey.
The Emma Eccles
Emma Eccles Jones
Jones Medical
Research Building
Despite being a devoted USU supporter, Emma also had a big impact on the University
of Utah. She gave $15 million for an endowment to the business school and it was named
the David S. Eccles School of Business in honor of her father. Her foundation’s support
enabled Health Sciences to begin building a state-of-the-art Medical Research Building.
Following the death of her husband LeGrande in 1937 she had moved to the Oakland
area, a place she knew and loved from her college days. But she wasn’t finished
influencing the lives of young children. She directed an innovative program in child care
at Mills College. Based on Emma’s philosophy, the program took care of kids while
training adults how best to provide that care.
Because of the stress of World War II, officials tried to close the program. But Emma
would not have it. She threw her considerable energy and some of her own resources into
keeping the program going. She felt the program was needed more than ever with men
going off to war and women moving into the vacated civilian jobs. Someone had to watch
out for the children.
In her later years, she melded into Oakland area society and became a big supporter of
the symphony, opera and ballet in both California and Utah while continuing to support
education on all levels.
She passed away in 1991, at age 93, having left behind a legacy of supporting the arts and
education. She also left behind generations of children who, though they don’t know it,
owe their head start in learning to Emma Eccles Jones.
Would you believe any of the following stories?
Dirt-poor farm kid from uneducated family grows up to found
multi-million dollar businesses.
Scrawny kid who’s ashamed of his body becomes Mr.Utah.
Kid who hated high school, didn’t go to college, becomes Renaissance man.
Struggling businessman defies famous football coach and
later becomes huge supporter of the team.
Too many clichés.
Now would you believe this all describes one man?
Probably not—until you
meet Bob Rice.
t’s hard to believe how a poor kid growing up on a farm could have a puny body, but that was Robert Rice. “I never was
really satisfied with myself physically, and that relates to yourself mentally. It always does.”
As a result public high school was to be endured and finished quickly. But fate led him to a bodybuilding contest and a
conversation that convinced him he could change. The next day he bought some weights and with diligence built himself
from 125 to 185 pounds. He then entered numerous physical fitness and weightlifting competitions and in 1952 was
declared the winner of the Mr. Utah contest. “And that’s really how I started in my physical fitness business.”
That first business was at 5th South Main and making ends meet was difficult. In the 50s bodybuilding was frowned on by
athletic coaches who thought players would lose flexibility by building muscle mass. One of those was famed University
of Utah football coach, Jack Curtis. He forbade his players to use weights. Rice later learned Curtis even threatened them
with the loss of their scholarships if they were caught working out in his Salt Lake City muscle gym. But that didn’t stop
players from coming in who were convinced weightlifting would improve football performance. One defensive end, who
later became a Weber State College coach, went from 185 pounds to 210 and was named to the All-Skyline Conference
first team. “That was small compared to today’s standards, but showed what weightlifting could do for athletes.”
From that first small business, grew the European Health Spas—at the time the largest chain of health clubs in the world.
Rice eventually sold it to a conglomerate that was unable to come close to matching his success. He has since begun a
second, successful fitness business.
From the sale of his first venture, Rice donated $1 million dollars to the University of Utah football program. With this
the stadium was completely renovated and new Astroturf installed. The first scholarship box was built on the east side,
Robert L. and
Robert and Joyce Rice
the stadium’s first lights were erected, chair seats installed on the 50 yard line, locker
rooms rebuilt and a host of other improvements made. “A million dollars went a long
way in those days.” And the stadium was renamed to honor its biggest benefactor.
Rice has continued to provide large amounts of money for stadium improvement through
the years. Just prior to the Olympics, when the stadium was totally rebuilt, the Eccles
name was added.
Even though he had succeeded without it, Rice is convinced that higher education is
important to success and a high point in his life was receiving an honorary Doctor of
Humanities degree from the U.
It made sense, because of his physical fitness beliefs, to also support the Health Sciences
Center. He has now become interested in the School of Music and appreciates the
diversity musical training provides.
So what was the secret for this man who began his quest with only a high school diploma
and a severely dented self-esteem? “I’ve always been a good listener. I’ve never been one
who feels like I know it all. I was always willing to listen, learn and work hard.”
Rice is a man who speaks of his accomplishments without boasting or being prideful.
The only exception is when talking of his children and grandchildren. “They’re all good
kids and they are responsible and they’re interested in getting an education. They do the
right things as far as our Church is concerned, every one of them. We don’t have a chink
in the armor that way. That’s very important to me.” In fact the grandkids learned the
lessons so well, most are working on advanced degrees at the University of Utah.
Bob says philanthropy is important to him and his wife, Joyce, because, “The more we
perpetuate good causes, the more it helps us all. I firmly believe that and I firmly believe
the University of Utah is where we can accomplish that.”
Joyce T. Rice
Endowed Chair
in Healthy Aging
in the College
of Nursing
I n
R e v i e w
It shouldn’t surprise anyone that University of Utah medical students accomplish
some amazing things in the way of outreach.
School of Medicine
fter all, part of the standard for
admission is a broad range of interests and activities outside of medicine.
Seth Spanos and Dan Ward are both
from rural backgrounds and immediately
had something in common when they
met. “Just growing up in a smaller town,
sometimes there’s a lack of exposure
to all the fields that are open and all the
possibilities for high school students,”
says Spanos.
The two decided to develop a
program to encourage students in rural
areas to think beyond the boundaries of
their hometown high school.
With a lot of help and encouragement from Department of Family and
Preventive Medicine faculty, particularly
Dr. Marc Babitz, they obtained funding
for the first year and were able to get a
grant that covered the next two years.
Both are now fourth-year students
and in their third year of doing rural outreach. In the first year they did most of
Alicia Privette administering a vaccine
at the Outreach Clinic in Kumasi, Ghana
A World Away
Megan Grunander and Michelle
Thompson with children in Ghana
the high school visits. Now others, primarily second-year students, are recruited.
The format is loose, but visits generally
begin with a short formal presentation
followed by questions and answers and
end with students doing anything from
dissecting cow hearts to examining
throats and ears. This stimulates a lot
of questions because, as Spanos says,
“they’re seeing something they probably
haven’t seen before.”
The two say it’s hard to gauge success
yet, but they feel they are at least partially
responsible for some students going on to
college. One is going to nursing school.
But there are frustrations says Ward. One
example he cites is talking to highly
intelligent female students all the while
knowing that, “going to college is just
not something women from that particular culture do.”
So far medical students have visited
43 schools, traveled over 5,500 miles
and spoken to over 1,600 students.
The program has spawned a second
benefit, says Spanos. “Medical students
are understanding the unique challenges
and opportunities that are available in
rural medicine.”
DeVon Hale, M.D., Assistant Dean for
International Studies, is a firm believer
in the benefits of students and health
professionals being exposed to medically
needy areas. He is convinced it makes for
better caregivers and encourages
professionals to devote some of their
professional life to working in areas that
need help.
Each year students, under Dr. Hale’s
supervision, raise money to visit Kumasi,
Ghana. There they assist in clinics, help
with public health education and learn the
joy of performing miracles by relying on
medical knowledge and human ingenuity.
“I’ve come to understand that our worlds are
not that far apart, with the exception of one being
deprived of much needed resources. This experience has reinforced my dedication to working with
the underserved and improving public health.”
Ghana Service Learning Project, 2001
“Sitting with that woman [who had just
lost a baby] that day taught me something not
about fixing things or making them right, but
about simply attending to sadness when things
go wrong. This lesson is something I will work
hard to remember when I begin seeing patients
of my own.”
Ghana Service Learning Project, 2001
Seth Spanos and Dan Ward
I n
R e v i e w
“People are always finding new ways of poisoning themselves.” And that, to Brad Dahl is the
fascination of working at the Utah Poison Control Center, an outreach program run by the College of Pharmacy.
College of Pharmacy
Alyson and Griffin O’Steen
Brad Dahl, Pharm.D.
ahl is a doctor of Pharmacy who
began working at the center as a
University pharmacy student and has
stayed with it ever since. “I spend 12
hours here but I go home feeling good
that I help people.” In May of 2003 Brad
took more than 660 calls, still just a small
fraction of the over 50,000 annual calls
that come into the center.
One of Dahl’s more memorable
experiences was working via phone
with an emergency room physician on a
child poisoning. After reviewing the facts,
Dahl figured the child had swallowed
anti-freeze. The doctor said the parents
insisted that was impossible. Dahl and
the doctor decided to proceed on the
anti-freeze premise anyway. The next
day the tests came back positive for
anti-freeze and the child walked out of
the hospital instead of being wheeled
to the morgue.
Eighty percent of the calls are termed
exposures, meaning possible or actual
contact with toxic materials.
“I was really fortunate that I had the
presence of mind to call Poison Control,”
says Alyson O’Steen.
Griffin O’Steen’s exposure was potentially deadly. The family was packed for
a move, and despite parental precautions,
five-year-old Griffin managed to find and
open a childproof bottle of children’s
candy vitamins and ate about 125.
Griffin became nauseated but fortunately his older brother, Devin, found
the empty vitamin bottle. Alyson, who
kept a refrigerator magnet with the
Poison Control number on it, called for
help. She explained the problem and the
specialist who took the call determined
that time was critical and that the
O’Steens were just 10 blocks away from
a hospital. The specialist told her to
drive to the emergency room immediately. When Alyson arrived with her son,
doctors had already been briefed on the
problem. Griffin was treated and began
to feel better almost immediately.
“The emergency room doctors told
us he may not have had a whole lot of
time, maybe 15 to 30 minutes, before he
could have suffered brain damage or
cardiac arrest,” said Alyson.
The other 10,000 calls received at
the center are informational, asking
about things like food spoilage, if certain
medications are safe when used with
others or what one should do if bitten
by a venomous snake. John Stromness,
a pharmacist who works fulltime at the
center, says handling informational calls
is valuable because bad situations can
be prevented.
For instance, forget the folklore on
snakebites. “We don’t want them to
apply a tourniquet, ice packs or cut the
thing and suck the venom out,” says
Stromness. None of these things really
work and, “they are just opening themselves up to infection.”
Whether it’s an ounce of prevention
or a pound of cure, it’s a safe bet that
each call represents several people whose
lives have been made better.
John Stromness, Pharm.D.
I n
R e v i e w
“We stood up as a group and we stood mighty tall. We made a difference.”
College of Health
ichelle Roach is referring to the
College of Health Youth Advisory
Board, a group she was forced into at
age 14 by her mother. She stayed for
four years.
It changed her life. And that was
the idea.
When Josh Kooyman joined he constantly listened to his Walkman to block
out the oral world and was described as
having a gang-bangers style and attitude.
Growing up today is more difficult
than ever before. Kids face difficult issues
and problems.
The College of Health and Neighborhood Action Coalition devised the Youth
Advisory Board to help troubled kids
build self-esteem. Its first director, Matt
Davis, explained, “The purpose was to
prevent drug abuse and violence.”
It became much more than that.
Matt felt the group should be
multi-cultural and contain teens from
all segments of society, not just those
considered at risk. Race, religion, sexual
orientation—none of it mattered,
everyone was welcome—just get them
together and teach leadership skills. But
convincing 50 Salt Lake County teens
to join wasn’t easy. Only six attended
Josh Kooyman
the first meeting. Davis said, “All these
kids came for, they told me later, was
the food.”
Matt personally went to every single
high school and recruited at least two
friends to become members. “We eventually had about 50 kids coming regularly.”
The idea was to build self-esteem. He
threw the responsibility directly on the
teens. They could design whatever model
they liked as long as half the activities
were educational and benefited both the
community and themselves. Some events
could be fun, so they would also learn
there are rewards for hard work.
The result probably astounded
even the kids themselves. There were
workshops, presentations to legislators,
mentoring younger kids, multicultural
rallies and they even co-sponsored an
anti-gang video with then Attorney
General, Jan Graham.
They learned to understand each
other and built their own individual
value systems.
Does the program work?
Josh eventually became YAB President,
married, interned at a local architecture
firm, attends the U, has a 3.8 GPA and an
eye on pharmacy school.
Michelle is now enrolled at Salt Lake
Community College.
One young man, failing school and
thought by his teachers to have a borderline IQ, was introduced to computers.
Matt Davis
With the help of a College of Health
intern he built a web page featuring
pictures of all the kids in the program.
The result even amazed his mother.
This kid who had been told he would
never amount to anything is now in
computer training classes and learning
you can actually make money doing
something enjoyable.
Not all the teenagers were this
successful, but there were positive
changes in many of them.
As Michelle, who became the
group’s newsletter editor wrote in her
last edition, “We performed miracles
together, we roughed it together, we
changed together.”
Michelle Roach
I n
R e v i e w
Is it a clinic or an old-fashioned family reunion? It’s a question one begins to ask after spending time
in the College of Nursing midwifery clinic on the west side of the Salt Lake Valley.
College of Nursing
Clinic clients Rosaura Barba and her
18-month-old son Alejandro
he purpose is to reach out to
pregnant women who may not
otherwise get proper pre- and post-natal
care. The treatments are medicine laced
with compassion and caring.
“You know, there are some families
here that have trouble putting food on
the table and what food they have goes
to the kids first,” says Leissa Roberts,
clinic director. “There are times when
midwives share their lunches with
patients or when staff members reach
into their own pockets to help pay for
prescription medicine.”
People who work here believe in the
broad definition of midwifery which is
“with woman.” From the time a patient
enters the clinic until her post-delivery
care is completed, she is never alone.
Even during labor and delivery there is
someone from the clinic at her side.
If there is a poster woman for this
approach, it is medical assistant Gloria
Higley. A native of Mexico, she speaks
nearly flawless English and never
confines caring to an eight-hour day.
When a patient developed a postCaesarean delivery infection and couldn’t
afford or qualify for in-home health care,
Gloria stepped in. Twice a day she made
house calls to change dressings until the
infection was under control; all on her
own time, never asking for extra pay.
She calls the patients “absolutely amazing
people because of how they survive and
how they try to live here.”
“Amazing” also fits Gloria, who
moved to Salt Lake from Mexico armed
with nothing more than her mother’s
mantra “You can do this on your own.
You can advance. You can do anything
you want to do.” The philosophy was
tested quickly. She found herself in what
was to be an abusive marriage, no high
school degree and no English language
skills. But she dug in, she learned the
language, got her degree and escaped the
marriage with three delightful daughters
and a desire to make something of herself. She arrived at the clinic one morning
as an intern and by noon had been hired
as a medical assistant. Her goal is to be
an R.N.
While caring doesn’t come with a
price tag, medical care does.
The clinic is funded from several
sources and patients are carefully scrutinized so those who can pay, do. But at the
end of the year, there always seems to be
a deficit. This is picked up by the College
of Nursing.
And of course there is always the staff.
They rallied around a new mother who
was abandoned by the baby’s father and
forced to stay with “friends.” She was
viewed as slave labor and beatings were
common. Clinic staffers found out and
got her and her child into shelter care.
When eligibility ran out, Gloria took her
into her own home. Others at the clinic
found donors to give her baby supplies
and an airline ticket so she could return
to her family in Mexico.
Says Roberts, “It’s just amazing to me
that there are people in this world who
care what happens to others—even
though they don’t know them until they
walk into their lives.”
Gloria Higley
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R e v i e w
“I learned there is nothing wrong with having been burned.” There are a lot
of lessons taught on the Burn Camp river trip, but perhaps none better.
U n i v e r s i t y
o f
U t a h
Hospitals & Clinics
s David Taylor says, “There are
more important things in life than
how you look.”
Taylor was badly burned on his
back and legs while working on a farm.
Twenty-eight percent of his body was
covered with third degree burns. It led
to a month in the University Hospital’s
Intermountain Burn Unit, a place of
incredible skills and enormous reputation.
The burn camp for 13 to 17 year olds
is five days of floating physical and mental
therapy—and water and mud fights. As
burn victims travel the Green River they
discover the wonders of Desolation and
Grey Canyons and the beauty of finding
you are not alone in the world. They
learn from counselors and each other.
David’s association has lasted longer
than most. He has gone from camper to
junior counselor to counselor and hopes
to soon go to law school.
Those who started the teen burn
camp were looking for a means of building self-esteem in young patients. In
trying to make the camp unique to Utah,
a river trip was chosen.
Brad Wiggins, Burn Unit Clinical
Nurse Coordinator and Camp Director,
is quick to point out that the burn camp
is totally supported by donations. Everyone who helps staff it, including many
burn unit employees, are volunteers.
Firefighters from around the state are
also huge supporters in both money and
effort. Foundations and corporations
are active givers.
For the staff, however, there is a payment worth more than money. When they
work with burn victims they put them
through extreme agony. Wiggins says
sometimes the patients “scream in pain
and yell that they hate you. It’s a very
draining experience.” But the river is a
source of rejuvenation because when you
see “those same patients who were yelling
at you, enjoying and learning, you realize
that everything you did is worthwhile.”
Says Wiggins, “It takes a lot for a kid
that’s been burned on the face—and must
wear a compression garment to keep the
scarring down—to go back to school.” So
the burn unit also has a school re-entry
program. If requested, staff members will
hold an assembly at the teen’s school so
everyone is educated at once. Another
approach is videotape. Narrated by the
patient, the viewer tours the burn unit,
sees the treatment, and gets an explanation of the scars and special clothing.
Any organization, in the final analysis,
is the sum of its people. Using that
measuring stick, the people who work
in the University Hospital and Clinics
Intermountain Burn Unit are successful.
In treating burns they are among the
best. But they also realize there is more
to treatment than simply repairing
wounds. It all comes home on the river,
when you hear David Taylor say, “I have
become a more outgoing person than
before I was burned.”
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R e v i e w
It would be close to the ultimate outreach. Insure every health-care provider and citizen
in a certain area has access to the latest medical information.
S p e n c e r
S .
E c c l e s
Health Sciences Library
urther make sure that information
is written to the expertise level of the
person accessing it.
On the surface, what with computers
and the Internet, this would not seem like
a daunting task. But there are hurdles.
Lana Latham of Blanding is typical
of many rural Utah public librarians. She
has no library science degrees and has
simply learned by doing. “I have 57 items
in my job description, some of which are
full time jobs in city libraries.” Right now,
with only two part-time assistants, helping a large portion of Southeastern Utah
get adequate medical information does
not seem to fit into her workday. She is
asking the county for a third part-time
assistant; “Maybe then,” she says. Lana
also points out that the largest minority
population in her area speaks Navajo, an
unwritten language.
Also there are many reasons for people
to leave jobs in rural libraries. This means
frequent loss of people who have been
trained to spread medical information.
Ron Walker, M.D.
Then there is Dr. Ron Walker, the
Medical Director at the Monument Valley
Health Center. He is pretty nimble at
navigating the Internet, but doesn’t have
a lot of time to browse. “If I could use
the Eccles library website to more quickly
find information, it would be a huge
help,” says Walker. But he presents a similar problem to Latham; this is not likely
to be the last stop on his career path.
Associate Director Claire Hamasu is
leading the Eccles Library effort in Utah
and five other states to make medical
information available to everyone. She
agrees that all those problems and more
exist. Aided by Public Health Liaison
Molly Youngkin, Outreach Librarian
John Bramble and others, the intent is to
visit every town in the region and establish a cadre of contacts. “Then when a
key person leaves, we can help during
the interim and contact the successor and
get them up to speed quickly.”
There may also be a solution to the
heavy workload of the rural librarian.
Eccles staffers think they can show that
adding medical information to a rural
library’s services will not be the burden
it seems and may, in fact, help streamline
some of the other functions a librarian
must perform.
Claire speculates that the solution
to the Navajo language problem may
lie within the tribes themselves. She
thinks tribal members with the requisite
language skills could be enlisted as
translators and advisors. “Some tribes
have ombudsmen and they would be a
good source.”
There are already ways for professional
caregivers to insure that the required
information automatically ends up in
their email inboxes. There are probably a
host of other solutions out there, including reworking the Eccles website to speed
up information collection, says Hamasu.
She also knows that lying in wait are
problems yet undiscovered but, “If there
were no frustrations we wouldn’t come
up with new ideas.”
Lana Latham
TOP: Pocatello, ID—Dr. James Bale,
Pediatric Neurologist, examines Alyssa Barnett.
LEFT: Price, UT—Dr. John Carey,
Pediatric Geneticist, examines Shaela Dolar.
BOTTOM: Price, UT—Dr. Francis Filloux,
Pediatric Neurologist, examines Anastasia Green.
RIGHT: Terry Spencer, M.D., Moran Eye Center.
LEFT: Marc Babitz,, M.D., of the Department of Family
and Preventive Medicine shows two medical students how
to use a piece of equipment.
Julia Kleinschmidt, Ph.D., gives free
counsel on coping with diminished eyesight.
TOP LEFT:Using cameras and voice communications
health-care professionals at Allen Memorial Hospital
in Moab can consult with a variety of experts.
RIGHT: U of U Pharmacist, Gary Voeste, can use the
network to act as a pharmacist for multiple hospitals
in Southeastern Utah.
Members of the Kidney Transplant Team talk to
Nancy Landeros’ classmates about her operations.
The fair promotes both physical and
mental wellness through interactive activities.
People who attended the ribbon cutting
were given free medical information and advice.
Activities like handcycling allow individuals with spinal cord
injuries to participate in independent recreational activities.
Idaho Falls, ID—Patients can receive all common
therapies practiced in the U.S. including home dialysis.
University of Utah Pediatrician Joan Sheetz, M.D.,
performs two well child exams at once.
TOP: Pediatrician Karen Buchi, M.D., gets
a young patient to open up.
RIGHT: Medical student Heather Wallace
helps chart the progress of a pregnancy.
Pam Murphy of the Sleep Wake
Center uses a Walkman to
demonstrate how the type of
snoring can help diagnose what
is causing the problem.
LEFT: Janet Woodruff, R.N., Nurse
Coordinator for the Stroke Center
uses a computer program to help
seniors predict their odds of having
a stroke in the next ten years.
RIGHT: University Hospital Pharmacy
staff members answer questions.
The Health Sciences Center lost many devoted supporters this past year.
We m o u r n t h e i r p a s s i n g y e t c e l e b r a t e t h e i r g i f t s a n d f r i e n d s h i p .
Helen Thackeray Stevenson
Sept. 2, 1912 – Aug. 8, 2002
Her profession was still called home economics when she
graduated. Helen established a national reputation for her
Elbert F. Christensen
work and edited two extremely popular Utah cookbooks.
Nov. 2, 1920 – Oct. 4, 2002
Born in Utah, he lived most of his life away,
but never lost his loyalty to his home state
or an appreciation for the knowledge and
Aug. 28, 1940 – Oct. 19, 2002
accomplishment that reside here.
Be it corporate America, politics,
state government or community service,
Mike left behind a track record of
success and a reputation for working
Jan. 21, 1927 – Oct. 25, 2002
harder than anyone else.
Whether it was in business or battling
to save his eyesight from macular
degeneration, Val was a fighter and a
winner—and along the way gathered
an array of friends and supporters.
Shirley Jean Norton
Nov. 24, 1954 – Nov. 18, 2002
She courageously endured a variety of afflictions, was saved by transplant surgery
and became a model of perseverance and grateful appreciation for the gift given her.
July 22, 1927 – Jan. 5, 2003
Robert Douglas Kent, Jr.
A noted lawyer, he served his family,
May 3, 1941 – May 14, 2003
his church, his country, his state and
Successful businessman, intensely private and
his community guided by principles
quietly generous, he did not want recipients
of integrity and a strong work ethic.
of his gifts to know the source. His trademark
line was “I’m just happy to be here.”
Jay Andrew Smart
May 6, 1914 – May 25, 2003
A World War II veteran and a founder of a successful business, he served his country,
church and community with personal attention, generosity and enthusiasm.
Jack Goodman
Oct. 23, 1913 – June 4, 2003
His enduring gift to Utahns is his
July 31, 1919 – Aug. 11, 2003
Cityview column for the Sunday
A New Yorker by birth, an Irishman
Salt Lake Tribune. Weekly we would
by lineage, a Utahn by choice and
admire Jack’s drawings and learn about
a World War II veteran, he was a
Utah buildings, landmarks and history.
successful businessman and a strong
community contributor.
Nancy Hope Eccles Hayward
July 12, 1930 – Aug. 18, 2003
A nurturer, confidante, friend, guiding light, she was
generous with her time, resources and love of family.
She was always the rock that could be leaned upon.
W. Hughes Brockbank
June 27, 1915 – Aug. 25, 2003
A businessman, who at one time ran 15 enterprises, community servant and an influential
legislator, he was a significant figure in shaping the Utah of the 60s, 70s and 80s.
Endowed chairs
are supported by endowments at two levels—the $1 million level (Endowed Chair)
and the $1.25 million level (Presidential Endowed Chair). The University is honored to be the recipient of the generous gifts
establishing these fully-funded endowed chairs. The Chairs provide key support to men and women who have
distinguished themselves in teaching, research and community service.
Ross R. Anderson, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in Surgery
Established by Elliott V. Anderson in Honor of His Father
B. Lue and Hope S. Bettilyon Presidential Endowed Chair
in Internal Medicine for Diabetes Research
Sean J. Mulvihill, M.D.
ARUP Presidential Endowed Chair
Carl R. Kjeldsberg, M.D.
D. Keith Barnes, M.D. and Ida May “Dotty” Barnes, R.N.
Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine
Randall W. Burt, M.D.
Ida May “Dotty” Barnes, R.N. and D. Keith Barnes, M.D.
Presidential Endowed Chair in the College of Nursing
Linda K. Amos, Ed.D., R.N., FAAN
Grant H. Beckstrand, M.D. and Mildred Burrows Beckstrand
Presidential Endowed Chair in Surgical Oncology
R. Kim Davis, M.D.
H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair
in Human Molecular Biology and Genetics
Stephen M. Prescott, M.D.
H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair in Neurology
Scholar Search in Progress
H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair
in Obstetrics and Gynecology
D. Ware Branch, M.D.
H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair
in Radiology
Scholar Search in Progress
Donald A. McClain, M.D., Ph.D.
Clarence M. and Ruth N. Birrer Presidential Endowed Chair
in the School of Medicine in Memory of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Nielson,
Dr. Karl O. Nielson, Dr. Kenneth A. Nielson, Dr. Paul E. Nielson,
and Mr. Douglas W. Nielson
Merle A. Sande, M.D.
William H. and Patricia W. Child Presidential Endowed Chair
Honoring Pioneering Utah Women in Medicine
Anne G. Osborn, M.D.
Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby Presidential Endowed Chair
in Human Genetics
Raymond F. Gesteland, Ph.D.
Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby Presidential Endowed Chair
in Nursing
Ginette A. Pepper, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN
Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby and John E. Bamberger
Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences Center
Mario R. Capecchi, Ph.D.
Annette Poulson Cumming Presidential Endowed Chair
in Women’s and Reproductive Health
Scholar Search in Progress
Cumming Presidential Endowed Chair in Dermatology
Gerald G. Krueger, M.D.
Thomas D. Dee II Presidential Endowed Chair in Genetics
Mark F. Leppert, Ph.D.
John A. Dixon, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair
in the Health Sciences
Eli Adashi, M.D.
Glenn and Ben Schmidt/Edgar Endowed Chair
in Pediatric Neurology
Francis M. Filloux, M.D.
Valois Egbert Presidential Endowed Chair
in the Division of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine
Scholar Search in Progress
Wilma T. Gibson Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatrics
Edward B. Clark, M.D.
George D. Gross, M.D. and Esther S. Gross, M.D.
Presidential Endowed Chair in Family and Preventive Medicine
Scholar Search in Progress
Willard Snow Hansen Presidential Endowed Chair
in Cancer Research Established in Loving Memory
by His Daughter, Mary Boesche
David M. Virshup, M.D.
Nora Eccles Harrison Presidential Endowed Chair in Cardiology
William H. Barry, M.D.
Nora Eccles Harrison Presidential Endowed Chair in Rheumatology
Barry Cole, Ph.D.
Calvin S. and JeNeal N. Hatch Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology
Raymond D. Lund, Ph.D.
C. Charles Hetzel, Jr., M.D. and Alice Barker Hetzel
Presidential Endowed Chair in Otolaryngology
Scholar Search in Progress
Albert and Margaret Hofmann Endowed Chair
in Orthopedic Research, Department of Orthopedics
Roy D. Bloebaum, Ph.D.
Jon M. Huntsman Presidential Endowed Chair
in Urological Oncology in Honor of Robert A. Stephenson, M.D.
Robert A. Stephenson, M.D.
Mark H. Huntsman Endowed Chair
in Advanced Medical Technologies
Dennis L. Parker, Ph.D.
Thomas E. and Rebecca D. Jeremy Presidential Endowed Chair
for Arthritis Research
H. James Williams, M.D.
Ralph E. and Willia T. Main Presidential Endowed Chair
in Cancer Research
Mary Beckerle, Ph.D.
Ann G. and Jack Mark Presidential Endowed Chair
in Internal Medicine in Honor of Thomas H. Caine, M.D.
John P. Burke, M.D.
Governor Scott M. Matheson Presidential Endowed Chair
in Health Care and Health Management
Richard J. Sperry, M.D., Ph.D.
John A. Moran Presidential Endowed Chair
in Ophthalmology in Honor of Randall J Olson, M.D.
Randall J Olson, M.D.
T. F. H. Morton, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair
in Family and Preventive Medicine
George L. White, Ph.D.
Louis H. Peery Presidential Endowed Chair in Nursing
Established in Loving Memory by His Son, Louis S. Peery, M.D.
Maureen R. Keefe, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN
Louis S. Peery, M.D. and Janet B. Peery Presidential
Endowed Chair in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Aaron A. Hofmann, M.D.
Louis S. Peery, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair
in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Harold K. Dunn, M.D.
Louis S. Peery, M.D. and Janet B. Peery
Presidential Endowed Chair in Nursing
Kathy H. Mooney, Ph.D., R.N.
Mary Scowcroft Peery Presidential Endowed Chair Established
by Louis S. Peery, M.D., in Loving Memory of His Mother
Robert T. Burks, M.D.
Attilio D. Renzetti, Jr., M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair
by the Division of Respiratory, Critical Care and Occupational
Pulmonary Medicine
John R. Hoidal, M.D.
Christi T. Smith Endowed Chair in Cardiology Research
Established by Her Grandparents, Dee Glen and Ida W. Smith
Ivor J. Benjamin, M.D.
Dee Glen and Ida W. Smith Endowed Chair in Cancer Research
Frank Fitzpatrick, Ph.D.
Clifford C. Snyder, M.D.—Far Eastern Presidential Endowed Chair
at the University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
Clifford C. Snyder, M.D.
Harold J. (Steve) and Ardella T., and Helen T. Stevenson Presidential
Endowed Chair in Rheumatology in Honor of Daniel O. Clegg, M.D.
Daniel O. Clegg, M.D.
Ralph and Mary Tuck Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology
Wolfgang Baehr, Ph.D.
L. George Veasy, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair
in Pediatric Cardiology
Robert E. Shaddy, M.D.
C. Scott and Dorothy E. Watkins Endowed Chair
in Pathology in Honor of Ernst J. Eichwald, M.D.
Sherrie L. Perkins, M.D., Ph.D.
Reverend George J. Weber Presidential Endowed Chair in
Immunology Established by Edith F. Weber in Honor of Her Husband
Raymond A. Daynes, Ph.D.
R. C. Willey Endowed Chair in Neuroradiology
H. Ric Harnsberger, M.D.
George and Lorna Winder Presidential Endowed Chair
in Neurosciences
Thomas N. Parks, Ph.D.
John Rex and Alice C. Winder Presidential Endowed Chair
in Internal Medicine in Honor of Thomas H. Caine, M.D.
Thomas H. Caine, M.D.
Maxwell M. Wintrobe, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair
in Internal Medicine
James P. Kushner, M.D.
Joseph J. Yager Presidential Endowed Chair
in the School of Medicine
William T. Couldwell, M.D.
Rodney H. and Carolyn H. Brady
Presidential Endowed Chair
in Hematology/Oncology in
Honor of John H. Ward, M.D.
Bruce and Patty Miller Endowed
Chair in Radiology in Honor of
David G. Bragg, M.D.
Ezekiel R. Dumke, Jr. and
Katherine W. Dumke
Presidential Endowed Chair
for the Health Sciences Center
Michael T. and Taylor Miller
Presidential Endowed Chair
in the Health Sciences Center
Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay
Presidential Endowed Chair
in Medical Informatics (1)
Anne Osborn and
Ronald E. Poelman Presidential
Endowed Chair in Radiology
Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay
Presidential Endowed Chair
in Medical Informatics (2)
Dr. Don Merrill Rees Endowed
Chair in the Division of Infectious
Diseases for the Investigation
of Vector Borne Diseases
Claudius Y. Gates, M.D. and
Catherine B. Gates Presidential
Endowed Chair in Surgery
Dr. Nymphus Frederick Hicken,
Alta Thomas Hicken, and Margarete
Stahl Wilkin Hicken Endowed Chair
in Family and Preventive Medicine
Richard L. Stimson
Presidential Endowed Chair
in the Health Sciences (2)
Richard L. Stimson
Presidential Endowed Chair
in the School of Medicine
William H. and Edna D. Stimson
Presidential Endowed Chair
in the School of Medicine
Established by Richard L. Stimson
in Honor of His Parents
Endowed Chair in
Breast Cancer Research
Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine
for Diabetes Research
Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice
Presidential Endowed Chair
in Healthy Aging
Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology (1)
Claudius Y. Gates, M.D. and
Catherine B. Gates Dean’s
Presidential Endowed Chair for the
Advancement of Medical Education
Dr. Leo T. Samuels and
Barbara K. Samuels Presidential
Endowed Chair in Biochemistry
Endowed Chair in Neurology
Val A. and Edith D. Green
Presidential Endowed Chair
in Ophthalmology
Bertram H. and Janet Marshall
Schaap Presidential Endowed
Chair in Cancer Research
Endowed Chair
in the School of Medicine
John and June B. Hartman
Presidential Endowed Chair
in Cardiology
Bertram H. and Janet Marshall
Schaap Presidential Endowed
Chair in the Division of
General Internal Medicine in
Honor of John H. Holbrook, M.D.
Richard L. Stimson
Presidential Endowed Chair
in the Health Sciences (1)
Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology (2)
Endowed Chair in Pharmacy
Presidential Endowed Chair
in Cardiology
Presidential Endowed Chair
in Ophthalmology
Presidential Endowed Chair
in Pediatrics
m i l e s t o n e s
2 0 0 3
March 28 – Ribbon Cutting for the
G e o r g e S . a n d D o l o r e s D o r é E c c l e s C r i t i c a l C a r e Pa v i l i o n
April 29 — Groundbreaking for the
Emma Eccles Jones Health Sciences Research Building
May 22 – Groundbreaking for the Health Sciences Education Building
June 6 — Groundbreaking for the Orthopedic Center
The Greater Gift
If you would like to financially support
the students, researchers, professors and caregivers
at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center
please contact us and we will give you
whatever information and assistance you require.
Phone: 801- 581-4401
Toll Free: 1-800-444-8638
Fax: 801-585-2613
Email: [email protected]
Visit our website at: uuhsc.utah.edu/uuhsc/support
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
R e p o r t
A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts
totaling $1 million or more to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.
Margaret Allen Amundsen*
Ian M. and
Annette P. Cumming
Joseph H. Kelley and
Esther J.* Kelley
The Thomas D. Dee II Family
Edwin L.* and Grace G. Madsen
Katherine W. and E. R. Dumke, Jr.
Ralph E.* and Willia T.* Main
Joe and Alexandra Dwek
Jack* and Ann* Mark
George S.* and
Dolores Doré* Eccles
Michael T.* and Taylor Miller
Elliott V. Anderson*
G. W. and Lee Anderson
M. Russell and Barbara Ballard
D. Keith* Barnes, M.D. and
Ida May “Dotty”* Barnes, R.N.
Dr. Grant H.* and
Mildred Burrows* Beckstrand
John A. Moran
Valois Egbert*
Richard K. and Maria A. Obyn
A. E.* and Rosemary Benning
Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay
James Packer
B. Lue* and Hope S.* Bettilyon
Dr. Claudius Y.* and
Catherine B.* Gates
The Kerry Packer Family
Val A.* and Edith D. Green
Dr. Louis S.* and Janet B.* Peery
Drs. George D.* and
Esther S.* Gross
In Memory of Terri Anna Perine
Clarence* and Ruth N.* Birrer
Mary H. Boesche*
Rodney H. and
Carolyn Hansen Brady
John* and June B. Hartman
Ronald E. Poelman and
Anne G. Osborn, M.D.
J. Gordon* and
Betty* Browning
Calvin S. and JeNeal N. Hatch
Sylvia Prahl-Brodbeck
Kenneth P.* Burbidge, Jr., and
Sally R. Burbidge
Dr. C. Charles* Hetzel, Jr. and
Alice B.* Hetzel
Dr. Thomas D. and Natalie B. Rees
William H. and Patricia W. Child
Dr. William I. and Setsuko Higuchi
Carmen M. Christensen
Dr. Aaron A. and Suzanne Hofmann
Bertram H. and
Janet Marshall Schaap
Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby*
Jon and Karen Huntsman
L. S. and Aline W. Skaggs
Robert L. and Joyce Rice
Thomas E.* and
Rebecca D.* Jeremy
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Ida W. Smith and
Dee Glen* Smith
R e p o r t
Huntsman Corporation Employees
Intermountain Health Care
Ryan, Scott and Nicholas Smith
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Emma Eccles Jones Foundation
Theodore and Mary Ann Stanley
and Sons
Harold J. and
Eleanor Eccles Steele
Harold J.*, Ardella T.*, and
Helen T.* Stevenson
ALSAM Foundation
W. M. Keck Foundation
American Cancer Society
Associated Regional and
University Pathologists
Associated University
Pathologists, Inc.
Jack D. and Grace F. Madson
Ben B. and Iris M. Margolis
Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust
Richard L. Stimson
Val A. Browning Foundation
Arthur and Haru Toimoto
The Burroughs Wellcome Fund
G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers
Mary M. Tuck*
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
The Estate of
Thomas C. Mathews, Jr.
Ciba-Geigy Corporation
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Dr. Ezekiel R. and Edna Wattis
Dumke Foundation
Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation
Keith A. and Amy Van Horn
Reverend George J.* and
Edith F.* Weber
Dr. Orson W.* and
Dora D.* White
George S. and Dolores Doré
Eccles Foundation
George* and Lorna* Winder
Primary Children’s
Pediatric Research Fund
Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc.
Marriner S. Eccles Foundation
John Rex* and Alice C.* Winder
Dr.* and Mrs.*
Maxwell M. Wintrobe
Willard L. Eccles
Charitable Foundation
Ross Products Division
Abbott Laboratories
Stanley Research Foundation
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
The Thrasher Research Fund
Joseph J. Yager*
FHP Foundation
Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation
Fidelity Investments
Charitable Fund
University Hospital Foundation
General Instrument Corporation
Worth of a Soul Foundation
Glaxo Wellcome, Inc.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Huntsman Cancer Foundation
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
R e p o r t
A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts
totaling $500,000-$999,999 to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.
William E.* and
Caroline Strom Allen
John W. Athens, M.D. and
Georgia R. Athens
Dr. Webster S. S. and Alice L.* Jee
Dr. D. Rees* and
Eleanor T.* Jensen
Skip and Kimberly Klintworth
A. H. Robins Company, Inc.
American Registry of Pathology
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Fred F.* and Freida Lee Auerbach
Reed W. Brinton
Dr. Leland O.* and
Avanelle W.* Learned
Ciba Specialty Chemicals
George W.* and Beatrice B.* Carter
T. G. “Bud” and Barbara Mahas
Deseret Management Corporation
Elbert F.* and Marie* Christensen
Bruce and Patty Miller
Joseph T. Crockett, M.D.*
Sherman R.* and Marjorie E.* Oblad
Margaret Cronkite*
Dennis L. Parker, Ph.D. and
Anne J. Parker
Dialysis Research Foundation
Max C. Fleischmann Foundation
Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc.
Leslie W. Davis*
John C. and Bliss L. Hubbard
Mary Louise and Ben E.* Rawlings
Kennecott Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Droschkey
Rudolph P.* and Edna S.* Reese
Gordon E. Drummond*
Dr. Leo T.* and Barbara K. Samuels
The Spencer S. Eccles Family
Lockwood W.* and
Dorothy B.* Ferris
Alan and Beverly Frank
Pharmacia & Upjohn
Lillian Rich Simister*
Pharmacia, Inc.
Dr. Ewart A.* and
Grace P.* Swinyard
Pharmacia Ophthalmics
The Thurzal Q.* Terry Family
Wilma T. Gibson*
Picker International, Inc.
Primary Children’s Medical Center
C. Scott and Dorothy E.* Watkins
Salomon Smith Barney
Stephen A. and Elaine Wynn
Schering Plough Research Institute
Olive S. Young*
Skaggs Companies, Inc.
Symbion, Inc.
Jack* and Marjorie R.* Goodman
Gayle R. Gordon*
Dr. N. Frederick* and
Maggie Hicken
Pfizer, Inc.
Helene Druke Shaw*
Simon* and Suzanne* Frank
Dr. C. Charles* Hetzel, Jr. and
Dorothy B.* Hetzel
Merck & Co., Inc.
TheraTech, Inc.
University Hospital Auxiliary
Utah Lions’ Eye Bank
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
R e p o r t
A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts
totaling $100,000-$499,999 to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.
Roscoe B. Anderson, M.D. and
Joan C. Critchlow, M.D.
Merle Ashton*
Lydia B. Barkley
Dr. R. David and Mary Beth Beck
Margaret E. Dixon, Ph.D.
Janke C. H. Kolff
David A. Dolowitz, M.D.* and
Frances Dolowitz* and Family
Willem J. Kolff, M.D.
Dr. Raymond C. and
Bobbie Doucette
Janet Quinney Lawson
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Kuramoto
Calvin A.* and
Hope Fox Eccles* Behle
Edmund W. Dumke
George Allen* and
Merline C. Leaming
Willard L.* and Ruth P.* Eccles
Leonard J. and Lois Lewis
Dr. Eric R. Biedermann
The William C. Fagergren Family
John and Toni Bloomberg
Mary Marshall Fitch*
M. Scott Linscott, M.D. and
Nora L. Linscott
Mark M. Boucek, M.D.
David L.* and Blanche E.* Freed
H. Roger and Sara S. Boyer
Eldon L.* and Winona A.* Frost
Steven J. and Kalleen Lund
and Family
John H.* and Orah* Brandt
David P. and Sheila S. Gardner
Alexander “Tuffy”* and Anne* Mark
Melvin T.*, Jean R.* and
Fern B. Briggs
Thomas and Anna Gerrity
Dr. John H. and Helen M.* Marsden
Mr. and Mrs. James Craig Gilbert
Calvin Reed Brown, M.D.
Reece and
Shirley Ann Stobbe Goodrich
In Memory of
Thomas Kearns McCarthey
R. Harold* and
Maybelle Covey* Burton
Richard L. and Joanne S. McGillis
Perry and Marty Granoff
Nick* and Dale Anne Meagher
Dona Call
James F.* and Joyce E. Harris
Dr. Justin D. and Barbara Weaver
Call Family Trust
Lawrence Harvey*
Dr. Drew B.* and
Utahna B.* Meilstrup
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mellott
Warren* and Jessica* Cannon
Nancy Eccles* and
Homer M. Hayward
Robert S. and Beth M.* Carter
Darlene H. Hobson
Mark and Kathie Miller and Family
Robert R.* and Vera S.* Cederlof
Mr.* and Mrs.* James E. Hogle, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Miller
Frank L. Christensen*
Alvilda N. Taylor Hooper*
Bruce R. and Evelyn S. Mills
Rodney H. and Sally E. Christensen
Jeff and Stacy Hornacek
Donald and Barbara Moore
Russell B. Clark, M.D.
Dan and Kim Huish
Edward W.* and Betty J.* Clyde
Gloria N. and Richard A. Irion, M.D.
In Memory of
Benjamin Edward Moran
Earl L. Cochran*
Ellis and Katie Ivory
Floyd and Mary Anne Cooper
Hilga L. Johnson*
Alan and Margaret Crandall
J. George* and Velma Rife* Jones
Leota Craner
Kirtly Parker Jones, M.D.
Rex and Phyllis Crosland
The Robert A. Judelson Family
Cheryl B. Dalley
Edward C. Klatt, M.D.
Herbert I.* and Elsa B.* Michael
G. Mitchell and June M. Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Vernal J. Mortensen
Don and Joy Nelson
Paul E. Nielson*
Shirley Norton*
Elinor Oakes*
Diane G. Kolff
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
R e p o r t
Dr. William D. and Margaret F. Odell
Dr. Stephen R. and Valerie W. Terry
Gordon M. and Marcia Olch
Dr. Michael P. and Mary Jane Teske
American Society of Cataract
and Refractive Surgery
H. Glenn* and Geraldine W. Olson
E. Parry and Peggy C. Thomas
American Stores Company
Dr. Randall J and Ruth Olson
Lorrane Tyndale*
William H.* and
Margaret D.* Olwell
Dr. LeGrand Uffens
Applied Informatics
Dr. Stephen C. and Christine Voss
Aris Vision, Inc.
Dr. Virgil J. and Jacquelyn A. Parker
Ruth S. Walker and
Elizabeth Steed Walker*
Astra USA, Inc.
Sara H. Perry*
John M.* and
Glenn Walker* Wallace
Jacob E. Bamberger Memorial
Audrey Noall Peterson
Maurice* and Inez* Warshaw
Betty F. Probst
Inga Frenkel Weil, M.D.
Ruth Eleanor and John Ernest
Bamberger Memorial Foundation
Arlene O. and
Alan T. Rappleye, M.D.
Trent H., Jr. and Mary Wells
Bankers Trust Company
M. Harve Williams*
Beckstrand Cancer Foundation
Dr. J. Charles and Jasmine F. Rich
Harold H. Wolf, Ph.D. and
Joan S. Wolf, Ph.D.
Becton Dickinson Foundation
Elliott Mitchell* and Judith W. Wolfe
Berlex Laboratories, Inc.
Jack R.* and Hazel M. Robertson
Howard* and Elinor Wolff
Edward L. Burton Foundation
Josephine F. and J. Mark Rose
Dr. Harry C. and Jean A. Wong
Burton Family Foundation
Joseph* and Evelyn Rosenblatt
In Memory of Don W. Wortley
R. Harold Burton Foundation
Herbert D. Ruttenberg, M.D.
Gus and Barbara Paulos
Wanda Peccole
Bunny* and Martha* Rieser
and Family
Beneficial Life Insurance Company
Capintec, Inc.
Max T. Sabour
B. F. and Lynda Sammons
Castle Foundation
Andrew J. and Carolyn Rice Schilly
Christina Foundation, Inc.
Mildred C. Schwedler*
Cisco Systems
Dr. James R. and Mary Jo Scott
Adeza Biomedical Corporation
The Commonwealth Fund
Dorothy L. Shields*
ADR Ultrasound
CPEC, Inc.
Winston Shipp*
CTRC Research Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Simmons
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Cura Capital Corporation
Glen M.* and Josephine C.* Sims
Allergan, Inc.
CYTEC Industries, Inc.
Jay A.* and Ruth Smart
Allergan Medical Optics
Annie Taylor Dee Foundation
In Memory of
Wayman R. Spence, M.D.
The Amalgamated Sugar Company
L. T. and Janet T. Dee Foundation
Amaric Corporation
Delta Air Lines
Carlyle F. Stout, M.D.*
American Cyanamid Company
Deseret News Publishing Company
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Symond
American Express Foundation
Deseret Power
Barbara Tallmadge, R.N.
American Express
Philanthropic Program
Deutsche Bank
Obert C.* and Grace Tanner
Katherine W. and
Ezekiel R. Dumke, Jr. Foundation
Alice G. Telford
American Health Assistance
Marilyn S. Tennity*
American Iron & Steel Institute
Educational Resource Development
Council (ERDC)
American Medical Association
Enka Glanzstoff AG
Karen Lee and Mickey Taylor
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Henry W. and Leslie M. Eskuche
R e p o r t
Mountain Bell Foundation
SmithKline Beecham
Expression Genetics, Inc.
National Multiple Sclerosis
Society—Utah Chapter
Far Eastern Foundation
O. C. Tanner Company
St. Mark’s Hospital
The Foundation Fighting Blindness
Murex Foundation
Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute
First Security Bank of Utah
National Basketball Association
Franklin Covey
The Helene Fuld Health Trust
Norwich Eaton
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Stewart Education Foundation
Elizabeth Dee Shaw Stewart
Genentech, Inc.
Organon, Inc.
StorageTek Foundation
General Electric
Orthopedic Surgery Seminars, Inc.
Storz Instrument Company
Geoli Investment Company
The David & Lucile Packard
Stratford Foundation
PacifiCorp Foundation
Surdna Foundation
The Good Works Institute, Inc.
Parent Project for
Muscular Dystrophy Research
Swire Coca-Cola, USA
John A. Hartford Foundation
Pepsi-Cola Company
Cora T. Hayward Educational Trust
HCM Graphic Systems, Inc.
Samuel C. and Myra G. Powell
Huish Detergents, Inc.
The Procter & Gamble Company
TRW, Inc.
ICI Americas, Inc.
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
Union Pacific Corporation
IOLAB Corporation
S. J. & J. E. Quinney Foundation
IVAC Corporation
Radionics, Inc.
Union Pacific Employee
Matching Gift Program
Janssen Research Foundation
Radionuclides in Nephrology
Kresge Foundation
Research Industries Corporation
The Kroc Foundation
Research Medical Incorporated
Janet Quinney Lawson Foundation
Richards Memorial
Medical Foundation
The J. Paul Getty Trust
Glenwood, Inc.
LDS Hospital
Lipocine, Inc.
MacroMed, Inc.
Marconi Medical Systems
Mark Family Foundation
The J. Willard and
Alice S. Marriott Foundation
Mayo Clinic
McNeil Consumer Products
Ross Laboratories
Ross Products Division
RSNA Research and
Education Foundation
Sorenson Development, Inc.
Stichting Benevolentia Foundation
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Terumo Corporation
Tiger Oil Company
Triton Biosciences, Inc.
Union Pacific Foundation
U. of U. Department of Radiology
University of Utah Hospital
University of Utah
Neuropsychiatric Institute
U S West
Utah Lions’ Foundation
Utah Pain Research Foundation
Utah Power & Light Company
Salt Lake Organizing Committee
Utah Showdown
Samyang Corporation
Volunteer Services/
University Hospital
Sandoz, Inc.
Schwarz Pharma AG
Searle Research & Development
Mead Johnson & Company
Shionogi & Company, Ltd.
Medforte Research Foundation
Siemens-Elema Ventilator Systems
Menley & James Laboratories, Ltd.
Signetics Corporation
Merck Sharp & Dohme
SmithKline Beckman Corporation
Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
SmithKline Beecham Foundation
Warner-Lambert Company
Maurice Warshaw Foundation
Wells Fargo
Western Institute of Neuropsychiatry
Robert Whyte—Audant Pty. Limited
Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
A distinction applied to donors who
have contributed or bequeathed
gifts totaling $50,000$99,999 to the University of
Utah Health Sciences Center.
Sam and Kathleen Alacano
Echomae Anderson*
Dr. Richard Lee and
Susan Anderson
Cindy and
Mitchell F. Barney, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Belsey
The A. Kyle* and
Lael S. Bettilyon Family
Barbara Burnett
Dr. Nelson A. and
Amy Burton
Louis H. and
Ellen G. Callister
Marjorie J. Campbell
Dr. George Eastman* and
Helene Cartwright
Mrs. Sally Burbidge Cassity
Dr. Kenneth B.* and
Heloise Snow Armstrong*
F. W. “Wint” Champ*
Mrs. Walter E. Cosgriff*
Dr. and Mrs. Allen W. Cowley
Dwight P. Cruikshank, M.D.
Candace Cartwright Dee and
Thomas D. Dee III
John E. Edwards*
Gail Fawcett
Jessie* and
Patrick* Fitzgerald
Fay Fletcher
Kendall D.* and
Betty M. Garff
John B. and
Geraldine W. Goddard
Dr. and Mrs. Merrill A.
Bernard I. Grosser, M.D. and
Karen J. McArthur
Ernest W. Hahn*
Margaret Harrop*
Mary E. Hercik*
Ryan, Tyler and
Abby Hornacek
Bruce* and
Maria K. Houtchens
Nancy C. and
Dennis C. Hughes, M.D.
Blaine and Nancy Huntsman
Richard Hurley*
Gleason W. Irwin*
George G. Jackson, M.D.
Dr. Marcus Jacobson* and
Ruth A. Kurzbauer
Ann A. and
Leonard W.* Jarcho
John W. and Helen B.* Jarman
Jody and
Arlen K. Jarrett, M.D.
Kenneth and Noriene Jee
Edith M. Jennings*
Joseph S.* and
Marjorie A. Jones
Donald Kalman
Richard E. Kanner, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Carl R.
Neil and Edie Kochenour
Gerald G. Krueger and
Melissa M. Weidner
Kihong Kwon, M.D.
The Jerome J. Landa Family
Max B., Virginia E.* and
Karen V. Lewis
H. William Lichtenberger
Allan M. Lipman, Jr. and
Kay W. Lipman
Mr.* and Mrs. Edmund Wattis
Marcia J. Litzinger, M.D.
Dr. Robert E.* and
Evelyn M.* Long
Arch L.* and
Margaret D. H.* Madsen
Rick Majerus
Bob and Debi Marshall
and Family
W. P.* and Barbara J. Marshall
Margaret May*
Robert B. Mee*
Calvin P. Midgley, M.D.*
Richard D. Movitz
Elizabeth Neiberger
Alma Nemir*
Helga Kolb Normann, Ph.D.
Peggy A. Norton, M.D.
Dr. Alex G.* and Bess Oblad
Emerald Odom*
Dan O’Laurie*
Larue Olsen
Stanley C. Olsen
Dr. and Mrs. James Lamar
Dinesh and Kalpana Patel
Raymond R. Peterson and
Judith C. Peterson
Dr. Steven and Susan Prescott
Esther Pritchard*
Marjorie Riches-Gunn
David Rose*
Amos A. Sargent*
Marigold N. Saunders*
Harris H. and
Amanda P. Simmons
Harry S. Sloane*
Victoria Rees* and
Kelly W. Smith, M.D.
R. Sterling and
Marilyn F. Spafford
Don and Sandy Stanutz
Dr. William* and
Ruth K. Stone
R. Anthony Sweet
R e p o r t
Dr. Robert L. and
Terrie Hillier Treft
Pamela C. and
Ronald L.* Urry, Ph.D.
Dr. John L. and
Susan Wintrobe Walker
Keith and Susan Warshaw
Maysie Eccles Watts
Dr. Lawrence and
Delores M. Weaver
LaVonda B. and
Dr. Glenn C.* Wilson
Dr. Ray and Joan White
Dr. Neal Whitman
Emerson C. Willey*
Kenneth L. Williams Family
Alcoa Foundation
Alcon Research, Ltd.
Alcon Surgical, Inc.
American Drug Stores, Inc.
American Epilepsy Society
American Kidney Fund
American Medical Optics
Apple Computer, Inc.
Applied Technology, Inc.
Arthritis Foundation,
Utah/Idaho Chapter
Ashton Family Foundation
Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
BP Amoco Foundation
BP Employee Matching Fund
Bamberger-Allen Foundation
Barnes Hind, Inc.
Bausch & Lomb Surgical
Boart Longyear
Boston Scientific Corporation
C. R. England & Sons, Inc.
Cadwell Laboratories, Inc.
Robert S. Carter Foundation
Century 21
of The Rocky Mountains
Chugai Pharmaceutical
Company, Ltd.
Clear Channel
Colorado State University
Control Data Corporation
Conwed Foundation
The Cottonwood Hospital
Medical Center
Criticare Systems, Inc.
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
DAV Thrift Stores Trustees
Deloitte & Touche
Denver Rio Grande
Western Railroad
Deseret Medical, Inc.
Deseret Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Devonshire Foundation
Diateck Medical Technology
Digital Equipment
Dow Chemical Company
Dow Corning Corporation
Ethicon, Inc.
First Security Bank of Idaho
Fraternal Order of Eagles,
Ladies Auxiliary
Fred Meyer
Friends of Huntsman
Cancer Institute
Fujisawa Healthcare, Inc.
General Electric Medical
Geneva Steel
Glenbrook Laboratories
Grand Central Stores
Gus Paulos Chevrolet, Inc.
William H. and Mattie Wattis
Harris Foundation
Helms Foundation, Inc.
Hereditary Nephritis
Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical
Company, Inc.
Hoggan Health
Industries, Inc.
Holy Cross Ministries
HOWA Construction, Inc.
Howard Foundation
Huntsman Cancer
Institute Employees
Insutech, Inc.
Intermedics Intraocular, Inc.
Iomed, Inc.
Greg Krueger Lincoln Mercury
Jewish Community
Johnson and Johnson
Family of Companies
Kenneth E. and Becky H.
Johnson Foundation
Kabi Pharmacia
Kearns-Tribune Corporation
Kidney Foundation
of the Netherlands
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Kolmar Laboratories, Inc.
Lucerne Products, Inc.
M. J. DiBiase/Simmons
Marion Laboratories, Inc.
Markle Foundation
Marnell Corrao Associates, Inc.
Marnell Foundation
MC Technology Company
Medtronic Bio-Medicus, Inc.
Medtronic Sofamor Danek
Management, Inc.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Merz & Co. GMBH
& Company
Mountain Fuel
Supply Company
The National
Foundation, Inc.
Netherlands Heart Association
New York Community Trust
NeXstar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Nycomed Amersham
Ralph Nye Charitable
Osco Drug, Inc.
PacifiCorp Foundation
for Learning
Parke Davis & Company
G & L Pfeiffer Research
James Picker Foundation
Questar Corporation
Reader’s Digest Foundation
Junior E. and Blanche B.
Rich Foundation
The Ryan Foundation
Salt Lake Buzz
Salt Lake City Marriott
Salt Lake Clearing House
Salt Lake Regional
Medical Center
Sandoz Foundation
Selway Foundation
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Simmons Family Foundation
Harris H. and Amanda P.
Simmons Foundation
Smith’s Management
Square D Foundation
Staar Surgical Company
The Standard Oil Company
State University of New York
Swire Bottlers, Inc.
Syntex Laboratories, Inc.
Telios Pharmaceuticals
Travenol Laboratories, Inc.
Harriet D. Travis Foundation
United Way of the
Great Salt Lake Area
University of California—
San Francisco
University of Chicago
U.S. Elite Coaches
The Utah Autism Foundation
Utah Idaho Sugar Company
Utah Open
Van Cott, Bagley,
Cornwall & McCarthy
Vanguard Media
Ladies Auxiliary VFW
William Volker Fund
Welfide Corporation
Winthrop Pharmaceuticals
Zimmer Jackson Associates
Zion’s First National Bank
A distinction applied to members
of the President’s Club who have
contributed or bequeathed gifts
totaling $25,000-$49,999
to the University of Utah Health
Sciences Center.
Linda K. Amos, Ed.D.,
John Nels Anderson, M.D.
John R. and Karen J. Anderson
Norman S. Anderson, M.D.
and Virginia W. Anderson
Marvin L. and Lynn Arent
Mr. and Mrs. W. Melbourne
Nicholas D. and Avis Badami
Haven J. and
Bonnie Rae* Barlow
M. Bastian Family
Janette C. Hales Beckham
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.
David L. Berliner, M.D.
Denise E. and Jack Bernhisel
Jack Binion
F. Marian Bishop, Ph.D.,
MSPH* and
Robert E. Froelich, M.D.
Donald R. Bowes
Albert E. Bradbury
Eleanor T. Brady*
Helena A. Brinton*
Lorna Siddoway Broadbent
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Brooke
Calvin Buhler, M.D.
Drs. Vern L. and
Bonnie* Bullough
Conrad S. Carlson*
Richard Cawthon
Howard and Betty Clark
Lyman L. Cromer*
Drs. Antonio G. and
Maria Cutillo
Mary Middleton Dahl, M.D.
and Douglas S. Dahl, M.D.
David Dayton and
Vanessa Dayton, M.D.
James H. Devries
Willena G. Ellison*
In Memory of Jacquelyn Marie
Erbin, M.D.
Kevin Finnegan, M.D., Ph.D.
Joan B. and John H. Firmage
John W. “Jack” and
Grace Mary* Gallivan
R e p o r t
Connie L. Gardner
Senator and Mrs. Jake Garn
Frederic A. Gibbs, Sr.
In Memory of Lowell A.
Glasgow, M.D.
Evelyn R. Gootee*
Paul R. Green
John H. Haines, M.D.
Wesley G. Harline, M.D.
and Family
J. Floyd and Carol L. Hatch
Guy W.* and Marie* Heric
James N. Herron, Ph.D.
Frank G. Hickey
Karen Hillier, RRT
Jerald C. Hinshaw, Ph.D.
Kenneth W. and
Mary Lou Horch
Phil and Gloria Horsley
Richard K. Hughes, M.D.
Chris M. and
Mary Kay Harper Ireland
Dr. George Gee and
Amy C. Jackson
Dr. William S.* and
Jane H. Jordan
Barbara F. Kampen
Ilan and Linda Kaufthal
Evelyn R. Kibbe
Therus C. Kolff, M.D., M.P.H.
Dona Krueger
Dr. Stephen A.* and
Josette M.* Kuby
Barbara and Frank Layden
Peter Quinney Lawson
Xiao Jian Li, M.D.
Arthur G. Lipman, Pharm.D.
and Representative
Patrice M. Arent
John L. Loeb, Jr.
Jack Lunt*
Patrick Lyons
Don A. and
Marjorie W. Mackey
Janet Mancini
Helen C. Marsh*
Dr. and Mrs. Willard Z.
Anna Marie McMillian
James C. McRea, Ph.D.
Dr. A. Wayne Meikle and
Sharon Woodruff Meikle
Charles E. Merrill*
Harold W. and
Lois Freimuth Milner
Art U.* and Blanche T.* Miner
In Honor of John and
Marcia Moody
Frederick A. Moreton, Jr. and
Lucy Wilkins Moreton
Chase Morsey, Jr.
Lillian M. Nail, Ph.D.,
Thomas L. and
Dolores Powell Nickens
Kenneth H. Olsen
Lester G.* and Reva P.* Olson
J. W. “Bill” and Wanda Pace
Lonnie E. Paulos, M.D.
Robert Kenneth Pedersen
Wesley J. and Susan F. Phillips
Constance Pickell*
Donald L. and
Suzanne N. Pisciotta
Barbara B. Prince
Mildred D. Quinn*
Kathryn Ramsey*
Dr. Grant M. Reeder
Helen Winters Reynolds
Winifred Rollo*
Duane E. Ruffner
Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Russell
Frank A. Schreck
Rebecca R. Setterberg
Shabnam R. and
Udipi R. Shettigar, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs.* Clifford C.
M. Paul Southwick, M.D.
and Beverly Brockbank*
Mary Ellen B. and Edward G.
Southwick, M.D.
Mary S. and Sam W. Souvall
Gwen G. Stansberry, M.D.
Grace E. Stilwell*
Mano Swartz
David P. Synhorst, M.D.
Floyd Tyler Tanner
Clyde and Vera Turner
Edward M. Vietti*
I. J. and Jeanne* Wagner
M. Walker and
Susan R. Wallace
James C. and
Michelle McRea Warenski
Dorothy A. White, M.D.
Donald M. Willey and
Joleen S. Willey
Dr. Burke L. and
Helen H. Winget
Carl Thomas Wittwer, M.D.
In Memory of Blaine O. Wood
Mari Lou Wood
Dr. J. Walter and
Betty G. Woodbury
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Virginia Latses Zambukos*
Buddy and Julie Zarbock
A. Robert Zeff
Barbara Zimonja
Acuson Corporation
Advanced Medical Optics
Alberta Heritage Foundation
Allegiance Healthcare
Alliant Techsystems, Inc.
The Allstate Foundation
Alza Corporation
American Critical Care
American Express Travel
Related Services
American Hoechst
American Industrial Hygiene
American Intraocular
Implant Society
American Occupational
Medical Association
American Pharmaceutical
Amirsys, Inc.
AT&T Information Systems
Bausch & Lomb
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Becton Dickinson
Vascular Access, Inc.
Beecham Laboratories
Bergen Brunswig Corporation
The Berlex Foundation, Inc.
Bingham Canyon Lions Club
Binion’s Horseshoe
Hotel & Casino
Biogen Research Corporation
Biomed Research Institute
of New Mexico
Bloomberg Foundation
BLT2 Trust
Boart Longyear Company
Boehringer Ingelheim, Ltd.
Brencanda Foundation
Brighton Bank
Brookside Animal Hospital
Edward G. Callister
Century Steel, Inc.
Jane Coffin Childs
Memorial Fund
Chiron Corporation
Cirque Du Soleil, U.S., Inc.
Clay Adams Division of
Becton-Dickinson &
Clipped Wings, U A
CoCensys, Inc.
Columbia Charitable
Controlled Therapeutics
Cooper Laboratories, Inc.
Coronary Heart Disease
Crescent Cardboard Company
Cyberonics, Inc.
Dain Rauscher, Inc.
Dale Barton Agency
Davis Oil Company
DAW Technologies, Inc.
Department of
Internal Medicine
Faculty of the Department
of Radiation Oncology
Deutsche Bank Americas
The Camille and Henry
Dreyfus Foundation
Dreyfus Medical Foundation
E. E. Kinder Co., LLC
Elan Corporation
Elsevier Sciences
Publishing B V
Bill England Diabetes Fund
Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America
F. Hoffmann-LaRoche AG
& Company
Leone F. Fackrell Memorial
Loan Fund
Finkelstein, Thompson
& Loughran
First Security Foundation
The Fluor Foundation
F. Fox & L. Samuels
Foundation, Inc.
Fraternal Order of Eagles,
Grand Aerie, F.O.E. #2472
Freed Investment Company
G. D. Searle and Company
Haemonetics Corporation
H. Claire Haines Trust
Hamilton Bonaduz AG
Hanford Environmental
Health Foundation
Hansen Mechanical
Contractors, Inc.
Harmon City, Inc.
Health Outcomes
Management, Inc.
Williams Randolph Hearst
Heckman Foundation
Richard K. and Shirley S.
Hemingway Foundation
Henriksen Butler
Hercules Aerospace
Hercules Matching Fund
The William and Flora
Hewlett Foundation
The HLA Registry
Foundation, Inc.
Howmedica, Inc.
Husky Oil Company
IBM International Foundation
R e p o r t
ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Idaho Community
Foundation, Inc.
Il Yang Pharmaceutical
Illinois Masonic
Medical Center
Impart Group, Inc.
Incontrol Incorporated
Interferon Sciences, Inc.
Ioptex Incorporated
Ioptex Research, Inc.
ISN Forefronts in Nephrology
Jay Dee Harris Truck
& Equipment
JWP Dynalectric Company
of Nevada
KEOH Family Foundation
Key Bank
Key Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
La Haye Laboratories, Inc.
Howard and Evelyn Larson
Layton Construction
Company, Inc.
Leucadia Aviation, Inc.
Leucadia National Corporation
The Lichtenberger Foundation
Linfox Group
Lymphoma Foundation
Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation
Mark Investment Company
Mark Miller Toyota
The J. Willard and Alice S.
Marriott Foundation
Masonic Foundation
of Utah, Inc.
Masonic Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Matrix Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Meadow Gold Dairies
Metromedia Company
Milken Family
Medical Foundation
Mirage Resorts, Inc.
M. E. Muller Foundation
National Fund for
Medical Education
Nierstichting Nederland
Nordling Foundation
Norland Medical Systems, Inc.
Kenneth T. and Eileen L.
Norris Foundation
North American Philips
North American Society
of Pacing &
Electrophysiology, Inc.
Northwest Pipeline
Nova Chemicals, Inc.
Novartis Pharmaceuticals
Novell, Inc.
Nuclear Medical
Laboratory, Inc.
Ralph Nye Charitable
Occupational Physicians
Scholarship Fund
Ohio Medical Products
Ohmeda Medical Systems
Okland Construction
Orthologic Corporation
Orthopedic Consultants
Orthopedic Specialty Clinic
Outagamie Charitable
Paradigm Biosciences, Inc.
Dinesh and Kalpana
Patel Foundation
Payless Drug Stores
Albert Penick Fund
Pharmadigm, Inc.
Photofrin Medical, Inc.
John Price Foundation
Procter & Gamble
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Professional Firefighters
of Utah
Profile Medica
Raytheon Company
Reader’s Digest
Association, Inc.
Regence Blue Cross/
Blue Shield of Utah
Luther I. Replogle Foundation
The Rest of the Jazz
R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
Hal Riney & Partners, Inc.
Robertson Stephens
& Company
Roche Diagnostics
Roche Laboratories
Roche Pharmaceuticals
Sunny and Abe Rosenberg
Roswell Park Alliance
Rubicon, Inc.
Damon Runyon—Walter
Winchell Cancer Fund
Salt Lake City Knee Research
Sankyo Company, Ltd.
Scrip Card Enterprises, Inc.
Shell Oil Company
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher
& Flom
Solitron Devices, Inc.
Sorenson Research
Southern Wine and Spirits
of Nevada
Sysco Intermountain
Food Services
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Tambrands, Inc.
Clark L. Tanner Trust
TAP Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
L. Shirley and Jordan M. Tark
Texaco Foundation, Inc.
Thiokol Corporation
H. E. & J. A. Tornquist
Charitable Foundation
Tourette Syndrome Association
Transplantation Editorial
United Way of Northern Utah
University of California—
San Diego
University of Texas
University of Utah
Credit Union
U S West Foundation
The Utah Autism Foundation
Utah Joint Parade
Utah Medical Association
Utah Medical Products, Inc.
Utah State Firemen’s
Ladies Auxiliary
Utah State Medical Association
Varian Associates
Variety Club of Utah
Viratek, Inc.
William Volker Fund
W. L. Gore and Associates, Inc.
Watson Laboratories, Inc.
Western States Publishing
Williams Co. Foundation
Weintraub Family Foundation
Westwood Squibb
Wheeler Machinery Company
Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals
Yamanouchi USA Foundation
Zars, Inc.
Zions Management
Services Company
A distinction applied to donors
who have established or bequeathed
endowments totaling $10,000$24,999 to the University of
Utah Health Sciences Center.
Russell G.* and Vila C. Allen
Dr. David R.* and
Isabelle* Atherton
Scott L. Bailey
Dr.* and Mrs. Edgar W. Barber
Jack* and Pat Blake
James W. and
Susan S. Christiansen
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clark
T. William* and
Mary* Cockayne
Max P.* and Sara* Cowan
Dr. and Mrs. L. Dale Cruse
Royden G. and Allie Derrick
Sherman R. Dickman, Ph.D.
Dr. John A.* and
Karma J. Dixon
Paul and Joann Dwork
Dr. Gary D. Ellis
Gladys C. Ellison*
Edith P. Fairclough
Norma K. Forsey
E. Gordon Gee, Ph.D.
Constance J. Geiger, M.D.
Clark P. and Nancy L. Giles
Harold J.* and
Helen D. Goodro
Paul and Allan A.* Hagander
Dorothy S. Hall
Welma “Billie” Harmon
Drs. Joel M. and
Frances N. Harris
Blaine and Pauline Hartley
Dr.* and
Mrs. Edward I. Hashimoto
Maurine N. Hegsted
Marvin G. and Barbara Hess
Steven R. and
Catherine Moon Hickman
L. David* and Janet C.* Hiner
James C. and Jodee Hoellein
Fred K. and Josie V. Hubert
Dr. Vernal H. and
Athleen* Johnson
Malcolm and
Cherie Gee Justice
Dr. Richard H. and
Joann O. Keller
Richard Kenny
Paul and Sharee Kunz
The W. John* Lamborn Family
Dr. Reed P.* and
Lennox A. Larson
James B. Lendall*
Jack Lunt*
Mel Marcus
Emilie S. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Don E. McCleve
Dr. and Mrs. Royce Moser
The Dominick R. Motta Family
Beverley Nalder
Dr. Neils P.* and
Irma S. Neilson
Chase N. and
Grethe B. Peterson
George C. Pingree, M.D. and
Anne C. Pingree
Herm B.* and
Barbara M.* Prater, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Linn R.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O.
Joe Sargetakis and
Paula Swaner-Sargetakis
R e p o r t
Dr. Anthony* and
Myrtle G.* Simone
The Lowell D. Smith Family
Maxine Hudson Stowell, MSW
Dan J.* and Viella C.* Swindle
Lon W. and Mary K. Watson
Usher T.* and
Barbara H. West, Ph.D.
T. E.* and Liz Wilder
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Wilson
Dr. Dixon* and
Donna B. Woodbury
Dr. Glenn H. and
Margaret C. Wyler
Keith and Normalynn Beagle
Robert M. Bell, M.D.
Jodie L. Bennion
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul S. Bernstein
James M. Besendorfer, M.D.
Dr. A. Lorris and Ann Betz
Dr. Sandy Beveridge
William Birrell, Jr.
Ruth Bischoff
B. Grant Bishop, M.D., PC
Owens & Minor
Quality Health Care
Junior and
Blanche B. Rich Foundation
Sweet Candy Company
Donors who have contributed
$2,000-$24,999 from July 1,
2002, through June 30, 2003,
to the University of Utah Health
Sciences Center.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee Aamodt
Eli Y. Adashi, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs.
Dominic Albo, Jr.
Raymond H. and
Ila Jane Aldrich
William John Aldrich
Frank* and Julie Allen
Vila C. Allen
Mary Carol Allred
C. Ross and Susan B. Anderson
Clair B. and
Mary Ann C. Anderson
Gary L. and Janet K. Anderson
Keri Anderson
Timothy B. Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph D.
Keith Antognini
Albert C. Antrei*
Ronald I. Apfelbaum, M.D.
Vera Shaw Applonie*
John Ashcraft
Alonzo Ashton, M.D.
Ralph L., Sr. and
Virginia W. Ashton
Dr. Edward R. Ashwood
Pamela J. Atkinson
Cleda Auger
Marc E. Babitz, M.D.
J. Richard Baringer, M.D.
Bonnie Barry
Ray H. Barton, Jr., M.D.
Lynn L. Bateman, M.D.
Dr. Harold Bauman
David J. Bjorkman, M.D.
Ann C. Blackner
Betty R. Blair
Mollyn V. Bohnen, Ed.D.
Francis E. Bond, Jr.
Jeffrey E. Booth, M.D.
Vincent J. Boryla
Drs. Glen M. and Anneli
Katherine Brim
Thomas P. Brooks
Arthur D. and Mary Jo Broom
Muriel A. Brophy
Fred and Eveline Bruenger
Wallace F. Bryner, M.D.
Kenneth N. Buchi, M.D.
David A. Bull, M.D.
Fraser Bullock
John Bunnell
Leola C. Burr
Randall W. Burt, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R.
Justin D. Call, M.D.
John W. Callister, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Haydon M.
Caron Candace Campbell
Curtis M. Campbell, M.D.
Douglas T. Carrell
Dana Carroll, Ph.D.
A. Peter Catinella, M.D.
Lynette Chidester
Dr. and Mrs. Brent S. Child
Stanley R. Child, M.D.
John J. Chipman, M.D.
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Thayer S. and
Sue D. Christensen
James W. and
Susan S. Christiansen
Mary Lynne Clark
Dr. Dana H. Clarke
Fred E. Clayson, M.D.
Bonnie C. Clayton, Ph.D.
Elizabeth T. and
L. Whitney Clayton, M.D.
Phillip W. and
Susan D. Clinger
Sam C. Colachis, Jr., M.D.
Boyd N. and Beth Ann V. Cole
Thomas W. Cole
Clair F. and
Kaye M. Coleman, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Sherman S.
Carol Colwell*
David M. and
Paula J. Compton
Doris and
Loran D. Cook, M.D.
Kathy B. and
David F. Coppin, M.D.
Thomas D. Coppin, M.D.
Margaret Anne Cragin
Robert H. Crist, M.D.
Wendy B. Critchfield
Dr. and Mrs. L. Dale Cruse
Charles H. Culp
William F. Cunningham, M.D.
Clifford H. Curtis, M.D.
Donald D. Curtis, M.D.
Homer C. Curtis, M.D.
Ron L. and Lindsay S. Cutshall
Drs. Stephen L. and
Nicola Dahl
Harriet S. Davis
Jack J. Davis, M.D.
James J. Dawson
Linda Deakins
Richard Dedolph, M.D.
George Degles
William A. Dittman, M.D.
Karma J. Dixon
David W. Doerrfeld, M.D.
David S. and Anne Dolowitz
Larry A. Donoso, M.D., Ph.D.
Andrea S. Dumke-Manship
Janet Larson Dunbar
Jerri Lee Duncan
Dr. Harold K. and
Kathryn T. Dunn
Richard P. Durham
Elizabeth Ebberts
C. Hope Eccles and
Randy K. Quarles
Katie Eccles and
David J. Burnett
John S. and Evelyn B. Edwards
Ernst J. Eichwald, M.D.
Patricia A. Eisenman, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney H.
Eliason, Jr.
Dr. Gary D. Ellis
Harry Elster, M.D.
Joy Ely, M.D.
William and Fern H. England
Patrick H. English, M.D.
Beverly Epstein
Mary J. Etzel
Harmon J. Eyre, M.D.
Edith P. Fairclough
Will Farrar
Barbara S. and
Spencer P. Felt, Jr.
James W. and Tammy G. Felt
Thomas L. Finnegan
Joan B. and
John H. Firmage, Jr.
Don L. Fisher, M.D.
Dr. Francis A. Fitzpatrick
Steven M. Ford
Jefferson B.* and
Rita E. Fordham
Norma K. Forsey
Jay K. Francis
Donald N. Franz, Ph.D.
Peggy Frasier
Donald B. Fronce
Richard A. and Diana Fullmer
Barbara T. Gaddis
Donald Jay and
Lynda S. Gamble
Dr. Reed M. and
Jacqueline C. Gardner
Christine M. Gardner-Daniels
Dr. and Mrs. William A.
Gay, Jr.
John W. Gerwels, M.D.
Glenna W. Glasgow*
Lawrence K. and
Suzanne Goldsmith
Robert and Rosanne Gordon
D. John Gosch-Barker, M.D.
Robert M. and
Joyce S. Graham
Barbara J. Graves
Larry J. Graves
The Honorable and
Mrs. J. Thomas Greene
Orrin E. Greene
Robert D. Greensides, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Gregory
David W. Groesbeck, M.D.
David J. Grunwald
Dr. Brock G. Guernsey
O. H. Guymon, Jr., M.D.
Sandra W. Haak
Ted N. Hackett, Jr., M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. DeVon C. Hale
Dorothy S. Hall
William A. Hanley
W. Eugene and
Jeanine S. Hansen
Col. William W. Hansen
Maurice R. Hanson, M.D.
R e p o r t
Estelle Harris, M.D.
Mark John Harris, M.D.
Benjamin P. Harrison
Douglas B. Hart, M.D.
Robert A. and Karla J. Hatch
Leah Hatziathanasiou
Jo Lee B. Heaton
Clyde M. Heiner
George R. Heninger, M.D.
John B. III and
Jean M. Henkels
Stephen L. Henriod
Joseph W. Hess and
Jean Stallwood Hess
Glenn and Lee Hewitt
Dr. Harry R. and Sandra Hill
John L. Hinds
Clair S. Hixson, M.D.
Carolyn S. and
Robert O. Hoffman, M.D.
Karl Honeystein
Robert S. Hood, M.D.
John T. and Anne C. Hopkin
Brent L. Horsley, M.D.
Jerry S. and
Claudia W. Howells
Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Huber, Jr.
Sue E. Huether, Ph.D.
Jesse N. Hunsaker, M.D.
J. Poulson Hunter, M.D.
Alex and Ramona Hurtado
Barry N.* and
Marian W. Ingham
Dr. and Mrs. Newton R.
Elizabeth B. Jacobsen
Ralph H. and Joan M. Jacobson
Thunder Jalili
J. Boyer and Pat Jarvis
J. Preston Jensen
Marian Wilkinson Jensen
Dirk O. and
Laurie Z. Jergensen
Dr. and Mrs. R. Kent Jex
Rebecca C. and
M. Craig Johns, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Johnson II
G. Frank and Pamela M. Joklik
Dr. and Mrs. August L. Jung
Josephine M. Kasteler, Ph.D.
David and Connie Katz
Hua Zhu Ke
Michael M. Kearney
Robert W. and
Barbara J. Keener
Richard H. and Joann O. Keller
David M. Kelly
Diane S. Kern
Sung Wan Kim, Ph.D. and
Hee Kyung Kim
Robert S. Kiyomura, M.D.
Betty B. Knight
Pauline B. and
Joseph A. Knight, M.D.
Kristine Knutson, Ph.D.
Edie and Neil Kochenour
Darlene O. and
Leland K. Krantz, M.D.
Sandra Kresser
Hisa and
Lindy F. Kumagai, M.D.
Wen H. Kuo, Ph.D.
Kate and
Michael J. Lahey, M.D.
Esther R. Landa and Children
Howard S. and Terry E. Landa
Jerome L. Lange
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Larkin
Melanie Larsen
Roger V. Larson, M.D.
Daniel and Christine Lattin
Bret H. Laughlin
Alan S. and Leslie Layton
Dr. and Mrs. G. Richard Lee
Whitfield S. and
Christina C. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. George N.
Stephen D. Lewis
Tamara Lewis, M.D.
Ching Po Li, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Francis Liu
Earl A. Lloyd, M.D.
Scott Lloyd
William L. Longhurst, M.D.
Yvonne W. Lonni, M.D.
Carolee W. and Gary L. Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Lowen
Ralph Lugo
Sherman Lum, Ph.D.
Dan K. Lundergan and
Liz Winter
Thomas T. Lynott
Carlos N. Madsen, M.D.
Francis A. Madsen, Jr.
Gladys Madsen
Peter William and
Nancee C. Madsen
Michael K. MaGill, M.D. and
Sherilyn E. Santaw
Lynn J. Maland
Nick Mamalis, M.D.
Richard A. and
Karen Aldrich Mandahl
William Jefferies Mann
Benjamin T. Marchello, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Russell L. Marlor
Edward D. and
Judith V. Maryon
Norma W. and
Scott M.* Matheson
David Matlin
Fumisuke Matsuo, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Mauger
Gary J. Maxwell, M.D.
Priscilla M. Mayden
Dr. and Mrs. William M.
Peggy and
Allan L. McCall, M.D.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Kathryn L. McCance, Ph.D.
Thomas K. and
Mary S. McCarthey
Murray K. McComas
Mary Ann McDonnell, M.D.
E. Bruce McIff, M.D.
Spencer C. McMurdie
Suzanne Mellor-Fife
John E. Meyers, M.D.
Jayne G. and Richard G.
Middleton, M.D.
Grant W. and
Marsha B. Midgley
Barbara C. and Hack* Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Corey A. Miller
James Rex Miller, Jr., M.D.
Harold W. and Lois F. Milner
In Memory of L. Wallace
Miltenberger, D.D.S., Ph.D.
Karie L. Minaga-Miya
Elmo R. and
Frances B.* Morgan
Mimi B. Mortensen
Ann W. and
Neal F. Mortenson, M.D.
The Dominick R. Motta Family
Jean Mueller
Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Mueller
Drs. Sean J. and
Kimberley K. Mulvihill
John Anthony Murillo
Maxine R. Murphy
Allyn K. Nakashima, M.D.
Doris B. and
Alfred H. Namba, M.D.
Marilyn H. Neilson
Ralph P. and Marge Neilson
Don H. Nelson, M.D.
Joseph H. Nelson, M.D.
Joy Nelson
Joe and Sylvia Nielsen
Karl D. Nielson, M.D.
Dr. Theodore H. Noehren
Chuck Norlin and
Marcia Feldkamp
Ruth L. and Phillip J. Novak
Suzanne Scattergood
Nutting, M.D.
Sherrie Lynn O’Brien
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Odell
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Olsen
Robert L. Orme, M.D., PC
Mr. and Mrs. O. Don Ostler
George A. and
Marian S. O’Very
Jack Owens, M.D.
VaLaine Pack
Dr. and Mrs. James L. Parkin
Richard W. Parkinson
Stan and Joyce Parrish
Dr. Lester M. Partlow
Merlin R. Pass
Ralph F. and
Mary Lou Peak, M.D.
Wayne J. Peay
Melinda Pelo
Orson Perkes, M.D.
Marta J. Petersen, M.D.
Patricia Lou and
Gary V. Petersen, M.D.
Dr. Robert V. Petersen
Matthew C. Peterson, M.D.
John J. and Katrina A. Phillips
Pierre S. Pincetl, M.D.
Herm B.* and
Barbara M.* Prater, Ph.D.
Frederick Seaton Prince, Jr.
Scott and Karin Pynes
Beth W. and
Marv Rallison, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Dee M.
Suzanne J. and David P. Razor
J. Richard Rees, M.D.
Don L. and Rebecca Reese
John A. and
Joann P. Reinertsen
Dr. and Mrs. Attilio D.
Renzetti, Jr.
Kent E. Rice
J. Charles and Jasmine F. Rich
Dr. and Mrs. S. Grover Rich
John B. Richards, M.D.
Patricia A. Richards and
William K. Nichols
Zoe D. and
Lon R. Richardson, Jr.
Joseph and Raye Ringholz
Cynthia J. Roche
Bradford W. Rockwell, M.D.
Cindy Rodberg
Richard A. and Carmen Rogers
Norma Rhode
D. N. “Nick” and Penny Rose
Marilyn M. Roskelley
Robert Rothman
Ronald J. Ruff, M.D.
Pari Salari
Wolfram E. Samlowski, M.D.
Rodney D. Sanders
Rodney D. Sanders
Paula Swaner-Sargetakis and
Joseph M. Sargetakis
Joseph Eli Sasich
Pat Saunders
Robert W. Schackmann, Ph.D.
J. Ronald Schaffer, M.D.
C. DuWayne and
Alice Cannon Schmidt
L. J. Schmidt, M.D.
James P. and
Madalyn Sue Seaman
Dr. Howard C. and
Marjorie T. Sharp
Dr. Clough Shelton
Judi Short
Allen T.* and Margot L. Shott
Dennis C. Shrieve, M.D.
R e p o r t
Duane* and
JoAnne L.* Shrontz
Robert Silver
Dr. Sandra M. Sims
Barbara Slaymaker
Calvin S. Smith, M.D.
Helen T. Smith*
J. Brian Smith
Lillian Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell M.
Smoot III
Gerald V. Snarr, M.D.
Maggie Snyder
Dr. J. Keith* and
Ann-Marie Sorenson
Gordon T. Soutter
Sam Souvall
H. Kent and Laura Lee Staheli
Robert Stavis
Lyman B. Stevens, M.D.
Michael H. Stevens, M.D.
Jerry W. Stevenson
Dr. J. Robert and
Ann K. Stewart
Jack D. and
Marian S. Stringham
David N. and
Catherine Sundwall
Peter V. Sundwall, M.D.
Michelle W. Sweet
Arthur J. Swindle
Richard E. and
Dee Ann Swinyard
Leonard J. and Thalia Swinyer
Peter Takeuchi
Barbara Tallmadge
Lorelei D. Tavey
Kim Y. Taylor, M.D.
Preston J. Taylor, M.D.
Terry and James Taylor
Rosella Joan Terry
Allan Tessler
Dr. and Mrs. Henry A.
Theurer, Jr.
David A. Thiele, M.D.
Ann Jarcho Thomas and
J. Robert* Thomas
Peggy Thomas
Mr. and Mrs.* Philip M.
Thompson, Jr.
Scott W. and
Betsy D. Thornton
Glenn L. Tonnesen
John R. Tovey
Jeannette J. Townsend, M.D.
Anita M. Trotter-Cox
Alida W. and Frank H.* Tyler
Dr. Daniel Vargo
Drs. Michael W. Varner and
Kathleen B. Digre
Rosaria Vavassori
Chris A. Venizelos
Dr. John M. Veranth
Joseph S. and
Margaret P. Viland
Terry L. Vismantas
Joseph A. and
Cynthia E. Walkowski
William Dean and
Deanne H. Wallace
John H. and Connie W. Ward
William E. Ward
Dr. and Mrs. James C.
Dr. Homer R. and
Katherine R. Warner
Stephen R. and
Elizabeth E. Warner
J. Ballard Washburn, M.D.
Dorothy B. Watkiss
Oleen L. Watt
Dr. and Mrs. Steven L.
Bonnie and Paul Weiss, M.D.
Usher T.* and
Barbara H. West, Ph.D.
Dick and Betty Wetzel
Chuck E. Whyte, Jr.
Ethel M. Wilcox
Dr. Janet M. Willetts
Dr. and Mrs. H. James
Kenneth L. and Mary Williams
Shelley Thomas Williams
S. Douglas Wing, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Meeks W.
Thomas E. Wolters
Steve and Lill Wood
Carl T. Woolsey, Sr., M.D.
Art and Connie Jo HepworthWoolston
Mary Ann Wortley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wray
David J. Wurzer, Ph.D.
Dr. Kimi N. Yamaguchi
Dr. and Mrs. Adrain Yee
Barbara J. Young
Kimball L. and
Laurel H. Young
Tamara Zagorec-Marks, M.D.
Paul L. Zimmerman, M.D.
Robert M. Zimmerman, M.D.
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
John Zone, M.D.
Rhoda C. Zylstra
3M Pharmaceuticals Division
Abbott Laboratories
Adjuvant Foundation
Alcoa Foundation
American Association
of Anatomists
American Burn Association
American Express Foundation
American Insurance and
Investment Corporation
American Sterling Corporation
Americom Technology
Anderson Family Foundation
Architectural Nexus
Arizona Kidney Disease and
Hypertension Center
Asay Associates
Autoliv ASP, Inc.
Avenue Capital
Management, LLC
AXA Foundation
Arnold F. Baggins
Foundations, Inc.
Bally Total Fitness
Bank One Utah
Haven J. and Bonnie Rae
Barlow Family Foundation
Becton Dickinson and
Benchmark Commercial, Inc
Bertin Family Foundation
Bingham High School
Boeing Employees Community
Fund of California
Bonneville Bicycle Touring
Bonneville Land & Title
Boron Lepore Group
Brian Kearney Incorporated
Bridger Valley Electric
Association, Inc.
Brigham Young University
Mary Alice & Bennett Brown
Foundation, Inc.
Busath Photography
California Community
Campbell Scientific, Inc.
Cardinal Health Provider
Pharmacy Services
Don Kay Clay Cash
The Castle Foundation
Chevron U.S.A., Inc.
Chidester Family
Revocable Trusts
ClinTrials BioResearch, Ltd.
Bettina N. Coker Trust
ConocoPhillips Retail
Consonus, Inc.
Coydog Foundation
Arlen B. Crouch Family
Cummins Intermountain, Inc.
Current Medical Directions
Danville Corporation
Daynes Music Company
David D. Dayton
Revocable Trust
DBT America, Inc.
Department of Anesthesiology
Department of
Emergency Medicine
Department of
Internal Medicine
Department of Neurosurgery
Department of
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Department of Radiology
Department of Surgery
DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc.
Deseret Trust Company
Diabetes Specialty Center, LLC
Dixie Escalante Rural Electric
Association, Inc.
Division of Cardiology
Michael P. Dixon Foundation
Domain Associates, LLC
Episcopal Community
Service, Inc.
Ernst & Young Foundation
Esther Foundation
Evans & Sutherland
Eyre Dermatology Clinic, PC
Fellows and Residents
Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Firefighters Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Flowell Electric
Association, Inc.
Malcolm Fraser Foundation
Galileo Laboratories, Inc.
Garkane Power
Association, Inc.
Virginia C. Garner Trust
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Goldman Sachs & Company
Grayhawk DMB
Park City, LLC
Great Salt Lake Electric, Inc.
Greek Council
Gregory, Barton and
Swapp, PC
Blaine N. &
Barbara W. Harmon
Charitable Foundation
Del & Ann Harris
of Christian Principles
Harris Family Foundation
Hatch Family Trust
H. J. Heinz Company
R e p o r t
Hetzel-Hoellein Family
Holliday Financial
The Home Depot
Hunter Junior High School
Hydra Biosciences, Inc.
Intermountain Burn Center
Intermountain Donor Services
Intermountain Realty Group
Intermune, Inc.
J & S Mechanical Contractors
Jacobsen Construction
Company, Inc.
Jax Foundation
JEPS Foundation
Jespersen & Associates, LLC
Clara Elizabeth Wright Jones
Joslin Diabetes Center
JP Morgan Securities, Inc.
Benjamin H. Katz Family
King Family Foundation
Kitchell Contractors
The Kroger Company
John & Dora Lang
Charitable Foundation
Layton High School
Richard E. Lee Family Trust
Lifescan, Inc.
The J. M. Long Foundation
Marigold Food, Inc.
Mark Miller Subaru
Marsh US
The Jane F. McCarthey Family
Limited Partnership
McKesson HBOC, Inc.
Meadow Gold Dairies
The Medtronic Foundation
Mega Mortgage Services
Megadyne Medical
Products, Inc.
Merrill Lynch Foundation
Midwest Office
Millcreek Broadcasting
Mission Pharmacal Company
Moon Lake Electric
Association, Inc.
Moreton Family Foundation
Mountain Ranch
Estates, LLC
Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc.
Myriad Genetics, Inc.
NACDS Educational
National Psoriasis Foundation
Nitto Denko Technical
North American Transplant
Coordinators Organization
Northern Power
Equipment, Inc.
Novo Nordisk
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Ob-Gyn Associates
Odessa Complex Golf
Okland Construction
Okland Family Foundation
Ortho Development
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical
Orthometrix, Inc.
Osteometrics, Inc.
Owens & Minor
Oxy Rich, Inc.
Packaging Dimensions+, Inc.
Palo Alto Medical Foundation
Research Institute
Paul Davis Restoration, Inc.
Pegus Research, Inc.
Mary Bird Perkins
Cancer Center
Pharmacia Foundation, Inc.
Philoptochos Society
Plastomer Corporation
Procter & Gamble
Distributing Company
Professional Firefighters
of Utah
The Prudential Foundation
Questar Corporation
Qwest Dex
The Ramsey Group
Ray, Quinney & Nebeker
Rayner Intraocular Lenses, Ltd.
R. C. Willey
Home Furnishings
The Reagan Foundation
Rosenberg Associates
Rotary Club of Salt Lake City
Rotonda Foundation
Royal Court of the
Golden Spike Empire
Salt Lake City Corporation
Salt Lake City Firefighters
Local 1645
Salt Lake County
Society Alliance
Salt Lake Magazine
Samyang Corporation
Sangstat, The Transplant
Scanco USA, Inc.
The Semnani Foundation
Shire Pharmaceutical
Development, Ltd.
Douglas C. Shonkwiler Trust
Skolnick Foundation
SME Industries, Inc.
Snell & Wilmer Law Offices
Snow Canyon High School
Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
South Ogden Fire Fighters
South Valley Dermatology
Center PC
Spectrum Professional
Services, Inc.
St. Mark’s Hospital
State of Utah
Steel Encounters
Structure Tone, Inc.
Stutman, Treister & Glatt
Technisys, Inc.
Scott W. and
Betsy D. Thornton
Family Foundation
TRW Foundation
Union Tank Car Company
United Drugs
University Hospital Blood Bank
UOP Research Center
Utah Academy
of Physician Assistants
Utah Grizzlies
Children’s Charities
Utah Hispanic-American
Utah Jazz
Utah Medical Products, Inc.
Utah Pharmaceutical Alliance
Utah State Firemen’s
Utah State Firemen’s Auxiliary
Sam Viersen Family
Foundation, Inc.
The Walbridge Fund, Ltd.
Walgreen Company
Wal-Mart Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank
Wells Fargo Educational
Matching Gifts
Wells Fargo Northwest, N.A.
Wheeler Machinery Company
Willey Honda
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich
& Rosati
Witz Family Foundation
Workers Compensation
Fund of Utah
For those who have designated a
charitable bequest, life income gift,
trust, or other planned gift with the
University of Utah Health Sciences
Center named as beneficiary.
Rex and Linda Ahlstrom
Kathleen Alacano
Estelle Albaugh
Caroline Strom Allen
Linda K. Amos, Ed.D.,
David B. and
Kathy J. Anderson
Echomae Anderson*
G. W. and Lee Anderson
Roscoe B. Anderson, M.D. and
Joan C. Critchlow, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. John Athens
Scott Bailey
Vernon Beeler
Charles K. and
Janice Beyer-Machule
Sharon M. Bigelow
Rose Boyajiian
Melvin T.* and Fern Briggs
Dr. Calvin Brown
Fred W. and Eveline Bruenger
Calvin Buhler, M.D.
Barbara Burnett
Nelson A. Burton, M.D.
Elbert F.* and
Marie* Christensen
Rodney H. and
Sally E. Christensen
Chet Christofferson
Russell B. Clark, M.D.
Leota Craner
Duane and Jean Crowther
Dwight P. Cruikshank, M.D.
Cheryl B. Dalley
The Thomas D. Dee II Family
Frank Delvie
Dr. Victor Diaz
Sherman R. Dickman, Ph.D.
Joel R. and Lisa Dimick
Margaret E. Dixon, Ph.D.
Raymond C. Doucette, M.D.
Gene Drabner
Sharon Drakos
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
E. R. and Katherine W. Dumke
Dr. and Mrs. John Emmett
Gayle L. Eschmann
Richard A. Fay and
Carol M. Fay
Gary B. Filler
Alan and Beverly Frank
Dr. James Freston
Dr. Claudius Y.* and
Catherine B.* Gates
James Craig and
Pamela D. Gilbert
Mary Ann Glasgow
Dr. and Mrs. Merrill A.
Val A.* and Edith D. Green
George* and Esther* Gross
Patricia Hall
Millie Hagen
Welma “Billie” Harmon
James F.* and Joyce E. Harris
John* and June Hartman
Geoffrey Hasson
Richard G. and Margaret Heers
Dr. N. Frederick* and
Margarete S. W. Hicken
R e p o r t
Darlene H. Hobson
Nancy C. and
Dennis C. Hughes, M.D.
Dr. Richard Hurley
Gloria N. and
Richard A. Irion, M.D.
Jody and Arlen K. Jarrett, M.D.
Dr. D. Rees Jensen
Lyman and Ida Mae* Jensen
Kirtly Parker Jones, M.D.
Dr. Wayne C. Kaesche
Howard and Ruth Kalb
Donald Kalman
Judith A. Kiernan
Michael Knowlton
Dr. and Mrs. Neil K.
Dr. Roy Kuramoto
Ruth A. Kurzbauer
Kenneth R. and
Cynthia P. Laird
Esther Landa Family
Dan Lundergan and Liz Winter
Commander Gladys Madsen
T. G. “Bud” and
Barbara S. Mahas
Dr. John H. Marsden
Emilie Segil Martin
David and JoAnn McGuire
Florence McNeil
Dr. Wendy Metzger
Bruce and Patty Miller
Michael T. Miller*
Bruce R. and Evelyn S. Mills
Dr. and Mrs. Donald M. Moore
John A. Moran
Dr. Philip Myers
Cantril and Sharon Nielsen
Peggy A. Norton, M.D.
Richard K. and Maria A. Obyn
Dr. Merrill Oldroyd
Dr. Virgil J. and
Jacqueline A. Parker
Janet Parry
Dr. Mary Lou and Ralph Peak
Wayne Peay
Audrey N. Peterson
Dr. and Mrs. Chase N.
Dr. Henry P. Plenk
Ronald E. Poelman and
Anne G. Osborn, M.D.
Sylvia Prahl-Brodbeck
Arlene O. and
Alan T. Rappleye, M.D.
Patricia Reagan
Dr. Grant M. Reeder
Dr. Thomas D. and
Natalie B. Rees
Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice
Barbara K. Samuels
Bertram H. and
Janet Marshall Schaap
Daniel J. Schettler
Dr. Duane Schmidt
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Scott
Edward G. Southwick, M.D.
Dr. Paul Southwick
Shirley Sterling
Richard L. Stimson
Dr. William* and
Ruth K. Stone
Maxine H. Stowell, MSW
Arthur J. Swindle
David and Phyllis Symond
Barbara Talmadge, R.N.
Norm and Barbara Tanner
Dr. F. Willis Taylor
Alice G. Telford
Javier Tellez
Dr. Stephen R. and
Valerie W. Terry
Arthur and Haru Toimoto
Robert L. Treft, M.D.
Alida W. Tyler
Dr. LeGrand Uffens
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Veasey
Dr. Stephen C. and
Christine Voss
Ruth S. Walker
Dr. Lawrence and
Delores M. Weaver
Inga F. Weil, M.D.
Dorothy A. White, M.D.
James R. and Ethel Wilcox
Kenneth L. Williams Family
Kris-Tina A. and
Ronald T. Wilson, M.D.
Dr. Bill Winstead
Sylvan and Maurine Wittwer
James B. Wood
Grant Young
Donors who have contributed
gifts totaling $500-$1,999 from
July 1, 2002, through June 30,
2003, to the University of Utah
Health Sciences Center.
Vicki R. Abtin
Curtis E. Ackerlind
Carol J. Adams, M.D.
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Elton J. Adams, M.D.
Peggy A. Ahlin
Hans G. Ahrens
David E. Allen, M.D.
Jean A. Allen
Ted R. Allred, M.D.
Philip E. Allsen, Ph.D.
Patricia and Darryl Allsop
Andrew E. Anderson
Joseph A. Anderson, Jr.
Ross C. Anderson
Stephen P. and
Merribeth Anderson
Nancy and Brad Andes
David M. Andrenyak
Flynn A. and
Alison H. Andrizzi
Carol and
Craig Wayne Armstrong
Mark C. Arner, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Arnold
John W. and Georgia R. Athens
Joy V. Atkin
Genevieve Atwood
Richard L. Aubert
Rick Azevedo
James R. Babcock, M.D.
Tina G. Bagley
Jan Nelson Bair
J. Bruce Balken, M.D.
Evan A. Ballard, M.D.
Lawrence Barber
Rodney J. Barker, M.D.
Harold W. and
Paula J. Barkman
David Richard Barnes, M.D.
Thomas E. Barnes
Joyce Marie Barra
Clifford L. Barron
Kenneth Bartholomew, M.D.
Erik D. Barton, M.D.
Col. Thomas A. Bast
Walter Baughman III
Timothy C. Beals, M.D.
Susan L. Beck, Ph.D.
Mary C. Beckerle
Barbara Smoot Behunin
Hal and Faye S. Bennett
Max C. Bennett
A. Scott and
Jeanne Bridwell Bennion
Barry A. and
Nanette J. Benowitz
Jan and Scott Berger
James B. Bernard
Kurt T. Bernhisel, M.D.
Marc A. Bernhisel, M.D.
Ida M. Bickle
Dr. and
Mrs. Edwin C. Biddulph
Wendy D. Bircher, M.S., P.T.
Clark T. and Nora H. Bishop
Otto A. and
Ginger C. Bjornstad
Chame Curtis Blackburn, M.D.
Kay H. Blacker, M.D.
Kurt L. Blickenstaff, M.D.
Rick and Janeen Bloyer
Robert F. Bohnen, M.D.
Frank D. Boll, Jr.
Richard W. Borgmeier
Len Bowes III
Theonia K. Boyd, M.D.
Richard S. Boyer, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ralph
Boyle, Jr.
Brian R. Bradshaw, M.D.
Don F. and Jean W. Bradshaw
Howard C. and
Afton B. Bradshaw
Scott Brady
Dr. Branch D. and
Linda L.* Branch
Donna M. Branson
John T. Braun, M.D.
William J. Braun
Carol Duvall Breckon
Douglas L. Brockmeyer, M.D.
Darrel S. Brodke, M.D.
Dr. Mark Bromberg
Brent Lloyd Brown
Janey L. Brown
Mike Brown
W. Theron Brown, M.D.
Joe Nelson Brunner
Frederick S. Buchanan, Ph.D.
Charles and Jonnie Bullen
Bruce Alan Bullias, M.D.
Robert T. Burks, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
John F. and Kathryn Burnham
Thomas W. Burns, M.D.
Susan J. Burt
C. Joe Busby
Beverly S. Buss
Norma Butler
Brent E. Butterfield
Dan Byington
Dean Byrne
Janice L. B. Byrne, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael K.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Caine
Daniel W. Campbell
Elaine B. Cantrell
Richard Y. Card, M.D.
Marlene Carlson
Ronald M. Carn, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. M. Eric Carter
Roger A. Carter
Deborah Cartwright
Patrick Cartwright
Brad Cassell
Dana H. Cattani
John O. Cederquist
E. W. and Barbara M.
R e p o r t
Kent J. and Nedra D. Chard
Susan Chasson
Anthony Chavez, M.D.
Jason Ching-Kang Chen
Albert C. Cheung
Bevan M. Chipman
John W. Chrisman
Scott K. Christensen, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward B. Clark
Lia M. Clark
Stephen J. Clark, Ph.D.
Douglas L. Clausen
Terry M. Clayton, M.D.
Don A. Coleman, M.D.
Beverly Coles
Johanna P. Collester
Mark E. Colville
Laura Colvin
RADM Maxine Conder
Michael W. Condie, M.D.
Thomas P. Conrardy
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Cook
Michael and Diane Cooper
Dr. Robin T. Cotton
William T. Couldwell,
M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. L. Davis Cracroft
Pamela F. Crain, Ph.D.
Kathryn A. Craven
Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Crespin
Rolane F. Crittenden
Robin K. Crockett
Neil T. Crosby
Glade B. Curtis
Steven and Sandra Czech
Susan Dahl
Andrew T. Dailey, M.D.
Brian R. Danneman
Alexander Danoyan
John B. and Flora D’Arcy
Peter A. D’Arienzo, M.D.
Dr. Michael E. and
Allison Daun
H. Christian Davidson, M.D.
Dr. Leola L. Davidson
Harmon H. Davis II, M.D.
Margaret B. Davis
Jean M. DeBouzek
Ann B. Decker
Bruce and Adele S. Decker
Harold A. Decker, M.D.
Robert J. and
Geraldine Dellenback
Angela Deneris
Lucienne deWette, Ph.D.
Mary L. Dickey
Carol G. Dietz
Susan S. Dillon
John W. Dodson, M.D.
Wilma F. Dolowitz
Patrick Donaghy
Mark A. Dowdle, M.D.
Janet B. and G. Paul Doxey
Lewis G. Dragolovich
Michael L. Draper, M.D.
Anna G. Dresel
Lois Drews
David C. Dries
James Driver
Baalah Fishler Drooks
Linda Duffy
Elizabeth A. Dufrane, R.N.
John M. and Linda T. Dunn
Gardner R. Durkee, M.D.
Elwin J. Dutson
Ruth Dyer
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Earl
Talmage D. Egan, M.D.
Dan H. Ellis, M.D.
Elaine Ellis
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Ely
Deborah K. Emadian
Thomas J. Ence, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. John B. English
Susan Etra
Morgan J. and Charlyn Evans
Gordon G. Evans, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. David N. F.
Lynda P. Faldmo
Lynn D. Falkner
Dr. Judy A. Farnsworth
Lynn S. Farnwsorth, M.D.
Richard Y. Farnsworth, M.D.
Chester Fassio
Joy Fassio
Katherine Fassio
Stephen E. Featherstone
Diane S. Fedorchak
Holly Feinsilber
Martin H. Feldman, M.D.
Leah B. and H. Whitney* Felt
Harry F. Felton
Rosemary B. Field
Perry G. Fine, M.D.
Keith N. Finlayson
John H. Firmage III
Jennifer Fischbach
Garth Fisher
Marie T. Fishman
Barbara and Knox Fitzpatrick
Mark Gordon Flammer, M.D.
Raymond S. Fletcher
Lynn M. Flinders
Ron Flynn
Dr. David Fosnocht
Dr. Joyce Cameron Foster
Dianna L. Fox, R.N.,
Elaine Fox
James W. Francis
Tracy M. Frandsen, M.D.
Debra Frank
Jacque and Jaime Frei
Dr. Mark A. Fulton
Daniel W. Fults, M.D.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
George C. Furgis
Dr. David K. Gaffney
Terry E. Gagon, M.D.
DeAnn Galbraith
Barbara L. Gallacher
Norma Jean Gallatin
Margaret-Ann D.
Gartland, Ph.D.
Timothy M. Gaspar, Ph.D.
W. B. and Ruth B. Gatrell
E. Gordon Gee, Ph.D.
Jeanne Gemmell, M.D. and
Jeff Johnson
Cheryl Desmond Gentle
George E. and
K. C. Sato Gerpheide
Ray and Harriett Gesteland
Courtney McKenna
Richard Frank Gibson
Cleone G. Gittins
Mr. and Mrs. George B. Glade
Gerald J. Gleich, M.D. and
Kristin M. Leiferman, M.D.
Athleen B. Godfrey
David R. Goff, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Goodell
Kathy A. Goodfellow, R.Ph.
Arnold and Brenda Graff
Richard Graham, M.D.
J. Wallace Graham
Melza Beth Gramoll
Dean and Marie Gray
Debra Kristine Gray
William W. Greaves, M.D.
Douglas E. Green
L. Maurine D. Green
Frank W. Greene
Mark H. Greene, M.D.
Patrick E. Greis, M.D.
Dr. Anthony Griess
Sharon C. Griffin
Charles G. Griswold
Ralph and Donna Gubler
Leonard J. Haas, Ph.D.
Douglas W. Hadley, Jr.
Howard W. and Verla Q. Hagen
Leola M. Hagman
David H. Hall, M.D.
Anne M. Halley
Dr. Blake Hamilton
Lyle S. Hamilton
Melony E. Hamilton
Elizabeth Hale
Hammond, M.D.
Glenn and Bruhneild Hanni
Lamar J. Hansen
R. Scott and Jeanne Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy W.
G. Craig Hanson
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Hardy
Ronald R. Hare
Marlene M. Harris
Colleen C. Harrison
Aldene M. Hart
Elizabeth Hart
Evelyn G. Hartigan
Beth F. and Ernest Hartmann
Stephen C. Hartsell, M.D.
David A. Hatch, M.D.
Eric Hauenstein and
Abby Jones
John K. Hayes, Jr., M.D.
Arnold D. Hayman
Dr. and Mrs. David R.
Dr. Cherie J. Hayostek
Sherry and Gorge Heckler
Robert and Margaret Heers
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt T. Hegmann
Maurine N. Hegsted
Richard and
Wendy Hemingway
Sam J. Henteleff
Thomas F. Higgins, M.D.
Ed Hill
Alan J. Hillard
LaMar S. Hills
Dr. Jimmy W. Hively
Elizabeth K. Ho
Lynn Hollister
John M. Holman, Jr., M.D.
Charles W. Holmgren
Kenneth D. Holmgren
Kimberly M. Horns, Ph.D.
Daniel S. Horwitz, M.D.
Laura M. Howat
Floyd K. Howell
Robert P. and Dixie S. Huefner
Ann T. Hull
Jan Hull
Diane C. Hummel
Bonnie Hunt
Juanita J. Hurley
Paul and Elise Hutchings
Douglas T. Hutchinson, M.D.
Ann P. Hutton
Patricia H. Huttsell
Charles L. Hyde, M.D.
Robert P. and Dorothy A. Igo
Gilbert H. and Thelma P. Iker
Benita C. Illions
Ren Nobuyuki Imai, M.D.
Wayne A. Imbrescia
Robert E. and Beverly A. Irion
Franklin S. Ivory
Richard A. Jackson, M.D.
Victoria P. Jackson
Kayle W. Jacobsen
Geraldine Meerbott
Jacobson, M.D.
Dr. Jay and Julie Jacobson
Christine M. Jamjian
Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyer Jarvis
Edward M. and Nita Jenkins
R. Cleve and June M. Jenkins
R e p o r t
Randy L. Jensen, M.D.
David B. Jenson
Michele S. Lennebur Jenson
E. Alan Jeppsen, M.D.
John D. Jeppson, M.D.
Roger and
Mary Ann Jernstrom
Todd D. Jick
Kent L. Johansen
Christopher Johns
Barbara and Douglas Johnson
Eric G. Johnson
Ingeborg G. Johnson
Inka M. Johnson
J. Kenneth Johnson, M.D.
Dr. June Felice Johnson
Mary Ann Johnson
Robert L. Johnson
Randolph L. Johnston, M.D.
Cecelia F. Jones
Christopher R. Jones, M.D.
Jere A. Jones
Kim and Brad Jones
Cynthia Jorgensen
Leila Annette Jorgensen
Steven M. Joyce, M.D.
Malcolm and Cherie Justice
Robert J. Kahn, M.D.
Tracy Karp
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Katsanevas
Dr. Bradley J. Katz
David J. Keahey
Harvey J. Keating
Dr. Helen K. Kee
Bruce W. Keller, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Kendall
Theresa L. Kern
John R. W. Kestle, M.D.
Lyndell A. Kewley
James E. Kier
Janet Killian
Gary Kilman
Thomas C. and Joan P. King
Mitsuo Kitahara, M.D.
Diane Kiuhara
William and
Julia Kleinschmidt, Ph.D.
Frank Kleist, M.D.
A. J. and Rondalinn J. Klistoff
Ron Knoblock
E. Ute Knowlton, M.D.
Kathryn D. Kohler, M.D.
Charles L. Korbell
George B. and Dixie Koroulis
Peter and
Carolyn G. Kowalchik
Ericka C. Kramer
Tricia H. Kritzberg
Emily Kronstado
Linda M. Kruse
George Kurose
Willard and Shirley O. Labrum
Ann L. Lamb, Ph.D.
Jerry Lange
Gordon L. Larsen, M.D.
Linden V. and Eileen M. Larsen
Susan Rosetta Larson
Christine Lowry LaSalle
Carl L. and Vanessa B. Laurella
Gayle R. Lawrence
Harriet Lawrence
Alan W. and Mona S. Layton
Jeanne Marie Le Ber
Ronald C. Lease
Sunny F. Lee
John B. Leggett
Kristin M. Leiferman, M.D.
Jack Lemann
Marion Lennberg
Dr. Thomas E. Leonard
George A. Levine, M.D.
David Petersen Lewis, M.D.
Norman G. Lewis, M.D.
Dr. O. Marvin and
Sharon Lewis
Scott B. Lewis, M.D.
Dr. Karl E. and Susan Lind
Kathryn Lindquist and
James R. Moore
Kathryn Lindsay
David W. Lipman
Peggy A. Littmann
Barbara S. Lloyd
L. Kimball Lloyd, M.D.
John Loffredo
Bert Lopansri
Richard S. Lord
Gary D. Lower, M.D.
Michael R. Lowry, M.D.
Leonard K. Lucenko, Ph.D.
Georgia R. Lui, M.D.
Victor L. and Linda Lund
Faye B. Lundquist
Diana B. Lyon
Michael Lyon
Joel D. MacDonald, M.D.
Dr. Eric J. Mack
Richard H. and
Doralee Durham Madsen
Ruth C. Magar
Richard P. and
Sidney G. Makoff
Robert Mallory
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Lynn J. Mangum
Bill and Joyce Marcroft
Gail L. Marietta
Arline Markosian
Woodrow D. and
Judith C. Marriott
Sandi Martin, R.N.
Dr. and Mrs. James O. Mason
Robert C. and
Gioconda M. Mason
Anne Matthews
Nancy J. Matyunas, Pharm.D.
Dr. Lawrence Mayer
Douglas B. McAffee
Gilbert C. McArdle, M.D.
Audrey J. McBride
Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. McBride
Jerry G. and Marcia McClain
James and
Kathleen McCloskey
James H. McCord
Delia McCormick
Mindy McDonald
Heather McMaster Kithany
James J. and
Roselee McNamara
Donald G. McQuarrie, M.D.
Robert A. Mead
Beverly Mehrlich
Robert J. Meier
Benjamin N. Meldrum
Dr. Michael G. and
Polly A. Melendez
Nancy Melich and
J. Alexander Hemphill
Dr. Darlene Meservy
Gladys C. Meyer, Ph.D.
Lawrence Meyer, M.D., Ph.D.
Frances A. Mielach, Ph.D.,
Mark D. Mifflin
Clark C. Miller
Karen L. Miller, M.D.
Carol Milligan, C.N.M.
Anne Emily and
John W. Milliken
Steven Mimnaugh, M.D.
Janet O. Minden
Geraldine P. Mineau, Ph.D.
Rodney A. Miyasaki
Joan and John Moellmer
Dr. Louis A. and
Deborah Moench
Michaela S. Mohr, M.D.
E. Conrad Monson, M.D.
Richard S. Moog
Barbara R. Mooney
Stephen Morris, M.D.
J. Paul Moslander
Marilyn Mott
James Heber Moulton
Terry Y. Moy
Britt K. Mueller
Janet H. Mueller
Maureen Mulligan
Betty K. Murakami
Barbara C. and
Kent H. Murdock
Lois S. Murdock
Richard T. Murdock
Kelly P. Murnin, M.D.
Kathleen A. Murray, M.D.
Maurine S. Naisbitt
Kay Nakashima
Dr. and Mrs. James J.
Robert L. Nardelli
Timothy R. and
Kathleen Neal, M.D.
Patricia J. Nechodom
Edward W. Nelson, M.D.
Judith H. Nelson
Dr. Leigh A. Neumayer
Bryan L. Nichols
Mei M. Nishimoto
Neil K. Nixon, D.D.S.
Frances Noble
Joyce S. Nordgren
Sharon Odekirk
Ruth I. Oka
Harald E. Olafsson
Dr. Richard J. Oldroyd
Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Oliver
Forrest W. Oliverson, M.D.
Alan Olmstead, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K.
Olsen, Jr.
Dr. Craig J. Olson
Paul F. Olson, M.D.
Raymond D. Olson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Olson
Alicia O’Meara
Russell J. N. Ord, M.D.
Dr. Patricia L. Orlando
David J. Osguthorp, M.D.
David E. Pack
Richard C. Palma
Duane Palmer
Joseph J. and
Dorothy Ann Moyle Palmer
Gordon S. Park, M.D.
David H. Parker
Scott E. Parker
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen K.
Catherine J. Paskert, Ph.D.
Alan R. Patterson, M.D.
Brent R. Payne, M.D.
Helen V. Pearce
Kathy Jane Pedersen
Jean Peppinger
Marian P. Perrier
Christopher L. Peters, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Lee Peterson
Pauline B. Peterson
W. Curtis Peterson, M.D.
Wallace and Kathryn Peterson
R e p o r t
Dr. and Mrs. Brent G. Petty
Barbara K. Polich
LaPriel M. Poulson
S. Stephen Provin
Jacqueline Kim Pullos
Sharon Ragsdale
Linda S. Ralston
Anthony L. and
Terry A. Rampton
R. Lor Randall, M.D.
Elaine B. Randolph
Kevin Dee Rasmussen
Kimball Rasmussen
Martin C. Rechsteiner
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Rees
Dr. Mervin R. Reid
Fred W. Reimherr, M.D.
Sunny Reinhold
Elizabeth W. Richards
Dr. Dale Richey
Rulon N. Richins
Bonnie Rieser
Werner J.* and Itha M.*
Leissa Ann Roberts
Teresa and
Paul A. Robertson, M.D.
Durand Robison
Drs. George and
Deborah Robinson
Mary Lee Robinson
Kathy and Mike Rodman
Joan and Lt. Col. Lewis Rollins
Clark and Gloria L. Romney
Melbourne Romney, Jr.
Edward W. Rosenberg
Barney and Sally Rosenblatt
Mr. and Mrs. Donald N.
Steven M. Ross, Ph.D.
Thomas J. and Shirley C. Rossa
James T. Roth, M.D.
Michael Rothschild, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Alan Rounds
Jonathan M. and Tina B. Ruga
Dr. and Mrs. John M. Russell
Alene M. Russon
Rita Sacco
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Saffle
Constantine J. Sakaloasis
Irene Cannon Salahor
David E. and
Carol C.* Salisbury
Joy L. Sanford
Michele Sasmor, M.D.
Robert M. Satovick, M.D.
Robert and Beverly Savage
Yvonne C. Savarise
Rosemary A. Scales
Patrick G. Schafer
W. Michael Scheffer
Frederick Schiller
Jeffrey Cannon Schmidt, M.D.
Linda A. Schmidt
Meic H. Schmidt, M.D.
Richard H. Schmidt, M.D.
Helen L. Schofield
D. Brent and Suzanne M. Scott
Raimund J. Sesanto
Kavian Shahi
Maurice Shammel
Steven W. Shamo, M.D.
Joel B. Shapiro
Dr. Pramod Sharma
Janet M. Shaw, Ph.D.
Tueng T. Shen, M.D., Ph.D.
Bill N. Shepard, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W.
Sam J. Siciliano, Sr.
Margaret Siegel
James C. Simmons, M.D.
Paul M. Simmons
Robert Skelton
M. Arlene and Harold Smedley
Charles B. Smith, M.D.
Dasil C. and Melba F. Smith
Donald and Rebecca Smith
Enoch Richard Smith
Gail and Terry Smith
Jackie Aileen Smith, Ph.D.
James G. Smith, M.D.
Janice M. Smith
Sherman C. Smith, M.D.
Terry Smith, M.D.
Kathryn L. Smith-Sonzini
A. Owen Smoot, M.D.
Clifford C. and
Sharon L. Snyder
Saundra Snyder
Dr. and Mrs. Paul L. Sonntag
Richard Sorensen
Soren K. Sorensen
Brian Soriano
Michael W. Soulier
William M. Sperling, M.D.
Capt. Bruce Warelo Sperry
Richard J. Sperry, M.D.
Paul R. Spilsbury, M.D.
Dr. Howard S. and
Carolyn W. Spurrier
Brian Stanga
Linda Lewis Wolcott and
J. M. Steele
Kevin K. and Alice L. Steiner
Robert L. Stephen, M.D.
Terence K. Stephens
Lou Ann Stevens
Michael L. Stevens
Dennis L. Stevens, M.D., Ph.D.
William and Karen Stilling
Jana and Robert E.
Stockdale, M.D.
Thomas G. and
Martha G. Stockham
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Donald G. Stockman, D.D.S.
Bonnie F. Stout
Keith A. Stratford, M.D.
H. Quincy Stringham, Jr.
Richard K. Strong, M.D.
Connie C. Stults, M.D.
Gordon I. Sundberg
Michael D. Sutphin, M.D.
Robert G. Sutton, Ph.D.
Kent R. Swallow
Eric Robert Swanson, M.D.
Lois Talkovsky
Carol Nagata Tanaka
Benjamin Tanner
George S. and Nona Tanner
Ida S. Tateoka
J. Bradley and Susan Taylor
J. Richard Taylor, M.D.
Robert E. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony R.
David T. and Anna E.
Stefan L. and Jennifer Thielen
Steven M. Thiese
J. Spencer Thompson, M.D.
Thomas P. Thompson
Kathy and
John M. Thueson, M.D.
Janet Thurgood
Gwendolyn L. Tobiason
Al Tokunaga
Arlea W. Tolboe
Jeanette M. Tolliver
Janet W. Topham
Daniel D. Toscano
Dr. Walker K. Townson
Karin L. Toy
John P. Tracy
Kevin A. Tracy, M.D.
Duc D. Tran, M.D. and
Thu Ha Tran
Benny M. Tucker
Alta Tull
Gail M. Tuohig
Christine C. Turner
Dr. Linda S. Tyler
Grant L. and
Mary M. Valentine
Beverly Van Arnem
Ross A. Van Vranken
Dr. Sheryll L. and
Eric Vanderhooft
Dan M. Verde
Anna Vernegaard
Evan J. Vickers
Dr. and Mrs. G. Michael
Blake K. Wade
Marion L. Walker, M.D.
Ginger E. Wallace
Heather Anne Wallace
Angela A. Wang, M.D.
Kathryn Wanlass
R. Scott Ward
Martin L. and Dawn Warner
Jean Anne Waterstradt
Gordon Watson
Gary M. Watts, M.D.
Julianne M. Webster
James R. Wedell, M.D.
Kathleen F. and
Timothy L. Weiler
Sharon M. Weinstein
Dr. Ronald L. Weiss
Sharon A. Weiss
Robert C. Welch, M.D.
LaRae Wellman
Ann R. Wennhold, M.D.
John N. West
Charles E. and
Bettye J. Wheeler
Marlene Whicker
Douglas A. Whitaker
Rena White*
Gary W. Whiting, M.D.
Susan Whittaker
Spade B. Whittemore, M.D.
Cathy C. Wilhelmsen
Boyd T. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Williams
Nevin Brent Williams, M.D.
Nichol C. Wilson
Bette E. Wimmer
Richard* and Beatrice Wisan
Linda Lewis Wolcott and
J. M. Steele
Richard A. Wolthuis
Peak Woo, M.D.
Connie Jo Woolston
Shirley H. Workman
E. Ileene Worsley
Henry F. Worthington
Dalton H. and Sharon Wright
Cathy E. Wyatt
Ed Wycerley
Margaret C. Wyler
Grant A. Young
Nancy V. and Robert L. Young
Paul C. Young
Norman A. Zabriskie, M.D.
Verner H. Zinik
Helen Zsohar
3Com Corporation
ADS Nationwide
Advanced Bionics Corporation
Adz N Enz
Alpha Omega Alpha Honor
Medical Society
Alpine Enterprises
American Academy
of Physician Assistants
R e p o r t
Amerisource Bergen Services
Andalex Resources, Inc.
Apache Motors
Ashley Valley Medical Center
The Association For
Research In Vision
And Ophthalmology
Azon USA, Inc.
Ballard Medical Products
Ballard Spahr Andrews
& Ingersoll, LLP
Robert Ballard & Gloria
Ballard Revocable Trust
Bay Hat & Canvas Company
Beall Corporation
Bertelsmann, Inc.
Bio-Concepts, Inc.
Blood Bank, University
of Utah Hospitals & Clinics
Bone Diagnostic, Inc.
Bonneville Basin Kennel
Books Are Fun,
Mountain West, LLC
Brigham Medical Clinic, Inc.
Brock Services, Ltd.
Building Materials Holding
The Castle of Chaos
CDI Engineering Group, Inc.
CDW Computer Centers, Inc.
ChemTreat, Inc.
Chiricahua Investments, LC
Citadel Communications
Coda Gallery
Community Health Charities
Crescent Mortgage, LLC
Cunningham Family
D. N. Lukens, Inc.
David Holland’s Resort
Davis County Council
of Governments, Inc.
The Delphi Institute
of the Healing Arts
Department of Utah
Ladies Auxiliary VFW
Dermatology Center
Dermatology Center
of Salt Lake
Deutsche Bank Americas
Do+Able Products, Inc.
EBJ and MSJ Foundation
ExxonMobil Company USA
Firmco Financial, Inc.
Fleming Companies, Inc.
Thomas and Nancy Florsheim
Family Foundation
Flying J, Inc.
Ford Motor Credit
Frontier Refining
& Marketing, Inc.
Genesee & Wyoming, Inc.
and Related Companies
Genzyme Corporation
Geyer & Miller LLC
Golden Gate Petroleum
Gossner Foods, Inc.
Groutage Family
Revocable Trust
Richard & Leola Hagman
W. Hague and Sue J. Ellis
High Country Title
The Hilton Family Trust
Hip Enterprises
Hockett & Associates, Inc.
Hospital Therapy
Products, Inc.
Huntsman Corporation
Ibarra-Brito Group
IKON Office Solutions
I-Net Mortgage
Infectious Diseases
Society of America
Intermountain Chapter of The
Society for Neuroscience
International Association
Firefighters Local 2148
Invemed Associates, LLC
It’s a Miracle Center
J4 Racing
Jardine Petroleum
Jazz Basketball Investors, Inc.
JE Merit Constructors, Inc.
John Mecham
Jones Waldo Holbrook
& McDonough
Kennedy Mechanical, Inc.
Kibbe Pratt, Inc.
Koroulis Investments
KSL Television
KTVX 4 Utah
L3 Communications
Liquidation Universe
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Log Haven Restaurant
Group, LC
Lucent Technologies
Mac Gregor Software, Inc.
Mac’s of Orem
Mandarin Restaurant
Mapleton Firemen’s Auxiliary
Massachusetts Eye and
Ear Infirmary
McCleary Associates, LLC
Medicross Pharmacy
Medimmune Oncology, Inc.
MFG Financial
Roger C. Millar Trust
Monsanto Fund
Eileen R. Movitz Trust
NAHA Marketing, Inc.
Ogden High School
Otis Elevator
P A Surgical Services, PLLC
Parandco, Inc.
Park City Fire Service District
Parr Waddoups Brown Gee
& Loveless
Paul Davis Restoration
of Northeast Indiana
Paul Davis Restoration
of Northeast Texas
Pediatric Cardiology Associates
Perkins-Prothro Foundation
Pi Beta Phi
Players Golf Superstore
Preferred Steel, Inc.
Price Fire Department
Production Services, LLC
Qualcomm Incorporated
RAK Group, LLC
Realty Executives
of Eastern Idaho
Saddlebrook Estates, LC
Salomon Smith Barney, Inc.
Salt Lake County Local 1696
Salt Lake Roasting Company
Scott USA
Sigma Chi Fraternity
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Sill’s Cafe
Skyline Flower Gardens
Slim Olson’s Distributing
Snow, Christensen
& Martineau Foundation
S.O.S. Drug Company
Southern Chemical
The Staheli Foundation
Standard Drywall
Steelbreeze Design, Inc.
Stronach Enterprises
Sullivan and Worchester, LLP
Sundance Catalog Company
Sundance Institute
Superior Farms, Inc.
Surgi-Tech, Inc.
TCH Transportation
Clearing House
T. D., Inc.
Terry Rampton Interior Design
Teton Valley Lodge
This or That Catering
Time Shop Jewelers
The TMJ Association, Ltd.
United Network
for Organ Sharing
United Way of Central
and Southern Utah
University Park Marriott Hotel
USA Petroleum Corporation
Utah Auto Auction
Utah Del, Inc.
Utah Plastics Group
Valley Drug
Visnick & Caulfield
Associates, Inc.
Deforest Voss Residuary Trust
Wasatch Back Country Rescue
Washington Mutual
Wells Fargo Employee
Matching Gift Program
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich
& Rosati Foundation
Wyman Living Trust
Donors who have contributed
gifts totaling $300-$499 from
July 1, 2002, through June 30,
2003, to the University of Utah
Health Sciences Center.
Carl Rae Albrecht
Lowell C. Allred, M.D.
Betty J. Andersen
Alvin R. Anderson
James A. and Carol Anderson
Jay R. Anderson
Jonathan D. Apfelbaum, M.D.
Letitia P. Archuleta, M.D.
Kathleen L. Argyle
Lorraine C. Arter
Emily Aston
Donald F. Ayer, Ph.D.
Michelle M. and
Robert W. Babbel, M.D.
Gary Lynn Bailey
Marilyn L. Ball
Mary J. Banigan, Ph.D.
Nick M. and Elaine Bapis
William A. Barrett, Ph.D.
Karen L. Bassford
Lloyd J. Beacom
M. Christina Beckwith and
Ronald T. Rushton
Michael Belfort, M.D.
Mary Elen Belnap
R e p o r t
Clyde J. Bench, M.D.
James J. Bensel
Luetta D. Bergevin, R.N.
Merle and Patricia H. Berry
Joan B. Bertelsen
Cynthia S. Bestvina
Patti L. Beymer, Ph.D.
Robert H. Bird
Dr. Jerry B. and Debra D. Black
Mark N. Bodily, M.D.
C. Dennis and Connie Borup
Dr. Jeffrey R. Botkin
John and Pamela J. Bowen
Richard G. Boyle
Dave Braby
Carma F. Bradley
Joseph W. Brazill
Richard T. and Diane Bretzing
Paul T. and
Maureen K. Brinkman
Barton E. Brower, M.D.
Billings Brown
Diane and
Nordell T. Brown, M.D.
Douglas M. and
Margaret C. Brown
Imogene Brown
Jeff Bruning
Michael R. Bruno, M.D.
Ann H. Buchanan
Janet S. Budge
Howard Burnett
Betty Burt
Verl W. Burt
Dan S. and Miriam C. Bushnell
Marlynn Starley Bushnell
Marianne Cahalan
Donald A. Callas
Richard Capener
Sarah M. Carlin
DeLyle Carling
Mary Ann Carlston
Blaine L. and Marilyn Carlton
Carolyn H. Cartwright
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Caserta
Philip D. Ceriani, M.D.
Mary P. Chachas
Kim Charles
Patti Charles
Charlotte Chatterton
Kevin L. Cheney
John S. and
Sara Lee Chindlund
Gene K. Christensen
Mindy and
Kelly Christensen, M.D.
Phyllis F. Christensen
Nancy Christensen-Mayer
Jay G. Christianson
Janet N. Chubb
Ezra and Geraldine M. Clark
Gail Clark
Harold Leo and Linda Clark
J. Michael Clark, M.D.
James R. and Barbara S. Clark
Jonathan James Clark
Edward Clothier
Pamela S. Cole
Ernest H. and Vi Coleman
John P. Collins
Doug Collins
Mary Ellen Connor
C. Floyd and
Mary Anne Cooper
Stephen A. Coray, M.D.
Claire S. Cordner
Susan Cornia
Jim and Bette J. Cornwell
Ruth V. Covert
David F. Crabtree
Kelly and Ramona K. Crebs
Mary V. Cummins
Robert M. Cundick, Jr., Ph.D.
John R. Cushing
Steven B. Davis, M.D.
Gary L. and Bessie Ann Dean
Elizabeth Decker
Kort H. Delost
Joy J. Detmer
William and Carolyn D’Evelyn
Clair V. Draper
Kathryn Dullum
Trudy Duncan
Carl H. and Miriam Duren
Dr. David T. Dyjack
Karen Ehresman
Eugene F. and Joan Erbin
Hisako O. Espolon
Joyce O. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Jack Fairclough
Norman Hall Fawson, M.D.
Delores Fechter
William Feldhorn
Spencer and Barbara S. Felt
Barbara C. Felton
Robert M. Fernandez
Tonya B. Fielding
Rebecca L. Finch
Dr. Cecelia H. Foxley
Dale A. Frost
James and Betsy D. Fuchs
Katherine D. Gallagher, M.D.
Sandra K. Gangstead, Ph.D.
W. B. Gannett, Jr.
Harold G. Garber
Lucia Gardner
Reta W. Gardner
Val Gardner
Sandra L. Garlick
Paula Gibbs-Taylor, M.D.
Myrna P. Godwin
Connie N. Gooch
Stanley J. Gordon
Dee Ann Gornichec
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Donald L. Granger, M.D.
Debra Graybill
Sharon and
Tharold E. Green, Jr.
Addie C. Grigg
Gary M. and
Penelope Grikscheit
Bonnie S. Gudmundson
Lenna C. Habbeshaw
Jane D. Hampton
Alice C. Hannahs
William J. Hansen
Lavonda Hanson
Lynn Harker
Blaine N. and
Barbara J. Harmon
H. Ric Harnsberger, M.D.
Helen Harper
Debb Harris
Duane J. Harris, M.D.
Janice E. Harvey
Marc S. Harward
Roy and
Janice M. Hassell, Ph.D.
Barbara P. Hatch
Dale G. Heaton
Bruce Hebdon, M.D.
Mary E. Heller
Z. Grace Helvey
Renae P. Hepler
Craig Herzog
Stephen L. Hicken, M.D.
Asano and Burch Higashiyama
Bonnie Hiller
Lois Ardell Moffat Hills
Patricia Hogan
Kathy and
John H. Howarth, D.D.S.
Susan M. Hubble, Ed.D.
Cynthia Huempfner
Gregory Matthew Humphreys
Maurine R. Humphris
Paul D. Hunsaker
William E. Hunter
Patrick M. Hurley
Dean W. Hurst
Nila M. Ipson, Ph.D.
Sheila L. Itokazu
Craig and Susan E. Jacobsen
Carol E. Jelaco
Marty Jenkins
Karen and
Joseph D. Jensen, M.D.
Jerry J. Jensen
Brett C. and Lygia Johnson
Donna J. Johnson
Sherman B. Johnson, M.D.
Wayne H. and
Dorothy G. Johnson
James A. Jorgenson, R.Ph.,
Caren Joyner
Victoria R. Karns
Kathleen M. Kaufman, R.N.
Jack and Sara Altick Keller
Michael P. Kelly
Barbara J. Kerr
Elaine M. and
Pratap Khanwilkar
Beverly Kimball
Jill Diane Kinder
Julie M. Knighton
Marilou M. Krstyen
Margaret M. Kruse
Marie T. Landgren
Paul D. Larsen, M.D.
Ronald O. and Dorothy Larson
Graham G. Lashley, M.D.
Harriet T. Lawrence
Dr. Wally W. Lee
Jeannine and
Earl K. Leeman, M.D.
Georgie Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Love
Robert S. and Helen L. Lowen
Larry Lubonne
Ernest A. Lucero, M.D.
Donna M. Luers
Robert W. Lumpkins
Shirleen B. Lundahl
Jane I. Lyles
G. Julian and Bette B. Maack
Linda J. Mabey
J. Bernard and
Christine Machen
David J.and Vicki W. Mackay
Shirley M. Mackie
Michelle K. Madden
Wendi Maichel
David L. Malmrose
Colleen D. Malouf
Judy Mangos
Karen Coombs Marcey
Brenda Martinez
Sharon Martinez
J. E. Mason
Miriam P. Mason
David D. Mathews
Linda S. Mathinos
Karen and
Nathaniel Matolo, M.D.
Beverly J. May
Jack F. May
Tim B. McLaughlin, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Macoy A.
Frank P. McNeil
Darren D. Menlove
Steven A. and
Allyson B. Meredith
Dolores W. Miller
Robert P. Miller
Rose Marie Milne
Lewis C. Miner, Ph.D.
Miles T. and Nancy Miya
Louis A. and Deborah Moench
Shahnaz Moezzi
Barbara T. Mogerman
R e p o r t
Joseph Eugene Morgan, M.D.
John H. Morgan, Jr.
Tamra D. Morgan
Val Morris
Mary Jane C. Mortensen
Richard L. Mower
Dwight A. Mueller
Jean Mueller
Dwight H. Mukuno
Kelley J. Murphy
Michael L. Murray
Ben Musselman
Gloria J. Myers
Howard O. Myli
Karen Nalder
Rex D. Nash, M.D.
Sandra K. Negley
Honorable Ronald E. Nehring
Norman D.and Janet Nelson
Bette W. Nestman
Dawn T. Newey
Gary L. Newman
Irvin N. Nielsen
Tosca Norton
Mark B. Oberg
Susan O’Connor-Wright
Stephen L. O’Dell
Byron T. Okutsu
Allen Olsen, M.D.
Gregg and Alice F. Olsen
Mary J. Olsen
James V. Olson
Barbara Osborne
Daniel Paul Ostermiller, M.D.
Jennifer B. Ota, M.D.
Douglas L. Packer, M.D.
Barbara B. Papanikolas
Adele W. Parkinson
Trilva M. Patrick
William J. Paul
Robert J. Pedersen
Nellie W. Peek
Ludvik Peric-Golia
Mary G. Perkins
Nancy G. Perl
Jack and Eve Petajan
Ann G. Petersen
Kay H. Peterson
Linda and
Gaylon K. Peterson, M.D.
Kieuanh Thi Pham, M.D.
Wendy W. Phippen
Thomas E. Pillsbury
Jean Pledger
Scott D. Polychronis
L. Kent Porter
Trudy H. Potter
Sherry J. Poulson
Thomas M. and
Janice I. Pruess
George R. Quist
Gary Rabetoy
Charles W. Ralston III, M.D.
Melba and
Grant J. Rasmussen, M.D.
Fred E. Rau
Edwin A. Read
Ronald F. Read, M.D.
James D. Redd, M.D.
John A. Reed
Marian N. Reese
Ronald L. Rencher
Marianne K. Restel, M.D.
Michael J. and Lisa Reynolds
Donald G. Richert
Lori Ann Roark
Glenn B. Robbins
Rand E. Robbins
Bess M. Robinson
Dinah H. Robinson
William C. Roderick, Jr.
Brian K. Rolfson, M.D.
A. Patrick Rose, M.D.
Ira M. and Helen Rosenmertz
Marilyn A. Roubidoux, M.D.
Charles and Lula P. Ruoti
Don and Marianne Ryan
Joyce C. Safford
Katherine Sangroniz
Neil A. Satovsky
Robert and Beverly E. Savage
Drs. Allen and Arleen Sawitzke
John F. Schroll
Dennis E. Schultz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Brent Scott
Richard G. Scott
J. Rodman Seely, M.D.
Kim A. Segal
Christopher I. Seibert
Ara Serjoie
Hazel H. Sewell-Bowerbank
Roger T. Sharp
Heidi Sheridan
Destiny S. Shields
Ross E. Siddoway
Gary S. Silver, M.D.
Gary A. Simmons, M.D.
Richard A. Slater
Cynthia S. Smith
Dorothy D. Smith
Gerald G. Smith, Jr.
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Lowell E. Smith
Richard H. Smith
Ricky L. Smith
Reed and Stella Smoot
Dr. K. Troy Somerville
Leo C. Sotiriou, M.D.
Roy and Nancy Souder
Charles A. Speak
Mark Starkman
Marjory B. Starkweather
Peter M. Stevens, M.D.
James C. Stringham, M.D.
Carlton T. Sumsion
Brent C. Taylor
David J. Taylor
Koby W. Taylor
Lee E. Taylor
Sandra L. Taylor
J. Edward Thatcher
Deborah M. Thorpe, Ph.D.,
James R. Thurston
Vikki T. Thurston
P. Lennox and
Catherine Tierney
Tony Tolich
Karen J. Tomky
Louise Tracy
Yvonne Yang Travis, M.D.
Alex Tsodikov
Mitzi M. Tsukamoto
Darcy Turner, M.D.
Bobbie Ursin
Cynjo S. Valachovic
Joseph C. and Elizabeth Veltri
Cristi Vernon
Joseph S. Viland
Ruby K. Vodak
George R. Vorce
Robert C. and Jean D. Walz
John M. Ware
Thomas B. Warr
Judy Kay Westfahl
Udell Westover
Julia L. White
Sandra E. Whitney
Diana Gaudin Wilkins, Ph.D.
Craig W. Wilkinson, M.D.
Jeff Williams
Steve and Norma M. Wills
William M. Wilson, Ph.D.
James B. Wise
William W. Wood
John William Wright
Andrei Yakovlev
Ming-Cheng Yen, Ph.D.
Robert W. Young, C.P.A.
Mary E. Youngkin
Dr. and Mrs. Guy A.
8 & 40 Salon Club, No. 256
Abbey of Our Lady
of the Holy Trinity
Alpha Delta Kappa Eta
The Alternative Bank
Marketing Group
Anderson Industrial
Scaffolding Service, Inc.
Avalanche Software, LC
Ballet West
Beckman Coulter, Inc.
Bonwood, Inc.
Brock Enterprises, Inc.
C. H. Robinson Company
Charles Bullen Family
Living Trust
Carter and Richards, P.A.
Deseret First Credit Union
DLSS Transportation, Inc.
First Colony Mortgage
Forsey’s Furniture
General Distributing Company
Gough Construction, LLC
Intermountain Mortgage
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Kay Electronics, Inc.
Kenworth Sales Company, Inc.
Malnove Incorporated
Maxim Crane Works
Morgan Pacement
Motiva Enterprises, LLC
Nelson Trust
Petersen F. T., Inc.
Protherm Services Group, LLC
R & R Recreation & Resort
Properties, Inc.
Radisson Park City
Salt Lake Convention
& Visitors Bureau
Sculptec Dental Design, Inc.
Shelledy Family Trust
The Sierra Pacific Foundation
South Hampton Refining
Storopack, Inc.
Sullivan Law Offices, PC
Tactile Signage of Utah, Inc.
T-K Distributors
Town of Pierce
Trailblazer Controls
United Insulation Sales and
Fabrication, Inc.
Washington Terrace
Lions Club
West Ridge Resources, Inc.
Western States Circuit
Breakers, Inc.
Wish-U-Well Foundation
R e p o r t
Donors who have contributed
gifts totaling $100-$299 from
July 1, 2002, through June 30,
2003, to the University of Utah
Health Sciences Center.
Walter H. Abelmann
J. A. “Abby” Abildskov, M.D.
Elkan Abramowitz
Jen Achilles
Janet Adams
Judy L. Adams
Max B. Adams
Betty M. Adkins
Sujnani Adkoli, M.D.
Ramtin Agah, M.D.
Angie Aguilar
Caitlin Malley Ahern, M.D.
Marjorie Ahlf
Martin I. Ahlin
Balbir Singh Ahluwalia
Ethel B. Ahrens
Houman Alai
Dr. Kurt H. Albertine
Dr. Karen Albritton
Victor Alcazar
Stephen Alder
Inez D. Allan
Jerry Alldredge
Caryn E. Allen
Kate Allen
Ronald J. Allison
Christian Allred
Claytor W. Allred
D. Craig Allred, M.D.
Dawn Allred
E. M. Allred
Elwood Malcom Allred
Lynn M. Allred
Nicholas S. Altice
Dr. Ray W. Alvord
Siva Ambalavanan
Theodoros Anastasopoulos
Dorothy S. Andersen
Vinni L. Andersen
Cynthia Anderson
Fred L. Anderson, M.D.
Harold C. Anderson
Jeffrey L. Anderson, M.D.
Judy Anderson
Lola Anderson
Margaret R. Anderson
Mark Anderson
Mary June Anderson
Ross E. Anderson
Saundra C. Anderson
Sherri Anderson
Ileen Andrew
Tyson Andrus
Sonja R. Anthony
Sam N. Anton
Jane M. Arave
Kent G. Arave
Emer Howard Arbuckle
William M. Arbuckle
Lois Archuleta
Robert Archie Archuleta
Jan Arendtsen
Senator Patrice Arent
B. F. Armstrong
Prudence S. Arnold
Theodore Arnow
Nancy Ashcraft
Elva G. Ashley
Richard E. Ashworth
Eldon W. Askew
Val E. Astle
David S. Aswad
Sidney J. Atkin
Donald Atkinson
Linda L. Auger
Lynn A. Babbitt
Maier Siebel Baber
Robert L. Backman
Lois C. Bacon
Cathryn Baczek
Briant T. Badger, D.D.S.
Rodney Badger, M.D.
James L. Badgett
Sara Glazner Baese
Byron H. Bagnell
David Bagshaw
A. Francis Bahr
Mike Baich
Cindy I. Bailey
Jack F. Bailey
Monica Bailey
Wendy J. Bailey
Brenda S. Bain
Ramon C. Baird
Darlene Bairett
James A. Baker
Abe and Lisa Bakhsheshy
Kenneth W. Baldridge
Mark A. Balk
Loretta H. Ball
Sandra L. Ball
Joanne M. Ballerini
John L. Ballou
Pamela P. Ballou-Nelson
Linda W. Balls
Janet Balmer
Kimberly A. Balog, M.D.
Lula Bambrough
Saraessa Bangert
Ralph C. Barber
Thomas C. Barber
Robert E. Barham, M.D.
Kathryn H. Barker
Robert B. Barker
Byron B. Barkley
Almina A. Barksdale
Bill Glen Barnes
Marilyn B. Barnes
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Suzanne Barnes
Max A. Barnett
Cherl Barney
Connie Barnhardt
John W. Barr
Ralph Barra
John Barrett
Julie A. Barrett
Mary W. Barrett
Roberta Barrett
William R. Barrett, Jr.
William H. Barry, M.D.
Heather Barth
Arlene C. Bartholomew
Jackie Bartholomew
Yvonne S. Bartholomew
Elaine C. Barton
Richard G. Barton, M.D.
Dr. Brenda L. Bass
Susan V. Basta
Jomarie R. Bateman
Marianne F. Bates
Jim Baucum
Walter W. Bauer
E. Wayne Baumgardner
Jan L. Bayle
Katherin S. Bean
Marjorie Beard
James C. Beardall
Connie Becerril
William L. Beck
Tracy J. Becker
Shari Roberts Beere
Mary W. Behrens
Manju T. Beier
Audrey Beishline
Skip Belcher
Bonnie S. Belka
Adelia C. Bell
J. Dewey Bell
Judy E. Bell
Stanley R. Bell
Steven A. Bell
William D. Beman
Robert P. Benfield
Kirk Bengtzen
Robert B. Bennett
Stephen H. Bennett, M.D.
W. Don Bennett
Dayle Benson
Peter E. Bentivegna
L. Frank Bentley, M.D.
Elaine Knackstedt Berberich
Amy M. Berger
David B. Berger
Daniel Berndt, M.D.
David E. Bernhardt
Dean Sterling Berrett
Carol Berriochoa
Shirley H. Berry
T. Dennis Berry
Delora P. Bertelsen
John D. Besselievre
Susan M. Betts
Michael Clyde Biddulph, M.D.
Lt. Col. Carla Biehl McCurry
USAF (Ret)
Drew Billeter
Dr. Ray W. Bills
Roberta Binnall
Michael L. Bird
Mary J. Bittle
Bettina Black
Catherine C. Black
James R. Black
Jerry B. Black, D.D.S.
JoAnn G. Black
John R. Black, M.D.
Randy R. Black, D.D.S., PC
William T. Black, M.D.
George Blackburn
Michael Blackburn
Francis S. Blake
Anneke Blattner
Helen W. Blonquist
Ronald S. Bloom, M.D.
Mary M. Bocook
Darlene E. Boggess
Dr. Donna L. Boland
Linda L. Bonar
Joshua C. Bond
Dorrel F. Booth
Ronald A. Borg
Jeanine T. Bosch
Dr. Phillip Bossart
Jay Bosshardt
Twila B. Boston
Lester H. Botill
Jerry Glen Bott
Kenneth Michael Bouche,
Carol Bowcutt
Ami Bowen
Dorothy M. Bowen
Wilma B. Bowen
Roxanne Bowers
Marcia Bown-Peterson
Elaine R. Boyce
Joyce H. Boyd
Sherri E. Boyette
Sharee Bracken
R. William Bradford
Nancy C. Bradley
John Branath
Kathryn B. Brandon, M.D.
John Harold Brandt, Ph.D.
W. Marcus Brann, M.D.
Scott E. Branvold, Ed.D.
Philip L. Brauchla
Jen M. Braunersrither
James D. Brawley
M. Joan Brawley
Jean V. Braxton
Bruce E. Bray, M.D.
Nancy C. Brazelton
Beverly N. Breen
R e p o r t
Scarlett L. Brekel
Edward K. Bridge
John H. B. Bridge, Ph.D.
Eunice Bridges
Michael S. Briggs
Steve M. Briley
Luella W. Briney
Dorothy B. Brinsa
Henry Brito
Merle F. Broadbent
Jaqueline W. Broadhead
Jo Ann Brockway
Christine H. Broken Leg
Adrienne E. Brown
Alice I. Brown
Darlene M. Brown
Harold T. Brown
Jayne J. Brown
Joanne G. Brown
Karen C. Brown
Laurie Ann Brown
Marilyn M. Brown
Marione M. Brown
Mary K. Brown
Ora L. Brown
Robert M. Brown
Jeff R. Bruderer
Kay E. Brunner
Linda Brunner
Phillip R. Bryant
Nanci M. Bryson
Mark E. Buchman
Everett L. Buckardt
Eugene H. Buder, Jr.
Doris Budge
Jeanene M. Budge
Scott G. Budge
Linda Bugby
Sandra Bunn
Christian Bunning
Donna Burgess
Conrad H. Burgoyne
M. I. Burks
Jean M.S. Burnett
Mary M. Burnham
Mary Lynn F. Burningham
Myrna J. L. Burningham
Jo Ann R. Burns
Wilford Burrows
Clinton Burt
Steven G. Burtchell
Dorothy S. Burton
Kristina F. Burton
Larry Burton
LuDean A. Burton
Scott A. Burton, Ph.D.
Lynn M. Bushman
Becky Cuff Bushnell
Daniel S. Bushnell
John K. Bushnell
A. Jerry Butler
Stephen P. Butler
Leone Buttars
Pat Button
Dr. John Buzzant
Dennie Byram
Rosalie M. Bywater
George E. Caine
Thomas Calame, M.D.
Tami Calder
Beverly Caldwell
Bonnie J. Caldwell
Carol L. Calkins
Helen L. Call
Scott A. Call
Sheral L. Calvin
J. Elliot Cameron
Cynthia Campanile
Barbara D. Campbell
Douglas S. Campbell
Gayle M. Cannon
Judith S. Cannon
Sharon B. Cantonwine
Connie C. Cantor
Julie M. Capel
M. Elaine Capps
Edwin Martin Caravati, M.D.
Silvia Cardung
Colleen M. Carey
John F. Carlquist, Ph.D.
Barbara Ann Clark Carlson
Helen H. Carlson
Karen L. Carlson
Jose-Luiz G. Carneiro
Andrea J. Carpenter, M.D.
Merlin Carpenter
Craig S. Carrel
La Von B. Carrel
Lori Carrig
Stacey J. Carrington
Kristen L. Carroll, M.D.
James G. Carter
Odille H. Carter
Anna Carusos
Dr. Royal Thair Carver
Sherwood R. Casjens
Margaret Cason
Alice Cass
Diane Chamberlain
Barbara J. Champ
Waylon Champion
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Polly Chapman
Carolyn F. Chappell
Clyde G. Charles
Susan D. Chase-Cantarini
Angelina Chavez
Artwell Checketts
Christine A. Cheng, M.D.
Dr. Chi-Bin Chien
Bruce C. Child
Carol M. Child
Anne P. Chisholm
Albert Choules
Arda Jean Christensen
Cory A. Christensen
Geraldine O. Christensen
Leah P. Christensen
Ray L. Christensen
Sharon Christensen
Theodore P. Christensen
Wilda Christensen
B. Ray Christiansen
Sue Christopher
William Chudnovsky
S. Mark Chugg
Anne J. Clark
Hope M. Clark
Howard S. and Betty B. Clark
LaWanda Clark
Nancy A. Clark
Phyllis Veronica Clark, M.D.
Sandra Clark
Stephen C. Clark
Yvonne M. Clark
Dr. Robert A. Clarke
Scott E. Clayton
Catherine Cleeremans
Monica Clement
Lana A. Clements
Goldie N. Clifford
Janis Kay Cline
Stephanie A. Cline
Helen L. Clise
Sherry D. Clise
Ellen W. Close
Tom V. Cloward, M.D.
R. Donald Cluff
Calvin G. Clyde, Ph.D.
Beatrix M. Cody
Ben Coleman
Darren W. Coleman, M.D.
R. Coleman
John L. Coles
Val L. Coles
Julie Collotzi
Arnold B. Combe
Gerald H. Comer
Glenda W. Compton
Merlin D. Compton
Alan S. Condie, M.D.
Elizabeth L. Condley-Johnson
G. Gary Connelly
Bonnie B. Connor
Irene Conover
Nancy T. Conrow
Averill N. Conta
Tomasa Contreras
Joyce H. Cook
Raymond H. Cook
April Cooke
Meghan Durham Cooley
La Mar W. Coon
Dr. Kim Corbin-Lewis
Robert A. Corbit
Michelle Corina Cordova
Marilyn C. Corey
Judith Corlett
Richard J. Cortesi
Alex Cortez
Donald J. Corwin
Mark A. Cotter
Gerard Cournoyer, M.D., PC
Willis O. Cowden
Julie R. Cowley
Carolyn Cox
Jay M. Cox
Alex D. Coy
James G. Coyner
Carolyn T. Crabb
Berdean H. Crabtree
Doug Crabtree
R. Paul Cracroft
Mary Beth Cragun
Joyce Craig
Olin Frederick Craig
Shane Crandall
Marilyn Crawford
Val Dean Crawford
John E. Crelly, Jr.
Lucille P. Crismon
Elinor F. Crooks
Harry W. Crooks
Scott A. Crouse
Kathy D. Crow
Phyllis D. Cubbage
Elaine Culwell
Connie Cunningham
Teresa Curley
Irwin Curtis
Pamela O. Curtis
Amy B. Cutting
Renee M. Dahl
Joyce Faye Daily
Elaine T. Daines
Wanda D. Dallinga
Rulan Kent Dalton
Susan E. Dalton
Roland W. Dance
E. L. Daniel
Tony Danza
John C. Dargis
Jacques L. D’Astous, M.D.
Eleanor B. Datwyler
Molly R. Davenport
Daniel H. Davidson
R e p o r t
Judith Davies
Ann S. Davis
Brandy Davis
Carol F. Davis
DiAnna Davis
Elaine F. Davis
Margie P. Davis
Marilyn Davis
Marilyn W. Davis
Laura Daw
Owen B. Daw
Leena H. Dawson
James Day
John Day, M.D.
Matt Day
Nadine S. Day
Susan M. Day
Susan T. Dayton
Linda L. Remi De Waal
Patricia Dorenbaum De
Bessie A. Dean
James O. Dean
Norman A. Dean
Patrick A. Dean
Shirley H. DeBouzek
Shirley R. Deeter
Jack Defa
Claudia C. Deines
Ronald Dejuncker
O. Yvonne Dellamore
Lynda A. Demaline
Karen B. Demara
Louie DeMarco
Margie D. Denison
La Voyle Denlinger
Danielle Denne
William H. Dennis
Robert Alan Dent
George L. Denton, Jr.
Leslie DePont
Robert P. DeRodes
Lynda L. DeRushia
Arlo Despain
Norma K. Desz
Marjorie Deters
Christa Devlin
Ellen E. Dew
M. Jann DeWitt, Ph.D.
Lillian J. DeYoung
Yvette D. Diaz
Dynette L. Dickinson
Luella H. Diston
Susan D. Diston
Dr. Mark K. Dodson
Robert E. Doidge
Carroll D. Dolson, C.L.U.
Mark Domalewski
Raymond J. Donley
Laura M. Donovan
Edward N. Doody
Elinore R. Doolin
Kristi Dopp
Terrie Lee Dority
Richard Earl Dority, Jr.
Paul M. Dougan
Verna Mae Dover
Wayne R. Dowell
Barbara J. Draper
Donna H. Drecksel
Verna Drollinger
Shirley E. Droschkey
Regina Drueding
Jeaneen T. Duffy
R. D. Dufour
Sarah C. Duncan
Carol C. Dunford
Marsha R. Dunn
Alexander Durrant
Lynne H. Durrant
Kathryn C. Duvall
Todd S. Eagar
Wm. R. Earl
Roland D. Eavey
Todd Ebert
M. Val Eccles
Laurence T. Eck
Sherry Lynne Eckert
Sue Eckert
Margaret Eddleman
Melba D. Edgecomb
Menno Ediger
Gerald K. Edmunds
Carol Edwards
Donna Edwards
Donna E. Edwards
Linda D. Edwards
Carol S. Egan
Jack R. Egan
Gregory W. Egbert, D.D.S.
Lynette M. Eichers
Eric N. Eide
Jean Eisen
Denise Ekblad
Kathleen G. Ekeren
Marsha Eldson
Brooks B. Elkington
Wilma M. Elkins
Henry B. Ellerman
Claudia W. Ellett
Vivian Ellingford
Kathleen M. Elliott
Janet Ellison
Ruth I. Elliston
Elmer F. Ellsworth
Lyska Emerson, M.D.
June D. England
Abigail Ensign
Richard Ensign II
Richard H. Ensign
Mary E. Erb
Janis Erickson
Robert W. Erickson
Philip R. Ershler, Ph.D.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Floyd Eschler
Dr. D. Glen Esplin
Ben Esquibel
Bernell W. Evans
Judy B. Evans
Lee A. Evans
Tammy J. Evans
Hilda Fabiny
Todd J. Faherty
Virgil F. Fairbanks
Maude Fairbanks-Jones
Christine A. Fairclough
Jody W. Farley
Myrna-Jo Farley
Dean B. Farnsworth
Erwin H. Farnsworth
Ken Farnsworth, Jr.
Silvio J. Fassio
Patricia Faulkner
Theresa A. Faulkner
Barbara S. Faust
E. Thomas Fearn
Thomas M. Feeny, M.D.
Mary Anne Fehr
Dr. Richard B. Feinstein
Janice S. Felix
Diana D. Felt
Scott G. Ferguson, Jr., D.D.S.
Suzanne C. Ferry
Lewis G. Feuerstein
Kurt V. Fiedler
Lou Jean Findlay
Carol T. Finley
Mike S. Finnegan
Carol and John H. Firmage III
Brenda Fish
Carla Dawn Fisher
Jeffrey T. Fisher
Morton Fleischer
Marilyn T. Flint
Michael P. Flint
Robert L. Flint, D.M.D.
Susan Floor
Dr. Scott R. Florell
Paul W. Florsheim
Susan H. Flory
Bonnie L. Floyd
John J. Flynn
Geraldine J. Folsom
Mark A. Folsom
Norine W. Foote
H. Kent Forbes
Charleen Ford
Charles N. Ford, M.D.
Cheryl B. Ford
J. Lynn Ford
Allan John Forde
Ray G. Forman
Julie Fosmark
Leland G. Foster
Chris R. Fox
James C. Foxworthy, M.D.
Amy Frandsen
Raymond M. Franke
Alison Mary Fraser
Marianne Fraser
Jeanne G. Frederiksen
Susan Fredette
Nancy Freebairn
Peter Q. Freed
Roger A. Freedman, M.D.
Carmen Freeman
Larissa Freestone
Shelly Frey
Barbara A. Fricke
Cynthia Frishette
Dr. T. Leland Frost
Constance P. Fry
Karen E. Fuhriman
Mitsuru Fujinami
Noreen S. Horiuchi Fujiwara
Sue Fuller
Rebecca C. Funk
Laurel B. Furse
Dixie L. Galbraith
Maj. James M. Galbraith
William M. Gallagher
Linda B. Gallegos
Karrie Galloway
Mary Alice Galt
Ruth R. Gamette
Anne W. Gappmayer
Dr. Evelyn M. Garcia
John R. Garcia
Anthony Gardner
Carolyn Skeen Gardner
Martha R. Gardner
Renee W. Gardner
Susan S. Gardner
Paula L. Garfield
Linda J. Garner
Wayne Garrett
Gustavo N. Garzarelli
John E. and Christena O. Gates
Paul F. Gavin
Linda A. Gee
William G. Gee
Dietrich K. Gehmlich, Ph.D.
Dr. Stephanie Gelman
Patrick L. Gemperline, M.D.
Albert R. Genz
Darrel S. Gerard
Maureen Shields Gerard
Janice N. Gerritsen
Mary C. Gething
Beverley A. Getzlaf
Anthony J. Giachinta
Daniel A. Gibbs
Annette Gibson
Vicki Lynn Gibson, R.N.
Wayne Gibson
John G. Gifford
Donna L. Gilbert, Ph.D.
Edward M. Gilbert, M.D.
R e p o r t
Vern Gillespie
Frieda A. Gillett
Joseph J. Giovale
William A. Gislason
Mona Given
Lou S. Glad, M.D.
Marianne Glaser
Kim Glover
Cynthia Ann Goates
Thomas Godfrey
Beth B. Goebel
Harold L. Goetzinger
Glenn S. Gold
Jill Gold
David E. Goldgar
Sharon Goldsmith
Ed Golub
Peter R. Gonzales
Camden C. Gooch
Karalee Goodman
Craig Goodrich
Erich L. Graf
Marie A. Graf
David Grainger III, Ph.D.
Larry Grandia
Linda Gravelle
Jennifer Gray
Laura Milliken Gray
Phyllis Gray
Rarneld Leroy Gray
Coralynn S. Green
Lamar A. Green
William B. Green
Hon. and Mrs. J. Thomas
Greene, Jr.
Emmett P. Greenwell
LuAnn H. Greenwell
Cliff Greenwood
Amy B. Gregerson
Lisa H. Gren
Brian Gresh
Alan H. Grey
Leah Griffin
Karen L. Grimm
Allen R. Groebs, M.D.
Cathy J. Groos
Shirley M. Grosjean
Karen Cooper Gross
Douglas Grossman, M.D., Ph.D.
Carl L. Grunander
Robert A. Gryzmala
Anne B. Guenard
Wendy Gulczynski
Kathleen R. Gullberg
Raymond L. Gump
Jean B. Gunn
J. Darwin Gunnell
Felipe N. Gutierrez, M.D.
Gayla Guymon
Cathy Hadden
Todd M. Haderlie, M.D.
Edith B. Hadley
Joan Hadley
William J. Hafen, Ed.D.
Norma Hagethorn
Grettle S. Haglund
Richard F. Haglund
Brian Halak
Kymberly Halbash-Butcher
G. Ray Hale
Helga C. Hale
Jonathan Phillip Hale, M.D.
Cindy Hall
Diane J. Hall
Kenneth A. Hall
Leatha P. Hall
Sandra J. Hall
Sharon L. Hallesy
Brad Halvorsen
Nancy P. Halvorsen
Scott Halvorson
David O. Hamilton
LuDene A. Hamilton
Myrl W. Hamilton
Vea Jean Hamilton
Erna G. M. Hammar
Cliff Hammer
Marilyn S. Hammond
Shirley M. Hammond
Brian Hamos
Debra L. Hancock
John Douglas Handley
Ann S. Hankinson
Bryce Hansen
C. David Hansen, M.D.
Carolyn P. Hansen
Conrad O. Hansen
Darla Hansen
E. Gunter Hansen
J. Keith Hansen
Khalil V. Hansen
Krystal Hansen
Mary Lynne C. Hansen
Regan Bennett Hansen, M.D.
Rhea B. Hansen
Terrance K. Hansen
Gareld D. Hanson
LeMar O. Hanson
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Kenneth R. Harbert, Ph.D.
Susan Harding
Brad D. Hardy
Colleen P. Harker, M.D.
David J. Harper
Cynthia A. Harrington
Cecil Harris
Helen J. Harris
Dr. Ronald Harris
Craig Harrison
Lisa Quinn Harrison
Bonnie Harsh
Marybeth Hart
Milledge A. Hart III
Patricia P. Hartman
Eugene Harvey
Lawrence D. Harvey
Natalie Harvey
Katie Harwood
Jessica Haskell
Colleen Haslam
Donald R. Hastie
David S. Hatch
Gale M. Hatch
Suzanne K. Hawker
Elizabeth G. Hawkins
Leonard Hay
Arthur F. Hayes
Gary E. Hayes
Benjamin D. Hayward
Murray T. Hayward
LaurAnn Headman
Jack L. Healey
Guy H. Hearon
Joanne Heaton
Sam Heaton
Gregory L. Hedquist
Corinne G. Heggie
Kurt T. Hegmann, M.D.
Dr. Heather L. Heileson
Marlene S. Helland
Mary Jane Hellstrom
Kathy Heltzel
John E. Helzer, M.D.
Teresa A. Hemmerlein
Jane D. Henderson
Mike Henderson
Paul K. Hendricks
Harold F. Henrich
David P. Henrie, M.D.
Susan Hepner-Green
Elizabeth Herbert
Susan M. Hermance
JoAn Hermansen
L. Beth Hermansen
Leonard Herrera
Fred Hertz
Elaine Hess
Maurine S. Hess
Dominic J. Heuscher, Ph.D.
LaNae B. Heusser
Jennifer E. Hicks
Edward M. Higbee
Nancy G. Higley
Deon T. Hilger
Corrine P. Hill*
Debbie Hill
J. Dean Hill
Kristin A. Hill
Orr L. Hill
Colleen C. Hilton
George V. Hinckley, M.D.
Janice L. Hinkle
Hal Hintze
Cyntha C. Hirst, Ph.D.
Douglas N. Hix
Bessie E. Hochstettler
Phyllis B. Hockett
Martin L. Hocking
Edna Hodges
Luella S. Hodges
Barbara N. Hoffman
Bonnie L. Hofmann
William Scott Hoge
Henning Hoj
Angie Holbrook
DeeAnn Holbrook
Theresa Holden
Dalene L. Holland
John Hollenhorst
Lynda Holley
Heather Holloway
Lt. Dean S. Holman
USAF (Ret)
Robert L. Holmberg
David Holmes, Ph.D.
E. Sue Holmes
John H. Holmes
John W. Holmes
Johnelle Homer
Frances H. Hoopes
Carolyn Hopkins
Mark A. Hopkins
Paul N. Hopkins, M.D.
Nancy Hopson
Kathryn K. Horman
Alice F. Hornbeck
Bradley A. Hornsby
Debra P. Horrocks
Christine T. Horsley
Robert J. Hoshaw
Jerri Housley
Jeri Houston
Ann Howard
John R. Howard
Rowena A. Howe
Gary Howell
Geraldine F. Howell
Robert S. Howell
Jo Howley
Helen Huddleston
Terrell Huddleston
Kathy Huerta
A. Duane Hughes
Carol J. Hughes
R e p o r t
Areva L. Huish
Joan Hulme, M.D.
Lloyd R. Hunsaker
Malinda M. Hunt
Steven C. Hunt
Walter A. Hunt
Patricia A. Hunter
L. Gary Hunting
Lt. Col. Dwight Huntsman
USAF (Ret)
Paul H. Huntsman
Donald R. Hurst
Kristine M. Hurst
Lowell E. Hurst
Ronald Hutcheson
Terry L. Hutchings
Lindsay Hutton
Sylvia I. Iannucci
Mohammed Ibrahim, M.D.
Kathryn A. Imboden
Laurel Ingham
Capt. Mary R. Ingram, Ph.D.
Sharon N. Irvin
Kenneth Irving
Mamiyo Iseki
C. Earl Israelsen
Wells J. Iverson
Bryce Jackson
Dawn Jackson
Susan J. Jackson
Mary P. Jacobs
Jacqueline G. Jacobsen
Lara Olivia Jacobsen
Richard B. Jaffe
Cheryl Jahns
Robert L. James
Carol L. Janulaitis
Joan B. Jenkins
Barbara J. Jensen
Gloria Jensen
Jalaine P. Jensen
Janice R. Jensen
Patricia W. Jensen
Shelly Jensen
Susan J. Jensen
Barbara N. Jeppsen
Kayla B. Jessee
Raymond Jessen
Dolleen W. Jewett
Clifton R. Jex
R. Bart Johansen, M.D.
E. Lynn John
Adell Johnson
Ava Johnson
Barbara Anton Johnson
Edward E. Johnson
Elaine C. Johnson
Margaret G. Johnson
Michael E. Johnson
Miriam Johnson
Phyllis Berman Johnson
Richard E. Johnson
Robert W. F. Johnson
Rosalie D. Johnson
Shawn K. Johnson
Sue Johnson
Wesley Johnson
Carol B. Johnston
Ron Johnston
Emil E. Johnstun
Janean Jolley
Alison Elizabeth Jones
Dixie B. Jones
Dorothy N. Jones
Greg Jones
Kevin F. Jones
Maria W. Jones
Mary K. Jones
Merrell Robert Jones
Rodney Jones
Suzan Jones
Nan Jorgensen
Yvonne Jorgensen
Petra Joseph, M.D.
Geraldine S. Josephson
Kelly Jost
Frank G. Jowers
Elizabeth Joy, M.D.
Gayle K. Judd
Kathleen M. Judd
Michael Judd
Michelle Judd
Herbert W. Juengling
Patricia P. Kaller
Kathryn H. Kammeyer
Ann A. K. Kamp
Suzanne Kanatsiz
Elizabeth Kaplan
Leslie G. Kappel
Monica I. Karlson
Ruth T. Kartchner
Mitsugi M. Kasai
Ingrid E. Kaufman
Dennis R. Kay
Kristina L. Keates
Vera Keck
T. G. Keeley
Mary Elizabeth Keller
Martha Sue O. Kelly
Nancy E. Kelly
Mary Lou Kelsey
Cynthia Kendall
David F. Keren
Lynne M. Kerr, M.D.
Shauna Kerr
Utahna J. Kerr
Larry S. Kershaw
Donald E. Kettering*
Frederick G. Kidston, Jr.
Betty June Kiley
Jeanne M. Kimball
Marcy D. Kimball
Susan Kimball
Kathryn B. Kimble
Bliss King
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Charles King
Diana King
Diana F. King
Carolyn Kipp
Jerrie Kirk
Mark M. Kirkham
C. Thomas Kirkland
Heidi Klein
Richard C. Klein, M.D.
Teresa J. Kleist
Steven J. Klompus
Melissa K. Klug
Cas Knies
Ida Toibe Knight
John I. Knight
Sylvia Knight
Paul M. Kniss
Kent Knowley
Candice Knox
Lillian K. Koenig
E. Frank Koller
Anna S. Kontas
Barbara Brittain Korous
Phyllis A. Kotan
Lana Kotter
Barbara Kowallis
Alexandros Kralios,
M.D., Ph.D.
Judy Krall
Carole S. Kramer
Janice L. Kramer, M.S.W.
Yvonne J. Krebs
Michael Krispinsky
Elma N. Krogue
Loa A. Krompel
Kent Krueger
Leah A. Krueger
Richard G. Krueger
Philip L. Ku, M.D.
Kathryn H. Kuhn
Celia Kunau
Gary Kunkel
Richard K. Kunz
Mariko M. Kuwahara
Elizabeth Labrecque
Katharine W. Lamb
LaRue Lamb
Joyce H. Lambson
Jo Anne E. Lamoreaux
Stewart T. Landau, M.D.
Jayne Vinton Landes
Diana Jeanne Lane
Rip Lane
Kelly J. Langley
Sherolyn Langston
W. Glenn and Heidi Lanham
Karen C. Lao
John David Laraway, M.D.
James C. Larche II
Julia Larez
Patricia Williams Larkin
Edward Larrabee
Patti Larrabee
A. Alex Larsen
Helen B. Larsen
Kay Larsen
Royce G. Larsen
Brett David Larson
George W. Larson
Jeffrey P. Larson
Kenneth Larson
Pamela Larson
Mary H. Lasley
Cheryl LaTraille
W. Stanley Lau
Victor Laughlin
Vanessa Brown Laurella,
Ph.D., R.N.
Dr. Sandy A. Leachman
Marjorie D. Leaver
George Irwin Lee
Howard Lee, M.D.
Kathleen M. Lee
Ruth Lee-Bertot, R.N.
Donald E. Leech
Helen M. Leech
Cindy K. Leenknecht
Christine F. Legler
Ardean Moore Lehnus
Yvonne Leigh
Merlin R. Leishman
Gladys R. Lemmon
Dianne F. Lemmons
Cheryl G. Lennie
J. B. Leonard
Doug Lervik
James L. Levy
Joan L. Lewis
Peggy Lewis
Zina Lewis
Dean Li, M.D., Ph.D.
Frederick P. Li
Jeannie Lynne Lile
Jack W. Liles
Genevieve Lindley
Kathleen K. Lindsay
Marilyn Lindsay
Dr. Janet E. Lindsley
Sheila G. Linn
Sergay D. Liston
Stephen Brent Little, M.D.
Sheldon E. Litwin, M.D.
Henry A. Lobato
Diana Loera
Carl H. Loerbs
Marge H. Lofgran
Rose Logan
Cecil D. Long
Deanne Long, M.D.
Kenneth Long
Marjorie M. Long
Robert A. Long
Tami Long
William D. Long
Ann M. Love
R e p o r t
Richard S. Love
Geniel A. Loveless
Jody Lovell
Margaret Lovell
Shari Lovendahl
Gordon M. Low
Anne A. Lowe
Barbara W. Lowe
James M. Lowe III
Judy A. Lowry
Kim Lubbers
Marie Ludlow
Joyce Luke
Deann Lund
Elly Lund
Van Lund
Jim F. Lundberg
Max S. Lundberg, M.D.
Ruth H. Lundgren, Ph.D.
David R. Lundquist
Valeria C. Lundstrom
Cynthia H. Lundy
Doris L. Lust
Brenda Luther
Robert L. Lux, Ph.D.
George E. Lyman
Lynne C. Lynn
Rosemary M. Lysaught, Ph.D.
Betty M. Mack
William Mackenzie
R. William Mackie, M.D.
Robert S. MacLeod, Ph.D.
Fraser MacPhee
Adele R. Madsen
David Max Madsen
James H. Madsen, Jr.
Karen T. Madson
Stephen B. Maeger
Jon Edward Maesner
Crystal Maggelet
Rosetta M. Maggelet
Adrienne Magnesen
Jay J. Magure
Errol J. Mahoney
Corinne Ann Maki
Maria Maloney
Evan G. Mangelson, M.D.
Donna Manning
Elizabeth Manos
Travis Ray Mansfield
P. J. Mantas
Leora Marcheschi
Ernest D. Mariani
Jackie Marsden
Heather Marshall
Lavonne B. Marshall
Carol L. Martin
Jerry R. Martin, M.D.
Mona S. Martinek
Dale E. Marx
Jay L. Marx
Sharon H. Mash
Jay W. Mason, M.D.
James D. Matheson
William T. Matlock
Marilyn Mattavich
George T. Mattena
Scott H. Maughan
Alice M. Maus
Barbara J. Maw
C. Victor Maw
Darlene A. Maxfield
R. Scott Maxfield
Ike J. May
Kelly Maycock
Russel Mayer
Nedra A. Mazuran
Helen C. McAllister
John S. McAllister
Julie McAllister
Eldon McArthur
Yoshiko McCaffrey
Kent Y. McCarty
Donald Allan McClain
Nancy R. McClellan
Alice M. McCue
Connie McCullough
Aleida McDonald
Bartley McDonald
Catherine M. McDonald
Gary L. McDonald
James W. McDonald, D.D.S.
Jeanne McDonald
Vernon McDonald
Judith Kincaid McGaha
Chris J. McGann, M.D.
Vicki C. McGavin
L. Farrell McGhie
Dr. James McGreevy
George W. McIntyre
Thomas McIntyre, Ph.D.
Carol R. McKinley
David Kim McKinnon
Harold E. McLaughlin
Apache McLean
Janet D. McMillan
Robert M. McMullin
Carolyn C. McNatt
Janna L. McNeely
Chloe W. McPhee
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
James L. McQueen
Katherine R. McQueen
Mary Jane McQuivey
Clyde D. Meadows
Louise B. Measom
Margaret R. Mecham
Robert C. Meier
Steve Meikle
Hawk T. Mendenhall
Jacquline Merchant
Paul Merola
David Chris Michael
Shirley D. Michel
James W. Michelsen, M.D.
Marie Adele O. Milczarek
Louise G. Miles
Charles E. Miller
Elaine W. Miller
George D. Miller
John T. Miller, M.D.
Kenneth C. Miller
Linda S. Miller
March T. Miller
Susan R. Miller
Gae S. Millerberg
Maureen A. Missett
Janice M. Mitchell
Robert G. Mitchell, M.D.
Aileen Miya
Gary S. Miya
Elaine Mizukawa
Stephen R. Mobley, M.D.
Delavone Modderman
Joyce S. Moffett
Richard M. Mollinet
Sen. Eldon A. Money
Douglas Snow Montague
Elizabeth S. Montague
John C. Moody
Floyd Moon
Barbara Mooney
Brandon Moore
Jane E. Moore
Robert A. Moore
Ronald Moore
F. Greg Morelli
Susan Morelli
Betty M. Morgan
Dennis Morgan
Dolores D. Morgan
Edward E. Morgan
Elaine P. Morgan
Sylvia S. Morin
George A. Morley
Beth Morris
Leona O. Morris
Mildred H. Morris
Paula F. Morris
Joy G. Morrison
Nolan R. Morse
Cleo Mortensen
Dovetta Mortensen
Fern W. Mortensen
Kendall Mortensen
Steven W. Mortenson, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Royce Moser
Dr. Peter K. Moskowitz
Donald E. Moss
Kari Jo Moss
Lee S. Moss
Craig Allen Mossberg
E. Jay Moulton
Heidi R. Moulton
Maridel M. Moulton
Ronald Moulton
Angela Mouritsen
Dr. Anthony Mous
Matthew A. Movsesian, M.D.
Harry A. Moyer
Robert M. Moyer
Thomas J. Mraz
Nadine Mueller
J. Brent Muhlestein, M.D.
Sharon Murdoch
Danielle C. Murdock
Kent Murdock
Diana I. Murphy
Fred Murphey III
Calvin L. Murri
Lorraine B. Myers
Robert D. Myrick
Richard H. Naito
Dr. Steven A. Narod
Dr. Donald P. Nash
Ray E. Nash
Kevin E. Nechodom
Jerry L. Neese
Linda Jean Neill
Jean O. Neilson
M. Reza Nejad, M.D.
Alice L. Nellestein
Robert R. Nellums
Don Nelluns
Colleen Nelson
Laurie A. Nelson
Mary Ann Nelson
Ron Nelson
Sherwin C. Nelson
Colleen Nerdin
Charles N. Nesossis
Sharon Neuenschwander
Renee Neuharth
Alma Neutodoom
Karen S. Newman
Katharine H. Newton
Maxine H. Newton
Steven Eugene Nickman
Dianne Niebuhr-Joos
Lewis T. Nielsen, Ph.D.
Mary B. Nielsen
Terryann S. Nielsen
Paul F. Nielson, M.D.
Robert A. Nielson
Ruth Ann L. Nielson
R e p o r t
Nancy Nissalke
Matthew W. Noall, Ph.D.
Stephen Noble
Jodi Norris
Reiko T. Norris
Linda M. North
D. C. Norton
Howard Norton
Jim Nosek
Lisa J. Novetzke
Edmund John Nowicki, M.D.
Susan Marie Noyes
Carleen M. Nutter
Marilyn P. Nutter
Adona C. Nye
Richard O. Nygaard
Carol J. Nyholm
Brad Oakeson
James D. Oberg
John J. Oberst
Daniel J. Obradovich
Sean O’Brien
Sherrie Lynn O’Brien
Deborah Grace O’Connor
Shannon J. Odelberg, Ph.D.
Lynda H. Oderda
Susan Cantwell O’Farrell
Daniel Victor Offret
Alma L. O’Hare
Dale Ohlson
Keith L. Ohlson
Barbara Olcheck
Barbara Olchek
Kathy J. Oleson
Mary Florence Olpin
Joseph Olschewski
Alan C. Olsen
Barbara F. Olsen
Julie A. Olsen
Neil H. Olsen
Sharon Olsen
Stephen C. Olsen
Stephen L. Olsen
Susan K. Olsen
Albert M. Olson
Christopher Olson, M.D.
Shelley Olson
Gary S. O’Neal
Bill Orchow
Mary C. Ormond
Opal J. O’Rourke
Bernal G. Osborne
Loah G. Osborne
Ronald Gary Osborne
Natalie Oseas
Ethel D. Ottesen
Soya G. Owens
Maureen L. Padula
R. Kenin Page
James L. Painter
Maria B. Palazzotto
Adrian S. Palmer
Jamie Palmer
Joanna G. Palmer
Madelyn S. Palmer, M.D.
Sophia S. Palmer
Helen A. Papageorge
Joseph K. Papenfuss
Ronald L. Papworth
Dr. Marilyn M. Park
Michael Parker, Ph.D.
Donna M. Parks
David N. Parmenter
Merrie Parrish
Rachel Parrish
D. Ross Parry
Dr. Mary Helen Parsons
Denise A. Partain
Bud R. Partridge
Marzia Pasquali
Heather Patterson
James E. Patterson
Linda Lee Patterson
Sheelwant Pawar
Lester C. Paxton
Colleen D. Payne
Kimberly A. Payne
Jesse J. Peacock
Vernon R. Peacock
Dennis A. Pearce
Robert Dean Pearson, M.D.
Carol A. Peasenell
Dan G. Pectol
Corey Pedersen
Margaret M. Pelham
McDonald Pells
Joseph Penna
Betty Penny
Donelle K. Perez
Dr. D. Keith Perkins
Dr. Faye Jean Perkins
Richard W. Perkins
Barbara Dayton Perry
Velma L. Perry
Dr. Lynne K. Pershing
Dr. Mark S. Persky
Gayle C. Petersen
Jerry H. Petersen
Judy Mason Petersen
Mary Ann Petersen
Paul F. Petersen
Clarence B. Peterson
Daryl Eugene Peterson
Elaine J. Peterson
Gerald H. Peterson
Jo Anne K. Peterson
Lyle Peterson
Merrill T. Peterson
Nellie H. Peterson
Nora Peterson
Wendell L. Peterson
Oliver Petik
Thomas S. Petsche
Kimberli Jacobsen Petty
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Olive D. Pettygrove
Aghdas Pezeshki
Sue C. Phelps
William M. Phelps
Dean Phillips
Marilyn L. Phillips
Peggy Phillips
Raymond A. Phillips
Catherine A. Philpot
Aleen R. Phinney
Su An Arnn Phipps
Christine Pickett
Myrna Pickett
Rebekah Piirainen
Ursula Pimentel
Hugh W. Pinnock
Robert J. Pistorius
Joyce Poirier
LeRoy H. Poll
William V. Polleys
William C. Polson
Gerald Polukoff, M.D.
Marta Poore
Patricia Porter-Gill
Fred Poston
Warren Potash
William P. Potsic, M.D.
Don Pott
Carrie R. Potter
Barbara T. Poulson
Diane B. Poulson
Kimberly I. Poulton
Douglas L. Powell, M.D.
Tim L. Praag
Nooshin H. Prasthofer
Roger L. Prescott, Ph.D.
Arthur C. Preston
Amy Allen Price
Brent David Price
Sally B. Priest
Shauna Prisbrey
Ruth Proctor-Garff
Grace F. Prodnuk
Michael Pruess
Miles Pufall
Robert A. Pullan
Laurie S. Pulver
Bonnie B. Punske, Ph.D.
Curtis O. Putnam
Dr. Susan J. Quaal
Virginia Quealy
David M. Quinn
Alan N. Rabe, Ph.D.
Robert R. Radford
John A. Raemer
Rosemarie P. Rago
Elizabeth W. Rallison
Elaine Ralphs
Marla Ann Ramey
Nicholas B. Ramond
Debra E. Randall
Lynn A. Randall
Tony Ranno
Pat Rasband
Jan J. Rasmussen
June D. Rasmussen
Mary Jo Rasmussen
Mervin J. Rasmussen
Reva Rauk
David A. Rawling, M.D.
Blasdel A. Reardon
Carolyn C. Reaveley
Sandra Reay
Deana Redd
Martha L. Redeker
Justin Redfearn
Barbara Reed, M.D.
Edwin D. Reed
Elvin S. Reed
Gary E. Reed
Stanley H. Reed
Rita G. Reese
Debra S. Regier
Keith W. Reichmann, Ph.D.
Ethna R. Reid, Ph.D.
Delores S. Reierson
Alice R. Reis
David E. Reiser, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Dale G. Renlund
Susan Rennau
Patrick K. Renner
Peggy Renshaw
Joyce J. Reutter
James Revenaugh, M.D.
Merrilyn Rhodes
Jeanette Marie Ricci
Karen D. Rich
Bryan Lee Richards, M.D.
Linda Richards
Glenna H. Richardson
Howard H. Richardson
Lori B. Richardson
Irene H. Ricks
Kimber O. Ricks, C.P.A.
Richard S. Riding
Elise Funk Riemer
Kurt E. Rifleman, M.D.
Wayne Ririe
James W. Roach, M.D.
Louise Robarge
Ranee S. Robb
Connie L. Roberts
Howard Roberts
JoAnn B. Roberts
Melanie Roberts
Melvin L. Roberts
Neil L. Roberts
Pam Roberts
Ralph H. Roberts
William L. Roberts, M.D.
Donna A. Robertson
Eleen D. Robertson
Jolene G. Robertson
Leon B. Robertson
R e p o r t
Lisa Rae Robertson
Margaret A. Robertson
Norma G. Robison
Ora-Loy N. Robison
Laurel A. Roche
Paul C. Roche, Jr.
Carol Rodgers
Earl Roe
Barbara A. Rogers
Dr. L. Ralph Rohr
S. Jim Rollins
Gayle Ann Romero
Melbourne Romney, Jr.
George K. Roohr
Christopher Roper
Steve Rosato
Greta F. Rosenbaum
Lori J. Rosendahl
Betty Rosenheck
Retta Rosi
Karen B. Ross
Patricia A. Ross
Paul A. Ross
Robert Ross
Julia Ann Rossi
Nancy Roush
Linda Routh
Jeannette Rowe
Michel G. Roy
Wilford F. Rudert
Mary M. Ruff
V. Gene Rufi, M.D.
Tina B. Ruga
Marian G. Runnells
Carolyn D. Runowicz, M.D.
Margaret J. Rush
Nancy E. Rushforth
Jeannine Rushton-Fowler
Catherine S. Russell, R.N.
Herbert Nelson Russell
James L. Russell
Lorie W. Russell
Connie Saccomanno
Patricia Sadoski
Phyllis C. Safman, Ph.D.
C. Okada Sakashita
Kathleen Salazar
Alice Salita
Verla Salkield
Dr. Karen L. Salzman
Lori P. Salvo
Michael C. Sanguinetti, Ph.D.
Sherry Santee
Stephen D. Santora, M.D.
Bradley J. Sargent
Neal Sauer
Nancy Gertrude Savage
Marilyn D. Scanlan
Jane L. Schaefer
Michael P. Schaelling, M.D.
Blanche S. Schantol
Oscar H. Scheibe
Patricia Schell
Fred Scherr, M.D.
Helen C. Schlofman
Bruce L. Schmalz
Donald A. Schmidt, M.D.
Edward W. Schmidt
Otto C. Schmitke
Charles E. Schmitt
Ernie Schneiter, Jr.
Shirley I. Schowengerdt
Guenter Schrieber
Philip Schrimp
Ron Schug
Jennifer R. Schutz
Mary H. Schultz
Pete Schwager
JoAnne B. Schwartz
Lisa A. Schweitzer
Patricia N. Scott, R.D., C.D.,
Sheryl A. Scott, Ph.D.
L. Reid Seely
Sachi W. Seko
Vincent Shea Sellers
T. L. Senn
Max F. Sewell
Richard E. Sewing
Carolyn Baggerly Shank
Janette M. Shannon
Helen R. Shapiro
Sally D. Sharp, M.D.
Dianne L. Shaw
Fredric C. Shean, M.D.
Michael F. Sheets, M.D.
William Kenneth Sheffield,
Leon Sheppick
Orion W. Sherwood
Jeff G. Shields
Karen Shields
John R. Shimmin, D.D.S.
Richard L. Shipley
William B. Shoemaker
Adelbert E. Shomaker
Lynda S. Short
Marilyn Shubin
Cherie N. Shumate
Donald W. Shunn
June Shuput
Joe V. Siciliano, Jr.
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
J. Boyd Siddoway
Brendt A. Sigvardt
Kenneth E. Silverberg
Scott B. Silverstein
Keri Silvey
Alice M. Simonsen
Shirley H. Simper
Gordon D. Simpson
Harold W. Simpson
Elaine A. Skare
Constantine J. Skedros
Dianna Skidmore
Knell S. Skidmore
Ray B. Skidmore
Lu Skinner
Clifford R. Skousen
Ervin M. Skousen
Joan Slack
Roselyn W. Slade
M. L. Slattery
Dianne W. Sleeper
Janice Slone
Tom Sly
Dorothy M. Small
Kimberley C. Smart
Barbara B. Smith
Bob L. Smith
Brady Smith
Cathy Smith
Deborah Sue Smith
George H. Smith
Harold O. Smith
Jean H. Smith
John E. Smith, M.D.
John T. Smith, M.D.
Julie Harmston Smith
Neil Smith
Orville Smith
Renee Smith
RuthAnn Smith, M.D.
Sandra L. Smith
Tammy L. Smith
Timothy A. Smith
Vernon D. Smith
W. Claude Smith
Wade Smith
Stanley M. Smoot
Eleanor E. Sniegocki
Stephen R. Snizek
Debra Snow
Marcellus S. Snow
Tracey B. Sobolewski
Gloria N. Soderberg
Keith Soderberg
Joanne B. Soderborg
Lora Sonderegger
Patricia K. Sonsalla, Ph.D.
Jerry Sorensen
Wilson W. Sorensen
Gregory Sorenson
Earl Sorrels
Grant H. Southwick, M.D.
Jannie H. Spader
Melanie Speirs
Jack L. Spencer
Marjie Lee Spencer
Ted J. Speros
Ralph B. Sperry
Stephen L. Sperry
Virginia K. Sperry
Anne D. Spikes
Wenona E. Spraker
Ronald N. Spratling
Cyrus W. Spurlino
Diane Squires
Mary R. Squires
Diana Stafforini, Ph.D.
A. T. Stair, Jr.
Stuart H. Staker
Julie Staley
Rita Clemens Staley
Diane L. Stanger
Marland L. Stanley
Logan Stapley
Sandy Stark
Robert E. Steele
Legrande Steenblik
Kevin K. Steiner
Carin S. Steinvoort
Carol J. Stephens
Francisca Stephenson
Jill M. Stephenson
Robert W. Stephenson, M.D.
Susan Stephenson, Ph.D.
Tamara Stephenson
Rebecca Sterling
Christine J. Stevens
Delmar W. Stevens
Kenneth R. Stevens, Jr., M.D.
Peter M. Stevens, M.D.
Phyllis P. Stevens
Barbara A. Stewart
Carolyn Stewart
Fred R. Stewart
Margaret R. Stewart
Ronald W. Stock
William A. Stoermer
Eloise B. Stokes
Alan K. Stotts, M.D.
Mike J. Stout
Peggy L. Stowe
Dr. Steven J. Stowell
G. Fred Streuling
Kristy Strickland
Mabel Stroh
Dr. Robert E. Strong
Suzanne Strong
Dean Stubbs
Faye S. Stucki
Arthur A. Suekawa
Linda M. Sugano
John Sullivan
Ann F. Summerhays
Caryn Summers
R e p o r t
Michael Alton Sumsion, M.D.
Nola B. Sundquist
Stephen G. Sutch
Dr. Warren T. Sutton
Barbara A. Swain
MaryAnn Swallow
W. Neil Swan
Richard E. Swayne
Andrea H. Swensen
Margaret C. Swenson
Steven R. Swenson
George B. Swick
Kaari G. Swope
Gail T. Szykula
Richard H. Szymanski
Diana Tabor
Bruno A. Taccardi, M.D.
Marsha Tadje
Dr. Peter Taillac
Mary M. Talboys
Robert E. Talcott
Arline Talley
Howard H. Tamai
Lloyd Y. Tani, M.D.
Hazel H. Tanner
Keith W. Tanner
Shirley W. Tanner
Virginia Lenore Tanner
Michael A. Tate
Ann W. Taylor
Carolyn S. Taylor
Debra L. Taylor
Donald L. Taylor
Edwin E. Taylor
Joyce J. Taylor
Louise E. Taylor, R.N.
M. Gay Taylor
Martha A. Taylor
Sharon Taylor
Vicky Telford
Samuel Tennant
Edla J. Terry
Jennifer Terry
Gus N. Teseros
Robert E. Thayer
Thelma O. Thelin
Peter Therianos
Craig B. Theurer
Susan L. Thibeault
Phyllis Thiessens
Bathsheba F. Thomander
Edith M. Thomas
Helen Marie Thomas
Lloyd J. Thomas
Teri M. Thomas
Lori Thomassen
A. Gary Thompson
David B. Thompson
Dona M. Thompson
Gerald R. Thompson
Grant Thompson
Helen Thompson
John K. Thompson
Sandy Thompson
Darlene M. Thorne
Betty J. Thornton
Barbara A. Thornton-Hill
Thurman E. Thorpe
Amy Thorson
Glen J. Thorum
John R. Thunell
Brent Thurgood
Liz Tidwell
Eliso Tikishvill
Cathy Tiller
Merlene C. Timmons
Emily Timothy
Irene E. Tobler
Edgar L. Todd
Patricia G. Todd
Shirley L. Todd
Nina Tolkoff-Rubin, M.D.
Garn A. Tollestrup
Leisa Tolman
Susan K. Tonc
Gene A. Toolson
William K. Topper
Betty L. Torghele
Victor D. Toy
Uffe Traeden
Nguyen-Toan Tran
Paul Traughber, M.D.
Beverly A. Travitz-Rumney
Betty Trentham
Cindy Treu
Bryson D. Trexler, Jr.
Rebecca J. Trigg
Dr. Payam Tristani-Firouzi
William L. Troxler
Jeanne Truxal
Gladys M. Tucker
Lynn T. Tugaw
Ellen D. Turner
Rulon L. Twitchell
Debbie M. Tyler
Ada W. Udall
King S. Udall, M.D.
Geraldine Ulibarri
Peter G. Ungerman
Kathleen Utley
Paul Uy
Virginia L. Van Hooser
David H. Van Langeveld
Nancy Van Slooten
Dr. L. Scott Van Wagoner
Barbara J. Vance
Cheryl Vance
Jerry Vance, M.D.
Karen VandenBosch
Ann Vanderburg
Cindia Varney
Patricia M. Vaught
George L. Veasy, M.D.
Marie Veibell
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Vickie L. Venne
Mark E. Vernon
Annette Verschuren
Carol C. Vicario
Ruben Vigil
Mindy Virgin
Lauren Voke
Kirk Volkman
Thomas A. VonHatten
Josephine A. Vosskuhler
Lori Vuyk-Farnsworth
Geri Wadsworth
Tifani J. Waechtler
Robin Wagner
Evelyn C. Wagstaff
Jillian B. Wakefield
Martin N. Walk
Aileen W. Walker
David J. Walker
Stephen A. Walker, D.D.S.
Vicky E. Walker
Diane E. Wallace
Deborah C. Walter
Russel J. Walter
Frank E. Walton, Jr.
Kimball F. Walton
Roberta Wang
Douglas Alan Wankier
Henry B. Wansker
Barbara B. Ward
Betsy Ward
Christopher D. Ward
J. Spencer Ward
Janice D. Ward
Sally T. Ware
Thomas E. Warne
Colleen D. Warner
Dawn Warner
Carolyn M. Warnken
Richard B. Warnock
Calvin A. Warren
James D. Warren
Scott Wasmer
Rebecca Ann Wassem
Tom Wassmer
William E. Watkins
Michael R. Watson
J. Russell Wayman
A. Virgil Weatherford
M. A. Weaver
Kimberlee Weaver-Lewis, R.N.
Janis B. Webb
Noreen Weber
James W. Webster
Kevin Webster
Carol M. Weeks
Lynn R. Weeks
Beverly J. Weems
Melissa Marie Weidner
Susan R. Welch
Vicki Ann Welch
Katherine A. Welkie
Lt. Col. Vern L. Welling
USAF (Ret)
Robert R. Wells
Virginia B. Wells
Jeannette C. Welsh
Beverly Wennerholm
Kathleen H. Wernli
David A. Westerby
Sheryl Weyland
Dottie Lisa Wheeldon
Wilmont L. Wheeler
Lori Whetten
Brian K. Whisenant, M.D.
Dale Earl Whitaker
Von H. Whitby
George L. White, Jr., Ph.D.
Georgette L. White
Keith S. White, M.D.
Naomi L. White
Susan O. White
Roger N. Whiting
Carl R. Whitlock
Ray A. Whitlock
George F. Whitney
Warren T. Whittaker
Leone M. Whittier
Roni J. Whittle
Sharon L. Wickenheiser
Brigid Wickersham
Sheila Francis Wiegand
Ronald J. Wierman
Fritz Wieters
Calvin G. Wiggins
Lou Jean S. Wiggins
Gerry Wilberger
Linda Lee Wilcoxson
Kelly L. Wild
Michael Wilde
Wilma J. Wilde
Paul A. Wilkey
Gerry Wilkins
Chad Wilkinson
R. Brent Wilkinson
Bethany H. Willard
Renae Willes
David M. Williams
Edna C. Williams
Gary C. Williams
Dr. James H. Williams
Lori Williams
Lori S. Williams
Mary W. Williams
Virginia G. Williams
Virginia Holly Williams
William A. Williams
Bobbie A. Williamson
Brian R. Williamson
Diana F. Willson
Carol M. Wilson
F. Douglas Wilson
James W. Wilson
John H. Wilson, D.D.S.
R e p o r t
Kathy R. Wilson
Winifred M. Wilson
Nicki Winch
Colleen Winkler
Janet Winn-Tolman
Suzanne Winters
Lloyd Winward, C.P.A.
Elisa R. Wirthlin
Joseph B. Wirthlin
B. Jackson Wixom, Jr.
Barbara Wohlitz
Nancy Kay Wolf
Michael John Wolfe
Susan Sarah Wolfe
Peter M. Wolff
Barbara E. Wolther
Kenneth Hon Hing Wong
Kathryn P. Wood
Rex W. Wood
Steven D. Woodland
Eric Woodley
Sherrie Woodmancy
Harold Woolley
Kenneth E. Wooten, Jr.
Janice Worthen
William Wouden
David H. Wray, M.D.
Allan Wright
Judith A. Wright
Kathleen Wright
Michael D. Wright
Lily H. L. Wu, Ph.D.
Steven Winder Wynn, M.D.
Gabrielle Yablonsky
Ruth O. Yancey
Frank G. Yanowitz, M.D.
Shirley Yardley
David H. Yarn, Jr.
Dan R. Yeager
Alice M. Yeates
Dr. Valerie Jean Yontz
Kathy Yoshida
JoAnn C. Yost
Janet Youd
Elizabeth W. Young
Stuart P. Young
Ronald J. Younger
Christine Yowell
Chang Hung Yu
Lucille Zaelit
Mohammad Zakhireh, M.D.
Jerry Zambrano
Linda Zimmerman
Honorable Michael D.
Alexander Zorin
William E. Zwick
5th West Self Storage, LLC
A & A Investments
A & B Associates, Inc.
A. F. Feeders
Action Motor Sports, Inc.
Advance Cooling Towers
AIM Administration, Inc.
Alan Astle, Inc.
Alliant Techsystems
Community Investment
AMSCO Windows
Apex Media Group
Archer Corporation
Arrowstreet, Inc.
Associated Barricade
AT&T Foundation
ATK Aerospace Company, Inc.
B. W. Trucking
Bank of Commerce
Bank One
Beaverton Dental Center
Becker Media, Inc.
Bell and Company, PA
BelleArbor, LP
Bemsco, Inc.
Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.
Beta Gamma Chapter
of Delta Gamma Fraternity
Beta Nu Chapter
Alpha Chi Omega
BFC Industrial Services
Blue Willimas, LLP
Bob Beeman Drilling Company
Bountiful Ear, Nose &
Throat, Head & Neck, PC
Bowcutt’s Floral and Gift
Ruth E. Brasher Family Trust
Broadband Specialists, LLC
Broadway Group
Brooks Pace 1985
Revocable Trust
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Bulldog Specialties, Ltd.
Burbidge Concrete
Pumping, Inc.
Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco & Firearms
Burgon Family Trust
H & V Burnett Trust
C.D.C. Restoration
& Construction, LC
Canyon Rim Dental
Association, LC
Car Concepts, Inc.
Carpet One
Central Bonds & Insurance
Agency, Inc.
Champion Fabricating
and Supply Company
Chateau Masonry and
Construction, Inc.
Chiofaro Building
Services, Inc.
Chrysalis Company
Circ. Real Property Services
Robert K. and Shirley S.
Clawson Family Trust
CMC Business Systems
Columbia Basin Pediatric
Dentistry, PLLC
Community Bank and Trust
Computech Consulting, Inc.
Conesco Concrete Equipment
Corporate Aircraft, Inc.
Cramer Cramer & Adair, LLC
Crazy D Ranch
Crete Carrier Corporation
Croft-Beck Floors, Inc.
Cubellis Associates, Inc.
D. W. Orton Agency
Daughters of Penelope
David’s, Inc.
Daynes Music Rentals
Deer Creek Title
Insurance, Inc.
Dental Select
Charles M. DeNunzio
Department of Cardiology
District 28-U Lions
E & D Company, PLLC
F.A.T. Investments, Ltd.
Fairview Museum Corporation
Fidelity Investments
First American Title Company
of Nevada
Forest Creek
Construction, LLC
For-Shor Company
The Franchise Company, Inc.
Freight Tec Management
Group, Inc.
Fur Breeders Agricultural
Garant and Associates
Geneva Rock Products, Inc.
Godrey Bros. Farm, Inc.
Grand Chapter OES of Utah
Graybeal, Jackson, Haley, LLP
Gunnison Valley Hospital
Hale Centre Theatre
Hale Construction
Company, Inc.
The Hammill Family
Hansen, Bradshaw, Malmrose
& Erickson, PC
Harrington’s Organicare, Inc.
Hendricksen Painting, Inc.
Hermes Consolidated, Inc.
Hillam Dentistry
Hogle Zoo
Holland Equipment Company
Hurst & Associates
Insurance Agency
Hy Clone Employees
i4 Solutions, Inc.
Idaho Pain Center
& Anesthesia, PC
Interior Wall System, Inc.
Intermountain Power
J. C. Penney Company, Inc.
J. Lewis Research, Inc.
Jarman Associates
JBR Environmental
Consultants, Inc.
Jones & Frank
JTS Natural Products, Inc.
Keene Coatings Corporation
Kenge & Marye Okada
Support Foundation
Kingsbury Hall
L&M Consulting, LLC
L. W. Miller
Transportation, Inc.
Larsen & Malmquist
Layton Properties
Lehman Brothers, Inc.
Limbach Company, LLC
Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins
Louis A. Roser Company
LZVZ, Inc.
Marathon Ashland
Petroleum, LLC
Medical Review Institute
of America
Mettler-Toledo, Inc.
MGM Electric Company, Inc.
Michael’s Commercial
Restaurant Service, Inc.
Millcreek Beauty Salon
The Glenn C. Miller Family
Limited Partnership
Mollerup Glass Company
R e p o r t
Monticello Plumbing
and Heating
Morgan Drug & Gift, LLC
MTW Construction, Inc.
Multi Service, Inc.
MWH Constructors, Inc.
Nate Wade Subaru
Navajo Refining Company
Newcomers of the Greater
Ogden Area
Nievaard, Kofoed & Teran, PC
NOCO Energy Corporation
Novartis US Foundation
Olympus Doll Club
OPW Fuel Management
Parklane Retirement
PatLee Enterprises, Inc.
Paul Davis Restoration
of Maryland, Inc.
Paul Davis Restoration
of Omaha
Paul Davis Restoration
of Suburban Virginia
Paul Davis Systems of
Southern New Jersey, Inc.
Payton Construction
Peachtree Solutions, Inc.
Hotel Casinos
Permian Basin
Restaurants, Inc.
Petroleum Equipment
Physician Assistant Student
Pilot Travel Center, LLC
Piute County Friends
George E. Poulson Trust
Preceptor Epsilon Chapter
of Beta Sigma Phi
Printco, Inc.
DBA Swenson Printing
Producers Livestock Market
The Pub’s Desert Edge Brewery
R. Ray Ward Construction
Resource Project Group, Inc.
Retail Investors of Texas, Ltd.
Rhino Rentals, Inc.
Richard D. Kimball
Company, Inc.
Robert J. Barton
Enterprises, Inc.
Rose Wood Dental, PC
Rose Park Lions Club
Royal View Homes
S&C Family Enterprises, LLC
Sabroso, Inc.
Saieh Revocable Trust
Salt Creek, Inc.
Sandcreek Middle School
Sara Lee Foods
Savage Industries
Schirf Construction Company
Sentinel Systems
Skyline Pharmacy, Inc.
Slusser Wholesale Company
Southwestern Obstetrics
and Gynecology
The Spa Club
Specialty Sand Company
The Sports Page
Stanley Consultants, Inc.
Statco Engineering
& Fabricators, Inc.
Sunset Jr. High School
Swift & Company
Thompson Brooks, Inc.
Thorndall Backus Armstrong
& Balkenbush
John R. Thunell and Nedra L.
Thunell Family Trust
Trinity Financial
Advisors, LLC
Uintah Steel, Inc.
United Commnuications
Group, LP
United Way
of Allegheny County
U.S. Title of Utah
Utah Golf Association
Utah Mining, LLC
Utah Order of Women
Utah Retired School
Employees Association
Utah State University
Utah Trucking Association
V & S Plumbing
VAMCU Federal Credit Union
W Communications
Wackerli Auto Center
Wells Fargo Auto Finance
Wasatch Towing
Weeks & Nemec, PLLC
Kenneth R. Wells Family Trust
Wells Fargo Foundation
West States Tire & Axle, Inc.
Western Precision
Winmark, Inc.
Wyoming Highway Patrol
Those in whose memory gifts
were made from July 1, 2002,
through June 30, 2003.
Dinny Abaunza
Ruth B. Acord
Jeral Adair
Earla Deane Adams
Kelly Ray Adams
Marilyn Joyce Adams
Ronald L. Adkins
Rene Aguilera
Sylvia Ahlberg
Roy W. Aitchison
Emma and Isaac Alcazar
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Dr. Michael Alexander
Jessica Allan
Glen Allen
Kathy Allen
Jane E. Allgood
Glen Allman
Christopher E. Alstead
Tony Amato
Coralee Ames
Jeanne Ames
Hortensia Ampuero
Echomae Anderson
Faure Anderson
Glen Anderson
Harold E. Anderson
Marian C. Anderson
Robert A. Anderson
W. Joe Anderson
Gust J. Anton
Helen Anton
Willaim Applegate, Sr.
David M. Arave
Lauana B. Arendtsen
Eva Argyle
Cecil R. Arthur
JoAnne Asay
Todd Asher
Shirlee W. Ashworth
Thomas Astorga
Roy W. Atchison
Max A. Atkinson
David G. Atwood
Nancy Auger and John Vincent
Aunt Evelyn
Kim D. Avery
Mickey Bahro
Grandma Peggy Bailey
Vernalu Bailey
Janie Whitaker Bair
Norma Jean Baird
Theron Baird
Noble Bairrington
Harry C. Bale
Charles E. Ball
Peter G. Ballerini
Hon. George E. Ballif
Ray Ballmer
Alvin Barber
Vernelda Barber
Commander James Edward
Louis Bardsley
Betty Jean Barker
Bill Barkley
Maybeth Price Barlow
Ellen Barnes
Shelley Anne Barnes
Calvin Barnett
Kendall and Ona Barnett
Margie N. Barnett
Mazie Anderson Barnett
Loretta Barney
Bonnie Barr
Al Barrutia
Gene Bartalotti
Phyllis Barth
Blain Barthlome
Rula Bartholomew
Paul E. Bartschi, M.D.
Evan Bateman
Jeffrey Lynn Bates
Joyce Bates
Evelyn Bateson
Tom Baty
Andi Bauer
Dorothy Baumhoff
Keith Bawdon
Debra Bean
Carrie Lynn Beaty
Jerry R. Bell
Taylor R. Bell
Mandy Murray Bellessa
James “Bubba” Belnap
Jean S. Bench
Frans Berghoff
Lillian L. Berkbeck
James Berling
Elliot Bernstein
Herman Bernstein
Dell Berrett
Roberta R. Berrey
Sandy Berry
Patricia Betts
Rudy Bilanzich
Bill Billows
DeLoyal W. Bills
James J. Biondo
Kelly Biorge
Marjorie Birnie
Charles S. Bishop
Dr. F. Marian Bishop
Barbara Bissegger
Dr. Grant B. Bitter
Helen Bjodstrup
Beverly J. Black
Kaylene Black
Paula O. Black
Sally N. Black
LaMont Blackhurst
Boyd A. Blackner
Robert J. Blair, Sr.
Denise J. Blanchard
Marcus Blodgett
Richard W. Blomquist
Brad Bobb
Wanda Bollschweiler
Mary Bolstad
Leo Bons
Frieda Boskovich
Derek Agee Boston
William W. Bowerbank
Jeff Bowers
Marie Bowers
Violet Pearl Bowman
Pauline Sorensen Boyer
Alice A. Boyette
R e p o r t
Marie and Hugh Boylan
John W. and Kathryn Bradford
Brittany Brady
Gene Brandise
Ada Bridge
James Briggs
Shelly Sandberg Briggs
Dorothy Crofts Britsch
Rita Britton
Susan June Moss Broadbent
Kristin Broadwater
Jack Brooks
Brad Brown
Burnice Pulli Brown
Ellis A. Brown
John Val Browning
William H. Brudrer
Lee Alan Brunner
Marc Banhart Brunner
James Bryan
Elma Bryant
Hayden Buford
Margaret Bukoskey
Tad Bullen
Virginia Parkinson Bullen
Whitney Bunderson
Phyllis A. Bundy
Mr. and Mrs. Al Buranek
Marlene Clawson Burnett
Lee Skinner Burnham
Wayne Burningham
James E. Burns
Michael R. Burt
Elizabeth Burton
Mildred Jones Burton
Rachel Burton
Mary Ann Busch
Daniel S. Bushnell
Joseph L. Butler
Mrs. Ron Butler
Acey Bybee
Donald Bybee
Roger Byrd
Reynolds F. “Bill”
Cahoon, M.D.
Jessica Ann Calkins
Jay Call
Mary Lee Cameron
Clyde J. Campbell
Lois Campbell
Lyle K. Campbell
Samuel Wayne Campbell
Vere X. Campbell
Theresa Gilbery Candell
Bobby Cane
Dixie Lynne Mckean Cannon
Richard G. Cannon
Wilford Dean Canter
Carolyn Cantonwine
Terry Lee Cantrell
John Caohman
Halvar Carlson
Helen Carlson
Shaun Martin Carlson
Donald C. Carson
Richard Carson
Michael K. Carter
Bill Carver and Palmer
and Gertrude Tonseth
Aaron Casari
Donn E. Cassity
Stella Castillo
Jeff Castleton
James Franklin Casto
Teresa D. Caudell
Cathy Cauger
Dorthy Z. Cayias
Delbert Chadwick
Donald W. Challis, M.D.
Julie M. Chan
Phyllis M. O. Chandler
Gary C. Chapman
Clyde L. Cheney
Mary Chiarelli
Ramon Day Chick
Jo Child
The Children
Mother Mala Chomas
Bessie Christensen
Clara Dean Christensen
Daryl S. Christensen
Doris Megginson Christensen
Gerald R. Christensen
Kent Christensen
M. Elmer Christensen
Maza Christensen
Nonna Christensen
John Reed Christian
Rolf Christiansen
Anna Marie Cicalese
Charles Ciciliano
Carl D. Clark, D.D.S.
Gary W. Clark
Mick Clark
Sterling Shaw Clark
Wayne and Verdena Clark
Dr. Kevin Clawson
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Bob Clayton
Bonnie Clayton
Madeline M. Clayton
Nick “Cub” Clay
Alma May Clement
Richard L. Clise
Richard K. Cluphf
Jack Coddington
Frances Cohn
Patricia Truxler Coleman, Ph.D.
Shirley L. Collins
Karma Colovich and
Donald W. Colovich
Kathleen Colucci, R.N.
Julia Hall Combe
Linda Lee Compton
Elaine A. Connor
Mildred Connor
Bertha P. Cononelos
Leta Coody
David Gene Cook
Wanda Cook
Shelley Marie Cooper
Venna J. Copping
Chris Costello
Laree A. Cottle
Orvil and Lucille Cowles
Christopher Cowley
Karl Cowley
Nevin Lee Crabb
Robert Craft
Charles Rod Cragun
Bobby Crane
John LeRoy Crane
Mary Alice Peterson Crane
Arthur Crervantez
William Criddle
Mary Jane Shaw Croft
Joni Crossland
Carol Ann Crossley
Randy Dale Cruse
Hugh Crymble
Dalene Cummings
William R. Cunningham
Keene H. Curtis
Marco Cushing
George H. Dalley
Don Dalton
Robert O. Dalton
Sharon Dalton
Kenneth Davidson
Charles C. and Laura S. Davis
Kumen B. Davis
Ray Jay Davis
Mary J. Davison
Echo Dawson
Alma Day
Robert Dean
Richard T. Deines
Carol Demange
Benno D. Deters
Bessie Di Salvo
Walter Dickamore
Geraldine Watts Dickerson
John Lee Diston
Sister Pam Dominguez
Mary Donley
Jerry Dorsel
Vernon Downey
Delos F. Doyle, M.D.
Velma Doyle
David Draney
Susan Driver
Anita Domagala Duda
Christopher DuFrane
Ethan M. Duke
E. R. Dumke, M.D.
Dr. William H. Dunbar IV
Verd Duncan
Carol A. Dunlap
Michael James Dunn
Donna Rae Durrant
Sherry Beth Dymock
Leslie Eaby
Christine Wilde Eagar
Mary Kathy Earl
Milton East
The Rev. Wade Eaton
Thomas G. Eckert
Irmlinde L. Eddington
Wordsworth Edler
Marie Egbert
Margaret Eingal
Halvor M. Ekeren
Christine Jean Ekladios
Leland Eldridge
Elaine D. Elison
Alice Elliott
Karren Elliott
Larry F. Elsner
Sandra Ann Hacking Ely
Martinus Elzinga
Lee Ence
Norma Engen
Linda Gay England
Rodney D. England
Rose Epifanio
William Joseph Erdmann
Winona Greaves Erickson
Dorothy Ernst
Adrienne Eskelson
Mary Helen Estrada
Juanita Evans
Robabeh Evyanganji
Melic K. Fadel
Lillian Fagnant
Eleanor Fahnestock
Debbie Fair
Pearl Farnsworth
Miriam Farver
Bryan Larsen Faux
Ross S. Fazzio
R e p o r t
Gerald Feals
Kevin Romney Featherstone
Hubert J. Feeney
Elzada Fenn
Warren A. Fenn
Jason Fenton
Jane Fibrantz
Joan Fields
Myron Finkelstein
Gerald Fisher
Joseph Fisher
Lurlien M. Florence
Lori Folkersen
Samantha Ford
Vance Forsgren
Leaton and Fern Foster
and Joh
Marvin Fouts
Dr. Jeffrey L. Fox
Art Frame
Henry Frampton
Joyce Francom
Dr. Thomas S. Frank
Lucy Franke
Robert Frederiksen
May Lou Rettke Fredrick
Arvid Fredrickson
Pat Fredrickson
Rose Marie P. Fredrickson
Billie K. Freeman
Shelly Frey
Stuart James Fricke
Bonnie J. Fronce
Mrs. Norm Frost
Sharon Fuhr
Dorothy Ann Gabardi
Jerry L. Gacnik
Ben P. Gallatin
Mario Garcia and
Agustin Pedroza
Phillipe Chacon Garcia
Ted Gardner
LaRae Garfield
Ruth Brady Garlick
Bonnie Lefler Garn
Frankie Jo H. Garn
Elden S. Garner
Marlene Garnham
John Garreiger
John A. Garrigues, Sr.
Dorothy Gayner
Richard Gebbany
Herbert Fred Gee
Audrey P. Geerlings
David L. Gentle
Mary Georgelas
Chris Georgelos
Carol Gerard
Buzz and Irene Germer
Arlene Gibbons
Patti Ann Gibson
Richard C. Gibson
Hilmer Alfred Gilbert
Charlotte Adams Gilchrist
Sharlet Gilchrist
Jolene Giles
G. Lincoln Gillespie
Harry Gillette
Allie S. Gitlin
Martin C. Gleich, M.D.
Deborah Gobelman
Lijntje “Lena” Goble
Jeannie King Goddard
Bonnie Lee Goins
Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Gonzales
Jack Goodman
Richard and David Goodman
Harold J. Goodro
H. J. Goodwin
Mary Lue Gordon
Chuck Graham
Richard Allen Graham
John William Gramer
My Beloved Grandmother
Ralph Grantham
Steven D. Gray, M.D.
Colleen Green
Louise Green
Val A. Green
Arthur Greenan
Arlene Greene
Jill Greenwood
Theresa Ann Gregersen
Patricia B. Grey
Lucille Griffiths
Colleen S. Groesbeck
Roy Groesbeck
George Gross
Grant Gullberg
Spencer Gunn
Jay Gustin
Ellen Adams Guymon
Douglas and Eryn Hadley
McVoy Hafen
Phyllis Hagedone
Helen P. Hagen
Stacey Hale Haglund
Robert V. Hall, Sr.
Sister Hallmark
Fay Jean Hamblin
John Richard Hamblin
David Hambrick
William Maurice Hamilton
Catharina Hammar
Margret Chalmers Hammond
Bertie Lou Hamp-Ray
Dick Hampton
Christopher Hancuff
Daniel Hanrahan
Kate Hansen
Lloyd and Mary Hansen
Roland I. Hansen
Shirley Hansen
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
W. E. Hansen
Roger K. Hanson
Tonya Kaye Hansonl
Edith Harker
Rae Harker
Eric Harmon
Jane Harmon
Linda Harrington
Malcolm J. Harris
Melanie Harris
Verl Harris
Whitney Thygerson Harris
Nancy Harrison
Elaine Hart
John Hart
Alita Hartert
Rita Hartigan
Brandy Harward
Helen Harwood
Marilyn Haslam
Jonathan Hatch
Mabel S. Hatch
Frae Ellery Hay
Connie Arave Haycock
Kelly Hayes
Beverly M. Hayman
Amie Heaps
John Heer
Jimmy Hefferon
Betty Heidrich
Mary Heikes
Loraine Heiliger
Rose Heimberg
Herbert Frank Heinhold
Ada Rose Helmberg
Paul Henderson
Margarete Henkel
Ronald Henningson
Lorenzo Herget
Carlos Hernandez
Paul Herrick
Barbara C. Hewlett
Mary Higgs
Nancy Highland
Sissy Hildy
John C. Hill
Robert Hill
Pauline B. Hills
Neil Hinckley
Bob Hinshaw
Arlene Hirst
Mike Hobbs
Judy Hocking
Charlette Antrei Hoe
Robert “Bob” Hogan
Jane Hollingsworth
Ella Mae Holmes
Chris Holt
Loa June Holt
Mrs. Marion C. Hon
Alice Hoopes
Blaine Warren Hopkins
Gordon Hopkins
Kaori I. Howell
Rod Hoyt
Brian W. Hubbard
Margaret Huber
Kathryn L. Huddleston
Audrey Huether
Judy Snow Hughes
Ione Hull
George Hulme
John M. Hummell
Loretta Jean Humphrey
Annie Darlene Hunt
Jamie Hunt
Margie King and Earl Hunter
James Huntsman
Jeanette Hurd
Chuck Hutchens
Darla Hutchings
Elyse C. Hutton
Martha E. Cromartie Hutton
D. D. Hyer
Tim Hynes
David Ian
H. Dwain Ingram
Elizabeth Iorg
Orice Irish
Doris Isenhour
Howard L. Isgrigg
Mahmoud Ismail
Kathi Israelsen
Cathie Roberts Israelson
Anna B. Iverson
James W. Iverson
Shirlee Phillips Ives
Mary E. Crosby Jacks
Bernice Dorrity Jacobson
Patsy E. Jacobson
Rich James
Theresa Lenore Jaynes
George P. Jelaco
Richard Jellinich
Beverly Jensen
Imo Eudora Jensen
Lloyd Jensen
Marion Devane Jensen
J. J. Jeremy
Becky Ann Johnson
Blaine A. Johnson
Eric Allen Johnson
Erma D. Johnson
Floyd H. Johnson
Gary H. Johnson, M.D.
Greg Johnson
Isabella Johnson
Jay Johnson
Lawrence and Dawn Johnson
Mary Black Johnson, Ph.D.
Mary Jane Johnson
Mary Lorraine Johnson
Sylvia J. Johnson
R e p o r t
Virginia H. Johnstone
Evan Jonas
Blaine Jones
Dr. C. E. Jones
Carter E. Jones
Deanna Bernice Jones
Dustin Blaine Jones
Glenn F. Jones
Helen C. M. Jones
Susan Cooper Jones
Jolynn Jordan
Angelica Jorgensen
Robert Knowles Judd
Inge Juengling
Veona Kaehler
Marjorie Kangas
Marcella Kantaiz
Inga-Lill Karlson
Raeola Katsanevas
Pat Kay
Carma Rae Kearl
Marvin J. Keller
Mary Jean Kelly
Thomas S. Kelly
Pauline Kennel
Debbie Kenney and
Ria Lammers
Robert D. Kent, Jr.
Maddy Keogh
Alice Kerr
Ed and Helen Kerr
Keith Kerr
Ellen Kesler
Bill Ketchum
Earl Kevitch
Robert P. Kewley
Kobra S. Khial
Evelyn R. Kibbe
Kimberly Kiev
Kelly Anne Kilgore
Karl Samuel King
Warren King
Gloria Kinney
Carman E. Kipp
Berger Kleven
Maria Klieros
Frank Page Knell
Keith L. Knight
Henry Koch, Sr.
Gary Kolman
Barbara Kowall
Helen Koznek
Robert V. Kundsen
Raymond Kupfer
Lori Renee Kurtz
Gerda Kyle
Raymond C. Labrecque
Floyd Labrum
Miriam Labrum
Joan Laird
Grandma LaJune
Elwood Lambert
Jerome Joseph Landa
Donna Langlois
Matthew Roy Larrabee
David Vaughn Larsen
George N. Larsen
Gwen Larsen
Marian E. Larsen
Sandra Larsen
Teresa M. Larsen
Wayne M. Larsen, M.D.
Devin Larson
Eric Robert Larson
Heidi Larson
Leo Larson
Ray Larson
Tracey Lassetter
Darrell B. Laughter
Lauren and Lexi
Jackson Keith Leavitt
Ronald L. Leavitt
Hank Leder
Elaine Gibson LeDu
Franklin Lee
John and Cathy Lee
Priscilla G. Lee
Robert R. Lee
Doris LeFevor
George Louis “Lou” Leger
Stewart Lemmon
Bevan Welch Leonard
Christine Lepore
Lucille Levesque
Irene Oma Leydsman
Charles Liddil
Henry J. Likwartz
Harriet Lind
Dean Lingwall
Terren James Livingston
Sherman P. Lloyd
Sister Lomax
Bryan M. Long
Joe Lookingbill
Robert D. Losee
Marjorie Penney Losse
Clarence Lowe
Pauline Lucas
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Richard A. Luker
Alfred Lloyd Lund
Tanner Lund
Earl Lundquist
Erma Call Lunt
Evelyn Moulton MacDougall
John M. Macfarlane III
Susan Madsen
Marjorie Magill
Rudy Maglin
My Mother, Araxie Malajain
Vilma Adler Man
John Manning
Marcia, Helen and Sue
Alice Marshall
Eldon Marshall
William T. Marshall
Ted Marsing
Luann Martin
Bernie Martinez
Rolayne Martinez
Jennie Matekovic
Roman F. Matelski
Harold Matsuda
June Maughan
Gwen Maxedon
Beverly May
Herbert and Constance Mayer
Sarah M. Nye Mayes
Janice McBride
Mary McCabe
Glenna McConkey
Frank P. McCord
Walter McCormick
Knox McDaniel
Esther McDonald
Evelyn Moulton McDougal
Ann Flaherty McDowell
Jean McGean
Dorothy McGinnis
Myrtle McGrath
Phil McGrath
Ty Stephen McKaig
Donna Lynn McKendrick
Eric Lee McKinney
Joy McKinstry
Keith McLaren
LaVar McMillan
L. A. and Ione McNeil
Glenn McNeill
Jill Sweat Meacham
Shandi Meadows
John F. Measom
Marianne Medina
Don J. Melville
Daron Lance Memmott
James Mendenhall
Jed Menlove
Nancy Merrill and Tom Carter
Robert D. Merrill
Vada Merrill
Paul Meyrick
John Michelangelo
Wayne Middlebrooks
Robert Mieremet
Mike and Dad E B A
Becky Jo Mildon
Henry Miles
Helene Mileski
Becka Miller
Don and Walda Miller
Erin Miller
Frank Miller
Mardee Hart Miller
Michael T. Miller
Walda Miller
Helen Zanders Milne
L. W. Miltenberger, D.D.S.
Dixie Mitchell
Susan Mitchell
G. A. Monnet, M.D.
Calvin Montague
Randy Montgomery
Charles W. Mooney, Jr.
Albert Moore
Mary Moran
Leno Morandi
Daisy R. Morgan
Eugene W. Morris
Ramona Morris
Russell H. Morris
Sanford P. Morris
Lynda Morrison
Mary Jean Morrison
Ralph W. Morrison
B. S. Morse
Eldred L. Mortensen
Lisa Mortensen
Neal J. Mortensen
Marvin F. Moss
Ryan Moss
Mother, Marilyn
Clarence Ray and
Geneva May Mott
Dale K. Mousley
Charles Richard Mower
Karen Joy Cunningham Mower
Don H. Moyes
Mark N. Mueller, M.D.
Clifford Spence Munns
James Neil Murdock
Elton L. Murray
Robert R. Murray
Kenneth Ryan Myers
Cortney Naisbett
Francis Naisbitt
Rocco J. Navarro
Parley Neeley
Beverly Nefzger
Lynn B. Neil
Ida Neilson
William Neilson
R e p o r t
Anita Nelson
Ellis Deloy Nelson
Irlane Nelson
Kellie Nelson
Shirley L. Nelson
V. Irlane Nelson
Walter J. Nelson
James L. Neville
Lyle Newman
Wayne R. Newton
Steven J. Nichols
Afton Niederhauser
Edna Nielsen
Nadeane Nielsen
Ann Nigbur
Harry Nighswonger
Fay Rodney Nilsson
Larry Noland
Gordon Noren
Deborah Lynn North
NYFD victims of 9-11
Albert and Katherine Nystrom
Hildegard O’Connor
Elizabeth H. O’Grady
Jack Okland, Jr.
Gwen Oliphint
Col. Robert J. Oliva
John Oliver
Pat Oliver
Carolyn Olsen
Mary Olsen
Seldon J. Olsen
Glenn H. Olson
Sara Ruth Kelsey Olson
Dr. John S. Omer
Steven Omer
Juelee Lambourne Orton
Kenneth Osborne
Gary Osterman
LaDean L. Otterstrom
Kavie Thorpe Miriam Owens
Wayne Owens
Virginia Mae Oyler
Marjorie R. Pace
The Palestinian Children
Merlin C. Palmer
Paul Palur
W. Dean Panter
Eugene Paul Paoli
Marilyn Berman Park
Robin Parkinson
Herbert O. and Wilma J. Parks
Norvell D. Parks
J. Morris Parrish
Adrienne Patero
Eric C. Patten
Cathyrn T. Patterson
Gary L. Paxton
Jesse Pedersen
Ione Pembroke
Lloyd I. Pennock
George A. Peppinger
Terri Ann Perine
Austen J. Petersen
Lavada W. Petersen
Margo J. Petersen
Bret Jon Peterson
C. G. Peterson
Ginger Peterson
J. M. and Gladys Peterson
Kate M. Peterson
Lynda Rae Peterson
Terry Peterson
Virginia P. Peterson
George P. Petrlich
Berniece B. Pickett
Mattie Pieczulewski
Norma Redd Pierce
Velda Pierson
Lonnie Pingel
Sylvester Pirrone
Barbara R. Pixton
Richard Pizza
Sarah Louise Platt
Gordon D. Pocock
Mary Pocock
Clyde Skip” Ponder
Helen J. Poucher
Gayle Poulsen
George W. Poulsen, Jr.
Faye Miller Preece
Lajune Prestwich
Sandra Jane Price
Donald H. Prince
Howard J. Pryor
Norma Hulme Pugmire
Faye I. Purdy
Gordon R. Putnam, D.V.M.
John A. Raccasi
Harvey Radford
Joan D. Rains
Mary H. Randall
Thomas William Rasmussen
Wayne Rasmussen
Grandaddy Ray
Grandpa Elwyn Read
David and Ruth “Pat” Reddick
Nezzie Redler
James E. Reed, Sr.
Thomas H. Reece
Lynn Barrett Reeder
Hal Rees
Joyce Reese
Otis Reese
Paul Regan
Vivian Reynolds
E. B. Rhea
Elena Marie Rice
Colin Richards
Alene Richardson
Joyce Richardson
Clifton W. Richens
Eleanore B. Richert
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Marilyn Richies
Mary B. Ridges
Martha J. Rieser
Gerald M. Riga
Norm Rigg’s wife
Werner J. and
Itha M. Ripplinger
Blaine Hilton Roberts
Harold “Rob” Roberts, Jr.
Mark Howard Roberts
Irene C. Robins
Flo Robinson
Helen Robinson
Janora O. Robinson
Thayne Robson
George and Robert Roebuck
Jamie Stalder Rogers
Nina Marshall Rogers
Velein Rogers
Beck Rooks
John Rosa
Sherry Rosenheck
Erick E. Rosik
Elder Ross
John Henry Ross
Harry Rothschild
La Raine Rothy
Julean Rovig
Regina Ruddock
Mary E. Rowe
Ralph E. Runolphson
Kathryn Belliston Russel
Julie Ruttenberg
Melba Johnson Sanders
Ross Sargent
Anjana Sarkar
Sheryl Satterfield
Grandpa Saunders
Robert Lyle Saunders
Gordon Saxton
John Schiefer
Bob Schmertz
John Schmidt
Beverly M. Schmuhl
Klem I. Schneider, M.D.
Tim Schreffier and
Eloy Montalvo
Dorothy Schroeter
Gayle M. Schubach
Yuki Schulze
Tyrrell R. Seager
Eva Seitz
Maria Semelka
Larry E. Shaughnessy
Jack Shea
Sandy Sheets
Nilene Afton Sheppick
Erwin James Sherman
Ritchie Sherwood
Lana Shields
Ellsworth and Marjorie Shiflett
Joe Shrieve
Jody and Duane Shrontz
Aksinia E. Shukina
John G. Shulz
Albert L. Siciliano
Robert Keith Siddoway
Mary W. Sigler
Sue Simin
Robert B. Simmons
Alexis Simon
Dr. James Simper
Charlene L. Simpson
Boyd H. Sims
Alice M. Sisco
Anna K. Skedros
Anthony Gregory
Skedros, M.D.
Thayne L. Skeen
Don Skinner
Leonore Skuck
Erma C. Slade
Dan Slaughter
Dr. William Slawson
Harold S. Smedley
Muriel Beth Smedley
Catherine Smith
John W. Smith and
Marion P. Smith
Kasey T. Smith
Katheryn R. Smith
Lucille Smith
Marion Smith
Mark Smith and Jerry Goforth
Maxine Smith
Nancy Smith
Paul W. Smith
Robert Dean Smith
Sharon Elaine Smith
Willard L. Smith
Laird Snelgrove
Alton L. Snow
Mary O. Snyder
James E. Solecki
Garrett Somson
Norman Sonne
J. Keith Sorensen
Fern (Chris) Sorenson
Beverly B. Southwick
Julie Ann Soutter
Kenneth H. Sowards
Larry and Arnold Sowards
Mardeen Sparrow
Belle S. Spafford
DelRae Spencer
Harold Maxfield Spencer
Maryann Sperry
Gustay Spiess
Norma Young Bennion Stack
Josephine Staley
Marian Staley
Milt Stamoulis
Paul O. Stanley
Sharon Jensen Stark
Leann Taylor States
R e p o r t
Tadeusz Stazynski
Stephanie Rae Steed
Wesley Steinburg
John Steiniger
Lucille S. Stell
Debbie Lynn Stephenson
Julie A. Stevens
Dorothy Stevenson
Helen Thackeray Stevenson
Arla Stewart
Joel Benjamin Stewart
Phillip B. Stewart
S. Paul Stewart
Jan Stirland
Barbara Stone
Randy Storey
Herman Stover
Neil Streckenfinger
Homer and Phoebe Stringham
Stephen Bryant Stringham
Jim Suchala
LaRue Sudbury
Dortha Sudweeks
Rose Mary Sullivan
Donald F. Summers
Rick Summers
Sandra K. Summers
Roger Sunada
Margaret G. Sundberg
Harry R. Sutton
Meg Sutton
Dr. Robert M. Sutton
R. Jordan Swain
William Swenson
Marjorie Ricks Swindler
Wilma Sylvester
Paul Symkoviak
Shirley B. Tannenbaum
Harold “Hal” Robert Tate
Amy Irene Tavey
Edna Taylor
Kellie Gottfredson Taylor
Marcus Taylor
Marion Taylor
Wanda Fern Taylor
Lucille G. H. Terry
Prosper A. Tesson
Gay Krans Thaxton
Arne H. Thelin
Dennis Thiessens
Joanne Thole
Dale LeRoy Thomas
David J. Thomas
Nancy Thomas
Robert Thomas
Vern R. Thomas
Carol Anne Thomas-Pippin
Betty C. Thomassen
Ann Thompson
Dr. Elbert O. Thompson
Jack Thompson
Viola Thompson
Jay Paul Thomson
Harry Thorpe
Nadine Thorpe
Arthur L. Thurston
John E. Tibolla
Thea Tidyman
Richard Timperley
Jill Timpson
Derrell M. Tingey
Dr. Ralph Tingey
Josephine Tolich
David Tonks
Earl Topham
Norman L. Torsak
Wilbur Toups
William D. Townson
Doris Tribe
Harold D. Trimble
Vianey Alexandra Troconiz
Mark Lawrence Trotter
Clegra and Marcus Trujillo
Dewey Trussell
Theo Tsagaris
Bessie Tsalikis
Mitzie N. Tsuyuki
Alene Tucker
Roger C. Tullis
Michelle Ana Turner
Martha Turpin
Asao Tuskamoto
Uncle Bob
Uncle Jerry
Uncle John
Susan Ure
Mary Opal Morris Urry
Kenny Urwin
Stephen B. Utley
Dwayne Van Duren
John Van Gorden
Art Van Wagonen
Doyle Van Wagoner
Dr. Gerard F. Vanderhooft
Wayne Vandersteen
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Mathew VanHorn
Florence VenLeeuwen
Melissa D. Vickery
Victims of September 11, 2001
Gail Vincent
Keith Vincent
Susan Nelson Vincent
Mary Vlasic
Glen Voshall
Norma Waddingham
Edna W. Wade
Evelyn C. Wagstaff
Jim Wait
Nicole Waite
Ophelia Lee Walden
Margene Walk
Joe Mitchell Walker
John Walker
Mitch Walker
Henry and Irene Wallace
Emma Warner
Hazel C. Warner
Jenafer Warnken
John Wasescha
Cherie Mae Wathen
Mary Ann Watson
Mary K. Watson
James Weathers
Carole Weaver
Clyde Weaver
Dr. Dean Weaver
Grace Weaver
Harmond Weber
Ray Weeks
Tressie Wells
Wymond B. Wells
Frieda Forcier Welsh
Brian West
Jean P. Westover
Kim B. Wheelwright
Evelyn White
Mindy White
Rena B. White
Frank M. Whitney
June C. H. Whittaker
Karma K. Whyte
Charles E. Widdows
Colleen Wiggill
Ross Wilhelmsen
Colleen Wilkes
Lindsay Wilkinson
Dick E. Willden
Abrianna Williams
Don Williams
Dona M. Williams
James T. Williams
John J. Williams
Richard Williams
Darrell Williamson
CeCelia Condie Wilson
Craig Wilson
George A. Wilson, Jr.
Laura Wilson
Stephanie Nicole Wilson
Virginia F. Wilson
Katherine Hawkins Wilt
Shirley Winberg
Stacy Winsberg
Dean Wintch
Velma Winters
Maxwell M. Wintrobe, M.D.
Helen Wiscomb
Abbey Woffinden
Hans Wohler
Glen Wolcott
Mary Jo Wolters
Darlene Wood
Donna B. Woodbury
LeGrand Woolley, M.D.
Lillian Woolsey
Leo A. Worster
Philip Wrathall
Dick Wright
Stacie Joy Wright
Douglas M. Wyatt
Charlotte Wyszkowski
Sally Yamasaki
Joey Yates
Matthew Yeaman
Bonnie Kay York
Harold Reid Young
Judy Young
Paul Gould Young
Richard L. Young
Victoria Jo Zacherson
Carma Marklin Zito
Those in whose honor gifts
were made from July 1, 2002,
through June 30, 2003.
4 North Staff
Martha and Leo Adashi
Ronald Adkins
Saraca Adkoli
Anita and Sylvan Alcabes
Meg and Sandra Alexander
All Cancer Patients
All Military Personnel
All of Our Babies and The
Little Warriors of NBICU
Kate and Meghan Allen
Alexis, Brenna, Nicholas
Norma Allred
An Old Friend
David Anderson, Sr.
Neal Anderson
Shirley Lauver Anderson
Nedra Arbon
Patricia Y. Arter
R e p o r t
Ron Ashby
Sandi Ashry
Amelia C. Askee
Aunt Jane
Sameer Badlani
Thomas Scott Baer
Barbara B. Baker
Angela Balfour
Jack and Jennifer Ballard
Tori Ballard
Lyndsee Bangert
James T. Barker
Kendall and Ona Barnett
Melanie Bastian
Jenea Bates
Ed Bellison and Donald Beal
Tommy Beckstead
Marine Behrmann
James Belnap
Jean S. Bench
Max C. Bennett
Barry A. Benowitz, M.D.
Dr. Ted Bernhisel
Dr. Paul Bernstein
Brad C. Betebenner
Dianne N. Binger
Josephine Bird
Barbara Bissegger
Jackie Bitner
Don and Jean Bradshaw
and Family
Dorothy Bratt
Linda Bray
Kara Breckwald
Donna Brett
Joanne Briscoe
Lorna Broderick
Bryce and Caitlin
Madeline Buelt
Virginia Byrne
Dr. Thomas H. Caine
Dixie Cannon
Marie Carey
Michael K. Carter
Stan Carter
Mark Catmull
Dr. Gary Chan
Dorothy Cheney
My Children
Our Children
John C. Christenson, M.D.
Parker Christiansen
Beverly and Harlow Clark
Clinic II
Helen L. Clise
Mary Coates
Bill and Mary Cockayne
Karma and Donald Colorich
Charles Connelley, Sr. and
Wayne Clifford
Marion Conta Family
Bertha Cotten
Allen W. Cowley, M.D.
Lena Crawford
Shirlee Ann Crawford
Richard Crebs
Mary Criddle
Gaye Crompton
Heather Croslan
Christina, Michael, Cameron
and Patrick Crowe
Gerald and Geraldine Cubbage
Kate Cubbage
Kenneth and Billie Cubbage
Kristi Dacus
Kenneth Dansie
Your Daughter
Dr. Merril Dayton
Tom Dennis
The Department of Neurology
Department of Radiation
John Dillon
Paul Dinsdale
Janet Dunford
John M. Dunn
Marshall James Dunn
James Dunstan
Jordan Dutchove
Ben, Andie, Kathy Dyer and
Matthew, Mari Miller
Dalene Ellfesen
Emergency Room/
Recovery Ward
Arlynne Engle
Eryn, Tyler and Spencer
Baird A. Evans
Juanita Evans
Laura Evans
My Family, Terance, Jenn, Mike
Dallin Farmer
Julia Farrar
Maureen Fedor
Eilene Finch
Diane Fisher
Flame and Go Firefighters
Cami Flygare
Linda Fort
Sam Fowler
Seth Fowler
McKenna Rae and
Brandon Fox
Lillian Frasier
Dan Fults, M.D.
Blaine and Carolyn Gardner
Val Gardner
Harriett Gesteland
Karen Giovale
Marlowe and Michele Goble
To the Glory of God
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
D o n o r
Chris Gonzales
Mary Gonzales
Myrna L. Goodfellow
Richard Graham
Dr. Green—Pediatrics
Brenda Griffin
Stephanie Griggs
Drs. George and Esther Gross
S. Victor Grow
Stuart Halden
D. Jeffery Haller
Tiffany Hampton
Jenna Hannon
Carrie Hansen
Cody Layne Hansen
Elaine Hart
Judy Harvell
Jonathan Hawkins
Lamar Hawkins
Norman Hayman
Lisa Hayward
HCI Leadership
Jo Lee Heaton
Betty Heidrich
Cory and Shana Hellman
Pamela Helsten
Elizabeth Hemingway
Ursula Hemmerich
T. Higgins, L. Johnson
Mary Higgs
John and Sally Higley
Lois Kutterer and Myrna Hill
Janice Hintze
Landon Hirschi
Aaron Hofmann, M.D.
James and Megan Holbrook
Matthew, Jaron and
Elisabeth Holloway
Ella Mae Holmes
Lulu Honeycutt
Cindy Hopkins
Dr. Dan Horowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Ching-Li Hsieh
Gloria Hughes
Dr. Dale Hull
Jon M. Huntsman, Sr.
Shirley Huntsman
Eldon G. Hurst
Intermountain Burn Trauma
Jarquis D. Jackson
Gloria Jeffereys
Jeremy, Alexis, Chase Jensen
Rick Lynn Jensen
Cicely Jette
Joshua Jick
Bryce and Caitlin Johnson
Mary Lorraine Johnson
T. Higgins and L. Johnson
Jonathan, Heather, Aaron,
Renae, Forrest, Chandler
Bonnie Jones
Charles H. Jones
Zack Jordan
Eloise Kavoukas
Lynda Kay
Pat Kay
Ito Kazu Family
Norlene Kelly
Eleanor Kennard
Sharon Kessel
Kidney Transplant Survivor
Stacie Kiev
Thelma Kolonerons
Vanessa I. Krebs
Victoria Kulm
Gerta Kyle
M. Eugene Lahey, M.D.
Larry and Carolyn Landward
VeNae Larson
Dixie Lawrence
Wally Lee
Beverly Lefavor
Douglas S. Leishman
Jerry O. D. Lemon
David Leslie
M. Shawn Lindow
John A. and Tita E. Lindquist
Eugene C. and A. Laurie Lloyd
Corinne Lougy
Michael Low
Matthew Luers
Tony Lunceford
Jana Lyn
J. Lynn Lyon, M.D.
Julian Maack
Megan Martinez
Kristen Mathis
Keith Mayberry
Harrison and McKinlee Mayer
Mary Lou McCaa
Sarah McClure
Parker McEwan
Roone McKaig
Gene and Ann McKeehan
LaRue Larsen McKenney
Linda McKeown
Scott and Cecilia Mckinlay
Robert P. Merz
Ellie Messina
Mark Mifflin, M.D.
Ruth Mitchell
Mom and Dad
Dee Anna Montgomery
Lisa Mortensen
Steve Mullin and The River
Melissa Mumme
Melvin Murphy
R e p o r t
Kevin Nechodom
Margaret M. Nelson
Wylie Jess Nelson
New York Firefighters
Steven Nielsen
Jane F. Norgren
Alice Olsen
Forrest and Ione Orr
Josue Ortega
Barbara Osborne
Glayd Thomas Owens
Eric Patten
Thelma Pavlisin
Marcia Peirsol
Dr. Chris Peters
Colleen Petersen
Megan Peterson
PM&I and MBM
Adam and Olivia Ponte
Post-surg personnel 6N
Denton, Shelby Poulton
Quintin, Chelsea, Jamie
Anita Quivell
John and Sharon Ragsdale
Chad, Laura Jensen and
Ernest Rainbolt
Richard F. Rasmussen
Rod Rasmussen
Dean Rawlinson
Gary Ray
Lynn Barrett Reeder
Dolores M. Ricci
Alex Ririe
Robert’s Cornea Donor
Bob Roberts
Kenneth Robins
Mike Robinson
Anthony Robles
Jennifer and
Christopher Robles
Daniel A. Rubendall
Francisco and Belia Ruiz
Brittany Ryerson
Ron Sajdak
Marcella Sanders
Robert C. Schultz
Jaquie Seal
Donald Seher
Service & care of Kent Wil
Dr. Howard T. Sharp
L. Keith Sheets
Geo and Atha Sherwood
Jeanne M. Shipley
Ray Shulstad
Robert Keith Siddoway
Dr. Gordon Smith
J. Alvin Smith
John W. and Marion P. Smith
Lee Smith
Shawn and Jeni Smith
Dr. C. Maggie Snyder
Son—Otto Weiters
Veloy Sorenson
Special Operations
Ward Stensrud
Melissa Stevens’ Graduation
Michael Stice
Myrna Stucki
Barry Stults, M.D.
Marjorie Ricks Swindler
Mike Tate
Allen Richard Taylor
Joy Taylor
Terry, Jr. and Elise
Their children
Dale LeRoy Thomas
David Thomas
Those in need
Jeff and Sheeva Thurman
John P. Tracy
Transport Team
Stuart Turkanis, Ph.D.
U of U Medical Center Staff
University Burn Center
University of Utah
Arden Vance
Justin Varrosky
Bernice Ann Vigil
Clifford and Emma Vincent
John H. Ward, M.D.
Jeff Warren
Van Watts
Nancy West
Lynn Wheeler
Edna Wilcock
Cordel Wilcox
Christy Willardson
Tony Williams
Glenn C. Wilson
Keith and Jerri Kay Wilson
Becky Wing
Jerry B. Winn
Abbey Lynn Woffinden
Stephen Lynn Wolff
Hamid and Mary Zakhireh
Jack Zambrano
Karen Zempolich, M.D.
Dr. John Zone
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
O r g a n i z a t i o n s
Ed Moreton, C H A I R
Merline Leaming, V I C E
Jess and Marilyn Peck
Darm and Bette Penney
Caroline Strom Allen
Beverly Porter
G. W. and Lee Anderson
Jane Porter
Ralph and Virginia Ashton
Betty Probst
Lee Auerbach
Mary Louise Rawlings
Bill and Shirley Bailey
Vin and Kay Rees
Joe and Gainor Bennett
Bob and Joyce Rice
Lael Bettilyon
Sam and Ruth Rich
John and Toni Bloomberg
Marjorie Riches-Gunn
Bill and Hazel Bowerbank
Bunny Rieser* and
Margot Shott
Al and Peg Bradbury
Rod and Mitzi Brady
Fern Briggs
Reed Brinton
Lorna Broadbent
Hughes* and Lee Brockbank
Wallace and Josephine Brooke
Barbara Burnett
Leola Burr
Tom and Mary Ellen Caine
Lou and Ellen Callister
Haydon and Jean Calvert
Bob Carter and Barbara Prince
Burt and
Sally Burbidge Cassity
Joann Cheney
Bill and Pat Child
Carmen Christensen
Mary Lee Christensen
Chris and Trudi Christiansen
Tom and Janice Dee
Jules and Margaret Dreyfous
Perry Driggs
Zeke and Kay Dumke
Spence and Cleone Eccles
Sid and Betsy Eliason
Richard and Violet Ence
Bill and Fern England
Joe and Raye Ringholz
Evelyn Rosenblatt
Barbara Samuels
Bert and Janet Schaap
Gene and June England
Esther Landa
Bill and Shirley Fagergren
Lennox Larson
Edith Fairclough
Janet Lawson
Richard and Carol Fay
Merline Leaming
John and Joan Firmage
Dixie and Anne Leavitt
Norma Forsey
Max Lewis
Alan and Beverly Frank
Allan and Kay Lipman
Jack Gallivan
James and Carol Macfarlane
Betty Garff
Don and Marjorie Mackey
Jake and Kathleen Garn
Grace Madsen
Clark and Nancy Giles
Bud and Barbara Mahas
John and Geraldine Goddard
Woody and Judy Marriott
Reece and Shirley Goodrich
Richard and Joanne McGillis
Bob and Joyce Graham
Cliff and Judith Miller
Dorothy Hall
Hal and Lois Milner
Joyce Harris
Bob and Jelean Montgomery
John* and June Hartman
John and Carole Moran
Cal and JeNeal Hatch
Ed and Barbara Moreton
John and Jean Henkels
Fred and Lucy Moreton
Jon and Karen Huntsman
Ted and Sheri Morgan
Ellis and Katie Ivory
Mitch and June Morris
Ted and Florence Jacobsen
Richard and Maria Obyn
Bob and Barbara Keener
Norm and Nancy Olsen
Arlene Knight
Geri Olson
George and Dixie Koroulis
Virgil and Jackie Parker
Paul and Sharee Kunz
Beth Parrish
Barnard and Cherry Silver
Roy and Tibby Simmons
Sam and Aline Skaggs
Barbara Slaymaker
Ruth Smart
Jim and Beverley Sorenson
Sam and Mary Souvall
Dick Stimson
Burton and Marilyn Stohl
Norm and Barbara Tanner
Alice Telford
Joan Terry
Dorothy Tesson
Ann Jarcho Thomas
Art and Haru Toimoto
Alida Tyler
Walker and Sue Wallace
Scott and Berniel Watkins
Lon Watson
Liz Wilder
Don and Joleen Willey
Ken and Mary Williams
Judy Wolfe
* deceased
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
O r g a n i z a t i o n s
Jeff Hornacek, C H A I R
Stacy Hornacek
Mary McCarthey, V I C E C H A I R
Tom McCarthey
Fred and Chris Fairclough
John III and Carol Firmage
Mark and Nancy Gleue
J. Floyd and Carol Hatch
Mark and Kathie Miller
C. Ross and Susan Anderson
John B. and Marilyn Alleman
John and Karen Anderson
Steve and Marcy Barlow
Scott and Patty Biederman
Roger and Sara Boyer
David and Sharmon Bradshaw
Steve and Joan Brinton
David and Linda Buchman
Eric and Kyo Christensen
Steve and Elaine Clyde
John Condas
Tracy and Erin Conti
Todd and Karin Cook
Vern and Rebecca Cooley
Dick and Susan Creager
Gary and Ann Crocker
Chuck and Katy Culp
Troy and Paula D’Ambrosio
David L. and
Karen M. Gardner Dee
Tim and Candace Dee
Stephen, Jr. and Marti Denkers
Marianne and
Damon Miller Dennison
Peggy Donica
Zeke III and Angela Dumke
Tim and Susan Dunn
Hope C. Eccles and
Randy Quarles
Katie Eccles and
David J. Burnett
Lisa Eccles
Nathan and Kara Felix
Doug and Ann Foxley
Mike and Jacque Frei
Mickey and Sharee Gallivan
Dan and Nancy Gibbs
Brad and Mary Ann Hatch
Jim and Jodee Hoellein
Dr. Aaron and Suzie Hofmann
Scott and Linda Howell
Tim and Patty Howells
Russell and Pam Johnson
Mike and Mary Jones
Gary and Jane Kennedy
Carma Kent
Greg Krueger
David and Julie Layton
Tom and Jamie Love
Bill and Nancee Madsen
Ed and Carole Madsen
Phil and Sandra McCarthey
Bruce and Jean McMullin
John and Anne Milliken
Doug and Vicki Mortensen
Kevin and Elaine Mortensen
Randy and Sandra Okland
Brad Olch
Dick and Sheila Ostler
Stan and Joyce Parrish
Kip and Terri Paul
Mori and Lisa Paulsen
Barbara Polich and Val Antczak
Steve and Andrea Poulton
Jay and Anita Rice
Scott and Leslie Rice
Joe and Ann Sasich
David E. and
Melinda Simmons
Eric and Karen Slaymaker
Scott and Shauna Slaymaker
James and Eve Smith
Sean and Janae Smith
Cliff, Jr. and Sharon Snyder
David and Susan Spafford
Dave and Susan Stayner
Dr. Jim and Ciska Stinson
Tom III and Kristin Stockham
Scott and Betsy Thornton
Blake and Carol Tillotson
Barbara Jane Watkins
Julie Webster
Brian Wilkinson and
Emilie Charles
Duff and Lori Ann Willey
Bill and Lisa Wirthlin
Don and Jill Wiscomb
Jeff Wright
Lindsay Cutshall
John Edwards
Lynn Fey, C H A I R
Jean Mueller, D I R E C T O R
Melanie Bastian
Ruth Bischoff
Ann Blackner
Timmy Burton
Robyn Carter
Nedra Chard
Barbara Clark
Linda Deakins
Dine Dellenback
Franci Eisenberg
Lynda Gamble
Kim Huish
Marian Ingham
Joan Jacobson
Pam Joklik
Terry Landa
Merline Leaming
Chris Lee
Marilyn Maher
Sidney Makoff
Judy Maryon
Nancy Melich
Marsha Midgley
Patty Miller
Ruth Novak
Marcia Olch
Nanette Pratt
Terry Rampton
Sue Razor
Zoe Richardson
Marilynn Roskelley
Janet Schaap
Maggie Siegel
Barbara Slaymaker
Carol Spurgeon
Alice Steiner
Susan Walker
Jean Watson
Lisa Wirthlin
Linda Wolcott
Barbara Zimonja
Barbara Dingman
Karen Freed
Linda Kruse
Kay Lipman
Claudia Luttrell
Paula Swaner-Sargetakis
Ann Betz
Chris Machen
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
O r g a n i z a t i o n s
Linda K. Amos, Ed.D.,
Ross Anderson
Patrice Arent
Jadie Barrie, R.N.
A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D.
David Bjorkman, M.D.
H. Roger Boyer
Afton Bradshaw
Phillip Clinger
Arnold Combe
Gordon Crabtree
Gary Crocker
James Floyd
Richard Fullmer
Michael Gallivan
Maureen Keefe, R.N.,
John Kesler
Neil Kochenour, M.D.
Rob Lloyd
Ray Lynch
Michael Magill, M.D.
Norma Matheson
Kristen Ries, M.D.
Debra Tanzi
Ross Van Vranken
Debra Tanzi, P R E S I D E N T
Jay K. Francis,
Gainor L. Bennett
Reed W. Brinton
Lee C. Brockbank
W. Hughes Brockbank*
Catherine R. Burton*
Kenneth B. Castleton, M.D.*
Edward W. Clyde*
Gary L. Crocker
Annette P. Cumming
Randy L. Dryer
E. R. Dumke, Jr.
Katherine W. Dumke
Carol M. Fay
Richard A. Fay
Grace Mary Gallivan*
John W. Gallivan
Hermes Associates
Leucadia, Inc.
Edwin L. Madsen*
Grace G. Madsen
Gordon M. Olch
Marcia Olch
D. B. Ozmun*
Parsons Behle and Latimer
in Memory of Governor
Scott M. Matheson
Lorin K. Pugh
Research Industries
Evelyn Rosenblatt
Joseph Rosenblatt*
James L. Sorensen
University Hospital Auxiliary
Nick S. Vidalakis, Ph.D.
Jerry G. McClain,
Clark E. Christian, C H A I R
Angela Atkin
Stephen W. Barlow
Tom Christensen
Cal Curtis
Laurie Hart
David Lauritzen
Steven R. McMurray
Penniann J. Schumann
R. James Steenblik
Dan Whittenburg
Terri Yeckley
John Edwards
Jeff Paoletti
Steve Warner
Timothy B. Anderson
J. Richard Baringer, M.D.
Lydia Barkley
Gainor L. Bennett
Thomas H. Caine, M.D.
Robert L. Dibblee
John H. Firmage III
Nancy L. Giles
Kay B. Greene
Ronald E. Henriksen
Victoria Pembroke Jackson
Diana Burns Lyon
Scott W. Pickett
Anthony L. Rampton
R. James Steenblik
Jerry Stevenson
Ann Jarcho Thomas
W. Hughes Brockbank*
E. R. Dumke, Jr.
John W. Gallivan
John A. Reinertsen
A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D.
Richard A. Fullmer
Dan K. Lundergan
Karen Macon
Stephen R. Warner
* deceased
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