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Click here to the FREE Uncharted Seas
Contents Page
Navigating The Book
Wind Direction10
Play Turn Cards10
Initiative Phase10
Activation Phase10
End Phase10
Command Distance 11
Game Cards12
Star System12
Hand Size12
Using Game Cards 12
Card Tactics13
Multiplayer Games 13
Using a Template14
Minor Directional Changes14
How Far do I Have to Move?14
Moving Squadrons 14
The Effect of Wind 14
Drop Anchor14
Moving Off15
Leaving the Game Board
The Sequence of Events
Ram or Collision? 16
Calculate Damage 16
Red Ram Rating16
Multiple Ship Involvement17
Colliding With Non-Ships17
Working Out Your AD
Damage/Crew Affects on AD18
Valid Arcs18
Targeting and AD 18
Arcs of Fire18
Line of Sight19
Targets and Measuring Shots20
Firing Into Boarding Actions20
Split Fire20
Linked Fire20
Rolling Attack Dice 21
Hitting a Target21
Small Target21
Stern Rake21
Damaging a Target 21
Zero Hull Points21
The Critical Hit Table
Fixing Critical Damage
Line of Sight Diagrams
Additional Weapons Systems23
Torpedoes 23
Defensive Fire Batteries23
The Critical Hit Table
Boarding actions
Resolving Boarding Actions25
Multiple Boarding Actions25
Derelict Ships25
A Boarding Example
Extended Boarding Example26
Turn End27
Victory Conditions 27
Rationalise Game Markers27
Changing Winds27
Drift Derelicts27
Draw Game Cards 27
Flying Rules28
Activation and Movement28
Fly-By Attacks28
All Hands Lost28
Defensive Fire28
Reduced Fire28
Increased Vulnerability
Defensive Fire and Game Cards29
Boarding Actions 29
Diving Rules30
Activation and Movement30
Raging Fire Markers 30
Large and Massive Sea Monsters31
Coastal Giant31
Small Sea Monsters 33
Monster Critical Hit Table35
Fortifications Critical Hit Table37
Fortifications Statistics
Weather and Time of Day
Model Types46
Choosing Your Squadrons46
What Game Type to Play
The Basics of The Game
This new enemy attacked immediately and aggressively, using what
appeared to be magically enhanced bolt weapons. Their ships were fast,
manoeuvrable and clearly magical. The fleet was supported by riders
on dragons, larger than any an Old World human had witnessed since
the ancient times of legend. Caught by surprise, the larger Imperial fleet
was decimated and the survivors limped back to the human controlled
islands in tatters.
In this new and fantastical realm you will recreate in miniature the
exploits of various races, including the Dragon Lords, Iron Dwarves,
Imperial Humans, Shroud Mages, Bone Griffons, Orc Raiders, Thaniras
Elves, Ralgard and the Sky Pirates.
This warlike race, called the Dragon Lords, is the self-proclaimed ruler
of this region, an aggressive race that melds military prowess with the
dark arts to subjugate any foe that stands in its way. A truly ancient
people, the Dragon Lords are the masters of war and magic and will
stop at nothing to drive the perceived invaders out. The stage is set,
the battle lines have been drawn and a full scale war has erupted in the
Uncharted Seas and the waters of this new world are to be its
So what is this game all about? First and foremost it is a naval game
designed around having plenty of fun, it is about having a great time
with other gamers playing naval combat using superb models and
easy to master rules. The game is set in a fantasy realm that we call the
Uncharted Seas, a complete fantasy world that has been created
by Spartan Games.
UNCHARTED SEAS uses a combination of fast action game rules
which are optimised for large fleet actions, decks of Game Cards, which
add an additional element of strategy and flavour to each race, high
quality resin and white metal ship miniatures, terrain, easily identifiable
counters and D6 dice.
As game settings go, the ability to define an entire fantasy realm allows
you plenty of scope to have some fun. Our map shows the principal
land masses of the Uncharted Seas and from our web site you
can download a modified version of this map that shows which areas
are controlled by the various races. We offer guidance as to how these
races settled in the New World, but you can remake this map and redo
the distribution of land to races in whatever way makes your scenarios/
campaigns easier to play.
Add to this a big pot of imagination and you will be set for many hours
of gaming enjoyment. Everything else you will need can be found
inside this rule book and permission is given to photocopy and use the
counters and templates, but please remember that the copyright always
remains with Spartan Games.
The aforementioned Game Cards are a mechanic that we feel truly adds
to the overall game play and enjoyment factor of the Uncharted
Seas. But you can play without them, so you do not have to use them
if you don’t want to. Each deck consists of 26 cards, with 13 of the cards
generic across all races and 13 cards specific to a race, making every
game different with their use.
As to our ship models we have embraced a building block approach.
The same initial core ships - Battleship, Cruiser and Frigate - have been
made available to each of the first races. These generic terms are simply
used to aid in the construction of fleets by a player.
Although called the same thing, these ships are very different and truly
engender the feel of each race, making a Dragon Lord Cruiser very
different from an Orc Raiders Cruiser. Each ship type is equipped with a
points value and it is this which is used to aid you in fleet construction.
As stated, the game takes place inside a world of high fantasy that we call
the UNCHARTED SEAS. Imagine, if you will, that the classic races of
the Old World (Dwarves, Orcs, Elves and Humans) have amassed mighty
expeditionary fleets to send to a mysterious New World. Soon they were
claiming land in the name of their rulers and for themselves, slowly
mapping the region - the uncharted literally becoming the charted!
The world of the Uncharted Seas is a growing and exciting realm
to wargame in. Our first game within this world puts you in command
of powerful naval warships, allowing you to wreak havoc on your enemy
with shot & grape, unleash powerful magic spells to smash their ships,
avoid reefs and monster infested waters, do battle on land as you capture
islands and fortifications and much more.
It quickly became apparent that these new lands were a vast constellation
of islands, rather than the single landmass of the Old World. The islands
ranged from the icy wastes of the north to the lush jungles of the south,
all with their own bizarre flora and fauna.
The Uncharted Seas is in need of brave commanders... Are you
such a soul?
An unprecedented land grab was to follow, with each Old World race
diverting massive resources into colonising this strange new world.
As the colonists pushed west deeper into the island constellation, they
began to hear reports of ships being lost mysteriously, and in some cases
whole fleets disappearing.
The Spartan Games Team
The Imperial Human settlers were the first to take these reports
seriously, and sent a massive war fleet to investigate. When sailing west
they encountered a large landmass, which they named Principia and
planned to claim as their own in the name of the great Imperial Council.
But as they neared the coast of Principia they were faced with something
totally unexpected: a fleet of bizarre warships of an unknown origin,
sailing forth from an established, fortified harbour.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Playing the Game
A Quick Guide To The Core Mechanics
Dice are an integral part of playing the UNCHARTED SEAS.
Sometimes a Frigate with a single turret will wreak the kind of damage
normally reserved for an organised barrage from a Battleship, other
times the mighty fusillade of a Heavy Cruiser will bounce harmlessly off
of the hull of a Frigate. The tide of battle can change on such events, so
one should be careful of speaking ill of Lady Luck.
Range is the distance in inches along which Line of Sight is measured
between the firing model and the target. There are FOUR Range Bands,
each of which is eight inches and follows on directly from the Range
Band before it. The Range Bands are therefore 8”, 16”, 24” and 32”.
Making 32” the theoretical maximum Range.
If the distance between the firing weapon and its target is 8” or less, then
the target is in Range Band 1. If the distance is greater than 8”, but not
further than 16”, the target is in Range Band 2. This then follows for
Range Band 3 and Range Band 4.
In UNCHARTED SEAS we reference three types of dice; D8, D6 and
D3. A D8 is an 8 sided dice and is used to determine random directions.
A D6 is a standard six-sided dice. A D3 requires the rolling of a D6 and
then taking a roll of 1 or 2 to equal a result of 1, a roll of 3 or 4 to equal
a result of 2, and a roll of 5 or 6 to equal a result of 3.
In UNCHARTED SEAS models can navigate across the turbulent seas,
take to the skies or even prowl beneath the waves.
Most D6 will use the Exploding Dice game mechanic, where a natural
roll of 6 always results in TWO successes AND a chance to roll the dice
again and score further successes!
As a general rule all Flying models inhabit the Flying level, Diving
models that have submerged inhabit the Submerged level, and all other
models inhabit the Surface level (either Water or Land).
Whenever you see the number required for successful die roll as 6,
anywhere in the rules, you know that a natural roll of 6 will result in
TWO successes AND a chance to roll the dice again. If the required
number is shown as 6, the Exploding Dice mechanic is NOT in effect.
The Height Level a model is at, especially relative to another model, can
be very important. The Height Level diagram illustrates the Height Levels
represented in the game.
Any Re-rolls are performed AFTER resolving any extra rolls resulting
from a natural roll of a 6 and MUST be taken as final.
With the Exploding Dice mechanic you keep going until you stop rolling
any 6’s, and only when you have finished rolling the dice do you add up
the total number of successes; so make sure that when you roll again you
don’t roll a dice that is already a success, or you may lose count.
If you look at the example above you can see that Orc Cruiser
A is sitting well and truly in Range Band 2, and Cruiser B is
in Range Band 4. Both are valid targets, but both will have
different numbers of AD rolled against them during combat.
Some rules may alter the target number required to score a success,
or modify a dice roll by adding or subtracting from the initial result.
Regardless of this, a natural roll of 6 will result in TWO successes AND
give an extra dice roll, while a result of 6 or better due to a dice roll
modifier will result in ONE success and NO extra dice roll.
Later in the book you will learn about Critical Hits and their effect on
models. One of the more drastic effects is called a Magazine Explosion,
which literally rips a model apart, and has an area effect around it that
can affect other models. Height levels can impact this effect as follow:
If, for any reason, the rules state that a value is to be reduced by HALF,
the original number is always Rounded Down.
A number of dice can NEVER be reduced to below 1 by Rounding
Down, however a model’s Movement (Mv) value can be.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
A model that is on the same Level as an explosion, is affected
normally by the Magazine Explosion.
A model that is 1 Level higher or 1 Level lower than an exploding
model takes only HALF the normal number of AD from the
A model that is 2 Levels higher or 2 Levels lower than an exploding
model is NOT AFFECTED by the explosion.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Any measurement in UNCHARTED SEAS is in Inches (“) and you can
pre-measure ANY distance at ANY time.
When measuring TO a model measure to the closest point of the model,
base or Flight Stand.
All measurement to or from any Terrain is measured from the closest
part of the terrain feature, unless the rules for a model state otherwise.
In UNCHARTED SEAS most models use a Turning Template when
they turn. These are Small, Medium or Large.
When using a Turning Template, a Flat Edge should be flush with the
side of the model, base, or Flight Stand, and a Navigation Point should
be alongside the model’s designated reference point.
When measuring FROM a model for Movement and Turning use the
guide below to check where the measurement is taken from:
Naval Models
• Measure from the front of a model for Movement, and the centre
of the appropriate side for Turning.
• Measure from the front of a Flight Stand for Movement, and the
appropriate front edge of the Flight Stand for Turning.
Important Note: The point around which a model turns is called its
Turning Point.
When measuring FROM a model for Line of Sight and Range use the
guide below to check where the measurement is taken from on a model:
For ALL models measure from the centre of any Turret
Measure from the centre of the appropriate side of the model, base
or Flight Stand for any Broadside or Side Gun weapon.
Measure from the closest appropriate point of the model, base or
Flight Stand for any Fore/Aft Arc weapon.
Measure from the closest point of the model or base for Defensive
Important Note: When a measuring for any
Turrets, Broadsides or Side Guns on a Flying
model, measure horizontally straight out from the
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Glossary of Terms
What It All Means...
The following is a list of terms used throughout this book and how they
relate to the models on the Game Board.
Terrain is classified as being: Soft, Dense or Hard, which determines
how dangerous it is for a model to collide with it.
Attack Dice
Game Cards
This is an abstracted number, representative of a weapon’s firepower,
used to determine how many dice to roll during an Attack. A model
has multiple ways it can engage an enemy model and this will result in
a number of Attack Dice (AD) dice being generated, or similarly Melee
Dice (MD) for Boarding Actions.
These cards can be used to alter the way that models behave and events
take place during the game. The cards are optional but do add a great
level of fun and unpredictability to the overall game and provide
additional flavour to each fleet.
Normally AD/MD work as follows: roll a D6 for each AD available, a
result of 1-3 is discarded, a result of 4-5 means 1 hit is done and a roll
of 6 sees 2 hits done AND the dice is rolled again. The number of hits
is totalled and either compared with the DR and CR of the target to see
what damage has been done in the case of AD, or converted into Crew
Killed in the case of MD.
game markers
Page 49 is a sheet of Game Markers, these are placed adjacent to a model
over the course of a game, to track various things that have happened to
it, such as suffering Hull Damage or Capturing a Prize.
Hull Points
This represents the structural integrity of a vessel, or the amount of
injury a creature can suffer. It is the all important number. Your mission
is to reduce this rating to ZERO on a model. Do this and it dies or sinks
or drops from the sky.
These are the main fighting force in the navies of the Uncharted Seas,
including models ranging from Cruisers, to Flagships to Dragon
If a model is classed as Capital, it will be noted on its statistic card.
Certain specific rules only apply to Capital Models, and certain Game
Cards will ONLY affect them.
Certain rules, Game Cards and other effects may add Modifiers to dice
rolls. These will add or subtract the given value from the number rolled
on the dice. For example, a roll of a 3, with a +1 modifier, becomes a 4,
potentially changing a miss into a hit. However, only a natural 6, before
modifiers are applied, counts as 2 hits and grants a second roll, and only
a natural 1 is always a miss.
Critical Rating
The Critical Rating (CR) of a model is the number you need to meet
or exceed for something serious to happen. For most models, say a
Battleship or a Cruiser, the fact that you have matched or exceeded the
CR will result in a roll on what is called the Critical Hit Table. This
is where things can go bang or much more damage can be done to a
This value is the number of inches that a model can move during its
Activation. Sometimes a model may have two ratings, denoted as 8/6”
for example, which indicates what it does when doing one of two things.
A good example here is a Sea Monster which will normally have a
number that it moves on the surface, say 8”, and a number that denotes
what it moves submerged, say 6”.
Crew Points
In this game Crew Points generally refers to a model’s ability to engage
in Boarding Actions or its ability to fire Defensive Fire at Flying units.
The Crew Points of a model can be modified to allow for veteran crews
or even poor quality crews. Think of it as an abstract number that pulls
a number of things into one simple number: crews with guns, grappling
irons, fists, bad tempers and so on.
Ram Rating
Models can Collide, crash into and generally interact with each other.
The Ram Rating measures how good a model is at smashing into other
models. If this is RED then the Ram Rating is particularly dangerous,
and it is worthwhile deliberately Ramming into another model. Be
careful what you Ram though - you may not survive the impact...
A dragon’s Crew Points rating does not necessarily represent a number
of troops on the model’s back engaging in a Boarding Action, think of
it as that model’s ability to ‘fight’ other models, say the crew of a ship.
Range Bands
Crew Points convert into Melee Dice (MD) during a Boarding Action.
The game uses what we call Range Bands, which are 8” segments of
distance starting at 0” and extending to 32”. We employ 4 Range Bands,
although some game cards can extend Ranges temporarily.
Damage Rating
All models in the game have a Damage Rating (DR)- the number that
you have to meet or exceed in order to inflict a point of damage on
them. The DR is an important number and this works be it a ship, castle,
monster, balloon or submarine. All models that CAN be damaged have
a DR.
Models in the Uncharted Seas fall into one of the following Size Classes:
Tiny, Small, Medium, Large or Massive.
Defensive FIRE
Weapons are a model’s main armaments, including Port and Starboard
broadsides, Trebuchets, Turrets and so forth. A model’s weapons,
together with the Attack Dice which they can fire in each Range Band,
are listed on its Statistic Card. On certain Game Cards we will also use
the term Gunnery to refer to the weaponry of a model.
Defensive Fire (DF) is used to attack Flying models within Range Band
1 (8 inches) of your ship where the angle is too steep to use cannons. It
represents the crew using small arms such as bows or rifles to fend off
an aerial attacker. Your capability for DF is based on your remaining
Crew Points.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Turning templates
Turning Templates are supplied in three sizes, Small, Medium and
Large, and serve two purposes in the game:
They are used when a model turns, as described in the Movement
section. A denotes the Flat Edge and B the Navigation Points.
They are also used when a model fires, as described in the Combat
section. The red area between the arrows indicates the width of the
Broadside arc, and C denotes the centre of the Broadside baseline.
Certain models fall into particular Types, denoted by the following
icons on their statistic card. This will affect the way that they behave,
and the way which other models and Game Cards interact with them.
From ferocious monsters to aged dragons, these are gargantuan
beasts, large and powerful enough to face down entire broadside
volleys and challenge the ‘human’ scale vessels of wood and
iron for dominion of the Broad Blue. See Pages 31-35.
Stone towers, harbour walls, and battlements lined with
cannon, Fortifications are much sturdier than other models,
and can weather punishing firepower, but are unable to move
from their foundations. See Pages 36-38.
These are vessels or creatures not bound to the surface of the
sea, but free to soar into the clouds. See Page 28-29.
These are vessels or creatures that can sink beneath the waves,
approaching their prey hidden from sight, waiting for the
opportune moment to surface and strike. See Page 30.
This includes both Constructs, objects bound into a semblance
of life without a living soul, and Undead, corpses reanimated
through dark sorcery and trapped in eternal existence. Any
model without this icon is classed as a living model.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Terrain Features
Making Your Gaming Table Look Cool
The Surface Height of Terrain is important for Line of Sight purposes. If
any Terrain does not have an allocated Surface Height it does not block
Line of Sight to or from any model.
A Game Board can be as simple as a blue cloth, or as complex as textured
tiles with detailed islands and coastline scenery. In UNCHARTED
SEAS it is important to delineate the Water from any Land, and also to
show where specific terrain features start and end.
As the Game Board being used will represent seas or coastlines, much
of the natural terrain will tend to be islands or a significant landmass,
along with reefs, sandbars or icebergs.
If two or more pieces of Terrain are placed on top of each other, or a
Surface model is on a piece of Terrain, add together the Surface Height/
Size Class to get the combined Surface Height. The maximum Surface
Height for any Terrain feature is Massive.
Surface models can Collide with Terrain but, generally, any Flying
model or token can pass over Terrain WITHOUT causing a Collision.
Terrain is either specified as part of a particular scenario or randomly
generated as required.
In UNCHARTED SEAS Terrain is Classified as Soft, Dense or Hard,
and may be Defined as Impassable or Treacherous. Terrain may also
have a designated Surface Height of Tiny, Small, Medium, Large or
Landmasses often vary greatly in Height Level and area, from scattered
clumps of rock jutting just above the water, to imposing icebergs, to
extended coastlines occupying a whole Board edge.
Terrain is Classified as Soft, Dense or Hard. The Classification of Terrain
denotes the damage it can cause. When a model Collides with Terrain,
an amount of Attack Dice (AD) are rolled against the model:
A Building represents a large structure, and can vary greatly in
construction, purpose, Height Level and area.
Most Terrain in a game is deployed on the Surface, although some can
be Submerged. Most pieces of Terrain are generally between 4” to 8” in
length/width and any Terrain feature must be at least 1” square.
The following list of Terrain for UNCHARTED SEAS is not definitive,
feel free to modify and amend the Terrain listed here to whatever is most
suitable for your game.
Soft Terrain: 4 Attack Dice.
Dense Terrain: 8 Attack Dice.
Hard Terrain: 12 Attack Dice.
Terrain may be Defined as Impassable and / or Treacherous for certain
Impassable Terrain
A model CANNOT move into, or through, Terrain that has been
Defined as Impassable. If a model contacts Impassable Terrain it must
immediately stop and must resolve a Collision with that Terrain.
• Massive in Surface Height.
• Hard Terrain.
• Impassable to ALL models.
• Occupies the entire Flying Height Level.
• Occupies the entire Submerged Height Level.
A Reef is a hidden danger, often merely a few feet below the Water.
A model declared to be moving at Half Speed can only use HALF of its
remaining Movement (Mv) for this Activation.
A model declared to be moving at Full Speed must perform a Treacherous
Terrain Test. Roll 1D6:
A Tiny or Small model Collides with the Treacherous Terrain on
a roll of 1.
A Medium model Collides with the Treacherous Terrain on a roll
of 1 or 2.
A Large or Massive model Collides with the Treacherous Terrain
on a roll of 1, 2 or 3.
Dense Terrain.
Impassable to Submerged models.
Treacherous to Medium, Large and Massive non-Flying models.
Occupies the entire Submerged Height Level.
A Sandbar is a ridge of submerged sand, often close to the Surface of
the Water and partially exposed.
Most Surface Terrain is allocated a Surface Height, which is relative to
the possible Size Class of a model or token; Tiny, Small, Medium, Large
or Massive.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Small, Medium or Large in Surface Height.
Soft, Dense or Hard Terrain.
Impassable to non-Flying models.
Occupies the entire Submerged Height Level.
A Mountain is a natural elevation from the earth’s surface. They are
often inclined steeply to their summit.
Treacherous Terrain
If a model Activates in, or moves into, an area of Treacherous Terrain, it
must declare if it is moving at Full Speed or Half Speed.
Small, Medium, Large or Massive Surface Height.
Hard Terrain.
Impassable to non-Flying models.
Occupies the entire Submerged Height Level.
Soft Terrain.
Impassable to Submerged models.
Treacherous to non-Flying models.
Occupies the entire Submerged Height Level.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Setting up a Game
Getting Your Models On The Table...
Before organising a Fleet for a particular game, players need to choose
a Maximum Fleet Value, and whether they are building a fleet for an
Open Game, a Standard Game, or a Campaign Game. Page 46-47 of this
book, details how you construct a Fleet for each of these Game Types.
Additionally players should agree whether Field Orders will be used to
determine Victory Conditions for the game, whether Game Cards are
to be used and also the Game Length. In a Campaign Game, these will
often be predetermined.
In a Fixed game players agree upon a set number of Turns for the game.
All games end immediately after any Fleet satisfies the conditions of its
Field Order otherwise Game Length is defined as Fixed, Variable or
Timed as required.
In a Variable game players agree a set number of Turns for the game.
However, during the End Phase of the last Turn, one player rolls
1D6, subtracting 1 from the die roll for each extra Turn that has been
The Admiral is the commander of your force and must be stationed
accordingly. A player can place their Admiral on any friendly Large or
Massive Capital Class model that is NOT a Creature. This model is the
Admiral’s Vessel. If a Fleet does not have any eligible models upon which
to place an Admiral, then it cannot have an Admiral.
In a Timed game players agree a set amount of time for the game, when
this period of time has elapsed the current Turn is completed and then
the game is over.
The Admiral’s Vessel is declared when it is Deployed.
Each Turn a player can have their Admiral perform ONE of the
following options:
There are three main methods for randomly setting up a Game Board
with Terrain before starting play. All are suitable for any Open, or
Standard Game.
Re-roll one Treacherous Terrain roll for a model in their Fleet
within 8” of the Admiral’s Vessel.
Re-roll one Critical Hit Table roll against an enemy model fired
on by a model in their Fleet within 8” of the Admiral’s Vessel.
Re-roll one Critical Hit Table roll against their own Admiral’s
Re-roll one Damage Repair roll for a model in their Fleet within
8” of the Admiral’s Vessel.
Method 1: Divide the Game Board into four quarters of equal size. Each
side takes it in turn to choose one quarter and CAN place any ONE
piece of Terrain anywhere in that quarter. Randomly determine which
side chooses the first quarter, once a particular quarter has been chosen
it cannot be chosen again.
Method 2: Depending on the size of the gaming table divide the Game
Board into either 4 or 6 areas of equal size. If at all possible each area
should be 2’ x 2’, and should border at least one edge of the gaming
table. Each side takes it in turn to roll 1D6 for each area. On a result
of 5 or 6 for you CAN immediately place any ONE piece of Terrain
in that area. Both sides roll for one area before moving onto the next.
Randomly determine which side will place the Terrain first, if required.
A Maximum Fleet Value (MFV) can be any Points Value agreed upon
by the players. The options given below are a guide to the size of any
ensuing combat.
With a Starter Fleet Boxed Set MFV players create their Fleet from the
models found in the appropriate Starter Fleet Boxed Set. With a Points
Value MFV, players select models from the appropriate Race’s Army
List, organised as Squadrons - the total Points Cost of all models in the
Fleet CANNOT exceed the chosen Maximum Fleet Value.
Method 3: Use Method 2, but roll 1D6 to determine what type of
Terrain to place:
MFV Starter Fleet Boxed Set.
MFV 750: Skirmish.
MFV 1000: Full-Scale Battle.
MFV 1500: Major Engagement.
MFV 2000: Total War.
MFV 3000: World-Changing Conflict.
On a 1: Building (any type, purpose or size).
On a 2: Island (Small or Medium).
On a 3: Reef.
On a 4: Sand Bar.
On a 5: Island (Large or Massive).
On a 6: Mountain.
Campaign Games will often give specific instructions on the placement
of Terrain.
The MFV also gives an idea of the optimal size of Game Board. For
Starter Fleet or Skirmish games, a 4’ x 4’ Board should be sufficient,
larger games may be better on a 6’ x 4’ Board, or even an 8’ x 4’ Board
for truly titanic conflicts.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
On a roll of 1, 2 or 3, the game is over.
On a roll of 4, 5 or 6, another Turn is played.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
A Fleet wins the moment it satisfies its Field Order during the game,
scoring a Crushing Triumph. If neither side wins before the end of the
game the total number of Victory Points scored by each Fleet is used to
determine who has won.
For any Open, or Standard Game, each side rolls 2D6 and the side that
gets the highest total chooses ANY edge of the Game Board as their
Deployment Edge, the opposing player MUST take the opposite edge as
their Deployment Edge.
Important Note: Field Orders are public knowledge by default, but
players can agree to keep them secret in any non Tournament Game.
The Deployment Zone for each side is the length of their Deployment
Edge, and extends 8” into the Game Board.
The side that chose their Deployment Edge first then deploys one
Squadron in their Deployment Zone. The opposing side then deploys
one Squadron in their Deployment Zone, players alternate deploying
Squadrons until all Squadrons are fully Deployed.
Victory Points are calculated using the actual Points Cost of each model
Lost or Damaged during the End Phase of each Turn. A model is Lost if
it is Destroyed, Captured or made Derelict.
Victory Points are awarded as follows:
Campaign Games will often give specific instructions on the location
and extent of the Deployment Zones.
Field Orders are the Victory Conditions for a Fleet. Immediately after
Deployment, each Fleet should openly roll 1D6 to get their Field Order.
• Destroy or Capture at least 70% of the Maximum Fleet Value of
any opposing Fleet in Victory Points.
• Destroy ALL Large and Massive models in any opposing Fleet.
• Destroy or Capture at least 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value of
any opposing Fleet in Victory Points, including ALL Medium
• Destroy or Capture all Standard and Variant models in any
opposing Fleet.
• Destroy or Capture at least 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value
of any opposing Fleet in Victory Points, including ALL Small
• Capture the Admiral’s Vessel of any opposing Fleet.
DOUBLE the Points Cost for enemy models that have been
claimed as a Prize if the relevant Prize Marker is still on the Game
FULL Points Cost for enemy models that have been Destroyed or
made Derelict (including those that are Destroyed because they left
the Game Board).
HALF the Points Cost for enemy models that have HALF or less
of their Initial Hull Points or Crew Points remaining. This is only
counted ONCE if both conditions are fulfilled.
Important Note: Victory Points can change during the game, both up
and down, as models are Captured, Re-Captured or Destroyed.
If Field Orders have not been achieved during a game, Victory Points
are calculated after the last Turn. If one Fleet scores 50% more than the
opposing Fleet, it’s a Crushing Triumph, 30% more is a Resounding
Victory, 10% more a Marginal Success, and anything else is a Draw.
The default Field Order is “Destroy or Capture at least 70% of the
Maximum Fleet Value of any opposing Fleet in Victory Points”. It can
ALWAYS be chosen by a player instead of their randomly generated
Field Order. This is also used in any game without Field Orders, or
without any specific scenario Victory Conditions.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Of Game Play And Activation...
Uncharted Seas uses a simple turn-based system with each Turn of a
game broken down into different Phases. The Phases are:
Play Turn ‘T’ Cards
Initiative Phase (Determine Initiative)
Activation Phase (Movement & Combat)
End Phase (Clear-Up)
You must determine Initiative at the start of each Turn.
Once Initiative has been decided it is time to move the fleets. Players
take turns to Activate a Squadron, until ALL Squadrons have been
Activated. Unless a special rule or Game Card allows it, no Squadron
may Activate more than once in a Turn.
Each Squadron Activation is further subdivided into the following
This sequence of Phases is repeated each Turn.
At the VERY start of a game, before players select their table edge and
start deploying their fleets, you need to determine which way the wind
is blowing. Use an eight pointed compass and roll 1D8 to determine the
initial wind direction.
If the optional Game Cards are being used, each player may play a Turn
card during this Phase of the Turn.
The process of choosing which side moves first is done by both players
rolling a single D6, with the player who rolls the highest number going
first. In game of more than two players, each player will roll a D6 with
the players performing Initiative in sequence of the dice results.
Should the players’ rolls tie, those who have tied should keep rolling
until one person has the highest number and a clear sequence of play
has been identified.
Choose a Squadron.
Movement Phase:
Move a single model within the Squadron, performing all the movement
for that model.
If there are multiple models in the Squadron, select another model from
within that Squadron that has yet to move and perform all movement for
that model.
Continue this process until all models in the Squadron have moved.
Collision Phase:
Work out any Ramming or Collisions that have occurred as a result of the
movement of the Squadron.
Combat Phase:
Perform any firing from the Squadron using any models that ARE NOT in
contact with an enemy model.
Boarding Phase:
Work out any Boarding Actions for models in the Squadron that ARE in
contact with an enemy ship.
End of Squadron Activation.
Pass Activation to the next player.
This continues until ALL Squadrons have completed their Activation or
been Destroyed.
A player can select a Squadron and say it is doing nothing at all that
Turn. But remember that a player cannot come back to that Squadron
later having changed their mind. Models that do nothing simply Drift
directly forward 2 inches in a straight line, unless stated otherwise.
Important Note: Once a player selects a model and begins its movement,
that model CANNOT be halted until its movement is complete. A player
cannot begin movement, stop halfway through, let another model move
and then come back to the previous model and complete its movement.
Each Turn finishes with an End Phase, during which players:
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Check Victory Conditions.
Rationalise Game Markers and remove expired effects.
Check for Changing Wind.
Drift Derelict models.
Draw new Game Cards.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Please Read And Digest The Following
To retain Squadron coherency, all models within a Squadron must stay
within range of each other, unless they have a special rule that allows
them to ignore this. This range is known as Command Distance and is
checked for at the beginning and end of a Squadron’s Activation.
Battleships and some other special units operate individually, so this
does not affect them, but Cruisers, Frigates and other models that
operate within a multiple model Squadron must remain within 4 inches
of another model in the same Squadron. This distance is measured from
ANY point of a model to ANY point of another model.
An Element can be any part of the original Squadron, consisting of one
or more models as long as they are within Command Distance of each
other. It is possible to have a Squadron Split more than once.
Important Note: Moving an Element back into Command Distance, to
regain Squadron coherency, DOES NOT allow the player to then move
the Squadron as a whole that Turn. This occurs in the following Turn,
when the Squadron is next Activated.
If Squadron coherency is maintained then all models that are part of the
Squadron can continue to Activate together, otherwise they must follow
the rules for being outside of Command Distance.
There will be times when Squadron coherency is lost, and the models
of a Squadron are outside of Command Distance, either by accident or
by the choice of a player. If this is the case the Squadron is deemed to
have Split.
The impact of this event is that in subsequent Turns the entire
Squadron CANNOT Activate en masse, instead only a single Element
of a Squadron (chosen by the controlling player) can be Activated at
any given time. The remainder of the Squadron will do nothing except
Drift forward 2 inches each Turn until the Squadron manages to regain
coherency, via all of its models being within Command Distance again.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Game Cards
How To Add The Fog Of War To Your Games
The core game has been augmented with a Deck of 26 Game Cards for
each Race. Each Deck has 13 generic cards, that every Race has access
to, and 13 Race specific cards that are unique to a Race. These Game
Cards introduce additional elements of strategy, planning, and magic
to the game.
Magic (M) and Counter (C) Cards
If a Magic card is played and the opposing player has a Counter Spell
card, the Counter Spell card can be played immediately (before any
templates are placed, or dice are rolled) to prevent the effects of the
Magic card from happening. Both the Magic card and Counter Spell
card are then discarded.
Game Cards use the STAR mechanic and each card is marked with an
appropriate S, T, A or R symbol to indicate whether it is a Squadron,
Turn, Action or Reaction card. Some cards are also marked as a
Magic and / or Counter Spell card, and can also have a Creature or
Fortification icon on them.
Magic cards represent the power that can be brought to bear by the Magi
or Shaman of a Race, and often have particularly devastating or game
changing effects. However, Counter Spell cards can be used to dispel the
Magic cards of your opponent.
The core types of card are as follows:
Important Note: When a Counter Spell card is played to dispel a Magic
card, the text on the Counter Spell card is ignored.
Squadron Cards (S)
Creatures & Fortification Icons
A maximum of ONE Squadron card can be played on a Squadron
per Turn.
A Squadron card affects ALL of the models in the Activated
Element of the Squadron.
A Squadron card cannot be played on a model that is part of a
Squadron that has had an Action card played on it this Turn.
Turn Cards (T)
A maximum of ONE Turn card can be played by each player per
Turn cards are played at the start of the Turn BEFORE Initiative
is resolved.
Turn cards are placed face down in front of the players, and are
then revealed simultaneously.
Turn cards are resolved in the order of Initiative from the previous
Unless specifically stated otherwise, a Turn card will only have an
effect during the current Turn.
Some cards have a Creature icon and/or a Fortification
icon on them; these are the only cards that can be
played on the relevant model type: A Creature can
only have a card with a Creature icon on it played on
it, and a Fortification can only have a card with a Fortification icon
on it played on it. Cards with these icons on them can still be played on
other models.
Generally, the maximum number of cards a player can hold at any one
time is equal to the number of Squadrons they have in their Fleet, up to
a maximum of 5. This is called the player’s Hand.
Important Note: Models that have been Lost DO NOT count as a
Squadron for the purpose of generating Hand size.
Action Cards (A)
At the start of a game, after Deployment but before Initiative is rolled for
the first Turn, each player draws cards from their shuffled deck of Game
Cards up to their maximum Hand size. In the End Phase of each Turn
players must ensure that they do not have more than their maximum
number of cards in their Hand. If a player does have too many cards
in their Hand, or if they simply wish to replace some of the cards they
have, they can discard any number of Game Cards and draw new Game
Cards from their deck up to their maximum Hand size.
If a player gets to the end of their Game Card Deck they must re-shuffle
their discarded Game Cards into a fresh Game Card deck.
Important Note: On the first Turn, where Initiative has not yet been
determined, players roll a D6 and resolve their Turn cards in order;
highest first to lowest last.
A maximum of ONE Action card can be played on a Squadron
per Turn.
An Action card can be played on a SINGLE model during the
Squadron’s Activation.
An Action card cannot be played on a model that is part of a
Squadron that has had a Squadron card played on it this Turn.
Reaction Cards (R)
Example: A player has FOUR Active Squadrons on the Game Board,
and so has a maximum Hand size of FOUR Game Cards. During the
Turn, TWO Squadrons are Destroyed. In the End Phase of the Turn they
MUST discard Game Cards to ensure that at the start of the next Turn
they only have TWO Game Cards.
A maximum of ONE Reaction card can be played in response to an
enemy action against a model or Squadron.
Only one Reaction card can be played per action, but more than
one Reaction card can be played on the same model or Squadron
per Turn.
Important Note: An action is any single event during an enemy
Squadron’s Activation that has an effect on a model; this could be during
the Movement, Collision, Combat or Boarding Phase of any enemy
Squadron’s Activation. A Reaction card will only affect a single action,
for example the effect of a card that increases your DR is temporary, and
only lasts for the duration of the action it was played against.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Use the Symbols and text on the various cards as a guide to when, and
on which models, a Game Card can be played. The text on each card will
also explain how a card is used in the game.
A Game Card that has been played cannot be retracted unless it was
played incorrectly.
Important Note: Any disputes about the order in which Game Card
effects occur should be resolved by simply using the current Initiative
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Example: A player Activates their Bone Griffons Reaper Class Battleship
and fires at an enemy Thaniras Elves Phoenix Class Battleship. The Bone
Griffons player decides to give his Broadsides more power by using
the Action card Full Broadside (this card will give the Reaper Class
Battleship +4 Attack Dice (AD) if firing a Broadside into Range Band 1
or 2, or +2 AD if firing a Broadside into Range Band 3 or 4).
Likewise you may only use Counter Spell cards to cancel the effects of
a card used either against your own models or to benefit those of an
enemy. The card may still affect other players models even though you
have cancelled its effects against your own!
How and when you choose to play your Game Cards is very important,
and players should be careful not to tell another player what cards they
have until they are forced to do so. A great tactical advantage can be
gained by keeping your Hand a secret.
In response, the Thaniras Elves player plays the Reaction card Electro
Transposition (which allows the Thaniras Elves player to reposition his
Battleship up to 3” away). The players cannot now change their minds
and play different cards, the Full Broadside and Electro Transposition
cards were declared and must be resolved.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
You CANNOT play cards on your allies’ models unless the card text
specifically allows you to do so. In games where more than two players
are involved on a side you may ONLY play cards to benefit your own
models and hinder the enemy’s.
Important Note: Some cards, such as Changing Wind, have a global
effect on the game. These cards can still be played in multiplayer games
and will affect ALL models, as appropriate.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Getting From Point A To Point B
All models have a Movement Value (Move), denoted on their statistic
card, this gives the number of inches that the model can move during
the Movement Phase of its Activation. Unless stated otherwise, models
will move forwards, using the appropriate Turning Template to turn as
The Turning Templates are supplied in three core sizes: Small, Medium
and Large. A models statistic card will denote which of these it uses to
When turning, the Flat Edge of the Template (labeled A on the diagram
on Page 6) is placed flush to the side of the model, with a Navigation
Point (B on the diagram) aligned to a reference point on the model.
Each segment of the Template is 1 inch long and this relates to the
movement of the model.
When turning a model through each segment, it is important to ensure
that you continue to align the side of the model flush to the Template and
that the same reference point on the model is aligned to each Navigation
Point to determine the total distance moved.
It is acceptable for a model to make minor directional changes during
its movement to avoid an obstacle. As shown in the diagram below, this
allows it to make small turns without using a Turning Template, as long
as the turn made is not sharper than allowed by its Template.
Unless Anchored, Tethered or involved in a Boarding Action the
minimum distance ANY model MUST move is 2 inches. A model may
move any part of its movement allowance equal to or greater than 2
inches. Models within a Squadron are free to move different distances
and make different turns during their Activation.
An un-Activated model (because of Split Squadrons for example) will
Drift forward 2 inches in a straight line. A model that has Drifted
CANNOT count as having Rammed; even if it contacts an enemy model
with its prow it will count as having Collided instead, however it MUST
still initiate a Boarding Action if it Collides with an enemy vessel.
Important Note: Even if you are Drifting into the wind you will STILL
move 2 inches.
When you Activate a Squadron and move the models within it you
MUST complete the entire movement of a model BEFORE you move a
second or third model. You do not have to move the full movement, but
you MUST finish all of a model’s movement before moving a different
The Wind Template is used to determine if a model’s movement will be
effected by the wind.
To use the Template, locate it over the centre of the Activated model,
with the arrow pointing in the direction that the wind is blowing. As
soon as the model attempts to move with its Fore facing into the shaded
quadrant, movement will start to cost DOUBLE, so to move 1 inch
costs 2 inches of the model’s Move and so on.
Important Note: Movement penalties are cumulative. For example, a
damaged ship that is moving at half speed and sailing into the wind
would, in fact, only be able to move at quarter speed. However, a model
must ALWAYS move a minimum of 2 inches unless Anchored, Tethered
or involved in a Boarding Action.
A model may stop by Dropping Anchor. To do this it must first carry out
its normal movement and then at the end of its movement (but before
it fires) the player may announce they want to Drop Anchor and the
model will then have an Anchor Marker placed next to it. This means
that the ship is now Anchored, it is stationary and will not have to - or be
able to - move during the next Turn.
A ship may remain Anchored for as long as a player likes, but it may
make no facing or directional changes – it is effectively held in the exact
position it was in when it stopped. In any turn that the ship wants to
start moving again it can perform no other movement except to remove
the Anchor Marker.
Example: the Imperial Humans Hawk Class Cruiser A only needs
to turn slightly to pass between Shroud Mages ships 1 and 2, and
can do so without using a Template.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
In the next Turn the ship will move as normal, following all of the
usual rules for wind, damage and minimum movement.
Important Note 1: While being Anchored a ship may still fire and also
defend itself from Boarding Actions.
Important Note 2: Flying models CANNOT Drop Anchor, however
some have the Tether MAR.
There will be cases where a model has halted by having crashed into an
impassable object, an island for example, and will not be able to move
off again. In this case, during the next Turn, and if a player so desires,
a model may rotate the minimum distance in either direction to allow
for free forward movement in the following Turn.
Important Note: This minimum rotation is the only movement the
ship does that Turn. However, the model may still fire or defend itself
from Boarding Actions.
Example: The Fore of Ralgard Kalor Class Cruiser A is facing into
the shaded Quadrant of the Wind Template, and will now use 2
inches of its Movement for every inch it actually moves, until it has
turned out of the wind.
Unless a Scenario or Victory Condition allows it, sailing off the Game
Board will see that model Lost, considered either sunk or showing an
act of cowardice. If, at ANY time, ANY part of a model leaves the
Game Board, it is immediately Lost.
Cruiser B can move normally, unless it turns Starboard and puts
its Fore into the shaded Quadrant.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Collisions and Rams
When Wood And Metal Clash...
When two fast moving behemoths of wood and metal crash together,
hulls will crumple, sails will topple and crew will be hurled overboard
by the jarring impact. Regardless of whether the contact was a forceful
Ram, or an accidental Collision, devastation is likely for all involved.
Both ships involved in the Ram or Collision now simultaneously roll the
appropriate number of Attack Dice (AD) against the other model.
Ramming models use their Ram Rating as their Attack Dice total.
Rammed or Colliding models use their initial Hull Points value as their Attack Dice total.
Collisions or Rams and subsequent Boarding Actions obey the following
Once the total number of Attack Dice has been calculated, roll the dice
and, after applying any relevant modifiers, consult the following table:
Move models from the Active Squadron as normal – any that
contact an enemy model or island or one of their own models
immediately halt. Finish any movements from other models within
the Active Squadron.
Resolve Ramming and Collision damage.
Fire with any models in the Active Squadron that are not contacting
an enemy or Derelict model.
Resolve Boarding Actions and add relevant crew killed markers.
Remove any Destroyed or Captured models.
Important Note: Even if the target is Derelict it is not removed until
Step 4 above, so a ship Capturing a Derelict model CANNOT fire in
Step 3, no matter who the Derelict ship originally belonged to.
Dice Roll
1-3 Miss
4-5 1 Hit
2 Hits and Roll Again!
The total number of hits rolled is now compared to the Damage Rating
(DR) and Critical Rating (CR) of the affected model.
If the total number of hits equals or exceeds the model’s
Damage Rating (DR) without equaling the Critical
Rating (CR) then the model loses one Hull Point.
If the total number of hits equals or exceeds the Critical Rating
(CR), a Critical Hit is caused and you roll 2D6 on the Critical Hit
table, to see what damage has been caused and what additional
effects have befallen the target.
Important Note 1: Drifting models CANNOT Ram, they may only
Collide with other models.
If the total number of hits equals or exceeds DOUBLE the CR then
roll twice on the Critical Hit Table; tripling the CR will give three
rolls on the Critical Hit Table and so on.
Important Note 2: It is possible for friendly ships to contact, in these
cases it is always a Collision, never a Ram.
For each Hull Point lost, place a Hull Damage Marker next to the
model, as well as any Markers denoting particular Critical Hit effects.
Two models coming into contact with one another can either be classed
as a Ram or Collision, depending on which part of the Active model
touches the target model. To be a Ram, the Fore of the Active model,
or base, must make contact within a 45 degree arc relative to the target
model. Any other contact is a Collision.
Important Note: If the CR is equaled or exceeded the damage to the
Hull for meeting the DR is NOT also applied.
Example: Unable to manoeuvre away, a Dragon Lord Shadow Class
Cruiser Collides with a Shroud Mage Enigma Class Flagship. Being a
Collision and not a Ram, it uses its initial Hull Points of 4 as its Attack
Dice (AD), while the Flagship uses its Hull Points of 9.
The Cruiser rolls its 4 AD, scoring 3 successes, which, when compared
to the Flagship’s DR 6, has no effect. The Flagship meanwhile, rolls 7
hits, higher than the Cruiser’s CR 6, and a Critical Hit is scored. A 4
is rolled on the Critical Hit Table, meaning that a Raging Fire is now
sweeping the decks of the Cruiser. It loses, 2 Hull Points, 1 Crew Point
and gains a Raging Fire Marker.
If a Ram Rating is coloured RED then this model has been upgraded in
some way to make it even more deadly when it impacts another vessel.
Example: Orc Raiders Warcroc Class Frigates A and B have
successfully Rammed, as their centre-lines lie within the arc. C
Collides with the Ralgard Battleship instead, as its centre-line does
not lie within the arc.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
The same rules apply as for all other Rams, BUT if the DR rating of the
target model is matched/exceeded it causes an immediate Critical Hit as
though it had equalled or exceeded the CR rating of the target instead. If
the DR is DOUBLED then two rolls on the Critical Hit Table are made
and so on.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
The first Heavy Cruiser rolls 6 successes, matching the Battleship’s
DR 6, and as its Ram Rating is RED, this counts as a Critical Hit. The
subsequent roll gives a Rudder Smashed result, bringing the Battleship
down to 3 Hull Points. Meanwhile the Battleship rolls badly, and its
paltry 3 successes are not enough to damage the Despoiler.
If two or more friendly models Collide, any that survive are free to
make Weaponry Attacks and can move away in subsequent activations,
obeying the rules for Moving Off if necessary.
However, as soon as two opposing models contact, they are considered
to be involved in a Boarding Action, and are unable to move, make
Weaponry Attacks or use Defensive Fire. They MUST fight a Boarding
Action during the Boarding Phase of each of their activations, and will
remain in contact until one of them is Destroyed or Captured.
The second Heavy Cruiser does even better, scoring 9 hits, gaining
another roll on the Critical Hit Table. A 10 is rolled, meaning a
Superstructure Hit result, which causes a further 3 damage, enough
to Destroy the Battleship! In return, the Battleship achieves 8 successes,
and does the Heavy Cruiser 2 Hull and 2 Crew damage with its Critical
Even if the model being rammed/collided with is Destroyed in the
impact, the model is not removed until AFTER the Combat Phase of
the current Squadron Activation. As such, the active model CANNOT
make Weaponry/Defensive Fire Attacks this activation.
Although the Battleship is already Destroyed, the final Ram MUST also
be resolved, as the events are simultaneous. The last Despoiler only
scores 3 hits, to no effect. The Eagle however causes the Heavy Cruiser
a point of damage.
If more than one model is involved in a Ram or Collision, calculate the
damage one Ram/Collision at a time. However, the Rams/Collisions are
considered simultaneous; therefore ALL Attack rolls are made BEFORE
any models are removed.
As the Battleship is Destroyed, no Boarding Action is necessary, however
as the model is not removed until the end of the Heavy Cruisers’
Activation, they are not able to fire their weapons during the Combat
This means a model being Rammed/Collided with multiple times in a
single activation rolls its Hull Points value separately at each attacking
ship, as they roll for their Rams/Collisions. Even if the first Ram/Collision
Destroys the target, the remaining Attacks are rolled, and any damage
inflicted upon the Ramming/Colliding ships still applies.
If a model contacts Terrain or any other natural or man-made obstacle, a
number of Attack Dice (AD) dependent upon the nature of the obstacle
must be rolled against it.
Most obstacles can be divided into one of these three Density categories:
Important Note: Although a model may be Rammed or Collided with
BY multiple models in their Squadron activation, a model CANNOT
Ram or Collide with more than one model when it moves, as it will stop
its movement IMMEDIATELY after contacting the first model. If there
is reasonable doubt as to which model is contacted first, the player who
controls the moving model decides.
Example: A Squadron of 3 Bone Griffon Despoiler Class Heavy Cruisers
Rams into a crippled Imperial Human Eagle Class Battleship that is
already carrying 3 Hull Damage Markers. Each of the Heavy Cruisers
has a Ram Rating of RED 5, and so will each roll 5 Attack Dice (AD),
the Battleship meanwhile, will roll its initial Hull Points of 8 at each of
the Heavy Cruisers.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Soft (Example: Sand bar): 4 AD.
Dense (Example: Reef): 8 AD.
Hard (Example: Harbour Wall): 12 AD.
At the start of each game it is important to determine which of the above
categories each Terrain piece being used belongs to.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
The Stuff That Makes Things Go BANG!!
Naval combat in the Uncharted Seas is fast and bloody, hulls shattering
under the impact of deafening broadsides, crewmen torn apart by flying
splinters and fires blazing across wooden decks.
After all the models in a Squadron have moved, and any damage from
Collisions or Rams applied, the Combat Phase begins. During the
Combat Phase of a Squadron’s Activation, its models may declare one or
more Attacks, using ANY of their available weapons.
A model’s statistic card will list its available Weaponry, these can include
Port and Starboard Broadside cannons, Trebuchets, Ballistas and even
Orbs that fire magical lightning. Each weapon will have an Attack Dice
(AD) rating for each Range Band into which the weapon can fire, and
this is the number of D6 that can be rolled.
To determine whether a target is within the firing model’s Broadside
Arc of Fire, take the relevant Template and align the centre point of the
straight edge with the centre point of the side of the firing model. This
demonstrates the width of arc that the full Broadside of the model will
cover, as indicated by the two arrows at either end of the Template.
Important Note: Weapons listed as Side Guns use the stated Turning
Template Broadside firing arc.
Some models are equipped with Forward or Aft firing weapons, Orc
Raiders ships being prime examples. These weapons can only fire
forward or aft in a channel the WIDTH of the firing model.
Each of the four Range Bands used in this game measure 8 inches,
meaning that the maximum distance a model will ever shoot is 32
Important Note: If a model is touching an enemy model it CANNOT
fire ANY weapons.
The number of Hull Damage Markers and Crew Killed Markers
a model is carrying will impact the effectiveness of its firing. This
simulates gun crews being killed, wreckage on the decks and damage
to cannons and other missile weapons. So for each Hull Damage/Crew
Killed Marker a model has its AD is reduced by 1. This modifier affects
ALL weapons, so it will reduce Broadsides, Turrets and any Fore and
Aft AD ratings
You do not use both Markers to reduce the AD rating, just the higher
of the two. So if a ship has 3 Hull Damage Markers and 2 Crew Killed
Markers it will lose 3 AD, not 5. The same is true if it had 3 Crew Killed
Markers and 2 Hull Damage Markers.
A model can fire ONCE from each of its weapon arcs during its
Activation, so long as it has valid targets. So if a model has AD ratings
for Fore, Aft, Port and Starboard it gets to shoot from ALL of them
during its Activation.
Turrets are a flexible addition to models, providing them with the ability
to track a target through up to 360 degrees.
Some models have limitations to this arc based on where the Turret is
located on the model. If so centre this arc on the Turret with the correct
The following rules for Arcs of Fire and Line of Sight explain how to
establish if a target can legitimately be fired upon and how ‘what you can
see’ affects the number of AD that can be rolled.
When a model is limited to HALF AD for ANY reason, it rounds its AD
down, but to a minimum of 1.
A weapon is not simply a thin straight line but a line of guns along the
length of a ship. To determine how many of these guns can actually see
and shoot at the target, the weapon’s Arc of Fire is used. These include:
Each of the three Turning Templates shows the Port and Starboard
Broadside firing arcs for the appropriate model sizes. Massive models
use the Large Template Broadside arc where appropriate.
To determine whether a target is within the firing model’s Arc of Fire, a
line is extended at either end of the arc:
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
If BOTH lines pass through the target model (excluding sails)
(A), the firing model may Attack with that weapon’s FULL AD.
If the target model lies completely between the lines (B), the
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
firing model may Attack with that weapon’s FULL AD.
If only ONE of these lines passes through the target model
(excluding sails) (C), the firing model may Attack with HALF of
that weapon’s AD.
If the line CAN cross the centre of the target WITHOUT crossing
another Obstructing model/Terrain piece then the Broadside arc is
Clear and eligible to use FULL AD.
If the line CANNOT cross the centre, but can be drawn to ANY
other part of the target model’s hull/frame WITHOUT crossing
any other Obstructing model/Terrain piece, its Line of Sight is
Partially Blocked, reducing the amount of available Attack Dice by
A firing weapon’s Line of Sight is Blocked if it CANNOT draw this
line to ANY part of the target model’s hull/frame WITHOUT
crossing an Obstructing model/Terrain piece, it will NOT be able
to fire at that target.
Through the Middle: If this line CAN be drawn to the centre, but
BOTH ends of the target model are Blocked by Obstructing models/
Terrain then the firing model’s Line of Sight is Impeded.
Example: A Dragon Lords Nightshade Class Battleship has an Iron
Dwarves Hammer Class Cruiser within Range Band 2 of its Port
Broadsides. When the Template is aligned with the Battleship, one of the
two lines passes through the Cruiser, but not the other. As such rather
than the FULL AD of 11, it uses HALF AD, rounding down to 5.
Some models are large enough to target opposing models over
intervening models or Terrain.
• A Fore or Aft firing arc requires that NO Obstructing models/
Terrain, enter ANY part of the channel between the firing model
and its target to be Clear and use FULL AD.
• If an Obstructing model/Terrain piece DOES enter ANY part of the
channel, but a straight line CAN be drawn from ANY point at the
front/rear of the firing model to ANY point on the target model
within the firing channel, its Line of Sight is Partially Blocked,
reducing the amount of available Attack Dice by HALF.
• If a straight line CANNOT be drawn from ANY point at the front/
rear of the firing model to ANY point on the target model within
the firing channel, its Line of Sight is Blocked and this weapon will
NOT be able to fire at that target.
Whether a model can target a model that is behind another model or
Terrain is dependent on the Size Class of the firing model compared to
the Size Class of the intervening obstacle. If the firing model is TWO
or more Size Classes larger than the intervening obstacle, the obstacle
does not block its Line of Sight and is not Obstructing.
Example: Battleship A (Large Class) could target Cruiser 2 behind
Frigate 1 (Small Class), but not Battleship 3 behind Cruiser 2 (Medium
• The Line of Sight from a Turret is determined by drawing a line
from the centre of the Turret to ANY point on the target; as long
as no Obstructing models or Terrain interrupt this line, the Line of
Sight is Clear, and the Turret may use FULL AD.
• If such a line CANNOT be drawn, the Line of Sight is Blocked, and
the Turret will NOT be able to fire at the target.
If there are no Obstructing models or Terrain pieces blocking the firing
model’s Line of Sight, it may fire at its target with FULL AD. Each
weapon arc determines this differently:
To determine if a model or piece of scenery is impacting the Broadside’s
effectiveness, draw a straight line from the centre of the Broadside
baseline to the target model.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Important Note: Sails DO NOT affect Line of Sight. It is a model’s hull
that impacts visibility.
Important Note: You DO NOT halve the Attack Dice twice in the event
of a target model being partially blocked AND the vessel being partially
outside of the normal Arc of Fire. Once you have calculated the number
of AD you will be using you can then alter this based on any random
events and special rules that may apply to a model.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Example: An Imperial Human Eagle Class Battleship has 3 possible
targets in its Starboard Broadside arc: Two Iron Dwarves Hammer
Class Cruisers, and an Iron Dwarves Forge Class Battleship. As all the
targets are within Range Band 2, it can Split 12 AD between them, here
choosing to allocate 4 AD to each model.
Broadside Range Bands are measured from the centre of the firing
model’s baseline to the closest point of the target.
Where a model is firing from its Fore or Aft arc measure from the
closest point at the front/rear of the firing model to the closest point of
the target model within the firing channel.
Where a model is firing a Turret, measure from the centre point of the
firing Turret to the closest point of the target model, within the Turret’s
Line of Sight and Arc of Fire.
Linked Fire allows models to pool their available Attack Dice (AD) into
a single, more powerful salvo against the SAME target that lies within
the arcs of multiple weapons. A Linked Fire Attack uses the full amount
of available AD from ONE weapon (usually the most effective) and
will add HALF the amount of available AD from each ADDITIONAL
weapon involved in the Attack.
Models in the SAME Squadron may perform Linked Fire in the same
manner. ONE weapon on ONE of the models is declared to be the
Focus of the Attack, and contributes FULL AD to the final pool. Each
subsequent available weapon on this model and each available weapon
from other models in the Squadron then add HALF AD to the pool.
This combined pool is then the total number of AD used for the Attack.
Important Note: A model rounds its AD down when it adds them to a
Linked Fire Attack, but it CANNOT round to less than 1 AD.
Example 1: A Squadron of two Iron Dwarves Hammer Class Cruisers
have a Dragon Lords Nightshade Class Battleship within Range Band 3
of their Port Broadsides. Each have 3 AD available, which, when Linked
together, have a final pool of (3 + 1) 4 AD to be used in the Attack.
While models involved in a Boarding Action CANNOT fire, they are
eligible targets for other models to fire upon, obeying all the Line of
Sight and Arc of Fire rules. If an involved model is Destroyed, other
models in an Action with it and nothing else are free to act normally in
subsequent Activations. NO Crew of the Destroyed model survives, and
NO Crew of other involved models are killed as it sinks.
If a model has more than one target in a single firing arc it can choose to
Split its firing between them. Work out the AD pool, using the furthest
target if they are in different Range Bands. The Activated model can
now Split the AD pool in any manner it wishes between the targets that
have been identified.
Important Note: One ship may Split its AD against multiple targets,
but a single salvo MAY NOT use both the Linked Fire and Split Fire
rules together.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Example 2: Three Iron Dwarves Anvil Class Heavy Cruisers have both
their Port Broadsides and their Turrets available to fire at a Dragon Lords
Nightshade Class Battleship within Range Band 2. The Broadsides have
6 AD available at this Range, and the Turrets 3 AD, for a total of (6 + 3
+ 3 + 1 + 1 + 1) 15 AD to be used in the Attack.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
There are certain basics of the Attack Dice (AD) rules that need to be
adhered to no matter what modifiers have been applied. They are:
The total number of hits is now compared to the Damage Rating (DR)
and Critical Rating (CR) of the model being fired at.
1) Regardless of how much damage, no matter how many times you
have halved your AD, you will ALWAYS get to roll 1 AD (unless
the model’s statistic card lists no AD in that Arc or Range Band).
2) Regardless of modifiers a natural roll of 6 will ALWAYS count as 2
Hits and a second roll.
3) Regardless of modifiers a result of 1 is ALWAYS a miss.
Once the total number of Attack Dice (AD) has been calculated, roll
the dice, and after applying any relevant modifiers, consult the following
Dice Roll
4-51 Hit
2 Hits and Roll Again!
For each Hull Point lost, place a Hull Damage Marker next to the target
model, as well as any Markers denoting particular Critical Hit effects.
Important Note: If the Critical Rating is equaled or exceeded the
damage to the hull for meeting the Damage Rating is NOT also applied.
If Line of Sight to the target is Impeded, the target is a Flying or Diving
model or the Small Target rule applies, use the following table instead:
Dice Roll
51 Hit
2 Hits and Roll Again!
Once the AD dice have been rolled the player adds up successful hits. At
this point any 6s can be re-rolled and the total added up. Any more 6s
are also re-rolled and this keeps going until no more 6s are rolled. This
gives the total number of hits from an Attack. Tip: For ease of adding up
the total it is a good idea to leave the 6s on the table and roll other dice.
If a Capital model targets a model with Size Class Small or Tiny, it only
scores a hit on a roll of 5 or 6.
If the Firing model is within Range Band 1 of its target, AND within its
target’s Aft firing channel, its Attack counts as a Stern Rake, and receives
a +1 to hit modifier on its Attack Dice rolls. If a model in a Squadron
performing a Linked Fire Attack is eligible to perform a Stern Rake, it
may do so, however only the Attack Dice that it contributes to the pool
receive the +1 to hit modifier, and as such should be rolled separately or
using different coloured dice.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
If the total number of hits equals or exceeds the target model’s
Damage Rating without equaling the Critical Rating then the
target model loses one Hull Point.
If the total number of hits equals or exceeds the Critical Rating, a
Critical Hit is caused and you roll 2D6 on the Critical Hit table to
see what damage has been caused and what additional effects have
befallen the target.
If the total number of hits equals or exceeds DOUBLE the Critical
Rating of the target then roll twice on the Critical Hit Table;
tripling the Critical Rating will give three rolls on the Critical Hit
Table and so on.
Example: The Iron Dwarves Hammer Class Cruisers from Example
1 on the previous page now roll their linked 4 AD at the Dragon Lord
Battleship. On the 4D6 they roll: 1, 3, 5 and 6, followed by another 6 and
then a 4. This gives a total of 6 hits, the same as the Battleship’s DR, and
so a point of damage is caused.
Example: Now the Iron Dwarves Anvil Class Heavy Cruisers take their
turn, with a total of 15 AD from their salvo. This mighty barrage scores
12 hits, higher than the Battleship’s CR 10. The Iron Dwarves player can
now roll on the Critical Hit Table, rolling 5. This causes 2 further Hull
Damage Markers to be placed on the Battleship, and calls for another
D6 to be rolled. This roll gives a 5, meaning that the Battleship can only
move at HALF of its Move value, until it can repair the Critical Hit.
Once a model has been reduced to ZERO Hull Points it has been
Destroyed, and, unless the scenario rules state differently, should be
removed from the table.
If the Critical Rating (CR) of a ship is equalled or bettered by the
number of hits inflicted during combat then something dramatic has
happened. It could be that the captain of the vessel was decapitated by
a piece of flying hull or the engine room was destroyed leaving the ship
crippled in the water.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
The Critical Hit Table (Page 24) lists the possible consequences of these
unfortunate events. The Game Markers will assist in keeping track of
any persistent effects.
Important Note 1: Frigates and other vessels with only 2 or fewer Hull
Points are not affected by Critical Hits. If the CR rating of a Frigate OR
other vessels with only 2 or fewer Hull Points is equaled/exceeded the
model is Destroyed immediately - you DO NOT roll on the Critical Hit
Some Critical Hits can be fixed. This happens when a ship is Activated.
Generally the action of fixing critical damage is managed via a single D6
roll, the Critical Hit Table explains which Critical Hits can be repaired,
and how to do so.
Important Note: This DOES NOT fix any Hull damage or Crew losses
that came as a result of the Critical Hit, only the additional effects caused.
Important Note 2: Because opposing players may affect your damage
and critical rolls it is important to calculate your total hits and damage
even if you think you have done enough to Destroy a target model.
ABOVE LEFT: In these cases, the line can be drawn to part of the
target, but not its centre as there is an intervening Obstructing
model. The Line of Sight is Partially Blocked and only HALF Attack
Dice are available.
ABOVE RIGHT: In each of these cases, lines can be drawn from
the centre of the Broadside baseline to the centre of the target and
to at least ONE end of the target. The Broadside’s Line of Sight is
Clear and FULL Attack Dice are available.
BOTTOM LEFT: Here the line CANNOT be drawn to ANY part
of the target without either crossing an Obstructing model, or
leaving the Arc of Fire. The target CANNOT be fired upon with
this weapon.
BOTTOM RIGHT: The ends of the target are BOTH blocked
by Obstructing models, but a line CAN be drawn from the centre
of the baseline to the centre of the target, FULL Attack Dice are
used, but the weapon’s Line of Sight is Impeded.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Additionally, when firing a Mortar Platform:
Trebuchets are subject to the following rules:
Trebuchets have a fore facing 90 degree Arc of Fire.
Measure Range, Line of Sight and Arc of Fire from the front of the
firing model.
A Trebuchet Attack can ONLY use Split Fire against a number of
targets equal to the number of Trebuchets on the model (or less).
A Trebuchet can ONLY use Linked Fire with other Trebuchets.
Game Cards CAN be used with Trebuchets.
Trebuchets CANNOT fire at Flying models.
Additionally, a model with Trebuchets can choose to fire them either
Directly or Indirectly:
If the chosen target is within the model’s Line of Sight, Direct Fire
is used, obeying the following rules:
o Select any point on the target model that is in Line of Sight to
determine the AD at that Range Band.
o Place the Large Round Template centered on that point.
o Allocate at least HALF of the available AD against the target
o Any remaining available AD CAN be Split to any other
models that are under the template AND in Line of Sight.
If the chosen target is NOT within the model’s Line of Sight,
Indirect Fire is used, obeying the following rules:
o Place the Large Round Template on the centre of the target.
o Roll 1D8 comparing to the 8 arrows on the template, with the
“1” direction facing directly away from the firing ship.
o The template is then moved 1D6” in the direction indicated
by the 1D8 score.
o Calculate the AD from the Range Band that the centre of the
Large Round Template deviates into.
o HALF of the available AD is allocated among the models that
are wholly or partially under the template.
o If a Trebuchet deviates beyond Range Band 4 and/or out of
the 90 degree arc, IT IS still a valid attack using the rules
above. Beyond Range Band 4 counts as Range Band 4 for the
purpose of determining the AD.
o If a Trebuchet deviates into Range Band 1 the shot has no
Mortar Platforms are subject to the following rules:
Mortars have a fore facing, 90 degree Arc of Fire.
Measure Range, Line of Sight and Arc of Fire from the centre of
the firing model.
Mortars CANNOT target Flying models.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Place the centre of the Large Round Template over a target
model and in Line of Sight and Arc of Fire of the firing Mortar
Roll a single D6 and consult the following table.
If a Hit is not scored, move the Template 1D6+2” in a direction
determined by rolling 1D8 and comparing to the 8 arrows on
the template, with the “1” direction facing directly away from the
firing ship.
Models PARTIALLY under the template are hit with HALF the
available AD. Models FULLY under the template are hit with
NOTE: Some models are too large to fit completely under the template,
so for Large Class models (or bigger), if both the centre of the template
is over the ship and the centre of the ship is under the template, FULL
AD are used.
Table for Mortar Fire
Range Band
D6 to Hit
Some models can fire torpedoes under the water. They are subject to the
following rules:
Torpedoes can ONLY be fired at Submerged models if the firing
model is Submerged, and ONLY against Surface models if the
firing model is on the Surface or Flying.
Torpedoes CANNOT Rake.
Torpedoes CANNOT Link Fire.
Defensive Fire Battery
Defensive Fire Batteries are used to make an ADDITIONAL Defensive
Fire (DF) Attack against Flying models. Listed as ‘Defensive Fire’
on a model’s statistic card, Defensive Fire Batteries uses the normal
Defensive Fire rules, with an AD equal to the listed value, with the
following rules:
Defensive Fire Batteries CANNOT Link Fire.
Defensive Fire Batteries CANNOT make other (non-DF) Attacks.
A Defensive Fire Battery’s DF value is not affected by Hull Damage
or Crew loss.
A model may use BOTH a Defensive Fire Battery AND other
Defensive Fire/Weaponry Attacks, without impacting the other
Attack’s AD. These weapons use dedicated crews.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Critical Hit Table
Roll 2D6 And Consult The Table Below
Magazine Explosion: the ship turns into a ball of flame before sinking.
Models within an 4” radius of the centre of the exploding model are
Attacked with a number of D6 equal to DOUBLE the Hull Points of the
exploding ship. Affects ALL ships, friend or foe, and hits on a 4, 5 or 6
There are no options here. The ship has quite
literally been blown into thousands of pieces and all
crew are killed.
Rudder Smashed: the ship may not turn and can only move in a straight
line. 2 points of damage.
Roll 1D6 when the ship is next Activated: On a 1-3
the effect is repaired. On a 4-6 it is not repaired.
Raging Fire: place a Raging Fire Marker on the ship. Lose 1 crew and take
2 points of damage.
Roll 1D6 for each Marker when the ship is next
Activated: A result of 1-3 remove a single Fire
Marker. On a 4-5 the ship takes 1 point of damage
from the fire. On a 6 the ship takes 1 point of
damage AND loses 1 crew point.
Engine / Mainmast Damage: roll a D6 and on a 1-2 the ship is dead in the
water (it will Drift 2” forward when Activated) or on a 3-6 the ship may
only move at half speed. Take 2 points of damage.
Roll 1D6 when the ship is next Activated: On a 1-3
the effect is repaired. On a 4-6 it is not repaired.
Gun Deck Hit: crew desperately sort out the pile of mangled guns and
bodies. The model may not fire next time it is Activated. Take 2 points of
No repair options are available.
Hard Pounding: take 2 points of damage and lose 2 crew.
No repair options are available.
Helm Steering Hit: the ship must use one size larger Turning Template. A
model which uses the Large Template will take 2” of movement to move 1”
round its Turning Template instead. Take 2 points of damage.
Roll 1D6 when the ship is next Activated: On a 1-3
the effect is repaired. On a 4-6 it is not repaired.
Port / Starboard Broadside Hit: roll 1D6 and the model loses that many
AD from the Broadside on that side. Roll randomly to decide which. Take 2
points of damage and lose 1 crew.
No repair options are available.
Superstructure Hit: major damage so take 1D3+1 damage and lose 1 crew.
No repair options are available.
Bridge Hit: next time it is Activated the ship may only Drift 2” directly
forward and may not fire. Take 2 points of damage AND lose 2 crew.
No repair options are available.
Holed Below the Waterline: the ship may only move at half speed. Take 2
points of damage.
Roll 1D6 when the ship is next Activated: On a 1-3
the effect is repaired. On a 4-5 the ship takes 1 point
of damage. On a 6 the ship takes 2 points of damage.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Boarding Actions
The Bloody Hand-To-Hand Stuff!
Boarding Actions are brutal affairs, while the ships are locked together
by splintered wood and grappling hooks, their crews leap from vessel to
vessel, fighting with blades, bludgeons and handguns. With no option
to disengage, the crews have only one choice: kill the foe, or die trying.
If two or more opposing ships contact, planned or unplanned, and
survive the Ramming or Collision damage, they are deemed to be
involved in a Boarding Action and their crews are automatically forced
into hand-to-hand combat with each other.
Each model in a Squadron initiating a Boarding Action allocates its
ENTIRE current Crew Points value against the target model, or models.
Any target model MAY allocate any amount of its current Crew Point
value to one or more of the models initiating the Boarding Action, but
the total amount allocated MUST NOT exceed the total amount of
Crew Points available.
The total number of Crew Points allocated to each involved model is the
number of Melee Dice (MD) rolled against that model.
The Melee Dice for both sides are rolled simultaneously, using the
following table:
When a model that is involved in multiple Boarding Actions next
Activates, all of its allocated Crew Points will fight and be fought back
against. Models that are not directly involved in the Boarding Action
of the Squadron currently Activating, even if they are involved in a
Boarding Action against the same model, do NOT fight. Additionally,
any Crew Points that have been returned from a previously successful
Boarding Action can be re-allocated.
If models in a Squadron are contacting models in different Squadrons,
each MUST fight their OWN Boarding Action.
Important Note: You can only ever Board a model in contact with your
own vessel. Your crew cannot traverse one model to get to another. This
applies to friendly AND enemy ships.
When a model’s Crew is wiped out, the victor in the Boarding Action
can Capture it. To represent this, the winning model is given a Prize
Marker which it carries for the rest of the game.
If the model with the Prize Marker is subsequently Destroyed or
Captured the Prize Marker is lost. If more than one model is involved
in a Boarding Action and the enemy model’s crew is wiped out, the
winning player can choose which of their models is given the Prize
Marker. Captured models are removed from the gaming table.
Dice Roll
4-51 Hit
2 Hits and Roll Again!
Each hit will cause the opposing model to lose 1 Crew Point. Place a
Crew Killed Marker next to the model for each hit suffered.
If a model is reduced to ZERO Crew Points, but not yet Captured or
Destroyed, it is Derelict and will Drift as per the rules for un-Activated
ships. This movement occurs in the Turn End Phase. If a Derelict model
has already been Activated the Turn it becomes a Derelict, it will not
Drift until the next Turn’s End Phase.
Casualties caused BY the target model are simply applied to the model
the Crew was allocated against. Any hits in excess of that models current
Crew Points are discounted.
The first model that contacts a Derelict will Capture it, gaining a Prize
Marker if it is an opposing model or Destroying it if it belongs to your
fleet. In either case the ship is removed from the table. This is STILL a
Any losses caused TO the target model MUST be applied to allocated
Crew first, assigned amongst allocated groups by the owning player.
Any Casualties in excess of allocated Crew are applied to Crew that has
not been allocated.
Important Note: If BOTH models involved in a Boarding Action
reduce each other’s Crew to ZERO BOTH will become Derelict ships.
They will remain in contact and will NOT Drift until one or the other is
Captured by another model.
Models remain in the position they contacted each other and each time
one of the involved ships Activates they continue to fight the Boarding
Action. This continues until one side has lost ALL of their Crew Points
from ALL its involved models.
Important Note: If all of the opposing Crew Points on a model involved
in a Boarding Action are killed, any remaining Crew Points from the
winning model are returned to their ship and can be allocated again in
later Activations, if required.
If a model engaged in an ongoing Boarding Action is the target of a
new Boarding Action, by a different Squadron, it will fight against that
Squadron as usual. However, it may NOT re-allocate Crew Points that
are currently allocated to a different model. Only Crew Points that have
been allocated to models in the new Boarding Action can fight in the
current Activation.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Extended Example of a Boarding Action
An Imperial Human Condor Class Flagship with a Crew
of 11 is Boarded by TWO Dragon Lord Moonbeam
Class Destroyer, each with a Crew of 3.
The Dragon Lord Player MUST allocate all available
Crew (3 + 3 = 6) as Melee Dice to the Flagship. In
return, the Imperial Human Player allocates 4 Crew
as Melee Dice to each Destroyer, and holds 3 Crew in
Above: A Thaniras Elves Phoenix Class Battleship has been
rammed by two Orc Raiders Warcroc Class Frigates, miraculously
all three ships survived the impact unscathed, and each of them
must fight a Boarding Action. The Elves elect to focus all 7 Crew
Points on Frigate A, and the Orcs combine their 3 Crew Points
each into a pool of 6.
The Dragon Lord Player rolls their Melee Dice, scoring 4
successes. The successes MUST be assigned to allocated
Crew first, and the Imperial Human Player splits this
as evenly as possible, reducing the Crew fighting each
Destroyer to 2.
At the same time, the Imperial Human player rolls their
Melee Dice at each Destroyer, getting 3 hits against the
first, but only 1 against the second.
As such, the first Destroyer is Captured, and the 2
remaining Crew allocated to it join the ‘reserve’ Crew.
The 2 Crew fighting the other Destroyer (also with 2
Crew) remain locked.
In a subsequent Activation, the Dragon Lord Player
elects to board the Flagship again, this time with a
Twilight Class Heavy Cruiser. The Cruiser, having
sustained damage over the battle, only has 3 Crew
remaining, and the Imperial Human Player allocates all
of the Crew they have held in reserve against it, for a
total of 5 Melee Dice against the Dragon Lord’s 3.
Middle: The Battleship’s 7 Crew Points are converted into Melee
Dice (MD) and a total of 5 successes are rolled, enough to wipe
out Frigate A. At the same time, the Frigates roll their 6 Melee
Dice, getting 3 successes, reducing the Battleship’s Crew to 4. With
the Action finished for this Activation, Frigate A is removed from
the Board and the Battleship gains 3 Crew Killed Markers and a
Prize Marker.
This Boarding Assault is resolved, but the combat with
the Destroyer is NOT recommenced, as the active
Squadron is not involved. With some lucky rolls, the
Crew of the Heavy Cruiser are wiped out while the
Flagship only loses a single Crew Point (applied to the
Crew allocated against the Heavy Cruiser). With the
Heavy Cruiser gone, the Flagship has 4 Crew in reserve,
and 2 still locked with the Destroyer.
The Flagship Activates later in the Turn, and allocates
its remaining 4 Crew to the ongoing Assault with the
second Destroyer, bringing its total Melee Dice to 6.
The Flagship and Destroyer resolve another round, both
scoring 3 hits, enough to wipe out the last Destroyer.
As the seas around the Flagship calm, it emerges with
THREE Prize Markers for the ships it has Captured,
but is severely weakened with only 3 of its 11 Crew
remaining: greatly hampering its firepower and leaving
it very vulnerable.
Bottom: Later in the Turn the Battleship Activates, it now only
has 4 Melee Dice available, and the remaining Frigate has 3
Melee Dice. These are rolled, with the Orcs only getting a single
success and the Elves getting 3. The Frigate B is also removed,
giving the Battleship another Prize. However it also gains another
Crew Killed Marker from the Orcs’ singe hit and with 4 of its 7
Crew now dead, its weapons will be severely hampered and it will
be very vulnerable to further Boarding attempts.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Turn End
Time To Tidy Up, Draw Cards And Move On...
The End Phase of the Turn is used to tidy up and prepare for the next
Turn. Perform any End Phase actions in the following order:
1. Check Victory Conditions.
2. Rationalise Game Markers and remove expired effects.
3. Check for Changing Wind.
4. Drift Derelict models.
5. Draw new Game Cards.
Goliath: at a staggering 224 feet
tall out of the water (112mm)
this is the largest monster to be
seen in the deadly waters of the
Broad Blue...
Some scenarios define certain Victory Conditions, such as you must
sink half of your opponent’s fleet in terms of Points Cost to win, or
you may have to get half of your own fleet off the gaming table
to secure a victory. At this stage in the End Phase check to see
if either side has achieved their Victory Conditions.
Remove any remaining Markers or Templates for effects
that expire at the End of the Turn, such as those from certain
Magic Cards.
Also rationalise any Damage Markers and so forth as
At this stage, the player with the highest Initiative
will roll 2D6 to see if the wind direction changes.
The roll of a DOUBLE will see the compass point
move: if the two dice are ODD the wind moves
CLOCKWISE one point, and if they are EVEN
the wind moves ANTI-CLOCKWISE one point.
Drift any Derelict or un-Activated models
During the End Phase, Players may
discard any number of Game
Cards and re-draw up to
their current maximum
Hand size.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Flying Rules
Models That Work Above The Water
Some models are able to fly or float amongst the clouds. These are called
Flying models.
Important Note: All of a Flying model’s Attacks MUST be made from
the same point.
All Hands Lost
When a Squadron of Flying models is deployed, they can be deployed
any distance apart within the Deployment Area, but must be deployed
at the same time.
Unless a special rule states otherwise, a Flying model CANNOT become
Derelict. Instead a Flying model that loses ALL of its Crew will crash,
and is Destroyed.
When a Flying model declares an Attack against a non-Flying model,
ANY enemy model within Range Band 1 of the Flying model may
target it with Defensive Fire.
A Squadron of Flying models Activates in the same way as a Squadron
of normal models.
Flying Models IGNORE the Command Distance rules
A Flying model that uses a Turning Template makes measurements
from its base.
Flying models CAN move over other models and Terrain but
CANNOT end their move occupying the same space as another
model or Flight Stand.
Submerged or Surface models CAN move under a Flying model,
but CANNOT end their move occupying the same space as another
model or Flight Stand.
If a model CANNOT move without ending its movement on top of
another model, the model moves so that the other models can be
repositioned clear of it with minimal displacement.
A Flying model CANNOT Ram, be Rammed by, or Collide with a
model on the Surface or a Submerged model.
A Flying model CANNOT Drop Anchor.
Flying models can become valid targets for Defensive Fire.
Each model declaring Defensive Fire rolls an amount of Attack Dice
(AD) equal to its current Crew Points value, targeting the Flying model.
Once any Damage has been resolved, the Flying model continues with
its Activation.
Important Note: Defensive Fire ONLY hits on a result of 5 or 6.
The following rules apply to ALL Flying models:
A non-Flying model only hits a Flying model on a 5 or 6.
A Surface model CANNOT target a Flying model in Range Band
1 with its weapons, it can ONLY use Defensive Fire.
A Flying model CANNOT directly target a Submerged model.
A Flying model can ONLY Rake another model if it is ALSO a
Flying model.
Flying models NEVER block Line of Sight.
Surface models NEVER block Line of Sight to OR from Flying
Terrain DOES NOT block Line of Sight from a Flying model to
another Flying model, unless listed as occupying the entire Flying
Terrain DOES block Line of Sight from a Surface model to a Flying
model AND from a Flying model to a Surface model.
Fly-By Attacks
Flying models can make their attacks at any point during their normal
movement, using the following sequence:
Use FULL Defensive Fire, but CANNOT make Weaponry
Attacks during its Activation.
Use HALF Defensive Fire, but CAN ONLY make Weaponry
Attacks with Reduced Fire during its Activation.
Use NO Defensive Fire AND fire its weapons normally during
its Activation.
Models in the same Squadron CAN use Linked Fire and Split Fire with
Defensive Fire.
A model involved in a Boarding Action CANNOT use Defensive Fire.
Any effect that prevents a model from making Weaponry Attacks will
also prevent the use of Defensive Fire.
A model can ONLY use Defensive Fire ONCE per Turn.
Defensive Fire is measured from the closest point on the model using
Defensive Fire.
A Flying model CANNOT use Defensive Fire.
A model that has ALREADY Activated AND has ALREADY
made a Weaponry Attack CANNOT use Defensive Fire this Turn.
A model that has ALREADY Activated BUT has only made a
Weaponry Attack using Reduced Fire CAN use Defensive Fire,
but only using HALF of its current Crew value.
A model that has NOT Activated, or NOT made Weaponry Attacks
Move ALL Flying models in a Squadron to the point that
they are making their Attacks from.
Declare ALL Attacks from the Flying models.
Resolve Defensive Fire.
Resolve the Attacks from the Flying models.
Finish the movement for ALL models in the Squadron.
A model using Reduced Fire ONLY fires its weapons with HALF of
their current Attack Dice value.
After a Flying model has made an Attack against a non-Flying model,
Defensive Fire Attacks may be made against it by any eligible model
during their Activation, until the Flying model’s next Activation. This is
called Active Turn Defensive Fire.
A Flying model CANNOT Attack and then Ram, Collide or
perform a Boarding Action at the end of its movement.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Squadron, Turn and Action Game Cards CANNOT be played on
Defensive Fire Attacks unless specifically stated on the card. Reaction
cards CAN be played against Defensive Fire normally.
To engage in a Boarding Action with another Flying model, use all the
normal rules for Ramming, Colliding and Boarding.
It is also possible for a Flying model to engage in a Boarding Action
with a non-Flying model if it contacts a model with its Flight Stand.
This DOES NOT result in a Collision. It simulates ropes being dropped
from an airship or balloon and crew rappelling down ropes to assault
the enemy. However, a model being boarded by a Flying model MAY
still play Reaction cards that apply to a Ram or Collision.
ABOVE LEFT: An Iron Dwarves Bellows Class Airship Activates
and closes in on Orc Raiders Cruiser A, moving from point 1 to
point 2. As it has not declared an Attack, it CANNOT be targeted
with Defensive Fire.
Non-Flying models CANNOT Capture a Flying model, instead
the Flying model is Derelict, or Destroyed under the All Hands
Lost rule.
ABOVE RIGHT: Whilst at point 1, the Line of Sight between
the Airship and the Cruiser is Obstructed by the island. However,
once it moves to point 2, the island is no longer intervening, and
the models CAN target one another.
In its next Activation, the Airship moves to within 4 inches of the
Cruiser, so that its Bomb Attack will catch the ship in its blast,
and declares its Attack. As it is within Range Band 1, the Cruiser
declares, and then resolves, its Defensive Fire. The Airship now
resolves its Bomb Attack, before continuing Point 3.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Diving Rules
Models That Work Below The Water
Some models are able to dive beneath the waves. These are called Diving
A Diving model can ONLY Rake another model if they are BOTH
on the Surface.
Diving models on the Surface ONLY block Line of Sight for other
Diving models on the Surface.
Submerged models NEVER block Line of Sight.
A Diving model CANNOT use Defensive Fire.
When a Squadron of Diving models is deployed, they can either
be deployed on the Surface or Submerged. If they are deployed
Submerged, any Submerged models representing them can be deployed
any distance apart within the Deployment Area, but must be deployed
at the same time.
When a Squadron of Diving models is Activated the controlling player
must declare whether they will be making a Surface or a Submerged
move. The Diving model MUST remain on the Surface OR be
Submerged for its ENTIRE Activation.
If the Diving models are making a Surface move, they Activate in the
same way as a standard Squadron. If the Diving models are making a
Submerged move, each Diving model MUST be directly replaced by
the appropriate number of representative Submerged models:
A Diving Creature is represented by ONE Submerged model.
A Submarine is represented by TWO Submerged models.
One of the two Submerged models that represent a Submarine is the
actual Submarine, the other is a Bluff. Which is which should be noted
somewhere by the controlling player. If a Diving model does not have a
specific Submerged model to represent its status, you should record in
some way whether the model is Submerged or not.
If a Diving model declares that it is remaining Submerged, its
representative Submerged models remain and are NOT replaced.
However, if a Diving model that is remaining Submerged does NOT
have its full complement of Submerged models, these ARE replaced as
if the Diving model had just Submerged.
If a Diving model that is Submerged returns to the Surface, it must
replace the Submerged model representing its true location, but can be
placed with ANY orientation.
Diving Models IGNORE the Command Distance rules.
Submerged models DO NOT use a Turning Template, and have
360 degree movement.
Submerged models CAN move under, or through, other models
but CANNOT end their move occupying the same space as another
model or Flight Stand.
If a model CANNOT move without ending its movement on top of
another model, the model moves so that the other models can be
repositioned clear of it with minimal displacement.
A Diving model CANNOT Ram or Collide with a Flying model.
A Submerged model CANNOT Ram, be Rammed by, or Collide
with a model on the Surface.
You DO NOT place Raging Fire Markers on Submerged models. If a
Diving model becomes Submerged, remove any Raging Fire Markers
from it.
A Submarine is a specific type of Diving model that is generally
mechanical and has a crew. ALL Submerged models representing a
Submarine use the Stat Card of the Diving model they represent. The
following rules apply to Submarines:
The following rules apply to ALL Diving models:
A Non-Submerged model only hits a Diving model on the Surface
on a 5 or 6.
A Non-Submerged model only hits a Submerged model on a 6.
A Submerged model CANNOT be directly targeted by a Flying
A Submerged model still hits on a 4, 5 or 6, where appropriate.
A Submerged model CANNOT make Weaponry Attacks unless
stated otherwise.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
A Submarine that suffers a Critical Hit DOES NOT roll on the
Critical Hit Table, it just loses 2 Hull Points.
A Submarine CANNOT Board other models, and other models
CANNOT Board a Submarine.
If a Submarine is in base contact with another model, it CAN
move away from it without any penalty.
When a model makes an Attack against a Submerged model
representing a Submarine, only the player controlling the Submerged
model will know whether the actual model has been Destroyed or not.
This means that an enemy player will have to Destroy ALL Submerged
models representing a Submarine to be sure that it has actually been
Diving models CANNOT Capture another model, and CANNOT
be Captured.
If a Submerged model representing a Submarine suffers enough
damage to Destroy it, remove the model.
If a damaged model becomes Submerged, mark its damage against
ALL Submerged models that represent it.
If at least one Submerged model representing a Submarine
remains, the Squadron still generates a Game Card.
Only a Submarine counts towards Victory Points at the end of the
game, not any Submerged models representing it.
If a Submerged model representing a Submarine is involved in
Ram or Collision, remove all Submerged models from the Game
Board that are NOT the true location of any Diving model involved
in the Ram or Collision.
As a Submarine CANNOT perform a Boarding Action, if it Rams
or Collides with a model, it should be moved back 1 inch from that
model after the damage has been resolved. If this is not possible
without making another contact, the model that was Rammed or
Collided with should move back 1 inch instead.
ONLY the actual Submarine can declare an Attack. If it does so,
remove any other Submerged models representing it.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Creatures and Monsters
Models That Lurk In The Uncharted Seas
Not every model in the Uncharted Seas game is made from wood, metal
or stone. Living creatures and what some call monsters lurk on the land
and in the waters of this fantasy world. A selection of these are outlined
on the following pages.
Large and Massive Sea Monsters all have the following inherent rules:
They are Capital Class models.
They DO NOT use a Turning Template, and have 360 degree
They use the Large/Massive Monster Critical Hit Table, unless
stated otherwise.
They CANNOT use Defensive Fire
They CANNOT be Raked
They DO NOT count as a Squadron for the purpose of generating
Game Card Hand size.
Large/Massive Sea Monsters are Destroyed if EITHER their Hull
Point OR Crew Point value is reduced to 0
The Giants live on many islands in the Forbidden Isles, and the only
thing larger than a giant’s bulk is its FOUL TEMPER! That said, many
sea captains have entered into agreements with Giants in their locality,
in order to protect their ships and their harbours, or to encourage a Giant
to fight with them against a common enemy. The Giants generally seek
an easy life, and enjoy the wealth that cooperating with their neighbours
often brings them.
This model CAN choose NOT to perform a Boarding Action on a
model after a Ram or a Collision
• This model CAN Capture another model, but it CANNOT be
Swipe Attack: the Coastal Giant can make a Swipe Attack of 10AD
against a model that is on the Surface and within 2” of its base in a 360
The AD of a Swipe Attack IS reduced by damage and / or ‘crew’
being killed.
A Giant CANNOT perform a Swipe Attack while it is Swimming.
A Giant CANNOT perform a Swipe Attack while it is involved in
a Boarding Action.
A Giant CANNOT Split Fire with a Swipe Attack.
Boulder Attack: The Coastal Giant can throw a boulder within a fore
facing 180 degree Turret arc to the front of the model.
• Template: NONE
• This model IGNORES the wind direction
• Squadron Size: 1 Model
• Large Capital Class
• Special 2 model
MARs: Lethal Strike (Swipe Attack)
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
A Giant CANNOT Split Fire with a Boulder Attack.
A Giant CANNOT perform a Swipe Attack and Boulder Attack
in the same Activation.
If there are fewer islands on the table than there are Coastal Giants, place
1 island (of up to 8” in length and width) on the table until there is one
for each Coastal Giant in your Fleet BEFORE you deploy any models.
You CANNOT place this island in your opponent’s deployment area.
When you deploy your models at the start of the game you MUST
deploy the Coastal Giant ON or WITHIN 8” of an island or landmass.
You CANNOT deploy a Coastal Giant in your opponent’s deployment
area, or within 8” of any of your opponent’s models.
If a Coastal Giant is on land, models on the Surface DO NOT block
its Line of Sight. Models CAN fire at a Costal Giant on the land, unless
there is Massive intervening terrain, or a model that would otherwise
block Line of Sight.
A Coastal Giant has three Move values, it can Walk on the land (12”),
Wade through the water near land (6”) or Swim in deep water (4”). It is
assumed that a Coastal Giant can Wade through the water if any part of
the Giant’s base is within 8” of an island or landmass.
A Coastal Giant CAN use up to TWO types of Movement within the
same Activation, but its Movement ratings for both types of Movement
are reduced by HALF. For example, a Coastal Giant could Walk up to
6” and then Wade up to 3”.
If a Giant Activates in, or moves into, deep water roll 1D6:
On a 1 to 5 the Giant MUST Swim for the rest of this Activation
On a 6 the Giant has found a sunken sandbar and can Wade for the
rest of this Activation
A Giant that is Swimming can ONLY perform a Ram, Collision, or
a Boarding Action.
There are many creatures living below the waves of the Broad Blue that
even the mighty Dragon Lords know little about. Among them are the
water elementals that are known as Behemoths. There are some among
the Helganth who know how to tame them, and it is these Helganth
Shaman who have found employment in various Fleets. They perform
strange rituals and ceremonies to summon a Behemoth to fight for their
employer, but the Behemoths are tricky creatures to control. The shaman
must remain close to it at all times to maintain a connection, and stop it
from becoming inactive.
Points: 85
Coastal Giant
This model is a Construct and NOT a living model.
This model CANNOT Capture another model, and it CANNOT
be Captured.
Water Jet Attack: The Behemoth can fire a jet of water within a 360
degree arc.
Whirlpool: The Behemoth can create a Vortex within itself INSTEAD of
moving or making a Water Jet Attack. When it does so, directly replace
the Behemoth model with the Whirlpool model. In any subsequent
Activation the Behemoth can halt the Vortex INSTEAD of moving, but
it CAN use the Water Jet Attack. When it does so, replace the Whirlpool
with the Behemoth model.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
If the Behemoth is involved in a Boarding Action, it only suffers a hit
on a roll of 6.
At the end of any Activation in which the Behemoth is still a Whirlpool,
the seas spin about the Behemoth, drawing in every model that is nearby.
Roll 1D6 for every model that is on the Surface and within Range Band
1 of the Whirlpool. Roll for the model that is closest to the Whirlpool
first, followed by those that are increasingly further away. If any models
are the same distance away from the Whirlpool, the player controlling
the Whirlpool chooses which to roll for first:
The Behemoth DOES NOT suffer Critical Hits. Instead, it loses 2 Hull
Points and 1 Crew Point if its Critical Rating is equalled or exceeded.
If its Critical Rating is DOUBLED it loses 4 Hull Points and 2 Crew
Points, and so on.
On a 1, 2 or 3 nothing happens.
On a 4, 5 or 6 the model is moved 2” toward the Whirlpool, keeping
its current facing.
You CANNOT place a Raging Fire Marker on a Behemoth, but it still
suffers the Hull Point and Crew Point damage from any initial attack
that would otherwise lead to a Raging Fire Marker being placed on it.
• This model IGNORES the wind direction
• Squadron Size: 1 Model
Foul Vomit: The Crocidon raises its head and howls, then regurgitates
its last meal on top of a model that is on the Surface and within a
180 degree arc to the front of the model. The crew of the model are
confronted with body parts and slurry, making it difficult to stay upright
or keep their lunch down.
MARs: None
If a model moves into another model, Terrain or the Whirlpool itself, it
results in Ram or Collision as appropriate. If there is a Ram or Collision
between models from opposing sides, it results in a Boarding Action
initiated by the model that performed the Ram or Collision.
If one or more models that are within range of the Whirlpool are
currently involved in a Boarding Action, ONE die roll is made for all of
those models and, if the Vortex affects them, ALL the models involved
in the Boarding Action are moved as a single entity. If the centre of a
model is behind terrain, measured from the centre of the Whirlpool,
that model is unaffected by the Vortex, unless it is part of group of
models involved in a Boarding Action that IS affected by the Vortex.
Foul Vomit CANNOT target Flying or Submerged models, or
This model CANNOT Capture another model, and it CANNOT
be Captured.
When you deploy your models at the start of the game you MUST deploy
the Crocidon within 4” of the table edge on either flank, as part of your
normal set up. You CANNOT deploy a Crocidon in your opponent’s
deployment area, or within 8” of any of your opponent’s models.
A Behemoth resolves Boarding Actions normally while it is a Whirlpool,
but MUST split its Melee Dice evenly between multiple opponents, if it
has them. A Behemoth CANNOT become a Whirlpool, or halt being a
Whirlpool, during the same Activation that it is involved in a Boarding
• Special 2 model
• Template: NONE
• Large Capital Class
Any Fleet can employ a Behemoth, but must nominate one of their
Capital models (not a Creature) before the start of the game as having a
Helganth Shaman on it. The Shaman acts as the focus for any Behemoths
that are fielded by the Fleet. A Fleet can only have one Shaman.
When you deploy your models at the start of the game you MUST deploy
the Behemoth within 4” of the table edge on either flank, as part of your
normal set up. You CANNOT deploy a Behemoth in your opponent’s
deployment area, or within 8” of any of your opponent’s models.
When Activated, the Behemoth MUST make a full move directly
towards the model with the Shaman on it, moving around terrain as
necessary, until it is within Range Band 2 of that model (measured from
any part of the model to any part of the Behemoth).
If the Behemoth is outside of Range Band 2, it CANNOT become a
Whirlpool or use the Water Jet Attack, but it DOES Ram, and make a
Boarding Action against, any model that is directly between it and the
centre of the model with the Shaman on it, including models from its
own Fleet, that it contacts when it moves. If the model with the Shaman
on it is Destroyed, or leaves the table for any reason, the Behemoth is
removed from the table immediately.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Points: 90
• Large Capital Class
• Template: NONE
• Special 2 model
The Crocidon is one of the most frightening denizens of the Broad Blue,
terrified sea captains tell tall tales of surviving an attack by one of them
on a dark night or during a wild storm. Some Fleets have started to use
the rather reckless tactic of luring a Crocidon into a battle by having one
of its squadrons shovel bait into its wake during its opening stages. The
appearance of a Crocidon is uncertain, but when it does appear it wreaks
havoc among any ships that get in its way.
Points: 120
• This model IGNORES the wind direction
• Squadron Size: 1 Model
MARs: Lethal Strike (Foul Vomit)
When Activated, the Crocidon MUST make a full move directly towards
the nearest Surface model (measured from any part of the Crocidon
to any part of the model) moving around terrain as necessary. If more
than one model is the same distance away from the Crocidon, the player
controlling the Crocidon can CHOOSE which model it moves towards.
The Crocidon must then attack the model if possible, even if it is in its
own Fleet. If the movement of the Crocidon takes it into contact with
another model, it MUST perform a Ram followed by a Boarding Action.
Otherwise it MUST make a Foul Vomit Attack.
For anyone who has seen a Goliath, the thought of a civilisation comprised
entirely of these mammoth creatures is a truly terrifying one, for they
stand taller than the largest ships, can choke a dragon with one fist, and
have startlingly human intelligence.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
A Cannon Attack has the Hard Impact MAR.
Cannon Attacks have a fore facing 270 degree Turret arc.
A Goliath CANNOT Split Fire with a Cannon Attack.
A Goliath CANNOT perform a Swipe Attack and Cannon Attack
in the same Activation.
The Goliath rolls its Melee Dice and compares the number of hits
to the target’s CR.
If the CR is matched or exceeded, the model is Destroyed.
Other involved models fight as normal, rolling their MD at the
same time as the Crush Attack takes place.
• A Goliath CAN choose NOT to Board a model after a Ram or a
• A Goliath CANNOT Capture another model, and it CANNOT be
• This model IGNORES the wind direction
• Squadron Size: 1 Model
NOTE: When deployed, choose ONE of either the Cannon or Spear weapon options.
MARs: Hard Impact (Cannon), Harpoon Weapon (Spear), Lethal Strike (Swipe Attack)
These horrors from the deepest depths of the Broad Blue are fiercely
territorial creatures, scarcely seen until recent years. Some say that
it is the advent of submersible vessels which has brought them to the
surface; tracking the vulnerable vessels back to their ports to exact harsh
punishment for encroaching on their domain. Others believe it is simply
the unending tumult of war, raging across the Uncharted Seas that has
roused them from their rest.
Swipe Attack: the Kraken can make up to FOUR Swipe Attacks of 7AD
against ANY models that are on the Surface and within 4” of its base
in a 360 arc.
Crush Attack: During a Boarding Action, a Goliath must perform the
following Attack against ONE of the models in contact with it, instead
of the normal Boarding rules.
• Massive Capital Class
The AD of a Swipe Attack IS reduced by damage and / or ‘crew’
being killed
A Kraken CANNOT perform a Swipe Attack while it is involved
in a Boarding Action
A Kraken CANNOT Split Fire with a Swipe Attack
A Kraken CAN Link Fire with its Swipe Attacks
• This model CAN choose NOT to Board a model after a Ram or a
• This model CANNOT Capture another model, and it CANNOT
be Captured
• This model treats the area within 4” of an island or sandbar as
impassable Terrain (Soft)
MARs: Underwater Hunter (Swipe Attack)
If a Goliath is on land, models on the Surface DO NOT block its Line
of Sight. Models CAN fire at a Goliath on the land, unless there is
intervening terrain of Massive size, or a model that would otherwise
block Line of Sight.
A Goliath has three Move values, it can Walk on the land (12”), Wade
through the water near land (8”) or Swim in deep water (6”). It is
assumed that a Goliath can Wade through the water if any part of the
Goliath’s base is within 8” of an island or landmass.
Points: 105
• Large Capital Class
Cannon Attack: If armed with the Cannon, the Goliath CAN make a
Cannon Attack.
• Template: NONE
A Goliath CANNOT perform a Swipe Attack and Spear Attack in
the same Activation.
• Special 1 model
Spear Attacks have a fore facing, 270 degree Turret arc.
A Goliath CANNOT Split Fire with a Spear Attack.
A Spear Attack has the Harpoon Weapon MAR, in addition to the
listed AD.
Spear Attack: If armed with the Spear, the Goliath CAN make a Spear
A Swipe Attack has the Lethal Strike MAR.
The AD of a Swipe Attack IS reduced by damage and / or ‘crew’
being killed.
A Goliath CANNOT perform a Swipe Attack while it is Swimming.
A Goliath CANNOT perform a Swipe Attack while it is involved
in a Boarding Action.
A Goliath CANNOT Split Fire with a Swipe Attack.
Points: 200
Swipe Attack: the Goliath can make a Swipe Attack of 14AD against a
model that is on the Surface and within 2” of its base in a 360 arc.
• Diving Special 1 model
• Template: NONE
• This model IGNORES the wind direction
• Squadron Size: 1 Model
MARs: Underwater Hunter (Swipe Attack), Lethal Strike (Swipe Attack)
A Goliath CAN use up to TWO types of Movement within the same
Activation, but its Movement ratings for both types of Movement are
reduced by HALF. For example, a Goliath could walk up to 6” and then
wade up to 4”.
If a Goliath Activates in, or moves into, deep water roll 1D6:
On a 1-4 the Goliath MUST Swim for the rest of this Activation.
On a 5-6 the Goliath has found a sunken sandbar and can Wade for
the rest of this Activation.
A Goliath that is Swimming can ONLY perform a Ram, Collision,
or a Boarding Action.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
On a 1 to 4 nothing happens.
On a 5 a Submerged Small Sea Monster arrives anywhere along the
edge of the Game Board, as chosen by the winner of the Initiative
On a 6 a Submerged Small Sea Monster arrives anywhere on
the Game Board, as chosen by the winner of the Initiative roll,
but is then moved 2D6” in a random direction defined by using
the Deviation Template. A sea monster placed by this method
CANNOT deviate off of the Game Board due to this movement.
Instead it stops when it reaches the Game Board edge.
• Diving model
• Template: NONE
• This model IGNORES the wind direction
• Squadron Size: 1 Model
• This model IGNORES the wind direction
• Squadron Size: 1 Model
A Small Class model is Destroyed if TWO or more 6’s are rolled
A Medium Class model is Destroyed if FOUR or more 6’s are rolled
A Large Class model is Destroyed if SIX or more 6’s are rolled
A Massive Class model is Destroyed, if EIGHT or more 6’s are
Points: N/A
• Small Class
• Diving model
• Template: NONE
• This model IGNORES the wind direction
• Squadron Size: 1 Model
MARs: None
MARs: None
Once this single Coil Attack has been resolved, and if its target remains,
it continues to fight as per a Boarding Action.
• Small Class
Coil Attack: Immediately after it Rams a model, the Naitaka MUST roll
4D6 against the target of its Ram, Destroying the target if the required
number of sixes are rolled, as listed below:
Gaping Maw: Immediately after it Rams a model, the Kroken MUST
roll 4D6 against the target of its Ram, comparing the result to the list
Points: N/A
• Template: NONE
If a Small Sea Monster contacts a model that cannot be Boarded for any
reason, or is a Derelict, they will abandon it as a target and ignore it from
that point on, unless no other targets remain.
• Diving model
MARs: None
If a Small Sea Monster is placed on the Game Board it moves BEFORE
any other Squadron Activates, and MUST move directly towards, and
into contact with, the nearest Surface model. If it cannot reach its target
in a single move, it will remain Submerged.
• Small Class
On a 1 or 2 an Octopoda arrives.
On a 3 or 4 a Kroken arrives.
On a 5 or 6 a Naitaka arrives.
Determine which of the Small Sea Monsters is placed by rolling another
These optional Sea Monsters can be used to add variety to a game, if all
players agree to their use, or as part of a scenario. If Small Sea Monsters
are being used, once Initiative has been rolled for in any Turn, the player
who won the Initiative should roll a second D6:
Points: N/A
A Small Class model is Destroyed after 2 Turns.
A Medium Class model is Destroyed after 3 Turns.
A Large Class model is Destroyed after 4 Turns.
A Massive Class model is Destroyed after 5 Turns.
Small Sea Monsters are Diving models.
Small Sea Monsters have two listed Move values. The first is
used when they are on the Surface, the second when they are
Small Sea Monsters DO NOT use a Turning Template, and have
360 degree movement.
Small Sea Monsters are Destroyed if EITHER their Hull Point OR
Crew Point value is reduced to 0
A Small Sea Monster that suffers a Critical Hit DOES NOT roll on
the Critical Hit Table, instead it loses 2 Hull Points.
Small Sea Monsters CANNOT Capture other models, and
CANNOT be Captured.
attacking down to the murky depths and the model will be Destroyed.
The number of Turns an Octopoda requires to drag down a particular
model Class is listed below:
Many smaller Sea Monsters also inhabit the Uncharted Seas. Although
they are often uniquely weird and wonderful, there are three main species
of these creatures that lurk in the murky waters of The Broad Blue; the
Octopoda, the Kroken and the Naitaka. All Small Sea Monsters have the
following inherent rules:
If the total number of hits equals or exceeds the target model’s
Damage Rating, the model loses 1 Hull Point.
If the total number of hits equals or exceeds the target model’s
Critical Rating, the model suffers the Hard Pounding Critical Hit.
If the total number of hits equals or exceeds DOUBLE the target
model’s Critical Rating, the model suffers TWO Hard Pounding
Critical Hits, and so on.
Once this single Gaping Maw Attack has been resolved, and if its target
remains, it continues to fight as per a Boarding Action.
The Octopoda does not Ram, instead it locks straight onto the model it
has contacted and a Boarding Action is carried out. While the Octopoda
is locked, it fights all combat as per a Boarding Action. If the Octopoda
is not Destroyed within a number of Turns, it will drag the model it is
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
The Creature is Critically Wounded.
Lose 2 Hull Points and 2 Crew Points.
The Creature is Stunned. It CANNOT move or perform any actions until AFTER its next Activation (if the Creature is involved
in a Boarding Action it DOES NOT roll any Melee Dice, and any models that it is in base contact with CAN move away
Lose 1 Hull Point immediately.
The Creature is Crippled. Its movement is reduced by HALF for the rest of the game.
Lose 1 Hull Point and 1 Crew Points immediately.
The Creature is momentarily Confused. Its AD and MD are reduced by HALF until AFTER its next Activation. Lose 1 Hull
Point immediately.
The Creature is Injured. It CANNOT fire for the rest of the Turn, but it CAN make Swipe/Tail Attacks or perform Boarding
Lose 1 Hull Point and 2 Crew Points immediately.
The Creature is Crippled. Its movement is reduced by HALF for the rest of the game.
Lose 1 Hull Point and 2 Crew Points immediately.
The Creature is Critically Wounded.
Lose 2 Hull Points and 2 Crew Points immediately.
NOTE: If a Creature suffers a Confused or Crippled result when it is already Confused or Crippled, DO NOT reduce its AD/MD or Movement by
HALF again, just apply the Hull and/or Crew damage.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Harbour Walls, Towers, Forts and More
Communication Ability (CA):
Fortifications Activating as a Squadron can operate together to engage
enemy models. But communication is not always simple, with their
occupants relying on flags or magic or fires to coordinate their efforts.
There are a wide variety of defences that can be deployed by players,
ranging from war towers to the more complex star fort designs. All of
these designs will be referred to as Fortifications and they will, for the
most part, follow the same basic game rules.
ALL Fortifications are subject to the following rules:
The use of scenery allows players to create a gaming table that
encompasses much more than just water and islands. Players can create
ports, harbours, island fortresses, harbour defences and much more.
Fortifications CANNOT move or be moved.
Fortifications CANNOT Rake or be Raked.
Fortifications CANNOT initiate Boarding Actions, but CAN be
Boarded unless noted otherwise.
Fortifications ignore Command Distance.
Line of Sight and Range are always measured from the centre of a
Fortifications DO NOT count as a Squadron for the purpose of
generating Game Card Hand Size.
If a Game Card can be used with a Fortification it will carry the
Fortification Icon.
In addition, ALL Fortifications use a number of new mechanics, and
they are as follows:
Adding Fortifications To Your Fleet
In a Standard Game up to 30% of the Maximum Fleet Value can be
spent on Fortification models.
Deploying Fortifications:
As emplaced structures, erected over weeks or years long before the
battle takes place, Fortifications are deployed before any other models,
and potentially deep within no-man’s land.
Fortifications are deployed before ANY other models. Each player
rolls a D6, and they take turns to place a Fortification (if they have
them in their force) in order highest to lowest.
Fortifications may be deployed anywhere on the Game Board,
outside of 16” of an opponent’s Deployment Zone.
Fortifications must be deployed touching land unless otherwise
noted. A Fortification will stipulate if it can be deployed on water.
If a Fortification is deployed touching another friendly Fortification,
it does NOT need to be touching land. However, no part of any
Fortification can be more than 8” from land.
Fortifications CANNOT be deployed within 8” of an enemy
Each Fortification has a Communications Ability rating.
Whenever a Squadron of Fortifications attempts to perform a
Linked Attack, roll a D6. If the result is HIGHER than their
Communications Ability rating, the models CANNOT Link, but
they CAN still fire separately.
If models from different Squadrons attempt to Link their Defensive
Fire, each participating Squadron must make a Communications
Ability roll to determine if they CAN participate in the Attack.
Boarding Actions Against Fortifications:
Where a victorious Crew will ransack the holds of a Captured enemy
ship, stripping it of valuables before scuttling the vessel, a Crew who
seizes an enemy Fortification will need to defend their Prize, or risk the
enemy seizing it back.
If a Fortification is Prized, it is NOT removed from play. Instead,
a player CAN choose to permanently assign ANY portion of the
victorious Crew to the Fortification, rather than returning them
to their ships.
The Fortification is now under that player’s control. It CANNOT
make Weaponry Attacks, but CAN use Defensive Fire as normal.
A Fortification is not Prized, for the purposes of Victory Points,
unless at least one assigned Crew remains.
Destroying Fortifications:
As sturdy constructs of stone bedded into firm foundations, Fortifications
are more resilient than their floating counterparts. They are not
indestructible however, and Fortifications take Structure Damage, to
represent their ramparts giving way under persistent bombardment.
Fortifications have Structure Points (SP) in place of Hull Points.
Structure Damage reduces Attack Dice in the same way as Hull
If a Fortification suffers a Critical Hit, roll on the Fortification
Critical Hit table.
A Fortification with ZERO Structure Points can still use Defensive
Fire if it has Crew remaining.
A Fortification with NEGATIVE Structure Points is Destroyed
and all Crew are lost.
Fortifications ARE NOT removed from the Game Board when
Destroyed or Captured.
Activating Fortifications:
Fortifications are deployed as Squadrons and therefore Activated as an
entire Squadron.
Fortifications CAN Link Fire if a successful Communications
Ability roll is made, and may benefit from relevant Game Cards.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
The ammunition store of the model is hit – roll 2D6 and this is the number of SPs the
model loses.
No repair options
Hard Pounding
The model loses 2 Crew Points and 2 SPs immediately.
No repair options
Weapons Platform Hit
The main weapons area is hit, mangled bodies and masonry/wood get in the way of the
gun crews. The model MAY NOT fire in its next Activation. Lose 2 SPs.
No repair options
Raging Fire
A raging fire engulfs the model. Place 1 Raging Fire Marker on the model. Lose 1 Crew
Point and 2 SPs immediately.
Roll 1D6 when the fort is next Activated: On
a 1-3 the fires are put out. On a 4-5 the model
Loses a further 1 SP. On a 6 the model Loses
a further 1 SP AND loses 1 Crew Point.
Foundations Rocked
The foundations of the model are rocked by blistering weapons fire. Lose 1D3+1 SPs
and lose 1 Crew Point immediately.
No repair options
Battery Hit
Intensive fire smashes into the weapons of a battery, destroying machinery and crew.
Roll 1D6 and lose this many AD from a battery. These points are cumulative with any
SP and CP damage a model may have already taken.
Lose 2 SPs and 1 Crew Point.
No repair options
NOTE: Roll randomly to determine which Battery is affected. Some models may only have
ONE battery. This Critical Hit is not cumulative.
Command Crew Killed
The weapon masters are killed, forcing the gun crews to act on their own initiative. The
model MAY NOT Link Fire with other models in its Squadron, and MAY NOT Split
Fire against enemy models.
Lose 2 SPs and 1 Crew Point immediately.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
No repair options
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
War Tower
Points: 55
• Fortification model
• Template: SMALL
• Template: SMALL
• Squadron Size: 2 to 4 Models
• Large Capital Class
• Fortification model
• Medium Capital Class
Points: 45
Harbour Tower
• Squadron Size: 1 to 2 Models
NOTE: Choose ONE of the three weapons.
MARs: None
MARs: Harpoon Weapon (Ballista)
Wooden Gun Wall
Points: 20
Harbour Gun Wall
• Fortification model
• Template: SMALL
• Template: SMALL
• Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models
• Squadron Size: 2 to 4 Models
• Medium Capital Class
MARs: None
• Foritfication model
• Small Class
Points: 40
MARs: None
Battle Keep
Points: 100
• Fortification model
• Template: MEDIUM
• Template: MEDIUM
• Squadron Size: 1 to 2 Models
MARs: None
MARs: Murder Holes (4)
Stone Wall/Gate
Points: 25
Sea Fort
Points: 95
• Fortification model
• Fortification model
• Template: SMALL
• Squadron Size: 1 Model
• Medium Capital Class
• Squadron Size: 2 to 3 Models
• Large Capital Class
• Squadron Size: 1 Model
• Large Capital Class
• Fortification model
• Large Capital Class
Points: 65
* The Broadside has a 270 degree Turret
Arc of Fire.
MARs: None
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
MARs: None
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Crew Upgrades
Improving Individual Models
The following table lists a number of optional Special Upgrades that can be bought for your fleets. Players must agree prior to a game that
they are going to use this table. The upgrades give you the flexibility to spend extra points to not only improve your fleet, but to use up
any spare points you may have left over when building your fleet.
10 Points
Medium, Large or
Massive model.
This ship’s gunnery officer knows how to get the most out of his guns, and the
crews who man them. Increase the Attack Dice ratings of one weapon type
(Broadsides/Turrets etc) by 2 AD in any one Range Band, to a maximum of 18
5 points
Medium, Large or
Massive model
A skilled doctor tends to the crew of this vessel during battle. In the End Phase
of a Turn, roll a D6 and on a 5 or 6 remove ONE Crew Killed Marker gained
in that Turn only. This roll CANNOT be made by a model with 0 Crew Points.
10 Points
Medium or Large
This Helmsman truly knows his ship, and can attempt to make tighter turns
than should be possible for a vessel of its size. TWICE per game, this model
CAN use a Turning Template ONE Size Class smaller than normal for its
movement that Turn.
15 Points
Battleship OR
Flagship ONLY.
This fleet’s commander has a genius strategist at his side, well versed in naval
tactics; they can always keep the upper hand in battle. Whilst this model is in
play, a modifier of 1 CAN be added to, or subtracted from, its fleet’s initiative
rolls each Turn. This bonus is cumulative with any Game Card effects.
10 Points for a
Medium model, 20
Points for a Large/
Massive model.
Medium, Large or
Massive model
The Captain of this vessel carries a lucky charm or mystical talisman, and the
winds of fortune always seem to blow his way. ONCE per game, ALL the dice
generated by this model for any single purpose may be re-rolled. This could be
its Attack Dice, Melee Dice, Repair rolls etc. Dice CANNOT be re-rolled more
than once and the second result MUST be used.
10 Points
Large or Massive
This vessel’s engineer can keep the ship running in the direst of circumstances.
This model CAN re-roll TWO failed repair rolls in a game. But if the re-roll
result is a 1, the effect is permanent. This CANNOT be used to repair Raging
Fire or Holed Below Critical effects.
5 Points for a
Medium model, 10
Points for a Large/
Massive model.
Medium, Large or
Massive model.
This ship’s crew are well drilled in the art of repelling boarders and defending
their vessel. During the FIRST round of a Boarding Action this model gains 2
additional Melee Dice (MD).
10 Points for a
Medium, Large or
Massive model.
These vessels are particularly adept at coordinating their movements, with the
aid of their sure-sighted signalmen. This Squadron increases its Command
Distance by 1 inch.
10 Points for a
Medium model, 15
Points for a Large/
Massive model.
Medium, Large or
Massive model
This ship’s riggers know their charge well, and swiftly set her sails to make
the most of the gusting wind. This model gains the Streamlined Hull Model
Assigned Rule.
Note: Creatures of the appropriate Size Class CAN purchase upgrades. It is assumed that the upgrade represents an ability inherent to the Creature.
A maximum of 15 points of upgrades can be purchased for every FULL 300 points of the Maximum Fleet Value (MFV). No Squadron may purchase
more than one upgrade. Any upgrades purchased will increase the value of the model by the listed amount for MFV, Fleet Composition and Victory Points
Example: An Iron Dwarves player creates a 480 point fleet for a 500 MFV game. This allows them an extra 15 points to spend on Crew Upgrades (they
CANNOT spend the full 20 points as the MFV is less than 600 points). They use the points to buy Expert Riggers for their Forge Class Battleship,
increasing its Points Cost from 120 to 135 points, and its movement increases from 4 inches to 5 inches.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Optional Rules
Weather, Bravery and Time of Day
The following rules have all been designated as optional. While we recommend that players use the rules to add to the excitement of
a game, their use is not enforced and players should agree prior to starting a game whether they are going to use the rules.
Not all battles take place at midday, underneath a cloudless sky.
Following are a set of optional rules to represent battles taking place in
the dark, at twilight, or those in poor weather.
At any time, ANY player CAN discard 2 Game Cards that affect Wind
Direction from their Hand to turn Fog into Mist, OR Mist into clear air
INSTEAD of using them to change the Wind Direction.
At the beginning of the game, BEFORE deployment, decide whether
these rules will be in effect. If so, either choose any combination, or roll
on the following tables:
Similarly, ANY player CAN discard 2 Game Cards that affect Wind
Direction from their Hand to turn Mist into Fog, OR into clear air into
Mist INSTEAD of using them to change the Wind Direction.
Roll 1D6 to determine the Time of Day:
NOTE: Each player involved in a battle may only discard 2 Game Cards
ONCE per game to change Fog to Mist, or Mist to Fog.
The game starts at Dawn, use the Dawn rules for the first 2D3
turns, after which use the Day (normal) rules.
2-3 The game starts in Day, use the normal rules for the first 3D3
turns, after which use the rules for Dusk.
4-5 The game starts at Night, use the Night rules for the first 3D3
turns, after which use the rules for Dawn.
6 The game starts at Dusk, use the Dusk rules for the first 2D3 turns,
after which use the rules for Night.
Roll 1D3 to determine the Weather:
1 The game begins in Fog
2 The game begins in Mist
3A Storm will last for the first 1D3+1 Turns, after which normal
rules apply.
• ANY model making Weaponry Attacks in Mist, only hits on a 5 or 6
at Range Bands 3-4
• ANY model making Weaponry Attacks in Fog, only hits on a 6 at
Range Bands 2-4
During the Changing Wind section of each End Phase, roll 1D6 instead
of the normal check, and compare to the following:
1 2 3 4 5 or 6
Allocate the numbers 1, 2 and 3 to one flanking Board edge, and 4, 5 and
6 to the other flanking Board edge. Roll 1D6 BEFORE deployment, or at
the beginning of the first Turn of Dusk/Dawn to determine which edge
the sun is setting or rising on.
• A model counts as having the sun behind it if a line drawn from the
centre of firing model passes through the centre of the target model and
hits the edge where the sun is setting or rising
• If a model makes a Weaponry Attack or Defensive Fire, against a
target that has the sun behind it, will suffers a -1 to hit modifier. So a 4
becomes a 3 and a 5 becomes a 4 and so on.
The Wind moves 2 points clockwise
The Wind moves 3 points clockwise
The Wind moves 2 points anti-clockwise
The Wind moves 3 points anti-clockwise
No change
Models who list their Turning Template as NONE now use
the Small Template.
The minimum movement for ALL models is increased from
2” to 4”.
All models count their Ram Rating as RED.
Each time a Flying or Surface model is Activated, roll 1D6:
1-2 3-6 The model CANNOT turn and ANY Weaponry or Defensive Fire Attacks reduce their Attack Dice by HALF during this Activation.
The model may move and fire normally
Roll 1D3 BEFORE deployment, or at the beginning of the first Turn of
Night, and multiply the result by 8 to give the maximum visibility in
Example: The D3 gives a result of 2, so the maximum visibility for the
game is 16 inches. Any ship outside of this Range is NOT visible and
therefore cannot be targeted with weapons of any kind, or offensive
spells such as a Fireball.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
The waters of the Broad Blue are no place for the weak or frail of heart,
and the sailors who roam the UNCHARTED SEAS are hardy, seasoned
veterans. However, even these brave souls will sometimes feel fear cloud
their minds after witnessing particularly brutal acts of destruction.
Following are a set of optional rules to account for the impact of a
Squadron’s morale on its performance during a game.
A Squadron is required to take a Break Test at the end of ANY Squadron
Activation during which either a model in their Squadron or their
Admiral is Lost.
When performing a Break Test a Squadron must roll 3D6 with each
4, 5 or 6 being a success. It requires ONE success to pass a Break Test.
If the Squadron has Lost HALF or more of its initial Squadron Size,
it requires an ADDITIONAL success to pass.
If any model in the Squadron is Out of Command, it requires an
ADDITIONAL success to pass.
If the Admiral is Lost, the Squadron requires an ADDITIONAL
success to pass.
Because a Squadron can Lose models in their own Activation, as well as
causing the Loss of enemy models, BOTH sides in the game may have
to resolve Break Tests during a single Squadron Activation. They are
resolved in any order.
A Break Test is not required if a Squadron is already Broken.
Important Note: If a Squadron is Broken, all Elements or models in the
Squadron are Broken, regardless of the distance between them.
Any Squadron that is Broken may perform a Bravery Test to try and
rally. Bravery Tests are performed in the same way as Break Tests, and
are made in the End Phase.
Models that are Broken CANNOT perform Linked Fire or Split Fire,
CANNOT have Game Cards played on them and receive a -1 to hit
modifier on ALL Weaponry Attack, Defensive Fire and Melee Dice
Important Note: Any additional successes required to pass a Break Test
are cumulative.
If the Commanded Element of the Squadron has a model within 8” of
the Admiral, an extra 1D6 is rolled for the Break Test.
• If a Break Test is Failed, the Squadron is Broken.
A Squadron is only required to make a maximum of ONE Break Test
per Squadron Activation. This is regardless of how many models have
been Lost, and also whether the Admiral has been Lost in the same
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Model Assigned Rules
How To Add Some Spice To The Uncharted Seas Models
contacted. Any new Collision uses the initial Hull Point (HP) value of
the model using the Bulldoze MAR. If the target model is Destroyed by
the Ram of a model with the Bulldoze MAR, it is NOT removed from the
Game Board until AFTER any remaining Move is made by the model
with the Bulldoze MAR.
AIR HUNTER (weapon)
This weapon receives a +1 to hit modifier on its Attack Dice (AD) rolls
against Flying models. If NO weapon is listed, the Air Hunter MAR is
applied to ALL weapons on the model.
A model with the Bulldoze MAR can move 1” directly backward AFTER
a Ram, to prevent a Boarding Action. A model with the Bulldoze MAR
CANNOT fire its weapons after performing a Ram.
A Model Assigned Rule (MAR) represents the inherent qualities found
in some vessels, the increased ability of certain crew or the additional
effectiveness of one weapon over another. The Statistic Card of a model
will specify any MARs that apply to a model.
Magic Cards cast from this model are only Countered (using a Counter
Spell card) on a roll of 3+, and receive a +1 modifier to any effect rolls.
As long as at least one friendly model with the Arcane Amplifier MAR
is still in play, Magic Turn Cards are only Countered on a roll of 3+.
This model can make a Magical Attack on a non-Submerged enemy
model within Range Band 1 and in Line of Sight. Roll 1D6, on a 5 or 6
the targeted model loses 1 Hull Point. The Arcane Blast MAR CAN be
Countered (using a Counter Spell card) as if it were a Magic card.
This model receives +1 to its Critical Rating (CR) against any Attack
made from a non-Flying model in Range Band 1 or 2.
When a Boarding Action is initiated AGAINST this model, this model
takes two less Crew Point (CP) casualties than the number of Melee
Dice (MD) hits rolled against it in the FIRST round of the Boarding
When a Boarding Action is initiated BY this model, the Crew Points
(CP) of this model receive a +1 to hit modifier on their Melee Dice
(MD) rolls and the Crew Points of the opposing model suffer a -2 to hit
modifier on their Melee Dice rolls, in the first round of the Boarding
Action. If a Boarding Action is initiated AGAINST this model, this
model can attempt to use the Blinding Flash MAR by rolling 1D6. On a
4, 5 or 6 it succeeds.
If a weapon on this model equals, or exceeds, the Defensive Rating
(DR) of a target within 4” of this model, the target model also receives 1
Fire Marker. If a weapon on this model equals, or exceeds, the Critical
Rating (CR) of a target within 4” of this model, the target model receives
2 Fire Markers, instead. The Burning Oil MAR CANNOT be used with
Defensive Fire (DF).
If two or more models from the same Squadron, that all have the
Coordinated Assault MAR, initiate a Boarding Assault against the same
target model, the models with the Coordinated Assault MAR receive a
+1 to hit modifier on their Melee Dice (MD) rolls.
Each Crew Point on this model generates TWO Melee Dice (MD)in a
Boarding Action. When Using Defensive Fire, a model with this rule
may either:
Use 2 AD of Defensive Fire for each Crew Point and NOT make
Weaponry Attacks this Turn.
Use 1 AD of Defensive Fire for each Crew Point and make
Weaponry Attacks with FULL available AD this Turn.
Weaponry Attacks made by non-Flying models against this model hit
on a 4+.
If, after completing their Move, TWO models, from the same Squadron,
with the Darkness Cloud MAR are within 12” of each other, a Darkness
Cloud can be summoned.
A model with the Boarding Hooks MAR CANNOT Board other models
using the normal Boarding Rules. Instead, the model is moved into
contact with the target without causing a Ram/Collision. If the model
moved MORE than HALF of its Move, it may only then initiate a
Boarding Action on a D6 roll of 4+, otherwise it may only initiate a
Boarding Action on a D6 roll of 3+.
A Darkness Cloud uses the Large Round Template; the centre of which
MUST be placed directly between the two models that have summoned
it. ANY model with their centre beneath the Darkness Cloud may be
targeted by a Darkness Cloud Attack. The Darkness Cloud Value is the
TOTAL amount of Attack Dice (AD) available to a single Darkness
Cloud in any ONE Activation.
If this model attempts to Board, it CANNOT make Weaponry Attacks,
whether the attempt is successful or not, and the attempt counts as an
Attack for Defensive Fire purposes.
Darkness Cloud Attacks ignore the Defensive Rating (DR) and Critical
Rating (CR) of the target model, instead the target model loses 1 Crew
Point for each 4, 5 or 6 rolled on the Attack Dice (AD).
If a model with the Bulldoze MAR performs a Ram, it can continue its
Move AFTER the initial contact has been made (reducing its remaining
Move by HALF if the target model is a larger Size Class). If this model
continues its Move, it must be in a straight line, and the target model
must maintain the orientation it had when the initial contact was made.
Darkness Cloud Attacks DO NOT affect Diving models, DO NOT lose
Attack Dice (AD) from Hull Point (HP) damage and CANNOT use
Linked Fire. Games Cards CANNOT be played on Attacks made by a
Darkness Cloud. The Darkness Cloud MAR CANNOT be dispelled with
a Counter Spell card.
If the target model contacts a model or Terrain while being Bulldozed, it
will result in a new Collision, between the target model and whatever it
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
If this model does not Attack this Activation, it may use the Death
Shriek MAR. The Death Shriek MAR affects Tiny, Small and Medium
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
models within Range Band 1 that are NOT Undead, Submerged or a
During its Activation a Harpooned model may make ONE attempt to
free itself from the Harpoon Weapon. Roll 1D6:
Affected models must roll 1D6; a Tiny or Small model passes on
a roll of 4+, a Medium model passes on a 3+. If a model FAILS the
Death Shriek roll it suffers a -1 to hit modifier on all Attack Dice (AD),
Defensive Fire (DF), and Melee Dice (MD) rolls until the end of their
next Activation.
A Massive Class model will free itself on a 3, 4, 5 or 6.
A Large Class model will free itself on a 4, 5 or 6.
A Medium Class model will free itself on a 5 or 6.
A Small or Tiny model will free itself on 6.
A model can ONLY be affected by Death Shriek once per Turn. Death
Shriek is not an Attack and DOES NOT trigger Defensive Fire, but it
does leave this model open to Active Turn Defensive Fire until its next
A Harpooned model that does not free itself CANNOT finish its Move
further away from the model with the Harpoon Weapon MAR than it
was at the beginning of its Activation. Targeting a different model with
the weapon with the Harpoon Weapon MAR will release any previously
Harpooned target.
Raging Fire repair rolls for this model succeed on a roll of 1-4.
A Harpoon CANNOT use Linked Fire or Split Fire and CANNOT
target a model that is currently involved in a Boarding Action.
This model receives a +1 to hit modifier on its Melee Dice (MD) and
Defensive Fire (DF) rolls.
NOTE: Some weapons have an Attack Dice rating in addition to the
effect of the Harpoon Weapon MAR.
Repair options for this model are successful on a roll of 1-4.
If the number of hits from an Attack, that includes at least one weapon
with the Flame Weapon MAR equals, or exceeds, the Defensive Rating
(DR) of its target, the target model also receives 1 Fire Marker. If the
Attack equals, or exceeds, the Critical Rating (CR) of a target, the target
model receives 2 Fire Markers, instead. If NO weapon is listed, the
Flame Weapon MAR is applied to ALL weapons on the model.
If this model has one or more Fire Markers on it when it is Destroyed,
it will explode, as per a Magazine Explosion on the Critical Hit Table.
If this model’ is reduced to 0 Crew Points and is not Tethered to land
or Attached to another model, this model will Drift with the wind
direction. If this model is Drifting in this manner, it will do so at its
maximum Move until it reaches a Game Board edge, at which point it is
removed from the Game Board.
HARD IMPACT (weapon)
If the number of hits from this weapon equals or exceeds the Damage
Rating (DR) of a target that is a smaller Size Class than this model, the
target is knocked back directly away from the source of the Attack. The
target is knocked back 1” if it is one Size Class smaller than this model,
or 2” if it is two or more Size Classes smaller.
This may cause a Collision to occur. If the target model CANNOT move
back the full distance, it still causes Collision damage as if it were a new
contact. If NO weapon is listed, the Hard Impact MAR is applied to ALL
weapons on the model.
A weapon with the Harpoon Weapon MAR has a Harpoon with a 270
degree Arc of Fire, which can target models in Range Band 1 or 2. Roll 3
Attack Dice (AD) against the target model, if 2 or more hits are scored,
the target model has been Harpooned.
A model that has Harpooned another model, may Drag it once per
Activation. Massive or Large Class models are Dragged up to 2”,
Medium models up to 4” and Small or Tiny models up to 8”. A Drag
must be in a straight line, directly towards the model with the Harpoon.
If contact is made between the Harpooned model and the model with
the Harpoon, no Collision occurs but a Boarding Action is initiated by
the model with the Harpoon. If the Harpooned model makes contact
with another model or Terrain during a Drag, it will result in a Collision.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
If this model performs a Ram and equals, or exceeds, the Damage Rating
(DR) of its target, the target loses 1 Hull Point (HP) and gains 1 Holed
Below Marker. If this model performs a Ram and equals, or exceeds,
the Critical Rating (CR) of its target, the target loses 2 Hull Points and
gains 2 Holed Below Markers. If the Ram equals, or exceeds, DOUBLE
the Critical Rating of the target, the target loses 3 Hull Points and gains
3 Holed Below Markers, and so on.
If this model performs a Ram and equals or exceeds the Defensive
Rating (DR) of its target, roll 1D6. On a 4, 5 or 6 the target model gains
1 Holed Below Marker and this model is placed with its Aft touching
the opposite side of the target model, as if it had just passed underneath
it in a straight line.
This model cannot be touching any other model or solid terrain at the
end of this movement. If there is not enough room to place this model,
you cannot use the Hull Ripper MAR.
Once per turn, this model may attempt to Illuminate an enemy model
within Range Band 2 and Line of Sight. Roll a D6, on a 3+ the target is
set aglow with revealing light and all friendly gunnery attacks against
that model gain +1 AD per participating weapon added after Linked
Fire up to +3 AD maximum.
Illuminate lasts for the rest of the current activation (including
Additional Activation). Multiple uses of Illuminate on the same target
model do not stack.
This model ignores the Command Distance rules.
At the start of ANY Turn, this model can perform one of the following
Magical Actions:
Draconic Strength - If ALL models in the Commanded Element
of this Squadron perform a Linked Fire Attack against a single
target, the Attack gains +3 Attack Dice (AD).
Draconic Scales - ALL models in this Squadron gain +1 to
EITHER their Damage Rating (DR) OR their Critical Rating
Draconic Speed - ALL models in this Squadron gain 1D3+1”
Move. Roll ONCE and apply the result to the entire Squadron.
The effects of the Invocation MAR last until the beginning of the next
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
If this model performs a Ram, reduce the amount of Attack Dice (AD)
rolled against this model by HALF.
If the number of hits from an Attack, that includes at least one weapon
with the Lethal Strike MAR, equals or exceeds the Damage Rating (DR)
of the target model, the target model loses 1 additional Crew Point. If
NO weapon is listed, the Lethal Strike MAR is applied to ALL weapons
on the model.
A model with the Lightning Generator MAR is fitted with a Lightning
Generator. A model with a Lightning Generator can make a 4 Attack
Dice (AD) Attack against ALL models, without a Lightning Generator,
within Range Band 1 at the beginning of its Activation.
The Lightning Generator DOES NOT cause Hull Point (HP) damage.
If the Attack equals, or exceeds, the Damage Rating (DR), but not the
Critical Rating (CR) of a model, the target model loses 1 Crew Point
(CP). If the Attack equals, or exceeds, the Critical Rating (CR) of a
model, the target model loses 2 Crew Points.
If a Lightning Generator Attack equals or exceeds the Damage Rating
or Critical Rating of a model involved in a Boarding Assault, the loss
of Crew Points is applied to ALL models currently involved in that
Boarding Action.
Lightning Generator Attacks are measured from the centre of the
model making the Attack. Lightning Generator Attacks DO NOT affect
Flying models or Submerged Submarines, DO NOT lose Attack Dice
(AD) from Hull Point (HP) damage, CANNOT use Linked Fire and
CANNOT use Split Fire. Games Cards CANNOT be played on Attacks
made by a Lightning Generator.
Models with the Lightning Generator MAR CANNOT be deployed
in a Squadron with models that DO NOT have the Lightning
Generator MAR.
Attacks by a Lightning Generator IGNORE Line of Sight - the
power from the Orb arcs over, around or under models/scenery.
This model can use 2 Magic cards when it is activated, and an opponent
can ONLY use a Counter card to cancel ONE of them. The cards are
played and resolved separately, so the opponent does NOT see both
cards and choose which to cancel.
When this model uses a Magic card that requires Line of Sight (LoS),
its LoS is NOT blocked by models of Medium Size Class or smaller. It is
still blocked by Terrain.
When targeted by a gunnery attack, roll a D6. On a 4+, you may redirect
the attack to another model of the same size class in the same squadron.
For the purposes of this attack, the Range and Line of Sight of the
original target are used but all effects of the attack go against the new
If this model is the target of a Boarding Action, it may roll its Murder
Holes Value as Attack Dice (AD) against the Boarding model’s Crew
Points (CP) BEFORE the Boarding Action takes place.
If this model has Dropped Anchor, it can rotate during its next
Activation, INSTEAD of removing the Dropped Anchor Marker.
This model must rotate around its centre point. Massive or Large Class
models may rotate up to 90 degrees, Medium, Small or Tiny Class
models may rotate up to 180 degrees.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Any Attack, that includes at least two models with the Pack Hunter
MAR, receives +1 Attack Dice (AD) for each additional model, after
the first, which has the Pack Hunter MAR.
If this model makes an Attack or a Ram, it can attempt to perform a
Panic Dive immediately afterwards. Roll 1D6, on a 5 or 6 this model
succeeds and is now Submerged. A model can ONLY attempt to Panic
Dive once per Activation. Only one Submerged model is placed if a
model Submerges due to the Panic Dive MAR.
This weapon ignores the Defensive Rating (DR) and Critical Rating
(CR) of the target model, instead the target model loses 1 Crew Point
for each 5 or 6 rolled on the Attack Dice (AD). The Plague Gun DOES
NOT affect Non-Living models and CANNOT target a Flying or
Submerged model. Game Cards CANNOT be used with the Plague
This model receives an additional 2 Attack Dice (AD) on all Defensive
Fire (DF) rolls. If the Defensive Fire from this model damages a Living
model, that model loses an additional 1 Crew Point (CP).
RADIAL FIRE (weapon, template)
A weapon with the Radial Fire MAR may fire into ANY TWO of its
FOUR Arcs of Fire during its Activation, using the stated Turning
Template Broadside firing arc. If no weapon is listed, this MAR applies
to the model’s Side Guns. A model can only fire with TWO of its Arcs,
regardless of how these Arcs overlap.
ONCE per Turn a model with the Reanimator MAR can select a model
within Range Band 1, that has lost Crew Points (CP), and attempt to
Reanimate the lost Crew. Roll 1D6 for each Crew Point that has been
lost, on a 5 or 6 the Crew Point is placed back on the model. The
Reanimator MAR CANNOT be used on a model that is involved in a
Boarding Action or on a Creature.
ONLY the Crews of Non-Living models can be Reanimated. The
Reanimator MAR may only be used on any ONE model ONCE
per game.
After performing a successful Boarding Action or Colliding with each
other, any models in the same Squadron with the Reassignment MAR
can redistribute their remaining Crew Points (CP) amongst themselves.
No model may exceed its original Crew Point rating as a result of the
Reassignment MAR. Any Model reduced to 0 Crew Points due to
the Reassignment MAR is Destroyed. Reassignment occurs BEFORE
Derelicts are removed.
If a model in this Squadron was Destroyed due to the Reassignment
MAR, this model may REGAIN 1 Hull Point (HP) if it was involved
in the Reassignment.
If a model with this MAR moves into contact with a friendly model, it
may Reassign any of its Crew to the other model. This may only replace
lost Crew.
At any point during its Squadron Activation, this model can target an
enemy model within Range Band 1 that is not Submerged, Flying
or a Submarine. Roll 1D6, on a 5 or 6 the target loses 1 Crew Point
(CP). This model CANNOT use the Sharpshooters MAR AND make a
Defensive Fire (DF) Attack in the same Turn.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
This model gains a +1 to hit modifier to its Melee Dice rolls during the
first round of a Boarding Action against a model of a larger Size Class.
Once per Activation, this model may attempt to use the Spotter MAR
against a target model in Range Band 1 or 2. Roll a D6, on a 3, 4, 5 or 6
all Weaponry Attacks against the target gain a +1 to hit modifier on their
Attack Dice (AD) rolls for the rest of the Turn. Multiple instances of the
Spotter MAR do not give a cumulative bonus.
Attacks against this model receive a -1 to hit modifier on their Attack
Dice (AD).
If this model performs a Ram and initiates a Boarding Action, it gains its
Steam Bellows Value as additional Melee Dice (MD) during the FIRST
round of the Boarding Action.
At the start of this model’s Squadron Activation, roll 1D6. On a 5 or 6
the model’s Move is increased by 2”. If this model is part of a Squadron,
the Squadron only rolls once, and applies the result to ALL models in
the Squadron with the Steam Burst MAR.
If this model does not make any turns during the Movement Phase of its
Squadron Activation, its Move is increased by 1”.
This model can Drop Anchor over land and become Tethered.
Troll Rock Throwers are a weapon with a 360 degree Arc of Fire measured
from the CENTRE of the model. Troll Rock Throwers CANNOT target
Flying or Submerged models, DO NOT lose Attack Dice (AD) from
Hull Point (HP) damage, CANNOT use Linked Fire and CANNOT
make Stern Rakes. Only Game Cards with the Creature symbol can be
played on Attacks made by a Troll Rock Thrower.
When a model with the Troll Rock Throwers MAR is reduced to below
HALF of its initial Hull Points, one of the Troll Rock Throwers is lost.
This weapon receives a +1 to hit modifier on Attack Dice (AD) rolls
against Diving models. If NO weapon is listed, the Underwater Hunter
MAR is applied to ALL weapons on the model.
When this model’s Squadron has completed its Move, a model with the
Wizardry MAR can perform ONE of the following Magical Actions:
Chill Wind - The Attack Dice (AD) of ALL Attacks including
Defensive Fire (DF), originating within 8” of this model and
within its Aft 180 degree Arc of Fire are reduced by HALF, until
this model’s NEXT Activation.
Water of Life - Heal ONE lost Crew Point (CP) to ALL friendly
models within 8”, including this model.
The Wizardry MAR CANNOT be
dispelled with a Counter Spell
If this model is involved in a Boarding Action, opposing models suffer
a -1 to hit modifier on their Melee Dice (MD) when targeting the Crew
Points (CP) of this model.
This model can target Flying models in Range Band 1 with Weaponry
Attacks. Additionally, Line of Sight to and from a model with the
Towering MAR is only Obstructed by other models with the Towering
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Fleet Composition
How To Put Your Fleets Together
Models are also allocated a number of Attributes. These include its
Size Class (Tiny, Small, Medium, Large and Massive), whether it is a
Capital Class model, and also if it is a Standard, Variant or Special
model. Additionally, any relevant Function is listed (Diving, Flying,
Fortification or Creature).
Each model is Identified by its Race, Classified as belonging to a specific
design and Designated as being a particular vessel type. Example: The
Iron Dwarves Mortis Class Frigate is Identified as belonging to the
Iron Dwarves Race, is Classified as belonging to the Mortis Class and is
Designated as being a Frigate.
Example: The Bone Griffons Phantom Class Destroyer is a Small
Class Standard model. The Ralgard Jarak Class War Balloon is a Large
Capital Class Special Flying model.
All models also have a minimum and maximum Squadron Size and a
Points Cost.
Example: A Squadron of Orc Raiders Ravager Class Cruisers can
be two, three or four strong and would cost 120pts for TWO models,
180pts for THREE models or 240pts for FOUR models.
Variant models can only be fielded in a ratio of up to 1:1 with Standard
models from the same Size Class within a Fleet. This means that the
total number of ALL Variant models from a given Size Class CANNOT
exceed the total number of Standard models from that Size Class.
Special models count as both a Special model and Standard model of
their Size Class when using the Fleet Composition rules, although the
Points Cost of the models is only paid once. Additionally some Special
models have a further limitation based on their rarity:
Special 1 - One Squadron can be fielded per 600pts in the
Maximum Fleet Value.
Special 2 - One Squadron can be fielded per 500pts in the
Maximum Fleet Value.
Special 3 - One Squadron can be fielded per 300pts in the
Maximum Fleet Value.
Example: Two players agree to a game with a Maximum Fleet Value of
500 points. This allows them to have ONE Squadron of Special 3 models
AND ONE Squadron of Special 2 models, but they COULD NOT have a
Squadron of Special 1 models, as the agreed game size is not big enough.
There are no restrictions on the amount of Standard models that can be
fielded, beyond those enforced by the Fleet Composition rules.
Ships of the line are the heaviest and most powerful warships available
to a naval commander. Due to their size and cost of construction, there
are restrictions on how many ships of the line can be included in any
ONE Battleship or Flagship can be fielded per 400pts in the
Maximum Fleet Value.
Example: Two players agree to a game with a Maximum Fleet Value
of 1000 points, which allows them to have TWO ships of the line.
Therefore, an Imperial Humans player could take TWO Eagle Class
Battleships, or ONE Eagle Class Battleship and ONE Condor Class
Flagship, as the Condor Class Flagship is further restricted by being
Special 1.
All models in THE UNCHARTED SEAS must be organised into a
Squadron, and these Squadrons must conform to the following set of
Regular Squadrons are made up of models that have been Classified as
belonging to the same specific design. The Squadron must contain an
amount of models equal to or greater than the minimum Squadron Size,
and equal to or less than the maximum Squadron Size.
Example: TWO, THREE or FOUR Bone Griffons Banshee Class
Cruisers would make up a Regular Squadron, as would TWO or
THREE Thaniras Elves Griffon Class Heavy Cruisers or ONE
Imperial Humans Eagle Class Battleship.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Mixed Squadrons are made up of multiple models of the same Size
Class that share all the same Functions.
Example: Dragon Lords Sunset Class Frigates and Moonbeam Class
Destroyers could form a Mixed Squadron, as they share a Size Class
and neither have a special Function. A Shroud Mages Ripper Class
Submarine could not form a Mixed Squadron with a Stalker Class
Cruiser as the Ripper Class Submarine has the Diving Function.
Within a Mixed Squadron the minimum and maximum Squadron Size
of the models MUST still be adhered to. If the minimum and maximum
Squadron Sizes differ for any reason, the highest minimum Squadron
Size value and the lowest maximum Squadron Size value should be used.
Within a Mixed Squadron, there is no limitation as to how many
Standard or Variant models of each type are fielded, as long as all other
restrictions are observed.
Special models can be fielded in a Regular Squadron or a Mixed
Squadron. If Special models are fielded in a Mixed Squadron, they
can only provide UP TO the minimum Squadron Size of models to that
Special Attachments
A Special Attachment model can be ADDED to a Regular Squadron or
a Mixed Squadron, increasing its maximum Squadron Size, if necessary.
Only one Special Attachment model can be added to a Squadron. Some
Attachments will have a minimum and maximum Squadron Size listed,
if so, these models may also be fielded in their own Regular Squadron.
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
The Game Type defines how flexible the restrictions on Fleet
Composition are.
Each Fleet MUST contain at least 1 Squadron of Large Class
Up to 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value can be spent on Tiny
or Small Class models.
Up to 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value can be spent on
Medium Class models.
Up to 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value can be spent on
Large and Massive Class models.
Up to 50% of the Maximum Fleet Value can be spent on
Special models.
If you are building a Fleet for an Open Game, there are no restrictions on
what models you can field. Just agree a Maximum Fleet Value with your
opponent and assemble Squadrons to that agreed value using the cost of
each model from its Stat Card.
If you are building a Fleet for a Standard Game all restrictions for
Model Types and Squadrons must be observed. Additionally, once a
Maximum Fleet Value has been agreed upon with your opponent, the
following Squadron Restrictions must be followed:
If you are building a Fleet for a Campaign Game, any Core Force and
Maximum Fleet Value will be listed as part of the Campaign Scenario
and must be accurately followed. Often a Campaign Game will define a
scenario specific Victory Condition and Game Length.
Each Fleet MUST contain at least 1 Squadron of Small Class
Each Fleet MUST contain at least 1 Squadron of Medium
Class models.
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Tokens and Templates
Gaming Aids You Can Cut Out
Large Round Template
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Hull Damage Markers
Crew Killed Markers
Attack Dice Lost Markers
Helm Steering Hit
Gun Deck Hit
Bridge Hit
Port/Starboard Broadside Hit
Engine/Mainmast Damage
Holed Below the Waterline
Raging Fire Marker
Prize Marker
Rudder Smashed
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Anchor Marker
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Eight Pointed Compass
Wind Template
Admiral’s Vessel
Doctor On Board
Expert Riggers
Lucky Talisman
Veteran Gunnery Officer
Master Helmsman
Master Shipwright
Master Signalman
Master Tactician
Well Drilled
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games
Christopher Worth
Initial GAME Concept
Neil Fawcett
We would like to thank our External Playtest Groups and our Online Community for their invaluable
feedback, all of which has contributed to making UNCHARTED SEAS an even better game.
Digital Sculpting & Modelling
Graphics, Painting & Fiction
Christopher Drew
Martin Jones
Christopher Peacey
Dave Kidd
Paul Kime
Sally Taylor
Christopher Worth
Neil Fawcett
Ben MacIntyre
Franco Sammarco
Drew Cox
Jonny La Trobe-Lewis
Giovanni Bosio
Martin Jones
Neil Fawcett
Christopher Worth
Drew Cox
Craig Gallant
Franco Sammarco
Jonny La Trobe-Lewis
Gary Bent
Ben MacIntyre
Drew Cox
Katie Bennett
Ricky Brewer
Stephen Rhodes
Christopher Drew
Manufacturing & Assembly
Drew Cox
Gordon Chamberlain
Jamie Allen
Jeff Henderson
Luke Martin
Business Management & Web
George Shearn
Jack Patterson
Harriet Rhodes
Frances Fawcett
Katie Bennett
Gary Bent
Lizzie Wood
Ricky Brewer
Stephen Rhodes
The contents of this book are
Copyright © Spartan Games 2008-2013.
All rights reserved.
2013 - PDF Download Edition
Uncharted Seas Fantasy Naval Combat Rules
Copyright © 2008-2013 Spartan Games