
1. 16 Hour Work Rule ………………………………………..………….….…… 1
2. Acting and Temporary Crew Chief Assignments ………………..…………..... 2
i. Attachment ………………………………………….................. 4
3. Change of Shift ………………………………………………………...………. 5
4. Jury Duty …………………………………………………………..…………... 7
5. Open and Vacant Shifts ………………………………………..…..…………... 9
6. Open and Vacant Vacation Slots ………………………………..…….……..... 11
7. Overtime Hour Accrual ……………………………………….….…….…..…. 12
8. Overtime Proffer and Award ……………………………………...…...….…… 13
i. Attachment …………………………………….……….…….... 15
9. Part Time Voluntary and Mandatory Extensions ……………………………… 16
10. Posting Requirements ………………………………………………………….. 17
11. Shift Bid Procedures ………………………………..…….…………………… 18
i. Attachment ………………………..…….........………………… 20
12. Training Compliance ……………………………..…………..……………..….. 21
13. Vacation Bid Procedures ………………………………………………….……. 22
14. Vacation Relief Scheduling ……………………………….……………………. 24
15. Duration of Agreements ………………………………………………….……. 25
16 hour work maximum
In an effort to help insure safety, all employees are restricted to working a maximum of 16
hours in a work day. Scheduled lunches are not counted as part of the 16 hour rule.
There may be some circumstances (i.e. OSO, extreme manpower shortage) where a manager
will need to authorize an employee to work beyond 16 hours. It is the employee’s
responsibility to notify management, if asked to extend their shift, that doing so will place
them over the 16 hour limit.
Failure to comply with these guidelines will be considered a performance issue, and can lead
to corrective action under AA PPC guidelines.
acting and temporary crew chief assignments
Acting Crew Chief:
Temporary Crew Chief:
Selected or assigned daily by management
Not to exceed 60 days
Employee must be pre-qualified
Proffered first to FT then to PT
Compensation at D1 rate
Local posted bid
Duration; 60 days to one (1) year
Employee must be pre-qualified
Awarded by occupational seniority FT before PT
Once awarded in writing employee cannot refuse, Company
cannot rescind
Compensation at Crew Chief chart rate
Will exercise occupational seniority in the event of a shift
bid during the temporary assignment
Company will offer and administer Crew Chief pre-qualifying test; check with CSM
for required lessons and to schedule test
Compensation for time while testing per Article 23
Temporary Crew Chiefs will be evaluated at 180 days
Company will maintain and post pre-qualified list
Refusal by employee to accept an Acting Crew Chief assignment three (3) times in a
six (6) month period (defined as Jan. 1 – Jun 30, Jul 1 – Dec 31) will result in an
inability to Act or bid on a Temporary Crew Chief position for a six (6) month period.
Pre-qualified status will remain in effect after the six (6) month penalty.
Cause demote for any Acting or Temporary Crew Chief will result in an inability to
Act or bid on a Temporary Crew Chief position for a twelve (12) month period. Prequalified status will be removed and employee will need to retest after the twelve (12)
month penalty.
Self demote (request to give up D1 status) for an Acting Crew Chief will result in an
inability to Act or bid on a Temporary Crew Chief position for a six (6) month period.
Pre-qualified status will remain in effect after the six (6) month penalty.
Self demote (transfer to a different status) for a Temporary Crew Chief will result in
an inability to Act or bid on a Temporary Crew Chief position for a twelve (12)
month period. Pre-qualified status will remain in effect after the twelve (12) month
Company will share with Union all posting, proffers, evaluations, personnel changes,
pre-qualified lists, and D1 refusal log
All provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement including Articles 4, 12, 23,
and 43 are to remain in force and are not to be superseded by this Local Agreement
½ hour window - throughout entire shift
partial fill - closest to need
CC working OT/CSW for FSC – Senior
CC working OT/CSW for FSC – Junior
FULL TIME D1 - Senior
PART TIME D1 – Senior
JUNIOR D1 - Part Time
Full Time
½ hour window – throughout entire shift
any CC shift not filled by Regular Bid
CC working OT/CSW for FSC - by seniority
FULL TIME D1 – by seniority
PART TIME D1 – by seniority
change of shift
1. All CSW and CSO must be entered in Jetnet Staff Admin electronically a minimum of
two (2) hours in advance.
2. Paper CSO and CSW forms will be used for changes less than two (2) hours in
advance and require CSM approval. Paper forms are to be submitted prior to shift
start to the CSM on duty and Line Control.
3. Overlapping CSW is limited to a maximum of 15 minutes; can be extended only with
CSM approval.
4. CSO or CSW which are cancelled within 1 calendar day must be removed from Staff
Admin and reported to the CSM on duty.
5. An employee who has a partial CS off must remain in their work area until relieved
by the employee who has signed to work the remainder of that shift unless approved
by a CSM or Crew Chief.
6. An employee scheduled for training must complete or reschedule the training prior to
7. You are not eligible for CSW if the CSW will put you over sixteen (16) hours of work
within a twenty four (24) hour period. The twenty four (24) hour period will begin
on the first hour of an employee’s regularly scheduled shift and will continue through
their day off cycle. Employees with relief shifts will base their twenty four (24) hour
day off cycle beginning on the first hour of their last regularly scheduled day prior to
day off.
8. Employees on ID or TD status are not allowed to CSW, but may CSO their regular
work schedule.
9. Employees may CSW or CSO on a holiday. Any CSW on the holiday will be
compensated at Holiday pay rate. CSO will not “roll” a holiday.
10. You must be qualified to perform duties of the work area for which you have a CSW.
11. A Crew Chief may only CSO with another Crew Chief or an employee who is Crew
Chief qualified.
12. All Rules, Policies, Regulations and Contractual provisions regarding compensation
will apply to this agreement.
13. Any abuse or failure to comply with this policy may result in suspension of CS
privileges and action within the PPC Guidelines for one or both employees.
Guidelines for corrective action will follow DAS Policy.
14. System wide Company “hours worked policy” does impose limitations and work hour
requirements based on a six month window as related to Change of Shift. There are
consequences for not meeting these requirements separate from this Local
Agreement. See Jetnet or a member of Management for details on this policy.
Employees are required to submit copy of Jury Duty Summons to Management when
received from court.
Compensation for Jury Duty will be as stated in the EPG, CBA, and applicable state
Remittance of Court issued validation of service payment is required for submission .
Stand By Phone Service
Phone call in time: morning for same day appearance:
Court address from SFO; two hour or less drive time (including parking shuttle);
Start Time before 0900: report for regular shift, leave after notification if same day
appearance required, remainder of scheduled hours coded JD
Start Time after 0900: call in, if appearance not required report for remainder of shift, missed
time at beginning of shift will be coded JD. If same day appearance is required, report to
Court, scheduled hours coded JD
Court address from SFO; two hour or more drive time (including parking shuttle); remain
home call in, if same day appearance not required report for remainder of shift if actual work
hours will be 4 hours or more, beginning of shift will be coded JD. If same day appearance is
required, report to Court; scheduled hours will be coded JD
Phone call in time: afternoon for next day appearance:
Shift end time 2200 or earlier; report for regular shift; if morning appearance is required by
court next day will be coded JD
Shift end time 2200 or later; report for regular shift, if morning appearance required by court
you will be released from duty no later than midnight, remainder of scheduled hours coded
JD as will be following day
Required Appearance on Scheduled Day Off Phone Notification:
Days off will be adjusted after completion of jury duty service
Notice to Appear in Person
Days off will be adjusted to Saturday Sunday for week(s) that appearance is required. Release
from court prior to end of week, employee will return to regular work schedule for
remainder of week. If release on or before regular scheduled days off, employee will report
to duty on days off as extra during regularly scheduled hours.
Employees scheduled for a 4 day 10 hour shift will revert to 5 day 8 hour shift with Saturday
Sunday off for week(s) of Jury Service.
open and vacant shifts
never filled at bid close
vacated after bid close (transfer, recall, reassign, promotion, retirement,
termination, resignation, long term LOA**)
temporary assignment for RTW (return to work) or NTS (new to
station, unit) NTF (new to function) RTF (return to function)
shift created and added after bid close
available for RTW, NTS, NTF, RTF by occupational seniority; can be
proffered at Management’s discretion to all active employees on a two
(2) time roll, any shift relinquished after final award is deemed “open”
proffered within 10 days of vacancy to all active employees by
occupational seniority; this is a two (2) time roll; shift relinquished
after proffer and/or roll(s) is deemed “open”
10 day maximum***
proffered at creation to all active employees by occupational seniority;
this is a two (2) time roll, any shift relinquished after proffer and/or
roll(s) is deemed “open”
Bridge Shifts may not become permanent
MBS Shifts: if total number of MBS exceeds twenty five (25) % of total number of
original shifts a re-bid will be called
Employees that failed to bid and were assigned shifts may request with an AOI form
to fill a different “open” shift within ten (10) days of a bid post, shifts will be awarded
by occupational seniority; relinquished shifts from this process will be deemed “open”
All shifts awarded by the above processes will adhere to a minimum seven (7) day
notice prior to a Saturday start
Snapshot of bid and active employee list will be provided to the Union at bid post
Company will share with Union all postings, proffers, and personnel changes on an
ongoing basis throughout all bids
Local Agreement is applied to all Full Time, Part Time and Crew Chief shifts
All provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement including Articles 3, 11, 12, 21,
27, 43 and 46 are to remain in force and are not to be superseded by this agreement
** To be agreed to by Union and Company
*** Can be extended by Union and Company joint agreement
open and vacant vacation slots
never filled at bid close
vacated after bid close (transfer, recall, reassign, promotion, retirement,
termination, resignation, long term LOA**)
slot created and added after bid close (excluding involuntary reassign)
available for RTW (return to work),RTF (return to function) NTS (new
to station, unit), NTF (new to function) by company seniority
proffered within 10 days of vacancy to all active employees by
company seniority; slot relinquished after proffer and/or roll(s) is
deemed “open”
proffered at creation to all active employees by company seniority; any
slot relinquished after proffer and/or roll(s) is deemed “open”
Employees that failed to bid vacation and were assigned slots may request with an
AOI form to fill a different “open” slot within ten (10) days of bid post; slots will be
awarded by company seniority; relinquished slots from this process will be deemed
An active employee my request to exchange awarded slot for any “open” slot which
has not yet been proffered for vacation relief coverage with an AOI; award based on
company seniority; the relinquished slot will be deemed “vacant”
Active employees who exchange slots will follow established procedures of nonprotested posting notice for seven (7) days
Snapshot of vacation bid and active employee list will be shared with Union at bid
Company will share with Union all postings, proffers, and personnel changes on an
ongoing basis throughout the yearly vacation bid
Local Agreement is applied to all vacation weeks including flex
All provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement including Articles 8 and 43 are
to remain in force and are not to be superseded by this agreement
** To be agreed to by Union and Company
overtime hour accrual
Once annually hours will be reset and adjusted to zero (0); this will be done on January 1st of
each year. The hours accrued during the year will be calculated daily and used as basis to
proffer out overtime and voluntary PTE. Separate Full Time and Part Time lists will be
maintained, updated daily, and posted in the immediate work areas. For purposes of
calculating OT hours accrued; paid OT hours, paid OTC hours, paid PTE (voluntary and
mandatory) hours, and refused hours will be considered equal towards the total.
New employees and return to station, new to function, return to function, and return from
LOA greater than six months from January 1st will receive total hours reflecting an average of
active employees’ hours within their Full or Part Time status. Recall and Upgrade or
Downgrade - FT to PT or PT to FT (temporary or permanent) (voluntary or involuntary)
employees will revert to zero (0) hours and assume the average of that group for equalization
purposes at time of transition.
overtime proffer and award
1. When the need for overtime work is not expected to exceed four (4) hours, it will be
offered to eligible employees on duty or by call-in or recall.
2. When the need for overtime work is planned to exceed four (4) hours, it will be
offered to eligible employees on day off. After exhausting Day Off list, this need will
be offered to employees on duty or by call-in or recall in its entirety or divided at
Managements discretion.
3. When adding your name to the OT log you must include a telephone number
(including area code) at which you can be reached. If you do not include a phone
number, then you may not be proffered overtime. Please return proffer calls
promptly, as options may vary with time. If there are any changes to your
preferences, you must completely delete your name and rewrite it. If there has been a
line drawn and your name is now written below the line, then you must notify the
CSM on duty.
4. You are required to add CSW to the remarks column of the day off overtime log if
you have committed yourself to work a CS on your scheduled day off. You will be
considered ineligible for day off overtime, but remain eligible for after shift, call-in,
or recall by placing your name on those lists. Please make this adjustment to the log
as soon as the CS has been entered and/or approved.
5. All overtime declined for any reason, after being offered by the Company, shall be
considered missed and charged to the employee for equalization purposes as though it
had been worked. The amount to be charged shall be the amount offered. Answering
machines and voicemail will be considered no contact for charging purposes.
6. Cumulative OT hours list will be updated and posted daily by management in the
immediate work area.
7. All overtime proffers and awards will be based on cumulative OT hour totals within
group order, lowest to highest; tie breaker for equal hours will mirror procedure of
Article 10 (j).
8. Overtime proffer and award order groups are as follows: Full Shift Coverage (Day Off
OT): – employees on scheduled day off (no CSW); full time then part time employees.
Before Shift, After Shift, Recall Overtime: – 1) Full time working regular shift or
CSW. 2) Part time working CSW for full time. 3) Day off employee working day off
OT; full time then part time employees. 4) Employee not scheduled day off; full time
then part time (compensated at regular pay rate).
9. You are not eligible for OT if the OT proffered will put you over sixteen (16) hours of
work within a twenty four (24) hour period. The twenty four (24) hour period will
begin on the first hour of an employee’s regularly scheduled shift and will continue
through their day off cycle. Employees with relief shifts will base their twenty four
(24) hour day off cycle beginning on the first hour of their last regularly scheduled
day prior to day off.
10. An employee being held after shift on a rolling OT need will be considered satisfied
after four (4) hours. In the event no other employee is available on duty to cover this
rolling need, that employee may continue to be held until someone becomes
11. Once awarded an OT shift, employee will assume and maintain ownership of that job
area and hours. Management reserves the right to offer or assign movement of
employees, either on awarded OT, regular shifts, or CSW to cover D1 needs per
Article 12 (h) of the CBA.
12. All rules pertaining to Part Time OT are as agreed to in Article 43, attachments, and
references in the AA TWU Collective Bargaining Agreement.
13. Additional rules and overtime pay rates will be in accordance with Article 4, 6, 12, 21,
25, and 43 of the AA TWU Collective Bargaining Agreement.
window - closest to need
lowest to highest - cumulative hours
rolling OSO need satisfied at 4 hours
FULL TIME : scheduled day off (no CSW)
PART TIME : scheduled day off (no CSW)
FT working REGULAR or CSW
PT working CSW for Full Time
FT working Day Off OT
PT working Day Off OT
FT not scheduled day off
part time voluntary and mandatory extensions
In accordance with Article 43 (l) the Company may require Part Time employees to work
beyond their scheduled hours at straight-time rates up to eight (8) hours in a workday. In all
cases management will seek volunteers prior to mandatory assignment of extension.
Except in cases of emergency, and after the provisions of Article 43 (l) and Attachments 43.2
and 43.3 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement have been satisfied, Management will
provide a minimum forty five (45) minute notice prior to mandatory extension of Part Time
employees. Mandatory Extension notice of less than forty five (45) minutes will be in
writing and cite reason and duration of mandatory extension of scheduled hours.
In the case of too many volunteers; Part Time extensions, in excess of thirty (30) minutes,
will be awarded by cumulative OT/PTE hours, lowest to highest. Part Time employees who
have signed the Before Shift, After Shift, and Day Off Log Books will have preference over
those not signed up.
In the case of too few volunteers; mandatory extension will be assigned by occupational
seniority; lowest to highest.
Awards and assignments; voluntary (in excess of 30 minutes) and mandatory, will use a
thirty (30) minute look back / look forward window in identifying the Part Time shifts
nearest to the extension need to determine which shifts will be effected. The thirty (30)
minute window will blend all areas of work; those affected are subject to reassignment of
10. posting requirements
1. Company will post for Title III Fleet Service Clerks and Crew Chiefs any information
for which there is an accountability or a compliance requirement.
2. Postings will be placed in enclosed locking bulletin boards in the immediate work
3. Postings will be dated.
4. Copy of all postings will be shared with the Union, either by hand delivery to Union
Officer, email to Union Officer or faxed to the Union Hall.
5. Provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, including Article 27, will apply to
all local postings.
11. shift bid procedures
1. Shift Bid notification will be posted a minimum of 7 (seven) calendar days prior to
date of bid.
2. Shift Bid order (by occupational seniority), assigned bid times, call in phone numbers,
and bid location will be posted a minimum of 7 calendar days prior to date of bid.
3. Shift Bid selections will be posted a minimum of 72 hours prior to the
commencement of the bid (first scheduled bid time).
4. Shift Bids will be conducted a minimum of 3 times in a calendar year except by
mutual Union Company agreement.
5. Shift Bid duration will not exceed 5 months except by mutual Union Company
6. Shift Bids will be conducted by “open” procedure.
a. “open” defined as; in person or call in, or proxy
7. Written proxies; email printouts, AOI, and faxes, will be considered “open” bids.
8. Written proxies may be submitted until 0500 of date of bid into the Bid Box (outside
Line Control).
9. Each employee will be afforded a minimum of 5 minutes to make shift bid selection.
10. Company will conduct shift bid with Company personnel or their designee. A Fleet
Service Designee will be compensated and coded as MPR.
11. Company will provide for a Union Steward on bid site to monitor contractual
compliance. Union Steward will be compensated and coded as UBP.
12. Company will provide a dedicated phone line for each classification status; Full Time,
and Part Time. Crew Chiefs (FT and PT) will be included on the Full Time phone
13. Employees who select Vacation Relief shifts will bid out a maximum of 2 weeks relief
schedule at time of bid.
14. Employees who fail to bid or submit proxy will be assigned a selection at bid close.
15. Company will share with Union all postings, lists, and final bid awards.
16. Shift Bids will comply with all Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions including;
Article(s) 3, 10, 21, and 43.
17. Eligibility to bid will comply with Weel – Yingst letter (attached).
18. SFO Local Agreement “Open and Vacant Shifts” will govern any changes, backfills
and new shift creations.
training compliance
Training is essential in order to ensure that all employees have the necessary tools to provide
quality customer service and to protect the welfare of the employee and the company. There
are changes in procedures, regulations and needed information that comes through the
required training. In an effort to get this training accomplished, the Company has an
outlined Training Compliance Standard Policy.
Failure to comply with this policy has consequences; any action taken within the Peak
Performance through Commitment Policy regarding Training Compliance will be computed
based on a rolling year calendar.
In addition to required training there is Regulatory Training, which is mandated by outside
agencies associated with the airline industry. Regulatory Training may vary by department
and includes, but not limited to, Dangerous Goods, Hazardous Awareness, OSHA hearing
test. Not meeting deadline requirements for Regulatory Training will result in an issuance of
an Advisory Letter. Your CSM can provide a current list of Regulatory Training lessons for
your workgroup.
Deadlines will adhere to midnight CST ( 2200 PST) completion time on date due.
13. vacation bid procedures
1. Annual Vacation and Flex Vacation bid notification will be posted a minimum of 10
calendar days prior to date of bid.
2. Vacations will be bid in order of Company Seniority.
3. Vacation Bid will adhere to the following date structure:
a. On or before October 15th; vacation selections posted
b. On or before November 5th; bid order (company seniority), number of
weeks/days, bid location, phone number, and date of bid posted
c. On or before November 15th; commencement of annual vacation bid
d. On or before December 1st; awarded annual vacation selections posted
e. On or before December 2nd; flex vacation selections, bid order (company
seniority), amount of purchased flex days, bid location, phone number, and
flex bid date
f. On or before December 31st; awarded vacation selections, including flex,
4. Vacation Bids will be conducted by “open” procedure.
a. “open” defined as; in person, call in, or proxy
5. Written proxies; email printouts, AOI, and faxes, will be considered “open” bids.
6. Written proxies may be submitted until 0500 of date of bid into the Bid Box (outside
Line Control).
7. Each employee will be afforded a minimum of 5 minutes to make vacation bid
8. Company will conduct vacation bid with Company personnel or their designee. A
Fleet Service Designee will be compensated and coded MPR.
9. Company will provide for a Union Steward on bid site to monitor contractual
compliance. Union Steward will be compensated and coded UBP.
10. Employees who fail to bid or submit proxy will be assigned a vacation and or flex
selection at bid close.
11. Company will share with Union all postings, lists, and final vacation bid awards.
12. Part Time employees will accrue and be compensated for annual vacation period per
Article 43 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement. When there is a discrepancy of
scheduled hours to accrued compensation hours, pay will be calculated on a yearly
basis calculated on number of days and yearly compensation accrual up to a maximum
of 8 hours per day. Any time off for vacation not compensated during a vacation
period will be coded TL. Flex Vacation week or days will be compensated at 4 hours
per day regardless of scheduled hours.
13. Vacation Bids will comply with all Collective Bargaining Agreement provisions
including; Article(s) 8, 10, and 43.
14. SFO Local Agreement “Open and Vacant Vacation Slots” will govern any changes,
backfills and new vacation slot creations.
Vacation Relief Scheduling
An equal number of available vacation weeks will be offered for vacation relief coverage by
bid to those employees holding vacation relief slots. The Company at their option may then
fill remaining open vacation shifts with overtime. In the event that there are fewer vacation
openings than employees holding vacation relief slots the Company may create shifts based
on operational needs. These shifts will follow the provisions of Article 3 (a) (c) and Article 43
(d); and Attachment 43.3 (4) of the CBA.
Full Time application: Full Time vacation relief employees will be proffered an equal
number of Full Time and Crew Chief 1 vacation coverage selections prior to offering to Part
Time vacation relief employees. Due to a disproportion of Full Time selections to Full Time
employees, Part Time selections may be offered to Full Time employees. These Part Time
selections will be adjusted to reflect eight (8) hours, exclusive of meal periods, paid on the
selection bid as provided for in Article 3 (a) of the CBA. Employees will retain ownership of
Crew Chief vacation coverage will be proffered and awarded as hours and days off for the selection.
the Part Time shift duties and work area, but maybe utilized as assigned for the additional
Part Time application: Part Time vacation relief employees will be proffered an equal
number of Part Time vacation coverage selections. Remaining Full Time shifts not covered
by Full Time employees will then be proffered to Part Timers consistent with the CBA
Article 43(d) and Article 3(c).
Vacation relief selections will be proffered in a minimum of three (3) week, with a maximum
of six (6) week blocks, in duration; except for beginning and end of work unit shift bid.
Proffers and awards will be in writing and adhere to the seven (7) day notice of shift change.
All Local Agreements will be applied at SFO Ramp, and are jointly agreed to by SFO
Management and the Transport Workers Union Local 505. These agreements will become
effective as of August 1, 2014 and will continue in full force and effect until and including
August 1, 2015, except that ratification of a new AA TWU Collective Bargaining Agreement
beyond the September 12, 2012 contract will be cause for discharge if conflicts to any
Article(s) arise.