Hollywood International Stereo Exhibition - 3


Hollywood International Stereo Exhibition - 3
Stereo Exhibition
Catalogue of Awards
& Acceptances
Sponsored by the
LA 3D Club
2015 Hollywood Digital Section
Total Possible Points-27
Minimum score for acceptance-21
The PSA Stereo Division Gold Medal for “Best of Show”
Faramarz Ghahremanifar
Freedom of Expression
Hollywood LA 3-D Club Silver Exhibition Medal
David Kuntz
Galloping Through Vegas
Hollywood LA 3-D Club Bronze Medal
Carl Wilson
King Arthur Carrousel
Digital Gold Medal: “Freedom of Expression” by Faramarz Ghahremanifar
"Best Animal - All Creatures Great and Small" to receive a a
Chinese Cork Sculpture sponsored by Oliver Dean
Bruno Braun Alt-und-Jung
"Best People or Person Award" to receive a vintage copy of
"Amazing 3-D" by Hal Morgan and Dan Symmes. Sponsored by
David Starkman and Susan Pinsky Reel 3-D Enterprises
Digital Silver Medal: “Galloping through V egas” by David Kuntz
George Themelis
Mexican Girl
"Most Innovative" to receive two pairs of designer Gunnar 3D
sponsored by Berezin Stereo
Carl Wilson
Digital Bronze Medal: “King Arthur Carrousel” by Carl Wilson
Radiator Springs
Honorable Mention Ribbons
Larry Fischer Butterfly Briarwood Patch
Greg Hjellen Wet Flowers
David Kuntz Hurdlers
Chris Reynolds Bonaventure2
Best Animal: “Alt-und-Jung” by Bruno Braun
Cecil Stone Beauty among Disaster
Carl Wilson Birds of a Feather
Digital Acceptances
Neil Askew
New Life From Old
John Ballou
Grand Prismatic Spring Reflections
Michael Bittner
Male Great Egret
Best Person: “Mexican Girl” by George Themelis
Ludlow Vermont
Bruno Braun
Alt und Jung
Michael Cosentino
Slightly Used
Greg Duncan
Double Quad Bikes
Behind The Bars With Hand
Most Innovative: “Radiator Springs” by Carl Wilson
Larry Fischer
Butterfly Briarwood Patch
Faramarz Ghahremanifar
Freedom of Expression
People 3015
Dennis Green
Digital HM: Larry Fischer Butterfly Briarwood Patch
Laptop Transparency
Multi me
Greg Hjellen
Wet Flowers
Dried Roses
Early Fall
Suzanne Hughes
Some Rocks Fall Some Don't
Land Iguana on the Move
Digital HM: Greg Hjellen Wet Flowers
Blue Lagoon
Mosquera Rocks
Steve Hughes
Frigate Bird Offering
Sally Lightfoot 2
David Kuntz
Galloping Through Vegas
Digital HM: David Kuntz Hurdlers
Digital HM: Chris Reynolds Bonaventure2
Digital HM: Cecil Stone Beauty among Disaster
Edgar Lower
Albert Sieg
Mormon Barn At The Curve
Venice Abstraction
Jack Muzatko
Another Wave
Spirit Wolf
Sapporo Snow Sculpture
Eugene Mitofsky
Cecil Stone
Devils Thumb Hot Spring
Beauty amoung Disaster
Andrew Parke
One Dead Saguaro
Desert Fox Mirror
Me and my Shadow
Tongva Parke
Yoshifumi Takasume
Strong Man Dylan
Geoff Peters
George Themelis
lily pad and frog
Mexican Girl
Monarch on Orange Zinnia
Man In Space
The Sorcerer Sculpture
Park City Houses
Lee Pratt
Butterfly Close Up
Fence at Yellowstone Lake
Gisela Will
Glimpse of Lower Falls
Snake River Overlook No 1
Carl Wilson
Chris Reynolds
Radiator Springs
King Arthur Carrousel
Greek Festival
Birds of a Feather
Solarized Hibiscus
Digital HM: Carl Wilson Birds of a Feather
Andrea Shetley
Green on Green
2015 Hollywood Card Section
Total Possible Points – 27
Minimum score for acceptance – 21
The PSA Stereo Division Gold Medal for “Best of Show”
“Stereo Window Washer” by David Kuntz, Palos Verdes, CA
Hollywood LA 3D Club Silver Exhibition Medal
“Pemaquid Reflection” by Albert Sieg, Master 22,
Hon FPSA, MPSA, Rochester, NY
Card Section Gold Medal: “Stereo Window Washer” by David Kuntz
Hollywood LA 3D Club Bronze Medal
“Bourbon Street Neon” by David Kuntz, Palos Verdes, CA
Honorable Mention Ribbons
“Orange Lilys - 1” by David Allen 5*, Beaverton, OR
“USS Missouri “The Mighty Mo”” by David Kuntz, Palos Verdes, CA
“DragonFly on Lotus” Geoffrey W. Peters 5*, Fairfax, VA
Card Acceptances
David Allen 5*, Beaverton, OR
“Orange Lilys - 1” -HM
“Bare Survival”
Card Section Silver Medal: “Pemaquid Reflection” by Albert Sieg
Bruno Braun EPSA, EFIAP, Master 11, Kassel, Germany
“The Wave”
“Brockenbahn II”
Michael Cosentino, Dawson, MN
“Italian Alps”
“Steam Power”
“Glass Fantasy”
Greg Duncan
“Guitar Busker”
Card Section Bronze Medal: “Bourbon Street Neon” by David Kuntz
Dennis Green
“Batter Up”
Byron Hindman Hon. PSA, FPSA, Cool, CA
“Tufa Towers”
Suzanne Hughes 2*, Ellijay, GA
“Crocus Bloom”
“Helsink Cathedral #1”
Card Section Honorable Mention: “Orange Lilys - 1” by David Allen
David Kuntz, Palos Verdes, CA
“Stereo Window Washer” PSA Gold
“Bourbon Street Neon” Bronze Medal
“USS Missouri “The Mighty Mo”” – HM
Edgar Lower
“Fighter 25 Close”
Linda Nygren 4*, St. Paul, MN
“Blue Eyes” – HM
“Fritillary on Purple Cone Flower”
“Koda Goes Kayaking”
Card Section Honorable Mention: “USS Missouri “The Mighty Mo”” by David Kuntz
Geoffrey W. Peters 5*, Fairfax, VA
“DragonFly on Lotus” -HM
“Carolina Anole Lizard”
“White on White”
Chris Reynolds, Simpsonville, SC
“Rocky Mountains”
Albert L. Sieg, Master 22, Hon FPSA, MPSA, Rochester, NY
“Pemaquid Reflection” – Silver Medal
“Showing Off”
“Along the River”
Cecil A. Stone 5*, Orlando, FL
“Veronica 3”
Card Section Honorable Mention: “DragonFly on Lotus” by Geoffrey W. Peters
Hollywood Exhibition Selectors
With Special Thanks to…
Shyam Kannapurakkaran
Los Angeles, CA
In addition to the selectors, the LA 3D Club would like to thank these
individuals for their indispensable contributions to the success of the 2015
Lawrence Kaufman, PPSA
Indio, CA
Eric Kurland
Los Angeles, CA
Hollywood Exhibition Showings
Downtown Independent Theatre — December 12, 2015
LA3D Club – January 21, 2016
Coordination with PSA – Andrea Meras and Robert Leonard, FPSA, EPSA
Scoring – John Hart, Kevin Steinman
Loan of Stereoscopes – Steve Berezin
Projectionist – Steve Berezin
Hollywood Treasurer – Ed Ogawa
Hollywood Exhibition Chairpersons – Steve Berezin and Philip Steinman
San Diego Stereo Club – January 26, 2016
Co-Chairman’s Comments
The card section of the Hollywood Exhibition received contributions from 19
individuals, which is a relatively healthy turn out, on a par with other exhibitions
of this kind. The 76 submitted stereocards were judged and the 26 accepted all
scored 21 or higher. Overall, I was impressed with the quality of the images.
We had to draw the line for acceptances at 21, rather than 20, as we had 24
images that scored 20 points. The PSA guidelines for what percentage of entries
should be accepted into an exhibition were created long ago, when there were far
more people participating in competitions. I’m wondering if it’s time to revisit
those. One of the goals of an exhibition is to yield a high quality show; I hate
to see good images being kept out of a show in order to meet an arbitrary target
percentage for acceptances.
Founded in 1955, the LA 3D Club (originally known as the Stereo Club of Southern California)
meets on the 3rd Thursday of every month. Visitors are always welcome.
Despite massive technological shifts that have changed the way that 3D
photographers acquire and display their images, I believe that the quantity and
quality of images submitted to the Hollywood Exhibition demonstrate that 3D
photography is still very much alive and well. I’m hoping that we can leverage
this same technology to make these images available to a large number of
people, and that this will inspire a new generation of 3D enthusiasts. It’s up to
each of us to share our work and nuture that next generation.
Thank you for participating, and I look forward to seeing your contributions in
next year’s Hollywood Exhibition.
– Philip Steinman, Hollywood Exhibition Co-Chairman
2015 Hollywood Exhibition Judges: Lawrence, Shyam, and Eric. Photo by Philip Steinman.
You are invited to join the LA 3D Club
• Monthly Meetings
• Monthly Newsletter
• Field Trips
• 3-D Shows
• How-to Workshops
• Competitions
For more information contact: Jodi Kurland, Membership Director
[email protected] • www.la3dclub.com
LA 3-D Club Meetings are usually the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7:15 at the
Armory Center For the Arts 145 N. Raymond, Pasadena, CA 91103.
This catalogue was designed and produced by Philip Steinman © 2015, LA 3D Club