Canad@news - Clefs d`Or Canada


Canad@news - Clefs d`Or Canada
February /
Février 2013
# 42
Les Clefs d’Or Canada
Magazine - Newsletter
In This Issue:
4th Excerpt From
Terry Fox Run Totals: $110 077.!!
Holly Stiel’s Book
Golf Tournaments’ Stories
Who’s On The Move?
Fam Trips
Québec City Congress 2013
February /
Février 2013
Word From President Legrand
Dear Members
It has been a busy 6 months since we met together in Las Vegas for the very successful Pan American Congress. After a busy high
season in our hotels, the National Executive Board was reunited, for the 1st time in our history, in beautiful Victoria, BC, for the annual November Board meeting. I'd like to extend our most heartfelt gratitude to the BC region and especially Dillon Carfoot, Deborah
Sleno and Michael Falez for coordinating such a successful and productive weekend.
Looking forward to 2013, it is my pleasure to confirm that we will meet for the 10th National congress in historically charming Quebec
City. Our friends in the Quebec region are putting together quite an exciting agenda for us, so we look forward to your attendance and
I'd like to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones our best wishes of health, happiness and success for 2013. Thank you
for all your hard work in your regions. Your involvement and your
Looking forward to seeing all of you again in Quebec City next May!
In service through friendship,
Chers membres,
Il y a déjà 6 mois que nous nous sommes réunis à Las Vegas pour le très réussi 17e congrès Pan Américain. Après une haute saison très occupée dans
nos hôtels, le Comité Exécutif National s'est rencontré, pour la 1ère fois de
notre histoire, dans la magnifique ville de Victoria, CB, pour les réunions annuelles du mois de novembre. J'aimerais sincèrement remercier la région de la
Colombie Britannique et tout spécialement, Dillon Carfoot, Deborah Sleno et
Michael Falez pour leur accueil et leur efforts dans l'organisation de cette fin
de semaine productive et très réussie.
Hugo in Paris, at the UICH office, with Secretary
Esther Baldocchi
Il me fait plaisir de vous confirmer que nous nous reverrons au mois de mai 2013 dans la charmante et historique ville de Québec
pour notre 10e Congrès National. Nos amis de la région de Québec nous réservent un agenda excitant, donc on vous attend en grand
nombre et on compte sur votre participation.
J'aimerais profiter de cette occasion pour vous souhaiter mes meilleurs vœux de santé, bonheur et succès pour 2013. Merci pou r tous
vos efforts dans vos régions. Votre implication et votre professionnalisme contribuent directement au succès de notre association.
Au plaisir de vous revoir à Québec!
Le service par l'amitié,
Hugo Legrand
Chef Concierge
Sofitel Golden Mile Montreal
Président, Les Clefs d'Or Canada
February /
Février 2013
Word From Vice President Avaria
Hello dear Members.
It is a great pleasure to address you all (thank you again Alain for another Newsletter - I absolutely appreciate the time required on your
These past six months have been full of changes and development for
the National Board. To begin with, four regions, Atlantic, Quebec, Ontario and Alberta have switched Directors since the Las Vegas congress
(kudos to the incoming and outgoing Directors for the smooth transitions); we managed to close the books on the Toronto congress with a
new understanding of our country’s financials; we adjusted our statutes to align ourselves with the UICH and removed the one-key Apprentice membership level; we added substantial French to our website making it more a bilingual site; we formed the School Outreach
Project; we created and implemented the challenging National Exam,
we refashioned the national PR Kits both in English and French; we
produced Sage and Social Media Guidelines; sadly received the resignation of our wonderful National Secretary, Heather; we planned and
executed a successful weekend of meetings in Victoria; and the new
Director of Quebec Simon Bovoli with his Board is presently planning a
sure-to-be-wonderful National Congress for all of us in Quebec City
this May. What fabulous development!!!
The Board owes a HUGE thank you to Dillon, Deborah, Louis, Stephen
and Stephane for their hard work in organizing such a flawless and
memorable Fall National Board meeting. They clearly confirmed the
support of their General Managers and their area vendors; it was also
great to meet two fine concierges working towards membership. The
Fall meeting’s highlights are always the candidate presentations and
this year a notable 22 Full Members were passed by the National
Board, bringing our total membership number back up to 137. We also
accepted 2 Professional Affiliates, 3 Air Canada
Affiliates and 1 American Express Affiliate. Again,
what fabulous development!!!
In Service Through Friendship – always.
Carolina Avaria
Chef Concierge
InterContinental Toronto Yorkville
Vice President, Les Clefs d’Or Canada
And speaking of growth, I’d like to close off with a
few words to those members who ran and are
running at our present regional elections … I’d like
to thank and congratulate all of you for putting
your names forward. Les Clefs d’Or Canada depends on you, our members, for yet further fabulous development.
Your desire to contribute
shows your deep engagement of our respected
association. On behalf of all of us, I thank you
warmly for your Les Clefs d’Or passion.
Happy New Year dear friends, I wish you all the
very best for 2013!
February /
Février 2013
Word From Treasurer Larouche
En préparant le portrait financier de nos 7 régions pour
mon 28e rapport en tant que trésorier que je devais présenter
à la réunion du comité exécutif national tenue à Victoria,
CB, que j'ai visualisé pour la première fois, les forces et les
faiblesses des Clefs d'Or Canada. Les chiffres nous parlent
lorsque l'on fait l'exercice de consolider les états financiers.
As I was doing the financial picture of our 7 regions for my
28th report , that I had to present as treasurer at our National Board Meeting held in Victoria, BC, I visualized for the
first time the strengths and the weaknesses of Les Clefs d'Or
Canada. The numbers speak to us when you consolidate all
the financial statements together.
En faisant l'analyse des résultats financiers obtenus pour l'année 2012, on constate que nous générons suffisamment de
ressources financières tous ensemble pour assurer le développement et la croissance de notre organisation pour les années
à venir. En coordonnant nos actions, nos projets, nos décisions à l'intérieur d'une bonne planification financière, tant au
niveau national que régional, nous allons devenir une meilleure organisation en dirigeant nos efforts dans la même direction.
Looking at the Region's financial results for 2012, we see that
all together we generated enough money to assure the development and the growth of our organization for years to
come. If we coordinate our action plans, our projects, our
decisions into a good financial forecast at the national as well
as the regional level, we will become a better organization if
we all put our efforts in the same direction.
Comme 2013 est une période de transition avec l'élection de
nouveaux comités exécutifs, il est important de s'assurer que
les outils de comptabilité simples et pratiques en place, soient
utilisés efficacement afin de produire des états financiers fiables et qui balancent, dans l'intérêt de tous les membres.
L'expérience acquise en 2011, nous a permis de réaliser que
lorsque tous les membres des Clefs d'Or Canada rament dans
la même direction, nous somme en mesure d'accomplir, d'atteindre et de concrétiser nos objectifs, nos activités et nos
As 2013 is a transition period with the election of new executive committees, it is important to make sure that our simple
and easy to use Accounting tools will be used efficiently in
order to get accurate and balanced financial reports, for the
benefit of all our members.
Through the 2011 experience that we experienced as a group,
we have learned that when all Les clefs d'Or Canada members
are in the same boat rowing in the same direction, we are
able to achieve our goals, our activities and our projects.
By working hand in hand, we will succeed!
C'est en travaillant main dans la main que nous obtiendrons
du succès !
Alain Larouche
National Treasurer
Trésorier, Les Clefs d’Or Canada
February /
Février 2013
Excerpt from Holly Stiel’s book:
The Art and Science of the Hotel Concierge
High Tech Meets Soft Touch
This is our fourth installment from Holly Stiel’s new book, The Art and Science of the Hotel
Concierge. Thus far, we’ve discussed ways to keep the spirit of service alive in our day-today interactions with guests, how to think like a world-class concierge, and offered ideas for
sailing through stressful days. In the following article, which has been excerpted from Chapters 9 and 10, The Technical Revolution and Netiquette, respectively, Holly discusses the human side of technology and shares a few words on the topic of “minding your manners”
The benefits of the computerized concierge desk are countless,
yet technology can also present challenges. Perhaps the biggest concern brought about by computerization is losing the
human touch, which is an important part of a guest’s experience. After all, information is only one part of the concierge’s
toolbox, and it is the spirit of the interaction with the concierge
that creates happy memories. So, it is up to each concierge to
personally convey the information to the guest in a way that
makes the experience personal, meaningful and memorable.
I’ve witnessed too much customer “service,” where it was clear
that the information I was provided was being mindlessly
typed, one slow letter at a time, onto a computer screen. Furthermore, the agent didn’t demonstrate any sense of caring for
the human being (me) at the other end of the line. It was as if
I was talking to a robot.
The question is: How exactly can researching all their information online enable concierges to translate it into a more memorable experience for their guests? Telling a guest robotically
that it will take a moment to access the information is just plain
boring. However, once you’ve developed your keyboarding and
computer skills and gained a level of proficiency with the software, you can elevate the service you deliver to an art form. As
your fingers dance across the keys, maintaining the connection
with guests and taking the time to optimize their experiences
becomes even easier, because the information you need is literally at your fingertips. In short, it’s not the software, but the
caring, personal way you use it that creates the best possible
experience for the guest.
Of course, computers do far more for us than deliver information. We also use them to communicate. In fact, it has become
such a widely used means of communication, that the word
“netiquette” was coined to describe online etiquette. Actually,
the traditionally held rules of common courtesy that are already
established for other forms of communication are just as applicable to any communication online. In fact, courtesy becomes
even more important on the Internet, because apart from video
teleconferencing, body language, dress, facial expressions and
tone of voice are not available for interpretation. More often
than not, the only means you have to express yourself are your
written words.
Cyberspace is a culture unto itself, generating a language of its
own that suggests an atmosphere of informality. When conducting business, however, it’s still very important to take special care with the quality of your writing. Sloppy grammar and
spelling send the wrong impression, while messages that are
polished and polite are right on target.
The quality of the content of your correspondence is equally
important. It should be clear, concise and accurate. If you find
yourself prefacing your first line with, “I think…..” or “It’s my
understanding that…..,” you might want to delay pushing the
SEND button until you’ve thoroughly checked your facts.
Brevity is also important when communicating online. So many
of us wake up every morning with inboxes swamped with
emails. Busy people appreciate when your messages are clear,
concise and to the point. At the same time, you don’t want to
come across as tense or terse, and keeping your tone respectful, friendly and approachable will help ensure that your message will be well taken.
Continued on page 6...
February /
Février 2013
Excerpt from Holly Stiel’s book:
The Art and Science of the Hotel Concierge
Continued from page 5 ...
Here are a few helpful tips for composing and sending emails
within a business context:
Avoid designating an email “URGENT, unless it truly is.
(Besides, if it is truly urgent, it probably would be better handled by phone.)
Never use email to convey confidential information. Remember,
there’s no such thing as “private” email.
When appropriate, add your name to the subject line, in the
event that the recipient may not recognize your email address,
e.g., “A Question from Holly Stiel.”
These guidelines are no different than the good, old-fashioned
rules we’ve applied to snail-mail, phone calls and face-to-face
interactions for years. If anything, these guidelines become
even more important in cyberspace, as communication here is
vastly more accelerated, easily shared and more subject to
misinterpretation than ever before.
The ability to access information instantly and communicate
globally are just two of the many benefits computer-savvy concierges enjoy today. And, truth be known, it’s absolutely thrilling to think about all the possibilities future technology holds!
Make subject lines short and meaningful to inform the participant of the purpose of your email.
Avoid using ALL CAPS, as it is considered “shouting” and impolite. Some techies also contend that sending emails in all lowercase letters makes it appear as if you were mumbling. (Even if
this is not the case, it’s still bad grammar!)
Avoid abbreviations. Of course, you can abbreviate the name of
a state and other common abbreviations, but save the “how r
u?” type shorthand for when you’re texting your buddies.
Holly Stiel is a trailblazing service philosopher who innovated a method of training based on the practices and principles of the
world-class concierge. In 1976, Holly became the first female concierge in the U.S. when she created the desk at the Grand Hyatt
Union Square in San Francisco. Two years later, she was the first American woman to be admitted to Les Clefs d’Or. She is the
author of four books including The Art and Science of the Hotel Concierge, Ultimate Service, The Complete Handbook to the World
of the Concierge, Thank You Very Much – A Book for Anyone Who Has Ever Said, “May I Help you?” and The Neon Signs of Service.
Follow Holly on her blog:
February /
Février 2013
The Terry Fox Run 2012
On September 16th, 2012, 11 concierges from the Montreal
region gathered on top of Mont-Royal to participate, along with
2000 joggers/walkers, in the Terry Fox Run. The Montreal
team, led by Maude Blaquière and myself, had succeeded in
collecting $5687 for cancer research! We surpassed our goal of
$5678 ($1 more than 2011) on the last day of collection thanks
to our friends at Resto-Bar La Cabane, who said: « Alain, Whatever you need at the last second to reach your goal, we’ll make
it happen!»
Well, at the time of announcing our total, we were $115 away
from our goal; a quick call to Derek and it was settled! We
have many great stories like this one that repeat year after
year, like restaurants PortusCalle and Helena who surpass
themselves in generosity every year since we started our involvement in the Terry Fox Run seven years ago; Chef Helena
Loureiro donated $600 this year! The Québec Region of Les
Clefs d’Or donated $500 again this year.
Throughout the 5 regions of Les Clefs d’Or Canada who participated in the 2012 fundraising effort, an amazing total of
$22317 was collected! British Columbia led the way with
$9205, very close to their ambitious goal of $10000, while Ontario amassed $4797 surpassing by far their goal of $2500 and
Alberta collected $2628. Since 2006, Les Clefs d’Or Canada has
collected $110 077! (See table)
I had the chance, last month, to visit the offices of the Terry
Fox Foundation in Montréal and I was received like a VIP by
Peter Sheremeta, the Provincial Director of the Foundation,
who thanked me for our incredible contribution to the cause.
Peter took the time to show me around the office cramped with
piles of boxes containing the pledge sheets from across the
country, as they were in the process of issuing the tax deductions receipts for all cash donations in Canada. He introduced
me to every employee, volunteer and intern working in the
busy office!
According to Peter Sheremeta, my personal collection of $2000
puts me in the top 20 fundraisers in the province of Québec. He
was even more impressed when I told him that Sheron Empey,
in Vancouver, had amassed $2325! While on the subject of top
fundraisers, I would like to mention our members who collected
$1000 or more this year: Congratulations and thank you for
your amazing efforts to Nathalie Zakarian, Daphne Liou, Daniel
Havens and Rejean Cliche!!
I would like to thank and congratulate every member who collected, participated or donated to the Terry Fox Foundation on
behalf of Les Clefs d’Or over the past 8 years. I know our success has made a difference in the continuing fight against cancer.
Alain Ethier
Assistant Chef-Concierge
Le St-Sulpice Hôtel Montréal
Éditeur, Canad@news
February /
Février 2013
Concierges On The Run
It’s hard to believe that the original Marathon of Hope took
place over thirty years ago when Canadian Terry Fox, who had
already lost a leg to cancer, set himself a near-impossible goal.
He wanted to run across the second largest country in the
world while raising one dollar for cancer research from every
one of Canada’s then-24 million people.
He started his run in April, 1980, in St. John’s, Newfoundland
and in spite of one hurdle after another, including increasing
pain and bouts of terrible weather, he made it as far as Thunder Bay in Northern Ontario, where he had to stop the run after
the cancer had spread to his lungs.
Nine months later Terry Fox lost his life to the disease.
But Terry’s legacy lives on more than thirty years later. And it
is fitting that it was a world-famous hotelier, Isadore Sharp,
founder of the Four Seasons Hotels, who was instrumental in
the creation of the Terry Fox Run, a 10 Km run/walk/ride held
every fall to raise money for cancer research in Terry’s memory.
For the Ontario region’s Clefs d’Or members, it is always a bit
of a challenge to have a strong presence at the Terry Fox Run
because it falls in the middle of one of the busiest times of the
year for us: During the Toronto International Film Festival!
However, this year, not even the demands of A-listers and ce-
lebrity directors could influence the large turn-out we had!
Once again the Ontario Region joined the Toronto Island Terry
Fox run and we had a turn-out that included not just concierges
and professional affiliates, but their children, spouses and pets!
The children rode parts of the run in the comfort of their strollers and took lengthy playground breaks. The dogs walked and
played along the route and some of the children and spouses
outdid us when it came to finishing the run with much better
times than we did!
In the end, it was a gorgeous sunny day, spent together with
good company for a great Canadian cause. After we finished
the run we were treated to an outdoor barbeque and left the
Island having raised a record amount of over $4980! A very
special thank you and shout out goes to our professional affiliates at Air Canada, who held a bake sale which alone raised
almost $3400! And to Melinda Wagner and Dean Voon who
organized this year’s Ontario Region run. Now that’s team
Monika Grossenbacher
LCD Reporter
Renaissance Toronto Downtown Hotel
February /
Février 2013
9e Congrès National - 9th National Congress
Bonjour friends!
As the new Director of the Quebec City region, I am joined by all my members to invite you to Quebec City in May of 2013. But
why you might ask? Because we will be hosting the 9 th National Congress of Les Clefs d'Or Canada and we promise that: You
will remember!
We are planning an exciting agenda for members across Canada; an educational component your management won’t want you
to miss, visits and activities for your spouses and surprises that will keep you on your toes all the way through! From the opening ceremony on Sunday, May 5th through the closing Gala on the 7th, you will meet new and old friends, laugh your socks off
and learn a thing or two. Quebec City will not only show you why we are part of the world's heritage sites of UNESCO, but that
we can whip up some high tech as well.
Come experience our majestic city with its wholesome people, our renowned tables and their extravagant wine selection - and
our “Je ne sais quoi”.
We look forward to welcome you in the world's most photographed hotel, the Fairmont Le Château Frontenac.
Vive les Clefs d'Or!
Simon Bovoli
Concierge, Fairmont Le Château Frontenac
Director of Quebec City region
February /
Février 2013
» » » On The Move » » »
Keeping track of our friends and colleagues across the country.
Change of hotel, promotion, change of position,
departure, move, weddings and kids…
British Columbia:
Houle, Fairmont Reine
Elizabeth, had his second child,
Heather Crosby has resigned from her position as Chef Conci-
Mélodie, she was born on April 30th,
erge at Rosewood Hotel Georgia and her position as National
2012. Congratulations!
Secretary of Les Clefs d’Or Canada. Best of luck on Heather’s
The Hôtel de la Montagne has
new adventure beyond the land of Concierge.
closed its doors on September 9th;
As a result, our National Treasurer,
Alain Larouche, is currently taking some time off.
None submitted
Sheila Beaton from Air Canada has retired. We wish her all
the best in her new life!
Québec City:
Steven Hantziantoniou has moved from the now-closed Sutton Place Hotel to the Shangri-La Hotel
Sandrine Bonnet, our ex-Regional Director, has left the Relais
Margarita Noel has left the InterContinental Toronto Centre
& Château L’Auberge Saint-Antoine to work as a concierge for a
and is now concierge at the Shangri-La hotel
new complex called Capitale Hélipro.
James Robar has left the Radisson Toronto and is now conci-
Lise Lapointe, has left Hôtel Le Germain-Dominion and no
erge at the Fairmont Royal York
longer works as a concierge. Good luck Lise with your new ca-
Melinda Wagner, Lead concierge at the
Ritz Carlton, gave birth to baby boy Max
Viateur Tremblay, has left the Relais & Château La Pinson-
Charles Wagner (7lbs, 12 ounces) on
nière to work for the new hotel in Baie-Saint-Paul called La
September 21st!
Hanna Sorri left the Fairmont Royal
York and is now concierge at the Ritz
Carlton Toronto
None Submitted
It is with most sincere and profound condolences that we
learned that Mr. James Burnham, founding member of Les
Alyson Diffin is now on maternity leave
Clefs d’Or, Montreal and Toronto has recently passed away. He
as of August with the birth of her first
will be dearly missed.
child, Everett Frederick Diffin.
She will
be returning to work in the Summer of
André Cloutier has left the Hôtel Gault to accept a concierge
position at Hôtel Le Germain.
Hugo Legrand, Sofitel Montréal, got married to Julie Horil on
September 1st. Congratulations!
Mireille Kostopoulos, Hôtel W, had two wonderful boys
named Leo and Hari, on August 6th 2012!! Yes, twins!!
Marc-Andre Blais, Manoir Hovey, had his third boy, named
Charles, born on August 23rd, 2012. Congratulations!
February /
Février 2013
» » » On The Move » » »
Keeping track of our friends and colleagues across the country.
Change of hotel, promotion, change of position,
departure, move, weddings and kids…
Newly accepted members and years-of-service milestones
British Columbia
Connie Cheung - Rosewood Hotel Georgia
José Martinez - Le Place d’Armes Hôtel & Suites
Rejean Cliché - Fairmont Vancouver Hotel
André Cloutier - Le Germain Montreal
Daniel Havens - Fairmont Chateau Whistler
Gerry Lonergan - InterContinental Montreal
David Lall - Fairmont Pacific Rim
Maude Blaquière - Hotel Nelligan
Daphne Liou - River Rock Casino Resort
Rodolfo Parra - The Fairmont Waterfront
5 Years Eddy Amoroso - Hôtel le St-James
5 Years Julien Tanguy - Hilton Bonaventure
Natalie Gauffre - Air Canada Concierge (Professional Affiliate)
10 Years Alain Ethier - Hôtel le St-Sulpice
Valinda Leitner - Air Canada Concierge (Professional Affiliate)
10 Years Joey Marianetti - Sofitel Golden Mile
Lori Lemire - Air Canada Concierge (Professional Affiliate)
5 Years Alex Monetta - Renaissance Vancouver Harbourside
10 Years Debbie Wild - Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
Geneviève Guay - Auberge Saint-Antoine
15 Years Verinda Doman - Vancouver Marriott Pinnacle
Réjeanne Guimond - Hôtel Hilton Québec
Louise Roy – Hôtel La Ferme (from Affiliate back to Full Membership)
Maxime Beauchamp – Hôtel 71 & Auberge Saint-Pierre
Nella Mirante - Westin Edmonton
Sandrine Bonnet - Capitale Helipro (from Full Member to Affili-
Brian Rasmuson - Hyatt Rengency
Jeffrey Graham - Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise
Udo Stevens - Oxford Properties (Professional Affiliate)
Trevor Proude - The Four Points Sheraton Hotel
Eric Fowler - Shangrila Toronto
5 Years Frank Opdebeck - Delta Barrington
Victori Ashley Irving - Fairmont Royal York
Hanna-Leena Sorri - Rtiz Carlton Toronto
Orson Tsoi - Park Hyatt
Marie Eve Balla - American Express (Professional Affiliate)
5 Years Paul Marino - Fairmont Royal York
20 Years Toni Daoud - Shangri-La Toronto
35 Years Lanfranco Gualandi - Soho Metropolitan
On The Move information gathered by Connie Cheung
and confirmed by Carolina Avaria.
5 Years Allison Wiens - Oban Inn and Spa
Thank you for your precious help!
20 Years Andre Plouffee - White Oaks Conference Resorts and
February /
Février 2013
Omnium LCD Montréal - 9e Édition
C’est sur les magnifiques allées du Club
de Golf Le St-Raphaël, propriété de la
famille Saputo, qu’a eu lieu, le 15 Août
dernier, la 9e édition de l’Omnium LCD
Montréal. Malgré une température plus
qu’incertaine en matinée, grâce à une
participation record des acteurs du milieu
touristique Montréalais, cet évènement a
été couronné de succès. Cette année,
106 joueurs se sont joints à nous pour
participer à cette journée et près de 60
autres personnes se sont ajoutées pour
le cocktail et le souper de fin de soirée.
Cette année, une grande nouveauté attendait nos joueurs ; ils ont été accueilli par un incroyable
brunch gracieuseté du nouvellement rouvert Ritz Carlton Montréal et de son restaurant Maison Boulud. Les participants se
sont ensuite dirigés vers leurs voiturettes où les attendait leur
sac-cadeau de chez Vasco Cigares. Sur le parcours, les stations de nourritures et d’alcool s’enchaînaient au plus grand
plaisir de nos invités. Un gros merci au groupe Montréal Gourmet pour les paninis, à La Taverne Gaspar pour la bière et
aux Délices de l’Érable pour les délicieux gélatos. Après une
journée de plaisir au soleil, quoi de mieux qu’un bon verre de
champagne ? Heureusement, le restaurant Globe et son grand
cocktail annuel était là pour nous rafraîchir. Par la suite, nous
sommes passés au souper où un magnifique menu dégustation nous a été servi gracieuseté de différents restaurateurs.
Parmi ceux-ci, notons ; Tapéo, Le Pois Penché, Café Ferreira,
Baxo, Select Wines & Spirits et Délices Lafrenaie.
Je m’en voudrais de passer sous silence l’aide de partenaires
tels ; Conservus, Fanadica flowers, Empire Crockery, Chez
Delmo, Moishes, Buonanotte, Discount Location d’Autos et les
Productions Johnny Monti.
Cette année, nous avons récolté près de
15 000$ ! Comme à l’habitude, les revenus de cette activité et du ‘’raffle’’ ont
profité à un organisme de charité de Montréal à laquelle nous remettons chaque
année un montant substantiel. Pour l’édition 2012, nous nous sommes associés à
‘’Dans la rue’’, un organisme qui travaille
auprès des jeunes de la rue et de ceux qui
se trouvent dans une situation à risque. La
balance des revenus sont allés au financement de la région montréalaise des Clefs
d’Or Canada.
J’aimerais terminer en remerciant mes
collègues du comité organisateur ; Simon Stewart et Hugo
Legrand du Sofitel Carré Doré Montréal, Maude Blaquière du
Nelligan, Anna Roma et Simon Bajouk du Ritz-Carlton, Alain
Larouche de l’Hôtel de la Montagne et la dernière et non la
moindre, Chanel Mongeon du Marriott Château Champlain.
Merci également à tous les concierges qui ont offert leur
temps pour nous aider à la coordination et au bien-être de
nos invités le jour du tournoi.
En 2013 l’Omnium LCD Montréal en sera à sa 10e édition et
nous mettrons tout en œuvre pour qu’elle soit la plus mémorable d’entre toutes. Nous vous y attendons avec impatience.
Etienne Bellemare
Chef concierge
Le St-Sulpice Hôtel Montréal
Directeur Omnium LCD Montréal
February /
Février 2013
LCD Montreal Golf Omnium – 9th edition
It was on the beautiful links of Le St-
This year, we raised nearly $15000! As
Raphael Golf Club that was held, on Au-
usual, part of the revenues of this activity
gust 15th, the 9th edition of the Omnium
and its raffle benefited a Montreal charity
LCD Montréal. Despite a highly uncertain
organization to which we give a substantial
weather in the morning and thanks to a
amount each year. For the 2012 edition,
record attendance by the Montreal tourism
we chose « Dans la Rue », an organization
industry’s members, the event was a ma-
who works with young homeless and street
jor success. This year, 106 players joined
kids in a challenging situation. The remain-
us to take part in the tournament and
ing revenues are used to finance the Mont-
nearly 60 more came to the cocktail and
real region of Les Clefs d’Or Canada.
late evening dinner.
In closing, I would like to thank my colFor
leagues from the Organizing Committee:
greeted to an amazing brunch offered by
Simon Stewart and Hugo Legrand from the
the newly reopened Ritz Carlton and by its restaurant Maison
Sofitel Carré Doré Montréal, Maude Blaquière from the Nelligan,
Boulud. The players then proceeded to their carts where gift
Anna Roma and Simon Bajouk from the Ritz-Carlton, Alain La-
bags from Vasco Cigars had been placed for them. On the
rouche from Hôtel de la Montagne and, last but not least,
course, food stations were waiting for the golfers for their
Chanel Mongeon from the Marriott Château Champlain. Thank
pleasure. I’d like to thank the Montreal Gourmet group (Cavalli,
you also to all the concierges who offered their time on the day
Wood 35, Beatrice, Otto, etc...) for the paninis, Taverne Gaspar
of the tournament to make sure our guests received the VIP
for the beer and Maple Delights for the gelatos. After a day of
welcome and treatment.
fun in the sun, what’s better than a fine glass of Champagne?
Thankfully, Globe Restaurant, with its annual Grand Cocktail,
In 2013, the Omnium LCD Montréal will celebrate its 10 th edi-
was there to refresh us on the beautiful terrace. We then
tion and we’ll make sure it’s the most memorable one. We are
moved to the dining room where a great tasting menu was
anxious to welcome you then.
served, compliments of many Montreal restauranteurs. Among
them: Tapéo, Le Pois Penché, Ferreira Café, Baxo, Select Wines
& Spirits and Délices Lafrenaie.
Etienne Bellemare
I would like to recognize the tremendous help from our part-
Chef Concierge
ners Conservus, Fanadica Flowers, Empire Crockery, Chez
Le St-Sulpice Hôtel Montréal
Delmo, Moishes, Buonanotte, Discount Car Rental and Produc-
Director, Omnium LCD Montréal
tions Johnny Monti.
February /
Février 2013
7th Annual LCD Niagara Golf Classic
Golfers Get Free Sunglasses With
Their Welcome Bags!
At the 7th Annual Les Clefs d’Or Niagara Golf Classic, held this
summer in August, golfers received a cool pair of sunglasses in
their welcome bag. These were donated by Brand Blvd; a
merchandise marketing company that made pens for my hotel.
The idea was to have all the golfers out on the course look the
same by wearing the same sunglasses in a variety of different
colours. Like so many great ideas before this one, it completely flopped. No one wore them, here’s why….
In the weeks leading up to our tournament, held Monday, August 27th, it was the hottest and driest summer in years with
hardly any rain, or any cloudy days for that matter. In fact,
here in wine country, that is good news. The grapes will
struggle for each drop of rain and will therefore be rich with
flavour, no doubt producing a great vintage. We had week
after week of near-perfect warm summer weather, a pure
miracle. So, in the week prior to our event the co-chairs of
the tournament (Craig Mantesso and I) watched the weather
closely, and something interesting showed up on the proverbial radar. Take a look at this photo I took of my T.V. on the
Weather Network:
Okay, we had a 40% chance of rain. No big deal. It will pass
over, or maybe rain for ten minutes then clear. Well, ladies
and gentleman, I am here to tell you that our weather tracking
systems are becoming ridiculously accurate.
On the day of our tournament it rained. And it rained like it
was nobody’s business. Hard rain, blowing rain, rain from the
sides, rain from the front, straight up rain, and horizontal rain.
After nine holes you couldn’t even keep track of your score
because the scorecard turned into cardboard mush. Forget
the cool sunglasses, guys couldn’t even light a cigar or even
see fifty yards ahead. The golf carts were drenched all inside,
and there was no escape. It was so depressing that you lost
your will to go on.
I recall looking up at the sky, and shaking my wrinkled and
waterlogged fist while the pounding rain completely covered
up my weeping tears. No, I was not weeping because our big
event was being washed away by a freak hurricane, and that
all of our weeks of planning fun outdoor specialty holes were
It was because my undergarments had become one
with my outer garments. I had a full-body severe soaker and
we were only half way through the course!
So it would seem that there was a chance of a thunderstorm
on Monday, August 27th. The only day in the month of August
that even had the slightest possibility of rain. Many of us have
been on the organizing committee for golf tournaments and
we know that forecasts like this are never accurate. “Stay
optimistic, it will blow over.”
This is a commonly heard
phrase. Or you might hear, “Aaah, it has been too beautiful all
summer. It won’t rain on the day of your event. Cheer up old
boy”. Well, maybe something along those lines. So just a few
days before we checked the Weather Network again:
Korey Rorison
Chef Concierge
The Victorian Villas
LCD Reporter, Niagara Region
Make no mistake; the worst case scenario just happened.
There was no thunder or lightning to save us, only rain. All
hope of the golf course marshal calling everyone out of the
lightning was long gone. The only sounds were that of pounding rain on the golf carts, and the guy sitting next to you could
only make that weird face that you make when rain is hitting
you in the eyes. There was hardly any talking, but you knew
exactly what we were all thinking.
And then something happened. It actually let up a little bit;
just a little misty rain now. Our broken spirits were renewed.
Cigars were lit, and the hardly-seen beer cart girl was a welcomed site. Even our golf game improved; although we had a
hell of a time keeping track of our score. Eventually we all
made it back to the clubhouse for dinner. And wouldn’t you
know it, the sun came out. The dinner was amazing and overall the tournament was grand. You win this round Golf Tournament Gods. The sad thing is that I don’t think I will
ever wear those sunglasses. LOL.
February /
Février 2013
BC - TIP Invitational Golf Tournament
For the 7th year, the BC Les Clefs d’Or was honored to take part
in raising silent auction items in support of the TIP Golf Invitational Golf Tournament. Tourism Industry Partners (T.I.P.)
was created 6 years ago through the combined partnership of
Fairmont Hotels & Resorts and Rocky Mountaineer. Since then,
this event has become a much anticipated, yearly event for all
within the hospitality industry. These past 6 years, T.I.P. has
graciously & loyally been supported by friends and sponsors
alike; having raised close to $300K in matching dollars to fund
scholarships in perpetuity!
ALL proceeds from this event go to help foster future generations of tourism professionals, directly through the scholarship
funds awarded at Vancouver Community College. Students
experiencing financial challenges in finishing their “Last Lap”, or
final year, at VCC are now provided the opportunity to graduate
with their class and begin their exciting careers in the tourism
and hospitality sector.
Historically, our role in this event has been two-fold. The first
part being to approach our industry partners for donations for
the silent auction. The second part is offered in way of support/
assistance through volunteer labor for the Golf Tournament.
Once again, this year’s event was a huge success!! (I dare say
our best ever!... Donation support having totaled approximately $19,000.00) Although we still have yet to confirm the
final numbers, I am confident that the amount raised has surpassed our previous efforts and would not have been attainable
without the amazing support and dedication of our BC Les Clefs
d’Or team!!
This is an incredible event for BC Les Clefs d’Or as it allows us
to further deepen our network, establish new contacts within
our regions hospitality partners as well as strengthen our existing relationships; all the while, enjoying the fresh air and scenery that British Columbia has to offer!
Rejean Cliche
Fairmont Gold Supervisor/Concierge
Fairmont Hotel Vancouver
The event took place on a beautiful sunny day, starting with a
sumptuous breakfast at the Wildflower restaurant. It was
then on to the golf course for the registration and welcoming of
our players. We ended this amazing day with a lovely dinner
and some amazing wines in one of the grand ballrooms. These
dining experiences were graciously provided by our host property, The Fairmont Chateau Whistler! Many thanks to all involved.
February /
Février 2013
Behind The Keys - Micheline Laterreur
Micheline has been at the conci-
erge desk of Hôtel Loews Le Con-
monthly meetings and the sharing
corde for 15 years. Following a
of information (cultural and educa-
small path that lead her towards
tional) allow us to be up to the
achieving her goal of becoming a
standards of a professional hotel
Clefs d’Or member.
concierge. Also, to participate in
different congress around the world
Several years ago, she lived in
gives us the opportunity to meet
Spain for six years where she
incredible individuals, to share our
worked as an administrative assis-
experiences and to build long last-
tant which helped her improve and
ing friendships.
master the Spanish language.
Back in Québec with her family,
she chose to be a full time mom
until her children reached the age
to go to school. That’s when she
wanted to come back on the work force and followed a few
programs in order to do so. In one of the programs they had a
project to interview a person in a career that interested them.
One thing was for sure, she didn’t want to be a secretary anymore. She chose to meet with a front desk receptionist at
Loews Le Concorde so that she could explain the different as-
In service through friendship!
pects of her work.
After that meeting, she says, « My choice was made and I
really wanted to be ready to come back well prepared on the
work market ». She signed-up for a degree in Hotel Reception.
When the time came for her to do the training, her teacher
Louise Morin
recommended she should be at the concierge desk because of
her personality, her capacities and her experience. She fol-
Le Saint-Pierre Auberge Distinctive
lowed the advice and she soon realised how gratifying the job
LCD Reporter
was – it was exactly up to her expectations.
Since the beginning Micheline was involved in the meetings of
our region and along with her determination and that of her
colleagues, our region was created in 1992. She continued to
go to the meetings and a couple years later, she had the great
pleasure and privilege to get her Gold keys and to become a
full member in our prestigious Les Clefs d’Or association.
February /
Février 2013
Bonjour From The Ontario Region
Our region is one that is vibrant and constantly evolving.
Just recently the Toronto International Film Festival provided us with a great platform to showcase our city to the world. The
Shangri-La Hotel opened just in time for the occasion and the new Four Seasons Hotel followed suit shortly after, bringing with
it a return to glitz and glamour in the Yorkville neighbourhood.
The arrival of these new properties also heralded some fabulous new dining ventures in Toronto, including Momofuku and Café
Boulud, two reasons to make a culinary excursion to our hometown. In addition to these globally recognized icons, there are is
also a thriving local dining scene that has emerged recently in the Dundas and Ossington area of the city, one that includes
foodie favourites such as Enoteca Sociale and Campagnolo. Not to mention that six of Canada’s ten best new restaurants chosen by En Route magazine this year are found in Toronto.
There are unique and innovative new exhibits in the city as well, including Designing 007: 50 years of Bond Style at the TIFF
Lightbox, which coincides perfectly with the release of the latest James Bond feature film, Skyfall. For fine art lovers, the re is
Frida & Diego: Passion, Politics and Painting at the Art Gallery of Ontario, featuring the works of Mexican artists Frida Kahlo
and Diego Rivera. And lastly, one of the largest new exhibits in Toronto is hosting some genuine giants: Giants from Gondwana
at the Royal Toronto Museum is a dinosaur exhibit unlike any other Toronto has ever seen.
On a more personal note, the Toronto region has had some terrific reasons to celebrate these past few months, including the
arrival of Max Charles Wagner, born on September 24 th to Melinda Wagner, lead concierge at the Ritz Carlton and Sherine
Sutherland (Chef Concierge, Intercontinental Toronto Centre) becoming the first concierge recipient of the Toronto Hotels Association Spirit Award.
All of the Clefs d’Or members of Canada’s biggest city wish you an extraordinary day and please do not forget to follow us on
our new facebook page and our new Twitter account
In Service through Friendship;
In Service through Excellence.
Ronaldo Breton
Chef Concierge
The Hazelton Hotel
Regional Director - Ontario
February /
Février 2013
Région de Montréal
Bonjour Canada!
My visit to beautiful Victoria was incredible! It involved a lot of work but things got done, issues were addressed and serio us
matters were discussed. You’ve got to love the passion that is in that room every National Board Meeting, it shows to me that
we all have Les Clefs d’Or close to our hearts. Although this was only my second time attending a National Board Meeting, I
walked away from this weekend with a sense of belonging. Thank you to all who were involved in organizing this weekend in
Victoria… GREAT job!
Despite all the student protests this past summer, we still had and amazing summer, enough so that Montreal even set some
tourism records…..YEH!!!!!!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the members of my Board (Simon Stewart, Julien Tanguy & Eddy Amoroso) for
their hard work and constant support, as well as the many committees we have created that have made our jobs a lot easier!
These committees include:
(1) The Welcome Committee who supports and guides the new attendees and try to make them feel a sense of belonging
right away. The committee consists of: Carole Kennedy (Hotel de l’Institut), Jose Martinez (Place d’Armes Hôtel & Suites) and
Maude Blaquière (Nelligan Hôtel)!
(2) The Educational Committee who prepares numerous «banques de données»! These documents provide us with useful
information and allow us to keep ourselves up-to-date. The committee also organizes cultural activities whereby allowing the
concierges of the city to experience first-hand new attractions. The committee consists of: Caro Chevalier (Loews Vogue),
Mylène Perreault (Auberge du Vieux Port) and Gerry Lonergan (InterContinental Hotel)!
(3) The Golf Committee who shines every year and makes our Golf Tournament a constant success, always outdoing the
previous year! The committee consists of: Etienne Bellemare (St-Sulpice Hotel), Simon Stewart (Sofitel), Hugo Legrand
(Sofitel), Alain Larouche, Simon Bajouk (Ritz Carlton Hotel), Maude Blaquière (Nelligan Hotel), Anna Roma (Ritz Carlton Hotel)
and Nicolas Diciocco (Conservus)!!
To my entire region, a huge thank you for your personal involvement within the association! Your passion, dedication and the
time you donate to our association make our region stronger. The future looks very promising and I am honoured to have
been given the opportunity for a 2nd mandate to lead you for the next 2 years!
Last, but not the least: I am pleased to announce to everyone that we will have a new treasurer in our region. His name is Mr.
Etienne Bellemare and he is the Chef Concierge at the St-Sulpice Hotel. He will be officially joining the regional board as of
January 2013.
Looking forward to seeing you all in May at the National Congress!
Chanel Mongeon
Assistante Chef Concierge
Montréal Marriott Château Champlain
Directrice Régionale - Montréal
February /
Février 2013
Visit to Le Massif / Baie-St-Paul / Hôtel La Ferme
Our Montreal concierge colleagues joined us for a wonderful
discovery trip of what Le Massif region and the Hôtel La Ferme
have to offer for our guests wishing to visit the Charlevoix region. (
At first, people gathered at the foot of the beautiful Montmorency Falls ( to enjoy a
lovely 2 hours train ride along the St-Lawrence river from Québec City to Hotel La Ferme, in Baie-St-Paul. The hotel’s Room
Division Manager, Martin Lamothe, welcomed the concierges in
this beautiful brand new hotel (La Ferme means The Farm)
where they really respected the location and the theme of the
place. They created this hotel in the image of a new, modern,
innovative, well appointed hotel with great service and made it
a landmark for this area. Martin Lamothe, Louise Roy and Viateur Tremblay took us through a guided tour of the facilities
and of the very comfortable rooms.
Everybody was then invited to take place in the beautiful openkitchen, laboratory-style restaurant on the second floor, to
taste their creative cuisine in a very festive and warm ambiance. An impromptu party then followed with a few concierges
improvising into «iphone DJ’s» until it was quite late in the
The next morning, everybody woke up early to enjoy a local
delicious breakfast, followed by a meeting describing how the
winter programs for the hotel, the touristic train and the ski
mountain all link together to offer an unforgettable regional
A last minute visit and cheese tasting of the Laiterie Charlevoix,
makers of the famous Migneron cheese, left us with a lasting
impression, if only from the smell of their eco-friendly, methane-producing, used-waters transformation mini-plant, which
supplies most of the energy to run the fromagerie!!
We all came back by bus, tired but so happy to have discovered a most beautiful touristic offer which we all will be proud
to recommend to our guests.
A walking tour of the quaint village of Baie-St-Paul followed and
everybody was given a chance to either shop to get a souvenir,
have a bite of the local provincial cuisine or taste the products
from one of the many micro-breweries.
Later in the evening, an elegant cocktail was held in the main
lobby bar while the Quebec region’s full members were in a
private room, listening to the speeches of the concierges applying for membership this year!
Louise Morin
Le St-Pierre Auberge Distinctive
LCD reporter
Special collaboration : Alain Ethier
February /
Février 2013
Alberta Region Report
Dear Friends,
We had an amazing summer in the Alberta Region! We celebrated the 100 th Annual Greatest Show on Earth: The Calgary
Stampede! We were all infused with guests from all over North America.
We also participated in the Annual Terry Fox Run, where the Calgary Region and The Mountain Region participated in a
friendly little competition and Calgary raised $1868.52 and the Mountain Region raised $760.00. Well done to Jill, Cindy and
Amanda who took part in the Terry Fox Run… CONGRATS to everyone who helped raise money for such a great cause!!
I am especially excited to share with you that I, Nella Mirante, and the
Westin Edmonton hosted our first Regional Meeting. I had invited 6 core
hotels from Edmonton, in attendance were Delta Edmonton Centre, Fairmont MacDonald, Matrix Hotel, Crowne Plaza, Sutton Place, and the Mayfield Inn. The attention was captured by all with great execution by Warren
Downs, Vice Director from Delta Bow Calgary and Don Mooney from Fairmont Banff Springs. Hoping to gain momentum and establish Edmonton as
its own Region one day, and to soon be the first Clefs d’Or Member in our
city as of December 2012!! Crossing my fingers!
Many thanks to Edmonton Tourism for their continued support and for the
best tickets at the Annual Edmonton Indy Car race! Then off to HUNDRED
Bar and Kitchen where we indulged in beverages and appetizers and great
company and fun laughs about our day in Edmonton… where great things
do happen!!
We were happy to welcome Jill back from her maternity leave in September.
I would like to wish everyone the best in health and happiness for a wonderful New Year! I look forward to connecting with you soon!
Nella Mirante
Chef Concierge
The Westin Edmonton
LCD Reporter for Alberta Region
February /
Février 2013
BC Region October Meeting
Blown Away by Tofino
I can still hear the soothing sound of ocean waves crashing
into the rocky shores. We had just bid farewell to the hectic, busy summer when our Honourary Member and General
Manager of Wickaninnish Inn, Mr. Charles McDiarmid, welcomed us to his home and resort in Tofino, BC, a town situated on the pristine west coast of Vancouver Island, for the
October meeting. Following Chef Concierge Jason McWhinnie’s itinerary for the perfect getaway, the Les Clefs d’Or
members of British Columbia embarked on an adventure we
knew would be filled with stories and discoveries of sight,
sound, smell and taste.
rable event must be the welcome reception at the McDiarThe
mid’s family cabin, which served as the inspiration for their
240° ocean-view restaurant. Huddled in front of the fire-
rainy, Friday morning
place with a glass of wine, we listened to touching stories
when we boarded the
told by Roy Henry Vickers, the accomplished artist, carver,
and sought-after keynote speaker. Roy received much rec-
provided by Landsea
ognition across Canada for being, among many things, the
Tours. After watching
first artist to receive the Annual Honour Roll of Extraordi-
nary Canadian Achievers, receiver of the Queen’s Golden
with light on the ferry
Jubilee Medal, and an integral part for Vancouver’s 2010
to Nanaimo, we made
Olympic Bid. His prints have been presented as gifts to for-
our first stop on the
mer US president Bill Clinton and Queen Elizabeth II.
island at Coombs, a little, old country market filled with
delicious specialty pastries, yummy treats, and goats on
Tofino is the perfect escape from the mainland, a place for
their sod roof – literally! It was so great of a lunch spot
everyone and anyone to take a step back and slow down,
that we just had to make a stop on the return trip.
an invitation to enjoy the beauty of Mother Nature, and the
Wickaninnish Inn embodied just that. Despite the rain,
Six hours after we left Vancouver, we arrived at the rustic
there were still lots of fun activities to do at the hotel.
and elegant Wickaninnish Inn, where we were greeted
While some preferred staying-in and indulging in a eucalyp-
warmly by Mr. McDiarmid, Mr. McWhinnie and their front
tus steam bath at the Ancient Cedars Spa steam cave or
line staff as they escorted us into our guest rooms. Each
strolling in the rain along their private beach, others chose
room offered a panoramic view of the ocean or beach and
to face the storm head-on and test the waves by taking surf
most rooms included a fireplace, soaker tub and individual
balcony, making it the perfect hideout for those seeking
calmness, tranquility and peacefulness.
When it was time for us to leave,
the sky cleared up and said its
During our stay, the concierges got to experience the many
goodbye through a pair of magi-
wonders of Tofino. From dining in award-winning restau-
cal, double rainbows arched over
rants, such as the sophisticatedly-relaxed Shelter Restau-
The Pointe building. Now, to the
rant and the stylishly-local Sobo, to finding comfort from
sounds of wind and rain, I antici-
the rain at The Pointe Restaurant at the hotel, we were
pate eagerly for our next visit
definitely pampered with edible delights. Needless to say,
where I can once again hear the
the Pointe Restaurant, which earned six consecutive Gold
rolling waves lulling me to sleep.
standings for Best Resort Dining from the Vancouver Magazine Restaurant Awards, became the watering hole.
Connie Cheung
In other activities, we had the chance to participate in their
Rosewood Hotel Georgia
popular winter storm-watching. However, the most memo-
BC Region LCD Reporter
February /
Février 2013
Upcoming Congress - Update
Bonjour chers(ères) concierges,
Good day dear concierges,
J'ai l'immense plaisir de vous annoncer que le site Internet du
9e congrès national de Les Clefs d'Or Canada est maintenant
en ligne. Vous pouvez y visiter toutes les sections, par contre, il ne vous est toujours pas possible de vous inscrire. Une
invitation officielle vous sera acheminée dans les jours qui
suivent lorsque le site Internet sera prêt à recevoir les inscriptions.
I have the honnor of announcing that the website for the
9th Les Clefs d'Or Canada congress is now up and running.
You can navigate through all the pages, however, it is currently impossible for you to proceed with your registration. An
official invitation to register will be sent out to you by email in
the following days.
Cliquez sur le lien suivant pour accéder au site Internet du
congrès :
9e congrès national Les Clefs d'Or Canada 9th national
Pour toutes questions, communiquez avec Simon Bovoli ou
Jean-Luc Fluet:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Click on the following link to access the congress's website:
9e congrès national Les Clefs d'Or Canada 9th national
If you have any questions, please contact Simon Bovoli or
Jean-Luc Fluet:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Au plaisir de vous voir très bientôt,
I look forward to seeing you very soon,
Simon Bovoli
Directeur régional, ville de Québec
Simon Bovoli
Regional Director, Quebec City region
Personnel / Staff: