December 9, 2012 - Meredith Bay Colony Club


December 9, 2012 - Meredith Bay Colony Club
A Weekly Newsletter for Members and Staff of Meredith Bay Colony Club
December 9, 2012
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A Busy Afternoon:
We dedicated our
new Flag Pole, we Remembered Pearl
Harobor Day and we thank not only own
own Members who are Veterans – but
we welcomed as our guests Residents of
the Tilton Veterans Home and presented
them with a special Christmas Gift!
Back in September we received an email
from Mary Mahnke – our own Barbara Brehm’s daughter who very generously
offerred to give us a flag that was flown over the USS Arizona Memorial in 1980.
While we graciously thanked her for her offer --- we had to decline in that we lack
the pole from where to fly it ------- but that given that having such a pole had been
a source of disucssion since we openeed --wouldn’t it be interesting to see if now was
the time to make it happen --- and we both
agreed that wouldn’t it be wonderfully
appropriate if it could all be done by Pearl
Harbor Day?
Mary offerred on the spot to
make the first donation for the pole --- and
offer that was subsequently made many times.
There was not a lot of time and a lot of
support would be needed. Next the idea went to the weekly Men’s Breakfast
Group – a group that counts many Veterans among its attendees. This group
became a steering committee of sorts who
worked out many of the details including
proper size and location. I did the pricing
and found Keith Carmen owner of Yankee
Flagpoles in Lyndeborough New Hampshire
to be great to work with although I have
never before or since heard of
We were gettting to the
end of his production season --- he hand
makes each pole in his unheated barn and
he was getting ready to pack things up for
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the winter. With price, loction and size in hand we took the proposal to Jim
Murray who readily endorsed it and so we were off in running. In record time we
received enough dontations that I felt comfortable releasing the order to Keith
and so production was assurred. Donation came from far and wide and while
they began with Members and Member’s families it quickly extended out to
include wait list members and other friends of MBCC. We raised not only enough
money for the pole, but enough to light it and enough to start some landscaping
next year. Special thanks go to our own Mike Reynoldss who in order to help
save part of the installation cost did all of the excavation and assisted in pouring
the concrete base. Perhaps the crowning touch was the particpation by of the
Meredith American Legion Post led by their Commander Bob Keneley. They did a
wonderful job in first striking the original Colors and then raising the Flag flown
above the USS Azizona Memorial.
But that is only part of the story…………………
Concurrent with all of this
you will find Carolyn
Sutcliffe taking the lead in
helping to select a
Christmas project to which
Members could donate to
------ and as it happened
this year’s selection was to
the Veterans at the Tilton
Somewhere along the way
we realized that there was
an opportunity to to bring the Dedication of the Flag Pole, the observance of Pearl
Harbor Day and the recognition of both our own Veterans and of tthose at the
Tilton Veterans Home – all togheter --- and add to it the presentation of our
Members Christmas Gift to the Residents of the Tilton Veterans Home.
The Result:
A great gathering and a wonderful party that was enjoyed and
appreciated by all! It was one of those unique to MBCC affairs where no matter
where you turned there were people helping out! We even had four servers
extradinaires in matching patriotic aprons! The help and involvement of many
does make for some very speical events. I don’t know where all the food came
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from but I know Lee and George brought some special thngs down as I am sure
did others.
You should all be proud:
You recognized the sacrifice and service of both the Residents of the
Veterans Home as well as of our Members who are Veterans!
You also should be proud of the gift that was presented to the Veteran
Home Residents --- I’m sure they will put it to good use.
You should be proud of how by working together that it was possible for us
to raise the money needed to have a proper flag pole.
You should be proud for taking the time to remember Pearl Harbor and the
sacrifice made by 2,400 Americans in service to their country.
And you know what? --------- it was fun!
December 1st
December 2nd
December 18th
December 20th
Karen Lallier
Ermine White
Burton Quimby
Alice Kallmerten
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This weekend over 175 Visitors
came by to see John Eaton’s
international display of almost 100
Crèches from
30 different
countries --- a 75% increase over
previous years! It is obvious that
the word has gone out and people
are coming back and bringing
others with them. Thank You for
sharing your collection with all of
us. These are very fragile sets
that John carefully wraps, packs
and stores until next years.
This year our Staff Member
Suzette Provencal added to the
display the crèche that she had
made some years ago!
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A Slight Change of Plans ----- Please
note that Bistro Night has been
rescheduled to Thursday the 13th in
order to allow Staff to be able to
attend the Staff Christmas Party on
the 14th.
Also the Terrace Dining
Room will be closed on that same
Friday the 14th as well. Thank you in
advance for your understanding and
flexibility as we juggle a few things
around during this wonderfully busy
Tuesday December 11th at 5:30
Thursday December 13th starting at 5:30
Preview the new lunch menu!
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A little boy came home with his parents from
church one Sunday. He seemed a little depressed,
so his mother asked him if something happened in
Sunday school class that he would like to talk
about. He told his mother "Well, we were singing
songs and the teacher made us sing about a poor
bear named Gladly that needed glasses and I can't
stop thinking about him. She said he was crosseyed
The mother couldn't understand why the teacher
would teach such a song in Sunday school, so she
decided to call her. To the woman’s amazement,
the teacher said she only taught hymns that
morning. Then the teacher began laughing out
loud and said to the mother, “I know what
Jeffrey’s' talking about! We learned the hymn
'Gladly The Cross I'd Bear'".
December 15th
December 21st
December 30th
Pat Morten
Helen Houran
Joyce Mabey
2 years
3 years!
2 years
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Each Wednesday at 8:35 on WEZS 1350 AM
MBCC Sponsors ‘Aging Well’ a talk show that
invites a special guest to talk about issues of
special interest to Seniors or that showcases
the special of work of Seniors. Be sure to
check in to see who Jim will have on this week!
Most all of the shows are available via podcast
by logging onto
Every other Saturday the Laconia Citizen publishes our Newspaper Column that
usually has something to do with aging issues --- But you can also find it on our
Facebook Page, on our Website or just by asking for copy. I can also add you to
an Email list if you would like a copy sent to you automatically. The most recent
column was all about ‘Hanging Up the Keys!’.
Suggestion made to add a Toaster to the Staff
There was another in the Club Hub box that I must admit not being able to
read…… I apologize!
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“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere
ignorance and conscientious stupidity."
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
It was decided
early on in the
planning of MBCC
to be sure that
Members never
felt that they
needed to pay
extra in order to
service and we
also wanted to
ensure that all
would receive the
same great level
of service no matter what their ability to pay might be. That is why our first rule
(there are only two!) is ‘No Tipping’. Our original Members in wanting to show
their appreciation in a tangible way for Staff Members created an option that still
continues. MBCC maintains a ‘Staff Appreciation Fund’ to which Members who
choose to may certainly donate.
All donations received are distributed in
December to eligible Staff Members.
All donations are treated confidentially
and Staff Members do not know who made donations. There is no expectation
that you need to do anything at all – but if you choose to – a check made out to
MBCC with ‘Staff Appreciation Fund’ in the memo line and given to Naella or Jim
will ensure that your gift will be distributed to Staff this Holiday Season! Thank
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DECEMBER 18TH & 20th
December 18th - Diane would like to announce that on Tuesday December 18th in
the Bistro at 2:30p there will be a Christmas Extravaganza starring Chris King,
Domenic Dinardo and Santa Clause. Cookies nad Eggnog (spiked) will be served.
December 20th - A Club Member’s Holiday Special: A Traditional Christmas Carol
Sing. This will also be a part with festivities and
food! More to come later.
December 31st New Year’s Eve! The Kid Jazz
Band will be here at 2:30p in the Bistro where
along with some great music there will be
Holiday Grog served as well!
We can control the spread of illness by being careful --- You don’t want someone
else’s illness and they don’t want yours! Even with something as simple as a cold
– it is important to practice good infection control that actually begins with
isolation. This is a good time to have meals delivered to you instead of going to
the dining room. For all of us all of the time --- make those hand sanitizers your
best friend. I am now probably up to 30 times a day using those things --- it has
been proven to help --- but only if you use them!
A special thank you to all who continue to support
the Meredith Food Pantry by adding an item or two
on a regular basis to our collection basket located in
various spots in The Bistro. It really does make a
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- of or relating to fields or open country : rural
"Santiago's proximity to ski resorts, beach resorts, and the idyllic countryside,
with its campestral and ranching traditions and colonial estates, offer plenty for
the traveler to see and do." — From Frommer’s Chile and Easter Island, 2011
"Just about any amateur naturalist who pays attention to the birds, beasts,
flowers and seasons in campestral Maine will find an eye-opener or two here."
— From a book review by Dana Wilde in the Bangor (Maine) Daily News,
October 26, 2009
Scamper across an open field, then, while catching your breath, ponder this:
"scamper" and "campestral" both ultimately derive from the Latin noun
"campus," meaning "field" or "plain." Latin "campester" is the adjective that
means "pertaining to a campus." In ancient Rome, a campus was a place for
games, athletic practice, and military drills. "Scamper" probably started with a
military association, as well (it is assumed to have evolved from the Latin verb
"excampare," meaning "to decamp"). In English, "campestral" took on an
exclusively rural aspect upon its introduction in the 18th century, while
"campus," you might say, became strictly academic.
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Holiday Lights and McDonalds for Ice
Tuesday December 18th
Leaving MBCC at 6:30p
Returning to MBCC by about 8p
You pay for what you order at Micky D’s
Nancy Thomason
This trip is fully subscribed --- which means that you are welcome to see Naella to
have your name added to the Wait List! As a reminder ---- the following have
already signed up: John, Roxy, Nancy, Terry, Jane M. Pauli, Martha, Max, Janie J.,
May, Jean and Pat with Dorry the first on the Wait List.
The INN at Newfound Lake for Dinner (Proposed)
Sunday December 16th
Leaving MBCC at 4:45 returning 8:30ish
You pay for what you order with Entrée’s ranging from $6.00
to $31.00
Nancy Thomason
Sounds like a fun trip out for fellowship, dining and a chance to see some
wonderful Christmas decorations. Transportation is not yet confirmed. Please
sign up with Naella!
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This and That:
Don’t forget to email me with any notices etc. that you would
like to see in next week’s and future Newsletters.
Marjorie Maher has asked me to pass onto you her appreciation of all the
birthday wishes and cards that she received that added to the joy of her Birthday!
Last Friday was great with special thanks due to Carolyn for speerheading the
insidie portion of things and to Fred and Barbara Brehm and their family for
making the outside portion go so well. The MBCC Magic is still there! I also
don’t want to forget John Easton who once again dazzles us with his wonderful
display of chreches! Thank you John.
Let the Season rush on as it might --- but be sure to pause long enough to enjoy!
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