Weather and Weather Forecast Widget


Weather and Weather Forecast Widget
Weather and Weather Forecast Widget
Weather and Weather Forecast Widget 5.0
Sidebar Widget and Shortcode Plugin for Wordpress
– using weather data provided by and
By Guido Osterwald
Weather and Weather Forecast Widget 4.0 ..................................................................................................................... 1
System and installation ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Features ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Why a new 4.0 release? Some personal words …............................................................................................. 3
Getting your License Codes............................................................................................................................... 3
Get the best by getting and using both licenses of Wunderground and WorldWeatherOnline ................... 3
Location ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Technical Settings.......................................................................................................................................... 5
Layout Settings .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Multiple Sidebar Installation ............................................................................................................................. 9
Shortcodes ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
Shortcode Plugin Activation ........................................................................................................................ 10
Shortcode usage and syntax ....................................................................................................................... 10
Shortcode CSS ............................................................................................................................................. 12
Header / Footer Shortcode ........................................................................................................................ 12
Further examples ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Stylesheet Changes - Weather Widget ........................................................................................................... 14
Global Settings for CSS ................................................................................................................................ 16
Version History ............................................................................................................................................ 18
1. System and installation
Tested with Wordpress 3.32 (should be working with Wordpress Version 3.0 and above as well) / PHP 5.0 and above
When updating from any prior version deactivate the old version first. If you have changed the CSS earlier, please
review chapter “Stylesheet Changes” of this manual for possible need of editing your CSS.
When downloading save the content locally. Extract the files into your plugin directory (should be /wpcontent/plugins). Enable the Plugin and configure it in the Widget Area!
You can install it using the Plugin Installation feature in WP as well! It’s your choice.
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2. Features
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Supports (and gets the weather for) nearly any location in the world
Customizable Layout
o Current Weather
o Day Forecast
o Three day Forecast
o Up to eight days Forecast
o Pure Layout – Just forecast, images and temperatures
Detailed information on mouseover
Optional Sun- and Moon Info texts
Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese
and Spanish language
Automatic language output (optional)
Automatic location selector (optional)
Supports Imperial and Metric Units
Many options for smooth integration in themes
Multiple Installation in Sidebars
By shortcode usage in Posts, on Pages, in Headers or Footers
Use of own images
Weather and Weather Forecast Widget
3. Some personal words …
Just hours after the release of the 3.0 version I received a mail from user, telling me that he failed to get a
Weather.Com ID. Curious about that I watched by myself and found out, that Weather.Com was up to end their free
services and were just up to launch a new API any User has to pay for. This was quite shocking, ‘cause this menat,
that I had just two options: Drawing back the Weather Widget from WordPress – or finding other free services and
reprogramming the widget. I opted for the latter and searched the web for potential API. I decided not to use just
one service – so that in case one of them will change from free to pay service as as well – the Widget
will continue to run and present your Weather on your site.
I had to cancel some options, due to the fact, that some of the data isn’t available with the new services but was able
to get some other data therefor as well.
As a matter of fact, I won’t be able to share my key with you any longer. The usage of the keys is limited. I am quite
sure, if you aren’t running the widget on a professional website the free usage will be all you need.
Those are the limitations:
Wunderground (
max. 500 Request per day (max 10 in a minute)
WorldWeatherOnline (
max. 500 Requests every hour
I am quite sure that this should be enough for every amateur site. The professionals might like to think of getting a
further license from both services as well!
4. Getting your License Codes
The codes youneed are named “API Keys” at Wunderground or WorldWeatherOnline . It might be a little bit tricky to
get them. I wrote a little guide “How to get the keys”, which can be downloaded at in the
Help and Instruction section! Please feel free to use this!
5. Get the best by getting and using both licenses of Wunderground and WorldWeatherOnline
As you should know the widget can be used with either
One of the services or
Both services
You can decide by your own just by entering a valid Licence Key.
If you opt for using both services, just enter two Licence Key and decide which service you prefer. The widget then
will receive the data from the service you choose as your preferred provider – just choose in the control panel. In
case your preferred provider isn’t running or answering on your request (you exceeded your daily or hourly request
rate, the server is down or maybe the server request time is to slow) the widget will fetch the data from the other
You can even combine both data streams. The widget then will sneak for missing data using the not preferred
service. This option is called “Optimize Data” and can be choosen in the control panel!
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Weather and Weather Forecast Widget
6. Konfiguration
To configure and set the widget log into your Wordpress Blog, just drag the widget into the widget area and open
the configuration panel. This will show the following by default.
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You can choose – this is optional – a “title” for your weather-widget. Not optional, of course, is the setting of the
location of that you like to show the weather in your Wordpress blog. This can be nearly any town in the world.
For the location you have to decide between entering City and Name or using coordinates (latitude / longitude)
Please enter the name of the city and the country / state. US cities are best to be specified with the abbreviation of
the state, non-US cities are better to be followed by the English Name for the state/country. You should use the
“international English” name for the city as well, so please enter Munich instead on “Muenchen” and btw try to
avoid using special characters!
If you opt for enterin coordinates please use the decimal degree format (CORRECT: -12.5 or 18.166666 INCORRECT: 2°30’’ or 18°10’’!
If you are using both services please assure that BOTH of the entered towns are valid and lead to the same town /
place! I recommend using coordinates instead of names if you aren’t sure, that the widget didn’t pcik the right
After saving the entered data the widget will give you a notice in the status section of the widget, if the entered
location can’t be recognized by one of the services. In this case – or maybe any other – please go to and visit the LOCATION CHECKER!
This location is mandatory. You can optional check the “auto” option right to the location field. This will enable the
widget to show the weather at the location your site visitor is living. This feature will work by matching the user IP
against one (that of or – if you have register there (free!) and already have
received the license key per mail I highly recommend the latter service, because the results are quite better.
Nevertheless, there are some IP, which don’t fit to any region or location (for example, often those of mobile
devices). In that case the capital of the country the user’s living in is shown. If that doesn’t work either, the country
entered in the location field is used. If you are choosing this feature, the server has to do quite a little bit of work to
calculate all. If the server, your Word Press installation is running on, isn’t state of the art, the enabled feature could
slow down your site a little bit. So better try and test the “auto-location” feature first!
Technical Settings
After the installation the widget starts with no license keys. To run the widget, you have to get one or both first. Just
click on the Service Icon on the left, this will lead you to each of the registration pages!
If you like to create and use your own weather images, feel free to use them! You can set a Link to them. Please
assure that you provide small (31x31px), medium (61x61px) and large icons (93x93px) same named and folder
organized as the images in the default directory. You may also – and this is more convenient I am sure - use the
“custom image sets” function for your own image sets. Look for the more detailed description in the chapter “Layout
The cache time is set to 3600 seconds by default. The weather doesn’t change every minute and all the weather
scouts around the world usually don’t update their data every minute as well. So to avoid huge loads of traffic, and
of course to save valuable amounts of free requests I’d kindly ask to reload the data from their servers not too
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frequently. Nevertheless, you can change the value set here to any number you like! If you have enabled the “AutoLocation” feature you should set this value to 0!
If you like to run the “Auto Location” feature on your site you might like to put your personal key in the
next field.
The server which hosts your Wordpress blog might not be in the same time zone as your chosen location. In that
case, the Sun- and Moontext (which shows the time till Sunset and Sunrise) won’t be correct. You can use “Server
time Synchronization” to synch the Server time with the local time of your location than. Just enter a number
between -24 and 24 hours to correct this!
If you like to run the “Auto Location” feature on your site you might like to put your personal key in the
next field.
If using the “Auto-Location” feature on a slower server, you might like to prevent a timeout by letting the widget and
the server some more seconds to contact and get a response from the freegeoip or ipinfodb server! The default
setting – and waiting time for an answer - is 2 seconds.
You’ll agree, the technical setting isn’t too hard to do. Nevertheless, the Layout setting comes a little bit more
This section of the Widget panel provides you with additional information about the technical status and helps you
and me to identify errors. For example information about a wrong license key is shown here!
In case you face some problems with the Weather Widget and look for some help at
please send the information about your system as well. This is shown just after the connection message and helps
me to identify the failure faster. If there are any further bugs or incompatibilities with Word Press, MySQL or PHP
versions this information is very helpful to find out!
Layout Settings
You can choose between a small / a medium and a large Layout.
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The small layout shows the current conditions. If you place your mouse pointer over the image detailed conditions
will be shown. You’ll be informed about the atmospheric pressure together with its tendencies. You’ll get the wind
speed, wind gusts and wind directions as well as the actual UV-index and the humidity. If you set the Sun-/Moontext
option to yes, you will get information about the current day length together with the actual time for sunset and
sunrise of the chosen location. If you like it, you can read about the actual moon phase as well.
The same information about the current weather will be given, if you’ll choose the medium layout. Additionally
you’ll receive a brief Forecast for the rest of the day and the following night. If the nigh is yet to come, you’ll just
receive a forecast for the night. If you point over the pic with your mouse, the brief forecasts will be shown.
The large layout contains all of the above and is providing a forecast for the next three days and nights. You’ll have it
guessed for sure; the shown temperatures are the estimated highs and lows of the given day!
The newly added “Pure” Layout (not pictured above) shows only images and temperatures for the next days! Of
course, you will receive detailed forecast data on mouseover!
If you like to show an additional forecast for the following days check the field “Extended Forecast”). This will enable
an additional text and image forecast for your Users.
The weather widget isn’t able to translate every text detail from English to other languages. So the forecast text in all
other languages is a little bit limited. If you don’t mind having further weather details in English mixed with your
chosen language, you might like to choose the option “Detailed Texts”.
If you don’t like having shown the “Feels like” temperature, you can opt this out by checking “Hide Feels Like”.
The language can be switched between the following:
If you select “auto” the widget will “calculate” the language output by following this scheme:
If installed on a multilanguage site, the language will be calculated by the redirection URI. E.g. a site using WPML
redirects to German using “/?lang=de” in the URI will set German as the output language. /?lang=it will have Italian
and /?lang=ru would select Russia. Because there isn’t a Russian translation build in the widget  … the language
will then switch to the selected language from the pull down menu.
In any other case the language will be chosen by analysing the language settings of the browser. So if the browser of
your site visitor has set Polish as the main language, the Widget will show up in a Polish version. Of course! If the
Browser has an unknown favourite language, the widget will show up in the language you have set as the default
If you or your visitors are more familiar with the imperial units, you can switch from metrics to imperial as well.
The following units will be used:
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Weather and Weather Forecast Widget
°C (Celsius)
Km/h (kilometre per hour)
mb (millibar)
°F (Fahrenheit)
Mph (miles per hour)
inHG (inches of mercury)
If you like the information of sun and moon please make certain that the Sun-/Moontext option is set to “yes”!
The widget will use the font that comes with your themes. Maybe you like to use another font in the weather
widget? You can choose one from those listed in the Font-Family option.
If you like to change the font-colour, you can do it as well. Please enter a name for the colour like “black”, “green”,
“silver”. If you don’t like those standards, you can also try “hotpink” or “honeydew”. You can also enter the
hexadecimal code for the colour beginning with #.
Follow that links to get more information about the colours you can choose from:
With the three Font Size and Image Size options, you are able to customize the text and image sizes in the
widget. The main setting of each size is a result of your “Theme” and set in the Themes stylesheet. To avoid
complications when changing your stylesheet you can change them here, if you want to, or if you have to.
It’s not unlikely, that my personal favourite settings (see the defaults) are looking too small or too big in your blog.
So - most probably - you have to experiment with this setting, to find your personal and best solution.
Font Size L
Image Size L
Font Size
Image Size M
Font Size S
Image Size S
If you like to choose a different background colour or like a line separating the widget from other widgets or
content you should try the options “Line” and “Background Colour”. Choose “yes” to add a line at the beginning and
the ending of the widget and choose a colour (same regulations as for “Font Colour” above!) and see if this will have
effect or not. If it does: Superb! If not – you must read further on and study the chapter of STYLESHEET settings.
To get a nicer fit in wider widget area (often used in magazine-style themes or vertical widget areas in the footer)
you might like to add a left and right padding! The widget then will get an additional vertical area of blank space left
and right to it.
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Wide widget area - no padding
Same area – padding of 40px
If you like to choose another image set, here you are. The Widget comes with two build in sets (originals by If you like to use another one, a downloaded or own build one you can easily select it from here. If
you like to, you can download a few sets on There are many others on the net as well.
Just have a look for “weather icons for”.
Your downloaded set must be copied into one of the “Custom” subfolder in the folder weatherimages. Please assure
that you don’t create a subfolder in the “Custom” ones:
To get best results use an images set with exactly or a little larger than 93px by 93px. Don’t worry too much about
the size. Any larger or smaller image will be resized by the widget itself.
The last Layout option “Link to provider” describes itself. For reason of licensing, you are kindly asked to keep it
7. Multiple Sidebar Installation
If you like to provide the weather of more than one location or in several languages, you can install the widget up to
three times in a sidebar. To enable this feature please open your “plugin” directory and choose the folder “weatherand-weather-forecast-widget”. There you will find files “weather_widget_2.phpx” and “weather_widget_3.phpx”.
Just rename them to “weather_widget_2.php” and “weather_widget_3.php”. Afterwards activate them at the
“Plugin” site of your Word Press installation and configure them as you like!
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Weather and Weather Forecast Widget
Those new “installation” must be configured separately and independent from each other. So if you have added
some additional code to your style sheet for your “main” widget, you should add the same code to it again! Just
replace “.GG_func_widget_weather_and_weather_forecast” with
“.GG_func2_widget_weather_and_weather_forecast” and/or “.GG_func3_widget_weather_and_weather_forecast”
in your copies!
8. Shortcodes
With the 3.0 version you are able to place the weather information nearly anywhere in your blog: In your posts, on a
page, in the header of your site, in the footer …
All you need to do is to place a little “shortcode” whereever you like to have the weather.
Shortcode Plugin Activation
What do you have to know about it and to get it run? First of all you have to rename the weather_shortcode.phpx
into weather_shortcode.php in the folder “…/wp-content/plugins/weather-and-weather-forecast-widget/”of your
After that: The shortcode plugin will borrow the major part of the code from the “weather-widget.php” (shown as
“GoGadget Weather and Weatherforecast Widget” in the Plugin menu) and the data the “weather-widget.php”
stores in your WP-database tables (e.g. license keys). So to get it run, you MUST HAVE an active “Weather”-plugin
running in your system. You not necessarily have to run a weather widget in your sidebar, nope, but at least you had
to have it run earlier. You mustn’t deactivate it completely, that is substantial!
Just activate the Shortcode Plugin after having activated the Weather Widget
So – if you are running the weather-widget – no problem.
If you don’t like to have a running weather-widget – no problem as well – just make sure to have it had run once and
NOT to have it deactivated – this shouldn’t be a problem either!
Activation routine: Please activate the shortcode plugin AFTER having activated the weather-widget plugin! This
avoids some error messages!
Shortcode usage and syntax
The usage of the shortcode is quite simple. Just place the following where you like to have your weather:
[GoGadgetWeather “here comes your brief code”]
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The following attributes can be used (underlined Attributes are mandatory!)
Lat (= latitude) and
Lon (=longitude) of the location
Optional (default value printed strong):
title – for the title of your shortcode weather (no default)
layout – the layout – choose between “today”,”small“,”middle”,”large”,”header”
language – the language – choose between “ar” (Arabic), “de” (deutsch/German), “en”
(English),”es”(espanol/Spanish),”fr” (francais/French),”hu” (magyar/Hungarian),”po” (polski/Polish),”pt”
(portugues/Portuguese) and “auto” (the language will be set automatiallyc - see suto-language option in this
autolocation “yes”, “no”
float – “left” , “right”, “no”
sidechange – “yes”,”no”
scale – number between 0.1 and 1.9 (default 1)
You can use as many of this attributes as you like! You don’t have to, that’s it!
For example the following code will produce the “Down under forecast” and “Brazil” forecast:
[GoGadgetWeather title='Down under forecast' language='de' city='Sydney' state=’Australia’ float='left'
[GoGadgetWeather title='Brazil today' language='de' city=’Rio de Janeiro’ state=’Brazil’ float='right'
The latter three attributes might be worth of some further words. Choose float = right or left to let your text of your
post float around the weather! Float = right sets the widget to the right of your post. The text will float on the left!
The weather description text like “8°C Bewölkt” appears regularly on the left side. If you prefer it on the right side,
use the attribute sidechange=’yes’ for this!
Sometimes the images might appear too big or too small! You can scale them with “scale” attribute. Choose a
number lower than 1 to reduce them and a number higher than 1 to enlarge them. For example: scale = 1.2 will
enlarge all images by 20%. Scale = 0.7 will reduce them by 30%!
All the other style setting should be done by changing the CSS (see below)!
All the main settings (imageset, imagelocation, style, sun/moontext…) are borrowed for the widget and therefor
have to be controlled by it! So … if you change the imageset in your widget, the imageset of the Shortcode weather
will also be changed!
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Shortcode CSS
There are many options and style elements, which can’t be controlled by the code or the widget. So it is not unlikely,
that you have to do some CSS settings. The shortcode plugin comes with a CSS (named “style_sc.css” and can be
found in the widget folder. Change your settings here, if you like to or have to:
I am sorry to say, but I won’t be able to offer a free support for CSS setting on “”. Your ideal
settings are dependent on the Theme you are using. You simply should try to get familiar with CSS settings and
simply work out how to change them! If you get stuck, I possibly can help. But I am afraid, I have to charge this on a
hourly rate.
Header / Footer Shortcode
You might have noticed that especially many websites of Newspapers use weather in their headers (see for example. If you have a quick glance at, you might notice a
weather shortcode in the header as well!
To get this running I added a special attribute to the code – layout = “header”. This will use a special class of styles
from the style_sc: #gogadget_weather_widget_sc_header. Change them for getting the best results! Testing the
header shortcode in some themes I found out, that some of the very popular themes don’t make it easy to have
another element in the header. So it is not unlikely, that you have to change this CSS settings as well! Nevertheless,
here you go!
You have to open your header.php (or maybe footer.php) of your theme and add the following code to it
<?php echo do_shortcode('[GoGadgetWeather “here comes your brief code”]');?>.
The right place to add this isn’t easy to find. You might have to analyse the source of your site before!
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<?php echo do_shortcode('[here comes your brief code]');?>
If the weather doesn’t appear where it should, you might like to rearrange it using the top and left attributes of
#gogadget_weather_widget_sc_header in the CSS. Try different values (positive and negative numbers) to “move”
the shortcoded weather to the right place!
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Further examples
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9. Stylesheet Changes - Weather Widget
If you like to run your own style sheets, please don’t mind reading further. If you don’t like to be touched by CSS
programming, just assure not to uncheck the “embedded CSS” option.
You have selected to run your own CSS. Here you are:
I tried to program this widget with the very least need to change settings in your Theme stylesheet. But it is possible
and likely, that your stylesheet objects against the widget settings, if the last settings didn’t show any change. From
my experience some themes prevent a proper and neat appearance as well, which can easily be handled with some
additional code.
In this case you have to do some changes in your themes stylesheet.
If you are familiar with it, it shouldn’t be a problem for you. If not here is my help and advice
Go to “Appearance->Editor” in the Admin Area of your blog. Choose the Theme you would like to change from the
List box right in the top (it already should show your actual theme). Choose your Style sheet (mostly style.css) in the
bottom area.
The style sheet will be opened in the main window and can be edited just afterwards.
The reason that changes of “Background-Colour” and/or “Line” didn’t show any effect is that there are some settings
in the stylesheet, which have a “higher ranking” than ours. The Solution: We have to add some little source code to
the stlyesheet and save the data afterwards. So scroll to the very bottom of Style.CSS, just insert some blank lines
and copy some of the following code into it. Don’t forget to “save” afterwards!
Problem: The “Background Colour” isn’t shown
.GG_func_widget_weather_and_weather_forecast table{
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Replace “THE_COLOUR_OF_YOUR_CHOICE” with the colour you like (same options as Font Colour above, please
notice that you must control the background colour by this setting here. An additional entry in the “Background
Colour” box will have no effect)
Problem: The “Additional line” isn’t shown
.GG_func_widget_weather_and_weather_forecast tr td{
Please don’t forget to set “Line” to “yes”!
Problem: Vertical alignment
There are some Themes, which obviously prefer vertical alignment set to “baseline”. If your Theme follows this,
the “Today” string in the medium and large layout will not have a proper alignment. If you like to change this as well,
you have to add the following code to your stylesheet:
.GG_func_widget_weather_and_weather_forecast hr {
display: block;
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Global Settings for CSS
I’ve made good experiences with these settings. You might like to try them?
.GG_func_widget_weather_and_weather_forecast img {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.GG_func_widget_weather_and_weather_forecast table {
.GG_func_widget_weather_and_weather_forecast hr {
display: block;
.GG_func_widget_weather_and_weather_forecast tr td{
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Common Failure:
There are some users, which run their wordpress installation on a server, which doesn’t allow the widget to collect
external data. This failure will be shown by sthg like this …
PHP Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration
in D:\domains\wwwroot\wp-content\plugins\weather-and-weather-forecast-widget\weather_widget.php on line
The weather widget can’t handle this error. You must change your PHP settings in this case. If you are an
experienced user running an own server, maybe this is no problem for you. In any other case, or let me say in 97% of
all cases, copying a little file, named PHP.INI coming with widget and to be find in the root of the widget installation
will help you. Just copy this to the root of your Wordpress installation and everything should be fine after closing and
Just copy PHP.INI to the root of your WP installation.
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10. Version History
V 5.0 Changes
Shortcode working with coordinates as well
Additional Layout Option "Pure"
Larger Weather-Infotext and descriptions in international versions
Additional languages - Chinese, Danish, Dutch, Irish, Norwegian, Russian, Serbian
V 4.0 Changes
Change of Weather Data Provider from Weather.Com (now a service to be paid for) to (Free services) of
World Weather Online (WWO) and Wunderground (WUN)
Major Changes in Codes and some functionalities
Weather Services can be used separately or combined
Setting of preferenced Weather Service with optional optimization
Better Availability: If one weather service fails, the other one gets the data!
Total of 5 day data from WWO to 8 day data of WUN
Further weather details: Visibility / Cloudcover / Dewpoint (dependant of chosen provider)
UV-Index no longer available / separate Night and Day Images no more available
Changes in the Large Layout
Autolocation feature now also available with the Shortcode Plugin
"Feels like" temperature is now optional
V 3.0 Changes:
Shortcode functionality
Additional languages (Arabic and Portuguese)
Possibility to hide actual weather (if N/A)
Change in Layout of Extended Forecasts (Images are shown now)
Response time for timeout function (auto-location) can be set manual now
Further mouseover texts in the control panel
Addition of further 100 German text phrases for translation of weather texts
V 2.1 Changes:
Additional language (Hungarian)
Country Names shown with the "Auto Location" feature are now translated into all installed languages
Layout improvements:
Optional padding (left and right) to fit widget in wider sidebars as they are often used in "footer"
Widget title can be shown within the widget or as usually at widget top
Some improvements of arranging icons in CSS
Technical Improvements:
addition of further 200 German text phrases for translation of weather texts
added some mouseover texts in the control panel with help texts
Bugfix of a timeout error if one of the geoip-server is down
Minor bugfixes and slight improvements (location finder / css / German translation)
V 2.0 Changes:
Version 5.0
Improvement in weather texts (English and German)
Extension of Forecast of 6 additional days (Forecast for 10 days all in all)
Auto-Location Selection – if set, the weather at the location of your Site visitor is shown
May 2012
Weather and Weather Forecast Widget
Additional Image set by added
Further selection of three common sets can easily be done in the control panel (nice sets are
downloadable on
Smooth and very easy integration in your theme by an embedded CSS – makes it mostly unnecessary to
change the CSS manually
Sizes of Weather Images are now adjustable as well / “Night”-Images in three day layout can now be
switched off
Addition of a php.ini file to easy solve a most common server failure
Fix of some minor bugs
v 1.1 Changes:
Additional languages (French / Italian / Polish / Spanish
“Auto”-Language detection and output
Multiple installation – widget can now be installed up to three times
Output of system status in widget panel
Minor Bug fixes (broken links / image location finder / wrong picture …)
v 1.0 Initial Version
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