1901-1902 - Prendergast Library
1901-1902 - Prendergast Library
=»?: ummm • L H i -:.:•.• 1385. :M?:»m SVtUV*U; :i.»;f!«*^i»« ;;?«'•'. •::i-i:E ffiM ,H|,j.hhtfi mwmi •mmx :.Smt-lii-m>- • H !•.'••.. f".*:Mii-uir.s. •'•••fHHRHffl •• araEB^ :M;,W Szi4migXzi)i*M •:•-.• :Kif liii '•'•'., ilif •mMsmm. <|:lfo mmmmmmmm, ft Mil: Stsj&i/jiii&iiii: .••WA\'.U\- mumm Aifc REFERENCE Clas99.l7~.4-.Z9. Book 3Z3 1901-190$ From THE LIBRARY FUND JAMES PRENDERGAST LIBRARY DATE DUE JAMES PRENDERGAST LIBRARY ASSOCIATION JAMESTOWN, NEWYORK Member Of Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System (I) DISTRICT A G E N C Y . | T H E N o r t h w e s t e r n M u t u a l I n s u r a n c e Life Co., i of M i l w a u k e e . t, Assets, $139,512,166. \ Income, $27,160,804. Conservative. Economical. Equitable. Best Results to Policy Holders. All desirable forms of policies and annuities from flat protection to the highest form of investment. References: Any policy holder. G E O . S. B R I G H T , District Agent. Rooms 300-301 Fenton Bld'g. Jamestown. N. Y. S t a n d a r d {uteand) I n s u r a n c e A c c i d e n t Co., of Detroit. A n n u a / I n c o m e Exceeds, $1,000,000 Assets, 1,223/,$10 Surplus, = 455,361 Personal Accident. Employer's Liability. Miscellaneous Liability. Equitable Policy Forms. Prompt Payment of Claims. G E O . S. B R I G H T , District Manager. Rooms 300-301 Fenton Building, Jamestown, N. Y. | (II) E v e r y t h i n g in & F o o t w e a r . C. 0. Jones, 112 M a i n Street Itff* 'Uv^ m** *U** IC** 4£^ T h e Best $3.00 Shoes i n t h e city. ^3* m\J/t l2r* 1£f* *~r^ 1&* Basement N e w Fenton Building, J a m e s t o w n , N. Y. CHARLES J. ANDERSON. JOHN W. ANDERSON. ANDERSON BROS. Woodworking Machinery and ^6 <& General Machine Work, Estimates given and contracts made for all kinds of Machine W o r k , 5 R a c e Street. jfi jfi jt & N e a r Brooklyn Square. (Ill) T h e Old Reliable. Telepone N o . 86. Greek-American Fruit Co., At No. 121 Main St., zuid 1-3-5-7 W . 2nd St., is Headquarters for all kinds of Foreign, Tropical and California Fruits. They also keep a Fine Line of C o n f e c t i o n e r y That is Second to None. All Goods Delivered to any part of the city, m* ^ t t -». t r» ^ Telephone N o . 86. benjamin¥chols & SON, Founders and Machinists, LIGHT AND HEAVY REPAIRING, IRON A N D B R A S S CASTINGS, IRON A N D WOOD PULLEYS, HANGERS, SHAFTING, Steam and Gas Engines, Both Marine and Stationary. 11 Shearman Place, Jamestown, N. Y. ETC., (IV) C h a t f i e l d Sanitary & A r m i t a g e , Plumbing, S t e a m a n d H o t W a t e r | Heating. 304 Pine St. J a m e s t o w n , K«*ft*«*£*«*******#4******£££***A*A****A***A«***«*SS/ Oldest Agency in Town, S m i t h & Best Companies Represented. J o h n s o n B r o s . , General Insurance Agents. & No. 7 East Telephone 311 K. Third Street. Jamestown, N. Y. lW*«**¥*****«*¥*»v»*****S****** $9«?»999?9?999«?999-i* (V) Chas. Gron & Son, E S T A B L I S H E D 1867. Livery and Boarding Stables. Telephone 217. Nos. 100=102 East Second St.. Branch Stables at Lakewood, Jamestown, N. Y. Telephone 278 F. J a m e s t o w n R o o f i n g Telephone 106. <£ Roofing C o . 109 East Third St. Contractors. *$ C h a u t a u q u a B r a n d s 2 a n d 3 Ply W o o l e n Felt RoofingAsphalt Roofing Materials. ALL KINDS BUILDING PAPERS, ROOF AND METAL PAINTS. SWANSON BROS, Livery and Boarding Stables Carriage W a k i n g and fiorsesboeing. W a g o n W o r k of Jill Kinds. Carriage and W a g o n Painting. O U R W O R K IS FIRST-CLASS IN E V E R Y RESPECT. 108 West Fourth Street. Jamestown, N. Y. J. H. CLARK, j» •* j. Founder and ITachinist. ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. West Third Street, Between Cherry and Washington, Jamestown, N. Y. (VI) . *^-^-a--*s-*a^•*> -.*> •"*- •>• •> •-^••*>.-,-«> ••»».••-*.•>>» ••> •*J>-s--*> •> » ^jSy-4m'-mt-'.mm^.m-^.m-f.mm-- "J'-"^."^ m ^ ^ ^ Z * ^ '-^ m-,*-mf*'m* m * m * ' ^ •-%+^jg) | • E y »e ' -P h -a s - i n- g - * i IS R e s u l t s i n . . . . | Catalogues, Programs, $ /as Invitations, Tolders, 4 & Circulars, Dodgers, m k Letterheads, Pamphlets, $ /ft aw</ everything Printed by an up=to-date print- fy liS ing bouse, from a cheap ticket to a 3=sheet W poster. W f^ Jill work carefully a n d accurately done. M% Tacilities for tbe best results in printing— tK modern machinery—up=to=date type—experience \\) tt)\ ed w o r k m e n . Jl specialty of b>gb grade work ill) ^ demanding artistic taste a n d perfect execution. W y} Samples cheerfully shown. W ® & 2i / / * T / $ $ J & t h e J o u r n a l ' s J < $ P r i n t i n g Y | D e p t . H=16 W e s t Second S t Journal Building. | \ty ifclAHS l-U.liUWillfc&SV ^SLcJI Extra cop T H E J O U R N A L S D I R E C T O R Y OF JAMESTOWN, Falconer, Lakewood, Celoron and R u r a l F r e e Delivery R o u t e s . 19 01-1902 CONTAINING A Comprehensive Street Directory, an Alphabetical Residence Directory, a Classified Business Directory and a Directory of County and City Officials, City Institutions, Societies, Corporations, Etc., and a M a p of the City. P R I C E $ 3.0 O. COMPILED, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED TTZ JOURNAL PRINTING COMPANY, JOURNAL BLDG., 14-16 W. SECOND ST.. JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK. FOR INDEX SEE NEXT PAGES. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1901 by Journal Printing Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D, C. !-\Vl^ I N D E X T O A D V E R T I S E R S , Abrahamson, C. F. Co., dry goods Inside front cover Ackroyd, H. and Son, stone contractors 145 Ahlstrom, C. A., piano manufacturer Outside front cover Allen, Isidore L., caterer 148 Anderson Bros., machinists .... II Baldwin, S. A., patents 165 Bradshaw Bros., insurance Outside back cover Breed & Armstrong, insurance. . 180 Bright, George S., insurance.... I Butterfield Bros., insurance.... 188 Chamberlain, Harry, Avon Restaurant 199 Chatfield & Armitage, plumbers IV Chautauqua County Trust Co. Inside back cover Clark Hardware Co Foot lines Clark, J. H., foundry and machinist V Eddy, 'B. B., insurance 223 Farmers & Mechanics Bank 521 First National Bank 520 First National Bank of Falconer 521 Gardiner, S., insurance 240 Graff, Joseph W., bicycles, kodaks, sporting goods 246 Greek-American Fruit Co., fruits _ etc Ill Gron, Charles & Son, livery.... V Holmquist, Carl, photographer 272 Imus Bros., real estate and insurance 278 Jamestown Business College.... Outside front cover Jamestown Brewery, Inside front cover Jamestown Laundry 282 Jamestown Pharmacy 282 Jamestown Roofing Co V Jones, C. O., shoes II Jon'es, Charles W., insurance.... 298 Journal Printing Co Lines and VI 506-507-521 Lockwood, Lydle, W . Mather, L. Milwaukee M. A., harness 322 N„ contractor 326 H., groceries 332 Bottling Co Outside back cover Murray, M. J., plumbing... .Foot lines Nelson, John P., tailor 348 Nichols, Benjamin & Son, founders and machinists Ill Novelty Heating Co., hardware.. 353 Partridge, B. G., und'ertaker 363 Pearl City Laundry 364 Peterson, F. Oscar, druggist. . . . 370 Phillips & Brown, druggists 374 Powers, L. D., undertaker 377 Proudfit, W . H., clothier. .Head lines Sharpe, A. D. Co., The Head lines Smith, James G., wholesale paper 405 Smith & Johnson Bros., insurance iv Stafford A. H., 410 Star Palace Laundry 389 and 438 Sundholm, H. U., stained glass works 418 Swanson, Axel, heavy carting... 420 Swanson Bros., blacksmithing and livery v Swanson, C. A. & Co., druggists 420 Swanson, M. I. and H. A., millinery 423 Swetland & Anderson, dentists 424 Thatcher, E. P., millinery 426 Tibbals & Fowler, photographers 428 Union Trust Co 522 Walker, A. A., painting contractor 436 Weller, J. M. & Son, real estate 441 Winnberg & Batcheller, druggists 451 Wiquist & Johnson, clothiers Outside back cover Work, A. D., confectioner and baker 453 I N D E X T O Abbreviations 144 Additions, Corrections and R e mlovals 514-517 Alphabetical Directory of Residents 144-455 Announcement X Buildings, Blocks, Halls and Flats 513 Celoron Directory 482-486 Cemeteries 16 Churches and Church Societies 26-36 City Election Districts 6 City Government 3 City Polling Places 8 Classified Business Directory 458-481 County Government 1 Description and Historical Sketch 2 Falcon'er Directory 486-500 Fire Alarm Boxes and Code of Calls 10 Fire Department Officers 10 Fire Hydrants 12 Financial Institutions 14 Hospitals and H o m e s 18 Incorporated Companies 456 Index to Advertisers VIII Justices of the Peace 471 C O N T E N T S . Labor Organizations 25 Lakewood Directory 501-506 Literary and Musical Societies 17-19 M a p of Jamestown Miscellaneous Directory 14-19 Newspapers 15 Notaries Public 473 Police Department 4 Postoffice 14 Residing Within the Vicinity and Receiving Mail at Jamestown Postoffice 507 Rural Free Delivery Route 1... . 508 Rural Free Delivery Route 2 509 Rural Free Delivery Route 3 510 Rural Free Delivery Route 4.... 511 Rural Free Deliv'ery Route 5.... 512 Schools 8-9 Secret Societies 20-26 Street, Avenue and Alley Directory 38-143 Thirteenth Separate Company.. 18 Title VII W a r d Boundaries 5 Young Men's Christian Associa- •% tion 15 (X) PUBLISHER'S ANNOUNCEMENT. Two years have elapsed since the last issue of The Journal's directory of Jamestown, Falconer, Celoron and Lakewood. At that time it was stated as the intention of the publisher to issue the work annually if the business public desired it. At the end of one year a number of the leading patrons of the book were interviewed and they practically all agreed that the compilation of the former issue had been so complete that it still served its purpose and the matter better be delayed for another year. The plan of the former issue was so thoroughly up-to-date and satisfactory to patrons that it has been closely followed in the present publication. That a new directory was -needed became very apparent when the compilation of the street directory began. In many cases changes from the previous issue were shown in threefourths of the names on a street, and it is believed to be no exaggeration to state that one-half of the people of the city have changed their place of abode in the past two years. A great amount of care has been exercised in gathering the information and compiling it but that there will be errors of omission and commission discovered is to be expected. Entire accuracy in a work of this kind has never yet been attained and never can be. Indulgence of subscribers is craved for such errors as m a y be found. Attention is directed to a feature of this issue, brought about through the establishment of rural free mail delivery by the post office department. There are five rural routes leading from Jamestown, with this post office as a distributing center. Feeling that a list of patrons served on these routes would be of value to the subscribers as well as the public at large, the publishers secured from Postmaster Bemus a list of the heads of households on each route, together with a condensed description of the territory covered. The Jamestown alphabetical list contains about 13,100 names, an increase of 1,800 over the book of two years ago, which shows substantial growth. The list comprises persons sixteen years of age and over and those younger if independently employed. J O U R N A L P R I N T I N G CO. September, 1901. Miscellaneous Directory. 1901-1902. COUNTY AND DISTRICT POLITICAL DIRECTORY. Congress District.—Jamestown is situated in the Thirty-fourth N e w York Congressional district, composed of the counties of Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany. It is represented in congress by Edward B. Vreeland of Salamanca. State Senate District.—The Fiftieth N e w York state senate district is composed of the counties of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus. It is represented by Frank W . Higgins of Olean. State Assembly Districts.—Chautauqua county contains two state assembly districts. The First district is composed of the following towns: Arkwright, Busti, Carroll, Charlotte, Cherry Creek, Ellery, Ellicott, Ellington, Gerry, Harmony, Kiantone, Poland, Stockton, Villenova and the city of Jamestown. It is represented by J. Samuel Fowler of Jamestown. The Second district is composed of the following towns: Chautauqua, Clymer, Dunkirk, French Creek, Hanover, Mina, Pomfret, Portland, Ripley, Sheridan, Sherman, Westfield and the city of Dunkirk. It is represented by Samuel Frederick Nixon of Westfield, who is speaker of the N e w York state assembly. COUNTY OFFICERS. County Judge—Jerome Jamestown. B. Fisher, Special County Judge—Frank S. Wheeler, Jamestown. County Clerk—James D. Gallup, Clymer; postoffice address Mayville. Deputy County Clerk—Richard O'Brien, Mayville. Sheriff—Henry H. Cooper, Jamestown. Under Sheriff—Willis E. Babcock, Jamestown. Surrogate—Egburt E. Woodbury, Jamestown. Surrogate's Clerk—Will D. Parker, Mayville. Special Surrogate—Leslie A. Pease, Dunkirk. County Treasurer — E m m o n s J. Swift, Mayville. District Attorney—Eleazer Green, Jamestown. » Assistant District Attorney—John K. Patterson Jr., Dunkirk. Superintendent of the Poor—Marcus T. Howard, Frewsburg. Coroners—Dr. A. H. Bowers, Jamestown; Charles Blood, Dunkirk; Sylvester S. Starring, Silver Creek; Thomas E. Soules, Cherry Creek. Keeper of County House—Mervin E. Smith, Dewittville. Loan Commissioner—Edward Cook, Panama. School Commissioners—Grant E. Neil, Ashville, First district; W . A. Holcomb, Fredonia, Second district; J. R. Flagg, Frewsburg, Third district. MISCELLANEOUS B O A R D O F SUPERVISORS. Arkwright—Marvin Cardot; postoffice address. Fredonia, route 3. Busti—Andrew J. Bennett; postoffice address Busti. Carroll—John Venman; postoffice address Frewsburg. Charlotte—R. Corydon Seaver; postoffice address. Sinclairville. Chautauqua — August Anderson; postoffice address. Mayville. Cherry Creek—Charles L. Wheeler; postoffice address Cherry Creek. Clymer—Lorenzo P. McCray; postoffice address Clymer. Dunkirk—John K. Patterson, Jr.; postoffice address Dunkirk. Dunkirk — Thomas J. Cummings; postoffice address. Dunkirk. Ellery—Frank F. Pickard; postoffice address Bemus Point. Ellicott—Merritt B. Pratt; postoffice address Jamestown. Ellington—Theodore A. Case; postoffice address Ellington. French Creek—Henry R. Case; postoffice address Cutting. Gerry—John A. Almy; postoffice address Gerry. Hanover—Frank L. Smith; postoffice address. Silver Creek. H a r m o n y — J a m e s Hawkins; postoffice address Panama. Jamestown—James A. Clary; postoffice address Jamestown. Jamestown—Archibald D. Falconer; postoffice address Jamestown. DIRECTORY. Jamestown—Charles J. Anderson; postoffice address. Jamestown. Kiantone—Andrew B. Carter; postoffice address Jamestown. Mina—John A. Hill; postoffice address Findley Lake. Poland—John H. Anderson; postoffice address Kennedy. Pomfret—Gaius M. Tremaine Jr., postoffice address Fredonia. Portland—Charles F. Crandall; postoffice address Brocton. Ripley—Joseph A. McGinnies; postoffice address Ripley. Sheridan—George B. McLaury; postoffice address Sheridan. Sherman — Warren B. Whitney; postoffice address Sherman. Stockton—Lucian C. Warren; postoffice address. Stockton. Villenova—Albert Libby; postoffice address. South Dayton. Westfield—S. Frederick Nixon; postoffice address Westfield. Clerk—Otis D. Hinckley; postoffice address Clymer. Assistant Clerk—Louis McKinstry; postoffice address Fredonia. Journal Clerk—Frederick W . Hyde; postoffice address Jamestown. Attorney—Arthur B. Ottaway; postoffice address Westfield. Janitor—John H. Johnson; postoffice address Mayville. Page—Matthew J. Howard; postoffice address. Mayville. Chairman of the Board—S. Frederick Nixon, Westfield. City of J a m e s t o w n . Jamestown is situated near the southern boundary of Chautauqua county and about six miles from the Pennsylvania state line. It was founded by James Prendergast in whose honor It was named in 1815. It was incorporated as a village in 1827 and as a city in 1886. From its earliest history it has been an active manufacturing and commercial center and has the advantage of being situated in the center of one of the principal agricultural and dairying sections of N e w York state. It has grown rapidly in population and commercial importance within the past 30 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. years. In 1870 its population was 5,337; in 1880 it was 9,350 and in 1890 it had increased to 16,038. The state census of 1892 gave 18,627 and by the United States census o£ 1900 it had 22,892. Jamestown is justly called the City of Homes, a larger percentage of its residents owning their homes than can be found in any other city in the state. The municipality owns a large and completely equipped electric light plant which not only provides street lights for all parts of the city, but furnishes. incandescent lights for its public buildings and for business houses at remarkably low rates. It has in operation a sewer system which extends along nearly every street in the city, and its principal business streets are paved with shale brick of excellent quality which are manufactured within the corporate limits. In addition to a magnificent high school building it has 11 excellent district branch schools, and its educational system is regarded as a model among the educators of the state. There are 20 churches and several chapels within the city, where religious services are held regularly. I There are about 175 manufacturing establishments in the city, the output consisting largely of woolen and worsted goods, furniture of m a n y kinds, and boots and shoes. The estimated value of the product of its manufactories is placed at $10,000,000 annually, a large percentage of which is paid out for labor. Its banking facilities are of the best, thefinancialinterests of its people being taken care of by one national bank, two trust companies and one state bank. There has never been a bank failure in the city. Jamestown is served by three great railway systems. The Erie railway runs through the heart of the city; the Jamestown & Chautauqua railway reaches into the manufacturing section, giving connection with the D. A. V. & P., a part of the great Vanderbilt railway system, at Falconer, and with the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern and Nickel Plate lines at Westfield, and the Pennsylvania system, Buffalo & Allegany Valley division at Mayville. As a residence city Jamestown is without a rival. Being located at the extreme southeastern end of Chautauqua lake, concededly the most attractive body of water in the United States, its people come in touch with all points of interest along the lake, which are reached by steamboat, trolley and steam cars. The healthfulness of the city is proverbial, m a n y people coming: here from different parts of the world on account of the delightful climateand exhilarating atmosphere. Its, free public library, its perfectly ap^ pointed hospital, its m a n y religiousand social organizations, all lend their influence toward giving it an attractiveness and a charm that can tie. found nowhere else. ELECTIVE CITY OFFICERS. Mayor—J. Emil Johnson. City Clerk—Clement B. Jones. Police Justice—Abner Hazeltine. Supervisors—James A. Clary, Archibald D. Falconer, Charles J. Anderson. Aldermen—First Ward, Seth W . Thompson, Martin L. Fenton; Second Ward, Brewer D. Phillips, Edward J. Marsh; Third Ward, John D. Johnson, John A. Lee; Fourth Ward, John A. Hulquist, John P. Danielson; Fifth Ward, William D. Stowe, Walter I. Blystone; Sixth Ward, John C. Swanson, David Maloney. 4 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. Board of Education—Frederick A. B O A R D O F PUBLIC W O R K S . Fuller Jr., Pres't.; Mrs. Susan G. Tew, Clerk; George V. Blackstone, Rev. President—Elverton B. -Crissey. Secretary—Samuel A. Carlson. Julius Lincoln, Clayton E. Bailey, George W . Jude. Mrs. Julia H. Fisher. Treasurer—Andrew J. Butts. Assessors — Andrew Rundquist, Alonzo Devoe, James S. Ellis. Justices of the 'Peace—D. D. Wood- HEALTH DEPARTMENT. ford, L. L. Hanchett, Allen E. Billings, President Board of Health—Edward Glenn A. Frank. Overseer of the Poor—Charles F. Appleyard. Secretary Board of Health—Halbert Carlson. A, Barrows. Sealer of Weights and Measures— Registrar Vital Statistics—Charles Charles J. Johnson. Constables—Wilbur B. Wood, LuA. Swanson. ther A. Forbush, William R. Denslow, Health Officer—Dr. A. H. Bowers. Swan Sandburg. Sanitary Inspector — Andrew J. Bowen. STANDING COMMITTEES 1901-1902. Plumbing Inspector—John F. Smith. Members Board of Health—Charles 1. Finance — Thompson, Hulquist, Ipson, Dr. F. D. Ormes, Cornelius jMaloney, Stowe, Johnson, Phillips. Hunt, Edward Appleyard, Halbert A. 2. Pavements and Sewers—Swanson, Fenton, Blystone, Danielson, Lee, Barrows, Charles A. Swanson. Marsh. 3. Fire Department and Hydrants— POLICE DEPARTMENT. Hulquist, Phillips, Stowe. Regular Policemen—John Maharon, 4. Highway Work—Fenton, SwanGeorge W . Beardsley, James M. son, Marsh, Blystone, Danielson, Lee. Young, Simon Peterson, Eliakim Gar5. Sidewalks—Phillips, Lee, Hulfield, F. W . Cheney, Charles G. quist. Krantz, William H. Davey, John G. Moynihan, Gust A. Anderson, Frank F. 6. Municipal Electric Lighting— Moynihan, Chapin Tiffany, George C. Maloney, Fenton, Hulquist. 7. Bridges, Opening Widening and Harrison, Leonard K. Olson and James Extending Streets—Blystone, Fenton, Quinlan. Maloney. Special Policemen—Napoleon N. 8. Police Department and Griev- Newstrom, Leonard F. Jones, Hans Jargenson and Antone F. Christofferances—Stowe, Thompson, Swanson. 9. City Personal Property and Gen- son. eral Supplies—Marsh, Maloney, JohnSpecial Policeman for City Hall— son. William T. Marsh. 10. Ordinance, Rules and Printing —Johnson, Thompson, Stowe. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. 11. City 'Buildings, Buildings in General, Public Parks and Grounds— President—0. E. Jones. Danielson, Johnson, Phillips. Treasurer—D. H. Post. 12. Poor—Lee, Blystone, Danielson, Assistant Secretary •— George T. Thompson, Marsh, Swanson. Armstrong. M I S C E L L A N E O U S DIRECTORY. B O A R D O F SUPERVISING A N D EXAMINING P L U M B E R S A N D PLUMBING. Chief Examiner—George A. Chatfield. Plumbing Inspector—John F. Smith. Albert Green, Jonas Woodhead, C. Eugene Bentley. City Engineer—F. W . Dalrymple. POOR DEPARTMENT. Overseer of the Poor—Charles F. Carlson. Physician to the Poor—Dr. A. H. Bowers. MUNICIPAL LIGHTING PLANT. Superintendent—C. G. Sundquist. Chief Engineer—Charles L. Carlson. Assistant Engineers and Dyamo Tenders—J. Otto Olson, Frank A. Cease, Fred W . Mansfield. Firemen—Oscar Peterson, Felix Beaver, Albert Nordin. Linemen and Trimmers—Jonathan Hanson, Kent W . Spencer, Manley A. Rapp. Trimmers—Jay Cole, George Smith, E. A. Lind, E. H. Johnson. OTHER APPOINTIVE FICERS. CITY OF- City Attorney—James L. Weeks. City Engineer—F. W . Dalrymple. Assistant City Engineer—C. Eugene Bentley. City Treasurer—John B. Shaw. Street Commissioner—Horace W . Walker. City Bookkeeper—C. A. Okerlind. Janitor City Hall —William T. Marsh. W A R D BOUNDARIES. First Ward: Embracing all territory in the city lying within the following described limits: Beginning at a point in the center of the highways known as Main and Second streets, and running thence easterly along the center of Second street to tbo center of Winsor street; thence norchwestterly along the center of Winsor street to the center of Lake View avenue; thence northerly along the center of Lake View avenue to the northern boundary of the city; thence westerly along the city line to the center of Main street, and thence southerly along the center of Main street to the place of beginning. Second Ward: Embracing all territory in said city lying west of the center of Main street and north of the center of the outlet of Chautauqua lake. Third Ward: Embracing all territory in the city lying south of the center of the Erie railway tracks; west of the center of Foote avenue; east of the center of Forest avenue, the westerly line of Brooklyn square and the westerly line of Main street. Fourth Ward: Embracing all territory in the city south of the center of the Erie railway tracks and east of the center of Foote avenue. Fifth Ward: Embracing all territory lying north of the center of the Erie railway tracks and east of the line commencing in the center of Main street at a point where that street crosses the center of the Erie railway tracks, and running thence north along the center of Main street to the center of Second street; thence easterly along the center of Second street to the center of Winsor street; thence northwesterly along the center of Winsor street to the center of Lake View avenue; thence northerly along the center line of Lake View avenue to the city line. Sixth Ward: Embracing all that territory in the city lying south of the outlet of Chautauqua lake and west of the center of Forest avenue, the westerly line of Brooklyn square and the westerly line of Main street. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. E L E C T I O N DISTRICTS. First Ward. First District. Begin at the junction of Main and Eighth streets, run thence east along the center of Eighth street to Prendergast avenue; thence south along the center of Prendergast avenue to Sixth street; thence east along the center of Sixth street to Winsor street; thence southerly along the center of Winsor street to Second street; thence westerly along the center of Second street to Main street; and thence northerly along the center of Main street to Eighth street and place of beginning. Second District. Begin at the junction of Main and Eighth streets; running thence northerly along the center of Main street to the city line; thence easterly along the city line to Lake View avenue; thence southerly along the center line of Lake View avenue to Winsor street; thence southerly along the center line of Winsor street to Sixth street; thence westerly along the center of Sixth street to Prendergast avenue; thence northerly along the center line of Prendergast avenue to Eighth street; and thence westerly along the center of Eighth street to Main street and place of beginning. Second Ward. First District. Beginning at the intersection of Main street and the outlet, run thence on the center line of Main street to Seventh street; thence on the center line of Seventh street to Murray avenue. Tnence on the center line of Murray avenue to the outlet; thence down and along the center of the outlet to the place of beginning. Second District. Begin at the intersection of Main and Seventh streets, thence en the cen- ter of Main street to the city line; thence on the city line to the outlet; thence down and along the center of the outlet to the center line of Murray avenue; thence d o w n and along the center line of Murray avenue to the center of Seventh street; thence along the center of Seventh street to the place of beginning. Third Ward. First District. Begin at the intersection of the center line of Main street with the center of the tracks of the N. Y. Pa. and Ohio Railroad, running thence southerly along the center of Main street to Brooklyn square; thence southerly on Brooklyn square to Forest avenue; thence along the center of said Forest avenue to the city line; thence easterly along the city line to Broadhead street; thence along the center line of Broadhead street to the junction of Warren street; thence along the center line of Warren street to South Main street; thence northwesterly along the center line of South Main street to Harrison street; thence along the center line of Harrison street across Chautauqua outlet to Institute street; thence along the center line of Institute street to the center of the tracks of the N. Y. Pa. and Ohio Railroad company; thence westerly along said Railroad Co. tracks to the place of beginning. Second District. Begin at the intersection of the center line of Institute street with center line of the tracks of the N. Y. Pa. and Ohio Railroad company; running thence southerly along the center line of Institute street to Harrison street; thence along the center line of Harrison street to South Main street; thence southerly along the center line of South Main street to Warren street; thence southeasterly along che center MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. line of vVarren street to the intersection of Broaaheaa street; thence southerly along the center line of Broadhead street, to the city line; thence easterly along the city line to Foote avenue; thence northerly along center line of Foote avenue to the center of the tracks of the N. Y. Pa. and Ohio Railroad Co.; thence westerly along said Railroad Co. Track to the place of beginning. Fourth Ward. First District. .Beginning at the intersection of Foote Ave., with the tracks of the N e w \ork, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad company and running thence southerly along the Center line of Foote avenue to the city line; thence on the city line to English street; thence along the center line of English street to Winsor street; thence along the center line of winsor street, north to the center of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; thence west along the center line of said railroad tracks to place of beginning. Second District. Beginning at the center of Winsor street at the center of the intersection of said street with the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company and running thence southerly along the center line of Winsor street to the center line of English street, running thence easterly along the center line of ninglish street to city line, running thence along the city line to tne center of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad company; thence along the center line of said railroad tracks to the place of beginning. Fifth Ward. First District. Begin at the intersection of Main street witn the tracks or the N. Y. P. & O. R. R. Co.; running thence northerly along the center on Main street to Second street; thence easterly on the center line of Second street to the center line of Thayer street; thence southeasterly along the center line of Thayer street, if continued, to the center line of said N. Y. P. & O. R. R. tracks; thence westerly along the center line of said tracks to Main street and place of beginning. Second District. Begin in the center of Winsor street at its junction with Second; running thence northerly along the center line of Winsor street to Lake View avenue; thence northerly along the center of Lake View avenue, to the city line; thence easterly along tL.3 city line to the northeast corner of the city; thence southerly along the easterly line of the city to the center line of the tracks of the N. Y. P. & O. R. R. Co.; thence westerly along said tracks to a point which would be the center line of Thayer street if extended, to said tracks; thence northwesterly along an imaginary line which if continued would be the center of Thayer street to said Thayer street; thence along the center to Second street, and thence westerly along the center line of Second street to Winsor street, and place of beginning. Sixth Ward. First District. Bounded east by the center of Forest avenue; south by the southerly line of the city, the center line of Palmer street, if extended, the center of Palmer street to Sprague street; center of bprague street to Baker street; cen.er of Baker street to Barrett street; center of Barrett street to Steele street; center of Steele street to Brooklyn square. Second District. Bounded by the westerly line of Brooklyn square, the center of Steele 8 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. street to Barrett street; the center of Sixth Ward. Barrett street to Baker street;the cenFirst District—At the building ownter of Baker street to Sprague street; ed by E. B. Bootey on the west side the center of Sprague street to Palmer of Forest avenue. street; the center of Palmer street to Second District—At the City buildHallock street; to the center of Paling at junction of Steele street ana mer street, extenaea; the westerly Barrett avenue. line of city to the outlet, to Brooklyn square. JAMESTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. DESCRIPTION OF PLACES., Board of Education—Frederick A. Fuller Jr., president; Mrs. Susan G. Tew, clerk; George V. Blackstone, First Ward. Rev. Julius Lincoln, Clayton E. First District—At Deluge Engine Bailey, George W . Jude, Mrs. Julia H. company's building on Bast Fourth Fisher; Harry L. Briggs, treasurer; street. John B. Shaw, collector; Roy W . Second District—At the residence of Strickland, attendance officer; TheoAnna M. Sellvin, No. 21 Bast Eighth dore Stewart, superintendent of buildstreet. ings. Regular meetings first Monday evening of each month. Second Ward. Teachers and schools—Rovillus R. First District—At Martyn Hose comRogers, superintendent; Mildred R. pany's rooms, West Fifth street. Falconer, superintendent's clerk; MilSecond District—At the residence of ton J. Fletcher principal of the high Newton L. Lincoln, 14 West Ninth school. street. Academic department—Mary R. WilThird Ward. lard, preceptress, Sarah E. Dickinson, First District—At Eagle Hose com- Elsie E. Leet, Carrie E. Aiken, Carl pany's truck rooms, Fenton place. LaSalle, A. Mynene Benjamin, Harriet L. Jones, Lucy F. Baker, Mary J. NelSecond District—At the store room occupied by Christian Nielson, No. Ill son, Mildred A. McCall, M. M a y Briggs, Andrew J. Lannes. South Main street. Preparatory department)—Calista A. Fourth Ward. Dreager, principal, Vesta Willard, First District—At the wall paper Nellie R. Hand, Grace Gifford. store of Charles F. Carlson, No. 52 on Special departments—Blanche H. the west side of Winsor street. Woodford, supervisor of drawing; Second District—At the City build- Ruth C. Tousley, gymnastics; ing at junction of Allen and Willard S. Gertrude Harrington, assiststreets. ant gymnastics; Mary E. Fletcher, domestic arts; Eunice E. Fifth Ward. First District—At Rescue Engine James, assistant domestic arts; George F. Hale, manual training; Frank W . company's rooms on the south side of Cheney, assistant manual training; Chandler street, corner of Center Frederick E. Bottsford, vocal music; street. J. Grace Bealer, librarian; Laura F. Second District—At Jeffords Hose Sheldon, training school; Bertram B. company's rooms, south side East McEIhaney, M.D., physical and mediSecond street. cal director. POLLING MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. G R A M M A R SCHOOLS. William A. Torrance—Principal. Senior—Corrie J. Akin, Jennie R. Kellogg, E m m a V. Kirkland, Helena Crittenden. Middle—Lizzie A. Bootey, Emily W . Holmes, Fannie M. Cooper, Jennie A. Clark, Susanna M. Calahane, M. Augusta Harnden, Anna B. Willoughby. Junior—Sarah L. Hall, Ada E. Giles, Julia S. Yates, Emily A. Yates, Eva B. Batcheller, Mary H. Laidler. Ungraded room—Mertie M. Dickson. DISTRICT SCHOOLS. principal, 5th grade; Edna A. Clark, 5th grade; Ella L. Bergquist, 4th grade; L. Pearl Keller, 4th grade; Minnie E. Wilson, 3rd grade; Zella H. Rice, 1st and 2d grades; Margaret M. Moynihan, 2d grade; G. Edith Markham, 1st grade; Elizabeth M. Cady, kindergarten. District No. 5, Forest and Charles streets—Rebecca Langford, principal, 5th grade; -Mabel N. Squier, 4th grade; Mary E. Leet, 3rd grade; Bertha E. Rick, 2d grade; [Minnie L. Douglas, 1st grade; Bertha E. Peterson, kindergarten. Central district, Fourth and Spring District No. 6, Main street and Flustreets—Louise E. Geer, principal, 5th vanna avenue—Martha Laidler, princigrade; Nellie C. Dyer, 3rd grade; pal, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades; A m a n d a Carrie M. Howe, 4th grade; Clara H. Nelson, 1st and 2d grades. Price 1st grade; Fannie >H. Sprague, 2d grade; Bessie M. Hall, kindergar- District No. 7, East Second street— ten; Charlotte W . Adams, kindergar- Lucy E. Hand, principal, 5th grade; Carrie L. Young, 4th grade; Mary A. ten assistant. Mahoney, 2d and 3rd grades; MargaDistrict No. 1, Pine and Eighth streets—Annie G. Bucklin, principal, ret L. Mahoney, 1st grade; Clara C. Ross, kindergarten. 5th grade; Effie Gifford, 1st grade; Lottie C. Landon, 3rd grade; Florence District No. 8, Hall avenue—-ElizaF. Haner, 4th grade; Florence W . beth G. Hartson, principal, 5th grade; Johnson, kindergarten; F. Ethel Ellen M. Fairbank, 4th grade; C. Belle Wicks, 2d grade. Lepar, 2d grade; Mary A. Odell, 1st District No. 2, West Third street and grade; Bettie A. Olson, 3rd grade; Fairmount avenue—Alice M. Clement, Anna T. Harris, kindergarten. principal 3rd and 4th grades; Claire District No. 9, Prospect street and E. Rohde, 1st and 2d grades. Newland avenue—Etta M. Weaver, District No. 3, Willard and Tower principal, 5th grade; Ellen H. Wilstreets—Martha E. Jacobsen, principal, liams, 4th grade; Carlotta M. Wara, 6th grade; Evangeline E. 'Griswold, 3rd grade; Blanche Sprague, 2d grade; 4th grade; Annie S. Hilton, 4th grade; Stella V. Johnson, 2d and 3d grades; Alice E. Morse, 3d grade; Helen M. Hilda A. Johnson, 1st grade; Bertha Johnson 1st grade; Ldnna M. Riley, 'M. Gron, 1st grade; Lucy E. Fuller, 5th grade; Iva B. Hollenbeck, 5th kindergarten. grade; Florence L. C. Olson, 3rd District No. 10, Falconer and Sturgis grade; Florence A. Wiborg,2d grade; Elma A. Barrows, 2d grade; Edna ^. streets—Lillie G. Dickson, principal, Harris, 1st grade; Effa JT. B'oyce, 1st 5th grade; Gertrude P. Clark, 3rd and 4th grades; Ella M. Schildmacher, grade; Jennie E. Backus, kindergar2d and 3rd grades; Wilhelmina Potten; Maude L. Hand, kindergarten iswin, 1st grade; Stella M. Ports, 1st sistant. grade; Jessie M. Williamson, kinderDistrict No. 4, Mechanic and Hazzard streets—-Nettie J. Armstrong, garten. 10 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. J A M E S T O W N FIRE D E P A R T M E N T . 245 Members. Chief—Fred H. Wilson. Assistant Chief—Leonard F. Jones. Secretary—Clement B. Jones. Treasurer—Andrew Griffith. Janitor—John Olson. Engineer of Steamer—August E. Eller. Driver—Ed. J. Lynch. Extra Driver—C. T. Sandgren. Deluge Engine Company No. 1 — E. J. McGee, Foreman; A. F. Shoesmith,firstassistant foreman; James Varley, second assistant foreman; Thomas Shoesmith, president; 0. C. Carpenter, vice president; E. P. Hindle, secretary; L. A. Rushworth, treasurer; James J. Lynch,driver; 39 members. Ellicott Hook and Ladder Company No. 1—H. Le F. Brown, foreman; J. S. Winters, first assistant foreman; E. B. Inglehart, second assistant foreman; J. J. Lowman, president; J. D. F. Rick, secretary-treasurer; B. G. Brookins, driver; 22 members. Rescue Engine Company No. 2—E. B. Bootey, foreman; N. Neustrom, first assitant; William Ormondroyd, second assistant; Thomas Kennedy, president; Arthur Poole, vice president; Smith Ormondroyd, secretary; Ralph Waite, treasurer; Frank Anderson, driver; 36 members. Prendergast Hose Company No 1 — William Gron, foreman; Amel A. Johnson, first assistant foreman; Lewis Green, second assistant foreman; Edward W . Jones, president; Edward Derry, vice president; Lyman Bush, secretary-treasurer; Walter L. Saxton, driver; 26 members. Eagle Hose -Company No. 2—H. H. Chase, foreman; H. R. Grant,firstassistant foreman; W . A. Thompson, second assistant foreman; Frank H. White, secretary; G. W . Rowland, treasurer; Gust Olson, driver; 35 members. Jeffords Hose Company No. 3—J. Henry Ayers, foreman; T. McCullum, first assistant foreman; H. Roche, second assistant foreman; L. W h y m penny, secretary; G. Anderson, treasurer; Ulman S. Ayers, driver; 28 members. Jamestown Fire Police—M. B. Curtiss, captain; John Hansonfirstlieutenant; Roy Drake, second lieutenant; James P. Hanson,firstsergeant; Hans Sonne, second sergeant; George Lattin, president; Charles L. Carlson, vice president; Frank A. Cease, secretary; E. E. Duffee, treasurer; Frank Griffin, driver; 34 members. Martyn Hose Company No. 6— Charles Buckley, foreman; George McVeigh,firstassistant foreman; Joseph McVeigh, second assistant foreman; M. J. Looney, secretary; E. J. Marsh, treasurer; Bert M. Thayer, driver; 25 members. LOCATION OF FIRE ALARM BOXES No. of Box. 12 S. W . Cor. E. 2nd and Winsor Sts. 13 S.E. Cor. Lake View Ave. and Newton Ave. 14 S.E. Cor. 8th and Lincoln Sts. 15 S. E. Cor. North Main and Buffalo Sts. 16 N. E. Cor. North Main and 8th 17 N. W . Cor. Prendergast Ave. and 4th Sts. 18 S. W . Cor. East 5th and Church 122 S. E. Cor. Main and 3rd Sts. xl9 N.W. Cor. East 2nd St. and Prendergast Ave. xl21 S. W . Cor. East 3rd and Spring xl23 N. W . Cor. East 6th St. and Prendergast Ave. xl24 N.E. Cor. East 8th St. and Lake View Ave. xl25 N. E. Cor. East 6th St. and Lake View Ave. xl26 N.E. Oor. Lake View Ave and Price St. xl27 East Side Spring St. (Between 8th and Crossman Sts.) xl28 S. W . Cor. Fulton and East 9lh MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. 11 47 Junction Foote Ave. and Arnold x21 N. E. Cor. West 3rd and WashSt. ington Sts. x22 N. W . Cor. West 3rd St. and Fair- x412 S. E. Cor. Allen and King Sts. 53 N. W . Cor. Foote Ave. and Harmount Ave. rison St. 23 S. E. Cor. North Main and Price 54 Junction East 2nd and College Sts. 24 N. E. Cor. Marvin and 10th Sts. Sts. 25 S. E. Cor. Fairmount Ave. and 55 S. W . Cor. Falconer and Stowe West 8th St. Sts. 26 N. W . Cor. West 5th and Jeffer56 N. E. Cor. East 2nd and Buffalo son Sts. Sts. 27 S. W . Cor. West 2nd and Lafayx58 N. E. Cor. East 2nd and Jeffords ette Sts. Sts. s212 S. W . Cor. Main and First Sts. x512 S. E. Cor. Main and 2nd Sts. x213 S. E. Cor. Warner Block So. Main x513 S. E. Cor. Chandler and Winsor St. Sts. s214 N. E. Cor. North Main and 5th x514 N. W . Cor. Chandler and Cross Sts. Sts. x215 S. E. Cor. West 4th and Laiayx515 N. E. Cor. Foote Ave. and Crane ette Sts. St. x216 North Main and Rathbone Sts. x516 S. E. Cor. East 2nd and Thayer Sts. x217 N. E. Cor. West 7th and WashPrivate Boxes. ington Sts. 72 Broadhead Worsted Mills, Bast 31 N. W . Cor. Ashville Ave. and 1st St. Seymour St. 73 Shearman Bros, and Nichols & 32 S. W . Cor. Baker and Jones Sts. Son, opp. N. Y. P. and O. Depot. 33 N. W . Cor. Steele and Sprague 74 Lister Mills, East Jamestown. Sts. 34 S. E. Cor. Charles and Forest rfta. C O D E O F CALLS. -35 N. E. Cor. Forest and Newland The following signals are strictly Ave's. followed by the department. 36 S. W . Cor. Prospect St. and Pros- 2 Blows on Tower Bell means Fire pect Ave. Out. 37 S. W .Oor. Warren St. and New3 Blows on Tower Bell calls Deluge. land Ave. 4 Blows on Tower Bell calls Rescue. 38 Junction Warren St. and Broad5 Blows on Tower Bell calls Eagle head Ave. Hose. 39 Brooklyn Square (Gifford Bl'd'g.) C Blows on Tower Bell calls Prenderx312 Junction Steele and Barrett Sts. gast. x313 Cor. Foote Ave. and Allen St. 7 Blows on Tower Bell calls Jeffords. x314 N. W . Cor. Palmer St. and Hall S Blows on Tower Bell calls Marcyn Ave. Three sixes (6-6-6) calls the whol-3 43 N. W . Cor. Allen and Maple Sts. department. 44 S. E. Cor. Barrows and English Hook & Ladder and Fire Police anSts. swer all alarms. 45 N. W . Cor. Winsor and HarriThe boxes with this mark x before son Sts. number are Imaginary Boxes, but will be struck on Alarm Bell through Tele46 N. W . Cor. Barrows and Willard phone exchange giving exact location. Sts. 12 LOCATION MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. OF FIRE HYDRANTS. N. E. corner First and Cherry N. W . corner First and Main 200 feet east of Main on First 100 feet east of Broadhead mills on First South side Second at foot of Jefferson S. E. corner Second and Washington N. W . corner Second and Main S. W . corner Second and Pine N. E. corner Second and Spring S. E. corner Second and Institute •N. B. corner Second and Third N. W . corner Second and Fourth S. E. corner Second and Cross N. W . corner Second and Winsor N. E. corner Second and Bowen N. E. corner Second and Stowe N. E. corner Second and Jeffords N. W . corner Second and Buffalo N. E. corner Second and Cowen North side Second opp. Driving park South side Second near Chautauqua Furniture Co. South side Third foot of Fairmount avenue S. B. corner Third and Clinton S. E. corner Third and Lafayette S. E. corner Third and Washington S. W . corner Third and Cherry S. W . corner Third and Main S. W . corner Third and Spring S. W . corner Fourth and Main S. W . corner Fourth and Pine S. W . corner Fourth and Spring S. B. corner Fourth and Prendergast avenue South side Fourth between Prendergast avenue and Church S. E. corner Fourth and Church N. E. corner Fifth and Fairmount avenue N. W . corner Fifth and Clinton N. W . corner Fifth and Lafayette N. W . corner Fifth and Washington N. E. corner Fifth and Cherry N. W . corner Fifth and Main N. E. corner Fifth and Pine S. W . corner Fifth and Prendergast avenue N. W . corner Fifth and Fulton S. E. corner Fifth and Church South side Fifth opp. Mrs. Carpenter's S. W . corner Sixth and Main N. E. corner Sixth and Pine N. E. corner Sixth and Prendergast avenue N. E. corner Sixth and Lake View avenue N. E. corner Sixth and Lincoln S. B. corner Seventh opposite Monroe N. E. corner Seventh and Lafayette N. W . corner Seventh and Cherry S. E. corner Eighth and Fairmount avenue S. E. corner Eighth and Marvin S. E. corner Eighth and Main N. E. corner Eighth and Prendergast avenue S. E. corner Eighth and Lake View avenue S. W . corner Eighth and Lincoln S. E. corner Ninth and Marvin Tenth between Main and Marvin S. E. corner Tenth and Main N. E. corner Marvin and Rathbone N. W . corner Main and Rathbone N. W . corner Main and Rubinkam avenue S. E. corner Main and Kent W . side Main between Dickinson and Reinold S. E. corner Main and Buffalo S. side Main N. W . corner cemetery Spring between Crossman and Eighth Fulton between Eighth and Ninth S. W . corner Crosby and Ninth S. E. corner Prendergast avenue and Crossman S. E. corner Prendergast avenue and Price E. side Prendergast avenue near Mullen N. W . corner Lake View avenue and Crossman N. E. corner Lake View avenue and Price MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. S. E. corner Lake View avenue and Winsor S. E. corner Lake View avenue and Buffalo N. W . corner Thayer and Bush N. W . corner Falconer and Winsor S. E. corner Falconer and Weeks S. W . corner Falconer and Bowen N. W . corner Falconer and Dexter S. W . corner Crescent and Cheney N. E. corner Crescent and stone quarry road S. W . corner Chandler and Center S. W . corner Chandler and Cross Water street, west of Empire mills Water street, east of Empire mills Corner Palmer and Hallock streets Hallock street, near Hunt road Corner Crosby and East Seventn streets East Second street, near orphanage N. E. corner Chandler and River N. W . corner Chandler and Allen East side Winsor opp Wilson's mills N. E. corner Willard and Johnson N. E. corner Willard and Peterson N. B. corner Willard and Vega S. W . corner Winsor and Harrison East side Winsor opposite Water. N. E. corner Winsor and Allen N. E. corner Barrows and Willard South side Barrows between Willard and English West side of Kinney between English and Willard N. W . corner King and Ellicott S. E. corner Harrison and Main S. B. corner Harrison and Institute N. E. corner Harrison and Foote avenue North side Harrison at Hall's mills North side Harrison east of mills Corner Alpaca and Eagle. West side Main at Warner block N. E. corner Main and Taylor South side Taylor opp. Cane Seat Co. N. E. corner Foote avenue and Crane N. E. corner Allen and King N. W . corner Allen and Maple N. E. corner Allen and Shearman 13 S. E. corner Allen and Foote avenue S. W . corner Allen and Institute. Corner Allen and Prospect S. E. corner Maple and Shaw avenue. S. E. corner Foote avenue and Arnold N. E. corner Foote avenue and Camp East side Hazzard bet. Mechanic and Newland N. E. corner Hazzard and Newland S. E. corner Warren and Mechanic East side Warren at Kidder S. E. corner Warren and Newland avenue 'N. E. corner Warren and Barker S. E. corner Warren and Park place N. E. corner Broadhead and Kidder East side Prospect, opp. Prather East side Prospect opp. Prospect avenue S. E. corner Prospect and Newland avenue S. E. corner Prospect and Barker S. E. corner Forest and Fenton place N. E. corner Forest and Prather avenue. N. E. corner Forest and Prospect avenue. N. E. cor. Forest and Newland avenue. East side Baker at Steele S. W . corner Baker and Barrett S. W . corner Forest and Barrett N. E. cor. Cowden place and Barrett N. W . cor. Newland ave. and Barrett S. W cor. Newland ave. and Orchard N. B. cor. Newland ave. and Colfax S. B. corner Grandin and Colfax S. E. corner Forest and Colfax S. W . cor. Forest and Charles West side Charles opp. Cowden place South side Steele, opp. W o o d Seat Chair Co. building S. E. corner Steele and Sprague S. E. cor. Williams and Great Jones N. W . corner Palmer and Sprague N. E. corner Palmer and Hall 14 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. S. W . corner Fenton and Hall N. W . cor. West Third -ext. and Hall N. W . cor. Ashville ave. and Hall N. W . cor. Ashville ave. and Jones and Gifford avenue S. W . cor. Ashville avenue and Cook S. W . cor. Ashville avenue and Hallock S. W . cor Ashville ave. and Fullerton N. E. corner West Sixth and Cook N. W . cor. W . Sixth and Fairview avenue West side Jones and Gifford avenue, opp. Dry Plate works. West side Jones and Gifford avenue, opp. Fenton Metallic works. West side Jones and Gifford avenue opp. Breed—Johnson Furniture Co. S. W . corner Buffalo and Bowen S. E. corner Buffalo and Weeks East side Buffalo, near outlet Benson, near Norquist's factory Briggs, near Newman's factory East side Wescott. East side Chapin. East side Eagle. S. W . corner Curtis and Frick. N. E. corner Crosby and Seventh. N. E. corner Palmer and Hallock. IS. W . corner Hamilton and Monroe. Center, near Erie railway. Camden avenue, near Vandergrift M'fg Co. Allen extn., near Atlas Furniture Co Outlet, near Himebaugh Bros.' factory Jones and Gifford ave., Fenton Bicycle works S. E. cor. Jefferson and West Eighth S. W . corner Lafayette and Isabella. East side Vega street. S. E. corner Forest ave. and Fairfield East side Hedges avenue S E. corner Anderson and Willard S. E. cor. Benson and Willard S. W . cor. Foote ave. and Barker N. W . cor. Foote ave. and Park place Camden, east of Vandergrift M'fg Co. Terrace Place near Prospect Ave. Outlet, near brewery. Marvin, near Dickerson. JAMESTOWN POSTOFFICE. E. H. Bemus, postmaster; Gustus T. Johnson, assistant postmaster; Laura L. Davis, money order clerk; Margaret T. Calahane, registry clerk; Telia E. Martin, stamp clerk; Clarence H. Lake,financeclerk; Samuel A. Brown, mailing clerk; George H. Anderson, assistant mailing clerk; 0. 'Henry LaDow, general delivery clerk; Emmett P. Loucks, night mailing clerk; Russell J. Forbes, laborer; M. C. Tinker, janitor; Fred G. Sisson, special delivery messenger; Homer Lombard, substitute clerk; letter carriers, John C. Alton, William R. Jones, Henry G. Arnold, Bernard Trainor, Charles A. Berg, Harry E. Gardner, Fred C. Stone, Guy L. Pulver, Albert P. Kelsey, John J. Brattburg, Horatio B. Sprague, Walter H. Davis, Ernest H. Cook, Fred S. Fisher, George A. Young; substitute letter carriers, Frank C. Derby, William R. Fuller, Otto Smith; rural free delivery carriers. Frank A. Winchester, route 1; James D. Berry, route 2; Ernest H. Hulquist, route 3; Oibediah M. Taylor, route 4; Ariel H. Wellman, route 5. Office Hours: General delivery window open from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Money order registry and stamp windows open from 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Carriers' windows open from 6:45 to 8:15 p. m. Sunday—General delivery window carriers' windows and stamp window opened from 12 m. to 1 p. m. One collection of mail throughout the city Sunday morning, and another in the business portion Sunday evening. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS. First National Bank—Corner Main and Third streets. Capital stock $153,- MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. 300; surplus, $190,000. F. E. Gifford, president; William Broadhead, vice president; E. Morgan, cashier; J. W . King, assistant cashier; directors, F. E. Gifford, William Broadhead, A. M. Kent, J. T. Wilson, L. B. Warner, A. J. Peterson, E. Morgan. 15 Newspapers. The Evening Journal—Published daily, except Sunday, at 14 & 16 West Stcond street, by The Journal Printing company, Frederick P. Hall, president and general manager; Edwin A. Bradshaw, vice president; Frederick W . Hyde, secretary. Established Chautauqua County Trust Co.; orSubscription ganized 1831; a state depository—Cor- in 1S71. Republican. ner Main and Second streets. Capital price, 1 2 % cents a week; delivered to stock $250,000. Charles M. Dow, pres- any part of the city by carrier. By ident; F. A. Bentley, vice president; mail $6.00 a year. The Jamestown Journal—Twice-aH. P. Sheldon, secretary; B. D. Phillips, cashier; directors, Charles M. Week, published at 14 West Second Dow, F. A. Bentley, Willis Tew, Rob- street by The Journal Printing comert N. Marvin, Solomon Jones, John pany. Established in 1826. RepubliW . Johnson, W . S. Cameron, E. P. can. Subscription price $1.50 per year, Putnam, A. B. Carter, A. Morelle in advance, by mail; $2 delivered by Cheney, Elliot C. Hall, Martin L. carrier, in the city. Fenton, Elof Rosencrantz, William .j, The Vart Land (Swedish)—PublishProudfit, Daniel H. Post, Brewer D. ed at 12 West Second street every Phillips, A. G. Dow, S. B. Broadhead,. Thursday by the Vart Land Publishing Edward L. Hall, Frank W . Stevens, company; Oscar F. Johnson, president; S. W . Thompson. Samuel A. Carlson, secretary-treasurer and general manager; A. J. Lannes, Union Trust Co.—211 Main street. Capital stock, $100,000; surplus, $20,- editor; established in 1874subscription 000. Frank Merz, president; P. C. price, $1.50 per year. Houston,firstvice president; Samuel The Saturday Herald.—Published Briggs, second vice president; Fred- every Saturday by The Herald Printerick P. Hall, treasurer; Harry L. ing company, E. E. Sprague, Mgr., corBriggs, cashier; directors, William C. ner East Third and Pine Sts. EstabPatterson, Samuel Briggs, Frederick lished in 1901. Democratic. SubscripP. Hall, Charles W . Mace, Charles A. tion price $1.00 a year. Tracy, P. C. Houston, Frank B. Bush, The Weekly Herald.—Published evCharles M. Moore, John B. Shaw, ery Monday by the Herald Printing Fred'k W . Hyde, Cyrus E. Jones, Har- company. Established in 1897. Demry R. Lewis, Harrison Pike, George ocratic. Subscription price $1.00 a V. Blackstone, Frank Merz. year. The Union Advocate.—Published evFarmers and Mechanics Bank—215 ery Thursday by The Herald Printing Main street. Capital stock $50,000; surplus, $15,000. Newton Crissey, company. Established in 1900. Nonpresident; E. B. Crissey, vice presi- partisan. Subscription price $1.00 a dent; O. N. Rushworth, cashier; A. E. year. Appleyard, assistant cashier; direcYoung Men's Christian Association. tors, Newton Crissey, E. B. Crissey, Y. M. C. A. building, corner East A. L. Crissey, S. B. Burchard, F. E. Whitley, H. N. Sprague, C. D. Gifford, Second street and Prendergast avenue. Organized Feb. 28, 18S4; A. A. Gould, C. H. Gifford. 16 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. incorporated May 16, 1885; new charter Feb. 26, 1894. Original trustees: William H. Proudfit, Pres.; Alfred E. Hall, Treas.; Frederick P. Hall, Rec. Sec; Thomas H. Smith, A. B. Rice, Seneca B. Burchard. Present Association officers: Elliot C. Hall, president; H. E. V. Porter, S. B. Burchard, vice presidents; Luther M. Butman, Rec. Sec; Wright D. Broadhead, Treas.; Charles N. Ramsey, Gen. -Sec; J. E. Downey, physical director; directors: H. E. V. Porter, W m . H. Proudfit, Luther M. Butman, A. P. Nord, W . D. Broadhead, Frank R. Ridell, George L. Hamilton, George W . Tew, Elliot C. Hall, Thomas Henry Smith, Fred P. Hall, C. F. Abrahamson, W . I. Blystone, W m . C. Briggs, Charles E. Parks, Seneca B. Burchard, F. 0. Crossgrove, George B. Pitts. Jamestown Business College. Gokey building, corner Third and Cherry streets. Gives a practical business educational course, including general and banking business, stenography and typewriting; organized in 1886, incorporated in 1889. Board of directors: Prest., H. E. V. Porter; vice president, Elliot C. Hall; Sec, A. J. Porter; William A. Hallock, John J. Aldrich. Cemeteries. Lake View cemetery—Trustees, Soloman Jones, L. B. Warner, F. E. Gifford, A, Hazeltine, J. B. Fisher, E. C. Bailey, W . H. Proudfit, Frederick P. Hall, E. Green, L. L. Mason, Robert N. Marvin, Daniel H. Post,; Solomon Jones, Pres.; D. H. Post, Treas.; L. L. Mason, Sec. and Supt.; L. B. Warner and F. E. Gifford, Com. of superintendence; Perry W . Goodwin, Asst. Supt. SS. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic cemetery—Trustees, Rev. Father Coyle, M. Barrett, A. W . Murray, M. D. Barry, Supt.; Thomas Murray, sexton. Women's Christian Ass'n. President, vacant; vice presidents, Mrs. F. E. Gifford, Mrs. C. M. Dow, Mrs. E. L. Hall, Mrs. J. J. Vanderburg, Mrs. George W . Tew, Mrs. Albert Gilbert; Sec, Kate M. Cowles; Treas., Mrs. E. K. Pardee; Cor. Sec, Mrs. W . S. Hedges. Y. W. C. A. Organized Oct. 25, 1888. Headquarters in Prendergast block, Main and Third streets. The board of managers meets at 4 p. m., on the first Wednesday of each month. President, Mrs. William H. Proudfit; V. P., Mrs. Albert Gilbert, Mrs. C. Eugene Clark, Mrs. Luther Lakin, Miss Ada Appleyard; Rec. Sec, Miss Josephine A. Moses; Treas., Mrs. Mary Y. Johnston; auditor, Miss Anna L. Crissey; Gen. Sec, Miss Lela Guitner. Membership 345. Ministerial Alliance. Organized Nov. 12, 1894. Meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from Sept. to June in the Y. M. C. A. parlors. Pres., Rev. A. A. Horton; vice president, Rev. William A. Hallock; Sec. and Treas., Charles N. Ramsey. Membership 15. James Prendergast Free Library. West Fifth street: Officers: Prest. Solomon Jones; V. P., L. B. Warner; Sec, Eleazer Green; Treas., Daniel H. Post; William H. Proudfit, Frank E. Gifford and Robert N. Marvin and the above officers constitute the board of trustees. Librarian, Mary Emogene Hazeltine; assistants, Ella W . Green, Hattie B. Love and Eline Ljungberg; Janitor, Frank Randall. Library hours, Oct-May, 10 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. (to 9 p.m. on Saturdays); June-Sept. 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. (to 9 p. m. on Saturdays). MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. Jamestown Dairy Board of Trade. Meets every Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, from April 1 to Dec. 1, in its rooms in the Farmers & Mechanics bank building, Main street. President, C. N. Taylor; vice president, M. B. Pratt; secretary, J. A. Clary; directors, A. W . Cowles, C. G. Babcock, D. E. Morris, H. R. Case, W . B. Whitney. The trading on the board represents $250,000 each season. 17 C. L. S. C. Plus Ultra circle; graduates of the C. L. S. C., organized in 1882; meets at the homes of members. Prest., Mrs. D. W . Hatch; V. P., Mrs. M. L. Fenton; Sec, Mrs. G. W . Hazeltine; Treas., Mrs. M. L. Ward. Fleur de Lis Circle; organized Oct. 1900; meets Thursdays at 8 p. m. Prest, T. Ivan Bordwell; V. P., Dr. J. T. Novinger; Sec. and Treas., Miss Mable Halladay. Membership 14. Jamestown Business Men's Economic Y. W . C. A. Circle; organized in League. 1897. Leader, Mrs. Luther S. Lakin. Organized May 7, 1901. Prest., R. King's Daughters. R. Rogers; V. P., J. M. Himebaugh; Jamestown union of King's Sons and Sec, W . L, Ransom; Treas., C. M. Daughters; organized May, 1892. AnWaite; J. Emil Johnson, Cyrus E. nual meeting in May. Prest., Mrs. Jones and James L. Weeks, with the Agnes B. Eckman; V. P., Mrs. Esther foregoing officers, constitute the exGreenwood; Sec, & Treas., Miss Sarah ecutive committee. Membership 75. J. Griffith. Membership 95. Golden Rule Circle of King's DaughThe Travelers' Club. ters; meets the second Tuesday afterOrganized 1896. Meets every Monnoon of each month. Leader, Miss day from Oct. 1 to Apr. 1, at the homes Sarah J. Griffith; Sec, Miss Bertha R. of members. Prest., Mrs. Frank W . Blystone; Treas., Miss Jennie L. HalPalmeter; 1st Vice Prest., Mrs. Ella laday. Morey; 2nd Vice Prest., Mrs. R. J. The Fortnightly. Barrows; Sec. and Treas., Miss M. EsMeets alternate Friday afternoons tella Green. Membership 20. at 3:30 o'clock, from November to Mozart Club. April in Mozart club rooms. Prest., Mrs. W . H. Proudfit; V. P., Mrs. AlFounded in 1879. Meets every third bert Gilbert; Rec. Sec, Miss Gertrude Saturday in the month, beginning in Clement; Cor. Sec, Mrs. Charles C. November and holds eight recitals in the club rooms in new Gifford block, Wilson; Treas., Miss Irene Hall; Ex. Com., Mrs. F. W . Hyde, Miss Blanche South Main street. Prest., Mrs. ImoWoodford, Miss Sadie Hazzard, Mrs. gene P. Cameron; V. P., Mrs. Grace C. Gifford; Sec, Mrs. Emily H. Crane; A. N. Broadhead, Miss Sarah E.,Dickinson. Treas., Mrs. Elizabeth W . Marvin; recorder, Mrs. Anna D. Brown; direcEast Side Circle. tors, Mrs. Josephine F. Gifford, Mrs. Meetings are held at the homes of Mary H. Tuckerman, Mrs. Grace C. the members on alternate WednesGifford, Mrs. Elizabeth W . Marvin, days, during the autumn and winter Mrs. Cora S. Tew, Miss Flora M. months, for social and literary purShearman, Mrs. Kate D. Falconer, poses. Officers: Pres., Charles S. Mrs. Julia H. Fisher, Mrs. May L. Gif- Leet; Vice Pres., Mrs. J. G. O'Brien; ford, Mrs. Emily H. Crane, Miss S. Sec, Miss Mary L. Forbes; Treas., Membership Flora Broadhead, Mrs. Imogene P. Miss Lulu E. Cheney. 30. Cameron. Membership 135. 18 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. N e w Century Art Club. Organized 1897. Meets at the homes of members alternate Mondays at 3 p. m., beginning in Oct. Prest., Mrs. Charles M. Dow; V. P., Miss S. Flora Broadhead; Rec. Sec, Miss Lucy Crissey; Cor. Sec, Mrs. Maud Grant Kent; Treas., Miss Gertrude Breed; critic, Mrs. Alfred T. Livingston; Ex. Com., Mrs. M. L. Fenton, Mrs. Cyrus E. Jones, Mrs. George W . Tew, Mrs. W . C. Patterson. Membership 40. Chadakoin Boat Club. Organized May 31, 1889. Clubhouse at Greenhurst-on-Chautauqua. Commodore, Charles S. Abbott; Sec, D. E. Merrill; Treas., F. E. Armitage. Membership 120. 13th Separate Company, N. G. N. Y. Armory at corner of South Main street and Fenton place. Captain, Louis A. Fenton; 1st Lieut., Fred H. Wilson; 2nd Lieut., Frank A. Johnson; 1st Lieut, and Asst. Surgeon, Laban Hazeltine; Sec, Donald S. Brown; Treas., Allen E. Billings. Meets at the armory for drill Tuesday evenings at 8. Avon Club, '98. President, Lena R. Moses; Vice Pres., Mary L. Forbes; Sec, Sadie G. Warren; Treas., Bessie M. Berry; recorder, Bessie A. Blodgett. Active members 25. The Avon clubs are under the direction of Miss Mary Willard, preceptress of the high school. Woman's Christian Association Hospital. Corner of Foote avenue and Allen street; incorporated in 1887; Prest., Mrs. D. H. Post; 1st V. P., Mrs. C. C. Burtch; 2nd V. P., Mrs. B. A. Barlow; 3rd V. P., Mrs. A. H. Vanderburg; Sec, Mrs. F. W . Hyde; Treas., Miss S. Flora Broadhead; auditor, Mrs. A. C. Wade. Gustavus Adolphus Orphans' Home. East Second street; controlled by N e w York conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Synod (Swedish); John S. Swensson, Supt.; Mrs. Swensson, matron; directors, Rev. P. S. Miller, Sec'y; C.A. Swanson, Treas.; Rev. Julius Lincoln, C. F. Abrahamson, A. J. Lindblad, Andrew Benson, Rev. E. F. Alfson, Rev. P. J. Kallstrom. Institution supported wholly by public and benevolent donations. The Avon Clubs. Crescendo Club. Regular meetings at 10 o'clock on Meets at 404 West Second street the alternate Saturday mornings from first and third Mondays of each month September until June, at the high from October to April. Devotional school. meetings every Wednesday and SunAvon Clubs '95-6. Officers: Presiday evening the year round. Prest, dent, Minnie Clement Briggs, '95; Vice Pres., Carlotta Mae Ward, '95; Sec, E. A. Peterson; V. P., Mark H. Hill; Sec, Martha A. Berry; Treas., Mrs. Bertha May Gron, '95; Treas., JoseF. E. Sessions; chairman of charitaphine Aiken Price, '95; recorder, Reble committee, Mrs. L. W . Wiltsie, becca Langford, '95. Active members chairman of rooms, Mrs. Helen F. Wil72; honorary members 24; non-resicox. Membership 25. dent members 5. Avon club, '97. Officers: President, Edith Margaret Rogers; Vice Pres., Musical Organizations. American Union of Swedish Singers; Jessie A. Fuller; Sec, Lillian Curtiss; Treas., Augusta Penfield; recorder, comprising various Swedish singing organizations of the United States. Ethel Carpenter. Active members Officers located in Jamestown: Prest, 23. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. 19 John Winnberg; Festival Sec, C. A. John Lee; Sec, Mrs. Martha S. Mead; Treas., Mrs. Cordelia Snow. MemberOkerlind; Treas., A. G. Lofgren. Swedish Glee Club, A. U. S. S. ship 50. Prest, A. G. Lofgren; Sec.John HageJamestown Game and Fish Protective lin; Treas., C. A. Okerlind; leader, J. Association. A. Eckman. Organized March 18, 1899; meets Swedish Male Chorus Pacius, A. U. first Tuesday of each month at 8 p. S. S. Prest., Gustaf Anderson; Rec m., in J. J. Frank's office, Pine street. Sec, August Soderstrom; Fin. Sec, Prest., George G. Brownell; V. P., L. Jonas Nyberg; Treas., Martin BergB. Fenton; Sec. and Treas., Jerome sten. Rimph. Membership 336. Celoron Gold Band, William Gage, Jamestown Gun Club. leader. American Band; Alex. Johnson, Organized Aug. 18, 1899; meets first leader. Tuesday in each month at Dr. C. H. Bratt's orchestra; A. C. Bratt, leadRawson's office, Allen square building. er. Frest, B. M. Arbuckle; V. P., F. E. Gage's Orchestra; William Gage, Taft; Sec, Dr. C. H. Rawson; Treas., leader. George L. Hamilton; Capt., S. H. AlSmith's Orchestra; D. C. Smith, tice. Membership 40. leader. Property Owners' Protective AssociaChase's Orchestra; George Chase, tion. leader. Organized March 26, 1900; meets at Crocker Bros.' Orchestra; Don D. £ West Third street. Chairman,, Crocker, leader. Charles W . Cleveland; Sec. and Treas.,. Ideal Mandolin Club; A. F. S. GusArthur H. Hitchcock. Membership tafson, leader. 25. Political Equality Club. Single Tax League. Organized 1886; meets semi-monthly Meets at 202 Main street at the call except during summer, at homes of ot the president; officers: Prest., members. Prest, Mrs. Helen J. FalJames Garnett; Sec, Ernest Cawcroft; coner; Rec. Sec, Mrs. Alice E. BarTreas., William L. Ransom. gar; Cor. Sec, Laura W . Fowler; Treas., Mrs. Jane D. Clark. MemberRetail Grocers' Association. ship 75. Organized in 1900. Meets the first and third Monday evenings of each Jamestown Club. month in Maccabee hall. Officers: Monthly meeting, second Tuesday Prest., Norman Ingerson; 1st V. P., H. evening of each month; clubhouse J. Templeton; 2nd V. P., H. F. R u m corner Main and Fifth streets; officers: Prest., Charles S. Abbott; V. ple; Sec, W . L. Dorman; Treas., S. P., C. B. Winsor; Sec, George V. O. Brant. Blackstone; Treas., Fletcher GoodN. A. S. E. will. National Association of Stationary Woman's Christian Temperance Union Engineers, No. 36. Prest., N. C. Jones; V. P., Jerry Sullivan; Fin. Organized 1875; meets second and Sec, William Randall; Rec. Sec, Anfourth Fridays of each month in parlors of First Congregational church. drew Griffith; Cor. Sec, Howard S. Prest., Mrs. P. C. Houston; V. P., Mrs. Rogers; Treas., John Winslow. 20 SECRET SOCIETY DIRECTORY. Secret Society Directory. Merrill, Gen.; F. W . Hyde, C. G.; B. D. Phillips, Treas.; W . P. Osmer, reMt. Moriah lodge No. 145, Free and Accepted Masons; organized Sept. 4, corder; A. B. Rice, prelate; P. F. Simon, S. W.; J. C. Mason, J. W.; A. L. 1817, meets in Masonic hall, Prendergast building thefirstand third Tues- Trantum, St. B.; Fred C. Stone, Sw.B.; J. B. Gilberds, W.; C. D. Wilson, S.; day evenings in each month; Richard W . J. Bentley, 3rd Gd.; R. P. RobPeart, W . M.; E. B. Dewey, S. W.; W . F. Wallis, J. W ; R. S. Blodget, ertson, 2nd Gd.; F. A. Dorman, 1st Sec'y; W . R. Botsford, Treas.; C. D. Gd. Trustees, J. T. larmonth, SamBabcock, S. D.; D. E. Merrill, J. D.; uel Briggs. Mount Sinai chapter No. 132, Order B. G. Tiffany, S. M. C ; F.W. Trantum, Eastern Star; instituted Feb. 12, 1897; J. M. C ; Rev. J. G. Townsend, Chap.; R, E. Toothill, organist; C. D. Wilson, meetsfirstand third Fridays of each tiler; F. W . Hyde, marshal. Trustees, month in Masonic hall; Ella M. Purdy, W . M.; N. A. Graham, W . P.; Altie J. 0. C. Frisbee, A. J. Martin. Alden, A. M.; Ella A. Roberts, Treas.; Western Sun Chapter No. 67, Royal Clara A. Campbell, Sec'y; Alma GraArch Masons, chartered Feb. 4, 1820; ham, C ; Alice F. Gilberds, A. O ; Vimeets second and fourth Thursday evola L. Moore, Adah; Maude Purdy, enings in Masonic hall; W m . J. BentRuth; Albertina C. Johnson, Esther; ley, H. P.; John C. Mason, K.; George Evelyn M. Cook, Martha; Grace E. A. Chatfield, S.; James B. Gilberds, Taylor, Electa; Pearl D. Pickard, W.; Sec'y; E. H. Perry, Treas.; J. E. RobJames L. Wample, S.; Myrtle E. erts, C. H.; W . R. Fox, P. S.; N. A. Young, organist. Graham, R. A. C ; I. Rushworth, M. Odd Fellowship. 3 V.; R. P. Robertson, M. 2 V.; John Turner, M. 1 V.; C. D. Wilson, senEllicott lodge, I. 0. O. F., No. 221; tinel; R. E. Toothill, organist. Trus- instituted June 10, 1847; meets every tees, W . R. Botsford, Joseph Whitaker, Monday evening in Odd Fellows' hall, C. A. Slone. Gokey block, West Third street; ofJamestown Council No. 32, Royal ficers: N. G., Elmer E. Waite; V. G., and Select Masons; chartered as ChauClarence H. Stanton; Rec. Sec, Elmer tauqua council Feb. 2, 1869; revised as C. Atwood; Fin. Sec, Albert E. SherJamestown council Sept. 1, 1396. Meets man; Treas., Robert A. Rosier. Memsecond Wednesday evening of each bership 101. month in Masonic hall; W . E. Griggs, Jamestown lodge, I. O. O. F., No. T. I. M.; C. L. Horton, D. M.; C. D. 637; instituted June 21, 1892; meets Wilson, P. C. of W.; J. B. Fhaw, R.; every Friday evening in Odd Fellows' F. W . Palmeter, Treas.; W . R. Botshall; officers: N. G., Henry O. Nelford, C. of G.; F. W . Palmeter, C. of son; V. G., George Doolittle; Rec. Sec, C ; E. J. Swetland, S.; John Turner, Frank Hulbert; Fin. Sec, J. Arthur sentinel. Perkins; Treas., John G. Townsend. Jamestown Commandery No. 61, Membership 125. Knights Templar; chartered Oct. 12, Mt. Tabor lodge, I. O. 0. F., No. 780; 1887; meets second and fourth Monday instituted July 6, 1897; meets every evenings in each month in Masonic Tuesday evening in Mt. Tabor hall, hall; S. B. Broadhead, E. C.; D. E. East Third street; officers: N. G„ M. Masonic. S E C R E T SOCIETY D I R E C T O R Y . E. Phillips; V. G., George E. Fox; Rec. Sec, L. D. Powers; Fin. Sec, E. W . Bucklin, Jr.; Treas., M. E. Klock. 21 Army Veteran Organizations. Post James M. Brown No. 285, G. A. R.; organized Aug. 17, 1882; meets in Canton Abraham No. 53, I. 0. O. F.; G. A. R. hall, 9 East Third street every Thursday evening; officers: Com., A. instituted Jan. 19, 1898; meets second C. Jones; S. V. C, L. A. Forbush; J. and fourth Wednesdays in each month in Mt. Tabor hall; officers: Capt., J. V. C , William Callahan; Q. M., W . G, Peckham; Adjt., A. Ports. MemberW . Weed; Lieut., E. W . Bucklin Jr.; ensign, G. W . Reeder; clerk, C. L. ship 250. Woman's Relief Corps, No. 73 (an Thorn; accountant, G. Frey. Memauxiliary to Post Brown); organized bership 35. March, 1886; meets in G. A. R. hall Chautauqua Encampment of Patrievery Tuesday evening; officers: Pres., archs No. 54, I. 0. 0. F.; instituted Ella C. Weller; S. V. P., Jennie TownAug. 23, 1871; meets the first and third Thursdays in each month in Mt. ley; J. V. P., Carrie Burr; Sec, Lona Tabor hall; officers: C. P., C. L. D. Brown; Treas., Ella Stearns TifThorn; H. P., A. J. Hawkins; S. W., E. fany. Membership 100. Encampment 95, U. V. L.; organW . Bucklin Jr.; J. W., George Fox; ized Jan. 15, 1891; meets every Saturscribe, E. C. Atwood. day evening in U. V. L. hall, corner Pearl City lodge No. 33, Daughters Main and Third streets; officers: Col., of Rebekah; organized Jan. 15, 1895; Hiram Smith; Lieut. Col., George M. meets the second and fourth Thursday Phelps; major, J. E. Smith; O. D., H. evenings of each month in Odd FelBillings; Chap., J. Douglass; Q. M., A. lows' hall; officers: N. G., Jennie H. Stafford; Adjt., R. E. Waller. MemRice; V. G. Anna Willoughby; Rec. bership 79. Sec, Lillian Sturdevant; Fin. Sec, Ladies of the U. V. L., auxiliary No. Blanch Newton; Treas., Mrs. John 24; organized Jan. 23, 1893; meets in Needham. Membership 115. U. V. L. hall every Wednesday at 2:30 Princess lodge No. 252, Daughters of p. m.; officers: Prest., Rose V. Smith; S. V. P., Lillian Sherman; J. V. P., Rebekah; organized March 1, 1901; meets thefirstand third Fridays of Mary Odell; Treas., Martha Forbush; Sec, Louisa M. Stafford. each month in Mt. Tabor hall; officCamp Samuel M. Porter, No. 2, Serers: N. G., Nora Lyman; V. G., Mrs. George Fox; Rec. Sec, Lottie M. John- vice Men of the Spanish War; organized Feb. 1899; meets at 13th Sep. Co.'s son; Fin. Sec, Mrs. Emmett Blair; armory the second Thursday evening Treas., Mrs. M. M.' Hubbard. Memin each month; officers: Com., Capt. bership 80. Albert Gilbert; V. C, Capt. Louis A. Rebekah Advancement circle; orFenton; Adjt., Allen E. Billings; ganized Feb. 15, 1899; meets the first Treas., Fred A. Nelson; surgeon, Majand thrid Wednesdays of each month or William M. Bemus. in Odd Fellows' hall or at the homes of members; officers: Prest., Mrs. Ger- Knights of ths Maccabees. trude McGill; 1st V. P., Mrs. Frank Jamestown tent, No. 9, K. O. T. M.; Fisher; 2nd V. P., Mrs. Hattie Fairorganized Nov. 10, 1887; meets in Macbank; Sec. and Treas., Mrs. Rachel cabee hall, Lowry block, cor. Third I. Knowlton; chaplain, Mrs. Sarah C. and Pine streets, alternate Friday evClark. Membership 28. enings; officers: Com., 'A. H. Homer; 22 S E C R E T SOCIETY D I R E C T O R Y Lieut. Com., F. W . Stearns; It. K., John O. Johnson; F. K., E. B. Boocey. Membership 655. McDannell tent, No. 189, K. 0. T. M.; organized Dec. 20, 1892; meets alternate Tuesday evenings in Maccabee hall; officers: Com., G. O. Danielson; Lieut. Com., Charles Carlson; R. K., P. M. Johnson; F. K., L. D. Tyrrell. Membership 287. Pearl City tent, No. 588, K. 0. T. M.; meets alternate Wednesday evenings in K. P. hall. Com., Seth E. Dewitt; Lieut. Com., Leon B. Washburn; R.K., Don D. Crocker; F. K. Herman J. Templeton. Queen hive. No. 10, L. O. T. M.; organized May 14, 1891; meets alternate Tuesday evenings in Maccabee hall; officers: L. C, Maria H. Lewin; L. L. C , May Case; L. R. K., Belle S. Moses; L. F. R., Edith H. Griffith. Membership 146. Jamestown hive, No. 101, L. O. T. M.; organized July 13, 1893; meets alternate Thursday evenings in Maccabee hall; officers: L. C, Delia Montayne; L. L. C, Helen Tiffany; L. R. K., Carrie Klock; L. F. K., Minnie Newton. Membership 109. every Thursday evening in K. of P. armory, South Main street. Officers: Capt., Oscar A. Johnson; 1st Lieut., J. L. Johnson; 2nd Lieut., Clarence Hulquist; recorder, Charles E. Anderson; Treas., John A. Johnson. Membership 50. Knights of Pythias. National Protective Legion. Jamestown legion, No. 15, N. P. L.; instituted Sept. 11, 1891; meets alternate Monday evenings in G. A. R. hall; officers: Prest., W . P. Gifford; V. P., W . H. Overs; Sec, H. E. V. Porter; Treas., Effie Chase; Chap., Nettie E. Lownsberry. Membership 368. Chautauqua legion, No. 179, N. P. L.; organized July 1, 1897; meets alternate Wednesday evenings in Maccabee hall; officers: Prest, Ralph E. Russell; V. P., William L. Ransom; Sec, E. E. Wellman; Treas., Charles A. Burgett; Chap., Adaline Greenwood. Membership 350. Chadakoin legion, No. 349, N. P. L.; organized Aug. 6, 1900; meets alternate Monday evenings in U. V. L. hall; officers: Prest., William G. Peckham; V. P., Bert A. Wheeler; Sec, Minnie S. Peckham; Treas., Anthony E. Ellis; Chap., Francis L. Blanchard. Membership 208. Jamestown lodge, No. 248, K. P.; organized July 28, 1886; meets in Pythian hall, N e w Broadhead block, South Main street; officers: C. O, 7. P. Danielson; V. O, Oscar A. Johnson; M. of E., Gustaf Anderson; M. of F., Elester A. Swanson; K. of R. and S., Frank Swanson. Crescent lodge, No. 308, K. P.; organized Oct. 15, 1891; meets in Crescent lodge hall on East Third street; officers: C. C. F. S. Jones; V. C, F. M. Stearns; M. of E., Frank H. Kibling; K. of R. and S. & M. F., Jonas Woodhead. Membership 55. Jamestown company, No. 36, U. R. K. P.; organized Jan. 5. 1894; meets Sons of St. George. Chautauqua lodge, No. 107, S. of St. G.; instituted Oct., 1882; meets alternate Friday evenings in U. V. L. hall; officers: W . P., John W . Unsworth; W . N. P., Charles T. Hutley; W . Sec, John W . Hutley; W . Treas.. Joseph Appleyard. Membership 149. Columbus lodge, No. 379, S. of St. G.; instituted Nov. 19, 1892; meets alternate Wednesday evenings in U. V. L. hall; officers: W . P., Edwin D. Myers; W . V. P., Alfred Welham; W . Sec, Colonel Smith; W . Treas., Horsfall Crowe. Membership 60. Royal Oak lodge, No. 74, Daughters of St. George; instituted Nov. 10, 1892; S E C R E T SOCIETY D I R E C T O R Y . meets alternate Wednesday evenings in Maccabee hall; officers: W . P., Alice Turner; W . V. P., Margaret Wood; W . F. S., Gertrude Gilbert; W . R. S., Alice Siwanson; W . T., Ada Mellor. Membership 90. American Mechanics. E. W . Ross council, No. 37, O. U. A. M.; organized Feb. 3, 1890; meets alternate Monday evenings in Maccabee hall; officers: Councilor, Robert H. Nobbs; Rec. Sec, Nathan M. Willson. Deborah council, No. 11, Daughters of Liberty (an auxiliary to E. W . Ross council); organized June 22, 1892; meets in U. V. L. hall alternate Thursday evenings; officers: Councilor, Ida F. Homer; V. C, R. A. Brady; Fin. Sec, O. H. LaDow; Rec. Sec, G. E. Taylor; Treas., Belle S. Moses. Membership 75. Royal Templars. Eureka council, No. 20, R. T. of T.; organized Dec. 13, 1877; meets alternate Monday evenings in G. A. R. hall; officers. S. C, George E. Furgerson; V. O, Rosella A. Cottrell; P. C, Helen M. Dewey; Fin. Sec, J. B. Husband; Rec. Sec, Julia A. Landon; Treas., A. D. Dewey; Chap., Nettie M. Gay. Membership 90. Ladies' auxiliary, R. T. of T.; organized in 1889; meets in G. A. R. hall or at members' homes the third Friday in each month. Officers: Prest., Mrs. Nettie M. Gay; 1st V. P., Mrs. Sylvia Hayward; 2nd V. P., Mrs. Lizzie McLean; Sec, Mrs. Nettie Lownsberry; Treas., Mrs. A. M. Brockway; Chap., Mrs. Mary Sampson. 23 Scandinavian Brotherhood. Leif Erickson lodge, No. 26, S. B. A.; organized Nov. 30, 1897; meets in Opera House hall every Friday evening; officers: Prest., A. J. Lannes; V. P., Gust A. West; Rec. Sec, Gust Larson; Fin. Sec, S. Ostran; Treas., Charles Ljunggren. Membership 215. Unity lodge, No. 29, S. B. A.; organized March 29, 1899; meets in Opera House hall every Wednesday evening; officers: Prest., Mrs. Christina Eckman; V. P., Miss Selma Johnson; Rec, Sec, Tillie Peterson; Fin. Sec, Elizabeth Soderburg; Treas.,Mrs. Hannah Scott. Membership 150. S. T. and B. Society. Scandinavian Temperance and Benevolent society; organized in Nov., 1872; meets alternate Thursday evenings in Opera House hall; officers: Prest., August Lindbeck; V. P., J. August Johnson; Rec. Sec, J. A. Anderson; Fin. Sec, A. G. Lofgren; Treas., J. Emil Johnson. Membership 350. Swedish Brotherhood. Swedish Brotherhood of Jamestown, an independent organization; organized March 5, 1895; meets alternate Thursdays in Maccabee hall; officers: G. M., George Jacobson; V. G. M., C. P. Carlson; R. K., Charles Lawson; F. S., O. Frank Nelson; Treas., Charles Lindell. Membership 450. Swedish Sisterhood Swedish Sisterhood, an independent local order; organized Feb. 26, 1896; meets in Maccabee hall every other Friday evening; officers: Prest, Mrs. Improved Order of Red Men. E m m a Anderson; V. P., Mrs. Huldah Lawson; Treas., Mrs. Hannah C. AnChadakoin Tribe; meets alternate derson; Fin. Sec, Miss Hannah AnderMondays in Maccabee hall: Officers: P. S., E. H. Clough; S., Leon Carlson; son; Rec. Sec, Miss Aleda Sizer; chaplain, Mrs. Selma Jacobson. MemberS. S., J. B. Sullivan; K. R., Charles ship 150. Leburg; K. W., 0. G. Rowley. 24 S E C R E T SOCIETY D I R E C T O R Y . B. P, O. E. Jamestown lodge, No. 263, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; instituted May 9, 1893; club rooms corner Main and Third streets; meets first and third Fridays of each month; officers: E. R., E. J. Swetland; E. L. K., Ralph E. Russell; E. L. K., John J. Mahoney; E, L. K., V. E. Peckham; Sec, W . R. Botsford. United Workmen. Jamestown lodge No. 34, Ancient Order of United Workmen; organized Aug. 11, 1876; meets Wednesday evenings in G. A. R. hall; officers: M. W., Robert Brady; F., August Nelson; 0., Anton E. Lindell; recorder, John Knapp;financier,W . G. Peckham; receiver, B. W . Cook. Membership. 207. Protected H o m e Circle. Chautauqua circle, No. 208, P. H. C.; instituted May 16, 1895; meets alternate Friday evenings in G. A. R. hall; officers: Prest, George M. Thompson; Sec, R. P. Robertson; accountant, Arthur M. Wellman; Treas., W . D. Wellman. Membership 190. Lakeside circle, No. 290, P. H. O ; Prest., A. J. Martin; V. P., John C. Mason; Sec, John W . Hunter; accountant, C. T. Miller; Treas., Edward Appleyard. Membership 114. C. M. B. A. SS. Peter and Paul's branch 77, Catholic Mutual Benevolent association; organized Feb. 9, 1885; meets alternate Thursday evenings in U. V. L. hall; officers: Chancellor, Patrick F. Duffy; Prest., James H. Marsh; 1st V. P., A. J. Corrigan; 2nd V. P., Daniel C. Garvey; Rec. Sec, John A. Knorr; Fin. Sec, W . H. Harrison Jr.; Treas., A. Willman. Membership 121. L. C. B. A., Branch 39, Ladies Catholic Benevolent Association; organized Oct. 31, 1890; meets alternate Tuesday evenings in U. V. L. hall; officers: Prest, Miss Margaret T. Calahane; 1st V. P., Mrs. J. M. Cotter; 2nd V. P., Miss Mary Eder; Fin. Sec, Miss Elizabeth D. Calahane; Rec. Sec, Mrs. Catherine Clark; Treas., Miss Mary McCormick. Membership 112. Royal Arcanum. Chautauqua council, No. 73, R. A.; instituted April 6, 1878; meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings in each month in U. V. L. hall; officers: Regent, H. L. Hunt; V. R.,F. H. White; Sec, W . H. DeLaney; Col., W . M. Davis.; Treas., E. H. Perry. Membership 200. Heptasophs. Chautauqua council, No. 630, Improved Order of Heptasophs; instituted Feb. 23, 1899; meets second and fourth Thursdays in each month in new Fenton block; officers: P. A., N. A. Graham; archon, Frank H. Mott; Sec, Ralph E. Russell;financier,A. L. Piper; Treas., FranK W . Palmeter. Membership 30. Hundred Members Society. First Swedish Hundred Members society; organized Nov. 14, 1896; meets in Opera House hall; officers: Prest., C. F. Wahlgren; V. P., A. E. Palmquist; Rec. Sec, Olof B. Seabeck; Fin. Sec, Gust Granath; Treas., Alfred Gustafson. Membership 250. Independent Order of Foresters. Court James, No. 3300. Meets second and fourth Thursdays of each month in Opera House hall; officers: C. R., George Rowland; V. C. R., W . M. Jones; Rec. Sec, G. J. Johnston; Fin. Sec. and Treas., A. M. Collier; Chap, W . E. Straight. Membership 35. S E C R E T SOCIETY D I R E C T O R Y . 2fr Swedish M. E. S. & B. A. Meets first and third Thursday even- Swedish Methodist Sick and Benefit ings of each month in Odd Fellows' association; organized March 12, 1896; hall; officers: H. B. I., Reuben Owens; meetsfirstand third Thursday evenS. I., Allen E. Billings; I. T. B. I., ings of each month in parlors of SwedFred S. Marsh; W . T. B. I., Earl D. ish M. E. church; officers: Prest., Hayward; P., Robert Coffield; S., Axel Peterson; V. P., Charles H. Wallin; Rec. Sec, C. G. Hedin; Fin. Sec, Charles F. Johnson; E., William KerGustaf F. Smith; Treas., C. Youngshaw. quist; Chap., Jacob Wiborg. MemKnights of Honor. bership 140. Knights of Saturn. Chautauqua Lake lodge, No. 46, Knights of Honor; meets second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month in U. V. L. hall. Dictator, Joseph R. Hegeman; reporter, George H. Tiffany; Fin. Rep., Norman R. Thompson. LABOR ORGANIZATIONS. Central Labor Council; a representative body composed of four delegates from each union in Jamestown and vicinity. Officers: Prest, Chas. Feather; V. P., O..C. Carpenter; Rec. Sec, H.' C. Mills; Cor. Sec, J. E. Carlson; Fin. Sec, A. G. Norman; Treas., Modern Woodmen of America. J. C. Markle. Organized in this city July 31, 1900; Hardwood Finishers' local No. 94. meets alternate Tuesday evenings in Prest., . Carl Hegeman; Sec, August Opera House hall. Officers: Consul, Bergren. Charles M. Imus; adviser, C. D. CarCarpenters and Joiners' local No. 66. penter; banker, A. L. Piper; escort, C. Prest, C. A. Carlson; Sec, Thomas H. F. Carlson; clerk, W . G. Smith; watchMarks. man, T. T. Corkery. Woodturners' local No. 81. Prest., A. H. Willard; Sec, A. G. Norman. Tribe of Ben Hur. Laundryworkers' local No. 41. Prest. Ideal Court, No. 21, Tribe of Ben M. B. Curtis; Sec, Miss Nellie HoHur; organized April 7, 1898; meets gan. on last Tuesday before the 26th of Cigarmakers' local No. 370. Prest, each month at members' residences. J. L. Kohlbacher; Sec, Charles Officers: Chief, Solomon Spencer; Feather. judge, Jonathan J. Petyt; teacher, C. Typographical, local No. 205. Prest., J. Malmberg; scribe and K. of T., A. Clarence J. Sprague; Sec, August W . Ljungberg. Membership 15. Johnson. Boot and Shoe workers' local No. Swedish Evening Star. 246. Prest., Frank Sweet; Sec, SamOrganized Sept. 10, 1900; meets in uel Scott. Electrical workers' local No. 106. Opera House hall alternate Monday Prest., J. W . Woodburn; Sec, K. W . evenings; officers: Prest, Oscar Rehn; V. P., Axel Dahlstrom; Rec. Spencer. Upholsterers' local No. 38. Prest., Sec, Gustaf Palmquist; Fin. Sec, John Anderson; Sec, Albert Johnson. Jennie Lindstrom; Chap., Anna DahlMillhands' local No. 90. Prest, strom; cashier, John Webeck. MemGust Peterson; Sec, N. Oscar Johnson. bership 50. 26 C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Painters, Decorators and PaperhangBricklayers. Prest., Edwin Mahoners' local No. 86. Prest., W . H. Page; ey; Sec, Charles Haas. Sec, M. M. Gifford. Metal Polishers. Prest., J. E. JohnWeavers' local No. 164. Prest., O. son; Sec, August Anderson. C. Carpenter; Sec, H. S. Whiteman. Dyers and Finishers. Prest., John Textile Workers' local No. 200. R. Hayes; Sec, Fred Leach. Prest., Miss Anna Nash; Sec, AdelMilkmen. Prest., Alonzo J. Martin; bert Eggleston. Brewery Workmen, local No. 238. Sec, Arthur H. Hitchcock. Prest, Charles Anderson; Sec, WilJapanners and Finishers. Prest., liam Rathbun. Otto Nelson; Sec, Michael Gallivan. Plumbers' local No. 232. Prest, Drivers and Deliverymen, local No. Emil Johnson; Sec, Fred Underwood. 144. Prest., Ralph E. Waite; Sec, Retail Clerks' local No. 386. Prest., Lewis R. Jacobson. Alfred C. Hartwell; Sec, L. B. WeathHorseshoers. Prest.,James Barbour; erly. Sec, Fred Langdon. Musical, local No. 134. Prest., LeonWarpdressers. Sec, Joseph T. ard Barth; Sec, Fred A. Lakins Bartenders. Prest., Charles H. An- Feather. Loomfixers. Sec, Fred Illingworth. derson; Sec, H. F. Simmons Jr. Woodcarvers. Prest., C. H. ErickSteel Cabinetworkers. Sec, William son; Sec, B. E. Beaustrom. P. Stewart. Church Directory. St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Corner of Main and Fourth streets; rectorship vacant. Morning prayer and sermon 10:30 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 12:15. F. J. Snowball, Bert G. Tiffany, lay readers; C. H. Gifford, L. L. Mason, wardens; James Ingham, James L. Weeks, Clayton E. Bailey, F. J. Snowball, William Sykes, G. O. Meredith, J. S. Barrow, Frederick P. Hall, George A. Chatfield, vestrymen; Charles H. Gifford, Treas.; F. J. Snowball, clerk of vestry; Bert G. Tiffany, Supt. of S. S.; Julius D. F. Rick, Treas. of S. S.; Miss Antoinette Rick, librarian; Miss Jessie Gale, organist. St. Luke's Guild. The office of master is vacant. Mrs. Glenn K. Brown, warden; Mrs. H. C. Clark, bursar; Miss Maria Sykes, registrar. Mothers' Aid society. Meets at the homes of members every Wednesday afternoon; Mrs. T. H. Marks, Prest.; Mrs. Fred Dorman, V. P.; Mrs. Matthew Bishop, Sec; Mrs. Blythe,Treas.; Mrs. Knowles, Chap. 298 church communicants; 258 Sunday school members. First M. E. Church. Junction of Third and Seoond streets. First class formed in 1814; legally constituted in 1823; first church built in 1833. Rev. W . Arter Wright, Ph. D., pastor; local preachers, Edward Appleyard, H. E. V. Porter, J. E. Almy, F. Christian, T. Berry, J. Wheelhouse, E. H. Slaughenhoupt; trustees, Joseph Appleyard, Prest.; Edward Appleyard, Sec; W . N. Gokey, Treas.; W . I. Blystone, A. A. Amidon, J. M. Himebaugh; stewards, F. E. Sessions, recording; A. N. Camp, district; T. H. Smith, Fin. Sec; A. H. Bowers, Robert Crossley, Otis Garfield, J. Fred Jones, C. T. Miller, W . A. Knowlton, C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Penjamin Nichols, H. E. Butler, D. D. Dorn, E. E. Duffee; exhorter, George Wheelhouse; choirmaster, R.C. Barth; organist, Miss Snow; class leaders, Thomas Berry, S. C. Ferry, Thomas JBarrett The above with the Epworth league presidents, Miss Ada Appleyard and Miss Lena R. Moses, constitute the official board. The Sunday school meets at 12 m. Supt., Edward Appleyard; Supt. Sen. Dept., F. Christian; Supt. Intermediate Dept., L. D. Powers; Supt. Primary Dept., Mrs. DeEtta Reed; Supt. Infant Dept., Miss Elizabeth Sharpe. Ladies' Aid Society. Prest, Mrs. R. H. Humphrey; V. P's., Mrs. Edward Appleyard and Mrs. N. W . Gokey; Sec. Mrs. R. F. Pickard; Treas., Mrs. A. L. Trantum. Clotho Society. Prest., Mrs. Luther Lakin; 1st V. P., Mrs. W . N. Gokey; 2nd V. P., Mrs. W . A. Wright; Sec, Mrs. W . L. Dorman; Treas., Mrs. F. H. Appleby. Synergian Society. Prest., Mrs. G. ~E. Clark; 1st V. P., Mrs. Frank Reed; 2nd V. P., Miss Annie Hilton; 3rd V. P., Miss J. Grace Bealer; Sec, Miss Clara Hazeltine; Treas., Miss Florence <C. Pedersen. Woman's Foreign Missionary society. Prest., Miss Sarah Appleyard; Sec, Mrs. Anna L. Fairbank. Woman's H o m e Missionary Society. Prest., Mrs. A. N. Camp; Sec, Mrs. A. C. Wade. Brotherhood of St. Paul. Prest., "H. E. V. Porter; V. P., George Wheelhouse; Sec, H. C. Mills; Fin. Sec, C. 75. Baldwin; Treas., Sidney Markham. Lyman Crane chapter, Epworth league. Miss Ada Appleyard, Prest.; 'C. Q. Cratty, 1st V. P.; Miss Helen Winsor, 2nd V. P.; Miss Bessie Hall, 3rd V. P.; Miss Marjory Newton, 4th V. P.; Miss E. E. Chase, Sec; B. R. Almquist, Treas. 27 W . Arter Wright chapter, Epworth league. Miss Lena R. Moses, Prest; James Stafford, 1st V. P.; Miss Franc Smith, 2nd V. P.; Miss Ethel L. Perry, 3rd V. P.; Miss Anna A. Knowlton, Sec; Charles Temple, Treas. Harmony circle of King's Daughters. Mrs. C. A. Morley, Prest.; Mrs. L. C. Reed, V. P.; Mrs. a. D. Dewey, Sec; Mrs. C. Johnson, Treas. 1182 church members; 790 Sunday school members. First Presbyterian Church. Corner of Third and Cherry streets; organized 1834; Rev. George Murray Colville, pastor. Services, Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Bible school at 12 m.; Christian Endeavor, 6:45 p. m. Trustees, A. Flynn Kent, Prest.; E. B. Smith, Sec; Charles E. Parks, Edward Morgan, Frederick W . Hyde, Edward F. Jones, Charles M. Dow; elders, Flint Blanchard, C. P. Harris, George W . Tew, R. T. Hazzard, William H. Proudfit, Robert P. Robertson, David W . Immel, Milton J. Fletcher; deacons, Frederick A. Fuller Jr., G. M. Hodgkins, Frank E. Partridge, George B. Pitts, Fred 0. Crossgrove, John B. Alden. Bible School. Meets every Sunday at 12 m. Charles W . Herrick, Milton J. Fletcher, Supts.; Ross Brown, Sec; Frank P. Harris, Treas. Young People's Society. Meets every Sunday evening at 6:45. Miss Ella A. Parks, Prest.; James M. Mcintosh, Sec; S. Clarence Beal, Treas. Needlework Guild. Meets Tuesday afternoons. Mrs. Robert N. Blanchard, Prest.; Mrs. John Prather, Sec. and Treas. Woman's Missionary Society. Meets thefirstThursday afternoon of each month at the residences of members. Mrs. George M. Colville, Prest.; Mrs. Frederick W . Hyde, V. P.; Mrs. Frank E. Partridge, Sec; Mrs. Hattie Fitch, Treas. 28 C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Ladies' Aid Society. Meets alternate Thursday afternoons at 2:30. Mrs. C. Perry Harris, Prest; Mrs. George M. Colville, V. P.; Mrs. Mary W . Baker, Sec; Mrs. James T. Larmonth, Treas. 356 Sunday school members. Presbyterian chapels: Grace chapel, North Main street; Olivet chapel, West Third street extension. First Congregational Church. East Third street, near Prendergast avenue; organized in 1816; services, Sunday at 10:45 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Rev. Albert L. Smalley, D.D., pastor. Deacons, Elliot C. Hall, Edwin Williams, W . A. Hallock, Charles Ipson, S. A. Baldwin, W . D. Broadhead; clerk, E. C. Hall; Treas. of Benevolences, F. R. Moody; trustees, Abner Hazeltine, chairman; John A. Dearborn, Treas.; S. W . Thompson, Brewer D. Phillips, R. R. Rogers, Alfred E. Hall. Bible School. Meets at 12 m. every Sunday. F. R. Ridell, Supt.; H. P. Kimball, Asst. Supt.; Miss Minnie Potwin, Supt. Primary Dept; Miss Mildred Falconer, Sec; F. R. Moody, Treas.; W . D. Broadhead, Chorister; H. J. VanTuyl, librarian; S. P. Kidder, Asst. librarian. Ladies' Aid Society. Meets at 2 p. m. thefirstMonday in each month. Mrs. F. R. Ridell, Prest.; Mrs. G. W . Gifford, Miss L. Kay, V. P.; Mrs. Nettie M. Gay, Sec; Mrs. J. I. Fowler, Treas. Woman's Missionary Union. Meets at 3 p. m. the second Thursday in each month. Mrs. Albert L. Smalley, Prest.; Mrs. S. A. Baldwin, Mrs. R. R. Rogers, Mrs. J. H. Tiffany, V. P's.; Mrs. H. C. Marvin, Sec; Mrs. C. M. Brown, Treas. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor. Meets at 6:30 Sunday evenings. Mrs. S. A. Baldwin, Prest; Miss Fanny E. Kidder, V. P.; Harold Rogers, Rec. Sec; Miss Emily Holmes, Cor. Sec; Harold Underwood, Treas.; Mrs. S. A. Baldwin, Supt. Junior Dept. Philergian Society. Meets the second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month. Mrs. H. M. Gage, Prest; Mrs. F. J. Underwood, V. P.; MissSarah E. Dickinson, Sec; Miss Mildred Falconer, Treas. Congregational Club. David W.. Schenck, Prest.; Alfred E. Hall, Sec; L. J. Williams, Treas. First Baptist Church. Corner Fourth and Church streets; organized in 1832; Rev. W . P.. Hellings, D. D., pastor; services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; and every Wednesday evening at 7:30; Deacons, Milo Harris,. Lester B. Gilbert, Harry E. Gardner, J. D. Berry, George R. Butts, George F. Hale; Trustees, Josephus H. Clark, W . J. Maddox, S. B. Burchard; Treas., George R. Butts; Clerk, Claude E. White. Sunday school—Meets every Sunday at 12 m. Mrs. Martha S. Mead, Supt.; Miss Nellie C. Dyer, Sec. Baptist Young People's union— Meets every Sunday at 6:30 p. m. L. M. Butman, Pres.; Miss CarrieHowe, V. P.; Miss Eva J. Durham,. Rec. Sec; Mrs. L. M. Butman, Cor. Sec; Clyde H. Stuart, Treas. Dorcas society—Meets in the churchparlors alternate Wednesday afternoons at 2 o'clock. Mrs. John W.. Doubleday.Pres.; Mrs.William P. Hellings, Sec.; Mrs. Mary Parker, Treas. Woman's Mission circle—Meets thefirst Friday afternoon of each month. Mrs. W . P. Hellings, Pre;.; Miss S. J. Griffith, V. P.; Mrs. R. B. Curtice,. Sec; Mrs. L. M. Butman, Treas. Farther Lights—Meet afternoon; and evening, thefirstFriday of each month. Miss Nellie Dyer, Pres.; Miss Iva Hollenbeck, Sec; Miss Anna Crissey, Treas. 586 church members; 350 Sunday school members. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Jndependent Congregational Church. (Unitarian.) Junction of Second and Chandler streets. Rev. Walter A. Taylor, minister. Services every Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Trustees, Prest, Charles W . Morgan; Sec, S.Miles Bouton; Treas., W . W . Ridgway; M. L. Fenton, Martin Merz, John W . Willard, Frank B. Bush, Walter B. Horton, G. A. Bentley. Sunday school meets every Sunday at 12 m. Rev. W . A. Taylor, Supt.; Mrs. F. E. Gould, Asst. Supt.; Joseph C. Kiley, Sec; E. Bertram Briggs, Treas.; Miss Annie M. Rushworth, pianist; Miss Lucy E. Fuller, Miss Bertha Wample, librarians. Liberal Christian Guild. Branch of National Alliance of Unitarian women. Meets monthly. Mrs. E. H. Bemus, Prest.; Miss Elizabeth M. Field, V. P.; Mrs. F. E. Gould, Sec; Mrs. M. L. Fenton, Treas. Adelphian Society. Meets alternate Monday evenings in the church parlors; Miss Fanny Sprague, Prest.; Miss Gertrude Clark, Sec; Miss Blanche Sprague, Treas. Unity Club. Office of president vacant. Richard Lewis, 1st V. P.; E. Bertram Briggs, 2nd V. P.; 0. Nelson Rushworth, Sec.-Treas. 120 church members; 57 Sunday school members. Seventh Day Adventist. Cherry street, between Seventh and Eighth streets; organized 1882; services every Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock; prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. J. B. Stow, pastor. Trustees, E. F. Dobbins, Claude Russell, Ed. Trask; clerk and treasurer, Edwin Markham. Brooklyn Heights M. E. Church. Corner of Sprague and Palmer streets; organized 1892; services Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Rev. 29 A. A. Horton, pastor. Official board, L. D. Powers, district steward; E. J. Triscuit, Rec. Sec; J. I. Squier, Mrs. J. I. Squier, Mrs. E. J. Squier, Mrs. C. W . King, Mrs. T. Waite, Miss Anna Harris, George Stuart, stewards; C. W . Millard, class leader; trustees, V. W . Hall, J. S. Ellis; local preacher, John Harris. Sunday school meets every Sunday at 12 o'clock. E. J. Triscuit, Supt.; C. W . Millard, Asst. Supt.; Miss Kate M. Cowles, Supt. Primary Dept.; Miss Myrtie Sweet, Sec; Mrs. Bertha Barrows, Treas. Crosby chapter, Epworth league. Meets thefirstTuesday evening of each month at the church; also conducts devotional service every Sunday evening at 6:30. John Harris, Prest; C. W . Millard, Mrs. Elenora Butcher, Miss Edna Newton, Mrs. Elmer C. Atwood, V. P's.; E. C. Atwood, Sec; Walter Holmes, Treas.; Mrs. V. L. Horton, Supt. of Junior league. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. Meets alternate Friday afternoons. Mrs. D. D. Dorn, Prest.; Miss Kate M. Cowles, Sec; Mrs. C. W . King, Rec. Sec; Mrs. E. J. Squier, Treas. Willing Workers. Meets semimonthly, Thursday afternoons at the homes of members. Mrs. J. I. Squier, Prest.; Mrs. Bertha Barrows.Sec; Mrs. A. M. Covey, Treas. 65 church members; 130 Sunday school members. SS. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic Church. Cherry street, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Rev. Father Richard Coyle, pastor; Rev. Father J. J. McMahon, assistant. Services every morning at 7 o'clock. Sunday services: Children's mass and instructions at 8 a. m.; high mass and sermon at 10:30 a. m.; vespers at 4 p. m. Church trustees, Rev. Father Coyle, M. Barrett, Andrew Murray. Church officers, Wil- 30 C H U R C H DIRECTORY. H a m H. Harrison Jr.; Prest.; E. J. Marsh, V. P.; Frank Dunn, Sec; M. L. Barrett, Treas. SS. Peter and Paul's Parochial School. Corner East Fifth and Fulton streets; seven teachers, with Sister Gertrude as Mother Superior. School managed by a board of trustees composed as follows: Patrick F. Duffy, Prest.; W . H. Harrison Jr., Sec; John A. Knorr, Treas.; Rev. Father Coyle, Rev. Father McMahon, John Murray, Frank McCormick, Miss Elizabeth Calahane. Helping Hand Society. Meets at parochial residence the first Wednesday evening of each month. Rev. J. J. McMahon, Prest.;Miss Rose O'Donnell, V. P.; William H. Harrison Jr., Sec; John A. Knorr, Treas. Altar Society. Meets at 5 p. m. on the third Sunday of each month in the church parlors. Mrs. E. Bergholtz, Prest.; Miss Ella Calahane, SecTreas. St. Francis Society. Meets at 5 p. m. on thefirstSunday of each month. Miss Mary Calahane, Prest; Miss Mary McElroy, Treas.; Mrs. C. D. Wilson, Sec. Sodality of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Young ladies' society). Meets the first Sunday of every month. Mary Isbell, prefect; Mary McCormick, vice prefect; Margaret Calahane, Sec. and Treas. Sodality of the Most Blessed Sacrament (young ladies' and young men's society). MeetsfirstSunday of every month. League of the Sacred Heart. Sister Agatha, Prefect of the Promoters, 15 young ladies; meets at the convent the third Sunday of each month at 3 p. m. Devotions at 7:30 the first Friday of each month, held in the church for this society. Instructions in Christian doctrine at 3 p. m. Sundays for adults and for all those desiring a knowledge of theCatholic faith at 2 p. m. on Sundays for all children not attending the Catholic school. Both held at the parochial residence. First Lutheran Church. (Swedish.) Chandler street; organized in 1857; Rev. Julius Lincoln, pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 10:30 and evening at 7:30 in summer and 7 in winter. Holy communion celebrated thefirstSunday of each month morning and evening alternately. Board of deacons meets second Monday of each month, the pastor, Prest. ex-officio; C. A. Johnson, Sec; Emil Skans, treasurer poor fund; Andrew Johnson-,. treasurer mission fund; C. G. Peterson, Peter Carlson, John Fray, August Morgan, Adolph Hultberg, Christopher Johnson, Evald Sjoberg, Gust Anderson, Leonard Peterson. The trustees meet once a month. J. D. Johnson, Prest.; Gustaf Anderson, Sec; C. F. Abrahamson, Treas.; C. J. Anderson, Oscar F. Johnson, Albin Erickson, David Lincoln, John Felting, August Anderson. Sunday School meets Sunday at 12: 15. Rev. Julius Lincoln, Supt.; Emil Skans, V. Supt.; Carl A. Swanson, Sec; Florence Benson, V. Sec; Andrew Johnson, Treas.; David Eckman, Hilda Johnson, Laura Ceder, Selma Swanson, Anna Hult,librarians; Hulda Johnson, Minnie Westrom, Esther Hammerquist, organists. Men's Society No. 1. Meets the first Tuesday evening of every month. Prest, C. G. Peterson; Sec, C. P. Lundberg; Treas., Andrew Johnson. Men's Society No. 2. Meets the second Tuesday evening of every month. Prest, Charles Wicklund; Sec, Charles Lindell; Treas., August Anderson. Men's Society No. 3. Meets the last Tuesday evening of every month. Prest., Christopher Johnson; Sec, C H U R C H DIRECTORY. John E. SWanson; Treas., John Felting. Ladies' Society No. 1. Meets alternate Thursday afternoons. Prest. and Sec, Mrs. Oscar Nelson; Asst., Mrs. John E. Swanson; Treas., Mrs. John Felting. Ladies' Society No. 2. Meets alternate Thursday afternoons. Prest., Mrs. Gust Whilt; Treas., Mrs. C. P. Lundberg. Ladies Society No. 3. Meets the fourth Friday of each month. Prest., Mrs. Anton Lindell; Sec, Mrs. Gust Larson; Treas., Mrs. Andrew Jones. Young People's Society. Meets alternate Thursday evenings. Prest., Rev. Julius Lincoln; V. P., Bettie Olson; Sec, Charles H. Johnson; Treas., Miss Jennie Norene. Chandelier Society. Meets alternate Thursday evenings. Prest., Hanna Carlson; V. P. Clara Anderson; Treas., Anna Hegstrom. Society of Catechumens. Meets first Wednesday of each month. Prest., Carl Pihlblad; V. P., Augusta Hult; Sec, Elmer Lundberg; Treas., Dora Johnson. Woman's H o m e and Foreign Missionary Society. Meets the second Wednesday of each month. Prest., Mrs. C. L. Eckman. Organ Society. Meets the third Wednesday of each month. Prest., Rev. Julius Lincoln; V. P., J. A. Eckman; Sec, Hulda Johnson; Treas., John Felting. Church Choir. Meets ror rehearsal every Friday evening. J. A. Eckman, conductor; A. G. Lofgren, Prest.; Mrs. C. L. Eckman, V. P.; Miss Hulda Johnson, Sec; Miss Jenny Norene, Treas. Cecelia Quartet. Mrs. C. L. Eckman, Mrs. C. F. Abrahamson, Miss Hulda Johnson, Miss Hanna Eckman. 2,275 church members. 31 English Lutheran Church. Holy Trinity English Lutheran, north side West Fourth street, between Cherry and Main streets. Rev. A. L. Benze, pastor. Church council, Rev. A. L. Benze, Prest.; A. Haecker, V. P.; Otto Love, Sec; W . H. Scharff, Treas.; Henry Johnson, G. Stone, Nelson Pederson, trustees. Services at 10:45 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school meets Sunday at 12: 15. C. F. Dschuden, Supt.; Louis Greenlund, Asst. Supt.; Otto Love, Sec; Annie K. Peterson, Treas.; Ebbert Lund, librarian; Lillian Johnson, organist. Quiet Workers, meet alternate Thursday afternoons at the homes of members. Mrs. John Love, Prest.; Mrs. J. Lepp, V. P.; Mrs. Louis Greenlund, Sec; C. F. Dschuden, Treas. Junior Luther League, meets alternate Friday evenings at the homes of members. Leon Johnson, Prest.; Adeline Phelps, V. P.; Alfonso Greenlund, Sec; Lillian Johnson, Treas. Lutheran Aid Society, meets alternate Friday evenings at the homes of members. Miss Ella Schildmacher, Prest.; Mrs. Louis Greenlund, V. P.; Miss Hilma Johnson, Sec; Miss Blanch Smith, Treas. Catechumens' Union. Henry Love, Prest.; Miss Inez Stone, V. P.; Miss. Anna Peterson, Sec. and Treas. Band of Little Helpers. Meets alternate Saturdays at the homes of m e m bers; Mrs. Alfred Stone, leader. 150 church members; 100 Sunday school members. Immanuel Lutheran Church. 550 East Second street; organized in 1887. Rev. A. M. Benander, pastor. Preaching services at 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. every Sunday; prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:45. Deacons: Olof Benson, A. J. Lindblad, C. J. A. Carlson, Anton Anderson, C. A. Nelson, A. J. Anderson. C. Lind- 32 C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Strom, Theodore Olson, John Johnson. Trustees: Charles Holm,Edward Lindstrom, Olof Lindblad, Gust A. Burland, Richard Thoreen, John G. Anderson, L. J. Klingstedt, John T. Sampson, Peter Turner, Gust A. Burland, Prest. of board; Edward Lindstrom, Sec; Charies Holm, Treas.; Miss Mabel Peterson, organist and chorister of the church. Sunday school, meets every Sunday at 12:15; Olof Benson, Supt.; Martin Nelson, Sec; John G. Carlson, Treas. Young People's Society. Meets alternate Thursday evenings in the church parlors. Rev. A. M. Benander, Prest.; Miss Hildur Lindstrom, Sec; Charles Person, Treas. Ladies' Society. Meets alternate Wednesday evenings in the church parlors. Mrs. C. J. A. Carlson, Sec; Mrs. C. A. Nelson, Treas. Sick Benefit Society. Meets alternate Tuesday evenings in the church parlors. Richard Thoreen, Prest.; Charles L. Anderson, Sec; Beula Johnson, Sec. of Fin.; John T. Sampson, Treas. 469 church members; 335 communicants; 175 Sunday school members. Nord, Charles Fredzell, Peter Bloomquist, Oscar Swanson, Arvid Johnson, Charles Wicklund, Axel Swanson. The official board meets the first Monday evening of each month in the church parlors. Church organist, Gertrude Kofod; chorister, Oscar H. Sundell; janitor, Oscar Swanson. Sunday School. W . F. Liedblad,. John Bjurstrom, Mrs. G. E. Carlson, Supts.; Charles Hedin, Charles A. Ogren, Mrs. John Brandt, Asst. Supts.; Gust Smith, Alfred Anderson, Anton Bergren, Sees.; Edward C. Nord, librarian and Treas. Young People's Society. Meets alternate Thursday evenings in the church parlors. Alfred Anderson, Prest.; Oscar Pang, V. P.; J. E. Lundberg, Rec. Sec; Miss Gertrude Kofod, Fin. Sec; August Sandberg, Treas. Epworth league—Holds Gospel and prayer service every Sunday evening in the S. S. room for one hour before church service. Cabinet officers, Chas. Ogren, Pres.; Warren F. Liedblad.Miss Augusta Billstone, Miss Anna Liedblad, John Wahlburg, V. P's.; Nathaniel Carlson, Sec; John B. Swanson, Treas. Swedish M. E. Church. Junior league—Meets every Sunday Corner Foote avenue and Chandler afternoon at 3 o'clock in S. S. room. street. Rev. G. E. Carlson, pastor. Mrs. G. E. Carlson, Pres. Preaching services 10:30 a. m. and Ladies' Aid Society. Meets alternate 7:30 p. m. every Sunday; prayer meetThursday afternoons in the church ing Wednesday evenings. Trustees, parlors. Mrs. John Kolander, Prest; Charles P. Carlson, Chm.; Charles Mrs. John Brandt, Sec; Mrs. Charles Lindbeck, Sec; Peter Bloomquist, Carlson, Treas. Treas.; Gustaf Sundell, A. P. Nord, 400 church members; 375 Sunday John B. Swanson, Jacob Wiborg, Carl school members. J. Carlson, Charles A. Ogren. Local preachers, August Barkman, Warner Swedish Evangelical Mission Church. F. Liedblad, O. E. Strom. Class leadChandler street; organized in 1879. ers, J. Peter Ogren, Charles Larson, C. Rev. E. G. Hjerpe, pastor. Services Hedin, Axel Nelson, James Johanson, every Sunday at 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 August Wallin, John Rucman, Algate p. m.; midweek meetings every WedBloomquist. Stewards, Carl Carlson, nesday evening. J. Emil Johnson, Charles Lindbeck, Andrew Broberg, C. president of the society; deacons, John O. Johnson, C. J. Peterson, Edward A. Johnson, J. Gust Johnson, John C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Lindblom, Louis Sandberg, Carl Traff, Axel Danielson, Andrew J. Johnson; trustees, Carl Lundquist, Andrew Larson, A. G. Carlson, 0. W . Wiquist, Oscar Stranburg, S. Sandberg. Sunday School. Meets at 12:15 eveiy Sunday. John Lindblom, Supt.; L. E. Erickson, A. G. Carlson, Asst. Supts.; O. Gotfied Johnton, Sec; John Nelson, Treas. Young Peoples society. Meets alternate Thursday evenings in the church parlors. Gust Lund, Prest.; Hulda Oberg, Sec; Algot Peterson, Treas. Young Men's Society. Meets Monday evenings in the church parlors. Emil Swanson, Prest.; Charles Lundquist, Sec; Charles I. Johnson, Treas. The Brotherhood Society. Meets the last Tuesday evening of each month. John Bjorklund, Pi est.; Carl Lindberg, Sec; Andrew Larson, Treas. Old Ladies' Society. Meets alternate Friday afternoons in the church parlors. Mis. Charles I. Johnson, Prest. and Treas.; Mrs. 0. Stranburg, Asst. Treas. Swedish Christian Zion Church. College street; organized 1894. Rev. Constantine Olson, pastor. Services every Sunday at 10: SO a. m. and 7:30 p. m. in summer and 7 p. m. in winter; midweek meetings every Wednesday evening at 7:45. Leander Johnson, Prest; John Hagelin, Sec; C. W . Swanson, Treas.. Trustees, Oscar Strandberg, Prest.; C. W . Hagelin, Peter E. Larson, C. W . Swanson, S. M. Sandberg, O. S. Brandt, Andrew Wallin, Charles Forsberg, Andrew Simpson. John Hegg, organist and leader of the choir. Sunday School. Meets every Sunday at 12 o'clock. Leander Johnson, Supt.; Charles E. Jones, Asst. Supt.; Simon Magnuson, Sec; Charles Erickson, Treas. Young Men's Association. Meets alternate Monday evenings in church 33 parlors. Charles E. Jones, Prest.; John Ahlgren, Sec; Andrew Simpson, Treas.; Simon Magnuson, Frank Anderson, librarians. Young People's Society. Meets alternate Thursday evenings in church parlors. John Hagelin, Prest; August Engquist, V. P.; John Ahlgren, Sec; Frank Anderson, Treas. Elder Sisters' society. Meets alternate Thursday afternoons in church parlors. Mrs. Charles Lundgren, Prest. and Treas.; Mrs. Gust Vimmerstedt, Sec. Young Sisters' Society. Meets alternate Thursday evenings at homes of members. Mrs. Gust Vimmerstedt, Prest.; Miss Blenda Benson, V. P.; Miss E m m a Hagelin, Sec; Miss Tillie Olson, Treas. 197 church members. First Swedish Baptist Church. Chandler street; organized 1884. Rev. J. W . Hjertstrom, pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 10:30 and evening at 7:30 in summer and 7 in winter; prayer meeting Wednesday evenings at 7:45 in summer and 7:30 in winter. Officers of church: Rev. J. W . Hjertstrom, chairman; G. W . Carlson, vice chairman; S. Holmberg, Sec; Sixtus Anderson, Treas.; S. Holmberg, J. A. Danielson, Charles Anderson, B. P. Olson, Gottfred Gronquist, deacons; Carl Sandgren, Sixtus Anderson, C. A. Widell, Anton Peterson, trustees. Sunday School. Meets at 12 o'clock every Sunday; Andrew Olson, Supt.; S. Almgren, Sec. Old Ladies' Sewing Society. Mrs. G. W . Carlson, Prest.; Mrs. S. Anderson, V. P.; Mrs. M. Olson, Sec; Mrs. S. Holmberg, Mrs. C. Anderson, treasurers. Young People's Society. Adolf Haggvall, Prest.; S. Almgren, Sec. 100 church members; 130 Sunday school members. C H U R C H DIRECTORY. 34 A. M. E. Zion Church. 610 Spring street; organized 1882; Rev. W . 0. Cooper, pastor. Services every Sunday morning at 10:45 and evening at 7:45; Sunday school at 3 p. m.; Y. P. S. C. E. at 6:30 p. m.; prayermeeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. Official board, Samuel W . Scott, Prest.; Theodore Stewart, Sec; Daniel W . Roberts, Treas. Daniel W . Roberts, Sunday School Supt.; Miss Delia Scott, Asst. Supt.; Miss Grace Jackson, Sec; Clarence Harris, librarian; Mrs. Hattie Robinson, Prest. of Y. P. S. C. E.; Mrs. Johanna Scott, Prest. Stewardess board. Pastors' Club. Mrs. William Wright, Prest.; Mrs. Theodore Stewart, V. P.; Miss Grace Hall, Sec. N e w Recruits. Meet every Tuesday evening. Mrs. John Lott, Prest; Mrs. Jennie Wilson, V. P. Merry Workers' Club. Miss Dora Wright, Prest; Miss Edna Lott, Sec. 42 church and Sunday school members. Free Methodist Church. Corner Lincoln and Seventh streets. Rev. John Robinson, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; class meeting follows the morning service; class leader, Simeon Vincent. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. Mrs. M. M. Robinson, Prest.; Mrs. V. E. Worthington, 1st V. P.; Mrs. Anna Blood, 2nd V. P.; Miss Cora Mallory, Sec. and Treas. Ladies' Aid Society. Mrs. V. A. Worthington, Prest.; Mrs. Teresa Crawford, V. P.; Miss Agnes Derby, Sec. and Treas. 40 church members; 35 Sunday school members. Church of Christ, Scientist. Corner Prendergast avenue and Fourth street; services every Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Rose E. Kent, First Reader; Arthur E. Hills, Second Reader. Sunday school at 11:45 a. m., every Sunday; Mrs. Frances B. Strunk, Supt.; Arthur E. Hills, Asst. Supt; Mrs. Mary J. Smith, Sec. and Treas. Directors, Mrs. Rose E. Kent, Prest; Mrs. Frances B. Strunk, Mrs. Agnes M. Hoyt, Mrs. Jennie L. VanScoter, Mrs. Telia E. Martin; trustees, George J. Davis, Pi est; Arthur E. Hills, William M. Callahan, Edward G. Lovejoy, Emory J. Blakesley. Reading rooms open daily except Sunday from 1:30 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. Reading room association meets the first Monday of every month at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Rose E. Kent, Prest; Mrs. Telia E. Martin, Sec. First Spiritualistic Society. Henry W . Watson, Prest.; Mrs. A. C. Adams, V. P.; Minnie C. Comstock, Sec; Alonzo C. Adams, Treas. Theosophic Society. Organized 1891. Regular meetings suspended during summer of 1901. Mrs. Harriet M. Chase, Prest.; Mrs. E. Helen Fenton, Sec;Elizabeth Johnson, Treas. Pilgrim Chapel, Corner Forest avenue and Prospect avenue; erected in memory of Mrs. Julia Hall, in 1888; Rev. Henry M. Lyman, pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:45 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. Officers of Pilgrim chapel association: Rev. W . A. Hallock, Prest.; Wright D. Broadhead, Sec. and Treas. Sunday School. Rev. W . A. Hallock, Gen. Supt.; Wright D. Broadhead, Supt. Senior Dept.; Mrs. F. W . Mitchell, Supt. Intermediate Dept; Mrs. E. A. Phillips, Supt. Primary C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Dept.; Mrs. C. W : Parkhurst, Supt. Kindergarten Dept.; Morgan Hall, Sec. and Treas. Y. P. S. C. E. Miss Ida Schenck, Prest; Wright D. Broadhead, V. P.; Miss Lena Hall, Sec. and Treas. Ladies' Aid Society. Mrs. E. A. Phillips, Prest. 210 Sunday school members. Buffalo Street M. E. Church. Attached to the First Methodist church; Buffalo street, near Falconer street; Rev. H. M. Burns, pastor; services every Sunday at 4 p. m. Board of trustees, Perry Goodwin, J. E. Smith, J. L. Frick, Abram Beckwith, George Sharpe, Hiram Benedict, J. G. Flower, E. H. Hotchkiss, H. E. V. Porter; board of stewards, Jennie H. Carpenter, Louisa Hotchkiss, Adella Undeiwood, Rose F. Pickard, Grace L. Ayers, Matilda Bebee. Class leaders, Adella Underwood, Grace L. Ayers. Sunday school. Grace L. Ayers, Supt.; A.della Underwood, Asst. Supt; Clyde Fish, Sec; Allene Carpenter, Treas.; Ella Bebee, chorister; Jennie Jones, Epworth league president; Grace L. Ayers, Julia A. McCall, Junior league superintendents. East Jamestown Aid Society. Meets at the chuich alternate Thursday evenings. Mrs. Perry Goodwin, Prest.; Mrs. Myron Fish, 1st V. P.; Mrs. Charles Carpenter, 2nd V. P.; Mrs. Henry Rich, Sec; Mrs. Emerson Hotchkiss, Asst. Sec; Mrs. James Smith, Treas. 136 church members; 60 Sunday school members. 35 Sunday School. Meets at 3:30 p. m. every Sunday; Newton Crissey, Supt; Clyde H. Stuart, Asst. Supt; Miss Blanche Hubbard, Sec. and Lib.; Mrs. 0. B. Butler, organist. Utile Dulci Society. Meets alternate Thursday afternoons at Bethel chapel; Mrs. John Fish, Pres.; Mrs. O. B. Butler, V. P.; Mrs. Frank Hibbard, Sec. and Treas.; Mrs. Charles Bly, Mrs.Will Knapp, Mrs. Will Philo, Mrs. Robert Coffield, directresses. Grace Chapel. Attached to First Presbyterian church; 933 North Main street. Sunday school at 3:30 every Sunday afternoon. J. T. Novinger, Supt.; Miss Jennie E. Backus, Asst. Supt.; Miss Alma Young Sec. and Treas.; Miss Nellie Fairbank, Supt. Junior Dept. Young People's Society. Meets every Thursday evening at 7:30 p. m.; Scott Baker, Prest.; Floyd Hayden, V. P.; Wilfred Wheelhouse, Rec. Sec; Mrs. Louis B. Brown, Cor. Sec; Miss Ethel Lovejoy, Treas. 127 Sunday school members. Olivet Chapel. Attached to First Presbyterian church; corner West Third street extension and Lakin avenue; Sunday school meets every Sunday at 3:30 p. m.; prayer meeting every Thursday at 7:45 p. m.; James E. Hall, Supt.; Fred O. Crossgrove, Asst. Supt.; J. S. Husband, Sec; J. F. Staub, Treas. 98 Sunday school members. Primitive Methodist Church. Allen street, between King and English streets; organized in Feb., 1901. Rev. H. Powers, pastor. Services evBethel Chapel. ery Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. Attached to First Baptist church; m.; Sunday school every Sunday at 12:15. Ashville avenue, near the Erie railway tracks; Newton Crissey, Mrs. 0. Primitive Methodist South Side LaB. Butler, Laura Sheldon, John Knapp, dies' Aid Society. Mrs. Gertrude Johnboard of managers. son, Prest.; Miss Ella Davis, V. P.; 36 C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Mrs. Flora Wassman, Sec; Mrs. Freem a n Hunt, Treas. Friends of Israel Union. Meets at the church alternate Monday evenings. John Kilpatrick, Prest.; Mrs. Fannie Gornall, V. P.; Miss Minnie Lawson, Sec; Mrs. E. Greenwood, Treas. 40 church members; 60 Sunday school members. Danish Evangelical Church. Y. M. C. A. building, East Second street. Organized in Oct. 1900; Rev. A. Larson, pastor; services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school at 12 m. J. C. J. Klim, A. Jensen, trustees; Rev. A. Larson, Supt. of Sunday school. PRINTING, ENGRAVING, RUBBER STAMPS. 14 and 16 West Second Street, JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK. T h e Journal's a n d J a m e s t o w n B l o c k Street Directory. 1901-1902. E X P L A N A T I O N : — T h e left side of the street is givenfirst,then the right. The directory gives the exact location of any house on any street. For instance, if you wish to find the residence of Charles M. D o w , the alphabetical directory shows you that his house (h) is 72 Allen. Turn to Allen street and you will find 72 is on the right and south side of the street, and is the last house before Foote avenue intersects. This comprehensive system of street directory is arranged alphabetically and numerically, and is a guide to every building in the city and to the intersections of all streets. Where numbers are omitted before names, appearing in the street directory, the names are those of occupants over the preceding or succeeding numbers. The description of streets is given for the distance to which they are actually opened, as in some cases they have not been opened so far as laid out on the map. Streets on which there are no buildings are not given. By resolution of the council, Sept. 23, 1895, Steele street begins at Brooklyn square. Several months ago, the council passed a resolution extending Barrett avenue, or Barrett street, as it is commonly called, to Steele street, but as there are only four houses on the avenue below its junction with Baker street, and as those houses are numbered on Baker street, and the houses on Barrett avenue are numbered from its junction with Baker street, it has been deemed" advisable in order to avoid the trouble of re-numbering all the buildings in the street to describe Barrett avenue, or street, as starting from Baker street. Although by resolution of the council about eight years ago, Fairmount avenue was extended from the boatlanding bridge to the city limits the n a m e Ashville avenue has been used in the directory in accordance with the street signs and the expressed wish of the people. A D A M STREET. 38 A L L E N STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. A D A M STREET. From 305 Sprague street west—6th ward. Left and South Side. 15 Ernest J. Triscuit. Walter H. Davis. Right and North Side. 8 Harry S. King. AHRENS STREET. From 117 Maple east to Oak—4th ward. Left and North Side. 7 Charles Johnson. ALLEN STREET. From 135 South Main east to city limits.—3d and 4th wards. Left and North Side. 7 Abcer Hazeltine. 21 Elof Rosencrantz. 23 Cornelius Hunt. 25 William W . Ridgway. 27 Frank W . Stevens. Institute street intersects. 69 James George. 71 Mrs. Margaret Hall. 71 C. William Dean. 71 John Londahl. 81 Carl E. Larson. 81 Mrs. Matilda Noble. 83 Walter Shaw. 83 Elial A. Jones. Foote avenue intersects. 103 Charles Jones. 105 Edward E. Duffee. 109 Nathaniel E. Thomas. Ill George W . Shattuck. Ill Alexander Selander. 115 Mrs. Emily H. Bentley. 117 Charles J. Norquist. 123 Daniel J. Ogilvie. 127 Cranston D. Taylor. 127 Jennie Smith. 131 August A. Carlson. 135 George Hope. 135 Thomas A; Graham. 143 Theodore D. Hanchett. 145 Thomas Hindle. 145 Sanford I. Willson. 145% Charles Larson. 145% Gideon Sherman. 149 Fred Wilkeson. 149 John Klingstedt. 157 John T. Lawson. 157 James Nyberg. 161 George Kay. 161 Oscar S. Olson. 161 William C. Maddox. 161% Lillian Swanson. 161% Fred E. Tanner. 175 John S. Anderson. 205 Chas. E. Vasbind;r. 205 Mrs. Sarah Dunn. 207 Mrs. Mary A. Vangaasbeek. 207 James Leid. 207 Mrs. Anna A. Scofield. 211 Elliott C. Blystone. 211 Mrs. Ellen Lagerquist. 211 Oscar C. Wersen. 219 Mrs. Fanny 0. Gornall. 223 Mrs. Mattie A. French. 225 J. Ernest Johnson. 301 Charles Leablad. 307 William Porter. 311 Alfred Carlson. 311 John Oscar Johnson. 311 John Wood. 317 Lewis Wilkes. 317 Mrs. Anna Rehn. 317 Charlie Johnson. 319 Andrew N:lson. 319 Axel Nygren. 319 Axel Blomberg. 321 Christian Greenlund. 325 Hazel C. Nutting. 333 Fred H. Wilson. 333 William Wilson. 339 Mrs. Ruth Rushworth. 343-345 A. Hultberg's grocery347 John A. Bowman. Winsor street intersects. 423 Olaf Benson. 423 John Wall. 429 Mrs. Mati'da Nelson. 429 Mrs. Christina Hansen. ALLEN STREET Cont'd. ALLEN STREET Cont'd. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 429 433 435 435 435 435 447 447 511 513 513 513 521 525 525 52!! 529 529 531 535 535 535 John Shackleton. John E. Parsons. Olof P. Lawson. Mrs. Jennie Peterson. Elmer Thompson. John Peterson. Abram Anderson. Theodore Carlson. Willard street intersects. City Building—voting booth. John P. Engman. William Berg. Edward G. Peterson. Andrew S. Ipson. Andrew Granden. Mrs. Anna Ickstrom. John F. Carlson. Eric Peterson. Alfred Nelson. Charles Brodine. Charles G. Nelson. John Alfred Peterson. Mary A n n Noon. Oscar Eckwahl. Chandler street intersects. 541 541 545 545 545 545 545 54U 549 553 553 557 557 561 561 565 565 569 571 575 581 581 607 August P. Peterson. Swan A. Johnson. Charles W . Eckman. Albert Carlson. Gust Askergren. Oscar Carlson. Charles 0. Donelson. Mrs. Christine Erickson. Charles J. Johnson. Mrs. E m m a Lawson. Victor Johnson. August Johnson. France B;rggren. John A. Johnson. F. Oscar Frederickson. Andrew J. Lannes. Mrs. Olive Johnson. John Varley. Warner F. Lieblad. Daniel A. Carlson. Charles A. Swanson. Axel Lind. Claus V. Gustafson. ALLEN STREET. Right and South Side. 26 36 36 42 44 44 50 Tj' FS Gm 62 72 Alzenis W . Crum. George L. Hamilton. George T. Armstrong. Merlin A. Bliss. Theodore E. Grandin. John W . Weller. James G. Smith. Henry G. Breed. Thomas G. Armstrong. William J. Maddox. Henry Foster. Charles M. Do;v. Foote avenue intersects. W . C. A. hospital. W . C. A. chapel. 128 John L. Broadhead. 132 Halbert A. Barrows. 134 Mark N. Ahlstrom. Sherman street intersects. 140 Erastus Crosby. 142 Mrs. Melinda I. Myers. 144 William G. Eckman. 144 Mrs. Lucina M. Howard. 152 Fred L. Farlee. 152% John J. Pettis. 152% Samuel Nutter. 152% James P. Appleton. 156 Henry J. Rearick. 16-1 Frank O. Anderson. 168 Andrew M. Johnson. 172 Charles I. Johnson Maple street intersects. Pullman street intersects. 200 204 204 212 220 220 226 Mrs. Gertrude W . Johnson. Nathan M. Willson. William T. LaDue. Mrs. Cordelia J. Williams. Albert Nelson. Herbert B-realey. Walter Knight. King street intersects. 302 George O. Meredith. 308 Piimitive Methodist Chapel. 312 Freeman J. Hunt. 39 A L L E N S T R E E T Cont'd 40 312 314 316 320 328 330 338 344 J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Mrs. Arline Sheffel. William Shaver. James Newsome. Fred Mellor. Joseph Gill. John A. Swanson. David J. Winton. Charles I. Johnson, grocery. English street intersects. 400 400 410 410 412 412 422 426 430 430 432 436 436 440 440 444 44S 458 516 516 520 524 524 524 528 530 530 530 536 542 5-12 546 546 548 554 554 55S 55? A N D E R S O N STREET. Oscar J. Johnson. John B. Engberg. Mrs. Hanna Hultburg. Amel A. Anderson. Andrew Anderson. Mrs. Anna Porter. Mrs. Janett F. Holley. Charlie Lindstrom. Carl P. Lindstrom. Carl A. Ottander. Mrs. Mary Rogers. Mrs. Sarah Smith. Axel E. Setterlund. Newton Kendall. Joseph Feather. Vacant house. Peter A. Norene. Mrs. Clara S. Carlson. Willard street intersects. Mrs. E m m a Hedstrom. J. E. Carlson. Vacant house. Gust Hilding. Amel Noholm. John Lawson. John M. Bergquist. Mrs. Mary Berg-quist. Mrs. Christina. L. Bergquist. Gus. Scott. Victor O. Peterson. Julius C. Johnson. John Morse. Andrew O. Morse. Mrs. Johanna Johnson. John P. Jones. Oscar A. Johnson. Mrs. Anna Stromberg. John A. Morse. John H. Swanson. 562 5f'2 5C6 566 5C8 568 572 572 574 574 600 607 Charles F. Johnson. Axel Anderson. John L. Johnson. Hanna Carlson. Axel Eckburg. Elliott Long. Mrs. Annie Johnson. Evlyn E. Stevens. Frank O. Anderson. Andrew Johnson. Ida M. Glatz. Claus V. Gustafson. Scioto streets intersects. No houses. East Buffalo street intersects. Adrian Ames. ALPACA STREET. From 150 Chandler south to Erie R. R.—5th ward. Left and East Side. 11 John C. Curry. 13 Barth Wade. 13 Mrs. Laura Knapp. 17 Miss Kate Henderson. 17 Victor Al termark. 19 Edgar Stanton. 19 Mrs. Atlanta E. Griswold. 21 Adolf E. Peterson. 23 Mrs. J. A. Casselman. 23 Ellis Griswold. 23 Edwin Morgan. 23 John Rody. Short Eagle intersects. ALPACA STREET. Right and West Side. Mrs. Christine Nelson. 10 14 Otto Nelson. 16 James W . King. 20 Mrs. Carrie Nutter. 22 Mrs. A m y Holmes. Short Eagle intersects. A N D E R S O N STREET. From 438 Willard.south—4lh ward. Left and East Side. 27 John E. Pearson. ANDERSON STREET. Cont'd. ASHVILLE AVENUE. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY 33 35 35 41 49 Mrs. Matilda Godey. Mrs. Lena B. Anderson. Mrs. Anna S. Anderson. Swan A. Pearson. Andrew Carlson. A N D E R S O N STREET. Right and West Side. 30 Mrs. Ella Lawson. A P P L E Y A R D PLACE. From 39 Center east—5th ward. Left and North Side. 3 Thomas Barrett. 5 Archie Barney. 5 Mrs. Anna Jones. A R N O L D STREET. From 311 Foote avenue east to Maple 4th ward. Left and North Side. 11 Harvey D. Harris. 11 Mrs. Charlotte Carlson. ARNOLD STREET. Right and South Side. Augustus Kibling. Amil J. Sundgren. John W . Unsworth. George H. Jowett. John B. Anderson. ASHVILLE A V E N U E . From Boatlanding Bridge, west to city limits—6th ward. 10 12 12 12 14 Left and South Side. 3-5-7 Morgan M'fg Co. 11 Evald B. Seaburg. Whitley avenue intersects. No houses. Fairview avenue intersects. 31 Martin D. Perkins. 31 Homer W . Skinner. Hall avenue intersects. 301 Albert Griffith. 309 John Everett. 315 John A. Brown. Catlin avenue Intersects. 413 William Rohn. 413 John Rohn. 413% Bertram A. Wheeler. 417 Henry J. VanTuyl. 417 Frank Wing. Cook avenue intersects. 501 Charles N. Benson. 503 Vacant house. 507 Mrs. Sarah A. Jones. Lakin avenue intersects. 605 Luther S. Lakin, Sr. Hallock street intersects. 703 James W . Hine. 707 S. Charles Entwistle. 709 Joseph H. Lombard. Fullerton avenue intersects. 801 803 803 815 Harry Wilson. William D. Hodges. Harry P. Gifford. William J. Fullerton. McDannell avenue intersectsCity line. James A. Allen. Charles H. Roney. George W . Cole. Francis R. Laws. Lake View rose gardens. Cyrus E. Jones. Mrs. Jane B. Button. Horatio N. Sprague. Chautauqua Motor Co. Engineering & Power Co. John W . Windsor. Richard Metcalf. Arthur Adams. Mrs. Cordelia Fenton. Willis G. Price. Mrs. A m y Strunk. Ella B. Sherman. Mrs. Carrie E. Merchant. Ernest E. Blackmer. William S. Town. Andrew W . Wicks, 41 A S H V I L L E A V E N U E . Cont'd. B A K E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 42 Elmer Hanson. Jay Bates. William W . Wilson. Elmer Gifford. Charles D. Gifford. ASHVILLE A V E N U E . Right and North Side. 12 Bethel chapel. Metallic avenue intersects. 14 Charles Griffith. 14 Joseph Dawley. 16 E. G. Lovejoy, grocery. 16 Alfred Wilcox. 18 Mrs. Hannah W . Shelters. 20 James W . Davidson. 22 Thomas Young. 24 William H. Knapp. 24 Frank B. Hibbard. 26 Thomas H. Chambers. 28 Edgar L. Balcom. 32 Frank Hurlbert. 32 George Dawley, Jr. 3 2 % John Hackett. Livingston avenue intersects. No houses. Meadow Lane intersects. N o houses. North Hallock street intersects. 702 Mrs. Mary Wright. 714 Edward J. Spencer. H a m m o n d street intersects. 728 Wilkinson Hall. Lovell avenue intersects. No houses. Curtice avenue intersects. S20 Andrew F. feterson. 824 Frank L. Davis. City line. George W . Sprague. George W . Gifford. Alonzo C. Adams. William E. Kent. L. O. Todd. Henry M. Butler. Levi Loomis. August H, Jackman, Townsend Jackson. Orlin J. Blanchard. Isaac Sherman. Frank A. Morrell. Roxina L. Davis. A X T E L STREET. From 221 Warren east to Hazzard— 3d ward. Left and North Side. 9 Lewis Haigh. 11 Charles Johnson. 15 Albert Nelson. 15 Mrs. Clara Halberg. A X T E L STREET. Right and South Side. 8 Mrs. Louise Venblow. 8 William Leroy. 10 Azariah Hall. 14 Henry G. Hampel. B A K E R STREET. From 25 Steele south and west to city limits—6th ward. Left and East Side. 1 James Hansen. 125 James H. Rogers. 127 Frank A. Butler. Barrett street intersects. 209 Andrew Simpson. 223 Dexter D. Dorn. 224 Albert W . Peterson. 355 Charlie Lindburg. 359 Chas. M. Anderson. 361 Joseph C. Gourley. 367 Charles G. Ecklund. 371 Frank Nickerson. 375 Otto W . Wiquist. Colfax street intersects. 383 Charles A. Johnson. 393 Jonas P. Anderson. 397 Rudolph Levander. Jones street intersects. 403 Andrew O. Jones. 403% Vacant store. 405 Rev. J. Anton Larsen. *07 Gust Lindstrom. Delaware avenue intersects. B A K E R S T R E E T Cont'd. B A R R E T T STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY 441 Ernest E. Anderson. 451 William M. Howson. No houses. Newland avenue intersects. 681 William Moore. 685 Andrew Gustafson. Hazeltine avenue intersects. 701 James M. Gray. 707 Smith T. Homer. B A K E R STREET. Right and West Side. 220 Carpet cleaning works. Williams street intersects. 346 350 354 360 364 368 406 412 414 418 422 426 434 510 520 N o houses. Chapman street intersects. Mrs. Pitronella Billings. Vacant house. Sandburg & Johnson, grx-.e-iy. John G. Johnson. J. Emil Johnson. Peter Olson. Sprague street intersects. Mrs. Louisa E. Thonipsoi. N. O. Anderson. John Borkman. John A. Peterson. Herman Holmes. Mrs. Sarah Ryden. Lambert L. Bush. Norton avenue intersects John B. Taylor. James P. Hansen. Pennsylvania avenue intersects. No houses. Connecticut avenue intersects. BARKER STREET. From 600 FootP avenue west to Prospect—3rd ward. Left and South Side. 17 19 19 23 Clarence H. Stanton. Henry Ackroyd. Asa Ackroyd. William T. Holley. BARKER 43 STREET. Right and North Side. 10 Mrs. Helen M. Hibbard. 20 Swan J. Anderson. B A R R E T T STREET. From 127 Baker, south to Hazeltine avenue—bth ward. Left and East Side. 1 Alta M. Jenner. 3 Jamestown Laundry. 5 Burned house. Prather avenue intersects. 11 Mrs. Mary A. Boyd. : 15 August P. Olson. 19 James Bailey. 25 Jonathan H. Slocum. 29 Mrs. Isabelle Cooley. 35 Albert F. Cowden. 45 Mrs. Laura L. Bootey. 103 Axel Jones. 105 Edward B. Bootey. 109 Peter Crow. Forest street intersects. 117 James McTigue. 125 Mrs. Betsey Steavens Mills. 143 Willis E. Babcock. 147 John Spain. 207 Mrs. Epret L. Morley. Newland avenue intersects. 301 Alfred Blomstrom. 305 August Malmquist. 307 Mrs. Johanna Swanson. 309 August Lupgren. 311 Frances L. Smith. 313 Gust Olson. 315 Charlie Kling. 405 Jonathan Solomonson 407 James H. Barnett. 411 Johanis Johnson. 415 N e w house, vacant. 417 Gust A. Anderson. B A R R E T T STREET. Right and West Side. 12 George J. Butler. 16 Benjamin Goldstein. BARRETT STREET Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 44 18 22 28 32 36 44 B A R R O W S STREET. John C. Swanson. Herman H. Stoltz. Mrs. Caroline VanDusen. Daniel P. Wescott. John Raistrick. August W. Ljungberg. 7 9 15 23 35 35 Fred Johnson. Andrew Baxell. Mrs. Christine Carlson. William C. Hunt. Thomas H. Bailey. Mrs. M. K. Smith. Ill 115 115 119 127 131 131 137 145 145 145 145 151 155 157 157 163 179 179 181 183 183 185 185 Samuel Williamson. J. Peter Ogren. Lena Carlson. Edward Kiley. Kendall Horsfield. Nels P. Anderson. Charles F. Abrahamson Edward L. Johnson. Axel Brodine. E. L. Johnson. Swan Christenson. Mrs. Mary A. Varley. William Jenkinson. Mrs. Mary A. Varley. Emil Hultberg. Charles Burland. Charles A. Pond. John Lindquist. John Kullberg. Josephine M. Scott. Elias Anderson. Mrs. Carrie Cedar. Arthur J. Kofod. Mrs. Hilda Hulquist. Forest street intersects. 106 Andrew J. Lane. 114 David M. Rogerson. Stearns avenue intersects. 122 124 126 136 Vacant house. Charles J. Lindbeck. Carl O. Sandgren. Mrs. Kate Cowles. Cowden Park intersects. 202 206 208 210 214 Henry B. Lammers. Gust Miller. John W . Durham. Charles E. Lundgren. Frank Wright. 300 302 308 310 312 John P. Jones. Clarence Jones. John Morgan. Gust Magnusson. Emil Fanstrom. Newland avenue intersects. Crown street intersects. 400 William A. Johnson. 408 Nels P. Fernstrom. 410 Henry C. Holman. Dearborn street intersects. 500 John Oberg. 504 Alfred Nelson. 508 Emil Peterson. Superior street intersects. 608 Frances Smith. B A R R R O W S STREET. From 9 King, north to Allen—4th ward. Left and West Side. 1 Mrs. Mary Kennedy, English street intersects. Willard street intersects. 207 211 213 215 215 219 225 225 227 231 235 245 251 257 Oscar Swanson. Swan Rapp. John A. HuMuist. Charles A. Ekstrom. Charles Lind Gustaf Sundell. Charles Anderson, August Johnson. Anders Anderson. Lawrence Lawson. John W . Anderson. Gust A. Nelson. J. Peter Brawn. E. F. Carlson. B A R R O W S STREET. BENEDICT STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. B A R R O W S STREET. Right and East Side. 2 2 8 12 12 14 26 30 30 32 38 40 42 42 Herbert H. Warren. Charles W . Warren. August F. Johnson. Joseph A. Landen. Henry Lindquist. Charles J. Johnson. Gustave N. Brodine. John R. Anderson. N. John Nelson. Mrs. C. A. Anderson. Mrs. Catherine M. Davis. Mrs. Maria Johnson. Mrs. Mary Allison. N. Alfred Anderson. English street intersects. 100 Jefferson W. Prosser. 104 Riley Briggs. 104 Charles J. Johnson. 110 William H. Spencer. 116 Fred Allison. 116 W. Henry Spencer. 124 Andrew L. Johnston. 132 Thomas W. Johnson. 140 Charles A. Nelson. 146 Charles J. Hendrickson. 150 Peter E. Carlson. 154 John Engburg. 160 Vacant house. 174% Mrs. Mary Reuben. 174 John Johnson. Willard street intersects. 248 248 252 296 300 300 608 608 628 Carl Ahlstrom. C. F. Ludberg. Charles F. Gustafson. Mrs. Louisa Hammerstrom. -Charles Johnson. Albert Johnson. John Osberg. Gust Anderson. Andrew Osberg. Benedict street intersects. 652 652 654 656 656 John Kulander. August Nordgren. Evan Carlson. John Fredrickson. John Ekstrom. BASSETT STREET. From 1130 Prendergast avenue, east to Lake View avenue.—1st ward. Left and North Side. 11 Fred Barth. 13 Severin Peters. 15 Mrs. Etnma Eller. BASSETT STREET. Right and South Side. No houses. BENEDICT STREET. From 628 Barrows, east.—4th ward. Left and North Side. No houses. Wescott street intersects. 214 216 216 220 220 222 222 226 230 230 234 238 244 246 Emil Johnson. P. A. Peterson. Axel Astrom. Axel Swanson. John Carlson. C. A. Swanson. August H. Johnson. Frederick Westling. John Lindstrom. Andrew G. Norman. Andrew Lindstrom. C. John Sundquist. Swan G. Hultquist. August Berg. 45 No houses. Hedges avenue intersects. 201 Carl Nelson. 203 Charles O. Lidblad. BENEDICT STREET. Right and South Side. No houses. Wescott street intersects. No houses. 108 Emanuel Carlson. B E N E D I C T STREET. Cont'd. 46 204 208 208 210 210 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Hedges avenue intersects. A. V. Anderson. Peter J. Anderson. Oscar Nelson. August Dahlquist. Mrs. Clara Anderson. BENNETT AVENUE. From 114 Sampson street west to Colfax. Left and South Side. 5 Alfred Bennett. 7 Charles Peterson. BENSON STREET. From 467 Willard, south.—4th ward. Left and East Side. 29 George W . Parker. 35 Andrew Anderson. 65 Vacant house. 67 Charles Burke. 69 O. Sanford Peterson. 69 Frank Hedlund. 77 Vacant house. BENSON STREET. Right and West Side. 32 36 36 50 70 B O W E N STREET. John S. Olson. Andrew Benson. John A. Benson. Arthur Wheelhouse. Nels P. Nelson. B E U L A H PLACE. From 1021 Main, west.—2d ward. Left and South Side. 5 Mrs. Annie E. C. Beeman. Right and North Side. 10 Mrs. Emeline Pugh. 14 Mrs. Losina H. Gibson. 14 Mrs. Anna Collins. 13 Mrs. Clarinda Sweet. 13 Frank R. Sweet. 17 Holdsworth Clough. BISHOP STREET. Right and West Side. 12 Mrs. Barbara Cooper. 14 August King. 14 Alexander Trainor. BLACKSTONE AVENUE. From 513 E. Buffalo (at junction with Erie R. R.) east.—5th ward. 5C-65 The Vandergrift Manufacturing Co. B L A N C H A R D STREET. From 602 Winsor, east to Bowen.— 5th ward. Left and North Side. 45 Albert A. Bugbee. B O W E N AVENUE. From 342 Bowen east—5th ward. Left and North Side. 1 Leonard Eckstrom. 1 Carl W . Carlson. BOWEN STREET. Right and South Side. 10 Gustaf Johnson. BOWEN STREET. From 757 East 2d, north to Buffalo. —5th ward. Left and West Side. 11 S^van Erickson. 13 F. Adelbert Mills. Bush street intersects. 109 Peter A. Olson. Ill Mrs. Mary Thomas. BISHOP STREET. From 840 East 2d, south to Crescent. Peach street intersects. —5th ward. 119 Carl W . Ekstedt. Left and East Side. 119 Axel Lawson. 121 C. Herman Wallen. 9 Mrs. Kate Grimshaw. B O W E N STREET, Cont'd. BROADHEAD AVENUE. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 47 127 Martin Booman. Falconer street intersects. Claus Anderson. Price street intersects. No houses. Newton street intersects. Edwin S. Hill. BRIGGS STREET. From 110 Foote avenue, west to Institute.—3d ward. Left and South Side. 6 Mrs. Sophia Newstrom. 19-23 W . I. Blystone. 29-33 American Mill & Lumber Co. 8 8 16 16 18 20 112 114 118 120 122 124 126 B O W E N STREET. Right and East Side. August Benson. John Beaver. Charles E. Jones. Mrs. Anna Folker Peterson. Andrew P. Nord. August C. Norquist. Bush street intersects. Amel J. Anderson. Charles H. Breed. Franklin E. Breed. John Soderberg, Arthur M. Collier. Arvid Anderson. Adrian S. Ames. Falconer street intersects. 212 212 214 214 216 216 220 224 2i4 224 246 250 314 316 316 320 320 328 342 350 Fred Oger. Andrew Sellman. Gust Swanson. Charles A. Carlson. Amel T. Johnson. Peter E. Johnson. . Charles Carlson. Arvid W . Ekberg. Mrs. Mary B. Jones. John Gustafson. John A. Peterson. John A. Holmberg. Price street intersects. Vacant house, new. Frank L. Dickson. Frank Nelson. Lars Larson. Erland Johnson. Frank Palm. Bowen avenue intersects. Charles J. Blomberg. Gust Lindstrom. BRIGGS S T R E E T . Right and North side. 1 John E. Firth. 3 Joseph Jacobson. John Erickson. 5 Mrs. Lizzie Roberts. 5 Willis W . Fisher. 7-9 W . I. Blystone. storehouse. 28 Loucks & Murch. BROADHEAD AVENUE. From 47 Warren south to Park Place. —3d ward. Left and East Side. li Mrs. Ann E. F. Frew. 23 Colin S. Johnson. 27 August J. Lindblad. 37 G. Richard Thoren. 41 Mrs. Sadie Lewis. 41 Edwin Yale. 49 Michael Hines. 55 James S. Horton. 59 Mrs. Leonora C. Winchester. Kidder street intersects. 101 George W . Sprague. 103 Lewis H. Baker. 103 E. Lynn Ramsey. 137 Alfred G. Samuelson. 137 Walfred Carlson. 141 John W . Greenwood. Newland avenue intersects. 211 Lorenzo B. Hoard. 213 George S. Frank. 219 John P. Carlson. 225 John Illingworth. 235 Peter Zeliff. 2(0 Frank S. Moses. Barker street intersects. 261 Vacant house. 265 Frank Vickstrom. B R O A D H E A D A V E N U E , Cont'd. 48 J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. BROADHEAD AVENUE. Right and West Side. 10 16 32 38 it 44 50 56 60 60 61 B U F F A L O STREET. Vacant house. Edward F. Jones. Eleazer Green. Arthur A. Amidon. Oscar S. Gates. William J. Dunihue. Frank W . Bullock. Charles M. Beck. Lyman Osborn. Albert F. Scharf. John Kliest. Kidder street intersects. 102 Jonas Broadhead. 106 Mrs. Elizabeth C. Weeks. 108 Ephraim D. Allen. 110 Mrs. Rebecca L. Haynes. 110 Charles W . Parkhurst. 112 Hull M. Hooker. 118 David W . Schenck. 142 Jonathan Hanson. 144 Jerome Rimph. Newland avenue intersects. 202 Mrs. B. E.Prudden. 208 Harvey R. Davis. 212 John A. Johnson. 220 John A. Johnson. 224 Arthur Burrill. 224 Benjamin Anderson. 226 Edwin Johnson. 228 Frank A. Carlson. 230 Charles E. Johnson. 230 John Anderson. 244 Charles G. Anderson. 244 Franz Anderson. 246 Runo Gronquist. 246 Gust Carlson. Charles Rosell. 248 Carl Jharl. 248% Gust Olson. Barker street intersects. 262 Mrs. E m m a Longren. 262 Charles Chindgren 264 Mrs. John Larson. 268 John Levan. 268 Victor Levan. 270 270 280 280 John Thurnquist. Erhardt Thurnquist. John Lundberg. John S. Anderson. BUFFALO STREET. From 1062 Main southeast to East 2d—1st and 5th wards. Left and North Side. Lake View Cemetery. Lake View avenue intersects. Charles W . Lawson. Joseph Smith. 603 Leonard F. Hale. 613 Abraham Beckrink. Bowen street intersects. No houses. Hotchkiss street intersects. Vacant carriage factory. East Jamestown M. E. chapel. Falconer street intersects. BUFFALO STREET. 100 183 133 129 127 Right and South Side. Frank C. Crofoot. Mrs. Christine Anderson. Prendergast avenue intersects. No houses. Lake View avenue intersects. Mrs. Rosanna O'Brien. Sturges street intersects. Mrs. Tilda Carlson. Bowen street intersects. Gust Young. Covey Place intersects. Nels P. Parson. Davis street intersects. Nils Larson Baird. Stowe street intersects. Charles D. Coney. Weeks street intersects. Eimerson H. Hotchkiss. Jamestown Water Co., pump station. Walford Olson. Elmer E. Burdick. Edwin D. Laroy. B U S H STREET. C A R R O L L STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. B U S H STREET. From 414 Winsor east to Thayer5th ward. C A M P STREET. From 405 Foote avenue, east to city limits.—4th ward. Left and North Side. Left and North Side. 11 11 11 15 17 21 29 45 45 Theodore C. Fox. August Erickson. E m m a Otander. Andrew P. Nelson. Mrs. E m m a Backstrand. John Kolander. Lepold Lesord. Oren Howe. Fred R. Eddington. Bowen street intersects. 101 101 113 117 121 129 129 129 129 Frans A. Olson. Emil Hendrickson. Henry F. Sampson. John T. Sampson. William D. Stowe. Olif Nording. Mrs. Elsa Anderson. Mrs. Christine Johnson. Mrs. E m m a Johnson. B U S H STREET. Right and South Side. 12 16 22 22 22 22 26 26 40 44 Fayette G. Leet. Charles S. Leet. Hannah Carlson. Jacob VanStee. Erick Setterwall. Richard Rockman. Mrs. Mary Rohde. Vacant house. Edward Hegstedt. James G. Flower. Bowen street intersects 114 116 116 118 118 120 Antone Anderson. August F. Nord. John A. Nord. Carl I. Johnson. Edward Nord. Frank O. Norquist. Worden green houses. 49. 5 Vacant house. 11 Charles Bloom. 11 Mrs. Mary Peterson. Walnut street intersects. 103 103 m 111 115 115 115 Alfred Carlson. Elmer Erickson. Andrew Erickson. Axel Carlson. Alfred Benson. Mrs. Anna Clint. Andrew Sampson. Maple street intersects. 117 Charles J. Carlson. 133 Orson Carpenter. 135 Charles A. Smith. Hebner street intersects. 505 Gust A. Holm. 517 Emil Skans. , English street intersects. 705 John M. Keller. 725 Charles A. Peterson. CAMP STREET. Right and South Side. No houses. English street intersects. 600 Desavignia Coe. 610 H. Marvin Thompson. 620 Vacant house. 626 650 724 800 Fred H. Fuller. Noak Anderson. Charles H. Heath. Claude M. Anderson. C A R R O L L STREET. From opposite 612 Murray avenue west to Fairmount avenue—2d ward. Right and North Side. 12 Mrs. Margaret McVeigh. 12 James M. McVeigh. CATLIN A V E N U E . 50 C H A M B E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. C E N T E R STREET. CATLIN A V E N U E . From 313 Ashville avenue south to West 3d—6th ward. From 116 Chandler south to Harrison—5th ward. Left and East Side. Left and East Side. 19 George 0. Dawley. West 6th street intersects. 117 Otto Nelson. 135 Darius N. Greene. CATLIN AVENUE. Right and West Side. 22 Francis Dunn. 26 Amos F. Palmer. 13 17 23 29 Laura Fox. Gustaf Anderson. John W . Lonngren. Mrs. Augusta M. Melin. Franklin street intersects. 35 37 37 39 George Wheelhouse. Joseph Holmes. Thomas Berry. Joseph Appleyard. Appleyard place intersects. West 6th street intersects. 104 110 118 124 Mrs. Anna M. Porter. Thomas O'Neil. Elton C. Hunt. Lawrence T. Stocton. CEDAR AVENUE. From 31 Kinney east—4th ward. Left and North Side. 11 John Sealander. 15 Gust Wahlberg. 19 William T. Arnvall. 23 Frank Nelson. 31 Mrs. Clara Lagerdahl. 35 John Johnson. CEDAR AVENUE. Right and South Side. 14 14 16 20 Edward Bergquist. Charlie 0. Nelson. Andrew J. Reed. Mrs. Amanda C. Berg. CEDAR STREET. From 634 Lake View avenue east to Ormes street—5th ward. Right and South Side. 12 Louis A. Fenton. 16 William H. Dixon. 18 Andrew J. Lawson. Ormes street intersects. Erie tracks intersect. 57 63 65 67 67 Robert Ogden. David Miller. Albert Tolson. Ellen Bull. Mrs. Anna Spencer. C E N T E R STREET. Right and West Side. 6 Mrs. Mary Peterson. 6% Alfred T. Brand. 8 Mrs. Edward Scott. 24 Dallas M. Gleason. 24 Frank S. Covey. 28 Mrs. M. Louisa Edson. 32 John T. Lees. 36 Emil F. Isaacson. 36 Merton J. Lyon. Crane street intersects. 46 Mrs. Catherine Calahane. Erie tracks intersect. 58 Jamestown Cotton mills. CHAMBER STREET. From 614 Forest avenue west to Sampson—6th ward. Left and South Side. 21 Willis L. Strickland. 37 Otto Johnson. C H A M B E R S T R E E T , Cont'd. C H A N D L E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. C H A M B E R STREET. Right and North Side. 22 David W . Kellogg. Sampson street intersects. 140 Victor Damberg. CHAMPLIN STREET. From 929 East 2d north to Falconer— 5th ward. Right and East Side. 20 W . Henry Rich. 22 Mrs. Mary A. Phillips. 22 Erik Ekedahl. 22 Mrs. Nancy A. Mills. 24 Austin Decker. 24 Leon B. Washburn. C H A N D L E R STREET. From junction of East 3d and East 2d southeast—4th and 5th wards. Left and North Side. 105 109 113 113 117 121 127 135 141 143 153 157 163 167 Frederick R. Peterson. Abram J. Martin. Carl J. Carlson. Elmer Carlson. Caroline Weiss. Swedish Baptist Church. David Sampson. Ernest GreendaM. Peter Burgett. Charles J. Anderson. Leonard Johnson. E m m a & Julia Yates. George W . Howard. John W . Nelson. Cross street intersects. 205 William G. Peckham. '219 Ransom J. Barrows. 219 George W . Eddington. Winsor street intersects. 325 William Anderson. 325 Linnie L. Briggs. River street intersects. 415-421 A. C. Norquist & Co. 501 Charles Anderson. 51 C H A N D L E R STREET. Right and South Side. 4 10 12 12 12 16 L. D. Bowman. Robert N. Blanchard. Hiram Bently. Edwin K. Carpenter. Mrs. E m m a M. Horton. First Swedish church. Foote avenue intersects. 104 Mrs. Julia (Smith. 108 First Swedish Mission church. 108% John Tweedale. 112 Charles P. Henderson. 112% Carl Wall. 112% Henry G. Anderson. 116 Julius Lincoln. Center street intersects. 128 130 144 150 Rescue hose house. First Lutheran church. Peter Grace. Charles E. Morse. Alpaca street intersects. 164 164 168 172 Mrs. Mary H. Thomas. Timothy Barstow. A. John Peterson. Daniel Eisenberg. Cross street intersects. 200 208 210 212 214 222 Arthur J. Pennock. Vacant house. Mrs. Frank Johnson. Edwin Raistrick. Orlando J. Sturdevant. Mrs. Ella J. Jull. Winsor street intersects. Cricket grounds. 440 Axel Stark. 440 Amel H. Chindgren. 444 Gustaf L. Morse. 444 Charles Bemus. 448 Martin Johnson. 448 Mrs. Anna M. Johnson. 452 Oscar T. Anderson. 452 Andrew P. Anderson. C H A N D L E R STREET. Cont'd. 52 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. CHAPIN STREET. From 285 Willard north to Benedict —5th ward. Left and West Side. 19 37 41 41 41 45 57 57 63 121 Vacant house. Claus G. Malmquist. Alfred Peterson. Charles Youngquist. H. Johnson. Carl O. Johnson. Charles J. Peterson. John Hallene. F. Oscar Peterson. Mrs. Minnie D. Herman. CHAPIN STREET. Right and East Side. 8 14 18 22 22 26 30 40 40 42 54 56 60 66 66 C H A R L E S STREET. Peter Nelson. Jonas P. Anderson. Charlie J. Peterson. Olof Bonnevier. John A. Peterson. Charles P. Lager. John Abrahamson. Emil Froding. Oscar Johnson. Charles Webeck. John M. Anderson. Claus W . Holmquist. Axel G. Lofgren. Charles J. Erickson. Carl H. Erickson. CHAPMAN STREET. From 19 Fenton south to Baker— 6th ward. Left and East Side. C H A R L E S STREET. From before 209 Forest, south to Hazeltine—6th ward. Left and East Side. 11 Azoff Sche'.l. 13 Vurt C. Craig. 15 John A. Nelson. 29 33 35 39 43 47 51 55 121 Charles L. Carlson. 121 Godfred J. Johnson. CHAPMAN STREET. 2 6 10 16 22 26 34 38 42 46 48 52 100 100 104 104 108 110 Right and West Side. 2 Albert Berggren. Cowden Place intersects. Peter Kofod. Magnus Eckberg. Algert Malmstrom. Mrs. Josephine Ljungberg. Newland avenue intersects. N o houses. Crown street intersects. N o houses. Dearborn avenue intersects. CHARLES STREET. 1 Gust Peterson. Gt. Jones strept Intersects. Stearns avenue intersects. Andrew G. Carlson. Henry O. Nelson. Swan John Larson. Ralph Rosdahl. 206 Right and West Side. Carl Peterson. Charles J. Carlson. Albert L. Sweet. Benjamin L. Arnson. Swan M. Carlson. Ernest Morton. John A. Anderson. Olof Johnson. Moses Lidman. Marion D. Swanson. Alfred Gustafson. Vacant house. Newland avenue intersects. Algert Johnson. John Halstrom. John A. Anderson. Oscar Carlstrom. Anton Peterson. Vacant house. Crown street intersects. J. Gust Jarl. Dearborn avenue intersects. C H E N E Y STREET. CHERRY STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 53 West 7th street intersects. C H E N E Y STREET.. From 734 East 2d,soufli to Erie Rail- 713 William D. Lorenz. 719 Robert L. Wright. road.—5th ward. 719 Mrs. Ellen Walch. Left and East Side. West Eighth street intersects. 9 N. A. Anderson. 801 Jennie Gillis. 9 Frank G. Anderson. 801 Edward W . Samuelson. 9% Andrew P. Swanson. 805 James O. Smith. Crescent street intersects. 819 Foreman Anderson. 827 Fred Spear. 107 Mrs. Sophia Ulander. Ill Emanuel Peterson. CHERRY STREET. 115 Charles P. Miller. Right and East Side. 119 Andrew J. Anderson. Allen Square building. CHENEY STREET, 108 E. G. Partridge. Right and West Side. 8 Edwin R. Dempsey. 8 Smith Ormondroyd. 8% J. A. Johnson. 10 McClellan Stetson. Crescent street intersects. 110 August Anderson. 112 Andrew Anderson. 114 Lewis E. Bateman. West 2d street intersects. 206 Farmers Home Restaurant. 208 Drayman's Headquarters. West 3d street intersects. Gokey building. 318 N. W. Gokey & Sons. 318 Jamestown Electric Light and Power Co. CHERRY STREET. West 4th street intersects. From 22 West 1st, north to West 9th. No houses. —2d ward. West 5th street intersects. Left and West Side. 508 Rev. Richard Coyle. 101 Charles T. Howard. SS. Peter and Paul's R. C. church. West 2d street intersects. West 6th street intersects. 207 George W . Sisson. Delia Reddington. 606 209 Dowler and Barbour. 610 John Swanson. 211 James Mecusker & Son. 610 Almond M. Harris. 217 B. R. Pratt. 610 Dwight Hulbert. West 3d street intersects. 612 Hiram M. Smith. First Presbyterian church. West 7th street intersects. 319 Mrs. Esther Green. Adventist church. West 4th street intersects. 718 William E. Davis. West 8th street intersects. 405 Mrs. Margaret Walkerman. 810 John P. Ferrin. 409 Mrs. Helen Wing. 810 Erick Anderson. 411% Alsdorf Daniel. 820 Martin Samuelson. West 5th street intersects. 824 John M. Durk. Prendergast Library. 826 James E. Hosford. West 6th street intersects. 828 Aaron Fuller. Public square. 830 Mrs. Lucy Heitmueller. C H U R C H STREET. 54 C O L F A X STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. C H U R C H STREET. From 421 East 2d, north to East 5th. —1st ward. Left and West Side. 5 Orvis A. Relf. East 4th street intersects. First Baptist church. 117 Rev. William P. Hellings. 317 Brewer D. Phillips. West 4th street intersects. 401 Mrs. Euretta L. Woods. West 5th street intersects. 501 Edson W . Dillingham. 503 Paul J. Gentilini. 505 Joseph H. Isbell. 509 Charles Carlson. 509 Mrs. Elizabeth O'Hagan. C H U R C H STREET. CLINTON STREET. Right and East Side. 214 Edwin Williams. 214 E. L. Whitney. 110 214 Mrs. William Breeden. 112 West 3d street intersects. 118 302 Cleveland A. Trantum. 118 304 J. Samuel Fowler. 306 Alfred F. Fidler. CLARK AVENUE. 308 DeWitt C. Smith. From 308 Hall avenue, west.—6th 310 Elton E. Eddy. ward. West 4th street intersects. Left and South Side. Public Park. 5 Albert M. Covey. West 5th street intersects. No houses. C L E V E L A N D PLACE. West 8th street intersects. From 20 West 7th, north to West 8th. 840 George H. Norton. 2d ward. CLYDE AVENUE. Left and West Side. 9 Mrs. Iva D e W e t From 365 Stowe, east to Curtis.—5th 9 Horatio N. Bristol. ward. 9 George Morell. Left and North Side. 11 Mrs. Harriet McDonald. 123 Charles E. Moffatt 11 Merle M. Gifford. Hotchkiss street intersects. C L E V E L A N D PLACE. 201 Eugene Cornwell. Right and East Side. 225 John A. Norman. 10 William P. Horton. 327 Richard Leroy. CLINTON STREET. COLFAX STREET. Right and East Side. No houses. East 4th street intersects. Chaman L. Gamble. Edward H. Perry. Mrs. Herbert B. Rowe. C. Reed Sessions. From opposite Erie Freight depot north to Isabella avenue.—2d ward. Lett and West Side. 213 Edward R. Langford. West 3d street intersects. 313 Jay P. Mericle. 315 Frederick Simon. From 375 Baker, north to Hazeltine avenue.—6th ward. Left and East Side. No houses. Forest street intersects. 23 J. Otto Olson. 27 Charles G. Forsburg. COLFAX STREET, Cont'd. COOK AVENUE. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTOR'/. Morton street intersects. 101 103 107 109 251 Hans Anker. Albert Nodine. Edward Carlson. Charles O. Lundgren. Grandin street intersects. N o houses. Newland avenue intersects. Charles G. Johnson. COLFAX STREET. Right and West Side. William F. Stoermer. 14 August C. Erickson. Charles P. Carlstrom. 18 John A. Swanson. 20 Gust Sandberg. 20 Mary Erickson. 30 David W . Green. 30 John G. Judson. 126 Nels H. Oberg. Lake street intersects. N o houses. Newland avenue intersects. 210 Mrs. Eliaz Eddy. 210 Andrew Ake. 262 Levi S. Odell. 274 Sidney Smith. COLLEGE STREET. From junction of East 2d and Chandler, south to Erie R. R.—5th ward. Left and East Side. Svvedish Zion church. 17 Harry J. Newman. 21 George O. Sampson. 25 Adolph J. Anderson. 25 Mrs. Louise Anderson. 29 Timothy Sunderland. 33 Willis H. Cobb. 37 Benjamin Strauss. 41 Joseph R. Hegeman. 43 John Ingham. 43 Walter Brundell. 55 COLUMBIA AVENUE. From 325 Forest avenue east to Myrtle—3d ward. Left and North Side. 5 17 17 19 19 25 27 27 Mrs. Maria Ahnstrom. August Backman. Carl Ahnstrom. William H. Scharf. Peter E. Peterson. Andrew B. Carter. Gust Anderson. Carl Bergman. COLUMBIA AVENUE. Right and South Side. 10 12 22 22 26 26 James Weiss. Charles F. Wahlgren. Andrew Lindstrom. Peter M. Lundgren. Frank Olson. Alma Anderson. CONNECTICUT AVENUE. From Baker, between Newland and Hazeltine avenues, west to Hallock.— 6th ward. Grant C. Ballou. COOK AVENUE. From 417 Ashville avenue, south to West 3d.—6th ward. Left and East Side. 1 9 11 13 Charles O. Johnson. Charles S. White. Evander J. Swetland. John F. Ellis. West 6th street intersects. 101 Wesley Terwilliger. 147 Jerome M. Hobart. COOK AVENUE. Right and West Side. 2 10 12 16 Albert Borden. Horatio B. Sprague. Matthew E. Wright. John B. Husband. C O O K A V E N U E . Cont'd. 56 100 104 108 112 124 C R E S C E N T STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. West 6th street intersects. George C. Jenner. Sidney J. Heath. William L. Slotboom. Willard W . Staub. John Austin. 10 James P. Calahane. 10 James Ryan. C R E S C E N T STREET. From 17 Cross, north east to East 2d, at junction with Buffalo.—5th ward. Left and North Side. COWDEN PLACE. From 143 Barrett, west to Charles.— 6th ward. Left and South Side. 7 Carlson & Gustafson. 9 Carlson & Olson. 11 Gust Lindstrom. 15 Adolf F. Ekberg. 17 Mary J. Sugden. 21 Charles J. Johnson. COWING STREET. From 1037 East 2d, north to Haywood.—5th ward. Left and West Side. N o houses. Falconer street intersects. 109 William I. Whitney. COWING STREET. Right and East Side. 6 Vacant house. 10 Edwin F. Oliver. 24 Charles B. Buffington. 24 F. H. Calkins. 24 Fred H. Ostrander. CRANE STREET. From 31 Foote avenue, east to Center.—5th ward. Left and North Side. 5 William S. Appleyard. 9 Mrs. Hannah Walker. 9 John W . Holmes. 11 Martin Merz. CRANE STREET. Right and South Side. 6 E. E. Herrick. 8 Mrs. Lizzie M. Terry. 9 Frank H. George. 19 Howard W . Ailing. 21 Daniel A. Marsh. Winsor street intersects. 107 113 115 129 131 133 Charles M. Mitchell. Foster Clayton. Mrs. Ester Hilton. Talbot Huntington. James E. Howes. Vacant house. 203 209 211 211 215 217 225 231 237 241 241 243 245 247 247 249 Edward Benson. John Rosendahl. John A. Anderson. Milton M. Johnson. Mrs. Jennie M. Patric. Benedict Morse. George Bebb. Samuel J. Bailey. Sidney E. Waite. Henry Hultgren. Jonas P. Johnson. Gust Peterson. Anna L. Anderson. Hennig Johnson. Swan F. Johnson. A. Dahlgren. Cheney street intersects. South Thayer street intersects. 293 293 295 297 299 301 301 303 305 August Hultberg. Harvey Sturdevant. John R. Grace. Mrs. Elizabeth Birmingham. Hans P. Swanson. John Jenkins. Mrs. E, A. Smith. Axel Reynolds. Lynn H. Stoner. Bishop street intersects. 475 Charles Peterson. CRESCENT STREET. Cont'd. CROSBY STREET. JAMESTOWN S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Kipp street intersects. 501 501 539 541 John Jones. Axel Bergren. Samuel Dawson. Oscar Nelson. C R E S C E N T STREET. 502 502 504 504 516 520 520 Benjamin F. VanDusen. Charles J. Johnson. Albert N. Olman. Mrs. Mary G. Swanson. WinsQ-r street intersects. 106 Charles G. White. 108 Mrs. Harriet S. Williams. 118 Thomas Lemm. 118% William N. Weidner. 122 Samuel A. Harrison. 124 Herman A. Westcott. 124 Mrs. Cyntha C. Harris. 124 Stephen Jackson. Cheney street intersects. From opposite 500 East 6th, north to East 9th.—1st ward. Left and West Side.. 101 Reuben E. Williams. 101 Mrs. Adelle Towle. 105 Frank E. Shearman. 111 Daniel F. Persell. 115 L. P. Willing. East 8th street intersects. 221 221 225 225 229 492 492 494 494 494 Quarry road intersects. John Danielson. Charles Johnson. Charles Anderson. Gustaf Erickson. Gustaf Gustafson. Eugene Crow. Julius H. Christian. George F. Lods. Charles A, Lawson. Horace A. Putnam. CROSBY STREET. 218 George A. Johnston. 218% Axel Norlander. 218% Edward Barkland. 224 A. August Johnson. 224% Mrs. Nellie Swanson. 226 Harry Kindell. 226 Walter Hitchcock. 234 Charles W . Morgan. 238 Mrs. Christine Anderson. 242 Charles Holm. 242 F. August Rosenquist. 246 Andrew L. Johnson. 246 Louis Vincent. 252 Vacant house. 254 Gust Bergquist. 256 William Motley. 258 Standard Oil Co., storage. John Munson. John Bergquist Andrew G. Bloom. Charles Torsell. Mrs. Charlotta Gustafson. William Shanahan. John C. Russell. CROSBY STREET. Right and South Side. 6 12 14 14 57 2 8 10 14 16 20 24 24 26 26 Right and East Side. Marcus P. Jacobsen. Dr. Henry Neville. George H. Ingerson. Mrs. Nora Quigley. Frank R. Reed. Eugene A. Post. Mrs. Marcella J. Shooke. Mrs. Johanna Muldoon. Riley W . Heaton. Frederick McCullough. 100 106 106 112 116 East 7th street intersects. Hugh M. Rogers. Samuel Garfield. J. M. Ahlstrand. Gerald Van Kensen. August S. Soderstrom. East 8th street intersects. 202 Fred B. Strunk. 202 Mrs. E m m a M. Lundquist. 206 Charles A. Randall. C R O S B Y S T R E E T . Cont'd. 58 206 210 210 216 218 224 230 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Frank M. Russell. William L. Smith. Eliza Jacobs. Willard L. Potter. George F. Hale. Scott E. Baker. Frank W . Sternberg. George M. Thompson. CROSS STREET. From 600 East 2d, south to Erie R. R.—5th ward. Left and East Side. 7 John W. Reed. 7 Stanley Woodard. 11 Mrs. Matilda Peterson. 17 Mrs. Lucy A. Barrows. Crescent street intersects. 33 Robert Wilson. 35 Gustaf A. Lund. 35 Charles Carlson. Chandler street intersects. 105 Vacant house. 109 Carl F. Hjarpe 109 J. F. Johnson. 113 Andrew P. Lawson. 115 Luther J. Noyes. 117 Eugene Wright. 121 Mrs. Marte Roberts. CROSS STREET. 4 6 12 20 20 24 30 36 40 112 112 116 116 122 C R O S S M A N STREET. Right and West Side. Martin Johnson. Orestes J. Thatcher. Gilbert G. Hall. Jonas A. Lind. Mrs. Emogene Dean. Emory J. Blake-sley. E. Frank Farman. Mrs. Margaret J. Hazeltine. Walter I. Blystone. Chandler street intersects. Victor Johnson. Frank Nelson. Geo. P. Chase. Mrs. Carrie P. Craven. Otto Peterson. C R O S S M A N STREET. From 880 Main, east to Bowen.—1st and 5th wards. Left and North Side. 15 15 19 23 105 Ill 115 115 Richard D. Pickard. Allen Pickard. Carl LaSalle. John H. Wilson. William B. Jones. A d a m Ports. Mrs. Anna Fenton. E. Verne Bly. Prendergast avenue intersects. 211 215 221 223 227 Wilbur B. Wood. Elliott A. Fenton. Fritz G. H. Brugge. Henry C. Marvin. L. J. Williams. 321 325 339 339 Edward L. Underwood. Andrew J. Bowen. Nelson H. Hill. Mrs. Hannah M. Wilkins. Lake View avenue intersects. CROSSMAN STREET. Right and South Side. 12 14 16 24 Jay Pickard. Edward B. Hildum. Charles H. Baker. Clark E. Crain. Spring street intersects. 108 Peter M. Corcilius. Prendergast avenue intersects. 212 214 216 218 220 226 226 230 Mrs. Ellen D. Jones. George R. Butts. J. Clayton VonCulin. James R. Kimball. Fred B. Tinkham. Charles M. Brown. James L. McGill. Fred E. Hodges. Lake View avenue intersects. 310 Edwin B. Dewey. CROSSMAN STREET. Cont'd. DERBY STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 312 316 338 340 Vacant house. Patrick Moran. William H. Miller. N. Allison Graham. 59 DAVIS STREET. From 51 Newton, north to Buffalo.— 5th ward. Left and West Side. CROWN STREET. From 311 Barrett, west to Sampson. 15 Albert Peterson. —6th ward. Right and East Side. Right and North Side. 16 Peter Hammergren. 12 Gust Anderson. 18 Andrew J. Anderson. 18 Axel Nelson. 20 John Johnson. 20 Firdinand Holmberg. 20 Charles Nelson. 24 John Peterson. DEARING STREET. 34 John Venberg. Charles street intersects. 114 Fred Hulquist. 118 John Anderson. CULVER STREET. From 115 Steele, south.—6th ward. Left and East Side. 11 John B. Benson. CULVER STREET. Right and West Side. 12 Christ Marker. CURTIS STREET. From 1083 East 2d, northwest—5th ward. Left and West Side. From 703 Falconer, north to Frink avenue.—5th ward. Left and West Side. 135 John Nordin. DELAWARE AVENUE., From 407 Baker, south to Newland avenue.—6th ward. Left and East Side. 11 John A. Carlson. 23 John A. Haag. DERBY STREET. From 123 S. Main, east to outlet.— 3d ward. No houses. Left and North Side. Falconer street intersects. 17 Sylvia A. Hayward. 19 Edgar E. Myers. 21 Scott H. Penfield. 23 Mrs. Cornelia S. Washburn. 23 James C. Washburn. 25 Mrs. Hannah E. Anderson. 25 James R. Terry. 27 John Venstrom. 27 William Peterson. 31 Alton E. Hazeltine. 31 Fred Rockwell. 31 Frank W . Wolfe. 41 Charles E. Danielson. 41 George W. Beardsley. 109 William W. Conic. Clyde avenue intersects. David Schriver. Vacant house. Frank A. Day. CURTIS STREET. Right and East Side. No houses. Falconer street intersects. 112 Vacant house. D E R B Y STREET. Cont'd. 60 E A G L E STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY DICKERSON STREET. Right and North Side. D E R B Y STREET. Right and South Side. 20 20 22 24 24 26 28 28 30 30 32 34 34 36 36 Robert H. Grant. Mrs. Eliza M. Black. Emerson A. Gilbert. Louis B. Smith. John F. Myers. Stephen L. Rice. Gust W . Burgeson. Roy E. Drake. Augustus S. Harrington. Frank L. Harrington. Brainard T. Harkness. Andrew Young. Lewis H. Slosberg. Earl D. Hayward. L. Albin Anderson. 8 14 16 24 24 26 32 40 46 66 68 John N. Halladay. Loyd S. Gibson. John Austin. David J. Stewart. Axel Johnson. John M. Johnson. James M. Hill. Grant King. Patrick Garrigan. James Hall. Edison D. Marsh. DRIVING P A R K ROAD. From 1200 East 2d, east to Blackstone avenue.—5th ward. Left and North Side. DEXTER STREET. 7 Burt Morgan. From 1017 East 2d, north to Falconer.9 Frank Arnold. Sth ward. 115 Christoffer Stapleton. Right and East Side. DRIVING P A R K ROAD. 10 Philo Sherwin, machine shop. 12 Philo O. Sherwin. 24 Theron J. Walker. Right and South Side. 120 Albert Polhemus. E A G L E STREET. DICKERSON STREET. From 1015 Main, west to Marvin.— 2d ward. Left and South Side. 7 Charles R. Lovejoy. 9 Zachariah Norton. 13 Gust Folker. 15 John Cullen. 15 John Cullen, Jr. 17 William Smith 21 John Anderson. 25 Alpine A. ritewart. 33 William E. Miller. 33 Thomas Gowan. 35 James W . Husted. 39 Dennis Lee. 39 Orsel Lee. 63 Mason Robbins. •65 Arthur Hall. From 317 Willard, north to Benedict —4th ward. Left and West Side. 9 11 23 27 27 47 57 77 89 Andrew Benson. Carl O. Treff. August S. A. A. Swanson. Swan Booberg. Jennie Larsen. Charles G. Bergman. John P. Bloomquist. John O. Benson. Axel Bloomquist. EAGLE STREET. Right and East Side. 10 16 22 32 Gustaf Hult. Samuel E. Burgquist. John S. Peterson. Oscar T. Olson. E A G L E S T R E E T , Cont'd. EAST E I G H T H STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 42 48 48 56 56 76 80 86 86 John A. Rahm. William J. Haynes. Mrs. Christina Peterson. Gust Nelson. David W . Anderson. Charles A. Johnson. Albert G. Johnson. Otto F. Bloomquist. Gust C. Peterson. EARL AVENUE. From 428 Hallock west to city line— 6th ward. Right and North Side. ISO 180 192 210 230 248 262 270 280 51 Parker D. Strickland. Blackstone avenue intersects. Erie tracks intersect. 71 Charley Hegburg. 91 Gust Sjogren. 91 Charles Hulburg. Phillip Holmbeck. Fred Cease. Peter Daley. George Congleton. 229 Andrew Venman. 259 Frank E. Anderson. 265 Oscar Johnson. 265 Nels Hanson. 285 Jonah Johnson. 2S5 Andrew A. Johnson. 4 20 26 30 38 No houses. Richard Pratt. William Pratt. Thomas Pratt. Mrs. Mary Motley. John Samuelson. Katherine M. Lynch. Thomas Mahoney. James McAvoy. Thomas Shanahan. EAST DICKERSON STREET. From opposite 1015 Main east toPrendergast avenue.—1st ward. Left and North Side. 6 George Snider. EAST BUFFALO STREET. From opposite 1001 East 2nd, east to limits.—5th and 4th wards. Left and North Side. 9 M. Miller. 11 William H. Mullen. 11 Floyd V. Sessions. EAST EIGHTH STREET. From 714 Main, east to Grant.—1st ward. Left and North Side. " 7 11 11 17 21 21 Perrin F. Lewis. Charles F. Lewis. Edward B. Blinn. George B. Jones. Vacant building. Mrs. Mary Hancock. Mrs. Anna M. Sellvin. Spring street intersects. 105 107 Ill 113 James C. Peterson. Fred A. Jones. Merritt Batchelder. Emery R. Davis. Prendergast avenue intersects. EAST BUFFALO STREET. Right and South Side. 217 Charles L. Eckman. Charles L. Case. William Vincent. Mrs. Caroline C. Luce. J. Henry Ayers. Henry Rose. Erie tracks intersect. 221 Ernest H. Cook. 225 Henry C. Price. Allen street intersects. 61 Fulton place intersects. Fulton street intersects. 301 Henry L. Chamberlain. Lake View avenue intersects. N o houses. E A S T E I G H T H STREET. Cont'd. 62 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Crosby street intersects. 513 Gust A. Oberg. 515 William A. Knowlton. Lincoln street intersects. 609 611 613 613 E A S T FIFTH STREET. Benjamin S. Dean. Perl A. Butts. Omer 0. Link. Adelbert D. Dewey. EAST EIGHTH STREET. Right and South Side. Pine street intersects. 205 Samuel Briggs. Prendergast avenue intersects. 307 311 315 317 Fulton street intersects. Parochial school. 333 Albert McNeal. 333% Mrs. Anna Clark. 337 A. Flynn Kent. 351 Harry R. Lewis. Branch school No. 1. Spring street intersects. 100 100 106 108 108 James M. Quinlan. Frank M. Stumpf. Morley C. Holcomb. William W . Slone. Clarence A. Slone. Prendergast avenue intersects. 208 Frank W . Cheney. 212 William R. Jones. Fulton street intersects. 300 Richard A. Welch. Lake View avenue intersects. 408 Charles H. Bushey. Crosby street intersects. 51') Mrs. Jane E. Dearing. Lincoln street intersects. C. O. Peterson. EAST FIFTH STREET. From 416 Main east to East 2d—1st ward. Left and North Side. 15 George H. Ahrens. Pine street intersects. Ill Morris N. Bemus. 117 George S. Gifford. Spring street intersects. Christian Gossett. Adolph G. Schurter. Claude D. Trask. Mrs. Frances B. Strunk. Liberty street intersects. 405 411 417 417 427 R. Curtis Barth. Vacant house. Radcliff J. Nobles. James B. Bush. Mrs. Silva M. Page. 503 513 521 525 529 529 533 537 539 545 George E. Maltby. Fred B. Hamlin. Fred Briggs. Mrs. Hannah P. Cluney. Luther M. Butman. Alfred E. Moore. Fayette H. Pickett. George J. Welshofer. C. Harvey Kilbu-rn. Charles K. Haynes. Lincoln street intersects. EAST FIFTH STREET. Right and South Side. 14 Fred C. Prachthauser. 16 Vacant house. Pine street intersects. 100 Mrs. Sarah Bemus. 104 Edward M. Mackey. Spring street intersects. 210 Edwin A. Bradshaw. Prendergast avenue intersects. 316 Charles C. Wilson. 334 Frederick W . Hyde. 342 Edward A. Peterson. 352 Frank E. Sessions. EAST FIFTH STREET. Cont'd. EAST F O U R T H STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 356 Mrs. Cordelia B. Snow. 356 L. H. Snow. Church street intersects. 404 408 412 412 418 418 426 426 500 504 508 £14 516 516 Eric G. Hjerpe. Elisha B. Grover. William O. Hawkes. Mrs. Jenny G. Winsor. Mrs. Carrie J. Rohde. Thomas H. Smith. Mrs. Jennie E. Temple. Mrs. Emily Kirkland.' East street intersects. Austin H. Stafford. Thomas W . St. John. Mrs. Anna E. Knapp. Mrs. Florence R. Carpenter. Ruggles E. Post. Alfred T. Harris. E A S T FIRST S T R E E T . Right and South Side. 16 Frank L. Anderson. 28-30 D. H. Grandin. 102-126 William Broadhead & Sona. 102-126 Broadhead Worsted mills. 216 Erick Hedlund. 216 Anna Lawson. 220 Mrs. Everett Pease. 220 Mrs. Mary Brockman. 220 Mrs. Hannah A. White. 222 Walter W . Hollister. 222 Joseph O'Neil. 222 Silas S. Pooler. EAST F O U R T H STREET. From 322 Main east to East 2d—lsl ward. Left and North Side. St. Luke's church. EAST FIRST STREET. From 38 Main east to Institute. Left and North Side. 5 James M. Mcintosh. 7 Abbott & Crowe. 9 A. A. Stewart. 11-13 Moore Bros. 17-27 Opera house block, store rooms vacant. 17 Mrs. Laura L. Thompson. 17 John Peate. 17 Bert J. Day. Pine street intersects. 109-123 Broadhead Worsted mills. Stillers alley intersects. 201 201 201 203 215 219 219 223 223 Jerry Sweet. Allen block. Marion L. Cole. Vacant house. E m m e t Solinger. D. A. Farm & Son. John A. Farm. Peter Van Dame. Mrs. Florence H. Butler. 63 Pine street intersects. 101 Shelden B. Broadhead. Spring street intersects. 203 Jerome Preston. 213 William H. Proudfit. Prendergast avenue intersects. 305 Alba M. Kent. 315 Mrs. Eliza L. Cook. 323 Vacant house. 329 Milton H. Clark. 333 James M. Weller. 339 Mrs. Mary H. Tuckerman. 347 Edgar P. Putnam. 351 Arthur C. Wade. 353 Mrs. Anna L. Fairbanks. First Baptist church. iChurch street intersects. 401 Henri LeF. Brown. 409 William Hjorth. 415 Edward Shaver. 423 Charles G. Storey. 423 Halbert P. Eddy. East street intersects. 433 Oliver F. Chase. 433 Mrs. Eunice D. White. E A S T F O U R T H STREET. Cont'd. 64 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. E A S T F O U R T H STREET. Right and South Side. 10 12 14 16 18 E A S T S E C O N D STREET. J. E. Almy. Vacant house. Edward Morgan. Charles W . Herrick. Marion Marsh. Charles F. Shults. Jabez Whitley. 5 9 11 13 15 15 19 Frank F. Leet. David W . Prosser. Norman W . Ingerson. Franklin G. Broadhead. Louis N. Olmstead. Frederick W . Gurnsey. William J. Lansterer. Lake View avenue intersects. 123 J. Burton Ryan. 123 Arthur L. Thrall. Pine street intersects. 131 Victor- F. Nelson. Deluge engine house 1. 135 Fred A. Price. 116 Mrs. H. Almira Davis. 139 Lewis W . Stein. 143 John J. Beurstrom. Spring street intersects. 147 William G. Purdy. Central Branch school. 151 Thomas Mahoney. 210 Mrs. Mary S. Crossman. 153 Joseph Haycook. 210 Frederic M. Rich. 153 John W . Briggs. First Church of Christ, Scientist. 163 Emory A. Ross. Prendergast avenue intersects. EAST NINTH STREET. 31G Rev. Albert L. Smalley. Right and South Side. 322 Edward C. Bailey. 328 Jane L. Greeley. No houses. 332 George Murray Colville Fulton street intersects. 340 Vacant house. 344 Mrs. Hettie Butler. 18 Mathias C. Holmes. 352 John P. Buchanan. Lake View avenue intersects. 356 John H. Prather. No houses. 356 Vacant house. 358 Mrs. Margaret Klock. Crosby street intersects. 362 Walter J. Weeks. 134 John A. Burch. Church street intersects. 136 William L. Dorman. 402 Chauncey T. Miller. Lincoln street intersects. 402 Frank E. Gould. 404 Clinton B. Winsor. 160 Rev. Randolph Worthington. 410 George B. Pitts. Grant street intersects. EAST N E W L A N D A V E N U E . 170 Samuel S. Hatch. From 503 Foote avenue, east. 3 Albertus VanStee. EAST SECOND STREET. 3 Oscar Eckholm. From before 200 Main northeast to EAST NINTH STREET. city limits—1st and 5th wards. From 850 Prendergast avenue east to Left and North Side. Winsor.—1st ward. 1-9 Burtch block. Left and North Side. 11 N e w England Cafe. 11 H. H. Moore. 3 Leonard J. Field. E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 13 Harris Bros. Fred M. Beardsley. Carrie Scoville. 15-21 Bush block. 15 The Wallace Restaurant. John J. Chambers. Rose Chapman. 17 A. Anderson. 19 The Club. 21 Axel F. Johnson. Pine street intersects. 101-111 Vandergrift Building. 101 M. Arnson. George H. Ahrens. Henry W . Odell. Cairo Oil Co. Clarence A. Fullerton. 103 C. J. Anderson. David Folsom. James H. Erwin. Harry D. Lepar. 105 Chase & Son. Axel F. Johnson. Mrs. Carrie A. Burr. Samantha M. Bounds. 107 Henderson & Lincoln. Leonard G. Cowing. Mrs. Nancy P. Bartlett. 109 Norquist & Nord. Wilton C. Lindsey. John Hough. Charles H. Peterson. Ill Norquist & Nord. Clement B. Jones. Dr. Alfred T. Livingston. Oliver B. Butler. 113-21 Jones block. 113 E. B. Grover. 115 John Heintz. John Heintz. John C. Thompson. George A. Darke. 117 Charles F. Wahlgren. Charles A. Johnson. 119-121 Commercial Hotel. Spring street intersects. 201-207 Amidon Block. 201 M. E. Johnson. Joseph A. Cole. Maurice Frear. George B. Brookins. 203 Peterson & Youngquist. Francis R. Hoon. Rufus L. Slawson. Perry A. Gage. 205 Peterson Bros. F. Adelbert Mills. Stiles C. Hall. Wilbur M. Jones. William C. Marvin. 207 Moses Lidman & Co. Carl M. Millner. Walter S. Hazzard. Clyde M. Bradt. 209 Carl M. Millner. 211 Perry A. Gage. Mrs. Mary Schell. William S. Newbert Don R. Tracy. 213-223 Y. M. C. A. Block. 213 The Spencer. 213 R. H. Humphrey. 217 Danish Mission church. 219 Vacant store. 221 Vacant store. 223 Vacant store. Prendergast avenue intersects. 303 309 315 317 323 325 327 329 331 333 335 Fred E. Hatch. William A. Blackstone. Corisande E. Fenton. Louisa E. Jones. Louisa I. Burlin. William Hugh. Theodore E. Hopkins. Rhierson S. Stillman. Loyal Y. Ramsey. Aquilla Cawcroft. Lawrence A. Fenton. East 3d street intersects. First M. E. church. 411 George V. Blackstone. 417 Mrs. Ann S. Vanderburgh. 421 John T. Wilson. Church street intersects. 65 E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. 66 503 507 511 517 517 525 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Mrs. Mary W . Baker. Charles A. Fleming. Estella D. Briggs. James W . Collopy. Mrs. Sophie Murphy. Robert T. Hazzard. East 4th street intersects. 543 547 551 557 559 559 561 563 563 563 567 E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. Henry W. Watson. Albert Johnson. Edwin W. Barker. Dr. Al/a F. Ward. Almon B. Hamilton. Henry W . Throop. A. J. Landon. Frank Howe. Aretus J. Landon. Mrs. Cynthia M. Mills. James P Sanders. East 5th street intersects. 617 Mrs. M. Frances Peirce. 621 Alonzo Devoe. 633 Frank W Davis. Winsor street intersects. 701 Clark H. Rawson. 707 Charles F. Munson. 711 Thomas Newberry. 713 Elizabeth Caskey. 713 Zilpha Young. 713% Vacant house. 715 James McCall. 715 Clyde E. Carpenter. 719 Mrs. Anna Sandgren. 723 George Preston. 731 Mrs. Atlanta 0. Bowen. 737 John A. Farm. 737 Leslie L. Southwick. 741 Edward R. Shafer. 741 William M. Sweeney. 757 Gust Johnson. Bowen street intersects. 763 Andrew F. Peterson. 763 Mrs. Sarah P. Coats. 763 Glencore Rutnam. 763 Margaret McCall. 771 Labor exchange. 771 Chautauqua Planter Co. 775 775 779 781 783 783 783 787 787 801 809 811 815 821 837 841 Eric S. Vestlund. John E. Fisher. John Greenlund. Vacant shop. Frank J. Burns. Matthew Nash. Charles W . Grasse. John A. Brandt. Fred Lind. Thayer street intersects. Catherine Rugg. John Lundberg. John B. Benson. James L. Wample. Stowe street intersects. Gustaf Brandin. Ira Holdridge. Charles R. Vandervoort. Weeks street intersects. 845 M. D. Barry. 859 Fred Ericksen. Jeffords street intersects. 897 Mrs. Mariette F. Jeffords. Kipp street intersects. 913 919 919 921 929 Bartie R. Hiller. John W . Winslow. Mrs. Abigal M. Elliott. Mark Martin. Walter P. Frink. Champlin street intersects. Vernie Phillips. George Wilkins. George Irvine. Henry Falconer. Vacant store. Mrs. Sarah McCluskey. John H. LeRoy. Ernest Smith. East Jamestown house. Buffalo street intersects. 1001 C. L. Case & Son. 1001 Mrs. Susan M. Eaton. 1009 Solomon Jones. 1017 Earl Newberry. Dexter street intersects. 1027 Frank C. Rice. 937 937 937 937 939 939 941 949 953 E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 1029 D o w M. Jackson. 1035 Heman Lewis Kelsey. 1037 Alonzo C. Pickard. 1037 Agnes Trask. Cowing street intersects. 1061 Vacant house. 1075 Veilon M. Phillips. 1083 Mrs. Emily H. Smith. Curtis street intersects. 1091 David Frick. 1091 Joseph Frick. 1091 George Vincent. Public school No. 7. 1111 Mrs. Louise Hotchkiss. 1111 Clarence Service. 1175 John Loucks. Woodlawn avenue intersects. 1301 Frank Ekstrom. 1333 Peter Veit. Dakota avenue intersects. 1343 Storm Bentley. 1381 Gustavus Adolphus Orphanage. 1381 John S. Swensson. Orphanage street intersects. City limits. EAST S E C O N D STREET. Right and South Side. 2-6 N e w Fenton Building. Jones & Audette,floors1 & 2. George S. Bright, rooms 300-301. George T. Armstrong, rooms 3233. Breed & Armstrong, room 33. Fowler & Weeks, rooms 34-35-36. Winfield S. Cameron, room 37. Jerome M. Hobart, rooms 40-41. Dexter D. Dorn, rooms 40-41. Babcock & Wiborg, rooms 42-43. Stevens & Peterson, rooms 44-4546-47. G. Adolph Lund, room 48. J. Delevan Curtiss, rooms 50-5152. Dr. Alvin B. Rice, room 53. Dr. Josiah W . Morris, rooms 5455. 67 Dr. Henry A. Eastman, rooms 5657. Ralph E. Russell, room 58. Martin L. Fenton, room 59. Harry W . Fenton, room 59. Mott & Jude, rooms 60-61-62. Hill's Piano School, rooms 63-6465-66-67-68. Mary McVeigh, Emil Johnson. 8 Phillips & Brown. R. N. Blanchard. 10 A. W . Ljungberg. Joseph J. Innes. Swan E. Anderson. Abraham H. Bowers. Mrs. Elizabeth Stone. Thomas Cowan. 12 Henry Johnson. George A. Wilkinson. 14 A. F. Westrom. John Long. Charles Gron. Gilbert Strong. 16 Anderson & Stahley. 18-24 Opera house block. 18 G. W . Lindholm. 20 Carl S. Sundberg. 20 Jim E. Toscan. 22 Samuels' opera house. Jamestown Bill Posting Co. Dr. L. H. Snow, rooms 1-2. Parks & Hazzard. Prendergast Hose Co. parlors. Orsbon P. Stark. Ormus E. Kellogg. George E. Kimball. 22-4 Casino. Osborne J. Willard. Pine street intersects. 100-2 Charles Gron. 104 Milwaukee Bottling Co. 106-10 The Frederick. 106 Melzar A. Lockwood. 108-110 Charles E. Parks. Herbert M. Tinker, Sec. 1. Vacantflats,Sec. 2. Mrs. Mary Feather, section 3. Vacant flats, section 4. E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. 68 E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Fern Perrin, sections 5-8. Vacant flats, sections 6-9. Frederick G. Bush, section 10. George W . Reader, sections 11-12. 112-14 C. A. Ahlstrom. Vacant building. 118 Option House. 118 George P. Frey. 120-2 City Hotel. 120-2 Samuel H. Altice. 124 Herman Johnson. Phillip Snyder. 126 Henry Guenther. Richard D. O'Donnell. Will H. Neill. 128 John M. Duerk. Mrs. Lizzie Rogers. James C.-McLean. 204-210 Fenton Block. 204 Andrew Grandin. Elmer H. Wood. Horace T. Hart. 206 Fray & Stone. William V. Baldwin. Hiram R. Washburn. 208 J. G. Wiggins. 208 Olson, Johnson & Co. Frank E. Wells. 210 Huldah & Minnie Swanson. Susie Griffin. Ideal Plumbing shop (basement). 212-18 M. L. Fenton block. 212 Willis L. Strickland. Carl A. F. Holmquist. Smith E. Pattrell. 214 Hall & Johnson. Mrs. Anna Anderson. 216 Jamestown Co-operative Supply Co. Henry H. Eddy. 218 Vacant store. Erastus W . Smith. Fayette Hayward. Caroline Riley. 220-24 McLean Block. 220-224 William McLean. Walter Palmer. 228 C. M. Johnson. 228 Samuel M. Johnson. 298 J. W . Wilson. 300 302 302 304 306 308 308 310 310 Vacant store. Nutter Bros. Vacant store. Mrs. Etta Wilcox. James Davey. H. Sayers. Vacant store. Tracy K. Price. John Margerison. Marshall A. Jones. Institute street intersects. High school buildings. College street intersects. Chandler street intersects. First Unitarian church. 504 George W . Sharpe. 508 Mrs. Catherine Dinsmore. 512 C. Perry Harris. 516 Charles E. Parks. 522 Milton J. Fletcher. 528 Mrs. Anna E. Parks. 528 John Blystone. 528 Rose Cottrell. 532 Otto L. Bloomquist. 532% Mrs. L. Antoinette Williams. 536 James D. Arird. 536 Cyrus W . Sheldon. 540 John B. Alden. 550 Immanuel Lutheran church. 550 Rear—Charles Lindstrom. 554 Herbert Whiteman. 554 August Dahlquist. 556 Anders M. Benander. 558 Mrs. Hattie Swanson. 562 Albert Sundgren. 562 Melvin F. Steves. 564 James Holmes, 564 Mrs. E m m a E. Duglass. Cross street intersects. 600 Victor Johnson. 608 James Dunderdale. 610 Frank K. Merrill. 610 Thomas Shoesmith. 612 Michael L. Barrett. 614 James E. Bush. 618 Matthew Bishop. 628 Charles Rickard. E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY 630 630 €32 634 Mason Brothers. George H. Partridge. Olson & Turner. Joseph Walkerman. Winsor street intersects. 700 F. Oscar Peterson. 700 Earl C. Jones. James Holmes. Joseph Durano. 702 Brandt & Carlson. Bert Covey. 704 Vacant store. 706 Gust Lindberg. 706 Rollin H. Humphrey. 710-14 Munson & Waite. 710 The Anderson Co. 714 E. W . Rawson. 714-16 Broden Table Works. 718 Buck & Smith. 734 Clinton F. Kimberly. 734 Edwin Kimberly. Cheney street intersects. 744 Dr. Corydon A. Rugg. 748 Gust Lawson. 750 Fred Young. 750 Amelia Stockwell. 752 Sarah Benedict 756 John A. Lawson. 756 John W . Ostrom. 756 Fred Stafford. 760 August Rask. 760 Magnus Anderson. 760 James W . Raistrick. 764 Alexander Mclntyre. 764 George H. Warren. 764 Gust Lindberg. 764 Mrs. Eva Lawson. 768 Joseph A. Bergwall. 774 John E. Kase. 774-6 Fred Byford. 776 Joseph V. Johnson. 780 Carl O. Peterson. 784 August J. Johnson. 784 James Noon. 786 August Wallene. 786 Mrs. Anna Anderson. 786 Gust Sagstrom. 788 Burton S. Thompson. 788 788 790 790 790 792 792 69 Charles E. Scholine. Gust T. Johnson. Gust Nelson. Emil Shellberg. Mrs. Alice Renny. John Barkman. Mrs. Ambrosia Brown. South Thayer street intersects. 800 802 812 812 812 814 814 814 816 820 820 820 Vacant house. Albert Leburg. Gust Clint. John Ericsson. Mrs. Almina Harns. Mrs. Johanna Hawkinson. Ernest Swan. John Leroy Sr. John O'Brien. John B. Swanson. Sam Thomas. Severn Sattson. Bishop street intersects. 840 840 842 844 868 Gust A. Johnson. Calvin Blanchard. John D. Chapman. William Kinsel. Carl O. Anderson. Quarry road intersects. 872 872 884 898 912 912 914 926 930 932 946 952 Ullman S. Ayers. Andrew G. Carlson. James Doyle. Edward Mahoney. Charles W . Swanson. P. John Gronberg. Jeffords hose house. Mrs. Cenath A. Hooker. Peter E. Peterson. Carlton G. Hoyt. George Houghton. James H. Clark. East Buffalo street intersects. 1054 1058 1062 1070 Byron Crumb. Louis Krempin. Freeman Hayward. Mrs. Mary Covey. Stafford street intersects. 1088 Franklin E. Flagg. E A S T S E V E N T H STREET. 70 E A S T SIXTH S T R E E T . J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 1088 North American Portrait Co. Driving park road intersects. 1200 I. Hardwick. Driving Park hotel. 1208 Joseph Wilson. 1208 Eliza Swanson. 1210 Keneth E. Nevins. 1210 Minnie Vickery. 1276 Willard F. LeRoy. 1310 Frank Ekstrom. 1370 Willis C. Cady. 1388 D. Earl Stilson. 1390 Elias B. Stilson. 1398 Frank Furlow. EAST SEVENTH STREET. From 612 Main, east to Winsor.—1st ward. Left and North Side. 1 John Hayes. 3 William J. Rogers. 3 Mrs. Flora Aylesworth. Not open to- Crosby street intersection. 509 Edward- H. Chase. 511 Rev. John Robinson. 515 Free Methodist church. Lincoln street intersects. 603 Thomas J. Pierce. 605 Henry Scofield. 609 Lemuel C. Reed. 613 George E. Merrill. EAST SEVENTH STREET. Right and South Side. No houses. Pine street intersects. Not open to Crosby street intersection. 508 James D. Berry. 510 Perry D. Lindholm. Lincoln street intersects. 612 Emerson Goodrich. 616 Augustus F. Moses. Grant street intersects. 718 Mrs. Mary E. Smith. 718 Gilbert Smith. 722 Augustus S. Holmes. 726 Marshall Eggleston. E A S T SIXTH S T R E E T . From 518 Main east to Winsor—1st ward. Left and North Side. 1 Pennock & Hopkins. 1 Marion S. Speer. 3 Mrs. Hattie B. Love. 11 Mrs. Helen E. Hopkins. 17 Charles W . Mace. Pine street intersects. 103 Mrs. Alice L. Upham. 107 Corisande J. Keeler. 107 Frank A. Wilcox. Ill Myron H. Botsford. 117 Amelia W . Stephens. Spring street intersects. 201 Vacant house. 209 John P. Pennock. 21? Charles A. Ahlstrom. 217 Robert T. Logan. Prendergast avenue intersects. 307 Henry G. Trampleasure. 311 William C. Briggs. 311 J. E. Downey. 311% Vacant house. 315 William D. Bowen. Fulton street intersects. 401 James T. Larmonth. Lake View avenue intersects. 429 Mrs. Mary A. Crosby. Crosby street intersects. 513 Mrs. Rose A. McCormick. 519 Charles C. Pedersen. Lincoln street intersects. 603 Mrs. Adelle Wilbur. 621 Carl A. Lundquist. Grant street intersects. 627 Rovillus R. Rogers. 639 James G. Tonge. 641 Asa Fielding. 641 George G. York. 645 Thomas B. Smith. 649 Carl G. Anderson. 653 Fred D. VanNamee. 663 Mrs. Rachael D. Willard. E A S T SIXTH STREET, Cont'd. E A S T T H I R D STREET. JAMESTOWN S T R E E T DIRECTORY. EAST SIXTH STREET. Right and South Side. No houses. Pine street intersects. 110 Mrs. Ruth R. Fenner. Spring street intersects. No houses. Prendergast avenue intersects. 300 310 310 312 Edson L. West. C. H. Brett. Fred L. Norton. W . F. Sayre. Fulton street intersects. 400 408 412 412 418 424 428 432 Marcus L. Ford. Fred P. Todd. Charles S. Keeler. William A. Keeler. Charles G. Lindsey. Mrs. Jeanette M. Smith. Mrs. Katherine Baker. Vacant house. Liberty street intersects. 500 506 512 518 Thomas H. Smith. Palmer K. Shankland. Charles F. Haliker. Jamestown Cut Glass Co, Lincoln street intersects. 606 614 616 620 625 622 628 632 632 636 640 644 644 648 650 654 Richard N. Wickfield. Patrick O'Brien. James S. Scott. Richard E. Toothill. David W . Palmer. Judd Pelton. John Wheelhouse. Mrs. Elizabeth Howard. Walter V. Fielding. Charles H. Jennings. Clarence S. Hale. John A. Peterson. Gust Anderson. . Emerson M. Traver. Mrs. Hannah Hodgson. John Walburg. 71 EAST STREET., From 423 East 4th, north to East 5th. —1st ward. Right and East Side. 4 Everett D. Johnson. 4 David B. Everett. EAST THIRD STREET. From 222 Main, east to junction with East 2d. Left and North Side. 3 Frank Marcello. 5 Clark Bros. 7 E. R. Langford. William H. Wright. Smith & Johnson Bros. B. P. O. E. hall. G. A. R. hall. 9 William Bealer & Son. Mrs. Martha E. Grove. 11 Fred S. Marsh. Dr. E. M. Scofield. 13-15 Jones block. 13 H. M. Gage. 15 J. W . Graff. 17-23 Mt. Tabor and I. O. O. F. hall. 17 Fabian Sellstrom. 19 Fulton Market Co. 21 N. J. Fenner. 23 W . Skellie. 23 Mrs. May B. Miller. Pine street intersects. 101-103 K. O. T. M. hall. 101 Standard Oil Co. Herald Printing Co. (basement.) Major James S. Rogers. Recruiting office U. S. army. The Chautauqua National Building Loan and Savings association. 103 Archibald D. Falconer. E. W . Bucklin, Jr. 103 Vacant store. 105-111 Lowry block. 105 L. W . Kemp. Mrs. Alice T. Guest. Phillip J. New. E A S T T H I R D STREET, Cont'd. 72 E A S T T H I R D S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 107 Vacant store. Jobn W . Miller. 109 Jamestown Roofing Co. William N. Hawkins. Ill Charles H. Pew. Mrs. Jennie V. Pierce. Fred Moon. 113 New York and Penna. Tel & Tel. Co. Spring street intersects. 211 Jamestown Plumbing & Heating Co. 211 Vaughn Bros. 213 Charles S. Gulp. 215 Jason Woodhead. 215 Olive E. Davis. 217 Mrs. Eliza E. Evans. Prendergast avenue intersects. First Congregational church. 331 Mrs. Julia H. Yates. 339 Mrs. Hannah E. Whitney. 345 Lorenzo D. Powers. First M. E. church. EAST THIRD STREET. Right and South Side. 2-8 Gifford block. 2 Swetland & Anderson. Imus Bros. A. D. Dewey. J. M. Weller & Son. L. W . Wiltsie. L. L. Hanchett. Harry R. Lewis. A. H. Stafford. 6 J. H. Kaiser. 8 Brooks News Co. 10 Hatch & Briggs. 10 Dr. Morris N. Bemus. Grace, Heineman & Goldstein. John I. Lerch. 12 L. Heineman. Dr. E. L. West. Samuel A. Sichel. T. Henry Black. 14 R. B. Jones. New Union saloon ("oasement). 14 A. J. Hawkins. Abner J. Hawkins. 16 Thomas F. Rowley. H. M. Hooker. Elton E. Eddy & Co. Moses & Moody. George H. Tiffany. Union Hall. 18 Ingerson Bros. Elanson C. Davis. Pacius Singing Society hall. 20 Cook & Treat. 22 Black Bear. 22 Bauer Hotel. 24 Orren Hayward. A. F. Allen. Ezra C. Havens. Pine street intersects. 100-106 Ellicott building. 100 Ethie P. Thatcher. 102 Mrs. N. P. Bartlett. 104 Charles H. Young. 104 J L Sprague. 106 N e w York Tea & Coffee Co. Ellicott Building. C. A. Pickard, rooms 1 & 2. O. O. Olson, room 4. Phineas Crossman, room 5. Chas. Swanson & Co., room 6. Glenn A. Frank, room 7. S. Miles Bouton, room 7. Wicks Bros., room 8. W m . E. King, room 9. Ziba L. Squier, room 9. Harry S. King, room 9. Philo Burt Mfg. Co., rooms 13-1415. 108-10 Fenton Block. 108 Penna. Gas Co. Dr. O. J. Willard. Mrs. N. L. Wilson. Mrs. Florence Clark. 110 Jamestown Water Supply Co. Mrs. C. G. Rowley. C. G. Rowley. John Donnelly. 112-14 Holmes Awning Works. James B. Ross. J3AST T H I R D S T R E E T , Cont'd. ELLICOTT STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 116 118 120 120 122 122 Mrs. Libbie Cross. Annie Magnuson. The Senate Saloon. Charles 0. Ryden. Fred Bjork. William M. Sweeney. J. B. Swanson. Harry E. Scoville. G. Burton Waite. Jennie Fosberg. Frank Hunt. Dr. A. E. Myers. William A. Barrows. Horton Bros. J. S. Horton & Son. Spring street intersects. 73 326 Stillman's studio. 330 Charles Mee. 332 A. P. Lowell. 332 Mrs. Jeanette Martin. 338 Mrs. Betty Gronberg. 338 Louisa A. Jones. 338% Mrs. Samantha J. Moore. 340 Mrs. Augusta M. Melin. 342 Leon A. Conner. 344 Odell & Doolittle. E L K STREET. From 13 Franklin, north.—5th ward. Left and West Side. 5 James Hutley. 9 Nels N. Jacobsen. E A S T ELLICOTT S T R E E T . :202-12 City Hall. From 133 King, north.—4th ward. . City Clerk, room 1. Left and West Side. Council chambers, room 2. 15 Ann E. Clark. City Mayor, room 3. 23 Terrence A. Laudenslager. Council Committee, room 4. City Treasurer, room 5. EAST ELLICOTT STREET. Police Court, room 6. Right and East Side. Chief of Police, room 7. City Assessor, room 8. 10 Cravens Sutcliffe. Board Public Works, room 9. 20 John W . Doubleday. Department of Health, room 10. ELLICOTT STREET. Sanitary Inspector, room 10. From 134 King, south to Shaw avePlumbing Inspector, room 10. A. C. & R. F. Pickard, rooms 11- nue.—4th ward. Left and East Side. 11%-12-14. City Engineer, rooms 16-17. 1 Charles O. Mohl. Charles A. Ogren, rooms 18-19. 13 Axel R. Johnson. City street commissioner (base17 August W . Haibeg. ment). 25 Washington Bird. City poor master (basement). 29 William Teustrom. 214 Mrs. Emily Stilson. 33 Magnus Olson. 216 Mrs. Frances A. Tompkins. 37 Vacant house. 41 Mrs. Mary E. Warren. Prendergast avenue intersects. 45 Leonard A. Jones. 55 Mrs. Melinda A. Morse. 304 Mrs. Kate M. Fairchild. 308 Mrs. E. L. White. ELLICOTT STREET. 310 Edward W . Curtis. Right and West Side. 312 Hilence M. Gage. 18 Mrs. Margaret L. Harrington. 214 Vacant house. 20 Claus A. Anderson. 320 Fred E. Whitley. 20 Arvid Herman. 322 Vacant house. ENGLISH STREET. 74 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. ELLICOTT A V E N U E . From before 510 Forest avenue, wesl to Colfax.—6th ward. Left and South Side. 11 Vacant house. 31 William S. Green. 39 Ernest Ellenson. ELM STREET. From Buffalo street north to East end of Allen. Right and East Side. 8 Ezra Sager. 12 Jerome Brownell. ELM STREET. Left and West Side. 17 Alphonso J. North. 25 LeRoy Mattocks. 25 Mrs. Ella Cutting. 31 Andres J. Holmer. ENGLISH STREET. From 346 Allen east to Camp—4th ward. Left and North Side. 9 John Hodgson. 11 William H. Sedgwick. 13 Charles O. Anderson. Barrows street intersects. N o houses. Tower street intersects. 249 Charles F. Johnson. 249 Charles W . Johnson. Kinney street intersects. N o houses. Holman street intersects. 401 Gust A. Anderson. John E. Carlson. Andrew M. Hegg. 605 605 609 609 F A L C O N E R STREET. 311 Eugene H. Benson. 313 Corbin K. Willard. Solomon Spencer. Levant H. Thompson. ENGLISH S T R E E T . Right and South Side. Herman A. Anderson. King street intersects. 314 Mark T. Willson. EUCLID A V E N U E . From 1154 Prendergast avenue east to Lake View avenue—1st ward. Left and North Side. 19 Louise E. Geer. 31 (Rev.) James G. Townsend. 35 Anton Johnson. Lake View avenue intersects 119 John P. Moynihan. 123 Vacant house. 125 Vacant house. FALCONER STREET. From 448 Winsor east to city limits —5th ward. Left and North Side. 85 James H. Price. 87 Thomas C. Metcalfe. Ill Ill 117 125 127 127 127 131 King street intersects. 215 215 Victor Holmberg. Henning Gustafson. Axel F. Carlson. John Freedlund. 395 395 401 Sturges street intersects. Branch school No. 10. Bowen street intersects. John T. Carlson. Charles Carlson. William Elf. Mrs. Carrie Johnson. Olif M. Goranson. Charles G. B. Sjogren. Aaron Benson. Charles A. Goranson. Stowe street intersects. Edward Hakanson. William Swanson. Weeks street intersects. Wilson Shaw. Albert Hall. Joseph Stead. F A L C O N E R S T R E E T , Cont'd. FAIRMOUNT AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 401 413 501 509 George A. Hall. Mrs. Ida Geer. Henry Warning. John Bottomley. Buffalo street intersects. 615 619 625 631 633 637 645 Thomas E. Reeder. Mrs. Jeanette L. Taylor. James Little. Allen Thayer. Frank A. Cease. Edwin Vincent. Frank A. Imus. Cowing street intersects. 703 Frank A. Johnson. Dearing avenue intersects. 715 Erwin H. Johnson. Curtis street intersects. 1409 Henry Bradig-an. 2 6 14 14 88 F A L C O N E R STREET. Right and South Side. James Metcalf. John H. Short. Charles W . Jones. Josiah Walker. Mrs. Nettie L. Matthews. Bowen street intersects. Charles Johnson. William H. Karr. Joseph P. Muldoon. Mrs. Hannah Anderson. Charles Gustafson. Victor Gronberg. Thayer street intersects. 130 Alvin Peterson. 130 Lorenzo D. Pencille. 130 Mrs. E m m a Peterson. 102 104 104 104 108 108 Stowe street intersects. 200 200 206 210 210 210 Harvey Simmons. Mrs. Susannah Muff. Carl P. Danielson. Simon P. Burt. John E. Bergquist. John Olson. Weeks street intersects. 75 300 300 308 310 Otto Weekman. Charles Erickson. Mrs. Kate Ryan. Thomas Hambleton. No houses. Kipp street intersects. 400 Charles J. Carpenter. 414 Lucian A. Davis. No houses. Buffalo street intersects. No houses. Dexter street intersects. 634 Alanson Thayer. Mrs. Alice Rider. Curtis street intersects. Mrs. Mary L. Gordon. Woodlawn avenue intersects. No houses. Dakota street intersects. No houses. Orphanage street intersects. Henry Shute. 1410 William Conroe. FAIRFIELD A V E N U E . From 332 Forest avenue east to Myrtle avenue—3d ward. 8 12 12 16 16 24 24 32 32 Right and South Side. Gustaf W . Carlson. John A. Peterson Swan M. Sandberg. John Neilson. John Erickson. Magnus Jaysane. George Mohl. Gust O. Gustafson. Charles L. Carlson. FAIRMOUNT AVENUE. From 533 West 3d northwest to Boatlanding bridge—2d ward. Left and West Side. 5 Charles A. Breed. 7 Joseph M. Himebaugh. 17 Winfield S. Cameron. F A I R M O U N T A V E N U E , Cont'd. 76 21 25 29 31 J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Walter B. Horton. William M. Davis. J. Harry Jones. John Herby. Hamilton street intersects. 39 43 43 47 51 51 51 57 57 '59 J. Sherwood Briggs. Charles E. Treat B. Clinton Couchman. Benson C. Metcalf. Mrs. Anna E. Carter. Charles M. Partridge. Oscar Stranberg. Edward P. Walsh. Peter M. Johnson. Barker D. Chadwick. West End street intersects. 117 Dr. Alvin B. Rice. 119 Andrew J. Butts. 121 Wilton II. DeLaney. 121 Charles S. Pratt. 123 Leonard Crumb. 123 Eugene Hopson. 125 James D. Abrams. 131 Mrs. Margaret Curry. 135 Vacant shop. West 8th street intersects. 143 Vacant store. 145 Vacant store. 147 William C. Terril. 149-151 Mrs Triphena Starkweather. FAIRMOUNT AVENUE. 14 26 30 30 38 40 44 50 104 116 FAIRVIEW AVENUE. Right and East Side. T. Nevitt Sprague. Lawrence W . Wiltsie. Walter E. Griggs. William V. Stearns. Hamilton street intersects. Charles E. Stratton. John B. Collins. E. Bruno Bergholtz. Edward C. Knupp. West 5th street intersects. Hiram E. Butler. Mrs. Mary Murray. Carroll street intersects. 122 128 128 130 132 132 132 134 134 134 134 James W . Butterfield. McNallie & Near. D. H. McNallie. Fred A. Lakins. Fairmount pharmacy. Fred F. Green. Mrs. Ella Hunt Logan. J. D. Abrams. Abrams & Wiltsie. Arthur H. Graff. Olin W . Kelsey. FAIRVIEW A V E N U E . From opposite 26 Ashville avenue, south to West 3d—6th ward. Left and East Side. N o houses. West 6th street intersects. 105 Alton C. Powers. 133 Eliza Bush (incorrectly numbered). 121 Charles Babbitt. 123 Bert L. Mattson. 129 John Hayes. 131 Patrick Fitzgerald. 137 William Corkery. 139 Timothy Corkery. 143 Israel D, Carpenter. FAIRVIEW A V E N U E . 8 8 10 12 20 26 28 30 Right and West Side. George A. Williams. William C. Williams. George Swetland. Joseph L. Fish. Angus McKenzie. James F. Seymour. Charles L. Thorn. Willis R. Wells. West 6th street intersects. 108 108 114 114 118 130 132 150 Roswell Rowley. Mrs. Mary Provancha. James Curran. James A. Delaney. Daniel J. Corkery. Charles E. Peterson. James Hannon. John Murray. FILMORE STREET. FLUVANNA AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. FENTON STREET. From rear 12 Williams west to Hallock—6th ward. Left and South Side. 1 Frank D. Steele. 13 John G. Eckman. 205 John E. Kessell. Highland avenue intersects. Tew street intersects. No houses to Hallock street intersection. F E N T O N STREET. Right and North Side. No houses. Hall avenue intersects. 612 Charles A. Nelson. F E N T O N PLACE. From 44 S. Main west to Forest avenue. Left and South Side. 1 Albert A. Gilbert. 13 William Pierson. 19 W . D. McElroy. 21 Charles D. Parker. 23 John P. C. Markle. 31 Andrew Lockwood. 31 Beeri Lewis. 33 Lavina McElroy. 33 Moses P. Chapman. F E N T O N STREET. Right and North Side. 24 24 26 28 William Pierson. Franklin Drake. Fire Police. Eagle Hose house. FILMORE STREET. From 45 Harrison north to junction with Taylor—3d ward Left and West Side. 7-11 Jamestown Desk Co. F I L M O R E STREET. Right and East Side. 10 14 16 16 20 77- Michael C. Cordon. John M. Anderson. Mrs. Loraine R. Lepar. William W . Watson. J. M. Anderson. FLAGG AVENUE. From opposite 22 Stafford east to^. Driving park road—5th ward. Left and North Side. 15 William J. Bentley. 41 Emory S. Clark. 4 10 36 38 38 40 40 48 FLAGG AVENUE. Right and South Side. Elmer E. Porter. Simeon M. Vincent. Charles M. Silsby. Sidney Danforth. William C. Stanley. Jacob H. Jones. Clark Wescott. J. I. Stafford. FLETCHER AVENUE. From 124 Hamilton north—2d ward; 22 Frank Rummer. 22 Isaac W . Stewart. FLUVANNA AVENUE. From 1113 Main northwest Io city, limits.—2d ward. Left and South Side. 15 Clarence J. Sprague. 31 Howard Robinson. 33 Patrick Dillon. Edwin J. Houghtaling. Merritt C. Lord. FLUVANNA AVENUE. Right and North Side. 14 John Huntington. 18 Elmer E. Sprague,, 22 Fred W . Dewey. Joseph S. Arnold. Martin V. Bly. Axel V. Grafstrom. Charles Johnson. William P. Stevens^. FOOTE AVENUE. 78 F O O T E A V E N U E , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTOR?. FOOTE AVENUE, From before 104 Chandler south to city limits—5th, 3d and 4th wards. Left and East Side. 9 13 19 25 25 25 29 31 J. Fred Jones. Frank W . Palmeter. Joseph McNeight. Arthur M. Sweet. Francis J. Appleyard. Abner Ellison. William P. Graham. Edward Appleyard. Crane street intersects. 39 Mrs. Caroline C. Brown. 41 George Murphy. 43 Peter 0. Olson. 4 3 % Frank A. Carlson. 47 Mrs. Mary A. Stapleton. Erie tracks intersect. 57 John Bogenschutz. 59 Luke M. Lynch. 59 Fred Leach. 59 Mrs. Leora Decker. 63 Mandel Mehr. Harrison street intersects. 109 Mrs. Sylvia B. Southwick. 113 E, J. Ashwe-11 & Co. 123 Cadwell Cabinet Co. Waterman street intersects. 131 John M. Lawson. 131 John Kilpatrick. 135 Andrew J. Lind. Water street intersects. 143 James O'Brien. 147 James Munroe. 151 Henry Ahlstrom. Allen street intersects. 207 219 223 225 W. C. A. Hospital. Mrs. Leonora E. Sheldon. Clarence M. Grandin. Vacant house. Mechanic street intersects. Mrs. Mary C. See. 311 Robert Bryan. Arnold street intersects. 325 James S. Partridge. 327 Mrs. Lucy A. Sherman. 327 E. Earl Carpenter. 327 James Garnet. 331 Frank 0. Strandburg. 331 Arthur Rushworth. 335 Gust P. Gustafson. 335 John Fray. 335 Charles Oberg. 341 Frank A. Thomas. 341 Milton L. Phillips. 343 Alfred B. Collins. 345 Septimus Perkins. 345 Walter Wood. 347 Oscar Carlson. 347 Joseph Sandberg. 347% Charles P. Londahl. 347% Victor Peterson. 347 Mrs. Hannah Scott. 367 Richard J. Lindsey. 367 Orrin Pennell. 367% Harry E. Manchester. 369 Charles Weidholm. 369 Mrs. Christine Hoffstrom. 371 George Eckloff. 375 Mrs. Emeline Pennell. 379 Lewis L. Stewart. 379 George Yates. 383 Wilbur S. Durham. 405 Harry R. Case. Camp street intersects. 415 Ralph E. Waite. 415 John B. Lawson. Newland avenue intersects. 715 Gust T. Colleen. 745 Christopher C. Gossett. 751 John H. Cooper. FOOTE AVENUE. Right and West Side. 10 (Rev.) Gustaf E. Carlson. 16 (Rev.) W . Arter Wright. 20 Asher Friedman. 28 Jacob N. Wiborg. 30 Sheldon C. Ferry. 34 Alfred Stubbs. 38 Charles Wills. 38% Henry Holt. F O O T E A V E N U E , Cont'd. F O O T E A V E N U E , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T D I R E C T O R Y. 42 42 44 44 46 48 50 Alfred Riley. William Hartley. Charles E. Darling. Brook Huntington. John Turner. John E. Lindroth. Thomas Slattery. Erie tracks intersect. 52 Michael Corbett. 66 William F. Endress. 68 Henry Butler. 72 John Prince. Harrison street intersects. 106 Enoch Shaw. 106 John Vine. 108 Sarah A. Pickles. 110 James S. Goodchild. Briggs street intersects. 122-24 Empire Furniture Co. 126 Adolph Ostrom. 132 John F. Gustafson. 134 Laverne Wright. 134 Christen Lindgren. 136 Joseph C. Haug. 136 Charles Malmgren. 136 John Solomonson. 136% Charles B. Huber. 140 Mrs. Mary S. Bristol. 140 Mrs. Helen Bedient. 142 Walter Shaw. 148 Byron D. Jackson. 150 George Sayers. Allen street intersects. 226 Byron A. Barlow. Mechanic street intersects. 300 Olson Bros. 302 Lundquist & Berglund. 304 Andrew Broberg. 310 H e m a n S. Fox. 310 Francis A. VanStone. 314 Charles Lindbeck. 322 Andrew O. Anderson. 324 Ariel H. Wellman. 324 Adolph J. Anderson. 328 John A. Anderson. 334 Fred Tiffany. 334 Mrs. Nancy Root. 336 James L. Sprague. 340 Mrs. Elizabeth Paquin. 342 Alva F. Akin. 346 Franklin Colt 346 C. Laverne Wheeler. 350 James Ingham. 352 Albert E. Sherman. 356 Unis Bloomquist. 356 Elliott B. Bratt. 360 Peter Bloomquist. 366 Charles Swanson. 366% Isaac H. Neff. 366% Henry C. Landes. 366% Mrs. Hannah Cram. 372 Calvin Bush. 374 James Martin Young. 378 Jerome Post. 378% Horace G. Waite. 380 Kendrick A. Luther. 384 William F. Bushey. 402 John Stevenson. 410 John F. Nash. 416 John F. Smith. 420 Allen R. Manbert. Newland avenue intersects. 504 506 508 514 514 516 518 520 520 Mrs. Hilma Anderson. Mrs. Liva Bloomquist. John Siguier. George Franklin. Frank Carlson. Peter F. Ostrom. John F. Rawlings. William Sturdevant. Clinton Hanson. Barker street intersects. 600 Mrs. Maria Hunt. Walnut street intersects. 612 Alfred Anderson. 624 William Hainsworth. 624 James Rawnsley. Park place intersects. 702 Stephen A. Culver. 706 George D. Andruss. 710 Gust Holmberg. 760 Dennis Quinlan. 770 Mrs. Elizabeth Landrigan. 79 FOREST AVENUE. 80 F O R E S T A V E N U E , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. FOREST AVENUE. From 5 Brooklyn square, south to city limits.—3d and 6th wards. Left and East Side. 23-31 Kent block. 23 Vacant storeroom. 25 A. E. Wescott. 27 John Londahl. 27 A—Edward W . Gifford. 27 B—Charles A. Lindholm. 27 C—Nelson Crull. 27 D—James Cowan. 27 E—Josiah Bricker. 27 F—Charles O. Anderson. Charles V. Olson. 27 G—Henry I. Brockway. 29 A. F. Kent. 29 Axel Swanson. 31 Charles A. Lindholm. 11-13 E. B. Bootey & Co. 13 William S. Griffin. 15 Charles D. VanDusen. Fenton place intersects. 103 Mrs. Antoinette L. Derby. 109 Mrs. Olive Phillips. 127 Elliot C. Hall. 139 Alfred E. Hall. 155 Alfred T. Livingston. Prather avenue intersects. 171 Lewis P. Willing. . Whitley place intersects. 195 Mrs. Lephie Phillips. Pilgrim chapel. Prospect avenue intersects. 201 Axel Sellstrom. 201 Michael Schone. 209 Harvey F. Reynolds. 211 Charles D. VanDusen. 213 Willis A. Neff. 219 James Lund. Linden avenue intersects. 225 Charles W . Persons. 229 John A. Johnson. 235 Charles E. Hammerstrom. Columbia avenue intersects. 263 ChaTles A. Johnson. 263 Harry O. Jones. No houses. Fairfield avenue intersects. 401 John McKaig.. No houses. Hazeltine avenue intersects. FOREST AVENUE. 2 4 12 12 12 18 18 20 22 110 114 124 124 128 142 142 148 154 156 186 194 196 202 Right and West Side. C. G. Haglund. Fenton & Andruss. Charles. Wicklund. Charles Hager. Rear H. A. Davidson & Co. Salvation Army. Lyman Cole (basement). Ideal Laundry. Gust T. Olson. Nellie Bever. Mrs. Ruth B. Rhinemiller.. Jackson Bros.. John E. Jackson. Peter W . Jackson. Lucius B. Warner. Francis J. Underwood. Charles J. Jenner. Mrs. R.. Maila Perrin.. Ann Eliza Hall. Dr. J. W . Morris. Glenn P. Phillips.. George A. Georgi. Prather avenue intersects.. Charles I. Moore. Charles E.. Anderson.. Aaron Hall. Theodore Z. Root. Mrs.. Mary Curtis. Edward L. Hall. Forest street intersects*. 208 212 212 212 218 224 224 228 Mrs. Caroline Sellstrom. Henry Carr. Louis A. Pillsbury. Nicholas E. Engle. Myrta Brown.. Vacant house. Rear—Gust Ulene.JacohJacob'soru,. F O R E S T A V E N U E . Cont'd. F O R E S T STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 228 230 238 244 244 248 254 254 262 262 262 304 310 310 314 316 318 320 322 324 326 330 332 332 338 338 340 510 614 702 810 824 906 Mrs. Sophia Lindholm. Mrs. Josephine A. Peterson. Eric M. Neilson. Anton P. Sellstrom. Swan Sampson. Morris Brogren. Gust A. Johnson. M. Pearson. John F. Walgren. Herman Strong. William Johnson. Newland avenue intersects. Charles A. Sellstrom. Fred A. Carlson. Adol h Morgan. Fred Anderson. Frank Anderson. Charles W . Anderson. Charles G. Mohl. Christ Nelson. Hilda Danielson. Oscar Anderson. Martin Due. Gust W . Anderson. Lars Lindquist. Charles Olson. Clyde A. Weld. Vacant store. Elliot street intersects. M. Nels Nord. Wilton avenue intersects. Vacant house. Chamber street intersects. Albert Undberg. Lee avenue intersects. Carl E. Nelson. John Laughlin. Arcade avenue intersects. James Brown. FOREST STREET. From 208 Forest avenue west to Colfax.—6th ward. Left and South Side. N o houses. Barrett street intersects. 105 109 109 113 117 121 121 209 213 237 301 301 301 313 315 315 317 325 325 Frederick Hindle. Adolph Ulf. Clarence Carlson. Charles L. Carlson. George E. Freeman. Roland K. Mason. James H. Mason. Branch school No. 5. Charles street intersects. Jonas P. Carlson. Vacant house. Orchard avenue intersects. Nettie Elizabeth Sampson. Sampson street intersects. Fred Strong. Charles W . Strong. Robert Oberg. Charles W . Swanson. John A. Moody. Mrs. Dora J. Thomas. Mrs. Amelia Penfield. Nels Hagstrom. Oscar Peterson. FOREST STREET. Right and North Side. 24 Nels J. Swanson. 24 Mrs. Sophia Johnson. 26 Gust A. Lofgren. 26 August Carlson. 28 John F. Nyberg. 28 George W . Sellstrom. 42 Gust H. Carlson. 44 Nels Anderson. Barrett street intersects. 112 Albert Norman. 122 Gust Glad. Charles street intersects. 232 Charles A. Anderson. 234 Charles Delain. 236 Vacant house. 238 Vacant house. 312 John M. Swanson. 312 Lambert Jensen. 316 Nils P. Eckman. 322 Andrew Kling. 322 Mrs. Nelson. 324 Mrs. Mary Anderson. 81 FOUNTAIN AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 82 FOUNTAIN AVENUE. From 1027 Main west—2d ward. Left and South Side. 13 13 13 31 George N. Waggoner. Mrs. Esther McCutcheon. Mrs. Euceba H. Darst. Mrs. Barbara Vining. FOUNTAIN AVENUE. Right and North Side. 8 Stephen S. Leroy. 10 Joseph Heintz. FRANCIS STREET. From 9 Gt Jones south to Palmer— 6th ward. Right and West Side. 108 110 110 112 112 Mrs. Louise M. Atwood. A. John Nelson. Elmer C. Atwood. Martin L. Lawson. Andrew Hagstrom. FRANKLIN STREET. From 23 Center east to Elk—5th ward. Left and North Side. 9 Horsfall Crowe. 13 John W . Ickeringill. FRANKLIN STREET. Right and South Side. 10 14 14 18 22 F U L T O N STREET. John W . Hartley. Mrs. Martha Haggas. Mary Stewart. Isaac Rushworth. Joseph Geser. FRINK AVENUE. From 109 Cowing east to Curtis— 5th ward. Left and North Side. 43 John V. Beebe. 101 Thomas Hall. F U L T O N PLACE. From 217 East 8th north to East 9th —1st ward. Right and East Side. 8 William B. Babcock. 8 Mother Gertrude. 10 Louis H. Greenlund. 12 Michael J. Looney. 14 Vacant house. Vacant house. F U L T O N STREET. From 317 East 5th, north to East 9th 1st ward. Left and West Side. 5 Ellsworth D. Forer. 7 Elizabeth J. Young. 13 Charles N. Ramsey. 17 George M. Hodgkine. East 6th street intersects. 109 Charles A. Anderson. Ill Mrs. Mary Yates Johnston. 115 Charles Felt. 115 Charles W . Davis. 119 J. Charles Alton. 125 John C. Wass. 125 William W . Winchester. 129 Albert R. Weaver. East 8th street intersects. 213 Henry B. Wilhelm. 213 Arthur H. Shean. 215 John F. Kingman. 217 Mrs. Lefa Carrier. 221 Samuel A. Parker. 229 George A. Dawson. 229 Elof Wicander. 231 Edward E. Lindstrom. 233 John E. Henry. 235 Frank X. Bouman. 241 Henry Rappole. 245 H. Orton Berry. 251 Levi M. Stone. FULTON STREET. Right and East Side. 12 John C. Mason. East 6th street intersects. 120 William F. Wallis. F U L T O N S T R E E T . Cont'd. G R E A T JONES STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 122 130 134 138 206 212 214 214 216 216 220 220 224 226 240 252 John E. Peterson. Russell J. Forbes. William J. Loucks. Frank E. Taft. East 8th street intersects. Clarence M. Rice. Charles E. Graham. Axtel E. Anderson. Kent W . Spencer. John T. Yates. Clayton E. Appleby. John Lind. Mrs. Elizabeth Loucks. Charles H. Elliott. Erwin D. Shearman. Robert E. Falconer. Azarie C. Guertin. GARFIELD STREET. From 17 Sherman east to Maple— 4th ward. Left and North Side. 5 George H. Anderson. 9 John P. Erickson. 11 August F. Jones. GLENDALE AVENUE. From 824 Forest avenue, west to Sampson.—6th ward. Left and South Side. 21 F. E. Garfield. GRANDIN STREET. From 30 Sampson west to Colfax— 6th ward. Left and South Side. 3 George W . May. 3 Edmund W . Hollister. 5 Peter Frantzen. 9 Nels Munson. 11 Oscar Palm. 11 Fred Carlson. GRANDIN STREET. Right and North Side. 4 Charles Hageman. 6 Aaron Carlberg. 83 G R A N T STREET. From 627 East 6th, north to East 9th.—1st ward. Left and West Side. No houses. East 7th street intersects. N o houses. East 8th street intersects. 41 41 45 49 49 55 57 August C. Anderson. Louisa S. Johnson. George S. Doolittle. Josiah Odell. Mrs. Anna D. Buestrom. Charles E. Wade. Walter C. Sunderland. GRANT STREET. Right and East Side. 12 Howard S. Rogers. East 7th street intersects. No houses. East 8th street intersects. 44 Gust Berger. 44 Biram S. Lazelle. 50 Elof S. Johnson. 50 August F. Newman. 52 Thomas E. Perkins. G R E A T JONES STREET. From Chapman west to Sprague6th ward. Left and South Side. 3 3 5 5 7 7 9 11 11 13 13 Hans Neilson. Oscar Anderson. Gust F. Anderson. Charles Greenquist. Edgar A. Manges. Mrs. Nettie Stewart. Frances avenue intersects. Andrew Heimberger. John Fritz. Mrs. Mary Eklof. James Cullen. Isaac Coates. H A M M O N D STREET. 84 HALLOCK STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORS H A M M O N D STREET. From 714 Ashville avenue, north to Livingston avenue.—6th ward. Left and West Side. 9 Fred J. Conner. 15 Harry P. Belknap. 21 Charles Baird. EAST HAMILTON STREET, From 38 Fairmount avenue, east to Murray avenue—2d ward. Left and North Side. 7 L. Clyde Stewart. 9 Frank Fleek. HAMILTON STREET. From 31 Fairmount avenue, west— 2nd ward. Left and South Side. 113 Charles E. Wood. 123 Carlton Kapple. Right and North Side. 108 Warren A. Frank. 110 Daniel Benson. 112 Mett M. Crosby. 114 W . Carver Ball. 114 Edward F. Wemple. Langford street intersects. 120 T. Carlson. 120 James F. Galvin. 124 Andrew J. Montanye. 124 Herman B. Goodwin. HALL AVENUE. From 203 Ashville avenue south to Palmer—6th ward. Left and East Side. 3 Catherine Crow. 5 George F. Spencer. 7 Mrs. Sarah A. VanVleck. 11 John Curran. 17 John W . Kiley. 25 Cornelius Gallivan. West 6th street intersects. 107 Gust A. Anderson. 107 Roy M. Smith. 115 117 131 141 147 Patrick Woods. John T. Cronin. Charles Lake. William E. King. James Morrissey. West Third street intersects. HALL AVENUE. 10 10 14 14 22 38 108 112 114 116 120 120 122 154 238 238 300 Right and West Side. Stewart W. Philo. William B. Philo. David Maloney. Daniel Rogan. Mrs. Christine Palmer. Ashbel R. Catlin. West 6th street intersects. Dallas E. Davis Joseph R. Peck. Nels P. Hanson. Edward Johnson. Axel W . Olson. Raymond W . Entwistle. August M. Peterson. Jesse B. Jones. West 3d street intersects. Claus Nelson. John E. Nelson. Fenton street intersects. Andrew J. Johnson. Branch school No. 8. HALLOCK STREET. From opposite 702 Ashville avenue south to Newland avenue. Left and East Side. No houses. West 6th street intersects. 223 William H. Stone. 227 Alfred R. Calkins. 243 John Thomas. 269 David C. Hunt. West 3d street intersects. 301 James S. Ellis. Ellis avenue intersects. 321 Thaddeus E. Matson. Palmer street intersects. 461 John Engman. H A L L O C K S T R E E T , Cont'd. HARRISON STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 100 100 102 104 216 402 424 424 428 444 446 462 506 508 510 512 528 H A L L O C K STREET. Right and West Side. No houses. Royal avenue intersects. Einaldo Adams. Mrs. Persls Gill. George C. VanDusen. Edward E. Waterhouse. Woodworth avenue intersects. Hunt road intersects. George Scott Card. Stephen A. Baker. Martin Terry. Marion J. Price. Erie H. Rice. Earl avenue intersects. Vacant house. Cassius H. Fox. Ridgway avenue intersects. Henry V. Halley. Summit street intersects. Vacant house. Vacant house. Munroe F. Deling. Vacant house. Vacant house. H A N L E Y STREET. From 229 Steele, south to Fenton— 6th ward. Left and East Side. 5 Carl Oscar Lynn. 7 Axel Lawson. 9 August Hult. H A N L E Y STREET. Right and West Side. 6 Andrew Samuelson. 8 John A. Carlson. HARRISON STREET. From 29 South Main, east to Winsor —3d and 4th ward. Left and North Side. 5-9 Brooklyn House. 5-7-9 Albert P. Prout. 7-9 Oowan's Bottling Works. 13 Lindblad Bros. & Co. 15 Josephus H. Clark. 29 Mrs. Helen S. Brown. 33 John J. Burns. 37 John C. Mitchell. 37 Henry G. Crawford. 37 Mrs. Sarah Casselman. 43 Mrs. Mary A. Root. 45 Mrs. Maryette Taylor. 45 Mrs. Rosette Rice. Filmore street intersects. 49 Joe Jessop. 53 Andrew E. Ceder. 55 William Crossley. 59 James Nutter. 61 Edward A. Wareing. 61 Mrs. Ann Brown. 61% Mrs. Myrtle Boyle. Institute street intersects. 101-125 Maddox Table Co. 131 Vacant house. 133 Frank Enos. 141 Mrs. Elizabeth Crowe. 143 Junction House. 143 Mrs. Mary Wheelhouse. 143 Charles R. Olson. Foote avenue intersects. 201 Mandel Mehr. N o houses. Center street intersects. 335 Jamestown Worsted Mills. 335 Hall & Co. HARRISON STREET. Right and South Side. 4-6 George W . Thomas. 10 Ezra Eaton. 12 Herbert Chiverton. 16 Mrs. Adell A. Miller. 16% William H. Cooper. 20 James A. Baxter. 24 S. Otis Brant 28 Mrs. E m m a M. Dorn. 34 Swan A. Palm. 36 Horace T. Pickard. 85 H A R R I S O N S T R E E T . Cont'd. 86 36 38 44 48 48 52 52 56 56 60 60 62 62 100 100 100 104 104 106 106 110 110 114 114 116 118 118 122 122 124 124 128 128 128 130 130 248 250 252 254 254 286 286 292 292 H A Z Z A R D STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Alonzo Felton. John Love. Dr. Robert Bender. John Dawson. Mrs. Mary Horsfield. Arthur Helliwell. Mrs. Mary Myers. James Watmuff. Mary McElroy. Edwin P. Sterns. Mrs. Sophia Donaldson. William Wheelhouse. John W . Wheelhouse. Institute street intersects. Burt M. Amsdell. John R. Heys. Thomas Pearson. Mrs. Rose Hodgson. Mrs. Christine Eckman. Titus Cooper. Arthur T. Saxton. Henry Kohlbacher. James S. Shaw. Adolphus Clement. John Prince. Edgar Tiffany. Joshua Shaw. Charles E. Monjeau. Joseph Topper. Frederick C. Cooper. Otto Love. George P. Wheelhouse. Benjamin Proctor. John Hitchener. Mrs. Rose Halliday. Mrs. Ellen Emmett. Gertrude Gilbert. Foote avenue intersects. Vacant lots. George H. Dawson. John Hollings. John Welham. Mrs. Leah Moore. Sidney Robinson. Henry Holbrook. John Darwin. Mabel Ellsworth. Robert Breckenridge. 292 296 300 320 Rear—Fritz Johnson. Otto Peterson. C. P. Anderson & Co. Jamestown Commercial gallery. HAZELTINE AVENUE. From 213 Myrtle west to Baker—6th ward. Left and South Side. N o houses. Forest avenue intersects. 31 Mrs. Cecelia Anderberg. 33 Nels C. Anderson. 39 Frank Arlandson. Sampson street intersects. 403 Anton Lindstrom. 409 James Hollings. HAZELTINE AVENUE. Right and North Side. 4 Charles J. Sandstrom. 56 Mrs. Alice Ferrin. 136 Mrs. Maria Morey. 4C0 404 408 512 Sampson street intersects. Colfax street intersects. Cecelia Anderberg. Vacant house. George Denslow. Jones street intersects. Mrs. Florence J. Bratt. H A Z Z A R D STREET. From 36 Mechanic south to City Line—3rd ward. Left and East Side. 7 Rowland Stafford. 13 Axel Peterson. 13 Mrs. Mary Saunders. 15 Willis F. Brown. 17 Theodore C. Frank. 21 Alexander A. Castle. 27 Mrs. Josephine Stone. 31 Frank M. Randall. 3 1 % George H. Mitchell. 33 Frank A. Stilson. 35 Samuel Mitchell. 37 Oscar Peterson, H A Z Z A R D S T R E E T . Cont'd. H E B N E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 37 43 45 47 49 57 65 69 71 79 79 81 81 83 87 89 89 93 93 93 93 103 103 103 105 105 105 107 107 Ill 117 211 215 215 219 219 225 227 233 239 247 319 321 323 325 Alva F. Akin. F. P. Johnson. Charles Anderson. Marcus Brockway. John Sanders. James B. Gilberds. Alex Hager. Frank D. Carver. Amos E. Oger. Mulford Nobbs. Eugene Putnam. Judson M. Webb. Edwin Waters. Mrs. Josephine M. Templeton. Fred Brown. John P. Anderson. Mrs. Eliza Galbreath. Mrs. Ellen Allen. George Risley. A. William Holm. Mrs. Phidelia Harvey. John Meas. Edward F. Lammers. Mrs. Minnie Peters. William Koller. August Swanson. John Carlson. John G. Lindahl. Mrs. Martha Chindgren. C. 0. Lawson. Horace F. Aplin. Newland avenue intersects. Charles M. Hjertquist. Mrs. Matilda Sandstrom. Charles Carlson. August Carlson. Charles Benson. Mrs. Ida L. Holmes. William A. Holmes. Frank I. Kling. Partridge street intersects. O. Duane Frank. Vacant, burned house. Barker street intersects. Lewis Langeway. Vacant house. S. A. Tulin. Erastus Aiken. 87 333 Mrs. Hattie Gordon. 333 Mrs. Sylva Sisson. HAZZARD STREET. Right and West Side. Branch school No. 4. 16 Nelson G. Archer. 22 Albert Carpenter. 28 Byron J. Washburn. 34 Wallis D. Brockway. 34 Mrs. Ella Woodcock. 42 C. O. Jones. 50 Emory Myers. 52 William A. Warren. 60 Jacob Rushworth. 66 Mrs. Jane D. Clark. 74 James W . Houser. 78 Harry W . Alden. 80 James Ellis. 90 Gust Anderson. 94 Amos Dyson. Axtel street intersects. 100 Jonas A. Johnson. 100 Theodore Shellberg. 106 Vacant house. 108 Vacant house. 112 Roy Hunt. 112 Mrs. Margaret Killbon. 112% Clarence Imus. 116 Stephen Hey. 118 John W . Morrison. 118 Axel R. Nelson. Newland avenue intersects. 202 August Anderson. 204 John J. Yates. 212 August Hagberg. 226 Albert Rehnberg. 226 J. Gust Lundquist. 246 August Johnson. Park place intersects. 400 Gecrge Smith. Barker street intersects. 500 Vacant house. H E B N E R STREET. From 220 King, south—4th ward. Left and East Side. Frank A. Skans. H E B N E R S T R E E T , Cont'd. 88 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. H E B N E R STREET. Right and West Side. Charles F. Anderson. HEDGES AVENUE. From 247 Willard, north to Benedict —4th ward. Left and West Side. 5 J. Erinst Lindquist. 5 John A. Johnson. 7 Andrew G. Gustafson. 17 Gust H. Carlson. 21 August C. Danielson. 21 C. Victor Reed. 39 Axel W . Gustafson. 39 Charles Stone. 47 Charlie Ericson. 51 Theodore Kulander. 63 Gust 0. Johnson. 65 Christine Nyholm. 69 Carl M. Anderson. 101 John E. Sandburg. 101 John A. Danielson. 105 John Carlson. 105 Oscar Carlson. 113 Berger A. Burgeson. 115 Jonas E. Johnson. HEDGES AVENUE. 6 10 10 12 14 14 44 44 48 52 52 52 72 72 82 82 106 106 H O L M A N STREET. Right and East Side. Charles H. Carlson. J. Emil Jones. Leonard G. Ahlstrom. Andrew G. Carlson. Andrew Grant. Swan G. Grant. Axel J. Peterson. Charles J. Swanson. Charles Carlson. Gust Soderquist Alex. E. Seastrom. Bertha Johnson. Eric G. Hogberg. Anton Erickson. Nels Ryblom. Carl A. Jones. Morris Brogren. Gust Samuelson. 108 108 134 134 138 138 Andrew M. Swanson. John P. Johnson. Leonard Peterson. Henry Johnson. Charles Suderquist. Axel Edin. H E S S STREET. From opposite 520 Palmer, south to Summit—6th ward. Right and West Side. 18 Walter S. Northrup. H I C K O R Y STREET. From Shaw avenue (end of Ellicott) south to Ahrens—4th ward. Left and East Side. 5 Olof Dahlgren. 15 Charles August Berg. 53 Charles Johnson. HIGHLAND AVENUE. From 405 Fenton, south to Palmer — 6th ward. Left and East Side. 11 Hans Davidson. 15 Peter E. Sundberg. 23 Robert Cox. HIGHLAND AVENUE. Right and West Side. Oliver L. Scott. George M. Holt. Magnus Anderson. HOLMAN STREET. From junction English and Willis, east—4th ward. Left and North Side. 3 Frank A. Crantz. 9 Brick Lofgren. Maltby street intersects. 31 33 37 43 Andrew J. Johnson. August Berggren. J. C. Hannah. Chan-lie O. Strand. H O L M A N STREET. Cont'd. INSTITUTE STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTOR'/. H O L M A N STREET. Right and South Side. 40 Charles H. Huber. 40 Susan M. Benchley. HOLMES STREET. From opposite 130 Institute, east to outlet—3rd ward. Left and South Side. 8 Loucks & Murch. 12-16 Vacant. 89 H O W A R D STREET. Right and West Side. 100 Christien Olsen. H U N T ROAD., From end of West 6th at junction of Hallock, west to limits—6th ward Left and South Side. 7 Frank H. Teudesmann. W . W . Clark. H U N T ROAD., Right and North Side. HOTCHKISS STREET. John Dearborn. From Buffalo, opposite pump station, north to Turner avenue—5th ward. INSTITUTE STREET. Left and West Side. From 310 East 2d south to Allen — 1 James E. Smith. 3d and 5th wards. 5 Adelbert C. Wells. Left and East Side. 45 William H. Hancock. School grounds. 57 Gust Soderlund. Erie tracks intersect. 71 Geo. A. Shafer. 33 Jamestown Beef Co. Clyde street intersects. Maddox Table Co. 103 Phillip Reader. Harrison street intersects. 203 Eric Bjorklund. 99 Collins Ice Cream Co. 99 Charles C. Collins.HOTCHKISS STREET. 99 William Kronmiller. Right and East Side. Briggs street intersects. No houses. Mill yard. Clyde street intersects. Holmes street intersects. 131 E. A. Gilbert. 108 Eugene Cornwell. INSTITUTE STREET. HOWARD AVENUE. Right and West Side. From Ashville avenue, south. 6 Stephen Potter. Left and East Side. 8 Theodore Stewart. 1 Vacant house. 10 Victor E. Linnander. 3 Vacant. 12 Uriah Pollard. 5 Pardon Case. East 1st street intersects. 16 Mrs. Clara A. Akin. HOWARD STREET. 16 Mrs. Ellen O'Riley. From Barker street, south to city 18 August Danielson. limits—3d ward. 20 Austin H. Tobias. Left and East Side. 20 John Seymour. No houses. 22 Henry Miller. Park Place intersects. 26 Penna. Gas Co., Storage house. 9 Harry Sweeney. Erie tracks intersect. INSTITUTE S T R E E T , Cont'd. 90 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 28 Walter Rainey. 30 Thomas Lynch. 30 Alice Newbould. 30 Mrs. Mary Carmen. 30% Vacant. 32 Mrs. Bessie Firth. 32 Walter Heathcote. 34 John M. Grant, Oil Co. 40 William W . Hoard. 40 Andrew Jones. Harrison street intersects. 100 Penna. Gas. Co. shop. 118 Joseph W . Klumpp. 126 Jeremiah J. Finucan. 130 Frank C. Hoard. 134 Allen A. Cady. 138 138 138 138 JEFFERSON STREET. Victoria avenue intersects Herbert B. Vincent. Edward Doane. Joseph Stall. Charles Feather. ISABELLA AVENUE. From before No. 11 Marvin west to outlet.—2d ward. Left and South Side. N o houses. Lafayette street intersects. No houses. Jefferson street intersects. N o houses. Clinton street intersects. No houses. Monroe street intersects. No houses. J. & C. tracks intersect. J. & C. Ry. shops. ISABELLA A V E N U E . Right and East Side. No houses. Lafayette street intersects. No houses. Jefferson street intersects. No houses. Monroe street intersects. Office Ross Lumber Co. Lumber yard. J. & C. tracks intersect. Johnson Ice Co. JEFFERSON STREET. From 314 West 2d, north to Rathbone.—2d ward. Left and West Side. 205 Wallace W . Morey. 207 George H. Tiffany. West 3d street intersects. 301 John B. Shaw. 309 James W . Morrison. 313 W . Horton Tiffany. 319 George R. Harrington. West 4th street intersects. Public Park. West 5th street intersects. N o houses. West 6th street intersects. 611 Fabian Sellstrom. West 7th street intersects. No houses. West 8th street intersects. 809 Laverne B. Shaw. 811 John E. Smith. 813 George Ellis. 815 Murvin A. Putnam. 817. Frank N. Curtis. 840 Willis W . Norton (incorrectly numbered). JEFFERSON STREET. Right and East Side. 208 Charles B. Langworthy. West 3d street intersects. 310 William H. Walker. 314 Vacant house. West 4th street intersects. No houses. West 5th street intersects. 512 George H. Cooke. 512 W . S. Carnahan. 514 Sidney S. Morris. 516 Harry Chamberlin. West 6th street intersects. 610 Manley S. Kelley. J E F F E R S O N S T R E E T . Cont'd. JONES STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORS. 618 Roxana Osborn. 618% George F. Asper. 618% John Sundholm. 620 Unfinished house. West 7th street intersects. 710 Ellen Canty. West 8th street intersects. 808 Michael E. Hurley. 810 Frank E. Maddox. 812 Charles Sandell. 812 Jay J. Green. 814 Robert Nobbs. 818 James Quaintance. JOHNSON STREET. From 269 Willard, north to Benedict. —4th ward. Right and East Side. 14 Gustaf Larson. 16 Lottie J. Ellickson. 26 Vacant house. 36 Hedwick Castner. JONES AVENUE. From junction of Baker and Steele, west to Williams—6th ward. Left and South Side. 73 Charles Burgquist. 75 George Shaver. 77 John C. Bliss. J O N E S & GIFFORD A V E N U E . From Ashville avenue at Boatlanding bridge northwest to city limits. Left and West Side. 49-59 Vacant. 95-105 Art Metal Construction Co. 129-135 Breed-Johnson Furniture Co. 129-135 Jamestown Furniture Co. Eagle Foundry & Machine shop. 129 Century Furniture Co. 129 Weber-Gulick Mfg. Co. 149 Hulett S. Apgar. 153-163 U. S. Standard Voting Machine Co. 175 Henry Stormer. Outlet street intersects. 231 Vacant store. 235 William D. Mitchell.. John G. Eidens. 91 JONES & GIFFORD A V E N U E . Right and East Side. No houses. Dennis C. Hawley. Thorp Williams. 152 William Kribell. 154 Stephen C. Whitman. 156 Lawrence Whitfeldt 168 Mrs. Jane Scholes. 182 Mrs. Agnes Kaadtmann. 202 Mrs. Sarah M. Springstead. John G. Laffrey. Dwight W . Sturdevant. JONES STREET. From 397 Baker, south to Hazeltine. avenue.—6th ward. Left and East Side Morton street intersects. Grandin street intersects. 69 John P. Anderson. Lake street intersects. Newland avenue intersects. 109 Malvern R. Wade. Hazeltine avenue intersects. JONES STREET. Right and West Side. 10 Mrs. Louisa Peterson. 10% Peter Carlson. 12 Isaac Shaver. 14 Vacant house. 16 August P. Anderson. 20 John P. Swanson. 24 Amel Morgan. 24 Aibert Sandberg. 28 Peter Larson. 28 Mrs. Ruth Rockwell. 32 John P. Oberg. 36 Olaf Jaysane. 36 Charles F. Lundberg. 40 Claus F. Anderson. 40 Edward Johnson. 44 Nels Hagstrom. 44 Helmer Carlson. 50 Gust A. Lawson. 50 W . Andrew Matson. 72 Charles Liden. J O N E S S T R E E T , Cont'd. 92 J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 72 76 76 80 80 Otto Youngsted. Mrs. Amanda Gustafson. Charles Morgan. Emil Hoist Joseph Bloomquist. Newland avenue intersects. 130 Irwin E. Love. 180 Jay Phillips. KENT STREET. From 920 Main, east to Winsor.—1st ward. Left and North Side. 9 Shirley S. Taylor. 11 Mrs. Louisa M. Scofield. 21 William M. Stamm. 25 Wrothwell Butterfield. 29 Thomas Sanctuary. 37 William A. Scott Prendergast avenue intersects. Ill Albert W . Shaw. Ill John Hawkins. 113 Guy L. Pulver. 119 William C. Griffin. Lake View avenue intersects. 221 John Spring. 221 Charles D. Carpenter. 10 18 24 28 32 32 32% 36 112 124 128 130 KING STREET. K E N T STREET. Right and South Side. Egbert E. Woodbury. Mrs. Nora Durnin. Michael McGinty. Leonard B. Weatherly. John -Cashen. William D. Smith. Charles Buckley. Jacob Oser. Prendergast avenue intersects. Harry A. Davis. George A. Newton. Carlos E. Blanchard. Edwin D. Cook. KIDDER S T R E E T . From 160 Warren west to Prospect —3d ward. Left and South Side. 9 Alice Cooley. 11 Eddylie L. Stafford. 15 Mrs. Jane Randall. Broadhead avenue intersects. 109 Mrs. Anna Linettner. 113 Andrew Anderson. KIDDER STREET. Right and North Side. 10 Thomas B. Cooley. KING STREET. From 226 Allen, east to English.4th ward. Left and North Side. 9 John W . Hutley. 9 Mrs. Lydia H. Rushworth. Barrows street intersects. Ill Colonel Holgate. 113 Peter J. Anderson. 113 August Benson. 115 Charles F. Hill. 129 Oscar C. Anderson. 133 William Smith. Ellicott street intersects. 203 Mrs. Anna Parkinson. 227 Aaron A. Brown. KING S T R E E T . Right and South Side. 10 Sam Hopkinson. 10 Mrs. Ann Hutley. 10 Charles T. Hutley. 18 Vacant house. . 108 Vacant house. 114 Junius H. Benson. 114 Nathan Ingram. 116 Anton L. Peterson. Webster street intersects. 118 Charlie Johnson. 118 William G. Stapleton. 120 Gust Anderson. 134 Peter A. Johnson. Ellicott street intersects. 220 Nels J. Peterson. Hebner street intersects. 300 Mrs. Jennie Roseberg. Charles F. Anderson. Charles Johnson. KINGSBURY AVENUE. L A F A Y E T T E STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. KINGSBURY AVENUE. From 1,038 Main, east to Prendergast avenue—1st ward. Right and South Side. 20 Frank H. Sweet. 28 Ausdin J. Thayer. KINNEY STREET. From 246 Willard street south to English.—4th ward. Left and East Side. No houses. Pearl avenue intersects. 23 Charles A. Berg. 25 Gust W . Peterson. 25 John Johnson. 27 Victor Peterson. 29 Anna M. Johnson. 29 Gust A. Lager. 31 Fred A. Sampson. 31. Peter A. Jacobson. Cedar avenue intersects. 47 Gust F. Bergquist. 51 Alfred 0. Johnson. 51 Fred Neilson. 53 John P. Danielson. 55 Charles A. Danielson. 75 Louis C. Thierfeldt. KINNEY STREET. 12 28 32 36 40 40 44 52 58 64 Right and West Side. John O. Palmer. Carl J. Carlson. Olof Nelson. Henry N. Carlson. Karl Peterson. Charles Castner. John A. Carlson. Hannah Turnbloom. John F. Lawson. Adolph C. Hanson. KIPP S T R E E T . From opposite 510 Crescent north to Falconer—5th ward. Left and West Side. 1 Lawrence E. Ericson. 93 L A F A Y E T T E STREET. From 215 West 2d, north to Reinold avenue.—2d ward. Left and West Side. 205 Henry Jackson. West 3d street intersects. No houses. West 4th street intersects. 401 Horace Hitchcock. 407 Merrill C. Tinker. 411 Mrs. Sarah C. Haviland. 411 Edward A. Dutcher. 417 Mrs. Sarah R. Wescott. West 5th street intersects. 513 Nathan D. Lewis. 517 Fred H. Garfield. West 6th street intersects. 603 Mary M. Dole. 611 Willis E. Seymour Sr. 615 Cassius D. Coates. 619 James Mecusker. West 7th street intersects. 703 Charles E. Johnson. 705 Patrick Moynihan Jr. 711 Patrick Moynihan. West 8th street intersects. 809 George W . Barnes. Vacant house. 819 Van W . Hall. 821 Albert C. Wood. Isabella avenue intersects. Marvin Park. LAFAYETTE STREET. Right and East Side. 204 Levant L. Mason. 208 H. A. Eastman. 208 Herbert R. Wiley. West 3d street intersects. 312 Frank W . Couch. West 4th street intersects. 400 Cassius E. Clark. 404 William P. Osmer. 410 Mrs. Ella C. Donnelly. 416 Mrs. Susan S. Hazeltine. 416 Mrs. Alzina L. Gibson. West 5th street intersects. L A F A Y E T T E S T R E E T . Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTOR Y 94 516 Henry W . Odell. West 6th street intersects. 602 Vernon E. Peckham. 602 E m m a E. Burtis. 604 Percy C. Herpst. 610 Robert G. Bailey. 612 William R. Denslow. West 7th street intersects. 710 710 714 714 716 816 818 820 822 822 834 834 838 842 844 846 902 LAKE VIEW AVENUE. Henry C. Bolton. Mrs. Minnie C. Peterson. Mrs. Fannie Crocker. Rear—Mrs. Ellen Kennedy. Edward J. Marsh. West 8th street intersects. Cornelius M. Harrison. William W . Torge. Mrs. Mary E. Rogers. William T. Marsh. Mulford C. Marsh. Isabella avenue intersects. Samuel L. Willard. James Torrens. James Houghtaling. Mrs. Gusta Lund. John Huntington. Henry Kleinsang,, West 10th street intersects. Mrs. Alena Morgan. LAKE STREET. From 32 Sampson, west to Colfax. —6th ward. Left and South Side. 3 Louis Kofod. 3 Henry Stark. 13 Alfred Barnett. 23 Mrs. Hannah Lundmark. 27 Frank Sundquist. 27 Andrew Hagstrom. LAKE STREET. Right and North Side. 10 Charles Swanson. 18 Henry G. Nordine. 28 Gust A. Kling. LAKIN A V E N U E . From 507 Ashville avenue, south to West 3d—6th ward. Left and East Side. 5 James White. ,5 William N. Smedley. 7 Albert Palmer. 7 Fred 0. Seely. 9 Samuel E. Slawson. West 6th street intersects. Olivet Chapel. LAKIN AVENUE. 122 126 150 150 154 Right and West Side. N o houses. West 6th street intersects. Laverne Guest. Albert F. Newton. George Olsen. Charles R. Jensen. Archie E. Davis. LAKE VIEW AVENUE. From opposite 412 East 6th north to city limits—1st ward. Left and West Side. 3 William C. Patterson. 17 Charles L. Audette. 27 William A. Bradshaw, Jr. 35 William A. Bradshaw. East 8th street intersects. 101 John G. Wicks. 109 Charles E. Weeks. 113 Edgar A. Fenton. 121 Mrs. Amelia Hicks. 121 Jay T. Stevens. 129 Mrs. Telia E. Martin. 133 Zera W . Fisher. 133 Raymond O. Wheeler. 135 Allen Falconer. East 9th street intersects. 201 Glen A. Alden. 20> Clifton B. Gates. 211 Frederick P. Hall. Crossman street intersects. 301 William E. Ainge. 309 Seneca B. Burchard. LAKE VIEW AVENUE, Cont'd. LINCOLN STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 317 William H. Davey. Kent street intersects. 409 Frank R. Ridell. 415 Cyrus Underwood. Price street intersects. 511 Mrs. Abby L. Bassett. 511 Henry A. Bassett. Bassett street intersects. 519 David Graham. 527 Charles Cloyes. 551 Martha J. Falconer. 60!, Seth W . Thompson. 617 Rev. Alfred Dickson. 621 Alfred L. Furlow. Euclid avenue intersects. 637 Clarence D. Rose. Wilson avenue intersects. 653 William Sykes. 663 Perry W . Goodwin. Buffalo street intersects. Lake View cemetery. LAKE VIEW AVENUE. Right and East Side. 4 12 30 34 38 44 52 54 110 114 120 130 134 204 204 208 212 310 402 406 Mrs. Mary C. Fitch. Mrs. Rachael Giles. Louis C. Jagger. James L. Weeks. . Lynn F. Cornell. Preston C. Houston. Newton Crissey. J. Delevan Curtiss. East 8th street intersects. Mrs. Anna L. Gokey. William N. Gokey. Edwin A. Brooks. David E. Merrill. William T. Falconer. East 9th street intersects. Addison S. Price. Mrs. Corrine E. Jones. Elverton B. Crissey. John Cadwell. Orossman street intersects. Wilson A. Price. Kent street intersects. Mrs. Mary A. Butler. Eugene M. Schlaudecker. 95 410 Horace W . Walker. 416 Erie H. Sample. Price street intersects. John F. Harrington. Andrew W . Griffith. Henry Freeman. Orlando D. Green. Samuel J. Sample. Elbridge G. Pierce. Winsor street intersects. N o houses. Newton street intersects. 610 Emory S. Lee. Euclid avenue intersects. 630 William E. Stevenson. 634 Vacant house. Cedar street intersects. N o houses. Buffalo street intersects. Seth Raymond. Mrs. Paulene Sage. 518 518 524 528 532 540 LANGFORD STREET, From ward. 114 Hamilton, north. -2d Right and East Side. 20 Erwin H. Johnson. LEE AVENUE. From 810 Forest avenue, west to Sampson.—6th ward. Left and South Side. 101 Vacant house. Right and North Side. 20 Hawkins' chicken hatchery. LIBERTY STREET. From 351 East 5th, north to East 6th. —5th ward. Left and West Side. 11 John Fay. LINCOLN STREET. From 427 East 5th, north to East 9th.—1st ward. Left and West Side. 9 Laus J. Erickson. L I N C O L N STREET, Cont'd. 96 9 15 15 17 17 19 107 109 109 115 115 117 117 117 211 213 215 301 301 311 315 319 319 323 327 329 329 12 14 16 18 108 108 112 118 120 120 208 210 214 LIVINGSTONE A V E N U E . J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTOR? Mrs. Jennie Anderson. Richard F. Hazeltine. Carl S. Purdy. Edward D. Lloyd. Mrs. Charlotte Smith. Mrs. Mary E. Harrington. East 6th street intersects. Charles M. Purdy. James E. Hall. Mrs. Ellen C. Durham. Mrs. Clyrinda Grover. Louis K. Jones. C. E. Whiteman. Merritt L. Jones. Delbert E. Jones. East 7th street intersects. Walter P. Howard. Mrs. Ella Polley. John F. Dearing. East 8th street intersects. Oscar Widdigren. Mrs. Eunice O. Morgan. George H. Burch. Christofer Johnson. Evlyn A. Todd. Joseph H. Howard. Milo S. Goldthwait. Nicholas J. Folland. Mrs. Emily J. Young. William L. Dorman. LINCOLN S T R E E T . Right and East Side. Harry C. Mills. Andrew P. White. Elizabeth Eddy. Charles A. Ogren. East 6th street Intersects. Mrs. Olive A. Reardon. Will G. Smith. Albert Hanson. Harry E. Gardner. Charles E. Whiteman. Claude E. White. East 7th street intersects. William H. Harrison, Jr. Amos L. Worden. Charles E. Briggs. East 8th street intersects. 300 304 308 312 314 316 Morris E. Towne. Mrs. Corrie A. Newton. James A. Clary. Charles N. Watts. Albert S. Eberman. Elhanan W . Bucklin. LINDEN AVENUE. From 219 Forest avenue, east to Prospect.—3d ward. 17 Henry C. Ipson. 17 Erick Stranburg. 25 Oscar C. Lindblom. 29 Fredrick C. Swanson. 29 William J. Maher. 31 John G. Townsend. 33 William J. Richardson. 35 Charles W . Dickson. 35 Andrew Peterson. LINDEN AVENUE. Right and South Side Anton F. Christofferson. August A. Johnson. Nels P. Eckman. Charles A. Lawson. Louis Jensen Mrs. John-Larson. Alfred Peterson. Myrtle street intersects. 34 Frank Weekman. 16 18 20 26 26 28 28 LIVINGSTONE A V E N U E . From 301 Ashville avenue west to city limits.—6th ward. Left and South Side. 5 William Gallivan. 175 Arthur Corke. 293 John W . Dunn. North Hallock street intersects. 301 William M. Foley. 421 Mrs. Mary Dunn. LIVINGSTONE AVENUE. Right and North Side. No houses. Seymour avenue intersects. 2 Charles A. Bly. LIVINGSTONE A V E N U E Cont'd. M A I N STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Raymond A. Cartwright. William H. Carter. Lovirtue C. Hart. James Buckley. Sexton street intersects. 158 David Garrett. 308 Theodore Glantz. 406 John Girard. 2 8 16 16 LOVELL AVENUE. From 728 Ashville avenue, north to Livingstone avenue.—6tn ward. Left and West Side. 15 Gamble Bradley. MAIN STREET. From junction with South Main at Brooklyn square north to city limits. Left and West Side. 1-7 New Warner block. 1 Wiquist & Johnson. 3 A. Renberg. New Warner Hall. 5-7-9 The Famous. Mrs. M. Isabella Knight, rooms 1 & 2. Fred H. Austin, room 12. William R. Fuller, 3rd floor. 9-19 Warner block. 11 Warner's Hall. D. Shein, room 3. 11 Swanty Anderson, room 7. Jacob Kershaw, room 12. 13-17 J. G. McCrorey. 19-21 G. Friedman. 21 Kohlbacher Bros. & Shaver. Shearman place intersects. Erie tracks intersect. 23 M. Brockway. 25 M. Hiller. 27-31 Baker block. 27 C. M. Anderson. 29 A. L. Trantum. 29 Rosier & Oser. 29 Arbuckle & Harrington. 31 Greek-American Fruit Co. 31 Samuel B. Lewin. 97 West 1st street intersects. 101101-121 Allen square building. 101 R. H. Johnson. 103 American Express Co. 105 B. L. Arnson. 107 M. Barrett. Louis Jensen, room 72. William Hjorth & Co., room 66. Gensen & Anderson, room 65. Frank H. White. P. O. Carlson, room 74. James A. Toscano, room 98. William E. Martin, room 82. Ward P. Gotham, room 81. Barney Manchester, room 87. Philence Thompson, room 86. Andrew Carlson, room 83. Sarah A. Wright, room 89. 109-111 Clark Hardware Co. 113 Winnberg & Batcheller. 113 Richard N. Wickfield Jr. 115 Wells-Fargo & Co., express. 117 Jamestown Wall Paper Co. 117 F. G. Nordstrom. 117 Phillips & Jones. 119 Lyons News Co. Clark H. Rawson, rooms 1-2. W . W . Hotchkiss, rooms 3-4. Post & Hamilton, rooms 5-6. William H. Scharf, rooms 7-8&2S Allen Square Co., room 15. Dr. E. A. Jones, rooms 9-13. Mrs. Elvira L. Porter, room 20. S. D. Bunting, room 26. D. L. Goodrich, room 27. Lester E. Rhodes, room 29. Elbert V. Hetfield, room 30. John H. Melhuish, room 31. Mrs. D. W . Stewart, rooms 32-33 Hansen Bros., rooms 34-35. Greenwood & Parsons, room 37. E. B. Bergholtz, rooms 38-39. Harry Burns, Nelson Scott, rooms 40-41. Julia Carpenter, rooms 45-49. Edward M. Ahlstrom, room 14. Harry Sales, room 46. B. D. Manchester, rooms 47-48. Clement Curtis, room 50. M A I N S T R E E T Cont'd. 98 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Mrs. Susana Lee, room 51. C. E. Quist, room 53. G. K. Sealander, room 54. John Hanlon, room 55. Carl A. Swanson, rooms 56-57-64 H. L. Amy, room 58. A. P. Hansen, room 59. H. H. Hollenbeck, room 60. Joshua Skinow, room 61. Adelbert Cole, room 63. 121 Greek-American Fruit Co. West 2d street intersects. 20:. 20?205 207 M A I N S T R E E T Cont'd. Chautauqua County Trust Co. The A. D. Sharpe Co. Edward E. Duffee. C. F. Abrahamson Co. A. N. Camp. F. A. Knapp. B. A. Barlow. 209 W . H. & S. V. Lines. 211 F. A. Lakin. 211 Union Trust Co. Axel V. Grafstrom. Martin Merz. J. W . Nelson. Joan A. Peterson. Mrs. Lucille Tyrrell. William A. Frick. Hoyt D. Edson. 213 Frederick A. Fuller, Jr. Ida C. Malmberg. Fred P. Cobham. Mark T. Howard. 215 Farmers and Mechanics bank. Horton Tiffany. J. T. Novinger. Willis E. Babcock. 217 L. L. Mason. 217 John C. Mason. 217 Schildmacher & Spencer. Mrs. Bertha Winsor. H. Clem Winsor. 219 Anderson & Ohlquist. 219-223 Hall block. Charles G. Lindsey, room 1. E. Crosby, room. 2. William E. Goucher, rooms 3-4. John G. Wicks, room 5. S. Arthur Baldwin, room 10. Arthur W . Kettle, room 10. Union Veteran Legion No. 95. 221 J. B. Collins. 223 J. W . Collopy. West 3d street intersects. 3C1-307 Prendergast block. 301 Western Union Tel. Co. 301 D. A. V. & P. R. R. office. 303 Florence S. McCarthy. Bradshaw Bros. Chaut. Motor Co. Engineering & Power Co. Green & Woodbury. L. B. Gilbert Y. W . C. A. rooms Masonic Hall. 805 C. M. Beck. 305 C. E. Swanson. 307 W . P. Gifford. 309 The Avon restaurant. Nelson & Briggs. A. E. Masterson. Mrs. Lydia Cady Nettie Lyman. Daniel White. 313 Dr. Frank Ormes. 321 Mrs. E. A. Bennett-Sprague. 321 Kittie Dandfried. West 4th street intersects. 403 John Needham. 403 Miss Marion Ransome. 403 William Abbot. 40P Horace H. Gifford. 413 Jamestown club. 413 Henry Kohlbacher. West 5th street intersects. 501 Robert N. Marvin. 511 Joseph W . Upham. 517 Dr. W m . M. Bemus. West 6th street intersects. 601 Oscar F. Price. 611 Flora M. Shearman. 613 Noah Harrington. 615 Seth E. DeWitt. 615 Melvin Bartholomew. 619 John Sanders. M A I N S T R E E T Cont'd. M A I N S T R E E T Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. West 7th street intersects. 701 Willard L. Grant. 701 H. C. Grant. 703 A. M. E. Zion church. Mrs. Jennie E. Revels. D e m m o n Rowley. 705 Model Hand laundry. Rowley place intersects. 707 George F. Clarke. 709 E. O. York. 715 Frederick S. Comstock. West 8th street intersects. 801 Clayton E. Price. 805 Loren W . Grant. 807 James H. Jones. 811 Johnson Boyd. 811 Edward M. Smith. Rush street intersects. 817 George P. Peterson. 821 Mrs. Jane Copp. West 9th street intersects. 833 Robert H. Johnson. 835 Mrs. Mary Lavina Ward. 839 William Henry Harris. 841 Augustus Willman. 841 Willman Bros. West 10th street intersects. 849 John Cracknell. 853% Jacob Oser. 853 Isaac F. Rose. 855 Henry A. Stumpf. 857 George Knorr. 857 John A. Knorr. 859 William O. Arter. 861 J. Gilbert Rogers. 865 Charles F. Dschuden. 869 Joseph Corke. 869 Frank O. Marsh. Rathbone street intersects. 901 Clark W . Salisbury. 903 George G. Brownell. 907 Mrs. Mary Lyons. 909 George E. Griffith. Tilden avenue intersects. 915 Nels Peterson. 917 Martin Peterson. 919 A. Frank Jenks. 921 Manley E. Johnson. 13th street intersects. 925 Charles J. Anderson. 929 George F. Clarke. 933 Grace chapel. 1003 1007 1009 1009 1015 1021 1021 1027 1027 1027 1031 1031 1033 1035 1037 1041 1055 1055 1101 1101 1113 1235 1249 1255 1259 1269 1275 1281 Rubinkam avenue intersects. Timothy Sexton. George A. Kofod. John M. Felton. Thurston Melquist. Charles C. Ramsey. Dickerson street intersects. Mrs. Sarah B. Dickerson. (Rev.) Charles W . Sommers. Beulah place intersects. Frank B. Smith. Joseph Pugh. John Jenkins. Fountain avenue intersects. John McGinty. Mrs. Elvira M. Thompson. Daniel Young. Eldred Smith. Mrs. Ellen S. Mcintosh. Reinold avenue intersects. John Wilcox. Nels Hedstrom. Frank M. Daniels. Peter Haas. Charles C. Haas. Mrs. Margaret Kelly. Fluvanna avenue intersects. Branch school No. 6. Elihu S. Briggs. Vacant house. Alonzo Stevenson. William Quirk. Andre P. Lindell. Mrs. Christina Peterson. Mary H. Laidler. MAIN STREET. Right and East Side. 2-16 Broadhead block. 2 Lundquist & Burgeson. 2 % Buffalo Millinery Co. E m m a Inch, room 1. 99 MAIN STREET Cont'd. 100 MAIN STREET Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Clara E. Hall, room 3. Mrs. Addie Slater, room 3. William Calahan, room 11. 4 C. W. Swanson & Co. Homer Foster, room 31. Walter Knight, room 30. Thomas Lafa, room 29. Jennie Robinson, room 23. Axel Lundquist, room 24. Nels Anderson, rooms 34 to 44. 6 S. P. Carlson. 10 John M. Cushman. 10 O. G. Perry. 12 Louis Bottini. Andrew Lunn. Axel Swanson. W m . Koehl. 14 Templeton Bros. 16 Ridgway & Neill. Mrs. Madora D. Streeter. 18 H. O. Berry. 20 Frank L. Weigel. 20 Edward Peterson. Erie tracks intersect. 24-32 Arcade building. 24 Harris, Underwood & Doering. 26 E. H. Ketchum. 26 E. B. Smith. 28 F. L. Scudder. Dr. G. E. Ridgway, room 1. Jamestown Awning Works. Maloney & Hanson, room 7. Hilma Nelson, room 12. J. A. Hulquist & Co., room 2. 30-32 Cook & Treat. 34 Dr. W . S. Depew. 34 John Lott. 34 A. W . Murray. 36 Bush & Freeman. Engstrom & Co. 38 W . H. Sprague. East 1st street intersects. 100 Vacant store. Richard N. Wickfield, Sr. A. W . Weible. F. E. Sessions. Butterfield Bros. 102 C. A. Swanson & Co. 104-106 Aldrich Furniture Co. 108 Anderson & Sandburg. 110-116 Fenton block. 110 Wilson & Andruss. 112 Hall's Art Store. 114 Vacant store. 116 Innes & Hansen. East 2d street intersects. 200 Vacant store. 202 C. O. Jones. 202 H. Diehl. Tibbals & Fowler. 204 S. H. Knox & Co. J. A. Bergwall. 206 W m . H. Proudfit. 208 A. J. Peterson & Son. 210 J. Whitley & Son. 212 R. T. Logan. Dr. George B. Jones. 214 C. J. Jenner. Olof A. Olson. F. O. Johnson. 216-222 Gifford block. 216 Vacant store. 218-220 Marble Hall. 222 First National Bank. John A. Knorr, basement East 3d street intersects. 300 Clark Brothers. 300 B. P. O. E. club rooms. 302 Aldrich Art Co. 304 Lake View Rose Gardens. Mrs. Margaret Crittenden. 306 Fenner's Shoe Store. Jain-es R. Fenner. Mrs. Mary J. Smith. 316 Corrinne A. Johnson. 318 Mrs. C. R. Durfee. 318 George W . Durfee. 320 Dr. Frank D. Ormes. 322 Dr. Laban Hazeltine. East 4th street intersects. St. Luke's church. 410 St. Luke's parsonage. 412 Mrs. Emeline S. Weeks. 416 William F. Endress. East 5th street intersects. 508 Almet N. Broadhead. 518 Jerome B. Fisher. M A I N S T R E E T Cont'd. M A I N S T R E E T Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 602 608 608 610 612 East 6th street intersects. Louis L. Schwein. Oscar G. Perry. Charles D. Wilson. John W . Swanson. Charles L. Horton. 860 862 862 866 872 880 880 East 7th street intersects. 706 Hill & Aylesworth. 708 Fred C. Walsh. Charles J. Arnold. 710 Peterson & Johnson. Alvin R. Thayer. 714 H. F. Rumple. Pine street intersects. East 8th street intersects. 800-804 Lewis Block. 800 R. C. Burnham. Will A. Clark, room 1. Clifton N. Hildum, room 3. Walter S. White, room 4. Edward N. Sawyer, room 5. Otis J. Newton, room 6. Clinton M. Lewis, room 7. Walter S. Cleveland, room Julius C. Hansen. 802 J. Boyd & Son. 804 P. F. Lewis & Sons. 808 Mrs. Fanny A. Jones. 808 Edward W . Jones. 810 Frank M. Stearns. 810 George H. Arnold. 812 Wilson Heath. 816 Mrs. Jane W . Greeley. 816 Mrs. Mary C. Erickson. 820 Nathaniel J. Fenner. 822 Carrie Davenport. 822 Mrs. Laura N. Wright. 826 Charles Burr. 832 Albert Lewis. 832 Jennie Winsor. 838 Mrs'. Leonora A. Willard. 842 Reuben G. Owens. 848 James Knapp. 848 Royal C. Burnham. 850 Hubert E. V. Porter. 856 Martin Lewis. 860 James Mailer. 101 Mrs. Nettie E. Williamson. Charles J. Malmberg. Mrs. Ida C. Malmberg. John S. Pratt. Benjamin K. Solliday. Shepard & Baker. Mrs. Estelle F. Russell. Crossman street intersects. 900 904 910 912 916 Charles B. Moore. Myron S. VanScoter. Aaron V. Mott. Martin Knorr. Julius G. M. Ebel. Kent street inter esects. 920 922 926 930 John Ohlquist. Matthew Hooper. P. John Lindberg. Mrs. Alice Harrington. Price street intersects. N o houses. East Dickerson street intersects. 1018 1018 1022 1028 Milton E. Klock. Mrs. Laura J. Klock. Peter H. Mullen. James S. McCallum. Regent street intersects. 1034 Roderick L. Potter. 1038 1042 1048 1052 1054 Kingsbury avenue intersects. Edward A. Lind. Jerry Ryan. Meritt C. Leroy. Linus H. Mather. Peter U. Lindberg. Wilson avenue intersects. 1058 John A. Swanson. 1062 William Haas. 1062 Charles Johnson. Buffalo street intersects. Lake View Cemetery. 1275 Mrs. Anna Nelson. John Anderson. Catholic Cemetery. 2000 Walter J. Fairbank. M A L T B Y STREET. 102 MARVIN STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. MALTBY STREET. From opposite 9 Holman street, north to vacant land—4th ward. Left and West Side. 5 Louisa M. Abrahamson. 11 Vacant house. MALTBY STREET. Right and East Side. 12 Vacant house. 14 Archer H. Willard. 16 Frank O. Johnson. MAPLE STREET. From 172 Allen, south to Camp. —4th ward. Left and East Side. 25 John Hill. 25 Samuel A. Carlson. 33 Mrs. Sarah J. Hand. 35 Dr. Jason Parker. 41 John Holmes. 41 Lawrence Swanson. 45 Joseph Whitaker. Shaw avenue intersects. 101 John W. Willard. 101 Charles J. Berg. 107 Charles W . Jones. 107 Ralph W . Thayer. 109 Abraham Rushworth. New house. 117 Oscar Strand. 14 14 20 20 26 32 432 MAPLE STREET. Right and West Side. Charles C. Anderson. E m m a Y. Bootey. Gust Carlson. Edward G. Garrity. New house. John Heald. Henry Crossley. Garfield street intersects. Vacant lots. Arnold street intersects. Vacant lots. Thomas Story. 434 438 440 440 Henry A. Taylor. Nels E. Lindahl. Victor Berg. John Lindberg. MARTIN ROAD. From 710 Foote avenue southeast to c'ty limits—4th ward. Left and North Side. Fred DuBois. Vacant house. MARTIN ROAD. Right and South Side. Truman C. Ferry. Mrs. Katherine Derry. MARVIN STREET. From 114 West Sth, north to Fluvanna avenue—2d ward. Left and West Side. 1 J. H. Marsh & Co. 1 J. H. Marsh. 9 Patrick McVeigh. Isabella avenue intersects. 11 Thomas F. Marsh. 15 Albert Harrison. 17 Henry E. Parker. 23 Walace O. Babcock. 27 Frank Buser. 29 Fred Swanson. 31 Alfred C. Bendall. 33 Levi Wellington. 35 Mrs. Catherine McGee. 37 Edwin D. Perry. 37 Mrs. Julia B. Beach. 39 John W . Johnson. 43 William W . DeLisle. 57 Holland S. Coe. 57 William A. Haviland. 59 George R. Pease. West 10th street intersects. 71 William H. Bradley. 85 Daniel Roberts. Rathbone street intersects. 105 Alonzo S. Hotchkiss. 105 Arthur Mills. M A R V I N S T R E E T Cont'd. M E C H A I N C STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 109 Ill 115 125 165 175 185 191 195 197 201 243 247 251 257 259 Henry I. Baldwin. Campbell & Curtis. William G. Moore. Joseph J. Norton. Mrs. Elizabeth Gowan. Nicholas Paul. George Gowan. Oscar H. Swanson. Frank Becker. Morris Turner. John P. Swanson. Joseph Ralph. Fred L. Rhodes. Horace G. Fuller. J. Hawley Green. Henry D. Baldwin. MARVIN STREET. Right -and East Side. 6 6 10 14 18 20 28 36 42 44 46 54 60 66 68 70 74 80 84 86 86 Hilda Nelson. Mangus Larson. Charles E. Freeman. August J. Peterson. Mrs. Charlotte Martin. Charles E. Hanson. John Guinane. Jeremiah Moynihan. West 9th street intersects. Edward Hendrix. Margaret Stuart. Harriette C. Coe. Lester H. Muzzy. John Dschuden. 10th street intersects. Michael Woods. George Greenwood. Edward S. Franklin. Barton S. Howe. Mrs. Isabel F. Jackson. Lewis J. Ward. Albert De Boakes. Deforest Rappole. Rathbone street intersects. 110 Harry S. Vernon. Tilden avenue intersects. No houses. 103 West 13th street intersects. 148 Charlie F. Johnson. Rubinkam avenue intersects. 150 154 156 158 162 164 164 166 172 260 James Bohall. Nathan J. Buck. Charles D. Parker. Mrs. Belle Scheid. Dickerson street intersects. Alexander R. Fenner. John Dillon. Nathan Baxter. Frederick W . Burchard. William H. Ford. Reinold avenue intersects. Mrs. Adella M. Jones. McDANNELL AVENUE. From 815 Ashville avenue south to Hunt road. Right and West Side. 4 Jay B. Hollister 6 Robert H. Coffield. Royal avenue intersects. 102 William Harriger. 112 Walter O. Butler. Woodworth avenue intersects. 206 Charles J. Lindell. M c K I N N E Y STREET. From Jones and Gifford avenue south to railroad. Jacob Moore. MEADOW LANE. From 702 Ashville avenue north to Livingstone avenue—6th ward. Right and East Side. 16 William D. Coldren. MECHANIC STREET. From 49 Warren east to Walnut—3d ward. Left and North Side. 15 Thomas Shauley. MECHANIC SREET Cont'd. 104 17 19 25 29 33 35 35 39 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. Edward D. Myers. William G. Weatherup. Elbridge G. Partridge. Harrison Pike. John Ahlstrom. Orton S. Taylor. Herman J. Templeton. John W . Winnberg. Foote a.venue intersects. 109 George Trantum. 111 Alfred Nelson. 113 Vacant house. M E C H A N I C STREET. Right and South Side. 20 James I. Fowler. Branch school No. 4. 36 36 40 40 42 MORSE AVENUE. Hazzard street intersects. Edward Lynn. Andrew Lynn. Levi Johnson. F. H. Broadhead. Christopher Johnson. M O N R O E STREET. From 512 West 3d north to Isabella F ave ue—2d ward. Left and West Side. 311 Henry Johnson. 313 Charley Johnson. 403 Jewett M. Almy. 407 Michael W . Sweeney. 407 Louis Smith. Hamilton street intersects. N o houses. West 5th street intersects. No houses. West 6th street intersects. 611 Henry J. Standish. 613 Benjamin F. Perry. MONROE STREET. 420 Foote avenue intersects. 508 514 108 110 112 114 610 612 612 Eugene H. Ward. Charles F. Carlson. Robert Pearson. Linus Sederberg. METALLIC AVENUE. From before 14 Ashville north to Seymour—6th ward. Left and West Side. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 (Houses Incorrectly Numbered.) Edward Jones. Adelburt Rice. George W . McLeod. Ernest M. Whitaker. Walter Irwin. Mrs. Laura Smith. Kinney Jones. William Davis. Louis Dschuden. Charles H. DeBell. 716 Right and East Side. N o houses. West 4th street intersects. William S. Olmstead. West 5th street intersects. John S. Barrow. Patrick Gilligan. West 6th street intersects. J. Emel Olsen. William C. Boyle. William J. Stewart. West 7th street intersects. Helen Canty. MORSE AVENUE, From opposite 495 Chandler north4th ward. Right and East Side. 2 4 4 6 8 8 10 12 12 Charles Anderson. Andrew J. Hulquist. Victor Allen. John M. Ruckman. Carl Bloomberg. Gust Broden. Gustaf F. Smith. Frank B. Peterson. Henry Hulquist. M O R T O N STREET. N E W L A N D AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTOR'/. MORTON STREET. From 10 Sampson west to Colfax— 6th ward. Left and South Side. 11 Andrew G. Swanson. 35 Charles Sundberg. 37 John Lief. 37 Mrs. Anna Eckstrom. MORTON STREET. 12 12 16 20 Right and North Side. Axel D. Nelson. M. Alfred Peterson. August A. Peterson. John Carlson. 105 Newland avenue intersects. N o houses. Union avenue intersects. 207 Peter A. Carlson. 213 Charles F. Wenroth. 12 12 34 34 M Y R T L E STREET. Right and West Side. John Anderson. Edwin Johnson. Alfred Carlson. N. M. Peterson. N E W L A N D AVENUE. From Foote avenue west to city limits—3d and 6th wards. Left and South Side. MURRAY AVENUE. 11 James S. Winters. From before 803 West 5th north to 15 Fred Illingworth. West 8th—2d ward. 15 Anna B. Willoughby. Left and West Side. 19 Gust Hulquist. 417 John Maharon. Hazzard street intersects. Carroll street intersects. 109 Jerry M. VanNess. Ill John A. Wemmermark. 715 Clarence D. Hastings. 115 August Carlstrom. MURRAY AVENUE. 125 Claus Gustafson. Right and East Side. Warren street intersects. 211 Morris Southwick. 416 Daniel C. Garvey. 215 Frank A. Fuller. West 6th street intersects. Broadhead avenue intersects. 608 Hugh H. Griffin. 309 Charles A. Lawson. 612 Leon L. Fancher. 313 Solomon Ostrom. M Y R T L E STREET. 313 Fred J. Carlson. From 31 Linden avenue south to Ha- 321 Johnson & Sundell. 323 Gust Rosequist. zeltine avenue—3d ward. 323 George A. Underwood. Left and East Side. 323 John A. Stoneberg. 15 Charles Vedell. Prospect street intersects. 15 Charles A. Sandstrom. 409 Frank S-kojlund. 21 John Burkland. 409 Mrs. Anna Sundell. 25 John W . Peterson. 409 Alfred Gilberg. 25 Axel Lundquist. 409 Emil Carlson. 29 Axel Johnson. 33 O. Edward Johnson. 415" Andrew Anderson. 415 Axel Peterson. 35 Gotfreid Carlson. 35 Albin Ljunggren. 419 Carl F. Frey. 39 Otto Anderson. 419 Charles E. Swanson. 423 Albert A. Burley. 39 Axel Sundine. N E W L A N D A V E N U E Cont'd. 106 J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Park street intersects. 503 Herman W. Hazeltine. 509 Andrew Johnson. Myrtle street intersects. 623 Edmond B. S-mith. Forest avenue intersects. N o houses. Barrett street intersects. 815 815 819 823 825 825 829 829 833 833 837 837 N E W L A N D A V E N U E Cont'd. John Nelson. Frank Hendrickson. August Engstrom. Louis C. Hansen. Alfred Johnson. Frans O. Wennerberg. Andrew Anderson. Mrs. Anna Vaughn. Gust Vimmerstedt. Ludwig Hassing. Charles W . Hagelin. Oscar L. Peterson. Charles street intersects. 909 Jens Jensen. 913 Charles Johnson. 921 Vacant house. Thomas B. Miller. 943 Edward Olson. 943 Lawson & Swanson. Sampson street intersects. 1009 Axel F. T. Law-son. 1009 August Johnson. 1013 Oscar Chindgren. 1017 Melinda Erickson. 1021 Antone Peterson. 1027 August Morgan. Colfax street intersects. 1109 Vacant house. 1113 Vacant house. Jones street intersects. N o houses. Baker street intersects. Levi Mclntyre. South Hallock street intersects. Mrs. Johannah Hall. Eugene M. Stoner. N E W L A N D AVENUE. Right and North Side. Desa V. Coe. Albert Chindgren. Swan Jacob Swanson. Joseph Anderson. Hazzard street intersects. 106 Lauran B. Clark. 108 C. A. Laudenslager. 114 Arthur C. Weinberg. 118 Bailey Bratt. Warren street intersects. 214 Frank T. Hill. 218 John E. Anderson. 222 Gust F. Olson. Broadhead avenue intersects, 324 P. A. Soderquist & Co. Prospect street intersects. No houses. Park street intersects. 502 George Jacobson. 506 Oscar S. Gilbert. 506 Theodore Sundell. 508 Oscar Erickson. 508 Charles Gilbert. 510 Charles Carlson. 510 Nels P. Young. 510% John Anderson. Myrtle street intersects. 614 Andrew Nelson. 614 J. Alvin Jacobson. 618 Joseph Atkinson. Forest avenue intersects. N o houses. Barrett street intersects. 12 16 20 22 816 820 824 S28 830 912 920 920 930 Oscar F. Anderson. John P. Hall. Charles A. Johnson. Carl Vimmerstedt. John N. Frank. Charles street intersects. Andrew Johnson. Gust Carlson. Edward Lawson. Orchard avenue intersects. Charles Swanson. N E W L A N D A V E N U E Cont'd. O R P H A N A G E STREET. 107 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTOR?. 934 John Sederberg. 934 Gust Lawson. Sampson street intersects. 1014 John Alfred Johnson. 1018 Gust Bloomdahl. 1024 John A. Johnson. 1026 John Kling. N E W T O N STREET. From 540 Lake View avenue east to Buffalo—5th ward. Left and North Side. 23 John O. Nordine. Ormes street intersects. No houses. Bowen street intersects. 209 Charles A. Nelson. Thayer street intersects. 211 August Sagerdahl. Stowe street intersects. 311 Samuel Moulding. Weeks street intersects. 403 John Johnson. 403 Nels Johnson. 407 Olaf Gornell. N O R T H H A L L O C K STREET. From 702 Ashville avenue north to Livingstone avenue—6th ward. Left and West Side. 7 Mrs. Phebe Anderson. 9 Mrs. Vera Widrig. N O R T H H A L L O C K STREET. Right and East Side. 70 Joseph Thornton. N O R T H LIBERTY STREET. From Fluvanna avenue north to limits—2d ward. Thomas Dillon. NORTON AVENUE. From 434 Baker west to Summit—6th ward. Left and South Side. 9 Andrew Hanson. 39 Mrs. Anna Bentley. 8 12 16 70 NORTON AVENUE. Right and North Side. Vacant house. Vacant house. Glenn Hunt. Gustaf O. Johnson. O A K STREET. From end of Shaw avenue south to A hrens—4th ward. 35 39 45 49 Right and West Side. Vacant house. Charles J. Quist. Vacant house. Vacant house. ORCHARD AVENUE. From 213 Forest south—6th ward. Left and East Side. 17 Charles L. Anderson. O R C H A R D STREET. From 438 Winsor east—5th ward. Left and North Side. 3 Frank A. Hofstadt 5 Anna Stronberg. 5 Casper Bratt. 7 William C. Pihlblad. 9 Alton E. Page. 13 Charles G. Adamson. 15 Erick A. Olson. ORCHARD STREET. Right and South Side. 4 4 6 6 14 14 16 16 Gustaf D. Danielson. Albert Eckman. Charles E. Hendrickson. Gust W . Carlson. Henry Olson. John E. Adamson. Nels J. Gustafson. Eric Erickson. ORPHANAGE STREET. From opposite 1398 Second, north— 5th ward. Right and East Side. 112 L. E. Cutting. OSBORN STREET. 108 PARDEE AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. OSBORN STREET. From opposite 312 Hazeltine avenue south to Ellicott—6th ward. Left and East Side. 9 Vacant house. 601 601 607 623 637 OSBORN STREET. Right and West Side. 22 Adolf Eklund. OUTLET STREET. From Jones & Gifford avenue south to Erie R. R.—6th ward. Left and East Side. 35 George C. Buck. 41-45 Himebaugh Bros. PALMER STREET. 4 26 110 112 114 118 118 OUTLET STREET. Right and West Side. 6 George J. Davis. 26 Almon Fox. PALMER STREET. From rear 346 Baker west to Hallock —6th ward. Deft and South Side. 25 John Larson. 27 Louis Sandburg. 29 Otto A. Johnson. 29 Elmer C. Ecklund. Sprague street interseots. 101 Brooklyn Heights chapel. 121 Otto T. Johnson. 207 John A. King. Highland avenue intersects. 309 Mrs. Catherine Hinds. 325 Peter Munson. 325 E. L. Bowen. 331 George W . Tibbets. 401 Rev. Almon A. Horton. 405 Herbert Walker. 409 Amel Carlson. 409 Mittie M. Lawson. Summit street intersects. 505 Gust Johnson. 507 Charles H. Thomas. Hess street intersects. John R. Davidson. Amos P. Davidson. Charles F. Kelsey. James I. Squier. William R. Bucklin. 216 218 332 336 506 514 516 520 604 618 622 624 626 628 630 Right and North Side. Thomson Waite. Adolph Renberg. Francis street intersects. C. Oscar Anderson. Sprague street intersects. Vacant house. Axel T. Westergrin. August T. Jones. Alfred Peterson. Tew street intersects. Thomas Sweetman. Daniel W . Levier. Highland avenue intersects. Mrs. Anna Larson. Frank W. Stearns. Hall avenue intersects. Elvin Hunt. Edgar Paul. Holland F. Paul. Max Werner. Hess street intersects. Clarence W. King. Vacant house. Cyril W . Harvey. Charles W . Millard. William H. Mason. George H. Stuart. Sidney P. Stuart. PARDEE AVENUE. From 386 Willard south—4th ward. Left and East Side. 13 Axel Bergstrom. 13 Henry C. Ericson. 17 Axel G. Danielson. PARDEE AVENUE. Right and West Side. 34 John Swanson. P A R K PLACE. P E A C H STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. P A R K PLACE. From 624 Foote avenue west to Forest avenue—3d ward. Left and South Side. 11 H. Adelbert Simmons. 15 Carl Ackley. 17 Albert Wahlstedt. Hazzard street intersects. 113 Thomas Hall. Howard street intersects. No houses. Warren street intersects. 213 James B. Cole. 219 Mrs. Rhoda Hills. 223 Theodore Nelson. 227 William Edwards. 235 Nicholas Fornell. P A R K PLACE. Right and North Side. No houses to Warren street intersection. 210 Vacant house. No houses to Forest avenue. P A R K STREET. From 19 Prospect avenue south to Hazeltine avenue—3d ward. Left and East Side. 11 Edward Landberg. 19 John Anderson. 19 August Winnberg. 21 Victor C. Johnson. 21 Charles Johnson. 25 John A. Lindblom. 25% Mrs. Giistave Lindblom. 41 Samuel Lund. Newland avenue intersects. 105 Edward Lindbeck. 107 Andrew Burley. 109 Lyford B. Fenton. Ill Swan Carlson. 113 John Mohl. 115 Charles Hager. 125 William Manguson. 137 Charles Setterlund. 109 P A R K STREET. Right and West Side. 14 Mrs. Mary Peterson. 14 Mrs. Anna Lunn. 18 Frank E. Reed. 18 Mrs. Sarah Reed. 22 Charles J. Lindquist. 2 2 % Gust Mohl. 24 Vacant house. 42 Samuel Leafstone. 44 William J. Torrey. Newland avenue intersects. 114 Mrs. Matilda Nelson. 116 August Frederickson, 122 Henry Hanson. 124 August Hultquist. 128 Carl J. Carlson. 128 Mrs. Amelia Anderson. Fairfield avenue intersects. 138 Peter Peterson. James C. Klim. PARTRIDGE STREET, From 233 Hazzard east to Foote avenue—3d ward. Left and North Side. 7 Gust A. Johnson. 7 Charles Lundgren. 9 Obert Carlson. 11 D. F. Keefe. 13 Arvid Swanson. 13 John E. Swanson. PARTRIDGE STREET, Right and South Side. 6 6 12 18 18 Richard Connell. Joseph Varley. John A. Johnson. Charles Yulin. Axel Yulin. PEACH STREET. From 448 Winsor east to Bowen—5th ward. Left and North Side. 9 Bernard Trainer. 11 Eddie Johnson. PEACH STREET Cont'd. 110 PINE STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTOR?. 11 23 23 37 37 Emil J. Johnson. Samuel Haycook. Charles L. Converse. Mrs. Augusta R. Russell. Eugene E. Russell. George H. Steves. William Earl Hibbard. South Hallock street intersects. 121 Vacant house. 12 24 28 28 30 30 36 40 42 PEACH STREET. Right and South Side. William H. Linford. Carl A. Carlson. Frank L. Wiler. Ed. A. Carlson. William W . Gage. Allen E. Gustafson. Wilbraham Knight. William H. Olds. Dexter Mallory. From 303 Willard north to Benedict. —4th ward. Left and West Side. 11 Charles E. Peterson. 15 Jonas P. Johnson. 21 Charles J. Eastman. 25 John E. Erickson. 25 Reinhold Vallen. 31 August Johnson. 35 Charles G. Peterson. 41 Charles P. Lundberg. 41 Andrew Lundberg. 49 J. Fred Hultine. PEARL AVENUE. From before 23 Kinney east.—4th ward. Left and North Side. 19 Frieda Johnson. 19 John P. Lindquist. 35 Ira F. Flagg. 47 Charles G. Mort. 47 John G. Johnson. PEARL AVENUE. Right and South Side. 16 20 24 28 32 32 36 36 40 40 48 48 52 52 104 Andrew G. Palmer. Leonard L. Sahlstrom. Oscar Rehn. Nels E. Bergstrom. Mrs. E m m a Mattson. Mrs. Lena Swanson. John A. Hult. John Rehn. Alexander Sundberg. Andrew Anderson. John E. Anderson. Malcolm Anderson. Charles G. Johnson. John P. Johnson. Axel J. Erickson. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. Fronn Baker between Newland and Hazeltine avenues, west to Hallock.— 6th ward. P E T E R S O N STREET. PETERSON STREET. Right and East Side. 6 10 22 24 28 38 46 50 Chas. A. Anderson. Theodore Johnson. Don A. Sanden. John W . Carlson. Andrew Scott. Mrs. Louisa Anderson. Carl F. Quist. Mrs. Charlotte Abrahamson. PINE STREET. From 21 East 1st north to Main—1st ward. Left and West Side. Opera House block. East 2d street intersects. 209 J. H. Erwin. 211 William J. Bender. 211 Robert Bender. East 3d street intersects. 311 Vacant house. East 4th street intersects. 405 William Bealer. East 5th street intersects. 515 Eri H. Goodenough. 517 Fredericka Anderson. PINE S T R E E T Cont'd. PRENDERGAST AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 517 Charles 0. Beck. East 6th street intersects. 607 David W . Immel. 609 Egbert R. Clark. 611 Emery H. Slaughenhoupt. 615 Kleber D. Haskins. 617 Luther A. Forbush. East Seventh street intersects. PINE STREET. Right and East Side. Gron block. East 2d street intersects. 208 B. M. Wiltsie. 208 John J. Frank. 208% Carpenter & Klump. 212 Mrs. A.gnes Horrocks. 212 Mrs. Mary A. Service. 212 Hatte Woodford. 212 Carl Buck. 212 Emmett L. Dickerson. East 3d street intersects. 304 Chatfield & Armitage. 306 F. E. Armitage. 306 Mrs. Lilly Aberson. 306 Mrs. Jennie Moore. 308 Walter L. Saxton. 310 Cassius M. Phillips. 312 Orren C. Brownell. East 4th street intersects. No houses. East 5th street intersects. 500 Daniel H. Post. 518 Yale W . Burtch East 6th street intersects. 614 Herman Hirshauer. 618% Jeffery Coan. East Seventh street intersects. 714 Harmon F. Rumple. 714 Lee B. Walker. Branch School No. 1. PRATHER AVENUE. Ill 18 William Koehl. 18 John R. Stafford. 18% Frad G. Horton. Hallock park intersects. 40 William W . Henderson. PRENDERGAST AVENUE. From 221 East 2d, north to Buffalo— 1st ward. Left and West Side. Y. M. C. A. Building. 209 Truman H. Post. 209 Jamie L. Anderson. 211 Margaret F. Quinilivan. 211 Olans Lundquist. East 3d street intersects. 311 Mrs. Jennette Sisson. 311 Charles A. Tracey. 311 William S. Depew. 311 Marie Holcomb. 311 Mabel P. Falconer. 313 Mrs. Eva C. Russell. 313 Robert J. Fox. 313 Mrs. Franc L. Brewer. First Church of Christ, Scientist. East 4th street intersects. 401 Mrs. Anna A. Farnham. 409 Lewis Hall. 417 Mrs. Eliza M. Winsor. East 5th street intersects. 509 Martin L. Fenton. 517 Laban Hazeltine. 609 611 611 615 617 617 621 621 625 625 625 From 48 Prospect west to Forest ave- 627 nue.—2d ward. 629 Right and North Side. 629 East 6th street intersects. Arthur E. Hills. Clare A. Pickard. Mrs. Hannah L. Spencer. Elias C. Bargar. Ernest A. Gossett. Henry C. Leet. Mrs. Anna L. Nelson. Henry Knight. James Barbour. Theodore M. Roberts. Mrs. Nettie C. Lane. Elias C. Bargar. Jennie A. Conroy. Mrs. Etta L. Lozier. PRENDERGAST A V E N U E Cont'd. 112 629 635 635 635 639 641 649 PRENDERGAST A V E N U E Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTOR?. Mrs. Elva L. Everwine. Otto C. Hammerquist. Mrs. Laura P. Carpenter. Joseph Wehrle. Charles A. Swanson. Andrew W . Murray. C. Eugene Bentley. East 8th street intersects. 801 Robert B. Jones. 807 Henry Stumpf. 811 Edward J. Gilroy. 811 Mrs. Helena LeRoy. 815 Merritt F. Griffith. 819 William P. Steward. 819 Conrad C. Peterson. 821 Frank R. Middleton. 825 Andrew C. Holmes. 833 Daniel H. Fretts. 837 Henry H. Jones. 837% John C. Jones. 839 Clarence A. Hulquist. 843 A d a m C. Kunzog. 847 George W . Davis. 847 Amelia C. Bolt. 847 James J. Benson. 851 Jacob Jamison. 851 Bert H. Whatford. 851 Sanford C. Hawkinson. 857 Mrs. Mary Ford. 863 Abraham S. Prather. Crossman street intersects. 901 Merrill Butts. 901 Ernest C. Todd. 905 Alfred E. Hale. 907 Mrs. Hattie E. Price. 913 Axel E. Swanson. Kent street intersects. 1001 George W . Dewey. 1015 Vacant house. Price street intersects. 1135 Mrs. Mary Angstenberger. 1135 Albion W . Sampson. Regent street intersects. 1145 Edgar J. Cole. Kingsbury avenue intersects. 1201 Leon A. Conner. 1201 Leander A. Conner. 1207 Jefferson G. Wiggins. PRENDERGAST AVENUE. Right and East Side. N o houses. East 3d street intersects. 304 Orsino E. Jones. 304 Charles H. Rawson. 312 Dr. John M. Brooks. 318 Mrs. Eliza G. Davis. East 4th street intersects. No houses. East 5th street intersects. 506 George B. Smith. 506 Fannie C. Gould. 512 Omar N. Gardner. 512% Oly Lawson. East 6th street intersects. 608 Milo Harris. 608 Mrs. Agnes Eaton. 610 Frank A. Pennock. 612 Miric W . Wiltsie. 616 Mrs. Nellie Olson. 616 Orrin H. Lilly. 622 Edward L. Gossett. 626 Samuel B. Lewin. 628 John Bauer. 632 Albert W . Schildmacher. 632 Anton C. Schildmacher. 636 John Gelm. East 8th street intersects. 800 Frederick N. Marvin. 804 Mrs. Mary A. Miles. 808 Edward P. Boyd. 814 Edwin M. Salisbury. 818 Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hegeman. 820 Henry C. Frazier. 824 Thomas A. Blanchard. 826 Jacob Schwob. 830 William H. Evans. 836 Frank E. Miller. 836 Edmund Lord. 842 Charles Herbert Dickinson. 840 Paul M. Dean. 850 Mrs. Margaret McDermid. East 9th street intersects. 858 Samuel W . Scott. 862 Vacant house. 864 Mrs. Anna L. Pharo. PRENDERGAST AVENUE, Cont'd. PORSPECT AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Crossman street intersects. No houses. Kent street intersects. 1010 Norman J. Link. 1014 Amos T. Robertson. 1014 George H. Rusbuldt. Price street intersects. No houses. Bassett street intersects. 1130 J. H. Bernard Moeller. 1132 Mrs. Nora Mullen. Euclid avenue intersects. 1154 Milton Staples. Wilson Place intersects. 1260 A. Eugene King. PRICE STREET. From 930 Main east to Bowen—1st. and 5th wards. Left and North Side. 9 George A. S. Kent. 11 Frederick T. Corke. 23 Patrick J. Moynihan. 25 Daniel P. Moynihan. 29 Mrs. Grace Ward. 31 John C. Davis. 33 Andrew T. Anderson. Prendergast avenue intersects. Ill George W . Sisson. Lake View avenue intersects. 211 August Burland. 219 Gust Swanson. 219 Axel Bloomquist. 221 John P. Johnson. Winsor street intersects. 307 John O. Johnson. 309 Celestus L. Wilcox. 325 Fred C. Stone. 4 8 10 16 16 PRICE STREET. Right and South Side. Carl O. Cedarwall. Frank D. Winsor. Fred S. Marsh. Samuel J. Lee. Nathaniel Lyke. 20 22 26 28 30 112 114 214 220 310 310 312 314 314 113 Alfred Stone. John Norberg. Arthur A. Lee. A. Frank Fisher. Mrs. Lillian Morningstar. Pre-ndergast avenue intersects. Eugene Flickinger. Vacant house. Lake View avenue intersects. Frank H. Appleby. Carl Thoren. Winsor street intersects. Victor J. Larson. Fred Linder. John E. Carlson. Andrew Lundquist. Arvid W . Ekberg. PROSPECT AVENUE. From 102 Prospect west to Forest avenue.—3d ward. Left and South Side. 13 James Lansing. 15 Frederick D. Moore. 19 John E. Johnson. Park street intersects. 27 Frank W . Mitchell. 31 Horace A. Wilson. 35 Rufus Town. 39 William A. Morgan. 39 Carl Sundquist. 45 Oscar F. Johnson. 45 George H. Weiss. 47 Enoch P. Ohnstrand. 47 Andrew Lawson. 51 Alfred C. Carlson. 51 John P. Molene. 53 Charles G. Heglund. 53 Carl E. Holmes. 57 Andrew W . White. 57 Mrs. Mary Brown. 16 16 20 24 PROSPECT AVENUE. Right and North Side. Dr. Walter W . Hotchkiss. Margaret L. Gallagher. Rev. Henry M. Lyman. Peter Schenck. P R O S P E C T A V E N U E , Cont'd. 114 28 44 46 50 54 58 60 PROSPECT STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Erick Erickson. Albert Underwood. George W . Hambleton. Emmett A. Phillips. James W . Stearns. Frank M. Blodgett. -. Pilgrim chapel. PROSPECT STREET. From 135 South Main south to Park Place—3d ward. Left and East Side. 9 Frank E. Gifford. 15 Charles Gustafson. 39 Charles H. Westerman. 43 Charles Niederlander. 47 George F. Putnam. 47 William H. Robertson. 49 Charles Kliest. 53 Nathan Stern. 59 L. John Swanson. 63 Nelson T. Osbourn. 67 Dr. Abraham H. Bowers. 75 William J. Frank. 85 Clyde W . Jackson. 91 Horace C. Moore. 105 Dexter Moore. 105 Marion A. Lee. 115 John D. Johnson. Kidder street intersects. 123 John G. Anderson. 129 Jacob H. Davis. 133 John F. Johnson. 137 Hans Lindberg. 141 Abel Patric. 145 Vacant house. 147 John A. Lee. 151 Gust Ragnar. 151 Emil Peterson. 153 Benjamin J. Cheney. 153 Oscar Quist. 157 Peter A. Soderquist. 157 Arthur Poole. Newland avenue intersects. 211 John Olson. 215 Ernest Johnson. 215 Mrs. Adelaide Kellogg. 219 223 223 225 225 227 227 229 229 231 231 233 253 255 255 257 261 263 265 273 273 275 277 August Lindbeck. John A. Kling. Charles W . S-.vanson. Axel Lagerquist. Charles Olson. Axel Nelson. Gust Gifvert. Ludwig Marker. Hilma Johnson. Charles A. Johnson. Mrs. E m m a Custes. Nelson & Johnson. Barker street intersects. Mrs. Emily Johnson. Adolph Johnson. Charles G. Wenroth. Benjamin P. Olsen. Nels P. Swenson. Richard H. Anderson. Mrs. Sarah Carlson. Mrs. J. M. Larry. Axel Setterlund. Thomas Edwards. Charles A. Anderson. P R O S P E C T STREET. Right and West Side. 10 Daniel Griswold. 36 Archibald D. Falconer. 40 Henry P. Gale. Prather avenue intersects. 48 Charles W . Creal. 52 DeForest Blood. 56 American Aristotype Co. 70 Porter Sheldon. 70 Harry P. Sheldon. 82 Frank E. Partridge. 88 Fred O. Crossgrove. 88 Mrs. Mary Burlin. Prospect avenup intersects. 102 F. Clinton Ball. 116 John E. Roberts. 120 John Lindberg. 120 Mrs. Anna Peterson. 124 Oscar O. Olson. 132 Elenora Peterson. 132 John W . Anderson. P R O S P E C T S T R E E T , Cont'd. R A T H B O N E STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY 142 Charles Sandberg. 142 Leander Johnson. 146 John F. Peterson. Branch school No. 9. Newland avenue intersects. 200 Cornelius K. Burnell. 200 Charles A. Johnson. 204 Eric Carlson. 204 Axel Sundell. 220 Ludwig Ungren. 220 Mrs. Christina Lindbeck. 224 Charles O. Strand. 224 Charles O. Strand, Jr. 228 John Engstrom. 228 Charles Freeman. 232 George C. Hecker. 236 John S. Roselle. 252 Robert Reed. 254 Robert Rogerson. 260 John Bilquist. 262 Carl Lundburg. 272 Fritz Anderson. 274 Benjamin Rushworth. PULLMAN STREET. From junction of Maple and Allen east to Ellicott—4th ward. Left and North Side. 1 Edward S. Blakesley. 3 George J. Kohlbacher. c, William L. Hand. 9 Tilda L. Berg. 11 Charles W . Johnson. Webster street intersects. From ward. P Y R E STREET. Newland Ave., south—6th East and right side. Albert Coxson. QUARRY ROAD. From 868 East 2d, east to Creek.— 5th and 4th wards. 40 Jamestown Shale. Paving Brick Co. 115 RACE STREET. From 6 Steele, north.—6th ward. Left and West Side. 3 James L. Kofod. 5 Anderson Bros. 9-11 Jamestown Electric Light and Power Co. (works.) RANSOME ALLEY. From 309 Winsor west to Cross street—5th ward. Left and South Side. 2 1 % Mrs. Chloe M. Milks. 2 1 % Mrs. Sarah A. Wilson. RATHBONE STREET. From 8 2d ward. Main west to Lafayette— Left and South Side. 11 John Griffith. 19 Grace G. Stewart. 19 Alexander L. Stewart. 21 Edward H. Wise. 23 David A. Briggs. 27 Mrs. Catherine Folland. 29 Mrs. Margaret V.'alsh. 29% Bloomfield Baker. 33 Roy M. Shepard. 3 3 % Mrs. Carrie Pound. 35 Duane J. Kelley. 39 Burt M. Wiltsie. 41 Elijah Langworthy. 45 Frank L. Mosher. 49 Charles D. Backus. 53 Jesse W . Braley. 57 Samuel A. Brown. 61 Mrs. Mary J. Davis. 65 Charles A. Hatch. 69 Mrs. Eliza Badgley. Marvin street intersects. 105 J. Sanford Collins. 107 Mrs. Attie White. 109 Frank Bellizio. R A T H B O N E STREET, Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 116 8 12 18 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 48 50 54 54 62 66 68 72 72 74 106 108 R O W L E Y PLACE. R A T H B O N E STREET. Right and North Side. George W . Potter. Devillo Maclease. Ephraim Ringquist. Albert C. Walden. Lucien H. Nutting. William Miller. Fred H. Walden. Bert L. Blackman. Millard F. Klock. Vacant house. James S. McVay. Bert C. Hollenbeck. Walter Marks. Dell L. Myers. John Anderson. John W . Crocker. Edward L. Kenyon. Glenn R. Homer. Mrs. Hattie King. Benjamin P. King. Marvin street intersects. George H. Edwards. George T. Chambers. REGENT STREET. From 1032 Main east to Prendergast avenue—1st ward. Right and South Side. 20 Frank Bond. 28 Richard Waller. 32 C. Leonard Hutt 36 Thomas Kidd. 42 Albert Hartley. REINOLD A V E N U E . From 1037 Main west to Marvin—2d ward. Left and South Side. 9 Alonzo J. Tiffany. 9 Andrew L. Wilcox. 37 George W . Brown. REINOLD AVENUE. Right and North Side. 6 Fred Wilcox. RIDGWAY AVENUE. From 446 Hallock west to city line— 6th ward. Left and South Side. 201 Andrew Akin. 205 John Stormer. 209 Wesley Greatman. 213 Pane L. Roth. RIDGWAY AVENUE. Right and North Side. 224 Vacant house. 228 Grant S. Ploss. 232 Vacant house. RIVER STREET. From opposite Chandler extension northeast to railroad track—4th ward. Left and North Side. 1 Vacant house. 23 Mrs. Elizabeth Noon. RIVER STREET. Right and South Side. 6 Charles J. Hedlund. 6 Mrs. E m m a Jacobson. 8 Vacant house. 10 David Harrison. 10 John Hunt. ROSS STREET. (Formerly Sexton Street.) From 16 Livingstone Ave., north to Erie R. R — 6th ward. Left and West Side. 6 Theobald H. Barth. 13 Marshall M. Hubbard. 17 Charles A. Lawson. 17 Mrs. Mary J. Bennett. R O W L E Y PLACE. From 705 Main west—2d ward. 2 Albert H. Grace. 3 Vacant house. 4 William M. Whitcomb. 4 James Renner. 5 Hezekiah V. Culver. 5 John W . Scofield. ROYAL AVENUE. SCOTT STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. ROYAL AVENUE. S A M P S O N STREET. Right and West Side. From before 102 Hallock west to limits—6th ward. Left and South Side. 9 Zenas M. Corell. 43 Oscar Johnson. ROYAL AVENUE, Right and North Side. 12 Lee A. Harvey. 10 10 12 12 16 20 22 RUBINKAM AVENUE. From 931 Main west to Marvin—2d ward. Left and South Side. 5 Christ Hanson. RUBINKAM AVENUE. Right and North Side. 12 Louis B. Brown. RUSH STREET. From Valley east to Main — 2nd ward. Left and North Side. 1 Clyde M. Mourton. 3 William J. Anderson. 5 Unfinished house. 7 William M. Comfort. SAMPSON STREET. From 238 Forest south to city limits —6th ward. Left and East Side. 37 Charles Erickson. Newland avenue intersects. 109 Carl Paulson. 109 Gust F. Eckman. 127 Edward Hanson. Dearborn street intersects. 133 John Berg. 133 Mrs. Lotta Anderson. Superior street intersects. 117 30 32 38 40 42 102 102 104 106 110 114 116 120 126 126 132 136 148 150 152 156 200 200 204 No houses. Morton street intersects. Charles R. Holmberg. Axel Lindblom. Oscar Dahl. Ludwig Johnson. Ruben Davis. Nels Munson. Andrew Lagergren. Grandin street intersects. John Wretman. Charles H. Sliter. Lake street intersects. John V. Anderson. Alfred Bjorkman. Swan P. Carlson. Newland avenue intersects. Mrs. Christine Johnson. A. Clauson. Jonas A. Johnson. Albert J. Peterson. Charles Barnard. William Bernhard. Bennett avenue intersects. Charles A. Johnson. Frank Holms. Edward C. Green. Rear—Darwin E. Sherman. Carl P. Carlson. Smith Ackroyd. John G. Anderson. Ludwig Olson. Charles G. Lofgren. Charles F. Anderson. Hazeltine avenue intersects. Charles Lindstrom. John Lindstrom. Chauncey Love. SCOTT STREET. From 222 Winsor east to Cheney5th ward. Left and North Side. SCOTT STREET, Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 118 13 15 23 31 31 33 Frank E. Manchester. Mrs. Sarah Platner. Hiram G. Sisson. John Robertson. Gust Anderson. Edwin W . Abbey. S C O T T STREET. 14 14 22 24 28 32 S O U T H H A L L O C K STREET. Right and South Sid e. Edward Johnson. Carl C. Marsh. Gertrude Carpenter. Julian J. Smith. Mrs. Lizzie Swanson. Nels A. Nelson. 18 William G. Purdy. 25-41 Shearman Bros. 41 Union Lumber Co. SHERMAN STREET. From 134 Allen south—4th ward. Left and East Side. 9 Enoch Greenwood. 9% Alexander H. Reid. 13 Henry Hinman. 17 Charles E. Lawson. 17 John Sandberg. Garfield street intersects. No houses. SEXTON STREET. (See Ross street.) SHERMAN STREET. SEYMOUR AVENUE. From 2 Livingstone avenue, north to Erie R. R.—6th ward. Left and West Side. 9 Mrs. Margaret Regan. 13 Vacant house. 17 Milton E. Brooks. 21 Charles Oscar Neil. 23 Vacant house. 25 Martin Looney. 18 Swan E. Anderson. Garfield street intersects. SEYMOUR AVENUE. Right and East Side. 6 Otis E. Hayward. 8 Alexander Baird. 10 Victor Lawson. SHAW STREET. Right and West Side. SHORT EAGLE STREET. From Elk east to Alpaca—5th ward. Left and North Side. 1 John W . Carlson. 5 Mrs. Susannah Crowther. 5 Alfred Jowett SHORT EAGLE STREET. Right and South Side. 2 4 6 8 8 8 David Briggs. Oscar Holmes. O. D. Bragg. Matilda Anderson. Mrs. Francis Walsh. Charles Riberg. From 45 Maple east to Oak—4th ward. Left and North Side. SOUTH HALLOCK STREET. 3 Mrs. Mary Unsworth. From near end of Hallock and New10 George E. Feather. land avenue south—6th ward. S H E A R M A N PLACE. Right and West Side. From 21 Main west—2d ward. 10 Joseph Rousseau. Left and South Side. Pennsylvania avenue intersects. 11 Benjamin Nichols & Son. 17 Wilcox, Burchard & Co. 100 William L. Kent. 18 Davis, Purdy & Co. Pearl Johnson. SOUTH MAIN STREET. S O U T H T H A Y E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. S O U T H MAIN S T R E E T . From foot of Main (Brooklyn square) south to junction with Allen. Left and East Side. 1 Herbert R. Grant. 3 Benjamin Strauss. 5-9 Smith block. 5 Anderson & Wicander. Albert Ashworth, room 1. Mrs. Helen A. Tennant, room 1. Dr. Jason Parker, room 2. Herbert F. Cowan, room 2. Fred Smith, rooms 3-4. Frank Marcello, rooms 3-4. Lutie M. Fairbanks, rooms 3-4. John Johnson, room 6. John Hicks, rooms 6-8. William C. Haridon, room 9. Alex. Johnson, room 10. Andrew Davis, room 11. 7 Johnson Bros. 9 Frank W . Palmeter. Taylor street intersects. 13-23 Humphrey house. 13 J. William Humphrey Jr. 27 Vacant building. 29 August Ekbeck. Harrison street intersects. 101-107 New Broadhead block. 101 Mrs. R. N. Blodgett. 103 Vacant store. Howard W . Potter. Geo. Brindler. 105 Emil F. Peterson. Frank L. Weigel. Eliakim Garfield. 105% Vacant storeroom. 107 Vacant store. Mrs. Hannah O'Neill. 101-7 K. of P. hall. 109 Andrew Young. 109-111 Elliott J. Shearman. Ill Christian Neilson. Ill Henry J. Keller. 113 Frans. Veckstrom. 113 Alfred Blomstrand. 115 Vacant store. 119 115 Charles L. Define. 119 Benjamin Nichols. 123 Mrs. Huldah Derby. Derby street intersects. 125 Mrs. Maryette Batcheller. 125 Horace Young. 131 Mrs. Mary E. Stuart. Victoria avenue intersects. 135 E. Harold Woodworth. SOUTH MAIN STREET. Right and West Side. 2 Elof Rosencrantz & Co. 4-6 Iroquois Hotel. Steele street intersects. Forest avenue intersects. 22-28 N e w Gifford Building. 1 Donelson Bros. & Root. 2 Donelson's Cash Grocery. 3 Manbert & Lager. 4 Albert Peterson. 5 Vacant store. 5 L. A. Pillsbury. Nelson E. Johnson, rooms 1-2. H. H. Gifford & Sons, room 6. John H. Wiggins, rooms 7-9. Mozart club rooms, rooms 15-17. Joseph W . Graff, rooms 26-27. Arthur H. Greenlund, room 29. Frank D. Ormes, rooms 30-38. George W . Tew, room 53. Mrs. Georgia T. Mason, room 53. Mrs. S. J. Hall, rooms 57-59. Frank M. Tinkham, room 82. 22 Tinkham Bros. 22 Henry G. Anderson. 26 Vacant store. 28 A. R. Catlin & Co. 28 Daniel W . Peck. 32-34 William L. Slotboom. 32-34 Herman C. Muller. 32-34 Charles A. Wilcox. 36-44 13th Separate Co. N. G., N. Y. S. armory. Fenton place intersects. Walnut Grove. S O U T H T H A Y E R STREET. From 800 East 2d south to Crescent -5th ward. SOUTH T H A Y E R STREET Cont'd. 120 SPRING STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Left and East Side. 9 Amon W. Buck. 13 George E. Trainer. 13 Mrs. Katherine Kershaw. SOUTH W A L N U T STREET. Right and West Side. 8 Orlando D. Smith. 8 Robe W . Isbell. 232 234 234 238 Charles P. Anderson. Elmer W . Davis. Rear—Andrew C. Anderson. Carl Johnson. Palmer street intersects. Brooklyn Heights chapel. SPRING STREET. From 121 East 2d, north to Crossman.—1st ward. SOUTH THAYER STREET. Left and West Side. From 600 Foote avenue south to Park 217-219 Gron block. place—3d ward. 217 Jamestown Bakery. Right and West Side. Frederick A. Gron. 10 Henry Sharp. Fred H. Gilchrist. 14 Ernest Barrett. R. Theodore Writman. 16 Cyril B. Walker. Mrs. Edna B. Annis. SPRAGUE STREET. Bert S. Cross. From Steele street bridge south and 219 Lundquist & Johnson. Ben. S. Dean. west to Baker—6th ward. William R. Murray. Left and East Side. Mrs. Franc Howard. 109 Charles Wilcox. Josiah T. Allen. 111 Charles G. Saunders. Agnes A. Heaton. 113 Lucy Woodward. East 3d street intersects. No houses. 315 Ephraim D. Spaulding. G t Jones street intersects. East 4th street intersects. 241 Charles G. Krantz. 405 Charles S. Abbott. 241 John Sampson. 417 Edward C. Burns. Palmer street intersects. East 5th street intersects. 305 Wilson B. Gardner. 513 Joel S. Darling. 30."i Chillies S. Gardner. 519 Nora A. Lyman. A d a m street intersects. East 6th street intersects. 315 A. William Carlson. 609 Mrs. Hannah Bonner. S P R A G U E STREET. 613 Mrs. Margaret McVay. 617 Charles C. Rickard. Right and West Side. 625 Mrs. A n n Lynch. Chautauqua Towel Co. Branch School No. 1. Steele street intersects. East 8th street intersects, 90 Charles J. Carlson. 807 John A. Dearborn. Fenton street intersects. 811 Nelson N. Frost. 202 Mrs. Nellie Hamerly. 815 Mrs. Cynthia Smith. 220 James Mallon. 819 Mrs. Nettie F. Fox. 224 Wells M. Jones. 825 Mrs. Susan D. Jones. 228 Charles Hjert 829 Henry Guenther. 228 Peter Sundberg. 829% Paul Hanson. SPRING S T R E E T , Cont'd. STEELE STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTOR?. 833 853 859 863 867 867 869 869 869 T. Anton Hanson. Calvin P. Wallace. T o m Kendall. Joseph Overend. Mrs. Elizabeth Dorman. Mrs. Helen T. Warr. Turner Walton. Mrs. Sarah Gokey. Peter Ipson. SPRING STREET. Right and East Side. 206 Chapin Tiffany. 206 Charles A. Hunt. 210-222 City hall. 212 Ellicott Hook & Ladder Co. 216 Prendergast Hos9 Co. 218 Chief of Fire Dept. East Third street intersects. 306 John H. Tousley. Central Branch school. East 4th street intersects. 412 Frank B. Field. 418 Harvey W . Tew. East 5th street intersects. 510 Emmett H. Bemus. East 6th street intersects. 614 Ray F. Pickard. 614 Mrs. Rosa F. Pickard. 618 Mrs. E m m a Soderholm. 618 Joseph Everard. 620 Guy M. Hoagland. 622 Henry Russell. 622 Fred B. Heath. 622 Adolphus D. Drake. 626 Mrs. Malissa Carter. 626 Mrs. Millie Tripp Herrick. 630 William H. Boyd. 632 Mrs. Fannie A. Smith. East. 8th street intersects. 810 John W Hale. 816 George .. Chatfield. 822 Mrs. Julia F. Gould. 826 Mrs. M a 'garet Kelleher. 830 Mrs. Polly J. Wight. 840 Vacant 1 ouse. 842 858 860 860 862 864 866 868 872 874 121 Mrs. Lotta J. Cook. Leland W . Palmer. Mrs. Margaret Schwein. Mrs. Austina Kennsog. Joseph Gold. Henry F. Koerner. Michael Burke. John Gerling. Nels Olson. Vacant house. STAFFORD AVENUE., From 1070 East 2d south to Flagg. Right and West Side. 12 William R. Fox. 22 Peter A. Carlson. STARK AVENUE. From South Hallock, west—6th ward Left and South Side. Charles Lawson. STEARNS AVENUE. From 117 Barrett west to Charles— 6th ward. Right and North Side. 2 Andrew P. Greenlund. 10 Jonas A. Carlson. 18 John H. Swanson. 18 Frank S. Maybe. 26 Martilla Boone. 26 Frank O. Stafford. STEELE STREET. From junction of Forest avenue and Brooklyn square, west and north to West e t h — 6th ward. 5 Bert S. Cross. 7 Gust Jacobson. 11 Brooklyn Square Marble works. 11 Sylvanus Balcom. 11 Rear, A. A. Cady. 15 (Incorrectly numbered) Charles L. Carlson. 15-17 Koehl block. 15 B. Merz. Mrs. Jennie Jeffords, 2nd floor. Axel Hennings, 3rd floor. S T E E L E STREET, Cont'd. 122 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Edward Peterson, 3rd floor. 17 Hiller & Lawson. Clarence Husted, 3rd floor. 19-21 Hallock block. 19-21 Pearl City laundry. Swedish Salvation Army, 2nd floor. Monroe Dry Plate Works, 3rd floor. Art Photo Exchange, 3rd floor. 25 Orville J. Felt. Baker street and Jones avenue intersect. 35 John Exley. 55 Ernest Pierce. 59 Mrs. Jennie S. Pierce. 77 John Bush. 87 Bird Wells. 93 Henry James. 103 105 109 115 123 123 129 217 223 223 223 229 231 235 265 267 313 -STEELE STREET, Cont'd. Williams street intersects. Benjamin F. Firman. A d a m J. Haecker. John O'Connell. William Greer. Culver street intersects. Augustus P. Hall. Charles Hudson. Albert C. Marsh. Sprague street intersects. Jeremiah Sullivan. Albert Fredrickson. Hannah L. Halberg. Mrs. Mamie Lautz. Bernhard Benson. Hanley street intersects. Mrs. Anna M. Jones. Frank A. Nelson. John Ellis. Mrs. Elizabeth Glendon. Dennis Reardon. S T E E L E STREET. Right and North Side. 6 Campbell & Curtis. Race street intersects. 10 James Roark. 14 18 18 24 Jay Hiller. Wesley N. Alsdorf. Charles Cook. L. B. Warner. 30-8 Jamestown Bedstead Co. 40-4 Star Furniture Co. 46-8 Jamestown Veneer works. 50 Nelson & Co. <• Dinsmore Spring Co. Clayton D. Pratt. (Rear) Phillips Barrell Co. Jamestown Art Carving Co. 56 Pearl City Stone Co. 58 Slotbcom coal yard. 76 Henry Ackroyd & Son. 70-80 Rear, Jamestown & Chautauqua freight depot. 84 John Rick. b2 William A. Lepar. 100 Louis P. Willier. 100 James Lancaster. 108 Vacant house. 114 Rhody R. Donelon. US Vacant house. 126 Albert G. Marsh, Sr. 132-6 Municipal Electrict Light plant. 138 Joseph F. Beaver. Sprague street intersects. 206-8 Chautauqua Towel -mills. 206-8 Preston, Field & Mackey. 210 George W . Rolland. 216 Andrew Hilton. 218 Mrs. J. Augusta Adams. 218 William B. Adams. 218 Luther Congleton. 218 Eve Blomster. 224 Milton E. Kennedy. 226 Mrs. Ida Lindmark. 226 John B. Johnson. 226 Mrs. W . Gustavo Lindstrom. 230 Victor E. Carlson. 236 William F. Baker. 268 Gust Olson. 304 Gottfried Johnson. 304 Lorenzo Ellsworth. 306 August Peterson. 308 Smith Fields. 322 Mrs. Mary Farley. STEELE STREET, Cont'd. STURGES STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 324 332 336 338 340 342 344 Morton A. Bronk. Albert Bush. Andrew P. Casselman. Charles Brattberg. Henry L. Ellis. George L. Smith. Carl Fritz. S T E W A R T AVENUE. From 1309 West 6th south to West 3d—6th ward. Left and East Side. 103 Hiram E. Messenger. 105 Floyd S. Ball. 104 110 112 120 122 122 146 S T E W A R T AVENUE. Right and West Side. Peter Dreyer. William C. Roberts. Fred W . Mansfield. Sanford G. Smiley. Harry Dugan. Ulysses M. Rice. Milton E. Phillips. S T O W E STREET. From 815 East 2d north to Turner avenue—Sth ward. Left and West Side. 11 August Johnson. 15 Andrew M. Lundbe,rg. 21 George W. Stillson. 21 Henry Beckman. 23 Mrs. Emily Sandberg. 23 Claus Anderson. 27 Anna Algren. 27 Adolph Johnson. 39 Charles Lundman. 39 Mrs. Jennie Coulcher. Falconer street intersects. 103 Edwin Swanson. 107 Albert C. Jones. 109 John P. Nelson. Ill Erick Nelson. Ill Samuel Shelgren. 115 Peter A. Palmgren. 121 Charles Fredsall. 123 Andrew Wallen. 125 125 131 143 219 321 329 365 401 501 123 N. August Johnson. Mrs. Jennie Anderson. Bart Cordingley. Thomas Berry. Newton street intersects. Peter N. Davis. Buffalo street intersects. George Smith. Vacant house. Theron C. Swart. Clyde avenue intersects. Jennie A. Beal. Aaron Lindquist. STOWE STREET. Right and East Side. 12 12 14 18 18 26 26 30 106 110 110 114 114 128 128 146 146 Richard C. Cobb. Star bakery. Gust Swanson. Frank W . Montague, Ellis Brown. Mary E. Todd. Hadoram D. Oger. George C. Little. Falconer street intersects. Thure J. Ekedahl. Mrs. Mary Norquist. Arvid Helgren. Fred Johnson. Oscar Johnson. Perry Holmlund. John Wistrom. Benjamin Greaves. Charles Anderson. STURGES STREET. From 71 Falconer north to Buffalo5th ward. Left and West Side. 3 Frank Webeck. , 3 Mrs. Mary Calstrom. 5 Mrs. Anna Benson. 5 Charles Webeck. 21 Otto Alfred Carlson. Crossman street intersects. No houses. STURGES STREET, Cont'd. 124 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. Price street intersects. Street not opened from Price to Newton. Newton street intersects. Euclid avenue intersects. Cedar street intersects. 524 Martin Brugge. SUMMIT STREET. From 417 Palmer southwest to city limits—6th ward. Left and East Side. 409 Obadiah M. Taylor. 417 Vacant house. Hallock street intersects. 503 Fred J. Case. 507 William Coates. S U M M I T STREET. 14 30 130 300 Right and West Side. Charles Lindstrom. Vacant house. Frank Turnblom. Edwin J. Squier. SUPERIOR STREET. From 338 Forest avenue west to Sampson—6th ward. Left and South Side. No houses. Charles street intersects. 137 Gust Lawson. 141 Mrs. Hilma Peterson. 145 Oscar Olson. SWAN STREET. From 450 Willard south—4th ward. Left and East Side. 5 Charles J. Gustafson. SWAN STREET. 24 28 32 46 THAYER STREET. Right and West Side. Julius J. Bergeson. Eskil W . Anderson. John A. Anderson. Gust W . Lindholm. T A Y L O R STREET. From 9 South Main east to junction with Filmore—3d ward. 1 7 59 63 Left and North Side. Jonas Jaderstrom. Henry Wilson. Anchor Fence Co. Watson Mfg. Co. TAYLOR STREET. Right and South Side. 4 Joseph S. Meli. 20 Patrick Maher. 24 Mrs. Mary Peate. 26 Joseph B. Dawkins. 26 Elbert V Hetfield. 28 Mrs. Millie Mead. 44 Flynn J. Ferguson. 46 A. P. Olson & Co. 54-60 Jamestown Desk Co. TEW STREET. From 317 Fenton south to Palmer. Left and East Side. 9 John Jaderstrom. 13 Arthur K. Swanson. 17 Louis A. Putnam. 19 Charles Berg. TEW STREET. Right and West Side. 30 Waldemar Marker. THAYER STREET. From 787 East 2d north to Falconer —5th ward. Left and West Side. 13 William E. Carter. 17 Manfred D. Merritt. 19 Elliott Worden. THAYER STREET. Right and East Side. 16 John A. Barkman. 16 Mrs. Louisa Lundgren. T H A Y E R STREET, Cont'd. T O W E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 24 28 34 34 44 44 46 46 August Barkman. Mrs. Hilda Olson. Mrs. Anna Suderquist. John Morgan. William Lundquist. Axel Anderson. Gust Asker. Charles Leburg. THIRTEENTH STREET. From 921 Main west to Marvin—2d ward. Left and South Side. 5 Adelbert Klock. 7 William F. Nisson. 23 George S. Bright. 33 J. Victor Sundberg. 37 George N. Phelps. 41 Mrs. Alice A. Tousley. 49 Ernest 0. York. 53 Mrs. Willhelmina Swanson. 69 Mrs. Arvilla Tyler. 73 William Wright. 10 14 20 24 24 26 30 54 70 74 T H I R T E E N T H STREET. Right and North Side. Frank L. Johnson. Miss Minnie Walkup. William B. Pitts. Mrs. Kate O'Donnell. Mrs. Susan E. Wright. Elva Conet. Jacob F. Stahley. Samuel J. Woodward. David F. Braley. Louis W . Barnes. TILDEN A V E N U E . From 909 Main west to Marvin—2d ward. Left and South Side. 29 Fred A. Skutt. 35 Malon Barrows. 37 Fred E. Kelly. 39 Lynn E. Howe. 41 Hans Rasmussen. 61 Amil G. Lawson. 65 Jacob P. Johnson. 125 TILDEN A V E N U E . Right and North Side. 6 20 24 26 28 32 40 44 56 August Johnson. Charles J. Peterson. Fritz Marker. George E. B. Pemberton. Elijah W . Ford. Severio Roselli. Antonio Mancino. Albert Hapgood. Joseph Cascia. TODD AVENUE. From 60 Hunt road west to McDannell avenue—6th ward. Left and West Side. 1 Walter H. Kent. TOWER STREET. From opposite 217 Willard south— 4th ward: Left and East Side. 13 Franklin O. Roberts. 17 Charlie G. Peterson. 21 Mrs. Matilda C. Wersen. 31 Charles J. Anderson. 35 Alexander M. Sundman. 43 Fred L. Leidblad. 47 Charles G. Hedin. 51 Andrew E. Lawson. 51% John P. Lawson. 59 Charles G. Lawson. 65 Fredricka Lundgren. 65 Fred A. Carlson. 69 Frank L. Chalstrom. 69 Andrew Hedlund. 69% Louisa Stowell. John Leeburg. 73 Otto W . Peterson. 77 John A. Gustafson. 77 Gust E. Gustafson. 81 John A. Anderson. 85 Gust A. Carlson. 89 Vacant house. 93 Charles W . Oberg. 99 William L. Bjork. T O W E R S T R E E T , Cont'd. 126 44 56 56 60 60 64 64 68 68 68 80 80 100 110 110 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. T O W E R STREET. Right and West Side. Branch school No. 3. Edward G. Peterson. Christine Fredrickson. Mrs. Carrie Pawn. Charles A. Peterson. Hjalmar Engwall. Franc Lindstrom. Oliver Christianson. Louisa Peterson. Olof Greenlund. Daniel Greenlund. David A. Johnson. Simon Manguson. Mrs. Helena C. Bjork. English street intersects. Rufus Brogden. William M. Peterson. UNION A V E N U E . From 338 Forest avenue, east to Park—3d ward. Left and North Side. 13 Mrs. Anna Hultgren. 16 16 20 20 28 28 32 32 36 36 38 38 V E G A STREET. UNION A V E N U E , Right and South Side. Axel Dahlstrom. Fred L. Johnson. Earl Rhinehart. Carl Anderson. Victor Johnson. Albert Thomblad. Henry Anderson. Mrs. Anna Johnson. John Lawson. August Dahlgren. Gust T. Olson. Samuel Almgren. V A L L E Y STREET. From 26 West 8th north to West 9th —2d ward. Left and West Side. 7 August Elstrom. 7 Christian Hanson. 15 Edgar W . Morton. 17 19 19 21 A. John Anderson. Bonnie C. Edwards. Mrs. Nancy A. Edwards. David Anderson. VALLEY STREET. Right and East Side. 14 William W . Morton. 16 Patrick C. Foley. 16 Charles Dearborn. 16 William Spencer. 18 Oliver W . Bunting. VEGA STREET. Fro-m 329 Willard north to Benedict —4th ward. Left and West Side. 3 Oscar E. Lindbloom. 15 Fred Hagland. 25 Mrs. Selma Johnson. 25 Fred P. Lindross. 35 Axel Osterstrom. 43 Charles L. Lindross. 45 Jennie Hanson. 47 Andrew Norlander. 59 Axel Nordstrand. 79 Andrew J. Peterson. 14 16 20 26 30 38 38 44 44 52 52 56 56 68 70 88 88 110 V E G A STREET. Right and East Side. Gust Anderson. Emanuel Anderson. August Johnson. Andrew Swanson. Fred C. Anderson. Fred Nyholm. John A. Stefanson. Elof Johnson. Henry Johnson. Charlie A. Kayner. August J. Jones. Aaron Gustafson. Hans Jorgensen. Alfred Lawson. Vacant house. Mrs. Margaret Ahlstrand. Hjalmer Bloomquist. Carl A. Carlson. VEGA STREET, Cont'd. W A R R E N STHEET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 114 Arvid H. 'L. Johnson. 114 Stura F. Nelson. John Malm. Vacant house. VICTORIA AVENUE. From 131 S. Main east to Institute— 2d ward. Left and North Side. 9 Frank Anderson. 11 John W. Kiley. 11 Raymond L. Case. 13 Axel Hegg. 13 Gust S. Johnson. 15 Gust Anderson. 15 Fidel Reiger. 19 Fritz Burgeson. 19 Erick A. Forsback. 21 Charles A. Lidblad. 21 Ella Shultz. 23 Alfred B. Weldon. 23 Alice M. Spencer. 25 Mrs. Martha Hartley. 27 John Ingram & Co. VICTORIA AVENUE. Right and South Side. 12 16 24 28 28 32 32 34 David Shein. Warner Ross. Charles E. Adams. Richard Smith. Colonel Smith. Mrs. Lena A. King. Michael J. Dilworth. Alma Schermerhorn. W A L N U T STREET. From 101 Camp, north to Garfield— 4th ward. Left and West Side. 5 Mrs. Anna Sampson. 5 Charles W. Johnson. 9 August Forsberg. 13 Simon C. J. Peterson. 17 Frank J. Leopard. 19 Christina S. Lundgren. 21 Fred T. Williams. 25 Mrs. Adelia Phoenix. 27 Fred Shepherd. 6 6 8 12 16 16 127 W A L N U T STREET. Right and East Side. Albertina Johnson. Albert A. Anderson. Charles F. Scott. Edward Coe. Andrew Anderson. Mary Anderson. W A R R E N STREET. From 135 S. Main south to city limits —3rd ward. Left and East Side. 7 Charles Pearson. 37 Ralph C. Sheldon. 47 Clayton E. Bailey. Mechanic street intersects. 107 Clark R. Lockwood. 117 Mrs. Olive K. Allen. 119 Thomas J. Fenton. 119% Charles H. Christ. 119% Frank Christ. 119% Amil Jacobson. 135 Emory A. Sturdevant. 135 Walter Price. 141 Everett H. Ketchum. 145 Lee D. Blood. 145 Heman H. Moore. 149 Andrew Lawson. 157 Mrs. Gertrude Rosenberg. 159 James Irwin. 169 George A. Hall. 203 Peter <"• Robertson. 209 Mrs. Malvina E. Miller. 209 Mrs. Sophia Perry. 209 Samuel Wise. 215 Arthur E. Smith 217 Charles F Connor. 219 Ernest A. Stromdahl. 219 Frank Geser. 221 Frank Brown. Axtel street intersects. 229 Hunt Grocerv Co. 229 Millard C. Holt. 255 Lewis M. Osborn. Newland avenue intersects. 301 Vacant house. W A R R E N S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORS. 128 303 William M. Westcott. 305 John Markham. 305% Vacant house. 305% Philo H. Brown. 311 John W . Hjertstrom. 313% Dwight D. Frank. 315 Jay W . Cole. 317 Morgan L. Veiley. 317 Walter Veiley. 321 William E. Randall. 325 Wright Lamson. 327 Fred J. Wren. 329 Isaac E. Porter. Barker street intersects. 415 Edward Suckow. 419 Emerick 0. Hastings. 449 Luther Hultgren. 453 John A. Nelson. 453 Frank Manley. Park place intersects. 503 Herman Lindahl. 505 Henry W . Eaton. 611 Erick Venstrom. 615 Christian Lund. 625 Christ Hanson. John Lindahl. WARREN 30 126 132 138 144 146 148 160 200 204 204 210 210 220 228 232 W A S H I N G T O N STREET. STREET. Right and West Side. William Broadhead. Broadhead avenue intersects. Peter J. Bergquist. John M. Cushman. Mrs. Eleanor Kidder. Emil Peterson. John W . Maddox. Gust Carlson. John Davidson. Kidder street intersects. Fred C. Hunt. Elton B. Gardner. Peter A. Moberg. Jonathan Ratcliffe. Sarah D. Lyon. John T. Palmer. E. Clyde Timperley. Samuelson & Anderson. 258 Darius R. Cole. 260 Gilbert Strong. Newland avenue intersects. 300 Marvin Phillips. 308 William H. Cole. 312 Gust Lagerquist. 316 Beaumont Bane. 320 Walter S. Crossgrove. 324 William Crossgrove. 328 James S. Conner. 350 Earl Davis. 350 Albin Melquist. Barker street intersects. 400 Robert R. Morrow. 406 Joseph Flickinger. 422 Adelbert L. Staples. 426 Cornelius Tewey. 426 Norman Edmonds. 448 Andrew F. Olson. 450 Mrs. Mary Kordenbrook. 456 Edmund Suckow. 456 Eva Cole. Park place intersects. Olof Anderson. W A S H I N G T O N STREET. From 120 West 2d north to West 8th —2d ward. Left and West Side. 211 Lynn H. Tappan. 211 Hiram Tappan. 215 Mrs. Lois L. Pike. 217 Mrs. Jane Dunn. 217 Vacant store. 219 Star-Palace laundry. West 3d street intersects. West 4th street intersects. 409 J. Q. Arnold. 409 Boarding and transient stables. West 5th street intersects. 509 Singleton Gardiner. 515 Mrs. Josephine Johnson. 519 Mrs. Josephine Rexford. 519 Clarence L. Rexford. West 6th street intersects. 607 John T. Brown. WASHINGTON STREET Cont'd. W A T E R STRELT. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 611 617 617 617 703 703 707 707 711 713 715 Clarence Burnell. Edward G. Lovejoy. Mrs. Nettie M. Curtice. Addie Wellington. West 7th street intersects. Dr. Warren D. Wellman. Mrs. Hattie Dunbar. LoyaJ S. Bushee. Henry D. Spring. Elmer E. Wellman. Jaret B. Flisher. Robert A. Rosier. West 8th street intersects. WASHINGTON STREET Right and East Side. 104 Mrs. Isabella Field. 110 Ernest Brown. West 2d street intersects. 214 James H. Jones. 218 Hayward Stables. West 3d street intersects. 304 Wellington N. Lydle. 324 John Herby. West 4th street intersects. 406 Thomas Meredith. 406 Alexander Corcilius. 408 Charles W . Bates. 408% John O. Berg. 410 Duncan M. Hall. 412 Ezra C. Havens. West 5th street intersects. Prendergast library. West 6th street intersects. Public park. West 7th street intersects. 708 John A. Knorr. 708 George H. Knorr. 710 Seneca Hoag. 714 Burton R. Pratt. W A T E R STREET. From 135 Institute east and north to Winsor—4th ward. Left and North Side. 9 Joseph Norton. 21 Charles Greenwood. 21 Joseph Saltenstall. 25 George Halsall. 29 Mrs. Catharine Masson. 31-43 Empire Worsted Mills. 45 James M. Moss. 45 Joe Pickard. 55 Alfred C. Strohmdehl. 55 Charles A. Strohmdehl. 57 Gust P. Johnson. 59 Fred W . Moorby. 61-77 C. Gossett & Son. 79 Gust W . Lindholm. 79 Gust P. Olson. 83 Joseph Ackroyd. 83 Norris M. Ackroyd. 103 Livingston Haggas. 103 James B. Graham. 105 Thomas Blyth. W A T E R STREET. Right and South Side. 10 Arthur Spencer. 12 Mrs. Elizabeth E. Young. 12 William W . Hoard. 18 Arthur E. Mitchell. 22 John A. Bloomquist. 26 John C. Oates. 28 Axel H. Thore. 30 Jonas Stainthorpe. 30 John Reid. 32 Nicholas Bintz. 32 Eddie Johnson. 42 John Turner. 44 Lathrop L. Hanchett. 46 Wilson Stevens. 48 Mrs. Carrie Peterson. 48 Olos L. Martin. 50 Samuel A. Johnson. 50 Gust E. Peterson. 52 John Lawson. 54 John Lawson. 56 Herbert Drake. 58 Mrs. E m m a Ellis. 60 William H. Rhodes. 74 Albert Walther. 74 Alfred F. Shoesmith. 76 Mrs. Mary A. French. 78 Thomas A. Morley. 129 W A T E R STREET Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY 130 80 92 96 96 98 102 102 106 106 110 114 116 118 128 130 136 136 W E L L M A N AVENUE. Ernest Gornall. Thomas Gill. Fritz Spencer. Swan P. Sjorgren. Mrs. Anna L. Nyberd. Mrs. Olof Sjobeck. Olof Sjobeck. Erick Erickson. Andrew J. Johnson. Allen B. Kimball. Vacant house. Vacant house. Vacant house. Mrs. Annie Griep. William 0. Peterson. John A. Otander. Martin Johnson. W E B S T E R STREET. Right and West Side. Merrit Sherwood. 6 Gust Lindgren. 8 Swan Johnson. 10 Charles Gardner. W E E K S STREET. From 841 East 2d north to Buffalo— 5th ward. Left and West Side. 13 17 17 19 21 21 WATERMAN STREET. From 131 Foote Ave., east to Empire 103 Worsted mills.—4th ward. 109 113 Left and North Side. 121 121 3 J. Gust Anderson. 139 5 Peter A. Berg. 145 7 George Myers. WATERMAN STREET. Right and South Side. 4 William A. Baker. 4 Mrs. Mary Ann Dahlman. 6 Charles Diamond. 8 Oscar F. Nelson. 12 Henry Smith. 16 David F. Lessing. WEBSTER STREET. Lewis W . Prosser. Joseph Hartley. Edward Irwin. Albert M. Green. John M. Green. Frank W . Husted. Falconer street intersects. Mrs. Frances Scott. Mrs. Margaret Collins. Schofield Tordoff. John Shannahan. Priscilla Ellener. Nels C. Christianson. George Cordingley. WEEKS STREET. Right and- East Side. 10 Michael D. Barry. 14 Jason D. Ray. 14 Frank K. Dowler. 18 James O. Newberry. Falconer street intersects. 104 James Trainer. Newton avenue intersects. 218 Emil Eckholm. From 116 King south to Pullman— WELLMAN AVENUE. 4th ward. From Lakewood road, south—6th ward. Left and East Side. Left and East Side. 5 John Hauk. Mrs. Louisa E. Wellman. 5 Victor Varban. 9 Walter H. Bates. Archie A. Johnson. Orlin W . Pratt. 11 George L. Wilkes. 13 Nathan lei Dracup. Louis M. Powers. W E S C O T T STREET. W E S T EIGHTH STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. W E S C O T T STREET. From 233 Willard north—4th ward. Left and West Side. 29 Nels P. Hofgren. 29 Arvid T. Ahlstrom. 33 Andrew Johnson. 33 Carl A. Bergren. 37 Alfred A. Lawson. 37 Eric A. Eckwahl. 39 Mrs. Eva C. Nelson. 41 Lars 0. Burlin. 47 August C. Johnson. 53 Gust Skold. 53 Louis Bournique. 67 C. Godfrey Carlson. 67% Mrs. Caroline Bergren. 101 Peter M. Wistrom. 103 Charles A. Anderson. 105 Unfinished house. 107 Charles Edman. 107 Gust Anderson. Ill Mrs. Clara West. Ill Gust A. West. 115 Charles J. Anderson. 119 John A. Anderson. W E S C O T T STREET. Right and East Side. No houses. Benedict street intersects. 124 Oscar F. Bloomquist. W E S T EIGHTH STREET. From 715 Main west to J. E. S. Ry. power house—2d ward. Left and South Side. 11 Albert A. Walker. 15 William H. Botsford. 17 Royal S. Blodget. 19 Charles J. Peterson. 21 John H. Whitney. 29 Mrs. E m m a C. Lindergren. 29 H. Amil Peterson. Cleveland place intersects. N o houses. Cherry street intersects. Ill Eugene L. Blanchard. 115 Davis O. Putnam. Washington street intersects. 203 John A. Adams. 207 William M. Callahan. 209 Lewis D. Tyrrell. Lafayette street intersects. 315 Martha A. Knapp. Jefferson street intersects. 413 Harry P. Gray. 415 Charles J. Cederquist. 415 Amil Gustafson. Clinton street intersects. 503 Mrs. Mary McConnell. 503 Titus Clark. Monroe street intersects. Boiler shop. Vacant factory. 635 Harry F. Simmons. Murray avenue intersects. 701 Vacant. 703-705 Galligan & Curran. 703 John Dewan. 707-709 John McCarthy. 707 Job Eddy. 707 Walter J. Holt. 709 Vacant store. 709 Albert Johnson. 711 Oscar F. Johnson. WEST EIGHTH STREET. 10 16 18 18 22 22 24 26 34 38 40 106 108 Right and North Side. Joseph S. Meli. Otto Nelson. Oscar Fisher. Mrs. E m m a Nelson. Louis Juel. Charles Ohnstrand. Mrs. Delia Underwood. John A. Rapp. Valley street intersects. Samuel N. Gifford. Charles F. Curtis. Frank E. Berger. Cherry street intersects. Oscar T. Jacobson. Matilda Hanson. 131 W E S T E I G H T H S T R E E T Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 132 108 110 112 112 114 Gustaf Cederholm. Penn. Gas Co. Arthur M. Wellman. Charles S. Vaughn. Marion Detwiller. Marvin street interesects. 208 Frank Rappole. 214 William H. Harrison. 306 306 308 310 314 W E S T FIFTH S T R E E T . Lafayette street intersects. Frank Smiley. Mrs. Mary Caskey. Walter C. Smith. Michael McGowan. Edward A. McConnell. Jefferson street intersects. No houses. Clinton street intersects. No houses. Monroe street intersects. 602-610 Jamestown Coal & Lumber Co. 612-20 Jamestown Brewing Co. Outlet street intersects. 640-2 J. & C. R. R. depot. 706 Chautauqua Steamboat Co. Fairmount avenue intersects. 806 Merritt Batchelder. 810 John Dobson. 816 Mrs. Matilda Johnson. 818 Charles M. Peterson. 820 Mrs. E m m a Fritz. Power house Jast'n St. Ry. WEST END. From 59 Fairmount avenue west to Langford—2d ward. Left and South Side. 15 R. Clarence Griggs. WEST END. Right and North Side. 10 Frank G. Ball. 10 Mrs. Julia Mclntyre. 14 Frank O. Johnson. 16 John P. Nelson. W E S T FIRST S T R E E T . From 31 Main west to Cherry—2d ward. Left and South Side. 1-3 Greek-American Fruit Co. 5 Frank E. Wells. 9-13 Hotel Everett. Frank E. Wallace. Wells-Fargo Co., express office. Erie Passenger Depot. WEST FIRST STREET. Right and North Side. 2 C. J. Stumpf. 4 R. H. Johnson. 8 Clark Hardware Co. 10 C. E Stratton. 12 Jamestown Bottling Co. 14-22 Hotel Ellicott—vacant. 14 David Lyons. WEST FIFTH STREET. From 413 Main west to Fairmount avenue—2d ward. Left and South Side. 11 Charles H. Gifford. 15 William S. Gifford. Cherry street intersects. 101 Sidney B. Hoyt. 105 Salome H. Jones. 105 Edward L. Warren. 109 James M. Grant. 113 Frances Jones. Washington street intersects. N o houses. Lafayette street intersects. 309 Fenton L. Scudder. 313 Albert N. Camp. 315 Orlando C. Frisbee. Jefferson street intersects. Public square. Clinton street intersects. No- houses. Monroe street intersects. 803 Thomas H. Chambers. 805 Charles F. Armitage. W E S T FIFTH STREET cont'd. W E S T NINTH STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 2 16 200 204 210 302 308 312 314 400 404 408 414 414 500 504 510 520 520 622 626 628 W E S T FIFTH STREET. Right and North Side. Robert N. Marvin. William H. Sprague. Cherry street intersects. Prendergast Library. Washington street intersects. Mrs. Abbi* C. Backus. Willis Tew. Morgan H. Day. Lafayette street intersects. George H. Coburn. William R. Reynolds. Milton D. Stone. Daniel A. Sullivan. Jefferson street intersects. Charles K. Book. Geo. T. Fenton. Vacant house. Wiley G. Hammond. Fred J. Shearman. Clinton street intersects. Charles P. Dahlstrom. Martyn Hose house. Bert M. Thayer. Mrs. Grace Westfall. Frank H. Farquharson. Monroe street intersects. No houses. Murray avenue intersects. Thomas F. Maher. Edward F. Foley. Patrick Maher. WEST FOURTH STREET. From 321 Main, west to Monroe.2d ward. Left and South Side. 3 Mrs. Alice R. Truesdell. 9 Bennett M. Arbuckle. 9 John J. Mahoney. 11 Aaron D. Work. 17 Nelson F. Ransom. Cherry street intersects 109-111 J. H. Clark. Washington street intersects. No houses. 133 Lafayette street intersects. 303 Austin A. Jones. 311 A. Murray Harrington. 315 William E. Goucher. Jefferson street intersects. 411 Mrs. Nettie Derby. 411 Will Fairbank. 411 Willard L. Kerk. 415 Ernest P. Parker. 415 Fred C. Langdon. Clinton street intersects. 507 John D. Windsor. 509 John Chechary. 511 Herbert L. Hunt. W E S T F O U R T H STREET. Right and North Side. 8 A m y Cook. 10 Mary E. Conner. 10 Henry Koerner. 10 Mary Fern. English Lutheran church. 20 Mrs. Minnie H. Burr. Cherry street intersects. 108 Swanson Bros. 110 Swanson Bros. 118 Everett E. Drayton. Washington street intersects. 208 Simon S. Little. 210 Mrs. Volina H. Danforth. 210 George H. Heelas. Lafayette street intersects. 306 Frederick J. Snowball. 316 Frank Vought. Jefferson street intersects. Public square. Clinton street intersects. 514 Frank Wood. 516 Martyn Bros. 516 Marius George Martyn. 518 M. W . Ward. WEST NINTH STREET. From 821 Main west to Marvin.—2d ward. Left and South Side. 9 John H. Smith. 11 James M. Young. 17 William J. Bender. 19 Hans P. Lorentzen. W E S T N I N T H S T R E E T Cont'd. 134 STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 21 Michael Turnwall. 25 Hans K. Peterson. 29 W . Carleton Case| Valley street intersects. 33 Richard Mullard. 35 Mrs. Pauline Siguier. 41 Robert Brady. 43 Frank Winchester. W E S T NINTH 6 14 16 22 26 26 28 28 36 36 40 42 46 48 50 52 54 W E S T SEVENTH STREET. Right and North Side. Fred S. Eddy. Newton L. Lincoln. Mrs. Jane Fenner. John A. Johnson. August P. Anderson. Mrs. Lavina L. Stone. Elizabeth B. Golden. Charles Crowther. John A. Olson. Frank G. Johnson. Mrs. Lucia M. Lilly. James Peterson. Charles Munson. Peter Illig. Walter W . White. Albert Lawson. James W . Speer. W E S T O A K HILL A V E N U E . From Main, northwest—2nd ward. John W . Kortright. W E S T S E V E N T H STREET. From 619 Main west to Murray avenue—2d ward. Left and South Side. 13 Burton M. Gay. 17 John Sanders. 17 Mrs. Caroline Beck. 19 Abraham Ashworth. Cherry street intersects. Public Square. Washington street intersects. 209 Alden E. Westcott. Lafayette street intersects. No houses. Jefferson street intersects. 401 Florence S. McCarthy. 405 Adelbert E. Wells. Clinton street intersects. 507 Frank Murray. 511 Martin J. Murray. Monroe street intersects. 601 Charles Ipson. 605 Mrs. Catherine Ipson . 605 Abram Goldstein. 607 Frank Moynihan. 611 Gust F. Stone. 615 Mrs. Sarah Ferrin. 619 Louis J. Johnson. 8 8 8 12 14 20 20 20 22 22 24 102 112 114 210 214 214 214 216 216 310 314 400 410 416 W E S T S E V E N T H STREET. Right and North Side. E m m e t Blair. Thomas Holdridge. Mrs. Dell Morgan. Mrs. Catherine Harris. Olof Lindblad. Charles W . Cleveland. Robert W . Castle. Phillip Hangen. Cleveland place intersects. George Durfee. Edward T. Smith. Robert P. Robertson. Cherry street intersects. Mrs. Wilhelmena Dreager. William T. Bradshaw. Daniel Peck. Washington street intersects. Mrs. Mary Winslow. Alton Silsby. Mrs. Geneva Runser. Mrs. Belle Lundquist. Mrs. Amelia Piatt. Mary McCallen. Lafayette street intersects. Alexander Johnson. Mathew Smith. Jefferson street intersects. Edward Fahey. Mrs. Louisa Murray. Mrs. Susan Culligan. W E S T SEVENTH STREET Cont'd. W E S T SIXTH STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Clinton street intersects. Herman A. Johnson. Charles A. Johnson. Ellen O'Connell. Peter Lenchski. William H. Tyler. Monroe street intersects. 600-604 Jamestown Boiler Works. 606 Charles Sheffield. 620 Schuyler R. Smith. 624 Rev. A. L. Benze. 500 504 508 508 512 W E S T SECOND STREET. From 121 Main west to Outlet—2d ward. Left and South Side. 1-9 Allen square building. 3-5-7 Greek-American Fruit Co. 9 P. Moynihan, Jr. 11-21 N e w Allen Flats. 11 Granger & Co. Charles E. Deane. Fred S. Stilwell Jr. Fred Wortman. Bert Lenn. 13-17 James G. Smith. John E. Leach. 15 George Harris. Joseph H. Penney. 17 Charles J. Stumpf. Bradley A. Bartlett. Fletcher Goodwill. Herbert J. Goodwill. 19-21 E. G. Partridge. John G. Moynihsia. Louis H. Stroebel. John H. Neill. Clarence H. Lake. Cherry street intersects. 105 Ezra H. Shedd. Ill Robert N. Marvin. Washington street intersects. 203 Charles L. Barker. 211 Mrs. Anna Goodrich. 213 Mrs. Mary Monroe. 215 Harry E. Ross. 217 Mrs. Alice M. Bullock. 135 Lafayette street intersects. 303 307 311 315 325 441 443 449 451 Mason M. Skiff. Hiram Smith. Mrs. Elvira J. Sterns. Mrs. Augusta Bergmann. Erie Freight station. Erie tracks intersect. J. H. Green. Mrs. Christine Johnson. Frank Daniel. Smith Pollard WEST SECOND STREET. Right and North Side. 2 George W . Reeder. 12 J. M. Grant Co. 12 King & Co. Vart Land Publishing Co. 14-16 Journal building. Journal Printing Co. 18 Horace C. Feltm. Cherry street intersects. 110 Dyson & Gal li van. 120 M. P. Jacobson. Washington street intersects. 204 Joseph G. Carpenter. 210 Henry J. Kosthorst 212 Henry S. Penfield. Lafayette street intersects. 308 Mrs. Jessie E. Bush. 310 Albert L. Piper. 314 Joel I. Hoyt. Jefferson street intersects. 404 Crescendo Club. 406 Ira W . Johnson. 458 William Babb WEST SIXTH STREET. From 517 Main west to Hallock—2d and 6th wards. Left and South Side. 9 Harvey C. Shaw. Cherry street intersects. W E S T SIXTH STREET Cont'd. 136 J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Prendergast Library square. Washington street intersects. 211 James V. H. Jones. Lafayette street intersects. N o houses. Jefferson street intersects. 401 Mrs. Jennie R. Beatty. 401 Frank G. Nordstrom. 401 Mrs. I. Mav Weils. 405 Frank S. Wheeler. 405 Emily M. Terry. 409 Fayette A. Knapp. 413 Phillip Keppelcr. 419 Charles E. Packard. 419 Wright J. Benson. Clinton street intersects. No houses. Monroe street intersects. 609 Valentine Kestisr. Murray avenue intersects. Not open to Steele street intersection. 807 Marcus A. Wilcox. Fairview avenue intersects. 903 Walter Peate. 905 Daniel J. Moynihan. Hall avenue intersects. No houses. Catlin avenuj interseyrs. No h >u=>es. Cook avenue i.itsr.iecrs. N o houses. Lakin avenue intersects. 1309 Mrs. Etta S^ith. Stewart avenue intersects. 1407 Frank G. Fisher. W E S T SIXTH S T R E E T . Right and North Side. Frank Merz. William P. Gifford. Helen M. Swift. Edward C Bx-owu. Cherry street intersects. Public square. Washington street intersects. 204 Thomas Snowden. 6 12 18 20 W E S T T E N T H STREET. 210 E m m e t P. Loucks. Lafayette street intersects. 310 D a n M Hog.-ir.. 314 Mrs. A n n Maharon. 314 Michael Maharon. Jefferson street intersects. 412 Patrick O'Connell. Clinton street intersects. 502 Michael O'Connell. Monroe street intersects. 608 Thomas Culley. 608 Edward T. Hopkins. 610 Si-meon W . Warren. 612 Anthony J. Corrigan. Murray avenue intersects. Not open to Steele street intersection. No houses. Fairview avenue intersects. N o houses. Hall avenue intersects. N o houses. Catlin avenue intersects. No houses. Cook avenue intersects. 1208 Frank R. Park. 1210 Austin A. Harvey. W E S T T E N T H STREET. From 841 Main west to Lafayette— 2d ward. Left and South Side. 11 W . Floyd Warren. 15 William H. Scofield. 17 John C. Derby. 19 Gust Freeburg. 27 Herman A. Abrahamson. 29 Gotlieb Frey. 33 James T. Douglas. 37 Victor Nelson. 37 Martin Colby. 43 William W . Campbell. 47 Melzar A. Lockwood. 49 Fred W . Foote. 61 John Lott. 65 Gilbert Bauck. 67 Wallace Loucks. Marvin street intersects. W E S T T E N T H S T R E E T Cont'd. W E S T THIRD STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. W E S T T E N T H STREET. Right and North Side. 137 21-3 New Sherman house office. 23 Charles E. Wood. Cherry street intersects. 10 Henry A. Stumpf. 101-103 Wellman building. 12 Thomas H. Marks. 101 Duncan M. Hall. 16 Fred A. Dorman. 101 John W . Wheelhouse. 18 William D. Coons. 101 Wellman Bros. 20 Garrett H. Lammers. C. E. Weeks & Son, room 1. 24 Louis P. Anderson. Dr. W . D. Wellman, rooms 2 & 3. 28 Adolph Glass. Frank S. Wheeler, rooms 4-5. 32 August F. Swanson. Wilbur B. Wood, rooms 4-5. 36 Sidney R. Sherman. Johnson Ice Co., room 6. 38 Leonard G. Kroenline. D. D. Woodford, rooms 7-8-9. 42 Peter G. Gibson. Dr. Austin A. Becker, room 11. 46 Mrs. Josephine Arend. P. K. Shankland, room 12. 46 Willard C. Wood. Wade & Stevenson, rooms 13-1452 William Hudson. 15. 56 William H. Wright. J. B. Fisher, rooms 13-14-15. 58 Vacant house. Frank A. Monroe, rooms 19-20-21. 60 Frank E. Covey. Herbert L. Hunt, rooms 25-26. €0 Mrs. Emily S. Wooden. Nelson H. Hill, room 27. 66 Nathan P. Newton. V. E. Peckham, rooms 28-29-30. 68 C. Frederick Johnson. C. K. Haynes, rooms 31-32-33. 70 George A. Young. Dr. J. J. Lenhart, rooms 35-36. Marvin street intersects. Clifford R. Fuller, rooms 37-38-39. C. R. Lockwood, rooms 41-42 120 Auguste Dubois. Mrs. Carrie P. Craven, rooms 43124 Mrs. Mary C. Crane. 44. WEST THIRD STREET. C. A. Bush, rooms 45-46-47-48. C. L. Thorn. From 223 Main west to Hallock—1st 103 Francis S. Jones. 105 3d and 6th wards. City ticket office J. & C. R. R. Left and South Side. West Side News Room. 1-9 Hall block. Eri. H. Goodenough. 107 1 J. W . Collopy. 109 J. V. Johnson & Co. 3 B. A. Bartlett. The Brown Printing Co., rooms 111 Taft & Co. 113-121 Hayward house. 7-9. 115 Hayward house bar. A. L. Furlow, room 6. 119 William A. Knowlton. 5 Key West cigar store. 121 J. H. Neil. 7 J. B. Collins. 121 John W . Robinson, basement. 9 Greek-American Fruit Co. Washington street intersects. 13-23 New Sherman house. 13 J. S. Ry. waiting room. 201-203 Lillibridge block. 15 Sherman house bar. 201 Scotch Woolen Co. Howe's cigar store. George Lillibridge. 17 Vacant store. 203 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 19 Postal Tel. & Cable Co. 205 Star-Palace laundry. W E S T THIRD S T R E E T Cont'd. 138 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 205 George L. Graves. 207 Will Fairbank. 207 Burt W . Gayton. 207 Mrs. Mattie Snowden. 207 Henry H. Chase. 209 H. D. Parker. 211-213 Dr. H. P. Hall block. 211 Vacant store. Joseh H. Kaiser. 213 Patrick J. Rowan. Frank W . Cadwell. Eugene B. Cadwell. 213 The Weideman Co. 215 The Woodburn. 215 David B. Hatch. Lafayette street intersects. 303 William M. Hoffer. 305 Charles N. Brown. 307-315 Hoyt Flats. 307 Peter H. Hoyt. 309 Charles Samuels. 309 Joseph H. Giles. 311 Asher Freidman. 313 Charles W . Morgan. 313 Charles W . Grant. 315 Frederick A. Fuller, Jr. Jefferson street intersects. 405 409 409 411 W E S T T H I R D S T R E E T Cont'd. Robert N. Waugh. Benjamin W . Cook. Lynn M. Goulding. DeOrsay Flats. William B. Giles. Glenn K. Brown. Thaddeus H. Wilcox. 413-419 The Osmer. 415 Henry S. Woods. 415 Earl H. Hill. 415 Harry Cloyes. 419 David Lyons. 419 Edward J. Gulick. 419 John W . Hunter. 419 Anna Kearney. Clinton street intersects. 503 Mrs. Laura Langford. 513 Frank M. Clark. 519 James M. Campbell. 525 Edgar C. Livingston. 529 533 539 545 549 551 Carl A. Berry. Vacant house. Henry A. Doering. Mrs. Jennie C. Billings. Mrs. Laura M. Doolittle. Alson H. Price. WEST THIRD STREET. Right and North Side. 2 Wm. Sta-mm. 4 Briggs & Nelson. 4 Fred Rasmussen. 6 O. Stranburg. 8-10 Union Block. 8 Clark & Wiltsie. Mrs. Minnie L. Pickard. Rosamond McVeigh. 10 A. D. Work. 12-20 Gokey building. 12-14 Wilson & VanTuyl Leon L. Fancher, room 4. Andrew P. White, room 4. J. Samuel Fowler, room 4. Charles W . Jones, room 5. John F. Jones, room 5. A. Brooks Fletcher, room 6. Dewey-Davis Printing Co., room 7. Mary M. Chase, room 7. Hall <fe Frisbee Lumber Co., rooms 50-51. Lora Holton Dow. William Cooper, room 54. Clark Salisbury, room 55. C. F. Johnson, room 56. Odd Fellows' Hall. 16-18 Samuels & Sons. Todd & Mericle, rooms 11-12. Charles S. Grover, rooms 11-12. Walter H. Widrig, rooms 11-12. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., rooms 13-14. Ernest W . Clement, room 20. William H. Rich, room 20. Allen E. Billings, rooms 21-22. Charles L. Melvin, rooms 21-22. Joel J. Crandall, rooms 21-22. W E S T T H I R D S T R E E T Cont'd. W I L L A R D STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 20 20 112 112 114 116 118 120 122 210 304 304 316 316 412 414 504 512 552 556 Boston School of Music, rooms 39-40. J. W . Morrison, room 41. Mrs. L. A. Butler, room 37. Postoffice. William E. Carter. International Correspondence School, rooms 1-2. Prudential Insurance Co., rooms 3-4-5. J. Arthur Perkins, room 6. Standard Specialty Co., room 7. A. Frank Jenks, rooms 8-9-10. Keeler Bros. Jamestown Business College. Louis M. Spencer. Gokey's dance hall. Cherry street intersects. First Presbyterian church. Linus H. Mather. Rear—E. Manchester & Son. E. A. Frank. Hackmen's Headquarters. B. W . Cook. Novelty Pleating Co. M. J. Murray. Washington street intersects. Mary Grimes. Lafayette street intersects. Edgar H. Warren. A. Bernice Strunk. Mrs. Etta J. Stocker. Edward J. Goodwin. Jefferson street intersects . Allen Sisson. John B. Rawson. Clinton street intersects. Mrs. Jennie F. Shedd. Mrs. Margaret M. Patterson. Monroe street intersects. Branch School No. 2. Fairmount avenue intersects. A. Brooks Fletcher. Alva E. Hart. J. S. Ry. office and barns. William B. Lancaster, over J. S. Ry. Herman Smith, over J. S. Ry. 139 WHITLEY AVENUE. From opposite 14 Ashville avenue south to junction Steele and West 6th— 6th ward. Left and East Side. 15 Eris A. Gron. 21 John Harris. 25 Charles M. Johnson. 27 Albert L. Seely. 27 Charles R. Davis. 29 William H. Page. WHITLEY AVENUE. 8 12 14 18 18 22 24 Right and West Side. John Sullivan. Charles O. Peterson. Charles Thorman. William H. Lepp. Jacob Ernewein. Frederick M. Meyer. Vacant house. W H I T L E Y PLACE. From 171 Forest avenue east—3d ward. Right and South Side. 10 George Garrity. 1 0 % Charles H. Parsons. 12 Simon Britton. 14 Charles Gustafson. 14 Victor Swanson. WILLARD STREET. From 62 Winsor south to limits—4th ward. Left and North Side. No houses. Allen street intersects. 103 Edward Pruvot. 103 Gust Sundberg. 103 Gust S. Lawson. 105 John Berg. 107 Mrs. Louise M. Beaustrom. 113 Danielson Bros. 113 William Pond. 119 August A. Rosengren. 121 A. G. Rosengren. W I L L A R D S T R E E T Cont'd. 140 203 213 217 225 233 .237 243 243 245 247 269 J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Barrows street intersects. Charles M. Sundberg. John Sundgren. Mrs. Hilda Hendrickson. Mrs. Louise C. Strandberg. August N. Erickson. Westcott street intersects. John Lundberg. John Johnson. Johanna Johnson. John A. Crantz. Peter J. Johnson. Hedges avenue intersects. William P. Jobes. Johnson street intersects. 275-7 Swan Nelson. 281 Mrs. Carrie Swanson. 285 August W . Bergman. 291 295 301 303 309 309 313 313 315 317 317 323 323 327 327 329 329 337 337 435 453 463 463 W I L L A R D S T R E E T Cont'd. Chapin street intersects. Swan A. Swanson. Charles G. Sundquist. Mrs. Johanna Anderson. Carl E. Anderson. Peterson street intersects. Charles G. Frederickson. Charles A. Peterson. Fred A. Healdgren. Axel A. Healdgren. John W . Helgren. C. J. Swanson. Claus Grant. Eagle street intersects. Andrew F. Berg. August E. Anderson. Solomon Holmburg. Albin J. Erickson. Andrew Olson. Mrs. Susana Johnson. Vega street intersects. John Dahlberg. Carl John Erickson. Andrew Benson. Elias Anderson. Swan M. Swanson. Mrs. Matilda Carlson. 469 August W . Swanson. 475 John P. Peterson. 493 Mrs. Anna L. Olson. 493% Jacob L. Anderson. 497 Samuel Dahlberg. 497 Olof Benson. 505 August J. Anderson. 511 John Danielson. 575 Mrs. Sophia Lindquist. City limits. 577 Albert G. Wiburg. 581 Charles J. Wiburg. W I L L A R D STREET. Right and South Side. 4 Gustavus A. Swanson. 8-10 Jamestown Bed Spring Co. 12 Conrad A. Hult. 14 Edward F. Barkman. 14 Charles F. Haven. 16-18 Fred Scoville. 18 John A. Keller. 20 Vacant store. 20 William D. Allen. 32 C. J. Hultquist. 34 Charles A. Swanson. 34 Oscar W . Erickson. 34 Charles O. Lawson. 38 Oscar P. Swanson. 38 Charles C. Wright. 42 Vacant store. 50 Vacant store. Allen street intersects. 100 Carl F. Kayner. 106 Mrs. Anna L. Frederickson. 118 Vacant store. 120 S. O. Brant & Co. 120 John J. Kofod. Barrows street intersects. N o houses. Kinney street intersects. Public school No. 8. Tower street intersects. 254 A. Fred Hultberg. 256 Thaddeus W . Jones. 256 Fred L. Jones. 280 Albert J. Palmquist. W I L L A R D S T R E E T Cont'd. WILLIS S T R E E T . J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 288 Gustaf Holmberg. 292 John H. Quiding. 296 Charles J. Johnson. 298 Caroline Swanson. 302 John E.Bergman. 302 Henry Benson. 304 Charles Anderson. 324 Charles V. Peterson. 340 Jonas P. Johnson. 346 Gustaf E. Erickson. 356 Gust Hulquist. 362 John Lawson. 368 Charles E. Sherman. 368 John Dahlstrom. 372 Frank Gustafson. 378 John Olson. 378 Anna Friedlund. 378% John Anderson. 382 Anna C. Swanson. 386 Arvid A. Peterson. 386 Edward Benson. Pardee street intersects. 408 418 428 434 438 438 Mrs. Anna C. Halstrom. Andrew A. Sundquist. Fred Anderson. Andrew Erickson. A. Erickson & Son. Albin J. Erickson. Anderson street intersects. 442 Carl A. Carlson. 448 Charles P. Carlson. 450 Charles P. Carlson. Swan street intersects. 462 August Peterson. 474 Charles E. Backstrand. 476 Johannah C. Erickson. Benson street intersects. 482 John A. Danielson. 488 John Healdgren. 488% Charles F. Carlson. 496 Andrew O. Hedin. 504 Gustafie C. Peterson. 518 John F. Swanson. 524 Albert A. Lindquist. 574 John C. G. F. Engman. 141 WILLIAMS STREET. From 93 Steele south to Baker—6th ward. Left and East Side. 3 5 7 111 111 112 117 119 121 Godfrey R. Abersold. Walter E. Straight. James Knowles. Jones avenue intersects. Frank E. Olander. Mrs. Jane Craig. Clyde L. Blood. Mrs. Fredrica Johnson. Gust Johnson. Andrew W . Carlson. WILLIAMS STREET. Right and West Side. 4 4 6 12 14 14 16 John C. Lepp. Mrs. Louisa Peterson. John Jacobs. Francis E. Weatherly. John M. Rolland. Benjamin R. Holmes. Frank Perrin. G t Jones street intersects. 102 10-8 108 112 112 114 114 116 118 120 Hudson A. Shaver. Arthur Waite. John W . Harwood. Carl W . Carlson. Gust Nylander. John Carlson. , Andrew P. Nylander. Swan SanrVberg. Mrs. Ellrjn Hollengren. Swan A . Tunberg. V/VILLIS STREET. From junction English and Holman north—4th ward. Right and East Side. 4 4 6 6 20 Ffibian Anderson. Mr-S. Kate Hutty. Conrad Beckstrand. E mily Erickson. H.oyman a. Benchley. WILSON AVENUE. W I N S O R STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 142 WILSON AVENUE. From 1058 Main east to Lake View avenue—1st ward Left and North Side. 15 Charles J. Hulquist. 25 C. Edward Johnson. WILSON AVENUE. Right and South Side. No houses. Prendergast avenue intersects. 136 Frank A. Harmon. WILTON AVENUE. From 510 Forest avenue, west to Colfax—6th ward. Left and South Side. 23 John August Anderson. 25 Andrew Johnson. WILTON AVENUE. Right and North Side. 14 Frank Hager. 16 Herman Johnson. 32 John Saline. V WINSOR STREET. Froim 347 Allen, northwest to Lake View avenvVe—5th, 4th and 1st wards. Left\and West Side. 1 John A. Bo'oman. 3 Sam Keefe. 3 % Albert Craved 3 % John Illingworth^ 5 Mrs. Matilda Carlson. 5 John Swanson. 7 Gilbert Dufresne. 7 Elizabeth Lowery. 15 Robert Crossley. 19 Gust S. Carlson. 23 Henry H. Keller. Water street intersects. 33 Albin Swanson. 37 Anna Peterson. 47 Swan J. Rapp. 51 Shaver & Hall. 53 C. F. Carlson. 55 Charles A. Burgett. 57 Vacant house. 61 Charles A. Eckstrom. Harrison street intersects. 105 The Bailey-Jones Co. 115-133 John T. Wilson. Chandler street intersects. No houses. Crescent street intersects. 301 David Johnson. 301 Mrs. Josephine Widman. 305 Geo. W . White. 305 A. Frank Anderson. 307 Ed. Anderson. 307 Sophia Munson. 309 John N. Engwell. 309 C. Vernon Willard. 311 Mrs. Frances E. Hartigan. 313 Thomas G. McMann. East 2d street intersects. 405 Anson L. Herrick. East 6th street intersects. No houses. East 7th street intersects. 435 Charles M. Waite. 439 Joseph M. Walkerman. 441 Byron A. Straight. 445 Fred Kofod. 489 Frank O. Carlson. 491 Grant R. Carter. East 9th street intersects. N o houses. Crossman street intersects. N o houses. James street intersects. N o houses. Price street intersects. 615 Silas Blanchard. 10 10 16 20 28 W I N S O R STREET. Right and East Side. John A. Woodard. John Newsome. Myers Jowett. Y. W . Burtch & Co. Vacant house. WINSOR STREET Cont'd. W O O D L A W N AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 38-46 Jamestown Lounge Co. 50 Shaver & Hall. 62 Harry Scoville. Willard street intersects. The Bailey-Jones Co. 112-114 Morse Grocery Co. 114 Charles E. Morse. 122 Jamestown Woolen Mills. 124 Doremus J. Benson. 126 John A. Anderson. Chandler street intersects. 214 Mrs. Maria B. Steers. 214 Fay W . Pickett. 216 Mrs. Anna B. Geer. 218 Lester C. Geer. 218 Arthur Nutter. Scott street intersects. 222 John W . Scott. 226 Mrs. Fannie H. Hazeltine. Crescent street intersects. 300 Christopher Duffy. 304 Mrs. Emily H. Fairbank. East 2d street intersects. 408 Peter Turner. 408 Mrs. Fannie Lounsbury. 408 Albert Tappan. 410 Arthur L. Trantum. 410 Mrs. M. Elizabeth Randall. 410 Frank Hoard. 412 Frank B. Bush. , Bush street intersects. 414 .Mrs. Effa J. Boyce. 414 Adeline Jones. 420 Mrs. Maria E. Cooper. 424 Andrew Rundquist. Orchard street intersects. 434 Swan A. Erickson. 143 438 Emil Nelson. 440 A. Leon Carlson. Peach street intersects. 448 John J. Brattberg. 448 William Jones. Falconer street intersects. 508 John Mahoney. 508 Richard Mahoney. Crossman street intersects. 520 James Mahoney. James street intersects. 526 William S. Stone. 530 Robert Peterson. 5:^0 Charles Helstrom. 534 Leonard F. Jones. 534 Alfred Peterson. Price street intersects. 602 G. Anderson. 602 William Johnson. WOODWORTH AVENUE. From 104 Hallock, west to city limits —6th ward. Left and North Side. 1 Lazell H. Tower. John W . Rulifson. WOODWORTH AVENUE. Right and South Side. 24 Almon E. Stocker. WOODLAWN AVENUE. From 1175 East Second, north—5th ward. Rob't L. Goldin. Jacob Fisher. Vacant house. O V E R C O A T S 144 a Specialty at PROUDFIT'S. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. THE JOURNAL'S GENERAL DIRECTORY, I0OI-I0O2. Wife's name is given in parenthesis following that of the husband. Abbreviations used in this directory:—Adv.,advertisements; agt, agent; am., American; assn., association; asst., assistant; atty., attorney; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bldg., building; blk., block; co., company or county; com., commercial; do., the same; E., east; E. R. R., Erie R. R. Co.; genl., general; gt, great; h., house; ins., insurance; Jr., Junior; J. S. Ry., Jamestown Street Railway; J. & C. Ry., Jamestown & Chautauqua Railway; J. & G., Jones & Gifford; loco., locomotive; ltd., limited; mfg., manufacturing; mfr., manufacturer; mgr., manager; natl., national; nr., near; opp., opposite; N., north; pi., place; pres., president; prop., proprietor; P. T. & C. Co.. Postal Telegraph & Cable Co.; pub., publisher; res., resides; Rev., reverend; rms., rooms; ry., railway; sec, secretary; S., south; sta., stationary; stenog., stenographer; supt., superintendent; tel. opr., telephone or telegraph operator; treas., treasurer; W . U. T. Co., Western Union Telegraph Co.; P. O., postoffice; W., west. The word street is implied. A Abbott, Charles S. (Pauline), Sec. and Treas. A m . Aristo Co., 56 Prospect, house, 405 Spring. Abbott, Mary, widow Edwin E., residence, 405 Spring. Abbott, Marguerite, student, residence, 405 Spring. Abbott, William C , (Alice), painter, house 403 Main. Abel, Myrtie, widow Edmund, residence over 208 Pine. Abersold, Godfrey R. ( E m m a ) , harnessmaker, 121 W . 3rd, house 3 William';. Aberson, Lilly, Mrs., house rear 306 Pine. Abbey, Edwin W . (Minnie),fireman,nouse 33 Scott. Abrahamson, Axel, teamster, 29 Taylor, boards over 29 Taylor. Abrahamson,, Axel, dyer, rooms over 4 Main. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . ABRAHAMSON ADAMS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 145 Abrahamson, Anna L., shoemaking, 318 Cherry, residence 5 Maltby. Abrahamson, Bertha M., widow Andrew G., residence 27 West Tenth. Abrahamson, Charlotte, widow Joseph, house 50 Peterson. Abrahamson, C. F. Co.,—Charles F., Abrahamson—dry goods, 207 Main. Abrahamson, Charles F. (Christine),—C. F. Abrahamson Co., 207 Main-house, 131 Barrows. Abrahamson, Charles H., clerk, 207 Main, residence 5 Maltby. Abrahamson, Charles S., upholsterer, 40 Winsor, residence 30 Chapin. Abrahamson, Freda M., weaver, residence 50 Peterson. Abrahamson, Fritz E.,finisher,129 Jones & Gifford avenue, res. 50 Peterson. Abrahamson, Herman A. (Ellen), engineer, 24 Steele, house 27 W . 10th. Abrahamson, John, janitor, house 30 Chapin. Abrahamson, Louisa M., widow Alfred, house 5 Maltby. Abrahamson, Mary, residence 30 Chapin. Abrams, James D. (Arietta)—Abrams & Wiltsie; also grocer, 134 Fairmount ave—house 125 do. Abrams & Wiltsie—James D. Abrams and Lawrence W . Wiltsie—insurance, 134 Fairmount avenue. Ackley, Carl (Emma), laborer, house 15 Park Place. Ackroyd, Asa (Violet)—Henry Ackroyd & Son—76 Steele, res. 19 Barker. Ackroyd, Henry (Mary A.)—Henry Ackroyd & Son—76 Steele, h. 19 Barker. Ackroyd, Henry & Son—Henry & Asa Ackroyd, cut stone contractors—76 Steele. HENRY ACKROYD ASA ACKROYD H. A C K R O Y D & S O N , Steele Street. CUT STONB CONTRACTORS. Dealers in all kinds of Cut Stone and Building Trimming, Flagging, Sills, Caps and Chimney Caps. Ackroyd, Joseph (Murab), wool washer, 335 Harrison, house 83 Water. Ackroyd, Smith (Mary E.), stone cutter, house 136 Sampson. Ackroyd, Norris M. (Susie), engineer, house 83 Water. Adams, Alonzo C, machine operator, 63 Taylor, house Ashville ave. (Celoron). Adams, Arthur, (Lennie), machine hand, 63 Taylor, house Ashville ave. (Celoron). Adams, Carl B., teamster, residence 218 Steele. Adams, Charles E. (Hilda E.), machine hand, works Falconer, house 24 Victoria ave. Adams, Charlotte Warner, widow Harry, residence 509 Prendergast ave. Adams, Don E., bartender, residence 218 Steele. Adams, Fred J., moulder, works Pittsburg, residence 203 W . 8th. Adams, Gertrude R., residence 203 W . 8th. M . J. M U R R A Y , First-class Plumbing, 122 W . Third St UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND ADAMS GLOVES A SPECIALTY AT PROUDFIT'S AINGE 146 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Adams, H. Eugene, engineer, residence 218 Steele. Adams, Augusta J-, Mrs., grocery store 218 Steele, house do. Adams, John A., traveling salesman, house 203 W . 8th. Adams, Oscar, cabinet maker, 122 Foote avenue, boards 120 Willard. Adams, Rinaldo (Alice P.), works 95 J. & G. ave., house 100 Hallock. Adams, William B. (J. Augusta), bottler of mineral water, 218 Steele, house do. Adamson, Charles G. (A.nna L.), steelworker, 95 J. & G. ave., house 13 Orchard. Adamson, John E., (Magnhild), metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., house 14 Orchard. Adamson, Hilding, casemaker, 95 J. & G. ave., boards 816 W . 8th. Adamson, Oscar, metal worker, 95 J\ & G. ave.,-boards 816 W . 8th. Addenbook, T. Will D., Treas. Tangent Grip Pulley Co., Falconer, rooms 103 E. Sixth. Ahlgren, Ellen, domestic, 316 E. 4th, residence 27 Stowe. Ahlgren, Othelea, domestic, 618 Spring. Ahlstrand, Margaret, Mrs., nurse, house 88 Vega. Ahlstrand, J. M. (Ellen), farmer, house over 106 Crosby. Ahlstrand, Fred, machinist, 95 J. & G. ave., residence 88 Vega. Ahlstrom, Mark N. (Elizabeth L.), traveling salesman, house 134 Allen. Ahlstrom, Carl (Julia A.), polisher, 112 East Second. Ahlstrom, Charles A. (Ada E.), piano mfr., 112-114 E. 2nd, house 213 E. 6th. Ahlstrom, Claude K., student, residence 213 E. 6th. Ahlstrom, Leonard G. (Anna L.), piano maker, 112 East Second, house 10 Hedges avenue. Ahlstrom, John ( E m m a D.), house 33 Mechanic. Ahlstrom, Arvid T., (Lydia N.) piano regulator, 112 East Second, house 29 Wescott. Ahlstrom, Edward M., packer, rooms 14 Allen Square. Ahlstrom, Edward, woodworker, rooms over 11 E. 2nd. Ahlstrom, Henry (Matilda F.), piano stringei-, 112 E. 2d, h. 151 Foote ave. Ahlstrom, John W., apprentice, 112 E. 2nd, residence 29 Westcott. Ahnstrom, Maria, widow Jonas, houss 5 Columbia avenue. Ahnstrom, Carl (Mary), varnisher, ho,;se 17 Columbia avenue. Ahnstrom, Elizabeth, residence 5 Columbia ave. Ahnstrom, Ruth, residence 5 Columbia avenue. Ahrens, Abbie M., residence 15 East 5th. Ahrens, George H. (Phebe M.), oil producer, over 101 East 2d, h. 15 E. 5th. Ahrens, Sarah E,., widow, residence 15 East 5th. Aiken, Sigred E., domestic, 9 Orchard. Aiken, Carrie E., teacher, rooms 328 E. 4th. Aiken, Corrie J., teacher, rooms 328 E. 4th. Aiken, Erastus (Mary A.), farmer, house 325 Hazzard. Ainge, Harold D., draftsman, 95 J. & Ainge, Harold D.,draughsman, 95 J. & CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. AINGE T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . ALLEN JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 147 Ainge, Jessie L., residence 301 Lake View avenue. Ainge, Maude A., residence 301 Lake View avenue. Ainge, William Ely (Susan), accountant, house 301 Lake View avenue. Ainge, Winnifred E., student, residence 301 Lake View avenue. Ake, Andrew (Christina), carpenter, house 210 Colfax. Akeroyd, Fred, laborer, 116 E. 1st, boards 42 Regent. Akin, Andrew (Adell), peddler, house 201 Ridgway avenue. Akin, Clara A., Mrs., piece picker, house 16 Institute. Akin, Daniel, farmer, house Huntioad, (Celoron). Akin, Eliza, widow Stephen, house Hunt road. Aiken, Hartley, residence 16 Institute. Akins, Alva F. (Lottie B), grocer, 342 Foote ave, house 37 Hazzard. Albrecht, Anna, domestic 11 West Fifth, residence 301 Warren. Alden, Ada J. clerk, 203 Main, residence, 306 West 4th. Alden, Dale, residence 540 East 2d. Alden, Glenn A. (Altie J.), commercial traveler, house 201 Lake View avenue. Alden, Harry W., (Eva L.), clerk 218 Main, house 78 Hazzard. Alden, John B. (Carrie), merchant, house 540 East Second. Alden, Washington (Harriet J.), residence 306 West Fourth. Aldrich Art & China Co.—J. DeWitt Aldrich and Loyal Y. Ramsey—302 Main. Aldrich Furniture Co.—John J. Aldrich and Leonard J. Field—104-108 Main. Aldrich, J. DeWitt (Helen S.)—mgr. Aldrich Art Co.—302 Main, house 623 Newland ave. Aldrich, John J.. (C'ara B.),—Aldrich Furniture Co., 104-106 Main, house 504 East Second. Aldrich, Lucy G., student, residence 504 East Second. Algren, Anna, widow Andrew P., house 27 Stowe. Algren, August, woodcarver, boards 23 Stowe. Algren, Ellen, domestic, 316 E. 4th, residence 27 Stowe. Algren, John, woodcarver, 122 Foote avenue, boards 23 Stowe. Allanson, Anna, laundress, W . C. A. hospital. Allee, Mata D., teacher, residence 506 Prendergast avenue. Allen, Alfred D., rooms 318 Prendergast ave. Allen, Augustus F., real estate, over 2 4 E. 3rd, residence 318 Prendergast avenue. Allen, Charles, laborer, 95 J. & G. ave., boards 122 Cross. Allen, Delia E., bookkeeper, 56 Prospect, residence 108 Broadhead ave. Allen, Ellen, widow Dexter, house 93 Hazzard. Allen, Erasmus, boards 209 W . 3rd. Allen, Ephraim D. (Ella E.), shipping clerk, 217 Spring, house 108 Broadhead ave. Allen, Hartwell H., residence 93 Hazzard. Allen, Henry H., finisher, residence 93 Hazzard. M.J. M U R R A Y , First-class Plumbing, 122 W . Third St. Headquarters forfd?^!k£?ssard 3 3 , Proudfit's. ALLEN 148 AMERICAN ARISTOTYPE CO. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Allen, Horace F., rooms 405 W . 3rd. Allen, Hulda, winder, 335 Harrison, residence 4 Morse avenue. Allen, Isidore L., caterer 117 Warren. MISS ISIDORE L. ALLEN, PROFESSIONAL CATERER. Weddings, Parties, H o m e M a d e Salads and Cakes a Specialty Telephone 891. 1J 7 Warren Street. Allen, James A. (Lora H.), machinist, Ashville ave. (Celoronj. Allen, Josiah T. (Grace), machine hand, 318 Cherry, house over 219 Spring. Allen Lucius E., student, residence 108 Broadhead avenue. Allen, May, vamper, 318 Cherry, residence 93 Hazzard. Allen, Olive K., widow John R., house 117 Warren. Allen, Olive L., Mrs., residence 107 Warren. Allen, Otto,finisher,5 Ashville, boards 347 Foote avenue. Allen, Sarah, widow Charles C, residence 119 Warren. Allen Square Building, John E. Leach, supt., 101-21 Main. Allen, T. Ernest, chemist, 56 Prospect, boards 116 E. 4th. Allen, Victor (Sophia),finisher,122 Foote avenue, house 4 Morse avenue. Allen, Virginia, widow Alfred D., roomes 318 Prendergast avenue. Allen, William D. (Minnie E.), cabinetmaker, 54 Taylor, house 20 Willard. Ailing, Howard W . (Clara), lumber dealer, house 19 Crescent. Allison, Clara, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 42 Barrows. Allison, Fred (Jean), loom fixer, 335 Harrison, house 116 Barrows. Allison, Larsina, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 42 Barrows. Allison, Herbert,finisher,335 Harrison, residence, 42 Barrows. Allison, Mary Anna, widow William, house 42 Barrows. Almgren, Samuel, house 38 Union avenue. Almquist, Elizabeth, nurse, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Almy, Floyd P., billing clerk 17 Shearman place, residence 411 Lafayette. Almy, J. Ebenezer (Martha), dentist, 2 East 4th, house do. Almy, Jewett M .(Minerva), clerk, 109 Main, house 403 Monroe. Alstermark, Victor ( E m m a ) , works 335 Harrison, house 17 Alpaca. Alsdorf, Viola, works 318 Cherry, residence 411% Cherry. Alsdorf, Daniel (Mary) laborer, house 411% Cherry. Alsdorf, Wesley N. (Alzada), works 120 W . 3rd, house 18 Steele. Alstrom, John, woodworker, boards 71 East Buffalo. Altice, Samuel H. (Leah), City hotel, 120-122 East Second, house do. Altice, William, clerk, 120 East 2d, residence do. Alton, J. Charles (Mary A.), letter carrier P. O., residence 119 Fulton. Alvord, Sarah M., widow Frederick, residence 119 Fairmount avenue. American Aristotype Co.—George Eastman, Pres.; Charles S. Abbott, Sec'y., Ralph C. Sheldon, Treas.—Mfrs., Aristo paper, 56 Prospect. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware. Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. ANDERSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 149 American Express Co., 103 Main—B.R. Hiller, agent. American Mfg. Concern—William T. Falconer and David E. Merrill—mfrs. office supplies (Falconer). Ames, Ada E., domestic, 551 Lake View avenue. Ames, Adrian S. (Eliza) drayman, house 126 Bowen. Ames, Grace, laundress, 705 Main, residence 126 Bowen. Ames, Lucy M., widow Charles H. residence 312 East 3d. Amidon, Arthur A. (Hannah), lumberman, house 38 Broadhead avenue. Amidon, Belle O, residence 38 Broadhead avenue. Amidon Block, 201-207 East Second. Amidon, Levi L., residence 38 Broadhead avenue. Amidon, Otto M., student, residence 38 Broadhead avenue. Amsdell, Burt M. (Olie), photographer, house 100 Harrison. Amsdell, Janette, residence 6 Institute. Amsdell, Matilda, Mrs., agent, residence 6 Institute. Amy, H. L., retired, room 58 Allen Square. Anchor Fence Co.—Scott H. Penfield, Mgr.—Mfrs. wire fence, etc., 59 Taylor. Anderberg, Cecelia, Mrs., house 400 Hazeltine avenue. Anderberg, Cecelia, widow Andrew, house 31 Hazeltine avenue. Anderberg, Frank, bed spring factory, 41-51 Outlet avenue, 31 Hazeltine. Anderberg, Oscar, works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 31 Hazeltine avenue. Anderson, A. Frank (Sophia), carpenter, house 305 Winsor. Anderson, A. John (Christina), metalworker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 17 Valley. Anderson, Aaron (Augusta) painter, residence 12 Crown. Anderson, Abram (Louisa), machine hand, 105 Winsor, house 447 Allen. Anderson, Adolph J. (Clara), Supt. Metropolitan Ins. Co., house 324 Foote avenue. Anderson, Albert A. (Bessie), machinist, 5 Race, boards 6 Walnut. Anderson, Albert A., barber under 20West Third, residence 13 Thayer. Anderson, Albert, agent, residence 100 Buffalo. Anderson, Albin L., bookkeeper, 335 Harrison, residence 493 Willard. Anderson, Alfred (Tilda), deliveryman, house 612 Foote avenue. Anderson, Alfred A., designer, 128 Foote avenue, boards 164 Allen. Anderson, Alfred E., wool sorter, 335Harrison, residence 453 Willard. Anderson, Alfreda, winder, 335 Harrison, residence 612 Foote avenue. Anderson, Alma, winder, 116 East First, residence 819 Cherry. Anderson, Alma, milliner, 321 Main, residence 868 East Second. Ahderson, Alma, weaver, 335 Harrison, house 26 Columbia avenue. Anderson, Alveda, laundress, residence over 214 East Second. Anderson, Alvera, weaver, 116 E. 1st, residence 26 Columbia avenue. Anderson, Amanda, domestic, 839 Prendergast avenue. Anderson, Amanda L„ residence 245 Crescent. Anderson, Amil,finisher,105 Winsor, residence 38 Sampson. M . J. M U R R A Y uses only the B E S T Plumbing Material Your Money's W o r t h mo0nrey0bLck a t ANDERSON 150 Proudfit's. ANDERSON J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Anderson, Amel A. (Lillian A.), weaver, 35 Water, house 410 Allen. Anderson, Amelia A., domestic, residence 25 Mechanic Anderson, Amelia, Mrs., house 128 Park. Anderson, Amelia, residence 868 East Second. Anderson, Amol, wks. 318 Cherry street, residence 5 Great Jones. Anderson, Amy, spinner, 116 East First, residence 612 Foote avenue. Anderson, Anders, house 227 Barrows. Anderson, Anders, retired, residence 112 Bowen. Anderson, Andrew (Minnie A.), laborer, house 112 Cheney. Anderson, Andrew (Ellen), laborer,35 Benson. Anderson, Andrew (Christine), carpenter, house 829 Newland avenue. Anderson, Andrew (Ida), stone mason, house 415 Newland avenue. Anderson, Andrew J. (Amelia), carpenter, house 119 Cheney. Anderson, Andrew O. (Anna), woodworker, house 322 Foote avenue. Anderson, Andrew P. (Johanna), laborer, house 452 Chandler. Anderson, Andrew P. (Emma G.), machine hand, 20 Winsor, house 16 Walnut. Anderson, Andrew T. (Josephine), carpenter, house 33 Price. Anderson, Andrew,finisher,95 J. & G. avenue, residence 133 Sampson. Anderson, Andrew C. (Millie), tinner, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 234 Sprague. Anderson, Andrew (Lena) machine hand, 122 Foote ave., house 412 Allen. Anderson, Andrew J. (Wilhelmina), cabinet maker, Allen Extension, house 18 Davis. Anderson, Andrew (Olga), cabinet maker, Falconer, house 40 Pearl avenue. Anderson, Andrew P. (Ellen A.), mechanic, 3 Ashville ave., house 113 Kidder. Anderson, Anna, domestic, 416 Main. Anderson, Anna, weaver, 35 Water street, boards 120 Willard. Anderson, Anna, widow Swan, house 786 East Second. Anderson, Anna, widow Olof, house over 214 East Second. Anderson, Anna, domestic, 311 West Third .residence do. Anderson, Anna, residence 868 East Second. Anderson, Anna, widow Andrew, residence 24 Swan. Anderson, Anna, domestic, 219 Chandler. Anderson, Anna, picker, 116 East First, residence 38 Sampson. Anderson, Anna, residence 146 Stowe. Anderson, Anna, domestic, 303 West Third, residence do. Anderson, Anna, employe Empire Worsted Mills, house 324 Forest. Anderson, Anna B., widow Emanuel, residence 119 Willard. Anderson, Anna B., dressmaker, residence 35 Anderson. Anderson, Anna L., house 245 Crescent. Anderson, Anna M., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 69 Hedges avenue. Anderson, Anna S., widow John B., house 35 Anderson. Anderson, Anna W., spinner, 35 Water, residence English. Anderson, Anna, second girl, 213 East Fourth. Clark Hardware Co.,agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warran Silks, Satius, Velvets, Trimmings. ANDERSON 1H E A . D. S H A R P E C O . ANDERSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 151 Anderson, Annie, spinner, 102 East First, residence 119 Cheney. Anderson, Anton M., painter, 105 Winsor, residence 126 do. Anderson, Anton T., house painter, residence 227 Barrows. Anderson, Armena J., domestic, 312 Prendergast avenue. Anderson, Arvid (Augusta), carpenter, house 124 Bowen. Anderson, August J., works Chandler Extension, hcuse 505 Willard. Anderson, August E. (Helen E.), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 323 Willard. Anderson, August C. (Anna M.), clerk 207 Main, house 41 Grant. Anderson, August,finisher,20 Winsor, boards 130 Falconer. Anderson, August P. ( E m m a A.), driver, 12 West Third, house 26 West 9th. Anderson, August M., laborer, residence Hebner. Anderson, August P. (Johanna), chairmaker, house 16 Jones. Anderson August V., (Emma), machine hand 415 Chandler, house 204 Benedict. Anderson, Augusta A., spinner, Falconer, residence 32 Swan. Anderson, Augusta, works 318 Cherry residence 324 Forest. Anderson, August (Anna) works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 110 Cheney. Anderson, August, woodworker, 3 Ashville avenue, residence 118 Crown. Anderson, Augusta V. winder, residence 786 East Second. Anderson, Charles E. (Augusta), cigar store, 5 So. Main, house 14 Allen. Anderson, Axel, residence 224 Crescent. Anderson, Axel (Selma), wood carver, house 562 Allen. Anderson, Axel (Hanna), woodworker, 60 Taylor, house 44 Thayer. Anderson, Axel, laborer, boards 49 Anderson. Anderson, Axel, shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence Main, beyond limit. Anderson, Axel E. (Edith M.)—Anderson & Sandburg—108 Main, house 214 Fulton. Anderson, Axel, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 407 Baker. Anderson, B. May, residence 207 Barrett. Anderson, Beda, operative, residence 118 Crown. Anderson, Benjamin, upholsterer, 25 Shearman Place, boards 1 Metallic avenue. Anderson, Benjamin (Carrie), tailor,H9 Main, house 224 Broadhead ave. Anderson, Bertha F. winder, 35 Water, residence 9 Victoria avenue. Anderson, Bettie, Mrs., residence 318 Forest avenue. Anderson Bros.—Charles J. and John W.—machine shop, 5 Race. Anderson, Carl (Jennie), polisher, house 20 Union avenue. Anderson, Carl, butcher, residence 760 East Second. Anderson, C. A., widow Charles, house 32 Barrows. Anderson, Carl E. (Huldah C ) , cabinet maker, 101 Harrison, house 303 Willard. Anderson, Carl G., (Annie C ) , machine hand Allen Extension, house 649 East Sixth. Anderson, Carl J., boards 135 Chandler. Anderson, Carl J. (Caroline C.) laborer, house Z±. Tower. Hot Water Heating, £.%?£&f ^ J & r S j M . J. M U R R A Y B e sure ^krd%rr?dh£ftVoS? C l o t h i n g ANDERSON 152 at Proudfit's ANDERSON J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Anderson, Carl M., (Sophia E.), cabinet maker, 415 Chandler, house 69 Hedges avenue. Anderson, C. Oscar, (Minnie L.), machine hand, 516 West Fourth, house 110 Palmer. Anderson, Carl 0. (Anna), carpenter, house 868 East Second. Anderson Cecelia H., residence 18 Sherman. Anderson, Charles, works 20 Winsor, house 2 Morse avenue. Anderson, Charles (Agnes C ) , machine hand, 101 Harrison, house 304 Willard. Anderson, Charles, warp dresser, residence 816 Newland avenue. Anderson, Charles, (Milla) laborer, house 146 Stowe. Anderson, Charles (Hannah) laborer, house over 494 Crescent. Anderson, Charles, carpenter 233 Prospect, boards 137 Broadhead avenue. Anderson, Charles, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 489 Winsor. Anderson, Charles, trimmer, 3 Ashville avenue, residence 69 Jones. Anderson, Charles, (Huldah), sawyerlOl Harrison, house 45 Hazzard. Anderson, Charles, (Clara), works Allen Extension, house 225 Barrows. Anderson, Charles (Ettie), metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., boards 105 W . 2nd. Anderson, Charles A., (Anna), dipper 95 J. & G. avenue, house 232 Forest. Anderson, Charles A., warp dresser, Falconer, residence 119 Wescott. Anderson, Charles A., (Anna), clerk 116 Main, house 109 Fulton. Anderson, Charles A., (Josephine), woodworker 30 Steele, house 6 Peterson Anderson, Charles A., bartender, 17 E. 2nd, rooms over 11 E. 2nd. Anderson, Charles A. (Christine), aristo worker, 56 Prospect, house 277 Prospect. Anderson, Charles A. (Hilda), polisher, house 103 Westcott. Anderson, Charles A. E., engineer, residence 126 Winsor. Anderson, Charles E. (Henrietta C.)—Swetland & Anderson—over 2 East 31, house 156 Forest avenue. Anderson, Charles E., printer over 204 Main, residence 18 Sherman. Anderson, Charles F. (Christine L.), laborer, house Hebner. Anderson, Charles F., (Christina) machine hand 3 Ashville avenue, house 156 Sampson. Anderson, Charles F., (Christina), laborer, house King. Anderson, Charles H., (Clara), bartender, 11 E. 2nd, residence 104 Harrison. Anderson, Charles J. (Anna E.)—Anderson Bros., 5 Race, house 925 Main. Anderson, Charles J., (Louise O ) , shoes 103 E. Second, house 143 Chandler Anderson, Charles J., (Christine—Jaysane & Anderson—over 107 Main. house 244 Broadhead avenue. I Anderson, Charles L. (Hannah), wood worker, house 17 Orchard. Anderson, Charles M., (Johanna M.), tinsmith, 27 Main, house 359 Baker. Anderson, Charles O., (Celia) teamster, house (Flat F.) Kent block. Anderson, Charles O., (Josephine A.),teamster, 23 Forest avenue, house 13 English. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . ANDERSON ANDERSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 153 Anderson, Charles P. (Augusta),—C. P Anderson & Co.—306 Harrison, house 232 Sprague. Anderson, Charles S., teamster, residence Hebner. Anderson, Charles S., laborer, residence King. Anderson, Charles W . (Edith M.), coachman, house 318 Forest avenue. Anderson, Charlie J. (Augusta), laborer, house 115 Westcott. Anderson, Christine, widow Ludwick, house 238 Crescent. Anderson, Christine, widow John, house 100 Buffalo. Anderson, Clara A., weaver, 116 East First, residence 238 Crescent. Anderson, Clara M., widow John, house 210 Benedict. Anderson, Clara, clerk 207 Main, residence 100 Buffalo. Anderson, Clarence, A., Mgr. Jamestown Furniture Co., residence 328 Foote avenue. Anderson, Claud M., (Hallie), farmer, house 800 Camp. Anderson, Claus (Hilda), machinist, house 23 Stowe. Anderson, Claus F. (Tilda), laborer, liouse 40 Jones. Anderson, Claus A., (Inga Liza), residence 20 Ellicott. Anderson, Claus E., comber 335 Harrison, residence 14 Vega. Anderson, Clyde, works 318 Cherry, residence 17 Valley. Anderson, C. P. &. Co.—Charles P. Anderson and Charles J Sundquist—boilermakers and blacksmiths, 306 Harrison Anderson, David W . (Segred),finisher,house 56 Eagle. Anderson, David, woodworker, 38 Winsor, boards 547 East Second. Anderson, David C , comber, Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, residence English. Anderson, David, (Edith), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 21 Valley. Anderson, David L., clerk, 335 Harrison, residence 125 Stowe. Anderson, Edith, works 38 Water, residence 232 Forest. Anderson, Edith Josephine, student.residence 328 Foote avenue. Anderson, Edith S., spinner 58 Center, residence 110 Cheney. Anderson, Edward, Anderson & Stahley, 16 East Second, room 40, over 4 Main. Anderson, Edward, works 25 Sherman Place, residence 17 Valley. Anderson, Edward, (Ellen),finisher101 Harrison, house 307 Winsor. Anderson, Edward, carver, 415 Chandler, residence 32 Barrows. Anderson, Elias (Lottie), laborer, house 183 Barrows. Anderson, Elias (Johannah), laborer, house 453 Willard. Anderson, Elizabeth, residence 13 Thayer. Anderson, Ella V., milliner 210 Chandler, residence 123 Prospect. Anderson, Ellen, domestic, residence 19 Mechanic. Anderson, Ellen, spinner 335 Harrison, residence 115 Wescott. Anderson, Elmer, works 38 Winsor, residence 110 Cheney. Anderson, Elmer, spring setter 20 Winsor, residence 208 Benedict. Anderson, Elmer L., warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 493% Willard. Anderson, Elof, wood worker, residence, 412 Baker. If you contemplate N e w Plumbing, consult M . J. M U R R A Y B o y ' s Clothing, Laret%s*§|t°yckin at ANDERSON 154 PROUDFIT'S ANDERSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Anderson, Elsie, Mrs., house 129 Bush. Anderson, Emanuel (Mary O ) , carpenter, house 16 Vega. Anderson, Emil, carver 20 Winsor, residence 32 Barrows. Anderson, Emil, (Hilur), varnisher 415 Chandler, house 112 Bowen. Anderson, Emil L., warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 493% Willard. Anderson, Emily, winder 335 Harrison, residence 378% Willard. Anderson, Emily, domestic 12 East Fourth. Anderson, Emily, domestic, 503 East Second. Anderson, E m m a , picker, 335 Harrison, residence 208 Benedict. Anderson, E m m a , dressmaker 20 West Fourth, residence do. Anderson, Emery 0., works Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, residence 110 Palmer. Anderson, Eric, metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 307 Winsor. Anderson, Erick, (Elizabeth), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 810 Cherry. Anderson, Ernest, designer, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Vega. Anderson, Ernest E. (Anna), upholsterer, house 441 Baker. Anderson, Ernest L., machinist, 5 Race, residence 14 Arnold. Anderson, Eskel W . (Ida M.), machine hand 415 Chandler, house 28 Swan Anderson, Esther M., residence English. Anderson, Fabian, (Anna), weaver 335 Harrison, house 4 Willis. Anderson, Florence C , spinner Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, residence 13 English. Anderson, Florence, winder 335 Harrison, residence 44 Forest. Anderson, Florinda, domestic 421 East Second. Anderson, Florinda C , residence 24 West Tenth. Anderson, Foreman A., (Josephine) laborer, house 819 Cherry. Anderson, Frank, laborer, 105 Winsor, boards 312 Forest. Anderson, Frank, machine hand, boards 2 Cook avenue. Anderson, Frank, groom, 108 West Fourth, residence do. Anderson, Frank, (Mary M.), aristo worker 56 Prospect, house 9 Victoria avenue. Anderson, Frank, (Ida), painter, house 316 Forest avenue. Anderson, Frank (Johanna) retired, lesidence 244 Broadhead avenue. Anderson, Frank A., driver, rooms 128 Chandler. Anderson, Frank E.,finisher101 Harrison, residence 401 English. Anderson, Frank E. (Hannah), machine hand Allen Extension, house 259 East Buffalo. Anderson, Frank G. (Ida S.), machinist, house over 9 Cheney. Anderson, Frank L., (Ida S.), paint shop 16 East First, house 316 Foote ave. Anderson, Frank O., (Hilda A.), machine hand Allen Extension, house 574 Allen. Anderson, Frank O. (Amelia S.)—Empire Furniture Co.—124 Foote avenue, house 164 Allen. Anderson, Frans O.,finisher105 Winsor, residence 24 West Tenth. Anderson, Fred (Augusta), aristo worker, house 314 Forest avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ANDERSON ANDERSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 155 Anderson, Fred, warp dresser Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, house 428 Willard. Anderson, Fred, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 121 Chapman. Anderson, Fred C, (Anna L.), woolworker 122 Foote avenue, house 30 Vega. Anderson, Fred H.,filler,35 Water, residence 15 Victoria avenue. Anderson, Fred H., sander, 105 Winsor, residence 33 Price. Anderson, Fred L., peddler, boards 1409 Falconer. Anderson, Freda, collar ironer, 19 Steele, residence 816 Newland avenue. Anderson, Frederick J., bookkeeper Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., boards 324 Foote avenue. Anderson, Fredrica, house 517 Pine. Anderson, Fritz, (Ida J.), tailor 205Main, house 272 Prospect. Anderson, Fritz E.,finisher,Mantel works, Falconer, boards South Hallock. Anderson, G. (Hannah), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 602 Winsor. Anderson, George, engineer, 19 Briggs, boards 36 Mechanic. Anderson, -George Alfred, clerk, 135 Chandler, boards do. Anderson George H. (Sadie M.), assistant mailing clerk, P. O., h. 5 Garfield. Anderson, Genevieve G. A., residence 428 Willard. Anderson, Grace R., winder, 35 Water, residence room 40 over 4 Main. Anderson, Gust, second porter 21 W . 3rd, rooms 556 W . 3rd. Anderson, Gust (Sophie), carpenter, house 90 Hazzard. Anderson, Gust, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 110 Mechanic. Anderson, Gust (Matilda C ) , drayman, house 120 King. Anderson, Gust, painter, house 608 Barrows. Anderson, Gust (Minnie), cabinet maker, house 644 E. 6th. Anderson, Gust, house 15 Victoria avenue. Anderson, Gust (Lena), barber (New York), house 27 Columbia avenue. Anderson, Gust (Ida), frame maker, 38 Winsor, house 31 Scott. Anderson, Gust (Inga K.), laborer, house 14 Vega. Anderson, Gust (Elsa), milk dealer, house 12 Crown. Anderson, Gust A., works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 415 Newland avenue. Anderson, Gust A. (Jennie), laborer, house 417 Barrett. Anderson, Gust A. (Clara), laborer, house 107 Westcott. Anderson, Gust A. (Sophia), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 107 Hall ave. Anderson, Gust A. (Myra), policeman, residence 619 Falconer. Anderson, Gust A. ( E m m a G.), cabinet maker, 40 Steele, house 401 English. Anderson, Gust F. (Hedda), laborer, liouse 5 Great Jones. Anderson, Gust H., woodworker, 105 Winsor, residence 24 West Tenth. Anderson, Gust J., warpdresser, 335 Harrison, residence 45 Vega. Anderson, Gust W . (Amanda), aristo worker, house 332 Forest avenue. Anderson, Gustaf (Mary G.)—Anderson & Ohlquist, 219 Main—house 17 Center. Anderson, Hannah, domestic, 30 Warren. Porcelain L i n e d B a t h T u b s , £r£°ri*£tk'£$ M , J. M U R R A Y Men's All W o o l Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , Proudfit's ANDERSON ANDERSON 156 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Anderson, Hannah, residence 38 Peterson. Anderson, Hannah, widow Bank, residence 433 Allen. Anderson, Hannah, weaver 35 Water, residence 26 Columbia. Anderson, Hannah E., widow Swan W . boarding house 25 Derby. Anderson, Hannah M., domestic, 339 East Fourth, residence 40 Union. Anderson, Harry V., student, residence 69 Jones. Anderson, Hattie A., residence 33 Price. Anderson, Harry L., works 16 E. 2nd, residence room 40 over 4 Main. Anderson, Henry (Hilma) works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 32 Union avenue. Anderson, Henry G. (Antonia L.), barber, 22 So. Main, h. 112% Chandler. Anderson, Herman (Minnie H.), laborer, house English. Anderson, Herman G., cabinetmaker, 123 Foote avenue,residence 14 Arnold. Anderson, Herbert 0., weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 304 Willard. Anderson, Hilda, cook, 337 East Fifth. Anderson, Hilda, carder, 58 Center, residence 224 Crescent. Anderson, Hilda, dressmaker, house C Marvin. Anderson, Hilda S., weaver, 116 East First, residence 17 Valley. Anderson, Hilma, tailoress, 201 W . 3rd, residence 224 Broadhead. Anderson, Hilma S., weaver, Meadow Brook mills, Falconer, res. 16 Vega. Anderson, Hulda, Mrs., residence 488 Willard. Anderson, Hulda, twister, 116 East First, residence 5 Great Jones. Anderson, Hulda, domestic, residence 20 Bowen. Anderson, Hulda, domestic, 509 West Fourth. Anderson, Hulda O , domestic, 312 Prendergast avenue. Anderson, Huldah, widow Gust, residence 503 Warren. Anderson, Ida, picker, 335 Harrison, residence 32 Barrows. Anderson, Ida, laundress, 19 Steele, residence 214 Barrett avenue. Anderson, Ida, twister, residence 816 Newland avenue. Anderson, Ida V., dressmaker, residence 20 Barker. Anderson, Ida W., dressmaker, residence 14 Arnold. Anderson, Irene, residence 224 Broadhead avenue. Anderson, J. A., machine hand, 415 Chandler, residence 204 Benedict. Anderson, J. Adolph, street sprinkler, residence 25 College. Anderson, J. Gust (Ann^a), engineer, 123 Foote avenue, house 3 Waterman. Anderson, Jacob L. ( E m m a S.), house 493% Willard. Anderson, Jamil L. (Martha R.), street sprinkler, h. over 209 Prendergast avenue. Anderson, Jennie, dishwasher, 15 South Main, residence do. Anderson, Jennie, mender, 335 Harrison, residence 112 Cheney. Anderson, Jennie, widow John, residence 20 West Fourth. Anderson, Jennie, widow Gust, house 125 Stowe. Anderson, Jennie, Mrs., dressmaker, house 9 Lincoln. Anderson, Johannah, widow Andrew, house 301 Willard. Anderson, Johannah, Mrs., residence 492 Crescent. Anderson, John, packer, 19 Briggs, boards 36 Mechanic. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,"Belts, Factory Supplied Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ANDERSON ANDERSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 157 Anderson, John (Huldah), house 19 Park. Anderson, John, driver Johnson Ice Co., boards 151 Fairmount avenue. Anderson, John, tailor, 4 W . 3rd, residence 224 Broadhead avenue. Anderson, John (Freda), mattress maker, 19 Briggs, h.' 230 Broadhead ave. Anderson, John (Hulga),finisher,101 Harrison, house 21 Dickerson. Anderson, John ( E m m a C ) , carpenter, 710 East Second, house 175 Allen. Anderson, John (Mary), millhand, 116East First, house 118 Crown. Anderson, John (Amanda), laborer, house Newland avenue, cor. Hallock. Anderson, John, teamster, house 510% Newland avenue. Anderson, John, (Anna), cement walks, house 378% Willard. Anderson, John, doffer, 58 Center, residence North Main. Anderson, John (Amanda), burnisher,house 12 Myrtle. Anderson, John (Hannah) laborer, house Main, near limits. Anderson, John (Emma), clerk, 207 Main, house 62 Rathbone. Anderson, John A. (Amanda A.), upholsterer, house 34 Charles. Anderson, John A., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 35 Benson. Anderson, John A., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 35 Anderson. Anderson, John A. (Ingre O ) , retired, house 32 Swan. Anderson, John A. (Matilda O ) ,finisher,house 328 Foote avenue. Anderson, John A., brickmaker, 40 Quarry road, residence 146 Stowe. Anderson, John A. (Amanda J.), laborer, house 81 Tower. Anderson, John A. (Emma), works 58 Center, house 211 Crescent. Anderson, John A. (Johannah), cabinet maker, 3 Ashville ave., h. 126 Winsor. Anderson, John A. (Anna), wood carver, house 611 West Seventh. Anderson, John A. (Caroline C ) , mason helper, house 119 Wescott. Anderson, John August (Anna), laborer, house 23 Wilton avenue. Anderson, John B., (Mary E.), contractor house 14 Arnold. Anderson, John E. ( E m m a C ) , teamster, 115 Winsor, house 48 Pearl avenue. Anderson, John E. (Caroline), meat market, 232 Warren, h. 218 Newland ave. Anderson, John G., (Mary), metal polisher, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 148 Sampson. Anderson, John G., machine hand, 105 Winsor, boards 51 Kinney. Anderson, John G. ( E m m a O ) , retired, house 123 Prospect. Anderson, John M. (Ida M.), foreman, 105 Winsor, house 54 Chapin. Anderson, John M. (Lizzie L.), livery, 20 Filmore, house 14 do. Anderson, John P. (Lena), wood worker, house 69 Jones. Anderson, John P., tailor, house 89 Hazzard. Anderson, John R. (Mary U.), painter.house over 30 Barrows. Anderson, John S. (Hulda), laborer, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 280 Broadhead ave. Anderson, John V. (Sophia), wood worker, house 38 Sampson. Anderson, John W . (Christina), stone contractor, house 235 Barrows. Anderson, John W . (Sophia W.)—Anderson Bros.—5 Race, h. 132 Prospect. Anderson, Jonas P. (Anna), laborer, house 14 Chapin. Anderson, Jonas P. (Carrie), retired, house 393 Baker. Anderson, Joseph (Anna), works 95 J. & G. ave. house 22 Newland avenue. Some of the most extensive 't^i™e M. J. MURRAY K n o x H a t s , H a w e s H a t s o n l y at P R O U D F I T ' S ANDERSON 158 ANDERSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Anderson, Joseph (Albertina), tinner, residence 414 Baker. Anderson, Joseph L., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence English. Anderson, Josephine, domestic, 552 West Second, residence do. Anderson, Josephine, domestic, 203 East Fourth. Anderson, Julia A., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 6 Peterson. Anderson, Julia C., turner and paster, 318 Cherry, residence 16 Jones. Anderson, Julius, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 378% Willard. Anderson, Knute, laborer, boards 25 West Ninth. Anderson, L. Albin (Josephine), machine hand, 56 Taylor, h. 36 Derby. Anderson, L. August (Josephine), laborer, house 202 Hazzard. Anderson, Lars, retired, residence 124 Prospect. Anderson, Laura M., weaver, 35 Wati3r, residence room 40 over 4 Main. Anderson, Lena B., widow Andrew, house 35 Anderson. Anderson, Lena, twister, 335 Harrison, residence 22 Newland avenue. Anderson, Leonard, laborer, residence 235 Barrows. Anderson, Leonard E., laborer, residence, 69 Hedges a-venue. Anderson, Letta, domestic, residence 433 Allen. Anderson, Lewis, shoemaker, boards 1018 Newland avenue. Anderson, Lillian R., winder, Meadow Brook mills, Falconer, residence 428 Willard. Anderson, Lotta, widow Andrew P., house 133 Sampson. Anderson, Lotta O , weaver, 116 East First, residence 245 Crescent. Anderson, Louis P. (Louisa), wood worker, 105 Winsor, house 24 W . 10th Anderson, Louisa, domestic, residence 32 Barrows. Anderson, Louise, mill hand, 116 East First, residence 100 Buffalo. Anderson, Louise, dressmaker, rooms 310 Pine. Anderson, Louise, widow Gustaf, house 38 Peterson. Anderson, Louise, widow Andrus, house 25 College. Anderson, Lydia, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 35 Anderson. Anderson, Magnus (Christine), butcher, house 760 East Second. Anderson, Magnus (Anna), woodworker, 3 Ashville ave., h. 32 Highland. Anderson, Malcom (Ida F.), mill hand, 56 Blackstone ave., h. 48 Pearl ave. Anderson, Marie C , clerk, residence 9 Victoria avenue. Anderson, Martin S., pattern maker, 335 Harrison, residence English. Anderson, Mary, operative, 116 East First, boards 104 Pearl avenue. Anderson, Mary, widow John, residence 608 Barrows. Anderson, Mary, residence 146 Stowe. Anderson, Mary widow August, house 324 Forest. Anderson, Mary O , -»idow Lewis, piece picker, 335 Harrison, h. 16 Walnut. Anderson, Mary H., weaver, 116 East First, boards 304 Willard. Anderson, Matilda, house 6 Short Eagle. Anderson, Matilda J., domestic, 925 Main, residence do. Anderson, Melker A., teamster, residence King. Anderson, Mertie C, student, residence 207 Barrett avenue. Anderson, Mertie Jenevive, residence 110 Palmer. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. ANDERSON. ANDERSON J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 159. Anderson, Minnie, works 35 Water, residence 504 Foote avenue. Anderson, Minnie, residence 25 College. Anderson, Myrtle, residence 20 Barker. Anderson, N. A., carpenter, house 9 Cheney. Anderson, N. Alfred (Selina A.), saloon and billiards, 17 East Second, house 42 Barrows. Anderson, N. 0. (Johannah), retired, house 412 Baker. Anderson, Nathan, wood worker, 122 Foote avenue, residence 412 Allen. Anderson, Nathaniel, aristo worker, residence 314 Forest avenue. Anderson, Nathaniel, aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 314 Forest ave. Anderson, Nels (Johannah), laborer, 38 Winsor, house 44 Forest. Anderson, Nels (Matilda K.), machine hand, 415 Chandler, h. rooms 34 to 44 over 4 Main. Anderson, Nels C. (Hannah),finisher,105 Winsor, house 33 Hazeltine avo. Anderson Nels P. (Kate), varnisher, 34 Steele, house 131 Barrows. Anderson, Nils, furniturefinisher,56 Blackstone avenue, residence 32 Swan. Anderson, Noak (Amanda), works 116 East B'irst, house Camp. Anderson, Olga, residence 760 East Second. Anderson, Olof, farmer, house Warren. Anderson, Oscar (Manda), metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., house 3 Great Jones. Anderson, Oscar A. (Clara), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 326 Forest avenue. Anderson, Oscar, stone mason, residence 22 Eagle. Anderson, Oscar, trimmer, 54 Taylor, residence 25 College. Anderson, Oscar, machine hand, 122 Foote avenue, boards 164 Allen. Anderson, Oscar, laborer, 38 Winsor, residence 110 Cheney. Anderson, Oscar C. ( E m m a C ) , teamster, ice company, house 129 King. Anderson, Oscar F. (Augusta), carpenter, house 816 Newland avenue. Anderson, Oscar T. (Amanda S.), pilot, house 452 Chandler. Anderson, Otto (Clara), turner, house 39 Myrtle. Anderson, Otto, presser, house 19 Newland avenue. Anderson, Patrick G., machine hand, 122 Foote ave., boards 304 Willard Anderson, Peter, laborer, boards 820 West Eighth. Anderson, Peter J. (Anna), laborer, bouse 113 King. Anderson, Peter J. (A. Louise), laborer, house 208 Benedict. Anderson, Phebe, Mrs., house 7 North Hallock. Anderson, Reuben, carpenter, 123 Foote avenue, residence 227 Barrows. Anderson, Richard H. (Mary), table -naker, house 263 Prospect. Anderson, Robert L. L.,finisher,105Winsor, residence 126 do. Anderson, Roy D., student, residence 18 Bowen. Anderson, Selma, operative 58 Center, residence 504 Foote avenue. Anderson, Selma A., operative 58 Center, residence 113 King. Anderson, Seth, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Vega. Anderson, Sophia, weaver, 116 E. 1st, residence 235 Barrows. Anderson, Swan E. (Ida O ) , jeweler, 10 E. 2nd, house 18 Sherman. Anderson, Swan J. (Minnie Lida), tailor, 208 Main, house 20 Barker. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets v%m M. J. MURRAY LSrd!^oVur F i n e C u s t o m C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T ' S ANDERSON APPLEBErl 160 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Anderson, Swanty (Hannah), janitor Warner block, room 7 do. Anderson, Teckla, domestic, 123 South Main. Anderson, Thyra, works 102 E. 1st, residence 816 Newland avenue. Anderson, Tilla, carder, 58 Center, residence 224 Crescent. Anderson, Tilla, picker, 335 Harrison, boards 6 Short Eagle. Anderson, Verna, machine hand, 40 Steele, residence 401 English. Anderson, Victor (Anna), wood worker, 105 Winsor, residence 38 Sampson. Anderson, Victor E., aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 22 Newland ave. Anderson, Victoria, residence 1381 East Second. Anderson, Walter, packer, 101 Harrison, boards 22 Stafford avenue. Anderson, William,finisher,516 W . 4th, boards over 17 E. 1st. Anderson, William, section man, residence 5 Great Jones. Anderson, William, laborer, 101 Harrison, boards 18 Davis. Anderson, William (Hannah), mill hand, 35 Water, residence 114 Crown. Anderson, William (Edith), laborer, 3 Ashville avenue, house 325 Chandler. Anderson, William A., wood carver. 105 Winsor, residence 9 Victoria ave. Anderson, William J. (Annie L.), metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 3 Rush. Anderson, Winnie V., residence 119 Cheney. Anderson Co., The—Office fixtures and cabinet work—710 E. 2nd, rear. Anderson, The—Saloon—17 East Second. Anderson & Ohlquist—Gustaf Anderson and John Ohlquist—clothing 219 Main. Anderson & Stahley—Edward S. Anderson and Jacob F. Stahley—meat market, 16 East Second. Anderson & Sandburg—Axel E. Anderson and Charles A. Sandburg—shoes, 108 Main. Anderson & Wicander—Charles A. Anderson and Elof Wicander—cigars ami pool room 5 South Main. Andrews, August G., tailor, 8 West Third, boards 16 West End. Andrews, John, laborer, boards 151 Fairmount avenue. Andrus, Lillie, residence 451 Baker. Andruss, Jennie, residence 706 Foote avenue. Andruss, William E.—Wilson & Andruss—110 Main, boards 706 Foote ave. Andruss, George D. (Corrie)—Fenton & Andruss—4 Forest avenue, house 706 Foote avenue. Angstenberger, Gertrude M., clerk, 207 Main, residence 1135 Prendergast avenue. Angstenberger, Mary, widow Fred, house 1135 Prendergast avenue. Anker, Hans (Petra), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 101 Colfax. Annis, Edna B., widow George, house over 217 Spring. Apgar, Heulett S. (Jennie), produce dealer, house J. & G. avenue. Apgar, Louis (Elizabeth), machinist, Shearman Place, res., J. & G. ave. Aplin, Horace F. (Ida), printer, 14-16 W . 2nd, house 117 Hazzard. Aplin, Horace W . (Louise), deliveryman, residence 117 Hazzard. Applebee, M a y D., dressmaker, residence over 5 Main. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E APPLEBY CO. ARNOLD J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 161 Appleby, Clayton E, (Margaret), cle,:k 20 E. Third, house 216 Fulton. Appleby, Frank H. (Carrie A.), contractor, house 214 Price. Appleby, Maude E., residence 214 Price. Appleyard, Ada, teacher, residence 39 Center. Appleyard, Albert Edward, assistant cashier, 215 Main, residence 31 Foote avenue. Appleyard, Francis J. (Bessie L.), foreman Meadow Brook mills, Falconer, house 25 Foote avenue. Appleyard, Edward (Isabella Stott), supt 116 East 1st, h. 31 Foote avenue. Appleyard, Joseph, superintendent, 102 East First, house 39 Center. Appleyard, Sara, residence 39 Center. Appleyard, William S. (Meave R.), Supt. Meadow Brook mills, Falconer, house 5 Crane. Appleton, James P. (Lena), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 152% Allen. Arbuckle, Benjamin M. (Nellie)—Arbuckle & Harrington—over 29 Main, house 9 West Fourth. Arbuckle & Harrington—Benjamin M. Arbuckle and Noah Harringtonageing violins, over 29 Main. Arcade "building 24-32 Main. Arend, Helen, clerk, 16 Main, residence, 46 West Tenth. Arend, Josephine, widow Nicholas, house 46 West Tenth. Archer, -Nelson G. (Lavina), carpenter, house 16 Hazzard. Arird, Erma B., student, residence 536 East Second. Arird, James D. (Cora), conductor J. S. Ry., house 536 East Second. Arkinson, Hattie M., clerk, 10 West Third, rooms 810 Main. Arlandson, Frank (Anna), works 116 E. 1st, house 39 Hazeltine avenue. Armitage, Charles F. (Bertha S.)^Chatfield & Armitage—304 Pine. house 805 West Fifth. Armitage, Fred E., (Anna), jeweler, 3o6 Pine. Armon, Walter, yard master Erie Ry., boards 9 West First. Armory 13th Sep. Co., N. G. N. Y., 36-44 So. Main. Armstrong, Belle A, student, residence 58 Allen. Armstrong, Geo. T. (Elizabeth), Atty. at Law, 32-33 N e w Fenton Bldg.— Breed & Armstrong, 33 N e w Fenton Bldg.—residence, 36 Allen. Armstrong, Grace P., student, residence 58 Allen. Armstrong, Mary, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 23 Center. Armstrong, Nettie J., teacher, residence 58 Allen. Armstrong, Thomas G. (Ruth H.), supervisor E. R. R., house 58 Allen. Arnold, Charles J. (Myra O.), teamster, 24 Steele, house over 708 Main. Arnold, Frank E. (Jennie), sawyer 56 Blackstone ave., house 9 Driving Park road. Arnold, George H. (Jennie L.), mail carrier, P. O., house 810 Main. Arnold, Horatio N., driver 30 Main, house (Celoron.) Arnold, John Q. (Clara), boarding stables, 409 Washington, house do. Arnold, Joseph S. (Mary), farmer, house Fluvanna avenue. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W. Third St., M. J. MURRAY T w o cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T ' S ARNOLD AUSTIN 162 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Arnold, Sarah A., clerk, 205 Main, boards 11 East Sixth. Arnold, William F. (Hilda),finisher,house 19 Cedar avenue. Arnquist, Arnold, cutter, 38 Winsor, residence 13 Dickerson. Arnquist, Benjamin, jeweler, 306 Pine, residence 13 Dickerson. Arnson, Benjamin L. (Annie), jeweler, 105 Main, house 16 Charles. Arnson, Moses, housefurnishings, 101 East Second, house over do. Art Metal Construction Co.—Arthur C. Wade, Pres.—Metal vault and library fixtures, etc, 95-105 Jones & Gifford avenue. Art Photo Exchange—George H. Monroe—stereoscopic views, over 21 Steele. Arter, Carrie R., stenographer, residence 859 Main. Arter, Percy J., student, residence 853 Main. Arter, William O. (Annie), mason contractor, house 859 Main. Ashenhurst, Thomas R., designer, 116 East First, room 18 Y. M. C. A. dormitory. Ashley, Nancy, residence 31 Hazzard. Ashton, Ruth, residence 92 Water. Ashwell, E. J. & Co.—Edwin J. Ashwell—converters of cotton yarns, 113 Foote avenue. Ashwell, Edwin J. (Kate),—Ashwell & Co.—113 Foote ave, h. 417 East Second. Ashworth, Abraham, retired, house 19 West Seventh. Ashworth, Agnes, residence 19 West Seventh. Ashworth, Albert, liquors and cigars, 19 E. 2nd, h. room 1 over 7 So. Main. Ashworth, Asa, residence 19 West Seventh. Ashworth, Louisa, residence 19 West Seventh. Ashworth, Mary A., residence 19 West Seventh. Asker, Gust (Anna C ) , house 46 Thayer. Askergren, Gust (Einer), painter, house 545 Allen. Asper, Eliza J., widow Lewis, residence 108 Rathbone. Asper, George F. (Blanche R.), conductor J. & C. Ry., house 618% Jefferson. Aspinwall, Bird, bookkeeper, 211 East Third, residence 215 do. Atkinson, Joseph (Eliza), stone cutter, house 618 Newland avenue. Atkinson, Mary A., widow John, residence 17 Weeks. Atlas Furniture Co.—Frank O. Stranburg, Pres.—Mfrs. chiffoniers and dressers, Allen Extension. Atwood, Elmer C. (Ruth A.), pressman, Koehl block, 17-19 Steele, res. 110 Francis. Atwood, Louise M., widow Homer S. house 108 Frances. Atwood, Walton H., traveling salesman, residence 108 Francis. Audette, Charles L. (Caroline A.)—Jones & Audette, 116 Main—house 17 Lake View avenue. Augustine, Wilson R., laborer, 118 East Third, residence 30 Price. Austin, Fred H. (Maud), barber, house over 5 Main. Austin, John (Mary), clerk, 19 East Third, house 16 Dickerson. Austin. John (Lina), fireman J. S. Ry., house 124 Cook avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. AVON RESTAURANT BAILEY, JONES CO. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 163 Avon Restaurant^Harry Chamberlain, Prop.—309 Main. Axelson, Magnus, yardman, 38 Winsor, boards 286 Harrison, rear. Axen, John, section hand, boards 147 Fairmount avenue. Ayers, James Henry (Grace L. J.), upholsterer, 20 Winsor, house 30 East Buffalo. Ayers, Saphrona, widow James B. residence 872 East Second. Ayers, Ullman S. (Lotta), driver Jeffords Hose Co., house 872 E. 2nd. Aylesworth, Flora, widow Frank, bakery, 706 Main, house 3 East Seventh. B Babbitt, Charles, (Minnie), laborer, J. S. Ry., house 121 Fairview avenue. Babbitt, Maria S., residence 315 East Sixth. Babcock, Chester, D.—Babcock & Wiborg, 42-43 N e w Fenton, rooms 212 Spring. Babcock, Clayton H., student, residence, 8 Fulton place. Babcock, Wallace 0., (Alice), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 23 Marvin. Babcock, William B., (Carrie H.), machinist 101 Harrison, h. 8 Fulton place Babcock, Willis E., (Melissa), deputy sheriff, over 215 Main, house 143 Barrett avenue. Babcock & Wiborg—Chester D. Babcock and Charles H. Wiborg—attorneys, 42-43 N e w Fenton building. v Backer, Hugh, turner 25 Shearman place, boards 25 Steele. Backman, August, (Ida), cabinet maker 415 Chadler, h. 17 Columbia ave. Backstrand, Charles E., (Anna C ) , finisher 335 Harrison, h. 474 Willard. Backstrand, Lilly V., residence 474 Willard. Backus, Abbie C, widow Dana, house 200 West Fifth. Backus, Charles D., (Amelia D.) clerk, 12 West Third, house 49 Rathbone. Backus, Harry M., mining engineer, residence 200 West Fifth. Backus, Robert E., student, residence 200 West Fifth. Bacon, Nina G., Mrs., residence 128 Lake View avenue. Badger, Harriet C., widow Lorenzo, residence 426 East Fifth. Badgley, Eliza, widow, Nathan, house 69 Rathbone. Badhorn, Martin L., works 153 J. & G. avenue boards 415 West Third. Bahr, Kate, domestic, residence 60 Harrison. Bailey, Anna Laura, spinner 335 Harrison, residence 35 Barrows. Baile-" Clayton E., (Elizabeth H.),—The Bailey-Jones Co.,—105 Winsor, house 47 Warren. Bailey, Dorothy B., bookkeeper 56 Prospect, residence 610 Lafayette. Bailey, Earl,finisher101 Harrison, boards 17 Derby. Bailey, Edward C , (Elizabeth L.), retired, house 322 East Fourth. Bailey, Edward P., clerk, 214 Main, residence 322 East Fourth. M. J. MURRAY Employs Only First-class Workmen Children's Suits $1.50 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T ' S BAILEY BALDWIN 164 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Bailey Frances E., residence 322 East Fourth. Bailey, James, (Rose), teamster, house 19 Barrett avenue. Bailey, Jones Co., The, Clayton E. Bailey, Cyrus E. Jones, Edward C. Bailey—furniture, 105 Winsor. Bailey, Robert C , laborer, residence 610 Lafayette. Bailey, Robert G. (Sarah E.), clerk Erie freight depot, house 610 Lafayette. Bailey, Samuel J. (Alice L.) postal clerk, house 231 Crescent Bailey, Thomas H., (Edith L.), twister, 335 Harrison, h. 35 Barrows. Bain, Fred, loomfixer, 335 Harrison, residence 48 Harrison. Baird, Alexander, (Mary A.), tinner 95 J. & G. avenue, house 8 Seymour. Baird, Anes, (Eugenia), twister, residence Buffalo. Baird, Charles, (Francis), tinner 95 j. & G. avenue, house 21 Hammond. Baird, Nels Larson (Matilda) wood worker, house Buffalo. Baker block 27-31 Main. Baker, Bloomfield C , (Grace),—Shepard & Baker, 880 Main—house 29 1-2 Rathbone. Baker, Burt Howard, stone cutter, residence 128 Harrison. Baker, Charles H., (Kate), weaver 116 Bast First, house 16 Crossman. Baker, Edith A., aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 402 Hallock. Baker, Florence, residence 236 Steele. Baker, Frank, woodworker 56 Blackstone avenue, boards 13 Weeks. Baker, Kate, operative Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconer, res., 236 Steele Baker, Katherine H.. widow Charles S., house 428 East Sixth. Baker, Lewis H., (Ada H.), aristo worker 56 Prospect, house 103 Broadhead Baker, Lucy F., teacher, residence 42 s East Sixth. Baker, Marcillus, retired, residence 10 Kidder. Baker, Mary W., widow Richard H., ^ouse 503 East Second. Baker, Orrin H., dentist, 3 Hall block, rooms over 206 East Second. Baker, Sarah, widow Charles residence 2 9 % Rathbone. Baker, Scott E. (Blanche F.) bookkeeper, 105 Winsor, house 218 Crosby. Baker, Sidney S., draughtsman, residence 428 East Sixth. Baker, Stephen A. ( E m m a J.), carpenter, house 402 Hallock. Baker, Stephen A. Jr., student, residence, 402 Hallock. Baker, Vernie M., residence 402 Hallock. Baker, William, (Martha), engineer Municipal E. L. plant, res., Falconer. Baker, William A., (Martha E.), teamster 115 Winsor, h., 4 Waterman. Baker, William F. (Anna), flagman Erie R. R., house 236 Steele. Balagos, John, candymaker, 9 West Third, rooms 20 West Fourth. Balcom, Edgar L., (Sadie), bridge inspector, house 28 Ashville avenue. Balcom, Sylvanus (Sarah) marble cutter, 11 Steele, house over do. Baldwin. Ernest H., apprentice 217 Main residence 204 Lafayette. Baldwin, Laura E., residence 653 East Sixth. Baldwin, F. Beatrice, book-keeper, residence over 206 East Second. Baldwin, Henry D., (Electa), retired, house 259 Marvin. Baldwin, Henry I., (Fannie), carpenter, house 107 Marvin. CLARK H A R D W A R E CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware. Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. BARLDWIN BARLOW JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 165 Baldwin, S. Arthur, (Lizzie T.), patent solicitor, room 10 Hall residence 608 Prendergast avenue. PATENTS SOLICITED IN S. A r t h u r B a l d w i n , THIS OR ANT COUNTRY. PATENT ATTORNEY. PRELIlUNAHr EXAJIIKATIOX S Phose S75-B. Room 10 Iaii Block, 219 Main". A SPECIALTY. Baldwin, S. Beatrice, residence over 105 East Second. Baldwin, William V., (Dora), solicitor, house over 206 East Second. Baldwin, Willie N., (Celia), carpenter,house 109 Marvin. Balkwell, William, tinner, boards 155 Barrows. Ball, F. Clinton, (Maud), electrician 9Race, house 102 Prospect. Ball, Floyd S., (Rose), machine hand 46 Steele, house 105 Stewart avenue. Ball, Frank E., (Margaret), engineer C. S. Co., house 10 West End. Ball, Fred, saw setter, residence 24 Scott. Ball, W . Carver, (Lillie), engineer, house 114 Hamilton. Ballou, Grant O , (Reba), night watchman, 25 Shearman place, house Connecticut! avenue. Ballou, John, laborer, residence 1398 East Second. Bane, Beaumont, (Louie), traveling salesman, house 316 Warren. Barbour, James, (Marion),—Dowler & Barbour, 207 Cherry—house 625 Prendergast avenue. Bard, Huldah S., dressmaker, residence 41 Grant. Bargar, Crawford N., clerk 627 Prendergast, residence 615 do. Bargar, Daniel T., clerk 627 Prendergast, residence 615 do. Bargar, Elias C. (Alice E.), grocer, 627 Prendergast avenue, house 615 do. Bargar, Mary A., student, residence 615 Prendergast avenue. Barker, Bertha, dressmaker, 551 East Second. Barker, Charles L., (Rachel N.) farmer, 203 West Second. Barker, Clara H., weaver 335 Harrison, residence 16 Lincoln. Barker, Edwin W . (Jane E.), real estate, house 551 East Second. Barker, Ernest P., (Rose), cabinet maker 3 Ashville avenue, h., 415 W.4th. Barker, Katherine, student, residence 203 West Second. Barker, Mary G., clerk 203 Main, residence over 2 East Fourth. Barker, S. Anna, picker 335 Harrison, residence 16 Lincoln. Barker, Wilfred O, agent, residence 203 West Second. Barklund, Edward (Tilla) laborer, house under 218 Crescent. Barkman, Edward F., barber, residence room 12 N e w Warner block. Barkman, John A., (Lena), grocer 792 East Second, house 16 Thayer. Barkman, Selma, shoe operative, residence 24 Thayer. Barlow, Byron A. (Roxana E.), atty. at law over 209 Main, h. 226 Foote ave. Barlow, Edith, music teacher, residence 226 Foote avenue. M . J . M U R R A Y cE5effigS2%rt Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Reliable C l o t h ing at Reasonable at Prices BARNES 166 PROUDFIT'S BAIRTLETT JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Barnes, George W., (Margaret), painter, house 809 Lafayette. Barnes, Louis W., (Grace), machinist 129 J.& G. ave.,house 74 Thirteenth. Barnes, May, dining room girl 120 East Second. Barnes, Perry S., retired, residence 415 Lake View avenue. Barnett, James H. (Annetta), roof painter, house 407 Barrett. Barney, Archie, (Lena), collector 101 East Second, house 5 Appleyard place Barnhardt, Anthony, laborer, boards 210 West Second. Barnstead, Lewis, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 308 West Seoond. Barrett, Edward, ticket broker 107 Main, boards 7 West First. Barrett, Ernest, (Annie), warpdresser 335 Harrison, h., 14 South Walnut. Barrett, Hannah, weaver 335 Harrison, residence 3 Appleyard place. Barrett, Michael L., railway ticket broker, 107 Main, house 612 East Second. Barrett, Thomas, (Hannah), warp dresser 335 Harrison, house 3 Appleyard place. Barrow, Clayton R., metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 508 Monroe Barrow, John S., (Lucy B.), railroad man, house 508 Monroe. Barrow, Nannie, stenographer 335 Harrison, residence 508 Monroe. Barrows, Bertha, Mrs. dressmaker, residence 623 Palmer. Barrows Elma M., teacher, residence 219 Chandler. Barrows, Halbert A. (Mary J.), secy, department of health, 10 city hall, house 132 Allen. Barrows, Malon (Alice S.), teamster, house 35 Tilden avenue. Barrows, Ransom J., (Minerva C ) , commissioner navigation and manager Philo-Burt Mfg. Co., rooms 13-15 Ellicott bldg., house 219 Chandler. Barrows, R. Jay, sec. and treas. Philo-Burt Mfg. Co., 13-15 Ellicott bldg,, residence 219 Chandler. Barrows, William A., wood turner, 56 Blackstone ave., h. over 122 East 3d. Barry, Mary, Mrs., dressmaker, house 10 Weeks. Barry, Michael D., (Mary), grocer 845 East Second, house 10 Weeks. Barstow, Timothy, (Martha), machinist 335 Harrison, house 164 Chandler Barth, Fred, upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, house 11 Bassett avenue. Barth, John, varnisher, 101 Harrison, residence 11 Bassett avenue. Barth, Leonard (Maud), clerk, 116 Main, residence 640 East Sixth. Barth, Lena, lacer, 318 Cherry, resides 11 Bassett avenue. Barth, Maud I., Mrs., piano teacher, residence 640 East Sixth. Barth, R. Curtis (Lucile), musician, studio 411 East Fifth, house do. Barth, Theobald H. ( E m m a ) , carpenter, house 9 Ross. Bartholomew, Delia, residence 615 Main. Bartholomew, John, upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, residence 615 -Main. Bartholomew, Melvin (Mary),firem.in,house 615 Main. Bartlett, Bradley A. (Grace G.),florist,3 West Third, house over 17 West Second. Bartlett, Florence E., student, residence over 17 West Second. Bartlett, John C., advertising, 102 East Third, res., over 107 East Second. Bartlett, Nancy P., widow John O., millinery, 102 East 3d, h 107 East 2d, Clark Hardware Co.,agentsfor Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . BASSETT BEARDSLEY JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 167 Bassett, Abby L., widow George A., house 511 Lake View avenue. Bassett, George H., gardner, residence 511 Lake View avenue. Bassett, Henry A (Eugenie L.), machinist, residence 511 Lake View avenue. Batchelder, Merritt (Mildred) boat manufacturer 806 West 8th, h. Ill E. 8th. Batcheller, Eva, teacher, residence 125 South Main. Batcheller, Levant B.—Winnberg & Batcheller—113 Main house 125 S. Main. Batcheller, Maryette P., residence 125 South Main. Bateman, Francis, spinner, 102 East First, boards 114 Cheney. Bateman, James G., night clerk, 120 East Second. Bateman, Louis E. (Carrie), plumber, 102 East First, house 114 Cheney. Bates, Charles W . (Mary L.), insurance agent, house 408 Washington. Bates, Harold W., student, residence 9 Webster. Bates, Herman, salesman, boards 25 Barrett avenue. Bates, Ira C , (Sarah M.), retired, residence, 800 Prendergast avenue. Bates, Walter H. (Ada L.), cheese maker, Ellery, house 9 Webster. Bauck, Alvin, student, residence 65 West Tenth. Bauck, Gilbert, boat builder, house 65 West Tenth. Bauer, Anna F., student, residence 628 Prendergast avenue. Bauer, Edward W., overseer, 95 J. & G . avenue, res. 628 Prendergast ave. Bauer, Fred (Anna), proprietor Bauer hotel, 22 East Third, house do. Bauer, John, cabinet maker, house 628 Prendergast avenue. Bauer, John F., cutter, residence 628 Prendergast avenue. Bauer, Louisa B., residence 628 Prendergast avenue. Bauer, Lucy B., bookkeeper over 10 E. 3rd, residence 628 Prendergast ave. Bauer, Rose M., stenographer, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 131 South Main. Bauer, William O, tinner, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 628 Prendergast ave. Baxell, Andrew (Lotta), laborer, house 9 Barrows. Baxell, Axel L., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 9 Barrows. Baxell, Augusta, spinner, Meadow Brook mills, Falconer, res. 9 Barrows. Baxter, James A. (Rebecca), cabinet maker, house 20 Harrison. Baxter, Nathan, retired, house 164 Marvin. Beach, Julia E., widow Arthur, house 37 Marvin. Beach, Leo, metal worker, residence 37 Marvin. Beal, Charles F., painter, 56 Blackstone avenue, residence 401 Stowe. Beal, S. Clarence, driller 56 Blackstone avenue, residence 401 Stowe Beal, Jennie A., widow William, house 401 Stowe. Beal, M. Kate, clerk, 952 East Second, residence 401 Stowe. Bealer, Bertha J. residence 405 Pine. Bealer, Grace J. librarian High school, residence 405 Pine. Bealer, J. Fred (Maud M.), William Bealer & Son, 9 E. 3rd., res. 405 Pine. Bealer, William (Alma E.), William Bealer & Son, 9 E. 3rd., house 405 Pine. Bealer, William & Son—William & J. Fredt-boots and shoes, 9 East Third. Beardsley, Clyde M. laborer, residence over 13 East Second. Beardsley, Fred M. (Percy) woodworker, house over 13 E. 2nd. Hot Water Heating, ^ f X ^ n l s & T ^ M . J. M U R R A Y Call u p N o . 3 3 for C l o t h i n g a n d BEATTY 168 Fuirnishings. BELLIZIO JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Beatty, Bernard B. student, residence 401 West Sixth. Beatty, Ethel, dressmaker over 217 Main, residence do. Beatty, Jennie R., widow Austin, dressmaker, house 401 West Sixth. Beauchamp, William, weaver 335 Harrison, boards 39 Prospect. Beaustrom, Alma V. piecepicker, residence 107 Willard. Beaustrom, Bernherd E. woodcarver 105 Winsor, residence 107 Willard. Beaustrom, Louise M., widow Nels J., house 107 Willard. Beaver, Charles F. laundry, 3 Barrett,residence 138 Steele. Beaver, Elizabeth M., clerk, 17 Steele, residence 138 Steele. Beaver, John (Christine) warpdresser, house 8 Bowen. Beaver, Joseph F. (Katherine), fireman 132 Steele, house 138 Steele. Beaver, Michael D. works 206 Steele, residence 138 do. Beaver, Nellie, dressmaker, house 20 Forest avenue. Bebb, Anna M., stenographer 20 Winsor, residence 225 Crescent. Bebb, Geo. (Elizabeth), carder, house 225 Crescent. Beck, Annie, dressmaker, residence 17 West Seventh. Beck, Chas. M .(Clara L.), wallpaper, 305 Main, house 56 Broadhead avenue. Beck, Charles O., (Hattie), woodcarver 712 E. 2nd., house 517 Pine. Beck, Lamot, shoemaker 318 Cherry, residence 17 West Seventh. Beck Lena, widow Charles, residence 17 West Seventh. Becker, A. Austin, physician, 11 Wellman building, boards 511 W . 4th. Becker, A. George, music teacher, 39-40 Gokey building, boards 215 W . 2nd. Becker, Adah M , artist, residence 511 West Fourth. Becker, Frank ( E m m a ) groom 2 W . 5th., house 195 Marvin. Becker, Ole L. lawyer, 13-17 Wellman building, boards 117 Chandler. Beckman, Henry, (Jennie), polisher 3Ashville avenue, house 21 Stowe. Beckrink, Abram, (Minnie), garrleuer, house 613 Buffalo. Beckrink, James, laborer 613 Buffalo, residence do. Beckstrand, Albert, engineer, residence 17 Bush. Beckstrand, Conrad, (Carrie), finisher 335 Harrison, house 6 Willis. Beckstrand, E m m a , widow John D. weaver 38 Water, house 17 Bush. Beckstrand, Nannie, weaver Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, res., 17 Bush. Beckstrom, John, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 505 Palmer. Bergstrom, Nels E. (Hilma C.) night watchman 115 Winsor, house 28 Pearl Bede, Lucy, Mrs., residence 113 Crescent. Bedient, Helen, widow Irwin, house 140 Foote avenue. Beebe, Ellen V., printer, residence 43 Frink avenue. Beebe, John V. (Matilda), carpenter, house 43 Frink avenue. Beeman, Anna E. O , widow William, agent, house 5 Beulah place. Beeman, Christine, widow John, laundress, residence 368 Baker. Belknap, 'Harry P. (Maude A.), machinist 38 Winsor, house 15 Hammond. Bellirzio, Antonio, laborer, residence 109 Rathbone. Bellirzio, James, weaver 335 Harrison, residence 109 Rathbone. Bellirzio, Ottavo, spinner 335 Harrison, residence 109 Rathbone. Bellizio, Frank (Rosa), musician, house 109 Rathbone. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . BELNAP BENSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 169 Belnap, Giles P., retired, residence 15 Hammond. Bemus, Charles (Lottie), house 444 Chandler. Bemus, E m m e t H. (Gertrude K.), postmaster, 20 West 3d, house 510 Spring. Bemus, Morris N. (Lucy B.), physician and surgeon, 10 East 3d, h. Ill E. 5th Bemus, Sarah, widow William, residence 100 East Fifth. Bemus, Selden B. student, residence 517 Main. Bemus, William M. (Minnie B.), physician and surgeon, 517 Main, house do. Benander, Anders M. (Hulda) pastor Immanuel Lutheran church, house 556 East Second. Benchley, Arnold H., bobbin boy 116 East First, residence 20 Willis. Benchley, Heyman A. (Martha), machinist, 129-135 J. & G. ave., h. 20 Willis. Benchley, John J., milkman, residence 40 Holman. Benchley, Susan M., widow Hayden, house 40 Holman. Benchley, William H., weaver 35 Water, residence 20 Willis. Bendall, Alfred C , (Jennie) horseman, house 31 Marvin. Bender, Robert (Permelia C ) , veterinary surgeon, 209 Pine, house 44 Harrison. Bender, William J., blacksmith 211 Pine, house 17 West Ninth. Benedict, Sarah, boarding house, 752 East Second. Benjamin, Mynene, teacher, rooms 567 East Second. Bennett, Alfred (Hilda) machine hand 101 Harrison, house 5 Bennett ave. Bennett, Lucile, student, residence 17 Ross. Bennett, Mary J., Mrs. house 17 Ross. Bennett, Willard S., TJ. S. Navy, residence 17 Ross. Benson, Aaron. (Maria), carpenter, house 127 Falconer. Benson, Allie O., residence 77 Eagle. Benson, Andrew, (Christine), machine hand 30 Steele, house 435 Willard. Benson, Andrew (Augusta), mason, house 9 Eagle. Benson, Andrew (Brelta O ) , retired, liouse 36 Benson. Benson, Anna, widow Adolph, house 5 Sturges. Benson, Alfred (Augusta)finisher105 Winsor, house 115 Camp. Benson, August, (Lovis), laborer 56 Blackstone ave. house 113 King. Benson, August, (Annie), teamster, house 8 Bowen. Benson, August, woodworker, 122 Foote avenue,, residence 5 Sturges. Benson, Belle, residence 124 Winsor. Benson, Bert, delivery clerk Erie freight, residence 218 Forest avenue. Benson, Blenda, domestic 56 Prospect avenue, residence 307 Barrett avenue. Benson, Blenda, cook 70 Prospect. Benson, Bernhard, (Anna O ) , woodcarver 28 Briggs, house 229 Steele, rear Benson, Carrie, weaver 35 water, boards 20 Vega. Benson, Carl, woodcarver, boards 39 Prospect. Benson, Charles Leonard, warp dresser 335 Harrison, residence 428 Willard. Benson, Charles, (Anna), dyer, house 219 Hazzard. Benson, Charles N., (Alice M.), plumber, house 501 Ashville avenue. Benson, Charles, steel polisher 2S6 Crescent, boards 20 Vega. Benson, Daniel (Ella), farmer house 110 Hamilton. If you contemplate N e w Plumbing, consult M . J. M U R R A Y Boy's Clothing, Largtehse§!t0yckin a t BENSON 170 P R O U D F I T ' S BENTLEY J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Benson Doremus J. (Jennie E.) teamster house 124 Winsor. Benson, Edward (Anna), laborer, hoase 203 Crescent. Benson, Edward, (Christine J.), works 236 Cresent, house 386 Willard. Benson, Eugene H. (Charlotte W . ) , <*vood turner, house 311 English. Benson, Felix,finisher105 Winsor, j.esidence 5 Sturges. Benson, Florence 0., bookkeeper 7 Arcade building, residence 335 Foote ave Benson, Godfred, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 141 Superior. Benson, Gust, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 30 Sampson. Benson, H. Ruth, widow Henry, residence 525 East Fifth. Benson, Henry, (Emily M.), steel polisher 236 Cresent, house 302 Willard Benson, Hjalmer, printer, residence 811 East Second. Benson, Hugo O , student, residence 110 Hamilton. Benson, James J., (Anna), laborer, house 847 Prendergast avenue. Benson, James, shoemaker 318 Cherry, residence 218 Forest avenue. Benson, John, work 95 J. & G. avenae, boards 30 Sampson. Benson, John A., (Signe M.), machine hand 105 Winsor, house 36 Benson. Benson, John B., (Augusta), carpenter, house 811 East Second. Benson, John B., ( E m m a Tilda), conductor Erie Ry., house 11 Culver. Benson, John O., (Caroline), engineer 115 Winsor, house 77 Eagle. Benson, John, shoemaker 318 Cherry, boards 547 East Second. Benson, Julius A., laborer 105 Winsor, residence 77 Eagle. Benson, Junius H., (Mary A.), Dinsmore Spring Co., 50 Steele, house 114 King. Benson, Mary A., widow John W., residence 22 Catlin avenue. Benson, Minnie, domestic, residence 108 Mechanic. Benson, Olof, (Charlotte), machine hand 30 Steele, house 423 Allen. Benson, Olof, house 497 Willard. Benson, Olga L., domestic, residence 77 Eagle. Benson, Oliver E., student, residence 123 Allen. Benson, William, teamster, residence 218 Forest avenue. Benson, Wright J., (Jessie D.), commercial traveler, house 419 West Sixth. Bentley, Alexander, motorneer, residence 1343 East Second. Bentley, Anna, widow Charles, house 39 Norton avenue. Bentley, Burt Allen, newsdealer, 12 Willard, residence 39 Norton avenue. Bentley C. Eugene, (Elizabeth T.), surveyor, house 649 Prendergast avenue. Bentley, Emily H., widow Edward W., house 115 Allen. Bentley, Fred A., vice pres. Chautauqua County Trust Co., 201 Main, house Lakewood. Bentley, Hiram, (Delia), retired, house 12 Chandler. Bentley James D., street car conductor, residence 1343 East Second. Bentley, J. Randolph,—Osbourne & Bentley, 4 Gokey blk..—res.,63 Prospect Bentley, Storm, farmer, house 1343 East Second. Bentley, William H., manager Straight Mfg. Co., boards 115 Allen. Bentley, William J., (Margaret M.), clerk, Buffalo, N. Y., h., 15 Flagg ave. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. BENZE BERGHOLTZ JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 171 Benze, Albert Louis, (Emma Louise), pastor English Lutheran church, house 624 West Seventh. Berg, Amanda C, widow Gust F., house 20 Cedar avenue. Berg, Amil, metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 17 Valley. Berg, Andrew F. (Sophia C.)—Olson, Johnson & Co.—208 East Second, house 323 Willard. Berg, Anna W., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 15 Hickory. Berg, August, (Josephine), machine hand 115 Winsor, house 246 Barrows. Berg, Axel, weaver 335 Harrison, boards 133 SamDSon. Berg, Carl A., printer over 204 M a m , residence 101 Maple. Berg, Caroline, housekeeper 644 East Sixth. Berg, Charles, (Anna), cabinet maker 129 J. & G. avenue, house 19 Tew. Berg, Charles A. (Hulda), letter carrier, P. 0., house 23 Kinney. Berg, Clara A., operative, residence 323 Willard. Berg, Charles August (Clara), laborer, house 15 Hickory. Berg, Charles J., (Ida S.), traveling salesman, house 101 Maple. Berg, E m m a C, operative, 35 Water, residence 15 Hickory. Berg, Erick, works 95 J. &. G. avenue, boards 17 Valley. Berg, Florence E., residence 513 Allen. Berg, Genevive, bookkeeper 209 Main, residence 20 Cedar avenue. Berg, Gus F., printer, residence 20 Cedar avenue. Berg, Harry, apprentice, painting, residence 513 Allen. Berg, Hilda K., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 15 Hickory. Berg, John, (Sophia), shoemaker 318 Cherry, house 133 Sampson. Berg, John, shoemaker 105 Willard, boards 12 Kiney. Berg, John O., (Hannah), blacksmith 108 W . 4th h., 408% Washington Berg, Peter A., laborer, house 5 Waterman. Berg, Serina, residence 5 Waterman. Berg, Tilda L., widow Antone E., iouse 9 Pullman. Berg, Victor, (Eva), shoemaker, house 440 Maple. Berg, William, painter house 513 Allen. Berg, see also Burg. Berger, August A., conductor J. S. Ry., residence 6 7 % Wescott. Berger, Caroline, Mrs. house 67% Wescott. Berger, Elenora, spinner 35 Water, residence 6 7 % Wescott. Berger, Frank E., (Louisa B.), molder, 11 Sherman place, house 40 W . 8th. Berger, Gust, (Minnie), works 105 Winsor, house 44 Grant. Berger, Victoria, spinner Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, residence 6 7 % Wescott. Bergeson, Julius J., cabinet maker lv5 Winsor, house 24 Swan. Berggren, Albert, (Freda),finisher105 Winsor, house 2 Chapman. Berggren, Frans, (Jennie M.),finisher,house 557 Allen. Berggren, Marie, laundress 120 East Second. Berggren, see also Bergren, and Burggren. Bergholtz, Ernest B. (Mary J. C.) draughtsman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 44 Fairmount avenue. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, £r£°SS*tk,bS M, J. MURRAY Little G i a n t Suits for C h i l d r e n at P R O U D F I T ' S BERGLAND BERGSTROM 172 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Bergland, Waldemar—Lunquist & Bergland—302 Foote avenue, boards 110 Mechanic. Berglund, Andrew, (Hilda), laborer, residence 206 Barrett avenue. Berglund, Ida, domestic 22 East Third, residence 362 Willard. Bergman, August W., (Anna A.), machine hand, 20 Winsor, h., 285 Willaid. Bergman, Carl, (Mary Elizabeth), carpenter, house 27 Columbia avenue. Bergman, Charles G. (Hilda S.), band sawyer, 20 Winsor, house 47 Eagle. Bergman, Herman O , finisher 105 Winsor, residence 285 Willard. Bergman, John E., (Adeline), cabinet maker, 415 Chandler, h., 302 Willard. Bergman, Lillian A., residence 47 Eagle. Bergman, Luther, brickmaker 40 Quarry road, residence 47 Eagle. Bergman, Robert E., carder Chaut. Worsted Mills, Falconer, res., 285 Willard Bergmann, Augusta, widow Fred R., house 315 West Second. Bergmann, Hattie A., weaver 56 Water, residence 315 West Second. Bergquist, Carrie S., weaver 35 Water, house 530 Allen. Bergquist, Charles (Anna),finisher,house 73 Jones avenue. Bergquist, Christina L., widow John.house 530 Allen. Bergquist, Clarence student, residence 73 Jones avenue. Bergquist, E. F., (Genevieve), drawer 335 Harrison, residence 528 Allen. Bergquist, Ella L., teacher, 126 Warren. Bergquist, George, shipping clerk 102 East First, residence 126 Warren. Bergquist, Gust, ( E m m a ) , mason tender, house 254 Crescent. Bergquist, Gust F., (Anna C ) , piano maker 112 East Second, h., 47 Kinney. Bergquist, Hilda, spinner, Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, res., 530 Allen. Bergquist, Hilma, spinner Chaut. Worsted Mills, Falconer,, res., 530 Allen. Bergquist, J. Leonard, furniturefinisher,residence 528 Allen. Bergquist, John E., (Christina), teamster, house 210 Falconer. Bergquist, John, laborer, house 502 Cresent. Bergquist, John M., (Sophia), cabinet maker, 710 E. 2d, house 528 Allen. Bergquist, Louis B., comber Chaut. Worsted Mills, Falconer, res., 16 Eagl6. Bergquist, Martha M., spinner 335 Harrison, residence 528 Allen. Bergquist, Mary, widow Andrew house 530 Allen. Bergquist, Ottilia M. C , residence 210 Falconer. Bergquist, Peter J. (Bernherdina)—Lindblad Bros. & Co.—13 Harrison—house 126 Warren. Bergquist, Samuel E., (Ida M.), cabinet maker, house 16 Eagle. Bergquist, Willie E., comber Chaut. Worsted Mills,Falconer, res., 16 Eagle Bergquist, see also Burgquist. Bergren, August, (Amelia),finisher105 Winsor, house 33 Holman. Bergren, Axel, (Ester),finisherAllen extension, house 501 Cresent. Bergren, Carl A., (Hulda M.), foreman spinner 35 Water, h., 33 Wescott. Bergren, Victor, residence 1381 East Second. Bergren, (see also Berggren and Burggren. Bergstein, Martin O., baker 10 West Third, rooms 409 Cherry. Bergstrom, Axel, (Minnie R.), wood turner 101 Harrison, h., 13 Pardee ore C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. s Buy Your Dry Goods of BERGSTROM T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. BISHOP JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 173 Bergstrom, Freda J., winder Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, res., 80 Tower Bergwall, Antone, engineer 115 Winsor, residence 768 East Second. Bergwall Joseph A. (Selma), job printer over 204 Main, house 768 East 2d. Berkman, Jennie J., domestic 115 Allen, residence 133 Camp. Berlin, Almeda O, bookkeeper over "19 Main, residence 88 Prospect. Bernhard, Charles, (Hilda), plumber, 2 S. Main, house 110 Sampson. Bernhard, William, (Hilda), machine hand, 101 Harrison, h., 114 Sampson. Bernhart, Gust,(Selma), laborer, residence 504 Barrett avenue. Berry, Bessie M., student, residence 245 Fulton. Berry, Carl A., (Minnie), plumbing rear 14 East Third, house 529W. 3rd. Berry Carlie I., bookkeeper J. S. Ry., West Third, residence 529 do. Berry, E m m a , twister 116 East First, residence 143 Stowe. Berry, H. Orton (Mary A.), liquor dealer, 18 Main, house 245 Fulton. Berry, Ida B., student, residence 529 West Third. Berry, J. Belle, residence 529 West Third. Berry, James D., (Eleanor F.), rural mail carrier, house 508 East Seventh. Berry, Martha A., residence 245 Fulton. Berry, Mary Ann, housekeeper, residence, 328 Allen. Berr" Muriel, student, residence 245 Fulton. Berry, Thomas, weaver 335 Harrison, residence 328 Allen. Berry, Thomas, (Martha L.), warpdresser, 335 Harrison, house 143 Stowe. Bethel Chapel, 14 Ashville avenue. Beustrom, John J. (Ida G.), clerk 108Main, house 143 East Ninth. Bidwell, Bessie, waitress 21 West Third, residence do. Bidwell, Mabel, waitress 21 West Third, residence do. Bill, David, J., (Mary), General freight and passenger agent J. & C, Ry., boards 111 East Sixth. Billings, Allen E., (M-ary E.) attorney, 21-22 Gokey building, residence 406 Washington. Billings, Harrison, retired, rooms 409 Cherry. Billings, Jennie C, widow Wayne, dressmaking, house 545 West Third. Billings, Otto W., spring setter 25 Shearman place, residence 346 Baker. Billings, Pitronella, widow Paul, house 346 Baker. Billquist, Edward, weaver 102 East First, residence 260 Prospect. Billquist, Gust, (Hilda), painter, residence 407 Barrett avenue. Billquist, John, (Eva), stone mason, house 260 Prospect. Billquist, Minnie, twister 335 Harrison, 260 Prospect. Billstone, Victor, works 105 Winsor, boards 25 Steele. Bintz, Nicholas, (Mary A.), cabinet maker 516 West Fourth, house 32 Water Bird, Washington (Jane), laborer, house 25 Ellicott. Birmingham, Elizabeth, widow James, house 297 Crescent. Birmingham, Ellen, works 113 Foote avenue, residence 297 Crescent. Bishop, Gertrude, beamer 335 Harrison, residence 618 East Second. Bishop, Harry J., polisher 101 Harrison, residence 618 East Second. Bishop, Mathew, (Elizabeth), shoemaker, house 618 East Second. Some of the most extensive ^^tnlVy6 M. J. MURRAY OVERCOATS a Specialty at P R O U D F I T ' S . BITLEY 174 BLANCHARD J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Bitley, John R., milkman, rooms 409 Cherry. Bixb William F., (Dorene), residence 24 West Seventh. Bjork, David B., tailor 210 Main, boards 489 Winsor. Bjork, Fred, (Bertha),—Ryden & Bjork, 116 East Third—house over do. Bjork, Helena O , widow August, house 100 Tower. Bjork, Josephine O, clerk 351 Main, residence 100 Tower. Bjork, William L., (Anna L.), bartender 61 Winsor, house 99 Tower. Bjorklund, Eric, (Sophia), metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, house Hotckiss Bjorkman, Alfred, (Anna), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, h.,40 Sampson Bjornes, John, yard man, 15 South Main, boards do. Bjornsen, Henri N., bookkeeper 301 Steele, boards 601 West Seventh. Black, Eliza M., widow Thomas, hoase, 20 Derby. Black, Ellen M., widow Charles, house, 201 East First. Black, T. Henry, photographer over .' 2 East Third, residence 20 Derby. Blackait, Beni, domestic, residence 495 Chandler. Blackman, Bert L., (Minnie M.), commercial traveler, house 38 Rathbone. Blackmer, Ernest E., (Alta), farmer, Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Blackmer, Frank W., (Mary), butcher, residence 941 East Second. Blackmar, Lucy A., Mrs., residence 1 Todd avenue. Blackstone, George V., (Catherine), President Vandergrift Mfg. Co., 56 •Blackstone avenue, house 411 East Second. Blackstone, William A., treasurer Vandergrift Mfg. Co., 56 Blackstone avenue, house 309 East Second. Blair, Emmet, (Hattie), stone mason, house S West Seventh. Blakesley, Anna L., music teacher, residence 24 Cross. Blakesley, Edjward S., (Anna C ) , wool sorter 335 Harrison, house 1 Pullman Blakesley, Emory J., (Jennie), telegraph operator Erie Ry., house 24 Cross Blakesley, Flora L., works 335 Harrison, residence 1 Pullman. Blakesley, George, teamster, boards 207 Palmer. Blakesley, Maude L., milliner 116 Cross, residence 24 do. Blanchard, Bessie H., residence 128 Kent. Blanchard, Charles E., (Georgianna S.), carpenter, house 128 Kent. Blanchard, Calvin (Ida), house 840 East Second. Blanchard, Cecil A., clerk 116 Main, residence 128 Kent. Blanchard, Clair M.. residence 824 Prendergast avenue. Blanchard, Earl, laborer, residence 015 Winsor. Blanchard, Eugene L. (Ella J.), motorneer, J. S. Ry., house 11 W . Eigth. Blanchard, Grace M., picker 116 East First, residence 824 Prendergast ave. Blanchard House, J. C. Blanchard, prop., 311 Pine. Blanchard, J. C. (Emma),—The Blanchard House, 311 Pine—house do. Also Meat Market 212 East Seoond. Blanchard, Kate E., dressmaker, 551 East Second, residence 128 Kent. Blanchard, Marjorie, student, residence 128 Kent. Blancheard, Orlin J., .Delia), lumberman, house Ashville ave., (Celoron). CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. BLANCHARD BLOOMQUIST JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 175 Blanchard, Robert N., (Belle B.), physician and surgeon over 8 East Second, house 10 Chandler. Blanchard, Robert B., student, residence 10 Chandler. Blanchard, Silas (Maria), painter, house 615 Winsor. Blanchard, Thomas A., (Frances L.), carpenter, house 824 Prendergast ave. Blanchard, William M., wool sorter 335 Harrison, residence 128 Kent. Blatz, Jennie, bookkeeper 2 South Main, boards 24 Derby. Blauvelt, Jessie, dressmaker 116 Main, residence 67 West Tenth. Bleakney, Horace H., commercial traveler, boards 415 West Third. Blekert, Bena, widow Franc, residence 124 Wescott. Blinn, Edward B., (Louise), clerk 325 West Second, house 11 East Eighth. Bliss, Francis A., nurse, rooms 12 Chandler. Bliss, John C .(Emily O ) , cabinet maker, house 77 Jones avenue. Bliss, Merlin A., (Bessie C ) , asst. supt., 101 Harrison, house 42 Allen. Bliss, Nellie H., clerk 16 West Third, residence 77 Jones avenue. Blodget, Royal S., (Flora S.), teller 201 Main, house 17 West Eighth. Blodgett, Bertha, dressmaker, residence 58 Prospect avenue. Blodgett, Bessie, student, residence 58 Prospect avenue. Blodgett, Frank M., (Adelaide E.), messenger Wells-Fargo Ex. Co., house 58 Prospect avenue. Blodgett, Julia, widow Rawlin, milliner S. Main, res., 519 Washington. Blodgett, R. N., Mrs., millinery, 101 SMain, residence do. Blomberg, Axel (Nettie), painter, house 319 Allen. Blomberg, Charles (Matilda), painter, house 342 Bowen. Blomquist, Anna S., widow Jonas, residence 86 Eagle. Blomquist, Otto F., (Emily C ) , engineer 105 Winsor, house 86 Eagle. Blomstrand, Minnie, residence 301 Barrett avenue. Blomstrom, Alfred, (Johanna), shoemaker 113 S. Main, h., 301 Barrett ave. Blomster, Eve, weaver 116 East First, house 218 Steele. Blood, Clyde L., (Anna), machine hand 56 Blackstone ave., h.,113 Williams Blood, DeForest, (Bernice), baggage master Erie Ry., house 52 Prospect. Blood, uee D., (Edith), baggage agent Erie Ry., house 145 Warren. Bloom, Andrew G., (Matilda), works 95 J. & G. avenue, h., 504 Crescent. Bloom, Charles, (Mary), carpenter, house 97 Camp. Bloomberg, Carl, (Sophia),finisher101 Harrison, house 8 Morse avenue. Bloomdahl, Gust, (Emily), cutter 318 Cherry, house 1018 Newland avenue. Bloomer, Minnie O. O, domestic 211 Prendergast avenue. Bloomfield, Charity, widow Hiram, residence 41 Flagg avenue. Bloomquist, Axel A., (Helga), cabinet maker 3 Ashville ave., h., 219 Price Bloomquist, Axel, (Julia M.), machine hand 116 E. First, house 89 Eagle. Bloomquist, Cowan, packer 105 Winsor, residence 15 Barrows. Bloomquist, Edith L., residence 124 Wescott. Bloomquist, Hjalmer, (Ella), machine hand 105 Winsor, house 88 Vega. Bloomquist, Hulda, domestic 120 Lake View avenue, residence 80 Jones. Bloomquist, Hulda J., drawer 35 Water, residence 22 Water. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets p^yin M. J. MURRAY H i g h Ruality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G , p f e BL000MQTJIST BOND 176 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Bloomquist, Joel T., works Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, res., 124 Wescott Bloomquist, John A., (Matilda A.), finisher 54 Taylor, house 22 Water. Bloomquist, John P., (Emily G.), woodworker, 129 J. & G. ave., h., 57 Eagle. Bloomquist, Jonas (Hattie), retired, house 356 Foote avenue. Bloomquist, Joseph, painter, 101 Harrison, house 80 Jones. Bloomquist, Julia C , spinner 116 East First, residence 89 Eagle. Bloomquist, Leonard E., residence 57 Eagle. Bloomquist, Ligna, student, residence 360 Foote avenue. Bloomquist, Lillian, operative 58 Center, residence 506 Foote avenue. Bloomquist, Liva, widow Frank, house 506 Foote avenue. Bloomquist, Oscar F. (Hannah), teamster, house 124 Westcott. Bloomquist, Otto L. (Jennie)-—Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow, Falconer — house 532 East Second. Bloomquist, Peter (Anna), stone mason, house 360 Foote avenue. Blowe, Julia, Mrs., cook, residence 10 Steele. Bly, Charles A. (Celestia) grocer, 2 Livingston avenue, house do. Bly, E. Verne, (May R.), bookkeeper 24 Main, house 115 Crossman. Bly, Martin V. (Martha), farmer, house, Fluvanna avenue. Blystone, Bertha, clerk, 203 Main, residence 503 East Fifth. Blystone, Elliott C. (Euphemia), clerk 6 West Third, house 211 Allen. Blystone, John H. (Margaret), mattress maker, house 528 East Second. Blystone, Mary, student, residence 40 Cross. Blystone, Paul W., student, residence 40 Cross,. Blystone, Walter I. (Sarah E.), mfr. mattresses, cushions, etc., 19-23 Briggs, house 40 Cross. Blyth, Abraham, dyer 335 Harrison, residence 105 Water. Blyth, Flora, winder 35 Water, residence 105 do. Blyth, Robert,finisher116 East First, residence 105 Water. Blythe, Thomas (Jemimah), dyer 35 Water, house 105 do. Boardina, Nora, nurse, residence 625 Prendergast avenue. Boberg, Swan, (Anna C ) , cabinet maker 122 Foote avenue, house 23 Eagle Bockwell, Joseph, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 14 Valley. Bogenshutz, Henry, warper 58 Center, residence 57 Foote avenue. Bogenschutz, John (Rose), sta. engineer, 58 Center, house 57 Foote avenue. Bogren, Minnie, domestic, 305 West Third. Bohall, Fernie Belle, residence 154 Marvin. Bohall, Hulet S., laborer, rooms 215West Third. Bohall, James W., (Beatrice), metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, house 150 Marvin. Bolt, Amelia O , widow Peter, house 847 Prendergast avenue. Bolt, Henry P., student residence 847 Prendergast avenue. Bolton, Henry C. (Annis), retired, house 710 Lafayette. Bolton, S. Nelson, boards 127 Chandler. Bond, Frank, (Jennie A.), night watchman 116 East First, h., 20 Regent. Bond, William E., residence 32 Regent. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . BONNER BOTTOMLEY J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 177 Bonner, Hannah, widow James H., house 609 Spring. Bonnevier, Charles C , polisher 234 Crescent, boards 33 Anderson. Bonnevier, Olof, (Minnie J.), polisher 234 Crescent, house 22 Chapin. Bonnevier, Hilma, domestic, residence, 22 Chapin. Bonsteel, Fred E., Mrs., residence 833 Prendergast avenue. Book, Charles K. (Ida L.), oil producer, house 400 West Fifth. Booman, John A. (Eva L.), meat market, 1 Winsor, house over 347 Allen. Booman, Martin, (Minnie), butcher, house 127 Bowen. Booman, Robert, harness cleaner 335 Harrison, residence 127 Bowen. Boone, Martilla, tailoress over 11 Main, house 26 Stearns avenue. Bootey, E. B. & Co.—E. B. Bootey and John Bootey estate, harness and trunks—13 Forest avenue. Bootey, Edward B. (Flora A.)—E. B. Bootey & Co.—11-13 Forest avenue, house 105 Barrett avenue. Bootey, Edward R., law student, residence 14 Maple. Bootey, E m m a Y., widow Edward R., house 14 Maple. Bootey, Laura L., widow John, house 45 Barrett avenue. Bootey, Lizzie A., teacher, residence 45 Barrett avenue. Bootey, Oresta, school teacher, house 35 Barrows. Bootey, Roswell J. (Anna S.). Gen. Supt. Chaut. Steamboat Co., residence 219 Foote avenue. Booth, Carl, harnessmaker, 121 West Ynird, boards 48 Foote avenue. Booth, Charles, harnessmaker, 121 West Third, boards 48 Foote avenue. Booth, William L., works 33 Institute, rooms 405 Wst Third. Borden, Alfred, (Mary), machinist 11 Shearman "lace, house 2 Cook avenue Bordwell, T. Ivan (Mary R.), attorney over 201 Main, res,. 110 E. 6th. Borkman, Charles, packer 46 Taylor, residence 40 Sampson. Borkman, John, (Sophia), stone mason, house 414 Baker. Borkman, Signe, spinner 335 Harrison, residence 40 Sampson. Boss Grocery—Herman J. and Edward C. Templeton, grocers—14 Main. Boston School of Music—Theodore Stevens, Supt., rooms 39-40 Gokey building. Boston Store—Manley E. Johnson, prop, ladies' furnishings, 201 E. 2nd. Botsford, Harriet E., widow Warren T., residence 117 East Fifth. Botsford, Myron H. (Anna), elevator m a n 22-28 South Main, h. Ill E. 6th. Botsford, William R., treas. Chaut. Nat. Bldg. L. & S. Assn., over 101 East Third, residence 111 East Sixth. Bottini, Louis, (Emeiglia L.), fruits and confectionery, 12 Main, house Rowley place. Bottomley, Frederick, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 509 Falconer. Bottomley, Jennie, spinner 335 Harrison, residence 509 Falconer. Bottomley, John, (Sarah J.), warpdresser 335 Harrison, house 509 Falconer Bottomley Margaret, twister Chaut. Worsted Mills, Falconer, residence 509 Falconer. Bottomley, Minnie .residence 509 Falconer. M . J. M U R R A Y , First-class Plumbing, 122 W . Third St. Be s u r e £Mariff£&1Po5? C l o t h i n g at Proudfit's BOTTOMLEY BRADLEY 178 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Bottomley, Thomas, residence 509 Falconer. Bottomley, William, teamster, residence, 509 Falconer. Bottoms, Gearge, groom, rooms 209 Pine. Bottsford, Frederick E., instructor in music, High School, res., 15 W . 8th. Bottsford, William H., (Ruth A.), carriage trimmer, (out of town), house 15 West Eighth. Buoman, Frank X., (Rose E.), actor, house 235 Fulton. Bounds, Samantha M., house over 105 East Second. Bourdo, Nelson, cooper 61 Water, residence 11 Webster. Bourrique, Louis, (Augusta A.), residence 53 Wescott. Bouton, S. Miles attorney at law, room 7 Ellicott bldg, rooms 212 Spring. Bowdish, George, tinner, 12 West Third, boards' 113 do. Bowen, Altana O., widow John J., house 731 East Second. Bowen, Andrew J., sanitary inspector, room 10 City hall, h., 325 Crossman. Bowen, Ebenezer L., retired, house 325 Palmer. Bowen, Manley A., music teacher, residence 731 East Second. Bowen, William D., aristo worker, house 315 East Sixth. Bowen, William M., journalist, residence 731 East Second. Bowers, Abraham H., (Ida A.), physician and surgeon, over 10 East Second, house 67 Prospect. Bowers, A n n J., Mrs., residence 85 Prospect. Bowers, Henry A., student, residence 67 Prospect. Bowman, Hilda E., domestic 351 East Fifth. Bowman, Lester D., (Lillian Cook), physician and surgeon, 4 Chandler, house do. Boyce, Effa J., widow Richard, teacher, house over 414 Winsor. Boyd, Charles, (Jane), cigar maker, rooms 20 West Seventh. Boyd, Edward P., (Anna J.), gardener, house 808 Prendergast avenue. Boyd, Harry W., driver Wells-Fargo Exp. Co., residence 630 Spring. Boyd, Johnson, (Sarah),—North Side Grocery Co.,—802 Main, h., 811 do. Boyd, Mary A., widow Thomas, house 11 Barrett avenue. Boyd, Perl J., North Side Grocery Co.,—802 Main, residence 811 do. Boyd, William H., (Kate), machinist 95 J. & G. avenue, house 630 Spring. Boyle, Anna, widow William, residence 612 Monroe. Boyle, Ellen, widow Wellington, seamstress, residence 6 1-2 Center. Boyle, Elma, operative 102 East First, residence 6 1-2 Center. Boyle, Myrtle, Mrs., house 6 1-2 Center. Boyle, William C , (Lena), metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, house 612 Monroe. Bradigan, Henry (Almira), market gardener, house 1409 Falconer. Bradley, Charlotte, widow Samuel, residence 114 Bowen. Bradley, Fred C , deliveryman 627 Prendergast avenue, residence 71 Marvin Bradley, Gamble, (Annie A.), machine hand 129 J. & G. avenue, house 15 Lovell avenue. Bradley, Lottie E., residence 15 Lovell avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. BRADLEY BRATT JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 179 Bradley, Mike, porter, 6 South Main, residence do. Bradley, William H., (Florence), bottler, 104 East Second, h. 71 Marvin. Bradley, William H. Jr.,finisher,residence 71 Marvin. Bradshaw Bros.,—Robert C. (estate of,)and William A. Jr., insurance over 303 Main. Bradshaw, Edwin A. (MaBelle S.), editor, Journal, 14-16 West Second, house, 210 East Fifth. Bradshaw, William A., (Elizabeth), retired, house 35 Lakeview avenue. Bradshaw, William A. Jr. (Mary C.)—Bradshaw Brothers—over 303 Main, house 27 Lake View avenue. Bradshaw, William T., (Lestina), real estate, house 112 West Seventh. Bradt, Clyde M., (Lyda), express messenger 115 Main, house 862 Prendergast avenue. Brad-", Robert, (Alelia A.), blacksmith, house 41 West Ninth. Bragg, Oscar D., (Harriet), laborer, house 6 Short Eagle. Braley, David F., (Rachel W . ) , teacher, house 70 Thirteenth. Braley, Guy A., deliveryman, residence 53 Rathbone. Braley, Jesse W., (Lovina E.), retired, house 53 Rathbone. Branch, Hira K., residence 231 Crescent. Brand, Alfred T., (Celestia), retired, house 6 1-2 Center. Brand, Alice, housekeeper, 836 Prendergast avenue. Brand (see also Brandt and Brant). Brandin, Gustaf, grocery 821 East Second, house do. Brandt & Carlson—John A. Brandt, Carl A. and John W . Carlson—meat market, 702 East Second. Brandt, John A. (Allertine)—Brandt & Carlson—702 East Second, h 787 do. Brandt—see also Brand and Brant. Branney, Caroline, widow Eric, house 217 East Eighth. Brant, Fred, works 105 Winsor, residence 227 Prospect. Brant, Rinnie V., clerk 121 Willard, residence 24 Harrison. Brant, S. Otis (E. Hannah)—Brant & Venman—120 Willard, h. 24 Harrison. Brant & Venman—S. Otis Brant and John Venman—grocers, 120 Willard. Brant, see also Brand and Brandt. Bratt, A. O, leader Bratt's orchestra, rooms 405 West Third. Bratt, Bailey, P., (Mercy A.), retired house 118 Newland avenue. Bratt, Beryl E., residence 118 Newland avenue. Bratt, Beulah E., bookkeeper, 117 Main, residence 118 Newland avenue. Bratt, Carl C., (Adolvene), laborer, house Lake View avenue extension. Bratt, Casper, (Tillie), laborer, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 5 Orchard. Bratt, Charles H., (Verona), manager Knox 5 and 10 cent store, house 310 East Sixth. Bratt, Claude F., wood worker 105 Winsor, residence 512 Hazeltine avenue. Bratt, Elliott B., (Nellie M.),—Jamestown Wall Paper Co.,—117 Main, house 356 Foote avenue. Bratt, Robert S.,finisher105 Winsor, residence 512 Hazeltine avenue. M . J. M U R R A Y uses only the B E S T Plumbing Material UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND GLOVES A SPECIALTY AT PROUDFIT'S BRATT BRIGGS 180 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Bratt, Florence J., Mrs., house 512 Hazeltine avenue. Brattberg, Charles, (Mary J.), laborer, house 338 Steele. Brattberg, Ella S., clerk, residence 448 Winsor. Brattberg, John J. (Augusta M ) , letter carrier P. O., house 448 Winsor. Brawn, C. Rudolph, woolsorter 35 Water, residence 251 Barrows. Brearley, Herbert, (Ellen), cloth examiner 335 Harrison, house 220 Allen. Breckenridge, Robert (Margaret), twister, 335 Harrison, house 292 Harrison. Breed, Alfred, residence 118 Bowen. Breed,'Charles A., (Celestia P.),—Jamestown Lounge Co., 38-46 Winsor, house 5 Fairmount avenue. Breed, Charles H. (Alice), packer, 710East Second, house 114 Bowen. Bread, Franklin E., (Anni?), retired, house U S Bowen Breed, Gertrude M., residence 5 Fairmount avenue. Breed, Henry G. (Emily), musician, house 54 Allen. Breed, Louis C.,—Breed & Armstrong, 33 N e w Fenton Bldg.—residence 5 Fairmount avenue. Breed, Lucia C-, musician, residence 54 Allen. Breed, Winifred William, apprentice, 14-16 W . Second, residence 118 Bowen. Breed & Armstrong,,—Louis C. Breed and George T. Armstrong, insurance, — 3 3 N e w Fenton building. B R E E D G E N E R A & L A R M S T R O N G , I N S U R A N C E , 33 N e w Eenion Bldg., J a m e s t o w n , N. Y. Breed-Johnson Furniture Co.—J. A. Eckman, Pres. —manufacturers desks, bookcases, etc., 129-135 Jones & Gifford avenue. Breeden, Grace, Mrs., house 214 Clinton. Breeden, Grace B. M., student, residence 214 Clinton. Breeden, Waldo Preston, law student, (Philadelphia), residence 214 Clinton. Brett, C. H., (Verona), manager 204 Main, house 310 East Sixth. Brewer, Franc L., Mrs., telephone operator, house 313 Prendergast ave. Bricker, E. Louise, clerk 205 Main, residence, (Flat E.) Kent block. Bricker, Josiah (Mary), contractor .and builder, over 27 Forest ave., h. do. Briggs, Alfred N., student, residence 205 East Fifth. Briggs, Arthur K.,finisher335 Harrison, residence 205 East Fifth. Briggs, Charles E., ( E m m a ) , designer and foreman 335 Harrison, house 214 Lincoln. Briggs, Cornelia S., student, residence 39 Fairmount avenue. Briggs, David (Martha), house 2 Short Eagle. Briggs, David A., (Amelia), teamster, house 23 Rathbone. Briggs, E. Bertram, advertising solicitor 14-16 West Second, residence 521 East Fifth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware- Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E BRIGGS CO. BROADHEAD J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 181 Briggs, Elihu S. (Jennie), farmer, house 1235 Main. Briggs, Estelle D., residence 511 East Second. Briggs, Eva A. F., student, residence 214 Lincoln. Briggs, Florence E., student, residence 325 Chandler. Briggs, Fred, (Sarah A.), master mechanic 335 Harrison, house 521 E. 5th. Briggs, Fred A., designer 335 Harrison, residence 214 Lincoln. Briggs, Harry L.—cashier Union Trust Co.—211 Main, residence 521 East 5th. Briggs, John W., (Katherine A.), weaving overlooker 335 Harrison, house 153 East Ninth. Briggs, John Sherwood, (Frances B.), house 39 Fairmount avenue. Briggs, Linnie L., weaver, 335 Harrison, house 325 Chandler. Briggs, Martha A., residence 205 East Fifth. Briggs, M. May, teacher, residence 351 East Fourth. Briggs, Murney, student, residence 209 West Third. Briggs, Riley, (Matilda), foreman warpdressing dept., 335 Harrison, house 104 Barrows. Briggs, Samuel (Jane), gen'l mgr.—Hall & Co.—335 Harrison, h. 205 E. 5th. Briggs, William O, (Minnie C.),—Hatch & Briggs, 10 E. Third,— house 311 East Sixth. Bright, George S., (Belle G.), insurance, life and accident, 300 N e w Fenton building, house 23 Thirteenth. (See advt. on front page). Brightman, Guy, barber, 23 West Third, rooms 113 Hamilton. Brindler, George, (Martha), laborer, house over 103 South Main. Bristol, Horatio N., laborer, residence 9 Cleveland place. Bristol, Leon L., shoemaker 318 Cherry, residence 9 Cleveland place. Bristol, Louis E., laborer, residence 9 Cleveland place. Bristol, Mary S., widow Solomon, house 140 Foote avenue. Britton, Kittie F., dressmaker, residence 23 Peach. Britton, Nella T., art needlework, studio 12 Whitley place, residence do. Britton, Simon (Mary), locomotive engineer, house 12 Whitley place. Broadhead, Almet N., (Margaret B.), Pres. J. E. S. Ry.—William Broadhead & Sons—and prop. Lake View Rose Gardens, house 508 Main. Broadhead Block, 2-16 Main. Broadhead, Ernest J., shipping clerk 116 East 1st, res. 102 Broadhead Ave. Broadhead, Frank S., clerk 116 E. First, residence 102 Broadhead avenue. Broadhead, Franklin G., (Bertha T.), woolsorter, 116 East First, house 13 East Ninth. Broadhead, Fred H., (Maud), clerk 206 Main, house 40 Mechanic. Broadhead, Gladys, Y., residence 101 East Fourth. Broadhead, Irving, designer, 116 East First, residence 102 Broadhead ave. Broadhead, James A., (Mary H.), twister 102 East First, res., 237 Forest. Broadhead, John L. (Lorena W . ) , accountant 116 East 1st, house 128 Allen. Broadhead, Jonas, blacksmith, 116 East First, house 102 Broadhead avenue. Broadhead, Mertie E., housekeeper, 102 Broadhead avenue. Broadhead, Mertie M., residence 30 Warren. MJ.MURRAY c\ZIa%^tl.aJeeT Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Headquarters ^ r « n ^ s a ? ^ 3 3 ^ P r o u c l f i t ' s . BROADHEAD 182 BROOKS J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Broadhead, S. Flora, residence 30 Warren. Broadhead, Shelden B—William Broadhead & Sons—116 E. 1st., h. 101 E. 4th Broadhead, William (Lucy)—William Broadhead & Sons—116 E. 1st house 30 Warren. Broadhead, William A., clerk 116 East 1st, residence 102 Broadhead avenue. Broadhead, William & Sons—William, Shelden B. and Almet N.—props,. Broadhead Worsted Mills, 116 East First. Broadhead Worsted Mills, William Broadhead & Sons, props., mfrs. worsted dress goods and suitings, 116 East First. Broadhead, Wright D„ bookkeeper 222 Main, residence 102 Broadhead Ave. Broander, Julia M. L., domestic 353 East Fourth, residence 1 Short Eagle. Broberg, Andrew, (Augusta), teamster, house 304 Foote avenue. Brockman, Mary, widow Andrew, house 220 East First. Brockway, Arthur C , telegraph operator, house (Flat G.), Kent block. Brockway, Edmund, (Amelia), printer, residence, (Flat G.), Kent block. Brockway. Henry I., (Josie), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house, (Flat G), Kent block. Brockway, John W., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 34 Hazzard. Brockway, L. M., works 318 Cherry, residence 34 Hazzard. Brockway, Marcus (Ada M.), restaurant 23 Main, house 47 Hazzard. Brockway, Wallis D.. (Mary L.), shoemaker 318 Cherry, house 34 Hazzard. Broden, Axel, (Hattie),—Broden Table Works, 714 East Second—house 145 Barrows. Broden, Gust, (Gracora), house 8 Morse avenue. Broden, Herman,—Broden Table Works, 714 East Second, residence 8 Morse avenue. Broden Table Works—Axel and Herman Broden, tables—714-716 E. 2nd. Brodine, Charles, (Augusta), house 529 Allen. Brodine, Gustave N. (Anna M.),upholsterer 40 Winsor, house 26 Barrows. Brogden, Rufus, (Martha E.), works 235 Harrison, house 110 Tower. Brogren, Morris, (Matilda), tailor, house 248 Forest avenue. Brogren, Morris, (Hilda), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 106 Hedges ave. Bronk, Morton A., (Louie), laborer, house 324 Steele. Brook, Pearl M., student, residence 220 Crossman. Brookins, B. George (Minnie), driver Ellicott Hook & Ladder Co., 212 Spring house 201 East Second. Brooklyn Bottling Works—James M. Cowan and Herbert F. Cowing, props., 7-9 Harrison. Brooklyn Fish and Meat Market—Herman Lundquist and Fred Burgeson, props., 2 Main. Brooklyn Heights M. E. church, corner Sprague and Palmer. Brooklyn House—Albert P. Prout, prop., 5-7-9 Harrison. Brooklyn Park Greenhouses, Carl E. Nelson, prop., 810 Forest avenue. Brookimeyer, Betsy J., widow Ezekiel, residence 146 Stewart avenue. Brooks, D. Shearman, student, residence 120 Lake View avenue. Clark Hardware Co., agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. BROOKS T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. BROWN JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 183 Brooks, Edwin A. (Lotta S.)—Brooks News Co.—8 East Third, house Lake View avenue. Brooks, James,floristLake View Rose Gardens, res..Ashville ave.(Celoron) Brooks, John M. (Bessie Cook), physician, office 312 Prendergast ave., h. do. Brooks, Mary, operative, Meadoiw Brook Mills, Falconer, residence 17 Seymour avenue. Brooks, Milton E. (Elvira), carpenter, house 17 Seymour avenue. Brooks News Co.—Edwin A. Brooks—books, stationery, etc., 8 East Third. Brooks Ticket Agency—Austin A. Jones, mgr.—cut rate ticket brokers, 8 East Third. Brown, Aaron A. (Elnora), carpenter, house 227 King. Brown, Albert, twister 109 East First, residence 426 Baker. Brown, Ambrosia, Mrs., house 792 East Second. Brown, Ann, widow James, house 61 Harrison. Brown, Anna, olerk 16 West Third, residence 57 Prospect avenue. Brown, Bessie C , bookkeeper 56 Prospect, residence 607 Washington. Brown, B. Winifred, bookkeeper 12 West Second, residence 39 Foote ave. Brown, Burton S., laborer, residence over 13 East Second. Brown, Caroline C, widow Safford Z., house 39 Foote avenue. Brown, Charles H., bookkeeper A m . Aristo. Co.—56 Prospect, residence 29 Harrison. Brown, Charles M., (Adele D.), manager Brown Ptg. Co., 7-9 West Third, house 226 Crossman. 3rown, Charles N., (Alice Ross), house 305 West Third. Brown, Clara, spinner, 109 East First, residence 426 Baker. 3rown, Donald S., bookkeeper, over 101 East Second, residence 116 E. 4th. Brown, Edward O, (Fannie G.), western mining, house 20 West Sixth. Brown, Edmond, woolsorter, residence, 426 Baker. Brown, E. Ross, student, residence 305 West Third. Brown, Ella E., residence 37 Reinold avenue. Brown, Ellis, laborer, residence basement 18 Stowe. Brown, Ernest (Elizabeth), coachman,house 110 Washington. Brown, Eva, student, residence 426 Baker. Brown, Frank C , (Minnie), plumber 56 Prospect, house 221 Warren. Brown, Frank, harness maker 224 East Second, residence over do. Brown, Fred, (Delia),finisher318 Cherry, house 87 Hazzard. Brown, George W., peddler, house 37 Reinold avenue. Brown, George W.. works 38 Winsor, residence 607 Washington. Brown, Glenn K., (Anna Dempsey), com. traveler, h. 3dfloor411 West Third. Brown, Grace H., stenographer W . T. Falconer Mfg. Co., boards 9 Webster. Brown, Harold LeF., (Alice R.),—Phillips & Brown, 8 East Second,—residence 401 East Fourth. Brown.Helen S. widow Henry E. house 29 Harrison. Brown Henri LeF. (N. Alcesta) postal clerk, residence 401 East 4th. Brown, Herbert M., (Lydia), works 95 J. & G. avenue, bds 217 W . 2nd. M.J. M U R R A Y , First-class Plumbing, 122 W . Third St. Your Money's W o r t h mo0nrey7ack at Proudfit's. BROWN 184 BUCKLEY JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Brown, James, (Sophia), produce dealer, house 906 Forest avenue. Brown, John A., (Lona D.), commission dealer, house 315 Ashville avenue. Brown, John T., (Samantha C ) , cierk, house 607 Washington. Brown, J. Peter, ( E m m a L.), laborer, house 251 Barrows. Brown, Lewis, porter 21 West Third, residence do. Brown. Louis B. (Mame E.) shipping clerk, 40 Winsor, h 12 Rubinkam Ave. Brown, Lydia E., widow Eliphalet, house 15 Hazzard. Brown, Mary E., widow James, house 57 Prospect avenue. Brown, Mary A., widow William H., residence 221 Warren. Brown, Myrtie, house 218 Forest avenue. Brown, Nettie, Mrs., clerk 204 Main, house 112 Lincoln. Brown, Philo H., (Kate), engineer, Erie Ry., house 305 1-2 Warren.. Brown Printing Co., The,—Charles M. Brown, manager—over 7-9 W . Third. Brown, Samuel A. (Carrie E.) mailing clerk, P. O., house 57 Rathbone. Brown, Sarah, widow William, residence 338 Allen. Brown, Stella, pastry cook, 113 West Third, residence do. Brown, Thomas G., student, residence, 305 West Third. Brown, Will (Efne), engineer, house 15 Hazzard. Brownell, Ella, student, residence 312 Pine. Brownell, George G., (Ella M.), conductor-J. S. Ry., house 903 Main. Brownell, Jerome, (Patience A.), electrician, house 12 Elm. Brownell, Orren C. (Rebecca), carpenter, 312 Pine. Brownell, Willard J., engineer, residence 12 Elm. Brugge, Fritz (Hannah S.), wool sorter, 116 East First, house 221 Crossman. Brugge Isabella E., student, residence 221 Crossman. Brugge, Martin, (Lena), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house Sturges. Brundell, Walter, (Elizabeth A.), laborer, 109 East First, house 43 College. Bruner, Charles O., clerk, 3 South Main, residence 37 College. Bryan, Katherine, residence 311 Foote avenue. Bryan, Robert, oil operator, house 311 Foote avenue. Bubb, William, (Harriet A.), laborer, house 458 West Second. Buchanan, John P., retired, residence 352 East Fourth. Buchanan, Margery, residence 352 Eist Fourth. Buck, A m o n W., (Mary E.),^Buck & Smith, 718 East Second, h., 9 South Thayer. Buck, Carl, (Maude), canvasser, housa 212 Pine. Buck, George C. (Lorillia R.), laborer house 35 Outlet. Buck, John E., cooper 61 Water, residence 307 East Fifth. Buck, Nathan J., (Myrta), carpenter foreman, 56 Prospect, h. 154 Marvin. Buck, Ralph L., (Mollie F.), machinist, residence 9 South Thayer. Buck & Smith,—Amon W . Buck and Orlando D. Smith, contract carpenters,—718 East Second. Buckley, Charles, (Anna), laborer, Pennsylvania Gas Co., house 32 1-2 Kent Buckley, James, (Lizzie), upholsterer, 38 Winsor, h. 16 Livingstone ave. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Silver Plated W a r e , Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . BUCKLEY BURGQUIST J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 185 Buckley, Margaret, plain sewing, residence 508 Winsor. Bucklin, Delos K., student, residence 637 Palmer. Bucklin, E. W . Sr., retired, residence 316 Lincoln. Bucklin, Elhanan W., Jr., (Ida G.), attorney at law, over 103 East Third, house 316 Lincoln. Bucklin, Frank, farm laborer, residence Hunt road. Bucklin, Ida G., Mrs., teacher, house 316 Lincoln. Bucklin, William R.. (Anna), paper cutter 56 Prospect, house 637 Palmer. Buehler, Rudolph, piano maker, 112 East Second, boards 122 do. Buell, E m m a , Mrs., domestic 412 East Fifth, residence 37 Peach. Buestrom, Anna D., Mrs., house 49 Grant. Buestrom, Mendal J., works 56 Prospect, residence 49 Grant. Buffalo Indicator Co.,, Francis Laws,Mgr.. (Straight Mfg. Co., Falconer). Buffalo Millinery Co., Mrs. V. Derby, Mgr., 2 1-2 Main. Buffington, Charles B. (Adeline), laborer, house 24 Cowing. Bugbee, Albert A. (Mary E.), carpenter, house 45 Blanchard. Bull, Ellen, residence 67 Center. Bull, Lucy, widow Abraham, residence 663 Lake View avenue. Bull, Mary Ann, residence 67 Center. Bullock, Alice M., Mrs., house 217 West Second. Bullock, Frank W., (Cassie), Supt J. E. L. & P. Co., 9 Race, house 50 Broadhead. Bunting, Oliver W., (Bertha), works 41 Shearman place, house 18 Valley. Bunting S. D., works 205 West Third, house room 26 Allen Square bldg. Burch, George H., laborer, residence 311 Lincoln. Burch, John A., (Augusta), mechanic 3 Ashville avenue, house 134 E. 9th. Burchard, Fred W., (Josephine),finisher38 Winsor, house 166 Marvin. Burchard, Seneca B. (Jennie C.)—Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—17 Sherman pi. house 309 Lake View avenue. Burdo, Myrtle, drawer, 335 Harrison, boards 6 Short Eagle. Burg, John, (Annie), blacksmith, 110 West Fourth, h., 408 1-2 Washington. Burg, see also Berg. Burdick, Elmer E., (Dora M.), nickel buffer, Straight Mfg., Co., house 129 Buffalo. Burgerson, Berger A., (Hilda C.), turner 46 Taylor, house 113 Hedges Ave. Burgeson, Fritz, (Clara) .Lundquist & Burgeson, 2 Main, house 17 Victoria avenue. Burgeson, Gust W., (Vendla M.), fireman Zrie Ry., house 26 Derby. Burgett, Ada Belle, dressmaker, residence 141 Chandler. Burgett, Carrie, dressmaker, residence 131 South Main. Burgett, Charles A. (Kate I.), barber 55 Winsor, house do. Burgett, Clara E., student, boards 55 Winsor. Burgett, Peter, (Mary E.), retired, house 141 Chandler. Burgland, see also Bergland and Burkland. Burgquist, Edward, (Eva), machine hand, Falconer, house 14 Cedar ave. If you contemplate N e w Plumbing, consult M . J. M U R R A Y Men's All W o o l Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , Proudfit's BURGQUIST 186 BURTCH J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Burgquist, see also Bergquist. Burgren, Mary, residence 163 Barrows. Burgstrom, see also Bergstrom. Burk, Clarence E., (Maud M.), publisher, residence 205 Lafayette. Burke, Kate, domestic 745 Foote avenue, residence 119 3-4 Warren. Burke, Amanda, residence 67 Benson. Burke, Catherine, spinner 102 East First, residence 119 3-4 Warren. Burke, Charles, (Lena), night watchman, 335 Harrison, house 67 Benson. Burke, Michael (Elizabeth), oil driller, house 866 Spring. Burke, William, laborer, residence 119 3-4 Warren. Burkland, John, (Gusta), clerk 205 Main, house 21 Myrtle avenue. Burland, August, (Matilda), mason contractor, 12 W . 2nd, h. 211 Price. Burland Charles, (Lizzie), band sawyer, 415 Chandler, house 157 Barrows. Burland, Claus, carpenter, house 225 Barrows. Burley, Albert A., (Clara), conductor Erie Ry., house 423 Newland avenue. Burley Andrew (Phoebe), laborer, house 107 Park. Burlin, Amanda L., spinner 335 Harrison, residence 41 Wescott. Burlin, Anna F., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 41 Wescott. Burlin, Anson A., retired, boards 15 South Main. Burlin, Lars O., (Fredricka), cabinet maker, 3 Ashville ave., h., 41 Wescott Burlin, Louisa I., house 323 East Secoud. Burlin, Mary, widow Claus, house 88 Prospect. Burlin, Oscar, trimmer, 105 Winsor, residence 41 Wescott. Burnell, Clarence, (Evaleen), farmer, house 611 Washington. Burnell, Cornelius K. (Amanda), carpenter house 200 Prospect. Burnham, Royal C , (Mabel), druggist, 800 Main, house 848 Main. Burns, Alice, widow John, weaver, 116 E. 1st, rooms over 12 E. Second. Burns, Edward C. (Mary), civil engineer, house 417 Spring. Burns, Frank J. (Rosetta), teamster, house 783 East Second. Burns, Harry, painter and paperhanger, house, rooms 40-41 Allen Square. Burns, Isabella Sutherland, residence 417 Spring. Burns, John J. (Electa M.),finisher,63 Taylor, house 33 Harrison. Burns, Minnie B., residence 33 Harrison. Burr, Bertha J., bookkeeper, Eng. & Power Co., residence over 105 E. 2nd. Burr, Carrie A., widow Frank H., house over 105 East Second. Burr, Charles, (Addie), polisher, house 826 Main. Burr, Edna E., bookkeeper, over 303 Main, residence over 105 E. Second. Burr, Harriet B., milliner, 46 Water, residence 20 West Fourth. Burr, Minnie H., widow Edward, house 20 West Fourth. Burrell, Arthur, presser, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 25 Derby. Burrell, Arthur, (Lizzie), works 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 224 Broadhead ave. Burroughs, Jane, widow Julius L., residence 1017 East Second. Burt, Simon P., (Marion H.),bartender, 5 Harrison, h. 210 Falconer. Burtch Block, 200 Main. Burtch, Sophia J., widow Chauncey C , residence 409 Prendergast. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . BURTCH BUTLER J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 187 Burtch, Yale W . (Alice H.)—Y. W . Bui-tch & Co.—20 Winsor, house 518 Pine. Burtch, Y. W . & Co.—Y. W . Burtch and Lewis Hall—mfrs. chairs, 20 Winsor. Burtis, E m m a E., nurse, residence 602 Lafayette. Burtis, William E., retired, rooms 193 East Sixth. Burton, Louisa, Mrs., residence 33 Hazzard. Buser, Frank, (Myrtie), house 27 Marvin. Bush, A. L., bellman, 21 West Third, residence do. Bush, Albert, (Catherine), sausage maker, house 332 Steele. Bush, Alfred, Eng. Jamestown towel mills, Hunt road, res. 1S3 Fairview ave. Bush, Anna, Mrs., dressmaker, residence 614 East Second. Bush Block, 15-21 East Second. Bush, Calvin, (Rhoda M.), carpenter,house 372 Foote avenue. Bush, Casius A., artist, rms. over 108 East Third. Bush, Charles L., residence 434 Baker. Bush, DeliaH. Mrs., residence 512 Prendergast avenue. Bush, Dora A., domestic, residence 133 Fairview evenue. Bush, Eliza, widow Aaron, house 133 Fairview avenue. Bush, Ellis, carder, residence 434 Baker. Bush, Ethel M., Aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 614 East Second. Bush, Frank B. (Amy A.), retired, 412 Winsor. Bush, Frederick G. (Katherine B.),—Bush & Freeman—36 Main, house, section 10, Frederick block, 110 East Second. Bush, Frederick L. (Nora), agent Fleischman Yeast, residence 241 Fulton. Bush, Henr H., carpenter, residence 133 Fairview evenue. Bush James B., (Anna), roofer, 109 E. Third, house 417 East Fifth. Bush, James E., (Anna M.,) driver, 13 East Third, h. 614 east Second. Bush, Jennie, domestic, residence 133 Fairview avenue. Bush, Jessie E., widow William A., house 308 West Second. Bush, John,(Bertha), switchman, Erie R'y., house 77 Steele. Bush, Lambert L., (Emma), laborer, house 434 Baker. Bush, Lyman M., atty. at law, 25-26 Wellman bldg, res. 133 Lake Veiw ave. Bush, Mary, widow Charles, residence 31 1-2 Hazzard. Bush, Mary A., residence 117 Warren. Bush, Theodore, butcher, residence 133 Fairview avenue. Bush & Freeman—Frederick G. Bush and Charles E. Freeman—paints, oils, and glass, 36 Main. Bushee, Clara L., bookkeeper and stenog., 41 Shearman place residence 707 Washington. Bushee, Loyal S., (Helen G.), deliveryman 134 Fairmount avenue, house 707 Washington. Bushey, Charles H. (Catherine ), driver, house 408 East Eighth. Bushey, William F., (Emma), traveling salesman, 318 Cherry, house 384 Foote avenue. Butcher, Nora, aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 207 Palmer. Butler, Alice, weaver 35 Water, rooms 559 East Second. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, Z ? 7 n n i £ ™ % M , J. M U R R A Y LoryeVfoYur F i n e C u s t o m C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T ' S BUTLER 188 BUTTS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Butler, Bertha, artist and reporter, residence over 111 East Second. Butler, Clifford G., apprentice 38 Winsor, residence 223 East First. Butler, Dasdamona, widow Frederick M., residence 100 Cook avenue. Butler, Eva M.,florist,residence 22 Barrett. Butler, Florence H., Mrs., pastry cook house 223 East First. Butler, Frank A., (Christie), tinner 56 Prospect, house 127 Baker. Butler, Frank H..farmer, residence Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Butler, George J., (Kate H.), shipping clerk, house 12 Barrett avenue. Butler, Henry, (Elizabeth), shoemaker 68 Foote avenue, house do. Butler, Henry M. (Eleanor), farmer, nouse, Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Butler, Hettie, widow Samuel, house 344 East Fourth. Butler, Hiram E. (Mary J.), insurance agent, house 104 Fairmount avenue. Butler, James, bookkeeper, residence 344 East Fourth. Butler, Jay A., traveling salesman 129 J. G. avenue, res. 100 Cook ave. Butler, Louise E., asst. secy., Y. W . C. A., residence 104 Fairmount avenue. Butler, Lucius E., clerk, Erie freight depot, residence 344 East Fourth. Butler, Lydia A., Mrs., shirt maker. 212 Main, h. 37 Gokey blk, West Third. Butler, Mary, waitress 21 West Thiru, residence do. Butler, Mary A, widow C. Nelson, house 402 Lake View avenue. Butler, Olive B., stenographer, City Hall, residence over 111 East Second. Butler, Oliver B. (Alice M.), house over 111 East Second. Butler, Samuel Clifford, student, residence 344 East Fourth. Butler, Sophia D., residence 402 Lake View avenue. Butler, Walter O.. (Bertha), Dry Plate Works, Falconer, house 12 McDannell avenue. Butman, Luther M. (Hattie M.), sec. &treas., Empire Worsted mills, 35 Water ,house 529 East Fifth. Butterfield, James W., (Isabella), J. W . Butterfield .fe Bro., over 102 Main, house 122 Fairmount avenue. Butterfield, Wrothwell, (Jennie),—J. W . Butterfield & Bro., over 102 Main —house 25 Kent. Butterfield & Bro.,—James W . and Wrothwell Butterfield—Insurance, over 102 Main. B U T T E R F I E L D BROS., Fire, Life and Accident Insurance. TELEPHONE 222B. 204 MAIN STREET. Button, Jane B., widow Jesse W., house Ashville avenue (Celoron). Butts, Anderw J (M. Delia)—Board of Public Works-—h. 119 Fairmount ave Butts, George R „ (Helen E.), paying and receiving teller, 211 Main, residence 214 Crossman. Butts, Merrill, Mrs., dressmaker 901 Prendergast avenue, house do. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. BUTTS CAMERON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 189 Butts, Merrill, (Rose A.), retired, house 901 Prendergast avenue. Butts, Perl A., (Anna S.), clerk 208 Main, house 611 East Eighth. Byford, Frederick, grocer 774 East Second, boards over do. Byles, Emeline, residence 57 Prospect, avenue. Cadwell, Cabinet Co.,—John and Eugene B. Cadwell—manufacturers telephone booths, etc., 123 Foote avenue. Cadwell, Eugene B., (Jennette H.),—Cadwell Cabinet Co.—123 Foote avenue, house over 213 West Third. Cadwell, Frank W., (Jennie M.),—Special Furniture Co., 123 Foote avenue, house over 213 West Third. Cadwell, John, (Carrie),—Cadwell Cabinet Co.—123 Foote avenue, house214 Lake View avenue. Cady, Allen A., (Etta), blacksmith, rear 11 Steele, house 134 Institute. Cady, Bertha N., student, residence 1370 East Second. Cady, Cecil F., delivery boy, 114 West Third, residence 134 Institute. Cady, Elizabeth M., teacher, residence 204 West Fifth. Cady, Lydia, widow John, house over 309 Main. Cady, Sylvester S„ residence 204 West Fifth. Cady, Willis C., (Helen), farmer, house 1370 East Second. Caesar, Carl, (Anna), shoemaker, residence 24 Crown. Cairo Oil Co.—George H. Ahrens and Henry W . Odell—oil producers, over 101 East Second. Calahane, Catharine, widow John, house 46 Center. Calahane, Elizabeth D., seamstress, residence 46 Center. Calahane, Ellen M , clerk, 203 Main, residence 46 Cencer. Calahane, George, house, room 11, over 4 Main. Calahane, Margaret T., registry clerk, P. O., residence 46 Center. Cala1 ane, Mary, residence 46 Center. Calahane, Nora, residence 46 Center. Calahane, Susanna M., teacher, residence 46 Center. Calahane, William, painter, house, room 11 over 2 1-2 Main. Calahane, see also Callahan. Calkins, Alfred R., (Marie), works 56 Prospect, house 227 Hallock. calkins, F. H., (Sadie), marker, 105 Winsor, house 24 Cowing. Callahan, James P. (Elizabeth), plumber, house 10 Crane. Callahan, William M., (Anna), moulder, 109 West Fourth, h., 207 W . 8th. Callander, Hildegard, domestic, 601 Main, residence do. Calstrom, Mary, Mrs., house over 3 Sturges. Cameron, M. F. J., Mrs., residence 339 East Third. Cameron, Winfield S., (Imogene P.), attorney at law, 37 N e w Fenton building, house 17 Fairmount avenue. Some of the most extensive ^ ^ r J ' t V ^ T M . J. M U R R A Y K n o x H a t s , H a w e s H a t s only at P R O U D F I T ' S CAMP CARLSON 190 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Camp, Albert N. (Alice B.), photographer, over 207 Main, house 313 West 5th. Camp, William R., laborer, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 308 West Second. Campbell, Cassius, scratchtaker, resilience over 210 East Second. Campbell, Clara A., stenographer, 46 N e w Fenton building, res., 519 W . 3d. Campbell, Claude E., miller, 8 Steele, residence 43 West Tenth. Campbell, Helen M., works 12-16 West Third, residence 519 do. Campbell, James M., (Minnie F.), sidewalk builder, house 519 West Third. Campbell, Kate E., Mrs., house 210 East Second. Campbell, William W., (Jennie E.),— Campbell & Curtis—6-8 Steele, house 43 West Tenth. Campbell & Curtis-—William W . Campbell and Charles F. Curtisflour and feed mills, 6-8 Steele and 111 Marvin. Canty, Daniel, upholsterer, residence 710 Jefferson. Canty, Daniel E., upholsterer, rooms 504 West Fifth. Canty, Ellen, widow Timothy, house 710 Jefferson. Canty, Helen J., Mrs. house 716 Monroe. Canty, John, upholsterer, residence 710 Jefferson. Canty, John J., upholsterer, residence, 716 Monroe. Canty, Michael, laborer, residence 710 Jefferson. Canty, Patrick,finisher,residence 710 Jefferson. Canty, Timothy, upholsterer, residence, 710 Jefferson. card, George Scott, (Lillie), teamster, house 216 Hallock. Cardullos, Harriet E., clerk, 16 West Third, board 7 West First. Carey, Alice M., domestic, 114 Lake View avenue. Carey, Emily F., widow Peter V., residence 17 Mechanic. Carey, Mabel E., telephone operator, 113 East Third, res., 17 Mechanic. carlberg, Aaron, (Hilda),finisher,3 Ashville avenue, house 6 Grandin. Carlen, Ernest, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 110 Mechanic. Carlquist, Hilda, housekeeper, 131 Allen. Carlson, A. Fred, tailor 206 Main, boards 117 Chandler. Carlson Agnes A., residence 265 Prospect. Carlson, Albert, (Ida S.), brick mason, house over 545 Allen. Carlson, Albin R., plater, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 265 Prospect. Carlson, Aleda C , domestic, 57 Grant, residence 6 Charles. Carlson, Aleda, cook., residence 37 Warren. Carlson, A. Leon, (Anna), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, h., 440 Winsor. Carlson, Alexander S., student, residence 8 Fairfield avenue. Carlson, Alfred, (Anna), carpenter„house 103 Camp. Carlson, Alfred (Ida), brick layer, house 311 Allen. Carlson, Alfred, (Carrie), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 34 Myrtle. Carlson, Alfred, laborer, boards 37 Chandler. Carlson, Alfred, fireman, 516 West Fourth, boards 1 Short Eagle. Carlson, Amanda, dressmaker, residence 42 Sampson. Carlson, A. Louise, domestic, 409 Prendergast avenue. Carlson, Amel, (Matilda), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, h., 409 Palmer. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. CARLSON CARLSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 191 Carlson, Andrew, (Caroline), carpenter, 107 Main, h., room 83 Allen Square. Carlson, Andrew, section hand Erie R. R., boards 48 Foote avenue. Carlson, Andrew, ( E m m a J.), laborer, 35 Water, house 49 Water. Carlson, Andrew, weaver 35 Water, residence 11 Arnold. Carlson, Andrew, weaver 35 Water, residence 148 Warren. Carlson, Andrew, helper 21 West Third, residence do. Carlson, Andrew G„ (Annie), stone mason, house 29 Charles. Carlson, Andrew G., (Louise), wood worker, house 872 East Second. Carlson, Andrew G. (Matilda) packer,415 Chandler, house 12 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Andrew W., (Hannah), grocer, cor. Sprague and Baker, house 121 Williams. Carlson, Anna, cook, residence 47 Warren. Carlson, Anna, widow Carl, residence 229 Prospect. Carlson, Anna G., domestic, 404 Lafayette, residence 241 Crescent. Carlson, Anna G., domestic, 44 Fairmount avenue. Carlson, Anna M., domestic, 208 Lake View avenue, residence 320 Bowen. Carlson, Anna W., residence 1 Short Eagle. Carlson, Annie, drawer, 35 Water, residence 115 Camp. Carlson, Annetta, clerk 205 Main, residence 209 Forest. Carlson, Arthur J., student, residence 450 Willard. Carlson, August, (Matilda), finisher 102 East First, house 219 Hazzard. Carlson, August, (Augusta), wood worker, 38 Winsor, house 26 Forest. Carlson, August, laborer, 105 Winsor, boards 566 Allen. Carlson, August A.,finisher,20 Winsor, house 131 Allen. Carlson, August W., carpenter, 2 Charles. Carlson, Augusta, residence 35 Myrtle. Carlson, Augusta, weaver 102 East First, residence 245 Crescent. Carlson, Augusta S., spinner 35 Water,, residence 458 Allen. Carlson, Axel, teamster, residence 239 Hazzard. Carlson, Axel, (Mena), operative, 335 Harrison, house 111 Camp. Carlson, Axel, F., (Anna E.), laborer, J. S. Ry., house 609 English. Carlson, Bernard G., ^acker, 415 Chandler, residence 12 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow—Charles J. Carlson, Otto L. Bloomquist and Wallace L. Snow—mfrs. ext. tables,: dressers, etc., Falconer Jc. Carlson, C. Alfred, (Carrie), shearer 102 East First, house 51 Prospect ave. Carlson, Carl, moulder, residence 42 Sampson. Carlson, Carl, boards 8 1-2 Cheney. Carlson, Carl A., (Auette), laborer, house 110 Vega. Carlson, Carl A., (Ida M.), carpenter, house 24 Peach. Carlson, Carl A., (Caroline).^Brandt & Carlson—702 E. Second, house 442 Willard. Carlson, Carl Albert, laborer, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 135 Chandler. Carlson, Carl H., laborer, 236 Crescent, residence 85 Tower. Carlson, Carl X, (Augusta M.), tailor, 206 Main, house 113 Chandler. Carlson, Carl J., (Christine C.), carpenter, house 28 Kinney. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets p^yin M. J. MURRAY H i g h Ruality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G . P Low rices. CARLSON CARLSON 192 J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Carlson, Carl J., (Charlotte), works 102 East First, house 128 Park. Carlson, Carl John, oiler 335 Harrison, residence 458 Allen. Carlson, Carl P., (Mary), carpenter, house 132 Sampson. Carlson, Carl W . (Hannah) tailor, 206 Main, house 112 William. Carlson, Carl W., (Sagrid), painter, house 1 Bowen. Carlson, Caroline, spinner 102 East First, residence 207 Myrtle. Carlson, C. Godfrey, (Augusta), frame maker 38 Winsor, house 67 Wescott. Carlson, Charles, (Hattie), motorneer, J. s. Ry., house 308 Newland avenue. Carlson, Charles, residence 148 Orchard. Carlson, Charles, (Minnie),—Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow—Falconer, house 35 Cross. Carlson, Charles, driver Johnson Ice Co., house 509 Clinton. Carlson, Charles, retired, residence 29 Charles. Carlson, Charles, residence 11 Arnold. Carlson, Charles, (Christine), varnisher 3 Ashville avenue, h., 215 Hazzard. -arlson, Charles, (Sophia), carpenter, house 220 Bowen. Carlson, Charles, (Sophia), machine hand 122 Foote avenue, house 48 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Charles (Anna) laborer, house 111 Falconer. Carlson Charles (Sophia) shoemaker,3i8 Cherry, house 214 Bowen. Carlson, Charles A., upholsterer 20 Winsor, residence 44 Kinney. Carlson, Charles F. (Helen) wall paper and paints, 53 Winsor, house 488% Willard. Carlson, Charles F., (Charlotte C ) , poormaster, City hall, h., 110 Mechanic. Carlson, Charles H., (Emily), boiler maker, 602 West Seventh, house 6 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Charles J., (Mary), laborer, house 90 Sprague. Carlson, Charles J., (Christine) carpenter, house 6 Charles. Carlson, Charles J., (Anna), wood worker Jast. Lumber & Mantel Co.,Falconer, house 117 Camp. Carlson, Charles L. (Anna M.) saloonkeeper, 15 Steele, house 113 Forest. Carlson, Charles L., (Anna), stationary engineer, 132 Steele, house 121 Chapman. Carlson, Charles L., (Alvira), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 32 Fairfield avenue. Carlson, Charles M., tin presser, 95 J. & G. avenue, res., 40 Kinney. Carlson, Charles O., conductor J. S. R ., residence 1 Short Eagle. Carlson, Charles P. (Emma O ) , grocer 448 Willard, house 450 do. Carlson, Charlotte, Mrs., residence 148 Warren. Carlson, Christena.widow Carl, residence 313 Newland avenue. Carlson, Christine, widow John, house, 15 Barrows. Carlson, Christine, widow Charles, residence 10 Stearns avenue. Carlson, Clara S., widow Gust, house 458 Allen. Carlson, Clarence J. (Mary T.) bartender, 15 Steele, house 109 Forest. Carlson, Conrad, comber, 335 Harrison, residence 117 Camp. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. CARLSON CARLSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 193 Carlson, David, painter, residence 33 Thirteenth. Carlson, Daniel, wood worker, 101 Harrison, residence 148 Warren. Carlson, Daniel A., (Christine), gardner, house 575 Allen. Carlson, David L., cabinet maker 415 chandler, residence 525 Allen. Carlson, Ed. A., (Mary), carver, 101 Harrison, house over 125 Peach. Carlson, Edwin, wood worker, boards 24 Thayer. Carlson, Ellen, dressmaker, residence 112 Williams. Carlson, Eric, (Hannah), wood worker, 101 Harrison, house 204 Prospect. Carlson, Evangeline A. E., winder Meadow Brook mills, Falconer, residence 442 Willard. Carlson, Elmer W., (Jean H.), jeweler, 117 Main, house over 113 Chandler. Carlson, Emanuel, (Augusta M.), laborer, house 108 Benedict. Carlson, E m m a O, machine stitcher 318 Cherry, residence 525 Allen. Carlson, Ernest, upholsterer 25 Shearman place, residence 207 Myrtle. Carlson, Edward, wood worker 40 Steele, residence 8 Hanley. Carlson, Edward, (Matilda), metal worker 95 J. & G. ave., h., 107 Colfax. Carlson, E. F., (Anna), lahorer, house, 257 Barrows. Carlson, Ella, domestic, 31 Fairmount avenue. Carlson, Ella, clerk 221 Main, residence 209 Forest. Carlson, Ella, skiver 318 Cherry, residence 11 Delaware avenue. Carlson, Ella, stenographer, W . T. Falconer Mfg. Co., Falconer, residence 113 Chandler. Carlson, Emil, wood worker, 56 Blackstone avenue, residence 22 Charles. Carlson, Emil, laborer, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 409 Newland avenue. Carlson, Etta, residence 150 Barrows. Carlson, Evan, (Ellen), laborer, 56 Blackstone avenue, house 654 Barrows. Carlson, Frank, (Minnie N.), wood worker, 105 Winsor, h., 514 Foote ave. Carlson, Frank A., (Anna C ) ,finisher105 Winsor, h., 43 1-2 Foote avenue Carlson, Frank A., (Helen), cabinet maker Jast. Lumber & Mantel Co., Falconer, house 228 Broadhead avenue. Carlson, Frank A., laborer, residence, 1009 Newland avenue. Carlson, Frank E., conductor J. S. Ry., residence 1 Short Eagle. Carlson, Frank G., bicycle repairer, ill West Third, residence 44 Kinney. Carlson, Frank O., (Hannah), wood worker, 56 Blackstone avenue, house 489 Winsor. Carlson, Frank O., laborer, boards 842 Lafayette. Carlson, Fred, (Hannah), wood worker, Buffalo, house over 11 Grandin. Carlson, Fred, (Jennie), dyer 335 Harrison, residence 315 Barrett. Carlson, Fred, tailor 206 Main, boards 117 Chandler. Carlson, Fred A. (Lena F.) turner, 20 Winsor, house 65 Tower. Carlson, Fred A., (Louise),—Carlson & Gustafson—7 Cowden place, house 310 Forest avenue. Carlson, Fred J., (Ida),—Carlson & Olson—9 Cowden place, house 313 Newland avenue. Carlson, George, stationary engineer, 40 Steele, residence 8 Hanley. Hot Water Heating, ZZL^f'^^X M. J. MURRAY T w o cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T ' S CARLSON CARLSON 194 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Carlson, Genevieve C, spinner, 35 Water, residence 5 Winsor. Carlson, Genus O , polisher, 236 Crescent, residence 442 Willard. Carlson, Gottfried, laborer, 3 Ashville avenue, house 35 Myrtle. Carlson, Gust, laborer, J. S. Ry., boards 151 Fairmount avenue. Carlson, Gust (Christine) casemaker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 20 Maple. Carlson, Gust, (Ida), laborer, house 246 Broadhead avenue. Carlson, Gust, (Ina), shoe maker 318 Cherry, house 920 Newland avenue. Carlson, Gust, (Selma), wood worker 105 Winsor, house 148 Warren. Carlson, Gust A., carpenter, house 2 Charles. Carlson, Gust A. (Amanda) carver, 415 Chandler, house 85 Tower. Carlson, Gust E., bobbin winder 335 Harrison, residence 458 Allen. Carlson, Gust H., (Hulda J.),finisher105 Winsor, house 17 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Gust H., (Jennie), deliveryman, 101 Main, house 42 Forest. Carlson, Gust S. (Josephine A.) tailor, 206 Main, house 19 Winsor. Carlson, Gust W., (Selma), machine hand, 105 Winsor, house over Orchard. Carlson, Gustaf W., (Augusta(, insurance agent, house 8 Fairfield avenue. Carlson, Gustave E., Rev. (Sigrid C.),pastor Swedish M. E. church, house 10 Foote avenue. Carlson & Gustafson—Fred Carlson and Alfred Gustafson—grocers, Cowden place. Carlcon, Hannah, dressmaker, house 566 Allen. Carlson, Hannah, dressmaker, house 22 Bush, rear. Carlson, Hannah, domestic 314 West Fifth. Carlson, Hanna E., twister 35 Water, residence 458 Allen. Carlson, Hannah S., cook 405 Spring. Carlson, Helga, spinner, 116 East First, boards 27 Colfax. Carlson, Henry teamster, residence 105 Hazzard.. Carlson, Henry N. (Ida P.) stone mason, house 36 Kinney. Carlson, Hilda O, domestic, 517 Prendergast avenue. Carlson, Hilma W., residence 22 Charles. Carlson, Hjalmer C., laborer, residence 265 Prospect. Carlson, Hjelmer, (Mary), carpenter.house 44 Jones. Carlson, Ida O, dressmaker, residence 209 Forest. Carlson, Jennie, domestic, residence 341 Foote avenue. Carlson, Jennie A., domestic, residence 109 West Fifth. Carlson, Jennie E., domestic, 619 Lafayette. Carlson, Jennie M., clerk, 6 Main residence 42 Sampson. Carlson, John, (Hedveg), laborer, house 105 Hedges avenue. Carlson, John (Ida) carpenter, house 105 Hazzard. Carlson. John,finisher,3 Ashville avenue, boards 118 Williams. Carlsor Tohn, (Christine), inspector.Penna. Gas Co., h., 114 Williams. Carlson, John, shoemaker 318 Cherry, boards 118 East Second. Carlson, John, (Saphia), carpenter, house 220 Barrows. Carlson, John, cabinet maker 129 J. & G. avenue, boards 301 Barrett. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. CARLSON CARLSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 195 Carlson, John A. (Matilda) laborer, house 44 Kinney. Carlson, John A., (Caroline), engineer 40 Steele, house 8 Hanley. Carlson, John A., (Clara), wood worker 20 Winsor, house 11 Delaware ave Carlson, John Arvar, laborer 101 Harrison, residence 20 Maple. Carlson, John C., (Anna M.), cloth inspector, 116 East First, h., 20 Morton. Carlson, John C , milk dealer, residence 300 King. Carlson, John E., (Ava), cabinet maker Mantel Co., Falconer, h. English. Carlson, John E., (Ada G.), band sawyer 54 Taylor, house 516 Allen. Carlson, John E., (Hulda),finisher105 Winsor, house 312 Price. Carlson, John F., (Louisa M.), carpenter, 415 Chandler, house 525 Allen. Carlson, John G., wood worker, 123 Foote avenue, residence 265 Prospect. Carlson, John P., laborer, house 219 Broadhead avenue. Carlson, John T., (Sophia), foreman 40 Steele, house 111 Falconer. Oarlsoa, John W . (Hannah)—Brant & Carlson—702East 2d, h. 24 Peterson. Carlson, John W., (Louisa), laborer, vouse 1 Short Eagle. Carlson, John W., Jr., weaver Meadow Brood mills, res., 1 Short Eagle. Carlson, Johanna, residence 22 Bush. Carlson, Jonas A., metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, house 10 Stearns avenue. Carlson, Jonas P., carpenter, house 209 Forest. Carlson, Judith A., residence 450 Willard. Carlson, Julia, picker 335 Harrison, residence 112 Williams. Carlson, Karl, (Hannah S.), machinist 234 Crescent, house 40 Kinney. Carlson, Laura V., duffer 335 Harrison, residence 85 Tower. Carlson, Laura H., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 22 Charles. Carlson, Lena, widow John, house 115 Barrows. Carlson, Lizzie E., twister Meadow Brook mills, boards 400 Allen. Carlson, Lydia M., domestic, 916 Main. Carlson, Mary, milliner 210 Chandler, residence do. Carlson, Mary L. resides 209 Forest. Carlson, Mary S., widow Charles, residence 39 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Matilda, widow John, house 5 Winsor. Carlson, Matilda, weaver 335 Harrison, residence 111 Webster. Carlson, Matilda, Mrs., residence 463 Willard. Carlson, Maude, domestic, residence 20 Linden. Carlson, Minnie E., drawer 335 Harrison, residence 40 Kinney. Carlson, Nannie L., spinner 335 Harrison, residence 12 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Nathaniel, assistant secretary Y. M. C. A., residence 10 Foote ave. Carlson, Nellie C , spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 12 Kinney. Carlson, Obert, (Hilda), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 9 Partridge. Carlson, Oscar, (Hilda), painter, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 105 Hedges ave. Carlson, Oscar, frame maker, 25 Shearman place, boards 253 Prospect. Carlson, Oscar, (Augusta), shipping -Jerk 3 Ashville ave., h. 347 Foote ave. Carlson, Oscar, carpenter, residence under 105 Hazzard. Carlson, Oscar, frame maker 38 Winsor, house 545 Allen. Carlson, Otto Alfred, (Selma), turner, 415 Chandler, house 21 Sturges. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material OVERCOATS a Specialty at P R O U D F I T ' S . CARLSON CARMEN 196 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Carlson, Otto L., meat cutter, 17 East Second, residence 131 Allen. Carlson & Olson—Fred J. Carlson and Victor Olson—meat market, Cowden place. Carlson, Peter (Johanna), retired, houes 1 0 % Jones. Carlson, Peter A., (Anna), hand sander 30 Steele, house 207 Myrtle. Carlson, Peter A., (Hannah), wood worker, house 22 Stafford avenue. Carlson, Peter E., laborer, house 150 Barrows. Carlson, P. 0., wood carver, residence room 74 Allen square. Carlson, Rudolph, residence 112 Williams. Carlson, Ruth, residence 10 Foote avenue. Carlson, Samuel A., (Freda S.), sec. and mgr. Vart Land Publishing Co., over 12 West Second, house 25 Maple. Carlson, Sarah, Mrs., house 265 Prospect. Carlson, Signe, residence 11 Delaware avenue. Carlson, Sophia, widow Daniel, residence 131 Allen. Carlson, Sophia, widow Charles, residence 415 West Eighth. Carlson, Swan, (Sophia), works 56 Prospect, house 111 Park. Carlson, Swan M. (Hilda), carpenter, house 22 Charles. Carlson, Swan P., (Mena), jeweler, 6 Main, house 42 Sampson. Carlson, T., (Ida), shoemaker 318 Cherry, house over 120 Hamilton. Carlson, Theodore, (Ida), shoe maker 318 Cherry, house 447 Allen. Carlson, Tilda, weaver, 116 East First, residence over 307 Winsor. Carlson, Tilda, widow Mangus, house 113 Bush. Carlson, Tilda, widow Edward, house Buffalo. Carlson, Tillie, spinner, 102 East First, residence 207 Myrtle. Carlson, Victor E., (Clara), wood worker, 105 Winsor, house 230 Steele. Carlson, Vivian, residence 509 Clinton. Carlson, Walfrid, (Almeda), tailor, over 34 Main, h. over 137 Broadhead avenue. Carlson, Walter, drug clerk, 101 West Third, residence 19 Winsor. Carlson, Wendla O, clerk 209 East Second, residence 110 Mechanic. Carlson, Wilbur, works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 121 Willams. Carlson, Wilbur, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 25 Palmer. Carlstrom, Anna .binder 318 Cherry, residence 14 Colfax. Carlstrom, August, (Alma), wood worker, 123 Foote avenue, house 115 Newland avenue. Carlstrom, Ellen, residence 14 Colfax. Carlstrom, Charles P., (Louisa), wood worker, 3 Ashville avenue,, residence 14 Colfax. Carlstrom, Oscar, ( E m m a ) , wood worker 3 Ashville avenue, h., 104 Charles Carlstrom, Reynold, clerk 206 Main, residence 14 Colfax. Carmen, Carrie A., twister 35 Water, residence under 30 Institute. Carmen, Elizabeth, twister, residence under 30 Institute. Carmen, Mary, spinner, residence under 30 Institute. Carmen, Mary, Mrs., house under 30 Institute. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinwa^ Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves,Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. CARMICHAEL CARTER JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 197 Carmichael, Richard, steel worker, 95 J. &. G. avenue, boards 105 Water. Carnahan, Leo W., studont, lesidence 417 Lafayette. Carnahan, Maude L., music teacher, residence 417 Lafayette. Carnahan, Winfield S., (Leonora P.), house over 512 Jefferson. Carpenter, Albert, (Belle), wood worker, 30 Steele, house 22 Hazzard. Carpenter, E. Earl, (Ara A.), printer Koehl block, 17-19 Steele, residence 327 Foote avenue. Carpenter, Edwin K., (Electa J.), commercial traveller, house 12 Chandler Carpenter, Ethel H., student, residence 514 East Fifth. Carpenter, Charles D., (Daisy), painter, house over 221 Kent. Carpenter, Charles J., (Jennie), mechanic 236 Cresent, house 400 Falconer. Carpenter, Clara F., student, residence 514 East Fifth. Carpenter, Clyde E., (Ethel F.), express messenger 103 Main, h., 715 E. 2nd Carpenter, Florence R., widow Elial F., house 514 East Fifth. Carpenter, George, watchman, 56 Blackstone avenue, boards 4 Flagg ave. Carpenter, Genevieve, residence 22 Hazzard. Carpenter, Gertrude, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 22 Scott. Carpenter, Glenn A., journeyman plater, 3 Ashville avenue, residence over 635 Prendergast avenue. Carpenter, Israel D. (Mary), gardener, house 143 Fairview avenue. Carpenter, Iva, seamstress, residence rooms 45-49 Allen square. Carpenter, Joseph G., (Edith E.), motorneer, J. S. Ry., h., 204 W . 2nd. Carpenter, Julia, residence rooms 45-49 Allen square. Carpenter, Laura' P., Mrs., dressmaker, house over 635 Prendergast avenue Carpenter, Louisa B., domestic 71 Allen, residence 133 Camp. Carpenter, Nettie, stenographer, 11 city hall, residence 312 Pine. Carpenter, Orson O, (Anna), weaver, house 133 Camp. Carpenter, Ray, laborer 30 Steele, residence 22 Hazzard. Carpenter, Sarah J., weaver 335 Harrison, residence 22 Scott. Carpenter, Sybbel M., widow William Jr., residence 913 East Second. Carpenter, Wilda, residence 69 Rathbone. Carpenter & Klumpp—C. D. Carpenter and J. D. Klumpp—painters, 208 1-2 Pine. Carr, Henry, (Rose), loomfixer 102 East First, house 212 Forest avenue. Carr, James H., comber 116 East First, boards over 869 Spring. Carrier, Anna Belle, telephone operator 113 East Third, residence 217 Fulton. Carrier, Clara, child's nurse, 135 Lake View avenue, residence 217 Fulton. Carrier, Grace Helena, dressmaker, residence 217 Fulton. Carrier, Hannah, widow Omri J., residence 222 East First. Carrier, Lefa, widow Timothy, house 217 Fulton. Carroll, Mary, residence 15 Harrison. Carter, Andrew B., (Mary B.), butter buyer, house 25 Columbia avenue. Carter, Anna E., Mrs. house 51 Fairmount avenue. Carter, Archie U., drug clerk 303 Main, residence 8 Livingstone avenue. Carter, Georgiana P., student, residence over 51 Fairmount avenue. Carter, Grant R., (Ellen), moulder, house 491 Winsor. M . I . M U R R A Y c^V^iiWT0f Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Headquarters ror&?^&gft%£n,i 3 3 , Proudfit's. CARTER CATLIN 198 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Carter, Melissa, widow Robert, house 626 Spring. Carter, M. M., Mrs., residence 22 W e s t Seventh. Carter, William A. E. (Nettie), barbershop under 20 West Third, h. 13 Thayer Carter, William H. (Elvira), contractor and builder, h. 8 Livingstone avenue. Cartwright, Maude M., operative Chautauqua Worsted Mills, residence 2 Livingstone avenue. Cartwright, Raymond A., (Edith), motorneer, J. S. Ry., house 2 Livingstone avenue. Carver, Frank D., (Mary A.), packer 24 Main, house 69 Hazzard. Cascia, Joseph, (Rosey), musician, house 56 Tilden avenue. Case, Charles L., (Mariette)—C. L. Case & Son—1001 East Second, house 4 East Buffalo. Case, C. L. & Son—Charles L. and Fred J. Case—grocers, 1001 East 2nd. Case, Fred J., (Anna C.),—C. L. Case & Son—1001 East Second, house 203 Summit. Case, Harry R., (Elizabeth), paper hanger, house 405 Foote avenue. Case, Martha, residence 4 E. Buffalo. Case, Pardon, (Frances), laborer,, house 5 Howard avenue. Case, Raymond L., (Anna), dancing teacher, house 11 Victoria avenue. Case, W . Carlton, (May), bookkeeper 131 Winsor, house 29 West Ninth. Cashen, John (Sarah), baker, house 32 Kent. Casino, (The)—Charles H. Peterson and Andrew Davis—saloon, 22-24 E.2nd Caskey, Elizabeth, residence 713 East Second. Caskey, Mary, Mrs., dressmaker, house 306 West Eighth. Casort, Roxcena, residence 663 Lake View avenue. Cassellman, Alma, residence 14 Steele. Casselman, Andrew P., metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 336 Steele. Casselman, Josephine A., Mrs., house 23 Alpaca. Casselman, Harold, works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 23 Alpaca. Casselman, Hawley, works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 23 Alpaca. Casselman, Sarah, widow William H., house over 37 Harrison. Cassidy, Anna, Mrs., waitress 15 Soutn Main. Castle, Alexander, (Maria), carpenter, house 21 Hazzard. Castle, Robert W., (Nettie), works 208 Pine, house 20 West Seventh. Castner, Albert, residence 36 Johnson. Castner, Charles, band sawyer 122 Foote avenue, house 40 Kinney. Castner, George, Jamestown Bill Posting Co., residence Syracuse. Castner, Hedwick, widow Carl J., house 36 Johnson. Catlin, Ashbel R., (Ruth A.),—A. R. Catlin & Co.—26 South Main, house 38 Hall avenue. Catlin, A. R. & Co.—Ashbel R. and Ruth A. Catlin—groceries, feed, etc., 25 South Main. Catlin, Elial O , (Marion), metal worker, residence 929 East Second. Catlin, Ruth A., Mrs.,—A. R. Catlin & Co.,—26 South Main, residence 38 Hall avenue. Clark Hardware Co., agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E C O . CAWCROFT CHAMBERliN JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 199 Cawcroft, A., Mrs., magnetic healer, residence 333 East Second. Cawcroft, Aquilla, (Allie), foreman Chautauqua Worsted Mills, house 333 East Second. Cawcroft, Elsie May, student, residence 333 East Second. Cawcroft, Ernest, student, residence 333 East Second. Cawley, Edward, residence 131 Stowe. Cease, Frank A., (Emma V.), stationary engineer, house 633 Falconer. Cease, Fred,finisher,house 91 East Buffalo. Cedar, Carrie, widow John, picker 35 Water, house 183 Barrows. Cedar, Andrew E., (Grace), works 335 Harrison, house 53 do. Ceder, Anna, employed 38 Water, boards 232 Forest. Cedar, Laura L., bookkeeper 56 Prospect, residence over 183 Barrows. Cederholm, Gustaf, (Emma), cabinet maker, Jamestown Mantel Co., Falconer, house 108 West Eighth. Cederholm, Louis (Mary), cabinet maker, house 46 Charles. Cederquist, Amanda, domestic, 34 Lake View avenue. Cedarquist, Charles J., (Hannah), driver Johnson Ice Co., house 415 W . 8th Cederwall, Carl 0., (Bertha), foreman 318 Cherry, house 4 Price. Century Furniture Co.,—Charles J. Norquist and Marcus J. Norquist—manufacturers of chamber suits,—129 Jones & Gifford avenue. Chadwick, Alanson B., (Emma), fireman, 20 Forest avenue, residence 16 Norton avenue. Chadwick, Barker D. (Callie M.), bookkeeper, 95 Jones and Gifford avenue, house 59 Fairmount avenue. Chadwick, Henry C , stenographer, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 59 Fairmount avenue. Chalstrom, Frank L., (Augusta B.), woodworker, 710 East Second, house 69 Tower. Chambers, Catherine, residence 803 West Fifth. Chambers, George T., (Pearl M.), Hayward & Chambers, 24 East Third, house 108 Rathbone. Chambers, John I., (Ella), deliveryman, house over 15 East Second. Chambers, Joseph, upholsterer, 38 Winsor, residence 803 West Fifth. Chambers, Thomas H., (Susan), retired, house 803 West Fifth. Chambers, Thomas H., (Mary), upholsterer 38 Winsor, house 26 Ashville avenue. Chamberlain, Henry L. (Susan), com. traveler, house 301 East Eighth. Chamberlain, Imogene P., student, residence 301 East Eighth. Chamberlain, Harry, (Harriet), Avon Restaurant, 309 Main, h. 516 Jefferson. Look for the Big Streamer up Main Street. Fine Lunch Counter T h e Best 25 cent Meal in the City. THE AVON, H A R R Y CHAMBERLAIN, Prop. Ladies' and Gent's Restaurant, 309 Main Street, Jamestown, N. Y. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W. Third St., M. J. MURRAY Children's Suits $ 1 . 5 0 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T ' S CHAPMAN CHENEY 200 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Chapman, Jessie F., residence 103 Forest avenue. Chapman, John D. (Mary J.), teamster house 842 East Second. Chapman, Lorenzo, mill hand 335 Harrison, residence over 17 East Second. Chapman, Moses P. (Esther M.), retired, house 33 Fenton place. Chapman, Myrtle, operative, 116 East First, residence over 17 E. Second. Chapman, Rose, house over 17 East Second. Charleston, James, shipping clerk, 105 Winsor, rooms over 11 East Second. Chase, C. Emerson, student, residence 433 East Fourth. cnase, Edna E., telephone operator, 113 East Third, res., over 101 E. Second Chase, Edward II., (Mary A.), painter, house over 101 East Second. Chase, Effie, teacher Jamestown Business College, residence Falconer. Chase, George P., (Kittie), stationary engineer, house 116 Cross. Chase, Gilman,finisher,boards 11 East Dickerson. Chase, Henry H., (Carrie B.), machinist, house over 207 West Third. Chase, John, laborer, residence 403 Main. Chase, Josephine L., assistant shipping clerk, Lake View Rose gardens, residence over 101 East Second. Chase, Mary M., public stenographer, room 7 Gokey bid., r. 403 Monroe. Chase, Oliver F. (Harriet M.)—Chase & Son—105 East 2d, h. 433 East 4th. Chase, Orpha, widow Charles, residence 116 Cross. Chase, Polly, widow Oliver G., residence 433 East Fourth. Chase & Son—Mrs. O. G. and Oliver L. Cnase—furniture, 105 E. Second. Chatfield, George A. (Josephine M.)—Chatfield & Armitage—304 Pine, house 816 Spring. Chatfield & Armitage—George A. Chatfield and Charles F. Armitage— plumbers, 304 Pine. Chautauqua County Trust Co., Charles M. D o w president, Brewer D. Phillips cashier, 201 Main. Chautauqua Motor Co.,office over 303 Main, W . A. Bradshaw, Jr., Sec. & Treas. Chautauqua Natl. Bldg. Loan and Savings Assn. (The) M. L. Fenton, pres. ovei101 East Third. Chautauqua Planter Co., (The) G. A. Bentley, prop., 771 East Second. Chautauqua Steamboat Co., W . A. C. Ewen, president, 706 West Eighth. Chautauqua towel mills—Preston, Field & Mackey—manufacturers union and Turkish towels, 206 Steele, corner Sprague. Chautauqua worsted mills — Fletcher and Herbert J. Goodwill—manufacturers of yarns, Falconer, near Erie junction. Chechary, John (Andona)—Greek-American Fruit Co.—121 Main, h. 509 W. 4th Cheney, Benjamin J., (Ella), janitor Y. M. C. A. building, house over 217 East -Second. Cheney, Hattie B., stenographer, 51 Winsor, rooms 112 Chandler. Cheney, Henry, Mrs., residence 33 Price. Cheney, Frank W., (Delia), patrolman 7 City hall, house 208 East Eighth. Cheney, Frank W., Jr., manual training instructor, residence 208 E. 8th, Cheney, Lulu E., student, residence 2 08 East Eighth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . CHENEY CLAPP JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 201 Cheney, Rolland K., student, residence 208 East Eighth. Chick, William H., (Laura D.), engineer, Erie Ry., boards over 21 1-2 Ransome alley. Chief of Fire Department, Fred H. Wilson, 218 Spring. Chief of Police, Frank A. Johnson, room 7 city hall. Chindgren, Albert (Lizzie), wood worker, house 16 Newland avenue. Chindgren, Charles, (Pauline), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 262 Broadhead avenue. Chindgren, Emil H., (Clara M.), uphoisterer, 38 Winsor, house over 440 Chandler. Cnindgren, Martha, Mrs., residence under 107 Hazzard. Chingren, Oscar (Helma), curtain maker, house 1013 Newland avenue. Chiverton, Herbert (Ellen E.), carpenter, 116 East First, house 12 Harrison. Chrif, Maude, winder 35 Water, boards 618 1-2 Pine. Christ, Charles H., (Anna), laborer, house 119-1-4 Warren. Christ, Frank (Lena), lumber grader, house 119 1-2 Warren. Christenson, Swan, (Christie),finisher,105 Winsor, house 145 Barrows. Christenson, Will, laborer, residence 145 Barrows. Christian, Frederick, (Jennie), tailor, 206 Main, house 109 Fulton. Christian, Julius H., (Beulah), clerk 206 Main, house 221 Crosby. Christianson, J. Alfred, residence 139 Weeks. Christianson, Bertha, domestic, 106 Stowe, residence 139 Weeks. Christianson, Nels C , (Elnora), coal heaver, 116 East First, h. 139 Weeks. Christianson, Oliver. ( E m m a ) , finisher, 122 Foote avenue, house 64 Tower. Christianson, William, residence 139 Weeks. Christofferson, Anton F., (Jennie), cigar maker and special police, house 16 Linden avenue. Christofferson, Grover F., cigar maker, 31 Main, residence 16 Linden avenue. Christofferson, Lars A., laborer, residence 10 Steele. Chrowe, Margaret, cashier 16-18 West Third, boards 316 West Third. Chrowe, see also Crow and Crowe. City Assessors—Andrew Rundquist, Alonzo Devoe and James S. Ellis, room 8, City hall. City Attorney, James L. Weeks, 34, 35, 36 -New Fenton building. City clerk, Clement B. Jones, room 1, city hall. City Drug Store—John M. Winnberg and Levant B. Batcheller—113 Main. City Engineer, F. W . Dalrymple, rooms 16-17 City Hall. City hall, 202-212 East Third. City (Hotel—Samuel H. Altice, prop.—120-122 East Second. City Mayor, J. Emil Johnson, room 3 City Hall. City Poormaster, Charles F. Carlson, basement City Hall. City Street Commissioner, Horace W . Walker, basement City Hall. City treasurer, John B. Shaw, room 5 city hall. Clapp, (M. Lavern, attorney at law, 28-30 Wellman building, 101 West 3d. boards 105 West Second. M . J. M U R R A Y Employs Only First-class Workmen Call u p N o . 3 3 for C l o t h i n g a n d CLAPSADEL 202 Furnishings. CLEMENT JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Clapsadel, Katherine E„ residence 128 Forest avenue. Clapsadel, Marion E., widow Frederick, residence 128 Forest avenue. Clark, Albertus L., apprentice 14-16 Wesi. Second, residence 124 Kent. Clark, Anna, widow George M., dressmaker, 333% East Fifth. Clark, Anna E. weaver 102 East First, house 15 East Ellicott. Clark Bros.—C. Eugene and Frank M.—druggists and stationers, 300 Main Clark, C. Eugene (Ida B.)—Clark Bros.—300 Main, house 400 Lafayette. Clark, Charlotte, duffer, Chautauqua Worsted mills, residence over 108 E. Third. Clark, D. Russell, laborer, boards 663Lake View avenue. Clark, Edna A., teacher, boards 119 Fulton. Clark, Egbert R. (Christiana A.)—Clark & Wiltsie—3 West Third, house 609 Pine. Clark, Emory S. (Anna), commercial traveler, house 41 Flagg avenue. Clark, Florence, Mrs., clerk, house over 108 East Third. Clark, Frank M. (Mable Harten)—Clark Bros.—300 Main, h. 513 West Third. Clark, George, carpenter, boards 217 West Second. Clark, Gertrude P., teacher, residence 333% East Fifth. Clark Hardware Co.—Milton H. Clark and George B. Pitts—hardware, 109-111 Main. Clark, Helen, residence 329 East Fourth. Clark, James H. (Sophia), grocer, 952 East Second house do. Clark, Jane D., widow Hiram O , house 66 Hazzard. Clark, John C., carpenter, residence 12 Newland avenue. Clark, Josephus H., founder and machinist, 109 West Fourth, h. 15 Harrison Clark, Lauran B., (Jennie L.), works 56 Prospect, house 106 Newland ave. Clark, Lillian, winder, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 41 Flagg avenue. Clark, Lottie, clerk, 203 Main, boards 119 Fulton. Clark, M. Gertrude, residence 329 East Fourth. Clark, Milton H. (Jennie)—Clark Hardware and Maddox Table Co—house 329 East Fourth. Clark, Titus (Katherine), dyer, house 503 West Eighth. Clark, William J., residence 609 Pine. Clark, W . W., (Sarah C ) , residence Hunt road. Clark & Wiltsie—Egbert R. Clark and Myrick Wiltsie—billiards and saloon, 8 West Third. Clarke, George F., (Madge), bakery, 707 Main, house 929 do. Clarke, John J., (Teresa F.), draughtsman 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 432 E. 6th. Clary, Albert B., apprentice, 14-16 West Second, residence 208 Lincoln. Clary, James A., (S. Elizabeth), city editor Journal, 14-16 West Second, house 308 Lincoln. Clausen, A., (Helga), carpenter, house 102 Sampson. Clement, Adolphus (Anna), ice cream maker, house 114 Harrison. Clement, Alice M., teacher, boards 552 West Third. Clement, Ernest W., real estate, 20 Gokey building, residence Buffalo. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. CLEMENT COLANDER JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 203 Clement, Gertrude E., residence 510 Spring. Clement, William, works 116 East First, boards 25 Harrison. Cleveland, Charles W . (Rhoda), real estate, house 20 West Seventh. Cleveland, Walter S., (Ada A.), canvasser, house sec. 8, over 804 Main. Clint, Anna, widow Adolph, house over 115 Camp. Clint, Gust (Ida), gardener, house 812 East Second. Clint, see also Klint. Clough, Ernest, oiler, 335 Harrison, residence 17 Bishop. Clough, Harry, retired, residence 812 East Second. Clough, Holdsworth, (Isabelle), foreman, 335 Harrison, house 17 Bishop. Club, (The),—L. H. Stoner and Albert Ashworth—saloon, 19 East Second. Cloyes, Charles (Katherin C ) , retired, house 527 Lake View avenue. Cloyes, Harry, i.Kathro J.), commercial traveler, residence 415 West Third. Cluney, Hannah, widow Thomas T., house 525 East Fifth. Cnattingius, August, (Emma), laborer, 41 Outlet, residence 2 5 % Park. Coan, Jeffry> (Jennie), wood worker, house 618% Pine. Coates, Cassius D., (Mary A.), clerk 121 Main, house 615 Lafayette. Coates, Isaac (Elizabeth), weaver, house 13 Great Jones. Coates, Joshua, weaver, residence 13 Great Jones. Coates, Sarah P., widow Lurel B., house 763 East Second. Coates, William, (Mary A.),floristLake View Rose Gardens, h. 205 Summit. Cobb, Archie M., bookkeeper, residence 12 Stowe. Cobb, Mary, student, residence 12 Stowe. Cobb, Mirautia, residence 30 Warren. Cobb, Richard C, (Mary A.), manager Jamestown Shale Brick Co., house 12 Stowe. Cobb, Robert E., student, residence 12 Stowe. Cobb, Willis H. (Ella M.), stationary engineer, house 33 College. Cobham, Fred P., (Rose), drainage commissioner, over 213 Main, house do. Coburn, Edwin J., mgr. International Correspondence school, 2 Gokey building, boards 7 West First. Coburn, George H., (Sarah A.), house 302 West Fifth. Coe, Desa V., (Jessie), plumber 56 Prospect, house 12 Newland avenue. Coe, Disivignay C, (Matilda), miller, 30 East First, house 600 Camp. Coe, Earl Fenton, works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 600 Camp. Coe, Edward, (Louisa L.), wood worker, 46 Steele, house 12 Walnut. Coe, Glen F., bookkeeper 516 West Fourth, boards 903 Main. Coe, Harriet C, widow Edwin G., house 46 Marvin. Coe, Holland S., (Martha W . ) , stationary engineer, 318 Cherry, house over 57 Marvin. Coe, Laverne E., salesman, Grand Union Tea Co., residence 12 Walnut. Coffield, Charles S., works Jamestown Mantel Works, Falconer, residence 6 McDannell avenue. Coffield, Robert H., (Tillie L.), pilot, house 6 McDannell avenue. Colander, Agnes, twister, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 21 Bush. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ™r.i°SSStk,b? M, ]. MURRAY Little G i a n t Suits for C h i l d r e n at P R O U D F I T ' S COLLINS COLANDER 204 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Colander, Ernest, laborer, 415 Chandler, residence 21 Bush. Colby, Martin, works Chautauqua Steamboat Co., house over 37 West Tenth. Coldren, Merville, student, residence 16 Meadow lane. Coldren, William D., (Lois L.), oil operator, house 16 Meadow Lane. Cole, Darius R. (Rhoda G.), retired, house 258 Warren. Cole, Edgar J. (DeEtte) milk dealer, house 1145 Prendergast avenue. Cole, Eva, shirt maker, residence 456 Warren. Cole, Experience, widow Joseph, residence over 201 East Second. Cole, Frank, painter, residence 456 Warren. Cole, George W., conductor, Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Cole, James B. (Minnie), painter and paper hanger, house 213 Park place. Cole, Jay W . (Blanche), trimmer, house 315 Warren. Cole, Joseph A., ( E m m a J.), warp dresser, 116 East First, house over 201 East Second. Cole, Lyman, (Sarah), wagon repairer, 12 Forest avenue, residence 10 Columbia avenue. Cole, Lynn, weaver, 116 East First, residence over 201 East Second. Cole, Marion L., (Alice), stone mason, house 201 East First. Cole, Pardon H., (Fannie),—Van-Namee & Colei—j 19-121 East Second residence do. Cole, R o y H., (Zade E.), carpenter, residence 308 Warren. Cole, William H., (Alice), carpenter, house 308 Warren. Coleman, Alice M., domestic 40 Fair-mount avenue. Coleman, Nellie E., domestic, 412 Spring. Colenso, Alice, telephone operator, 113 East Third, residence 12 Chandler. Colleen, Gust T., (Christiana), butcher, house 715 Foote avenue. Collier, Arthur M., (Isabelle), laundryman, 2 Barrett, house 122 Bowen. Collier, William D., bookkeeper 115 Winsor, residence 122 Bowen. Collins, Alfred B„ (Bertha),—Collins Ice Cream Co.,—99 Institute, residence 343 Foote ave. Collins, Anna, residence 109 Weeks. Collins, Anna, laundress, house 14 Beulah place. Collins, Charles O , (Agnes),—Collinslce Cream Co.,—99 Institute, h. over do Collins, Delia, residence 109 Weeks. Collins Ice Cream Co., ice cream manufacturers, 99 Institute street, A. B. Collins, proprietor. Collins, Jane, weaver, 116 East First, boards 12 Bishop. Collins, John B. (Mary T.), prop, the Fair, 221 Main and 7 West Third, house 40 Fairmount avenue. Collins, J. Sanford, (Ethel), porter, 116 Main, house 105 Rathbone. Collins, Katharine, residence 109 Weeks. Co-llins, Margaret, widow Patrick, house 109 Weeks. Collins, Mary, widow Edward, residence 830 Prendergast. Collins, Mattie, weaver 355 Harrison, boards 27 Colfax. Collins, William, iron worker 602 West Seventh, boards under 869 Spring. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. COLLOPY CONROY JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 205 Collopy, Catherine, student, residence 517 East Second. Collopy, James W . (Josephine), shoe dealer, 200 Main, house 517 East Second. Colt, Franklin, retired, house 346 Foote avenue. Colville, George Murray (Susie B.), pastor First Prebyterian church, house 332 East Fourth. Colvile, Nina, residence 332 East Fourth. Colville, Ruth, residence 332 East Fourth. Comfort, William M., (Hellen S.), butcner, 707 Main, house 7 Rush. Commercial Hotel—Fred D. VanNamee and Pardon H. Cole—119-121 East Second. Commercial Photograph Gallery—Jay Pickard, prop.,—320 Harrison. Comstock, Frederick S., (Lucy E.), clerk, 216 East Second, house 715 Main. Comstock, Minnie H., residence 29 Mechanic. Conant, E. M., widow Sylvester, residence 125 Baker. Conelly, Josie, pantry girl, 21 West Third, residence do. Conet, Elva, house 26 Thirteenth. Coney, Charles D. (Cordelia), stationary engineer, waterworks, house Buffalo Coney, Ernest A., residence Buffalo. Congleton, George, (Lulu), wood worker, house 91 East Buffalo. Congleton, James, laborer, residence 218 Steele. Congleton, Luther, (Jennie), laborer, house 218 Steele. Conic, Bessie M., student, residence 109 Curtis. Conic, Sarah A., widow David P., house 304 Lincoln. Conic, William W . (Jennie M.), musician, house 109 Curtis. Conley, Thomas, mill hand, 335 Harrison, boards 752 East Second. Connell, Richard, (Hilda), upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, house 6 Partridge. Conner, Anna, student, rooms 215 West Third. Conner, Anna E., stenographer, over 20 West Third, boards 215 do. Conner, Charles F., (Mate), bookkeeper 23 West Third, house 217 Warren. Conner, Fred J., (Ruth C ) , teamster, house 9 H a m m o n d . Conner, Hazel I., student, residence 328 Warren. Conner, James S. (Sarah A.), pattern maker, house 328 Warren. Conner, Leander A., (Julia B.), bookkeeper 342 East Third, house over 1201 Prendergast avenue. Conner, Leon A. (Anna O.), meat market 342 East 3d., h. 1201 Prendergast ave. Conner, (Mary E.), weaver 116 East First, house 10 West Fourth. Connolly, Thomas, (Pauline), mill hand 335 Harrison, house 14 W . 9th. Conover, Leander, retired, residence 839 Main. Conroe, Frederick, (Mary), teamster, residence 1410 Falconer. Conroe, Robert, (Emily), laborer, house Curtis. Conroe, William, laborer, house 1410 Falconer. Conroy, Jennie, dressmaker, residence 629 Prendergast avenue. Conroy, Kittie H., stenographer, 111 West Second, res. 629 Prendergast ave. Some of the most extensive * ™ ™ ? e J t ? ^ M . J. M U R R A Y B o y ' s Clothing, Lar^c1t°yckin at CONSTAS 206 PROUDFIT'S COOPER J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Constas, Agyssilous, — Greek-American Fruit and Confectionery Co.,—9 West Third, rooms 25 Allen square. Converse, Charles L., shoemaker, 318 Cherrv, house 23 Peach. Cook, Almira, widow Merritt, residence 621 East Second. Cook, A m y , house 8 West Fourth. Cook, Benjamin W., monumental works, 118 West Third, house 409 do. Cook, Charles, (Clara), teamster, house 18 Steele. Cook, DeForest—Cook & Treat, 30-32 Main, residence Panama N. Y. Cook, Edwin D., (Addie J.),—Cook & Treat—20 East Third, h. 130 Kent. Cook, Eliza L., widow Orsell, house 315 East Fourth. Cook, Ernest H. (Evelyn M.), letter carrier, P. O., house 221 East Eighth. Cook, Lotta, Mrs., house 842 Spring. Cook, Mabel M., bookkeeper, 16 Main, rooms 606 Cherry. Cook, Marietta, widow Aurelius B., dressmaker, residence 260 Marvin. Cook, Nancy, dressmaker, rooms 215 East Third. Cook, Nicholas, laborer, residence 109 Steele. Cook, Willie O, residence 315 Fast Fourth. Cook & Treat,—Edwin D. Cook and Charles E. Treat,—grocers, 20 E. Third. Cook & Treat,—DeForest and Edwin D. Cook and Charles E. Treat—grocers, 30-32 Main. Cooke, George H., (Cora), clerk 116 Main, house 512 Jefferson. Cooley, Alice, home baking, 9 Kidder, residence 10 do. Cooley, Harry, finisher, 101 Harrison, residence 29 Barrett avenue. Cooley, Isabella, widow John, residence 29 Barrett. Cooley, Jennie, tailoress, residence 29 Barrett avenue. Cooley, Thomas B., (Stella G.), motorneer J. S. Ry., house 10 Kidder. Coons, William D., (Amelia C ) , pop corn vender, house 18 West Tenth. Cooper, Arthur, comber 335 Harrison, residence 1 6 % do. Cooper, Barbara, widow Wilson, house 12 Bishop. Cooper, Catherine, student, residence 420 Winsor. Cooper, Don E-, student, residence 419 West Sixth. Cooper, Elden O., teamster 66 Foote avenue, residence 751 do. Cooper, Ernest, spinner Meadow Brook Mills, residence 12 Bishop. Cooper, Fannie M., teacher, residence 420 Winsor. Cooper, Fred C., Jr., works 335 Harrison, residence 122 do. Cooper, Fred M., residence 420 Winsor. Cooper, Frederick (Sarah), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, house 122 do. Cooper, Jane, weaver, 116 East First, residence 12 Bishop. Cooper, John H., (Ellen M.), retired, house 751 Foote avenue. Cooper, Mable, spinner Meadow Brook Mills, residence 12 Bishop. Cooper, Maria E., widow James, house 420 Winsor. Cooper, Mary Ann, weaver 102 East First, residence 12 Bishop. Cooper, Nellie, operative, 318 Cherry, residence 751 Foote avenue. Cooper, Phoebe, operative, 116 East First, residence 1 6 % Harrison. Cooper, Titus, (Phoebe), cloth examiner, 335 Harrison, residence 106 do. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. TiH E A. D. S H A R P E CO. COOPER COVEY J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 207 Cooper, V. Dorothy, clerk, residence 420 Winsor. Cooper, William, rooms over 12-14 West Third. Cooper, William G., wood worker, 101 Harrison, residence 751 Foote ave. Cooper, William H. (Louisa H.), loomfixer,116 East First, h. 16% Harrison. Copp, Helen M., residence 821 Main. Copp, Jane, widow James, house 821 Main. Corbett, Michael (Katherine),flagmanE. R. R., house 52 Foote avenue. Corcilius, Alexander, (Ellenor), draughtsman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 406 Washington. Corcilius, Peter M., (Melusina), house 108 Crossman. Corcilius, Rose, compositor, residence 108 Crossman. Cordingley, Bart (Sarah A.), machinist, house 131 Stowe. Cordingley, George, (Mary A.),finisher335 Harrison, house 145 Weeks. Cordon, Michael C , (Mary F.), wood worker, 63 Taylor, house 10 Fillmore. Corell, Zenas M., (Augusta J.), agent, house 9 Royal avenue. Corke, Arthur, (Elizabeth), plumber, works Warren, Pa., house 175 Livingstone avenue. ' Corke, Fred T. (Anna), shoe maker, house 11 Price. Corke, Joseph, (Sarah), shoemaker 318 Cherry, house 869 Main. Corkery, Daniel J. (Kathleen), wood worker, house 118 Fairview avenue. Corkery, Timothy (Bridget), wood worker, house 139 Fairview avenue. Corkery, William (Hannah), wood worker, house 137 Fairview avenue. Cornell, Amy, Mrs., residence 539 East Fifth. Cornell, Lynn F. (Anna J.)—Jamestown Lougne Co.—38 Winsor, house 38 Lake View avenue. Cornell, Kenneth J., student, residence 38 Lake View avenue. Cornwell, Clara E., residence 209 Clyde avenue. Cornwell, Eugene, carriage maker, house 108 Hotchkiss. Cornwell, Mary S., residence 209 Clyde. Corrigan, Anthony J. (Johanna), baggage master, 640 West Eighth, house 612 West Sixth. Coslette, Ruth I., residence 52 Grant. Cottrell, Rose, dressmaker, house 528 East Second. Couch, Frank W . (Ella), baker, house 312 Lafayette. Couch, Mary A., residence 312 Lafayette. Couchman, B. Clinton, (Emma), commercial traveler, house 43 Fairmount. Coulcher, Jennie, Mrs., dressmaker, house over 39 Stowe. Covey, Albert M. (Effie), drayman, house 5 Clark avenue. Covey, Bert, laborer, house over 702 East Second. Covey, E. May, student, residence 5 Clark avenue. Covey, Frank E., (Grace N.), drayman, house 60 West Tenth. Covey, Frank S., (Carrie E.), carpenter, house 24 Center. Covey, Fred E., packer, 101 Harrison, residence 5 Clark avenue. Covey, Mary, widow Harrison house 1070 East Second. Cowden, Albert F. (Antoinette), foreman, 109 Main, house 35 Barrett. High-grade, Noiseless W a t e r Closets vlyin M . J. M U R R A Y Reliable C l o t h i n g at R!?,8c£Sable a t P R O U D F I T ' S COWAN CRISSEY 208 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Cowan, Arthur J., residence flat D. Kent block. Cowan, Edward J., farmer, employed 2000 Main, residence East Oak Hill. Cowan, Herbert F., Brooklyn Bottling Works, 7-9 Harrison, rooms 2 Smith Block. Cowan, Kate, widow Fordyce B., residence 304 West Third. Cowan, James M., (Alma E.),—Brooklyn Bottling Works—7-9 Harrison, house (D) Kent iblock. Cowan, Sarah E., residence 620 Spring. Cowing, Clara O, widow John T., house Wellman avenue (Celoron.) Cowing, Charles, (Nancy), retired, residence 140 Foote avenue. Cowing, Leonard G. (Minnie D.), bookkeeper, 620 West 8th, h. over 107 E. 2d. Cowles, Kate M., residence 136 Barrett. Cowles, Kate, widow John, house 136 Barrett. Cox, Robert (Hilda), drayman, house 23 Highland avenue. Coxson, Albert, (Mary), laborer, house Pyre. Coyle, Richard, Rev., rector SS. Peter and Paul's Catholic church, house 508 Cherry. Coyne, William, florist Lake View Rose Gardens, boards 820 Ashville ave. Cracknell, John, (Minnie F.), packer 38 Winsor, house 849 Main. Craig, Burt C, (Bertha), trainman, B. and S. W . Ry., house 13 Charles. Craig, George R., baggage master Erie Ry., residence 111 Williams. Craig, Jane, widow Robert, house over 111 Williams. Crain, Clark E., (Nettie M. A.), deliveryman, 119 West Third, house 24 Crossman. Cram, Hannah, Mrs., over 366% Foote avenue. Crandall, Joel J. insurance, 21 Gokey block, 18 West 3d, h. (Randolph, N.Y.) Crane, Alexis, Mrs., residence 311 West Fourth. Crane, Imogens, residence 311 West Fourth. Crane, Mary C, widow Charles, laundry, house 124 West Tenth. Cranston, Lissa, stenographer, 56 Blackstone avenue, rooms 331 E. 3rd. Crantz, Frank A., (Minnie L.),—Star Bottling Works—23 Forest avenue, house 3 Holman. Crantz, John (Matilda C ) , machinist, house 245 Willard. Crantz, Swante, coachman, residence 30 Warren. Cratty, Cassius Q., (bookkeeper 13 East Third, rooms 516 East Second. Craven, Albert, creamery, 3 % Winsor, house over do. Craven, Augusta, teacher, residence 116 Cross. Craven, Carrie IP., Mrs., art needle work, 43-44 Wellman building, house 116 Cross. Crawford, Edith A., clerk, over 20 West Third, residence 37 Harrison. Crawford, Guy H., residence 37 Harrison. urawford Henry G., (Terrisa M.) clerk, 30 South Main, house 37 Harrison. Creal, Charles W., (Caroline), retired, house 48 Prospect. Crick, Lillian, dining room girl, 17 West Fourth. Crissey, Anna, residence 52 Lako View avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplied The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CRISSEY CO. CROWE J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 209 Crissey, Elverton B. (Mary L.)—vice president Farmers and Mechanics bank, 215 Main, house 208 Lake View avenue. Crissey, Harlow J.—Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—17 Shearman place, houee ' (Little Valley, N. Y.) Crissey, Harold E., student, residence 208 Lake View avenue. Crissey, Lucy L., residence 208 Lake "View avenue. Crissey, Mary R., residence 52 Lake View avenue. Crissey, Miner S., (Grace C),—Wilcox, Burchard Co.—17 Shearman place, residence 5 Church. Crissey, Newton, (Lucy A.), president Farmers and Mechanics bank house 17 Cross. Crittenden, Helena, teacher, residence over 304 Main. Crittenden, Margaret, widow Hope G., house over 304 Main. Crocker, Don D., musician, residence 66 Rathbone. Crocker, Fannie, Mrs., charwoman, house 714 Lafayette. Crocker, Fred S., (Hulda E.),floristresidence 306 Steele. Crocker, John W., canvasser, house 66 Rathbone. Crofoot, Frank C. (Lulu M.), teamster, house Buffalo near Main. Crofoot, Pamelia, widow Chester C , residence Buffalo, near Main. Cronin, John T. (Mary), freight handler, house 117 Hall avenue. Cronin, Nellie E., domestic, 204 Lafayette. Crosby, Erastus (Mary A.), attorney at law, 2 Hall block, 221 Main, house 140 Allen. Croshy, Florence E., residence 429 East Sixth. Crosby Mary A., widow Samuel, house 429 East Sixth. Crosby, Mett -M. (Kate) conductor, J. s. Ry., house 112 Hamilton. Crosgrove, Walter S. (Emily), wood worker, house 320 Warren. Crosgrove, William (Rachel), carver, house 324 Warren. Cross, Bert S. (Franc) -barber, 5 Steele, house over 217 Spring. Cross, Libbie, widow Robert, house Over 112 East Third. Crossley, Harry, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 55 Harrison. Crossley, Hayden, wool sorter, 335 Harrison, residence 32 Maple. Crossley, Henry (Hagar),finisher,116 East First, house 32 Maple. Crossley, Luther, weaver, 116 East First, residence 55 Harrison. Crossley, Robert (Edith) warpdresser 335 Harrison, house 15 Winsor. Crossley, William (Margaret) stone cutter, house 55 Harrison. Crossgrove, Fred O. (Elizabeth)—Star Furniture Co., 29-33 Briggs, house 88 Prospect. Crossman, Mary S., widow Alpheus F., house 210 East Fourth. Crossman, Phineas, real estate, 5 Ellicott Bldg. residence 333 E. Fourth. Crow, Eugene (Mary A.) commercial traveler, house over 221 Crosby. Crowe, Catherine, widow John, house 3 Hall avenue. Crowe, Elizaheth, widow Benjamin, confectioner, 141 Harrison, house do. Crowe, Ella, residence 3 Hall avenue. Crowe, Horsfall (Elizabeth H.), machinist, house 9 Franklin. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND GLOVES A SPECIALTY AT PROUDFIT'S CROWE CURTICE 210 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Crowe, George, apprentice, 102 East First, residence 9 Franklin. Crowe, John, lineman, residence 3 Hall avenue. Crowe, Peter (Kate J.), painter, house 109 Barrett. Crowe, Thomas, lineman, 113 East Third, residence 3 Hall avenue. Crowe, see also Chrowe. Crowell, Alta D., residence 230 Crossman. Crowley, Mayme, laundress, 3 Barrett, boards 3 Hall avenue. Crowley, Minnie, waitress, 21 West Third, residence do. Crowther, Charles, (Olizar R.), weaver, 116 East First, house 28 West Ninth. Crowther, Christina, weaver 335 Harrison, residence 5 Short Eagle. Crowther, Susanna, widow Thomas, house 5 Short Eagle. Crum, A. Watson (Harriet D.)—Jamestown Bedstead Co.—30 Steele, house 26 Allen. Crum, Egbert W., student, residence 26 Allen. Crum, Henry L.—Jamestown Awning Works—24 Main, boards 30 Price. Crum, James L., residence 26 Allen. Crumb, Byron (Martha) teamster, house 1054 East Second. Crumb, Leonard, (Edith M.), motorneer, house over 123 Fairmount avenue. Crumb, George, wood worker, residence 1054 East Second. Crull, Nelson (Imogene) house (C) Kent block. Culbertson, Claude R., agent, residence 26 West Eighth. Culigan, Kate, residence 337 East Fifth. Cullen, James (Annie) weaver, 116 East First, house 13 Great Jones. Cullen, John (Mary) laborer, 102 East First, house 15 Dickerson. Cullen, John, Jr., (Ellen) shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 15 Dickerson. Culley, Thomas (Bridget), laborer, house 608 West Sixth. Culligan, Julia, residence 416 West Seventh. Culligan, Susan, widow Patrick, house 416 West Seventh. Gulp, Charles S. (Mary E.), depot agent W . F. & Co., express, house (c) 213 East Third. Culver, Clifton G., machinist, Engineering & Power Co., residence over .1 Rowley place. Cujlver, Hezekiah V. (Mira A.) house over 4 Rowley place. Cuiver, Stephen A. (M. Lurette) milk dealer, house 702 Foote avenue. Cunningham, Harriet A., boards 111 East Sixth. Curran, James, (Anna), upholsterer, 38 Winsor, house 114 Fairview avenue. Curran, John (Julia) gardener, house 11 Hall avenue. Curran, Julia, weaver, 116 East First, residence 11 Hall avenue. Curran, Thomas—Gilligan & Curran—703 West Eighth, residence 11 Hall avenue. Curry, John C. (H-ollie) house 11 Alpaca. Curry, Margaret, widow John H., house 131 Fairmount avenue. Curry, Mary, milliner, residence 131 Fairmount avenue. Curtice, Mabel R., student, residence, 617 Washington. Curtice, Nettie M., widow Roswell B., house 617 Washington. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. CURTICE DAHLBERG JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 211 Curtice, William M., works 63 Taylor, residence 124 Crescent. Curtice, William, student, residence, 124 Crescent. Curtis, Caroline V., residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Charles F. (Anna N.)—Campbe-1 & Curtis—6 Steele and 111 Marvin house, 38 West Eighth. Curtis, Clement, conductor, J. S. Ry., rooms 50 Allen square building. Curtis, D o n Allen, commercial traveler, residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Edward W., commercial traveler, residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Franklin G., residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Frank N. (Ella), stationary engineer, house 817 Jefferson. Curtis, Frederick M., commercial traveler, residence 310 East Third. Curtis, George W., student, residence 38 West Eighth. Curtis, Jessie W., residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Josephine, residence 1009 East Second. Curtis, Mary, widow Dudley W., house 196 Forest avenue. Curtis, Mathew B., driver, 19 Steele, rooms 28 Fenton place. Curtis, Samuel, wool sorter, rooms, 111 East Sixth. Curtis, Wallace B., photographer, 56 Prospect, residence 196 Forest Ave. Curtiss, J. Delevan (R. Louise) attorney at law, 50-53 N e w Fenton building. house 54 Lake View avenue. Curtiss, Lillian, student, residence 54 Lake View avenue. Cushman, John M. (M. E m m a ) jeweler, newsdealer and photographic supplies, 10 Main, house 132 Warren. Custes, E m m a , Mrs., winder, house 231 Prospect. Custers, Hannah, spinner, 58 Center, boards 57 Foote avenue. Cutler, Gertrude E., teacher, residence 111 Fulton. Cutler, Martha H., Mrs., caterer, residence 15 Lincoln. Cutting, Alice K., residence 25 Elm. Cutting, Ella, widow Henry, house 25 Elm. Cutting, Lucine E. (Francelia D.) salesman, house Orphanage. Cutting, Vernon L., carder, residence 25 Elm. D Dahl, Oscar (Louise), laborer, house 12 Sampson. Dahlbeck, Charles, laborer, 95 J. & G avenue, boards 110 Mechanic. Dahlberg, Amelia H., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 497 Willard. Dahlberg, Anna W., piece picker, 335 Harrison, residence 497 Willard. Dahlberg, Charles E., laborer, residence 497 Willard. Dahlberg, John (Anna C.) laborer, 335 Harrison, house 337 Willard. Dahlberg, Ludwick A., combing boss, Falconer Worsted Mills, residence 497 Willard. Dahlberg, Samuel (Olivia O ) , carpenter, house 497 Willard. Dahlberg, Selma O., operative, residence 497 Willard. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material Be s u r e ^ffirfd^yToS? C l o t h i n g at Proudfit's DAHLGREN DANIELSON 212 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Dahlgren, A. (Sophia), cabinet maker, house 249 Crescent. Dahlgren, August, (Anna E.), teamster, house 36 Union avenue. Dahlgren, Elmer, wood carver, residence 249 Crescent. Dahlgren, Olof, (Hulda), laborer, house Hickory. Dahlman, Mary A., widow, Francis T., midwife, house over 4 Waterman. Dahlquist, August (Wilmina), tailor, residence 554 East Second. Dahlquist, August, (Augusta), carver, house 210 Benedict. Dahlquist, Charles A., metalfinisher,95 J. & G. ave, boards 33 Thirteenth. Dahlquist, Maurice, dresser, residence 554 East Second. Dahlstrom, Axel, (Anna), cabinet maker, 30 Steele, h. over 16 Union ave. Dahlstrom, Charles P., (Anna), tool maker, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 500 W . 5th. Dahlstrom, John, shoemaker, 368 Willard, house do. Dailey, Caroline E., widow Patrick, residence 622 Palmer. Daley, Edward, peddler, residence under Briggs block. Daley, Peter, (Mary), peddler, house under Briggs block. Dalrymple Francis W., (Elizabeth), City Engineer, rooms 16-17 City building, house 634 Lakeview avenue. Danberg, Victor, (Sophia), laborer, 95 J. & G. Ave., house 140 Chambers. Danforth, Sidney, (Clara Belle), woodworker, 56 Blackstone avenue, house 38 Flagg avenue. Danforth, Volina H., widow Higby, house 210 West Fourth. Daniels, Frank M.. <Susie A.,), commercial traveler, house over 1055 Main. Daniels, Frank, (Rebecca), laborer, house 449 West Second. Daniels, John, clerk 21 West Third, residence do. Danielson, Alma, domestic, residence 153 Chandler. Danielson, Arthur J. A., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 101 Hedges avenue. Danielson, Arvid, meat cutter 1 Winsor, boards 172 Allen. Danielson, August, (Carolena), laborer, house 18 Institute. Danielson, August C , (Anna M.), machine hand 105 Winsor, h. 21 Hedges avenue. Danielson, Axel G., ( E m m a S.), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 17 Pardee ave Danielson, Axel F., cabinet maker, 3-7 Ashville avenue, residence 4 Orchard. Danielson Bros.—Charles A. and John P.—grocers, 113 Willard. Danielson, Carl P., ( E m m a ) cabinet maker 105 Winsor, h. 206 Falconer. Danielson, Charles A. (Amanda S.)—Danielson Bros., 113 Willard—house 55 Kinney. Danielson, Charles E. (Carrie A.),finisher,50 Steele, residence 41 Derby. Danielson, Ellen, manufacturer, 18 Institute, house do. Danielson, Emil laborer, residence 324 Forest avenue. Danielson, Fred C , cutter, 206 Main, residence 324 Forest avenue. Danielson, Gunnard C. E., residence 101 Hedges avenue. Danielson, Gustaf D. (Sarah A.), carpenter, house 4 Orchard. Danielson, Hilda, house 324 Forest avenue. Danielson, Hulda, seamstress, residence 18 Institute. Danielson, Ida., domestic, residence 503 East Fifth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware. Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. DANIELSON DAVIS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 213 Danielson, Jennie, fringe weaver, residence 324 Forest avenue. Danielson, John (Rebecca), laborer, house 511 Willard. Danielson, John, (Esther), stone mason, house 492 Crescent. Danielson, John A. (Clara), weaver 335 Harrison, house 101 Hedges avenue. Danielson, John A. (Hilda C.,) painter, house 482 Willard. Danielson, John P., (Selma S.) Danielson Bros., 113 Willard—h. 53 Kinney. Danielson, John P., carpenter, residence 23 Delaware avenue. Danielson, Jonas P., retired, residence 528 Allen. Danielson, Martin A., residence 324 Forest avenue. Darke, George A. (Eliza M.), clerk, 10 West First, house over 115 East 2d. Darling, Charles E. (Ada H.), laborer, house over 44 Foote avenue. Darling, Jennie E., residence 513 Spring. Darling, Joel S., retired, house 513 Spring. Darling, Mary E., clerk, 16 West Third, residence 513 Spring. Darling, Samuel A., residence 513 Spring. Darlington, Samuel, pastor Primitive M. E. Church, rooms 8-9 Y. M. C. A. dormitory. Darwin, John, (Emma), house 286 Harrison. Darst Euceba H., widow Hiram, house over 13 Fountain avenue. Davenport, Carrie, house over 822 Main. Davenport, Myra, dress maker, residence 306 West Eighth. Davey, Carrie A., student, residence 317 Lake View avenue. Davey, Hetty, bookkeeper, 304 East Second, residence over do. Davey, James (Ellen), plumbing, etc., 304 East Second, house over do. Davey, Jessamine, student, residence 317 Lake View avenue. Davey, William H. (Carrie D.), policeman, house 317 Lake View avenue. Davison, Arthur W., (Jessie M.), confectioner and ice cream maker, 16 Bush, residence do. Davidson, A m o s P. (Lizzie), carpenter, house 601 Palmer. Davidson, Hans (Signa), weaver, house 11 Highland avenue. Davidson, H. A. <& Co.,—H. A. and John R. junk and hides, rear 12 Forest avenue. Davidson, Horace A., junk, residence 601 Palmer. Davidson, James W „ (Effle M.), motorneer J. S. Ry. Co., h. 20 Ashville ave. Davidson, John, (Sadie), gardener, house 160 Warren. Davidson, John R. (Louise)—H. A. Davidson & Co.—12 Forest avenue, house 601 Palmer. Davis, Andrew—The Casino—house room 11 over 5 South Main. Davis, Annie, duffer 116 East First, residence 923 Marvin. Davis, Archie E,. (Lucy E.), bookkeeper, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 154 Lakin ave. Davis, Carl O., machinist 11 Shearman place, house 219 Stowe. Davis, Catherine, widow William, residence 134 Lake View avenue. Davis, Catharine M., widow Ora M., house 38 Barrows. Davis, Charles R., (Emma), employed Erie R. R. Co., h. -over 27 Whitley avenue. M. J.MURRAY cS3*Slrt uSSf* Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Your Money's W o r t h mo0nrey°back at Proudfit's. DAVIS 214 JAVIS J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Davis, Charles W . (Genevieve A.)—Dewey-Davis Printing Co.—Gokey building, 12-14 West Third, house 115 Fulton. Davis, Chauncey, (Lucy), barber, 23 West Third, residence 81 Hazzard. Davis, Dallas E., (Alice), carpenter, 335 Harrison, house 108 Hall avenue. Davis, Earl, (Hildah), teamster, house over 350 Warren. Davis, Edward, laborer, residence 112 Kent. Davis, Elanson O , stationary engineer, 109 Sprague, residence 18 E. Third. Davis, Eliza G., widow George T., house 318 Prendergast avenue. Davis, Ella, nurse, residence 38 Barrows. Davis, Elmer W., Paper hanger, house 234 SDrague. Davis, Elmo, laborer, residence 112 Kent. Davis, Emory li., (Lois), commercial traveler, house 113 East Eighth. Davis, Fannie, spinner, 116 East First, residence 16 Sampson. Davis, Frank, printer, Koehl block, 17-19 Steele, residence 61 Rathbone. Davis, Frank L. (Nettie), teamster Lake View Rose gardens, house 824 Ashville avenue. Davis, Frank W., (DeLeo), wall paper, 633 East Second, house over 632 do. Davis, Fred, teamster, boards 18 Steele. Davis, George J., (Nellie), laborer, 41-51 Outlet, house 6 Outlet. Davis, George W., (Anna), agent, house 847 Prendergast avenue. Davis, Goldie, residence 112 Kent. Davis, H. Almira .widow Joseph, house 116 East Fourth. Davis, Harry A., plumber, 122 West Third, residence 112 Kent. Davis, Harvey R., (Maria Jeanette) carpenter, house 208 Broadhead avenue. Davis, Herbert F. (Laura L.)—Davis, Purdy & Co., 18 Shearman Place, boards 519 Lake View avenue, Davis, Mrs. Herbert F., money order clerk, Post Office, boards 519 Lake View avenue. Davis, Henry, residence 219 Stowe. Davis, Henry C , laborer, boards 10 Cook avenue. Davis, Jacob H. (Lizzie B.) clerk, llEast First, house 129 Prospect. Davis, James, (Mary E.), machinist, 129 J. & G. avenue, boards 213 W . 2nd. Davis, J. Franklin, stenographer, residence 129 Prospect. Davis, John C., (Maria), clerk, 34 Main, house 31 Price. Davis, Joseph, bleacher, 206 Steele, boards 116 East Fourth. Davis, Laura E., widow Ethan B., residence 129 Prospect. Davis, Leora, employed 116 East First, residence 16 Sampson. Davis, Lucian H., (Carrie F.), house 414 Falconer. Davis, Martha P., widow Simeon O , house 17 Thayer. Davis, Mary J., widow William J., house 61 Rathbone. Davis, Matthew N., riveter, residence 847 Prendergast avenue. Davis, Minerva, widow Royal P., residence 234 Sprague. Davis, Olive E., dress maker, house over 215 East Third. Davis, Otto L., clerk, 342 East Third, residence 219 Stowe. Davis, Peter N., retired, house 219 Stowe. Clark Hardware Co.,agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. DAVIS DE BELL JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 215 Davis, Purdy & Co.—Herbert F. Davis, Carl S. Purdy and Wilcox Burchard & Co.—wholesale confectioners, 18 Shearman Place. Davis, Reuben, W., (Ellen), foreman, 116 E. First, house 16 Sampson. Davis, Roxina L., bookkeeper, 14 West Third, residence Wicks avenue, Cel. Davis, Walter H., (Georgia), mail carrier, P. 0., house Adam. Davis, William, (Mary), machinist, house 3 Metallic avenue. Davis, William E. (Fannie S.) musician, house 718 Cherry. Davis, William M. (Harriett B.) clerk, 206 Main, house 25 Fairmount ave. Davis, Willis Cheney, laborer, residence 16 Sampson. Dawkins, Edith S., bookkeeper, 6 West Third, residence 500 West Fifth. Dawkins, Joseph B., hotel cook, house rear 26 Taylor. Dawley, Bertha H., student, residence, 533 East Fifth. Dawley, George, Jr., (Jessie), conductor J. S-. R. R., house over 32 Ashville avenue. Dawley, George 0., (Helen), motorneer, J. S. Ry., house 9 Catlin ave. Dawley, Harriet L., widow Samuel C., residence 533 East Fifth. Dawley, Joseph, (Agnes), conductor, J. s. R. R., house 14 Ashville avenue. Dawley, Mary J., residence 514 East Fifth. Dawley, Maud L., student, residence 9 Catlin avenue. Dawson, George A., (Ella), commercial traveler, house 229 Fulton. Dawson, George H., (Martha), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 248 do. Dawson, John, (Margaret), machine hand, 56-60 Taylor, house 48 Harrison. Dawson, Samuel (Martha), piano tuner house 539 Crescent. Day, Anna O, residence 210 West Fifth. Day, Bert J., (Lily),finisher,95 J. & G. avenue, house over 17 East First. Day, Frank A., (Ella George), farmer, house Curtis. Day, Henry C , clerk, 116 Main, residence 210 West Fifth. Day, Jean P., residence 210 West Fifth. Day, Morgan H. (Addie) foreman, 95 j. & G. avenue, house 210 W . Fifth. Dean, Benjamin S. (Emyle C.) writer, over 219 Spring, h. 609 E. Eighth. Dean, C. William, (Rill), employed 2 South Main, house over 71 Allen. Dean, Daniel W., rooms 18 Lowry block. Dean, Paul M. (Ella Butler), foreman job room, 14-16 West Second, house 84S Prendergast avenue. Deane, Charles E., (Clarine), clerk, 23 West Third, house over 11 West 2nd. Deane, Daisy, residence over 11 West Second. Deane, Emogene, widow F. C., house over 20 Cross. Dearing, Jane E., widow John S., house 516 East Eighth. Dearing, John F., (Bertha), clerk, 203 Main, house 215 Lincoln. Dearing, M. Lillian, stenographer, over 9 Main, residence 516 E. Eighth. Dearborn, Charles, (Fredricka), metal polisher, house 16 Valley. Dearborn, Edith, residence Hunt road. Dearborn, John, (Margaret), mason, house Hunt road. Dearborn, John A. (Clara) bookkeeper, 108 East Third, house 807 Spring. DeBell, Albert, brakeman, residence 1 Metallic avenue. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. Children's Suits $ 1 . 5 0 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T ' S DE BELL 216 DETWILLER JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. DeBell, Charles H., (Ella), brakeman. J. & c. R. R., house 1 Metallic ave. DeBoakes, Albert, (Mattie), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house over 86 Marvin. Deck, Lillian, seamstress, residence 20 West Fourth. Decker, Austin, ( E m m a ) , machine hand, 56-68 Blackstone avenue, house 24 Champlain. Decker, Leora, widow Charles E., house 59 Foote avenue. Decker, Nina, residence 18 Stowe. Decatur, Charles J., (Minnie A.), wood worker, 105 Winsor, h. 105 Willard. Delain, Charles (Helen) paper hanger, house 234 Forest. Delane, Gust, paperhanger, boards 953 'East Second. Delaney, James A., (Annie), machine hand, 38 Winsor, house 114 Fairview avenue. DeLaney, Wilton H., (Harriet S.), clerk, 2-6 East Second, house 121 Failmount avenue. , Deling, Munroe F. (Annie R.) night watchman, 3 Ashville ave. h. 510 Hallock. DeLisle, Clarence F., laborer residence 43 Marvin. DeLisle William W . (Lizzie) carpenter house 43 Marvin. Delmar, Jule, ?nanager Celoron Theater, boards Celoron hotel. Deluge Engine 1, house 112-114 East Fourth. Dempsey, Edward R., (Cecelia), house over 8 Cheney. Dempsey, Margaret, second closer, 318 Cherry, boards 12 Institute. Dempsey, Mary, stitcher, 318 Cherry, boards 12 Institute. Denslow, George, (Gertrude), building mover, house 408 Hazeltine Ave. Denslow, Louie A., residence 551 West Third. Denslow, William R. (Anne E.) constable, house S12 Lafayette. Denslow, Willard T. (Laura J.) house mover, house, 551 West Third. Department of Health, Albert E. Myers, M. D., health officer, over 122 East Third. Depew, William S., (Minnie V.), dentist, over 34 Main, h. 311 Prendergast avenue. Derby, Agnes D., residence 123 South Main. Derby, Antoinette L., widow John K., house 103 Forest avenue. Derby, Claude E., corter, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 10 West Tenth. Derby, Edward R., clerk, 116 Main, boards 117 Chandler. Derby, Frank C , mail carrier, P. O., residence 17 West Tenth. Derby, Huldah, widow Silas S., house 123 South Main. Derby, John O , (Minnie M.), tailor, 17 West Tenth, house do. Derby, Nettie L., Mrs. clerk,2% Main, boards 411 West Fourth. Derry, Edward L., bookkeeper, residence Martin road. Derry, Katherine, widow William, Martin Road. Derry, Mary, elocutionist, boards 105 Crosby. Define, Charles L., (Anna), junk dealer, house over 115 South Main. Detwiller, Anna J., nurse, residence 114 West Eighth. Detwiller, Elizabeth, nurse, residence 114 West Eighth. Detwiller, Isabelle, bookkeeper, residence 114 West Eighth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . DETWILLER DINSMORE JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 217 Detwiller, Marion, nurse, house 114 West Eighth. Detwiller, Robert H., clerk, 5 E. 1st, residence 114 West Eighth. Devlin, Nellie, residence over 13 East Second. Devoe, Alonzo (M. Alice), assessor, house 621 East Second. DeVoe, Laura, widow Richard H., residence 53 Harrison. DeWet, Alma, domestic, residence 12 Fairview avenue. DeWet, Ida, Mrs., laundress, house 9 Cleveland place. Dewey, Adelbert D., (Helen M.), Manager, The Furniture Commercial Agency Co., over 2 East Third, house 613 East Eighth. Dewey, Blanche E., student, residence 1001 Prendergast avenue. Dewey-Davis Printing Co.—Edwin B. Dewey and Charles W . Davis—job printers, over 12-14 West Third. Dewey, Edwin B., (Lorena C.)—Dewey-Davis Printing Co., over 14 West Third, house 310 Crossman. Dewey, Fred W., (Kittie J.), printer, 14-16 W . 2nd. house 22 Fluvanna Ave. Dewey, George W . (Minnie) fish dealer, house 1001 Prendergast avenue. Dewitt, Charles J., wood worker, 3 Ashville avenue, residence 520 Monroe. DeWitt, Seth E., (Ella), telegraph operator Erie R. R. Co., house over 615 Main. Diamond, Charles, metal worker, 129 J. & G. avenue, residence 6 Waterman. Diamond, Charles, (Annie), dyer 116 East First, house 6 Waterman. Diamond, Mary Ann, spinner, 116 East First, residence 6 Waterman. Dickert, Penlope, domestic, 613 Buffalo. Dickey, Clarinda, residence 334 EastFifth. Dickson, Frank L., (Lucy), roofer, house 316 Bowen. Dickerson, E m m e t L., (Sarah), paperhanger, house 212 Pine. Dickerson, Sarah, Mrs., dressmaker, residence 212 Pine. Dickerson, Sarah B., widow Benjamin, house 1021 Main. Dickinson, Charles H. (Nellie M.) clerk, 23 E.Third, h. 842 Prendergast ave. Dickinson, Sarah E., teacher, residence 134 Lake View avenue. Dickson, Alfred, Rev. (Evelyn B.) retired, house 617 Lake View avenue. Dickson, Carrie B., residence 617 Lake View avenue. Dickson, Charles (Christine) carpenter, house 35 Linden avenue. Dickson, Lillian G., teacher, residence 617 Lake View avenue. Dickson, Mabel, residence 66 Hazzard. Dickson, Myrtie, teacher, residence 617 Lake View avenue. Diehl, Herman, optician, 202 Main, boards 7-9 West First. Dillingham, Edson W., (Viola), commercial traveler, house 501 Clinton. Dillon, John, (Sarah S.), upholsterer, house 164 Marvin. Dillon, Patrick, (Lillian), teamster, house 33 Fluvanna avenue. Dillon, Sarah, twister, 335 Harrison, residence 164 Marvin. Dillon, Thomas (Elizabeth), laborer, house North Liberty. Dinsmore, Catharine, widow Robert W., house 508 East Second. Dinsmore, Charles, paper hanger and decorator, boards 18 West Second. M . J. M U R R A Y Employs Only First-class Workmen Lorde^oYur F i n e C u s t o m C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T ' S DINSMORE DORMAN 218 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Dinsmore Spring Co.—Junius H. Benson and William H. Penfield, proprietors, furniture springs, third floor, 50 Steele. Dixon, William H., (Louisa), clerk, 203 Main, house 16 Cedar. Doane, Edward, (Carrie) coachman, 416 Main, house under 138 Institute. Doane, Eliza A., Mrs., residence under 138 Institute. Doane, Stella, Mrs., dressmaker, residence 45 Harrison. Dobson, George J., student, residence 810 West Eighth. Dobson, John (Mariah), supt. lumber yard, house 810 West Eighth. Docksta, John, laborer, residence 433 Allen. Dodge, Charles J., motorneer, boards 819 Spring. Doering, Henry A. (Daisy H.)—Harris, Underwood & Doering—24 Main, house 539 West Third. Dole, Carrie E., nurse, residence 603 Lafayette. Dole, Gertrude M., residence 603 Lafayette. Dole, Mary M., dressmaker, house 603 Lafayette. Donaldson, Carrie, student, residence over 60 Harrison. Donaldson, Sophia, Mrs., dressmaker, house over 60 Harrison. _ Donelly, John, (Annie), laborer, house over 110 East Third. Donnellon, B. Delia, clerk, residence 114 Steele. Donnellon, Nellie M., residence 114 Steele. Donnellon, Rhody D. (Helen), flagman, Erie R. R. Co., house 114 Steele. Donelson, Alof T., deliveryman, 2 N e w Gifford Block, South Main, boards 36 Harrison. Donelson, Albert H., employed 2 N e w Gifford block, South Main, residence 36 Harrison. Donelson Bros. & Root—H. Albert Donelson Elmer A. Donelson and Harry Root—meat market, 1 Gifford Building, South Main. Donelson, Charles O., (Anna), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 545 Allen. Donelson, Edward, teamster, residence 36 Harrison. Donelson, Elmer A., (Mildred)—Donelson's Cash Grocery—2 N e w Gifford Building, house 109 Newland avenue. Donelson, H. Albert—Donelson's Cash Grocery—2 N e w Gifford Building, residence 36 Harrison. Donelson, 'Hilda, housekeeper, house 36 Harrison. Donelson's Cash Grocery—H. Albert Donelson and Elmer A. Donelson—2 N e w Gifford Building, South Main. Donnelly, Ella O , Mrs., house 410 Lafayette. Doolittle, A m y A., dressmaker, residence 549 West Third. Doolittle, George S., (Ida M.)—Odell & Doolittle, 342 E. 3d—h. 45 Grant. Doolittle, Laura M., widow Ezra, house 549 West Third. Dorman, Elizabeth, widow William P,. house under 867 Spring. Dorman, Frederick A., (Mary J.), florist, 16 West Tenth, house do. Dorman, John T., machine hand, 318 Cherry, residence under 867 Spring. CLARK H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . DORMAN DRAKE JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 219 Dorman, William L., (Tina L.), grocer, 136 East Ninth, house 329 Doran, Charles H., billiard parlors, 21 W . Third, residence 622 Prendergast avenue. i Dorn, Dexter D., ( E m m a B.), attorney, rooms 40-41, N e w Fenton Block, house 223 Baker. , Dorn, E m m a M., widow George A., house 28 Harrison. Dorn, Laura F., Mrs., domestic, 113 West Third, residence do. Dorn, Ralph Waldo, (Louise), law student, residence 223 Baker. Dorsett, Harriett F., widow Daniel B., residence 214 Clinton. Doubleday, B. Ednah, student, residence 20 East Ellicott. Doubleday, John W., (Nellie C ) , president Empire Worsted Mills, 35-43 Water, house 20 East Ellicott. Doubleday, T. Ethelbert, student, residence 20 East Ellicott. Douglas, Dorothy C , milliner, 100 East Third, residence 6 Cross. Douglas, James G., (Lottie A.), machine hand, Straight Mfg. Co.,h 33 Went Tenth. Douglas, Minnie, school teacher, residence 33 West Tenth. Douglass, C. Carrol, employed 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 215 Fulton. Douglass, E m m a E., Mrs., drawing room worker, h. under 564 E. Second. Dow, Alberta G., residence 72 Alien. Dow, Charles M. (Eleanor), pres. Chautauqua County Trust Company, 201 Main, house 72 Allen. Dow, Charles M., Jr., law student, residence 72 Allen. Dow, George N., (Lora Holton), dealer in portraits and art work, .'3 Gol-.ey building, rooms do. Dow, Howard J., student, reticence 72 Allen. Dow, M m e . Lora Holton, music teacher, 53 Gokey building, rooms do. Dowler, Frank K., ( E m m a E.)—Dowler & Barbour, 207 Cherry—h. 14 Weeks. Dowler & Barbour—Frank Dowler and James Barbour—blacksmiths, 209 Cherry. Downs, Allen, loomfixer,lie East First, boards 145 Barrows. Downs, Alice, weaver, 835 Harrison, residence 440 Allen. Downs, Harold, loom fixer, AlG East First, boards 155 Barrows. Downs, John (Kittie H.), bartender Humphrey house, h., 211 Broadhead ave. Doyle, Bridget, residence 884 East Second. Doyle, Catharine, kitchen girl, 21 West Third. Doyle, James, dealer in hides and tallow, house 884 East Second. Drackley, Raymond J., student, residence 23 Derby. Dracup, Alice, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 13 Webster. Dracup, Nathaniel (Nancy), woolsorter house 13 Webster. Drake, Adolphus D., (Margaret E.), teamster, house over 622 Spring. Drake, Franklin, (Mary E.), laborer, house over 24 Fenton place. Drake, Herbert, (Lilly), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 56 Water. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ' ^ " . V ^ T y M , J. M U R R A Y Men's All W o o l Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , Proudfit's DRAKE DUNDERDALE 220 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Drake, Roy E., (Laura), clerk, 4 New Gifford Bldg., South Main, house 28 Derby. Draymens' headquarters, 208 Cherry. Drayton, Everett E., boarding stables, 118 West Fourth, house do. Dreager, Calista A., teacher, residence 102 West Seventh. Dreager, Wilhelmena, widow John G., house 102 West Seventh. Drew, Genevieve E., nurse, W . C. A. Hospital, 207 Foote avenue. Dreyer, Abiah, stenographer, 318 Cherry, residence 104 Stewart avenue. Dreyer, Charles, plate worker, 95 J. & G. ave residence 104 Stewart ave. Dreyer, Earl, student, residence 104 Stewart avenue. Dreyer, Peter (Anna), woodworker, house 104 Stewart avenue. Driving Park hotel, 1200 East Second—I. Hardwick, proprietor. Drots, Albert W., comber, 335 Harrison, boards 303 Willard. Drots, Anna, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 503 Warren. Drots, Anna L., operative, residence 303 Willard. Drots, Carl T., spring setter, 38-46 Winsor, boards 303 Willard. Drots ,Ida C , residence 303 Willard. Dschuden, Charles F. (Elizabeth), tablemaker, house 865 Main. Dschuden, Fred W., sander 105 Winsor, residence 60 Marvin. Dschuden, John (Fredreka), cabinetmaker, house 60 Marvin. Dschuden, John H., cabinet maker, residence 60 Marvin. Dschuden, Leroy L., clerk, 218-220 -Main, residence 865 Main. Dschuden, Louis, (Margaret), wood worker, 29-35 J. & G. avenue, house 2 Metallic avenue. Dschuden, Otto A.,finisher,40 Winsor, residence 60 Marvin. DuBois, Auguste, salesman, house 120 West Tenth. DuBois, Charles R., (Ella), laborer, residence 7 Metallic avenue. DuBois, Edwin R., furniturefinisher,residence 120 West Tenth. DuBois, Fred (May), weaver, 335 Harrison, house Martin road. Due, Martin, (Petrea), cabinet maker, 30 Steele, house 330 Forest avenue Duffee, Edward E., (Ella E.), dry goods, 205 Main, house 105 Allen. Duffy, Christopher (Margaret), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 300 Winsor. Duffy, Christopher, Jr., stenographer, 38 Winsor, residence 300 do. Duffy, John, retired, residence 613 East Seventh. Duffy, Marcella, baker, 221 Spring, residence 300 Winsor. Duffy, Margaret A., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 300 Winsor. Duffy, Nahman, (Anna), painter, residence 371 Baker. Duffy, Patrick F., supt. Penna. Gas Co., 108 E. 3d, house 613 East Seventh. Dufresne, Gilbert J., (Clara), wood carver, 38 Winsor, house 7 do. Dugan, Harry, employed 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 122 Stewart ave. Dunbar, Clementine, stenographer, 56 Prospect avenue, residence over 703. Washington. Dunbar, Hattie E., widow Henry, house over 703 Washington. Dunderdale, Annie, student, residence 608 East ISecond. Dunderdale, James, (Mary), foreman, 113 Foote avenue, h. 608 East Second. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. DUNHAM S H A R P E CO. D Y S O N & GALLIVAN J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 221 Dunham, Alfred S., bookkeeper, 335 Harrison, boards 507 East Second. Dunham, Dorman, residence 104 Fairmount avenue. Dunham, Earl, student, boards 507 East Second. Dunham, Kate, widow Alfred, boards 507 East Second. Dunihue, William J., (Clara A.), aristo worker, 56 Prospect, house 44 Broadhead avenue. Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley & Pittsburg Ry., Ticket ofiices, L. J. Williams, city freight and ticket agent, 301 Main. Dunn, Francis (Maude M.), bookkeeper 104 East Second, house 22 Catlin ave. Dunn, Henry,finisher318 Cherry, house 421 Livingston avenue. Dunn, Jane, Mrs., employed 219 Washington, house 217 Washington. Dunn, John W., (Ella),florist,Lake View Rose Gardens, house 293 Livingstone avenue. Dunn, Laughlin, stationary engineer, residence 421 Livingston avenue. Dunn, Mary, Mrs., widow Dennis, house 421 Livingston avenue. Dunn, Sarah, widow J. Alexander, house 205 Allen. Dupree, Nellie, domestic, 409 West Sixth. Durano, Joseph, (Helen), janitor, house 11 Victoria avenue. Durfee, George W . (Clara R.), farmer house 318 Main. Durfee, Clara R., Mrs. milliner, 318 Main, residence do. Durham, Eva J., stenographer, 56 Prospect, residence over 109 Lincoln. Durham, Ellen C, Mrs., house over 109 Lincoln. Durham, Gertrude A., residence 208 Barrett. Durham, Wilbur S. (Sarah Ann), carpenter, house 383 Foote avenue. Durham, W . John, (Hattie), mill hand, 335 Harrison, h. 208 Barrett Ave. Durnin, Elizabeth, residence 18 Kent. Durnin, John, bookbinder, 14-16 WestSecond, residence 18 Kent. Durnin, Norah, widow John, house 18 Kent. Dutcher, Edward A., (Phebe), house 411 Lafayette. Dwan, John, (Ellen), employed 325 West Second, house 703 West Eighth. Dwan, Mary domestic, residence 703 West Eighth. Dwan, Nellie, domestic, residence 703 West Eighth. Dwan, Richard, boards 703 West Eighth. Dwan, Thomas, student, boards 703 West Eighth. Dwan, William, machinist, boards 703 West Eighth. Dwyer, James, bartender, 18 Main boards Celoron. Dycon, Pollie, domestic 312 East Third, residence do. Dyer, Nellie C , teacher, residence 508 East Seventh. Dyson, Amos Henry, (Clara), Dyson & Galivan, 110 West Second, house 94 Hazzard. Dyson & Galivan—Amos Henry Dysrm and John Gallivan—blacksmiths, 110 S o m e of the m o s t extensive plcu,™blnfd " & £ £ e M. J. MURRAY West Second. H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G . PVLow ices. ECKMAN EAGLE 12,2 J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. E Eagle Foundry and Machine Co.—William Sykes and A d a m and William Stormer—175 J. & G. avenue Eagle Hose Company, 28 Fenton pince. East Jamestown House, Ernest Smith proprietor, 953 East Second. Eastman, Charles J., (Hulda A.), laborer, 56-58 Blackstone avenue, house 21 Peterson. Eastman, Henry A., physician and surgeon, rooms 56-57 N e w Fenton Block, house over 208 Lafayette. Eaton, Agnes, widow Henry, house over 608 Prendergast avenue. Eaton, Caroline P., widow Corydon, residence 59 Fairmount avenue. Eaton, Ezra, (Emerett),fireman,house 10 Harrison. Eaton, Frank C , student, residence over 608 Prendergast avenue. Eaton, Henry W., (Lena), laborer, house 505 Warren. Eaton, Susan M., widow Philetus L.,house 1001 East Second. Ebel, Elizabeth E., winder, residence 916 Main. Ebel, Henry, apprentice, residence 810 Main. Ebel, Julius G. M. (Elizabeth), foreman, house 916 Main. Eberman, Albert S., (Bertie), brass molder, house 314 Lincoln. Eberman, Herman H., commercial traveler, residence 314 Lincoln. Eberman, Judd A., bookkeeper, 19-23 Briggs, residence 314 Lincoln. Eberman, Ralph L., tool maker. 95 J.& G. avenue, residence 314 Lincoln. Eberman, Rebekah J., residence 308 Lincoln. Eckberg, Magnus (Mary), mill hand, house 47 Charles. Ecker, Marquis L., (Fannie E.), deliveryman, 116 Main, house 11 Cross. Eckholm, Emil, (Anna), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 218 Weeks. Eckholm, Oscar, (Jennie), finisher, 415-421 Chandler house 3 East Newland Ave. Eckholm, Otto residence East Newland avenue. Eckloff, George (Alice), cabinet maker, house 371 Foote avenue. Ecklund, Adolph, (Betty), employed 101 Harrison, house 22 Osborn. Ecklund, Charles G. (Jennie), laborer, house 367 Baker. Ecklund, Clyde, farm hand, residence 367 Baker. Ecklund, Gust, shoemaker, residence 367 Baker. Eckman, Albert, (Sigrid), painter, 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 4 Orchard. Eckman, Charles L. (Agnes), sec. and treas. Breed-Johnson Furniture company, 129 J. & G. avenue, house 217 East Eighth. Eckman, Charles W . (Christine)—Prop Jamestown Bed Spring Co.—8 and 10 Willard, house 545 Allen. Eckman, Christine, Mrs., dressmaker, over 104 Harrison, house do. Eckman, Daniel O., (Hilda A.), cJerk, 108 East Second, house 221 Price. Eckman, Ernest F., tinner, 95 J. -?-. G. avenue, residence 13 Fenton. Eckman, Edith, domestic, residence 104 Harrison. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E C O . ECKMAN EDDY JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 223 Eckman, Gust F., (Louise), carpenter, house 109 Sampson. Eckman, Hannah C. E., residence 20 Linden avenue. Eckman, J. August, organist First Lutheran church, residence 20 Linden avenue. Eckman, John, elevatorman, Gokey Building, house 13 Fenton. Eckman, Luther, clerk, 2 New Gifford Building, South Main, residence '/0 Linden avenue. Eckman, Nels P., stationary engineer. 20 Linden avenue. Eckman, Nils P. (Mary), carpenter, house 316 Forest. Eckman, Teresa, dressmaker, residence 13 Fenton. Eckman, William G., (Oppo F.), clerk, 205 Main, house 144 Allen. Eckstrom, Anna, widow John, bouse over 37 Morton. Eckstrom, A. Luther, clerk, 5-9 Main, boards 25 Steele. Eckstrom, Elof, employed Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, boards 10 Lake. Eckstrom, Gust, farm hand, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Eckstrom, Leonard, (Ella), loomfixer,house 1 Bowen avenue. Eckstrom, Maud, employed 335 Harrison, residence over 37 Morton. Eckwahl, Eric A., (Alma J.), carpenter, 56-58 Blackstone avenue, house over 37 Wescott. Eckwahl, F. Oscar, (Amanda), cabinet maker, 415 Chandler, h. 535 Allen. Eclipse Photo Paper Co., E. A. Gilbert proprietor, 31 Institute. Edberg, C. E., laborer, boards 652 Barrows. Eddington, Fred R., (Mary E.), shipping clerk, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconer, house -over 45 Bush. Eddington, George W., (Mary A.), machine hand, 105 Winsor, house under 219 Chandler. Eddy, Albert J., salesman, residence over 211 East Second. Eddy, Betsey A., widow Corydon W—Elton E. Eddy & Co.—house 125 S. Main Eddy, Charles H., reporter, residence over 216 East Second. Eddy, Eliza, widow Myron, dressmaker, house 210 Colfax. Eddy, Elizabeth, house 16 Lincoln. Eddy, Elton E. (Achsah)—Elton E. Eddy & Co.—over 16 E. 3d, h. 310 Clinton. Eddy, Elton E. & Co.—Elton E. and Betsy A.—gen'l insurance, over 16 E. 3d. E. E. EDDY, General : Insurance : Agent, 16 EAST THIRD STREET, JAMESTOWN, NEW YORK. Eddv, Fred S., (Harriet E.), bookkeeper, 101 Main, house 6 West Ninth. Eddy, Fred W., cabinet maker, 105 Winsor, residence 210 Colfax. Eddy, Henry H., (Susan), commercial traveler, house 218 East Second. Eddy, Halbert P., (Maria L.), retired house 423 East Fourth. If you contemplate New Plumbing, consult M. J. MURRAY K n o x Hats, H a w e s H a t s only at P R O U D F I T ' S EDDY 224 ECKSTEDT J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Eddy, Job, (Ella), hotel clerk, house 707 West Eighth. Eder, Mary A., domestic, 11 West Fifth. Edin, Axel, (Josephine), packer, 415-421 Chandler Ex., house over 134 Hedges avenue. Edman, Charles, (Matilda), employed 101 Harrison, h. over 107 Woseott. Edmond, William M., (Cora B.j, jeweler, 310 Jefferson, house do. Edmonds, Mattie, duffer, 102 East First, residence 426 Warren. Edmonds, Norman, (Rose), employed 102 East First, house 426 Warrsn. Edson, Harriet L., weaver, 335 Hd.iT.son, residence 28 Center. Edson, Hoyt D., barber, under 101 West Third, residence 28 Center. Edson, M. Louisa, widow Barney C , house 28 Center. Edson, Shirley B., clerk, 774 East Second, residence 28 Center. Edson, Theodore C , employed 14-16 West Second, residence 28 Center. Edwards, Anna, spinner, 102 East First, residence 227 Park place. Edwards Bonnie C , ('Nettie A.), teamster, house 19 Valley. Edwards, George, boiler maker, 602 West -Seventh, boards 816 E. Second. Edwards, George H., (Minnie), carpenter, house 106 Rathbone. Edwards, Lillian, employed 235 Harrison, residence, 227 Park place. Edwards, Mary Jane, spinner, residence 227 Park place. Edwards, Nancy A., widow John A., house over 19 Valley. Edwards, Thomas, (Mary), stone mason, house 275 Prospect. Edwards, William, stone cutter, house 227 Park place. Eggleston, Allyn B., comber, 335 Harrison, residence 726 East Seventh. Eggleston, Arthur G., hand sander, 105 Winsor, residence 726 E. Seventh. Eggleston, Frank L., comber, 116 East First, residence 726 East Seventh. Eggleston, M. Adelbert, bookkeeper, residence 726 East Seventh. Eggleston, Marshall, (Mary), laborer, house 726 East Seventh. Eggleston, Van C , employed 103 Main, residence do. Eidens, J. G., (Pattie), carpenter, house J. & G. avenue, near limits. Eisenberg, Daniel, (Florena), retired, house 172 Chandler. Ekberg, Arvid W., (Clara A.), mechanic, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 314 Price. Ekbeck, August (Ida M.), meat market, 29 South Main, house do. Ekbeck, Rudolph D., butcher, 29 South Main, residence do. Ecbeck, Wilbur, residence over 29 South Main. Ekberg, Adolf K. (Annie), cobbler, house 15 Cowden place. Ekberg, Axel (Mary C.)—Morse Grocery Co.—112 Winsor, house 568 Allen. Ekdahl, Thure J. (Helen C ) , piano tuner, house 106 Stowe. Ekedahl, Erik, (Lena), Asst. Supt., 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 22 Champlin. Etholm, Edwin, milk peddler, boards 301 Willard. Eklund, Alma, domestic, residence 127 Forest avenue. Eklof, Elmer C , (Josephine), employed 41-51 Outlet, house over 29 Palmer. Eklof, Mary, widow Charles J., house over 11 Great Jones. Eklof, William, residence 11 Great Jones. Ekstedt, Carl W., (Lena), woodworker, 29-35 J. & G. avenue, h. 119 Bowen. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. EKSTROM EMERICK JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 225 Ekstrom, Charles A., (Amelia A.), saloon and pool, 61 Winsor, house 215 Barrows. Ekstrom, Frank, (Caroline), carpenter, house 1301 East Second. Ekstrom, John, (Tilda), plasterer, house 656 Barrows. Elf, F. William, (Hannah), teamster, house 117 Falconer. Elk Saloon, Charles L. Carlson, Prop., 15 Steele. Eller, August E., engineer city steamer, 26-28 Fenton place, residence 15 Bassett. Eller, E m m a , widow Rudolph,, house 15 Bassett. Eller, Lulu, residence 15 Bassett. Ellenson, Ernest, (Hilma), laborer, house 39 Ellicott avenue. Ellener, George W., residence 121 Weeks. Ellener, Priscilla, widow James, house over 121 Weeks. Ellener, Robert G., residence 121 Weeks. Ellickson, John A., furniturefinisher,710 E. Second, residence 16 Johnson. Ellickson, Jennie J., residence 16 Johnson. Ellickson, Lottie J., residence 16 Johnson. Ellicott Building, 100-108 East Third. Ellicott Hook and Ladder, 212 Spring. Elliott, Abigail M., widow Daniel, residence 919 East Second. Elliott, Charles H., ( E m m a J.), clerk 13 East Third, house 224 Fulton. Elliot, Henry G., (Elizabeth M.), retired, residence 114 Forest avenue. Ellis, Amelia Florence, artist, residence 58 Water. Ellis, Anna, residence 80 Hazzard. Ellis, Anthony E., (Josephine B.), bookkeeper, 24 Steele, h. 104 Fairmount. Ellis, E m m a , widow Moses, house 58 Water. Ellis, George, (Helma), warp dresser, house 813 Jefferson. Ellis, George,finisher,25 Shearman place, boards 5 Harrison. Ellis, Henry L., (Olga L.), carver, 25 Shearman place, house 340 Steele. Ellis, James, (Martha B.), loomfixer,3 35 Harrison, house 80 Hazzard. Ellis, James S., contractor and builder, house 301 Hallock. Ellis, Jane, residence 763 East Second. Ellis, John, (Sophia A.), brakeman, Erie, house 265 Steele. Ellis, John F., (Lizzie), wood worker, house 13 Cook avenue. Ellis, Luella, Mrs., residence 408 W i n sor. Ellison, Abner, (Sarah J.), operative, 116 East First, house 25 Foote avenue. Ellison, E. H., draughtsman, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 113 West Third. Ellison, J. E„ employed 15 East Third, boards 113 West Third. Ellsworth, Etta, winder, 335 Harrison, residence 292 do. Ellsworth, Lorenzo, (Mandy), marine engineer .house under 304 Steele. Ellsworth, Mabel, winder, 335 Harrison, residence 292 do Ellsworth, Ruby, winder, 335 Harrisoi, residence 292 Harrison. Elmsley, Ralph, (Christina), twister, 56 Water, boards 61 Harrison. Elstrom, August, (Anna), band sawyer , 30 Steele, house 7 Valley. Em-erick, Lillian M., domestic, over 21 East Third, residence do. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. Children's Suits $1.50 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T ' S EMERICK ERICKSON 226 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Emerick, Robert, butcher, boards ove r 21 East Third. Emley, John, houseman, -21 West Third, residence do. Emmott, Edwin R., employed 335 Harrison, residence 130 Harrison. Emmott, Ellen, widow Herbert, house 130 Harrison. Empire Furniture Company—Frank O. Anderson and Frank P. and Charles M. Johnson—Mfrs. chamber suites, 118-124 Foote avenue. Empire Washer Co.—William T. Falconer and David E. Merrill—manufacturers washers, Falconer. Empire Worsted Mills—J. W . Doubleday, prest., L. M. Butman, sec and treas. —-Mfrs. suitings and dress goods, 31-43 Water. Endress, William F., (Dora W . ) , coal dealer, 66 Foote avenue, h. 416 Main. Endress, William Frizhugh, cadet, residence 416 Main. Engberg, John, (Brita L.), laborer house 154 Barrows. Engberg, John B., (Anna E.), furniturefinisher,20 Winsor, h. 400 Alle. Engle, Nicholas E., (Mary), candy maker, house 212 Forest avenue. Englund, Anna H., domestic, 289 Fairmount avenue. Engman, Carl J. F., (Hilma J.), blacksmith, house 574 Willard. Engman, Florence H. S.. spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 574 Willard. Engman, John, (Segna), carpenter, house 461 Hallock. Engman, John P., (Lena), farmer, house 511 Allen. Engman, Linda A. C , winder, Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, residence 574 Willard. Engquist, August G., machinist, boards 23 Stowe. V Engstrom, August, (Louise), wood worker, house 819 Newland avenue. Engstrom, John, varnisher, 105 Winsor, boards 489 Winsor. Engstrom, John, (Jennie)—P. A. Soderquist & Co., 324 Newland avenue, house 228 Prospect. Engstrom, John—Engstrom & Co., over 36 Main—boards 116 Park. Engstrom & Co.—John Engstrom and Walfria Carlson—merchant tailors over 36 Main. Engineering & Power Co., office over 303 Main—A. N. Broadhead, pres., W . A. Bradshaw, Jr., Sec. and Treas. Engwall, Ebba H., dressmaker, residence 131 Falconer. Engwall, Hjalmer, ( E m m a C ) , packer, 122-124 Foote avenue, h. 60 Tower. Engwall, Otto, woodworker, 122-124 Foote avenue, boards 24 Thayer. Engwell, John N., (Anna L.), machinehand, 58 Center, house 30 Winsor. Enos, Frank (Mary), teamster, house 133 Harrison. Enstrom, Huldah, twister, 335 Harrison, boards over 815 Newland avenue. Entwisle, Grace H., student, residence 707 Ashville avenue. Entwisle, Raymond W., (Minnie), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 120 Hall avenue. Entwisle, S. Charles, (Ella), foreman, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 707 Ashville avenue. Erekson, Hulda, domestic, 17 East Sixth. Erickson, Ada L., operative 335 Harri son, residence 34 Willard. Clark Hardware Co.,agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ERICKSON ERICKSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 227 Erickson, Albert T., laborer, residence 346 Willard. Erickson, Albert S., tinsmith, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence Hebner. Erickson, Albin J., (Judith), — A . A. Erickson & Son, 438 Willard—house 327 Willard. Erickson, Alfreda, domestic, 13S1 East Second. Erickson, Andrew (Sophia), retired, house under 820 East Second. Erickson, Andrew (Ellen), laborer, house 111 Camp. Erickson, Andrew (Anna L.)—A. Erickson & Son—438 Willard, house 434 do. Erickson, Anna, residence 1381 East Second. Erickson, Anna E., spinner, Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, residence 8.16 Main. Erickson, Anna M., residence 11 Bowen. Erickson Annie, Mrs., residence over 103 Camp. Erickson, Anton, (Ida C ) , machine hand, 122-124 Foote avenue, house over 72 Hedges avenue. Erickson, August, (Minnie), laborer, 415-421 Chandler, house 11 Bush. Erickson, August C. (Jennie), carver, house 14 Colfax. Erickson, August N. (Caroline), axemaker, house 233 Willard. Erickson, Axel J., (Anna O ) , cabinet maker, Jamestown Mantel Oo., Falconer, house 104 Pearl avenue. Eriskson, A. and Son—Andrew and Albin J.—grocery, 438 Willard. Erickson, Carl Henry, decorator, 95 J. G. avenue, residence 37 Sampson. Erickson, Carl John, (Ida C ) , wood worker Jamestown Mantle Co., Falconer, house over 337 Willard. Erickson, Carl H. (Cecelia A.), wood carver, 46 Taylor, house 66 Chapin. Erickson, Charles, employed 101 Harrison, boards 24 Harrison. Erickson, Charles, wood worker, 40 Steele, residence 133 Buffalo. Erickson, Charles, ( E m m a ) , machinist, house over 300 Falconer. Erickson, Charles E., (Augusta;, fore man, 95 J. & G. Ave. h. 37 Sampson. Erickson, Charles J. (Caroline), retired, house 66 Chapin. Erickson, Charlie (Anna H.), laborer, house 47 Hedges avenue. Erickson, Christine, widow August, house 549 Allen. Erickson, Edward, clerk, 16 West Third, residence 11 Bush. Erickson, Edwin O. A., clothfinisher,335 Harrison, residence 476 AVillard. Erickson, Elbin J., spring setter, 38-46 Winsor, residence 816 Main. Erickson, Elizabeth, domestic, 517 Main. Erickson, Ellen, domestic, 25 Fairmount avenue. Erickson, Ellen, domestic, 210 East Fifth, residence Buffalo. Erickson, Elmer, employed 93 J. & G. avenue, house over 103 Camp. Erickson, Emil, employed 38-46 Winsor, residence 16 Orchard. Erickson, Emily, twister, 335 Harrison, house over 6 Willis. Erickson, Eric, (Amelia), wool washer, 116 East First, house 16 Orchard. Erickson, Eric Arthur, employed 95 J. & G. Ave. residence 37 Sampson. Erickson, Erick, (Elizabeth), house over 106 Water. Erickson, Erick, resdence 1 Kipp. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material Be sure l^'al^HTyo^ C l o t h i n g at Proudfit's ERICKSON ERNEWEIN 228 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Erickson, Erick, retired, residence 114 Bush. Erickson, Erick, (Sophia), carpenirr, house 28 Prospect avenue. Erickson, Esther, residence 220 Warren. Ericson, Esther M., bookkeeper, Atlas Furinture Co., residence 1 Kipp. Erickson, Frank L., case maker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence Hebner. Ericksen, Fred S., (Alice), machinist, house 859 East Second. Erickson, George A., painter, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 37 Sampson. Erickson, Gustaf (Anna), laborer, house 494 Crescent. Erickson, Gustaf E. (Ellen O ) , laborer, house 346 Willard. Erickson, Hattie, domestic, 1381 East Second. Erickson, Hedda, widow Swan, housekeeper, 275 Willard. Erickson, Henry C. (Alma 0.), wood turner, house 13 Pardee avenue. Erickson, Johanna C , widow Andrew, house 476 Willard. Erickson, John, carpenter, residence 3 Briggs. Erickson, John (Tilda), machine hand, house over 812 East Second. Erickson, John, (Ellen), clothfinisher,335 Harrison, house 16 Fairfield Ave. Erickson, John E., (Carrie E.),finisher,Jamestown Mantle Co., house 25. Peterson. Erickson, John P., (Josephine), wood worker, 40-44 Steele, h. 9 Garfield. Erickson, Julia, dressmaker, residence 220 Warren. Erickson, Laus J., (Cora), barber, house 9 Lincoln. Ericson, Lawrence E. (Louise H.), secretary and treasurer Atlas Furniture Co. Allen extension, house 1 Kipp. Erickson, Malinda, widow Andrew, house 1017 Newland avenue. Erickson, Mary, dressmaker, residence 20 Colfax. Erickson, Mary O , widow Gust A., house over 816 Main. Erickson, Mary E., widow Charles, house 20 Colfax. Erickson, Mollie, residence 212 Bowen. Erickson, Nels, woodworker, residence 212 Bowen. Erickson, Nina, domestic, 23 Allen. Erickson, Olga T., spinner, Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, residence 816 Main. Erickson, Oscar, (Ebba) woodworker, house over 508 Newland avenue. Erickson, Oscar, packer, 30-38 Steele, boards 26 Dickerson. Erickson, Oscar W., (Selma M.). machinist, house over 34 Willard. Erickson, Swan (Mary) house 11 Bowen. Erickson, Swan A., (Anna), wood worker, 40 Steele, house 434 Winsor. Erickson, W., painter, Allen Ex., boards 230 East Buffalo. Erickson, see also Ericson and Ericsson. Ericson, Mary, domestic, 72 Allen. Ericson, Swan, car inspector, Erie R. R., boards 28 Derby. Erie freight station, 325 West Second, W . E. Griggs, agent. Erie Rail Road Station, West First. Ernest, Daniel L., clerk, 344 Allen, boards 172 Allen. Ernewein, George, candy maker, !U West Third, residence 18 Whitley Ave. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware. Cloaks, Shawls, Cloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ERNEWEIN FAIRBANK JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 229 Ernewein, Jacob, (Rose) employed, 820 West Eighth house over 18 Whitley avenue. Erwel, Viola, residence 35 Charles. Erwin, Grace, residence over 103 East Second. Erwin, James H., (Jennie), boarding stables, 209 Pine, h. over 103 E. 2d. Evans, Estella G., clerk, 204 Main, residence 35 Mechanic. Evans, Edward L., metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 830 Prendergast avenue. Evans, Eliza E., widow Martin G., house 217 East Third. Evans, Frank, farmer, residencs room 86, Allen Square Building. Evans, Frank, laborer, boards 10 Steele. Evans, William H. (Mary) oil producer, house 830 Prendergast avenue. Eveleth, Sally S., widow William, residence 18 Hess. Evens, E m m a O , Mrs., residence 1l;9 Lake View avenue. Evens, Helen, Mrs., residence 139 Lake View avenue. Everard, Joseph (Elizabeth) cabinet maker, house 618 Spring. Everdon, Abbie A., domestic, over 41-v West Fifth. Everett, David B. (V. Jane) retired, house 4 East. Everett, Carl A., elevatorman, 6 East Second, residence 220 East First. Everett, John, (Jennie), laborer, house 309 Ashville avenue. Everett, Pearl, Mrs., dressmaker, house over 220 East First. Everett Hotel, O. C. Wallace, Prop., 7-9 West First. Everman, Elmoth, upholsterer, 20 Winsor, boards 155 Barrows. Everwine, Blanche, residence under 629 Prendergast avenue. Everwine, Elva L., widow Augustus C , seamstress under 629 Prendergast avenue, house do. Everwine, Martha L., residence under 629 Prendergast avenue. Evilett, Polly, widow Henry, residence 19 Alpaca. Ewers, Diantha B., Mrs. residence 230 Crossman. Exley, John, (Annie), wool sorter, 116 East First, house 35 Steele. Fagerstrom, Freda, domestic, 62 Allen. Fahey, Edward, (Alice), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, house 400 W . Seventh Fahey, Mary, widow James, residence 400 West Seventh. Fairbank, Anna L., widow Harvey, residence 353 East Fourth. Fairbank, Ellen M., teacher, residence 2000 Main. Fairbank, Emily H., widow John A., house 304 Winsor. Fairbank, Emily N., student, residence 353 East Fourth. Fairbank, Harvey O , student, residence 353 East Fourth. Fairbank, Henrietta, student, residence 353 East Fourth. Fairbank, Walter J., (Elizabeth C ) , farmer, house 2000 Main. M.I.MURRAY ^'^"uE?"* Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Your Money's W o r t h mo0nreS°back at Proudfit's. FAIRBANK FARMAN 230 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Fairbank, Will, (Hattie), meat market, 207 W. Third, house 411 W. Fourth. Fairbanks, Lutie M., dressmaker, 3-4 Smith block, 5 South Main, house do. Fairchild, Kate M., Mrs., boarding house 304 East Third, house do. Fairmount Pharmacy—Fred F. Green, prop'r.—132 Fairmount avenue. Falconer, Allen (Jennie Dow)—Morgan Mfg. Co.—3-7 Ashville avenue, house 135 Lake View avenue. Falconer, Archibald D., (Abbie L.), attorney at law, over 103 East Third, house 36 Prospect. Falconer, Clinton B., painter, residence 240 Fulton. Falconer, Ethel, student, residence 134 Lake View avenue. Falconer, Etta M., residence 240 Fulton. Falconer, Helen J., widow William T., residence over 311 Prendergast avenue. Falconer, Henry, (Lide), molder, Engineering & Power Co., Ashville avenue, house Falconer, Mabel P., widow Frank, house over 311 Prendergast avenue. Falconer, Martha J., house 551 Lake View avenue. Falconer, Mildred R., office clerk, J. H. S., residence 240 Fulton. Falconer, Robert E., (Lovina), house 240 Fulton. Falconer, William T. (Kate D.)—W. T. Falconer Mfg,. Co., Empire Washer Co., and A m . Mfg. concern—house 134 Lake View avenue. Falconer, W . T., Mfg. Co.—William T. Falconer and David E. Merrill—manufacturers bee hives, Falconer. Falk, Anna A., domestic, 508 Main. Falk, Hulda, domestic, 306 Spring. Fallen, Thomas, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 814 Jefferson. Famous, (The)—Jacob Oppenheimer, prop'r—department store, 5-9 Mam. Fancher, Leon L. (Kate) attorney at law, room 4 Gokey building, 14 West Third, house 612 Murray avenue. Farlee, Edith H., music teacher, residence 152 Allen. Farlee, Fred L. (A. Caroline), commercial traveler, house 152 Allen. Farlee, Nellie O, musician, residence 152 Allen. Farley, Lillian, employed 335 Foote avenue, residence 322 Steele. Farley, Mary, widow Lorenzo, house 322 Steele. Farley, Myrtle, employed 335 Harrison, residence 322 Steele. Farm, Carl Albert, furniturefinisher,101 Harrison, residence 219 E. First. Farm, Daniel A. (Christine)—D. A. Farm & Son—219 East First, house do. Farm, D. A. & Son—Daniel A. and John A.—grocers, 219 East First. Farm, John A., (Emma),—D. A. F a r m & Son, 219 East First—house 737 East Second. Farm, Mary, niece picker, 116 East First, residence 219 East First. Farm, Oscar, employed 46-8 Steele, boards 33 Myrtle. Farman, E. Frank (Catharine A.) oil producer, house 30 Cross. Farman, Edith N., student, residence 30 Cross. Farman, Mary, student, residence 30 Cross. Clark Hardware Co.,agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E FARMERS & MECHANICS B A N K J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. CO. FENNER 231 Farmers & Mechanics Bank-—Newton Crisey, president; 0. N. Rushworth, cashier— 215 Main. Farnham, Anna A., widow John M., house 401 Prendergast avenue. Farr, Helen B., widow Francis, residence 9 South Thayer. Farquharson, Floyd S., student, residence 520 West Fifth. Farquharson, Frank H. (Jennie) station agent, J. & C. R. R., house 520 West Fifth. Farquharson, Ward F., student, residence 520 West Fifth. Fasta, Igelio, residence room 98, 107 Main. Faust, Anna, domestic, 11 Broadhead avenue. Faust, Mrs. Mary, nurse, rooms 416 West Third street. Faust, Matilda, domestic, 27 Allen. Faustrom, Emil, (Emma), carpenter, house 312 Barrett avenue. Fay, Frank, traveling salesman, boards 215 West Second. Fay, John (Helen), cutter, 210 Main, house 11 Liberty. Fay, John, chef, 19 West Third, rooms 20 West Fourth. Fay, William, clerk, 107 Main, residence 612 East Second. Feather, Alice, residence Sec. 3 over 106 East SeconS. Feather, Charles, (Helen S.), cigar maker, 126 East Second, house 138 Institute. Feather, Edith D., employed 56 Prospect, residence 2 Short Eagle. Feather, George E. (Henrietta), mill hand, 35 Water, house 10 Shaw. Feather, Imri, wool sorter, 35 Water, residence Sec. 3 over 106 E. Second. Feather, Joseph (Martha), loomfixer,house 440 Allen. Feather, Joseph S., twister, 335 Harrison, boards 155 Allen. Feather, Joe, twister, 335 Harrison, boards 145 Barrows. Feather, Lillian, musician, residence Sec. 3 over 106 East Second. Feather, Mary, widow Joseph, house Sec. 3 over 106 East Second. Feather, Mary J., residence Sec. 3 over 106 East Second. Feather, Mary Jane, widow William, r esidence 2 Short Eagle. Feley, Theodore J., polisher, 95 J. & G . avenue, residence 3 Orchard. Felix, Frank, wood worker, 30 Steele, boards 816 West Eighth. Felnoy, Katie, domestic, 5 Fairmount avenue. Felt, Ada, employed 56 Prospect, DOards 16 Jones. Felt, Charles (Amanda), aristo worker, house 115 Fulton. Felt, Frank E., bookkeeper, First Natl, bank, residence 115 Fulton. Felt, Orville J., (Florence), teamster, house 25 Steele. Felton, Alonzo, (Martha), retired, hcruse 36 Harrison. Felton, Horace O , boarding house J 8 West Second, house do. Felton, John M. (Ida), brick mason, house 1009 Main. Fenner, Alexander R.. (Elizabeths, clerk 21 East Third, house 162 Marvin Fenner, Mrs. Jane, widow Silas, house 16 West Ninth. Fenner, James R. (Louisa Belle)—J. R. Fenner & Son, 306 Main—house over 306 Main. Fenner, Nathaniel J. (Thankful), boots and shoes, 21 East 3d, h. 820 Main. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. Children's Suits $1.50 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T ' S FENNER FERNSTROM 232 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Fenner, Ruth T., widow James R., house 110 East Sixth. Fenton, Alice A., residence 315 East Second. Fenton, Anna J., stenographer, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 331 E. Third. Fenton, Anna M., widow Henry N., house over 115 Crossman. Fenton & Andruss—Elliott A. Fento n and G. Dwight Andruss—photographers, 4 Forest avenue. Fenton blocks, 204-10 East Second, and 108-10 East Third. Fenton Building ('New) 2-6 East Second. Fenton, Clora, student, residence 119 Warren. Fenton, C. Leslie, student, residence 215 Crossman. Fenton, Cordelia, widow Bicknell D., house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Fenton, Corlsande E., house 315 East Second. Fenton, Dana P., residence 897 East Second. Fenton, Edgar A. (Metta M.) cashier, 115 Main house 113 Lake View avenue. Fenton, Elizabeth L., residence 315 East Second. Fenton, Elliott A. (Helen E.)—Fenton & Andruss—4 Forest avenue, house 215 Crossman. Fenton, George T. (Lelia Y.), residence 404 West Fifth. Fenton, Harry W., real estate, room 59 N e w Fenton Bldg., residence 509 Prendergast avenue. Fenton, Lawrence A. (Alice E.)—Stillman's studio—326 East Third, h. over 335 East Second. Fenton, Lillie, domestic, residence 6 00 Camp. Fenton, Louis G., civil engineer, residence 404 West Fifth. Fenton, Louis A., (Mildred), teller First National Bank, house 12 Cedar. Fenton, Lucy, residence 404 West Fifth. Fenton, Lyford B., (Martha J.), machine agent, house 52 Charles. Fenton, Mabel A., residence 335 East Second. Fenton, Martin L., (Alice Tew), real estate and lumber, room 59, 2-6 East Second, house 509 Prendergast avenue. Fenton Metallic M'fg Co.—Arthur C. Wade, president — Manufacturers of metal furniture, 95-105 J. & G. avenue. Fenton (M. L.) block 212-18 East Second. Fenton, Porter L. student, residence 109 Park. Fenton, Richard F., clerk, 119 Main, residence 215 Crossman. Fenton, Thomas J., (Evangeline), lumberman, house 119 Warren. Ferguson, Flynn J. (Marguerite), house 44 Taylor. Ferguson, George, (Sarah), retired, residence 522 East -Second. Ferrin, Alice, Mrs., house 56 Hazeltine avenue. Ferrin, John P., (Mary E.), traveling salesman, house 810 Cherry. Ferrin, Mary, weaver, 116 East First, house 10 West Fourth. Ferrin, Sarah, widow Stephen, house 615 West Seventh. Fernstrom, Nels P. (Madsine), shipping clerk 46 Taylor, house 408 Barrett. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E FERRY CO. FISHER JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 233 Ferry Maurice A., produce dealer, residence Martin road. Ferry, Ony, employed 116 East First, residence 44 Harrison. Ferry, Sheldon C. (Jane S.), janitor, M.E. church, house 30 Foote avenue. Ferry, Truman C. (Amelia), gardener, house Martin road. Fette, Annie, widow Charles, residence 33 West Ninth. Fidler, A. Howard, student, residence 306 Clinton. Fidler, Alfred F. (Adela), commercial traveler, house 306 Clinton. Field, Elizabeth M., residence 104 Washington. Field, Frank B. (Kate P.) house 412 Spring. Field Isabella O , widow Tyler, house 104 Washington. Field, Leonard J. (Florence L.)—Aldrich Furniture Co., 104-6 Main—house 3 East Ninth. Field, Lilla K., residence 412 Spring. Field, Mary M., bookkeeper, 104-106 Main, boards 617 Washington. Fields, Bertha, domestic, 227 Crossman. Fields, Smith, (Jennie), woodsman, house 308 Steele. Fielding, Asa, (Pollie), machinist, 116 East First, house over 641 E. Sixth. Fielding, Walter V., (Rebecca), mechanic, 116 East First, house over 632 East Sixth. Findlay, Grace, residence 5 Camp. Findlay, Ida, residence 5 Camp. ; Findlay, John, employed 38 Winsor, residence 5 Camp. Findlay, John A., (Mary S.), blacksmith, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 5 Camp. Findlay, Jennie, residence 5 Camp. Findlay, Mary, employed Koehl block, 17-19 Steele, residence 5 Camp. Findlay, William, printer, residence 5 Camp. Fink, David, clerk, 101-East Second, boards 121 East Second. Fink, Margaret, widow David, residence 315 Forest. Finncan, Jeremiah (Catherine E.), laborer, house 126 Institute. Firman, Alice, residence 103 Steele. Firman, Benjamin F., turner, 101 Harrison, house 103 Steele. First National bank, corner Main and East Third, Frank E. Gifford, president Firth, Bessie, widow J. Arthur, laundress, house 32 Institute. Firth, John E. (Mary), foreman, 116 East First, house 1 Briggs. Fischer, Frank G. C , (Bertha), cabinet maker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 1407 West Sixth. , f. : lj : j Fish, John C. (Frances), marble cutter, 118 West Third, house Fluvanna ave. Fish, Joseph L., (Kate), traveling salesman, 12 Fairview avenue. Fisher, A. Frank (Eveleyn A.), commercial traveler, house 28 Price. Fisher, Charles. H., bell m a n 21 West Third, residence do. Fisher, Daniel, retired, residence Woodlawn avenue. Fisher, Daniel E., student, residence 518 Main. Fisher, Ellen M., domestic, 214 Clinton. Fisher, Ellen M., artist, residence 17 College. M. J. MURRAY Employs Only First-class Workmen LordeVroYur F i n e C u s t o m Clothing at P R O U D F I T ' S FISHER 234 FOLEY J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Fisher, Hayes, employed 13 West Third, boards 217 West Second. Fisher, Jacob, (Mariette), brick layer, house Woodlawn avenue. Fisher, Jerome B. (Julia), county judge and attorney at law, rooms 1314-15 Wellman building, 101 West Third, house 518 Main. Fisher, Jerome B. Jr., clerk 215 Main, residence 518 Main. Fisher, John B., (Selma), retired, house 775 East Second. Fisher, L. M. (Miss) residence 172 Chandler. Fisher, Marion, student, residence 518 Main. Fisher, Oscar (Clara), blacksmith, J. & C. Ry. Co., liouse 18 West Eighth. Fisher, Violetta M., residence 172 Chandler. Fisher, Willis W., (Mary), turner, 115-133 Winsor, house 5 Briggs. Fisher, Zera W . (Alvina M.), retired oil producer, house 133 Lake View ave. Fitch, Churchill, machinist, residence 4Lake View avenue. Fitch, Harriet W., residence 4 Lakeview avenue. Fitch, Mary C , widow Rufus, house 4 Lakeview avenue. Fitzgerald, Gerald I., painter, boards 312 Lafayette. Fitzgerald, Patrick (Nora), laborer, house 131 Fairview avenue. Flagg, F. E m m e t , (Flora G.), prop'r -North American Portait Co., 1088 East Second, house do. Flagg, George, (Kate), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 11 Hall avenue. Flagg, Ira F. (Eva L.), machine hand, 56 Blackstone avenue, h. 35 Pearl ave. Flagg, Mildred, student, residence 10 88 East Second. Flanders, Mabelie E., dressmaker, residence 10 Crosby. Flarell, Emily, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 35 Barrows. Fleek, Frank (Julia E.), house 9 East Hamilton. Fleming, George S., student, residence 507 East Second. Fleming Charles A., (Laura), metai worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 507 East Second. Fletcher, A. Brooks, publisher Country World, R o o m 6, Gokey Blk., house 552 West Third. Fletcher, Mary E., teacher, residence 552 West Third. Fletcher, Milton J., (Nettie), principal High School, liouse 522 East Second. Flickinger, Eugene, (Selestia), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 112 Price. Flickinger, Ida N., laundress 205 West Third, residence 112 Price. Flickinger, Joseph E., (Mintie), shoemaker, house 406 Warren. Flickinger, John, (Louesa), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence over 13 Bassett Flickinger, Mary, residence 112 Price. Flickinger, William F., shoe operative 318 Cherry, residence 112 Price. Flisher, Jaret B., (Dora E.), oil producer, house 713 Washington. Flisher, A. May, residence 358 East Fourth. Flower, A. Pearl, bookkeeper, residence 44 Bush. Flower, James G. (Hattie M.), mason, house 44 Bush. Fochay, Mrs., housekeeper, over 26 Taylor. Foley, Edward F. (Addie) artist, house 626 West Fifth. Foley, James B., messenger, 301 Main, residence 16 Valley CLARK HARDWARE CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. FOLEY FOSBURG JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 235 Foley, Lenore, student, residence 301 Livingstone avenue. Foley, Mary A., employed 318 Cherry, residence 16 Valley. Foley, Patrick C , (Winifred) house over 16 Valley. Foley, William M. (Bridget), laborer, house 301 Livingston avenue. Folker, Gust (Gusta), mason, house 13 Dickerson. Folland, Annie, student, residence 27 Rathbone. Folland, Catharine, widow, Peter, house 27 Rathbone. Folland, Conrad J., finisher, 20 Winsor, residence 27 Rathbone. Folland, Nicholas J., (Mary C.) ice cream maker, 10 W . 3rd, h. 327 Lincoln. Folsom, David, (Nellie) house over 10 3 East Second. Foote, Fred W., (Helen F.) pharmacist, 300 Main, house 49 West Tenth. Forbes, D. Marvin, (Flora B.) lunch counter Hotel Everett, rooms 20 W . 4th Forbes, Flora F., student, residence 130 Fulton. Forbes, Mary L., student, residence 130 Fulton. Forbes, Russell J., (Felicia) clerk postoffice, house 130 Fulton. Forbush, Luther A. (Martha C.) asst. city poor master.City hall.h. 617 Pine Ford, Eldred W., shoemaker 318 Cherry, residence 28 Tilden avenue. Ford, Elijah W., (Mary A.) laborer, house 28 Tilden avenue. Ford Elizabeth, residence 857 Prendergast avenue. Ford Flora, Mrs., seamstress, rooms 503 East Fifth. Ford, Marcus L., (Maryetta A.) house 400 East Sixth. Ford, Mary, widow George, house 857 Prendergast avenue. Ford, Robert D., laborer, residence 28 Tilden avenue. Ford, William H., (Lottie A.)laborer, house 172 Marvin. Forer, Ellsworth D., (Minnie) commercial traveler, house 5 Fulton. Fornell, Elizabeth, employed 56 Center, residence 235 Park place. Fornell, Edna, dressmaker, residence 235 Park place. Fornell, Ivan, student, residence 235 Park place. ' .. Fornell, Mary, employed 56 Center, residence 235 Park place. Fornell, Nicholas, (Christine) carpenter .house 235 Park place. Fors, Hilma, cook 101 East Fourth, residence 112 Bowen. Forsback, Erick A., (Carrie), japanner, 95 J. & G. ave., h. over 17 Victoria av Forsback, Hannah M., tailoress, residence over 17 Victoria avenue. Forsback, Andrew, residence 1381 East Second. Forsberg, Alice, employed 335 Harrison, residence 9 Walnut. Forsberg, Alma, domestic, residence 9 Walnut. Forsberg, August (Ulrika), carpenter, house 9 Walnut. Forsberg, Charlie G., (Ida), metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 27 Colfax. Forsberg, Fred F., band sawyer, 12u Foote ave., boards 126 Foote avenue. Forsberg, Gerda, domestic, 500 East Sixth. Forsburg, Erick, G.,finisher101 Harrison, residence 47 Prospect avenue. Forsgren, Charles, commercial traveler, boards 19 West Eighth. Fortier, Mary, pastry cook 21 West Third, residence do. Fosburg, Eric, residence over 120 East Third. Fosburg, Jennie, clerk, 116 Main, house over 120 East Third. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, pr„r,r£ge£tki^ M, ]. MURRAY M e n ' s All W o o l Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , Proudfit's FOSBURG FRANK 236 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Fosburg, John, woodworker, 101 Harrison, boards over 305 Winsor. Foster, Clayton, employed 38 Winsor, house 113 Crescent. Foster, Celestia, Mrs., residence 113 Crescent. Foster, Henry, (Mary), wool comber, 335 Harrison, house 62 Allen. Foster, Homer, employed 24 Steele, residence, room 31, over 4 Main. Foster, Lillian M., residence 83 Hazzard. Foster, Lillian, Mrs., residence over 16 Main. Foster, Rhoda M., bookkeeper, residence 313 Jefferson. Foster, William, metal cutter, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 25 Derby. Fowler, A. R.—Tibbals & Fowler—over 202 Main, house (Meadville Pa.) Fowler, Lamont, elevatorman, 13-23 West Third, rooms 405 Cherry. Fowler, James I., (Laura W.) Fowler & Weeks, room 35, N e w Fenton Blk., house 20 Mechanic. Fowler, J. Samuel, (Velma S.) member of assembly and attorney at law, over 8 West Third, house 304 Clinton. Fowler & Weeks—James I. Fowler and James L. Weeks—attorneys at law, rooms 34-6 N e w Fenton Blk., Bast Second. Fox, Alice, seamstress, residence 10 Crane. Fox, Alice, employed Chautauqua Worsted mills, Falconer, r. 26 Outlet. Fox, Almon (Hannah), teamster, house 26 Outlet. Fox, Carrie, residence 1054 East Second. Fox, Cassius (Ella F.), commercial traveler, house 446 Hallock. Fox, E m m a , widow William, residence 216 Winsor. Fox, Florence M., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 216 Winsor. Fox, Harry, (Helen), residence 216 Winsor. Fox, H e m a n S. (Lovisa D.), canvasser, house 310 Foote avenue. Fox, John A., bricklayer, residence 12 Stafford avenue. Fox, James H., plumber, 306 Pine residence 446 Hallock. Fox, Laura, weaver, 116 East First, house 13 Center. Fox, Lorenzo W., laborer, 703 Ashville avenue, residence 26 Outlet. Fox, Maude W., drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 216 Winsor. Fox, Nettie F., widow Oscar, house 819 Spring. Fox, Robert J., (Bessie), commemciai traveler, h. over 313 Prendergast ave. Fox, Sadie, widow James, residence 204 Warren. Fox, Theouore O , (Lena M.), cigar maKer, 111 South Main, house 11 BusnFox, William R. (Mary), mason, house 12 Stafford avenue. France, William J., student, boards over 55 Winsor. Francis, Guilford W., manager 11 West Second, rooms 144 Chandler. Francis, Mary, widow Theodore, residence 43 Prospect. Frank, Alta, residence 830 Newland avenue. Frank, Bertha B., bookkeeper, 208 Pine, residence 108 Hamilton. Prank, Davis, retired, residence 313% Warren. Frank, Dwight D. (Esther L.), driver, 109 Main, house 313% Warren. Frank Emmett A. (Cora G.), meat market, 114 West Third, house over do. Frank, Ethel, residence 239 Hazzard. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. FRANK FREEMAN JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 237 Frank, George (Clementine), teamster, house 213 Broadhead avenue. Frank, Glenn A., attorney and counsellor and justice of the peace, over 106 East Third, house 313 1-2 Warren. Frank, Henry D., (Rose M.), clerk, 23 Main, residence 313 1-2 Warren. Frank, John J. (Emma), real estate, over 208 Pine, house do. Frank, John N., retired, house 830 Newland avenue. Frank, Manley C, (Susie F.), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, h over 453 Warren. Frank, Metta F., residence 313% Warren. Frank, 0. Duane (Elizabeth), teamster, house 239 Hazzard. Frank, Theodore C, (Harriet), salesman, 112-114 E. Third, h. 17 Hazzard. Frank, Warren A., real estate, 208 Pine, house 108 Hamilton. Frank, William J. (Edith), commercial traveler, house 75 Prospect. Franklin, Edward S., (Katharine), driver 707 Main, house 70 Marvin. Franklin, George, (Mollie), retired, house over 514 Foote avenue. Frantzen, Peter (Lena), street sweeper, house 5 Grandin. Franzen, Carl A., soldier, residence 5 Grandin. Franzen, Ida, employed Chaut. Worsted Mills, Falconer, residence 5 Grandin Franzen, Mary, employed 116 East First, residence 5 Grandin. Franzen, Selma, employed 116 East First, residence 5 Grandin. Frazier, Henry C, plasterer, house 820 Prendergast avenue. Fray, Florence, stenographer, over 24-32 Main, residence 335 Foote avenue. Fray, John A. (Louisa R.)—Fray and Stone—206 East Second, h. 335 Foote ave. Fray & Stone—John A. Fray and Gust F. Stone—new and second hand goods, 206 East Second. Frear, Maurice, (Frankie), broker, 114 Main, house Sec. 6 over 201 E. 2d. Fredeland, Gusta, domestic, residence 110 Forest avenue. Frederickson, Albert, (Hannah), wi.oil worker, 5-7 Ashville ave., h. 223 Steele Frederickson, August ( E m m a C ) , aristo worker, house 116 Park. Frederickson, see also Fredrickson. Fredrick (The) 106-110 East Second. Fredrickson, Anna, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 106 Willard. Fredrickson, Anna L., widow Charles, house 106 Willard. Fredrickson, Charles G. ( E m m a C.) cabinet maker, house 309 Willard. Fredrickson, Christina, residence 561 Allen. Fredrickson, Christine, widow Jonas, residence 56 Tower. Frederickson, F. Oscar, foreman 101 Harrison, residence 561 Allen. Fredrickson, Hanna, domestic, o.'iG Barrows. Fredrickson, John (Anna), laborer, house 656 Barrows. Fredrickson, see also Frederickson. Fredsall, Charles (Nellie),finisher,house 121 Stowe. Freeburg, Gust, (Anna S.), cabinet maker, 101 Harrison, h. 19 W . Tenth. Freedlund John, (Hanna M.), laborer, house 609 English. Freeman, Alice, cook, 209 West Third, residence do. Freeman, Charles, (Jennie), tinner, 2 Main, house over 228 Prospect. Some of the most extensive plcu™bi"'U"&££* M. J. MURRAY H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G . „ & & . FREEMAN FULLER 238 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Freeman, Charles E. (Luella C.)—Bush & Freeman—36 Main, h. 10 Marvin. Freeman, Edgar, laborer, residence 524 Lake View avenue. Freeman, George E., (Mary E.), bookkeeper 12 West First, h. 117 Forest. Freeman, Henry, laborer house 524 Lake View avenue. Freeman, Sybil, residence 524 Lake View avenue. French, Archie Leon, (Nettie Roore), delineator and reader, res. 223 Allen French, Charles, brick mason, residence room 32 over 4 Main. French, Mary A., widow Oscar, house 76 Water. French, Mattie A., house 223 Allen. Fretts, Daniel H., (Mary E.), commercial traveler, h. 833 Prendergast ave. Fretts, Gaylord G., clerk 303 Main, residence 833 Prendergast avenue. Frew, A n n E. Fenton, widow John H., house 11 Broadhead avenue. Frey, Charles, painter, residence 419 Newland avenue. Frey, Carl F., (Charlotte), stone mason, house 419 Newland avenue. Frey, George P., prop. Option House, 118 East Second, house do. Frey Gottlieb (Sophia), clerk, 21 East Third, house 29 West Tenth. Frey, John, wood worker 105 Winsor, residence 419 Newland avenue. Frey, Lottie, weaver 102 East First, residence 419 Newland avenue. Frey, William, residence 118 East Second. Frick, David (Elizabeth), keeper, Celoron, residence 1091 East Second. Frick, Edward C., (Maud), clerk, residence 80 Hazzard. Frick, John, student, residence 1091 East Second. Frick, Joseph K. (Helen), residence 1091 East Second. Frick, Mary, dressmaker, residence 10 91 East Second. Frick, William A. (Mamie), house over 211 Main. Friedlund, Anna, house over 378 Willard. Friedlund, Oscar, clothfinisher335 Harrison, boards over 378 Willard. Friedman, Asher, (Augusta)—The Friedman, 19-21 Main—house 311 W . 3rd. Friedman, G., clothier, 19-21 Main—A. Wild-man, Mgr. Frink, Walter P., (Addle J.), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 929 East Second. Frisbee, Burley R.—Hall & Frisbee Lumber Co.—home (Dexter, Mo.) Frisbee, Orlando C. (Mary E.)—Hall &Frisbee Lumber Co.—over 14 Wesr Third, house 315 West Fifth. Fritz, Carl, (May), boat -builder, house, 344 Whitley avenue. Fritz, E m m a , widow Charles, house 820 West Eighth. Fritz, Hulda, domestic, residence 820 West Eighth. Fritz, John, (Sophia), wood worker, 5-7 Ashville avenue house 11 Great Jones. Frodelius, J. Augusta, boards 11 Alpaca. Frodelius, Mary E., dressmaker, boards 11 Alpaca. Froding, Emil (Hannah O ) , molder, house 40 Chapin. Frost, Nelson N., (Jeanette), carpenter, house 811 Spring. Fuller, Aaron, (Ella), laborer, house 828 Cherry. Fuller, Archie L., baggageman, boards 251 Marvin. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. FULLER GAJJLAGHEE, JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 239 Fuller, Clifford R., photographer rooms 37-39 Wellman bldg., West Third, residence 315 West Third. Fuller, Edna Belle, milliner, residence 215 Newland avenue. Fuller, Elliott, laborer, residence 828 Cherry. Fuller, Eva C , widow Ezra, residence 300 East Sixth. Fuller, Frank A., (Julia), carpenter, house 215 Newland avenue. Fuller, Fred H., (Jennie), milk peddler, house 636 Camp. Fuller, Frederick A., Jr., (Helen Benedict), jeweler, 213 Main, h. 315 W . 3rd. Fuller, Gordon C , student, residence 315 West Third. Fuller, Guy H., (Margaret), journalist, residence 545 East Fifth. Fuller, Helen, domestic, 731 East Second, residence 714 Lafayette. Fuller, Horace G., (Lizzie A.), drayman, house 251 Marvin. Fuller, Jessie A., student, residence 3 00 East Sixth. Fuller, Lucy E., teacher, residence 300 East Sixth. Fuller, Mary, residence 251 Marvin. Fuller, Roswell S., bookkeeper, 201 Main, residence 315 West Third. Fuller, William R., mail carrier, residence, room 14 over 5 Main. Fullerton, Clarence A., architect, over 101 East Second, house do. Fullerton, Harold L., (Ana B.), commercial traveler, residence 214 Clinton. Fullerton, Jessie M., domestic, 29 Foote avenue. Fullerton, Sarah, milliner, 103 West Third, residence 815 Ashville avenue. Fullerton, William J. (Eliza), oil producer, house 815 Ashville avenue. Fulton Market Co.—Charles R. Lovejoy—fish and oysters, 19 East Third. Furlow, Alfred L. (Anna H.), attorney at law, over 7-9 West Third, house 621 Lake View avenue. Furlow, Frank, (Nellie), laborer, house 1398 East Second. Furlow, Lizzie B., clerk 203 Main, residence 605 West Seventh. Furniture Commercial Agency Co., (The)i—A. D. Dewey, mgr.—room 7 over 6 East Third. Furniture Index—P. K. Shankland, publisher, room 12 over 103 W . Third. G Gage, Allen E., milk dealer, residence 1145 Prendergast avenue. Gage, Arthur G., milk dealer, residence 1145 Prendergast avenue. Gage, Hilence M., (Nettie A.),furniture,carpets and bicycles, 13 E. 3d,h. 312 do Gage, William W., (Amanda M.), mgr. Celoron gold band, house 30 Peach. Galbreath, Eliza, widow George, hou^e over 89 Hazzard. Galbreath, Susan M., weaver, 102 East First, residence over 89 Hazzard. Gale, Edith R., Mrs., residence 40 Prospect. Gale, Henry P., (Julia), commercial traveler, house 40 Prospect. Gallagher, Adaline M., residence 16 Prospect. Gallagher, DeForest R., laborer, residence 16 Prospect avenue. MJ.MURRAY cV£V£Z££il? Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Headquarters foVcuI?tfsVKfs\tnd 3 3 , Proudfit's. GALLAGHER GARFIELD 240 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Gallagher, Myrta I., telephone operator, residence 16 Prospect avenue. Gallagher, Ruby L., clerk, 116 Main, residence 16 Prospect avenue. Gallagher, Margaret L., widow Thomas, 16 Prospect avenue. Gallivan, Charles, farmer, residence 5 Livingstone avenue. Gallivan, Cornelius, (Mary), laborer, house 25 Hall avenue. Gallivan, James F., (Katie), house 10 Hamilton. Gallivan, Mary, domestic, residence ,25 Hall avenue. Gallivan, Mary, residence 5 Livingsto ne avenue. Gallivan, Thomas, cattle buyer, residence 5 Livingstone avenue. Gallivan, William, farmer, house 5 Livingstone avenue. Galusha, Mary, widow Seymour F., residence 12 Cross. Gamble, Chaman Louis, (Mable S.), contractor, house 110 Church. Gardiner, Singleton, (Eva), supt Prudential Insurance Co., house 509 Washington. S. GARDINER, SUPERINTENDENT OF THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO. H O M E OFFICE, N E W A R K , N. J. House address, 509 Washington. Rooms 3 5 Gokey Bldg., Third and Cherry Sts. Gardner, Allene, student, residence 512 Prendergast avenue. Gardner, Benjamin, deliveryman, 30 Main, residence over 305 Sprague. Gardner, Charles D., (Rose C ) , laborer, house 10 Webster. Gardner, Charles S., ( E m m a E.), manager Jamestown Beef Co., 33 Institute, house 305 Sprague. Gardner, Edith, residence 612 Cherry. Gardner, Elton B., (Flora), upholsterer, house 204 Warren. Gardner, Grace C , student, residence, 118 Lincoln. Gardner, Gertrude M., student, residence, 118 Lincoln Gardner, Harry E., (Georgiana), letter carrier P. O., house 118 Lincoln. Gardner, James A., time keeper, residence 512 Prendergast avenue. Gardner, Laura A., Mrs., nurse, residence 815 Spring. Gardner, Loren L., ( E m m a ) , house 612 Cherry. Gardner, Matilda, Mrs., pastry cook, residence rear 208 Pine. Gardner, Omar N., (Ella J.), contractor, house 512 Prendergast avenue. Gardner, Wilson B., (Josephine), farmer, house over 305 Sprague. Garfarth, Annie, employed 116 East First, residence over 48 Harrison. Garfield, Eliacam, (Ella F.), policeman, house over 105 South Main. Garfield, Flora E., bookkeeper, 219 Spring, residence 140 Foote avenue. Garfield, F. E., (Dora), carpenter, house 21 Glendale avenue. Garfield, Fred H., (Tena), division passenger agt. E. R. R., h. 517 Lafayette. Garfield, Harry H., cigar maker. 111 South Main, residence over 105 S. Main. Garfield, Robert M., student, residence 517 Lafayette. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. GARFIELD GIBSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 241 Garfield, Samuel, (Agnes), commercial traveler, house 106 Crosby. Garnet, James, (Bessie), mill hand, house 327 Foote avenue. Garrett, Clara, employed Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconer, residence 208 Livingstone avenue. Garrett, David, (Jane), gardner, house 208 Livingstone avenue. Garrigan, Patrick, (Mina), laborer, house 46 Dickerson. Garrity, Anna K., drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Whitley place. Garrity, Edward G., (Cora M.), furniture finisher, house 20 Maple. Garrity, George (Anna), laborer, house 10 Whitley place. Garrity, Lydia M., residence 10 Whitley place., Garvey, Donald C , (Mary), laborer.house 416 Murray avenue. Garvey, Edward, boards 18 West Second. Gates, Clifton B. (Eva L.), bookkeeper, 108 East Third, h. 205 Lake View ave. Gates, Isabella R., widow Joseph J., residence 415 West Fourth. Gates, Oscar S. (Annie), retired, house 44 Broadhead avenue. Gault, Edna, student, residence 9 Foote avenue. Gaunt, JJavonia, widow Charles, residence 24 Crescent. Gay, Burton M. (Edith M.), polisher, 205 West Third, residence 13 West 7th. Gay, Nettie M., widow William, house 13 West Seventh. Gayton, Burt W., (Minnie), carpet layer, 16-18 West Third, boards 207 West Third. Geer, Adelaide M., house 19 Euclid avenue. Geer, Anna B., widow Emerson F., house 216 Winsor. Geer, Eva J., residence 218 Winsor. Geer, Ida, widow Irving, house 413 Falconer. Geer, Lester C. (Mary A.), loom fixer,house 218 Winsor. Geer, Louise E. teacher, residence 19 Euclid avenue. Gellen, Selma, residence 757 East Second. Gelm, John (Ellen), oil operator, house 636 Prendergast avenue. George, Janjes E., (Henrietta), stone mason, house 69 Allen. Gentilini, Paul D., residence 503 Clinton. Gentilini, Paul J., commercial traveler, house 503 Clinton. George, Edna M., teacher, residence 9 Crescent. George, Frank H. ( E m m a B.), accountant, 116 East First, house 9 Crescent. Georgi, Bessie M., music teacher, 148 Forest avenue, residence do. Georgi, George A., Prof., (Wealthy G.),piano tuner and regulator, house 148 Forest avenue. Gerling, John, (Ida), employed 101 Harrison, house 868 Spring. Geser, Frank J., (Catharine), dyer 102 East First, house over 219 Warren. Geser, Joseph (Mary Ann), carpenter, house 22 Franklin. Geser, Philomena M., residence 22 Franklin. Geser, Victor, (Mary Olive), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, bds 22 Franklin. Gibbs, Catharine, residence 48 Prospect. Gibson, Alzina L., widow John W., house over 416 Lafayette. Gibson, A. Lee, student, residence 42 West Tenth. If you contemplate New Plumbing, consult M. J. MURRAY Headquarters for^^^gHsfssard 3 3 , Proudfit's. GIBSON GILBERDS 242 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Gibson, Grace, subscription clerk, 14-16 West Second, residence over 416 Lafayette. Gibson, Jessie, clerk, 116 Main, residence over 416 Lafayette. Gibson, Losina H., Mrs., house over 14 Beulah place. Gibson, Lloyd R., painter, house 14 Dickerson. Gibson, Nicholas,finisher,30 Steele, boards 42 West Ninth. Gibson, Peter G., (Rose), paper hanger and decorater, house 42 W . 10th. Giering, Charles W., canvasser, residence 4111-2 Cherry. Gifford, A. J., Mrs., Hunt road, house do. Gifford, Andrew J., (Sylvia), house Hunt road, (Celoron.) Gifford blocks, 216-222 Main, 2-16 East Third. Gifford, Cecil Fenton, student, residence 9 Prospect. Gifford, Charles D. (Clementine), farmer, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Gifford, Charles H. (Grace C.)—H. H. (lifford & Sons—6 N e w Gifford building, house 11 West Fifth. Gifford, Edward AV., (Myra), canvasser, 113 East Third, house Flat A Kent block, Forest avenue. Gifford, Effie, teacher, residence 12 West Sixth. Gifford, Elmer C , (Pearl), farmer, house Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Gifford, Frank Edward, (Josephine Fenton) president First National Bank, Third and Main, house 9 Prospect. Gifford, George ,3., (H. Rosalia), real estate, house 117 East Fifth. Gifford, George W . (Anna B.), farmer, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Gifford, Grace, teacher, residence 12 West Sixth. Gifford, Harry P. (Helen C.), milk dealer, house over 803 Ashville avenue. Gifford, H. H. Sr Sons—Horace H., Charles H., and William S. Gifford— real estate, No. 6, N e w Gifford Bldg. Gifford, Horace H — H. H. Gifford & Sons—room 6 N e w Gifford bldg., houae 409 Main. Gifford, Josephine, toll c!e;k, 113 East Third, residence Flat A, Kent Blk, Forest avenue. Gifford, Katharine, residence 12 West Sixth. Gifford Lumber Co., Frank E., Charles H. and William S. Gifford—wholesale lumber, 6 N e w Gifford building. Gifford, Maud L., aristo worker, 56 Prospect avenue, icsidence Flat A, Kent blk., Forest avenue. Gifford, Merle M. (Lizzie), paper hanger, house 11 Cleveland place. Gifford, William B., clerk, 307 Main, residence 12 West Sixth. Gifford, William P. (Mary B.), variety store, 307 Main, house 12 West Sixth. Gifford, William S., (May Love)—H. H. Gifford &. Sons.—6 N e w Gifford building, house 15 West Fifth. Gifford, Samuel N. (Jennie E.) stationary engineer, house 34 West Eighth. Gifvert, Gust, (Matilda), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 277 Prospect. Gilberds, James B. (Alice F.), painter, house 57 Hazzard. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. GILBERG GLASS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 243 Gilberg, Alfred, (Mary), laborer, house 409 Newland avenue. Gilbert, A., (Jeanette Fenton), Sec. and Treas. Fenton Metallic Mfg. Co., 95 J. & G. avenue, house 1 Fenton place. Gilbert, Charles, (Ellen), overseer, 335 Harrison, house 508 Newland ave. Gilbert, Earle Fenton, residence I Fenton place. Gilbert, Ernest, painter, boards 312 Lafayette. Gilbert, Emerson A., (Lillie F.)—Eclipse Photo Paper Co., 131 Institute— house 22 Derby. Gilbert, Gertrude, weaver, 35 Water, bouse over 130 Harrison. Gilbert, Gusta, milliner, 506 Newland avenue, residence do. Gilbert, Lester B., leather andfindings,over 305 Main, house 16 Crosby. Gilbert, Oscar S. (Gustee), painter, house 506 Newland avenue. Gilbraith, Orson, retired, residence 426 Warren. Gilchrist, Fred H. (Anna), bar tender, 15 West Third, house over 217 Spring Giles, Ada E., teacher, residence 12 Lake View avenue. Giles, Beulah L., manicure, residence 16 Meadow Lane. Giles, James B., commercial traveler, residence 12 Lake View avenue. Giles, Joseph H., (Nancy I.), installer of heating and ventilating apparatus. house 309 West Third. Giles, Mary E., residence 309 West Third. Giles, Rachael, widow Benjamin, house 12 Lake View avenre. Giles, Samuel J., residence 12 Lake View avenue. Giles, William 3., (Josephine R.),' agent, 5 West Third, house 411 W . 3rd. Gill, John N., warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 328 Allen. Gill, Joseph, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, house 328 Allen. Gill, Persds A., widow Henry, residence 102 Hallock. Gill, Thomas (Helen), carrier, 335 Harrison, house 92 Water. Gill, William, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 328 Allen. Gilligan, Anna, laundress, 19 Steele, residence 514 Monroe. Gilligan, Eugene, wire weaver, 41-51 Outlet, residence 514 Monroe. Gilligan, Joseph, boiler maker 602 West Seventh, residence 504 West Fifth Gilligan, John—Gilligan & Curran, 703-705 West Eighth—res. 714 Monroe. Gilligan, Patrick (Bridget), laborer, house 514 Monroe. Gilligan & Curran,—John Gilligan and Thomas Curran—hotel, 703-705 W . 8th Gillis, Jennie, domestic, residence over 801 Cherry. Gilroy, Edward J., (Jennie), commercial traveler, house 811 Prendegast Ave. Girard, John (Mary A.), drayman, house 406 Livingston avenue. Glad, Anna, residence 122 Forest. Glad, Charles, stockman, 335 Harrison, residence 122 Forest. Glad, Fred L., cutter, 302 Foote avenue, residence 122 Forest. Glad, Gust, (Charlotte), laborer, house 122 Forest. Glad, Minnie, residence 122 Forest. Glante, Walter, milk peddler, residence 308 Livingstone avenue. Glantz, Theodore (Anna), driver, 322 Main, house 308 Livingston avenue. Glass, Adoplh, (Helen M.), brewer, 612 West Eighth, house 28 W . Tenth. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material B e sure Si£krd%r&h£&eynoS? C l o t h i n g at Proudfit's GLATZ GOLDTHWAIT 244 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Glatz, Amelia, weaver, residence 600 Allen. Glatz, Ida M., widow John, house 600 Allen. Glatz, LSlly C, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 600 Allen. Glatz, Rosa C, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 600 Allen. Glatz, Sadie M., twister, Meadow Brook mills, Falconer, residence 600 Allen. Gleason, Dallas M. (Josie A.), laborer, house 24 Center. Glendon, Elizabeth, widow Michael, house 267 Steele. Gleason, E m m a Mrs., residence 5 Howard avenue. Glendon, James G., wood carver, residence 267 Steele. Godard, Ezra G., bookkeeper, 58 Center, boards 318 Prendergast avenue. Godey, Matilda, widow John, dressmaker, house 33 Anderson. Goggins, Kate, cook 113 West Third, residence do. Goggan, Bridget, residence 24 Thirteenth. Gokey, Anna, widow Noah W., house 110 Lake View avenue. Gokey Building, 12-20 West Third. Gokey, George F., (Louisa M.)—N. W . Gokey & Sons, 318 Cherry—residence 110 Lake View avenue. Gokey, Mabel E., student, residence 114 Lake View avenue. Gokey, N. W . & Sons—William N. and George F. Gokey-—mfrs. boots and shoes, 318 Cherry. Gokey, Sarah, Mrs., house 869 Spring. Gokey, William N. (Harriet M.)—N. W . Gokey & Sons—318 Cherry, house 114 Lake View avenue. Gokey, William N. Jr., student, residence 114 Lake View avenue. -Gold, Frank, printer, residence 862 Spring. Gold, Joseph, (Marie T.), stationary engineer, house 862 Spring. Gold, Joseph M., warp dresser 335 Harrison, residence 862 Spring. Gold, Katherina D., winder, 116 East First, residence 8C2 Spring. Goldberg, Mary M., nurse, residence 103 Allen. Golden, Elizabeth B., house 28 West Ninth. Goldin, Benjamin F., cheese maker, residence Woodlawn avenue. Goldin, Robert L., (Emily), huckster, house Woodlawn avenue. Goldsmith, S.,—Goldsmith & Sichel, 218-220 Main — residence Rochester, N. Y. Goldsmith & Sichel—S. Goldsmith and Samuel A. Sichel — clothiers and furnishers, 218-220 Main. Goldstein, Abraham—Grace, Heineman & Goldstein, over 10 East Thirdresidence over 211 Main. Goldstein, Abram (Gertrude), commercial traveler, house 605 West Seventh. Goldstein, Benjamin (Annetta), canvasser 101 East Second, house 16 Barrett Goldstein, Bessie, milliner, residence 16 Barrett avenue. Goldstein David M., ofiice clerk, 101 East Third, residence 16 Barrett. Goldthwait, Elizabeth D., student, residence 323 Lincoln. Goldthwait, Howard M., (Mary O.), draughtsman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 301 Ashville avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware. Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. GOLDTHWAIT GOSSETT JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 245 Goldthwait, Milo S. (Elizabeth G.) clerk, house 323 Lincoln. Goodchild, James S., (Fannie), retired.house 110 Foote avenue. Goodenough, D. Ette, widow Henry, residence 515 Pine. Goodenough, Eri H. (Kate) sewing machine dealer, 107 W . 3d., h. 515 Pine. Goodrich Anna, widow Alonza B., house 211 West Second. Goodrich, Bertha I., clerk, 201 Main, residence 211 West Second. Goodrich, D. L., insuurance agent, residence No. 27 Allen Square Bldg. Goodrich, Emerson, farmer, house 612 Fast Seventh. Goodwill, Fletcher—Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconen—r. over 17 W . 2d. Goodwill, Herbert J.—Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconer—r. over 17 W.2d. Goodwin, Edward J., (Gertrude M.), manager Samuels opera house, boards 316 West Third. Goodwin, Frank P., student, residence 663 Lake View avenue. Goodwin, Herman B., (Louise M.). motorneer, house over 124 Hamilton. Goodwin, Perry W . (Jennie L.), sexton Lake View cemetery, house 663 Lake View avenue. Goranson, Charles A., (Anna M.), carpenter, house 131 Falconer. Goranson, Olof M., (Maria), gardener, house 127 Falconer. Gordon, Clarence,finisher,3 Ashville avenue, residence 333 Hazzard. Gordon, Hattie, widow William M., house 333 Hazzard. Gordon, Lewis L., (Clara Belle), bookkeeper, residence flat F, Kent Blk., Forest avenue. Gordon, Mary L., widow Hollis, house Falconer, near Curtis. Gordon, Ray, bellman, 21 West Third, residence do. Gornall, Ernest (Julia A.) wool sorter 35 Water, house 80 do. Gornall, Fannie 0., widow William, house 219 Allen. Gornall, Forest, (Tessa), twister, 35-43 Water, residence 219 Allen. Gornall, Lily, student, residence 219 Allen. Gornall, Olive, student, residence 219' Allen. Gornell, Frechef, employed Carlson, Bloomquist & Sn-jw, Falconer, r. Newton Gornell, Louisa, domestic, residence Newton. Gornell, Olof, (Amanda L.), laborer, Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow, Falconer, house Newton. Gornell, Olof, Jr., employed Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow, Falconer, residence Newton. Gossett, Ada G., telephone operator, r. 307 East Fifth. Gossett, Benjamin E., cooper, residence 307 East Fifth. Gossett, Charles F., barber, residence 745 Foote avenue. Gossett, Christian (B. Ann)—C. Gossett & Son—61 Water, house 307 E. Fifth. Gossett, Christopher C. (Nancy A.), clerk, 109 Main, house 745 Foote avenue. Gossett, C. & Son—Christian Gossett—cooper shop 61-3 Water. Gossett, Edward L., (Myra A.), cooper, 61 Water, h. 622 Prendergast ave. Gossett, Ernest A. (Blanche B.), cooper, 61 Water, h. 617 Prendergast ave Gossett, Katherine H., telephone oper ator, residence 307 East Fifth. Gossett, Mary B., residence 307 East. Fifth. M J . M U R R A Y Caar„T^^eianree„efst P l u m b i n g G o o d s in J a m e s t o w n T w o cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T ' S GOTHAM GRAHAM 246 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Gotham, Ward P., bicycle repairer, rooms 81, Allen Square Bldg. Mais Gaucher, W m . E. (Ma Belle), dentist office 4 Hall block, 219 Main, house 315 West Fourth. Gould, Fannie C , widow Olney, nouse over 506 Prendergast avenue. Gould, Frank E. (Ardella), insurance agent, house 402 East Fourth. Gould, Julia F., widow William, dressmaker, house 822 Spring. Gould, Lois E., widow Harry, house 20 West Sixth. Gould, Sidney C , student, residence 402 East Fourth. Goulding, Lynn M., (Inez C ) , bookkeeper, 20 Winsor, h. 409 W . Third. Gourley, Jessie, waitress, residence 361 Baker. Gourley, Joseph C. (Anna M.), carpenter, house 361 Baker. Gourley, Mabel G., residence 361 Baker. Gourley, Margaret, widow John, rooms 16-17 Bush Blk., over 21 East Second Gourley, Nettie, Mrs., clerk 201 East 2nd, residence 28 Barrett avenue. Gowan, Elizabeth, widow James, house 165 Marvin. Gowan, George, (Loretta) laborer, house 185 Marvin. Gowan, James, (Stella), laborer, residence 968 Marvin. Gowan, Thomas, (Susie), barber, 14 East Second, h. 33 Dickerson. Gower, Elizabeth, residence 213 East Third. Grace, Albert H. (Ella),finisher,105 Winsor, house 2 Rowley place. Grace, Charles, oil operator, residence 144 Chandler. Grace, Hirven H., woodworker, 105 Winsor, r. 2 Rowley place. Grace, Heineman & Goldstein*—Peter Grace, Louis Heineman and Abrah a m Goldstein—oil producers, office over 10 East Third. Grace, John R., (Laura A.,) finisher, house 295 Crescent. Grace, Peter, (Anna M.), Grace, Heineman & Goldstein, over 10 East Third —house 144 Chandler. Grace, Robert H.,finisher,122 Foote avenue, r. over 375 Foote avenue. Grafstrom, Axel V., (Olivia A.), physician, 211 Main, house Clifton. Graff, Arthur H., (Minnie), photographer 207 Main, h. over 134 Fairmount avenue. Graff, Joseph W., (Grace O.), bicycles and photographic supplies, 15 East Third, residence 26-27 Gifford Bldg., Brooklyn Square. J. W. GRAFF, Kodaks, Bicycles, Guns, Fishing Tackle, IS EAST THIRD STREET. Graff, Linnie M., Mrs., residence 8 Livingstone avenue. Graham, Charles E., (Mayme), clerk 306 Main, house 306 Main. Graham, David, (Catherine S.,) carpenter, house 519 Lake View avenue. Graham, Joseph, coachman, 208 Lake View ave., rooms 204 Lake View ave. Graham, James B. (Mary J.), foreman dye house, 35 Water, house 103 do. Clark Hardware Co.,agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. GRAHAM GREELEY JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 247 Graham, -N. Allison, (Alma), business superintendent Journal Printing Co., 14-16 West Second, house 340 Crossman. Graham, Thomas A., (Tillie S.),finisher,25 Shearman place, h. 135 Allen. Graham, William P., D. D., (Nannie B.), presiding elder M. E. church, Jamestown district, house 29 Foote avenue. Grand Army of the Republic hall, 7-9 East Third. Grandin, Andrew, billiard room, 204 East Second, house 521 Allen. Grandin, Clarence M., (Florence M.), mine owner, house 223 Foote avenue. Grandin, Daniel H.,-—Grandin's mill, 28-30 East First—residence 44 Allen. Grandin, Theodore E., (Belle E.), merchant miller, 28-30 East First, hous° 44 Allen. Granger & Co., wholesale grocers-—Guilford W . Francis, Mgr.,—11 W . 2nd. Grant, Anna J., drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 14 Hedges avenue. Grant, Andrew, (Emma), woodworker, 3 Ashville avenue, h. 14 Hedges ave. Grant, Claus, (Olivia), woodworker, 101 Harrison, house 317 Willard. Grant, Charles H., steel worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, r. 14 Hedges avenue. Grant, Charles W . (Florence Allen)—Jamestown Sanitary Co.—108 Cherry, house 313 West Third. Grant, Gust S., (Christine), wool sorter, Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, house over 14 Hedges avenue. Grant, Herbert R., employed 112 East Third, rooms 28 Fenton place. Grant, Herbert R., cigars and tobacco, 1 South Main, r. 20 Derby. Grant, Hilma C , grocer, 701 Main. Grant, James M. (Eleanor H.)—J. M. Grant Co.—12 West 2d, h .109 W .5th. Grant, J. M. company, wholesale oils, 12 West Second. Grant, Lorin W., (Frances M.), clerk, 67 West Tenth, house 805 Main. Grant, Robert H., (Jane), agent 1 South Main, house 20 Derby. Grant, Sarah H., widow John L., res-dence 412 East Sixth. Grant, Willard L. (Hilma C ) , grocery 701 Main, house over do. Grasse, Charles W., retired, house 783 East Second. Graves, George L., (Alice), piano tuner, house over 205 West Third. Gray, Althea, waitress, 21 West Third, residence do. Gray, Eva M., residence 512 West Third. Gray, Harry P., (Agnes), night yardmaster Erie R. R., house 413 W . 8th. Gray, Henry, retired, physician, residence 142 Forest avenue. Gray, James M., (Elizabeth), carpenter, house 701 Baker. Gray, Maud, waitress, 21 West Third, resi'ence do. Greaves, Albert, twister, 116 East First, residence 146 Stowe. Greaves, Benjamin, (Sophia), spinner, 116 East First, house 146 Stowe. Greek American Fruit Co., John D. Chechary, proprietor, wholesale fruit and commission merchants, 31 and 121 Main. Greek-American Fruit and Confectionery Co.,—John G. Constas and A. G. Constas—fruit and confectionery, 9 West Third. Greeley, Jane, widow Erza H., house 816 Main. Greele^, Jane L., physician and surgeon, 328 East Fourth, house do. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W. Third St., M. J. MURRAY Children's Suits $ 1 . 5 0 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T ' S GREEN 248 GREENLUND JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Green, Adelbert, employed 335 Harrison, residence 126 Sampson. Green, Albert M., (Jennie), plumber, 122 West Third, house 19 Weeks. Green, Annie M.. widow Reuben, residence 528 Lake View avenue. Green, Charles, harness maker, 108 East Second, boards 105 W . Second. Green, Charles C , wool sorter, house 528 Lake View avenue. Green, Clara L., residence 32 Broadhead avenue. Green, David W., (Minnie M.), mill hand, 116 East First, h. 30 Colfax. Green, Ella W., assistant librarian Prendergast library, r. 32 Broadhead ave. Green, Edward J., attorney at law, 301 Main, r. 32 Broadhead avenue. Green, Eleazer, district attorney—Green & Woodbury—over 301 Main, house 32 Broadhead avenue. Green, Esther, widow Joseph S., house 319 Cherry. Green, Edward C , (Mary A.), junk dealer, house 126 Sampson. Green, Fred F., (Ruth W . ) , Fairmount Pharmacy, 132 Fairmount avenue, house over do. Green, James H. (Hattie S.), coal, wood and builders' supplies, 441 West Second, house 257 Marvin. Green, Jay J., (Susan), fish peddler, house over 812 Jefferson. Green, John M. (Elizabeth C.) draymun, house 21 Weeks. Green, Louis E., (Linnie), drayman, residence 319 Cherry. Green, Louise, domestic, residence 126 Sampson. Green, Louise C , residence 528 Lake View avenue. Green, Mabel E., residence 126 Sampson. Green, M. Estella, teacher, house 257 Marvin. Green, Orlando D., clerk, 2 South Main, residence 528 Lake View avenue. Green, Sadie, laundress, 15 South Main, residence do. Green, Stephen S., spinner Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconer, rooms Y. M. C. A. dormitory. Green, Thomas, clerk, 119 East Second, boards do. Green, William S., laborer, house 31 Ellicott avenue. Green & Woodbury—Eleazer Green and Egbert E. Woodbury—attorneys at law over 301 Main. Greene, Darius M., (Estella), tinsmith 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 135 Catlin ave. Greene, Frank O , (Rose), painter, house 1015 Prendergast avenue. Greendahl, Ernest W., (Charlotte M.), grocer 135 Chandler, house do. Greenlund, Andrew O, residence 21 Kent. Greenlund, Andrew P., (Margaret),finisher,30 Steele, house 2 Stearns ave. Greenlund, Arthur H. (Jessie O.)—Jamestown Lounge Co.—38 Winsor, house 29 Gifford building. Greenlund, Christian (Lucy Viola), commercial traveler, hou;e 321 Allen. Greenlund, Daniel, (Gertie M.), machinist 101 Harrison, house 68 Tower. Greenlund, John, (Anna), wood worker, 46 Taylor, house 779 East Second. Greenlund, Louis H., (Amelia), printer, house 10 Fulton place. Greenlund, Nellie, dressmaker, residence 2 Stearns avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. GREENLUND GRISWOLD JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 249 Greenlund, Olof, (Matilda J.), wood worker, 415 Chandler extension, house over 68 Tower. Greenlund, R. Alfonso, photographer, residence, 10 Fulton place. Greenwood, Charles, (Adeline), wool washer, 35 Water, house 21 Water. Greenwood, Enoch (Esther), superintendent Empire worsted mills, 35 Water, house 9 Sherman. Greenwood, George (Anna), bartender, 8 West Third, house 68 Marvin. Greenwood, John W., (Annie), foreman, 35 Water, h. 141 Broadhead ave. Greenwood, Norman J., upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, res. 68 Marvin. Greenwood & Parsons—Mrs. Anna Greenwood and Matilda Parsons—dress makers and furriers, rooms 37 Allen Square builu'ing, Main. Greer, B. Ethel, student, residence 115 Steple. Greer E. May, student, residence 115 Steele. Greer, William, wool buyer, 116 East First, house 115 Steele. Grenquist, Charles (Christina), section man, house 5 Great Jones. Griep, Annie, widow John, drawer, 335 Harrison, house 128 Water. Griep, Hjalmer, spinner 335 Harrison, residence 128 Water. Grier, Eva M., residence 512 West Third. Griffin, Frank E., driver Fire Police, residence over 13 Forest avenue. Griffin, Hugh H., (Cora), bookkeeper, house 608 Murray avenue. Griffin, Orrin L., clerk, 9 West First, residence over 13 Forest avenue. Griffin, Susan O , widow Cornelius, residence over 210 East Second. Griffin, William S., (Mary J.), carriage maker, house over 13 Forest ave. Griffin, William C , (Ella J.), teamster, house 119 Kent. Griffith, Albert, (Mary F.), grocer 14 Ashville avenue, bouse 301 do. Griffith, Charles J., (Katherine), chief engineer J. S. Ry., house 14 Ashville avenue. Griffith, Florence D., artist, residence 301 Ashville avenue. Griffith, George E. (Nellie), lumberman, house 909 Main. Griffith, Irving N., employed Straight Dry Plate Co., rooms 519 W . Third. Griffith, John retired, house 11 Rathbone. Griffith, Lynn E., student, residence 909 Main. Griffith, Martin, residence 518 Lake View avenue. Griffith, Merritt F. (Mary) carpenter, house 815 Prendergast avenue. Griffith, Sarah J., clerk, 203 Main, residence 11 Rathbone. Griffith, W . Andrew, (Edith W . ) , stationary engineer, 335 Harrison, house 518 Lake View avenue. Griggs, R. Clareuce, (Lola R.), bookkeeper, 201 Main, house 15 West End. Griggs, Walter B., student, residence 30 Fairmount avenue. Griggs, Walter E. (Katherine) freight agent Erie Ry., h. 30 Fairmount ave. Grimes, Mary, cook, 119 East Second, house 212 West Third. Grimshaw, Anna, weaver, 102 East First, residence 9 Bishop. Grimshaw, Joseph, laborer, residence 9 Bishop. Grimshaw, Katharine, widow John, weaver 102 East First, house 9 Bishop. Griswold, Atlanta E., widow Orr, house over 19 Alpaca. M. J. MURRAY Employs Only First-class Workmen Boy's Clothing, Largtehse§lt°yckin a t P R O U D F I T ' S GRISWOLD GUEST 250 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Griswold, Daniel (Martha T.), retired, house 10 Prospect. Griswold, Dennis L., frame builder, 38 Winsor, residence over 19 Alpaca. Griswold, Dora A., winder 335 Harrison, residence over 19 Alpaca. Griswold, Edward Orr, employed 335 Harrison, residence over 19 Alpaca. Griswold, Evangeline, teacher, residence 567 East Second. Griswold, Gertrude, widow Ellis B., house 23 Alpaca. Griswold, H. Townsend, residence 10 Prospect. Griswold, Martha T. residence 10 Prospect. Gron, Bertha M., teacher, residence over 217 Spring. Gron block, 217-219 Spring. Gron, Charles, (Charlotte), livery, lOOEast Second, h. over 14 East Second. Gron, Edith Grace, student, residence 15 Whitley avenue. Gron, Edna A., student, residence o-rer 217 Spring. Gron, Erie A. (Edith L.), machinist, house 15 Whitley avenue. Gron, Frederick A. (Carrie M.) real estate, house over 217 Spring. Gron, Wiliam, (Lillian M.), livery 100 East Second, residence over 14 E. 2d. Grogan, Mary, domestic, 12 West Sixth. Gronberg, Betty A., widow Christian, cloak maker, 338 E. Third, house do. Gronberg, Ellen, residence over 912 East Second. Gronberg, Ida, maid, 305 East Fourth. Gronberg, Jennie, operative, residence over 912 East Second. Gron-berg, John P., traveling salesman, residence 338 East Third. Gronberg, P. John ( E m m a ) blacksmith, house over 912 East Second. Gronberg, Victor, (Jennie), case maker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 108 Falconer. Gronquist, Runo, (Jennie), brick layer, house 246 B-roadhead avenue. Grosberg, Helen, domestic, 113 West Third. Gross, Frank, wood worker, 25 Shearman place, res. 6 Metallic avenue. Gross, Jacob, employed 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 6 Metallic avenue. Grove, Electa, dressmaker, over 9 East Third, residence do. Grove, Martha E., widow Joseph B., house over 9 East Third. Grove, Maud, dressmaker, over 9 East Third, residence do. Grove, Ollie, waitress, 15 South Main. Grover, Charles S., attorney at law, rooms 11-12 Gokey Bldg., residence 115 Lincoln. Grover, Clyinda, widow Warren, house 115 Lincoln. Grover, Elisha B., (Kate M.>—Wines and Liquors, 113 East Second—house 408 East Fifth. Grover, Warren, mill hand, residence 213 East Second. Guenther, Anna Maria, widow John A., residence 829 Spring. Guenther, Henry ( E m m a C.) cigar dealer, 126 East Second, house 829 Spring. Guertin. Azarie C. (Ellen), chef, house 252 Fulton. Guest, Alice T.,dressmaker, over 105 E. Third, house do. Guest, Pearl, bookkeeper and stenographer, 112 East Second, residence 122 Lakin avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. GUEST GUSTAFSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 251 Guest, Vernon E. (Clara B.) sta. eng., 21 Shearman pi., h, 122 Lakin ave. Guinane, John, (Rose M.), mason, house 32 Marvin. Guitner, Lela, general secretary Y. W . C. A., over 303 Main, rooms 812 Main. Gulick, Edward J., (Lillian M.)—Weber-Gulick Mfg. Co., 129 Jones & Gifford avenue—house over 419 West Third. Gurnsey, Frederick W., (Jessie H.), Tangent Grip Pulley Co., Falconer, house 15 East Ninth. Gunton, Frederick,floristLake View Rose Gardens, bds. 820 Ashville ave. Guilmette, Gustave, bookkeeper, rooms 409 Cherry. Gustafson, Aaron E., (Sophia M.), employed Atlas Furniture Co., house 65 Vega. Gustafson, Adell R. C , sewing machine hand 318 Cherry, res. 607 Allen. Gustafson, Alfred, (Wilhelmina), Carlson & Gustafson, 7 Cowden Place, house 48 Charles. Gustafson, Allen E.,(Lyda), machinist 3-7 Ashville avenue h. 30 Peach. Gustafson, Amanda, Mrs., employed 38 Water, house 16 Jones. Gustafson, Amil, (Annie), driver Johnson Ice Co., house 415 W . Eighth. Gustafson, Andrew, (Johanna), farmer, house 695 Baker. Gustafson, Andrew G., (Clara C ) , woodworker, Jamestown Mantel Works, Falconer, house 7 Hedges avenue. Gustafson, Anna, student, residence 15 Prospect. Gustafson, Anna, domestic, residence 684 Baker. Gustafson, Anna V., spinner, Meadow Brook mills, residence 5 Swan. Gustafson, Antone, factory hand, residence 684 Baker. Gustafson, Axel, teamster, residence 313% Warren. Gustafson, Axel, horseman, residence 684 Baker. Gustafson, Axel F. S., commercial traveler, residence 132 Foote avenue. Gustafson, Axel W . (Ida W . ) , laborer, house 39 Hedges avenue. Gustafson, Bertha, clerk 207 Main, residence 15 Prospect. Gustafson, C. J. William, pressman, 14-16 West Second, boards 38 Foote ave. Gustafson, Charles, metal worker 95 J.& G. avenue, bds. 820 West Eighth. Gustafson, Charles, (Anna), coachman 9 Prospect, nouse 15 Prospect. Gustafson, Charles, employed 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 114 Williams. Gustafson, Charles (Mary), laborer, house 14 Whitley place. Gustafson, Charles (Anna), laborer, house 108 Falconer. Gustafson, Charles F. (Martha G.), stonemason, house 252 Barrows. Gustafson, Charles J., (Selma D.), carpenter, house 5 Swan. Gustafson, Charlotta, widow Carl J., house 516 Crescent. Gustafson, Claus, (Hattie), laborer 101 Harrison, house 125 Newland avenue Gustafson, Claus V. (Hilma), stonecutter, house 607 Allen. Gustafson, Edna, residence 132 Foote avenue. Gustafson, Emil, painter 101 Harrison, boards over 39 Stowe. Gustafson, E m m a C , mender, employed 335 Harrison, boards 53 Wescott. Gustafson, Frank (Teckla),finisher,Atlas Furniture Co., house 372 Willard. Gustafson, Gust E., (Ida), laborer 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 77 Tower. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^nr^ty M, J. MURRAY Reliable Clothing at R|?l8c0e,Sab,e a t P R O U D F I T ' S GUSTAFSON HAECKER 252 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Gustafson, Gust P. (Augusta), snuffmaker, house 335 Foote avenue. Gustafson, Gustaf, snuffmaker, residence 132 Foote avenue. Gustafson, Gustaf, (Wendla C ) , laborer Atlas Furniture Co., house 494 Crescent. Gustafson, Gustaf 0. (Augusta C.)—J. A. Hulquist & Co.—28 Main, house 32 Fairfield avenue. Gustafson, Hannah, employed Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconer, residence 516 Crescent. Gustafson, Henning (Anna A ) , carpenter, house 605 English Gustafson, Hugo,finisher,residence 516 Crescent. Gustafson, Ida, domestic, 4 Lake View avenue. Gustafson, Jennie, residence 1381 East Second. Gustafson, John, (Hildah), laborer 133 Winsor, residence 67 Center. Gustafson, John, (Mary), machine hand 105 Winsor, house 224 Bowen. Gustafson, John A., laborer, house 77 Tower. Gustafson, John F. (Hilda C ) , snuff mfr., rear 132 Foote ave., h. 132 do. Gustafson, Josephine, domestic 322 East Fourth. Gustafson, Julia, domestic, 311 West Second. Gustafson, Laura, residence 1381 East Second. Gustafson, Lydia, residence 1381 East Second. Gustafson, Mabel, weaver Meadow Brook Mills, residence 8 Webster. Gustafson, Nels J., ( E m m a G.), cabinet maker, house 16 Orchard. Gustafson, Oscar T. V., bobbin setter.Mieadow Brook Mills, res. 5 Swan. Gustafson, Oscar, teamster, boards 227 Prospect. Gustafson, Oscar, driver, residence 684 Baker. Gustafson, Oscar, printer, Falconer Mfg. Co., (Falconer), residence 15 Crescent. Gustafson, William, carpenter, boards, 605 English. Gustafson ,Windala, domestic, 322 East Fourth. Gustavus Adolph us Orphanage, John S. Swensson, superintendent, 1381 East Second. H Guttenberg, Hedwig, Mrs., dressmaker, residence 308 Livingstone avenue. Haag, John A., (Georgia),—Sandburg, Johnson Co.—354 Baker, house 23 Delaware avenue. Haas, Charles O, grocer, 1101 Main, house do. Haas, Nellie Teresa, residence 1101 Main. Haas, Peter (Elizabeth), mason, house 1101 Main. Haas, William (Julia), brick layer, house 1062 Main. Hackett, John (Katherine), mason, house 3 2 % Ashville avenue. Hackmen's Headquarters and .Baggage Transfer Co., 116 West Third. Haecker, A d a m J., (Elizabeth), baggage master Erie Ry., house 105 Steele. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . HAECKER HALE JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 253 Haecker George C. (Nellie), conductor Erie R. R. house 232 Prospect. Hagelin, Charles, employed 318 Cherry, residence 817 Newland avenue. Hagelin, Charles W., wood worker, house 837 Newland avenue. Hagelin, Ellen A., residence 837 Newland avenue. Hagelin, E m m a E., residence 837 Newland avenue. Hagelin, John, bookkeeper, 13-17 West Second, house 837 Newland avenue. Hageman, Ada, employed 116 East First residence 4 Grandin. Hageman, Charles, (Ida),finisher,46 Taylor, house 4 Grandin. Hageman, Elsa, employed 116 East First, residence 4 Grandin. Hager, Alex, (Hannah), paper hanger, house 65 Hazzard. Hager, Charles (Emma), paper hanger, 12 Forest avenue, house 115 Park. Hager, Dora, residence 115 Park. Hager, Frank, (Beda), machine hand, 101 Harrison, house 14 Wilton Ave. Hager, Olga, drawer, 35 Water, residence 115 Park. Haggas, Annie, stenog. 40 Winsor, residence 32 Maple. Haggas, Grace, widow Richard, residence 32 Maple. Haggas, Livingstone, (Sarah), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, h. 103 Water. Haggas, Martha, widow Leach, house 14 Franklin. Haglund, Charles G., (Ida M ) , meat market, 2 Forest avenue, house 53 Prospect avenue. Haglund, Fred, (Emma), metal worker, 95 Jones & Gifford ave., h. 15 Vega. Hagman, Hilda, domestic, 316 East Fifth. Hagstrom, Andrew, (Emily),finisher,516 West Fourth, house 112 Francis. Hagstrom, Andrew (Mary), insurance agent, rooms 13-14 Gokey building house 27 Lake. Hagstrom, Anna, residence 27 Lake. Hagstrom, Anna, domestic, rooms 57-59 N e w Gifford Building. Hagstrom, Charles, employed 101 Harrison, residence 27 Lake. Hagstrom, John, employed Meadow Brook Mills, residence 27 Lake. Hagstrom, Nels, (Emily), employed 95 Jones & Gifford Ave., house 44 Jones. Haigh, Alene, residence 9 Axtel. Haigh, Anna, residence 9 Axtel Haigh, Ella, residence 9 Axtel. Haigh, Jessie, stenographer, Chautauqua Steamboat Co., residence 9 Axtel. Haigh, Lewis (Matilda), stone cutter, house 9 Axtel. Hainsworth, Minnie, drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 624 Foote avenue. Hainsworth, William, (Annie), loom fixer 335 Harrison, h. 624 Foote ave. Hair, Edward C , laborer, residence 375 Foote avenue. Hakanson ,Edward (Caroline), laborer, house 215 Falconer. Halberg, August W . (Johanna O ) , laborer, house 17 Ellicott. Halberg, Hannah C , house over 223 Steele. Halgren, Bert W., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 22 Hall avenue. Hale, Alfred E., (Hattie H.), Armourer 13th Separate Co., N. G. N. Y., 36-44 South Main, house 905 Prendergast avenue. Hale, Charles S., machinist, residence 640 East Sixth. Some of the most extensive vl^i^tao»?*ye M. J. MURRAY Call u p N o . 3 3 for Clothiing a n d HALE £54 F u rnishiings. HALL JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hale, Clarence S. (Caroline I.), machinist, house 640 East Sixth. Hale, Clark, fireman J. S. Ry., boards 406 West Second. Hale, George F., (Minnie E.), manual training instructor Jamestown High School, house 216 Crosby. Hale, Helena J., stenographer, room 8 Ellicott building, residence 810 Spring. Hale, John W., (Eliza J.), porter 116 Main, house 810 Spring. Haliker, Charles (Lydia), painter, house 512 East Sixth. Hall, Aaron, (Martha E.), architect, 186 Forest avenue, house do. Hall, Aden, Mrs., residence 618 East Second. Hall, Alfred E. (Elizabeth M.)—Hall & Co.—335 Harrison, h, 139 Forest ave. Hall, Albert, (Alice), weaver, Meadow Brook Mills, house over 395 Falconer. Hall, A n n Eliza, house 128 Forest avenue. Hall, Anson, employed 13 West Third, rooms 4 Metallic avenue. Hall's Art Store, Stiles G. Hall proprietor, 112 Main. Hall, Arthur, (Maggie), employed 95 Jones & Gifford ave., h. 65 Dickerson. Hall, Augustus P. (Eva D.), carpenter, house 123 Steele. Hall, Azariah, clerk, 229 Warren, house 10 Axtel. Hall, Bessie M., teacher, residence 12 Cross. Hall, Byron, laborer, boards 6 Metallic avenue. Hall Block, 211-213 West Third. Hall, Christine S., matron W . C. A. hospital, Foote avenue, cornerAllen. Hall, Clara E., widow Edwin, h. room 3 Broadhead block over 2 1-2 Main. Hall, Clyde, (May),finisher,101 Harrison, boards 11 Cleveland Place. Hall, Duncan M., (Augusta), barber, under 101 W . Third, h. 410 Washington. Hall, Edward L. (Charlotte P.)—Shaver & Hall and Hall & Frisbee Lumber Company, house 202 Forest avenue. Hall, Elliot C. (Tirzah S.)—Hall & Co.—house 127 Forest avenue. Hall, Elliot S., student, residence 127 Forest, avenue. Hall, Elmer, employed 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, boards 61 Rathbone. Hall, Emeline, residence 728 Ashville avenue. Hall, Florence, residence 820 Newland avenue. Hall, Frank, steel worker, 236 Crescent, residence 839 Main. Hall, Frederick P. (Lucy M.), president and treasurer Journal Printing Co. 1416 West Second, house 211 Lake View avenue. Hall & Frisbee Lumber Co.—Edward L. Hall and Orlando C. Frisbee— rooms 50-51 Gokey building, over 12 West Third. Hall, George, painter, residence room 3, over 2 1-2 Main. Hall, George A., (Alice), drawer, Meadow Brook Mills, house over 401 Falconer. Hall, George A., (Ina W . ) , bookkeeper, 215 Main, house 169 Warren. Hall, Gifford & Co.—John T. Wilkinson Hall and Andrew J. Gifford—manufacturers towels, Hunt road (Celoron.) Hall, Gilbert G., manager 106 East Third, Loupe 12 Cross. Hall, Glyde, residence 202 Forest avenue. Hall, Grace, residence 839 Main. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools The Largest and Best Stock o Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E C O . HALL HALL & CO. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 255 Hall, Harry, barber, 2 West Third, rooms 20 West Fourth. Hall, Henri M., student, residence 211 Lake View avenue. Hall, Herbert H. (Martha), Hall & Johnson, 214 East Second, h. over do. Hall, Hilda E., domestic ,15 East Fourth. Hall, Howard, barber, 2 West Third, boards 217 West Second. Hall, Irene A., residence 128 Forest avenue. Hall, James, (Jane), nickel plater, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 66 Dickerson. Hall, James, laborer, boards 31 Fluvanna avenue. Hall, James E., (Lotta T.), Star Furniture Co., 29-33 Briggs, h. 109 Lincoln. Hall, Johannah, widow John, house Newland avenue, corner Hallock. Hall, John H., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 113 Park place. Hall, John J., (Franc), waiter, residence 12 West Seventh. Hall, John M., (Eva), retired, residence 312 Barrett avenue. Hall, John P. (Louisa), grocer, 820 Newland avenue, house do. Hall, John T. (Nellie)—Jamestown Towel Mills Hunt road, (Celoron), house 110 Stewart avenue. Hall, Joseph, aristo worker, residence 103 Broadhead avenue. Hall, Laura L., residence 728 Ashville avenue. Hall, Lena M., aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 10 Axtel. Hall, Leonard F., (Kate P.), gardener, house 603 Buffalo. Hall, Lewis, retired, house 409 Prendergast avenue. Hall, Louisa, sewer, 335 Harrison, residence 113 Park place. Hall, Lydia M., residence 820 Newland avenue. Hall, Margaret, widow James, house 71 Allen. Hall, Maria Cheney, widow James, residence 323 East Fourth. Hall, Martha Snell, residence 127 Forest avenue. Hall, Mary, residence 71 Allen. Hall, Mary M., dressmaker, residence 728 Ashville avenue. Hall, Morgan W., architect, residence 186 Forest avenue. Hall, Sarah L., Mrs., teacher, residence 304 Prendergast avenue. Hall, S. J., widow Erie L., house rooms 57-59 New Gifford building. Hall, Stiles O, (Kittie L.) Hall's Art store, 112 Main, house 205 E. Se-cond. Hall, Thomas, (Anna), warp dresser, 102 East First, house 161 Frink ave. Hall, Thomas (Isabelle), stock keeper, house 113 Park place. Hall, Thomas, Jr., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 113 Park place. Hall, Whitton Wm., employed 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, residence 728 Ashville avenue. Hall, Tirzah H., residence 127 Forest avenue. Hall, Van W. (Laura M.), machinist, house 819 Lafayette. Hall, Wilkinson (Martha) employed 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, house 72S Ashville avenue. Hall, William,finisher,38 Winsor, residence 65 Dickerson. Hall, Willie, student, residence! 728 Ashville avenue. Hall & Co.—Elliot C, Alfred E. Hall, Rose E. Kent ana Samuel Briggs—props. Jamestown woolen and worsted mills, 122 Winsor and 335 Harrison. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets plyin M. I. MURRAY. Little G i a n t Suits for C h i l d r e n at P R O U D F I T ' S HALL & JOHNSON HAMMOND 256 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hall & Johnson—Herbert H. Hall and Albert W. Johnson—saloon, 214 East Second. Halladay, Jennie L., clerk, 203 Main, residence 315 West Fifth. Halladay, John N. (Carrie), laborer, house 8 Dickerson. Halladay, Mabel L., bookkeeper, 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, boards 2 E. 4th. Hallberg, Lida, housekeeper, residence 15 Victoria avenue. Hallene, John A., (Anna M.),finisher,105 Winsor, house 57 Chapin. Hallet, William J., sergeant U. S. army, recruiting station, over 101 East Third, boards 119-121 East Second. Halley, Henry V., (Mary A.,) insurance agent, house 462 Hallock. Hallock, William A. retired, house 155 Forest avenue. Halliday, Rose, widow Thomas, weaver, 335 Harrison, house 128 Harrison. Halmquist, Emil, painter, boards 1018 Newland avenue. Halsall, George (Anna M.) manufacturer Chautauqua boiler compound 25 Water, house do. Halsall, J. Lloyd, drug clerk, 10 East Third, residence 25 Water. Halstead, Alice, chambermaid, 113 West Third, residence do. Halstrom, Anna C , widow John, house 408 Willard. Halstrom,. Axel, upholsterer, 38 Winsor, residence 408 Willard. Halstrom, John, (Emma), carpenter, house 100 Charles. Halstrom, Otto, upholsterer, 38 Winsor, residence 408 Willard. Hambleton, George W . ( E m m a F.), mahcinist, house 46 Prospect avenue. Hambleton, Leroy, cooper, 56 Blackstone avenue, boards 310 Falconer. Hambleton, Thomas, (Maude L.), laborer, house 310 Falconer. Hamerly, Clara, teacher, residence 202 Sprague. Hamerly, Nellie, widow L. C., house 202 Sprague. Hamerly, Samuel H., laborer, residence 202 Sprague. Hamilton, Almond B. (Sarah J.), retired, house 559 East Second. Hamilton, Clara L., music teacher, residence 559 East Second. Hamilton, George L., (Minnie A.), Post & Hamilton, rooms 5-6 Allen Square residence 36 Allen. Hamilton, Gertrude, waitress, 15 south Main, residence do. Hamlin, Edna D., student, residence 513 East Fifth. Hamlin, Fred B., (Alberta), stationary fireman, 40 Quarry road, house 513 East Fifth. Hammarbeck, Esther, A., domestic, 17 Fulton. Hammergern, Peter (Caroline), carpenter, house 16 Davis. Hammerquist, Esther A., residence 635 Prendergast avenue. Hammerquist, Otto C. (Nettie), tailor, 206 Main, house 635 Prendergast avenue. Hammerstrom, Arthur, employed warp room, 35 Water, r. 296 Barrows. Hammerstrom, Charles E., (Amanda), shoemaker, 103 East Second, house 235 Forest avenue. Hammerstrom, Gilbert, clerk, 116 Main, residence 296 Barrows. Hammerstrom, Louise, widow Gust, weaver, house 296 Barrows. H a m m o n d , Wiley G., (Claire), bookkeeper, 318 Cherry, house 414 West Fifth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HAMPEL HANSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 257 Hampel, Henry G., (Minnie), upholsterer, 516 West Fourth, h. 14 Axtel. Hanchett, Donald C, student, residence 143 Allen. Hanchett, Eveline, widow William, residence 143 Allen. Hanchett, Lathrop L., (Emily), justice of the peace, over 6 East Third, house 44 Allen. Hanchett, Theodore D. (Charlotte R.)—Jamestown Lounge Co.—38 Winsor, house 143 Allen. Hancock, Claire, spring setter, 38 Winsor, residence 21 East Eighth. Hancock, Grace, operator, 116 East First, residence 21 East Eighth. Hancock, Mary, Mrs., weaver, 116 East First, house 21 East Eighth. Hancock, Wiliam H. (Olive C ) , chief engineer water works, h. 45 Hotchkiss. Hand, Lucy E., principal school No. 7, residence 33 Maple. Hand, Maud L., teacher, -residence 33 Maple. Hand, Nellie R., teacher, high school, residence 33 Maple. Hand, Sarah J., widow Levi, house 33 Maple. Hand, Warren H., woodworker, residence 33 Maple. Hand, William L. (Mittie E.), shop hand, 3 Ashville avenue, h. 9 Pullman. Haner, Florence, teacher, residence li9 Fulton. Hangen, Phillip F., (Myrtie M.), clerk, 13 E. Third, h. 20 West Seventh. Hanlon, John, carpenter, room 55 Allen Square. Hannah, J. O, widow Peter A., house 37 Holman. Hannigan, Pearl V., bookkeeper, 109 Main, boards 240 Fulton. Hannon, Charles, employed Lake View Rose Gardens, boards 415 W . Third. Hannon, James, spring setter, 38 Winsor, -esidence 132 Fairview avenue. Hannon, Thomas, (Elizabeth),fireman,house 132 Fairview avenue. Hannum, Cyril S., agent and collector, boards 603 Lafayette. Hanoon, Frank L., private U. S. army, recruiting station over 101 E. Third, boards 119-121 East Second. Hansen, Adolph C, ( E m m a C ) , painter, 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, house 64 Kinney. Hansen, A. P., bookkeeper, rooms 59 Allen Square. Hanson, Christina, widow Hans, carpet weaver, under 429 Allen, house do. Hansen, Conrad, wool sorter, 35 Water, residence 64 Kinney. Hansen, Herbert M., Innes & Hansen, 116 Main, boards 829 1-2 Spring. Hansen, James P., (Marie), real estate and shoes, 1 Baker, house 520 do. Hansen, Julius C. (Camelia), upholsterer, house over 800 Main. Hansen, Louis C. (Jensine), wood worker, house 823 Newland avenue. Hansen, Tecla O, spinner, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 64 Kinney. Hanson, Albert (Jennie S.) warp dresser, 116 East First, house 112 Lincoln. Hanson, Alice, student, residence 142 Broadhead avenue. Hanson, Amelia, domestic, 1381 East Second. Hanson, Andrew, (Olivia), machine hand, 46 Taylor, house 9 Norton ave. Hanson, Charles, (Adele),finisher,46 Taylor, house 20 Marvin. Hanson, Christ, (Mary), employed 30 Steele, house 625 Warren. If you contemplate New Plumbing, consult M. J. MURRAY UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND GLOVES A SPECIALTY AT PROUDFIT'S HANSON HARMON 258 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hanson, Christ, (Christina A.), upholsterer, 38 Winsor, h. 5 Rubinkam ave. Hanson, Christian, (Minnie), woodworker, 38 Winsor, house over 7 Valley. Hanson, Clinton V., (Cassie), employed 116 East First, house over 520 Foote avenue. Hanson, Cora N., winder, 116 East First, residence 112 Lincoln. Hanson, Edward, electrician, 24 Main, residence rooms 34-35 Allen Square. Hanson, Edward, (Sanna),finisher,5-7 Ashville avenue, house 127 Sampson. Hanson, Elizabeth O, widow James, residence 20 Marvin. Hanson, Elmer, (Carrie), sawyer 38 Winsor, house Ashville avenue (Celoron) Hanson, Ethel M., employed Koehl block, 17-19 Steele, res. 334 Foote ave. Hanson, Henry, (Amanda), teamster, house 122 Park. Hanson, Henry, baker, 707 Main, residence 5 Rubinkam avenue. Hanson, Herman, barber, under 116 Main, residence 829% Spring. Hanson, James, Mrs. residence 142 Broadhead avenue. Hanson ,James E., electric supplies, room 7 Arcade building, over 24 Main—residence rooms 34-35 Allen Square. Hanson, Jennie, operative, 335 Harrison, house 45 Vega. Hanson, Jonathan, (Clara), electrician, 132 Steele street, h. 142 Broadhead ave Hanson, Josephine, residence 314 Foote avenue. Hanson, Josephine, employed Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconer, residence 114 Hall avenue. Hanson, Martin, spring setter 38 Winsor, residence 5 Rubinkam avenue. Hanson, Matilda, domestic, house under 108 West Eighth. Hanson, Minnie, maid, 21 W-est Third, residence do. Hanson, Nels (Anna C ) , machine hand, Atlas Furniture Co. h. 265 E. Buffalo. Hanson, Nels P. (Augusta), carpenter, house 114 Hall avenue. Hanson, Paul, (Christine), employed 25 Shearman place, house 829% Spring Hanson, Peter, farm hand, residence 9 Norton avenue. Han-son, T. Anton, (Kate), shoemaker-, house 833 Spring. Hanson, Walter, employed Chautauciua Worsted Mills, Falconer, residence 9 Norton avenue. Hanson, William, employed 105 Winsor, residence 625 Warren. Hapgood, Albert, (Ella), laborer, house 44 Tilden avenue. Hapgood, Ethel, stujdent, residence 44 Tilden avenue. Hapgood, Maud, dressmaker, res'dence 44 Tilden avenue. Hapgood, Minnie, residence 44 Tilden avenue. Hardwick, Isaac ( E m m a ) prop. Driving Park hotel, 1200 East Second. Hare, Katherine, clerk news stand, 21-23 West Third, rooms 411 Lafayette. Haridon, William C ,finisher116 East First, house room 9 Smith block, over 5 South Main. Harkness, Brainard T., (Effie B.), blacksmith, 335 Harrison, house 32 Derby. Harkness, Harri3t M., residence 32 Derby. Harkness, Louis T., tool maker, Straight Mfg. Co., residence 32 Derby. Harmon, Delia, domestic, residence 149 Jones & Gifford avenue. Harmon, Frank A. (A. Louise), carver, house 136 Wilson avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimirings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HAIRR.ISON HARMON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 259 Harmon, Mable, stenographer, 201 Main, residence 12 Chandler. Harnden, M. Augusta, teacher, residence 116 Cross. Harns, Almina, widow William, house 812 East Second. Harns, Mary, spinner, residence under 812 East Second. Harriger, William A..(Hattie), night watchman, house 102 McDannell avenue. Harrington, Alice L., widow Edward J., dressmaker, house 930 Main. Harrington, Augustus S., (Lucy L.), carpenter, house 30 Derby. Harrington, Catherine, widow A. Murray, house 311 West Fourth. Harrington, Frank L., (Mildred 0.), surveyor's assistant, residence 30 Derby. Harrington, George R. (Ella J.), tinner, house 319 Jefferson. Harrington, Isabelle, organist, residence 311 West Fourth. Harrington, John F., (Lovina), bookkeeper, 10 West Third, h. 518 Lake View Harrington, Leonard C., mechanic, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 19 Lincoln. Harrington, Lucy, residence 30 Derby. Harrington, Margaret, -musician, residence 613 Main. Harrington, Margaret L., widow William, house 18 Ellicott. Harrington, Margaretta, widow Charles, music teacher, house 613 Main. Harrington, Mary E., widow Wheaton, house 19 Lincoln. Harrington, Noah, music store, 613 Main, and Arbuckle & Harrington, over 29 Main, house 613 do. Harrington, S. Gertrude, assistant teacher gymnastics, high school, residence 311 West Fourth. Harris, Alfred T., (Pearl N.)—Harris Bros., 13 East Second, house 516 E. 5th. Harris, Aleck, peddler, rooms 215 West Third. Harris, Almond M., (Emily C ) , commercial traveler, house 610 Cherry. Harris, Anna T., teacher, residence 21 Whitley avenup. Harris Bros.—Alfred T. and George A.—bakers, 13 East Second. Harris, C. Perry (Annettie)—Harris, Underwood & Doering—24 Main, housa 512 East Second. Harris, Cyntha C., widow William D., house 124 Crescent. Harris, Edna, teacher, residence 108 Crescent. Harris, Ezra J., laborer, 63 Taylor, residence 124 Crescent. Harris, Frank, residence 512 Bast Second. Harris, George, (Bertha)—Harris Bros., 13 East Second, house over 15 W . 2d Harris, Harvey D., (Bertha M.), woodcarver, 105 Winsor, house 11 Arnold. Harris, Henry G., student, residence, 21 Whitley avenue. Harris, John, (Sarah J.), soap manufacturer, house 21 Whitley avenue. Harris, Katherine, widow John, house 12 West Seventh. Harris, Milo, (Lucy E.), patent broker and manager Vulcanite Co., house 608 Prendergast avenue. Harris, Underwood & Doering—C. Perry Harris, Edward L. Underwood and Henry A. Doering—wholesale crockery, 24 Main. Harris, William Henry, (Albertina), barber, house 839 Main. Harrison, Albert H., (Louisa), conductor J. & C. Ry., house 15 Marvin. Harrison, Carrie E., dressmaker, residence 23 Broadhead avenue. M.J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. Be s u r e l^'IS l ^ H T y o 8 ^ C l o t h i n g at Proudfit's HARRISON HARVEY 260 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Harrison Cecelia J., clerk, 221 Main, residence 214 West Eighth. Harrison, Cornelius M. (Margaret), superintendent J. & C. Ry. 640 West Eighth, house 816 Lafayette. Harrison, David, employed 116 East First, house 10 River. Harrison, Fred, helper 21 West Third, residence do. Harrison, Fred B., tailor, residence 23 Broadhead avenue. Harrison, George G., (Hattie), policeman, residence 214 West Eighth. Harrison, John J., clerk, 203 Main, residence 214 West Eighth. Harrison, Mable J., clerk, 13 Main, residence 23 Broadhead avenue. Harrison, Mary E., residence 214 West Eighth. Harrison, Samuel A. (Eva A.), overseer 335 Harrison, house 122 Crescent. Harrison, William H. (Mary), freight handler, house 214 West Eighth. Harrison, William H. Jr., (Mary A.), clerk, 203 Main, house 208 Lincoln. Harry, Amelia, residence 319 Cherry. Hart, Alva E., (Marcia L.), head porter, N e w Sherman House, 21-23 West Third, house 556 West Third. Hart, Hrraee T. (Addie A.), retired, house over 204 East Second. Hart, Lovirtue C , (Alice R.), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 16 Livingstone avenue. Hart, Mary, pastry cook, 15 South Main. Hartigan, Frances E., widow Jerry, house 311 Winsor. Hartigan, Frances M., residence 311 Winsor. Hartigan, Helen C. operative, 318 Cherry, residence 311 Winsor. Hartigan, John F., barber, 222 Main, residence 311 Winsor. Hartigan, Joseph, (Hattie), billiard clerk, 11 West Third, residence 311 Winsor. Hartley, Albert (Mary E.), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 42 Regent. Hartley, John W . (Jane), warp dresser 102 East First, house 10 Franklin. Hartley, Joseph, (Sarah), wool sorter, house 17 Weeks. Hartley, Martha, widow George, piece picker, 116 East First, h. 25 Victoria avenue. Hartley, William (Martha), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 42 Foote ave, Hartnett, Katie L., spooler, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, residence over 110 East Third. Hartquist, August, (Matilda), stonemason, house 124 Park. Hartquist, Bada, winder 335 Harrison, residence 124 Park. Hartquist, Ellen, spinner, 35 Water, residence 124 Park. Hartquist, Erick, painter, residence 124 Park. Hartquist, Julia, residence 124 Park. Hartwell, Alfred C , clerk, 223 Main, rooms over 8 East Second. Harvey, Austin A. (Blanche M.), assistant foreman J. E. S. Ry., 13 West Third house 1210 West Sixth. Harvey, Cyril W., (Carrie M.), mason, house 622 Palmer. Harvey, Edwin A.,—Jamestown Awning Works, over 24 Main—house Ellery. Harvey, Edward, farmer, residence over 513 East Fifth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware. Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E HARVEY CO. HAYCOOK JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 261 Harvey, Mrs. E. S., residence over 513 East Fifth. Harvey, Lee (Emma), motorneer, house 12 Royal avenue. Harvey, Lena May, employed 318 Cherry, residence under 93 Hazzard. Harvey, Pearl M., lacer, 318 Cherry, residence under :>3 Hazzard. Harvey, Phildelia, widow Russell, house under 93 Hazzard. Harwood, John W . (Annie), weaver, house 108 Williams. Haskin, Amy, widow James, house 16 Bush. Haskins, Iona, nurse, residence 300 Foote avenue. Haskins, Kleber D., (Bertha), conductor J. S. Ry., house 615 Pine. Hassing, Ludwig, (Albertina), employed 30 Steele, house 833 Newland ave. Hassler, Carl, brickmaker, 40 Quarry road, residence 38 East Buffalo. Hastings, Clarence D., (May), -clerk 134 Fairmount ave. h. 715 Murray avenue. Hastings, Emerick O. (May), mason, house 419 Warren. Hastings, Gertrude O., residence 419 Warren. Hatch, Adda H., widow Deloss W., residence 500 East Fifth. Hatch, Charles A., (Melissa), painter, house 65 Rathbone. Hatch, David B. (Helen L.), art store, 215 West Third, house do. Hatch, Fred E. (Helena B.)—Hatch & Briggs, 10 East Third, house 303 E. 2d. Hatch, Samuel S., (Jane), house 170 East Ninth. Hatch, Vernelle A., law student, over 219 Main, residence 6 Institute. Hatch, Zoe R., student, residence 500 East Fifth. Hatch & Briggs—Fred E. Hatch and William C. Briggs—drugs and stationery, 10 East Third. Haug, Joseph C. (Martha), painter, house 136 Foote avenue. Haugh, John, (Jennie), baggage master Erie station, house over 109 E. 2nd. Hauk, John, (Mary), loomfixer,35 Water, house 5 Webster. Hauser, Mary, Mrs., residence 615 West Seventh. Haven, Charles F., (Gertrude I.), lumber inspector, 105 Winsor, house over 14 Willard. Havens, Ezra C, barber, 24 East Third, house 412 Washington. Haviland, Sarah O, widow Jenkins, house 411 Lafayette. Haviland, William A., (Lottie), upholsterer, 38 Winsor, house 57 Marvin. Hawkes, William O. (Mary) painter, house 412 East Fifth. Hawkins, Abner J. (Clara), restaurant 14 East Third, house over do. Hawkins, Anna, widow John, house over 111 Kent. Hawkins Chicken Hatchery—Abner J. Hawkins, proprietor—20 Lee avenue. Hawkins, Henry, metalfinisher,95 J. & G. avenue, rooms over 17 E. Second. Hawkins, Willam N., (Georgia), cook, 10 West Third, h. over 109 E. 3rd. Hawkinson, Johanna, Mrs., house 814 East Second. Hawkinson, Rena, residence 814 East Second. Hawkinson, Sanford C, (G. Allene), motorneer, house over 851 Prendergast avenue. Hawley, Dennis C, (Nora), laborer 63 Taylor, house Jones & Gifford avenue. Hay, Anna, weaver 102 East First, residence 116 Hazzard. Haycook, Joseph, (Sarah), trimmer, 318 Cherry, house 153 East Ninth. M.I.MURRAY crndeB«;u",?St Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Your Money's W o r t h mo°nreyy0Kack a t Proudfit's. HAYCOOK HAZEL 262 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Haycook, Lois G., student, residence 23 Peach. Haycook, Samuel (Alice L.), shoe maker, 318 Cherry, house 23 Peach. Hayden, Floyd J., employed 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 215 Fulton. Hayes, Helen, student, residence 1 East Seventh. Hayes, James A., machinist, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 1 East Seventh. Hayes, John (Bessie), freight handler, house 129 Fairview avenue. Hayes, John (Kate), laborer,'house 1 East Seventh. Hayes, John W . printer, residence 1 East Seventh. Hayes, Margaret, folder, 318 Cherry, residence 1 East Seventh. Hayes, Mary A., domestic, residence 1 East Seventh. Haynes, Charles K., (Georgiana B.), optician, 31 Wellman block, house 545 East Fifth. Haynes, G. Alfred, printer, over 7 West 3d, residence 110 Broadhead avenue. Haynes, Laura L., widow Charles A., residence 11 Broadhead avenue. Haynes, Rebecca L., widow, Henry, house 110 Broadhead avenue. Haynes, Walter H , clerk, 707 Main, residence 110 Broadhead avenue. Haynes, William J., (Jennie M.), wood worker, 54-60 Taylor, h. 48 Eagle. Hayward, Benjamin W., (Jeanette), proprietor Hayward House, 113-121 West Third, residence do. Hayward, Clyde, farm hand, residence 6 Seymour avenue. Hayward, Charles, wood -carver, 38 Winsor, residence 1062 East Second. Hayward, Earl D., (Minnie M.), commercial traveler, house over 36 Derby. Hayward, F. Lynn, bartender, Hayward house, residence do. Hayward, Fayette, (Ella), stationary engineer, house over 218 East Second. Hayward, Fred, residence 1062 East Second Hayward, Freeman, (Flora), farmer, house 1062 East Second. Hayward, Harriet, widow Edward, house 821 Prendergast avenue. Hayward House, 113-121 West Third, B. W . Hayward proprietor. Hayward, James S., (Mollie), Penfield Carpet Cleaning Works, 220 Baker, boards 113-121 West Third. Hayward, Lucy E., employed Straight Dry Plate Works, residence 6 Seymour avenue. Hayward, Luella, O, employed 116 East First, residence 6 Seymour avenue. Hayward, Lynn D., residence 17 Derby. Hayward, Orrin B., (Alice B.)—Hayward & Chambers—24 E. Third, boards 113 West Third. Hayward, Otis E., (Maud),firemanLake View Rose Gardens, house 6 Seymour avenue. Hayward, Pearl E., student, residence over 218 East Second. Hayward Stables, James H. Jones proprietor, 218 Washington. Hayward, Sylvia A., Mrs., house 17 Derby. Hayward, William W., (Alice L . ) — Iro-.uoia Hotel—6 South Main, house do. Hayward & Chambers—Orrin Hayward and George T. Chambers—flour, feed and grain, 24 East Third. Hazel, Maggie, stenographer 3-7 Ashville avenue, residence 12 Chandler. Clark Hardware Co., agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warr Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HAZELTINE HEDLUND JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 263 Hazeltine, Abner (Olivia B.), police justice, room 6 city hall, house 7 Allen Hazeltine, Alice I., school teacher, residence 226 Winsor. Hazeltine, Alton E., (Jennie), driver WeV.rs. Fargo & Co, house 31 rerby. Hazeltine, Clara, 'eccher, r^ndenue J5 Lincoln. Hazeltine, Edward L., student, residence 517 Prendergast avenue. Hazeltine Elizabeth H., school teacher, residence 226 Winsor. Hazeltine, Fannie H., widow Rev. Henry M., house 226 Winsor. Hazeltine, Gertrude, residence 36 Cross. Hazeltine, Herman W . (Edith), wool sorter, house 503 Newland avenue. Hazeltine, Laban, physician and surgeon, 322 Main, h. 517 Prendergast ave. Hazeltine, Mabel, residence 517 Prendergast avenue. Hazeltine, Margaret J., widow Daniel O, house 36 Cross. Hazeltine, Mary Emogene, librarian, residence 7 Allen. Hazeltine, Richard F. (Hannah J.) retired, house 15 Lincoln. Hazeltine, Susan S., widow Gilbert W . house 416 Lafayette. Hazlett, Amelia, Mrs., residence over 105 East Second. Hazzard, Robert T., (Mary E.), Parks & Hazzard, room 6 Opera House block, house 525 East Second. Hazzard, Sarah, residence 525 East Second. Hazzard, Walter S., (Catherine M.), assistant superintendent Prujdentlal Insurance Co., room 5 Gokey building, house over 207 East Second. Heald, John, (Ada), plumber, 26 Maple, house do. Healdgren, Axel A., (Mary A.), clerk, 14 East Third, house 313 Willard. Healdgren, Fred A., (Mary L.), clerk, 53 winsor, house 313 Willard. Healdgren, John, (Hedda), house 488 Willard. Heath, Charles H. (Mary), farmer, house 724 Camp. Heath, Fred B., (Grace), coachman, 509 Prendergast avenue, h. 622 Spring. Heath, Mable A., student, residence 812 Main. Heath, Sidney J., (Sadie), foreman J. S. Ry., 13 West Third, h. 104 Cook ave. Heath, Wilson (Grace), clerk, house 812 Main. Heathcote, Walter (Sarah), canvasser, 101 East Second, house 32 Institute. Heaton, Agnes A., dressmaker, over 219 Spring, house do. Heaton, Hortense, Mrs., crayon artist, over 26 Crosby, house do. Heaton, Raymond F., student, residence 26 Crosby. Heaton, Riley W . (Hortense), commercial traveler, house 26 Crosby. Hedges, Fred, candy maker, 10 West Third, boards 213 West Second. Hedges, Theda C , widow William, house 401 Prendergast avenue. Hedin, Andrew O., (Annie), laborer, house 496 Willard. Hedin, Charles (Amy E.), painter, 105 Winsor, house 47 Tower. Hedin, Christine, residence 496 Willard. Hedigor, Martin, drayman, boards 105 West Second. Hedlund, Andrew, (Alma), meat cutter, 246 Willard, house over 69 Tower. Hedlund, Charles J., (Nellie M.),finisher,415 Chandler, house 6 River. Hedlund, Erick, ( E m m a S.), blacksmith, rear 113 East Second, house 216 East First. Gas and Steam Fitting, J 22 W. Third St., M. J. MURRAY OVERCOATS a Specialty at P R O U D F I T ' S . HEDLUND HELST0N 264 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hedlund, Florence, spinner, 116 East First, residence 216 do. Hedlund, Frank, (Christine), carpenter, house 69 Benson. Hedlund, Hannah S., spinner, 116 tuast First, residence 216 do. Hedstrom, Albert, laborer, 101 Harrison, residence 516 Allen. lleds'trom, E m m a , widow John A., house 516 Alien. Hedstrom, Nels, (Anna K.),finisher,101 Harrison, house 1055 Main. Hedstrom, Rudolph, band sawyer, 101 Harrison, residence 516 Allen. Heelas, George H., (Louisa),floraldesigner, 304 Main, house over 210 W . 4th. Heffdell, Arthur, woodworker, 101 Hanison, boards 32 Scott. Hegberg, August, (Amanda), carpenter, house 212 Hazzard. Hegburg, Charley, (Ida), woodworker, house 71 East Buffalo. Hegeman, Elbert A., residence 818 Prendergast avenue. Hegeman, Eleanor E., student, residence 41 College. Hegeman, Elizabeth M., widow John, 818 Prendergast avenue. Hegeman, J. Burtis, drug clerk, 10 East Third, residence 41 College. Hegeman, J. Niven, information clerk, 95-105 Jones & Gifford avenue, residence 1 Fenton place. Hegeman, Joseph R., (Mabel), tea and coffee, 41 College, house do. Hegeman, Minnie B., librarian, residence 41 College. Hegg, Andrew M., (Josephine), house English. Hegg, Axel, (Helen), employed 6 Steele, house 13 Victoria avenue. Hegglund, John,(Huldah),clerk,219 Main, residence 254 Forest avenue. Hegglund, Edward, carpenter, boards 254 Forest avenue. Hegstedt, Axel, case maker, 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, residence 40 Bush. Hegstedt, Edward, (Emma), employed 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, h. 40 Bush. Hegstedt, Ellen, residence 40 Bush. Hegstedt, John, messenger, Western Union Telegraph Co., 301 Main, residence 40 Bush. Hegstedt, Magnus, laborer, 105 Winsor, residence 40 Bush. Heimberger, Andrew (Catherine), night watchman, house 9 Great Jones. Heineman, Louis, wholesale and retail liquors, 12 East Third, rms. over 10 do. Heintz, John (Kate), barber shop, 115 East Second, house over do. Heintz, Joseph, (Jennie), barber, 115 East Second, house 10 Fountain avenue. Heitmueller, Lucy, widow Henry, liouse 830 Cherry. Helberg, Clara, widow Andrew, house over 15 Axtel. Helgren, Arvid, (Tilda), teamster, 122 Foote avenue, h. over 110 Stowe. Helgren, Bert W., laster, 318 Cherry, residence 315 Willard. Helgren, John W., (Jeanette S.), stationary engineer, 33 Winsor, house 315 Willard. Hellings, Dana Boardman, student, residence 117 Church. Hellings, Mary, student, residence 117 Church. Hellings, William P., Rev., (Mary Louise), pastor First Baptist church, house 117 Church. Helliwell, Arthur, (Alice), foreman, 116 East First, house 52 Harrison. Hellston, John, section hand, J. & C. Ry., boards 286 Harrison. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HELSTROM HERRICK JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 26<5 Helstrom, Charles, cabinet maker, 129 Jones & Gifford avenue, h. 530 Winsor. Henderson, Charles P., (Hannah A.), Henderson & Lincoln, 107 East Second, house 112 Chandler. Henderson, Kate L., music teacher, residence 17 Alpaca. Henderson, Louise L.. widow Charles G., residence 17 Alpaca. Henderson, William W . (Martha T.), clerk, 300 Main, house 40 Prather avenue. Henderson & Lincoln—Charles P. Henderson and David Lincoln—undertaking and picture framing, 107 East Second. Hendrickson, Agnes V., duffer, 335 Harrison, residence 146 Barrows. Hendrickson, Albert, employed 19 Briggs, boards 109 Kidder. Hendrickson, Arvid, painter, residence over 3 Lake. Hendrickson, Carl,finisher,101 Harrison, boards 109 Kidder. Hendrickson, Charles E. (Christine), motorneer, house 6 Orchard. Hendrickson, Charles J., (Anna L.), foreman Jamestown Water Supply Co., house 146 Barrows. Hendrickson, Emil, (Sophia), upholsterer, 30 Steele, house 101 Bush. Hendrickson, Frank, (Ida),finisher,101 Harrison, h. 815 Newland avenue. Hendrickson, Hattie A., tailoress, residence 217 Willard. Hendrickson, Hedda, widow Oscar, residence 25 Allen. Hendrickson, Hilda, widow Oscar, house 217 Willard. Hendrickson, Ida J., residence 146 Barrows. Hendrickson, John, laborer, residence 146 Barrows. Hendrickson, John E., laborer, Jamestown Water Supply Co., residence 146 Allen. Hendrix, Edward, (Ida), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 42 Marvin. Hennings, Axel,finisher,30 Steele, residence over 15 Steele. Henry, John (Anna), clerk 306 Main, house 233 Fulton. Herald Printing Co., The, Elmer E. Sprague, manager, 101 East Third. Herbsi, George, upholsterer, 38 Winsor, boards 22 Institute. Herby, Edwin J., blacksmith, residence 31 Fairmount avenue. Herby, Fred C, carriage painter, residence 31 Fairmount avenue. Herby, John (Mary), wagon maker, 324 Washington, h. 31 Fairmount avenue. Herman. Arvid L. (Emily W . ) , shoemaker, 318 Cherry, boards 20 Ellicott. Herman, John, shoemaker, rooms 628 East Sixth. Herman, Minnie D., house 121 Chapin. Hermanson, Karl, laborer, boards 25 West Ninth. Hernst C. Percey, decorator, 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, h. 604 Lafayette. Herpst, C. Katrina, office clerk, 56 Prospect, residence 604 Lafayette. Herpst, George H., timekeeper, 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, r. 604 Lafayette. Herpst, Harold D., office clerk, 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, r. 604 Lafayette. Herpst, John S., student, residence 604 Lafayette. Herpst, Leonard C , draftsman, 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, res. 604 Lafayette Herrick, Anson L. (Elizabeth A.), capitalist, house 405 Winsor. Herrick, Charles W . (Gertrude E.)—Maddox Table Co.—house 12 East Fourth. Herrick, Elba E., retired, house 6 Crane. Hot Water Heating, lllSZl^S^tXy M. J. MURRAY Lorde7foVur F i n e C u s t o m C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T ' S HERRICK HILL 266 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Herrick, George W., retired, boards 35 Outlet. Herrick, Millie Tripp, Mrs., milliner, house 626 Spring. Herrington, Katie A., domestic, 2 West Fifth. Hessel, John E., (Christina), elevator man, 116 East First, h. 205 Fenton. Hessel, Nannie, spinner, 116 East First, residence 205 Fenton. Hetfield, Elbert V., attorney at law, room 30 Allen Square, h. 26 Taylor. Hetfield, Jane H., widow Webster W., house 26 Taylor. Hey, Stephen, (Luvina), fireman, 102 East First, house 116 Hazzard. Hibbard, Frank B., (Hattie E.), night watchman, 95 Jones & Gifford avenue, house over 24 Ashville avenue. Hibbard, Helen M., widow, Jerome, house 10 Barker. Hibbard, John D., student, residence 10 Barker. Hibbard, William Earl, (Ada), junk dealer, Pennsylvania avenue. Hicks, John, (Annie), bartender, Everett House, 9-13 West First, house 23 Broadhead avenue. Hickey, Frank, employed 318 Cherry, rooms 405 do. Hickox, Charles H., sketch artist, residence 214 East Third. Hicks, Amelia A., widow Burrough J., house 121 Lake View avenue. Hickson, Charles A., section hand, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, room 10 Y. M. C. A. dormitory. Higgins, Leroy L., (Jennie), residence 12 Crossman. Higgins, JMaggie, domestic, residence 10 Prospect. Hild, E m m a , nurse, 207 Foote avenue, residence do. Hilding, Gust, (Caroline), laborer, house under 524 Allen. Hildum, Clifton N., (Ina M.), proofreader, 16 West Second, house room 3 Lewis block, 804 Main. Hildum, Edward B. (Ellen), carpenter, house 14 Crossman. Hilkman, Clara, clerk, 116 Main, rooms 405 Cherry. Hill, Anna, dressmaker, rooms 423 East Fourth. Hill, Anna F., stenographer, Kent House, (Lakewood), residence 115 King. Hill & Aylesworth—Mrs. Jennie N. Hill and Mrs. Flora S. Aylesworth^-bakery, 706 Main. Hill, Earl H., (Annie), Hill's Piano School, rooms 63-68 N e w Fenton building, boards 415 West Third. Hill, Earl H., Mrs., teacher of piano, Hill's Piano School, rooms 63-68 New Fenton building, boards 415 West Third. Hill, Charles F. (Lena M.), carpenter, house 115 King. Hill, Clara L., stenographer, residence 214 Newland avenue. Hill, Earl F., teamster, residence Bowen, near Buffalo. Hill, Edwin( Lizzie), machinist, residence 32 Dickerson. Hill, Edwin S., (Elizabeth), mill hand, H 6 Bast First, h. Bowen, near Buffalo. Hill, E m m a E., paper box maker, Koehl block, 17-19 Steele, res. 115 King. Hill, Frank P., student, residence 214 Newland avenue. Hill, Frank T. (Ophelia L.), sorter, 116 East First, house 214 Newland ave. Hill, Grace, employed 511 Main, residence do. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HILL HITCHCOCK JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 267 Hill, Grace B., mill hand, residence Bowen, near Buffalo. Hill, James M. (Mary), driver, house 32 Dickerson. Hill, Jennie N., Mrs., Hill & Aylesworth, 706 Main, house over do. Hill, John (Elizabeth J.), brush maker, 335 Harrison, house 25 Maple. Hill, Myron H., stenographer, residence 329 Crossman. Hill, Nelson H., (Anna M.), attorney at law, rooms 25-26 over 101 West Third, house 329 Crossman. Hill, Viola A., widow William H., house 14 Falconer. Hill, William C , upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, residence 115 King. Hiller, Bartie R. (Julia W . ) , agent A m . Express Co., 103 Main, h. 913 East 2d. Hiller, Jay—Hiller & Lawson—17 Steele, house 14 do. Hiller, Meyer, optician, 25 Main, boards 119-121 East Second. Hiller & Lawson—Jay Hiller and John Lawson—saloon, 17 Steele. Hills, Arthur E. (Julia G.), shipping clerk. 11 Main, h. 609 Prendergast ave. Hills, Lawrence, motorneer, J. S. Ry., rooms 519 West Third. Hills, Rhoda, widow George E., residence 219 Park place. Hilton, Andrew (Hilda C ) , shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 216 Steele. Hilton, Anna S., teacher, residence 115 Crescent. Hilton, Esther, widow David, house 115 Crescent. Himebaugh Bros.—Joseph M. Himebaugh—mfrs. spring beds 41-51 Outlet. Himebaugh, George, student, residence 7 Fairmount avenue. Himebaugh, Joseph M. (Anna R.)—Himebaugh Bros.—41-51 Outlet, house 7 Fairmount avenue. Himebaugh, Lyle B., student, residence 7 Fairmount avenue. Hindle, Frederick (Harriet), wool sorter, 116 East First, house 105 Forest. Hindle, M. Elizabeth, aristo worker, residence 105 Forest. Hindle, Thomas, (Margaret), warp dresser, 116 East Third, house 145 Allen. Hinds, Catherine, Mrs., house 309 Palmer. Hine, Anna Rose, residence 703 Ashville avenue. Hine, Ella Dase, residence 703 Ashville avenue. Hine, James W., (Ella), general manager, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 703 Ashville avenue. Hines, Anna, waitress, 15 South Main, residence do. Hines, Michael, (Nora), night clerk, 13-23 South Main, house 49 Broadhead avenue. Hines, Richard, laborer, residence 49 Sroadhead avenue. Hinman, Henry, (Rebecca), clerk, 116 Main, house 13 Sherman. Hirshauer, Herman (Adelaide), retired, house 614 Pine. Histed, James W., (Effie), barber, house 35 Dickerson. Hitchcock, Abbie G., residence 433 East Fourth. Hitchcock, Arthur H., attorney at law, room 9 Hall block, r. 401 Lafayette. Hitchcock, Evelyn B., widow Edward, bookkeeper Straight Manufacturing Co., house 115 Allen. Hitchcock, Horace (Martha), commercial traveler, house 401 Lafayette. Hitchcock, Leon, student, residence 226 Crescent. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, pruta^°^tki^ M, I. MURRAY Men's All W o o l Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , Proudfit's HITCHCOCK HOBART 268 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hitchcock, Lucretia L., Mrs., residence 210 West Fourth. Hitchcock, Walter, (Isabelle), foreman 234 Crescent, house 226 do. Hitchener, Annie, residence over 128 Harrison. Hitchener, John F., (Harriet), warp dresser, house over 128 Harrison. Hitchener, John Henry, lineman, 113 East Third, r. over 128 Harrison. Hjalmerson, John, laborer, boards 25 West Ninth. Hjarpe, Carl F., (Anna), wood carver, 3-7 Ashville avenue, h. 109 Cross. Hjerpe, Carol E., residence 404 East Fifth. Hjerpe, Eric G., (Josephine), pastor Swedish Evangelical Mission church, 108 Chandler, house 404 East Fifth. Hjerpe, Ida, domestic, 768 East Second. Hjerue, Esther, milliner, 210 Chandler, residence 404 East Fifth. Hjert, Charles, (Hulda),fireman,house 228 Sprague. Hjertquist, Charles, wood worker, residence 211 Hazzard. Hjertquist, Charles M. (Matilda), turner, house 211 Hazzard. Hjertquist, Dora, weaver, residence 211 Hazzard. HjertqU|ist, Oscar,finisher,101 Harrison, residence 211 Hazzard. Hjertquist, Roy, weaver, 102 East First, residence 211 Hazzard. Hjertquist, Verma, painter, residence 211 Hazzard. Hjertstrom, John W., (Cecelia), pastor Swedish Baptist church, 121 Chandler, house 311 Warren. Hjertstrom, Terese, residence 311 Warren. Hjorth, Arthur W., ( A m y F.),—Wm.Hjorth & Co.,—66 Allen square, residence 409 East Fourth. Hjorth, L. Isabelle, residence 409 East Fourth. Hjorth, W m . & Co.—William and Arthur W . Hjorth—manufacturers patented articles, room 66 Allen square. Hjorth, William, (Clara J.), W m . Hjorth & Co., house 409 East Fourth. Hoag, Elizabeth A., widow William, house 315 Lincoln. Hoag, Seneca (Mary), teamster, 710 Washington. Hoagland, Guy M., (May), insurance agent, rooms 13-14 Gokey block, house 620 Spring. Hoard, Arthur C , woodworker, 101 Harrison, boards 312 Lafayette. Hoard, Charles A., teamster, residence under 410 Winsor. Hoard, Frank C , (Edith), teamster, house 130 Institute. Hoard, Frank, (Eliza), teamster, house under 410 Winsor. Hoard, George, blacksmith, 40 Institute, residence 12 Water. Hoard, George A.,finisher,boards 312 Lafayette. Hoard, Lorenzo B., (Mary S.), deliveryman, 104-106 Main, house 211 Broadhead avenue. Hoard, William W., (Lydia B.), blacksmithing and horseshoeing, 40 Institute house 12 Water. Hobart, Jerome M., (Gertrude), attorney at law, rooms 40-41 N e w Fenton building, house 147 Cook avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HOLCOMB HOBAKT JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 269 Hobart, Joseph H., student, residence 147 Cook avenue. Hoberg, Beda S., spinner, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 72 Hedges avenue. H-oberg, Carl, soldier (Philippines), residence 72 Hedges avenue. Hoberg, Ellen, duffer, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 72 Hedges avenue. Hoberg, Eric A., (Maria L.), cabinet maker, Jamestown Mantel Co., (Falconer), house 72 Hedges avenue. Hockenberry, Joseph B., blacksmith, 110 West Second, li. 28 Victoria avenue. Hodge, Annie, domestic, 400 Lafayette. Hodges, Fred B., (Flora B.), commercial traveler, house 230 Crossman. Hodges, William D., (Minnie B.), employed 56 Prospect h. 803 Ashville ave. Hodgkins, George M. ( E m m a ) , commercial traveler, house 17 Fulton. Hodgson, Edith, weaver, boards 650 East Sixth. Hodgson, Eliza, weaver boards 650 East Sixth. Hodgson, Ethel, residence 9 English. Hodgson, Hannah, widow Julius, house 650 East Sixth. Hodgson, John (Martha), overseer, 335 Harrison, house 9 English. Hodgson, John, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 252 do. Hofgren, Nels P. (Matilda S.), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 29 Wescott. Hodgson, Rose, Mrs., weaver, 116 East First, house 104 Harrison. Hodgson, Willie, (Eliza), twister, 116 East First, residence 104 Harrison. Hoey, Mina, waitress, 15 South Main. Hoffer, Mary Ann, widow Jacob, residence 303 West Third. Hoffer, William M. (Fanny Ross), capitalist, house 303 West Third. Hoffman, Catherine, residence 912 Main. Hoffstrom, Christine, widow August, house 369 Foote avenue. Hoffstrom, Herwig, employed 111 West Third, residence over 369 Foote ave. Hoffstrom, Wilhelm, employed 56-60 Taylor, r. over 369 Foote avenue. Hofgren, Peter, retired, residence 272 Prospect. Hofstadt, Frank A., (Hilda), polisher, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 3 Orchard. Hogan, Cora L-, clerk, residence 11 Victoria avenue. Hogan, Daniel, (Mary), flagman, Erie R. R., house 310 West Sixth. Hogan, Ella, laundress, 3 Barrett avenuje, residence 17 Hall avenue. Hogan, Ella, laundress, 20 Forest avenue, residence 11 Victoria avenue. Hogan, Mary A., weaver, 206 Steele, residence 310 West Sixth. Hogan, William, tinner, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 703 West Eighth. Hogland, Ed., woodworker, 710 East Second, boards ~i47 East Second. Hoglund, Lottie, domestic, 556 East Second. Hohelund, A. Martena, domestic, 52 Lake View avenue. Hokanson, Myrtle, nurse, 207 Foote avenue, residence do. Hokenson, Stina, domestic, 405 Spring. Holbrook, Henry, (Caroline), laborer, house rear, 286 Harrison. Holbrook, Sarah Jane, widow Kemmel, residence 609 Prendergast avenue. Hol-comb, Marie, house 311 Prendergast avenuje. Holcomb, Marie McL., piece worker, 3S5 Harrison, res. 106 East Eighth. Holcomb, Morley C , (Adna), bridge contractor, house 106 East Eighth. Some of the most extensive ti^tX6 M- J- MURRAY H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G . Pr-£L HOLDRIDGE 270 HOLMBERG JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Holdridge, Ira, (Sarah A.), retired, house 837 East Second. Holdridge, Thomas, (Delia), laborer, house over 8 West Seventh. Holgate, Colonel ( E m m a ) , mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 111 King. Hollenbeck, Bert C , (A. Howard), clerk, 30-32 Main, house 50 Rathbone. Hollenbeck, Delia, widow Daniel, house 108 Crescent. Hollenbeck, Harry, shoemaker, rooms 60 Allen Square. Hollenbeck, Iva B., teacher, residence 108 Crescent. Hollenbeck, Laura, dressmaker, boards 909 Main. Hollenbeck, Phillip, gardener, house Briggs block, East Buffalo. Hollenbeck, William H., shoemaker 318 Cherry, rooms 60 Allen Square. Hollengren, Alfred B., upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, res. 118 Williams. Hollengren, Ellen, widow John A., house 118 Williams. Hollengren, Sar;ih A., student, residence 118 Williams. Holley, Gillian H., weaver, Falconer Towel Co., Falconer, residence 422 Allen. Holley, Janett F., widow George W., house 422 Allen. Holley, M a y A., twister, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconer, residence 422 Allen. Holley, Myron J., painter, 56 Blackstone avenue, residence 422 Allen. Holley, Vernia K., twister, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconer, residence 422 Allen. Holley, William, (Belinda), teamster, house 23 Barker. Hollings, James (Louisa), dyer, house 409 Hazeltine avenue. Hollings, John, (Ellen), foreman, 335 Harrison, house 250 Harrison. Hollister, Edmund W., (Mertie),finisher,63 Taylor, house 3 Grandin. Hollister, Jay B. (Olive), commercial traveler, house 4 McDannell avenue. Hollister, Walter W . (Caroline A.), laborer, house under 222 East First. Holm, August A., (Augusta), employed 35 Water, house 505 Camp. Holm, A. William, (Sigrid), weaver, 36 Water, house 93 Hazzard. Holm, Charles, (Hattie), binder, 101 Harrison, house 242 Crescent. Holm, Eva V., weaver 102 East First, residence 242 Crescent. Holm, John, section hand, boards 147 Fairmount avenue. Holm, Lydia, twister, residence 505 Camp. Holm, Ralph C. G., box maker, Koehl block, 17-19 Steele, r. 242 Crescent. Holman, Henry (Julia), carpenter, house 410 Barrett. Holmberg, Charles R., (Hannah), woodworker, 40 Steele, house 10 Sampson. Holmberg, Edgar, residence 710 Foote avenue. Holmberg, Elin, clerk, 4 Main, residence 710 Foote avenue. Holmberg, Firdinand, (Anna), employed 318 Cherry, house 2 Crown. Holmberg, Gust ( E m m a ) , cabinet maker, house 710 Foote avenue. Holmberg, Gustaf, (Amanda), painter, house 288 Willard. Holmberg, Gustaf, (Emma),—C. W . Swanson & Co., 4 Main—house 710 Foote avenue. Holmberg, John A. (Selma), drayman, house 250 Bowen. Holmberg, Mary, widow Gust, residence 250 Bowen. Holmberg, Salmon (Augusta), contractor, house 327 Willard. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. HOLMBERG HOLMES JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 271 Holmberg, Victor (Louise A.), laborer, house 605 English. Holmer, Andres J., (Ida), woodworker, house 31 Elm. Holmer, Signe, residence 31 Elm. Holmer, Thure, woodworker, residence 31 Elm. Holmes, Albert H., carder, Meadow Brook mills, Falconer, r. 30 Vega. Holmes, Albro C salesman, 108 Main, r. 825 Prendergast avenue. Holmes, Amil L., metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 422 Baker. Holmes, Amy, Mrs., employed 102 East First, house over 22 Alpaca. Holmes, Andrew C. (Julia O ) , commercial traveler, h. 825 Prendergast ave. Holmes, Annie, weaver, 35 Water, residence 37 Center. Holmes, Arthur, residence 700 East Second. Holmes, Arthur, comber, 335 Harrison residence 30 Vega. Holmes, Augustus S., (Kate S.), real estate, h. 722 East Seventh. Holmes Awning Works—Mathias C. Holmes, prop'r—manufacturer of canvas goods, 112-114 East Third. , Holmes, Benjamin R., (Emily), dyer, 116 East First, h. over 14 Williams. Holmes, Bertha, residence 564 East Second. Holmes, Carl E. (Carrie E.), carpenter, house over 53 Prospect avenue. Holmes, Carl R., student, boards 60 Chapin. Holmes, Catherine L., teacher, residence 825 Prendergast avenue. Holmes, Clara, residence 41 Maple. Holmes, Emily W., teacher, residence 825 Prendergast avenue. Holmes, Frank (Hulda),finisher,house 120 Sampson. Holmes, Frank, clerk 116 Main, residence over 700 East Second. Holmes, Harold, wool sorter, 116 East First, residence 41 Maple. Holmes, Herman O., (Louise), cabinet maker, house 422 Baker. Holmes, Ida, widow Peter A, house 225 Hazzard. Holmes, James (Christine), cabinet maker, house 564 East Second. Holmes, James, (Susan), barber, house 13 Victoria avenue. Holmes, John (Jane), loomfixer,116 East First, house 41 Maple. Holmes, John A., painter, residence 225 Hazzard. Holmes, John W . (Maybell), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 9 Crane. Holmes, Joseph, (Emma), warp dresser, 102 East First, house 37 Center. Holmes, Levi, residence 12 Cook avenue. Holmes, Louis H.,finisher,101 Harrison, residence 422 Baker. Holmes, Martin, cabinet maker, 38 Winsor, residence 225 Hazzard. Holmes, Mary, residence 825 Prendergast avenue. Holmes, Mathias O, (Maggie R.),-^Holmes awning works—112-114 East 3rd, house 18 East Ninth. Holmes, Matilda, waitress, 21 West Third, residence do. Holmes, Maude, residence 31 Fluvanna avenue. Holmes, Olive, residence 225 Hazzard. Holmes, Oscar (Sophia), 'laborer, house 4 Short Eagle. Holmes, Rudolph O., residence 422 Baker. Holmes. Stafford, clerk, residence 13 Victoria avenue. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. K n o x H a t s , H a w e s H a t s o n l y at P R O U D F I T ' S HOLMES HOPKINS 272 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Holmes, Tirzah, Mrs., residence 12 Cook avenue. Holmes, Walter A. W., metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 422 Baker. Holmes, William A. (Nettie M.),finisher,house 227 Hazzard, Holmes, Zilla, weaver, 109 East First, residence 37 Center. Holmlund, Perry, (Hannah),finisher,101 Harrison, house 128 Stowe. Holmquist, Carl A. F., (Charlotte H.), photographer over 212-14 East Second, house do. CARL HOLriQUIST, PHOXOQRAPHER, ARTISTIC LIGHTING Also Photo Jewelry and Frames. AND POSING. 212-214 E. Second St. Holmquist, Claus W., retired, house 56 Chapin. Hoist, Emil, (Anna),finisher,3 Ashville avenue, house 80 Jones. Holstrom, John, (Esther), turner, residence 137 East Ninth. Holt, Bertha A., stitcher, 318 Cherry, residence 38 1-2 Foote avenue. Holt, Frank, trimmer, 105 Winsor, residence 38 1-2 Foote avenue. Holt, Gale, residence 229 Warren. Holt, George M. (Jessie), gardener, house 10 Highland avenue. Holt, Harry N., student, residence 901 Prendergast avenue. Holt, Henry, (Nettie),finisher,56-60 Taylor, house 38 1-2 Foote avenue. Holt, Millard C , (Mary), meat cutter, house 229 Warren. Holt, Walter E., (Alme A.), metal worker, residence 85 Tower. Holt, Walter J., (Mildred),finisher,516 West Fourth, h. 39 Tilden avenue. Homer, Glenn K. (Mary), driver, 205 West Third, house 72 Rathbone. Homer, Mabel, residence 707 Baker. Homer, Smith T., (Ida), milk man, house 707 Baker. Hooker, Cenia A., Mrs., house 926 East Second. Hooker, Hull M., (Anna), merchant tailor, 16 East Third, h. 112 Broadhead avenue. Hooker, Lena, bookkeeper, 113 East Third, residence (Falconer P. O.) Hoon, Frank R. (Mary A.), night clerk Erie R. R., house over 203 East 2d. Hoon, Rex O , residence 203 East Second. Hoon, William H., (Marie), night ticket agent, Erie R. R., residence 416 Lafayette. Hooper, Albro, clerk, 800 Main, residence 922 Main. Hooper, Mathew, farmer, house 922 Main. Hope, George, (Selma A.), bartender, 6 South Main, house over 135 Allen. Hopkins, Edward T., (Elizabeth), brakeman J. C. & L. E. R. R., house over 608 West Sixth. Hopkins, Gorham D., residence 11 East Sixth. Hopkins, Helen E., widow Kirk W., house 11 East Sixth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HOPKINS ' HOUSTON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 273 Hopkins, Theodore E., (Elizabeth)—Pennock & Hopkins, 1 E. Sixth—house 327 East Second. Hopkinson, Samuel, (Sarah J.), warper, 335 Harrison, house 10 King. Hopson, Eugene, (Phoebe), conductor J. S. Ry., house 123 Fairmount avenue. Horan, Anna, domestic, 517 Lafayette. Horr, Ebeneser A. (Blanche), lather, residence 74 Rathbone. Horrocks, Agnes, -Mrs., furrier and dressmaker, 212 Pine, houpe do. Horrocks, Lita, residence 212 Pine. Horsfield, Mary, widow David, house over 48 Harrison. Horsfield, Sarah Ann, weaver, 56 Water, residence over 48 Harrison. Horton, Almon A., (Victoria L.), pastor Brooklyn Heights church, Sprague & Palmer, house 401 Palmer. Horton, Bernice, residence 10 Cleveland place. Horton Bros.—Charles L. and Walter B.—insurance agents, 122 East Third. Horton, Charles L. (Mary L.)—Horton Bros.—122 East Third, h. 612 Main. Horton, E m m a M., widow Terestus S., house 12 Chandler. Horton, Fred G., (Bertha)—J. S. Horton & Son, 122 East Third—house 18 1-2 Prather avenue. ,< Horton, James S. (Lana G.)—J. S. Horton & Son—122 East Third, house 55 Broadhead avenue. Horton, J. S. & Son—James S. and Fred G — paints and oils, 122 East Third. Horton, Millie, residence 10 Cleveland place. Horton, Nathalia, kitchen girl, 13-23 West Third, res. 10 Cleveland place. Horton, Walter B. (May B.)—Horton Bros.—122 East Third, house Fairmount avenue. Horton, William P. (Cora Belle), laborer, bouse 10 Cleveland place. Hosford, James E., (Anna S.), deliveryman, 820 West Eighth, h. 826 Cherry. Hotchkiss, Alonzo S. (Ella), carpenter, house 105 Marvin. Hotchkiss, Emerson H., (Lydia A.), retired, house 183 Buffalo. Hotchkiss, Louise, widow Jerry, house 1111 East Second. Hotchkiss, Mary G., residence 183 Buffalo. Hotchkiss, Maurice D., carriage painter, 108 West Fourth, r. 183 Buffalo. Hotchkiss, Walter W . (Mary S.), eye, ear and throat specialist, 3-4 Allen square building, house 16 Prospect avenue. Hotel Everett—Oliver C. Wallace, propr.—9-13 West First. Houghtaling, Edwin J. (Carrie), brick layer,. Fluvanna avenue. Houghtaling, James, (Maria), mason, house 838 Lafayette. Houghton, George H., (Frankie), blacksmith and wagon maker, 946 East Second, house over do. Houser, E m m a , weaver, 116 East First, boards 25 Steele. Houser, James W., (Louise), cabinet maker, house 74 Hazzard. Houser, Orrin O , artist, residence 74 Hazzard. Houston, Esther, residence 44 Lake View avenue. Houston, Loyd H., student, residence 44 Lake View avenue. Houston, Percy H., student, residence 44 Lake View avenue. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets p\?yin M. J. MURRAY. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND HOUSTON GLOVES A SPECIALTY AT PROUDFIT'S HUDSON 274 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Houston, Preston C. (Auzella O), house 44 Lake View avenue. Howard, Annie, spinner, 116 East First, residence 632 East Sixth. Howard, Belle, milliner, 101 South Main, residence 144 Allen. Howard, Charles T. (Lucia A.), house. 101 Cherry. Howard, Charles T., Mrs., millinery, 101 Cherry, house do. Howard, Elizabeth, widow James, house 632 East Sixth. Howard, Elizabeth, student, residence 101 Cherry. Howard, Elmer E. (Hulda), weaver, residence 163 Chandler. Howard, Franc, Mrs., clerk, 205 Main, house over 219 Spring. Howard, George W . (Matilda), laborer, house 163 Chandler. Howard, Harriet F. residence 109 Forest avenue. Howard, Jennie I., bookkeeper, 113 East Third, residence 319 Lincoln. Howard, J. Henry, carpenter, house 319 Lincoln. Howard, Lucina M., widow Mason, house over 144 Allen. Howard, -Mark T., auditor State Drainage Commission, over 213 Main, residence Frewsburg, N. Y. Howard, Mary E., residence 319 Lincoln. Howard, Robert J., wool handler, 116 East First, r. 632 East Sixth. Howard, Walter P., (Alice M.), bookkeeper 101 Harrison, house 325 Crossman. Howe, Barton S., (Alice), mason, house 74 Marvin. Howe, Carrie M., teacher, residence 45 Bush. Howe, Frank, (Margaret), cigars and tobacco, 15 West Third, house 563 East Second. Howe, Lynn E., (Bertha L.), mason and plasterer, house 39 Tilden avenue. Howe, Oren, (Rose), mechanic, 56 Blackstone avenue, house 45 Bush. Howe, William, beards 118 East Second. Howe, William, dishwasher, 21 West Third, residence do. Howes, James, employed 234 Crescent, house 131 Crescent. Howson, Birttie L., messenger, residence 451 Baker. Howson, William M., (Rosa), paperhanger, house 451 Baker. Hoyt, Carlton G. (Margaret), wood worker, house 932 East Second. Hoyt Flats, 307-315 West Third. Hoyt, Joel I., (Delia F.), retired, house 314 West Second. Hoyt, Lynn, clerk 12 West Third, 'rooms 404 West Fifth. Hoyt, Peter H., (Jennie E.), contractor, liouse 307 West Third. Hoyt, Sidney B. (Agnes), com. traveler, house 101 West Fifth. Hoyt, Sidney M „ student, residence 101 West Fifth. Hubbard, Blanche E., employed Chautauqua Worsted Mills, Falconer, residence 13 Ross. Hubbard, Nettie B., student, residence 13 Ross. Hubbard, Marshall M., (Mary L.), engineer, 105 J. & G. avenue, h. 13 Ross. Huber, Charles B., (Clara), confectioner, 10 Main, house 136% Foote avenue. Huber, Charles H., (Jennie K.), canvasser, house over 40 Holman. Hudson, Charles, (Bertha M.), warper, 116 East First, h. over 123 Steele. Hudson, Harry, woodworker, 3 Ashville avenue, residence 52 W . Tenth. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HUDSON HULTQUIST JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 275 Hudson, Harry, finisher, 3 Ashville avenu-e, rooms 504 West Fifth. Hudson, William (Malina), warp dresser, house 52 West Tenth. Huey, Nina, dining room girl, 15 South Main, rooms 48 Harrison. Hulberg, Charles, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 17 Ellicott. Hull, Edna, student, residence 212 Crossman. Hulquist, Alvera L., weaver 116 East First, residence 356 Willard. Hulquist, Axel,finisher,11 East First, boards over 17 East First. Hulquist, Andrew J., (Louise C ) , packer 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 4 Morse ave. Hulquist, Fred (Mary), mill hand, 116 East First, house 114 Crown. Hulquist, Grace E., student, residence 213 Barrows. Hulquist, Gust (Eliza O ) , laborer, house 356 Willard. Hulquist, Henry, (Jane), driver 112 Winsor, house 12 Morse avenue. Hulqujst, Hilda, widow August, dressmaker, house 185 Barrows. Hulquist—J. A. & Co.—John A. Hulquist and Gustaf 0. Gustafson—Insurance, Loans and Ocean Tickets, room 2 Arcade building. Hulquist, John A., (Jennie L.),—J. A. Hulquist & Co.—2 Arcade building, house 37 Mechanic. Hulquist, Mertie E., student, residence 213 Barrows. Hulquist, S. G., (Ida O ) , polisher 30 Steele, house 244 Barrows. Hulquist, see also Hultquist. Hult, August, (Anna), night watchman, 40 Steele, house 9 Hanley. Hult, Conrad A. (Katie), druggist, 12 Willard, house do. Hult, Gustaf (Mary), laborer, house 10 Eagle. Hult, John A. (Ellen), house painter, house 36 Pearl avenue. Hult, Mary, domestic, 110 Forest avenue. Hult, Soffa, widow Juan, residence under 211 Allen. Hultberg, Adolf F. (Hattie M.), laborer, house 254 Willard. Hultberg, Amel, (Jennie C ) , grocer, 343-345 Allen, house 157 Barrows. Hultberg, August (Minnie), laborer, house 293 Crescent. Hulterg, Axel E., clerk, 343 Allen, residence 410 Allen. Hultberg, Rose M., clerk 53 Winsor, residence 254 Willard. Hultburg, Charles, (Tilda),finisher,house over 91 East Buffalo. Hultburg, Hanna, widow Charles, house 410 Allen. Hultgren, Agatha A., residence 13 Union avenue. Hultgren, Anna, widow Carl O., house 13 Union avenue. Hultgren, Carl O., Jr., residence 13 Union avenue. Hultgren, Flavia R., residence 13 Union avenue. Hultgren, Henry, (Matilda),finisher101 Harrison, house over 241 Crescent. Hultgren, Luther, (Albertine), employed 129 J. & G. avenue, h. 449 Warren. Hultin, Carl, woodw orker, rooms over 11 East Second. Hultin, John F. (Alma J.), painter, house 49 Peterson. Hultine, Lawrence R., clerk 102 Main, residence 49 Peterson. Hultman, Fannie C , domestic, 116 Crosby. Hultquist, Clarence A. (M. Charlotte), clerk, 221 Main, house 839 Prender gast avenue. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. Headquarters forf^^FngHsfs\rd 3 3 , Proudfit's. HULTQUIST HUNTINGTON 276 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hultquist, Charles J., (Theolinda),—Racket store, 32 Willard)—house 15 Wilson avenue. Hultquist, Ernest C , (Jennie M.), mail carrier, R. F. D. N o 3., residence 15 Wilson avenue. Hultquist, Gust, (Hildah), foreman, 335 Harrison, house 19 Newland avenue. Hultquist. J. Victor, printer, residence 15 Wilson avenue. Hultquist, see also Hulquist Humphrey House, 13-22 S. Main—J. William Humphrey, Jr., proprietor. Humphrey House Barber Shop—Joseph S. Meli, Prop.—4 Taylor. Humphrey, J. William, Jr. (Mary), proprietor Humphrey House, 13-23 Main, house do. Humphrey, Lizzie, widow John, employed 116 East First, res. 12 Chandler. Humohrey, Rolland H., (Euphemia V.), roofer 708 East Second, h. 213 E. 2d. Humphrey, Rolland H., Jr., clerk 204 Main, house 213 East Second. Hunt, Charles, carpenter, boards 23 Allen. Hunt, Charles A., (Adelaide), bench foreman 95 J & G. avenue, house over 206 Spring. Hunt, Cornelius (Clarinda), painter, house 23 Allen. Hunt, David C. (Matilda), painter, house 269 Hallock. Hunt, Elton C., (Edith), bookkeeper, 3 Ashville avenue, h. 118 Catlin ave. Hunt, Elvin (Dora), drayman, house 506 Palmer. Hunt, Emily O, stenographer 101 Harrison, residence 304 Winsor. Hunt, Ernest, farmer, Hunt road. Hunt, Eveline F., widow Reuben—Hunt Grocery Co., 229 Warren—house 200 Warren. Hunt, Frank, veterinary surgeon, office over 122 East Third, residence do. Hunt, Fred O , (Flora B.),—-Hunt Grocery Co., 229 Warren—h. 200 Warren Hunt, Freeman J. (Eliza), stationary engineer, house 312 Allen. Hunt, Glenn, (Jennie), employed 24 Steele, house 16 Norton avenue. Hunt Grocery Co.—Eveline F. Hunt a nd Fred C. Hunt—grocers, 229 Warren. Hunt, Herbert L. (S. Annetta), attorney at law, 25-26 Wellman building, house 511 West Fourth. Hunt, Jay, (Gertrude), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, res. Hunt road. Hunt, John, employed 116 East First, house over 10 River. Bunt, Mabel E., employed 116 East First, residence 506 Palmer. Hunt, Maria, widow William, house 600 Foote avenue. Hunt, Marie, widow William, residence 9 Prospect. Hunt, Mary, tele, operator, 113 East Third, residence 269 Hallock. Hunt, Roy, (May), weaver, 102 East First, house 112 Hazzard. Hunt, Whitman P., teamster, residence 931 Newland avenue. Hunt, William C., (Gertrude M.),finisher3 Ashville avenue, h. 23 Barrows. Hunt, William, coachman, 405 Spring, residence do. Hunter, John W . (Agnes B.), clerk, 212 Main, house over 419 West Third. Huntington, Alfred, machinist, residence 844 Lafayette. Huntington, Brook (Eliza), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 44 Foote ave. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware. Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HUNTINGTON IDEAL LAUNDRY JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 277 Huntington, Charlotte Gray, weaver, residence 44 Foote avenue. Huntington, Ephraim S., machinist 844 Lafayette, residence 44 Foote avenue Huntington, Jane, widow Henry, residence 129 Crescent Huntington, John (Agnes), teamster, house 14 Fluvanna avenue. Huntington, John (Harriet), warp dresser, house 844 Lafayette. Huntington Myrtle, operative, 318 Chei ry, rooms 20 West Seventh. Huntington, Susanna, drawer, residence 844 Lafayette. Huntington, Talbot, machinist, Falconer, house 129 Crescent. Huntington, Wilhelmena, spinner, residence 844 Lafayette. Huntington, William, machinist 844 Lafayette, residence do. Hurlbert, George F., (Etta), proprietor The N e w Sherman, 13-23 West Third, house do. Hurlbut, Frank, (Anna), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, house 32 Ashville ave. Hurlburt, Dwight, (Jane), carpenter, house under 610 Cherry. Hurley, Lena, 21 West Third, residence do. Hurley, Michael E. (Margaret), mill hand, 101 Harrison, house 808 Jefferson. Husband, A. Blin, printer, residence 16 Cook avenue. Husband, John B., (Octadene A.), bookkeeper 120 West Third, house 16 Cook avenue. Husband, J. Stuart, photograph printer, over 207 Main, res. 16 Cook ave. Husband, Mabel, night operator, 113 East Third, boards 149 J. & G. avenue. Hussey, Annie, winder, Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, res. 636 East Sixth Husted, Clarence, sign painter,flat3-17 Steele, rooms do. Husted, Frank W., (Abbie), wood carver, 40 Steele, h. over 21 Weeks. Hutchinson, Elizabeth, stenographer 304 Main, residence 17 Fulton. Hutley, Ann, widow John, house 10 King. Hutley, Arthur, laborer 335 Harrison, residence 5 Elk. Hutley, Clara, weaver 335 Harrison, residence 10 King. Hutley, James (Jennie E.), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 5 Elk. Hutley, John W . (Annie), mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 9 King. Hutley, Nellie, residence 5 Elk. Hutley, Ruth Eliza, residence 10 King. Hutt, C. Leonard, (Eva B.), night watchman, 116 East First, h. 32 Regent. Hutty, Kate, Mrs., weaver, 35 Water, house over 4 Willis. Hyde, Frederick W . (Carrie), sec. Journal Printing Company, 14-16 West Second, house 334 East Fifth. I Ickeringill, Harold, dyer, 335 Harrison, residence 13 Franklin. Ickeringill, Sarah E., widow John W., house 13 Franklin. Ickstrom, Anna, widow Swan, house under 525 Allen. Ideal Laundry, (The)^Fred Rockwell, Carl G. & Fred J. Swanson—20 Forest avenue. M.J.MURRAY c|r„r^^teiinesoft Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Children's Suits $1.50 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T ' S IDEAL PLUMBING CO. 278 INNES JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Ideal Plumbing Co.—John Heald and Frank E. Reed—under 210 East Second Illig, Peter (Lena), bottler 104 East Second, house 48 West Ninth. Illingworth, Fred, ( E m m a ) , loom fixer, 102 East First, house 15 Newland ave. Illingworth, John (Fannie), loomfixer,house 225 Broadhead avenue. Illingworth, John H., (Hannah), foreman, 335 Harrison, house V-k Winsor. Illingworth, Julia, weaver, residence 225 Broadhead avenue. Ilwin, Harry,fillingboss, 102 East First, residence 159 Warren. Ilwin, James E., weaver, 102 East First, residence 159 Warren. Ilwin, Martha, weaver, 102 East First, residence 159 Warren. Ilwin, Susan, residence 159 Warren. Immel, Alice, L., residence 607 Pine. Immel, Anna C , residence 607 Pine. Immel, David W., (M. Mary), supt. Jamestown Water Supply Company, 110 East Third, house 607 Pine. Imus, Clarence A., (Lula J.),—Imus Bros.—9 Gifford block, h. 112% Hazzard Imus, Charles M.—Imus Bros.—9 Gifford block—residence 645 Falconer. Imus, Frank A., (Ellen A.), engineer, house 645 Falconer. Imus, Frank A., Jr.—Imus Bros.—9 Gifford block, residence 645 Falconer. Imus Bros.—Charles IM., Clarence A. and Frank A. Jr.—office outfitters and real estate, 9 Gifford block. IMUS BROS., SUCCESSORS TO J. DEWET, Real Estate, Loans and General Insurance. OFFICE OUTFITTERS. phone ason. Inch, E m m a , widow Jack, weaver 116 East First, house over 2 % Main. Inch, Elijah, machine hand, 35 Water, residence over 4 Main. Ingerson Bros.—George H. and Norman W.—grocers 18 East Third. Ingerson, Cornelia J., Mrs., residence 108 Lincoln. Ingerson, Floyd M., driver 18 East Third, residence 108 Lincoln. Ingerson, George H., (Kate E.),—Ingerson Bros.—18 East Third, house 10 Crosby. Ingerson, Norman W., (Stella M.)—Ingerson Bros.—IS East Third, house 11 East Ninth. Ingham, John, (Emma), carding and spinning mill, 27 Victoria ave., house 43 College. Ingham, James, (Gertrude), foreman Chautauqua Worsted Mills, house 350 Foote avenue. Ingham, Wilfrid, spinning foreman, residence 116 East Sixth. Ingham, Nathan, (Sarah), dyer 335 Harrison, house 114 King. Innes, Joseph J., (Theresa)—Innes & Hansen—under 116 Main, house over 8 East Second. Clark Hardware Co.,agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E I N N E S & 'HANSON CO. JACKSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 279 Innes & Hansen—Joseph J. Innes and Herbert M. Hansen—barber shop, under 116 Main. International Correspondence School, (The), E. J. Coburn, resident manager, 1-2 Gokey building. Ipson, Andrew J., machinist, residence, 605 West Seventh. Ipson, Andrew S , (Anna), painter 101 Harrison, house under 513 Allen. Ipson, Catherine, widow James P., house 605 West Seventh. Ipson, Charles (Sophia E.)—Jamestown Bedstead Co.—30 Steele, h. 601 W.7th Ipson, Henry (Julia A.), shipping clerk, house 17 Linden avenue. Ipson, John H., bookkeeper, residence 601 West Seventh. Ipson, M a y Belle, bookkeeper, residence 601 West Seventh. Ipson, Peter, (Hansina), night watchman 30 Steele, house 869 Spring. Ipson, Rose A., residence 869 Spring. Iroquois Hotel—William W . Hayward, prop.—4-6 South Main. Irvine, George (Georgiana), house 937East Second. Irvin, Harry, student, Business College, rooms 112 Chandler. Irwin, Edward, (Harriet), stone cutter, house over 17 Weeks. Irwin, Fred, residence over 17 Weeks. Irwin, George, retired, boards 15 South Main. Irwin, James,' (Mary), spinner, 36 Water, nouse 159 Warren. Irwin, Walter, (Margaret), wood worker, 101 Harrison, house 6 Metallic ave. Isaacson, Amel Frank (Carrie E.), machinist, house 36 Center. Isaacson, Mary O , widow John N., residence 51 Tower. Isbell, Catherine C-, aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 505 Clinton. Isbell, Joseph H. (Margaret), boiler maker, house 505 Clinton. Isbell, Lewis J., student, residence 505 Clinton. Isbell, Margaret M., aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 505 Clinton. Isbell, Mary H., baster, 318 Cherry, residence 505 Clinton. Isbell, Robert J., (Pearl), upholsterer, house 8 South Thayer. Iverson, James, Jr., clerk 206 Main, boards 117 Chandler. J Jackman, August H., (Jennie),florist,Lake View Rose gardens, house Ashville avenue, (Celoron.) Jackman, Byron D., (Sarah), milk dealer, house 148 Foote avenue. Jackson, Alice M., employed 58 Center, residence 24 Thirteenth. Jackson Bros.—John E. Jackson and Peter W . Jackson—Feed store, 22 Forest avenue. Jackson, Charles E., office clerk, 113 West Third, residence 205 Lafayette. Jackson, Charles, metal worker, 95 JoDes & Gifford ave., boards 16 West End. Jackson, Charles W., employed 41 Outlet, residence Outlet. Jackson, Clarence D., employed 25 Shearman Place, residence 24 Thirteenth. Jackson, Clyde W., (Mary L.), grocery clerk, house 85 Prospect. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material T w o cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T ' S JACKSON JADERSTROM 280 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Jackson, Dow M., (Cora D.), clerk, 13 East Third, house 1029 East Second. Jackson, Ella, bookkeeper and typewriter, room 8 Gokey blk., res. 80 Marvin. Jackson, Epenitus N., farmer, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Jackson, George A., hotel clerk, residence 205 Lafayette. Jackson, Grace M, employed 58 Center, residence 24 Thirteenth. Jackson, Isabel F., Mrs., house 80 Marvin. Jackson, J. Henry (Mary J.), hotel keeper, house 205 Lafayette. Jackson, Jennie E., dressmaker, residence 24 Thirteenth. Jackson, John E., (Anna C),—Jackson Bros.— house over 22 Forest avenue. Jackson, Lucy, student, residence 205 Lafayette. Jackson, Olive, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Jackson, Peter W., (Louisa),—Jackson Bros.—bouse r-,ver 22 Forest avenue. Jackson, Sandford, farmer, residence A shville avenue. (Celoron.) Jackson, Stephen, stationary engineer, residence 124 Crescent. Jackson, Townsend (Margaret A.), farmer, house Ashville avenue (Celoron). Jacobs, Eliza, house 210 Crosby. Jacobs, John (Johanna), retired, house 6 Williams. Jacobsen, Martha E., teacher, residence 2 Crosby. Jacobsen, Marcus F., carriage painter, residence 2 Crosby. Jacobsen, Marcus P. (Sophia O ) , carriage maker, 202 Washington, house 2 Crosby. Jacobson, Amil, (Carrie), teamster, house 119 3-4 Warren. Jacobson, Augusta, nurse, 303 East Second. Jacobson, Ella A., residence 106 West Eighth. Jacobson, E m m a , widow John, house over 6 River. Jacobson, E m m a O, residence 9 Elk. Jacobson, Floyd, student, residence 106 West Eighth. Jacobson, Frank, assistant janitorfiredepartment, residence 262 Forest ave. Jacobson, Frank, bobbin setter, 335 Harrison, residence 6 River. Jacobson, Frank A., packer, Atlas Furniture Co., residence 106 West Eighth. Jacobson, George (Selma), cabinetmaker, house 502 Newland avenue. Jacobson, Gust, shoemaker, 7 Steele, boards 51 Prospect avenue. Jacobson, Henry, machine hand, 105 Winsor, residence 6 River. Jacobson, J. Alvin, (Anna M.), commercial traveler, h. 614 Newland avenue. Jacobson, Jacob (Agusta), woodworker, house 228 Forest avenue. Jacobson, Joseph (Gustie), varnisher, house 3 Briggs. Jacobson, Julia O , residence 9 Elk. Jacobson, Louis R., residence 9 Elk. Jacobson, Luther W., machinist, residence 9 Elk. Jacobson, Nels N. (Josephine), carpenter, house 9 Elk. Jacobson, Oscar T., (Carrie), machine hand, 415 Chandler, h. 106 W . Eighth. Jacobson, Peter A. (Louise C ) , mach'nist, house 31 Kinney. Jacobson, see also Jacobsen. Jaderstrom, Axel, employed 153 Jones & Gifford avenue, residence 9 Tew. Jaderstrom, Charles, employed 153 Jones & Gifford avenue, residence 9 Tew. Jaderstrom, Erick I., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 9 Tew. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery^ The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. JADERSTROM JAMBS-TOWN CO-OP. SUPPLY CO. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 281 Jaderstrom, Hildegarde, missionary worker, residence 9 Tew. Jaderstrom, John (Alriga), shoemaker, 1 Taylor, house 9 Tew. Jaderstrom, John (Cora), woodcarver, (Falconer), residence 500 Barrett ave. Jagger, Elizabeth M., residence 30 Lake View avenue. Jagger, Lewis C. (Mary N.)—Morgan manufacturing company—3 Ashville ave nue, house 30 Lake View avenue. Jagger, Polly, weaver, 56 Water, boards 254 Harrison. James, Albert, groom, 224 East Second, residence do. James, Eunice E., residence 93 Steele. James, Henry (Eliza F.), bookkeeper, house 93 Steele. James, Henry, stone mason, boards over 17 East First. James, Henry, Mrs., massage and baths, house 93 Steele. James, John, wood worker, 25 Shearman Place, boards 18 Steele. James, William C , claim clerk, J. C. & L. E. Ry., res. over 11 W . Second. Jamestown Art Carving Co.—Albert Nelson and Jacob Van Stea—Custom carving, 50 Steele. Jamestown Awning Works—Fabius H. Lawton and Edwin A. Harvey—Manufucturers canvas goods, over 24 Main. Jamestown Bakery—National Biscuit Oo.—217 Spring. Jamestown Bedspring Co.—C. W . Eckman, propr., 8-10 Willard. Jamestown Bedstead Co.—William A. Marsh, Daniel H. Post, A. W . Crumb, and Charles Ipson—mfrs. tables, bedsteads, etc., 30-8 Steele. Jamestown Beef Co., wholesale meats. 33 Institute, Charles S. Gardner, mgr. Jamestown Bill Posting Co.—George Castner and M. Reis—20 East Second. Jamestown Book Bindery and Foreign Ticket Agency, Martin Merz, proprietor, over 211 Main. Jamestown Boiler Works—John G. O'Brien—mfrs. boilers, stills and tanks, 602 West Seventh. Jamestown Bottling Co., bottlers,—John I. Lerch, proprietor,—12 W . First. Jamestown Brewing Co., brewers—Frfnk X. Brandel, pres., 612-20 West 8th. Jamestown Brick Works,—A. J. Butts, manager—105 West Third. Jamestown Brick Works—Ransom J. Barrows, agt., dealers in brick, 16 E. 3d Jamestown Business college, rms. 24-30 Gokey bldg., 18 West 3 d — H . E. V. Porter, principal. Jamestown, Chautauqua & Lake Erie Railway Co.—Passenger station 640 West Eighth, freight station 75 Steele,—D. J. Bill, general freight and passenger agent. Jamestown Club,—Charles S. Abbot, president; George V. Blackstone, secretary—413 Main. Jamestown Coal & Lumber Co.—Coal and building materials,—602-610 West Eighth, Lewis F. Shedd, proprietor. Jamestown Commercial gallery, commercial photographs, 320 Harrison, Jay Pickard, proprietor. Jamestown Go-Operative Supply Co. g eneral merchandise—H. F. Trampleasure, manager, 216 East Second. Hot Water Heating, ^E^„E£r£ M. J. MURRAY. Reliable C l o t h i n g at Rf*,8c°Eab,e a t P R O U D F I T ' S JAMESTOWN COTTON MILL JAMESTOWN SHALE BRICK CO. 282 J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Jamestown Cotton Mill, mfr. warps and battings, 58 Center,—T. H. Smith, proprietor. Jamestown Creamery,—B. M. Wiltsie,—208 Pine. Jamestown Cut Glass Co.—C. B. Winsor, Sec'y and Treas.—518 East Sixth. Jamestown Desk Co.—John D. Windsor and T. Nevitt Sprague—desk mfrs., 56-60 Taylor. Jamestown Electric Light and Power Co.—William N. Gokey, president, 318 Cherry. Jamestown Furniture Co.—Henry F. Sampson, president; C. A. Anderson, secretary and treasurer—Manufacturers of parlor tables—129 Jones & Gifford avenue. Jamestown House—John Gilligan and Thomas Curran—703-705 West Eighth. Jamestown laundry—Harry J. LeBeouf proprietor—3 Barrett. THE JAMESTOWN LAUNDRY, H. J. LE BOEUF, Prop. Thoroughly equipped and up to date. Satisfaction guaranteed. T E L E P H O N E 172. 3 B A R R E T T STREET. Jamestown Lounge Co.—Hurley L. Phillips, Lynn F.Cornell, Arthur H. Green lund and Theodore D. Hanchett—mfrs. lounges and couches, 38-46 Winsor. Jamestown Pharmacy—Glenn P. Phillips and Harold LeF. Brown—druggists, 8 East Second. J a m e s t o w n P h a r m a c y P H I L L I P S <& B R O W N . RELIABLE D R U G S A N D MEDICINES, Toilet Articles, Fine Stationery, Prescription Work a Specialty. NO. 8 EAST S E C O N D STREET. 'PHONE 209. Jamestown Plating Works,—Ed. Manchester and Frank E. Manchester—rear 112 West Third. Jamestown Plumbing & Heating Co.—Jonas Woodhead—plumbing and heating, 211 East Third. Jamestown Roofing Co.—C. J. Peckham—Roofing and building material, 109 East Third. Jamestown Sanitary Co.—C. W . Grant, manager—mfg. sanitary commodes, 108 Cherry. Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co.. paving brick and quarry stone, 40 Quarry road—Hon. J. B. Fisher, president. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. JAMESTOWN SaaINED GLASS WORKS JESSOP JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 283 Jamestown Stained Glass Works—Herbert U. Sundholm, mgr.—13 Alpaca. Jamestown Street Railway Company—A. N. Broadhead,, president—Depot 13 West Third, office car barns, West Third. Jamestown Veneer Works—George B. Peterson, Austin J. Thayer and Nathan M. Willson—mfrs of veneers, 46-8 Steele. Jamestown Wall Paper Co.—Elliot B Bratt—117 Main. Jamestown Water Supply Co.—David W . Immel, superintendent—110 E. 3d. Jamestown Woolen Mills—Hall & Co.—mfrs. woolens, 122 Winsor. Jamestown Worsted Mills.—Hall & Co.—mfrs. suitings and dress goods, 335 Harrison. Jamison, Jacob, (Eliza), laborer, house under 851 Prendergast avenue. Jarl, Amanda, waitress, residence 635 West Eighth. Jarl, J. Gust (Johanna), carpenter, house 206 Charles. Jarl, see also Jharl. Jared, Ada, domestic, 539 West Third, residence do. Jay, Orman, musician, residence 1409 Falconer. Jaysane, Magnus, (Sophia)—Jaysane & Anderson, over 107 Main,—house 24 Fairfield avenue. Jaysane & Andsrson,—Magnus Jaysane and Charles J. Anderson,—Merchant tailors, over 107 Main. Jeffords, Jefferson L., axe temperer, residence 897 East Second. Jeffords, Jennie, widow John Van Ness, room 1 Koehl block. Jeffords, Mariette F., widow Charles L., house 897 East Second. Jenks, A. Frank, (Florence S.), attorney at law, 8-10 Gokey block, house 919 Main. Jenkins, John, (Bertha), warp dresser 335 Harrison, house 301 Crescent. Jenkins, John, (Bertha M.), warp dresser 335 Harrison, house 1027 Main. Jenkins, Sarah A., employed 58 Center, boards over 292 Harrison. Jenkinson, William, plumber, 304 East Second, boards 637 Falconer. Jenner, Alta M., (Kate), laundryiman, house 1 Barrett avenue. Jenner, Amy, residence 1 Barrett. Jenner, Charles J. (Inez)—hats, caps and furnishings—214 Main, house 124 Forest avenue. ,;*3rfftS8ai»<w--'--.'^<4v-»»-* .- 's.-n-^t., i Jenner, George C. (May B.), clerk 214 Main, house 100 Cook avenue. Jennett, Amsdell, helper 21 West Third, residence do. Jennett, Matilda, vegetable cook 21 West Third, residence do. Jennings, Charles H. (Pauline), harnessmaker, 218 E. 2nd., h. over 636 E. 6th. Jensen, Charles P., (Margaret), carpenter, house 150 Lakin avenue. Jensen, Frank, employed 95 J. &. G. avenue, boards 109 Kidder. Jensen, Lambert, (Agnes), plater 95 J. & G. ave., house under 312 Forest. Jensen, Louis (Jennie O ) , sign painter, 72 Allen square building, house 26 Linden avenue. Jensen, Jens (Sophie), wood worker, house 909 Newland avenue. Jespersen, Catherine, widow Charles, residence 150 Lakin avenue. Jessop, Florence, Mrs., milliner 49 Harrison, house do. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, '^7^11^1% M. I. MURRAY Boy's Clothing, Lar^Sl?yckln at JESSOP 284 PROUDFIT'S JOHNSON J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Jessop, Joe, (Florence), dyer, 335 Harrison. Jharl, Carl, (Beda), upholsterer, 38 Winsor, house 248 Broadhead avenue. Jharl, see also Jarl. Jobes, William P., (Jennie L.), electrician, house 269 Willard. Johanson, Swanburg, widow John P., residence 50 Jones. Johns, Carl A., employed Falconer, residence 1062 Main. Johnson, A. Adella, clerk, 217 Main, residence 703 Lafayette. Johnson, Adolph, (Alma), woodworker 40 Steele, house 255 Prospect. Johnson, Adolph, (Hannah), woodworker 415 Chandler, house over 27 Stowe Johnson, Albert, residence 776 East Second. Johnson, Albert, (Emily), house 547 East Second. Johnson, Albert, (Anna), captain Chautauqua Steamboat Co., house over 709 West Eighth. Johnson, Albert, (Nettie), painter, house 300 Barrows. Johnson, Albert C , lounge maker, residence 1014 Newland avenue. Johnson, Albert G., (Alma J.), upholsterer 25 Shearman place, h. 80 Eagle. Johnson, Albert L., upholsterer, 38 Wisor, residence 296 Willard. Johnson, Albert M., packer, 101 Harrison, residence 29 Kinney. Johnson, Albert W.—-Hall & Johnson, 214 East Second—res. 340 Willard. Johnson, Albertena, domestic, residence 20 Mechanic. Johnson, Albertina, Mrs., house 6 Walnut. Johnson, Alexander (Augusta F.), music teacher, house 310 West Seventh. Johnson, Alfred (Ida), wood worker, house 825 Newland avenue. Johnson, Alfred,finisher,Allen Ex., residence 654 East Sixth. Johnson, Alfred, gardener, 512 West Third, residence do. Johnson, Alfred, spring setter, 38 Winsor, residence 104 Sampson. Johnson, Alfred O. (Alma S.), laborer, house 51 Kinney. Johnson, Algert, presser, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 25 Derby. Johnson, Algert, (Tilda), woodworker 101 Harrison, house 100 Charles. Johnson, Alice, drawer 36 Water, boards 224 Prospect. Johnson, Alma A., domestic 139 Forest avenue. Johnson, Alma J., residence 31 Holman. Johnson, Alma M., bookkeeper 54 Taylor, residence 23 Newton. Johnson, Amanda, drawing room operative, 56 Water, residence 443 W . 2nd. Johnson, Amanda A., residence 546 Allen. Johnson, Amel, electrician 215 East Third, boards over 8 West Third. Johnson, Amel T. (Mary), machinist, house 216 Bowen. Johnson, Amelia L., residence 29 Palmer. Johnson, Amil A.—McGinity & Johnso n, 211 East Second—boards 213 W . 2nd. Johnson, Andrew, (Josephine), employed Lakewood Ice Co., h. 25 Wilton ave. Johnson, Andrew, (Alexina S.), house 33 Wescott. Johnson, Andrew, (Mary), laborer, house 509 Newland avenue. Johnson, Andrew (Sophia), wood worker, house 574 Allen. Johnson, Andrew, retired, residence 824 Newland avenue. Johnson, Andrew (Anna), aristo worker, house 912 Newland avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . JOHNSON JOHNSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 285 Johnson, Andrew A., (S. Christine), quarryman, house 285 East Buffalo. Johnson, Andrew J., (Anna), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 300 Hall avenue. Johnson, Andrew J., (Sophia H.), cabinetmaker 54 Taylor, house 31 Holman Johnson, Andrew J., (Hilda), house 106 Water. Johnson, Andrew J., employed freight station, J. & C. Ry., res. 443 W . 2nd. Johnson, Andrew L. (Christine), laborer, house 246 Crescent. Johnson, Andrew M., (Charlotte R.), laborer 24 Steele, house 168 Allen. Johnson, Anna, spinner, 335 Harrson, residence 784 East Second. Johnson, Anna, domestic, 417 East Second, residence 448 Chandler. Johnson, Anna, domestic, residence 1024 Newland avenue. Johnson, Anna, housekeeper, residence 109 Cross. Johnson, Anna, widow Alfred, house 32 Union avenue. Johnson, Anna, twister Meadow Brook Mills, residence 400 Allen. Johnson, Anna, widow Fred, day domestic, house 572 Allen. Johnson, Anna, milliner, 210 Chandler, residence 2 Chapman. Johnson, Anna, tailoress, boards 909 Newland avenue. Johnson, Anna C, dressmaker, 545 West Third, boards 618 Spring. Johnson, Anna J., weaver 116 East First, residence 32 Pearl avenue. Johnson, Anna L., weaver 116 East First, residence 443 East Second. Johnson, Anna M., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 45 Chapin. Johnson, Anna M., widow John, residence 29 Kinney. Johnson, Anna M., widow Peter, residence 29 Wescott. Johnson, Anna M., spinner, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, res. 37 Holman. Johnson, Anna Mary, widow August, house over 448 Chandler. Johnson, Anna O., domestic, 111 East Fifth. Johnson, Anna S., widow John P., residence 311 Monroe. Johnson, Anton (Esther K.), laborer, house 35 Euclid avenue. Johnson, Archie A., (Mae), drug clerk 300 Main, house Wellman avenue. Johnson, Arthur, shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 12 Crescent. Johnson, Arthur L., wool carder, residence 15 Peterson. Johnson, Arthur W., employed 335 Harrison, residence 443 West Second. Johnson, Arthur W., employed' 56 Blackstone avenue, residence 221 Price Johnson, Arvid H. L., (Mary L.), foreman 415 Chandler, house 114 Vega. Johnson, A. August, (Anna), laborer, house 224 Crescent. Johnson, August, (Selma), stone mason, residence 225 Barrows. Johnson, August (Amanda J.), foreman Vart Land, over 12 West Second, house 246 Hazzard. Johnson, August (Emma C), carpenter, house 31 Peterson. Johnson, August, shoemaker, residence 383 Baker. Johnson, August, (Lena), dyer, 35 Water, house 20 Vega. Johnson, August, (Sofe M.),axe maker, Warren, Pa., house 557 Allen. Johnson, August, (Mary), finisher, 20 Winsor, h. over 1009 Newland ave. Johnson, August, (Anna), retired, house 6 Tilden avenue. Johnson, August, canvasser, 6 West Third, rooms 206 Spring. Johnson, August, Mrs., weaver 35 Water, residence 222 Barrows. Some of the most extensive vlS^i7J'^"by" M. J. MURRAY Little G i a n t Suits for C h i l d r e n at P R O U D F I T ' S JOHNSON 286 JOHNSON J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Johnson, August A. (Ida), case maker, house 18 Linden avenue. Johnson, August C , ( E m m a G.), carpenter, house 47 Wescott. Johnson, August C , (Anna), painter, house 11 Stowe. Johnson, August E., weaver, 116 East First, residence 37 Holman. Johnson, August F. (Sophia M.), watch maker, house 8 Barrows. Johnson, August H., (Christine), house 222 Barrows. Johnson, August J. (Louise), cabinet maker, house 784 East Second. Johnson, Augusta, domestic, 135 Lake View avenue. Johnson, Augusta, widow August, residence 154 Barrows. Johnson, Augusta, weaver 116 East First, residence 6 Tilden avenue. Johnson, Augusta O , domestic 212 West Second, residence 11 Garfield. Johnson, Augusta Caroline, twister, residence 12 Partridge. Johnson, Augusta M., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 135 East Ninth. Johnson, Axel (Hulda), laborer, house 13 Ellicott. Johnson, Axel (Carolina), case maker, house 29 Myrtle. Johnson, Axel, painter, residence over 872 East Second. Johnson, Axel, (Sadie), upholsterer, 38 Winsor, house over 24 Dickerson. Johnson, Axel, bartender, house 10 Smith block. Johnson, Axel F. ( E m m a T.), drugs, 21 East Second, house over 105 do. Johnson, A. William, employed 116 East First, boards 48 Foote avenue. Johnson, Beatrice, residence 776 East Second. Johnson, Bertha, widow John, residence 64 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Bertha, widow John, residence 115 Prospect. Johnson, Bertha, widow John, house under 52 Heuges avenue. Johnson, Bessie, maid of all work, 21 West Third, residence do. Johnson, Beulah, domestic, 1381 East Second. Johnson Bros.—William and Christopher—tinshop, 315 Lincoln. Johnson, Calvin M. (Blanohe), livery stable, 228 East Second, h. over do. Johnson, Carl, boards 547 East Second. Johnson, Carl,florist,Lake View Rose Gardens, house 238 Sprague. Johnson, Carl, mattress maker, 19 Briggs, boards 109 Kidder. Johnson, Carl A., spring setter, residence 784 East Second. Johnson, Carl A., laborer, residence 810 Forest avenue. Johnson, Carl B., wool carder, 35 Water, residence 33 Wescott. Johnson, Carl I. (Augusta M.), painter, house 118 Bush. Johnson, Carl J. G., deliveryman, 20 Forest avenue, res. over 133 Prospect. Johnson, Carl L., clothfinisher,35 Water, residence 50 do. Johnson, Carl L., brickmaker, 40 Quarry road, residence 76 Eagle. Johnson, Carl M., machinehand, 95 J. & G. avenue, res. 52 Pearl avenue. Johnson, Carrie, widow Peter, house 125 Falconer. Johnson Carrie, weaver, 206 Steele, residence 509 Newland avenue. Johnson, C. Edward ( E m m a O ) , carpenter, house 25 Wilson avenue. Johnson, C. Frederick, (Hannah), carriage maker, house 68 West Tenth. Johnson, Charles, (Tecla), house Hickory. Johnson, Charles (Christine), laborer, house over 300 Barrows. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. JOHNSON JOHNSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 287 Johnson, Charles (Hannah), laborer, house 317 Allen. Johnson, Charles, laborer, boards 22 Eagle. Johnson, Charles (Christine), shoemaker, house 913 Newland avenue. Johnson, Charles, (Ida), laborer, house over 21 Park. Johnson, Charles, laborer, 105 Winsor, residence 125 Falconer. Johnson, Charles, (Catherine), machinist, residence over 15 Cowden place. Johnson, Charles, (Jennie), house 118 King. Johnson, Charles, (Mary), loomfixer,35 Water, house 102 Falconer. Johnson, Charles, (Tilda), carpenter, house King, upstairs. Johnson, Charlie, employed Lake View Cemetery, residence 320 Bowen. Johnson, Charles, ( E m m a ) , laborer, 40 Quarry road, house over 492 Crescent. Johnson, Charles,finisher105 Winsor, residence 247 Crescent. Johnson, Charles, (Mary), laborer, house 1062 Main. Johnson, Charles, foreman Atlas Furniture Co., boards 912 East Second. Johnson, Charles, blacksmith, 298 East Second, residence 68 West Tenth. Johnson, Charles, carpenter, house Ahrens avenue. Johnson, Charles, laborer, boards 10 Steele. Johnson, Charles, machine hand, residence 7 Barrows. , Johnson, Charles A. (Johanna B.), cigars and confectionery—117 East Second, house, 824 Newland avenue. Johnson, Charles A. (Alice)—Johnson Ice Co.—Isabella avenue, h. 504 W . 7th. Johnson, Charles A. (Annie), carpenter, house 263 Forest avenue. Johnson, Charles A. (Christine), aristo worker, house 200 Prospect. Johnson, Charles A. (Louisa J.), painter, house 231 Prospect. Johnson, Charles A. (Anna)—Nelson & Johnson, 233 Prospect, house 263 Forest avenue. Johnson, Charles A. (Selma), upholsterer, house 116 Sampson. Johnson, Charles A. (Johannah L.), laborer, house 76 Eagle. Johnson, Charles A., (Caroline), tailor, 208 Main, house 383 Baker. Johnson, Charles A., (Emily), carpenter 116 East First, house 11 Axtel. Johnson, C. A., (Louisa), laborer, 415 Chandler, house 45 Chapin. Johnson Charles E. (Hilma), sample clerk, 335 Harrison, house 230 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Charles D., metal polisher, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 17 Derby. Johnson, Charles E., (Matilda), house 703 Lafayette. Johnson, C. F., rooms over 12 West Third. Johnson, Charles F., (Gertrude C ) , motorneer, J. S. Ry., house 562 Allen. Johnson, Charles F. (Ida M.), laborer, house 249 English. Johnson, Charles G., (Adla S.), laborer, house 52 Pearl avenue. Johnson, Charles G., (Matilda), carpenter, house 251 Colfax. Johnson, Charles Gilbert, employed Meadow Brook Mills, res. 1 Cook ave. Johnson, Charles H., clothfinisher,335 Harrison, boards 243 Willard. Johnson, Charles I. (Augusta M.), grocer, 344 Allen, house 172 do. Johnson, Charles J. ( E m m a M.), foreman 20 Winsor, house 14 Barrows. M. J. MURRAY Employs Only First-class Workmen Call u p N o . 3 3 for Clothiing a n d JOHNSON JOHNSON 288 Fiurnishings. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Johnson, Charles J. (Mary), wood worker, house 21 Cowden place. Johnson, Charles J., (Maud), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 104 Barrows. Johnson, Charies J., ( E m m a ) , carpenter, house 12 Crescent. Johnson, Charles J., (Hattie B.), boat hand. Chautauqua Steamboat Co., house 296 Willard. Johnson, Charley J., laborer, house 313 Monroe. Johnson, Charles J., (Louisa), woolsorter 116 East First, h. over 549 Allen. Johnson, Charles M . (Minnie G.), shoemaker, house 25 Whitley avenue. Johnson, Charles M. (Anna S.)—Empire Furniture Co.—124 Foote avenue, h, 169 Allen. Johnson, Charles 0., (Hilda), motorneer, J. S. Ry., house 1 Cook avenue. Johnson, Charles 0. E. cabinet maker, residence 31 Holman. Johnson, Charles W., (Olive M.),finisher,38 Winsor, house 249 English. Johnson, Charles W., (Lena), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 11 Pullman. Johnson, Charles W., (Hilda E.), stonemason, house 5 Walnut. Johnson, Charley M., driver, 104 East Second, boards 318 East Second. Johnson, Charlie F., (Marthine), polisher 101 Harrison, house 148 Marvin. Johnson, Charlotte, widow Bernard, residence 338 Forest avenue. Johnson, Christina M., residence 13 Orchard. Johnson, Christina, widow John J., residence 40 Kinney. Johnson, Christine, widow Charles, residence 102 Sampson. Johnson, Christine, Mrs., house under 29 Bush. Johnson, Christine, dressmaker, residence 329 Willard. Johnson, Christina, widow Charles A., house 443 West Second. Johnson, Christopher, (Johannah), plasterer, house 42 Mechanic. Johnson, Christopher V. (Catherine A.)—Johnson Bros.—315 Lincoln, h. do. Johnson, Clara, residence 411 Barrett. Johnson. Clara, employed 35 Winsor, residence 8 Webster. Johnson, Clara, widow John, residence 112 Cross. Johnson, Clarence L., (Alma), machinist, Engineering & Power Co., residence 268 Steele. Johnson, Claus, employed 115 Winsor, boards 12 Kinney. Johnson, Clifton W., marker, 101 Harrison, residence 40 Barrows. Johnson, Corrinne A., milliner, 316 Main, residence 515 Washington. Johnson, David A. ( E m m a O ) , laborer, house 80 Tower. Johnson, David A., (Charlotte), sewing machine agent, house 301 Winsor. Johnson, Delia A., spinner, 116 East First, residence 400 Allen. Johnson, Delia E., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 340 Willard. Johnson, Dora E., clerk 207 Main, residence 11 Axtel. Johnson, Earl, employed 30 Steele, boards 18 West Second. Johnson, Earl A.,clerk 15 West Third, residence 200 Allen. Johnson, Earl E., clerk 208 East Second, residence 115 Prospect. Johnson, Eda, domestic, 10 East Fourth. Johnson, Eddie, (Anna), rubber, 105 Winsor, house 32 Water. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. JOHNSON JOHNSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 289 Johnson, Eddie, (Annie), finisher 105 Winsor, house 11 Peach. Johnson, Eddie P., clerk, residence 31 Holman. Johnson, Edith C. 0., employed 318 Cherry, residence 41 Grant. Johnson, Edith F., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 7 Barrows. Johnson, E. G., (Selma), laborer 46 Taylor, house 137 Barrows. Johnson, Edward, (Hilma),finisher54 Taylor, house 40 Jones. Johnson, Edward (Hila C ) , plate worker, house 116 Hall avenue. Johnson, Edward E., laborer, residence 549 Allen. Johnson, Edward L., (Sophia), house 137 Barrows. Johnson, Edwin, machine hand, 710 East Second, boards 63 Hedges avenue. Johnson, Edwin, (Mary), coachman, 37 Warren, residence 12 Myrtle avenue. Johnson, Effie, domestic, 301 East Eighth. Johnson, Ellen, spinner, residence 45 Chapin. Johnson, Ellen, seamstress, residence 217 Fulton. Johnson, Elizabeth, residence 411 Barrett. Johnson, Elme, residence 251 Colfax. , Johnson, Elmer G., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 10 Peterson. Johnson, Elmer, clerk 205 Main, residence 42 Mechanic. Johnson, Elof S., (Matilda G.), coachman 213 East Fourth, house 50 Grant. Johnson, Elof, (Sophia), laborer, Jamestown Mantel Co., house 44 Vega. Johnson, Emil (Ida M.), com. traveler, Atlas Fur. Co., house 214 Barrows. Johnson, Emil, (Sophia), woodworker, 101 Harrison, house N e w Fenton bldg. Johnson, Emil G., painter 129 J. & G. avenue, residence 221 Price. Johnson, Emil J., fibre picker, residence 37 Holman. Johnson, Emil J., (Anna S.), machine hand 105 Winsor, h. over 11 Peach Johnson, E m m a , domestic, 109 Lake View avenue. Johnson, E m m a , Mrs., house over 129 Bush. Johnson, E m m a , domestic, 315 Clinton. Johnson, E m m a , widow John, residence over 244 Forest avenue. Johnson, E m m a , dressmaker, over 2-6 East Second, residence 217 Fulton. Johnson, Emily, widow Charles A., house 253 Prospect. Johnson, E m m a , spinner, 116 East First, residence 251 Colfax. Johnson, E m m a J., spinner, Hines' Mill (Falconer), residence Newton. Johnson, E m m a Sophia, domestic, 37 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Erick, laborer, boards 257 Barrows. Johnson, Erland (Hulda), laborer, house 320 Bowen. Johnson,' Ernest, (Olivia), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, house 215 Prospect. Johnson, Ernest, laborer, 35 Water, residence 222 Barrows. Johnson, Ernest F., metal worker, 9a J. & G. avenue, res. 21 Cowden place Johnson, Erwin H. (Bertie), electric light trimmer, City E. L. plant, house 715 Falconer. Johnson, Erwin H., (Lottie M.), house, 20 Langford. Johnson, Esther A. O., residence 29 Palmer. Johnson, Esther H. L., clerk 204 Main, residence 12 Crescent. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets p,ityin M. J. MURRAY. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND GLOVES A SPECIALTY JOHNSON 290 AT PROUDFIT'S JOHNSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Johnson, Eva., widow Gustaf, residence 14 West Seventh. Johnson, Evalyn, domestic, 415 West Third. Johnson, Everett D. (May E.),—Smith & Johnson Bros.—over 7 East Third, house 4 East. Johnson, Florence, housekeeper, residence 222 Barrows. Johnson, Florence M. E., student, residence 364 Baker. Johnson, Florence W., teacher, residence 39 Marvin. Johnson, Francis 0. ( E m m a ) , tailor over 214 Main, house 14 West End. Johnson, Frank (Sophia L.), coachman, 508 Main. Johnson, Frank, machine hand 20 Winsor, boards 122 Cross. Johnson, Frank, Mrs., widow Frank, milliner 210 Chandler, house do. Johnson, Frank A. (Anna S.), chief ofpolice, room 7 city hall, h. 703 Falconer Johnson, Frank G., (Caroline), laborer, house 36 West Ninth. Johnson, Frank L., (Josephine), house 10 Thirteenth. Johnson, Frank O., (Hilma M.), cabinet maker, 105 Winsor, h. 16 Maltby. Johnson, Frank O., bobbin setter, 35Water, residence 37 Holman. Johnson, Frank P., (Hannah S.),—Empire Furnitunre Co., 124 Foote avenue —-house 43 Hazzard. Johnson, Fred—King & Co., 12 West Second—boards 25 Barrett. Johnson, Fred, (Hulda),finisher,house 114 Stowe. Johnson, Fred, teamster, boards 10 Steele. Johnson, Fred, (May), laborer, house 7 Barrows. Johnson, Fred, retired, residence 71 East Buffalo. Johnson, Fred L., (Mary),finisher30 Steele, house 16 Union avenue. Johnson, Fred V., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 340 Willard. Johnson, Freda, operative, house 19 Pearl avenue. Johnson, Fredie, maid, 21 West Third, residence do. Johnson, Fredericka, widow John, house 117 Williams. Johnson, Fredericka, dressmaker, residence 433 East Fourth. Johnson, Fridof W.,finisher,101 Harrison, boards 13 Ellicott. Johnson, Fritz, laborer, 105 Winsor .residence 292 Harrison. Johnson, Fritz H., carpenter, residence 135 East Ninth. Johnson, Gerda, residence 20 Davis. Johnson, Gertrude, domestic, residence 15 Mechanic. Johnson, Gertrude W., widow Willis, houise 200 Allen. Johnson, Gilbert T., machine hand 30 Steele, residence 10 Peterson. Johnson, Godfred J., (Ida), section hand, 'J. C. & L. E. Ry., h. 121 Chapman. Johnson, Gottfried, (Sophia),laborer, house 304 Steele. Johnson, Gust, mechanic 122 Foote avenue, residence 35 Cedar avenue. Johnson, Gust, (Johanna), house 757 East Seoond. Johnson, Gust, (Alma), wood worker 38 Winsor, house 119 Williams. Johnson, Gust,finisher,101 Harrison, boards 917 Main. Johnson, Gust, (Hannah),finisher, 95 J. & G. avenue, house Palmer. Johnson, Gust, yardman, 38 Winsor, boards 286 Harrison. Johnson, Gust A. (Hilda), mill hand, house 7 Partridge. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . JOHNSON JOHNSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 291 Johnson, Gust A., (Mary), stone mason, house 254 Forest avenue. Johnson, Gust A., (Julia), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 840 East 2d. Johnson, Gust A.,finisher,20 Winsor. residence 125 Falconer. Johnson, Gust C , carpenter residence 14 West Seventh. Johnson, Gust 0., (Hulda),finisher95 J. & G. avenue, h. 63 Hedges avenue. Johnson, Gust ¥., (Matilda), tinner, 2 South Main, house 57 Water. Johnson, Gust S., (Hilda M.), tinner, 120 West Third, house over 13 Victoria avenue. Johnson, Gust T., (Anna), assistant postmaster, house 788 East Second. Johnson, Gusta M., weaver 116 East First, residence 554 Allen. Johnson, Gustaf, ( E m m a ) , laborer, house 70 Norton avenue. Johnson, Gustaf (Lotta), painter, house 10 Bowen avenue. Johnson, Gustaf, finisher, 415 Chandler, boards 13 Ellicott. Johnson, H. (Christine), weaver, house 41 Chapin. Johnson, H. Augusta, domestic, 200 West Fifth. Johnson, Hannah, seamstress, residence 117 William. Johnson, Hannah, domestic, residence 172 Allen. Johnson, Hattie, domestic, residence over 2 East Fourth. Johnson, Hattie O., student, residence 703 Falconer. Johnson, Hattie T., twister, 35 Water, residence 7 Barrows. Johnson, Hazel, student, residence 38 Charles. Johnson, Helen, domestic, 143 Allen, residence do. Johnson, Helen, domestic, 12 Fulton. Johnson, Helen, aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 229 Prospect. Johnson, Helen M., teacher residence 39 Marvin. Johnson, Hennig, (Lydia), machinist, 123 Foote avenue, h. over 247 Crescent Johnson, Henry (Ida S.), wall paper and hardware, 12 East 2d., h. 311 Monroe. Johnson, Henry, (Ida), employed 56 Blackstone ave., h. over 134 Hedges ave Johnson, Henry, brick maker, 40 Quarry road, house 44 Vega. Johnson, Henry, (Tina), spring setter 38 Winsor, residence 101 Colfax. Johnson, Henry, student, boards 312 Pine. Johnson, Herman.clerk, 5 Main, residence 220 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Herman, (Sophia), employed 335 Harrison, house 18 Wilton avenue Johnson, Herman, carpenter boards 756 East Second. Johnson, Herman A., (Amelia), liquor store, 124 East Second, house 500 West Seventh. Johnson, Hetty, drawer 335 Harrison, residence 509 Newland avenue. Johnson, Hilda, dressmaker, residence 2 East Fourth. Johnson, Hilda, twister, 58 Center, residence 222 Barrows. Johnson, Hilda, winder Meadow Brook Mills, boards 23 Center. Johnson, Hilda, residence 784 East Second. Johnson, Hilda, maid, 21 West Third, residence do. Johnson Hilma, widow, Alfred, house, 229 Prospect. Johnson Hilma, inspector, residence 400 Allen. Johnson, Hulda bookkeeper, 207 Main, residence 168 Allen. If you contemplate New Plumbing, consult M. J. MURRAY K n o x Hats, H a w e s H a t s only at P R O U D F I T ' S JOHNSON 292 JOHNSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Johnson, Hulda, mender 335 Harrison, boards 112 Cheney. Johnson, Huldah, employed 58 Center, boards 6 Short Eagle. Johnson, Huldah, domestic, 30 Cross, residence 20 Davis. Johnson Ice Co., (The)—O. F. Johnson, manager, dealers in ice, room tt West Third—houses Isabella avenue. Johnson, Ida, domestic 15 South Main, residence do. Johnson, Ida Amelia, domestic 509 Prendergast avenue. Johnson, Ida S., twister Chautauqua Worsted Mills, residence 31 Holman. Johnson, Ida S., domestic 401 East Sixth, residence 44 Baker. | Johnson, Ira W., (Florence L.), stationary engineer, 13-23West Third, residence 406 West Second. Johnson, Jacob P. (Leila M.), burnisher, 318 Cherry, house 65 Tilden avenue. Johnson, James A., residence 225 Allen. Johnson, James P., cabinet maker, 105 Winsor, rms. 10 Y. M. C. A.dormitory Johnson, James i;., packer, 122 Foote avenue, residence 557 Allen. Johnson, Jefferdon A., pastor A. M. E. Zion church, 610 Spring, boards 839Main. Johnson, J. Emil, (Jennie B.), City mayor, 3 City hall, and Wiquist & Johnson, 1 Main, 364 Baker. Johnson, J. Ernest, (Emy), employed 212 Main, house 225 Allen. Johnson, Jennie, domestic, 225 East Eighth. Johnson, Jennie J., spinner, 58 Center, residence 174 Barrows. Johnson, Johanis (Emma), carpenter, house 411 Barrett. Johnson, Johanna, widow John, house 546 Allen. Johnson, Johanna, house over 243 Wiliard. Johnson, Johanna, widow Daniel, residence 492 Crescent. Johnson, Johanna, residence 31 Elm. Johnson, John, wood worker, boards 574 Allen. Johnson, John (Hannah E.), laborer, house 174 Barrows. Johnson John (Amelia), laborer, house 20 Davis. Johnson, John, (Anna), polisher 236 Crescent, house 403 Newton. Johnson, John, boat hand, boards 6 South Main. Johnson, John, mason, house room 63mith block. Johnson, John, (Emma), gluer 122 Foote avenue, house 35 Cedar avenue. Johnson, John, (Josephina O ) , elevator man, employed 335 Harrison, house 243 Willard. Johnson, John, (Hannah), motorneer, J. S. Ry., house 25 Kinney. Johnson, John, yardman, 105 Winsor, boards 292 Harrison. Johnson, John, driver Johnson Ice Co., boards 151 Fairmount avenue. Johnson, J. A., (Lena), laborer, house 8 % Cheney. Johnson, John A., painter, residence 31 Holman. Johnson, John A., (Tilda), stationary engineer, house 220 Broadhead ave. Johnson, John A., (Ida W.) contractor and builder, house 229 Forest avenue. Johnson, John Alfred, (Hedwig), laborer, house 1014 Newland avenue. Johnson, John A., (Christine), cabinetmaker 105 Winsor, house 561 Allen. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware,Stoves, Furnishings Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. JOHNSON JOHNSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 293 Johnson, John A., finisher, Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow, residence 572 Alle Johnson, John A., (Christine), employed 102 East First, house 12 Partridge, Johnson, John A. (Ella), stone mason, house 212 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, John A. (Hannah), lounge maker, house 1024 Newland avenue. Johnson, John A. (Lydia), cabinet maker, house 22 West Ninth. Johnson, John A., spring setter, residence 784 East Second. Johnson, John B. (Anna), table maker, 101 Harrison, house 226 Steele. Johnson, John D.. (Bessie),—Olson, Johnson & Co., 208 East Seoond—house 115 Prospect. Johnson, John E., employed 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 43 Royal ave. Johnson, John E., carriage painter, 110 West Fourth, h. 19 Prospect ave. Johnson, J. F., cabinetmaker, house 109 Cross. Johnson, John F. (Caroline), carpenter, house 133 Prospect. Johnson, John G., (Selma), dyer, 335 Harrison, house over 47 Pearl avenue Johnson, John G., carpenter, house 360 Baker. Johnson, John L. (Edith), twister, house 566 Allen. Johnson, John M. (Josephine), stockman, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 26 Dickerson. Johnson, John N., packer 101 Harri-son, residence 29 Kinney. Johnson, John O. (Arlouine M.), pressman, 14-16 West Second, h. 307 Price. Johnson, John Oscar, (Anna L.), piano maker, Warren, Pa., house 311 Allen Johnson, John P. (Alice), carpenter, house 221 Price. Johnson, John P., (Carolina L.), house over 108 Hedges avenue. Johnson, John P., house over 52 Pearl avenue. Johnson, John W., (Mary A.), retired, house 39 Marvin. Johnson, Jonah, (Hilda), woodworker, house over 285 Fast Buffalo. Johnson, Jonas A., (Hanna S.), laborer, house 104 Sampson. Johnson, Jonas E., contractor and builder, house 100 Hazzard. Johnson, Jonas E., (Marie F.), cabinetmaker 101 Harrison, h. 115 Hedges avenue. Johnson, Jonas P., (Eva M.), laborer house 241 Crescent. Johnson, Jonas P. (Caroline), retired, house 15 Peterson. Johnson, Jonas P. (Christina J.), laborer, house 340 Willard. Johnson, Joseph, carpenter, boards 301 Willard. Johnson, Joseph, polisher 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 17 Derby. Johnson, Joseph, carpenter, boards 52 Pearl avenue. Johnson, Joseph A., (Jennie), commercial traveler, house 776 East Second. Johnson, Josephine, widow August, house 515 Washington. Johnson, Julia, clerk, 205 Main, residence 42 Mechanic. Johnson, Julius C , (Tecla A.),finisher101 Harrison, house 542 Allen. Johnson, Julius R., wool carder, 35 Water, residence Peterson. Johnson, J. Victor (Montie R.), printer, over 12 West 2d, h. 112 Cross. Johnson, J. V. & Co.—Mrs. J. V. Johnson and Mrs. C. W . Jones—millinery, 109 West Third. Johnson, J. V., Mrs.— J. V. Johnson & Co-,—house 112 Cross. Johnson, Laura, domestic 504 East Second, residence 24 Wilton avenue. M . J. M U R R A Y , First-class Plumbing, 122 W . Third St. O V E R C O A T S a Specialty at P R O U D F I T ' S . JOHNSON 294 JOHNSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Johnson, Lawrence A., -machinist, 5 Race, residence 6 Walnut. Johnson, Leander, (Helga), piano maker 112 East Second, house 142 Prospect. Johnson Lena, domestic, 504 West Third. Johnson, Lena, domestic, 15 South Main, residence do. Johnson, Lena, cook, 16 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Leon H., student, residence 411 Monroe. Johnson, Leonard, (Jessie)-—Lundquist & Johnson—house 153 Chandler. Johnson, Levi, (Marion S.), house 40 Mechanic. Johnson, Levi J., (Augusta), clerk 109 Main, house 619 West Seventh. Johnson, Lewis M., bartender 118 Eist Second, residence do. Jonnson, Lewis N., student, residence 39 Marvin. Johnson, Lilla M. A., residence 172 Allen. Johnson, Lillian, residence 913 Newland avenue. Johnson, Lillian A., residence 383 Baker. Johnson, Lily, weaver, residence 330 Allen. Johnson, Louisa A., residence 411 Barrett avenue. Johnson, Ludwig (Hilda), wood worker, house 12 Sampson. Johnson, Louisa S., -Mrs., dressmaker, house over 41 Grant. Johnson, Mabel, weaver, residence 300 Barrett. Johnson, Manley E. (Agnes E.), dry goods, notions, 201 East Second, house 921 Main. Johnson, Margaret A., winder, Meadow Brook Mills, -residence 561 Allen.. Johnson, Marie, widow William, house 40 Barrows. Johnson, Martha, employed 335 Harrison, residence 109 Cross. Johnson, Martin, (Katie), carpenter, house under 4 Cross. Johnson, Martin (Sophia I), band sawyer, 105 Winsor, house 448 Chandler. Johnson, Martin 0.—Johnson & Sundell,, 321 Newland avenue—residence 200 Prospect. Johnson, Martin, (Anna), blacksmith, 306 Harrison, house over 136 Water. Johnson, Mary, domestic, 104 Chandler. Johnson, Mary, widow Lewis, weaver 38 Water, residence 324 Forest. Johnson, Mary, Mrs., residence 233 Hazzard. Johnson, Mary O , widow John, residence 482 Willard. Johnson, Matilda, widow Axel, house 816 West Eighth. Johnson, Matilda, weaver 335 Harrison, residence 546 Allen. Johnson, Matilda, domestic, residence 136 Foote avenue. Johnson, Matilda, residence 14 Johnson. Johnson, Minnie, domestic, 13 Fulton. Johnson, Minnie C , duffer 335 Harrison, residence 561 Allen. Johnson, Milton, student, residence 115 Prospect. Johnson, Milton M., (Anna), employed 41 Outlet, house 211 Crescent. Johnson, Mrs., maid of all works 21 West Third, residence do. Johnson, M. Mary, oook, 509 Prendergast avenue. Johnson, M. Maude, residence over 105 East Second. Johnson, M. Sophia, Mrs., widow Jonas, residence 14 Whiteley avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . JOHNSON JOHNSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 295 Johnson, Nellie, domestic, 16 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Nellie M., dressmaker, residence 833 Main. Johnson, Nellie R., piece picker, 116 Bast Second, residence 330 Allen. Johnson, Nels, (Christine), farmer, house over 403 Newton. Johnson, Nels A., machinist, 129 J. & G. avenue, residence 411 Barrett ave. Johnson, Nelson E., (Mary A.), dentist, rooms 1-2 N e w Gifford bldg., h. do. Johnson, Nettie, domestic, residence 14 Filmore. Johnson, N. August, (Christine), brickmaker, 40 Quarry road, h. 125 Stowe. Johnson, Nicholas 0., cabinet maker, 129 J. & G. avenue, bds, 19 W . Eighth. Johnson, 0. Edward (Hilda), house painter, house 33 Myrtle. Johnson, Olive, widow Frank, caterer, Y. W . C. A. rooms, house 565 Allen. Johnson, Olive, student, residence 39 Marvin. Johnson, Olof (Clara E.), tailor, house 38 Charles. Johnson, Oscar (Eva), band sawyer, 105 Winsor, house 114 Stowe. Johnson, Oscar, (Diana), laborer 101 Harrison, house 40 Chapin. Johnson, Oscar, (Helen), cook, house 43 Royal avenue. Johnson, Oscar, woodworker 101 Harrison, residence 320 Bowen. Johnson, Oscar, (Emma), painter, house over 265 East Buffalo. Johnson, Oscar, employed 105 Winsor, boards 63 Hedges avenue. Johnson, Oscar A., lounge maker, residence 1014 Newland avenue. Johnson, Oscar A., (Esther A.), warp dresser 335 Harrison, house 554 Allen. Johnson, Oscar 1Z„ cabinet maker 415 Chandler, residence 45 Chapin. Johnson, Oscar F., (Jennie M.), house 45 Prospect avenue. Johnson, Oscar F. (Augusta)—Johnson Ice Co.—Isabella avenue, house 711 West Eighth. Johnson, Oscar F., office boy. 95 J. &G. avenue, residence 221 Price. Johnson, Oscar F., student, residence 133 Prospect. Johnson, Oscar J. (Sarah), laborer, house 400 Allen. Johnson, Otto, painter, Atlas Furniture Co., boards 912 East Second. Johnson, Otto, (Hilma), laborer, house 37 Chambers. Johnson, Otto A.—Sandburg, Johnson & Co., 354 Baker—employed 95 J. & G. avenue, house 29 Palmer. Johnson, Otto T., (Anna), plate worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 121 Palmer. Johnson, Otelida, domestic, residence 19 Newland avenue. Johnson, Pearl, house keeper, residence 19 Prospect avenue. Johnson, Pearl A. (Grace), teamster, house 440 Hallock. Johnson, Peter, laborer, Lake View Rose Gardens, residence 43 Royal avenue. Johnson, Peter, laborer, 415 Chandler, boards 246 Crescent. Johnson, Peter, (Lottie), woodworker, 415 Chandler, house over 216 Bowen. Johnson, Peter A. (Hannah), carpenter, house 134 King. Johnson, Peter J. (Christina M.), machinist, house 247 Willard. Johnson, Peter M. (Albertina), clerk, 203 Main, house 57 Fairmount avenue. Johnson, Ray S., solicitor, residence 168 Allen. Johnson, Richard, student, residence 115 Prospect. M . J. M U R R A Y uses only the B E S T Plumbing Material T w o cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T ' S JOHNSON JOHNSON 296 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Johnson, Richard M., night clerk, 121 East Second, rooms under 617 Prendergast avenue. Johnson, Robert H. (Fannie E.), wholesale liquors, 101 Main, house 833 Main. Johnson, Robert L., residence 40 Mechanic. Johnson, Rudolph, spring setter, 516 West Fourth, residence 104 Sampson. Johnson, Rudolph, metal worker 95 J & G. avenue, residence 383 Baker. Johnson, Sallie C , piece mender, residence 243 Willard. Johnson, Sam, employed 101 Harrison, residence 8 Webster. Johnson, Samuel, boards 35 Myrtle. Johnson, Samuel A. (Christine), sander, 20 Windsor, house 50 Water. Johnson, Samuel M., (Elizabeth A.), retired, house over 228 East Second. Johnson, Sarah, dressmaker residence 433 East Fourth. Johnson, Sarah A., widow William, residence 67 West Tenth. Johnson, Selma, bookkeeper 129 J. & G. avenue, residence 574 Allen. Johnson, Selma, widow John, drawer 335 Harrison, nouse over 25 Vega. Johnson, .Selma, spinner M e d o w Brook Mills, oards 32 Swan. Johnson, Selma, cook 207 Foote avenue. Johnson, Sigbert, student, residence 11 Axtel. Johnson, Sophia, Mrs., house under 24 Forest. Johnson, Stella V., teacher, residence 115 Prospect. Johnson, Susana, widow John, house 329 Willard. Johnson, Swan (Lina), carpenter, house 8 Webster. Johnson, Swan A., (Alice C ) , band sawyer Atlas Furniture Co., house over 541 Allen. Johnson, Swan F. (Matilda), laborer, house 247 Crescent. Johnson, Swan P., cabinet maker, boards 368 Baker. Johnson & Sundell—Martin O. Johnson and Gust Sundell—grocers, 321 Newland avenue. Johnson, Teckla C , domestic, 15 West Fifth. Johnson, Teressa, domestic, 105 Allen residence do. Johnson, Theodore (Christine G.), carpenter, house 10 Peterson. Johnson, Theodore W., teamster, residence 7 Barrows. Johnson, Thomas W . (Ellen Y.), embosser, 101 Harrison, house 132 Barrows. Johnson, Tilda, weaver residence 1024 Newland avenue. Johnson, Victor C. (Amelia), stationary engineer, house 21 Park. Johnson, Victor C, (Isabel), clerk 210 Main, house over 600 East Second. Johnson, Victor, (Hannah), sewer inspector, house over 28 Union avenue. Johnson, Victor, (Martina), laborer, house 553 Allen. Johnson, Wilhemina, residence over 105 East Second. Johnson, William—Johnson Bros.—315 Lincoln, residence do. Johnson, William, employed 116 East First, boards 25 Steele. Johnson, William, painter, boards 7 North Hallock. Johnson, William, residence 912 Newland avenue. Johnson, Willia-m, (Theresa), house 602 Winsor. Johnson, William, (Caroline), carpenter, house 262 Falconer. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. JOHNSON JONES JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 297 Johnson, William A., (Eva), employed,Erie Ry., house over 400 Barrett ave. Johnson, W . Russell (Jessie C.) Smith & Johnson Bros.—over 7 East Third, house (Falconer P. 0.) Johnson, Winnie, residence 263 Forest avenue. Johnson, Caroline A., widow James, residence 33 Dickerson. Johnston, Andrew L., retired, house 124 Barrows. Johnston, Colin S., (Bessie J.), retired, house over 302 Main. Johnston, Florence T., music teacher, residence 111 Fulton. Johnston, George A. (Ella),finisher,105 Winsor, house 218 Crescent. Johnston, Gust, painter, residence 411 Barrett avenue. Johnston, Katherine McK., residence 328 East Fourth. Johnston, Marjorie, proprietor Osmer dining room, 415 West Third, res. do. Johnston, Mary Yates, widow Dennis, private school, 111 Fulton, house do. Johnston, Thirza, widow Theodore, residence 111 Fulton. Jones, Adelaia M., widow Richard S., house 260 Marvin. Jones, Adeline, house 414 Winsor. Jones, Albert C. ( E m m a D.), house 107 Stowe. Jones, Alfred J., (Edith), commercial traveler, residence 626 West Fifth. Jones, Alta M., stenographer and bookkeeper, 131 Institute, residence 204 Lake View avenue. Jones, Amil, shoemaker, 318 Cherry, r esidence 403 Baker. Jones, Andrew O. (Lena M.) stone mason, house 403 Baker. Jones, Andrew P., (Sophia), boatbujlder ~ver 113 East Second, house do. Jones, Anna, residence 302 Barrett av enue. Jones, Anna, widow Levi, house 5 Appleyard place. Jones, Anna M., widow Samuel, house 231 Steele. Jones, Anna P, widow J. Harry, house 29 Fairmount avenue. Jones, Annie, widow Levi, residence 819 Lafayette. Jones, August F., (Amanda C ) , finisher 129 J. & G. avenue, h. 11 Garfield. Jones, August J., (Hulda A.), carpenter, house 52 Vega. Jones, August N., retired, residence 862 Main. Jones, August T., (Hilda M.), foreman 38 Winsor, house 118 Palmer. Jones, Augusta, residence 403 Baker. Jones, Austin A. (Mattie J.), manager Brooks ticket agency, 8 East Third, house 304 West Fourth. Jones, Axel, (Selma T.), painter, house 103 Barrett avenue. Jones Ben. shipping clerk residence 837% Prendergast avenue. Jones, Bessie, residence 103 Allen. Jones, Bessie B., student, residence 801 Prendergast avenue. Jones, Bertha, waitress, 5-9 Harrison. Jones, Bertha L., residence over 14 Falconer. Jones blocks, 113-121 East Second and 13-15 East Third. Jones, C. Oscar, (Josephine), boots & shoes, 112 M a m , house 42 Hazzard. Jones, C. W., Mrs.—J. V. Johnson & Co.— house 107 Maple. Jones, Carl A., (Selma M.), conductor J. S. Ry., house over 82 Hedges ave. Hot Water Heating, l^!nlif%d^^X M. J. MURRAY. Reliable Clothing at Visc°esab'e at PROUDFIT'S JONES JONES 298 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Jones, Carl S., boiler maker, 602 West Seventh, residence 224 Bowen. Jones, Charles, moulder, rooms 12 M ain. Jones, Charles, (Christina), night watchman, 122 Foote avenue, h. 103 Allen. Jones, Charles (Lydia), polisher, house 109 Colfax. Jones, Charles E. (Alma S.), cabinet maker, 112 East Second, h. 16 Bowen. Jones, Charles H., residence 304 Prendergast avenue. Jones, Charles W . (Augusta O ) , fire insurance, rooms 5 Gokey building, 14 West Third, house 107 Maple. CHARLES W. JONES, FIRE INSURANCE, Room 5 Gokey Block, over 12 W . Third St. Telephone 47X. Jones, Charles W., (Belle), axemaker, house over 14 Falconer. Jones, Clara, nurse girl, 405 Spring. Jones, Clara R., commercial traveler, residence 40 Flagg avenue. Jones, Clarence, shoemaker, house 302 Barrett. Jones, Clement B., (Mary P.), room 1, city hall, house over 111 East Second. Jones, Corrine E., widow Owen, house 204 Lake View avenue. Jones, Cyrus E., (Mary B.)—The Bailey-Jones Co.—h. Ashville ave, Celoron. Jones, Delbert C., (Effie), clerk 119 W e s t Third, house over 117 Lincoln. Jones, Earl, grocer, 700% East Second, residence 40 Flagg avenue. Jones, Edith O , stenographer, residence 256 Willard. Jones, Edna May, employed Meadow B rook Mills, res. 4 Metallic avenue. Jones, Edward, (Barbara), laborer, house 10 Metallic avenue. Jones, Edward F., (Caroline M.)—Jones & Audette, 116 Main—house 16 Broadhead avenue. Jones, Edward W., (Margaret), clerk, 19-21 Main, residence 808 do. Jones, Elial A., (Minnie L.), employed 107 East Second, house over 99 Allen. Jones, Elizaheth, widow Abraham, residence 5 Appleyard place. Jones, Ellen D., widow Edward B., house 212 Crossman. Jones, Elmer A., physician and surgeon, 9 to 12 over 115 Main. Jones, Elmer P.,finisher,415 Chandler, residence 548 Allen. Jones, Fanny A., widow John H., house 808 Main. Jones, Frances, Mrs., laundress, house 113 West Fifth. Jones, Francis S. (Lora H.), cigars, news dealer and agent W . N. Y. & P. E. R., 105 West Third, rooms do. Jones, Frank O., employed Falconer, residence 231 Steele. Jones, Fred A. (Florence A.), bookkeeper, 12 East Third, house 107 East 8th. Jones, Fred F., photographer, boards 214 Winsor. Jones, Fred L. (Minnie A.), carpenter, house 256 Willard. Jones, Fred O., machine hand, 101 Harrison, residence 224 Bowen. Jones, Frederick A., manager 13-17 Main, boards 217 East Third. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. JONES JONES JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 299 Jones, Frederick R., druggist, 101 West Third, residence 29 Fairmount ave. Jones, George B., (Virginia S.), physician, over 212 Main, house over 11 East Eighth. Jones, George Clyde, clerk city engineer's office, boards 30 East Buffalo. Jones, George 0., printer, Koehl block, 17-19 Steele, residence 14 Falconer. Jones, George S., spring setter, 40 Winsor, residence 231 Steele. Jones, Gilbert,finisher,residence 548 Allen. Jones, Gotfrled, polisher, 234 Crescent, boards 18 Colfax. Jones, Harriet E., residence 29 Fairmount avenue. Jones, Harriet L., teacher, residence 212 Crossman. Jones, Harry (Amelia), foreman 101 Harrison, house 263 Forest avenue. Jones, Henry F., (Lottie A.),finisher,residence over 405 Baker. Jones, Henry H. (Abigail), retired, house 837 Prendergast avenue. Jones, Hulda, dining room girl, 318 Prendergast avenue. Jones, H. J., machine hand, 105 J. & G. avenue, residence 115 Barrows. Jones, Ivah L., residence 212 Crossm an. Jones, Jacob H. (Elizabeth S.), produce buyer, house 40 Flagg avenue. Jones, James H. (Margaret), livery and boarding stables, 218 Washington, house 807 Main. Jones, James R., student, residence 8 07 Main. Jones, James V. H., (Mary L.), retired, house 211 West Sixth. Jones, J. Emil, (Hilda C ) , trimmer, 105 Winsor, house over 10 Hedges ave. Jones, Jennie, domestic, 412 East Sixth. Jones, Jennie, clerk, 203 Main, resid ence 403 Baker. Jones, Jennie M., residence 40 Flagg avenue. Jones, Jesse B., (Matilda E.), carpenter, house 154 Hall avenue. Jones, J. Fred (Minnie A.), manufacturers lubricating oils, h. 9 Foote avenue. Jones, John, (Emily),finisher,house 501 Crescent. Jones, John—Phillips & Jones, 117 Main—rooms 12 do. Jones, John A., shoemaker residence 403 Baker. Jones, John A., clerk 208 Main, residence 302 Barrett. Jones, John O , (Mary J.), sander, 20 Winsor, house 837% Prendergast ave. Jones, John F., (Rose,) insurance, room 5 Gokey block, residence 16 B o w e n Jones, John G., cigar mfr. and dealer, 4 Main, rooms over do. Jones, John P. (Minnie A.), contractor and builder, 8 Holmes, h. 300 Barrett. Jones, John P., (Johanna), employed 40 Quarry road, house 548 Allen. Jones, Joseph H., laborer, residence 2 24 Bowen. Jones, Josephine A., dressmaker, over 9 East Third, residence 548 Allen. Jones, Josie M., wiijpw John, residence 33 Rathbone. Jones, Judith J., residence 548 Allen. Jones, Kinney, (Lydia A.), laborer, house 4 Metallic avenue. Jones, K. Gournord, machine hand, 101 Harrison, residence 224 Bowen Jones, Laura, employed 102 East Fir st, residence 112 West Seventh Jones, Laura A., residence 315 East Second. Jones, Leonard A. (Alma E.), foreman, 51 Winsor, house 45 Ellicott. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, £r&otri&tw# M. T. MURRAY Boy's Clothing, Lar^Si?yckln at PROUDFIT'S KEEFER JOWETT 300 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Jones, Leonard F., (Anna K.), policeman, house over 534 Winsor. Jones, Louis K. (Cordova F.), bookkeeper, 105 Winsor, house 115 Lincoln. Jones, Louisa E., bakery, 338 East Third, house 317 East Second. Jones, Mabel R., student, residence 414 Winsor. Jones, Marshall A. (Sarah L.), stone mason, house over 310 East Second. Jones, Mary B., widow Gust, house 224 Bowen. Jones, Mary E., widow E. Benjamin, house 111 Crosby. Jones, Mary J., teacher, residence 231 Steele. Jones, Matilda, domestic, 205 East Fifth, residence 206 Fulton. Jones, Matilda A., widow George W., residence 30 East Buffalo. Jones, Melvin C , wood worker, residence 548 Allen. Jones, Merritt L., house over 117 Lin coin. Jones, Orsino E., real estate, house 304 Prendergast avenue. Jones, Oscar W., loungemaker, residence 403 Baker. Jones, Ralph, student, residence 9 Foo te avenue. Jones, Ray F., student, residence 45 Ellicott. Jones, R. Bruce (Emily), liquors and cigars, 14 E. 3d, h. 801 Prendergast ave. Jones, Robert E., clerk 201 Main, residence 414 Winsor. Jones, Robert L., evangelist, residence 154 -Hall avenue Jones, Rose, dressmaker, residence 16 Lincoln. Jones, Rufus G., student, residence 115 Lincoln. Jones, S. Alfred, polisher, 105 Winsor, residence 82 Hedges avenue. Jones, Salome, widow John, residence 105 West Fifth. Jones, Sarah A., widow Henry, house 507 Ashville avenue. Jones, Selma, mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 300 Barrett avenue. Jones, Shered, mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 300 Barrett avenue. Jones, Sigfred, laborer, 602 West Sev enth, residence 224 Bowen. Jones, Sidney, retired, residence 334 East Fifth. Jones, Solomon, retired, house 1009 East Second. Jones, Susan D., widow Rinaldo, house 825 Spring. Jones, Thaddeus W . (Ellen), contractor and builder, house 256 Willard. Jones, Vernon C , glass cutter, residen ce 154 Hall avenue. Jones, Wells M., (EmmaS.), employed 63 Taylor, house 224 Sprague. Jones, Wilbur M., (Edna), electrician, 113 East Third, house over 205 E 2nd Jones, William, ( E m m a ) , woodworker, 712 East Second, house over 448 Winsor Jones, William B. (Nellie F.), mason, house 105 Crossman. Jones, William J., Mrs., residence 237 Crescent. Jones, William R. (Augusta M.), letter carrier, P. O., house 212 East Eighth. Jones & Audette—Edward F. Jones and Charles L. Audette—dry goods and carpets, 116 Main. Jonasson, Lillian, domestic, 24 Harrison. Jordan, Delia, waitress, 15 South Main, residence do. Jorgensen, Hans, (Caroline), special policeman, house 56 Vega. Journal Printing Co., incorporated, printers, engravers, etc., 14-16 W . Second Jowett, Alfred (Mary J.), warp dresser, 35 Water, house 5 Short Eagle. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. s Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E JOWETT CO. KEEFE JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 301 Jowett, Carrie, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Winsor. Jowett, Ellis Feather, wool sorter, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Winsor. Jowett, George H., (Clara), wool comber, 116 East First, house 12 Arnold. Jowett, Myers (Betsy), loom fixer, 335 Harrison, house 16 Winsor. Jude, George W.—Mott & Jude, 60-62 N e w Fenton bldg.—rooms 606 Cherry. Juel, Louis, employed 17 Shearman place, house over 22 West Eighth. Jull, Ella J., Mrs., seamstress, house 222 Chandler. Jull, Lottie M., student, residence 222 Cnandler. Jull, Richard, employed 56 Blackstone avenue, rooms 28 Harrison. Judson, David N., employed 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 14 Whitley avenue. Judson, Jennie L., employed 335 Harrison, residence 14 Whitley avenue. Judson, John G., (Mary E.), moulder, Eagle Foundry, J. & G avenue, house 30 Colfax. Justin, Caroline, widow Jehial, residence 801 Prendergast avenue. Justin, Caroline, J., Mrs., residence 801 Prendergast avenue. K Kaadtmann, Agnes, Mrs., house 182 Jones and Gifford avenue. Kaadtmann, Charles F., laborer, 41 Outlet, residence 182 Jones & Gifford ave. Kaadtmann, Edw'd, laborer, 41 Outlet, residence 182 Jones & Gifford avenue. Kaiser, Joseph H. (Cora), jeweler and optician, 6 East Third, house over 211 West Third. Kane, Catherine M., forelady, 516 West Fourth, residence do. Kapple, Carlton (Sarah J.), street car conductor, house 123 Hamilton. Karr, William H. (Jennie), painter, house 104 Falconer. Kase, John E. ( E m m a E.),finisher,lOlHarrison, house over 774 East Second. Kase, Ralph S. I., student, residence 774 East Second. Kaufman, William S., commercial traveler, rooms 8 Warner block. Kay, George, (Hannah), warp dresser, 35 Water, house 161 Allen. Kay, Lydia J., residence 500 East Sixth. Kayner, Charles A., (Christina L.), dyer, 35 Water, house 52 Vega. Kayner, Charles F. (Johanna B.), jeweler, house 100 Willard. Kearney, Anna, dressmaker, house und er 419 West Third. Kearney, KJatherine M., dressmaker, residence 419 West Third. Kearney, Nellie G., spinner, 116 East First, residence 419 West Third. Keefe, Daniel F., (Esther E.), painter, house 11 Partridge. Keefe, Gardner B., painter, residence 11 Partridge. Keefe, John H., mill hand, 116 East First, residence 3 Winsor. Keefe, Myron A., machinist, 102 East First, residence 11 Partridge. Keefe, Robert, bobbin boy, 102 East First, residence 11 Partridge. Keefe, Samuel (Rebecca), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 3 Winsor. Keefe, Samuel Jr., plumber, residence 3 Winsor. Keefe, William, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 3 Winsor. Some of the most extensive pl„Qi™ w"?2^fneVy6 M. J. MURRAY Little G i a n t S uits for C h i l d r e n at P R O U D F I T ' S KEEFER 302 KELSEY JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Keefer, Cora, stenographer, over 101 W est Third, rooms 210 East Fourth. Keefer, Dora, stenographer, 116 East F irst, rooms 210 East Fourth. Keeler, Charles S — C. S. & W . A. Keeler—over 20 West Third, h. 412 East 6th. Keeler, Corisand J., residence 107 East Sixth. Keeler, Kate B., residence 107 East Sixth. Keeler, Sarah J., widow James A., nurse, residence 71 Allen. Keeler, William A.—'C. S. & W . A. Keeler—over 20 W . 3rd, h. 412 East Sixth. Keeler, C. S. & W . A.—Charles S. and Wiliam A.—manufacturers extracts, perfumes, etc., over 20 West Thir d. Keet, Sarah, day domestic, residence over 309 Main. Kelleher, Jeremiah, freight handler, residence 826 Spring. Kelleher, Jerry, laborer, boards 17 West Fourth. Kelleher, Josie, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 826 Spring. Kelleher, Julia, residence 826 Spring. Kelleher, Margaret, widow Daniel, residence 826 Spring. Keller, Barbara, drawer, 335 Harrison, boards 43 Prospect. Keller, Charles, bell boy, 13 West Third, bards 43 Prospect. Keller, Henry, barber, 111 South Main, boards 43 Prospect. Keller, Henry H. (EUnice M.), household goods, 23 Winsor, house do. JKeller, John A., (Nora), salesman, house 18 Willard. Keller, John M., (Christine), metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 705 Camp. Keller, L. Pearl, teacher, residence 23 Winsor. Keller, Mathew, blacksmith, boards- 4 3 Prospect. Kelley, Duane J., (Alice M.), painter, house 35 Rathbone. Kelley, Edna B., works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 610 Jefferson. Kelley, Manley S., Jr., student, residence 610 Jefferson. Kelley, Manley S., (Ursu-la), advertising manager, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 610 Jefferson. Kelley, Wayne, student, residence 405 West Sixth. Kelley, see also Kelly. Kellgren, Elmer E., metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 11 Grandin. Kellogg, Addie T., widow Charles L., house over 215 Prospect. Kellogg, David (Adelaide), laborer, house 22 Chamber. Kellogg, Elizabeth W., widow of Henry U., 33 Cross. Kellogg, Harriet L., clerk, 204 Main, residence over 18 East Second. Kellogg, Jennie R., teacher, residence 33 Cross. Kellogg, Mary E., milliner, residence over 215 Prospect. Kellogg, Nina E., residence 215 Prospect. Kellogg, Ormus E., (Ruth A.), sexton St. Luke's, house over 18 East Second. Kellogg, Pearle, domestic, 1055 Main, residence do. Kellogg, Ray E., comber, 102 East First, residence 22 Ohambers. Kelsey, Albert P., letter carrier P. O., residence 607 Palmer. Kelsey, Athos A., residence 1035 East Second. Kelsey, Charles F. (Lena), bookkeeper, house 607 Palmer. Kelsey, H. Lewis (Helen), stone mason, house 1035 East Second. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. KELSEY KENT JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 303 Kelsey, Olin W.,(Edith B.), auditor, J. & C. Ry., West Eighth, house over 13 Fairmount avenue. Kelly, Catherine, dressmaker, residenc e 1113 Main. Kelly, Charles F., brick layer, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, Fred E., carpenter, house 37 Tilden avenue. Kelly, James, agent, boards 415 West Third. Kelly, James D.,finisher,residence 1113 Main. Kelly, John S., carver, residence 1113Main. Kelly, Joseph H., plumber, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, M. B., professional ball player, boards 415 West Third. Kelly, Margaret, widow Patrick, house 1113 Main. Kelly, Michael F., harness maker, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, Patrick, steel worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, Pearl, millner, 321 Main, resid ence 37 Tilden avenue. Kelly, William R., upholsterer, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, see also Kelley. Kemp, Lawrence W., hatter, 105 East Third, boards 119 East Second. Kendall, Emily, winder, 116 East First, residence 859 Spring. Kendall, Edward, mill hand, boards 119 East Second. Kendall, Hannah M., twister, 116 East First, residence 859 Spring. Kendall, Horsfeld, (Sarah), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, house 127 Barrows. Kendall, Jefferson, wood carver, 105 W insor, boards 810 West Eight. Kendall, Martha J., drawer, 116 East First, residence 859 Spring. Kendall, Newton, (Eliza), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 440 Allen. Kendall, Thomas, (Sarah S.), stone cutter, louse 859 Spring. Kennedy, Arthur E., machinist, residence 224 Steele. Kennedy, Ellen, widow, Michael, residence 714 Lafayette. Kennedy, Horace, upholsterer, 40 Winsor, residence 1 Barrows. Kennedy, Lydia S, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 1 Barrows. Kennedy, Mary widow Henry, house 1 Barrows. Kennedy, Mary, domestic, 634 Lakevie w avenue, residence do. Kennedy, Milton Edward, bartender, 124 East Third, house 224 Steele. Kennedy, Thomas, wool sorter, 335 Har rison, rooms 128 Chandler. Kennedy, Thomas J., wool sorter, 335 Harrison, boards 208 Lincoln. Kenny, Alice, widow Thomas, dressmaker, house under 790 East Second. Kent, A. Flynn (Emily A.), real estate and storage, 29 Forest avenue, house 337 East Fifth. Kent, Alba M. (Rose E.), real estate, house 305 East Fourth. Kent, Clare E., residence 9 Price. Kent, F. M. Rich, teacher, residence 9 Price. Kent, George A .S. (Martha), carpenter, house 9 Price. Kent, Maud G., Mrs., residence 337 East Fifth. Kent, Morgan, student, residence 305 East Fourth. Kent, Walter H., chemist, residence 1 Todd avenue. M. J. MURRAY Employs Only First-class Workmen Call u p N o . 3 3 for Clothing a n d Furnishings. KENT KING 304 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Kent, William E., (Mary L.), fireman, Rose Gardens, Ashville avenue, residence Ashville avenue, (Celoron. ) Kent, William L. (Maud), milk peddler, house 10 South Hallock. Kenyon Edward L., (Elizabeth J.), retired, house 68 Rathbone. Keppeler, Lena, residence 413 West Sixth. Keppeler, Phillip, (Barbara), supt, Jamestown Brewing Co., house 413 West Sixth. Kershaw, E m m a , residence room 12 Warner block. Kershaw, Jacob, (Rhoda), dyer, 116 East First, house room 12 Warner block. Kershaw, Joseph, stationary engineer, 13 West Third, residence room 12 War ner block. Kershaw, Katharine, widow James, house 13 South Thayer. Kershaw, William, electrician, residence room 12 Warner block. Kesler, E. Maude, student, residence over 629 Prendergast avenue. Kestler, Valentine, (Adeline), brewer, house 609 West Sixth. Ketchum, Everett H., (Clara), paper and stationery, 26 Main, h. 141 Warren. Ketchum, Lucy, residence 141 Warren. Kettle, Arthur ~W., attorney at law, 10 Hall block, res. 219 Winsor. Keunsog, Austin.?., Mrs., house over 860 'Spring. Kibling, Augustus (Mary), retired, house 10 Arnold. Kibling, Frank H., vice president Straight Manufacturing Co., res. 10 Arnold. Kibling, Fred G., plater, Straight Mfg. Co., residence 10 Arnold. Kidd, Thomas (Mary E.), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 36 Regent. Kidder, Eleanor, widow Samuel, house 138 Warren. Kidder, Fannie, bookkeeper, 56 Prospect, residence 138 Warren. Kidder, John, metal worker, rooms ov er 11 East Second. Kidder, John, metal worker, rooms, ov er 11 East Second. Kilburn, C. Harvey, (Alice M.), bookkeeper, 234 Crescent, h. 539 E. Second. Kiley, Edward (Sarah A.), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 119 Barrows. Kiley, John W., (Alice A.), butcher, house 17 Hall avenue. Kiley, Joseph C, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 119 Barrows. Killbow, Margaret, Mrs., house 112 Hazzard. Killbow, Violet, operative, 102 East First, residence 112 Hazzard. Kilpatrick, Annie, weaver, 335 Harrison, house 131 Foote avenue. Kilpatrick, John (Mary A.), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 131 Foote avenue. Kilpatrick, John C., student, residence 131 Foote avenue. Kilpatrick, Mary, winder, 335 Harrison, residence 131 Foote avenue. Kimball, Allen B., (Julia A.), night watchman, 710 E. Second, h. 110 Water. Kimball, George E., (Nellie), wood carver, house over 18 East Second. Kimball, James R., (Lottie E.), draughtsman, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 218 Crossman. Kimball, Millie P., dressmaker, residence 152 Allen. Kimberly, Clinton, F. ( E m m a ) , furniture packer, house 734 East Second. Kimberly, Edwin (Mary), furniture packer, house 734 East Second. Kinbell, Harry, (Julia), plater, rear 112 West Third, h. rear 226 Crescent. King, A. Eugene, (Emrilla), carpenter, h. 1260 Prendergast avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. KING KLEIST JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 305 King, August (Nora), brick layer, house 14 Bishop. King, Benjamin P. (Helen A.), carpenter, house 74 Rathbone. King, Charles, gardener, boards corne r Falconer and Curtis. King, Charles S., sewing machine agent, residence 9 South Thayer. King, Clarence W . (Edna), contractor and builder, house 604 Palmer. King, Earl O , student, residence 604 Palmer. King, Earl F., clerk, 109 East Third, residence 72 Rathbone. King, Ella, dressmaker, residence 528 East Second. King, Ernest E., residence 1260 Prendergast avenue. King, Flora, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Alpaca. King, George, laborer, 102 East First, residence 16 Alpaca. King, Grant, (Jennie M.), carpenter, house 40 Dickinson. King, Harry S., (Ethel M.), notary public, 9 Ellicott building, h. 8 Adams. King, Hattie M., widow Frank W., residence 72 Rathbone. King, James W . (Clara E.), dyer, 116 East First, house 16 Alpaca. King, James W., Jr., weaver, 102 East First, residence 16 Alpaca. King, John A. (Kittie)—King & Co.—12 West Second, house 207 Palmer. King, J. Wells, assistant cashier First National bank bds. 25 Fairmount ave. King, Lida, day domestic, rooms over 4 Main. King, Merl W., student, residence 604 Palmer. King, Mina, student, boards 111 East Sixth. King, William E., ( E m m a F.), attorney at law, 9 Ellicott building house 141 Hallock. King & Co. John A. King and Fred Johnson—draying and moving,12 W.2d Kingman, Ada, residence 212 Pine. Kingman, Charles H., student, residence 215 Fulton. Kingman, John F. (Florence V.), carpenter, house 215 Fulton. Kinkaid, James J., insurance agent, boards 415 West Third. Kinney, Kate, cook, residence 121 East Second. Kinney, Marjorie, residence 511 Maim Kinsel, Lena, drawer, 116 Bast First, residence 844 East Second. Kinsel, Mina, winder, 113 Foote avenue .residence 844 East Second. Kinsel, Maggie, drawer 116 East First, residence 844 East Second. Kinsel, William, (Mary), bartender, 634 East Second, house 844 do Kirber, John, baker, 707 Main, boards 7 Rush. Kirch, Ella, domestic, residence 105 Ch andler. Kirkland, E m m a V., teacher, residence 426 East Fifth. Kirkland, Emily, widow George, house 426 East Fifth. Kirkpatrick, O. F., solicitor, room 213 East Third. Kleinsang, C. E. Henry, tinner, 95 J. & G. ave residence 846 Lafayette. Kleinsang, Freda, works Straight Mfg. Co., residence S46 Lafayette. Kleinsang, Fernanda, works Straight Mfg. Co., residence 846 Lafayette. Kleinsang Henry (Dora), tinner, house 846 Lafayette. Kleinsang, Paul, carriage painter, resi dence 846 Lafayette. Kleist, Charles, (Anna), laborer, house 49 Prospect. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets p^yin M. J. MURRAY. B e sure ^ k ^ ^ T o S ? Clothing at Proudfit's KLEIST KNORR 306 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Kleist, Charles W., works 99 Institute, residence 64 Broadhead avenue. Kliest, Fred C , aristo worker, residence 64 Broadhead avenue. Kliest, Gust A., aristo worker, residence 64 Broadhead avenue. Kliest, John (Betsey), cabinet maker, house 64 Broadhead avenue. Klim, Anna, dressmaker, residence Park, near limits Klim, James, (Anna P.), carpenter, house Park, near limits. Kling, Alfred, spring setter, 516 West Fourth, r. 1026 Newland avenue. Kling, Andrew, (Amanda), upholsterer, 38 Winsor, house 322 Forest. Kling, Charles A., (Selma),finisher,house 315 Barrett. Kling, E m m a , residence 1026 Newland avenue. Kling, Frank I. (Hilda), cutter, house 233 Hazzard. Kling, Gust A. (Amelia H.), upholsterer, house 28 Lake. Kling, Henry, works 56 Prospect, residence 1026 Newland avenue. Kling, John (Carrie), carpenter, house 1026 Newland avenue. Kling, John A. (Anna), wood worker, house 223 Prospect. Klingstedt, John, (Matilda), tailor, 149 Allen, house do. Klock, Adelbert, (Catherine), carpenter, house 5 Thirteenth. Klock, Charles G., messenger boy, 301 Main, residence 42 Rathbone. Klock, Gleason F. (Laura J.), retired, residence 37 Tilden avenue. Klock, Laura J., widow Fillmore, house over 1018 Main. Klock, Luana Emily, domestic, 810 W e s t Eighth, residence 24 West Seventh. Klock, Margaret, widow Hiram, house 358 East Fourth. Klock, Millard F. (Carrie), carpenter, bouse 42 Rathbone. Klock, Milton E. (Mary), carpenter, house 1018 Main. Klumpp, Joseph W . (Caroline M.), paper hanger, house 118 Institute. Knapp, Anna E., widow house 508 East Fifth. Knapp, Fayette A. (Fannie E.), dentist over 209 Main, house 409 West Sixth. Knapp, Hester, nurse, rooms 513 Lafayette. Knapp, James (Ella), real estate, house 848 Main. Knapp, Laura, Mrs., works 335 Harrison, house 13 Alpaca. Knapp, Leonard N.,finisher,40 Winsor, residence 12 West Tenth. Knapp, Louis D., pharmacist, residence 848 Main. Knapp, Martha, dressmaker, house 315 West Eighth. Knapp, William H., (Mary E.), Incandescent Gas Lighting Co., 15 East Third, house 24 Ashville avenue. Knight, Henry, (Anna M.), metalworker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 621 Prendergast avenue. Knight, Katie, mill hand, rooms 559 East Second. Knight, M. Isabelle, Mrs., dressmaker, hou,se rooms 1-2 N e w Warner block. Knight, Walter, (Emily), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 226 Allen. Knight, Walter, steel worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, rooms over 4 Main. Knight, Wilbraham, (Lenora M.), commercial traveler, house 36 Peach. Knights of the Maccabees" hall, over 101 East Third. Knights of Pythias hall, 101-107 South Main. Knorr, George, (Lena), restaurant, 202 Cherry, house 857 Main. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing; Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E C O . KNORR KOLANDER JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 307 Knorr, George H., (Rose), cigar maker, over 31 Main, house 708 Washington. Knorr, John A., (Margaret), barber shop, 222 Main, house 708 Washington. Knorr, John J., (Clara), house 857 Main,. Knorr, Joseph R., upholsterer, residence 912 Main. Knorr, Martin, (Eva), harness maker, house 912 Main. Knowles, Eva, milliner, 103 West Third, residence 7 Williams. Knowles, George H., twister, residence 7 Williams. Knowles, James (Lizzie), warp dresser, house 7 Williams. Knowles, Sadie, residence 7 Williams. Knowlton, Anna A., student, residence 515 East Eighth. Knowlton, Clara I., student, residence 515 East Eighth. Knowlton, William A., (Rachael I.), grocer, 119 West Third, h. 515 E. 8th. Knupp, Edward C, (Maude), commercial traveler, house 50 Fairmount ave. Kochersperg, Clara, widow Charles S., residence 110 Lake View avenue. Koehl Margaret, widow Fred, residence 18 Prather avenue. Koehl, William, (Katherine), paper box manufacturing and printing, 15-17 Steele, house 18 Prather avenue. Koerner, Henry F., (Rosalia), upholsterer 10 West Fourth, h. 864 Spring. Koerner, Margaret, residence 864 Spring. Koerner, Mary C-, widow Frank, residence 475 Willard. Kofod, Anna, domestic 417 Spring. Kofod, Arthur J., (Hulda S.), weod carver, 122 Foote avenue, h. 185 Barrows. Kofod, Bert G., badge photographer, 4 Gokey bldg., residence 120 Willard. Kofod, Fred (Lena), weaver, 116 East First, house 445 Winsor. Kofod, George A. (Christine), stock keeper, house 1007 Main. Kofod, Gertrude A., bookkeeper, 122 Foote avenu.e, residence 120 Willard. Kofod, John J., (Louisa M.), retired, house 120 Willard. Kofod, James L., (Petra), livery barns, 3 Race, house over do. Kofod, Jens, retired, residence 11 Highland avenue. Kofod, Louis A., (Hannah), painter, house 3 Lake. Kofod, Maria, widow James P., residence 3 Race. Kofod, Peter (Anna) teamster, house 43 Charles. Kofod, Theodore M., furniturefitter,works Falconer, res. 120 Willard. Kohlbacher, Fred M.—Kohlbacher Bro s. & Shaver—over 21 Main, residence 110 Harrison. Kohlbacher, George J., (Ida M.), steward Jamestown Club, house 3 Pullman Kohlbacher, Henry (Helen M.) foreman 20 Winsor, house 110 Harrison. Kohlbacher, Henry, Jr., (Minnie) steward Jamestown club, house do. Kohlbacher, John L.—Kohlbacher Bro s. & Shaver—over 21 Main, residence 110 Harrison. Kohlbacher, William, cigar maker, over.21 Main, residence 110 Harrison. Kohlbacher Bros. & Shaver—John L. and Fred M. Kohlbacher and William Shaver—cigar factory, over 21 Main. Kohlander, John, (Huldah), laborer, 415 Chandler, house 21 Bush. Kolander, John, (Hilma), laborer, house 652 Barrows If you contemplate N e w Plumbing, consult M . J. M U R R A Y K n o x Hats, H a w e s H a t s only at P R O U D F I T ' S KOLB LAGERLIVE 308 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Kolb, Mary A., widow Henry, house 10 Price. Kolb, M. Blanche, residence 10 Price. Koller, William, (Etta), clerk, 5-9 Main, house 105 Hazzard. Kordenbrook, Katie, weaver, 102 East First, residence 450 Warren. Kordenbrook, Mary, widow Fred, hous e 450 Warren. Kordenbrook, Nora, spinner, 102 East First, residence 450 Warren. Kortwright, John W., (Eliza), teaming and gardening, house West Oak hill. Kortright, Sarah, residence West Oak Hill. Kosthorst, Emily, works 58 Center, residence 210 West Second. Kosthorst, John Edward, works 58 Center, residence 210 West Second. Kosthorst, Henry J., (Johanna), laborer, house 210 West Second. Krantz, Charles G., (Marion), Erie R. R. police, house 241 Sprague. Krempin, Louis, (Eliza), foreman, 38 Winsor, house 1058 East Second. Kribbell, William, (Mable), steelworker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 152 do. Krirsen, William, residence 31 Fenton place. Kroenline, Leonard G., (Josephine), baker 707 Main, house 38 West Tenth. Kronmiller, William (Charlotte), ice cream maker, 99 Institute, house do. Kruger, Frank J., electrician, Arcade building, residence 142 Broadhead ave. Kuenen, Sarah, cook, 305 East Fourth Kulander, Theodore, (Anna), laborer, house 51 Hedges avenue. Kullberg, John (Christina) laborer, house 179 Barrows. Kurby, John, foreman, 335 Harrison, boards 121 East Second. Kunz, Millard, dinningroom girl, 10 W e st Third, rooms 11 West Fourth. Kunzog, Adam C., (Bertha A.), axe maker, house 843 Prendergast avenue. L Labor Exchange, 771 East Second, F. T. Williams, manager. LaDow, O. Henry, general delivery clerk P. O., boards 43 West Ninth. LaDue, William T., (Hortense L.), ban d sawyer, 25 Shearman place, house 204 Allen. Lafa, Thomas, laborer, rooms over 4 Main. Lafey, John G., (Mary), laborer, house J. & G. avenue, near limits. Lager, Andrew G. (Matilda S.) laborer, house 29 Kinney. Lager, Arthur, bookkeeper, 38 Winsor, residence 26 Chapin. Lager, Charles P., (Ida L.)—Manbert & Lager—3 N e w Gifford building, house 26 Chapin. Lagerdahl, Clara, widow Carl J., house 31 Cedar avenue. Lagerdahl, David E., laborer, residence 31 Cedar avenue. Lagergren, Andrew, (Lena), tailor, over 119 Main, house 22 Sampson. Lagergren, Enoch, laborer, residence 22 Sampson. Lagergren, Joseph, U. S. Navy, residence 22 Sampson. Lagerleaf, August, laborer, boards 254 Crescent. Lagerlive, Gust, moulder, boards 23 Sto we. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware,Stoves, Furnishings Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . LAGERQUIST LANE J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY 309 Lagerquist, Axel. (Amelia), builder bouse 225 Prospect. Lagerquist, Ellen, widow Carl, weaver 35 Water, house 113 Crescent. Lagerquist, Gust, carpenter, house 31 2 AVarren. Lagerquist, Sophia, Mrs., day domestic, residence 157 Allen. Laidler, Martha, teacher, residence 1281 Main. Laidler, Mary H., teacher, residence 1281 Main. Laisar, Alada, weaver 116 East First, residence 8 Lake. Laisar, Christine, operative, 116 East First, residence 8 Lake. Lake Carl J. (Anna )finisher, house 131 Hall avenue. Lake, Clarence H., (Belle E.),financialclerk, P. 0., house over 21 W . 2nd. Lake, Howard C , law student, room 46 N e w Fenton building, residence 21 Allen Flats, West Second. Lake View Rose Gardens—Almet N. Broadhead, prop.—304 Main, green houses Ahville avenue. Lake House,—Harry F. Simmons, prop.—635 West Eighth. Lakin, Henry J., residence 605 Ashville avenue. Lakin, H. 0., Mrs., residence 605 Ashville avenue. Lakin, Luther S., (Ella A.), real estate, house 605 Ashville avenue. Lakin, Luther S., Jr., law student, residence 605 Ashville avenue. Lakin, Martha E., widow Dr. Edward L., residence 213 Clinton. Lakins, Fred A., (Myra L.), barber 130 Fairmount avenue, house over do. Lakewood Ice Co. (The) M. R. Stevenson, secy and treas., office Wellman bldg. Lambert, Robert F., retired, residence 32 Ashville avenue. Lambrose, Charles, works 9 West Thir d, boards 509 West Fourth. Lammers, Edward F., (Jennie H.), packer 24 Main, house 103 Hazzard. Lammers, Garrett H. (Bedelia) retired, house 20 West Tenth. Lammers, Harrison, clerk, 5 Cowden place, residence 202 Barrett avenue. Lammers Henry B., retired house 202 Barrett. Lammers, Lucius M., deliveryman, 24 Main, residence 202 Barrett. Lammers, Mary, residence 202 Barrett avenue. Lamson, Wright, (Jennie), carpenter, house 325 Warren. Lancaster, James, ( E m m a ) , teamster, house 100 Steele. Lancaster, William B., (Retta A.), lineman, J. S. Ry., h. over J. S. Ry. office. Landberg, Edward (Ellen) dyer, house 11 Park. Landes, Henry C, (Cora), works 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 366% Foote avenue. Landers, Hannah, widow Stephen, residence 22 Champlin. Landfried, Kittie, dressmaker, over 321 Main, house do. Landon, Aretus J., (Julia), paper hanger, 561 East Second, house 563 do. Landon, Lottie C , teacher, 563 East Second. Landquist, Oscar, carpenter, boards 48 Foote avenue. Landrigan, Elizabeth, widow John, house 770 Foote avenue. Landrigan, John, stock keeper, residence 770 Foote avenue. Landrigan, Mary, residence 770 Foote avenue. Lane, Andrew J. (Ellen), head sawyer 24 Steele, house 106 Barrett. Lane, Frank M., student, residence under 625 Prendergast avenue. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W- Third St. OVERCOATS a Specialty at P R O U D F I T ' S . LANE LARSON 310 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Lane, Minnie E., musician, residence under 625 Prendergast avenue. Lane, Merta, widow Grant A., stenographer, residence 22 West Seventh. Lane, Nettie C , Mrs., dressmaker, house under 625 Prendergast avenue. Lang, William, barber under 23 West Third, rooms 131 Hamilton. Langdon, Fred C , (Delia),—Little & Langdon—rear 415 W . Fourth, res. do. Langdon, Nancy F., widow Spencer, residence 415 West Fourth. Langeway, Lewis (Lillian) laborer, residence 319 Hazzard. Langford, Edward R. (Mary L.) jeweler and optician, 7 E. 3d, h. 213 Clinton, Langford, Laura, widow John, h. 503 West Third. Langford, Mary L., dressmaker residence 503 West Third. Langford Rebecca, teacher, residence 503 West Third. Langworthy, Charles B., (Mary), bartender, N e w Sherman, h. 208 Jefferson. Langworthy, Don. W., groom, rooms over 100 East Second. Langworthy, Elijah, carpenter, house 41 Rathbone. Lannes, Andrew J. (Aleda G.) editor Vart Land, over 12 W . 2d, h. 565 Allen. Lansing, James H., (Elizabeth), watchman, 56 Prospect, h. 13 Prospect ave. Lansing William I., (Belle M.), works 56 Prospect, residence 13 Prospect ave Lanson, John, (Minnie), works 236 Crescent, house 36 Union avenue. Lansterer, William J., (Julia), supt. Voting Machine Co., house 19 E. 9th. Lantz, Mamie, widow Walter, house 2 23 Steele. Larmonth, Grace K., residence 401 East Sixth. Larmonth, Helen M., student, residence 401 East Sixth. Larmonth, James T. (Laura K.), real estate and insurance^ Ellicott building house 401 East Sixth. Laroy, Edwin, (Catherine), carpenter, house 127 Buffalo. LaRoy, see also Leroy. Larry, J. M., Mrs., house 273 Prospect. Larson, Algot,finisher105 Winsor, residence 264 Broadhead avenue. Larson, Andrew, (Christina), house 14 9 Warren. Larson, Anna, domestic, residence 701 East Second. Larson, Anna, Mrs., weaver, 116 East First, house 332 Palmer. Larson, Antone, (Emma), pastor Danish Congregational church, h. 405 Baker. Larson, Carl E., (Sophia I.), meat market, 81 Allen, house 17 Sherman. Larson Charles (Maude)finisher,house 145% Allen. Larson, Conrad,finisher,41 Outlet, residence 300 King. Larson, Ellen, operative, 36 Water, residence 149 Warren. Larson, Elmer, saw setter, residence 14 Johnson. Larson, Eva, works 36 Water, residence 149 Warren. Larson, Frank, driver 224 East Second, residence do. Larson, George, clerk 853 Main, residence 149 Warren. Larson, Gustaf, (Louisa), carpenter, house 14 Johnson. Larson, Helma, picker, 116 East First, residence 6 Marvin. Larson, Hilma E.. domestic 315 West Fifth. Larson, Ida, twister, Meadow Brook Mills, residence over 27 Eagle. Larson, Jennie, weaver, Meadow Brook Mills, house 27 Eagle. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. LARSON LAWSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 311 Larson, Jennie, residence 264 Broadhead avenue. Larson, John, (Amanda), wood worker, 38 Winsor, house 25 Palmer. Larson, John A., retired, residence 787 East Second. Larson, John, Mrs; house 264 Broadhead. Larson, Lars (Frederica) laborer, house 320 Bowen. Larson, Lars A., (Amanda S.),—Nelson & Co, 50 Steele—house 131 Barrows. Larson, Leonard, works 101 Harrison, residence 149 Warren. Larson, Mangus, (Minnie), retired, house 6 Marvin. Larson, Marina, operative, 335 Harrison, residence 264 Broadhead avenue. Larson, Oscar, works 122 Foote avenue, residence 149 Warren. Larson, Oscar J., shoemaker, residence 332 Palmer. Larson, Peter E., (Sophia A.), milk dealer, house 28 Jones. Larson, Selma, domestic 204 West Fifth. Larson, Swan J., (Edla O ) , sash maker, house 35 Charles. Larson, Victor J., (Anna), tailor, 216 Main, house over 310 Price. Larson, see also Lawsun. LaSalle, Carl, (Dena C ) , teacher, house 19 Crossman. Laskaris, George, teamster, 121 Main, boards over 2 1-2 do. Latchall, Mary, domestic, Humphrey house, rooms 44 Harrison. Latten, George, clerk, 15 East Third.rooms 28 Fenton place. Latshaw, Mary, second cook, 15 South Main, rooms 44 Harrison. Laudenslager, Charles A., (Elizabeth), clerk, 36 Main, h. 108 Newland ave. Laudenslager, Harry B., asst bookkeeper, 109 Main, residence 23 E. Ellicott. Laudenslager, Terrance A., (Anna M.), carpenter, house 23 East Ellicott. Laughlin, Daniel, machine hand, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 807 Main. Laughlin, Daniel, works, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 824 Forest avenue. Laughlin, Henry, residence 824 Forest avenue. Laughlin, John (Mary) lumberman, house 824 Forest avenue. Laughlin, Leo, laborer, 236 Crescent, residence 824 Forest avenue. LaVauntin, Irene, widow Solomon, residence 109 Forest avenue. Lawrence, Mott, clerk, 101 Harrison, residence 227 Crossman. Laws, Francis R., (Jessie Gifford)—Buffalo Indicator Co., (Falconer), house Ashville avenue, (Celoron.) Lawson, Agnes E., operative, 35 Water, residence 59 Tower. Lawson, Albert, (Jennie), cigar maker, house 52 West Ninth. Lawson, Alfred, (Augusta C.), cabinetmaker, 122 Foote avenue, h. 68 Vega. Lawson, Alida A., winder, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 51 Tower. Lawson, Almena, spinner, 113 Foote avenue, residence 157 Allen. Lawson, Alfred A. (Matilda) laborer, house 37 Westcott. Lawson, A. Martin, groom, 108 West Fourth, rooms do. Lawson, Amanda, Mrs., residence 67 Center. Lawson, Amil G., (Carrie), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 61 Tilden ave. Lawson, Andrew (Hilda G.) laborer, house 47 Prospect avenue. Lawson, Andrew, laborer, boards 912 Newland avenue. Lawson, Andrew, (Tilda), carpenter, residence Buffalo street. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material Your LAWSON 312 M o n ey;'s W o r t h or your at P r o udfit's. money back LAWSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Lawson, Andrew E. (Jennie C.) mill hand, 105 Winsor, house 51 Tower. Lawson, Andrew, J., (Huldah F.), contractor and builder, house 18 Cedar. Lawson, Andrew P., (Louisa), night watchman, 38 Water, house 113 Cross. Lawson, Anna, weaver, 35 Water, residence 216 East First. Lawson, Anna, house 20 Harrison. La\vson, Anna, residence 1009 Newland avenue. Lawson, Anna C , domestic, 143 Chandler. Lawson, Anton G., carpenter, residence, 18 Cedar. Lawson, Axel, (Hulda). wood worker, house 119 Bowen. Lawson, Axel (Matilda) laborer, house 7 Hanley. Lawson, Axel F. T. (Clara), shoemaker house 1009 Newland avenue. Lawson, Carl, hostler, residence 110 Forest avenue. Lawson, Carl Alfred, groom, 108 West Fourth, rooms do. Lawson, Charles, teamster, residence 5 Williams. Lawson, Charles, (Matilda),finisher,25 Shearman place, house Stark ave. Lawson, Charles, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 126 Barrett ave. Lawson, Charles, works 101 Harrison, boards 319 Allen. Lawson, Charles machine hand, Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow, boards 135 Chandler. Lawson, Charles A., (Charlote), gardener, house 26 Linden. Lawson, Charles A., (Alice B.), commercial traveler, house over 225 Crosby. Lawson, Charles A., (Ethel), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 17 Ross. Lawson, Charles A. (Eva), contractor and builder, house 309 Newland ave. Lawson, Charles F., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 1009 Newland avenue. Lawson, Charles G., (Jennie G.), boiler maker, 602 W . Seventh, h. 59 Tower Lawson, Charles O., (Ida C.), wood worker, 105 Winsor, house 34 Willard. Lawson, Charles W., (Hulda), huckster, house Buffalo. Lawson, Charlote, widow Gustaf, residence 203 Warren. Lawson, Christena, widow John, residence 168 Chandler. Lawson, Claus N , sawyer, 38 Winsor, boards over 305 do Lawson, C. O., (Anna), laborer, house, 111 Hazzard. Lawson, David J., wood worker, 105 Winsor, residence 511-2 Tower. Lawson, DeEtta L., twister, Meadow Brook mills, residence 511-2 Tower. Lawson, Edith, residence 35 Charles. Lawson, Edward, (Augusta), laborer, 101 Harrison, house 920 Newland ave. Lawson, Ella, widow Berndt, house 30 Anderson. Lawson, Ellen C , clerk, 201 East Second, residence 18 Cedar. Lawson, Ellen C-, winder, Meadow Brook mills, residence 51 Tower. Lawson, Elmer, wood carver, 101 Harrison, residence 756 East Second. Lawson, E m m a , widow Charles, house 553 Allen. Lawson, E m m a M., student, residence 54 Water. Lawson, Esther li., winder, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 59 Tower. Lawson, Eva, Mrs., residence 764 East Second. Lawson, Frank E., warper, 113 Foote avenue, residence 54 Water. Lawson, Fred,fileman,95 J. & G. avenue, boards 107 Hall avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . LAWSON LAWSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 313 Lawson, Fred A., (Alice), finisher, 101 Harrison, residence 51 Tower. Lawson, Freda M. E., clerk, 203 Main, residence 18 Cedar. Lawson, Gust, (Amanda), foreman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 748 East Second. Lawson, Gust, clerk, boards 143 Chandler. Lawson, Gust, (Josephine), laborer, house 137 Superior. Lawson, Gust A. (Ida), varnisher, house 50 Jones. Lawson, Gust P. (Josephine), wood worker, house 934 Newland avenue. Lawson, Gust S., (Hilda S.), carpenter, house 103 Willard. Lawson, Harry L., comber, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 59 Tower. Lawson, Hattie, milliner, 321 Main, residence 23 Marvin. Lawson, Henry A., machine hand, 38 Winsor, residence 58 Kinney. Lawson, Ingburg, clerk, 17 Main, residence 7 Hanley. Lawson, J. Axel, (Emma), woodworker, 101 Harrison, residence 34 Crown. Lawson, Jennie, weaver 35 Water, residence 54 do. Lawson, John (Anna), laborer, house 362 Willard. Lawson, John (Clara J.), grocer, 52 Water, house 54 do. Lawson, John, (Anna), wood worker, 415 Chandler, house 524 Allen. Lawson, John A., (Jennie), butcher, 7 76 East Second, house over do. Lawson, John B., (Mary), bartender, 1 5 Steele, house uver 415 Foote avenue. Lawson, John F., ( E m m a E.), machine hand, 38 Winsor, house 58 Kinney. Lawson, John M.. (Agnes G.), teamster, 131 Winsor, house over 131 Foote ava Lawson, John P. (Caroline M.), shoe maker, house 5 1 % Tower. Lawson, John T., (Amanda), varnisher, 415 Chandler, house under 157 Allen. Lawson, Julia M., winder, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 51 Tower. Lawson, Lawrence, (Amanda), laborer, 101 Harrison, house 231 Barrows. Lawson, Leonard, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 107 Hall avenue. Lawson, Lillie, works 116 East First, residence 205 Fenton. Lawson, Lillian, operative, 58 Center, residence 7 Hanley. Lawson, Lora, spinner, 116 East First, residence 205 Fenton. Lawson, Lydia A., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 113 Cross. Lawson, Mable A., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 511-2 Tower. Lawson, Magnhild, operative Chautauqua Worsted Mills, residence 7 Hanley. Lawson, Martin A., stable man, 10-8 West Fourth, rooms 405 Cherry. Lawson, Martin L. (Minnie), driver, house 112 Francis. Lawson, Mary, housekeeper, 609 East Eighth. Lawson, Mary, widow Gust, drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 509 Newland ave. Lawson, Minnie, second cook, 5 Harrison. Lawson, Minnie J., vamper, 318 Cherry, residence 510 1-2 Prendergast ave. Lawson, Mittie M., (Annie), case maker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 409 Palmer. Lawson, M. Lillian, operative 318 Cherry, residence 112 Francis. Lawson, Olaf P., (Hannah L.), laborer, 105 Winsor, house 435 Allen. Lawson, Olaf, laborer, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 50 Jones. Lawson, Ole, (Christine), cabinet maker, 516 W . 4th, h- 510% Prendergast ave. Lawson, Oscar A., salesman, residence 1009 Newland avenue. Lawson, Oscar W., works 335 Harrison, residence 113 Cross. Hot Water Heating, Z^t^f^^X M. J. MURRAY. Men's All W ool Suits, $ 5 t o $ 2 0 , Proudfit's LAWSON 314 LEEBURG JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Lawson, Peter A., wood worker, 129 J. & G. avenue, boards 820 West Eighth. Lawson, Phillip, mill hand, boards 547 East Second. Lawson, Samuel, retired, residence 135 Allen. Lawson, Selma F., dressmaker, residence 362 Willard. Lawson, Theodore, shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 1009 Newland avenue. Dawson.Thyra, operative Chautauqua Worsted Mills, residence 7 Hanley. Lawson, Victor, (Augusta), laborer, house 10 Seymour avenue. Lawson, Victor, works Atlas Furniture company, residence 220 Bowen. JLawson, Walter D. C , bobbin setter, 3 35 Harrison, residence 435 Allen. Lawson, see also Larson. Lawton, F. H.—Jamestown Awning w o rks—over 24 Main, house Ellery, N. Y. Dawton, Lodeska R., widow John, residence 904 Main. Lay, Frank O , claim agent J. & C. Ry., 640 West 8th, residence 210 West 5th. Lazell, Biram S., (Tillie C ) , carpenter, house 44 Grant. Deablad, Charles, (Augusta),finisher,house 301 Allen. Leablad, Victoria, spinner, 102 East First, boards 909 Newland avenue. Leach, Fred (Ann),finisher,335 Harrison, house 59 Foote avenue. Deach, John B., pressman, 14-16 West Second, residence over 13 W . Second. Leach, John E., (Ida O ) , Supt. Allen Square, 15 Allen Square building, house over 13 West Second. Leafstone, Lars (Cora May),finisher,residence 24 Forest. Leafstone, Samuel, musician and painter, house 42 Park. Leary, Nora, laundress, 205 West Third, residence 826 Spring. LeBoeuf, Harry J. (Clara), prop, Jamestown laundry, 3 Barrett, h. 543 E. 2d. Leburg, Albert (Josephine), piano maker, house 802 East Second. Leburg, Charles, (Edith), foreman, 335 Harrison, house 46 Thayer. Leburg, George H., (Bessie), residence 802 East Second Dee, Arthur A., (Gertrude O ) , contractor, house 26 Price. Lee, Bernice M., teacher, residence 105 Prospect. Lee, Dennis (Mary A.), teamster, house 39 Dickerson. Lee, Dewitt Clinton (Lulu M.), .milk dealer, residence 610 Camp. Dee Emory S., (Maud N.), clerk, 23 East Third, house 010 Lake View avenue. Lee, George, barber, works 113 Main, residence 839 do. Lee, James, designer, 335 Harrison, roo m s 2 Y. M. C. A. dormitory. Lee, John, (Sarah), laborer, 116 East First, residence under 616 East Sixth. Lee, John A. (Mary), builder, house 147 Prospect. Lee, Julia A., widow James, day domestic, residence 207 Allen. Lee, Marion A., (Elizabeth), evangelist, house 105 Prospect. Lee, Minnie M., drawer, Meadow Brook Mills, boards under 207 Allen. Lee, Orsell C. (Myrtle), miller, residence 39 Dickerson. Lee, Samuel J., (Persis M.) house 16 Price. Lee, Samuel J., Mrs.—electric baths—house 16 Price. Lee, Susana, Mrs., weaver, 335 Harrison, house 51 Allen Square building. Leeburg, John, (Amanda C ) , works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 69 1-2 Tower. CLARK H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. LEEBURG LEROY JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 315 Leeburg, Oscar, sDldier, residence 69 1-2 Tower. Leer, Anna, Mrs. residence over 869 Spring. Lees, Clara A., winder, 102 East First, residence 32 Center. Lees, John T., (Mary A.), foreman 335 Harrison, house 32 Center. Lees, Susan, domestic, 207 Allen, residence do. Leet, Charles S., (Lillian M.), canvasser, house 16 Bush. Leet, Elsie E., teacher, residence 19 Euclid avenue. Leet, Fayette G. (Helen E.), baker, house 12 Bush. Leet, Frank F., ( E m m a A.), artist, 207 Main, house 5 East Ninth. Leet, Henry O , (Cordelia M.), house over 617 Prendergast avenue. Leet, Lewis, retired, residence 260 Warren. Leet, Mary E., teacher, residence over 617 Presdergast avenue. Leid, James, (Nina), machinist, 234 Crescent, house 207 Allen. Leidblad, Anna M., operative 335 Harrison, residence 43 Tower. Leidblad, C. O., (Charlotte), carpenter, 415 Chandler, house 203 Benedict. Liedblad, Fred L., (Mary A.), retired, house 43 lower. Leidblad, Gust E.,finisher,residence 203 Benedict. Legters, Hattie, domestic 33 Maple. Lehman, Catherine, domestic, residence 141 Warren. Lemm, Thomas (Harriet M.), warp dresser, house 118 Crescent. Lenn, Bert, (Susanna), steward, 23 W . 3rd, residence over 11 West Second. Lenchski, Peter, (Matilda), brewer, house 508 West Seventh. Lendesmann, Frank H., (Minnie)—Chautauqua Hand Laundry, Hunt road,— residence do. Lenhart, J. J., physician and surgeon, 35-36 Wellman building, house Bemus Point, N. Y. Lennartson, Ture, polisher, 234 Crescent, boards 319 Allen. Leonard, Hattie, residence over 108 East Third. Leopard, Frank J. (Lottie A.), machinist, house 17 Walnut. Lepar, C. Belle, teacher, residence 92 Steele. Lepar, Harry D., (Gertrude S.)—Charles Swanson & Co., 6 Ellicott Buildinghouse over 103 East Second. Lepar, Loraine R., widow Edwin, house 16 Filmore. Lepar, Mable R., bookkeeper 63 Taylor, residence 16 Filmore. Lepar, William A. (Julia L.), brick mason, house 92 Steele. Lepp, John C. (Sarah), yardmaster Erie R. R., house 4 Williams. Lepp, William (Mary), locomotive engineer, house 18 Whitley avenue. Lerch, John I., (Flora A.),—Jamestown Bottling Co.—12 West First, house over 10 East Third. Leroy, John S., paper hanger, residence 8 Fountain avenue. Leroy, Meritt O , (Mary A.), carpenter, house 1048 Main. Leroy, Richard, (Eunice L.), laborer, house 327 Clyde avenue. Leroy, Sherman, carder, 116 East First, residence 8 Axtel. Leroy, Stephen S., (Margaret A.), laborer, house 8 Fountain avenue. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, llTL^l^ly M. J. MURRAY Leave your order for LEROY Fine C u s t o m Clothing at P R O U D F I T ' S LEWIS 316 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Leroy, Willard F. (Emma J.), laborer, house 1276 East Second. Leroy, William, (Bessie), laborer, house 8 Axtel. LeRoy, Ernest 0., spinner, residence 1276 East Second. LeRoy, Helena, widow Frank, dressmaker, house 811 Frendergast avenue. LeRoy, John, (Diana), mason, hous'e under 814 East Second. LeRoy, John H., (Edith), butcher, house 941 East Second. LeRoy, Myrtle J^., spinner, residence 1276 East Second. LeRoy, Raymond, metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 941 East 2nd. Leroy, see also LaRoy. Lesslng, David F., (Anna S. O ) , wood worker, 54 Taylor, h. 16 Waterman. Lessord, Leopold, (Flora A.), shoemaker, house 29 Bush. Levan, John, (Anna), polisher, house 2 68 Broadhead avenue. Levan, Victor, (Elma), machine hand,house 268 Broadhead avenue. Levander, Anna, residence over 111 Stowe. Levander, John, painter, boards 135 Chandler. Levander, Rudolph, (Emma), boat builder, house 397 Baker. Leversage, Melvina, nurse, 207 Foote avenue. Levier, Daniel W . (Lizzie), wood worker, house 218 Palmer. Levine, Kingsley, works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 201 Ridgway avenue. Lewin, Rein E., student, residence 626 Prendergast avenue. Lewin, Samuel B., (Maria H.), cigar manufacturer, over 31 Main, house 626 Prendergast avenue. Lewis, Albert, (Elve A.), patternfitter,95 J. & G. avenue, house 832 Main. Lewis, Beeri (Roxana), carpenter, house over 31 Fenton place. Lewis, Charles F. (Maggie)—P. F. Lewis & Sons—804 Main, h. 7 East 8th. Lewis, Clinton M. (Inez)—P. F. Lewis & Sons—804 Main, house over do. Lewis, Cornelia J., student, residence 351 East Fifth. Lewis, EVa, spinner, 116 East First, residence 41 Broadhead avenue. Lewis, Fay, weaver, 35 Water, residence 41 Broadhead avenue. Lewis, Frances A., stenographer, 8 Gifford block, residence 351 East Fifth. Lewis, Grace M., student, Business College, residence 856 Main. Lewis, Harry R. (Frances A.), atty. at law, room 8 over 6 Eas1: Third, house 351 East Fifth. Lewis, Ina M., clerk, residence 832 Main. Lewis, J. Ernest, Asst. shipping clerk, 101 Harrison, res. 311 Prendergast ave. Lewis, Lawrence W., printers' apprentice, over 7 W . 3rd, residence 832 Main. Lewis, Martin, (Lovinda), carpenter, house 856 Main. Lewis, Nathan D. (Emily), attorney at law, house 513 Lafayette Lewis, Perrin F. (Harriet)—P. F. Lewis & Sons—804 Main, h. 7 East Eighth. Lewis, P. F. & Sons—Perrin F., Charles F. and Clinton M.—stoves and tinners, 804 Main. Lewis, Richard, bank clerk, 211 Main,residence 351 East Fifth. Lewis, Sadie, Mrs., dressmaker, house 41 Broadhead avenue. Lewis, William, candy maker, boards 213 West Second. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E LIDBLAD CO. LINDBECK JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 317 Lidblad, Charles A. (Estelle R.), cabinet maker, house 21 Victoria avenue. Liden, Charles (Olivia), chairmaker, liouse 72 Jones. Lidman, Moses, (Rosa), merchant, 207 East Second, house 42 Charles. Lieblad, Warner F. (Matilda)finisher,house 571 Allen. Lieblad, Werner, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 547 East Second. Lief, John, (Anna,) works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 37 Morton Lillibridge, E m m a B., residence 201 West Third. Lillibridge, Frank G., stationary engineer, 205 West Third, res. over 201 do. Lillibridge, George, retired, house over 201 West Third. Lilly, Harry O., works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 616 Prendergast avenue. Lilly, Lucia M., widow Leonard, house 40 West Ninth. Lilly, Orrin H. (Ida) carpenter, house 016 Prendergast avenue. Liljenblad, Emil, metal worker, boards 209 Baker. Lincoln, David—Henderson & Lincoln—107 East Second, rooms 116 Chandler Lincoln, Hannah M., residence 116 Chandler. Lincoln, Julius, Rev., pastor First Lutheran church, residence 116 Chandler. Lincoln, Newton L., (Anna), insurance agent, house 14 West Ninth. Lind, Andrew J. (Christine), bookkeeper, 56 Blackstone avenue, house 135 Foote avenue. Lind, Axel, (Alma), wood worker, Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow, h. 581 Allen. Lind, Charles, (Alice), plasterer, house 215 Barrows. Lind, Edward A., (Ida S.), electric light trimmer, city plant, h. 1038 Main. Lind, Eugene, musician, residence 135 Foote avenue. Lind, Fred (Dagmar), carpenter, liouse over 787 East Second. Lind, Hans V , (Anna), music teacher, residence 25 West Ninth. Lind, Jennie, clerk, 116 Main, residence 20 Cross. Lind, John (Lydia), tailor, 208 Main, house 220 Fulton. Lind, John A., (Augusta), mason, house 20 Cross. Lind, see also Lund. Lindahl, Hadveg, domestic, residence 168 Chandler. Lindahl, John, (Anna), laborer, house Warren, near limits. Lindahl, John A., bookkeeper, residence 438 Maple. Lindahl, John G., (Anna C.), polisher, house 107 Hazzard. Lindahl, Nels E., (Eva O ) , carpenter, house 438 Maple. Lindahl, see also Lindell, Londahl and Lundahl. Lindbeck, Andrew, paper hanger, residence 220 Prospect. Lindbeck, Antone, paper hanger, reside dence 220 Prospect. Lindbeck, August (Hannah), lounge maker, house 219 Prospect. Lindbeck, Charles, (Ida), contractor, house 314 Foote avenue. Lindbeck, Charies J., (E. Mary), clerk, 117 Main, house 124 Barrett. Lindbeck, Christina, widow Carl, house 220 Prospect. Lindbeck, Edd (Edie), painter, house 105 Park. Lindbeck, John W., student, residence 124 Barrett avenue. Lindbeck, Louise, residence 220 Prospect. Lindbeck, Herman, laborer, house 503 Warren. Some of the most extensive vl^in:ita*n?»T M. J. MURRAY Little G i a n t S uits for C h i l d r e n at P R O U D F I T ' S LINDER LINDBERG 318 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Lindberg, Anna 0., bookkeeper, 24 Main, residence 926 do. Lindberg, Charles, wood worker, residence 926 Main. Lindberg, Gust, (Mary),finisher,706 East Second, house over 764 do. Lindberg, Hans (Anna Helena), house 137 Prospect. Lindberg, John (Augusta), carpenter, house 120 Prospect. Lindberg, John, (Anna), painter, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 440 Maple. Lindberg, John,finisher,3 Ashville avenue, boards 917 Main. Lindberg, Oscar, wood worker residence 926 Main. Lindberg, P. John (Louise), carpenter, house 926 Main. Lindberg, Peter U . (Emily), cabinetmaker, 516 West Fourth, h. 1054 Main. Lindberg, Seth, varnisher, residence 926 Main. Lindberg, see also Lundberg. Lindblad, Anna Alberta, nurse, residence over 300 Foote avenue. Lindblad, Anton E., architect, residence 27 Broadhead avenue. Lindblad, August J. (Louise)—Lindblad Bros. & Co.—13 Harrison, house 27 Broadhead avenue. Lindblad, Augusta M., nurse, residence over 300 Foote avenue. Lindblad Bros. & Co.—Olaf J., August J. Lindblad and Peter J. Bergquist— furniture specialty manufacturers, 13 Harrison. Lindblad, Clara, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 300 Foote avenue. Lindblad, Lena, dressmaker, residence over 300 Foote avenue. Lindblad, Olaf J. (Matilda A.)—Lindblad Bros. & Co.—13 Harrison, house 14 West Seventh. Lindblad, Winfred E., student, residence 27 Broadhead avenue. Lindblom, Axel, (Lida), meat cutter, 1 N e w Gifford building, h. 10 Sampson. Lindblom, Anna, operative 102 East First, residence 25 1-2 Park. Lindblom, Esther, operative 102 East First, residence 25 1-2 Park. Lindblom, Gustave, widow Charles, house 25 1-2 Park. Lindblom, John A., (Ida C ) , butcher, 1 N e w Gifford building, res. 25 Park. Lindblom, Oscar C. (Ida E.), meat market, 25 Linden avenue, rooms do. Lindbloom, Ellen V., domestic, 351 East Fourth, residence 9 Barrows. Lindbloom, Oscar E. (Hilda O ) , laborer, house 3 Vega. Lindburg, Charlie, (Augusta), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 355 Baker. Lindburg, Florence, residence 355 Baker. Lindell, Andrew P., (Mary), laborer, house 1269 Main. Lindell, Charles, wood worker, residence 393 Baker. Lindell, Charles J., (Lydia), weaver, 116 East First, house 16 McDannell ave. Lindell, Christine, Mrs., widow, residence 393 Baker. Lindell, Ellen T., domestic, 17 Fairmount avenue, residence 415 W . Eighth. Lindell, Ed., (Emily), boiler maker, residence 120 Williams. Lindell, Hilda O., widow Gust, residence 324 Forest. Lindell, Ida, domestic, 30 Lake View avenue. Lindell, see also Lindahl, Londahl and Lundahl. Linder, Fred, (Anna G.), mechanic 129 J. & G. avenue, house 310 Price. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. LINDERGREN LINDQUIST JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 319 Lindergren, Carl G., metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence over 29 West Eighth. Lindergren, E m m a , widow Oarl 0.. house 29 West Eighth. Lindergren, E m m a W., operative 318 Cherry, residence over 29 West Eighth. Lindewall, Eric L., (Mary), cabinet maker, 40 Steele, residence 39 Charles. Lindgren, Christian (Christine S.), carpenter, house 134 Foote avenue. Lindgren, Gust (Annie), laborer, house 6 Webster. Lindgren, Peter M. (Hannah), blacksmith, house 22 Columbia avenue. Lindgren, see also Lundgren. Lindholm, Augusta O , spinner, Meadow Brook Mills, boards 13 English. Lindholm, Charles, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 107 Colfax. Lindholm, Charles, laborer, boards 29 West Ninth. Lindholm, Charles A. (Caroline), new and second hand goods, Kent block, house (b) do. Lindholm, Charlie, (Hannah), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence over 11 Cowden plaee. Lindholm, Christine M., widow Gust, residence 79 Water. Lindholm, Ella C, clerk, 18 East Second, residence 79 Water. Lindholm, FraDk A., wool sorter, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, residence 46 Swan. Lindholm, Gust W., (Maria O ) , dyer, 335 Harrison, house 46 Swan. Lindholm, Gust W., variety store, 18 East Second, house 79 Water. Lindholm, Harry, comber, 335 Harrison, residence 46 Swan. Lindholm, Jessie E., residence 510 East Seventh. Lindholm, Julia 0., bookkeeper, 211 Main, residence 510 East Seventh. Lindholm, Myrtie L., dressmaker, 79 Water, residence do. Lindholm, Perry D., house 510 East Seventh. Lindholm, Sophia, Mrs., house under 228 Forest avenue. Lindholm, Wilbert A., laborer, residence 510 East Seventh. Lindmark, Ida, widow Eric, house 226 Steele. Lindmark, see also Lundmark. Lindquist, Aaron, (Matilda), laborer, house 501 Stowe. Lindquist, Albert A., (Jennie R.), brick mason, house 524 Willard. Lindquist, Alfred, works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 22 Park. Lindquist, Alma, drawer, 335 Harrison, boards 12 Barrows. Lindquist, Amelia O , operative, residence 575 Willard. Lindquist, Anna, operative Meadow Brook Mills, residence 22 Park. Lindquist, August G., Mrs., residence 510 1-2 Prendergast avenue. Lindquist, A. Ernest, (Anna L.), works 415 Chandler, house 5 Hedges ave. Lindquist, Charles (Sophie), oil refiner, house 22 Park. Lindquist, Charles W., tin presser, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 19 Pearl avenue. Lindquist, Emil, residence 22 Park. Lindquist, Gertrude, domestic. 13 Foote avenue. Lindquist, Henry, (Amanda), machine hand, 105 Winsor, house 12 Barrows. Gas and Steam Fitting, J 22 W. Third St., M. J. MURRAY Low H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G . PU ces. LINDSTROM LINDQUIST 320 J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Lindquist, Jennie C, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 234 Barrows. Lindquist, John (Hilma), machine hand, 131 Winsor, house 179 Barrows. Lindquist, John r., (Sarah), stone mason, house 19 Pearl avenue. Lindquist, John F., steel polisher, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 19 Pearl ave. Lindquist, Lars, weaver, 335 Harrison, house over 332 Forest avenue. Lindquist, Minnie, domestic, 320 E. Third, residence 12 Barrows. Lindquist, Sophia, widow Charles, house 575 Willard. Lindquist, William, (Belle), metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., r. 505 Barrett ave. Lindros, Charles L. (Matilda L.), house 43 Vega. Lindross, Edith Matilda, duffer, residence 43 Vega. Lindross, Elsvig C , spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 25 Vega. Lindross, Esther C , weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 43 Vega. Lindross, Fred P.. (Matilda C ) , house 25 Vega. Lindross, Hjalmer G., cabinet maker,122 Foote avenue, residence 43 Vega. Lindroth, John E., (Hulda M.), laborer, house 48 Foote avenue. Lindsey, Charles G. (Melita B.), real estate, 1 Hall blk. 219 Main, h. 418 East Sixth. Lindsey, Frank R., laborer, residence 367 Foote avenue. Lindsey, John G., laborer, residence 367 Foote avenue. Lindsey, Joseph G., student, residence 367 Foote avenue. Lindsey, Richard J., (Francis), farmer, house 367 Foote avenue. Lindsey, Wilton O , real estate and attorney at law, 1 Hall block, rooms over 109 East Second. Lindstrom, Andrew, (Caroline), stationary engineer, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 234 Barrows. Lindstrom, Anton, (Hulda), house 403 Hazeltine avenue. Lindstrom, August, shoemaker, residence 226 Steele. Lindstrom, Augusta, dressmaker, residence 350 Bowen. Lindstrom, Carl Elmer, works 318 Cherry, residence 14 Summit. Lindstrom, Charles, (Amanda), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 14 Summit. Lindstrom, Charles, (Matilda H.), carpenter, 115 Winsor, house 426 Allen. Lindstrom, Charles (Hilda), painter, house 550 East Second. Lindstrom, Charles (Maria), retired, house 430 Allen. Lindstrom, Charles (Anna), spring setter, house 200 Sampson. Lindstrom, Edward E.^ (Cora), clerk, 120 Willard, house 231 Fulton. Lindstrom, Emily, residence 350 Bowen. Lindstrom, E m m a O , domestic, 315 Spring, residence 200 Sampson. Lindstrom, Enoch H., rubber, 101 Harrison, residence 234 Allen. Lindstrom, Enoch,finisher,101 Harrison, residence 234 Barrows. Lindstrom, E. George,, printer, residence 350 Bowen. Lindstrom, Frank, (Matilda), upholsterer, 19 Briggs, house 64 Tower. Lindstrom, Gus. (Matilda), laborer, house 350 Bowen. Lindstrom, Gust (Christine), polisher, house 407 Baker. Lindstrom, Gust, ( E m m a ) , shoemaker 318 Cherry, house 11 Cowden place. Lindstrom, Gustavia, widow Frank, house 226 Steele. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. LINDSTROM LJUNGBERG JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 321 Lindstrom, Hildur, spinner 335 Harrison, residence 550 East Second. Lindstrom, Ida, laundress, 5 Harrison, boards do. Lindstrom, Jeanna, residence 1381 East Second. Lindstrom, Jennie, drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 234 Barrows. Lindstrom, John (Anna), retired, house 200 Sampson. Lindstrom, John, (Matilda), machinist. 234 Crescent, house 230 Barrows. Lindstrom, J. Victor, laborer, residence 430 Allen. Lindstrom, Laura L., student, residence 231 Fulton. Lindstrom, Matilda, spinner, 116 East First, residence 234 Barrows. Lindstrom, Sigred M., spinner, 116 East First, residence 234 Barrows. Lindstrom, Swan P., laborer, 115 Winsor, residence 430 Allen. Lindtner, Anna, widow, house 109 Kidder. Lines, Edward D., manager 209 Main, rooms 205 Lafayette. Lines, W . H. & S. V., shoe dealers, 209 Main, Edward D. Lines, manager. Linford, William H., (Mary E.), insurance agent, house 12 Peach. Link, Bertha, domestic, residence 142 Forest avenue. Link, Grove, Asst. steward, 23 West Tbird, rooms 211 West Second. Link, Louise, domestic, residence 154 Forest avenue. Link, Norman J., (Ella E.), plater, 95 j. & g. avenue, house 1010 Prendergast avenue. Link, Omer O. (Myra E.), clerk, 30 Main, house 613 East Eighth. Linnander, Ellen U., milliner, residence 10 Institute. Linnander, Victor (Hilda A.), retired, house 10 Institute. Lippert, Ruth O, widow John, seamstress, rooms 215 West Third. Litchfield, Presina M., widow Orange, residence 308 Clinton. Little, George O, (Alice R.), Supt. 40 Quarry road, house 30 Stowe. Little, James M., (Augusta C ) , engineer, Jamestown Water Supply Co., Buffalo, house 625 Falconer. Little, Josephine, residence 201 West Fourth. Little, Simon S., (Elinor)—Little & Langdon—rear 20S West Fourth, h. do. Little & Langdon—Simon S. Little and Fred C. Langdon, blacksmiths—rear 208 West Fourth. Littlefield, Annabell, domestic 415 West Third, residence 13 Scott. Livingston, Alfred T. (Nellie H.), phj-sician and surgeon, over 111 East Second, house 155 Forest avenue. Livingston, Edgar O, (Alice), commercial traveler, house 525 West Third. Livingston, Harriet E., residence 155 Forest avenue. Ljungberg, Anna O, Mrs., varieties, 10 East Second, residence 44 Barrett. Ljungberg, August W . (Anna O ) , grocer, 10 East Second, house 44 Barrett. Ljungberg, Dena, domestic, 116 East Fourth, residence 133 Crescent. Ljungberg, Eline A., assistant librarian, residence 44 Barrett. Ljungberg, Hjelmar, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 55 Charles. Jjungberg, Lena J., widow John, house 55 Charles. Ljungberg, Louis, wood worker, 101 Harrison, residence 55 Charles. Ljungberg, Sture A. clerk, 10 East Second, residence 44 Barrett. High-grade, Noiseless W a t e r Closets ptyin M . J. M U R R A Y . UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND GLOVES A SPECIALTY AT PROUDFIT'S LJUNGGREN LOOK 322 J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Ljunggren, Albin, (Anna), case maker, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. over 35 Myrtl Lloyd, Edward D., (Sara R.), tinner and roofer, house 17 Lincoln. Lockwood, Andrew, (Martha M.), driver, house 31 Fenton place. Lockwood, Clark R. (Eunice E.), attorney at law, 41-42 Wellman building, house 107 Warren. Lockwood, Dora K., bookkeeper, 30 Main, residence 47 West Tenth. Lockwood, George L., shipping clerk 318 Cherry, residence 47 West Tenth. Lockwood, Harry, head miller, 28 East First, residence 403 Main. Lockwood, Melzar A., (Mary F.), harness and horse furnishings, 106 East Second, house 47 West Tenth. Trunks, Bags, Satchels, Dress Suit Cases, Robes, Blankets Harness made and Repaired by Experts- Complete horse furnishing house and harness repair shop. M. A. LOCKWOOD, - 106 East Second Street. Lods, George F., (Augusta S.), clerk, 210 Main, house 225 Crosby. Loferin, John, assembler, boards 30 Sampson. Lofgren, August, (Christine), piano maker, house 309 Barrett avenue. Lofgren, Axel G., (Ida C ) , clerk I Main, house 60 Chapin. Lofgren, Charles E. (Hulda), foreman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 152 Sampson. Lofgren, Erick (Mary O ) ,finisher,105 Winsor, house 9 Holman. Lofgren, Gust A .(Anna E.), foreman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 26 Forest. Logan, Ella Hunt, widow Robert, house over 132 Faii'mount avenue. Logan, Robert T. (Margaret), shirt manufacturer and gent's furnishings, 212 Main, house 217 East Sixth. Lombard, Florence M., student, residence 709 Ashville avenue. Lombard, Home.- W., substitute postal clerk, residence 709 Ashville avenue. Lombard, Joseph H. (Margaret), photo worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 709 Ashville avenue. Londahl, Charles (Minnie), cabinet maker, house 347% Foote avenue. Londahl, John, (Johanna), real estate, Kent block, house under 71 Allen. Londahl, see also Lindahl, Lindell ar.d Lundahl. Long, Elliott, (Selma C ) , house over 568 Allen. Long, John, laundry, under 14 East Second, house do. Long, Sarah O., domestic, 334 East Fifth. Long, William, barber, under 23 West Third, boards do. Long, William, candy maker, residence over 4 Main. Longren, E m m a , widow Edward, house over 262 Broadhead avenue. Lonngren, John W., (Kate), printer, 211 Main, house 23 Center. Lonngren, Mare, widow John G., residence 23 Center. Longwall, Nettie, laundress, 15 South Main, residence do. Look, P. Almy, waiter 9 West First, rooms over 17 East Second. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing: Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . LOWMAN LOOMIS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 323 Loomis, Levi (Mary E.), teamster, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Looney, Martin (Catherine), retired, house 25 Seymour avenue. Looney, Michael (Margaret), machinist, house 12 Fulton place. Lord, Edmund, wool sorter, house 836 Prendergast avenue. Lord, Merritt C. (Almeda M.), carpenter, house Fluvanna avenue. Lorentzen, Hans P., (Ellen), cigar maker, over 19 Main, house 19 West Ninth. Lorenz, William D. (Nannie), clerk house 713 Cherry. Lott, John (Harriett), barber shop, under 34 Main, house 61 West Tenth. Loucks, Charles, dairyman, 1175 East Second, residence do. Loucks, Clifford, dairyman, 1175 East Second, residence do. Loucks, Elizabetn, widow Newcomb L., house 220 Fulton. Loucks, E m m e t P., (Alida J.), mailing clerk, P. 0., house 210 West Sixth. Loucks, John, dairyman, 1175 East Second, residence do. Loucks, John, (Nora), Woodlawn dairy, 1175 East Second, house do. Loucks, John H. (Johanna J.)—Building lumber, 28 Brings—house, Falconer, N. Y. Loucks, Lillian M.. cook, 14 East Third, residence 215 Washington. Loucks, Perry, dairyman, 1175 East Second, residence do. Loucks, Sadie M., teacher, over 20 West Third, residence 67 West Tenth. Loucks, Wallace (Mary), grocer, 67 West Tenth, house do. Loucks, William J., (Fannie N.), clerk 15 East Third, house 134 Fulton. Lounsberry, Fred J., (Nettie E.), commercial traveler, residence 83 Hazzard. Lounsbury, see also Lownsbury. Love, Albert C , works 41 Outlet, residence 204 Sampson. Love, Carrie D., student, residence sy-i Sampson. Love, Chauncey (Delia M.), teamster, house 204 Sampson. Love, Hattie B., widow Herbert B., assistant librarian, house 3 East Sixth. Love, Henty F., bookkeeper 46 Taylor, residence 38 Harrison. Love, Irwin E. (Clara), table maker, house 130 Jones. Love, John (Marine M.)—A. P. Olson & Co.—46 Taylor, house 38 Harrison. Love, Lena, domestic, 415 West Third. Love, Louise B., student, residence 3 East Sixth. Love, Louise M., widow Samuel, residence 15 West Fifth. Love, Otto (Minnie), cabinet maker, 46 Taylor house 124 Harrison. Lovegren, Anna, operative 58 Center, residence 152 Sampson. Lovejoy, Charles R., (Mary E.), Fulton Market Co., 19 E. 3d. h. 7 Dickerson. Lovejoy, C. Ray, clerk, 116 Main, residence 7 Dickerson. Lovejoy, Edward G., (Caroline G.), grocer, 16 Ashville avenue, house 617 Washington. Lovejoy, Eva M., bookkeeper, 602 West Eighth, residence 7 Dickerson. Lovejoy, Truax D., clerk, 19 East Third, residence 7 Dickerson. Loveless, Grace, clerk 300 Main, boards 153 Prospect. Lowell, A. P., ( E m m a ) , commercial traveler, house 332 East Third. Lowery blocks, 101-111 East Third. Lowman, Joseph J., clerk, 9 East Third, boards 5 Church. M. J. MURRAY Employs Only First-class Workmen K n o x H a t s , H a w e s H a t s o n l y at P R O U D F I T ' S LOWNSBURY 324 LUNDGREN JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Lownsbury, Fannie, widow William, house 408 Winsor. Lownsbury, see also Lounsbury. Lowry, Elizabeth, weaver, 116 East First,, house over 7 Winsor. Lozier, Etta L., widow Charles H., dressmaker, h. over 629 Prendergast ave. Lucas, E m m a M., residence 17 West Ninth. Lucas, Mary, stenographer, 38 Winsor, boards 100 East Fifth. Luce, Caroline C , widow William G., house 26 East Buffalo. Luce, D. A., bartender, 147 Fairmount avenue, boards do. Luce, Edna E., head nurse W . C. A. hospital, 207 Foote avenue. Lucey, Timothy, (Margaret), -metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 421 Livingstone avenue. Ludberg, C. F., (Josephine), band sawyer, 20 Winsor, house 248 Barrows. Lunberg, Swan A., (Caroline), laborer, house 120 Willams. Lungberg, Swan F., machine hand, residence 120 Williams. Lund, Christian, (Carrie), wood worker, 30 Steele, houss 615 Warren. Lund, Edward, works 56 Prospect, residence 219 Forest avenue. Lund, G. Adolph, (Caroline), massage, over 102 Main, house over 35 Cross. Lund, Gust, sawyer, boards 120 Prospect. Lund, Gustaf Aaron, (Augusta A.), employed 30 Steele, house 29 Wescott. Lund, Gustie, Mrs., house 842 Lafayette. Lund, Helen G., residence 77 Eagle. Lund, Henry, works 56 Prospect, residence 219 Forest avenue. Lund James (Charlotte), wood worker, house 219 Forest avenue. Lund, Samuel, (Christine), carpenter, house 41 Park. Lund see also Lind. Lundberg, Andrew, (Johanna), retired, house 41 Peterson. Lundberg, Andrew M. (Clara), mason, house 15 Stowe. Lundberg, Charles F., (Matilda), machinist, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 36 Jones. Lundberg, Charles P. (Christine), laborer, house 41 Peterson. Lundberg, Clara, domestic, 352 East Fourth. Lundberg, Elvera, dressmaker, residence 15 Stowe. Lundberg, Florence, clerk, 203 Main, residence 36 Jones. Lundberg, Henry, upholsterer, 38 Winsor, residence 41 Peterson. Lundberg, John, (Lena), shoemaker, 809% East Second, house 809 do. Lundberg John (Caroline), painter, house 280 Broadhead avenue. Lundberg, John, (Albertina), tailor, 237 Willard, house do. Lundberg, John E., machinist, residence 809 East Second. Lundberg, Minnie, second girl, 500 Pine. Lundberg, see also Lindberg. Lundborg, Carl, (Sophia),finisher,105 Prospect, house 262 do. Lunden, Joseph A., (Josephine), case maker, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 12 Barrows Lundgren, Betty M., residence 435 Willard. Lundgren, Charles, (Emma), laborer, house 7 Partridge. Lundgren, Charles E., (Mary D.), house 210 Barrett. Lundgren, Charles O., (Sophia), carpenter, house 109 Colfax. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware,Stoves, Furnishings Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. LUNDGREN LUNDQUIST JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 325 Lundgren, Christina S., widow Simon F., house 19 Walnut. Lundgren, Elma, widow George, residence 47 Charles. Lundgren, Florence A., operative, residence 435 Willard. Lundgren, Fredricka, widow John, house 65 Tower. Lundgren, Louisa, widow Clarence E., house over 16 Efist Second. Lundgren, Mary O, weaver, 116 East First, residence 19 Walnut. Lundgren, see also Lindgren. Lundman, Charles, (Anna), wood worker, 101 Harrison, house 39 Stowe. Lundmark, Hannah, widow Charles, house 23 Lake. Lundmark, Hilma, mender, residence 23 Lake. Lundmark, Jennie, operative 335 Harrison, residence 23 Lake. Lundmark, Nellie, operative 335 Harrison, residence 23 Lake. Lundmark, see also Lindmark. Lundquist, Albert, laborer, rooms over 4 Main. Lundquist, Amanda, chamber-maid, 15 South Main, residence do. Lundquist, Amanda, widow Gust, residence 541 Allen. Lundquist, Andrew, (Anna S.), carpenter, house 314 Price. Lundquist, Arvid N., (Delia M.),—Wil son & Lundquist—110 Main, residence 410 Lake View avenue. Lundquist, August A., metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, bds. 49 Prospect. Lundquist, Axel, laborer, rooms over 4 Main. Lundquist, Axel C. (Amanda)—Lundquist & Bergland—302 Foote avenue, house 25 Myrtle. Lundquist, Berger, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 16 Victoria avenue. Lundquist, Carl A. (Ellen B.)—Elof Rosencrantz & Co.—2 South Main, house 621 East Sixth. Lundquist, Charles, laborer, rooms over 4 Main. Lundquist, Charles H., tailor, 1 Main, boards 508 Barrett avenue. Lundquist, Claus, (Anna C ) , retired, house 211 Prendergast avenue. Lundquist, E m m a , widow August house over 202 Crosby. Lundquist, Esther M., residence 202 Crosby. Lundquist, Herman—Lundquist &. Burgeson—2 Main, res. 19 Victoria avenue. Lundquist, J. Gust (Nellie), carpenter, house 226 Hazzard. Lundquist, John G., (Isabell A.), axe maker, works Beaver Falls, residence 214 West Seventh. Lundquist, John M., axemaker, works Beaver Falls, res. 214 West Seventh. Lundquist, Louis A., student, residence 314 Price. Lundquist, Myrtle J., residence 202 Crosby. Lundquist, O. Samuel—Lundquist & Johnson—2!l/ Spring, residence 211 Prendergast avenue. Lundquist, Paul, residence 44 Thayer. Lundquist, Robert E., clerk, 217 Spring, residence 211 Prendergast avenue. Lundquist, Ruth, residence 44 Thayer. Lundquist, Sophia, widow Isaac, residence 52 Vega. Lundquist, William, (Justine),finisher,335Harrison, house 44 Thayer. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. O V E R C O A T S a Specialty at PROUDFIT'S. LUNDQUIST & BERGLUND LYNN 326 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Lundquist & Berglund—Axel C. Lundquist and Waldemar Bergland—meat market, 302 Foote avenue. Lundquist & Johnson—0. Samuel Lundquist and Leonard Johnson—commission merchants, 219 Spring. Lundquist, see also Lindquist. Lundwall, Amelia, widow Solomon, residence 17 Tew. Lungren, Victor, bank boss, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 11 Garfield. Lunn, Andrew, cigar manufacturer, over 12 Main, boards 121 East Second. Lunn, Anna, widow Samuel, house 14 Park. Lunn, Harry E., cigar maker, over 12 Main, boards 5 Harrison. Luther, Kendrick A., (Anna), asst. supt., Prudential Insurance Co., 3-5 Gokey building, house 380 Foote avenue. Luttringer, Martin, dyer, 335 Harrison, boards 121 East Second. Lydle, Wellington N., contractor and builder, 304 Washington, boards 131 South Main. W. N. LYDLE, BUILDING and GE/NERAL REPAIRING Terrace Steps and Screen Doors a Specialty. Satisfaction G u a r a n t e e d 3 0 4 W a s h i n g t o n St. Lyke, Nathaniel, (Anna), cook, over 16 Price. Lyman, Henry M., (Jessie), pastor Pilgrim chapel, house 20 Prospect avenue. Lyman, Nettie, house over 309 Main. Lyman, Nora A., dressmaker, house 519 Spring. Lyman, Sara C , Mrs., residence 217 East Sixth. Lynch, Agnes M., dressmaker, 248 Ef.st Buffalo, residence do. Lynch, Ann, widow Farrell, house 625 Spring. Lynch Edward J., driver, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Esther, weaver, 116 East First, residence 30 Institute. Lynch, James J., driver, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Katherine M., Mrs., house 248 East Buffalo. Lynch, Luke M., (Sarah), pattern weaver, 335 Harrison, h. over 59 Foote ave. Lynch, Margaret, piece picker, 116 East First, residence 30 Institute. Lynch, Minnie, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Nellie, clerk 10 West Third, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Patrick, plumber, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Theresa, dressmaker, residence625 Shring. Lynch, Theresa M., weaver 116 East First, residence 30 Institute. Lynch, Thomas, (Julia), house 30 Institute. Lynn, Andrew (Bessie) laborer, house 36 Mechanic. Lynn, Carl Oscar (Selma), mattress maker, residence 5 Hanley. Lynn, Edward (Mary), driver, residence 36 Mechanic. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E LYON CO. MAGEE JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 327 Lyon, Ann, widow Alanson, residence 303 Warren. Lyon, Fred G., book binder, 211 Main, residence 210 Warren. Lyon, Merton, J., (Edna R.), carver, 122 Foote avenue, house 36 Center. Lyon, Sarah D., house 210 Warren. Lyons, Alice, student, residence 709 Main. Lyons, Anna L., clerk, 207 Main, residence 907 do. Lyons, David, (Mayme A.), prop. Lyons News Co., 119 Main, h. 419 W . Third. Lyons, John, shoemaker, boards 105 West Second. Lyons, Kate, shoe operative, residence 907 Main. Lyons, Mary, Mrs., house 907 Main. Lyons, Mary, weaver, residence 907 Main. Lyons, William J., residence 709 Main. M Maccabee hall, 101 East Third. MacCleverty, Carrie R., Mrs., residence 209 Forest avenue. Mace, Charles W . (Kate), retired, house 17 East Sixth. Mace, Ella M., residence 17 East Sixth. Mace, Willam M., residence 17 East Sixth. MacGregor, Agnes, residence 20 Fairview avenue. Mack, Ellen, dining room girl, 113 West Third, residence do. Mack, E m m a C, private secretary, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 116 East Fourth. Mack, Frank P., teamster, 27 Taylor, rooms 19 Barrett avenue. Mack, Louis, driver 14 Stowe, boards do. Mack, Myron, teamster, 27 Taylor, rooms 19 Barrett avenue. Mack, William H., laborer, boards 7 Metallic avenue. Mackey, Edward M. (Imogene)—Chautauqua Towel Mills—206 Steele, corner Sprague, house 104 East Fifth. Maclease, Charles E.. decorater, residence 12 Rathbone. Maclease, Devillo (Ellen), carpenter, house 12 Rathbone. Maclease, Mary L., Mrs., residence 235 Fulton. Macomber, F. V., draper, 116 Main, rooms 333 East Fifth. Maddox, Charles, laborer, boards 161 Allen. Maddox, Charles, laborer, residence 810 Jefferson. Maddox, Frank E., (Christine), machinist, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 810 Jefferson. Maddox, John W., (Martha), traveling salesman, house 146 Warren. Maddox, Sarah E., widow Thomas J., house 46 Water. Maddox, Stella E., student, residence 62 Allen. Maddox Table Co.—William J. Maddox, Charles W . Herrick and Milton H. Clark—parlor and library table mfrs., 101-125 Harrison. Maddox, William C. (Elizabeth), wood worker, house 161 Allen. Maddox, William J. (Alice)—Maddox Table Co.—101 Harrison, h. 62 Allen. Magee, Phillipp, peddler, residence 210 Steele. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material T w o cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T ' S MAGNUSON MAHONEY 328 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Magnuson, Agnes C, domestic, 513 Spring. Magnuson, Annie, piece picker, 116 E ast First, house over 114 East Third. Magnuson, Augusta, weaver 335 Harrison, residence 119 Willard. Magnuson, Matilda, weaver 335 Harrison, residence 119 Willard. Magnuson, Signe, domestic, 311 West Fourth. Magnusson, Anna E., dressmaker, residence 310 Barrett avenue. Magnusson, Gust (Anna), cabinet maker 105 Winsor, liouse 310 Barrett ave. Magnusson, Gust C , printer, 204 Main, residence 310 Barrett avenue. Magnucsson, Hilma, clerk 116 Main, residence 310 Barrett avenue. Magnusson, Martha, residence 310 Barrett avenue. Maguire, James F., (Nellie), general foreman, Jamestown Woolen Mills, residence 145 Frospect. Maguire John F., (Fannie A.), Supt. Jamestown Woolen Mills, residence 203 East Second Maharon, Ann, widow John, house 314 West Sixth. Maharon, John (Margaret), patrolman, room 7 city hall, h. 417 Murray ave. Maharon, Margaret, residence 314 West Sixth. Maharon, Margaret, clerk 13-17 Main, residence 417 Murray avenue. Maharon, Mary A., student, residence 417 Murray avenue. Maharon, Michael, stone mason, residence 314 West Sixth. Maharon, Patrick, residence 314 West Sixth. Maher, Charles, machinist, 20 Taylor, residence 628 West Fifth. Maher, M. Gertrude, residence 628 West Fifth. Maher, Patrick( Margaret), foundry and machine shop, 20 Taylor, house 628 West Fifth. Maher, Thomas F. (Catherine M.), foreman, 20 Taylor, house 622 West Fifth. Maher, William J., (Orpha), machinist 20 Taylor, house over 29 Linden ave. Mahoney, Addie, residence 520 Winsor Mahoney, Daniel, druggist, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, David, stonemason, residence 508 Winsor. Mahoney, Edward (Mary M.) bricklayer, house 898 East Second. Mahoney, Edward H , student, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, Edward J., bricklayer, residence 508 Winsor. Mahoney, Ellen, artisto worker, 56 Prospect, residence 520 Winsor. Mahoney, Evelyn, student, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, James Jr., brick layer, residence 520 Winsor. Mahoney, James S., stonemason, house 520 Winsor. Mahoney, John, retired, house 508 Winsor. Mahoney, John, (Margaret), contractor, boards Hayward House. Mahoney, John J., physician and surgeon, 9 West Fourth, house do. Mahoney, Julia C , stenographer, residence 508 Winsor. Mahoney, Margaret L., teacher, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, Mary A., dressmaker, residence 508 Winsor. Mahoney, Mary A., teacher, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, Richard, (Edna), foreman 25 Shearman place, house 508 Winsor. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E MAHONEY CO. MANBERT J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 329 Mahoney, Sarah, student, residence 898 East Second. Mahoney Thomas, (Margaret), contractor and builder, house 151 E. Ninth. Mahoney, Thomas, Jr., mason, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, Thomas S. (Margaret) mason, house 262 East Buffalo. Malier, James (Alvena C.) teamster, house over 860 Main. Mallon, Andrew, carver, residence 220 Sprague. Mallon, Anna J., milliner, 316 Main, residence 220 Sprague. Mallon, James (Mary), carpenter, house 220 Sprague. Mallon, John,finisher,residence 220 Sprague. Mallory, Cora A., residence 42 Peach. Mallory, Dexter (Amanda M.) waste sorter 116 East First, house 42 Peach. Mallory, Edith M., teacher, residence 42 Peach. Malm, John, (Adeline), cabinet maker, Jamestown Mantel Co., Falconer, house Vega, corner Benedict. Malmberg, Charles J. (Ida) undertaker, 19 West Second, house 862 Main. Malmberg, Enoch E., residence 862 Main. Malmberg, Eva M., seamstress, residence 213 Main. Malmberg, Eva, cook 318 Prendergast avenue. Malmberg, Hjalmer, tailor, boards 489 Winsor. Malmberg, Ida O, tailoress, 213 Main, house over do. Malmberg, Ida C, Mrs.,—Malmberg Sanitarium, 862 Main—house do. Malmberg, T. Marie, residence 862 Main. Malmgren, Charles, (Hannah), employed 63 Taylor, house 136 Foote avenue. Malmgren, Hannah, Mrs., midwife, residence 136 Foote avenue. Malmquist, Aug-jst, (Charlotte), carpenter, house 305 Barrett avenue. Malmquist, Claus G., (Helga C ) , carpenter, 122 Foote avenue, h. 37 Chapin. Malmquist, Charles E, springmaker, residence 305 Barrett. Malmquist, E m m a C., laundress 20 Forest avenue, resMence 305 Barrett ave. Malmquist, George A., helper 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 305 Barrett ave. Malmquist, Gust Emil, butcher, residence 37 Chapin. Malmquist, Gust A., meat cutter, 81 Allen, residence 37 Chapin. Malmquist, Henry C, meatcutter 2 Forest avenue, residence 305 Barrett ave. Malmquist, Henry, clerk 2 Forest avenue, boards 53 Prospect avenue. Malmquist, Jennie O., laundress 20 Forest avenue, residence 305 Barrett ave. Malmquist, Selma M., spinner, residenc 37 Chapin. Malmstrom, Algsit, (Alma), upholsterer 38 Winsor, house 51 Charles. Maloney, David, (Margaret), electrician, house 16 Hall avenue. Maloney, Nell, laundress, 19 Steele, rooms 20 Harrison. Maltby, George E., (Anna L.), superintendent J. S. Ry. Co. and Celoron Amusement Co., house 503 East Fifth. Maltby, Oeorge L., clerk D. A. V. & P.city office, 301 Main, res. 503 E. Fifth. Maltby, Laura O, student, residence 503 East Fifth. Manbert, Allen R. (Mary)—Manbert & Lager—3 N e w Gifford building, house 420 Foote avenue. Hot Water Heating, ^^1*™^™?:,^"*^ M. J. MURRAY. Reliable C l o t h i n g at Rrfr1isc0ensable a t M A N B E R T & LAGER .330 PROUDFIT'S MARSH J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Manbert & Lager—Allen R. Manbert and Charles Lager—boots and shoes, 3 N e w Gifford building. Mancino, Antonio (Theresa), musician, house 40 Tilden avenue. Manchester, Barney D., (Annice), rooms 47-48 Allen Square. Manchester, C. W., (Linnie), clerk 112 West Third, house over 122% W . 3d. Manchester, Frank E., (Mary)—Jamestown Plating Works, 112 West Thirdhouse 13 Scott. Manchester, Harry E., (Alborun), janitor High school, h. 367% Foote avenue. Manges, Edward A. (Eleanor),fireman,house 7 Great Jones. Mangunson, Alfred, employed 415 Chandler, boards 125 Park. Manguson, Simon, (Anna B.), laborer, house under 80 Tower. Manguson, William, (Anna), employed 415 Chandler, house 125 Park. Mangusson, Bretta, Mrs. residence 8 % Cheney. Manhattan, The—John W . Swanson, prop.—ice cream, fruits and milk depot, 610 Main. Mansfield, Fred W., (Vinnie), engineer 132 Steele, house 112 Stewart avenue. Maple, Ida, head waitress, 21 West Third, residence do. Marcello, Frank, fruit dealer, 3 East Third, rooms over 217 Main. Marcelus, Sadie, picker, 116 East First, rooms 37 Harrison. Margerison, John (Ellen), tailor, 310 East Second, house do. Marker, Chris, (Marie), cabinet maker, house 12 Culver. Marker, Freda C-, residence 24 Tilden avenue. Marker, Fritz, upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, house 24 Tilden avenue. Marker, Ludwig, (Amanda O ) ,finisher,house 229 Prospect. Marker, Waldemar (Henrietta), carver, house 30 Tew. Markham, Cefil H., student, residence 305 Warren. Markham, Edith G., teacher, residence 305 Warren. Markham, John (Sophia), retired, house 305 Warren. Markham, Sidney L.,finisher,residence 305 Warren. Markle, Ira, furniturefinisher,101 Harrison, boards 25 Derby. Markle, John P. C. (Minnie C ) , barber, under 222 Main, house 23 Fenton pi. Marks, Madge, employed over 12 East Third, residence 54 Rathbone. Marks, Thomas H., (Anna), carpenter, house 12 West Tenth. Marks, Walter, (Delia),fishculturist, house 54 Rathbone. Marsh, Albert O , weaver, residence 129 Steele. Marsh, Alberta, bookkeeper, 3 Barrett Ave., residence 129 Steele. Marsh, Bertha, student, residence 11 Marvin. Marsh, Carl C, (Laura A.),finisher129 J. & G. avenue, h. over 14 Scott. Marsh, Daniel, (Lucinda), wood turner, house 21 Crescent. Marsh, Edison D. (Diana), teamster, house 68 Dickerson. Marsh, Edward J. (Anna)—J. H. Marsh & Co.—1 Marvin, h. 716 Lafavette. Marsh, Frank O., (May), tinner, 109 Main, house over 869 Main. Marsh, Fred S. (Leah W.)—Music Hall Pharmacy—11 East Third, h. 10 Price. Marsh, James H., (Mary), grocer 1 Marvin, house overdo. Marsh, John, plumber, 306 Pine, residence 11 Marvin. / CLARK HARDWARE CO., G a s Ranges, H o t Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . MARSH MASON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 331 Marsh, J. H. & Co.—James H. and Edward J.—grocers, 1 Marvin. Marsh, L. J., Rev., (Sarah), retired, residence 14 East Fourth. Marsh, Marion, physician and surgeon, 14 East Fourth, residence over do. Marsh, -M. Charles, Jr., delivery boy, residence 822 Lafayette. Marsh, Mulford C. (Ann E.), carpenter, house 822 Lafayette. Marsh, Nellie A., residence 129 Steele. Marsh, Rhoda M., bookkeeper 5 Gokey bldg., residence 129 Steele. Marsh, Thomas B'., (Lucy), tinsmith, house 11 Marvin. Marsh, William A.—Jamestown Bedstead Co., 30 Steele—rooms 25 Allen. Marsh, William T. (Elizabeth), janitor city hall, house 822 Lafayette. Martin, Abram J. (A. Alice), commercial traveler, 212 Main, h. 109 Chandler. Martin, Anna V. L., stenographer, residence 115 Crossman. Martin, Charles Oakley, druggist 11 East Third, residence 18 Marvin. Martin, Charlotte, widow Adelbert H., house 18 Marvin. Martin Frank J., student, residence 18 -Marvin. Martin, Frederick P., student, residence 129 Lake View avenue. Martin, George L., laborer house over 4 Main. Martin, Henry, laborer, boards 210 West Second. Martin, James W-, plumber, residence 48 Harrison. Martin, Jeanette, widow Marcus A., houe 332 East Third. Martin, John H., glass cutter 518 East Sixth, boards 105 West Second. Martin, Mabelle Alice, student, residence 109 Chandler. Martin, Mark, metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, house 921 East Second. Martin, Melville H., photographer, residence 115 Crossman. Mardn, Olos L., tailor 208 Main, house 48 Water. Martin, Rupert, residence 921 East Second. Martin, Telia E., widow George B., stamp clerk post office, house 129 Lake View avenue. Martm, Thomas, candy maker, boards 215 West Second. Martin, Velora, residence 921 East Second. Martin, William E., (Louisa), janitor Allen Square Bldg., house room 82 do. Martyn Bros.—M. George Martvn—lounge and matttress mfr., 516 W. Fourth. Martyn, Jeffrey, upholsterer, 516 West Fourth, boards 17 West Fourth. Martyn, M. George (Eleanor C.)—Martyn Bros.—516 West Fourth, house do. Marvin, Frederick 'N., (Berenice E.), shoe manufacturer, house 800 Prendergast avenue. Marvin, Henry C. (Belle B.), commercial traveler, house 223 Crossman. Marvin house, Mrs. Sarah Shedd, proprietor, 105 West Second. Marvin, Maude, residence 2 West Fifth. Marvin, Robert N. (Elizabeth W.), lumberman, 111 West Second, h. 2 W . 5th. -Marvin, William C., (Eva R.), telegraph operator, house Flat 3 over 205 East Second. Mason Brothers—James H. and R. K. Mason—bicycle and news dealers, 630 East Second. Mason, Charles O.,finisher,residence 121 Forest. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, £r£ot,£htk'# M. J. MURRAY Boy's Clothing, Lar%e cftyck ln at PROUDFIT'S MASON McALISTER 332 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Mason, Georgia T., Mrs., residence 53 New Gifford building. Mason, James (Emogene), printer, house 121 Forest. Mason, John C. (Carrie), optician, 217 Main, house 12 Fulton. Mason, Levant L. (Eunice S.), jeweler, 217 Main, house 204 Lafayette. Mason, Oliver M., optician, house 121 Forest. Mason, Rolland K., (Ella)—Mason Brothers, 630 East Second—house over do. Mason. Walter, wood carver 25 Shear-man place, boards 25 Steele. Mason, William H. (Julia), tinner, house 626 Palmer. Masonic Hall, over 301-307 Main. Masson, Alice M., twister, 335 Harrnon, residence 29 Water. Masson, Catharine, widow Joseph D., house 29 Water. Masson,, J. Theodore, clerk, residence 29 Water. Masson, Laura E., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 29 Water. Masterson, A. E., (Jennie), porter 13-23 West Third, house over 309 Main. Mather, Linus H., (Minnie E.), grocer 112 West Third, house 1052 Main. I INSIST ON R I T Y u P IN ALL MT GROCERIES, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. L . H. M A T H E R 9 112 w. THIRD ST. MANCHESTER'S OLD S T A N D . Matson, Andrew, farmer, residence 20 Vega. Matson, Andrew W . (Christine) weaver, house 50 Jones. Matson, Thaddeus E. (Jennie), foreman Warners, house 321 Hallock. Matthews, Alice, widow, house 50 Broadhead avenue. Matthews, Nettie widow, Orrin, house 88 Falconer. Mattison, E m m a , Mrs. residence 32 Pearl avenue. Mattocks, A. B. (Harriet), gardener, house Clyde avenue. Mattocks, Fred,finisngr,residence 25 Elm. Mattocks, Leroy, (Emma), wood worker, house 25 Elm. Mattocks, Maud, residence 25 Elm. Mattocks, Orsell, wood worker, residence 25 Elm. Mattson, Anton, boards 442 Willard. Mattson, Bert L., (Myrtle M.), teamster, house 123 Fairview avenue. Mattson, James W., laborer 35 Water, residence 32 Pearl avenue. Maxson, Ina, cashier room 4, Gokey bldg., residence Lakewood, N. Y. Maxwell, Thomas H., (Florence E.), photographer 10 South Main, boards room 13, Warner block. May, George W., (Dora), employed 116 East First, house 3 Grandin. Maybe, Frank S., (Kate), painter 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 18 Stearns avenue. Maybe, Mabel M., student, residence over 18 Stearns avenue. McAleese, Daniel, professional ball player, boards 415 West Third. -McAlister, Irene B., stenographer over 101 East Third, boards 119 Fulton. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E McALLEN CO. Mcdonald JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 333 McAllen, Bridget widow John, house over 705 Lafayette. McAndrews, Wiiliam F., employed 21 West Third, rooms 415 West Third. McAvoy, Anna, Mrs., residence 968 Marvin. McAvoy, James (Caroline M.) butcher, house 270 E. Buffalo. McCall, Julia A., Mrs., shirtmaker, 212 Main, house 400 Falconer. McCall, Margaret A., Mrs., residence 763 East Second. McCallen, Belle .dressmaker, residence 216 West Seventh. McCallen, Mary, house 216 West Seventh. McCallum, James S., (Alice M.), printer, 14-16 West Second, house 1026 Main McCallum, Thomas, clerk 209 Main, residence 2 Falconer. McCallum William, bell boy, boards 2 Falconer. McCann, Kate Jj., artist, residence over 11 West Second. McCarthy, Florence S., (Sarah A.), druggist, 303 Main, house 401 W . Seventh. McCarthy, John, (Katherine), hotel keeper, 707 West Eighth, house do. McClean, J. Charles, (Margaret), superintendent Engineering & Power works, house over 128 East Second. McClintock, Lizzie, domestic, residence 171 Forest avenue. McClintock, Marvin, bookkeeper, 201 Main, rooms 13 Y. M. C. A. dormitory. McCluskey, John P., wood worker, residence over 93,9 East Second. McCluskey, Mary, nurse girl, 104 East Fifth. McCluskey, Mary, nurse girl, residence 316 East Fifth. McCluskey, Sarah, widow Patrick, house over 939 East Second. McConnell, Arthur W., bartender, residence over 423 West Eighth. McConnell, Belle, milliner, residence over 423 West Eigth. McConnell, Daniel F., student, residence 314 West Eighth. McConnell, Edward A. (Elizabeth A.) shoemaker, house 314 West Eighth. McConnell, George, moulder, residence over 423 West Eighth. McConnell, Mary, widow Arthur, house over 423 West Eighth. McConnell, William E., shoemaker, residence 314 West Eighth. McCormick, Catherine, shoe operator, residence 513 East Sixth. McCormick, Frank J., news dealer, residence 513 East Sixth. McCormick, John A., conductor J. S. Ry., boards 217 East Third. McCormick, Mary B., clerk 116 Main, residence 513 East Sixth. McCormick, Rose, widow Andrew, house 513 East Sixth. McCormick, Rose M., student, residence 513 East Sixth. McCrorey Syndicate 5 and 10 cent store—John G. McCrorey—13-17 Main. McCubbin, Georgina, tel. operator, 113 E. 3d, residence 112 Broadhead ave. McCue, Matthew, employed Lake View Rose Gardens, boards 820 Ashville ave McCullough, Frederick (Mary), finisher 105 Winsor, house 26 Crosby. McCutcheon, Esther, widow Thaddeus, day domestic, house 13 Fountain ave. McDermid, E m m a , residence 850 Prendergast avenue. McDermid, Margaret, widow James, house 850 Prendergast avenue. McDermid, Mattie, residence 850 Prendergast avenue. McDonald, Arthur,finisher,56 Blackstone avenue, boards 65 Dickerson. McDonald, Daniel, bill poster, Opera House block, res. 11 Cleveland place. Some of the most extensive pl01™*V7ri°don1enbtyle M. J. MURRAY Little G i a n t Suits for C h i l d r e n at P R O U D F I T ' S Mcdonald 334 Mclean JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. McDonald, Harriet, widow Angus, house 11 Cleveland place. McDonald, Jessie, music teacher, room j 117 East Fifth. McEIhaney, Bertram B., (Ella), physical director High School, residence 516 East Second. McElroy Lavina, forelady 102 East First, house 33 Fenton place. McElroy, Mary, piece picker, 116 E. First, residence 56 Harrison. McElroy, W . D., (Emily), operator, house 19 Fenton place. McElvery, Minnie, employed 318 Cherry, residence over 801 Cherry. McGarvey, Lawrence, motorneer J. S. Ry., boards 703 West Eighth. McGee, Catherine, widow John, residence 35 Marvin. McGee, Catherine T., toe seamer, 318 Cherry, residence 35 Marvin. McGee, Edward J., warp dresser, 35 Water, residence 35 Marvin. McGee, Mary C , aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 35 Marvin. McGee, William T., cigarmaker, residence 35 Marvin. McGill, James L., (Gertrude), meat inspector, house over 226 Crossman. McGinn, Margaret, dining room girl, 113 West Third, residence do. McGinity, Ella, residence 24 Kent. McGinity & Johnson—John McGinity and Amil A. Johnson—plumbing, 211 East Second. McGinity, Jennie, residence 24 Kent. McGinity, John, (Lelia M.)—McGinity & Johnson, 211 East Second—house 1031 Main. McGinity, Margaret, residence 24 Kent. McGinity, Michael, (Jennie), mason, house 24 Kent. McGowan, James, upholsterer, 40 Winsor residence 310 West Eighth. McGowan, John M., residence 310 West Eighth. McGowan, Mary, waitress 21 West Third, residence do. McGowan, Michael (Katherine) section foreman, house 310 West Eighth. McGowan, Thomas, switchman, residence 310 West Eighth. Mcintosh, Emeline, Mrs., residence 517 Lafayette. Mcintosh, Grace, student, residence 1037 Main. Mcintosh, James, commercial traveler, residence 1037 Main. Mcintosh, James M., stock room, 5 East First, residence 1037 Main. Mcintosh, Sarah E., Mrs., house 1037 Main. Mclntyre, Alexander, (Jennie), machinist, house 764 East Second. Mclntyre, Clara, twister, residence 764 East Second. Mclntyre, Garfield R., student, residence under 10 West End. Mclntyre, Julia, widow Charles, seamstress, house under 10 West End. Mclntyre, Levi (Lavina) teamster, Newland avenue, near Hallock. Mclntyre, Mabel, spinner, residence 764 East Second. Mclntyre, Peter, laborer, house Newland avenue, near Hallock. McKaig, John (Zilpha), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 401 Forest avenue. McKenzie, Angus (Isabel M.) factory supt. 95 J. & G. ave., h. 20 Fairview ave. McLean block 220-4 East Second. McLean, Gertrude E., residence 224 East Second. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. McLEAN MECUSKER JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 335McLean, Lewis E., clerk, 224 East Second, residence over do. McLean, Maude, domestic 415 West Third, residence do. McLean, William (Elizabeth H.) livery, horse furnishings, etc., 218-24 East Second, house over do. McLeod, George W., (Laura), tinsmith, house 8 Metallic avenue. McMahn, Thomas G., barber 313 Winsor, rooms 16 Main. McMillan, Kate, domestic over 120 Lincoln. McNallie, D. H., (Lotie M.)—McNallie & Near, 128 Fairmount ave—h. over do. McNallie & Near—D. H. McNallie and Ora Near—meat market, 128 Fairmount avenue. McNally, Mary, laundress, 205 West Third, rooms 310 Pine. McNaught, Russell, apprentice jeweler, 7 East Third, residence over 114 West Eighth. McNeal, Albert, (Emogene), commercial traveler, house 333 East Fifth. McNeal, G. Earl, store keeper, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 333 East Fifth. McNeal, Myra, residence 333 East Fifth. McNeight, James S., night clerk 11 West First, residence 19 Foote avenue. McNeight, Joseph, (Marion S.), employed 11 West First, house 19 Foote ave. McTigu-e, Francis, residence 117 Barrett avenue. McTigue, James, (Mary), contractor, house 117 Barrett avenue. McTigue, William J., plumber, residence 117 Barrett avenue. McVay, Henry, teamster, residence 48 Rathbone. McVay, James S. (Mary) stone mason, house 48 Rathbone. McVay, Margaret L., widow John O, house 613 Spring. McVay, William, commercial traveler, residence 48 Rathbone. McVeigh, Alexander, stone mason, residence 12 Carroll. McVeigh, George, upholsterer, residence 12 Carroll. McVeigh, George, upholsterer, rooms 504 West Fifth. McVeigh, James M. (Mary), stone ma.on, house 12 Carroll. McVeigh, John A., cleaner, 318 Cherry, residence 9 Marvin. McVeigh, Joseph P., upholsterer, 38 Winsor, residence 9 Marvin. McVeigh, Kate, dressmaker, residence 12 Carroll. McVeigh, Margaret, widow John, house 12 Carroll. McVeigh, Mary, dressmaker, residence 12 Carroll. McVeigh, Patrick (Ellen) stone mason, house 9 Marvin. McVeigh, Rosemond, hairdresser, over 10 W . 3d, res. 616 Prendergast ave. Mead, Estella J., carpet sewer, residence over 26 Taylor. Mead, Levi, farmer, boards 202 J. & G. avenue. Mead, Martha S., widow Lynn O., residence 415 East Fourth. Mead, Millie M., Mrs., dressmaker, house over 26 Taylor. Mead, H. Ralph, assistant librarian Cornell University, residence 302 Allen. Meas, Hazel, residence over 103 Hazzard. Meas, John (Alice) tailor, 103 Hazzard, house do. Mecusker, Horace R.—Mecusker & Son, 211 Cherry—residence 619 Lafayette. Mecusker, James, (Julia)—Mecusker & Son, 211 Cherry—house 619 Lafayette. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W. Third St., M. J. MURRAY Call u p N o . 3 3 for C l o t h i n g a n d MECUSKER 336 Furnishings. MESSENGER JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Mecusker, James, Jr., student, residence 619 Lafayette. Mecusker & Son—James and Horace R.—livery, 211 Washington. Mee, Charles, (Anna J.), piano repairer and tuner, 330 East Third, house do Mehan, Etta, dressmaker, boards 413 West Third. Mehr, Mandel, (Bessie), junk dealer, house 63 Foote avenue. Melhuish, John H., retired rooms 31 Allen square building, 119 Main. Meli, Italia, residence 10 West Eighth. Meli, John, student, residence 10 West Eighth. Meli, Joseph S. ( E m m a D.) barber, 4 Taylor, house 10 West Eighth. Melin, Augusta M., widow S. E., millinery 340 East Third, house 29 Center. Mellor, Florence E., spinner, 35 Water, residence 320 Allen. Mellor, Fred, (Ada), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, house 320 Allen. Mellor, Mary E., piece picker, 335 Harrison, residence 320 Allen. Melrose, Bessie, residence 25 Columbia avenue. Melquist, Albin J., ( E m m a ) , clerk 17 Shearman place, bouse 350 Warren. Melquist, Thurston, (Anna), teamster, house over 1009 Main. Melvin, Charles L. (Kate M.), real estate, rooms 21-22 Gokey block, 18 West Third, house Celoron. Mentzer, Harry T. inspector Erie R. R. boards 215 West Second. Merchant, Carrie E., widow Richard T., house Lakewood road. Merchant, Helen D., widow Chauncey, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Merchant, Lizzie, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Meredith, George O. (Florence B.) commercial traveler, house 302 Allen. Meredith, Josephine N., student, residence 406 Washington. Meredith, Thomas, veterinary surgeon, 406 Washington, house do. Mericle, Jay P. (Lucy)—Todd & Mericle—rooms 12 Gokey block, 18 West Third, house 313 Clinton. Mericle, Sadie M., student, residence 313 Clinton. Merrill, David E. (Anna M . ) — W . T. Falconer Mfg. Co., Empire Washer Co., and A m . Mfg. Concern-—house 130 Lake View avenue. Merrill, Frank K. (May), drayman, house 610 East Second. Merrill, George E., (Sarah G.), commercial traveler, house 613 East Seventh. Merrill, Mary M., widow Robert J., residence 409 West Third. Merrill, Mary S., widow Newton, residence 101 West Fifth. Merrill, Olive E., widow Joshua, residence 613 East Seventh. Merritt, Manfred D. (Mary G.) , house 17 Thayer. Merz, Benjamin, furniture dealer, 17 Steele, rooms 15 Barrett. Merz, Frank (Lena C.) pres. Union Trust Co., 211 Main, h. 6 West Sixth. Merz, Gracie, Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Merz, Martin (Annie) bookbindery and foreign ticket agent, over 211 Main, house 11 Crane. Merz, Martin, Jr., bookbinder, 211 Main, residence 11 Crane. Merz, May, student, residence 11 Crane. Messenger, Emmett E., assembler, residence 103 Stewart avenue. Messenger, George, employed 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 103 Stewart ave. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E MESSENGER CO. MILLER JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 337 Messenger, Hiram E. (Jennie) carpenter, house 103 Stewart avenue. Metal Vulcanite Co., (The), Milo Harris, 'Mgr., Mfr. dental specialties, 608 Prendergast avenue. Metcalf. Benson O , (Janet), grocer, 7 So. Main, h. 47 Fairmount ave. Metcalf, Joseph II., grocer, rooms 610 Main. Metcalf, Richard (Elizabeth) farmer, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Metcalfe, James, (Margaret), agent, house 2 Falconer. Metcalfe, Thomas O , ( E m m a F.), employed Chautauqua Worsted mills, Falconer, house 87 Falconer. Metropolitan Insurance Co.,—A. J. Anderson, Supt.—Rooms 13-14 Gokey Bldg., 18 West Third. Metz, Levi, cabinet maker, boards 312 Pine. Meyer, Arnetta, student, residence 22 Whitley avenue. Meyer, Frederick M. (Augusta) supt., house 22 Whitley avenue. Meyer, Henrietta, student, residence 22 Whitley avenue. Meyer, see also Myers. Middleton, Frank R. (Nellie) tool maker, residence 821 Prendergast avenue Mikkelson, James, employed 114 East Third, boards 109 Kidder. Mikkelson, John, decorator, 114 East T hird, boards 109 Kidder. Miles, Mary A., widow Stephen, house 804 Prendergast avenue. Miles, May E., clerk, 116 Main, residence 804 Prendergast avenue. Milks, Chloe M., widow Elmer, house over 21 1-2 Ransome alley. Millard, Charles W., (May S.), carpenter, house 624 Palmer. Millard, Lona B., student, residence 624 Palmer. Miller, Adell A., widow William, residence 16 Harrison. Miller, Alfred, bell boy, 9 West First, residence over 21 East Third. Miller, Alice, domestic, 310 West Second. Miller, Burton E., clerk, 14-16 West Third, residence S3 Dickerson. Miller, Carrie F., employed over 20 West Third, residence 30 Rathbone. Miller Charles P. (Carolina) weaver, 335 Harrison, house 115 Cheney. Miller, Chauncey T., (Florence), Sharon, Pa., house 402 East Fourth. Miller, David, (Eliza), warp dresser, 35 Water, house 63 Center. Miller, Elizabeth, clerk, 207 Main, boards 25 College. Miller, F. Blanche, residence 402 East Fourth. Miller, Florence, domestic 148 Forest avenue. Miller, Frank E., (Nannie), electrician, J. s. Ry., house 836 Prendergast ave. Miller, George, teamster, boards 19 Valley. Miller, Glenn A., employed 38 Water, residence 33 Dickerson. Miller, Gust, (Hilda), cabinet maker, house 206 Barrett avenue. Miller, Henry, (Adeline), baker 13 East Second, house 22 Institute. Miller, James F., employed 104 East Second, residence 30 Rathbone. Miller, M. (Nell) farmer, house 9 East Dickerson. Miller, Malvina E., widow Robert H „ house 209 Warren. Miller, M a y B., Mrs., house over 21 East Third. Miller, John W., (Mamie), bartender, 120 East Second, house over 107 E. 3rd. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets p,&in M. J. MURRAY. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND MILLER GLOVES A SPECIALTY AT PROUDFIT'S MOFFATT 338 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Miller, Mamie, twister, Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, residence 11 Cheney. Miller, Morton L., apprentice furniturefinisher,residence over 21 E. Third. Miller, Orrin, printer, boards 236 Steele. Miller, Roxa, widow Charles, residence over 126 East Second. Miller, Sarah M., dressmaker 16 Harrison, residence do. Miller, Thomas B., (Nellie),finisher,95 J. & G. avenue, house 931 Newland avenue. Miller, Willard H., furniturefinisher,residence over 21 East Third. Miller, William, laborer, house 30 Rathbone. Miller, William E.. (Agnes J.), carpenter, house 33 Dickerson. Miller, William H. (Ida A.) clerk 109 Main, house 338 Crossman. Millner, Carl M., (Mea), paints and wall paper, 209 East Second, house over 207 East Second. i Mills, Arthur L., (Georgia), barber, unaei 205 East Second, house over 105 Marvin. Mills, Betsey Stearns, widow Solomon, residence 125 Barrett. Mills, Cynthia M., widow Samuel, house 563 East Second. Mills, F. Adelbert (Nellie H.) barber shop under 205 East 2d, house 13 Bowen. Mills, Harry C , (Winnie M.), manager Labor Advocate, under 101 East Third, house 12 Lincoln. Mills, James H. (Alice E.), tinner, 109 Main, house 125 Barrett. Mills, Nancy A., widow Moses, residence 22 Champlin. Milspaw, Dora A., widow Ernest, residence 15 Kidder. Milwaukee Bottling Co.—P. Fred Simon, Rudolph Doerr and John M. Newman—bottlers beer, soft drinks, 104 East Second. Mitchell, Arthur E. (Annie), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 18 Water. Mitchell, Bridget, residence Martin road. Mitchell, Charles M. (Charlotte F.), Watson Mfg. Co., 63 Taylor,, residence 107 Crescent. Mitchell, Frank W., (Velma C ) , commercial traveler, house 27 Prospect. Mitchell, George H. (Willana), aristo worker, house 3iy2 Hazzard. Mitchell, Jennie C , vamper, 318 Cherry, residence 235 J. & G. avenue. Mitchell, John C , (May), night watchman, 101 Harrison, house 37 Harrison. Mitchell, Mabel L. folder, 318 Cherry, residence 235 Jones and Gifford avenue. Mitchell, Nina F., residence 235 J. & G. avenue. Mitchell, Sarah A., domestic, 516 Lafayette. Mitchell, Samuel (Augusta), locomotive engineer, house 35 Hazzard. Mitchell, William D. (Louise O ) , forem an, 41 Outlet, house 235 J. & G. avenue. Moberg, Peter A., (Charlotte), coachman, 19 W . Second, h. over 204 Warren. Moeller, Bernard (Lena), driver, 33 Institute, house 1130 Prendergast avenue. Moeller, Ella L., residence 1130 Prendergast avenue. Moeller, John B., machinist, residence 1130 Prendergast avenue. Moffatt, Cbarles E. ( E m m a S.), painter, house 123 Clyde. Clark Hardware Co., agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. MOFFAT MOORE JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 339 Moffat, Clara, widow William, pastry cook, 9 West First, residence over 108 East Third. Mohl, Charles G., (Christine), carpenter, house 320 Forest avenue. Mohl, Charles O., (Selma L.), furniturefinisher,house 1 Ellicott. Mohl, E m m a , weaver 335 Harrison, residence 320 Forest avenue. Mohl, George W., (Lotta), varnisher, Jamestown Mantel Co., Falconer, house over 24 Fairfield avenue. Mohl, Gustaf, house rear 22 Park. Mohl, Jennie, student, residence 320 Forest avenue. Mohl, John (Lena),finisher,house 113 Park. Mohl, Julia, spinner 335 Harrison, residence 320 Forest avenue. Mohl, Minro, employed 56 Prospect, residence 320 Forest avenue. Molen, E m m a , employed 318 Cherry, residence 51 Prospect avenue. Molene, John P. (Louisa), gardener, house over 51 Prospect avenue. Mon Jeau, Charles E., (Alodie M.), blacksmith, house over 118 Harrison. Monahan, Catherine, domestic, 38 Lake View avenue. Monroe, Frank A. (S. Jean), dentist, 19-20-21 Wellman building, house (Bemus Point, N. Y.) Monroe, Mary, Mrs., house 213 West Second. Monroe Dry Plate works, over 19-21 Steele. Monroe, George H., (Anna E.)—Monroe Dry Plate works, and Art Photo exchange 19-21 Steele—house (Celoron.) Montague, Frank W . (Lizzie), -machinist, house 18 Stowe. Montanye, Andrew J., (Delia), motorneer, house 124 Hamilton. Montcricf, Jennie, waitress, 21 West Third, residence do. Moody, Frank R—Moses & Moody—over 16 East Third, residence 426 E. 5th. Moody, John A. (Uzetta), harness maker, house 315 Forest. Moon, Fred D., sign painter, over 111 East Third, boards 121 East Second. Moon, Joseph, student, boards 121 East Second. Moorby, Fred W., (Mary), stone cutter, house 59 Water. Moore, Alfred E. (Mary S.) retired, residence 529 East Fifth. Moore Brothers—F. D. Moore, prop.—manufacturers of saws andfiles,11-13 East First. •Moore, Charles, photographer, 56 Prospect, boards 131 South Main. Moore, Charles B. (Hattij E.)—Moore & Wells, 880 M..in—house 900 do. Moore, Charles I. (Georgianna), commercial traveler. 105 Winsor, house 154 Forest avenue. Moore, Dexter (Lucretia), retired, house 105 Prospect. Moore, E m m a E., nurse, rooms 103 Allen. Moore, Fred D. (Julia)—Moore Bros.—11 East First, house 15 Prospect ave. Moore, Helen, Mrs., nurse, residence 200 Warren. Moore, Heman H., (Catherine), barber under 11 East Second, h. 145 Warren. Moore, Horace C. (Mary), dairyman, house 91 Prospect. Moore, Jacob, (Mary), section man, house McKenny. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G . P & MOORE MORGAN 340 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Moore, Jennie, Mrs., carpet maker, house rear 306 Pine. Moore, Leah, widow Wilkinson, house over 254 Harrison. Moore, Lillian, residence 900 Main. Moore, Mary E., mender, 335 Harrison, residence over 254 do. Moore, Samantha J., widow Alonzo L., house 338 1-2 East Third. Moore, Viola, residence 15 Prospect avenue. Moore, William, (Kate), drayman, house 68 Baker. Moore, William G., (Genevieve), miller, 111 Marvin, house 115 Marvin. Moore & Wells—C. B. Moore & C. B. Wells—Grocers, 380 Main. Moran, Patrick (Mary), checker, house 316 Crossman. Morey, Ella S., residence 127 Chandler. Morey, Elmer, employed 56 Prospect, residence 136 Hazeltine avenue. Morey, Fred, student, residence 136 H a zeltine avenue. Morey, Jay, laborer, residence 136 Hazeltine avenue. Morey, Maria, widow Albert,, house 136 Hazeltine avenue. Morey, Nellie, employed 318 Cherry, residence 136 Hazeltine avenue. Morey, Wallace W., ( E m m a J.), deliveryman 14 Main, house 205 Jefferson. Morgan, Adelbert, employed 95 J. & G. avenue, house 7 Driving Park place. Morgan, Adolph T., (Louise), laborer, house 310 Forest avenue. Morgan, Alena, Mrs., house 902 Lafayette. Morgan, Alma O., clerk 116 Main, residence 18 Colfax. Morgan, Amil, (Matilda), employed 318 Cherry, house 24 Jones. Morgan, August (Mary), wood worker, house 1027 Newland avenue. Morgan, Charles, (Nettie), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, house 76 Jones. Morgan, Charles W . (Stella), manufacturer bicycle handle bars, 234-6 Crescent, house 313 West Third. Mo-gan, Dell, widow Daniel, employed 705 Main, house under 8 W . Seventh. Morgan, Edward (Corisande) cashier First National bank, h. 10 East Fourth. Morgan, Edwin, laborer, house Lakewood Road. Morgan, Elizabeth, widow, rooms 215 West Third. Morgan, Eunice O. widow Benjamin T., house 301 Lincoln. Morgan, Eva, residence 308 Barrett avenue. Morgan, Eva, weaver, residence 1027 Newland avenue. Morgan, Eva, weaver 102 East First, residence 310 Forest avenue. Morgan, Frank,finisher,residence 308 Barrett. Morgan, Fred C , residence 1027 Newland avenue. Morgan, George, residence 308 Barrett. Morgan, George F., bookkeeper 304 Main, residence Falconer. Morgan, Genevieve, residence 10 East Fourth. Morgan, Gerald, laborer, residence over 23 Alpaca. Morgan, Gust,finisher,residence 308 Barrett. Morgan, Henry A., residence 1027, Newland avenue. Morgan, Jennie, residence 308 Barrett avenue. Morgan, John (Christine), laborer, house 308 Barrett. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware,Stoves, Furnishings Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. MORGAN MORTON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 341 Morgan, John, (Anna), metal worker,95 J. & G. avenue, h. over 34 Thayer. Morgan, Leon A., bell boy, 13-22 South Main, residence 8 West Seventh. Morgan, Marie, residence 10 East Fourth. Morgan, Minnie, widow Andrew, residence 18 Colfax. Morgan Mfg Co.—Lewis C. Jagger, Allen Falconer and Frederick W . Sears— table manufacturers, 3-7 Ashville avenue. Morgan, Ogliva, laborer 25 Shearman place, residence over 23 Alpaca. Morgan, Paul, cutter, 318 Cherry, rooms 128 Chandler. Morgan, Ray H., machinist, 236 Crescent, residence 313 West Third. Morgan, Theodore P., drayman, residence 902 Lafayette. Morgan, William A. (Ida S.), loomfixer,house 39 Prospect avenue. Morningstar, Lillian, widow Elias, house 30 Price. Morley, Epret L., widow Hiva B., house 207 Barrett avenue. Morley, Thomas A., (Hannah), plumber, hou.se 78 Water Morrell, Frank A., (Grace L.), insurance, house Ashville avenue, (Celoron.) Morrell, George, (Louisa), employed 24 Steele, house over 9 Cleveland place. Morris, Chester, woodworker, 101 Harr ison, residence 109 Jones. Morris, Fannie M., student, residence 514 Jefferson. Morris, Mary A., residence 301 Hallock. Morris, J. William, (Mary G.), physician and surgeon, 54-55 N e w Fenton Bldg., house 142 Forest avenue. Morris, Pearl, woodworker, 101 Harriso n, residence 109 Jones. Morris, Sidney S., (Maggie H.), house 514 Jefferson. Morrison, J. Willard (Cora B.), architect, room 41 Gokey Bldg., house 309 Jefferson. 1 Morrison, John W . (Margaret), carpenter, house 118 Hazzard. Morrissey, James (Hannah), laborer, house 147 Hall avenue. Morrow, Robert R., (Rose), confectioner, house 400 Warren. Morse, Alice E., teacher, residence 217 Crescent. Morse, Andrew O. (Minnie) carpenter, house 546 Allen. Morse Benedict (Rosina), cabinet maker, 56 Blackstone ave.. h. 217 Crescent. Morse, Charles E. (Helen S.), contractor and builder, office 114 Winsor— Morse Grocery Co., 112 Winsor—house 150 Chandler. Morse Grocery Co.—Charles E. Morse and Axel Ekberg—grocers 112 Winsor. Morse, Gustaf L. (Anna C ) , woodworker, 101 Harrison, house 444 Chandler. Morse, John (Charlotte), retired, house 542 Allen. Morse, John A. (Augusta), paper hanger, house 558 Allen. Morse, Malinda A., Mrs., house 55 Ellicott. Morse, Walter B., weaver, residence 55 Ellicott. Morsey, Harry, boiler maker, boards 16 West End. Mort, Charles G., (Augusta J.), cabinet maker, 101 Harrison, h. 47 Pearl ave. Morton, Benjamin D., (Olive M.), retired, residence 7 Cross. Morton, Charles, messenger boy 301 Main, residence 15 Valley. Morton, Edgar W., (Mary), laborer, house 15 Valley. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. Lor^poVur Fine C u s t o m Clothing at P R O U D F I T ' S MORTON 342 MOYNIHAN JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Morton, Ernest, (Mary), bartender, 119 East Second, house 26 Charles. Morton, Mary, spinner, 116 East First, residence 15 Valley. Morton, William W., (Ida), painter and paper hanger, house 14 Valley. Moses, Augustus F. (Eunice C.)—Moses & Moody—over 16 East Third, house 616 East Seventh. Moses Eaton L., correspondent, rooms City hotel. Moses, Frank S. (Bele S.), patent medicines, house 245 Broadhead avenue. Moses, Josephine A, residence 616 East Seventh. Moses, Lena R., residence 245 Broadhead avenue. Moses & Moody—Augustus F. Moses and Frank R. Moody—real estate over 16 East Third. Mosher, Ephraim, plate worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 45 Rathbone. Mosher, Frank L., (Lizzie), foreman 9 5 J. & G. avenue, house 45 Rathbone. Mosher, Fred, driver, 10 West Third, rooms 28 Fenton place. Moss, James (Jane), weaver. 335 Harrison, house 45 Water. Mother Gertrude, superior Parochial school, house 8 Fulton. Motley, Elizabeth, spinner, residence 210 East Buffalo. Motley, Mary A., residence 210 East Buffalo. Motley, Mary, Mrs., widow William, house 210 East Buffalo. Motley, William, (Grace), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 256 Crescent. Mott, Aaron V., (Flora R.), traveling salesman, house 910 Main. Mott, Frank 'H.—Mott & Jude, 60-62 N e w Fenton Bldg.—res. 910 Main. Mott & Jude—Frank H. Mott and George W . Jude—attorneys, 60-62 New Fenton Bldg. Moulding, Samuel, (Kate A.), laborer, house 311 Newton. Mourton, Clyde M., (Josie A.), tinner, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 1 Rush. Moynihan, Alleiie I., residence 705 Lafayette. Moynihan, Bridget, residence 711 Lafayette. Moynihan, Cornelius (Ellen), brick mason, house 820 Lafayette. Moynihan, Cornelius, upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, residence 36 Marvin. Moynihan, Cornelius J., clerk Erie depot, residence 25 Price. Moynihan, Daniel, residence 36 Marvin. Moynihan, Daniel C , (Minnie), bartender, 9 West Second, h. 1 Barrows. Moynihan, Daniel J. (Catherins), foreman freight house J. & C. R. R., house 905 West Sixth. Moynihan, Daniel P., (Margaret), foreman Erie freight depot, h. 25 Price. Moynihan, Frank, (Minnie), policeman, house 607 West Seventh. Moynihan, Hanora, residence 711 Lafayette. Moynihan, Humphrey, boiler maker, 602 West Seventh, rms. 504 W . Fifth. Moynihan, Jeremiah, laborer, house 36 Marvin. Moynihan, Jeremiah, Jr., laborer, residence 36 Marvin. Moynihan, John, freight handler, J. C. & L. E. R. R., boards 6 South Main. Moynihan, John A., upholsterer 38 Winsor, boards 17 West Fourth. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E MOYNIHAN CO. MUNSON J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 343 Moynihan, John G., (Alice), desk sergeant police headquarters, house over 19 West Second. Moynihan, John P., (Ada), bookkeeper, 56 Blackstone ave., h. 119 Euclid ave. Moynihan, Margaret, M., teacher, residence 25 Price. Moynihan, Mary E., bookkeeper and cashier 221 Main, residence 25 Price. Moynihan, Maud A., milliner, residence 705 Lafayette. Moynihan, Patrick, (,Nanora), retired, house 711 Lafayette. Moynihan, Patrick, Jr.—The Oak Cafe, 9 West Second—house 705 Lafayette. Moynihan, Patrick J., (Esther), bookkeeper, 318 Cherry, house 23 Price. Moynihan, Patrick L., bartender, 9 West Second, residence 705 Lafayette. Moynihan, William M., clerk Erie freight depot, residence 25 Price. Mozart Club rooms, 15-17 N e w Gifford Bldg., Brooklyn square. Muff, Frank, spinner, residence over 200 Falconer. Muff, Rose, weaver Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, res. over 200 Falconer. Muss, Susannah, widow Terry, house over 200 Falconer. Muldenschot, Amelia, weaver, 116 East First, residence over 860 Spring. Muldoon, Joseph P., (Mary E.),finisher,105 Winsor, h. over 104 Falconer. Mullard, George, loomfixer,116 East First, residence 33 West Ninth. Mullard, Richard, (Emma), loomfixer,H 6 East First, house 33 West Ninth. Mullen, Henry G., residence 1022 Main. Mullen, John, upholsterer, residence 1132 Prendergast avenue. Mullen, Minnie G., residence 1132 Prendergast avenue. Mullen, Nellie F., residence 1132 Prendergast avenue. Mullen, Nora, widow Thomas, house 1132 Prendergast avenue. Mullen, Nora J., residence 1132 Prendergast avenue. Mullen, Peter (Jennie) stone and sand dealer, house 1032 Main. Mullen, William H. (Mary) teamster, house 11 East Dickerson. Mullen, William P., spring setter, 25 Shearman place, residence 1132 Prendergast avenue. Muller, Herman C , ( E m m a M.), carriage and sign painter over 32-34 South Main, house Fenton cottage, Walnut grove. Mungasson, Simon, employed 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 264 Broadhead av. Munger, Margaret, Mrs. residence 131 South Main. Municipal Electric Light Plant, Charles G. Sundquist, supt., 134-6 Steele. Munroe, Delia, clerk 116 Main, residence 147 Foote avenue. Munroe, James, (Catherine), retired, house 14" Foote avenue. Munroe, Margaret, residence 147 Foote avenue. Munroe, Minnie J., milliner, 101 South Main, residence 147 Foote avenue. Munson, Alice, cotton spinner, residence 20 Sampson. Munson, Charles, machine hand 46 Taylor, house 46 West Ninth. Munson Charles F. ( E m m a A.)—Munson & Waite—710 E. 2d, h. 707 do. Munson, John (Nellie) laborer, house 502 Crescent. Munson, Martin, spring setter, residence 20 Sampson. Munson, Nels ( E m m a ) laborer, house 20 Sampson. Munson, Nels, (Anna), teamster, house 9 Grandin. MJ.MURRAY cSSb2?SJ' Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Your MUNSON 344 M o n ey's W o r t h or your at P r o udfit's. money back MYERS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Munson, Peter, (Maria T.), laborer, house 325 Palmer. Munson, Sophia, textile worker, 335 Harrison, house over 307 Winsor. Munson, Thomas, upholsterer, residence 20 Sampson. Munson, William, farm hand, residence 46 West Ninth. Munson & Waite—Charles F. Munson and Charles M. Waite—manufacturers wood mantels, etc., 710 East Second. Murphy, Ella, housekeeper, 21 West Third, residence do. Murphy, Frank, warp dresser, 35 Water, residence 41 Foote avenue. Murphy, George (Anna) dresser, 35 Water, house 41 Foote avenue. Murnhy, Georgia V., teacher, residence 517 East Second. Murphy, James, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 121 East Second. Murphy, John, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 121 East Second. Murphy, Sophia, widow Samuel, rooms 517 East Second. Murray, Andrew W., (Amelia), wholesale liquors 34 Main, h. 641 Prendergast avenue. Murray, Bridget A., residence 150 Fairview avenue. Murray, Frank, (Ida), plumber 122 West Third, house 507 West Seventh. Murray, John, employed Lake View Rose gardens, house 150 Fairview avenue. Murray, Julia A., clerk 16 West Third, residence 116 Fairmount avenue. Murray, Lizzie, widow James, residence 22 East Third. Murray, Louisa, widow Michael, house 410 West Seventh. Murray, Louise, domestic, residence 36 Prospect. Murray, Martin J., (Minnie), plumber, 122 West Third, house 511 West 7th. Murray, Mary A., widow James, house 116 Fairmount avenue. Murray, Michael J., employed 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 150 Fairview ave. Murray, Thomas, sexton Catholic cemetery, residence 150 Fairview avenue Murray, William R., (Myrtie), laborer, house over 219 Spring. Murry, Catherine, chambermaid, 120-122 East Second, residence do. Music Hall Pharmacy—Fred A. Marsh, drugs, stationery, etc, 11 E. Third. Muzzy, Lester H. (Clara), driver, 205 West Third, house 54 Marvin. Myers, Arthur, dyer, 335 Harrison, residence 52 Harrison. Myers, Ada, weaver, 116 East First, residence 52 Harrison. Myers, Albert E., physician and surgeon and health officer, over 122 East Third, rooms do. Myers, Dell L. (Clara) canvasser, 101 East Second, house 54 Rathbone. Myers, Edgar E. (Minnie E.) Pearl City laundry, house 19 Derby. Myers, Edward D. (Maud E.), agent Wells-Fargo Co., express, 115 Main, house 17 Mechanic. Myers, Edwin D. (Maud E.), spinning foreman 335 Harrison, house 122 do. Myers, Emory, (Sarah E ) , mason, house 50 Hazzard Myers, Forest L. V., sorter 19 Steele, residence 19 Derby. Myers, Georgia E.. residence 142 Allen, over 811 Prendergast avenue. Myers, George, (Anna), warp carrier, 335 Harrison, house 7 Waterman. Myers, Georga B., residence 142 Allen. Myers, John F., (Margaret J.), laundryman 19 Steele, house 24 Derby. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E MYERS CO. NELSON J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 345 Myers, Lura B., residence 142 Allen. Myers, Mary M., dressmaker, rooms 418 East Fifth. Myers, Mary, widow Joseph, house 52 Harrison. Myers, Melinda I., widow Sidney, house 142 Allen. Myers, Molly, picker 116 East First, residence 52 Harrison. Myers, see also Meyer. N Nash, Anna, mill hand, residence 783 East Second. Nash, John F., (Belle R.), laster, 318 Cherry, house 410 Foote avenue. Nash, Matthew, (Mary), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 783 East Second. Nash, Morris A., waiter, 22 East Third, residence 783 East Second. Near, Ora, (Myrtie),—McNallie & Near, 128 Fairmount avenue—residence Ellery, N. Y. Needham, John (Matilda S.) machinist, house 403 Main. Neff, Isaac H. (Rebecca) shoemaker, 366% Foote avenue, house do. Neff, Thomas, teamster, residence 313 1-2 Warren. Neff, Willis A., (Winifred F.),finisher,30 Steele, house 213 Forest. Neil, Charles Oscar, (Amelia A.), works 95 J. & G. aveuue, house 21 Seymour. Neill, John H., (.Mary A.), harness and trunks, 121 West Third, house over 21 West Second. Neill, N. Victoria, dancing teacher, residence over 21 West Second. Neill, Will H., (Maud A.),—Ridgway & Neill—16 Main, house over 126 East Second. Neilson, Carl, brickmaker, 40 Quarry road, residence 119 Willard. Neilson, Charles, cook, 121 East Second, boards do. Neilson, Emil, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 15 Cowden place. Neilson, Eric M. (Louisa) cabinet maker, house 238 Forest avenue. Neilson, Esther, stenographer, residence 238 Forest avenue. Neilson, Fred, (Augusta), weaver, 335Harrison, house over 51 Kinney. Neilson, Genie, domestic, 409 Lake View avenue, residence 292 Willard. Neilson, Gust, laborer, boards 15 Cowden place. Neilson, Hilma, dressmaker, 12 Arcade building, house 238 Forest avenue. Neilson, Huldah, bookkeeper, 116 Main, residence 238 Forest avenue. Neilson, Jennie, residence 238 Forest avenue. Neilson, John, (Hansine), band sawyer, 101 Harrison, house 16 Fairfield ave. Neilson, Oscar, laborer, residence 433 Allen. Neilson, Oscar, electrician, residence 238 Forest avenue. Neilson, see also Nielsen. Nelson, A. John, (Louisa), machine hand, 101 Harrison, house 110 Francis. Nelson, Albert, spring setter residence 788 East Second. Nelson, Albert, (Christine),finisher,101 Harrison, house 15 Axtel. Hot Water Heating, Zll^f^nl^X M. J. MURRAY. Headquarters for^?^FnS\tfssatnd 33, Proudfit's. NELSON NELSON 346 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Nelson, Albert, (Georgia), Jamestown Art Carving Co., 50 Steele, Allen. Nelson, Alfred, laborer, 20 East Ellicott, residence do. Nelson, Alfred (Hannah) retired, house 529 Allen. Nelson, Alfred (Hannah) tailor, house 111 Mechanic. Nelson, Alfred (Ida) stationary engineer, house 504 Barrett. Nelson, Algert J., laborer, residence 140 Barrows. Nelson, Alma, domestic, 141 Chandler. Nelson, Amanda, teacher, residence over 127 Main. Nelson, Amanda, Mrs., dressmaker, house over 890 East Second. Nelson, Amel (Hanna L.) laborer, house 438 Winsor. Nelson, Andrew, (Anna),—Nelson & Johnson, 233 Prospect—house over 614 Newland avenue. Nelson, Andrew (Hannah) retired, house 319 Allen. Nelson, Andrew P., (Sophia A.), works 105 Winsor, house 15 Bush. Nelson, Anna, domestic, 72 Allen. Nelson, Anna, twister, 116 East First, residence 3 Great Jones. Nelson, Anna, residence 2 Morse avenue. Nelson, Anna, widow Nels G., house 1275 Main. Nelson, Anna C , domestic, 604 Lafayette. Nelson. Anna L., Mrs., house 621 Prendergast avenue. Nelson, Anna M., domestic, 824 Prendergast avenue. Nelson, Arvid O, wool comber, 335 Harrison, residence 531 Allen. Nelson, August, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 16 West End. Nelson, August, warp dresser, residence 114 Willard. Nelson, Axel (Matilda), shoemaker, house 18 Crown. Nelson, Axel (Anna)—Nelson & Johnson—233 Prospect, house 227 do. Nelson, Axel R. (Pearl) upholsterer, house 118 Hazzard. Nelson, Axel V., (Emily), wood worker, 40 Steele, house over 12 Morton. Nelson, Barnard, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 16 West End. Nelson, Bengt. (Anna M.) blacksmith, house 114 Willard. Nelson, Bertha, spinner, residence 788 East Second. Nelson, Carl, night porter, 13 West Third, rooms 405 Cherry. Nelson, Carl (Matilda J.) machine hand, 105 Winsor, house 201 Benedict. Nelson, Carl A., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 3 Great Jones street. Nelson, Carl A., carpenter, residence 37 West Tenth. Nelson, Carl E., clerk, residence 32 Kinney. Nelson, Carl E., ( E m m a F.),—Brooklyn Park green houses—810 Forest avenue, house do. Nelson, Charles, metal worker, 95 J. & G . avenue, boards 48 Foote avenue. Nelson, Charles, (Ida), upholsterer, 38 Winsor, house over 20 Davis. Nelson, Charles, finisher, residence 15 Axtel. -Nelson, Charles, (Freda), residence 828 Newland avenue. Nelson, Charles A. (Mary J.) gluer, 101 Harrison, house 140 Barrows. Nelson, Charles C. A. (Christine) laborer, house 209 Newton. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. NELSON NELSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 347 Nelson, Charles G., (Mary L.), porter, 105 Winsor, house 531 Allen. Nelson, Charles J., residence 621 Prendergast avenue. Nelson, Charles E. (Hilda) polisher, house 612 Fenton. Nelson, Charles 0. (Anna) machinist, 101 Harrison, house 14 Cedar avenue. Nelson, Christine, widow August, house 10 Alpaca. Nelson, Christine C , domestic, 20 Ellicott. Nelson, Claus (Johanna) carpenter, house 238 Hall avenue. Nelson, Conrad, shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 16 West Eighth. Nelson, Edward, veneer worker, 46 Steele, residence 12 Walnut. Nelson, Ella C., piece picker, 335 Harrison, residence 8 Waterman. Nelson, Emil, (Hannah), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 438 Winsor Nelson, Emil, Jr., upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, residence 438 Winsor Nelson, Emily, winder, 335 Harrison, boards 9 Walnut. Nelson, E m m a , Mrs., residence 18 West Eighth. Nelson, Erick (Helen), carpenter, house 111 Stowe. Nelson, Erma, weaver, 38 Water, residence 322 Forest. Nelson, Esther, dressmaker, residence 429 Allen. Nelson, Esther, spinner, 35 Water, residence 109 Stowe. Nelson, Esther J., domestic 540 Lake View avenue, res. 238 Hall avenue. Nelson, Esther M., spinner, 35 Water, residence 8 Waterman. Nelson, Eva C. widow John P., house 39 Westcott. Nelson, Frank, (Alberta), wood turner, 24 Steele, house over 316 Bowen. Nelson, Frank, (Ida), clerk, 105 East Second, house 112 Cross. Nelson, Frank, (Ida), janitor, house 23 Cedar avenue. Nelson, Frank A. (Minnie E.) cabinet maker 101 Harrison, house 235 Steele. Nelson, Fred A., commercial traveler, 38 Winsor, residence 131 East Ninth. Nelson, Gust (Caroline) dyer 116 East First, house 56 Eagle. Nelson, Gust, metal worker, 602 West Seventh, res. 621 Prendergast avenue. Nelson, Gust, (Amanda), wood worker, house over 790 East Second. Nelson, Gust A., (Minnie S.)—Nelson & Co., 50 Steele, residence 245 Barrows. Nelson, Gotfried, wood worker, 105 Winsor, residence 788 East Second. Nelson, Hannah, domestic, 107 Maple. Nelson, Hans, (Sophia), stone mason, house 3 Great Jones. Nelson, Henry O., (Ellen), tailor, 4 W e s t Third, house 33 Charles. Nelson, Herbert, laborer, 415 Chandler, residence 12 Bush. Nelson, Herman, woodworker, 129 J. & G. avenue, boards over 305 Winsor. Nelson, Hilda E.. spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 531 .Allen. Nelson, Hilma, duffer, 335 Harrison, residence 429 Allen. Nelson, Hilma, residence 10 Alpaca. Nelson, Huldah, dressmaker, residence 10 Alpaca. Nelson, Ida, dressmaker, rooms 131 East Ninth. Nelson, Ida J., weaver 335 Harrison, residence 8 Waterman. Nelson, Isaac, painter, residence 230 Steele. Nelson, Jennie 'H., student, residence 16 West Eighth. Nelson, Jennie, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 15 Axtel. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, Zt'W^tX M. I. MURRAY Be sure ^ S ^ d ^ T o ^ Clothing at Proudfit's NELSON 348 NELSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Nelson, Johanna, widow Nels, residence 132 Sampson. Nelson, John, motorneer, boards 121 East Second. Nelson, John,finisher,105 Winsor, bo ards over 17 East First. Nelson, John laborer, 35 Water, boards 49 Anderson. Nelson, John, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 16 West End. Nelson, John, (Huldah), tailor, 208 Main, house 815 Newland avenue. Nelson, John A., (Emily), grocery clerk, house 453 Warren. -Nelson, John A., (Andrea), teamster, house 15 Charles. Nelson, John E., (Ida), packer, 3 Ashville avenue, h. 2ES Hall avenue. Nelson, John M . (Frances), assembler, house 114 Park. Nelson, John P. (Ida S.), carpenter, house 109 Stowe. Nelson, John P., house over 42 Barrows. Xelson, John P., (Minnie), tailor, over 9 West Third, house 16 West End. JOHN P. NELSON, UNION TAILOR SHOP, Custom Work, Cleaning and Repairing. Over 9 West Third St., next to Sherman house. Nelson, John W., (Frances M.), physician, 200 Main, house 167 Chandler. Nelson, Joseph, bench hand, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 263 Forest avenue. Nelson, Julia, residence 32 Scott. Nelson, Lawrence, stenographer, 17 S hearman place, residence 245 Barrows. Nelson, Lena, widow Peter, residence 12 Walnut. Nelson, Leonard, woodworker, 415 Chandler, residence 32 Scott. Nelson, Leonard, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 70 Benson. Nelson, Lucelia, drawer, 35 Water, residence 140 Barrows. Nelson, Lydia, drawer, 35 Water, resid ence 140 Barrows. Nelson, Martin R., clerk, 201 East Second, residence 209 Newton. Nelson, Mary, cook, 5 Harrison, rooms 3 Broadhead block. Nelson, Mary A., operative 206 Steele, residence 238 Hall avenue. Nelson, Mary J., teacher, residence 114 Willard. Nelson, Matilda, widow Gust, house 429 Allen. Nelson, Matilda, widow Eric, residence 114 Park. Nelson, Maude, domestic, 15 West Fifth. Nelson, Mertie, weaver, 102 East First, residence 15 Bush. Nelson, Minnie, domestic, 305 East Fourth. Nelson, Nannie S., residence 209 Newton. Nelson, Nels A., (Matilda C ) , stone mason, house 32 Scott. Nelson, Nels P. (Jennie O ) , butcher, house 70 Benson. Nelson, N. John, (Mary S.), laborer, house 30 Barrows. Nelson, Olof (Louise), laborer, 32 Kinney. Nelson, Oscar (Matilda), laborer, house 541 Crescent. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . N E W GIFFORD BLDG. NELSON J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 349 Nelson, Oscar, (Ida),finisher,123 Foote avenue, house over 208 Benedict. Nelson, Oscar, gluer, 105 Harrison, b oards over 30 Barrows. Nelson, Oscar F., (Matilda S.), laborer, house 8 Waterman. Nelson, Olto 'Annie), gardener, house 16 West Eighth. Nelson, Otto, (Lena),finisher,95 J. & G. avenue,, house 117 Catlin. Nelson, Otto A., (Ida G.), laborer, house 14 Alpaca. Nelson, Pearl, student, residence 220 Allen. Nelson, Peter, (Josephine), laborer, house 8 Chapin. Nelson, Reka, operative 116 East First, residence 230 Steele. Nelson, R o " S., student, residence 245 Barrows. Nelson, Rudolp'i, clerk, 105 East Second, residence 112 Cross. Nelson, Rudolph H., machine hand, 41 Outlet, residence 32 Kinney. Nelson, Rudolph W., packer, Atlas furniture Co., residence 39 Webster. Nelson, Ruth, spinner, 35 Water, residence 109 Stowe. Nelson, Selma, residence 32 Scott. Nelson, Selma, dressmaker, residence 10 Alpaca. Nelson, Selma A , spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 15 Axtel. Nelson, Stura F., (Nettie),finisher,Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow, h. 114 Vega. Nelson, Swan, cigars and confectionery, 277 Willard, Louse 275 do. Nelson, Theodore, (Ida), woodworker, 56 Taylor, house 223 Park place. Nelson, Theodore N., student, residence 16 West End. Nelson, Victor, (Matilda), machine hand, 25 Shearman place, house 37 West Tenth. Nelson, Victor F., (Caroline), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 131 East Ninth. Nelson, Walter, works 40 Quarry road, boards 109 Kidder. Nelson, William, painter, boards 17 Valley. Nelson, William,finisher,95 J. & G. avenue, boards 16 West End. Nelson, William R., telegraph operator, 301 Main, boards 24 Harrison. Nelson & Co.—Gust A. Nelson and L. A. Larson, extension tables—50 Steele Nelson & Johnson—Axel and Andrew Nelson and Charles A. Johnson—contractors and builders, 233 Prospect. Nestor, Eba, twister, 335 Harrison, residence 50 Water. Neu, Fred, (Ada), steward, 13 West Third, rooms 405 Cherry. Neuman, Herman, machine hand, 101 Harrison, residence 114 Sampson. Neustrom, Anna B., twister, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, residence 72 Hedges avenue. Neville, Bert, residence 45 Hotchkiss. Neville, Henry (Josephine), physician, house 8 Crosby. Neville, J. Charles, stationary engineer, water works, boards 45 Hotchkiss. Neville, Ruby B., teacher, residence 516 East Fifth. Nevins, Keneth E., (Minnie), cabinet maker, house 1210 East Second. N e w Allenflats,11-21 West Second. N e w Broadhead block, 101-107 South Main. •New England Cafe—G. Adelbert Wilk inson, prop.—11 East Second. N e w Gifford building, 22-28, South Main. Some of the most extensive ^w/rit^ M. J. MURRAY Children's Suits $1.50 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T ' S NEW LOWRY N. Y. & PA. TEL. & TEL. CO. 350 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. New Lowry block, 101-103 East Third. New, Phillip, helper, 21 West Third, residence do. New, Phillip J. (Elizabeth) house ovei 105 East Third. -New Sherman house—Geo. F. Hurlbert, prop.—13-23 West Third. N e w Warner block, 1-5 Main. Newberry, Earl (Bessie) drayman, house 1017 East Second. Newberry, Elmer J., residence 18 Weeks. Newberry, Florence E. M., student, res idence 18 Weeks. Newberry, James O. (Ida), driver, house 18 Weeks. Newberry, Thomas, (Pauline) engineer, Erie R. R., house 711 East Second. Newber.t, Elizabeth O, widow Hiram, residence 211 East Second, rear. (Newbert, William S.,finisher,335 Harrison, house 211 East Second, rear. Newbold, Agnes, spinner, 116 East First, residence 30 Institute. Newbold, Alice, twister, 116 East First, residence 30 Institute. Newhouse, John, clerk, 20 East Third, residence 405 West Seventh. Newman, August F. (Margaret) work s 56 Prospect, house over 50 Grant. Newman, Harriet A., widow Jared R., residence 17 College. Newman, Harry J. (Mary F.) house 17 College. Newsome, Henry, weaver, 35 Water, residence 10 Winsor. Newsome, James (Mary), wool sorter, house 316 Allen. Newsome, John (Grace), stone cutter, house 10 Winsor. Newsome, Mary J., dressmaker, 10 Winsor, residence do. Newstrom, Sophia, widow A. Gust, house 6 Briggs. Newstrom, Leonard G., machinist, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 6 Briggs. •Newstrom, Napoleon N., special oliceman, residence 6 Briggs. Newton, Albert F. (Mary), retired, house 126 Lakin avenue. Newton, Blanche, operative, 318 Cherry, residence 126 Lakin. Newton, Corrie A., widow George R., house 304 Lincoln. Newton, Earl A., upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, residence 126 Lakin. Newton, Edna S., dressmaker, residence 126 Lakin avenue. Newton, Frank S., farmer, residence 66 West Tenth. Newton, George A., (Minnie G.), slater and tinner, 29 Main, house 124 Kent. Newton, Hellen, clerk, 116 Main, residence 216 West Seventh. Newton, Marjory C , stenographer, residence 304 Lincoln. Newton, Mattie, waitress 21 West Thir J, residence do. Newton, Maude H. student, residence 126 Lakin avenue. Newton, Mildred, residence 126 Lakin avenue. , Newton, Nathan P. (Alice A.) piano mover, house 66 West Tenth. Newton, Nellie G., student, residence 304 Lincoln. Newton, Otis J., (Ida L.) farmer, house over 800 Main. Newton, Rebecca A., widow Elihu R., house 616 East Seventh. Newton, Will S., clerk, 18 East Third, residence 304 Lincoln. N e w York Tea and Coffee Co —Gilbert G. Hall, manager—teas, coffee, etc. 106 East Third. N e w York & Pennsylvania Tel. & Tel. Co.—Albert L. Piper Mgr., 113 East 3d. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. NEZBETH NORD JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 351 Nezbeth, Robert S., waiter 14 East Second, boards 17 West Fourth. Nichols, Benjamin (Jane M.)—Benjamin Nichols & Son—11 Shearman place, house 119 South Main. Nichols, Benjamin & Son—Benjamin and Charles M.—founders and machinists, 11 Shearman place. Nichols, Charles M. (Sadie S.)—Benjamin Nichols & Son—11 Shearman place, residence 119 South Main Nichols, John A. conductor, J. S. Ry., boards 613 Cherry. Nichols, Luzerne J., ( E m m a ) , bartender, 113 West Third, residence 8 Center. Nichols, Miles C , teacher, residence 17 Ross. Nichols, Myrtie L., re°ideiu-p "> 19 South Main. Nickerson, Alphonzo J., woodworker, 101 Harrison, boards 25 Barrett. Nickerson, Frank,(Lottie) woodworker, house 371 Baker. -Niederlander, Charles, (Minnie) steamfitter,house 43 Prospect. Nielson, Christian (Julia), manufacturer and d Baler in cigars, 111 South Main, house 322 Forest avenue. Nielson, Hans C , cabinet maker, 46 Taylor, boards 520 Baker. Nisson, William F., (Lou) machinist, Straight Manufacturing Co., house 7 Thirteenth. Nistrom, Gusta, domestic, 101 East Fourth. Nobbs, Arnett, student, residence 79 Hazzard. -Nobbs, Hazel, student, residence 79 Hazzard. Nobbs, Mulford A. (Marion) commercial traveler, house 79 Hazzard. Nobbs, Robert H. (Lona) teamster, house 814 Jefferson. Nobbs, Robert W., student, residence 814 Jefferson. Nobbs, William L., student, residence 814 Jefferson. Noble, Flora B., spinner, 116 East First, residence 417 East Fifth. Noble, Matilda, widow Melvin, dressmaker, house over 99 Allen. Noble, Nellie, spinner, 116 East First, residence 417 East Fifth. Noble, Radcliff (Sabina), twister, house 417 East Fifth. Noble, Winnifred C , student, residence 417 East Fifth. Nobles, Alma, domestic, residence 303 Foote avenue. Nobles, Rufus, clerk, 122 East Second, boards do. Noholm, Amel, (Clara) painter, house 524 Allen. Noholm, Dorothy W., widow Andrew, residence 524 Allen. Noon, Elizabeth, widow Patrick '•-ra™ 23 River. Noon, Elizabeth J., drawer, 335 Harri son residence 535 Allen. •Noon, James E. (Gertrude) cigar make r, 126 East Second, house 784 do. Noon, John T., woodfinisher, residence 23 River. Noon, Mary Ann, weaver, 335 Harrison, house 535 Allen. Norberg, J. Levi, U. S. navy, residence 22 Price. Norberg, John, (Anna), carpenter, house 22 Price. Norberg, Mary A., dressmaker, residence 545 Allen. Nord, Alfred, carver, 415 Chandler, residence 118 Bush. Nord, Andrew P. (Julia A.)—A. C. Norquist & Co.—house 18 Bowen. If you contemplate New Plumbing, consult M. ]. MURRAY Men's All W o o l Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , Proudfit's NORD 352 NORTH JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Nord, August F. (Anna)—Norquist & Nord—111 East Second, house 116 Bush Nord, Edward C. (Rose)—Norquist & Nord—111 East 2d, house 118 Bush. Nord, John A. (Clara C.)—Norquist & Nord—111 East 2d, house 116 Bush. Nord, Louisa M., widow Andrew, residence 118 Bush. Nord, M. Nels (Christine), aristo worker, house 510 Forest avenue. Nordgren, August, (Huldah) laborer, house over 652 Barrows. Nordin, Albert, (Josephine) fireman, 132 Steele, house 103 Colfax. Nordin, John, laborer, house 135 Dearing avenue. 'Nordine, Henry G. (Augusta) boiler maker, house 18 Lake. Nordine, John 0., (Eva), cabinet maker, 105 Winsor, house 23 Newton. Nording, Anna, drawer, Meadow Broo k Mills, residence 129 Bush. Nording, Carl J., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 129 Bush. Nording, E m m a C. drawer, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 129 Bush. Nording, Frans 0., printer, residence 129 Bush. Nording, Olif (Anna M.), laborer, house 129 Bush. Nording, Selma, residence 129 Bush. Nordstrom, Axel, ( E m m a ) woodworker, 54 Taylor, house 59 Vega. Nordstrom, Frank G. (Mary F.) jewel ler, 117 Main, house 401 West Sixth. Nordwall, Martha, widow Andrew, resi dence under 46 Thayer. Norene, Gust, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 301 Barrett. Norene, Jennie O, clerk ,24 Main, residence 448 Allen. Norene, Mary A., dressmaker, residence 448 Allen. Norene, Peter A. (Eva O ) , mill hand, house 448 Allen. Norlander, Andrew (Carrie), house 47 Vega. Norlander, Axel, (Victoria) works 58 Center, house 18 1-2 Crescent. Norling, Peter, shipping clerk, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 654 East Sixth. Norman, Albert, (Mary), wagon maker, house 112 Forest. Norman, Andrew G. (Anna L.), wood turner, 105 Winsor, house 230 Barrows. Norman, Benjamin, (Anna), retired, re sidence Clyde avenue. Norman, John A. (Selma) laborer, house Clyde avenue. Norquist, A. C. & Co.—August C. and Frank O. Norquist and Andre P. Nord, dining tables and chamber suites—415-421 Chandler. Norquist, August C. (Augusta M.)—A. c. Norquist & Co.—415 Chandler, house 20 Bowen. Norquist, Charles J. ( E m m a Carr) Ce ntury Furniture Co., 129 Jones and Gifford avenue, house 117 Allen. Norquist, Clyde, student, residence 20 Bowen. Norquist, E m m a Carr, Mrs. profesional masseuse and trained nurse, residence 117 Allen. Norquist, Frank O. (Josephine)—Norquist & Nord—A. C. Norquist & Co., house 120 Bush. Norquist, Mary, widow John, house 11 o Stowe. Norquist & Nord!—Frank O. Norquist and John A., August F. and Edward C. Nord—furniture 111 East Second. North, Alphonzo J., (Fannie), torpedo man, house 17 Elm. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . NORTH NUTTING JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 353 North American Portrait Co.—F. E. F lagg, manager—1088 East Second. North Side Grocery Co. Johnson and Perl J. Boyd proprietors, 802 Main. Northrup, Burt, laborer, boards 10 Steele. Northrop, Frank J., clerk 13 East Third, boards 24 Cross. Northrop, Walter S., (Madge L.), clerk, 26 Main, house 18 Hess. Northrup, Harriet, widow Thomas, residence 7 Waterman. Norton, Fred L., house 310 East Sixth. Norton, George H. (Mary), teamster, house 840 Clinton. Norton, John, upholsterer, 38 Winsor, residence 840 Clinton. Norton, Joseph, driver, 313 Main, house 9 Water. Norton, Joseph J. (Elizabeth), spile driver, house 125 Marvin. Norton, Lavina M., residence 125 Marvin. Norton, Lucy S., residence 310 East Sixth. Norton, Maude, spinner, 116 East First, residence 840 Clinton. Norton, Robert S., lab ;re'\ residence 840 Jefferson. Norton, William W „ Jr., operative 318 Cherry, residence 840 Jefferson. Norton, Willis W . (Mina) farmer, house 840 Jefferson. Norton, Zachariah (Mary), laborer, house 9 Dickerson. Novelty Heating Co.—WiPiam M. Sawyer—heating appliances and mantels, 120 West Third. NOVELTY MEdTINQ CO. W. M. Sawyer, Prop. 120 W E S T THIRD STREET. DEALER IN Mantels, Stoves, Tinware a n d Slating. Novinger, Jefferson T., osteopath, 215 Main, rooms 353 East Fourth. Noyes, Luther I., (Ella), jeweler, house 115 Corss. Noyes, Floyd, works 101 Harrison, residence 115 Cross. Nutter, Arthur (Ollie) —Nutter Bros.—300 East Second, house over 218 Winsor. Nutter Bros—Harry and Arthur Nutter—Cigars and pool, 300 East Second. Nutter, Carrie, widow Fergus, house 20 Alpaca. Nutter, Harry F.—Nutter Bros.—300 East Second, residence 20 Alpaca. Nutter, James (Maria), bakery, 59 Harrison, house do. Nutter, Lydia G., residence 59 Harrison. Nutter, Samuel, (Mary) twister, 335 Harrison, residence 152 1-2 Allen. Nutting, Alta O , operative 318 Cherry, residence 26 Rathbone. Nutting, Bessie E., operative 318 Cherry, residence 26 Rathbone. Nutting, Evelyn E., residence 26 Rathbone. Nutting, Gideon L., engineer, residence 325 Allen. Nutting, Hazel C. (Olive Paulona), retired, house 325 Allen. Nutting, Lucien H. (Louise J.) retired, house 26 Rathbone. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets vlyin M. J. MURRAY. UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY AND GLOVES NUTTING A SPECIALTY AT PROUDFIT'S OBERG 354 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Nutting, Lulu B., operative 318 Cherry, residence 26 Rathbone. Nurain, Henry, teamster, boards 360 Foote avenue. Nyberg, Anna L. widow Charles, house 98 Water. Nyberg, Frank D., painter, 105 Winsor, residence 98 Water. Nyberg, G., polisher, 60 Taylor, boards 23 Center. Nyberg, Ida, weaver, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 243 Willard. Nyberg, James, (Laura) bartender, 62 Winsor, house 157 Allen. Nyberg, John F. (Hilma) salesman, house 28 Forest. Nygren, Axel, (Anna E.),finisher,105 Winsor, house 319 Allen. Nyholm, Christiana, widow Andrew, house 65 Hedges. Nyholm, Elof, weaver, 335 Harrison, b oards 38 Vega. Nyholm, Fred (Ida)finisher,415 Chandler, house 48 Vega. Nylander, Andrew P. (Amelia)finisher,40 Steele, house 114 Williams. Nylander, Gust (Anna) upholsterer, 516 West Fourth, house 112 Williams. Nyquist, Charles, residence 1381 East Second. o Oakland, Minnie, domestic, 329 East Fourth, rooms ra Gron block. Oakley, Hannah C , widow Francis M. D., residence 167 Chandler. Oaklund, Peter, painter, boards 6 South Main. Oast, Alice, domestic, residence 12 Cedar. Oates, John C. (Alice), stone cutter, house 26 Water. Oberg, Agnes V., operative, 58 Center, residence 93 Tower. Cberg, A. Gust (Annie)finisher,95 J. & G. avenue, house over 513 East 8th. Oberg, Charles, (Hannah) paper hanger 207 East Second, house under 335 Foote avenue. Oberg, Charles C , upholsterer, residence 126 Colfax. Oberg, Charles W., (Pauline A.), brick mason, house 93 Tower. Oberg, David, polisher, residence 32 Jones. Oberg, Elizabeth L., carder, residence 32 Jones. Oberg, Ellen, clerk 207 Main, rooms 214 Clinton. Oberg, E m m a , residence 126 Colfax. Oberg, Henry P., polisher, residence 126 Colfax. Oberg, Hilda F., operative, 116 East First, residence 93 Tower. Oberg, Hulda A., residence 32 Jones. ("berg, Joel, employed 153-163 J. & G. avenue, residence 32 Jones. Oberg, John, ( E m m a ) carpenter, house 500 Barrett ave. Oberg, John P., tailor, house 32 Jones. C!;erg, Josephine M., weaver, 116 East First, residence 93 Tower. C'.ierg, Luther, student, residence 126 Colfax. Oberg, Nellie, residence 32 Jones. Oberg, Nelson H. (Selma C.) tailor, 2 06 Main, house 126 Colfax. Clark Hardware Co., agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO* OBERG OGER JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 355 Oberg, Robert, (Alice) tinner, 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 301 Forest. O'Brien, Charles, comber, residence Buffalo. O'Brien, Eliza, dressmaker, residence Buffalo. O'Brien, Ellen, winder, 116 East First, residence 614 East Sixth. O'Brien, Eva, clerk, 307 Main, residence Buffalo, corner Ormes. O'Brien, James, (Rose), upholsterer, 516 West Fourth, h. 143 Foote avenue. O'Brien, James V., upholsterer, residence 614 East Sixth. O'Brien, John G. (Ada S.), proprietor Jamestown Boiler Works, 602 West Seventh, house 816 East Second. O'Brien, Kate, winder, 58 Center, residence 614 East Sisth. O'Brien, Mary G., weaver 335 Harrison, residence 614 East Sixth. O'Brien, Patrick, (Margaret), tailor, 210 Main, house 614 East Sixth. O'Brien, Rosanna, widow, Joseph, residence Buffalo, corner Ormes. O'Connell, Daniel (Catherine), retired, residence 131 Fairview avenue. O'Connell, Daniel, stationary engineer, residence 412 West Sixth. O'Connell, Ella, widow Peter, house 508 West Seventh. O'Connell, John, helper, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 508 West Seventh. O'Connell, John (Hattie J.), brakeman Erie railway, house 109 Steele. O'Connell, John F., woodfinisher,37 Taylor, residence 412 West Sixth. O'Connell, Mabel, student, residence 109 Steele. O'Connell, Maggie, residence 502 West Sixth. O'Connell, Michael (Kate\ laborer, house 502 West Sixth. O'Connell, Morris (Carrie), painter, house 29 Barrett. O'Connell, Morris, locomotive engineer, residence 412 West Sixth. O'Connell, Patrick (Anna), laborer, house 412 West Sixth. O'Connell, Thomas J., machinist, residence 502 West Sixth. O'Connor, Maurice, clerk, 209 Main, boards 319 West Third. Odd Fellows' hall, Gokey building, 12-14 West Third. Odd Fellows' Hall, Mt. Tabor lodge, 17 East Third. Odell, -Henry W . (Lena I.) oil producer over 101 East 2d, house 516 Lafayette Odell, Josiah, (Mary E.)—Udell & Doolittle, 342 E. Third—house 49 Grant. Odell, Levi S., (Lillian E.), tinner, hou.se 262 Colfax. Odell, Lewis H., residence 516 Lafayette. Odell & Doolittle—Josiah Odell and George S. Doolittle—grocery, 342 E. Third O'Donnell, George, oilman, residence 801 East Second. O'Donnell, Kate, widow Thomas, house 24 Thirteenth. O'Donnell, Mary Agnes, clerk, 116 Main, residence 24 Thirteenth. O'Donnell, Phillips, Mrs., dress cutting and ladies' tailoring school, over 126 East Second, residence do. O'Donnell, Richard D., (Melda), clerk, 13 East Second, house over 126 E. 2d. O'Donnell, Rose, child's nurse, 211 Lake View avenue, residence 801 E. 2nd. Ogden, Allen R., bookkesper, 56 Prospect, boards 17 Derby. Ogden, Robert (Mittie J.), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 57 Center Oger, Amos (Louise), shoemaker, house 71 Hazzard. Oger, Ernest, shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 71 Hazzard. M. J. MURRA.Y, First-class Plumbing, 122 W, Third St. H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G , p f e OGER OLSON 356 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Oger, Flora, residence 71 Hazzard. Oger, Frederick A., (Nellie), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 212 Bowen. Oger, Hadoram D. (Ella D.), shoemaker, house 26 Stowe. Ogilvie, Daniel G., (Robina), clerk, 9 West Third, house 123 Allen. Ogren, Carl, weaver 335 Harrison, boards 106 West Eighth. Ogren, Charles A. (Alma T.), justice of the peace, stenographer and typewriter, 18 city hall, house 18 Lincoln, corner East Sixth. Ogren, Esther M., paster, 318 Cherry, resides 115 Barrows. Ogren, J. Peter (Anna M.), carpenter, house 115 Barrows. Ogren, Lydia C , nurse girl, 111 East Fifth, residence 115 Barrows. Ogren, Robert, wool washer, 335 Harrison, boards 319 Allen. O'Hagan, Elizabeth, widow Michael, house over 509 Clinton. O'Hagan, Mary E., dressmaker, residence over 509 Clinton. O'Haron, Elizabeth, Mrs., operative 56 Water, rooms 5S Harrison. Ohlquist, Ellen, domestic, residence 82 Prospect. Ohlquist, John, (Anna L.)—Ander son & Ohlquist, 217 Main—h. 920 Main. Ohnstrand, Charles, (Matilda), ^nipping clerk, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 22 West Eighth. Ohnstrand, Enooh P., (Hannah), superintendent 95 J. ii G. avenue, house 47 Prospect avenue. Okerlind, C. Alfred, (Evena), city bookkeeper, room 5 City building, resiidence 29 Center. Olander, Frank (Nellie), tailor, 206 Main, house 111 William. Olds, William H. (Dessie B.), machinist, house 40 Peach. Olesen, Joseph, carpenter, residence 25 7 Prospect. Oliver, Nettie G., music teacher, residence 412 Winsor. Olman, Albert N., (Amanda S.), foreman 95 J. & G. avenue, house 14 Crescent Olman,-Manilla, winder Meadow Brook Mills, boards 14 Crescent. Olmstead, William S., (Delia), machinist, house 420 Monroe. Olmsted, Louis N., (Jennie O ) , office clerk, 40 Winsor, house 15 East Ninth. Olsen, Anntonia, dressmaker, residence 257 Prospect. Olsen, Christien, (.Ida), traveling salesman, house Howard. Olsen, George, (Caroline), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house over 150 Lakin ave. Olsen, J. Emel, ( E m m a ) , steel worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 610 Monroe. Olsen, Jennie, clerk 13-17 Main, residence Howard. Olsen, Sarah, employed 56 Prospect, residence 257 do. Olson, Adolph, employed 516 West Fourth, residence 145 Superior. Olson, Adrian J., woodworker, 101 Harrison residence Buffalo. Olson, Alma, winder, residence 786 East Second. Olson, Alma, residence 222 Newland avenue. Olson, Amanda, residence 222 Newland avenue. Olson, Andrew (Christina), carpenter, house 329 Willard. Olson, Andrew, groom, residence 29 Marvin. Olson, Andrew F., (Alno), laborer, house 448 Warren. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware,Stoves, Furnishings Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. OLSON OLSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 357 Olson, Anna, widow Adrian J., residence Buffalo. Olson, Anna, widow John, residence 32 Eagle. Olson, Anna, mill hand, 116 East First, residence 368 Baker. Olson, Anna B., residence 32 Benson. Olson, Anna L., widow Andrew P., house 193 Willard. Olson, Anna T., domestic, 406 Lake View avenue. Olson, A. P. & Co.—August P Olson and John Love—manufacturers parlor and library tables, 46 Taylor. Olson, Anton, (Nettie)—Olson Bros, 300 Foote avenue—bds. 42 Mechanic. Olson, August P.—A. P. Olson & Co.—46 Taylor, house 15 Barrett. Olson, Axel, works 116 East First, residence 145 Superior. Olson, Axel W . (Edith), stationary engineer, house 120 Hall avenue. Olson, Benjamin P., (Johannah), night watch 56 Prospect, house 257 do. Olson, Bettie, teacher, residence 211 Prospect. Olson Bros.—Anton and Oscar S.—grocers, 300 Foote avenue. Olson, Carl, works 335 Harrison, residence 145 Superior. Olson, Carl A., painter, residence 211 Prospect. Olson, Charles, wood worker, residence 313 Barrett. Olson, Charles, (Hannah), case maker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 338 Forest avenue. Olson, Charles, employed 56 Prospect, boards 157 do. Olson, Charles, works 93 J. & G. avenu e, boards 16 West End. Olson, Charles R., (Sarah), metal platefinisher95 J. & G. avenue, house over 143 Harrison. Olson, Charles V., employed 24 Steel, house Kent block. Olson, Charly, (Anna) teamster residence over 225 Prospect. Olson, Claus, casemaker, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 3 Waterman. Olson, Constanrine, (Matilda), pastor Swedish Zion church, College St., house 18 Barrett avenue. Olson, Edward, (Emily), employed 95 J. & G. ave., h. over 943 Newland ave. Olson, Elvira, bookkeeper, 20 East Third, residence 1.99 Bowen. Olson, Erick A. (Alma)—Olson & Turner—632 East Second, house 15 Orchard. Olson, Ernest, works 58 Center, residence 150 Sampson. Olson, Florence L. O, school teacher, residence 43 Foote avenue. Olson, Frank, (Agnus), mattress maker, 19-23 Briggs, house 26 Columbia ave. Olson, Frans A., (Emma)—Olson, Johnson & Co., 208 E. Second—h. 101 Bush. Olson, George, machinist, 105 Winsor, boards 54 Chapin. Olson, Gertrude S., weaver, residence 368 Baker. Olson, Gilbert machinist 105 Winsor, residence 43 Foote avenue. Olson, Gust, (Annie), upholsterer 38 Winsor, house 313 Barrett avenue. Olson, Gust, (Johanna), laborer, house 268 Steele. Olson, Gust, residence 145 Superior. Olson, Gust (Ida), cabinet maker, house 248 Broadhead avenue. Olson, Gust (Ida M.), driver, house 79 Water. M . J. M U R R A Y , First-class Plumbing, 122 W - Third St. L!?dlr^rur Fine C u s t o m Clothing at P R O U D F I T ' S OLSON 358 OLSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Olson, Gust F. (Josephine), dyer, hause 222 Newland avenue. Olson, Gust T., (Lottie), laborer, house over 38 Union avenue. Olson, Gust T., (Mary A.), driver Eagle Hose, house over 20 Forest avenue. Olson, Henry, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 368 Baker. Olson, Henry L., frame setter, residence 368 Baker. Olson, Henry O., ( E m m a ) , teamster, house 14 Orchard. Olson Hilda, widow Charles, house 28 Thayer. Olson, Hilga C , student, residence 211 Prospect. Olson, Hilma, operative, 116 East First, residence 150 Sampson. Olson, Hulda, residence 211 Prospect. Olson, Hulda, cook, 47 Warren. Olson, Huldah, domestic, residence 47 Warren. Olson, Huldah A., residence 211 Prospect. Olson, Jennie, weaver 35 Water, residence 109 Bowen. Olson, John (Hannah), carpenter, house 378. Olson, John, (Agnes A.), wood carver, house 211 Prospect. Olson, John, (Emily), laborer, house under 210 Falconer. Olson, John, laborer 105 Harrison, residence 222 Newland avenue. Olson, John A., (Bettie), janitorfiredepartment, house 36 West -Ninth. Olson, John S., (Jennie), machine hand, house 32 Benson. Olson, Johnson & Co.—Frank A. Olson, John D. Johnson and A. F. Berg—wall paper and paints, 208 East Second. Olson, J. Otto (Mary), electrician, house 23 Colfax. Olson, Julia M., residence 32 Benson. Olson, Laura, residence 342 Bowen. Olson, Leonard, painter, residence 342 Bowen. Olson, Leonard K., policeman,residence 109 Bowen. Olson, Lillian L., bookkeeper and stenographer, residence 109 Maple. Olson, Louisa, domestic, 35 Lake View avenue, res. 419 Newland avenue. Olson, Louis, student, residence 15 Barrett avenue. Olson, Ludwig, ( E m m a ) , works 415 Chandler, house 150 Sampson. Olson, Magnus (Sophia), carpenter, house 33 Elicott. Olson, Mary, weaver, 116 East First, residence 313 Barrett avenue. Olson, Melvine, wool sorter, residence 378 Willard. Olson, Nellie, Mrs., house 616 Prendergast avenue. Olson, Nels, plasterer, house 39 Charles. Olson, Nils, driver, residence 368 Baker. Olson, Olaf A., (Anna), lawyer, 214 Main, residence 43 Charles. Olson, Oscar, (Anna), laborer, house 145 Superior. Olson, Oscar Albert, laborer, 41 Outlet, residence 32 Benson. Olson, Oscar O.. (Jennie), deputy revenue collector, 4 Ellicott building, house 124 Prospect. Olson, Oscar S., (Anna J.)—Olson Bros., 300 Foote a\enue, grocers—house over 161 Alien. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. OLSON T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . OSBOURN JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 359 Olson, Oscar T., (Christine L.), spinner 335 Harrison, house 32 Eagle. Olson, Peter, laborer, boards 10 Ste ele. Olson, Peter (Hannah), mill hand, house 368 Baker. Olson, Peter A., (Christine), watchman, 415 Chandler, house 109 Bowen Olson, Peter O , (Ida L.), bottler, house 43 Foote avenue. Olson, Robert A., driver, 20 Forest avenue,, rooms 36 West Ninth. Olson, Selma M., dressmaker, residence 109 Bowen. Olson, Tilda, dressmaker, residence 36 8 Baker. Olson,' Tillie, cook 111 East Sixth. Olson, Victor—Carlson & Olson, 9 Cowden place—boards 15 do. Olson, Walfred, (Ella), woodworker, house 133 Buffalo. Olson, Walter, woodworker .residence 28 Thayer. Olson Will, woodworker, 101 Harrison, boards 25 Barrett avenue. Olson & Turner—Eric A. Olson and Peter Turner—grocers, 632 East Second. Omen, E m m a J., domestic, 54 Lake View avenue. O'Neil, Edward J., (ELhel), works 20 Main, boards 213 East Second. O'Neil, Hannah, widow John C , residence over 107 South Main. O'Neil, Jerry M., tel. operator E. R. R., house first floor over 107 S. Main. O'Neil, Joseph, (Mabel), switchman, house over 222 East First. O'Neil, Thomas (Bridget), wood worker house 110 Catlin avenue. O'Neill, James, laborer, residence 110 C itlin avenue. O'Neill, Mary, residence 110 Catlin ave m e . Oppenheimer, Jacob—The Famous, 5-7-9 Mam—residence 53 Prospect. Opera house block, 18-24 East Second. Option house, George P. Frey, proprietor, 118 East Second. O'Rilley, Ellen, widow John, residence 16 Institute. O'Rilley, Kate weaver 116 East First, residence 16 Institute. Ormes, C. Frank, physician, 320 Main, res. rooms 30-38 N e w Fenton building. Ormes, Frank D., physician and surgeon, 320 Main, house rooms 30-38 N e w Gifford building. Ormes, Leona, student, residence room s 30-38 N e w Gifford building. Ormondroyd, Smith, (Josephine), time keeper, 335 Harrison, house 8 Cheney. Ormondroyd, William, assistant bookkeeper 335 Harrison, bds. 117 Chandler. Orr, Austin J. (Elizabeth), commercial traveler, 101 East Third, h. 4 Marvin. Osberg, Andrew, (Mary), motorneer, house over 628 Barrows. Osberg, Anna, residence 628 Barrows. Osberg, John, (Tilda), weaver, Meadow Brook Mills, house 608 Barrows. Osborn, G. Ralph, crater 3-7 Ashville avenue, residence 618 Jefferson. Osborn, Lewis M. (Ella), machinist, house 255 Warren. Osborn, Lillian I, teacher, residence 618 Jefferson. Osborn, Lyman, retired, residence 60 Broadhead avenue. Osborn, Maud E.,firstcloser, 318 Cherry, residence 618 Jefferson. Osborn, Roxana, widow George L., house 618 Jefferson. Osbourn, Nellie L., stenographer, 30 East First, residence 63 Prospect. M . J . M U R R A Y ^ i S ^ S S ? * Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Your M o n e y 's OSBOURNE 360 Worth or your at Proudfit's. money back PAGE JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Osbourne, Nelson T., (Josephine)—Osbourne & Bentley, 4 Gokey blk.—house 63 Prospect. Osbourne, Susie, telephone operator, 113 East Third, residence 255 Warren. Osbourne & Bentley—Nelson T. Osbourne and J. Randolph Bentley, real estate—4 Gokey Building. Oser, Frank J.—Rosier & Oser—29 Main, residence 36 Kent. Oser, Jacob (Frances), shoemaker, 853% Main, house 36 Kent. Osmerflats(The), 413-419 West Third. Osmer, J. Alden, cutter, 206 Main, residence 213 East Fourth. Osmer, Margaret E., residence 25 Fairmount avenue. Osmer, William P. (Berdena Woods), clerk, 206 Main, and secretary Anchor Fence Co., house 404 Lafayette. Ost, Hilda, domestic, 333 Allen, residence do. Osterstrom, Axel, (Christina), wood worker, 101 Harrison, house 35 Vega. Ostrander, Fred H. (Theresa), clerk, 952 East Second, 24 Cowing. Ostrom, Adolph, (Tilda), engineer, 120 Foote avenue, house 126 do. Ostrom Agnes, domestic, 44 Allen, residence 126 Foote avenue. Ostrom, Albert, woodworker, 120 Foote avenue, residence 126 do. Ostrom, Alfreda H., picker, 335 Harrison, residence 126 Foote avenue. Ostrom, Axel, (Signe), wool sorter, 35 Water, house over 216 Barrows. Ostrom, Hulda O., domestic, over 212 East Second. , Ostrom, John W., (Emma), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. over 756 E. 2d Ostrom, Minnie, domestic, 303 West Third. Ostrom, Peter F. (Matilda), wood worker, house 516 Foote avenue. Ostrom, Selma, domestic, 105 East Eighth. Ostrom, Solomon (Evalda), wood worker, house 313 Newland avenue. Otander, E m m a , weaver, 102 East Fir st, house 17 Bush. Otander, Lottie, weaver, 102 East Fir st, residence 17 Bush. Ottander, Carl A., (Mary S.), laborer, 38 Winsor, house 430 Allen. Ottander, John A. (Carrie E.), driver 40 Winsor, house 136 Water. Overend, Joseph (Carrie), wool sorter, house 863 Spring. Overend, Susan, picker, residence 863 Spring. Oviatt, Fern F., student, residence 3 East Seventh. Owen, Harry, barber, boards over 309 Main. Owens, Ernest, brick maker, 40 Quarry road, boards 752 East Second. Owens, G. M.. butcher, 212 East Second, boards 121 do. Owens, Reuben G. (Mary L.), printer, house 842 Main. Pacius Singing Society Hall, over 18 East Third. Packard, Charles E. (Lucy), twister 35 Water, house 419 West Sixth. Page, Alton E. (Maud R.) bookkeeper, 24 Steele, house 9 Orchard. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E PAGE CO. PAQUIN J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 361 Page, Leon, drayman, boards 141 Chandler. Page, Roy D., machinist, Straight Mfg. Co., boards 411 Lafayette. Page, Silva M., widow Thomas, house 427 East Fifth. Page, W . Henry (Lily) painter, house 29 Whitley avenue. Paige, Charles, carpenter, boards 121 East Second. Pagot, Blekert, machine hand, 38 Winsor, residence 124 Wescott. Palm, Frank (Freda) laborer, house 32S Bowen. Palm, Hilda, residence 11 Grandin. Palm, Oscar, (Anna C ) , clerk, residence 11 Grandin. Palm, Swan A., (.Sarah), retired, house 34 Harrison. Palmer, Agnes P, operative 335 Harrison, 16 Pearl avenue. Palmer, Albert (Flora),motorneer, house 7 Lakin avenue. Palmer, Amos F. (Amy C ) , farmer, house 26 Catlin avenue. Palmer, Andrew G. (Hilma L.)fishdealer, house 16 Pearl avenue. Palmer, Christine, (Mrs., widow Charles 0., house 22 Hall avenue. Palmer, Clarence L., student, residence over 220 East Second. Palmer, David W . (Nancy), wool handler, house 622 East Sixth. Palmer, Dennis, deliveryman, 30 Main, boards 17 West Fourth. Palmer, Hilmar E., warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Pearl avenue. Palmer, Hoxey, groom 228 East Sscon d, residence do. Palmer, Ida E., domestic, over, 134 Fairmount avenue. Palmer, Jennie E., bookkeeper, residence 26 Catlin avenue. Palmer, J. Hoxsie, hostler, 228 East Second, boards over do. Palmer, John 0., (Augusta O ) , meat market, 246 Willard, house 12 Kinuey. Palmer, John T., (Ida H.), house 220 warren. Palmer, Leland W., (Anna B.), house 8 58 Spring. Palmer, Oliver O., groom, rooms over 106 East Second. Palmer, Walter (Eliza) hostler 224 East Second, house over 222 do. Palmer, W . E., (Edith), traveling, salesman, boards 111 East Sixth. Palmeter, Frank W., (Anna E.), drugs and stationery, 9 South Main, house 13 Foote avenue. Palmeter, John G., residence 13 Foote avenue. Palmgren, Albert, works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 43 Royal avenue. Palmgren, Peter A. ( E m m a S.) laborer, house 115 Stowe. Palmiter, Samuel (Fannie M.) machinist, house 331 East Second. Palmquist, Albert (Christina) carpenter, house 280 Willard. Palmquist, Elsie A. C., spinner Mea-io w Brook Mills, residence 280 Willard. Palmquist, Freda O, domestic, 113 West Third, residence 280 Willard. Palmquist, Victor, machine hand, .129 J. & G. avenue, boards 26 Barrows. Pang, Oscar R., bookkeeper 122 Foote avenue, rooms 5 Y. M. C. A. dormitory. Paquin, Elizabeth, widow Joseph, house 340 Foote avenue. Paquin, Herman, clerk, 342 Foote avenue, residence 340 Foote avenue. Paquin, (Mary G., clerk, 205 Main, residence 340 Foote avenue. Paquin, Martin, jeweler apprentice, 10 Main, residence 340 Foote avenue. Hot Water Heating, Sl^^f ^riSaty M. J. MURRAY. Headquarters f0Vcu,rontrsihi?,,g"tiard 3 3 , P r o u d f i t ' s . PAQUIN 362 PARSONS J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Paquin, Teresa, bookkeeper, rooms 7-9 New Gifford building, residence 340 Foote avenue. Pardee, Eudora Klock, widow Myron W., delsarte and voice culture, residence 358 East Fourth. Park, Ernest J., street car conductor, residence 120" \Vc-at Sixth. Park, Frank R., (Alice), general truckman, house 1208 West Sixth. Parker, Charles D. (Jane), hackman, house 21 Fenton place. Parker, Charles D. (Sylvia), retired, house 156 IMarvin. Parker, E. Guy, student, residence 221 Fulton. Parker, George W., (Salma D.), laborer, house 29 Benson. Parker, Hallah, stenographer, residence 221 Fulton. Parker, Harlow D., (Alice J.), Prop. T h e Saratoga, house 209 West Third. Parker, Henry E-, (Carrie), expressman, American Express Co., h. 17 Marvin Parker, Jsson (Florence W.) physician and surgeon, 2firstfloor,Smith blk., 5 South Main, house 35 Maple. Parker, Jesse D., stationary engineer, residence 209 West Third. Parker, Otto D., student residence 209 West Third. Parker, Ralph E., student, residence 2 09 West Third. Parker, Rosa S., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 156 Marvin. Parker, Salma E., widow Daniel, residence 30 Foote avenue. Parker, Samuel A., (Mary), farmer, house 221 Fulton. Parkhurst, Charles W., (Maud), bookkeeper, 99 Institute, house over 110 Broadhead avenue. Parkinson, Alice, weaver, 335 Hariison. residence 203 King. Parkinson, Anna, widow Simon, house 203 King. Parkinson, Charles W., mill hand, residence 203 King. Parkinson, Edith, operative 335 Harrison, residence 203 King. Parkinson, Lily, operative 335 Harrison, residence 203 King. Parks, Anna E., widow Willis, house 528 East Second. Parks, Ella A., residence 516 East Second. Parks & Hazzard—Robert T. Hazzard & Charles E. Parks, insurance—over 18 East Second. Parks, Mary E., widow Dr. Parks, ro oms 213 East Third. Parks, Charles E„ furniture, 108 East Second, Parks & Hazzard, insurance, over 18 East Third, house 516 East Second. Parson, Bertha, operative Chautauqua Worsted Mills, residence 216 Steele. Parson, Nels P. (Mary) farmer, house Buffalo. Parson, Otto, (Bessie), driver, residence 207 Buffalo. Parsons, Alexander, clerk, 300 Foote avenue, boards 110 Mechanic. Parsons, Alice, weaver 116 East First, residence 520 Palmer. Parsons, Arthur, bell boy, 13-23 West Third, rooms 405 Cherry. Parsons, Charles (Matilda), retired, house 1 0 % Whitley place. Parsons, George W., works 116 East First, residence South Hallock. Parsons, John A., works 116 East First, residence South Hallock. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Qas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . PARSONS PAYNE J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 363 Parsons, Ralph, bellman, 21 West Thi rd, residence do. Parsons, Sarah E., works 116 East First, residence South Hallock. Parsons, see also Person. Partridge, A. Irene, student, residence 82 Prospect. Partridge, Charles M., (Sarah), travel ing salesman, house over 51 Fairmount avenue. Partridge, Elbridge G. (Florence C ) , undertaker 19 West 2d, h. 25 Mechanic. E. G. PARTRIDGE, Furnishing Undertaker and NIGHT OLERK. "Va>Artistic''pidlure Framing a Specialty. Embalmer. 19-21 W . S e C O n d St. PuOKllO. Partridge, Frank E. (Anna), retired, house 82 Prospect. Partridge, George H., (Grace), clerk 19 West Second, house over 216 East 2d. Partridge, Imogene, residence 82 Prospect. Partridge, James S. (Angeline) retired, house 325 Foote avenue. Partridge, Louis M., student, residence 25 Mechanic. Partridge. Sophia, widow James, house 22 Hazzard. Patch, S. O, Mrs., home baking, 3 W est Fourth residence do. Patric, Abel (Mary) retired, house 141 Prospect. Patric, Elvyn J. (Daisy) wood worker, house 141 Prospect. Patric, Jennie M., widow William D., nurse, house 215 Crescent. Patterson, Alexander J., car painter, street car barns, W . Third, boards 117 West Fourth. Patterson, Margaret M., widow James S., house 512 West Third. Patterson, Margaret M., student, residence 3 Lake View avenue. Patterson, -Marion, student, residence 3 Lake View avenue. Patterson, Mar-maduke R., student, residence 3 Lake View avenue. Patterson, Nancy M., residence 3 Lake View avenue. Patterson,, William C. (Jane), oil producer, house 3 Lake View avenue. Patterson, William C, Jr., student, residence 3 Lake View avenue. Pattison, Thomas W., (Flora), Aristotype Co., 56 Prospect, boards 15 S. Main. Pattrell, Smith E., (Millicent A.), stationary engineer, house over 212 E. 2d. Paul, Edgar P. (Mary) cabinet maker, house 514 Palmer. Paul, Holland F. (Rose) hackman, house 516 Palmer. Paul, Nicholas, (Martha), brewer, house 175 Marvin. Paulson, Carl,finisher,101 Harrison, h ouse over 109 Sampson. Pawn, Carrie, Mrs., house under 56 Tower. Payne, Carrie N., Mrs., rooms 310 Jeffe rson. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, llfW^InX M. J. MURRAY Be s u r e SheadaJSTbSyToS? C l o t h i n g PEARL CITY L A U N D R Y at Proudfit's PECKHAM JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 364 Pearl City Lauudry--Edgar E. Myers, Prop., 19-21 Steele--h. 19 Derby. P E A R L C I T Y L A U N D R Y E . E . M Y E R S , Proprietor. Leading Laundry in the City. Best work and prompt service. Telephone 346. 19-21 Steele Street. Pearl City Stone Co.—Fred Wilkinson and John Wood, masons and cut stone contractors—56 Steele. Pearson, Alba, laborer, residence 433 Allen. Pearson, Amanda, operative 56 Center, residence 433 Allen. Pearson, Charles, sander, 101 Harrison, boards 319 Allen. Pearson, Charles, (Bertha), laborer, house 7 Warren. Pearson, Clara, weaver, 116 East First, residence 100 Harrison. Pearson, Ellen M., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 41 Anderson. Pearson, E m m a , weaver, 56 Water, residence 100 Harrison. Pearson, Hilmar J., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 41 Anderson Pearson, John E., (Crena M.), foreman 335 Harrison, house 27 Anderson. Pearson, John E., (Anna), carpenter, house 433 Allen. Pearson, Julia A., operative 335 Harrison, residence 41 Anderson. Pearson, M., (Elenor), laborer, house under 254 Forest avenue. Pearson, Robert, (Tilla), employed 56 Prospect, house 112 Mechanic. Pearson, Swan A., (Johanna A.), dyer 335 Harrison, house 41 Anderson. Pearson, Thomas (AnnaM.) loo-mfixer,116 East First, house 100 Harrison. Pearson, Willie, mill hand, 116 East First, residence 100 Harrison. Pearson, see also Pierson. Peart, Richard, mgr. and supt. Standard Oil Co., 101 East Third, boards 111 East Sixth. Pease, Edward H., clerk, 12 East Third, rooms over 14 East Third. Pease, George R., (Lida A.), conductor J. ,S. Ry, house 59 Marvin. Peaslee, Augustus, wagon maker, 298 E ast Second, residence 809 Jefferson. Peate, John, (Ella M.), canvasser, house over 17 East First. Peate, Laura, residence 265 Steele. Peate, Mary, Mrs., cook, house 24 Taylor. Peate, Richard, metal plate worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 265 Steele. Peate, Walter, (Edna), baker 10 West Third, house 903 West 6th. Peck, Daniel W., butter buyer, 28 South Main, house 114 West Seventh. Peck, Joseph (Ella) carpenter, house 112 Hall avenue. Peckham, Clayton J. (Minnie) prop. Jamestown Roofing Co., 109 East Third house 205 Chandler. Peckham, Lauriston, (Mary J.), residence 602 Lafayette. Peckham, Mary C , student, residence 602 Lafayette. Peckham, Vernon E., (Helen C ) , attorney at law and referee in bankruptcy, rooms 28-29-30 Wellman Building, house 602 Lafayette. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies; Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. PECKHAM PERCELL JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 365 Peckham, William G. (Almira J), general manager, 109E. 3d, h. 205 Chandler Pedersen, Charles C-, (Ida C ) , architect and furniture designer, 519 East Sixth, house do. Pedersen, Ernest A., draughtsman, residence 519 East Sixth. Pedersen, Florence C, student, residence 519 East Sixth. Pedersen. see also Peterson. Peeble, Edward, (Mary), spindle carver, 38 Winsor, boards 20 East Buffalo. Peirce, Augusta Blanche, residence 617 East Second. Peirce, Harry, residence 617 East Second. Peirce, M. Frances, widow George W., house 617 East Second. Peirce, see also Pierce. Pell, Leigh, boards 8 West Seventh. Pelton, Judson, (Amanda E.), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 622 East Sixth. Pemberton, George E. B. (Ellen), paper hanger and decorator, house 26 Tilden avenue. Pencille, Lorenzo D., (Alma)—Star Bikery, 12 Stowe— house cor Bowen and Buffalo. Penfield, Augusta E., student, residence 212 West Second. Penfield, Amelia, widow Burnham, house 317 Forest. Penfield Carpet Cleaning Works, (The) —Erwin D. Shearman and James S. Hayward - factory, 220 Baker, office 8 East Third. Penfield, Eunice M., student, residence 212 West Second. Penfield, Henry S. (Caroline M.) commercial traveler, 212 West Second. Penfield, Millie A., residence 317 Forest. Penfield, Scott I-L, (Estella E.), manager Anchor Fence Co., 59 Taylor, house over 21 Derby. Penfield, Theodora O, student, resid ence 212 West Second. Pennell, Emeline, widow Ezra, house 375 Foote avenue. Pennell, Eugene L., works 38 Winsor, residence under 367 Foote avenue. Pennell, Orrin, (Mary), milk dealer and peddler, house under 367 Foote ave. Penney, Ella G., residence N e w Allenflats,15 West Second. Penney, Joseph H. (Annie A.) cutter, 208 Main, house N e w Allenflats,15 West Second. Pennock, Arthur J. (Mary A.), wood carver, 101 Harrison, h. 200 Chandler. Pennock, Frank A., (May)—Pennock & Hopkins, 1 East Sixth—house 610 Prendergast avenue. Pennock, John P., (Clara), retired, ho use 209 East Sixtii. Pennock, William J., student, residence 610 Prendergast avenue. Pennock & Hopkins—Frank A Pennock and Theodore E. Hopkins, grocers— 1 East Sixth. Pennsylvania Gas Co., Eugene M. Schlaudecker, manager, 108 East Third. Peoples Laundry (The)—Frank Wood, prop.—514 West Fourth. Percell, Whitney E., elevator hand, 10 1 Harrison, boards over 99 Allen. Some of the most extensive t?JSiW M. J. MURRAY Children's Suits $1.50 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T ' S PERCELL PETERSON 366 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Percell, see also Persell. Perkins, J. Arthur, attorney at law, room 6 Gokey building, rms. 212 Spring Perkins, Martin D., (Melinda), manufacturer proprietary medicines, 31 Ashville avenue, house Lateron. Perkins Septimus retired, house 345 Foote avenue. Perkins, Thomas E., (Minnie V.), designer 105 Winsor, house 52 Grant. Perrin, Fern, bookkeeper and stenographer, house section 8 over 108 E. 2d. Perrin, Forest J., warpdresser, 56 Water, residence 16 Williams. Perrin, Frank, (Ada O.), foreman planing mill, (Falconer), h. 16 Williams. Perrin, R. Maita, widow Dwight, house 124 Forest avenue. Perry, Benjamin F. (Rhoda A.), shoemaker, house over 613 Main. Perry, Edwin D. (Mary J.) shoemaker, 318 Cherry,, h. 37 Marvin. Perry, Ellen M., residence 37 -Marvin. Perry, Oscar G., (Hannah M.), Immense Candy Store, 10 South Main, housa 608 North Main. Perry, Sophia, widow Clinton, house over 209 Warren. Persell, Charles W., residence 222 Winsor. Persell, Daniel F. (Lottie M.), watchmaker & engraver, 6 E. 3d, h 111 Crosby. Persell, Minnie, works 10 West Thir d, rooms 133 West Seventh. Persell, see also Percell. Person, Frank, works 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 133 Prospect. Person, John, steel worker, boards 263 Forest avenue. Persons, Carrie B., tel. operator, 113 East Third, residence 225 Forest ave. Persons, Charles W., (Caroline), retired, house 225 Forest avenue. Persons, see also Parsons. Peters, Alfred, machine hand, 122 Foote avenue, boards 214 Barrows. Peters, Bertha I., residence 13 Bassett. Peters, Lena, residence 13 Bassett. Peters, Margaret, milliner, 101 Cherry, hause 127 Baker. Peters, Mary A., widow of William B., house 645 Falconer. Peters, Minnie, Mrs. house under 103 Hazzard. Peters, Severin (Caroline), mason, house 13 Bassett. Peterson, Adda T., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 18 Chapin. Peterson, Adolph E. (Mary), shoemaker, 306 Main, house 21 Alpaca. Peterson, Adolph S., laborer, residence 475 Willard. Peterson, A. John (Sophia M.)—A.J.Peterson & Son—208 Main, house 168 Chandler. Peterson, A. J. & Son—A. John and James C—clothiers and merchant tailors, 208 Main. Peterson, Albert, carpenter, boards 53 4 Winsor. Peterson, Albert, (Amelia), upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, house 15 Davis. Peterson, Albert G., teamster, 105 South Main, residence 541 Allen. Peterson, Albert J., (Carolina), laborer, house 106 Sampson. Peterson, Albert W (Ides C ) , grocer, 4 new Gifford building, house 224 Baker. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. PETERSON PETERSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 367 Peterson, Albin, (Emily), finisher, 122 Foote avenue, house 130 Falconer. Peterson, Alfred, (Amelia), upholsterer, house 41 Chapin. Peterson, Alfred, (Amanda), laborer, house over 118 Palmer. Peterson, Alfred (Henrietta),fireman,house 28 Linden avenue. Peterson, Alfred C , insurance agent, residence 120 Prospect. Peterson Alfred I. (Hannah)—Peterson & Johnson, 710 Main—h. 534 Winsor. Peterson, Aleda, hair dresser, 306 Main, residence 146 Prospect. Peterson, Alma, spinner, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, res. over 435 Allen. Peterson, Alvira, residence 18 Chapin. Peterson, A.manda, domestic, 315 East Fourth, residence 818 West Eighth. Peterson, Amanda, domestic, 510 Spring, residence 114 Sampson. Peterson, Amanda O , piece picker, 116 East First, residence 73 Tower. Peterson, Andrew, (Theresa), upholsterer, residence over 224 Baker. Peterson, Andrew, (Selma), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 35 Linden avenue. Peterson, Andrew, works 30 Steele, residence 42 West Ninth. Peterson, Andrew F., (Carolina), employed Lake View Rose Gardens, house 820 Ashville avenue. Peterson, Andrew F. (Christine), woad turner, hGuse 703 East Second. Peterson, Andrew J. ( E m m a M.), mason, house 79 Vega. Peterson, Anna, widow John, residence 120 Prospect. Peterson, Anna F'olker, widow Nils P., house 16 Bowen. Peterson, Anna, house over 37 Winsor. Peterson, Anna, mill hand 335 Harrison, residence 216 Barrows. Peterson, Anton, (Ottila), carpenter, house 108 Charles. Peterson, Anton (Hulda), wood worker, house 1021 Newland avenue. Peterson, Anton L., (Christina S.), furniturefinisher,house 116 King. Peterson, Arthur C , packer, 38 W i n sor, residence 106 Sampson. Peterson, Arvid A. (Louise A.), painter, house 386 Willard. Peterson, Arvilla, widow Frank, residence 210 East Fourth. Peterson, August (Sophia), laborer, house 462 Willard. Peterson, August, laborer, house 306 Steele. Peterson, August A. (Amanda), wood worker, house 16 Morton. Peterson, August J. (Anna), laundryman, 705 Main, house 14 Marvin. Peterson, August P., (Charlotte F.), laborer, house 541 Allen. Peterson, August M., (Christine), engineer, J. S. Ry. power house, house 122 Hall avenue. Peterson, Axel, woodworker, 129 J. & G . avenue, residence over 307 Winsor. Peterson, Axel, (Josephine), case maker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 415 Newland avenue. Peterson, Axel, (Anna), laborer, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 13 Hazzard. Peterson, Axel G., machinist. 5 Race, residence 132 Prospect. Peterson, Axel J., (Ellen M.). .machinist, house 44 Hedges avenue. Peterson Bros.—John A. and C. M. Alfred—furniture and upholstering, 205 East Second. If you contemplate New Plumbing, consult M. J. MURRAY Men's All W o o l Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , Proudfit's PETERSON PETERSON 368 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Peterson, Beda, domestic, 37 Warren. Peterson, Benherd W., wool sorter, 335 Harrison, residence 462 Willard. Peterson, Bertha, teacher, residence 29 6 Harrison. Peterson, Carl, student, residence 820 Ashville avenue. ' Peterson, Carl Albert,finisher,3 Ashvi lie avenue, residence 20 Jones. Peterson, Carl Elmer, works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 725 Camp. Peterson, Carl M. (Catherine), retired, residence 2 Charles. Peterson, Carl 0., shoemaker, 318 Cher ry, residence 220 King. Peterson, Carl O. (Lottie), foreman, 101 Harrison, house 780 East Second. Peterson, Carrie, widow Charles F., house over 48 Water. Peterson, Carrie M., widow Andrew, residence 119 Wescott. Peterson, Carolina, widow Fredrick, residence over 561 Allen. Peterson, Charles, motorneer J. S. Ry., boards 130 Falconer. Peterson, Charles, painter, boards 953 East Second. Peterson, Charley, brick maker, 40 Quarry road, boards 71 East Buffalo. Peterson, Charles, (Axelina), carpenter, house 7 Bennett avenue. Peterson, Charb's, residence 111 Cheney. Peterson, Charles, clerk, 3 Main, boards 24 Harrison. Peterson, Charles, laborer, boards 16 Jones. Peterson, Charles A., (Alma L.), carpenter, 115 Winsor, h. over 309 Willard. Peterson, Charles A., (Ida), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 725 Camp. Peterson, Charles A., (Anna L.), house painter, house over 60 Tower. Peterson, Charles A. (Amanda), printer, over 12 West Second, n. 475 Crescent. Peterson, Charles A., duffer, 116 East First, residence 306 Steele. Peterson, Charles E., furniture finisher, 105 Winsor, lesidence 541 Allen. Peterson, Charles E. (Sarah M.), dyer, 35 Water, house 11 Peterson. Ptt:is:n, Claries E. (Augusta E.), wood worker, house 130 Fairview avenue. Peterson, Charles G. (Matilda), carpenter, house 35 Peterson. Peterson, Charles G., traveling salesman, residence 16 Bowen. Peterson, Charles H., (Lena)—The Casino, 22 East Second—house over 109 do. Peterson, Charles J., (Hulda M.), machinist 40 Steele, house 19 West Eighth. Peterson, Charles J. (Sophia), carriage painter, house 20 Tilden avenue. Peterson, Charles J., (Louise), machine hand, 415 Chandler, house 57 Chapin. Peterson, Charles M. (Sophie), janitor, 28 Main, house 11 Cowden place. Peterson, Charles O., (Christina), but cher, 710 North Main, house 14 Whitley avenue. Peterson, Charles V. ( E m m a M.), mill hand 51 Winsor, house 324 Willard. Peterson, Charles W., shoemaker, 108 Main, boards 21 Alpaca. Peterson, Charlie G., (Matilda), laborer, house 17 Tower. Peterson, Christine, domestic, 1381 E a st Second. Peterson, Christina, widow John A., house 48 Eagle. Peterson, Christine, widow Anders, house 303 Crescent. Peterson, Christine, widow John, residence 1275 Main. Peterson, C. J., (Christine F.), laborer 38 Winsor, house 18 Chapin. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fitting Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. PETERSON PETERSON J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 369 Peterson, C. 0., (Ida F.), carpenter, house 612 East Eighth. Peterson, Clara M., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence over 435 Allen. Peterson, Clarence, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 14 Marvin. Peterson, Conrad, finisher 101 Harrison, residence 530 Winsor. Peterson, Conrad C , (Mattie E.), stonemason, house S19 Prendergast avenue. Peterson, Corinth A. 0., duffer 335 Harrison, residence 162 Willard. Peterson, Daniel, president Jamestown Sliding Blind Co., 2S Briggs, residence 172 Allen. Peterson, David A., shoe maker,, 475 Willard, residence do. Peterson, Duane W., clerk, residence 130 Water. Peterson, Eddie, laborer, 35 Water, residence 56 Tower. Peterson, Edna, residence 14 Marvin. Peterson, Edward, (Jennie) steam dyer, rear 18 Main, house over 17 Steele. Peterson, Edward A. (Kittie S.) clerk, 208 Main, h. 342 East Fifth. Peterson, Edward G.,finisher,318 Cherry, residence 20 Tilden avenue. Peterson, Edward G., (Mary G.), laborer, house 44 Tower. Peterson, Edwin, machine hand, 105 Winsor, residence 216 Barrows. Peterson, Edwin A., tin presser, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 79 Vega. Peterson, Efiie J., student, residence 342 East Fifth. Peterson, Ella, works 318 Cherry, residence 106 Sampson. Peterson, Elenora, widow Peter A., house 132 Prospect. Peterson, Ellen, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 296 do. Peterson, Elmer J., printer, over 302 Main, residence 35 Peterson. Peterson, Emil, carpenter, boards 15 Cowden place. Peterson, Emil (Mary) cutter, house 144 Warren. Peterson, Emil E., (Elida), tailor, 1 Main, house 508 Barrett avenue. Peterson, Emil F. (Augusta) grocer, N e w Broadhead block, 105 South Main, house 151 Prospect. Peterson, Emil G., metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 14 Marvin. Peterson, Elof, works 58 Water, boards over 347 Foote avenue. Peterson, Emanuel, (Mary), laborer, house 111 Cheney. Peterson, E m m a , widow Charles, house 130 Falconer. Peterson, Eric (Alma) veneerer, house 529 Allen. Peterson, Esther, residence 820 Ashvill e avenue. Peterson, Esther, domestic, 104 Washington, residence 220 King. Peterson, Frank, student, residence 10 Jones. Peterson, Florence H., spinner 335 Harrison, residence 79 Vega. Peterson, Florence, residence 14 Marvin. Peterson, Florence J. C , twister, 35 Water, residence 462 Willard. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material K n o x H a t s , H a w e s H a t s o n l y at P R O U D F I T ' S PETERSON PETERSON 370 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Peterson, F. Oscar (Mary L.) druggist, 700 East Second, house 63 Chapin. F. 05CA~R_PETERS0i< DRUGGIST, 700 E. Second St. Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles Peterson, Frank B., (Ellen O), laborer, 115 Winsor, li. over 12 Morse ave. Peterson, Frank E., porter, 105 Wins or, residence 529 Allen. Peterson, Frank T., cigar maker, over 29 Main, residence 915 do. Peterson, Frank W., turner, residence 122 Cross. Peterson, Fred, press hand, 129 J. & G. avenue, residence 21 Alpaca. Peterson, Frederick R., (Edith O).,—Stevens & Peterson, 46 N e w Fenton building—house 105 Chandler. Peterson, G. Elizabeth, domestic, 807 Spring. Peterson, Genieve J., residence 35 Pete rson. Peterson, George B. (A. Amelia) Jamestown Veneer works, 46 Steele, house 817 Main. Peterson, George F., spring setter, 25 Shearman place, res. 42 West Ninth. Peterson, Gilbert A., carpenter appren tice, 115 Winsor, residence 35 Peterson. Peterson, Gust, laborer, residence 23 Lake. Peterson, Gust, shoemaker, 318 Cherry, rooms over 210 East Second. Peterson, Gust, machine hand, 30 Steele, residence S20 Ashville avenue. Peterson, Gust, (Tine), laborer, house 243 Crescent. Peterson, Gust, (Minnie), machine hand, 105 Winsor, house 1 Chapman. Peterson, Gust C, (Hildora A.), machine hand, 105 Winsor, house over 86 Eagle. Peterson, Gust 12., (Minnie), dyer, 335 Harrison, house over 50 Water. Peterson, Gust R , upholsterer 38 Winsor, residence 818 West Eighth. Peterson, Gust W., (Hilma E.), packer, 101 Harrison, couse 25 Kinney. Peterson, Gustafva O , widow Andrew P., house 504 Willard. Peterson, Guy M., student, residence 11 Cross. Peterson, Hannah, weaver, residence 2 Charles. Peterson, Hannah J., folder 318 Cherry, residence 541 Allen. Peterson, Hans K. (Caroline) cabinet maker, house 25 West Ninth. Peterson, H. Amil, (Annie), cabinet maker, 5-7 Ashville avenue, house 29 West Eighth. Peterson, Henry, teamster, residence 818 West Eighth. Peterson, Hilda, domestic, 38 Fairmount avenue. Peterson, Hilda, domestic, 540 East Second. Peterson, Hilma, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 18 Chapin. Peterson, Hilma, widow Axel, house 141 Superior. Clark Hardware Co.,agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . PETERSON PETERSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 371 Peterson, Huldah, spinner, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, residence over 435 Allen. Peterson, Hulga, domestic, 31 Foote avenue. Peterson, Ida, laundress, residence 18 West Eighth. Peterson, Ivan A., (Edith), dyer, 335 Harrison., house over 211 Main. Peterson, James, (Fredricka), engineer 30 Steele, house 42 West Ninth. Peterson, James C. (Nettie A.)—A. J. Peterson & Som, 208 Main, house 105 East Eighth. Peterson, Jennie, aristotype worker, residence 14 Park. Peterson, Jennie, widow Andrew, house over 433 Allen. Jeterson, Jennie 0. F., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 17 Tower. Peterson, Jennie M., twister, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, bds. over 5 Walnut Peterson, Johanna, shirt maker, 212 Main, residence 6 Center. Peterson, John, furniturefinisher,resid ence 56 Towe-. Peterson, John (Tilda), bartender, house 24 Crown. Peterson, John, (Rose), teamster, 115 Winsor, house under 435 Allen. Peterson, John, waiter 6 South Main, boards do. Peterson, John, ciga? maker, residence 915 Main. Peterson, John A., foreman, 3 Ashville avenue, house 818 West Eighth. Peterson, John A., carpenter, house 644 East Sixth. Peterson, John A. (Sarah A.) upholsterer, 25 Shearman pi., house 22 Chapin. Peterson, John A. (Hilda) laborer, house 246 Bowen. Peterson, John A., (Lida O ) , cabinet maker, 101 Harrison, house over 12 Fairfield avenue. Peterson, John A., (Reka), metal worker, 95 J. &. G. ave, h. 418 Baker. Peterson, John Alfred, (Ada), laborer, J. S. Ry., house over 535 Allen. Peterson, John E., (Hulda), coachman, 315 East Fourth, house 122 Fulton. Peterson, John F. (Augusta) house 146 Prospect. Peterson, John F. .turner, residence 208 Forest avenue. Peterson, John F. (Ingra) retired, house 22 Eagle. Peterson, John P., housj 475 Willard. Peterson, John R., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence over 118 Palmer. Peterson, John T., mechanic, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 168 Chandler. Peterson, John W., (Hilda), cabinet maker, 105 Winsor, house 25 Myrtle. Peterson, Josephine A., widow Charles, house 230 Forest avenue. Peterson, Julia, piece mender, 35 W a t e r, residence 56 Tower. Peterson, Julia, employed 56 Prospect, residence 14 Park. Peterson & Johnson—Alfred I. Peterson and Charles W . Johnson, props., meat market—710 Main. Peterson, Laura, operative 116 East First, residence 16 Morton. Peterson, Lena, residence 21 Sturges. , Peterson, Leonard, (Matilda M.), tailor, Allen Square bldg., h. 134 Hedges. Peterson, Lizzie, chamber maid, 113 W e s t Third, residence do. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W. Third St., M. J. MURRAY OVERCOATS a Specialty at P R O U D F I T ' S . PETERSON 372 PETERSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Peterson, Lottie, domestic, 412 Main, residence Oak Hill. Peterson, Louis (Tillie) street car conductor, residence 409 Newland avenue. Peterson, Louisa, widow Samuel, houselO Jones. Peterson, Louisa, widow Peter, house 68 Tower. Peterson, Louise, widow Charles, house 4 Williams. Peterson, M. Alfred, (Ida O ) , dye house, 56 Water, house 12 Morton. Peterson, M. Genevieve, musician, residence 168 Chandler. Peterson, Mable A., student, residence 11 Cross. Peterson, Mable W., musician, residence 644 East Sixth. Peterson, Mandus, laborer, residence 30 6 Steele. Peterson, Martin (Christina) stone mason, house 917 Main. Peterson, Martin, machinist, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 220 King. Peterson, Mary, domestic, 222 Winsor. Peterson, Mary, widow Peter, house 97 Camp. Peterson, Mary, widow Niles, house 6 Center. Peterson, Matilda, widow Theodore, house 11 Cross. Peterson, Melvin, paperhanger, residen ce 644 East Sixth. Peterson, Minnie, widow Rudolph, rooms 710 Lafayette. Peterson, Mossie, florist Lake View Rose Gardens, res. 820 Ashville ave. Peterson, N. M., (Lottie), cabinet maker, house 34 Myrtle. Peterson, Nellie, stenographer 300 Fenton building, res. 20 Tilden avenue. Peterson, Nellie M., clerk, 207 Main, residence 386 Willard. Peterson, Nels, laborer, boards 219 Prospect. Peterson, Nels (Dorothea) stone mason, residence 915 Main. Peterson, Nels J. (Christine L.) laborer, house 220 King. Peterson, Ollie, (Matina), woodworker, 30 bteele, residence 3 Barrett avenue. Peterson, Olof, retired, residence 28 Scott. Peterson, O. Sanford, (Anna O ) , cooper, house 69 Benson. Peterson, Oscar, employed City Electric Light Co., house 325 Forest. Peterson, Oscar, (Hannah), spring bed maker, 41 Outlet ave., res. 42 Charles. Peterson, Oscar, comber, 335 Harrison, boards 5 Walnut. Peterson, Oscar (Hilma S.) blacksmith, 5 Race, house 37 Hazzard. Peterson, Oscar, gardener, 500 Pine. Peterson, Oscar J., (Ruth)—Peterson & Youngquist, 203 East Second—house 837 Newland avenue. Peterson, Oscar L., works 41 Outlet avenue, residence 106 Sampson. Peterson, Osian, packer, 101 Harrison, boards 23 Center. Peterson, Otto, orderly, W . C. A. hospital, 207 Foote avenue. Peterson, Otto, (Augusta), laborer, house 122 Cross. Peterson, Otto (Helen) retired house 296 Harrison. Peterson, Otto M., wool comber, 335 Harrison, residence 17 Tower. Peterson, Otto W . (Christine) laborer, 73 Tower. Peterson, P. A., (Carrie), carpenter, house 216 Barrows. Peterson, Peter (Jennie) case maker, house 19 Columbia avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware,Stoves, Furnishings Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E PETERSON CO. PHILLIPS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 373 Peterson, Peter, (Mary), works 30 Steele, house 138 Park. Peterson, Peter E., (Augusta C ) , laborer, house 930 East Second. Peterson, Porter, meat cutter, 207 West Third, residence 10 Jones. Peterson, Robert, clerk, 1 N e w Gifford building, residence 10 Jones. Peterson, Robert (Anna) painter, house 530 Winsor. Peterson, Rosa, aristotype worker, residence 10 Jones. Peterson, Segred E., clerk, 5-7 Main, residence 19 West Eighth. Peterson, Selma, residence 725 Camp. Peterson, Selma A., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 27 Kinney. Peterson, Selma L., drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 17 Tower. Peterson, Seth R., bartender, residence 230 Forest avenue. Peterson, Simon C. J., (Matilda), policeman, 7 City hall, house 13 Walnut. Peterson, Simmons, retired, residence 714 Washington. Peterson, Tecla, domestic 518 Main, residence do. Peterson, Tena, weaver 335 Harrison, r esidence 6 Center. Peterson, leresa, domestic, 303 West Second. Peterson, Tilla, domestic 210 Chandler. Peterson, Thomas O , draughtsman, 95 J. & G. avenue, room 15 Y. M. C. A. dormitory, 201-7 Prendergast avenue. Peterson, Verne, upholsterer, 38 Winso r, residence 26 Barrows. Peterson, Victor, (Eva), machine hand, 38 Winsor, h. 347% Foote ave., rear. Peterson, Victor, (Carolina), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 27 Kinney. Peterson, Victor O., (Augusta M.), band sawyer, 25 Shearman place, house over 536 Allen. Petersen, Waldemar D., laborer, boar ds 25 West Ninth. Peterson, William, employed 56 Prospect, residence 14 Park. Peterson, William (Celia) carpenter, house over 27 Derby. Peterson, William H. (Anna L.), machine hand, 101 Harrison, res. 229 Steele. Peterson, William M., (Julia), furniture polisher, 105 Winsor, h. 110 Tower extension, south. Peterson, William O., (Dora), clerk 208 Main, house 130 Water. Peterson & Youngquist—Oscar J. Peterson and Carl 0. Youngquist, boots and shoes—203 East Second. Peterson, see also Pederson. Pettis, John J., (Ellen), wool sorter, 33 5 Harrison, house 152 1-2 Allen. Pew, Rev. Joseph, (Hattie), traveling preacher, house over 1027 Main. Pew, Charles H., bicycle dealer and repairer, 111 East Third, rooms 913 Prendergast. Pharo, Anna L., widow Allen R., house 864 Prendergast avenue. Phelps, Clara Allene, student, resid ence 37 Thirteenth. Phelps, George N., (Arvilla), engineer, 236 Crescent, house 37 Thirteenth. Phelps, George M., boards 63 Prospect. Phelps, Robert II., shipper 22 South Main, rooms 28 Fenton place. Phillips, Aaron J. (Aurelia) retired, residence 111 Allen. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. T w o cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T ' S PHILLIPS 374 PHILO JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Phillips, Brewer D., (Ida), cashier 201 Main, house 317 Clinton Phillips Barrel Co.—Ralph M., Ross S. and Harry P. Phillips and Wright D. Broadhead—rear 50 Steele. Phillips & Brown—Jamestown Pharma cy, Glenn P. Phillips and Harold LeF. Brown—8 East Second. PHILLIPS & BROWN, J/mE./TOWN FHrtRM/KY. Reliable Drugs and Medicines. Fine Druggists' Sundries. No. 8 East Second St. 'Phone 209. Phillips, Cassius, M., (Mary K.), house 310 Pine. Phillips, Corrie D., residence 863 Pren dergast avenue. Phillips, Emmett A. (Estell M.) engineer, house 50 Prospect avenue. Phillips, Glenn P., (Birdie F.),—Phillips & Brown, 8 East Second—house over 142 Forest avenue. Phillips, Harry P.—Phillips Barrel Co., 50 Steele,—residence 300 Warren. Phillips, Hurlburt L.—Jamestown Lounge Co., 38 Winsor—res. 352 E. 4th. Phillips, Jane, widow George, residence 60 Water. Phillips, Jay, (Anna), saloon, 117 Main, house Jones. Phillips & Jones—Jay A. Phillips and J ohn Jones, saloon and ten pin tables —under 117 Main. Phillips, Leanda, widow Niram, residence 123 South Main. Phillips, LeGrande A. (Jennie) driver, house 109 Forest. Phillips, Lephie, widow Corydon J., house 195 Forest avenue. Phillips, Marvin, (Flora), teamster, house 300 Warren. Phillips, Mary A., widow, Delevan D., house 22 Champlin. Phillips, Milton E. (Emma) carpenter, 806 West Eighth, b. 146 Stewart ave. Phillips, Milton L., (Mary L.), oil business, (now in W . Va.), house under 341 Foote avenue. Phillips, Minnie M., residence 300 Warren. Phillips, Nannie E., widow Fred M., bookkeeper 122 East Third, residence 313 Jefferson. Phillips, Olive, widow Alvin, house 109 Forest avenue. Phillips, Ralph M — Phillips Barrel Co., 50 Steele—residence 300 Warren. Phillips, Ross S.—Phillips Barrel Co., 50 Steele—residence 300 Warren. Phillips, Vernie, billiards 937 East Second. Phillips, Veilon M., (Petra), bookkeeper, house 1075 East Second. Phillips, Walter, helper, 21 West Third, residence do. Philo, Stewart West, (Clara), clerk J. C. & L. E. Ry., h. over 10 Hall avenue. Philo, William B., (Blanche S.), freight agent J. C. & L. E. Ry, 75 Steele, house 10 Hall avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. PHILO BURT MFG. CO. PIHLBLAD JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 375 Philo Burt Mfg. Co.—Philo B. Sheldon Pres., R. Jay Barrows, mgr., sec. and treas.—office room 10-16 Ellicott building. Phoenix, Adelia, Mrs., house 25 Walnut. Pickard, A. C. & R. F.—Alonzo C. and Ray F.—attys. at law, 11-14 city hall. Pickard, Allen, (Myra E.), boat liveryman, house 15 Crossman. Pickard, Alonzo C — A . C. & R. F. Pickard, 1 1 % city hall—h. 1037 E. Second. Pickard, Clare A., (Rachael Giles), attorney at law, room 3 Ellicott building, house 611 Prendergast avenue. Pickard, Grace, widow James, residence 108 Williams. Pickard, Horace T., (Delia A.), Stewart 300 Main, house 36 Harrison. Pickard.Jay H. (Pearl D.) prop. Jamestown Com. gallery, 320 Harrison, house 12 Crossman. Pickard, Joe (Mary) foreman picking department, 116 E. 1st, h. 45 Water. Pickard, John James, cigar maker over 19 Main, residence 36 Harrison. Pickard, Minnie L., widow Adam, boarding house over 8 West Third. Pickard, Nellie, weaver Meadow Brook Mills residence over 8 West 3rd. Pickard, Ray F. (Blanche L.)—A. C. & R. F. Pickard—14 city hall, residence 614 Spring. Pickard, Richard D., (Mary B.), boat liveryman, house 15 Crossman. Pickard, Rose F., Mrs. house 614 Spring. Pickett, Fay W., (Daisy A.), cabinetmaker, 38 Winsor, house 214 do. Pickett, Fayette H. (Eliza) butter buyer, house 533 East Fifth. Pickett, Frank, wood worker, 38 Winsor, boards 214 do. Pickles, Mary, baker, residence 108 Foote avenue. Pickles, Sarah A., bakery, 108 Foote avenue, house do. Pier, Clara L., bookkeeper, 14-16 West Second, residence 215 West Third. Pierce, Dennis, painter and carpenter, room 22 Allen Square bldg., 119 Main. Pierce, Elbridge G., (Florence), accountant, 335 Harrison, house 540 Lake View avenue. Pierce, Ernest (Belle M.) music teacher 55 Steele, house 55 do. Pierce, Harriet A., widow Ogden, resid ence 202 J. & G. avenue. Pierce, Harry A „ music teacher 55 Steele, residence do. Pierce, Jennie M., widow Victor H.; sorter, house 59 Steele. Pierce, Jennie V., widow Calvin, laceand silk cleaning, room 3 over 111 East Third, house over 111 do. Pierce, John, painter, residence 59 Steele. Pierce, Mariah L., widow Nelson E., residence over 224 East Second. Pierce, May A., works 56 Prospect, residence 55 Steele. Pierce, Thomas J. (Carrie S.) loom fixer 35 Water, house 603 East Seventh. Pierce, see also Peirce. Pierson, William, (Esther)—transient and boarding stables, 24 Fenton placehouse 13 do. Pierson, see also Pearson. Pihlbad, Carl W., wood worker, 105 Winsor, residence 7 Orchard. Pihlblad, William C. (Anna) laborer, house 7 Orchard. MJ.MURRAY crndBesteiLin?„efst Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Y o u r Money's W o r t h mo°nrey0Ki;clc a t Proudfit's. PIKE PORTER 376 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Pike, Harrison (Annis C.) retired, house 29 Mechanic. Pike, Lois L.. widow Adin M., house 215 Washington. Pillsbury, Lewis A. (Annette) barber, under S. Main, h. 212 Forest ave. Piper, Albert L. (Etta M.) manaser N. Y. & Pa. Tel. & Tel. Co. Ill East Third, house 310 West Second. Pitcher, George,floristLake View Rose Gardens, boards 6 Metallic avenue. Pitts, George B., (Lucy S.)—Clark Hardware Co., 109 Main—h. 410 E. Fourth. Pitts, Lucy B., widow John W., house 410 East Fourth. ' Pitts, William B. (Minnie) clerk 203 Main, house 20 Thirteenth. Piatt, Amelia, Mrs., residence over 216 West Seventh. Platner, Lewis, spring setter, 38 Winsor, boards 34 Hazzard. Platner, Sarah, widow Luther H., house 15 Scott. Plucker, Ruben, laborer, boards 703 Washington. Plumbing Inspector John F. Smith, room 10 city hall. Plummer, Enosh A., prof, penmanship, 24-30 Gokey bldg., rooms 4 Y. M. C. A. dormitory. Ploss, Grant S., (Georgiana), teamster, 228 Ridgeway avenue. Poland, E m m a , house work, residence33 1-2 Rathbone. Polder, Agnes, bookkeeper, 56 Prospect,boards, 316 West Third. Polder, Stella, bookkeeper, 116 Main, boards 316 West Third. Pole, Joseph, carpenter, house 316 Warren. Police Headquarters basement city hall, East Third. Police Justice Abner Hazeltine, roo-m 6 city hall. Polhemus, Albert, (Lizzie), laborer, house 120 Driving Park avenue. Pollard, Rachael, picker, 116 East First, residence 116 Harrison. Pollard, Rhodes, weaver 116 East First, residence 116 Harrison. Pollard, Smith (Eliza) dyer 116 East First, house 451 West Second. Pollard, Uriah, (Sarah), loomfixer, 116 Bast First, house 12 Institute. Polley, Clayton, policeman in the Philippines, residence 213 Lincoln. Polley, Ella, Mrs. canvasser, house 213 Lincoln. Polley, Jessie B., teacher, residence 213 Lincoln. Pond Charles A., (Matilda A.), painter,house 163 Barrows. Pond, Willam, laborer, house over 113 Willard. Poole, Arthur, (Mary A.), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, h. over 157 Prospect. Pooler, Silas S., (Julia H.), traveling salesman, house 222 East First. Porter, Anna, Mrs., spinner, residence 412 Allen. Porter, Elmer E. (Myra) laborer, house 4 Flagg avenue. Porter, Elvira L., Mrs., dress maker r oom 20 Allen Square building. Porter, Flora H., widow Samuel M., residence 315 West Fifth. Porter, Glenn, laborer, residence 4 Flagg avenue. Porter, Hubert E. V. (Grace E.), Principal Jamestown Business College, Gokey building, West Third, house S 50 Main. Porter, Isaac E., cigarmaker, house 329 Warren. Porter, Nellie, milliner, 101 South Main, residence 329 Warren. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. PORTER T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . POWERS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 377 Porter, William, (Lamanda), carpenter, house 307 Allen. Ports, A d a m (May) contractor, house 111 Crossman. Ports, Stella May, teacher, residence 111 Crossman. Post, Clyde, works 38 Winsor, residence 378 Foote avenue. Post, Daniel H. (Evelyn N.)—Jamestown Bedstead Co.—30 Steele, house 500 Pine. Post, Eugene A. (Sarah A.) carpenter, house 20 Crosby. Post, Jerome (Lyda) laborer, house 378 Foote avenue. Post, Ora, cloth inspector, 335 Harrison, residence 378 Foote avenue. Post, Ruggles E., (Cornelia M.)—Post & Hamilton, over 119 Main—house 516 East Fifth. Post, Truman H. (Sophronia) carpenter, house 209 Prendergast avenue. Post & Hamilton—Ruggles E. Post and George L. Hamilton, insurance office —rooms 5-6 Allen Square building, over 119 Main. Postal Telegraph & Cable Co., office 19 West Third, J. W . Weed, manager. Postoffice, 20 West Third. Potter, Carrie E., Mrs. dressmaker, 6 Institute, residence do. Potter, George T., deliveryman, residence 8 Rathbone. Potter, George W., (Bertha Belle), commercial traveler, house 8 Rathbone. Potter, Howard W., commercial traveler, 116 East First, house over 103 South Main. Potter, Mark M., soldier, residence 8 Rathbone. Potter, Mary, residence 1034 Main. Potter, Rodney L., drayman, residence lis Steele. Potter, Roderick L. (Catherine A.), retired, house 118 Steele. Potter, Stephen (Carrie E.) retired, house 6 Institute. Potter, Truman, retired, residence 8 Rathbone. Potter, Willard L., (Lida H.), mason, house over 800 Main. Potwin, Wilhelmina S., teacher, residence 223 Crossman. Pound, Carrie, widow Charles, house 3 3 1-2 Rathbone. Pound, Henry, dye house, 116 East First, residence 33 1-2 Rathbone. Pouna, Julia, weaver 116 East First, re sidence 33 1-2 Rathbone. Powers, Alton C., (Nellie),fireman,J. C. & L. E. R. R., house 105 Fairiew ave Powers, Daniel E., gardener, Wellman avenue. Powers, Ivan A., employed 335 Harrison, residence 105 Fairview avenue. Powers, Joseph, clerk 221 Main, boards 40 Fairmount avenue. Powers, Lorenzo D., (Mary J.), undertaker, 245 East Third, house do. Undertaker, Funeral Director. L D . P O W E R S , Professional Embalmer. Office and Residence, 345 East Third St. Telephone 8 8 W . Best Service and Lowest Prices Guaranteed. Lady assistant when desired. Hot Water Heating, Z l l l ^ f ^ - S i & T ^ M . J. M U R R A Y . Call u p N o . 3 3 for Clothing a n d POWERS 378 Furnishings. PRICE J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Powers, Louis M., (Ameda), deliveryman, Wells Fargo Express Co., 115 Main, house Wellman avenue. Powers, Mary, residence 151 East Ninth. Powers, M a y O, house keeper, resid ence 105 Fairview avenue. Powers, Ora L., stenographer, residence 345 East Third. Prachthauser, Fred O, (Frances), supt. 95 J. & G. avenue, house 14 East Fifth. Prather, Abraham S. (Martha F.) vice president Chautauqua National Building, Loan and Savings Ass'n, over 101 E. 3d, h. 863 Prendergast ave. Prather, John H. (Margaret M.) sec'y Chautauqua National Building, Loan and Savings Ass'n, over 101 E. Third, house 356 East Fourth. Pratt, Burton R., (Rosabel), butter, eggs and cheese, 217 Cherry, house 714 Washington. Pratt, Catharine, tailoress, residence 18 0 East Buffalo. Pratt, Charles S., (Lizzie),finisher101 Harrison, h. over 121 Fairmount ave. Pratt, Clayton E., veneer buyer, residence 817 Main. Pratt, John S., (Dora L.), loomfixer,works 116 East First, house 866 Main. Pratt, Mary, sorter A m . Aristo works, residence 180 East Buffalo. Pratt, Oelin W., (Carrie), farmer, Wellman avenue. Pratt, Richard (Mary) farmer, house 180 East Buffalo. Pratt, Thomas, (Frances), mason, house 192 East Buffalo. Pratt, William M. (Celia) street car conductor, residence 180 East Buffalo. Prendergast block, 301-309 Main. Prendergast Hose Company, truck and bunk rooms, 216 Spring. Prendergast Hose Reception rooms over 22 East Second. Prendergast Library, West Fifth, Cherry, West Sixth and Washington. Prescott, Robert A., com. traveler, house 824 Prendergast avenue. Preston, Charles J., machinist, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 723 E. Second. Preston, Chester A., trap drummer, Celoron Gold Band, residence 723 E. 2nd. Preston, Field & Mackey—Jerome Preston, Edward M. Mackey—Chautauqua Towel Mills, 206 Steele, corner Sprague. Preston, George (Famison), night watch, house 723 East Second. Preston, Jerome (Hannah)—Chautauqua Towel Mills—206 Steele, corner Sprague, house 203 East Fourth. Preston, R. Bertha, residence 203 East Fourth. Price, Albert S., student, residence 310 Lake View avenue. Price, Alson H., (Clara M.), painter, works 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 551 W . 3rd. Price, Alvin, apprentice 56 Prospect, residence 204 Lakeview avenue. Price, Alvin, laborer 56 Prospect, residence 135 East Ninth. Price, Annie M.,weaver, 102 E. First, residence 85 Falconer. Price, Bertha I., milliner, Ashville ave, (Celoron). Price, Carrie R., student, residence 801 Main. Price, Charles H. (Mary) oil producer, residence 310 Lake View avenue. Price Charlotte A., residence 225 East Eighth. Price, Cheston A., student, residence 907 Prendergast avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. PRICE PROVANCHA JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 379 Price, Clara Helen, teacher, residence 907 Prendergast avenue. Price, Clayton E. (Mary) clerk 109 Main, house 801 do. Price, Ernest V., student, residence 310 Lake View avenue. Price, Fred A. (Emily A.) carpenter, house 135 East Ninth. Price, Harry W., express messenger, residence 907 Prendergast avenue. Price, Hattie E., Mrs., house 907 Prendergast avenue. Price, Henry C. (Florence A.), retired, house 225 East Eighth. Price, James H., (Lillian A.), real estate dealer, house 85 Falconer. Price, John C , residence 907 Prendergast avenue. Price, Lillian A., stenographer, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Price, Louise Osborn, residence 601 Main. Price, Marion J., (Bertha M.), aristotype worker, 56 Prospect, house over 424 Hallock. Price, Olive L., weaver, 102 East First, residence 85 Falconer. Price, Orsell C , student, residence 225 East Eighth. Price, Oscar F. (Elizabeth Osborn) real estate, house 601 Main. Price, S. Cedric, carpenter, residence 85 Falconer. Price, Tracy K., (Laura M.), printer, house over 308 East Second. Price, Walter, (Bertha), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, h. under 135 Warren. Price, Willis G., J. P. Celoron, house Ashville avenue (Celoron). Price, Wilson A. (Amy E.) retired, house 310 Lake View avenue. Price, Wilson O , attorney at law, N e w Fenton Block, residence 310 Lake View avenue. Price W . Gaylord, machinist, Lakewood road. Prince, Earl E., laborer, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Crossman. Prince, Frank A.,finisher,335 Harrison, residence 16 Crossman. Prince, George, meat cutter, 72 Foote avenue, residence 114 Harrison. Prince, John (Annie) meat market 72 Foote avenue, house 114 Harrison. Prince, Mary E., cleaner, 318 Cherry, residence 16 Crossman. Pritchard, Grace, domestic, 11 Cook avenue. Proctor, Arthur, works 116 East First, residence 128 Harrison. Proctor, Benjamin, (Elizabeth), stone c utter, house 128 Harrison. Proctor, Lillian, works 116 East First, residence 128 Harrison. Prosser, David W . (Laura L.) com. traveler, house 9 East Ninth. Prosser, Jefferson W . (Sarah E.) retired, house 100 Barrows. Prosser, W . Lewis (Alice), wood carver, 40 Steele, house 13 Weeks. Proudfit, William H. (Ellen) clothier, and merchant tailor, 206 Main (33), house 213 East Fourth. Prout, Alice, residence 5 Harrison. Prout, Albert P., (Mary A.), Brooklyn House, 5-7-9 Harrison. Prout, Imogene, residence 5 Harrison. Prout, Mabel, residence 5 Harrison. Provancha, Alexander, plumber, 211 Ea st Third, res. ove-r 108 Fairview ave. Provancha, Mary, Mrs., house over 108 Fairview avenue. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, £rrt£tkliS M. L MURRAY Little Giant Suits for Children at P R O U D F I T ' S PROVANCHA QUIST 380 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Provancha, William, farmer, house 175 Livingston avenue. Provone, Mabelle T., residence 315 Lincoln. Prudden, Addison, 38 Winsor, residen ce 202 Broadhead avenue. Prudden, B. E., Mrs., house 20-2 Broad head avenue. Prudden, Lulu, studio department, Aristo Co., 56 Prospect, res. 202 Broadhead avenue. Prudential Insurance Co. of America, (The) — Singelton Gardiner, supt, rooms 3-4-5 Gokey Building. Pruvot, Edward, (Dora), weaver, 335 Harrison, house under 103 Willard. Pugh, Emeline, widow Dr. John M., house 10 Beulah place. Pulver, Guy L., (Myra), letter carrier, p. O., house 113 Kent. Pulver, Susan B., Mrs., elocutionist, residence 124 Kent. Purdy, Carl S., (Flora M.)—Davis, Pu rdy & Co., 18 Shearman place—house over 15 Lincoln. Purdy, Charles M. (Ella M.), commercial traveler, house 107 Lincoln. Purdy, William G., (Maud), commission merchant, 18 Shearman place, house 147 East Ninth. Putnam, Davis O. (Flora A.), drayman, house 115 West Eighth. Putnam, Edgar P. (Mary Eppie). house 347 East Fourth. Putnam, Eugene, employed 335 Harri son, house under 79 Hazzard. Putnam, George F., (Estelle), stationary engineer, 56 Prospect, house 47 Prospect. Putnam, Glencore, widow Frank, millhand, 116 East First, house 763 E. 2nd. Putnam, Horace A. (Laura P.), hackman, house 229 Crosby. Putnam, Louis A., (Hilma), florist Lake View Rose Gardens, house 17 Tew. Putnam, Murvin A., (Hattie), butcher, house 815 Jefferson. Putnam, W . Crandall, telegraph operator, (in Buffalo), residence 115 W . 8th Pyle, E. A., insurance agent, rooms 117 East Fifth. Q Quaintance, James, (Blanche), teamster, house 818 Jefferson. Quiding, John H., (Ida G.), general collector and agent for Swedish and American papers, house 292 Willard. Quigley, Honora, widow Andrew, house 14 Crosby. Quigley, Mary J., residence 14 Crosby. Quinilivan, Margaret F., weaver, 116 East First, h. over 211 Prendergast ave. Quinlan, Dennis (Elizabeth), farmer, house 760 Foote avenue. Quinlan, James M., (Myra), policeman, house 100 East Eighth. Quinlan, Sarah, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 216 Winsor. Quinlan, Sarah, weaver, boards 752 East Second. Quirk, Kate, clerk, 116 Main, house 12 59 Main. Quirk, William (Mary), mason, house 1259 Main. Quist, Carl E., printer, residence 39 Oak. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplied Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. QUIST RANSOM JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 381 Quist, Carl F., (Selma L.), wool sorter, 116 East First, house 46 Peterson. Quist, Charles J. (Augusta), stone ma»on, house 39 Oak. Quist, C. E., works 7 Harrison, room 5 3 Allen Square bldg, 119 Main. Quist, Ernest, bottler, 7 Harrison, res idence 39 Oak. Quist, Oscar, (Tillie), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 153 Prospect. R Radley, James, spinning foreman, 335 Harrison, residence 24S do. Ragan, Daniel, (Mary), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 14 Hall avenue. Ragner, Hildah, residence over 151 Prospect. Ragner, Gust, (Wilhelmina), finisher house over 151 Prospect. Rahm, John A., stationery engineer, 9-11 Race, house 42 Eagle. Rainey, Julia, works 22 East Third, residence 21 Institute. Rainey, Margaret, pastry cook, residence 28 Institute. Rainey, Walter, (Bridget), retired, house 28 Institute. Rainey, William, upholsterer, 205 East Second, residence 28 Institute. Raistrick, Albert, mill hand, 35 Water, residence 36 Barrett avenue. Raistrick, Edwin (Sarah), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 212 Chandier. Raistrick, James W., (Bertha), warp twister, 116 E. First, h. over 760 E. 2nd. Raistrick, John (Emily), warp dresser, house 36 Barrett. Raistrick, William, comber, residence 36 Barrett. Raistrick, John, twister, 335 Harrison, residence 212 Chandler. Ralph, Karl R., metal worker, residen ce 243 Marvin. Ralph, Joseph (Harriet), teamster, house 243 Marvin. Ramsey, Charles' C , (Maggie J.), band sawyer, house 1015 Main. Ramsey, Charles N. (Byrd K.), general secretary, Y. M. C. A. bldg, corner East Second and Prendergast avenue, house 13 Fulton. Ramsey, E. Lynn (Lula), packer, 24 Main, house 103 Broadhead avenue. Ramsey, Loyal Y., (Grace P.), Aldrich Art and China Co., 302 Main, and traveling salesman, house 331 East Second. Ran, Peter, textile worker, 335 Harrison, boards over 305 Winsor. Randall, Charles A., (Kate), grinds handle bars in bicycle factory, house/206 Crosby. Randall, Frank M., janitor, Prendergast library, house 31 Hazzard. Randall, Helece, stenographer, 16 West Second, residence over 410 Winsor. Randall, Jane, widow Edward, house 15 Kidder. Randall, Mary A., residence 31 Hazzard. Randall, M. Elizabeth, Mrs., house over 410 Winsor. Randall, Mynetta A., copy holder, 16 West Second, res. over 410 Winsor. Randall, William E. (Nellie), stationary engineer, house 321 Warren. Ransom, Marion, residence 403 Main. Ransom1, Nelson F., (Rose),fireman,2 4 Steele, house 17 West Fourth. Ransom, William L., reporter, 14 West Second, residence 17 West Fourth. Some of the most extensive vl^\V*l "&££• M. J. MURRAY Boy's Clothing, LargterSc1tyckln a t RAPP 382 P R O U D F I T ' S REED J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Rapp, John A., (Pauline C), clerk, 218 Main, house 26 West Eighth. Rapp, Manley, electrician, boards 213 Barrows. Rapp, Swan J., (Eva J.), shoemaker, 49 Winsor, house 211 Barrows. Rappole, DeForest E. (Dora), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 86 Marvin. Rappole, Frank, (Romina), laborer, house 208 West Eighth. Rappole, Henry, (Celina), retired, house 241 Fulton. Rask, August W . (Matilda), brick maker, house under 760 East Second. Rasmussen, Fred, prop, shoe shop, 4 West Third. Ratcliffe, Johnathon, (Elizabeth),boss spinner, 116 East First, h. 210 Warren. Rathburn, William, bottler, 9 Harrison, boards 6 South Main. Raush, Clinton, barber, 116 Main, rooms 9 West First. Rawlings, John F., (Susie IM.), meter repairer, Penn. Gas. Co., 100 Institute, house 518 Foote avenue. Rawnsley, Ada, winding room, 335 Harrison, residence 624 Foote avenue. Rawnsley, James, (Clara), overseer, 335 Harrison, house 624 Foote avenue. Rawnsley, Percy, twister, 335 Harrison, residence 624 Foote avenue. Rawson, Charles H. (Franie), painter, residence 304 Prendergast avenue. Rawson, Clark H. (Minnie W.), dentist, 1-2 Allen square building, 119 Main, house 701 East Second. Rawson, E. W., (Emma)—E. W . Rawson & Co., carriage and sign painters, 714 East Second—house over do. Rawson, John B., (Ellen H.,), dentist, retired, house 414 West Third. Ray, Eliza, widow John, residence 15 Flagg avenue. Ray, Jason D., (Emma F.), oil dealer, house 14 Weeks. Raymond, Seth, (Adah), milk dealer,firsthouse Lake View extension. Read, Austin T., clerk, 203 Main, house (Lakewood.) Read, see also Reed and Reid. Reader, George W., (Mary), barber, 2 West Second, h. section 12 over 110 East Second. Reader, Phillip, (Henrietta),finisher,7 Ashville avenue, house 103 Hotchkiss. Reader, see also Reeder. Reardon, Dennis (Ellen), retired, house 313 Steele. Reardon, Ed-mond D., laborer, residence 313 Steele. Reardon, Grace E., bookkeeper, 18 East Third, residence over 108 Lincoln. Reardon, Margaret, domestic, residence 313 Steele. Reardon, Mary, domestic, residence 313 Steele. Reardon, Olive A., Mrs., nurse, house over 108 Lincoln. Rearick, Eva M., winder, 35 Water, residence 156 Allen. Rearick, Henry J., (Adella E.), Deputy Maccabees, house 156 Allen. Recruiting office, regular U. S. Army, (su,b station), Major James S. Rogers, officer in charge, rooms 8-9 Lowry block, over 101 East Third. Reddington, Delia, Mrs., house 606 Cherry. Reed, Albert H., (May L.), Avon-restaurant, 309 Main—house 610 Main. Reed, Alma, V. D., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Cedar avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. REED RENBERG J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 383 Reed, Andrew J. (Emma S.), dyer, 33 5 Harrison, house 16 Cedar avenue. Reed, Bertha E., clerk 116 Main, residence 609 East Seventh. Reed, Bessie B., music teacher, over 116 Main, residence 609 East Seventh. Reed, C. Victor, (Alba iR.), furniturefinisher,105 Winsor, house over 21 Hedges avenue. Reed, Frank E., (Lillian A.) plumber, Ideal plumbing shop, under 210 Bast Second, house 18 Park. Reed, Frank R., (DeEtte F.),florist,Lake View Rose Gardens, h. 16 Crosby. Reed, John W., (Helen M.), carpenter, house 7 Cross. Reed, Lars, (Betty), painter residence 22 Osborn. Reed, Lemuel C. (Celestia A.), undertaker, 107 East Second, house 609 E. 7th. Reed, Robert, shipping clerk, 335 Harrison, house 252 Prospect. Reed Sadie I., cashier, 309 Main, residence 610 Main. Reed, Sarah, widow, John, house 18 Park. Reed, Vena E., piano teacher, residence 7 Cross. Reed, see also Read and Reid. Reeder, John T., upholsterer, 38 Winsor, residence 615 Falconer. Reeder, Thomas E., roundsman, 7 city hall, house 615 Falconer. Reeder, see also Reader. Reeves, Warren L., retired, boards 25 Barrett avenue. Regan, John J., upholsterer, residence 9 Seymour avenue. Regan, Margaret, widow James, house 9 Seymour avenue. Regan, Mary, Dry Plate works, Falconer, residence 9 Seymour avenue. Regner, Carl, painter, boards 953 East Second. Rehn, Oscar, (Mary), lather, house 2 4 Pearl avenue. Reid, Alexander H., (Alice), wool carder, 116 East First, h. 9 1-2 Sherman. Reid, Ivo, cook, rooms 20 West Fourth. / Reid, John, (Jessie), landscape gardener, house over 30 Water. Reid, see also Read and Reed. Rehn, Anna, widow Elof, house 317 Allen. Rehn, John (Anna), mason, house 36 Pearl avenue. Rehnberg, Albert (Sophia), laborer, house 226 Hazzard. Reiger, Fidel, (Florence),,upholsterer, house 15 Victoria avenue. Reinhold, Vallen, (Bertha Lena), brick maker, 40 Quarry road, house over 25 Peterson. Reinow, Millie, drawer, 335 Harrison, boards 43 Prospect. Relf, Orvis A. (Anna C.)„ piano dealer, house 5 Church. Renner, James, (Maude), polisher, house 4 Rowley place. Rescue Engine Co., 128 Chandler. Res-mussen, Hans (Carrie), laborer, house 41 Tilden avenue. Resmussen, Lillie, student, residence 41 Tilden avenue. Resmussen, Nels, laborer, residence 41 Tilden avenue. Reuben, Mary, widow Frederick, 174 1-2 Barrows. Renberg, Adolph, (Emma C ) , shoe dealer, 3 Main, house 26 Palmer. M. J. MURRAY Employs Only First-class Workmen Reliable C l o t h i n g at R^s°eTble at REVELS 384 PROUDFIT'S RICK J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Revels, Ada C, student, residence over 703 Main. Revels, Jennie E., widow William, hous e over 703 Main. Rexford, Clarence L., (Jennie A.), traveling salesman, house over 519 Washington. Rexford, Josephine, widow Aaron W., house 519 Washington. Reynolds, A. Harrison, residence 30 W arren. Reynolds, Axel (Catharine E.), machinist, house 303 Crescent. Reynolds, Harvey F. (Ellen c ) , retired, house 209 Forest avenue. Reynolds, Ned, beards 151 Fairmount avenue. Reynolds, William R. Sr., (Helen B.), Sec. and cashier 116 East 1st, house 308 West 5th. Rhinemiller, Ruth B., widow Joseph, bookkeeper, 32 S. Main, h. over 20 Forest avenue. Rhinehart, Earl, (Anna), employed 95 J. & G. avenue, h. over 20 Union ave. Rhodes, Bertha L., shoe operative, 318 Cherry, residence 247 Marvin. Rhodes, Fred L. (Minnie E.), contractor and builder, house 247 Marvin. Rhodes, William H., (Annie E.), cloth fuller, works 335 Harrison, house 60 Water. Ribbing, Mrs. Christine, residence over 227 Hazzard. Ribbing, Oscar, finisher, 101 Harrison, residence over 227 Hazzard. Riberg, Charles, (Huldah), painter, house under 8 Short Eagle. Rice, Adelbert, (Ella), finisher, 95 J. & G. avenue, res. 9 Metallic avenue. Rice, Alice M., aristotype worker, 56 Prospect, residence 26 Derby, Rice, Alvin B., (Helen M.), physician and surgeon room 53 N e w Fenton bld'g, house 117 Fairmount avenue. Rice, Bertha E., residence 26 Derby. Rice, Clarance M. (Annie), contractor, house 206 Fulton. Rice, Edith S., music teacher, residence 26 Derby. Rice, Erie H., (Ina), American Aristo Co., 56 Prospect, house 42S Hallock. Rice, Frank C , (Nettie H.), iron worker, house 1027 East Second. Rice, Jay D., works 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 9 Metallic avenue. Rice, Jennie P., tailoress, residence 215 Fulton. Rice, Louisa E., domestic, 130 Lake View avenue, r. over 603 East 7th. Rice, Pearl A., residence 867 Spring. Rice, Rosette, Mrs., house 45 Harrison. Rice, Stephen L. (Alice E.), carpenter, house 26 Derby. Rice, Ulysses M., (Ella M.), insurance agent, house 122 Stewart avenue. Rice, Zella H., school teacher, 36 Derby. Rich, Bert F., professor penmanship, residence 20 Champlin. Rich, Frank, (Lizzie), manufacturer of harness dressing, Hunt road, (right side.) Rich, Frederic M., (Ella), note clerk 201 Main, house 210 East Fourth. Rich, William H., (Ellen A.), real estate dealer, room 20 Gokey building, house 20 Champlin. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. RICK ROBERTS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 385 Rick, Antoinette D., residence 84 Steele. Rick, Bertha E., teacher, school 5, residence S4 Steele. Rick, John (Elizabeth B.), foreman, house 84 Steele. Rick, Julius D. F., (Mildred A.), bookkeeper, 66 Foote avenue, h. Royal ave. Richardson, William J., (Anna), Salvation Army officer, house 33 Linden ave. Rickard, Charles (Mary), shoemaker, 628 East Second, house 617 Spring. Rickard, Edward M., residence 617 Spring. Ricley, Charlotte, residence 842 Spring. Ridell, Frank R., (Susan), commercial traveler, house 409 Lake View avenue. Ridell, Lucy 0., Mrs., residence 409 Lake View avenue. Rider, Abbie, widow Samuel, residence 1111 East Second. Rider, Alice, widow Orion, house Falconer, near Curtis. Ridgway, Dr. Guy E., (Frances R.), phvsician, room 1 Arcade block, residence 25 Allen. Ridgway,William W.. (Julia L.)—Ridgway & Neil, 16 Main, dry goods. house 25 Allen. Ridgway & Neill—William W . Ridgway and Will H. Neill—dry goods, 16 Main. Riefler, Katie, folder, 318 Cherry, roo m s 132 Fairmount avenue, 3rd floor. Riley, Alfred (Sarah A.), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 42 Foote avenue. Riley, Caroline, Mrs., house over 218 East Second. Riley, Edward M., asst, tel. inspector, 113 East 3d, res. over 21S East Second. Riley, Linna M., teacher, residence over 218 East Second. Riley, Louisa, picker 116 East First, residence 42 Foote avenue. Rimph Jerome (Anna), retired, house 144 Broadhead avenue. Rimph, Sherman M., machinist, residence 144 Broadhead avenue. Ringquist, Ephriam, (Anna), metal polisher, 234-6 Crescent, h. 18 Rathbone. Ripley, Frank L., retired, boards 21-23 West Third. Risley, George, (Hope), violin teacher, house over 93 Hazzard. Roach, Ella, residence 327 East Second. Roach, Emily, student, residence 327 East Second. Roach, Harry, laborer, boards 634 Falc oner. Roach, Julia, Mrs., dressmaker, room 24 Allen square bldg., over 9 W . 2nd. Roark, James, (Mary), hotel keeper, 10 Steele, house do. Robbins, Maria, widow Phineas, residence 408 East 6th. Robbins, Mary E., widow George, residence 212 Pine. Robbins, Mason, (Lucy), cabinet maker, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 63 Dickerson. Roberts, Charles L., porter 201 West Third, residence 85 Marvin. Roberts, Daniel, (Martha), carpet layer, 203 Main, house 85 Marvin. Roberts, Ella S., Mrs., dressmaker, house room 3 over 804 Main. Roberts, Ethel M., student, 116 Prospect. Roberts, Franklin O., bookcanvasser, residence 13 Tower. Roberts, Gertrude, dining room girl, 211 West Third, res. 85 Marvin. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material K n o x Hats, H a w e s H a t s only at P R O U D F I T ' S ROBERTS ROGERS 386 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Roberts, John E., (Ella A.), machinist, Engineering and Appliance Co., house 116 Prospect. Roberts, Lizzie, widow Samuel, weaver, 116 East First, house over 5 Briggs. Roberts, Lorenzo, painter, residence 8 5 Marvin. Roberts, Marlah, widow Ebenezer, house 121 Cross. Roberts, Melissa B., Mrs., house 508 East Fifth. Roberts Nellie M., bookbinder, 211 Main, residence 508 East Fifth. Roberts, Sophia, widow Napoleon, residence 508 Foote avenue. Roberts, Theodore M. (Mary W . ) , stock clerk, 95 Jones and Gifford avenue, house 625 Prendergast avenue. Roberts, William, painter, residence 8 5 Marvin. Roberts, William C. (Glennie), house 110 Stewart avenue. Robertson, A m o s T., (Julia A.), commercial traveler, house over 1014 Prendergast avenue. Roberteon, John, (Hannah), woodworker, house 31 Scott. Robertson, Lionel O., architect, residence 24 West Seventh. Robertson, Oliver D., residence 203 Warren. Robertson, Peter C. (Lena), carpenter, house 203 Warren. Robertson, Robert P., clerk, 206 Main, house 24 West Seventh. Robertson, William H. (Elvira H.), retired, house 47 Prospect. Robinson, Alice, weaver, 116 East First, residence over 131 Stowe. Robinson, Carrie, winding room, 335 Harrison, residence 254 Harrison. Robinson, Cordelia E.. residence 835 Main. Robinson, Harry B., shipping clerk, res idence 511 East Seventh. Robinson, Howard, (Anna), teamster, house 31 Fluvanna avenue. Robinson, Jennie, widow Charles, residence room 23, 4 Main. Robinson, John, Rev., (Mary), pastor Free Methodist church, h. 511 E. 7th. Robinson, John W., Prop, barber shop, basement 121 W . Third, house 114 Washington. Robinson, Mary, weaver, 116 East First residence 131 Stowe. Robinson, Sidney (Martha), night watchman, 335 Harrison, house 254 do. Roche, Katie, child's nurse, 418 East 6th, res. under 847 Prendergast ave. Roche. Pete F., barber, 116 Main, boards Commercial hotel. Rockman, Richard (Augusta), laborer, house 22 Bush. Rockwell, Fred (Sus'e E.)—Rockwell & Swanson, Ideal laundry, 20 Forest ave. —house 31 Derby. Rockwell, Ruth, Mrs., house 28 Jones. Roddy, John (Bridget), laborer, house 23 Alpaca. Rodgers, A. A., bookkeeper, 1C8 East Third, rooms 515 Washington. Rodgers, Howard S., (Nellie I.), engineer, 335 Harrison, house 12 Grant. Rogers, Caroline, residence over 128 East Second. Rogers, C. Jessie, residence 861 Main. Rogers, Dorcas M., widow Junius, residence 401 Prendergast avenue. Rogers, Edith M., student, residence 6 27 East Sixth. Clark Hardware Co.,agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. ROGERS ROOT JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 387 Rogers, Elizabeth J., drawer, 116 East First, residence 432 Allen. Rogers, Frank 15., clerk, 714 Main residence 861 Main. Rogers, George E., Asst. ticket agent, Erie depot, residence 820 Lafayette. Rogers, Harold L., student, residence 627 East Sixth. Rogers, Herman, millwright, 335 Harrison, rooms over 14 East Third. Rogers, Hugh M., (Mary), dyer, 116 East First, house 100 Crosby. Rogers, James H., (Ella V.), house 12 5 Baker. Rogers, James J., mechanic, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 820 Lafayette. Rogers, J. Gilbert (Sarah), horse trainer, house 861 Main. Rogers, Joseph D., student, residence 34 Lake View avenue. Rogers, Joseph R., clerk, residence 861 Main. Rogers, Lizzie, widow Alfred, dressma ker, house over 128 East Second. Rogers, Major James S., recruiting offi cer U. S. army, over 101 East Third, boards 21 West Third. Rogers, Mary, widow Anthony, house 432 Allen. Rogers, Mary E., Mrs., house 820 Lafayette. Rogers, Michael J., wool comber, 116 East First, residence 432 AJlen. Rogers, Ro villus R. (Celeste), superintendent schools h. 312 Prendergast ave. Rogers, William J. (Agnes W . ) , carpenter, house 3 East Seventh. Rogerson, Charles H., machinist, residence 254 Prospect. Rogerson, David M. (Alberta M.), contractor and builder, house 114 Barrett. Rogerson, Etta M., residence 254 Prospect. Rogerson, James E., warp dresser, 36 Water, residence 254 Prospect. Rogerson, Robert, (Amelia), carpenter, house 254 Prospect. Rogerson, Robert O , (Mary), retired, residence over 37 Cowden place. Roggendorf, Martha, domestic, 120 Fulton, residence 4 over 201 E. Second. Rohde, Allis I., bookkeeper, residence 418 East Fifth. Rohde, Claire E., teacher, residence 418 East Fifth. Rohde, Carrie J., widow Emil O., house 418 East Fifth. Rohde, Mary, Mrs., house under 26 Bush. Rohlin, Oscar, (Emily), tailor, 206 Main, residence over 18 Crown. Rohn, John, (Gustava), shipping clerk 29-35 J. & G. avenue, house over 415 Ashville avenue. Rohn, Pauline, dressmaker, residence over 415 Ashville avenue. Rohn, William, (Lena), woodfinisher,house 415 Ashville avenue. Rolland, George W . (Dora J.), junk dealer, 210 Steeel, house do. Rolland, John M., (Galitha), switchman Erie yards, house 14 Williams. Roney, Chas. H., (Agnes), Supt. Lakeview Rose Gardens, Lakewood road. Ronneberg, Christina, nurse, rooms 10 3 Allen. Root, Belle V., bookkeeper, 205 West Third, residence 28 Center. Root, Harry, (Mertie),—Donelson Bros. & Root 1 Gifford building—residence town of Busti. Root, Lizzie, Dry Plate Works, (Falconer), boards 341 Foote avenue. Root, Mary A., widow Abel, house 43 Harrison. M. J. MURRAY Employs Only First-class Workmen Your Money's W o r t h mo°rey0^Ck at Proudfit's. ROOT 388 ROSS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Root, Nancy, widow William, 334 Foote avenue. Root, Theodore Z., (Hellen R.), University of Chicago, house 194 Forest ave. Rosdahl, Ralph, (Selma), laborer, house 39 Charles. Rose, Clarence D. (Ella A.), organist, house 637 Lake View avenue. Rose, Elizabeth A., widow David, residence 46 Marvin. Rose, Henry, (Minnie), brickmaker, 40 Quarry road, house 38 East Buffalo. Rose, Isaac F., (Mary M.), grocery 853 Main, house over do. Rose, James, residence 23 Alpaca. Rose, William B., residence 637 Lake View avenue. Roseberg, Jennie O , operative, 318 Cherry, residence 300 King. Roseberg, Johannah S., widow John, house 300 King. Rosell, Charles, (Amalia), 95 J. & G. avenue, res. over 248 Broadhead ave. Roselle, Clara, student, residence 236 Prospect. Roselle, John S. (Flora), painter, house 236 Prospect. Rosenberg, Celia A., bookkeeper, 12 Main, residence 157 Warren. Rosenberg, Gertrude, widow Lyman, house 157 Waren. Rosenberg, Harry, laborer, residence 157 Warren. Rosenberg, Joseph, weaver, 36 Water, residence 157 Warren. Rosencrantz, Elof (Minnie)—Elof Rosencrantz & Co.—2 South Main, house 21 Allen. Rosencrantz, Elof & Co.—Elof Rosencrantz and Carl A. Lundquist—hardware, 2 South Main. Rosencrantz Lillian, residence 21 AHpu. Rosencrantz, Paul B., clerk, 2 South Main, residence 21 Allen. Rosendahl, John, (Helma), employed 105 Winsor, house 209 Crescent. Rosengren, Celia, boxmaker, 15-17 Steele, residence 157 Warren. Rosengren, August A., ( E m m a J.), meat market, 121 Willard, house 119 Willard. Rosenquist, F. August, (Mary), foreman, 129 J. & G. avenue, house under 242 Crescent. Rosequist, Gust, (Laura), laborer, house over 323 Newland avenue. Rosier, Robert A., (Margaret S.)—Rosier & Oser, 29 Main—house 715 Washington. Rosier & Oser—Robert A. Rosier and Frank J. Oser—job printers, 29 Main. Ross, Albin, painter, 103 Harrison, boards 25 College. Ross, Benjamin M., machine hand, 710 East Second, boards 549 W . Thjrd. Ross, Clara O , teacher, residence 163 East Ninth. Ross, Emory A., (Anna), retired, residence 163 East Ninth. Ross, E. Winfield, lumberman, residence 163 East Ninth. Ross, Harry E., (Violet), clerk Erie freight depot, house 215 West Second. Ross, James B., residence 112 East Third. Ross Lumber Co. and lumber yard, Isabella avenue. Ross, Warner (Hilda S.), driver, house 16 Victoria avenue. Ross, Warren, lumberman, residence 163 East Ninth. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Rcofin Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ROSSITER RUNDQUIST JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 389 Rossiter, F. H., evangelist, residence 213 East Second. Roth, Paul L., (Clara), plasterer, house 213 Ridgway avenue. Rousseau, Joseph, (Sarah E.), junk dealer, residence South Hallock. Rowan, Patrick J. (Ella M.), clerk, 16 West Third, house over 213 West 3d. Rowbottom, Clara, Mrs., weaver, 335 Harrison, rooms 132 Barrows. Rowe, H. B., Mrs., seamstress, house o ver 118 Church. Rowe, Robert, N.,finisher,116 East First, residence 224 Crosby. Rowland, George W., (Carrie J.), Star Palace laundry, 205 W . Third, boards 113 West Third. E. H. WARREN. G. W. ROWLAND. STAR PALACE LAUNDRY, 205 WEST THIRD STREET. HIGH GLOSS or DOMESTIC FINISH Rowlee, Sarah S., widow James, residence 17 Elm. Rowley, Cecil G. (Mary E.), laundry, over 110 East Third, house do. Rowley, Dem.mon (Katie) retired, house over 705 Main. Rowley, Jay, chicken fancier, house 2 0 Lee avenue. Rowley, Kittie, widow James, residence 308 Falconer. Rowley, Mary E., Mrs. millinery, over 110 East Third, residence do. Rowley, Roswell, (Bertie M.), retired, house 108 Fairview avenue. Rov.ley, Thomas F. (Agnes P.), gents furnishings, 16 East Third, house ovel 100 East Fifth. Ruckman, Frank O., (Alma), assistant shipper, 105 Winsor, residence 719 East Second. Ruckman. John M., (Hattie S.), stationary engineer, 415-421 Chandler Ex., house 6 Morse avenue. Ruckman, Nellie E., winder, Meadow Brook Mills, Falconer, res. 6 Morse ave. Rugg, Arthur, upholsterer, 38 Winsor, residence 801 East Second. Rugg, Catherine, Mrs., house 801 East Second. Rugg, C. Harold, residence 744 East S econd. Rugg, Corydon A. (Jennie M.), physician, house 744 East Second. Rugg, Fidelia M., widow Corydon C, residence 414 West Fifth. Rugg, Gertrude, residence 801 East Second. Rulifson, John W., (Mabel), architect, (Sharon, Pa.,) Woodworth avenue, off Lakewood road. Rummer, Frank H. (Bertha), hackman. house 22 Fletcher avenue. Rumple, Harmon F., (Ella), grocery, 714 Main, house over do. Rundquist, Andrew (Matilda S.) city assessor, 8 city hall, house 424 Winsor. Runduist, Jennie C, residence 424 Winsor. Rundquist, Ruby R., student, residence 424 Winsor. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. T w o cutters in C u s t o m Dept. at P R O U D F I T ' S RUNSER 390 RYBLOM JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Runser, Geneva, Mrs., house 214 West Seventh. Rusbeldt, George H. (A. Belle), night watchman, house 1014 Prendergast ave. Rush, Burt, painter, boards 8 West Seventh. Rush, Charles T., machinist, boards 8 Dickerson. Rush, Frank, boards 8 West Seventh. Rushworth, Abram, (Josephine), house 109 Maple. Rushworth, Anne B., residence 18 Fr anklin. Rushworth, Benjamin (Alice), warp dresser, house 274 Prospect. Rushworth, Clyde, plumber, 211 East Third, residence 339 Allen. Rushworth, Edith E., bookkeeper, 28 Briggs, residence 109 Maple. Rushworth, Ethel L., residence 18 Franklin. Rushworth, Frank E., machinist, residence IS Franklin. Rushworth, Harry (Maud) weaver, residence under 331 Foote avenue. Rushworth, Isaac (Elizabeth), machinist, house 18 Franklin. Rushworth, Jacob (Jennie), warp dresser, house 60 Hazzard. Rushworth, LeRoy, draughtsman, residence 339 Allen. Rushworth, Lydia H., nurse, residence 9 King. Rushworth, O. Nelson, cashier F. and M. Bank, 215 Main, res. 18 Franklin. Rushworth, Mabel L. residence 109 Maple. Rushworth, Ruth, Mrs., house 339 Allen. Rushworth, Violet S., employed 56 Prospect, residence 274 Prospect. Ruslink, Minnie, domestic, 7 Fairmount avenue. Russell, Augusta, house 37 Peach. Russell, Bessie A., clerk 16 West Third, residence 313 Prendergast avenue. Russell, E-stelle F., widow Walter B., house over 880 Main. Russell, Eugene E. (Edith B.), carver, 129 J. & G. ave, house 37 Peach. Russell, Eva O , Mrs. house 313 Prendergast avenue. Russell, Evelyn H., tailoress, 313 Prendergast avenue, residence do. Russell, Frank M., (Laura), house 206 Crosby. Russell, Henry, laborer, 408 West Second, house 622 Spring. Russell, John, (Mary), teamster, house over 520 Crescent. Russell, Matthew E., deliveryman, 18 East Third, residence 206 Crosby. Russell, Ralph E.. attorney, N e w Fenton building, room 58, boards 415 West Third. Russell, Wallace G., local salesman, 17 Shearman place, res. over 880 Main. Ruttenberger, Arwood, commercial traveler, boards 415 West Third. Ryan, James, (Elizabeth), dyer, 102 East First, house 10 Crane. Ryan, J. Burton, (Jennie), laborer, house over 123 East Ninth. Ryan, Jerry, (Johanna), house 1042 Main. Ryan, Josephine, clerk, 16 West Third, boards 613 Spring. Ryan, Kate, widow John, house 308 Falconer. Ryan, Margaret, clerk, 10 West Third, boards 613 Spring. Ryan, Timothy, upholsterer, residence 1042 Main. Rblom, Nels (Anna C ) , laborer, 115-133 Winsor, house 82 Hedges avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. RYDALL T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. SAMPSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 391 Ryd-all, Minnie, table worker, 318 Cherry, residence J. & G. avenue. Ryden, Charles 0., (Hulda)—Ryden & Bjork, 116 East Third—house over do. Ryden, Ella, mill hand, residence 426 Baker. Ryden, Hulda, mill hand, residence 42 6 Baker. Ryden, Sarah, widow John, house 426 Baker. Ryden, Selma, mill hand, residence 426 Baker. Saden, Caroline C, widow August, residence over 541 Allen. Saderberg, Johana, Mrs., residence 25 Kinney. Sage, Paulene, Mrs., 2nd house Lake V.ew avenue extension. Sager, Blanche, lesidence 8 Elm. Sager, Chester, farmer, residence 8 Elm. Sager, Ezra, farmer, hou^se 8 Elm. Sager, Lee, woodworker, 101 Harrison, residence 8 Elm. Sahlstrom, Leonard L. (Anna S.), carver, 101 Harrison, house 20 Pearl ave. Sahlstrom, Mamie J. H., student, residence 20 Pearl avenue. St. John, Thomas W . (Frances), tea and coffee agent, house 504 East Fifth. Sales, Harry, paper hanger, room 46 Allen square building. Saline, John, (Betta), laborer, house 32 Wilton avenue. Salisbury, Clark W., (Almira), machinist, over 101 Main, house 901 do. Salisbury, Claud C , machinist, residence 901 Main. Salisbury, Edwin M. (Nina), roofer, house 814 Prendergast avenue. Salisbury, T. R., residence 113 Crescent. Salt, Herbert, weaver, 116 East First, b oards 61 Harrison. Saltenstall, Joseph, (Elizabeth), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house over 21 Water. Salvation Army, (English), barracks 18 Forest avenue. Salvation Army, (Swedish), barracks over 19 Steele. Sample, Chester H., residence 532 Lake View avenue. Sample, Erie H., ( E m m a V.), cashier Falconer Na.-onal Bank, house 416 Lake View avenue. Sample, Parker L., residence 532 Lake View avenue. Sample, Samuel J. (Marian), retired, house 532, Lake View avenue. Sampson, Albion W., (Clara), wood carver, 122 Foote avenue, house 1135 Prendergast avenue. Sampson, Andrew, (Christine M.), wood turner, 5-7 Ashville avenue, house under 115 Camp. Sampson, Anna, residence 57 Water. Sampson, Anna, widow Walfred A., house over 5 Walnut. Sampson, Anna, residence 57 Water. Sampson, Charlotte, widow Fred A., r esidence 31 Kinney. M.T.MURRAY ''^S^TS* Plumbing Goods in Jamestown OVERCOATS a Specialty at P R O U D F I T ' S . SAMPSON SANDBERG 392 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Sampson, David, (Mary A.), retired, hou.se 127 Chandler. Sampson, Erick G., steel cabinet worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, res. 57 Water. Sampson, Frank L., student, residence 113 Bush. Sampson, George L., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 57 Water. Sampson.George 0. (Lizzie), aristo worker, house 21 College. Sampson, Henry F. (Clary M.), cabinet maker, 129 J. & G. ave. h. 113 Bush Sampson, Jennie, widow Edward, room 403 Main. Sampson, John, (Mary), house over 241 Sprague. Sampson, John S.,fishpeddler, residence 80 Tower. Sampson, John T. (Matilda C ) . engineer, house 117 Bush. Sampson, Martin A., packer, 122-124 Foote avenue, residence 80 Tower. Sampson, Nettie Elizabeth, house 237 Forest. Sampson, Swan, (Freda), polisher, 236 Crescent, house over 244 Forest avenue. Samuels, Charles (C'ara) —Samuels & Son—16-18 West Third, house 309 do, Samuels, Moses—Samuels & Son, 16-18 West Third—boards 19 West Third. Samuels Opera House, M. Reis, lessee, E. J. Goodwin, manager, 22 East 2nd. Samuels Opera House block, 18-24 East Second, 17-27 East First Samuels & Son—Charles and Moses—dry goods and carpets, 16-18 Gokey building, West Third. Samuelson, Alfred (Louisa)—Samuelson & Anderson—232 Warren, house 137 Broadhead avenue. Samuelson, Andrew (Mary), laborer, house 6 Hanley. Samuelson, Charles (Christine), laborer, house 822 Cherry. Samuelson, Charles, meat cutter, 232 Warren, boards 137 Broadhead avenue. Samuelson, Edward W., (Emily), packer, 30 Steele, house 801 Cherry. Samuelson, Frank,finisher,101 Harrison, residence 6 Hanley. Samuelson, Fred, wood worker, residence 6 Hanley. Samuelson, Fred A., (Lottie M.), machine hand, 129-135 J. & G. avenue, house 31 Kinney. Samuelson, Gustaf H., furniturefinisher,415 Chandler, residence 106 Hedges. Samuelson, Gustaf L., (Hilda S.), cabinet maker, 415 Chandler, house over 106 Hedges. Samuelson, Henry, shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 6 Hanley. Samuelson, John, (Augusta), night watchman, Atlas Furniture Co., house 230 East Buffalo. Samuelson, Martin, (Selma), blacksmith, 110 West Fourth, house 820 Cherry. Samuelson, Sara, dressmaker, residence over 9 Lincoln. Samuelson & Anderson—Alfred Samuelson and John E.Anderson—meat market, 232 Warren. Sandberg, Albert (Weva), clerk, house over 24 Jones. Sandberg, Albert, metal worker 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 3 Rush. Sandberg, Alma, cash girl, 203 Main, residence 23 Stowe. Sandberg, August, wood carver, 40 Steele, residence 23 Stowe. Sandberg, Charles, (Selma), cabinet maker, 105 Winsor, house 142 Prospect. Sandberg, Emily, domestic, 309 East Second. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. SANDBERG SAUNDERS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 393 Sandberg, Emily, widow Alfred, house 23 Stowe. Sandberg, Jennie, student, residence 116 Williams. Sandberg, John, (Augusta O ) , machine hand, 20 Winsor, h. over 17 Sherman. Sandberg, John E., (IMarie C ) , tailor, 201 West Third, house over 101 Hedges avenue. Sandberg, Joseph (Alma),finisher,house 347 Foote avenue. Sandberg, Marie, winder, 335 Harrison, residence 1 Bowen. Sandberg, Oscar, cabinetmaker, 105 Winsor, boards 142 Prospect. Sandberg, Selma, residence 45 Prospect avenue. Sandberg, Swan, (Ida O ) , real estate agent, house 116 Williams. Sandberg, Swan M. (Amanda), carpenter, house 12 Fairfield avenue. Sandberg, Will, driver, Johnson Ice Co., boards 151 Fairmount avenue. Sandberg, Banks, metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., boards over 347 Foote ave. Sandburg Charles A., (Ella Mary)—Anderson & Sandburg, 108 Main—residence 27 Palmer. 1 Sandburg, Gust, (Minnie), Sandburg, Johnson & Co., 354 Baker, house 20 Colfax. Sandburg, Hjalmar, (Frida), metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., res. 407 Baker. Sandburg, Johnson & Co.—Gust Sandburg, Otto Johnson, John A. Haag—grocery and meat market, 354 Baker. Sandburg, Louis, (Nellie), stone mason, house 27 Palmer. Sanctuary, Rudolph, mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 29 Kent. Sanctuary, Thomas, (Susanna), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 29 Kent. Sandell, Charles, (Tilda), driver, Johnson Ice Co., house 812 Jefferson. Sandell, Jennie, domestic, 307 West Second. Sanden, Don A., (Jennie O ) , machine hand, Atlas Furniture Co., house 22 Peterson. Sanders, James P., (Clara), tailor, 206 Main, house 567 East Second. Sanders, John (Doratha) shoemaker, 619 Main, house 17 West Seventh. Sanders, M. L., draughtsman, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 415 West Third. Sanders, see also Saunders. Sandgren, Anna, widow John, house 719 East Second. Sandgren, Carl O., (Anna), metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 126 Barrett ave. Sandgren, Conrad T., assistant driver fire dept. res. 719 East Second. Sandgren, Gust A., woodworker, 7 Ashville avenue, boards 126 Winsor. Sandquist, Anna L., widow John H., residence 418 Willard. Sandstrom, Charles A., (Ingborg), shoe cutter, house over 15 Myrtle. Sandstrom, Charles J., (Amanda), machinist, Lakewood road, house 4 Hazeltine avenue. Sandstrom, John, carpenter, residence 215 Hazzard. Sandstrom, Nettie, textile worker, 102 East First, residence 215 Hazzard. Sandstrom, Matilda, widow Otto, house 215 Hazzard. Sattanstall, Anna, domestic, residence 145 Barrows. Sattson, Seyeren (Christine), woodworker, 101 Harrison, h., under 820 E. 2nd. Saunders, Charles G., (Carrie), fireman 116 East First, house H I Sprague. Hot Water Heating, S^f^nS'ty M. J. MURRAY. Call u p N o . 3 3 for Clothing a n d SAUNDERS 394 Furnishings. SCHONE J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Saunders, John, (Minnie), polisher, 23 6 Crescent, house 49 Hazzard. Saunders, Mary, Mrs., house 13 Hazz ard. Saunders, see Sanders. Sawyer, Edward N., (Ellen), clerk, 120 West Third, house room 5, over 800 Main. Saxton, Arthur T. (Ellen H.), watchman, Erie R. R., house over 106 Harrison. Saxton, Walter L., ( E m m a ) , driver chemical engine, City hall, h. 308 Pine. Saxton, see also Sexton. Sayers, George, (Mary), barber, 152 Foote avenue, house over 150 Foote ave. Sayers, Henry (Gertrude), barber shop, 306 East Second, house do. Sayre, W . F., (Blanche), bridge contractor, house 312 East Sixth. Scharf, Albert F. (May), aristotype worker, 56 Prospect, house 60 Broadhead avenue. Scharf, Ernest, clerk, rooms 26 Allen s quare building. Scharf, William H., (Jennie), merchant tailor, over 119 Main. h. 19 Columbia. Scheid, Belle, widow John, house 158 Marvin. Scheid, Mabel A., shoe operative, 318 Cherry, residence 158 Marvin. Schell, Azoff, paper hanger, house 11 Charles. Schell, Fred, paperhanger, 117 Main, residence 11 Charles. Schell, Mary, widow Alfred, operative 116 East 1st, house over 211 E. Second. Schenck, David W . (Mabel G.), shipping clerk, 105 Winsor, house 118 Broadhead avenue. Schenck, Ida L., Ass't. bookkeeper, 95 J. & G. ave., residence 24 Prospect ave. Schenck, Peter, (Julia), draughtsman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 24 Prospect ave. Schermerhorn, Alma, widow William, house 34 Victoria avenue. Schermerhorn, Loy B., woodworker, 56-58 Blackstone avenue, res. 34 Victoria avenue. Schermerhorn, Lyle C , woodworker, 56-58 Blackstone avenue, residence 34 Victoria avenue. Schermerhorn, Willard G., bobbin carrier, 116 East First, res. 34 Victoria ave. Schildmacher, Albert W . (Ida M.)—Schildmacher & Spencer—under 217 Main house 632 Prendergast. Sdhildmacher, Anton, retired, residence 632 Prendergast avenue. Schildmacher, Ella May, teacher, residence 632 Prendergast avenue. Schildmacher, E m m a F., residence C32 Prendergast avenue. Schildmacher & Spencer—Albert W . Schildmacher and Harry Spencer—saloon under 217 Main. Schlaudecker, Eugene M. (Elizabeth), manager Penna. Gas Co., 108 East Third, house 406 Lake View avenue. Schleen, Esther, housemaid, residence 30 Warren. Scholes, Jane, widow William, house 168 J & G. avenue. Scholine, Charles E., (Mollie), cabinet maker, house over 788 E. Second. Schone, Claude H.. machinist, 11 Shearman place, residence 201 Forest avenue. Schone, Mauae J., paper box maker, 15-17 Steele, residence 201 Forest avenue. Schone, Michael, (Christina), barber shop 201 Forest avenue, house do. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. SCHOPP SCOTT JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 395 Schopp, Anna, residence 29 Charles. Schopp, Eva, residence 29 Charles. Schopp, William, (Barbara),finisher,residence 29 Charles. Schrader, Glenn, bellman, 21 West Thi rd, residence do. Schrenkengost, Ethel, waitress, 21 W e s t Third, residence do. Schriver, David, (Elizabeth), carpenter, house Curtis. Schriver, Guy, laborer Chautauqua Worsted Mills, residence Curtis. Schultzburg, William, (Ida), harness maker, 121 W . Third, boards 1 Warren. Schurter, Adolph G. (Rose), watchmaker, 217 Main, house 311 East Fifth. Schwein, Louis (Ida M.), barber shop, 602 Main, house 860 Spring. Schwein, Margaret, widow Phillip, residence 860 Spring. Schwob, George G., bugler, residence 826 Prendergast avenue. Schwob, Jacob, (Martha E.), laborer, house 826 Prendergast avenue. Schwob, Louisa M., residence 826 Prendergast avenue. Schwob, William H., upholsterer, 25-41 Shearman piace, residence 826 Prendergast avenue. Scofield, Anna A., Mrs., weaver, 335 Harrison, house over 207 Allen. Scofield, Clark, asst. shipping clerk, 2 36 Crescent, residence 5 Rowley piace. Scofield, Ellis N., residence 11 Kent. Scofield, Era M., physician, office over 11 East Third, residence do. Scofield, Esther P., residence Ashville avenue. Scofield, Ezra C , residence Ashville avenue. Scofield, Georgia, student, residence 11 Kent. Scofield, H e m r (Jessie S.) bookkeeper, house 605 East Seventh. Scofield, Jane W., widow Rev. Piatt W., 342 East Fifth. Scofield, John W., (Ida A.), shipping clerk, 236 Crescent, h. 5 Rowley place. Scofield, Louisa M., Mrs., house 11 K e nt. Scofield, William H., (Nellie), teamster, 24 Steele, house 15 W . Tenth. Scotch Woolen Co.,—Thomas Sherman & Charles Ensign, Mgrs.—201 W . 3rd. Scott, Andrew (Hulda A.), retired, house 28 Peterson. Scott, Charles F. (Amanda C ) , teamster, house 8 Walnut. Scott, Christina I,., housekeeper, 610 M ain, residence do. Scott, Clara S., paper box maker, 15-17 Steele, residence under 347 Foote av«. Scott, Edward, Mrs., house 8 Center. Scott, Ella B., paper box maker, 15-17 Steele, residence 8 Walnut. Scott, Forest W.,florist,Lake View R o se Gardens, residence 10 Highland ave. Scott, Francis, Mrs., house 103 Weeks. Scott, Frank, retired, residence 610 Main. Scott, Frank W., shipping clerk, residence 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, George A., janitor, residence 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, Gus (Christine),fireman,house 536 Allen. Scott, Hannah, widow Oscar, house 347 Foote avenue. Scott, H. Gertrude, clerk, residence 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, James S. (Clara), weaver, house 616 East Sixth. Scott, John W . (Lou L.), physician and surgeon, 222 Winsor, house do. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ™r£°3£tk,b? M. T. MURRAY Reliable Clothing at Ria80™able at SCOTT 396 PROUDFIT'S SELFRIDGE JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Scott, Josephine M., house 181 Barrows. Scott, J. Winogene, china artist, resid ence 222 Winsor. Scott, M. Delphine, residence 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, Nelson, carpenter, rooms 40-41, 119 Main. Scott, Oliver L., (Mary A.), teamster, 10 Highland avenue. Scott, Oliver L., Jr., laborer, residence 10 Highland avenue. Scott, Robert E., tlorist Lake View rose gardens, residence 10 Highland ave. Scott, Samuel T., shoe maker, residence 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, Samuel W . (Joanna), wood worker, house 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, Thomas, gateman, Erie railway, residence over 103 Weeks. Scott, William, bartender, residence 181 Barrows. Scott, William A. (Gertrude C ) , printer, 14-16 West Second, hou=e 37 Kent. Scoville, Carrie, house third floor over 13 East Second. Scoville, Fred, bartender, 16-18 Willard, residence thirdfloorover 13 East 2nd. Scoville, Harry, (Octavia), saloon, 62 Winsor, house 120 East Third. Scoville, Myrtle, residence thirdflooro ver 13 East Second. Scudder, Albert, gardener, rooms over 16 Main. Scudder, Fenton L. (Thedora E.), jeweler, 28 Main, house 309 West Fifth. Scudder, Lillian E., residence 309 West Fifth. Scudder, Morgan J., jeweler, residence 309 West Fifth. Seaburg, Ernest J., student, residen ce 11 Ashville avenue. Seaburg, Evald B., (Johanna), foreman, 3 Ashville avenue, house 11 do. Sealander, Hulda M., widow Oscar, weaver, 335 Harrison, res. 51 1-2 Tower. Sealander, G. K., weaver 335 Harrison, room 54 Allen square building. Sealander, John, (Johanna), carpenter, house 11 Cedar avenue. Sealander, see also Selander. Seastrand, Ellen T., domestic, 134 Lake View avenue, res. 16 Walnut. Seastrom, Alex. E., (Bertha A.,) upholsterer, 38 Winsor, house over 52 Hedges avenue. Sederberg, John, (Sophia), employed 95 J. & G. ave., house over 934 Newland avenue. Sederburg, Linus, (Sophia), laborer, house 114 Mechanic. Sedgwick, Harry, mill hand, residene? 11 English. Sedgwick, Percy, mill hand. 335 Harrison, residence 11 English. Sedgwick, William H. (Jessie), mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 11 English. See, Mary O , widow Richard F., house 303 Foote avenue. Seely, Albert L., (Bertha), teamster, house under 27 Whitley avenue. Seely, Fred O., i Addie), metal worker, 95 J. & G. ave., li., over 7 Lakin ave. Segerdahl, Frank A. (Louisa) real estate anu steamship agency, 206 East Second, house Newton. ' Segerstrom, Gust (Beda), street car conductor, house over 786 East Second. Selander, Alexander, (Grace O.), laundryman, 3 Barrett ave., h., Ill Allen. Selander, see also Sealander. Selfridge, Frank, soldier, rooms 4111-2 Cherry. Selfridge, Jane, widow James, rooms 4111-2 Cherry. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory~Supplies. Always Bny Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. SELGREN SEYMOUR JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 397 Selgren, Alfred, molder, boards 23 Stowe. Sellman, Andrew, (Areka), woodworker, house over 212 Bowen. Sellman, Charles, woodworker, residen ce 212 Bowen. Sellman, Oscar, mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 212 Bowen. Sellstrom, Anton P. (Nellie), turner, house 214 Forest avenue. Sellstrom, Axel F., grocer, 201 Forest avenue, residence 208 do. Sellstrom, Caroline S., widow John F., house 208 Forest avenue. Sellstrom, Charles A. (Andrea), meat cutter, house 304 Forest avenue. Sellstrom, Elmer W., student, residen ce 611 Jefferson. Sellstrom, Fabian (Emily E.), meat market, 17 E. Third, house 611 Jefferson. Sellstrom, Geo. W., (Mary A.), butcher, 201 Forest avenue, h., over 28 Forest. Sellvin, Anna M., widow P. A., house 21 East Eighth. Sellvin, Ernest R., upholsterer, 38 Winsor, residence 21 East Eighth. Sellvin, Florence E., residence 21 East Eighth. Sellvin, Hugo E., photo engraver, 14-16 West Second, residence 21 East Sth. Selstrom, Augusta, domestic, 352 East Fifth. Sclzer, Frank, table decorator, 101 Harrison street, rooms 28 Harrison. Senate Saloon, The,—Charles O. Ryden and Fred Bjork, props.—116 E. Third. Service, Clarence, (Vinnie), woodworker, 105 Winsor, house over 1111 E. 2nd. Service, Mary A., widow Brookins J., house, 212 Pine. Sessions, Alice, housekeeper, residence 118 Church. Sessions, C. Reed, stock dealer, house 118 Church. Sessions, Floyd V., (Harriet), roofer, h ouse 11 East Dickerson. Sessions, Frank E., (Faith B.), attorney at law over 102 Main, h., 352 E. Fifth. Sessions, Walter,finisher(Falconer) residence 11 East Dickerson. Sestrand, Anna C.—Misses Sestrand & Malmberg, w o m a n tailoring, over 211 Main—residence 16 Walnut. Setterland, Arvid, residence 137 Park. Setterlund, Axel, (Ida), house 273 Prospect. Setterlund, Axel E., (Alice), cabinet maker, 123 Foote ave., r. 436 Allen. Setterlund, Charles, (Augusta), employed 95 J. and G. ave., house 137 Park. Setterwall, Erick (Mary J.), laborer, house 22 Bush. Severio, Roselli, (Catherine), musician, house 32 Tilden avenue. Sewal, James, laborer, boards 69 Allen. Sewell, James P., (Sadie), mason, house 311 1-2 East Sixth. Sexton, Daniel, telegraph operator, 107 Main, residence 1003 Main. Sexton, J. Gertrude, milliner, 102 East Third, boards 107 East Second. Sexton, Michael, bricklayer, residence 1003 Main. Sexton, Timothy (Kate), teamster, house 1003 Main. Sexton, William, plumber, residence 1003 Main. Sexton, see also Saxton. Seymour, Clinton W., clerk, 203 Main residence 611 Lafayette. Seymour, F. Isabella, clerk, residence 611 Lafayette. Seymour, James F. (Frances E.) sta. engineer, house 26 Fairview avenue. Seymour, John, (Eliza) wool comber, 335 Harrison, house 20 Institute. Some of the most extensive pl„u^bwne?i°dbon1eVyhe M. J. MURRAY B o y ' s Clothing, Lar^gl?yckln at PROUDFIT'S SEYMOUR SHAW 398 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Seymour, Willis E., Sr., (Carrie), foreman 12 West First, h. 611 Lafayette. Seymour, Willis E., Jr., plumber, 122 West Third, res. 611 Lafayette. Sgobring, Per. metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 407 Baker. Shackleton, John, (Rachel), spinner, 335 Harrison, house 429 Allen. Shackleton, John, loomfixer,335 Harrison, boards 145 Barrows. Shackelton, John W., loomfixer,335 Harrison, boards 155 Allen. Shafer, Edward R., (Amanda), harness maker, 123 West Third, house 741 East Second. Shafer, C. Horatio, commercial traveler, residence 741 East Second. Shafer, Geo. A., (Blanche), woodworker, house 71 Hotchkiss. Shaffer, Edward, machinist, boards 43 Prospect. Shanahan, John (Edith), mason, house 121 Weeks. Shanahan, William, (Anna), bricklayer, house 520 Crescent. Shankland, Carrie M., milliner, 101 S. Main, residence 506 East Sixth. Shankland, Palmer H., student, residence 506 East Sixth. Shankland, Palmer K., (Mary), publisher, room 12 Wellman blk., house 506 East Sixth. Shanley, Thomas, (Christine), oil operator, house 15 Mechanic. Shannahan, Margaret, dressmaker, resi dence 280 East Buffalo. Shannahan, Thomas, (Nora), fireman, 7 Ashville avenue, h. 280 East Buffalo. Sharp, Elizabeth, weaver, 35 Water, residence 3 Appleyard place. Sharp, John, laborer, 102 East First, residence 3 Appleyard place. Sharpe, George W . (Lucy), pres. The A. D. Sharpe Co. 203 Main, house 504 East Second. Sharpe Harry (Lily), twister, house 10 South Walnut. Sharpe, M. Elizabeth, student, residence 504 East Second. Sharpe, A. D. Co. (the)—George W . Sharpe, pres., Fred T. Snowball, sec. and treas—dry goods and carpets, 203 Main. Shattuck, George W . (Melissa J.), blacksmith, house 111 Allen. Shauremann, Lillian, domestic, 611 Prendergast ave., residence 301 Warren. Shaver, Edward (Louisa)—Shaver & Hall—51 Winsor, house 415 East 4th. Shaver, Fred W., laborer, residence 102 Williams. Shaver, Freeman, retired, residence 724 Camp. Shaver, George, (Dell), paperhanger, house 75 Jones avenue. Shaver, Hudson A., (Orlenda), retired, house 102 Williams. Shaver, Isaac (Eliza), retired, house 12 Jones. Shaver, William,—Kohlbacher Bros. & Shaver, Warner blk., cigar manufacturers—house 314 Allen. Shaver & Hall—Edward Shaver and Edward L. Hall—stave and heading manufacturers, 51 Winsor. Shaw, Albert W., (Pruda), house 111 Kent. Shaw, Allen J., (Violet), bookkeeper, residence 13 Charles. Shaw, Clarence P., brakeman, residence 809 Jefferson. Shaw, Ella J., residence 332 East Third. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builder's Hardware, Fine Tools The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A . D . S H A R P E C O . SHAW SHELDON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 399 Shaw, Emma, spinner, Meadow Brook Mills, residence 395 Falconer. Shaw, Enoch (Mary A.), warp dresser, 116 East First, house over 106 Foote avenue. Shaw, Flora, domestic, 6 South Main, residence do. Shaw, Hallie M., clerk, 16 Main, residence 809 Jefferson. Shaw, Harvey 0. (Anna), accountant, 110 East Third, house 9 West Sixth. Shaw, Henry (Martha), retired, residence 21 East Eighth. Shaw, James S., (Ellen B.), janitor 102West Fourth, h. over 110 Harrison. Shaw, John B. ( E m m a M.), city treasurer, room 5 city hall, h. 301 Jefferson. Shaw, Joshua (Dinah), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 118 Harrison. Shaw, Laverne B. (Louisa), painter, house 809 Jefferson. Shaw, Mary E., bookkeeper, 38 Main, r esidence 604 Lafayette. Shaw, Thos. A „ (Delia F.), commercial traveler, rooms over 16 East Fourth. Shaw, Walter (Amelia L . ) — South Side cash grocery, S3 Allen—house 142 Foote avenue. Shaw, Walter F., student, residence 142 Foote avenue. Shaw, Wilson, (Sarah), wool sorter, house 395 Falconer. Shay, Earl, presser, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 25 Derby. Shean, Arthur H., (Rose A.), collector, 113 East Third, house 213 Fulton. Shearman, Arthur M., student, residence 415 East Fourth. Shearman, Elliott I. (Anna) traveling salesman, house 109 South Main. Shearman Erwin D., (Ellen B.), Ass't Mgr. Johnson Ice Co., h. 226 Fulton. Shearman, F. LaManda, music teacher, 109 South Main, residence do. Shearman, Flora M., residence 611 Main. Shearman, Frank E. (Kate L.)—Shearman Bros.—25 Shearman place, house 105 Crosby. Shearman, Fred J. (Minnie M.)—Shearman Bros.—25 Shearman place, house 414 West Fifth. Shearman, Lulu C , student, residence 105 Crosby. Shearman, Orsino J., clerk, residence over 109-111 Main. Shearman, Sophronia, widow Rufus P., residence 512 Jefferson. Shearman, Warren M. postal clerk, postoffice, residence over 109-111 S. Main. Shearman, see also Sherman. Shedd, Elizabeth, residence 504 West Third. Shedd, Ezra H., (Sarah), paper hanger and painter, house 105 West Second. Shedd, Jennie F., widow William D., bouse 504 West Third. Shedd, Lewis F , coal and lumber, 602- 610 West Eighth, residence 504 W . 3rd. Shedd, Mattie, residence 105 West Second. Sheens, John, florist Ashville avenue, boards 810 West Eighth. Sheffel, Arline, Mrs., seamstress, 112 Bast Third, house over 32 Allen. Sheffield, Charles, (Irena), employed 602 West Seventh, h. 606 do. Shien, David, tailor, room 3 over 11 Main, house 12 Victoria avenue. Sheldon, Belle, bookkeeper, 56 Prospect, residence 102 Hallock. Sheldon, Carrie, domestic, 1175 East Second. Sheldon, Cyrus W . (Delia), carpenter, house 536 East Second. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W. Third St., M. J. MURRAY Little G i a n t Suits for C h i l d r e n at P R O U D F I T ' S SHELDON SHIRLEY 400 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Sheldon, Harry P. (Mary M.), assistant cashier Chautauqua County Trust Co. 201 Main, house 70 Prospect. Sheldon, Laura F., teaoher, residence 102 Hallock. Sheldon, Leonora E., widow Alexandei, house 219 Foote avenue. Sheldon, Mary L., widow William J., house 13 Bowen. Sheldon, Philo 2 , Pres. Philo Burt M f g Co., 13 Ellicott bldg., res. Erie, Pa. Sheldon, Porter, (Mary), retired, house 70 Prospect. Sheldon, Ralph C. (Isabel), superintendent American Aristotype Co., 56 Prospect, house 37 Warren. Shelgren, Samuel, ( E m m a ) , engineer, house 111 Stowe. Shellberg, Axel G. (Doretta), carpenter, residence 100 Hazzard. Shellberg, Emel (Alfreda) bricklayer, house 790 East Second. Shellberg, Theodore, (Louisa),finisher,112 E. Second, house over 100 Hazzard Shellburg, Edward,finisher,95 Jones & Gifford avenue, boards 118 Williams. Shelmadine, Delia, baker, 12 Bush, residence 1014 Prendergast avenue. Shelters, Bertha W., residence 18 Ashville avenue. Shelters, Eugene A., machinist, residence 18 Ashville avenue. Shelters, Hannah W., widow George F., house 18 Ashville avenue. Shelters, Harry K., (Mary A.), draughtsman, 95 J. & O. ave., h. 61 Tilden ave. Shepard, Laura, widow Enos, residence 214 Barrett avenue. Shepard, Roy M. (Minnie F.), house 3 3 Rathbone. Shepherd, Charles, painter, room 92 Al len square building, 107 Main. Shepherd, Fred (Hetty), warp dresser, 35 Water, house 27 Walnut. Sherman, Albert E. (Mertie M.), proprietor Sherman book bindery, 14-16 West Second, house 352 Foote avenue. Sherman book bindery, 14-16 West Second—A. E. Sherman proprietor—ruling and binding. Sherman, Chas., street car conductor, Ashville avenue (Celoron). Sherman, Charles E., (Anna), laborer, house 368 Willard. Sherman, Darwin E., (Amelia), laborer house 126 Sampson, rear. Sherman, Ella B., residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Sherman, Gideon, (Mary), laborer, house over 145 1-2 Allen. Sherman, Ida A., residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Sherman, Isaac (Lily), collector, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Sherman, Lucy A., widow Edward P., house 327 Foote avenue. Sherman, Roy, student, Ashville avennue (Celoron). Sherman, Ruth, student, Ashville avenue (Celoron). Sherman, Sidney R. (Electa), laborer, house 36 West Tenth. Sherman, see also Shearman. Sherwin, Eva, housekeeper, residence 409 Cherry. Sherwin, Philo O., (Laura B.), machinist, 10 Dexter, house 12 do. Sherwood, M-errit, (Mary), motorman, J. S. Ry., house 4 Webster. Shields, Samuel B., electrician, Arcade building, residence 68 Rathbone. Shirk, John, blacksmith, 37 Forest avenue, boards 25 Steele. Shirley, Edwin, driver, residence 25 Mechanic. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. SHOESMITH SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 401 Shoesmith, Alfred F., (Alice A.), loom fixer, house 74 Water. Shoesmith, Herbert, loomfixer,35 Water, residence 10 Winsor. Shoesmith, Thomas, ( E m m a C ) , clerk, 14 East Second, house 610 do. Shook, F. Irene, student, residence 24 Dickerson. Shook, Stewart A.,finisher,residence 24 Dickerson. Shooke, Mabelle E., dressmaker, residence 24 Crosby. Shooke, Marcella J., Mra., house 24 Crosby. Short, Frank O, residence 6 Falconer. Short, John H. (Ade E.), electrician, nouse 6 Falconer. Shreck, William, janitor 101 West Third, boards over 409 Washington. Shults, Chas. F. (Sadie), clerk 95 J. & G. avenue, house 16 Bast Fourth. Shultz, Ella, mender, 116 East First, house over 21 Victoria avenue. Shultz, Harry, bicycle worker, Straight Mfg. Co., lesidence 21 Victoria ave. Shute, Henry, (Mary), laborer, house Falconer south side. Shute, William, laborer, residence Falconer, south side. Sichel, Samuel A.—Goldsmith & Sichel, 218-220 Main—rooms over 12 East 3d. Siguier, Carrie, residence 35 West Ninth. Siguier, Charles, spring setter, 25 Shearman place, residence 36 West Ninth. Siguier, George, upholsterer, residence 35 West Ninth. Siguier, John, (Waytey), laborer, 508 Foote avenue. Siguier, Lizzie F., weaver 116 East First, residence 35 West Ninth. Siguier, Pauline, widow Antone, house 35 West Ninth. Sill, Cora F., Mrs., house 16 West Ninth. Sill, Cornelia A., dressmaker, 16 Harrison, residence do. Sill, Georgia, residence 16 Harrison. Sill, Katherine, residence 16 West Ninth. Sill, William M., shipping clerk, 56 Prospect, residence 16 Harrison. Silsby, Alton, (Mattie), wagon maker, 324 Washington, house 214 West 7th. Silsby, Charles M., (Minnie), contractor, house 36 Flagg avenue. Simmons, Fred, locomotive fireman, residence 635 West Eighth. Simmons, George, roof painter, boards 18 West Second. Simmons, H. Adelbert (Hattie), painter, residence 11 Park place. Simmons, Harry F. (Lizzie), proprietor Lake House, 635 West Eighth. Simmons, Harry F., Jr., hotel clerk, 63 5 West Eighth, residence do. Simmons, Harvey, (Lena), clean towels and cabinets, house 200 Falconer. Simmons, Margaret M., packer, boards, 59 Steele. Simon, E m m a , student, residence 315 Clinton. Simon, Hedwig, residence 315 Clinton. Simon, Philip Fred (Barbara)—Milwaukee Bottling Co.—104 East Second, house 315 Clinton. Simons, Hattie M., music teacher, residence 623 Palmer. Simpson, Andrew, trimmer, house 209 Baker. Simpson, Matilda, winder, residence 2 3 Scott. Simpson, Nannie C. residence 209 Baker. Singer Sewing Machine Co.—Rufus L. Slawson, Mgr.—203 West Third. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material G o o d Printing at Fair Prices b y the Journal Printing C o m p a n y SINS SLATTERY 402 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Sins, Margaret, domestic, 213 East Second. Sisson, Allen ( E m m a R.), ticket agent Erie depot, house 412 West Third. Sisson, Bertha A., student, residence 412 West Third. Sisson, G. Hiram, (Susan), optician 220 Main, house 23 Scott. Sisson, George W., (Lillian M.), coal dealer, 207 Cherry, house 111 Price. Sisson, Jeanette, Mrs., house 311 Prerdergast avenue. Sisson, Sylvia, Mrs., house over 333 Hazzard. Sister Agatha, teacher, residence 8 Fulton. Sister Alexius, housekeeper, 8 Fulton. Sister Aloysius, teacher, residence 8 Fulton. Sister Bernard, teacher, residence 8 Fulton. Sister Gonzaga, teacher, residence 8 Fulton. Sister Joseph, musician, residence 8 Fulton. Sjobeck, Amelia M., student, residence 102 Water. Sjobeck, Ernest F., student, residence 102 Water. Sjobeck, Olof, (Hilma O ) , cabinet maker, 122-124 Foote avenue, house 102 Water. Sjobeck, Clof, Mrs., dressmaker, 102 Water, house do. Sjogren, Charles G. B., (Tildah), sander, 25 Shearman place house over 127 Falconer. Sjogren, Gust, (Ellen), carpenter, house 91 East Buffalo. Sjorgren, Hulda, drawer, residence 96 Water. Sjorgren, Swan P. (Johana), laborer, house over 96 Water. Skans, Arline, employed 335 Harrison, residence 517 Camp. Skans, Bessie, clerk, 201 East Second, residence 517 Camp. Skans, Emil, (Minnie), metal worker, 95 Jones and Gilford avenue, residence 517 Camp. Skans, Frank A. (Louise), mill hand, 116 East First, house Plebner. Skans, Mary, widow Adolph, retidente 505 Camp. Skellie, Walter, grocer, 23 Easi Third, ooards 109 Forest avenue. Skiff, Bertha R., residence 303 West Second. Skiff. Marion L., residence 303 West Second. Skiff, Mason M., (Mary L.), retired, house 303 West Second. Skiff, Warner M., student, residence 303 West Second. Skinner, Homer W . (Matella), house over 31 Ashville avenue. Skirrow, Florence, operative 335 Harrison, rooms 61 over 119 Main. Skirrow, Joshua (Mary), wool sorter 3 35 Harrison, rooms 61 over 119 Main. Skoglund, Gerda, domestic, 17 Lake View avenue. Ekojlund, Frank, (Augusta), weaver, 33 5 Harrison, house over 409 Newland avenue. Skold, Gust, (Sophia), quarryman, house 53 Wescott. Skutt, Fred A. (Philippine), painter, bouse 29 Tilden avenue. Slater. Addie Mrs., house room 3 over 2 1-2 Main. Slater, Frank J. (Eva M.), physical director Y. M. C. A., house 153 Ctanier. Slattery, Thomas (Lucy), foreman section Erie R. R., liouse 50 Foote avenue. Clark Hardware Co.,agents for Stransky Enameled Ware. Every Piece Warranted! Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. SLAUGHENHAUPT SMITH JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 403 Slaughenhaupt, E. Blanche, student, residence 611 Pine. Slaughenhaupt, Edith P., milliner, res idence 611 Pine. Slaughenhaupt, Emery H. (Harriet M . ) , house 611 Pine. Slawson, Rufus L., (Minnie), manager, 203 West Third, h. 2 over 203 E. 2d. Slawson, Samuel E., (Inez A.), granite and marble dealer, 9 Lakin avenue, house do. < Sliter, Charles H. (Rosette), laborer, house 32 Sampson. Sloan, Henry, night clerk, 21 West Third, residence do. Sloan, Lucretia J., Mrs., residence 33 Harrison. Sloan, see also Slone. Slocum, Jonathan H., (Eliza I.), retired, house 25 Barrett avenue. Slocum, Mamie, residence 25 Barrett avenue. Slone, Clarence A. (Mary B.), manager W . U. Tel. Co., 301 Main, h. 108 E. 8th Slone, William W . (Sarah), clerk, Erie freight depot, house 108 East 8th. Slone, see also Sloan. Slosberg, Lewis H., (Ida M.), clerk, 19-21 Main, house 31 Derby. Slothoom, William L. (Mary), carriages, farm implements, coal, etc., 32-34 South Main, house 108 Cook avenue. Smalley, Albert L. (Anna), pastor First Congregational church, house 316 East Fourth. Smiley, Frank, (Jennie), painter, house 306 West Eighth. Smiley, Lloyd, laborer, residence 306 West Eighth. Smiley, Sanford G., (Clara), works 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 120 Stewart avenue. Smith, Agnes, operative, 3l8 Cherry, residence 811 Jefferson. Smith, Alice, fore lady, 318 Cherry, boards 209 West Eighth. Smith, Alice, waitress, 21 West Third, residence do. Smith, Amber, cook, residence 21 Rathbone. Smith, A m y E., student, 1009 East Second. Smith, Anastaia, widow John, residence 314 West Seventh. Smith, AnnaB., residence 811 Jefferson. Smith, Anna M., nurse maid, residence 155 Forest avenue. Smith, Annie E., residence 645 East sixth. Smith, Arthur E. (Minnie), dentist, 215 Warren, house do. Smith, Arthur F., packer, 101 Harrison, residence 10 Morse avenue. Smith, Patison, residence 12 Waterman. Smith, Bert, residence 953 East Second. Smith, Bessie G., teacher, residence 17 Hazzard. Smith, Bessie 0. F., cashier, 13-17 Main, residence 503 Ashville avenue. Smith, Blanche, picker, 116 East First, residence 805 Cherry. Smith, Blanche Eliza, residence 620 Jefferson. Smith block 5-9 South Main. Smith, Caroline, residence Gustavus Adolphus Orphanage, East Second. Smith, Charles A. (Amanda P.), mill hand, house 135 Camp. Smith, Char'otte, widow Henry A., houte 17 Linco'n. Smith, Chester .T., bookkeeper, 201 Main,, residence 620 Jefferson. If you contemplate New Plumbing, consult M. I. MURRAY R u b b e r S t a m p s of e v e r y description b y Journal Printing C o . SMITH SMITH 404 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Smith, Clara, spinner, 116 East First, residence 811 Jeffea'son. Smith, Colonel, (Pearle 0.), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, house 28 Victoria ave Smith, Cynthia, widow Nathaniel F., house 815 Spring. Smith, David (Rose), canvasser, residence 104 Chandler. Smith, DeWitt C. (Lucia D.), hackman, house 308 Clinton. Smith, E. A., Mrs., house over 301 Crescent. Smith, Edgar A (Delia), lather, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Smith, Edmond S., clerk, 25 S-'hearman place, residence 424 East Sixth. Smith, E d m u n d B., (Helen E.), merchant tailor, 26 Main, house 623 Newland avenue. Smith, Ed., groom, 108 West Fourth, rooms do. Smith, Edward, employed Erie freight depot, boards 6 7>letallic avenue. Smith, Edward M., (Nellie E.), driver, house 811 Main. Smith, Edward T. (Liza), commercial traveler, house 22 West Seventh. Smith, Eldred, farmer, residence 1035 Main. Smith, Elizabeth, clerk, 13-17 West Third, residence 127 Allen. Smith, Elmer E., farmer, residence 1027 aMin. Smith, Emily H., widow James O , house 1083 East Second. Smith, Erastus W . (Llewellyn E.), drher 224 East Second, h. over 218 do. Smith, Ernest, (Eveline)—East Jamestown House, 949-953 East Secondhouse do. Smith, Ernest W., cutter, residence over 17 Lincoln. Smith, Ernest W., farmer, residence 1027 Main. Smith, Etta, widow Eugene, dressmaker .house 1309 West Sixth. Smith, Fannie A., widow Richard, residence 632 Spring. Smith, Flora, operative, 318 Cherry, residence 811 Jefferson. Smith, Francis (Margaret), carpenter, house 608 Barrett avenue. Smith, Frank B. (Abigail J.), carpenter, house 1027 Main. Smith, Frank E., student, residence 9 West Ninth. Smith, Fred B. (Dora M.), commercial traveler, house 4-5 over 5 South Main. Smith, George, (Anna K.), trimmer Electric Light Co., Steele, house 400 Hazzard. Smith, George TJ.. (Bessie A.), journali st house 506 Prendergast avenue. Smith, George L., (Magdalene), upholsterer, 38 Winsor, house 342 Steele. Smith, Gerald, farm laborer, Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Smith, Gilbert, (Mary), manufacturer, house 718 East Seventh. Smith, Gilbert, fireman 9 Race, residence 805 Cherry. Smith, Gust F. (Matilda), machinist, house 10 Morse avenue. Smith, Harold, clerk, 116 Main, residence 805 Cherry. Smith, Harriet O , milliner, residence over 306 Main. Smith, H. B., widow Charles H., boards 116 East Fourth. Smith, Henry, (Amelia), comber, 116 East First, house 12 Waterman. Smith, Henry K, residence 500 East Sixth. Smith, Herman, (Mary), roofer, house over J. S. Ry. office, West Third. Smith, Herman K., plumber, residence 35 Barrows. CLARK HARDWARE CO.,Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. SMITH SMITH JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 405 Smith, Hiram (Anna G.)—Smith & Johnson Bros.—over 7 East Third, house 307 West Second. Smith, Hiram M., (Adell), carpenter, house 620 Jefferson. Smith, Ida E., widow Leroy, residence 17 Hazzard. Smith, James (Susan) housekeeper, Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Smith, James A., groom, rooms over 100 East Second. Smith, James E., (Harriet), rug weaver, house 1 Hotchkiss. Smith, James G., (Adda P.), wholesale paper dealer, 13 West Second, house 50 Allen. JAMrZSGTSMITH, W H O L E S A L E A N D RETAIL PAPER "W A R E H O U S E , 13-15-17 W . S E C O N D ST., JAMESTOWN, N. Y. TELEPHONE 66. Smith, James O. (Minerva), engineer, 24 Steele, house S05 Cherry. Smith, James W., furniturefinisher,105 Winsor, residence 10 Morse avenue. Smith, James W., printer, residence 9 West Ninth. Smith, Jane, widow Moses, residence Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Smith, Jeanette M., widow Ezra, house 424 East Sixth. Smith, Jennie, house 127 Allen. Smith, Jessie, residence 500 East Sixth. Smith, Jessie, mill hand, 35 Water, residence 24 Center. Smith, John E. (Anna), shoemaker, 135 Fairmount ave, house 811 Jefferson. Smith, John F. (Rose), plumbing inspector, 10 city hall, house 416 Foote ave. Smith, John H. (Ellen), shipping clerk, 13-17 West Second, house 9 West 9th. Smith, John J., packer, 105 Winsor, residence 12 Waterman. Smith, Joseph, (Annie), warpdresser, house 500 Buffalo. Smith, Julia, Mrs., housekeeper, 1009 East Second. Smith, Julian I. (Mary H.), carpenter, house 24 Scott. Smith, Katherine, winder, Meadow B rook Mills, residence 718 East Seventh. Smith, Kittie, residence 1027 Main. Smith, Laura, Mrs., house 5 Metallic avenue. Smith, L. Frances, stenographer, 52 Fenton block, house 311 Barrett -avenue. Smith, Lillian-, Mrs., residence 162 Marvin. Smith, Lillian A. M., residence 308 West Second. Smith, Lola, domestic, residence 5 M e tallic avenue. Smith, Lorenzo, farmer, residence 608 Barrett avenue. Smith, Louis, (Agnes), twister, 335 Harrison, house over 407 Murray avenue. Smith, Louis B. (Fannie M.), clerk, 2 South Main, house 24 Derby. Smith, Luella, residence 953 East 5ec ond. Smith, Margaret operative 116 East First, residence 811 Jefferson. High-grade, Noiseless W a t e r Closets vWyin M . J. M U R R A Y . T H E S E M I W E E K L Y JOURNAL hasnear* si"~fftfS«St^rlS^ii"Sr!rtptl0"IJ't SMITH 406 SNIDER JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY Smith, Margaret, maid, 21 West Third, residence do. Smith, Martle, dressmaker, rooms 416 Lafayette. Smith, Mary E., Mrs., house 718 East Seventh. Smith, Mary J., widow John, hair dresser, over 306 Main, hous? do. Smith, Matilda K., widow Willard, house 35 Barrows. Smith, Matthew T. (Carrie), upholsterer, 38 Winsor, house 314 West Seventh. Smith, Minnie, dressmaker, residence 17 Dickerson. Smith, Myrtie M., artist, 35 Barrows, residence do. Smith, Orlando D., (Nellie),—Buck & Smith, 718 East Second—house 8 South Thayer. Smith, Orra E., rooms 16 East Fourth, 3rd floor. Smith, Otto, letter carrier, boards 19 West Eighth. Smith, Pearl A., residence 10 Morse avenue. Smith, Phillip, upholsterer, boards 151 Fairmount avenue. Smith, Ray W., student, residence 22 West Seventh. Smith, Raymond H., employed 335 Harrison, residence 645 East Sixth. Smith, Richard (Jane), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 28 Victoria avenue. Smith, Roy M., (Agnes), motorneer J. S. Ry., house 107 Hall avenue. Smith, Sarah, widow Andrew, residence 210 East Fifth. Smith, Sarah, widow Joseph, house 436 Allen. Smith, Schuyler R. (Amelia), carpenter, house 620 West Seventh. Smith, Sidney, (Ann), peddler, house 274 Colfax. Smith, Sidney A., student, residence 5 00 East Sixth. Smith, Susie, waitress, 21 West Th ird, residence do. Smith, Thomas B. (Isabe'la), warp dresser, house 645 East Sixth. Smith, Thomas H., (Minnie), carder 33 5 Harrison, house 418 East Fifth. Smith, Thomas Henry (Ellen), proprietor Jamestown Cotton Mill, 58 Center house 500 East Sixth. Smith, Tillie, residence 127 Allen. Smith, Walter C. (Mary), general mason, house 308 West Eighth. Smith, Walter M., clerk, residence 9 West Ninth. Smith, Will G., (Mary) clerk, 112 W e s t Third, house 108 Lincoln. Smith, Willard, carpenter, residence 608 Barrett avenue. Smith, William, (Anna), carpenter, house 17 Dickerson. Smith, William, comber, 116 East First residence 12 Waterman. Smith, William, (Anna M.), cloth pre sser, 335 Harrison, house 133 King. Smith, William D., (Ida M.), lather, house over 32 Kent. Smith, William F., (Minnie), plumber, residence 1083 East Second. Smith, William H., laborer, 41-45 Out let, boards 415 West Third. Smith, William L. (Anna D.), laborer, house 206 Crosby. Smith & Johnson Bros.—Hiram Smith, Everett D. and W . Russell Johnson —general insurance agents, over 7 East Third. Snedeker, Eliza, widow Abram. residence 269 Hallock. Snider, George (Annie M.), carpenter, house Earl avenue. Snider, see also Snyder. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware,Stoves, Furnishings Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. SNOW T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. SONNE JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 407 Snow, Clarence Edson, shipping clerk, residence 356 East Fifth. Snow, Cordelia B., widow Harvey D., house 356 East Fifth. Snow, Dollie, widow E. L., residence 2£3 Hallock. Snow, Frank H. (Lydia), retired, residence 405 East Fifth. Snow, Louis H., (Belle G.), physician and surgeon, over 24 East Second, house 356 East Fifth. Snow, M. Belle, residence 356 East Fifth. Snow, William, shoemaker, 318 Cher ry, boards 17 West Fourth. Snowball, Fred J. (Henrietta), secretary and treasurer the A. D. Sharpe Co.. 203 Main, house 306 West Fourth. Snowden, Fred T., furniturefinisher56 -58 Blackstone avenue, residence 207 West Third. Snowden, Mattie, widow Fred T., laundress, house 207 West Third. Snowdon, Remsen O., student, residence 204 West Sixth. Snowdon, Thomas (Annie), bartender, S West Third, house 204 West Sixth. Snyder, Emily, Mrs. residence 123 E*ast Ninth. Snyder, Phillip, (Theresa), oilman, h ouse over 124 East Second. Snyder, Tena, bookkeeper and stenographer, residence over 124 East Second. Snyder see also Snider. Soderberg, Carl, residence 120 Bowen. : Soderberg, Elizabeth, weaver, 116 East First, residence 120 Bowen. Soderberg, Ellen weaver, 116 East First, residence 120 Bowen. Soderberg, John (Anna) laborer, house 120 Bowen. Soderberg, Olga, weaver, 116 East First, residence 120 Bowen. Soderberg, Nannie, weaver 116 East First, residence 120 Bowen. Soderberg, Otto, student, residence 120 Bowen. Soderlund, Christine, widow Lars, residence 57 Hotchkiss. Soderlund, Helen, residence 57 Hotchkiss. Soderlund, Gust, woodworker, 115 Winsor, bouse 57 Hotchkiss. Soderholm, E m m a , widow John T., house 618 Spring. Soderquist, P. A. & Co.—Peter A. Soderquist and John Engstrom, grocery and meat market—324 Newland avenue. Soderquist, Peter A., (Anna)—P. A. Soderquist & Co.—house 157 Prospect. Soderquist, Gust, (Anna), house painter, house 52 Hedges avenue. Soderquist, Lena, Mrs., residence 116 Park. Soderstrom, August S., (Jennie), wood worker, 122 Foote avenue, house 116 Crosby. Solinger, E m m e t (Hattie), blacksmith, 298 East Second, house 512 Hallock Solliday, Benjamin K., (Cornelia A O , mining operator, house 872 Main. Solliday, Sadie, dressmaker, rooms 10 Chandler. Solomonson, John, retired, residence over 136 Foote avenue. Solomonson, Jonathan, (Agnes), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 405 Barrett ave. Sommers, Rev. Cnarles W., (Augusta M.), house 1021 Main. Sommers, Gertrude P., student, residence 1021 Main. Sonne, Hans, mechanic, boards 520 Baker. M.J.MURR AY 'SJ'dW Plumbing Goods in Jamestown If y o u r advertisement is in the lournal you're in g o o d c o m p a n y SOUTHLAND SPENCER 408 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Southland, M. Eugene,finisherresidence 847 Prendergast avenue. Southwick, Cassius C. H., works 17 Shearman place, residence 109 Foote ave Southwick, John S., (Minnie), theatrical manager, res. 211 Newland avenue. Southwick, Leslie L., (Estella), steamboat engineer, house over 737 E. 2nd. Southwick, Morris (Christina) carpenter, house 211 Newland avenue. Southwick, Morris T., student, residence 211 Newland avenue. Southwick, Sylvia B., widow Jerome B., house 109 Foote avenue. Spain, John, (Mary), paperhanger, 117 Main, house 147 Barrett avenue. Spalding, Morell G., drug clerk, 7 South Main, boards 7-9 West First. Spaulding, Ephriam D. (Lucy W . ) ,florist,315 Spring, house do. Spear, Ethel B., student, business college, residence ]4 Maple. Spear, Fred, (Mary),finisher,105 Winsor, house 827 Cherry. Spear see also Sneer. Special Furniture Co., (The)—Frank W . Cadwell, mgr., manufacturers special furniture—123 Foote avenue. Speer, Bert F., packer, 105 Winsor, residence 54 West Ninth. Speer, James W . (Sarah) carpenter, house 54 West Ninth. Speer, Marvin S., (Jessie), clerk, 13-23 South Main, house over 1 East Sixth. Speer Minnie B., residence 54 West Ninth. Speer see also Sipear. Spelecy, Martin, works 41 Shearman place, boards 810 West Eighth. Spellacy, Fannie, Mrs., spinner, residence 968 Marvin. Spencer, Addie M., residence 714 Ashville avenue. Spencer, Alice M., widow William, house 15 Kidder. Spencer, Anna, widow Edward, house over 67 Center. Spencer, Anna S., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence English. Spencer, Annie, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Water. Spencer, Arthur, (Sarah), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 10 Water. Spencer, Arthur, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence English. Spencer, Arthur, Jr.,filler,335 Harrison, residence 10 Water. Spencer, Egburt J., (Orissa C ) , real estate, 714 Ashville avenue. Spencer, E. Inez, book binder, 16 West Second, residence 15 Kidder. Spencer, Ella, Mrs., dress maker, residence 105 Stewart avenue. Spencer, Emily, drawer, 335 Harrison, residence English. Spencer, Frances, clerk, 116 Main, res idence 10 Water. Spencer, Fritz, (Nina), machine hand, 3 Ashville avenue, house 96 Water. Spencer, George P., (Jennie), works 95 J. & G. avenue, house 5 Hall avenue. Spencer, Hannah, residence 103 East Sixth. Spencer, Hannah L., widow Henry, residence 611 Prendergast avenue. Spencer, Harry—Schildmacher & Spe ncer, under 217 Main—boards 7 Fulton Spencer, John W., machine hand, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Water. Spencer, Kent W . (Kate) lineman, house 214 Fulton. Spencer, Louis M., stamp clerk and s urveyor, Underwriters Association, N. Y. S„ over 20 West Third, rooms do. Spencer Olive V., clerk, 13 East Second, residence 15 Kidder. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E SPENCER CO. STACY J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 409 Spencer, Solomon, (Ann M.), wool sorter, 336 Harrison, house English. Spencer, Thomas, employed 143 Harrison, residence do. Spencer, William, (Frances), carpenter, house 16 Valley. Spencer, William H. (Annis) wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 110 Barrows. Sperry James H., commercial traveler, room 9 Y. M. C. A. dormitory. Sprague, Albert J., printer, residence 101 Broadhead avenue. Sprague, Belle, residence 101 Broadhead avenue. Sprague, Bertha Q., residence 16 West Fifth. Sprague Blanche, teacher, residence 101 Broadhead avenue. Sprague, Cherry B., residence 16 West Fifth. Sprague, Clarence J., (Minnie C ) , foreman, 14-16 West Second, house 15 Fluvanna avenue. Sprague, E. A. Bennett, Mrs., milliner, 321 Main, house 16 West Fifth. Sprague, Elmer E., (Emily), Mgr. The Herald Printing Co., 101 East Third, house over 18 Fluvanna avenue. Sprague, E. W., (Delia), Spiritualist minister, residence 618 Newland avenue. Sprague, Fannie H., school teacher, res idence 101 Broadhead avenue. Sprague, George W., (Ella), machine hand, 56 Taylor, house Ashville avenue, (Celoron.) Sprague, George W . (Mary) tinner, house 101 Broadhead avenue. Sprague, Horatio B. (Plarriet) letter carrier, house 10 Cook avenue. Sprague, Horatio N., (Elizabeth), retired, house Ashville avenue, (Celoron.) Sprague, James L. (Margaret) wall paper, 104 E. 3d, h. 336 Foote avenue. Sprague, Lynn T., writer, residence 16 West Fifth. Sprague, T. Nevitt (Frances)—Jamestown Desk Co.—10 Filmore, house 14 Fairmount avenue. Sprague, William H. (Ella A. Bennett) hardware, 38 Main, h. 16 W . Fifth. Sprague, Willis W., student, residence 101 Broadhead avenue. Spooner, Martha E., stenographer, room 1 Hall blk., res. 315 Spring. Spring, Henry D., (Sybil), traveling salesman, house over 707 Washington. Spring, John, retired, house 221 Kent. Spring, Lily, residence 221 Kent. Spring, Mary E., student, residence ove. r 707 Washington. Springstead, Sarah M., widow John, boarding house, 202 J. & G. avenue, h. do. Spute, Rudolph, retired, residence 10 Jones. Squier, Edward J., (Minnie L.), traveling salesman, house 300 Summit. Squier, James I., (Emeline), foreman 318 Cherry, house 623 Palmer. Squier, Mabel N., teacher, residence 300 Summit. Squier, Ziba L., real estate, room 9 Ellicott bldg., house (Lateron.) Stacy, Lorena C , clerk, residence 217 S pring, 4th floor. Hot Water Heating, ZllStX^rl^X; M. J. MURRAY. P«rnh5l«Pr« nf Pllhliritv caa cover the territory tributary to T(.p Iniimnl Daily and rUlUldSCIMH rUUUtliy jamestowa thoroughly by using lne JUU'lldl, Semi-Weekly STAFFORD STANTON 410 J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Stafford, Austin H., (Louisa M.), pension attorney, room 3 Gifford block Third, house 500 East Fifth. A. H. S T A F F O R D , PENSION ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC. PENSION VOUCHERS PROHPTLY EXECUTED. Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, & c , D r a w n and Executed. ROOfl 3, Q I F F O R D B L O C K , O V E R F I R S T N A T I O N A L B A N K . Stafford, Bert R., employed 56 Prospect, residence 7 Hazzard. Stafford, Charles, (May), switchman Erie R. R., residence 710 Washington. Stafford, Eddylle L., (Carrie L.), musician, house 11 Kidder. Stafford, Frank 0. (Eaima), aristo worker, house 26 Stearns avenue. Stafford, Fred, (Alta), metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. under 756 E. 2nd. Stafford, Grace P., student, residence 9 East Ninth. Stafford, Ian A., presser, 95 Jones and Gifford avenue, boards 25 Derby. Stafford, Ida B., residence 7 Hazzard. Stafford, J. I., (Hattie), employed 17 Shearman place, house 48 Flagg ave. Stafford, James P., student, residence 500 East Fifth. Stafford, John F., stage manager, residence 7 Hazzard. Stafford, John R. ( E m m a C.) day clerk 15 South Main, h. 18 Prather avenue. Stafford, Rowland, (Elizabeth), packer, 56 Prospect, house 7 Hazzard. Stafford, Wallace, laborer, boards 48 Flagg avenue. Stafford, William, woodworker, 38 Winsor, boards 13 Weeks. Stafford, Nettie M., residence 7 Hazzard. Stahl, James E., horseman, residence 26 East Buffalo. Stahley, Harry J., (May), deliveryman, residence 30 Thirteenth. Stahley, Jacob F., (Kate)—Anderson & Stahley, 16 E. 2nd.—h. 30 Thirteenth. Stahley, Katherine, milliner, 321 Main, residence 30 Thirteenth. Stahley, Leroy, butcher, 8 Main residence 30 Thirteenth. Stahley, Mamie, residence 30 Thirteenth. Stainthorpe, Jonas, (Amelia), electrician 35 Water, house 30 do. Stall, Joseph, (Hannah), spinning boss 116 E. First, house over 138 Institute. Stamm, William M. (Sophia F.) barber, 2 West Third, house 21 Kent. Standard Oil Co., Richard Peart, manager, 101 East Third. Standish, Henry J., (Jessie L.), case maker, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 611 Monroe Stanley, Clara, Mrs., residence 8 Hanley. Stanley, Frank A., stenographer, 26 Main, boards 80 Marvin. Stanley, William C. (EfHe M.) laborer, house 38 Flags avenue. Stanton, Chester G., laborer, residence 19 Alpaca. Stanton, Clarence H. (Nellie) shipping clerk, house 17 Barker. Stanton, Dora B., student, boards, 117 Chandler. Stanton, Edgar (Edna) laborer, house 19 Alpaca. CLARK HARDWARE CO., G a s Ranges, H o t Plates Carpets, Curtains, Draperies, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. STANTON STEELE JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 411 Stanton, George F., cashier J. & C. R. R. freight, boards 117 Chandler. Stanton, Nina, mender, 335 Harrison, residence 19 Alpaca. Staples, Adelbert L. (Kattie) carpenter, house 422 Warren. Staples, Milton, teamster, house 1154 Prendergast avenue. Stapleton, Christopher (Mary), dyer, 116 East First, h. 115 Driving Park road Stapleton, Ernest A., apprentice, 335 Harrison, residence 47 Foote avenue. Stapleton, Ida, residence 792 East Second. Stapleton, Ira R., spinner, Chautauqua, Worsted Mills, res. 15 Driving Park road. Stapleton, James, teamster, residence over 792 East Second. Stapleton Joe, teamster, 66 Foote avenue, residence over 792 East Second. Stapleton, Lawrence B., woodcarver, (Falconer), residence 47 Foote avenue. Stapleton, Mary A., widow Bartholomew, residence 47 Foote avenue, rear. Stapleton, Maude, spinner, Meadow Brook Mills, res. 15 Driving Park road. Stapleton, Percy, woodworker, boards 953 East Second. Stapleton, Percy, woodworker, 56 Blackstone ave., res. 15 Driving Park road. Stapleton, Will, residence 792 East Second. Stapleton, William G., (Anna), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 118 King. Star Bakery—L. D. pencille, prop.—under 12 Stowe. Star Furniture Co.—Fred 0. Crossgrove, James E. Hall—manufacturers odd dressers and bookcases, 29-33 Briggs. Star Palace Laundry—Edgar E. Warren and George W . Rowland—205 W . 3d. Stark, Axel (Anna C.) laborer, house 440 Chandler. Stark, Chas., (Huldah),fishseller,residence 426 Baker. Stark, Henry, (Clara), mason, house over 3 Lake. Stark, Orsborn P., installment agent, h ouse over 22 East Second. Starkweather, John, hotel keeper, 147-151 Fairmount avenue. Starkweather, Triphena, Mrs., hotel keeper, 147-151 Fairmount avenue. Staub, Grace F., bookkeeper, Chautauqua Worsted Mills, res. 514 Palmer. Staub, Willard W., (Effie), deputy organizer K. 0. T. M., house 112 Cook ave. Stead, Joseph, (Sarah E.), drawer, M e a d o w Brook Mills, house 401 Falconer. Stead, William, (Blanche), shipping clerk, 56 Water, residence 462 Hallock. Stearns, Alice P., residence 54 Prospect avenue. Stearns, Benjamin F., clerk, Erie freight office, residence 336 Palmer. Stearns, Charles, boxmaker, 102 East First, residence 218 Forest avenue. Stearns, Frank M., (Hattie M.), plumber, 211 East Third, h. over 810 Main. Stearns, Frank W . (Maria) yard clerk Erie Ry., house 336 Palmer. Stearns, James W . (Mary L.) dist. supt. N .Y. & Pa. T. & T. Co., 113 Easl Third, house 54 Prospect avenue. Stearns, Royal, special agent, 113 East Third, residence 54 Prospect avenue Stearns, William V., (Anna C ) , clerk, Erie freight depot, house over 30 Fairmount avenue. Stearns see also Sterns. Steele, Frank, (Ida), real est
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