1899-1900 - Prendergast Library
iMlilawlfitift JAMES PRENDERGAST LIBfuR ' ^ A ^ 3 1880 0242113 0 DATE DUE James Prendergast Library Association *" 509 Cherry Street Jamestown, N e w York 14701 M e m b e r Of Chautauqua-Cattaraugus Library System (I) 207 MAIN ST., JAMESTOWN, N. JOBBERS A N D RETAILERS. D R Y G O O D S , Fine Dress Qoods, Cloaks, Shawls and Suits, Domestics, Housekeepers Linens Curtains and Draperies, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, Veiling, Rib= bons, Notions and Umbrellas, flacin= toshes, Furs and Blankets. Our lines will be found complete in all details. W e handle reliable goods only, bought on a close cash basis. W e are never undersold. Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Give us a trial. 207 Main St., (and annexes 209 and 211) Jamestown, N. Y. TELEPHONE 71. Established 1891. Edward 6. Duffee, Dtp Goods and Carpets. Cloaks, Suits and Turs. T i n e D r e s s G o o d s , Silks. housekeepers Linens, Jyosiery, Underwear. Ladies' and Gent's Turnisbings, Curtains, Draperies. Window Shades, notions, Corsets, Gloves, Veilings, gibbons, Umbrellas, Comfortables, Blankets, leathers, Pillows, Jfeadf? W a d e Sheets and Pillow Cases. Reliable Goods B o u g h t on Cash Basis and Sold for Cash, . . . Jit the Lowest Price. . . . G d w a r d G. Duffee, 26 Wain St. Jamestown, Hew York. J. A . H U L Q U I S T & CO. $-*-*^***¥*»************¥ W e Represent the Following Companies. FIRE INSURANCE, O c e a n Tickets, And L o a n Agents. Largest Insurance Agency in t h e City. Room 2 A r c a d e Building. TELEPHONE No. 12. C h a t f i e l d S A N I T A R Y S T E A M A N D H O T W A T E R H E A T I N G . & AMERICAN ASSETS. FOREIGN. North British and Mercantile $ 4.348,564.00 4.001,127.00 Scottish Union and National 2,001,016.00 Caledonian of Scotland 1,716.701.00 London Assurance Corporation 843,218.00 Baloise of Switzerland 678,948.00 Svea of Sweden ASSETS. AMERICAN. $16,296,556.00 Philadelphia Underwriters 5,227,336.00 Pennsylvania 3,216.552.00 Clenns Falls, New York 2,659,215.34 Westchester, New York 2,594,839.00 Orient. Hartford. Conn. 2,291.568.00 Agricultural, N e w York 2,133,943 00 Traders of Chicago 1,624,758.00 Greenwich, New York 82"7,267.00 Reading, Pa. 731,232.00 Teutonia, New Orleans, La. A* *AAAA***************** A r m i t a g e , P L U M B I N G , (Ill) THE OLD RELIABLE . . . TELEPHONE NO. 86. G r e e k A m e r i c a n Fruit C o m p a n y , At No. 121 Main St., and 1-3 5 7 W . 2nd St., Is Headquarters for All Kinds of . . . . T o r e i g n , tropical a n d California Truits. T h e y Also Keep a Fine Line of Confectionery 1 hat is second to JNone ~ J- All G o o d s Delivered to a n y Part of the City. <&• telephone Ho. 86. the Branch at Uo. 9 W e s t 3rd St. next to the Shearman Tyouse Is Equipped with the Tinest S o d a in Western T o u n t a i n New York. Their Syrups and Crushed Fruits are Superior Because T h e y are made From Fresh Fruits. try Zheir n e w Drinks, Cool, Jfefreshing and Fjealthful. 9 West Third Street. BENJ. NICHOLS. CHAS. M. NICHOLS. B E N J . N I C H O L S & S O N , ~* j« PROPRIETORS OF ji J* J a m e s t o w n F o u n d e r s I r o n a n d STEAM GUAGES, INJECTORS, SIGHT FEED LUBRICATORS, SIGHT FEED OIL CUPS. ENGINE FITTINGS. W O O D SPLIT PULLEYS, ETC. WOOD WORKING MACHINERY. W o r k s , Machinists. T W O HORSE POWER ENGINES C O M P L E T E A SPECIALTY. ENGINES AND GENERAL REPAIRING. IRON A N D BRASS CASTINGS. ti S H E R M A N PLACE, Opposite Passenger Depot, J A M E S T O W N , N. Y. (IV] J A M E S T O W N R O O F I N G 109 E A S T T H I R D CO., STREET. TELEPHONE 185b. ASPHALT, jt GRAVEL, CEMENT, R O C K FACED, R W O O L E N FELT, M j s . anufacturers O O F I N G I Chautauqua Brand , 2 and 3 Ply Ready Roofing. We make a specialty of high grade Waterp r o o f S h e a t h i n g P a p e r s , Building P a p e r s , R o o f Paints. You need a new roof or your old one needs painting. Call today and have your tin roof painted with our Metal Varnish. All Work Guaranteed. J. H . C L A R K , jl jl & Founder and flachinist. ALL KINDS OF CASTINGS MADE TO ORDER. REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY. WEST THIRD STREET, BETWEEN CHERRY AND WASHINGTON, JAMESTOWN, N. Y. S . E . A N D E R S O N . — DEALER IN Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware and Optical 106 M A I N S T R E E T , J A M E S T O W N , N. Y. Fine Watch Repairing A Specialty. Goods. R E A L E S T A T E , L O T S F O R S A L E AT J a m e s t o w n , Celoron L I N D S E Y & Tickets to and from all parts of the World. & Jamestown, N . Y . B O O K B I N D E R Y . M . M e r z , 211 M a i n S t . OLDEST AGENCY IN TOWN Smith Falconer. L I N D S E Y , Corner Third and Main Sts., J A M E S T O W N a n d BEST COMPANIES REPRESENTED. Johnson Brothers, General Insurance Agents, N O 7 EAST Telephone No. 155. S W A N S THIRD O N STREET. J A M E S T O W N , N. Y. B R O S . . LIVERY and BOARDING STABLES. Finest Blacksmith Shop in Jamestown. W a g o n W o r k of all Kinds. Carriage and W a g o n Painting. O u r W o r k is First-Class in E v e r y R e s p e c t . W E S T F O U R T H STREET, Between Cherry and Washington Streets. (VI) GE/NEVRAL « n f f C E m m r I S E a s t T h i r d Street. JAMESTOWN, - ... NEWgOHK. K N I G H T S O F A U R O R A Fraternal <# Benefit <& Association. P a y s Sick, Accident and Death Benefits. ROOMS: 4, S AND 6 WELLMAN BUILDING. SOLICITORS WANTED. J A M E S G. S M I T H , WHOLESALE P A D AND RETAIL ER WARE H° TELEPHONE 66B. 13, 15 AND 17 WEST SECOND ST. JAMESTOWN, N. Y. i TJ T H E J O U R N A L ' S DIRECTORY OP J A M E S T ralconer, and O W N , L a k e w o o d Celoron. 1 8 9 9 - 1 9 0 0 CONTAINING K Comprehensive Street Directorv; An Alpha be Heal Residence Director/; A Classified Business Directorv and a Directorv of Countv and Gtv Officials, Citv Institutions, Societies, Corporations, Etc., and a N e w M a p of the Citv. PRICE $3.00 COMPILED, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY JOURNAL PRINTING COHPANY, Journal Bldg., 14-16 West Second St., Jamestown, New York. FOR INDEX SEE NEXT PAGES. Entered According to Act of Congress in the Year 1899 by Journal Printing Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington, D. C. (VIII) I N D E X T O A D V E R T I S E R S . Abrahamson, C. P. Co., dry goods I Journal Printing Co., lines and cover. Ainge, William Ely, accountant, Knights of Aurora VI and auditor Inside front cover Lindsey & Lindsey, real estate .. V Anderson, S. E'., jeweler IV Lord & Ellsworth, undertakers .. 353 Breed, Charles A.,fireinsurance.. 16.3 Lydle, W . N., contractor 444 Camp, A. N., photographer 172 Lyons News Co., news dealers and Chatfield & Armitage, plumbers II ticket brokers 289 Chautauqua County Trust ComMaloney & Hanson, electricians.. 291 pany Inside back cover Marble Hall, clothing ....Back Cover. Clark Hardware Co Foot lines Mason Brothers, bicycle repairing 294 Clark, J. H., founder and machinMelvin, Charles L., real estate .. 297 ist IV Murray, M. J., plumber ....Foot lines Dailey, Clayton B., hardware 431 Nichols, Benjamin & Son, foundDuffee, E. E., dry goods I ers and machinists Ill Eddy, E. E., insurance VI North American Portrait ComFarmers and Mechanics Bank . .. 449 pany, portraits 312 First National Bank 448 Novelty Heating Co., hardware.. 349 Graff, Joseph W., hardware, bicyPartridge, E. G., undertaker 322 cles and sporting goods 220 Powers L. D., undertaker 334 Greek-American Fruit Company, Proudfit, W . H., clothier Head lines fruits, etc Ill Sharpe, A. D. Co. (The), dry Hulquist, J. A. & Co., insurance goods Head lines and real estate II Smith & Johnson Bros., insurJamestown Business College ance v outside cover Swanson Bros., blacksmithing, Jamestown Book Bindery, steam livery and boarding stables .... V ship tickets V Townsend's Steam Carpet CleanJamestown Coal & Coke Coming W o r k s 379 pany 401 Union Trust Company 450 Jamestown Roofing Company.. .. IV Winnberg & Batcheller, pharmaJaimestown Stained Glass Works.. 401 cists , 396 Johnson Ice Company 449 (IX) I N D E X T O C O N T E N T S . Abbreviations 132 Additions, Corrections and Removals 445 Alphabetical Directory of Residents Index to Advertisers VIII Justices of the Peace 415 Lakewood Directory 438 X Literary and Musical Societies.. 16-20 35 M a p of Jamestown 425-428 Cemeteries 17 Churches and Church Societies.. .20-28 City Election Districts 6 City Government City Polling Places 3 9 Classified Business Directory ..402-424 Miscellaneous Directory 4 15 Residing Within the Vicinity of and Receiving Mail at Jamestown Postoffice Schools Descriptive and Historical Sketch 2 Secret Societies 428 Street, Avenue Fire Alarm Boxes and Code of 417 Police Department Post Office 1 Falconer Directory 1-20 Notaries Public County Government Calls 19 33-35 132-401 Announcement Buildings, Blocks, Halls and Flats Celoron Directory Hospitals and H o m e s Incorporated Companies rectory 443 9 28-33 and Alley Di36-131 11 Thirteenth Separate Company.... Fire Department Officers 11 Title VII Fire Hydrants 13 W a r d Boundaries 5-9 18 PUBLISHER'S A N N O U N C E M E N T . In taking up the task of compiling and issuing a directory for the City of Jamestown, the publisher was not blind to the fact that a generous expenditure of time, labor and m o n e y would be required to m a k e the work complete. T h e result is n o w submitted to the public, with a confidence that it will meet the requirements of such a publication. M a n y features which have never before been found in a Jamestown directory, and seldom in those of other cities, have been introduced in the work In addition to the alphabetical list of names of residents, usually found in a city directory, will also be found the given n a m e of the wife of each married man. T h e n there is a directory by streets, showing the head of each household on every street, in rotation. There is a complete church, society and lodge directory, together with a city, county and political district directory, giving the names and residences of all city, county, and district officers, and a classified business directory. T h e Jamestown alphabetical list contains about 11,300 names, an increase of 1,500 over the directory issued by White Bros, in 1898. T h e list comprises persons eighteen years of age and over, and those 3-ounger if independently employed. In taking up a work of this kind for the first time, mistakes have doubtless been m a d e which it is believed it will be possible to avoid in the future. It is the intention of the publisher to issue such a work annually hereafter, if the business public desires it, w h e n n e w features will be added if there is any field of information from which the}* can be secured. T h e publisher invites suggestions as to improvements or additions which will add to the usefulness of the directory. T h e work is given to the public with a consciousness on the part of the publisher that there m a y be some defects in it, and with a prorru&e that in future issues they will be overcome so far as it is possible to do so. J O U R N A L P R I N T I N G CO. August, 1899. Miscellaneous Directory. 1899-1900.COUNTY AND DISTRICT POLITICAL DIRECTORY. Congress District.—Jamestown is situated in the Thirty-fourth NewYork Congressional district, composed or' the counties of Chautauqua, Cattaraugus and Allegany. It has no representative in congress at the present time, Hon. Warren B. Hooker having resigned his seat in that body November 10, 1898. His successor will not be elected until November 7, 1899. State Senate District—The Fiftieth N e w York state senate district is composed of the counties of Chautauqua and Cattaraugus. It is represented by Frank W . Higgins of Olean. State Assembly Districts.—Chautauqua county contains two state assembly districts. The First district is composed of the following towns: Arkwright, Busti, Carroll, Charlotte, Cherry Creek, Ellery, Ellicott, Ellington, Gerry, Harmony, Kiantone, Poland, Stockton, Villenova and the city of Jamestown. It is represented by J. Samuel Fowler of Brokenstraw, town of Harmony. The Second district is composed of the following towns: Chautauqua, Clymer, Dunkirk, French Creek, Hanover, Mina, Pomfret, Portland, Ripley, Sheridan, Sherman, Westfield and the city of Dunkirk. It is represented by Samuel Frederick Nixon of Westfield, who is speaker of the N e w York state assembly. C O U N T Y OFFICERS. County Judge—Jerome B. Fisher, Jamestown. Special County Judge—Frank S. Wheeler, Jamestown. County Clerk—James D. Gallup, Clymer; postoffice address Mayville. Deputy County Clerk—Richard O Brien, Mayville. Sheriff—Edgar J. Griswold, Sheridan; postoffice address Mayville. Under Sheriff—Clarence H. Lake, Jamestown. 'Surrogate—Egburt E. Woodbury, Jamestown. Surrogate's Clerk—Will D. Parker, Mayville. Special Surrogate—Leslie A. Pease, Dunkirk. County Treasurer—Thomas Hutson, Mayville. District Attorney—Eleazer Green, Jamestown. Assistant District Attorney—Elton B. Warner, Dunkirk. Superintendent of the Poor—Alonzo Halladay, Ellicott; postoffice address Jamestown. Coroners—Dr. A. H. Bowers, Jamestown; Charles Blood, Dunkirk; Sylvester S. Starring, Silver Creek; Thomas E. Soules, Cherry Creek. Keeper of County House—Mervin E. Smith, Dewittville. Loan Commissioners—Leander S. Phelps, Fredonia; John Cook, Panama. School Commissioners—Grant E. Neil, Ashville, First district; W . A. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. Holcomb, Fredonia, Second district; J. R. Flagg, Frewsburg, Third district. B O A R D O F SUPERVISORS. Ark»vright—Frank W . Horton; postoffice address Arkwright. Busti—Andrew J. Bennett; postoffice address Busti. Carroll—John Venman; postoffice address Frewsburg. Charlotte—Edwin F. Lake; postoffice address Charlotte Center. Chautauqua—Willis H. Tennant; postoffice address Mayville. 'Cherry Creek—Charles L. Wheeler; postoffice address Cherry Creek. Clymer—Lorenzo P. McCray; postoffice address Clymer. Dunkirk—John K. Patterson, Jr.; postoffice address Dunkirk. Dunkirk—Henry Mayo; postoffice address Dunkirk. Ellery—Frank F. Pickard; postoffice address Bemus Point. Ellicott—Merrick B. Pratt; postoffice address Jamestown. Ellington—Theodore A. Case; postoffice address Ellington. French Creek—Henry R. Case; postoffice address Cutting. Gerry—John A. Almy; postoffice address Gerry. Hanover—Asa E. Dye; postoffice address Forestville. Harmony—J. Samuel Fowler; postoffice address Brokenstraw. Jamestown—James A. Clary; postoffice address Jamestown. Jamestown—Archibald D. Falconer; postoffice address Jamestown. Kiantone—Andrew B. Carter; postoffice address Jamestown. Mina—John A. Hill; postoffice address Findley Lake. Poland—John H. Anderson; postoffice address Kennedy. Pomfret—Willis D. Leet; postoffice address Laona. Portland—Theodore C. Moss; postoffice address Brocton. Ripley—Joseph A. McGinnies; postoffice address Ripley. Sheridan—George E. McLaury; postoffice address Sheridan. Sherman—Frank E. Miller; postoffice address Sherman. Stockton—Mfchael C. Donovan; postoffice address Stockton. Villenova—Andrew N. Warner, postoffice address Hamlet. Westfield—S. Frederick Nixon; postoffice address Westfield. Clerk—Otis D. Hinckley; postoffice address Clymer. Assistant Clerk—Louis McKinstry; postoffice address Fredonia. Journal Clerk—Frederick W . Hyde; postoffice address Jamestown. Attorney—Arthur B. Ottoway; postoffice address Westfield. Janitor—John H. Johnson; postoffice address Mayville. P a g e — E d m u n d Dearing; postoffice address Mayville. Chairman of the Board—S. Frederick Nixon, Westfield. Chairman Pro Tern—Theodore A. Case, Ellington" City of J a m e s t o w n . Jamestown is situated near the southern boundary of Chautauqua county and about six miles from the Pennsylvania state line. It was founded by James Prendergast in whose honor it was named in 1815 It was incorporated as a village in 1827 and as a city in 1886. It is the largest city in N e w York state west of Buffalo containing a population of about 25,000. From its earliest history it has been an active manufacturing and commercial center and has the advantage of being situated in the center of one of the principal agricultural and dairying sections of N e w York state. It has MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY, groivn rapidly in population and commercial importance within the past 30 years. In 1870 its population was 5,337; in 1880 it was 9,350; in 1890 it Jaad increased to 16,038, and in 1892, w h e n the last state census was taken, it was 18,627. Jamestown is justly called the City of Homes, a larger percentage of its residents owning their homes than can be found in any other city in the state. The municipality owns a large and completely equipped electric light plant •which not only provides street lights for all parts of the city, but furnishes incandescent lights for its public buildings and for business houses at remarkably low rates. It has just completed a sewer system which extends along nearly every street in the city, and its principal business streets are paved with shale brick of excellent quality which are manufactured within the corporate limits. In addition to a magnificent high school building it has 11 excellent district branch schools, ami its educational system is regarded as a model among the educators of the state. There are 19 churches and several chapels within the city, where religious services are held regularly. There are about 175 manufacturing establishments in the city, the output consisting largely of woolen and worsted goods, furniture of m a n y kinds, and boots and shoes. The estimated value of the product of its manufactories is placed at $10,000,000 annually, a large percentage of which is paid out for labor. Its banking facilities are of the best, thefinancialinterests of its people being taken care of by one national bank, two trust companies and one state bank. There has never been a bank failure in the city.. Jamestown is served by three great railway systems. The Erie railway runs through the heart of the city; the Jamestown & Chautauqua railway reaches into the manufacturing section, giving connection with the D. A. V. & P., a part of the great Vanderbilt railway system, at Falconer, and with the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern lines at Brocton in connection with the W . N. Y. & P. railway at Mayville. The Terminal Railway company, a strictly local concern, organized for" the purpose of promoting the businessinterests of Jamestown, will soon be' built through the manufacturing section of the city, running so close to' m a n y of the leading manufacturingplants as to make the carting of freight! unnecessary. This road will connect with all three of the systems above mentioned. As a residence city Jamestown is without a rival. Being located at the extreme southeastern end of Chautauqua lake, concededly the most attractive body of water in the United States, its people come in touch with all points of interest along the lake, which are reached by steamboat, trolley and steam cars. The healthfulness of the city is proverbial, m a n y people coming here from different parts of the world on account of the delightful climate and exhilarating atmosphere. Its free public library, its perfectly appointed hospital, its m a n y religious and social organizations, all lend their influence toward giving it an attractiveness and a charm that can be found nowhere else. E L E C T I V E CITY OFFICERS. Mayor—Henry H. Cooper. City Clerk—Clement B. Jones. Police Justice—Abner Hazeltine. Supervisors—James A. Clary, Archibald D. Falconer. Aldermen—First ward, Seth W.. Thompson, Martin L. Fenton; Second MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. Bridges, Opening, Widening and Exward, Robert G. Bailey, John B. Collins; Third ward, Azariah Hall, John tending Streets—Blystone, Carlson, E. Roberts; Fourth ward, John A. Hul- Bailey. Police Department and Grievances— quist, Charles P. Carlson; Fifth ward, William D. Stowe, Walter I. Blystone; Stowe, Johnson, Thompson. City Personal Property and General Sixth ward, J. Emil Johnson, John Mack. Supplies—Mack, Hall, Collins. Ordinance, Rules and Printing—ColBoard of Education—Frederick A. Fuller, Jr., president; Mrs. Kate S. lins, Thompson, Roberts. City Buildings, Buildings in General, Thompson, secretary; Charles E. Parks, Elof Rosencrantz, Mrs. Susan Public Parks and Grounds—Bailey, G. Tew, James L. Weeks, H. L. Phil- Roberts, Fenton. lips. Poor—Roberts, Thompson, Bailey, Assessors—Andrew Rundquist, Alon- Hulquist, Blystone, Johnson. zo Devoe, Dwight Perrin. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Overseer of the Poor—Nicholas Arend. President—Arthur A. Amidon. Secretary—Samuel A. Carlson. Sealer of Weights and Measures— Treasurer and Superintendent of John Borkman. Justices of the Peace—D. D. Wood- Paving—Andrew J. Butts. ford, Allen E. Billings, Edward P. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Mahoney, Charles A. Ogren. President Board of Health—Edward Constables—Wilbur B. Wood, Wil- Appleyard. liam R. Denslow, Luther A. Forbush, Secretary Board of Health—Halbert Charles E. Johnson. A. Barrows. C O M M O N COUNCIL. Registrar Vital Statistics—Charles President, J. Emil Johnson; clerk, W . Swanson. Health Officer—Dr. A. H. Bowers. Clement B. Jones; aldermen, Seth W . Sanitary Inspector—Andrew J. Thompson, Martin L. Fenton,Robert G. Bailey, John B. Collins, Azariah Hall, Bowen. Plumbing Inspector—John F. Smith. John E. Roberts, John A. Hulquist, Members Board of Health—Edward Charles P. Carlson, William D. Stowe, Walter I. Blystone, J. Emil Johnson, Appleyard, Charles A. Swanson, Halbert A. Barrows, Cornelius Hunt, John Mack. Charles Ipson, Frank D. Ormes. S T A N D I N G COMMITTEES—1899-1900 POLICE D E P A R T M E N T . Finance—Thompson,Hulquist, Stowe, Hall, Collins, Johnson. Police Justice—Abner Hazeltine. Pavements and Sewers—Fenton, Chief of Police—Frank A. Johnson. Carlson, Bailey, Blystone, Mack, RobRoundsman—Thomas E. Reeder. erts. Patrolmen—John Maharon, George Fire Department—Hulquist, Stowe, W . Beardsley, James M. Young, CorMack. nelius Kelliher, Simon Peterson, EliaHighway Work—Carlson, Hall, Fen- kim Garfield, Frank W . Cheney, ton, Blystone, Collins, Mack. Charles G. Krantz, Jabez Giles, WilSidewalks—Hall, Fenton, Carlson. liam H. Davey, Robert E. Falconer, Municipal Lighting and Fire Hy- John G. Moynihan, Frank F. Moynidrants—Johnson, Stowe, Hulquist. han, Gust Anderson. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTOR f. Special Policemen—Chapin Tiffany, Oscar W. Erickson, William T. Marsh. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS. James L. Weeks, chief examiner. Daniel H. Post. Orsino E. Jones. Clement B. Jones, secretary. BOARD OF SUPERVISING A N D EXAMINING PLUMBERS A N D PLUMBING. Chief Examiner—George A. Chatfield. Journeyman Plumber—Patrick Lynch Secretary—Jonas Woodhead. Plumbing Inspector—John F. Smith. City Engineer—George W . Jones. POOR DEPARTMENT. Overseer of the Poor—Nicholas Arend. Physician to the Poor—Dr. A. H. Bowers. Assistant Overseer—Luther A. Forbush. M U N I C I P A L LIGHTING PLAJSfT. Superintendent—Charles G. Sundquist. Engineers—Charles L. Carlson, J. Otto Olson. Firemen—Frank Cease, Oscar Peterson, Felix Beaver. Extra Fireman—Frederick Mansfield. Trimmers—Jay W . Cole, George Smith, Edward A. Lind, E. H. Johnson, Jonathan Hanson. Linemen—William C. Winchester, Frank E. Hanchett, Kent W . Spencer. O T H E R APPOINTIVE CITY OFFICERS. City Attorney—Edward R. Bootey. City Engineer—George W . Jones. Assistant City Engineer—Louis G. Fenton. City Treasurer—John B. Shaw. Street Commissioner—John A. Erown. 5 City Bookkeeper—Charles A. Okerlind. Janitor City Hall—William T. Marsh. W A R D BOUNDARIES. First Ward: Embracing all territory in the city lying within the following described limits: Beginning at a point in the center of the highways known as Main and Second streets, and running thence easterly along the center of Second street to the center of Winsor street; thence northwesterly along the center of Winsor street to the center of Lake View avenue; thence northerly along the center of Lake View avenue to the northern boundary of the city; thence westerly along the city line to the center of Main street, and thence southerly along the center of Main street to the place of beginning. Second Ward: Embracing all territory in said city lying west of the center of Main street and north of the center of the outlet of Chautauqua lake. Third Ward: Embracing all territory in the city lying south of the center of the Erie railway tracks; west of the center of Foote avenue; east of the center of Forest avenue, the westerly line of Brooklyn square and the westerly line of Main street. Fourth Ward: Embracing all territory in the city south of the center of the Erie railway tracks and east of the center of Foote avenue. Fifth Ward: Embracing all territory lying north of the center of the Erie railway tracks and east of the line commencing in the center of Main street at a point where that street crosses the center of the Erie lailway tracks, and running thence north along the center of Main street to the center of Second street; thence 6 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. easterly along the center of Second street to the center of Winsor street; thence northwesterly along the center of Winsor street to the center of Lake View avenue; thence northerly along the center line of Lake View avenue to the city line. Sixth Ward: Embracing all that territory in the city lying south of the outlet of Chautauqua lake and west of the center of Forest avenue, the westerly line of Brooklyn square and the westerly line of Main street. ELECTION DISTRICTS. First Ward. First District —Begin at the intersection of Main and Second streets, run thence on the center line of Main street to Eighth street; thence on the center line of Eighth street to Lake View avenue; thence on the center line of Lake View avenue to Sixth street; thence on the center line of Sixth sfreet to the east line of Fulton street, thence on the east line of Fulton street extended to Second street; thence on the center line of Second street to the place of beginning. Second District —Begin at the intersection of the east line of Fulton street extended with Second street; run thence on the center line of Second to Winsor street; thence on the center line of Winsor street to Lake View avenue; thence on the center line of Lake View avenue to Sixth street; thence on the center line of Sixth street to the east line of Fulton street; thence on the center line of Fulton street extended to the place of beginning. Third District —Beginning at the intersection of Main and Eighth streets, running along the center of Eighth street to Lake View avenue; thence along the center of Lake View avenue and Lake View avenue extension to the city line; thence westerly along the city line to the center of Main street; tr-snce southerly along the center of Main street to the place of beginning. Second Ward. First District —Begin at the intersection of Main street and the outlet; run thence on the center line of Main street to Fourth street; thence on the center line of Fourth street to Monroe street; thence on the center line of Monroe street to Third street; thence on the center line of Third street to Fairmount avenue; thence on the center line of Fairmount avenue to the cutlet; thence down and along the center of the outlet to the place of beginning. Second District —Begin at the intersection of Main and Fourth streets; run thence on the center line of Main to Eighth street; thence on the center line of Eighth street extended to the outlet; thence down and along the center of the outlet to Fairmount avenue; thence on the center line of Fairmount avenue to Third street; thence on the center line of Third street to Monroe street; thence on the center line of Monroe street to Fourth street; thence on the center line of Fourth street to Main street and the place of beginning. Third District —Begin at the intersection of Main and Eighth streets; run thence on the center of Main street to the city line; thence on the city line to the outlet; thence down and along the center of the outlet to the center line of Eighth street extended; thence on the center line of Eighth street to Main street and' the place of beginning. Third Ward. First District—Begin at the intersection of the center line of Main street with the center of the tracks of MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio railroad company; running thence southerly along the center of Main street to Brooklyn square; thence southerly on Brooklyn square to Forest avenue; thence along the center of said Forest avenue to the city line; thence easterly along the city line to Prospect street; thence along the center line of Prospect street to South Main street; thence northwesterly along the center line of South Main street to Harrison street; thence along the center line of Harrison street across Chautauqua Lake outlet to Institute street; thence along the center line of Institute street to the center of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company, and thence westerly along said railroad company's tracks to the place of beginning. Second District —Begin at the intersection of the center line of Institute street with the center line of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; running thence southerly along the center line of Institute street to Harrison street; thence along the center line of Harrison street to South Main street; thence southerly along the center line of South Main street to Prospect street; thence southerly along the center line of Prospect street to the city line; thence easterly along said city line to Warren street; thence northerly along the center line of Warren street to the junction of South Main and Allen streets; thence easterly along the center of Allen street to Institute street; thence northerly along the center of Institute street to place of beginning. Third District —Begin at the intersection of the center line of Institute street with the center line of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; running thence southerly along the center line of Institute street to Allen street; thence westerly along the center line of Allen street to the junction of W a r ren and Allen streets; thence easterly and southerly along the center of Warren street to the city line; thence easterly along the city line to Foote avenue; thence northerly along the center line of Foote avenue to the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; thence westerly along said railroad tracks to the place of beginning. Fourth Ward. First District —Begin at the intersection of Foote avenue with the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company and running thence southerly along the center line of Foote avenue to the city line; thence on the city line to English street; thence along the center line of English street to King street; thence along the center line of King street, extended, to the Chautauqua outlet; thence up and along the center of said outlet to Center street; thence along the center of Center street to the center of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; thence along the center line of said tracks to the place of beginning. Second District —Begin at the intersection of Center street with the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; thence running southerly along the center line of Center street to Chautauqua outlet; thence running down the center of said Chautauqua outlet to the center of King street extended; thence along the center of King street extended and the center of King street to the intersection of English street; thence along the center line of English street to the city line; thence on the city line to Willard street; thence along the 8 MISCELLANEOUS! DIRECTORY. center line of Willard street to the intersection of Winsor street; thence along the center line of Winsor street to the center of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; thence along the center line of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company to the center of Center street, or the place of beginning. Third District —Begin at the intersection of the center of Winsor street with the center line of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company, and running thence southerly along the center line of Winsor street to the center line of Willard street; thence running easterly along the center line of Willard street to the city line; thence running along the city line to the center of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; thence along the center line of said railroad tracks to the place of beginning. Fifth Ward. First District—Begin at the intersection of the center of Main street with the center of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; running thence northerly along the center line of Main street to Second street; thence easterly along the center line of East Second street to Cross street; thence southerly along the center line of Cross street to the tracks of the N e w Y'ork, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; thence along the center of said railroad tracks to the place of beginning. Second District —Begin at the intersection of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company with the center of Cross street, and running thence northerly along the center line of said Cross street to East Second street; thence easterly along the center line of East Second street to Winsor street; thence northerly along the center line of Winsor street to Falconer street; thence easterly along the center line of Falconer street to Thayer street; thence southerly along the center line of Thayer street extended to the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company, and thence westerly along the center of said railroad tracks to the place of beginning. Third District —Begin at the intersection of the center of the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company with Thayer street extended and running thence northerly along the center line of said Thayer street to Falconer street; thence westerly along the center line of Falconer street to Winsor street; thence northerly along the center line of Winsor street to the center of Lake View avenue; thence still northerly along the center line of Lake View avenue to the city line; thence easterly to the east bounds of the city of Jamestown; thence southerly along the easterly line of said city to the tracks of the N e w York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad company; thence westerly along the center line of said railroad tracks to the place of beginning. Sixth Ward. First District—Is bounded by the center of Forest avenue; the southerly line of the city of Jamestown; the center of Sampson street and the center of Sampson street extended, to Baker street, and the center of Baker street. Second District—Is bounded by the westerly line of Brooklyn square, the center of Baker street, the center of Sampson street and such line extended north to Baker street; the southerly line of the city; the center line of Hallock street to the center of Palmer street; the center line of Palmer street to the center of Hall avenue, the cen- MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. ter line of Hall avenue to the center of West Third street extension; the center line of West Third street extension to the center of the outlet of Chautauqua lake; the center of Chautauqua lake outlet to the westerly line of Main street. Third District.—Of said city, the remainder of said Sixth ward, bounded by the center of Chautauqua outlet; the westerly line of the city of Jamestown and the southerly line of the city of Jamestown; the center line of Hallock street to the center of Palmer street; the center line of Palmer street to the center of Hall avenue; the center line of Hall avenue to the center of West Third street extension; the center Of West Third street extension to the center of the outlet of Chautauqua lake. CITY POLLING PLACES. First Ward. First District—At Deluge Engine company's building, East Fourth street. Second District—At the barn of Julia H. Yates, at No. 331 East Third street. Third District—At the residence of Mrs. P. A. Selvin, East Eighth street. Second Ward. First District—At the office of C. H. Burnell, on the east side of Washington street. Second District—At Martyn hose company's truck room, West Fifth street. Third District—At the residence of William Jones, No. 34 Rathbone street. Third Ward. First District—At Eagle hose rooms on Fenton Place. Second District—At No. Ill South Main. Third District—At the house of F. H. Oakes, No. 71 on the north side of Allen street. 9 Fourth Ward. First District—At W . C. A. chapel, on the south side of Allen street. Second District — A t Shaver & Hall's office, west side of Winsor street. Third District—At the city building, at the junction of Allen and Willard streets. Fifth Ward. First District—At Rescue Engine company's rooms, south side Chandler street. Second District—At the room adjoining the room formerly occupied by E. A. Ross & Sons, as an office on the south side of East Second street. Third District — At Jeffords hose company's rooms, East Second street. Sixth Ward. First District—At the store of E. B. Bootey, west side of Forest avenue. Second District—City building at the junction of Steele and Baker streets. Third District—At waterworks building on north side of Ashville avenue. J A M E S T O W N PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Board of Education—Frederick A. Fuller, Jr., president; Mrs. Kate S. Thompson, clerk; Charles E. Parks, Elof Rosencrantz, James L. Weeks, Hurlburt L. Phillips, Mrs. Susan G. Tew; Harlow J. Crissey, treasurer; John B. Shaw, collector; Ralph E. Russell, attendance officer; Theodore Stewart, superintendent of buildings. Stated meetings,firstMonday evening of each month. Teachers and schools—Rovillus R. Rogers, superintendent; Mildred R. Falconer, superintendent's clerk; Alm o n N. Taylor, principal of the high school. Academic department—Mary R. Willard, preceptress, Sarah E. Dickinson, Elsie E. Leet, Carrie E. Aiken, Carl LaSalle, A. Mynene Benjamin, Harriet L. Jones, Lucy F. Baker. Preparatory department)—Calista A. Dreager, principal, Vesta Willard, 10 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. Nellie R. Hand, Grace Gifford, Mary J. grade; Evangeline E. Griswold, 3rd Nelson. grade; Annie S. Hilton, 3rd grade; Special departments—Blanche H. Alice E. Morse, 2nd grade; Helen M. Woodford, supervisor of drawing; Johnson, 1st grade; Pearl E. Terry, 1st Ruth C. Tousley, gymnastics; grade; Linna M. Riley, 5th grade; S. Gertrude Harrington, assist- Iva B. Hollenbeck, 2nd and 6th ant gymnastics; Mary E. grades; Florence L. C. Olson, 2nd and Fletcher, manual training; George F. 3rd grades; Emily M. Sunderland, Haie, manual training; M. May Briggs, kindergarten; Clara C. Ross, assistant supervisor of writing; Frederick E. kindergarten. Bottsford, vocal music; Mina B. ColDistrict No. 4, Mechanic and Hazburn, supervisor of kindergartens; J. zard streets—Nettie J. Armstrong, Grace Bealer, librarian; Calista S. principal, 5th grade; Ella L. Bergquist, Jones, assistant librarian. 4th grade; Minnie E. Wilson, 2nd and G R A M M A R SCHOOLS. 3rd grades; Mildred A. McCall, 1st Senior—Corrie J. Aiken, Jennie R. grade; Stella M. Ports, 5th grade; StelKellogg, E m m a V. Kirkland, Helena la V. Johnson, 3rd and 4th grades; Crittenden. Florence A. Wiborg, 2nd grade; MarMiddle—Emma A. fates, Lizzie A. grstt Moynihan, Bessie M. Hall, kinBootey, Mary H. Laidler, Julia S. dergarten; Maud Hand. Yates, Edith E. Rogers. District No. 5, Forest and Charles Junior—Sarah L. Hall, Ada E. Giles, streets—Rebecca Langford, principal, Susanna M. Calahane, Fannie M. Coop- 5th grade; Mary E. Leet, 3rd grade; er, Jennie M. Clark, Emily W . Holmes, Bertha E. Rick, 2nd grade; Minnie L. Minnie B. Hegeman. Douglas, 1st grade; Amanda Nelson, Ungraded room—Mertie M. Dickson. 4th grade; Bertha E. Peterson, kinderCentral district, Fourth and Spring garten; Lucy E. Fuller, assistant kinstreets—Louise E. Geer, principal, 5th dergarten. grade; Nellie C. Dyer, 4th grade; District No. 6, Main street and FluFlora L. Smith, 3rd grade; Clara H. vanna avenue—Martha Laidler, princiPrice, 1st grade; Carlotta M. Ward, 5th pal, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades; Mary A. grade; Carrie M. Howe, 2nd grade; Odell, 1st and 2nd grades. Lucy E. Shaw, kindergarten; Edna B. District No. 7, East Second streetDenslow, assistant kindergarten. Lucy E. Hand, principal, 5th grade; District No. 1, Pine and Eighth Mary A. Mahoney, 4th grade; lone M. streets—Annie G. Bucklin, principal, Abbott, 2nd and 3rd grades; Margaret 5th grade; Lizzie C. Meredith, 3rd L. Mahoney, 1st grade; Jessie M. Willgrade; Effie Gifford, 1st grade; Lottie iamson, kindergarten. C. Landon, 4th grade; Florence W . District No. 8, Hall avenue—ElizaJohnson, kindergarten; Jennie E. beth G. Hartson, principal, 5th grade; Backus, assistant kindergarten; F. Anna C. Hanson, 3rd grade; Laura F. Ethel Wicks, Mrs. Charlotte Adams. Sheldon, 1st grade; Bettie A. Olson, District No. 2, West Third street and 4th grade; G. Edith Markham, 2nd Fairmount avenue—Alice M. Clement, grade; Anna T. Harris, kindergarten. principal 3rd and 5th grades; Claire E. District No. 9, Prospect street and Rohde, 1st and 2nd grades. Newland avenue—Etta M. Weaver, District No. 3, Willard and Tower principal, 3rd grade; Kittie R. Lamstreets—Martha E. Jacobsen, principal son, 5th grade; Ellen H. Williams, 4th 6th grade; Edith M. Mallory, 5th grade; Blanche Sprague, 1st and 2nd grade; M. Augusta Harnden, 4th and grades; Hilda A. Johnson, 1st grade; 5th grades; Alice E. Rushworth, 4th M I S C E L L A N E O U S DIRECTORV". Eva B. Batcheller, 2nd and 3rd grades; Emily H. Belden, kindergarten. District No. 10, Falconer and Sturgis streets—Lillie G. Dickson, principal, 5th grade; Gertrude P. Clark, 3rd grade; DeEtte L. Fox, 2nd grade; Ella M. Schildmacher, 3rd and 4th grade; Wilhelmina Potwin, 1st grade; Bessie B. Reed, kindergarten. JAMESTOWN FIRE DEPARTMENT 11 Jeffords Hose Company—Leonard F. Jones, foreman; Frank M. Ryan, first assistant foreman; Fred E. Scoville, second assistant foreman; Bert M. Thayer, secretary; James 0. Newbury, treasurer; Ulman S. Ayers, driver. Jamestown Fire Police—Fred Rockwell, captain; Fred Moshier,firstlieutenant; John Hanson, second lieutenant; Fred Shaver, president; John Danielson, vice president; Harry Green, secretary; E. E. Duffee, treasurer; Frank Griffin, driver. Martyn Hose Company—Daniel E. Canty, foreman; Charles J. Buckley, assistant foreman; Thomas Curran, president; Michael J. Looney, secretary; Edward J. Marsh, treasurer. Chief—Fred H. Wilson. Assistant Chief—Gust W . Eckman. Secretary—Clement B. Jones. Treasurer—Andrew Griffith. Janitor—John Olson. Deluge Hose Company—James E. McCormick, foreman; Ed. J. McGee, first assistant foreman; John Jenkins, LOCATION OF FIRE ALARM BOXES second assistant foreman; Thomas First Ward. Shoesmith, president; Cecil G. Rowley, treasurer; Ernest P. Hindle, secretary; No. of Box. 12 S. W . Cor. E. 2nd and Winsor Sts. James J. Lynch, driver. 13 S.E. Cor. Lake View Ave. and E'Ucott Hcok and Ladder C> "' 'ny Newton Ave. —Harold LeF. Brown, fwrmtfati; 14 S.E. Cor. 8th and Lincoln Sts. James S. Winters,firstassistant fore15 S. E. Cor. North Main and Bufman; Edgar B. Inglehart, second asfalo Sts. sistant foreman; Roy S. Blodgett, 16 N. E. Cor. North Main and 8tn president; Chester D. Babcock, secreSts. tary-treasurer; B. G. Brookins, driver. 17 N. W . Cor. Prendergast Ave. and Rescue Hose Company—Dallas E. 4th Sts. Davis, foreman; John A. Farm,firstas18 S. W . Cor. East 5th and Church sistant foreman; Napoleon Newstrom, Sts. second assistant foreman; Henry Kohlxl9 N.W. Cor. East 2nd St. and Prenbacher, president; Smith Ormondroyd, dergast Ave. secretary; Edward B. Bootey, treasurxl21 S. W . Cor. East 3rd and Spring er; Frank A. Anderson, driver. SLs. Prendergast Hose Company—Louis Green, foreman; Henry Brown, first 122 S.' E. Cor. Main and 3rd Sts. assistant foreman; Conrad M. Sand- xl23 N. W . Cor. East 6th St. and Prendergast Ave. gren, second assistant foreman; Lynn xl24 N.E. Cor. East 8th St. and Lake Hayward, president; Mark Berry, vice View Ave. president; Edward H. Rice, secretmyxl25 N. E. Cor. East 6th St. and Lake treasurer; Walter L. Saxton, driver. View Ave. Eagle Hose Company—J. Fred Bealxl26 N.E. Cor. Lake View Ave and er, foreman; Harry H. Chase, first Price St. assistant foreman; George W . Holland, xl27 East Side Spring St. (Between second assistant foreman; Herbert R. 8th and Crossman Sts.) Grant, secretary; Walter Dorsey, treas xl28 S. W . Cor. Fulton and East 9Lh urer; Gust Olson, driver Sts. 12 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. Second Ward. x21 N. E. Cor. West 3rd and Washington Sts. x22 N. W . Cor. West 3rd St. and Fairmount Ave. 23 S. W . Cor. North Main St. and Rubinkam Ave. 24 N. E. Cor. Marvin and 10th Sts. 25 S. E. Cor. 'Fairmount Ave. and West 8th St. 26 N. W . Cor. West 5th and Jefferson Sts. 27 S. W . Cor. West 2nd and Lafayette Sts. x212 S. W . Cor. Main and First Sts. x213 S. E. Cor. Warner Block So. Main St. x214 N. E. Cor. North Main and 5th Sts x215 S. E. Cor. West 4th and Lafayette Sts. x216 North Main and Rathbone Sts. x217 N. E. Cor. West 7th and Washington Sts. Third Ward. „ ._ 31 N.^W^Cr^ Ashville Ave. and Seynour St. 32 S. W . Cor. Baker and Jones Sts. 33 N. W . Cor. Steele and Sprague Sts 34 S. E. Cor. Charles and Forest Sts. 35 N. E. Cor. Forest and Newland Ave's. 36 S. W . Cor. Prospect St. and Prospect Ave. 37 S. W . Cor. Warren St. and Newland Ave. 38 Junction Warren St. and Broadhead Ave. 39 Brooklyn Square (Gifford Bl'd'g.N x312 Junction Steele and Barrett Sts. x313 Cor. Foote Ave. and Allen St. x314 N. W . Cor. Palmer St. and Hall Ave. Fourth Ward. 43 N. W . Cor. Allen and Maple Sts. 44 S. E. Cor. Barrows and English Sts. 45 N. W . Cor. Winsor and Harrison Sts. 46 N. W . Cor. Barrows and Willard Sts. 47 Junction Foote Ave and Arnold St. x412 S. E. Cor. Allen and King Sts. Fifth Ward. 53 N. W . Cor Foote Ave. and Harrison St. 54 Junction East 2nd and College Sts 55 S. W . Cor. Falconer and Stowe Sts. 56 N. E. Cor. East 2nd and Buffalo Sts. x58 N. E. Cor. East 2nd and Jeffords Sts. x512 S. E. Cor. Main and 2nd Sts. x513 S. E. Cor. Chandler and Winsor Sts. x514 N. W . Cor. Chandler and Cross Sts. x515 N. E. Cor. Foote Ave. and Crane St. x516 S. E. Cor. East 2nd and Thayer Sts. Private Boxes. 723roadhgi4 Worsted-^Ts, iast j-oC St. 73 Shearman Bros, and Nichols & Son, opp. N. Y. P. and 0. Depot. 74 Lister Mills, East Jamestown. C O D E O F CALLS. The following signals are strictly followed by the department: 2 Blows on Tower Bell means Fire Out. 3 Blows on Tower Bell calls Deluge. 4 Blows on Tower Bell calls Rescue. 5 Blows on Tower Bell calls Eagle Hose. 6 Blows on Tower Bell calls Prendergast. 7 Blows on Tower Bell calls Jeffords. 8 Blows on Tower Bell calls Martyn. Three sixes (6-6-6) calls the whole department. Hook & Ladder and Fire Police answer all alarms. The boxes with this mark x before number are Imaginary Boxes, but will be struck on Alarm Bell through Telephone exchange giving exact location. MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY 13 N. W . corner Fifth and Fulton L O C A T I O N O F FIRE H Y D R A N T S . S. E. corner Fifth and Church N. E. corner First and Cherry South side Fifth opp. Mrs. CarpenN. W . corner First and Main ter's 200 feet east of Main on First S. W . corner Sixth and Main 100 feet east of Broadhead mills on N. E. corner Sixth and Pine First N. E. corner Sixth and Prendergast South side .Second at foot of Jefferavenue son N. E. corner Sixth and Lake View S. E. corner Second and Washington avenue N. W . corner Second and Main N. E. corner Sixth and Lincoln S. W . corner Second and Pine S. E. corner Seventh opposite MonN. E. corner Second and Spring roe S. E. corner Second and Institute N. E. corner Seventh and Lafayette N. E. corner Second and Third N. W . corner Seventh and Cherry N. W . corner Second and Fourth S. E. corner Eighth and Fairmount S. E. corner Second and Cross avenue N. W . corner Second and Winsor S. E. corner Eighth and Marvin N. E. corner Second and Bowen S. E. corner Eighth and Main N. E. corner Second and Stowe N. E. corner Eighth and Prendergast N. E. corner Second and Jeffords avenue N. W . corner Second and Buffalo S. E. corner Eighth and Lake View N. E. corner Second and Cowen North side Second opp. Driving park avenue S. W . corner Eighth and Lincoln South side Second near Chautauqua S. E. corner Ninth and Marvin Furniture Co. Tenth between Main and Marvin South side Third foot of Fairmount S. E. corner Tenth and Main avenue N. E. corner Marvin and Rathbone S. E. corner Third and Clinton N. W . corner Main and Rathbone S. E. corner Third and Lafayette N. W . corner Main and Rubinkam S. E. corner Third and Washington avenue S. W . corner Third and Cherry S. E. corner Main and Kent S. W . corner Third and Main W . side Main between Dickinson and S. W . corner Third and Spring Reinold S. W . corner Fourth and Main S. E. corner Main and Buffalo S. W . corner Fourth and Pine S. side Main N. W . corner cemetery S. W . corner Fourth and Spring Spring between Crossman and S. E. corner Fourth and Prendergast Eighth avenue Fulton between Eighth and Ninth South side Fourth between PrenderS. W . corner Crosby and Ninth gast avenue and Church S. E. corner Prendergast avenue and S. E. corner Fourth and Church N. E. corner Fifth and Fairmount Crossman S. E. corner Prendergast avenue and avenue Price N. W . corner Fifth and Clinton E. side Prendergast avenue near N. W . corner Fifth and Lafayette N. W . corner Fifth and Washington Mullen N. W . corner Lake View avenue and N. E. corner Fifth and Cherry Crossman N. W . corner Fifth and Main N. E. corner Lake View avenue and N. E. corner Fifth and Pine S. W . corner Fifth and Prendergast Price avenue 14 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. S. E. corner Lake View avenue and Winsor S. E. corner Lake View avenue and Buffalo N. W . corner Thayer and Bush N. W . corner Falconer and Winsar S. E. corner Falconer and Weeks S. W . corner Falconer and Bowen N. W . corner Falconer and Dexter S. W . corner Crescent and Cheney N. E. corner Crescent and stone quarry road S. W . corner Chandler and Center S. W . corner Chandler and Cross Water street, west of Empire mills Water street, east of Empire mills Corner Palmer and Hallock streets Hallock street, near Hunt road Corner Crosby and East Seventn streets East Second street, near orphanage Terrace place N. E. corner Chandler and River N. W . corner Chandler and Allen East side Winsor opp Wilson's mills N. E. corner Willard and Johnson N. E. corner Willard and Peterson N. E. corner Willard and Vega S. W . corner Winsor and Harrison East side Winsor opposite Water. N. E. corner Winsor and Allen N. E. corner Barrows and Willard South side Barrows between Willard and English West side of Kinney between English and Willard N. W . corner King and Ellicott S. E. corner Harrison and Main S. E. corner Harrison and Institute N. E. corner Harrison and Foote avenue North side Harrison at Hall's mills North side Harrison east of mills Corner Alpaca and Eagle. West side Main at Warner block N. E. corner Main and Taylor South side Taylor op'p. Cane Seat Co. N. E. corner Foote avenue and Crane. N. E. corner Allen and King N. W . corner Allen and Maple N. E. corner Allen and Shearman S. E. corner Allen and Foote avenue S. W . corner Allen and Institute. Corner Allen and Prospect S. E. corner Maple and Shaw avenue. S. E. corner Foote avenue and Arnold N. E. corner Foote avenue and Camp East side Hazzard bet. Mechanic and Newland N. E. corner Hazzard and Newland S. E. corner Warren and Mechanic East side Warren at Kidder S. E. corner Warren and Newland avenue N. E. corner Warren and Barker S. E. corner Warren and Park place N. E. corner Broadhead and Kidder East side Prospect, opp. Prather East side Prospect opp. Prospect avenue S. E. corner Prospect and Newland avenue S. E. corner Prospect and Barker S. E. corner Forest and Fenton place N. E. corner Forest and Prather avenue. N. E. corner Forest and Prospect avenue. N. E. cor. Forest and Newland avenue. East side Baker at Steele S. W . corner Baker and Barrett S. W . corner Forest and Barrett N. E. cor. Cowden place and Barrett N. W . cor. Newland ave. and Barrett S. W cor. Newland ave. and Orchard N. E. cor. Newland ave. and Colfax S. E. corner Grandin and Colfax S. E. corner Forest and Colfax S. W . cor. Forest and Charles West side Charles opp. Cowden place South side Steele, opp. W o o d Seat Chair Co. building S. E. corner Steele and Sprague S. E. cor. Williams and Great Jones N. W . corner Palmer and Sprague N. E. corner Palmer and Hall MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. S. W . corner Fenton and Hall N. W . cor. West Third -ext. and Hall N. W . cor. Ashville ave. and Hall N. W . cor. Ashville ave. and Jones and Gifford avenue S. W . cor. Ashville avenue and Cook S. W . cor. Ashville avenue and Hallock S. W . cor Ashville ave. and Fullerton N. E. corner West Sixth and Cook N. W . cor. W . Sixth and Fairview avenue West side Jones and Gifford avenue, opp. Dry Plate works. West side Jones and Gifford avenue, opp. Fenton Metallic works. West side Jones and Gifford avenue opp. Breed—Johnson Furniture Co. S. W . corner Buffalo and Bowen S. E. corner Buffalo and Weeks East side Buffalo, near outlet Benson, near Norquist's factory Briggs, near Newman's factory Water, near Woolen Spinning mills East side Wescott East side Chapin East side Eagle S. W . corner Curtis and Frick N. E. corner Crosby and Seventh N. E. corner Palmer and Hallock S. W corner Hamilton and Monroe Center, near Erie railway Camden avenue, near Vandergrift M'fg Co. Allen extn., near Atlas Furniture Co Outlet, near Himebaugh Bros.' factory Jones and Gifford ave., Fenton Bicycle works S. E. cor., Jefferson and West Eighth S. W . corner Lafayette and Isabella. East side "^ega street. S. E. corns- Forest ave. and Fairfield East side (Hedges avenue S E. cornei Anderson and Willard S. E. cor. Benson and Willard S. W . cor. ,:foote ave. and Barker N. W . cor. I oote ave. and Park place 15 J A M E S T O W N POSTOFFICE. E. H. Bemus, postmaster; Gustus T. Johnson, assistant postmaster; Ella M. Stearns, money order clerk; Laura L. Davis registry clerk; Margaret T. Calahane, stamp clerk; Samuel A. Brown, mailing clerk; George H. Anderson, Asst. M. C ; 0. Henry LaDow, general delivery clerk; E m m e t P. Loucks, night clerk; Russell J. Forbes, laborer; M. C. Tinker, janitor; Fred G. Sisson, special delivery messenger; letter carriers, John C. Alton; William R. Jones .Henry G. Arnold, Bernard Trainer, Charles A. Berg, Henry E. Gardner, Fred C. Stone, Guy L. Pulver, Albert P. Kelsey, John J. Brattburg, Horatio B. Sprague, Walter H. Davis, Ernest H. Cook, Fred S. Fisher; substitute letter carriers, Daniel W . Dean, George A. Young, Frank C. Derby. Office Hours: General delivery window open from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Money order registry and stamp windows open from 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Carriers' windows open from 6:30 to 7:30 p. in. Sunday—General delivery window carriers' windows and stamp window opened from 12 m. to 1 p. m. One collection of mail throughout the city Sunday morning, and another in the business portion Sunday evening. F I N A N C I A L INSTITUTIONS. First National Bank—Corner Main and Third streets. Capital stock $153,300; surplus, $175,000. F. E. Gifford, president; William Broadhead, vice president; E. Morgan, cashier; J. Wells King, assistant cashier; F. E. Gifford, William Broadhead, A. M. Kent, John T. Wilson, L. B. Warner, A. J. Peterson, E. Morgan, directors. Chautauqua County Trust company— Corner Main and Second streets. Capital stock $250,000; Charles M. Dow, president; F. A. Bentley, Willis Tew, vice presidents; M. M. 16 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. Skiff, secretary; Brewer D. Phillips, ick W . Hyde, secretary. Established Subscription cashier; H. R. Sheldon, assistan' in 1871. Republican. cashier; R. S. Fuller, teller; Daniel price, 1 2 % cents a week; $6 a year, deGriswold, Solomon Jones, Robert N. livered to any "part of the city by carMarvin, Elof Rosencrantz, F. A. Bent- rier. The Jamestown Journal—Twice-aley, John W . Johnson, Elliot C. Hall, Martin L. Fenton, William H. Proud- Week, published at 14 West Second fit, Daniel H. Post, Willis Tew, Brew- street by The Journal Printing comer D. Phillips, W . S. Cameron, Samuel pany. Established in 1826. RepubliBriggs, E. P. Putnam, A. B. Carter, A. can. Subscription price $1.50 per year, Morelle Cheney, M. M. Skiff, J. J. Whit- in advance, by mail; $2 delivered by ney, A. B. Sheldon, Charles M. Dow, carrier, in the city. The Jamestown Evening Times— Porter Sheldon, A. G. Dow, Edward L. Hall, S. B. Broadhead, William N. Go- Published daily except Sunday, at 217 key, S. W . Thompson, J. B Ross, E. F. Spring street, by The Times Publishing company; A. M. Loomis, editor; George Dickinson, directors. Union Trust company—211 Main G. Brownell, business manager. Instreet.—Capital stock $100,000; surplus dependent; subscription price $3 per $20,000; deposits, $815,000. Frank year. Tri-Weekly Times—Published at 217 Merz, president; P. C. Houston, first vice president; Samuel Briggs, second Spring street; issued Tuesdays Thursvice president; Frederick P. Hall, days and Saturdays; $1 per year. Demtreasurer; Charles J. Jenner .secretary; ocratic. A. M. Loomis, editor; George Harry L. Briggs, cashier; W . C. Patter- G. Brownell, business manager. The Vart Land (Swedish)—Publishson, P. C. Houston, Samuel Briggs, Charles W . Mace, Frederick P. Hall, ed at 12 West Second street every Frank B. Bush, C. A. Tracy, H. R. Thursday by the Vart Land Publishing Lewis, C. M. Moore, John B. Shaw, company; Oscar F. Johnson, president; Frederick W . Hyde, Cyrus E. Jones, Samuel A. Carlson, secretary-treasurHarrison Pike, Charles J. Jenner,Frank er and general manager; A. J. Lannes, editor; established in 1874;subscription Merz, directors. Farmers and Mechanics bank—215 price, $1.50 per year. The Herald, Sunday and weeklyMain street—Capital stock, $50,000; surplus, $10,000. Newton Crissey, Published at 208 Pine street by The president; E. B. Crissey, vice presi- Herald Publishing company, Elmer E. dent; George L. Hamilton, cashier; O. Sprague, general manager. SubscripN. Rushworth, assistant cashier; C. H. tion price, $1.50 for Sunday edition; $1 Gifford, F. E. Whitley, S. B. Burchard, for weekly edition. Newton Crissey, A. L. Crissey, H. N. Y. M. C. ASSOCIATION. Sprague, A. A. Gould, E. B. Crissey, Gokey building, corner Third and William Briggs, directors. Cherry streets; organized Feb. 28, 1884; NEWSPAPERS. incorporated May 16, 1885; new charter The Evening Journal—Published Feb. 26, 1894. Original tru itees: Wildaily, except Sunday, at 14 West Sec- liam H. Proudfit, Pres.; All red E. Hall, ond street, by The Journal Printing Treas.; Frederick P. Hall, Rec. Sec; company, Fred. P. Hall, president, Thomas H. Smith, A. B. Rice, Seneca treasurer and general manager; Edwin B. Burchard. Present Association offiA. Bradshaw, vice president; Freder- cers: H. E. V. Porter, Pies.; Elliot C. M I S C E L L A N E O U S DIRECTORY. 17 Hall, Newton Crissey, V. Ps.; W . D. H. Proudfit, Pres,; Miss Ella Parks, Broadhead, Treas.; Luther M. Butman, Mrs. Albert Gilbert, Jr., Mrs. C. M. Rec. Sec; Charles N. Ramsey, Gen. Dow, V. Ps.; Mrs. A. N. Camp, Sec; Sec; William H Wells, Ass't Sec; di- Mrs. Mary Yates Johnston, Treas.;Miss rectors: Newton Crissey, George W . Guitner, Gen. Sec. . MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE. Tew, Elliot C. Hall, Thomas H. Smith, Frederick P. Hall, Gustaf Anderson, Meets the second and fourth Mondays W . I. Blystone, F. 0. Crosgrove, of each month at the Y. M. C. A. parCharles E. Parks, Alfred E. Hall. lors at 10:30 a. m. W . P. Hellings, James L. Weeks, H. E. V. Porter.W. H. I-res.; W . A. Hallock, V. P.; Charles Proudfit, L. M. Butman, A. P. Nord, N. Ramsey, Sec. and Treas.; G. M. ColW . D. Broadhead. ville, Chm. Ex. Com. J A M E S T O W N BUSINESS COLLEGE. J A M E S P R E N D E R G A S T F R E E LIGokey building, corner Third and 0 BRARY. Cherry streets. Gives a practical busOfficers: Solomon Jones, Pres.; iness educational course, including Eleazer Green, Sec; Daniel H. Post, general and banking business, stenog- Treas.; Lucius B. Warner, William H. raphy and typewriting; organized in Proudfit, Frank E. Gifford, Robert N. 1886, incorporated in 1889. H. E. V. Marvin and the above officers constiPorter, Pres.; William A. Hallock, V. tute the board of trustees. Mary EmoP.; A. J. Porter, Sec; teachers, H. E. gene Hazeltine, librarian; Luella D. V. Porter, banking; John T. Yates, Freeman, Harriet B. Love, assistants; shorthand; Effie E. Chase, theory; Frank Randall, janitor; library hours, Sadie Loucks, practical; C. S. Jackson, 9 a. m. to 12 m; 1:30 p. m. to 8 p. m.; penmanship open Saturdays until 9 p. m. CEMETERIES. J A M E S T O W N DAIRY B O A R D OF Lake View cemetery—Trustees, SoloTRADE. man Jones, L. B. Warner, F. E. GifMeets in its rooms in the Chautauford, A. Hazeltine, J. B. Fisher, E. C. qua County Trust company building Bailey, W . H. Proudfit, Frederick P. every Monday afternoon during the Hall, E. Green, L. L. Mason, Robert N. year from April to November, incluMarvin, Daniel H. Post,; Solomon sive; C. N. Taylor, Pres.; M. B. Pratt, Jones, Pres.; D. H. Post, Treas.; L. L. V. P.; James A. Clary, Sec-Treas.; A. Mason, Sec and Supt.; L. B. Warner W . Cowles, Charles G. Babcock, D. E. and F. E. Gifford, Com. of superinten- Morris, Henry R. Case, W . B. Whitney, dence; Perry W . Goodwin, sexton. directors. SS. Peter and Paul's Roman CathoT H E T R A V E L E R S ' CLUB. lic cemetery—Trustees, Rev. Father Meets at the home of the president, Coyle, M. Barrett, A. W . Murray, M. D. Mrs. Anna Palmeter, 13 Foote avenue, Barry, Supt.; Thomas Murray, sexton. every Monday afternoon. Mrs. Anna - W O M A N ' S CHRISTIAN ASS'N. Palmeter, Pres.; Mrs-. Ella Morey, 1st Mrs. J. H. Clark, Pres.; Mrs. W . S. V. P.; Mrs. Carrie Waterton, 2d V. P.; Hedges, Cor. Sec; Mrs. Sidney Jones, Mrs. Carrie Appleby, 3d V. P.; Miss Sec; Mrs. Eudora Klock Pardee, Harriet O. Williams, Sec and Treas; 20 Treas.; 65 members. members. ,-• Y. W . C. ASSOCIATION. M O Z A R T CLUB. Headquarters in Prendergast block, Meets alternate Saturday mornings Main and Third streets; Mrs. William during the autumn and winter months 18 MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. E A S T SIDE CIRCLE. at its rooms in the Gifford building. Mrs. F. E. Gifford, Pres.; Mrs. W . T. Meets at the homes of members the Falconer, V. P.; Mrs. W . S. Gifford, first and third Friday evenings of each Sec; Mrs. J. B. Fisher, Treas.; Mrs. A. month, for social and literary purposM. Kent, Jr., Rec; directors, Mrs. F. es. John G. O'Brien, Pres.; Mrs. A. M. E. Gifford, Mrs. D. H. Post, Mrs. J. B. Collier, V. P.; W . D. Collier, Sec; ArFisher, Miss Flora M. Shearman, Mrs. thur Mills, Treas. C. H. Gifford, Mrs. W . T. Falconer, N E W CENTURY ART CLUB. Miss S. Flora Broadhead, Mrs. W . S. Mrs. Charles M. Dow, Pres.; Mrs. AlGifford, Mrs. George S. Tuckerman, bert L. Smalley, V. P.; Miss Mertie Mrs. W . S. Cameron, Miss K. Isabel Broadhead, Rec. Sec; Mrs. Arthur H. Harrington, Mrs. H. W . Tew. Greenlund, Cor. Sec; Mrs. Harry P. C. L. S. C. Sheldon, Treas.; Miss Jean Grier, critPlus Ultra Circle—Graduates of the ic; Miss Martha Hall, Mrs. E. G. C. L. S. C ; organized in 1882, meets Pierce, Mrs. W . D. Shedd, Ex. Com. with Mrs. M. L. Fenton, corner PrenC H A D A K O I N B O A T CLUB. dergast avenue and Fifth streets, alAnnual meeting thefirstMonday in ternate Mondays at 2 p. m.; Mrs. D. W . April; other meetings subject to call; Hatch, Pres.; Mrs. M. L. Fenton, V. P.; clubhouse at Greenhurst-on-ChautauMrs. G. W . Hazeltine, Sec; Mrs. M. L. qua; Wiliam A. Bradshaw, Jr.; commoWard, Treas.; average attendance 13. dore; L. F. Cornell, V. Com.; D. E. Y. W . C. A. Circle—Mrs. Luther S. Merrill, Sec; F. E. Armitage, Treas. Lakin, leader. 13TH S E P A R A T E CO., N. G. N. Y. KING'S D A U G H T E R S . Armory at the corner of South Main Jamestown Union of King's Sons street and Fenton place; Louis A. Fenand Daughters—Annual meeting in ton, Cap.; Fred H. Wilson, 1st Lieut.; July; Miss Minnie Hegeman, Pres.; Frank A. Johnson, 2d Lieut.; William Miss Susanna Calahane, V. P.; Miss M. Bemus, surgeon; Donald S. Brown, Sarah J. Griffith, Sec and Treas. Sec; Allen E. Billings, Treas.; George Golden Rule Circle, of King's Daugh- R. Butts, Fin. Sec; meets at the arters.—Meets the second Tuesday after- mory for drill every Monday evening at noon of each month. Miss Sarah J. 8 o'clock. Griffith, leader; Miss Jennie Halladay, PUBLIC OPINION D E B A T I N G CLUB. Treas.; Miss Bertha Blystone, Sec Meet alternate Wednesday evenings T H E FORTNIGHTLY. at 8 o'clock at the office of Charles A. Meets alternate Friday afternoons at Ogren, city building; chair occupied by 3:30 o'clock from thefirstof Novem- members alternately; G. W . Jude, Samber to thefirstof April. Miss M. Em- uel A. Carlson, G. Glenn Worden, Ex. ogene Hazeltine, Pres.; Mrs. W . H. Com.; 30 members. Proudfit, V. P.; Miss Flora Broadhead, T H E A V O N CLUB . Mrs. W . A. Bradshaw, Mrs. Edward F. (Shakespeare Society.) Jones, Mrs. Alfred E. Hall, Mrs. M. L. The meetings are held alternate SatFenton, Ex. Com.; Mrs. R. J. Bootey, urdays at 10 a. m., at the high school. Rec Sec; Miss Gertrude Clement, Cor. The club numbers about 150 members. Sec; Miss E m m a Windsor, Treas.; 65 Avon Club, '95—Miss Augusta Harnmembers, 15 on the waiting list. den, Pres.; Miss Gertrude Clarke, Vice MISCELLANEOUS DIRECTORY. 19 Sec; C. A. Swanson, Treas.; Rev. P. Martinson, Rev. A. P. Slater, Rev. Julius Lincoln, C. F. Abrahamson, Frank Peterson, A. J. Lindblad, Ex.Com.;Rev. C O . Hultgren,Pres.; C.F. Abrahamson, Sec; C. A. Swanson, Treas.; Rev. P. J. Kallstrom, Rev. P. Martinson, Rev. Julius Lincoln. Institution supported wholly by public and benevolent donations; 68 children from age of 3 to 18 years are cared for. C R E S C E N D O CLUB. Organized in Oct., 1896, for benevolent purposes; meets alternate Monday evenings at the homes of members. Mark W . Hill, Pres.; Geirge W . Stickler, V. P.; Miss Jane Leet, Sec; Mrs. Faith Butterfield-Sessions, Treas.;Mrs. L. W . Wiltsie, Chm. of Charitable Com. S O U T H SIDE B E N E V O L E N T SOCIETY. Organized Jan., 1897, composed of 12; families, meets alternate Tuesday afternoons at homes of members; Mrs. Eliza S. Hunt, Pres.; Mrs. Cyntha M . Mills, V. P.; Mrs. Ellen York Johnson, Sec;Mrs. Florence Meredith King, Treas. M U S I C A L ORGANIZATIONS. Union of Scandinavian Singers— Rev. Julius Lincoln, Pres.; Andrew Nord, V. P.; Mrs. C. L. Eckman, Sec; J. Emil Johnson, Treas.; J. A. Eckman, conductor; 100 members. Swedish Glee club—A. G., meet every? Monday evening in First Swedish-. Lutheran church parlors; Axel Lofgren, Pres.; Elmer Yourstone, Treas.;. Oscar Gibson, Sec. Orpheus Quartet—Oscar Stohlberg,. GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS ORPHANS' Carl Jones, Axel Peterson, Zune Boleyn. HOME. Y. W . C. A. Mandolin club—Meets East Second street; controlled by N e w York conference of the Evangel- for rehearsal and practice every Tuesical Lutheran Augustana Synod( Swed- day evening in Y. W . C. A. rooms. ish); John S. Swensson, Supt.; Mrs. Frank Felt, teacher; Miss Harriet SiSwensson, matron; directors, Rev. C O . mons, leader; Miss Annie Wilton, Hultgren, Pres.; Rev. P. J. Kallstrom, Treas.; Miss May Briggs, librarian. Pres.; Miss Ethel Wicks, Sec; Mrs. Fred J. Bealer, Treas.; Miss Grace Bealer, Rec. Avon Club, '96.—Miss Lucy Fuller, Pres.; Miss Alice Rice, Vice Pres.; Miss Elma Barrows, Sec; Miss Isabella Hjorth, Treas.; Miss Florence Olson, Rec Avon Club, '97—Miss Edna Doubleday, Pres.; Miss Ellen Yates, Vice Pres.; Miss Mary Blystone, Sec; Miss Jessie Fuller, Treas.; Miss Clara Carpenter, Rec. Avon Club, '98—Miss Esther Hammerquist, Pres.; Miss Hattie Fox, Vice Pres.; Miss Hettie Sherwin, Sec; Miss Clara Hazeltine, Treas.; Miss Edna Hamlin, Rec The Avon clubs are under the direction of Miss Mary R. Willard, preceptress of the high school. W O M A N ' S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION HOSPITAL. Corner of Foote avenue and Allen street; incorporated in 1887; President, Mrs. R. R. Rogers; 1st V. P., Mrs. C. C. Burtch; 2d V. P., Mrs. A. H. Vanderburg; Sec, Mrs. C. H. Gifford; Treas., Miss Nellie Hallock; Board of Managers, Mrs. R. R. Rogers, Mrs. C. C. Burtch, Mrs. B. A. Barlow, Mrs. J. J. Vanderburgh, Mrs. C. H. Gifford, Miss Nellie Hallock, Mrs. D. H. Post, Mrs. W . H. Proudfit, Mrs. J. T. Larmonth, Mrs. Dwight Perrin, Mrs. C. C. Wilson, Mrs. Martha Mead, Mrs. A. C. Wade, Mrs. E. C. Hall, Miss Flora Broadhead, Mrs. F. W . Hyde, Mrs. J. W . Doubleday; matron and superintendent, Miss Christine S. Hall. 20 MISCELLANEOUS Bratt's orchestra—C. A. Bratt, leader. Celoron Gold band—William Gage, leader. Crocker Brothers' orchestra—Daniel Crocker, leader. Pacius society—C. J. Berg, leader. POLITICAL E Q U A L I T Y CLUB. Officers: Mrs. Martha F. Prather, Pres.; Mrs. Alice E. Barger, Sec; Mrs. Harriet M. Chase, Treas.; meets semimonthly at the home of members, except during July and August; 75 members. J A M E S T O W N CLUB. Officers: Frank E. Gifford, Pres.; Clinton B. Winsor, V. P.; Daniel H. Post, Sec; Clayton E. Bailey, Treas.; directors, the four officers, and W . S. Gifford, A. C. Wade, H. L. Phillips, Ralph C. Sheldon; monthly meeting, second Tuesday evening of each month. DIRECTORY. WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERA N C E UNION. Officers: Mrs. Fanny 0. Bailey, Pres.; Mrs. Martha S. Mead, V. P.;Mrs. Effie E. Towne, Sec; Mrs. Viola E. Short, Treas.; meets in one of the churches every Friday afternoon; 40 members. JAMESTOWN C A M E R A CLUB. Officers: Richard Lewis, Pres.; C. H. Southwick, V. P.; Hugo Sellvin, Sec; and Treas.; Earl D. Hayward, Asst. Sec; rooms in the Baker block, Main street; meets every Wednesday evening at 7:30. SINGLE T A X L E A G U E . Officers: James Garnett, Pres.; Ernest Cawcroft, Sec; William L. Ransom, Treas.; meets at Tibbal's photograph gallery, 202 Main street, the first Tuesday evening in each month; 60 members. J a m e s t o w n C h u r c h Directory. St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Corner of Main and Fourth streets; Rev. A. Sidney Dealey, rector. Morning prayer and sermon, 10:30 a. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12:15. F. J. Snowball, Bert G. Tiffany, lay readers; C. H. Gifford, T. G. Armstrong, wardens; James Ingham, James L. Weeks, Clayton E. Bailey, William F. Endress, F. J. Snowball, J. H. Kaiser, William Sykes, G. O. Meredith, Frederick P. Hall, vestrymen; Charles H. Gifford, Treas.; James Ingham, clerk of ves.ry; E. V. Clarke, organist and chorister; Bert G. Tiffany, Supt. of S. S.; Julius D. F. Rick, Treas. of S. S.; Miss Antoinette Rick, librarian St Luke's Guild—Rev. A. Sidney Dealey, master; Mrs. Charles H. Gifford, warden; Mrs. H. C. Clark, bursar; Miss Mariah Sykes, registrar. Mothers' Aid society—Meets at the homes of members every Wednesday afternoon; Mrs. T. H. Marks, Pres.; Mrs. Fred Dorman, V. P.; Mrs. Matthew Bishop, Sec; Mrs. Blythe, Treas.; Mrs. Knowles, Chap. First M. E. Church. Junction of Third and Second streets —First class formed in 1814; legally constituted in 1823;firstchurch built in 1833. Rev. E. B. Patterson, D. D., pastor; local preachers, Edward Appleyard, H. E. V. Porter, J. E. Almy, F. Christian, T. Berry, J. Wheelhouse, E. H. Schlaugenhoupt; trustees, C. D. Colburn. Pres.; E. Appleyard, Sec; W . N. Gokey, Treas.; Joseph Appleyard. W . I. Blystone, A. A. Amidon; official board, F. E. Sessions, Rec Steward; T. H. Smith, B. Nichols, J. H. Himebaugh, Otis Garfield, A. N. Camp, D. C. Hunt, W . N. Gokey, E. E. Duffee, C H U R C H DIRECTORY. O. A. Relf, Z. W . Fisher, Robert Crossley, W . S. Depew, Thomas Barrett, W . I. Blystone, Church Treas.; T.H.Smith, Fin. Sec; Mrs. Lillian Walbridge, Chorister; S. C. Ferry, Janitor. Lyman Crane chapter, Epworth league—L. H. Johnson, Pres.; Minnie B. Keyes, Mrs. F. W . Palmeter, Miss Marjory C. Newton, Charles E. Persons, V. Ps.;Miss Effie E. Chase, Sec; C Q. Cratty, Treas. Junior Epworth league—Leonard H. Johnson, Supt.; Lena R. Moses, Pres.; Charles E. Temple, Ethel L. Perry, Clara L. Fenton, Emily N. Fairbank, V. Ps.; Lucy B. Garfield, Sec; Lewis H. Porter, Treas. Synergian society—Mrs. Eugene Clark, Pres.; Miss DeEtta Fox, V. P.; Miss Julia Grace Bealer, Rec. Sec; Miss Florence Wiborg, Cor. Sec; Miss Alice E. Morse, Treas. Ladies' Aid society—Meetings held in the church parlors every Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. R. H. Humphrey, Pres.; Mrs. Edward Appleyard, Mrs. N. W . Gokey, V. Ps.; Mrs. A. D. Dewey, Sec; Mrs. A. L. Herrick, Treas. Clotho society—Mrs. Luther Lakin, Pres.; Mrs. George H. Ahrens, V. P.; Miss Helen Winsor, 2d V. P.; Mrs. J. Fred Bealer, Sec; Mrs. C. F. Miller, Treas. The Brotherhood of St. PaulMeets the first Thursday evening of each month in the church parlors. L. D. Powers, Pres.; C. Q. Cratty, V. P., Harvey L. Fairbank, Sec; Victor Hulquist, Treas.; H. E. V. Porter, Chm. Rel. Work Com.; W . N. Gokey, Chm. Social Work Com.; Frank W . Palmeter, Chm. Mem. Com. Sunday school—Meets at'12:15 every Sunday. Edward Appleyard, Supt.; Arvid Lundquist, E. D. Allen, Ass't. Supts.; Frederick Christian, Miss De Etta Fox, L. D. Powers, and Miss Bessie Hall, Dept. Supts. 21 King's Daughters—Mrs. C'. A. Morley, Pres. Woman's Foreign Missionary society —Mrs. W . J. Fairbank, Pres. Woman's H o m e Missionary society —Mrs. A. N. Camp, Pres. First Presbyterian Church. Corner of Third and Cherry streets; Rev. George Murray Colville, pastor; Services, Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Bible school at 12 m.; baptized children's class 3:45 p. m., Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. Trustees, A. Flynn Kent, Pres.; E. B. Smith, Sec; Charles E. Parks, Edward Morgan, Frederick W . Hyde, Edward F. Jones, Charles M. Dow, E. B. Smith; Elders, Flint Blanchard, C. P. Harris, George W . Tew,, W m . A. Keeler, R. T. Hazzard, W m . H. Proudfit, Robert P. Robertson, Charles D. Backus; Deacons, Frederick A. Fuller, Jr., G. M. Hodgkins, Frank E. Partridge, George B. Pitts, Fred O. Crosgrove, J. N. Wyckoff. Bible school—Meets every Sunday at 12 m. Charles W . Herrick, Frederick W . Hyde, William P. Osmer, Supts.; Ross Brown,,Sec Christian Endeavor society—Meets every Sunday evening at 6:30. Miss E. B. Hitchcock, Pres.; E m m a Simons, Sec; Miss Elizabeth Cady, conductor of children's class. Needlework guild—Meets Tuesday afternoons. Mrs. William A. Hoffer, Pres.; Mrs. Georg-s S. Bright, Sec. Woman's Missionary society—Meets thefirstThursday afternoon of each month at the residence of members. Mrs. Sidney Jones, Pres.; Mrs. G. M. Colville, V. P.; Mrs. Frank E. Partridge, Sec; Miss Hattie Fitch, Treas. Ladies' Aid society—Meets alternate Thursday afternoons at 2:30. Mrs. C. Perry Harris, Pres.; Mrs. Robert P. Robertson, Sec Teachers' meeting at 7:30 p. m. every Saturday. Presbyterian chapels: Grace chapel, 22 C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor—Meets at 6:30 Sunday evening. Mrs. Frank Day, Pres.; First Congregational Church. John Ipson, V.P.; Miss Fanny Kidder, East Third street, near Prendergast Rec. Sec; Miss Emily Holmes, Cor. avenue; organized in 1816; services Sec; Robert Jones, Treas.; Mrs. S. A. Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Baldwin, Supt. Jr. Dept. Rev. Albert L. Smalley, D. D., pastor; University club—Meets the second Deacons, Elliot C. Hall, Edwin Will- and fourth Monday evenings of each iams, W . A. Hallock, Charles Ipson, S. month. Rev. Albert L. Smalley, D. D., A. Baldwin, W . D. Broadhead; Clerk, Pres.; Mrs. F. R. Ridell, V. P.; John Elliot C Hall; Treasurer of Benevo- Ipson, Sec. and Treas. lences, F. R. Moody; Trustees, S. W . First Baptist Church. Thompson, E. F. Dickinson, B. D. Corner Fourth and Church streets; Phillips, Abner Hazeltine, John A. Dearborn; Treasurer of Trustees, Ab- Rev. W . P. Hellings, D. D., pastor; services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. ner Hazeltine. Bible school—Meets at 12 m. every and 7:30 p. m.; and every Wednesday Sunday. Charles Mortimer Brown, evening at 7:30; Deacons, Milo Harris, Supt.; Fred N. Marvin, Asst. Supt.; Lester B. Gilbert, Harry E. Gardner, Miss Edna M. George, Supt. Primary J. D. Berry, George R. Butts, George Dept.; F. R. Moody, Treas.; G. A. F. Hale; Trustees, Josephus H. Clark, Haynes, Sec; Harold Underwood, W . J. Maddox, S. B. Burchard; Treas., Asst. Sec; H. J. Van Tuyl, Librarian; George R. Butts; Clerk, L. M. Butman. Sunday school—Meets every Sunday Mrs. S. A. Baldwin, Chorister; Mrs. H. at 12 m. Mrs. Martha S. Mead, Supt.; C. Marvin, Pianist. Ladies' Aid society—Meets at 2 p. Mrs. Nellie Barrows Shearman, Sec. Baptist Young People's unionm. the first and third Thursdays in Meets every Sunday at 6:30 p. m. each month. Mrs. George W . Gifford, Pres.; Mrs. B. A. Eddy and Mrs. E. Norman W . Ingerson, Pres.; Ernest V. Green, V. Ps.; Mrs. Frank H. George, Price, V. P.; Miss Grace C. Gardner, Rec. Sec; Mrs. L. M. Butman, Cor. Sec; Mrs. James I. Fowler, Treas. Woman's Foreign Missionary so- Sec; H. A. Prather, Treas. Junior society—Meets every Friday ciety—Meets at 3 p. m. the last Thursevening at 4:15. Miss Bessie Herrick, day in each month. Mrs. Albert L. Smalley, Pres.; Miss Harriet Hazel- Pres.; Miss Martha Twedale, Sec. Dorcas society—Meets in the church tine, Mrs. R. R. Rogers. Mrs. Henry C Marvin, V. Ps.; Mrs. F. R. Ridell, parlors alternate Wednesday afternoons at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Samuel PalSec; Mrs. S. W . Thompson, Treas. Woman's H o m e Missionary society miter, Pres.; Mrs. James G. Smith, —Meets at 3 p. m. the second Thurs- Sec; Mrs. Mary Parker, Treas. Woman's Mission circle—Meets the day of each month. Mrs. E. 0. Morgan, Pres.; Mrs. Frank H. George and first Friday afternoon of each month. Mrs. Edwin Williams, V. Ps.; Mrs. J. Mrs. W . P.. Hellings, Pres.; Miss S. J. H. Tiffany, Sec; Mrs. N. G. Archer, Griffith, V.k'P.; Mrs. R. B. Curtice, Sec; Mrs. L. M. Butman, Treas. Treas. Farther Lights—Meet afternoon Philergian society—Meets the secand evening, the first Friday of each ond and fourth Tuesday evenings in each month. Mrs. H. M. Gage, Pres.; month. Miss Nellie Dyer, Pres.; Miss Miss Sarah E. Dickinson, Sec; Miss Clara H. Price, Sec; Miss Anna Crissey, Treas. Mildred Falconer, Treas. North Main street; Olivet chapel, West Third street extension. C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Unitarian Congregational Church. Junction of Second and Chandler streets; Rev. W . A. Pratt, pastor; services every Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Trustees, Norman R. Thompson, Charles W . Morgan, W . W . Ridgway, G. A. Bentley, Isaac Rushworth, James L. Wample, Frank B. Bush, Walter B. Horton; Treas., Martin Merz. Sunday school—Meets every Sunday at 12 m. Norman R. Thompson, Supt. Ladies' guild, aid branch of National Alliance of Unitarian, W o m e n — Meets monthly. Mrs. John G. Wicks, Pres.; Miss Mary Butler, Sec; Mrs. G. B. Peterson, Treas. Young People's Religious union— Meets Sunday evening at 6 o'clock in the parlors of the church; 30 members. Seventh Day Adventists. Cherry street, between Seventh and Eighth streets; services every Saturday afternoon at 2 o'cock; Rev. J. B. Stow, pastor; John Hultin, Earl Dobbins, Trustees. Sabbath school—Meets every Saturday at 1 p. m. Fred Gotts, Supt. Missionary society—Meets every Wednesday evening in the church. Miss Sarah Haskins, Pres. Brooklyn Heights M. E. Church. Corner of Sprague and Palmer streets; services Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p.m.; Rev. W . H. Overs, pastor; official board, L. D. Powers, District Steward; E. J. Triscuit, Rec. Sec; J. I. Squier, Mrs. J. I. Squier, Mrs. E. J. Squier, Mrs. C. W . King, Mrs. T. Waite, Miss Anna Harris, Stewards; C. W.Millard, Class Leader; V. W . Hall, J. S. Ellis, Trustees; E. J. Triscuit, J. J. Squier, Local Preachers. Sunday school—Meets every Sunday at 11:45. Van W . Hall, Supt; E. I. Triscuit, Asst. Supt.; Miss Kate M. Cowles, Supt. Pri. Dept.; G. H. Stew- 23 art, Sec; Walton H. Atwood, Treas. Crosby chapter, Epworth league— Meets the first Tuesday evening of each month at the church; also conducts gospel service every Sunday evening at 6:30. Miss Anna T. Harris, Pres.; C W . Millard, Mrs. Elenora Butcher, Miss Edna Newton, Miss Ruth A. Barnett, V. Ps.; E. C. Atwood, Sec; Miss• Gertrude Durham, Treas.; Miss S. Abbie Barnett, Supt. of Jr. L. Woman's Foreign Missionary society—Meets alternate Friday afternoons. Mrs. J. I. Squier, Pres.; Miss Kate M. Cowles, Sec; Mrs. C.W. King, Rec Sec; Mrs. E. J. Squier, Treas. Willing Workers — Meet semimonthly, Thursday afternoons at the home of members. Mrs. J. I. Squier, Pres.; Mrs. Bertha Barrows, Sec; Mrs. A. M. Covey, Treas. SS. Peter and Paul's R o m a n Catholic Church. Rev. Father Richard Coyle, pastor; 1,500 communicants; services every morning at 6:30 o'clock; services Sunday: Low mass at 8 a. m.; high mass at 10:30, and vespers at 6; church trustees, Rev. Father Coyle, M. Barrett, Andrew Murray. SS. Peter and Paul's Parochial school —Corner East Fifth and Fulton streets; seven teachers, with Sister Gertrude as Mother Superior. School managed by a board of trustees composed as follows: Patrick F. Duffy, Pres.; W . H. Harrison, Jr., Sec; W . H. Tyler, Treas.; Rev. Father Coyle, John A. Knorr, Daniel Moynihan and Miss Rose O'Donnell. Helping Hand society—Meets in the church parlors the first Wednesday evening of each month. W . H. Harrison, Jr., Pres.; Daniel Moynihan, V. P.; P. J. Moynihan, Sec; John A. Knorr, Treas. Altar society—Meets at 5 o'clock p. 24 C H U R C H DIRECTORY. m. on the third Sunday of each month nate Thursday evenings in the church; in the church parlors. Miss Margaret 125 members. Rev. Julius Lincoln, Moynihan, Pres.; Miss Ella Calahane, Pres.; E m m a Swanson, V. P.; Hulda Johnson, Sec; (Mrs. C. F. AbrahamSec-Treas. St. Francis society—Meets at 5 son, Treas. Society of Catechumens—Meets the o'clock p. m. on tho first Sunday of each month. Miss Mary Calahane, second Wednesday evening of each Pres.; Miss Margaret Dempsey, Treas.; month at the homes of members; 50 members. Charles Abrahamson, Mrs. C. D. Wilson, Sec. Pres.; Bessie Skans, V. P.; Rudolph First Lutheran Church Brown, Sec; Genevieve Berg, Treas. (Swedish.) Chandelier society—Meets alternate Organized in 1857; entire baptized membership 2,275; Rev. Julius Lincoln Thursday evenings at the homes of pastor. Services every Sunday morn- members; .Hanna Carlson, Pres.; Clara ing at 10:30 and evening at 7:30 in Anderson, Treas. Ladies' Society, No. 1.—Meets altersummer, and 7 in winter. Holy Comnate Thursday afternoons at the homes munion celebrated thefirstSunday of each month, morning and evening al- of members. Mrs. Rudolph Levander, ternately. Board of deacons meets Pres. and Sec; Mrs. John Felting, first Monday of every month, the pas- Treas. Ladies' Society, No. 2.—Meets altertor, Pres. ex-officio; C. A. Johnson, nate Thursday afternoons at the homes Sec; J. A. Johnson, C. G. Peterson, of members. Mrs. Gust A. Nelson, Emil Skans, Peter Carlson, John Tray. Andrew Johnson. August Morgan, Pres.; Mrs. C. P. Lundberg, Treas. Ladies' Society, No. 3.—Meets the August Johnson, August Hultberg, Christopher Johnson, Charles Dickson. fourth Friday of every month at the Board of trustees, J. D. Johnson, Pres.; homes of members. Mrs. J. P. Swanson, Gustaf Anderson, Sec; C. F. Abra- Pres.; Mrs. August Johnson, Sec; hamson, Treas.; C. J. Anderson, Oscar Mrs. Andrew Jones, Treas. Men's Society, No. 1.—Meets the T. Johnson, Albin Erickson, John Felting, August Anderson, Alfred Mor- first Tuesday of each month at the homes of members. C. G. Peterson, gan. Sunday school—Meets Sunday at Pi'es.; C. P. Lundberg, Sec 12:30, Rev. Julius Lincoln Supt.; Emil Men's Society, No. 2.—Meets the secSkans, V. Supt.; Carl A. Swanson, ond Tuesday evening of each month at Sec; Florence Benson, V. Sec; Luth- the homes of members. Charles er Eckman, Treas.; Hulda Johnson Wicklund, Pres.; Charles Lindell, Sec; and Minnie Westrom, Organists; Dav- August Anderson, Treas. id Eckman, Hilda Johnson, Laura CeMen's Society No. 3—Meets the last dar, Selma Swanson, librarians. Busi- Tuesday in each month at the homes of ness meetings held the third Wednes- members. Christopher Johnson, Pres. day evening in each month. John E. Swanson, Sec; John Felting, Old People's society—Meets the first Treas. Church choir, 52 voices.—Meets for Wednesday in each month in the church; 75 members. Rev. C. 0. Hult- rehearsal every Friday evening in musgren, Pres.; Andrew J. Lind, Sec; C. ic room of church. J. A. Eckman, organist and chorister; John S. SwenO. Larson, Treas. Young Peolple's society—Meets alter- sson, Pres.; John A. Rapp, V. P.; Hil- C H U R C H DIRECTORY. mer Yourstone, Sec; Jennie Norene, Treas. Cecelia quartet—Mrs. C. L. Eckman, Mrs. C. F. Abrahamson, Miss Hulda Johnson and Miss Hanna Eckman. Aeolus quartet—Mrs. C. F. Abrahamson, Miss Hulda Johnson, J. A. Eckman, Zune Boleyn. English Lutheran Church. Holy Trinity English Lutheran, north side West Fourth street, between Cherry and Main streets; Rev. Herman Brezing, pastor. Church council, Rev. Herman Brezing, Pres.; C. F. Dschuden, V. P.; Otto Love Sec; W . H. Scharff, Treas.; Henry Johnson, A. Haecker, G. Stone, trustees. Services Sunday at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school—Meets Sunday at 12:15. Rev. Herman Brezing, Supt.; C. R. Dschuden, Asst. Supt.; Otto Love Sec. and Treas.; Nellie Greenlund, Lib. Quiet Workers — Meet alternate Thursday afternoons at the homes of members. Mrs. Charles Johnson, Pres.; Mrs. J. Lepp, V. P.; Mrs. J. Dschuden, Sec; Mrs A. Haecker, Treas.; membership 33. Luther League — Meets alternate Monday evenings in the church. Rev. Herman Brezing, Pres.; Henry Love, V. P.; Miss Inez Stone, Sec; Miss Anna Peterson, Treas; 25 members. Lutheran Aid society—Meets alternate Thursday evenings in the church. Miss Ella Schildmacher, Pres.; Miss Gertrude Angstenberger, V. P.; Miss Blanche Smith, Treas.; Miss Hilma Johnson, Sec; 14 members. Catechumens union — Henry Love, Pres.; Miss Inez Stone, V. P.; Miss Anna Peterson, Sec. and Treas.; 110 members. Lutheran Immanuel Church. (Swedish.) Church located at 550 East Second 25 street; Rev. Peter Martinson, pastor; 550 members; 332 communicants. Preaching services at 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. every Sunday; prayer meetings every Wednesday evening at 7:45. Deacons, Olof Benson, A. J. Lindblad, August Johnson, C. G. A. Carlson, C. A. Nelson, A. G. Anderson, Reuben Anderson, Anton Anderson, C. Lindstrom. Trustees, Charles Holm, Edward Lindsliom, Olof Lindblad, Gust A. Burland, Richard Thoreen, John G. Anderscu, G P. Carlson, Frank O. Johnson, L. J. Klingstedt; Olof Lindblad, Pres. of board; C. G. A. Carlson, V. P.; C. O. Lindburg, Sec; Charles Holm, Treas.; Miss Mabel Peterson, organist and chorister of the church. Sunday school—Meets every Sunday at 12:15; Rev. Peter Martinson, Supt.; Olof Benson, Asst. Supt.; Emil Anderson, Treas.; C. G. Sellman, Sec; Martin Nelson, Asst. Sec. Young People's society—Meets alternate Thursday evenings in the church parlors. Rev. P. Martinson, Pres.; Mrs. Olof Johnson, Sec; Miss Jennie Nilson, Treas. Ladies' Society—Meets alternate Wednesdays at the homes of members. Mrs. Peter Turner, Sec; Mrs. P. D. Lindholm, Treas. Confirmation society—Meets alternate Tuesday evenings in the church parlors. Rev. P. Martinson, Pres.; Miss Hilda Lindholm, Sec; Carl Carlson, Treas. Sick Benefit society—Meets alternate Tuesday evenings in the church parlors. Rev. P. Martinson, Pres.; Richard Thoreen, Sec. of Fin.; G. W . Eckman, Sec; John T. Sampson, Treas. Swedish M. E. Church. Corner Foote avenue and Chandler street; Rev. G. C Carlson, pastor. Preaching services 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. every Sunday; prayer meeting 26 C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Wednesday evenings. Trustees, Charles P. Carlson, Chm.; Charles Lindbeck, Sec; Gustaf Sundell, Treas.; Peter Bloomquist, August Wallin, John B. Swanson, Jacob Wiborg, Carl J. Carlson, Charles A. Ogren. Local preachers, August Barkman, Warren F.Liedblad. Class leaders, J. Peter Ogren, Oscar Jacobson, Charles Larson. Stewards, Carl Carlson, Charles Lindbeck, Andrew Broberg, C O. Johnson, C. J. Peterson, Oscar H. Sundell, Edward Nord, Charles Fitzell, Peter Bloomquist, Oscar Swanson, Arvid Johnson, Charles Wicklund. The official board meets the first Tuesday evening of each month in the church parlors. Church organist, Ella Carlson; chorister, Oscar H. Sundell; janitor, Oscar Swanson. Sunday school—W. F. Liedblad, Supt.; Jacob Wiborg and Miss Augusta Billsten, Asst. Supts.; Alfred Anderson and Claus Lundgren, Sees.; Edward C. Nord, Librarian and Treas. Young People's Society—Organized in 1879; meets alternate Tuesday evenings in the church parlors. Alfred Anderson, Pres.; Mrs. Elmer Carlson, Rec Sec; Alfred Nord, Fin. Sec; Miss Alice Sundell, Treas. Epworth league—Holds Gospel and prayer service every Sunday evening in the S. S. room for one hour before church service. Cabinet officers, Chas. Ogren, Pres.; Warren F. Liedblad,Miss August Billstone, Miss Anna Liedblad. John Wahlburg, V. P's.; Nathaniel Carlson, Sec; John B. Swanson, Treas. Junior league—Meets every Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock in S. S. room. Mrs. G. E. Carlson, Pres. Ladies' Aid society—Meets alternate Thursday afternoons at the homes of members. Mrs. John Kolander, Pres.; Mrs. Erick Setterwall, Sec, Mrs. Peter Bloomquist, Treas. Sw. M. E. Sick and Benefit association—Organized March 12, 1896, meets thefirstand third Thursday evenings of each month in the church parlors. C. E. Morse, Pres.; John E. Larson, V. P.; C. P. Carlson, cashier; G. F. Smith, Fin. Sec; C. G. Hedin, Rec. Sec; 130 members. Swedish Mission Church. Chandler street, organized in 1879; Rev. A. F. Tornbloom, pastor. Services every Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; midweek meetings every Wednesday evening. J. Emil Johnson, president of the society; Deacons, A. Lindbeck, A. Johnson, John Johnson. J. Gust Johnson, John Lindbloom, Louis Sundberg, Carl Traff; trustees, Carl Lundquist, Andrew Larson, A. G. Carlson, O. W . Wyquist, J. P. Jones, Oscar Stromburg. Sunday school—Meets at 12 every Sunday. A. Johnson, Supt., John Daleen, Asst. Supt.; Gotfred Johnson, Sec; Gust Lindbeck, Treas. Young People's society—Meets every Saturday evening in the church parlors. Gust Lind, Pres.; Gusta Traff, Sec; John Engstrom, Treas. Young Men's society—Meets Monday evening in the church parlors. Gust Lindbeck, Pres.; Herman Johnson, Sec; Emil Peterson, Treas. The Brotherhood society—Meets the last Tuesday evening of each -month. Carl Traff, Pres.; Carl Lindberg, Sec; Rev. A. F. Tornbloom, Treas. Swedish Christian Zion Church. College street; Rev. Albert Johanson, pastor. Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m., also Wednesday evening at 7:30. L. E. Erickson, Pres.; Rev. Albert Johanson, V. P.; John Hagelin Sec; John Malm, Asst. Sec; S. P. Carlson, Treas.; John Syren, organist, and leader of choir. Sunday school—Meets every Sunday after morning services. Rev. Albert C H U R C H DIRECTORY. 27 Pastor's club—Miss Mary Thompson, Pres.; Miss Iola Bacombe, Sec; Miss Gertrude Scott, Treas. Meets every Tuesday evening. N e w Recruits—Mrs.John Scott, Pres.; Mrs. Jennie Wilson, V. P. Meet every Monday evening. Free Methodist Church. Corner Lincoln and Seventh streets, Rev. John Robinson, pastor. Services Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; class meeting following the morning service; Elder Sisters' society—Mrs. Peter Johnson, Pres.; Mrs. John Syren, prayer meeting Thursday evening; Simeon Vincent, Class Leader;, 41 Sec: Peter Johnson, Treas. Young Sisiers' society—Miss Anna members. Church of Christ (Scientist.) E. Carlstrom, Pres.; Miss Amanda A. Carlson, V. P.; Nannie C Simpson, Corner Prendergast avenue ana Sec; Miss E m m a Hagelin, Asst. Fourth street; services at 10:45 every Sunday and 7:30 p. m. every WednesSec, Otilia Olson, Treas. Oscar Strandburg, Pres. of board of day. Rose E. Kent, Arthur E. Hills, trustees; C. W . Hagelin, Sec'y of the Readers; Trustees, George J. Davis, Chm.; William A. Callahan, Arthur E. board. Hills; Directors, Mrs. Rose E. Kent, Swedish Baptist Church. Pres.; Mrs. F. B. Strunk, Mrs. S. B. No. 121 Chandler street. Is without Hoyt, Mrs. S. E. VanWert, Mrs. C. G. a pastor and without regular services. Sterling. Solomon Holmburg, Leader. First Spiritualistic Society. A. M. E. Zion Church. Henry W . Watson, Pres.; Mrs. Organized July 1, 1882; Rev. W . 0. Clara Watson, Cor. Sec; Alonzo C. Cooper, pastor; church located at 613 Adams, Sec. and Treas. Theosophic Society. Spring street. Preaching at 10:30 a. m.; class meeting at 11:45 a. m.; SunMeets alternate Thursday evenings day school at 12:15 p. m.; Y. P. S. C at 215 Crossman street. Mrs. Harriet E. at 6:30 a. m.; preaching at 7:30 p. M. Chase, Pres.; Mrs. E. Helen Fenm. every Sunday; prayer meeting at ton, Sec; Elizabeth Johnson, Treas. 7:30 Wednesday evenings. Official Pilgrim Chapel. board, Samuel W . Scott, president; Attached to the First CongregationTheodore Stewart, Sec; John G. Os- al church; erected in memory of Mrs. borne, Treas.; Miss Delia Scott, Sun- Julia Hall, in 1888; corner of Forest day school supt.; Mrs. Hattie Robin- avenue and Prospect avenue. Sunday son, Pres. of C. E. S.; Mrs. Johanna school every Sunday at 3:30; Rev. W . Scott, Pres. Stewardess board. A. Hallock, Supt; W . B. Broadhead, Christian Endeavor society—Mr >. Mrs. John A. Lee, Mrs. E m m e t A. PhilHattie Robinson, Pres.; Mrs. Robert lips, Asst. Supts. Carter, Sec; prayer meeting commitY. P. S. C. E.—Meets every Friday tee, Mrs. Louise Thompson. Meets the evening at 7:30; W . D. Broadhead, first Wednesday evening of each Pres.; E. Rogerson, V. P.; G. A. month. Haynes, Sec. and Treas. Johanson, Supt.; Charles E. Jones, Asst. Supt. Young Men's Association—Chas. E. Jones, Pres.; Rev. Albert Johanson, V. P.; John Ahlgren, Sec; Henning Olson, Asst. Sec; Frank Anderson, Cor. Sec; Elof Johnson, Treas. Young People's society—Peter E. Sandberg, Pres.; Oscar Johnson, V. P.; John Ahlgren, Sec; Henning Olson, Asst. Sec; Frank Anderson, Treas. 28 C H U R C H DIRECTORY. Ladies' Aid society—Meets alternate Tuesday afternoons at 2. Dexterville Chapel. Attached to the First M. E. church; Buffalo street, near Falconer street; services every Sunday at 3:45 by Rev. D. E. S. Perry. Sunday school—Meets every Sunday at 2:45; Mrs. Grace Ayres, Supt.; Miss Delia Underwood, Asst. Supt.; Leo Wells, Sec; Mrs. Wells, Treas.; Mrs. Charles Imus, Lib. Ladies' Aid society—Meets alternate Thursday afternoons at the chapel; Mrs. Abraham Beckrink, Pres.; Mrs. Lee Washburn, Sec; Mrs. James Smith, Treas. Bethel Chapel. Attached to First Baptist church; Ashville avenue, near the Erie railway tracks; Newton Crissey, Mrs. 0. B. Butler, Sarah Griffith, Laura Sheldon, John Knapp, Board of Managers. Sunday school-—Meets at 3:30 p. m. every Sunday; Newton Crissey, Supt.; John Fish, Asst. Supt.; Edith Strickland, Sec; Rose Hines, Asst. Sec; Hattie Young, Lib.; Blanch Hubbard Asst. Lib.; Mrs. 0. B. Butler, Organist. Utile Dulci society—Meets alternate Secret Wednesday afternoons at Bethel chapel; Mrs. John Fish, Pres.; Mrs. T. H. Barth, V. P.; Mrs. Frank Hibbard, Sec. and Treas.; Mrs. Robert Coffield, Mrs. W . D. Hodges, Mrs. Charles Bly, Mrs. Alfred Wilcox, Mrs. Benj. Flanders, Directresses. Grace Chapel. Attached to First Presbyterian church; 933 North Main street; Sunday school at 3:30 every Sunday afternoon; S. S. Little, Supt; C. D. Backus, Asst. Supt.; Miss Alma Young, Sec. and Treas.; Miss Jennie Backus, Supt. Jr. Dept. Young People's society—Meets every Thursday at 7:30 p. m.; Miss Jennie E. Backus, Pres.; Scott E. Baker, Miss Nellie Fairbank, V. Ps.; Mrs. Louis B. Brown, Sec; Mrs. Martha Kent, Treas.; Charles Backus, Cor. Sec. Olivet Chapel. Attached to First Presbyterian church; corner West Third street extension and Lakin avenue; Sunday school meets every Sunday at 3:30 p. m.; prayer meeting every Thursday at 7:45 p. m.; C. P. Harris, Supt J. D. Abrams, Asst. Supt; J. S. Husband, Sec; J. F. Staub, Treas. Society Masonic. Mt. Moriah lodge, No. 145, Free and Accepted Masons—organized Sept. 4, 1817; meets in Masonic hall the first and third Tuesday evening in each month; John C Mason, W . M.; Edward H. Perry, S. W.; Edwin B. Dewey, J. W.; W . J. Bentley, Sec; William R. Botsford, Treas.; membership, 380. Western Sun chapter, No. 67, Royal Arch Masons—Chartered Feb. 4, 1820; meets second and fourth Thursday evenings in each month in Masonic hall; William R. Fox, H. P.; William Directory. J. Bentley, K.; Fred A. Dorman, S.; Richard Peart, Sec; E. F. Dickinson, Treas. Jamestown council, No. 32, Royal and Select Masons—Chartered as Chautauqua council Feb. 2, 1869; revived as Jamestown council Sept. 1, 1896—Meejts second Wednesday evening of each month in Masonic hall; D. E. Merrill, T. I. M.; James Butler, D. M.; Charles D. Wilson, P. C. of W.; John B. Shaw, R.; Frank W . Palmeter, Treas. Jamestown commandery, No. 61, Knights Templar—Chartered Oct. 12, S E C R E T SOCIETY D I R E C T O R Y . 29 C P.; Joseph Howard, H. P.; Louis Hanson, S. W.; J. W . Weed, J. W.; W . C. Marvin, Scribe. Pearl City lodge, No. 33, Daughters of Rebekah—Organized Jan. 15, 1895; meets the second and fourth Thursday evening in each month in Odd Fellows' hall; membership, 95; officers, Mrs. Eva R. Marvin, N. G.; Mrs. Fred S. Marsh, V. G.; Miss Clara P. Hammerly, R. S.; Miss Jennie P. Rice, F. S.; Mrs. Dora J. Thomas, Treas. Rebekah Advancement circle—Organized Feb. 15, 1899; meets alternate Wednesday afternoons in Odd Fellows' hall; membership, 26; officers, Mrs. Ellicott lodge, I. 0. 0. F., No. 221— Sara E. Prosser, Pres.; Mrs. M. A. Instituted June 10, 1847; meets every Pattreli, V. P.; Mrs. E. DschuMonday evening in Odd Fellows' hall, den, 2d V. P.; Mrs. F. S. Marsh, Sec. Gok-y block, West Third street; memand Treas.; Mrs. Levi Loomis, Chap. bership, 86; officers, A. C. Thompson, Army Veteran Organizations. N. G.; W . H. Karr, V. C ; H. F. Aplin, Post Brown, No. 285, G. A. R.—OrR. S.; I. Butcher, F. S.; R. A. Rosier, ganized Aug. 17, 1882; meets in G. A. Treas. Jamestown lodge, I. 0. 0. F., No. R. hall every Thursday evening; of637—Instituted June 21, 1892; meets ficers, Rinaldo Adams, Com.; L. A. every Friday evening in Odd Fellows Forbush, S. V. C ; L. H. C Nutting, J. hall; membership, 90; officers, B. M. V. C ; W . G. Peckham, Q. M.; Adam Ross, N. G.; Louis Hanson, V. G.; Ports, Adj.; 250 members. Woman's Relief Corps, No. 73, (an Frank Hurlbert, R. S.; John Jenkins, auxiliary to Post Brown)—Organized F. S.; D. D. Woodford, Treas. Mt. Tabor lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 780 March 1, 1886; meets in G. A. R. hall —Instituted July 6, 1897; meets in Odd every Tuesday evening; officers, Mrs. Fellows' hall every Tuesday evening. M. Jennie Conway, Pres.; Mrs. Mary Membership 150; officers, S. E. Pattreli, A. Hoon, S .V. P.; Mrs. Hettie TifN. G.; Joseph Howard, V. G.; Clement fany, J. V. P.; Mrs. Ella C Weller,, B. Jones, R. S.; J .W. Weed, F. S.; Treas.; Mrs. Addie M. Brockway, Sec; 101 members. Charles S. Culp, Treas. Encampment 95, U. V. L.—OrganCanton Abraham, No. 53, I. 0. 0. F. —Instituted Jan. 19, 1898; meets in Odd ized Jan. 15, 1891; meets every MonFellows' hall the last Wednesday in day evening in U. V. L. hall; officers, each month; membership, 32; officers, R. E. Waller, Colonel; G. M. Holts, L. L. H. Strobel, Captain; J. W . Weed, C ; Isaac Shearman, Major; Harrison Lieut.; George W . Reeder, En- Billings, 0. D.; Jerome Brownell, sign; Clement B. Jones, Clerk; L.Han- Chap.; A. H. Stafford, Q. M.; J. H. Randolph, Adj.; 71 members. chett, Accountant. Ladies' Auxiliary of the U. V. L., Chautauqua Encampment of Patriarchs, No. 54, I. 0. 0. F — Instituted No. 24—Organized Jan. 23, 1893; Aug. 23, 1871; meets thefirstand third meets in U. V. L. hall every WednesThursdays in each month in Odd Fel- day evening; officers, Mrs. E m m a lows' hall; officers, Henry V. Halley, Jones, Pres.; Ellen Maclease, S. V. P.; 1887; meets second and fourth Monday evening in each month in Masonic hall; H. R. Wiley, E. C ; William R. Botsford, Gen.; D. E. Merrill, C. G.; B. D. Phillips, Treas.; E. H. Perry, Recorder. Mount Sinai chapter, No. 132, Order Eastern Star—Instituted Feb. 12, 1897; meets first and third Fridays of each month in Masonic hall; Lona D. Brown, W . M.; James B. Gilberds, W . P.; Sarah E. Swetland, A. M.; Blanche M. Harvey, Treas.; Alma Graham, Sec; membership, 83. Odd Fellowship. 30 S E C R E T SOCIETY D I R E C T O R Y . Ruth Benson, J. V. P.; Mrs. Mary Mrs. Carrie Klock, R. K.; Mrs. Mary Rodgers, Treas.; Mrs. Rose V. Smith, Bates, F. K. Sec; 53 members. Knights of Pythias. Camp Samuel M. Porter, No. 2, SerJamestown lodge, No. 248, K. P.—Orvice Men of the Spanish War—Organized Feb. 1S99; meets at N. G. N. Y. ganized July 28, 1886. Meets every armory the second Thursday evening Tuesday evening in Pythian hall, New in each month; officers, Captain Al- Broadhead block, South Main street. bert Gilbert, Jr., Com.; Capt. Louis Club rooms open at all times. Officers: A. Fenton, V. C ; Allen E. Billings, Charles E. Anderson, C. C ; Dwight Adj. and Chief of Staff; Fred A. Nel- Perrin, V. C. C ; J. A. Hulquist, M. of son, Treas.; Major William M. Bemus, E.; J. A. Jacobson, M. of F.; Gust C. Magnuson, K. of R. and S.; 167 m e m Surgeon; 80 members. bers. Knights of the Maccabees. Crescent lodge, No. 308—Organized Jamestown tent, No. 9, K. 0. T. M.— Organized Nov. 10, 1887; meets in Oct. 15, 1891. Meets every Wednesday Maccabee hall, Lowry block, corner evening in Maccabee hall,Lowry block. Third and Pine streets, alternate Fri- Officers: A. E. Wells, C. C ; Harry P. day evenings; officers, H. J. Rearick, Gray, V. C. C ; F. S. Jones, P.; James Com.; Otto Love, Lieut. Com.; John B. Gilberds, K. of R. and S.; E. D. 0. Johnson, R. K.; E. B. Bootey, F. Shearman, M. of F.; Frank H. Kibling, K.; 485 members. M. of E.; James Hayward, M. of W.; McDannell tent,, No. 189, K. 0. T. M. 60 members —Organized Dec. 20, 1892; meets in Jamestown company No. 36, U. R. K. Maccabee hall alternate Tuesday P.—Organized Jan. 5, 1894. Meets evenings; officers, Fred Hellgren, every Thursday evening in K. P. arCom; A. J. Melquist, Lieut. Com.; P. M. Johnson, R. K.; O. F. Johnson, F. mory. Officers: Oscar A. Johnson, captain; J. L. Johnson, First Lieut; K.; 250 members. Pearl City tent, No. 588, K. 0. T. M. Manley Rapp, Second Lieut; Charles —Meets in U. V. L. hall, corner Third E. Anderson, Recorder; John A. Johnand Main streetsfirstand third Wed- son, Recorder; 50 'members. National Protective Legion. nesday evening in each month; ofJamestown legion, No. 15, N. P. L — ficers, Florence S. McCarthy, Past Com.; A. G. Lord, Com.; C. W . Instituted Sept. 11, 1891. Meets in G. Bates, L. C ; F. H. Oaks, R. K.; H. J. A. R. hall alternate Monday eveningsTempleton, F. K. Officers: Norman R. Thompson, Pres.; Queen hive, No. 10, L. 0. T. M — Or- Andrew' Lockwood, V. P.; H. E. ganized May 20, 1891; meets in Mac- V. Porter, Sec; Miss Effie Chase, cabee hall alternate Tuesday even- Treas.; Rev. W . H. Overs, Chap.; 240' ings; officers, Evelyn M. Cook, L. P. members. C ; Vesta A. Cobb, L. C ; Anna TayChautauqua legion, No. 179 N. P. L. lor, L. L. T.; Maude H. Walker, L. R. —Instituted July 1, 1897. Meets in U. K.; Delia M. Wilcox, L. F. K.; 109 V. L. hall the second and fourth Wedmembers. Jamestown hive, No. 101, L. O. T. M. nesday evenings of each month. Offi—Meets in Maccabee hall thefirstand cers: Harvey F. Reynolds, President; third Thursday evenings in each Mrs. Julia E. Beach, V. P.; Elmer E. month; officers, Mrs. Benjamin Good- Wellman, Sec; H. E. Butler, Treas.; win, Com.; Mrs. Willard Staub, L. C ; Frank E. Carver, P. P.; 250 members. S E C R E T SOCIETY D I R E C T O R Y . 31 205—Organized Dec. 1, 1882. Meets Sons of St. George. Chautauqua lodge, No. 107, S. of St. the last Friday evening of every G.—Instituted Oct. 1882, meets in U. month. Officers: H. H. Stoltz, PresiV. L. hall thefirstand third Friday dent; R. G. Owens, V. P.; Albert J. evening of each -month. Officers: John Sprague, S. T.; H. F. Aplin, R. S.; W m . Tolson, W . P.; Thomas H. Smith, W . R. Scott, S. at A.; C. J. Sprague, H. F. V. P.; William E. Bond, W . Sec; Aplin, R. G. Owens, executive commitBrooks Huntington, W . M.; Joseph tee; 22 members. National Association of Stationary Appleyard, W . T.; 143 members. Engineers, No. 36—Organized June 18, Columbus lodge, No. 379, S. of St. G. —Instituted Nov. 19, 1892. Meets the 1892. Meets in Red Men's hall, East second and fourth Friday evenings of Third street, alternate Friday eveneach month in K. P. armory, New ings. Officers: Andrew Griffith, P.P.; Eroadhead block. Jonas Stainthorpe, W . H. Hancock, Pres.; John Sampson, W . P.; Thomas A. Morley, W . V. P.; V. P.; John Winslow, Treasurer; HowJohn R. Heys, W . Sec; W . W . Wilson, ard S. Rogers, C. S.; 25 members. Jamestown local No. 38, UpholsterW . T.; John Hill, W . M.; 65 members. ers' Union—Organized Nov., 1895. Royal Oak lodge No. 74, Daughters of St. George—Instituted Nov. 10, 1892; Meets alternate Monday evenings in meets the second and fourth Monday Elk hall, Steele street. Officers: Sieglar, Pres.; Charles evenings of each month in K. P. hall. George Mrs. Rachel Snackleton, W P.; Mrs. Johnson, V. P.; Otto Benson, R. S.; E. Alice Swanson, W . V. P.; Miss Ger- B. Gardner, C. S.; H. A. Wescott, F. trude Gilbert, W . F. S.; Mrs. Mary S.; John Peterson, Treas.; 40 members. Carpenters' Union, No. 66—Meets Firth, W . R. S.; Mrs. Annie Lees, W . every Saturday evening in U. V. L. T. 98 members. hall. Officers: T. H. Marks, Pres.; Knights of Aurora. N. P. Hanson, V. P.; O. D. Supreme lodge—Headquarters rooms Smith, Sec; John Hamlin, R. S.; Al4, 5 and 6 Wellman building, corner vin Carlson, Treas. Third and Cherry streets. Supreme Cigarmakers' Union No. 370—Meets. Commander, Henry C. Stowell; S. V. the first Tuesday evening of each C , Orlando N. Benton; S. O., Franklin month. F. G. Wiler, Pres.; A. Lunn, J. Bayless; S. R., George L. Hamilton; Treas.; A. F. Christofferson, Sec S. lee, Will L. Warner; S. T., C. R. American Mechanics. , VgiDervort; S. Med. Ex., William M. E. W . Ross council, No. 37, O. U. A. an ius; S. M., John E. Larkin; S. S., M — Organized Feb. 3, 1890. Meets in e(l a H. Sfowell; Attorney, Frederick Opera House hall every Monday evennav 3etersoiji. ing. Officers: Robert Brady, Coun?wey Temple, K. A.—Meets in su- cilor; R. A. Nobbs, V. C ; F. A. Winae headquarters, Wellman building, chester, R. S.; H. C. Winsor, F. S.; R. second , and fourth Monday even- D. Pickard, Treas; 105 members. A': of each month. Charles S. ElDeborah council, No. 11, Daughters. — P , Com.; I Orlando D. Green, V. C ; of Liberty, (an auxiliary to E. W . Ross A M l C. Lippert, Rec; Clark W . Saliscouncil)—Organized June 22, 1892. A Treas.,; 400 members. Meets in U. V. L. hall the second and —Ii Lablor Organizations. fourth Thursday evening in each Jr. Hai mestown "* • - -.rraphical Union No.month. Officers: S. T. Homer, CounTre rj.yp|)fe 32 S E C R E T SOCIETY D I R E C T O R Y . cilor; Ida Flemings, V. C ; O. H. La Dow, F. S.; Belle S. Moses, Treas.; Grace E. Taylor, R. S.; 100 members. Royal Templars. Eureka council No. 20, R. T. of T — Organized in 1878. Meets in G. A. R. ball alternate Monday evenings. Officers: W . W . Campbell, S. C ; Josephine Templeton, V. C ; Sylvia Hayward, P. C ; J. B. Husband, F. S.; Addie M. Brockway, R. S. Woman's auxiliary, R. T. of T.— Meets the third Friday afternoon in each month at the homes of members. Officers: Mrs. Nettie M. Gay, Pres.; Mrs. Josephine Templeton, V. P.; Mrs. Ella Duffee, 2d V. P.; Mrs. Jennie Campbell, C ; Mrs. Helen M. Dewey, Sec; Mrs. Addie M. Brockway, Treas.; 130 members. Improved Order of Red Men. Chautauqua tribe—Meets every Wednesday evening in Red Men's hall. T. Hanson, Sec; Lee Carlson, Sr. S.; Flinn Furgeson,Jr.,S.; Charles Leburg, K. of R.; C. G. Rowley, K. of W.; Jerry Sullivan, Prophet; 40 members. Chadakoin tribe—Meets alternate Monday evenings in Maccabee hall. R. Noble, Sachem; Ernest Gornell, K. of R. Scandinavian Brotherhood. Leif Erickson lodge No. 26, S. B. A. —Organized Nov. 30, 1897. Meets in Opera House hall every Friday evening. Officers: Oscar Palm, Pres.; J A. Anderson, V. P.; 'Gust Larson, C. S.; Solomon Ostrorn, F. S.; Oscar Gustafson, Treas.; 208 members. Unity lodge No. 29, S. B. A.—Organized March 29, 1899. Meets in Opera House hall every Wednesday evening. Officers: Mrs. Caroline Carlson, chairman; Miss Beda Swanson, V. C ; Mrs. Christine Ekman, Sec; Mrs. Mia Millner, Treas.; Mrs. Anna Ringquist, F. S.; Mrs. Matilda Sundberg, Deputy; 110 members. S. C. T. & B. Society. Scandinavian Temperance & Benevolent society—Organized in November, 1872. Meets in K. P. hall alternate Thursday evenings. Officers: A. G. Lofgren, President; August Lindbeck, V. P.; J. A. Anderson, Sec; J. Emil Johnson, Treas.; C. Adrian Johnson, Accountant; O. L. Martin, Chap.; 325 members. Safety Fund Insurance. Pearl City lodge, No. 175—Organized Sept, 1895; meets the fourth Wednesday evening of each month in Red Men's hall. Alfred T. Harris, Com.; James W . Houser, Past Com.; Perl Butts, W . C ; Henry Halley, Sec-Treas. Swedish Sisterhood. An independent loca1 order, organized Feb. 26, 1896; meets alternate Friday evenings in Maccabee hall. Mrs. Hulda Lawson, Pres.; Mrs. Anna Drots, V. P.; Miss Hilma C. Nelson, F. S.; Mrs. Matilda Carlson, R. S.; Mrs. Selma Jacobson, Treas.; 100 members. B. P. O. Elks. Jamestown lodge No. 263, B. P. O. Elks—Instituted May 9, 1893. Officers: John H. Prather, E. R.; E. J. Swetland, E. L. K.; F. H. White, E. L. K ; Ralph E. Russell, E. L. K.; W . R. Botsford, Sec; Robert C. Bradsha^, Treas. Meets >. the first and thill Friday evening in each month in G. " R. hall; club rooms at the corner Third and Main streets always ope: 187 members. United Workmen. Jamestown lodge No. 34, A; O. U. "* Meets every Wednesday evening in A. R. hall. Officers: W . M.l Callahf P. M. W.; John M. Lundquist, M. V G. H. Anderson, F.; Augusk Nelse O.; John Knapp, Recorder j W m . Peckham, Fin.; B. W . Cookl, Receivj 192 members. \ S E C R E T SOCIETY D I R E C T O R Y . Protected H o m e Circle. Chautauqua circle No. 208, P. H. C. —Instituted May 16, 1895. Meets in G. A. R. hall the second and fourth Friday evenings in each month. Officers: Mrs. Eudora K. Pardee, Pres.; David W . Schenck, V. P.; Arthur M. Wellman, Sec; C. T. Miller, Accountant; W . D. Wellman, Treas.; 225 members. C. M. B. Association. SS. Peter and Paul's branch 77, Catholic Mutual Benevolent association—Organized Feb. 9, 1885. Meets in U. V. L. hall the first and third Thursday evening in each month. Officers: George Murphy, Chancellor; John Murray, Pres.; Charles J. Buckley, V. P.; Fred McCullough, 2d V. P.; John A. Knorr, R. S.; W . H. Harrison, Jr., F. S.; A. Willman, Treas; 86 members. L. C. B. Association. Branch 39, Ladies' Catholic Benevolent Association—Organized Oct. 31, 1890. Meets in U. V. L. hall the first and third Tuesday evenings in each month. Officers: Miss Mary H. Isbell, Pres.; Miss Mary Geser , V. P.; Mrs. Kate Clarke, R. S.; Miss Elizabeth Calahane, F. IS.; Miss Mary B. McCormick, Treas; 115 members. Swedish Brotherhood. Swedish Brotherhood of Jamestown, an independent organization, organized March 4, 1895. Meets in Maccabee hall alternate Thursday evenings. Offi- Incorporated American Aristotype Co., 56 Prospect —Porter Sheldon, Pres.; Charles S. Abbott, Sec. and Treas. American Axe & Tool Co., 13 Taylor —Incorporated 1889. C W . Hubbard, Jr., Pres.; F. T Powell, Vice Pres.; G. Hannay, Sec; C. W . Hubbard, Jr., Treas. 33 cers: George Jacobson, G. M.; John A. Crantz, V. G. M.; Frank Nelson, F. S.; Charles Lindell, Treas.; J. Leonard Ahlstrom, R. S.; 280 members. Royal Arcanum. Chautauqua council, No. 73, R. A . — Instituted April 6, 1878. Meets in U. V. L. hall the second and fourth Friday evening in each month. Officers: John H. Tiffany, Regent; Herbert L. Hunt, V. R.; L. E. Butler, Sec; W . M. Davis, Col.; E. H. Perry, Treas.; 177 members. Heptasophs. Chautauqua council, No. 630, Improved Order of Heptasophs—Instituted Feb. 23, 1899. Meets in Opera House hall the second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month. Officers: Florence S. McCarthy, P. A.; A. Austin Becker, Archon; Ralph Russell, Sec; Frank W . Palmeter, Treas.; A. L. Piper, Financier; 26 members. Hundred Members Society. Organized Nov. 14, 1896; meets alternate Tuesday evenings at Opera House ball. J A. Anderson, Pres.; O. B. Sjobeck, Rec. Sec; Alfred Gustafson, Treas.; J. G. Lundquist, Accountant; August Anderson, Chap.; 230 members. Independent Order of Foresters. Court James, No. 3300—Meets alternate Thursday evenings in Opera House hall. George Johnson, C. R.; W . J .Bender, V. C. R.; A. Adams, P. C. R.; George Rolland, R. S.; W . Jones, F. S.; C. Imus, Chaplain; 39 members. Companies. Anchor Fence Co., room 3, 100 East 3d—Incorporated Feb., 1898. J. B. Ross, Pres.; J. T. Larmonth, Vice Prest, and Gen'l Mgr.; William P. Osmer, Sec; E. F. Dickinson, Treas. Atlas Furniture Co., Allen Ext.—Incorporated 1883. Frank O. Strandburg, Pres.; Charles A. Johnson, Vice Pres.; 34 INCORPORATED COMPANIES. Lawrence E. Ericson, Sec. and Treas. Breed-Johnson Furniture Co., 129-35 J. & G. Ave.—Incorporated Jan. 19, 1894. J. A. Eckman, Pres.; C. L. Eckman, Sec. and Treas. Chautauqua National Building, Loan and Savings Association, 101 East 3d. Incorporated 1891. M. L. Fenton, Pres.; A. S. Prather, Vice Pres.; John H. Prather, Sec; W . R. Botsford, Treas. Chautauqua Steamboat Co., 706 West 8th—Incorporated 1888. A. N. Broadhead, Pres.; F. E. Gifford, Vice Pres.; A. C. Wade, Sec. and Treas.; Geo. E. Maltby, Gen'l Pass and Ticket Agt.; R. J. Bootey, Supt. Empire Worsted Mills, 35-43 Water —Incorporated 1888. J. W . Doubleday, Pres.; E. Greenwood, Vice Pres.; L. M. Butman, Sec and Treas. Fenton Metallic Mfg. Co., 95-105 J. & G. Ave.—Incorporated 1888. Arthur C. Wade, Pres.; James W . Hine, Vice Pres.; Albert Gilbert, Sec. and Treas. Finley Manufacturing Co., 50 Steele —Incorporated 1894—P. Anson Finley, Pres. and Mgi*. Horse Owners' National Protective Assn.—room 3 Ellicott bid. Incorporated 1889. J. T. Larmonth Pres.; Scott H. Penfield, Sec; E. C. Livingston, Treas. and Gen'l Mgr. Jamestown Beef -Co. (Swift & Co.) 3S Institute—Incorporated 1885. G. F. Swift, Pres.; E. C. Swift, 1st Vice Pres.; L. F. Swift, 2d Vice Pres.; L. A. Carton, Treas.; D. E. Hartwell, Sec. Jamestown Brewing Co., 820 West 8th—Incorporated Jan. 14, 1897. Frank X. Brandel, Pres.; Henry H. Cooper, Sec. and Treas. Jamestown Business College ass'n., rooms 24-30 Gokey building—H. E. V. Porter, Pres.; W m . A. Hallock, Vice Pres.; A. J. Porter, Sec. Jamestown Cane Seat Chair Co., 3143 Taylor—Incorporated 1868; F. E. Gifford, Pres.; C H. Gifford, Sec; W. S. Gifford, Treas. Jamestown Electric Light and Power Co., 318 Cherry—Wm. N. Gokey, Pres.; W . F. Bushey, Sec; George F. Gokey, Treas.; James Hanson, Supt. Jamestown Furniture Co., 129 J. & G. avenue—Incorporated Jan. 1, 1896; L. G. Fenton, Pres.; W . F. Bradley, Vice Pres.; C. A. Trantum, Sec, Treas. and Gen'l Mgr. Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co., 40 Quarry road—J. B. Fisher, Pres.; P. H. Hoyt, Sec and Treas. Jamestown Sliding Blind Co., 2& Briggs—Incororated 1894; D. Peterson, Pres.; John Anderson, Vice Pres.; A. Rushworth, Sec. and Treas. Jamestown Street Railway Co.,West 3d—A. N. Broadhead, Pres.; L. B. Warner, Vice Pres.; S. B. Broadhead, Treas.; W . S. Cameron, Sec. Jamestown Water Supply Co., 110 East 3d—Incorporated 1881; W . S. Kuhn, Gen'l Manager; D. W . Immel, Supt. J. M. Grant Company, 12 West 2d— Y. W . Burtch, Pres.; W m . L. Slotboom, Sec; James M. Grant, Treas. Journal Printing Co., 14-16 West 2d —Incorporated Jan. 1, 1894; F. P. Hall, Pres. and Treas.; E. A. Bradshaw, V. P.; F. W . Hyde, Sec. Lakewood Ice Co., The—Incorporated 1891; E. L. Frisbee, Pres.; M. R. Stevenson, Sec. and Treas; office Wellman building. National Biscuit Co. (Jamestown Bakery), rear 46-8 Steele.—Incorporated Feb., 1898; B. F. Crawford, Pres.; H. F. Vories, Vice Pres.; C. E. Rumsey, Sec. and Treas. N e w York and Pennsylvania Telephone and Telegraph Co., 113 East 3d —Incorporated 1878; Chas. F. Cutler, N. Y., Pres.; W . N. Easterbrook, Elmira, N. Y., Vice Pres. and Gen'l Mgr.; H. F. Stevens, N. Y., Sec. and Treas.; J. W . Stearns, Dist. Supt. INCORPORATED COMPANIES. Pennsylvania Gas Co., 108 East 3 d — Incorporated June, 1881; C. N. Payne, Pres.; J. P. Jefferson, Vice Pres.; W . H. Filler, Sec; J. R. Campbell, Treas. Straight Manufacturing Co., East 2d, beyond limits—Incorporated 1897; R. J. Straight, Pres.; Frank H. Kibling, Vice Pres.; W m . H, Bentley, Sec. and Treas. Vandergrift Manufacturing Co., 56 Blackstone ave.—Established 1871. Incorporated 1881. T. J. Vandergrift, Pres.; G. B. Blackstone, Sec; W . A. Blackstone, Treas. Vart Land Publishing Co., 12 West 2d—Oscar F. Johnson, Pres.; Samuel J. Carlson, Sec. and Treas. Woman's Christian Ass'n Hospital, 207 Foote ave—Incorporated 1887. Mrs. R. R. Rogers, Pres.; Mrs. C C. Burtch, 1st Vice Pres.; Mrs. A. H. Vanderburg, 2d Vice Pres.; Mrs. C. H. Gifford, Sec; Miss Ne'lie Hallock, Treas. 35 Fenton (M. L.) Block, 212-218 East 2d. Frederick, The, 106-110 East 2d. G. A. R. Hall, 7-9 East 3d. Gifford Block, 216-222 Main and 2-6 East 3d. Gokey Building, 12-20 West 3d. Gron Block, 217-219 Spring. Hall (H. P., Dr.) Block, 211-213 West 3d. Hallock Block, 19-21 Steele. Hoyt Flats, 307-315 West 3d. Hult Block, 12-18 Willard. Jones Blocks, 13-15 East 3d and 113121 East 2d. Kent Block, 23-31 Forest ave. K. of P. Hall, 101-107 S. Main. Lewis Block, 800-804 Main. Lillibridge Block, 201-207 West 3d. Maccabee Hall, 101 East 3d. Masonic Hall, 17-21 East 3d. McLean Block, 220-224 East 2d. Wyckoff Harvester Co., 29 Forest N e w Allen Flats, 11-21 West 2d. ave.—Incorporated 1894. W . T. Falconer, Pres. N e w Broadhead block, 101-107 S. Main. Young Men's Christian Association N e w Gifford Building, 22-28 S. Gokey bldg.—Incorporated 1885. H. E. V. Porter, Pres.; Elliot C. Hall, 1st Main. Vice Pres.; Newton Crissey, 2d Vice N e w Warner Block, 1-5 Main. Pres.; W . D. Broadhead, Treas.; Chas. N e w Warner Hall, 1-5 Main. N. Ramsey, Gen'l Sec. Odd Fellows' Hall, 12-14 West 3d. Opera House Block, 18-24 East 2d. BUILDINGS, BLOCKS, HALLS, AND Osmer (The) Flats, 413-419 West 3d. FLATS. Prendergast Building, 301-309 Main. Prendergast Hall, 301-307 Main. Allen Square Building, 101-121 Main. Samuels' Optra House, 20 East 2d. Amidon Block, 201-207 East 2d. Smith Block, 5-8 S. Main. Arcade Building, 24-32 Main. T e w Fenton Block, 110-120 Main.ano" Arcade Hall, 28 Main. 2-8 East 2d. Baker Block, 27-31 Main. Union Block, 8-10 West 3d. Broadhead Block, 2-16 Main. Uni-n Veteran Legion Hall, 219 Main Bush Block, 15-21 East 2d. Vandergrift Building, 101-111 East City Hall, 202-212 East 3d. 2d. Cole Block, 15-17 Steele. Warner Block, 9-21 Main. Ellicott Building, 100-108 East 3d. Warner's Hall, 11 Main. Fenton Blocks, 204-210 East 2d, and Wellman Building, 101-103 West 3d. 108-110 East 3d.Whitney Flats, 211-217 West 2d. 36 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. T h e Journal's a n d J a m e s t o w n B l o c k Street Directory. 1899-1900. E X P L A N A T I O N : — T h e left side of the street is givenfirst,then the right. The directory gives the exact location of any house on any street. For instance, if you wish to find the residence of Charles M . D o w , the alphabetical directory shows you that his house (h) is 72 Allen. Turn to Allen street and you will find 72 is on the right and south side of the street, and is the last house before Foote avenue intersects. This comprehensive system of street directory is arranged alphabetically and numerically, and is a guide to every building in the city and to the intersections of all streets. W h e r e numbers are omitted before names, appearing in the street directory, the names are those of occupants over the preceding or succeeding numbers. The description of streets is given for the distance to which they are actually opened, as in some cases, they have not been opened so far as laid out on the map. Streets on which there are no buildings are not given. By resolution of the council, Sept. 23, 1895, Steele street begins at Brooklyn square. Several months ago, the council passed a resolution extending Barrett avenue, or Barrett street, as it is commonly called to Steele street, but as there are only four houses on the avenue below its junction with Baker street, and as those houses are numbered on Baker street, and the houses on Barrett avenue are numbered from its junction with Baker street, it has been deemed advisable in order to avoid the trouble of re-numbering all the buildings in the street to describe Barrett avenue, or street, as starting from Baker street. Although by resolution of the council about eight years ago, Fairmount avenue was extended from the boatlanding bridge to the city limits the name Ashville avenue has been used in the directory in accordance with the street signs and the expressed wish of the people. A H R E N S STREET. A L L E N STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. A H R E N S STREET. From 117 Maple east to Oak—4th ward. Left and North Side. 7 Charles Johnson. A L L E N STREET. From 135 South Main east to city limits.—3d and 4th wards. Left and North Side. 7 Abner Hazeltine. 21 Elof Rosencrantz. 23 Cornelius Hunt. 25 Vacant house. 27 Frank W . Stevens. Institute street interesects. John P. Engman. 69 James George. 71 Mrs. Stella Doane. 71 Frank H. Oakes. 71 William H. Akin. 81 Charles E. Lawson. 83 Walter Shaw. Foote avenue intersects. 103 Charles Jones. 105 Edward E. Duffee. 109 Nathaniel E. Thomas. Ill George W . Shattuck. 115 Mrs. Emily H. Bentley. 117 Walter Rodney. 123 Daniel J. Ogilvie. 127 Cranston D. Taylor. 127 Jennie Smith. 131 August Carlson. 135 George Hope. 135 Thomas Graham. 143 Theodore D. Hanchett. 145 Joseph Stead. 145 Mrs. Jane Phillips. 145% Charles Larson. 145% Mrs. Jennie Peterson. 149 Fred Wilkeson. 149 John Clingstedt. 157 Charles Logerquist. 157 James Nyberg. 161 Christopher Johnson. 161 Charles Benson. 161 William C. Maddox. 161% Hulda Swanson. 161% Fred E. Tanner. 169 205 205 207 207 211 211 211 223 225 301 307 311 311 311 317 317 317 319 319 319 321 325 333 333 339 343 423 423 429 429 433 435 511 513 513 513 525 525 521! 523 529 531 531 53o 535 53^ 37 Vacant house. Chas. E. Vasbinder. Mrs. Sarah Dunn. Van Lenen Von Grosbeck. Joseph Fuller. Walter Knight. Alfred Shoesmith. Charles T. Hutley. Charles J. Johnson. J. Ernest Johnson. Charles Leablad. William Porter. Alfred Carlson. Oscar Johnson. John Wood. Fabian Nelson. Mrs. Anna Rehn. Charlie Johnson. Andrew Nelson. Herbert H. Warren. Axel Blomberg. Christian Greenlund. Hazel C. Nutting. Fred H. Wilson. William Wilson. Mrs. Ruth Rushworth. Co-operativ? Supply Co. branch 1. Winsor street intersects. Olaf Benson. John Wall. Mrs. Matilda Nelson. Gustine Hanson. John E. Parsons. Mrs, Johanna C Anderson. Willard street intersects. John P. Engman. Fred Johnson. Andrew Ipson. William Berg. Mrs. Anna Eckstrom. John F. Carlson. Eric Peterson. Alfred Nelson. Gust Nordgren. Charles J. Nelson. Mrs. Breta Johnson. Albert Nelson. Axel Norstrand. Henrick Stark. ALLEN STREET Cont'd. 38 541 545 545 545 545 54'J 549 553 557 561 56!. 565 569 571 575 581 581 607 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. Chandler street intersects. August Peterson. Charles E c k m a n . Albert Carlson. Gust Glad. Daniel Glet. Mrs. Christine Erickson. Charles Johnson. Mrs. Emma Lawson. August Johnson. Gust Carlson. Mrs. Caroline Frederickson. Joseph Varley. John Varley. Warner F. Lieblad. Daniel A. Carlson. Charles J. Carlson. Mrs. Johanna Johnson. Claus V. Gustafson. ALLEN STREET. 26 36 36 42 44 44 50 54 58 6r, 72 12* 132 134 140 142 144 152 152% 152% 156 ALLEN STREET Cont'd. Right and South Side. A. Watson Crum. George L. Hamilton. John J. Aldrich. Edward E. Waterhouse. Theodore E. Grandin. John W. Weller. Norman R. Thompson. Henry G. Breed. Thomas G. Armstrong. William J. Maddox. Charles M. Dow. Foote avenue intersects. W. C. A. hospital. W. C. A. chapel. John L. Broadhead. Halbert A. Barrows. Mark N. Ahlstrom. Sherman street intersects. Erastus Crosby. Mrs. Melinda I. Myers. Charles H. Huber. Fred L. Farlee. John L. Turner. James Appleton. Henry D. Rearick. 16-1 Frank 0. Anderson. 16S Andrew Johnson. 172 Charles I. Johnson Maple street intersects. Pullman street intersects. 200 Willis M. Johnson. 200 Earl A. Johnson. 204 Archibald A. Jackson. 212 Obediah Williams. 220 Mrs. Anna Hutley. 220 Herbert Brealey. 22'1 Mrs. Johanna Hall. 302 312 314 316 320 328 330 338 344 400 40C 410 410 412 416 422 426 430 4?0 432 436 4-10 440 444 44;. 45.S 504 510 510 520 524 King street intersects. George O. Meredith. Freeman J. Hunt. Mrs. Mary Allison. James Newsome. Samuel Nutter. William Bateman. John A. Swanson. Mrs. Corrine E. Jones. Charles I. Johnson. English street intersects. Oscar J. Johnson. Charlie" Brown. Frank Webeck. John Lebland. Charlie Hedlund. Vacant house. David Harrington. Charlie Lindstrom. John Peterson. Charles Lindstrom. Vacant house. Mrs. Sarah Smith. Edward Fowler. Joseph Feather. Charles H. Peterson. Peter A. Norene. Clarence Grant. Willard street intersects. Mrs. Mary Johnson. John A. Hedstrom. John Engberg. Vacant house. Fred Nyholm. ALLE'N S T R E E T Cont'd. A R N O L D STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 528 530 536 536 542 5-12 546 548 554 554 55S 55£ 562 5P2 566 566 568 5i'.S 572 572 574 574 €00 John M. Bergquist. Mrs. Mary Bergquist. Gus. Scott. Victor Peterson. Charles Nelson. John Morse. Andrew Morse. John P. Johnson. Cscar Johnson. Mrs. Anna Stromberg. John A. Morse. John H. Swanson. Charles A. Swanson. Axel Anderson. John L. Johnson. Gust Brodine. Axel Eckburg. Frank Nelson. Mrs. Annie Johnson. Duane Stephens. Otto A. Carlson. Andrew Johnson. Ida M. Glatz. No houses. East Buffalo street intersects. Adrian Ames. A L P A C A STREET. From 150 Chandler south to Erie R. It.—5th ward. Left and East Side. 13 Barth Wade.. 13 Elof Wicander. 17 Charles C. Henderson. 19 Edgar Stanton. 21 Edolf Alif Peterson. 23 John Roddy. 23 Clyde Reed. A L P A C A STREET. Right and West Side. 10 Mrs. Christine Nelson. 14 Edward W . Samuelson. 16 James W . King. 20 Furgus Nutter. A N D E R S O N STREET. From 438 Willard,south—4th ward. Left and East Side. 27 33 35 35 41 49 39 John O. Benson. Mrs. Matilda Godey. Mrs. Lena B. Anderson. Mrs. Anna S. Anderson. Swan A. Pearson. Andrew Carlson. A N D E R S O N STREET. Right and West Side. 30 Mrs. Ella Lawson. A P P L E Y A R D PLACE. From 39 Center east—5th ward. Left and North Side. 3 Hannah Sharpe. 3 John W . Hartley. 5 Smith Ormondroyd. 5 Mrs. Anna Jones. ARCADE AVENUE. From 824 Forest avenue, west to Sampson—6th ward. Left and South Side. 21 Vacant house. A X T E L STREET. From 221 Warren east to Hazzard— 3d ward. Left and North Side. 9 Lewis Haigh. 11 Charles Johnson. 15 John Lindstrom. 15 Mrs. Clara Halberg. A X T E L STREET. Right and South Side. 8 George N. PhPlps. 10 Azariah Hall. 14 Vacant house. A R N O L D STREET. From 311 Foote avenue east to Maple 4th ward. Left and North Side. 11 William A. Faurot. 11 Almond Morgan. A R N O L D STREET. Right and South Side. 10 Augustus Kibling. 12 Amil J. Sundgren. 12 Axel Anderson. 14 John B. Anderson. ASHVILLE AVENUE. 40 A S H V I L L E A V E N U E Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. ASHVILLE AVENUE. From Boatlanding Bridge, west to city limits—6th ward. Left and South Side. 3-5-7 Morgan M'fg Co. 11 Cornelius Gallivan. Whitley avenue intersects. N o houses. Fairview avenue intersects. 203 Vacant house. Hall avenue intersects. 301 George W . Boomer. 309 John Everett. 313 John A. Brown. Catlin avenue intersects. 413 William C. Roberts. 413 Rear.—Bertram A. Wheeler. 417 Henry J. VanTuyl. 417 William M. Roham. 417 Rear.—Charles L. Bronk. Cook avenue intersects. 501 George A. Benson. 503 Vacant house. 507 Mrs. Sarah A. Jones. Lakin avenue intersects. 605 Vacant house. Hallock street intersects. 703 James W . Hine. 707 S. Charles Entwistle. 709 Joseph H. Lombard. Fullerton avenue intersects. 801 Vacant house. 805 William D. Hodges. 815 William J. Fullerton. McDannell avenue intersects— City line. James A. Allen. Lavern A. Badger. George W . Cole. William Masters. Lake View rose gardens. Cyrus E. Jones. Jesse W . Button. Vacant house. Chautauqua Motor Co. Engineering & Power Co. John W . Windsor. Richard Metcalf. Mrs. Cordelia Fenton. Willis G. Price. Charles A. Nelson. Mrs. A m y Strunk. Ella B. Sherman. Townsend Jackson. Richard T. Merchant. John W . Ruliffson. Orlin J. Blanchard. Elmer Chapman. Isaac Sherman. William S. Town. Andrew W . Wicks. William M. Howson. Edgar A. Smith. William W . Wilson. Charles D. Gifford. ASHVILLE AVENUE. Right and North Side. 12 Bethel chapel. Metallic avenue intersects. 14 Robert H. McGarvie. 14 James J. Harrison. 16 Stewart W . Philo. 18 George F. Shelters. 20 Horace C. Rogers. 22 Mrs. Harriet Hibbard. 24 William H. Knapp. 24 Rear.—Harry H. Fox. 26 Thomas H. Chambers. 28 George W . Pershall. 32 Frank Hurlbert. 32 Joseph Dawley. 3 2 % John Hackett. Livingstcn avenue intersects. No houses. Meadow Lane intersects. No houses. North Hallock street intersects. 702 Ira W . Johnson. 714 Edward J. Spencer. H a m m o n d street intersects. A S H V I L L E A V E N U E Cont'd. B A R K E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 728 Wilkinson Hall. Lovell avenue intersects. No houses. Curtice avenue intersects. 820 Mrs. Nettie M. Curtice. 824 Bonnie C. Edwards. City line. George W . Sprague. George W . Gifford. John Dearborn. L. O. Todd. Henry M. Butler. Levi Loomis. Mrs. Mary Smith. 41 463 William E. Hibbard. 483 Andrew Gustafson. Hazeltine avenue intersects. 501 James M. Gray. 521 Smith T. Homer. BAKER STREET. Right and West 'Side. 220 Scott H. Penfield. Williams street intersects. 224 Victor Carlson. No houses. Chapman street intersects. 346 Mrs. Pitronella Billings. 350 Vacant house. BAKER STREET. 356 John B. Carpenter. From 25 Steele south and west to city 360 John G. Johnson. 360 John A. Nelson. limits—6th ward. 364 J. Emil Johnson. Left and East Side. 364 John Syren. 1 James Hansen. 368 Peter Olson. 125 James H. Rogers. 368 Mrs. Christine Wiman. 127 Frank A. Butler. Sprague street intersects. Barrett street intersects. 406 Andrew C. Thompson. 209 Andrew Simpson. 412 Andrew Anderson. 224 Albert W . Peterson. 414 Vacant house. 355 William J. Bentley. 418 Carl Hammerstrom. 359 Carl M. Anderson. 422 Herman Holmes. 361 Joseph C. Gourley. 426 Charles Ingwall. 367 Charles G. Ecklund. 434 Godfrey R. Abersold. 371 John P. Johnson. Norton avenue intersects 375 William O. Wiquist. 510 Hans Nelson. Colfax street intersects. 520 Frederick And.erson. 383 Charles A. Johnson. 393 Jonas P. Anderson. 397 Rudolph Levander. Jones street intersects. 403 Andrew 0. Jones. 405 Eckman Bros. 407 Elmer J. Sandberg. 407 Gust Lindstrom. Delaware avenue intersects. 441 Ernest E. Anderson. 451 Charles J. Lindstrom. No houses. Newland avenue intersects. BARKER STREET. From 520 Foote avenue west to Warren—3d w ard. Left and South Side. 17 Clarence H. Stanton. 19 Henry Ackeroyd. 23 William T. Holley. BARKER STREET. Right and North Side. 10 Mrs. Helen M. Hibbard. 20 Swan J. Anderson. BARRETT STREET. 42 B A R R O W S STREET. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. BARRETT STREET. From 127 Baker, south to Hazeltine avenue—fath ward. Left and East Side. 1 Alta M. Jenner. 3 Jamestown Laundry. 5 George J. Butler. 11 Glenn Hunt. 11 John Thomas. 15 August P. Olson. 15 John Gripp. 19 Jonathan H. Slocum. 25 Charles R. Holmburg. 29 William H. Cooley. 35 Albert F. Cowden. 45 Mrs. Laura L. Bootey. 103 Michael Pchone. 105 Edward B. Bootey. 109 Peter Crow. Forest street intersects. 117 George W. Tibbetts. 125 James H. Mills. 143 Willis E. Babcock. 147 Mrs. Epret L. Morley. 207 Gust Lawson. 207 Albert Undberg. Newland avenue intersects. 301 Alfred Blumstrom. 305 John Malmquist. 307 Nels Swanson. 309 August Lupgren. 309 Ephraim Grenquist. 311 Frances L. Smith. 313 Mrs. Louisa Olson. 315 Emil Fagerstrom. 315 Louis A. Kofod. 405 William Eastberg. 407 James H. Barnett. 411 Johanis Johnson. 417 Gust A. Anderson. BARRETT STREET. Right and West Side. 12 Joseph Holmes. 16 Benjamin Goldstein. 18 John C. Swanson. 22 Henry H. Stoltz. 28 Thomas Newberry. 32 Daniel P. Wescott. 36 John Raistrick. 44 August W. Ljungberg. Forest street intersects. 106 Andrew J. Lane. 114 David M. Rogerson. Stearns avenue intersects. 122 George Theobald. 124 John McKaig. 124 Robert C. Rogerson. 136 Mrs. Kate Cowles. Cowden Park intersects. 202 Henry B. Lammers. 206 Gust Milner. 208 John W. Durham. 210 Charles S. Lundgren. 214 Enos Shepard. Newland avenue intersects. 300 John P. Jones. 300 Olof Olson. 302 Clarence Jones. 308 John Morgan. 310 Andrew J. Lawson. 312 Edward Fisher. Crown street intersects. 400 August L. Anderson. 408 Nels P. Fernstrom. 410 Henry Holman. Dearborn street intersects. 500 John Obrey. 504 August Bellgig. 504 Alfred Nelson. 508 Charles O. Lundberg. Superior street intersects. 608 Frances Smith. B A R R O W S STREET. From 9 King, north to Allen—4th ward. Left and West Side. 1 Mrs. Mary Kennedy. 7 Solomon Spencer. 7 Mrs. Julia A. Lee. 9 James Leid. 15 John Grep. 23 Newton Kendall. B A R R O W S S T R E E T Cont'd. B A R R O W S S T R E E T Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 35 John Einch. English street intersects. Ill David Nutter. 115 Peter Ogren. 115 Lena Carlson. 119 Edward Kiley. 127 John Spence. 127 Kendall Horsfield. 131 Nels P. Anderson. 137 Vacant house. 145 C. Alfred Larson. 145 Andrew Johnson. 145 Mrs. Sophia C. Johnson. 151 William Jenkinson. 155 Mrs. Mary A. Varley. 157 John E. Carlson. 157 Charles W . Berglund. 163 Charles J. G. Nelson. 163 Erick L. Lindewall. 179 John Lindquist. 179 John Kullberg. 181 Josephine M. Scott. 183 Elias Anderson. 183 Mrs. Anna Cedar. 189 Brant & Venman. Willard street intersects. 35 35 191 211 215 219 225 225 227 235 245 251 257 Oresta A. Bootey. Mrs. Matilda K. Smith. Lars A. Larson. Swan Rapp. John A. Hulquist. Gustaf Sundell. Claus Barlund. John Lindstrom. Anders Anderson. John W . Anderson. Gust A. Nelson. J. Peter Brawn. John F. Carlson. B A R R O W S STREET. Right and East Side. 2 2 8 12 14 M. Charles McCutcheon. Charles W . Warren. August F. Johnson. Joseph A. Landen. Charles J. Johnson. 26 30 30 32 32 38 40 42 42 42 Gustave N. Brodine. John R. Anderson. N. John Nelson. William Smith. Richard R. Robinson. Mrs. Catherine M. Davis. William Johnson. John P. Nelson. John J. Petyt. N. Afred Anderson. English street intersects. 100 100 104 110 116 124 132 132 140 146 146 150 154 144 160 174 174 Leverne Wright. Jefferson W . Prosser. Mrs. Matilda Briggs. William H. Spencer. Fred Allison. Andrew L. Johnston. Clarence L. York. Thomas W . Johnson. Charles A. Nelson. John Johnson. Charles C. Hendrickson. Peter E. Carlson. August G. Johnson. S. August Samuelson. Vacant house. Rear, August Benson. John Johnson. 214 216 216 220 222 222 226 230 230 234 238 244 244 246 248 252 296 296 Willard street intersects. Emil Johnson. Andrew Anderson. Andrew J. Haglund. Oscar Swanson. Charles A. Pond. August II. Johnson. Frederick Westling. Charles A. Danielson. Andrew G. Norman. Leonard Peterson. C. John Sundquist. Charles F. Henderson. Swan G. Hultquist. August Berg. Unfinished house. Charles F. Gustafson. Mrs. Louisa Hammerstrom. E. Axel Seastrom. 43 B A R R O W S STREET Cont'd. 44 300 300 608 628 B O W E N AVENUE. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. Charles Johnson. Emil F. Youngs trom. John Osberg. Mrs. Christine H. Osberg. Benedict street intersoo.'s. 652 John Kulander. 652 Joseph Broman. 654 Andrew N. Johnson. 656 John Fredrickson. BASSETT STREET. From 1130 Prendergast avenue, east to Lake View avenue.—1st ward. Left and North Side. 11 Fred Barth. 13 Severin Peters. 15 Mrs. Emma Eller. BENEDICT STREET. From 628 Barrows, east.—4th ward. Left and North Side. No houses. Westcott street intersects. No houses. Hedges avenue intersects. 201 Carl Nelson. 203 Charles O. Lidblad. BENEDICT STREET. Right and South Side. No houses. Westcott street intersects. No houses. Hedges avenue intersects. 204 William Anderson. 208 Peter J. Anderson. 208 Charles A. Kling. 210 August Dorquist. 210 A. August Carlson. BENSON STREET. From 467 Willard, south.—4th ward. Left and East Side. 29 Vacant house. 35 .Andrew Anderson. 65 Otto S. Peterson. 67 Charlie Bjork. 69 Henry Johnson. 69 Hjlmer Engwall. 77 Olaf Benson. BENSON STREET. Right and West Side. 32 John S. Olson. 36 Andrew Benson. 50 John L. Benson. 70 Nels P. Nelson. BEULAH PLACE. From 1021 Main, west.—2d ward. Right and North Side. 10 Mrs. Emeline Pew. 14 George F. Meier. BISHOP STREET. From 840 East 2d, south to Crescent. —5th ward. Left and East Side. 9 Mrs. Kate Grimshaw. 13 Mrs. Nellie Bresinham. 13 Mrs. Elizabeth Birmingham. 17 Holdsworth Clough. BISHOP STREET. Right and West Side. 12 Mrs. Barbara Cooper. 14 August King. 14 Charles Johnson. BLACKSTONE AVENUE. From 513 E. Buffalo (at junction with Erie R. R.) east.—5th ward. 5C-68 The Vandergrift Manufacturing Co. B L A N C H A R D STREET. From 602 Winsor, east to Bowen.— 5th ward. Left and North Side. 45 Albert A. Bugbee. B O W E N AVENUE. From 342 Bowen east—5th ward. Left and North Side. 9 Olif Greenlund. 9 John Gustafson. B O W E N AVENUE. Right and South Side. 10 Gustaf Johnson. B O W E N STREET. B R O A D H E A D AVENUE. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 45 350 Perry Holmlund. B O W E N STREET. From 757 East 2d, north to Buffalo. 350 Charles Lundman. BRIGGS STREET. —5th ward. From 110 Foote avenue ,west to InLeft and West Side. stitute.—3d ward. 11 Swan Erickson. Left and South Side. 13 F. Adelbert Mills. 6 Mrs. Sophia Newstrom. Bush street intersects. 19-23 W . I. Blystone. 109 Peter A. Olson. 29-33 Jamestown Sliding Blind Co. Ill Mts. Mary Thomas. BRIGGS S T R E E T . Peach street intersects. Right and North side. 119 Charles W . Ecksteadt. 1 John E. Firth. 119 Theodore Faley. 3 Joseph Jacobson. 121 Charles H Wallen. 5 George J. Kohlbacher. B O W E N STREET. 5 Willis W . Fisher. Right and East Side. 28 Office Jamestown Sliding Blind Co. 8 John B. Taylor. BROADHEAD AVENUE. 8 William S. Peterson. From 47 Warren south to Park Place. -3d ward. 16 Charles E. Jones. 16 Mrs. Anna S. Peterson. Left and East Side. 18 Andrew P. Nord. 11 Mrs. A n n E. F. Frew. 20 August C. Norquist. 23 Robert Reed. 27 August J. Lindblad. Bush street intersects. 37 Richard Thoren. 112 Amel J. Anderson. 37 Oscar A. Peterson. 114 Charles H. Breed. 41 William G. Myers. 118 Franklin E. Breed. 41 Edwin Yale. 120 John Soderberg. 49 Michael Hines. 122 Arthur M. Collier. 55 James S. Horton. 124 Joseph P. Muldoon. 59 Mrs. Leonora C. Winchester. 126 Sidney Waite. Kidder street intersects. Falconer street intersects. 101 George W . Sprague. 212 FTed K. Spear. 103 Lewis H. Baker. 214 August Wallen. 103 E. Leon Ramsey. 214 Charles Carlson. 137 Alfred G. Samuelson. 216 Amel T. Johnson. 137 Walfred Carlson. 216 Peter E. Johnson. 141 Horatio B. Sprague. 220 Charles Carlson. Newland avenue intersects. 224 Vacant house. 211 John F. Downs. 246 John A. Peterson. 213 George Frank. 250 John A. Holmberg. 219 John P. Carlson. 316 Frank L. Dickson. 2?5 John Illingworth. 320 Lars Larson. 235 I'eter Zeliff. 320 Erland Johnson. 21 j Frank S. Moses. 328 Frank Palm. Baker street intersects. Bowen avenue intersects. 261 Vacant house. 265 Frank Beckstrom. 342 Charles Blomberg. B R O A D H E A D A V E N U E Cont'd. 46 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. BROADHEAD AVENUE. Right and West Side. C, 10 32 38 11 44 50 56 60 61 102 106 108 110 110 112 118 142 144 202 208 212 220 221 224 226 230 230 238 244 246 246 248 262 264 264 268 268 270 280 280 B U S H STREET. Edward F. Jones. Vacant house. Eleazer Green. Arthur A. Amidon. Oscar S. Gates. Nelson Johnson. Mrs. Alice Matthews. Charles M. Beck. Mrs. Flora Stewart. John Kliest. Kidder street intersects. Jonas Broadhead. Mrs. Anna Lindtnel. Ephriam D. Allen. Mrs. Rebecca L. Haynes. James Broadhead. Hull M. Hooker. David W . Schenck. John Hanson. Jerome Rimple. Newland avenue intersects. Alfred Forsbeck. Harvey R. Davis. John A. Johnson. August J. Johnson. Mrs. Lelia L. Burrall. Gust A. Lundquist. Carl O. Lundgren. Charles Johnson. Charles Webeck. Frank A. Carlson. Charles G. Anderson. Ramy Grenquist. Gust Carlson. Gust Olson. Barker street intersects. Edward Longren. Gust Sindell. Samuel Johnson. Albert Peterson. Charles Benson. John Turnquist. John Lundberg. Magnus Peterson. B U F F A L O STREET. From 1062 Main southeast to East 2d—1st and 5th wards. Left and North Side. Lake View Cemetery. Lake View avenue intersects. Charles W . Lawson. Abraham Beckrink. Leonard F. Hale. Bowen street intersects. No houses. Hotchkiss street intersects. Cornwell & Son. B U F F A L O STREET. Right and South Side. Frank C. Crofoot. Prendergast avenue intersects. 104 Eugene King. Lake View avenue intersects. Mrs. Rosanna O'Brien. Ormes street intersects. Victor Alstermerk. Ernest Johnson. Covey Place intersects. Olof Lawson. Nels P. Parson. Edward Carlson. Davis street intersects. Nils Larson Baird. Stowe street intersects. Charles D. Coney. Weeks street intersects. Emerson H. Hotchkiss. Jamestown Water Co., pump station. Eric Bjorklund. Elmer E. Burdick. Leonard Crumb. Edwin D. Leroy. B U S H STREET. From 414 Winsor east to Thayer— 5th ward. B U S H S T R E E T Cont'd. CATLIN A V E N U E . J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Left and North Side. 11 Theodore C Bush. 11 Charles M. Johnson. 15 Andrew P. Nelson. 17 Albert N. Oldman. 17 Mrs. E m m a Backstrand. 21 John Colander. 29 Lepold Lesord. 45 William L. Trill. Bowen street intersects. 101 Frans A. Olson. 101 Mrs. Rozella A. Cottrell. 113 Henry F. Sampson. 113 Mrs. Tilda Carlson. 117 John T. Sampson. 121 William D. Stowe. 129 O-lif Nording. B U S H STREET. Right and South Side. 12 Fayette G. Leet. 16 Charles S. Leet. 16 Mrs. A m y Haskin. 22 Erick Setterwall. 22 Oscar Wedegren. 22 Richard Rockman. 26 Ernest 0. York. 26 Vacant house. 40 Edward Husted. 44 James G. Flower. Bowen street intersects. 114 Antone Anderson. 116 August F. Nord. 116 John A. Nord. 118 Carl I. Johnson. 118 Louisa M. Nord. 118 Edward Nord. 120 Frank O. Norquist. C A M P STREET. From 405 Foote avenue, east to city limits.—4th ward. ' Left and North Side. 5 William Naismith. 11 Peter Peterson. Walnut street intersects. 103 Charles L. Billquist. 103 Alfred Carlson. 47 105 Elmer Erickson. 111 Andrew Erickson. 111 Charles Bloom. l"1 r.Benjamin P. Olson. 115 Andrew Sampson. Maple street intersects. 117 Charles G. Carlson. 133 Andrew Carlson. 133 Mary Wild. 135 Charles A. Smith. Hebner street intersects. 505 Gust A. Holm. 517 Emil Skans. , English street intersects. 70.-; John Keller. 721 Vacant house. 600 610 621; 636 650 724 800 C A M P STREET. Right and South Side. No houses. English street intersects. Desiviguay Coe. H. Marvin Thompson. Vacant house. Fred H. Fuller. George Shaver. Charles H. Heath. William Shaver. C A R R O L L STREET. From opposite 612 Murray avenue west to Fairmount avenue—2d ward. Right and North Side. 12 Mrs. Margaret McVeigh. CATLIN A V E N U E . From 313 Ashville avenue south to West 3d—6th ward. Left and East Side. 19 George O. Dawley. West 6th street intersects. 117 Otto Nelson. 135 Darius N. Greene. CATLIN A V E N U E . Right and West Side. 22 Francis Dunn. CATLIN A V E N U E Cont'd. 48 C H A N D L E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 26 Amos F. Palmer. West 6th street intersects. 104 Joseph Howard. 110 Thomas O'Neil. 124 David Stillson. 126 Richard Peate. CEDAR AVENUE. From 31 Kinney east—4th ward. Left and North Side. 11 Carl J. Sealander. 15 Charlie W . Johnson. 19 William T. Arnvall. 23 Burger A. Burgerson. 31 Mrs. Clara Sagerdahl. 35 Gust Wallberg. CEDAR AVENUE. Right and South Side. 14 Edward Bergquist. 14 Charlie O. Nelson. 16 Andrew J. Reed. 20 Gust F. Berg. C E N T E R STREET. From 116 Chandler south to Harrison—5th ward. Left and East Side. 13 Laura Fox. 17 Gustaf Anderson. 23 Mrs. Mary Longren. 29 Mrs. Augusta M. Melin. Franklin street intersects. 35 Richard Mullard. 37 Joseph Gill. 37 Thomas Berry. 39 Joseph Appleyard. Appleyard place intersects. Erie tracks intersect. 57 Robert Ogden. 63 Sam Hartley. 65 Henry J. Kosthorst. 67 Mrs. Ann Bull. 67 Mrs. Anna Spencer. C E N T E R STREET. Right and West Side. 6 Mary L. Edson. 6 Mrs. Mary Peterson. 6% Alfred T. Brand. 6% Mrs. Pleasant Knight. 8 Edward Scott. 24 Dallas M. Gleason. 24 Mrs. Atlanta F. Griswold. 28 Mrs. Melvina L. Edick. 32 Fred Shepard. 32 John T. Lees. 36 Emil Frank Isaacson. 36 Mrs. Lettie Seymour. Crane street intersects. 46 Mrs. Catherine Calahane. Erie tracks intersect. 58 Jamestown Cotton mills. C H A M B E R STREET. From 614 Forest avenue west to Sampson—6th ward. Left and South Side. 21 Willis L. Strickland. 55 Vacant house. C H A M B E R STREET. Right and North Side. 22 David Kellogg. Sampson street intersects. 112 Charlie Lawson. C H A M P L I N STREET. From 929 East 2d north to Falconer— 5th ward. Right and East Side. 20 Henry Rich. 22 Mrs. Mary A. Phillips. 24 John C. Russell. 24 Leon B. Washburn. C H A N D L E R STREET. From junction of East 3d and East 2d southeast—4th and 5th wards. Left and North Side. .'05 Frederick R. Peterson. It9 Abram J. Martin. US Carl J. Carlson. 117 Caroline Weiss. 121 Swedish Baptist Church. 127 Lavid Sampson. 135 C. M. Greendahl. C H A N D L E R S T R E E T , Cont'd. CHAPIN STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 135 141 147 153 153 157 163 167 Ernest Greendahl. Benjamin J. Strauss. Vacant house. Peter Burgett. Leonard Johnson. E m m a & Julia Yates. George W . Howard. Hugh M. Rogers. Cross street intersects. 205 William G. Peckham. 219 Ransom J. Barrows. 219 Axel Thore. Winsor street intersects. 321 Francis M. Russell. 327 Chas. O. Anderson. 327 John Darwin. River street intersects. 415-421 A. C. Norquist & Co. 501 Charles Anderson. C H A N D L E R STREET. Right and South Side. 4 Edward R. Bootey. 10 Robert N. Blanchard. 12 James W . Hagar. 12 Mrs. E m m a M. Horton. 16 First Swedish church. Foote avenue intersects. 104 Mrs. Stolth. 104 Perry E. Stockwell. 108 First Swedish Mission church. 108 Rear August F. Tornblom. 112 Mrs. H. E. Starr. 112% Carl Wall. 112% Henry G. Anderson. 116 Charles J. Anderson. Center street intersects. 128 Rescue hose house. 130 First Lutheran church. 144 Peter Grace. 150 Charles E. Morse. Alpaca street Intersects. 164 Mrs. Miary H. Thomas. 168 A. John Peterson. 172 Frank Johnson. Cross street intersects. 200 208 208 210 212 214 222 Dr. Charles S. Boyce. Mathew Bishop. John Gold. Vacant house. Edwin Raistrick. Vacant house. Nels. A. Nelson. 440 440 444 444 448 448 452 Winsor street intersects. Cricket grounds. Axel Stark. Amel H. Chindgren. Gustaf L. Morse. Mrs. Lotta M. Bemus. Martin Johnson. August Johnson. Andrew P. Anderson. 49 C H A P I N STREET. From 285 Willard north to Benedict5th ward. Left and West Side. 19 Oscar A. Rehn. 37 Claus J. Malmquist. 41 C. M. Alfred Peterson. 41 Charles Ljunquist. 41 Mrs. Clara M. Anderson. 45 Carl O. Johnson. 57 Charles J. Peterson. 63 F. Oscar Peterson. 115 John C. Klim. 121 Mrs. Dora V. Harmonson. CHAPIN STREET. 8 14 18 22 22 26 30 40 40 42 54 56 66 66 Right and East Side. Anna B. Benson. Jonas P. Anderson. Charlie W . Peterson. Adolph Bonniever. John A. Peterson. Charles P. Lager. John Abrahamson. Emil Froding. Oscar Johnson. Charles Webeck. John M. Anderson. Claus W . Holmquist. Charles J. Erickson. Carl H. Erickson. CHAPMAN STREET. 50 CHERRY STREET. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. John A. Anderson. Oscar Carlstrom. Gust Johnson. Charles P. Johnson. Vacant house. Crown street intersects. Gt. Jones street 'ntersects. 206 J. Gust Jarl. 115 Vacant house. C H E N E Y STREET. 117 Gust Mangerson, From 744 East 2d, south to Erie Rail121 John G. Johnson. road.— 5th ward. CHARLES STREET. Left and East Side. From before 209 Forest, south to 9 Alfred Anderson. Dearborn.—6th ward. 9 Frank G. Anderson. Left and East Side. 9% Vacant house 11 Azoff Schell. Crescent street intersects. 13 Vurt C. Craig. 107 Mrs. Christine Ulander. 15 John A. Nelson. Ill August Anderson. •Stearns avenue intersects. 115 Charles P. Miller. 29 Andrew J- Carlson. 119 Andrew J. Anderson. 33 Henry 0. Nelson. C H E N E Y STREET. 35 S. John Larson. Right and West Side. 39 Elmer Hansen. 8 Edwin R. Dempsey. Cowden Place intersects. 8 Bert S. Cross. 43 Peter Kofod. 8 Mary Carlstrom. 47 Magnus Eckberg. 8% Gustaf Johnson. 51 Mrs. Mary E. Rogers. 10 Mrs. Chloe Milks. 55 Lena J. Ljungberg. Crescent street intersects. CHARLES STREET. 110 John Robertson. Right and West Side. 112 Andrew Anderson. 2 Gust A.Carlson. 114 Lewis E. Bateman. 6 Charles J. Carlson. C H E R R Y STREET. 10 Albert L. Sweet From 22 West 1st, north to West 9th. 16 Benjamin L. Arnson. —2d ward. 22 Swan M. Carlson. Left and West Side. 26 Ernest Morton. 34 John Anderson. 101 Charles T. Howard. 38 Olof Johnson. West 2d street intersects. 42 Vacant house. 207 Frank K. Dowler. 46 John Swanson. 211 James Mecusker & Son. 46 Louis Cederholm. 217 B. R. Pratt. 48 Alfred Gustafson. West 3d street intersects. 52 William Mangerson. First Presbyterian church. 52 Archie A. Johnson. 319 Joseph S. Green. Newland avenue intersects. West 4th street intersects. 100 Adolf T. Morgan. 100 August Rose. 405 Frank M. Sherwin. CHAPMAN STREET. From 19 Fenton south to Baker— 6th ward. Left and East Side. No houses. 104 104 106 110 114 C H E R R Y STREET, Cont'd. CLINTON STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 409 Mrs. Helen Wing. 413 Charles H. Monroe. West 5th street intersects. Prendergast Library. West 6th street intersects. Public square. 713 719 719 801 803 805 819 827 West 7th street intersects. William D. Lorenz. Mrs. Johanna Ryan. Mrs. Ellen Welch. Joseph B. Hockenberry. Otis E. Hayward. Martin A. Samuelson. Vacant house. John U. Eckman. C H E R R Y STREET. Right and East Side. Allen Square building. 108 Jamestown Sanitary Co. West 2d street intersects. 206 Adrian S. Ames. 208 Drayman's Headquarters. West 3d street intersects. Gokey building. 318 N. W . Gokey & Sons. 318 Jamestown Electric Light and Power Oo. West 4th street intersects. No houses. West 5th street intersects. 508 Rev. Richard Coyle. SS. Peter and Paul's R. C. church. West 6th street intersects. 606 Delia Reddington. 610 Elmer F. Walker. 612 Helen M. Swift. 612 Mrs. Sarah H. Wood. West 7th street intersects. Adventist church. 718 William E. Davis. West 8th street intersects. 810 John P. Ferrin. 810 Albert H. Harrison. 51 820 Oscar Jacobson. 822 Charles Samuelson. 830 Henry Heitmueller. C H U R C H STREET. From 421 East 2d, north to East 5th. —1st ward. Left and West Side. 5 Orvis A. Relf. East 4th street intersects. First Baptist church. 117 Rev. William P. Hellings. 117 Mrs. Mary J. Rowley. C H U R C H STREET. Right and East Side. No houses. East 4th street intersects. 110 Chaman L. Gamble. 112 Alba M. Kent, Jr. 118 Herbert B. Rowe. 118 C. Reed Sessions. C L A R K AVENUE. From 308 Hall avenue, west.—6th ward. Left and South Side. 5 Albert M. Covey. C L E V E L A N D PLACE. From 20 West 7th, north to West 8th. 2d ward. Left and West Side. 9 Wallace D. Brockway. 11 Daniel F. Keefe. 11 Merle M. Gifford. C L E V E L A N D PLACE. Right and East Side. 10 William P. Horton. C L I N T O N STREET. From opposite Erie Freight depot north to Isabella avenue.—2d ward. Left and West Side. 213 Edward R. Langford. West 3d street intersects. 313 Jay P. Mericle. 315 Fred Simon. C L I N T O N S T R E E T , Cont'd. 52 COLUMBIA AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 317 Manley S. Kelley. West 4th street intersects. 401 Mrs. Euretta L. Woods. West 5th street intersects. 501 Edson W . Dillingham. 503 Paul J. Gentilini. 505 Joseph H. Isbell. 509 Vacant house. CLINTON STREET. Right and East Side. 214 Edwin Williams. West 3d street intersects. 302 Herbert Wiley. 304 Charles E. Wood. 306 Alfred F. Fidler. 308 DeWitt C. Smith. 310 Elton E. Eddy. West 4th street intersects. Public Park. West 5th street intersects. No houses. West 8th street intersects. 840 George H. Norton. C L Y D E STREET. From 365 Stowe, east to Curtis.—5th ward. Left and North Side. 123 Charles E. Moffatt Hotchkiss street intersects. 201 Eugene Cornwell. 225 Berton J. Ryan. 225 Lynn E. Howe. 327 Vacant house. C O L F A X STREET. From 375 Baker, north to Hazeltine avenue.—6th ward. Left and East Side. No houses. Forest street intersects. 23 J. Otto Olson. 27 Charles G. Forsburg. Morton street intersects. 101 John Neilsen. 103 Albert Nodine. 107 Edward Carlton. 109 Charles Longren. 109 Charles Jones. No houses. Newland avenue intersects. 251 Charles Johnson. C O L F A X STREET. Right and West Side. 8 William F. Stoermer. 14 August C. Erickson. 14 John Liepe. 18 Andrew E. Swanson. 18 Nils Hexstrom. 20 Gust Sandberg. 20 Mary Erickson. 30 John F. Hitchener. 126 Nels H. Oberg. Lake street intersects. No houses. Newland avenue intersects. 210 Mrs. Eliza Eddy. 210 Andrew Ek. 262 George Snider. 274 Thomas D. Miller. C O L L E G E STREET. From junction of East 2d and Chandler, south to Erie R. R.—5th ward. Left and East Side. Swedish Zion church. 17 Edward H. Perry. 21 George O. Sampson. 25 Adolph J. Anderson. 25 Mrs. Louise Anderson. 29 Timothy Sunderland. 33 Willis H. Cobb. 37 George V. Blackstone. 41 Joseph R. Hegeman. COLUMBIA AVENUE. From 325 Forest avenue east to Myrtle—3d ward. Left and North Side. 17 August Backman. 17 Charles Anstrom. 19 William H. Scharf. 1J Peter Peterson. 25 George W . Ingham. 25 George Boddy. 29 John Solomonson. 29 Charles Bergman. C O L U M B I A A V E N U E , Cont'd. C R E S C E N T STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. COLUMBIA AVENUE. Right and South Side. 10 James Weiss. 12 George Eckloff. 12 Charles F. Wahlgren. 22 Charles D. Carpenter. 22 Peter M. Lundgren. CONNECTICUT AVENUE. From Baker, between Newland and Hazeltine avenues, west to Hallock.— 6th ward. Grant Ballou. Melvin C. Wiltsie. COOK AVENUE. From 417 Ashville avenue, south to West 3d.—6th ward. Left and East Side. 1 Henry I. Brockway. 9 Charles S. White. 11 Evander J. Swetland. 13 John F. Ellis. West 6th street intersects. 101 Wesley Terwilliger. 137 Malcom W . Smith. COOK AVENUE. Right and West Side. 2 George F. Spencer. 10 Morgan W . Rundell. 12 George H. Munroe. 16 John B. Husband. West 6th street intersects. 100 George C. Jenner. 104 William J. Blood. 108 William L. Slotboom. 112 Willard W . Staub. 122 Frank A. Stilson. C O W D E N PLACE. From 143 Barrett, west to Charles.— 6th ward. Left and South Side. 5 Vacant store. 7 Carlson & Co. 11 Charles M. Peterson. 15 Adolf F. Ekberg. 15 Moses Lidman. 17 Mary Sugden. 21 Charles J. Johnson. 53 C O W I N G STREET. From 1037 East 2d, north to Haywood.—5th ward. Left and West Side. No houses. Falconer street intersects. 109 Clarence A. Imus. C O W I N G STREET. Right and East Side. 6 James M. Little. 10 Edwin F. Oliver. 24 Charles B. Buffington. 24 Fred H. Ostrander. C R A N E STREET. From 31 Foote avenue, east to Center.—5th ward. Left and North Side. 5 William S. Appleyard. 9 Samuel Walker. 9 John W . Holmes. 11 Martin Merz. C R A N E STREET. Right and South Side. 6 E. E. Herrick. 8 Vacant house. 10 James P. Calahane. 10 George W . Lounsberry. C R E S C E N T STREET. From 17 Cross, north east to East 2d, at junction with Buffalo.—5th ward. Left and North Side. 9 Frank H. George. 19 John W . Bolton. 21 Daniel A. Marsh. 21 Mrs. Lavonia Gaunt. 21% Rear.—Mrs. Sarah E. Platner. Winsor street intersects. 107 Mrs. Maria Conant. 113 Lars A. Johnson. 115 Mrs. Ester Hilton. 129 Mrs. Martha E. Nelson. 131 James E. Howes. 133 George W . Eddington. 133 Martin Rosedahl. Cheney street intersects. 203 Edward Benson. 203 Fritz Benson. C R E S C E N T S T R E E T , Cont'd. 54 211 213 217 225 231 237 241 243 245 247 249 CR )SBY S T R E E T . J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Emil 0. Tender. Mrs. Jennie M. Patric. Benedict Morse. George Bebb. Samuel J. Bailey. Charles A. Anderson. Charles A. Jones. John P. Johnson. Anna L. Anderson. Swan F. Johnson. Mrs. Ezoa A. Smith. South Thayer street intersects. 293 August Hultberg. 293 Harvey Sturdevant 295 George C. Little. 297 Marshall Eggleston. 299 Hans P. Swanson. 301 Mrs. Jane E. Churchill. 303 Axel Reynolds. 303 Mrs. Christine Peterson. 305 Mrs. Sarah J. Stoner. Quarry road intersects. 475 Charles Peterson. Kipp street intersects. 501 John Jones. \ 501 Henry Hultgren. 539 Samuel Daw'son. 541 Oscar Nelson. C R E S C E N T STREET. Right and South Side. 6 Benjamin F. VanDusen. 6 Theodore F. VanDusen. 12 Charles J. Johnson. 14 Frank A. Day. 14 Mrs. Mary G. Swanson. 16 Deddrick Green. Winsor street intersects. 106 Charles G. White. 108. Mrs. Harriet S. Williams. 108 Mrs. Delia Hollenbeck. 118 Thomas Lemm. 118% William N. Weidner. 122 Samuel A. Harrison. 124 Herman A. Westcott. 124 Henry H. Chase. Cheney street intersects. 210 Vacant house. 218 George A. Johnston. 218 Walter Hey. 218% John Rosendahl. 218% Joseph H. Topper. 224 A. August Johnson. 226 Gustaf S. Swanson. 234 Walter Hitchcock. 236 Charles W . Morgan. 238 Mrs. Christine Anderson. 242 Charles Holm. 246 Andrew L. Johnson. 246 Mrs. Jennie Johnson. 246 Louis Vincent 252 Vacant house. 254 Mrs. Marie Oden. 258 Vacant house. 260 Oil refinery. Quarry road intersects. 492 Mrs. Mary E. Smith. 492 Alex Trainor. 494 Charles Anderson. 494 Gustaf Erickson. 494 Gustaf Gustafson. 502 John Manson. 504 Andrew G. Bloom. 504 Mrs. E m m a E. Brown. 516 Mrs. Charlotta Gustafson. 520 Mrs. Margaret Shanahan. 520 Mrs. Christine Anderson. CROSBY STREET. From opposite 500 East 6th, north to East 9th.—1st ward. Left and West Side.. 101 Reuben E. Williams. 101 Mrs. Adelle Towle. 105 Frank E. Shearman. Ill Daniel F. Persell. Ill Mrs. Mary E. Jones. 115 Oren Howe. East Sth street intersects. 221 George F. Lods. 221 Edward D. Lloyd. 225 James H. Price. 229 Horace A. Putnam. CROSBY STREET. Right and East Side. 8 Dr. Henry Neville. C R O S B Y S T R E E T , Cont'd. C R O S S M A N STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 10 14 16 20 20 24 24 26 26 John Tweedale. Mrs. Honora Quigley. Henry A. Parker. Eugene A. Post. Mrs. Anna Southland. Frederick McCullough. Mrs. Johanna Muldoon. Riley W . Heaton. Riley Briggs. East 7th street intersects. 100 Clayton A. Rugg. 106 Samuel Garfield. 112 John C. Ketchum. 112 James S. McCallum. 116 Jesse B. Jones. East 8th street intersects. 202 John W . Briggs. 202 Mrs. E m m a Lindquist. 206 Bina E. Darling. 206 Harry M. Kendall. 206 William L. Smith. 210 Eliza Jacobs. 216 Ditmars Annis. 218 Scott E. Baker. 224 Clifton D. Hollenbeck. 230 George M. Thompson. 230 Mary Townsend. CROSS S T R E E T . From 600 East 2d, south to Erie R. R.—5th ward. Left and East Side. 7 Mrs. Mary Wood. 13 Mrs. Matilda Peterson. 13 Otto Peterson. 17 Henry C. Hitchcock. 17 Mrs. Lucy A. Barrows. Cheney street intersects. 33 Robert Wilson. Chandler street intersects. 109 Orlando J. Sturdevant. 115 Gene Wright. 117 Andrew P. Lawson. 121 Otto Peterson. CROSS S T R E E T . Right and West Side. 6 Orestes J. Thatcher. 12 Mrs. Mary Galusha. 20 24 30 36 40 112 112 112 116 116 122 55 Jonas A. Lind. Alonzo Halladay. E. Frank Farman. Mrs. Margaret J. Hazeltine. Walter I. Blystone. Chandler street intersects. Victor Johnson. Mrs. Clara Johnson. Frank Nelson. Emory J. Blakesley. John A. Townend. Daniel Pryde. CR.OSSMAN S T R E E T . From 880 Main, east to Bowen.—1st and 5th wards. Left and North Side. 15 Richard D. Pickard. 15 Allen Pickard. 10 Carl LaSalle. 23 John H. Wilson. 10b William B. Jones. Ill A d a m Ports. 115 Mrs. Anna Fenton. Prendergast avenue intersects. 211 Wilbur B. Wood. 215 Elliott A. Fenton. 221 Fritz Brugge. 223 Henry C. Marvin. 227 Rev. Levi W . Norton. Lake View avenue intersects. 321 Edward L. Underwood. 325 Andrew J. Bowen. 339 Nelson H. Hill. 329 Mrs. Hannah M. Wilkins. C R O S S M A N STREET. Right and South Side. 12 Jay Pickard. 14 Edward B. Hildum. 16 Henry A. Stumpf. 24 Anson Hansen. Spring street intersects. 108 Max Corcelius. Prendergast avenue intersects. 212 George F. Hale. 212 Harry C. Mills. 214 George R. Butts. CROSSMAN STREET, Cont'd. 56 218 218 220 220 DERBY STREET. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. Max Stetson. Julius Foht. James L. McGill. Charles M. Brown. Lake View avenue intersects. 3J0 Edwin B. Dewey. 312 Glenn P. Phillips. 316 Patrick Moran. 338 William H. Miller. 340 N. Allison Graham. G R O W N STREET. From 311 Barrett, west to Sampson. —6th ward. Right and North Side. 12 Gust Peterson. 18 Axel Nelson. 18 Theodore D. Sundell. 20 Fred Holmberg. 24 Charles L. Hultberg. 24 Gust Hendrickson. 34 John Wenberg. 34 Axel Lawson. Charles street intersects. 114 Fred Hulquist. 114 Frank Skaglund. 118 John Anderson. CULVER STREET. From 115 Steele, south.—6th ward. Left and East Side. 11 John B. Benson. CULVER STREET. 'Right and West Side. 12 Christ Marker. CURTIS STREET. From 1083 East 2d, northwest—5th ward. Left and West Side. No houses. Falconer street intersects. 109 William W . Conic. Clyde avenue intersects. Myron A. Fish. Abel Maddox. Richard Leroy. CURTIS STREET. Right and East Side. No houses. Falconer street intersects. 112 Vacant house. DAVIS STREET. From 51 Newton, north to Buffalo.— 5th ward. Right and East Side. 16 Peter Ha.mmergren. 20 John Johnson. 20 Andrew Anderson. DEARING AVENUE. From 703 Falconer, north to Frink avenue.—5th ward. Left and West Side. 135 John Nordin. D E L A W A R E AVENUE. From 407 Baker, south to Newland avenue.—6th ward. Left and East Side. 11 John A. Carlson. 19 John P. Danielson. DERBY STREET. From 123 S. Main, east to outlet— 3d ward. Left and North Side. 17 Darwin E. Hayward. 19 Edgar E. Myers. 21 William J. Murphy. 23 Mrs. Cora Dracksley. 25 Mrs. Hannah E. Anderson. 27 Fred Rockwell. 27 William Peterson. 31 Alton E. Hazeltine. 35 Edward E. Gifford. 41 George W. Beardsley. DERBY STREET. Right and South Side. 20 Guy W. Wynn. 20 T. Henry Black. 22 Mrs. Lillie F. Gilbert. 24 Louis B. Smith. 24 Walter W. 'Grant 26 Stephen L. Rice. 28 Charles T. Person. 28 Ray E. Drake. 30 Philander Weaver. 30% Ralph C. Davis. 32 William H. Walker. D E R B Y S T R E E T , Cont'd. E A S T B U F F A L O STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 34 Robert Breckenridge. 36 Frank E. Hanchett. D E X T E R STREET. From 1017 East 2d, north to Falconer. 5th ward. Right and East Side. 12 Vacant house. 24 James Little. D I C K E R S O N STREET. From 1015 Main, west to Marvin.— 2d ward. Left and South Side. 7 Labert W . Deming. 9 Zachariah Norton. 13 Gust Folker. 15 Andrew L. Wilcox. 17 William Smith. 21 Mrs. Lida Bennett. 25 Alpine A. Stewart. 33 William E. Miller. 35 Alfred Johnson. 39 Dennis Lee. 63 William K. Harns. 65 Grant King. D I C K E R S O N STREET. Right and North Side. 8 John N. Halladay. 14 Loren S. Gibson. 16 William A. Harriger. 16 George S. Ellis. 24 David J. Stewart. 26 John M. Johnson. 28 Elijah W . Ford. 32 James M. Hill. 40 James L. Brown. 46 William T. Wright. 66 Arthur Hall. 68 Edison D. Marsh. DICKINSON A V E N U E . From opposite 1398 East 2d north. Right and East Side. 112 Vacant house. DRIVING P A R K ROAD. From 1200 East 2d, east to Blackstone avenue.—5th ward. Left and North Side. 9 Vacant house. 13 Adelbert Morgan. 57 115 Christoffer Stapleton. DRIVING P A R K R O A D . Right and South Side. 120 Mrs. Lucy R. Eighmey. E A G L E STREET. From 317 Willard, north to Benedict —4th ward. Left and West Side. 9 Andrew Benson. 11 Carl O. Traff. 23 Swan A. Swanson. 27 Swan Booberg. 47 Charles G. Bergman. 57 John P. Bloomquist. 77 Charles E. Bergdahl. 89 Axel Bloomquist. E A G L E STREET. Right and East Side. 10 Mrs. Anna Hult. 10 Gustaf Hult. 16 Samuel E. Burgquist 16 John Johnson. 22 John F. Peterson. 32 Oscar T. Olson. 42 John A. Rahm. 48 William J. Haynes. 56 Gust Nelson. 56 David Anderson. 76 Charles A. Johnson. 80 John E. Erickson. 86 Otto F. Bloomquist. 86 Gust Peterson. EARL AVENUE. From 428 Hallock west to city line— 6th ward. Right and North Side. 6 Edward Eaton. E A S T B U F F A L O STREET. From opposite 1001 East 2nd, east to limits.—5th and 4th wards. Left and North Side. 51 Parker D. Strickland. Blackstone avenue intersects. Erie tracks intersect. 71. Charles Hagberg. 91 William H. LaRoy. 229 Andrew Venman. E A S T B U F F A L O STREET, Cont'd. 58 259 265 265 285 2.S5 E A S T FIFTH STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Frank E. Anderson. Gust A. Seagren. Nels Hanson. John Johnson. Andrew A. Johnson. E A S T B U F F A L O STREET. Right and South Side. 4 Charles A. Carlson. 6 Mrs. Anna Hougberg. 20 Charles Carlson. 26 William G. Luce. 30 J. Henry Ayers. So George W . Jones. 3S Byron Crumb. Erie tracks intersect. No houses. 180 Richard Pratt. 210 Mrs. Mary Motley. 230 Thomas Pratt. 248 Katherine M. Lynch. 262 Thomas S. Mahoney. 270 James McAvoy. 280 Thomas Shanahan. E A S T D I C K E R S O N STREET. From opposite 1015 Main east to Prendergast avenue.—1st ward. Left and North Side. 9 M. Miller. 11 William H. Mullen. 11 Joseph Flickerson. E A S T E I G H T H STREET. From 714 Main, east to Grant.—1st ward. Left and North Side. " Perrin F. Lewis. 7 Charles F. Lewis. 11 Charles Ohnstiand. 11 Nels Olson. 17 Robert Brady. 21 Mrs. Mary Hancock. 21 Mrs. Anna M. Sellvin. Spring street intersects. 105 James C. Peterson. 107 Fred A. Jones. Ill Merritt Batchelder. 113 Ellsworth W . Jones. Prendergast avenue intersects. 217 Mrs. Caroline Branney. Fulton place intersects. 221 Ernest H. Cook. 225 Henry C. Price. Fulton street intersects. 301 Henry L. Chamberlain. Lake View avenue intersects. No houses. Crosby street intersects. 513 Edward M. Smith. 5:L Gust Ohberg. 5? 7 Vacant house. Lincoln street intersects. 609 Benjamin S. Dean. 611 John F. Dearing. 613 Osmer O. Link. 613 Adelbert D. Dewey. E A S T E I G H T H STREET. Right and South Side. Pine street intersects. Branch school No. 1. Spring street intersects. 100 James M. Quinlan. 100 Ernest A. Gossett. 100 George W . Potter. 108 William W . Slone. 108 Clarence A. Slone. Prendergast avenue intersects. 212 William R. Jones. Fulton street intersects. 300 Richard Welch. Lake View avenue intersects. 408 Charles H. Bushey. Crosby street intersects. 516 Mrs. Jane E. Dearing. Lincoln street intersects. 612 Vacant house. E A S T FIFTH STREET. From 416 Main east to East 2d—1st ward. Left and North Side. 15 George H. Ahrens. Pine street intersects. Ill Morris N. Bemus. 117 George S. Gifford. Spring street intersects. 205 Samuel Briggs. E A S T F I F T H S T R E E T , Cont'd. E A S T FIRST S T R E E T . J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 307 311 317 317 333 337 351 405 411 411 417 417 417 427 503 513 521 525 529 529 529 533 537 539 545 100 100 104 210 316 334 342 352 356 Prendergast avenue intersects. Christian Gossett. Adolph G. Schurter. Claude D. Trask. John Peregrine. Fulton street intersects. Parochial school. Moses E. VanWert. Edward L. Gossett. A. Flynn Kent. Harry R. Lewis. Liberty street intersects. Frank R. Reidell. Phineas Crossman. James Weller. Radcliff Nobles. J. Bert Bush. George G. Nutter. Mrs. Silva M. Page. Lincoln street intersects. George E. Maltby. Mrs. Violet Cameron. Fred Briggs. Mrs. Hannah Cluney. Luther M. Butman. Arthur E, Moore. Julius H. Christian. Fayette H. Pickett. George J. Welshofer. C Harvey Kilburn. Austin H. Stafford. EAST FIFTH STREET. Right and South Side. N o houses. Pine street intersects. Mrs. Sarah Bemus. Thomas F. Rowley. Edward M. Mackey. Spring street intersects. Edwin A. Bradshaw. Prendergast avenue intersects. Charles C. Wilson. Frederick W . Hyde. Edward A. Peterson. Frank E. Sessions. Mrs. Cordelia B. Snow. Church street intersects. 404 408 412 412 418 418 426 428 59 Mrs. Ellen D. Jones. Elisha B. Grover. William O. Hawkes. Mrs. Jenny G. Winsor. Emil O. Rohde. Frederick London. Mrs. Jennie Temple. Mrs. Ellen Beede. East street intersects. 500 Hezekiah H. Williams. 504 Thomas W . St. John. 508 Mrs. Anna E. Knapp. 508 Mrs. Melissa B. Roberts. 514 Mrs. Florence R. Carpenter. 516 Ruggles E. Post. 516 Louis Smith. E A S T FIRST S T R E E T . From 38 Main east to Institute. Left and North Side. 4 Samuel B. Lewin. 5 Gilbert Strong. 7 Anderson & Millner. 9 A. A. Stewart. 11-13 Moore Bros. 17-27 Opera House block. 17 James C. Bateman. 17 Mrs. Carrie L. Dunham. 17 Harry Owens. Pine street intersects. 109-123 Broadhead Worsted mills. Stillers alley intersects. 201 Jerry Sweet. 201 Mrs. Hulda E. Brown. 201 Levi L. Pier. 21.5 Mrs. Mary B. Miller. 219 D. A. Farm & Son. 219 Daniel A. Farm. 223 Ralph E. Jones. 223 Charles L. Detine. E A S T FIRST S T R E E T . Right and South Side. 12 W . L. Slotboom. 28-30 D. H. Grandin. 102-126 William Broadhead & Sons. 102-126 Broadhead Worsted mills. 202-214 Jamestown Gas Co. (works). 216 Erick Hedlund. E A S T FIRST S T R E E T , Cont'd. 60 220 220 220 222 222 222 EAST N I N T H STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Mrs. Glatia H. Brewer. Mrs. Mary Brockman. Michael L. Boyle. Walter W . Hollister. Margaret Quinevlan. William C. Griffin. EAST F O U R T H STREET. From 322 Main east to East 2d—lsl ward. Left and North Side. St. Luke's church. Pine street intersects. 101 Shelden B. Broadhead. Spring street intersects. 203 Jerome Preston. 213 William H. Proudfit. Prendergast avenue intersects. 305 Alva M. Kent. 315 Mrs. Eliza L. Cook. 323 Mrs. S. Jennie Hall. 329 Milton H. Clark. 333 Sydney Jones. 339 George S. Tuckerman. 347 Edgar P. Putnam. 351 Arthur C. Wade. 353 Mrs. Anna L. Fairbanks. First Baptist church. Church street intersects. 401 Mrs. Caroline E. Brown. 401 Henri LeF. Brown. 409 William Hjorth. 415 Edward Shaver. 423 Charles G. Storey. 423 Halbert Eddy. East street intersects. 433 Oliver F. Chase. 433 Mrs. Eunice D. White. EAST F O U R T H STREET. Right and South Side. 2 J. E. Almy. 2 Mrs. Maggie Wasser. S George H. Ahrens. 10 Edward Morgan. 12 Charles W . Herrick. 14 James T. Larmonth. 16 Charles F. Shults. 18 Jabez Whitley. Deluge engine house 1. Pine street intersects. 116 Mrs. H. Almira Davis. Spring street intersects. Central Branch school. 310 William C. Briggs. First Church of Christ, Scientist. Prendergast avenue intersects. 316 Rev. Albert L. Smalley. 322 Edward C. Bailey. 328 John Woodward. 332 George Murray Colville 340 Albert F. Hazeltine. 344 Mrs. Hettie Butler. 352 Hurley L. Phillips. 356 John H. Prather. 356% William Foster. 356% George V. Trantum. 358 John T. Yates. 358 Mrs. Margaret Klock. 362 Walton J. Weeks. Church street intersects. 402 Chauncey T. Miller. 402 Frank E. Gould. 404 Clinton B. Winsor. 410 Frank A. Wilcox. EAST N I N T H STREET. From 850 Prendergast avenue east to Winsor.—1st ward. Left and North Side. 5 Frank F. Leet. 9 David W . Prosser. 11 Henry C. Leet. 13 Vacant house. 15 Fred Menhenick. 19 William Bealer. Lake View avenue intersects. 123 Mrs. Violeta Widrig. 131 N. Victor Nelson. 135 Fred A. Price. 139 Elias S. Clark. 143. John J. Beurstrom. 147 William G. Purdy. 151 Thomas Mahoney. 159 William Linford. 163 William H. Linford. E A S T N I N T H S T R E E T , Cont'd. EAST SECOND STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. EAST N I N T H STREET. Right and South Side. N o houses. Fulton street intersects. 18 Mathias C. Holmes. Lake View avenue intersects. No houses. Crosby street intersects. 134 John A. Burch. 136 William L. Dorman. Lincoln street intersects. 160 Rev. Randolph Worthington. Grant street intersects. 170 Rev. Walter A. Sellew. EAST SECOND STREET. From before 200 Main northeast to city limits—1st and 5th wards. Left and North Side. 5 Dr. Abraham H. Bowers. 7 Engstrom & Co. 7 Charles E. Giles. 7 % L. 0. Wittfeldt 9 N e w England Kitchen. 9% James E. Tocsan. 11 Herman A. Johnson. 11 B. Anderson. 11 Philip Snyder. 13 Harris Bros. 13 J. R. Hegeman. Mrs. Percy E. Brown. 15-21 Bush block. 15 F. E. Wallace. John Mann. John J. Chambers. Frank M. Fox. 17 A. Anderson. 19 Innis & Faurot. 21 Axel F. Johnson. Pine street intersects. 101-111 Vandergrift Building. 101 G. G. Webb. 101 M. Arnson. George H. Ahrens. Henry W . Odell. Cairo Oil Co. Mrs. Alice Spencer. John H. Neill. 61 103 C. J. Anderson. Pearl A. Butts. Mrs. Phoebe L. Richards. 105 Chase & Son. Axel F. Johnson. Frank H. Burr. Andrew Lockwood. 107 Henderson & Lincoln. Leonard G. Cowing. Mrs. Nancy P. Bartlett. 109 O. Stranburg. Clifton 'B. Corell. Ill Norquist & Nord Furniture Co. Dr. Alfred T. Livingston. John E. Penfold. Oliver B. Butler. 113-21 Jones block. 113 Grover & Fenner. Andrew P. Jones. Peter Scott 115 John Heintz. George A. Darke. 117 Charles F. Wahlgren. John C. Thompson. Charles A. Johnson. 119-21 Grange Hotel. Spring street intersects. 201-207 Amidon Block. 201 M. E. Johnson. Charles M. Nichols. Chester F. Terry. George B. Brookins. 203 Swanson & Youngquist. Frank R. Hoon. 205 Peterson Bros. F. Adelbert Mills. Fred E. Armitage. Egbert R. Clark. William C. Marvin. 207 Mrs. Mollie K. Winters. George A. Harris. 209 Vacant store. 211 David Sampson. Mrs. Ellen Black. Gust Gustafson. 213-23 Vacant hotel. Prendergast avenue intersects. 303 Fred E. Hatch. E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. 62 306 315 317 323 325 327 329 331 333 335 337 E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. William A. Blackstone. Corisande E. Fenton. Mrs. Elizabeth Hartson. Louisa I. Burlin. Mrs. Helen E. Hopkins. Theodore E. Hopkins. Rhierson S. Stillman. Samuel Palmiter. Mrs. Elsie Palmer. Lawrence A. Fenton. Leopold Lessord. East 3d street intersects. First M. E. church. 411 Vacant house. 417 Mrs. Ann S. Vanderburgh. 417 Edwin J. Ashwell. 421 John T. Wilson. 421 Frank W . Cadwell. Church street intersects. 503 Mrs. Mary W . Baker. 507 Charles A. Fleming. 511 William Briggs. 517 James W . Collopy. 525 Robert T. Hazzard. East 4th street intersects. 543 Henry W . Watson. 543 James D. Arird. 543 Harry J. LeBeouf. 547 Albert Johnson. 551 Edwin W . Barker. 557 Dr. Alva F. Ward. 559 Almond B. Hamilton. 561 E. C. Frick. 563 Flynn J. Ferguson. 563 A. Jesse Landon. 567 James P. Sanders. East 5th street intersects. 617 Mrs. M. Frances Peirce. 621 Alonzo Devoe. 633 Frank W . Davis. Winsor street intersects. 701 Clark H. Rawson. 703 Charles F. Munson. 711 John C. Davis. 713 George Caskey. 713 Howard Rodgers. 713% Desa V. Coe. 715 719 723 723 731 739 741 741 757 757 763 763 771 771 775 779 781 741 783 783 787 787 801 811 815 821 837 841 845 859 897 913 919 921 921 929 937 937 937 937 937 937 Emery A. Ross. John Sandgren. Mrs. Mary'A. Mitchell. George P. Chase. John J. Bowen. Vacant house. John H. Randolph. William M. Sweeney. Thure Ekedahl. Claus Sundgren. Bowen street intersects. Andrew F. Peterson. Elmer L. Davis. Labor exchange. F. P. Williams. Eric S. Vestlund. August C. Johnson. Vacant shop. John H. Randolph. William Lundquist. Mrs. Louisa Johnson. John A. Brandt. Fred Lind. Thayer street intersects. Matthew Nash. Vacant house. James L. Wample. Stowe street intersects. Gustaf Brandin. Eli P. Clark. Charles R. Vandervoort. Weeks street intersects. M. D. Barry. Vacant house. Jeffords street intersects. Mrs. Mariette F. Jeffords. Kipp street intersects. Bartie R. Hiller. John W . Winslow. Fred A. Brightman. Sidney J. Heatn. Walter P. Frink. Champlin street intersects.. Vacant store. George Carpenter. Daniel R. Tracy. Mrs. A. Brown. Lyman Turkey. F. G. Vandewark. E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 930 941 949 949 953 Mrs. Sarah McCluskey. George H. Houghton. John Neff. George Jackson. East Jamestown house. Buffalo street intersects. 1001 P. L. Eaton. 1009 Solomon Jones. 1017 Andrew Hall. Dexter street intersects. 1027 Philo O. Sherwin. 1029 D o w M. Jackson. 1035 H. Lewis Kelsey. 1037 Alonzo C. Pickard. Cowing street intersects. 1061 George H. Ingerson. 1075 Axel Jones. 1083 Mrs. Emily H. Smith. Curtis street intersects. 1091 David Frick. Public school No. 7. 1111 Mrs. Louise Hotchkiss. 1249 Joseph V. Johnson. Woodlawn avenue intersects. 1301 Vacant house. 1333 Horace A. Vining. Dakota avenue intersects. 1345 Storm Bent'ey. 1381 Gustavus Adolphus Orphanage. Dickinson avenue intersects. City limits. EAST SECOND STREET. Right and South Side. 2-8 Tew-Fenton block. 10 A. C. Ljungberg. George H. Kurtz. Willis A. Neff. Charles Crowther. 12 Henry Johnson. Dr. C. J. Phillips. 14 A. F. Westrom. John Long. Charles Gron. Louis H. Snow. 16 Anderson & Wemple. 18-24 Opera house block. 18 G. W . Lindholm. 20 C. Sundberg. 20 Samuels' opera house. Jamestown Bill Posting Co. 63 Dr. L. H. Snow, rooms 1-2. Willibald Lehmann, room 4. Dr. E. A. Jones, room 6. Leif Erickson lodge room. 22-4 C. H. Peterson. 22-4 Casino. Pine street intersects. 100 M. A. Lockwood. 100-2 Charles Gron. 104 Milwaukee Bottling Co. 106-10 The Frederick. 106 Lewis Bottini. 108 Vacant store. Robert M: Brown, section 1. George W . Reader, section 2. Mark I. Green, section 3. Mrs. Emily A. Cordullas, section 4 G. Adelbert Wilkinson, sections 5-8. Vacantflats,sections 6-9. Frederick G. Bush, section 10. Delbert D. Sutton, section 11. 110 C. O. Jones. 112-14 C. A. Ahlstrom. 116 Henry T. Brown. 118 Option House. 118 George P. Frey. 120-2 City Hotel. 120-2 Altice & Welshofer. 124 J. Bert Terry. Rowland Stafford. 126 Henry Guenther. Charles W . Manchester. Will H. Neill. 128 Vaughn Bros. William W . Vaughn. James C McLean. 204-210 Fenton Block. 204 W . W . Staub. Jabez Giles. Horace I. Hart. 206 Fray & Stone. 206 F. A. Segerdahl. Fred S. Stilwell. Hiram R. Washburn. Stiles C. Hall. 208 J. G. Wiggins. 208 Olson, Johnson & Co. Charles H. Wolcott Mrs. E m m a C. Evans. 210 Vacant store room. E A S T S E C O N D STREET, Cont'd. 64 E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Mrs. Kate E. Campbell. John Heald (basement.) 212-18 M. L. Fenton block. 212 Ely & Blanchard. Frank E. Reed (basement). Carl A. F. Holmquist. Mrs. Dora Rouse. 214 Phillips & Brown. George E. Kimball. 216-18 Jamestown Co-operative Supply Co. Joseph Innis. Mrs. Caroline Riley. 220-24 McLean Block. 220-224 William McLean. Erastus W . Smith. LeVern Gregg. Walter Palmer. 228 C. M. Johnson. 230 Jens Jakobsen. 298 J. W . Wilson. William M. Cooper. Vacant store. 300 Elof Wicander. 302 John K. Ahlquist. 302 Mrs. Etta Wilcox. 304 James Davey. 306 H. Sayers. 308 Mrs. J. Ellener. 308 James A. H a m m . 310 John Margerison. 310 Marshall A. Jones. Institute street intersects. High school buildings. College street intersects. Chandler street intersects. Ind. Congregational church. 504 George W . Sharpe. 508 Mrs. Katherine H. Baker. 512 C. Perry Harris. 516 Charles E. Parks. 528 A. Frank Jenks. 532 Mrs. L. Antoinette Williams. 536 Harry J. Newman. 536 Cyrus W . Sheldon. 540 John B. Alden. 550 Immanuel Lutheran church. 550 Rear, Charles Lindstrom. 554 Herbert Whiteman. 554 August Dahlquist. 556 Rev. Peter Martinson. 562 562 562 564 564 564 Fred B. Strunk. George Howard. Walter Peate. Tracy K. Price. James Holmes. Elliot C. Blystone. Cross street intersects. 600 Samuel Lundquist. 600 E. W . Sprague. 608 William H. Chick. 610 Frank K. Merrill. 610 Henry G. Crawford. 612 Michael L. Barrett. 614 James E. Bush. 618 Mrs. Christine Hultberg. 624 Vacant house. 626 Vacant house. 628 Charles Rickard. 632 Olson & Turner. Frank W . Davis. 634 Peter A. Drots. Winsor street intersects. 700 F. Oscar Peterson. 700 J. B. Wheelock, Jr. James Holmes. Merton E. Lyon. Richard W . Jull. 702 Brandt & Carlson. 704 Vacant store. 704 Rear, Daniel Marsh. 706 Vacant store. 708 R. H. Humphrey. 710-14 Munson & Waite. 716 Max. M. Werner. 718 Mason Bros. 734 Clinton F. Kimberly. 734 Edwin Kimberly. Cheney street intersects. 744 Dr. Corydon A. Rugg. 748 Gust Lawson. 750 Mrs. Agnes Harrocks. 752 Sarah Benedict. 756 John E. Lawson. 756 John W . Ostrom. 756 John Greenlund. 760 August Rask. 760 Magnus Anderson. 764 Gust T. Johnson. 764 Antone Bergwall. 764 Martin V. Young. 768 Joseph A. Bergwall. E A S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. EAST S E V E N T H STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 774 774 774 776 780 784 784 786 786 786 788 788 788 790 790 790 792 John E. Kase. F. Byford. J. B. Swanson. George Preston. Carl O. Peterson. August J. Johnson. Alfred Peterson. Mrs. Anna Olson. Frank E. Carlson. Gust Wallene. Carl Paulson. Charies C. Scholine. Albert Johnson. Andrew G. Carlson. Emil Shellberg. Addison E. Reynolds. August Barkman. South Thayer street intersects. 800 Dr. Alfred T. Livingston. 802 Albert Leburg. 812 Gust Clint. 812 John Erickson. 812 John Hawkins. 814 Mrs. Johanna Hawkinson. 814 Frank E. Burns. 816 John O'Brien. 820 John B. Swanson. 820 Joseph Hartley. 820 Andrew Erickson. Bishop street intersects. 840 Adelbert J. Fleming. 840 Calvin B'anchard. 842 John D. Chapman. 842 William Kinsel. 868 Charles O. Enderson. Quarry road intersects. 872 Joseph Smith. 884 James Doyle. 886 Wilbur M. Jones. 898 Edward Mahoney. 912 Charles W . Swanson. 912 P. John Gronberg. 914 Jeffords hose house. 926 Mrs. Cenia A. Hooker. 930 James Dunderdale. 932 Carlton G. Hoyt. 952 James H. Clark. East Buffalo street intersects. 1026 Jamestown Parlor Table Co. 1050 George H. Houghton. 1054 William H. Beardsley. 1058 David Swiver. 65 1062 Frank E. Arnold. 1070 Harrison Covey. Stafford street intersects. 1088 Franklin E. Flagg. Driving park road intersects. 1200 I. Hardwick. Driving Park hotel. 1208 Albert James. 1210 Vacant house. 1276 Willard F. LeRoy. 1310 Vacant factory. 1370 Willis C. Cady. 1388 D. Earl Stilson. 1390 Elias B. Stilson. 1398 Grant Perry. E A S T S E V E N T H STREET. From 612 Main, east to Winsor.—1st ward. Left and North Side. 1 John Hayes. 3 William J. Rogers. 3 Mrs. Estella F. Russell. Not open to- Crosby street intersection. 509 Edward H. Chase. 511 Rev. John Robinson. 515 Free Methodist church. Lincoln street intersects. 603 Thomas J. Pierce. 603 Warren Thayer. 605 Henry Scofield. 609 Lemuel C. Reed. 613 Patrick F. Duffy. EAST SEVENTH STREET. Right and South Side. No houses. Pine street intersects. Not open to Crosby street intersection. 508 George E. Merrill. 508 Mrs. Olive E. Merrill. 510 Perry D. Lindholm. Lincoln street intersects. 612 Emerson Goodrich. 616 Augustus F. Moses. 616 Rebecca A. Newton. Grant street intersects. 718 Charles W . Jones. 722 Eugene Wells. 726 Milo Van Namee. E A S T SIXTH STREET. 66 EAST THIRD STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. E A S T SIXTH STREET. From 518 Main east to Winsor—1st ward. Left and North Side. 1 Pennock & Son. 1 Marion S. Speer. 3 Mrs. Hattie B. Love. 17 Charles W . Mace. Pine street intersects. 103 David Wilson Immel. 107 Mrs. Joanna B. Keeler. Ill Myron H. Botsford. 117 Edgar W . Stephens. Spring street intersects. 201 George B. Pitts. 209 John P. Pennock. 21? Charles A. Ahlstrom. 217 Robert T. Logan. Prendergast avenue intersects. 307 Henry T. Trampleasure. 311 Albert Griffith. 315 William D. Bowen. Fulton street intersects. •403 James N. Wyckoff. Lake View avenue intersects. 429 Mrs. Mary Crosby. Crosby street intersects. 513 Mrs. Rose McCormick. 519 Charles C Peterson. Lincoln street intersects. 603 Mrs. Lettie Briner. 603 Mrs. Sarah Haycook. 621 Charles Lundquist. Grant street intersects. 627 Rovillus R. Rogers. 6S9 Louis Krempin. 641 Fred Young. 641 George York. 64Fi Thomas B. Smith. 649 Carl E. Anderson. 653 Fred D. VanNamee. 663 Mrs. Rachael Willard. E A S T S I X T H STRET. Right and South Side. N o houses. Pine street intersects. 110 Mrs. Ruth R. Fenner. Spring street intersects. N o houses. Prendergast avenue intersects. 300 Edson L. West. 310 Allen R. Pharo. 316 Vacant house. Fulton street intersects. 400 Marcus L. Ford. 408 Fred P. Todd. 412 Charles S. Keeler. 412 William A. Keeler. 418 Vacant house. 422 Austin J. Fulton. 424 Mrs. Jeanette M. Smith. 428 Mrs. Ellen C. Ramsdell. 432 Will L. Warner. Liberty street intersects. 500 Thomas H. Smith. 500 Palmer K. Shankland. 512 Charles Haliker. 518 Linford Cut Glass Co. Lincoln street intersects. 606 Richard N. Wickfield. 614 Charles A. Morley. 616 William H. Ingham. 616 James S. Scott. 616 Mrs. Maggie Kilbow. 620 Richard E. Toothill. 62:- David W . Palmer. 628 John Wheelhouse. 632 John Heald. 632 Thomas Heald. 632 Mrs. Sarah Ann Wilson. 636 Mrs. Sadie Lewis. 636 Henry Huntington. 640 Clarence S. Hale. 640 Leonard Barth. 644 John A. Peterson. 644 Fred Nelson. 64I Albert Smith. 648 Emerson M. Traver. 650 Julius Hodgson. 654 John Walburg. E A S T STREET. From 423 East 4th, north to East 5th. —1st ward. Right and East Side. 4 Everett D. Johnson. EAST THIRD STREET. From 222 Main, east to junction with East 2d. E A S T T H I R D STREET, Cont.31 ; ;-T EASfE*1TFHR-ff1STREET,iI(!;bht'd>A3 "^JAMESTOWN1 §<MEE1>' DIRECTORY. er Left^d'North Side1.1'-' Spring street- interse^s.-" 1'- -:A 3 'FrahirMa'rcello.'' ' ' '-'"'-'3 211 Jamestown Plumbing & JBeatinig 5 Clarlf Brcis: •-•''"•: •' Co. ••>'•:,<;•• i ; .W > ,: 7 E. R. Langford.' '"' 'J f'-;- J 213 Vacant house. ,o: f.i^S, a I ' i William1 H. Harris.'1" "-' ;' ' 215/,tfasoJf<Woadhead.-: ,Y •.-;•'?•: ;?• r Smith1 & Johnson 'Bros. - '• -' 215 Olive E. Davis.,i:,,, . . -; B. P.O.AS.'h&V.-1'•"''•' i: ' e217. '< Mrst Eliza E. EvanSi ,.,.; 6. ApR.'Sail/' '•' ; •" "•' ' Prendergast avenue Intersects. 9 ' William Bealer & 'Son. '•' ' •-'Firdt; Congregational churfeh. Mrs. 'Martha E. Grove. ' ' 331 Mrs. Julia H. Yates: '- ' 11 ' Fred'S. Marsh.' 331 Clare A1. Pickard. ' J. W . Butterfield &. Brp.-; ' 339 Mrs.-'fiannah E.;Whitney. - ' JJ'rank E. Sessions! 345'' M.- E. parsonage. Charles S. Grover! ; Firs i M . E. church. ' '• i)j\"E. M. 'Scofield.' : EAST:THIRD STREET; ' L. 1?., Shedd. Right and South Side. 13-15 Jones block. 2-8 Gifford block. s 13 H. M. Gage. , . '2 Swetland & Anderson/ 15' J. W . Graff, • • Alvin B. Riee. ' ; ' • 17-23 Masonic Temple. ' ' L. W . Wiltsie. 17 Fabian Sellstrom. Ii L. -Hanchett. 19 Fultoni Market Co. Harry R. Lewis. 21 N. J. Fenner. A. H. Stafford. 23 W . Skellie: ; ' .••'•' 6 J. H. Kaiser. Pine street intersects. 8 Brooks N e w s Co. 101-103 K. 0. T. Mjhall, i. 10 Hatch & 'Briggsv '••••-• 101 Standard Oil Co. ' 10 Dr. Morris N. Betauk. Metallic Vulcanite Co. Al D/ Falconer. • Thomas Printing Co. . John I. Lerch. Harris & Baldwin. West & Fitch. The Chautauqua National -BuildT. Henry Black. ing Loan and Savings associa12 L. Heineman.; tion. 14 Charles Parson. Parks & Hazzard. , 14 R. B. Jones. C, S, .Blanchard. 14 A. J. Hawkins.Ross Lumber Co. 16 Thomas F. RbwIeyV "-'E. W . Bucklin, Jr., Hooker & Shearman. 103 Vacant store. Jamestown Bficls: works. ' 105-111 Lowry block. Elton E. Eddy & Co. 105 L. W . Kemp. , , -, , Moses & Moody. Mrs. Alice- T. Guest. George H. Tiffany. }07. C.-A. Solliday.-.. . . ' . \ . 18 Ingerson Bro6. ;: ' 109 Jamestown Roofing Co. 20 Todd & Cook: " •'•"' •'• 109 Mrs. Jennie V,-Pierce. 22 Black Bear. < ' ;-. ' Ill Salisbury &-Pew. ,: ;; <: 22 Bauer Hotel. r . Frert'Moon, t !'"' • 24 Robert C. Bradshaw. '^ T - • 113.., New; York and Penna. Tel-&;TeI. Pine'; street intersects. 100-106 Ellicott builHitig. '<.''< ". i - - • • . 100 Ethie P. Thatcher." 113 J.c°-.b,, Willard.-;-' Morrison,: 1 , t n E A S T T H I R D S T R E E T , Cont'd. 68 102 164 104 104 106 ELLICOTT S T R E E T . J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Mrs. N. P. Bartlett. H. Diehl. W . M. Popple. J L Sprague. New York Tea & Coffee Co. Ellicott Building. Horse Owners' Nat. Protective Association, room 1. Anchor Fence Co., rooms 1-2. C A. Pickard, room 3. O. O. Olson, room 4. Dr. J. C Earle, room 5. Chas. Swanson & Co., room 6. Babcock & Wiborg, room 7. Charles H. Wicks, room 8. W m . E. King, room 9. Ziba L. Squier, room 9. North American Portrait Co., rooms 10-11-12. Inter. Corres. school, room 14. Earl H. Hill, rooms 15-16-17. 108-10 Fenton Block. 108 Penna. Gas Co. Joseph Durano. John T. Benson. J. Delevan Curtiss. Martin L. Fenton. 110 Jamestown Water Supply Co. Mrs. C. G. Rowley. James E. Hosford. 112 Chatfield & Armitage. James B. Ross. Harry Scoville. 114 W . H. Knapp. 116 W . P. Gotham. 116 Wesley Martin. 118 Holmes Awning Works. 120 Crossman & Weller. 120 Charles E. Weeks. 120 G. Burton Wa.te. Mrs. Mary Angstenberger. Frank Hunt. Dr. A. E. Myers. William A. Barrows. 122 Horton Bros. 122 J. S. Horton & Son. Spring street intersects. 202-12 City Hall. City CierK, room 1. Council chambers, rom 2. City Mayor, room 3. Council Committee, room 4. City Treasurer, room 5. Police Court, room 6. Chief of Police, room 7. City Assessor, room 8. City Attorney, room 9. Bootey & Wheeler, room 9. Department of Health, room 10. Sanitary Inspector, room 10. Plumbing Inspector, room 10. A. C. & R. F. Pickard, rooms 1111%-12-14. George S. Bright, room 15. City Engineer, rooms 16-17. Charles A. Ogren, room 18. Board of Public works, room 19. City street commissioner (basement). City poor master (basement). 216 Henry Koerner. 216 Mrs. Frances A. Tompkins. Prendergast avenue intersects. 304 Oren J. Fairchild. 304 Mrs. Amelia C. Winsor. 308 Mrs. E. L. White. 310 Mrs. Electa A. Curtis. 312 Hilence M. Gage. 314 Persell & Benedict. 320 Fred E. Whitley. 322 Kindergarten. 326 Stillman's studio. 328 Vacant store. 332 Lorenzo D. Powers. 332 Mrs. Jeanette Martin. 338 Mrs. Margaret Walkerman. 338 Wesley Martin. 338 Louisa A. Jones. 340 Vacant office. 342 Leon A. Conner. 342 W . A. Knowlton. E L K STREET. From 13 Franklin, north.—5th ward. Left and West Side. 5 James Hutley. 9 Nels N. Jacobsen. ELLICOTT STREET. From 133 King, north.—4th ward. Left and West bide. 11 James L. Clark. ELLICOTT S T R E E T , Cont'd. F A L C O N E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 13 Axel Johnson. 23 Terrence A. Laudenslager. ELLICOTT STREET. Right and East Side. 10 Cravens Sutcliffe. 20 John W . Doubleday. ELLICOTT STREET. From 134 King, south to Shaw avenue.—4th ward. Left and East Side. 1 George H. Warren. 1 Mrs. Jane Tracey. 17 August W . Halbeg. 25 Washington Bird. 29 William Ternstron. 33 Magnus Olson. 37 Nels Anton Berg. 41 Mrs. Mary E. Warren. 45 Leonard A. Jones. 55 Mrs. Melinda A. Morse. ELLICOTT STREET. Right and West Side. 18 Mrs. Maggie Harrington. 20 Claus A. Anderson. ELLICOTT A V E N U E . From before 510 Forest avenue, west to Colfax.—6th ward. Left and South Side. 11 Vacant house. 31 William S. Green. 39 John Salin. E L M STREET. From East End opposite Allen at city line south to Buffalo. Left and East Side. 9 Lawrence 0. Whitfeldt. 19 Jerome Brownell. E L M STREET. Right and West Side. 17 Alphonso J. North. 26 Lucius O. Williams. 26 Mrs. Mary Rhoda. 32 Edwin K. Carpenter. E N G L I S H STREET. From 346 Allen east to Camp—4th ward. Left and North Side. 9 John Hodgson. 11 William H. Sedgwick. 13 Joshua Skirrow. 69 Barrows street intersects. N o houses. Tower street intersects. 249 Charles F. Johnson. Kinney street intersects. No houses. Holman street intersects. Gust A. Anderson. Mrs. Johannah Johnson. John E. Carlson. Andrew M. Hegg. 605 Victor Holmberg. 605 Henning Gustafson. 609 John Fredlund. 311 Eugene H. Benson. 313 Corbin K. Willard. Hayden Benchley. Alfred N. Nelson. E N G L I S H STREET. Right and South Side. Herman Anderson. King street intersects. 314 Mark T. Willson. 350 Vacant house. EUCLID A V E N U E . From 1154 Prendergast avenue east to Lake View avenue—1st ward. Left and North Sde. 19 Adelaide M. Geer. 31 Joel M. Pratt. 35 Anton Johnson. F A L C O N E R STREET. From 448 Winsor east to city limita —5th ward. Left and North Side. 71 Andrew Lundquist. Sturges street intersects. Branch school No. 10. Bowen street intersects. Ill John T. Carlson. Ill Charles Carlson. 117 Frank W . Alf. 125 Martin Bowman. 127 Olif M. Gornson. 127 Charles Segren. 127 Orrin Benson. 131 Aaron Benson. Stowe street intersects. 215 Edward Hakanson. F A L C O N E R STREET, Contd. • t F A I R M O U N T AVENUE., TTr'j;;.;3 JAMESTOWN, STREET DIRECTORY., 70 215 William Swanson.,, Weeks street intersects. 395 Mark H. Martin. • 401 Vacant house. 501 Charles Bratberg.. 509 John Bottomley. Buffalo street intersects. 615 Hattie A. Eastman. 615 Thomas E.rReeder. <: i 619 Mrs. Jeanette L. Taylor. vnn '\ 619 August Anderson. - ! i V 625 Thomas Hambelton. Mrs. Helen. Jacobs. ' , -i' if 631 Edwin Vincent' ,;.[c(, 637 Frank A. Imus. - 645 Mrs. Mary A. Peters. - ' i 645 Cowing street intersects.;. - •'; 703 Frank E. Johnson. ' ,.';'•'. Deariflg'avenue intersects. < 715 Erwin Johnson. Curtis street intersects..-.• ; li Not open to Dickinson street tersection. .-, • -- •• ,;,,,[,; ,, , / 1409 H e n r y Bradigan.. FALCONER STREET. 2 6 14 14 102 101 104 104 108 130 130 200 £00 206 206 210 210 210 Right and South Side.i ,., , James Metcalf. John H. Short Mrs. Viola A. Hill. Josiah Walker. Mrs. Phoebe Wample. Mrs. Nettie Matthews. ; Bowen street intersects.1 Thomas Bastow. William'H. ICarr. Charles A. Johnson. Mrs. Havnali Vnlerson. Charles Gustafson. Thayer street intersects. Alvin Peterson. Mrs. E m m a Peterson. Stowe street intersects. ' ' : Julius Johnson.' Mrs. Carrie Johnson. Charles P. Danielson. Mrs. Mary Johnson. ''' ' ' Simon P. Burt. Fred Eddington. '"' ' John Olson. ' W e e k s street intersects. ,9, 300 Wilson ,Shaw,. , i ,r: 308 Mrs. Kate Ryan. , -.| 310 Alius Hanna.- ; .i .-jt '"70 u N o houses. .. Kipp street intersects. ' lot 400 Charles-.J, Carpenter,f ( 'T 414 Lucian A , Davis,. t :\\- orn N o houses. ' Dexter street Intersects. 634 Alanson Thayer. ',' •-. •- o i 634 Bert M . Thayer. -:r , N o houses.. ' ' • • i :• ' Curtis street intersects. : -. : r; Mrs. Mary L. Gordon.•'•• i" Not open to Dickinson.stre'el Intersection. .-., • .',.,_ Vacant house. ., >•; , FAIRFIELD AVENUE.. } -• From 332 Forest avenue east^QMyr^ tle avenue,—3d ward. Right and South Side. 8 Gustaf W . Carlson. ' ,! 12 Charles L. Carlson.' " '"• ''• 12 S w a n M . Sandberg. '-"-' 16 Christ' Auker. : ]'' ' 16 Charles W . Swanson. ' '"' ' ' 24 Magnus Gesen. 24 Charles O. Mohl. '" 32 Gust Gustafson. '\i: 32 Frank Flindt '-..',•', 5 FAIRMOUNT AVENUE. 11 From 5,33 West 3d northwest to Boat, 17 landing bridge—2d ward. '' ; Left a n d W e s t Side.' " ' l; 21 M Breed. Davis.. Charles'A.' ' ' 25 William J. Harry Jones. 29 Unfinished house. ' ' '' ' '' "' John Herby. , S. Cameron. 31 Winfield Hamilton street intersects. 39 Walter B. Horton. John S.' Briggs. ,• ( ,43: Charles E. Treat 43 47 Wright Benson. n-i.l 51 Benson Metcalf. Mrs. A n n a Carter. ••••A rr, 51 51 Charles M . Partridge.'1'' ' Oscar Stranberg. ' '• • i = F A I R M O U N T A V E N U E , Cont'd. F E N T O N PLACE. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 57 Edward P. Walsh. 57 Peter M. Johnson. 59 Barker D. Chadwick. West End street intersects. 117 Dr. Alvin B. Rice. 119 Andrew J. Butts. 121 Wilton II. DeLaney. 123 John Errickson. 125 James D. Abrams. 131 Mrs. Margaret Curry. 135 John E. Smith. West Sth street intersects. 143 W m . H. Whitney. 145 Vacant store. 149-151 Leroy Starkweather. FAIRMOUNT AVENUE. Right and East Side. 14 Thomas N. Sprague. 26 Lawrence W . Wiltsie. 30 Walter E. Griggs. 30 Louis H. Strobel. Hamilton (Street intersects. 38 Charles E. Stratton. 40 John B. Collins. 44 E. Bruno Bergholtes. 44 Bolivar C Couchman. 50 Alfred Wilcox. West 5th street intersects. 104 Hiram E. Butler. 116 Mrs. Mary Murray. 122 James W . Butterfield. Carroll street intersects. 128 Frederick A. Keppeler. 128 Mrs. Jennie E. Revels. 130 Vacant store. 132 Fairmount pharmacy. 132 Oscar G. Perry. 134 J. D. Abrams. 134 Abrams & Wiltsie. FAIRVIEW AVENUE. Prom opposite 26 Ashville avenue, south to West 3d—6th ward. Left and East Side. No houses. West 6th street intersects. 105 Alton C. Powers. Ill Eliza Bush. 121 John Duans. 129 John Hayes. 131 135 137 139 139 143 71 Patrick Fitzgerald. Edward J. Hosford. William Corkery. Timothy Corkery. Malcom Johnson. Israel D. Carpenter. FAIRVIEW AVENUE. Right and West Side. 8 Frank B. Corell. 10 Charles Anderson. 12 Evald Seborg. 20 Angus McKenzie. 26 James F. Seymour. 28 Mrs. Hettie S. Fuller. 30 Willis R. Wells. West 6th street intersects. 114 Ralph Mesel. 114 Gust A. Johnson. 118 Daniel J. Corkery. 130 Charles E. Peterson. 132 James Hannon. 150 John Murray. F E N T O N STREET. From rear 12 Williams west to Hallock—6th ward. Left and South Side. 19 Frank D. Steel". No houses to Sprague street intersection. 317 Robert Cowan. Tew street intersects. 405 Adolph Marker. 405 William M. Peterson. F E N T O N STREET. Right and North Side. No houses. Hall avenue intersects. 612 Charles E, Nelson. F E N T O N PLACE. From 44 S. Main west to Forest avenue. Left and South Side. 1 Albert A. Gilbert. 13 Scott H. Penfield. 19 Lewis L. Gordon. 21 Charles D. Parker. 23 John P.. C. Markle. 31 Mrs. Martha M. Smith. 31 Beeri Lewis. F E N T O N PLACE, Cont'd. 72 FOOTE AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 33 William Pearson. 33 Moses P. Chapman. F E N T O N PLACE. Right and North Side. 24 William Pearson. 26 Fire Police. 28 Eagle Hose house. F I L M O R E STREET. From 45 Harrison north to junction with Taylor—3d ward Left and West Side. 8-12 Jamestown Desk Co. F I L M O R E STREET. Right and East Side. 10 Michael C. Cordon. 14 John M. Anderson. 16 Mrs. Loraine R. Lepar. 16 William W . Watson. 20 J. M. Anderson. FLAGG AVENUE. From opposite 22 Stafford east to Driving park road—5th ward. Left and North Side. 15 Horace W . Lydell. 41 Emory S. Clark. FLAGG AVENUE. Right and South Side. 4 Elmer E. Porter. 10 Simeon M. Vincent. 34 Charles M. Silsby. 36 Charles Silsby. 38 Sidney Danforth. 38 William C. Stanley. 40 Jacob H. Jones. 48 Aquilla Cawcroft. FLETCHER AVENUE. From 124 Hamilton north—2d ward. 22 Frank Rummer. FLUVANNA AVENUE. From 1113 Main northwest to city limits.—2d ward. Left and South Side. 15 Clarence J. Sprague. 15 Lawrence H. Tideman. 31 Gilbert Alexander. Edwin J. Houghtaling. Merritt C. Lord. FLUVANNA AVENUE. Right and North Side. 14 John Huntington. Joseph S. Arnold. Martin V. Bly. Edward A. Lind. Charles Johnson. William P. Stevens. FOOTE AVENUE. From before 104 Chandler south to city limits—5th, 3d and 4th wards. Left and East Side. 9 J. Fred Jones. 13 Frank W . Palmeter. 19 Joseph McNeight. 25 Charles D. Colburn. 25 Abner Ellison. 29 William P. Graham. 31 Edward Appleyard. Crane street intersects. 39 Smith Akroyd. 41 George Murphy. 43 Peter O. Olson. 47 Bartholomew Stapleton. Erie tracks intersect. 57 John Bogenschutz. 59 Mrs. Mary J. Newbolt. 59 Fred Leach. 59 Mrs. Leora Decker. 63 Joseph Feather. Harrison street intersects. 109 Mrs. Sylvia B. Southwick. 113 E. J. Ashwell & Co. 123 Empire Furniture Co. (works.) Waterman street intersects. 131 John M. Lawson. 131 John Kilpatrick. 135 Andrew Lind. Water street intersects. 143 Robert Crossley. 143 Smith Middleton. 147 James Munroe. 151 Henry Ahlstrom. 151 Thomas Hindle. Allen street intersects. 207 W . C. A. Hospital. 219 Mrs. Leonora E. Sheldon. 223 Clarence M. Grandin. 225 Ernest Milspaw. Mechanic street intersects. 303 James G. Smith. 311 Robert Bryan. F O O T E A V E N U E , Cont'd. F O O T E A V E N U E , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Arnold street intersects. 325 James S. Partridge. 327 Mrs. Lucy A. Sherman. 327 E. Earl Carpenter. 327 James Garnet. 331 Frank 0. Strandberg. 335 Gust P. Gustafson. 335 John Fray. 335 Oscar Anderson. 341 Frank A. Thomas. 343 George W . Thomas. 345 Septimus Perkins. 345 E. Verne Bly. 347 Oscar Carlson. 347 Joseph Sandberg. 347% Charles Londahl. 347 Mrs. Hannah Scott. 367 Victor Peterson. 367% John Ruland. 369 Charles Widholm. 369 Mrs. Christine Halfstrom. 371 Vacant house. 375 Fred Illingworth. 375 Frank Carlson. 379 Lewis L. Stewart. 379 George Yates. 383 Wilbur S. Durham. 405 E. Frank Sliter. 405 William S. Faurot. Camp street intersects. 601 Duane D. Dorn. Martin road intersects. 715 Gust T. Calleen. 745 Christopher C. Gossett. 751 Charles Chase. FOOTE AVENUE. Right and West Side. 10 Rev. Gustave E. Carlson. 16 Charles J. Peterson. 20 Ezra Friedman. 28 Jacob N. Wiborg. 30 Bertha M. Colegrove. 30 Sheldon C. Ferry. 34 John R. Grace. 3 8 % Charles Wills. 38 Mrs. Cecelia Gondret. 38 Fred H. Wills. 42 Alfred Riley. 42 William Hartley. 44 44 46 48 50 Charles E. Darling. Brook Huntington. John Turner. John A. Lindroth. William Crossley. Erie tracks intersect. 52 Michael Corbett. 66 William F. Endress. 66 Levi Wellington. 68 Henry Butler. 72 John Prince. Harrison street intersects. 106 Enoch Shaw. 106 John Vine. 108 Sarah Bickles. 110 James S. Goodchild. Briggs street intersects. 122-24 Empire Furniture Co. 126 Otto Ostrom. 132 John F. Gustafson. 134 Axel Sundeen. 134 Charles Lindgren. 136 Joseph C. Haug. 136 George B. Brindley. 140 Mre. Catherine E. Hinds. 140 Mrs. Mary S. Bristol. 148 Fred Campbell. 150 Mrs. F. Lownsbury. 150 George Sayers. Allen street intersects. 226 Byron A. Barlow. Mechanic street intersects. 300 Olson Bros. 302 Anton Olson. 302 Lundquist & Berglund. 304 Andrew Bruberg. 310 H e m a n S. Fox. 310 Fred B. Hammond. 314 Albert Tolson. 322 Andrew O. Anderson. 324 Vacant house. 328 John A. Anderson. 336 James L. Sprague. 340 Mrs. Elizabeth Paquin. 342 Alva F. Akin. 346 Franklin Colt. 350 James Ingham. 352 Albert E. Sherman. 358 August E. Hultquist. 73 F O O T E A V E N U E , Cont'd. 74 FOREST A V E N U E J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 360 Peter Bloomquist. 360 Charles P. Sandberg. 366 Charles Swanson. 366% Isaac H. Neff. 366% Henry C Landes. 372 Calvin Bush. 374 Louis A. Fenton. 378 Jerome Post. 378% Horace G. Waite. 380 Frank E. Lahey. 384 William F. Bushey. 402 Mrs. Jeanette F. Holly. 410 George Kay. 416 John F. Smith. 420 Allen R. Manbert. Newland avenue intersects. 504 Mrs. Liva Blumquist. 504 Mrs. Hilma Anderson. 508 John H. Cooper. 514 Henry Wild. 514 Mollie K. Allbrant. 516 Peter F. Ostrom. 518 John Rawlings. 520 Fred Erickson. Barker street intersects. 600 Mrs. Maria Hunt. Walnut street intersects. 612 Alfred Anderson. 624 Mrs. Sarah Cassellman. Park place intersects. 702 Harvey Simmons. 706 George D. Andrews. 710 Gust Holmberg. 760 Dennis Quinlan. 770 Mrs. Elizabeth Landrigan. FOREST AVENUE. From 5 Brooklyn square, south to city limits.—3d and 6th wards. Left and East Side. 21 Harry Rose. 23-31 Kent block. 23 Vacant storeroom. 25 Vacant storeroom. 27 John Londahl. 27 A—Oscar S. Leiter. 27 B—Charles A. Lindholm. 27 C—Charles S. Culp. 27 D—Vacantfiat.I 27 E—Josiah Bricker. 27 F—Charles O. Anderson. 27 F—John C. Hick. 27 G—Vaoant. 29 A. F. Kent. 29 The Wyckoff Harvester Co. 31 J. A. Lindholm. 11-13 E. B. Bootey & Co. 37 Van Duzen & Galivan. Fenton place intersects. 103 Mrs. Antoinette L. Derby. 109 Alvin Phillips. 127 Elliot C. Hall. 139 Alfred E. Hall. 155 William A. Hallock. Prather avenue intersects. 171 Lewis P. Willing. Whitley place intersects. 195 Dr. Corydon J. Phillips. Pilgrim chapel. Prospect avenue intersects. 201 Frank W . Mitchell. 209 Harvey F. Reynolds. 209 Fred R. MacCleverty. 211 Charles D. VanDusen. 219 James Lund. Linden avenue intersects. 229 John A. Johnson. 235 Charles E. Hammerstrom. Columbia avenue intersects. 263 Charles A. Johnson. 263 Harry O. Jones. N o houses. Fairfield avenue intersects. 401 Axel G. Lofgren. N o houses. Hazeltine avenue intersects. Otto Carlson. FOREST AVENUE. Right and West Side. 2 C. G. Haglund. 4 Fenton & Andruss. 12 Vacant store. 12 Rear H. A. Davidson & Co. 18 M. D. Perkins. 20 Unfinished store. 110 Lucius B. Warner. 114 Francis J. Underwood. 124 Charles J. Jenner. FOREST A V E N U E , SSaWJ" FOREST STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 124 128 142 148 Dwigh't'f'errTh-. hjii J Ann Eliza^'Hair' ••* " ' Dr. J. W . Morris?iJ -_ George .A. Georgi.'' "' .f,-iKir,(.-(, r, • Prather avenue intersects. .raaiiTa ".o .i 154., Charles I. Moore. ("re l?.i.tA of djioa .d.im. _. 156 Charles E . Anderson. 186 AarongflaUj 97?-f)n . fj 194 Theodore Z. Root. 196 John WattjS, ol'' ' " 198 E d w a r d L...Hall!, , ' 3 Forest streetc-intefsscts. 208 M r * t^tajKaiie Sellstr am. 212 Adelbert .Rjeeji ri ^ 212 LoreiisgiAioPilisJmry. . 212 Nicholas E. Engle.yT o 218 John G. Orsbofti "rT s 224 Vacant houseP^A 9 a 228 Jacob Jacobson.-L-s'-'1 230 Mrs. JosephWeP'A." Peterson. 238 Erie;M. 'NeTlsolh* ^ -'-' 244 Anton P: rigetlfctrom'. 248 Morris Brog'enf'rir 254 Gust A. Johnson.1^ -G" A 262 John F. Wallgren." '262 Charles HegniuiL- a x Newland avenue intersects. -1' q 304 Charles A. SeHstrom. 310 Fred A. Carlson. '• r " 314 Fred Anderso'n'n?316 Frank Anderson^ ' ' 318 Char.tpsy W ^ "Anderson. 320' Charley,Mosl. ,- f, ,322 Christ Nelson.,^ v . 324 Hilda Danielson. 326 Charles "G. 'Lawson. 330 John H. Lekby. 332 Gust W . Anderson? ''t 338 B. Carl Siogren.'1,. r ^ N o houses. "" ., ..[' _ ... 700 Vacant house. J'jsT 510 M. Nels Nord. .„ ,r Wilton avenuegnjersects. 614 James C h a m b eLanosstew r strlSf intersects. ^ 75 Lee avenue intersects. 810 Carl E . Nelson. 824 John Laughlin. Arcade avenue intersects. 906 Christ Sanders. FOREST STREET. From 208 Forest avenue west to Colfax.—6th ward. Left and South Side. No houses. Barrett street intersects. 105 Frederick Hindle. 109 LeGrand Phillips. 109 Clarence Carlson. 113 Charles L. Carlson. 117 James Rhodes. 121 Oliver M. Mason. 121 James Mason. 141 Elvyn J. Patric. Branch school No. 5. Charles street intersects. 209 Jonas P. Carlson. 213 Charles J. Olson. Orchard avenue intersects. 237 Nettie Elizabeth Sampson. Sampson street intersects. 301 Edward Tefft. 311 Charles W . Swanson. 315 John A. Moody. 317 Mrs. Amelia Penfield. 323 Vacant house. F O R E S T STREET. Right and North Side. 24 Nels J. Swanson. 26 Gust A. Lofgren. 28 John F. Nyberg. 28 George W . Sellstrom. 32 Gust H. Carlson. 44 Nils Anderson. Barrett street intersects. 112 Albert Norman. 122 Mrs. Mary Boyd. Charles street intersects. 232 N. Lawson Baird. F O R E S T S T R E E T , Cont'd. 76 234 236 238 312 316 322 324 F U L T O N STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Charles Delain. John C. Derby. Charles E. Erickson. John M. Swanson. Nils P. Eckman. Andrew Kling. Mrs. Mary Anderson. FOUNTAIN AVENUE. From 1027 Main west—2d ward. Left and South Side. 13 George N. Waggoner. 31 Mrs. Barbara Vining. FOUNTAIN AVENUE. Right and North Side. 16 Stephen S. LeRoy. 18 Joseph Heintz. FRANCIS STREET. From 9 Gt. Jones south to Palmer— 6th ward. Right and West Side. 108 Mrs. Louise A. Atwood. 110 Peter W . Jackson. 112 Martin L. Lawson. 112 Oscar Gustafson. F R A N K L I N STREET. From 23 Center east to Elk—5th ward. Left and North Side. 9 Horsfall Crowe. 13 John W . Ickeringill. FRANKLIN STREET. Right and South Side. 14 Mrs. Martha Haggas. 14 Thomas Barrett. 18 Isaac Rushworth. 22 Joseph Geser. FRINK AVENUE. From 109 Cowing east to Curtis— 5th ward. Left and North Side. 43 John V. Beebe. 101 Joseph Hall. FULTON PLACE. From 217 East 8th north to East 9th —1st ward. Right and East Side. William B. Babcock. Louis H. Greenlund. Michael Looney. Thomas A. Blanchard. F U L T O N STREET. From 317 East 5th, north to East 9th 1st ward. Left and West Side. 7 Elizabeth Young. 13 Mrs. Mary Y. Johnston. 17 George M. Hodgkins. 17 Francis R. Laws. East 6th street intersects. 109 Frederick Christian. Ill Mrs. Mary Yates Johnston. 115 Charles Felt. 115 Charles W . Davis. 119 J. Charles Alton. 125 Vacant house. 129 Albert R. Weaver. East 8th street intersect!. 213 Leonard J. Williams. 215 John F. Kingman. 217 Mrs. Lefa Carrier. 221 Mrs. Mary Parker. 229 Harvey D. Harris. 231 Edward Lindstrom. 233 John Henry. 235 Peter G. Gibson. 241 Henry Rappole. 245 H. Orton Berry. 251 Levi M. Stone. F U L T O N STREET. Right and East Side. 12 John C. Mason. East 6th street intersects. 120 William F. Wallis. , 122 O. Herman Giffin. 130 Millard F. Barton. 134 William J. Loucks. 138 Frank E. Taft. East 8th street intersects. 206 Clarence M. Rice. 212 Evlyn O. Todd. 214 Axtel E. Anderson. 214 Kent W . Spencer. 216 Bert O'Dell. 8 10 12 14 F U L T O N S T R E E T , Cont'd. H A M I L T O N STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 216 220 220 224 226 240 252 Frank Stearns. John Lind. Mrs. Elizabeth Loucks. Charles H. Elliott. Mrs. Ellen C. Durham. Robert E. Falconer. Azarie C. Guertin. G A R F I E L D STREET. From 17 Sherman east to Maple— 4th ward. Left and North Side. 5 George H. Anderson. 9 Charles E. Johnson. 11 August Jones. G R A N D I N STREET. From 30 Sampson west to Colfax— 6th ward. Left and South Side. 3 Lambert L. Bush. 5 Peter Frantzen. 9 John E. Hessel. 13 Oscar Palm. G R A N D I N STREET. Right and North Side. 4 Albert Anderson. 6 Aaron Carlberg. G R A N T STREET. From 615 East 6th, north to East 9th. 1st ward. Left and West Side. No houses. East 7th street intersects. No houses. East 8th street intersects. 41 Mrs. Lena H. Price. 45 Mrs. Laura Doolutle. 49 Frank D. Carver. 49 Mrs. Marcia T. Hall. 55 John F. Nash. 55 Leonard B. Weatherly. 57 Walter C Sunderland. G R A N T STREET. Right and East Side. 12 Walter Shaw. East 7th street intersects. 44 44 50 50 52 77 Norman W . Ingerson. Byron S. Lazelle. Elof S. Johnson. Fred A. Nelson. Willis O. Benedict. GREAT JONES STREET. From rear 100 Williams west to Sprague—6th ward. Left and South Side. 3 Hans Neilson. 5 Gust F. Anderson. 7 Andrew Neulander. Frances avenue intersects. 9 Andrew Heimberger. 11 John M. Rolland. 13 James Collins. 13 Isaac Coates. HAMMOND STREET. From 714 Ashville avenue, north to Livingston avenue.—6th ward. Left and West Side. 7 Cassius M. Coates. 15 Harry P. Belnap. 19 Vacant house. HAMILTON STREET. From 405 Monroe, west.—2d ward. Left and South Side. No houses. Fairmount avenue intersects. 113 Vacant house. 123 Carlton Kapple. 123 Charles Johnson. 12 14 108 110 112 114 114 120 H A M I L T O N STREET. Right and North Side. Frank Fleek. Benjamin W . Hayward. Fairmount avenue intersects. Met M. Crosby. Daniel Benson. Herman B. Goodwin. W . Carver Ball. Edward F. Wemple. Langford street intersects. Charles Johnson. H A M I L T O N STREET, Conf 78 H A N L E Y STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY.. 124 Andrew J. Montanye. 124 John A. Morris. HALL AVENUE. From 203 Ashville avenue south to Palmer—6th ward. Left and East Side. 3 Catherine Crow. 5 William P. Jobes. 7 Sarah A. VanVleck. 13 John Curran. 17 Alvin Eke. West 6th street intersects. 107 Gust A. Anderson. 107 Will E. Masters. 115 Patrick Woods. 117 John T. Cronin. 131 Carl J. Lake. 141 Bert L. Matson. 147 James Morrissey. HALL AVENUE. Right and West Side. 10 Stewart W . Philo. 16 David J. Maloney. 22 Charles O. Palmer. 26 Ashbel R. Catlin. West 6th street intersects. 108 Dallas E. Davis 112 Joseph R. Peck. 114 Nels P. Hanson. 116 Edward Johnson. 120 Axel W . Olson. 120 Albin Ljunggren. 122 August M. Peterson. 154 Robert O. Wilson. West 3d street intersects. 238 Claus Nelson. 238 John E. Nelson. Fenton street intersects. 300 Andrew Johnson. Branch school No. 8. H A L L O C K STREET. From opposite 702 Ashville avenue south to Newland avenue. Left and East Side. No houses. West 6th street, jntersects. •; ; William H. Stone.: ,i ,: ',,[. c Alfred R. Calkins.1" :l. ' John Thomas.' ' : ' "'' David C. Hunt. '•'•'''• '• West 3d street intersects.'^" . '_ 301 James S. Ellis. • >•'••••'- ••' 1 ' i ' ' ' ' Ellis avenue intersects. 321 Thaddeus E. Matson. ' ' Palmer street intersects. 461 Andrew Hansen. ! H A L L O C K STREET. Right and West Side. No houses. Royal avenue intersects. 102 George C. VanDusen. 104 Walter H. Widrig. Woodworth avenue intersects. Hunt road intersects. 216 George S. Card 302 Rinaldo Adams. 402 Stephen A. Baker. 424 Martin F. Taylor. 428 Erie H. Rice. Earl avenue intersects. 440 Pearl A. Johnson. 446 Vacant house. Ridgway avenue intersects. 462 Henry V. Halley. Summit street intersects. 506 Vacant house. 510 Munroe F. Deling. 514 Edward Carr. 528 Almont F. Woodard. H A N L E Y STREET, From 229 Steele, south to Fenton6th ward. Left and East Sioe. 5 Emil W . Wessler. 7 Axel Lawson. 9 August Hunt. H A N L E Y STREET. Right and We^t, S;.le. 6 Andrew Samuelson. 8 John A. Carlson. 223 227 243 269 HARRISON STREET. H A R R I S O N S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. HARRISON STREET. From 29 South Main, east to Winsor —3d and 4th ward. Left and North Side. Brooklyn House. Cowan's Bottling Works. Lindblad Bros. & Co. Joseph H. Clark. Mrs. Helen S. Brown. John J. Burns. Minnie B. Burns. Mrs. Elvira M. Thompson. John G. Kennedy. David B. Jimerson. Mrs. Mary A. Root. Mrs. Adda M. Dennisoru William J. Vine. Filmore street intersects. 49 Mrs. Floren Jessop. 49 Joe Jessop. 53 Henry Smith. 55 David Garrett. 59 James Nutter. 61 Edward A. Wareing. 61 Mrs. Ann Brown. Institute street intersects. 101-125 Maddox Table Co. 131 Guy C. Pillsbury. 131 Charles W . Almon. 133 Oliver E. King. 141 Mrs. Elizabeth Crowe. 143 Junction House. Foote avenue intersects. 201 Halstrom & Carlson. No houses. Center street intersects. 335 Jamestown Worsted Mills. 335 Hall & Co. 5-9 7-9 13 15 29 33 33 37 37 37 43 45 45 4 6 10 12 16 HARRISON STREET. Right and South Side. Harry W . Owens. John F. Berggren. Vacant house. Herbert Chiverton. Adeline J. Whitney. 16% William H. Cooper. 20 James A. Baxter. 20 Anna Lawson. 24 S. Otis Brant. 28 Mrs. E m m a M. Dorn. 34 Swan A. Parm. 36 Mrs. Elizabeth Howard. 38 John Love. 40 Dr. Robert Bender. 40 Mrs. Almeda Barber. 48 John Dawson. 52 Ole Lawson. 56 James Watmuff. 60 Neil & Sterns. 60 Edwin P. Sterns. 60 Mrs. Sophia Donaldson. 62 William Wheelhouse. 62 John W . Wheelhouse. Institute street intersects. 100 100 100 104 104 106 106 110 110 114 114 116 116 118 118 122 122 124 124 128 128 130 130 Thomas R. Ashenhurst. John R. Heys. T o m Pearson. James W . Donelon. Mrs. Christine Eckman. Titus Cooper. Arthur T. Saxton. Henry Kohlbacher. James S. Shaw. Adolphus Clement. John Prince. William Hainsworth. Uriah Polland. Joshua Shaw. Charles E. Monjeau. Joseph Topper. Frederick Cooper. Otto Love. George P. Wheelhouse. Mrs. Elizabeth H. Rabbitshaw. Mary Steward. George Wheelhouse. Gertrude Gilbert. Foote avenue intersects. Vacant lots. 248 Benjamin Radley. 250 George H. Dawson. 252 John Welham. 79 H A R R I S O N S T R E E T , Cont'd. 80 254 254 282 286 292 292 296 306 320 H A Z Z A R D STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Mrs. Leah Moore. Sidney Robinson. Vacant warehouse. Henry Hultberg. Mrs. Juliette Hatch. Mrs. Lucretia A. Ellsworth. Otto Peterson. C. P. Anderson & Co. Jamestown Commercial gallery. HAZELTINE AVENUE. From 217 Myrtle west to Baker—6th ward. Left and South Side. No houses. Colfax street intersects. 403 Anton Lindstrom. 409 James Hollings. 421 Mrs. Cecelia Andreaberg. 427 Nils C. Anderson. HAZELTINE AVENUE. Right and North Side. 38 Charles A. Kling. N o houses. Sampson street intersects. 312 Carl J. Sundstrom. Colfax street intersects. 400 Cecelia Andreaberg. 404 Vacant house. 406 Vacant house. Jones street intersects. 506 Alice Ferrin. 512 Dennis B. Bratt 520 Mrs. Maria Morey. H A Z Z A R D STREET. From CO ^'""'•nattic south to Park Place—3d ward. Left and East Side. 7 Thomas Lynch. 13 Mrs. Mary Sundin. 15 Willis F. Brown. 15 Mrs. Mary Saunders. 15 John Borkman. 17 William Klock. 17 Theodore C. Frank. 21 Alexander A. Castle. 27 John P. Danielson. 31 Frank M. Randall. 3 1 % George H. Mitchell. 33 Vacant house. 35 Samuel Mitchell. 37 Oscar Peterson. 43 Orton S. Taylor. 45 Orson C. Carpenter. it Marcus Brockway. 49 Jacob Kershaw. 57 James B. Gilberds. 65 Peter A. Moberg. 69 John Hollings. 71 Amos Oger. 79 Walter S. White. 79 Walter S. Cleveland. 81 Vacant house. S3 Phillip A. Templeton. 85 Fred J. Lounsbury. 89 Axel Leborg. 89 Alex Hagar. 93 John Stevenson. 93 Gust Anderson. 103 John Meas. 103 John Berggren. 105 William C Winchester. 105 Leonard Ekstrom. 105 John Carlson. 107 John Lindahl. Ill Theo Lawson. 117 Horace W . Aplin. Newland avenue intersects. 211 Charles M. Hjertquist. 215 Andin F. Sandstrom. 215 Theodore Carlson. 219 August Carlson. 225 Mrs. Ida Holmes. 227 William A. Holmes. 227 Gust Linn. 233 Frank I. Kling. Partridge street intersects. 239 O. Duane Frank. 247 Arthur C. Weinberg. Barker street intersects. 319 Lewis Langeway. 321 Charles R. Holley. 323 Arward Z. Burch. 325 Erastus Aiken. H A Z Z A R D STREET, Cont'd. HESS STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 325 Mark Woodworth. 323 William M. Gordon. 333 Fred Sisson. 16 2. 22 28 34 34 42 46 50 52 60 66 7-1 78 80 90 94 H A Z Z A R D STREET. Right and West Side. Branch school No. 4. Reuben W . Dav.s. Albert Carpenter. Mrs. Sophia Partridge. Byron J. Washburn. Luther Congleton. Fred Swanson. John Wild. Vacant house. Henry Myers. William A. Warren. Jacob Rushworth. Mrs. Jane D. Clark. James Houser. Vacant house. James Rawnsley. Gust Anderson. Fred J. Wren. Axtel street intersects. 100 Jonas A. Johnson. 106 Vacant house. 112 Lurin B. Clark. 112% Jacob Wedemeyer. 116 Vacant house. 118 John W . Morrison. 118 Axel R. Nelson. Newland avenue intersects. 202 August Anderson. 204 John J. Yates. 212' Gust Hagberg. 226 Albert Rehnberg. 226 J. Gust Lundquist. 246 August Johnson. HEBNER STREET. From 220 King, south—4th ward. Left and East Side. Frank A. Skans. H E B N E R STREET. Right and West Side. Charles F. Anderson. 81 HEDGES AVENUE. From 247 Willard, north to Benedict. —4th ward. Left and West Side. 5 John A. Johnson. 7 Andrew Gustafson. 17 Charlie A. J. Lind. 21 Oscar Erickson. 21 Clarence A. Danielson. 39 Axel W . Gustafson. 39 Louis A. Benson. 47 Charlie Erickson. 51 Thayer Kalander. 63 Gust A. Johnson. 65 Andrew G. Nyholm. 69 Charlie M. Anderson. 101 Charles Stone. 101 John A. Danielson. 105 John Carlson. 105 Oscar Carlson. 115 August E. Rosengren. HEDGES AVENUE. Right and East Side_ Charles J. Carlson. John A. Hallene. 12 Andrew G. Carlson. 14 Andrew Granath. 14 Swan G. Granath. 44 Axel J. Petersoii. 44 Carl A. Bergren. 48 Charles Carlson. 52 Andrew G. Lawson. 72 Eric G. Hogberg. 72 Gust Anderson. 82 Nels Riblom. 106 Oscar C. Fisher. 106 Gust Samuelson. 108 Andrew Swanson. 108 Jonas P. Johnson. 134 S. John Anderson. 134 Henry Johnson. 13S Carl O. Cerdarquist. 138 Carl A. Eidin. HESS STREET. From opposite 520 Palmer, south to Summit—6th ward. Right and West Side. IS Walter S. Northrup. INSTITUTE STREET. HICKORY STREET 82 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. HICKORY STREET. From Shaw avenue (end of Ellicott) south to Ahrens—4th ward. Left and East Side. 5 Charles J. Berg. 15 Charles August Berg. 53 Oscar A. Anderson. HIGHLAND AVENUE. From 405 Fenton, south to Palmer.— 6th ward. Left and East Side. 11 Hans Davidson. 15 Peter E. Sundberg. 23 Robert Cox. HIGHLAND AVENUE. Right and West Side. 10 Walter J. Holt. George M. Holt. 32 Charles J. Lindberg. H O L M A N STREET. From junction English and Willis, east—4th ward. Left and North Side. 3 Frank A. Crantz. 9 Erick Lofgren. 9 Frank 0. Eckwahl. Maltby street intersects. 31 Andrew J. Johnson. 33 August Berggren. 39 Albert Berggren. 43 Charlie O. Strand. 43 Charlie Anderson. H O L M A N STREET. Right and South Side. 40 John A. Hultberg. HOLMES STREET. From opposite 130 Institute, west to creek—3d ward . Left and South Side. 8 John P. Jones. 12-16 Cadwell Cabinet Co. HOTCHKISS STREET. From Buffalo, opposite pump station, north to Turner avenue—6th ward. Left and West Side. 11 James E. Smith. 17 Adelbert C. Wells. 45 William H. Hancock. 57 Eric J. Bergquist. 71 Safford Z. Brown. Clyde street intersects. 103 Vacant house. 203 Mrs. Jennie A. Beal. H O W A R D STREET. From 113 Park Place south to city limits—3d ward. Left and East Side. 9 Theron J. Walden. H O W A R D STREET. Right and West Side. 100 Frank Coie. H U N T ROAD. From end of West 6;h at junction of Hallock, west to limits—6th ward. Left and South Side. 7 Vacant house. H U N T ROAD. Right and North Side. 60 Mrs. Anna Strong. 60 Anson L. Bostwick. INSTITUTE STREET. From 310 East 2d south to Allen.— 3d and 5th wards. Left and East Side. School grounds. Erie tracks intersect. 33 Jamestown Beef Co. Maddox Table Co. Harrison street intersects. 99 Collins Ice Cream Co. Briggs street intersects. 99 A. Burt Collins. 99 William Kronmiller. Mill yard. Holmes street intersects. 125 (Rear.) Cadwell Cabinet Co. 131 E. A. Gilbert. INSTITUTE S T R E E T , Cont'd. JEFFERSON STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. INSTITUTE S T R E E T . Right and West Side. 6 8 10 12 16 18 20 20 22 22 26 28 30 30 30 30% 32 32 32 34 40 40 100 118 126 130 134 138 138 138 Stephen Potter. Theodore Stewart. Victor E. Linnander. Mrs. Margaret Hanley. West 1st street intersects. Mrs. Gustine Akin. August Danielson. Charles I. Swanson. William I. Koller. Henry Carr. Joseph Brawn. Penna. Gas Co., Storage house. Erie tracks intersect. Walter Rainey. John W . Kiley. Turner Walton Charles J. Johnson. John P. Freed. Alfred Stubbs. Walter Heathcote. Mrs. Mary Higgins. John M. Grant, Oil Co. Eric Hedlund. Andrew Jones. Harrison street intersects. Penna. Gas. Co. shop. Joseph W . Klumpp. Jeremiah J. Finucan. Elma A. Schermerhorn. Albert Ekholm. Victoria avenue intersects Herbert B. Vincent. Livingstone Haggas. Dennis C. Clement. ISABELLA A V E N U E . From before No. 11 Marvin west to outlet.—2d ward. Left and South Side. Lafayette street intersects. No houses. J. & C. tracks intersect. J. & C. Ry. shops. 83 ISABELLA A V E N U E . Right and East Side. Lafayette street intersects. No houses. J. & C. tracks intersect. Johnson Ice Co. JEFFERSON STREET. From 314 West 2d, north to Rathbone.—2d ward. Left and West Side. 205 Charles S. Tiffany. 207 George H. Tiffany. West 3d street intersects. 301 John B. Shaw. 309 James W . Morrison. 313 W . Horton Tiffany. 319 George R. Harrington. West 4th street intersects. Public Park. West 5th street intersects. No houses. West 6th street intersects. 611 Fabian Sellstrom. West 7th street intersects. N o houses. West 8th street intersects. 809 Frederick Pemberton. 811 John E. Smith. 813 George Ellis. 817 Murvin A. Putnam. 817. Frank N. Curtis. JEFFERSON STREET. Right and East Side. Wallace. B. Russell. 208 West 3d street intersects. 310 William M. Edmond. 310 Levant H. Thompson. 314 Thomas J. Cloud. West 4th street intersects. No houses. West 5th street intersects. 512 George H. Cooke. J E F F E R S O N S T R E E T , Cont'd. 84 JONES STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 512 Frank A. Mackenzie. 514 Thomas E. Perkins. 516 Harry Chamberlin. West 6th street intersects. 610 Harry W . Alden. 618 William W . Torge. 618 Isaac Butcher. 618 Nelson Cederberg. West 7th street intersects, 710 Timothy Canty. West 8th street intersects. 808 Michael E. Hurley. 810 James J. Cady. 812 George F. Putnam. 814 Robert Nobbs. 816 George Gowan. 840 Willis W . Norton. JOHNSON STREET. From 269 Willard, north to Benedict. —4th ward. Right and East Side. 14 Gust Lawson. John P. Ellickson. 26 Mrs. Christine Akelund. 36 Albert Castner. 231 Vacant store. 235 William D. Mitchell. John G. Eidens. JONES A N D GIFFORD AVENUE. Right and East Side. No houses. 148 Benjamin E. Flanders. 150 Vacant house. 154 Stephen C. Whitman. 156 William Van Volkenburg. 168 Mrs. Jane Scholes. 182 Mrs. Agnes Kaadtmann. 202 Mrs. Sarah M. Springstead. John D. Lapy. Dudley W . Sturdevant. JONES STREET. From 397 Baker, south to Hazeltine. avenue.—6th ward. Left and East Side 69 John P. Anderson. 109 Malvern R. Waid. JONES STREET. Right and West Side. 10 Louisa Peterson. 1 0 % Peter Carlson. 12 Isaac Shaver. 14 Vacant house. JONES A V E N U E . 16 August P. Anderson. From junction of Baker and Steele, 20 John P. Swanson. west to Williams—6th ward. 24 Emil Morgan. Left and South Side. 28 Peter Larson. 73 Charles Burquist. 32 John P. Oberg. 75 Noak Anderson. 36 Theodore Nelson. 77 John C. Bliss. 36 Olaf Gecen. 40 Claus F. Anderson. JONES A N D GIFFORD A V E N U E . 40 Edward Anderson. From Ashville avenue at Boatland44 Algot G.Johnson. ing bridge northwest to city limits. 50 Gust A. Lawson. Left and West Side. 50 W . Andrew Matson. 49-59 Jamestown Dry Plate works. 72 Charles Liden. 95-105 Fenton Metallic Mfg. Co. 72 Edward Housen. 129-135 Breed-Johnson Furniture Co. 76 Victor Gustafson. 129-135 Jamestown Furniture Co. 76 George Mohl. 149 Ira Williams. 84 Axel A. Bloomquist. 153-63 Fenton Metallic Mfg. Co. (BiNewland avenue intersects. cycle Dept.) 175 Henry Stormer. 130 Irwin E. Love. Outlet street intersects. 180 Levi S. O'Dell. KINNEY STREET. KENT STREET. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 85 109 William Schopp. K E N T STREET. From 920 Main, east to Winsor.—1st 113 Andrew Anderson. K I D D E R STREET. ward. Left and North Side. Right and North Side. 9 Shirley S. Taylor. 10 Henry Holt. 11 Dr.Era M. Scofield. KING STREET. 21 William M. Staram. From 226 Allen, east to English.— 21 Andrew C. Greenlund. 4th ward. 25 Wrothwell Butterfield. Left and North Side. 29 Charles T. Tuxford. 9 John W . Hutley. 37 William A. Scott. Barrows street intersects. Prendergast avenue intersects. Ill Colonel Holgate. Ill Fred S. Shaw. 113 Peter J. Anderson. Ill Mrs. Prudy Shaw. 115 Charles F. Hill. Ill John Mahlquist. 129 Vacant house. 113 Clyde M. Bradt 133 Mrs. Gertrude J. Rosenburg. 119 Arvid Swanson. 133 Mrs. Adda Lowe. Lake View avenue intersects. Ellicott street intersects. 221 John Spring. 203 Mrs. Anna Parkinson. K E N T STREET. 227 Aaron A. Brown. Right and South Side. KING STREET. 10 Egbert E. Woodbury. Right and South Side. 18 Mrs. Nora Durnin. 18 George H. Jowett. 24 Michael McGinty. 108 John Shackleton. 28 Earl D. Hayward. 114 Junius H. Benson. 32 John Cashen. 114 Mrs, Elizabeth W . Kellogg. 32 Mrs. Lodeska R. Lawton. 116 William H. Bradley. 32 Conrad Lundgren. Webster street intersects. 32% Allen Thayer. 118 Charlie Johnson. 36 Jacob Oser. 120 August Anderson. Prendergast avenue intersects. 134 Peter A. Johnson. 112 Mrs. Maggie C. Davis. Ellicott street intersects. 124 Mrs. Eleanor J. Blodgett. 220 Nels J. Peterson. 124 Mrs. Susie B. Pulver. Hebner street intersects. 128 Daniel A. Sullivan. 300 Mrs. Johannah S. Roseberg. 130 Edwin D. Cook. KIDDER STREET. From 160 Warren west to Prospect —3d ward. Left and South Side. 9 Fred C. Hunt 11 Charlie Anderson. 15 Ralph E. Waite. 15 Mrs. Jane Randall. Broadhead avenue intersects. KINGSBURY AVENUE. From 1,038 Main, east to Prendergast avenue—1st ward. Right and South Side. 20 Vacant house. 28 Austin J. Thayer. K I N N E Y STREET. From opposite 227 Willard, south to English.—4th ward. K I N N E Y S T R E E T , Cont'd. 86 23 27 27 29 31 31 47 47 51 51 75 12 28 32 36 36 36 36 40 40 44 52 5S 64 L A F A Y E T T E STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Left and East Side. No houses. Pearl avenue intersects. Charles A. Berg. Victor Peterson. August W . Peterson. Andrew G. Lager. Fred A. Sampson. Peter A. Jacobson. Cedar avenue intersects. Gust F. Bergquist. Mrs. Eliza C. Swanson. Alfred O. Johnson. Oscar O. Nelson. Louis C. Thierfeldt. K I N N E Y STREET. Right and West Side. John O. Palmer. Carl J. Carlson. Olof Nelson. Henry N. Carlson. John J. Johnson. Gust W . Soderquist. John F. Rungren. Karl Peterson. Mrs. Fredreka Rubin. John A. Carlson. Charles J. Gustafson. Vacant house. Adolph C. Hanson. KIPP S T R E E T . From opposite 501 Crescent, north to Fab^oner—5th ward. Left and West Side. 1 Lawrence E. Enckson. L A F A Y E T T E STREET. From 215 West 2d, north to Reinold avenue.—2d ward. Left and West Side. James H. Jackson. 205 West 3d street intersects. No houses. West 4th street intersects. 401 Horace Hitchcock. 407 Merrill C Tinker. 411 Mrs. Mary M. Millen. 417 Mrs. Sarah R. Wescott. West Sth street intersects. 513 Nathan D. Lewis. 517 Fred H. Garfield. 601 603 611 611 613 615 619 703 705 705 711 809 811 819 821 204 208 312 400 404 410 416 516 West 6th street intersects. Vacant house. Mrs. Jennie Runser. Willis E. Seymour. Mrs. Leah Smith. CPeirson Herpst. Frank G. Johnson. Charles F. Molly. West 7th street intersects. Charles E. Johnson. George J. Davis. Mrs. Bridget McAllen. Patrick Moynihan. West 8th street intersects. George W . Barnes. George E. Pemberton. Van W . Hall. Albert C. Wood. Isabella avenue intersects. Marvin Park. L A F A Y E T T E STREET. Right and East Side. Levant L. Mason. Mrs. Jennie C. Billings. West 3d street intersects. Frank W . Couch. West 4th street intersects. C Eugene Clark. William P. Osmer. John Guenster. Mrs. Susan S. Hazeltine. West 5th street intersects. Henry W . Odell. West 6th street intersects. 602 Vernon E. Peckham. 604 Clement H. Windsor. 610 Robert G. Bailey. 612 William R. Denslow. L A F A Y E T T E STREET, Cont'd. LAKE VIEW AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. West 7th street intersects. 710 Henry C. Bolton. 714 Gust Askergren. 716 Edward J. Marsh. 816 818 820 822 822 834 838 842 844 846 902 West 8th street intersects. Cornelius M. Harrison. Oscar F. Spencer. Cornelius Moynihan. William T. Marsh. Mulford C. Marsh. Isabella avenue intersects. Samuel L. Willard. James Mecusker. Mrs. Gustie Lund. John Huntington. Henry Kleinsang. West 10th stieet intersects. Peter Morgan. L A K E STREET. From 32 Sampson, west to Colfax. —6th ward. Left and South Sde. 3 Charles G. Sindell. 3 Elmer Eckland. 13 Alfred Barnett. 23 Charles Lundmark. 27 Andrew Hagstrom. L A K E STREET. Right and North Side. 18 Henry G. Nordine. 26 Charles Swanson. 28 Gust A. Kling. LAKIN AVENUE. From 507 Ashville avenue, south to West 3d—6th ward. Left and East Side. 5 James White. 5 William N. Smedley. 7 Albert Palmer. 7 Leander Balcom. 9 Samuel E. Slawson. West 6th street intersects. Olivet Chapel. 87 LAKIN AVENUE. 122 126 130 130 138 Right and West Side. No houses. West 6th street intersects. Vernon E. Guest. Albert F. Newton. George Olson. Charles Jansen. Archie A. Davis. LAKE VIEW AVENUE. From opposite 412 East 6th north to city limits—1st ward. Left and West Side. 3 William C. Patterson. 17 Charles L. Audette. 27 William A. Bradshaw, Jr. 35 Williaim A. Bradshaw. East 8th street intersects. 101 John G. Wick3. 109 Vacant house. 113 Edgar A. Fenton. 121 Mrs. Amelia Hicks. 121 Erwin D. Shearman. 129 Vacant house. 133 Zera W . Fisher. 135 Allen Falconer. East 9th street intersects. 201 Glen A. Alden. 20> Clifton B. Gates. 211 Frederick P. Hall. Crossman street intersects. 301 Almon N. Taylor. 309 Seneca B. Burchard. 317 Vacant house. Kent street intersects. 409 Vacant house. 415 Cyrus Underwood. Price street intersects. 511 Mrs. Abby L. Bassett. Bassett street intersects. 519 Mrs. Catherine Graham. 527 Charles Cloyes. 551 Martha J. Falconer. 60!; Seth W . Thompson. L A K E V I E W A V E N U E , Cont'd. 88 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 617 Rev. Alfred Dickson. 621 Alfred L. Furlow. Euclid avenue intersects. 637 Clarence D. Rose. Wilson avenue intersects. 653 William Sykes. 663 Perry W . Goodwin. Buffalo street intersects. Lake View cemetery. 4 12 30 34 38 44 52 54 110 110 114 120 130 134 204 208 212 310 402 406 410 416 51F 524 52,? 528 532 540 LINCOLN STREET. LAKE VIEW AVENUE. Right and East Side. Mrs. Mary C. Fitch. Mrs. Rachael Giles. Louis C. Jagger. James L. Weeks. Lynn F. Cornell. Preston C. Houston. Newton Crissey. J. Delevan Curtiss. East 8th street intersects. Mrs. Anna L. Gokey. George F. Gokey. William N. Gokey. Edwin A. Brooks. David E. Merrill. William T. Falconer. East 9th street intersects. Addison S. Price. Elverton B. Crissey. John Cadwell. Crossman street intersects. Wilson A. Price. Kent street intersects. Mrs. Mary A. Butler. Eugene M. Schlaudecker. Horace W . Walker. Erie H. Sample. Price street intersects. Charles Kimberly. Henry Freeman. Charles Green. Orlando D. Green. Samuel J. Sample. Elbridge G. Pierce. 610 610 634 701 724 Winsor street intersects. No houses. Newton street intersects. Mrs. Agnes Warren. Frank Sternberg. Cedar street intersects. William H. Bentley. Street intersects. No houses. Buffalo street intersects. Vacant house. Vacant house. From ward. L A N G F O R D STREET. 114 Hamilton, north.—2d Right and East Side. 20 Erwin H. Johnson. LEE AVENUE. From 810 Forest avenue, west to Sampson.—6th ward. Left and South Side. 101 Vacant house. L I B E R T Y STREET. From 351 East 5th, north to East 6th. —5th ward. Left and West Side. 11 John Fay. LINCOLN STREET. From 427 East 5th, north to East 9th— 1st ward. Left and West Side. 9 C Eugene Bentley. 9 Charles B. Anderson. 15 Richard F. Hazeltine. 15 Mrs. Mary A. Knapp. 17 Mrs. Charlotte Smith. 19 Mrs. Mary E. Harrington. 19 Mrs. Amber Smith. 19 Mrs. Alice Kenny. East 6th street intersects. 107 Charles M. Purdy. 109 Vacant house. 115 Mrs. Clyinda Grover. LINCOLN S T R E E T , Cont'd. LOVELL AVENGE. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 115 Louis K. Jones. 117 Jones Brothers. East 7th street intersects 211 August T. Knorzer. 213 Mrs. Ella Polley. 215 William H. Davey. 301 301 311 315 315 319 323 327 327 329 329 4 12 14 14 16 18 108 112 112 118 120 120 East 8th street intersects. Fred Van Dusen. Mrs. E m m a 0. Morgan. Andrew Griffith. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Hoag. Johnson Brothers. Carl S. Purdy. Milo S. Goldthwait. Augustus C. Ottoson. Albert M. Blanchard. Mrs. Emily J. Young. Charles Anderson. LINCOLN STREET. Right and East Side. David B. Everett. Gilbert G. Webb. Andrew P. White. Frank H. White. Elizabeth Eddy. Charles A. Ogren. East 6th street intersects. Charles P. Henderson. Mrs. Alice I. Harrington. Albert Hanson. Harry E. Gardner. Walter P. Howard. Louis M. Powers. East 7th street intersects. 208 William H. Harrison, Jr. 210 Vacant house. 214 Charles E. Briggs. 300 304 304 308 312 314 316 East 8th street intersects. Morris E. Towne. Mrs. Sarah A. Conic. Mrs. Carrie A. Newton. James A. Clary. Charles N. Watts. Vacant house. Elhanon W . Bucklin. 89 LINDEN AVENUE. From 219 Forest avenue, east to Prospect.—3d ward. Left and North Side. 17 Henry C. Ipson. 25 Oscar C. Lindblom. 29 Fredrick C. Swanson. 29 William V. Kanth. 31 John G. Townsend. 33 George Maltby. 35 Charles W . Dickson. LINDEN AVENUE. Right and South Side . 16 Anton F. Christofferson. 18 August A. Johnson. 20 Nels P. Eckman. 26 Charles J. Lawson. 26 Louis Jensen 28 Mrs. Augusta Lawson. 28 Alfred Peterson. Myrtle street intersects. 34 Frank Weekman. LIVINGSTON A V E N U E . From 301 Ashville avenue west to city limits.—6th ward. Left and South Side. 1 Thomas Galivan. 175 William Provancho. 293 John W . Dunn. North Hallock street intersects. 301 William M. Faley. 421 Henry Dunn. LIVINGSTON A V E N U E . Right and North Side. 2 Charles A. Bly. 2 Mrs. Julia E. Beach. 8 William H. Carter. 16 James B. Slocum. 16 -James Buckley. Sexton street intersects. 158 308 Theodore Glantz. 406 John Girard. LOVELL AVENUE. From 728 Ashville avenue, north to Livingston avenue.—6th ward. L O V E L L A V E N U E , Cont'd. 90 M A I N STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Left and West Side. 15 Gamble Bradley. M A L T B Y STREET. From 9 Holman north to John—4th ward. Left and West Side. 5 Alfred J. Abrahamson. 11 Frank G. Sundquist. M A L T B Y STREET. Right and East Side. 12 Carl J. Sherman. 14 Archer H. Willard. 16 Frank 0. Johnson. M A P L E STREET. From 172 Allen, south to Camp. —4th ward. Left and East Side. 25 John Hill. 25 Samuel A. Carlson. 33 Mrs. Sarah J. Hand. 35 Dr. Jason Parker. 41 John Holmes. 41 Lawrence Swanson. 45 Joseph Whitaker. Shaw avenue intersects. 101 John W . Willard. 105 Charles W . Jones. 107 Vacant house. 109 Abraham Rushworth. 117 Oscar Strand. M A P L E STREET. Right and West Side. 14 Charles C. Andorson. 20 Gust Carlson. 20 Herman Seastran. 26 Jonathan Ratcliffe. 32 Henry Crossley. Garfield street intersects. Vacant lots. Arnold street intersects. Vacant lots. 432 Mrs. Mary Taylor. 434 Henry A. Taylor. 438 Nels E. Lindahl. 440 Albert Peterson. 440 John Lindberg. M A I N STREET. From junction with South Main at Brooklyn square north to city limits. Left and West Side. 1-7 New Warner block. 1 Wiquist & Johnson. 3 A. Renberg & Co. New Warner Hall. 5-7 Vacant store. 9-19 Warner block. 9 Vacant store. 11 Warner's Hall. 11 C S. & W . A. Keeler. D. Shein, room 3. 11 Swanty Anderson, room 7 13-17 J. G. McCrorey. 19-21 G. Friedman. 21 E. W . Melin. 21 E. H. Ketchum. Shearman place intersects. Erie tracks intersect. 23 M. Brockway. 25 M. Hiller. 27 31 Baker block. 27 C. M. Anderson. 29 A. L. Trantum. 29 Rosier & Oser. 29 Jamestown Camera club. 31 Kent & Co. West 1st street intersects. 101-121 Allen square building. 101 R. H. Johnson. 103 American Express Co. 105 B. L. Arnson. 105 Dr. D. Lipchick. 107 M. Barrett. Louis Jensen, room 72. Maloney & Houson, room 66. Olson & Lindgren, room 70. A. J. Ward, room 78. Joseph Grace, room 82. Barney Manchester, room 87. 109-111 Clark Hardware Co. 113 Winnberg & Batcheller. 113 Richard N. Wickfield. 115 Wells-Fargo & Co., express. M A I N S T R E E T , Cont'd. M A I N S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 117 117 119 119 Jamestown Wall Paper Co. F. G. Nordstrom. Lyons News Co. Branch office W . U. T. Co. Clark H. Rawson, rooms 1-2. W . W . Hotchkiss, rooms 3-4. Post & Falconer, rooms 5-6. Business Exchange, rooms 7-8. Allen Square Co., room 15. 121 Greek-American Fruit Co. West 2d street intersects. 20r. Chautauqua County Trust Co. Frank W . Stevens. Frederick R. Peterson. Andrew Carlson. 20? The A. D. Sharpe Co. 205 Jones & Audette. 207 C. F. Abrahamson Co. A. N. Camp. F. A. Knapp. B. A. Barlow. 209 W . H. & S. E. Lines. 211 F. A. Lakin. £11 Union Trust Co. Martin Merz. A. E. Hulquist. Dexter D. Dorn. Walter D. Widrig. Mrs. Lucille Tyrrell. George E. Fox. 213 Frederick A. Fuller, Jr. 215 Farmers and Mechanics bank. Etta Beatty. 217 L. L. Mason. 217 Schildmacher & Spencer. 219 John B. Alden & Co. 219-223 Hall block. E. P. Mahoney, room 1. Arthur W . Kettle, room 1. Charles G. Lindsey, room 1. Wilton C. Lindsey, room 1. E. Crosby, room 2. W m . E. Goucher, room 3. Elbert V. Hetfield, room 4. John G. Wicks, room 5. Union Veteran Legion No. 95. 221 J. B. Collins. 223 Jamestown National Bank. West 3d street intersects. 3C1-307 Prendergast block. 301 Western Union Tel. Co. 301 Lakeview Rose Garden. 303 Hall & Bonsteel. Bradshaw Bros. Chaut. Motor Co. Engineering & Power Co. Green & Woodbury. L. B. Gilbert. Y. W . C. A. rooms Woman's Exchange. 805 C. M. Beck. 305 Anderson Shoe Co. 307 W . P. Gifford. Nelson & Briggs. 309 Frank Buser. 313 Dr. Frank Ormes. 321 Mrs. E. A. Bennett-Sprague. 321 Kittie Landfried. 403 403 40P 413 511 517 601 611 613 613 615 615 619 701 701 703 705 705. 707 West 4th street intersects. John Needham. Miss Marion Ransome. Horace H. Gifford. Jamestown club. West 5th street intersects. Joseph W . Upham. Dr. W m . M. Bemus. West 6th street intersects. Oscar F. Price. Mrs. Lamanda M. Shearman. Claude Russell. Benjamin F. Perry. John Dunn. Vacant store. John Sanders. West 7th street intersects. Hugh H. Griffin. H. C Grant. L..W. Grant. Milton L. Phillips. D e m m o n Rowley. Vacant store. George Knorr. Rowley place intersects. Charles F. Clarke & Co. 91 M A I N S T R E E T , Cont'd. M A I N S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 92 Holland L. Bullock. 709 Joseph Heintz. 801 805 805 807 807 811 811 817 821 West Sth street intersects. Clayton E. Price. William Johnson. John M. Trask. James H. Jones. Guy Pulver. Ralph A. Nobles. Benjamin M. Ross. George P. Paterson. Mrs. Jane Copp. West 9th street intersects. Robert H. Johnson. Mrs. Mary Lavina Ward. William Henry Harris. August Willman. Willman Bros. West 10th street intersects. 849 Philip J. Hoffman. 853% Jacob Oser. 853 Rose & Wicks. 855 Henry A. Stumpf. 857% Robert L. Wright. 859 George Knorr. 861 J. Gilbert Rogers. 865 Charles F. Dschuden. 869 Joseph Cork. 869 Charles M. Dorman. Rathbone street intersects. 901 Clark W . Salisbury. 903 George G. Brownell. 907 Mrs. Mary Lyons. 909 George E. Griffith. Tilden avenue intersects. 915 Nils Peterson. 917 Martin Peterson. 919 Carl J. Johnson. 921 Manley E. Johnson. 13th street intersects. 929 George F. Clarke. 933 Grace chapel. Rubinkam avenue intersects. 1003 Timothy Saxton. 1007 George A. Kofod. 1009 John M. Felton. 1009 John A. Anderson. 1015 Charles C. Ramsey. Dickerson strret intersects. 833 835 839 841 841 1021 Benjamin Dickerson. Beulah place intersects. 1027 Charles C. Husted. 1027 Joseph Pugh. Fountain avenue intersects. 1031 Arthur A. Lee. 1033 Daniel Young. 1035 Daniel E. Smith. 1037 Mrs. Sarah E. Mcintosh. Reinold avenue intersects. 1041 John Wilcox. 1055 Nels Hegstrom. 1055 Merritt Leroy. 1101 Peter Haas. 1101 Charles C. Haas. 1113 Mrs. Margaret Kelly. Fluvanna avenue intersects. Branch school No. 6. 1235 Elihu S. Briggs. 1249 Vacant house. 1255 Alonzo Stevenson. 1259 William Quirk. 1275 Mrs. Christina Peterson. 1281 Mary H. Laidl:-r. MAIN STREET. Right and East Side. 2-16 Broadhead block. 2 Jamestown Auction and Second Hand Store. 4 John G. Jones. J. Elmer Davis. Like Garfield. George L. Martin. 4 C. W . Swanson & Co. 6 S. P. Carlson. 10 John M. Cushman. 10 Robert R. Morrow. 12 Vacant store. Andrew Lunn. W m . Koehl. 14 Templeton & Murphy. 16 Ridgway & Neill. 18 H. O. Berry. 20 Ghee H. Keehin. 20 Edward Peterson. Erie tracks intersect. 24-32 Arcade building. 24 Harris, Underwood & Doering. 26 Edward E. Duffee. M A I N S T R E E T , Cont'd. M A I N S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 28 F. L. Scudder. 28 Dr. R. J. Brown. J. A. Hulquist & Co., room 2. 30-32 Cook & Treat. 34 Dr. W . S. Depew. 34 John Lott. 34 A. W . Murray. 36 Bush & Freeman. Worden & Armstrong. Fowler & Weeks. 38 W . H. Sprague. East 1st street intersects. 100 Thomas Gowan. 100 Lundquist & Sons. W . S. Cameron. W m . Hjorth & Co. 102 Anderson & Smith. 104 Anderson & Johnson. 106 S. E. Anderson. 108 Aldrich Furniture Co. 110-116 Fenton block, unfinished. East 2d street intersects. 200 William H. Wright. 200 C. A. Swanson & Co. 202 J. W . Collopy. Tibbals & Fowler. J. A. Bergwall. 204 S. H. Knox & Co. 206 W m . H. Proudfit. 208 A. J. Peterson & Son. 210 J. Whitley & Son. 212 R. T. Logan. Dr. George B. Jones. Olof A. Olson. F. O. Johnson. 214 C. J. Jenner. 216-222 Gifford block. 216-220 Marble Hall. 222 First National Bank. John A. Knorr, basement. East 3d street intersects. 300 Clark Brothers. 300 B. P. O. E. club rooms. Mrs. Margaret Crittenden. 302 E. E. Waterhouse. 302 Aldrich Art Co. 304 Vacant store. 306 Fenner & Son. James R. Fenner. 93 Mrs. Mary J. Smith. Corrine A. Johnson. Mrs. C. R. Durfee. George W . Durfee. Dr. Frank D. Ormes. James M. Quinlan. Leopold Lessord. Dr. Laban Hazeltine. East 4th street intersects. St. Luke's church. 410 Rev. A. Sidney Dealey. 412 Mrs. Emelin:- S. Weeks. 416 William F. Endress. East 5th street intersects. 508 Almet N. Broadhead. 518 Jerome B. Fisher. East 6th street intersects. 600 L. L. Schwein. 608 Gerald H. Houghtaling. 608 Charles Wilson. 610 M. M. Swanson. 610 Mrs. Samantha J. Moore. 612 Charles L. Horton. East 7th street intersects. 706 Aylesworth & Hill. 708 William Comfort 708 William W . Campbell. Emery H. Slaughenboupt 710 Peterson & Johnson. 712 W m . K. Harms. 714 H. F. Rumple. Pine street intersects. East 8th street intersects. 800-804 Lewis Block. 800 Burnham & Co. George A. Newton, room 1. Julius C. Housen, room 2. Frank E. Hegg. Perry J. Martin. Ernest C. McClintock, room 4. Clinton M. Lewis, room 7. George E. Freeman, room 8. Arthur H. Graff. 802 Whitmore & Mourton. 804 P. iF. Lewis & Sons. 808 Mrs. Fanny E. Jones. 808 Mrs. Helen Bedient. 810 Henry Arnold. 812 Wilson Heath. 816 Mrs. Jane Gree'ey. 316 318 318 320 322 322 322 M A I N STREET, Cont'd. 94 816 820 822 822 826 832 832 838 842 848 848 850 856 860 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 872 880 Mrs. Margaret Ahlberg. Nathaniel J. Fenner. Carrie Davenport. Mrs. Laura Wright. Mrs. Mina Wilbur. Mrs. Lavina L. Stone. Frank LeRoy. Mrs. Leonora A. Willard. Reuben G. Owens. James Knapp. Royal C. Burnham. Joseph M. Himebaugh. Martin Lewis. Mrs. Nettie E. Williamson. Charles J. Malmbsrg. Edwin J. Gilroy. Benjamin K. Solliday. Scofield & Doolittle. 900 904 910 912 916 Crossman street intersects. Charles B. Moore. Myron S. VanScoter. Aaron V. Mott. Martin Knorr. Julius G. M. Ebel. 920 922 926 930 Kent street intersects. Vacant house. Matthew Hooper. P. John Lindberg. Vacant house. 862 866 1018 1032 1034 1038 1042 1048 1052 1054 1058 1060 1062 M A R V I N STREET. Price street intersects. No houses. East Dickerson street intersects. Milton E. Klock. Peter Mullen. Regent street intersects. Rodney L. Potter. Kingsbury avenue intersects. Mrs. Margaret Mullin. Jerry Ryan. Charles Johnson. James D. Berry. Peter O. Lindberg. Wilson avenue intersects. John Swanson. Earl Love. William Haas. Buffalo street intersects. Lake View Cemetery. 1269 Audel P. Linden. John Anderson. Catholic Cemetery. Walter J. Fairbank. M A R T I N ROAD. From 710 Foote avenue southeast to c'ty limits—4th ward. Left and North Side. William H. Francisco. John Watts. M A R T I N ROAD. Right and South Side. Truman C. Ferry. Mrs. Katherine Derry. M A R V T N STREET. From 114 West 8th, north to Fluvanna avenue—2d ward. Left and West Side. 1 J. H. Marsh & Co. 9 Patrick McVeigh. Isabella avenue intersects. 11 Thomas F. Marsh. 15 Leonard J. Field. 17 Mrs. Elizabeth C. Hanson. 23 Hans A. Boss. 27 Edwin J. Smith. 31 Alfred C. Bendall. 33 Levi Wellington. 35 Mrs. Catherine McGee. 37 EdWin D. Perry. 37 Edward Snyder. 39 John W . Johnson. 43 William W . DeLisle. 47 Holland S. Coe. 47 William A. Haviland. 49 George R. Pease. West 10th street intersects. 59 Mrs. Minnie H. Burr. 71 Daniel W . Roberts. Rathbone street intersects. 105 Alonzo S. Hotchkiss. 109 Henry I. Baldwin. 111-115 Frank Buser. M A R V I N STREET, Cont'd. M E C H A N I C STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Joseph J. Norton. Mrs. Elizabeth Gowan. Nicholas Paul. Jake A. Loucks. Patrick Garrigan. Oscar H. Swanson. Charles Hankin. Morris Turner. John P.Swanson. Joseph Ralph. Fred L. Rhodes. Horace G. Fuller. James H. Green. Henry D. Baldwin. M A R V I N STRET. Right and East Side. 6 Laws M. Lawson. 10 Charles E. Freeman. 14 August J. Peterson. 18 Mrs. Charlotte Martin. 20 George Annis, Jr. 28 John Guinne. 36 Jeremiah Moynihan. West 9th street intersects. 46 Edwin G. Coe. 54 Lester H. Muzzy. 60 John Dschuden. 10th street intersects. 66 Charles J. Arnold. 68 George Greenwood. 70 Edward S. Franklin. 74 Frank Barnes. 78 Thomas F. Collins. 80 Mrs. Isabel F. Jackson. 84 Lewis J. Ward. 86 Deforest Rappole. Rathbone street intersects. 110 Harry S. Vernon. 148 William H. West. Rubinkam avenue intersects. 150 Norman J. Link. 154 Nathan J. Buck. 156 Charles D. Parker. 158 Mrs. Belle Scheid. Dickerson street intersects. 162 Alexander R. Fenner. 125 171 185 185 187 191 195 197 201 243 247 251 257 259 95 164 Alonzo Norton. 166 Frederick W . Burchard. 172 Charles O. Thelin. Reinold avenue intersects. 206 George F. Clark. 260 Mrs. Adelia M. Jones. McDANNELL AVENUE. From 815 Ashville avenue south to Hunt road. Right and West Side. 4 Jay B. Hollister Royal avenue intersects. 102 Frederick W . Mansfield. 112 Vacant house. 116 Mrs. Jennie Pike. Woodworth avenue intersects. 206 Charles J. Lindell. M E A D O W LANE. From 702 Ashville avenue north to Livingston avenue—6th ward. Right and East Side. 16 William D. Coldren. M E C H A N I C STREET. From 49 Warren east to Walnut—3d ward. Left and North Side. 15 Peter A. Finley. 17 Edward D. Myers. 19 Vacant house. 25 Elbridge G. Partridge. 29 Harrison Pike. 33 John Ahlstrom. 35 Dennis W . Murphy. 35 Herman J. Templeton. 39 John W . Winnberg. Foote avenue intersects. 109 David M. Mellor. 111 Alfred Nelson. 113 Mrs. Julia Crocker. M E C H A N I C STREET. Right and South Side. 20 James I. Fowler. Branch school No. 4. Hazzard street intersects. M E C H A N I C STREET, Cont'd. 96 M Y R T L E STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 112 Robert Person. 114 Lenus Siderburg. METALLIC AVENUE. From before 14 Ashville avenue north to Seymour—6th ward. Left and West Side. 9 Adolph Clauss. 11 John F. Moynihan. 13 Phillip J. Nen. 15 Fannie Crocker. 17 Walter Irwin. 19 Mrs. Louisa B. Smith. 21 Kinney James. 23 William J. Davis. 25 Mrs. Mary Wright. 27 Charles H. DeBell. M O N R O E STREET. From 512 West 3d north to Isabella avenue—2d ward. Left and West Side. 311 Henry Johnson. 313 Charley Johnson. 403 Jewett M. Almy. 405 John G. Moynihan. Hamilton street intersects. No houses. West 5th street intersects. No houses. West 6th street intersects. 611 Jerome Merritt. 613 William H. Holder. M O N R O E STREET. Right and East Side. No houses. West 5th street intersects. 508 John 8. Barrows. 514 Patrick Gilligan. 520 Mrs. Elizabeth O'Hagan. 520 Ziba B. Dewitt. West 6th street intersects. 610 Vacant house. 612 Frank Murray. 612 Mrs. Carrie MacConnell. West 7th street intersects. 716 Helen Canty. 36 Andrew Lynn. 40 Levi Johnson. Foote avenue intersects. 108 R. Francis See. 110 Charles F. Carlson. MORSE AVENUE. From opposite 495 Chandler north— 4th ward. Right and East Side. 4 Andrew J. Hulquist. 6 John M. Ruckman. 8 Henry Hulquist. 8 Victor Johnson. 10 Gust O. Smith. 12 Leonard G. Ahlstrom. 12 Mrs. Ida Anderson. M O R T O N STREET. From 10 Sampson west to Colfax— 6th ward. Left and South Side. 11 Gust A. Swanson. 15 James Hansen. 19 Hans Anker. M O R T O N STREET. Right and North Side. 12 Vacant house. 16 August A. Peterson. 20 John Carlson. M U R R A Y AVENUE. From before 803 West 5th north toWest 8th—2d ward. Left and West Side. 417 John Maharon. Carroll street, intersects. 715 Mrs. E m m a Rice. 715 Andrew Snyder. MURRAY AVENUE. Right and East Side. 416 Daniel Garvey. West 6th street intersects. 612 Leon L. Fancher. M Y R T L E STREET. From 31 Linden avenue south to Hazeltine avenue—3d ward. Left and East Side. 15 Charles Vedell. MYRTLE STREET, Cont'd. NEWLAND AVENUE. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 15 Andrew J. Lannes. 21 John Burkland. John W . Peterson. Axel Lundquist. Axel Johnson. John E. Erickson. 0. Edward Johnson. John G. Carlson. Charles Sandstrom. Otto Anderson. Gust Anderson. Newland avenue intersects. No houses. Union avenue intersects. 207 Peter Carlson. 207 Frank Allison. 213 Charles F. Welroth. 25 25 29 29 33 35 35 39 39 M Y R T L E STREET. Right and West Side. 12 John Anderson. 12 Frank Olson. N E W L A N D AVENUE. From 504 Forest avenue west to city limits—3d and 6th wards. Left and South Side. 11 Anna M. Winters. 15 Mrs. Sarah C. Willoughby. 19 Gust Holquist 19 Otto Anderson. Hazzard street intersects. 1«9 Charles L. Niederland. Ill Ewan R. Wimmermark. 121 Vacant house. 125 Vacant house. Warren street intersects. 211 Morris Southwick. 215 Frank A. Fuller. Broadhead avenue intersects. 309 Charles A. Lawson. 313 Solomon Ostrom. 313 Fred J. Carlson. 321-3 John A. Stoneberg. 323 Edward Johnson. 323 Adolf Johnson.' Prospect street intersects. 97 Alfred Gilbert. Andrew Anderson. Charles F. Freay. John G. Berg. Park street intersects. 503 Herman W . Hazeltine. 509 John Hallstrom. Myrtle street intersects. 623 Edmond B. Smith. Forest avenue intersects. No houses. Barrett street'intersects. August Engstfom. 819 823 Louis C. Hanslen. 825 Alfred Johnson. 829 Andrew Anderson. 833 Ludwig Hesing. 837 Charles W . Hagelin. Charles street intersects. 909 Jens Jenson. 913 Charles Johnson. 921 Charles D. Pratt. 931 Whitman P. Hunt. Sampson street intersects. 1009Axel F. T. Lawson. 1013 Oscar Chindgren. 1017 Melinda Erickson. 1021 Anton Peterson. 1027 August Morgan. Colfax street intersects. 1109Dexter D. Dorn. 1117 Vacant house. Jones street intersects. No houses. Baker street intersects. Melvin F. Steves. South Hallock street intersects. Levi Mclntyre. Eugene M. Stoner. N E W L A N D AVENUE. Right and North Side. 12 George Smith. 16 Albert Chingren. 20 Swan Jacob Swanson. 22 Gustavus Lvaquist. 409 415 419 423 N E W L A N D AVENUE, Cont'd. 98 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. Hazzard street intersects. Vacant house. Vacant house. Walt:r A. Veiley. Bailey Bratt. Warren street intersects. 214 Frank T. Hill. 218 John E. Anderson. 222 Gust F. Olson. Broadhead avenue intersects. No houses. Prospect street intersects. No houses. Park street intersects. 502 Georg; Jacobson. 506 Oscar S. Gilbert. 514 John H. Anderson. 516 Nels P. Young. Myrtle street intersects. 614 Edward Anderson. 618 Erick Erickson. 618 Frank W. Fox. Forest avenue intersects. No houses. Barrett street intersects. 816 Oscar F. Anderson. 824 Charles A. Johnson. 828 Carl Vinmerstedt. 830 John N. Frank. Charles street intersects. 912 Andrew Johnson. 920 Edward Lawson. Orchard avenue intersects. 930 Charles Swanson. 934 Gust P. Lawson. Sampson street intersects. 1014 G. Alfred Johnson. 1018 Gust Bloomquist. 1024 John A. Johnson. 1026 John Kling. N E W T O N STREET. 106 110 114 118 ORCHARD AVE. Ormes street intersects. No houses. Bowen street intersects. 209 Charles C. A. Nelson. Stowe street intersects. 311 John Beaver. Weeks street intersects. 403 Gustaf Young. 407 Amel Peterson. N O R T H HALLOCK STREET. From 702 Ashville avenue north to Livingston avenue—6th ward. Left and West Side. 5 Jam:s W. Davidson. 9 Chas. M. Widrig. N O R T H HALLOCK STREET. Right and East Side. 70 James A. Smith. N O R T H LIBERTY STREET. From Fluvanna avenue north to limits—2d ward. Thomas Dillon. NORTON AVENUE. From 434 Baker west to Summit—6th ward. Left and South Side. 4 Mrs. Anna Bentley. NORTON AVENUE. Right and North Side. 10 Andreas Olson. 50 Vacant house. 70 Gust Johnson. OAK STREET. From end of Shaw avenue south to Ahrens—4th ward. Right and West Side. 35 Frank Lawson. 39 Charles J. Quist. From 540 Lake View avenue east to 45 Vacant house. 49 Vacant house. Buffalo—5th ward. O R C H A R D AVENUE. Left and North Side. From 213 Forest south—6th ward. 23 John O. Nordine. 51 August Swanson. Left and East Side. O R C H A R D A V E , Cont'd. P A L M E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 17 Charles L. Anderson. O R C H A R D STREET. From 438 Winsor east—5th ward. Left and North Side. 3 Frank Housted. 5 Peter Carlson. 7 William C. Pihlblad. 9 Alton E. Page. 13 Peter J. Turner. 15 Erick A. Olson. 4 4 6 6 14 14 16 O R C H A R D STREET. Right and South Side. Gustaf D. Danielson. Casper Bratt. Charles E. Hendrickson. Charles Adamson. Henry Olson. John Levan. Mrs. Cynthia C Harris. O R M E S STREET. From 51 Newton north to Buffalo— 5th ward. Left and West Side. 51 Mrs. Rosanna O'Brien. O R M E S STREET. Right and East Side. 24 Martin Brugge. O S B O R N STREET. From opposite 312 Hazeltine avenue south to Ellicott—6th ward. Left and East Side. 9 Max M. Werner. O S B O R N STREET. Right and West Side. 22 Adolf Eklund. 22 Lars Ryd. O U T L E T STREET. From Jones & Gifford avenue south to Erie R. R — 6th ward. Left and East Side. 35 George C. Buck. 41-45 Himebaugh Bros. 99 O U T L E T STREET. Right and West Side. 26 Almon Fox. P A L M E R STREET. From rear 346 Baker west to Hallock —6th ward. Left and South Side. 25 Adolph Renberg. 27 Louis Sandburg. 29 Otto A. Johnson. Sprague street intersects. 101 Brooklyn Heights chapel. 207 Adam King. 207 John A. King. 313 Cyril A. Rounds. 325 Ebenezer S. Bowen. 333 Frederick E. Morton. 401 Vacant house. 405 Herbert Walker. 417 Vacant house. Summit street intersects. 505 Jay C. Smith. 507 Charles H. Thomas. Hess street intersects. 601 John R. Davidson. 607 Charles F. Kelsey. 617 James I. Squier. 637 William R. Bucklin. P A L M E R STREET. Right and North Side. 4 Thomson Waite. 26 John C. Mack. Sprague street intersects. 106 Vacant house. 110 Otto T. Johnson. 114 Axel T. Westergrin. 118 Ruth Rhinemiller. Tew street intersects. 214 Robert J. Gray. 218 Daniel W . Leiver. Highland avenue intersects. 332 Vacant house. 336 Frank W . Stearns. Hall avenue intersects. P A L M E R STREET, Cont'd. 100 506 514 516 520 604 618 622 624 626 628 630 P A R K STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Elvin Hunt. Edgar Paul. Holland F. Paul. George Lyon. Hess street intersects. Clarence W . King. John W . Tanner. Vacant house. Frank H. Teudesman. William H. Mason. George H. Stuart. Sidney P. Stuart. PARDEE AVENUE. From 386 Willard south—4th ward. Left and East Side. 13 Henry C. Erickson. 13 Axel Burgstrom. 17 Carl A. Ecklund. PARDEE AVENUE. Right and West Side. 32 John Swanson. P A R K PLACE. From 624 Foote avenue west to Forest avenue—3d ward. Left and South Side. 11 H. Adelbert Simmons. 15 Vacant house. 17 Albert Wahlstedt. 103 E. Andrew Cedar. 113 Thomas Hall. No houses. Warren street intersects. 213 James B. Cole. 219 Mrs. Rhoda Hills. 223 Vacant house. 227 William Edwards. 235 Nicholas Fornell. P A R K PLACE. Right and North Side. No houses. Warren street intersects. No houses. Walnut street intersects. No houses. Hazzard street intersects. 210 Mrs. Mary Conners. P A R K STREET. From 19 Prospect avenue south to Hazeltine avenue—3d ward. Left and East Side. 11 Edward Landberg. 11 John Anderson. 19 William Johnson. 19 Andrew Johnson. 21 Victor C. Johnson. 21 Gust Larson. 25 John A. Lindblom. 25 Peter Carlson. 47 Albert Scudder. Newland avenue intersects. 105 Edd Lindbeck. 107 Andrew Burley. 107 Lyford B. Fenton. Ill Swan Carlson. 113 John Mohl. 115 Charles Hager. 115 Charlie Olson. 125 Vacant house. 131 Charlie Sutton. P A R K STREET. Right and West Side. 14 14 18 18 22 24 42 44 Mrs. Mary Peterson. Mrs. Anna Lunn. Frank E. Reed. Mrs. Sarah Reed. Charlie Lindquist. J. Alfred Stone. Samuel Leafstone. William G. Torrey. Newland avenue intersects. John M. Nelson. A.ugust Frederickson. H:-nry Housen. August Hultquist. August Carlstrom. Fairfield avenue intersects. 138 Peter Peterson. 138 Gust W . Gustafson. 114 116 122 124 128 P A R T R I D G E STREET. PINE STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. P A R T R I D G E STREET. From 233 Hazzard east to Foote avenue—3d ward. Left and North Side. 7 Gust A. Johnson. 7 Robert Carlson. 7 George W . Risley. 11 C. Oscar Anderson. 13 Carl Oberg. 13 John E. Swanson. P A R T R I D G E STREET. Right and South Side. 4 John S. Anderson. 4 Richard Conners. 8 Gust Johnson. 8 Charlie Gulin. 12 John A. Johnson. 12 Erick Erickson. P E A C H STREET. From 448 Winsor east to Bowen—5th ward. Left and North Side. 11 Thomas Shoesmith. 11 John Leburg. 23 Samuel Haycook. 23 Charles L. Converse. 37 Mrs. Augusta Russell. 37 Eugene E. Russ ill. P E A C H STREET. Right and South Side. 28 Frank L. Wiler. 28 Charles F. Quist. 30 William W . Gage. 34 Vacant house. 38 Frank A. Cease. 40 William H. Olds. 42 Dexter Mallory. PEARL AVENUE. From before 23 Kinney east.—4th ward. Left and North Side. 19 Charles A. Akholm. 35 Ira F. Flagg. PEARL AVENUE. Right and South Side. 16 Andrew G. Palmer. 20 22 28 32 32 36 36 40 48 48 52 52 104 101 Leonard L. Sahlstrom. August N. Erickson. Nels E. Bergstrom. Anna G. Johnson. Mrs. Lottie Olson. John A. Hult. John Rehn. Vacant house. John E. Anderson. Malcolm And'rson. Charles G. Johnson. John P. Johnson. Axel G. ETickson. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. From Baker between Newland and Hazeltine avenu:s, west to Hallock.— 6th ward. George. H. Stevrs. Joseph Rosseau. 121 Vacant house. P E T E R S O N STREET. From 303 Willard north to Benedict. —4th ward. Left and West Side. 11 Charles E. Prterson. 15 Jonas P. Johnson. 21 August Johnson. 25 Oscar W . Erickson. 25 Renhold Vallen. 31 August Johnson. 35 Charlie G. Peterson. 41 Charlie P. Lundberg. 41 Andrew Lundberg. 49 John F. Hultin. P E T E R S O N STREET. Right and East Side. 6 Chas. A. Anderson. 10 Theodore Johnson. 22 Frank P. Johnson. 24 John W . Carlson. 24 Andrew J:nson. 28 Andrew Scott. 38 Mrs. Louise Anderson. 46 Charlie J. Eastman. 50 Joseph F. Abrahamson. PINE STREET. From 21 East 1st north to Main—1st ward. Left and West Side. PINE STREET, Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 102 209 211 211 311 405 515 517 607 609 611 615 617 Opera House block. East 2d street intersects. J. H. Erwin. William J. Bender. Robert Bender. East 3d street intersects. Vacant house. East 4th street intersects. Dr. Edward C. Lyman. East 5th street intersects. Eri H. Goodenough. J. George Weitzel. East 6th street intersects. Mrs. Adda H. Hatch. William A. Knowlton. Austin J. Orr. William G. Waite. Luther A. Forbush. PINE STREET. Right and East Side. Gron block. East 2d street intersects. 208 E. H. Love & Co. 208 L. H. Mather. John J. Frank. 20S The Herald Printing Co. 208 Rear, Robert Cowan. 208 Rear, G. A. Gross. 212 Mrs. Emily Stilson. 212 B. J. Service. 304 306 308 310 312 PRENDERGAST AVENUE. East 3d street intersects. Vacant store. F. E. Armitage. Walter L. Saxton. Cassius M. Phillips. Orren C. Brownell. East 4th street intersects. No houses. East 5th street intersects. 500 Daniel H. Post. 518 Yale W . Burtch East 6th street intersects. 614 Herman Hirshauer. 616 Vacant house. 618 Timothy Callahan. 618% Archibald Carter. 620 Sarah J. Wright. 622 Vacant house. 624 Vacant house. Branch School No. 1. PRATHER AVENUE. From 48 Prospect west to Forest avenue.—2d ward. Right and North Side. 18 William Koehl. 18 John R. Stafford. 18% Fr;d G. Horton. Hallock park intersects. 40 Williaro W . Henderson. PRENDERGAST AVENUE. From 221 East 2d, north to Buffalo— 1st ward. Left and West Side. 209 Truman H. Post. 209 E. Hatch Simmons. 211 Olans Lundquist. East 3d street intersects. 311 Mrs. Francis B. Strunk. 311 Charles Tracey. 311 Frank Falconer. 311 Mrs. Sarah J. Holbrook. 311 Frank M. Falconer. 311 Mrs. Jeanette Sisson. 313 Charles H. Russell. First Church of Christ, Scientist. East 4th street intersects. 401 Mrs. Theda C. Hedges. 401 Mrs. Anna A. Farnham. 409 Lewis Hall. 417 Mrs. Eliza M. Winsor. East 5th street intersects. 509 Martin L. Fenton. 517 Laban Hazeltine. East 6th street intersects. 609 Arthur Hills. 611 John Conway. 615 Elias C. Bargar. 617 Clyde W . Jackson. 621 James W . Bohall. 621 Millard C. Holt. P R E N D E R G A S T A V E N U E , Cont'd. P R E N D E R G A S T A V E N U E , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 625 625 627 627 629 629 629 635 639 641 649 Sandford A. Holbrook. Theodore M. Roberts . Millard C. Holt. Elias C. Bargar. Kittie Conroy. Charles H. Lozier. Mrs. Elva L. Everwine. Otto C. Hammerquist. Charles A. Swanson. Burr M. Slayton. Mrs. Emogene Deane. East 8th street intersects. 801 Robert B. Jones. 807 Henry Stumpf. 811 Charles S. Blanchard. 811 Alfred T. Harris. 819 William P. Steward. 821 Mrs. Harriett Hayward. 821 Frank R. Middleton. 825 Andrew C. Holmes. 833 Daniel Fretts. 837 Henry H. Jones. 837% John C. Jones. 839 Clarence A. Hulquist. 843 Adam Kunzag. 847 William H. Scofield. 847 Otto H. Peterson. 851 Vacant house 857 Mrs. Mary Ford. 863 Abraham S. Prather . Crossman street intersects. 901 Merrill Butts. 905 Alfred E. Hale. 907 Mrs. Hattie E. Price. 913 Charles H. Pew. 913 Axel E. Swanson. Kent street intersects. 1001 George W . Dewey. 1015 Mrs. Emily S. Woodin. Price street intersects. 1135 Charles E. Graham. Regent street intersects. 1145 Edgar J. Cole. Kingsbury avenue intersects. 1201 Leon A. Conner. 1207 Jefferson G. Wiggins. PRENDERGAST AVENUE. Right and East Side. N o houses. East 3d street intersects. 304 Orsino E. Jones. 312 Dr. John M. Brooks. 318 Mrs. Eliza G. Davis. East 4th street intersects. No houses. East 5th street intersects. 506 George B. Smith. 512 Thomas A. Shaw. 512% Mrs. Louisa Peterson. East 6th street intersects. 608 Milo Harris. 608 S. Arthur Baldwin. 608 Elton C. Hunt. 610 Frank Pennock. 612 Myrick W . Wiltsie. 616 Mrs. Nellie Olson. 616 Orrin H. Lily. 622 Herbert E. Bartlett. 622 Mrs. Samantha M. Bounds. 626 Samuel B. Lewin. 628 John Bauer. 632 Albert W . Schildmacher. 636 John Gelm. 642 Frank W . Cheney. East 8th street intersects. 800 Ira C. Bates. 804 Mrs. Mary A. Miles. 808 Joseph W . Stevens. 808 Edward B. Boyd. 814 Edwin M. Salisbury. 818 Mrs. Elizabeth M. Hegeman. 820 Henry C. Frazier. 824 Robert A. Prescott. 826 Jacob Schwab. 830 William H. Evans. 836 John J. Trainer. 836 Edmund Lord. 842 Charles Herbert Dickinson. 846 Paul M. Dean. 850 Mrs. Margaret McDermid. East 9th street intersects. 854 Carlos E. Blanchard. 858 Samuel W . Scott. 862 Charles H. Morehouse. Crossman street intersects. N o houses. 103 P R E N D E R G A S T A V E N U E , Cont'd. PROSPECT STREET. 104 JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. Kent street intersects. 1010 Henry A. Dow. 1014 George H. Rusbuldt. Price street intersects. No houses. Bassett street intersects. 1130 Bennett Moeller. 1132 Mrs. Nora Mullen. Euclid avenue intersects. 1154 Milton Staples. PRICE S T R E E T . From 930 Main east to Bowen—1st and 5th wards. Left and North Side. 9 George A. S. Kent. 11 Fred T. Corke. 25 Daniel C. Moynihan. 29 James J. Waters. 29 Mrs. Grace Ward. 31 John V. Moynihan. 33 James D. Martin. Prenderast avenue intersects. Ill George W . Sisson. Lake View avenue intersects. 211 August Burland. 219 John A. Farm. 219 John Yarling. 221 John P. Johnson. ' Winsor street intersects. 307 John O. Johnson. 309 Celestus Wilcox. 309 Mrs. Eliza Wilcox. 315 Fred C. Stone. PRICE S T R E E T . Right and South Side. 4 Oliver W . Bunt'ng. 8 Lucien H. C. Nutting. 10 Fred S. Marsh. 10 Mrs. Mary A. Kolb. 16 Samuel J. Lee. 20 Emory S. Lee. 22 John Norberg. 28 A. Frank Fisher. 30 El. Nathan Whitney. Prendergast avenue intersects. 112 Eugene Flickinger. 114 August Freeburg. Lake View avenue intersects. 214 Frank H. Appleby. 220 Ernest M. Whittaker. PROSPECT AVENUE. From 102 Prospect west to Forest avenue.—3d ward. Left and South Side. 13 Erick Erickson. 13 Lewis Stuart 15 Frederick D. Moore. 19 John E. Johnson. Park street intersects. 27 Myrtie E. Brown. 31 Peter Chsnk. 35 Rufus Town. 35 John Donnelly. 39 William A. Morgan. 39 John O. Berg. 45 Oscar F. Johnson. 45 George H. Weiss. 47 Enoch P. Ohnstrand. 47 Andrew Lawson. 51 Alfred C. Carlson. 51 John P. Molene. 53 Charles J. Lindbeck. 53 Carl E. Holmes. 57 Andrew W . White. PROSPECT AVENUE. Right and North Side. 16 Dr. Walter W . Hotchkiss. 16 Margaret L. Gallagher. 20 Lavinas Skellie. 24 A. Reed Love. 28 William I. Lansing. 36 Vacant house. 44 Albert Underwood. 46 George W . Hambleton. 46 Adolph Ulf. 50 Emmett A. Phillips. 54 James W . Stearns. 58 Frank M. Blodgett. PROSPECT STREET. From 135 South Main south to Park Place—3d ward. Left and East Side. 9 Frank E. Gifford. P R O S P E C T S T R E E T , Cont'd. P R O S P E C T S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 15 39 43 43 47 49 53 59 63 67 75 85 91 105 105 115 Fred Heath. Charles H. Weterman. Mrs. Grace Haviland. Robert H. Grant. William H. Robertson. James H. Lansing. Vacant house. L. John Swanson. Nelson T. Osbourn. Dr. Abram H. Bowers. William J. Frank. John B. Catlin. Horace C. Moore. Dexter Moore. Frank G. Nordstrom. John D. Johnson. 123 129 133 137 141 145 147 151 151 153 153 161 161 Kidder street intersects. John G. Anderson. Jacob H. Davis. John F. Johnson. Hans Lindberg. Abel Patric. Richard C. Cobbe. John A. Lee. J. Leander Johnson. Emil Peterson. Emil A. Hoest Frank T. SagerJohn Roos. Peter A. Soderquist. 211 215 215 219 219 223 223 225 225 227 227 229 229 231 233 Newland avenue intersects. John Olson. Oscar Rohlin. Mrs. Addie T. Kellogg. Louise Lindbeck. August Lindbeck. John A. Kling. -Charles W . Swanson. Axel Lagerquist. Frank Nickerson. Axel Nelson. Gust Geforth. William Maginson. Hilma Johnson. Charles A. Johnson. Nelson & Johnson. Barker street intersects. 253 255 255 257 257 261 263 273 275 277 Carl A. Johnson. Charles J. Wrenoth. Earl Davis. Gust P. Swan. Carl Jharl. Nels B. Swanson. Richard H. Anderson. Andrew Lawson. Otto Peterson. Charles A. Anderson. PROSPECT STREET. 10 36 36 40 48 52 56 70 70 82 88 88 88 102 102 116 120 120 124 132 132 146 200 200 204 204 220 220 224 224 Right and West Side. Daniel Griswold. Mrs. Helen J. Falconer. Archibald D. Falconer. George M. Phelps. Prather avenue intersects. Charles W . Creal. Orville J. Felt. American Aristotype Co. Porter Sheldon. Harry P. Sheldon. Frank E. Partridge. Mrs. Ameda Bunlen. Fred O. Crosgrove. Mrs Mary Berglund. Prospect avenup intersects. Norton Johnson. Edward S. Mack. John E. Roberts. John Lindberg. Alfred C Peterson. Oscar O. Olson. Elenora Peterson. John W . Anderson. John F. Peterson. Branch school No. 9. Newland avenue intersects. Cornelius K. Burnell. Charles A. Johnson. Eric Carlson. Axel Sundell. Ludwig Ungren. Amandus Engstrom. Charles O. Strand. Charles O. Strand, Jr. 105 P R O S P E C T STREET, Cont'd. 106 228 228 232 236 252 254 260 262 272 274 R E G E N T STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. John Engstrom. Gust Anderson. George C. Haecker. John S. Roselle. Byron E. Prudden. Robert Rogerson. John Billquist Oscar Ohburg. Thomas Edwards. Benjamin Rushworth. P U L L M A N STREET. From junction of Maple and Allen east to Ellicott—4th ward. Left and North Side. 3 William T. LaDue. S William L. Hand. 9 Frank C. Rice. 11 Nathan M. Willson. Webster street intersects. 109 Joseph Carpenter. Q U A R R Y ROAD. From 868 East 2d, east to Creek — 5th and 4th w;ards. 40 Jamestown ShaV Paving Brick Co. R A C E STREET. From 6 Steele, north.—6th ward. Left and West Side. 3 James L. Kofod. 5 Anderson Bros. 9-11 Jamestown Electric Light and Power Co. (works.) R A T H B O N E STREET. From 869 Main west to Lafayette— 2d ward. Left and South Side. 11 John Griffith. 19 Grace G. Stewart. 19 Alexander L. Stewart. 21 Arthur M. Corke. 23 David A. Briggs. 27 Mrs. Catherine Folland. 29 Mrs. Edward Walsh. 29% Bloomfield Baker. 33 Mrs. Josephine Ames. 33% 35 39 41 45 49 53 57 61 61 65 69 Mrs. Carrie Pount Mrs. Ellen Thompson. Burt M. Willsie. Elijah Langworthy. Frank L. Mosher. Charles D. Backus. Jesse W . Braley. Samuel A. Brown. Mrs. Mary J. Davis. Mrs. Elizabeth M. Randall. Charles A. Hatch. Mrs. Eliza Badgley. Marvin street intersects, 105 William H. Marsh. 107 George H. Edwards. 109 Frank Bellizio. R A T H B O N E STREET. Right and North Side. James H. Erwin. 12 Devillo Maclease. 14 Duane J. Kelley. 22 Albert C. Walden. 26 Mrs. Clarinda M. Sweet. 30 William Miller. 34 William Jones. 38 Edgar W . Morton. 42 Millard F. Klock. 46 Bert L. Klock. 48 James S. McVay. 50 Bert C. Hollenbeck. 54 Dell L. Myers. 62 John Anderson. 66 John W . Crocker. 68 Judson Webb. 72 Glenn R. Homer. 74 Benjamin P. King. Marvin street intersects. 108 George T. Chambers. R E G E N T STREET. From 1032 Main east to Prendergast avenue—1st ward. Right and South Side. 20 Frank Bond. . 28 Edward H. Wise. 32 William E. Bond. 36 Thomas Kidd. 42 Albert Hartley. REINOLD A V E N U E . S A M P S O N STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. REINOLD AVENUE. From 1037 Main west to Marvin—2d ward. Left and South Side. 9 Alonzo G. Tiffany. 9 William C. Hunt. 37 George W . Brown. REINOLD A V E N U E . Right and North Side. 6 Fred Wilcox. RIDGWAY AVENUE. From 446 Hallock west to city line— 6th ward. Left and South Side. 201 Andrew Akin. 205 John Stormer. 209 Vacant house. 213 Vacant house. 220 224 224 228 232 RIDGWAY AVENUE. Right and North Side. Vacant house. Mrs. E m m a Gleason. Mrs. Frances Gleason. Vacant house. Vacant house. RIVER STREET. From 327 Chandler north to Outlet —4th ward. Left and West Side. 1 Gilbert J. Dufresne. 1 Mrs. Frances H. Walsh. 3 Albert Anderson. 23 Mrs. Elizabeth Noon. RIVER STREET. Right and South Side. 6 Axel E. Burg. 6 Mrs. E m m a Jacobson. 10 David Harrison 10 John B. Enburg. R O W L E Y PLACE. From 705 Main west—2d ward. 2 Albert H. Grace. 3 Willard L: Potter. 3 Loren W . Grant. 4 4 5 5 107 William M. Whitcomb. James Renner. Frank J. Blanchard. John W . Scofield. ROYAL AVENUE. From before 102 Hallock west to limits—6th ward. Left and South Side. 9 Zenas M. Corell. 43 Lazell H. Tower. ROYAL AVENUE. Right and North Side. 12 Lee Harvey. RUBINKAM AVENUE. From 931 Main west to Marvin—2d ward. Left and South Side. 5 Christ Hanson. RUBINKAM AVENUE. Right and North Side. 12 Louis B. Brown. S A M P S O N STREET. From 238 Forest south to city limits —6th ward. Left and East Side. 37 Vacant house. Newland avenue intersects. 109 John P. Ingeman. 109 Gust Eckmon. 127 Ludwig Marker. Dearborn, street intersects. 133 Vacant house. 10 12 12 16 20 22 S A M P S O N STREET. Right and West Side. No houses. Morton street intersects. Brainard T. Harkness. Oscar Dahl. Ludwig Johnson. John Thatcher. Nels Munson. Andrew Logren. Grandin street intersects. SAMPSON STREET, Cont'd. 108 SHORT EAGLE STREET. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 30 John Wretman. 32 Charles H. Sliter. Lake street intersects. 36 Mrs. Sarah Ryden. 38 John V. Anderson. 40 Alfred Bjorkman. 42 Swan P. Carlson. Newland avenue intersects. 102 Algort Maestrom. 104 August Johnson. 106 Frank Nelson. 110 Charles Bernhart. 114 William Bernhaun. 116 Charles A. Johnson. 120 Frank Holmes. 126 Mrs. Anna Eaton. 132 Charles P. Carlson. 136 Charles E. Sundquist. 136 John E. Carlson. 148 Axel Carlson. 150 Lorrick Olson. 152 Carl G. Lofgren. 156 Victor Danberg. Hazeltine avenue intersects. 200 Charles Lindstrom. 204 Chauncey Love. SCOTT STREET. From 222 Winsor east to Cheney— 5th ward. Left and North Side. 13 Charles L. Howard. 23 Hiram G. Sisson. 31 Allen A. Cady. 31 Charles Torsell. 33 Andrew G. Linstrom. 33 Ozias C. Marsh. SCOTT STREET. Right and South Side. 14 Gustaf Anderson. 14 Carl C. Marsh. 2-1 Eliza A. Duane. 28 Mrs. Anna Lawson. SEXTON STREET. From 16 Livingston avenue north to Erie R. R — 6th ward. Left and West Side. 9 13 17 17 Theobald H. Barth. Marshall M. Hubbard. William E. King. Miles C. Nichols. SEYMOUR AVENUE. From 2 Livingston avenue, north to Erie R. R — 6th ward. Left and West Side. 9 Margaret Regan. 13 Frank Goodwill. 17 Milton E. Brooks. 21 Daniel Hogan. 23 Charles Burr. 25 Martin Looney. SEYMOUR AVENUE. Right and East Side. 6 Warren A. Frank. 8 John F. Johnson. 10 Vacant house. S H A W STREET. From 45 Maple east to Oak—4th ward. Left and North Side. 3 Mrs. Mary Unsworth. 3 John W. Unsworth. 10 George E. Feather. S H E A R M A N PLACE. From 21 Main west—2d ward. Left and South Side. 11 Benjamin Nichols & Son. 17 Wilcox, Burchard & Co. 25-41 Shearman Bros. 41 Union Lumber Co. S H E R M A N STREET. From 134 Allen south—4th ward. Left and East Side. 9 Enoch Greenwood. 13 Henry Hininan. 17 Charles E. Lawson. S H E R M A N STREET. Right and West Side. 18 S. Edward Anderson. 18 Bengt Brandin. SHORT EAGLE STREET. From Elk east to Alpaca—5th ward. S H O R T E A G L E S T R E E T , Cont'd. S O U T H M A I N STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Left and North Side. John W . Carlson. William Jowett. Alfred Jowett. S H O R T E A G L E STREET. Right and South Side. David Briggs. Oscar Holmes. George Parker. John M. Holmes. 8 Mrs. Rosa Chapman. SOUTH H A L L O C K STREET. From near end of Hallock and Newland avenue south—6th ward. Right and West Side. 10 William L. Kent. Pennsylvania avenue intersects. 100 Vacant house. S O U T H MAIN STREET. From foot of Main (Brooklyn square) south to junction with Allen. Left and East Side. ^ 1 H. R. Grant. 3 Benjamin Strauss. 5-9 Smith block. 5 Vacant storeroom. Guy H. McFall, room 1. Dr. Jason Parker, room 2. Lutie M. Fairbanks, rooms 3-4. William C Heridon, rooms 7-9. Mrs. Susan C. Fuller room 1. Fred B. Smith, rooms 4-5. Mrs. Matilda B. Nobles, rooms 911. 7 Johnson Bros. 9 Frank W . Palmeter. O. K. Laundry (basement). Taylor street intersects. 13-23 Humphrey house. 27 E. 0. Rohde. 29 August Ekbeck. Harrison street intersects. 101-107 New Broadhead block. 101 Mrs. R. M. Blodgett. 103 Burdick & Baker. 105% Vacant storeroom. 107 H. Lundquist & Co. 101-7 K. of P. hall. 105 Frank Weigel. 105 E. F. Peterson. 105 Clarence L. Rexford. 107 William S. Griffin. 107 Jerry M. O'Neil. 109 Mrs. Elliott I. Shearman. 109 Elliott I. Shearman. 111 C. Nielsen. 113 Frans Vackstrom. 113 Alfred Blomstrand. 115 Mrs. S. Alzada Wright. 115 J. William Backlund. 115 Salvation Army hall. 119 Benjamin Nichols. 123 Mrs. Silas S. Derby. Derby street intersects. 125 Levant B. Batcheller. 125 Mrs. C. W . Eddy. 131 Mrs. Mary E. Stuart. Victoria avenue intersects. 135 William S. Bailey. S O U T H MAIN STREET. Right and West Side. Elof Rosencrantz & Co. Iroquois hotel. E. C. Havens. Andrew Grandin. 8-10 Central House. 12 Leiter & Davis. 14 J. M. Cowan. 14 Munroe House. 16 Metcalf Bros. 18 C. M. Phillips. 20 People's Restaurant. 22 Brooklyn Restaurant. Steele strtet intersects. Forest avenue intersects. 22-28 N e w Gifford Building. 1 Andrew W . White. H. A. & E. A. Donelson. Manbert & Lager. Albert Peterson. E. B. Smith. Dr. N. E. Johnson, rooms 1-2. William H. Scharf, room 3. E. Milspaw, room 4. 109 S O U T H M A I N S R E E T , Cont'd. 110 SPRING STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Prudential Life Ins. Co., room 5. H. H. Gifford & Sons, room 6. Dr. J. H. Wiggins, rooms 7-9. E. B. Smith, room 19. Arthur H. Greenlund, room 28. Mrs. Minerva I. Powell, room 32 George W . Tew, room 54. A. F. Jenks, room 55. Horatio N. Sprague, room 82. 22-4 Vacant storeroom. 22 L. A. Pillsbury, basement. 24 G. W . Thomas. 24% Mozart club. 26-28 Catlin & Son. 30-34 Humphrey's carriage repository. 36-44 13th Separate Co. N. G., N. Y. S. armory. Fenton place intersects. Mrs. Elizabeth Fenton, Walnut grove. S O U T H T H A Y E R STREET. From 800 East 2d south to Crescent —5th ward. Left and East Side. 9 A m o n W . Buck. 13 John S. Pratt. 13 Mrs. Katherine Kershaw. S O U T H T H A Y E R STREET. Right and West Side. 8 Orlando D. Smith. S O U T H W A L N U T STREET. From 600 Foote avenue south to Park place—3d ward. Right and West Side. 10 Harry Sharp. 14 Ernest Barrett. 16 Cyril B. Walker. S P R A G U E STREET. From Steele street bridge south and west to Baker—6th ward. Left and East Side. 109 Elanson C. Davis. Ill Charles J. Saunders. 113 Lucy Woodard. No houses. Gt Jones street intersects. 241 Charles D. Krantz. 241 Jens Jacobson. Palmer street intersects. 305 Jack SamDSon. 30.') (.hailee S. Gardner. S P R A G U E STREET. Right and West Side. Chautauqua Towel Co. Steele street intersects. 90 Charles J. Carlson. Fenton street intersects. 202 Mrs. L. C. Hamerly. 220 James Mallon. 224 Wales M. Jones. 224 Mrs. W . D. Merrill. 228 Charles Hjort. 228 Peter Sundberg. 232 Charles P. Anderson. 234 Carl J. Carlson. 234% Vacant house. 240 Oliver L. Scott. Palmer street intersects. Brooklyn Heights chapel. 315 A. William Carlson. SPRING STREET. From 121 East 2d, north to Crossman.—1st ward. Left and West Side. 217-219 Gron block. 217 Times Publishing Co. Frederick A. Gron. Charles D. Parks. R. Theodore Writman. Frank B. Goodrich. 219 Jamestown Candy Co. Anna C Kearney. Hon. John Woodward. Mrs. Jennie M. Peterson. Smith E. Pattreli. Agnes A. Heaton. East 3d street intersects. 315 Ephraim D. Spaulding. East 4th street intersects. 405 Charles S. Abbott. 417 Edward C. Burns. SPRING S T R E E T , Cont'd. S T E E L E STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. East 5th street intersects. 515 Joel S. Darling. 519 Mrs. Martha Carter. East 6th street intersects. 609 James M. Bonner. 613 Robert H. Sterling. 617 Charles Pickard. 625 Mrs. Ann Lynch. Branch School No. 1. East 8th street intersects, 811 Nelson N. Frost. 857 John A. Dearborn. 815 Mrs. Cynthia Smith. 819 Mrs. Antoinette Fox. 825 Mrs. Susan D. Jones. 829 Henry Guenther. 829% Paul Hanson. 833 Conrad Peterson. 853 Calvin P. Wallace. 859 Ben Proctor. 863 Joseph Overend. 867 Mrs. Mary Mayclease. 867 Mrs. Helen T. Warr. 869 Charles H. Baker. 869 Aldrich Gokey. 869 Peter Ipson. 873 Vacant house. SPRING STREET. Right and East Side. 206 Chapin Tiffany. 206 Charles Hunt. 210-222 City hall. 212 Ellicott Hook & Ladder Co. 216 Prendergast Hose Co. 218 Chief of Fire Dept. East Third street intersects. 306 John H. Tousley. Central Branch school. East 4th street intersects. 412 Frank B. Field. 418 Harvey Tew. East 5th street intersects. 510 Emmett H. Bemus. East 6th street intersects. 614 Mrs. Rosa F. Pickard. 618 618 620 622 622 626 630 810 816 822 826 830 834 840 842 858 860 862 864 866 868 872 874 Ill Charles Burggren. Joseph Everard. Mary Brown. Carson Brady. Adelbert Palmer. Mrs. Malissa Carter. William H. Boyd. East 8th street intersects. John W . Hale. George A. Chatfield. William H. Gould. Cornelius Kelliher. Mrs. Polly J. Wight. Byron A. Straight. Hans P. Hanson. Mrs. Lottie Cook. William W . Mourton. Mrs. Margaret Schwein. Joseph Gold. Honry Koerner. Michael Burke. Vacant house. Mrs. Anna Nelson. Ezra H. Shedd. STAFFORD AVENUE . From 1070 East 2d south to Flagg. Right and West Side. 12 William R. Fox. 22 Peter A. Carlson. STEARNS AVENUE. From 117 Barrett west to Charles— 6th ward. Right and North Side. 12 Andrew P. Greenlund. 18 Charles R. Stable. 22 Vacant house. 26 Frank O. Stafford. S T E E L E STREET. From junction of Forest avenue and Brooklyn square, west and north to West 6th.—6 th ward. 5 Jerry Steves. 7 Gust Jacobson. 1] Brooklyn Square Marble works. 11 Sylvanus Balcom. 11 Rear, A. A. Cady. S T E E L E S T R E E T , Cont'd, 112 S T E E L E S T R E E T , Cont'd. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. 15 Charles L. Carlson. 17-19 Cole block. 17 B. Merz. 17 Scott & Phillips. 17-3 Hulett S. Apgar. ' 17-3 Clarence Husted. 17-4 Edward Peterson 17-4 Jerry Steves|. 19-21 Hallock block. 19-21 Pearl City laundry. 19-21 3d floor—Jamestown Photo Paper & Chem. works. 19-21 3d floor—Swedish Salvation Arm y hall. 25 Vacant house. Baker street and Jones avenue intersect. 35 Lorenzo D. Martin. 55 Ernest Pierce. 59 Mrs. Jennie S. Pierce. 77 John Exley. 87 Charles E. Lilly. Clinton V. Hanson. 93 Henry James. Williams street intersects. 103 Benjamin F. Firman. 105 A d a m J. Hacker. 109 John O'Connell. 115 William Greer. Culver street intersects. 123 Augustus P. Hall. 123 Grant Carter. 129 Mrs. Christine M. Marsh. Sprague street intersects. Jeremiah Sullivan. 217 223 Richard Wagner. 223 Walter Lautz. Hanley street intersects. 231 Mrs. Anna M. Jones. 235 Frank A. Nelson. 235 Axel Johnson. 265 John Ellis. 267 Mrs. Elizabeth Glendon. 313 Dennis Reardon. S T E E L E STREET. Right and NtirthSide. Campbell & Curtis. Race street intersects. 10 Vacant house. 14 LeRoy H. Barton. 18 C Frank Collins. 18 Frank Wolf. 24 L. B. Warner. 30-8 Jamestown Bedstead Co. 40-4 Star Furniture Co. 46-8 Jamestown Veneer works. 46-8 Rear, Jamestown bakery. 50 Finley Manufacturing Co. 56 Rear, Pearl Cuy Stone Co. 56 Rolland Bros. 64 Frisbee & Frisbee. 76 Henry Ackroyd & Son. 70-80 Rear, Jamestown & Chautautauqua freight depot. 84 John Rick. t)2 William A. Lepar. 100 Benjamin Garliner. 100 Louis P. Willier. 100 John P. Cotton. 108 Mrs. Charlotte Aplin. 114 Rhody R. Donnellon. 118 Vacant house. 126 Vacant house. 132-6 Municipal Electrict Light plant. 138 Frederick J. Beaver. Sprague street intersects. 206-8 Chautauqua Towel mills. 206-8 Preston Field & Mackey. 210 George W . Rolland. 216 Andrew Hilton. 218 Henry Kruse. 218 Rear, Morton E. Brown. 21S Rear, Joseph G. Williams. 218 Mrs. Elizabeth A. Nugant 218 Frank D. Scofield. 218 H. Slayton. 224 Luther J. Noyes. 224 Milton E. Kennedy. 226 Mrs. Ida Lindmark. 226 John B. Johnson. 226 Mrs. Gustavia Lindstrom. 230 Victor E. Carlson. 236 William F. Baker. 26S Gust Olson. 304 Holden R. Silsby. S T E E L E STREET, Cont'd. S U M M I T STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 306 308 322 324 332 326 338 340 342 344 August Peterson. Ernest Smith. Henry Warning. Albert E. Ellis. Albert Bush. Adolph M. Woodard. Charles Fritts. Henry L. Ellis. George H. Meyer. Vacant house. STEWART AVENUE. From 1309 West 6th south to West 3d—6th ward. Left and East Side. 103 Hiram E. Messenger. 105 Floyd S. Ball. STEWART AVENUE. Right and West Side. 104 Peter Dreyer. 116 John T. Hall. 120 Etta Smith. 134 Sandford G. Smiley. 138 George W . White. 138 Frank Wright. 146 Milton E. Phillips. S T O W E STREET. From 815 East 2d north to Turner avenue—5 th ward. Left and West Side. 11 John Johnson. 15 Andrew M. Lundberg. 21 George W . Stilson. 21 Stanley Woodward. 23 Mrs. Emily Sandberg. 23 Claus Anderson. 27 Mrs. Anna Ahlgren. 39 Frank E. Scoville. 39 George Coulcher. Falconer street intersects. 103 Bernerd Trainer. 107 Albert C. Jones. 109 John P. Nelson. Ill Erick Nelson. Ill Samuel Schilgren. 115 Peter A. Palmgren. 121 Charles Fredsall. 123 125 131 143 219 321 329 365 401 501 113 Samuel Moulding. N. August Johnson. Bart Cordingley. Rev. Thomas Berry. Newton street intersects. Peter N. Davis. Buffalo street intersects. George Smith. Eugene A. Scott. Theron C. Swart. Clyde avenue intersects. James C. McElroy. Eron Lindquist. S T O W E STREET. 12 12 1-1 14 18 26 26 30 106 110 110 114 114 128 128 146 146 Right and East Side. Russell J. Forbes. John Robertson. Andrew T. Anderson. Henry Cheney. Frank W . Montague. Mrs. Sarah Todd. Hadoram D. Oger. Otis R. Sealy. Falconer street intersects. Thure J. Ekedahl. John Norquist. John Helgren. Fred Johnson. Oscar Johnson. Rufus Brogden. Mrs. Anna Hollingworth. Benjamin Greaves. Charles Anderson. S T U R G E S STREET. From 71 Falconer north—5th ward. Left and West Side. 3 Fred Linder. 5 Mrs. Anna Benson. S U M M I T STREET. From 417 Palmer southwest to city limits—6th ward. Left and East Side. 409 Robert Alexander. 417 Albert Foxton. S U M M I T STREET, Cont'd. 114 J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. Hallock street intersects. 503 Fred J. Case. 507 William Coates. 12 30 130 300 T H I R T E E N T H STREET. S U M M I T STREET. Right and West Side. Mervin J. Taylor. Gust Johnson. Charles Millard. Edwin J. Squier. SUPERIOR STREET. From 338 Forest avenue west to Sampson—6th ward. Left and South Side. No houses. Charles street intersects. 141 Axel Peterson. 145 Oscar Olson. S W A N STREET. From 450 Willard south—4th ward. Left and East Side. 9 Vacant house. S W A N STREET. Right and West Side. 24 Mrs. Augusta Bergson. 28 Askel W . Anderson. 32 John A. Anderson. 46 John Danielson. T A Y L O R STREET. From 9 South Main east to junction with Filmore—3d ward. Left and North Side. 1 John Jaderstrom. 7 Brooklyn mills. 9 Vacant office. 13-23 American Axe & Tool Co. 27-29 Axel Swanson & Co 29 Gust 'Swanson. 31-43 Jamestown Cane Seat Chair Co. 47 Anchor Fence Co. 63 Watson Mfg. Co. T A Y L O R STREET. Right and South Side. 4 Joseph S. Meli. 20 Patrick Maher. 24 William W . Hoard. 28 Elbert V. Hetfield. 28 Minnie Meade. 40 Vacant house. 44 Parden H. Cole. 46 A. P. Olson & Co. 54-60 Jamestown Desk Co. T E W STREET. From 317 Fenton south to Palmer. Left and East Side. 9 John Jaderstrom. 13 Magnus Anderson. 17 Claus F. Lundberg. 17 Mrs. Mollie Lundwall. 19 John G. Peterson. T E W STREET. Right and West Side. 30 Waldemar Marker. T H A Y E R STREET. From 787 East 2d north to Falconer —5th ward. Left and West Side. 13 William E. Carter. 17 Manfred D. Merritt. 17 Mrs. Martha P. Davis. 19 Elliott Worden. T H A Y E R STREET. Right and East Side. 16 John A. Barkman. 16 Axel F. Peterson. 24 August Barkman. 24 Albion L. Barkman. 28 Charles Olson. 34 Anna Suderquist. 34 Andrew Walene. 44 John Nelson. 44 Don Senden. 46 Frank A. Tornblom. 46 Charles Leburg. T H I R T E E N T H STREET. From 921 Main west to Marvin—2d ward. Left and South Side. 9 Adelbert Klock. T H I R T E E N T H S T R E E T , Cont'd. UNION AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 13 23 33 37 41 49 53 53 69 73 William F. Nisson. George S. Bright. Victor Lawson. Harry D. Lepar. Mrs. Alice A. Tousley. August F. Swanson. Mrs. Almena Swanson. Mrs. W . C. Harnes. Mrs. Arvilla Tyler. Charley F. Johnson. T H I R T E E N T H STREET. Right and North Side. 10 Frank L. Johnson. 14 Mrs. Caroline Walkup. 20 William B. Pitts. 24 Mrs. Kate O'Donnell. 24 Collin S. Johnston. 26 Elva Conet 30 Jacob F. Stahley. 54 Samuel J. Woodward. 70 John Cullen. 74 Louis W . Barnes. TILDEN A V E N U E . From 909 Main west to Marvin—2d ward. Left and South Side. 29 Fred A. Skutt. 35 Malon Barrows. 37 Fred E. Kelly. 37 Gleason F. Klock. 39 Hiram P. Warren. 41 Hans Resmussen 61 Mrs. Samuel Shields. 65 Jacob P. Johnson. TILDEN A V E N U E . Right and North Side. 6 John A. Johnson. 20 Charles J. Peterson. 21 Emil G. Lawson. 26 Saverio Roselli. 32 Victor J. Sundberg. 36 Joseph Cascia. 40 Mancino Antonio. 44 Alfred D. Darling. TODD AVENUE. From 60 Hunt road west to McDannell avenue—6th ward. 115 Left and West Side. 1 Lucy A. Blackmer. T O W E R STREET. From opposite 217 Willard south to English—4th ward. Left and East Side. 13 Mrs. Maria Roberts. 17 Charlie G. Peterson. 21 Mrs. Matilda C Wersen. 31 Carl J. Anderson. 35 Alexander M. Sundman. 43 Fred L. Leidblad. 47 Charles Hedin. 51 Andrew E. Lawson. 51% John P. Lawson. 59 Charles Lawson. 65 John Sundgren. 65 Fred A. Carlson. 69 Frank L. Chelstrom. 69 Andrew Hedlund. 73 Otto W . Peterson. 77 John A. Johnson. 77 Gust E. Gustafson. 81 Mrs. Christine S. Lundgren. 85 Gust A. Carlson. 89 Edward S. Blakesley. 93 Charles Oberg. 99 Salmon Manguson. T O W E R STREET. Right and West Side. Branch school No. 3. 56 John T. Lawson. 56 Charlie Peterson. 60 John A. Norma. 64 Herman Hundahl. 64 Mrs. Clara Carlson. 68 Vacant house. 80 David A. Johnson. 80 Daniel Greenlund. 80 Fred L. Johnson. 100 Mrs. Helena C Bjork. UNION AVENUE. From 338 Forest avenue east to Prospect—3d ward. Left and North Side. 13 Rev. Carl O. Hultgren. Park street intersects. U N I O N A V E N U E , Cont'd. 116 W A L N U T STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTOR'S. UNION AVENUE. Right and South Side. 16 Ernest Erlandscn. 16 Charles Hultgren. 20 Charles Peterson. 20 Carl Anderson. 28 Albert Thurnblad. 32 August Olsen. 32 Victor Johnson. 36 August Ahlgren. 36 Anton Peterson. 40 John Larson. V A L L E Y STREET. From 26 West Sth north to West 9th —2d ward. Left and West Side. 7 August Ellstrom. 15 John F. Siguier. 17 John A. Anderson. 21 William Spencer. 23 Mrs. Sarah A. Goff. V A L L E Y STREET. Right and East Side. 16 Foreman A. Anderson. 18 George A. Edwards. V E G A STREET. From 329 Willard north to Benedict —4th ward. Left and West Side. 3 Oscar E. Lindbloom. 15 Fred Hegland. 25 Fred Lindrose. 25 Mrs. Selma K. Nelson. 35 Axel Osterstron. 43 Charlie L. Lindros. 45 Jennie Hanson. 47 Andrew Norlander. 79 Andrew J. Peterson. Charles A. Carlson. Arvid H. L. Johnson. V E G A STREET. Right and East Side. 16 Emanuel Anderson. 20 August Johnson. 26 Andrew Swanson. 26 Alexander Sundberg. 30 38 44 52 52 56 70 70 88 88 Charles O. Donelson. John A. Stefanson. John E. Johnson. Charlie A. Kayner. Jonas A. Jones. Peter A. Peterson. Axel G. Danielson. John O. Dahlen. Chas. J. Ahlstrand. Mrs. Carrie Schell. VICTORIA A V E N U E . From 131 S. Main east to Institute— 2d ward. Left and North Side. 9 Charles A. Peterson. 11 Augustus S. Harrington. 11 Raymond L. Case, 13 John A. Peterson. 13 Joel Scudder. 15 Alanson B. Chadwick. 15 John Vinstrom. 19 Adolphus Drake. 19 Arthur A. Adams. 21 Charles A. Lidblad. 21 Mrs. Louise Vanblo. 23 John Jenkins, 23 John E. Schott. 25 Mrs. Martha Hartley. 25 Philip F. Hangen. 27 John Ingram & Co. VICTORIA A V E N U E . Right and South Side. 12 Burt A. Borden. 16 Warner Ross. 24 Charels Kliest. 28 Richard Smith. 28 Warren L. Danforth. 32 Mrs. Lena A. King. 32 Michael J. Dilworth. 34 Vacant house. W A L N U T STREET From 11 Camp north to Garfield— 4th ward. Left and West Side. 5 Mrs. Anna Sampson. 5 Mrs. Lottie Carlson. 9 August Forsberg. W A L N U T STREET, Cont'd. W A R R E N STREET. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 13 17 19 21 25 27 C. G. Simon Peterson. Frank J. Leopard. L. Weldon. Fred T. Williams. Mrs. Adelia Phoenix. Vacant house. W A L N U T STREET. Right and East Side. J. Andrew Johnson. Albert Anderson. Charles F. Scott Edward Coe. Andrew Anderson. Mary Anderson. 229 Mrs. Eliza B. Chase. 255 Lewis M. Osborn. Newland avenue intersects. 301 John W . Greenwood. 303 William M. Wescott. 305 John Markham. 311 James Hanson. 313% Dwight D. Frank. 6 315 Jay W . Cole. 8 317 Morgan L. Veiley. 8 321 William E. Randall. 12 327 Dwight Lampson. 16 329 Isaac E. Porter. 16 Park place intersects. W A R R E N STREET. 415 Edward Suckow. From 135 S. Main south to city limits 419 Emerick O. Hastings. —3rd ward. 453 John A. Nelson. Left and East Side. Park place intersects. 1 Vacant house. 503 Daniel Alsdorf. 37 Ralph C. Sheldon. 505 Elliott B. Bratt. 47 Clayton E. Bailey. 611 Erick Venstrom. Mechanic street intersects. 615 Gust Anderson. 107 Clark R. Lockwood. 619 Emil Stone. 117 John R. Allen. John Lindahl. 119 Thomas J. Fenton. W A R R E N STREET. 1191,4 Vacant house. Right and West Side. 119% Frederick A. Oger. 30 William Broadhead. 119% Emil Jacobson. Broadhead avenue intersects. 135 Edwin Price. 126 Peter J. Bergquist. 135 Emery A. Sturdevant. 132 John M. Cushman. 141 Everett H. Ketchum. 138 Mrs. Eleanor Kidder. 145 Herman Vaughn. 144 Emil Peterson. 145 Dexter F. Allen. 146 Mrs. Anna Goodrich. 147 James Irwin. 148 Thomas Kendall. 157 Vacant house. 160 John Davidson. 159 George D. Cobb. 169 Mrs. Lucetta J. Pierce Kidder street intersects. 203 Peter <^ Robertson. 200 Mrs. Emeline F. Hunt. 209 Mrs. Malvina E. Miller. 204 Elton B. Gardner. 209 Mrs.Satira Perry. 210 Sarah B. Lyon. 215 Arthur E. Smith 210 Henry S. Strunk. 217 Charles F Connor. 220 Charles R. Lovejoy. 221 Mrs. Mary A. Brown. 228 Axel Hegg. 221 Ernest A. Strundahl. 232 Samuelson & Anderson. 258 Darius R. Cole. Axtel street intersects. 260 Gilbert Strong. 229 Azarial Hall. Newland avenue intersects. 229 George F. Hunt. 117 W A R R E N S T R E E T , Cont'd. 118 300 308 312 316 316 320 324 328 350 402 406 422 426 448 450 456 618 W A T E R STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. William H. Cole. Marvin F. Phillips. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Wicks. Joseph Pole. Monte B. C. Bane. Walter S. Crosgrove. William Crosgrove. James S. Conner. Robert Setterland. Barker street intersects. Benjamin Anderson. Anton P. Hansen. Adelbert L. Staples. Cornelius Tewey. Vacant house. Mrs. Mary Kordenbrock. Edmund Suckow. Park place intersects. John Sundholm. W A S H I N G T O N STREET. From 120 West 2d north to West 8th — 2 d ward. Left and West Side. 211 Theodore Carson. 215 Adelbert Johnson. 217 John G. Eidens. 217 Nelson T. Osbourn. 217 A. E. Eller. 219 Star-Palace laundry. West 3d street intersects. 317 Little & Langdon. 319 Everett E. Drayton. West 4th street intersects. Vacant lots. West 5th street intersects. 509 Brewer D. Phillips. 515 Mrs. August Johnson. 519 Dr. Richard J. Brown. West 6th street intersects. 607 John T. Brown. 611 F. E. Lahey. 617 Mrs. Katherine Wellington. West 7th street intersects. 703 Dr. Warren D. Wellman. 703 Amos L. Worden. Loyal S. Bushee. Elmer E. Wellman. Almond M. Harris. Mrs. Jennie L. Knapp. West 8th street intersects. W A S H I N G T O N STREET. Right and East Side. Mrs. Isabella Field. 104 110 Ernest Brown. West 2d street intersects. 202 Marcus P. Jacobsen. 214 Clarence H. Burnell. 216 James H. Jones. West 3d street intersects. 304 Wellington N. Lydle. 324 John Herby. West 4th street intersects. 406 Thomas Meredith. 406 Duncan M. Hall. 408 Charles W . Bates. 408% William Whitney. 410 Vacant house. 412 Elwin P. Mallory. West 5th street intersects. Prendergast library. West 6th street intersects. Public park. West 7th street intersects. 708 George H. Lowe. 710 Seneca Hoag. 714 Burton R. Pratt. W A T E R STREET. From 135 Institute east and north to Winsor—4th ward. Left and North Side. 9 Mrs. Elizabeth Brastow. 21 John Tatley. 25 George Halsall. 29 Mrs. Catharine Masson. 35-43 Empire Worsted Mills. 45 Joe Pickard. 45 James Moss. 55 Alfred Strondehl. 57 August Johnson. 59 Fred Moorbay. 707 711 713 715 W A T E R STREET, Cont'd. W E E K S STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 61-3 C. Gossett & Son. 76 Gust Lindholm. 79 Gust Olson. 83 Joseph Ackroyd. 83 Fayette O. Bratt. 103 Herbert Drake. 103 James B. Graham. 103 Nathan Ingham. 105 Thomas Blyth. W A T E R STREET. Right and South Side. 10 Arthur Spencer. 12 Mrs. Elizabeth E. Young. 12 John Reid. 18 Arthur E. Mitchell. 22 John A. Bloomquist. 26 John C. Oates. 26 William Motely. 26 Mrs. Elizabeth Blagbrough. 28 Vacant house. 30 Robert R. Marrow. 30 Charles D. Gardner. 32 Vacant house. 40 Vacant house. 44 Lathrop L. Hanchett. 46 Mrs. Sarah E. Maddox. 48 Charles F. Peterson. 48 O. Louis Martin. 50 Samuel A. Johnson. 50 Gust E. Peterson. 52 John Lawson. 56 Charles D. Ackroyd. 58 Mrs. E m m a Eilis. 60 Edward Erwin. 74 Thomas A. Morley. 74 Albert B. Walter. 76 Mrs. M. Lucinda French. 78 John Lundahl. 80 Ernest Gornall. 92 Thomas Gill. 96 S. Peter Seagren. 98 Mrs. Anna L. Nyberg. 102 Olaf B. Seabeck. 106 Mrs. Ella Welch. 106 Mrs, Hilma Anderson. 110 Allen B. Kimball. 114 John H. Illingworth. 114 Henry Carmichael. 116 118 128 130 136 119 Mrs. Jennie Jeffords. Mrs. Christine Carlson. Andrew Baxell. Franklin Drake. John A. Ottander. W A T E R M A N STREET. From opposite 128 Foote avenue east—4th ward. Left and North Side. 3 Bateson R. 'Smith. 3 Bruce F. Sturdevant. 5 Peter A. Berg. 7 Mrs. Mary Myers. W A T E R M A N STREET. Right and South Side. 4 Arthur Helliwell. 4 Mrs. Mary Dahlman. 6 Charles Diamond. 8 F. Oscar Nelson. 12 William O. Peterson. 16 William D. Allen. W E B S T E R STREET. From 116 King south to Pullman4th ward. Left and East Side. 5 Vacant house, 9 Walter H. Bates. 11 Nelson Bordeaux. 13 Nathaniel Dracup. W E B S T E R STREET. Right and West Side. 4 Charles Wright. 6 Gust Lindgren. 8 Swan Johnson. 10 Mrs. Carrie P. Craven. W E E K S STREET. From 841 East 2d north to Buffalo— 5th ward. Left and West Side. 13 Louis W . Prosser. 13 Fred Stafford. 19 Albert M. Green. 21 John M. Green. Falconer street intersects. 103 Thomas Scott. W E E K S STREET, Cont'd. 120 109 113 121 121 139 145 W E S T EIGHTH STREET. JAMESTOWN STREET :DIRECTORY. Margaret Collins, Scofield Tordoff. John Shanahan. Arthur J. Kofod. Nels C. Christenson. George Curdingley. W E E K S STREET. Right and East Side. 10 Michael Barry. 14 Frank K. Dowler. 18 James O. Newberry. Falconer street intersects. 104 James Trainor. Newton avenue intersects. 218 Albert Polhemus. W E S T C O T T STREET. From 233 Willard north—4th ward. Left and West Side. Nels P. Hofgren. Arvid Ahlstrom. Ralph Rosedahl. Mrs. Axalena Johnson. Alfred A. Lawson. Mrs. Eva C. Nelson. Lars O. Burgland. Constan G. Johnson. Mrs. Anna M. Johnson. Gust Whilt. Carl G. Carlson. 67% Mrs. Caroline Bergren. 101 Peter M. Wistrom. 103 Charles A. Anderson. 107 Frank O. Anderson. 107 Gust A. Anderson. 111 Mrs. Clara West. 111 Gust A. West. 115 Charles J. Anderson. 119 John A. Anderson. 119 Mrs. Mary Peterson. 29 29 33 33 37 39 41 47 47 53 67 W E S T C O T T STREET. Right and East Side. No houses. Benedict street intersects. 118 Miss Helena Soderlund. 124 Oscar F. Bloomquist. W E S T E I G H T H STREET. From 715 Main west to J. E. S. Ry. pows>r house—2d ward. Left and South Side. Albert A. Walker. William H. Botsford. Frank M. Siers. Benjamin N. Whitmore. John H. Whitney. Mrs. E m m a Lindergren. Cleveland place intersects. No houses. Cherry street intersects. 111 Jerry M. VanNess. 115 Davis O. Putnam. Washington street intersects. 203 Robert A. Rosier. 207 William M. Callahan. 209 Lewis D. Tyrrell. Lafayette street Intersects. 315 Martha A. Knapp. Jefferson street intersects. 413 Karry P. Gray. 415 Charley J. Cederquist. 415 Victor E. Gustafson. Clinton street intersects. 503 Mrs. Mary McConnell. 503 Titus Clark. Monroe street intersects. Boiler shop. Vacant factory. 621 Smith & Carl. 635 Harry F. Simmons. Murray avenue intersects. Vacant store. 701 701 Michael W . Swreney. 703 Shadiey & Carroll. 707 John McCarthy. 709 Vacant store. 711 Oscar F. Johnson. W E S T EIGHTH STREET. Right and North Side. 11 15 17 19 21 29 10 16 18 18 Joseph S. Meli. Otto Nelson. Richard E. Waller. Mrs. Emma Nelson. W E S T E I G H T H STREET, Cont'd. W E S T FIFTH STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 22 22 24 26 Lewis Juel. Mrs. Estell F. Russell. Mrs. Augusta P. Carlson. John A. Rapp. Valley street intersects. 34 Samuel N. Gifford. 38 Charles F. Curtis. 40 Frank E. Berger. Cherry street intersects. 106 John Ohlquist. 108 Gustaf Cederholm. 112 Arthur Wellman. 112 Alva E. Hart. 114 Fred Swanson. Marvin street interesects. 208 Benjamin F. Rappole. 214 William H. Harrison. Lafayette street interesects. 306 Lavern B. Shaw. 308 Walter C Smith. 310 Michael McGowan. 314 Edward A. McConnell. Jefferson street intersects. No houses. Clinton street intersects. No houses. Monroe street intersects. 602-10 Jamestown Coal & Coke Co. 612-20 Jamestown Brewing Co. Outlet street intersects. 640-2 J. & C. R. R. depot. 704 Andrew J Snyder. 708 Chautauqua Steamboat Co. Fairmount avenue intersects. 804 Vacant store. 806 Merritt Batchelder. 806 Buffalo Indicator Co. 810 John Dobson. 816 Andrew Casselman. 818' Charles M. Peterson. 820 Mrs. E m m a Fritz. Power house Jast'n St. Ry. W E S T END. From 59 Fairmount avenue west to Langford1—2d ward. Left and South Side. 15 Rufus C. Griggs. 121 W E S T END. Right and North Side. 10 Allen J. Shaw. 10 F. Burden Henderson. 14 Frank O. Johnson. 16 John P. Nelson. W E S T FIRST STREET. From 31 M_in ves. to Cherry—2d ward. Left and South Side. 1-7 Kent & Co. 7 H. Lorentzen. 9-13 Hotel Everett. Wells-Fargo Co., express office. Erie Passenger Depot. W E S T FIRST STREET. Right and North Side. 2 C. J. Stumpf. 4 Frank A. Crantz. 8 Clark Hardware Co. 10 C. E Stratton. 12 Jamestown Bottling Co. 14-22 Hotel Ellicott. 14 Jamestown Commission Co. 14 Hotel Elliott office. W E S T FIFTH STREET. From 413 Main west to Fairmount avenue—2d ward. Left and South Sid;. 11 Charles H. Gifford. 15 William S. Gifford. Cherry street intersects. 101 Sidney B. Hoyt. 105 Nelson G. Archer. 109 James M. Grant. Washington street intersects. No hous:,s. Lafayette street intersects. 309 Fenton L. Scudder. 313 Albert N. Camp. 315 Orlando C Frisbee. Jefferson street intersects. Public square. Clinton street intersects. No houses. Monroe street intersects. W E S T FIFTH S T R E E T , Cont'd. 122 W E S T N I N T H STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 803 Thomas H. Chambers. 805 Charles F. Armitage. W E S T FIFTH STREET. Right and North Side. 2 Robert N. Marvin. 16 William H. Sprague. Cherry street intersects. Prendergast Library. Washington street intersects. 200 Mrs. Abbie C Backus. 204 Willis Tew. 210 Morgan H. Day. Lafayette street intersects. 302 George H. Coburn. 308 William R. Reynolds. 312 Milton D. Stone. Jefferson street intersects. 400 Charlfs K. Book. 404 Geo. T. Fenton. 408 Omar N. Gardner. 414 Wiley G. Hammond. 414 Fred J. Shearman. Clinton street intersects. 500 Seth Dewitt. 504 Martyn Hose house. 510 Charles Carlson. 520 Ernest S. Barker. Monroe street intersects. No houses. Murray avenue intersects. 622 Thomas F. Maher. 626 Edward F. Foley. 628 Patrick Maher. W E S T F O U R T H STREET. 303 Austin A. Jones. 311 A. Murray Harrington. 315 William E. Goucher. Jefferson street intersects: 411 James W . Laws. 411 Frank A. Van Stone. 415 Ernest P. Parker. Clinton street intersects. 507 John H. Blystone. 509 John A. Chekary. 511 Herbert L. Hunt. W E S T F O U R T H STREET. Right and North Side. 8 A m y Cook. 10 Mary Ferrin. English Lutheran church. 20 Rolland H. Humphrey. Cherry street intersects. 108 Swanson Bros. 118 John Q. Arnold. Washington street intersects. 208 Simeon S. Little. 210 Mrs. Volina H. Danforth. Lafayette street intersects. 306 Frederick J. Snowball. 316 Frank Vought. Jefferson street intersects. Public square. Clinton street intersects. 516 Martyn Bros. 516 M. George Martyn. 518 M. W . Ward. W E S T N I N T H STREET. From 321 Main, west to Monroe2d ward. Left and South Side. 3 Mrs. Alice R. Truesdell. 9 Dr. Jane L. Greeley. 11 A.Delano Work. 17 Nelson F. Ransom. Cherry street intersects 109-111 J. H. Clark. Washington street intersects. No houses. Lafayette street intersects. From 821 Main west to Marvin.—2d ward. Left and South Side. 9 John H. Smith. 11 James M. Young. 17 William J. Bender. 19 Robert W . Castle. 21 Michael Turnwall. 25 Hans K. Peterson. 29 W . Carleton Case| Valley street intersects. 33 Carl Fette. 35 Mrs. Pauline Siguier. W E S T NINTH STREET, Cont'd. W E S T SECOND STREET. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 39 Vacant house. 41 Robert Brady. 43 Frank Winchester. W E S T NINTH STREET. Right and North Side. 6 Mrs. Betty A. Gronberg. 14 Newton L. Lincoln. 14 James A. Rappole. 16 Silas Fenner. 22 John A. Johnson. 26 August P. Anderson. 26 George A. Young. 28 Mrs. Elizabeth B. Golden. 28 Mrs. Hattie E. Dunbar. 36 John A. Olson. 40 Mrs. Lucia M. Lilly. 42 James Peterson. 46 Charles Munson. 48 Peter Illig. 52 James O. Smith. 54 James W. Spear. W E S T SEVENTH STREET. From 619 Main west to Murray avenue—2d ward. Left and South Side. 13 Mrs. Nettie M. Gay. 17 John Sanders. 19 Hubert E. V. Porter. Cherry street intersects. Public Square. Washington street intersects. 209 Alden E. Westcott. Lafayette street intersects. No houses. Jefferson street intersects. 401 Florence S. McCarthy. 405 Adelbert E. Wells. Clinton street intersects. 511 Charles Kane. Monroe street intersects. 601 Charles Ipson. 605 Mrs. Catherine Ipson . 605 Abram Goldstein. 607 Vacant house. 611 Gust F. Stone. 123 615 Mrs. Sarah Ferrin. 619 Louis J. Johnson. W E S T S E V E N T H STREET. Right and North Side. 8 Mrs. Rose Rice. 8 Mrs. Elizabeth McElroy. 12 Mrs. Catherine Harris. 14 Olof Lindblad. 18 John Saunders. 20 Charles W . Cleveland. Cleveland place intersects. 22 Mrs. Mary Winslow. 22 Edward T Smith. 24 Robert P. Robertson. Cherry street intersects. 102 Mrs. Wilhelmena Dreager. 112 William T. Bradshaw. 114 Daniel Peck. Washington street intersects. 210 214 216 216 Fred S. Green. Richard C. Howard. Nicholas J. Falland. Mary McCallen. Lafayette street intersects. 310 Alexander Johnson. 314 Mathew Smith. Jefferson street intersects. 400 Mrs. Mary Fahy. 410 Mrs. Louisa Murray. 416 Mrs. Susan Culligan. Clinton street intersects. 500 Herman A. Johnson. 504 Charles A. Johnson. 508 Ellen O'Connell. 512 William H. Tyler. Monroe street intersects. 602-8 John G. O'Brien. 602-8 Jamestown Boiler works. 620 Schuyler R. Smith. 624 Phillip Keppeler. W E S T SECOND STREET. From 121 Main west to Outlet—2d ward. Left and South Side. 1-9 Allen square building. W E S T S E C O N D S T R E E T , Cont'd. 124 W E S T SIXTH STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. Greek-American Fruit Co. Jamestown Construction Co., room 24. 9 P. Moynihan, Jr. 11 Granger & Co. 11-21 N e w Allen Flats. 11 Andrew W . Murray. John E. Leach. John D. Windsor. William H. Hoon. 13-17 James G. Smith. 15 Kate L. McCann. Joseph H. Penney. Charles J. Stumpf. 19 E. G. Partridge. Eugene B. Cadwell. Clarence H. Lake. J. Frederick Bealer. Clarence A. Fullerton. 21 Lord & Ellsworth. Cherry street intersects. 105 Marvin house. Ill Robert N. Marvin. Washington street intersects. 203 Charles L. Barker. 211 Joseph A. Cole. 213 Vacant flats. 215 Vacant flats. 217 Vacant flats. Lafayette street intersects. 303 Mason M. Skiff. 307 Hiram Smith. 311 Mrs. Elvira J. Sterns. 315 Mrs. Augusta Bergmann. 325 Erie Freight station. Erie tracks intersect. 441 J. H. Green. 443 Mrs. Christine Johnson. 451 Kail & Frisbee Lumber Co. William Budd. Smith Pollard. W E S T SECOND STREET. Right and North Side. 2 George W . Reeder. 2 Charles F. Lewis. Vart Land Publishing Co. 12 J. M. Grant Co. 12 King & Co. 14-16 Journal building. Journal Printing Co. IS Vacant house. Cherry street intersects. 110 J. B. Hockenberry. 120 M. P. Jacobson. Washington street intersects. 204 Mrs, Harriet McDonald. 210 James Hall. 212 Henry S. Penfield. Lafayette street intersects. 308 William A. Bush. 310 Albert A. Piper. 314 Joel R. Hoyt. Jefferson street intersects. 404 Walter H. Davis. 406 William Frazee. 406 George U. Parker. W E S T SIXTH STREET. From 517 Main west to Hallock—2d and 6th wards. Left and South Side. N o houses. Cherry street intersects. Prendergast Library square. Washington street intersects. 211 Mrs. Mary L. Jones. 211 Mrs. Lillian Carnahan. Lafayette street intersects. No houses. Jefferson street intersects. 401 Mrs. Jennie R. Beatty. 401 William D. Coons. 405 Mrs. Emily Terry. 409 Fayette A. Knapp. 413 Henry H. Cooper. 419 Charles E. Packard. 419 Francis H. Farquharson. Clinton street intersects. N o houses. Monroe street intersects. 609 Albert Hapgood. Murray avenue intersects. WEST SIXTH STREET, Cont'd. WEST THIRD STREET. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. Not open to Steele street intersection. 807 Marcus A. Wilcox. Fairview avenue intersects. 903 Vacant house. 905 Daniel J. Moynihan. Hall avenue intersects. No houses. Lakin avenue .nters»cts. 1309 Marcus L. Ecker. Stewart avenue intersects. 1407 Frank G. Fisher. W E S T SIXTH STREET. Right and North Side. 6 Frank Merz. 12 William P. Gifford. 18 William W . Ridgway. 20 Mrs. Fannie C. Gould. 20 Mrs. Lois E. Gould. Cherry street intersects. Public square. Washington street intersects. 204 Thomas Snowden. 210 Emmet P. Loucks. Lafayette street intersects. 310 Jonas A. Parker. 314 Mrs. Ann Maharon. Jefferson street intersects. 412 Patrick O'Connell. Clinton street intersects. 502 Michael O'Connell. Monroe street intersects. 608 Thomas Culley. 608 Peter Monson. 610 Simeon W . Warren. 612 Anthony J. Corrigan. Murray avenue intersects. Not open to Steele street intersection. No houses. Cook avenue intersects. 1208 Jerome S. Hollenbeck. 1210 Austin A. Harvey. W E S T T E N T H STREET. From 841 Main west to Lafayette— 2d ward. Left and South Side. 125 11 Lewis W . Stein. 15 ' Charles S. Vaughn. 17 Mrs. Elizabeth Dorman. 19 John G. Lundquist. 27 H e r m a n A. Abrahamson. 29 Gotlieb Frey. 33 James B. Douglass. 37 Mrs. Clara A. B'enner. 37 Mrs. Clara E. Hall. 43 Michael Wood. 47 Melzar A. Lockwood. 49 Mart'n N. Arend. 61 John Lott. 65 John Woods. 67 Wallace Loucks. Marvin street intersects. 123 George A. Wise. W E S T T E N T H STREET. Right and North Side. 10 James G. Tonge. 12 Thomas H. Marsh. 16 Fred A. Dorman. 18 Victor Nelson. 20 Garrett H. Lammers. 24 Lars P. Anderson. 28 Frank E. Maddox. 32 Mrs. Margretta Harrington. 36 Sidney R. Sherman. 38 Edward B. Blinn. 42 Vacant house. 46 Nicholas Arend. 52 William Hudson. 56 William H. Wright. 58 James McTigue. 60 Fred T. Hurlburt. 66 Nathan P. Newton. 68 Charles F. Johnson. 70 Mrs. Gertrude Sweet. Marvin street intersects. 120 Augustus Debois. 124 Charles H. Crane. W E S T T H I R D STREET. From 223 Main west to Hallock--1st 3d and 6th wards. Left and South Side. 1-9 Hall block. SF W E S T THIRD STREET, Cont'd. 126 W E S T THIRD STREET, Cont'd. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 1-3 Jamestown National Bank. 3 John G. Wicks, room 5. The Republic Press Co., rooms 7-9 A. M. Harrington. A. L. Furlow. 5 Key West cigar store. 7 J. B. Collins. 9 Greek-American Fruit Co. C. B. Edmond. W m . M. Edmond. 13-23 New Sherman house. 13 J. S. Ry. waiting room. 15 Sherman house bar. 17 D. A. V. & P. frt. and ticket office. 19 Postal Tel. & Cable Co. 21-3 N e w Sherman house office. 23 Charles E. Wood. Cherry street intersects. 101-103 Wellman building. 101 Edson & Hall. 101 John W . Wheelhouse. 101 Wellman Bros. Dr. W . D. Wellman, rooms 1-3. Knights of Aurora, rooms 4-5-6. D. D. Woodford, rooms 7-8-9. Dr. F. C. Hunt, rooms 10-11-12. Dr. A. A. Becker, rooms 10-11-12. W a d e & Stevenson, rooms 13-1415. J. B. Fisher, rooms 13-14-15. Frank H. Mott, rooms 16-17-18. Frank A. Monroe, rooms 19-20-21. Herbert L. Hunt, rooms 25-26. V. E. Peckham, rooms 28-29-30. H. F. Love, room 31. Charles F. Molly, room 40. C. R. Lockwood, rooms 41-42 C. A. Bush, room 45. 103 N e w York Millinery Co. 105 Francis S. Jones. City ticket office J. & C. R. R. West Side News Room. 107 Eri. H. Goodenough. 109 Mrs. C. W . Jones. 111 Taft & Co. 113-121 Hayward house. 117 H. L. Bullock. 119 E. A. Dutcher & Co. 121 J. H. Neil. Washington street intersects. 201-207 Lillibridge block. 201 Vacant store. Charles Lillibridge. W m . J. Smiley, Jr. Mrs. Mary E. Ransom. Albert Tenney. 203 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 205 -Star-Palace laundry. 207 Peterson & Sellstrom. 207 Fred T. Snowden. 209 Mary Dole. 211 •213 Dr. H. P. Hall block. 211 Clark Bros. 211 Dr. H. A. Eastman. Joseh H. Kaiser. Patrick Rowan. Jay A. Butler. Henry Parker Gale. 213 Ross Sprague & Co. 213 J. A. Parker. 215 David B. Hatch. Lafayette street intersects. 303 William M. Hoffer. 305 Charles N. Brown. 307 Peter H. Hoyt. 307 •315 Hoyt Flats. 309 Charles Samuels. 311 Mrs. Alice M. Bullock. 313 Charles W . Morgan. 313 Charles W . Grant. 315 Frederick A. Fuller, Jr. Jefferson street intersects. 405 Jameo M. Campbell. 409 Benjamin W . Cook. 411 Edward J. Gulick. 411 DeOrsay Flats. Mrs. Jane A. i Ioore. Glenn K. Brown. Mrs. Ella Starker. 413 419 The Osmer. 413 Henry S. V/osi'.s. 419 David Lyons. 419 Robert C Bradshaw. 419 John W . Hunter. 419 Mrs. Helen F. Wilcox. W E S T T H I R D STREET, Cont'd. WHITLEY AVENUE. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. 503 513 519 525 529 533 539 545 549 551 Clinton street intersects. Mrs. Laura Langford. Frank M. Clark. Charles E. Weeks. Edgar C. Livingston. Carl A. Berry. Arthur L. Thrall. Henry A. Doering. Dr. James C. Earle. Mrs. Mary A. Willing. Willard T. Denslow. W E S T T H I R D STREET. 20 20 112 112 114 116 118 120 122 Right and North Side. 2 W m . Stamm. 4 H. P. Hansen. 4 John P. Nelson. 4 Dr. John J. Mahoney. 6 0. Stranburg. 8-10 Union Block. 8 Clark & Wiltsie. Mrs. Minnie L. Pickard. Dr. A. C Woodley. Rosamond McVeigh. 10 A. D. Work. 10 B. A. Bartlett. 12-20 Gokey.building, f12-14 Wilson & VanTuyl Edward P. Boyd, room 4. Leon L. Fancher, room 4. Andrew P. White, room 4. J. Samuel Fowler, room 4. Charles W . Jones, room 5. Dewey-Davis Printing Co. Mary M. Chase. Hall & Frisbee Dumber Co., rooms 50-51. Mrs. M. C Phillips, room 52. H. H. Hueitmueller, room 54. F. E. Tanner & Co., room 55. Odd Fellows' Hall. 16-18 Samuels & Sons. Fred D. VanNamee, rooms 19-21 E. C Clement, rooms 19-21. Allen E. Billings, rooms 21-22. Charles L. Melvin, room 21. Jamestown Business college. Todd & Mericle. 210 304 316 412 416 504 512 552 556 127 Metropolitan Life Ins. Co. Y. M. C. A. rooms. Postoffice. W . A. E. Carter. Cherry street intersects. First Presbyterian church. Rear F. B. Corell & Son. Mary Dole. E. A. Frank. Hackmen's Headquarters. B. W . Cook. Novelty Heating Co. M. J. Murray. Washington street intersects. F. A. Morrell. Lafayette street intersects. Edgar H. Warren. Robert N. Waugh. Jefferson street intersects . Allen Sisson. John B. Rawson. Clinton street intersects. William D. Shedd. Mrs. Margaret M. Patterson. Monroe street intersects. Branch School No. 2. Fairmount avenue intersects. A. Brooks Fletcher. Mrs. Eusebia M. Stedman. J. S. Ry. office and barns. WHITLEY AVENUE. From opposite 14 Ashville avenue south to junction Steele and West 6th— 6th ward. Left and East Side. 15 Erie A. Gron. 21 George L. Smith. 25 Charles M. Johnson. 27 Andrew W . Butts. 27 Martin C. Bordell. 27 Rear, Hugo Jensen. 29 W . Harry Page. WHITLEY AVENUE. Right and West Side. 8 John Sullivan. 12 Charles O. Peterson. 14 James F. Gallivan. W H I T L E Y A V E N U E , Cont'd. 128 IS 18 22 24 W I L L A R D STREET. J A M E S T O W N STREET DIRECTORY. William Lepp. John Thorman. Frederick M. Meyer. Newell G. Wood. W H I T L E Y PLACE. From 171 Forest avenue east—3d ward. Right and South Side. 10 George Garrity. 1 0 % Charles Parsons. 12 Simon Britton. 14 Charles Gustafson. 14 Victor Swanson. W I L L A R D STREET. From 62 Winsor south to limits—4th ward. Left and North Side. No houses. Allen street intersects. 103 Charles Reberg. 103 Mrs. Mary C. Johnson. 103 Charles Braden. 105 John Berg. 107 Mrs. Louise M. Beaustrom. 113 Danielson Bros. 113 Willie Pawn. 119 Axel Brodine. 119 Johanna Johnson. Barrows street intersects. 203 Charles M. Sundberg. 213 John Sundgren. 217 Mrs. Hadda S. Hendrickson. 225 Mrs. Louise C. Strandberg. 233 John Lindquist. Westcott street intersects. 237 John Lindberg. 243 John Johnson. 243 John G. Johnson. 245 John Crantz. 247 Pefer J. Johnson. Hedges avenue intersects. 269 Vacant house. Johnson street intersects. 275-7 Swan Nelson. 281 Alfred A. Swanson. 285 August Bargman. Chapin street intersects. 291 Swan A. Swanson. 295 Charles G. Sundquist 301 Mrs. Johanna Anderson. 303 Mrs. Caroline A. Drots. Peterson street intersects. 309 Charles G. Frederickson. 309 Nels J. Gustafson. 313 Fred A. Helgren. 313 Charles Johnson. 315 John W . Helgren. 317 Gustaf A. Swanson. Eagle street intersects. 323 Andrew F. Berg. 323 August A. Anderson. 327 Salmon Holmberg. 327 J. Albin Erickson. 329 Andrew Olson. 31'9 Susan Johnson. Vega street intersects. 337 John Dolberg. 435 Andrew Benson. 453 Elies Anderson. 463 Swan M. Nelson. 463 Otto Peterson. 469 August W . Swanson. 475 John P. Peterson. 493 Mrs. Anna L. Olson. 497 Samuel Dahlberg. 505 Anders J. Anderson. 511 John Danielson. 575 Mrs. Sophia Lindquist. 575 Albert A. Lindquist. City limits. 577 Charles C. Hendrickson. 581 Charles J. Weborg. 585 Vacant house. Charles E. Danielson. John Hanson. August Anderson. W I L L A R D STREET. Right and South Side. 4 Frank L. Wiler 8-10 Jamestown Bed Spring Co. 12 Conrad A. Hult 14 Jacob VanStee. 16 Herbert H. Hall. 16-1S Hall & Johnson. 18 Lisa C. Hult. WILLARD STREET Cont'd. WILLIAMS STREET. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. 18 20 20 20 22 32 32 32 34 38 50 50 50 Mrs. Sarah Nixon. James Holmes. Mrs. Harriet Northrop. Charles E. Bergman. Vacant house. John Lawson. Carl 0. Lawson. Abraham Anderson. Charles A. Swanson. Oscar P. Swanson. John O. Palmer. Charles A. Swanson. John A. Bjork. 100 100 106 106 114 120 120 Allen street intersects. Charlie F. Kayner. Charlie A. Ekstrom. Anna L. Frederickson. Gust S. Lawson. Bengt Nelson. John J. Koford. August E. Rosengren. Barrows street intersects. No houses. Kinney street intersects. Public school No. 8. 254 256 256 280 288 292 296 298 302 302 324 340 346 356 362 368 372 372 378 382 Tower street intersects. Adolf F. Hultberg. Thaddeus W . Jones. Fred L. Jones. Albert J. Palmquist. John Malm. Herman Quiding. Charlie Johnson. Caroline Swanson. John E.Bergman. Henry Benson. Charlie V. Peterson. Jonas P. Johnson. Gustaf E. Erickson. Gust Hulquist. John Lawson. Elsworth L. Blood. Frank Gustafson. Aaron E. Gustafson. John Olson. Anna Swanson. 129 386 Arvid A. Peterson. 386 Edward Benson. Pardee street intersects. 408 Mrs. Anna C Hallstrom. "418 Andrew A. Sundquist 428 Fred Anderson. 434 Andrew Erickson. 438 A. Erickson & Son. Anderson street intersects. 442 Carl A. Carlson. 448-50 Charles P. Carlson. Swan street intersects. 462 August Peterson. 474 Charles E. Beckstrand. 476 Johannah C. Erickson. Benson street intersects. 4S2 John A. Danielson. 488 Andrew J. E. Helgren. 496 Andrew O. Hodin. 514 Mrs. Gustafva C. Peterson. 518 John F. Swanson. 524 Charlie Anderson. 574 Carl J. F. Engman. City limits. Jonas E. Engman. Otto A. Nelson. John A. Bjork. John Johnson. Mrs. Anna Nelson. Hjalmer Swanson. Nels Anderson. Charles Lawson. Andrew Johnson. WILLIAMS STREET. From 93 Steele south to Baker—6th wcrd. Left and East Side. 3 Edward F. Lammers. 5 Harry Rose. 7 James Knowles. Jones avenue intersects. Ill Frank E. Olunder. Ill Albert Mahlquist 113 Clyde L. Blood. 117 Mrs. Fredericka Johnson. 1!9 John Larson. 121 A. William Carlson. W I L L I A M S S T R E E T Cont'd. 130 W I N S O R STREET. J A M E S T O W N S T R E E T DIRECTORY. WILTON AVENUE. W I L L I A M S STREET. 4 4 6 12 14 100 102 108 108 112 112 114 114 116 118 120 120 Right and West Side. John C. Lepp. Mrs. Louise Peterson. John Jacobs. Francis E. Weatherly. Vacant house. Gt. Jones street intersects. Frank Perring. Oscar Petersoi. Aurthur Waite. John W . Harwood. Charles W . Carlson. Gust Neulander. John Carlson. Iwar Hanson. Swans Sandberg. Mrs. Ellen Hollengren. Swan A. Tunberg. Canute Ludvickson. WILLIS STREET. From junction English and Holman north—4th ward. Right and East Side. 4 Charles Jackson. 8 Squire Walton. 20 Heyman A. Benchley. WILSON AVENUE. From 1058 Main east to Lake View avenue—1st ward Left and North Side. 15 Charles J. Hulquist. 25 C. Edward Johnson. WILSON AVENUE. Right and South Side. No houses. Prendergast avenue intersects. 136 Frank A. Harmon. WILTON AVENUE. From 810 Forest avenue west to Colfax—6th ward. Left and South Side. 11 August Anderson. 15 Frank O. Johnson. Right and North Side. 16 Herman Johnson. 32 Gilbert R. Clark. W I N S O R STREET. From 343 Allen, northwest to Lake View avenue—5th, 4th and 1st wards. Left and West Side. 1 John A. Booman. 3 Sam Keefe. 3 % Benjamin Garliner. 5 Mrs. Caroline M. Carlson. 7 Thomas H. Bailey. 7 William Beaumont. 15 Frederick Miller. 19 Gust S. Carlson. '.'", Henry H. Keller. Water street intersects. Mrs. Anna D. Beustrom. William N. Bjustrom. Albin Swanson. Sven J. Rapp. Shaver & Hall. C F. Carlson. Charles A. Burgett. Samuel Williamson. Charles A. Eckstrom. Harrison street intersects. 105 Bailey, Jones & Co. 115-133 John T. Wilson. Chandler street intersects. No houses. Crescent street intersects. 301 David Johnson. 301 William Pike. 307 E. Frank Anderson. 307 (Rear) Gust C. Sundberg. 309 J. Emil Carlson. 309 Carl W . Carlson. 311 Mrs. Frances E. Hartigan. 313 Thomas G. McMahan. East 2d street intersects. 405 Anson L. Herrick. East 6th street intersects. 33 33 37 47 51 53 55 57 61 WINSOR STREET Cont'd. W O O D L A W N AVENUE. JAMESTOWN STREET DIRECTORY. No houses. East 7th street intersects. 435 Charles M. Waite. 439 Joseph M. Walkerman. 441 Patrick J. O'Brien. 445 Fred Kofod. 489 Frank 0. Carlson. 491 John W . Robinson. East 9th street intersects. N o houses. Price street intersects. 615 Silas Blanchard. W I N S O R STREET. Right and East Side. 10 John A. Woodard. 10 John Newsome. 16 Myers Jowett. 20 Y. W . Burtch & Co. 38-46 Jamestown Lounge Co. 60 Shaver & Hall. 62 James Munroe. Willard street intersects. Bailey, Jones & Co. 112 Morse Grocery Co. 114 Charles E. Morse. 122 Jamestown Woolen Mills. 124 Doremus J. Benson. 126 Axel H. West. 126 John E. Anderson. Chandler street intersects. 214 Mrs. M. B. Steers. 214 Mrs. Mary Horsfield. 216 Henry Butler. 216 Mrs. Anna B. Geer. 218 Lester C. Geer. 218 Arthur Nutter. Scott street intersects. 222 Dr. John W . Scott. 226 Mrs. Fannie H. Hazeltine. Crescent street intersects. 300 Christopher Duffy. 304 Mrs. Emily H. Fairbank. East 2d street intersects. 408 Fred B. Hamlin 408 408 410 410 410 412 414 414 420 424 438 440 448 448 508 520 526 530 530 530 5"4 534 60:; 602 131 Thomas Cooley. Fay W . Pickett. Arthur L. Trantum. August T. Jones. Edward Frick. Frank B. Bush. Bush street intersects. Mrs. Effa Boyce. Adeline Jones. Mrs. Maria E. Cooper. Andrew Rundquist. Orchard street intersects. Amel Nelson. A. Leon Carlson. Peach street intersects. John J. Brattberg. Carl W . Jones. Falconer street intersects. John Mahoney. James Mahoney. James street intersects. William S. Stone. Robert Peterson. Charles Helstrom. Carl Thoren. Leonard F. Jones. Alfred Peterson. Price street intersects. Charles A. Anderson. J. Alvin Jacobson. WOODWORTH AVENUE. From 104 Hallock, west to city limits —6th ward. Left and North Side. 1 Robert H. Coffield. W O O D W O R T H AVENUE. Right and South Side. 24 Almon E. Stocker. W O O D L A W N AVENUE. From 1249 East 2d, north—5th ward. Albert Buffington. Jacob Fisher. Henry Falconer. O V E R C O A T S a Specialty at ABREVIATIONS. PROUDFITS. ABRAHAMSON. 132 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. T G E N H E E R A J O U R N A L ' S L D I R E C T O R Y . 1 8 9 9 - 1 9 0 0 . ABREVIATIONS. Wife's name is given in parenthesis following that of the husband. Abbreviations used in this directory:—Adv., advertisements; agt, agent; am., American; assn., association; asst., assistant; atty., attorney; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bldg., building; blk., block; co., company or county; com., commercial; do. the same; E., east; E. .R R., Erie R. R. Co.; genl., general; gt, great; h., house; ins., insurance; Jr., Junior; J. S. Ry., Jamestown Street Railway; J. & C. Ry., Jamestown & Chautauqua Railway; J. & G., Jones & Gifford; loco., locomotive; ltd., limited; mfg., manufacturing; mfr., manufacturer; mgr., manager; natl., national; nr., near; opp., opposite; N., north; pi., place; pres., president; prop., proprietor; P. T. & C. Co., Postal Telegraph & Cable Co.'pub., publisher; res., resides; Rev., reverend; rms., rooms; ry., railway; sec, secretary; S., south; sta., stationary; stenog., stenographer; supt., superintendent; tel. opr., telphone or telegraph operator; treas., treasurer; W . U. T. Co., Western Union Telegraph Co.; P. 0., postoffice; W., west. The word street is implied. A Abbott, Charles S. (Pauline), Sec. and Treas. A m . Aristo Co., 56 Prospect, house, 405 Spring. Abbott, lone, teacher, boards 112 Chandler. Abbott, Mary, widow Edwin E., residence, 405 Spring. Abbott, William C (Alice), decorator, rooms 403 Main. Abel, Myrtie, widow Edmund, residence over 208 Pine. Abersold, Godfrey R. (Emma),—harness maker, 121 West 3d—h. 434 Baker Abrahamson, Alfred J. (Louise M.),fireman, 40 Quarry road, h. 5 Maltby. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. 7 H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ABRAHAMSON. AHLSTROM. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 133 Abrahamson, Axel, teamster, 29 Taylor, boards over 29 Taylor. Abrahamson, Bertha M., widow Andrew G., residence 27 West Tenth. Abrahamson, C. F. Co.,—Charles F , Abrahamson—dry goods, 207 Main. Abrahamson, Charles F. (Christ.ne),—C F. Abrahamson Co., 207 M a i n house, 131 Barrows. Abrahamson, Charles H., messenger, 207 Main, residence 5 Maltby. Abrahamson, Charles S., laborer, 40 Winsor, residence 30 Chapin. Abrahamson, Freda M., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 30 Chapin. Abrahamson, Fritz E.,finisher,129 Jones & Gifford avenue, res. 50 Peterson. Abrahamson, Herman A., machinist, house 27 West 10th. Abrahamson, John, retired, house 3 0 Chapin. Abrahamson, Joseph F. (Lottie), laborer, house 50 Peterson. Abrahamson, Mary, residence 30 Cha pin. Abrams, James D. (Arietta)—Abrams & Wiltsie; also grocer, 134 Fairmount ave—house 125 do. Abrams & Wiltsie—James D. Abrams and Lawrence W . Wiltsie—insurance, 134 Fairmount avenue. Ackroyd, Asa (Violet)—Henry Ackroyd & Son—76 Steele, res. 19 Baker. Ackroyd, Henry (Mary A.)—Henry Ackroyd & Son—76 Steele, h. 19 Barker. Ackroyd, Henry & Son—Henry & Asa Ackroyd, cut stone contractors—76 Steele. Ackroyd, Joseph (Murab), wool washer, 335 Harrison, house 83 Water. Ackroyd, Susie, Mrs., mender, 116 East 1st., residence, 83 Water. Adams, Alonzo C, woodworker, residence Wellman avenue, (Celoron). Adams Arthur X. (Laura E.) woodworker, 21 Briggs, house 19 Victoria ave. Adams, Cha^otte Warner, widow Harry, residence 509 Prendergast ave. Adams, James, laborer, boards 333 E. 2d. Adams, John A., contractor, rooms 401 West 6th. Adams, Loie, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 333 East 2d. A.dams, Rinaldo (Alice P.) painter, house 302 Hallock. Adamson, Charles (Louise) helper, lJ5 J .& G. ave., house, 6 Orchard. Adamson, Oscar, helper, 95 Jones and Gifford avenue boards 6 Orchard. Ahlberg, Margaret, Mrs., house 816 Main. Ahlgren, Anna, widow Andrew P., house 27 Stowe. Ahlgren, August (Anna), laborer, house, 36 Union ave. Ahlgren, August, carver, residence 23 Stowe. Ahlgren, Ellen, domestic, 222 Winsor, residence 27 Stowe. Ahlgren, John,finisher,415 Chandler, residence, 23 Stowe. Ahlquist, John K. (Emma), bakery, 302 East 2d, house, do. Ahlstrand, Anna L., residence 88 Vega. Ahlstrand, Chas. J. (Margaret,) laborer, house 88 Vega. Ahlstrand, Minnie H., residence 88 Vega. Ahlstrom, Arvid (-Lydia M.), piano m:>ker, house 29 Westcott. Ahlstrom, Carl (Julia A.), 248 Barrows. Ahlstrom, Dessie, domestic, 307 West 3d. 'Ahlstrom, Charles A. (Ada E.), piano mfr., 112-114 E. 2nd, house 213 E. 6th. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings U n d e r w e a r , Hosiery rspSfai!" at P R O U D F I T S . AHLSTROM. ALDRICH. 134 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Ahlstrom, Claude, student, residence 213 East 6th. Ahlstrom, Edward M., driver, 221 Main, residence 17 Hazzard. Ahlstrom, Henry (Matilda F.), piano stringer, 112 E. 2d, h. 151 Foote ave. Ahlstrom, John ( E m m a D.), bookkeeper, 112 East 2d, house 33 Mechanic. Ahlstrom, Leonard G. (Anna L.), case maker, house 12 Morse ave. Ahlstrom, Mark N. (Elizabeth L.), piano dealer, house 134 Allen. Ahnstrom, Carl (Mary), varnisher, ho^se 17 Columbia avenue. Ahrens, Abbie M., residence 15 East 5th. Ahrens, George H. (Phebe M.), oil producer, over 101 East 2d, h. 15 E. 5th. Ahrens, Sarah E., widow, residence 15 East 5th. Aiken, Carrie E., teacher, rooms 405 Winsor. Aiken, Corrie J., teacher, rooms 405 Winsor. Aiken, Erastus (Mary A.), farmer, house 325 Hazzard. Ainge, William Ely (Susan), auditor and accountant Art Metal Construction Co., house 301 Lake View avenue. Akelund, Carl A., painter, residence, 26 Johnson. Akelund, Christine, widow Andrew P., house 26 Johnson. Akelund, Peter W., clerk, residence, 26 Johnson. Akelund, Theodore, painter, residenc e, 26 Johnson. Ackeroyd, Fred, laborer, boards 42 Regent. Akholm, Charles A. (Alma), baker, 302 East Second house 19 Pearl avenue. Akins, Alva F. (Lottie B), grocer, 342 Foote ave, house 37 Hazzard. Akin, Andrew, peddler, house 201 Ridgway avenue. Akin, B. Franklin, stenog., residence 926 East 2d. Akin, Daniel, farmer, house Hunt road, (Celoron). Akin, Eliza, widow Stephen, housoHunt road. Akin, Gustine, Mrs., piece picker, 116 East 1st, house 16 Institute. Akin, Hartley, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Institute. Akin, Murtie, piece picker, 116 East 1st, residence 16 Institute. Akin, William H. (Fannie), paperhanger, house 71 Allen Akroyd, Smith ( E m m a ) , stone mason, house 39 Foote ave. Alden, Ada J. clerk, 203 Main, residence, 306 West 4th. Alden, Anna, residence 540 East Second. Alden, Dale, residence 540 East 2d. Alden, Elof, clerk, 105 South Main, boards 151 Forest. Alden, Glenn A. (Altie J.), commercial traveler, house 201 Lake View avenue. >/Alden, Harry W . (Eva), clerk, 216 Ma!n, house 610 Jefferson. Alden, John B. (Carrie A.)—John 3. Alden & Co.—219 Main, h. 540 E. 2d. Alden, John B. & Co.—John B. Alden and John Ohlquist—clothiers, 219 Main Alden, Washington (Harriet J.), residence 306 West Fourth. Aldrich Art Co.—J. DeWitt Aldrich, mgr., 302 Main. Aldrich Furniture Co.—J. J. Aldrich and L. J. Field—108 Main. Aldrich, J. DeWitt (Helen S.)—mgr. Aldrich Art Co.—302 Main, house 623 Newland ave. Aldrich, John J. (Cara B.)—Aldrich Furniture Co.—108 Main, h. 36 Allen. Aldrich, Ray W., machinist, boards 556 West 3d. M . J. M U R R A Y uses only the B E S T Plumbing Material Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ALEXANDER. ALVORD. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 135 Alexander, Gilbert (Lida) machinist, house 31 Fluvanna avenue. Alexander, RoLeit (Clara) junk dealer, house 409 Summit. Allbrant, Mollie K., Mrs., variety store, E. 2d, house 514 Foote ave. Allee, Mata D., teacher, residence 506 Prendergast avenue. Allen, Alfred D., rooms 318 Prendergast ave. Allen, Augustus F., rooms 318 Prendergast ave. Allen, Delia E., student, residence 108 Broadhead ave. Allen, Dexter F. (E.len) shoemaker, house 145 Warren. Allen, Ephraim D. (Ella), driver, house 108 Broadhead ave. Allen, Hardy, laborer, rooms 118 East 2d. Allen, Isadore L., caterer, residence 117 Warren. Allen, James A. (Lora H.), machinist, Ashville ave. (Celoron). Allen, John R. (Olive K.), retired, house, 117 Warren. Allen, Josiah T., shoemaker, residence, 145 Warren. Allen Lucius E., student, residence 108 Broadhead avenue. Allen, M a y P., mender, residence 115 Warren. Allen, Olive L., Mrs., residence 107 Warren. Allen, Otto, mill hand, boards 347 Foote ave. Allen, Pauline, widow Abner, residence 6 Crane. Allen, Sarah, widow Charles C, residence 119 Warren. Allen, Square Building, John E. Leach, supt, 101-21 Main. Allen, William D. (Erminnie E.) cabinetmaker, 10 Holmes, h, 16 Waterman. Allen, Victor,finisher,boards 347 Foote avenue. Allen, Virginia, widow Alfred D., roomes 318 Prendergast avenue. Allison, Clara, weaver, residence, 314 Allen. Allison, Frank (Anna), laborer, house 207 Myrtle. Allison, Fred (Jean),.loom fixer, 335 Harrison, house 116 Barrows. Allison, Herbert, presser, residence 314 APen. Allison, Lavinia, weaver, residence 314 AUen. Allison, Mary, widow William, house 314 Allen. Almon, Charles W . (Carrie), coachman, house over 131 Harrison. Almquist, John E.,finisher101 Harrison, boards Willard, beyond limits. Almquist, L'zzie domestic, Ashville ave., (Celoron). Almy, Floyd P., billing clerk 17 Shearman place, residence 411 Lafayette. Almy, J. Ebenezer (Martha), dentist, 2 East 4th, house do. Almy, Jewett M .(Minervai), clerk, 109 Main, house 403 Monroe. Alsdorf, Daniel (Mary), laborer, house 503 Warren. Alsdorf, Wesley, clerk, residence 503 Warren. Alstermerk, Victor ( E m m a ) , weaver, house Buffalo. Altenburg, Kathleen, dressmaker, rooms 113 Chandler. Altice, Samuel H. (Leah)—Altice &-Welshofer—120 East 2d, house do. Altice, William, clerk, 120 East 2d, residence do. Altice & Welshofer—Samuel H. Altice and George J. Welshofer—prop?. City hotel 120-2 East 2d. Alton, J. Charles (Mary A.), letter carrier P. O., residence 119 Fulton. Alvord, Sarah M., widow Frederick, residence 119 Fairmount avenue, CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies H e a d q u a r t e r s forFcJ?^RfngHsfssard 3 3 , P R O U D F I T S . AM. ARISTOTYPE CO. ANDERSON. 136 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. American Aristotype Co.*—Porter Sheldon, Prest.—mfrs. aristotype paper, 56 Prospect. American Axe & Toole Co., mfrs. axes, 1323 Taylor—Fred T. Powell, supt. American Express Co., 103 Main—B.R. Hiller, agent. American Mfg. Concern—William T. Falconer and David E. Merrill—mfrs. office supplies (Falconer). Ames, Adrian S. (Eliza), drayman and 2d hand store, house, Allen extension. Ames, Josephine, widow John house 33 Rathbone. Ames, Lucy M., widow Charles H. residence 312 East 3d. Amidon, Arthur A. (Hannah), lumberman, house 38 Broadhead avenue. Amidon, Belle C , residence 38 Broadhead avenue. Amidon Block, 201-207 East Second. Amidon, Levi L., residence 38 Broadhead avenue. Am.sley, Ralph, warp twister, 35 Water, boards 61 Harrison. Anchor Fence Co.—J. T. Larmonth, mgr.—manufacturers wire fence, etc., 1-2 Ellicott building. Anderson, Aaron (Augusta), wood worker, house 12 Crown. Anderson, Abraham (Anna L.), woodworker, 105 Winsor, h., 32 Willard. Anderson, Adolph J. (Mina), driver,house 25 College. Anderson, A. John, residence 112 Uowen. Anderson, Alba R., wool drawer, 116 East 1st, res., 434 Willard. Anderson, Albert (Bessie), machinist, house 8 Walnut. Anderson, Albert (Gusta), laborer,house 3 River. Anderson, Albert (Johanna), steelworker, house 4 Grandin. Anderson, Albert A., barber under 20West Third, residence 13 Thayer. Anderson, Albert P., milkman, residence 524 Willard. Anderson, Albin B., clerk, 335 Harrison, residence 493 Willard. Anderson, Alfred (Tilda), driver, 4 N e w Gifford bldg., h., 612 Foote ave. Anderson, Alfred, laborer, house S Cheney. Anderson, Alfred A., designer, 128 Foote avenue, boards 164 Allen. Anderson, Alfred E., laborer, residence 453 Willard. Anderson, Alida J., operative 335 Harrison, residence 35 Anderson. Anderson, Alma, milliner, 321 Main, residence 868 East Second. Anderson, Alma, domestic, Hotel Everett. Anderson, Alma 0., weaver, 335 Harrison, house 35 Linden avenue. Anderson, Alpheda, binder, residence 612 Foote avenue. Anderson, Alva, weaver, residence 35 Linden avenue. Anderson, Alvira, winder, 335 Harrison, residence 35 Linden avenue. Anderson, Amanda, dressmaker, residence 262 Broadhead avenue. Anderson, Amanda L., residence 245 Crescent. Anderson, Amanda S., residence 452 Chandler. Anderson, Amel A. (Lillian), weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 5 Winsor. Anderson, Amel E., carver, 37 Taylor, residence 237 Crescent. Anderson, Amel J. (Hildur),fin'sh^r,415 Chandler, house 112 Bowen. Anderson, Amelia, domestic, 25 Mechanic. Anderson, Amelia, operative, 335 Harrison, residence 120 King. If you contemplate New Plumbling, consult M. J. MURRAY Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ANDERSON. ANDERSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 137 Anderson, Amelia C, tailoress, over 11 East 2d, residence 402 Warren. Anderson, Anders J. (Eliza M.), carpenter, house 505 Willard. Anderson, Anders (Anna C ) , retired, house 227 Barrows. Anderson, Andrew (Emma), chairmaker, 20 Winsor, house 16 Walnut. Anderson, Andrew (Johanna), laborer, house 412 Baker. Anderson, Andrew (Minnie A.), laborer, house 112 Cheney.. Andeison, Andrew, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 10 Alpaca. Anderson, Andrew (Jennie),finisher,101 Harrison, house 216 Barrows. Anderson, Andrew (Minnie), laborer, house 20 Davis. Anderson, Andrew (Ellen), laborer, 35 Benson. Anderson, Andrew (Helen), machinist, house 113 Kidder. Anderson, Andrew, tailor, boards 103 Hazzard. Anderson, Andrew (Christine), carpenter, house 829 Newland avenue. Anderson, Andrew (Ida), stone mason, house 415 Newland avenue. Anderson, Andrew, residence 423 Newland avenue. Anderson, Andrew J. (Amelia), carpenter, house 119 Cheney. Anderson, Andrew O. (Anna), woodworker, house 322 Foote avenue. Anderson, Andrew P. (Johanna), laborer, house 452 Chandler. Anderson, Andrew T. (Josephine), carpenter, house 14 Stowe. Anderson, Anna, domestic, 339 East Fourth. Anderson, Anna, domestic, 205 East Fifth. Anderson, Anna, laundress, 15 South Main. Anderson, Anna, widow Swan, residence 48 Pearl avenue. Anderson Anna, operative, 335 Harrison, boards 120 Willard. Anderson, Anna, domestic, 416 Main, Anderson, Anna B., residence 35 An'/ierson. Anderson, Anna B., widow Emanue1, residence 115 Hedges avenue. Anderson, A.nna L., operative, 318 Cherry, boards 103 Wescott. Anderson, Anna L., house 245 Crescfxjt. Anderson, Anna M., operative, 335 B'-irr'son, residence 69 Hedges avenue. Anderson, Anna S., widow John B., Sf.use 35 Anderson. Anderson, Anna-W., operative, 116 East Fi'st, residence English. Anderson, Anna, emp'oye Empire Worsted M H s , house 324 Forest. Anderson, Antone (Hilma), ax maker, 13 Taylor, house 114 Bush. Anderson, Antone, laborer, boards SV2 Cheney. Anderson, Anton M., painter, 105 Winsor, residence 126 do. Anderson, Anton T., house painter, residence 227 Barrows. Anderson, A.skel W . (Ida M.), sawyer, 101 Harrison, house 28 Swan. Anderson, A. Sophia, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 235 Barrows. Anderson, August, tailor, residence 244 Prcadhead avenue. Anderson, August (Anna), machinist, 12 Steele, house Willard, beyond limit. Anderson, August (Josephine), dyer,house 202 Hazzard. Anderson, August, laborer, 45 Chandler, residence 204 Benedict. Anderson, A.ugust, porter Hotel Ellicott. residence 39 Prospect. Anderson, August (Anna), stationary engineer, house 111 Cheney. Anderson, August, weaver, 116 East First, boards 4 Short Eagle. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies Y o u r M o n e y ' s W o r t h mo°nreyy°bUackat P R O U D F 1 T S . ANDERSON. ANDERSON. 138 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Anderson August (Anna),finisher,house 11 Wilton avenue. Anderson August (Myra M.), patrolman, 7 city hall, house 619 Falconer. Anderson. August (Clara M.), drayman, house 120 King. Anderson August, bender, boards 90 Sprague. Anderson. August A. (Helen G. ), laborer, house 323 Willard. Anderson August. P. ( E m m a A.), driver, 12 West Third, house 26 West 9th. Anderson August C (Anna), clerk, 207 Main, house East Buffalo. Anderson. August L. (Christine S.), clerk, 103 East Second, house 400 Barrett. Anderson August M., laborer, residence Hebner. Anderson August P. (Johanna), chairmaker, house 16 Jones. Anderson A.ugust S., polisher, 3 Ashville avenue, residence English. Anderson Axel (Selma), wood carver, house 562 Allen. a-nderson Axel (Rhoda),finisher,house 12 Arnold. Anderson Axel A., carpenter, residence 21 College. Anderson Axel Conrad, residence Main, beyond limit. Anderson Axel E. (Edith M.)—Anderson Shoe Co.—305 Main, h. 214 Fulton. Anderson Beda, operative, residence 118 Crown. Anderson: Benjamin, lounge maker, residence 27 Metallic avenue. Anderson Benjamin (Caroline), tailor, over 11 E. Second, house 402 Warren. Anderson Benhaul, machinist, 105 Winsor, boards 54 Chapin. Anderson Bessie, widow Peter, residence, 39 Myrtle. Anderson B. May, dressmaker, residence 147 Barrett. Anderson Bros.—Charles J. and John W.—machine shop, 5 Race. Anderson C. Albert (Bessie A.), machinist, 5 Race, house 8 Walnut. Anderson Carl (Jennie), polisher, house 20 LTnion avenue. Anderson. Carl, packer, 13 Taylor, residence 760 East Second. Anderson Carl A., carpenter, 105 Winsor, boards 382 Willard. Anderson Carl E. (Annie), wood worker, house 649 East Sixth. Anderson. Carl E., packer, boards 103 Westcott. Anderson Carl J. (Caroline C ) laborer, house 3^ Tower. Anderson: Carl M., (Mattie), trimmer, house 359 Baker. Anderson Carl W . (Huldah), laborer. 494 Crescent. Anderson; Charles, barber, boards 489 Winsor. Anderson; Charles, warp dresser, residence 816 Newland avenue. Anderson Charles (Phoebe), sta. engineer J. E. S. Ry., h. 10 Fairview ave. Anderson Charles, varnisher, boards 8V2 Cheney. Anderson Charles, (Milla) laborer, house 146 Stowe. Anderson Charles, laborer, boards under 20 Davis. Anderson Charles (Hannah) laborer, bouse over 494 Crescent Anderson Charles, laborer, boards 135 Chandler. Anderson Charles, laborer, boards 8M: Cheney. Anderson Charles, spring setter, residence 412 Baker. Charles A. (Augusta M.)—Anderson & Johnson—104 Main, h. 14 Mapl Anderson e. Anderson Charges A. (Anna), clerk, 205 Main, house 109 Fulton. Anderson Charles A., aristo worker, house 277 Prospect. Porcelain L i n e d B a t h T u b s , '*t anv otlier kind M . J. M U R R A Y put in right by Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ANDERSON. ANDERSON. JAMESTOWN 1>IRECTORY. 119 Anderson, Chas. A. (Josephine), laborer, house 6 Peterson. Anderson, Charles A. (Charlotta), teamster, house 237 Crescent. Anderson, Charles A. (Hilda), polisher, house 103 Westcott. Anderson, Charles A. (Hannah C ) , laborer, house 602 Winsor. Anderson, Charles B. (Jennie L.), carpenter, house 9 Lincoln. Anderson, Charles E. (Henrietta C . ) —Swetland & Anderson)—over 2 East 3d., house 156 Forest avenue. Anderson, Charles E., painter, over 204 Main, residence 18 Sherman. Anderson, Charles F. (Christine L.), laborer, house Hebner. Anderson, Charles F. (Christine), joins and shoes, 103 East Second, house 116 Anderson, Charles G. (Christine), tailoter, 3 Ashville ave., h. over 244 Barrows Anderson, Charles J. (Anna),—Andersr, house 244 Broadhead avenue. Anderson, Charles J. (C. Louise), booton Bros.—5 Race, house 329 Lincoln. Chandler. Anderson, Charles L. (Hannah), wood worker, house 17 Orchard avenue. Anderson, Charles M. Johanna M.), tinsmith, 27 Main house 359 Baker. Anderson, Charles O. (Celia), bartender, 5 Harrison, house (F), Kent block. Anderson, Charles 0. (Josephine) driver, 4 West First, house 327 Chandler. Anderson, Charles O., teamster, boards 74 Water. Anderson, Charles P. (Augusta),—C. P Anderson & Co.—306 Harrison, house 232 Sprague. Anderson, Charles S., teamster, residence Hebner. Anderson, Charles W . (Edith M.), coachman, house 318 Forest avenue. Anderson, Charlie (Agnes C ) , gluer, 101 Harrison, house 524 Willard. Anderson, Charlie (Hannah) mill hand, house 11 Kidder. Anderson, Charlie (Matilda),finisher,46 Taylor, house 43 Holman. Anderson, Charlie A., laborer, residence 119 Westcott. Anderson, Charlie J. (Augusta), laborer, house 115 Westcott. A.nderson, Charlie M. (Sophia W . ) , laborer, house 69 Hedges avenue. Anderson, Charlotte, clerk 16 West Third, residence 311 Monroe. Anderson, Christine, widow Nelson, house over 520 Crescent. Anderson, Christine, widow Ludwick, house 238 Crescent. Anderson, Clara A., weaver, 116 East First, residence 238 Crescent. Anderson, Clara C , clerk, 207 Main, residence 98 Buffalo. Anderson, Clara M., widow John M., house 41 Chapin. Anderson, Carence, student, resid-nce 328 Foote avenue. Anderson, Claus A. (Ingalizzy),fishpeddler, house 20 Ellicott. Anderson, Claus (Hilda), machinist, house 23 Stowe. Anderson, Claus H., residence 72 Hedfes avenue. Anderson C. Oscar (Minnie), wood worker, house 40 Jones. Anderson, Claus F. (Matilda), iron worker, house 11 Partridge. Anderson, C. P. & Co.—Charles P. Anderson and Charles J Sundquist—boilermakers and blacksmiths, 306 Harrison Anderson, David W . (Segred).finisher,house 56 Eaele. Anderson, David, laborer, 101 Harr-'son. boards 307 Winsor. Anderson, David J., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence English. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools B e sure Z%£<[)g£ b^yVS? Clothing at P R O U D F I T S . ANDERSON. 140 ANDERSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Anderson, David L., office boy, 335 Har/ison, residence 125 Stowe. Anderson, Ernest A., office boy, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Vega. Anderson, E. Charles, chair maker, 20 Winsor, house 500 Chandier. Anderson, Edith, student, residence 328 Foote. Anderson, Edith, domestic, 15 Fluvanna avenue, residence 11 Kidder. Anderson, Edith S., spinner, 58 Center lesidence 111 Cheney. Anderson, Edward (Julia A.), tailor, 206 Main, house 614 Newland avenue. Anderson, Edward, carver, 37 Taylor, residence 237 Crescent. Anderson, Edward (Ellen),finisher,house 40 Jones. Anderson, Edward S.—Anderson & Wemple—16 East 2d, boards City hotel. Anderson, E. Frank (Sophia H.), cai-penier, house 307 Winsor. Anderson, Elias (Lottie), laborer, house 183 Barrows. Anderson, Elias (Johannah), laborer, house 453 Willard. Anderson, Ella V., milliner, 316 Main, residence 123 Prospect. Anderson, Ellen, residence 19 Newland avenue. Anderson, Ellen, residence 114 Bush. Anderson, Elma, domestic, 17 Cross. Anderson, Elizabeth, employe Gokey's factory, house 324 Forest. Anderson, Elof, wood worker, residence, 412 Baker. Anderson, Emanuel (Mary C ) , carpenter, house 16 Vega. Anderson, Emil, shoemaker, residence 5 Great Jones. Anderson, Emily, dume.stic, 503 East Second. Anderson, E m m a , boards 9 Bowen avenue. Anderson, E m m a C , dressmaker, boards 70 Marvin. Anderson, Erick, laborer, boards 1 Short Eag'e. Anderson, Ernest E. (Anna), upho'sterer, house 441 Baker. Anderson, Ernest L., machinist, 5 Race, residence 14 Arnold. Anderson, Erric C , buffer, 318 Cherry, residence 17 Valley. Anderson, Florinda C. C , domestic, 421 East Second, residence 24 West Tenth Anderson, Foreman A. (Josephine) latorer, house 16 Valley. Anderson, Frank (Johanna) retired, lesidence 244 Broadhead avenue. Anderson, Frank, hostler, 100 East Second, rooms do. Anderson, Frank A. (Ida),—Ande sonfeMillne-r—7East 1st, h. 316 Forest ave. Anderson, Frank A., driver, rooms 128 Chandler. Anderson, Frank E., polisher, 101 Harrison, residence English. Anderson, Frank E. ( E m m a ) , planer, house 259 ast Buffalo. Anderson, Frank G. (Ida S.), machinist, house over 9 Cheney. Anderson, Frank O. (Amelia S.)—Empire Furniture Co.—124 Foote avenue, house 164 Allen. Anderson, Frank O. (Hilda E.), machinist, house 107 Westcott. Anderson, Franse O., machinist, Bedstead factory, Steele, res. 24 West Tenth. Anderson, Fred, shoemaker, boards 121 Chapman. Anderson, Fred, dresser, 335 Harrison, house 428 Willard. Anderson, Fred (Augusta), aristo worker, house 314 Forest avenue. Anderson, Fred H., laborer, residence 14 Stowe. Anderson, Freda, collar ironer, 19 Stee'e, residence 816 Newland avenue. Some of the most extensive v^hl7J°ao^ye M. J. MURRAY The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ANDERSON. ANDERSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 141 Anderson, Freda, domest'c, Ashville avenue, residence (Celoron.) Anderson, Fredoria, dressmaker, rooms 211 Prendergast avenue. Anderson, Frederick (Mary), laborer, house 520 Baker. Anderson, Fritz (Ida J.), tailor, 16 Ea.t Third, house rear 305 Warren. Anderson, George, clerk, 135 Chandler, residence do. Anderson, George, fireman, boards 36 Mechanic. Anderson George H. (Sadie M.), assis ant mailing clerk, P. 0., h. 5 Garfield. Anderson, Gust (Sophie), carpenter, house 90 Hazzard. Anderson, Gust (Anna), ax polisher, 13 Taylor, house 39 Myrtle. Anderson, Gust (Lena), meat cutt'r, horse 93 Hazzard. Anderson, Gust, brickmaker, boards 2"8 Foote avenue. Anderson, Gust, polisher, residence 118 Crown. Anderson, Gust (Hulda), teamster, house 615 Warren. Anderson, Gust (Enga K.), laborer, house 72 Hedges avenue. Anderson, Gust (Anna), stationary e gineer, house 228 Prospect. Anderson, Gust, presser, residence 40 Warren. Anderson, Gust A., millhand, residen e, 415 Newland avenue. Anderson, Gust A. (Sophie) tinner, house 107 Hall avenue. Anderson, Gust A. (Jennie), laborer, house 417 Barrett. Anderson, Gust A. (Cara), laborer, h:mse 107 Westcott. Anderson, Gust A. ( E m m a G.) trimmer, 101 Harrison, house English. Anderson, Gust F , (Hedda), Street car.house 5 Great Jones. Anderson, Gust W . (Amanda), aristo worker, house 332 Forest avenue. Anderson, Gustaf, laborer, boards 1 Kipp. Anderson, Gustaf (Mary G.)—Ander.-cn & Smith—102 Main, house 17 Center. Anderson, Gustaf, weaver, 335 Harris n, residence 111 Cheney. Anderson, Gustaf (Minnie L.), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 432 Allen. Anderson, Gustaf H., helper, 13 Tay^-, residence 24 West Tenth. Anderson, Hannah, domestic, 30 W a ' ren. Anderson. Hannah, widow Gustaf, house 104 Falconer. Anderson, Hannah, residence 38 Pe'e'son. Anderson, Hannah A., weaver, reside- ce 35 Linden avenue. Anderson, Hannah E., widow Swan W.. boarding house 25 Derby. Anderson, Hattie A., residence 14 Stowe. Anderson, H. Cecelia, residence 18 Pirrman. Anderson, Henry, fuller, boards 829 Newland avenue. Anderson, Henry A., laborer, residence 277 Prospect. Anderson, Henry G. (Antonea L.), barber, 4 Taylor, house 112% Chand'er. Anderson, Herman (Minnie H.), laborer, house English. Anderson, Herman, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 524 Willard. Anderson, Herman, contractor, resi1e:ce 14 Arnold. Anderson, Hilda, cook, 337 East Fifth. Anderson, Hilda, drawer, residence 18 Linden. Anderson, Hilda, dressmaker, residence 18 West Seventh. Anderson, Hilda M., wool drawer, 3"5 Harrison, boards 488 Willard. Anderson, Hilda S., weaver, 116 East First, residence 17 Valley. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery B o y s ' Clothing, Lar^S|ft°y<:k ln at PROUDFITS. ANDERSON. ANDERSON. 142 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Anderson Hildura, domestic, 20 Bowen. J j Anderson, Hilma, widow John, house 5o4 Foote avenue. Anderson, Hilma, widow Swan, weaver, house 106 Water. Anderson, Hilma, residence 402 Warren. Anderson, Hilma S., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Vega. Anderson, Hulda, domestic, 509 Washington. Anderson, Hulda, duffer, residence 5 Great Jones. Anderson, Ida, widow Jones, dressmaker, over 12 Morse avenue house do. Anderson, Ida, domestic, 404 Lafayette, residence 5 Great Jones. Anderson, Ida, band ironer, 19 Steele, residence 114 Barrett. Anderson, Ida, residence 38 Sampson. Anderson, Ida, residence 237 Crescent. Anderson, Ida, twister, residence 816 Newland avenue. Anderson, Ida L., dressmaker, 208 Benedict, residence do. Anderson, Ida W., residence 14 Arnold. Anderson, James R., painter, residen'e 25 Derby. Anderson, Jennie, spinner, boards 402 Foote avenue. Anderson, Jennie, house 125 Stowe. Anderson, Jennie C , residence 112 Cheney. A.nderson, J. Matilda, weaver, 335 Harrison, resides 235 Barrows. Anderson, Johanna, widow Andrew, residence Hunt road, Celoron. Anderson, Johanna C , widow John, house 435 Allen. Anderson, Johannah, widow Andrew P., house 301 Willard. Anderson, John (Mary),finisher,house 118 Crown. Anderson, John (Mary), grinder, house 148 Sampson. Anderson, John (Amanda), burnisher, house 12 Myrtle. Anderson, John (Hannah) laborer, house Main, near limits. Anderson, John, residence 382 Willard. Anderson, John, brickmaker, rooms 128 Chandler. Anderson, John ( E m m a ) , clerk, 207 Main, house 62 Rathbone. Anderson, John, laborer, boards 130 Falconer. A.nderson, John (Freda), mattress maker, house 11 Park. Anderson, John A. (Hulga), varnisher, house 1009 Main. A.mderson, John A. (Anna), wood carver, house 104 Charles. Anderson, John A. (Christine L.), metal worker, 95 J & G. ave., h. 17 Valley. Anderson, John A. (Amanda A.), upholsterer, house 34 Charles. Anderson, John A., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 35 Benson. Anderson, John A., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 35 A.nderson. Anderson, John A. (Ingre C ) , retired, house 32 Swan. Anderson, John A. (Charlotte), laborer house 119 Westcott. Anderson, John A. (Matilda C ) ,finisher,house 328 Foote avenue. Anderson, John A., laborer residence -38 Crescent. Anderson, John A., laborer, residence 493 Willard. Anderson, John B. (Mary E.) contrac-tor house 14 Arnold. Anderson, John E. (Johanna), cabinet maker, house 126 Winsor. Anderson, John E. ( E m m a C ) , mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 48 Pearl ave. Hot Water Heating, S£3£i?X^T^ M. J. MURRAY Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. THE A. D. S H A R P E CO. ANDERSON. ANDERSON. IAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 143 Anderson, John E. (Lena)—Samuelson & Anderson—232 Warren, house 218 Newland avenue. Anderson, John G. ( E m m a C ) , retired, house 123 Prospect. Anderson, John G., mill hand, 101 Harrison, boards 51 Kinney. Anderson, John H. (Amelia), teamster, house 514 Newland avenue. Anderson, John M. (Ida M.), foreman, 105 Winsor, house 54 Chapin. Anderson, John M. (Lizzie L.), livery, 20 Filmore, house 14 do. Anderson, John 0., laborer, residence 146 Stowe. Anderson, John P., carpenter, residence, 25 Myrtle. Anderson, John P. (Lena), wood worker, house 69 Jones. Anderson, John R. (Mary U.), painte;,house over 30 Barrows. Anderson, John S. (Hulda), laborer, liouse 4 Partridge. Anderson, John V. (Sophia), wood worker, house 38'Sampson. Anderson, John W . (Christina), sons contractor, house 235 Barrows. Anderson, John W . (Sophia W.)—Anderson Bros.—5 Race, h. 132 Prospect Anderson, John (Emma)—vice pres. Jamestown Sliding Blind Co.—28 Briggs, house 134 Hedges avenue. Anderson, Jonas P. (Anna), laborer, house 14 Chapin. Anderson, Jonas P. (Eliza), carpenter, house 393 Baker. Anderson, Josephine, domestic, 203 East Fourth. Anderson, Josephene, domestic, 20 Mechanic. Anderson, Julia C , operative, residence 16 Jones. Anderson, Kassa, widow Andrew L., residence 32 Willard. Anderson, Lars,.retired, residence 124 Prospect. A.nderson, Lars P. (Louisa), planer 105 Winsor, house 24 West Tenth. Anderson, Laura, residence 18 Barrett. ..Anderson, Lena, dressmaker, residence 508 Barrett. Anderson, Lena, residence 237 Crescent. Anderson, Lena B., widow Andrew, house 35 Anderson. Anderson, Leonard E., laborer, residence, 69 Hedges avenue. Anderson, Lewis, shoemaker, boards 1018 Newland avenue. Anderson, Lewis A., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence English. Anderson, Lotta, clerk, rooms 11 Monroe. Anderson, Lotta C , weaver, 116 East First, residence 245 Crescent. Anderson, Lottie, widow Andrew, residence 423 Newland avenue. Anderson, Louise, domestic, 412 Main. Anderson, Louise, dressmaker, rooms 310 Pine. Anderson, Louise, domestic, 237 Crescent. Anderson, Louise, widow Gustaf, house 38 Peterson. Anderson, Louise, widow Andrus, house 25 College. Anderson, Magnus (Christine), butcher, house 760 East Second. Anderson, Magnus (Anna), wood worker, house 13 Tew. Anderson, Malcom (Ida F.), mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 48 Pearl avenue. Anderson, Martin C , mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence English. Anderson, Mary, picker, 335 Harrison, house 16 Walnut. Anderson, Mary, operative, 116 East First, boards 104 Pearl avenue. CI APR" HAPHWADP CC\ Aeents for STRANSKT ENAMFI.F.n V/L./-MMV U r t K U V T r t K C \*\J., W A K E . Every Piece W A R R A N T E D M e n ' s All-wool Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , P R O U D F I T S . ANDERSON. ANDERSON. 144 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Anderson, Mary, residence 146 Stowe. Anderson, Mary widow August, house 324 Forest. Anderson, Mertie C , residence 147 Barrett. Anderson, Mide J., domestic, residence 134 Hedges avenue. Anderson, Minnie, loom hand, boards 102 Sampson. Anderson, Minnie C , spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 6 Peterson. Anderson, Mollie, vest maker, residence, 402 Warren. Anderson, Myrtle, residence 20 Barker. Anderson, N. Alfred (Selina A.), saloon and billiards, 17 East Second, house 42 Barrows. Anderson, Nathaniel, aristo worker, residence 314 Forest avenue. Anderson, Nellie F., dressmaker, residence 25 Derby. Anderson, Nels (Albertina), gardner, house Willard, beyond limits. Anderson, Nels, clerk, residence 32 Swan. Anderson, Nels, foreman, 13 Taylor, boards 48 Foote avenue. Anderson Nels P. (Kate), varnisher, 34 Steele, house 131 Barrows. Anderson, Nils (Jennie), lounge maker, house 44 Forest. Anderson, Nils C. (Hannah), molder house 427 Hazeltine avenue. Anderson, Noak (Amanda), latorer, 116 East First, house 75 Jones avenue. Anderson, Oscar, wood worker, boards 347% Foote. Anderson, Oscar, conductor J. E. S. Ry., residence 1009 Main. Anderson, Oscar ( E m m a ) , mill hand, house 335 Foote avenue. Anderson, Oscar, mill hand, boards 347 Foote avenue. Anderson, Oscar A. (C'ara A.), shoemaker, 318 Cherry house 53 Hickory. Anderson Oscar C , carpenter, residence 25 College. Anderson, Oscar F. (Augusta), cigar maker, house 110 Palmer. A.nderson, Oscar (Amanda), pilot, house 507 Chandler. Anderson, Otto (C'ara), turner, house 39 Myrtle. Anderson, Otto, clerk, 22 South Main, boards do. Anderson, Otto, presser, house 19 Newland avenue. Anderson, Peter, laborer, boards 130 Falconer. Anderson, Peter, laborer, boards 820 West Eighth. Anderson, Petnr J. (Anna), laborer, house 113 King. Anderson, Peter J. (A. Louise), laborer, house 208 Benedict. Anderson, Richard H. (Mary), table maker, house 263 Prospect. Anderson, Ruprat W., machinist, residence 227 Barrows. Anderson, S. August, painter, residence over 608 Barrows. Anderson, Selma A., operative 58 Center, residence 113 King. Anderson, Seth, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Vega. Anderson Shoe Co.—Axel E. Anderson and George L. Hamilton—shoedealers, 305 Main. Anderson, Signa J., residence 111 Cheney. Anderson, Sophia, widow Swan P., house over 608 Barrows. Anderson, Swan G. (Minnie), tailor, 208 Main, house 20 Barker. Anderson, Swen E. (Ida C ) , jeweler, 106 Main, house 18 Shearman. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets P'V" M. J. MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ANDERSON. APPLEYARD. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 145 Anderson, Swanty (Hannah), janitor Warner block, rooms 11 do. Anderson, Stephen, laborer, boards 10 Alpaca. Anderson, Tena, weaver 116 East Firsst, boards 183 Barrows. Anderson, Tena, waitress, 119 East Second. Anderson, Tilda, picker, 335 Harrison, boards 4 Short Eagle. Anderson, Vernie C , mill hand, residence, English. Anderson, Victor (Annie) polisher, house 43 Charles. Andreson, Victor, clerk, 103 East Second, boards 48 Winsor. Anderson, William (Anna), steel worker, house 920 Newland avenue. A.nderson, William (Hannah) fuller, house 829 Newland avenue. Anderson, William, section man, residence 5 Great Jones. Anderson, William ( E m m a ) , sander, 415 Chandler, house 204 Benedict. Anderson, William, mill hand, residence 520 Baker. Anderson, William, weigher, 335 Harrison, boards 27 Derby. Anderson, William G., packer, 13 Tavior, residence 126 Winsor. Anderson, Winnie V., residence 119 Cheney. Anderson & Johnson—Charles A. Anderson and Albert Johnson—cigars and billiards, 104 Main. Anderson & Millner—Frank A. Anderson and Carl M. Millner—painters and paper hangers, 7 East First. Anderson & Smith—Gustaf Anderson and Ernest W . Smith—clothiers, 202 Main. Anderson & Wemple—Edward S. A.nderson and Edward F. W e m p l e — m e a t market, 16 East Second. Andreaberg, Cecelia, widow Andrew, house 421 Hazeltine avenue. Andrean, Charles, carpenter residence 300 Barrett. A.ndruss, George D. (Cora A.)—Fenton & Andruss—4 Forest avenue house 706 Foote avenue. Andrus, Lillie, domestic, residence, 622 Palmer. Andruss, Mabel, domestic, 612 Main. Andruss, WiPiam E., clerk, 21 Main, residence 106 Foote avenue. Angel, August H., tailor, 210 Main, residence 244 Broadhead avenue. Angstenberger, Gertrude M., c'erk, 207 Main, residence over 120 East Third. Angenstenberger, Mary, widow Frederick, house over 120 East Third. Annis, Ditmars (Phebe T.), laborer, house 216 Crosby. Annis, George Jr. (Edna), commercial traveler, house 20 Marvin. Apgar, Hulett S. (Jennie), produce deoler, houseflat3, 17 Steele. Aplin, Charlotte, widow William, house 108 Steele. A.plin, Horace F. (Ida), printer, 14-16 W . Second, residence 117 Hazzard. Aplin, Horace W . (Louise), driver 12 West First, house 117 Hazzard. Appleby, E. Maude, caslrer, 204 Ma:n. "esidence 214 Price. Appleby, Frank H. (Carrie A.), manufacturer, house 214 Price. Appleton, James (Lena), shoemaker, house 152% Allen. Appleyard, Ada, residence 39 Center. Appleyard, Albert E., clerk, residence 31 Foote avenue. ^ppleyard, Edward (Isabella Stott), supt 116 East 1st, h. 31 Foote avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools Lordlryf°ourr F i n e C u s t o m C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T S APPLEYARD. 146 ATLAS FURNITURE CO. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Appleyard, Ethel L., residence 31 Fooce avenue. Appleyard, Francis J., superintendent, residence 31 Foote avenue. Appleyard, Joseph, assistant superintendent 116 East First, house 39 Center. Appleyard, Sara, residence 39 Center. App:eyard, William S. (Meave R.), su;.,t 116 East First, house 5 Crane. Arbuckle, Benjamin M, (Nellie), music teacher, rooms 215 West Third. Arcade building 24-32 Main. Archer, Nelson G. (Lavinia), carpenter, house 105 West Fifth. Arend, Helen, clerk, 16 Main, residence, 46 West Tenth. Arend, Martin N. (Grace), clerk, Erie freight depot, house 49 West Tenth. Arend, Nicholas (Josephine), poormaater, city hall, house 46 West Tenth. Arird, James D. (Clara B.) st. car conductor, house 543, East Second. Arkison, Hattie, dressmaker, res.dence 810 Main. Armitage, Charles F. (Bertha S . ) — Chatfield & Armitage—112 East Third, house 805 West Fifth. Armitage, Fred E., jeweler, 306 Pine, house over 205 East Second. Armquist, Arnold, cutter, 40 Winsor, residence 13 Dickerson. Armstrong, George T.—Worden & Armstrong)—over 36 Main, res. 58 Allen. Armstrong, Mary, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 23 Center. Armstrong, Nettie J., teacher, residence 58 Allen. Armstrong, R. Elenor, residence 58 Allen. Armstrong, Thomas G. (Ruth H.), supervisor E. R. R., house 58 A.llen. Arnold, Charles J. (Myra), teamster, house 66 Marvin. Arnold, Edward L. (Martha), barber, residence 123 Fairmount avenue. Arnold, Florence, residence 66 Marvin. Arnold, Frank E. (Jennie S.), stave sawyer, 56 Blackstone ave.,h. 1062 E. 2d. Arnold, Henry G. (Jennie) letter career, P. O., house 810 Main. Arnold, Horatio N., driver 30 Main, house (Celoron.) Arnold, John Q. (Clara) boarding stables, 118 West Fourth, house do. Arnold, Joseph S. (Mary), farmer, house Fluvanna avenue. Aronld, Sarah A., rooms 107 East Sixth. Arnson, Benjamin L. (Annie), jewcder and pawn bkr, 105 Main, h. 16 Charlss. Arnson, Moses, installment goods, J01 East Second, rooms over do. Arter, Carrie R., stenographer, 610 West Eighth, boards 111 Price'. Arnvall, William T. (Hilda), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 19 Cedar avenue. Ashenhurst, Thomas R., designer, 116 East First, house 100 Harrison. Ashworth, Albert, bartender, 120 East Second, boards do. Ashley, Nancy, residence 31 Hazzard. Ashton, Ruth, weaver, residence 92 Water. Ashwell, Edwin J. (Kate),—Ashwell & Co.—113 Foote ave, h. 417 East SeconJ. Ashwell, E. J. & Co., mfrs. lisle thread, 113 Foote ave., J. Dunderdale, mgr. Askergren, Gust (Lena), painter, house 714 Lafayette. Atkinson, Mary A., widow John, housekeeper, 60 Water. Atkinson, Robert, laborer, residence Martin road. Atlas Furniture Co., mfrs. chiffoniers and odd dressers, Frank O. Strandberg, president, Allen extension. M. J. MURRAY. First-class Plumbing, 122 W- Third St. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E ATWOOD. CO. BADGLEY. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 147 Atwood, Elmer C, printsr, 14-16 West Second, residence 108 Frances. Atwood, Louise M., widow Homer S. house 108 Frances. Atwood, Walton H., reporter, residence, 16.$ Frances. Audette, Charles L. (Caroline A.)—Jones & Audette—205 Main, house 17 Lake View avenue. Auerbach, Herbert T. (Edith J.) cigar maker, residence 22 Champlin. Auker, Christ (Carrie), cabinet maker, house 16 Fairfield avenue. Auker, Hans (Petra), steel worker, house 19 Morton. Aussem, George, student, residence 93 Hazzard. Aussem, Jeanette, widow John, residence 93 Hazzard. Austin, John (Marie) clerk, 19 East Third, house 112 Hazzard. Avery, Alva E., widow Calvin F., residence 194 Forest avenue. Axelson, Herman, polisher, boards 141 Chandler. Axen, John, track walker boards 149 Fairmount avenue. Ayers, J. Henry (Grace), upho'sierer, 20 Winsor, house 300 East Buffalo. Ayers, Sophronia, widow James D., residence 886 East Second. Ayers, Ullman S., driver Jeffords hose, rooms do. Aylesworth, Flora, widow Frank M — Aylesworth & Hill—706 Main, res. do. Aylesworth & Hill—Flora Aylesworth and Jennie Hill—bakery, 706 Main. B Babbitt, Maria S., residence 315 East Sixth. Babcock, Alice A., residence over 20 South Main. Babcock, Chester D.—Babcock & Wiborg—over 106 East 3d, rms. city hall. Babcock, John D. (Emma), mgr. Peoples restaurant, 20 S. Main, h. over do. Babcock, Wallace O. (Alice), laster, .118 Cherry, residence 105 Mavrin. Babcock, William B. (Carrie H.), supt. Chaut. Towel works, h. 8 Fenton pi. Babcock, Willis E. (Melissa), clerk 706 West Eighth, house 143 Barrett. Babcock & Wiborg—Chester D. Babcock and Charles H. Wiborg—attorneys at law, room 7 Ellicott building. Backlund, J. William (Alice), machine hand, 116 East 1st, h. over 115 S. Main Backman, August (Ida), carpenter house 17 Columbia avenue. Backstrand, Albert, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 17 Bush. Backstrand, E m m a , widow John, house 17 Bush. Backstrand, Nancy, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 17 Bush. Backus, Abbie C , widow Dana, house 200 West Fifth. Backus, Charles D., (A.melia), com, traveler, house 49 Rathbone. Backus, Henry M., student, residence 200 West Fifth. Backus, Robert E., student, residence 200 West Fifth. Bacome, Iola, domestic, 411 East Fifth. Badger, Harriett, widow Lorenzo, residence Ashville avenue, (Celoron.) Badger, Lavern A. (Liza), physician, house Ashville avenue, (Celoron.) Badger, Paul R., student, residence Ashville avenue, (Celoron.) Badgley, Eliza, widow, Nathan, house 69 Rathbone. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware and Cutlery K n o x Hats, H a w e s H a t s only at P R O U D F I T S BAKER. BALDWIN. 148 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Baker Albert E— Burdick & Baker— 103 S. Main residence 556 West Third. Baker, Bertha M., operative, 56 Prospect, residence 402 Hallock. Baker block 27-31 Main. Baker, Bloomfield (Grace), woodfinisher,house 2 9 % Rathbone. Baker, Charles H. (Kate) grinder, house 869 Spring. Baker, Edgar D., bookkeeper, 318 Cherry, residence 117 Chandler. Baker, Edith A., dry plate operator, residence 402 Hallock. Baker, E m m a M., spinner, residence 236 Steele. Baker, Katherine H., widow Charles, house 508 East Second. Baker, Lewis H. (Ada H.), aristotype vorker, house 103 Broadhead avenue. Baker, Lucy F., teacher, residence 508 East Second. Baker, Mark T. (Lillian), barber, hocse 837 East Second. Baker, Mary W., widow Richard H., \ouse 503 East Second. Baker, May, spinner, residence 869 Soring. Baker, Orren H., dentist, room 3 Hall block 219 Main, boards City hotel. Baker, Sarah, widow Charles residence 2 9 % Rathbone. Baker, S. Charles, laborer, rooms 413 West Third. Baker, Scott E. (Blanche F.) bookkeeper, 105 Winsor, house 218 Crosby. Baker, Stephen A. ( E m m a J.), carpenter, house 402 Hallock. Baker, Vernie M., student, residence 02 Hallock. Baker, William F. (Anna), flagman Erie R. R., house 236 Steele. Bailey, Annie L., duffer, 335 Harrison, residence over 7 Winsor. Bailey, Clayton E. (Elizabeth H.)—Br.iley, Jones & Co.—luo Winsor, house 47 Warren. Bailey, Clinton B., civil engineer, residence 231 Crescent. Bailey, Don G. (Rose W . ) , warp dresser, 35 Water, residence 32 Derby. Bailey Edward C. (Elizabeth)—Bai ey, Jones & Co.—105 Winsor, h. 322 E 4th. Bailey, Edward P., clerk, 214 Main, residence 322 East Fourth. Bailey Frances E., residence' 322 Eist Fourth. Bailey, Jones & Co.—Edward C , Clayton E. Bai'ey and Cyrus E. Jonesmanufacturers parlor and fancy tables, 105 Winsor. Bailey, Myra B., residence 610 Lafayette. Bailey, Robert C,clerk, residence 610, Lafayette. Bailey, Robert G. (Sarah E.), clerk Erie freight depot, house 610 Lafayette. Bailey, Samuel J. (Alice L.) postal clerk, house 231 Crescent Bailey, Thomas H. (Eleanor L ) , twister, 335 Harrison, house over 7 Winsor. Bailey, William S. (Sagrid R.), director of bureau of printing of Chautauqua assembly, house 135 South Main. Baird, Agnes Eugenia, student, residence Buffalo. Baird, Nels Larson (Matilda) wood worker, house Buffalo. Baird, N. Lawson (Matilda), wood worker, house 232 Forest. Balcom, Leander (Sadie), polisher, hruse 7 Lakin avenue. Balcom, Sylvanus (Sarah) marble cutter, 11 Steele, house over do. Baldwin, Ann, weaver, residence 117 Forest Baldwin, Ernest C , e'erk 217 Main residence 204 Lafayette. Baldwin, Henry D. (Electa) farmer, house 259 Marvin. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, "pinn°?&*% M. J. MURRAY The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E BALDWIN. CO. BARNETT. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 149 Baldwin, Henry I. (Fannie A.), carpenter, house 109 Marvin. Baldwin, Margaret, widow John, residence 117 Forest. Baldwin, S. Arthur (Lizzie M.)—Harris & Baldwin—101 East Third, house 608 Prendergast avenue. Baldwin, Willie M., laborer, residence 109 Marvin. Balkwill, William, foreman, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 635 West Eighth. Ball, Floyd S. (Rosanna), ove;seer, house 105 Stewart avenue. Ball W . Carver (Lillie), stationary engineer, house 114 Hamilton. Ballou, Bessie, waitress, 22 South Main, residence 113 Mechanic. Ballou, Grant (Reba), night watchman, house Connecticut avenue. Bane Augustus lather residence 201 Ridgway avenue. Bane, Monte B. C. (Louisa), commercial traveler house 316 Warren. Bane, see also Bayne. Barber, Amelia, widow Dorrance, house 40 Harrison. Barber, Anna Mrs., house 301 Forest. Barber, Flora A., seamstress, 19 Briggs, residence over 40 Harrison. Bard, Hulda, dressmaker, residence over 783 East Second. Bargar, Crawford, clerk, residence 615 Prendergast avenue. Bargar, Daniel, student, residence C15 Prendergast avenue. Bargar, Elias C. (Alice E.), grocer, 627 Prendergast avenue, house 615 do. Bargar, Lewis, clerk, residence 615 Prendergast avenue. Bargar, Mary A., residence 615 Prendergast avenue. Barker, Bertha, dressmaker, 551 East Second. Barker, Charles L., (Rachel N.) farmer, 203 West Second. Barker, Edwin W . (Jane E.), real estate, house 551 East Second. Barker, Ernest P. (Rosabella), machinist, house 415 West Fourth. Barker, Ernest S. (Nellie M.), photographer, over 207 Main, h. 520 West 5th. Barker, Harry, wood worker, residence over 2 East Fourth. Barker, Mark, sign painter, 116 East Third, boards Riverside hotel. Barker, Mary G., clerk, 203 Main residence 2 East Fourth. Barker, Wilfred C , student, residence 203 West Second. Barklund, Edward (Tilla) laborer, house under 218 Crescent. Barkman, Albion L. (Anna), clerk, house 24 Thayer.^ Barkman, August (Jennie C ) , grocer, 792 East Second, house 24 Thayer. Barkman, Edward F., barber, residence 24 Thayer. Barkman, John A. (Lena), labo-er, house 16 Thayer. Barkman, Selma, residence 24 Thayer. Barland, Carl laborer, boards 26 Chapin. Barlund Claus, carpenter, horse 225 Barrows. Barlow, Byron A. (Roxana E.), atty. at law over 209 Main, h. 226 Foote ave. Barlow, Edith, music teacher, residence 226 Foote avenue. Barnes Frank (Grace C ) , teamster, iiouse 74 Marvin. Barnes, George W . (Maggie), woodfinisher,house 809 Lafayette. Barnes, Louisa W . (Therese), toiler maker, house 74 Thirteenth. Barnes, Perry S., retired, residence 415 Lake View avenue. Barnett, Alfred (Hi'da), lounge maker, house 13 Lake. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware Call u p N o . 3 3 , for Clothing a n d Furnishings BARNETT. 150 BARTON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Barnett, A. Maude, governess, residence 407 Barrett. Barnett, James H. (Annetta), roof painter, house 407 Barrett. Barnett, Ruth A., bookkeeper, 12 West Second, residence 407 Barrett. Barnett, S. Abbie, bookkeeper, residence 407 Barrett. Barney, Michael, adv. solicitor, 217 Spring, boards 122 East Second. Barr, Raymond M., carpenter, boards 101 Church. Barraclong, Anna, widow Peter, residence 9 English. Barrett, Edward, ticket broker, 107 Main, boards Everett hotel. Barrett, Ernest (Annie) warp dresser, house 14 South Walnut. Barrett, Hannah, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence over 14 Franklin. Barrett, Kate, head cook, 15 South Main. Barrett, Mary, waitress, 15 South Main, residence Olean. Barrett, Michael (Kate), ticket broker & billiards, 107 Main, h. 612 E. 2d. Barrett, S. Anna,finisher,335 Harrison, boards 19 Winsor. Barrett, Thomas, warp dresser, 335 Harrison house over 14 Franklin. Barrow, Clayton R.. student, residence 508 Monroe. Barrow, John S. (Lucy Bell) genl. freight and passenger agt., J. &. C Ry. 610 West Eighth, house 508 Monroe. Barrow, Margaret, residence 508 Monroe. Barrow Nannie, residence 508 Monroe. Barrows,'Bertha, Mrs., dressmaker, xesidence 617 Palmer. Barrows Elma M., teacher, residence 219 Chandler. Barrows, Halbert A. (Mary J.), secy, department of health, 10 city hall, house 132 Allen. Barrows, Lucy A., widow Henry R., house 17 Cross. Barrows, Lutie D., residence over 122 Bast Third. Barrows, Malon (Alice S.), teams e% louse 35 Tilden avenue. Barrows, Ransom J., (Minerva C ) , agt Jamestown Brick works, 16 East Third, house 219 Chand'er. Barrows, Ransom J., Jr., student, residence 219 Chandler. Barrows, William A., wood turner, 56 Blackstone ave., h. over 122 East 3d. Barry, Michael D. (Mary), confectioner, 845 East Second, house 10 Weeks. Barth, Elizabeth, residence 11 Basss-tt I Barth, Fred, upholsterer, 37 Taylor, h~use 11 Bassett. Barth, John, laborer, residence 11 Bassett. Barth, Leonard (Maude I.) c'erk 205 Main, house 640 East Sixth. Barth, Theobald H. ( E m m a ) carnenv-r, house 9 Sexton. Bartholomew, Pearl, laundress, Hotel Ellicott. Bartlett, Bradley A. (Grace G.), florist, 10 West 3d, h. over 203 East Second. Bartlett, Florence E., student, residence over 203 East Second. Bartlett, Herbert E. (Sarah) bitt drawer, house 622 Prendergast avenue. Bartlett, J. C , advertising agent, residence over 107 East Second. Bartlett, Nancy P., widow John O., millinery, 102 East 3d, h 107 East 2d, Barton, A. Raymond, civil engineer, residence 20 Mechanic. Barton, Earl R., paper hanger, residence 130 Fulton. M . I . M U R R A Y 'r^BeTJinroT* Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Always Bny Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. BARTON. BEALER. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 151 Barton, LeRoy H. (Nellie L.), driver, house 14 Steele. Barton, Millard F. (Alice F.), bill clerk, 75 Steele, house 40 Taylor. Bassett, Abby L., widow George A., house 511 Lake View avenue. Bassett, George, driver, residence 11 Metallic avenue. Bassett, George H., gardner, residence 511 Lake View avenue. Bassett, Henry A (Eugenie L.), machinist, residence 511 Lake View avenue. Bastow, Thomas (Ada), loomfixer,3c5 Harrison, house 102 Falconer. Batchelder, Merritt (Mildred) boat manufacturer 806 West Sth, h. Ill E. 8th. Batcheller, Eva B., teacher school 9, residence 125 South Main. Batcheller, Levant B — Winnberg & Fatchc-ller—113 Main house 125 S. Main. Batcheller, Maryette P., residence 125 South Main. Bateman, James C. (Jane), house over 17 East First. Bateman, Lewis E. (Carrie), plumber, house 114 Cheney. Bateman, Prudence, twister, 116 East First, boards 55 Harrison. Bateman, William ( E m m a ) , foreman, house 328 Allen. Bates Charles W . (Mary L.), paper hanger, house 408 Washington. Bates, Harold W., bookbinder, 14-16 West Second, residence 9 Wetsier. Bates, Ira C. (Sarah), retired, house 800 Prendergast avenue. Bates, M. Edith, stenographer, 3 Ashville avenue, residence 220 Fulton. Bates, Walter H. (Adell), laborer, house 9 Webster. Batson, Harry, hostler, 214 Washington, boards do. Bauer, Edward W., residence 628 Prendergasta venue. Bauer, Fred (Anna), proprietor Bauer hotel, 22 East Third, house do. Bauer, Henry A., drug clerk, 11 East Third, residence 628 Prendergast ave. Bauer hotel, Fred Bauer proprietor, 22 East Third. Bauer, John (Mary), cabinet maker, house 628 Prendergast avenue. Bauer, John F., cutter, residence 628 Prendergast avenue. Bauer, Lucy B., bookkeeper, 216 Main,residence628 Prendergast. Bauer, Rose M., stenographer, room 8 over 6 East Third and 211 Main. Bauer, William C , cigar maker 4 East First, residence 628 Prendergast ave. Baxell Andrew (Lottie) laborer, 58 Center, house 128 Water. Baxell, Ellen, seamstress. 335 Harrison, residence 128 Water. Baxter, James A. (Rebecca J.), cab. maker. 12 Filmore, house 20 Harrison. Bayne August P., canvasser and lather, rooms 118 East Second. Beach, Bert A., coachman, 703 Ashvil'e avenue. Beach, Julia E., widow Arthur E., house over 2 Livingston avenue. Beach, Leo, driver 134 Fairmount avenue, residence over 2 Livingston ave. Beal, Jennie A., widow William S., house 203 Hotchkiss. Beal, J. Fred, laborer, residence 203 Hotchkiss. Beal, M. Catharine, residence, 203 Hotchkiss. Beal S. Clerance, laborer, residence 203 Hotchkiss. Bealer, Bertha, student, residence 49 East Ninth. ^Bealer, Grace J., librarian high school, residence 19 East Ninth. Bealer, J. Frederick (Maud M.)—William Bealer & Son—9 East Third, house over 19 West Second. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates T w o Cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T S BEALER. 152 BEMUS. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Bealer William (Alma E.)—William Bealer & Son—9 East Third, house 19 East Ninth. Bealer, William & Son—William & J. Fred)—boots and shoes, 9 East Third. Beardsley, Charles laborer, residence 1054 East Second. Beardsley, George W (Rheuma), patrolman, 7 city hall, house 41 Derby. Beardsley, William H. teamster, house 1054 East Second. Beatty, Catharine J., widow Elisha, residence 604 Lafayette. Beatty, Ethel, milliner, over 217 Main, residence 604 Lafayette. Beatty, Jennie R., widow Austin, dressmaker, house 401 West Sixth. Beatty, Sarah E., dressmaker, 604 Lafayette. Beauchamp, William, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 297 Crescent. Beaumont, William (Margaret) .weaver, 335 Harrison, house 108 King. Beaustrom, Alma V., residence 107 Willard. Beaustrom, Bernard E., carver, residence 107 Willard. Beaustrom, Louise M., widow Neis T., house 107 Willard. Beaver, Elizabeth M., clerk, 17 Steele, residence 138 Steele. Beaver, Frederick J. (Catherine), stationary fireman, house 138 Steele. Beaver, Helena K., dressmaker, 20 Harrison residence do. Beaver, John (Christine) warp dresser, 335 Harrison, house 311 Newton. Bebb, Anna M., stenographer 20 Winsor, residence 225 Crescent. Bebb, Geo. (Elizabeth), carder, house 225 Crescent. Beck, Annie, dressmaker, residence 17 West Seventh. Beck, Chas. M .(Clara L.), wallpaper, 305 Main, house 56 Broadhead avenue. Beck Charley wood turner, residence 17 West Seventh. Beck, Lemott, laundryman, residence 17 West Seventh. Beck Lena, widow Charles, residence 17 West Seventh. Becker, A. Austin, physician and surgeon, 10-12 over 101 West 3d, rms. do. Becker, Adah M, artist, residence 511 West Fourth. Becker, Frank ( E m m a ) , fireman, residence 618 Palmer. Becker Ole L., law student, over 101 West Third, boards 117 Chandler. Beckman, Carl A., ins. agt., rms. 13-14 Gokey block, boards 105 West Second Beckrink, Abraham (Minnie) market gardner, house Buffalo. Beckrink, Harrison, residence Buffalo. Beckstrom, Frank (Charlotte), tailor, house 265 Broadhead avenue. Bedient, Helen, widow Irwin, house 808 Main. Bedient, Mary, operative, 116 East First, boards over 10 East Second. Beebe, Ella V., compositor, 217 Spring, residence 43 Frink avenue. Beebe, John V. (Matilda), carpenter, house 43 Frink avenue. Beede, Ellen, widow Sullivan, house 428, East Fifth. Belden, Emily A., teacher, rooms 10 Chandler. Bellgig, August (Helen), trackman, house 504 Barrett. Bellizio, Frank (Rosa), musician, house 109 Rathbone. Bellizio, James, weaver, 116 East First, residence 109 Rathbone. Belnap, Giles P., retired, residence 15 H a m m o n d . Belnap, Harry P. (Maud), foreman, 10 Winsor, house 15 H a m m o n d . Bemus, E m m e t H. (Gertrude K.), postmaster, 20 West 3d, bouse 510 Spring. M. J. M U R R A Y Employes Only First-class W o r k m e n Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T h e A. D. S H A R P E BEMUS. CO. BENSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 153 Bemus, Lotta M., widow Charles E., residence over 444 Chandler. Bemus, Morris N. (Lucy B.), physician and surgeon, 10 East 3d, h. Ill E. 5th Bemus, Robert W . (Margaret), bartender, residence 100 East Eighth. Bemus, Sarah, widow William, residence 100 East Fifth. ^ Bemus, William M. (Minnie B.), physician and surgeon, 517 Main, house do. Benchley, Hayden (Susan M.), farmei-, house English. Benchley, Heyman A. (Martha), machinist, 129-135 J. & G. ave., h. 20 Willis". Benchley, John J., milkman, residence English. Bendall, Alfred C. (Jane), coachman, house 31 Marvin. Bender, Robert (Permelia C ) , veterinary surgeon, 209 Pine, house 44 Harrison. Bender, William J. (Louise J.), horseshoer, 209 Pine, house 17 West Ninth. Benedict, Jennie E.—Persell & Benedict—314 East Third, residence 52 Grant. Benedict, Sarah, house under 752 East Second. Benedict, Willis O. (Jennie E.), house 52 Grant. Benham, Frances R., nurse residence 44 Allen. Benjamin, Mynene, teacher, rooms 567 East Second. Bennett, Lida, Mrs., nurse, house 21 Dickerson. Bennett, Mary J., widow Henry S., residence 17 Sexton. Benson, Albert, driver, boards 27 Prospect avenue. Benson, Alma O., weaver, 116 East First boards 54 Chapin. Benson, Andrew (Augusta), mason, house 9 Eagle. Benson, Andrew (Christine G.), laborer, house 435 Willard. Benson, Andrew (Bre'.ta C ) , retired, house 36 Benson. Benson, Anna, widow, Peter J., house 5 Sturges. Benson, Anna B., house 8 Chapin. Benson, August (Louise), laborer, house rear 174 Barrows. Benson, B. Adolph, painter, 105 Winsor, residence 5 Sturges. Benson, Bert, teamster, residence 620 Spring. Benson, Carl L., laborer, residence 3 Sturges. Benson, Charles (Anna) dyer, house 268 Broadhead avenue. Benson, Charles N. (Alice), plumber, 211 East Third, house 161 Allen. Benson, Daniel (Ella), farmer house 110 Hamilton. Benson Doremus J. (Jennie E.) teamster house 124 Winsor. Benson, Edward (Anna), laborer, hoase 203 Crescent. Benson, Edward (Christine J.), polisher, 3 Ashville avenue, house 386 Will ard. Benson, Eugene H. (Charlotte W . ) , '-vood turner, house 311 English. ' j Benson, Florence O., bookkeeper, room 2 Arcade bide., res. 335 Foote avenue. Benson, Fritz (Mina) laborer, residence 203 Crescent. Benson, George A. (Minn!e M.), elect-ician, house 501 Ashville avenue. Benson, Godfred Mason, boards 25 West Ninth. Benson, Henry (Emily M.), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 302 Willard. Benson, rijlmer B., machinist, 40 Winsor, house Willard beyond limits. Benson, H. Ruth, widow Henry, residence 525 East Fifth. Benson James, shoemaker, residence 620 Spring. Benson, James (Anna), laborer, house 10 West Fourth.. C L A R K H A R D W A R E C O , Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings Children's Suits, $1.50 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T S . BENSON. 154 BERG. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Benson, James A., laborer, residence 27 Prospect avenue. Benson, John A., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 36 Benson. Benson, John B. (Matilda), switchman Erie R. R., house 11 Culver. Benson, John L. (Minnie J.) dyer -i35 Harrison, house 50 Benson. Benson, John O. (Caroline), laborer, house 27 Anderson. Benson, John T. ( E m m a ) , printer, house over 108 East Third. Benson, Julius A., mill hand, 35 Water, residence 27 Anderson. Benson, Junius H. (Mary A.), bed spring maker, house 114 King. Benson, Leonard, dresser 335 Harris jn, residence 428 Willard. Benson, Louise M., residence 124 Winsor. Benson, Louis A. (Hild C ) , elevator man, 335 Harrison, h. 8 Hedges ave. Benson, Mary A., widow John W., residence 22 Catlin avenue. Benson, Oliver E., student, residence 123 Allen. Benson, Olof (Charlotte), wood worker, house 423 Allen. Benson, Olof (Christine) retired, house 77 Benson. Benson, Orrin (Mary), carpenter, ho'.-ge 127 Falconer. Benson, William teamster, residence 620 Spring. Benson, William H., driver, boards .'.7 Prospect avenue. Benson, Wright (Jessie D.) stationary engineer, house 31 Hamilton. Bentley, Alexander B., teamster, house 1343 East Second. Bentley, Anna, W i d o w Charles, house 41 Norton avenue. Bentley, C Eugene (Elizabeth T.), civil engineer, house 9 Lincoln. Bentley, Emily H., widow Edward W., house 115 Allen. Bentley, Flora M., waitress, 8 South Main. Bentley, Fred A., vice pres. Chautauqua County Trust Co., 201 Main, house Lakewood. Bentley, Grace, residence 1343 East Second. Bentley James D., street car conductor, residence 1343 East Second. Bentley, J. Rando'ph, 202 Main, hoards 63 Prospect. Bentley, Storm (Augusta) farmer, house* 1343 East Second. Bentley, William H. (Annie C ) , sec.-treas. & genl. mgr. Straight mfg. Co., bouse 634 Lake View avenue. Bentley, William J. (Margaret M.), clerk, 38 Main, house 355 Baker. Berden, Bert A. (Mary O.), macMnis', house 12 Victoria avenue. Berdow, John, loom hand boards 102 Hallock. Berg, Andrew F. (Sophia C.)—Olson, Johnson & Co.—208 East Second, house 323 Willard. Berg, Anna W., operative, 335 Harrison, resirler.ee 15 Hickory. Berg, August (Josephine M.), weave;-, 335 Harrison, house 246 Barrows. Berg, Axel, weaver, residence 223 Prospect Berg, Charles A. (Hulda), letter ca'rier, P. O., house 23 Kinney. Berg, Charles August (Clara), laborer, house 15 Hickory. Berg, Charles J. (Ida S.), house 5 Hir-kory. Berg, Clara A., operative, residence 323 Willard. Berg, Emil, metal worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 17 ""alley Berg, E m m a C , operative, 35 Water, residence 15 Hickory. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W . Third St., M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. BERG. BERGQUIST. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 155 Berg, Gust F. (Amanda C ) , printer, 8 Main, house 20 Cedar avenue. Berg, Hilda K., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 15 Hickory. Berg, John, shoemaker, 105 Willard boards 12 Kinney. Berg, John, laborer, boards 1 Short Eagle. Berg, John G. (Christine), shoemaker, house 423 Newland avenue. Berg, John 0. (Anna), biacksmitir, house over 39 Prospect avenue. Berg, Lena, housekeeper, residence 344 East Sixth. Berg, Nels Anton (Matilda C ) , mill hand, 116 East First, house 37 Ellicott. Berg Peter A., ice handler, boards 504 West Seventh. Berg, Peter A., section hand, house 5 Waterman. Berg, William, painter house 513 Allen. Berg, Victor (Eva), shoemaker, house 506 Newland avenue. Berg, see also Burg. Bergdahl, Charlie E. (Hilda), laborer house 77 Eagle. Berger Edward, molder, rooms over 14 East Third. Berger, Frank E. (Louisa), molder, house 40 West Eighth. Bergeson, Herman, foreman, 13 Taylcr, boards 28 Thayer. Bergeson, Oscar, machinist, boards 28 Thayer. Berggren, Albert (Freda),finisher,105 Winsor, house 39 Holman. Berggren, August (Emelia),finisher,105 Winsor house 33 Holman. Berggren, Axel (Esther) water rubaer, house over 4 East Buffalo. Berggren, Charles A., helper, 6 Harrison, residence 103 Hazzard. Berggren, Frans, laborer, boards 541 Crescent. Berggren John F. (J. Matilda), steam and gasfitter,6 Harrison, house 103 Hazzard. Berggren, see also Bergren, and Burggren. Bergholt, Alf laborer, boards 25 Derby. ^Bergholtz, Ernest B. (Mary J. C.) draughtsman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 44 Fairmount avenue. Bergland, Waldemar—Lunquist & Bergland—302 Foote avenue, boards 110 Mechanic. Berglund, Charles W . (Lizzie), band s-.wyer, house 157 Barrows. Berglund, Mary, widow Swan, house 38 Prospect. Bergland, see also Burgland. Bergman, August (Anna G.), machinist, house 285 Willard. Bergman, Charles, carpenter, residence 29 Columbia avenue. Bergman, Charles E. (Flattie), machinist, house 20 Willard. Bergman, Charles G. (Hilda S.), band sawyer, 20 Winsor, house 47 Eagle. Bergman, Herman C,finisher37 Taylor, residence 285 Willard. Bergman, John E. (Hedda S.), dyer 335 Harrison, house 302 Willard. Bergman, Lilly, weaver 116 East First, residence 47 Eagle. Bergman, Luther, laborer, residence 47 Eagle. Bergmann, Augusta, widow Fred R., house 315 West Second. Bergmann, Hattie A., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 315 West Second. Bergquist, Anna, warp dresser, residence 111 Williams. Bergquist, Carrie, weaver, residence 530 Allen. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing 1866. PROUDFIT'S. 3 3 y e a r s at 3 3 . BERGQUIST. 156 1899. BIOKSTRAND. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Bergquist, Charles (Anna), finisher, house 73 Jones avenue. Bergquist, Edward (Eva), machinist 21Briggs, house 14 Cedar avenue. Bergquist, Ella L., teacher, 126 Warren. Bergquist, E m m a S., domestic, residence 37 Westcott. Bergquist, Erick J. (Christine), driver, house 57 Hotchkiss. Bergquist, George W., assistant shipping clerk, 116 East First, res. 126 Warren. Bergquist, Gust F. (Anna C ) , piano maker, house 47 Kinney. Bergquist, J. Leonard, residence 528 Allen. Bergquist, John, laborer, boards 12 Maltby. Bergquist, John M. (Sophia), cabinet maker, house 528 Allen. Bergquist, Mary, widow Andrew house 530 Allen. Bergquist, Peter J. (Bernherdina)— Lindblad Bros. & Co.—13 Harrison—house 126 Warren. Bergren, August L., varnisher, 101 Harrison, residence 6 7 % Westcott. Bergren, Carl A. (Huld M.), foreman 35 Water, house 44 Hedges avenue. Bergren, Caroline, Mrs., house 6 7 % Westcott. Bergren, Hilma A. V., operative 335 i'arrison, house 6 7 % Westcott. Bergren, (see also Berggren and Burgrgren. Bergson, John J., mill hand 35 Wate-, residence 24 Swan. Bergstein, Martin 0., baker 10 West Third, rooms 409 Cherry. Bergstrom Hilda M., residence, 318 Forest avenue. Bergstrom, Nels E. (Hilma C ) , nightwatch, 131 Winsor, house 28 Pearl ave. Bergwall, A.ntone (Marie), stationary engineer, 135 Winsor, h. over 764 E. 2d. Bergwall Joseph A. (Se'ma), job printer over 204 Main, house 768 East 2d. Berlin, Almeda C , bookkeeper over 2'9 Main, residence 88 Prospect. Berlin, Lewis, laborer, residence 616 Prendergast avenue. Bernham, William (Hilda), table maker, house 114 Sampson. Bernhard, August (Selma), axe maker 13 Taylor, house 504 Barrett. Bernhart, August, axemaker 13 Taylor, residence 110 Sampson. Bernhart, Charles (Hulda), helper 2 South Main, house 110 Sampson. Berry, Carl A. (Minnie), plumber, house 529 West Third. Berry, Carlie A., bookkeeper and stenog, J. E. S. Ry., west 3d., res. 529 do. Berry, Clyde A., student, residence 245 Fulton. Berry, Edward L., bookkeeper 25 Shearman place, residence Martin road. Berry, E m m a , residence 143 Stowe. Berry, E. Rockwood, salesman rooms 316 West Third. Berry, H. Orton (Mary A.), liquor dea'er, 18 Main, house 245 Fulton. Berry, J. Belle, residence 529 West Third. Berry, James D. (Eleanor), stock buyer, house 1052 Main. Berry, Mark N., bartender, 18 Ma;n, residence 245 Fulton. Berry, Martha A., residence 245 Fi'lton. Berry, Thomas (Mary N.), weaver 335 Harrison, house 37 Center. Berry, Thomas, Rev. (Martha), (Methodist), house 143 Stowe. Beustrom, John J. (Ida G.), clerk 108 Main, house 143 East Ninth. Bickles, Sarah, bakery, 108 Foote avenue, house, do. Bickstrand, Charles E. (Anna C ) , finisher 335 Harrison, house 474 Willard. S o m e of the most extensive v l ? X £ £ Z £ w M . J. M U R R A Y The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . BLACKSTONE. BILLINGS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 157 Billings, Allen E. (Mary E.), attorney at law and J. P., 21-22 Gokey block. 18 West Third, house 13 East Ninth. Billings, Arthur W., spring setter, rebidence 346 Baker. Billings, Gustus F., painter, residence.346 Baker. Billings, Harrison, janitor, rooms 409 Cherry. Billings, Jennie C, widow Wayne, house 208 Lafayette. Billings, Pitronella, widow Paul, ho'.ue 346 Baker. Billquist, Augusta J., operative, 35 Water, residence 44 Tower. Billquist, Charles, upholsterer residence, 260 Prospect. Billquist, Charlie L. (Louise A.), laborer, house 44 Tower. Billquist, Christine L., operative, 35 Water, residence 44 Tower. Billquist, Edward, mill hand, residence 260 Prospect. Billquist, Gust, painter, residence 260 Prospect. Billquist, John (Eva), laborer, house 260 Prospect. Billquist, Minnie M., operative, 35 Water, residence 44 Tower. Bird, Washington (Jane), laborer, ho.:se 25 Ellicott. Birningham, Elizabeth, widow James., house 13 Bishop. Bishop, E. Gertrude, winder 335 Harrison, residence 208 Chandler. Bishop, J. Harry, laborer, residence 208 Chandler. Bishop, Mathew (Elizabeth), shoemaker, house 208 Chandler. Bistrup, Julius, wood worker, residence, 15 Charles. Bitley, John R., milkman, rooms 409 Cherry. Bjork, Amanda V., operative 335 Harrison, residence 67 Benson. Bjork, Anna J.,- operative 116 East First, residence 67 Benson. Bjork, Charlie (Anna L.), plumber, 335 Harrison, house 67 Benson. Bjork, David B., tailor, 100 Main, boards 489 Winsor. Bjork, Helena C, widow August, honsse 100 Tower. Bjork, John A. (Ingred), tailor, 50 Willard, house beyond limits do. Bjork, Josephine C, clerk, 303 Main, residence 100 Tower. Bjork, William (Annie), meat market, 941 Newland avenue, house 409 do. Bjorklund, Eric (Sophia), laborer, house Buffalo. Bjorkman, Alfred (Anna C), steel worker, house 40 Sampson. Bjorkman, Jennie, domestic, 152 Allen. Bjornes, John, yard man, 15 South Main, boards do. Bjornson, Henry, clerk, boards 601 West Seventh. Bjusstrom, William N. (Anna L.),finisher,house over 33 Winsor. Black, Eliza M., widow Thomas, hoase, 20 Derby. Black, Ellen, widow Charles, house over 11 East Second. Black, T. Henry, photographer over '2 Fast Third, residence 20 Derby. Blackmar, Anson W., laborer, boards 120 Driving Park road. Blackmar, Frank W. (Mary E), gluer, house 3 Great Jones. Blackmar, Glen, laborer, boards 120 Driving Park road. Blackmer, Lucy A., widow Seth, house Todd avenue. Blackmere, May, operative 335 Harrison, boards over 108 East Third. Blackstone, George V. (Katherine), secretary Vandergrift Manufacturing Company, 56 Blackstone avenae, house 37 College. CLARK H A R D W A R E CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies Reliable C l o t h i n g at RPera§^ab,e at BLACKSTONE. 158 PROUDFITS BLOMSTRAND. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Blackstone, William A., treasurer Vandergrift Manufacturing Company, 56 Blackstone avenue, house 309 East Second. Blagbrough, Elizabeth, widow Samue., house 26 Water. Blakesley, Ada, nurse, boards 419 West Sixth. Blakesley, Anna L., milliner, residence 116 Cross. Blakesley, Edward S. (Anna C ) , wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 89 Tower. Blakesley, Emory J. (Jennie E.), manager E. R. R. telegraph office, Erie depot Blakesley, Maud L., milliner, residence 116 Cross. Blanchard, Albert M. (Adeline), farmer, house 327 Lincoln. Blanchard, A.ust.in F., driver, 13 East Second, boards Central house. Blanchard, Bertha, Mrs., residence 840 East Second. Blanchard, Bessie H., residence 854 Prendergast avenue. Blanchard, Calvin (Ida M.), helper, house over 840 East Second. Blanchard, Carlos E. (Georgiana), carpenter, house 854 Prendergast avenue. Blanchard, Cecil A., clerk, 205 Main, residence 854 Prendergast avenue. Blanchard, Charles S., atty. at law, over 101 E. 3d, res. 811 Prendergast ave. Blanchard, D o n L., asst. shipping clerk, 101 Harrison, res., 108 Crescent. Blanchard, Earl, laborer, residence 615 Winsor. Blanchard, Frank J. (Sarah), varnisher, 56 Blackstone ave., h. 5 Rawley pi. Blanchard, Frank L., laborer, residence 327 Lincoln. Blanchard, H. Charles, student, residence 921 East Second. Blanchard, Ina J., residence 119 East Second. Blanchard, Iva E., residence 119 East Second. Blanchard, James ( E m m a ) — J . B. Blanchard & Co.—119 E. 2d., residence do. Blanchard, Kate E., student, residence 854 Prendergast avenue. Blanchard, Orlin J. (Delia), lumberman, house Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Blanchard, Robert N. (Belle B.) physician and surgeon, 214 East Second, house 10 Chandler. Blanchard, Silas (Maria), painter, house 615 Winsor. Blanchard, Thomas A. (Frances), carpenter, house 14 Fenton place. Blanchard, William M., packer, residence 854 Prendergast avenue. Blanchard, J. & Co.—proprietors Grange hotel—119 East Second. Blenner, Clara A., Mrs., house 57 West Tenth. Blinn, Edward B. (Louise), freight clerk, house 38 West Tenth. Bliss, Frances, nurse, residence 214 Barrett avenue. Bliss, John C .(Emiiy C ) , cabinet mnker, house 77 Jones avenue. Bliss, Merlin A., shipping c'erk, 101 Harrison, rooms 22 Derby. Bliss, Nellie H., clerk 16 West Third, residence 77 Jones avenue. Blodgett, Roy S., assistant ticket agentErie depot, res. 617 Prendergast ave. Blodgett, Bertha, dressmaker, res'dsn-e 58 Prospect avenue. Blodgett, Eleanor J., widow Gi'es B., house 124 Kent Blodgett, Frank M. (Adelaide E.), express messenger, house 58 Prospect av. Blodgett, R. N., Mrs., millinery, 101 SMain, residence do. Blomberg, Axel (Nettie), painter, house 319 Allen. Blomberg, Charles (Matilda), painter, house 342 Bowen. Blomstrand, Alfred (Hannah), shoemaker, 113 South Main, house 301 Barrett. M. J. MURRAY, uses only the Eest Plumbing Material Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. BLOOD. BOLEYN. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 159 Blood, Clyde L. (Anna), planer, house 113 William. Blood, Ellsworth L. (Rachel), weaver 335 Harrison, house 368 Willard. Blood, Lee D., asst. baggage mas.er, Erie depot, residence 113 William. Blood, William J. (Mary), upholsterer 104 Cook avenue. Bloom, Andrew G. (Mati.da), laborer, house 504 Crescent. Bloom, Charles (MaryJ, caipenter nonse, 103 Hazzard. Bloom, Ida, operative 335 Harrison, residence 504 descent. Bloom ,John A., tailor, 208 Main, boards 383 Baker. Bloom, Oscar E., laborer, residence 504 Crescent. Bloomfield, Charity, widow Hiram, residence 41 Flagg avenue. Bloomquist, Axel t Julia M.), machine hand, 40 Winsor, house 89 Eagle. Bloomquist, Axel, carpenter, boards 489 Winsor. Bloomquist, Axel A. (He'ga), table maker, house 84 Jones. Bloomquist, Gust (Emily), shoemaker, house 1018 Newland avenue. Bloomquist, Hjalmer, laborer, residence 57 Eagle. Bloomquist, Hulda, domestic, 120 Lake View avenue. Bloomquist, John A. (Matilda A.),finisher,16 Filmore, house 22 Water. Bloomquist, John P. (Emily G.), machine hand, house 57 Eagle. Bloomquist, Jonas P. (Hattie), retired, residence 358 Foote avenue. Bloomquist, Leonard E., apprentice, 5 Race, residence 57 Eagle. Bloomquist, Oscar F. (Hannah), teamster, house 124 Westcott. Bloomquist, Otto F. (Emily C ) , nigiitwatchman, 40 Winsor. house 86 Eagle. Bloomquist, Otto L. (Jennie)—Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow, house East 2d. Bloomquist, Mrs. O., widow Frank, house 506 Foote avenue. B'oomquist, Peter (Anna), stone mason, house 360 Foote avenue. Blumstrom, Alfred (Johanna), shoemaker, house 301 Barrett. Bly, Alonzo, teamster, residence 239 Hazzard. Bly, Charles A. (Celestia) grocer, 2 Livingston avenue, house do. Bly, E. Verne (May R.) bookkeeper, 99 Institute, house 345 Foote avenue. Bly, Martin V. (Martha), farmer, house, Fluvanna avenue. Blystone, Bertha, clerk, 203 Main, residence 503 East Fifth. Blystone, Elliott C. (Euphemia), c'erk, house 564 East Second. Blystone, John H. (Margaret A.) foreman 19 Briggs, house 507 West Fourth. Blystone, Joseph, farmer, residence 40 Cross. B'ystone, Mary L., student, residence 40 Cress. Blystone, Paul W., residence 40 Cross. Blystone, Walter I. (Sarah E.), mfr. mattresses, cushions, etc., 19-23 Briggs, house 40 Cross. Blythe, Abraham .helper 112 East Third, residence 105 Water. Blythe, Robert, dyer, 116 East First, residence 105 Water. Blythe, Thomas (Jemimah), dyer 35 Water, house 105 do. Boddy, George (Annie), factory operative, house 25 Columbia avenue. Bogenschutz, John (Rose), sta. engineer, 58 Center, house 57 Foote avenue. Bogren, Minnie, domestic, 305 West Third. Bohall, James W . (Beatrice), meat cutter, house 621 Prenderast avenue. Boleyn, Zuna, weaver, boards 132 Prospect. CI AT?TT T-TA'DTYVY/ ADC C(~\ A?ent« for stranskt enameied V-.l^n.lM\. jn/\tXJ_/ W t\S\.C Vm.\J.t W A R E . Every Piece W A R R A N T E D Little Giant Suits for Children at P R O U D F I T S BOLENE. BOSTWICK. 160 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Bolene, Jonas, laborer, boards 618 Newland avenue. Boleyn, Ida, domestic, 15 West Fifth. Bolt, Emily, Mrs., boards 20 West Fourth. Bolton, Henry C (Annis), retired, house 710 Lafayette. Bolton, John W., (Bertha), wool sorter 35 Water, (Busti). Bolton, Stephen N., retired, boards 127 Chandler. Bond, Christine, mill hand, residence 32 Regent. Bond, Frank (Jennie A.), stationary fireman, house 20 Regent. Bond, William., bobbin boss, residence 32 Regent. Bonner, Hilma, domestic, 519 West Third. Bonner, James M. (Hannah), printer, house 609 Spring. Bonniever, Adolph (Minnie), polisher, 3 Ashville avenue, house 22 Chapin. Bonniever, Carl, mill hand, boards 33 Anderson. Bonsteel, Frederick E. (Carrie F.)— Hall & Bonsteel—303 Main, house 39 Fairmount avenue. Boobug, Swan (Anna C ) , laborer, house 27 Eagle. Book, Charles K. (Ida L.), oil producer, house 400 West Fifth. Booman, John A. (Eva L.), meat market, 1 Winsor, house over 347 Allen. Boome, Mertie, tailoress, house 26 Stearns avenue. Boomer, Edith I. clerk, 204 Main, residence 301 Ashville avenue. Boomer, George W., real estate, 301 Ashville avenue. Bootey, E. B. & Co.—Laura L. Bootey—harness, horse furnishings, etc., 1113 Forest avenue. Bootey, Edward B. (Flora A.)—S. B. Bootey & Co.—11-13 Forest avenue, house 105 Barrett. Bootey, Edward R. ( E m m a Y.)—Bootey & Wheeler—also city atty, 7 City hall, house 4 Chandler. Bootey, Edward R., Jr., student, residence 4 Chandler. Bootey, Laura L., widow John—E. B. Bootey & Co.—house 45 Barrett. Bootey, Lizzie A., teacher, residence 45 Barrett. Bootey, Oresta, school teacher, house 35 Barrows. Bootey, Roswell J. (Amia S.), supt. 706 West Eighth, h. 219 Foote avenue. Bootey & Wheeler—Edward R. Bootey and Frank S. Wheeler—attys. at law, rooms 9 City hall. Booth, Charles, harnessmaker, 121 West Third, boards 48 Foote avenre. Booth, William L., bookkeeper, 33 Institute, rooms 316 West Third. Bordeaux, Mina A., residence 11 Webster. Bordeaux, Nelson, cooper, house 11 Webster. Bordwell, T. Ivan, law student, over 201 Main, rooms 333 East Second-. Borglund, Ida S., drawer, 116 Eastfirst,residence 362 Wil'ard. Borkman, John (Sophia), city sealer, house 414 Baker. Boss, Hans A. (Mary), painter, house 23 Marvin. Boston, Elizabeth, widow William, drawer, 335 Harrison, res. 7 Waterman. Bostwick, Anson L. (Mamie A.),florist,house 60 Hunt road. Bostwick, D. Edward, mattress maker, house 60 Hunt road. If you contemplate Plumbing, consult M.J.MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. BOTSFORD. BRADSHAW. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 161 Botsford, Bertha, waitress, New Shearman. Botsford, Frederick E., music teacher, residence 15 West Eighth. Botsford, Harriet, widow William T., residence 117 East Fifth. Botsford, Myron H. (Anna C ) , janitor, house 111 East Sixth. Botsford, William H. (Ruth A.), carriage trimmer, house 15 West Eighth. Botsford, William R., treas. Chaut. Nat. Bldg. L. & S. Assn., over 101 East Third, residence 111 East Six.h. Bottini, Lewis (Emiylis L.) confectionery and tobacco, 106 East 2d, h. do. Bottom, George, hostler, 214 Washington, boards do. Bottomiey, Frederick, warp dresser, 3t5 Harrison, residence 509 Falconer. Bottomley, John (Sarah J.), warp dresser, 335 Harrison. Bottomley, Margaret, residence 509 Falconer. Bottomley, Minnie .residence 509 Falconer. Bottomley, Thomas, teamster, residence, 509 Falconer. Bottomley, Walter, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 509 Falconer. Bottomley, William, teamster, residence, 509 Falconer. Bounds, Samantha M., residence 622 Prendergast avenue. Bowdish, George, tinner, 12 West Third, boards 113 do. Bowen, Andrew J. (Rachel), sanitary inspector, 10 city hall, h. 325 Crossman. Bowen, Ebenezer S. (Emily G.), ca-penter, house 325 Palmer. Bowen, John J. (Altona), real es'ate, house 731 East Second. Bowen, Manley A., music teacher, residence 731 East Second. Bowen, William D., aristo worker, house 315 East Sixth. Bowen, W m . Man'ey, editor, residence, 731 East Second. Bowers, Abraham H. (Ida A.), pbys'cian surgeon and health officer, over 5 East Second, house 67 Prospect. Bowers, Ann J., widow Abraham H., residence 617 Prendergast avenue. Bowman, Martin (Minnie), butcher, house 125 Falconer. Boyce, C. S., physician, South Main, residence 130 Fulton. Boyce, Claude V. (Lulu B.), actor, res dence 744 East Second. Boyce, Effa, widow Richard, house 414 Winsor. Boyd, Charles (Mary), cigar make-, lesidence 208 West Fourth. Boyd, Edward P. (Anna J.), real estate, rm. 4, 14 W . 3d, h. 808 Prendergast. Boyd, Harry W., clerk, 30 Main, residence 630 Spring. Boyd, Jane, nurse, boards 105 Crossman. Boyd, Mary, widow Thomas, house 122 Forest. Boyd, Perl J., laborer, rooms 311 West Third. Boyd, William H. (Kate), machinist, Vouse 630 Spring. Boyle, Ella A., widow Wellington H., house 6% Center. Boyle, Elma C, residence 6% Cen'e". Boyle, Michael L. (Myrtle M.), section hand, house over 220 East First. Bradigan, Henry (Almira), market ga-dener, house 1409 Falconer. Bradley, Charlotte, widow Samuel, lesidence 114 Bowen. Bradley, Gamble (Annie A.), wood worker, house 15 Lovell avenue. Bardley, William H. (Florence) c'erk, house 116 King. Bradshaw Bros.—Robert C and W i T a m A., Jr.—insurance, over 303 Main. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Best Silver Plated Ware H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G PLr?cwes BRADSHAW. BRAWN. 162 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Bradshaw, Edwin A. (MaBelle S.), editor, Journal, 14-16 West Second, house, 210 East Fifth. Bradshaw, Robert C ,flour,feed and grain, 24 East Third; also—Bradshaw Bros—boards 419 West Third. Bradshaw, William C (Elizabeth), retired, house 35 Lake View avenue. Bradshaw, William A. Jr. (Mary C.)—Bradshaw Brothers—over 303 Main, house 27 Lake View avenue. Bradshaw, William T. (Lestina A j , laborer, house 112 West Seventh. Bradt, Clyde (M. Lyda), night clerk, 115 Main, house 113 Kent. Brady, Carson (Pearl), driver, house-622 Spring. Brady, Robert (Alelia A.), blacksmith, 17 East Eighth, house 41 West Ninth. Brady, Jesse W . (Lavina), retired, house 53 Rathbone. Branch, Hira K., residence 231 Crescent. Brand, Alfred T. (Celestia L.), stationary engineer, house 6 % Center. Brand, Alice, housekeeper, 836 Prende.-gast avenue. Brand (see also Brandt and Brant). Brandel, Frank—pres. Jamestown Brewing Co.—820 West Eighth, residence Lancaster, N. Y. Brandin, Bengt (Gustava), retired, house over 18 Sherman. Brandin, Gustaf ( E m m a ) , grocer, 821 East Second, house do. Brandt, John A. (Allertine)—Brandt & Carlson—702 East Second, h 787 do. Brandt & Carlson—John A. Brandt, C irl A. and John W . Carlson—meat market, 702 East Second. Brandt—see also Brand and Brant. Branney, Caroline, widow Eric, hous" 217 East Eighth. Brant, Lotta S., music teacher, 24 Harrison, residence do. Brant, S. Otis (E. Hannah)—Brant & Venman—120 Wilard, h. 24 Harrison. Brant, see also Brand and Brandt. Brant & V e n m a n — S . Otis Brant and John Venman—grocers, 120 Willard. Brastow, Elizabeth, widow Jeremiah, house 9 Water. Brastow, George, temperer, 13 Taylor, residence 9 Water. Brastow, William J., bit drawer, 13 Taylor, residence 9 Water. Brattberg, John J. (Augusta M ) , letter carrier P. O., house 448 Winsor. Bratburg, Charles (Mary G.) laborer, house 501 Falconer. Bratt, A. C , leader Bratt's orchestra, Doards 311 West Third. Bratt, Bailey (Mercy A.) driver, house 118 Newland avenue. Bratt, Beryl E., residence 118 Newland avenue. Bratt, Beulah E., bookkeeper, 117 Main, residence 118 Newland avenue. Bratt, Casper (Matilda), laborer, noi'se 4 Orchard. Bratt, Claude F., woodworker, residence 512 Hazeltine avenue. Bratt, Dennis B. (Flornece), lather, house 512 Hazeltine avenue. Bratt, Elliot B. (Nellie M.)—Jamestown Wall Paper Co.—117 Main, house 505 Warren. Bratt, Robert S., temperer, residence 512 Hazeltine avenue. Brawn, C. Rudolph, millhand, 335 Harrison, residence 251 Barrows. Brawn, Joseph (Annie- En .sewing machine adjuster, house over 22 Institute. If you contemplate Plumbing, consult M.J.MURRAY T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of BRAWN. BRIGGS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 163 Brawn, J. Peter ( E m m a L.), laborer, house 251 Barrows. Breckenridge, Robert (Margaret), twister, 335 Harrison, house 292 Harrison. Breed, Alfred V., oiler, residence 118 Bowen. Breed, Charles A. (Celestia P.), house 5Fairmount avenue. C H A R L E S A. B P E E D , General Fire Insurance Room 35 WELLMAN BUILDING Breed, Charles H. (Alice), packer, 710 East Second, house 114 Bowen. Breed, Elizabeth 0., residence 5 Fairmount avenue. Breed, Franklin E. (Annie), drayman, house 118 Bowen. Breed, Gertrude M., residence 5 Fairmount avenue. Breed, Henry G. (Emiiy), musician, house 54 Allen. Breed-Johnson Furniture Co.—J. A. Eckman, Pres.—manufacturers desks, bookcases, etc., 29-35 Jones & Gifford avenue. Breed, Louis C , student, residence o Fairmount avenue. Breed, Lucia C, musician, residence 54 Allen. Breed, Winfred W „ apprentice, 14-16 W . Second, residence 118 Bowen. Breeden, Anna, residence 214 Clinton. Breeden, Grace, Mrs., house 214 Clinton. Breeden, Waldo P., residence 214 Clinton. Brennan, Kate, waitress, 15 South Main. Bresinhan, Nellie, widow John, house 13 Bishop. Bresley, Herbert (Ellen),finisher,house 220 Allen. Brewer, Eva B., spinner, 116 East First, residence under 220 do. Brewer, Glatia H., widow Hiram, house under 220 East First. Brewer, Iley M., butcher, residence under 220 East First. Brezing, Herman, Rev., pastor EnglishLutheran church, West Fourth, rooms 515 Washington. Bricker, E. Louise, clerk 13 Main, residence over 27 Forest avenue. Bricker, Josiah (Mary), contractor and builder, over 27 Forest ave., h. do. Briggs, Alice, residence 26 Crosby. Briggs, Annje, residence 20 Crosby. Briggs, Arthur K., residence 205 East Fifth. Briggs, Charles E. (Emma), designer, house 214 Lincoln. Briggs, David (Martha), house 2 Short Eagle. Briggs, David A. (Amelia), lineman, residence 23 Rathbone. Briggs, E. Bertram, residence 521 East Fifth. Briggs, Elihu S. (Jennie), farmer, house 1235 Main. Briggs, Estelle D., residence 511 East Seoond. Briggs, Fred (Clara A.), master mechanic, 335 Harrison, residence 521 E. 5th. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies O V E R C O A T S a Specialty at BRIGGS. 164 PROUDFITS, BROADHEAD. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Briggs, Fred A., designer, residence 214 Lincoln. Briggs, Galon, stockkeeper, 153 J. & G.Ave., boards 2 3 Rathbone. Briggs, Gertrude M., residence 23 Alpaca. Briggs, Harry L.—cashier Union Trust Co.—211 Main, residence 521 East 5th. Briggs, John S. (Frances) merchant tailor, house 39 Fairmount avenue. Briggs, John W . (Katherine), loom fixer 335 Harrison, house 202 Crosby. Briggs, Linnie L., residence 23 Alpaca. Briggs, Martha A., residence 205 East Fifth. Briggs, Matilda, Mrs., house 104 Barrows. Briggs, Riley, foreman 335 Harrison, house 26 Crosby. Briggs, Samuel (Jane), gen'l mgr.—Hall & Co.—335 Harrison, h. 205 E. 5th. Briggs, William (Margaret), chief dyer 116 East 1st, house 511 East 2d. Briggs, William C (Minnie E.)—Hatch & Briggs—10 East 3d, h. 210 E. 4th. Bright, George S. (Belle G.), insurance agent, 15 city hall, house 23 13th. Brightman, Franc C , Mrs., house 912 East Second. Brightman, Fred A. (Franc C ) , atty. at law, house 921 East Second. Brindley, George B. (Martha A.), street sweeper, house 136 Foote avenue. Briner, Lettie, widow Nathan, residence 603 East Sixth. Bristol, Horatio N., laborer, residence 9 Cleveland place. Bristol, Leon L., hostler, 100 East Second, residence 9 Cleveland place. Bristol, Mary S., widow Solomon, house 140 Foote avenue. Britton, Nellie T., teacher art work, residence 12 Whitney place. Britton, Simon (Mary), locomotive engineer, house 12 Whitley place. Broadhead, Almet N. (Margaret B ) , Pres. J. E. S Ry.—William Broadhead & Sons—and prop. Lake View Rose Gardens, house 508 Main. ' Broadhead Block, 2-16 Main. Broadhead, Ernest J., shipping c'erk 116 East 1st, res. 102 Broadhead Ave. Broadhead, Frank S., clerk 116 E. First, residence 102 Broadhead avenue. Breadhead, Fred H. (Maude A.), clerk 206 Main, house 46 Hazzard. Broadhead, Gladys, Y., residence 101 East Fourth. Broadhead, Irving H., student, residence 102 Broadhead avenue. Broadhead, James (May), warp dresser, house 110 Broadhead avenue. Broadhead, John L. (Lorena W . ) , accountant 116 East 1st, house 128 Allen. Broadhead, Jonas (Elizabeth), blacksmith, house 102 Broadhead avenue. Broadhead, Mertie M., residence 30 Warren. Broadhead, Mertie E., student, residence Broadhead avenue. Broadhead, S. Flora, residence 30 Warren. Broadhead, Shelden B—William Broadhead & Sons—116 E. 1st. h. 101 E. 4th Broadhead, William (Lucy)—William Broadhead & Sons—116 E. 1st house 30 Warren. Broadhead, William A., clerk 116 East 1st, residence 102 Broadhead avenue. Broadhead, William & Sons—Wil'iam, Shelden B. and Almet N.—props.. Broadhead Worsted Mills, 116E3,st First. Broadhead Worsted Mills, William Broadhead & Sons, props., mfrs. worsted dress goods and suitings, 116 East First. Broadhead, Wright D., bookkeeper 222Main, residence 102 Broadhead Ave. M. I. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. 1 H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . BROCKMAN. BROWN. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 165 Brockman, Mary, widow Andrew, house 220 East First. Brockway, Arthur C, telegrapher, residence 1 Cook avenue. Brockway, Henry I. (Josephine), polisher, house 1 Cook avenue. Brockway, Louise, laundress 705 Main, residence 9 Cleveland place. Brockway, Marcus (Ada M.), restaurant 23 Main, house 47 Hazzard. Brockway, Wallace D. (Mary), laster318 Cherry, house 9 Cleveland place. Broderick, Delia, residence 72 Rathbone. Broden, Charles (Augusta), laborer, nouse 103 Willard. Brodine, Axel (Hattie), laborer, house 119 Willard. Brodine, Gust, retired, house 566 Allen. Brodine, Gustave N. (Anna M.),upholsterer 40 Winsor, house 26 Barrows. Brodine, Hedwig, weaver, residence 566 Allen. Brodine, Herman, weaver, residence 566 Allen. Brodine, Lottie, weaver, residence 566 Allen. Brogden, Rufus (Martha E.), machinist 335 Harrison, house 128 Stowe. Brogen, Morris (Matilda), dyer, house 248 Forest avenue. Broman, Joseph (Anna), brickmaker, house 652 Barrows. Bronk, Charles L. (Mattie E.), fireman, house rear 417 Ashville avenue. Brookins, B. George (Minnie), driver Ellicott Hook & Ladder Co., 212 Spring house 201 East Second. Brooklyn House, M. Alfred Nobbs, prop., 5-9 Harrison. Brooklyn Mills, mfrs. flour and feed-, 7 Taylor, Frank E. Sessions, prop. Brooklyn Restaurant, 22 South Main, James Roark proprietor. Brooklyn Square Marble Works, marble and granite, E. A. Sturdevant, proprietor, 11 Steele. Brooks, Anna E., operative 335 Harrison, residence Willard beyond limits. Brooks, Edwin A. (Lotta S.)—Brooks News Co.—8 East Third, house 120 Lake View avenue. Brooks, Hattie, residence 17 Seymour avenue. Brooks, Helen, operative, boards 119 Willard. Brooks Helen B., widow Edwin C , residence 3 East Sixth. Brooks, John M. (Bessie Cook), physician, office 312 Prendergast ave., h. do. Brooks, Milton E. (Elvira), carpenter, house 17 Seymour avenue. Brooks News Co.—Edwin A. Brooks—books, stationary, etc., 8 East Third. Brooks Ticket Agency—Austin A. Jones, mgr.—cut rate ticket brokers, 8 East Third. Brott, Fayette O. (Hattie), foreman Straight Mfg. Co., house 83 Water. Brown, Aaron A. (Elnora), carpenter house 227 King. Brown, Albert E., twister, 116 East First, residence 201 do. Brown, Ambrosia, Mrs., cook 14 East Third, house 937 East Second. Brown, Ann, widow James, house 61 Harrison. Brown, Anna, clerk 16 West Third, residence 57 Prospect avenue. Brown, Bessie, bookkeeper, residence 607 Washington. Brown, Burton S., laborer, residence over 13 East Second. Brown, B. Winifred, student, residence 71 Hotchkiss. Brown, Caroline E., widow Nathan, house 401 East Fourth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings U n d e r w e a r , Hosiery i'i&Sfy at P R O U D FITS. BROWN. BROWN. 166 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Brown, Charles H., bookkeeper Am. Aristo. Co.—56 Prospect, residence 29 Harrison. Brown, Charles M. (Adele DeLano), —manager Republic Press Co.—3 West Third, house 220 Crossman. Brown, Charles N. (Alice Ross)—Jamestown Dry Plate Works—49 Jones & Gifford avenue, house 305 West Third. Brown, Charles (Hannah), tinner, house 400 Allen. Brown, Donald S., attorney, boards 116 East Fourth. Brown, Edward K., wool sorter 116 East First, residence 201 do. Brown, E. Everett, clerk 12 West Third , rooms city building. Brown, Ella E., residence 37 Reinold avenue. Brown, Ellis, laborer, residence basement 18 Stowe. Brown, E m m a E., Mrs., residence under 504 Crescent. Brown, Ernest (Elizabeth), coachman, house 110 Washington. Brown, Eurydice A., residence 313 Ashville avenue. Brown, Eva L., spinner 116 East Fiist, residence 201 do. Brown, Frank A., harnessmaker, 220 East Second, boards over 224 do. Brown, Frank C , plumber, residence 221 Warren. Brown, Frank H., street car conductor, boards 556 West Third. Brown, Fred C , shoemaker, residence 221 Warren. Brown, George W . (Lorettie), peddler, house 37 Reinold avenue. Brown, Glen K. (A.nna Dempsey) com traveler, h 3dfloor411 West Third. Brown Harold F — Phillips & Brown—214 East 2d, res 401 East 4th. Brown.Helen S. widosv Henry E. house 29 Harrison. Brown Henri LeF. (N. Alcesta) postal clerk, residence 401 East 4th. Brown, Henry T. —dealer in hides, furs, etc.—116 East 2d, res 313 Ashville avenue. Brown, Herbert W . stenographer over 101 East 3d, rooms 9 Warner block. Brown, Hulda E. widow Ephriam, picker, 116 East 1st, house 201 d o Brown, James L. (Grace) sta engineer, house 40 Dickerson. Brown, John A. (Lona D.) street commissioner, city hall, house 313 Ashville avenue. Brown, John T. (Samantha C ) , grocer house 607 Washington. Brown. Louis B. (Mame E.) shipping clerk, 40 Winsor, h 12 Rubinkam Ave. Brown, Lydia E., widow Eliphalet, house 15 Hazzard. Brown, Margaret C widow, A. F. Allen bds 413 West 3d. Brown, Mary A. widow William H. house 227 Warren. Brown, Mary E., widow James, house 620 Spring. Brown, Morton E. (Lorena S.), steamboat captain, house rear 218 Steele. Brown, Myrtie, boardinghouse, 27 Prospect avenue. Brown, Olive, milliner,, 321 Main, boards 310 Spring. Brown, Percy E., Mrs., dressmaker over 13 East Second, house do. Brown, Richard J. (Emily), physician and surgeon, 28 Arcade bldg., house 519 Washington. Brown, Robert M. (Melvina B.), locomotive engineer, house Sec. 6, Frederick. Brown, Safford Z. (Caroline C ) , teamster, house 71 Hotchkiss. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. BROWN. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. BULL. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 167 Brown, Samuel A. (Carrie E.) mai'ing clerk, P. O., house 57 Rathb Brown, Sarah A., weaver 35 Water, residence 61 Harrison. Brown, Will (Effie), engineer, house 15 Hazzard. Brownell, George G. (Ella M.), bus. mgr. Evening & Tri-Weekly Times, 217 Spring, house 903 Main. Brownell, Inez, teacher, residence 312 Pine. Brownell, Jerome (Patience A.), stationary engineer, house 19 Elm. Brownell, Orren C. (Rebecca), carpenter, 312 Pine. Brownell, Willard J., stationary engineer, residence 19 Elm. Brouberg, Andrew (Augusta), driver, house 304 Foote avenue. * Brugge, Fritz (Hannah S.), wool sorter, 116 East First, house 221 Crossman. Brugge, Martin (Lina), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 24 Ormes. Bryan, Robert, oil operator, house 311 Foote avenue. Bryant, Sarah E., Mrs., weaver 35 Water, residence 26 do. Buchanan, John P., retired, residence 352 East Fourth. Buchanan, Margaret, domestic, 509 West Fourth. Buchanan, Margery, residence 352 E^st Fourth. Buck, Amon W. (Mary E.), carpenter, house 9 South Thayer. Buck, George C (Lorillia R.), laborer house 35 Outlet. Buck, John, stationary engineer, residence 307 East Fifth. Buck, Nathan J. (Myrta), carpenter, louse 154 Marvin. Buck, Ra'ph L., roofer, residence 9 Scuth Thayer. Buckley, Charles (Anna), laborer, Penrsy'vania Gas. Co., boards 12 Institute. Buck'ey, Fred, wool sorter, house 2' 7 East Second. Buckley, James lounge maker, ho-.ise 16 Livingstone avenue. Buckley, Margaret, domestic, 508 W'nsor. Buckley, Martha, weaver, 116 East Fi-st, boards 12 Institute. Bucklin, Anna G., Mrs., principal school 1, residence 316 Lincoln. Bucklin, Elhanan W., Jr. (Anna G.), attorney at law, over 101 East Third, house 316 Lincoln. Bucklin, E. W., Sr., retired, residence, 258 Warren. Bucklin, Sally, Mrs., house 316 Lincoin. Bucklin, William R. (Anna), paper maker, 637 Palmer. Budd, William (Harriet), weaver, house 458 West Second. Buestrom, Amanda J., clerk, 7-8 Gifford block, residence 33 Winsor. Buestrom, Anna D., widow Jacob, house 33 Winsor. Buffalo bakery—G. L. Nichols mgr.—204 East Second. Buffalo Indicator company, indicator manufacturers—F. and R. Laws — 806 West Eighth. Buffington, Albert (Sarah), farmer, house Woodlawn avenue. Buffington, Charles B. (Ade'ine). laborer, house 24 Cowing. Buffington, Ferry, elevatorman, New Sherman house. Bugbee, Albert A. (Mary E.), carpenter, house 45 Blanchard. Bull, Ann, widow Benjamin, house 67 Center. Bull, Ellen, residence 67 Center. Bull, Lucy, widow Abraham, residence 663 Lake View avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies HeadquartersforFcl]?rii?8lf;S{gWa?nd33, P R O U D F I T S . BULL. BURLIN. 168 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Bull, Mary Ann, residence 67 Centsr. Bullock, Alice M., Mrs., house 311 West Third. Bullock, Clara E., residence over 707 Main. Bullock, Frank W., electrician, 9 Rate. Bullock, Harland L., billiard room, 117 West Third, house over 707 Main. Bullock, Henry W., clerk, residence over 707 Main. Bullock, Joseph J., machinist, residence over 707 Main. Bunting, Oliver W . (Bertha), mill hand, house 4 Price. Bupree, Nellie, domestic, 15 South Ma.in. Burch, Arword Z. (Alice), wood worker, house 323 Hazzard. Burch, George H., laborer, residence 211 Lincoln. Burch, John A. (Agusta), machinist, house 134 East 9th. Burchard, Frederick W . (Josephine),finisher,56 Blackstone ave., h.166 Marvin Burchard, Seneca B. (Jennie C.)—Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—17 Sherman pi. house 309 Lake View avenue. Burdwell, Martin C. (Gertrude), cabinet maker, house 27 Whitney. Burdick, Elmer E. (Dora M . ) — Burdick & Baker—103 S. Main, h. 129 Buffalo. Burdick & Baker—Elmer E. Burdick and Albert E. Baker—bicycles and repairing, 103 South Main. Burdick, Frederick E. (Esther), mechanic, 1111 East Second. Burg, Axel E. (Lottie), laborer, house 6 River. Burg, see also Berg. Burgeson, Burger A. (Hilda C ) , hand-turner, 20 Winsor, house 23 Cedar ave. Burggren, Charles (Andrea), grinder, house 618 Spring. Burgett, Ada B., dressmaker, residence 153 Chandler. Burgett, Charles A. (Kate I.), barber 55 Winsor, house do. Burgett, Peter (Mary E.), retired, house 153 Chandler. Burgland, Amanda L., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 41 Westcott. Burgland, Johannah, residence 41 Westcott. Burgland, Lars O. (Fredrecka), laborer, house 41 Westcott. Burgland, Lars O., Jr., trimmer 105 Winsor, residence 41 Westcott. Burgland, see also Bergland and Burkland. Burgquist, Samuel E. (Ida M.), house 16 Eagle. Burgland, see also Bergland and Bur Burgstrom, see also Bergstrom. Burgstrom, Axel (Minnie), wood turner, 37 Taylor, house 13 Pardee avenue. Burk, David E., tailor, boards 489 Winsor. Burke, Fred, porter, 15 South Main, boards do. Burke, Michael (Elizabeth), oil driller, house 866 Spring. Burk'and, John (Gustie), clerk, house 21 Myrtle. Burkland, see also Bergland and Burgland. Burland, Gust (Mattilda), contractor and builder, 12 East 2d, house 211 Price. Burlen, Ameda, widow K'aus W., house 88 Prospect. Burlen, Charlotta, bookkeeper, residence 88 Prospect. Burley Andrew (Phoebe), laborer, house 107 Park. Burlin, Anson A., retired, boards 15 South Main. If you contemplate NewPIumblinp;, consult M . J. M U R R A Y Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . BURLIN. BUSH. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 169 Burlin, Louisa I., house 323 East Second. Burlingame, Howard, clerk 219 Main, boards 540 East Fourth. Burnell, Clarence H. (Eva), livery & boarding stable, 214 Washington, h. do. Burnell, Cornelius K. (Amanda), carpenter house 200 Prospect. Burnham, Royal C. (Mabel K.)—Burnham & Co.—800 Main, house 848 do. Burnham & Co.—Royal C. Burnham and Lewis D. Knapp—'druggists, 800 Main. Burns, A Harry, bartender, 20 South Main, rooms Allen flats. Burns, Alva, bottler, residence over 15 East Second. Burns, Edward C. (Mary), civil engn-.eer, house 417 Spring. Burns, Frank J. (Etta), lumber sorter, residence 814 East Second. Burns, Isabella Sutherland, residence 417 Spring. Burns, John, sander, 105 Winsor, residence over 15 East Second. Burns, John J. (Electa M.), stationary engineer, 63 Taylor, h. 33 Harrison. Burns, Minnie B., confectioner 33 Harrison residence do. Burns William, laborer, boards 121 Cross. Burns, Varclay J., retired, residence 417 Spring. Burr, Bertha J., bookkeeper, residence over 105 East Second. Burr, Charles (Addie), polisher, house 23 Seymour avenue. Burr, Edna E., bookkeeper, over 303 Main, residence over 105 E. Second. Burr, Frank H. (Carrie A.), driller, house over 105 East Second. Burr, Minnie H., widow Edward, house 59 Marvin. Burrall, Arthur J., student, residence 224 Broadhead avenue. Burrall, Lelia L., widow Arthur, house 224 Broadhead avenue. Burroughs, Bessie, domestic, 8 South Main. Burroughs, Jane, Mrs., cook 8 South Main. Burt, Simon P. (Marion H.), clerk, 3 South Main, house 210 Falconer. Burtch, -Sophia J., widow Chauncey C , residence 409 Prendergast. Burtch, Yale W . (Alice H . ) — Y. W . Bui-tch & Co.—20 Winsor, house 518 Pine. Burtch, Y. W . & Co.—Y. W . Burtch and Lewis Hall—mfrs. chairs, 20 Winsor Burtis, E m m a E., nurse, residence 30?, West Sixth. Burtis, William E., retired, rooms 103 East Sixth. Burton, Albert axe maker, residence 27 Metallic avenue. Burton, Louise S., widow Orsmas D., residence 116 Harrison. Buser, Frank. (Myrtie M.), grocer & miller, 309 Main—111-113 Marvin, h. 115 do Bush, Albert, (Catherine), butcher, 1 N e w Gifford building, house 332 Stee1^. Bush, Asa A. solicitor, room 5 N e w Gifford, rooms 45 Wellman building. Bush Block, 15-21 East Second. Bush, Calvin (Rhoda M.), lumberman, house 372 Foote avenue. Bush, Cassius A., artist, rms. 45-48 Wellman bldg, 101 West Third, res. do. Bush, Dora A., residence 111 Fairview avenue. Bush, Eliza widow Aaron house 111 fairview avenue. Bush Eva, music teacher, residence 372 Foote avenue. Bush, Frank B. (Amy A.), retired, 412 Winsor. Bush, Fred A., residence 111 Fairview avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies Y o u r M o n e y !s W o r t h BUSH. 170 or your a t P R O U D F I T S . money back BUTTERFIELD. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Bush, Frederick G. (Katherine B.),—Bush & Freeman—36 Main, house, section 10, Frederick block, 110 East Second. Bush, Frederick L. (Nora), agent Fleischman Yeast, residence 241 Fulton. Bush, Henry H. residence 111 Fairview avenue. Bush, James B. (Ann), bottler, 104 East Second, house 417 East Fifth. Bush, J. Edward (Annie), driver, 13 East Third, house East Second. Bush, John (Bertha), switchman, residence 111 Fairview avenue. Bush, Lambert L. ( E m m a ) , farmer, house 3 Grandin. Bush, L y m a n M., lawstudent, residence 133 Lake View avenue. Bush, Mary A., widow Charles, residence 31 Hazzard. Bush, Theodore, residence 111 Fairview avenue. Bush, William A. (Jessie E.), commercial traveler, house 308 West Second. Bush & Freeman—Frederick G. Bush and Charles E. Freeman—paints, oils, and glass, 36 Main. Bushee, Clara L., bookkeeper and stenog., 41 Shearman place residence 707 Washington. Bushee, Loyal (S. Henel G.), driver 119 West 3d, house 707 Washington. Bushey, Charles H. (Catherine ), driver, house 408 East Eighth. Buishey, William F. ( E m m a ) , com. traveler, house 384 Foote avenue, i Business Exchange, employment ageniy, rooms 7-8 Allen Suare bldg, 119 Main Butcher, Edward, Aristotype operative, residence 207 Palmer. Butcher, Isaac (May) driver Johnson Ice company, house 507 West Seventh. Butler, Alice, weaver, 116 East First, boards 4 Orchard. Butler, Bertha, artist and reporter, residence over 111 East Second. Butler, Desdamona, widow Frederick M., residence 100 Cook avenue. Butler, Eva M.,florist,residence 22 Barrett. Butler, Frank A. (Christie A.), tinner, house 127 Baker. Butler, Frank H.,farmer, residence Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Butler, George J. (Kate H.), shipping clerk, house 5 Barrett. Butler, Henry (Eliabeth), shoemaker. 68 Foote avenue, house 216 Winsor. Butler, Henry M. (Eleanor), farmer, nouse, Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Butler, Hettie, widow Samuel, house 344 East Fourth. Butler, Hiram E. (Mary J.), insurance agent, house 104 Fairmount avenue. Butler, James, weaver, 35 Water boards, 10 Winsor. Butler, James, bookkeeper, residence 344 East Fourth. Butler, Jay A. (Delia M.), commercial traveler, house over 211 West Third. Butler, Louise E., housekeeper, Y. W . C. A., residence 104 Fairmount avenue. Butler, Lucius E., clerk, Erie freight depot, residence 344 East Fourth. Butler, Lydia A., Mrs., shirt maker, 212 Main, h. 37 Gokey blk, West Third. Butler, Mary A, widow C. Nelson, house 402 Lake View avenue. Butler, Olive B., residence over 111 East Second. Butler, Oliver B.- (Alice M.), house over 111 East Second. Butler, Sophia D., residence 402 Lake View avenue. Butman, Luther M. (Hattie M.), sec. &treas., Empire Worsted mills, 35 Water .house 529 East Fifth. Butterfield, Edward, retired, residence 122 Fairmount avenue. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^ " V ^ ' b y M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A . D. U SiA R P E BUTTERFIELD. CO. CALLAHAN. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 171 Butterfield, James W . (Isabelle R.)—J. W . Butterfield & Bro., over 11 East Third, house 122 Fairmount avenue. Butterfield, J. W . & Bro.—James W . and Wrothwell—gen'l insurance, over 11 East Third. Butterfield, Wrothwell (Jennie)—J. W . Butterfield and Bro.—over 11 East Third, house 25 Kent. Button, Jesse W . (Jane), physician, Ashville avenue, (Celoron). Butts, Andrew J. (M. Delia)—Board of Public Works—h. 119 Fairmount ave. Butts, Andrew W . (Addie D.), veneer cutter, house 27 Whitley avenue. Butts, George R. (Helen E.), paying and receiving teller, 211 Main, residence 214 Crossman Butts, Merrill (Rose A.), retired, house 901 Prendergast avenue. Butts, Perl A. (Anna S.), clerk, 208 -Main house over 103 East Third. Buxton, Clarence B., machinist, 107 East Third, boards 31 Derby. Byers, Anna, dressmaker, 113 Kent, boards do. Byford, Frederick, grocer 774 East Second, boards over do. Byron, Mary, weaver, residence 10 Fairview avenue. c Cadwell Cabinet Co. —Eugene B. Cadwell—mfr. office furniture, etc., rear 125 Institute. Cadwell, Eugene B. (Jennette H.)—Cadwell Cabinet Co.—rear 125 Institute, house over 19 West Second. Cadwell, Frank W . (Jennie M.), bookkeeper 131 Winsor, house 421 East 5th Cadwell, John (Carrie), Supt. Cadwell Cabinet Co., house 212 Lake View ave. Caeser, Charles, shoemaker, 113 South Main, house over 179 Barrows. Cady, Allen A. (Etta L.), b'acksmith, rear 11 Steele, house 31 Scott. 'Cady, Elizabeth M., teacher, residence 204 West Fifth. Cady, Helen, widow Peter, residence 1370 East Second. Cady, James J. (Cecelia), shoemaker, house 810 Jefferson. Cady, Sylvester S., residence 204 West Fifth.. Cady, Wellington E., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 810 Jefferson. Cady, Willis C. F., farmer, house 1370 East Second. Cahill, W . J., Mrs., residence 169 Warren. Cairo Oil Co. oil producers, over 101 East Second. Calahane, Catharine, widow John, house 46 Center. Calahane, Elizabeth D., seamstress, residence 46 Center. Calahane, Ellen M., clerk, 203 Main, residence 46 Center. Calahane, Margaret T., register clerk, P. O., residence 46 Center. 'Calahane, Susana M., teacher, residence 46 Center. Calahane, see also Callahan. Calkins, Alfred R. (Hannah M.), retired, house 227 Hallock. Calkins, Charles C , laborer, boards 220 Price. Callahan, George,finisher,residence 618 Pine. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools B e sure ^ L & V u ^ o S ? Clothing at P R O U D F I T S . CALLAHAN. 172 CARLQUIST. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Callahan, James P. (Elizabeth), plumber, house 10 Crane. Callahan, William M. (Anna), molder, house 207 West Eighth. Callahan, Kate, residence 618 Pine. Callahan.Mary, housekeeper, 305 East Fourth. Callahan, Nora, nurse, 328 East Fourth. Callahan, Timothy, retired, house 618 Pine. Callahan William,finisher,residence 618 Pine. Callahan, see also Calahane. Cameron, Elizabeth, weaver, residence 513 East Fifth. Cameron, Violet, widow James, house 513 East Fifth. , Cameron Winfield S. (Imogene P.), i.r.torney at law over 100 Main, house 17 Fairmount avenue. Camp, Albert N. (Alice B.), photographer, over 207 Main, house 313 West 5th. A. N CAMP, Photographer. FINE PHOTOS A SPECIALTY. LARGEST AND BEST STUDIO IN THE CHAUTAUQUA LAKE REGION. ..„ ^ „ ., . ... „ _ _ „ _ N O . 207 M A I N STREET. Campbell, Cassius, student, residence over 210 East Second. Campbell, Clara A., stenog., over 201 Main, residence 405 West Third. Campbell, Claude E., miller, 6 Steele, residence 708 Main. Campbell, Fred (Colista), driver, house 148 Foote avenue. Campbell, Helen M., student, residence 405 West Third. Campbell, James M. (Minerva R.), paving inspector, house 405 West Third. Campbe'l, Kate E., Mrs., house 210 East Second. Campbell William W . (Jennie E.)—Campbell & Curtis—6 Steele, h. 708 Main. Campbell & Curtis—William W . Campbell and Charles F .Curtis—flour and feed mill, 6 Steele. Canty, Daniel E., upholsterer, 516 West Fourth, residence 710 Jefferson. Canty, Helen, house 716 Monroe. Canty, John, upholsterer, 25 Sherman place, residence 710 Jefferson. Canty, Michael, gardener, residence 710 Jefferson. Canty, Patrickfinisher415 Chand'er. residence 710 Jefferson. Canty, Timothy (Helen), stone mason, house 710 Jefferson. Canty, Timothy, Jr., upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, residence 710 Jefferson. Card, G. Scott, (Lilly) teamster, h. 216 Hallock. Cardullos Emily A., widow, John, h. over 108 East Second. Cardullos, Harriet E., clerk, 16 West Third, residence over 108 East Second. Carey, Emily M., widow Peter V., beards 17 Mechanic. Carey, Mable E., boards 17 Mechanic. Carl, Frank—Smith & Carl—621 West Eighth, h. 94 Hazzard. Carlberg, Aaron (Hilda) cabinet maker, house 6 Grandin. Carlien, Ernest, porter, W . C. A. hospital Carlquist, Hilda, housekeeper, 131 A'len. S o m e of the most extensive v ^ £ * t £ £ $ * M . J. M U R R A Y The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. CARLSON. CARLSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 173 Carlson, A. Fred tailor, 206 Main, boards 113 Chandler. Carlson, Augusta S., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 64 Tower. Carlson, Albert (Ida), laborer, house 545 Allen. Carlson, Aleda, domestic, 112 Church. Carlson, A. Leon (Anna B.), laborer, house 440 Winsor. Carlson, Alfred, shoemaker, residence 310 Forest avenue. Carlson, Alfred, (Anna), carpenter,,house 103 Camp. Carlson, Alfred (Ida), brick layer, house 311 Allen. Carlson, Alfred C , axemaker, boards 48 Foote avenue. Carlson, Alfred C. (Carrie C ) , shea.er, house 51 Prospect avenue. Carlson, Alma, domestic, 400 Lafaye.te. Carlson, Alma A. S., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 85 Tower. Carlson, Amanda, dressmaker, residence 42 Sampson. Carlson, Amel (Hulda), laboier, house 440 Winsor. Carlson, Amil G., painter, 56 B'ti>,kstone avenue, boards over 309 Winsor. Carlson, Andrew ( E m m a J.), night watchman, 35 Water, house 49 Anderson. Carlson, Andrew (Carolina) carpenter, house over 201 Main. Carlson, Andrew (Tilda) dyer, house 133 Camp. Carlson, Andrew, brick maker, boards 48 Foote avenue. Carlson, Andrew A., weave", 335 Harr son, residence 5 Walnut. Carlson, Andrew G. (Matilda) packer.415 Chandler, house 12 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Andrew J. (Hannah) stone u ason, house 29 Charles. Carlson, Andrew G. (Louise) machine hand, house over 790 East Second. Carlson, Anna, Mrs., tailoress, 4 East Buffalo, residence do. Carlson, Anna, domestic, rooms 215 West Third. Carlson, Anne, domestic, 17 East Sixth. Carlson, Anna L., widow Carl J., residence 129 Sampson. Carlson, Anna L., widow Carl, residence 49 Anderson. Carlson, Anna L., housekeeper, 134 Insstitute, residence 64 Tower. Carlson, Onette, domestic, 47 Warren. Carlson, Antone,finisher,boards 25 Barrett. Carlson, Anton, laborer, bds. 121 Cress. Carlson, Arthur J., student, residence 450 Willard. Carlson, August,finisher,house 131 Allen. Carlson, August (Matilda),finisher,house 219 Hazzard. Carlson, August A. (Mary) lumb°r stover, 40 Winsor, house 210 Benedict. Carlson, Augusta, domestic, 304 Forest avenue. Carlson, Augusta, weaver, residence 324 Forest. Carlson, Augusta P., widow John, house 24 West Eighth. Carlson, August W . (Augusta) lumber worker, house 26 Forest. Carlson, August W., carpenter, 2 Charles. Carlson, August W., laborer, residence 5 Walnut. Carlson, A. William (Anna B.) grocer, cor. Sprague and Baker, h. 121 Williams. Carlson, Axel, laborer, boards 7 Partridge. Carlson, Axel (Anna) aristotype worker, house 148 Sampson. CLARK HARDWARE CO , Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery B o y s ' Clothing, ^T^8it°yc* in at CARLSON. CARLSON. 174 PROUDFITS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Carlson Bloomquist & Snow—Charles J. Carlson, Otto L. Bloomquist and Wallace L. Snow—mfrs. ext. tables,: dressers, etc., Falconer Jc. Carlson Carl lounge maker, residence 42 Sampson. Carlson. Carl A. (Carrie A.)—Brandt & Carlson—701 East 2d, h. 442 Willard Carlson Carl G. (Augusta), carpenter, house 67 Westcott. Carlson Carl H., packer, 37 Tay or, residence 85 Tower. Carlson Carl J. (Christine C ) carpenter, 46 Taylor, house 28 Kinney. Carlson Carl J. (Augusta) polisher, house 234 Sprague. Carlson. Carl J., residence 442 Willard. Carlson. Carl J. (Augusta M.) tailor, i06 Main, house 113 Chandler. Carlson Carl J. E., wool washer, 335 Harrison, boards 450 Willard. Carlson Carl 0., street car conductor, residence 1 Short Eagle. Carlson Carl W . (Hannah) tailor, 206 Main, house 112 William. Carlson Carl W . (Celia S.) painter, 56 Blackstone avenue, h. over 309 Winsor Carlson Caroline M., widow S. John, house 5 Winsor. Carlson Charles (Hattie) driver, house 516 Newland avenue. Carlson Charles, driver, house 610 West Fifth. Carlson Charles (Hilda) sta. fireman, 40 Quarry road, house 20 E. Buffalo. Carlson Charles (Anna) laborer, house 111 Falconer. Carlson. Charles, heater, 13 Taylor, boards 608 Barrows. Carlson Charles (Sophia), carpenter, house 220 Bowen. Carlson Charles (Sophia) shoemaker,318 Cherry, house 214 Bowen. Carlson Charles A. (Annette) laborer, house Vega. Carlson Charles A. (Anna) machine hand, 415 Chandler, h. 4 E. Buffalo. Carlson, Charles F., mgr., 943 Newlandavenue, house 110 Mechanic. Carlson Charles F. (Charlotte C.) clerk, 110 Mechanic. Carlson, Charles F. (Helen) wall paper and paints, 53 Winsor, house 488% Carlson Willard. Carlson Charles G. (Anna) mill hand house 117 Camp. Carlson Charles J. (Minnie) —Carlson Bloomquist & S n o w — h. 581 Allen. Carlson Charles J. laborer, house 6 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Charles J., (Christine) carpenter, house 6 Charles. Carlson, Charles J., laborer, residence 5 Walnut. Carlson Charles J. (Mary) bender, house 90 Sprague. Carlson Charles L. (Anna M.) saloonkeeper, 15 Steele, house 113 Forest. Carlson, Charles L. (Alvia), steel worker, house 12 Fairview avenue. Carlson Chas. L., mill hand, 21 Briggs, residence 36 Kinney. Carlson Charles P. ( E m m a C ) , grocer 448 Willard, house 450 do. Carlson Charles P. (Mary) cabinet maker, house 132 Sampson. Carlson Charles V., mill hand, residence 8 Hanley. Carlson. Charles W . (Hannah) tailor.house 112 Williams. Carlson, Charlie (Sophia) grinder, lSTaylor, house 48 Hedges avenue. Carlson Christine, Mrs. house 118 Water. Carlson Clara, widow, Gust A., house 64 Tower. Carlson, Clarence J. (Mary T.) bartender, 15 Steele, house 109 Forest. Claus, sander, boards 561 Allen. Hot Water Heating, ^ ^ . ^ r S t t S X M . T. M U R R A Y Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CARLSON. CO. CARLSON- JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 175 Carlson, Daniel A. (Christine), gardner, house 572 Allen. Carlson, David, woodworker, 105 Winsor, residence 5 Walnut. Carlson, David, painter, residence 310 Forest avenue. Carlson, Edward, wood worker, resilence Buffalo. Carlson, Edward, mill hand, residence 8 Hanley. Carlson, Elmer W., jeweler, residence 113 Chandler. Carlson, E m m a , winder, residence 525 Allen. Carlson, E m m a , operative, 116 East First, board 106 Hedges' avenue. Carlson Eric (Hannah) table maker, house 204 Prospect. Carlson, Florence, spinner, residence 8 Hanley. Carlson, Frank (Minnie) woodworker, house 375 Foote avenue. Carlson, Frank, laborer, boards 7 Parc-ridge. Carlson, Frank, axemaker, boards 1009 Newland avenue. Carlson, Frank A. (Helen) trimmer, house 228 Broadhead avenue. Carlson, Frank Ame1, street car conductor, residence 1 Short Eagle. Carlson, Frank E., (Manda) cloth cutter, 116 E. 1st, h. under 786 E. 2d. Carlson, Frank O. (Hannah) laborer, house 489 Winsor. Carlson, Fred (Hannah) laborer, house 930 Newland axenue. Carlson, Fred A. (Lena F.) turner, 20 Winsor, house 65 Tower. Carlson, Fred A. (Louise) shoemaker, house 310 Forest avenue. Carlson, Fred J. (Ida)—Carlson & Olson—7 Cowden, pi., h. 313 Newland ave. Carlson, Genevieve C , spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 5 iWnsor. Carlson, Gothfried J., ins. agent, rms 13-14 Gokey bldg., bds. 113 West Third. Carlson, Gust, laborer, boards 6 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Gust ,Hulda),finisher,house 561 Allen. Carlson, Gust (Christine) casemaker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 20 Maple. Carlson, Gust (Ida) laborer, house 246Broadhead avenue. Carlson, Gust, shoemaker, boards 301 Barrett. Carlson, Gust A., carpenter, house 2 Charles. Carlson, Gust A. (Amanda) carver, 415 Chandler, house 85 Tower. Carlson, Gustaf W . (Augusta) insurance agent, house 8 airfield avenue. Carlson, Gustave E., Rev. (Sigrid C),pastor Swedish M. E. church, house 10 Foote avenue. Carlson, Gust H. (Jennie) clerk, 101 Main, house 32 Forest Carlson, Gust S. (Josephine A.) tailor, 206 Main, house 19 Winsor. Carlson, Hannah, domestic, 101 East Fourth. Carlson, Hannah, domestic, 35 Lake View avenue. Carlson, Hannah, dressmaker, residence 6 Hedges avenue. Carlson, Hannah E., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 64 Tower. Carlson, Henry N. (Ida P.) stone mason, house 36 Kinney. Carlson, Hilda, domestic, 410 Main. Carlson, Hilda, domestic, 14 Filmore. Carlson, Hilma, domestic, 105 Hazzard. Carlson, Hul'da E., second cook, 15 South Main. Carlson, Ida C, dressmaker, residence 209 Forest. Carlson, J. Emil (Hulda C ) , varnisher, 105 Winsor, house over 309 do. V/U/AKlX UrtKL/VYrtKC ^W., WAKE. Every Piece WARRANTED M e n ' s All-- w o o l Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , P R O U D F I T S . CARLSON 176 CARLSON JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Carlson Jennie, domestic, 706 Foote avenue. Carlson Jennie, shoe operative, residence 24 Fairfield avenue. Carlson. Jennie M., clerk, 6 Main residence 42 Sampson. Carlson John (Sophia) foreman, 40 Steele, house 111 Falconer. Carlson John, laborer, rooms 118 East Second. Carison, John, woodworker, boards 301 Barrett. Carlson John (Anna) folder, house 20 Morton. Carlson John (Christine) laborer, house 114 Williams. Carlson. John (Hedveg) laborer, 105 Hedges avenue. Carlson John (Ida) carpenter, house 105 Hazzard. Carlson John A. (Caroline), sta. engineer, house 8. Hanley. Carlson. John A. (Clara) chair maker, house 11 Delaware avenue. Carlson, John A. (Matilda) laborer, house 44 Kinney. Carlson. John E. (Ada G.) band sawyer, house 157 Barrows. Carlson. John E. (Anna) dyer, housel36 Sampson. Carlson, John E. (Charlotte) carpen-ter, house English. Carlson John F. (Anna), laborer, house 257 Barrows. Carlson John F. (Louise) wood work-er, house 525 Allen. Carlson, John G. (Amelia) polisher, house 35 Myrtle. Carlson, John P., laborer, house 219- Broadhead avenue. Carlson John W.(Emily L.) laborer, house 1 Short Eagle. Carlson John W . (Hannah)—Brant & Carlson—702East 2d, h. 24 Peterson. Carlson Jonas P., carpenter, house 219 Forest. Carlson L. Charles (Anna), sta. engineer, house 3 Chapman. Carlson Lena, charwoman, house under 115 Barrows. Carlson Lottie Mrs. house 5 Walnut. Carlson Louise domestic 409 Prendergast avenue. Carlson Maria L. weaver 335 Harrison, residence 1 Short Eagle. Carlson Mary L. resides 209 Forest. Carlson Matilda, domestic 332 East 4th. Carlson Matilda, domestic 339 East 4th. Carlson Matilda L., weaver, re^i^enc^ 8 Hanley. Carlson Matilda, Mrs., residence 463 Willard. Carlson Minnie, residence 1 Short Eagle. Carlson Minnie E., operative 335 Harrison, residecne 36 Kinney. Carlson Mamie L., operative ?35 Harrison, residence 415 Hedges avenue. Car'son Nathaniel, clerk 100 Main, residence 10 Foote avenue. Carlson, Nettie, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Carlson Oscar, laborer, boards 307 Winsor. Carlson Oscar (Agusta), shipping clerk, house 347 Foote avenue. Carlson Oscar (Mati'da), laborer, house 105 Hedges avenue. Carlson Otto, meat cutter, residence 131 Allen. Carlson Otto (Hulda). aristo worker, house Forest avenue near limits. Car'son. Otto A. (Splma), turner, house 574 Allen. Carlson Peter (Amanda), mason, house 5 Orchard. Carlson Peter (Anna), laborer, bouse 207 Myrtle. H i g h - g r a d e , Noiseless W a t e r Closets p ' V n M . T. M U R R A Y Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. CARLSON CARPENTER. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 177 Carlson, Peter (Johanna), retired, houes 10% Jones. Carlson, Peter (Tillie),filer,house 25 Park. Carlson, Peter A. (Hannah), machinist, house 22 Stafford. Carlson, Peter E. (Augusta), laborer, house 150 Barrows. Carlson, Robert (Hilda), dryer, house 7 Partridge. Carlson, Samuel A. (Freda S.), sec. and mgr. Vartland Publishing Co., over 12 West Second, house 25 Maple. Carlson, Signo, domestic, 332 Forest avenue. Carlson, Sophia, widow Daniel, residence 131 Allen. Carlson, Swan (Josephine), laborer, house 111 Park. Carlson, Swan M. (Hilda), carpenter, house 22 Charles. Carlson, Swan P. (Mary), jeweler and wall paper, 6 Main, house 42 Sampson. Carlson, Theodore (Christine), painter, house 2l5 Hazzard. Carlson, Tilda, widow Mangus, house 113 Bush. Carlson, Victor (Anna), brick maker, house 224 Baker. Carlson, Victor E. (Clara C ) , cook, bouse 230 Steele. Carlson, Wendla C, clerk, residence 110 Mechanic. Carlson Walfrid (Almeda)—Engstrom & Co.—over 7 East Second, house 137 Broadhead avenue. Carlson & Co.—Fred J. Carlson and Victor Alson—meat market, 7 Cowden pi. Carlstedt, Carl B., residence 33 Wescott. Carlstrom, August (Alma), cabinet maker, house 350 Warren. Carlstrom, Charles P. (Louisa), table maker, residence 14 Colfax. Carlstrom, Mary, widow Carl, residence over 8 Cheney. Carlstrom, Oscar ( E m m a ) , painter, house 104 Chandler. Carlstrom, Edward (Matilda), laborer, house 107 Colfax. Carmichael, Henry (Maria), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 114 Water. Carmichael, Richard, dyer, 335 Harrison, boards 105 Water. Carnahan, Leo W.. student, lesidence 417 Lafayette. Carnahan, Lillian, Mrs., house 211 West Sixth. Carnahan, Maude L., music teacher, residence 417 Lafayette. Carnahan, Winfield S., agent, boards 617 Washington. Carney, Lizzie, clerk 10 West Third, residence 217 Spring. Carney, Mary, clerk, 10 West Third, residence 217 Spring. Carpenter, Albert (Isabella), wood worker, house 22 Hazzard. Carpenter, Charles D. (Daisy.) polisher, residence 22 Columbia avenue. Carpenter, Charles J. (Jennie H.), laborer, house 400 Falconer. Carpenter, Clara F., student, residence 514 East Fifth. Carpenter, Clyde E. (Ethel F.), express messenger, 103 Main, h. 507 East 2d. Carpenter, Edwin K. (Electa J.), gardener, house 32 Elm. Carpenter, E. Earl (Ora), solicitor, over 8-16 Main, house 327 Foote avenue. Carpenter, Eliza, widow Isaac, residence 563 East Second. Carpenter, Florence R., widow Elial F., house 514 East Fifth. Carpenter, George, driver, house over 937 East Second. Carpenter, Gertrude, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 22 Scott. Carpenter, Glenn, nickleplater, residence 17 Linden avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools LSrdIryf°orr F i n e C u s t o m C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T ^ CARPENTER. CASKEY. 178 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Carpenter, Israel D. (Mary), gardener, house 143 Fairview avenue. Carpenter, Iva, residence over 937 East Second. Carpenter, Jennie, clerk, residence 22 Hazzard. Carpenter, John B. (Nellie), teamster, house 356 Baker. Carpenter, Joseph G. (Edith E.), motorman, house 109 Pullman. Carpenter, Laura P., dressmaker, house 17 Linden avenue. Carpenter, Louisa, widow Comfort, residence 45 Hazzard. Carpenter, Nettie, stenographer, 11 city hall, residence 312 Pine. Carpenter, Nora, domestic, 50 Allen. Carpenter, Orson C. (Anna), weaver, house 45 Hazzard. Carpenter, Ray, clerk, residence 22 Hazzard. Carpenter, Rena J., domestic, 39 Tilden avenue. Carpenter Sarah J., residence 22 Scott. Carpenter, Sybbel M., widow William Jr., residence 913 East Second. Carpenter, Wilda, residence 69 Rathbone. Carr, Edward (Anna), loomfixer,house514 Hallock. Carr, E m m a R., nurse and professional masseuse, 513 Lafayette. Carr, Henry (Rose A.), loomfixer,116 East First, house 22 Institute. Carr, James H., bobbin setter, residence 440 Hallock. Carr, John, wood worker, house 514 Elallock. Carrier, Anna Belle, telephone operator 113 East Third, residence 217 Fulton. Carrier, Clara, residence 217 Fulton. Carrier, Grace Helena, dressmaker, re- idence 217 Fulton. Carrier, Hannah, widow Amari J., residence under 22 East First. Carrier, Lefa, widow Timothy, house 217 Fulton. Carroll, Estella—Shadley & Carroll—703 West Eighth. Carroll, Mary, domestic, 15 Harrison, residence do. Carroll, Mary, widow Patrick, residence 18 Kent. Carson, Theodore (Ida), laster, house 211 Washington. Carter, Anna E., Mrs. house 51 Fairmount avenue. Carter, Archibald (Lettie), laborer, house 618% Pine. Carter, Archie U., drug clerk, resi'dence 8 Livingston avenue. Carter, Grant (Ellen), paver, house 123 Steele. Carter, Malissa, widow Robert, house ^26 Spring. Carter, Martha, widow Charles W., housekeeper 318 Main. Carter, William A. E. (Nettie), barbershop under 20 West Third, h. 13 Thayer Carter, William H. (Elvira), contractor and builder, h. 8 Livingstone avenue. Carver, Frank G. (Mary A.), c'erk, 24 Main, house 49 Grant. Carver, Philetus S., retired, res'dence T04 West Third. Cascia, Joseph (Rosa), musician, house 36 Tilden avenue. Case, Fred J. (Anna), laborer, house 503 Summit. Case, Raymond L. (Anna), wood worker, house 11 Victoria avenue. Case, W . Carleton (May L.), bookkeeper, 131 Winsor, house 29 West Ninth. Casino (The) saloon—Charles H. Pete'son, prop.—22-4 East Second. Cashen, John (Sarah), baker, house 32 Kent. Caskey, Elizabeth, residence 713 East Second. M . J. M U R R A Y . First-class Plumbing, 122 W . Third St. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. CASKEY. CHAMBERS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 179 Caskey, George, retired, house 713 East Second. CaEselman, Alma S., waitress, 20 South Main. Casselman, Andrew,filer,95 Jones & Gifford avenue, house 816 West Eighth. Casselman, Josie, Mrs., house 201 Ridgway avenue. Casselman, Sarah, widow William H., house 624 Foote avenue. Castner, Albert (Hedvig S.), laborer, house 36 Johnson. Castner & Co.—George Castner and MReis—Jamestown Bill Posting Co.— 20 East Second. Castle, Alick (Maria)—Castle & Johnson—6 South Main, house 21 Hazzard. Castle, Robert W . (Nettie), commercial traveler, house 19 West Ninth. Castle & Johnson—Alick Castle and John 0. Johnson—proprietor Iroquois hotel, 6 South Main. Catlin, Ashbel R. (Ruth A.)—manager Catlin & Son—26-28 South Main,house 38 Hall avenue. Catlin, Elial C (Marion), bookkeeper,residence 929 East Second. VCatlin, John B. (Maud)—Catlin & Son—26 South Main, house 85 Prospect Catlin, Ruth A., Mrs.—Catlin & Son- 26 South Main, residence 38 Hall ave. Catlin, Zenas, driver, boards 120 Driving Park road. Catlin & Son—Ruth A. and John B.—groceries, seeds,flour,etc., 26-28 S. Main Cawcroft, Aquilla (Allie E.), wool sorter, house 48 Flagg avenue. Cawcroft, Ernest, student, residence 48 Flagg avenue. Cawley, Edward, laborer, house 131 Stowe. Cease, Frank A. ( E m m a V.), stationary engineer, house 38 Peach. Cedar, Anna, widow John, house over 183 Barrows. Cedar E. Andrew (Grace), piece folder, house 103 Park place. Cedar, Laura L., bookkeeper 56 Prospect, residence over 183 Barrows. Cederberg, Nelson, wagon maker, over 618% Jefferson. Cederholm, Gustaf (Anna), cabinet maker, house 108 West Eighth. Cederholm, Louis (Mary), cabinet maker, house 46 Charles. Cederquist, Amanda, domestic, 34 Lake View avenue. Cederquist, Carl O. (Marv), carpenter, house 138 Hedges avenue. Cederquist, Charley J. (Hannah), driver, house 415 West Eighth. Cederquist, Elmer, painter, 415 Chandler, residence 138 Hedges avenue. Cederquist, Lena, widow Carl J., residence 116 Park. Cederquist, Selma, domestic, 52 Lake View avenue. Cederwall, Charles, shoemaker, resit'e-ce 159 Warren. Ce'oron Gold Band, 105 South Main, W i n W . Gage, leader. Central House, 8-10 South Main, N. W.Paine, proprietor. Chadwick, Alanson B. ( E m m a ) , oiler, 335 Harrison, house 15 Victoria avenue. Chadwick, Barker D. (Callie M.), bookkeeper, 95 Jones and Gifford avenue, house 59 Fairmount avenge. Chadwick, Byron C, shoeniaker, 318 Cherry, boards 37 Marvin. Chadwick, Henry C , student, residence 59 Fairmount avenue. Chamberlain, Harry (Harriet), re^tai-rant, 22 East Third, house 516 Jefferson Chamberlain, Henry L. (Pus^n). com. traveler, house 301 East Eighth. Chambers, Fred, driver, 17 East Third boards 108 Rathbone. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Silver Plated W a r e and Cutlery- K n o x H a t s , H a w e s H a t s only at PROUDFITS CHAMBERS. CHAUTAUQUA. 180 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Chambers, George T. (Pearl M.), cierk, 24 East Third, house 108 Rathbone. Chambers, John J. (Ella E.), driver, 7 Harrison, house over 15 East Second. Chambers, Joseph, night clerk, 119 East Second, boards do. Chambers, Joseph H., upholsterer, 40 Winsor, residence 803 West Fifth. Chambers, Kate, residence 803 West F.fth. Chambers, Thomas H. (Mary), foreman, 40 Winsor, house 26 Ashville ave. Chambers, Thomas H. (Susan), laborer, house 803 West Fifth. Chapman, Clair, hostler, rooms 308 West Second. Chapman, Elmer (Eva), farmer, Ashville avenue (Celoron). Chapman, Jessie F., residence 103 Forest avenue. Chapman, John D. (Mary J.), teamster nouse 842 East Second. Chapman, Moses P. (Esther M.), retired, house 33 Fenton place. Chapman, Rosa, widow Martin P., house 8 Short Eagle. Charleston, Amos F. residence 21 West Eighth. Charleston, E m m a , ironer, 318 Cherry, residence 24 West Eighth. Charleston, Jennie E., domestic, residence 24 West 8th. Charleston, John A., packer, 40 Winsor, residence 24 West Eighth. Charleston, Milton F., spring setter, li5 Shearman place, res. 24 West Eighth. Chase, C. Emerson, student, residence 433 East Fourth. Chase, Edna E., residence 509 East Seventh. Chase, Edward H. (Mary A.), painter, house 509 Fast Seventh. i Chase, Effle, teacher, rooms 318 Prendergast avenue. Chase, Eliza B., widow John J., house ?29 Warren. Chase, George E., marble cutter, 118 West Third, house (Celoron.) Chase, George P. (Kittie), stationary engineer, house 723 East Second. Chase, Gilman, clerk, 204 Main, residence 209 Prendergast. Chase, Henry H. (Carrie B.) machinist house over 124 Crescent. Chase, Homer, retired, residence 862 Main. Chase, John B., clerk, residence 229 Warren. Chase, Josephine L., teacher, residence 509 East Seventh. Chase, Maggie, widow George, residence 105 West Second. Chase, Mary M., stenographer, over 14 West Third, boards 115 Fulton. Chase, Myrtle, weaver, rooms 635 Prendergast avenue. Chase, Oliver F. (Harriet M.)—Chase & Son—105 East 2d, h. 433 East 4th. Chase, Orpha, widow Charles, residence 723 East Second. Chase, Polly, widow Oliver G., res'dence 433 East Fourth. Chase, Rilla, weaver, rooms 635 Prendergast avenue. Chase & Son—Oliver F., and O. G.—furniture and picture frames, 105 East 2d. . Chatfield, George A. (Josephine M.)—Chatfield & Armitage—112 East Third, house 816 Spring. ChaJfield & Armitage—George A. Chatfield and Charles F. Armitage, plumbing, 112 East Third. Chautauqua Natl. Bldg. Loan and Savings Assn. (The) M. L. Fenton, pres. over 101 East Third. Chautauqua Motor Co.,ofiice over 303 Main, W . A. Bradshaw, Jr., Sec. & Treas. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^""tar^f X M. J. MURRAY The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. CHAUTAUQUA. CITY STREET COM. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 181 Chautauqua Steamboat Co., proprietors Red Stack line, A. N. Broadhead president, 706 West Eighth. Chautauqua towel mills—Preston, Field & Mackey—manufacturers union and Turkish towels, 206 Steele, corner Sprague. Chautauqua worsted mills — Fletcher and Herbert J. Goodwill—manufacturers of yarns (Falconer, near Erie junction. Chechary, John (Andona)—Greek-Ami rican Fruit Co.—121 Main, h. 509 W . 4th Chelgren, Alfred, laborer boards 541 Crescent. Chelstrom, Frank L. (Augusta B.), planer, 105 Winsor, house 69 Tower. -Cheney, Frank W . (Delia), patrolman, 7 city hall, house 642 Prendergast ave. Cheney, Hattie, widow Miles E., hou e 12 Chandler. Cheney, Henry (Julia E.), mining expert, rooms 31 Fairmount avenue. Cheney, Rollin K., student, residence 642 Prendergast avenue. Cheney, Willis, carder, 161 Hazzard. Chenk, Peter (Julia A.), contractor, house 31 Prospect avenue. Chick, William H. (Laura D.), locomotive engineer, house 608 East Second. Chief of Fire Department Fred H. Wilson, 218 Spring. Chief of Police, Frank A. Johnson, roum 7 city hall. Chindgren, Albert (Lizzie), wood worker, house 16 Newland avenue. Chindgren, Amel H. (Clara M.), upho sterer, 40 Winsor, boards 440 Chandler. Chingren, Charles, mill hand, residence 107 Hazzard. Chingren, Oscar (Helma), curtain maker, house 1013 Newland avenue. Chiverton, Herbert (Ellen E.), carpenter, 116 East First, house 12 Harrison. Christenson, Geneveive, domestic, 168 Chandler. Christenson, J. Alfred, wool sorter residence 139 Weeks. Christenson, Nels C.(Elnora), laborer house 139 Weeks. Christian, Frederick (Jennie), tailor, 706 Main, house 109 Fulton. Christian, Julius H. (Beulah), clerk. 2C6 Main, house 529 East Fifth. Christoferson, Anna, domestic, 11 Kent. Christoferson, Anton F. (Jennie), cigar maker, 7 W . First,, h., 16 Linden ave. Christofson, Signa, silver girl, 15 South Main. Chrowe, Margaret M., bookkeeper, 16 West Third, rooms 111 East Sixth. Chrowe, Martha, student, rooms 111 East Sixth. Chrowe, see also Crowe. Churchill, Jane E., widow Allen D., house 301 Crescent. Churchill, Willis F. (Jennie), laborer residence 301 Crescent. City assessor, Andrew Rundquist, room 8 city hall. City attorney, Edward R. Bootey, ro^m 9 city hall. City clerk, Clement B. Jones, room 1, city hall. City engineer, George W . Jones, rooms 16 and 17, city hall. City hall, 202-212 East Third. City Hotel—Altice & We'shofer props.—120-2 East Second. City Ice Co., 16 West Third, G. Shearman president, F. S. Bush Secretary. City mayor, Henry H. Cooper, room 3 city nail. City poormaster, Nicholas Arend. basement city hall. City street commissioner, John A. Brown, basement city hall. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware Call u p N o . 3 3 , for Clothing a n d Furnishings CITY T R E A S U R E R . 182 CLAPSADEL. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. City treasurer, John B. Shaw, room 5 city hall. Clark, Ann, widow George Earl, residence 423 East Fourth. Clark, Arthur, laborer, residence 41 F.agg avenue. Clark Bros.—C. Eugene and Frank M.—druggists and stationers, 300 Main and 211 West Third. ' Clark, C. Eugene (Ida B . ) — Cark Bros.—300 Main, house 400 Lafayette. Clark, Edward (Annie), organist, lesidence 16 East Fourth. Clerk, Egbert R. (Anna C),—Cark & Wiltsie—8 West 3d, house over 203 East Second. Clark, Elias S. (Annis J.), farmer, house 139 East Ninth. Clark, Eli P. (Mary E.), retired, houre 837 East Second. Clark, Ella Eliza, nurse, W . C. A. hospital. Clark, Emory S. (Anna E.), laborer, house 41 Flagg avenue. Clark, Frank M. (Mable Harten)—Cia-k Bros.—300 Main, h. 513 West Third. Clark, Gertrude, teacher, residence, 423 East Fourth. Clark, George F. (Belle), carpenter, house 206 Marvin. Clark, Gilbert R. (Fannie), junk dealer, house 32 Wilton avenue. Clark, Hannah E., operative, 116 East First, residence 11 Ellicott. Clark Hardware Co.—Milton H. Clark and George B. Pitts—hardware, 109-111 Main. Clark, Helen, residence 329 East Fourth. Clark, James H. (Sophia), grocer, 952 East Second house do. Clark, James L., retired, house 11 EUlcott. Clark, Jane D., widow Hiram C , house 66 Hazzard. Clark, Jennie A., teacher, residence 129 Fulton. Clark, John C. carpenter, residence 713% East Second. Clark, Josephus H. (Jane E.), founder and machinist, 109 West Fourth, house 15 Harrison. Clark, Katie C , student, residence 613 East Eighth. Clark, Laurue B. (Jennie), aristo worker, house 106 Hazzard. Clark, Lewis, driver, 24 East Third, boards 108 Rathbone. Clark, Lotta, dressmaker, b^a'-ds "IA Washington. Clark, Mabel, residence 329 East Fourth. -. Clark, Milton H. (Jennie)—Clark Hardware and Maddox Table Co—house 329 East Fourth. Clark, Titus (Katherine), dyer, house 503 West Eighth. Clark, WiTiam J., residence over 205 East Second. Clark & Wiltsie—Es.bert R. Clark and Myrick Wiltsie—billiards and saloon, 8 West Third. Clark, George F. (Madge)—Georg° F. Clark & Co.—707 Main, house 929 do. Clark, George F. & Co.—George F. Clark and John F. Nyberg—bakery, 707 Main. Clarkson, Addie B., residence Wirks avenue (Celoron.) Clapp, Lavern, law student room 28 over 101 West Third, bds. 101 West 2d. Clapsade', Katherine E.. re=id-'iuc° 10Q Forest avenue. Clapsadel. Marion E., widow Freder'ck residence 128 Forest avenue. M . J . M U R R A Y c^7d Be'sT^neT/* P l u m b i n g G o o d s in J a m e s t o w n Always Buy Your Dry Goods of' T H E A. D. S H A R P E CLARY. CO. COLANDER. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 183 Clary, Albert B., student, residence 303 Lincoln. -"'Clary, James A. (Sarah E.), city editor Journal, house 308 Lincoln. Clary, Samuel E., glass cutter, 518 East Sixth, boards 113 West Third. Claws, Adolph (Helen), brewer, house 10 Metallic avenue. Clawson, Earlin (Helga), lather, house 33 Charles. •Clement, Adolphus (Anna), ice cream maker, house 114 Harrison. Clement, Alice M., teacher, boards 552 West Third. Clement, Dennis C. (Nellie G.), forger, 13 Taylor, house 138 Institute. Olement, Elllen M., widow John P., rooms 510 Spring. Clement, Gertrude E., residence 510 Spring. Cleveland, Charles W . (Rhoda), real estate, house 20 West Seventh. Cleveland, Walter S. (Anna), commercial traveler, house 79 Hazzard. Clingstedt, John (Matilda), tailor, house ltct Allen. Clint, Gust (Ida), gardener, house 812 East Second. Clint, see also Klint. Cloud, Thomas J. (Marion)—manager S. H. Knox & Co.—204 Main house 314 Jefferson. Clough, Harry, wagon maker, residence 53 West Thirteenth. Clough, Holdsworth (Isabella), twistei,335 Harrison, house 17 Bishop. Cloyes, Charles (Katherin C ) , retired, house 527 Lake View avenue. Cloyes, Harry (Kathera J.), com trav., boards 413 West Third Cluney, Hannah, widow Thomas T., house 525 East Fifth. Coates, Cassius M. (Mary A.), stockkeeper, 113 East Third, house 7 H a m m o n d Coates, Isaac (Elizabeth), weaver, house 13 Great Jones. Coates, Joshua, weaver, residence 13 Great Jones. Coates, William (Mary) gardener, hou=e 507 Summit. Cobb, George D. (Vesta), insurance solicitor, house 159 Warren. Cobb, Mirautia, residence 30 Warren. Cobb, Willis H. (Ella M.), stationary engineer, house 33 College. Cobbe, Archie M., shoe cutter, residence 145 Prospect. Cobbe, Richard C. (Mary A.), bookkeeper and salesman, 40 quarry road, house 145 Prospect. Cobham, Fred P., draughtsman, rooms 56-113 West Third, boards do. Coburn, George H. (Sadie), manager Standard Oil Co., 101 East Third, house 302 West Fifth. Coe Desiviguay (Matilda) farmer, house 600 Camp. Coe, Desa V. (Jessie), spinner, housi 713% East Second. Coe, Edward (Louisa C ) , carder, house 12 Walnut. Coe, Edwin G. (Harriett), retired, house 46 Marvin. Coe, Holland S. (Martha W . ) , machinist, house 47 Marvin. Coe, L. Edward, laborer, residence 12 Walnut. Coffield, Charles S., painter, residence lWooodworth avenue. Coffield, Robert H. (Tillie), steamboii captain, house 1 Woodworth avenue. Coffman, William S., commercial traveler, rooms 8 Warner block 11 Main. Colander, Agnes E., residence 21 Bush. Colander, John (Hulda M.), laborer, house 21 Bush. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates T w o C u t t e r s in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T S COLBURN. .,_,.. , . COLLOPY. 184 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Colburn, B. Vincent, residence 25 Foote avenue. Colburn, Charles D. (Elizabeth E.), farmer, house 25 Foote avenue. Colburn, Fritz, brick setter, boards 6 East Buffalo. Colburn, Mina B., supervisor kindergarten, residence 25 Foote avenue. Coldren, Merville, student, residence 16 Meadow lane. Coldren, William D. (Lois), oil producer, house 16 Meadow lane. Cole, Bessie, domestic, rooms over 8 West Third. Cole, Darius R. (Rhoda G.), retired, house 258 Warren. Cole, Edgar J. (DeEtte) milk dealer, house 1145 Prendergast avenue. Cole, Eva, shirt maker, residence 456 Warren. Cole, Experience, widow Joseph, residence 211 West Second. Cole, Frank (Maude), painter, house 100 Howard. Cole, George W., conductor, Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Cole, James B. (Minnie), painter and paper hanger, house 213 Park place. Cole, Jane, widow Sidney, residence 44 Taylor. Cole, Jay W . (Blanche), trimmer, house 315 Warren. Cole, John A., clerk, 38 Main, boards 16 West Fifth. Cole, Joseph A. ( E m m a J ), residence 211 West Second. Cole, Lynn, weaver, residence 211 West Second. Cole, Maria, widow Albert, res'dence 2£5 Fulton. Cole, Parden H. (Fannie A.), driver, 104 East Second, house 44 Taylor. Cole, William H. (Alice E.), contractor and builder, house 300 Warren. Colegrove, Bertha M., reporter Evenirg Times, house 30 Foote avenue. Colleen, Gust T. (Christine), laborer, Louse 715 Foote avenue. Collier, Arthur M. (Isabelle), prumcr, house 122 Bowen. Collier William D., bookkeeper, 114 East Second, residence 122 Bowen. Collins, A. Burt (Bertha)—Co'lins Ice Cream Co.—99 Institute, house over do. Collins, Anna, domestic, 613 Lafayette. Collins, C. Frank (F. Lena), driver, house 18 Steele. Collins, Delia, residence 109 Weeks. Collins Ice Cream Co., ice cream manufacturers, 99 Institute street, A. B. Collins, proprietor. Collins, James (Nancy), weaver, house 13 Great Jones. Collins, Jane, weaver, 116 East First, boards 12 Bishop. Collins, John B. (Mary T.), prop, the Fair, 221 Main and 7 West Third. house 40 Fairmount avenue. Collins, Katharine, residence 109 Weeks. Collins, Lena, domestic, Hote1 Everett. Collins, Margaret, widow Patrick, house 109 Weeks. Collins, Margaret A. residence 109 Weeks. Collins, Margaret M., nurse, residence over 31 Fenton place. Collins, Mary, residence 109 Weeks. Collins Michael J., printer, residence 109 Weeks. Collins, Nel'ie, clerk, 10 West Third, rooms 311 do. Collins, Thomas F. (Anna.), laborer, house 78 Marvin. Collopy, James W . (Josephine), shoe dealer, 200 Main, house 517 East Second. M. J. MURRAY E-nployes Only First-class Workmen Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T h e A. D. S H A R P E CO. COLT. COOK. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 185 Colt, Franklin, retired, house 346 Foote avenue. » Colville, George Murray (Susie B.), pastor First Prebyterian church, house 332 East Fourth. Colvile, Nina, residence 332 East Fourth. Colville, Ruth, residence 332 East Fourth. Comfort, William (Helen), cigar dealer, 706 Main, house do. Como, Eliza, Mrs. residence 14 Dickerson. Comstock, Ida I., domestic, 731 East Second. Comstock, Minnie H., residence 29 Mechanic. Conant, Maria, widow John,house 107 Crescent. Conet, Elva, house 26 Thirteenth. Coney, Charles D. (Cordelia), stationary engineer waterworks, house Buffalo. Coney, Ernest A., residence Buffalo. Congleton, James, laborer, residence 34 Hazzard. Congleton, Luther (Jennie), lumberman, house 34 Hazzard. Conic, Bessie M., student, residence 109 Curtis. Conic, Sarah A., widow David P., house 304 Lincoln. Conic, William W . (Jennie M.), musician, house 109 Curds. Cornell, Carrie, Mrs., shirt maker, 212 Main, house 29 Barrett. Conner, Aaron (Julii), meat cutter, residence 1201 Prendergast avenue. Conner, Anna, rooms 606 Cherry. Conner, James S. (Sarah A.), pattern maker, house 328 Warren. Conner, Jessie, dressmaker, rooms 113 Chandler. "^Conner, Leon A. (Anna O.), meat market 342 East 3d., h. 1201 Prendergast ave. Conner, Nettie M., box maker, residence 328 Warren. Conners, Fred J., teamster, residence ^residence 210 Park place. Conner, see also Connor. Conners, Lillian, spinner residence 210 Park place. Conners, Mary, widow Ernest, house 210 Park place. Conners, Michael, foreman, 116 East First, boards 121 East Second. Conners, Richard (Matilda), laborer, house 4 Partridge. Connoly, Thomas, laborer, boards 299 Crescent. Connor, Charles F. (Mary), bookkeeper, 27 Taylor, house 217 Warren. Connor, Nellie, rooms 12 Chandler. Conover, Leander, retired, residence 839 Main. Conroy, Jennie, dressmaker, residence 629 Prendergast avenue. Conroy, Kittie H., stenographer, 111 West Second, res. 629 Prendergast ave. Constas, Agyssiious—Greek-American Fruit Co.—121 Main, rms 7 W . Second. Converse, Charles L. (Mabel A.), shoe maker, 318 Cherry, house 23 Peach. Converse, William E., Ins. agent, 13-14 Gokey block, rooms 409 Cherry. Conway, John (M. Jennie), house 611 Prendergast avenue. Cook, Almira, widow Merritt, residence 621 East Second. Cook, A m y , house 8 West Fourth. Cook, Benjamin W . (Frances M.), monumental works, 118 West 3d, h. 409 do. Cook, DeForest—Cook & Treat—30-32 Main, house (Panama, N. Y.) yCook, Edwin D. (Addie J.)—Todd & Cook—20 East Third, house 130 Kent. C L A R K H A R D W A R E C O .Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings Children's Suits, $ 1 . 5 0 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T S . COOK. 186 CORELL. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Cook, Eliza L., widow Orsell, house 315 East Fourth. 'Cook, Ernest H. (Evelyn M.), letter carrier, P. 0., house 221 East Eighth. Cook, Ida L., head wa.tress 15 Sou:h IViain. Cook, Lotta, Mrs., house 842 Spring. Cook, Mayme, tel. operator, 113 East Third, boards 318 Prendergast avenue. Cook, M. Mabel, bookkeeper, 16 Main, boards 338 East Third. Cook, Nicholas P., hostler, Erie yards, residence 109 Steele. Cook, Willie 0, residence 315 Eas: Fourth. Cook & Treat—DeForest Cook and Crarles E. Treat—grocers, 30-32 Main. Cook, George H. (Cora), clerk, 205 Main, house 512 Jefferson. Cooley, Alice, residence 408 Winsor. Cooley, Isabella, widow John, residence 29 Barrett. Cooley, Thomas B. (Stera G.), motorneer, J. E. S. Ry., house 408 Winsor. Cooley, Wiliam H.,finisher,house 29 Barrett. Cooney, Minnie, student residence 884 East Second. Coons William D. (Amelia C ) , peddler, house 401 West Sixth. Cooper, Barbara, widow Wilson, house 12 Bishop. Cooper, D o n E., student, residence 43 Fairmount avenue. Cooper, Elden O., farmer, residence 508 Foote avenue. Cooper, Fannie M., teacher, res;dence 120 Winsor. Cooper, Florence, picker, 335 Harrison, residence 106 do. Cooper, Frederick (Sarah), warp drevser, 335 Harrison, house 122 do. Cooper, Fred M., insurance agent, 13-14 Gokey building, residence 420 Winsor. Cooper, Henry H., Hon., (Mollie), city mayor, 3 city hall and secretary and treasurer Jamestown Brewing Co., house 413 West Sixth. Cooper, Isaac, twister, residence 12 Bishop. Cooper, Jane, weaver, 116 East F'rst, residence 12 Bishop. Coooer, John H. (El'en M.), phys'c'an, house 508 Foote avenue. Cooper, Maria E., widow James, hous' 420 Winsor. Cooper Mary Ann, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 12 Bishop. Cooper, Nellie F., shoe operative, 318 Cherry, residence 508 Foote avenue. Cooper, Titus (Pheobe), cloth inspector, 335 Harrison, house 10 do. Cooper, V. Dorothy, clerk, residence 420 Winsor. Cooper, William G., shoe cutter, 318 Cherry, residence 508 Foote avenue. Cooper, William H. (Louisa H.), 'oomfixer,116 East First, h. 16V2 Harrison. Cooper, William M. (Ida M.), distribu.or, house over 298 East Second. Cooper, William O., Rev., pastor A. M. E. church, residence 839 Main. Copp, Helen M., residence 821 Main. Copp, Jane, widow James, house 821 Main. Corbett, Michael (Katherine). flagman E. R. R., house 52 Foote avenue. Corci'ius, Alexander, draughtsman, residence 108 Crossman. Corcilius, M a x (Melosine), gardener, house 108 Crossman. Corcilius, Rose, compositor, residence 108 Crossman. Cordingley, Bart (Sarah A.), machinist, house 131 Stowe. Cordon, Michael C (Mary F.), desk maker, 12 Filmore, house 10 do. Corell, Burt C (Evelyn)—F. B. Corell & Son—rear 112 West 3d, h. 109 East 2d Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W . Third St., M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies,Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. cox CORELL. JAMESTOWN DiRECTORY. 187 Corell, F. B. & Son—Frank B. and Burt C—• platers, rear 112 West Third. Corell, Frank B. (Abbie A.)—F. B. Corell & Son—rear 112 West Third, house 8 Fairview avenue. Corell, Zena M. (Augusta), painter, house 9 Royal avenue. Cook Joseph (Sarah), shoemaker, house 869 Main. Corkie, Arthur M. (Lizzie), plumber, 211 East Third, house 21 Rathbone. Corke, Fred T. (Anna), shoe maker, house 11 Price. Corkery, Daniel J. (Kathleen), wood worker, house 118 Fairview avenue. Corkery, Timothy (Bridget), wood worker, house 139 Fairview avenue. Corkery, William (Hannah), wood worker, house 137 Fairview avenue. Cornell, Amy, Mrs., residence 539 East Fifth. ' Cornell, Lynn F. (Anna J.)—Jamestown Lougne Co.—38 Winsor, house ?8 Lake View avenue. Cornwell, Eugene (Ella C)—Cornwell & Son, Buffalo, house 209 Clyde. Cornwell, Mary S., residence 209 Ciyde. Cornwell, Miles C—Cornwell & Son—Buffalo, house (Dayton, N. Y.) Cornwell & Son—Eugene and Milts C--carriage manufacturing, Buffalo, coiner Hotchkiss. Corrigan, Anthony J. (Johanna), baggage master, 640 West Eighth, house 612 West Sixth. Cosart, Roxanna, widow, residence 663 Lake View avenue. Cotter, Johanna M., widow James W., residence 817 Jefferson. Cotton, John P. (Minnie C), lo-io-no i e engineer J. & C. R. R., h. 100 Steele. Cottrell, Rozella A., widow Frank W., dressmaker, house 101 Bush. Couch, Frank W. (Ella), baker, house 312 Lafayette. ^/Couchman, Bolivar C. (Emma), com. traveler, house 44 Fairmount avenue. Coulcher, George (Jennie), laborer, hiuse 39 Stowe. Covey, Albert M. (Effie), drayman, house 5 Clark avenue. Covey, Frank, bartender, boards 122 East Second. Covey, Harrison (Mary A.\ laborer, liouse 1070 East Second. Covey, Manley, head waiter New Sherman house, rooms 413 West Third. Cowan's bottling works, 7-9 Harrison, Herbert F. Cowan proprietor. Cowan, Dora, student, residence 317 Fenton. Cowan, Herbert F., proprietor Cowan's bottling works, 7 Harrison, rooms Smith block. Cowan, James M. (Anna E.), propr etor Monroe house, 14 South Main, h. do. Cowan, Robert (Lida E.), blacksmt'.ing rear 208 Pine, house 317 Fenton. Cowan, Winiam, retired, rms. 47 A'len square buildings, 119 Main Cowden, Albert F. (Antoinette), foreman, 109 Main, house 35 Barrett. Cowden, Clarinda, widow Frank, residence 147 Barrett. Cowing, Clara C, widow John T., house Wellman avenue (Celoron.) Cowing, Leonard G. (Minnie D.), bookkeeper, 620 West 8th, h. over 107 E. 2d. Cowles, Kate M., residence 136 Barrett. Cowles, Kate, widow John, house 136 Barrett. Cox, Jennie, Mrs., operative, 58 Center boards 61 West Tenth. Cox, Robert (Hilda), drayman, house 23 Highland avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing 1866. PROUDFIT'S. 3 3 years at 3 3 . COXE. 188 1899. CROCKER. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Coxe, Herbert G., harness maker, residence 105 West Fifth. Coyle, Madgie M., student, residence 508 Cherry. Coyle, Richard, Rev., rector SS. Peter and Paul's Catholic church, house 508 Cherry. Craeknell, John, packer, 40 Winsor, boards 5 Harrison. Craggs, Frank, polisher, resid.nee 117 Allen. Craggs, Lavina, widow Richard, residence 117 Allen. Craig, George, baggage master Erie depot, house 18 Stearns avenue. Craig, Jane, widow Robert, residence 18 Stearns avenue. Craig, Vurt C. (Bertha), brakeman, house 13 Charles. Crain, Clark (Nettie), glazier, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Crandall, Joel J. insurance, 21 Gokey block, 18 West 3d, h. (Randolph, N.Y.) Crandall, Mertie, student, boards 120 Lincoln. ''Crane, Alexis, Mrs., residence 311 West Fourth. Crane, Charles H. (Mary), laundryman house 124 West Tenth. Crane, Ella T., stenographer, 35 Wat;r, residence 340 East oFurth. Crane, Imogene, residence 311 West Fourth. Cranston, Lissa S., stenographer, 56 Blackstone ave., rms. 508 East Second. Crantz, Frank A. (Minnie L.)—Star bottling works—4 W . First, h. S Holman. Crantz, John (Matilda C ) , machinist, house 245 Willard. Crantz, Swante, coachman, residence 30 Warren. Cratty, Cassius Q., bookkeeper, 13 East Third, rooms 508 East Second. Craven, Alice, weaver, 35 Water, residence 114 do. Craven, Carrie P., Mrs., art embroidery, room 7 over 306 Main, h. 10 Webster. Crawford, Clayton L., bookkeeper 223 Main, rooms 539 East Fifth. Crawford, Edith, e'erk, 205 Main, residence 610 East Second. Crawford, Guy H., laborer, residenc 610 East Second. Crawford, Henry G. (Terrissa M.), c erk, 12 East First, house 610 East 2d. Creal, Charles W . (Caroline), attorney at law, house 48 Prospect. Crick, Nellie, domestic, 12 Willard. Crissey, Anna, residence 52 L^k'-, Vi"w avenue. Crissey, Elverton B. (Mary L.)—vie-.- president Farmers and Mechanics bank, 215 Main, house 208 Lake View avenue. Crissey, Harlow J.—Wilcox, Bu-chard & Co.—17 Shearman place, hou«e (Little Valley, N. Y.) •Crissey, Lucy L., residence 208 Lake View avenue. Crissey, Mary R.—Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—17 Shearman place, residence 52 Lake View avenue. Crissey, Minor S.—Wilcox, Burchard &Co.—17 Shearman place, boards 410 East Fourth. Crissey, Newton, president Farmers and Mechanics bank, 215 Main, house 52 Lake View avenue. - Crittneden Helena, teacher, r^s:d°nce over 202 West Third. Crittenden, Margaret, widow Hobe G . house over 302 Main. Crocker, Don. D.,florist,r'Sideuce 66 Rathbone. Crocker, Elizabeth, residence 113 Mechanic. S o m e of the m o s t extensive PX«'eTe'p*ts £ bye M . J . M U R R A Y The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H EA.D. S H A R P E C O . CROCKER. CULBERTSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 189 Crocker, Fannie, Mrs., house 15 Metallic avenue. Crocker, Fred F., musician, residence 15 Metallic avenue. Crocker, John W., canvasser, house 66 Rathbone. Crocker, Julia, widow William, cook. 22 South Main, house 113 Mechanic. Crofoot, Frank C. (Lulu M.)', teamster, house Buffalo near Main. Crofoot, Pamelia, widow Chester C , residence Buffalo, near Main. Cronin, John T. (Mary), freight handler, house 117 Hall avenue. Cronin, Nellie E., domestic, 204 Lafayette. ' Crosby, Erastus (Mary A.), attorney at law, 2 Hall block, 221 Main, house 140 Allen. Crosby, Florence E., residence 429 East Sixth. Crosby Mary A., widow Samuel, house 429 East Sixth. Crosby, Mett M. (Katherine), street car conductor, house 108 Hamilton. Crosgrove, E m m a , artist, residence 324 Warren. Crosgrove, Fred 0. (Jessie M.)—Star Furniture Co.—40 Steele, h. 88 Prospect. Crosgrove, Walter S. (Emily), wood worker, house 320 Warren Crosgrove, William (Rachel), carver, house 324 Warren. Cross, Bert S. (France), barber, 2 West Second, house 8 Cheney. Cross, Fannie, laundress, Hotel Everett. Crosley, Harry, spinner. 335 Harr son. residence 50 Foote avenue. Crossley Hayden, apprentice, 335 Harrison, residence 32 Maple. Crossley, Henry (Hagar),finisher,116 East First, house 32 Maple. Crosley, Joseph, operative, 335 Harrison, boards 61 do. Crossley, Luther, spinner, 116 East First, residence 50 Foote avenue. Crossley, Robert (Edith), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, house 143 Foote ave. Crossley, William, (Margaret), stone cutter, house 50 Foote avenue. Crossman, Mary S., widow Alpheus F., house 210 East Fourth. Crossman, Phineas (Caroline)—Crossman & Weller—120 East Third, house 411 East Fifth. Crossman & Weller—Phineas Crossman and James M. Weller—real estate, 120 East Third. Crowe, Catherine, widow John, house 3 Hall avenue. Crowe, Elizabeth, widow Benjamin, confectioner, 141 Harrison, house do. Crowe, Ella, residence 3 Hall avenue. Crowe, Horsfall (Elizabeth H.), machinist, house 9 Franklin. Crowe, John T., lineman, 113 East Third, residence 3 Hall avenue. Crowe, Peter (Kate J.), painter, house 109 Barrett. Crowe, see also Chrowe. Crowther, Charles (Orliza R.), weaver, 335 Harrison, house over 10 East -id. Crowther, Christine, weaver, residence 314 Allen. Crum, A. Watson (Harriet D.)—Jamestown Bedstead Co.—30 Steele, house 26 Allen. Crumb, Byron (Martha E.), teamster, 10 Quarry road, house 38 E. Buffalo. Crum, Leonard (Edith M.), wood worker, house Buffalo. Cuattingins, August, spring setter, boards 25 Barrett. Culbertson, Claude, canvasser, residence 832 Main. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies Reliable C l o t h i n g at RPera*°£able at P R O U D F I T S CULLEN. DAHL. 190 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Cullen, Henry, burnisher, 318 Cherry, residence 70 Thirteenth. Cullen, James (Mary Ann), burnisher, 318 Cherry, house 13 Great Jones. Cullen, John (Elline), burnisher, 318 Cherry, house over 70 Thirteenth. Cullen, Kate, weaver, 116 East First residence 70 Thirteenth. Culley, Thomas (Bridget), laborer, hoase 608 West Sixth. Culligan, Annna, sample cutter, 116 East First, residence 416 West Seventh. Culligan, Kate, second girl, 337 East Fifth. Culligan, Susan, widow Patrick, house 416 West Seventh. Gulp, Charles S. (Mary E.), depot agent W . F. & Co., express, house (c) 213 East Third. Cunningham, Harriet, rooms 14 Fairmount avenue. Curdingley, George (Mary Ann),finisher,335 Harrison, house 145 Weeks. Curran, James, upholsterer, residence 13 Hall avenue. Curran, John (Julia), gardener, house 13 Hall avenue. Curran, Thomas J., printer, residence 13 Hall avenue. Curry, Anna G., operative, 318 Cherry, residence 131 Fairmount avenue. Curry, John C. (Hollie), printer, residence 20 Cross. Curry, Margaret, widow John H., house 131 Fairmount avenue. Curry, Mary, milliner, residence 131 Fairmount avenue. Curtice, Mabel Imogene, residence 820 Ashville avenue. Curtice, Nettie M., widow, Roswell B., house 820 Ashville avenue. Curtis, Allen D., insurance agent, residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Barney, clerk, new Sherman house, roooms 413 West Third. Curtis, Caroline V., residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Charles F. (Anna N.)—Camptell & Curtis—6 Steele, h. 38 West 8th. Curtis, Clem, street car conductor, rooms over 14 East Third. Curtis, Edward W., commercial traveler, residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Electa A., widow Mead, house 310 East Third. Curtis, Franklin G., residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Frank N. (Ella), stationary engineer, house 817 Jefferson. Curtis, Frederick M., commercial traveler, residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Jessie W., residence 310 East Third. Curtis, Samuel, wool sorter, rooms, H I East Sixth. Curtiss, J. Delevan (Rachel L.), attorney at law over 108 East Third, house 54 Lake View avenue. Curtiss, Josie, residence 610 West Sixth. Cushman, John M. (M. E m m a ) , jeweler and news dealer, 10 Main, house 132 Warren. Custis, John T. ( E m m a ) , farmer, residence 68 Rathbone. Cutler, Ethel, residence 15 Lincoln. Cutler, Gertrude E., teacher, res'dence 111 Fulton. Cutler, M. C , Mrs., 15 Lincoln. D Dahl, Oscar (Louise), laborer, house 12 Sampson. M . J. M U R R A Y , uses only the Best Plumbing Material Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. DAHLBERG. DARLING. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 191 Dahlberg, Andrew L., laborer, residence 497 Willard. Dahlberg, Anna E., operative, residence 497 Willard. Dahlberg, Charles E., laborer, residence 497 Willard. Dahlberg, Samuel (Oliv.a C ) , caip;nt>r, house 497 Willard. Dahlberg, Selma 0., operative, res.dence 497 Willard. Dahlen, John 0. (Alma M.), weaver, 355 Harrison, house 70 Vega. Dahlman, Mary A., widow, Francis T., midwife, house over 4 Waterman. Dahlquist, August (Wilmina), ,ail.r, residence 554 East Second. Dahlquist, Maurice, dresser, residence 554 East Second. Dalin, E m m a , domestic, 105 East Eighth. Dahlstrom, John, shoemaker, 317 Wil ard, residence do. Dahman, Emil, insurance agent, 13-14 l okey building, residence 300 Foote ave. Danberg, Victor (Sophie), termster, hmse 156 Sampson. Danforth, Frank, residence 38 Fiagg avenue. Danforth, Sidney (Caddie), laborer, hmse 38 Flagg avenue. Danforth, Volina H., widow Higby, house 210 West Fourth. Danforth, Warren L. (Lil ie), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 28 Victoria avenue. Daniels, Frank (Rebecca), weaver, 116 East First, house 449 West Second. Danielson, August (Caroline C ) , char maker, 37 Taylor, house 18 Institute. Danielson, Axel G. ( E m m a S.), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 70 Vega. Danielson Bros.—Charles A. and John P.—grocers, 113 Willard. Danielson, Charles A. (Amanda S.)—Danielson Bros. —113 Willard, house over 230 Barrows. Danielson, Charles E. (Alma S.), stone mason, house WiPard, beyond limits. Danielson, Charles E. (Carrie A.),finisher,50 Steele, residence 41 Derby. Danielson, Charles P. ( E m m a ) , laborer, house 206 Falconer. Danielson, Clarance A. (Anna M.), laborer, house 21 Hedges avenue. Danie'son, C. Fred, clerk, residence 3f4 Forest avenue. Danielson, Emil W., farmer, residence 324 Forest avenue. Danielson, Gustaf D. (Sarah A.), carpenter, house 4 Orchard. Danielson, Henry V.,finisher,boards 230 Barrows. Danielson, Hilda, house 324 Forest avenue. Danielson, Jennie, fringe weaver, res dence 324 Forest avenue. Danielson, John (Esther), stone mas'n, house 46 Swan. Danielson, John A. (Clara), weaver 3?5 Harrison, house 101 Hedges avenue. Danie'son, John, paper hanger, resid^ce 18 Institute. Danielson, John (Rebecca), laborer, house 511 Willard. Danielson, John A. (Hilda C , painter, house 482 Willard. Danie'son, John P. (Se^ma S.)—Daniplson Bros.—113 Willard, h. 27 Hazzard. Danielson, John P. (Christine), carpenter, house 19 Delaware avenue. Danielson, Jonas P., retired, residente 528 Allen. Danielson, Martin A., residence 324 Forest avenue. Darke, George A. (Eliza M.), clerk, 10 West First, house over 115 East 2d. Darling, Alfred D. (Ella), carrente". h<use 44 Tilden avenue. Darling, Bina E. (Nina N.), nis-ht baggage master Erie depot, h. 206 Crosby. Darling, Charles E. (Ada H.), lab^rr house over 44 Foote avenue. CI APT?" T-T ATDTYVT/ A'D'C Cd *"fni:. for strUskv enamet.fd V-l^n.r*.T\. n A R J J W A K C , \m,KJ., W A R K . KveryfcieceW A R R A N T E D Little Giant Suits for Children at P R O U D F I T S DARLING. DAVIS. 192 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Darling, Jennie E., residence 513 Spring. Darling, Joel S., retired, house 513 Spring. Darling, Mary E., clerk, 16 West Third, residence 513 Spring. Darling, Samuel A., residence 513 Spring. Darwin, John ( E m m a ) , peddler, house 327 Chandler. Davenport, Carrie, house over 822 Main. Davey, James (Ellen), plumbing, etc., 304 East Second, house over do. Davey, William H. (Carrie A.), patrolman, 7 city hall, house 215 Lincoln. Davidson, Hans (Signa), weaver, house 11 Highland avenue. Davidson, Horace A., junk, residence 001 Palmer. Davidson, H. A. & Co.—John R. Davidson—hides and furs, rear 12 Forest ave. Davidson, James W . (Effie M.), motorneer, house 5 North Hallock. Davidson, John, gardener, house 160 Warren. Davidson, John R. (Louise)—H. A. Davidson &Co.—12 Forest avenue, house 601 Palmer. Davidson, Laura, Mrs., pastry cook, Hitel Ellicott. Davies, Thomas E., telephone solicitor, residence 131 Crescent. Davis, Andrew, rooms 10 Smith block. Davis, Archie A. (Lucy), bookkeeper, house 138 Lakin avenue. Davis, Bret C. (May), clerk, residence 318 Prendergast avenue. Davis, Carl O. laborer, residence 219 Stowe. Davis, Catherine, widow Wiliam, residence 134 Lake View avenue. Davis, Catharine M., widow Ora M., house 38 Barrows. Davis, Charles W . (Genevieve A.)—Dewey-Davis Printing Co.—Gokey building, 12-14 West Third, house 115 Fulton. Davis, Daleus E (Alice) carpenter, house 108 Hall avenue. Davis, Edward, laborer, residence 112 Kent. Davis, DeOra, spinner, residence 16 Hazzard. Davis, Earl (Hilda) driver, house 255 Prospect. Davis, Elanson C. (Bessie), stationary engineer, house 109 Sprague. Davis, Eliza T., widow George T., hou?e 318 Prendergast avenue. Davis, Ella, domestic, 309 Lake View avenue. Davis, Elmer L. (Mary), laborer, house over 763 East Second. Davis, Elmo, laborer, residence 112 Kent. Davis Emery R. (Lois) commercial Iraveler, residence 214 Clinton. Davis, Fannie, Miss, spinner, 61 Hazzard. -Davis, Frank W . (DeLea) paints, wall paper and real estate, 633 East 2d, h 630 do. Davis, Fred E., carder, residence 913 West Sixth. Davis, George (M. Bernellie) foreman, 41 Outlet, house 705 Jefferson. Davis, H. Almira .widow Joseph, house 116 East Fourth. Davis, Harry, helper, 10 West Third, residence 208 Broadhead avenue. Davis, Harry A., plumber, 122 West Third, residence 112 Kent. Davis, Harvey R., (Maria Jeanette) carpenter, house 208 Broadhead avenue. Davis, Henry C , laborer, residence 141 Broadhead avenue. Davis, Herbert F. (Laura L.), bookkeeper, 10 West 3d, h. 519 Lake View ave. If you contemplate Plumbing, consult M.J.MURRAY Silks, Satias, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. DAVIS. DEAN. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 193 Davis, J. Elmer (Maude E.) jeweler, house 4 Main. Davis, Jacob H. (Lizzie B.) clerk, llEast First, house 129 Prospect. Davis, John C. (Maria) clerk, 34 Main, house 711 East Second., Davis, John Leonard, former residence 16 Hazzard. Davis, Joseph, messenger, residence 116 East Fourth. Davis, Laura E., widow Ethan B., residence 903 West Sixth. Davis, Laura L. Mrs., money order clerk. P. O., 519 Lake View avenue. Davis, Leora, Miss, spinner, 61 Hazzard. Davis, Lewis W., painter, lesidence SS Barrows. Davis, Lucien A. (Carrie F.) clerk, 1007 East Second, house 414 Falconer. Davis, Maggie C , widow Frank, house 112 Kent. Davis, Martha P., widow Simeon C , house 17 Thayer. Davis, Mary J., widow William J., house 61 Rathbone. Davis, Olive E., furnished rooms, house over 215 East Third. Davis, Otto L., laborer, residence 219 Stowe. Davis, Peter N. (Frances L.), canvas e:, house 219 Stowe. Davis, Ralph C , (Fioritta) carpenter, house 3 0 % Derby. Davis, Reuben W . (Ellen), carpenter, house 61 Hazzard. Davis, Rosamond, bookkeeper, rooms 308 West Second. Davis, Roxina L., bookkeeper, 14 West Third, residence Wicks avenue, Cel. Davis, Thomas H—Leiter & Davis—12South Main, bds. over 27 Forest ave Davis, Walter H. (Addie) letter carrier P. O. residence 404 West Second. Davis, William (May) plumb;r 112 East Third, house 60 West Tenth. Davi;, William E. (Fannie S.) musician, house 718 Cherry. Davis, William J. (Mary), blacksmith, house 23 Metallic avenue. Davis, William M. (Harriett B.) cle-.'k, 206 Main, house 25 Fairmount ave. Dawkins, Edith S., bookkeeper, 109 Fi-st Second, residence 120 Hamilton. Dawley, George L., mpcMnist, residence 19 Catlin avenue. Dawley, George O. (Ellen) motorneer, house 19 Catlin avenue. Dawley, Harriet L., widow Samuel c., residence 533 East Fifth. Dawley, Joseph (Agnes), street car conductor, house 32 Ashville avenue. Dawley, Mary J., residence 514 East Fifth. Dawson, George A. (Ella) commercia traveler, residence 719 Cherry. Dawson, George H. (Martha), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 250 do. Dawson, John (Margaret) foreman 12 Filmore, house 48 Harrison. Dawson, Samuel (Martha), piano tune" house 539 Crescent. Dawson, Benjamin, twister, 335 Harr'son, rooms 128 Chand'er. Day,' Anna C, c'erk, 16 West Third, itsidence 210 West Fifth. Day, Frank A. (Ella M.) jeweler, horse 14 Crescent. Day, Morgan H. (Addie) foreman, 95J. & G. avenue, house 210 W . Fifth. Dealey, A. Sidney, Rev., (Carrie F.) rector St. Lukes church, corner Main and East Fourth, house 410 Main. Dean, Anna, box maker, residence 43 Prospect. 'Dean, Benjamin S. (Emyle C ) writer, over 219 Spring, h. 609 E. Eigh'.h. Dean, Daniel, letter carrier, P. O., boards 22 South Main. Dean, Ida, box maker, residence 43 Prospect. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Best Silver Plated W a r e H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G PL™es EEAN. 194 DENSMORE. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Dean, Paul M. (Ella Butler), foreman job room, 14-16 West Second, house 846 Prendergast avenue. Deane, Emogena, widow Fremont, house 649 Prendergast avenue. Deane, Marjorie Pearl, stenographer, r.-sidence 649 Prendergast avenue. Dearborn, Albert, machine hand, residence Ashville avenue, Cel. Dearborn, Charles J., metal po.isher, residence 33 West Ninth. Dearborn, Edith, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Dearing, Jane E., widow John S., house 516 East Eighth. Dearborn, John (Margaret) stone mason, house Ashville avenue, Celoron. Dearborn, John A. (Clara) bookkeeper, 108 East Third, house 807 Spring. Dearing John F. (Bertha) real estate, house 611 East Eighth. Dearing, Lillian M., stenographer, 11 Main, residence 516 East Eighth. DeBell, Albert, brakeman, residence 27 Metallic avenue. DeBell, E m m a , Mrs., residence 27 Metallic avenue. DeBell, Charles H. (Ella) brakeman J. & C. R. R., house 27 Metallic avenue. Debois, Augustus, commercial traveler, house 120 East Tenth. Debois, Charles,finisher,residence 120 West Tenth. Debois, Edward,finisher,residence 120 West Tenth. Debokes, Bert (Mattie) shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 86 Marvin. Decker, Austin, wood woj-ker, house 17 Cowden place Decker, Floy, milliner, 321 Main, residence 310 Pine Decker, Leora, widow Charles E., hou.=e 59 Foote avenue. Dedclriek, Green (Susie), farmer, house 16 Crescent. DeForest, George, carpenter, boards 214 Chandler. Dehlander, Annie, laundress, residence 39 Prospect. Delain, Charles (Helen) paper hanger house 234 Forest. Delain, Gust, paper hanger, toard.s 1276 East Second. Delaney, Joseph, manager, 12 Main, boards City hotel. - DeLaney, Wilton H. (Harriet S.) clerk, 205 Main, house 121 Fairmount ave. Deling, Munroe F. (Annie R.) night watchman, 3 Ashville ave. h. 510 Hallock. DeLisle, Clarence F., laborer residence 43 Marvin. DeLisle William W . (Lizzie) carpenter house 43 Marvin. Deming, Labert W . (Olive) carpet w.aver house 7 Dickerson. Deming, Nora, domestic, residence 7 Dickerson. Deming, Julia A., cook, residence 7 Dickerson. Deming, Nora, domestic, 312 P'ne. Dempsey, Edwin R. (Cecelia), laborer, house 8 Cheney. Dempsey, Margaret, second closer, 318 Cherry, boards 12 Institute. Dempsey, Mary, stitcher, 318 Cherry, boards 12 Institute. Dennison, A.dda M., Mrs., magnetic healer, 45 Harrison, house do. Denslow, Clara M., milliner, residence 551 West Third. Denslow, Edna B., teacher, rrs'denre ^51 West Third. Denslow, Louie A., res:dence 551 We-t Third. Denslow, William R. (Anne E ) constable, house S12 Lafayette. Denslow, Willard T. (Laura J.) house mover, house, 551 West Third. Densmore, Benjamin, bookk-ener, boirds 117 Chandler. If you contemplate Plumbing, consult M . J. M U R R A Y Always Buy Your Dry Goods of DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. T H E A . D. S H A R P E , CO. DICKSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 195 Department of Health, A. H. Bowers, M. D., health officer, 10 City hall. Depew, William S. (Minnie May) dentist, 34 Main, house do. Derby, Agnes D., residence 123 South Main. Derby, Antoinette L., widow John K., house 103 Forest avenue. Derby, Frank C , letter carrier P. 0., residence 236 Forest. Derby, John C. (Minnie), tailor, house 236 Forest. Derby, Silas S. (Huldah E.), retired, house 123 South Main. Derry, Edward, bookkeeper, residence Martin Road. Derry, Katherine, widow William, Martin Road. Derry, Mary, elocutionist, boards 105 Crosby. Define, C'haries L. (Anna) junk dealer.house over 223 East First. Detwiller, Annie, nurse, residence 111 East Fifth. Detwiller, Elizabeth, nurse, residence 300 Foote avenue. Detwiller, Marion, nurse, residence 300 Fooote avenue. Devine, Grace, residence 2 Metallic avenue. Devoe, Alonzo (M. Alice), assessor, hcuse 621 East Second. DeVoe, Laura, widow Richard H., residence 103 Park place. Dewey, Adelbert D., (Helen M.) book-keeper, rm. 12 Gokey blk., h. 613 E. 8th Dewey-Davis Printing Co.—Edwin B. Dewey and Charles W . Davis—job printers, over 2-14 West Third. 'Dewey, Edwin B., (Lorena C.)—Dewey-Davis Printing Co., over 14 West Third, house 310 Crossman. Dewey, Fred W . (Kittie V.), miner, residence 833 Main. Dewey, George W . (Minnie) fish dealer, house 1001 Prendergast avenue. Dewey, John, real estate and loan, over 18 West Third, residence 613 E. 8th. Dewitt, Charles J., wood worker, 3 Ashville avenue, residence 520 Monroe. Dewitt, Seth (Ella) tel. operator, house 500 West Fifth. Dewitt, Seth E., tel. operator, residence 520 Monroe. Dewitt, Zita B. (Cynthia) no occupation, 520 Monroe. Delwolf, Maria, widow Mazro, 24 Prospect avenue. Diamond, Charles (Ann) dyer, 335 Harrison, house 6 Waterman. Diamond, Sarah, spinner, 58 Center, residence 6 Waterman. Dibble, Florence M., compositor, 217 Spring, boards 204 Lake View avenue. Dickerson, Benjamin (Sarah) retired, house 1021 Main. Dickinson, Charles H. (Nellie M.) clerk, 23 E.Third, h. 842 Prendergast ave. Dickinson, Edward F., cashier, Jamestown Nat'l Bank, 223 Main and, trea urer Anchor Fence Co., residence 418 Spring. "'Dickinson, Sarah, teacher, residence 418 Spring. Dickson, Alfred, Rev. (Evelyn B.) retired, house 617 Lake View avenue. Dickson, Carrie B., residence 617 Lake View avenue. Dickson, Charles (Christine) carpenter, house 35 Linden avenue. Dickson, Elmer, residence 35 Linden avenue. Dickson, Frank L. (Lucy Z.), ca- penter, 109 East Third, house 316 Bowen. Dickson, Lillian G., teacher, residence 617 Lake View avenue. Dickson, Mabel, residence 66 Hazzard. ' Dickson, Myrtie, teacher, residence 617 Lake View avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies OVERCOATS a Specialty at DIEHL. 196 PROUDFITS. DORMAN. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Diehl, Herman, (Mary) optician, 104 East Third, boards 113 West Third. Diffcnderfer, Clare R., assistant inspector, 113 East Third, bds. 117 Chandler. Dillingham, Edson.W., (Viola), commercial traveler, house 501 Cinton. Dillon, John (Sarre') upholsterer, 40Winsor, house 65 Dickerson. Dillon, Thomas (Elizabeth), laborer, house North Liberty. Dilwarlts, Michael J.,(Thamts M.) weaver 116 East 1st, h. 24 Victoria avenue. Dirksen William W., wood carver, rooms 22 West 7th. Doane, Nelson W . glass cutter, 518 East 6th, tds. 105 West 2d. Doane, Stella Mrs., dr;s:maker, house 71 Allen. Dobson, John (Mariah), supt. lumber yard, house 810 West Eighth. Doering, Henry A. (Daisy H.)—Harris, Underwood & Doering—24 Main, house 539 West Third. Dohmin, Emil, insurance agent, boards 302 Foote avenue. Dolberg, John (Anna C ) , laborer, house 337 Willard. Dole, Carrie, residence 209 West Third. Dole, Gertrude, student, residence 2'9 West Third. Doie, Mary, home bakery, 120 West Third,, residence 209 do. Donaldson, Arvid, meat cutter, 161 Prospect, house 19 Barrett. Donaldson, Sophia, Mrs., dressmaker, house 60 Harrison. Donahue, Alexander (Anna), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house over 4 Main. Donelon, Ella, dressmaker, hoards 10 Crane. Donelon, Jamei? W . (Mamie A.), road master, house 104 Harrison. Donelon, see also (Donne'lon). Donelson, Charles O. (Anna), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 30 Vega. Donelson, Edward J., clerk, 2 N e w Gifford bldg., boards 24 Harrison. Donelson, Elmer A. (Mildred I.)— H. A & E. A. Donelson—2 N e w Gifford bui'ding, house 309 Newland avenue. Donelson, Henry A . — H . A. & E. A. Donelson—2 N e w Gifford building, boards 24 Harrison. Donelson, H. A. & E. A.—Henry A and Elmer A.—grocers, 2 N e w Gifford building, Brook'yn. Donl n, Anna, clerk, residence over 122 West Third. Donnellon, Delia A., clerk, 221 Main, t-esidence 114 Steele. Donnellon Ella M., milliner, 316 Main r-sidence 114 Steele. Donnellon, Rhody R. (Helen S.), foreman, Erie railroad, house 114 Steele. Donnellon, see also (Donelon). Donnelly, John (Annie), laborer, house 35 Prospect avenue. Donnelly, Flla, Mrs., manicure, rooms 215 West Third. Donohue, William J. (Kittie), ar'sto worker, boards 129 Fulton. Doolittle, A m y A., residence 45 Grant. Doolittle, George S. ( M a y ) — Scofie'd & Doolittle—880 Main, h, 45 Crossman. Doolittle, Laura, widow Ezra, house 45 Grant. Doran, Charles H. (Mary), miner, residence 333 East Fifth. Doraty, George, retired, residence 708 Main. Dorman, Charles M. (Flora), axe maker, house 869 Main. Dorman, Elizabeth, widow William P., house 17 West Tenth. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W- Third St. The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. 7 H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . DORMAN. DREAGER. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 197 Dorman, Fred A. (Mary I.), florist, 16 West Tenth, house do. Dorman, John T., stitcher, 318 Cherry, residence 17 West Tenth. Dorman, William L., grocer, 136 East Ninth, residence 17 West Tenth. Dorn, Dexter D. (Emma B.), a.torney at law, over 211 Main, house 1109 Newland avenue. Dorn, DeWayne D. (Mary E.), farmer, house 601 Foote avenue. Dorn, E m m a M., widow George A., house 28 Harrison. Dorn, Grace E., teacher, house 601 Foote avenue. Dorn, Ralph W., law student over 211 Main, residence 1109 Newland avenue. Dorquist, August (Augusta), carver, house 210 Benedict. Dorr, Henry A. (Martha), retired, house 1010 Prendergast avenue. Dorsett, Harriet F., residence 214 Clinton. Doubleday, B. Edna, student, residence 20 Ellicott. Doubleday, John W . (Nellie C ) , pres. Empire worsted mills, 35 Water, house 20 Ellicott. Doubleday, T. Ethelbert, student, residence 20 Ellicott. Douglas, Dorothy C, milliner, 100 East Third, residence 6 Cross. Douglass, James B. (Lottie A.), mnchinist, house 33 West Tenth. Douglass, Minnie L., school teacher, re-idence 33 West Tenth. Dow, Alberta, residence 72 Allen. 'Dow, Charles M. (Eleanor), pres. Chautauqua County Trust Company, 201 Main, house 72 Allen. Dow, Charles M., Jr., student, residence 72 Allen. Dow, Henry A. (Martha), retired, house 1010 Prendergast avenue. Dow, Howard, student, residence 72 ATen. Dowler, Arthur K., blacksmith, 207 Cherry, boards 10 Marvin. Dowler, Frank K. ( E m m a E.), horseshoer, 207 Cherry, house 14 Weeks. Dowler, Frank P., commercial traveler, residence 14 Weeks. Dowler, Fred B., boards 10 Marvin. Downs, Alice, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 23 Barrows. Downs, John (Kittie H.), bartender Humphrey house, h., 211 Broadhead ave. Doxey, John,florist,boards 17 West Fourth. Doyle, Bridget, residence 884 East Second. Doyle, James (Julia), hide buyer, house 884 East Second. Dracksley, Cora, widow William, dressmaker, house 23 Derby. Dracup, James W., woo'sorter, residence 13 Webster. Dracup, Nathaniel (Nancy), woolsorte" house 13 Webster. Dracup. Robert E., machinist, re.siderce 13 Webster. Drake, Adolphus (Maggie E.), house 19 Victoria avenue. Drake, Franklin (Mary E.), laborer house 130 Water. Drake, Herb°rt (Lilly), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 103 Water. Drake, Roy E. (Laura R.), driver, 26 South Main, house 28 Derby. Draymens' headquarters, 208 C^e'-rv. Dravton, Everett E., boardinsr s+ab'e, 319 Washington, house do. Dreager, Calista A., teacher, residence 102 West, Peventh. Dreager, Wilhelmena, widow John G.. house 102 West Seventh. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware. Stoves, Furnishings U n d e r w e a r , H o s i e r y ansdPec?avity at DREYER. 198 PROUDFITS. DUNN. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Dreyer, Peter (Anna), woodworker, house 104 Stewart avenue. Driving Park hotel, 1200 East Second- -I. Hardwick, proprietor. Drots, Anna L., operative, residence 303 Willard. Drots, August E., waiter 14 South Main, residence 303 Willard. Drots, Caroline A., widow Adolph, house 303 Willard. Drots ,Ida C , residence 303 Willard. Drots, Elmer, laborer, residence 303 Willard. Drots, Hulda C , operative, residence 303 Willard Drots, Peter 0. (Matilda), saloon 634 East Second, house do. Dschuden, Charles F. (Elizabeth), tallemaker, house 865 Main. Dschuden, Frederic W.,finisher,46 Taylor, residence 60 Marvin. Dschuden, John H., cabinet maker, residence 60 Marvin. Dschuden, John (Fredreka), cabinetmaker, house 60 Marvin. Dschuden, Leroy L., wood worker, res'dence 865 Main. Dschuden, Louis (Margaret), band sawyer, residence 17 Metallic avenue. Dschuden, Otto A.,finisher,40 Winsor, residence 60 Marvin. Duane, Eliza A. widow Ivory F., house 24 Scott. Duane, John (Ellen), freight handler, house 121 Fairview avenue. Duane, Mary, residence 121 Fairview avenue. Duane, Richard, residence 121 Fa'rview avenue Duane, William, residence 121 Fairview avenue. Duffee, Edward E. (Ella E.)—dry goods and carpets—26 Main, house 105 Allen Duffy, Catherine, residence 300 Winsor. Duffy, Christopher (Margaret), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 300 Winsor. Duffy, Christopher J., residence 300 Winsor. Duffy, John, retired, residence 613 East Seventh. Duffy, Marcella E., c'erk, rear 24 Steele, residence 300 Winsor. Duffy, Margaret A., weaver, 235 Harrison, residence 300 Winsor. Duffy, Patrick F., supt. Penna. Gas Co.. 108 E. 3d, house 613 East Seventh. Duffy, Teresa C , dressmaker, 300 Winsor, residence do. Dufrisne, Gilbert J. (Clara D.), carver, 40 Winsor, house 1 River. Dunbar, Clementine E., stenographer, residence 28 West Ninth. Dunbar, Hattie E., widow Henry T., house 28 West Ninth. Duncan, Alice, picker, residence 43 Prospect. Dunderda'e, James (Mary), manaaer, 113 Foote avenue, 930 East Second. Dunham, Alfred S., bookkeeper, 335 Harrison, boards 507 East Second. Dunham, Carrie L.. Mr=„ house over 17 East First. Dunham, Earl, student, boards 507 East Second. Dunham, Kate, widow Alfred, boards 507 East Second. Dunihue, W m . J. (Clara), aristo worker, residence 129 Fulton. Dunn, Francis (Maude M.), bookkeeper 104 East Second, house 22 Catlin ave. Dunn, Grayson A., clerk, boards Brooklyn house. Dunn, Henry,finisher318 Cherry, house 421 Livingston avenue. Dunn, Jane, Mrs., laundress, 205 vt"e,~t Third, residence Washington. Dunn, John (Lizzie), paper hanger, bouse over 615 Main. Dunn, John W . (Ella), p'ate worker, ^93 Livingston avenue. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E DUNN. CO. ECKBERG. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 199 Dunn, Laughlin, stationary engineer, residence 421 Livingston avenue. Dunn, Mary, Mrs., widow Dennis, house 421 Livingston avenue. Dunn, Sarah, widow J. Alexin ler n.nise 205 Allen. Dunn, Timothy (Lucy), polisher, residence 421 Livingston avenue-. Dupree, Andrew, shoe maker, boards 105 West Second. Dupree, Georgia A., die.sni.aker, ri'j-idence 404 West Second Durano, Joseph (Helen A.), janitor house over 108 East Third. Durfee, George W . (Clara R.), farmer house 318 Main. Durfee, Clara R., Mrs. milliner, 318 Main, residence do. Durham, Ellen C , Mrs., house 226 Fulton. Durham, Eva J., stenographer, residence Fulton. Durham, Gertrude A., residence 208 Barrett. Durham, John W . (Hattie), teamster, house 208 Barrett. Durham, Wilbur S. (Sarah Ann), carpenter, house 383 Foote avenue. Durnin, Elizabeth, residence 18 Kent. Durnin, John, bookbinder, 14-16 WertSecond, residence 18 Kent. Durnin, Norah, widow John, house 18 Kent. Dutcher, Edward A. (Phebe)—Dutcher, E. A. & Co.—119 West Third, house 707 Washington. Dutcher, E. A.—Edward A. Dutcher—"rocer, 119 West Third. Dyer, Nellie C , teacher, residence 1052 Main. E Earle, James C. (Mary G.), physician and surgeon, room 5 Ellicott building, house 545 West Third. East Jamestown house—Otto Peterson, proprietor, 953 East Second. Eastberg, William (Anna), painter, house 405 Barrett. Eastman, Charlie J. (Hulda G.), laborer, house 46 Peterson. Eastman, Hattie A., house 615 Falconer. Eastman, Henry A., physician 211 West Third, rooms 205 Lafayette. Easton A. Edwin, confectioner boards 108 Mechanic. Eaton, Anna, widow Louis, house 126 Sampson. Eaton, Caroline P., widow Corydon, residence 59 Fairmount avenue. Eaton, Cyril, student, residence 126 Sampson. Eaton, Edward (Lydia), mill hand, 6 Earl avenue. Eaton Edward L., teamster, residence 126 Sampson. Eaton, Henry W . (Lena), farmer,fco-ise126 Sampson. Eaton, Philetus L. (Susan M.), grocer, 1001 East Second, bouse do Ebel, Elizabeth E., winder, residence 916 Main. Ebel, Julius G. M. (Elizabeth), foreman, house 916 Main. Eberman, H e m ^ n J., machinist, boards 45 Grant. Eberman, Judd A., hookkeeiper, 19-23 Briggs, residence 308 Lincoln. Eberman, Ralph L. machinist, boards 45 Grant. Eckberg, Jennie, domestic, 421 East Second. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies Headquarters^V^'^Kfnisisar0133, P R O U D FITS. ECKBERG. EDDY. 203 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Eckberg, Magnus (Mary), mill hand, house 47 Charles. Eckberg, Axel (Mary), grocer, 114 Winsor, house 568 Allen. Ecker, Marquis L. (Fannie E.), driver 205 Main, house 1309 West Sixth., Eckholm, Alma L., operative, 116 East First, boards 103 Westcott. Eckland, Elmer (Josephine), spring setter, house 3 Lake. Eckloff, George (Alice), cabinet maker, house 371 Foote avenue. Ecklund, Ella M., spinner, residence ?,67 Baker. Ecklund, Car] A. (Matilda J.), clerk, house 17 Pardee avenue. Ecklund, Charles G. (Jennie), laborer, house 367 Baker. Ecklund, Gust, shoemaker, residence ~67 Baker. Eckman Bros.—David 0. and Lutaer—grocers, 405 Baker. Eckman, Charnes L. (Agnes), sec. and treas. Breed-Johnson Furniture company, 129 J. & G. avenue, house 217 East Eighth. Eckman, Charles W . (Christine)—Jamestown Bed Spring company—8 and 10 Willard, house 545 Allen. Eckman, Christine, Mrs., dressmaker over 104 Harrison, house do. Eckman, David O.—Eckman Bros., 405Baker, residence 20 Linden. Eckman, Elsie L., weaver, residence 316 Forest. Eckman, Ernest F., residence 827 Cherry. Eckman, Gust, carpenter, house 109 Sampson. Eckman, Gust W., clerk, 26 Main, rccms 24 Fenton place. Eckman, Hannah C. E., residence 20 L'nden avenue. Eckman, Hilma L., residence 316 Fore-t. Eckman, J. August, pres. Breed-Johnson Furniture Co., 129 J. & G. avenue, residence 20 Linden avenue. Eckman, John U. (Christine), e'evatorman, Gokey building, house 827 Cherry Eckman, Luther—Eckman Bros.—405 Baker, house 20 Linden avenue. Eckman, Martin J.finisher,318 Cherry, boards 191 Marvin. Eckman, Nils P. (Mary), carpenter, house 316 Forest. Eckman, Nels P., stationary engineer. 20 Linden avenue. Eckman, Therefe, residence 827 Cberr Eckman, William G. (Oppo D.), clerk, house 105 Allen. Eckstedt, Charles W . (Lena), laborer bouse 119 Bowen. Eckstrom, Anna, Mrs., house, under 525 Allen. Fckstrom, Gust, farm hand, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Eckwahl, Erick A., mill hand, 56 B'ackstone avenue, house 9 Holman. Eckwahl, Frank O. (Amanda), carpenter, 415 Chandler, house 9 Holman. Eckwald, Caroline, widow John, residence 24 Dexter. Eddington, Fred (Maryl. wool sorter, house 210 Falconer. Eddington, George W . (Mary A.l. laborer, house 133 Crescent. Eder, Mary A., domestic, 11 West Fifth. Eddy, Betsey A., widow Corydon W.—Elton E. Eddy & Co.—house 125 S. Main Eddy, Elton E. (Achsahl— E'tnn F. E-My & Co.—over 16 E. 3d, h. 310 C'inton. Eddy, Fiton E. & Co.—Elton E. ar>fl Betsy A.—gen'l insurance, over 16 E. 3d. Fddv, Fl'za. widow Mvron. dressmaker, house 210 Colfax. Eddy, E'izabeth, house 16 Lincoln. If y o u contemplate N e w P l u m b l i n g , consult M . J. M U R R A Y Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . EDDY. EKHOLM. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 201 Eddy, Fred S., (Harriet), bookkeeper, house 311 East Sixth. Eddy Fred W., packer, house 210 Col.ax. Eddy, Halbert P. (Maria L.) clerk, house 423 East Fourth. Edick, Abel, sidewalk inspector, residence 28 Center. Edick, Melvina L., widow Abel, house 28 Center. Edick, Phebe, widow Henry, residence 24 Prospect avenue. Edison, Barney B., laborer, boards 17 West Fourth. Edman, Charles, table maker, 101 Havrison, boards 307 Winsor. Edmond, Cora B., photographer, over9 West Third, residence 310 Jefferson. Edmond, William M. (Cora), jeweler, over 9 West Third, house 310 Jefferson. Edmond, William M., Jr., manager, over 9 West Third, residence 310 Jefferson Edson, Charles, driver, 774 East Second, residence 6 Center. Edson, Ethel, Mrs., residence 614 East Second. Edson, Hoyt D. (Ethel M.) -Edson & Hall—under 101 West 3d, h. 6 Center. Edson, Hattie L., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 6 Center. Edson, Mary L., widow Barney C , house 6 Center. Edson & Hall—Hoyt D. Edson and Duncan M. Hail—barbershop, under 101 West Third. Edwards, Anna, duffer, residence 227 Park place. Edwards, Bonne C. (Nettie A.), farmer, 824 Ashville avenue. Edwards, George A. (Bertha B.), motorman, house 18 Valley. Edwards, George H. Minnie), carpenter, house 107 Rathbone. Edwards, Mary Jane, spinner, residence 227 Park place. Edwards, Nancy, widow Avery, residence 21 Valley. Edwards, Thomas (Mary), stone mason, house 272 Prospect. Edwards, Peter D., teamster, residence 21 Valley. Edwards, William, stone cutter, house 227 Park place. Eggleston, Arthur G., laborer, residence, 297 Crescent. Eggleston, M. Adelbert, driver, 700 East Second, residence 297 Crescent. Eggleston, Marshall (Mary), huckster, house 297 Crescent. Eggleston, May G., boards 9 Thirteenth. Eidin, Carl A. (Josephine), packer, 415 Chandler, bouse 138 Hedges avenue. Eidens, John G .(Pattie), contractor & bui'der, 217 Washington, house J. & G. avenue, near limits. Eighmey, Lucy R., widow Peter, house 120 Driving Park road. Eighmy, H. L., canvasser, residence over 110 East Third. Einch, Elijah, laborer, 3 Ashville ave., residence under 35 Barrows. Einch, John, machinist, 3 Ashvil'e avenue, house under 35 Barrows. Ek, Andrew (Christina), laborer, house, 210 Colfax. Ekbeck, August (Ida M.), meat market, 29 South Main, house do. Ekbeck, Rudolph D., butcher, 29 South Main, residence do. Ekberg, Adolf K. (Annie), cobb'er houre 15 Cowden place. Ekberg, Axel (Mary C.)—Morse Grocery Co.—112 Winsor, house 568 Allen. Eke, Alvin (Laura), marine en^ire-r house 17 Hal' avenue. Ekdahl, Thure J. (Helen C ) , piano tuner, house 106 Stowe. Ekholm, Albert, axe grinder, house 134 Institute. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO.. Belts, Factory Supplies Y o u r M o n e y ' s W o r t h mo0neyy0backat P R O U D F I T S . EKHOLM. ELLSTROM. 202 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Ekholm, Charles (Alma), baker, 302 East Second, house 1 Pearl avenue. Eklof, Mary, widow John, residence 397 Baker. Eklund, Adolf (Betsey), wood worker, house 22 Osborne. Ekstrom, Charles A. (Amelia A.), saloon and billiards, 61 Winsor, house 100 Willard. Ekstrom, John W., mason, boards 254 Willard. Ekstrom, Leonard (Ella), weaver, house 105 Hazzard. Ekwall, Caroline, widow John, residence 6 Cowing. Elf, Frank W . (HaSnnah A.), laborer, house 117 Falconer. Elf, Minnie, residence 117 Falcjner. Ellener, George W., residence 308 East Second. Ellener, Priscilla, widow James—dry goods and notions—308 East 2d, h. do. Ellener, Robert G., clerk, 308 East Second, residence do. Eller, August E., bicycle repairer, 217 Washington, residence 15 Barrett. Eller, E m m a , widow Rudolph, house 15 Bassett. Eller, Henry, residence 15 Bassett. Eller, Lizzie, residence 15 Bassett. Eller, Lulu, residence 15 Bassett Ellickson, Jennie J., residence 16 Johnson. Ellickson, John A., laborer, 16 Johnson. Ellickson, John P., canvasser, house 16 Johnson. Ellickson, Lotta J., domestic, 2 West Fifth, residence 16 Johnson. Ellicott Building, 100-108 East Third. Elliot, Henry G. (Elizabeth M.), retired, residence 114 Forest avenue. Elliott, Abigail M., widow Daniel, residence 919 East Second. Elliott, Charles H. ( E m m a J.), clerk 13 East 3d, house 224 Fulton. Ellis, Albert E. (Alice M.), s-alvanizer, house 324 Steele. Ellis, Amelia F., weaver, 335 Harri~on residence 58 Water. Ellis, Anna, weaver, residence 23 Broadhead avenue. Ellis, Annie, residence 46 Hazzard. Ellis, Anthony E. (Josephine B.), bookkeeper, 24 Steele, h. 104 Fairmount. Ellis, Clara, residence Wicks avenue, Celoron. Ellis, E m m a , widow Moses, house 58 Water. Ellis George (Helena), warp dres-er. house 813 Jefferson. Ellis, George S. (Lou), carriage maker, house 16 Dickerson. Ellis, Henry L. (Olga L.) Carver, 25 Shearman place, house 340 Steele. Ellis, James G., student, residence SOlHa'lock. Ellis, James S., contractor and builder, house 301 Hallock. Ellis, Jane, domestic, over 700 East Second. Ellis, John (Sophia A.), brakeman, Erie, house 265 Steele. Ellis, John F. (Lizzie), woodworker, house 13 Cook avenue. Ellison. Abner (Sarah J.), operative, 116 East First, house 25 Foote avenue. Ellison, Agnes, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence over 28 Center. Ellison, Ida B., residence over 28 Center. E'lison, Joseph, repairer, 15 East Third, boards 312 Pine. Ellstrom, August (Anna), sawyer, 2 Steele, house 7 Valley. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^riVViShf'b? M. J. MURRAY Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. ELLSWORTH. ERICKSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 203 Ellsworth, Etta, winder, 335 Harrison, residence 292 do. Ellsworth, Lucretia A., widow HemyH., house 292 Harrison. Ellsworth, Mabel, winder, 335 Harrison, residence 292 do. Ely, Samuel—meat market—212 E..st Second, house Falconer P. 0. Emanuelson, Augusta, operative 335 Harrison, boards 115 Hedges avenue. Emanuelson, Anna M., operative, 335 Harrison, boards 115 Hedges avenue. Emelia, Harry, residence 21 Weeks. Emerick, Lillian M., residence 215 East First. Emory, Burton E., law student, over 101 West Third, boards 606 Cherry. Empire Furniture Co.—Frank O. Anderson, Frank P. and Charles E. Johnson—mfrs of chamber suits, 122-4 Foote avenue. Empire Washer Co.—William T. Faiconer and David E. Merrill—manufacturers washers, Falconer. Empire Worsted Mills, mfis. of suitings, and ladies' dress goods, 35-43 Water —J. W . Doubleday, Pres. Enburg, John B. (Anna E.),finisher,to Winsor, house 10 River. Endress, William F. (Dora W . ) , dealerin fuel and building material, 66 Foote avenue, house 416 Main. Endress, William Fitzhugh, student, residence 416 Main. Engberg, John (Lena), laborer, house 516 Allen. Engberg, Josephine, drawer, residence 516 Allen. Engineering & Power Co., office over 303 Main, W . A. Bradshaw secretary and treasurer. Engle, Nicholas E. (Mary), candy maker, house 212 Forest avenue. Engquist, August G., machinist, boarc's 23 Stowe. Engman, Carl J. F. (Hilma J.), black-mith, house 574 Willard. Engman, John P. (Lena), farmer, hou~e 511 Allen. Engman, Jonas E. (Amanda G.), house painter, house Willard, beyond limits. Engstrom, A.mondus (Augusta), painter, house 220 Prospect Engstrom, John (Jennie), carpenter, house 228 Prospect. Engstrom, August (Louise), wood worker, house 819 Newland avenue. Engstrom, John—Engstrom & Co.—over 7 East Second, res. 220 Prospect. Engstrom, John, shoemaker residence 159 Warren. Engstrom & Co.—John Engstrom and Walfrid Carlson—merchant tailors over 7 East Second. Engwall, John, house mover, boards 202 Broadhead avenue. Engwall Hjlmer (Emma), painter, 128 Foote avenue, house 69 Benson. Enos, Elizabeth, widow Abraham. roc'dence 5 Appleyard place. Enstrom, Hulda, operative, boarc's 415 Newland avenue. Enstrom, John, laborer, boards 489 Vjnsor. Entwisfe, S. Charles (Ella), contra-t^r, house 707 Ashville avenue. Erie freight station, 325 West Second, W . E. Griggs, agent. Erickson. Fred S. (Alice), assembler, house 875 East Second. Erickson, Ada E., twister 335 Harrison, house 25 Peterson. Erickson, Albert T., laborer, residence 346 Wil'ard. Erickson, Andrew, laborer, residence 47 Hedges avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools B e s u r e £!£Lirk*nhdVuhye?o5? C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T S . ERICKSON. 204 ERICKSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Erickson Erickson Erickson Erickson Andrew (Sophia), ret.ietl, house under 820 East Second. Andrew (Ellen), laborer, house 111 Camp. Andrew (Anna L.)—A. Erickson & Son—438 W.illard, house 434 do. Anna M., residence 11 Bowen. August C. (Jennie), carver, house 14 Colfax. Erickson. August N. (Caroline), farmer, house 22 Pearl avenue. Erickson Axel G. (Anna), cabinet maker, house 104 Pearl avenue. Erickson, A. & Son—Andrew and J. A bin—grocers, 438 Willard. Erickson, Carl H. (Cecelia A.), wood caarver, 46 Taylor, house 66 Chapin. Erickson Charles A., machinist, residence under 46 Thayer. Erickson Charles E. (Augusta B.), foreman, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 238 Forest. Erickson, Charles J. (Caroline), retired, bouse 66 Chapin. Erickson Charlie (Anna H.), laborer, house 47 Hedges avenue. Erickson Christine, widow August, h;use 549 Allen. Erickson, Edward, clerk, 205 Main, residence( Falconer, P. 0.) Erickson Elizabeth, residence 20 Colfax. Erickson, Elizabeth, domestic 7 Allen. Erickson Ellen, domestic, 25 Fairmount avenue, residence (Frewsburg.) Erickson Elmer, grinder, house 105 Camp. Erickson E m m a , operative, 335 Harrison, residence 47 Hedges avenue. Erickson, Erecika, -cook, 303 East Second. Erickson Eric (Emily), mill hand, house 12 Partridge. Erickson Erick (Sophia V.), carpenter, house 13 Prospect avenue. Erickson Erick (Catherine), carver, house 61S Newland avenue. Erickson Esther M., bookkeeper. At ?s Furniture company, residence 1 Kipp. Erickson Gust, laborer, boards 618 Newland avenue. Erickson, Gustaf (Anna), laborer, house 494 Crescent. Erickson Gustaf A., laborer, boards 80 Eagle. Erickson, Gustaf E. (Ellen C ) , laborer, house 346 Willard. Erickson Hannah, operative, 335 Harrison, boards 104 Pearl avenue. Erickson Hattie, widow Axel, residence 80 Eagle. Erickson Hedda, widow Swan, housekeeper, 275 Willard. Erickson Henry C. (Alma O.), wood turner, house 13 Pardee avenue. Erickson Henry E., machinist, residence under 46 Thayer. Erickson Hilda, operative, 335 Harrison, boards 104 Pearl avenue. Erickson, Ida, domestic, 54 Prospect avenue. Erickson J. Albin (Judith S.)—A. Erickson & Son—438 Willard, house 327 do. Erickson Johanna C , widow Andrew, house 476 Willard. Erickson Johannah, widow Charlie, house Willard, beyond limits. Erickson, John (Mary), tailor, house 11 Cowden place. Erickson John, laborer, residence under 46 Thayer. Erickson John (Anna), carpenter, house 123 Fairmount avenue. Erickson John, carpenter, residence 3 Briggs. Erickson, John, wood worker, res'dence under 820 East Second. Erickson John (Tilda), machine hand, house over 812 East Second. Erickson, John E. (Caroline E.), labo"er, house 80 E-gle. Erickson Some of the most extensive p'.^tZ;^:^e M . J. M U R R A Y The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E .ERICKSON. CO. FAIRBANK. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 205 Erickson, John E. (Ellen), case maker, house 29 Myrtle. Erickson John P., laborer, boards 111 Falconer. Erickson, Lans J., barber, 4 Tay.or, residence 11 Cowden park. Ericson, Lawrence E. (Louise H.), secretary and treasurer Atlas Furniture Co. Allen extension, house 1 Kipp. Erickson, Malinda, widow Andrew, ho^se 1017 Newland avenue. Erickson, Mary, dressmaker, resitlenc ; 20 Colfax. Erickson, Mary E., widow Charles, ; o se 20 Colfax. Erickson, Nina, domestic, 23 Al en. Erickson, Oscar (Abba P.), tlac'c-mit' , 13 Taylor, house 21 Hedges avenue. Erickson, Oscar A. E.,finisher,335 H-rrison, residence 476 Willard. Erickson, Oscar W . (Selma M.) patrolman, 7 City Hall, house 25 Peterson. Erickson, Swan (Mary) house 11 Bowen. Erickson, Swan A., laborer, residence 11 Bowen. Erickson, Willie W., laborer, boa-'ds 25 Peterson. Erlandson, Ernest (Hilma) d-yer, house 16 Union avenue. Erwin, Edward (Harriet) weaver, ?5Water, house 60 do. Erwin, Grace B., clerk, residence 8 Rathbone. Erwin, James H. (Jennie E.) 1 crdirgstables, 209 Pine, house 8 Rathbone. Euran, John, bartender, N e w She-men house. Evans, Eliza E., widow Martin G., h m s e 217 East Third. Evans, E m m a C , widow Emmet, clerk residence over 208 East Second. Evans, Frank, hostler, 20 Filmore, rooms do. Evans John H., student, residence 830 Prendergast avenue. Evans, Wi'liam H. (Mary) oil producer, house 830 Prendergast avenue, Eveleth, Sally S., widow William. re~idence 18 Hess. Everard, Joseph (Elizabeth) cabinet, maker, house 618 Spring. Everett, David B. (V. Jane) retired, "ouse 4 East. Everett, John (Jennie) motorman, hruse 309 Ashville avenue. Everett, Pearl, Mrs., dressmaker, roorrs 763 East Second. Everett, Vio'a D., Mrs., proprie'o" Ho-el Everett, 9-13 East First. Everwine, Blanche, residence u^der 629 Prendergast avenue. Everwine, Elva L., widow Augustus C. seamstress under 629 Prendergast avenue, house do. Everwine, Martha L., residence untie" 629 Prendergast avenue. Exley, John (Anna) wool sorter, 116East First, house 77 Steele. Fagerstrom, Emil (Alma), polisher, 137 Taylor, house 315 Barrett. Fahy Alice residence 400 West Seventh. Pahy, Edward J., cutter, residence 400West Seventh. Pahy, Mary widow James, house 400 West Fourth. Fairbank, Emily H., widow John A., hou=e 304 Winsor. Fairbank, Anna L.. widow Harvey, residence 353 East Fourth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery B o y s ' Clothing, La^eh8etci°yck in at PROUDFITS. FAIRBANK. FAUST. 2J8 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Fairbank, Nellie M., teacher, house Main, near limits. Fairbank, Walter J. (Elizabeth Clara) stock dealer, house Main near limits. Fairbanks, Edna, widow William, 13 over 5 South Main. Fairbanks, Lutie M., dressmaker, 3-4 Smith block, 5 South Main, house do. Fairchild, Oren J. (Kittie M.) piano tuner, house 304 East Third. Fairmount Pharmacy—C. A. Swanson & Co., Props.,—132 Fairmount avenue. Falconer, Allen (Jennie D o w ) —Morgan Mfg. Co.—3-7 Ashville avenue, house 135 Lake View avenue. Falconer, Archibald D. (Abbie L.), atty. at law, over 10 E. 3d, h 36 Prospect. Falconer, Clinton B., painter, residen e 240 Fulton. Falconer, Etta M „ residence 240 Fulton. Falconer, Frank M. (Mabel P.)—Post& Falconer—5-6 Allen square building bouse 311 Prendergast avenue. Falconer, Helen D., widow William T.. house 36 Prospect. Falconer, Henry (Lydia), farmer, house Woodlawn avenue. Falconer, Martha J., house 551 Lake View avenue. Falconer, Mildred R., clerk, residence 240 Fulton. Fa'coner, Robert E. (Lovina), patrolman 7 city ha'l, house 240 Fulton. Falconer, William T. (Kate D.)—W. T. Falconer Mfg,. Co., Empire Washer Co., and A m . Mfg. concern -house 134 Lake View avenue. Falconer, W . T., Mfg. Co.—William T. Falconer and David E. Merrill—manufacturers bee hives, Falconer. Faley, Theodore (Annie), polisher, 95 J. & G. ave., h o m e 119 Bowen. Faller, Joseph (Blanche), carpenter, Louse 207 Allen Falldine, J. William, clerk, 216 Main, residence 47 Kinney. Fallon, Thomas, brick mason, boards 814 Jefferson. Fancher, Leon L. (Kate) attorney at law, room 4 Gokey building, 14 West Third, house 612 Murray aver.ue. Farlee, Edith H,, music teacher, residence 152 Allen. Farlee, Fred L. (A. Caroline), commercial traveler, house 152 Allen. Farlee, Nellie C, musician, residence 152 Allen. Farm, Charles A.,finisher,101 Harrison, residence 219 East First. Farm, Daniel A. (Christine)—D. A. Fa-m & Son—219 East First, house do. Farm, Jennie, operative, 116 East First, residence 219 do. Farm, John A. ( E m m a L.)—D. A. Fa-m & Son—219 East 1st. h. 219 Price. Farm, D. A. & Son-—Daniel A. and John A.—grocers, 219 East First. Farman, Edith M., student, residence 30 Cross. Farman, E. Frank (Catharine A.) oi"producer, house 30 Cross. Farmers and Mechanics bank, 215 Ma-n, Newton Crissey president,George L. Hamilton cashier. Farnham, Anna A., widow John M., house 401 Prendergast avenue. Farquharson, Francis H. (Jenn;e), telephone solicitor, house 419 West Sixth. Farr, Helen B., widow Francis H., residence 11 South Thayer. Faurot, Gus (La Nicsa)—Innis & Faurot—19 East Second, house 11 Arnold. Faurot, William S. (Temma), c'erk, 2C6 Cherry, house 405 Foote avenue. Faust, Anna, domestic, 33 East Fourth. Hot Water Heating, ^^X^^^T M. J. MURRAY Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . FAUST. FENTON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 207 Faust, Matilda, domestic, 27 Allen. 'Fay, John (Helen), cutter, 210 Main, house 11 Liberty. Fay, William, clerk, 12 West First, residence 612 East Second. Feather, Alice, milliner, 318 Main, residence 63 Foote avenue. Feather, Charles, cigar maker, 126 East Second, residence 63 Foote avenue. Feather, George E. (Henrietta), mill Land, 35 Water, house 10 Shaw. Feather, Imri, sorter, 35 Water residence 63 Foote avenue. Feather, Joseph (Martha), loomfixer,house 440 Allen. Feather, Joseph (Mary), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 63 Foote avenue. Feather, Joseph S., warp twister, 335 Harrison, boards 155 Barrows. Feather, Li'lian. musician, boards 63 Foote avenue. Feather, Mary Jane, widow William, residence 2 Short agle. Feather, Polly, musician, boards 63 Fc ote avenue. Feley, Adam, laborer, boards 3 Orchard. Felixon, E m m a , cotton spinner, boarde 22 Sampson. Felk, Anna, domestic, 508 Main. Fellows, Lula J., widow John, stenog. 335 Harrison, boards 207 West Eighth. Felt, Charles (Amanda), aristo worker, house 115 Fu.ton. ^ Felt, Frank E., bookkeeper, First Natl, bank, residence 115 Fulton. Felt, Gust, painter, boards 7 Hedges avenue. Felt, Orville J. (Florence), teamster, house 52 Prospect. Felton, Carl, cook, residence 435 Allen. Felton, John M. (Ida), brick mason, house 1009 Main. Fenner, Alexander E. (Elizabeth), clerk, 21 East Third, house 162 Marvin. Fenner, Carrie, domestic, 517 Main. •- Fenner, James R. (L. Belle)—Fenner Xc Son—306 Main, house over do. Fenner, Mary R., residence 110 East Sixth. Fenner, Nathaniel J. (Thankful), boots and shoes, 21 East 3d, h. 820 Main. Fenner, Ruth R., widow James R., house 110 East Sixth. Fenner, Silas (Jane)—Grover & Fenner—113 East Second, house 16 West 9th. Fenner & Son—James R. Fenner—shoe dealer, 306 Main. Fenton, Alice A., residence 315 East Second. Fenton, Anna, widow Plenry, house 115 Crossman. Fenton, Anna J., stenographer, 95 J. &G. avenue, residence 374 Foote avenue. Fenton blocks, 204-10 East Second, and 108-10 East Third. Fenton, Corde'ia, widow Bicknell D., house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Fenton, Corisande E., house 315 East Second. Fenton, Dana P., sewer inspector, residence 1083 East Second. Fenton, Edgar A. (Metta M.) cashier, 115 Main house 113 Lake View avenue. Fenton, Elizabeth, widow Rueben E., house Walnut grove, South Main. Fenton, Elizabeth L., residence 315 East Second. "Fenton. Elliott A. (Helen E.)—Fenton & Andruss—4 Forest avenue, house 215 Crossman. Fenton, George T. (Lelia Y.), mfgr. oil tanks, Shearman pi. h. 404 West Fifth. Fenton, Harry Wheeler, residence 509 Prendergast avenue. CI A P R ' H A P H W A D P CC\ Agents for STRANSKY KNAMKLEI) WL.r%i\,|\. M r t M J V V r t K C \mKJ., warB. Every Piece WARRANTED M e n ' s All-wool Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , P R O U D F I T ! FENTON. 208 FINNC^ J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. <• Fenton, Lawrence A. (Alice E.)—Stir man's studio—326 East Third, h. o335 East Second. ^Fenton, Louis A. (Mildred B.), teller First Natl, bank, house 374 Foote aver v Fenton, Louis G., pres. Jamestown Furniture Co. and assistant city engine residence 404 West Fifth. ^Fenton, Lucy, residence 404 West Fifth. Fenton, Lyford B. (Mattie J.), commerc.al traveler, house 109 Park. Jent.n, J.aLei A., student, res tlence^.,5 East Second. Fenton (M. L.) block 212-18 East Second. "Tenton, Martin L. (Alice Tew), president Chautauqua Natl. Building Lo and Savings associati:n over lbl East Third, h. 509 Prendergast a Fenton Metallic M'fg Co., manufacturers metallic furniture, 95-105 Jones a Gifford avenue, Arthur C. W a d e president. Fenton, Porter L. student, residence 10S Park. Fenton, Richard F., c'erk, 8 Ea;t Third, residence 215 Crossman. Fenton, Thomas J. (Vangie), lumberman, house 119 Warren. Fenton & Andruss—Elliott A. Fenton and George D. Andruss—photographe 4 Forest avenue. Ferguson, Flynn J. (Margaret), motorneer, house 563 East Second. Ferrin, Alice, Mrs., h. 506 Haze tint- avenue. Fenin, John P. (Mary) mfr. pro", m e 'icines, house 810 Cherry. Ferrin, Mary, weaver, 116 East First, house 10 West Fourth. Ferrin, Sarah, widow Stephen, house 615 West Seventh. Fernstrom, Nels P. (Madsine), shipping clerk 46 Taylor, house 408 Barrett. Ferry, Sheldon C. (Jane S.), janitor, M.E. church, house 30 FooEe avenue. Ferry, Truman C. (Amelia), gardener, house Martin road. Fette, Carl (Anna) cigar manufacturer, 33 West Ninth, house do. ' Fidler, Alfred F. (Adela), commerc'al traveler, house 306 Clinton. Field, Elizabeth M..residence 10 Washington. > Field, Frank B. (Kate P.)—Chautauqua Towel Mills—206 Steele, cor. Spragt house 412 Spring. * Field, Isabella, widow Tyler, house 104 Washington. Field, Leonard J. (Florence L.)—Aldrich Furniture Co.—108 Main, house Marvin. F'e'd. Lilla K., residence 412 Porine-. Field, Mary M., bookkeeper, 108 Main, residence 15 Marvin. Fink, David, canvasser ,101 East Second, boards 208 do. Fink, Margaret, widow David, residence 315 Forest. Finley Manufacturing Co., manufacturers spring beds, tables, etc., 50 Stee P. Anson Finley president and manager. Finley, P. Anson (Mary B.), president and manager Finley Manufacturing O 50 Stee'e, house 15 Merhan:c. Finnerty, Agnes, twister, 335 Harrison, boards 249 Crescent. Finnerty, James, pressman, boards 400 West Seventh. Finnerty, Thomas, bobbin setter, boards 319 Allen. Finncan, Jeremiah (Catherine E.), laborer, house 126 Institute. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets "V M. J. MURRA Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E FIRMAN. ' J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. CO. FLICKINGER. 209 Firman, Alice, residence 103 Steele. Firman, Benjamin F., turner, 101 Harrison, house 103 Steele. Firman, Charles W., tel. operator, 301 Main, residence 103 Steele. First National bank, corner Main and East Third, Frank E. Gifford, president Firth, Anna, weaver, 116 East First, residence 1 Briggs. Firth, John E. (Mary), foreman, 116 East First, house 1 Briggs. Fish, John C. (Frances), marble cutter, 118 West Third, house Fluvanna ave. Fish, Myron A. ( E m m a C ) , farmer, liouse Curtis. Fisher, A. Frank (Eveleyn A.), commercial traveler, house 28 Price. Fisher, Charles H., solicitor, residence 61 Tilden avenue. Fisher, Edward (Selma), grinder, house 312 Barrett. Fisher, Ellen M., residence 536 East Second. Fisher, Emily L., shirt maker, rooms 23 Marvin. Fisher, Frank G. (Bertha), photo worker, residence 1407 West Sixth. Fisher, Fred S., letter carrier, P. O., house 172 Chandler. Fisher, Ida, 172 Chandler. Fisher, Jerome B. (Julia), county judge and attorney at law, rooms 1314-15 Wellman building, 101 W est Third, house 518 Main. Fisher, Jerome B., Jr., student, residence 518 Main. Fisher, Marion, student, residence 518 Main. Fisher, Oscar C. (Clara S.), blacksmith, house 106 Hedges avenue. Fisher, Violetta M., 172 Chandler. Fisher, Willis W . (Mary), weaver, 116 East First, house 5 Briggs. Fisher, Zera W . (Alvina M.), retired oil producer, house 133 Lake View ave. Fisler, Jacob, farmer, house Woodlawn avenue. Fisler, Jacob B., residence Woodlawn avenue. Fitch, Charles F — W e s t & Fitch—over 12 East Third, rooms 300 East Sixth. Fitch, Churchill, machinist, residence 4Lake View avenue. Fitch, Harriet W., residence 4 Lakeview avenue. Fitch, Mary C , widow Rufus, house 4 Lakeview avenue. Fitzgerald, Patrick (Nora), laborer, house 131 Fairview avenue. Flagg, Albert B., driver, residence 22 Derby. Flagg, F. Emmett (Flora A.), prop. N. A. Portrait Co., 12 Ellicott building, house 1088 East Second. Flagg, Ira F. (Eva L.), machine hand. 56 Blackstone avenue, h. 35 Pearl ave. Flanders, Benjamin E. (Nellie M.), machinist, house 148 Jones & Gifford ave. Fleek, Frank (Edith), street car conductor, house 12 Hamilton. Fleming, Adelbert J. (Ida M.) carperter, house 840 East Second. Fleming, Charles A. (Laura A.), boarding house 507 East Second. Fletcher, A. Brooks, publisher, house 552 West Third. 'Fletcher, Mary E., residence 552 West Third. Flickinger, Eugene (Selestia), shoe maker, house 112 Price. Flickinger, John, shoemaker, residence 112 Price. Flickinger, Joseph E. (Minna E.) finisher, 318 Cherry, house 15 East Dickerson. Flickinger, Mary, residence 112 Price. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools Lordlryfourr F i n e C u s t o m C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T S FLINDT. FOSTER. 210 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Flindt, Frank (Hulda), wood worker, house 32 Fairfield avenue. Flower, A. Pearl, student, residence, 44 Bush. Flower, James G. (Hattie M.), mason, house 44 Bush. Foht, Charles, clerk, residence 218 Crossman. Foht, Julius (Margaret), carpenter, house 218 Crossman. Foht, Laone, student, residence 218 Crossman. Folcker, Carl,finisher,105 Winsor, boards 16 Bowen. Foley, Edward F. (Addie) artist, house 626 West Fifth. Foley, William M. (Bridget), laborer, house 301 Livingston avenue. Foley, Winfred, Mrs., residence 16 Valley. Foley, Winifried, widow Miohael, residence 626 West Fifth. Folk, Hulda, domestic, 311 West Second. Folker, Gust (Gusta), mason, house 13 Dickerson. Folland, Cathrine, widow, Peter, ho;;se 27 Rathbone. Folland, Conrad J., comber, 116 East First, residence 27 Rathbone. Folland, Nicho'as J. (Mary), ice cream maker, 10 West 3d, h. 216 West 7th Foller, Frank W., clerk, 205 Main, boards 117 Chandler. Foote, Fred W., cleik, 211 West Third, boards 113 do. Forbes, D. Marvin, waiter, 15 East Second, residence 12 Stowe. Forbes, Mary L., student, residence 12 Stowe. Forbes, Russell J. (Felicia R.) clerk, P. O., house 12 Stowe. Forbes, Russell J. Jr., student, residence 12 Stow. Forbush, Luther A. (Martha C ) , chairman relief com. G. A. R., h. 617 Pine. Ford, Elijah W . (Mary), drayman, house 28 Tilden avenue. "Ford Elizabeth, residence 857 Prendergast avenue. Ford Flora, Mrs., seamstress, rooms 503 East Fifth. Ford Marcus L. (Marietta P.) retired, house 400 East Sixth. Ford, Mary, widow George, house 857 Prendergast avenue. Ford, William H., driver, residence 28 Tilden avenue. Fornell, Nicholas, (Christine) carpenter .house 235 Park place. Fors, Hilma, domestic, 37 Warren. Forsback, Alfred (Kate), laborer, house 202 Broadhead avenue. Forsback, Anna M., tailoress, over 11 East Second, res. 202 Broadhead avenue. Forsberg, August (Ulrika), carpenter, house 9 Walnut. Forsberg, Charles G. (Ida) carpenter, house 27 Colfax. Forsberg, Elma T., domestic, 368 Wilbrd. Forsberg, Fredolph A., gluer, 105 Winsor, boards 103 Westcott. Fosberg, Albertine S., widow, residence 47 Prospect avenue. Fosberg, Alma, spinner 58 Center residence 268 Steele. Foserg, Erick G.,finisher,boards 47 Prospect avenue. Fosberg, Jennie, clerk, 205 Main, rooms over 212 East Second. Fosha, John C. (Ellen), blacksmith, 298 East Second, house 213 Washington. Foster, Belle J., student, rooms 606 Cherry. Foster, Clayton, polisher, residence 356% East Fourth. Foster, John (Hannah), farmer, house 312 Barrett. Foster, Lillian M., Mrs., house over 14 Main. M . J. M U R R A Y . First-class Plumbing, 122 W . Third St. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. FOSTER. FRANK. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 211 Foster, Rhoda, bookkeeper, rooms 606 Cherry. Foster, William (Celestia), retired house 356% East Fourth. Fowler, A. R — Tibbals & Fowler—over 202 Main, house (Meadville Pa.) Fowler, Edward (Annie),warp twister.house 440 Allen. Fowler, Frank W., dry goods clerk, boards 117 Chandler. Fowler, James I. (Laura W . ) — Fowlei & Weeks—over 38 Main, h. 20 Mechanic Fowler, J. Samuel, attorney at law, room 4 Gokey building, 14 West Third, house (Brokenstraw, N. Y.) Fowler & Weeks—James I. Fowler and James L. Weeeks—attorneys at law over 38 Main. Fox, Alice E., seamstress 35 Water residence 104 Harrison. Fox, Almon (Hannah), teamster, house 26 Outlet. Fox, Antoinette, widow Oscar, house 319 Spring. Fox, Cassius (Ella F.), commercial traveler, house 446 Hallock. Fox, DeEtta, teacher, residence 614 East Sixth. Fox, E m m a , widow William, residence 216 Winsor. Fox, Florence M., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 216 Winsor. Fox, George E. (Nellie S.), clerk, house over 211 Main. Fox, Harry H. (Carrie), street car conductor, house 24 rear Ashville avenue. Fox, Helen M., residence 216 Winsor. Fox, Heman S. (Louisa D.), canvasser, house 310 Foote avenue. Fox, James H., helper 122 West Third, residence 629 Palmer. Fox, Laura, weaver, 116 East First, house 13 Center. Fox, Lorenzo W., canvasser, residence 26 Outlet. Fox, Maude W., drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 216 Winsor. Fox, M. Frank (Lola), scaler, house over 15 East Second. Fox, Theodore C .(Lena M.), cigar maker, 7 West First, house 11 Bush. Fox, William R. (Mary), mason, house 12 Stafford avenue. Foxton, Albert (Nellie), laborer, house 417 Summit. France, Mattie A., widow John, residence 223 Allen. Francis, Mary, widow Theodore, residence 43 Prospect. Francisco, William H. (Nettie), farmer, house Martin road. Frank, Alta, residence 830 Newland avenue. Frank, Bertha B., bookkeeper, residence 6 Seymour avenue. Frank, Davis, retired, residence 313% Warren. Frank, Dwight D. (Esther L.), driver, 109 Main, house 313% Warren. Frank Emmett A.. (Cora G.), meat market, 114 West Third, house over do. Frank, Fred, stationary engineer, residence 213 Broadhead avenue. Frank, George (Clementine), teamster, house 213 Broadhead avenue. Frank, Glenn A., law student, 12 city hall, residence 313% Warren. Frank, Henry D., clerk, 134 Fairmount avenue, residence 313% Warren. Frank, John J. ( E m m a ) , real estate, over 208 Pine, house do. Prank, John N., retired, house 830 Newland avenue. Frank, Laverne, residence 313% Warren. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Silver Plated W a r e and Cutlery K n o x Hats, H a w e s H a t s only at P R O U D F I T S FRA.NK. FREEMAN. 212 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Frank, Manley C. (Susie F.) employe Jamestown worsted mills, 335 Harrison, house 453 Warren. Frank, Metta F., residence 313% Wairen. Frank, 0. Duane (Elizabeth), teamster, house 239 Hazzard. Frank, Theodore C. (Harriet), commercial traveler, 118 E. 3d, h. 17 Hazzard. Frank, Warren A., clerk,.over 208 Pine, house 6 Seymour avenue. Frank, William J. (Edith), commercial traveler, house 75 Prospect. Franklin, Edward S. (Kathe:ine), drher, 205 West Third, house 70 Marvin. Franklin, George, retired, residence 8i2 Prendergast avenue. Frantzen, Peter (Lena), street sweeper, house 5 Grandin. Franzen, Adena A., residence 113 King. Franzen, Julius, nurse, W . C. A. hospital. Fray, Florence, bookkeeper, residsnee 335 Foote avenae. Fray, John A. (Louisa R.)—Fray and Stone—206 East Second, h. 335 Foote ave. Fray & Stone—John A. Fray and Gust F. Stone—new and second hand goods, 206 East Second. Frazee, William (Minnie), barber, under new Sherman house, house 406 W . 2d Fraser, Henry C , plasterer, house 820 Prendergast avenue. Freay, Charles A.,finisher,residence 419 Newland avenue. Freay, Charles F. (Charlotta), stone mason, house 419 Newland avenue. Freay, Lyda, weaver, residence 419 Newland avenue. Frederickson, see also Fredrickson. Frederick (The) 106-110 East Second. Frederickson, Amanda, domestic, 351 East Fourth. Frederickson, August ( E m m a C ) , aristo worker, house 116 Park. Frederickson, Caroline widow, house 561 Allen. Frederickson, Christine, widow, residence 558 Allen. Frederickson, Oscar, sander, house 561 Allen. Frederickson, Tilda, laundress, 413 West Third. Fredrick (The) 106-110 East Second Fredlund, Carl A., laborer, boards 8 Chapin. Fredlund, John (Hannah), plumber, 335 Harrison, house 609 English. Fredlund, Oscar laborer, boards 8 Chapin. Fredrickson, Anna, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 106 Willard. Fredrickson, Anna L., widow Char'e=, house 106 Willard. Fredrickson, Axel O., butcher, residence 106 Willard. Fredrickson, Charles G. ( E m m a C.) cabinet maker, house 309 Willard. Fredrickson, Christine, widow Jonas, residence 56 Tower. Fredrickson, Emil F., residence 106 Wilard. Fredrickson, John (Anna), laborer, house 656 Barrows. Fredrickson, see a'so Frederickson. Fredsall, Charles (Nellie),finisher,house 121 Stowe. Freeburg, August (Annie S.), cabinet maker, house 114 Price. Freed, Helena, widow Nelson, residence 16 West End. Freed, John P. (Hannah C ) , carpenter, 3 2 % Institute, house (Lakewood.) Freeman, Edgar, laborer, residence 524 Lake View avenue. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^tanS^ M. J. MURRAY The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . FREEMAN. FULLER. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 213 ''Freeman, Charles E. (Luella C.)—Bush & Freeman—36 Main, h. 10 Marvin. Freeman, George E. (Mary E.)', bookkeeper, house over 804 Main. Freeman, Henry, laborer house 524 Lake View avenue. Freeman, Sybil, residence 524 Lake View avenue. French, Manley, wool sorter, boards 226 Allen. French, Mary, tel. operator 113 East t'hird, boards 217 Fulton. French, M. Lucinda, widow Oscar F., house 76 Water. Fretts, Daniel (Mary), commercial traveler, house 833 Prendergast avenue. Fretts, Gaylord, laborer, residence 833 Prendergast avenue. Fretts, Mary E., rooms 39 Fairmount avenue. Frew, Ann E. Fenton, widow John H., house 11 Broadhead avenue. Frey, George B., proprietor Option house, 118 East Second, house do. Frey Gottlieb (Sophia), clerk, 21 East Third, house 29 West Tenth. Frey, William, residence 118 East Second. Frick, David (Elizabeth), keeper, Ce.oron, residence 1091 East Second. Frick, Edward C. (Maude E.), grocer, 561 E. Second,h. under 410 Winsor. Frick, Joseph (Helen), street car conductor, house 1091 East Second. Frick, Mary, dressmaker, residence 1091 East Second. Frick, William A. (Mamie), street car conductor, residence 1091 East Second. Friedman, Asher (Gusta), manager, 19-21 Main, house 20 Foote avenue. Friedman G., clothier, 19-21 Main, A Fr.edman manager. Frink, Walter P. (Addie J.) driller, house 929 East Second. Frisbee, Burley R — H a l l & Frisbee Lumber Co.—home (Dexter, Mo.) ^Frisbee, Orlando C. (Mary E.)—Hall &Frisbee Lumber Co.—over 14 West Third, house 315 West Fifth. Fritts, Charles (May), boiler maker, house 338 Steele. Fritz, E m m a , widow Charles, house 820 West Eighth. Fritz, Hulda, domestic, residence 820 West Eighth. Frodelius, J. Augusta, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 20 Cross. Frodelius, Mary E., dressmaker, residence 20 Cross. Froding, Emil (Hannah C ) , molder, house 40 Chapin. Frost, Nelson N. (Jeannette) meat cutter, house 811 Spring. Fuller, Archie L., baggageman, boat d 251 Marvin. Fuller, Clifford P., residence 315 We.st Third. Fuller, Edna Belle, house 215 Newlandavenue Fuller, Eva C , widow Ezra, residence 300 East Sixth. Fuller, Frank A. (Julia) carpenter, house 215 Newland avenue. 'Fuller, Frederick A., Jr. (Helen Benedict) jeweler, 213 Main, h. 315 W . 3rd. Fuller, Fred H. (Jennie) farmer, house 636 Camp. Fuller, Guy H. (Margaret) journalist, boards 116 East Fourth. Fuller, Hettie S., widow Warren, house 28 Fairview avenue. Fuller, Horace G. (Lizzie A.) drayman, house 251 Marvin. Fuller, Lucy E., teacher, residence 300 East Sixth. Fuller, Nettie I., residence 251 Marvin. Fuller, Roswell S., teller Chaut. Co. Trust Co., cor. 2d & Main, bds. 315 W . 3d. Fuller, Susan C , widow James, seamstress, house over 5 South Main. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware Call u p N o . 3 3 , for Clothing a n d Furnishings FULLER. GARDNER. 214 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Fuller, William R. motorneer, rooms over 14 East Third. Fullerton, Clarence A., architect, over 21 West Second, rooms do. Fullerton, L. Harold, com. traveler, room over 21 West Second. Fullerton, Jessie F., domestic, 29 Foote avenue, residence Cambridge, Pa. Fullerton, Sarah, milliner, 103 West Third, residence 815 Ashville avenue. Fullerton, William J. (Eliza) oil producer, house 815 Ashville avenue. Fulton, Austin J., polisher( residence 422 East Sixth. Fulton Market Co.—Berton E. Odell and Charles R. Lovejoy—fish and oyster market, 19 East Third. Funck, Mamie, housekeeper, 619 Lafayette. Funk, Caroline, widow Henry, residence 21 Whitley avenue. Furlow, Alfred L. (Anna H.) attorney at law, over 7-9 West Third, house 621 Lake View avenue. Furniture Com'l Agency Co., (the) rm. 12 Gokey bldg., Todd & Mericle, mgrs. G Gage, Hilence M. (Nettie A.) furniture.carpets and bicycles, 13 E. 3d, h. 312 do. Gage, William W . (Amanda M.) mgr. Cel. gold band, house 30 Peach. Gale, Henry P. (Jane B.) commercial traveler, house over 213 West Third. Gallagher, Adaline M., residence 16 Prospect. Gallagher, DeForest R., laborer, residence 16 Prospect avenue. Gallagher, Margaret L. widow Thomas, 16 Prospect avenue. Gallagher, Myrtie I., tel. operator, residence Prospect avenue. Galivan, Alice T. residence 8 Whit'ey avenue. Galivan, Charles, retired, residence 1 Livingston avenue. Galivan, Cornelius (Mary) retired, house 11 Ashville avenue. Galivan, Dora A., residence 8 Whitley avenue. Galivan, Ellen M., residence 8 Whitley avenue. Galivan, James (Katie) house 14 Whitley avenue. Galivan, John—Van Dusen & Galivau—37 Forest avenue, bds. 5 Harrison. Galivan, John (Ellen) brick mason, house 8 Whitley avenue. Galivan, John J., residence 8 Whitley avenue. Galivan, Michael, barber, residence 11 Ashville avenue. Galivan, Thomas, cattle dealer, house 1 Livingston avenue. Galivan, William, retired, residence 1 Livingston avenue. Galusha Mary, widow Seymour F., residence 12 Cross. Gamble, Chaman L. (Mabel S.), contractor and builder, house 101 Church. Gardner, Alene, student, residence 408 West Fifth. Gardner, Charles D. (Rose C ) , finisher, 63 Taylor, house over 30 Water. Gardner, Charles S. ( E m m a E.), manager Jamestown Beef Co., 33 Institute, house 305 Sprague. Gardner, Elton B. (Flora), upholsterer, house 204 Warren. Gardner, Harry E. (Georgiana), letter carrier P. O., house 118 Lincoln. Gardner, Herbert (Tillie) upholsterer, house 14 William. M . J . M U R R A Y ^ V & ' u Z ™ * Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. GARDNER. GESER. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 215 Gardner, James A., student, residence 408 West Fifth. Gardner, Omer, N. (Ella), paving contractor, house 408 West Fifth. Gardner, William S., retired, residence 30 Water. Garfield, Flora E., bookkeeper, residence 106 Crosby. .Garfield, Fred H. (Tena), division passenger agt. E. R. R., h. 517 Lafayette. Garfield, Harry H., cigarmaker, over 14 Main, residence over 4 do. Garfield, Joseph (Ella), farmer, house 157 Warren. Garfield, Like (Ella F.), patrolman, 7 city hall, house over 105 South Main. Garfield, Lucy, widow, Joseph, residence 157 Warren. Garfield, Samuel (Agnes), commercial traveler, house 106 Crosby. Gates, Clifton B. (Eva L.), bookkeeper, 108 East Third, h. 205 Lake View ave. Gates, Ellen L., boards 205 Lake Viewavenue. Gates, Irene L., student, residence 55 Broadhead avenue. Gates, Isabella R., widow Joseph J., residence 415 West Fourth. Gates, Lotta, Mrs., dressmaker, residence, 305 Crescent Gates, Oscar S. (Annie), retired, house44 Broadhead avenue. Gaunt, Lavonia, widow Charles, house rear 21 Crescent. Gay, Burton M. (Edith M.), polisher, 205 West Third, residence 13 West 7th. Gay, Nettie M., widow William, house 13 West Seventh. Gecen, Olaf ( E m m a ) , shoemaker, house 36 Jones. Geer, Adelaide M., house 19 Euclid avenue. Geer, Anna B., widow Emerson, weaver, 116 East 1st, house over 216 Winsor. Geer, Eva J., residence 218 Winsor. Geer, Lester C. (Mary A.), loomfixer,house 218 Winsor. Geer, Louise E. teacher, residence 19 Euclid avenue. Geforth, Gust (Tilda), blacksmith, house 227 Prospect. Garforth, Annie S., clerk, 207 Main, residence 214 Winsor. Garliner, Benjamin (Ray), second hand goods 3 % Winsor, house do. Garnet, James (Bessie), mill hand, house 327 Foote avenue. Garrett, Clara, operative, 116 East First, residence 55 Harrison. Garrett, David (Jane), warp splitter, 335 Harrison, house 55 do. Garrigan, Patrick (Mina), stationary engineer, house 187 Marvin. Garrity, George (Anna), laborer, house io Whitley place. Garvey, Daniel (Mary), laborer, house 416 Murray avenue. Gelm, John (Ellen), oil operator, house 636 Prendergast avenue. Gentilini, Paul D., student, residence 503 Clinton. Gentilini, Paul J., commercial trave'er, house 503 Clinton. George, Edna M., teacher, residence 0 Crescent. George, Frank H. ( E m m a B.), accountant, 116 East First, house 9 Crescent. George ,James (Etta), stone mason, house 69 Allen. Georgi, Bessie M., music teacher, 148 Forest avenue, residence do. Georgi, George A., Prof., (Wealthy G.), piano tuner and regulator, house 148 Forest avenue. Georgi, Ralph A., residence 148 Forest avenue. Gesen, Magnus (Sophia) .tailor, house 24 Fairfield avenue. Geser, Frank J., dyer, 335 Harrison, residence 22 Franklin. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates T w o Cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T S GESER. 216 GILBERT. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Geser, Joseph (Mary Ann), carpenter, house 22 Franklin. Geser, Mary A., residence 22 Pianklin. Geser, Philomena M., residence 22 Franklin. Geser, Victor A., warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 22 Franklin. Gibson, Alzina L., Mrs., rooms 116 Lafayette. Gibson, Grace, clerk, 14-16 West Secona, residence 416 Lafayette. Gibson, Jessie, clerk, 205 Main, rooms 416 Lafayette. Gibson, Loren S. (Lucina), painter house 14 Dickerson. Gibson, Luoina, Mrs., residence 14 Beulah place. Gibson, Oscar, clerk, 207 Main, boards 333 East Second. Gibson, Peter G. (Rose), paper hanger, house 235 Fulton. Gierring, Charles W., canvasser, rooms 409 Cherry. Giffin O. Herman (Edna), printer, house 122 Fulton. Giffiney, George, yardman, Sherman house, rooms 308 West Second. Gifford, Andrew J. (Sylvia)—Jamestown Towel mills—h. Hunt road (Celoron) Gifford blocks, 216-222 Main, 2-16 iiast Third. Gifford, Charles D. (Clementine), farmer, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Gifford, Charles H. (Grace C.J—H. H. Gifford & Sons—6 N e w Gifford building, house 11 West Fifth. Gifford, Edward W . (Myra), solicitor, house 35 Derby. Gifford, Erne, teacher, residence 12 W e s Sixth. Gifford, Elmer C , farmer, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Gifford, Frank E. (Josephine F.), president First National bank, 222 Main, house 9 Prospect. Gifford, George S. (H. Rosalia), bookkeeper, house 117 East Fifth. Gifford, George W . (Anna B.), farmer, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) 'Gifford, Grace, teacher, residence 12 West Sixth. Gifford, Henry E. (Anna M.) bookkei per, 10 Filmore, house 617 Washington. Gifford, Henry P., farmer, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Gifford, H. H. & Sons—Horace H., Frank E., Charles H. and William S — real estate, 6 N e w Gifford building. Gifford, Horace H — H . H. Gifford & Sons—room 6 N e w Gifford bldg., hom-e 409 Main. Gifford, Josephine, te'. operator, 113 East Third, residence 35 Derby. Gifford, Josephine, hair dresser, over 306 Main, residence do. Gifford, Katherine, clerk, 307 Main, residence 12 West Sixth. Gifford, Maud L., sorter, 56 Prospect, residence 35 Derby. Gifford, Merle M. (Lizzie), paper hanger, house 11 Cleveland place. Gifford, William B., olerk, 307 Main, residence 12 West Sixth. Gifford, William P. (Mary B.), variety store, 307 Main, house 12 West Sixth. Gifford, William S. (May L.), treasurei Jamestown Cane Seat Chair Co., 37 Taylor, house 15 West Fifth. Gifford, Samuel N. (Jennie E.) stationary engineer, house 34 West Eighth. Gilberds, James, inventor, residence 57 Hazzard. Gilberds, James B. (Alice F.), painter, house 57 Hazzard. Gilbert, Alfred (Mary), stone mason, house 409 Newland avenue. M. J. M U R R A Y Employes Only First-class W o r k m e n Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T h e A. D. S H A R P E GILBERT. CO. GLENDON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 217 Gilbert, Albert (Jeannette Fenton Gilbert), secretary and treasurer Fenton Metallic M'fg Co., 95 Jones and Gifford avenue, house 1 Fenton place. Gilbert, Charles (Ellen), overseer, 335 Harrison, residence 409 Newland ave. Gilbert, Earle Fenton, residence I Fenton place. Gilbert, Emerson A., mfr. aristotype paper, 131 Institute, boards 5 Harrison. Gilbert, Gertrude, weaver, 35 Water, house over 130 Harrison. Gilbert, Lester B., leather andfindings,over 305 Main, house 16 Crosby. Gilbert, Lillie F., Mrs., house 22 Derby. Gilbert, Oscar S. (Gustee), painter, house 506 Newland avenue. Gilchrist, Fred H., clerk, 22 East Third, boards over do. Giles, Ada E., teacher, residence 12 Lr.ke View avenue. Giles, Beulah, manicure, rooms 215 West Third. Giles, Charles E., manager, 7 East Second, rooms 76 over 107 Main. Giles, James B., commercial traveler, residence 12 Lake View avenue. Giles, Mary E., widow Dr. William, cigars and tobacco, 7 East Second, house 20 Meadow lane. Giles, Nina, residence 12 Lake View avenue. Giles, Rachael, widow Benjamin, house 12 Lake View avenve. Giles, Samuel J., assistant cashier, 223 Main, residence 12 Lake View avenue. Giles, William B. (Josephine R.), agent—Key West cigar store—5 West Third house 302 Clinton. Gill, John, warp dresser, 335 H3rrison, house 37 Center. Gill, Joseph, warp dresser, house 37 Center. Gill, Persis A., widow Henry, residence 102 Hallock. Gill, Thomas (Helen), carrier, 335 Harrison, house 92 Water. Gillette, Florence, rooms 811 Spring. Gilligan, Anna, laundress, 205 West Third, residence 514 Monroe. Gilligan, Eugene, spring setter, rooms 514 Monroe. Gilligan, John, upholsterer, 40 Winsor, residence 514 Monroe. Gilligan, Joseph, boiler maker, residence 514 Monroe. Gilligan, Patrick (Bridget), laborer, house 514 Monroe. Gilroy, Edwin J. (Jennie), commercial traveler, house 866 Main. Girard, John (Mary A.), drayman, house 406 Livingston avenue. Glad, Carl, packer, residence 545 Allen. Clsd. Fred, cornier, residence 5J5 A1 en. Glad, Gust (Charlotte), laborer, house 545 Allen. Glantz, Hedwig, domestic, residence 3'i8 Livingston avenue. Glantz, M. Hattie, domestic, 315 West Third. Glantz, Theodore (Anna), driver, 322 Main, house 308 Livingston avenue. Glatz, Amelia, weaver, residence 600 Allen. Glatz, Ida M., widow John, house 600 Allen. Gleason, Dallas M. (Josie A.), laborer, house 24 Center. Gleason, E m m a , Mrs., laundress, house 224 Ridgway avenue. Gleason, Frances, Mrs., laundress, house 224 Ridgway avenue. Glendon, Elizabeth, widow Michael, house 267 Steele. Glendon, James G., wood carver, residence 267 Steele. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO.,Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings Children's Suits, $1.50 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T S . GLET. GOODWIN. 218 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Glet, Daniel (Louisa), retired, house 545 Allen. Godard, Ezra G., bookkeeper, 58 Center, boards 24 Cross. Godey, Matilda, Mrs., widow John, house 33 Anderson. Goff, Sarah A., widow Alexander, house 23 Valley. Goggin, Will E., clerk, 216 Main, rooms over 12 East Third. Gokey, Aldrick (Saralh) temperer, house 869 Spring. Gokey, Aldrick, Jr., student, residence 869 Spring. Gokey, Anna, widow Noah W., house 110 Lake View avenue. Gokey, George F., (Louise M.)—N. W . Gokey & Sons—318 Cherry, house 114 Lake View avenue. Gokey, N. W . & Sons—William N. and George F. Gokey—mfrs. boots and shoes, 318 Cherry. Gokey, William N. (Harriet M.)—N. W . Gokey & Sons—318 Cherry, house 114 Lake View avenue. Gold, Katie Dora, winder, residence 8G2 Spring. Gold, Frank, printer, residence 862 Spring. Gold, Jc-hn (Georgia E.).finisher,residence 208 Chandler. Gold, Joseph (Teresa), stationary engineer, house 862 Spring. Gold, Joseph, Jr., warp dresser, residence 862 Spring. Goldberg, Charlie, wood worker, boards 347% Foote. Goldburg, "Marie M., nurse W . C. A. hospital. Golden, Elizabeth B., Mrs. house 28 West Ninth. Goldsmith S., clothier and furnisher, 216-220 Main,—Samuel A. Sichel, mgr. Goldstein, Abram (Gertrude) .commercial traveler, house 605 West Seventh. Goldstein, Benjamin (Annetta), canvasser 101 East Second, house 16 Barrett. Goldstein, Bessie, milliner, 318 Main residence 16 Barrett Goldstein David M., office clerk, 101 East Third, residence 16 Barrett. Goldstein, Gertrude, clerk, residence 16 Barrett. Goldstein, Isaac H., rooms over 21 West Second. Goldthwait, MiTo S. (Elizabeth G.) cleik, house 323 Lincoln. Gondret, Cecelia, Mrs., house over 38 Foote avenue. Gondret, Henry, student, residence o'/or 38 Foote avenue. Goodchild, James S. (Fannie),finisher,335 Harrison, house 110 Foote ave. Goodenough, D. Ette, widow Henry, residence 515 Pine. Goodenough, Eri H. (Kate) sewing machine dealer, 107 W . 3d., h. 515 Pine. Goodrich, Anna, widow Alonzo B., house 146 Warren. Goodrich, Bertha I., dressmaker, residence 146 Warren. Goodrich, Emerson, farmer, house 612 East Seventh. Goodrich, Frank B. (Louise), house over 217 Spring. Goodrich, Ruth, chambermaid, 119 East Second. Goodwill, Fletcher—Chautauqua Worsted mills—boards Humphrey house. Goodwill, Frank (Lena), pedd'er, ho>ise 13 Seymour avenue. Goodwill, Herbert J.—Chautauqua Worsted mills—boards Humphrey house. Goodwin, Herman B. (Louise M.), motorneer, house 112 Hami'ton. Goodwin, Perry W . (Jennie L.), sexton Lake View cemetery, house 663 Lake View avenue. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W . Third St., M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E GORNALL. CO. GRAFF. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 219 Gornall, Ernest (Julia A.) wool sorter 35 Water, house 80 do. Gordon, Lewis L. (Ciara B.) bookkeeper, 16 S. Main, house 19 Fenton place. Gordon, Mary L., widow Hollis, house Falconer, near Curtis. Gornson, Olif (Mary), la'borer, house 127 Falconer. Gordon, William M. (Hattie), oil operator, house 333 Hazzard. Gossett, Ada G., residence 307 East Fifth. Gossett, Benjamin E., cooper, residence 307 East Fifth. Gossett, Charles F., barber, residence 745 Foote avenue. Gossett, Christian (B. A n n ) — C Gossett & Son—61 Water, house 307 E. Fifth. Gossett, Christopher C. (Nancy A.), cierk, 109 Main, house 745 Foote avenue. Gossett, C. & Son—Christian Gossett—copper shop 61-3 Water. Gossett, Edward L .(Myra A.), cooper, 61 Water, house 333 East Fifth. Gossett, Ernest A. (Blanche E.), cooper, house 100 East Eighth. Gossett, Katherine, residence 307 East Fifth. Gossett, Mary B., residence 307 East, Fifth. Gotham, Ward P., bicycle repairing, 116 East Third, rooms do. Goucher, W m . E. (Ma Belle), dentist oflice 4 Hall block, 219 Main, house 315 West Fourth. Gould, Fannie C, widow Olney, house 20 West Sixth. Gould, Florence, domestic, residence 11 Cook avenue. Gould, Frank E. (Ardella), insurance agent, house 402 East Fourth. Gould, Lois E., widow Harry, house 20 West Sixth. Gould, Sidney C, student, residence 402 East Fourth. Gould, William H. (Julia F.), retired, house 822 Spring. Goulding, Lynn M. (Inez M.), bocidteeper, residence 409 West Third. Gourley, Jessie J., waitress, 15 Ea.jt Second, residence 361 Baker. Gourley, Joseph C (Anna M.), carpenter, house 361 Baker. Gourley, Mabel G., residence 301 Baker. Gourley, Nettie, Mrs., clerk, 201 East Second, boards 312 Lafayette. Gowan, Elizabeth, widow James, house 1.^ Marvin. Gowan, George (Loretta), carpenter, house 816 Jefferson. Gowan, James, laborer, residence 171 Marvin. Gowan, Thomas (Susan), barber, under 100 Main, house 33 Dickerson. Grace, Albert H. (Ella),finisher,105 Winsor, house 2 Rowley place. Grace, Albert H., apprentice, 25 Shearman p'ace. residence 34 Foote avenue. Grace, Charles S., student, residence 144 Chandler. Grace, Gertrude, residence 144 Chandler. Grace, John, residence room 82 over ln7 Main. Grace, John R. (Mary),finisher,46 Taylor, house 34 Foote avenue. Grace, Joseph (May),finisher,house room 82 over 107 Main. Grace, M a y E., milliner, 101 South Main, residence 34 Foote avenue. Grace, Peter (Anna M.), oil producer, house 144 Chandler. Grafstrom, Axel V. (Olivia A.), physician, 200 Main. Graff, Arthur H. (Minnie), photographer, house 3 over 804 Main. Graff, Jacob V. (Linnie) solicitor N. Y. P. & O. Tele. (Erie Pa.), residence 3 Livingston avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing 1866. PROUDFIT'S. 3 3 y e a r s at 3 3 . GRAFF. 189< GRA 220 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Graff, Joseph W., hardware, bicycles, etc., 15 East Third, bds. 15 South Ma: j 7 \ w ~ g r a f p , H a r d w a r e , Bicycles, G u n s , Fishing 15 EAST THIRD STREET. Tackli Graham, Charles E. (Mary F.), clerk, 306 Main, house 1135 Prendergast aveni Graham, David S. (S. Catherine), carpenter, house 519 Lake View avenue. Graham, James B. (Mary J.), foreman dye house, 35 Water, house 103 do. Graham, Joseph, hostler, 100 East Second, rooms do. Graham, N. Allison (Alma), bookkeeper, Journal, 14-16 West Second, hou 340 Crossman. Graham, Thomas (Tilda),finisher,house 135 Allen. Graham, William P., Rev.., (Nannie B. presiding elder M. E. church, house Foote avenue. Granath, Andrew ( E m m a ) , carpenter, house 14 Hedges avenue. Granath, Anna J., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 14 Hedges avenue. Granath, Charlie H., laborer, residence 14 Hedges avenue. Granath, Yaggie, operative, 335 Harrison, residence 14 Hedges avenue. Granath, Swan G. (Christine), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 14 Hedges ai Grand A r m y of the Republic hall, 7-9 East Third. Grandin, Andrew, billiards, 6 South Main, residence 521 Allen. Grandin, Clarence M. (Florence M.), retired, house 223 Foote avenue. Grandin, Daniel H.,flourand fe^d mi'l, 28-30 East First, residence 44 Elm. Hrandin. Theodore E. (Belle) mil'er, house 44 Allen. Grange Hotel—James B'anchard &. Co. props.—119-21 East Second. Granger & Co., wholesale grocers, 11 West Second, C. A. Storck manager. Grant, Charles W . (Florence Allen)—Jamestown Sanitary Co.—108 Chen house 313 West Third. Grant, Clarence (Emily), stainer, hou=e 458 Allen. Grant, Herbert R., cigar dealer, 1 South Main, residence 47 Prospect. Grant, Hilma C , grocer, 701 Main. 'Grant, James M. (Eleanor H.)—J. M. Grant Co.—12 West 2d, h .109 W .5Grant, J. M. company, wholesale oils, 12 West Second. Grant, Loren W . (Frances M.), meat m-rket, 703 Main, house 3 Rowley pla Grant, Marie, widow, housekeeper 15 Barrett. Grant, Robert H (Jane) manager,1 South Main, house 47 Prospect. Grant, Sarah, widow John M., residence 412 East Sixth. Grant, Walter W . (Grace), temperer, 13 Taylor, house 24 Derby. Grant, Willard L. (Hilma C ) , steward 15 South Main, house rear 705 Main. Graves, George L, (Alice) piano tuner, residence 13 Thirteenth. Gray, Harry P. (Aggie), switchman, house 413 West Eighth. Gray, Henry, retired, physician, residence 142 Forest avenue. Gray, James M. (Elizabeth), carpenter, house 501 Baker. S o m e of the most extensive P X » W - t 8 \\\ \% M . J. M U R R A The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods.; T H E A . D . S H A R P E CO. GRAY. ,' GREENLUND. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 221 Gray, Robert J. (Sarah) laborer, house 214 Palmer. Gray, Robert J., Jr., farmer, residence 214 Palmer. Gray, Thomas G., laborer, residence 214 Palmer. Greaves, Albert, laborer, residence 146 Stowe. Greaves, Benjamin (Sophia), laborer, house 146 Stowe. Greek-American Fruit Co..—Agyssilo isConstas and John Chechery—wholesale fruit and commission me.chants, 121 Main. Greeley, Jane, widow Erza H., house 816 Main. Greeley, Jane L., physician and surgeon, 9 West Fourth, house do. Green, Albert M., plumber, 122 West Third, house 19 Weeks. Green, Annie M., wiCow Reuben, residence 528 Lake View avenue. Green, Broughton W., hides, rooms over 4 Main. Green, Charles C, wool sorter, house 528 Lake View avenue. Green, Charles W., plumber, 112 East Third, residence 21 Weeks. Green, Clara L., student, residence 32 Broadhead avenue. Green, Edward J., law student, over 301 Main, residence 32 Broadhead avenue. 'Green, Eleazer (Mary B.), district attorney—Green & Woodbury—over 301 Main, house 32 Broadhead avenue. Green, Ella W., student, residence 32 Broadhead avenue. 'Green, Fred F. (Ruth W . ) , drug clerk, 132 Fairmount avenue, h. 210 West 7th. Green, G. Abbie, shoemaker, residence 21 Weeks. Green, James H. (Hattie S.), coal, wood and builders' supplies, 441 West Second, house 257 Marvin. Green, John M. (Elizabeth C.) drayman, house 21 Weeks. Green, Joseph S. (Esther), baggageman, house 319 Cherry. Green, Louis E., driver, residence 319 Cherry. Green, Louise, domestic, 1235 Main. Green, Louise C, residence 528 Lake View avenue. Green, Mark I. (Anna K.), baggage master Erie, house 3 The Frederick. Green, M. Estella, teacher, house 257 Marvin. Green, Orlando D., clerk, 2 South Main, residence 528 Lake View avenue. Green, Ray, assembler, residence 31 Ellicott. Green, Thomas, clerk, 119 East Second, boards do. Green, William S. (Hattie), laborer, ho,.se 31 Ellicott. Green & Woodbury—Eleazer Green and Egbert E. Woodbury—attorneys at law over 301 Main. Greendahl, Ernest (Charlotte M.), clerk, 135 Chandler, residence do. Greene, Darius N. (Estella), tinner, house 135 Catlin avenue. Greene, Susie A., domestic, 117 Church. Greenhjalph, Charles L., painter, 13 Taylor, boards 5 Winsor. Greenlund, Andrew C. (Johanna), house 21 Kent. Greenlund, Andrew P. (Margaret),finisher,house 12 Stearns avenue. Greenlund, Arthur H. (Jessie 0.)—Jamestown Lounge Co.—38 Winsor, house 29 Gifford building. Greenlund, Benjamin, clerk, residence 12 Stearns avenue. Greenlund, Christian (Lucy Viola), commercial traveler, houre 321 Allen. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies Reliable C l o t h i n g at l?r^°Sab,e at GREENLUND. 222 PROUDFITS GRISWOLD. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Greenlund, Daniel (Jerda M.), shop hand, 105 Winsor, house 10 Tower. Greenlund, John (Anna), wood worker, house under 756 East Second. Greenlund, Louis H. (Amelia), printer, 217 Spring, house 10 Fulton place. Greenlund, Nellie L., residence 12 Stearns, avenue. Greenlund, Olif (Tilda), carpenter, house 9 Bowen avenue. Greenwood, Enoch (Esther), superintendent Empire worsted mills, 35 Water, house 9 Sherman. Greenwood, George (Anna), bartender, 8 West Third, house 68 Marvin. Greenwood, Helen, widow George, residence 68 Marvin. Greenwood, John W . (Anna), comber, house 301 Warren. Greenwood, Norman J., upholsterer, 40 Winsor, residence 68 Marvin. Greer, May, teacher, school 3, residence 115 Steele. Greer, William, wool sorter, 116 East First, house 115 Steele. Grenquist, Charles (Christina), section man, house 5 Great Jones. Grenquist, Runy (Jennie), brick layer, house 246 Broadhead avenue. Grep, John (Sophia A.), painter, 37 Taylor, house 15 Barrows. Gregg, LeVern (Mabel H.), butter maker, house over 218 East Second. Grey, Alta, waitress, Hotel Ellicott. Grier, Eva M., residence 512 West Third. Grier, Jean B., residence 512 West Third. Griffin, Frank E., driver, residence over 107 South Main. Griffin, H u g h H. (Cora), boookkeeper, over 14 West 3d, h. rear 701 Main. Griffin, Orren L., clerk, residence over 107 South Main. Griffin, Susie, furnished rooms over 210 East Second. Griffin, William C , (Ella J.), driver, house 222 East First. Griffin, William S. (Mary J.), wagon maker, 230 East 2d, h. over 107 S. Main. Griffith, Albert (Mariette), clerk, 26 South Main, house 311 East Sixth. Griffith, Andrew (Edith H.) stationary engineer, house 311 Lincoln. Griffith, Charles J. (Katie), stationary engineer, house 54 Allen. Griffith, Florence D., artist, residence 311 East Sixth. Griffith, George E. (Nellie), lumberman, house 909 Main. Griffith .Irvin N., foreman glass room 49 J. & G. ave., rms. 43 Fairmount ave. Griffith, John (Harriet), retired, residence 11 Rathbone, Griffith, Martin, residence 311 Linco'n. Griffith, Merritt F. (Mary) carpenter, house 815 Prendergast avenue. Griffith, Sarah J., clerk, 203 Main, residence 11 Rathbone. Griggs, Rufus C , (Solam) bookkeeper,201 Main, house 15 West End. 'Griggs, Walter E. (Katherine) freight agent Erie Ry., h. 30 Fairmount ave. Grimes, Mary, laundress, 119 East Second. Grimm, Scott, laborer, house 493 Falconer. Grimshaw, Joseph, laborer, residence 9 Bishop. Grimshaw, Kate, widow Conrad, house 9 Bishop. Griswold, Alanta F., widow Orr, house 24 Center. Griswold (Daniel) Martha T.) retired house 10 Prospect. Griswold, Dennis L., laborer, residence 24 Center. Griswold, Ellis B., laborer, residence 24 Center. M. J. MURRAY, uses only the Best Plumbing Material Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. GRISWOLD. GUSTAFSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 223 Griswold, H. Townsend, residence 10 Prospect. i Griswold, Martha T. residence 10 Prospect. VGron, Bertha M., teacher, residence over 217 Spring. Gron block, 217-219 Spring. Gron, Charles (Charlotte), livery and feed stable 100-2 E. 2d, h. over 41 do. Gron, Erie A. (Edith L.), machinist, house 15 Whitley avenue. Gron, Frederick A. (Carrie M.) real estate, house over 217 Spring. Gron, Gertrude, residence 144 Chandler. Gron, Lillie, Mrs., spinner, 116 East First, residence 201 do. Gron, William, liverman, residence over 14 East Second. Gronberg, Ada, boards 310 Falconer. Gronberg, Betty, A., widow Christian, cloak maker, house 6 West Ninth. Gronberg, Ellen L. Milliner, 13 Main, residence 6 West Ninth. Gronberg, Jennie, operative, residence over 912 East Second. Gronberg, P. John ( E m m a ) blacksmith, house over 912 East Second. Gronberg, Victor, electrical foreman on J. E. S. Ry., West Third. Groom, Minnie, weaver, boards 52 Prospect. Gross, George A. (Sally E.) wagon maker, rear 208 Pine, house Lakewood. Gross, Jacob, steel worker, residence 17 Metallic avenue. Grove, Electa, dressmaker, over 93 East Third, residence do. Grove, Martha E., widow Joseph B., house over 9 East Third. Grove, Maud, dressmaker, over 9 East Third, residence do. Grove, Ollie, waitress, 15 South Main. v'Grover, Charles S., atty. at law over 11 E. Third, residence 115 Lincoln. Grover, Clyinda, widow Warren, house 115 Lincoln. Grover, Elisha V. (Kate M.)—Grover &Fenner—113 East 2d, h. 408 E. Fifth. Grover & Fenner—Elisha V. Grover and Silas Fenner, liquor dealers, 113 E. 2d Guenster, John, bookkeeper, 37 Taylorresidence 410 Lafayette. 1 Guenther, Anna Maria, widow John A., residence 829 Spring. v, Guenther, Henry ( E m m a C ) cigar dealer, 126 East Second, house 829 Spring. Guertin, Azarie C. (Ellen), chef, house 252 Fulton. Guest, Alice T.,dressmaker, over 105 E. Third, house do. Guest, I. Pearl, student, residence 122 Lakin avenue. Guest, Vernon E. (Clara B.) sta. eng., 21 Shearman pi., h, 122 Lakin ave. Guilnette, Gustave,filer,boards 17 West Fourth. Guinne, John (Rose) stone cutter, house 28 Marvin. Guitner, Lela, general secretary Y. W . C. A., rooms 107 East Sixth. Gulick, Edward J. (Lillian M.) supt., 236 Crescent, house over 111 West Third. Gulic, Lillian, residence 411 West Third. Gurley, John, steward, new Sherman house. Gustafson, Aaron E. (Sophia)finisherAtlas Fur. Co., house 372 Willard. Gustafson, Al. F., traveling salesman, residence 132 Foote avenue. Gustafson, Alfred (Minnie C ) gas maker, house 48 Charles. Gustafson, Alvin N., wool dresser, residence 48 Charles. Gustafson, Andrew (Clara), carpenter, 415 Chandler, house 7 Hedges Ave. Gustafson, Andrew (Johanna), farmer, house 483 Baker. CI A 'DTtT U A 'DTYVYT' A DT3 CC\ A»ent« for stran«et enamelrd Vjl-r\.rXX\. n n K U W A K l l Km,\J., W A R E . Every Piece W A R R A N T E D Little Giant Suits for Children at P R O U D F I T S GUSTAFSON. GUSTAFSON. 224 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Gustafson, Anna, domestic, 104 East Fifth. Gustafson, Anna V., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 52 Kinney. Gustafson, Annettte, domestic, 322 East Fourth. Gustafson, Axel, hostler, residence 483 Baker. Gustafson, Axel W . (Ida W . ) , laborer, house 39 Hedges avenue. Gustafson, Bertha, clerk, 207 Main, residence 106 Crosby. Gustafson, Charles, deskmaker, residence 116 William. Gustafson, Char'es (Mary), laborer, houte 14 Whitley place. Gustafson, Charles (Anna), laborer, house 108 Falconer. Gustafson, Charles F. (Martha G.), stonemason, house 252 Barrows. Gustafson, Charles J. (Selma), ca.penter, house 52 Kinney. Gustafson, Charlotta, widow Carl J., uouse 516 Crescent. Gustafson, Claus V. (Hilma), stonecutter, house 607 Allen. Gustafson, C. J. William, pressman, 14-16 West Second, bds. 1346 E. Second. Gustafson, Esther, domestic, rms 60 Harrrison. Gustafson, Esther W., residence 48 Charles. Gustafson, Frank (Teckla),finisher,Atlas Furniture Co., house 372 Willard. Gustafson, Gust (Cora M.), laborer, house over 211 East Second. Gustafson, Gustaf, snuffmaker, residence 132 Foote avenue. Gustafson, Gust E. (Ida), laborer, house 77 Jones. Gustafson, Gustaf (Wendla C ) , weaver,116 East 1st .house under 494 Crescent Gustafson, Gustaf O. (Augusta C ) — J . A. Hulquist & Co.—28 Main, house 32 Fairfield avenue. Gustafson, Gust P. (Augusta), snuffmaker, house 335 Foote avenue. Gustafson, Gust W . (Amanda), grinder, house 138 Park. Gustafson, Hannah, residence 506 Crescent Gustafson, Henning (Anna A ) , carpenter, house 605 English Gustafson, Hilda, domestic, 409 Prendergast avenue Gustafson, Hilda E., boards 44 Hedges avenue Gustafson, Hulda A., milliner, residence 132 Foote avenue. Gustafson, Ida, domestic, 4 Lake View avenue. Gustafson, Jeane H., residence 132 Foote avenue. Gustafson, John (Mary), machinist, house 9 Bowen avenue. Gustafson, John, laborer, boards 121 Cross. Gustafson, John A., laborer, residence, 39 Stowe. Gustafson, John F. (Hilda C ) , snuff mfr., rear 132 Foote ave., h. 132 do. Gustafson, John S., clerk, under 14 E. Third, residence 25 Derby. Gustafson, Josephine, widow John A., housekeeper 306 Steele. Gustafson, Julia, domestic, 313 West Fifth. Gustafson, Julius, laborer, residence 516 Crescent. Gustafson, Lena, residence 483 Baker. Gustafson, Mabel, weaver, 116 East First, boards 4 Short Eagle. Gustafson, Mollie, residence 516 Crescent. Gustafson, Nels John ( E m m a G.), cabinet maker, house 309 Willard. Gustafson, Oscar, axe maker residence 300 Barrett. Gustafson, Oscar, driver, 7 Taylor, residence 483 Baker. If you contemplate Plumbing, consult M.J.MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E C O . GUSTAFSON. HALSTROM. J A M E S T O W J S1 DIRECTORY. 225 Gustafson, Victor (Amanda), aristo worker, house 76 Jones. Gustafson, Victor E. (Emma), driver, house over 415 West Eighth. Gustafson, William, mill hand, 12-14 Briggs, boards 605 English. Gustafson Windala, domestic, 322 East Fourth. Gustavus Adolphus Orphans' home, 1381 East Second, C. 0. Hultgren, pres't. Haas, Charles C , grocer, 1101 Main, house do. Haas, Mary Louise, residence 1101 Main. Haas, Nellie Teresa, residence 1101 Main. Haas, Peter (Elizabeth), mason, house 1101 Main. Haas, William (Julia), brick layer, house 1062 Main. Hacker, Adam J. (Elizabeth), baggage clerk, Erie R. R., house 105 Steele. Hackett, John (Katherine), mason, house 3 2 % Ashville avenue. Haecker George C. (Nellie), conductor Erie R. R. house 232 Prospect. Hagar, Alex (Hannah), paper hanger, house 89 Hazzard. Hagar, Frank (Beda), machinist, house 12 Wilton avenue. Hagar, James W . (Elizabeth), Journal, 14-16 West Second, house 12 Chandler. Hagberg, Charles (Ida), lumber shover, 56 Blackstone ave., h. 71 E. Buffalo. Hagberg, Gust (Amanda), carpenter, house 212 Hazzard. Hagelin, Charles W., wood worker, house 837 Newland 'avenue. Hagelin, Ellen A., residence 837 Newland avenue. Hagelin, E m m a E., residence 337 Newland avenue. Hagelin, John, bookkeeper, 13-17 West Second, house 837 Newland avenue. Hagelstein, Gustaf P., axe maker, boards 105 West Second Hager, Charles (Emma), paper hanger, house 115 Park. Haggas, Annie, stenog. 40 Winsor, residence 32 Maple. Haggas, Grace, widow Richard, residence 32 Maple. Haggas, Livingstone (Sarah), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, h. over 138 Institute Haggas, Martha, widow Leach, house 14 Franklin. Haglund, John A. (Hulda), clerk, 219 Main, house 254 Forest avenue. Haglund, Charles G. (Ida), meat market, 2 Forest avenue, house 405 Baker. Haglung, Andrew J. (Anna), retired, house 216 Barrows. Hagman, Hilda, domestic, 323 East Fourth. Hagrin, Ellen M., aristo worker, residence 226 Allen. Haigh, Alene, residence 9 Axtel. Haigh, Anna, residence 9 Axte! Haigh, Jessie I., stenographer, 640 West Eighth, residence 9 Axtel. Haigh, Lewis (Matilda), stone cutter,frouse9 Axtel. Hagstrom, Andrew (Mary), insurance agent, rooms 13-14 Gokey building, house 27 Lake. Hagstrom, Anna, widow, residence 27 Lake. Hagstrom, Anna, domestic, 323 East Fourth. Halstrom, John G., turner, boards over 790 East Second. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Best Silver Plated W a r e H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G PV?cweS HAINSWORTH. HALL. 226 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hainsworth, William (Anna), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 116 do. Hakanson .Edward (Caroline), laborer, house 215 Falconer. Halberg, August W . (Johanna C ) , laborer, house 17 Ellicott. Halberg, Clara, widow Albert, house 15 Axtel. Halberg, Sabina, dressmaker, residence 15 Axtel. Hale, Alfred E. (Hattie H.), carpenter, house 905 Prendergast avenue Hale, Charles S., machinist, residence 640 East Sixth. Hale, Clarence S. (Caroline I.), machinist, house 640 East Sixth. Hale, Frank, plater, residence 839 Main. Hale, George F. (Minnie E.), instructor, house 212 Crossman. Hale, Helena J., stenographer, room 8 Ellicott building, residence 810 Spring. Hale, John W . (Eliza J.), elevator man, 205 Main, house 810 Spring. Hale, Joseph (Anna E.), wool sorter, 116 East First, house 101 Frink avenue. Hale, Ruth M., domestic, over 103 East Second, residence (Fentonville.) Halfstrom, Christine, widow John, ho^se 369 Foote avenue. Haliker, Charles (Lydia), painter, 'house 512 East Sixth. Hall, A.ndrew (Hannah) warp dresser, house 1017 East Second. Hall, Aaron (Martha E.), architect, over 303 Main, house 186 Forest avenue. Hall, Albert, laborer, residence 1017 East Second. Hall, Alfred E. (Elizabeth M.)—Hall £ Co.—335 Harrison, h, 139 Forest ave. Hall, A n n E., loom hand, residence 728 ashville avenue. Hall, A n n Eliza, horse 128 Forest avenue. Hall, Arthur (Maggie), metal worker, 95 Jones and Gifford ave. h. 66 Dickerson Hall, Augustus P. (Eva D.), carpenter, house 123 Steele. Hall, Azariah, grocer, 229 Warren, house 10 Axtel. Hall, Bion, driver, boards Allen, near East Buffalo. Hall, Bessie M., teacher, residence 12 Cross. Hall—H. P. Dr.-block, 211-213 West Third. Hall, Butterfield, gardener, residence 1017 ast Second. Hall, Celestia M., Mrs., residence 339 East Third. Hall, Christine S., matron W . C. A. hospital, Foote avenue, corner Allen. Hall, Clara E., widow Edwin, house 37 West Tenth. Hall, C'yde, helper, 13 Taylor, residence 210 West Second. Hall, Duncan M., (Augusta)—Edson & Hall—under 101 West Third, house 406 Washington. Hall, Edward L. (Charlotte P.)—Shaver & Hall and Hall & Frisbee Lumber Company, house 202 Forest avenue. Hall, Elliot C. (Tirzah S.)—Hall & Co.—house 127 Forest avenue. Hall, Elliot S., student, residence 127 Forest avenue. Hall, Emeline, residence 728 Ashville avenue. Hall, Ernest, loom hand, residence 728 Ashville avenue. Hall, Frederick P. (Lucy M.), president and treasurer Journal Printing Co. 1416 West Second, house 211 Lake View avenue. Hall, George, weaver, 116 East First, residence 1017 East Second. Hall, George A. (Ina W . ) , bookkeeper, 109 Main, house 549 West Third. Hall, George H., clerk, residence 37 West Tenth. If you contemplate Plumbing, consult M.J.MURRAY Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. HALL. HALL. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 227 Hall, George Henry, loom hand, residence 728 Ashville avenue. Hall, Gifford & Co.=J_ghn T. Wilkinson Hall and Andrew J. Gifford—manufacturers towels, Hunt road (Celoron.) Hall, Gilbert G., manager 106 East Third, Louse 12 Cross. Hall, Grace, residence 839 Main. Hall, H. Hanford, agent, boards 49 Grant Hall, Harry, laborer, residence 16 Willard. Hall, Herbert H. (Martha)—Hall & it hnson—16-18 Willard, house do. Hall, Irene A., residence 128 Forest avenue. Hall, James, plater, house 210 West Second. Hall, James E. (Lottie T.)—Star Furniture Co.—40 Steele! h. (Westfield.N. Y.) Hall, Jane, Mrs., helper, 58 Center, residence 204 West Second. Hall, Johanna, widow John, house 226 Allen. Hall, John F., weaver, residence 113 Park place. Hall, John T. (Nellie)—Jamestown Towel Mills Hunt road, (Celoron), house 110 Stewart avenue. Hall, John P. (Louisa), grocer, 820 Newland avenue, house do. Hall, Joseph, aristo worker, residence 103 Broadhead avenue. Hall, Joseph (Anna Elizabeth), wool sorter, Clyde avenue. Hall, Laura L., residence 728 Ashville avenue. Hall, Lena, housekeeper, residence 10 Axtel. Hall, Leonard F. (Kate P.), real estate, house Buffalo. Hall, Lewis—Y. W . Burtch & Co.—20 Winsor, house 409 Prendergast avenue. Hall, Louisa.mender, residence 113 Park place. Hall, Lydia M., residence 820 Newland avenue. Hall, Marcellus, painter, residence 1015 Prendergast avenue. Hall, Marcia T., house 49 Grant. Hall, Margaret, residence 323 East Fourth. Hall, Maria Cfoeney, widow James, residence 339 East Fourth. Hall, Maria F., Mrs., residence 12 West Seventh. Hall, Maria M., widow William C. J., residence 139 Forest avenue. Hall, Mark W., watchmaker, 213 Main, -esidence 14 Falconer. Hall, Martha Snell, residence 127 Forest avenue. Hall, Mary E., residence 728 Ashville avenue. Hall, Morgan W., draughtsman, residence 186 Forest avenue. Hall, Sarah E., teacher, residence 304 Prendergast avenue. Hall, S. Jennie, widow, Erie, house 323, East Fourth. Hall, Stiles C. (Kittie L.)—Hall & Bonsteel—303 Main, house 206 East Second. Hall, Thomas (Isabelle), stock keeper, house 113 Park place. Hall, Thomas (Hannah), warp dresser, Harrison, residence (Falconer.) Hall, Thomas wool sorter, residence 113 Park place. Hall, Tirzah H., residence 127 Forest avenue. Hall, Van W . (Laura M.), machinist, house 819 Lafayette. Hall, Wilkinson (Martha)—Hall, Gifford & Co.—Hunt rd., h. 128 Ashville ave. Hall, Wittan W., residence 728 Ashville avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies OVERCOATS a Specialty at HALL. 228 PROUDFITS. HAMMERSTROM. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Hall & Bonsteel—Stiles C. Hall and Frederick E. Bonsteel—druggists, 303 Main. Hall & Co.—Elliot C , Alfred E. Hall, Rose E. Kent ana Samuel Briggs—props. Jamestown woolen and worsted mills, 122 Winsor and 335 Harrison. Hall & Frisbee Lumber Co.—Edward L. Hall, Olanda C , and Burley R. Frisbee—wholesale lumber, rooms 50-51 Gokey building. Hall & Johnson—Herbert H. Hall and Albert W . Johnsoni— saloon 16 Willard Halladay, Alonzo (Margaret), county supt. of the poor, house 24 Cross. Halladay, Florence, residence 24 Cross. Halladay, Jennie L., c'erk, 203 Main, residence 315 West Fifth. Halladay, John N. (Carrie), laborer, house 8 Dickerson. Halladay, Mabel L., resideice 24 Cross. Halladay, Rose, widow Thomas, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 45 Water. Halburg, Erick, polisher, boards 121 Cross. Hallene, John A. (Anna M.),finisher,415 Chandler, house 8 Hedges avenue. HaFey, Blanche G., spinner, residence 462 Hallock. Halley, Henry V. (Mary A.), retired, house 462 Hallock. Halley, Katie M., domestic, residence 462 Hallock. Halley, Lizzie A., residence over 4 Main. Hallock, William A. retired, hou^e 155 Forest avenue. Halsall, John L., residence 25 Water. Halsall, Mary E., residence 25 Water. Halsall, George (Anna M.) manufacturer Chautauqua boiler compound 25 Water, house do. Halsten, John, section hand, boards 286 Harrison. Halstrom. John (Emma)—Halstrom & Carlson—201 Harrison, house 509 Newland avenue. Halstrom & Carlson, contractors and builders, 201 Harrison. Hambleton, George W . ( E m m a F.), mabcinist, house 46 Prospect avenue. Hambleton, Roy, laborer, residence 625 Falconer. Hambleton, Thomas (Maud L.), laborer, house 625 Falconer. Hamerly, L. C , widow, house 202 Sprague. Hamerly, Samuel H., laborer, residence 202 Sprague. Hamilton, Clara L., music teacher, residence 559 East Second. Hamilton, Almond B. (Sarah J.), retired, house 559 East Second. "~ Hamilton, George L. (Minnie A.), cashier Farmers and Mechanics bank and— Anderson Shoe Co.—house 36 Allen. Hamilton, Lewis D., helper, 771 East Second residence do. Hamilton, Sarah, Mrs., residence 34 Linden avenue. Hamlin, Fred B. (Alberta), night watchman, house 408 Winsor. H a m m , James A. (Kittie E.), blacksmith, 209 Pine h. over 308 East Second. Hammergern, Peter (Caroline), carpenter, house 16 Davis. Hammerquist, Esther A., residence 635 Prendergast avenue. Hammerquist, Otto C. (Nettie), tailor, 206 Main, house 635 Prendergast avenue. Hammerstrom, Arthur, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 296 Barrows. Hammerstrom, Carl, mill hand, house 418 Baker. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W- Third St. The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. 7 H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. HAMMERSTROM. HANSEN. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 229 Hammerstrom, Charles J. (Amanda), clerk, 103 East Second, house 235 Forest avenue. Hammerstrom, Gilbert, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 296 Barrows. Hammerstrom, Louise, widow Otto, house 296 Barrows. Hammond, Edna D., student, residence 310 Foote avenue. Hammond, Fred B., (Alberta), machinist, house 310 Foote avenue. Hammond, Wiley G., (Claire), bookkeeper, 318 Cherry, house 414 West Fifth. Hanchett, Eveline, widow William, residence 143 Allen. Hanchett, Frank E. (Nellie), electrician, house 36 Derby. Hanchett, Lathrop L. (Emily), pension attorney and notary public, over 6 East Third, house 44 Water. Hanchett, Theodore D. (Charlotte R.)—Jamestown Lounge Co.—38 Winsor, house 143 Allen. Hancock, Clarence, spinner, residence 21 East Eighth. Hancock, Cora B., residence 21 East Eighth. Hancock, Grace, duffer, residence 21 East Eighth. Hancock, Mary, Mrs., weaver, house 21 East Eighth. -. Hancock, Wiliam H. (Olive C ) , chief engineer water works, h. 45 Hotchkiss. N Hand, Lucy E., principal school No. 7, residence 33 Maple. Hand, Maud L., teacher school 4, residence 33 Maple. Hand, Nellie R., teacher, high school, residence 33 Maple. Hand, Sarah J., widow Levi, house 33 Maple. Hand, Warren H., band sawyer, 40 Winsor, residence 33 Maple. Hand, William L. (Mittie E.), shop hrnd, 3 Ashville avenue, h. 9 Pullman. Hangen, John, carver, boards over 25 Victoria avenue. Hangen, Philip F. (Myrtie M.), cabinet maker 105 Winsor, house over 25 Victoria avenue. Haner, Florence, teacher, residence H 9 Fulton. Hankin, Charles (Mina), carpenter, house 195 Marvin. Hanley, Anna, weaver, 116 East First, lesidence 12 Institute. Hanley, Margaret, Mrs., house 12 Institute. Hanna, Alius (Magna), gardener, house 310 Falconer. Hannigan, Pearl V., stenographer, 14-16 West Second, boards 552 West Third. Hannold, Amos, driver, boards Allen extension. Hannum, Cyril H., laborer, residence 209 West Third. Hansen, Andrew (Liva), wood worker, house 461 Hal'ock. Hansen, Andrew, driver, 118 East Third, boards 339 do. Hansen, Anna, teacher, boards 102 Hallock. Hansen, Anson (Katherine).shoemaker, house 24 Crossman. Hansen, Christian, machine hand, 3 Ashville avenue, boards 52 Harrison. Hansen, Christian (Minnie), rubber, 105 Winsor, residence 7 Valley. Hansen, Edward (Signa), wood worker, house 114 William. Hansen, Elmer (Carrie), ax maker, 13 Taylor, house 39 Charles. Hansen, Helen, residence 406 Warren. Hansen, Henge, clerk, residence 406 Warren. Hansen, Henry (Amanda A.), drayman, house 122 Park. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings U n d e r w e a r , H o s i e r y |nsdp£l?av.!S at PROUDFITS. HANSEN. HARNS.. 230 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hansen, Ingeborg, flag maker, 118 East Third, residence 18 East Ninth. Hansen, James, shoemaker, 1 Baker, house 15 Morton. Hansen, Julius C. (Camelia), upholsterer, house over 800 Main. Hansen, Louis C. (Jensine), wood worker, house 823 Newland avenue. Hanson, Adolph C (Emma), painter, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 64 Kinney. Hanson, Albert (Jennie S.) warp dresser, 116 East First, house 112 Lincoln. Hanson, Andrew P. (Emily), bookkeeper, 13-17 West Second, h. 406 Warren. Hanson, Arthur C , commercial traveler, residence 17 Marvin. Hanson, Charles E., laborer, residence 17 Marvin. Hanson, Christ (Mary), foreman, 25 Shearman place, house 5 Rubinkam ave. Hanson, Clinton V. (Cassie), dyer, 116 East First, house 87 Steele. Hanson, Conrad, mill hand, residence 64 Kinney. Hanson, Edmund, electrician, residence 311 Warren. Hanson, Elizabeth C , widow James, house 17 Marvin. Hanson, Ethel May, residence 311 Warren. Hanson, Gustine, widow Hans, house 429 Allen. Hanson, Hans P. (Lena), shoemaker, 4 West Third, house 840 Spring. Hanson, Herbert M., barber, under 211 Main, residence 829% Spring. Hanson, James (Elizabeth), trainman, Erie railroad, house 132 Fairview ave. Hanson, James (Louise), wood worker, house 74 Hazzard. Hanson, James (Sarah Ann), superintendent Jamestown E. L. & P. Co., 318 Cherry, house 311 Warren. Hanson, James E.—Maloney & Hanson—room 66 over 107 Main, residence 311 Warren. Hanson, Jennie, operative, 335 Harrison, house 45 Vega. Hanson, John (Olena), retired, huose Willard, beyond limits. Hanson, John (Clara), electrician, house 142 Broadhead avenue. Hanson, John G., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 45 Vega. Hanson, Lewis, weaver, East First, boards 42 West Ninth. Hanson, Margaret J., sorter, 19 Steele, residence 311 Warren. Hanson, Nels (Anna C ) , machine hand, Atlas Furniture Co. h. 265 E. Buffalo. Hanson, Nels P. (A.ugusta), carpenter, house 114 Hall avenue. Hanson, Olivia, residence 429 Allen. Hanson, Paul (Christine), painter, house 829% Spring. Hapgood, Albert (Ellen), farmer, house 609 West Sixth. Hapgood, Maude S., domestic, 117 Fairmount avenue. Hapgood, Minnie M., residence 609 West Sixth. Hardwick, Isaac ( E m m a ) prop. Drivin^ P"rk hotel, 1200 East Second. Harkness, Brainard T. (Effie B.) blacksmith, house 10 Sampson. Harmon, Frank A. (A. Louise), carver, house 136 Wilson avenue. Harmon, Georgia, waitress, 113 West Third, Harmon, Mabel, st°nographer, boards 812 Main. Harmonson, Dora V., widow Harmon, house 121 Chapin. Harnden H. May teacher, residence 10 Webster. Harnden, M. Augusta, teacher, school 3 residence 10 Webster. Harns, Mary M.. Mr?., winder, 335 Harrison, residence 53 Thirteenth. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. HARNS. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. HARRISON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 231 Harns, William K. (Minnie), meat market, 712 Main, house 63 Dickerson. Harriger, William A. (Hattie), polisher, house 16 Dickerson. Harrington, Alfred N., musician, residence 32 West Tenth. Harrington, Alice I., widow Edward J., house 112 Lincoln. Harrington, A. Murray (Catherine), insurance agent 5 % Hall block, 3 West Third, house 311 West Fourth. Harrington, A.ugustus S. (Lucy), carpenter, house 11 Victoria avenue, Harrington, Charles, wood worker, residence 422 Allen. Harrington, David (Fannie), carpenter, house 422 Allen. Harrington, Frank S. (Mildred), rodman, residence 11 Victoria avenue Harrington, George R. (Ella J.), tinner, house 319 Jefferson. Harrington, Kittie, domestic, Hotel Everett. Harrington, Leonard C , laborer, residence 19 Lincoln. Harrington, Lucy, residence 374 Foote avenue. Harrington, Maggie, Mrs., house 18 Ellicott. Harrington, Margaret, musician, re:idence 32 West Tenth. Harrington, Margretta, widow Charles, music teacher, house 32 West Tenth. Harrington, Mary E., widow Wheat n, house 19 Lincoln. Harrington, S. Gertrude, music teacher, residence 311 West Fourth. Harris, Aleck, peddler, rooms 215 West Third. ^Harris, Alfred T. (Pearl)—Harris Bros—13 East 2d, h. 811 Prenderast avenue. Harris, Alma, seamstress, rooms under 419 West Third. Harris, Alwina, widow William, house 53 Thirteenth. Harris, Almond M. (Emily), commercial traveler, house 713 Washington. Harris, Anna T., kindergarten teacher^ residence 300 Summit. Harris Bros.—Alfred T. and George A—bakers, 13 East Second. Harris, Katherine, widow John, house 12 West Seventh. Harris, C. Perry (Annettie)—Harris, Underwood & Doering—24 Main, house 512 East Second. Harris, Cyntha C , widow William D., house 16 Orchard. Harris, Ezra J., laborer, residence 16 Orchard. Harris, Frank, student, residence 512 East Second. Harris, George A. (Bertha M.)—Harris Bros.—13 East Second, house 207 do. Harris, Harvey D. (Bertha), carver, house 229 Fulton. Harris, Milo (Lucy E.)—Harris & Baldwin—also manager Vulcanite Co. house 608 Prendergast avenue. Harris, Underwood & Doering—C. Perry Harris, Edward L. Underwood and Henry A. Doering—whoiesa'e crockery, 24 Main. Harris, William H. (Albertina), barber and chiropodist, under 7 East Third, house 839 Main. Harris & Baldwin—MPo Harris and S Arthur Baldwin—patent attorneys, under 101 East Third. Harrison. Albert H. (Louise), brakeman J. & C. Ry, house 810 Cherry. Harrison, Carrie E., dressmaker, residence 109 Sprague. Harrison Cecelia J., clerk, 221 Main, residence 214, West Eighth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies Headquarters^V^^n^hfng"^?"0133, P R O U D F I T S . HARRISON. HATCH. 232 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Harrison, Cornelius M. (Margaret), superintendent J. & C. Ry. 640 West Eighth, house 816 Lafayette. Harrison, David (Alice), cloth inspector, 116 East First, house 10 River. Harrison, Fred B., meat cutter residence 109 Sprague. Harrison, George C. (Hattie), clerk 203 Main, house 214 West Eighth. Harrison, James J. (Jennie), conductor J. & C. R. R., h. 14 Ashville avenue. Harrison, John P., clerk, 512 West Seventh, residence 214 West Eighth. Harrison, Mary E., student, residence 214 West Eighth. Harrison, Samuel A. (Eva A.), overseer 335 Harrison, house 122 Crescent. Harrison, William H. (Mary), freight handler, house 214 West Eighth. Harrison, William H. Jr., (Mary A.), clerk, 203 Main, house 208 Lincoln. Hart, Aiva E. (Lena), porter N e w She. man, house 112 West Eighth. Hart, Hrrace T. (A.ddie A.), retired, house over 204 East Second. Hart, Mary, pastry cook, 15 South Main. Hartigan, Eugene G., head bell boy N e w Sherman, residence 311 Winsor. Hartigan, Frances E., widow Jerry, huuse 311 Winsor. Hartigan, Frances M., residence 311 Winsor. Hartigan, Plelen C. operative, 318 Cherry, residence 311 Winsor. Hartigan, John F., barber, 222 Main, residence 311 Winsor. Hartley, Albert (Mary E.), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 42 Regent. Hartley, John M. (Jane), warp dresser, 116 East 1st, residence 3 Appleyard pi. Hartley, Joseph (Sarah) wool sorter, house over 820 East Second. Hartley, Martha, widow George, hous^ 15 Victoria avenue. Hartley, S a m (Anna), warp dresser, 325 Harrison, house 63 Center. Hartley, Thomas, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 63 Center. Hartley, William (Martha), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 42 Foote ave. Hartson, Elizabeth, widow, principal school 8, house 317 East Second. Hartson, Lizzie, residence 317 Fast S cond. Hartwell, Alfred C, clerk, 216 East Second, boards 117 Chandler. Harvey, Austin A. (B'anche M.), assistant foreman J. E. S. Ry., 13 West Third house 1210 West Sixth. Harvey, Lee ( E m m a ) , motorneer, hou.ie 12 Royal avenue. Harwood, John W . (Annie), weav:r, house 108 Williams. Harwood, Richard, weaver, residence 108 Williams. Haskin, A m y , widow James, hoilce IP Bush. Haskins, Iona, nurse, residence 300 Foote avenue. Hastings, Emerick O. (May), mason, house 419 Warren. Hastings, Gertrude O., residence 419 Warren. Hatch, Adda H., widow Deloss W., house 607 Pine. Hatch, Charles A. (Malissa),fisherman,house 65 Rathbone. Hatch, David B. (Helen L.), art store, 215 West Third, house do. -• Hatch, Fred E. (Helena B.)—Hatch & Briggs, 10 East Third, house 303 E. 2d. Hatch, Juliette, widow Solomon G., boarding apartments 292 Harrison, h. do. Hatch, Verneile A., law student, over 219 Main, residence 6 Institute. Hatch, Zoe R., residence 607 Pine. If you contemplate New Plumbling, consult M. J. MURRAY s Buy Your Dry Goods of HATCH. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. HAZELTINE. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 233 Hatch & Briggs—Fred E. Hatch and William C. Briggs—drugs and stat 10 East Third. Haug, Joseph C (Martha), painter, house 136 Foote avenue. Haugh, John, baggage master Erie depot, boards Hotel Everett. Hauser, Mary, Mrs., residence 615 West Seventh. Havens, E. C , barber shop, under Iroquois hotel, 4 South Main. Haviland, Grace, widow, Franz, house 43 Prospect. Haviland, Sarah C , widow Jenkins, house 411 Lafayette. Haviland, William A. (Lottie), upholsterer, 40 Winsor, house 47 Marvin. Hawkes, William 0. (Mary) painter, house 412 East Fifth. Hawkins, Abner J. (Clara), restaurant 14 East Third, house over do. Hawkins, John (Anna), retired, hous.* under 812 East Second. Hawkins, William N., cook, 10 West Third, rooms 113 do. Hawkinson, Johanna, Mrs., house 814 East Second. Haycook, Samuel (Alice L.), shoe maker, 318 Cherry, house 23 Peach. Haycook, Sarah, Mrs., laundress, house 106 Lincoln. Hayes, John (Bessie), freight handler, house 129 Fairview avenue. Hayes, John (Kate), laborer, house 1 East Seventh. Hayes, John, telegrapher, boards 20 West Fourth. Hayes, John W . printer, residence 1 East Seventh. Hayes, Mary, waitress, 15 South Main. Haynes, G. Alfred, printer, over 7 West 3d, residence 110 Broadhead avenue. Haynes, Rebecca L., widow, Henry, house 110 Broadhead avenue. Haynes, Walter H , clerk. 707 M a n , residence 110 Broadhead avenue. Haynes, William J. (Jennie M.), polisher 101 Harrison, house 48 Eagle. Hayward, Benjamin W . (Jeanette), prop. Hayward house, 113 West Third, house 14 Hami'ton. Hayward, Darwin E. (Sylvia D.), conductor J. & C. R. R., house 17 Derby. Hayward, Earl D. (Minnie M.), freigiht clerk, 75 Steele, house 28 Kent. Hayward, F. Lynn, bartender, Hayward house, residence do. Hayward, Harriet, widow Edward, house 821 Prendergast avenue. Hayward House, 113-121 West Third, P. W . Hayward proprietor. Hayward, James S. (Mollie), bartender Hayward house, residence do. Hayward, Luella C , domestic, 104 Falconer, residence 803 Cherry. Hayward, Lynn D., printer, over 7 West Third, residence 17 Derby. Hayward, Orrin B., clerk Hayward house, residence do. Hayward, Otis E. (Maude), teamster, house 803 Cherry. Hazeltine, A.bner (Olivia B.), police justice, room 6 city hall, house 7 Allen. Hazeltine, Albert F. (Mary), commercial traveler, house 340 East Fourth. "'Hazeltine, Alice I., school teacher, residence 226 Winsor. Hazeltine, Alton E. (Jennie E.), hote1 clerk, house 31 Derby. Hazeltine Elizabeth H., school teacher, residence 226 Winsor. Hazeltine, Fannie H., widow Rev, Henry M., house 226 Winsor. Hazeltine, Gertrude, residence 36 Cross. Hazeltine, Harriet, residence 401 Prendergast avenue. Hazeltine, Herman W . (Edith), wool sorter, house 503 Newland avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies Y o u r M o n e y ' s W o r t h mo°nrey0barokat P R O U D F I T S . HAZELTINE. HEGG. 234 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hazeltine, Laban (Stella J.), physician and surgeon, 322 Main, house 517 Prendergast avenue. Hazeltine, Mabel, residence 517 Prendergast avenue. Hazeltine, Margaret J., widow Daniel C , house 36 Cross. Hazeltine, Martha H., residence 15 Lincoln. ' Hazeltine, Mary Emogene, librarian, residence 7 Allen. Hazeltine, Richard F. (Hannah J.) retired, house 15 Lincoln. Hazeltine, Susan S., widow Gilbert W . house 416 Lafayette. Hazzard, Hab, dyer, 116 East First, boards 14 South Main. Hazzard, Robert T. (Mary E.)—Parks & Hazzard—over 101 East Third, house 525 East Second. Hazzard, Sarah, residence 525 East Second. Hazzard, Walter S. (Catherine M.), asst. supt, rm 5 N e w Gifford building 311 Jefferson. Heald, John (Ada), plumbing, etc., under 210 East Second, h. 632 East Sixth. Heald, Thomas (Ann), dyer, house 632 East Sixth. Hearic, George W., laborer, boards 35 Outlet. Heath, Charles H. (Mary), farmer, house 724 Camp. Heath, Eugene, chef Hotel Everett. Heath, Fred (Grace), coachman, house 15 Prospect. Heath, Sidney J. (Sadie E.) foreman J. E. S. Ry. 13 West Third, h. 921 E. 2d. Heath, Wilson (Grace), clerk, house 812 Main. Heathcote, Walter (Sarah), canvasser, 101 East Second, house 32 Institute. Heaton, Agnes A., dressmaker, over 219 Spring, house do. Heaton, Riley W . (Hortense), commercial traveler, house 26 Crosby. Hebert, Hattie, Mrs., dressmaker, house over 16 Main. Hebron Clarence L., student residence 15 Marvin. Hedges, Theda C , widow William, house 401 Prendergast avenue. Hedin, Charles (Amy E.), pa;nter, 105 Winsor, house 47 Tower. HedUrad, Andrew (Alma), mill hand, 415 Chandler, house 69 Tower. Hedlund, Charles (Nellie),finisher,house 412 Allen. Hedlund, Eric ( E m m a S.l. bw-k^ith 40 Institute, house 216 East First. Hedlund, Helen A., spinner, 116 East First, residence 216 do. Hedstrom, John A. ( E m m a ) , tailor, house 516 AJlen. Hegeman, C Maud, dressmaker, residence 41 College. Hegeman, Elbert A., residence 818 Prendergast avenue. Hegeman, Elizabeth M., widow John, 818 Prendergast avenue. Hegeman, J. Burtis, drug clerk, 10 Ea=t Third, residence 41 College. ' Hegeman, J. Niven, corresnondent 153-63 J. & G. ave. residence 1 Fenton place, Hegeman, Minnie B., teacher, residence 41 College. Hegeman, Joseph R. (Mabel C ) , teas, coffee and spices, 13 E. 2d., h. 41 College. Hegg, Andrew M., (Johanna J.), shop hand, 37 Taylor, house English. Hegg, Axel (Helen) driver, 6 Steele, house 228 Warren. Hegg, Clara, domestic, 15 Prnsnect avenue, residence (Sugargrove.) Hegg, Edward, driver, 802 Main, res-'dence over 800 do. Hegg, Gust, laborer, boards 1041 Main. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^ r ^ u ^ b y M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HEGLEND. HONTZ. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 235 Heglend, Fred (Emma), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 15 Vega. Hegman, Charles (Ida), mill hand, house 262 Forest avenue. Hegstrom, Andrew (Emily), ax maker, house 114 Palmer. Hegstrom, Andrew (Mary), insurance agent, house 13 Lake. Hegstrom, Nels (Anna), polisher, house 1055 Main. Hehr, Mary, domestic, 3 Lake Veiw avenue. Heimberger, Andrew (Catherine), night watchman, house 9 Great Jones. Heineman, Louis, wholesale and retail liquors, 12 East Third, rms. over 10 do. Heintz, John (Kate), barber shop, 115 East Second, house over do. Heintz, Joseph (Jennie), barber, 709 Main, house 18 Fountain avenue. Heitmueller, Henry (Lucy),fireinsurance, rm. 54, 14 W . Third, h. 830 Cherry. Helgren, Andrew J. E. (Hedda C ) , retired, house 488 Willard. Helgren, A.xel E., clerk, 14 East Third, residence 488 Willard. Helgren, Fred A. (Mary), upho'sterer, house 313 Willard. Helgren, John (Tilda), laborer, house 110 Stowe. Helgren, John W . (Nettie J.), stationary engineer, house 315 Willard. Helldahl, Swan I., tailor, 1 Main rooms over do. Hellings, William P., Rev., (Mary Louise), pastor First Baptist church, house 117 Church. Helliwell, Arthur (Alice), foreman 116 East First, house 4 Waterman. Helmanthal, Gust, laborer, boards 652 Barrows. Helstrom, Charles (Louise), carpenter, house 530 Winsor. Helwig, John, glass cutter, 518 East Sixth, boards 105 West Second. Henderson, Charles C. (Louise L.), organ tuner, house 17 Alpaca. Henderson, Charles P. (Hannah A.)—Henderson & Lincoln—107 East Second, house 108 Lincoln. Henderson, Emil, polisher, boards 322 Foote avenue. Henderson, Frank (Ida), wool sorter, house 415 Newland avenue. Henderson, F. Burdett (Martha), ax maker, 13 Taylor, house 10 West end. Henderson, Kate L., music teacher, residence 17 Alpaca. Henderson, William W . (Martha T.), clerk, 300 Main, house 40 Prather avenue. Henderson & Lincoln—Charles P. Henderson and David Lincoln—undertaking and picture framing, 107 Fast Second. Hendrickson, Agnes V., duffer, 335 Harrison, residence 146 Barrows. Hendrickson, Charles C. (Anna), foreman, house 146 Barrows. Hendrickson, Charles E. (Christine), motorneer, house 6 Orchard. Hendrickson, Charlie C. (Hilma S.),finisher,35 Water, house 577 Willard. Hendrickson, Gust (Eva), metal worker, house 24 Crown. Hendrickson, Hattie A., tailoress, residence 217 Willard. Hendrickson, Hedda, widow Oscar, house 217 Willard. Hendrickson, Ida J., spinner, 35 Water, residence 146 Barrows. Hendrickson, John, comber, 335 Harrison, residence 146 Barrows. Hennig, Walter O. (Hattie E.), oil operator, 205 Jefferson. Henry, John (A.nna), clerk 306 Main, house 233 Fulton. Henry, Julia, domestic, 113 West Third. Hontz, Nannie, domestic, 409 West Sixth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools B e sure l^/'in^^ofTr Clothing at P R O U D FITS. HERALD. 236 HILL. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Herald Printing Co. (The)—Elmer E. Sprague—weekly and Sunday Herald, over 208 Pine. Herby, Charles, wagon maker, residence 31 Fairmount avenue. Herby, Edward, residence 31 Fairmount avenue. Herby, John (Mary), wagon maker, 324 Washington, h. 31 Fairmount avenue. Heridon, William C (Minnie C ) , driver, house 7-9 over 5 South Main. Herlein, Charles, boards 70 Norton avenue. Herman. Arvid L. (Emily W . ) , shoemaker, 318 Cherry, boards 20 Ellicott. Herman, Charles, laborer, boards 20 Ellicott. Herman, John, shoemaker, rooms 628 East Sixth. Hermanson, Bertha, chambermaid, 15 South Main. Herpst, C. Percy, decorator, house 613 Lafayette. Herpst, Katrina, rooms 613 Lafayette. Herpst, Harold D., office clerk, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 613 Lafayette. Herrick, Anson L. (Elizabeth A.), capitalist, house 405 Winsor. Herrick, Charles W . (Gertrude E.)—Maddox Table Co.—house 12 East Fourth. Herrick, E. E. (Mary), retired, house 6 Crane. Hess, Elizabeth E., mi'liner, residence 33 Hairison. Hessel Charles A., carder, residence 9 Grandin. Hessel, Edward U., weaver, residence 9 Grandin. Hessel, John E. (Christine), elevator man, house 9 Grandin. Hesing, Ludwig (Albertina), wood worker, house 833 Newland avenue. Hetfield, Elbert V., attorney at law, room 4 Hall block, house 28 Taylor. Hetfield, Jane H., widow Wickham W., residence 28 Tayior. Hextrom, Nils (Mary), hacker, house 18 Colfax. Heys, John R. (Clara),finisher,116 Fast First, house 100 Harrison. Hey, Walton (Janet), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, house 218 Crescent. Hibbard, Frank, engineer, Hote1 Everett, residence do. Hibbard, Harriet, widow Ezra, house 22 Ashvilie avenue. Hibbard, Helen M., widow, Jerome, house 10 Barker. Hibbard, John D., student, residence 10 Barker. Hibbard, Mary E., nurse, residence over 300 Foote avenue. Hibbard, William E. (Ada), junk dealer, house 463 Baker. Hickox, John C (Anna), dyer, 335 Harrison, house (f.) Kent block. Hickox, Charles R., apprentice, 7 West First, residence (f.) Kent block. Hicks, Amelia, widow Burrough J., house 721 Lake View avenue . Higgins, Mary, widow Patrick W., charwoman, house under 32 Institute. Hildum, Clifton N. (Ina R.), stenographer, rm. 17 Wellman bldg, res. 4 Marvin Hildum, Edward B. (Ellen), carpenter, house 14 Crossman. Hill, Annie F., student, residence 115 King. Hill, Charles F. (Lena M.), carpenter, house 115 King. Hill, Earl H. (Anna M.), teacher of piar0 and musical theory, 15-16-17 Ellicott building, boards 405 West Third. Hill, Earl H., Mrs., teacher of piano, 15-16-17 Ellicott bldg., bds. 405 West 3d. Hill, Edwin( Lizzie), machinist, residence 32 Dickerson. Hill, E m m a A., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 115 King. S o m e of the most extensive ^ ^ t l ^ ^ ^ M . J. M U R R A Y The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H EA. D. S H A R P E C O . HILL. HITCHCOCK. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 237 Hill, Frank T. (Ophelia L.), sorter, 116 East First, house 214 Newland ave. Hill, Grace, domestic, 39 Fairmount avenue. Hill, James M. (Mary), driver, house 32 Dickerson. Hill, Jennie, widow Fuller—Aylesworth & Hil1—706 Main, house do. Hill, John (Elizabeth J.), brush maker, 335 Harrison, house 25 Maple. Hill, Mark W., jeweler, residence 14 Falconer. Hill, Myron H., stenographer, residerce 339 Crossman. Hill, Nellie, widow Harry, dressmaker,, over 214 Main, house do. Hill, Nelson H. (Anna M.), attorney a law, house 339 Crossman. Hill, Viola A., widow William H., house 14 Falconer. Hill, William C , upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, residence 115 King. Hiller, Bartie R. (Julia W . ) , agent A m . Express Co., 103 Main, h. 913 East 2d. Hiller, Dora, widow So'omon, residence 13 Charles. Hiller, Myron, optician, 25 Main, house 13 Charles. Hil's, Arthur E. (Julia G.), shipDi"10 rde;k. 11 Main, h. 609 Prendergast ave. Hills, Rhoda, widow George E., residence 219 Park place. Hilton, Andrew (Hilda C ) , shoemakei, 318 Cherry, house 216 Steele. Hilton, Anna S., teacher, residence 115 Crescent. Hilton, Esther, widow David, house 115 Crescent. Himebaugh Bros.—Joseph M. Himebaugh—mfrs. spring beds 41-51 Outlet. Himebaugh, Joseph M. (Anna R.)—Himebaugh Bros.—41-51 Outlet, house 7 Fairmount avenue. Himebaugh, Lyle B., student, residence 7 Fairmount avenue. Hindle, Ernest B., aristo worker, residence 105 Forest. Hindle, Frederick (Harriet), wool sorter, 116 East First, house 105 Forest. Hindle, M. Elizabeth, aristo worker, residence 105 Forest. Hindle, Thomas (Margaret M.), warp dresser, 116 East First, h. 15 Foote ave. Hinds, Catherine E., Mrs., house 140 Fjote avenue. Hine, A. Rose, student, residence 703 Ashville avenue. Hine, E. Dase, student, residence 703 Ashville avenue. Hine, James W . (Ella), vice presiden1 Fenton Metallic M'fg Co. 95 Jones and Gifford avenue, house 703 A=!iville avenue. Hine, J. William, stenographer, residence 703 Ashville avenue. Hine, Sophie, domestic, 36 Allen. Hines, Michael, (Mary E.), laborer, bouse 49 Broadhead avenue. Hinman, Henry (Rebecca), house 13 Sherman. Hird, Amelia, weaver, residence 25 Columbia avenue. Hird, Rebecca, Mrs., weaver, residence 25 Columbia avenue. Hirshauer, Hattie G., residence 614 P'ne. Hirshauer, Herman (Adelaide), retire'], house 614 Pine. Hitchcock, Abbie G., residence 433 East Fourth. Hitchcock, Arthur H., student, residence 401 Lafayette. Hitchcock, Charles, laborer, boards 18 West End extension. Hitchcock, Evelyn B., widow Edward, bookkeeper Straight Manufacturing Co., house 115 Allen. Hitchcock, Henry C , manager, house 17 Cross. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Silver Plated W a r e , Cutlery Boys' Clothing, LargtehsetCit°yck in at HITCHCOCK. PROUDFITS. HOLBROOK. 238 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hitchcock, Horace (Martha), commeicial traveler, house 401 Lafayette. Hitchcock, Walter (Isabell), foreman, house 234 Crscent. Hitchener, Anna, residence 30 Colfax. Hitchener, Fred, shipping clerk, 13-17 West Second, residence 30 Colfax. Hitchener, John F. (Harriet), warp dresser, house 30 Colfax. Hitchener, Jonn H., lineman, residence 30 Colfax. Hjelpe, Ida, domestic, 768 East Second. Hjertquist, Charles M. (Matilda), turner, house 211 Hazzard. Hjertquist, Charles, wood worker, residence 211 Hazzard. Hjertquist, Dora, weaver, residence 211 Hazzard. Hjertquist, Verma, painter, residence 211 Hazzard. Hjort, Charles (Hulda), stationaryfireman,house 228 Sprague. Hjorth, Arthur W . — W m . Hjorth & Co.—over 100 Main, residence 409 East 4th Hjorth, Isabel L., teacher, residence 409 East Fourth. Hjorth, William (Clara)—Wm. Hjorth & Co.— over 100 Main, h. 409 E. 4th. Hjorth, W m . & Co.—William and Arthur W . — wrench mfgrs. over 100 Main. Hoag, Elizabeth A., widow William, house 315 Lincoln. Hoag, Seneca (Mary), teamster, 710 Washington. Hoaglund, Martenia, domestic, 130 Lake View avenue. Hoard, George, porter Hayward house. Hoard, Lorenzo B. (Mary S.), driver, 108 Main, house 211 Broadhead avenue. Hoard, William W . (Lydia B.), blacksmith, 29 Taylor, house 24 do. Hockenbury, Joseph B., horse shoer, 110 West Second, house 801 Cherry. Hodges, Anna L., widow Wells B., dressmarker, Spring, corner East 6th, h. do. Hodges, William D. (Minnie B.), carpenter, house 805 Ashville avenue. Hodgins, Joseph, wool sorter, boards 338 Allen. Hodin, Andrew O. (Anna S.), laborer, house 496 Willard. Hodin, Mary C , residence 496 Willard. Hodgkins, George M. (Emma), commercial traveler, house 17 Fulton. Hodgson, Arthur, wool sorter, 335 Harrison, boards 116 Cross. Hodgson, Edith, weaver, boards 650 East Sixth. Hodgson, Eliza, weaver boards 650 East Sixth. Hodgson, John (Martha), overseer, 335 Harrison, house 9 English. Hodgson, John, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 252 do. Hodgson, Julius (Anna), warp dresser, house 650 East Sixth. Hoffer, William M. (Fanny Ross), capitalist, house 303 West Third. Hoffman, Philip J. (Anna), baker, 13 East Second, house. 849 Main. Hofgren, Nels P. (Matilda S.), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 29 Westcott. Hogan, Daniel (Mary), flagman Erie R. R., house 21 Seymour avenue. Hogan, Ella D., winder, 335 Harrison, residence 30 Institute. Hogan, Mary, weaver, residence 21 Seymour avenue. Hogan, Mary, domestic, 500 East Sixth. Hogberg, Beda, operative, 335 Harrison, residence 72 Hedges avenue. Hogberg, Eric G. (Mary), laborer, residence 72 Hedges avenue. Hogburg, Charles L., laborer, residence 72 Hedges avenue. Hot Holbrook, Water Sanford A. Heating, (Kittie), streetSl^.^ car conductor, ™&^h. M. 625 Prendergast I. MURRAY ave. Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. HOLBROOK. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . HOLMES. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 239 Holbrook, Sarah Jane, widow Kemmel, house 311 Prendergast avenue. Holden, Wi.liam H. (Sadie E.), wood worker, 516 West Fourth, h. 613 Monroe. Holgate, Colonel ( E m m a ) , mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 111 King. Hollenbeck, Bert C. (Angie H.). commercial traveler, house 50 Rathbone. Hollenbeck, Clifton D. (Minnie S.), driver 7 South Main, house 224 Crosby. Hollenbeck, Delia, widow Daniel, house 108 Crescent. Hollenbeck, Iva B., teacher, residence 108 Crescent. Hi llenbeck, Jerome S. (Alice), motorneer, house 1208 West Sixth. Hollenbeck, Laura, dressmaker, boards 909 Main. Hollenbeck, William H., shoemaker, boards over 13 East second. Hollenbeck, Willis M., clerk, 14 East Third, residence 108 Crescent. Hollengren, Ellen, widow John A., house 118 Williams. Holley, Charles R. (Georgie), electrician, house 321 Hazzard. Holley, William T. (Belinda A.), teamster, house 23 Barker. Hollinger, Alfred B., upholsterer, residence 118 Williams. Hollinger, Sarah A., residence 118 Williams. Hollings, James (Louisa), dyer, house 409 Hazeltine avenue. Hollings, John (Helen), spinner, hou^e 69 Hazzard. Hollingworth, Anna, widow Henry, h ;use 128 Stowe. Hollister, Edward, painter, boards 22 South Main. Hollister, Jay B. (Olive), commercial traveler, house 4 McDannell avenue. Hollister, Walter W . (Caroline A.), laborer, house under 222 East First. Hollstrom, Anna C , widow John, house 408 Willard. Hollstrom, Axel W., upholsterer, 40 W.nsor, residence 408 Willard. Hollstrom, John G. A., residence 408 Willard. Holly, Gillin, weaver, residence 402 Foote avenue. Holly, Jeanette F., widow George "W., house 402 Foote avenue. Holly, Julia, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 752 East Second. Holly, May, winder, residence 402 Foote avenue. Holly, Vernia, duffer, residence 402 Fr ote avenue. Holm, A. William, weaver, residence 505 Camp. Holm, Charles (Hattie)—Jamestown Bed Spring Co.—8-10 Willard, house 242 Crescent. Holm, Gust A. (Augusta), laborer, house 505 Camp. Holm, Lydia, twister, residence 505 Camp. Holm, Mary, piece picker, 335 Harrison, residence 242 Crescent. Holman, Henry (Julia), carpenter, house 410 Barrett. Holmberg, Elin, clerk, 4 Main, residence 710 Foote avenue. Holmberg, Fred (Anna), shoemaker, house 20 Crown. Holmberg, Gust ( E m m a ) , cabinet maker house 710 Foote avenue. Holmberg, John A. (Selma), drayman, house 250 Bowen. Holmberg, Salmon (Augusta), contractor, house 327 Willard. Holmberg, Victor (Louise A.), laborer, house 605 English. Holmberg, Charles R. (Hannah), wood worker, residence 25 Barrett. Holmburg, Erick, laborer, boards 219 East First. Holmes. Albro C , clerk, resideice 825 Prendergast avenue. CLARK H A K U >VARtl CO., WARE. Every Piece WARRANTED M e n ' s All-wool Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , P R O U D F I T S . HOLMES. HOLT. 240 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Holmes, Amanda, residence 225 Hazzard. Holmes, Andrew C. (Julia C ) , commercial traveler, h. 825 Prendergast ave. Holmes, Anna, weaver, residence 12 Barrett. Holmes Awning Works, manufacturers canvas goods, Mathias C. Holmes, proprietor, 118 East Third. Holmes, Benjamin (Emily), dyer, house 11 Great Jones. Holmes, Carl E. (Carrie E.), carpenter, house over 53 Prospect avenue. Holmes, Catherine L., teacher, residence 825 Prendergast avenue. Holmes, Clara, residence 41 Maple. Holmes, Elof A. painter, residence 225 Hazzard. Holmes, Emily W., teacher, residence 825 Prendergast avenue. Holmes, Frank (Hulda),finisher,house 120 Sampson. Holmes, Harold, wool sorter, 116 East First, residence 41 Maple. Holmes, Herman, Louise), cabinet maker, house 422 Baker. Holmes, Ida, widow Peter A, house 225 Hazzzard. Holmes, James (Susan), barber, 20 Wi.llard, house over 700 East Second. Holmes, James (Christine), cabinet maker, house 564 East Second. Holmes, John (Jane), loomfixer,116 East First,.house 41 Maple. Holmes, John A., painter, residence 225 Hazzard. Holmes, John M. ( E m m a ) , weaver, 116 East First, house 6 Short Eagle. Holmes, John W . (Maylell), wool soner, 335 Harrison, house 9 Crane. Holmes, Joseph ( E m m a ) , warp dresser, house 12 Barrett. Holmes, Louis, comber, house 422 Baker. Holmes, Mary, residence 825 Prendergast avenue. Holmes, Mathias C. (Maggie R.)—proprietor Holmes Awning Works—118 East Third, house 18 East Ninth. Holmes, Olive, residence 225 Hazzard. Holmes, Oscar (Sophia), 'laborer, house 4 Short Eagle'. Holmes, Reuben, wool sorter, residence 12 Barrett. Holmes, Stafford, clerk, residence over 700 East Second. Holmes, Walter, comber, residence 422 Baker. Holmes, William A. (Nettie M.),finisher,house 227 Hazzard Holmes, Zillah, weaver, residence 12 Barrett. Holmgren, Eric J., tailor, over 307 Main, residence 4 West Third. Holmlund, Perry (Hannah), laborer, house 350 Bowen. Holmquist, Anna, artist, residence 790 East Second. Holmquist, Carl A. F., (Charlotte H.), photographer over 212-14 East Second, house do. Holmquist, Claus W., laborer, boards 54 Chapin. Holquist, Gust (Hilda), presser, house 19 Newland avenue. Holroyd, Fred, loomfixer,335 Harrison, boards 8 Short Eagle. Hoist, Emil A. (Jennie M.),finisher,house 851 Prendergast avenue. Holt, Charles F., hostler, 228 East Second, boards over do. Holt, Frank H., wood worker,-residence 10 Kidder. Holt, George M. (Jessie), gardener, house 10 Higtfand avenue. Holt, Henry (Antoinnette), shoemaker, house 10 Kidder. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets "V" M. J. MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. HOLT. HOTCHKISS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 241 Holt, Willard C. (Mary), meat market, 627 Prendergast ave., house 621 do. Holt, Walter J. (Mildred), musician, house 10 Highland avenue. Holtein, Hannah L., milliner, 101 South Main, residence over 219 Spring. Holtein, Phoebe, bookkeeper, residence over 219 Spring. Homer, Glenn K. (Mary), driver, 205 West Third, house 72 Rathbone. Homer, Smith T. (Ida), farmer, house 521 Baker. Hooker, Cenia A., Mrs., house 926 East Second. Hooker, Hull M. (Anna)—Hooker & Saearman—16 East Third, house 112 Broadhead avenue. Hooker, Lena, bookkeeper, 113 East Third, residence (Falconer P. O.) Hooker & Shearman—Hull M. Hooker and Erwin D. Shearman—merchant tailors, 16 East Third. Hoon, Rex C, clerk, 203 Main, residence 203 East Second. Hoon, Frank R. (Mary A.), night clerk Erie R. R., house over 203 East 2d. Hoon, William H. (Marie), night ticket agt, house new Allenflats,11 W . 2d. Hooper, Albro, student, residence 922 Main. Hooper, Mathew, farmer, house 922 Main. Hope, George (Selma), bartender, 14 South Main, 135 Allen. Hopkins, Edward (Lizzie), upholsterer, 516 West Fourth, house 608 W . 6th. Hopkins, Helen E., widow Kirk W., house 325 East Second. Hopkins, Theodore E. (Elizabeth), clerk, 1 East 6th, house 327 East Second. Hopkinson, Samuel (Sarah Jane), warp dresser, residence 220 Allen. Hopson, Eugene D., clerk 109 East Third, boards 415 West Third. Horon, Ann, domestic. 634 Lake View avenue. Horr, Ebeneser A. (Blanche), lather, residence 74 Rathbone. Horrocks, Agnes, widow Joseph, dressmaker, house 750 East Second. Horton Bros.—Charles L. and Walter B.—insurance agents, 122 East Third. Horton, Charles L. (Mary L.)—Horton Brcs.—122 East Third, h. 612 Main. Horton, E m m a M., widow Terestus S., house 12 Chandler. Horton, Fred G. (Bertha P.)—J. S. Horton & Son—120 East Third, house rear 18 Prather avenue. Horton, James S. (Lana G.)—J. S. Horton & Son—122 East Third, house 55. Broadhead avenue. Horton, J. S. & Son—James S. and Fred G.—paints and oils, 122 East Third.. Horton, Mil'ie, clerk, 16 West Third, residence 10 Cleveland place. Horton, Walter B. (May B.)—Horton Bros.—122 East Third, house Fairmount avenue. Horton, William P. (Cora Belle), laborer, bouse 10 Cleveland place. Horse Owners National Protective association, J. T. Larmonth, president, room 3 Ellicott building. Horsfie'd, Kendall (Sarah), warp twister, house 127 Barrows. Horsfield, Mary, widow David, house 214 Winsor. Horsfield, Sarah A., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 214 Winsor. Hosford, James E. (Anna S.), driver, house over 110 East Third. Hosford, Edward J. (Libbie), stationary engineer, house 135 Fairview ave. Hotchkiss, Alonzo S. (Ella), carpenter, house 105 Marvin. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools LordeVyt°ourr F i n e C u s t o m C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T S HOTCHKISS. HOYT. 242 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hotchkiss, Emerson H. (Lydia A.), farmer, house Buffalo. Hotchkiss, Louise, widow Jerry, house 1111 East Second. Hotchkiss, Walter W . (Mary S.), eye, ear and throat specialist, 3-4 Allen square building, house 16 Prospect avenue. Hotel Ellicott, 14-22 West First, James I. Murray, proprietor Hougberg, Anna, Mrs., house 6 East Buffalo. Houghtaling, Edwin J. (Carrie), brick layer,. Fluvanna avenue. Houghtaling, Gerald H. (Lillian), clerk, 20 East Third, house 608 Main. Houghtaling, James, brick mason, residence 834 Lafayette. Houghton, George H. (Frank A.), blacksmith, 1050 East Second, house 941 do. House Clara, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 752 East Second. Housted, Frank (Hilda), polisher, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 3 Orchard. Houston, Esther, residence 44 Lake View avenue. Houston, Preston C. (Auzella C ) , house 44 Lake View avenue. Howard, Arthur C , bell boy Hotel Ellicott, rooms over 103 South Main. Howard, Charles L. (Mary), carpenter house 13 Scott. Howard, Charles T. (Lucia A.), house 101 Cherry. Howard, Elizabeth, widow James house 36 Harrison. Howard, Elmer E. (Hulda), weaver, residence 163 Chandler. Howard, George (Rosenin), clerk house 562 East Second. Howard, George W . (Matilda), laborer, house 163 Chandler. Howard, Isabel, milliner, 101 South Main, residence 123 Allen. Howard, Jennie I., bookkeeper, 113 East Third, residence 319 Lincoln. Howard, J. Henry, carpenter, house 319 Lincoln. Howard, Joseph (Frank), carpenter, 104 Catlin avenue. Howard, Harriet F. residence 109 Forest avenue. Howard, Hiram D., carpenter, residence 13 Scott. Howard, Mary E., residence 319 Linci In. Howard, Richard C. (Carrie), tinner, house 214 West Seventh. Howard, Robert J., wool sorter, 116 East First, residence 36 Harrison. Howard, Walter P. (Alice M.), bookkeeper, 101 Harrison, house 120 Lincoln. Howard, William S. (Stella F.), superintendent Eng. P. Co .& Chaut. M. Co., Ashville avenue, house Howard avenue (Celoron.) Howe, Carrie M., teacher, residence 115 Crosby. Howe, Lynn E. (Bertha L.), plumber, house 225 Clyde. Howe, Oren (Roa), laborer, house 115 Crosby. Howe, William, yardman, 119 East Second, boards do. Howes, James W . (Mary J.), laborer, house 131 Crescent. Howson, William M. (Rosa), carpenter, house Ashville avenue (Celoron). Hoyt, Carlton G. (Margaret), wood worker, house 932 East Second. Hoyt Flats, 307-315 West Third. Hoyt, Joel I. (Adele F.), teamster, house 314 West Second. Hoyt, Peter H. (Jennie E.), sec. and treas. Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co., — Jamestown Construction Co—house 307 West Third. Hoyt, Sidney B. (Agnes), com. traveler, house 101 West Fifth. Hoyt, Sidney M., student, residence 101 West Fifth. M . J. M U R R A Y . First-class Plumbing, 122 W . Third St. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. HUBBARD. HULTGREN. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 243 Hubbard, Marshall M. (Mary), stationary engineer, house 13 Sexton. Huber, Charles B., sander, residence 144 Allen. Huber, Charles H. (Jennie K.), spindle sander, house 144 Allen. Hudson, Charles, warper, 116 East Fii st, residence 52 West Tenth. Hudson, George W., hostler, 214 Washington, boards do. Hudson, Harry, varnisher, 40 Winsor, residence 52 West Tenth. Hudson, William (Malina), warp dresser, house 52 West Tenth. Hulquist, Andrew J. (Louise), weaver, house 4 Morse avenue. Hulquist, August E. (Hilda), merchant tailor, over 213 Main, h. 356 Foote av. Hulquist, Elvena, weaver, 116 East First, residence 356 Willard. Hulquist, Emil, chair maker, boards 1018 Newland avenue. Hulquist, Fred (Mary), mill hand, 116 East First, house 114 Crown. Hulquist, Gust (Eliza C ) , laborer, house 356 Willard. Hulquist, Henry (Jennie M.), driver, house over 8 Morse avenue. Hulquist—J. A. & Co.—John A. Hulqu'st and Gustaf O. Gustafson—Insurance, Loans and Ocean Tickets, room 2 Arcade building. Hulquist, John A. (Jennie L.)—J. A Hulquist & Co.—Arcade building— house 215 Barrows. Hulquist see also Hultquist. Hult, Anna, widow Edward V., house 10 Eagle. Hult, Conrad A. (Katie), druggist, 12 Willard, house do. Hult, Eliza C , widow, house 18 Willard. Hult, Gustaf (Mary), laborer, house 10 Eagle. Hult, John A. (Ellen), house painter, house 36 Pearl avenue. Hult, Lisa C, widow C. H., residence 18 Willard. Hult, Mary, domestic, 110 Forest avenue. Hultberg, Adolf F. (Hattie M.), laborer, house 254 Willard. Hultberg, Amel, clerk, residence 618 East Second. Hultberg, August (Minnie), laborer, house 293 Crescent. Hultberg, Axel, wood carver, residence 618 East Second. Hultberg, Charles L. (Gertie), painter, house 24 Crown. Hultberg, Christine, widow Charles, house 618 East Second. Hultberg, Ellen O., student, 254 Willard. Hultberg, Henry (Caroline), laborer, house 286 Harrison. Hultberg, John A. (Matilda), house 40 Holman. Hultberg, Matilda, residence 618 East Second. Hultberg, Oscar W., etcher, 13 Taylor, residence 618 East Second. Hultberg, Rose M., clerk 53 Winsor, residence 254 Willard. Hultberg, Sigried, weaver, 35 Water, residence over 300 Foote avenue. Hultgren, Agatha A., residence 13 Union avenue. Hultgren, Carl O., Jr., residence 13 Union avenue. Hultgren, Carl O., Rev., (Anna), retired clergyman, house 13 Union avenue. Hultgren, Charles (Hulda), polisher, house 16 Union avenue. Hultgren, Ernest, tailor over 307 Main, boards 16 West End. Hultgren, Flavia R., clerk, 13 Main, residence 13 Union avenue. Hultgren, Henry (Matilda),finisher,house over 501 Crescent. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Silver Plated W a r e and Cutlery K n o x Hats, Havves H a t s only at P R O U D F I T S HULTIN. HUNTER. 244 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Hultin, Carl E., cabinet maker, boards 49 Peterson. Hultin, John F. (Alma J.), painter, house 49 Peterson. Hultquist, August (Matilda), stone mason, house 124 Park. Hultquist, August E. (Tilda), tailor, house 358 Foote avenue. Hultquist, Charles J. (Tholinda C ) , sh.pping clerk, house 15 Wilson avenue. ^Hultquist, Clarence A. (M. Char.otte), clerk, 221 Main, house 839 Prender gast avenue. Hultquist, Ernest H.,finisher,335 Harrison, residence 15 Wilson avenue. Hultquist, Johanna, widow Caul J., residence 28 Scott. Hultquist, Julia, weaver, residence 124 Park. Hultquist. J. Victor, printer, residence 15 Wilson avenue. Hultquist, Swan G. (Ida C ) , polisher, 34 Steele, house 244 Barrows. Hultquist, see also Hulquist. Humphrey House, 13-22 S. Main—J. William Humphrey, Jr., proprietor. Humphrey, J. William, Jr. (Mary), proprietor Humphrey House, 13-23 Main, house do. Humphrey, Gertrude W.„ music teacher, residence 20 West Fourth. Humphrey, Rolland H. (Euphemia), tinshop and slate roofer, 708 East Second, house 20 West Fourth. Humphrey's carriage repository, carriages and wagons, 30-34 S. Main, J. W . Humphrey, Jr., proprietor. Hunt, A-ugust (Anna), night watchman, house 9 Hanley. Hunt, Charles (Addie), foreman, house 206 Spring. Hunt, Charles, retired, residence 23 Al-len. Hunt, Cora M., Mrs., charwoman, residence 412 Washington. Hunt, Cornelius (Clarinda), painter, house 23 Allen. Hunt, David C. (Matilda), painter, house 269 Hallock. Hunt Elton C. (Edith C ) , bookkeeper, 223 Main, house 608 Prendergast ave. Hunt, E'vin (Dora), drayman, house 506 Palmer. Hunt, Eveline F., widow Reuben, house 200 Warren. Hunt, Emily C , stenographer 101 Harrison, residence 304 Winsor. Hunt, Frank, veterinary surgeon, 214 Washington, rms. over 120 E. Third. Hunt, Fred C , physician, 10-12 Wellman building, rooms do. Hunt, Fred C. (Flora), grocer, 9 Kidder, house 200 Warren. Hunt, Freeman J. (Eliza), stationary engineer, house 312 Allen. Hunt, George F. (Minnie), piano salesman, house 229 Warren. Hunt, Glenn (Jennie), lounge maker, house 11 Barrett. Hunt, Harold, W., artist, 14-16 West Second, rooms 416 Lafayette. ' Hunt, Herbert L. (S. Annetta), attorney at law, 25-26 Wellman building, house 511 West Fourth. Hunt, Jay (Gertrude), farmer, house Hunt road, beyond limits. Hunt, Maria, widow William, house 600 Foote avenue. Hunt, Mary, tele, operator, 113 East Third, residence 269 Hallock. Hunt, Whitman P. (Temperance J.), teamster, house 931 Newland avenue. Hunt, William C (Gertrude M.), polisher, 3 Ashville avenue, h. 9 Reinold ave. Hunter, John W . (Agnes B.), clerk, 212 Main, house over 419 West Third. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^S^X M. J. MURRAY The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO' HUNTINGTON. ILLIG. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 245 Huntington Myrtle, operative, 318 Cherry, rooms 20 West Seventh. Huntington, Alfred, machinist, residence 844 Lafayette. Huntington, Brook (Eliza), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 44 Foote ave. Huntington, Charlotte E., weaver, 116 East First, residence 44 Foote avenue. Huntington, Ephraim S., musician, residence 44 Foote avenue. Huntington, George K., carver, residence 636 East Sixth. Huntington, Henry (Jane), stationary engineer, house 636 East Sixth. Huntington, John (Agnes), teamster, house 14 Fluvanna avenue. Huntington, John (Harriet), warp dresser, house 844 Lafayette. Huntington, Robert, presser, residence 636 East Sixth. Huntington, Susan, drawer, house 636 East Sixth. Huntington, Susanna, drawer, residence 844 Lafayette. Huntington, Talbert, stationary engineer, residence 636 East Sixth. Huntington, Wilhelmena, spinner, residence 844 Lafayette. Huntington, William, weaver, residence 844 Lafayette. Hurlbert, George F. (Etta), prop. N e w Sherman house, 11-19 West Third, house Columbia, (Fredonia, N. Y.) Hurlburt, Fred T. (Letha), painter, house 60 West Tenth. Hurlbut, Frank (Annie), lather, house 32 Ashville avenue. Hurley, Michael E. (Margaret), mill hand, 101 Harrison, house 808 Jefferson. Husband, A. Blinn, apprentice, 14-16 West Second, residence 16 Cook avenue. Husband, John B. (Octavene A.), bookkeeper, 10 W . 3d, h, 16 Cook avenue. Husband, Mabel, tel. operator, 113 East Third, boards 622 Spring. Husband, Thomas, shipping clerk, residence 215 Fulton. Hussey, Annie, domestic, 214 Fulton. Husted, Charles C. (Carrie B.), artist, 12 Ellicott buildings, house 1027 Main Husted, Clarence, sign painter,flat3-17 Steele, rooms do. Husted, Edward ( E m m a ) , laborer, house 40 Bush. Husted, Ellen, residence 40 Bush. Hutchinson, Elizabeth M., bookkeeper, Lakeview rose garden, 304 Main, boards 24 Cross. Hutley, Ann, widow John, house 220 Allen. Hutley, Charles T. ( E m m a ) , pin setter, house 211 Allen. Hutley, Clara, weaver, residence 220 Allen. Hutley, James (Jennie E.), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 5 Elk. Hutley, John W . (Annie), mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 9 King. Hutley, Nellie C, milliner, 314 East Third, residence 5 Elk. Hutley, Ruth Eliza, weaver, residence 220 Allen. Hyde, Frederick W . (Carrie), sec. Journal Printing Company, 14-16 West Second, house 334 East Fifth. Hyslot, Sabra, widow Silas, residence 10 Crane. I Ickeringill. John W . (Sarah E.), foreman 335 Harrison, house 13 Franklin. Tllig, Peter (Lena), bottler 104 East Second, house 48 West Ninth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware Call u p N o . 3 3 , for Clothing a n d Furnishings ILJ^NGWORTH. IRWIN. 246 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Illingworth, Fred (Emma), loom fixer, house 375 Foote avenue. Illingworth, John (Fannie), loom fixer, house 225 Broadhead avenue. Illingworth, John H. (Hannah),finisher,335 Harrison, house 114 Water. Illingworth, Julia., weaver, residence 225 Broadhead avenue. Immel, Alice L. clerk, 217 Main, residence 103 East Sixth. Immel, Annie C , residence 103 East Sixth. Immel, David W . (Matilda M.), supt. Jamestown Water Supply Company, 110 East Third, house 103 East Sixth. Imus, Clarence A. (Lulu J.),finisher20 Winsor, house 109 Cowing. Ingeman, John P. (Signa), carpenter, house 109 Sampson. Ingerson Bros.—George H. and Norman W.—grocers 18 East Third. Ingerson, George H. (Kate E.),—Ingerson Bros—18 E. 3d, house 1061 E. 2d. Ingerson, John W., driver 18 East Third, residence 1061 East Second. Ingerson, Norman W . (Stella M.),—Ingerson Bros.—18 E. 3d., h. 44 Grant. Ingham, George W . (Emma), wool carder, house 25 Columbia avenue. Ingham, James (Gertrude)—John Ingham & Co.—27 Victoria avenue, house 350 Foote avenue. Ingham, John (Emma)—John Ingham & Co.—27 Victoria ave., h. 43 College. Ingham, John & Co.—John and James Ingham—mfrs. wool batting and yarns, 27 Victoria avenue. Ingham, Nathan (Sarah), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 103 Water. Ingham, William H. (Mirriam), wool sorter, house 616 East Sixth. Inglehart, Edgar B., clerk 16 West Third, rooms City building. Ingwall, Charles W . (Josephine), tai'or, under 24 South Main, h., 930 Main Innis, Frank A. (Ellen A.), stationary engineer, house 645 Falconer. Innis, Joseph (Theresa)—Innis & Faurot—19 East Second, h. over 216 do. Innis & Faurot—Joe Innis & Gus Faurot—saloon, 19 East Second. International Correspondence schools, 14 Ellicott bldg., Fred VanDusen, sol'r. Ipson, Andrew (Eliza), wood worker, house under 513 Allen. Ipson, Andrew J., machinist, residence, 605 West Seventh. Ipson, Catherine, widow James P., house 605 West Seventh. Ipson, Charles (Sophia E . ) — Jamestown Bedstead Co.—30 Steele, h. 601 W.7tb Ipson, Henry (Julia A.), shipping clerk, house 17 Linden avenue. Ipson, John H., bookkeeper, residence 601 West Seventh. Ipson, M a y Belle, bookkeeper, residence 601 West Seventh. Ipson, Nicholas, cabinet maker, boards 42 West Ninth. Ipson, Peter (Housina), night watchman, house 869 Spring. Ipson, Rose, student, residence 869 Spring. Iroquois Hotel, 6 South Main—Castle & -Johnson, proprietors. Irwin, Ed. P., clerk N e w Sherman house. Irwin, Frank, woodworker, residence 17 Metallic avenue. Irwin, Harry, bobbin boss, residence 149 Warren. Irwin, James (Mary), spinning boss, house 149 Warren. Irwin, James E., winder, residence 149 Warren. Irwin, Susan, residence 149 Warren. M. J.MURRAY ^as^uZir* Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. IRWIN. , JACOBSEN. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. ^47 Irwin, Walter (Margaret), wood worker, residence 17 Metallic avenue. Isaacson, Amel Frank (Carrie E.), machinist, house 36 Center. Isaacson, Mary C, widow John N., residence 51 Tower. Isaacson, William 0., machinist, residence 36 Center. Isbell, Joseph H. (Margaret), boiler maker, house 505 Clinton. Isbell, Lewis J., student, residence 505 Clinton. Isbell, Margaret M.,fitter,318 Cherry, residence 505 Clinton. Isbell, Mary H., baster, 318 Cherry, residence 505 Clinton. Isbell, Robert J., upholsterer, 40 Winsor, residence 505 Clinton. Iverson, James, Jr., clerk 21 Main boards 117 Chandler. J Jackson, Agnes, widow Andrew, residence 204 Allen. Jackson, Archibald A. (Margaret), cai-ver, house 204 Allen. Jackson, Charles E., clerk, residence 205 Lafayette. Jackson, Claude S., teacher, rooms 22 Derby. Jackson, Clyde W . (Mary L.), clerk, 342 East Third, house 617 Prendergast avenue. Jackson, Dan M. (Cora B.), shipping tlerk, 13 East Third, house 1029 E. 2d. Jackson, Ella A., clerk 55 N e w Giffotd building, residence 78 Marvin. Jackson, Epenitus N., farmer, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Jackson, George (Laura), hostler, 953 East Second, house 949 do. Jackson, George A., mgr. Hotel Ellicott, residence 205 Lafayette. Jackson, Glen H., laster, 318 Cherry, boards 17 West Fourth. Jackson, Hilda, domestic, 403 East Sixth. Jackson, Isabel F., Mrs., house 80 Marvin. Jackson, J. Henry (Mary J.), hotel keeper, house 205 Lafayette. Jackson, Joihn E., wood worker, residence 110 Frances. Jackson, Lucy, student, residence 205 Lafayette. Jackson, Olive, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Jackson, Rose, domestic, 701 East Second. Jackson, Peter W . (Louise), wood worker, house 110 Frances. Jackson, Sandford, farmer, residence Ashville avenue. Jackson, Stephen, stationary engineer, residence 124 Crescent. Jackson, Charles (Matilda), carpenter, house 4 Willis. Jackson, Townsend (Margaret A.), farmer, house Ashville avenue (Celoron). Jacobs, Eliza, house 210 Crosby. Jacobs, Helen, widow A. Delos, house 631 Falconer. Jacobs, John (Johanna), retired, house 6 Williams. Jacobs, Lynn B., student, residence 631 Falconer. Jacobsen, Marcus P. (Sophia C ) , carriage maker, 202 Washingt Crosby. Jacobsen, Marcus F., carriage painter, residence 2 Crosby. Jacobsen, Martha E., teacher, residence 2 Crosby. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates T w o C u t t e r s in C u s t o m D e p t . at JACOBSON. 248 PROUDFITS JAMESTOWN BOILER WORKS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Jacobson, Augusta, nurse, 303 East Second. Jacobson, Edward W., weaver 116 East First, residence 9 Elk. Jacobson, Ella A., student, residence 820 Cherry. Jacobson, Emil (Carrie),fishpeddler, house 119% Warren. Jacobson, E m m a , widow John, house over 6 River. Jacobson, E m m a C , residence 9 Elk. Jacobson, Frank, janitor, Eagle hose, residence 228 Forest avenue. Jacobson, Frank A., packer Atlas Furniture company, residence 820 Cherry. Jacobson, George (Selma), cabinet maker, house 502 Newland avenue. Jacobson, Gust, shoemaker, 7 Steele, boards 51 Prospect avenue. Jacobson, Jacob (Agusta), woodworker, house 228 Forest avenue. Jacobson, J. Alvin (Anna M.), painter, house 602 Winsor. Jacobson, Joseph (Gustie), varnisher, house 3 Briggs. Jacobson, Julia C , residence 9 Elk. Jacobson, Louis R., residence 9 Elk. Jacobson, Luther W., machinist, residence 9 Elk. Jacobson, Nels N. (Josephine), carpenter, house 9 Elk. Jacobson, Peter A. (Louise C ) , mach'nist, house 31 Kinney. Jacobson, Oscar (Carrie), planer, 415 Chandler, house 820 Cherry. Jacobson, see also Jacobsen. Jaderstrom, Charles D., wood worker, residence 9 Tew. Jaderstrom, Eric I., bleacher, residence 9 Tew. Jaderstrom, Hildegarde L. J., traveling solicitor, residence 9 Tew. Jaderstrom, John (Ulrica L.), shoemaker, 1 Taylor, house 9 Tew. Jaderstrom, John E., carver, residence 9 Tew. Jagger, Lewis C. (Mary N.)—Morgan manufacturing company—3 Ashville ave nue, house 30 Lake View avenue. Jakobsen, Jens( Christine), blacksmith, 230 East Second, house 241 Sprague. Jakobsen, see also Jacobson. James, Albert (Grace), laborer, house 1208 East Second. James, Eunice E., residence 93 Steele. James, Henry (Eliza F.), bookkeeper, house 93 Steele. James, John, machinist, boards 210 Park place. James, Melissa, Mrs., residence 201 East First. Jamestown Auction & Second Hand Store, new and second hand goodsW o o d & Lee proprietors, 2 Main. Jamestown Bakery—National Biscuit Co.—rear 46-8 Steele, G. F. Staub, mgr. Jamestown Bed Spring Co.—Charles W . Eckman, Ivar Sandberg and Charles H o l m — 8 and 10 Willard. Jamestown Bedstead Co.—William A. Marsh, Daniel H. Post, A. W . Crumb, and Charles Ipson—mfrs. tables, bedsteads, etc., 30-8 Steele. Jamestown Beef Co., wholesale meats. 33 Institute, Charles S. Gardner, mgr. Jamestown Bill Posting Co.,—Castner & Co.—posters, distributors, etc., S. P. Vail, manager, 20 East Second. Jamestown Boiler Works—John G. O'Brien—mfrs. boilers, stills and tanks, 602 West Seventh. M. J. M U R R A Y Employes Only First-class W o r k m e n Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T h e A. D. S H A R P E CO. JAMESTOWN BOTTLING CO. JAMESTOWN SLIDING BLIND CO. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 249 Jamestown Bottling Co., bottlers—Clinton B. Winsor, mgr., 12 West First. Jamestown Brewing Co., brewers—Frrnk X. Brandel, pres., 612-20 West Sth. Jamestown Brick Works—Ransom J. Barrows, agt., dealers in brick, 16 E. 3d Jamestown Business college, rms. 24-30 Gokey bldg., 18 West 3d—H. E. V. Porter, principal. Jamestown Camera club, rooms over 29 Main., H. E. Sellvin, sec. and treas. Jamestown Candy Co.—Chas D. Parks—mfg. confectionery, 219 Spring. Jamestown Cane Seat Chair Co., chair—mfrs., 31-43 Taylor,W.S.Gifford.treas. Jamestown club, 413 Main. Jamestown Coal and Coke Co., coal and building material, 602-10 West 8th, G. W . Sisson, manager. Jamestown Commercial gallery, commercial photographs, 320 Harrison, lay Pickard, proprietor. Jamestown Construction Co.—P. H. Hoyt, John and Thomas Mahoney— general contractors, room 24 Allen square building. Jamestown Co-Operative Supply Co., general merchandise.—James Rhodes, superintendent, 216-18 East Second and 343 Allen. Jamestown Cotton Mill, mfr. warps and battings, 58 Center,—T. H. Smith, proprietor. Jamestown Desk Co.—John D. Windsor and T. Nevitt Sprague—desk mfrs., 56-60 Taylor. Jamestown Dry Plate Works—Charles N. Brown and Morgan W . Rundei— manufacturers photographic dry plates, 49-59 J .& G. avenue. Jamestown Electric Light and Power Co.—William N. Gokey, president, 313 Cherry. Jamestown Furniture Co.—C. A. Trantum, general manager—manufacturers of parlor tables, 129-35 J. & G. avenue. Jamestown laundry—Harry J. LeBeouf proprietor—3 Barrett. Jamestown Lounge Co.—Hurley L. Phillips, Lynn F.Cornell, Arthur H. Green lund and Theodore D. Hanchett—mfrs. lounges and couches, 38-46 Winsor. Jamestown Photo Paper & Chemical Works, mfrs. aristotype paper, over 19-21 Steele—William J. Loucks, manager. Jamestown Plumbing fe Heating Co.—Jonas Woodhead—plumbing and heating, 211 East Third. Jamestown Parlor Table Co.—Peter Shelberg, Fred A. Johnson—mfrs. parlor tables, 1026 East Second. Jamestown Roofing Coj—C. J. Peckham—Roofing and building material, 103 East Third. Jamestown Sanitary Co.—C. W . Grant, manager—mfg. sanitary commodes, 108 Cherry. Jamestown Shale Paving Brick Co.. paving brick and quarry stone, 40 Quarry road—Hon. J. B. Fisher, r resident. Jamestown Sliding Blind Co., mfrs. interior work, 28-29-35 Briggs, D. Peterson, president. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings Children's Suits, $1.50 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T S . JAMESTOWN ST. RY. Co. JEWELL, 250 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Jamestown Street Railway Company—A. N. Broadhead,, president—Depot 13 West Third, office car barns, West Third. Jamestown Towel Mills—Andrew J. Gifford and John T. Hall—Hunt road, (Celoron). Jamestown Veneer Works—George B. Peterson, Austin J. Thayer and Nathan M. Wilson—mfrs of veneers, 46-8 Steele. Jamestown Wall Paper Co.—Elliot B Bratt—117 Main. Jamestown Water Supply Co.—David W . Immel, superintendent—110 E. 3d. Jamestown Woolen Mills—Hall & Co.—mfrs. woolens, 122 Winsor. Jamestown Worsted Mills.—Hall & Co.—mfrs. suitings and dress goods, 335 Harrison. Jamestown & Chautauqua Railway, 640 West Eighth, freight office 75 Steele. —J. S. Barrow general freight and passenger agent. Jansen, Charles (Margrita), carpenter, house 330 Lakin avenue. Jarl, J. Gust (Johanna), carpenter, house 206 Charles. Jarl, see also Jharl. Jeffords, Charles L., warp dresser, 116 East First, residence 116 Water. Jeffords, Jefferson L., loomfixer,residence 897 East Second. Jeffords, Jennie, widow John V. N., house 116 Water. Jeffords, Mariette F., widow Charles L., house 897 East Second. Jenkins, John (Bertha M.), warp dresser, house 256 Crescent. Jenkins, Sarah A., winder 38 Center, residence 34 Derby. Jenkinson, Catherine, weaver 35 Water, residence 151 Barrows. Jenkinson, William, plumber, 304 East Second, boards 637 Falconer. Jenkinson, William (Sarah), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 151 Barrows. Jenks, A. Frank (Florence S.), attorney at law, 55 N e w Gifford building. Jenner, A m y , residence 1 Barrett. Jenner, Alta M. (Kate), laundry, 3 Barret, house 1 do. Jenner, Charles J. (Inez)—hats, caps and furnishings—214 Main, house 124 Forest avenue. Jenner, George C. (May B.), clerk 214 Main, house 100 Cook avenue. Jenner, Grace, weaver, residence 209 Warren. Jennings, Charles H., harness maker, 218 East Second, boards over 224 do. Jensen, Louis (Jennie C ) , sign painter, 72 Allen square building, house 26 Linden avenue. Jensen, Swan P., table maker, residence 116 Williams. Jensen, Andrew (Lena), laborer, house 145 Barrows. Jensen, Bertie, residence 27 Whitley avenue. Jensen, Hugo (Louise), retired, rear 27 Whitley avenue. Jensen, Jens (Sophie), wood worker, house 909 Newland avenue. Jensen, Katie, residence rear 27 Whitley avenue. Jensen, see also Jansen. Jessop, Joe (Florence), dyer 335 Harrison, house 49 do. Jewell, George, aeronaut, boards 118 East Second. Jewell, John, desk maker, boards 19 Farrett. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W . Third St., M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D.S H A R P E CO. JOHNSON. JHARL. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 251 Jharl, Carl (Beda), lounge maker, house 257 Prospect. Jharl, see also Jarl. Jillett, Warren, laborer, boards 625 Falconer. Jimerson, David B. (Maud L.), medium, 37 Harrison, house do. Jobes, William P. (Jennie), linsman, house 5 Hall avenue. John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, room 4 New Gifford building — E . Milspaw manager. Johnson, A. August (Anna S.), laborer, house 224 Crescent. Johnson, Adelbert (Ella), mason, house 215 Washington. Johnson, Adella A., residence 703 Lafayette. Johnson, Adolf (Alma), wood worker, house 323 Newland avenue. Johnson, A. Gust, tailor, over 307 Main, residence 108 Ohandler. Johnson, A. John (Mary), retired, house 6 Tilden avenue. Johnson, Albert (Nettie), painter, house over 788 East Second. Johnson,, Albert, upholsterer, 40 Winsor. residence 296 Willard. Johnson, Albert (Emily)—Anderson & Johnson—104 Main, house 547 E. 2d. Johnson, Albert, laborer, residence 224 Crescent. Johnson, Albert C, lounge maker, residence 1014 Newland avenue. Johnson, Albert J., laborer, residence 1048 Main. Johnson, Albert W — Hall & Johnson—16 Willard, house 340 do. Johnson, Albin, weaver, boards 118 Williams. Johnson, Alexander (Augusta F.), music teacher, house 310 West Seventh. Johnson, Alfred, carpenter, boards 2-0 Bowen. Johnson, Alfred (Ida), wood worker, house 825 Newland avenue. Johnson, Alfred (Anna), soler, 318 Cherry, house 35 Dickerson. Johnson, Alfred, coachman, 512 West Third. Johnson, Alfred,finisher,20 Winsor, boards 19 do. Johnson, Alfred O. (Alma S.), laborer, house 51 Kinney. Johnson, Algot G. (Matilda),finisher,house 44 Jones. Johnson, Alice, domestic, 614 East Sixth. Johnson ,Alma, student, residence 23 Newton. Johnson, Alma, domestic, 127 Forest avenue. Johnson, Alma A., domestic, 219 Chandler. Johnson, Alma J., residence 31 Holnun. Johnson, Alma L., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 63 Hedges avenue. Johnson Amanda, domestic, 916 Main residence 441 West Second. Johnson, Amanda, domestic, 512 East Second, residence 581 Allen. Johnson, Amanda S., widow Frank, house 172 Chandler. Johnson, Amel J., residence 448 Chandler. Johnson, Amel J., laborer, residence 221 Price. Johnson, Amel T. (Mary), machinist, house 216 Bowen. Johnson, Amelia, weaver, residence 317 Allen. Johnson, Amelia, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 488 Willard. Johnson, Amelia C, domestic,'50 Fairmount avenue. Johnson Amelia L., shoe operative, residence 29 Palmer. Johnson, Andrew, helper 335 Harrison, residence 443 West Second. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing 1866. PROUDFIT'S. 3 3 years at 3 3 . JOHNSON. 252 1899. JOHNSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Johnson, Andrew (Sophia), wood worker, house 574 Allen. Johnson, Andrew (Charlotte), laborer, house 168 Allen. Johnson, Andrew (Mary), retired, house 19 Park. Johnson, Andrew, laborer, 40 Quarry road, residence Willard, beyond limits. Johnson, Andrew (Anna), machinist, house 300 Hall avenue. Johnson, Andrew, retired, residence 824 Newland avenue. Johnson, Andrew (Anna), aristo worker, house 912 Newland avenue. Johnson, Andrew (Augusta), wood worker, house 106 Charles. Johson, Andrew, laborer, boards 307 Winsor. Johnson, Andrew A. (Sophia C ) , lumber shover, house 285 East Buffalo, Johnson, Andrew J., drug clerk, 21 East Second, residence 16 Foote avenue. Johnson, Andrew J. (Minnie), cabinet maker, 21 Briggs, house 31 Holman. Johnson, Andrew L. (Christine), laborer, house 246 Crescent. Johnston, Andrew L. (Lucy), retired, house 124 Barrows. Johnson, Andrew N. (Tilda), laborer, liouse 654 Barrows. Johnson, Anna, domestic, 516 Lafayette. Johnson, Anna, domestic, 15 South Main. Johnson, Anna, domestic, 405 Pine. Johnson, Anna, twister, 116 East Fiist, residence 243 Crescent. Johnson, Anna, domestic, residence 1024 Newland avenue. Johnson, Anna, residence 161 Allen. Johnson, Anna, domestic, 518 Ma'n. Johnson, Anna, drawer, 335 Harrison, boards 628 Barrows. Johnson, Anna G., house 32 Pearl avenue. Johnson, Anna L., nurse, residence, under 145 Barrows. Johnson, Anna L., residence 443 West Second. Johnson, Anna M., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 45 Chapin. Johnson, Anna M., widow John, residence 29 Kinney. Johnson, Anna M., widow Peter J., house 47 Westcott. Johnson, Anna M., residence English. Johnson, Anna S., widow John P., residence 22 Peterson. Johnson, Anna, widow Alfred, house 29 Charles. Johnson, Anne, widow Nils, house 572 Allen. Johnson, Anton (Esther K.), laborer, house 35 Euclid avenue. Johnson, Archie A. (May), drug c'erk, 300 Main, residence 10 Highland. Johnson, Archie A. (Hannah), grocer, 37 Sampson, house 52 Charles. Johnson, Arthur, residence 15 Peterson. Johnson, Arthur J., printer, residence 12 Crescent. Johnson, Arvid H. L. (Mary L.), factoiy hand, 415 Chandler, house Vega. Johnson, August (Amanda J.), foreman Vart Land, over 12 West Second, house 246 Hazzard. Johnson, August (Sophia), laborer, house 104 Sampson. Johnson, August ( E m m a C ) , carpenter, house 31 Peterson. Johnson, August (Selma), laborer, liouse 21 Peterson. Johnson, August (Matilda), tinner, A m . Aristo., house 57 Water. Johnson, August (Anna M.), laborer, house 448 Chandler. S o m e of the most extensive p X « e « £«? \W bV 31. J. M U R R A Y The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. JOHNSON. JOHNSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 253 Johnson, August( Caroline), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 20 Vega. Johnson, August (Sophie), ax maker, 13 Taylor, house 557 Allen. Johnson, August A. (Ida), case maker, house 18 Linden avenue. Johnson, August C. (Annie), painter. 101 Harrison, house 779 East Second. Johnson, August E., operative 335 Harrison, residence English. Johnson, August F. (Sophia M.), watch maker, house 8 Barrows. Johnson, August G. (Albertina), carpenter, 415 Chandler, house 154 Barrows. Johnson, August H. (Christine), machine hand, 105 Winsor, h. 222 Barrows. Johnson, August J. (Louise), cabinet maker, house 784 East Second. Johnson, August J. (Sophia), sta. engineer, house 220 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Augusta, weaver, residence "54 Allen. Johnson, Augusta, domestic, 518 Pine Johnson, Augusta, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 135 East Ninth. Johnson, Augusta Caroline, twister, residence 12 Partridge. Johnson, Augusta J., domestic, 104 Washington. Johnson, Axalena, Mrs., house 33 Westcott. Johnson, Axel, painter, hoards over 790 East Second. Johnson, Axel (Hulda), laborer, house 13 Ellicott. Johnson, Axel, weaver, 35 Water, residence 224 Crescent. Johnson, Axel (Carolina), case maker, house 29 Myrtle. Johnson, Axel (Tilda), table maker. 3 Ashville avenue, house over 235 Stee e Johnson, Axel F. (Emma T.), drugs. 21 East Second, house over 105 do. Johnson, Bert A., laborer, residence 145 Barrows. Johnson, Bertha, widow John, residence 115 Prospect. Johnson, Betta, residence 418 Willarf. Johnson, Breta, widow John, house 531 Allen. Johnson Bros.—Frank L. and Oscar F—grocers, 7 South Main. Johnson Bros.—William and Christopher—tinshop, 315 Lincoln. Johnson, Calvin M. (Blanche), livery stable, 228 East Second, h. over do. Johnson, Carl, mattress maker, residence 106 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Carl A., spring setter, residence 784 East Second. Johnson, Carl A., mill hand, 153-163 J. & G. avenue, residence 52 Pearl ave Johnson, Carl A. (Lena S.), tailor, 208 Main, house 383 Baker. Johnson, Carl A. (Amelia), cabinet maker, house 253 Prospect. Johnson, Carl I. (Augusta M.), painter, house 118 Bush. Johnson, Carl J. (Jennie O.), shipping clerk, 24 Main, house 919 do. Johnson, Carl J., mill hand, 105 Winsor, residence 118 King. Johnson, Carl J., messenger, 301 Mam, residence 133 Prospect Johnson. Carl J., laborer, residence 300 King. Johnson, Carl L., residence 76 Eagle. Johnson, Carl O (Anna L.), laborer, house 45 Chapin. Johnson, Carrie, weaver, residence 19 Park. Johnson, Carrie, widow Peter, house 200 Falconer. Johnson, C. Edward (Emma C), carpenter, house 25 Wilson avenue. Johnson, Charles (Hilma), carpenter, house 7 Ahrens. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies Reliable C l o t h i n g at RPe1a=°£ab,e a t P R O U D F I T S JOHNSON. JOHNSON.254 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Johnson, Charles (Christine), laborer, house over 300 Barrows. Johnson, Charles (Hedda), foreman 706 West Eighth, house 296 Willard. Johnson, Charles (Mary), laborer, house 1048 Main Johnson, Charles (Amanda-0.), st. car conductor, house 120 Hamilton. Johnson, Charles (Matilda), lumber shover, house 251 Colfax. Johnson, Charles (Hilda), motorneer, house 123 Hamilton. Johnson, Charles (Hannah), laborer, house 317 Allen. Johnson, Charles (Emma), carpenter ,116 East First, house 11 Axtel. Johnson, Charles (Inga C ) , house 118 King. Johnson, Charles, cabinet maker, boards 248 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Charles (Lena), laborer, house 14 Bishop. Johnson, Charles, carpenter, residence 206 Falconer. Johnson, Charles, laborer, boards 22 Eagle. Johnson, Charles (Christine), shoemaker, house 913 Newland avenue. Johnson, Charles, laborer, residence 35 Euclid avenue. Johnson, Charles (Mary), farmer, Fluvanna avenue. Johnson, Charles, laborer, house 313 Monroe. Johnson, Charles, carpenter, residence 206 Falconer. Johnson, Charles (Louisa), wool sorter, house 549 Allen. Johnson, Charles, laborer, residence 200 Falconer. Johnson, Charles (Gertrude), motorneer, Jst. St. Ry. Co., house 313 Willard. Johnson, Charles A. (Johanna B.), cigars and confectionery—117 East Second, house, 824 Newland avenue. Johnson, Charles A. (Alice)—Johnson Ice Co.—Isabella avenue, h. 504 W. 7th. Johnson, Charles A. (Annie), carpenter, house 263 Forest avenue. Johnson, Charles A. (Emma), laborer, house 104 Falconer. Johnson, Charles A. (Christine), aristo worker, house 200 Prospect. Johnson, Charles A. (Louisa J.), painter, house 231 Prospect. Johnson, Charles A.—Peterson & Johnson—710 Main, residence 7 Valley. Johnson, Charles A., blacksmith, residence 68 West Tenth. Johnson, Charles A. (Anna)—Nelson & Johnson, 233 Prospect, house 263 Forest avenue. Johnson, Charles A. (Selma), upholsterer, house 116 Sampson. Johnson, Charles A., vice president Atlas Furniture company, Allen extension, boards 1 Kipp. Johnson, Charles A. (Johannah L.), laborer, house 76 Eagle. Johnson, Charles E. (Matilda), constable, house 703 Lafayette. Johnson, Charles E. (Mary), loomfixer,35 Water, house 9 Garfield. Johnson, Charles E., laborer, residence 174 Barrows. Johnson Charles E. (Hilma), sample clerk, 335 Harrison, house 230 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Charles F. (Marthine), polisher, 105 Winsor, house 73 Thirteenth. Johnson, Charles F. (Johanna), carriage maker, house 68 West Tenth. M. J. MURRAY, uses only the Best Plumbing Material Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. JOHNSON. JOHNSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 255 Johnson, Charles F. (Ida M.), laborer, house 249 English. Johnson, Charles G. (Ida S.) lake fireman, house 52 Pearl avenue. Johnson, Charles I. (Augusta M.), grocer, 344 Allen, house 172 do. Johnson, Charles J. (Thekla), polisher, house 223 Allen. Johnson, Charles J. ( E m m a M.), foreman 20 Winsor, house 14 Barrows. •Johnson, Charles J. (Mary), wood worker, house 21 Cowden place. Johnson, Charles J. (Catherine), laborer, house under 30 Institute. Johnson, Charles M. (Minnie G.), shoemaker, house 25 Whitley avenue. Johnson, Charles M. (Anna S.)—Empire Furniture Co.—124 Foote avenue, h, 169 Allen. Johnson, Charles 0. E. cabinet maker, residence 31 Holman. Johnson, Charles P. (Eva), mill hand, house 110 Charles. Johnson, Charles W., painter, 105 Winsor, residence 249 English. Johnson, Charles W . (Hilda), foreman 13 Taylor, house 15 Cedar avenue. Johnson, Christine, operative, residence 329 Willard. Johnson, Christine, widow Carl S., house 443 West Second. Johnson, Christine, widow Charles, residence 102 Sampson. Johnson, Christopher (Jennie), mason, house 161 Allen. Johnson, Christopher V. (Catherine A.)—Johnson Bros.—315 Lincoln, h. do. Johnson, Clara, residence 411 Barrett. Johnson, Clara, wiaow Carl, residence 112 Cross. Johnson, Clarence, wood worker, residence 21 Cowden place. Johnson, Clifton W., marker, 10 Harrison, residence 40 Barrows. Johnson, Clinton C, apprentice, 101 Harrison, residence 132 Barrows. Johnson, C. Mandus, laborer, residence 233 Willard. Johnson,, Constan G. (Mary G.), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 47 Wescott. Johnson, Corrinne A., milliner, 316 Main, residence 515 Washington. Johnson, David A. (Charlotte), salesman, 109 East Second, house 301 Winsor. Johnson, David A. ( E m m a C ) , laborer, house 80 Tower. Johnson, Delia E., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 340 Willard. Johnson, Dorothy, domestic, 17 West Fourth. Johnson, Earl A. (Pearl), clerk, 200 Allen, house do. Johnson, Earl E., bookkeeper, residence 115 Prospect. Johnson, Eda, domestic, 512 Prendergast avenue. Johnson, Eddie P., clerk, residence 31 Hol.man. Johnson, Edward, lounge maker, residence 549 Allen. Johnson, Edward,finisher,105 Winsor, boards 24 Victoria avenue. Johnson, Edward (Mary), driver, house 323 Newland avenue. Johnson, Edward . (Hila C ) , plate worker, house 116 Hall avenue. Johnson, Edward B., glass cutter, 518 East Sixth, boards 105 West Second. Johnson, Edwin L., commercial traveler, 46 Taylor, residence 15 Barrett. Johnson, Elizabeth, residence 411 Barrett. Johnson, Ellen, domestic, 143 Allen. Johnson, Elmer, lake captain, residence 296 Willard. CLARK HARDWARF CO A«ent» for STRAN«KY ENiMELKD lV1V rmmTmlSmmJ W tmllmm. Km\J., W A R E . E V C ^ PieCC W A R R A N T E D Little Giant Suits for Children at P R O U D F I T S JOHNSON. JOHNSON. 258 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Johnson, Elmer C, shoe maker, 318 Cherry, residence 10 Peterson. Johnson, Elof, laborer, residence 44 Vega. Johnson, Elof S. (Matilda G.), laborer, house 50 Grant. Johnson, Emil (Ida M.), com. traveler, Atlas Fur. Co., house 214 Barrows. Johnson, Emil, plumber, 122 West Third, residence 317 Allen. Johnson, Emil, mill hand, residence, English. Johnson, E m m a , domestic, 211 Lake View avenue. Johnson, E m m a , domestic, 10 East Fourth. Johnson, E m m a , dressmaker, boards 714 Washington. Johnson, E.mma, domestic, 315 Clinton. Johnson, Erland (Hulda), laborer, house 320 Bowen. Johnson, Ernest (Olivia), wood worker, house Buffalo. Johnson, Erwin H. (Bertie), electric light trimmer, City E. L. plant, house 715 Falconer. Johnson, Erwin H. (Lottie M.), st. car conductor, house 20 Langford. Johnson, Esther H. L., laundress, 113 West Third, residence 12 Crescent. Johnson, Eva J., residence 14 West Seventh. Johnson, Everett D. (May E.),—Smith & Johnson Bros.—over 7 East Third, house 4 East. Johnson, Florence, residence 12 Willard. Johnson, Florence W., teacher, residence 39 Marvin. Johnson, Francis O. (Emma), tailor over 214 Main, house 14 West End. Johnson, Frank, polisher, residence 106 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Frank (Sophia L.), coachman, 508 Main. Johnson, Frank, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 254 Willard. Johnson, Frank A. (Anna S.), chief of police, room 7 city hall, h. 703 Falconer Johnson, Frank D., band sawyer, residence 12 Willard. Johnson, Frank G., (Caroline), gardener, house 615 Lafayette. Johnson, Frank L. (Josephine)—Johnson Bros.—7 S. Main, h. 10 Thirteenth, Johnson, Frank O. (Hilma), yardman Erie R. R., house 15 Wilton avenue . Johnson, Frank O. (Hilma), carpenter, 129 J. &. G. ave., h. 16 Maltby. Johnson, Frank O. (Tilda), house 405 Baker. Johnson, Frank P. (Hannah S.)—Empire Furniture Co.—124 Foote avenue, house 22 Peterson. Johson, Fred—King & Co.—12 West Second, boards 19 Barrett. Johnson, Fred, ax grinder, 13 Taylor, boards 286 Harrison. Johnson Fred, laborer, residence 206 Falconer. Johnson, Fred (Mary), laborer, house 513 Allen. Johnson, Fred A. (Hulda C.)—Jamestown Parlor Table Co.—1026 East Second house 114 Stowe. Johnson, Fred D., painter, 37 Taylor, residence 174 Barrows'. Johnson, Fred J., driver Johnson Ice Co., residence 39 Marvin. Johnson, Fred L. (Mary E.), painter, 30 Steele, house 80 Tower. Johnson, Fred V., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 340 Willard. Johnson, Freda, operative, house 19 Pearl avenue. If you contemplate Plumbing consult, M.J.MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. JOHNSON. JOHNSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 257 Johnson, Fredericka, widow John, house 117 Williams. Johnson, Fredericka, dressmaker, residence 433 East Fourth. Johnson, Fritz, laborer, 105 Winsor .residence 292 Harrison. Johnson, G. Alfred (Hedwig L.), laborer, house 1014 Newland avenue. Johnson, George A. (Ella),finisher,1C5 Winsor, house 34 Victoria avenue. Johnson, George W., duffer, 58 Center residence 174 Barrows. Johnson, Gilbert, wool comber, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Peterson. Johnson, Gust (Emma), grinder, house 70 Norton avenue. Johnson, Gust (Enesberg), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 106 Charles. Johnson, Gust (Hannah), polisher, house 30 Summit. Johnson, Gust laborer, 105 Winsor, beards 286 Harrison. Johnson, Gust (Hilda), tinner, house 8 Partridge. Johnson, Gust, mill hand residence 572 Allen. Johnson, Gust, ax maker, boards 48 Foote avenue. Johnson, Gust, frame maker, residence 117 Wiliam. Johnson, Gust A. (Hilda), mill hand, hcuse 7 Partridge. Johnson, Gust A. (Hulda), laborer, house 63 Hedges avenue. Johnson, Gust A. (Julia), weaver, house 746 East Second. Johnson, Gust A., (Mary), stone mason, house 254 Forest avenue. Johnson, Gust C, carpenter residence 14 West Seventh. Johnson, Gust P. ,(Eva C ) , laborer, 38 Winsor, house 241 Crescent. Johnson, Gust V., machinist, 806 West Eighth, house 411 Barrett. Johnson Gusta C, domestic, 212 West Second. Johnson, Gustaf (Lotta), painter, house 10 Bowen avenue. Johnson, Gustaf (Helen), laborer, house 8V2 Cheney. Johnson Gustaf A., upholsterer, residence 76 Eagle. Johnson, Gustaf, retired, residence 14 West Seventh. Johnson, Gustus T. (Anna), assistant postmaster, house 757 East Second. Johnson, Hannah, se'amstress, residence 117 William. Johnson, Hannah, domestic, 362 East Fourth. Johnson, Hannah, domestic, residence 172 Allen. Johnson, Hannah F., operative, residence 63 Hedges avenue. Johnson, Hans, weaver 335 Harrison, boards 10 Alpaca. Johnson, Hattie, drawer, residence 19 Park. Johnson, Hattie, domestic, residence over 2 East Fourth. Johnson Hattie, domestic, 30 Lake View avenue. Johnson, Helen M., teacher residence 39 Marvin. Johnson, Henry, weaver, 335 Harrison, house 69 Benson. Johnson, Henry (Ida), polisher, 13 Taylor, house 134 Hedges avenue. Johnson, Henry, laborer, boards 307 Winsor. Johnson, Henry (Ida S.), wall paper and hardware, 12 East 2d., h. 311 Monroe. Johnson, Herman, carpenter boards 756 East Second. Johnson, Herman (Millie), laborer, house 16 Wilton avenue. Johnson, Herman A. ( E m m a A.), liquor store, 11 East 2d house, 500 West 7th. Johnson, Hilda, dressmaker, residence 2 East Fourth. Johnson, Hilda A., teacher, residence 221 Price. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Best Silver Plated W a r e H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G PLr?cwes JOHNSON. 258 JOHNSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Johnson, Hilda, residence 224 Crescent. Johnson Hilma, widow, Alfred, house, 229 Prospect. Johnson Hilma, inspector, residence 400 Allen. Johnson, Hjlmer, residence Willard, beyond limits. Johnson, Hulda bookkeeper, 207 Main, residence 168 Allen. Johnson, Hulda, laundress, 15 South Main. Johnson, Hulda, winder, 335 Harrison residence 292 do. Johnson, Hulda, domestic,, 213 Fulton. Johnson, Hulda, twister, residence 513 Allen. Johnson Ice Co.—Oscar F., Charles A. and John W . Johnson—dealers in ice, Isabella avenue below J. & C. Ry. Johnson, Ida, domestic, 511 Main. Johnson, Ida, chambermaid, 15 South Main. Johnson, Ida, residence 524 Allen. Johnson, Ida, domestic, 515 Pine. Johnson, Ida S., operative, 58 Center, residence 31 Holman. Johnson, Ira W . (Flora), stationary fireman, house 702 Ashville avenue. Johnson, Jacob P. (Leila M.), burnisher, 318 Cherry, house 65 Tilden avenue. Johnson, James, blacksmith, boards 78 Water. Johnson, J. Andrew (Albertine), canvasser, house 6 Walnut. Johnson,-J. Emil (Jennie)—Wiquist & Johnson—1 Main, house 364 Baker. Johnson, J. Emil, clerk, 202 Main, residence 200 Prospect. Johnson, J. Ernest (Emy B.), shirt cutter, 212 Main, house 225 Allen. Johnson, Jennie, weaver house 557 Allen. Johnson, Jennie, widow Gust S., residence 426 Allen. Johnson Jennie, widow Lars G., house basement 246 Crescent. Johnson, Jennie J., spinner, 58 Center, residence 174 Barrows. Johnson, Johanis ( E m m a ) , carpenter, house 411 Barrett. Johnson, Johanna, widow John, house 581 Allen. Johnson, Johanna, house 119 Willard. Johnson, Johanna, widow Peter, house English. Johnson, John (A. Matilda), carpenter, house 285 East Buffalo. Johnson, John (Emma'S.), carpenter, house 12 Crescent Johnson, John (Anna), laborer, house Willard, beyond limits. Johnson, John, laborer, 305 Bast Fourth,. Johnson, John, wood worker, boards 574 Allen. Johnson, John (Hannah), laborer, house over 146 Barrows. Johnson, John (Hannah E.), laborer, house 174 Barrows. Johnson, John, driver, 10 West Third.rooms 313 do. Johnson, John, laborer, boards 111 Mechanic. Johnson John (Amelia), laborer, house 20 Davis. Johnson, John ( E m m a ) , laborer, house 16 Eagle. Johnson, John, laborer, boards 301 Willard. Johnson, John (Josephine), dyer, house 243 Willard. Johnson, John (Christian), laborer, house 11 Stowe. Johnson. John packer, boards 135 Chandler. If you contemplate Plumbing consult, M.J.MURRAY Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. JOHNSON. JOHNSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 259 Johnson John, farm hand, residence Hunt road. Johnson, John A. (Inga Christine), folder, house 12 Partridge. Johnson, John A. (Ella), stone mason, house 212 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, John A. (Hannah), lounge maker, house 1024 Newland avenue. Johnson, John A. (Lydia), cabinet maker, house 22 West Ninth. J hnson, John A., machinist, 101 Harrison, residence 47 Westcott. Johnson, John A. (Christine E.), retired, house 77 Tower. Johnson, John A. ( Ida J.), contractor and builder, house 229 Forest avenue. Johnson, John A. (Dora H ) , laborer, house 5 Hedges avenue. Johnson, John A., spring setter, residence 784 East Second. Johnson, John B. (Anna), table maker, 101 Harrison, house 226 Steele. Johnson, John D. (Benet)—Olson, Johnson & Co.—208 East Second, house 115 Prospect. Johnson, John E., butcher 212 East Second residence 263 Forest avenue. Johnson, John E. (Maria F.), carpenterhouse 44 Vega. Johnson John E. (Carrie), painter, house 19 Prospect avenue. Johnson, John E., polisher, 3 Ashville avenue, residence 33 Holman. Johnson, John F. (Johanna), laborer, house 8 Seymour avenue. Johnson, John F. (Caroline), carpenter, house 133 Prospect. Johnson, John G. (Selma), dyer, house 243 Willard. Johnson, John G. (Christine), wood worker, house 360 Baker. Johnson, John G. (Ida), driver, 121 Chapman. Johnson, John H., lounge maker, residence 1014 Newland avenue. Johnson, John J. (Flora M.), residence 316 West Fourth. Johnson, John J. (Christine), carpenter, house 36 Kinney. Johnson, John L. (Edith), twister, house 566 Allen. Johnson, John M. (Josephine), stockman, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 26 Dickerson. Johnson, John O. (Arlouine M.), pressman, 14-16 West Second, h. 307 Price. Johnson, John O.—Castle & Johnson—6 South Main, boards 705 West Eighth. Johnson .John P. (Johanna S.), quarryman, house 548 Allen. Johnson, John P. (Amanda), dyer, house 571 Baker. Johnson, John P.", stone mason, house 52 Pearl avenue. Johnson, John P. (Eva M.), laborer, house 241 Crescent. Johnson, John P. (Alice), carpenter, house 221 Price. Johnson, John W., stationaryfireman,residence 440 Hallock. Johnson, John W . (Mary A.)—Johnson Ice Co.—Isabella ave., h. 39 Marvin. Johnson, J. Leander (Helga), piano maker, house 151 Forest. Johnson, Jonas A. (Ida C ) , carpenter, house 100 Hazzard. Johnson, Jonas P. (Caroline), retired, house 15 Peterson. Johnson, Jonas P. (Caroline), laborer, house 108 Hedges avenue. Johnson, Jonas P. (Ohristina J.), laborer, house 340 Willard. Johnson, Joseph, laborer, residence 206 Falconer. Johnson, Joseph V. (Margaret), dairyman, 1249 East Second, house do. Johnson, Josephine, domestic, 128 Forest avenue, residence 19 Park. Johnson, Josephine, widow John, residence 27 Hazzard. Johnson, Josephine, widow August, house 515 Washington. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies O V E R C O A T S a Specialty at JOHNSON. 260 PROUDFITS. JOHNSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Johnson, Josephine 0., residence 224 Crescent. Johnson, Josie, residence 206 Falconer. Johnson, Julia, clerk. 26 Main, residence 161 Allen. Johnson, Julia W., widow John W., residence 12 Whitley avenue. Johnson, Julius (Tekla), laborer, house 200 Falconer. Johnson, J. Victor (Montie R.), printer, over 12 West 2d, h. 112 Cross. Johnson, Laura, domestic, 504 East Second. Johnson, Lawrence E., laborer, 13 Taylor, residence 6 Walnut. Johnson Lena, domestic, 504 West Third. Johnson, Lena, domestic, 6 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Leonard (Jessie), clerk, 121 Main, house 153 Chandler. Johnson, Levi (Marion S.), miller, 7 Tay'or, house 40 Mechanic. Johnson, Lewis H. (Mary), bartender, 11 East Second, house 703 Lafayette Johnson, Lewis M., bartender, 119 East Second, boards do. Johnson, Lida M., residence 247 Crescent. Johnson, Lilla, F. M., residence 172 Allen. Johnson, Lillian, residence 913 Newland avenue. Johnson, Lillian A., residence 383 Baker. Johnson, Lily, weaver, residence 330 Allen. Johnson, Lors A. (Anna A.), laborer, bouse 113 Crescent. Johnson, Lottie, domestic, 400 West Fifth. Johnson, Louis J. (Augusta M.), clerk, 109 Main, house 619 West Seventh. Johnson, Louisa A., domestic, residence 411 Barrett. Johnson, Louise, towel maker, residence 19 Park. Johnson, Louise, widow, Felix, house over 783 East Second. Johnson, Louise, domestic, 321 Crossman. Johnson, Ludwig (Hilda), wood worker, house 12 Sampson. Johnson, Mabel, weaver, residence 300 Barrett. Johnson, Malcom (Katie), carpenter, residence over 139 Fairview avenue. ' Johnson, Manley E. (Agnes E.), dry goods, notions, 201 East Second, house 921 Main. Johnson, Martin (Mary), baker, 707 Main, house 102 Prospect. Johnson, Martin (Sophia I), band sawyer, 105 Winsor, house 448 Chandler. Johnson, Mary, waitress, Hotel Everett. Johnson, Mary, Mrs., house under 504 Allen. Johnson, Mary, domestic, 11 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Mary domestic, 509 Prendergast avenue. Johnson, Mary, domestic, over 14 East Second. Johnson, Mary, widow, Gustaf, house 206 Falconer. Johnson, Mary C , widow John, residence 482 Willard. Johnson, Mary C , Mrs., house 103 Willard. Johnson, Matilda, residence 206 Falconer. Johnson, Matilda, weaver, residence 581 Allen. Johnson, Matilda, domestic, 303 West Second. Johruson, Mildred, domestic, 213 East Fourth. Johnson, Milton O., laborer, residence 12 Crescent. M . J. M U R R A Y , First-class Plumbing, 122 W . Third St. The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. I H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. JOHNSON. JOHNSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 261 Johnson, Minnie, drawer, residence 572 Allen. Johnson, Martin 0., wood worker, residence 200 Prospect. Johnson, M. August (Christine), laborer, 125 Stowe. Johnson, Nellie, weaver, residence 330 Allen. Johnson, Nellie M., dressmaker, residence 833 Main. Johnson, Nels A., machinist, 806 West Eighth, residnce 411 Barrett. Johnson, Nelson E. (Mary E.), dentist, 1-2 new Gifford building, house 44 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Nettie, vamper, 318 Cherry, residence 801 do. Johnson, Nettie G., operative, boards Vega. Johnson, Norton (May), baker, house 102 Prospect. Johnson, O. Edward (Hilda), house painter, house 33 Myrtle. Johnson, Olive, widow Frank, residence 565 Allen. Johnson, Olof (Clara E.), tailor, house 38 Charles. Johnson, Otto A. (Louisa), chair maker, house 29 Palmer. Johnson, Otto T. (Amelia), mill hand, house 110 Palmer. Johnson, Oscar, cabinet maker, 105 Winsor, boards 24 Harrison. Johnson, Oscar (Esther), warp dresser, house 554 Allen. Johnson, Oscar (Helvie), cook, house Hunt road (Celoron.) Johnson, Oscar (Anna), piano maker, house 311 Allen. ' Johnson, Oscar, wood worker, residence 531 Allen. Johnson, Oscar (Eva), band sawyer, 105 Winsor, house 114 Stowe. Johnson, Oscar (Dena), laborer, house 40 Chapin. Johnson, Oscar A., lounge maker, residence 1014 Newland avenue. Johnson Oscar E. carpenter, residence 45 Chapin. Johnson, Oscar F. (Jennie M.)—Johnson Brcs.7 S. Main, h. 45 Prospect ave. Johnson, Oscar F. (Augusta)—Johnson Ice Co.—Isabella avenue, house 711 West Eighth. Johnson, Oscar J. (Sarah), laborer, house 400 Allen. Johnson, Pearl A. (Grace), teamster, house 440 Hallock. Johnson, Peter A. (Hannah), carpenter, house 134 King. Johnson, Peter E. (Eva C ) , laborer, house 216 Bowen. Johnson, Peter J. (Christina M.), machinist, house 247 Willard. Johnson, Peter M. (Albertina), clerk, 203 Main, house 57 Fairmount avenue. Johiuson, Raymond, driver, residence 168 Allen. Johnson, Robert H. (Fannie E.), wholesale liquors, 101 Main, house 833 Main. Johnson, Robert L., mil'er, 7 Taylor, residence 40 Mechanic. Johnson, Samuel (Elizabeth A.), hoster, 228 East Second, residence over do. Johnson, Samuel (Hannah), carpenter, house 264 Broadhead avenue. Johnson, Samuel A. (Christine), sander, 20 Windsor, house 50 Water. Johnson, Sarah, dressmaker residence 433 East Fourth. Johnson, S. August, ax maker, residence 25 Barrett. Johnson, Selma, twister residence 19 Park. Johnson, Selma C, boards Vega. Johnson, Sophia, domestic, 517 Prendergast avenue. Johnson, Sophia, residence 247 Crescent. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings U n d e r w e a r , Hosiery t ^ S t y at P R O U D F I T S . JOHNSON. JONES. 262 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Johnson, Sophia C, widow Andrew, house under 145 Barrows. ' Johnson, Stella V., teacher, residence 115 Prospect. Johnson, Susan, house 329 Willard. Johnson, Sven, retired, residence 17 Valley. Johnson, Swan (Lina), carpenter, house 8 Webster. Johnson, Swan F. (Matilda), laborer, house 247 Crescent. Johnson, Swenborg, widow, residence 50 Jones. Johnson, Tekla, domestic, 114 Lake View avenue. Johnson Teresa, domestic, 1 8 % Prather avenue. Johnson, Theodore, clerk, residnece 513 Allen. Johnson, Theodore (Christine G.), carpenter, house 10 Peterson. Johnson, Thomas W . (Ellen Y.), embosser, 101 Harrison, house 132 Barrows. Johnson, Tilda, weaver residence 1024 Newland avenue. Johnson, Tilda, domestic, 110 Lake Viewe avenue. Johnson, Victor (Hannah), laborer, house 32 Union avenue. Johnson, Victor (Martina), carpenter, house 8 Morse avenue. Johnson, Victor C , clerk, 210 Main, boards 5 Harrison. Johnson, Victor C. (Amelia), stationary engineer, house 21 Park. Johnson, Vits, boat maker, boards 319 Allen. Johnson, William—Johnson Bros.—315 Lincoln, residence do. Johnson, William, laborer, boards 23 Center. Johnson, William (Sarah), baker, house 805 Main. Johnson, William, carpenter, house 19 Park. Johnson, William (J. Mariah), retired, house 40 Barrows. Johnson, Willis M. (Gertrude), grocer, 200 Allen, house do. Johnson, W . Russell (Jessie C ) Smith & Johnson Bros.—over 7 East Third. house (Falconer P. O.) Johnston Caroline A., widow James, residence 24 Thirteenth. Johnston, Colin S., butcher, house 12 Thirteenth. Johnston, Florence T., student residence 111 Fulton. Johnston, George A. (Ella),finisher,105 Winsor, house 218 Crescent. Johnston, Katherine McK., residence 9 West Fourth. Johnston, Marjorie, house keeper, Y. W . C. A., rooms 415 West Third. -Johnston, Mary Yatea, widow Dennis, teacher & Secy., Y. W . C. A. house 111 Fulton Johnston, Thirza, widow Theodore, residence 111 Fulton. Jones, Adelaia M., widow Richard S., house 260 Marvin. Jones, Adeline, house 414 Winsor. Jones, Albert, shipping cJerk, residence 103 Allen. Jones, Albert C ( E m m a D.), house 107 Stowe. Jones, Albert K., wood worker, residence 21 Metallic avenue. Jones, Albert L. (Anna), packer, residence 548 Allen. Jones, Alice G., stenographer, 3 Ellicott bldg, residence 12 Fulton place. Jones Alicia C , operative, boards 245 Willard. Jones, Alta M., bookkeeper and stenographer, 131 Institute, house 338 Allen. Jones, Andrew O. (Lena M.) stone mason, house 403 Baker. M . J. M U R R A Y uses only the B E S T Plumbing Material Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. JONES. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. JONES. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 263 Jones, Andrew P. (Sophia), boat builder, 40 Institute, house over 113 East Second. Jones, Anna M., widow Samuel, house 231 Steele. Jones, Anna, widow Levi, house 5 Appleyard place. Jones, Annie, widow Levi, residence 8.9 Lafayette, Jones, Augusta C , shoe dealer, 109 West Third, house 107 Maple. Jones, August (Amanda C ) , machine hand, 125 J. & G. ave., h. 11 Garfield. Jones, August N., retired, residence 862 Main. Jones, August T. (Hilda M.), foreman, 40 Winsor, house 410 do. Jones, Austin A. (Mattie J.), manager Brooks ticket agency, 8 East Third, house 304 West Fourth. Jones, Axel (Selma), painter, house 1075 East Second. Jones Ben. shipping clerk residence 837% Prendergast avenue. Jones, Bertha M., residence 718 East Seventh. Jones, Bessie, residence 103 Allen. Jones blocks, 113-121 East Second and 13-15 East Third. Jones Bros.—Delbert C , and Merritt L.—grocers, 117 Lincoln. Jones, Calista, assistant librarian H. S..residence 311 West Second. Jones, Carl C, canvasser, boards 109 Stowe. Jones, Carl A., car conductor, boards 82 Hedges avenue. Jones, Carl O., salesman 109 East Second, boards 109 Stowe. Jones Carl W . ( E m m a ) , laborer, house 448 Winsor. Jones, Charles (Christine), ax maker 13 Taylor, house 103 Allen. Jones, Charles (Lydia), polisher, house 109 Colfax. Jones, Charles A. (Lotta),finisher,house 241 Crescent. Jones, Charles E. (Alma S.), cabinet maker, 112 East Second, h. 16 Bowen. Jones, Charles H., residence 304 Prendergast avenue. * Jones, Charles W . (Augusta C ) , fire insurance, rooms 5 Gokey building, 14 West Third, house 107 Maple. Jones, Charles W „ (Belle) ,ax maker, 13 Taylor, house 718 East Seventh. Jones, Clara, domestic, 101 East Fourth. Jones, Clara M., clerk, 16 Main, residence 34 Rathbone. Jones Clara R., student, residence 40 Flagg avenue. Jones, Clarence, shoemaker, house 302 Barrett. Jones, Clayton M., residence over, 113 East Second. Jones, Clement B., city clerk, 1 city hall, rooms 118 East Second. Jones, Clyde G., rodman, boards 634 Falconer. Jones, Cora M., residence 34 Rathbone. Jones, Corrine E., widow Owen, house 338 Allen. Jones, C. Oscar (Josephine), boots and shoes, 110 East Second, house 302 Barrett. Jones, Cyrus E. (Minnie B.)—Bailey, Jones & Co.—105 Winsor, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Jones, D a m a C , milliner, residence 111 East Sixth. Jones, Delbert C. (Effie)—Jones Bros.—117 Lincoln, house do. Jones, Earl C, student, residence 40 Flagg avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies H e a d q u a r t e r s forFcJ?^RPn5^aa!nd 3 3 , P R O U D F I T S . JONES. " JONES. 264 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Jones, Edward F. (Caroline M.)—Jones & Audette—205 Main, h. 16 Broadhead avenue. Jones, Edward V., mechanic, Empire Furniture Co., residence 302 Barrett. Jones, Elial A. (Minnie L.), coachman, 19 West Second, house over 99 Allen. Jones, Elmer,finisher,residence 548 Allen. Jones, Elmer A., physician and surgeon, 9 to 12 over 115 Main. Jones, Ellen D., widow Edward B., house 404 East Fifth. Jones, Ellsworth W . (Sarah), polisher, house 113 East Eighth. Jones, Fanny E., widow John H., house 808 Main. Jones, Francis S. (Lora H ) , cigars, news dealer and agent W . N. Y. & P. R. R., 105 West Third, rooms do. Jones, Frank Albert, cabinet maker, residence 231 Steele. Jones, Fred, polisher, boards 18 Colfax. Jones, Fred A. (Florence A.), bookkeeper, 12 East Third, house 107 East 8th. Jones, Fred L. (Minnie A.), carpenter, house 256 Willard. Jones, Frederick L., wood worker, residence 21 Metallic avenue. Jones, George B. (Virginia S.), physician, over 212 Main, rooms do. Jones, George E., shoemaker, residence 403 Baker. Jones, George O., printer, residence 718 East Seventh. Jones, George S., spring setter, 40 Winsor, residence 231 Steele. Jones, George W . (Matilda A.), city engineer 16-17 city hall, house 30 East Buffalo. Jones, Gilbert,finisher,residence 548 Allen. Jones, Harriet E., residence 29 Fairmount avenue. ' Jones, Harriet L., teacher residence 404 East Fifth. Jones, Harry (Amelia), foreman 101 Harrison, house 263 Forest avenue. Jones, Hattie B., commercial traveler, residence 507 Ashville avenue. Jones, Henry H. (Abigail), retired, house 837 Prendergast avenue. Jones, Hulda, domestic, 200 West Fifth. Jones, Ivah L., residence 404 East Fifth. Jones Ida, Mrs., boards 15 Hickory. Jones, Jacob H. (Elizabeth S.), produce buyer, house 40 Flagg avenue. Jones, James H. (Margaret), livery and boarding stables, 218 Washington, house 807 Main. Jones, Jennie, domestic, 412 East Sixth. Jones, Jennie M., residence 40 Flagg avenue. Jones, Jennie M., weaver, residence 403 Baker. Jones, Jesse B. (Matilda E.), carpenter, house 116 Crosby. Jones, Jessie B., residence 801 Prendergast avenue. - Jones, J. Fred (Minnie A.), manufacturers lubricating oils, h. 9 Foote avenue. Jones, J. Harry (Anna P.), commercial traveler, house 29 Fairmount. ave. Jones, John (Emily), laborer, house 501 Cheney. Jones, John A., shoemaker residence 403 Baker. Jones, Jonas A. (Hulda A.), carpenter, house 52 Vega. Jones, John A., clerk 208 Main, residence 302 Barrett. Jones John C. (M. Jennie), stationary engineer, h. 837% Prendergast ave. If you contemplate New Plumbling, consult M. J. MURRAY Always Buy Your Dry Goods of JONES. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . JONES. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 265 Jones, John F., insurance agent, residence 231 Steele. Jones, John G., cigar mfr. and dealer, 4 Main, rooms over do. Jones, John M., weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 33 Price. Jones, John P. (Minnie A.), contractor and builder, 8 Holmes, h. 300 Barrett. Jones, Josephine, Mrs., milliner, 110 East Second, residence 302 Barrett. Jones, Josephine, dressmaker, residence 548 Allen. Jones Josephine, domestic, 12 East Fourth. Jones, Julia, operative, residence 548 Allen. Jones Kinney (Lydia), carpenter, house 21 Metallic avenue. Jones, Laura A., residence 315 East Second. Jones, Lena M., spinner, 116 East First, boards over 13 East Second. Jones, Leonard A. (Alma E.), foreman, 51 Winsor, house 45 Ellicott. Jones, Leonard F. (Anna K.), band sawyer, 40 Winsor, house 534 Winsor. Jones, Louis K. (Cordova F.), bookkeeper, 105 Winsor, house 115 Lincoln. Jones, Louisa A., bakery, 338 East Third, residence 319 East Second. Jones, Maria, widow Jacob, residence 111 East Sixth. Jones, Maria, widow John, house 302 Barrett. Jones, Marshall A. (Sarah L.), stone mason, house over 310 East Second. Jones, Mary E., widow E. Benjamin, house 111 Crosby. Jones, Mary J., bookkeeper, over 14 West Third, residence 231 Steele. Jones, Mary L.„ Mrs., house 211 West Sixth. Jones, Melvin C , wood worker, residence 548 Allen. Jones, Miles P.,finisher,boards 33 Price. Jones Merritt L. (Hila)—Jones Bros.—117 Lincoln, house do. Jones, Myrtle, widow, William J., residence 126 Bowen. Jones, Orsino E., real estate, house 304 Prendergast avenue. Jones, Oscar W., loungemaker, residence 403 Baker. Jones, Ralph E. (Gertrude A.), meat cutter, house 223 East First. Jones, R. Bruce (Emily), liquors and cigars, 14 E. 3d, h. 801 Prendergast ave. Jones, Robert E., clerk, 223 Main, boards 414 Winsor. Jones, Robert L., evangelist, residence 116 Crosby. Jones, Rose, domestic, 124 Forest avenue residence (Sugargrove, Pa.) Jones, Salome, widow John, residence 105 West Fifth. Jones, Sarah A., widow Henry, house 507 Ashville avenue. Jones, Solomon, retired, house 1009 Eest Second. Jones, Susan D., widow Rinaldo, house 825 Spring. Jones, Sidney (Anna D.), retired, house 333 East Fourth. Jones, Thaddeus W . (Ellen), contractcr and builder, house 256 Willard. Jones, Tilda, domestic, 334 East Fifth. Jones, Vernon C , driver, 36 Main, residence 116 Crosby. Jones, Wales M. ( E m m a S.), clerk 26 South Main, house 224 Sprague. Jones, Wilbur M. (Edna), electrician house 886 East Second. Jones, William (Eva A.), sidewalk inspector, house 34 Rathbone. Jones, William A.,finisher,house Hunt road (Celoron.) Jones, William B. (Nellie F.), mason, house 105 Crossman. Jones, William M.. lineman, 113 East Third, residence 886 East Second. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies Y o u r M o n e y ' s W o r t h mo0neyy°barckat P R O U D F I T S . JONES. KAY. 266 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Jones, William R. (Augusta M.), letter carrier, P. 0., house 212 East Eighth. Jones & Audette:—Edward F. Jones and Charles L. Audette—dry goods and carpets, 205 Main. Jornson, Annie, domestic, 310 Clinton. Josephson Alfred, tailor, over 307 Main, boards 14 West End. Joubert, Gertrude E., nurse, residence 626 West Fifth. Journal Printing Co., incorporated, printers, engravers, etc., 14-16 W . Second Jowett, Alfred (Mary J.), warp dresser, 35 Water, house 5 Short Eagle. Jowett, Carrie, weaver, 3d5 Harrison, residence 16 Winsor. Jowett Ellis F., piece carrier, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Winsor. Jowett, George H. (Clara), mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 18 King. Jowett, Myers (Betsy), loom fixer, 335 Harrison, house 16 Winsor. Jowett, William (Lillian A.), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 5 Short Eagle. Jude, George W., law student, over 301 Main, rooms 606 Cherry. Juel, Lewis (Mary), driver, house 22 West Eighth. Julin, Axel B., carver, boards 107 Willard. Jull, Lottie, residence over 702 East Second. Jull, Richard W . (Ella), artist, house over 702 East Second. Junction house, 143 Harrison, Wheelhouse Bros., proprietors. Justin, Caroline, widow Jehial, residence 801 Prendergast avenue. Justin, C. Ferdinand, laborer, boards John Watts, Martin road. K Kaadtmann, Agnes, Mrs., house 182 Jones and Gifford avenue. Kaadtmann, Charles F., laborer, 41 Outlet, residence 182 Jones & Gifford ave. Kaadtmann, Claude R., laborer, 41 Outlet, residence 182 Jones & Gifford ave. Kaadtmann, Edw'd, laborer, 41 Outlet, residence 182 Jones & Gifford avenue. Kaiser, Joseph H. (Cora), jeweler and optician, 6 East Third, house over 211 West Third. Kalander, Theyer (Anna); teamster, house 51 Hedges avenue. Kane, Bertha M., student, residence 511 West Seventh. Kane, Charles (Margaret), boiler makr, house 511 West Seventh. Kane, Edward T., wood worker, 95 J. & G .avenue, residence 511 West Seventh Kane, Kate, domestic, 545 West Third. Kane, Thomas J., boiler maker, residence 511 West Seventh. Kapple, Carlton (Sarah J.), street car conductor, house 123 Hamilton. Kanth, William V. (Rose), cigar maker, house 29 Linden avenue. Kordenbrock, Mary, widow, weaver, 116 East First, house 450 Warren. Karr, William H. (Jennie), painter, house 104 Falconer. Kase, John E. ( E m m a E.),finisher,lOlHarrison, house over 774 East Second. Kauth, William, cigar maker, 7 West First, house 29 Linden avenue. Katrina, Anna, widow John, residence 108 Chandler. Kay, George (Anna), warp dresser house 410 Foote avenue. Kay, Lydia, residence 500 East Sixth. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^ r i ^ ^ ' b y M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. KAYNER. KELSEY. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 267 Kayner, Charles A (Christine L.), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 52 Vega. Kayner, Charles F. (Johanna B.), jeweler, house 100 Willard. Kearney, Anna C , tailoress, house over 219 Spring. Kearney, Catherine M., waitress, residence over 219 Spring. Kearney, Helen G., residence over 219 Spring. Kearney, Mary, waitress, residence over 219 Spring. Keefe, Samuel (Rebecca), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 3 Winsor. Keefe, Samuel, Jr., plumber's apprentice, 122 West Third, residence 3 Winsor. Keefe, Daniel F. (Esther), painter, house 11 Cleveland place. Keefe, John H., mill hand, 116 East First, residence 3 Winsor. Keefe, William, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 3 Winsor. Keefer, Cora, stenographer, over 101 West Third, rooms 318 Prendergast ave. Keehin, Chee S., laundry, 20 Main, house do. Keeler, Charles S — C. S. & W . A. Keeler—over 9-17 Main, house 412 East 6th Keeler, Corisand J., residence 107 East Sixth. Keeler, C. S. & W . A.—Charles S. and William A.—manufacturers extracts, perfumes, etc., over 9-17 Main. Keeler, Kate B., residence 107 East Sixth. Keeler, Joanna B., widow Zalmon G., house 107 East Sixth. Keeler, Sarah J., nurse, W . C. A. hospital. Keeler, William A.—C. S. & W . A. Keeler—over 9-17 Main, house 412 E. 6th. Kelleher, Cornelius, [spelled also Kelliher] patrolman, 7 city hall, residence 826 Spring. Kelleher, Jerry, laborer, boards 17 West Fourth. Kelleher, Julia, residence 826 Spring. Kelleher, Margaret, widow Daniel, residence 826 Spring. Keller, Henry H. (Eunice M.), household goods, 23 Winsor, house do. Keller, John (Kilas), wool packer, house 705 Camp. Keller, L. Pearl, teacher, residence 23 Winsor. Kelley, Duane J. (Alice), painter, house 14 Rathbone. Kelley, Edna B. student residence 317 Clinton. Kelley, Manley S. (Ursula), commercial traveler, house 317 Clinton. Kelley, see also Kelly. Keim, Emilie, domestic, 311 West Fourth. Kellogg, Addie T., widow Charles L., house over 215 Prospect. Kellogg, Albert,finisher,residence 422 Allen. Kellogg, David (Adelaide), laborer, house 22 Chamber. Kellogg, Elizabeth W., widow of Henry U „ 33 Cross. Kellogg, Jennie R., teacher, residence 33 Cross. Kellogg May E., milliner, 318 Main, residence 215 Prospect. Kellogg, Minnie A., 26 Taylor. Kellogg, Nina E., residence 215 Prospect. Kellogg William, packer, residence 422 Allen. Kelsey, Albert P., letter carrier P. O., residence 607 Palmer. Kelsey, Charles F. (Lena), bookkeeper, house 607 Palmer. Kelsey, H. Lewis (Helen), stone mason, house 1035 East Second. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools B e s u r e £SeIdrk^Vuhye?o5? C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T S . KELSEY. KENT. 268 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Kelsey, Olin W. (Edith B.), auditor I. & C. Ry., West Sth, house over 132 Fairmount avenue. Kelsey, Ray O., stenographer, 35 Allen square, boards 615 Palmer. Kelly, Charles F., brick layer, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, Edith, residence 54 Rathbone. Kelly, Fred E., carpenter, house 37 Tilden avenue. Kelly, James D.,finisher,residence 1113 Main. Kelly, John S., carver, residence lllSMain. Kelly, Joseph H., plumber, 112 East Third, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, Katherine, dressmaker, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, Maggie, waitress, 113 West Third. Kelly, Michael F., harness maker, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, Margaret, widow Patrick, house 1113 Main. Kelly, Patrick E., mill hand, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, Sarah J., widow Samuel, residence 37 Tilden avenue. Kelly, William (Julia), stone mason, rtsidence 39 Tilden avenue. Kelly, William R., upholsterer, residence 1113 Main. Kelly, Wooodley C, upholsterer, residence 54 Rathbone. Kelly, see also Kelley. Kemp, Lawrence W., the hatter, 105 East Third, boards Grange hotel. Kemp, Robert (Margaret), shoemaker, boards 52 Prospect. Kemp, Thomas, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 23 Winsor. Kendall, Edward, wool sorter, residence 320 Allen. Kendall, Hannah, M., drawer, residence 148 Warren. Kendall Harry M. (Julia), plater, house 206 Crosby. Kendall, Martha J., drawer, residence 148 Warren. Kendall, Newton (Eliza), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 23 Barrows. Kendall, Robert, operative, 335 Harrison, boards 61 do. Kendall, Thomas (Sarah), stone cutter, house 148 Warren. Kennander, Nels F., retired, residence 33 Ellicott. Kenny, Alice, widow Michael T., house 19 Lincoln. Kennedy, Ellen, widow, Michael, residence 714 Lafayette. Kennedy, Horace, upholsterer, 40 Winsor, residence 1 Barrows. Kennedy, John G. (Maggie L,), stationary fireman, 335 Harrison, house over 37 do. Kennedy, John J., painter, boards 208 Lincoln. Kennedy, Lydia S, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 1 Barrows. Kennedy, Mary widow Henry, house 1 Barrow.s Kennedy, Milton E. (Eunice G.), bartender, Hotel Everett, house 224 Steele. Kennedy, Thomas J., wool sorter, 335 Harrison, boards 208 Lincoln. Kent, A. Flynn (Emily A.), real estate and storage, 29 Forest avenue, houss 337 East Fifth. Kent, Alba M. (Rose E.), real estate, house 305 East Fourth. Kent, F. M. Rich, teacher, residence 9 Price. Kent, George A .S. (Martha), carpenter, house 9 Price. Kent, of Some Morgan, the student, most extensive residence»?•%bl%in££ 305 East Fourth. \£e M. J. MURRAY The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. KENT. KIMBALL. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 269 Kent, Walter H., chemist, residence 1 Todd avenue. Kent, W . Archie ( E m m a ) , mine owner, residence 333 East Fourth. Kent, William E. (Lillian), gardener, house Wellman avenue (Celoron.) Kent, William L. (Maud), milk peddler, house 10 South Hallock. Kent & Co.—Alden E. Westcott manager—commission merchants, 31 Main. Keohler, James, teamster, 29 Taylor, boards over do. Keppeler, Frederick A., meat market, 128 Fairmount avenue, res. 624 W . 7th. Keppeler, Lena, student residence 624 West Seventh. Keppeler, Phillip (Barbara), supt. Jamestown brewery, house 624 West 7th. Kershaw, Alice, residence 13 South Thayer. Kershaw, E m m a , picker, residence 49 Hazzard. Kershaw, Jacob (Rhoda), stationary engineer, house 49 Hazzard. Kershaw, Joseph, electrician, residence 49 Hazzard. Kershaw, Katharine, widow James, house 13 South Thayer. Kerner, Mary, widow Frank, residence 801 Cherry. Kershaw, William, solicitor, room 5 N e w Gifford building, res. 49 Hazzard. Ketchum, Everett H. (Clara), wholesale stationer, over 21 Main, h. 141 Warren. Ketchum, John C. (Mary L.), clerk, 216 Main, house 112 Crosby. Kettle, Arthur W., attorney at law, room 1 Flail block, 219 Main, boards 222 Winsor. Keyes, Alfred, laborer, boards 615 Winsor. Keyes, Minnie B., bookkeeper, 13 Taylor, boards 19 West Seventh. Kibling, Augustus (Mary), retired, house 10 Arnold. 'Kibling, Frank H., vice president Straight Manufactsring Co., res. 10 Arnold. Kibling, Fred G., inspector, residence 10 Arnold. Kidd, Thomas (Mary E.), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 36 Regent. Kidder, Eleanor, widow Samuel, house 138 Warren. Kidder, Fannie E., residence 138 Warren. Kidder, John H., shipping clerk, residence 248 Forest avenue. Kidder, Mary L., cashier 300 Main, residence 138 Warren. Kilbow, Maggie, Mrs., weaver, house 616 East Sixth. Kilburn, Charles H, (Alice M.) com. traveler, house 539 East Fifth. Kiley, Edward (Sarah A.), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 119 Barrows. Kiley, John W . (Alice A.), meat cutter, house 30 Institute. Kiley, Joseph C, apprentice, 335 Harrison residence 119 Barrows. Killiger, John, weaver, boards 346 Foote avenue. Kilpatrick, Annie, weaver, 335 Harrison, house 131 Foote avenue. Kilpatrick, John (Mary A.), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 131 Foote avenue. Kilpatrick, Mary, winder, 335 Harrison, residence 131 Foote avenue. Kilroy, John, night .clerk Hotel Everett, Kimball Allan B. (Julia A.), night watchman, 56 Blackstone avenue, house 110 Water. Kimball, George E. (Nellie E.), wood carver, house over 214 East Second. Kimball, Millie P., dressmaker, residence 152 .Allen. Kimball, Rollin F., Mrs., rooms 111 East Sixth./ CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver \ 'ated Ware, Cutlery B o y s ' C l o t h i n g , Largtehsetcn°yck in at KIMBERLY. PROUDFITS. KLIEST. 270 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY.Kimberly, Abel (Eunice), retired, residence 518 Lake View avenue. Kimberly, Charles (Rebecca), engineer, house 518 Lake View avenue. Kimberly, Clara P., stenographer, over 21 West Second, residence 518 Lake View avenue. Kimberly, Clinton, F. ( E m m a ) , furniture packer, house 734 East Second. Kimberly, Edwin (Mary), furniture packer, house 734 East Second. King, A d a m (Caroline), molder, house 207 Palmer. King, August (Nora), brick layer, house 14 Bishop. King, Benjamin P. (Helen A.), carpenter, house 74 Rathbone. King, Clarence W . (Edna), contractor and builder, house 604 Palmer. King, Earl F., student, 72 Rathbone. King, Ernest, student, residence 104 Buffalo. King, Eugene (Emrilla), carpenter, house 104 Buffalo. King, Grant (Jennie), carpenter, residence 65 Dickerson. King, Hattie M., widow Frank W., residence 72 Rathbone. King, James W . (Clara E.), dyer, 116 East First, house 16 Alpaca. King, John A. (Kittie)—King & Co.—12 West Second, house 207 Palmer. King, J. Wells, assistant cashier First National bank bds. 25 Fairmount ave. King, Lena, Mrs., house 32 Victoria avenue. King, Mina M., residence 32 Victoria avenue. King, Oliver E. (Myrtie M.), janitor high school, house 133 Harrison. King, William E. ( E m m a F.), atty. at law, 9 Ellicott bldg., h. 17 Sexton. King & Co. John A. King and Fred Johnson—drayicg and moving,12 W.2d Kingan Lillian, residence 195 Forest avenue. Kingman, Charles H., student, residence 215 Fulton. Kingman, John F. (Florence V.), carpenter, house 215 Fulton. Kinkaid, James J. (Orvilla C ) , agent Mutual Life Insurance Company, rooms 205 Lafayette. Kinney, Bridget, domestic, 508 Cherry. Kinney, Marjorie, residence 511 Main. Kinney, John, residence 14 Dickerson.l Main. Kinney, John A., student, residence 51rman house. Kinney, Maggie, pastry cook, N e w She Kinsel, Jennie Alene, operative, residence 842 East Second. Kinsel, Margaret, operative, residence 842 East Second. Kinsel, William (Mary), bartender, 634 East Second, house 842 do. Kirkland, E m m a V., teacher, rooms 404 East Fifth. Klarquist, Fritz, helper, 13 Taylor, boards 17 Valley. Kleinsang, Fernanda, spinner, residence 846 Lafayette. Kleinsang, Freda, spinner, residence 846 Lafayette. Kleinsang Henry (Dora), tinner, house 846 Lafayette. Kleinsang, Henry, Jr., warp dresser, residence 846 Lafayette. Kliest, Charles (Anna L.), labo^ er, house 24 Victoria avenue. Kliest, Fred C , aristo worker, lesidence 64 Broadhead avenue. Kliest, Gust A., aristo worker, residence 64 Broadhead avenue. Kliest, John (Betsey), cabinet i laker, house 64 Broadhead avenue. Hot Water Heating,' ^ t ^ ^ Z X M . I. M U R R A Y Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . KLIM. KNORR. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 271 Klim, John C. (Anna) wood worker, house 115 Chapman. Kling, Andrew (Amanda), weaver, house 322 Forest. Kling, Charles A. (Matilda C.) turner, 28 Briggs, house over 208 Benedict. Kling, Charles A. (Selma),finisher,house 38 Hazeltine avenue. Kling, Frank I. (Hilda), cutter, house 233 Hazzard. Kling, Gust A. (Amelia H.), upholsterer, house 28 Lake. Kling, John (Carrie), carpenter, house 1026 Newland avenue. Kling, John A. (Anna), wood worker, house 223 Prospect. Klint, Nora, domestic, 413 West Third. Klint, see also Clint. Klock, Adelbert (Catherine), carpenter, house 9 Thirteenth. Klock, Bert L. (Etta), machinist, house 46 Rathbone. Klock, Gleason F. (Laura J.), retired, residence 37 Tilden avenue. Klock, Margaret, widow Hiram, house 358 East Fourth. Klock, Millard F. (Carrie), carpenter, liouse 42 Rathbone. Klock, Milton E. (Mary), carpenter, house 1018 Main. Klock, William (Amelia), carpenter, house 17 Hazzard. Klumpp, Joseph W . (Caroline M.), paper hanger, house 118 Institute. Knapp, Alice, widow Charles, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Knapp, Anna E., widow house 508 East Fifth. Knapp, Ella J., Mrs., milliner, 101 South Main, boards 5 Harrison. Knapp, Fayette A. (Fannie E.), dentist over 209 Main, house 409 West Sixth. Knapp, Hester, nurse, rooms 513 Lafayette. Knapp, James (Ella), real estate, house 848 Main. Knapp, Jennie L., widow Frank A. house 715 Washington. Knapp, John (Cornelia), carpenter, house Fluvanna avenue. Knapp, Leonard N.,finisher,40 Winsor, residence 12 West Tenth. Knapp, Lewis D. (Josephine)—Burnham & Co.—800 Main, house 848 do. Knapp, Martha, dressmaker, house 315 West Eighth. Knapp, Mary A., widow Hiram E., house 15 Lincoln. Knapp, Minnie F., residence 715 Washington. Knapp, Nellie E., student, residence 715 Washington. Knapp, William H. (Mary E.), plumbing, 114 East Third, h. 24 Ashville ave. Knight, Katie, spooler, boards 752 East Second. Knight, Mary Ann, residence 6% Center. Knight, Maud, housekeeper, 14 Willard. Knight, Pleasant, widow Benjamin, house 6% Center. Knight, Walter (Emma), dyer, house 211 Allen. Knights of Aurora, 4-5-6 Wellman bldg., 101 W . 3d., C. R. Vandervoort treas. Knights of Pythias hall, 101-107 South Main. Knorr, George (Lena), laundry, 705 Main, house 859 do. Knorr, George H., cigar maker, residence 912 Main. Knorr, John A., barber shop, 222 Main, boards 46 Center. Knorr, John J. (Clara), laundryman, 705 Main, house 859 do. Knorr, Joseph R., upholsterer, residence 912 Main. Knorr, Margaret, widow Adam, residence 912 Main. f!I ADIf HADnWADP CC\ ^ffents for STBANSKT ENAMFLED VL,niVl\ limVL/rT/AKC; \->\J.f WARE. Every Piece WARRANTED M e n ' s All-- w o o l Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , P R O U D F I T S . KRUMICH. KNORR. 272 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Knorr, Martin (Eva), harness maker, over 100 East Second, house 912 Main. Knorzer, August T. (Augusta), upholsterer, house 211 Lincoln. Knowles, George H., twister, residence 7 Williams. Knowles, James (Lizzie), warp dresser, house 7 Williams. Knowlton, William A. (Rachel I.), grocer, 342 East Third, house 609 Pine. Knox, George W., foreman, 153-63 J.& G. avenue, house (Lakewood.) Knox, S. H. & Co.—T. J. Cloud manager—5 and 10 cent store, 204 Main. Kochersperg, Clara, widow Charles S., residence 110 Lake View avenue. Koehl Margaret, widow Fred, residence 18 Prather avenue. Koehl, William (Katherine), paper box manufacturing and printing, 8-18 Main, house 18 Prather avenue. Koerner, Henry (Rosalind), upholsterer, 216 East Third, house 864 Spring Koerner, Margaret, residence 864 Spring. Koestner, Agnes, waitress, 120 East Second. Kofod, Arthur J. (Hulda S.), carver, house 121 Weeks. Kofod, Bertie G., mill hand, 105 Winsor, residence 120 Willard. Kofod, Fred (Lena), weaver, 116 East First, house 445 Winsor. Kofod, George A. (Christine), stock keeper, house 1007 Main. Kofod, Gertrude H., bookkeeper, 124 Foote avenue, residence 120 Willard. Kofod, Hans, ax maker, 13 Taylor, residence 15 Charles. Kofod, James L (Patrea) livery and feed stable, 3 Race, house over do. Kofod, Jens (Alida) retired, residence 11 Highland avenue. Kofod, John J. (Louisa M.) sidewalkinspector, house 120 Willard. Kofod, Louis A. (Hausima) painter, house 315 Barrett. Kofod, Peter (Anna) teamster, house 43 Charles. Kofod, Mary, domestic, 11 West Eignth. Kohlbacher, Fred M., cigarmaker, 111 South Main, residence 110 Harrison. Kohlbacher, George J. (Ida M.), steward Jamestown club, house 5 Briggs. Kohlbacher, Henry (Helen M.) foreman 20 Winsor, house 110 Harrison. Kohlbacher, Henry, Jr., (Minnie) steward Jamestown club, house do. Kohlbacher, John L., cigar maker, 14,QFoote avenue, residence 110 Harrison. Kohlbacher, William, cigar maker, 126 East Second, residence 110 Harrison. Kolb, Mary A., widow Henry, house 10 Price. Kolb, M. Blanche, residence 10 Price. Koller, William I (Etta) commercial traveler, house 22 Institute. Kartright, Sarah A., domestic, 6 Reirold avenue. Kosthorst, Anthony B., farmer, residence 65 Center. Kosthorst, Edward J., laborer, residence 65 Center. Kosthorst Henry J. (Johanna F.) laborer, house 65 Center. Kosthorst, Henry M., laborer, residence 65 Center. Krantz, Charles D. (Marion) Erie R. P.. police, house 241 Sprague. Krempin, Louis (Eliza) foreman fringe dept., 40 Winsor h. 639 East 6th. Krepps, Jennie M., commercial traveler, residence 107 Maple. Kronmiller. William (Charlotte), ice cream maker, 99 Institute, house do. Kruger, Frank, warp dresser, residence 142 Broadhead avenue. Krumich, Joseph, bicycle enameler, 111 West Third, house Celoron. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets piV" M. J. MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. KRUSE. LAMMERS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 273 Kruse, Henry, axe grinder, house under 218 Steele. Kuennen, Mary, domestic, 27 Lake Vi»w avenue. Kulander, John (Hilma) laborer, house 652 Barrows. Kullberg, John (Christina) laborer, house 179 Barrows. Kunzag, A d a m (Bertha), ax maker, 13 Taylor, house 843 Prendergast ave. Kurtz, George H. (Annis) house over 10 East Second. L Labor Exchange, 771 East Second, F. P. Williams, manager. LaDow, Cora, domestic, 100 East Fifth. LaDow, 0. Henry, general delivery clerk P. 0., boards 43 West Ninth. LaDue, William T. (Hortense) band sawyer, 25 Sherman pi., house 3 Pullman. Lager, Andrew G. (Matilda S.) laborer, house 29 Kinney. Lager, Arthur L., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 26 Chapin. Lager, Charles P., (Ida L.)—Manbert & Lager—3 N e w Gifford building, house 26 Chapin. Lagerdahl, Clara, widow Carl J., house 31 Cedar avenue. Lagerdahl, David E., laborer, residence 31 Cedar avenue. Lagerdahl, Theresa, residence 31 Cedar avenue. Lagerleaf, August, laborer, boards 254 Crescent. Lagerquist, Axel (Amelia), builder, house 225 Prospect. Lagerquist, Charles E. (Ellen C ) foreman, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 157 Allen. Lagren, Andrew (Lena) tailor, house 22 Sampson. Lagren, Enoch A., apprentice, 304 East Second, residence 22 Sampson. Lahey, Frank E. (Henrietta) supt. Prudential Insurance Co., room 5 N e w Gifford building, house 611 Washington. Laidler, Martha, teacher, residence 1281 Main. Laidler, Mary H., teacher, residence 1281 Main. Lake Carl J. (Anna )finisher, house 131 Hall avenue. Lake, Clarence H. (Belle W.) undersheriff,, house N e w Allenflats,21 W . 2d. Lake, Howard C , student, residence N e w Allenflats,21 West Second. Lake View Rose Gardens, A. N. Broadhead, proprietor, office with J. S. R. Co., west Third, green house Lakewood road. Lakins, Fred A., barber shop under 211 Main, boards 7 Cross. Lakin, Martha E., widow Dr. Edward L., residence 7-9 N e w Gifford bldg. Lakewood Ice Co. (The) M. R. Stevenson, secy and treas., office Wellman bldg. Lambert, Robert F., retired, residence 32 A.shville avenue. Lammers, Edward F. (Jennie H.), driver, 24 Main, house 3 Williams. Lammers, Garrett H. (Bedelia) retired, house 20 West Tenth. Lammers Henry B., retired house 202 Barrett. Lammers, John, night watch street car barns, West Third, bds. 17 W . 4th. Lammers John F.,florist,boards 17 West Fourth. Lammers, Louisa L., residence 202 Barrett. Lammers, Lucius M., planer, residence 202 Barrett. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools LSrLcfeYy,°ourr F i n e C u s t o m Clothing at LAMMERS. 274 P R O U D F I T S LARSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Lammers, May, spinner, residence 202 Barrett. Lampson, Dwight, musician, house 327 Warren. Lancaster James (Emma) teamster, house 614 Forest avenue. Landberg, Edward (Ellen) dyer, house 11 Park. Landers, Hannah, widow Stephen, residence 38 Flagg avenue. Landes Henry C. (Cora), lumberman, house 366% Foote avenue. Landeu, Joseph A. (Josephine), machine hand, 101 Harr:F-on, h. 12 Barrows. Landfried, Kittie, dressmaker, over 321 Main, house do. Landgraf, Augusta, cook, 113 West Third. Landgraf, Pauline, cook 113 West Third. Landon Aretus J. (Julia) paper hanger house 563 East Second. Landon, Lottie C, teacher, 563 East Second. Landrigan, Elizabeth, widow John, house 770 Foote avenue. Landrigan, John, stock keeper, residence 770 Foote avenue. Landrigan, Mary, residence 770 Foote avenue. Lane, Andrew J. (Ellen), head sawyer 24 Steele, house 106 Barrett. Langdon, Fred (Delia R.)—Little & Langdon, 317 Washington, h. 415 W . 4th Langdon, Nancy P.., widow Spencer, residence 415 West Fourth. Langeway, Lewis (Lillian) laborer, residence 319 Hazzard. Langford, Edward R. (Mary L.) jeweler and optician, 7 E. 3d, h. 213 Clinton. Langford, Laura, widow John, h. 503 West Third. Langford, Mary L., dressmaker residence 503 West Third. Langford Rebecca, teacher, residence 503 West Third. Langworthy, Charles, bartender, New Sherman house. Langworthy, Don, driver, 30 Main residence 41 Rathbone. Langworthy, Elijah, carpenter, house 41 Rathbone. Lannes, Andrew J. (Aleda G.) editor Vart Land, over 12 W . 2d, h. 565 Allen. Lansing, James H. (Elizabeth) night watchman, house 49 Prospect. Lansing, William I (Belle M.) corresponding secretary, h. 28 Prospect ave. Lantz, Walter (Mamie) driller, h. 223 Steele. Lapy, John D. (Mary J.) laborer, house J. &. G. avenue, near limits. Larmonth, Grace King, student, residence 14 East Fourth. Larmonth, James T. (Laura K.) general manager Anchor Fence Co., over 100 East Third, house 14 East Fourth. LaRoy, Merritt C. (Mary) carpenter, 806 West Eighth, h. 1055 Main. LaRoy William H. (Bessie) mill hand 116 East First, bouse 91 E. Buffalo. LaRoy, William H., Jr., driller, 56 Blackstone avenue, residence 91 E. Buffalo LaRoy, see also Leroy. Larson, C. AJfred (Augustine) table maker, 105 Winsor, house 145 Barrows. Larson, Charles, wood worker, boards 135 Chandler. Larson Charles (Maude)finisher,house 145% Allen. Larson, Charles O., varnisher, boards 15 Barrows. Larson, Fred, laborer, boards 307 Winsor. Larson, Gust (Mary) lumber shover, house 21 Park. Larson, Hannah, weaver 116 East First, residence 320 Bowen. Larson, John (Minnie) polisher, house 40 Union avenue. M . J. M U R R A Y . First-class Plumbing, 122 W . Third St. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. LARSON. LAWSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 275 Larson, John (Amanda) stationary fireman, house 119 Williams. Larson, Lars (Frederica) laborer, house 320 Bowen. Larson, Lars A. (Amanda S.) table manufacturer, house 131 Barrows. Larson, Lydia A., clerk, 204 Main, residence 117 Cross. Larson, Peter (Sophie) foreman, 37 Taylor, house 28 Jones. Larson, Peter,finisher,415 Chandler boards under 246 Crescent. Larson, Selma, domestic, '204 West Filth residence 128 Linden avenue. Larson, S. John (Caroline), sash maker house 35 Charles. Larson, Victor, J., tailor, 216 Main, residence 320 Bowen. Larson, see also Lawson. LaSalle, Carl (Ena C ) teacher, house 19 Crossman. Lattin, Anna L., residence 214 Clinton. Lattin, George, clerk, 15 East Third, boards 612 East Seventh. Laurine, E m m a , weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 14 Crescent. Laughlin, John, laborer, boards 22 So.ith Main. Laughlin, John (Mary) lumberman, house 824 Forest avenue. Laudenslager, Terrence A. (Anna M.) carpenter, house 23 Ellicott. Lawrence, James A., printer, residence 613 Spring. Lawrence, Zoe, milliner, residence 613 Spring. Laws, Frank R. (Jessie G.) Buffalo Indicator Co., S06 W . 8th, h. 17 Fulton. Laws, James W . (Nina) machinist, house 411 West Fourth. Lawson, Agnes E., operative, 35 Water, rasidence 59 Tciwer. Lawson, Alberta, domestic, 212 Lake View avenue. Lawson, Alfred A. (Matilda) laborer, house 37 Westcott. Lawson, Algood, wood worker, residence 28, Linden avenue. Lawson, Alida M., residence 14 Johnson. Lawson, Amanda, domestic, 20 South Main. Lawson, Amanda, picker, residence 111 Hazzard. Lawson, Andrew (Hilda G.) laborer, house 47 Prospect avenue. Lawson, Andrew, retired, residence 618 Spring. Lawson, Andrew (Matilda) carpenter, house 273 Prospect. Laason, Andrew E. (Jennie C.) mill hand, 105 Winsor, house 51 Tower. Lawson, Andrew F., varnisher, 101 Harrison, residence 51 Tower. Lawson, Andrew G. (Christine J.) laborer, house 52 Hedges avenue. Lawson, Andrew J. (Hulda) carpenter, house 310 Barrett. Lawson, Andrew P. (Louise) laborer, house 117 Cross. Lawson, Anna, domestic, 9 Grandin. Lawson, Anna, domestic, 116 Chandler. Lawson, Anna, widow John, house 28Scott. Lawson, Anna, house 20 Harrison. La'wson, Anna, residence 1009 Newland avenue. Lawson, Archie, driller, residence 111 Hazzard. Lawson, Arvid L., machine hand, 128 Foest ave., res. 52 Hedges avenue. Lawson, Augusta, widow John, house 28 Linden avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware and Cutlery K n o x H a t s , H a w e s H a t s only at LAWSON. 276 PROUDFITS LAWSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Lawson Augusta, domestic, 217 East Sixth. Axel (Matilda) laborer, hoiise 7 Hanley. Axel ( E m m a ) wood worker, house 34 Crown. Axel Harmon, cigarmaker, 7 West First, residence 28 Scott Axel, chair maker, rooms 20 N e w Gifford building. Axel F. T. (Clara), shoemaker house 1009 Newland avenue. Carl, weaver, boards 20 Colfax. Carl A., laborer residence 37 Westcott. Carl O. (Ida C ) , laborer, house 32 Willard. Lawson. Charles, laborer, board; 254 Crescent. Lawson Charles, laborer, residence 2 2 Broadhead avenue. Lawson Charles, shoemaker, residence 1009 Newalnd avenue. Lawson. Charles (Jennie G.), ax maker, 13 Taylor, house 59 Tower. Lawson Charles, table maker, boards 118 Williams. Lawson Charles (Jennie E.),finisher,105 Winsor, h., Willard, beyond lim'ts. Lawson Charles (Matilda), lounge maker, house 112 Chamber. Lawson Charles A., laborer, rooms 2,8 Spring. Lawson Charles A. (Eva), contractor and builder, house 309 Newland ave. Lawson Charles E. (I. Sophie), meat market 81 Allen, house 17 Sherman. Lawson Oharles G. (Lottie), axe maker, 13 Taylor, house 326 Forest avenue. Lawson. Charles J. (Ida C ) , gardener, house 26 Linden avenue. Lawson Charles W . (Hulda), milk peddler, house Buffalo. Lawson Claus, laborer, residence Buffalo. Lawson, Edward, Augusta, planer, house 920 Newland avenue. Lawson Edward, packer, 13 Taylor, residence 14 Johnson. Lawson Ella, widow Berndt, house 30 Anderson. Lawson Ellen, clerk, 201 East Second, residence 310 Barrett. Lawson Ellen, dishwasher, 113 West Third. Lawson Ellen C , operative 335 Harrison, residence 51 Tower. Lawson Elmer L., residence 14 Johnson. Lawson Emil G. (Carrie), tinner, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 24 Tilden avenue Lawson E m m a , widow Charles, house 553 Allen. Lawson Ester M., operative 335 Harrison, residence 59 Tower. Lawson Frank, laborer, house 35 Oak. Lawson Frank E., helper 335 Harrison, residence 54 Water. Lawson Freda M. E., clerk 203 Main, residence 310 Barrett. Lawson Fred L., clerk 126 East Second, residence 362 Willard. Law:son Gerda, winder 335 Harrison, residence 292 do. Lawson Gust (Josephine), axe maker, 13 Taylor, house 207 Barrett. Lawson Gust (Manda), foreman 101 Harrison, house 748 East Second. Lawson Gust (Louise), carpenter, house 14 Johnson. Lawson Gust A. (Ida), varnisher, house 50 Jones. Lawson Gust P. (Josephine), wood worker, house 934 Newland avenue. Lawson Gust S. (Hilda S.), carpenter, house 106 Willard. Lawson Harry L., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 59 Tower. Lawson Helma J., picker 116 East First, residence 6 Marvin. Lawson Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^ r ^ ™ ' b y M . J. M U R R A Y The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E LAWSON. CO. LEACH. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 277 Lawson, Hulda, domestic, 201 Lake View avenue. Lawson, Hulda M., operative 35 Water, residence 51% Tower. Lawson, Jennie, weaver 35 Water, residence 54 do. Lawson, Jennie 0., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 27 Eagle Lawson, John (Anna), laborer, house 362 Willard. Lawson, John B., bartender, 18 South Main. Lawson, John ( E m m a C ) , night watch ian ] 15 Winsor. i ouse 12 Willard. Lawson, John (Clara J.), grocer, 52 Water, house 54 do. Lawson, John, laborer boards 8 % Cheney. Lawson John axe maker, 13 Taylor boards 8 % Cheney. Lawson, John D., mill hand, 105 Winsor, residence 5 1 % Tower. Lawson, John E. (Jennie), butcher, house 756 East Second. Lawson, John M. (Agnes G.), st. car conductor, house over 131 Foote avenue. Lawson, John Oscar, shoe maker, residence 28 Scott. Lawson, John P. (Caroline M.), shoe maker, house 5 1 % Tower. Lawson, John T. (Amanda C ) ,finisher,house 56 Tower. Lawson, Julia M., operative 335 Harrison, residence 51 Tower. Lawson, Lars M. (Minnie), laborer, house 6 Marvin. Lawson, Mable A., operative 116 East First, residence 5 1 % Tower. Lawson, Martin L. (Minnie), driver, ;:ouse 112 Francis. Lawson; Mary, widow Lars M., residence 40 Holman. Lawson, Mary, housekeeper, 609 East Eighth. Lawson, Mary, domestic, residence 111 Hazzard. Lawson, Mary, widow John, residence 168 Chandler. Lawson, Minnie C, wool drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 27 Eagle. Lawson, Minnie J., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 52 Harrison. Lawson, Ole (Christine S.), cabinet maker, 516 West Fourth, h. 52 Harrison. Lawson, Olof (Sophia), laborer, house, Buffalo. Lawson, Oscar H. finfsher, 128 Foote avenue residence 52 Hedges ave. Lawson, Philip, mill hand, 335 Harbison, boards 307 Winsor. Lawson, Samuel, retired, residence 135 Allen. Lawson, Selma F., wool draxer 116 East First, residence 362 Willard. Lawson, Theo (Anna), laborer, house 111 Hazzard. Lawson, Veva C, residence 5 1 % Tower. Lawson, Victor (Gusta), track man, house 33 Thirteenth. Lawson, see also Larson. Lawton, Lodeska R., widow John, house 32 Kent. Lawton, Mutual, widow Fabius, residence 110 Hamilton. - Lay, Frank C, claim agent J. & C. Rv., 640 West 8th, residence 210 West 5th. Lazelle, Byron S. (Tillie €.), boat builder, house 44 Grant. Leablad, Charles, (Augusta),finisher,hou=e 301 Allen. Leach, Charles B., bookkeeper, residence N e w Allen flats. Leach, Fred (Ann),finisher,335 Harrison, house 59 Foote avenue. Leach, John B., pressman, 14-16 West 2nd, res. N e w Allenflats,11 W . Second. Leach, John E. (Ida C),' supt. Allen Square Co., 119 Main, house 11 West 2d. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware Call u p N o . 3 3 , for Clothing a n d Furnishings LEAFSTONE. LEIDBLAD. 278 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Leafstone, Elizabeth, widow, residence 42 Park. Leafstone, Lars (Cora May),finisher,residence 24 Forest. Leafstone, Samuel (Hilma), musician, house 42 Park. Leahr, Anna, housekeeper 29 West Tenth. Learnutson, Thora, polisher, boards 319 Allen. Leavers, Anna E., housekeeper 214 Clinton. Leberg, John A. (Albertenia S.), tailor, 208 Main, house 89 Hazzard. LeBoeuf, Harry J. (Clara), prop, Jamestown laundry, 3 Barrett, h. 543 E. 2d. Leblaud, John (Anna),finisher,house 410.Allen. Leburg, Albert (Josephine), piano maker, house 802 East Second. Leburg, Charles (Edith), laborer, house 46 Thayer. Leburg, George H., drug clerk, 214 East Second, residence 802 do. Leburg, John (Amanda), laborer, house 11 Peach. Ledger, George (Mary), dresser, residence 11 Ashville avenue. Lee, Albert C , cooper, residence 7 Barrows. Lee, Aminta M., spinner, 335 Harrison residence 7 Barrows. Lee, Arthur A. (Gertrude), carpenter, house 1031 Main. Lee. Dennis (Mary A.), teamster, house 39 Dickerson. Lee, Dewitt Clinton (Lulu M.), milk dealer, residence 610 Camp. Lee, Emory S. (Maude N.)—Wood & Lee—2 Main, house 20 Price. Lee, Hoyt P. (Mabel), electrician, h. rms. 97-98, over 111 Main. Lee, John A. (Mary), builder, house 147 Prospect. Lee, Julia A., widow, Charles h., under 7 Barrows. Lee, Orsell C. (Myrtle), miller, residence 39 Dickerson. Lee, Samuel J. (Persis M.), electric baths, house 16 Price. Lees, James, des'gner, residence 320 Allen. Lees, John T. (Mary A.), machinist, house 32 Center. Lees, Susan, rooms 207 Allen. Leet, Charles S. (Lillian M.), cle-k, house 16 Bush. Leet, Elsie E., teacher, residence 19 Euclid avenue. Leet, Fayette G. (Helen E.), baker, house 12 Bush. Leet, Frank F. ( E m m a A.), frt. handler, house 5 East Ninth. Leet, Henry C. (Cordelia M.), com. traveler, house 11 East Ninth. Leet, H. Jane, stenog., 318 Cherry, residence 11 East Ninth. Leet, Jessie M., clerk, 13 Main, residence 16 Bush. Leet, Lewis, retired, residence 260 Warren. Leet, Mary E., teacher, residence 11 East Ninth. Lehman, George H. (Mabel), machinist, boards 604 Lafayette. Lehman, George H., Mrs., milliner, over 217 Main, boards 604 Lafayette. Lehmann, Willibald, teacher inst. and vocal music, over 20 East 2d. rms. do. Leid, James (Nina B.),filer,house 9 Barrows. Leidblad, Anna M., operative 335 Harrison, residence 43 Tower. Leidblad, Fred L. (Mary A.), painter 128 Foote avenue, house 43 Tower. M . J . M U R R A Y TO.V.ViSS?/* Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . LEITER. LEWIS. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 279 Leiter, Fred H.—Leiter & Davies—12 South Main, residence (a) Kent block. Leiter, Oscar S. (Alice S.), liquor dealer, house (a) Kent block. Leiter & Davies—Fred. H. Leiter and Thomas H. Davies-—saloon and billiards, 12 South Main. L e m m , Thomas (Harriet M.), warp dresser, house 118 Crescent. Leonhart, Elizabeth, widow Philip H., residence 118 East Second. Leopard, Frank J. (Lottie A.), machinist, house 17 Walnut. Lepar, C. Belle, kindergarten teacher, residence 92 Steele. Lepar, Harry D. (Gertrude S.)—Charles Swanson & Co.—6 Ellicott building, house 37 Thirteenth. Lepar, Loraine R., widow Edwin, house 16 Filmore. Lepar, Mable R., bookkeeper 63 Taylor, residence 16 Filmore. Lepar, William A. (Julia L.), brick mason, house 92 Steele. Lepp, George, fireman, Erie R. R., boards 105 Steele. Lepp, John C. (Sarah), yardmaster Erie R. R., house 4 Williams. Lepp, William (Mary), locomotive engineer, house 18 Whitley avenue. Lerch, John I. (Flora A.), foreman 12 West First, house over 10 East 3d. Leroy, Anson R. (Jennie I), paper hanger, 101 East Third, house 164 Marvin. Leroy, Edwin D. (Catherine), carpenter, house Buffalo. LeRoy, Frank (Helena), commercial traveler, house 832 Main. LeRoy, John H. (Edith A.), clerk, 10 South Main, house 330 Fore:t avenue. LeRoy, John (Diana), mason, house 3a0 Forest avenue. Leroy, John S., paper hanger, 104 East Third, residence 16 Fountain avenue. Leroy, Richard (Eunice L.), laborer, residence Curtis. Leroy, Stephen S. (Maggie A.), driver, 16 Fountain avenue. Leroy, Willard F. ( E m m a J.), laborer, house 1276 East Second. Leroy, see also LaRoy. Lessord, Leopold (Flora A.), shoe maker, 322 Main, house 29 Bush. Levan, John (Anna), laborer, house und:r 14 Orchard. Levan, Victor, laborer, residence under 14 Orchard. Levander, John, painter, boards 135 Chandler. Levander, Rudolph ( E m m a ) , tinner, house 397 Baker. Levier, Daniel W . (Lizzie), wood worker, house 21S Palmer. Levy, Ethel G., Mrs., bookkeeper, 112 East Third, boards 210 East Fourth. Lewin, Georgiana H., student, residence 626 Prendergast avenue. Lewin, Rein E., student, residence 626 Prendergast avenue. Lewin, Samuel B. (Maria H.), cigar mfr., 4 East First, h., 626 Prenrle.-gast ave. Lewis, Beeri (Roxana), carpenter, house over 31 Fenton place. Lewis, Charles F., tailor, 2 West 2d, residence 618 Palmer. Lewis, Charles F. (Maggie)—P. F. Lewis & Sons—804 Main, h. 7 East Sth. Lewis, Clinton M. (Inez)—P. F. Lewis & Sons—804 Main, house over do. Lewis, Frances A., residence 351 East Fifth. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates T w o Cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T S LEWIS. 280 LINDAHL. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Leais, Harry R. (Frances A.), atty. at law, room 8 over 6 Easi Third, house 351 East Fifth. Lewis, Martin (Lobenda), carpenter, house 856 Main. Lewis, Nathan D. (Emily), attorney at law, house 513 Lafayette Lewis, Perrin F. (Harriet)—P. F. Lewis & Sons—804 Main, h. 7 East Eighth. Lewis, P. F. & Sons—Perrin F., Charles F. and Clinton M.—stoves and tinners, 804 Main. Lewis, Richard, bank clerk, 211 Main,residence 351 East Fifth. Lewis, Sadie, Mrs., seamstress, house 636 East Sixth. Leworthy, Sarah A., residence 12 Bush. Lidblad, Charles A. (Estelle R.), cabinet maker, house 21 Victoria avenue. Lidblad, Charles O. (G. Charlotte), furniture maker, 128 Foote avenue, house 203 Benedict. Liden, Charles (Olivia), ehairmaker, house 72 Jones. Lidman, Mcses (Rosie), collector, 101 East 2d, houss 15 Cowden place. Lieblad, Warner F. (Matilda.) finisher, house 571 Allen. Liepe, John (Anna), steel worker, house 14 Colfax. Lilgendahl, Alif J.,finisher,residence 121 Cross. Liljenblath, Emil, ax maker, 13 Taylor boards 301 Barrett. Lillibridge, Charles, retired, liouse ever 201 West Third. Lillibridge, E m m a B., residence 201 West Third. v Lillibridge, Frank G., stationary engineer, 205 West Third, res. over 201 do. Lilly, Charles E. (Mary J.), machinist, house 232 Forest. Lilly, Don L., laborer, residence 232 Forest. Lilly, Lucia M., widow Leonard, house 40 West Ninth. Lilly, Orrin H. (Ida) carpenter, house 616 Prendergast avenue. v Lincoln, David—Henderson & Lincoln—107 East Second, rooms 116 Chandler Lincoln, Julius, Rev., pastor First Lutheran church, residence 116 Chandler. Lincoln, Newton L. (Anna), clerk Hayward house, house li West Ninth. Lind, Andrew J. (Christine), bookkeeper, 56 Blackstone avenue, house 135 Foote avenue. Lind, Axel E., laborer, boards 12 Kinney. Lind, Charles, A. J. (Elvena), plasterer, house 17 Hedges avenue. Lind, Edward A. (Ida), trimmer, house Fluvanna avenue. Lind, Fred (Dag-mar), carpenter, l:oi'se over 787 East Second. Lind, Hans W . (Andra). inns'c'an. boards 25 West Ninth. Lind, Harry, laborer 105 Winsor, residence 135 Foote avenue. Lind, John (Lydia), tailor, 208 Main, house 220 Fulton. Lind, John, teamster, 29 Taylor, boards over do. Lind, Jonas A. (Augusta), mason, house 20 Cross. Lind, Lottie, widow John, residence 35 Cedar avenue. Lind, see also Lund. Lindahl, Charles, mill hand, boards 11 Kidder. Lindahl, Herman, laborer house 6 Warren. Lindahl John (Anna), polisher, house 107 Hazzard. M. J. M U R R A Y Employes Only First-class W o r k m e n Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T h e A. D. S H A R P E LINDAHL. CO. LINDELL. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 281 Lindahl, John A., bookkeeper, residence 438 Maple. Lindahl, John '.Au^u.itk), brick maker, house Warren, near limns. Lindahl, Nels E. (Eva C ) , carpenter, house 438 Elm. Lindahl, see also Lindell, Londahl and Lundahl. Lindbeck, Andrew, paper hanger, residence 219 Prospect. Lindbeck, Anton, paper hanger, residence 219 Prospect. Lindbeck, August (Hannah), lounge maker, house 219 Prospect. Lindbeck, Charles J. ( E m m a M.), clerk, 117 Main, house 53 Prospect avenue. Lindbeck, Christine, widow, residence 219 Prospect. Lindbeck, Edd (Edie), painter, house 105 Park. Lindbeck, Louise, house 219 Prospect. Lindberg, Andrew (Johanna), house 41 Peterson. Lindberg, Anna, bookkeeper, 516 West Fourth, house 926 Main. Lindberg, Charles, wood worker, residence 926 Main. Lindberg, Charles J. (Augusta), shoemaker, house 32 Highland avenue. Lindberg, Hans (Anna Helena), house 137 Prospect. Lindberg, John, laborer, house 440 Maple. Lindberg, John (Augusta), carpenter, house 120 Prospect. Lindberg, John (Albertine), tailor, house 237 Willard. Lindberg, Oscar, wood wo'rker residence 926 Main. Lindberg, P. John (Louise), carpenter, house 926 Main. Lindberg, Peter 0. (Emily), cabinet maker, house 1054 Main. Lindberg, Seth, varnisher, residence 926 Main. Lindberg, see also Lundberg. Lindblad, Anna Alberta, nurse, residence over 300 Foote avenue. Lindblad, Anton E., student, residence 27 Broadhead avenue. Lindblad, Augusta M., nurse, residence over 300 Foote avenue. •'Lindblad, August J. (Louise)—Lindblad Bros. & Co.—13 Harrison, house 27 Broadhead avenue. Lindblad Bros. & Co.—Olaf J., August J. Lindblad and Peter J. Bergquist— furniture specialty manufacturers, 13 Harrison. Lindblad, Caroline C , dressmaker, residence 300 Foote avenue. Lindblad, Lena, dressmaker, residence over 300 Foote avenue. Lindblad, 0'af J. (Matilda A.)—Lindblad Bros. & Co.—13 Harrison, house 14 West Seventh. Lindblom, Esther, clerk, 203 Main, residence 2 5 % Park. Lindblom, John Axel (Ida C.)—H. Lundquist & Co.—105 South Main, house 25 Park. Lindblom, Mary J., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 3 Vega. Lindblom, Oscar C. (Ida E.), meat market, 25 Linden avenue, rooms do. Lindbloom, Oscar E. (Hilda C ) , laborer, house 3 Vega. L;nrlbnrg, Gus, laWn-fr .nnls "5 rvrby. Lindell, Anton E. (Emily C ) , ax maker, 13 Taylor, boards 393 Baker. Lindell, Charles, wood worker, residence 393 Baker. Lindell, Charles J. (Lydia), warp dresser, house 206 McDannell avenue. Lindell, Christine, Mrs., widow, residence 393 Baker. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings Children's S l lits, $ 1 . 5 0 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T S . LINDELL. 282 LINDROS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Lindell, Ellen, domestic, 17 Fairmount avenue. Lindell, Hilda 0., widow Gust, residence 324 Forest. Lindell, see also Lindahl, Londahl and Lundahl. Linden, Andre P. (Mary), laborer, house 1269 Main. Linder, Fred (Hannah G.), painter, house 3 Sturges. Lindergren, E m m a , widow Carl 0.. house 29 West Eighth. Lindewall, Erick L. (Amelia), cabinet maker, house 163 Barrows. Lindgren, Amanda, domestic, 212 Crossman. Lindgren, Christian (Christine S.), carpenter, house 134 Foote avenue. Lindgren, Gust (Annie), laborer, house 6 Webster. Lindgren, Peter M. (Hannah), blacksmith, house 22 Columbia avenue. Lindgren, Robert, mill hand, residence 6 Webster. Lindgren, Swan—Olson & Lindgren—over 107 Main, residence 16 Linden ave. Lindgren, see also Lundgren. Lindholm, Charles A. (Caroline), new and second hand goods, Kent block, house (b) do. Lindholm, Ella O., clerk, 18 East Second, residence 79 Water. Lindholm, Frank, hostler, 224 East Second, residence 18 Orchard. Lindholm, Gust W., variety store, 18 East Second, house 79 Water. Lindholm, Josephine, widow Gust, residence 15 Cedar avenue. Lindholm, Jessie E., residence 510 East Seventh.. Lindholm, Julia 0., student, residence 510 East Seventh. Lindholm, Mary, widow Gust, residence 79 Water. Lindholm, Myrtie L., dressmaker, 79 Water, residence do. Lindholm, Perry D. (Matilda E.), carpenter, house 510 East Seventh. Lindholm, Wilbert A., laborer, residence 510 East Seventh. Lindmark, Ida, widow Eric, house 226 Steele. Lindmark, see also Lundmark. Lindquist, Albert (Alice D.), poli-her, residence 52 Harrison. Lindquist, Albert A. (Jennie R.) brick layer, house 575 Willard. Lindquist, A m a n d a C , residence 8 Barrows. Lindquist, Amelia C , operative, residence 575 Willard. Lindquist, Charles (Sophie), oil refiner, house 22 Park. Lindquist, Charles W., grinder, residt-nce 22 Park. Lindquist, Charles AV.. laborer, residence 233 Willard. Lindquist, Eron (Mati'da C ) , laborer, house 501 Stowe. Lindquist, F. John, laborer, residence 233 Willard. Lindquist, Henry, polisher, residence 39 Prospect. Lindquist, John (Hilma), machine hand, 131 Winsor, house 179 Barrows. Lindquist, John (Sarah), stone mason, house 233 Willard. Lindquist, John A., clerk, residence 22 Park. Lindquist, Lars, weaver, 335 Harrison boards 63 Hedges avenue. Lindquist, Lexos, varnisher, boards J7 Columb'a avenue. Lindquist, Robert J., mason, residence 575 Willard. Lindquist, Sophia, widow Charles, house 575 Willard. Lindros, Charles L. (Matilda L.), house 43 Vega. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W . Third St., M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. LINDROS. LITCHFIELD. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 283 Lindros, Fred (Matilda A.), blacksmith, 306 Harrison, house 25 Vega. Lindrose, Jhalmer G., factory hand, residence 43 Vega. Lindroth, John A. (Hulda M.), boarding house, 48 Foote avenue, house do. 'Lindsey, Charles G. (Melita B.), real estate, 1 Hall blk. 219 Main, h. 418 East Sixth. Lindsey, Wilton C , real estate and attorney at law, 1 Hall block, rooms over 109 East Second. Lindstrom, Anton (Hulda), driver, house 403 Hazeltine avenue. Lindstrom, August, shoemaker, residence 226 Steele. Lindstrom, Charles (Hilda), painter, house 550 East Second. Lindstrom, Charles (Maria), retired, house 430 Allen. Lindstrom, Charles (Tilda), wood worker, house 426 Allen. Lindstrom, Charles (Anna), spring setter, house 200 Sampson. Lindstrom, Charles J. (Amanda), shoemaker, house 451 Baker. Lindstrom, Edward E. (Cora)—manager Co-operative Supply Co..—343 Allen, house 231 Fulton. Lindstrom, Gust (Christine), polisher, house 407 Baker. Lindstrom, Gustavia, widow Frank, house 226 Steele. Lindstrom, Ida, laundress, 5 Harrison, boards do. Lindstrom, John (Tilda), mattress maker, house 15 Axtel. Lindstrom, John (Matilda), machinist, 105 Winsor, house 225 Barrows. Lindstrom, John (Anna), retired, house 200 Sampson. Lindstrom, see also Linstrom. Lindtnel, Anna, widow Charles, house 106 Broadhead avenue. Lines, Edward D.—manager—209 Main, rooms over 107 East Second. Lines, W . H. & S. N., shoe dealers, 209 Main—Edward D. Lines, manager. Linford Cut Glass Co.—William and W Henry Linford—manufacturers cut g'ass, 518 East Sixth. Linford, W . Henry (Mary E.)—Linford Cut Glass Co.—51S East Sixth, house 163 East Ninth. Linford, William (Selina).—Linford Cut Glass Co.—518 East Sixth, house 159 East Ninth. Link, Laura E., waitress, 15 South Main. Link, Norman J. (Ella), plater, 105 J. & G. avenue, house 150 Marvin. Link, Omer O. (Myra E.), clerk, 30 Main, house 613 East Eighth. Linn, Gust (Eureka), ax maker, 13 Taylor, house 227 Hazzard. Linnander, Ellen U., milliner, residei.ce 10 Institute. Linnander, Victor (Hilda A.), retired, house 10 Institute. Linstrom, Andrew G. (Lena), stationary engineer, house 33 Scott. Linstrom, Enoch H., collector, residence 33 Scott. Linstrom, Minnie, domestic, 17 Lake View avenue. Linstrom, see also Lindstrom. Lipchick, David (Anna), eye specialist, 105 Main, house 338 Forest avenue. 'Lippert, John J. (Ruth), bookkeeper, rooms 4-5-6 Wellman building, boards 105 West Second. Litchfield, Presina M., widow Orange, residence over 208 East Second. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing 1866. PROUDFIT'S. 3 3 years at 3 3 . LITTLE. 284 1899. LOHGER. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Little, George C. (Alice), superintendent, 40 Quarry road, house 295 Crercent Little, James M. (Augusta C ) , stationary fireman, house 24 Dexter. Little, Minnie J., residence 208 West Fourth. Little, Simeon S. (Eleanor)—Little & Langdoc-317 Washington, house 208 West Fourth. Little & Langdon—Simeon S. Little and Fred Langdon—blacksmiths, 317 Washington. Livingston, Alfred T. (Nellie H.), phj-sician and surgeon, over 111 East Second, house 155 Forest avenue, Livingston, Earle W., stenographer, 49 J. & G. avenue, residence 12 Chandler Livingston, Edgar C. (Alice), treasurer and general manager H. 0. N. P. association, over 100 East Third, house 525 West Third. Livingston, Harriet E., residence 800 East Second. Livingston, John E. (Olive Du. P.) commeicial traveler, residence 525 W . 3d. Livingston, Olive D u P., Mrs., chief tel. operator, 113 East Third, residence West Third. Ljungberg, Anna C, Mrs., varieties, 10 East Second, residence 44 Barrett. Ljungberg, August W . (Anna C ) , grocer, 10 East Second, house 44 Barrett. ^Ljungberg, Eline A., assistant librarian, residence 44 Barrett. Jjungberg, Lena J., widow John, horse 55 Charles. Ljungberg, Sture A. clerk, 10 East Second, residence 44 Barrett. Ljunggren, Albin (Anna), machinist, house over 120 Hall avenue. Lloyd, Edward (Sarah R.), slater, house 221 Crosby. Lockwood, Alice, domestic, 105 Crosby. Lockwood, Andrew, foreman, house over 105 East Second. Lockwood, A. Verde, laborer, residence over 105 East Second. Lockwood, A. Vernie, residence over 105 East Second Lockwood, Clark R. (Eunice E.), attorney at law, 41-42 Wellman building, house 107 Warren. Lockwood, Dora K.. bookkeeper, 30 Main, residence 47 West Tenth. Lockwood, George L. student, residence 47 West Tenth. Lockwood, MeTzar A. (Mary F.), harness and horse furnishing, over 100 East Second, house 47 West Tenth. Lods, George F. (Augusta S.). e'erk, 2J0 Main, house 221 Crosby. Lods, Tina E., bookkeeper, 205 Main, residence 221 Crosby. Lofgren, Axel G. (Ida C ) , clerk, 1 Main, house 401 Forest avenue. Lofgren, Carl G. (Hulda), painter, house 152 Sampson. Lofgren, Charles E. (Hulda), foreman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 152 Sampson. Lofgren, Erick (Mary C ) ,finisher,105 Winsor, house 9 Holman. Loferin, John, assembler, boards 30 Sampson. Lofgren, Gust A .(Anna E.), foreman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 26 Forest. Logan, Robert T. (Margaret), shirt manufacturer and gent's furnishings, 212 Main, house 217 East Sixth. Logerquist, Charlie (EPen), polisher, house 157 Allen. Logerquist, Sophie, widow John, residence 157 Allen. Lohger. Olga, domestic 37 Warren. Some of the most extensive pX™£J;»t" £ &e M. J. MURRAY The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. LOHMAN. LOUCKS. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 285 Lohman, Joseph, clerk, rooms 5 Chui ch. Lombard, Joseph H. (Margaret), photo worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 709 Ashville avenue. Londahl, Charles (Minnie), cabinet maker, house 347% Foote avenue. Londahl, John (Johanna), real estate, secondfloorKent block, 27 Forest avenue, house 78 Water. Londahl, see also Lindahl, Lindell ar.d Lundahl. London, Frederick (Mary E.), warper, 335 Harrison, house 418 East Fifth. London, W . Theodore, clerk, board 220 Fulton. Long, Algert, driver, 105 South Main, boards 546 Allen. Long, Bertha, laundress, 205 West Third, boards 51 Fairmount avenue. Long, John, laundry, under 14 East Second, house do. Long, Sarah, domestic, 32 Broadhead avenue. Long, William, helper, 219 Spring, boards 22 South Main. Longren, Carl 0. (Emily), tailor, 19 New Gifford, house 226 Broadhead ave. Longren, Charles (Sophie) box maker, house 109 Colfax. Longren, Edward (Emma), polisher, house 262 Broadhead avenue. Longren, John W . (Kate), printer, over 211 Main, residence 23 Center. Longren, Mary, widow John G., house 23 Center. Loomis, Alton M., editor Evening and Tr; Weekly Times, 217 Spring, boards 112 Chandler. Loomis, Levi (Mary E.), teamster, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Loomis, Mattie, milliner, boards 426 East Fifth. Looney, Martin (Catherine), retired, house 25 Seymour avenue. Looney, Michael (Margaret), machinist, house 12 Fulton place. Lord, Anna, pantry girl, N e w Sherman. Lord, Arthur G. (Grayce S.), 21 West Second—Lord & El'sworth, h. 503 E. 2d. Lord, Edmund, wool sorter, house 836 Prendergast avenue. Lord & Ellsworth—A. G. Lord and R. H. Ellsworth—undertakers, 21 W . 2nd. Lord, Harry (Grace), porter, residence 35 Rathbone. Lord, Merritt C (Almeda M.), carpenter, house Fluvanna avenue. Lorens, Hans, cigar maker, residence :25 Baker. Lorentzen, Hans, cigar manufactu-er. 7 West First, house 135 Barrett. Lorenz, William D. (Nannie), clerk house 713 Cherry. Lott, John (Harriett), barber shop, under 34 Main, house 61 West Tenth. Lott, Marie, weaver 116 East First, rooms 334 East Third. Loucks, Elizabetn, widow Newcomh L., house 220 Fulton. "Loucks, E m m e t P. (Alida J.), night clerk P. 0„ house 210 West Sixth. Loucks, Jake A. (Mattie), watchman, house rear 185 Marvin. Loucks, Ralph, student, residence 67 West Tenth. Loucks, Ruth R., Mrs., residence 752 East Second. Loucks, Sadie M., teacher, over 20 West Third, residence 67 West Tenth. Loucks, Wallace (Mary), grocer, 67 West Tenth, house do. Loucks, 'William E., c'erk, 714 Main, residence do. Loucks, William J. (Fanny N.)—manager Jamestown Photo Paper and Chemical works—house 134 Fulton. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies Reliable C l o t h i n g at RPer£tS°Sab,e a t P R O U D F I T S LOUGHENBERGER. LUNDBERG. 286 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Loughenberger, Edith, drawer, 335 Harrison boards 402 Foote avenue. Loughenberger, Marie, weaver, boards 402 Foote avenue. Loughenberger, Minnie, drawer, boards 402 Foote avenue. Lounsbury, Fred J. (Jeanette), commercial traveler, house 85 Hazzard. Lounsbury, see also Lownsbury. Love, A. Reed (Agnes L.), express messenger, house 24 Prospect avenue. Love, Chauncey (Delia M.), teamster, house 204 Sampson. Love, Earl (Ida), plumber, house 1060 Main. Love, George A., student, boards 403 Monroe. 'Ixive, Hattie B., widow Herbert B., house 3 East Sixth. Love, Henry F., commercial traveler, residence 38 Harrison. Love, Irwin E. (Clara); table maker, bouse 130 Jones. Love, John (Marine M.)—A. P. Olson & Co.—46 Taylor, house 38 Harrison. Love, Lena, laundress 15 South Main. • Love, Louise M., widow Samuel, residence 15 West Fifth. Love, Niles G., driver, residence 204 fampson. Love, Otto (Minnie), cabinet maker, 46 Taylor house 124 Harrison. Lovejoy, Charles R. (Mary)—Fulton Market Co.—19 East Third, house 220 Warren. 'Lovejoy, Edward G. (Caroline G.), clerk 214 Main, house 617 Washington. Lovejoy, True, driver, 19 East Third, residence 220 Warren. Lowe, Adda, Mrs., house 133 King. Lowe, George H. (Margaret A.), insurance, house 708 Washington. Lowman, Joseph J., clerk, 9 East Third, boards 5 Church. Lownsberry, George W . (Anna E.), forger, 13 Taylor, house 10 Crane. Lownsbury, F., widow William P., operative 116 East First, house over 150 Foote avenue. Lownsbury, see also Lounsbury. Lowry block, 105-111 East Third. Lozier, Charles H. (Etta L.), shoemaker, house 629 Prendergast avenue. Luaqust, Gustavus (Amanda),finisher,house 22 Newland avenue. Luce, Dehart, student, rooms 213 Clinton. Luce, Edna E., head nurse W . C. A. hospital, 207 Foote avenue. Luce, William G. (Caroline C.I, horse trainer, house 26 East Buffalo. Ludvickson, Canute (Olivia), grinder, house 120 Williams. Lufgren, August (Christine), piano maker, house 309 Barrett. Lund, Christ, wood worker, house 15 Charles. Lund, Ellen, residence 842 Lafayette. Lund, Gust, sawyer, boards 120 Prospect. Lund, Gustie, Mrs., house 842 Lafayette. Lund James (Charlotte), wood worker, house 219 Forest avenue. M . J.Olga, M U R R A Y 509 , uses only the Best Plumbing Material Lund, domestic Prendergast avenue. Lund see also Lind. Lundahl, Herman (Augusta), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 64 Tower. Lundahl, see also Lindahl, Lindell and Londahl. Lundberg. Amelia, laundress, 19 Steele, residence 17 Tew. Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E LUNDBERG. CO. LUNDQUIST. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 287 Lundberg, Andrew M. (Clara), mason, house 15 Stowe. Lundberg, Charles 0. (Christine), carpenter, house 508 Barrett. Lundberg, Charles P. (Christine), laborer, house 41 Peterson. Lundberg, Clara, domestic, 352 East Fourth. Lundberg, Claus F. (Matilda), machinist, house 17 Tew. Lundberg, Elmer, laborer residence 15 Stowe. Lundberg John (Caroline), painter, house 280 Broadhead avenue. Lundberg, Minnie, domestic, 500 Pine. , Lundberg, see also Lindberg. Lundborg, Carrie, dressmaker, residence 28 Linden avenue. Lundahl, Herman (Augusta), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 64 Tower. Lundahl, see also Londahl. Lundgren, Alma, widow George, house 500 Barrett. Lundgren, Batta M., residence 435 Willard. Lundgren, Carl O (Emily), tailor, hou e 226 Broadhead avenue. Lundgren, Charles S. (Mary), sawyer, house 210 Barrett. Lundgren, Christine S., widow Simon F., house 81 Tower. Lundgren, Claus, mill hand, house 757 East Second. Lundgren, Conrad (Anna), cabinet maker, house 32 Keiit. Lundgren, Florence A., operative, residence 435 Willard. Lundgren, Hulda C , operative, 335 Harrison, residence 81 Tower. Lundgren, John (Fredricka), retired, house 65 Tower. Lundgren, Mary C , operative, 335 Harrison, residence 81 Tower. Lundgren, see also Lindgren. Lundman, Charles (Anna), laborer, house 350 Bowen. Lundmark, Charles (Hannah), retired, house 23 Lake. Lundmark, Hilma, mender, residence 23 Lake. Lundmark, Hannah B., house 9% Cheney. Lundmark, Helma, residence 9 % Cheney. Lundmark, see also Lindmark. Lundquist, Amanda, widow, Gust, residence 541 Allen. Lundquist Amanda, domestic, 621 East Sixth. Lundquist, Andrew (Anna S.), carpenter, house 71 Falconer. Lundquist, Arvid N.—Lundquist & Sons—100 Main, residence 211 Prendergast avenue. Lundquist, Axel, rag peddler, boards 336 Steele. Lundquist, Axel C. (Amanda)—Lundquist & Bergland—302 Foote avenue, house 25 Myrtle. Lundquist, Birger, clerk, boards 16 Victoria avenue. Lundquist, Carl A. (Ellen B.)—Elof Rosencrantz & Co.—2 South Main, house 621 East Sixth. Lundquist, Carl H., tailor, 1 Main, boards 111 Mechanic. Lundquist, E m m a , widow August house over 202 Crosby. Lundquist, Gideon (Edith), laborer, boards 322 Steele. Lundquist, Gust A. (Alma), laborer, house 224 Broadhead avenue. n A P T T T-IAT3'n\T7 A D T 7 C(~\ Agents for S T R A N S K Y EVAIWELHD 01^r\.[\.r\. n r l \ U W f t I V E VjW., -WARE. JS very Piece W A R R A N T BD Little Giant Suits for Children at P R O U D F I T S LUNDQUIST. 289 LYNN. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Lundquist, Herman—H. Lundquist & Co.—107 South Main, boards 16 Victoria avenue. Lundquist, H. & Co.—Herman Lundquist and John A. Lindblom—meat market, 107 South Main. Lundquist, J. Gust (Nellie), carpenter, house 226 Hazzard. Lundquist, John G. (Isabell A.), repaner, 13 Taylor, house 19 West Tenth. Lundquist, John M., ax maker, 13 'laylor, residence 19 West Tenth. Lundquist, Glaus (Anna)—Lunaquist & Sons—100 Main, house 211 Prendergast avenue. Lundquist, 0. Samuel (Blanche A.)—Lundquist & Sons—100 Main, house 600 East Second. Lundquist, Oscar, ax maker, boards 4S Foote avenue. Lundquist, Robert E., clerk, 100 Main, residence 211 Prendergast avenue. Lundquist, William (Christine), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 783 East Second. Lundquist & Berglund—Axel C. Lundquist and Waldemar Bergland—meat market, 302 Foote avenue. Lundquist & Sons—Olaus, O, Samuel and Arvid N.—clothiers and merchant tailors, 100 Main. Lundquist, see also Lindquist. Lundwall, Hilma, spinner, residence 17 Tew. Lundwall, Mollie, Mrs., house 17 Tew. Lunn, Alvin, porter, 15 South Main, boards 5 Harrison. Lunn, Andrew, cigar manufacturer, over 14 Main, boards 5 Harrison. Lunn, Anna, widow Samuel, house 14 Park. Lunn, Harry, apprentice, boards 5 Harrison. Luttringer, Martin, dyer, 16 East First, boards 121 East Second. Lydell, Horace W . (Belle), express messenger, 103 Main, house 15 Flagg ave. Lydle, Wellington N., contractor and builder, 304 Washington, boards 131 South Main. Lyman, Edward C. (Sara) physician, 405 Pine, house do. Lynch, Agnes M.. dressmaker, 248 Esst Buffalo, residence do. Lynch, Ann, widow Farrell, house 625 Spring. Lynch Edward J., driver, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Esther, weaver, residence 7 Hazzard. Lynch, James J., driver, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Katherine M., Mrs., house 248 East Buffalo. Lynch, Luke, weaver, residence 7 Hazzard. Lynch, Margaret, weaver, residence 7 Hazzard. Lynch, Minnie, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Nellie, weaver, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Patrick, plumber, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Teresa, shoe operative, residence 625 Spring. Lynch, Teresa, weaver, residence 7 Hazzard. Lynch, Thomas (Julia), retired, house 7 Hazzard. Lynn, Andrew (Bessie) laborer, house 36 Mechanic. Lynn, Bessie, residence 36 Mechanic. If you contemplate Plumbing consult, M. J. MURRAY ., Satins, Yelvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E LYNN. CO, MACKENZIE. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 289 Lynn, Carl Oscar (Selma), mattress maker, residence 5 Hanley. Lynn, Edward (Mary), driver, residence 36 Mechanic. Lyon, Ann, widow Clauson, residence 303 Warren. Lyon, Anna B., sorter, 205 West Third, residence over 205 East Third. Lyon, Fred G., wood worker, residence 210 Warren. Lyon, George (Etta), carpenter, house 520 Palmer. Lyon, Merton J. (Edna R.), hand carver, house over 700 East Second. Lyon, Sarah B., house 210 Warren. Lyons, Anna L., clerk, 207 Main, residence 907 do. Lyons David (Mayme A.)—Lyons News Co. and ticket broker—119 Main, house 419 West Third. Lyons FN^v^s. Co., LEADING N E W S D E A L E R S A N D STATIONERS. 119 UMAIxV S T R E E T . LYONS CUT-RATE TICKET OFFICES: 119 MAIN ST. FIRST ST., Opposite Erie Depot. Lyons, John, driver, residence 907 Main. Lyons, John, shoemaker, boards 105 West Second. Lyons, Kate, shoe operative, residence 907 Main. Lyons, Mary, Mrs., house 907 Main. Lyons, Mary, weaver, residence 907 Main. Lyons, Nora, waitress, 113 West Third. Lyons, William J., clerk, 119 Main, residence 907 do. M Maccabee hall, 101 East Third. MacCleverty, Fred R. (Carrie R.), insurance agent, house 209 Forest avenue. MacConnell, Carrie, Mrs., house over 612 Monroe. MacConnell, Curtis, dyer, 116 East First residence 612 Monroe. Mace, Charles W . (Kate), retired, house 17 East Sixth. Mace, Ella M., residence 17 East Sixth. Mace William, reiir jl, residence 17 East Sixth. Mace, William M., bookkeeper, 211 Main, residence 17 East Sixth. Mack, Christ, ax maker, boards •.'") South Main. Mack, Edward S. (Bessie) ax maker, house 102 Prospect Mack, E m m a C, private secretary, 05 J. & G. avenue, boards 116 East Fourth. Mack, Frank P., teamster, 29 Taylor, rooms over 17 East Second. Mack, John C. (Mary), bookkeeper, 13 Taylor, house 26 Palmer. Mack, Lewis, teamster, 29 Taylor, rooms over 17 East Second. Mack, Myron, teamster, 29 Taylor, rooms over 17 East Second. Mackenzie, Frank A. (Lena A.), bookkeeper, 101 Main, h. over 512 Jefferson. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Best Silver Plated W a r e H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G PLLow r? ces MACKEY. MAHONEY. 290 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Mackey, Edward M. (Imogene)—Chautauqua Towel Mills—206 Steele, corner Sprague, house 104 East Fifth. Maclease, Charles E.. decorater, residence 12 Rathbone. Maclease, Devillo (Ellen), carpenter, house 12 Rathbone. Madden, Mary, domestic, 112 West Eighth. Maddox, Abe (Harriet L.), huckster, house Curtis. Maddox, Alma, residence 46 Water. Maddox Frank E. (Christine), machinist, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 28 W . 10th. Maddox, Sarah E., widow Thomas J., house 46 Water. Maddox Table Co.—William J. Maddox, Charles W . Herrick and Milton H. Clark—parlor and library table mfrs., 101-125 Harrison. Maddox, William C. (Elizabeth), wood worker, house 161 Allen. Maddox, William J. (Alice)—Maddox Table Co.—101 Harrison, h. 62 Allen. Maginson, William (Ann Augusta), taDle maker, house 229 Prospect. Maharon, Ann, widow John, house 314 West Sixth. Maharon, John (Margaret), patrolman, room 7 city hall, h. 417 Murray ave. Maharon, Maggie A., clerk, residence 314 West Sixth. Maharon, Margaret student residence 417 Murray avenue. Maharon, Mary A., student, residence 417 Murray avenue. Maharon, Michael, stone mason, residence 314 West Sixth. Maharon, Richard, upholsterer, residence 314 West Sixth. Maher, Charles, machinist, 20 Taylor, residence 628 West Fifth. Maher, Patrick( Margaret), foundry and machine shop, 20 Taylor, house 628 West Fifth. Maiher, Thomas F. (Catherine M.), foreman, 20 Taylor, house 622 West Fifth. Maher, William J., machinist, 20 Taylor, residence 628 West Fifth. Mahlquist, John (ITattie), steel worker, house 111 Kent. Mahoney, A.ddie, residence 520 Winsor Mahoney, Daniel C , drug clerk, 10 East Third, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, David, stonemason, residence 508 Winsor. Mahoney, Edward (Mary M.) bricklayer, house 898 East Second. Mahoney, Edward H , student, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, Edward J., bricklayer, residence 508 Winsor. Mahoney, Edward P.—justice of the peace—1 Hall blk., 219 Main, rms. do. Mahoney, James S., stonemason, house 520 Winsor. Mahoney, John (Margaret) laborer, house 508 Winsor. Mahoney, John—Jamestown Construction Co.—24 Allen square building, boards 113 West Third. Mahoney, John J.—physician and surgeon—4 West Third, rooms do. Mahoney, Julia C , assistant bookkeeper, 205 Main, residence 508 Winsor. Mahoney, Margaret L., teacher, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, Mary A., dressmaker, residence 508 Winsor. Mahoney, Mary A., teacher, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, Thomas (Margaret)—Jamestown Construction Co.—rm. 24 Allen square building, house 151 East Ninth. If you contemplate Plumbing consult, M . J . M U R R A Y Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D. SI1 A R P E CO. MALONEY. MAHONEY. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 291 Mahoney, Thomas, Jr., mason, residence 262 East Buffalo. Mahoney, Thomas S. (Margaret) mason, house 262 East Buffalo. Malier, James (Alvena C.) teamster, house over 860 Main. Mallon, Andrew, carver, residence 220 Sprague. Mallon, Anna J., milliner, 316 Main, residence 220 Sprague. Mallon, James (Mary), carpenter, house 220 Sprague. Mallon, John, finisher, residence 220 Sprague. Mallon, Mary E., dressmaker, residence 220 Sprague. Mallory, Cora A., residence 42 Peach. Mallory, Dexter (Amanda M.) waste sorter 116 East First, house 42 Peach. Mallory, Edith M., teacher, residence 42 Peach. Mallory, Elwin P. (Belle) steel plate worker 95 J. & G. ave., house 412 Washington. Malm, Augusta M„ residence 288 Willard. Malm, Gertrude A., spinner 335 Harrison, residence 288 Willard. Malm, John (Adeline) cabinet maker, 105 Winsor, house 288 Willard. Malmberg, Charles J. (Ida) undertaker, 19 West Second, house 862 Main. Malmberg, Ida C, cloakmaker, over 213 Main, rooms over 214 East Second. Malmquist, Charles E, springmaker, residence 305 Barrett. Malmquist, C. Henry, meat cutter 1 New Gifford bldg., residence 305 Barrett. Malmquist, Claus J. (Helga C.) carpenter, 128 Foote ave., house 37 Chapin. Malmquist, Emma, laundress, 19 Steele, residence 305 Barrett. Malmquist, Gust E., clerk, residence 37 Ohapin. Malmquist, Hulda, laundress, 19 Steele, residence 305 Barrett. Malmquist, John August (Charlotte) carpenter, house 305 Barrett. Malmquist, Selina F., spinner 335 Harrison, residence 37 Chapin. Malmquist, see also Mahlmquist VMaloney, David J. (Margaret)—Maloney & Hanson—room 66 over 107 Main, house 16 Hall avenue. Maloney, Margaret, widow Edward, residence 22 South Main. Maloney & Hanson—David Maloney and James Hanson, electric supplies!—66 Allen square building. D. MALONEY. J. E. HANSON. MALONEY & HANSON, ELECTRICIANS. GENERAL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Over 107 Main Street. Jamestown, N. Y. TELEPHONE 12*B. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies OVERCOATS a Specialty at MALSTROM. 292 PROUDFITS. MARSH. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Malstrom, Algort (Alma), upholsterer, house 102 Sampson. Maltby, George (Sarah E.), Salvation Army officer, house 33 Linden avenue. /Maltby, George E. (Anna M.), superintendent J. S. Ry., Chautauqua Steamboat Co. and Celoron Amusement Co., house 503 East Fifth. Maltby, George L., ticket clerk, 17 West Third, residence 503 East Fifth. Manbert, Allen R. (Mary)—Aianbert As Lager—3 N e w Gifford building, house 420 Foote avenue. Manbert & Lager—Allen R. Manbert and Charles Lager—boots and shoes, 3 N e w Gifford building. Manchester, Barney (Annie), peddler, house 87 over 107 Main. 'Manchester, Charles W . (Linnie), grocer, house over 126 East Second. Mancino, Antonio (Theresa), musician, house 40 Tilden avenue. Mangelson, Seamon, polisher, boards 28 Linden avenue. Mangerson. Thetis, grinder, boards 28 Linden avenue. Mangerson, William (Anna A.), wood worker, house 52 Charles. Manges, Edward A. (Eleanor),fireman,house 7 Great Jones. Magnuson, A n n E., dressmaker, 2 Chapman. Magnuson, Gust (Anna), cabinet maker, house 117 Chapman. Magnuson, Gust C , printer, residence 2 Chapman. Magnuson, Hilma C , 2 Chapman. Manguson, John S.,fishpeddler, residence 99 Tower. Manguson, Martin A., shop hand, 40 Winsor, residence 99 Tower. Manguson, Signe, wool drawer, 335 u.arrison, boards 16 Vega. Manguson, Salmon (Anna B.), laborer, house 99 Tower. Mann, Alva H., retired, boards 122 East Second. Mann, John (Harriet), track greaser, house over 15 East Second. Mansfield, Elmer D., clerk, 205 Main, boards 812 do. Mansfield, Frederick W., carpenter, house 102 McDannell avenue. Manson, Hanson M., residence 502 Crescent. Manson, John, laborer, residence 502 Crescent. Manson Martin S., laborer, residence 502 Crescent. Manson, Sagred G,, residence 502 Crescent. Manstrom, Freda, domestic, 213 East Fourth. Marcello, Frank, fruit stand, East Third, rooms 5 South Main. Marga, Hulda, domestic, 112 William. Margerison, John (Ellen), tailor, 310 East Second, house do. Marker, Adolph (Housina), upholsterer, house 405 Fenton. Marker, Christ (Mary O.), carpenter, 50 Steele, house 12 Culver. Marker, Ludwig (Amanda C ) ,filler,40 Steele, house 127 Sampson. Marker, Waldemar (Henrietta), carver, house 30 Tew. Markham, Cecil H., driver, boards 800 Prendergast avenue. Markham, Edith G., teacher, residence 305 Warren. Markham, John (Sophia), retired, house 305 Warren. Markham, Sidney L.,finisher,residence 305 Warren. Markle, John P. C (Minnie C ) , barber, under 222 Main, house 23 Fenton pi. Marsh, Albert C , weaver, residence 129 Steele. Marsh, Alberta T., laundress, 19 Steele, residence 129 do. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. I H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. MARSH. MARTINSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 293 Marsh, Bertha, operative, 11 Main, residence 11 Marvin. Marsh, Carl C. (Laura A.),finisher,20 Winsor, house over 14 Scott. Marsh, Charles, helper, 112 East Third, residence 822 Lafayette. Marsh, Christine M., Mrs., house 129 Steele. Marsh, Daniel (Lucinda), turning shop under 704 East 2d, h. 21 Crescent. Marsh, Edison D. (Diana), teamster, house 68 Dickerson. Marsh, Edward J. (Anna)—J. H. Marsh & Co.—1 Marvin, h. 716 Lafavette. Marsh, Frank 0., tinner, 109 Main, residence 20 West Thirteenth. Marsh, Fred S. (Leah W.)—Music Hall Pharmacy—11 East Third, h. 10 Price. Marsh, James H. (Mary)—J. H. Marsh & Co.—1 Marvin, house 716 Lafayette. Marsh, J. H. & Co.—James H. and Edward J.—grocers, 1 Marvin. Marsh, John, helper, 112 East Third, residence 716 Lafayette. Marsh, Mulford C. (Ann E.), carpenter, house 822 Lafayette. Marsh, Ozias C, laborer, house 33 Scott. Marsh, Rhoda M., dressmaker, 129 Steele, residence do. Marsh, Rose L., foreman, 11 Main, residence 11 Marvin. Marsh, Thomas F. (Lucy), tinner, 111 West Third, house 11 Marvin. Marsh, Thomas H. (Anna), carpenter, house 12 West Tenth. Marsh, William A.—Jamestown Bedstead Co.—30 Steele, rooms 125 S. Main. Marsh, William H. (Edith), plumber, 109 Main, house 105 Rathbone. Marsh, William T. (Elizabeth), janitor city hall, house 822 Lafayette. Martin, Abram J. (A. Alice), commercial traveler, 212 Main, h. 109 Chandler. Martin, Anna, boards 115 Crossman. Martin, Archie J. (Fannie A.), clerk, 305 Main, house 413 Ashville avenue. Martin, Charles O., pharmacist, 101 West Third, house 18 Marvin. Martin, Charlotte, widow Adelbert H., house 18 Marvin. Martin, E m m a , waitress, 14 South Main, home (Meadville, Pa.) Martin, Ella, residence over 332 East Third. Martin, Frederick P., student residence 311% East Sixth. Martin, George L., laborer house over 4 Main. Martin, Grace May L., student, residence 856 Main. Martin, James D. (Orpha M.), laborer, house 33 Price. Martin, Janet, Mrs., house over 332 East Third. Martin, Lenora A., residence 18 Marvin. Martin Lorenzo D. (Mary G.), laborer, house 35 Steele. Martin, Margaret, waitress, Hotel Ellicott. Martin, Mark H. (Emma), forger, 13 Taylor, house 395 Falconer. Martin, O. Louis (Caroline), tailor, house 48 Water. Martin, Perry J. (Kate), barber, under 211 Main, house over 800 Main. 'Martin, Telia E., widow of George B., stamp clerk, P. O., res. 311V2 E Sixth. Martin, Wesley (Cynthia A.), photographer, over 116 East First, house 338 do. Martin, William E. (Elizabeth G.), mason, house room 90 over 107 Main. Martyn Bros.—M. George Martvn—lounge and matttress mfr., 516 W . Fourth. Martyn, M.'George (Eleanor C.)—Martyn Bros.—516 West Fourth, house do. Martinson, Peter, Rev. (Anna.), pastor Immanuel Lutheran church East Second, house 556 do. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings U n d e r w e a r , H o s i e r y tnsdP£l?avi!S at PROUDFITS, MARVIN. MAYCLEASE. 294 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Marvin, Fred N. (Bernice B.), foreman, house 800 Prendergast avenue. Marvin, Henry C. (Belle B.), commercial traveler, house 223 Crossman. Marvin house, Mrs. Sarah Shedd, proprietor, 105 West Second. Marvin, Maude, residence 2 West Fifth. Marvin, Robert N. (Elizabeth W.), lumberman, 111 West Second, h. 2 W . 5th. Marvin, William C (Eva R.), telegrapher Erie depot, house over 205 East 2d. Mason Brothers—Roland K. and James H — bicycles and repairs, 718 East2d. Mason, Charles O.,finisher,residence 121 Forest. Mason, Georgia T., Mrs., residence 53 N e w Gifford building. Mason, James (Emogene), printer, house 121 Forest. Mason, John C. (Carrie), optician, 217 Main, house 12 Fulton. Mason, Levant L. (Eunice S.), jeweler, 217 Main, house 204 Lafayette. Mason, Oliver M., optician, house 121 Forest. Mason, Roland K. (Ella)—Mason Bros.—718 East Second, house 121 Forest. BICYCLES HADE TO ORDER. Liberal Guarantee. PRICES REASONABLE- MASON BROTHERS, BICYCLE SUNDRIES. G E N E R A L REPAIR WORK. 714EAE^SoEwiN°IIREET' JAMESTOWN, N. Y. Mason, William H. (Julia), tinner, house 626 Palmer. Masonic hall, 17-21 East Third. Masson, Alice M., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 29 Water. Masson, Catharine, widow Joseph D., house 29 Water. Masson, J. Theodore, bartender, residence 29 Water. Masson, Laura E., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 29 Water. Masterson, Ollie, porter, rooms 207 West Third. Masters, Will E. (Clara A.), jeweler, house 107 Hall avenue. Masters, William, agent washing machines, Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Mather, Linus H., creamery, 208 Pine, boards 217 East Third. Mather, Samuel, polisher, 13 Taylor, rooms over 14 East Third. Matson, Bert L. (Myrtle) teamster, house 141 Hall avenue. Matson, Mabel, milliner, 103 West Third, residence 814 Prendergast avenue. Matson, Thaddeus E. (Jennie), foreman Warner's, house 321 Hallock. Matson, Andrew W . (Christine) weaver, house 50 Jones. Matthews, Alice, widow, house 50 Broadhead avenue. Matthews, Cassie, shoe operative, residence 50 Broadhead avenue. Matthews, Lizzie J., clerk, 205 Main, residence 15 Lincoln. Matthews, Lyon, creamery, boards 217 East Third. Matthews, Nettie widow, Orrin, house 88 Falconer. Mattison, E m m a , Mrs. residence 32 Pearl avenue. Mattson, Anton, boards 442 Willard. Mattson, Mabel, milliner, residence 814 Prendergast avenue. Maxson, Ina, stenog., room 5 N e w Gifford, residence Lakewood. Mayclease, Mary, widow George, house 867 Spring. M . J. M U R R A Y uses only the B E S T Plumbing Material Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. Mcallen. Mcdonald. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 295 McAllen, Bridget widow John, house over 705 Lafayette. McAllister, Irene B., stenog., over 101 East Third, boards 557 East Second. McArthur, Donald, bill poster, residence 204 West Second. McAvoy, James (Caroline M.) butcher, house 270 E. Buffalo. McAvoy, Margaret, widow James, residence 270 East Buffalo. McCall, Julia A.. Mrs., shirtmaker, 212 Main, house 400 Falconer. McCall, Margaret A., Mrs., residence 763 East Second. McCall, Mildred A., teacher, residence 763 East Second. McCallen, Belle .dressmaker, residence 216 West Seventh. McCallen, Jennie M., embroiderer, residence 216 West Seventh. McCallen, Mary, house 216 West Seventh. McCallum, James S. (Alice M.), compositor, 14-16 West Second, h. 112 Crosby. McCallum, Thomas, clerk 209 Main, residence 2 Falconer. McCallum William, bell boy, boards 2 Falconer. McCann, Kate L., artist, N e w Allen Flats, 15 West Second. McCarthy, Florence S. (Sarah A.) drug clerk, 7 S. Main, h. 401 W . Seventh. McCarthy, Jennie, residence over 16 Main. McCarthy, John (Katherine) saloon, 707 West Eighth. McCarthy, Marie, waitress, N e w Sherman. McClintock, Ernest C. (Eva) shoemaker, house over 804 Main, room 4. McClintock, Marvin, messenger, 201 Main, boards 401 East Fourth. McCluskey, John, driver, residence over 939 East Second. McCluskey, Mary, domestic,. 316 East Fifth. McCluskey, Sarah, widow Patrick, hcuse over 939 East Second. McConnell, Arthur W., clerk, residence 503 West Eighth. McConnell, Daniel F., upho'sterer, res dence 503 West Eighth. McConnell, Daniel F., student, residence 314 West Eighth. McConnell, Edward A. (Elizabeth A.) shoemaker, house 314 West Eighth. McConnell, George C , upholsterer, residence 503 West Eighth. McConnell, Mary, widow, house 503 West Eighth. McConnell, William E., shoemaker, residence 314 West Eighth. McCormick, Catherine, shoe operator, residence 513 East Sixth. McCormick, Frank J., news dealer, residence 513 East Sixth. McCormick, Mary B., clerk, 205 Main, residence 513 East Sixth. McCormick, Rose, forelady, 318 Cherry, boards 217 East Third. McCormick, Rose, widow Andrew, house 513 East Sixth. McCorry, Sadie, sorter, 35 Water, rooms 28 Harrison. McCoy, Edith, student, rooms 310 Pine. McCrannels, William B., glass cutter, 518 East Sixth, boards 113 W . Third. McCrorey, J. C—McCrorey Syndicate—5 & 10 cent store, 13-17 Main, E. H. Slaughenhoupt manager. McCubbin, Georgina, tel. operator, 113 E. 3d, residence 112 Broadhead ave. McCullough, Frederick (Mary),finisher105 Winsor, house 24 Crosby. McCutcheon, M. Charles ( E m m a S.) machinist, house 2 Barrows. McDonald, Annie May, spinner, residence 204 West Second. McDonald, Arthur, helper, 10 West Third, residence 204 West Second. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies H e a d q u a r t e r s forFc^VsiKfngfsfssa?nd 3 3 , P R O U D F I T S . Mcdonald. 236 mcpalin. jamestown directory. McDonald, Harriet, widow Angus, house 204 West Second. McDermid, E m m a , residence 850 Prendergast avenue. McDermid, Margaret, widow James, house 850 Prendergast avenue. McDermid, Mattie, residence 850 Prendergast avenue. McElroy, Elizabeth, widow Daniel, house over 8 West Seventh. McElroy, James C. (Christine) carpenter, 401 Palmer. McElroy, Kittie L., clerk, 16 West Third, residence 56 Harrison. McElroy, Lavinia B., sample cutter, 116 East First, res. 8 West Seventh. McElroy, Mary, piece picker, 116 E. First, residence 56 Harrison. McElaine Lina, waitress, Hotel Ellicott. McFall, Guy H. (Bertha C.) stationary fireman, house 1 Smith block. Mc-Gaffigan, L. Violet, milliner, 100 East Third, residence Celoron. McGarvie, Robert H. (DeEtte), oil refiner, house 14 Ashville avenue. McGarvie, Lawrence, motorneer, residence 14 Ashville avenue. McGarvie, John, assembler, residence 14 Ashville avenue. McGee, Catherine T., toe seamer, 318 Cherry, residence 35 Marvin. McGee Edward J., warp dresser, 335 Plarrison, residence 35 Marvin. McGee, Catherine, widow John, residence 35 Marvin. McGee, Mary C , paster, 318 Cherry, residence 35 Marvin. McGee, William T., cigarmaker, residence 35 Marvin. McGill, James L (Gertrude) meat inspector, house 220 Crossman. McGill, May, domestic, 12 Fulton. ~" , McGinty, Alice, residence 24 Kent McGinty, John, plumber, 112 East Third, residence 24 Kent. McGinty, Michael (Hannah) mason, house 24 Kent. McGowan, James, upholsterer, 40 Winsor residence 310 West Eighth. McGowan, John M., section foreman, residence 310 West Eighth. McGowan, Katherine L., student, residence 310 West Eighth. McGowan, Michael (Katherine) section foreman, house 310 West Eighth. McGowan, Thomas, switchman, residence 310 West Eighth. McHenry, Burt, plate worker, 49 J. & G. avenue, boards 10 Cook avenue. Mcintosh, Edgar (H. M a y m e ) clerk, 136 East Ninth, h. 99 Allen. Mcintosh, Grace, student, residence 1037 Main. Mcintosh, James M., clerk, 216 East Second, residence 1037 Main. Mcintosh, Sarah E„ Mrs., house 1037 Main. Mclntyre, Levi (Lavina) teamster, Newland avenue, near Hallock. McKaig, John (Zilpha) weaver, house 124 Barrett. McKenna, William, laborer, residence J. & G. avenue, near limits. McKenzie, Angus (Isabel M.) factory supt. 95 J. & G. ave., h. 20 Fairview ave. McKenzie, John, weaver, 35 Water, boards 121 Cross. McLean block 220-4 East Second. McLean, Lewis E., clerk, 224 East Second, residence over do. McLean, James H. (Margaret G.), machinist, 13 Harrison, h. over 128 E. 2d. McLean, William (Elizabeth H.) livery, horse furnishings, etc., 218-24 East Second, house over do. McPalin, Catherine, shoe operative, residence 513 East Sixth. If you contemplate New Plumbling, consult M. J. MURRAY Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. McMAHAN. MELVIN. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 297 McMahan, Thomas G., barber, 313 Winsor rooms do. McMar, Helen F., operative, 318 Cherry, residence 12 West Tenth. McMurray, Elizabeth, widow James H., seamstress, 35 Water, residence 104 Harrison. McNally, D. H., mattress maker, boards 819 Spring McNally, Mary, laundress, 205 West Third, boards East Third. McNeight, James S., clerk, 6 East Third, residence 19 Foote avenue. McNeight, Joseph (Minnie S.), steward B. P. 0. E., house 19 Foote avenue. McTigue, Francis, laster, 318 Cherry, residence 58 West Tenth. McTigue, James (Mary) sewer contractor, house 58 West Tenth. McTigue, William J., plumber, 304 East Second, residence 58 West Tenth. McQuinney, Henry, teamster, house 624 Pine. McVay, Henry H., clerk, residence 48 Rathbone. McVay, James S. (Mary) stone mason, house 48 Rathbone. McVay, William, commercial traveler, residence 48 Rathbone. McVeigh, Alexander, stone mason, residence 12 Carroll. McVeigh, James, stone mason, residence 12 Carroll. McVeigh, John A., cleaner, 318 Cherry, residence 9 Marvin. McVeigh, Margaret, widow John, house 12 Carroll. McVeigh, Patrick (Ellen) stone mason, house 9 Marvin. McVeigh, Rosemond, hairdresser, over 10 W. 3d, res. 616 Prendergast ave.' Mead, H. Ralph, student, residence 302 Allen. Meas, John (Alice) tailor, 103 Hazzard, house do. Mead, Levi, farmer, boards 202 J. & G. avenue. Mead, Martha, widow Leon, residence 415 East Fourth. Meade, Emory, retired, residence Fluvanna avenue. Meade, Estell J., seamstress, residence over 28 Taylor. Meade, Millie M., cloakmaker, 205 Main, residence over 28 Taylor. Mecusker, Horace R—Mecusker & Son—211 Washington, res. 838 Lafayette. Mecusker, James (Julia)—Mecusker & Son—211 Cherry, h. 838 Lafayette. Mecusker & Son—James and Horace R — livery, 211 Washington. Mehan, Etta, dressmaker, boards 413 West Third. Mehan, Katherine, typewriter, boards 413 West Third. Meier, George F. (Minnie) grinder, 13 Taylor, house 14 Beulah place. Mekkelsen, Hans, decorator, boards 106 Broadhead avenue. Melhuish, John H., retired rooms 31 Allen square building, 119 Main. Meli, Joseph S. (Emma D.) barber, 4 Taylor, house 10 West Eighth. Melin, Augusta M., widow Swante E. milliner, 29 Center, house do. Melin, Ernest W., tailor, over 21 Main, residence 29 Center. Melvin, Charles L. (Kate M.), real estate, rooms 21-22 Gokey block, 18 West Third, house Celoron. C H A R L E S L. M E L V I N , R E A L ESTATE A N D PRIVATE LOANS. R o o m s 21=22 Gokey Building. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies Y o u r M o n e y ' s W o r t h mo°neyy°barck at P R O U D F I T S . MELQUIST. 298 METCALF. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Melquist, Albin J. ( E m m a ) , clerk 14 Sherman place, house 111 Williams. Mellor, Alice, weaver, residence 109 Mechanic. Mellor, Davis M. (Eliza), warp dresser, house 109 Mechanic. Menhenick, Fred (Agnes) stationary fireman, 105 Winsor, house 15 East Ninth. Merchant, Helen D., widow Chauncey, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Merchant, Lizzie, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Merchant Richard T. (Carrie E.) com.trav., Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Meredith, George O. (Florence B.) commercial traveler, house 302 Allen. Meredith, Lizzie B., widow Jackson, residence 217 Fulton. Meredith, Thomas (Jane) vet. surgeon, 406 Washington, house do. Mericle, Jay P. (Lucy)—Todd & Mericle—rooms 12 Gokey block, 18 West Third, house 313 Clinton. Mericle, Myrtle M., teacher, residence 313 Clinton. Mericle, Sadie M., student, residence 313 Clinton. Merrill, Bertha, milliner, residence over 224 Sprague. Merrill, David E. (Anna M . ) — W . T. Falconer Mfg. Co., Empire Washer Co., and A m . Mfg. Concern—house 130 Lake View avenue. Merrill, Ella R., Mrs., house over 224 Sprague. Merrill, Frank K. (May), drayman, house 610 East Second. Merrill George E. (Sarah G.), commercial traveler, house 508 E. Seventh. Merrill, Mary M., widow Robert J., residence 409 West Third. Merrill, Mary S., widow Newton, residence 101 West Fifth. Merrill, Olive E., widow Joshua, house 508 East Seventh. Merritt, E m m a , waitress, Hotel Everett. Merritt, Genevieve, dressmaker, residence 611 Monroe Merritt, Jerome (Virtus), carpenter, house 611 Monroe. Merritt, Manfred D. (Mary G.) , house 17 Thayer. Merz, Benjamin, furniture dealer, 17 Steele, rooms 15 Barrett. Merz, Frank (Lena C.) pres. Union Trust Co., 211 Main, h. 6 West Sixth. Merz, Martin (Annie) bookbindery and foreign ticket agent, over 211 Main, house 11 Crane. Merz, Martin, Jr., bookbinder, 211 Main, residence 11 Crane. Mesel, Ralph (Lizzie) grinder, 13 Taylor, house 114 Fairview avenue. Messenger, Emmett E., assembler, residence 103 Stewart avenue. Messenger, Hiram E. (Jennie) carpenter, house 103 Stewart avenue. Messenger, Mary A., milliner, residence 103 Stewart avenue. Metal Vulcanite Co. (The) Milo Harris, mgr., mfr. dental specialties, under 101 East Third. Metcalf, Benson C. (Janett)—Metcalf Bros.—16 S. Main, house 47 Fairmount avenue. Metcalf Bros.—Benson C and Joseph H—grocers, 16 South Main. Metcalf, Joseph H.—Metcalf Bros.—16 South Main, residence 610 Main Metcalf, Richard (Elizabeth) farmer, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^r^U"^ M. J. MURRAY Carpets, Draperies,Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. METCALF. MILLER. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY 299 Metcalf, Richard M., farmer, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Metcalfe, James (Margaret) wool sorter, 116 E. First, h. 2 Falconer. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., rooms 13-14 Gokey building, 18 West Third, H. Yourstone, superintendent. Meyer, Alois P., boxmaker, residence 37 West Tenth. -1 Meyer, Frederick M. (Augusta) supt., house 22 Whitley avenue. Meyer, George H., canvasser, house 342 Steele. Meyer, G. E., Mrs., residence 221 Kent. Meyer, Henrietta A., bookkeeper, 134 Fairmount ave., res. 22 Whitley ave. Meyer, see also Myers. Middleton, Frank R. (Nellie) tool maker, residence 821 Prendergast avenue Middleton, Smith (Edith) warp dresser, h. 143 Foote avenue. Miles, Mary A., widow Stephen, house 804 Prendergast avenue. Miles, May E., clerk, 205 Main, residence 804 Prendergast avenue. Milks, Ohloe, widow Elmer F., house 10 Cheney. Milks, Horton, student, residence 413 Ashville avenue. Milks, Jennie, widow Jonathan, residence 413 Ashville avenue. Millard, Charles (May) builder, house 30 Summit. Millen, Agnes, nurse, residence 411 Lafayette. Millen, Mary M., widow William, house 411 Lafayette. Miller, Adell A., widow William, residence 16 Harrison. Miller, Alfred, cash boy, residence 215 East First. Miller, Burton E., student residence 33 Dickerson. Miller, Carrie F., student, residence 30 Rathbone. Miller Charles P. (Carolina) weaver, 335 Harrison, house 115 Cheney. Miller, Chauncey T. (Florence), agent Jamestown & Chautauqua Railway, 75 Steele, house 402 East Fourth. Miller, Elizabeth, clerk 207 Main, boards 18 Lincoln. Miller, F. Blanche, residence 402 East Fourth. Miller, Frederick (Ada) warp dresser 335 Harrison, house 15 Winsor. Miller, Genevieve, student, rooms 12 Chandler. Miller, George, laborer, residence 824 Ashville avenue. Miller, George H., cigar clerk, N e w Sherman house. Miller, Ira Lewis, buffer, residence 921 Newland avenue. Miller, James F., student, residence 30 Rathbone. Miller, John W . (Mayme) bartender 120 East Second, house Fenton block. Miller, M. (Nell) farmer, house 9 East Dickerson. Miller, Malvina E., widow Robert H., house 209 Warren. Miller, Mary B., Mrs., house 215 East First Miller, Mary E., piece picker 335 Harrison, residence 15 Winsor. Miller, Minnette, milliner 321 Main, boards 311 Prendergast avenue. Miller, Morton L., clerk, residence 215 East First. Miller Sarah B. mender 335 Harrison, boards 33 Price. Miller, Sarah M., dressmaker 16 Harrison, residence do. Miller, Thomas D. (Mollie) painter, house 274 Colfax. Miller, William (Eva H.) shoe cutter, 318 Cherry, house 30 Rathbone. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools Be sure ai^L^i b W ? Clothing at PROUDFITS. MILLER. MOLLY. 300 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Miller, William E. (Agnes), farmer, house 33 Dickerson. 'Miller, William H. (Ida A.) clerk 109 Main, house 338 Crossman. Miller, William H., duffer, 116 East First, residence 215 do. Millner Carl M. (A. Mary)—Anderson & Millner—7 East 1st, h. 206 Barrett. Millner, Gust (Hilda) wood worker, house 206 Barrett. Mills, Arthur L. (Georgia), barber, house 169 Marvin. Mills, Betsey Stearns, widow Solomon, residence 125 Barrett. Mills, Cynthia M., widow Samuel, house 45 Bush. Mills, F. Adelbert (Nellie H.) barber shop under 205 East 2d, house 13 Bowen. Mills, Harry C (Winnie N.) contractor and painter, house 212 Crossman. Mills, James H. (Alice E.), tinner, 109 Main, house 125 Barrett. Mills, Nancy A., widow Moses, residence 22 Champlin. Milspaw, Ernest (Dora A.)—manager John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.—4 N e w Gifford building, house 225 Foote avenue. Milspaw, Lucina, widow Seth Ev residence 225 Foote avenue. Milwaukee Bottling Co.—P. Fred Simon, Rudolph Doerr and John M. Newman—bottlers beer, soft drinks, 104 East Second. Minehan, Daniel C (Minnie), upholsterer, 516 West Fourth, house under 1 Barrows. Mitchell, Arthur E. (Annie), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 18 Water. Mitchell, Charles M. (.Charlotte F.), Watson Mfg. Co., 63 Taylor,, residence 107 Crescent. Mitchell, Eliphalet, carriage maker, residence 107 Crescent. Mitchell, Ella F., Mrs., dressmaker, residence 815 Spring. Mitchell, Frank W . (Velma), grocer, 201 Forest avenue, house do. v-'Mitchell, George H. (Willana), aristo worker, house 3 1 % Hazzard. Mitchell, Mabel L. folder, 318 Cherry, residence 235 Jones and Gifford avenue. Mitchell, Mary A., widow John, house 723 East Second. Mitchell, Richard, boatman, residence 204 Lake View avenue. Mitchell, Samuel (Augusta), locomotive engineer, house 35 Hazzard. Mitchell, William D. (Louise C ) , foreman. 41 Outlet, house 235 J. & G. avenue. Moberg, Peter A. (Charlotte), wood worker, house 65 Hazzard. Moeller, Bernard (Lena), driver, 33 Institute, house 1130 Prendergast avenue. Moeller. Ella L., residence 1130 Prendergast avenue. Moeller, John B., machinist, residence 1130 Prendergast avenue. Moffatt. Charles E. ( E m m a S.), painter, house 123 Clyde. Mohl, Charles O. (Sel.ma), wood worker, house 24 Fairfield avenue. Mohl, George W . (Lottie), varnisher, 101 Harrison, house over 76 Jones. Mohl, Gustaf, house rear 22 Park. Mohl, John (Lena),finisher,house 113 Park. Molene, John P. (Louisa), gardener, house over 51 Prospect avenue. Moll, Ida, dressmaker, over 321 Main, residence 214 Washington. Molly, Charles F., real estate. 42-44 Wellman building, house 619 Lafayette. Molly, May M., residence 619 Lafayette. Some of the most extensive pc"^"?eJdos,>eVye M. J. MURRAY The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E MONAHAN. CO. MOREY. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 301 Monahan, Catherine, domestic, 38 Lake View avenue. Monjean, Charles E. (Addie M.), machinist, blacksmith, h. over 118 Harrison. Monjean, Minnie B., operative, A m . aristo, residence over 118 Harrison. Monroe, Charles H. (Mary), photographer, house 413 Cherry. Monroe, Delia G., clerk, 26 Main, residence 147 Foote avenue. Monroe, Frank A. (S. Jean), dentist, 19-20-21 Wellman building, house (Bemus Point, N. Y.) Monroe, George H. (Anna E.), supt. 49 J. & G. avenue, house 12 Cook ave. Monroe, Marie, Mrs., domestic, 14 S. Main, residence (Bradford Pa.) Monson, Peter (Tilla), driver, 516 West Fourth, house over 608 West Sixth. Montague, Frank W . (Lizzie), machinist, house 18 Stowe. Montayns, Andrew J. (Delia) motorneer, house 124 Hamilton. Montgomery, Andrew A., weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 23 Winsor. Montgomery, Eva E., Mrs., domestic, 15 East Second. Moody, Frank R—Moses & Moody—over 16 East Third, residence 426 E. 5th. Moody, John A. (Uzetta), harness maker, house 315 Forest. Moon, Fred, sign painter, over 111 East Third, rooms do. Morbay, Fred (Mary), laborer, house 59 Water. Moore, Alfred E. (Mary S.) retired, residence 529 East Fifth. Moore Bros.—Fred D. Moore—manufacturers saws and files. Moore, Charles B. (Hattie E.), tinner, 109 Main, house 900 do. Moore, Charles I. (Georgianna), commercial traveler, 105 Winsor, house 154 Forest avenue. Moore, Dexter (Lucretia), retired, house 105 Prospect. Moore, Ella, Mrs. residence over 207 East 'Second. Moore, E m m a E., nurse, W . C. A. hospital. Moore, Fred D. (Julia)—Moore Bros.—11 East First, house 15 Prospect ave. Moore, Gertrude E., residence 2dfloor411 West Third. Moore, Harry S. (Geoirgie G.), commercial traveler, residence 117 East Fifth. Moore, Horace C. (Mary), dairyman, house 91 Prospect. Moore, Jane A., widow James A., house 2dfloor411 West Third. Moore, Leah, widow Wilkinson, house over 254 Harrison. Moore, Mary E.,. mender, 335 Harrison, residence over 254 do. Moore, Samantha J., widow Alonzo L., house 610 Main. Moran, Patrick (Mary), checker, house 316 Crossman. Moran, William, hostler, 100 East Second, rooms do. Morberg, John (Anna L.), laborer, house 22 Price. Morberg, Levi J., engraver's apprentice, 14-16 West Second, res. 22 Price. Morehouse, Charles H. (Myrte H.), cashier 101 E. 3d, h. 862 Prendergast ave. Morey, Ella S., residence 127 Chandler. Morey, Ellery, Mill hand, residence 520 Hazeltine avenue. Morey, Elmer, mill hand, residence 520 Hazeltine avenue. Morey, Jay, teamster, residence 520 Hazeltine avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery B o y s ' Clothing, Lar«¥9h<*cfit0yck in at MOREY. 302 PROUDFITS. MORRISON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Morey, Marion, widow Albert, house 520 Hazeltine avenue. Morey, Nellie, companion, residence 520 Hazeltine avenue. Morey, William, teamster, residence 520 Hazeltine avenue. Morgan, Adelbert ( E m m a A.), wood worker, 56 Blackstone avenue, house 13 urivmg Park roaa. Morgan, Adolf T. (Louise), stone mason, house 100 Charles. Morgan, Alma, clerk, 205 Main, residence 312 Forest. Morgan, Almond (Catherine), barber, house 11 Arnold. Morgan, August (Mary), wood worker, house 1027 Newland avenue. Morgan, Charles,finisher,residence 308 Barrett. 'Morgan, Charles W . (Stella), manufacturer bicycle handle bars, 234-6 Crescent, house 313 West Third. Morgan, Edward (Corisande) cashier First National bank, h. 10 East Fourth. Morgan, Eliza, widow Jonas, residence 9 Reinold avenue. Morgan, Elizabeth, widow, rooms 215 West Third. Morgan, Emil (Matilda), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 24 Jones. Morgan, Eunice O. widow Benjamin T., house 301 Lincoln. Morgan, Eva, weaver, residence 1027 Newland avenue. Morgan, Frank,finisher,residence 308 Barrett. Morgan, Fred C, residence 1027 Newland avenue. Morgan, George, residence 308 Barrett. Morgan, Gust, finisher, residence 308 Barrett. Morgan, Henry A., residence 1027, Newland avenue. Morgan, Hulda, domestic, W . C. A. hospital. Morgan, John (Christine), laborer, house 308 Barrett. Morgan, John,finisher,residence 308 Barrett. " Morgan, Laura, physician, residence 4 McDannell avenue. Morgan, Marie, residence 10 East Fourth. Morgan Mfg Co.—Lewis C. Jagger, Allen Falconer and Frederick W . Searstable manufacturers, 3-7 Ashville avenue. Morgan, Peter (Allena) drayman, house 902 Lafayette. Morgan, Petro, spinner, residence 902 Lafayette. Morgan, William A. (Ida S.), loomfixer,house 39 Prospect avenue. Morley, Charles A. (Mary J.), brick maker, house 614 East Sixth. Morley, Epret L., Mrs., house 147 Barrett, Morrell, Lottie M., domestic. 120 East Second. Morley, Stephen, plumber, 112 East Third, residence 74 Water. Morley, T. Alan (Hannah), plumber, 112 East Third, house 74 Water. Morrell, Frank A. (Grace L.), photographer, 210 West Third, house do. Morris, John A. (Laura H.), stock broker, house 124 Hamilton. Morris, Josiah W .Heating, (Mary G.),lphysician Hot Water ^ ^ f ^and r lsurgeon, ^ Z X 142 M .Forest I. Mave., U R h. R Ado. Y Morris, Lewis, clerk, 101 East Second, boards Grange hotel. Morrison, John W . (Margaret), carpenter, house 118 Hazzard. Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. MORRISON. MOYNIHAN. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORS 303 Morrison, J. Willard (Cora B.), architect, over 113 East 3d, h. 309 Jefferson. Morrison, Lucy M., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 140 Foote avenue. Morrison, Sylvanus S., pattern boy, 35 Water, residence 140 Foote avenue. Morrissey, James (Hannah), laborer, house 147 Hall avenue. Morrow, Robert R. (Rose), confectioner, 10 Main, house 30 Water. Morse, Alice E., teacher, residence 217 Crescent. Morse, Andrew O. (Minnie) carpenter, house 546 Allen. Morse Benedict (Rosina), cabinet maker, 56 Blackstone ave., h. 217 Crescent. Morse, Charles E. (Helen S.), contractor and builder, office 114 Winsor— Morse Grocery Co., 112 Winsor—house 150 Chandler. Morse Grocery Co.—Charles E. Morse and Axel Ekberg—grocers 112 Winsor. Morse, Gustaf L. (Anna C ) , turner, 105 Winsor, house 444 Chandler. Morse, John (Charlotte), retired, house 542 Allen. Morse, John A. (Augusta), paper hanger, house 558 Allen. Morse, Malinda A., Mrs., house 55 Ellicott. Morse, Walter B., weaver, residence 55 Ellicott. Morton, Edgar W . (Mary), laborer, house 3S Rathbone. Morton, Ernest (Mary), commercial traveler, house 26 Charles. Morton, Frederick E. (Mary), electric plater, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 321 Palmer. Morton, Levi W., clergyman, house 227 Crossman. Moses, Augustus F. (Eunice C.)—Moses & Moody—over 16 East Third, house 616 East Seventh. Moses Eaton L., correspondent, rooms City hotel. 'Moses, Frank S. (Bele S.), patent medicines, house 245 Broadhead avenue. Moses, Josephine A, residence 616 East Seventh. Moses, Lena R., residence 245 Broadhead avenue. Moses & Moody—Augustus F. Moses and Frank R. Moody—real estate over 16 East Third. Mosher, Frank L. (Lizzie), boiler maker, house 45 Rathbone. Mosier, Fred, driver, boards 319 Cherry. Mosl, Charles (Christine), wood worker, house 320 Forest avenue. Moss, James (Jane), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 45 Water. Motely, William (Grace), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 26 Water. Motley, Mary, Mrs., widow William, house 210 East Buffalo. Mott, Aaron V. (Flora J.), grocer, house 910 Main. Mott, Frank H., attorney at law, 16-17-18 Wellman building, 101 West Third, residence 910 Main. Moulding, Samuel (Kate A.), laborer, house 123 Stowe. Mourton, William W . (Ida S.)—Whitman & Mourton—802 Main, h. 858 Spring. Moylan, Kate, domestic, 517 Lafayette. Moynihan, Bridget, residence 711 Lafayette. Moynihan, Caddie, residence 31 Price. Moynihan, Cornelius (Ellen), brick mason, house 820 Lafayette. CI APkT H A P H W A D F C O Agents for STBANSKY ENAMPXED V U n M \ I 1/AI^.L/ VVrtl^L,\*KJ., WAEE. Every Piece WARRANTED M e n ' s All-wool Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , P R O U D F I T S . MOYNIHAN. MULLEN. 304 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Moynihan, Cornelius, upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, residence 36 Marvin. Moynihan, Cornelius J., clerk Erie depot, residence 25 Price. Moynihan, Daniel, spring setter, 25 Shearman place, residence 36 Marvin. Moynihan, Daniel C. (Margaret), foreman, freight house Erie. h. 25 Price. Moynihan, Daniel J. (Catherine), foreman freight house J. & C. R. R., house 905 West Sixth. Moynihan, Elizabeth, shoe operative, residence 11 Metallic avenue. Moynihan, Ella, residence 31 Price. Moynihan, Eugene, boilermaker, residence 11 Metallic avenue. Moynihan, Frank, patrolman, 7 city hall, lesidence 820 Lafayette. Moynihan, Hannah, residence 405 Monroe. Moynihan, Humphrey, boiler maker, residence 11 Metallic avenue. Moynihan, Jeremiah (Ellen), gardener, house 36 Marvin. Moynihan, Jeremiah, Jr., laborer, residence 36 Marvin. Moynihan, Jerry, freight handler, residence 405 Monroe. Moynihan, John A., upholsterer, 40 Winsor, residence 36 Marvin. Moynihan, John F., freight handler, residence 11 Metallic avenue. Moynihan, John G., patrolman, 7 city hall, residence 405 Monroe. Moynihan, John P., office clerk, 56 Blackstone avenue, residence 25 Price. Moynihan, John V., clerk, house 31 Price. Moynihan, Margaret, domestic, residence 11 Metallic avenue. Moynihan, Margaret, widow Humphrey, residence 11 Metallic avenue. Moynihan, Margaret, M., teacher, residence 25 Price. Moynihan, Mary, dressmaker, residence 36 Marvin. Moynihan, Mary E., bookkeeper, residence 25 Price. Moynihan, Maude A., clerk, 103 West Third, residence 711 Lafayette. Moynihan, May, Mrs., residence 820 Lafayette. Moynihan, Minnie A., bookkeeper, 221 Main, residence 31 Price. Moynihan, Nora, residence 711 Lafayette. Moynihan, Patrick, retired, residence 711 Lafayette. Moynihan, Patrick J., bookkeeper, 318 Cherry, residence 25 Price. Moynihan, Patrick, Jr. (Ellen) saloon 9 West Second, house 711 Lafayette. Moynihan, Patrick L., bartender, 9 West Second, residence 711 Lafayette. Moynihan, W m . M., student, residence 25 Price. Muldoon, Johanna, widow Owen, house 24 Crosby. Muldoon, John,finisher,lC.'i Winsor, residence 24 Crosby. Muldoon, Joseph P. (Mary E.), polisher, 105 Winsor, house 124 Bowen. Mulkie, Frank E., Jr., clerk, N e w Sheiman house. Mullard, Richard (Emily) loomfixer,116 East First, house 35 Center. Mullen, Catharine E., weaver, residence 1132 Prendergast avenue. Mullen, Ellen Francis, twister, residence 1132 Prendergast avenue. Mullen, Peter (Jennie) stone and sand dealer, house 1032 Main. Mullen, Rosie, weaver, residence 1132 Prendergast avenue. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets pu^yln M. J. MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. MULLEN. MYERS.. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 3&& Mullen, William H. (Mary) teamster, house 11 East Dickerson. Mullen, W . Peter, residence 1132 Prenderast avenue. Mullen, Mary J., weaver, residence 1132 Prendergast avenue. Mullin, John, upholsterer, residence 1132 Prendergast avenue. Mullin, Margaret, widow Peter, house 1038 Main. Mullin, Nora, widow Thomas, house 1132 Prendergast avenue. Mulryan, Margaret A., Mrs., turner, 318 Cherry, bds. 12 Institute. Mulvin, Lena, chambermaid, 119 East Second. Munger, Margaret, Mrs. residence 131 South Main. Mungerson, Charles, retired, residence 29 Charles. Municipal Electric Light Plant, Charles G. Sundquist, supt., 134-6 Steele. Munroe house, 14 South Main, James m. Cowan proprietor. Munroe, James (Catherine) saloon, 62 Winsor, house 147 Foote avenue. Munroe, Minnie J., residence 147 Foote avenue. Munson, Alice, cotton spinner, residence 20 Sampson. Munson, Carrie, weaver, 116 E. First, residence 46 West Ninth. Munson, Charles ( E m m a ) sawyer, house 46 West Ninth. Munson, Charles F. ( E m m a A.)—Munson & Waite—710 E. 2d, h. 707 do. Munson, Edith M., domestic, 20 Foote avenue, residence Mayville. Munson, John (Nellie) laborer, kouse 502 Crescent. Munson, Martin, spring setter, residence 20 Sampson. Munson, Nels ( E m m a ) laborer, house 20 Sampson. Munson, Singna, domestic, 103 East Sixth. Munson, Thomas, upholsterer, residence 20 Sampson. Munson & Waite—Charles F. Munson and Charles M. Waite—manufacturers wood mantels, etc., 710 East Second. Murphy, Dennis W . (Sarah)—Templeton & Murphy—14 Main, h. 35 Mechanic. Murphy, Ella, housekeeper, N e w Sherman house. Murphy, Francis J., dresser's apprentice, 35 Water, residence 41 Foote ave. Murphy, George (Anna) dresser, 35 Water, house 41 Foote avenue. Murphy, Sophia, widow Samuel, rooms 517 East Second. Murphy, William J. (Mary M.) axemaker, house over 21 Derby. Murray, Andrew W . (Amelia), wholesale liquors, 34 Main, h. 11 West Second. Murray, Elizabeth, widow James, residence over 22 East Third. Murray, Frank (Ida) plumber, 122 West Third, residence 112 Monroe. Murray, James G. (Rose B.) prop. Hotel Ellicott 14-22 West First. Murray, John (Mary) laborer, house 150 Fairview avenue. Murray, Julia A., clerk 16 West Third, residence 116 Fairmount avenue. Murray, Louisa, widow Michael, house 410 West Seventh. Murray, Martin J. (Minnie) plumber, 120 West Third, house over do. Murray, Mary A., widow James, house 116 Fairmount avenue. Murray, Thomas, Gardner, residence 150 Fairview avenue. Murray, William (Myrtle) watchman, house 3 Grandin. Music Hall Pharmacy—Fred A. Marsh, drugs, stationery, etc, 11 E. Third. Muzzy, Lester H. (Clara), driver, 205 West Third, house 54 Marvin. Myers, Arthur, dyer, 335 Harrison, residence 7 Waterman. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools Lo^c;eYyf0orr F i n e C u s t o m C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T S MYERS. NEILSON.. 306 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Myers, Albert E., phyhician and surgeon, over 122 E. Third, rooms do. Myers, Benjamin, plumber, 112 East Third boards 312 Pine. Myers Bros. & Rockwell—E. E. Myers, W . S. Myers and Fred Rockwell, proprietors—Pearl City Laundry, 19-21 Steele. Myers, Dell L. (Clara) canvasser, 101 East Second, house 54 Rathbone. Myers, Edgar E. (Minnie E.) Pearl City laundry, house 19 Derby. Myers, Edward D. (Maud E.), agent Wells-Fargo Co., express, 115 Main, house 17 Mechanic. Myers, Edwin D. (Maud E.), spinning foreman 335 Harrison, house 122 do. Myers, Forest L. V., sorter 19 Steele, residence 19 Derby. Myers, Georgie B., clerk, 203 West Third, residence 142 Allen. Myers, Henry (Sarah E.) mason, house 50 Hazzard. Myers, J. Floyd, washer, 19 Steele, residence 19 Derby. Myers, Lura B., residence 142 Allen. Myers, Mary, Mrs., house 7 Waterman. Myers, Melinda I., widow Sidney, house 142 Allen. Myers, William G. (Inez), laborer, house 356% East Fourth. Myers, see also Meyer. Myres, Mary M., vocalist, boards 141 Chandler. N Naismith, William (Isabel) designer, house 5 Camp. Nash, Anna M., residence 801 East Second. Nash, John F. (Belle R.) shoemaker, house 55 Grant. Nash, Mathew (Mary) shoemaker, house 801 East Second. Nash, Maurice A., clerk, 14 East Third, residence 801 East Second. Nash Thomas, laborer, residence 801 East Second. Nathanson, Martha, Mrs., residence 105 West Second. Needham, John (Matilda S.) machinist, house 403 Main. Neff, Frederick L., polisher, 13 Taylor, boards 24 Center. Neff Gertrude F., boards 24 Center. Neff, Isaac H. (Rebecca) shoemaker, 366% Foote avenue, house do. Neff John, barber, 949 East Second, rooms do. Neff, Thomas, driver, 29 Main, boards 313% Warren. Neff, Willis A. (M. Winnifred) painter, house over 10 East Second. Negus, Mary, nurse, residence 622 Spring. Negus, Mercy, student, residence 622 Spring. Neil, Charles F. (Inez G.)—Neil & Sterns—60 Harrison, house do. Neil, Oscar (Amelia), laborer, house 118 Palmer. Neil & Sterns—Charles F. Neil and Sarah E. Sterns—creamery 60 Harrison. Neill, John H. (Mary A.) harness and trunks, 121 W . 3d, h. over 101 E. 2d. Neill, N. Victoria, dancing teacher, residence over 101 East Second. Neill, Will H. (Maude A.)—Ridgway & Neill—16 Main, house over 116 E. 2d. Neilson, Albin, drug clerk, residence 238 Forest avenue. M. J. MURRAY. First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. NEILSON. NELSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 307 Neilson, Andrew (Anna) carpenter, house 614 Newland avenue. Neilson, Charles, shoemaker, residence 3 Gt. Jones. Neilson, Eric M. (Louisa) cabinet maker, house 238 Forest avenue. Neilson, Hens (Sophie) laborer, house 3 Gt. Jones. Neilson, Hilma, dressmaker, residence 238 Forest avenue. Neilson, Hulda, bookkeeper, residence 238 Forest avenue. Neilson, John (Hausima) band sawyer, house 101 Colfax. Neilson, Oscar, student, residence 238 Forest avenue. Neilson, see also Nielsen. .Nelson, Ada, domestic, 219 Foote avenue. Nelson, A. Frank (Ida L.) clerk, 105 East Second, house 112 Cross. Nelson, Albert, spring setter residence 788 East Second. Nelson, Albert (Christine) polisher, house 535 Allen. Nelson, Alfred (Hannah) retired, house 529 Allen. Nelson, Alfred (Hannah) tailor, house 111 Mechanic. Nelson, Alfred (Ida) stationary engineer, house 504 Barrett. Nelson, Alfred N. (Johannah), mill hand, 335 Harison, house English. Nelson, Algert J., laborer, residence 140 Barrows. Nelson, Amel (Hanna L.) laborer, house 438 Winsor. Nelson, Andrew (Hannah) retired, house 319 Allen. Nelson, Andrew P. (Sophia A.) driver, house 15 Bush. Nelson, Anna, widow Peter, house Willard, beyond limits. Nelson, Anna, Mrs., house 872 Spring. Nelson, Anna C, operative, 335 Harrison, residence 25 Vega. Nelson, Anna C , housekeeper, 500 Chandler. Nelson, Anna G. (widow) Carl, residence Willard, beyond limits. Nelson, Axel (Matilda), shoemaker, house 18 Crown. Nelson, Axel (Anna)—Nelson & Johnson—233 Prospect, house 227 do. Nelson, Axel R. (Pearl) upholsterer, house 118 Hazzard. Nelson, Bengt. (Anna M.) blacksmith, house 114 Willard. Nelson, Carl (Matilda J.) machine hand, 105 Winsor, house 201 Benedict. Nelson, Carl A., carpenter, 105 Winsor, boards 18 West Tenth. Nelson, Carl E. (Anna)florist,house 810 Forest avenue. Nelson, Carl E., clerk, residence 32 Kinney. Nelson, Charles E. (Hilda) polisher, house 612 Fenton. Nelson, Celia V., spinner, 335 Harrison residence 140 Barrows. Nelson, Charles (Ida) upholsterer, house 542 Allen. Nelson, Charles A. (Bessie) carpenter, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Nelson, Charles A. (Mary J.) gluer, 101 Harrison, house 140 Barrows. Nelson, Charles C. A. (Christine) laborer, house 209 Newton. Nelson, Charles J. (Marie) laborer, house 531 Allen. Nelson, Charles J. G. (Agnes L.) street car conductor, house 163 Barrows. Nelson, Charles O. (Anna) machinist, 101 Harrison, house 14 Cedar avenue. Nelson, Christine, operative, residence 16 West Eighth. Nelson, Christian A., weaver, residence 114 Willard. Nelson, Christine, widow August, house 10 Alpaca. • CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware and Cutlery K n o x H a t s , H a v v e s H a t s o n l y at NELSON. NELSON. 308 PROUDFITS JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Nelson Christine C , domestic, 20 Ellicott. Nelson Claude J., cierk, 205 Main, residence 568 Allen. Nelson Claus (Johanna) carpenter, house 238 Hall avenue. Nelson Cora, waitress, 113 West Third. Nelson Edward, farmer, boards 33 West Tenth. Nelson Emil, piano salesman, resid nee 138 Park. Nelson Emily, winder, 335 Harrison, boards 9 Walnut. Nelson Emily, residence 32 Kinney. Nelson, E m m a , Mrs., residence 18 West Eighth. Nelson. Erick (Helen), carpenter, h o m e 111 Stowe. Nelson Esther, domestic, 540 Lake View avenue. Nelson Esther, dressmaker, rooms 131 East Ninth. Nelson Esther, residence 429 Allen. Nelson. Eva C. widow John P., house 39 Westcott. Nelson Fabian (Augusta) machinist, house 317 Allen. Nelson F. Oscar (Matilda) laborer, house 8 Waterman. Nelson Frank (Mary) minister itinerant, house 106 Sampson. Nelson Frank (Ida) painter, house 568 Allen. Nelson Frank, turner, 25 Baker, boards 320 Bowen. Nelson Frank A. (Minnie E.) cabinet maker 101 Harrison, house 235 Steele. Nelson Fred (Augusta) weaver, 335 Harrison, house 33 Westcott. Nelson Fred (Katie) warper, house 644 East Sixth. Nelson Fred A., bookkeeper, residence 131 East Ninth. Nelson Fred A. (Augusta) laborer, house 50 Grant. Nelson Fredrica, drawer 116 East First, residence 230 Steele. Nelson George A., laborer, boards 70 Benson. Nelson George E., solicitor room 5 N e w Gifford, boards 138 Park. Nelson Gilbert, clerk, residence 429 Allen. Nelson Gust (Caroline) dyer 116 East First, house 56 Eagle. Nelson Gust, blacksmith, residence 872 Spring. Nelson. Gust A. (Minnie S.) table manufacturer, house 245 Barrows. Nelson Gust E., solicitor, room 5 N e w Gifford building, boards 138 Park. Nelson, Hans (Mary) cabinet maker, house 510 Baker. Nelson Henry O. (Ellen) tailor over 307 Main, house 33 Charles. Nelson Hilda, domestic, 5 Harrison, boards do. Nelson Hulda A., residence over 520 Crescent. Nelson Ida, dressmaker, rooms 131 East Ninth. Nelson Ida, domestic 1 Fenton place, residence 10 Alpaca. Nelson Ida B., operative, boards 469 Willard. Nelson Ida J., weaver 335 Harrison, residence 8 Waterman. Nelson Isaac, finisher 3 Ashville avenue, residence 230 Steele. Nelson Jennie, mill hand, residence 16 West Eighth. Nelson John (Hulda S.) tailor, house 44 Thayer. Nelson John A. (Emily S.) clerk, 4 N e w Gifford building, house 453 Warren. Nelson John (Hulda) tailor, 208 Main, house 44 Thayer. Nelson John, tinner, residence 16 West End. Porcelain L i n e d B a t h T u b s , or an" ot^er IciTid M . J. M U R R A Y put in right by The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. NELSON. NELSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 309 Nelson, John, laborer, boards 110 Mechanic. Nelson, John, cabinet maker, boards 25 West Ninth. Nelson, John A. (Louisa) wood worker, house 360 Baker. Nelson, John A. (Andrea), teams' ', house 15 Charles. Nelson, John A., Jr., mill hand, 3iio. Harrison, residence English. Nelson, John A. L., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 70 Benson. Nelson, John E. (Ida), packer 203 Main, house over 238 Hall avenue. Nelson, John M. (Frances), assembler, house 114 Park. Nelson, John P., boards 511 Willard. Nelson, John P. (Minnie), tailor shop 16 West End, house do. Nelson, John P. (Ida S.), carpenter, house 109 Stowe. Nelson, John P., house over 42 Barrows. Nelson, John M., residence 222 Chandler. Nelson, Lillian W., residence 129 Crescent. Nelson, Lottie, widow James, residence Wellman avenue (Celoron). Nelson, Martha, E. widow Eleazer R., house 129 Crescent. Nelson, Mary, housekeeper, 15 Morton. Nelson, Mary, cook 5 Harrison, boards do. Nelson, Mary J., teacher, residence 114 Willard. Nelson, Matilda, widow Gust, house 429 Allen. Nelson, Matilda, widow Eric, residence 114 Park. Nelson, Maude, domestic, 15 West Fifth. Nelson, Minnie, domestic, 305 East Fourth. Nelson, Nels, wood worker, residence 319 Allen. Nelson, Nels A. (Matilda C ) , stone mason, house 222 Winsor. Nelson, Nels P. (Jennie C ) , butcher, house 70 Benson. Nelson, N. John (Mary S.), laborer 105 Winsor, house 30 Barrows. Nelson, N. Victor (Caroline), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 131 East Ninth. Nelson, P. Alfred (Hannah), tailor, 1 Main, house 111 Mechanic. Nelson, Olive, dressmaker, residence 322 Forest avenue. Nelson, Olof (Louise), laborer, 32 Kinney. Nolson, Oscar (Matilda), laborer, house 541 Crescent. Nelson, Oscar F., packer, 3 Ashville avenue, residence 238 Hall avenue. Nelson Oscar O. (Josephine), mill hand, 101 Harrison, house 51 Kinney. Nelson, Oito 'Annie), gardener, house 16 West I-li'-'.l tli. Nelson. Otto (Ciarine), ;lj.7ianer, house 117 Catlin avenue. Nelson, Otto A (Ida G.), band sawye-% 40 Winder, h. Willard, bevond limit? Nelson, Rudolph H., laborer, residence 32 Kinney. N"'!.i)i], &;-.1 ah, domestic, 14 South Walnut. Nelson, Selma K, widow John, house 25 Vega. Nelson, Sophia E., domestic, 552 West Third. Nelson, Stures F., painter, residence over 520 Crescent. Nelson, Swan, grocer, 277 Willard, house 275 do. Nelson, Swan M. (Mary C ) , laborer, house 463 Willard. Nelson, Theodore (Ida), fireman, house 36 Jones. Nelson, Victor (Matilda), planer, 16 Filmore, house 18 West Tenth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware Call u p N o . 3 3 , for Clothing a n d Furnishings NELSON. NEW. 310 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Nelson, Walter, hostler, 3 Race, boards over do. Nelson, William, printer, residence 16 West End. Nelson, William R., telegrapher, 301 Main, residence 106 Sampson. Nelson & Johnsons—Axel Nelson and Charles A. Johnson—contractors and builders—sash, doors, etc., 233 Prospect. Nesbeth, Robert, rubber, 101 Harrison, boards 17 West Fourth. Nestrom, Ida C , operative, 335 Harrison, boards 82 Hedges avenue. Nestrom, Selma M., operative, 335 Harrison, boards 82 Hedges avecue. Newlander, Andrew (Amelia),finisher,house 7 Great Jones. Newlander, Gust (Anna), upholsterer, house 112 William. Neville, Bert, stationaryfireman,boards 45 Hotchkiss. "'Neville, Henry (Josephine), physician, house 8 Crosby. Neville, J. Charles, stationary engineer, water works, boards 45 Hotchkiss. Neville, Ruby B., teacher, residence 211 Prendergast avenue. New, Ada, Mrs., waitress, 15 South Main. New, Frank E., steward, 13 Metallic avenue. New, Phillip J. (Elizabeth), retired, 13 Metallic avenue. N e w Allenflats,11-21 West Second. Newberry, Earl, laborer, residence 18 Weeks. Newberry, James 0. (Ida), driver, house IS Weeks. Newberry, Thomas (Pauline), locomotive engineer, house 28 Barrett. Newhert, Elizabeth, widow Hiram, house over 4 Main. Newbert, William S.,finisher,335 Harrison, residence over 4 Main. Newbolt, Mary J., Mrs., weaver, 116 East First, house over 59 Foote avenueN e w Broadhead block, 101-107 South Main. N e w England Kitchen, restaurant, G. Adelbert Wilkinson, prop., 9 East 2d. N e w Gifford building, 22-28, South Mf.in. N e w m a n , Henry J. (Mary F.), commercial traveler, house 536 East Second. N e w Sherman house, 11-19 West Third, Geo. F. Hurlbert, proprietor. Newsome, Henry, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Winsor. Newsome, James (Mary), wool sorter, house 316 Allen. Newsome, John (Grace), stone cutter, house 10 Winsor. Newsome, Mary J., dressmaker, 10 Winsor, residence do. Newsome, Sarah A., spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Winsor. Newstrom, Napoleon, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 6 Briggs. Newstrom, Sophia, widow A. Gust, house 6 Briggs. Newton, Albert F. (Mary), retired, house 126 Lakin avenue. Newton, Blanche I., weaver, residence 126 Lakin avenue. Newton, Corrie A., widow George R., house 304 Lincoln. Newton, Edna S., dressmaker, residence 126 Lakin avenue. Newton, Frank S., farmer, residence 66 West Tenth. Newton, George A. (Minnie G.), slate roofer, house over 800 Main. Newton, Marjory C , student, residence 304 Lincoln. Newton, Nathan P. (Alice A.), drayman, house 66 West Tenth. Newton, Rebecca A., widow Elihu R., house 616 East Seventh. N e w Warner block, 1-5 Main. M. J.MURRAY ^dueSroT4 Plumbing Goods in Jamestown Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . NORDGREN. NEW. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 311 N e w York Millinery Co., 103 West Third, Charles L. Thorn manager. N e w York Tea and Coffee Co —Gilbert G. Hall, manager—teas, coffee, etc. 106 East Third. New York & Pennsylvania Tel. & Tel. Co.—Albert L. Piper Mgr., 113 East 3d. Nichols, Benjamin (Jane M.)—Benjamin Nichols & Son—11 Shearman place, house 119 South Main. Nichols, Benjamin & Son—Benjamin and Charles M.—founders and machinists, 11 Shearman place. Nichols, Charles M. (Saidee S.)—Benjamin Nichols & Son—11 Shearman place, house 6 Arthur block, 201 East Second. Nichols, Cord, helper, 112 East Third, residence (Lakewood.) Nichols, G. L., manager Buffalo Bakery, 204 East Second, rooms 210 do. Nickerson, Frank (Lottie), wood wu-ker, house 225 Prospect. Nichols, Miles C , teacher, house 17 Sexton. Nichols, Myrtie L., re^idenc3 119 South Main. Nicholson, John, awning maker, residence 106 Broadhead avenue. Nigren, Andrew, laborer, boards 307 Winsor. Nigren, Axel, laborer, 105 Winsor, boards 307 do. Niederland, Charles L. (Minnie), gas engineer, 335 Harrison, house 109 Newland avenue. Nielson, Christian (Julia), manufacturer and dBaler in cigars, 111 South Main, house 322 Forest avenue. Nielsen, see also Nielson. Nisson, William F. (Lou), clerk, house 13 Thirteenth. Nixon, Sarah, widow John, house 18 Willard. Nobbs, M. Alfred (Marian), prop. Brooklyn house, 5-9 Harrison, house do. Nobbs, Robert (Lona), painter, house 814 Jefferson. Nobbs, William L., student, residence 814 Jefferson. Noble, Matilda B., Mrs., house, rooms. 9-11 2dfloorSmith block, 5 South Main Noble, Radcliff (Sabina), twister, hou-e 417 East Fifth. Nobles, Ralph A. (Florence), driver, 115 Main, house 811 do. Nobles, Rufus, clerk, 122 East Second, boards do. Nodine, Albert (Josephine),fireman,house 103 Colfax. Nolan, Thomas, retired, residence 221 Warren. Noon, Elizabeth, widow Patrick, house 23 River. Noon, James E., cigar maker, 126 East Second, residence 23 River. Noon, Margaret, weaver, boards 23 Barker. Norburg, John (Anna) carpenter, house 22 Price. Nord, Alfred, carver, 415 Chandler, residence 118 Bowen. Nord, Andrew P. (Julia A.)—A. C. Norquist & Co.—house 18 Bowen. Nord, August F. (Anna)—Norquist & Nord—111 East Second, house 116 Bush Nord, Edward C. (Rose)—Norquist & Nord—111 East 2d, house 118 Bush. Nord, John A. (Clara C.)—Norquist & Nord—111 East 2d, house 116 Bush. Nord, Louisa M., widow Andrew, residence 118 Bush. Nord, M. Nels (Christine), aristo worker, house 510 Forest avenue. Nordgren, Gust (Hulda), mill hand, house 529 Allen. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates T w o Cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T S NORDIN. 312 NORTH. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Nordin, John, laborer, house 135 Dearing avenue. Nordine, Henry G. (Augusta),finisher,house IS Lake. Nordine, John 0. (Eva C ) , laborer, house 23 Newton. Nording, Anna H., residence 129 Bush. Nording, Carl J., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 129 Bush. Nording, E m m a C , residence 129 Bush. Nording, Frans 0., printer, residence 129 Bush. Nording, Olif (Anna M.), laborer, house 129 Bush. Nordstrom, Frank G. (Mary), jeweler, 117 Main, house 105 Prospect. Norene, Jennie C , clerk ,24 Main, residence 448 Allen. Norene, Mary A., dressmaker, residence 448 Allen. Norene, Peter A. (Eva C ) , mill hand, house 448 Allen. Norin, Henry, laborer, rooms over 179 Barrows. Nording, Peter, mill hand, boards 654 East Sixth. Norlander, Andrew (Carrie), house 47 Vega. Norman, Albert, (Mary), wagon maker, house 112 Forest. Norman, Andrew G. (Anna L.), wood turner, 105 Winsor, house 230 Barrows. Norman, Henry, residence 112 Forest. Norman, John A. (Selma J.), weaver, house 60. N o m e , Henry, carpenter, rooms 52 Charles. Norquist, A. C & Co.—August C , Andrew P. and Frank O.—manufacturers dining tables and chamber suits, 415-421 Chandler. Norquist, Andrew P. (Julia A.)—A. C. Norquist & Co.—415 Chandler, house 18 Bowen. Norquist, August C. (Augusta M.)—A. C. Norquist & Co.—415 Chandler, house 20 Bowen. Norquist, Charles J. bookkeeper boards 106 Stowe. Norquist, Frank O. (Josephine)—Norquist & Nord—A. C. Norquist & Co., house 120 Bush. Norquist, Marcus J., commercial traveler, boards 106 Stowe. Norquist, Maria C , widow John W., house 110 Stowe. Norquist & Nordj—Frank O. Norquist and John A., August F. and Edward C. Nord—furniture 111 East Second. Norstrand, Axel (Emma),finisher,house 535 Allen. Nordstrom, Frank G. (May), jeweler 117 Main, house 105 Prospect. North, Alphonso J. (FannieI, well shcoter, house 18 Elm. North American Portrait C o m p a n y — F E. Flagg—portraits and drawings, 12 Ellicott building. F. E. FLAGG, Manager. Established 1878. N o r t h A m e r i c a n Portrait C o m p a n y , Crayon Drawings a Specialty. Portraits in Water Colors, Pastels, Etc. Ellicott Building, Jamestown, N. Y. M. J. M U R R A Y Employes Only First-class W o r k m e n Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T h e A . D. S H A R P E CO. NORTH. NYE. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 313 North, Gales, laborer, residence 18 Eim. Northrup, Bert, laborer, boards 22 South Main. Northrop, Ethel, dressmaker, boards 706 Main. Northrop, Frank J., clerk 13 East Third, boards 24 Cross. Northrop, Harriet, widow Thomas, house 20 Willard. Northrop, Walter S. (Blanche L.), coal dealer, house 18 Hess. Norton, Alonzo (Saloma), house 164 Marvin. Norton, Dennis H., drivu*, boards 10 Chandler. Norton, Fred L., house 227 Crossman. Norton, George H. (Mary), teamster, house 840 Clinton. Norton, Jo. Anna, domestic, 20 South Main, residence 125 Marvin. Norton, Joseph, hackman, rooms over 718 East Second. Norton, Joseph J. (Elizabeth), spile driver, house 125 Marvin. Norton, Lavina M., residence 125 Marvin. Norton, Levi W., clergyman, house 227 Crossman. Norton, Lucy S., residence 227 Crossman. Norton, Robert S., lab jre*-, residence 840 Jefferson. Norton, Theodore, varnisher, 20 Winsor, boards rear 185 Marvin. Norton, Willis W.,(Mina), carpneter, house 840 Jefferson. Norton, Zachariah (Mary), laborer, house 9 Dickerson. Novelty Heating Co.—WiPiam M. Sawyer—heating appliances and mantels, 120 West Third. Noyes, Luther J. (Ella), jeweler, under 224 Steele, house do. Nugant, Elizabeth A., widow Michael, house over 218 Steele. Nugant, Mary C, weaver, 116 East First, residence over 218 Steele. Nutter, Arthur (Ollie C ) , carder, 58 Center, house over 218 Winsor. Nutter, David (Agnes J.), warp twister, 335 Harrison, house 111 Barrows. Nutter, Fergus (Carrie C ) , foreman, 58 Center, house 20 Alpaca. Nutter, George G. (Elizabeth), weaver, house 417 East Fifth. Nutter, Harry F., piano tuner, residence 20 Alpaca. Nutter, James (Maria), bakery, 59 Harrison, house do. Nutter, Lydia G., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 59 do. Nutter, Samuel (Mary), twister, house 320 Allen. Nutting, Alta C, residence 8 Price. Nutting, Gideon L., painter, residence 325 Allen. Nutting, Hazel C. (Olive Paulona), retired, house 325 Allen. Nutting, Katherine, residence 321 Allen. Nutting, Lucien H. C. (Louise J.), clerk, 208 Pine, house 8 Price. Nyberg, Anna L., widow, Charles, house 98 Water. Nygren, Axel, painter, 105 Winsor, boards 307 do. Nyberg, Frank, farm hand, residence 312 Barrett. Nyberg, Frank D., painter, 105 Winsor, residence 98 Water. Nyberg, Ida, weaver, boards 119 Willard. Nyberg, James (Sophie), upholsterer, residence 157 Allen. Nyberg, John F. (Hilma)—George F. Clark & Co.—707 Main, house 28 Forest Nye, John A., dyer, 335 Harrison, residence 29 Kinney. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings Children's Suits, $1.50 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T S . NYHOLM. O'CONNELL. 314 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Nyholm, Andrew G. (Christine), carpenter, house 65 Hedges avenue. Nyholm, Fred, wood worker, house 524 Allen. Nyquist, E m m a , domestic, 172 Chandler. o Oakes, Frank H. (Pearl), broker, house 71 Allen. Oakland, Minnie C , domestic, 114 Forest avenue, residence 26 Johnson. Oates, John C. (Alice), stone cutter, house 26 Water. Oberg, Agnes V., operative, 58 Center, residence 93 Tower. Oberg, Carl (Hannah), painter, house 13 Partridge. Oberg, Charles (Pauline), laborer, house 93 Tower. Oberg, Charles C , upholsterer, residence 126 Colfax. Oberg, Charles R., tinner, 153 J. & G. avenue, residence 93 Tower. Oberg, David, polisher, residence 32 Jones. Oberg, Elizabeth L., carder, residence 32 Jones. Oberg, E m m a V., clerk, 207 Main, residence 126 Colfax. Oberg, Hilda E., operative, 116 East First, residence 93 Tower. Oberg, Hulda A., residence 32 Jones. Oberg, Henry P., polisher, residence 126 Colfax. Oberg, John R., tailor, over 213 Main, house 32 Jones. Oberg, Nellie, clerk, 203 Main, residence 32 Jones. Oberg, Nelson H. (Selma C ) , tailor, 1 Main, house 126 Colfax. Oberg, Selma E., residence 126 Colfax. Obrey, John ( E m m a ) , carpenter, house 500 Barrett. Oburg, Minnie, milliner, 101 Cherry, boards do. O'Brien, Charles, wool carder, 116 East First, residence Buffalo, cor. Ormes. O'Brien, Eliza, weaver, 116 East wirs;, residence Buffalo. O'Brien, Eva, clerk, 307 Main, residerce Buffalo, corner Ormes. O'Brien, James, laborer, residence 441 Winsor. O'Brien, John G. (Ada S.), proprietor Jamestown Boiler Works, 602 West Seventh, house 816 East Second. O'Brien, Katharine, w-inder, 58 Center, residence 441 Winsor. O'Brien, Mary, weaver, 335 Harrison residence 441 Winsor. O'Brien, Michael, plumber, residence Buffalo, corner Oimes. O'Brien, Patrick (Margaret), tailor, 210 Main, house 441 Winsor. O'Brien, Rosanna, widow, Joseph, residence Buffalo, corner Ormes. O'Connell, Daniel (Catherine), retired, residence 131 Fairview avenue. O'Connell, Daniel, stone mason, residence 502 West Sixth. O'Connell, Daniel, stationary engineer, residence 412 West Sixth. O'Connell, Ellen, weaver, 116 East First, house 508 West Seventh. O'Connell, John, helper, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 508 West Seventh. O'Connell, John (Hattie J.), brakeman Erie railwaiy, house 109 Steele. O'Connell, John F., woodfinisher,37 Taylor, residence 412 West Sixth. O'Connell, Maggie, residence 502 West Sixth. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W . Third St., M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D .S H A R P E CO. OLANDER. O'CONNELL. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 315 O'Connell, Mary M., collector, residence 412 West Sixth. O'Connell, Michael (Kate-*, laborer, house 502 West Sixth. O'Connell, Morris (Carrie), painter, house 29 Barrett. O'Connell, Morris, locomotive engineer, residence 412 West Sixth. O'Connell, Patrick (Anna), laborer, house 412 West Sixth. O'Connell, Patrick, boiler maker, residence 508 West Seventh. O'Connell, Thomas J., machinist, residence 502 West Sixth. O'Conner, Mary, cook, 120 East Second. Odd Fellows' hall, Gokey building, 12-14 West Third. Odell, Burton E. (Cora K.)—Fulton Market Co.—19 E. 3d. house 216 Fulton. Odell, Henry F. (Lena I.), oil producer over 101 East 2d, h. 516 Lafayette. Odell, Lewis H., residence 516 Lafayette. Odell, Mary, teacher, residence 401 Prendergast avenue. O'Dell, Levi S. (Lillian), tinner, 120 West Third, house 180 Jones. Oden, Marie, widow Nels, house 254 Crescent. Oden, August, laborer, residence 254 Crescent O'Donnell, Agnes O., clerk, 204 Main, residence 24 West Thirteenth. O'Donnell, Kate, widow Thomas, house 24 Thirteenth. O' Donnell, Michael, upholsterer, 40 Winsor, rooms over 210 East Second. O'Donnell, Richard B. barkeeper, 118 East Second, boards do. O'Donnell, Rose, domestic, 613 Ease Seventh. Ogden, Robert (Mittie J.), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 57 Center. Oger, Alvin, shoemaker, residence 71 Hazzard. Oger, Amos (Louise), shoemaker, house 71 Hazzard. Oger, Flora, residence 71 Hazzard. Oger, Frederick A. (Nellie S.), shoemaker, house 119% Warren. Oger, Hadoram D. (TSVa D.), shoemaker, house 26 Stowe. Ogilvie, Daniel G. (Robinia), clerk, 30 Main, house 123 Allen. Ogren, Charles, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 299 Crescent. Ogren, Charles A. (Alma T.), justice of the peace, stenographer and typewriter, 18 city hall, house 18 Lincoln, corner East Sixth. Ogren, Esther M., paster, 318 Cherry, resides 115 Barrows. Ogren, J. Peter (Anna M.), carpenter, house 115 Barrows. O'Hagan, Elizabeth, widow Michael, house 520 Monroe. O'Hagan, Mary E., seamstress, residence 520 Monroe. O'Hara, Ambrose C, clerk, 119 Main, boards 15 East Second. Ohberg, Gust (Anna), bender, house 513 East Eighth. Ohburg, Oscar (Minnie), aristo worker, house 262 Prospect Ohlin, John, canvasser, boards, 141 Chandler. Ohlquist, John (Anna L.)—John B. Alden & Co.—217 Main, h. 106 W . 8th. Ohman, Reuben (Helma), wood worksr, house Wellman avenue (Celoron.) Ohnstrand, Enoch (Hannah), foreman, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 47 Prospect ave. Ohnstrand, Charles (Matilda), clerk, 802 Main, house 11 East Eighth. Okerlind, C. Alfred (Elvena A.), city bookkeeper, 5 city hall, house 203 E. 2d. Olander,, Charlotte, domestic, 415 East Fourth. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing 1866. PROUDFIT'S. 3 3 y e a r s at 3 3 . OLANDER. 316 1899. OLSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Olander, Frank (Nellie), tailor, 206 Main, house 111 William. Olds, Gertrude M., residence 45 Bush. Olds, William H. (DessieB.), machinist, house 40 Peach. O'Leary, Nora, domestic, 208 Lake View avenue. Oliver, Edwin P. (Nellie D.), band sawyer, house 10 Cowing. Olman, Albert M. (Amanda C ) , machinist, house 17 Bush. Olsen, Charles R., dyer, 116 East First, boards 143 Harrison. Olson, Alma, domestic, 11 East Fifth. Olson, Andreas (Hannah), stone cutter, house 10 Norton. Olson, Andrew, retired, residence 114 West Eighth. Olson, Andrew (Christina), carpenter, house 329 Willard. Olson, Anna, widow John, house over 786 East Second. Olson, Anna B., residence 32 Benson. Olson, Anna L., widow Andrew P., house 493 Willard. Olson, Aungreta, widow John, residence 32 Eagle. Olson, Anton (Mattie)—Olson Bros.—300 Foote avenue, house over 302 do. Olson, August (Anna), carder, house 32 Union avenue. Olson, A. P. & Co.—August P Olson and John Love—manufacturers parlor and library tables, 46 Taylor. Olson, August P.—A. P. Olson & Co.—46 Taylor, house 15 Barrett. Olson, Axel W . (Edith), stationary engineer, house 120 Hall avenue. Olson, Benjamin P. (Jennie), night watchman, house 115 Camp. Olson, Bettie, teacher, residence 211 Prospect. Olson Bros.—Anton and Oscar S.—grocers, 300 Foote avenue. Olson, Carl A., painter, residence 211 Prospect. Olson. Carl V., mill hand, boards 36 West Ninth. Olson, Charles, ax maker, 13 Taylor, boards 248 Broadhead avenue. Olson, ..Charles, spring setter, residence 213 Forest. Ohlson, Charles (Annie), cooper, house 115 Park. Olson, Charles (Hilda), laborer, house 28 Thayer. Olson, Charles, weaver, residence 226 Hazzard. Olson, Charles, wood worker, residence 313 Barrett. Olson, Charles J. (Mary), carpenter, house 213 Forest. Olson, Charlotte, weaver, residence 313 Barrett. Olson, Edward, laborer, boards 202 Broadhead avenue. Olson, Elvera C , student, residence 109 Bowen. Olson, Emil ( E m m a ) , rubber, 14 Steele, residence 415 West Fourth. Olson, E m m a , residence 313 Barrett. Olson, Erick A. (Alma)—Olson & Turner—632 East Second, house 15 Orchard. Olson, Eugene R., carpenter, boards 406 West Second. Olson, Frans A. ( E m m a C.),—Olson, Johnson & Co.—208 East 2d, h. 101 Bush. Olson, Florence L. C , school teacher, residence 43 Foote avenue. Olson, Freda, residence over 786 East Second. Some of the most extensive p;^.J^ in £* M. J. MURRAY The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. T H EA.D. S H A R P E C O . OLSON. OLSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 317 Olson, George (Carrie), shoemaker, house 130 Lakin avenue. Olson, George, machinist, 105 Winsor, boards 54 Chapin. Olson, Gertrude, residence over 786 East Second. Olson, Gertrude S., weaver, residence 368 Baker. Olson, Gilbert machinist 105 Winsor, residence 43 Foote avenue. Olson, Gust (Hannah), laborer, house 268 Steele. Olson, Gust, residence 145 Superior. Olson, Gust (Louise), night watchman, house 13 Grandin. Olson, Gust, upholsterer, residence 313 Barrett. Olson, Gust (Ida), cabinet maker, house 248 Broadhead avenue. Olson, Gust (Ida M.), driver, house 79 Water. Olson, Gust F. (Josephine), dyer, house 222 Newland avenue. Olson, Henry ( E m m a ) , driver, 632 East Second, house 14 Orchard. Olson, Henry L., frame setter, residence 368 Baker. Olson, Hulda, residence 211 Prospect. Olson, Hulda, cook, 47 Warren. Olson, Jenny K., weaver, 116 East First, residence 109 Bowen. Olson, John (Agnes A.)01son & Lindgren—over 107 Main, house 211 Prospect. Olson, John (Celia), laborer, house 210 Falconer. Olson, John (Hannah), carpenter, house 378. Olson, John, ax maker, 13 Taylor, boards 248 Broadhead avenue. Olson, John A. (Bettie), janitor, Eagle hose, house 36 West Ninth. Olson, John S. (Johanna), machinist 30 Steele, house 32 Benson. Olson, J. Otto (Mary), electrician, house 23 Colfax. Olson, Julia M., residence 32 Benson. Olson, Johnson & Co.—Frank A. Olson, John D. Johnson and A. F. Berg—wall paper and paints, 208 East Second. Olson, Leonard K., driver, 20 East Third, residence 109 Bowen. Olson, Lillian L., student, residence 109 Maple. Olson, Lottie, widow Andrew, house 32 Pearl avenue. Olson, Louise widow house 313 Barrett. Olson, Lovrick ( E m m a ) , painter, house 150 Sampson. Ols.o>n, Magnus (Sophia), carpenter, house 33 Elicott. Olson, Mary, picker, residence 43 Prospect. Olson, Mary, spinner, residence 313 Barrett. Olson, Olof A. (Anna), attorney at law, over 214 Main house 300 Barrett. Olson Nellie widow E -gene house 616 Prendergast avenue. Olson Nels, plasterer, residence 11 East Eighth. Olson, Oscar (Matilda), laborer, house 145 Superior. Olson, Oscar A., laborer, 181-5 J. & G. avenue, residence 32 Benson. Olson, Oscar O. (Jennie), deputy revenue collector, 4 Ellicott building, house 124 Prospect. Olson, Oscar S.—Olson Bros.—300 Foote avenue residence over 302 do. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplles Reliable C l o t h i n g at Rpe^°snable at OLSON. 318 PROUDFITS OSBORN. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Olson, Oscar T. (Christine), laborer, house 32 Eagle. Olson, Peter (Hannah), mill hand, house 368 Baker. Olson, Peter A. (Christina), night watchman, 129 Jones and Gifford avenue, house 109 Bowen. Olson, Peter 0., (Ida L.), bottler, house 43 Foote avenue. Olson, Robert E. clerk, 20 South Main, rooms 36 West Ninth. Olson, Selma, operative 335 Harrison, residence over 222 Barrows. Olson, Selma 'M., dressmaker, residence 109 Bowen. Olson, Tekla L., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 109 Bowen. Olson, Tillie, domestic, 309 East Second. Olson, Tilie M „ domestic, 109 West Fifth, house 368 Baker. Olson, Victor—Carlson & Co.—7 Cowden place, boards 15 do. Olson Walfred (Ellen), butcher, house 419 Newland avenue. Olson & Turner—Eric A. Olson and Peter Turner—grocers, 632 East Second. Olunder, Frank E. (Nellie), laborer, house 111 William. O'Neil, Hannah, widow John C , residence over 107 South Main. O'Neil, Jerry M., tel. operator E. R. R., house first floor over 107 S. Main. O'Neil, Thomas (Bridget), wood worker house 110 Catlin avenue. O'Neill, Annie, waitress, new Sherman house. Opera house block, 18-24 East Second. Option house, George P. Frey, proprietor, 118 East Second. Orcott, Walter, wood worker, rooms over 8 West Third. O'Rilley, Ellen, widow John, residence 16 Institute. O'Rilley, Kate weaver 116 East First, residence 16 Institute. Ormes, Frank D., physician and surgeon, 320 Main, house 313 do. Ormes, Frank, Jr., student, residence 313 Main. Or.mes, Grace, residence 313 Main. Ormes, Leona, residence 313 Main. Ormondroyd, Smith (Josephine), time keeper, 335 Harrison, house over 5 Appleyard place. Ormondroyd, William, assistant bookkeeper 335 Harrison, bds. 117 Chandler. Orr, Ada L., clerk, residence 611 Pine. Orr, Austin J. (Elizabeth), trav. salesman, 101 East Third, house 611 Pine. Orsbon, John G. (Sarah), laundryman, 218 Forest avenue, house do. Orsbon, see also Osborn and Osbourn. Osberg, Andrew, laborer, residence 628 Barrows. Osberg, Anna, residence 628 Barrows. Osberg, Charles A., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 628 Barrows. Osberg, Christine A., widow Gust, 628 Barrows. Osberg, Hannah, residence 628 Barrows. Osberg Jennie, residence 628 Barrows. Osberg, John (Matilda), ax maker, 13 Taylor, house 608 Barrows. Osborn, Harry, printer, 217 Spring, boards 122 East Second. M . J. M U R R A Y , uses only the Best Plumbing Material Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. OSBORN. OWENS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. • 319 Osborn, Jessie, Mrs., waitress, 22 South Main. Osborn, Lewis M. (Ella), machinist, house 255 Warren. Osborn, Lillian I., teacher, boards 411 West Fourth. Osborn, Lyman, retired, residence 60 Broadhead avenue. Osborn, Maude E.,firstcloser, 318 Cherry, residence 411 West Fourth. Osborn, Ralph G., packer, 5 Ashville avenue, residence 411 West Fourth. Osborn, Roxana, widow George, house 411 West Fourth. Osborn, see also Orsbon and Osbourn. Osbourn, Nellie L., stenographer, 30 East First, residence 63 Prospect. Osbourn, Nelson T. (Josephine), manufacturer spring beds, 217 Washington, house 63 Prospect. i Osbourn, see also Osborn and Orsbon. Oser, Frank J.—Rosier & Oser—29 Main, residence 36 Kent. Oser, Jacob (Frances), shoemaker, 853% Main, house 36 Kent. O'Shea, V. Bridget, waitress, 120 East Second. Osmer flats (The), 413-419 West Third. Osmer, J. Alden, cutter, 206 Main, residence 213 East Fourth. Osmer, Margaret E., residence 25 Fairmount avenue. " Osmer, William P. (Berdena Woods), clerk, 206 Main, and secretary Anchor Fence Co., house 404 Lafayette. Osterstron, Axel (Johanna C ) , laborer, house 35 Vega. Ostrander, Fred H. (Theresa), clerk, 952 East Second, 24 Cowing. Ostrom, Agnes J., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 126 Foote avenue. Ostrom, Alfreda H., picker, 335 Harrison, residence 126 Foote avenue. Ostrom, Alvin K., band sawyer, residence 126 Foote avenue. Ostrom, Hulda O., domestic, over 212 East Second. , Ostrom, John W . (Emma), blacksmith, house 756 East Second. Ostrom, Minnie, domestic, 303 West Third. Ostrom, Otto (Matilda J.), stationary engineer, 124 Foote avenue, house 126 do. Ostrom, Peter F. (Matilda), wood worker, house 516 Foote avenue. Ostrom, Solomon (Evalda), wood worker, house 313 Newland avenue. Ottoson, Augustus C (Ellen E.), driver, 342 East Third, house 237 Lincoln. Otander, E m m a , residence 23 Stoiwe. Ottander, John A. (Carrie E.), driver 40 Winsor, house 136 Water. Overend, Joseph (Carrie), wool sorter, house 863 Spring. Overend, Susan, picker, residence 863 Spring. Overs, Walter H., pastor Brooklyn Heights Methodist Episcopal church, rooms 5 Church. Owens, Harry W . (Lydia M.) barber 4 Harrison, house over 17 East First. Owens, Reuben G. (May L.) printer, 14-16 West Second, house 842 Main. CI A T5TT U A •DT»\T7' A OTJ C(~\ Agents for STBANSKY ENAMELED ^l^/\Cvl\. ni\t\\J W /VIVE. \mi\J., W A R E . Every Piece W A R R A N T E D Little Giant Suits for Children at P R O U D F I T S PACKARD. - PARKER. 320 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Packard, Charles E. (Lucy), twister 35 Water, house 419 West Sixth. Page, Alton E. (Maud R.) bookkeeper, 24 Steele, house 9 Orchard. Page, Charles, carpenter, boards 121 East Second. Page, Roy D., machinist, boards 413 Cherry. Page, Silva M., widow Thomas, house 427 East Fifth. Page, W . Henry (Lily) painter, house 29 Whitley avenue. Paine, Edward (Nettie M.) manager 8-10 South Main house do. Paine, Nettie M., Mrs., proprietor Central house 8-10 South Main, house da Paley, Joseph, spinner, boards 650 East Sixth. Palm, Frank (Freda) laborer, house 328 Bowen. Palm, Oscar ( E m m a ) , aristo worker, 56 Prospect, house 13 Grandin. Palmer, Adelbert (Marcia) driver, house 622 Spring. Palmer, Agnes P, operative 335 Harrison, 16 Pearl avenue. Palmer, Albert (Flora),motorneer, house 7 Lakin avenue. Palmer, Allen M., student residence 333 East Second. Palmer, A m o s F. (Amy C ) , farmer, house 26 Catlin avenue. Palmer, Andrew G. (Hilma L.) fish dealer, house 16 Pearl avenue. Palmer, Barbara E., student, residence 333 East Second. Palmer, Charles 0. (Christine) stationary engineer, house 22 Hall avenue. Palmer, David W . (Nancy), wool handler, house 622 East Sixth. Palmer, Elsie, Mrs. house 333 East Second. Palmer, Jennie E., bookkeeper, residence 26 Catlin avenue. Palmer, J. Hoxsie, hostler, 228 East Second, boards over do. Palmer, John O. (Charlotte A.) meat market 50 Willard, house 12 Kinney. Palmer, Martha, domestic, 111 Price. Palmer, Olive R., operative 335 Harrison, residence 16 Pearl avenue. Palmer, Sophia, widow, residence 12 Kinney. Palmer, Walter (Eliza) hostler 224 East Second, house over 222 do. Palmeter, Frank W . (Anna E.) drugs and stationery 7 South Main house 13 Foote avenue. Palmeter, John G., residence 13 Foote avenue. Palmgren, Peter A. ( E m m a S.) laborer, house 115 Stowe. Palmiter, Samuel (Fannie M.) machinist, house 331 East Second. Palmquist, Albert (Christina) carpenter, house 280 Willard. Pang, Oscar R., T.\".r; v;rapher, 75 Steele, rooms 115 Barrows. Paquin, Elizabeth, widow Joseph, house 340 Foote avenue. Paquin, Mary G., clerk 26 Main, residence 340 Foote avenue. Paquin, Terresa M., tel. operator, 113 East Third, residence 340 Foote ave. Pardee, Eudora Klock, widow Myron W., delsarte and voice culture, residence 358 East Fourth. Parker, Charles D. (Jane) hackman, house 21 Fulton place. If you contemplate Plumbing consult, M.J.MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. PARKER. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. PARTRIDGE. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 321 Parker, Charles D. (Sylvia), peddler, house 156 Marvin. Parker, George (Helma) laborer, house under 4 Short Eagle. Parker, George U. ( E m m a B.) carpenter, house 406 West Second. Parker, Hallah, stenographer, residence 221 Fulton. Parker, Henry A. (Tuiip I.), house 16 Crosby. Parker. James G., official city numberer 105 West Third, boards 15 East 2d. Parker, Jason (Florence W.) physician and surgeon, 2firstfloor, Smith blk., 5 South Main, house 35 Maple. Parker, Jonas A. (Elizabeth M.) factory and store furnishings 213 West Third, house 310 West Sixth. Parker, Mary Mrs., residence 221 Fulton. Parker, Rosa C, residence 156 Marvin. Parker, William, elevator m a n N e w Sherman house. Parkman, Alice, operative 335 Harrison, residence 203 King. Parkinson, Anna, widow Simon, house 203 King. Parkinson, Charles W., mill hand, residence 203 King. Parkinson, Edith, operative 335 Harrison, residence 203 King. Parkinson, Lily, operative 335 Harrison, residence 203 King. Parkinson, Mary H., operative 335 Harrison, residence 203 King. Parks, Anna E., widow Willis, house 528 East Second. Parks, Charles D. (Mabel C.)—Jamestown Candy Co.—219 Spring, house over 217 do. Parks, Charles E.—Parks & Hazzard—over 101 East 3d, house 516 East 2d. Parks, Ella A,, residence 516 East Second. Parks, George S., insurance, rooms 13-14 Gokey building, res. 528 East 2d. Parks & Hazzard—Charles E. Parks and Robert T. Hazzard—fire and life insurance and real estate, over 101 East Third. Parm, Swan A. (Sarah) retired, house 34 Harrison. Parquette, Albert, shoemaker, boards 869 Main. Parsell, Ada J., widow Stephen, residence 9 Lakin avenue. Parsell, see also Persell. Parson, Charles (Bertha) saloon under 14 East Third, house 28 Derby. Parson, Nels P. (Mary) farmer, house Buffalo. Parsons, Alexander, driver 852 East Second, residence Buffalo. Parsons, Alice, spinner, residence 9 Osborn. Parsons, Arthur, laborer, rooms 218 Spring. Parsons, Carl O., clerk 207 Main, residence Buffalo. Parsons, Charles (Matilda), retired, house lovi Whitley place. Parsons, Gust, boards 319 Allen. Parsons, John E. (Anna) carpenter, house 433 Allen. Parsons, sea also Person. Partridge, Albert G., bookkeeper 19 West Second, residence 25 Mechanic. Partridge, Bertha G., bookkeeper, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence Lakewood. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Best Silver Plated Ware H i g h Quality. P R O U D F I T ' S C L O T H I N G PLr?cv PARTRIDGE. .322 PEARSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Partridge, Charles M. (Sarah E.) solicitor J. & C R. R., house 51 Fairmount avenue. Partridge, Elbridge G. (Florence C ) , undertaker 19 West 2d, h. 25 Mechanic. E. G . P A R T R I D G E , Furnishing Undertaker and Embalmer. N I G H T OLKRK. "Va B Artistic Picture Framing a Specialty. >9 W . S e C O n d St. FIlODe 110. ^Partridge, Frank E. (Anna), retired, house 82 Prospect. Partridge, George H., clerk, 19 West Second, residence 15 East Second. Partridge, Imogene, residence 82 Prospect. Partridge, James S. (Angeline) retired, house 325 Foote avenue. Partridge, Nellie M., residence 25 Mechanic. Partridge, Sophia, widow James, hou?e 22 Hazzard. Patric, Abel (Mary) retired, house 141 Prospect. Patric, Elvyn J. (Daisy) wood worker, house 141 Prospect. Patric, Jennie M., widow William D., house 213 Crescent. Patrickson, Carl, machinist, boards 23 Stowe. Patterson, Margaret M., widow James S., house 512 West Third. Patterson, Mar.maduke R., student, residence 3 Lake View avenue. Patterson. Mildred, winder, 335 Harrison, boards 208 Chandler. Patterson, Nancy M., residence 3 Lake View avenue. '-^Patterson,, William C. (Jane), oil producer, house 3 Lake View avenue. Patterson, William C , Jr., student, residence 3 Lake View avenue. Pattreli, Smith E. (Millicent A.)finisher,house over 219 Spring. Paul, Edgar P. (Mary) cabinet maker, house 514 Palmer. Paul, Holland F. (Rose) hackman, house 516 Palmer. Paul, Nicholas (Martha) bartender, house 185 Marvin. Paul, Thomas, upholsterer, residence 516 Palmer. Pawn, Gust, laborer 40 Winsor, residence 113 Willard. Pawn, Willie (Caroline) laborer, house 113 Willard. Pearl City Laundry—Myers Bros. & Rockwell, props—19-21 Steele. Pearl City Stone Co.—George Theobald, Fred Wilkinson and John W o o d masons and cut stone contractors, rear 56 Steele. Pearson, Bonda, laborer, boards 378 Willard. Pearson, Clara, weaver, 116 East First, residence 100 Harrison. Pearson, Ellen M., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 41 Anderson. Pearson, E m m a , weaver, 116 East First, residence 100 Harrison. Pearson, Hilmar J., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 41 Anderson Pearson, John E., mill hand, residence 41 Anderson. Pearson, A., operativePlumbing 335 Harrison,consult, residence M 41.Anderson. I f you Julia contemplate J. M U R R A Y Pearson, Swan A. (Johanna A.) laborer, house 41 Anderson. Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. PENNOCK. PEARSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 323 Pearson, Thomas (AnnaM.) loomfixer,116 East First, house 100 Harrison. Pearson, William (Esther) livery barn 24 Fenton place, house over 33 do. Pearson, see also Pierson. Peart, Richard, bookkeeper, 101 East Third, rooms 111 East Sixth. Pease, Edward H., clerk 12 East Third, rooms Deluge hose house. Pease, George R. (Lida A.) wool sorter 335 Harrison, house 49 Marvin. Peaslee, Augustus, carriage maker 298 East Second, boards 306 West Eighth. Peate, John (Ella) metal worker, house 24 Forest. Peate, Richard (Mary) machinist 95 J. & G. avenue, house 126 Catlin avenue. Peate, Walter (Edna) baker 10 West Third, house under 562 East Second. Peate, William, porter Hayward house. Peck, Daniel (Martha), butter and cheese buyer, 16 S. Main, h. 114 W . 7th. Peck, Joseph (Ella) carpenter, house 112 Hall avenue. '• Peckham, Clayton J, (Minnie) prop. Jamestown Roofing Co., 109 East Third house 205 Chandler. Peckham, Harriet F., widow George H., residence 3 West Fourth. Peckham, Vernon E. (Helen C ) atty. at law and referee in bankruptcy, rooms 28, 29, 30 Wellman building, 101 Main, house 602 Lafayette. Peckham, William G. (Almira J), general manager, 109E. 3d, h. 205 Chandler. Pedersen, Ernest A., draughtsman, residence 519 East Sixth. Pedersen, see also Peterson. Peirce, Augusta Blanche, residence 617 East Second. kPeirce, Elbridge G. (Florence), credit man, 335 Harrison, h. 540 Lake View avenue. Peirce, Harry E., clerk, 203 Main, residence 617 East Second. Peirce, M. Frances, widow George W., house 617 East Second. Peirce, see also Pierce. Pelton, Judson, laster, 318 Cherry, boards 17 West Fourth. Pemberton, Frederick (Elizabeth), retired, house 809 Jefferson. Pemberton, George E. (Ellen) glass cutter, house 811 Lafayette. Pencele, Alma, Mrs., residence 225 Prospect. Pendleton, Edmund C, commercial traveler, boards 20 West Fourth. Penfield, Amelia, widow Burnham, house 317 Forest. Penfield, Henry S. (Caroline M.) commercial traveler, 212 West Second. Penfield, Millie A., residence 317 Forest. Penfield, Scott H. (Estella E.), carpet cleaning works 220 Baker, house 13 Fenton place. Penfold, John E. (Harriet), commercial traveler, house over 111 East Second. Penney, Ella G., residence New Allenflats,15 West Second. Penney, Joseph H. (Annie A.) cutter, 208 Main, house New Allenflats,15 West Second. Pennock, Frank A. (May)—Pennock& Son—1 East Sixth, house 610 Prendergast avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies OVERCOATS a Specialty at PENNOCK. 324 PROUDFITS. PETERSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Pennock, John P. (Clara B.)Pennock & Son—1 East Sixth, house 209 do. Pennock, William J., student, residence 610 Prendergast avenue. Pennock &, Son—John P. and Frank A., grocers—1 East Sixth cor. Main. Pennsylvania Gas Co., Eugene M. Schlaudecker, manager, 108 East Third. People's Restaurant, 20 South Main, J. D. Babcock, manager. Peregrine, John (Vina) commercial traveler, residence 317 East Fifth. Perkins, Martin D. (Linna A.) mfr. proprietary medicines, 18 Forest avenue, house Lateron. Perkins, Septimus (Eunice), retired, house 345 Foote avenue. Perkins, Thomas E. (Minnie), draughtsman, house 514 Jefferson. Perrin, Dwight (R. Maila), house 124 Forest avenue. Perrin, Fern, bookkeeper, rooms 312 Lafayette. Perring, Forest J., warp dresser, residence 10 William. Perring, Frank (Ada), planer, house 100 William. Perry, Bessie P., shoe packer, 318 Cherry, residence 37 Marvin. Perry, Benjamin F. (Rhoda A.), shoemaker, house over 613 Main. Perry, Edward H. (Ida M.), clerk, 201 Main, house 17 College. Perry, Edwin D. (Mary J.) shoemaker, 318 Cherry,, h. 37 Marvin. Perry, Grant (Gertrude), plumber, house 1398 East Second. Perry, Irene, seamstress, residence 209 Warren. Perry, Oscar G. (Hannah M.) Immense candy store, 10 South Main, house over 132 Fairmount avenue. Perry, Sarah, widow Henry V., residence 106 Barrett. Perry, Satira, widow Clinton, house 209 Warren. Persell, Charles W., coachman, residence 138 Institute. Persell, Daniel F. (Lottie M.), watchmaker & engraver, 6 E. 3d, h 111 Crosby. Persell, Ellen A.—Persell & Benedict—314 East Third, residence 52 Grant. Persell, Mary, widow Alexander, residence 52 Grant. Persell & Benedict—Ellen A. Persell and Jennie E. Benedict—milliners, 314 East Third. Persell, see also Parsell. ,' Pershall, George W . (Minnie), jeweler, house 28 Ashville avenue. Person, John, steel worker, boards 263 Forest avenue. Person, Lewis, laborer, boards 301 Willard. Person, Robert (Matilda), tinner, house 112 Mechanic. Persons, Carrie B., tel. operator, 113 East Third, residence 225 Forest ave. Persons, C W., residence 225 Forest avenue. Persons, see also Parsons Peters, Bertha I., residence 13 Bassett. Peters, Lena, residence 13 Bassett. Peters, Margaret, milliner, 101 Cherry, house 127 Baker. Peters, Mary A., widow of William B., house 645 Falconer. Peters, Severin (Caroline), mason, house 13 Bassett. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. I H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. PETERSON. PETERSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 325 Peterson, Ada, domestic, 405 West Third. Peterson, Adda T., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 18 Chapin. Peterson, Adolph, shoemaker, 318 Cherry, rooms over 210 East Second. Peterson, Adolph E. (Mary), shoemaker, 306 Main, house 21 Alpaca. Peterson, Adolph S., laborer, residence 475 Willard. Peterson, A. John (Sophia M . ) — A. J. Peterson & Son—208 Main, house 168 Chandler. Peterson, A. J. & Son—A. John and James C.—clothiers and merchant tailors, 208 Main. Peterson, Albert, contractor, rooms ov er 4 Main. Peterson, Albert (Amelia), lounge maker, house 268 Broadhead avenue. Peterson, Albert (Caroline), carpenter, house 440 Maple. Peterson, Albert W (Ida C ) , grocer, 4 new Gifford building, house 224 Baker. Peterson, Alfred (Ada), polisher, 101 Harrison, house over 784 East Second. Peterson, Alfred, carpenter, residence 44 Jones. Peterson, Alfred (Henrietta),fireman,house 28 Linden avenue. Peterson, Alfred, packer, Atlas Fur. Co. boards 214 Barrows. Peterson, Alfred, mason, boards 299 Crescent. Peterson, Alfred C, insurance agent, residence 120 Prospect. Peterson Alfred I. (Hannah)—Peterson & Johnson—710 Main, h. 534 Winsor. Peterson, Algert, bed maker. 12 Steele, residence 440 Maple. Peterson, Alma, residence 48 Water. Peterson, Alma J., operative, residence 504 Willard. Peterson, Alvin (Amelia), laborer, house 130 Falconer. Peterson, Amanda C, operative, 335 Harrison, residence 73 Tower. Peterson, Amanda, domestic. 510 Spring. Peterson, Amanda, domestic, 315 East Fourth. Peterson, Amanda, residence 22 Eagle. Peterson, Amel, laborer, residence 407 Newton. Peterson, Amel (Mary), laborer, house 407 Newton. Peterson, Andrew (Selma), polisher, house 210 Barrett. Peterson, Andrew, mill hand, house 262 Forest avenue. Peterson, Andrew, retired, residence 4 Grandin. Peterson, Andrew, upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, boards 52 Harrison. Peterson, Andrew F. (Christine), wood turner, house 763 East Second. Peterson, Andrew J. (Emma M.), mason, house 79 Vega. Peterson, Anna, weaver, residence 512% Prendergast avenue. Peterson, Anna, domestic, 227 Crossman. Peterson, Anna, widow John, residence 120 Prospect Peterson, Anna C , drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 183 Barrows. Peterson, Anna E., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 56 Vega. Peterson, Anna K. milliner, 316 Main, residence 915 do. Peterson, Anna M., domestic, 105 Chandler. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings U n d e r w e a r , H o s i e r y rSpee?avity at PROUDFITS. PETERSON. PETERSON. 326 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Peterson, Anna S., widow Miles P., house 16 Bowen. Peterson, Anton, laborer, boards 15 Peterson. Peterson, Anton (Hulda), wood worker, house 1021 Newland avenue. Peterson, Anton (Tillie), carpenter, house 36 Union avenue. Peterson, Anton A., painter, residence 118 Wescott. Peterson, Arvid A. (Louise A.), painter, house 386 Willard. Peterson, Arvilla, widow Frank, residence 210 East Fourth. Peterson, August (Lottie,, laborer, house 5-„ Allen. Peterson, August (Sophia), laborer, house 462 Willard. Peterson, August, laborer, house 306 Steele. Peterson, August, blacksmith, rooms 3 2 % Institute. Peterson, August A. (Amanda), wood worker, house 16 Morton. Peterson, August J. (Anna), laundryman, 705 Main, house 14 Marvin. Peterson, August M. (Carrie), stationary engineer, house 122 Hall avenue. Peterson, August W . (Hiima E.), mill hand, house 27 Kinney. Peterson, Augusta, domestic, 110 Forest avenue. Peterson, Axel, polisher, 95 Jones and Gifford avenue, boards 17 Valley. Peterson, Axel (Hilma), carpenter, house 141 Superior. Peterson, Axel, dyer, boards 145% Allen. Peterson, Axel E., wood worker, 105 Winsor, residence 56 Tower. Peterson, Axel E., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 56 Vega. Peterson, Axel F. (Amanda), laborer, house 16 Thayer. Peterson, Axel G., laborer, residence 35 Peterson. Peterson, Axel G., machinist. 5 Race, residence 132 Prospect. Peterson, Axel J., (Ellen M.), machinist, house 44 Hedges avenue. Peterson, Axel T., dyer, 335 Harrison, boards over 14 Alpaca. Peterson, Beda F., nurse girl, 139 Forest avenue. Peterson, Bennie W., laborer, 129 J. & G. avenue, residence 462 Willard. Peterson, Berna E., kindergarten t:acher, residence 296 Harrison. Peterson Bros.—John A. and C M. Alfred—furniture and upholstering, 205 East Second. Peterson, Carl A., upholsterer, 40 Winsor, residence 18 Chapin. Peterson, Carl A., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 220 King. Peterson, Carl August, carpenter, residence 35 Peterson. Peterson, Carl M. (Catherine), retired, residence 2 Charles. Peterson, Carl O. (Lottie), foreman, 101 Harrison, house 780 East Second. Peterson, Carrie M., clerk, 203 Main, residence 811 do. Peterson, C. G. Simon (Matilda S.), patrolman, 7 city hall, house 13 Walnut Peterson, Charles, wood worker, residence 915 Main. Peterson, Charles, laborer, residence 407 Newton. Peterson, Charles (Anna), painter, 20 Winsor, house 56 Tower. Peterson, Charles, laborer, boards 130 Falconer. Peterson, Charles (Axeline), sawyer, house 20 Union avenue. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. PETERSON. PETERSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 327 Peterson, Charles A. (Amanda), printer, over 12 West Second, a. 475 Crescent. Peterson, Charles A., duffer, 116 East First, residence 306 Steele. Peterson, Charles C. (Ida), architect and furniture designer, h. 519 E Sixth. Peterson, Charles E. (Sarah M.), dyer, 35 Water, house 11 Peterson. Peterson, Charles E. (Augusta E., wood worker, house 130 Fairview avenue. Peterson, Charles F. (Carrie), retired, house 48 Water. Peterson, Charles F. laborer, boards 16 Jones. Peterson, Charles G. (Matilda), carpenter, house 35 Peterson. Peterson, Charles G., clerk, 100 Main, residence 16 Bowen. Peterson, Charles G. (Johannah M.), retired, house 17 Tower. Peterson, Charles H. (Lena), proprietor Casino, 22-4 East 2d, h. 444 Allen. Peterson, Charles J. (Sophia), carriage painter, house 20 Tilden avenue. Peterson, Charles J. (Anna L.), sawyer, 415 Chandler, house 57 Chapin. Peterson, Charles J. (Hulda M.), house 16 Foote avenue. Peterson, Charles M. (Hannah), lumber shover, 818 West Eighth. Peterson, Charles M. (Sophie), janitor, 28 Main, house 11 Cowden place. Peterson, Charles O. (Ida.), laborer, house 9 Victoria avenue. Peterson, Charles O. (Christine)—Peterson & Sellstrom—207 West Third, house 12 WU-tley avenue. Peterson, Charles V. ( E m m a M.), mill hand 51 Winsor, house 324 Willard. Peterson, Charles W . (Christine F.), laborer, house 18 Chapin. Peterson, Christine, widow Anders, house 303 Crescent. Peterson, Christine, widow John, residence 1275 Main. Peterson, Clara, domestic, W . C. A. hospital, residence 145% Allen. Peterson, Clarence J., bottler, 7 Harrison, rooms Smith block. Peterson, C. M. Alfred (Amelia A.)—Peterson Bros.—205 East Second, house 41 Chapin. Peterson, Conrad, (Mattie) Mason, house 833 Spring. Peterson, Conrad, painter, boards 530 Winsor. Peterson, Conrad C , laborer, boards 254 Willard. Peterson, Daniel, president Jamestown Sliding Blind Co., 28 Briggs, residence 172 Allen. Peterson, David A., laborer, residence 475 Willard. Peterson, Edna, domestic, 807 Spring. Peterson, Edward, (Jennie) steam dyer, rear 18 Main, house over 17 Steele. Peterson, Edward, wood worker, 512% Prendergast avenue. Peterson, Edward A. (Kittie S.) clerk, 208 Main, h. 342 East Fifth. Peterson, Edward G.,finisher,318 Cherry, residence 20 Tilden avenue. Peterson, Edwin A., weaver, 116 East First, residence 79 Vega. Peterson, Edwin, lounge maker, boards 219 Prospect. Peterson, Elenora, widow Peter A., house 132 Prospect. Peterson, Elizabeth, domestic, 60 Broadhead avenue. Peterson, Ella A., residence 440 Maple. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies H e a d q u a r t e r s forFCJ?^RPngHstssa!nd 3 3 , P R O U D F I T S . PETERSON. 328 PETERSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Peterson, Ellen M., clerk, 26 Main, residence 224 Baker. Peterson, Ellen, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 296 do. Peterson, Elmer J., printer, over 204 Main, residence 35 Peterson. Peterson, Elvira A., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 18 Chapin. Peterson, Emil, carpenter, boards 15 Cowden place. Peterson, Emil (Mary) cutter, house 144 Warren. Peterson, Emil E. (Aleda) tailor, 1 Main, house 400 Barrett. Peterson, Emil F. (Augusta) grocer, N e w Broadhead block, 105 South Main, house 151 Prospect. Peterson, E m m a , widow Charles, house 130 Falconer. Peterson, Eric (Alma) veneerer, house 529 Allen. Peterson, Esther M., spinner 58 Center, residence 13 Victoria avenue. Peterson, Even A., chair maker, residence 504 Willard. Peterson, Florence, student, residence 519 East Sixth|. Peterson, Florence H., spinner 335 Harrison, residence 79 Vega. Peterson, Florence J. C , dressmaker, residence 462 Willard. Peterson, F. Oscar (Mary L.) druggist, 700 East Second, house 63 Chapin. Peterson, Frank, apprentice, 7 West First, residence 915 Main. Peterson, Frank W., painter, residence 121 Cross. v Peterson, Frederick R. (Edith S.) atty. at law, over 201 Main,h.l05 Chandler. Peterson, George B. (A. Amelia) Jamestown Veneer works, 46 Steele, house 817 Main. Peterson, Gust (Minnie) wood worker, house 12 Crown. Peterson, Gust (Hilda) laborer, house 86 Eagle. Peterson, Gust, laborer, residence 23 Lake. Peterson, Gust E. (Minnie) dyer, 335 Harrison, house 50 Water. Peterson, Gustafva C , widow Andrew P., house 504 Willard, Peterson, Guy M., publisher, residence 13 Cross. Peterson, Hannah, weaver, residence 2 Charles. Peterson, Hans K. (Caroline) cabinet maker, house 25 West Ninth. Peterson, Helga, weaver, residence 44 Jones. , Peterson, Henry, clerk, 134 Fairmount avenue, residence 818 West Eighth. Peterson, Plilda, domestic, 82 Prospect. Peterson, Hulda, domestic, 5 w East Second. Peterson, Hulda E., spinner, 58 Center, residence 306 Steele. Peterson, Ida, laundress, residence 18 West Eighth. Peterson, James (Lesker) stationary engineer, house 42 West Ninth. " Peterson, James C. (Nette A.)—A. J. Peterson & Son, 208 Main, house 105 East Eighth. Peterson, Jennie, widow Andrew, house 145% Allen. Peterson, Jennie, aristotype worker, residence 14 Park. Peterson, Jennie M „ wido-.v Joseph, vamper, 318 Cherry, h. over 219 Spring. Peterson, Jennie M., drawer, 335 Harrison, boards 5 Walnut. If you contemplate N e w Plumbling, consult M . J. M U R R A Y Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. PETERSON. PETERSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 329 Peterson, Joel, polisher, boards 48 Foote avenue. Peterson, Johanna, shirt maker, 212 Main, residence 6 Center. Peterson, Johanna, widow Peter, residence 132 Sampson. Peterson, John, coachman, 315 East Fourth. Peterson, John, shoemaker, residence 44 Jones. Peterson, John (Rose) dyer, house 430 Allen. Peterson, John A., foreman, 3 Ashville avenue, house 818 West Eighth. Peterson, John A., laborer, residence 5 6 Tower. Peterson, John A., carpenter, house 644 East Sixth. Peterson, John A. (Matilda) laster, 318 Cherry, house 13 Victoria avenue. Peterson, John A. (Sarah A.) upholsterer, 25 Shearman pi., house 22 Chapin. Peterson, John A. (Hilda) laborer, house 246 Bowen. Peterson, John A.—Peterson Bros., 205 East Second—residence 57 Chapin. Peterson, John A., foreman 13 Ashville ave., bds. 15 E. 2d, rms, Smith blk. Peterson, John F. (Augusta) house 14 6 Prospect. Peterson, John F. .turner, residence 20 8 Forest avenue. Peterson, John F. (Ingra) retired, house 22 Eagle. Peterson, John G. (Rega) laborer, house 19 Tew. Peterson, John O., cigarmaker, 7 West First, residence 915 Main. Peterson, John O. L., upholsterer, 37 Taylor, residence 17 Tower. Peterson, John P. (Mary C ) carpenter, house 475 Willard. Peterson, John T., clerk, 208 Main, residence 168 Chandler. Peterson, John W., clerk, 14 South Main, residence 230 Forest avenue. Peterson, John W . (Linda) carpenter, house 25 Myrtle. Peterson, Josephine A., widow Charles, house 230 Forest avenue. Peterson, Julia A., operative, 116 East First, residence 56 rower. Peterson, Juliana, shoemaker, residence 14 Park. Peterson, Karl (Johanna S.) machinist, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 40 Kinney. Peterson, Leonard (Matilda N.), tailor, 3 N e w Gifford blk., h. 234 Barrows. Peterson, Linnea, domestic, 155 Forest avenue, residence 19 Columbia ave. Peterson, Lotta, widow Peter, residence 20 Tilden avenue. Peterson, Louis (Tillie) street car conductor, residence 409 Newland avenue. Peterson, Louis A., upholsterer, 25 Shearman place, residence 57 Chapin. Peterson, Louisa, widow Peter, house 512% Prendergast avenue. Peterson, Louisa, widow Samuel, house 10 Jones. Peterson, Louise, widow Charles, house 4 Williams. Peterson, Mabel, student residence 13 Cross. Peterson, Mabel W., music teacher, residence, 108 Lincoln. Peterson, Manders, C. A., comber, 116 East First, residence 306 Steele. Peterson, Magnus (Lottie) carpenter, house 280 Broadhead avenue. Peterson, Martin (Christina) stone mason, house 917 Main. Peterson, Martin, cutter, 118 East Third, house Walnut grove, South Main. Peterson, Mary, widow Charles house 14 Park. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies Y o u r M o n e y ' s W o r t h mon^back at P R O U D F I T S . PETERSON. PETERSON. 330 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Peterson, Mary, widow Niles, house 6 Center. Peterson, Mary, widow Peter, residence 119 Westcott. Peterson, Mary, widow, Samuel, residence 15 Whitley avenue. Peterson, Matilda L., widow August P., residence 56 Tower. Peterson, Matilda, widow Theodore, house 13 Cross. Peterson, Matina, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 6 Center. Peterson, M. Genevieve, musician, residence 168 Chandler. Peterson, Minnie, widow Rudolph, rooms 710 Lafayette. Peterson, Nellie M. student, residence 20 Tilden avenue. Peterson, Nels J. (Christine L.) laborer, house 220 King. Peterson, Nels (Dorothea) stone mason, residence 915 Main. Peterson, Olif, laborer, boards 226 Crescent. Peterson, Oscar, laborer, boards 307 Winsor. Peterson, Oscar, comber, 335 Harrison, boards 5 Walnut. Peterson, Oscar (Hilma S.) blacksmith, 5 Race, house 37 Hazzard. Peterson, Oscar, gardener, 500 Pine. Peterson, Oscar, shipping clerk 25 Shearman pi., residence 440 Maple. Peterson, Oscar (Ann) stationary fireman, house 102 Williams. Peterson, Oscar A. (Anna) spring setter, house 37 Broadhead avenue. Peterson, Oscar L. (Ruth) shoemaker, residence 837 Newland avenue. Peterson, Otto (Ida) dyer, house 275 Prospect. Peterson, Otto (Ida) laborer, residence over 13 Cross. Peterson, Otto, laborer, house 463 Willard. Peterson, Otto (Helen) retired house 296 Harrison. Peterson, Otto, laobrer, boards over 8 Cheney. Peterson, Otto (Augusta) prop. East Jamestown house, house -21 Cross. Peterson, Otto H. (Lizzie B.) head firer 13 Taylor, house 847 Prendergast ave. Peterson, Otto M., packer, 40 Winsor, residence 17 Tower. Peterson, Otto S. (Anna C ) machinist, house 65 Benson. Peterson, Otto W . (Christine) laborer,73 Tower. Peterson, Peter (Mary) aristotype worker, house 138 Park. Peterson, Peter (Jennie) case maker, house 19 Columbia avenue. Peterson, Peter, Marie, laborer, house 11 Camp. Peterson Peter A. (Charlotte) carpenter, house 56 Vega. Peterson, Porter, driver, residence 10 Jones. Peterson, Rainey, spring setter, residence 818 West Eighth. Peterson, Robert (Anna) painter, house 530 Winsor. Peterson, Rosa, aristotype worker, residence 10 Jones. Peterson, Rose, clerk, 203 Main, residence 16 Bowen. Peterson, Sagrid E., residence 16 Foote avenue. Peterson, Sarah, widow John, residence 22 Hall avenue. Peterson, Sel.ma A., operative, 116 East First, residence 27 Kinney. Peterson, Selma M., spinner, 38 Center, residence 9 Victoria avenue. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, p ^ i V W ^ M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . PETERSON. PHILLIPS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 331 Peterson, Selma T., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 17 Tower. Peterson, Seth R., bartender, residence 230 Forest avenue. Peterson, Signa C , operative, 335 Harrison, residence 56 Vega. Peterson, Simmons, retired, residence 714 Washington. Peterson, Vernie, upholsterer, residence 12 Crown. Peterson, Victor (Augusta) house 536 Allen. Peterson, Victor (Christine C ) , dyer. 335 Harrison, house 27 Kinney. Peterson, Victor (EVa) mill hand, house 367 Foote avenue. Peterson, William (Celia) carpenter, house over 27 Derby. Peterson, William, messenger, 19 West Third, residence 11 Cowden park. Peterson, William M. (Julia A.) blacksmith, house 405 Fenton. Peterson, William 0. (Dora) clerk, 102 Main, house 12 Waterman. Peterson, William S. (Mattie L.) clerk, 29 Main, residence 8 Bowen. Peterson & Johnson—Alfred I. Peterson and Charles A. Johnson, meat market—710 Main. Peterson & Sellstrom—Charles O. Peterson and George W . Sellstrom—meat market, 207 West Third. Peterson, see also Pederson. Petyt, John J. (Helen) foreman, 335 Harrison, house 42 Barrows. Pew, Charles H — Salisbury & Pew—111 E. Third rms. 913 Prendergast ave. Pew, Emeline, widow John M., hous6 10 Beulah place. Pharo, Allen R. (Anna) advertiser, residence 310 East Sixth. Phelps, Clyde W., printer, over 204 Main, residence 8 Axtel. Phelps, George M. (May M.) retired, house 40 Prospect. Phelps, George N. (Arvilla) stationary engineer, house 8 Axtel. Phelps, Robert PL, student, house 40 Prospect. Phillips, Aaron J. (Aurelia) retired, residence 111 Allen. Phillips, Alvin (Olive) retired, house 109 Forest avenue. Phillips, Anna E., weaver, residence 145 Allen. Phillips, Brewer D. (Ida M.) cashier Chaut. County Trust Co., house 509 Washington. Phillips, Carl, plumber, 12 West Third, hoards 14 South Main. Phillips, Carrie I., domestic, 102 West Seventh. Phillips, Cassius M. (Mary K.) bowling alleys, 18 South Main, house 310 Pine. Phillips, Corydon J. (Lephie) physician and surgeon, over 12 East Second, house 195 Forest avenue. ^Phillips, Glenn P. (Birdie Fisher)—Phillips & Brown—214 East Second, house 312 Crossman. Phillips, Emmett A. (Estell M.) engineer, house 50 Prospect avenue. Phillips, Harry P., crayon works, residence 308 Warren. Phillips, H. Leanda, widow Niram, residence 123 South Main. ' Phillips, Hurley L.—Jamestown Lounge Co.— 38 Winsor, h. 352 East Fourth. Phillips, Jane, widow George, house 145 Allen. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools Be sure ^^eTiSdbKoS? Clothing at PROUDFITS. PHILLIPS. PIERSON. 332 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Phillips, Jay A. (Anna) bartender, 18 South Main, residence Hazeltine ave. Phillips, LeGrande A. (Jennie) driver, house 109 Forest. Phillips, Marvin F. (Florence) teamster, house 308 Warren. Phillips, Mary A., widow, Delevan D., house 22 Champlin. Phillips, Melda C , prin. Keister's Lady's Tailoring rm., 52 Gokey building, house Celoron. Phillips, Milton E. ( E m m a ) carpenter, 806 West Eighth, h. 146 Stewart ave. Phillips, Milton L. (Mary L.)—Scott & Philips, 17 Steele—h. over 703 Main. Phillips, Ralph M., crayon works, residence 308 Warren. Phillips, Ross S., crayon worker, residence 308 Warren. Phillips & Brown—Glenn P. Phillips and Harold L. F. Brown—druggists, 214 East Second. Philo, Stewart W . (Clara) 'grocer, 16 Ashville avenue, house 10 Hall ave. Philo, William B. (Blanche S.) bill clerk, 75 Steele, house 10 Hall avenue. Phoenix, Adelia, Mrs., house 25 Walnut. Pickard, A. C. & R. F.—Alonzo C. and Ray F — attys. at law, 11-14 city hall. Pickard, Allen (Myra E.) laborer, house 15 Crossman. Pickard, Alonzo C — A . C. & R. F. Pickard, 1 1 % city hall—h. 1037 E. Second. Pickard, Clare A. (Rachael G.) atty. at law, rm. 3 Ellicott bldg., h. 331 E. 3d. Pickard.Jay H. (Pearl D.) prop. Jamestown Com. gallery, 320 Harrison, house 12 Crossman. Pickard, Joe (Mary) foreman picking department, 116 E. 1st, h. 45 Water. Pickard, Fern, musiciat, residence 614 Spring. Pickard, Minnie L., widow Adam, boarding house over 8 West Third. Pickard, Ray F. (Blanche L . — A . C. & R . F. Pickard—14 city hall, residence 614 Spring. Pickard, Richard D. (Mary B.) photographer 320 Harrison, h. 15 Crossman. Pickard, Rose F., Mrs. house 614 Spring. Pickett, Fayette H. (Eliza) butter buyer, house 533 East Fifth. Pickett, Fay W . (Daisy A.) carpenter, house 408 Winsor. Pier, Clara L., bookkeeper 24 Main, boards 9 Price. Pier, Levi L., metal polisher, house 201 East First. Pierce, Charles M., residence 169 Warren. Pierce, Ernest (Belle M.) music teacher 55 Steele, house 55 do. Pierce, Harry A„ music teacher 55 Steele, residence do. Pierce, Jennie M., widow Victor H., sorter, house 59 Steele. Pierce, Jennie V., widow Calvin, houseover 111 East Third. Pierce, John, painter, residence 59 Steele. Pierce, Lucetta J., widow Addison, house 169 Warren. Pierce, May A., residence 55 Steele. Pierce, Thomas J. (Carrie S.) loom fixer 35 Water, house 603 East Seventh. Pierce, see also Peirce. Pierson, William, sawmaker 11 East First, boards 15 Prospect avenue. Pierson, see also Pearson. Some of the most extensive "X^i^e've M. T. MURRAY The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E PIHLBLAD. CO. PORTS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 333 Pihlblad, William C (Anna) laborer, house 7 Orchard. Pike, Harrison (Annis C.) retired, house 29 Mechanic. Pike, Jennie. Mrs., nurse, house 116 McDannell avenue. Pike, William (Sadie) teamster, house 301 Winsor. Pillsbury, Guy C. (Lona A.) laborer, house 131 Harrison. Pillsbury, Lewis A. (Annette) barber, under S. Main, h. 212 Forest ave. Piper, Albert L. (Etta M.) manazer N. Y. & Pa. Tel. & Tel. Co. Ill East Third, house 310 West Second. Pitts, George B.—Clark Hardware Co—109 Main, residence 201 East Sixth. Pitts, Lucy E., widow John W., residence 201 East Sixth. Pitts, William B. (Minnie) clerk 203 Main, house 20 Thirteenth. Platner, Sarah E.', widow i_,uther H., house 2 1 % rear Crescent. Plumbing Inspector John F. Smith, room 10 city hall. Polder, Agnes V., stenographer Straight Mfg. Co., residence 20 West Seventh. Polder, Stella J., bookkeeper 20 East Third, rooms 20 West Seventh. Pole, Joseph, carpenter, house 316 Warren. Polhemus, Albert (Lizzie) clerk, house 218 Weeks. Police Headquarters basement city hall, East Third. Police Justice Abner Hazeltine, room 6 city hall. Pollard, Rhodes, weaver 116 East First, residence 116 Harrison. Pollard, Smith (Eliza) dyer 116 East First, house 451 West Second. Pollard, Uriah (Sarah) loom fixer 116 East First, house 116 Harrison. Polley, Clayton, glass cutter 518 East Sixth, residence 213 Lincoln. Polley, Ella, Mrs. canvasser, house 213 Lincoln. Polley, Jessie B., teacher, residence 213 Lincoln. Polstan, Andrew, driver, boards 19 Barrett. Pond, Charles A. (Matilda A.)finisher,house over 222 Barrows. Poole, Arthur J., warp dresser 335 Harrison, residence 104 Barrows. Poole, Maud A., warper, 335 Harrison, residence 104 Barrows. Popleton, Alice, domestic, 101 Cherry. Popple, William M., tailor 104 East Third, boards 301 Lincoln. Porter, Anna, Mrs., spinner, residence 412 Allen. Porter, Elmer E. (Myra) laborer, house 4 Flagg avenue. Porter, Elvira L., Mrs., dressmaker room 21 over 9 West Second. Porter, Flora H., widow Samuel M., residence 315 West Fifth. Porter, Hattie M., stenographer, residence 19 West Seventh. Porter, Hubert E. V. (Grace E.) principal Jamestown Business College, Gokey building, house 19 West Seventh. Porter, Isaac E., cigarmaker, house 329 Warren. Porter, Mattie A., residence 11 Webster. Porter, Nellie M., paper box maker, residence 329 Warren. Porter, William F. (Amanda) laborer, house 307 Allen. Ports, A d a m (May) contractor, house 111 Crossman. Ports, Stella May, teacher, residence 111 Crossman. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery B o y s ' Clothing, Largtehe cit°yck in at PROUDFITS. POST. POWERS. 334 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Post, Daniel H. (Evelyn N.)—Jamestown Bedstead Co.—30 Steele, house 500 Pine. Post, Eugene A. (Sarah A.) carpenter, house 20 Crosby. Post, G. Allene, clerk 13 West Third, residence 20 Crosby. Post, Jerome (Lyda) laborer, house 378 Foote avenue. Post, Katherine, .musician, residence 209 Prendergast avenuePost, Ora, cloth inspector 335 Harrison, residence 278 Foote avenue. Post, Ruggles E. (Cornelia)—Post & Falconer—office 5-6 Allen square bldg., 119 Main, house 516 East Fifth. Post, Truman H. (Sophronia) carpenter, house 209 Prendergast avenue. Post & Falconer—Ruggles E. Post and Frank M. Falconer—fire insurance, 56 Allen square building, 119 Main. Postal Telegraph & Cable Co., office 19 West Third, J. W . Weed, manager. Potter, Carrie E., Mrs. dressmaker, 6 Institute, residence do. Potter, George T., messenger 301 Main, residence 106 East Eighth. Potter, George W . (Bertha B.) attorney at law, house 106 East Eighth. Potter, Mark M., student, residence 106 East Eighth. Potter, Mary, residence 1034 Main. Potter, Rodney L. (Catherine) drayman, residence 1034 Main. Potter, Rodney L., Jr., drayman, residence 1034 Main. Potter, Stephen (Carrie E.) retired, house 6 Institute. Potter, Willard L. (Lida Olson) bricklayer, house 3 Rowley place. Potwin, Minnie, teacher, rooms 10 Chandler. Poulson, Carl (Christine) polisher, 101 Harrison, house 788 East Second. Pount, Carrie, widow Charles, house 3 3 % Rathbone. Potmt, Julia, weaver 116 East First, residence 3 3 % Rathbone. Pount, Henry, dyer 116 East First, residence 3 3 % Rathbone. Powell, Fred T., supt American Axe & Tool Co., 13 Taylor, residence 32 New Gifford building. Powell, Minerva T., widow Isaac S., house 32 N e w Gifford building. Powers, Alton C. (Nellie) elevator man, house 105 Fairview avenue. Powers, Joseph, clerk 221 Main, boards 40 Fairmount avenue. Powers, Lorenzo D. (Mary J.) undertaker 332 East Third, house do. U n d e r t a k e r , F u n e r a l Director. L « j l / • a. \ J V T J M * * ^ * Professional E m b a l m e r . Office and Resideoice, 3 3 2 East Third Street. Telephone 993. Best Service and Lowest Prices Guaranteed. Lady Assistant when Desired. Powers, Louis M. (Almeda M.) driver 13 East Second, house 120 Lincoln. Powers, Mary, residence 151 East Ninth. Powers, Merl D., clerk 18 East Third, rooms 204 Lake View avenue. Powers, Ora L., student, residence 332 East Third. Hot Water Heating, It"^^.^^ M. J. MURRAY Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A . D. S H A R P E C O . PRATHER. PRICE. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 335 Prather, Abraham S. (Martha F.) vice president Chautauqua National Building, Loan and Savings Ass'n, over 101 E. 3d, h. 863 rTendergast ave. •'Prather, John H. (Margaret M.) sec'y Chautauqua National Building, Loan and Savings Ass'n, over 101 E. Third, house 356 East Fourth. Pratt, Burton R. (Rosadel) buter and cheese, 217 Cherry, h. 714 Washington. Pratt, Charles D. (Norah) architect, house 921 Newland avenue. Pratt, Clayton E., veneer buyer, residence 817 Main. Pratt, Joel W . (Helen S.) farmer, house 31 Euclid avenue. Pratt John S. (Dora L.) loomfixer116 East First, house 13 South Thayer. Pratt, Kathryn A., dresmaker 180 East Buffalo, residence do. Pratt, Mary, sorter A m . Aristo works, residence ISO East Buffalo. Pratt, Richard (Mary) farmer, house 180 East Buffalo. Pratt, Thomas (Frances) bricklayer, house 230 East Buffalo. Pratt, William A., Rev., pastor Unitarian church corner Second and Chandler, boards 116 East Fourth. , Pratt, William M. (Celia) street car conductor, residence 180 East Buffalo. Prendergast block, 301-309 Main. Prendergast Library, West Fifth, Cherry, West Sixth and Washington. Preston, Charles J., laborer, residence 776 East Second. Preston, Field & Mackey—Jerome Preston, Frank B. Field and Edward M. Mackey—Chautauqua Towel Mills, 206 Steele, corner Sprague. Preston, George (Martha T.) nightwatchman 3 Ashville ave., house 776 E. 2d. Preston, Jerome (Hannah)—Chautauqua Towel- Mills—206 Steele, corner Sprague, house 203 East Fourth. Preston, R. Bertha, residence 203 East Fourth. Prescott, Robert A. (Henrietta) com. traveler, house 824 Prendergast ave. Price, Addison S. (Cynthia A.) retired, house 204 Lake View avenue. Price, Albert S., student, residence 310 Lake View avenue. Price, Anna M., residence 225 Crosby. Price, Bertha I., milliner 321 Main, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Price, Carrie R., student, residence 801 Main. Price, Charles H. (Mary) oil producer, residence 310 Lake View avenue. Price, Chestom A., clerk 211 East Second, residence 907 Prendergast avenue. - Price, Clara Helen, teacher, residence 907 Prendergast avenue. Price, Clayton E. (Mary) clerk 109 Main, house 801 do. Price, Edwin, laborer, house 135 Warren. Price, Ernest V., student, residence 310 Lake View avenue. Price, Fred A. (Emily A.) carpenter, house 135 East Ninth. Price, Harry W., driver 103 Main, residence 907 Prendergast avenue. Price, Hattie E., Mrs., house 907 Prendergast avenue. Price Henry C. (Flornece A.) retired, house 225 East Eighth. Price, James H. (Lillian A.) real estate, house 225 Crosby. Price, John C , residence 907 Prendergast avenue. CI ADk" HAPHWADP CCt "sents for STRANSKY KNAMKLBD V/U,rVI\I\. linr\.U»Tni^U V^V7., WAKE. Every Piece WAEKAMKU M e n ' s All-wool Suits, $ 5 to $ 2 0 , P R O U D F I T S . PRICE. PUTNAM. 336 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Price, John F., butcher 16 East Second, boards City hotel. Price, Josephine A., residence 225 East Eighth. Price, Lena H., widow Benjamin M., house 41 Grant, Price, Lillian A., stenographer, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Price, Lottie A., residence 225 East Eighth. Price, Louise Osborn, residence 601 Main. Price, Olive L., residence 225 Crosby. Price, Orsell C , student, residence 225 East Eighth. \/Price, Oscar F. (Elizabeth Osborn) real estate, house 601 Main. Price, Silas C , carpenter, residence 225 Crosby. Price, Thomas, stone mason, boards 122 East Second. Price, Tracy K. (Laura M.) printer, house under 564 East Second. Price, W . Gaylord, machinist, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Price, Wiliam H., student, residence 41 Grant. Price, Willis G., J. P. Celoron, house Ashville avenue (Celoron). Price, Wilson A. (Amy E.) retired, house 310 Lake View avenue. Price, Wilson C . student, residence 310 Lake View avenue. Priestly, John, warp twister, boards 440 Allen. Prince, John (Annie) meat market 72 Foote avenue, house 114 Harrison. Proctor, Ben (Elizabeth) stone cutter, house 859 Spring. Prosser, David W . (Laura L.) com. traveler, house 9 East Ninth. Prosser, Jefferson W . (Sarah E.) retired, house 100 Barrows. Prosser, Louis W . (Alice) carver, 46 Taylor, house 13 Weeks. v Proudfit, William H. (Ellen) clothier, and merchant tailor, 206 Main (33), house 213 East Fourth. Provancha, Alexander, plumber 211 East Third, residence 21 Rathbone. Provancha, Mary, Mrs. residence 21 Rathbone. Provancha, Wiliam, farmer, house 175 Livingston avenue. ""Prudden, Byron E. (Jennie) photographer, house 252 Prospect. Prudden, Lulu E., clerk 26 Main, residence 25i Prospect. Prudden, Jennette F., artist, residence 626 West Fifth. Prudential Life Insurance Co., room; 5 N e w Gifford bldg, F. E. LaJhey supt. Pryde, Dallas F., residence 122 Cross. Pryde, Daniel (Ellen), laborer, house 122 Cross. Pryde, Maud M., twister, 335 Harrison, residence 122 Cross. Pugh, Joseph (Hattie), tinner, house over 1027 Main. --Pulver, Guy L. (Myra), letter carrier, house 807 Main. Pulver, Susie n., widow Jacob B., hou-e 1-4 Kent. Purdy, Carl S. v Flora M.), c'erk, 10 West Third, house 319 Lincoln. Purdy, Charles M. (Ella M.), commercial traveler, house 107 Lincoln. Purdy, William G. (L. Maude), commercial trave'er, house 147 East Ninth. Putnam, Davis O. (Flora A.), drayman, house 115 West Eighth. '- Putnam, Edgar P. (Mary Eppie), house 347 East Fourth. Putnam, Ednah P., residence 347 East Fourth. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets P"V" M. J. MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. PUTNAM. RAISTRICK. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 337 Putnam, George F. (Estelle), stationary engineer, house 812 Jefferson. Putnam, Glenchor, widow Frank, house 301 Forest. Putnam, Horace A. (Laura P.), hackman, house 229 Crosby. Putnam, Jay R., cook, 15 East Second, rooms Jones block. Putnam, Lewis A.,florist,residence 115 West Eighth. Putnam, Murvin A. (Hattie A.), meat cutter, 710 Main, house 815 Jefferson. Putnam, W . Crandall, messenger, 301 Main, residence 115 West Eighth. Q Quackenbush, Addison M., laborer, residence 32 Victoria avenue. Quackenbush, George, porter, Hotel Everett. Quarnstrom, Sophia, domestic, 1009 East Second. Quiding, Herman (Ida G.), agent Swedish-American papers, h. 292 Willard. Quigley, Honora, widow Andrew, house 14 Crosby. Quigley, Jennie, residence 14 Crosby. Quigley, Mary, domestic, 400 East Sixth. Quigley, Mary J., residence 14 Crosby. Quinlan, Dennis (Elizabeth), farmer, house 760 Foote avenue. Quinlan, James M. (Myra L.), barber shop, 322 Main, house 100 East Eighth. Quinlan, Sarah, weaver, boards 752 East Second. Quinlevan, Margaret, weaver 116 East First, house over 222 do. Quirk, Kate, clerk, 205 Main, residence 1259 do. Quirk, Mayme, clerk, 205 Main, residence 1259 do. Quirk, William (Mary), mason, house 1259 Main. Quist, Carl E., printer, residence 39 Oak. Quist, Charles F. (Selma), wool sorter, 116 East First, house 28 Peach. Quist, Charles J. (Augusta), stone mason, house 39 Oak. Quist, Oscar, polisher, boards 133 Prospect. R Radley, Benjamin (Anna), dyer, 116 East First, house 248 Harrison. Radley, James, spinning fsreman, 335 Harrison, residence 248 do. Ragnar, Gust (Hilvid), ax maker, house 1009 Newland avenue. Rahn, John A. (Mary O.), laborer, house 42 Eagle. Rarche, Nicholas, retired, boards 312 Pine. Rainey, Margret, domestic, 20 West Fourth, residence 28 Institute. Rainey, Walter (Mary D.), retired, house 28 Institute. Rainey, William, upholsterer, 516 West Fourth, residence 28 Institute. Raistrick, Edwin (Sarah), weaver, 335 Harrison, house 212 Chandler. Raistrick, James W., warp twister, 116 East First, residence 212 Chandler. Raistrick, John (Emily), warp dresser, house 36 Barrett. Raistrick, Thomas, retired, residence 36 Barrett. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools LSrdeYyfourr F i n e C u s t o m C l o t h i n g at P R O U D F I T S RAISTRICK. RAWSON. 338 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Raistrick, William, comber, residence 36 Barrett. Ralph, Joseph (Harriet), teamster, house 243 Marvin. Ralph, Karl R., student, residence 243 Marvin. Ramlon, Carl, cigar maker, over 14 Main, boards 14 South Main. Ramsdell, Dorothy, residence 428 East Sixth. Ramsdell, Ellen C , widow David, house 428 East Sixth. Ramsey, Charles C. (Maggie), sawyer, house 1615 Main. Ramsey, Charles N. (Byrd K.), general secretary, Y. M. C. A. bldg, corner East Second and Prendergast avenue, house 13 Fulton. Ramsey, E. Lynn (Lula), packer, 24 Main, house 103 Broadhead avenue. Ramsey, Loyal Y. (Grace P.) traveling salesman, residence 331 East Second. Ramsley, James (Clora),filler,house 80 Hazzard. Randall, Elizabeth M „ residence 61 Rathbone. ' Randall, Frank M., janitor, Prendergast library, house 31 Hazzard. Randall, Helece, Journal, 14-16 West Second, residence 61 Rathbone. Randall, Jane, widow Edward, house 15 Kidder. Randall, Mary A., residence 31 Hazzard. Randall, Mynetta A., milliner, 13 Main, residence 61 Rathbone. Randall, William E. (Nellie), stationary engineer, house 321 Warren. Randolph, Belle, waitress, Hotel Everett. Randolph, John H. (Josie A.), machinist, house 741 East Second. Rang, Augusta, domestic, 409 Main. Rang, Axel, laborer, boards 13 Prospect avenue. Ransom, Franklin S., laborer, boards 17 West Fourth. Ransom, Marion, residence 403 Main. Ransom, Mary E., widow John G., dressmaker, over 203 West Third, h. do. Ransom, Nelson F. (Rose), stat engineer, 31 Cherry, house 17 West Fourth. Ranson, Willard S., clerk, 8 South Main, boards do. Rapp, John A. (Pauline), clerk, 216 Main, house 26 West Eighth. Rapp, Manley, electrician, boards 215 Barrows. Rapp, Senv J. (Eva K.), shoemaker, 47 Winsor, house 211 Barrows. Rappole, Aldro J., draughtsman 95 J & G. avenue, residence 14 West Ninth. Rappole, Benjamin F. (Rowina) house 208 West Eighth. Rappole, DeForest E. (Dora), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 86 Marvin. Rappole, Henry (Selina), inspector, house 241 Fulton. Rappole, James A. (Annetta G.), printer, house 14 West Ninth. Rappole, Jessie, marker, 318 Cherry, residence 86 Marvin. Rask, August W . (Matilda), brick maker, house under 760 East Second. Rasmussen, Lucy, chamber maid, 113 West Third. Ratcliffe, Jonathan (Elizabeth), spinning foreman, 116 E. First, h. 26 Maple. Raulston, Mary, Mrs. charwoman, residence 9 Cleveland place. Rausseau, Joseph (Sarah E.) polisher, 109 Pennsylvania avenue. Rawlings, John F. (Susie S.), meter repairer, 100 Institute, h. 520 FOote ave. Rawson, Charles H. (Franie), painter, residence 304 Prendergast avenue. ° Rawson, Clark H. (Minnie W . ) , dentist, 1-2 Allen square building, 119 Main, house 701 East Second. M. J. MURRAY. First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. RAWSON. REINBERG. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 339 Rawson, Fred H., bicycle repairer, boards 312 Pine. Rawson, John B. (Ellen R.), dentist, rooms 1-2 119 Main house 416 West 3d. Ray, Eliza widow John, residence 355 Baker. Raymond, Clema M., ironer, 32 Steele, residence 30 Foote avenue. Raynor, Nina, Mrs., weaver, rooms 304 West Third. Read, Austin T., clerk, 203 Main, house (Lakewood.) Read, see also Reed and Reid. Reader, George W . (Marion), barber shop, 2 West Second, house section 2 the Frederick. Reader, Philip M. (Henrietta), rubber, 101 Harrison, residence 24 Dickerson. Reader, see also Reeder. Reardon, Dennis (Ellen), retired, hous313 Steele. Reardon, Edmond D., laborer, residence 313 Steele. Reardon, Grace E., bookkeeper, 18 East Third, boards 1061 East Second. Reardon, Margaret, domestic, residence 313 Steele. Reardon, Mary, domestic, residence 313 Steele. Rearick, Henry D. (Elizabeth), oil dealer, house 156 Allen. Reberg, Charles (Hulda), painter, house 103 Willard. Reddington, Delia, Mrs., house 606 Cherry. Reed, Alma, V. D., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 16 Cedar avenue. Reed, Andrew J. ( E m m a S.), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 16 Cedar avenue. Reed, Benjamin C. (Isabel), laborer, house 23 Alpaca. Reed, Bertha E. residence 609 East Seventh. Reed, Bessie B., residence 609 609 East Seventh. Reed, Carl R., laborer, residence 609 East Seventh. Reed, Clyde (Belle), laborer, house 23 Alpaca. Reed, Frank E. (Lillian A.), plumbing, steam and gasfiting,under 212 East Second, house 18 Park. Reed, Frank R. (DeEtta F.) baker, 204 East Second, residence 210 Lincoln. Reed, Katherine, residence 15 West End. Reed, Lemuel C. (Celestia A.), undertaker, 107 East Second, house 609 E. 7th. Reed, Robert (Melissa), shipping clerk, house 23 Broadhead avenue. Reed, Sarah, widow, John, house 18 Park. Reed, see also Read and Reid. Reeder, Thomas E., roundsman, 7 city hall, house 615 Falconer. Reeder, see also Reader. Regan, Daniel, driver, residence 9 Seymour avenue. Regan, John J., upholsterer, residence 9 Seymour avenue. Regan, Margaret, widow James, house 9 Seymour avenue. Regan, Mary, seamstress, residence 9 Seymour avenue. Reid, John (Jessie N.), landscape gardener, house 12 Water. Reid, see also Read and Reed. Reinberg, August (Mary), polisher, residence 19 Park. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware and Cutlery K n o x Hats, H a w e s H a t s only at P R O U D F I T S REHN. RICE. 340 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Rehn, Alma, residence 317 Allen. Rehn, Anna, widow Elof, house 317 Allen. Rehn, John (Anna), mason, house 36 Pearl avenue. Rehn, Oscar A. (Mary A.), laborer, house 19 Chapin. Rehnberg, Albert (Sophia), laborer, house 226 Hazzard. Renberg, Adolph (Augusta C ) — A . Renberg & Co.—1 Main, house 25 Palmer. Renberg, A. & Co.—Adolph Renberg an d Agusta M. Peterson—shoe dealers, 3 Main. Renner, James, (Maude), polisher, house 4 Rowley place. Relf, George 0., student, residence 5 Church. Relf, Grace C , residence 5 Church. Relf, Orvis A. (Anna C.)„ piano dealer, house 5 Church. Reppert, Mary, residence 512 West Third. Republic Press Co. (The), printing and publishing, rooms 7-9 Hall block, 3 West Third, Chas. M. Brown,manager. Resmussen, Hans (Carrie), laborer, house 41 Tilden avenue. Resmussen, Lillie, student, residence 41 Tilden avenue. Resmussen, Nels, laborer, residence 41 Tilden avenue. Revels, Edith, student, residence over 128 Fairmount avenue Revels, Herbert J., machinist, residence over 128 Fairmount avenue. Revels, Jennie E., widow William, house over 128 Fairmount avenue. Rew, William, glass cutter, 518 East Sixth, boards 105 West Second. Rexford, Clarance L. (Jennie A.), commercial traveler, h. over 105 S. Main. Rexford, Josephine, widow Aaron W., residence over 105 South Main. Reynolds, Addison E. (Mayme), weaver 35 Harrison, house under 790 E. 2d. Reynolds, Axel (Catharine E.), machinist, house 303 Crescent. Reynolds, Harvey F. (Ellen c ) , retired, house 209 Forest avenue. Reynolds, Edward F. (Carrie), pilot, house Jones and Gifford avenue. Reynolds, William R. (Helen B.), bookkeeper, 116 E. First, house 308 W . 5th. Rhinemiller, Ruth B., widow Joseph, clerk, 30 South Main, res. 118 Palmer. Rhoda, Mary, widow Oscar, house 26 Elm. Rhodes, Bertha L., clerk, 204 Main, residence 247 Marvin. Rhodes, Fred L. (Minnie E.), contractor and builder, house 247 Marvin. Rhodes, James—Supt—216 East Second, boards 117 Forest. Rhodes, Lester E., hostler, 20 Filmore, rooms do. Riblom, Nels (Anna C ) , laborer, house 82 Hedges avenue. Rice, Adelbert (Ella), lumber shover, house 212 Fores* ive^utv Rice, Alice M., residence 26 Derby. Rice, Alvin B. (Helen M.), physician and surgeon, over 2 East Second, house 117 Fairmount avenue. Rice, Bertha E., residence 26 Derby. Rice, Clarance M. (Annie), contractor, house 206 Fulton. Rice, Edith S., music teacher, residence 26 Derby. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, £rutai7n°'XlVlj M. J. MURRAY The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. RICE. ROARK. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 341 Rice, Emma, widow Bert, house 715 Murray avenue. i Rice, Erie H. (Ina S.), insurance agent, house 428 Hallock. Rice, Edward, hostler, 113 West Third. Rice, Edward, machinist, E. & P. Co., Ashville avenue, residence Howard avenue (Celoron.) Rice, Frank (Nettie H.), wood worker, house 9 Pullman. Rice, Jennie P., tailoress, residence 215 Fulton. Rice, Louisa, domestic, 29 Kent. Rice, Pearl A., residence 867 Spring. Rice, Rosette M., janitress, house 128 Harrison. Rice, Stephen L. (Alice E.), carpenter, house 26 Derby. Rice, Ulysses M., street car conductor, boards 556 West Third. Rice, Zella H., student, residence 26 Derby. Rich, Henry (Ellen), real estate, house 20 Champlin. Richards, Phoebe L., Mrs., dressmaker, house over 103 East Second. Richards, William H., residence over 103 East Seoond. v Rick, Antoinette D., residence 84 Steele. Rick, Bertha E., teacher, school 5, residence 84 Steele. Rick, John (Elizabeth B.), foreman, house 84 Steele. Rick, Julius D. F., bookkeeper, 66 Foote avenue, residence 84 Steele. Rickard, Charles (Mary), shoemaker, 628 East Second, house 617 Spring. Rickard, Edward, student, residence 617 Spring. Ricley, Charlotte, residence 842 Spring. •• Ridell, Frank R. (Susan W . ) , commercial traveler, house 405 East Fifth. Ridell, Lucy O., widow Archibald, residence 405 East Fifth. Rider, Alice, widow Orion, house Falconer, near Curtis. Ridgway, Guy E., physician and surgeon, 214 East Second, residence 18 W . 6th. Ridgway, William W . (Julia L . ) — Ridgway & Neil, 16 Main, h. 18 West Sixth. Ridgway & Neill—William W . Ridgway and Will H. Neill—dry goods, 16 Main. Riley, Alfred (Sarah A.), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 42 Foote avenue. Riley, Caroline, Mrs., house over 218 East Second. Riley, Edward M., asst, tel. inspector, 113 East 3d, res. over 218 East Second. Riley, Linna M., teacher, residence over 218 East Second. Rimph Jerome (Anna), retired, house 144 Broadhead avenue. Rimph, Montrose S., machinist, residence 144 Broadhead avenue. Ringdahl, Alma, cook 139 Forest avenue. Ringquist, Ephriam (Anna), polisher, house over 309 Barrett. Rising, Hilma, laundress, 113 West Third. Risley, George W . (Hope), musician, house 7 Partridge. Roach, Ella, residence 327 East Second. Roach, Kate, residence 10 West Fourth. Roark James (Mary), proprietor Brooklyn restaurant, 22 S. Main, house do. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Stoves, Ranges, Tinware Call u p N o . 3 3 , for Clothing a n d Furnishings ROBBINS. ROCKWELL. 342 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Robbins, Everett B., law student, 9 city hall, residence 124 Hamilton. Robbins, Mary E., widow George, residence 212 Pine. Roberts, Daisy, tel. operator, 113 East Third residence 116 Prospect. Roberts, Daniel W . (Martha J.), carpet layer, house 71 Marvin. Roberts, Daniel W., painter, 56 Blackstone avenue, residence 71 Marvin. . Roberts, Ethel F., picker 116 East First, residence 71 Marvin. Roberts, Ethel M., student, 116 Prospect. Roberts, Franklin 0., bookcanvasser, residence 13 Tower. Roberts, Gertrude P., student, residence 71 Marvin. Roberts, John E. (Ella A.),—Spt of Straight Mfg. Co.—h. 116 Prospect. Roberts, Lorenzo, painter, 56 Blackstone avenue, residence 71 Marvin. Roberts, Maria, widow Ebenezer, house 13 Tower. Roberts, Melissa B., Mrs., house 508 East Fifth. Roberts Nellie M., bookbinder, 211 Main, residence 508 East Fifth. Roberts, Sophia, widow Napoleon, residence 15 Valley. Roberts, Susan, residence 13 Tower. Roberts, Teodore M. (Mary W . ) , stock clerk, 95 Jones and Gifford avenue, house 625 Prendergast avenue. Roberts, William G. (Glennie) street conductor, house 413 Ashville avenue. Robertshaw, Elizabeth H., widow Samuel, weaver 116 East First, house 128 Harrison. Robertson, Edwin L., dentist, residence 47 Prospect. Robertson, Gladys, milliner, 318 Main, boards 221 Fulton. Robertson, John, weaver, 335 Harrison, house 110 Cheney. Robertson, John (Hannah) laborer, house under 12 Stowe. Robertson, Lionel 0., architect, N e w Allien flats, 21 West Second, residence 24 West Seventh. Robertson, Peter C. (Lena), carepnter, house 203 Warren. Robertson, Robert P. (Lotta S.), clerk, 206 Main, house 24 West Seventh. Robertson, Wiliam H. (Elvira H.), retired, house 47 Prospect. Robinson, Cordelia E., residence 835 Main. Robinson, Harry, butler, over 21 West Second, rooms do. Robinson, Harrie B., teacher, residence 511 East Seventh. Robinson, Hattie, Mrs., rooms 838 Main. Robinson, John, Rev., (Mary), pastor Free Methodist chruch, house 511 E. 7th Robinson, John W . (Frances L.), barber, Hayward house, house 491 Winsor. Robinson, Richard R. (Elizabeth E.), loomfixer,335 Harrison, h. 32 Barrows. Robinson, Sidney (Martha), night watchman, 335 Harrison, ho-use 254 do. Robinson, Alice, weaver, 116 East First, residence 131 Stowe. Robinson, Mary, weaver, 116 East First residence 131 Stowe. Rockman, Richard (Agusta), laborer, house 22 Bush. Rockwell, Fred (Susie E.)—Pearl City Laundry—19 Steele, house 27 Derby. Rockwell, Ruth, Mrs., house 28 Jones. M . J . M U R R A Y caa;£«e?tunlir' P l u m b i n g G o o d s in J a m e s t o w n Always Bay Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . ROCKWOOD. ROLLAND. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 343 Rockwood, Samuel W., residence 35 Tilden avenue. Roddy, John (Bridget), laborer, house 23 Alpaca. Rodgers, Howard (Nellie) stationary engineer, 335 Harrison, h. 713 East 2d. Rodgers, James, dyer, 335 Harrison, boards 116 Cross. Rodgers, see also Rogers. Rodney, Jay P., polisher, residence 117 Allen. Rodney, Walter H. (Cora) nickel plater, house 117 Allen. Rogers Alson A., bookkeeper, 108 East Third, rooms 413 West Third. Rogers, Dorcas M., widow Junius, residence 401 Prendergast avenue. Rogers, Edith, teacher, rooms 12 Chandler. Rogers, Frank B., student, residence 861 Main. Rogers, George E., clerk, Erie freight depot, residence 51 Charles. Rogers, Herman, millwright, 335 Harrison, rooms over 14 East Third. Rogers, Horace C. (Isabel), painter, house 20 Ashville avenue. Rogers, H u g h M . (Mary E.) dyer, 335 Harrison, house 167 Chandler. Rogers, James H (Ella V.), clerk, 31 Main, house 125 Baker. Rogers, James J. bell boy, 15 South Main residence 51 Charles. Rogers, Jessimyne, laundress, 705 Main, residence 861 do. Rogers, J. Gilbert (Sarah), horse trainer, house 861 Main. Rogers, Joseph R., clerk, residence 861 Main. Rogers, Lucy May, treasurer, residence 20 Ashville avenue. Rogers Mary E., widow Joseph E., house 51 Charles. Rogers, Rovillus R. (Celeste), superintendent schools, house 627 East Sixth. Rogers, William J. (Agnes W . ) , carpenter, house 3 East Seventh. Rogers, see also Rodgers. Rogerson, Charles H., machinist, residence 254 Prospect. Rogerson, C Robert (Mary), retired, house 124 Barrett. Rogerson, David M. (Alberta M.), contractor and builder, house 114 Barrett. Rogerson, Eldridge D., cabinet maker, residence 114 Barrett. Rogerson, Etta M., residence 254 Prospect. Rogerson, Robert (Emily), contractor and builder, 254 Prospect, house do. Rogerson, Victor C , student, residence 114 Barrett. Rohan, William H. (Lena M.) varnisher, house 417 Ashville avenue. Rohn, Carl, laborer, boards 109 Cross. Rohde, Anna, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 304 East Third. "Rohde, Claire E., teacher, residence 102 West Seventh. Rohde, Emil O. (Carrie J.) painter, 27 South Main, house 418 E. Fifth. Rohlin, Charles, mechanic, boards 16 West End. Rohlin, Oscar (Emily), tailor, house 215 Prospect. Rolland, Charles H — Rolland Bros.—56 Steele, residence do. Rolland Bros.—Henry W . anu Charles H —junk dealers, 56 Steele. Rolland, George W . (Dora J.), junk dealer, 210 Steeel, house do. Rolland, John M. (Talitha), switchman, house 11 Great Jones. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Gas Ranges, Hot Plates T w o Cutters in C u s t o m D e p t . at P R O U D F I T S ROLLAND. ROSS. 344 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Rolland, John W. (Eva A.) dealer in rags, rubber and metal, h. 56 Steele. Rolland, Henry W.—Rolland Bros.—56 Steele, residence do. Romans, John D., locomotive fireman, J. &. C. Ry, boards 214 West Eighth. Romans, Charles H. (Agnes), manager Lake View Rose gardens, Ashville avenue, house Howard avenue. Roos, John, shoemaker, 161 Prospect, house do. Root, Belle V., bookeeper, 19 Steele, boards 341 Foote avenue. Root, Margaret, widow Philander, residence 313 Prendergast avenue. Root, Mary A., widow Able, house 43 Harrison. Root, Theodore Z., journalist, house 194 Forest avenue. Rose, Albion, letterer and striper, boards 25 College. Rose, August ( E m m a ) , hard woodfinisher,100 Charles street. Rose, Carl, laborer, boards 25 College. Rose, Clarence D. (Ella A.), organist, house 637 Lake View avenue. Rose, Harry (Mary), barber, 21 Forest avenue, house 5 William. Rose, Herbert, ax maker, boards 105 West Second. Rose, Isaac F. (Mary M.)—Rose & Wicks—53 Main, house do. Rose, Warner (Hildah), driver, 2 South Main, house 16 Victoria avenue. Rose, William B., student, residence 637 Lake View avenue. Rose & Wicks—Isaac F. Rose and Effie E. W i c k s — grocers, 853 Main. Rosedahl, Martin, E m m a , dyer 335 Harrison house 133 Crescent. Rosedahl Ralph (Selma), weaver, 35 Water, house 33 Westcott. Roseberg, Jennie C , operative, 318 Cherry, residence 300 King. Roseberg. Johannah S., widow John, house 300 King. Rosenburg, Gertrude J., widow Lyman, house 133 King. Rosenberg, Joseph, mill hand, 35 Water, residence 133 King. Roselle, John S. (Flora), painter, house 236 Prospect. Roselli, Saverio (Caterino), musician, house 26 Tilden avenue. Rosencrantz, Elof (Minnie)—Elof Rosencrantz & Co.—2 South Main, house 21 Allen. Rosencrantz, Elof & Co.—Elof Rosencrantz and Carl A. Lundquist—hardware, 2 South Main. Rosencrantz Lillian, residence 21 AHpu. Rosendahl, John (Helma), laborer, house 218% Crescent. Rosendahl, Josephine, domestic, 353 East Fourth. Rosengren, August E. ( E m m a E.), meat market, 120 Willard, house 115 Hedges avenue. Rosenquist, Gustaf, laborer, boards 121 Bowen. Rosier, Robert A. (Margaret S.)—Rosier & Oser—29 Main, house 203 W . 8th. Rosier & Oser—Robert A. Rosier and Frank J. Oser—job printers, 29 Main. Ross, Benjamin F. (Georgiana), .macninist, house 811 Main. ^Ross, Clara C , teacher, residence 715 East Second. Ross, Emory A. (Anna M.), lumberman, house 715 East Second. M. J. M U R R A Y Employes Only First-class W o r k m e n Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. The A. D. S H A R P E CO. RUMMER. ROSS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 345 Ross, E. Winfield, commercial traveler, over 101 Main, residence 715 E. 2d. Ross, Harry E., clerk. Erie freight depot, boards 113 West Third. Ross, James B., residence 114 East Third. Ross Lumber Co.—Warren Ross—wholesale and retail lumber dealer, over 101 East Third. Ross, Sprague & Co., wholesale grocers, 213 West 3d, E. W . Dillingham mgr. Ross, Warner (Hilda S.), driver, house 16 Victoria avenue. Ross, Warren—Ross Lumber Co.—over 101 East Third, res. 715 East Second. Rounds, Cyril A. (Cora), laborer, house 313 Palmer. Rounds, Lillian, domestic, 834 Lafayette. Rouse, Dora, Mrs., nurse house over 212 East Second. Rouse, M. M., carpenter, boards 17 West Fourth. Rowan, Patrick J. (Ella M.), clerk, 16 West Third, house over 213 West 3d. Rowbottom, Jane, widow John, residence 7 Winsor. Rome, Clarence B., laborer, residence 118 Church. Rowe, Herbert B. (Hulda),finisher,house 118 Church. Rowe, Robert N.finisher,116 East First, rooms 15 Marvin. Rowland, George W. (Carrie J.)—Star-Palace laundry—205 West Third, house over 122 do. Rowland, Hannah M., widow Geo. W., residence 122 Lakin avenue. Rowland, Jessie, Mrs., residence 209 West Second. Rowley, Cecil G. (Mary E.), laundry, over 110 East Third, house do. Rowley, Demmon (Katie) retired, house over 705 Main. Rowley, James, hostler, 100 East Second, rooms do. Rowley, Mary E., Mrs. millinery, over 110 East Third, residence do. Rowley, Mary J., widow John, house 117 Church. Rowley, Thomas F. (Agnes P.), gents furnishings, 16 East Third, house over 100 East Fifth. Rubin, Fredreka, widow Peter M., house 40 Kinney. Ruckman, Edward A., plumber, residence 6 Morse avenue. Ruckman, Frank F., asst, shipping clerk, 105 Winsor, residence 6 Morse ave. Ruckman, Frank O. (Alma S.), house 719 East Second. Ruckman, John M. (Ettah), stationary engineer, house 6 Morse avenue. Ruckman, Nelie E., residence 6 Morse avenue. Rugg, Clayton A. (Katharine M.), house 100 Crosby. Rugg, Corydon A. (Jennie M.), physician, house 744 East Second. Rugg, Fidelia M., widow Corydon C, residence 414 West Fifth. Ruland, Annie E., clerk, 16 West Third, residence 367% Foote avenue. Ruland, John (Alice), teamster house 367% Foote avenue. Ruland Walter S., solicitor, rooms 5 New Gifford, residence 43 Prospect. Ruley, John, laborer, rooms 207 West Third. Rulifson, John W. (Mabel A.), architect, house Ashvillle avenue (Celoron.) • Rummer, Frank H. (Bertha), hackman, house 22 Fletcher avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings Children's Suits, $ 1 . 5 0 to $ 7 . 0 0 , P R O U D F I T S . RYAN. RUMPLE. 346 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Rumple, Harmon F. (Ella), grocer, 714 Main, house do. Rundel, Morgan W . (Matilda)—Jamestown Dry Plate works—49 Jones and Gifford avenue, house 316 West Third. Rundquist, Andrew (Matilda S.) city assessor, 8 city hall, house 424 Winsor. Rungren, John F., laborer, house 36 Kinney. Runn, David, motorneer, boards 121 Cross. Runser, Jennie, Mrs., house 603 Lafayette. Rupp, John, cooper, boards 106 Water. Rusbeldt, George H. (A. Belle), night watchman, house 1014 Prendergast ave. Rush, Charles T., machinist, boards 8 Dickerson. Rushworth, Abraham (Josephine), secretary and treasurer Jamestown Sliding Blind Co., 28 Briggs, house 109 Maple. Rushworth, Alice, teacher, residence 339 Allen. VRushworth, Benjamin (Alice), warp dresser, house 274 Prospect. Rushworth, Clyde, plumber, 211 East Third, residence 339 Allen. Rushworth, Edith E., bookkeeper, 28 Briggs, residence 109 Maple. Rushworth, Frank E., machinist, residence 18 Franklin. Rushworth Harry N., weaver, residence 274 Prospect. Rushworth, Isaac (Elizabeth), machinist, house 18 Franklin. Rushworth, Jacob (Jennie), warp dresser, house 60 Hazzard. Rushworth, Lydia H., nurse, residence 9 King. Rushworth, Mabel L. residence 109 Maple. Rusu'worth, Nelson O., bookkeeper, residence 18 Franklin. Rushworth, Roy, weaver residence 339 Allen. Rushworth, Ruth, Mrs., house 339 Allen. Russell, Anna, milliner, residence 313 Prendergast. Russell, Augusta, house 37 Peach. Russell Charlie, laborer, boards 248 Broadhead avenue. Russell, Charles H. (Eva C ) , farmer, house 313 Prendergast avenue. Russell, Claude (Gertie), health food, 613 Main, house do. Russell, Estelle F., widow Walter B., house 22 West Eighth. Russell, Eugene E. (Edith B.), carver, 129 J. & G. ave, house 37 Peach. Russell, Evelyn, dressmaker, residence 313 Prendergast avenue. Russell, Francis M. (Laura B.), driver, 131 Winsor, house 321 Chandler. Russell, John C (Mary), driver, house 24 Champlin. Russell, Matthew E., clerk, 343 Allen, residence 321 Chandler. Russell, Myra L., residence 321 Chandler. Russell, Ralph E., law student, over 108 East Third, boards 113 West Third, Russell, Wallace B. (Nellie R.), locomotive engineer, house 208 Jefferson. Russell, Wallace G., assistant bookkeeper, 17 Shearman place, res. 22 W . 8th. Ryan, Berton J. (Erma J.), plumber, house 225 Clyde. Ryan, Frank M., brick layer, residence 308 Falconer. Ryan, James, dyer, 116 East First, boards 121 East Second. Gas and Steam Fitting, 122 W . Third St., M.J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. RYAN. SAMPSON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 347 Ryan, Jerry, laborer, house 1042 Main. Ryan, Johanna, Mrs., house 719 Cherry. Ryan, Josie, clerk, 16 West Third, residence 719 Cherry. Ryan, Kate, widow John, house 308 Falconer. Ryan, Margaret, clerk, 300 Main, residence 719 Cherry. Ryan, Timothy, upholsterer, residence 1042 Main. Ryd, Anna, domestic, 305 East Fourth. Ryd, Lars (Betty), carpenter, house 22 Osborne. Ryden, Anna, waitress, 5 Harrison, boards do. Ryden, Sarah, widow John, house 36 Sampson. Ryll, Kate, domestic, 18 East Fourth. Sager, Frank T. (Cora), temperer, house 153 Prospect. Sahlstrom, Leonard L. (Anna S.), carver, 101 Harrison, house 20 Pearl ave. St. John, Thomas W . (Frances), tea and coffee agent, house 504 East Fifth. Sales, Harry A., paper hanger, boards 22 Derby. Salin, John (Bessie), wood worker, house 39 Ellicott avenue. Salisbury, Clark W . (Elmira)—Salisbury & Pew—111 East Third, h. 901 Main. Salisbury, Claude C, repairer, 111 East Third, residence 901 Main. Salisbury, Edwin M. (Nina), roofer, house 814 Prendergast avenue. Salisbury, Thomas, residence 356% East Fourth. Salisbury & Pew—Clark W . Salisbury and Charles H. Pew—bicycle dealers and repairers, 111 East Third. Salomonson, Andrew S. butcher, 212 East Second, boards 119 do. Sample, Chester H., residence 532 Lake View avenue. Sample, Erie H. ( E m m a V.), farmer, house 416 Lake View avenue. Sample, Ethel E., student, residence 416 Lake View avenue. Sample, Parker L., residence 532 Lake View avenue. Sample, Samuel J. (Marian), retired, house 532, Lake View avenue. Sampson, Alvin W . (Clara), carver, boards 865 Main. Sampson, Andrew (Christine), piano tuner, house 115 Camp. Sampson, Anna, widow Walfred A., house over 5 Walnut. Sampson, Arthur, singer, 403 Main. Sampson, David (Mary A.), grocer 211 East Second, house 127 Chandler. Sampson, Edward (Jane), singer, rooms 403 Main. Sampson, Fred A. (Lottie M.) machinist, 129-135 Jones and Gifford avenue, house 31 Kinney. Sampson, George O. Lizzie), aristo worker, house 21 College. Sampson, Henry F. (Clary M.), cabinet maker, 129 J. & G. ave. h. 113 Bush Sampson, Jack (Mary), grinder, house 305 Sprague. Sampson, John T. (Matilda C ) , engineer, house 117 Bush. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Tin, Iron and Felt Roofing 1866. PROUDFIT'S. 3 3 years at 3 3 . SAMPSON. 348 1899. SANDBERG. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Sampson, Mary, laundress, 120 East Second. Sampson, Nettie (Elizabeth), house 237 Forest. /Samuels, Charles (Clara) —Samuels & Son—16-18 West Third, house 309 do. Samuels opera house, M. Reis, lessee and manager, S. S. Vail, local mgr. 20 East Second. Samuels, Moses—Samuels & Sons—16-18 West Third, residence 309 do. Samuels & Son—Charles and Moses—dry goods and carpets, 16-18 Gokey building, West Third. Samuelson, Alfred (Louisa)—Samuelson & Anderson—232 Warren, house 137 Broadhead avenue. Samuelson, Andrew P.,finisher,residence 6 Hanley. Samuelson, Andrew (Mary), laborer, house 6 Hanley. Samuelson, Charles (Christine), laborer, house 822 Cherry. Samuelson, Edward W . (Emily S.) bartender, house 14 Alpaca. Samuelson, Erick G., wool washer, 335 Harrison, residence 57 Water. Samuelson, Fred, wood worker, residence 6 Hanley. Samuelson, Gust (Hilda S.), carpenier house 106 Hedges avenue. Samuelson, Helga, painter, residence 106 Hedges avenue. Samuelson, Martin A. (Selma), horseshoer, 110 West Second, h. 805 Cherry. Samuelson, Mattie, spinner, residence 6 Hanley. Samuelson, Mary O., drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 57 Water. Samuelson, S. August (Clara S.), carpenter, house 154 Barrows. Samuelson & Anderson—Alfred Samuelson and John E.Anderson—meat market, 232 Warren. Sanctuary, John, wool sorter, 335 Harrison, boards Barrows. Sandberg, Albert, helper 95 J. & G. avenue, boards 17 Valley. Sandberg, Albert,finisher,boards 20 Colfax. Sandberg, August E., carver, 128 Foote avenue, residence 23 Stowe. Sandberg, Charles P. (.Selma), cabinetmaker, house 360 Foote avenue. Sandberg, Charles A., clerk ,house 27 Palmer. Sandberg, Elmer J. (Freda), steel worker, house 407 Baker. Sandberg, Emily, widow Alfred, house 23 Stowe. Sandberg, E m m a , domestic, 320 East Third. Sandberg, Gust (Minnie), grocer, house 20 Colfax. Sandberg, Ivar—Jamestown Bed Spring Co—8-10 Willard, bds. 135 Chandler. Sandberg. John, turner, rooms over 7 East Second. Sandberg, Joseph (Alma),finisher,house 347 Foote avenue. Sandberg, Louis (Nettie), stone mason, house 27 Palmer. Sandberg, Marie M., student, residencce 515 Washington. Sandberg, Oscar F., laborer boards over 309 Winsor. Sandberg, Peter E., wood carver, boards 360 Foote avenue. Sandberg, Selma A., operative, house 27 Palmer. Sandberg, Swans (Ida C.)—Sandberg & Co.—943 Newland ave., h., 116 William Sandberg, Swan M. (Amanda), carpenter, house 12 Fairfield avenue. Sandberg & Co.—Swan Sandberg and Elmer B. Swanson—grocers, 943 Newland avenue. Some of the most extensive pXll^J^ W g M . J. M U R R A Y The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. 7H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . SANDELL. SCHELD. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 349 Sandell, Jennie, domestic, 307 West Second. Sanders, Christ (Mary), laborer, house 906 Forest avenue. Sanders, James T. (Clara), tailor, 206 Main, house 567 East Second. Sanders, John (Doratha) shoemaker, 619 Main, house 17 West Seventh. Sanders, see also Saunders. Sandgren, Charles A., buffer, boards 208 Barrett. Sandgren, Conrad T., frame maker, 105 Winsor, rooms 218 Spring. Sandgren, John (Anna), graser, 719 East Second, house do. Sandin, Alice, drawer, residence 530 Allen. Sandin, Lena, Mrs., residence 530 Allen. Sandstrom, Andin F. (Matilda), wood worker, house 215 Hazzard. Sandstrom, Axel, shoe maker, residence 215 Hazzard. Sandstrom, Charles A. (Ingobar), shoe maker, 318 Cherry, house 35 Myrtle. Sandstrom, John, carpenter, residence 215 Hazzard. Sandstrom, Nellie, spinner, residence 215 Hazzard. Sangren, Gustaf, laborer, boards over 9 Oheney. Sanitary inspector, Andrew J. Bowen, 10 City hall. Saunders, Charles J. (Carrie), night watchman, house 111 Sprague. Saunders, John (Minnie), wool sorter, house 18 West Seventh. Saunders, Mary, widow Benjamin F., house 15 Hazzard. Saunders, William, polisher, residence 15 Hazzard. Saunders, see also Sanders. Sawyer, Edward N., clerk 120 West Third, residence over do. •-/ Sawyer, William M. (Kate D.)—Novelty Heating Co.—120 West Third, house over do. N O V E L T Y W . M. Sawyer, Prop. H E d T I N Q C O . 120 W E S T THIRD STREET. DEALER IN M a n t e l s , S t o v e s , T i n w a r e a n d Slating. Saxton, Arthur T. (Ellen H.), watchman, Erie R. R., house over 10 Saxton, Earl D., knocker, 41 Outlet, boards 35 do. Saxton, Silas L. musician, 17 Steele, boards 21 Allen Flats, West Second. Saxton, Walter L. (Emma), driver Prendergast Hose Co., 218 Spring, house 308 Pine. Saxton, see also Sexton. Sayers, George (Mary), barber, 150 Foote avenue, house do. Sayers, Henry (Gertrude), barber shop, 306 East Second, house do. Schalin, Charles E. (Amelia), cabinet maker, house 788 East Second. Scharf, Albert F., picture framer, 21 West Second, rooms do. Scharf, William H. (Jennie W.), merchant tailor, 3 New Gifford bldg., house 19 Columbia avenue. Scheid, Belle, widow John, house 158 Marvin. Scheid, Gust E., iron worker, boards 244 Forest avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies Reliable C l o t h i n g at RPera*°£able at PROUDFITS SCHELEEN. SCOFIELD. 350 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Scheleen, Lydia, domestic, residence 62 Allen. Schell, Azoff .paper hanger, house 11 Charles. Schell, Carrie, widow Herman, house 88 Vega. Schell, Mary, widow Alfred, operative 116 East 1st, house over 211 E. Second. Schenck, David W . (Mabel G.), shipping clerk, 105 Winsor, house 118 Broadhead avenue. Scheppel, Arlie, Mrs., residence 312 Allen. Schermerhorn, Elma A., widow William, house 130 Institute. Schermerhorn, Lloyd B., messenger, 301 Main, residence 130 Institute. Schildmacher, Albert W . (Ida M.)—Schildmacher & Spencer—under 217 Main house 632 Prendergast. Sdhildmacher, Anton, retired, residence 632 Prendergast avenue. Schildmacher, Ella May, teacher, residence 632 Prendergast avenue. Schildmacher, E m m a F., residence 632 Prendergast avenue. Schildmacher & Spencer—Albert W . Schildmacher and Harry Spencer—saloon under 217 Main. Schilgren, Samuel ( E m m a ) , sta. engineer, house 111 Stowe. Schlaudecker, Eugene M. (Elizabeth), manager Penna. Gas Co., 108 East Third, house 406 Lake View avenue. Scholes, Clement, laborer, residence 168 J. & G. avenue. Scholes, Jane, widow William, house 168 J & G. avenue. Scholes, Joshua, apprentice, residence 168 J. & G. avenue Scholton, Adda L., student, residence 301 Lake View avenue. Schone, Claude H., apprentice, 5 Race residence 103 Barrett. Schone, Michael (Christina) barber, 103 Barrett, house do. Schopp, Anna, duffer, residence 109 Kidder. Schopp, William (Barbara),finisher,house 109 Kidder. Schott, John E. (Maude L.), gluer, 12 Filmore, house 23 Victoria avenue. Schrader, Lucetta J., nurse, residence 7 Cross. Schrader, Zada, milliner, 103 West Third, residence 7 Cross. Schreck, William G., elevator man, 101 West Third, rooms 209 do. Schultz, Ella, picker, 116 East Second, residence 18 West Seventh. Schultz, Harry, printer, residence 18 West Seventh. Schultz, see also Shults. Schurter, Adolph G. (Rose), watchmaker, 217 Main, house 311 East Fifth. Schwab, Anna M., weaver, residence 826 Prendergast avenue. Schwab, George G., bell boy, residence 826 Prendergast avenue. Schwab, Jacob (Martha E.), laborer, house 826 Prendergast avenue. Schwab, Louise N., residence 826 Prendergast avenue. Schwab, William Henry, upholsterer, residence 826 Prendergast avenue. Schwein, Louis (Ida M.), barber shop, 602 Main, house 860 Spring. Schwein, Margaret, widow Phillip, residence 860 Spring. Scofield, Ellis N — Scofield & Doolittle—880 Main, residence 11 Kent. Scofield, Era M . (Louisa M.) physician and surgeon, over 11 East Third, house 11 Kent Scofield, Ezra C. (Esther P.), retired, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). M . J. M U R R A Y , uses only the Best Plumbing Material Cloaks, Shawls, Cloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. SCOFIELD. SEABECK. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 351 Scofield, Frank D. (Mary E.), carpenter, house over 218 Steele. Scofield, Hannah, Mrs., weaver, rooms 207 Allen. Scofield, Henry (Jessie S.) bookkeeper, house 605 East Seventh. Scofield, Jane W., widow Rev. Piatt W., 342 East Fifth. Scofield, John W . (Ida), shipping clerk, house 5 Rawley place. Scofield, William H. (Nellie), driver, house 847 Prendergast avenue. Scofield & Doolittle—Ellis N. Scofield & Geo. S. Doolittle—grocers, 880 Main. Scott, A m a n d a O., operative, residence 2-45 Willard. Soott, Andrew (Hulda A.), retired, house 28 Peterson. Scott, Charles F. (Amanda C ) , teamster, house 8 Walnut. Scott, Edward (Juliana), paper hanger, house 8 Center. Scott, Eugene A. (Mellie F.), carpenter, house 329 Stowe. Scott, Forest W., messenger, 301 Main, residence 238 Sprague. Scott, Frank (Christine L.)—Scott & Phillips—17 Steele, house 610 Main. Scott, Frank W., shipping clerk, residence 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, George A., student, 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, Gus (Christine),fireman,house 536 Allen. Scott, Hannah, widow Oscar, house 347 Foote avenue. Scott, H. Gertrude, clerk, residence 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, Ida, operative, residence 245 Willard. Scott, James S. (Clara), weaver, house 616 East Sixth. Scott, Jessie E., residence 329 Stowe. Scott, Jdhn W . (Lou L.), physician and surgeon, 222 Winsor, house do. Scott, Josephine M., house 181 Barrows. Scott, J. Winogene, artist, 226 Winsor, residence 222 do. Scott, M. Delphine, residence 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, Nelson, carpenter, boards 154 J. & G. avenue. Scott, Oliver L. (Mary A.), teamster, house 240 Sprague. Scott, Peter (Blanche), bartender, house over 113 Bast Second. Scott, Samuel T., shoe maker, residence 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, Samuel W . (Joanna), wood worker, house 858 Prendergast avenue. Scott, Thomas (Frances E.), flagman, 67 East Buffalo, house 103 Weeks. Scott, William A. (Gertrude C ) , printer, 14-16 West Second, house 37 Kent. Scott, William K., laborer, residence 181 Barrows. Scott & Phillip—Frank Scott and Milton L. Phillips—saloon and billiards, 17 Steele. Scoville, Frank E. (Carrie O.), horseman, house 39 Stowe. Scoville, Fred E., bartender, 12 South Main, residence 39 Stowe. Scoville, Harry E. (Octavia), bartender 22 East Third, house over 110 E. 3d. Scoville, Maude, residence 39 Stowe. Scudder, Albert, gardener, house 47 Park. Scudder, Fenton L. (Thedora E.), jeweler, 28 Main, house 309 West Fifth. Scudder, Joel (Elizabeth), milk dealer, house over 13 Victoria avenue. Scudder, Lillian E., residence 309 West Fifth. Scudder, Morgan J., jeweler, residence 309 West Fifth. Seabeck, Olaf B. (Hilma), cabinet maker. 101 Harison, house 102 Water. CT A TUT U A TDTWITT' A TDT7 t~T\ Agents for STRANSKY ENAMELRD VjL,AKJ\. n A K I J W A K E i LU., WAKE. Every Piece WARRANTED Little Giant Suits for Children at P R O U D F I T S SEAGREN. SELLVIN. 352 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Seagren, Gust A. (Ellen C), carpenter, house 265 East Buffalo. Seagren, S. Peter (Sophia), laborer, house 96 Water. Sealander, Carl J. (Hannah) cabinet maker, 105 Winsor, house 11 Cedar ave. Sealander, Elmer, bookbinder, 211 Main, house 11 Cedar avenue. Sealander, Ingborg H., residence 11 Cedar avenue. Sealander, Oscar N.,finisher,129-135 J. & G. avenue, residence 11 Cedar ave. Sealander, see also Selander. Sealey, Otis R. (Nellie), st. car conductor, house 30 Stowe. Sealey, see also Seeley. Sears, Bertha L., bookkeeper, 212 East Second, residence Falconer P. 0. Sears, Frederick W . — M o r g a n Mfg. Co.—3-7 Lake View avenue., house Keelers Bay, Vt. Seaser, Paul, painter, rooms over 179 Barrows. Seastran, Herman .carpenter, house 20 Maple. Seastrand, Anna, tailoress, over 213 Main, residence 16 Walnut. Seastrind, Ellen, domestic 134 Lake View avenue, residence 16 Walnut. Seastrom, E. Alex (Bertha), upholsterer, 40 Winsor, house over 296 Barrows. Seborg, Evald B. (Johanna), foreman 3 Ashville ave., house 12 Fairview ave. Sedgwick, Harry, mill hand, residence 11 English. Sedgwick, Percy, mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 11 English. Sedgwick, William H. (Jessie), mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 11 English. See, R. Francis (Mary C ) , confectioner house 108 Mechanic. Seely, W m . (Sala), teamster, house 624 Pine. Seeley, see also Sealey. Segerdahl, Frank A. (Louisa), real estate, 206 East Second, house Thayer, corner Newton. Segren, Charles (Matilda C ) , laborer, house 127 Falconer. Selander, Elmer, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 299 Crescent. Selander, see also Sealander. Selkregg, Edward M., printer, 14-16 West Second, rooms 416 Lafayette. Selleu, Ada Z., teacher residence 170 East Ninth. Selleu, Cora R., student, residence 170 East Ninth. Selleu, Walter A., Rev. (Rebecca), gen'l supt. F. M. church, h. 170 East 9th. Sellman, Andrew, packer, boards 912 East Second. Sellman, Charles E., dyer 335 Harrison, boards 65 Hedges avenue. Sellman, Oscar, weaver, boards 912 East Second. Sellstrom, A. Fred, driver, 115 Main, house Falconer P. O. Sellstrom, Alice, student, residence 304 Forest avenue. Sellstrom, Anton P. (Nellie), turner, house 2J4 Forest avenue. SelL-Lrum, A:: si F., clerk, residence 20C Forest avenue. Sellstrom, Cordinia, widow John F., house 208 Forest avenue. Sellstrom, Charles A. (Andrea), meat cutter, house 304 Forest avenue. Sellstrom, Fabian (Emily E.), meat market, 17 E. Third, house 611 Jefferson. Sellstrom, George W . (Mary A.)—Peterson & Sellstrom, 207 West Third, house 28 Forest. Sellvin, Anna M., Mrs., laundress, 205 West Third, house 21 East Eighth. If you contemplate Plumbing consult, M.J.MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. SELLVIN. SHARPE, JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 353 Sellvin, Ernest R., spring setter, residence 21 East Eighth. Sellvin, Florence E., shoe operative, residence 21 East Eighth. Sellvin, Hugo E., photo engraver, 14-16 West Second, residence 21 East 8th. Senden, Don (Jennie), carpenter, house 44 Thayer. Service, Brookin J. (Mary A.), dentist, 212 Pine, house do. Sessions, Alex M, residence 118 Church. Sessions, C. Reed, stock dealer, house 118 Church. Sessions, Frank E. (Faith B.), atty. at law, over 11 E. Third, house 352 E. 5th. Setterland, Robert (Selma, driver, 10 West Third, house 350 Warren. Setterwall, Erick (Mary J.), laborer, house 22 Bush. Sexton, J. Gertrude, milliner, 102 East Third, boards 107 East Second. Sexton, Timothy (Kate), teamster, house 1003 Main. Sexton, see also Saxton. Seymour, F. Isabella, clerk, residence 611 Lafayette. Seymour, James F. (Frances E.) sta. engineer, house 26 Fairview avenue. Seymour, Lettie, widow George W., house 36 Center. • Seymour, Willis E. (Carrie), driver, house 611 Lafayette. Seymour, Willis E., Jr., wood worker, residence 611 Lafayette. Shacklaton, John D., loomfixer,335 Harrison, boards 155 Barrows. Shackleton, John (Rachel), spinner, 335 Harrison, house 108 King. Shadley, Ella J., widow—Shadley & Carrell—703 West Eighth, house do. Shadley, George F., student, residence 703 West Eighth. Shadley & Carroll—Mrs. Ella D. Shadley and Estella D. Carroll—hotel 703 W . Eighth. Shaffer, R. Edd, harness maker, 121 West Third, boards Pine. Shallow, Margaret, waitress, 119 East Second. Shanahan, John (Edith), mason, house 121 Weeks. Shanahan, Margaret, widow John, house 520 Crescent. Shanahan, Thomas (Nora), sta.fireman,234 Crescent, house 280 E. Buffalo. Shankland, Carrie M., residence 506 East Sixth. ^Shankland Palmer H., student, residence 506 East Sixth. Shankland, Palmer K. (Mary), com. traveler, house 506 East Sixth. Shannon, Aggie, picker, residence 43 Prospect. Shannon, Patrick H., clerk, 14 East Third, rooms over 107 do. Share, Samuel T., glass cutter, 518 East Sixth, boards 113 West Third. Sharpe Harry (Lily), twister, house 10 South Walnut. v Sharpe, George W . (Lucy), pres. The A. D. Sharpe Co., 203 Main, house 504 East Second. A. G. LORD, J J Q fll J.1 R. H. ELLSWORTH <o, East Second St. J L O i Q fi£ JjCll3 W Night Call 287 F. * - » v * *» -*~ **,*.*>.<, FUNERAL DIRECTORS A N D Lady Assistant. Night Clerk. Artistic O l III w m. 4*3 West Third. St. EMBALMERS. D A Y C A L L , 8 2 F. Picture Framing. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Best Silver Plated Ware G o o d Printing at Fair Prices b y the Journal Printing C o m p a n y SHARPE. SHEARMAN. 354 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Sharpe, Hannah, widow Dan B., house 3 Appleyard place. Sharpe, A. D. Co. (the)—George W . Sharpe, pres., Fred T. Snowball, sec. and treas—dry goods and carpets, 203 Main. Shattuck, George W . (Melissa J.), blacksmith, house 111 Allen. Shattuck, William M. (Belle), laborer, 56 Blackstone ave., boards 383 Buffalo. Shaver, Edward (Louisa)—Shaver & Hall—51 Winsor, house 415 East 4th. Shaver, Freeman, retired, residence 724 Camp. Shaver, Isaac (Eliza), retired, house 12 Jones. Shaver, William (Anna), farmer, house 800 Camp. Shaver & Hall—Edward Shaver and Edward L. Hall—stave and heading manufacturers, 51 Winsor. Shaw, Alice M., residence 300 Falconer. Shaw, Allen J. (Violet), bookkeeper, house 10 West End. Shaw, Arthur, laborer, residence 300 Falconer. Shaw, Bertha, student, residence 512 Prendergast avenue. Shaw, Clarence P., brakeman, boards 306 West Eighth. Shaw, Enoch (Mary A.), warp dresser, 116 East First, house over 106 Foote avenue. Shaw, Fred S. (Adele), plumber, house 111 Kent. 'Shaw, Harvey C , bookkeeper, 110 East Third, residence 512 Prendergast ave. Shaw, Hattie, 306 West Eighth. Shaw, James B., retired, residence 19 Foote avenue. Shaw, James S. (Helen B.), janitor 34 Main, house 110 Harrison Shaw, John B. ( E m m a M.), city treasurer, room 5 city hall, h. 301 Jefferson. Shaw, Joshua (Dinah), warp dresser, 116 East First, house 118 Harrison. Shaw, Lavern B. (Louise), painter, house 306 West Eighth. Shaw, Lucy E., teacher, residence 512 Prendergast avenue. Shaw, Minnie B., bookkeeper, 38 Main, residence 613 Lafayette. Shaw, Prudy, widow, Albert W., house 111 Kent. Shaw, Thomas A. (Delia), commercial traveler, 101 East Third, house 512 Prendergast avenue. Shaw, Walter (Amelia L.), grocer, 83 Allen, house 12 Grant. Shaw, Wilson (Sarah), wool sorter, house 300 Falconer. Shean, Kittie, clerk, 10 West Third, boards 11 West Fourth. Shearman, Addison P., real estate, boards 116 East Fourth. Shearman Bros.—Fred J. and Frank E.—manufacturers lounges and couches, 25-41 Shearman place. Shearman, Elliott I. (Anna) traveling salesman, house 109 South Main. Shearman, Elliott I., Mrs., bakery, 109 South Main, residence do. Shearman, Erwin D. (Ellen B.)—Hooker & Shearman—16 East Third, house 121 Lake View avenue. Shearman, Frank E. (Kate L.)—Shearman Bros.—25 Shearman place, house 105 Crosby. Shearman, Fred J. (Minnie M.)—Shearman Bros.—25 Shearman place, house 414 West Fifth. If you contemplate Plumbing consult, M.J.MURRAY Always Bny Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. SHEARMAN. SHERMAN. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 355 Shearman, F. LaManda, music teacher, 109 South Main, residence do. Shearman, Flora M., residence 611 Main. Shearman, John A., Lieut. U. S. N., residence 611 Main. Shearman, Lamanda M., widow John P., house 611 Main. Shearman, Lloyd L., clerk, 14 East Third, residence 109 South Main. Shearman, Orsinoe J., bartender, 22 East Second, residence 109 South Main. Shearman, see also Sher'man. ' Shedd, Elizabeth, residence 504 West Third. Shedd, Ezra H. (Sarah) paper hanger, house 874 Spring. Shedd, Lewis F., manufacturer proprietary medicines over 11 East Third, residence 504 West Third. Shedd, Sarah, Mrs., proprietor Marvin house 105 West Second. Shedd, William D. (Jennie F.), retired, house 504 West Third. Sheely, Frank, bartender, Hotel Ellicott. Sheffield, Mary, second cook, 119 East Second. Shera, David, tailor, room 3 over 11 Main, residence do. Shelberg, Peter T.—Jamestown Parlor Table Co.—1026 East Second, boards 229 Crescent. Shelburg, Axel, laborer, hoards 299 Crescent. Shelburg, Carl, mason, boards 299 Crescent. Sheldon, Cyrus W . (Delia), carpenter, house 536 East Second. Sheldon, Harry P. (Mary M.), assistant cashier Chautauqua County Trust Co. 201 Main, house 70 Prospect. Sheldon, Laura F., teaoher, residence 102 Hallock. Sheldon, Leonora E., widow Alexander, house 219 Foote avenue. Sheldon, Mary L., widow William J., house 13 Bowen. Sheldon, Porter (Mary C ) , president American Aristotype works, 56 Prospect, house 70 do. Sheldon, Ralph C. (Isabel), superintendent American Aristotype Co., 56 Prospect, house 37 Warren. Shellberg, Emel (Alfreda) bricklayer, house 790 East Second. Shelmadine Delia, nurse, residence 1014 Prendergast avenue. Shelters, Eugene A., machinist, residence 18 Ashville avenue. Shelters, George F. (Hannah), machinist, house 18 Ashville avenue. Shelters, Harry K., civil engineer, residence 18 Ashville avenue. Shepard, Archie, rubber, under 20 West Third, rooms over 109 Main. Shepard, Charles, painter, rooms over 4 Main. Shepard, Enos (Laura), furniture woiker, house 214 Barrett. Shepard, Fred (Hetty W ; ) , warp dresser, 335 Harrison, res. over 32 Center. Shepard, Roy M. (Minnie F.), laborer, residence 33 Rathbone. Shepardson, Bertha B., residence 12 Bush. Sherman, Albert E. (Mertie M O , proprietor Sherman book bindery, 14-16 West Second, house 352 Foote avenue. Sherman book bindery, 14-16 West Second—A. E. Sherman proprietor—ruling and binding. Sherman, Carl J. (Anna L), laborer, house 12 Maltby. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies R u b b e r S t a m p s of every description b y Journal Printing C o . SHERMAN. 356 SIMMONS. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Sherman, Charles, street car conductor, rooms over 9 West Second Sherman, Edna, house 16 Lincoln. Sherman, Ella B., residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Sherman, Ida A., residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Sherman, Isaac (Lily), collector, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Sherman, Mary E. Mrs., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 83 Water. Sherman, Lucy A., widow Edward P., house 327 Foote avenue. Sherman, Sidney R. (Electa), laborer, house 36 West Tenth. Sherman, Sophronia, widow Rufus, residence 309 Jefferson. Sherman, see also Shearman. Sherwin, Frank M. (Eva), machinist, house 405 Cherry. Sherwin, Phila 0. (Laura D.), machinist, house 1027 East Second. Shesalin, Esther, domestic, 30 Warren. Shick, Sadie, widow Daniel residence 160 Warren. Shields, Elizabeth J., widow Samuel, house 61 Tilden avenue. Shields, Samuel B., wool sorter, 116 East First, residence 61 Tilden avenue. Shoesmith, Alfred (Alice), loomfixer,house 211 Allen. Shoesmith, Herbert, weaver, 35 Water, boards 10 Winsor. Shoesmith, Thomas (Emma C ) , clerk, 14 East Second, house 11 Peach. Short, Fred J., laborer, residence 6 Falconer. Short, John H. (Ade E.), electrician, house 6 Falconer. Shriner, David (Elizabeth), carpenter, house 1058 East Second. Shriner, Frederick, felt maker, 56 B'ackstone avenue, residence 1058 E. 2d. Shults, Charles F. (Sarah), merchant, house 16 East Fourth. Sichel, Samuel A.—Goldsmith & Sichel.Marble Hall, 216, 218, 220 Main.— Rooms over 12 East Third. Sidler, Julia, waitress, 113 West Third. Siers, Frank M. (Maggie E.), electrician, 19 West Third, house 17 West 8th. Siguier, Charles, spring setter, 25 Sherman place, residence 35 West Ninth. Siguier, George, upholsterer, 516 West Fourth, residence 35 West Ninth. Siguier, John F. (Waytey), laborer, house 15 Valley. Siguier, Lizzie F., weaver 116 East Firt, residence 35 West Ninth. Siguier, Pauline, weaver, 116 East First, residence 35 West Ninth. Siguier, Pauline, widow Antone, house 35 West Ninth. Sill, Charles E., assistant shipping clerk Am. Aris. Co., res 16 Harrison. Sill, Cora F., Mrs,, house 16 West Ninth. Sill, Cornelia A., dressmaker, 16 Harrison, residence do. Sill, William M., student, residence 16 Harrison. Silsby, Charles M. (Myra E.) carpenter, house 34'Flagg avenue. Silsby, Holden R. (Lydia), blacksmith, house 304 Steele. Simmons, Amanda Garl, residence 635 West Eighth. Simmons, E. Hatch (Cora E.), butcher, 2 Forest avenue, house 209 Prendergast avenue. Simmons, Fred, locomotivefireman,residence 635 West Eighth. Simmons, H. Adelbert (Hattie), painter, residence 11 Park place. Simmons, Harry F. (Lizzie), proprietor Lake House, 635 West Eighth. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. The Largest and Be!St Stock of Dry Goods. 7 H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . SIMMONS. SLAUGHENHOUPT. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 357 Simmons, Harry, Jr., student, residence 635 West Eighth. Simmons, Harvey, retired, house 702 Foote avenue. Simmons, Ida Garl, residence 635 West Eighth. Simmons, Margaret M., packer, boards, 59 Sceele. Simon, E m m a , student, residence 315 Clintou. Simon, Hedwig, residence 315 Clinton. ysimon, Philip Fred (Barbara)—-Milwaukee Bottling Co.—104 East Second, house 315 Clinton. Simons, Harriet, teacher, residence 617 Palmer. Simpson, Andrew, trimmer, house 209 Baker. Simpson, Nannie C. residence 209 Baker. Sindell, Annie, widow, residence 409 Newland avenue. Sindell, Charles G. (Gusta),fireman,house 3 Lake. Sindell, D. Theodore (Seigred),finisher,house 18 Crown. Sindell, Gust (Ellen), machinist, house 264 Broadhead avenue. Sindell, see also Sundell. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 203 West Third, Elmer Stronbro special agent. Siogren, B. Carl (Amanda), painter, house 338 Forest avenue. Siser, Christine, mender, residence 18 Lake. Siser, Elida, weaver, residence 18 Lake. f Sisson, Allen ( E m m a R.), ticket agent Erie depot, house 412 West Third. Sisson Bertha H., residence 412 West Third. Sisson, Fred G. (Silva), special messenger P. O., house 333 Hazzard. Sisson, George W . (Lillian M.), manager Jamestown Coal & Coke Co., 610 West Eighth, house 111 Price. Sisson, Hattie S., residence 23 Scott. Sisson, Hiram G. (Susan), optician, house 23 Scott. Sisson, Jeanette, Mrs., house 311 Prendergast avenue. Sjostrom, Ida, domestic, 639 Prendergast avenue. Skans, Emil (Minnie), saleman, house 517 Camp. Skans, Frank A. (Louise), mill hand, 116 East First, house Hebner. Skans, Mary, widow Adolph, residence 505 Camp. Skellie, Lavinus (Isabella), clerk, 23 East Third, house 20 Prospect avenue. Skellie, Walter, grocer, 23 East Third, boards 109 Forest avenue. Skiff, Bertha R., residence 303 West Second. Skiff, Marion L., residence 303 West Second. J Skiff, Mason M. (Mary), secretary Chautauqua County Trust .Co., 201 Main, house 303 West Second. Skirrow, Florence E., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 13 English. Skirrow, Joshua (Mary) wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 13 English. Skoglund, Frank (Augusta), weaver, house 114 Crown. Skohl, Lizzie, piece worker, residence 47 Charles. Skutt, Eliza Ann, widow Allan J., residence 12 Crossman. Skutt, Fred A. (Philippine), painter, house 29 Tilden avenue. Slaughenhoupt, Blanche E, residence over 710 Main. Slaughenhoupt, Edith P., esidence over 710 Main. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings T H F SFlVTI-WFFlJTI V IftllRNAI has nearly 5,000 Paying subscribers. Subscrip. lUli 3UU1- H liLALf1 JUUIVHAL, tjon Llst open to inspection of Advertisers. SLAUGHENHOUPT. SMTH. 358 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Slaughenhoupt, Emery H. (Harriet M.), mgr. 13-17 Main, house over Slawson, Samuel E. (Inez), salesman, nouse 9 Lakin avenue, Slayton, Burn M. (Margaret), painter, 641 Prendergast avenue.! Slayton, Robert D. (Helen), grocer, 218 Steele, house do. Sleight, Mrs. J. K. D., housekeeper, 129Fulton. Slingerland, Joseph, laborer, boards 492 Crescent. Sliter, Charles H. (Rosette), laborer, house 32 Sampson. . Sliter, E. Frank (Mary), painter, house 405 Foote avenue. Sloan, Henry, clerk N e w Sherman house. Sloan, Lucretla J., Mrs., residence 33 Harrison. Sloan, see also Slone. Slocum, James B. (Minnie), weaver, house 16 Livingston avenue. Slocum, Jonathan H. (Eliza I.) retired, house 19 Barrett. Slocum, M a y J„ residence 19 Barrett. V Slone, Clarence A. (Mary B.), manager W . U. Tel. Co., 301 Main, h. 108 E. 8th Slone, William W . (Sarah), clerk, Erie freight depot, house 108 East 8th. Slone, see also Sloan. Slotboom, William L. (Mary L.), dealeer in coal, wood, lime, cement, etc., 12 East First, house 108 Cook avenue. 1 Smalley, Albert L. (Anna), pastor First Congregational church, house 316 East Fourth. Smedley, Betsey A., residence over 5 Lakin avenue. Smedley, William N., teamster, house over 5 Lakin avenue. Smiley, Audley W., music teacher, residence over 201 West. Third. Smiley, Frank J. (Jennie), painter, residence over 708 Washington. Smiley, Sanford G. (Clara), assembler-bicycles, house 134 Stewart avenue. Smiley, William J., Jr., (Vina), gauger, house 201 West Third. Smith, Agnes, operative, 318 Cherry, residence 811 Jefferson. Smith, Albert (Nellie), weaver, house 644 East Sixth. Smith, Alice, fore lady, 318 Cherry, boards 209 West Eighth. Smith, Alice, weaver residence 436 Allen. Smith, Amber, shirt maker 212 Main, residence i9 Lincoln. Smith, A m y E., student, 1009 East Second. Smith, Anna, domestic, 406 Lake View avenue. Smith, Anna, widow John, house 314 West Seventh. Smith, Anna B., operative, 116 East First, residence 811 Jefferson. Smith, Anna Elizabeth, clerk, 203 Main, residence 645 East Sixth. Smith, Anna M., boards 619 Falconer. Smith, Anna M., drawer, 116 East First, residence over 218 East Second. Smith, Arthur E. (Minnie), dentist, 215 Warren, house do. Smith, Arthur F., wool man, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Morse avenue. Smith, Batson R. (Ellen), wool sorter, house 134 Mechanic. Smith, Belle M., compositor, 217 Spring boards 204 Lake View avenue. Smith, Bert, residence 308 Steele. Smith, Blanche J., piece picker, 16 East First. Smith block 5-9 South Main. M . J. M U R R A Y uses only the B E S T Plumbing Material Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A. SMITH. D. S H A R P E CO. SMITH. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 359 Smith, Chares A. (Amanda P.), mill hand, house 135 Camp. Smith, Charlotte, widow Henry A., house 17 Lincoln. Smith, Chester J., commercial traveler, 710 East Second, boards 117 Chandler Smith, Colonel, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, boards 122 do. Smith, Cynthia, widow Nathaniel F., house 815 Spring. Smith, Daniel E. (Mary Jane), farmer, house 1035 Main. Smith, David (Rose), canvasser, residence 104 Chandler. Smith, DeWitt C. (Lucia D.), hackman, house 308 Clinton. Smith, Drucy, clerk, residence 224 Sprague. Smith, Edgar A (Delia), lather, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Smith, Edmund B. (Helen E.), gents furnishings and merchant tailor, 5 New Gifford building, Brooklyn, house 623 Newland avenue. V Smith, Edmond S., clerk, 25 Shearman place, residence 424 East Sixth. Smith, Edward M. (Nellie E), driver, 115 Main, house 513 East Eighth. Smith, Edward T. (Liza), commercial traveler, house 22 West Seventh. Smith, Edwin J. (Catherine), plumber, house 27 Marvin. Smith, E. Jane, widow, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron). Smith, Elizabeth, clerk, 13-17 West Third, residence 127 Allen. Smith, Ella M., residence 308 West Sf-cond. Smith, Elmer, laborer residence 249 Crescent. Smith, Emily H., widow James C, house 1083 East Second. Smith, Erastus W. (Llewellyn E.), driver 224 East Second, h. over 218 do. Smith, Ernest (Eva), wagon maker, house 308 Steele. Smit^, Ernest B., laborer, residence 249 Crescent. Smith, Ernest W.—Anderson & Smith—202 Main residence 17 Lincoln. Smith, Etta, widow Eugene, dressmaker, 120 Stewart avenue, house do. Smith, Eugene D., agent, residence 206 Crosby. Smith, Ezoa A., widow Frank C, house 249 Crescent. Smith, Flora, operative, 318 Cherry, residence 811 Jefferson. Smith, Flora, teacher, residence 424 East Sixth. Smith, Francis (Margaret), carpenter, house 608 Barrett. Smith, Frank E., student, residence 9 West Ninth. Smith, Fred B. (Dora M.), commercial traveler, house 4-5 over 5 South Main. Smith, George (Harriet A.), warp dresser, 335 Harrison, house 321 Stowe. Smith, George (Anna), trimmer, house 12 Newland avenue. VSmith, George B. (Bessie M.), Journalist, 14-16 West Second, house 506 Prendergast avenue. Smith, George L. (Magdalene), upholsterer, house 21 Whitley avenue. Smith, Gilbert,fireman,residence 52 West Ninth. Smith, Grace, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Smith, Grace E., residence 492 Crescent. Smith, Gust F. (Matilda), machinist, house 10 Morse avenue. Smith, Harriet C, milliner, over 110 East Third, residence over 306 Main. Smith, Henry (Amelia A. L.), foreman 116 East First, house 53 Harrison. Smith, Henry K, residence 500 East Sixth. Smith, Herman, pressman, boards 308 West Second. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies Purchasers of Publicity can cover the territory tributary *o The Journal s £ / & £ k Jamestown thoroughly by using SMITH. SMITH. 360 J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Smith Herman K., plumber, residence 35 Barrows. Smith Hiram (Anna G.)—Smith & Johnson Bros.—over 7 East Third, house 307 West Second. Smith Ida E., widow Leroy, residence 17 Hazzard. Smith James A. (Susan), laborer, house 70 North Hallock. Smith James G., (Addie), wholesale peaver, house 11 Hotchkiss. Smith James E. (Harriet A.), carpet waper and stationery, 13-17 West Second house 303 Foote avenue. Smith James O (Minerva E.), stationary engineer, house 52 West Ninth. Smith James W .fillingman, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Morse avenue. Smith James W., printer, over 14 West Third, residence 9 West Ninth. Smith Jay C. (Laura), teacher, house 505 Palmer. Smith Jeanette M., widow Ezra, house 424 East Sixth. Smith: Jennie, house 127 Allen. Smith, Jessie, residence 500 East Sixth. Smith John E. (Anna), shoemaker, 135 Fairmount ave, house 811 Jefferson. Smith John F. (Rose), plumbing inspector, 10 city hall, house 416 Foote ave. Smith John H. (Ellen), shipping clerk, 13-17 West Second, house 9 West 9th. Smith Joseph (Hannah) warp dresser, house 872 East Second. Smith. Julia, Mrs., housekeeper, 1009 East Second. Smith Julia A., bookkeeper, 2 South Main, residence 50 Allen. Smith Julia A., widow David, house 104 Chandler. Smith Laura B., Mrs., dressmaker, over 107 East Third, house do. Smith Leah, widow George, residence 611 Lafayette. Smith Leila G., residence 308 Steele. Smith L. Frances, stenographer, over 108 East Third, residence 311 Barrett Smith Lillian, Mrs., dressmaker, residence 106 West Eighth. Smith Lizzie, domestic, 119 East Second. Smith Louis (Agnes) twister, house 516 East Fifth. Smith Lorenzo, teamster, residence 608 Barrett. Smith Louis B. (Fannie M.), clerk, 2 South Main, house 24 Derby. Smith Louise B., widow, house 19 Metallic avenue. Smith Luther J., laborer, 7 Harrison, boards Brooklyn restaurant. Smith; Luton J., bartender, boards 22 South Main. Smith Malcom W . (Maud R.), physician, house 137 Cook avenue. Smith, Margaret operative 116 East First, residence 811 Jefferson. Smith Martha M., widow Lewellyn J., straw work, 31 Fenton place, house do. Smith Martie, student, residence 141 Broadhead avenue. Smith Mary, Mrs., house Ashvil'e avenue (Celoron.) Smith Mary E., widow Gilbert house 492 Crescent. Smith Mary J,, widow John, hair dresser, over 306 Main, house do. Smith Matthew, upholsterer, 516 West Fourth, house 314 West Seventh. Smith Matilda K., widow Willard, house 35 Barrows. Smith; Minnie A., twister, 116 East First, residence 17 Dickerson. Smith Myrtie M., artist, 35 Barrows, residence do. Smith Orlando D. (Nellie), carpenter, house 8 South Thayer. If you contemplate N e w Plumbling, consult M . J. M U R R A Y Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S' H A R P E CO. SMITH. SODERQUIST. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 361 Smith, Ray W., student, residence 22 West Seventh. Smith, Richard (Jane), loomfixer,335 Harrison, house 28 Victoria avenue. Smith, Robert, retired, boards 113 West Third. Smith, Roy M., laborer, residence 249 Crescent. Smith, Sarah, widow Andrew, residence 210 East Fifth. Smith, Sarah, widow Joseph, house 436 Allen. Smith, Schuyler R. (Amelia)—Smith & Carl—621 West Eighth, h. 620 W . 7th. Smith, Sydney (Mary), dyer, residence 644 East Sixth. Smith, Thomas B. (Isabella), warp dresser, house 645 East Sixth. Smith, Thomas Henry (Ellen), proprietor Jamestown Cotton Mill, 58 Center house 500 East Sixth. Smith, Tillie, residence 127 Allen. Smith, Walter C. (Mary), general mason, house 308 West Eighth. — Smith, Walter M., clerk, residence 9 West Ninth. Smith, Willard, carpenter, residence 608 Barrett. Smith, William (Anna), carpenter, residence 217 Dickerson. Smith, William (Anna M.),finisher,315 Harrison, house 32 Barrows. Smith, William, apprentice, boards 202 Jones and Gifford avenue. Smith, William L. (Anna D.), laborer, house 206 Crosby. Smith & Carl—Schuyler R. Smith and Frank Carl—machine shop, 621 West Eighth. Smith & Johnson Bros.—Hiram Smith, Everett D. and W . Russell Johnson —general insurance agents, over 7 East Third. Snavely, Mame, winder, 335 Harrison, boards 402 Foote avenue. Snedeker, Eliza, widow Abram, residence 269 Hallock. Snider, George (Annie), carpenter, house 262 Colfax. Snider, see also Snyder. Snow, Clarence Edson, shipping clerk, residence 356 East Fifth. Snow, Cordelia B., widow Harvey D., house 356 East Fifth. ,Snow, Dollie, widow E. L., residence 223 Hallock. Snow, Louis H. (Belle G.), physician and surgeon, 1-2 opera house block, house over 14 East Second. Snow, M. Belle, residence 356 East Eighth. Snow, Wallace L. (Jennie L.)—Carlson, Bloomquist & Snow—house (Falconer P. O.) Snow, William, laster, 31 Cherry, boards 17 West Fourth. 'Snowball, Fred J. (Henrietta), secretary and treasurer the A. D. Sharpe Co.. 203 Main, house 306 West Fourth. Snowden, Fred T. (Mattie), mill hand, house 207 West Third. Snowdon, Thomas (Annie), bartender, 8 West Third, house 204 West Sixth. Snyder Andrew J. (Rose), shoemaker, shop 704 West Eighth, house over 715 Murray avenue. Snyder, Edward (Kittie), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 37 Marvin. Snyder, Philip (Teressa M.), oil producer, house over 11 East Second Snyder see also Snider. Soderquist, Gust W . (Anna B.), glass cutter, 21 Briggs, house 36 Kinney. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies If y o u r advertisement is in the Journal you're in g o o d c o m p a n y SODERBERG. SPENCER. 362 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Soderberg, Charles, laborer, residence 120 Bowen. Soderberg, Elizabeth, weaver, 116 East First, residence 120 Bowen. Soderberg, Ellen weaver, 116 East First, residence 120 Bowen. Soderberg, John (Anna) laborer, house 120 Bowen. Soderberg, John (Sophie) laborer, house 934 Newland avenue. Soderberg, Mamie, residenoe 120 Bowen. Soderberg, Olga, weaver, 116 East First, residence 120 Bowen. Soderlund, Christine, widow Lars, residence 118 Westcott. Soderlund, Gust, laborer, residence 118 Westcott. Soderlund, Helena, house 118 Westcott. Soderquist, Peter A. (Hannah) meat market, 161 Prospect, house 153 do. Sohlstrom, Mary C , widow Nels M., residence 118 King. Solliday, Benjamin K. (C. Amelia) mgr., 107 E. Third, house 872 Main. Solliday, C A., Mrs. bicycle dealer and repairer, 107 E. 3d., res. 872 Main. Solliday, Sadie, dressmaker, rooms 10 Chandler. Solmonson, John (Agnes) weaver, house 29 Columbia avenue. Sona, Hans, upholsterer, residence 15 Morton. Southland Anna, Mrs., house 20 Crosby. Southwick, Cassius C , clerk, 309 Main, residence 109 Foote avenue. Southwick, Morris (Christina) carpenter, house 211 Newland avenue. Southwick, Sylvia B., widow Jerome B., house 109 Foote avenue. Sparling, Mame, aristo worker, residence 39 Prospect. Spaulding, Ephriam D. (Lucy W . ) ,florist,315 Spring, house do. Spaulding, Jane B., widow Joseph A., residence Wellman avenue (Celoron.) Spear, Fred H (Margaret)finisher,105 Winsor, house 212 Bowen. Speer, Bert F., packer, 105 Winsor, residence 54 West Ninth. Speer, Charles A., rubber, 5 Ashville avenue, residence 54 West Ninth. Speer, James W . (Sarah) carpenter, house 54 West Ninth. Speer, Marvin S (Jessie) hotel porter, house 1 East Sixth. Speer Minnie B., residence 54 West Ninth. Spence, Benjamin, comber, 335 Harrison, residence 127 Barrows. Spence, Bertha, drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 127 Barrows. Spence, Jonn (Margaret) machinist, house 127 Barrows. Spence, Lilly, drawer 335 Harrison, residence 127 Barrows. Spencer, Addie M., residence 714 Ashville avenue. Spencer, Alice, widow William, house over 101 East Second. Spencer, Anna, widow Edward, house over 67 Center. Spencer, Anna S., drawer, 335 Harrison, residence 7 Barrows. Spencer, Arthur, spinner, 335 Harrison residence 7 Barrows. Spencer, Arthur (Sarah), wool sorter, 335 Harrison house 10 Water. Spencer, Edward J. (Orisia C.) inis. and real estate, h. 714 Ashville ave Spencer, E. Inez, residence over 101 East Second Spencer, Emily, spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 7 Barrows. Spencer, Frances E., clerk, 203 Main, residence 10 Water. Spencer George F., helper, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 2 Cook avenue. Spencer, Gustavus, retired, residence 818 Lafayette Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, pr„rY„0r;^u™ M. J. MURRAY Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A . D. S VIA R P E CO. STAFFORD. SPENCER. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 363 Spencer, Hannah L., widow Henry, residence 611 Prendergast avenue. Spencer Harry—Schildmacher & Spencer—under 219 Main, res. 7 Fulton. Spencer, Jennie, widow, residence 2 Cook avenue. Spencer, John W., machine hand, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Water. Spencer, Kent W . (Kate) lineman, house 214 Fulton. Spencer, Olive V., residence over 101 East Second. Spencer, Oscar F. (Amanda) stationary engineer, house 810 Lafayette. Spencer Solomon (Ann M.) wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 7 Barrows. Spencer, William (Francis) carpenter, house 21 Valley. Spencer, William H. (Annis) wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 110 Barrows. Spooner, Martha E., student, residence 315 Spring. Sprague, Albert J., printer, residence 101 Broadhead avenue. Sprague, Bertha Q., residence 16 West Fifth. Sprague Blanche, teacher, residence 101 Broadhead avenue. Sprague, Charles N., driver, 99 Insti-tute. residence 101 Broadhead avenue. Sprague, Cherry B., residence 16 West Fifth. Sprague, Clarence J. (Minnie T.) foreman 14-16 W . 2d, res .16 Fluvanna ave. Sprague, E. A. Bennett, Mrs. milliner store 321 Main, house 16 West Fifth. Sprague, Elmer E — Herald Printing Co.—over 208 Pine, res. 613 E. Eighth. Sprague, E. W., medium, house over 600 East Second. Sprague, Francis H., student, residence 101 Broadhead avenue. Sprague, George W . (Ella S.) agent house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Sprague, George W . (Mary) tinner, house 101 Broadhead avenue. Sprague, Horatio B. (Harriet) letter carrier, house 10 Cook avenue. Sprague, Horatio N. (Elizabeth) retired, h. 82-84 N e w Gifford building. Sprague, James L. (Margaret) wall paper, 104 E. 3d, h. 336 Foote avenue. ^Sprague, Lynn T., writer, residence 16 West Fifth. Sprague, Nellie G., bookkeeper, 104 E. Third, residence 336 Foote avenue. V Sprague, T. Nevitt (Frances)—Jamestown Desk Co.—10 Filmore, house 14 Fairmount avenue. Sprague, William H. (Ella A. Bennett) hardware, 38 Main, h. 16 W . Fifth. Sprague, Willis W., student, residence 101 Broadhead avenue. Spring, Harriett, residence 221 Kent. Spring, John, retired, house 221 Kent. v Spring, Lily, residence 221 Kent. Springstead, Sarah M., widow John, boarding house, 202 J. & G. avenue, h. do. Squier, Edwin J. (Minnie) shoe cutter, house 300 Summit. Squier, James I (Emeline) foreman, 318 Cherry, house 617 Palmer. Squier, Jay J., student, residence 300 Summit. Squire, John W . (Charlotte), bender, residence 636 East Sixth. Squier, Mabel N., teacher, residence 300 Summit. Squier, Ziba L„ real estate, room 9 Ellicott bldg., house (Lateron.) Stacy, Lorena C , clerk, residence 20 Marvin. Stafford, Austin H. (Louise M.) pension atty., over 8 E. 3d, h. 545 E. Fifth. Stafford, Charles H., brakeman Erie, residence over 124 East Second. Stafford, Frank O. ( E m m a ) , aristo worker, house 26 Stearns avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools Half-tone or L i n e C u t s ' Z Z t ^ X y ^ l Journal Printing C o m p a n y STAFFORD. STEARNS. 364 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Stafford, Fred (Alta M.) house 13 Weeks. Stafford, John F., stage manager 20 East Second, res. over 124 do. Stafford, John R. ( E m m a C.) day clerk 15 South Main, h. 18 Prather avenue. Stafford, Nettie M., residence over 124 East Second. Stafford, Rowland (Elizabeth A.) packer A m . Aris., h. over 124 E. Second. Stahley, Harry J., clerk, 216 Main, residence 30 Thirteenth. Stahley, Jacob F. (Kate) meat cutter, 30 Main, house 30 Thirteenth. Stahley, M a y m e C , liner, 318 Cherry, residence 30 Thirteenth. Stahre, Charles Rudolph, polisher, residence 18 Stearns avenue. Stahre, Charles R. (Christina L) com. traveler, house 18 Stearns avenue. Stainthrop, Jonas, plumber, 35 Water boards 252 Harrison. Stamm, William M. (Sophia F.) barber, 2 West Third, house 21 Kent Standard Oil Co., Geo. H. Coburn, manager, office 101 E. 3d, works Crescent. Stanford, Fred C. (A. May) photographer over 207 Main, house 114 West 7th. Stanley, William C. (Effle M.) laborer, house 38 Flagg avenue. Stanton, Chester G., laborer, residence 19 Alpaca. Stanton, Clarence H. (Nellie) shipping clerk, house 17 Barker. Stanton, Edgar (Edna) laborer, house 19 Alpaca. Staples, Adelbert L. (Hattie) carpenter, house 422 Warren. Staples, Milton (Margaret) teamster, house 1154 Prendergast avenue. Stapleton, Bartholomew (Mary A.) warp dresser, 335 Harrison, house 47 Foote avenue. Stapleton, Christopher (Mary), dyer, 116 East First, h. 115 Driving Park road Stapleton, Lawrence B., carver, 105 Winsor, residence 47 Foote avenue. Stapleton, Percy, laborer, residence 115 Driving Park road. Stapleton, William, teamster, residence 239 Hazzard. Stapleton, William G (Anna C.) warp dresser, 335 Harrison, res. 47 Foote ave. Star Bottling works, 4 W . First, FrankA. Crantz, proprietor. Star Furniture Co.—Fred O. Crosgrove and James E. Hall—manufacturers odd dressers and book cases, -10-4 Steele: Star Palace Laundry—Edgar H. Warren and George W . Rowland—205 W . 3d. Stark, Anna P., residence 440 Chandler. Stark, Arvid,filler,residence 535 Allen. Stark, Axel (Anna C.) laborer, house 440 Chandler. Stark, Henrik (Charlotte) laborer, house 535 Allen. Stark, Sophia A., residence 440 Chandler. Starkweather, Leroy (Tryphenia) prop. Riverside hotel, 143-149 Fairmount avenue. Starr, Hu'da E. widow Amasy J., house 112 Chandler. Starr, Oliver D., photographer, residence 112 Chandler. Staub, Grace F., mgr, Jamestown Bakery, residence 514 Palmer. Staub, Wilard W . (Effle C ) , bakery 204 East Second, house 112 Cook avenue. Stead, Joseph (Sarah Elizabeth) spinner, house 145 Allen. Stead, William, mill hand, residence 36 Barrett. Stearns, Alice P., residence 54 Prospect avenue. Stearns, Benjamin F., student, residence 336 Palmer. S o m e of the most extensive ^ ^ d ™ *?" M . J. M U R R A Y The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . STEARNS. STEVENS. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 365 Stearns, Charles, carpenter, residence620 Spring. Stearns, Charles W., carpenter, residence 27 Prospect avenue. Stearns, Frank M. (Hattie) plumber, 211 East Third, house 216 Fulton. Stearns, Frank W . (Maria) yard clerk Erie Ry., house 336 Palmer. Stearns, James W . (Mary L.) dist. supt. N .Y. & Pa. T. & T. Co., 113 East. Third, house 54 Prospect avenue. Stearns, Lizzie M., residence 322 Palmer. Stearns, Royal, special agent, 113 East Third, residence 54 Prospect avenue. Stearns, William V. (Clyda), clerk Erie Ft. depot, house 301 Hallock. Stearns, .see also Sterns. Stedman, A d a E., residence 556 West Third. Stedman, Eussiba, widow Spencer T., hoarding house, 556 West Third. Stefanson, Beda M., operative 335 Harrison, residence 38 Vega. Stefanson, Charles J., laborer, residence 38 Vega. Stefanson, Hannah M., wool drawer, 35 Water, residence 38 Vega. Stefanson, John A. (Hannah) house 38 Vega. Stefanson, Oscar W m . , laborer, residence 38 Vega. Steele, Frances D., student, residence 19 Fenton. Steele Frank D. (Ida) real estate, house 19 Fenton. Steele, Harry A., founder, residence 19 Fenton. Steers, Marie B., Mrs., house 214 Winsor. Stein, Lewis W . (Louise) painter, house 11 West Tenth. Steiner, Lillian, sleeve ironer, 19 Steele. Steirly, Rebecca, widow Christian, residence 85 Prospect. Stenmark, Carl, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 118 East Second. ^Stephens, Charles G. H., residence 117 East Sixth. Stephens, Duane (Signa), sta. fireman, house 572 Allen. Stephens, Edgar W . (Amelia W . ) , oil producer, house 117 East Sixth. Stephens, Havena T., residence 117 East Sixth. Stephens, Mary E., widow David H., housekeeper 10 Marvin. Stephens, see also Stevens. Sterling, Robert H. (Caroline) carpenter, house 613 Spring. Sterling, Frank (Myrtle A.), clerk, house 610 Lake View avenue. Stern, Nathan, Prop. Cut Rate Mdse. Co., 9 Main. Sterns, Edwin P. (Sarah E.), butter maker, hause 60 Harrison. Sterns, Elvira J., widow Charles, house 311 West Second. ^ Sterns, Emerson E., office clerk 335 Harrison, residence 311 West Second. Sterns, Sarah E.—Neil & Sterns—60 Harrison, residence do. Sterns, Eee also Stearns. Stetson, M a x (Eva) shoemaker, house 218 Crossman. Stevens, Clarence, barber, boards 405 West Third. v-Stevens, Frank W . (Mary M.), attorney at law, over 201 Main, h. 27 Allen. Stevens, Joseph W . (Mary), retired, house 808 Prendergast avenue. Stevens, Mary J., widow, boards 105 West Second. Stevens, William P. (Kate M.), com. traveler, house Fluvanna avenue. Stevens, Winifred domestic, 405 West Third. CLARK H A R D W A R E CO., Silver Plated W a r e , Cutlery N e a r l y e v e r y family in J a m e s t o w n reads T h e E v e n i n g Journal STEVENS. STOLTZ. 366 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Stevens, see also Stephens. Stevenson, Alonzo (Louisa M.), retired, 1255 Main. Stevenson, John (Mary), warp dresser, house 93 Hazzard. Stevenson, Mayne R . — W a d e & Stevenson—rooms 13-15 Wellman bldg, 101 W . Third, hoards 40 Prospect. Stevenson, Perry W., inspector, 116 East First, boards over 115 S. Main. Steves, George H. (R. Lucinda), carpenter, house Pennsylvania avenue. Steves, Jerry (Ethel M.), barber, 5 Steele, house over 17 do. Steves, Melvin F. (Louisa), shoemaker Newland avenue. Steward, Inez, weaver, 35 Water, boards 25 Maple. Steward, Mary, piece picker, 116 First, house 128 Harrison. Steward, William P. (Elizabeth N.), gas inspector, house 819 Prendergast ave. Stewart, Alexander L. (Grace G.), foreman, 155 J. & G. ave., h., 19 Rathbone. Stewart, Alpine A. (Mary E.), plumbing, 9 East First, house 25 Dickerson. Stewart, Clyde L., bookkeeper, 41 Outlet, residence 60 Broadhead avenue. Stewart, David J. (Elizabeth), carriage maker, house 24 Dickerson. Stewart, Flora, widow Reuben, house 60 Broadhead avenue. Stewart, Frank, carpenter,, boards 154 J. & G. avenue. Stewart, Grace G., grocer, 19 Rathbone, residence do. Stewart, Lewis L. (Rose),filer,house 379 Foote avenue. Stewart, Shook A.,finisher,101 Harrison, residence 24 Dickerson. Stewart, Theodore (Nancy E.), supt. public school, house 8 Institute. Stewart, see also Stuart. Stickler, George W., stenographer, room 28, over 101 W . Third, res. City bldg. Still, Joseph, spinning foreman, 116 East First, boards 1 Briggs. Stillman, Rhierson S. (Ida V.)—Stillman's studio—326 E. 3d, h. 329 East 2d. Stillman's studio—Rhierson S. Stillman and Lawrence A. Fenton—photographers, 326 East Third. Stillson, David (Margaret J.), laborer, house 124 Catlin avenue. Stilson, D. Earl (Kate), wood carver, house 1388 East Second. Stilson, Elias B. (Sarah J.), carpenter, house 1390 East Second. Stilson, Emily, Mrs., furrier, 212 Pine, house do. Stilson, Frank A. (Etna), Ins. Agt. house 122 Cook avenue. Stilson, George W . (Elizabeth S.), carpenter, house 21 Stowe. Stilson, Henry H., carpenter, rooms 718 East Seventh Stilwell, Clyde W., student, residence over 206 East Second. Stilwell, Fred S. (Minnie B.), training and boarding stable, house over 206 East Second. Stilwell, Fred S., Jr., clerk 216 East Second, residence over 206 do. Stocker, Almon E. (Ella C ) , mr.:.on contractor, house 24 W-cdwortJh avenue. Stocker, Ella E., widow Lavern, house under 411 West Third. Stockton, Thomas L. (Myrtle), carpenter, residence 124 Catlin avenue. Stockwell, Perry E. (Julia C ) , com. traveler, house 104 Chandler. Stobl, Gustaf, laborer, rooms 128 Chandler. Stohlberg, Oscar, polisher, 128 Foote avenue, boards 24 Harrison. Stoltz, Henry H. (Flora E.), printer, 14-16 West Second, house 22 Barrett. Hot Water Heating, Z ^ ^ ^ Z X M . J. M U R R A Y Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. STONANDER. STRANBURG. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORS 367 Stonander, Emil, cabinet maker 105 Winsor, boards 24 Victoria avenue. Stone, Charles (Christine), teamster, house 101 Hedges avenue. Stone, Claude A., driver, residence 24 Park. Stone, Emil (Mela), painter, house 619 Warren. Stone, Emil A.,finisherboards 25 West Ninth. Stone, E. Morris, bottler, 4 West First, rooms 6 Willard. </Stone, Fred C. (Adelaide M.), letter carrier, house 315 Price. Stone, Gust F. (Hulda A.)—Fray & Stone—206 East Second, h. 611 West 7th. Stone, Inez M. .operative, residence 24 Park. Stone, J. Alfred ( E m m a ) , teamster, house 24 Park. Stone, John N., plate worker, 95 J. & G. avenue, residence 526 Winsor. Stone, Kate M., stenographer, 21-22 Gokey bldg., bds, 208 Jefferson. Stone, Lavina L., widow Henry W., house 832 Main. Stone, Levi M. (Florence), teamster, house 251 Fulton. Stone, Mabel E., cashier, 205 Main, residence 251 Fulton. -/stone, Milton D. (Minnie B.)—Union Lumber Co.—41 Shearman, h. 312 W . 5th. Stone, William H. (Nellie D.), steel worker, house 223 Hallock. Stone, William S. (Mary E.), teamster, house 526 Winsor. Stoneberg, Anna C , widow John, residence 323 Newland avenue. Stoneberg, J. Edward, clerk, 321 Newland avenue, residence do. Stoneberg, John A. (Anna), grocer, 321-323 Newland avenue, house do. Stoner, Eugene M. (Irene), brick layer, Newland avenue, near Hallock. Stoner, Lyon H. clerk, 14 East Third, residence 305 Crescent. Stoner, Sarah J., widow Isaac, house 305 Crescent. Storck, Charles A., manager Granger & Co. branch, boards 117 Chandler. Storey, Charles G. (Florence), driver, 115 Main, house 423 East Fourth Storey, Jay W., express messenger, residence 423 East Fourth . Storey, Edmond, box maker, boards 37 West Tenth. Storey, Maude S., bookkeeper, room 66, over 107 Main, boards 30 Fairmount avenue. Storey, Thomas, foreman paper box department, 8-16 Main, bds 5 Harrison. Story, William,finisher,residence 145 Warren. Storm, Edward, laborer, boards 37 Kent. Stormer, A d a m J., molder, boards 202 Jones and Gifford avenue. Stormer, Fred, ax maker, 13 Taylor, boards 14 South Main. Stormer, Henry (Rose B.), molder, house 175 Jones and Gifford avenue. Stormer, John (Louise),finisher,house 205 Ridgway avenue. Stormer, William F. ( E m m a ) , molder, house 8 Colfax. Stowe, William D. (Nellie), bookkeeper, house 121 Bush. StcT.cll, Warren U., clerk, Hotel Everett. Straight Manufacturing Co., manufacturers bicycle parts, William H. Bentley general manager, East Second, below limits. Straight, Russell J., president Straight Mfg. Co., house (Bradford, Pa.) Straight, see also Straight. Stranburg, Erick, clerk, residence 51 Fairmount avenue. Stranburg, Oscar (Mary), music dealer, 109 East Second, h. 51 Fairmount ave CLARK HARDWARE CO., WARE. "Every Piece WARRANTED No city the size of Jamestown ^ * ^ / S K 3 W f i K Journal Establishment STRAND. STRUNK. 368 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Strand, A. Emil, brick layer, residence 224 Prospect. Strand, Charles O., Jr., (Josephine), polisher, 105 Winsor, house 43 Holman. Strand Charles 0. (Anna L.), carpenter, house 224 Prospect. Strand, Charles O., Jr. (Addie S.), wood worker, house 224 Prospect. Strand, Ellen A. T., residence 224 Prospect Strand, J. Ernest, wood worker, residence 224 Prospect. Strand, John, coachman, 20 Ellicott. Strand, Oscar (Augusta A.), stone mason, house 117 Maple. Strandberg, Charles J., carver, residence 225 Willard. Strandberg, Ella C , operative, residence 225 Willard. Strandburg, Frank O. (Christina), president Atlas Furniture Co., Allen extension, house 331 Foote avenue. Strandberg, Louise C , widow Frank, house 225 Willard. Strandberg, Mary L., residence 225 Willard. 'Stratton, Charles E. (Rose A.), liquor dealer, 10 W . 1st, h. 38 Fairmount ave. Strauss, Benjamin (Eva E.), wholesale liquor dealer, 3 South Main, house 141 Chandler. Streeter, Dora, Mrs., domestic, 14 East Third, rooms Bush block. Streight, Byron A. (Lorena), junk dealer, house 834 Spring. Streight, Fern L., stenographer, 105 Winsor, residence 834 Spring. Streight, George F., residence 834 Spring. Streight, see also Straight. Strickland, Edith, clerk, residence 814 Jefferson. Strickland, Elizabeth M., operative, 11 Main, residence 11 Marvin. Strickland, Kelley D., laborer, residence 311 Barrett. Strickland, Marenus W . (Julia), retired, residence 311 Barrett. Strickland, Parker D. (Josie), upholsterer, house 51 East Buffalo. Strickland, Roy W., law student, over 108 East Third, residence 21 Chamber. Strickland, Willis L. (Luella M.), carpenter, house 21 Chamber. Strobel, Louis H. (Margaret), W . F. Co.'s Ex. messenger, h. 30 Fairmount av Stromberg, Anna, widow Emil, house 554 Allen. Stromburg, Swane, laborer, boards 5 Orchard. Stromdahl, Lewis, porter, 22 East Second. Stromer, August, deckhand, boards 48 Foote avenue. Strondehl, Alfred (Caroline), door maker, house 55 Water. Strondehl, Charles A. (Anna), warp dresser, 116 East First, res. 55 Water. Strong, Anna, widow Martin, house 60 Hunt road. Strong, Gilbert (Mary), metal jobber, 5 East First, house 260 Warren. Strong, Herman, painter, residence 262 Forest avenue. Strumdahl, Ernest A. (Maude L.), cigar maker, house 221 Warren. Strunk, A m y , widow Charles, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Strunk, Earl, farmer, residence Ashviile avenue (Celoron.) Strunk, Frances B., widow Marshall, house 311 Prendergast avenue. Strunk, Fred B. (Adela W.), clerk, 103 Main, house 562 East Second. Strunk, Georgia, residence, Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Strunk, Henry S. (Amelia M.), farmer, house 210 Warren. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets «"V" M. J. MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings, T H E A . D. S H A R P E STRUNK. CO. SUNBERG. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 369 Strunk, Maude, student, residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Stuart, Clyde H., apprentice, 14-16 West Second, res. over 13 Prospect ava. Stuart, George H. (Rose B.), paper cutter, 56 Prospect, house 628 Palmer. Stuart, Lewis (Nettie), mason, house over 13 Prospect avenue. Stuart, Mary E., Mrs., house 131 South Main. Stuart, Sydney P. (Phoebe), carpenter, house 630 Palmer. Stuart, see also Stewart. Stubbs, Alfred (Mary J.), stone mason, house 32 Institute. Stumpf, Carl F. (Annie), saloon, 2 West First, house N e w Allen flats over 17 West Second. Stumpf, Frank M., bartender, 22 East Second, residence 807 Prendergast ave. Stumpf, George, clerk, 8 East Third, residence 807 Prendergast avenue. Stumpf, Henry (Rosalia), tailor, house 807 Prendergast avenue. Stumpf, Henry A. (Nellie), meat market, 835 Main, house 16 Crossman. Stumpf, Henry W., student, residence N e w Allen flats over 17 West Second. Sturdevant, Bruce F. (Sarah), dyer, 335 Harrison, house 3 Waterman. Sturdevant, Dudley W . (Josephine M.), farmer, house J. & G. ave. near limits. Sturdevant, Emery A. (Eva J.), proprietor Brooklyn square marble works,. 11 Steele, house 135 Warren. Sturdevant, Frank U., laborer, residence 109 Cross. Sturdevant, Harvey C (Josephine S.), foreman, 335 Harrison, house over 293 Crescent. Sturdevant, Lillie B., shoe operative, residence 109 Cross. Sturdevant, Orlando J. (Melissa), laborer, house 109 Cross. Sturdevant, Wesley M., laborer, residence 109 Cross. Sturdevant, William, clerk, residence 135 Warren. Sturdevant, William (Olivia), weaver, 116 East First, house 520 Foote avenue. Suckow, Edmund (Minnie), weaver, house 456 Warren. Suckow, Edward (Mary), machinist, residence 415 Warren. Suderquist, Anna, widow Lars, house 34 Thayer Suderquist, John, laborer, residence 34 Thayer. Sugden, Mary, widow William, house 17 Cowden place. Sullivan, Alice T., residence 8 Whitley avenue. ^ Sullivan, Daniel A. (Mary E.)—Union Lumber Co.—41 Shearman place, house 128 Kent. Sullivan, Dora A., residence 8 Whitley avenue. Sullivan, Ellen M., residence 8 Whitley avenue. Sullivan, Jeremiah (Anna M ) , flagman Erie, house 217 Steele. Sullivan, Jerry, residence 217 Steele. Sullivan John (Ellen) brick mason, house 8 Whitley avenue. Sullivan, John J., residence 8 Whitley avenue. Sullivan, Nora, weaver, 209 Steele, residence 217 do. Sullivan, Thomas, upholsterer, 40 Winsor, residence 217 Steele. Sunberg Carl A., driver, residence 203 Willard. Sunberg, Charles M. (Louise C ) , laborer, house 203 Willard. Sunberg, Franc W., clerk, residence 203 Willard. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Best Silver Plated Ware G o o d Printing at Fair Prices b y the Journal Printing C o m p a n y SUNBERG. SUNDSTROM 370 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Sunberg, Jennie J., operative, residence 203 Willard. Sunberg, Oscar E., wool sorter, residence 203 Willard. Sundberg, Alexander (Bernhardina), house 26 Vega. Sundberg, Carl, cigars and tobacco, 20 East Second, rooms do. Sundberg, Charles J., dyer, residence 15 Highland avenue. Sundberg, Claus A., shoemaker, residence 15 Highland avenue. Sundberg, Gust C. (Amelia C ) , switchman Erie, house rear 307 Winsor. Sundberg, Peter (Ida), carver, house 228 Sprague. Sundberg, Peter E. (Sophie), cabinet maker, house 15 Highland avenue. Sundberg, Tellie, spinner, residence 15 Highland avenue. Sundberg, Victor J. (Matilda), painter, 95 J. & G. avenue, h. 32 Tilden avenue. Sundeen, Anna, domestic, 15 South Main. Sundeen, Axel (Emily), varnisher, 10 Holmes, house over 134 Institute. Sundell, Axel, painter, house 204 Prospect. Sundell, Charles J., driver Johnson Ice Co., boards 504 West Seventh. Sundell, David A., packer, 335 Harrison, residence 219 Barrows. Sundell, Gustaf (Augusta), turner, 11-13 Harrison, house 219 Barrows. Sundell, Johanna, widow Samuel, residence 204 Prospect. Sundell, Minnie, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 23 Center. Sundell, Oscar H., laborer, residence 219 Barrows. Sundell, Tillie, boards 23 Center. Sunderburg, Lenus (Sophia), laborer .house 112 Mechanic. Sunderland, Ada, student, residence 29 College. 'Sunderland, Emily M., teacher, residence, 29 College. Sunderland, Timothy (Anna), foreman 116 East First, house 29 College. Sunderland, Walter C. (Martha B.), correspondent, 335 Harrison, h. 57 Grant Sundgren, Amil J. ( E m m a ) ,finisher,house 12 Arnold. Sundgren, John (Sophia), carpenter, house 213 Willard. Sundholm, Herbert U., glazier, 131 Winsor, residence 13 Alpaca. Sundholm, John (Hannah), laborer, house 618 Warren. Sundin, Mary, Mrs., house 13 Hazzard. Sundman, Alexander M. (Augusta V.), engineer opera house, house 35 Tower. Sundman, Clarence M., varnisher, 105 Winsor, residence 35 Tower Sundquist, Andrew A. (Agusta), blacksmith 13 Taylor, house 418 Willard. Sundquist, Anna C , widow John H., residence 418 Willard. Sundquist, Bertha J., lacer, 318 Cherry, residence 238 Barrows. Sundquist, Carl B., varnisher, 101 Harrison, residence 238 Barrows. Sundquist, Charles E. (Hulda), varnisher, house 136 Sampson. Sundquist, Charles G. (Elin), superintendent municipal electric light plant, 134 Steele, house 295 Willard. Sundquist, Charles J. (Anna F . ) — C. P. Anderson & Co.—306 Harrison, house 238 Barrows Sundquist, Frank, dyer, residence 136 Sampson. Sundquist, Frank G. (Helen), mill hand, house 11 Maltby. Sundquist, Olga B., residence 295 Willard. Sundstrom, Carl J. (Amanda), hostler, J. S. R. W., house 312 Hazeltine ave. If you contemplate Plumbing consult, M . J . M U R R A Y Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. SWANSON. SUTCLIFFE. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 371 Sutcliffe, Clara, operative, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Ellicott. Sutcliffe, Cravens (Ellen), mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 10 Ellicott. Sutcliffe, Harty, lumber piler. boards 118 Palmer. Sutcliffe, Herbert, mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Ellicott. Sutcliffe, Kate, operative, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Ellicott. Sutcliffe, Martha, operative, 335 Harrison, residence 10 Ellicott. Sutlin, Charlie, laborer, house 131 Paik. Sutton, Delbert D. (Verda), baggage master Erie, house 11 The Frederick. Sutton, Nancy, dressmaker, boards 714 Washington. Sutton, William, engineer, N e w Sherman, rooms over 8 West Third. Swager, Bert J., hostler, 224 East Second, boards over 222 do. Swallow, Ellen, Mrs., weaver, boards 650 East Sixth. Swan, Gust P. (Jennie), wood worker, house 257 Prospect. Swanson, Aaron, polisher, 13 Taylor, boards 40 Chapin. Swanson, Adella, weaver, residence 46 Charles. Swanson, Albertina, housekeeper, residence 18 Barrett. Swanson, Albin (Anna L.), teamster, house 37 Winsor. Swanson, Alfred, machinist, boards 120 Prospect. Swanson, Alfred A., laborer, house 281 Willard. Swanson, Almena, widow Andrew, house 53 Thirteenth. Swanson, Amanda, residence over 220 Barrows. Swanson, Andrew (Mary), laborer, house 26 Vega. Swanson, Andrew ( E m m a ) , laborer, house 108 Hedges avenue. Swanson, Andrew E. (Hattie),finisher,house 18 Colfax. Swanson, Anna, residence 20 Newland avenue. Swanson, Anna, domestic, 210 East Fifth. Swanson, Anna, widow John A., house 382 Willard. Swanson Anna, widow Peter, residence 16 Linden avenue. Swanson, Anna B., widow Andrew, residence 33 Holman. Swanson, Anna E., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 120 King. Swanson, Anna L., widow Swan M., residence 85 Tower. Swanson, Arvid (Alama) shoemaker, house 128 Park. Swanson, August (Eliza), contractor, bouse 51 Newton. Swanson, August A., shoe cutter, 318 Cherry, residence 312 Forest Swanson, August F. (Carrie),finisher,105 Winsor, house 49 Thirteenth. Swanson, August W . (Emily), carpenter, house 469 Willard. Swanson, Augusta S., weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 63 Chapin. Swanson, Axel—Axel Swanson & Co.—27 Taylor, rooms over 5 South Main. Swanson, Axel (Amanda C ) , packer, 105 Winsor, house 220 Barrows. , Swanson, Axel E. (May Grace), brick layer, residence 913 Prendergast avenue. Swanson, Axel & Co.—Axel and Fred C. Swanson—livery and feed stable and draying, 27 Taylor. Swanson, Beda, domestic, 312 East Third. Swanson Bros.—Fred and John—livery, carriage manufacturers and blacksmiths, 108 West Fourth. Swanson, Carl A., clerk, 14 Main, residence 55 Prospect. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies R u b b e r S t a m p s of every description b y Journal Printing C o . SWANSON. 372 SWANSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Swanson, Carl G., upholsterer, residence 307 Barrett. Swanson, Caroline, widow Andrew, house 298 Willard. Swanson, Carrie, widow Swan, house 281 Willard. Swanson, C. A. & Co., druggists, 200 Main. Swanson, Charles (Anna)—Charles Swanson & Co.—6 Ellicott building, house 366 Foote avenue. Swanson, Charles (Annie), wood worker, house 20 Lake. Swanson, Charles, weaver, 335 Harrison, boards 7 Hedges avenue. Swanson, Charles (Christine), machinist, house 930 Newland avenue. Swanson, Charles A. (Hulda R.)—C. A. Swanson & Co.—200 Main, house 639 Prendergast avenue. Swanson, Charles A. (Ida S.), grocer, 34 Willard, house 562 Allen. Swanson, Charles A., clerk, residence 291 Willard. Swanson, Charles A., shoemaker, 50 Willard, house do. Swanson, Charles E.—Swanson & Youngquist—203 East Second, residence 68 Rathbone. Swanson, Charles E.,finisher,105 Winsor, boards 63 Chapin. Swanson, Charles I. (Delia), weaver, 116 East First, house over 20 Institute. Swanson, Charles W . (Mary), stationary fireman, 335 Harrison, h. 912 E. 2d. Swanson, Charles W . (Hilma)— C. W . Swanson & Co.—4 Main, h. 311 Forest. Swanson, Charles W . (Alfreda), weaver, house 223 Prospect. Swanson, Charles & Co.—Charles Swanson and Harry D. Lepar—mason contractors and builders, 6 Ellicot t building. Swanson, Christine, domestic, 23 Center. Swanson, C W . & Co., shoe dealers, 4 Main. Swanson, Earl, laborer, residence 330 Allen. Swanson, Edward, laborer, boards 319 Allen. Swanson, Edwin (Anna), cutter 318 Cherry, residence 65 West Tenth. Swanson, Elester A., clerk, 200 Main, residence 639 Prendergast avenue. Swanson, Eliza C, widow Swan M., house 47 Kinney. Swanson, Elinor B.—Sandberg & Co.—943 Newland avenue, residence 116 Williams. Swanson, Emil, mason, boards 25 West Ninth. Swanson, Frank, wool sorter, residence 20 Newland avenue. Swanson, Frank, clerk, 203 Main, residence 291 Willard. Swanson, Fred (Josephine)—Swanson Bros.—108 West Fourth, house 114 West Eighth. Swanson, Fred, teamster, residence 1058 Main. Swanson, Fred (Helen), wood worker, house 34 Hazzard. Swanson, Fred C. (Jennie S.)—Axel Swanson & Co.—27 Taylor, house 29 Linden avenue. Swanson, Gust (Mary), foreman, 29 Taylor, house over do. Swanson, Gust A. (Josephine), engineer, house 11 Morton. Swanson, Gustaf A., grocer, 317 Willard, house do. Swanson, Gustaf S. (Lizzie), musician, house 226 Crescent. Swanson, Gustaf S. (Nellie), laborer, house 224% Crescent M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 W. Third St. The Largest and Best Stock of Dry floods. 7 H E A . D . S H A R P E C O . SWANSON. SWANSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 373 Swanson Hans P. (Ebba), clerk, house 299 Crescent. Swanson, Hedda, boards 67 Center. Swanson, Henry E., laborer, residence 291 Willard. Swanson Hulda, mill hand, residence 307 Barrett. Swanson Hjalmar (Anna C ) ,finisher,35 Water house Willard beyond limits. Swanson. Hulda, twister, house 161% Allen. Swanson Hulda, milliner, residence 1058 Main. Swanson Ida, domestic, residence 307 Barrett. Swanson J. Alfred,finisher,boards 5 Hickory. Swanson Jennie, residence 312 Forest. Swanson Johanna, widow Charles, residence 610 Main Swanson Johanna, widow Charles, residence 214 Barrows. Swanson John (Christine)—Swanson Bros.—108 West Fourth, h. 610 Cherry. Swanson John (Sophia), carpenter, house 32 Pardee avenue. Swanson, John (Breda), retired, house 46 Charles. Swanson John (Anna), laborer, house 1058 Main. Swanson. John, bartender, Hotel Ellicott, rooms over 105 South Main. Swanson. John A. (Clara B.), mill hand, house 330 Allen. Swanson, John B. (Christine), meat market, 774 East Second, house 820 do. Swanson: John C, paving foreman, house 18 Barrett. Swanson. John E. (Anna), electrician, house 13 Partridge. Swanson John F. (Matilda M.), laborer, house 518 Willard. Swanson John H. (Selma C ) , clerk, 632 East Second, house 558 Allen. Swanson; John M. (Christine), stone mason, house 312 Forest. Swanson. John P. (Sophie), lumber stover, house 20 Jones. Swanson. John P., teamster, residence 1058 Main. Swanson John P (Elizabeth), laborer, house 201 Marvin. Swanson John W., manager, 610 Main, residence do. Swanson Julia A., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 382 Willard. Swanson. Lawrence (Alice), weaver, 116 East First, house 41 Maple. Swanson Lena E., clerk, 16 Main, residence 281 Willard. Swanson Lester, clerk, residence 639 Prendergast avenue. Swanson, Lily, weaver, residence 161% Allen. Swanson L. John (Anna S.), carpenter, house 59 Prospect. Swanson Louisa, widow, residence 117 Catlin avenue. Swanson Mable B. R., operative, residence 291 Willard. Swanson Marion D.,finisher,residence 24 Forest. Swanson. Mary, boards 67 Center. Swanson Mary A., clerk 13 Main, residence 11 Morton. Swanson Mary G., widow Marcus, house over 14 Crescent. Swanson Matilda, mill hand, residence 307 Barrett. Swanson Matilda J., residence 291 Willard. Swanson Matilda M., cigars and confectionery, 610 Main, residence do. Swanson. Mattie, domestic, 308 West Fifth. Swanson Melvin L., laborer, residence 291 Willard. Swanson. Nels (Hannah), laborer, house 307 Barrett. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings THF SFMI-WFFKF V IflllRNU has nearly 5,000 paying subscribers. Subgcrip. 1UL, Jlmim W1AJVL,1 JUUIWAL, tion Llat open to Inspection of Advertisers. SWANSON. SWENSSON. 374 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Swanson, Nels, hostler, 118 West Fourth, residence East Oak Hill. Swanson, Nels B. (Augusta B.), carpenter, house 261 Prospect. Swanson, Nels J., retired, house 24 Forest. Swanson, Oscar (Lottie), stone mason, house over 220 Barrows. Swanson, Oscar H. (Lottie A.), laborer, house 191 Marvin. Swanson, Oscar P. (Amanda S.), cigar dealer, 38 Willard, house do. Swanson, Oscar W.,finisher,105 Winsor, boards 63 Chapin. Swanson, Otto, driver, boards 118 Williams. Swanson, Robert G., shoe cutter, residence 312 Forest. Swanson, Selma, weaver, residence 161% Allen. Swanson, Selma C , spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 23 Eagle. Swanson, Sophia, domestic, 313 Main, residence 1058 do. Swanson, Swan A. (Jennie C ) , laborer, house 23 Eagle. Swanson, Swan A. (Christine C ) , carpenter, house 291 Willard. Swanson, Swan Jacob (Stella), tailor, house 20 Newland avenue. Swanson, Theodore E., foreman, residence 214 Barrows. Swanson, Victor, bell boy, 15 South Main, residence 14 Whitley place. Swanson, William (Annie), laborer, house 215 Falconer. Swanson & Youngquist—Charles E. Swanson and Carl O. Youngquist—boots and shoes, 203 East Second. Swart, Guy, driver, residence 365 Stowe. Swart, Lee W., laborer, residence 365 Stowe. Swart, Theron C. (Dora), teamster, house 365 Stowe. Sweeney, John F. (Eva L.), grinder, residence 16 Union. Sweeney, Mayme, musician, residence over 701 West Eighth. Sweeney, Michael W . (Kate), retired, house over 701 West Eighth. Sweeney, William M. (Agnes A.), upholsterer, house over 741 East Second. Sweet, Albert L. (Augusta) hackman, house 10 Charles. Sweet, Alice E., clerk, 105 East Third, residence 26 Rathbone. Sweet, Clarence, hostler, 29 Taylor, boards over do. Sweet, Clarinda M., widow James R., house 26 Rathbone. Sweet, Earl, painter, 25 Shearman p'ace, residence 201 East First. Sweet, Frank H., electrician, residence 36 West Tenth. Sweet, Frank R., shoemaker, 318 Cherry, residence 26 Rathbone. Sweet, Fred D. (Gertrude) draughtsman, house 70 West Tenth. Sweet, Grant W., carpenter, residence 36 West Tenth. Sweet, James, machinist, residence o\er 201 East First. Sweet, Jerry J. (Maria), retired, veteran, house over 201 East First. Sweet, Julia A., weaver, 116 East First, residence 26 Rathbone. Sweet, Mary, clerk, 13 Main, residence 201 East First. Sweet, Mary D., residence 10 Charles. Sweet, Myrtie G., aristo worker, residence 10 Charles. Sweetnam, Thomas H. (Eva J.), checker Erie freight house, bds. 22 S. Main. Swensson, John S., Rev. (Marie), superintendent Gustavus Adolphus Orphans' home, house do. M . J. M U R R A Y uses only the B E S T Plumbing Material Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E SWETLAND. CO. TEMPLETON. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 375 Swetland, Evander J. (Sarah)—Swetland & Anderson—2 East Third, h 11 Cook avenue. Swetland & Anderson—Evander J. Swetland and Charles E. Anderson—dental office, over 2 East Third. Swift, Helen M., house 612 Cherry. Sykes, Maria C , residence 653 Lake View avenue. Sykes, William (Martha) foundry, house 653 Lake View avenue. Syren, John (Minnie), musician, house 364 Baker. T Tafft, F. Ellery (Marcia), manager Tafft & Co., Ill West Third, h. 138 Fulton. Tafft & Co., bicycles and sporting goods, 111 West Third—F. E. Tafft mgr. Tankard, Clara, Mrs., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 7 Winsor. Tankard, Squire .weaver 116 East First, boards 252 Harrison. Tanner, F. E. & Co.—Fred E. Tanner—noyelty agency, room 55 Gokey block, 14 West Third. Tanner, Fred E. (Sophia)—F. E. Tanner & Co.—room 55 Gokey building, house 161% Allen. Tanner, John W . (Mary), laborer, 618 Palmer. Tarr, Ada, waitress, 10 West Third. Tate, Jessie, residence 615 Falconer. Tatley, John (Clara), tinsmith, 335 Harrison, house 21 Water. Taylor, Agnes, tel. operator, 113 East Third, boards 117 Chandler. Taylor, Cranston D. (Margaret R.), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 127 Allen Taylor, Ethelyn M., box maker, residence 434 Maple. Taylor, Henry A. (Clara), head sawyer,house 434 Maple. Taylor, Jeanette L., widow Samuel S., house. 619 Falconer. Taylor, John B. (Hilda C ) . polisher, house 8 Bowen. Taylor, John E., machinist, residence 432 Maple. Taylor, John W., barber, 21 Forest avenue, boards 5 Williams. Taylor, Margaret R., residence 127 Allen. Taylor, Martin F. (Minnie), night yardmaster E. R. R., house 424 Hallock. Taylor, Mary, widow Charles, residence 810 Cherry. Taylor, Mary, widow Harvey A., operative 35 Water, house 432 Maple. Taylor, Maryette, laundress, residence 148 Foote avenue. Taylor, Mervin J. (Sarah), drayman, house 12 Summit. Taylor, Orton S. (Grace E.), heading maker, house 43 Hazzard. Taylor, Shirley S. (Anna), machinist, house 9 Kent. Teall John M., billiard clerk, 120 East Second, residence 308 West Second. Teese, Frank L., lineman, 113 East Third, boards City Hotel. Tefft, Edward, painter, house 301 Forest. Temple, Jennie, widow DeForest, house 426 East Fifth. Templeton, Herman J. (Nora B.)—Templeton & Murphy—14 Main, house 35 Mechanic. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies Purchasers nf Pllhlicitv can cover the territory tributary, to TJ.p Iniiri1.il Dailyand riHWiaseiS Ul rUUlltliy Jamestown thoroughly by using iuc JUUI1MI Semi-Weekly TEMPLETON. THOMAS. 376 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Templeton, Phillip A. (Josephine), broker, house 83 Hazzard. Templeton & Murphy—Herman J. Templeton and Dennis W . Murphy—grocers, 14 Main. Tennant, Etta, domestic, 310 West Second. Tenney, Albert (Jennie), clerk, house over 203 West Third. Ternstrom, William (Christine), painter, 2 Steele, house 29 Ellicott. Terrell, George, glass cutter, 518 East Sixth, boards 113 West Third. Terry, Chester F. (Lizzie M.), locomotive engineer, house over 201 East 2nd. Terry, Emily, Mrs., house 405 West Sixth. Terry, Florence E., stenographer, 9 city hall, residence 405 West Sixth. Terry, Grace, clerk, residence over 201 East Second. Terry, Grace B., residence 405 West Sixth. Terry, J. Bert, (Mary M.), saloon 124 East Second, house over do. Terry, LeRoy C , student, residence over 201 East Second. Terry, Nettie, bookkeeper, 219 Spring, boards 112 Chandler. Terry, Roy J., driver, 103 Main, rooms do. Tender, Emil O. (Sophia), laborer, house 211 Crescent. Terwilleger, Wesley (Annie), carpenter, house 101 Cook avenue. Teudesman, Frank H. (Mina A.), laboier, house 624 Palmer. Tew, George W . (Lucia W . ) , retired banker, house 53 N e w Gifford building. 1/7 Tew, Harvey (Susan G.), retired, house 418 Spring. <•• Tew, Willis, vice president Chautauqua County Trust Co., 201 Main, house 204 West Fifth. Tewey, Cornelius (Anna), building mover, house 426 Warren. Thatcher, Etha P., millinery, 100 East Third, residence 6 Cross. Thatcher, John (Mary H.), retired, house 16 Sampson. Thatcher, Mary E., Mrs., milliner, 100 East Third, residence 6 Cross. Thatcher, Orastus J. (Mary E.), clerk, 100 East Third, house 6 Cross. Thayer, Alanson (Lucy A.), painter, house 634 Falconer. Thayer, Allan A. (Emma), packer, 13 East Third, house 3 2 % Kent. Thayer, Ausdin J. (Jennie)—Jamestown Veneer Works—46 Steele, house 2S Kingsbury. Thayer, Bert M. (Bernice), broom maker, house 634 Falconer. Thayer, Ralph W . (Gladys C ) , watchmaker, 105 Main, house 37 Maple. Thayer, Warren (Patience), foreman, house 603 East Seventh. Thelander, Carl, tailor, 307 Main, house (Falconer P. O.) Thelin, Lottie A., widow Charles O., house 172 Marvin. Theobald, George (Ester A.)—Pearl City Stone Co.—rear 56 Steele, house 122 Barrett. Thierfeldt, Louis C. (Ida), dyer, house 75 Kinney. Thorn, Charles L., manager N e w York Millinery Co., 103 West Third, boards 14 East Third. Thomas, Bessie, traveling saleslady, residence 125 South Main. Thomas, Bessie C , residence 243 Hallock. Thomas, Charles H. (Anna), gardener, house 507 Palmer. Thomas, Dora J., widow Austin, residence 315 Forest. If you contemplate N e w Plumbling, consult M . J. M U R R A Y Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. THRALL. THOMAS. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY 377 Thomas, Ethel, waitress, Hotel Everett. Thomas, Eva, domestic, 352 East Fifth. Thomas, Frank A. (Kate), house 341 Foote avenue. Thomas, Fred W., paper hanger, residence 111 Bowen. Thomas, Georgia, domestic, 518 Pine. Thomas, George W . (Ella J.), steam dyeing and cleaning, under 24 South Main, house 343 Foote avenue. Thomas, John (Abigail Z.), retired, house 243 Hallock. Thomas, John C , millwright, house 11 Barrett. Thomas, Lizzie, widow Eric, residence 122 Forest. Thomas, Lulu R., artist, residence 164 Chandler. Thomas, Lura, widow Sebastian, residenceflat4, over 17 Steele. Thomas, Mary, widow Frederick, house 111 Bowen. Thomas, Mary H., widow Frank A., house 164 Chandler. VThomas, Nathaniel E. (Lizzie M.), proprietor Thomas Printing Co., under 101 East Third, house 109 Allen. Thomas Printing Co.—Nathaniel E. Thomas—book and job printing, under 101 East Third. Thompson, Andrew C , paper hanger, house 406 Baker. Thompson, Carl G., reporter, residence 50 Allen. Thompson, Charles, hostler, 113 West Third, residence do. Thompson, Edward, carver, rooms 118 East Second. Thompson, Ellen, widow William, house 35 Rathbone. Thompson, Elvira M., widow Joseph A., house 37 Harrison. Thompson, George M. (Hattie J.), motorneer, house 230 Crosby. Thompson, H. Marvin (Julia A.), milk dealer, house 610 Camp. Thompson, Howard, cashier, 203 Main, residence 504 East Second. Thompson Irene, residence over 309 Main. Thompson, Jane E., widow Rensselaer V., residence over 10 East Third. Thompson, John C. (Almira), stone mason, house over 117 East Second. Thompson, Levant H. (Maggie E.), clerk, 219 Spring, h. under 310 Jefferson. Thompson, Lora, weaver, boards 210 Park place. Thompson, Louisa E., widow Christopher, residence 406 Baker. Thompson, Norman R. (Kate S.), house 50 Allen. Thompson, Seth W . ( E m m a L.), banker, house 609 Lake View avenue. Thompson, Sylvia E., clerk, residence over 117 East Second. Thomson, Alexander, warp dresser, 335 Harrison, boards 155 Barrows. Thore, Axel H. (Annie C ) , driver 10 West Third, house 219 Chandler. Thoren, Arvid, buffer, boards 24 Center. Thoren, Carl ( E m m a C ) , painter, house 530 Winsor. Thoren, Richard (Lydia), polisher, house 37 Broadhead avenue. Thoren, Matilda, domestic, 14 East Fourth. Thorman, John (Mary), machinist, house over 18 Whitley avenue. Thorpe, Sarah, domestic, 12 Crossman. Thrall, Arthur L. (Lucia),—manager Lakeview rose gardens—301 Main, house 533 West Third. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Belts, Factory Supplies If y o u r advertisement is in the J o u r n a l you're in g o o d c o m p a n y THROAP. TOOTHILL. 378 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Throap, Henry W. (Maude E.), clerk, 205 Main, house 559 East Second. TThurnblad, Albert (Anna), painter, house 28 Winsor. Tibbals, Horace W . (Ellen R.)—Tibbals & Fowlec—over 202 Main, house do. Tibbals & Fowler—Horace W . Tibbals and A. R. Fowler—photographers over 202 Main. Tibbets, George W . (Ida), driver, house 117 Barrett. Tideman, Lawrence H., painter, house 15 Fluvanna avenue. Tiffany, Alonzo G. (Azora), plasterer, house 9 Reinold avenue. Tiffany, Bert G., clerk, Erie freight depot, residence 207 Jefferson. Tiffany, Chapin (Mary), patrolman, 7 city hall, house 206 Spring. Tiffany, Charles S., freight handler, Erie, house 205 Jefferson. Tiffany, Clarance A., student, residence 207 Jefferson. Tiffany, Frederick D. (Gertrude), polisher, house 327 Warren. Tiffany, George H. (Helen I.), book and job printer, over 16 East Third, house 207 Jefferson. Tiffany, Horton (Ella S.), meat cutter, 16 East Second, rooms 313 Jefferson. Tiffany, J. William, clerk, residence 206 Spring. Tiffany, Lynn, clerk, 16 East Third, residence 207 Jefferson. Tiffany, M. Lucina, residence 206 Spring. Timperley, E. Clyde, tel. inspector, 113 East Third, boards Hayward. Tindale, Alma, domestic, 405 West Third. Tinker, Julian M., student, residence 407 Lafayette. Tinker, Herbert M., bookkeeper, 201 Main, residence 407 Lafayette. Tinker, Merrill C. (Mary M.), janitor P. O., house 407 Lafayette. Times Publishing Co., publishers Evening and Tri-Weekly Times, A. M. Loomis editor, Geo. G. Brownell business manager, 217 Spring. Tobias, Blanche M., bookkeeper, 31 Main, residence 200 Allen. Tobias, E m m a J., Mrs., residence 24 Derby. Todd, Eylyn D. (Helen), bookkeeper, 120 West Third, house 212 Fulton. Todd, Fred P. (Mary A.)—Todd & Mericle—rooms 12 Gokey block, 18 West Third, house 408 East Sixth. Todd, Lafayette O. (Elpha K.)—Todd & Cook—20 East Third, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Todd, Mariett A., Mrs., housekeeper, 130 Harrison. Todd, Mary E., nurse, house 26 Stowe. Todd, Sarah, widow Elbridge G., residence 26 Stowe. Todd & Cook—Lafayette O. Todd and Edwin D. Cook—grocers, 20 East 3d. Todd & Mericle—Fred P. Todd and Jay P. Mericle—insurance and real estate. room 12 Gokey block, 18 West Third. Tolson, Albert (Sarah Jane), carder, house 314 Foote avenue. Tolson, Jesse, wool sorter, residence 314 Foote avenue. Tolson, John R., weaver, residence 314 Foote avenue. Tompkins, Frances A., widow Frank A., modiste, 216 East Third, house do. Tonge, James G. (Laura), insurance and real estate, house 10 West Tenth. Toothill, Ernest G., residence 620 East Sixth. Toothill, Lily, residence 620 East Sixth. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, pTT^rS^by M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . TOOTHILL. TRAFF. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 379 Toothill, Nora, student, residence 620 East Sixth. Toothill, Richard E. (Anna M.), designer, house 620 East Sixth. Topper, Joseph (Elizabeth) retired, house 122 Harrison. Topper, Joseph H. (Anna E.), weaver, 335 Harrison, h. over 218% Crescent. Tordoff, Scofield (Polly), spinner, 335 Harrison, house 113 Weeks. Torge, William W . (Lena>, bottler, house 618 Jefferson. Tornblom, August F. (Johanna E.), minister, house rear 108 Chandler. Torrens, James, commercial traveler, rooms 209 Prendergast avenue. Torrey, William G. (Ella), oiler, house 44 Park. Torsell, Charles (Hannah), laborer, house over 31 Scott. Toscan, James E., shoemaker, 9 % Easi Second, rooms 79 Allen square bld». Tousley, Alice A., widow Edgar, house 41 Thirteenth. Tousley, John H. (Mary E.), retired, house 306 Spring. Tousley, John H., Jr., bartender Humphrey house, residence 306 Spring. ^Tousley, Ruth C , physical instructor Jamestown high schools, residence 306 Spring. Tower, Lozell H. (Maud M.) farmer, house 43 Royal avenue. Towle, Adelle, widow Joshua J., house 101 Crosby. Towle, Mary A., teacher, residence 101 Crosby. Towle, William E., engraver, 14-16 West Second, residence 101 Crosby. Towne, Bertha M., canvasser, residence 35 Prospect avenue. Towne, Rufus (Charlotte A.), laborer, house 35 Prospect avenue. v^Towne, Morris E. (Effie), commercial traveler, house 300 Lincoln. Towne, William S. (Clara), teamster, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Townley, Jennie M., widow Frank, residence 19 West Seventh. Townsend, Gertrude A., stenographer, residence 230 Crosby. Townsend John A. (Martha N.), twister, 335 Harrison, house 200 Chandler. Townsend John G. (Christine), carpet cleaning works, 31 Linden ave., h. do. 31 LINDEN Townsend's Steam Carpet Cleaning Works, AVENUE. Carpets a n d R u g s , Cleaned a n d Scoured Dry Steam Cleaning for Chenille Goods Feathers Renovated ALL W O R K GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY. TELEPHONE Townsend, Mary, dressmaker, house 230 Crosby. tracey, Charles A. (Ellen), retired, rooms 311 Prendergast avenue. Tracy, Daniel R. (Minnie), brick layer, house over 937 East Second. Tracy, Florence, operative, 335 Harrison, residence 1 Ellicott. Tracy, Jane, widow John, house 1 Ellicott. Tracy, Thomas P., wood turner, residence 1 Ellicott. Tracy, Walter B., laborer, 105 Winsor, residence 1 Ellicott. Traff Augusta, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 11 Eagle. Traff, Carl J., shoemaker, residence 11 Eagle. Traff, Carl O. (Matilda), shoemaker, 318 Cherry, house 11 Eagle. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools Half-tone or L i n e C u t s t - T ^ t V ^ l Journal Printing C o m p a n y TRAFF. TURNER. 380 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Traff, Dora, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 11 Eagle. Traff, Julieth E., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 11 Eagle. Trainer, Bernerd (Katharine), letter carrier, house 103 Stowe. Trainer, John J. (Mary A.), warp dresser, house 836 Prendergast avenue. Trainor, Alexander (Gusta), plumber, 112 East Third, h. over 492 Crescent. Trainor, George E., warp dresser, 335 Harrison, residence 104 Weeks. Trainor, James (Bridget), laborer, house 104 Weeks. Trainor, Jane Ann, residence 104 Weeks. Trainor, Patrick, loomfixer,335 Harrison, residence 104 Weeks. Trainor, Thomas, laborer, residence 104 Weeks. Trainor, William, helper, 112 East Third, residence 104 Weeks. v Trampleasure, Henry T. (Mary), wool sorter, house 307 East Sixth. Trampleasure, Lillian, kindergarten teacher, residence 307 East Sixth. Trantum, Arthur L. (Jane C ) , second hand goods, 29 Main, house 410 Winsor Trantum, Cleveland A., general manager Jamestown Furniture Co., 129 Jones and Gifford avenue, boards 410 Winsor. Trantum, George V. (Sarah), retired, house 109 Mechanic. Trantum, Guy M., clerk, 38 Main, residence 356% East Fourth. Trask, Agnes M., housekeeper, 1037 East Second. Trask, Augustus M., retired, residence 1037 East Second. Trask, Claude D. (Mary), coachman, residence 317 East Fifth. Trask, Eugene, driver, boards 313% Warren. Trask, John M. (Emma), laborer, house 805 Main. Trask, Lula, weaver, 116 East First, boards 313% Warren. Trask, Laura J., widow William, residence 805 Main. Trask, Nancy J., widow Joseph, nurse, boards 333 East Second Traver, Emerson M. (Myrtle), mason, house 648 East Sixth. Treat, Charles E. (Lottie J.)—Cook & Treat—30-32 Main, h. 43 Fairmount ave Trill, William L. (Mary V.), machinist, house 45 Bush. Trip, Millie Herrick, Mrs., milliner, residence 626 Spring. Triscuit, Ernest, freight handler, residence 207 Palmer. Trude, Byron S. (Anna B.), foreman, house Lakewood road. Truesdell, Alice R., agent for health foods, house 3 West Fourth. Truesdell, Ellen H., widow Zebedee, residence 205 Chandler. Tucker, John, coachman, 101 East Fourth. Tuckerman, Arthur, cutter, residence 339 East Fourth. ^/Tuckerman, George S. (Mary H.), retired, house 339 East Fourth. Tuckerman, James Hall, journalist, residence 339 East Fourth. Tuckerman, Josephine, residence 339 East Fourth. Tunberg, Swan A. (Steena), laborer, house 120 Williams. Turkey, L y m a n (Hattie), laborer, house 937 East Second. Turnblom, Frank A. (Ellen C ) , house 46 Thayer. Turner, Fred P., clerk, 632 East Second, residence 13 Orchard. Turner, James, retired, residence 13 Scott. Turner, John (Alice E.), wool sorter, 335 Harrison, house 46 Foote avenue. Turner, John L. (Bertha), confectioner, house 42 Water. S o m e of the most extensive ^Uy w S ; ^ , ? 6 M . T. M U R R A Y The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A . D. S H A R P E TURNER. CO. UNDERWOOD JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 381 Turner, Joseph H., printer, rooms 26 Fenton place. Turner, Morris (Maude), laborer, 112 East Third, house 197 Marvin. Turner, Peter J. (Ida)—Olson & Turner—632 East Second, house 13 Orchard. Turnquist, John (Lida), grinder, house 270 Broadhead avenue. Turnwall, Michael (Anna), clerk, house 21 West Ninth. Tuxford, Charles T. (M. Alice), dealer in veneers, house 29 Kent. Tweedale, Emily, residence 10 Crosby. Tweedale, Frank, bookkeeper 35 Water, residence 10 Crosby. Tweedale, John (Betsie), insurance agent, house 10 Crosby. Twiner, Joseph E., student, residence 46 Foote avenue. Twist, Mary Ann, widow Henry, residence 159 East Ninth. Tyler, Arvilla, widow Lewellyn, house 69 Thirteenth. Tyler, Edith G., violin student, boards 333 East Second. Tyler, Maude, domestic, 19 West Seventh. Tyler, Rowena W., violin student, boards 333 East Second. Tyler, William H. (Ella), grocer, 512 West Seventh, house do. Tyrrell, Lewis D. (Margaret), shoefinisher,318 Cherry, house 209 West 8th. Tyrrell, Lucelle, widow George N., house over 211 Main. Tyrrell, Nina, residence over 211 Main. Tyrrell, William C (Ella), clerk, residence Wieks avenue (Celoron.) u Ulander, Anna, residence 107 Cheney. Ulander, Axel, laborer, residence 107 Cheney. Ulander, Christine, widow Peter, house 107 Cheney. Ulander, Jennie, residence 107 Cheney. Ulene, David, mill hand, 28 Sprague, residence 224 Forest avenue. Ulene, Gust, shoemaker, 21 East Third, house 224 Forest avenue. Ulene, Joseph G., cutter, chair maker, 20 Winsor, residence 224 Forest ave. Ulene, Robert, upholsterer, residence 224 Forest avenue. Ulf, Adolph (Julia), carver, house 46 Prospect avenue. Undberg, Albert (Josephine), laborer, house 207 Barrett. Underwood, Adella G., music teacher, residence 415 Lake View avenue. Underwood, Albert (Hulda B.), house 44 Prospect avenue. Underwood, Anna E., residence 44 Prospect avenue. Underwood, Belle M., residence 44 Prospect avenue. Underwood, Bertha A., residence 44 Prospect avenue. Underwood, Cyrus (Julia A.), oil producer, house 415 Lake View avenue. vUnderwood, Edward L. (Phenie R.),—Harris, Underwood & Doering, 24 Main house 321 Crossman. Underwood, F. Joseph (Elizabeth T), commercial traveler, 105 Winsor, house 114 Forest avenue. Underwood, Fred E., plumber, residence 44 Prospect avenue. Underwood, George (Marilla), commercial traveler, house 164 Marvin. Underwood, Jane, residence 415 Lake View avenue. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Silver Plated Ware, Cutlery N e a r l y every family in J a m e s t o w n reads T h e E v e n i n g Journal UNDREN. VAN NESS. 382 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Ungren, Ludwig (Mary), carpenter, house 220 Prospect. Union Lumber Co.—Daniel A. Sullivan and Milton D. Stone—manufacturers and dealers in hardwood lumber, 41 Shearman place. Union Trust Co., Frank Merz president, Harry L. Briggs cashier, 211 Main. Unsworth, John W . (Sarah E.), mill hand, 335 Harrison, house 3 Shaw. Unsworth, Margaret E., operative, 335 Harrison. Unsworth, Mary, widow Ralph, house 3 Shaw. Upham, Joseph W . (Harriet K.), real estate, house 511 Main. Usher, Allan T. (Laura J.), retired, residence 101 East Fourth. V Vackstrom, Frans (Johanna C ) , tailor, 113 South Main, house 265 Broadhead avenue. Vail, Seabury S., local manager Samuels's opera house, 20 East Second, rooms 419 West Third. Vallen, Rennold (Bertha L.), laborer, 153 J. and G. avenue, h. 25 Peterson. Vanblo, E m m a , spinner, 335 Harrison, residence 21 Victoria avenue. Vanblo, Frank, laborer.residence 21 Victoria avenue. Vanblo, Louise, widow John, house 21 Victoria avenue. Vanderwork, Frank G. (Mary J.), meat market, 939 East Second, house (Falconer.) Vanderburgh, Ann S., widow John J., house 417 East Second. Vandergrift building, 101-111 East Second. Vandergrift Manufacturing Co. (The) T. J. Vandergrift president, manufacturers washing machines, 56-68 Blackstone avenue. Vanderhoof, Grace, milliner, 318 Main, residence (Celoron.) Vandervoort, Charles R. (Sara A.), commercial traveler, 116 East First, house 841 East Second. VanDusen, Benjamin F., cabinet maker, house 6 Crescent. VanDusen, Caroline, widow John G., clerk, 103 West Third, looms 304 do. VanDusen, Charles D. (Anabel)—VanDusen & Galivan—37 Forest avenue, house 211 do. VanDusen, Fred (Alice A.), solicitor, room 14 Ellicott building, h. 301 Lincoln. VanDusen, George C. (Lucinda M.), attorney at law, house 102 Hallock. VanDusen, James H., retired, residence 211 Forest avenue. VanDusen, Theodore F. (Frances), cabinet maker, 101 Harrison, house 6 Crescent. VanDusen & Galivan—Charles D. VanDusen and John Galivan—blacksmiths, 37 Forest avenue. VanEvery, Emeline, widow James, residence 413 Ashville avenue. VanGrosbeck, Van Leven (Mary Ann), retired, house 207 Allen. VanNamee, Fred D. (Bertha), real estate, rooms 19-20 Gokey building, 18 West Third, house 653 East Sixth. VanNamee, Milo (Susan P.), farmer, house 726 East Seventh. VanNess, Jerry N. (Mary), stationary engineer, house 111 West Eighth. Hot Water Heating, SlJerffnf'V^SeW M. J. MURRAY Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A. D. S H A R P E CO. V A N SCOTER. VINCENT. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 383 ^ VanScoter Myron S. (Jennie) clerk 109 Main, house 904 do. VanStee, Jacob (Anna L.), carver, residence 14 Willard. VanStone, Frank A. (Edith E.), clerk, 111 West Third, house 411 West 4th. Van Tuyl, Fred H., clerk, 12 West Third, residence 417 Ashville avenue. Van Tuyl, Henry J. (Garphe0.ia)—Wilson & Van Tuyl—12 West Third, house 417 Ashville avenue. Van Vleck, Jessie H., residence 7 Hall avenue. Van Vleck, Sarah A., widow Orville, helper, 10 West Third, house 7 Hall ave. Van Vleck, Walter, polisher, residence 7 Hall avenue. Van Volkenburg, William (Ida), switchman, house 156 Jones & Gifford ave. Van Wert, Minerva B., student, residence 333 East Fifth. Van Wert, Moses E. (Susan), piano dealer, house 333 East Fifth. Van Wert, Susan E., teacher, residence 333 East Fifth. Varley, James, wool sorter, 335 Harrison, residence 155 Barrows. Varley, John (Amanda), loomfixer,house 569 Allen. Varley, Joseph (Hannah), loomfixer,house 565 Allen. Varley, Mary A., widow William H., house 155 Barrows. Vart Land Publishing Co.—Oscar F Johnson, president, Samuel A. Carlson secretary and manager—proprietors Vart Land over 12 West Second. • Vasbinder, Charles E. (Maude), laborer, house 205 Allen. Vaughn Bros.—William W., and Herman F.—electrical supplies, 128 E. 2d. Vaughn, Charles S. (Lilly), oil operator, house 15 West Tenth. Vaughn, Herman F. (Anna)—Vaughn Bros.—128 East Second, h. 145 Warren. Vaughn, William W . (Sarah E.)—Vaughn Bros.—128 East Second, house do. Vedell, Charles (Sophie), carpenter, house 15 Myrtle. Vederburg, Anna, domestic, 21 Allen. Vegran, John, laborer, boards 337 Willard. Veiley, Morgan L. (Nancy L.), laborer, house 317 Warren. Veiley, Walter A. (Lena), plumber, 114 East Second, house 114 Newland ave. Vellan, Freda, cotton winder, boards 109 Colfax. Venman, Andrew (Mary), packer, Atlas Fur. Co., house 229 East Buffalo. Venman, John—Brant & Venman—120 Willard, house (Frewsburg.) Vennerholm, Frank, painter, 105 Winsor, boards 307 do. Vennerholm, Gust, painter, 105 Winsor, boards 307 do. Vennerholm, Huldafinisher,335 Harrison, boards 19 Winsor. Vernon, Dixon S., machinist, residence 110 Marvin. Vernon, Frank S., laborer, residence 110 Marvin. Vernon, Harry S. (Virginia), carpetfitter,house 110 Marvin. Vesting, Tena, domestic, 417 East Second. Vestlund, Erick L. (Hulda), shoemaker, 4 Main, house 775 East Second. Venstrom, Eric (Anna), sawyer, house 611 Warren. Vincent, Earl R., electrician, residence 138 Institute. Vincent, Edwin C. (Sarah E.), drayman, house 637 Falconer. Vincent, George (Mabel), laborer, residence 10 Flagg avenue. Vincent, Herbert B. (Julia A.), retired, house 138 Institute. Vincent, Louis (Lottie), wood worker, house over 246 Crescent. CLARK HARDWARE CO *«•»*. for *™**8K\_^55™S ^^•t WARE. Every Piece WABBABiu" No city the size of Jamestown thLbfhoLprlH0%i?lTthse Journal Establishment VINCENT. WAITE. 384 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Vincent, Simeon M. (Mary E.), drayman, house 10 Flagg avenue. Vincent, William (Minnie), turner, 40 Winsor, residence 10 Flagg avenue. Vine, Annie, weaver, 116 East First, residence 106 Foote avenue. Vine, Elijah, musician, residence 106 Foote avenue. Vine, John (Mary A.), carder, 335 Harrison, house 106 Foote avenue. Vine, William J. (Lizzie E), musician, house 45 Harrison. Vining, Barbara, widow Elbin, house 31 Fountain avenue. Vining, Horace A. (Hattie) teamster, house 1333 East Second. Vimmerstedt, Alfred, mattress maker, residence 828 Newland avenue. Vimmerstedt, Andrew, steel worker, residence 828 Newland avenue. Vimmerstedt, Carl (Christine) woodworker, house 828 Newland avenue. Vimmerstedt, Erie, lounge maker, residence 828 Newland avenue. Vought, Frank (Adella M.), bookkeeper, 201 Main, house 316 West Fourth. v Vought, Sabra W., residence 316 West Fourth. w ^Wade, Arthur C. (M. Franc)—Wade & Stevenson, 101 West Third, also president Fenton Metallic Co., house 351 East Fourth. Wade, Barth (Mary A.) piece taker, 335 Harrison, house 13 Alpaca. Wade, Oliva G., stenographer, 25 Shearman place, residence 338 East Third. W a d e & Stevenson—Arthur C. W a d e and Mayne R. Stevenson—attorneys at law, rooms 13-14-15 Wellman building, 101 West Third. Wade, see also Waid. Waggoner, George <Fl.orence V.) farmer, house 13 Fountain avenue. Waggoner, Lillie C , artist, residence 13 Fountain avenue. Wagner, Richard (Lillian H.) musician, house 223 Steele. Wahlgren, Charles F. (Minnie K.) boots and shoes, 117 East Second, house 12 Columbia avenue. Wahlgren, Harry C , clerk, residence 12 Columbia avenue. Wahlgren, Helga E., bookkeeper, residence 12 Columbia avenue. Wahlgren, see also Walgren. Wahlstedt, Albert (Clara) heater, house 17 Park place. Waid, Malvern R. (Lottie) wood worker, house 109 Jones. • Waid, see also Wade. Wait, A. Viola, stitcher, 318 Cherry, residence over 10 East Seoond. Waite, Arthur (Grace) weaver, house 108 Williams. Waite, Charles M. (Carrie E.)—Munson & Waite—710 E. 2d, h 435 Winsor Waite, Clair, shoemaker, 318 Cherry.residence 378% Foote avenue. Waite, Elmer E., bookkeeper, over 7 B. Third, boards 112 W . Seventh. Waite, Forest, packer, residence 378% Foote avenue. Waite, G. Burton, cigars and tobacco, 120 E. Third, res. 435 Winsor. Waite, Horace G. (May F.), commercial traveler, house 378% Foote avenue. Waite, Jumes A., carver, residence 435 Winsor. Waite, Luther, barber under 222 Main, residence 126 Bowen. Waite, Ralph E. (Myrtie) tea agent, house 15 Kidder. High-grade, Noiseless Water Closets P'V" M. J. MURRAY Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. T H E A . D. S H A R P E WAITE. CO. WALLIS. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 385 Waite, Sidney (Addie), driver, house 126 Bowen. Waite, Tlhomson (Harriett! weaver, 116 East First, house 4 Palmer. Waite, William G. (Kate J.) cabinet maker, 95 J. & G. ave., h. 615 Pine. Walbridge, Lillian, Mrs., music teacher, boards 116 East Fourth. Walburg, John (Ida A.) clerk, house 654 East Sixth. Walburg, see also Wallberg. Walden, Albert C. (Katherine) stool maker, house 22 Rathbone. Walden, Theron J. ( E m m a J.) stationary engineer, house 9 Howard. Walene, Andrew (Ida) laborer, house 34 Thayer. Walene, see also Wallen. Walgren, John F. (Hedwig), retired, house 262 Forest avenue. Walgren, see also Wahlgren. ^Walker, Albert A. (Clara) paints and painter, rear 12 W . 2d, h. 11 W . Eighth. Walker, Alice, stenographer, residence 123 East Ninth. Walker, Bertha A., weaver, 335 Harrison, residence 9 Crane. Walker, Cyril B. (Jane) printer, house 16 South Walnut. Walker, Daniel, teamster, residence 410 Lake View avenue. Walker, Delia M., residence 410 Lake View avenue. Walker, Elmer F. (Maude), painter, house 610 Cherry. Walker, Herbert (Eva) wool sorter, house 405 Palmer. Walker, Horace W . (Alice D.) farmer, house 410 Lake View avenue. Walker, Josiah (Sarah J.) teamster, house 14 Falconer. Walker, Lee B. (Vernie) painter, house over 714 Main. Walker, Samuel (Hanna) house 9 Crane. Walker, William H. (Elanor) assist, baggageman Erie depot, h. 32 Derby. Walkerman, Joseph M. (Mary) saloonkeeper, house 439 Winsor. Walkerman, Margaret, widow Michael, house 334 East Third. Walkup, Caroline, widow Charles, house 14 Thirteenth. Walkup, Hattie, corset maker, residence 14 Thirteenth. Walkup, Minnie, corset maker, house 14 Thirteenth. Wall, Adolph, dyer, boards 51 Prospect avenue. Wall, Carl (Maria W . ) , laborer, housell2% Chandler. Wall, Hedvig H., residence 112% Chandler. Wall, John (Mary),finisher,house 423 Allen. Wallace, Calvin P. (Sarah) carpenter, house 853 Spring. Wallace, Frank E., restaurant, 15 Eaftt Second, residence over 19-21 do. Wallace, Oliver C. (Huldah A.) house over 19-21 East Second. Wallace, see also Wallis. Wallberg, Gust (Ida)finisher,105 Winsor, house 35 Cedar avenue. Wallberg, see also Walburg. Wallen, August ( E m m a ) laborer, house 214 Bowen. Wallen, Charles H. (Christina) painter, house 121 Bowen. Wallene, Gust ( E m m a ) wood worker, house 786 East Second. Wallene, see also Walene. Waller, Richard E. (Jane) blacksmith, house 18 West Eighth. Wallis, William F. (Minnie), auditor W . U. T. Co., house 120 Fulton. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Best Silver Plated W a r e G o o d Printing at Fair Prices b y the Journal Printing C o m p a n y WALLIS. WARREN. 386 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Wallis, see also Wallace. Walradt, Cherlina, widow William, residence 352 East Fifth. Walsh, Anna M., dressmaker, residence 29 Rathbone. Walsh, Edward P. (Minnie M.) clerk 7,South Main, house 57 Fairmount ave. Walsh, Frances H., widow Martin, house over 1 River. Walsh, Fred C, candy maker 10 West Third, rooms 11 West Fourth. Walsh, Kate A., mender, 116 East First, residence over 1 River. Walsh, Margaret, widow Edward, house 29 Rathbone. Walsh, Margaret E., music teacher, residence 29 Rathbone. Walsh, Mary J., picker 335 Harrison, residence over 1 River. Walsh, Thomas J., clerk, residence 29 Rathbone. Walter, Albert B. (Albertina) warper, 58 Center, house 74 Water. Walton, Annie, residence 8 Willis. Walton, Arnold, mill hand 335 Harrison, residence 8 Willis. Walton, Squire (Alice) mill hand 335 Harrison, house 8 Willis. Walton, Turner (Ellen) weaver 116 East First, house 30 Institute. Wample, Phoebe, widow Volkert, house 88 Falconer. Ward, Ai C , clerk, residence 80 Marvin. Ward, A. Jorden, stock broker, room 78 Allen square building, 107 Main. Ward, Alva F. (Jane S.) physician 557 East Second, house do. Ward Cabinet Co.—M. W . and A. S. Ward—mfrs. office and store fixtures, 518 West Fourth. Ward, Carlotta N., teacher, residence 557 East Second. Ward, Doris A., musician, residence 29 Price. Ward, Grace, widow Joseph, house 29 Price. Ward, Hannah, clerk 1 Main, residence 29 Price. Ward, Kate E., residence 557 East Second. Ward, Lewis J. (Helena) house 80 Marvin. Ward, Mary Lavina, widow Sylvanus R., house 835 Main. Ward, Mary, boards 105 Marvin. Ward, Pearl E., residence 80 Marvin. Ward, Michael W . (Annie S.)^Ward Cabinet Co.—516 W . 4th, house 518 do. Wareing, Edward A. (Maria), dyer 116 East First, house 61 Harrison. -' Warner. Lucius B. (Mary H.) mfr. and dealer in lumber 24 Steele, house 110 Forest avenue. Warner, Will L. (Adela R.) recorder Knights of Aurora 101 West Third, house 432 East Sixth. Warning, Henry (Mary) drayman, house 322 Steele. Warr, Helen T., widow Jesse, house 867 Spring. Warren, Agnes, widow Edward house 610 Lake View avenue. Warren, Charles W., organ repairer, house 2 Barrows. Warren, Edgar H. (Mary E.)—Star-Palace Laundry—205 West Third, house 304 do. Warren, George H. (Elizabeth T.) mill hand, house 1 Ellicott. Warren, Helen J., residence 41 Ellicott. Warren, Herbert H. (May) printer under 101 East Third, house 319 Allen. If you contemplate Plumbing consult, M.J.MURRAY 5uy Your Dry Goods of T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. WARREN. WEBECK. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 387 Warren, Hiram P., retired, house 39 Ttden avenue. Warren, J. Belle, milliner, 103 West Third, residence 52 Hazzard. Warren, Leonard J.,finisher105 Winsor, house 41 Ellicott. Warren, Mary E., widow Albert, house 41 Ellicott. Warren, Simon W . (Cora) carpenter, house 610 West Sixth. Warren. W . Floyd, jeweler 306 Pine, residence 52 Hazzard. Warren, William A. (Josephine L.) band sawyer, house 52 Hazzard. Washburn, Abbie G., residence 28 Hazzard. Washburn, Byron J. (Laura) carpenter, house 28 Hazzard. Washburn, Cora, residence 28 Hazzaid. Washburn, Cornelia S., widow Giles, dressmaker, house 23 Derby. Washburn, Helena E., residence 28 Hazzard. Washburn, Hiram R. (Mary J.) contractor and builder, house over 206 E. 2d. Washburn, James C. (Reka)fireman,residence 23 Derby. Washburn, Leon B. (Elizabeth), wood worker 56 Blackstone avenue, house 24 Champlin. Wasman, Flora C , widow William J., dressmaker 38 Barrows, residence do. Wasser, Maggie, widow Martin, house over 2 East Fourth. Waterhouse, Arleine, milliner 103 WestThird, residence 42 Allen. Waterhouse, Edward E. (Alia M.) wall paper, 302 Main, house 42 Allen. Waterhouse, Florence J., residence 42 Allen. Waters, James J. (Mary O.) foreman 20 East Second, house 29 Price. Waterton, Carrie B., widow Robert C, residence 309 East Second. Watmuff, James (Elizabeth S.) drawing foreman 116 East First, house 56 Harrison. Watson, Arthur, contractor, boards 122 East Second. Watson, Henry W . (Clara M.)—Watson Mfg. Co.—63 Taylor, h. 543 East 2d. Watson Manufacturing Co.—Henry W., William W . Watson and Charles M. Mitchell—blind and screen mtrs, 63 Taylor. Watson, William W . (Kittie S.)—Watson Mfg. Co.—63 Taylor, h.. 16 Filmore. Watts, Charles N. (Adelaide), locomotive engineer, house 312 Lincoln. Watts, John, farmer, house Martin road. Watts, John, retired, house 196 Forest. Watts, Wallis H., student, residence 312 Lincoln. Waugh, Robert N. (Mary), oil producer, house 316 West Third. Weatherley, Florence, cashier, 518 East Sixth, residence 12 Williams. Weatherly, Leonard B. (Ella), clerk 2C5 Main, house 55 Grant. Weatherly, Francis E. (Emily), tallyman, Erie freight depot, h. 12 Williams. Weatherly, Phila F., retired, residence 12 Williams. Weaver, Albert (Sylvia), motorneer, residence 416 Murray avenue. Weaver, Albert R. (Mary), carpenter, house 129 Fulton. Weaver, Etta M., teacher, residence 129 Fulton. Weaver, Philander (Ellen M.), retired, house 30 Derby. Webb, George G. (Tillie), barber shop under 101 East Second, h. 12 Lincoln. Webb, Judson (Carrie), barber, under 205 East Second, house 68 Rathbone. Webeck, Andrew F., millhand, 105 Winsor, residence 42 Chapin. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Belts, Factory Supplies Rubber Stamps of every description by Journal Printing Co. WEBECK. WELCH. 388 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Webeck, Charles (Albertina), house 12 Chapin. Webeck, Charles (Amanda), machinist, house 230 Broadhead avenue. Webeck, Frank (Selma), machinist, house 410 Allen. Webeck, John, machinist, 415 Chandler, residence 42 Chapin. Weber, Adam F., architect, 9o J. & <A. avenue, rooms 413 West Third. Weborg, Agnes A., residence 581 Wil.ard. Weborg, Albert G.,finisher,40 Winsor, residence 581 Willard. Weborg, Charles J. (Fredricka J.), meat peddler, house 581 Willard. Weborg, Edwin A., spring setter, 40 Winsor, residence 581 Willard. Weborg, Frank C,finisher,40 Winsor residence 581 Willard. Weborg, Fred J., weaver, 181-5 J. & G. ave., residence 581 Willard. Weborg, Tena C, operative 35 Water, residence 581 Willard. Weborg, see also Wiborg. Wedegren, Oscar (Selma), painter, house 22 Bush. Wedemeyer, Jacob (Maggie), for&ei, 13 Taylor, house 112% Hazzard. Weed, James W., mgr. Postal Tel. & Cable Co., 19 West Third, bds. 413 do. Weed, Sicler P., clerk 203 Main rooms 413 West Third. Weekman, Frank (Mary), foreman, 56 Blackstone avenue, h. 34 Linden ave. Weekman, Otto, woodworker, res.dence 34 Linden avenue. Weeks, Bertha E., artist, residence 519 West Third. '"Weeks, Charles E. (Eunice), real, estate, 120 East Third, house 519 W. Third Weeks, Eliza, residence 362 East Fouith. Weeks, Emeline S. .widow A. Jackson, house 412 Main. Weeks, Henry, retired, residence 362 East Fourth. • Weeks, James L. (Clara K.)—Fowler & Weeks—over 38 Main, house 34 Lake View avenue. Weeks, Laura A., residence 362 East Fourth. Weeks, Walter J., real estate, house 362 East Fourth. Weeks, see also Wicks. Weidholm, Charles, bicycle repairer, 111 West Third, residence 369 Foote ave. Weidner, William M. (Elizabeth L.), machinist house 118% Crescent. Weigel, Frank L. (Elizabeth B.), barber, 2 W. Second, h. over 103 S. Main. Weinberg, Arthur C. (Sophie), upholsterer, house 247 Hazzard. Weiss, Anna, domestic, 21 Fairmount avenue. Weiss, Caroline, boardinghouse, 117 Chandler. Weiss, George H. (M. Alice), printer 14-16 West Second, h. 45 Prospect ave. Weiss, James (S. Gertrude), glazier, 36 Main, house 10 Columbia avenue. Weissenstein, Charles, crater, rooms 118 Broadhead avenue. Weitzel, John G. (Eva), barber, under 20 West Third, house 517 Pine. Welch, Agnes, operative, 318 Cherry, residence 719 do. Welch, Elizabeth, operative, S18 Cherry, residence 719 do. Welch, Ella L,, widow Charles, house 106 Water. Welch, Ellen, widow John, house 719 Cherry. Welch, Helen M., widow Marcus D., residence 15 Flagg avenue. Welch, Lina, residence 14 Dickerson. v Welch, Richard A. (Carrie), lineman, 113 East Third, house 300 East 8th. M. J. MURRAY, First-class Plumbing, 122 [W- Third St. The Largest and Best Stock of Dry Goods. 7 H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . WELDEN. WREN. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 389 Welden, Alfred B. (Mary), foreman 47 Taylor, house 19 Walnut. Welham, Arthur, weaver, 116 East Fiist, residence 252 Harrison. Welham, John (Elizabeth), dyer, 35 Water, house 252 Harrison. Weller, Georgiana B., residence 44 Al en. ' Weller, James M. (Ella C.)—Crossman & Weller—120 East Third, house 411 East .Fifth. J M .'. '-/ Weller, John G., bicycle dealer, residence 44 Allen. Weller, John W . (0. Cerelle), retired, house 44 Allen. Weller, Mae L., residence 44 Allen. Wellington, Katherine, widow James D., house 617 Washington. Wellington, Levi (N. Viola), blacksmith, 66 Foote avenue, house 33 Marvin. Wellington, Nettie G., residence 33 Marvin. Wellman, Arthur M — Wellman Bros.—101 West Third, residence 112 West 8th. Wellman Bros—Warren D., Elmer E..and Arthur M.—druggists, 101 W . 3d. Wellman building, 101-103 West Third. Wellman, Elmer E. (Bertha F.)—Wellman Bros—101 West Third, house 711 Washington. Wellman, Eveline, widow Diton, residence 112 West Eighth. Wellman, Louise E., widow Ardello, Wellman avenue (Celoron). Wellman, Mabel, residence Wellman avenue (Celoron). Wellman, Warren D. (Dora P.)—Weliman Bros.—and physician over 101 W . Third, house 703 Washington. Wells, Adelbert C. (Lillian O.), driver, house 17 Hotchkiss. Wells, Adelbert E. (Helen), boatbuilder, 806 West Eighth, house 405 West Seventh. Wells, Byrde, operative 206 Steele, residence 87 do. Wells, Christof, retired, residence 128 Allen. Wells, Eugene (I. May), station agent, Erie R. R., house 722 East Seventh. Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, 115 Main, E. D. Myers, agent. Wells, Catherine, operative, 318 Cherry, boards 131 Fairmount avenue. Wells, Lottie A., aristo worker, 56 Prospect, residence 405 West Seventh. Wells, Mary E., widow John, residence 30 Fairview avenue. Wells, Susie, weaver, 206 Steele, residence 87 do. Wells, William H., asst. secy. Y. M. C.A., boards 20 West Fourth Wells, Willis R. (Lottie), motorneer, house 30 Fairview avenue. Welroth, Charles F. (Hilda), fireman, house 213 Myrtle. Welshofer, Margaret, residence 537 East Fifth. Welshofer, George J. (Catherine B.)—Altice & Welshofer—120 East Second, house 537 East Fifth. Wemple, Bertha A., residence 815 East Second. Wemple, Edith M., residence 815 East Second. Wemple, Edward F. (M. Belle)—Anderson & Wemple—16 East Second, house 114 Hamilton. Wemple, James L. (Ida E.), foreman 116 East First, house 815 East Second. Wrenoth, Charles J. (Hedvig G.), canvasser, house 255 Prospect. Wren, Fred J. (Christina), carpenter, house 94 Hazzard. CLARK HARDWARE CO., Hardware, Stoves, Furnishings THF SF1HI-WFFKF Y IrtllPNAV has nearly 5,000 paying subscribers. Bubscrin. tion L.ist open to Inspection of Advert.sers. WENBERG. WHARFE. 390 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Wenberg, John (Matilda), shoemaker, 209 Main, house 34 Crown. Werner, M a x M. (Mary), second hand store, 716 East Second, house 9 Osborn. Wersen, Agusta M., domestic, W . C. A. hospital, residence 21 Tower. Wersen, Charlie J., carver, residence 21 Tower. Wersen, Elvena S., operative, 25 Shearman place residence 21 Tower. Wersen Ida C , operative, 335 Harrison, residence 21 Tower. Wersen, Matilda C , widow Charlie G., house 21 Tower. Wersen, Oscar C , janitor high school, residence 21 Tower. Wersen, William H., janitor school district 3, residence 21 Tower. Wescott, Elizabeth, Mrs., compositor, 217 Spring, residence East Second. Wescott, R. Belle, weaver, residence C03 Warren. Wescott, Sarah R., widow Daniel, house 417 Lafayette. Wescott, William M. (Henrietta L.), driver, 14 Main, house 303 Warren. Wescott, see also Westcott. Wesley, Leonard, awning maker, hoards 318 Forest avenue. Wessler, Emil W., fish peddler, house 5 Hanley. West, Aldrick, residence 111 Westcott. West, Anna C , residence 111 Westcott. West, Axel H. (Jennie A.), teamster, 335 Harrison, house 126 Winsor. West, Charles E., driver, boards 286 Harrison. West, Clara, widow Gust, house 111 Westcott. ' West, Edson L.—West & Fitch—over 12 East Third, boards 300 East Sixth. West, Gust A. (Amanda), painter, house 111 Westcott. West, Selma C , operative, 116 East First, residence 111 Westcott. West Side News Co., F. S. Jones, prop., 105 West Third. West, William H. (Mary), painter, house 148 Marvin. West & Fitch—Edson L. West and Charles F. Fitch—dental office, over 12 E. Third. Westberg, Arthur, weaver, residence Hunt road (Celoron.) Westberg, Rose, weaver, residenoe Hunt road (Celoron). Westcott, Alden E. (Clara)—Kent & Co.—31 Main, house 209 West Seventh. Westcott, Daniel P. (Isabel) printer, 14-16 West Second, house 32 Barrett. Westcott, Herman A. (Katherine), upholsterer, 40 Winsor, house 124 Crescent. Westcott. see also Wescott. Westergrin, Axel F. ( E m m a ) , trackman, house 114 Palmer. Westerman, Charles H. (Mary), well driller, house 39 Prospect. Westerman, Ollie C , music teacher, residence 39 Prospect. Western Union Telegraph & Cable Co. 301 Main, branch 119 do—Clarence A. Slone manager. Westfall, Grace, Mrs., artist, room 15 Dickerson. Westling, Carl G., clerk 200 Main, residence 226 Barrows. Westling, Frederick (Matilda C ) , foreman, house 226 Barrows. Westling, Leonard, shipping clerk, 118 East Third, boards 318 Forest ave. Westrom, Andrew F., liquor dea^r, 14 East Second, residence 212 do. Westrom, Minnie E., music teacher over 212 East Second, residence do. Wharfe, Isabella, widow William, residence 5 Rowley place. M. J. MURRAY uses only the BEST Plumbing Material Silks, Satins, Velvets, Trimmings. WHEELER. T H E A . D. S H A R P E CO. WHITE. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 391 Wheeler, Bertram A. (Vina), moulder, house rear 413 Ashville avenue. Wheeler, Caroline H., widow William.residence 346 Foote avenue. Wheeler, C Laverne (Nettie A.), weaver, residence 346 Foote avenue. Wheeler, Edith, dressmaker, residence 214 Clinton. Wheeler, Frank S.—Bootey & Wheeler—also Special Co. judge, 9 City hall, boards 405 West Sixth. v'Wheeler, Raymond 0. (Jessie B.), draughtsman, 95 J. & G. avenue, house 133 Lake View avenue. Wheelhouse, Arthur, card worker, residence 628 East Sixth. Wheelhouse Bros.—George P. and John W . Wheelhouse — props. Junction house, 143 Harrison. Wheelhouse, Emily, weaver, residence 628 East Sixth. Wheelhouse, George (Rebecca), warp carrier, 116 East First, h. 130 Harrison. Wheelhouse, George P. (Ada)—Wheelhouse Bros—143 Harrison, h. 124 do. Wheelhouse, John (Anna), shoemaker, house 628 East Sixth. Wheelhouse, John W . (Corlin I.)—Wheelhouse Bros—143 Harrison, h. 62 do. Wheelhouse, Lena M., milliner, residence 143 Harrison. Wheelhouse, Mary, widow Samuel, residence 143 Harrison. Wheelhouse, Willie B., loomfixer, 116 East First, residence 62 Harrison. Wheelhouse, William (Mary A.), loomfixer,116 East First, house 62 Harrison Wheelhouse, Wilson, weaver, residence 628 East Sixth. Wheelock, Joseph B., grocer, 700 East Second, house 129 Crescent. Wheelock, Joseph B., Jr., grocer, 700 East Second, boards 129 Crescent. Whilt, Augusta E., operative, 335 Harrison, residence 53 Westcott. Whilt, Gust (Sophia), laborer, house 53 Westcott. Whilt, Oscar F., painter, 105 Winsor, residence 53 Westcott. Whitaker, Fred, residence 45 Maple. Whitaker, Joseph (Elizabeth), wool buyer, 335 Harrison, house 45 Maple. Whitcomb, William M. (Mary), plane-r, 16 Filmore, house 4 Rowley place. White, Andrew P. (Mary M.), ins. agt., room 4 Gokey bldg., 14 West Third, house 14 Lincoln. White, Andrew W . (Margaret R.), meat market, 1 N e w Gifford bldg, Brooklyn house 57 Prospect avenue. White, Charles G. (Kate), st. car conductor, house 106 Crescent. White, Charles S. (Lauraette), conductor, house 9 Cook avenue. White, Claude E., bookkeeper, 17 Shearman, residence 115 Crosby. White, Eunice D., widow Oscar F., residence 433 East Fourth. White, Elvira L., widow Hubbard T., milliner, 308 East Third, house do. White, Frank H. (Eva M.) printer, house 14 Lincoln. White, Fred T., foreman, 335 Harrison, boards 1 Briggs. White, George, varnisher, boards 31 Derby. White, George W . (Kate E.), tel. operator, 138 Stewart avenue. White, James. M. (Lepba), st. car conductor, house 5 Lakin avenue. White, Lester E., axe maker, 13 Taylor, residence 49 Marvin. White, Susie K.. milliner, 321 Main, residence 106 Crescent. White, Walter S. (Elmira E.), mason, house 507 Ashville avenue. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Pipe, Fittings, Mill Supplies PlirrhasprsftfPllhliHtv can cover the territory tributary to Thp Imirilill Daily and rurClldier& Ul rnmiUly Jamestown thoroughly by using Jllle J«UiH« Semi-Weekly WHITEMAN. WICKS. 392 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Whiteman, Herbert (Sigret), laborer, house 554 East Second. Whitford, John, driver, residence 319 Cherry. Whiting, Alfred M., clerk, 210 Main, residence 16 Cook avenue. Whiting, Maranda M., widow Daniel, residence 16 Cook avenue. Whitley, Fred E. (Millie F.)—J. Whitley & Son—210 Main, house 320 East Third. Whitley, Jabez—Whitley & Son—210 Main, house 18 East Fourth. Whitley, J. & Son—Jabez and Fred E.—clothiers and merchant tailors, 210 Main. Whitley, Sarah F., residence 18 East Fourth. Whitman, Ida, residence 154 J. & G. avenue. Whitman, Mary T., residence 154 Jonfs and Gifford avenue. Whitman, Stephen C. (Matilda), farmer, house 154 J. & G. avenue. Whitmore, Benjamin N. (Githie A.),—Whitmore and Mourton—802 Main, h. 19 West Eighth. Whitmore & Mourton—Benjamin N. Whitmore and William W . Mourton,— grocers, 802 Main. Whitney, Adeline J., widow Richard, house 16 Harrison. Whitney, Charles H., clerk, 209 Main, residence 21'West Eighth. Whitney, Dolly, domestic, 508 Monroe. Whitney, Edward, laborer, residence 30 Price. Whitney, El Nathan (Lottie A.), st. car conductor, house 30 Price. Whitney Flats 211-217 West Second. Whitney, Hannah E., widow Dr. George W., house 339 East Third. Whitney, John H. (Bertha), painter, house 21 West Eighth. Whitney, John J. (Agnes R.), retired, house 211 West Second. Whitney, Lizzie, waitress, 10 West Third, residence (Falconer.) Whitney, Wililam H. (Jennie), barber,, 143 Fairmount avenue, house 408% Washington. Whitney, Willis R. (Evelyne J.), chemist, residence 29 Fairmount avenue. Whittaker, Ernest M. (Bridget), paper hanger, house 220 Price. Whynpenny, Lawrence, warp dresser, rooms 914 East Second. Wiborg, Charles H.—Babcock & Wiborg—over 104 East Third, residence 28 Foote avenue. Wiborg, Florence A., teacher, residence 28 Foote avenue. Wiborg, Jennie M., residence 28 Foote avenue. Wiborg, Jacob N. (Christine M.), piano mfr, house 28 Foote avenue. Wiborg, see also Weborg. Wicander, Elof (Alma V.), cigars and confectionery, 300 East Second, hons* 13 Alpaca. Wickfield, Lillian E., operative, residence 12 West Seventh. Wickfield, Richard N. (Nettie A.), barber, 113 Main, house 606 East Sixth. Wickfield, Richard N., Jr., barber, 113 Main, residence 12 West Seventh. Wickland, Charles G., clerk, boards 18 Colfax. Wicklund, Charles, painter, boards 22 Columbia avenue. Wicks, Andrew W . (Minnie E.), real estate, house Ashvire avenue, (Celoron). If you contemplate New Plumbling, consult M. J. MURRAY Always Buy Your Dry Goods of T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . WICKS. WILD. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. . 393 Wicks, Charles H. (Florence R.), dealer in real estate, room 8 Ellicott building, house (Lakewood.) Wicks, Effie E.—Rose & Wicks—853 Main, house do. Wicks, Elizabeth C , widow Walter D., house 312 Warren. Wicks, F. Ethel, residence 101 Lake View avenue. Wicks, John G. ( E m m a L.), attorney at law, office 5 Hall block, 219 Main, house 101 Lake View avenue. Wicks, see also Weeks. Widholm, Charlie (Jennie), polisher, house 369 Foote avenue. Widman, Josephine, domestic, 329 Ea.t Fourth. Widrig, Charles M., inventor, house 9 North Hallock. Widrig, Vera A., widow Paul H., residence 9 North Hallock. Widrig, Violetta, Mrs., house 123 East Ninth. Widrig, Walter H. (Elinor N.), real estate, over 211 Main, house 104 Hallock. Wiggins, Jefferson G. (Rhoda J.) jewe er 208 E. 2d, h. 1207 Prendergast ave. Wiggins, John H. (Marinda) physician and surgeon 7-9 N e w Gifford building, rooms thirdfloordo. Wight, Charles J., laborer, residence 830 Spring. Wight, Maude L., bookkeeper, residence 830 Spring. Wight, Polly J., widow Reuben, house 830 Spring. Wigren, Gust, frame maker 40 Winsor, rooms 28 Harrison. Wigren, Matilda, widow Carl J., house over 14 Alpaca. Wilber, Charles, civil engineer, boards 112 West Seventh. Wilbur, Grace, Mrs., residence 132 Fairmount avenue. Wilbur, Jay, musician, residence 826 Main. Wilbur, Mina, widow Albert J., house 826 Main. Wilcox, Alfred (Clara) real estate, house 50 Fairmount avenue. Wilcox, Andrew L. (Edith) leveler 318 Cherry, house 15 Dickerson. Wilcox, Bertha, domestic, 512 West Third. Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—Frank A. Wilcox, Seneca B. Burchard, Minor S. Elverton, B., Harlow J. and Mary R. Crissey—wholesale grocers, 17 Shearman place. Wilcox, Celestus L. (Delia M.) bookkeeper 11 Shearman place, h. 309 Price. Wilcox, Clarence R., student, residence under 419 West Third. Wilcox, Eliza, widow Louis E., house 309 Price. Wilcox, Etta, Mrs., laundress, house over 302 East Second. Wilcox, Frank A. (Belle C)—Wilcox, Burchard & Co.—17 Shearman place, house 410 East Fourth. Wilcox, Fred (Lottie) leveler 318 Cherry, house 6 Reinold avenue. Wilcox, Helen F., Mrs. house under 419 West Third. Wilcox, John (Kittie) sand dealer, house 1041 Main. Wilcox, Marcus A. (Melissa) motorneer, 807 West Sixth. Wilcox, Oscar D., student, residence 807 West Sixth. Wild, Harry. (Bessie) warp dresser, house 514 Foote avenue. W i M , John (Jane) warp dresser, house 42 Hazzard. Wild, Mary L., housekeeper, house 133 Camp. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO.. Belts, Factory Supplies If y o u r advertisement is in the J o u r n a l you're in g o o d c o m p a n y WILD. WILLIAMS. 394 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. d, Walter, weaver, 335 Harrison, house 133 Camp. d, Willie, warp dresser 335 Harrison, house 133 Camp. dman, Isaac (Elizabeth) warp twister 116 East 1st, house Thayer st. ext. drick, Eliza B., widow Nelson P., residence 124 Hamilton. drick, Sophia, widow Solomon, residence 117 Barrett. drick, William J., property man, residence 117 Barrett. er, Frank L. (Sophia C.) cigar mfr., and dealer, 4 Willard, h. 28 Peach. ey, Herbert R. F. (Mary L.) cutter, 206 Main, house 302 Clinton. kins, Hannah M., widow Elisha, house 339 Crossman. kinson, Fred (Margaret)—Pearl City Stone Co.—56 Steele, h. 149 Allen. kinson, G. Adelbert (Alta), prop. N e w England Kitchen, 9 East Second, house Frederick block. kinson, Lauretta, dishwasher, 113 West Third. ks, George, porter, 5 Harrison, beards do. lard, Archer H. (Fannie L.) woodturner, 105 Winsor, house 14 Maltby. lard, Claude V. (Matilda), commercial traveler, residence 843 Lafayette. lard, Corbin K. (Elizabeth N.) gardener, house 313 English, i lard, John W . (Lydia K.) brick mason, house 101 Maple. lard, Joseph, driver, house 14 Williams. lard, Leonora A., widow James W., house 838 Main. lard, Lewis (Mary) laborer, house 14 Williams. lard, L. Kirke, brick mason, residence 101 Maple. lard, Lewis G., paper hanger, residence 834 Lafayette. lard, Mary R., teacher, residence 663 East Sixth. lard, Rachael, Mrs., house 663 East Sixth. lard, Samuel L. (Sylvia), carpenter, house 834 Lafayette. lard, Vesta, teacher, residence 663 East Sixth. liams, Augustus W., carpenter, residence 108 Crescent. liams, Charles B., clerk, residence 215 Fulton. liams, Edward H., clerk, 107 East Third, residence 532 East Second. liams, Edwin (Calista T.) mgr. Dorsett estate, h. 214 Clinton. liams, Ellen H., teacher, residence 500 East Fifth. liams, Ernest G., laborer, residence 212 Allen. lliams, Eudora P., residence 500 East Fifth. liams, Fred T. (EVa M.)>^Chautauqua Planter Co.—house 21 Walnut. liams, Fred P., gasfitter, 771 East Second, residence 21 Walnut. liams, Hezekiah H. (Hannah) clerk, house 500 East Fifth. liams, Harriet O., dressmaker, residence 108 Crescent. liams, Harriet S., widow Martin, house 108 Crescent. liams, Ira (Ella M.), dealer in nursery stock, 149 J. & G. avenue, house do. liams, Joseph G. (Elizabeth M.) laborer, house rear 218 Steele. liams, L. Antoinette, widow Harlow, house 532 East Second. liams, Leonard J. (Maude L.) agent D. A. V. & P. R. R. 17 West Third house 213 Fulton. liams, Lucius O. (Laura) driller, house 26 Elm. liams, Obadiah (Cordelia) real estate, house 212 Allen. Porcelain Lined Bath Tubs, ^riVrlSf'by M . J. M U R R A Y Carpets, Draperies, Curtains, Shades. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . WILLIAMS. WILSON. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 395 Williams, Reuben E. (Belle L.) com. traveler, house 101 Crosby. Williamson, Alice E., student, residence 860 Main. Williamson, Edith J., residence 860 Main. Williamson, Herbert S., student, residence 57 Winsor. Williamson, Jessie M., principal school 7, residence 57 Winsor. Williamson, Nettie E., widow Joseph, house 860 Main. Williamson, R. Earl, foreman job printing 8-16 Main, house 860 do. Wiliamson, Samuel (Lucy A.) farmer, house 57 Winsor. Willier, Louis P. (Mary) laborer, house 100 Steele. Willier, Joseph, driver 23 East Third, residence 100 Steele. Willing, Julia M., residence 549 West Third Willing, Lewis P. (Lida S) piano dealer, house 117 Forest avenue Willing, Mary A., Mrs., house 549 West Third. Willis, Jerry, driver, boards 504 Crescent. Willman, August (Ursula M.)—A. Willman & Bro.—841 Main, house do. Willman, A. & Bro.—August and Peter—grocers, 841 Main. Willman, George J., bookkeeper, 841 Main, residence do. Willman, J. Paul, clerk, 841 Main, residence do. Willman, Peter—A. Willman & Bro.—841 Main, residence do. Willoughby, Anna B., teacher, residence 15 Newland avenue. Willoughby, Ivy B., residence 15 Newland avenue. Wills, Charles (Nellie E.) butcher, house 3 8 % Foote avenue. Wills, Fred H. (Anna C ) retired, house 38 Foote avenue. Willsie, Burt CM. (Lillian), captain C.L. S. Co., house 39 Rathbone. Willson, Anna E., student H. S., residence 314 English. Willson, Mark T. (Mary A.), farmer, house 314 English. Wilson, Angie D., Mrs. bookkeeper, 38 Winsor, residence 333 Allen. Wilson, Anna, residence 421 East Second. Wilson, Bessie M., Mrs., residence 59 Foote avenue. Wilson, Charles (Elizabeth H.) janitor, house 608 Main. Wilson, Charles C. (Mary C.) mgr. 131 Winsor, house 316 East Fifth. Wilson, Fred H. (Angie Lenora) chief offiredept., 218 Spring, h. 333 Allen. Wilson, G. Victor, telegrapher, 19 W e s Third, residence 23 Crosby. Wilson, Harry (Clara W . ) , Brooklyn Mills, Taylor street, house 210 W . Fourth. Wilson, Jane, domestic, 205 Lafayette. Wilson, Jessie M., stenographer, residence 31 Fenton place. Wilson, Jennie, widow Cook, 500 Pine. Wilson, John F., waiter 9 East Second., rooms Frederick. Wilson, John H. (Catharine) poultry dealer, house 23 Crossman. Wilson, John T. (Mariette J.) saw mill and planing mill, also mfr. sash, doors and blinds, 115-133 Winsor, house 421 East Second. Wilson, Joseph W., blacksmith and wagon maker, under 298 E. 2d, res. do. Wilson, Kate, stenographer, 101 Harrison, residence 15 Mechanic. Wilson, Laura M., tel. operator, 113 East Third, residence 23 Crossman. Wilson, Margaret, weaver, 335 Harrison, residence over 214 Winsor. Wilson, Minnie, student, boards 210 West Fourth. C L A R K H A R D W A R E CO., Builders Hardware, Fine Tools Half-tone or L i n e C u t s t ^ t l d l XV°T, Journal Printing C o m p a n y WILSON. WINNBERG. 396 J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. Wilson, Minnie E., teacher, residence33 Cross. Wilson, Nathan M. (Bernice C.) Jamestown Veneer works, 46 Steele, house 11 Pullman. Wilson, Robert (Louisa M.) carpenter, house 33 Cross. Wilson, Robert O. (Mary E.) commercial traveler, house 154 Hall avenue. Wilson, Samuel B., clerk, 21 Main, boards Hotel Everett. Wilson, Sarah Ann, widow John E., house 632 East Sixth. Wilson, William, carpenter, house 333 Allen. Wilson, William W . (Ida M.)—Wilson & Van Tuyl—12 West Third, h. Ashville avenue (Ce'oron.) Wilson & VanTuyl—William W . Wils n and Henry J. VanTuyl—.hardware, 12 and 14 West Third. Wiltsie, Eva R., dressmaker, residence 529 East Fifth. Wiltsie, Lawrence W . (Caroline P.) atty. at law, 1 and 2 over 2 East Third, house 26 Fairmount avenue. Wiltsie, Melvin C. (Eliza) laborer, 101 Connecticut avenue. Wiltsie, Myrick W . (Mary A.)—Clark & Wiltsie—8 West Third, house C12 Prendergast avenue. Wiman, Albin, upholsterer, residence 368 Baker. Wiman, Christine, widow John, house 368 Baker. Wimmermark, E w a n R. (Christina) dyer, house 111 Newland avenue. Wimmermark, Lambert, packer, residence 111 Newland avenue. Wimmermark, Morris, packer, residence 111 Newland avenue. Winchester, Christine, Mrs. residence 371 Baker. Winchester, Frank A. (Susie), paper hanger, house 43 West Ninth. Winchester, Lenora C , widow Charles, house 59 Broadhead avenue. Winchester, William C (Kate), lineman, house 105 Hazzard. Windsor, Mrs. Bertha, residence 217 Main. Windsor, Florence G., residence Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Windsor, John D. (Mabel W.)—Jamestown Desk Co.—56-60 Taylor, house New Allenflats,11 West Second. Windsor, John W . (Helen J.) farmer, house Ashville avenue (Celoron.) Wing, Charlotte, residence 409 Cherry. Wing, Helen, widow Pratt, house 409 Cherry. Wing, Talcott J., traveling salesman, boards 15 South Main. Winnberg & Batcheller—John Winnberg and Levant Batcheller—druggists, 113 Main. W I N N B E R G & B A T C H E L L E R , PHARMACISTS. CITY D R U G STORE. 113 Main Street, Jamestown, N e w York. W E CONDUCT A N APOTHECARY SHOP S o m e of the most extensive ^ T ^ J ^ ' b 5 h e M . J. M U R R A Y The Best Goods at the Lowest Prices. T H E A. D. S H A R P E C O . WINNBERG. WOLF. J A M E S T O W N DIRECTORY. 397 .Winnberg, Hulda M., residence 39 Mechanic. * Winnberg, Jennie G., seamstress, residence 39 Mechanic. Winnberg, John M — W i n n b e r g & Batcheller—113 Main, residence 39 Mechanic Winnberg, Laura M., widow John G., house 39 Mechanic. Winquist, Anna S., tailoress, over 11 East Second, residence 114 Williams. Winslow, James C,finisher,residence 22 West Serenth. Winslow, John W . (Mary) stationary engineer, 40 Quarry road, h. 919 E. 2d. Winslow, Katherine C , residence 22 West Seventh. Winslow, Mary, widow John, house 22 West Seventh. Winson, Clement H. (Bertha), carpenter, house 604 Lafayette. Winsor, Amelia C, widow Henry M., house 304 East Third. Winsor, Clinton B. (Emma E.) mgr. Jamestown Bottling Co., 12 West First house 404 East Fourth. Winsor, Eiiza M., widow George W., house 417 Prendergast avenue. vWinsor, E m m a E., residence 417 Prendergast avenue. Winsor, Frank D., commercial traveler, residence 304 East Third. •AVinsor, Helen A., artist, residence 503 East Second. Winsor, Jenny G., widow, hosiery agent, house 412 East Fifth. Winsor, George G., machinist, residence 412 East Fifth. Winsor, see also Windsor. Winters, Anna, Mrs., house 11 Newlar^ avenue. Winters, James S., clerk, rear 24 Steele, residence 11 Newland avenue. Winters, Katie, milliner,' 103 West Third, boards 316 do. Winters, Mollie K., widow A. John, variety store, 207 East Second, residence 514 Foote avenue. Winters, Theodore S., clerk, 6 South Main, boards do. Wiquist, Otto W . (Alma)—Wiquist & Johson^—1 Main, house 375 Baker. Wiquist & Johnson—Otto W . Wiquist and J. Emil Johnson—merchant tailors and clothiers, 1 Main. Wise, Edward H. (Cora E.) building mover, house 28 Regent. Wise, George A. (Cornelia) teamster, house 123 West Tenth. Wise, Wilber C, lounge maker, 25 Shearman place, residence 123 West Tenth Wirson, Augusta, domestic, W . C. A. hospital. Wisson, E m m a , Mrs., housekeeper, IO54 East Second. Wistrom, Peter M. (Otelia), cabinet iraker, house 101 Westcott. Withers, Sarah E., dressmaker, residence 301 Warren. Wittfeldt, Lawrence O. (Lizzie) barber, 7 % East Second, house (Falconer.) Wixson, Jennie, waitress, N e w Sherman. Wogt, Abbe, weaver, residence 75 Jores avenue. Wolcott, Charles H. (Emogene A.) paper hanger, h. over 208 East Second. Wolcott, Elizabeth B., music teacher over 208 East Second, residence do. Wolf, Frank (Ella V.) stationary engineer, 318 Cherry, house 18 Steele. Wolf, Helen, residence 23 Alpaca. Wolf, Rose, house 23 Alpaca. Wolf, Vina B., tier, 318 Cherry, residence 18 Steele. Wolf, Walter E., messenger, 301 Main, residence 18 Steele. CLARK H A R D W A R E CO., Silver Plated W a r e , Cutlery Nearly every family in Jamestown reads T h e Evening Journal WOOD. WOODWARD. 398 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Wood, Albert C. (CoraB.), carpenter, house 821 Lafayette. Wood, Charles E. (Maude S.), barber, under N e w Sherman, house 304 Clinton Wood, Ethel, stenographer, over 219 Main, residence (Lakewood.) Wood, Euretta L., widow Charles, house 401 Clinton. Wood, John (Margaret A.)—Pearl City Stone Co.—rear 56 Steele, h. 311 Allen. Wood, Lillian, dressmaker, residence 506 Prendergast avenue. Wood, Mary A., widow Ezra, house 7 Cross. Wood, Michael (Anne) real estate, house 43 West Tenth. Wood, Minnie B., student, residence 821 Lafayette. Wood, Sarah H., widow Samuel, residence 612 Cherry. Wood, Walter, mill hand, residence 564 East Second. Wood, Wilbur B. (Frances E.) Wood & Lee, 2 Main, house 211 Crossman. Wood, Willard C. (Agnes B.) bowling alley, residence 46 West Tenth. W o o d & Lee—Wilbur B. W o o d and Emory S. Lee—props. Jamestown Auction and Second Hand store, 2 Main. Wood, see also Woods. Woodard, Adolph M. (P. Belle), laborer, house 336 Steele. Woodard, Almon F. (Lou) farmer, house 522 Hallock. Woodard, John A. (Martha) painter, house 10 Winsor. Woodbury, Egbert E. (Florence) surrogate and Green & Woodbury, over 301 Main, house 10 Kent. Wooden, Emily S., widow David, house 1015 Prendergast avenue. Woodford, Alice, widow Burt, residence 23 Barker. 'Woodford, Blanche, music teacher, residence 319 Jefferson. Woodford, DeForest D., atty. at law and J. P., rooms 7-8-9 Wellman building, 101 West Third, boards 415 Lake View avenue. Woodford, Sarah, widow Nelson, residence 319 Jefferson. Woodhead, Jonas (Edna C.) prop. Jamestown Plumbing & Heating Co., 211 East Third, house 215 do. Woodley, Alvin C , physician, over 8 West Third, room 39 Fairmount ave. Woods, Anna, domestic, 211 Lake View avenue. Woods, Henry S. (Cecelia E.) commercial traveler, h. 415 West Third. Woods, John (Mary) section foreman.h. 65 West Tenth. Woods, Mary, laundress, residence 28 Ashville avenue. Woods, Maym, head packer, 318 Cherry, residence 65 West Tenth. Woods, N. G, (Elva B.) teacher, house 24 Whitley avenue Woods, Patrick (Margaret), freight handler, house 115 Hall avenue. Woods, see also Wood. Woodward, Cecil G., piece picker, 116 East First residence 113 Sprague. Woodward, John, Hon, (Mary) judge of the supreme court, office over 219 Spring, house 328 East Fourth. Woodward, Lucinda H., widow Heman A., residence 113 Sprague. Woodward, Lucy Z., mender, 116 East First res. 113 Sprague. Woodward, Matilda A., stenographer, 301 Main, res. 35 Barrett. Woodward, Samuel J. (Lizzie C ) , retired, house 54 Thirteenth. Woodward, Stanley (Emma), laborer, house 21 Stowe. Hot Water Heating, ^^Si.f^rS^'X M. J. MURRAY Cloaks, Shawls, Gloves, Hosiery. T H E A . D. S H A R P E C O . WOODWORTH. YALE. JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. 399 Woodworth, Mark (Lena M.) commercial traveler, house 325 Hazzard. Worden, Amos L. (Nancy), traveling salesman, rooms 703 Washington. Worden, Elliott (Hattie E.),florist,house 19 Thayer. Worden, G. Glenn—Worden & Armstrong—over 30 Main, res. 703 Washington. Worden & Armstrong—G. Glenn Worden and Geo. T. Armstrong—attorneys at law, over 36 Main. Work, A. Delano (H. Maria), wholesale confectioner and baker, 10 West Third, house 11 West Fourth. Work, Joseph S., confectioner, 10 West Third, residence 11 West Fourth. Wormington, Agnes C , Mrs., bookkeeper, 26 "S. Main, res. 28 Hall avenue. Worthington, Randolph, Rev. (Elizabeth), evangelist, house 160 East Ninth. Writman, John F. (Clara G.), laborer, 116 East First, house 30 Sampson. Writman, R. Theodore (Grace D.), waiter, 20 S. Main, h. over 217 Spring. Wright, Charles, laborer, house 4 Webster. Wright, Clara E., Mrs., clerk, 204 Main, house 115 Cross. Wright, Bins, twister, 335 Harrison, boards 116 Cross. Wright, David R., mill hand, 335 Harrison, residence 4 Webster. Wright, Frank (Rowina), miller, house over 138 Stewart avenue. Wright, Gene (Clara) laborer, house 115 Cross. Wright, Grace, waitress, residence 2 Metallic avenue. Wright, Hattie, weaver, residence 822 Main. Wright, Laura, widow Edward, house 822 Main. Wright, Leverne (Anna) painter, house 100 Barrows. Wright, Lillian V., clerk, 205 Main, boards 703 Lafayette. Wright, Lottie, operative, 32 Water, residence 4 Webster. Wright, Marvin, teamster, residence 822 Main. Wright, Mary, widow Thomas, house 25 Metallic avenue. Wright, Matthew, collector, 14-16 W . Second, house (Busti.) Wright, Mead, wool sorter, boards 19 Elm. Wright, Robert L. (Hattie)' upholsterer, house 857% Main. Wright, S. Alzada, Mrs., dressmaker, over 115 South Main, house do. Wright, Sarah J., house 620 Pine. Wright, Stephen, retired, residence 124 Hamilton. Wright, Warren W., retired, residence 701 East Second. Wright, William R.,finisher,56 Blacfetone avenue, i-esidence 56 W . Tenth. Wright, William H. (Marie), barber, under 200 Main, house 56 West Tenth. Wright, William T. (Lizzie) brakeman, house 46 Dickerson. Wrightman, Andrew E., med. student, residence 144 Warren. Wyckoff Harvester Co., The, mfrs. of harvesting machinery, office 29 Forest avenue, W . T. Falconer, Pres. Wyckoff, James N. (Mary E.) retired, 1" i~e <*03 East Sixth. Wynn, Guy W . (Edith) barber, under 211 Main, house 20 Derby. Y Yale, Edwin (Mary) retired, house 41 Broadhead avenue. CT A D V ^LrYKIS. U A D r i W A D C n n K U W r U v E CC\ A»M)t« for STBAW«KT E N A W K I R D Km\J., W A R E . Every Piece • W A R R A N T E D No city the size of Jamestown h^bfhtseprl?/0^tyHZ Journal Establishment YARLING. YOUNGQUIST. 400 JAMESTOWN DIRECTORY. Yarling, John (Ida) laborer, house 219 Price. Yates, E m m a , teacher, house 157 Chandler. Yates, George (Annie) weaver, house 379 Foote avenue. Yates, John J. (Mary) sewing machine agent, house 204 Hazzard. Yates, John T. (Sophie) short hand teacher, house 358 East Fourth. Yates,
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