1845 City Directory - Genealogy in St. Louis


1845 City Directory - Genealogy in St. Louis
Abbreviations, street names, and ward boundaries are given at the end of this document.
Aaronson Joseph, baker, rear of 35 s Fifth
Abbott & Peake, wholesale dry goods merchants, 135 n First
Abbott Ephraim, printer, 71 Vine
Abbott John O, (A.&P.) 135 n First
Abbott Timothy D, clerk, 30 n First, boards at H Glover’s
Abel Henry, clerk at Hamburgher’s tavern
Abels & Taussig, grocers, sw cor Fifth and Park-avenue
Abels John H, tavern-keeper, 106 n Front
Abels John, laborer, ns Wash e of Ninth
Abels Simon, clothier, 2 n Front
Abely Leonard, laborer, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Abers Antoine, laborer, ws Washington n of Marion
Abies & Kohn, clothiers, 103 n Front
Abies Nathan, (A. & K.) Carondelet-avenue s of Park
Achenbach H &. co, brushmakers, 71 Market
Acklins Frederick, grocer, ns Morgan w of Fourth
Adams A A, merchant n First, boards at Jefferson-house
Adams Bartlett, es Lewis n of Ashley
Adams Edson E, chairmaker, es Second n of Olive
Adams J, boat-store, 99 Front - dw, es Fifth n of Franklin-av.
Adams Jacob, tailor, es Eleventh n of Wash
Adams James, carpenter, sw corner Eleventh and Morgan
Adams James, cosmopolite, ss Mulberry e of Second
Adams James, merchant, se corner of Thirteenth and Wash
Adams John, (R. & J. A.) 150 Pine
Adams John, shoemaker, 193 Green
Adams R & J, druggists, sw corner Fourth and Market, and se corner Fourth and Green
Adams Rudolph, (R. & J. A.) ws Fourth n of Green
Adams William, city guard, 9 n Third
Addington William, well-digger, es Ninth n of Wash
Adreon S W, M.D., Ws Second n of Olive
Adriance Edwin, watchmaker and jeweller, 34 n First - . dwelling, ws Fourth n of Pine
Adriance Wm, merchant, 60 Market - dw, ws Sixth n of Carr
Agnew & Buchanan, commission merchants, 56 n Front
Agnew John O, (A. & B.),boards at Planters’-house
Ahern William, laborer, nw corner Eighth and St Charles
Ahlers William, shoemaker, 11 n Third
Ailsworth, Isaac II, clerk, 95 n First
Alberding Henry, shoemaker, es Eleventh n of Carr
Alberger Jacob, saddler, Green w of Third
Alberger John P, Saddler, 138 n Seventh
Albers Hermon, carpenter, es Eleventh n of Wash
Albertini Christian, M.D., se corner Third and Almond
Albitz J, shoemaker, es Eleventh n of Carr
Albrandt Henry A, tailor, 20 Olive
Albright Henry A, clerk at John T. Martin’s
Albright T J, gunsmith, 99 Chesnut
Aldrich & Parkman, grocers and com merchants, 57 n Front
Aldrich Henry, (SafFordSc A.) es Broadway s of Cherry
Aldrich Nahum, (A.& Parkman) 259 Broadway
Alexander B W, livery stable, ws Second n of Locust
Alexander G W, tailor, 20 Olive
Alexander Jienry S, shoemaker, ns Myrtle w of Third
Alexander Joseph, drayman, es Eleventh n of Carr
Alexander Peter, carpenter, ws First s of Ashley
Alexander Samuel, bricklayer, ss Market w of Ninth
Alkins William, engineer, 144 Green
Allegheny Lumber-yard, Wm Patrick, corner First and Carr
Allen & Hall, wholes boot, shoe and cap store, 143 n First
Allen Abraham, bricklayer, ns Poplar w of Third
Allen Arnold L, butcher, es Fourth n of Pine
Allen Asa R, barber, ws Third s of Myrtle
Allen Beverly, attorney at law, 149 Market
Allen C E, boards at Jefferson-house
Allen David, laborer, ws Ninth n of Washington-avenue
Allen E, boards at Mansion-house
Allen G B, turner, es Third n of Olive
Allen George, bricklayer, boards with Stephen Keane
Allen J S, printer, boards at Vine-street-house
Allen James L, (Holt & Allen) attorneys at law, 13 Chesnut
Allen James P, drayman, ws Eighth n of Carr
Allen Robert, auctioneer, boards at the Indian Queen
Allen S H, (A. & H.) ns Olive w of Eighth
Allen Sarah, 76 n Third
Allen Thomas, sawyer, ws First n of Mound
Allen W S, Reg. Land-office, se cor Chesnut and Fourth - ups.
Allen Walter, 55 Olive
Allender Thomas, carpenter, ns Spruce w of Second
Allenson George, shoemaker, es Broadway s of Biddle
Alleyne J S B, commission merchant, 2 Vine - dwelling, ws of Seventh s of Franklin-avenue
Allison Adam, stone-cutter, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Allison George S, carpenter, ns Biddle w of Seventh
Allison Joel, engineer, es Eighth s of Biddle
Allison William, [c] ss Walnut w of Fifth
Almeida Robert, perfumer, 39 Morgan
Almeida W H, druggist, ne corner Third and Pine
Almstead Henry, collector second ward, s Third near Spruce
Almstead Julia, ns Spruce e of Second
Alter Wm, steam boat captain, es Broadway n of Franklin-av.
Altimus John F, tailor, 25 Pine
Altinger Joseph, gunsmith, es First n of Myrtle
Ambrosini Antonio, coffee-house, es Twelfth n of Morgan
Ambrosius Adam, es Ninth n of Franklin-avenue, on alley
Amelung H A, provision dealer, es Third n of Pine
American Fur Company, P Chouteau, jr, Stco, ss Washington- avenue w of First
Ames Nathan, grocer - dwelling, es Collins n of Cherry
Ames Wm, clerk in Recorder’s-office, ns Poplar w of Third
Ames Wm H & Co, commission merchants, 53 n Front
Amman John, laborer, es Second n of Plum
Amos Charles, parpenter, ne cornej Eighth and Carr
Amos John J, clerk, 56 n First
Anderson & Morgan, ship-chandlers, 51 n Front
Anderson & Thomson, commission merchants, 29 n Front
Anderson Eli, lumber-merchant, ws Second s of Biddle
Anderson George C, (A. & T.) captain of Osprey
Anderson Jacob, blacksmith, ns Morgan w of Tenth
Anderson John J, clerk Board of Delegates, 129 Walnut
Anderson Joseph, plasterer, es Thirteenth s of Wash
Anderson Josiah, clerk Republican-office, 47 n First
Anderson Moses, wood-sawyer, es Twelfth s of Wash
Anderson Richard, [c] ns Elm e of Sixth
Anderson S, [c] drayman, ns Chesnut w of Second, on alley
Anderson Samuel P, carpenter, es Ninth n of Washington-av.
Anderson Stephen, ws Tenth n of Clark-avenue
Anderson Thomas, drayman, ns Morgan w of Fifth
Anderson William C, jr, (A.& M.) 59 Saint Charles
Anderson William, grocer, se corner Second and Spruce
Anderson Wm C, pension agent, boards at Missouri-hotel - office, 51 n Front
Andrea Gabriel, nw corner Second and Convent
Andreas Christian, carpenter, es Ninth n of Wash, on alley
Andrew William C, ship-carpenter, ss Mound e of Broadway
Andrews & Beakey, copper, tin and sheet-iron ware dealers,
Andrews Ambrose, portrait painter, 66 Market
Andrews Amos, teacher, ns Saint Charles w of Fifth
Andrews James, cabinet-maker, ss Morgan w cf Fourth
Andrews John T, shoemaker, es Ninth s of Market
Andrews Martin, hatter, boards at Monroe-house
Andrews Nicholas, barber, ws Second n of Plum
Andrews Philip, carpenter, ns Miller e of Carondelet-avenue
Andrews Thomas, (A.&B.) 85 n Third
Angelbeck & Linkenmeyer, Walnut-st tavern, sw corner Third and Walnut
Angelbeck Frederick, (A. & L.) sw corner Third and Walnut
Angelbet John, carpenter, ws Third n of Rutger
Angelrodt E C, (A., E. & B.) 173 n First
Angelrodt, Eggers & Barth, grocers and liqr mrchts, 173 n First
Annan Roberdeau, druggist, 80 Market - dwelling, es Fifth bt Almond and Poplar
Anson George, (A. & co.) 79 n First
Anson George, &co, money dealers, 79.n First
Anzug Casper, drayman, es Fourteenth n of Carr
Apler George, carpenter, ws Third n of Rutger, on alley
Appl William, laborer, es Jackson s of Wood
Apple Jacob, cooper, es Second n of Cedar, on alley
Appleton Charles D, notary public, 77 n First
Arbugust Marcellus, tobacconist, es Second n of Olive
Arcade Baths, F Eckert, 128 and 130 n Second
Armor John, blacksmith, es Second n of Pine, upstairs
Armstrong Charles, steamboat clerk, boards at Monroe-house
Armstrong D H, teacher Pub School No. 3, es Sixth n of Locust
Armstrong David, butcher, es Biddle w of Seventh
Armstrong J, blacksmith, sw cor Seventh and Biddle, upstairs
Armstrong William, ns Olive w of Second, upstairs
Arnold Britton, laborer, es Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Arnold Jacob, blacksmith, ss Market w of Ninth
Arnold James P, ropemaker, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Arnold Mary Ann, widow, ss Spruce e of Third
Arnold Thomas, ropemaker, es Twelfth s of Morgan
Arthur John, private boarding-house, es Third n of Pine
Arthur Robert, engineer, ns Rutger e of Fifth
Artist N D, barber, 34 Pine
Aschcnbech H & Co, brushmakers, 71 Market
Ashford H, shoe-dealer, 24 Market - dw, ss Walnut e of Fifth
Asinger Casper, laborer, es Twelfth s of Carr
Aspinall Brothers & co, china merchants, 4 n First
Aspinall George, ws Fifth s of Cerre
Ast Stephen, bricklayer, ss Market w of Ninth
Atchison George, steamboat captain, nw corner Fifth and Olive
Atchison George W, steamboat captain, ns Olive w of Fifth
Atchison Samuel, pilot, ss Wash e of Eighth
Atkins John G, bookkeeper, 6 s First
Atkins Roily, shoemaker, es Second s of Convent
Atkinson B H, furnishing store, 72 Market
Atkinson John, ws Carondelet-avenue s of Lafayette
Atwood T B, druggist, 6 s First - dwelling, 45 n Fourth
Augustin Christian, wheelwright, sw aorner Third and Rutger
Augustin M, (A. & co.) 57 Locust
Augustin M & co, grocers, 3 Market
Auld Wilson, grocer, se corner Broadway and Mound
Austermall Lewis, machinist, ns Morgan w of Sixth
Austin Archibald A, boards at William J Austin’s
Austin C, engineer, boards at Saint Louis tavern
Austin Henry, laborer, es Fifth s of Convent
Austin Joel, shoemaker, ws Carondelet-avenue e of Lafayette
Austin John, ropemaker, es Eleventh n of Carr
Austin R B, saw-mill, ns Smith e of First
Austin Solon, carpenter, ws Fifth s of Wash
Austin W J, auctioneer, 37 Locust - dw, ss Olive w of Sixth
Avery Peter, marble-cutter, 26 Chesnut
Axtel Thomas R, county assessor, 78, Saint Charles
Ayres Aaron, painter, es Third s of Spruce
Ayres B W, Green-tree tavern, es Second s of Myrtle
Ayres George, deputy constable, es Fourth s of Cedar
Ayres R W; clerk at Woods, Yeatman & co.’s
Ayres William H, Green-tree tavern, es Second s of Myrtle
Bach Lewis, (Lemp&eo.) 32 s Second
Bachman William, carpenter, ns Chesnut w of Fifth
Bachman William, carpenter, (Harton& B.) sw corner Twenty-second and Franklin-avenue
Bacigalupo J P, confectioner, 157 n First
Backensto B M, wagon-maker, Washington-av, near 18th
Bacon & Hyde, wholesale druggists, 156 n First
Bacon David M, riverman, es Eleventh n of Green
Bacon H D, miller - office, 22 s First - dw, ws 58 of Locust
Bacon Sherman J, (B. & H.) ws Sixth s of Franklin-avenue
Bacon Washington, carpenter, nw cor Twelfth and Orange
Bael Adam, shoemaker, es First n of Elm
Baer Conrad, carpenter, sw cor Thirteenth and Carr
Bafel Henry, baker, ws Fourth s of Spruce
Baggs John, ss Poplar w of Second
Bailey & Breen, merchants, 3 s Front
Bailey Daniel, clerk at Wm Daniels’ dyeing establishment
Bailey Elizabeth, [c] widow, ns Almond w of Second
Bailey George, carriage-maker, es Second n of Vine
Bailey George S, (B. & B.) 3 s Front
Bailey William, planeing-machine, ws Second n of Cherry
Bailey William, segar-maker, es Ninth s of Green
Baker John, clerk, se corner Second and Morgan
Baker Joseph, hairdresser, ss Morgan e of Fifth
Baker L D, boarding-house, Glasgow’s row Fourth, between Locust and Saint Charles
Baker L H, botanical practitioner, 164 n Fourth
Baker Levin H, clerk, se corner Second and Morgan
Baker Matthias M, ns Myrtle e of Second
Baker Patrick, blacksmith, boards at Mr Arnold’s
Baker Ralph, variety store, ns Franklin-av. w of Eighth
Baker Thomas, engineer, es Fifth s of Carr
Baldwin C M, silver-plater, ns Olive w of Third
Baldwin George, tobacconist, boards at John Baxter’s
Baldwin Henry, bookkeeper at Beach & Eddy’s, 174 Olive
Baldwin John H, carpenter, boards at Hamilton’s
Baldwin John, tobacconist, corner Third and Locust
Baldwin Joseph J, laborer, es Fifth s of Rutger
Baldwin Julius, ws Sixteenth s of Market
Baldwin Peter, blacksmith, es Third s of Cedar
Ball Hamilton, plasterer, boards at William Ball’s
Ball Henry J, [c] barber, se corner Second and Olive
Ball John, laborer, ws First n of Bates
Ball S W, (B. & co.) ns Morgan w of Seventh
Ball S W & co, com. and forwarding merchants, 29 Front
Ball William, painter, es Eighth s of Carr
Ballance & Wood, tailors, 23 Locust
Ballance J M, (B. & W.) 50 n Second
Balmer Charles, music-teacher, ws Fourth s of Cerre
Banbergan Nancy, widow, ss Myrtle w of First
Bancker Adam, ws Sixth s of Wash, on alley
Bancker Frederick, boards at A Bancker’s
Bancker Henry, laborer, ns Chesnut w of Fifth
Bancker William, boards at A Bancker’s
Bandeck Frederick, tailor, es Second n of Pine
Bannon John, laborer, es Sixth s of Cerre
Barada A S, clerk, 19 n First
Barbett Jacob, grocer, ws Broadway n of Hempstead
Barbour Thomas, 95 Chesnut
Barbour Thomas, M.D., es Seventh s of Labadie
Bardsley Enoch, laborer, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Barkalow D L, 67 n First
Barker Henry, grocer, es First s of Spruce
Barker Win, blacksmith, nw cor Twelfth and Franklin-avenue
Barkley Andrew, carpenter, ss Carr e of Seventh
Barlow J C, wh grocer and commission merchant, 19 n Front - dwelling, ws Fifth n of Elm
Barlow Nelson, (Powell St co.) Missouri mill, se corner Fifth and Saint Charles
Barlow Stpn D, county-clerk and recorder, es 14th s of Market
Barnage John, plasterer, ne cor Christy-avenue and Fourteenth
Barnard & Brother, wholesale and retail druggists, 140 n First
Barnard Charles, (B. &Br.) ss Morgan w of Tenth
Barnard Edward, es Seventh s of Spruce
Barnard EL, clerk, 31 n Fourth
Barnard George, ss Morgan w of Tenth
Barnard James, boards at Charles Barnard’s
Barnard John H, (B. & Br.) ns Morgan w of Ninth
Barnard Joseph, boards at Captain Fithian’s
Barnard Michael, segar-maker, ns Plum e of Second
Barnes John, M.D., nw corner Carr and Broadway
Barnes Joseph, tailor, boards at Cutshaws
Barnes Robert A, wh grocer and com merchant, 78 n Front
Barnes William A, carpenter, boards corner Spruce and Sixth
Barnes William, merchant, ns Franklin-avenue e of Fourteenth
Barnett, Brewster & Hartt, architects and builders, 129 Chesnut
Barnett Joseph, bricklayer, ns Morgan w of Eleventh
Barnett Moses, mason, ss Cerre w of Fifth
Barnett Thomas, coppersmith, es Fifth s of Carr
Barney Geo, (C. &co.) hardware merchant, 101 n First, ups.
Barney Geo C, (B. &co.) ne corner Seventh and Saint Charles
Barnhart Francis, riverman, sw cor Eleventh and Franklin-av.
Barnhart John, riverman, ns Morgan w of Sixth
Barnhart William, laborer, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Barnhurst John, trimming and variety store, 68 Market
Barnum Theron, (B. & M.) ne corner Third and Vine
Barnum V B, ws First n of Mound
Barnum& Moreland, City-hotel, ne corner Third and Vine
Barrett George J, clerk, 9 n First
Barrett Isaac, jr, cabinet-maker, boards at Mrs Smith’s
Barrett Michael, laborer, ss Market w of Ninth
Barrett Richard F, ws Fifth opposite Court-house
Barrett Roger, laborer, ss Morgan near Front
Barrett William D, ( Blaine, T.&B.) ws Fifth opp Court-house
Barrow George, hatter, 59 Market
Barrow T J, 12 Vine
Barry James, boarding-house, 130 n Third
Barry James G, soap and tallow chandler, ws Second s of Spruce
Barth Philip, (Weiss & B.) 53 Market
Barth Robert, (Angelrodt, E. & B.) 173 n First
Bartlett George W, hose-maker, 5 s Third
Bartlett Phineas, carpenter, ns Randolph e of Thirteenth
Barton J, soda-water manftr, ne cor Fourteenth and Clark-av.
Barton Joseph, tobacconist, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Barton Wade, trader, ws Second n of Cherry
Bascom J D, (Hopkins & B.) 68 Market
Bascom Mrs C J, es Second n of Pine
Bascom S, ns Gay w of Twelfth
Bascom Silas, ns Gay w of Twelfth
Basoher Joseph, laborer, ws Second n of Hazel
Bassett L S, ( Edgar & co.) se corner Fourth and Morgan
Bassett P, steamboat captain, sw corner Sixth and Saint Charles
Bassett Peleg P, clerk, sw corner Sixth and Saint Charles
Bassett Samuel, watchmaker, 77 Chesnut
Bastion Margaret, widow, es Third n of Spruce
Bate Joseph J, butcher, nw corner Tenth and Saint Charles
Bateman Thomas, gunsmith, es Twelfth n of Carr
Bates Edward, (Gamble&B.) attorney at law, 21 Chesnut
Bates J Bartin, law student, 21 Chesnut
Bates James, carpenter, ws Thirteenth s of Franklin-avenue
Bateson James, Olive-branch coffee-house, Third, between Green and Washington-avenue.
Batterburg Thomas, provision store, 44 n Front
Battlemeyer Louis, laborer, es Centre s of Market
Baucke Rudolph, bookbinder, ws Fifth n of Franklin-avenue
Bauer John, barber, es Second s of Wood
Baum George, confectioner, 39 n Second
Bauman Louis, importer and dealer in watches and jewelry, 69 n Fourth
Baumer George B, laborer, ns Saint Charles w of Fifth
Bauvere Jacob, coffee-house, es First s of Walnut
Baxter John, machinist, es Third n of Pine
Baxter Preston, pilot, ws Seventh s of Carr
Bay H, (B.&co.) 179 n Third
Bay H, & co, wh and retail hardware merchants, 179 n Third
Beach & Eddy, wholesale dry goods merchants, 151 n First
Beachboard J M, City-hall tavern, nw cor Green and Broadway
Beadleston Stephen, upholsterer, sw corner Second and Olive
Beakey & co, grate, sheet-iron and tinware manfrs, 171 n First
Beakey David, coppersmith, boards at John Beakey’s
Beakey James, (B.&co.) 171 n First
Beakey John, (Andrews & B.) ne corner Second and Elm
Beakey Joseph, (B. & co.) 171 n First
Bear Joseph, cabinet-maker, ws Fifth s of Almond:
Bear Thomas, carpenter, ws Third s of Convent
Beard Harvey, saddler, 14 s First
Beardsell Luke, ship-carpenter, ws Broadway n of Hempstead
Beardslee C, clerk at Field’s, sw cor First and Washington-av.
Beatty Adam, attorney at law, 15 Chesnut
Beatty Caroline, widow, 152 Market
Beatty Charles, pilot, ss Cedar w of Third
Beatty Thomas, (Coons & B.) ws Fifth s of Cerre
Beatty Thomas, ss Elm w of Fourth
Beaumont Wm, M.D., office sw cor Fourth and Market, upstairs
Beauvais A, silversmith, 20 Locust
Beauvais R, silversmith, 20 Locust - dwelling, ne corner First and Locust
Bechman George, carpenter, ws Collins n of Cherry
Bechner Casper, musician, ns Franklin-av. e of Ninth, upstairs
Bechs John, shoemaker, ns Carr e of Twelfth
Bechtold Christopher, shoemaker, es Second s of Hazel
Beck Christian, tailor, ws Sixth s of Poplar
Beck Valentine, watchmaker, ws Fourth n of Cerre
Becker George, tailor, ss Franklin-avenue w of Twelfth
Becker Henry W, baker, corner Lami and Carondelet-avenue
Becker John P, (Millikin & B.) ns Florida e of Second
Becker M, St Louis park, on Twelfth, Pine and Saint Charles
Becker T S, clerk, 22 Market
Beckers & Brand, fancy-soap manfrs, ss Franklin-av. w of 12th
Beckers C F, (B. &B.) ss Franklin-avenue w of Twelfth
Beckwith F W, ws Seventh s of Chouteau-avenue
Beckwith James M, printer, boards at Bremer-house
Bedford George, carpenter, ns Biddle w of Seventh
Bedford Maria, widow, es Fourth n of Morgan
Beebe - , es Sixth s of Carr
Beebe Edward H, ne corner Third and Mvrtle
Beebe Sarah, widow, ne corner Third and Myrtle
Beebee Brothers, commission merchants, 71 n Front
Beebee J M, (B. B.) 71 n Front
Beebee W T, (B. B.) 71 n Front
Beehler B, upholsterer, es Second n of Locust - dwelling, ws Fifth s of Wash
Beehler Frncs, upholsterer, 117 n Second - dwelling, ws Fifth s of Wash
Beggs Joseph, bricklayer, es Second n of Olive, on alley
Begley Edward, laborer, es Eighth n of Carr, on alley
Behm Francois, ws First n of Spruce
Beideman J C, merchant, 236 Broadway
Beilstein John, laborer, ss Franklin-avenue w of Twelfth
Belcher C, clerk at Saint Louis steam sugar refinery
Belcher F E, clerk at Saint Loiiis steam sugar refinery
Belcher Joseph, painter, ss Market w of Tenth
Belcher Win H, St Louis steam sugar refinery, sw corner Front and Spruce
Belcour John B, nw corner First and Myrtle
Belfotir Marie, es Second s of Mulberry
Bell Andrew, riverman, sw corner Third and Mulberry
Bell Ezekiel, carpenter, ns Smith e of First
Bell Hamilton, painter, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Bell Isaac, pilot, ns Chambers e of Broadway
Bell John, city treasurer, boards at Edward Brooks’
Bell John T, tinner, es Second n of Olive
Bell John T, tinner, ss Myrtle w of Third
Bell Proctor, [a] riverman, ws Ninth s of Market
Bell Robert, carpenter, es Broadway s of Madison
Bell Thomas U, distiller, es Second s of Plum
Bell William, engineer, boards at Foundry-house
Bellis Samuel, wheelwright, es Eighth n of Wash
Bellows William, engineer, ns Plum e of Third
Bellward John, tailor, 10 Green
Belsar Charles, (B.&co.) 117 n First
Belsar Daniel, baker, es Sixth s of Green
Belsar William F, (B.&eo.) 117 n First
Belsar William F, & co, tobacconists, 117 n First
Belt Henry B, deputy-sheriff", boards at Mrs Belt’s
Belt Hetty, widow, corner Ninth and Walnut
Belts William B, clerk, es Ninth n of Hempstead
Beltzhoover Frances, widow, ns Mulberry e of Fourth
Beman Henry, laborer, ns Convent w of Third
Bemis Frederick, 69 Green
Benedict Fraderick, tailor, es Centre s of Market
Beneman Herman, laborer, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Benncr Conrad, pedlar, es Twelfth s of Carr
Bennett &Weld, boot and shoe dealers, 101 n First
Bennett Anthony, mason, es Tenth s of Carr
Bennett Brook, mason, es Eighth s of Franklin-avenue
Bennett Joseph, shoemaker, ne corner Ninth and Madison
Bennett Oliver, (B. W.) 101 n First
Bennett Susan Ann, tailoress, es Third s of Convent
Bennett William, (Russell&B.) boards at Mr Russell’s
Benoist L A, & co, bankers, se corner First and Olive
Benoist LA, (B.&co.) nw corner Eighth and Pine
Bent John, attorney at law, sw corner Fourth and Walnut - dwelling, es Tenth n of Clark-avenue
Bent Joseph, carpenter, sw corner Eleventh and Morgan
Bently Abraham, ropemaker, ns Brooklyn, w of Broadway
Bently Richard, clerk, ne corner Ninth and Chambers
Benton W H, clerk at J M Linn’s
Benz Henry, laborer, ss Biddle e of Eleventh
Benz Stephen, shoemaker, 90 n Front
Berdram Edw, (Rudolph, B. & co.) se cor Eighth and Carr
Berg Tobias, clerk, boards at Rhenish tavern
Berger Paul, merchant, dwelling, ws Third n of Cedar
Bergesch Henry, tailor, ss Morgan n of Fourth
Bergesch John F, drayman, ns Morgan w of Fourth
Berkeley G W, ss Poplar e of Fourth
Berlin Isaac, clerk, ws First n of Elm
Berlin John, merchant, ws First n of Elm
Bernard & Adams, boat-store, 99 n Front
Bernard J, (B. & A.) 99 n Front
Bernard Joseph, cabinet-maker, ws Eighth s of Carr
Bernhardt Jacob, match-maker, es Carondelet s of Emmett
Berry David, steamboat mate, ws Tenth s of Walnut
Berry S, ropemaker, sw cor Eleventh and Washington-av.
Berry William, baker, nw corner Market and Tenth
Berry William, clerk, 140 Chesnut
Bersch J, wheelwright, nw cor Thirteenth and Franklin-av.
Berthold & Ewing, wh grocers and com. merchts, 28 n Front
Berthold Messrs, nw corner Fifth and Pine
Berthold P A, (B. & E.) ss. Olive w of Seventh
Berthoud Augustus, bookkeeper, 79 n Front
Berthoud N, commission merchant, 79 n Front, upstairs dwelling, ws Third s of Elm
Besonet Ambrose, es Seventh n of Pine
Bethe William, cooper, ns Spruce w of First
Betsold Frederick, hair-curler, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Bettis Drury, laborer, ns Randolph w of Twelfth
Betts George H, (Gross & B.) 113 n First
Betts R H, stove and castings dealer, 27 and 29 Washington-av.
Betts R H, stove and castings dealer, 27 & 29 Washington-av.
Bever Frederick, laborer, es Centre s of Market
Beverly Thomas, finisher, boards at Foundry-house
Bibbard Timothy, grocer) nw corner Ninth and Morgan
Bicking Christian, laborer, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Biddaw John, mason, boards at Louisiana tavern
Biddle Ann, widow, es Fifth s of Market
Bidwell & Hawley, root-beer manufactory, 120 Market
Biedenstein F, gardener, se corner Thirteenth and Randolph
Bielefeldt Frederick, laborer, 58 Chesnut
Bierkales H, at Dr E Y Watson’s office
Bierman C L, distiller, ns Franklin-avenue w of Broadway
Bierne H J, attorney at law, 29 Pine
Bigelow Horatio, (Hall & B.) attorney at law, 44 Pine
Bigelow Jonathan, carpenter, boards at C Hooper’s
Bigham David S, clerk at Chamblin’s
Billings Albert, (Powers & B.) ss Walnut w of Eighth
Billings J W, clerk, 9 s First
Billon Charles, es Eighth s of Market
Billon F L, 69 Pine
Billsborow Henry, tailor, 70 n Third
Bingham David, pilot, ss Olive w of Seventh
Bingham William G, teacher at Mound Church
Bingham Wm, white-lead manufacturer, cor Tenth and Clark
Binns John, stone-cutter, es Seventh s of Carr
Bircher R, cupper and leecher, 121 n Fourth
Birmingham Thomas, dealer, ss Market w of Eighth
Birwirth Charles, glazier, ss Myrtle w of Third
Bischene George, blacksmith, es Carondelet-av. s of Miller
Bischer Frederick, carpenter, es Second s of Wood
Bischoff C & G, shoemakers, 34 Chesnut
Bischoff Conrad, (C. & G. B.) 93 Market
Bischoff George, (C. & G. B.) 93 Market
Bither David, mattrass-maker, es Ninth s of Carr
Bitncr Nicholas, miller, nw cor Thirteenth and Franklin-av.
Bixlcr Jacob, teamster, ss Mound e of Broadway, upstairs
Black Henry, carpenter, boards at Mrs McKnight’s
Black J, not. pub. and alderman, sw cor Walnut and Eighth
Black James, carpenter, boards at Mrs McKnight’s
Black Saml, (Sutton & B.) es Fourth n of Mulberry, on alley
Black Samuel, (B. & T.) es Fourth s of Mulberry
Black St Thomas, livery-stable, ss Walnut w of Third
Blackburn Joseph, mate, boards at P Garrett’s
Blackmore Wm, lumber-merchant, es Sixth s of Washington
Blackwood J H P, (Smith & B.) - dwelling, near reservoir
Blaetz Jacob, wheelwright, ss Market w of Ninth
Blaine John L, (B, T. & B.) boards at Planters’-house
Blaine, Tompkins & Barret, com. merchants, 27 n Front
Blair F P, jr, att’y at law, sw cor Third and Chesnut, ups.
Blair Joseph, laborer, es Second n of Lombard
Blair M, judge Court Com Pleas, sw cor Third and Market
Blair Walter W, att’y at law, office in the Court-house bldgs
Blair William A, carpenter, ns Myrtle ws of Fifth
Blake Benjamin, coffee-house, ne corner First and Bates
Blake Samuel, painter, boards at Mrs E Smith’s
Blanchard Elzar, (Lamoroux & B.) 158 Pine
Blanchard M, merchant, 184 n Third
Bland John, tailor, ns Randolph w of Twelfth
Bland William, silversmith, 32 Chesnut
Blannerhassett & Knott, attorneys at law, 74 Chesnut, ups.
Blannerhassett Richard S, (B. & K.) ss Walnut w of Eighth
Blasdel Abner, laborer, es Carondelet-avenue s of Miller
Blatterman Andreds, shoemaker, 7 Locust
Blatterman Andrew, shoemaker, es Second n of Myrtle, ups.
Blattner Golleib, ditto, es Second s of Chesnut
Blattner J, mathematical inst. maker, es Second s of Chesnut
Bleakley W, (Magivney St B.) ns Franklin-av. w of Seventh
Bley Frederick, shoemaker, 56 Locust
Blinker H B, 204 n First
Block & Evers, vinegar manufacturers, s Morgan w of Fourth
Block Em, (Hubbard &B.) dw, es Broadway n of reservoir
Block Henry, (B. & E.) ss Morgan w of Fourth
Block Levi, merchant, ne corner Morgan and Broadway
Block Phineas, 140 Sixth
Blome Henry, dyer, ns Myrtle e of Second
Blood John H, 72 Chesnut
Blood Sullivan, 69 Myrtle
Bloom Charles, drayman, es Sixth s of Washington, on alley
Blossom Hosea, Morgan ns w of Sixth
Blow H T, white-lead manufacturer, se cor Fifth and Myrtle
Blow P E, (Shaw & co.) nw corner Fifth and Elm
Blow Taylor, 49 n First
Blow William T, 49 n First
Blume Ernst, shoemaker, es Second s of Hazle
Blumenthal A A, brickmaker, es Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Bmm Jacob, merchant tailor, 33 Locust
Boal James, se corner Third and Locust
Bobb Charles, brickmaker, ns Walnut w of Eighth
Bockhast Henry, laborer, ws Ninth n of Carr
Bockrath Henry, watchmaker, ns Franklin-av. w of Eighth
Bockwinkle Frederick, shoemaker, ss Elm w of First
Bodrio E J & co, smut machine manufacturers, Bank-alley, rear of 38 n First
Bodrio Edward J, (B. &co.) City foundry, Bank-alley, rear of 38 n First
Boeheme Charles G, laborer, ws Fifth n of Labadie
Boelling William, barber, ws First s of Elm
Boettcher William, shoemaker, nw cor First and Myrtle
Bogert J B, (Tontine coffee-house,) - dw, es Fifth s of Locust
Boggs G, not. pub, office 67 n Front, at Collier & Morrison’s
Bogue Peter, laborer, ns Locust w of Third
Bogy & Miltenberger, attorneys at law, 13 Chesnut
Bogy Louis V, (B. & M.) 184 Olive
Bohannon William A S, M.D., 63 Pine
Bohl Fredk, (Timmerman & B.) nw cor Fifth and Spruce
Bohms Frederick, laborer, ws Seventh s of Carr
Boisselier Charles, clerk, 25 n First
Bollinger Francis, cabinetmaker, es Second s of Cedar
Bollinger George, matchmaker, es Second n of Cedar
Bolman Adolph H, laborer, ws Third s of Convent
Bolto Joseph T, coffee-house, es Carondelet-av. s of Barry
Bolton Richard E, painter, ns Green w of Second
Bolz Fraugott, furrier, ws Fifth s of Labadie
Bonacum John, laborer, ns Chesnut w of Ninth
Bonfils S F, professor, lis Fourth
Bonith Frederick, shoemaker, ws Eighth n of Carr
Bonjer Joseph, ns Florida e of Broadway
Bonnau William, painter, es Sixth s of Pine
Bonner J D, [c] barber, basement Planters’-house - dwelling, ws Seventh n of Walnut
Bonus Henry, printer, sw corner Menard and Park-avenue
Boon Isaac W, clerk, 19 Saint Charles
Booth Alfred, laborer, es Carondelet-avenue s of Barry
Booth Edward, riverman, boards at Mrs Smith’s
Borkan James, ws Sixth n of Pine
Bors Theodore, locksmith, es Third s of Convent
Bos well Chas, lumber merchant, se cor Eighth and Morgan
Boschenstein G, merchant, es First s of Walnut
Bose Edward, engineer, es Fifth s of Cerre
Bosser William, founder, es Fifth s of Morgan
Bosseron Francis, sc corner Fourth and Myrtle
Bosseron Teresa, widow, se corner Fourth and Myrtle
Bosseron Theodore, se corner Fourth and Myrtle
Bostwick Benedict, carpenter, ws Sixteenth s of Market
Bostwick O F, blacksmith, ns Morgan e of Second
Boswell Andrew, engineer, es Eighth s of Saint Charles
Bosworth Saml, boarding-house, sw cor Second and Locust
Botley Jesse, ns Convent w oi Third
Bouillon G, confectioner and distiller, es Third s of Green
Bouis Madam Vincente, 51 Chesnut
Bour Gerard, mason, es Sixth s of Cerre
Bourgois F, carpenter, ss Lombard w of Second
Bowen A O, (Smith & B.) 48 Pine
Bower Lydia P, widow, ns Mulberry e of Fourth
Bowers Elias, bricklayer, ws Sixth n of Biddle
Bowland John, ns Olive w of Second, upstairs
Bowlin & Spencer, attorneys at law, 77 n First
Bowlin J B, (B. & S.) 33 n Second
Bowlin Richard H, boards at J B Bowlinls
Bowman James W, [c] barber, basement Planters’-house
Bowman Samuel, pilot, ne corner Eighth and Washington-av.
Boxall James, es Sixth s of Pine ,
Boyce Patrick, boarding-house, 55 Morgan w of Fourth
Boyce William H, steamboat captain, ss Morgan e of Seventh
Boyd Andrew, merchant, es Broadway, opposite Franklin-av. -dwelling, es Sixth n of Morgan
Boyd Archibald, riverman, es Seventh n of Biddle
Boyd J M, barber, es Second s of Green
Boyd James, barber, es Second s of Biddle
Boyd John, carpenter, es Seventh n of Biddle
Boyd John M, clerk, ws Fifth s of Biddle
Boyden Julia Ann, boarding-house, 35 Olive
Boyer Abraham, engineer, ws Second s of Mound
Boyle & Hardy, tailors, 90 n First
Boyle Allen, trader, ss Brooklyn w of Broadway
Boyle Cornelius, grocer, es Broadway n of Morgan
Boyle Hugh, (B. &H.) ws Sixth s of Spruce
Boyle Irwin M, chair-painter, es Second n of Olive
Boyle Neal, laborer, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Boyle Rev. J, Centenary Meth. Church, sw cor Fifth and Pine
Boyle S S, commission merchant, 53 n Front
Braches J, M.D., ws Third s of Myrtle
Bracken Daniel, laborer, es Eighth n of Carr, on alley
Bradly Lucas, architect, ss Market w of Tenth
Bradly Newton, clerk at Collins & Kellogg’s
Bradly Peter, drayman, boards at Patrick Farley’s
Brady Charles, 172 Green
Brady James, hatter, 88 n First.
Brady James, jr, clerk, Broadway n of Big Mound
Brady Peter, engineer, boards at M Parker’s
Brady Terrence, boarding-house^nw corner First and Morgan
Bramsch William, tailor, es Twelfth s of Biddle
Bramwell Theobald, laborer, boards at Napoleon tavern
Branagan William, Fifth-ward-house, nw corner of Seventh and Franklin-avenue
Brand H B, (Beckers & B.) ss Franklin-avenue w of Twelfth
Brand, Loop & Vance, merchants, nw corner First and Elm
Brand Robert, (B.,L.&V.) nw corner First and Elm
Brannan Hugh, laborer, ns Morgan e of Eleventh
Bransford Frederick, clerk, ss Poplar e of Fourth
Brant Joshua B, ne corner Fourth and Washington-avenue
Brantner W H, (Jones &B.) 37 n Front
Braun Bernard, carter, es Third s of Convent
Braun John, musician, ns Washington-avenue e of Ninth
Braun L, grocer, ws First s of Walnut
Braun Ludwig, carter, es Fifth n of Convent
Brazeau Francis, ss Mulberry e of Second
Brazeau T, ns Spruce w of Front
Brazleton Eli, sw corner Fourth and Labeaume
Bream George, wood-sawyer, es Thirteenth on Wash
Bredell Edward, es Fifth n of Pine
Bredell John, boards at E Bredell’s
Breed Aaron, boards at Mrs. Offutt’s
Breed William, clerk, 102 n First
Breen George, (Bailey &B.) 3 s Front
Breeze Thomas, clerk, 70 n Front
Breidecker Henry, tailor, ns Spruce e of Third
Breidenstein Frederick, clerk, ss Franklin-av. w of Tenth
Breidenstein Henry, merchant, es First n of Elm.
Breidenstein Jacob, cigar manufactory, es Second s of Myrtle
Brenan Hugh, shoemaker, ns Morgan w of Third
Brenan Patrick, shoemaker, es Fourth n of Morgan
Brenkman Henry, laborer, ne corner Miller and Jackson
Brennan James, contractor, sw cor Twelfth and Washington-av.
Bressieux Francis, restaurat, 18 Market
Breton Eulalie, ns Elm w of First, upstairs
Brewster Augustus, (B., B. & H.) ns Chesnut w of Fourth
Brice Nicholas, (Jardel& B.) ws Broadway n of Franklin-av.
Bridge H E, plough manufactory and foundry, 259 n First
Bridge Harrison, clerk at H E Bridge’s
Bridge Hudson E, copper, tinware and stove manufactory, 158 n First - dwelling, 160 n Third
Bridge Joseph, boards at H E Bridge’s
Brigdall John, laborer, es Tenth n of Market
Briggemann William, laborer, ws Sixth n of Spruce
Briggs D C, ( Crockett & B.) 145 -Market
Briggs Joseph, carpenter, ss Locust w of Second
Briggs Wm F, M.D., es Broadway n of Big Mound
Brigham David T, es Fifth s of Pine
Brigly John, laborer, ns Saint Charles w of Fifth
Brilton Edward, tailor, 142 Green
Brimley John, painter, ws Seventh north of Spruce, on alley
Brindle Frederick, pilot, ws Third s of Mulberry
Brink William, cooper, ns Franklin-avenue e of Ninth
Brink William, cooper, ss Morgan w of Seventh
Brinker Matthias, tailor, 40 Chesnut
Brinkerhoof Stophel, carpenter, ss Spruce e of Fifth
Brinkman Casper, tailor, es Tenth n of Carr
Brinkman Francis, Napoleon tavern, es Second
Brisco William, laborer, ns Broadway s of Biddle
Briton John, laborer, ns Lombard e of Second
Britton Francis, riverman, boards at Monroe-house
Britton Mary, [c] ss Franklin-avenue e of Ninth
Broadway cottage, George Mead, es Broadway n of Cherry
Broadway-house, (C.&. C. Nolte) es Broadway s of Biddle
Brock Daniel, laborer, es First n of Plum
Brockhaus Jacob, carter, ws Third n of Rutger
Brockmeyer Adam, merchant, ws Fourth n of Morgan
Brockschmidt Henry, drayman, ws Fifth n of Franklin-avenue
Brocksmat Henry, blacksmith, ws Ninth n of Carr
Broking H D, grocer and tavern-keeper, sw corner of Third and Olive
Bromhart Horace, laborer, ne corner Twelfth and Franklin-av.
Brons Henry, butcher, es Centre s of Market
Bronson Julia Ann, widow, ws Fifth n of Myrtle
Brood Charles, shoemaker, boards at James Tomlinson’s
Brooke John, lock and gunsmith, ws Third s of Market
Brooks Benjamin, city-guard, nw corner Third and Rutger
Brooks Benjamin, [c] riverman, ns Morgan w of Ninth
Brooks Caleb, laborer, ws Ninth s of Franklin-avenue
Brooks Edward, druggist, 26 n First - dwelling, ns Walnut w of Seventh
Brooks George F, blacksmith, es Seventh s of Wash
Brooks George, [c] riverman, ns Poplar ws of First
Brooks John, clerk, 77 n Front
Brooks John, silver-plater, ws Tenth n of Clark-avenue
Brooks-Johnson, carter, ws Eighth n of Carr
Brooks N M, hair-cutter, 30 Vine
Brooks Peter, superintendant-water works, es Broadway n of Cherry
Brooks Stephen, [c] es Sixth n of Green
Brotherton Joseph, clerk, es Twelfth s of Biddle
Brotherton William, porter, nw corner Seventh and Biddle
Broughton George, laborer, ss Market w of Fifteenth
Broughton Reece M, carpenter, boards at E E Selleck’s
Brown , ss Franklin-avenue c of Tenth
Brown B B, M.D., Dr. of dental surgery, 19 Chesnut
Brown Benjamin F, miller, ws First s of Howard
Brown Edwin, shoe-store, 24 n First
Brown Frederick, butcher, se corner Fifteenth and Clark-av.
Brown George, carpenter, ss Myrtle e of Third
Brown Henry, laborer, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Brown James & co, wholesale grocers, 26 n Front
Brown James L, clerk, boards at Mrs R G Wilson’s
Brown James L, bookkeeper at Agnew & Buchanan’s
Brown John, livery-stable, ns Franklin-avenue e of Fifth
Brown John N, stone-cutter, ns Rutger w of Fifth
Brown John, riverman, es Seventh s of Gratiot
Brown John S, grocer, ws Broadway s of Wash
Brown John, [c] barber, se corner Second and Olive
Brown Joseph, laborer, ns Carr e of Ninth
Brown Joseph, tailor, 22 Vine
Brown Josiah, (Childs &B.) boards at E H Sheppard’s
Brown Lewis, wholesale dry-goods merchant, 5 n Front
Brown M, clothier, 56 n First
Brown M W, soap & candle manufactory, ws Sixth n of Locust
Brown Martha, ss Market w of Ninth
Brown Patrick, stone-cutter, ss Wash e of Fourteenth
Brown Preston, ne corner Sixth and Saint Charles
Brown Richard, soap-maker, ns Spruce w of First
Brown Robert, riverman, es Twelfth s of Morgan
Brown Thomas, clerk at Swearingen & co.’s
Brown Thomas, pilot, ws Thirteenth n of Wash
Brown William, painter, es Twelfth s of Morgan
Brown William, painter, ws Second s of Convent
Brown William T, painter, ws Tenlh n of Clark-av, on alley
Browne James, merchant, es First n of Myrtle
Brownell I W, com. merchant, 29 n Front, bds at Planters’-house
Browning Wesley, pastor Fourth-st M. F. Church,
Brownlee John A, (Shaw & co.) boards at Planters’-house
Brua George B, Forest-house, 21 n Fourth
Brucker Joseph, baker, ss Poplar w of Second
Bruckman George, cabinet-maker, es Seventh n of Biddle
Brugger John, carpenter, es Fourth n of Carr
Brugging G W, shoemaker, es Fifth s of Wash
Bruner Joseph, machinist, es Second s of Myrtle
Bruning Henry, shoemaker, 117 Green
Brush William E, auctioneer, 59 n First - dw, 161 Market
Bryan & Maison, grocers and tinners, ne corner Eleventh and Franklin-avenue
Bryan Edwin, tinner, es Twelfth n of Franklin-avenue
Bryan J A, agent Eagle Cotton-yarn - warehouse, 21 n Front
Bryan James, dry-goods merchant, 39 n Fourth
Bryan John, lumber merchant, ne cor Third and Washington-av.
Bryan Wilkinson, (J H White & co.) se cor Third and Vine
Buchan David, riverman, es Second n of Cedar Buck D C & co, stove dealers, 184 n First
Buchanan Alexander, riverman, ss Mulberry e of Fourth
Buchanan George, (Agnew & B.) Glasgow’s-row, Fourth, bt Locust and Saint Charles
Buchanan Samuel jr, blacksmith, boards at J Thompson’s
Buching Orlando, tinner, ws Sixth s of Myrtle
Buck Charles H, boards at O Haven’s
Buck Henry, tailor, ne corner Thirteenth and Carr
Buck John, carpenter, es Eighth n of Clark-avenue
Buckingam EM, (B. & G.) 30 Green
Buckingham & Green, tin and sheet-iron workers, 30 Green
Buckley Michael, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Buckley Robert, carpenter, es Hamtramck s of Chouteau-av.
Buckley William, 155 Green
Buckner George, laborer, es First s of Myrtle
Bucksath Henry, shoemaker, 21 Locust
Budd G K, commission and forwarding merchant, 50 n Front - dwelling, 158 n Fourth
Buer John, grocer, corner Lami and Carondelet-avenue
Buffington Henry, shoemaker, es Tenth n of Morgan
Bullard Aaron, chairmaker’, ws Thirteenth s of Market
Bullard J M, druggist, basement Planters’-house
Bullard Rev. A, pastor First Presbyterian Church - dwelling, sw corner Fourth and Washington avenue
Bullock Irvine, carpenter, ws Sixth n of Biddle
Bullock Orrin, carpenter, 230 n Second
Bullock Samuel B, collector Fourth-ward, ss Green w of First
Bumgardiner A, wood-sawyer, ns Franklin-av. w of Eighth
Bumgartner Henry, ss Market w of Ninth
Bunding John, wholesale druggist, 100 n First
Bunner Rudolph, drayman, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Bunning John, laborer, ws Eighth s of Wash
Burback Benedict, Franklin-tavern, sw cor First and Cherry
Burbbayge I B, general agent, 21 n Third
Burch Richard, saddler, ns Morgan w of Secoud
Burchard & Tweedale, Etna foundry, and premium scale manufacturers, 62 n Second
Burchard M N, (B. & T.) 62 n Second
Burchard Matthew, dyer and cleanser, 49 Chesnut
Burchman Frederick, laborer, ws Third n of Rutger
Burchstead William, confectioner, 51 Market
Burd J W, (B., T. & B.) 68 n Second
Burd, Tilden & Burd, coppersmiths, tinners and stove manufacturers, 45 n First
Burd Tilsey, [c] es Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
Burd William, (B., T. & B.) 68 n Second
Burden Woodson, ss Carr e of Eleventh
Burg Henry, laborer, ws Second s of Spruce
Burg Philip, barber, 191 n First
Burgan John, cabinet-maker, ns Franklin-av. w of Eleventh
Burgess Christopher, carpenter, ws Collins n of Cherry
Burgess Lorenzo D, blacksmith, ns Morgan w of Tenth
Burgess William, laboier, es Seventh n of Biddle
Burk William, pilot, ns Mullanphy e of Broadway
Burke James, laborer, es Broadway n of Franklin-avenue
Burke John, carpenter, es Fifth s of Cerre
Burke John, sexton First Presbyterian Church - dwelling, es Seventh n of Franklin-avenue, on alley
Burke John, tailor, 70 n Third
Burke John, tailor, 12 n Third
Burker Jacob, clerk, es Carondelet-avenue s of Duchouquette
Burleigh Peter, teamster, ns Lombard w of Second
Burley John laborer, ws Second n of Miller
Burnes David A, carpenter, es Ninth s of Green
Burnes Dennis, clerk, ss Wash w of Eighth, on alley
Burnes Dennis, stone-cutter, ns Biddle e of Eighth
Burnes Garrett, drayman, es Thirteenth n of Franklin-av, ups.
Burnes James, drayman, ws Sixth s of Biddle
Burnes James, laborer, 45 n First
Burnes John, plumber, dwelling ns Morgan w of Seventh
Burnes John, stone-cutter, es Broadway s of Biddle
Burnes Margaret, widow, ss Locust w of Third
Burnes Mary Ann, es Third n of Locust
Burnes Peter jr, dry-goods merchant, 20 Market
Burnes Peter sr, dry-goods merchant, 20 Market
Burnes Robert, M.D., 131 Green
Burnett Abraham, bricklayer, boards at York-house
Burnett George, 69 n First
Burnett Isaac, office 69 n First
Burris J, caulker, ws First s of Florida
Burrough & Cooke, dry-goods merchants, 31 n Fourth
Burrough J C, (B. & C.) ns Washington-avenue w of Eighth
Burrows George, plasterer, ns Morgan w of Seventh, upstairs
Burson David, blacksmith, es Second s of Myrtle
Burt James, laborer, se corner Market and Tenth
Burtis James K, clerk, 107 n First
Burtis Joseph K, saddlery hardware merchant, 107 n First
Burton Andrew, sw corner Second and Almond, upstairs
Burton Strother M, grocer, nw corner Fourth and Green
Burton Thomas C, dyer, es Second s of Cedar
Burton W A, 15 s First, upstairs
Burwell Nathan, cooper, boards at Louisiana-house
Bury J C, painter, 103 Market
Busby James,-blacksmith, ne corner Fifth and Gratiot
Bush Charles, carpenter, ns Morgan w of Tenth
Bushey George, carpenter, ns Wash bt Tenth and Eleventh
Bushkolte Bernard, carter, sw corner Second and Lombard
Buss Henry, laborer, 149 Washington-avenue
Buston D, tinner, es Carondelet-av s of Duchouquette
Butcher John, cabinet-maker, ss Cerre w of Fifth
Butler A, (Kimbal & B.) 186 n First
Butler Charles J, clerk, 54 n Front
Butler Mann, justice of peace, es First n of Myrtle - dwelling, se corner Fourth and Elm
Butler Richard, carpenter, nw corner Tenth and Morgan
Butler S O, commission and forwarding merchant, 54 n Front dwelling, 119 Locust
Butler Squire, [c] riverman, ws Ninth s of Franklin-avenue
Butler William L, bookbinder, at Turnbull & Pray’s
Butts Joseph, coffee-house, 33 n Front
Buxton Joseph, cutler, sw corner Second and Lombard
Byrle Martin, boarding-house, 11 n Fourth
Byrne Gregory, ship-carpenter, 297 n First
Byrne John J, land and intelligence agent, 16 s Fourth - dw, se corner Seventh and Chouteau- avenue
Byrne Patrick, laborer, ws Moore s of Market
Cabanne Julia, ws Sixth s of Market
Cabanne Julius L, (Pratte&C.) boards at Mrs Cabanne’s
Cable Geo, steamboat captain, sw corner 14th and Franklin-av.
Cable Miss Lucy, 61 Locust
Cabrilliae Hypolite, coffee-house, 43 n Front - dwelling, ns Poplar w of First
Cachien Joseph, barber, es First s Walnut
Cadrat Constance, widow, se corner Thirteenth and Wash
Cady Michael, laborer, es Twelfth s of Biddle
Caffarata Jerome, es Fourth n of Cedar
Cahill James, bookbinder, es Tenth n of Market
Cahill Patrick, laborer, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Cahill Peter, laborer, es Eighth s of Biddle, on alley
Calder Isaac, shoemaker, es Carondelet-av. n of Duchouquette
Caldwell Daniel, baker, at S&J Turner’s
Caldwell Joseph, carpenter, es Eighth s of Franklin-avenue
Calhan John, tailor, boards at Louisiana-house’
Call Alonzo, riverman, se corner Ninth and Walnut
Callahan George W, attorney at law, 11 Chesnut
Callahan Owen, grocer, 7 Olive
Callender G H, com. merchant, 14 n Front - dw, 157 Market
Calvert Jesse, black and whitesmith, ws Second n of Olive dwelling, ss Chesnut, on alley e of Fourth
Camden J B, president Perp. Ins/Co. dw, ws Thirds of Green
Camden Peter G, ws Third s of Green
Camp Etheldred, engineer, ws First s of Mound
Camp John, cooper, ss Cedar e of Fourth
Campbell A, foundryman, boards at Foundry-house, 232 n First
Campbell C, M.D., office and dwelling, 267 Broadway
Campbell John, riverman, ns Marion e of Jackson
Campbell R L, engineer, 24 Chesnut
Campbell Robert, wholesale dry-goods merchant, 7 n First
Campbell Thomas, tobacconist, es Second n of Olive
Campbell Tristram, (Hoffman & co) ns Locust w of Second
Campbell William, clerk, 7 n First
Campbell William M, editor New Eraj 24 n First
Campe Auguste, tailor, 40 Chesnut
Camper Henry, 127 Green
Camron Theron, cigar-maker, ss Tenth n of Clark-avenue
Cane Patrick, laborer, es Tenth n of Market
Cannon T V, (Vine-street house,) ns Vine w of First
Canter Emanuel, wh and retail grocer and dealer in crockery, 102 n First - dwelling, ws Fourth s of Olive
Cantwell James, miller, boards at Fifth-ward-house
Capelle & Ecken, painters, 29 n Second
Capelle G W, (C. & E.) 13th, bt Morgan and Washington-av.
Caperton Willard, laborer, ss Jackson n of Barry
Carabine Thomas, laborer, es Fifth s of Convent, on alley
Carlin H M, shoemaker, 33 Vine
Carlin Miss Margaret, dressmaker, 190 n Fourth
Carlin William, laborer, ss Market w of Tenth
Carlisle Abraham, engineer, ws Tenth n of Carr
Carlisle David, bricklayer, ns Morgan e of Twelfth
Carlisle Eliza & Caroline, dressmakers, 142 Market
Carlisle Samuel, bricklayer, ws Eleventh s of Wash
Carman Hugh, laborer, ws Eleventh s of Market
Carpenter C, artist, ne corner Third and Pine, upstairs
Carpenter C J, M.D., office Missouri-hotel - dwelling, sw cor Seventh and Franklin-avenue
Carr & Gillespie, lottery-brokers, 103 n First
Carr Archibald, justice of peace, office ns Cherry w of Second -dwelling, ws Fourth n of Morgan
Carr Edward N, (C. & G.) es First s of Pine
Carr L T, attorney at law, 50 n Second
Carr Nelson, [c] ws Sixth n.ofCerre
Carr Thomas L, tailor, ws Sixth s of Myrtle
Carr Walter C, (Chiles & co.) boards at Planters’-house
Carr William, blacksmith, ws Spruce e of Third
Carr William, boiler-maker, boards at Foundry-house
Carr Willliam C, ns Franklin-avenue w of city boundary
Carroll C C, attorney at law, 34 n Second - dw, 196 Olive
Carroll James, tailor, 60 Chesnut
Carroll John, ship-carpenter, es Jackson s of Marion
Carroll P, grocer, 99 Green
Carroll Patrick, laborer, ss Washington-avenue w of Tenth
Carroll Samuel, riverman, es Fifth s of Poplar
Carroll William, bookseller, ns Morgan w of Seventh
Carroll William L, office ns Walnut w of First - dwelling, ns Elm e of Sixth
Carson John, carpenter, ws First n of Myrtle
Carson John, clerk, ne corner Eighth and Franklin-avenue
Cartan David, brickmaker, es Stoddard s of Chouteau-avenue
Carter David, drayman, es Fifth opposite South-market
Carter E, brickmaker, se corner Broadway and Hempstead
Carter James, 160 Green
Carter John, carpenter, ss Clark-avenue w of Seventh
Cartrell Richard, painter, es Second s of Pine
Case C, es Broadway n of Hempstead
Case Calvin, (C. C. & co.) 38 Green
Case Calvin & co, diving-bell warehouse, 38 Green
Casey Elizabeth, widow, es Sixth s of Cerre
Casey Francis, laborer, es Tenth n of Market
Cassada James, laborer, ss Market w of Tenth
Cassada William, tailor, 155 Green
Casselberry E, attorney.at law, 16 Olive, upstairs
Cassin John, grocer, ns Chesnut w of Second
Castanie Caroline, widow, ws Sixth s of Poplar
Casterline C L, boarding-house, 112 Washington-avenue, w of Fifth
Castle James, drayman,’es Seventh s of Gratiot
Cathcart Robert, ne corner Ninth and Morgan
Catholic Book-store, ns Walnut w of Second, near Cathedral
Catholic Cabinet printing-office, ws Second s of Market
Caughten John, teacher, ss Carr e of Eleventh
Causey H, soap-manufacturer, es Carondelet-av. n of Rutger
Cauzins J W, grate-setter and patent-flue manfr, 51 n Second
Cavender John, (Smith & Bro.) se corner Third and Cedar
Cavender John, merchant, dwelling es Third s of Cedar
Cedars Catharine, widow, ws Carondelet-av. s of Marion, ups.
Centenary M. E. church, sw corner Fifth and Pine
Central Fire-engine-house, 84 Chesnut
Central-tavern, 82 Chesnut
Cerre M S, clerk at P Chouteau, jr, & co’s - dwelling, sw cor Third and Plum
Cerre P L, sw corner Second and Pine, entrance on Pine
Chadwick John, trader, ss Cedar w of First
Chaffin E, furnishing-store, 118 n First - dw, ss Olive w of Sixth
Chaloner Thomas, ws Broadway s of Wash
Chamberlain &. Davies, Herald of Religious Liberty - office, se corner Fourth and Chesnut, upstairs
Chamberlain B B, bookkeeper, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Chamberlain F B, clerk, boards af Jefferson-house
Chamberlain Hiram, D.d., editor Herald of Religious Liberty - d welling, ns Elm s of Third
Chambers & Knapp, Missouri Republican office, 47 n First
Chambers A B, editor Missouri Republican - dwelling, nw cor Sixth and Elm
Chambers Colonel William, office 118 Market, upstairs
Chambers David, (H. & co.) 159 Market
Chambers Francis, foundry, ws First n of Bates
Chambers H W, (Watkins & co.) 95 Chesnut
Chambers James, [p.] ss Poplar w of Second
Chamblin B, merchant, 37 s First
Champion John, drayman, ws Eighth s of Wash, on alley
Chaou Anthony, glazier, corner Ninth and Walnut
Chapin Erastus, ns Morgan w of Seventh
Chapin Josiah, clerk, 27 n First
Chapman Edw, bricklayer, ws Sixth n of Franklin-av, on alley
Chapman Edward H, weigher, ss Vine w of First
Chapman Elisha, carpenter, boards at Edward Chapman’s
Chapman George MT clerk, 135 n First
Chapman T J, clerk, 58 n Front
Chapman Thomas, clerk, nw corner Second and Plum
Chapman Walter A, es Loretta s of Marion
Chapman’s, 52 Vine.
Chappell William L, 50 Olive .
Charles Benjamin F, foreman Republican-office, 47 n First
Charles Caleb B, miller, ss Mound e of Ninth
Charles Calvin, painter, ss Franklin-avenue w of Ninth
Charles Robert, carpenter, ws Seventh opposite Convent
Charless Edward, grocer, 130 Market - dwelling, ne corner Fourth and Walnut
Charless Joseph (C. & co.) se corner Fifth and Market
Charless Joseph &, co, wholesale druggists, 49 n First
Charless Sarah, widow, se corner Fifth and Market
Charleville Constant, moulder, 249 n Second
Charleville Francis, butcher, ss Clark-avenue e of Fifteenth
Charter George R, Glasgow-house
Chase E P, attorney at law, 10 Chesnut
Chase Robert P, M.D., office 68 Chesnut - boards at Edward
Chase Wm F, attorney at law, 30 Pine - dwelling, es Seventh n of Morgan
Chauvin C, (L. & J. C.) ss Gay w of Fifteenth
Chauvin Joseph, (L. & J. C.) ws Eighth n of Morgan
Chauvin L & J, painters, 148 Green
Chauvin Mary Louisa, widow, ss Gay w of Fifteenth
Cheatham C H, tinner, 61 n First
Cheavey John, carpenter, ws Seventh nofBiddle
Check John, carman, ws Second s of Mound
Chenie A L, es Fourth s of Plum
Cheno Charles, clerk, ws Fifth n of Almond
Chenowith John P, teacher, Mound Church
Cheron Charles, Morgan, between Sixth and Seventh
Chesley C G, constable, 28 Pine
Chester Joseph, (C. & C.) 150 n First
Chever James, grocer, 142 Pine
Chickering Robert, drayman, ws Sixth s of Wash, on alley
Chidister Thos, cooper, ws Eighth n of Franklin-av, ups.
Child John, carpenter, boards at P Whitehell’s
Childers Mrs A E, widow, ns St Charles, one door e of Sixth
Childs & Austin, sawmill, north Saint Louis
Childs & Clark, sawmill, north of Saint Louis
Childs Colonel Samuel A, ws Second n of Cherry
Childs D J, (C. & Clark.) es Broadway s of Howard
Childs J J, (C. & Brown) sawmill - dwelling, ss Howard w of Second
Childs N jr, teller in Missouri Bank - dwelling, ns Franklin- avenue e of Eleventh
Childs N senr, (C. & Austin.) ss Howard w of Second
Childs O W, clerk, at A Farr jr’s
Chiles & Carr, rope and bagging manufts, office 50 n Second
Chiles Henry, (C. & Carr,) ws Fourth s of Cerre
Chitten Thomas, laborer, ns Morgan w of Tenth
Chittenden George E, blacksmith, ns Prune w of Second
Chomeau Henry, dyer and scourer, 13 Market
Choteau A R, clerk, es Seventh s of Myrtle
Chouteau & Taylor, shoe-store, es Third s of Olive
Chouteau & Valle, wh grocers and com. merchants, 58 n Front
Chouteau Caroline, ws Fourteenth s of Spruce
Chouteau Gabriel S, miller, es Sixth n of Almond
Chouteau Henry, (C. &V.) ss Clark-avenue w of Eleventh
Chouteau Pierre & co, 18 Washington-avenue
Chouteau Pierre, corner Seventh and Market
Chouteau Sylvester, (C. & T.) es Third s of Olive
Chouteau’s Mill, office 18 s First
Christ Church parsonage, 132 Chesnut
Christian N J, sawyer, es First s of Chambers
Christy Andrew, merchant, boards at Planters’-house
Christy J M, (Tillman & C.) boards at Glasgow-house
Christy Melania, ws Third s of Elm
Christy William P, (Woods & C.) es Fifth between Locust and Saint Charles
Church David, shoemaker, ws Second s of Mulberry
Churchill Levi,- dealer in furs, Front, bt Chesnut and Pine
Churchill S B, postmaster - dw, ws Fifth opp. Court-house
Ciegler Alexander, tobacconist, boards at B Rinehart’s
Cinnamon David, engineer, ss Mound e of Broadway
Circulating Library 76 Chesnut
Citizens’ Insurance Company, 65 n First City Hotel, (Barnum & Moreland,) ne cor Third and Vine
Claer Henry, carter, es Twelfth n of Wash
Claflin Wm, (How&C,) 142 n First, boards at A Boyd’s
Clamorgan & Moses, [c.] hairdressers, 10 Pine
Clamorgan Henry, [c] riverman, ws Tenth s of Walnut
Clamorgan Louis, [c] (C. &M.) ws Tenth n of Clark-av.
Clancy James, drayman, ss Spruce w of First
Clancy John, clerk 4 Market
Clancy Miss Catharine, milliner and dressmaker, se cornerFourth and Olive
Clanton John, mason, es Jackson n of Barry
Clapp Benjamin, 62 Saint Charles
Clapp Charles F, harness-maker,- 5 s Third
Clapp Edward, (Wonderly & C.) 1 Commercial-alley, rear of Washington-avenue
Clare Thomas, laborer, ws Eighth s of Wash, upstairs
Clark & Nash, shoe dealers, 186 Broadway
Clark &Eck, wholesale dry-goods merchants, 71 n First
Clark A, es Fourth n of Pine
Clark Chenire, mason, ss Mound w of Eighth
Clark E D (E D & J C.) 170 n First
Clark E D & J, leather store, 170 a First
Clark E W & Bro’s, bankers and ex. brokers, 78 n First
Clark Elbridge G, constable, 6 s Fourth
Clark Geo H, bricklayer, ws Decatur, (Soulard’s addition)
Clark George M, brickmaker, es Tenth s of Hickory
Clark George R ws Fifth n of Pine
Clark Houston, riverman, 137 Green
Clark J (E D & J C.) 170 n First
Clark J J, M.D., 21 Locust
Clark J S,- surgeon dentis) 90 Chesnut
Clark J W, (C. & Eck.) 71 n First
Clark James, marble-cutter, 18 Chesnut
Clark James, teamster, ns Mound w of Tenth
Clark James, tinner, ne cornel Eighth and Carr
Clark John F, & co, boat-store and commission merchants, 84 n Front
Clark John, plasterer, ns Mound w of Tenth
Clark L C, (C. & Brothers,) boards at E Dodge’s
Clark Levi B, 102 Market
Clark M Lewis, city recorder, ne corner Fourth and Elm
Clark Martin, plumber, ws Third n of Rutger
Clark N H, (C. & N.) 186 Broadway
Clark Patrick,-engineer, es Lewis n of Ashley
Clark Philip R, wagon-maker, es Marion s of Jackson
Clark Robert P, ws Collin’s n of Cherry
Clark William, machinist, ns Gratiot w of Ninth
Clark William, trader, sw cor Eleventh and Franklin-avenue
Clark Wm G, (Childs&C.) es Broadway s of Mound
Clarke Henry, saddler, 39 n First
Clarkson Robert, carpenter, corner Spruce and Thirteenth
Clary Edward A, ne corner Eleventh and Chesnut
Clary John, coffee-house, 100 n Front
Clay Cyprian, printer, es Broadway n of Cherry
Clay Geo, wood-merchant, nw cor First and Walnut, ups.
Clay L, wood-merchant, es Fourth n of Mulberry, on alley
Claymore Lambert, ss Cedar w of Third
Clayter Wm R, steamboat clerk, boards with J Townsend
Clayton H J, Shades coffee-house, under theatre, Olive-st.
Cleary Edmund, saddler, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Cleary Mrs, milliner, 101 Market
Cleland Beriah, house mover, 135 Chesnut
Clemens Charles B, deputy clerk Circuit Court
Clemens George, engineer, es Fifth s of Convent, on alley
Clemens George, steamboat engineer, ss Market w of Ninth
Clemens James, jr, 98 Market
Clement B S, auctioneer, 51 n First
Clement Barclay, clerk at Allen & Hall’s
Clements Joseph, shoemaker, ns Morgan w of Seventh
Clendining John, hatter, 111 n First
Clermo Lewis, pilot, ss Jefferson w of Broadway
Cleveland C M, clerk, 42 Market
Cleveland Mary Ann, dressmaker, 94 Pine
Clifford John, shoemaker, 95 Green
Cline Frederick, es Seventh n of Myrtle
Clinton John, moulder, 96 n First
Clinton John, shoemaker, es Fourth n of Pine
Clough Jesse R, carpenter, ss Poplar e of Second
Clough Stephen S, ns Morgan e of Eleventh
Cluggage P, general agent Hinton & co.’s Stage-line, basement Planters’-house
Cluseau M, hairdresser, 73 Market
Coad John, riverman, ns Morgan w of Fourth
Coats Henry, baker, at Davis & Murray’s
Cobb Henry L, attorney at law, 75 Pine
Coburn Philip, riverman, es Carondelet-avenue n of Park-av.
Cochran Hugh, shoemaker, 150 n First
Cochran Hugh, ws Ninth s of Gratiot
Cochran John, type-founder, ns Wash e of Eighth
Cochran Peter, laborer, cs Fifth n of Rutger
Cochran Robert, laborer, ns Hazle w of Second
Cochran Stephen, riverman, es Fifth s of Convent
Cockburn Alexander, ns Market w of Eighth
Cockran Wyllis, tailor, ws Broadway n of Howard
Cody Michael, laborer, es Twelfth s of Riddle
Coen Philip, riverman, ss Almond w of First
Coenzler Joseph, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Coffey Henry, (Huntsberry & C.) 22 Washington-avenue
Coffey Thomas, wholesale druggist, 65 n First
Coffey Timothy, -ns Saint Charles w of Eighth
Cogswell J, sash and blind manuf-tr, ns Morgan e of Fourth
Cogswell John, carpenter, ss Biddle e of Sixth
Cohen H H, clothier, 63 Front, dw, ss Morgan w of Fifth
Cohen Thomas, ss Myrtle e of Sixth
Cohen William, watchmaker, 95 Market
Coke George, carpenter, ss Plum e of Third
Colbert Alexander, drayman, es Carondelet n of Park-av.
Colbert John W, hatter, 38 n First, upstairs
Colbert Stephen R, laborer, ss Convent e of Fifth, on alley
Cole John, ss Morgan w of Sixth
Cole Mary widow, ns Franklin-avenue e of Eleventh
Cole Thomas, bricklayer, se cor Fourteenth and Franklin-av.
Coleman N, (S O & N C.) ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Coleman S O, (S Q & N C.) 67 Locust
Coleman S O & N, turners and blockmakers, 67 Locust
Coleman William V, printer, Missourian office
COLEMAN J B, druggist, nw cor Seventh and Green
Collector’s office, State and Connty 111 Chesnut
Collett Joseph, saddler, ne conerr Clark-avenue and Centre
Collett Oscar, (Halsell & C.) sw corner Fourth and Elm
Collier & Morrison, commission merchants, 67 n Front.
Collier G, (C. & Morrison) se cor Fourth and Washington-av.
Collingwood Henry, trader, boards at Mr Philip’s
Collins & Kellogg, wholesale dry-goods merchants, 153 n First
Collins Charles, 40 Green
Collins Henry, riverman, es Eighth n of Carr
Collins John, 42 Green, at Fearon’s Ale and Porter Depot
Collins John, ship-carpenter, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Collins Lavina, widow, ws Third s of Mulberry
Collins Morris, (C. & K.) boards at City-hotel
Collins Mrs Eliza, ss Olive w of -Sixth
Colmery Francis Y, saddler, boards at T Brady’s
Colmery Peter, blacksmith, ss Plum w of Second
Colston Edward, grate manufacturer, 23 n First
Colt James B, attorney at law, 38 Pine
Colter William, shoemaker, 76 Market
Colton & Moulton, Indian Queen-hotel, 26 and 28 Locust
Colton Evan, tinner, ss Franklin-avenue w of Sixth
Colton George A, (C. & M.) 26 Locust
Colver Daniel, (T & C D.) se corner Spruce and Third
Colver T. & D, grocers, se corner Spruce and Third
Colver Thomas, (T&D C.) se corner Spruce and Third
Colvin John, carter, ns Poplar w of First
Colvin John W, justice of the peace, office 28 Vine
Colvin Samuel, cabinet-maker, ns Green w of Tenth
Comfort J H, attorney at law, ss Cherry e of Broadway
Comisky Hugh, laborer, ws Sixth s of Wash
Commercial Exchange, Samuel Stailey, nw corner Commercial and Vine
Commons Thomas, 119 and 121 n Fourth
Compan George, cabinet-maker, ns Morgan w of Fourth
Compton J J, plasterer, ss Labeaume w of Broadway
Comstock Anson, (C. & co.) 92 Washington-avenue
Comstock J F & co, 16 and 36 n First
Comstock James F, (C. & co.) 16 n First
Comte Auguste, saddler, 96 n First
CONCERT-HALL, 56 Market - a rendezvous for publio meetings, and place for holding balls, fairs, concerts,
and various exhibitions of the better sort, and has one of the most spacious rooms in Saint Louis.
Condon David, carpenter, boards at W McNary’s
Condon John, carpenter, boards at Steward Matthews
Condon John, coffee-house, 61 n Front
Condon Judson, produce dealer, 6 s First
Condon Patrick, carman, ws Collins n of Cherry
Condon Richard, se corner Eleventh and Locust
Coney Alexander, clothier, 36 Front
Coningham F R, printer, 24 n First
Conklin Joseph, blacksmith, ss Mound e of Broadway
Conn Joseph, ss Carr e of Seventh
Connelly Mary, widow, ns Morgan w of Second
Connelly Owen, rope-maker, boards at James Humphrey’s
Conner & Son, watch and clock-makers, 74 n Second
Conner Henry C, (C. & Son,) ws Second n of Pine
Conner Henry C, jr, (C. & Son,) ws Second s of Olive
Conner John, laborer, 125 Green
Conner Lawrence, clerk, Broadway near Morgan
Conner Patrick, laborer, ss Chesnut w of Ninth
Conrad Adam, blacksmith, nw corner Seventh and Green
Conrad Frederick, carpenter, ws Twelfth s of Franklin-av.
Conrad James, laborer, ws Centre s of Market
Conrad Joseph, founder, ws Sixth s of Wash
Conrad Valentine, shoemaker, 49 Chesnut
Conran James, jr, ws Tenth n of Morgan
Conran James, ss of Franklin-avenue e of Twelfth
Conroy Charles, laborer, ss Myrtle e of Third
Conroy Michael, 121 Green
Consaul Joseph, es Fourth n of Pine, upstairs
Conway F R, U. States recorder of land titles, ws Seventh, opposite Elm
Conway James, trader, ss Spruce e of Thirteenth
Conwell C, carriage-maker, ws Thirteenth n of Franklin-av.
Conwell Willard, tailor, ws Eleventh s of Wash
Conzelman G, upholsterer, 3 n Second - dwelling, sw corner Fifth and Myrtle
Coogan Catharine, ns Market w of Ninth
Cook & Peterson, leather merchants, 71 n First
Cook A H, merchant, 148 n Third
Cook Alfred, copperplate printer, 54 n First, upstairs
Cook M C, M.D., (Vanzant& C.) 68 n First
Cook Robert, (C. & P.) boards at Planters’-house
Cookson John, ns Saint Charles w of Fifth
Cool Frederick, tavern keeper, corner First and Howard
Coolidge Curtis, nw corner Third and Cedar
Coons & Beatty, merchants, 1 s Front
Coons & Gallagher, merchants, 1 n Front
Coons A J, M.D,, 18 Vine
Coons Edward, carpenter, boards at Mr Bobb’s
Coons George W, (C. & Beatty,) es Fourth s of Cedar
Coons Mary E, (Coons &G.) se corner Second and Walnut
Coony James, laborer, ns St Charles w of Eighth
Coop J, engineer, sw corner Thirteenth and Washington-av,
Cooper Abraham, laborer, ws Carondelet-road e of Park-av.
Cooper G B, carpenter, boards at Casterline’s
Cooper Richard H, locksmith, ss Washington-av. w of Tenth
Cooper Thomas, mason, ws Ninth s of Market
Cooper W G, tailor, es Tenth n of Carr
Cooper William B, clerk, es„Fifth n of Rutger
Cooper William R, carpenter, ne corner Eighth and Carr
Coote & Cozens, surveyors, 52 n Second
Coote Clement W, (C. & C.) 52 n Second
Cope James N, tobacconist, boards at Burleigh’s
Coply Richard P, pedlar, ws Second s of Cedar
Copp Saml, clerk Protection Ins. Agency, boards at 50 Qlive
Coppleman John H, cabinet-maker, ws Fourth n of Morgan
Corby William H, engineer, ws Fifth n of Wash
Corcoran John, near Arsenal, delegate from First Ward
Cordes A C, grocer, se corner Fifth and Convent
Cordes Deidrich, grocer, ne corner Fifth and Olive
Cordy Henry, drayman, es Seventh near Pine
Corl j H, ganger and inspector, 35 n Front - dw, 53 n Fourth
Corley W C, chair-maker, 22 Pine - dwelling, 96 Qlive
Cormack J B, pilot, boards at Fifth-ward-house
Cormany N R, publisher German Tribune, 21 Vine
Cormi Bernard, carter, ss Morgan w of Seventh
Cornell James H, cabinet-maker, 45 Market, upstairs
Cornforth.W, shoe-thread manuf tr, ss Locust w of Fourth, ups.
Cornick Tulley R, attorney at law, ne cor Eighth and Locust
Corson John, clerk, ne corner Eighth and Franklin-avenue
Cortambert L R, French Consul, 17 s First
Cosgrove Jane, teacher, 9 n Third
Costillo Edward, boards at Mrs Smith’s
Cottage Arcade, 52 Pine
Cotter - , shoemaker, 76 Market
Cottrell G W, hatter, ns Wash e of Eighth
Couchom Alexander, confectioner, es Second s of Almond
Coughlin David, brass-founder, sw corner Sixth and Green
Coulten John, carpenter, ss Brooklyn w of Broadway
Coulter G W, 162 n Fourth
Coulter William B, grocer, 162 n Fourth
Coulter William, brickmaker, Loretto s of Marion
Coulter William, carpenter, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Courtenay Abraham, carpenter, ns Chambers w of Broadway
Courtenay Charles (Pomarede & C.) corner Second and Olive
Courtenay Thomas E, clerk, 39 n Front
Courtenay Thomas F, clerk at W W Thompson & co.’s
Couzins J W, grate-setter and patent-flue-maker, 51 n Second
Couzins John E D, police, es Twelfth n of Gay
Cove William, carpenter, boards at Fiflh-ward-house
Cover John, cooper, nw corner First and Florida
Covey Jacob, laborer, ws Sixth n of Biddle
Cowell John, shoemaker, 198 n Second
Cowie James, (Ross &C.) 15 n First
Cowles G, clerk, 36 n Front
Cowles William P, agent for Vanlear’s, 12 n Front
Cox Benjamin, carpenter, w-s First s of Mound
Cox Peter, [c] barber, 39 Vine
Cox Thomas, moulder, es Sixth s of Wash .
Coxe Henry S, sw corner Fourth and Locust
Coxe James H, carpenter, es Fourteenth s of Gay
Coyle Catharine, widow, ss Poplar w of Second
Coyle John, blacksmith, 145 Green
Coyle Michael, Cottage-Arcade, 52 Pine
Cozens W H, (Coote & C.) ne corner Seventh and Elm
Cozzens William, (Hull&C.) ws Broadway n of Morgan
Cqoper William, portrait painter, 20 Market
Craft Anthony, cabinet-maker, es Broadway n of Morgan, ups,
Craft Moses, printer, 97 Green
Craig & Humbleton, blacksmiths, ss Cherry e of Second
Craig Alexander, (C. & H.) ws Seventh s of Biddle
Craig James, (Devolin & C.) 12 n Third
Craighead George, painter, es Tenth n of Carr
Cram Peter, ws Ninth n of Franklin^avenue
Crane B F, watchmaker, 13 n First
Crane Gerard, chair-maker, sw corner Fifth and Walnut
Crane J W, segar-manufacturer, es Fourth s of Vine
Cravens Matthew, drayman, ns Chambers e of Broadway
Cravens William A, laborer, ns Lombard w of Second
Crawford Ezekiel, painter, ns Plum w of Second
Crawford George, carpenter, s of Convent, on alley
Crawford H C, baker, es Carondelet-av. s of Barry, on alley
Crawford James, cabinet-maker, 150 Carr
Creighton John, tailor, 20 Olive
Creley Charles H, (Wood & C.) 62 Market
Cremore John, ss Market w of Eleventh
Crenshaw RAW, clerk at New Era, 24 n First
Crinion Richard, mason, ws Ninth s of Market
Crist Frederick, baker, ws Eighth s of Wash
Crittenden H, stationery and paper warehouse, 133 n First
Crittenden John, carpenter, ws Eleventh s of Wash
Crock David, shoemaker, rear of 35 s Fifth
Crocket J B, (C. & Briggs,) es Collins n of Cherry
Crockett & Briggs, attorneys at law, 77 n First
Croder Thomas, laborer, ns Market w of Ninth
Croes Jacob, pedlar, ss Market e of Ninth
Croft Israel, blacksmith, ss Cedar e of Third
Crole Martin, engineer, es Eighth n of Biddle
Cronenbold F W, foreman Republican job-office, 47 n First
Cronin Cornelius, shoe-store, 121 n First
Croninger Gotfried, laborer, es Twelfth n of Franklin-avenue
Crooks Elizabeth, widow, ss Cedar w of Second
Crow & McCreery, wholesale dry-goods merchants, 99 n First
Crow Wayman, (C. & McCreery,) nw cor Eighth and Olive
Crowder George, shoemaker, es Ninth n of Market
Crowe J, tailor, ws Third s of Vine
Crowell George, bricklayer, es Eleventh s of Wash, on alley
Crowl G P, riverman, ns Morgan w of Eleventh
Crowly Dennis, grocer, 44 n Front
Crowly George, grocer, ws Broadway s of Carr
Crowly Jeremiah, shoemaker, 158 Green
Crowly John, grocer, 95 n Front
Crowly William, carter, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Crowther James, blacksmith, ns Hickory e of Seventh
Crozier Alexander, boiler-maker, ws Fifth n of Carr
Crump Ezekiel, riverman, es Fifth s of Convent, on alley
Crump Fleming, musician, ws Third s of Cedar
Crumpton S E, chairmaker, ws Second n of Vine
Cruttenden Joel, boards at Mr Chapman’s
Cruttenden Woodward, olerk at Rogers, Field & co.’s
Cubberly & Johnson, hatters, 108 n First
Cubberly T B, (C. & J.) 108 n First
Culver Henry, M.D., nw corner Fourth and Gratiot
Cummings Patrick, carter, ws Ninth n of Market
Cummings Peter, laborer, es Ninth s of Market
Cuniffe &. Tanton, druggists, nw cor Broadway and Morgan
Cuniffe Ann, widow, (C. & T.) es Sixth s of Wash
Cuniffe M K, provision store, 75 n Front
Cunningham E, marble-polisher, 20 Chesnut
Cunningham Richard, clerk at Wiggins & co.’s
Cunnington Frederick, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Curie & Lee, general agents, 26 Locust
Curie Richmond J, (C. & L.) 26 Locust
Curran Bernard, dairyman, ws First n of Howard
Currie Cornelius V, saddler, boards at S F Currie’s
Currie Samuel F, saddler, se corner Third and Almond
Curry John W, carpenter, boards at Casterline’s
Curry Parney, lime-burner, ne corner First and Bates
Curtis G T S, 124 n Third
Curtis Harvey, riverman, 90 Washington-avenue
Curtis Martha, widow, sw corner Fifth and Eiddle
Curtis William, Jefferson-house, 50 n First
Curtis Z B, book keeper at Blaine, T. &B.’s - dwelling, ws Fourth, opposite Plum
Cusick John, drayman, ns Green w of Tenth
Cusler Benjamin, clerk, ne corner Seventh and Saint Charles
Cuthbert James, mason, es Broadway s of Biddle
Cutshaw Mason, carpenter, Fifth s of Market
Cutter Amos, es Collins n of Cherry
Cutter Norman, wholesale grocer, sw cor Front and Locust
Cuzler Jacob, laborer, ss Wood e of Second
D’oench & Pelloux, wholesale druggists, 47 Market
D’oench Wm, (D. & P.) Seventh between Market and Walnut
Daab George, turner, es Eighth s of Franklin-avenue
Dabine John Biptist, nw corner Second and Hazle
Dabney Berwell, shoemaker, ss Almond w of Third
Dacon Gilbert, bricklayer, on Tenth s of Market
Daeosta Victor, clothier, 47 Front - dw, ns Olive w of Third
Daggett James, drayman, es Ninth n of Carr
Daggett John D, se corner First and Spruce
Dahma J, shoemaker, es Second s of Park-avenue
Daily C, printer, at Missourian office
Daily Thomas, laborer, ns Morgan e of Fifteenth
Daken Joseph, miller, ns Wash w of Eleventh
Dalaplaine Richard, mason, es Sixth n of Biddle
Dallam J M, es Twelfth s of Morgan
Dallam John, (J & J D.) 225 Broadway
Dallam John & Josias, grocers, 225 Broadway
Dallam Josias, (J & J D.) 146 Carr
Dallam Richard B, City-auditor, ws Sixth s of Pine
Dalor Francis, contractor, es Broadway n of Big-mound
Dalrymple Hugh, quarrier, ss Market w of Fifteenth
Dalrymple WW, clerk, 11 Market
Dalton Isaac, wheelwright, ss Spruce w of Second
Dalton Richard, drayman, sw corner Eighth and Biddle
Daly John, auctioneer, ws Seventh s of Green
Daly Michael, laborer, ns Chesnut w of Ninth
Dalzell John, (D. & Son,) 120 Washington-avenue
Dalzell John & Son, iron and commission merchants, 25 Front
Dammer Henry, tavern, 103 n Front
Damont Mrs, widow, nw corner Ninth and Olive
Dana David, Liberty-hall, ne corner Broadway and Cherry
Danborough Adam, drayman, es Fifth s of Cerre, upstairs
Daneuse George & John, tailors, corner Twelfth and Gay
Danforth Charles, riverman, es Eleventh n of Carr
Daniel Samuel, se corner Fourth and Myrtle
Daniels Isaac, butcher, nw corner Fourteenth and Spruce
Daniels William, fancy-dyer, es Second s of Cedar
Dannefelser Adam, blacksmith, ns Chesnut w of Second
Danneman Joseph, grocer, sw corner Sixth and Myrtle
Dantzberger Fredk, wagor..:naker, 8w corner Third and Rutger
Darby John F, attorney at law, office 27 Pine
Darley J S, oabinet-maker, we Second n of Green
Darlington G D, cabinet-maker, ws Fourteenth s of Spruce
Darlington Thomas, 87 Green
Darnall H W, medical student, at Dr Pallen’s
Darrah Henry T, 128 n Fourth
Darst Margaret, widow, ss Walnut e of Fourth
Darst Robert, ws Centre s of Market
Darth Thomas W, coffee-house, nw corner Cherry and Front
Daters Henry, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Daugherty Henry, clerk, 75 n First
Daugherty James, City-attorney, office ns Cherry w of Second
Daugherty John A, clerk, 20 n Front
Daugherty Joseph, clerk, ns Almond w of Fourth
Daugherty Robert W, attorney at law, office 33 n Second
Daugherty Sarah B, widow, ss Walnut w of Third
Davenport Isaac, cupper and leecher, 69 Green
Davenport Thomas, furniture wareroom, 64 n Second
Davies Daniel, book and job printer, 15 Olive, upstairs - dw, sw corner Fourth and Franklin-avenue
Davies Thomas, carpenter, 271 Eleventh, n of Carr
Davis & Murray, bakers, es Second s of Green
Davis A J, (Stephenson & D.) boards at St Louis Exchange
Davis D D, justice of peace, office se cor Second and Cedar - dwelling, ns Market w of Twelfth
Davis G W, bricklayer, es Fourth, opposite Planters’-house
Davis George, miller, ws Fourth n of Green
Davis H N, & co, com. and forwarding merchants, 98 Front
Davis Jesse, pilot, ns Green w of Tenth
Davis John H, carpenter, ns Morgan w of Ninth
Davis John, hatter, 33 n First
Davis John, jr, hatter, 33 n First
Davis John V, brickmaker, es Centre s of Market
Davis Meredith, clerk, boards at Louisiana house
Davis Merrill, toy manufacturer, ne corner Fourth and Morgan
Davis Nathan, carpenter, ns Carr w of Eleventh
Davis Robert, mason, es Sixth n of Spruce
Davis Russell, (c) se corner Fourteenth and Spruce
Davis Samuel C, (D., T. & R.) ss Walnut w of First
Davis Samuel, carpenter, ns Elm e of Second
Davis Sarah, seamstress, 9 n Third
Davis, Tilden & Richards, merchants, 11 and 13 Market
Davis William, mason, ns Gratiot w of Ninth
Davis William, painter, boards at Fifth-ward-house
Dawson A H H, attorney at law, 23 Pine
Dawson J W, grocer, ws Broadway near Morgan
Dawson Jerome E, engineer, 255 n Second
DAWSON W R, "American Republican" Reading Room, 81 Market - dwelling, es First s of Elm
Day Charles, wood merchant, es First n of Myrtle
Day Ezekiel, carpenter, ns Green w of Ninth
Day F O D, clerk, 26 n First
Day James T, saddler, ss Cherry e of Broadway
Day Patrick, coffee-house, 109 n Front
Dayton B B, (Geyer & D.) 48 n Second
Deal Valentine, grocer, es Carondelet-avenue s of Marion
Dean Charles, steamboat clerk, es Seventh n of Elm
Dean Harriet Mary, widow, ws Fourth n of Morgan
Dean Henry, (Thomas & D.) 223 Broadway
Dean Henry, tailor, es Ninth s of Market
Dean James, carman, ws Third a of Almond
Dean John, cooper, ns Lombard w of Second
Dean Mary Ann, 194 n Fourth
Deas Charles, portrait painter, 97 Chesnut Deaver Larkin, carpet store, 60 n First
Deaver Larkin, clothing store, 60 n First - dwelling, ne cor ner Broadway and Mullahphy
Deaves Joseph, laborer, nw corner Third and Poplar
DeBaun George, jr, wholesale boot and shoe store, 97 n First - boards at 116 n Fourth
DeBolle John M, boards at Mr Barry’s, Brant’s-row
DeBonville M B, es Sixth s of Cerre, on alley
Debus Wendlen, tailor, 12 Pine
Deckebach Henry, laborer, ws Jackson n of Barry
Decou Robert, (Shidy&D.) ne corner First and Spruce
Dedman Thomasj steamboat mate, es Tenth n of Carr
Deegan P, grocer, 146 Green
Deffabaugh Jeremiah, miller, ss Florida w of First
Defrece Benjamin, clothier, 35 Front
Degenhard Lorenzo, elerk in Post-office
Degenhart John C, lumber-yard, es Third s of Convent
Degge Charles, machinist, boards at John Hull’s
Degge Ephraim, saddler, boards at John Hull’s
Dehnhart Joseph, carpenter, es Second s of Wood
Deihl William, laborer, ns Convent w of Second
Deitrich Frederickj dyer, es Second s of Wood
Dekenbach Henry j wood-sawyer, ns Morgan w of Eleventh
Del John, tailor, ns Morgan w of Fourth, upstairs
Delanding Frederick C, (Wetteroth & D.) 49 Market
Delany Dennis, M.D., 55 n Second
Delany James, stone-cutter, ws Twelfth n of Carr
Delany John, laborer, es Fifth s of Green
Delany Michael, laborer,- ws First n of Morgan
Delargy Charles, laborer, ws Broadway s of Carr
Delisle - , French and Spanish teacher, ws Carondelet-avenue s of Lafayette
Delisle Eugene, carpenter, ss Elm w of First
Delisle Henry, carpenter, es Third n of Olive
Delisle J, 47 Pine
Dell David, wagon-maker j ss Franklin-avenue w of Tenth
Dellett A F, baker, es Second s of Spruce
Dellman Frederick, Park-avenue w of Fifth
Dellman Jacob, carter, es Carondelet-avenue s of Marion
Dellmier John, carpenter, ss Carr e of Eleventh
Dellmore William, laborer, es Second n of Locust
Demit John, clerk at Republican-office, 47 n First
Dempsey Joseph, bricklayer, ss Park-avenue w of Seventh
Demster Nathan, laborer, ns Clark-avenue w of Tenth
Deneney Francis, hatter, es Third s of Spruce
Deniney Laurence, carpenter, boards at J Kelley’s
Denny James, butcher, sw corner Twelfth and Spruce
Denny Thomas, butcher, sw corner Twelfth and Spruce
Denny William, clerk, ws Seventh opposite Elm
Dent Josiah, attorney at law, 10 Chesnut
Denton Elizabeth, widow, ne corner Tenth and Green
Depew Robert, (D. & Son) ns Vine w of First
Depew Robert & Son, merchant tailors, ns Vine w of First
Depew Thomas, (D. & Son) nsVine w of First
Deppe Frederick, tailor, ws Twelfth s of Biddle
Deppe Henry, grocer, sw corner Tenth and Market
DePrefontaine Joseph R, M.D., Ss Myrtle e of Seventh
Derfeld Adam, tinner, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Dering Henry, 30 Pine
Derlan Henry, blacksmith, es First n of Poplar
DeRoche August, 153 Green
Deroin E, druggist, 48 n First - dw, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Deroin E V, M.D., 48 n First - dw, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Derr William, tailor, 7 Locust
Derrickson Charles, clerk, on Mulberry w of Third
Derry John, carpenter, ss Washington-avenue w of Eleventh
Deselegs Oliver, clerk, 7 n First
Desere Jaquez, pilot, ws Centre s of Market
Desilets David, boarding-house, nw corner Third and Walnut
Dessaint L C, cabinet ware-room, sw corner Second and Vine
Detere Peter, laborer, es Third s of Lombard
Devereux Nicholas, carpenter, es Eighth s of Biddle
Devilliers & Darmenton, hardware merchants, 16 s First
Devine Charles, grocer, 195 Green
Devine William, riverman, 235 n Second
Devinney Pleasant, steamboat captain, 80 Saint Charles
Devitt J R, clerk, 69 n First
Devlin Charles, blacksmith, sw corner Third and Almond
Devlin Roger, trader, ss Marion, in Soulard’s-addition
Devolin & Craig, cabinet-makers, 12 n Third
Devolin John, (D. & C.) 12 n Third
Devory Dennis, laborer,’ ws Sixth n of Biddle
Devory Nicholas, laborer, es Third s of Convent
Dewalt William, law student at Geyer & Dayton’s
Deward Caroline, widow, ne corner Broadway and Florida
Dewart Caspar, ws Carondelet-avenue n of Park-avenue
Dewire William, drayman, es Seventh s of Labadie
Dewitt Abraham, steamboat captain, hs Green w of Tenth
Dewitt George, carver, ss Carr W of Eleventh
Dialar John, laborer, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Dibble & Graham, City-foundry, es Second s of Pine, on alley
Dibble Thomas, (D. & G.) ws Fifth s of Hickory
Dick Franklin A, attorney at law, 55 Pine
Dick Franklin, ss Saint Charles w of Sixth
Dick John W, blacksmith, es Thirteenth s of Franklin-avenue
Dicks John R, City-collector, ns Walnut w of Third
Dickson C K, (Murdoch & co.) 55 n First
Didlot Margaret, widow, accoucheur, ss Poplar e of Second
Diehl Henry, cabinet-maker, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Diekerman A, clerk, 57 n Front
Diekmain F, blacksmith, nw corner Seventh and Saint Charles
Dierno James, clerk, es Seventh n of Saint Charles
Diersing Henry, Theatre coffee-house, opposite theatre’
Diestelherst Henry, carpenter, ns Market w of Fifteenth
Diestelherst William, shoemaker, boards at H Diestelherst’s
Dietrichs Martin, M.D., Ss Franklin-avenue w of Tenth
Dietrichs William F, tobacconist, ss Franklin-av. w of Seventh -Manufactures all kinds of Tobacco, Snuffs, and
Segars, which he will sell at wholesale or retail, at reasonable prices.
Dietz Edward F, (Mueller & D.) 54 Chesnut
Dietz William R, grocer, ss Market w of Ninth
Diggs John F, ship-carpenter, es Broadway s of Madison
Dikeman B & R, jewellers, 74 Market
Dikeman Henry, drayman, on Fifth n of Green
Dikeman W R, wholesale dry-goods merchant, 51 n First
Dikeson Charles, clerk, ss Mulberry e of Fourth
Dill John, plasterer, ws Fourth s of Almond
Dillon Bernard, clerk, 8 n Front
Dillon Charles, merchant, es First s of Walnut
Dillon Michael, laborer, es Sixth n of Cerre
Dillon P M, ns Gratiot w of Eighth
Dillon Patrick, laborer, ns Walnut w of Ninth
Dillon William, segar-maker, - First
Dings Fredk, brush and comb-maker, es Second s of Chesnut
Dinn & Grub, seedsmen and florists, 6 n Front
Dinnies & Smith, booksellers, 45 n First
Dinnies J C, (D. & S.) 45 n First
Disch Florence, shoemaker, ss Locust w of Third
Dischen Henry, laborer, ws Jackson n of Barry
Disharoon Thomas, Maryland-house, nw cor Sixth and Chesnut
Ditterman H, grocer, ws Seventh n of Carr
Dittman George F, shoe store, 39 Walnut
Dittmer Hedraan, grocer, es Fourteenth s of Wash
Dix E A, ( W W Thompson & co.) sw corner Eighth and Pine
Dixon David, saw-miller, ws Broadway n of Jefferson
Dixon Ellen, widow, ws Second s of Almond
Dixon Joseph, laborer, se corner Eleventh and Wa3hington-av.
Dixon Joseph, ss Carr w of Tenth
Dixon Robert, shoemaker, ne corner Tenth and Carr, upstairs
Dixon W R, bookbinder, ns Chesnut w of Second
Dixon William, mason, sw corner Fourth and Almond
Doan J P, 25 Chesnut
Doan J P, (D., K. & co.) se corner Tenth and Morgan
Doan, King & co, wholesale dry-goods merchants, 131 n First
Doblin H, merchant tailor, 19 Market
Dobyns Edward, lumber merchant, office ne cor Seventh and Franklin-avenue - dwelling, Mound near Twelfth
Dobyns James, carpenter, sw corner Ninth and Mound
Dodd David R, riverman, 253 n Second
Dodge Colonel Wm W, produce dealer, es Seventh s of Spruce
Dodge Ezra, es Sixth n of Morgan
Dodson Jesse, laborer, es First s of Spruce
Doelner Henry, painter, ws Second n of Market
Doernte Charles, tobacconist, se corner Second and Almond
Doggett Leslie, blacksmith, ss Green w of Eighth
Doheman Henrich, carpenter, sw corner Second and Lombard
Doheney John, carpenter, boards at Mr Selleck’s
Doherty William, pedlar, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Dohlmann Peter, segar-maker, ns Convent w of Third
Doke John, huckster, ws Second s of Plum
Doll Conrad, merchant, se Broadway, opposite Franklin-av,
Dolman J A, clerk at New York store, 128 n Third
Dolmescht Herman, laborer, ns Convent e of Fifth
Domhoff John, laborer, cs Fourteenth n of Carr
Donaho George, laborer, es Ninth s of Green
Donaho Magdalen, widow, ws First s of Plum
Donaho T F, bricklayer, es Carondelet-avenue s of Emmett
Donaho Terrence, mason, ss Wash w of Seventh
Donahu Terrence, drayman, es Eighth s of Wash
Donaldson & Hall, plane and edge-tool manufactrs 27 n First
Donaldson Isaac P, ws Fifth s of Carr
Donaldson J F, (D, & H.) ne corner Twelfth and Olive
Donegan J J, merchant, ws First s of Walnut
Doner Gourk, laborer, ne corner Fourteenth and Carr
Doneuse George, tailor, corner Twelfth and Gay
Doneuse John, tailor, corner Twelfth and Gay
Donker John, tobacconist, 54 Green
Donnally Michael, stone-cutter, boards at Mrs McGoa’s
Donnally Patrick, laborer, es Ninth s of Green, upstairs
Donncll James, painter, es Second n of Market
Donne Jerome, mason, es Tenth s of Biddlo
Donne Robert, clothier, 91 n Front
Donnelly Charles, plasterer, ss Mulberry e of Fourth
Donnelly Edward, riverman, es Ninth n of Carr
Donnelly John, bricklayer, es Broadway n of Franklin-av,
Donnelly Matthew, drayman, ws Sixth s of Green
Donovan D H, carpenter, ns Park-avenue w of Eighth
Donovan Edward, drayman, es Ninth n of Carr
Doogan Thomas P M, upholsterer, es Third n of Pine
Dooley Thomas, barkeeper, 52 n First
Doran James, carter, ns Green w of Ninth
Dorey Fletcher, M.D., es Broadway s of Hempstead
Dorkins Thomas, labqrer, es Thirteenth s of Spruce
Dorman James M, (McMurry & D.) ws Second n of Olive
Dorman John, barkeeper at J Dorman’s
Dorwart David, (Guild &D.) boards at Glasgow-house
Dory John, brewer, ss Cherry e of Broadway
Dotmann Christophe, tailor, es Third s of Convent
Doty John, cabinet-maker, ns Cedar e of Fourth
Dougherty Edward, laborer, ns Green w of Eleventh
Dougherty Ezekiel C, ns Franklin-avenue w of Tenth
Dougherty Henry, clerk, 75 n First
Dougherty J W, (Van Antwerp & D.) Missourian, 149 n First
Dougherty Jabez, pedlar, boards at Napoleon-house
Dougherty John A, clerk, 20 n Front
Dougherty Michael, laborer, ws Sixth s of Wash
Dougherty R W, att’y at law, office basement Planters’-house
Dougherty Robert, (Osborne & D.) ws- Fourth n of Olive
Dougherty William, carpenter, sw cor Seventh and Clark-av,
Douglass Cornelia, widow, es Fifth n of Poplar
Douglass Jacob, ns Morgan e of Second
Douglass Philander, whitewasher, ws Sixth n of Franklin-av,
Dovener William, es Sixth s of Cerre
Dow Catharine, widow, ss Morgan e of Third
Dow Frederick, riverman, ws Sixth n of Green
Dowd Augustus, riverman, 187 Green
Dowdall J T, woollen machinery and cotton-batting manufactory, es Second n of Green
Dowling Elizabeth, Dowling-house, ws Second n of Spruce
Dowling Joseph, boards with Elizabeth Dowling
Dowling Matthias, laborer, ss Lombard w of Second
Dowling Philip, livery-stable, 70 n Third
Dowling R, deputy-sheriff es Fifth s of Convent
Downing William, es Fifth n of Wash
Doyle Thomas, tailor, 134 Green
Doyle William, grocer, se corner Third and Myrtle
Drahul William, tailor, es Eighth s of Biddle
Drake Charles D, attorney at law 13 Chesnut
Dreisigaker John, shoemaker, ws Sixth n of Chesnut
Dresser Thomas, carpenter, 164 Morgan
Dreyer F A, merchant, 26 Market
Driscoll P, blacksmith, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Droege Gerhard, printer, at Anzieger des Westens
Drukker& Hart, clothiers, 38 n Front
Drummond Samuel, brassfounder, ws Third s of Market
Du Breuil Louis, ne corner Second and Spruce, upstairs
Du Breuil Louisa, widow, boards at E H Chapman’s
Dubbs Martin, jr, (Turner & co.) - dwelling, near Kemper Medical University
Duck Davis, ladies’ shoe-store, ws Fourth n of Olive
Duckworth G W, plasterer, es Ninth n of Morgan
Dudley Frederick, (Case&co.) 38 Green
Dudly Hanson, laborer, es Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Duerkes Philip, match-maker, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Duey Ira, carter, ws Sixth n of Franklin-avenue, on alley
Duff John, trader, ne corner Third and Spruce
Duffey Bernard, laborer, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Duffey Charles, mason, ns Morgan’w of Ninth
Duffey Daniel, pilot, ns Barry^e of Seventh
Duffey Michael, drayman, ws Sixth n of Pine
Dufour Jerman, M.D., 45 n Second
Dufrene August, carpenter, es Third s of Lombard
Dugdale Francis, laborer, es Ninth n of Market
Duhring Andrew, merchant, es Third s of Poplar
Duhring H, merchant, 28 Market - dw, Third s of Poplar
Dukman Thomas, segar manufacturer, 30 Vine
Dulle J B, shoemaker, 117 Green
Dumm Patrick, blacksmith, ss Washington-av. w of Teuth
Dumm Patrick, Saint Charles-road w of Eleventh
Dumoulin John B, mason, 8 n Second
Duncan Jonathan, [c] sw corner Seventh and Morgan
Duncan Margaret, widow, 155 Washington-avenue
Duncan Peter, cabinet-maker, 155 Washington-avenue
Duncan T O, president Liberty Fire Company, and Secretary Board of Aldermen - dwelling, sw cor Fifth and
Dunlop William, riverman, es Seventh s of Wash
Dunn Christopher, laborer, 110 Green
Dunn John, blacksmith, 106 Green
Dunn John, quarrier, boards at P McKenna’s
Dunn Patrick, ws Eighth s of Biddle
Dunn Thomas, laborer, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Dupleiz Sylveste, laborer, se corner Third and Lombard
Dupre E, clerk in Land-office - dw, ws Second n of Mulberry
Durant William D, produce dealer, 6 s First
Durkan Robert, es Third s of Almond, upstairs
Durkce Dwight, clerk at Collins & Kellogg’s
Durno James, clerk, es Seventh s of Saint Charles
Duryee John R, clerk, ne corner First and Pine
Dusenbury Absolom, M.D., 29 Locust
Dutcher Thomas B, commission merchant, 41 n Front - dwelling, 114 Washington-avenue
Dutro Ezekiel S, cooper, ws Tenth n of Green
Dutton Isaac L, ship-carpenter, es Broadway n of Big-mound
Duzenbergh Margaret, widow, ws Third n of Rutger
Dwyer Francis, tinner, 29 n First
Dwyer James, laborer, ns Morgan e of Twelfth
Dwyer Michael, laborer, ss Carr e of Seventh
Dwyer Nathan, laborer, ws Eighth n of Wash, on alley, ups
Dwyer Sarah, seamstress, ws Eighth e of Carr, on alley, ups.
Dwyer Timothy, drayman, ns Morgan e of Twelfth
Dwyer William, ws Tenth s of Walnut
Dyer Manfred, segar-maker, ss Green e of Third
Dyer Thomas B, commission merchant, 28 Front
Dyer William, clerk at McKay & Thompson’s
Eads James B, (Case & co.) 38 Green
Eager & Hill, attorneys at law, 17 Pine
Eager John M, (E. & Hill) 186 Olive
Eager Joshua, contractor, ss Mulberry e of Fourth
Eagle Foundry, Garrison & Brothers, cor of Walnut and Front
Eagles William C, carpenter, ws Second s of Plum
Eagleson William, fruit store, sw corner Third and Locust
Eakert August, mason, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Ealer Henry, pilot, es Fifth s of Poplar
Earl Abel, plane-maker, es Broadway opposile Franklin-av.
Early J, [c] riverman, ws Grangausier-alley s of Wash
Easterly E, M.D., medicine depot, 76 Chesnut
Eaves W T, silversmith, 30 Chesnut
Eberhart George, laborer, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eleventh
Eberle Valentine, cabinet-maker, ws Second s of Spruce
Eberlein Theodore S, clerk at Turnbull & Fray’s
Ebert Conrad, laborer, ws Twelfth s of Spruce
Ebert Ferdinand, segar-maker, ns Franklin-avenue e of Ninth
Eberts Hermann, carter, es Third s of Lombard
Eberts Nathan, clothier, dwelling ws Fifth s of Park-avenue
Ebintrick George, laborer, es Eleventh s of Biddle
Eble John, coffee-house, es Second s of Wood
Ebmeier H C, clerk at Heisterhagen’s
Ebner John, distiller, es Second s of Lombard
Eby C, shoemaker, 231 n Second - dw, es Second n of Cherry
Eck Joseph, (Clark & E.) 33 Elm w of First
Eckert Charles, tailor, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Eckert Frederick, Arcade Baths, 128 and 130 n Second
Eckert John W, cooper, ws Thirteenth n of Wash
Eckert Joseph, mason, es Eighth s of Wood
Eckert Martin, blacksmith, ns Biddle w of Fifth
Eckert Nicholas, shoemaker, ns Spruce e of Second
Ecklekamp Henry, baker, corner Eighth and Market
Eckler Charles A, sw corner Thirteenth and Orange
Eckler Charles F, Thirteenth s of Morgan
Eckley Levi, merchant, 7 n Front - dwelling, 46 Market
Eckmeyer Adolph, carter, es Eleventh s of Biddle
Eddins S D, 57 n First
Eddy James H, merchant, 154 n Fourth
Eddy Joseph A, (Beach &E.) ws Third n of Washington-av,
Eddy Robert, clerk at J H Eddy’s
Edeling Nicholas, grocer, ws First s of Walnut
Edgar Joseph C, carpenter, ws Filth s of Carr
Edgar T B, (E & co.) se corner Fourth and Morgan
Edgar TB & co, carriage and harness makers, se cor Fourth and Morgan
EdgeH S M & co, commission merchants, 14 n Front
Edgell S M, dwelling ws Sixth s of Carr
Edgerly C W, surgeon-dentist, 63 n Fourth
Edgeworth Pat, laborer, ws Sixth n of Franklin-av. upstairs
Edlar Henry, shoemaker, ss Franklin-av. w of Fourth
Edmonds George B, pedlar, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eighth
Edmondson John, carpenter, ne corner of Tenth and Green
Edsell Nahum, plasterer, ns Cherry w of Second, upstairs.
Edson Joseph W, clerk at Wjlliam Montgomery’s
Edward William F, clerk at John T Martin’s
Edwards & co, booksellers and stationers, 66 n First
Edwards & Francis, druggists, 114 Market, and sw cor Third and Green
Edwards A G, Saint Louis mill, North Saint Louis, boards at Mrs Cabonne’s
Edwards Claude, se corner Third and Almond
Edwards David H, riverman, boards at Brady’s
Edwards James, drayman, ss Market w of Ninth
Edwards John, carpenter, es Seventh s of Wash, upstairs
Edwards John L, 66 n First
Edwards Lewis, (E. & F.) s w corner Third and Green
Edwards Margaret, widow, seamstress, 64 Locust
Edwards T S C, mate, sw corner Fifth and Wash, upstairs
Eekman Richard, carpenter, ss Biddle w of Ninth
Efars Hermann, shoemaker, 117 Green
Egan James, pedlar, ws Ninth s of Market
Egan William, laborer, 172 Green
Egbers Bernard, tailor, ws Second n of Olive
Eggers Edward, (Angelrodt, E. & B.) 173 n First
Eichler George, tailor, ss Olive w of First
Eichott Henry, laborer, ws Twelfth s of Spruce
Elberscht Ernest, carpenter, es Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
Eles Nicholas, drayman, sw corner Thirteenth and Biddle
Ellingsworth Live, laboror, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Elliott &. Walker, dry-goods merchants, 2 n First, nw corner First and Market
Elliott Andrew, (E. & W.) 2n First
Elliott Edward, steamboat captain, ws Thirteenth s of Market
Elliott Ichabod, steamboat mate, es side Broadway n of Howard
Elliott Rev, W G, Unitarian church, ws side Eighth n of Olive
Ellis Charles D, ss Olive w of Sixth
Ellis Dawson, riverman, ns Plum e of Third
Ellis John, fruit store, n3 Olive opposite theatre
Ellis Vespasian, Minister to Venezuela, ws Fourth s of Poplar
Ellis William H, (Wheeler & E.) 80n Front
Ellis William, laborer, sw corner Twelfth and Franklin-av.
Elm Edward, hatter, sw corner Vine and Third
Elsmeller Henry, watchman, ss Convent e of Fifth
Ely & Higdon, merchants, 150 n Third
Ely Chas A, (E. & H.) dwelling 166 Morgan
Emanuel Isaac, (E.& H.) 120 n First
Emanuel J, grocer, sw corner Sixth and Myrtle
Emanuel St Hart, clothiers, 120 n First
Emmerson D D, livery-stable, 90 Olive
Emmerson Ellen, dress and corset maker, es Second s of Vine
Emmerson Thos, furniture-warehouse, es Second n of Locust
Emmerson Thos, ship-carpenter, ws Broadway n of Madison
Emmesberger Win, laborer, ne corner Twelfth and Carr
Emmett William B, oooper, dwelling es Sixth n of Locust
Emrioh Adolph, baker, nw corner Market and Twelfth
Enalt P, ne corner Third and Chesnut
Engal Louis, wagoner, ns Franklin-av. w of Eighth
Engbert Ignatius, drayman, es Centre s of Market
Engel Fred, Oregon-house, sw oor Thirteenth and Franklin-av.
Engel John, laborer, es Ninth s of Carr, upstairs
Engel Martin, musician, es Fifth n of Convent, upstairs
Engle William, laborer, ss Myrtle e of Seventh
Engleman & Wistezinus, physicians, 16 n Second
Engleman George, (E. & W.) 16 n Third
Engletan Shtophel, (E. & S.) sw corner Third and Elm
Engleton & Snyder, brewers, sw corner Third and Elm
English Elkanah, carpenter, nw corner Fourth and Cerre
English Ezra, (McHose & E.) es Third s of Hazel
English J W, shoe-store. 180 n Third
English James, laborer, ns Walnut w of Ninth
English Michael, painter, boards at J W How’s
Ennis Charles, clerk at Franklin & Perry’s
Ennis John, shoemaker, 65 Market
Enoch John, laborer, ws Second s of Mound
Enos & McCortney, engine builders, 194 n Second
Enos C R, (E. &M.) boards at J H McCortney’s
Eppes Jesse, [c] huckster, 91 Market
Erbarts Henry, laborer, es Ninth s of Carr, upstairs
Erskine Green, ne corner Eighth and Olive
Espenscheit Lewis, blacksmith, ss Elm w of First
Essex J C, bookbinder, 8 n First - dwelling, ns Franklin-av, w of Seventh
Essex Julia, ws alley in block 253
Ete John, 87 Olive
Etna John, carpenter, 61 Olive, upstairs
Etterling William, carpenter, es Eleventh s of Carr
Ettling Conrad, brickmaker, ns Randolph e of Fourteenth
Evening Gazette-office, sw corner First and Olive
Everhart John, hatter, ws Fourth s of Almond
Everist &. Rogers, copper, tin, and sheet-iron-ware manufacturers, 176 n First
Everist Abijah R, (E. & Rogers,) ss Morgan w of Tenth
Everist Cyrus, millwright, ns Morgan w of Fourteenth
Everist Nicholas, tobacconist, 62 Green
Evers Henry, (Black & E.) ss Morgan w of Fourth
Eversol Elijah, millwright, ns Morgan w of Fourteenth
Evert H, shoemaker, 72 n Third
Evil John, plasterer, es Eighth n of Olive
Evoy Bridget, widow, ns Green w of Ninth
Ewalt Philip, starch manufacturer, se cor Third and Convent
Ewing Wm L, (Berthold & E.) es Fifth n of Pine
Exmann Frederick, laborer, nw corner Ninth and Carr
Eydmann Adam, tailor, ne corner Twelfth and Carr
Eydmann Thomas, shoemaker, ne corner Twelfth and Carr
Eyler Theodore, machinist, boards at Smith’s
Eyre G G, watchmaker, ws Ninth n of Morgan, upstairs
Faber Charles, beer-house, ss Morgan w of Broadway
Fabersch Ernst, clerk, ws Carondelet-av. (Soulard’s-addition)
Fach Charles, turner, ws Second n of Almond
Facklin Adam, trader > ws Sixteenth s of Market
Fagan James, grocer, se corner Sixth and Wash
Fagan Walter, laborer, nw corner Tenth and Walnut
Fagin A W, commisson merchant, ss Vine, corner of alley - dwelling, es Sixth s of Pine
Fagin John, blacksmith, ws Sixth s of Poplar
Fagin Joseph, clerk at A W Fagin’s
Fagin Mary widow, Chambers’-row, ws Fourth s of Market
Fagles Shelton C, portrait painter, 31 n Second ..
Fahy Owen, laborer, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Fairchild Gershom, blacksmith, ws Eighth n of Franklin-av.
Fairchild Harvey, steamboat captain, ne corner First and Smith
Fairley Matthew, miller, es Second s of Spruce
Fairs Thomas, laborer, ss Florida w of First
Falin Michael, carpenter, boards at Casterline’s
Fallen Wesley, carriage-maker, at Powers’
Falls John, paper-maker, ws Centre s of Market
Fandebh Henry, laborer, ws Panurge*alley s of Biddla
Faning Patrick, stone cutter, ss Washington-av. w of Tenth
Fanning Samuel, carpenter, nw corner Tenth and Walnut
Farbridge Thomas, moulder, 96 n First;
Farish H C, 38 Pine
Farish Mrs Frances, ws Fifth, opposite Court-house
Farley Patrick, drayman, es Seventh s of Wash, on alley
Farmer Henry, Washington-avenue-hotel, corner Commercial and Washington-avenue
Farnesworth E H, (F. &co.) boards at Jefferson-house
Farnesworth S V & co, copper, tin, and sheet-iron ware manufacturers, 61 n First
Farnesworth S V, (F. & co.) se corner Fifth and Carr
Farnesworth Valentine, coppersmith, 61 n First
Farr Asa, jr, wholesale hardware merchant, 147 n First
Farrar J O F, medical student, at Dr Pallen’s
Farrell James, laborer, ns Poplar e of First
Farrenc Edward, liquor merchant, ws Second s of Olive - dwelling, ws Thirteenth s of Carr
Farrington G W, clerk, 104 Market
Farrington S S, (Winters & F.) boards at A Boyd’s
Farsen Lewis, gentleman, ws Carondelet-av. s of Lafayette
Farwell L & A G, com. and forwarding merchants, 69 n Front
Farwell Lyman, (L&A G.) 86 Franklins-avenue
Fassmore N, laborer, es Seventh n of Franklin-av, on alley
Fath Jacob, tavern, ws Fourth s of Almond
Fawler Robert, carpenter, es Broadway n of Biddle
Fay N, dry-goods and grocer - dw, es Seventh s of Market
Fealy Thomas, 18 Green
Fearon Joseph, porter and ale merchant, 42 Green
Fecto Joseph, riverraan, ss Myrtle w of Second
Fegan Walter, porter at Doan, King & co.’s
Feikert Philip, cabinet-maker, 149 Washington-avenue
Feldbus Hermon, laborer, es Fifth s of Cerre
Feldmann F, tailor, ws Fifth s of Convent
Feldmeyer Adolph, carpenter, es Eleventh n of Carr
Felerius John, tailor, ws Third n of Rutger
Feller B, shoemaker, 2 n Third
Felps James, city police, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Femister Edward, clerk Reveille-office, 135 Walnut
Fennin Michael, es Ninth s of Green
Fergeia Hannah, widow, ws Fifth n of Franklin-avenue
Ferguson Alexander, hatter, ws Broadway n of Wash
Ferguson Alexander, hatter, ss Cherry e of Broadway
Ferguson D K, (Kingsland & F.) boards at G Kingsland’s
Ferguson Elizabeth H, 13 n Third
Ferguson John, (Gracey & F.) 13 n Third
Ferguson John, carter, ws Sixth s of Wash, on alley
Ferguson John H, lumber merchant, 2G9 n FirH - dwelling, es Sixth s of Cerre
Ferguson John, laborer, ns Carr w of Eleventh
Ferguson Peter, probate judge, ss Washington-av. w of Ninth
Ferguson William B, es Seventh n of Morgan
Ferguson William F, boards at P Ferguson’s
Ferman Eliza, ws Fourth s of Elm
Ferry Daniel, ns Walnut w of Ninth
Fessenden A F, (M’Clallen & F.) 58 n Fourth
Few Simon, engineer, ws Fifth s of Park-avenue
Fidler Henry, tailor, ws Thirteenth n of Wash
Fiekert Charles, flour store, es Second n of Almond
Fiekert Jacob, flour store, es Second n of Almond
Field & Vandeventer, lumber merchants, n of Dry-dock
Field A P, attorney at law, 12 n Second
Field David, rivennan, 41 Saint Charles
Field John K, clerk at 208 Broadway
Field Joseph M, (Keemle & co.) boards at Glasgow-house
Field Mathew D, lumber merchant, boards at John M’Kee’s
Field Matthew C, (Keemle & co.) es Third n of Olive
Field R M, attorney at law, 44 Chesnut
Field R R, wholesale dealer in woollen goods, 160 n First
Field Rev. Henry M, boards at John M’Kee’s
Field William, tanner, ss Clark-avsnue w of Tenth
Fife Robert B, tobacco inspector, ns Walnut w of Eighth
Fife Samuel, deputy-marshal, boards at Glasgow-house
Fife Willian G, boards at R B Fife’s
Fifth-ward-house, W Branegan, nw cor Seventh and Franklin-ar
Filley Giles F, china and queensware merchant, 149 n First
Filley O D, tinware manufacturer, 145 n First - dwelling, ws Sixth n of Locust
Finan Thomas, 155 Green
Finan, Thomas, 155 Green
Finan Thomas grocer, Fifth s of Convent
Finck Valentine, coffee-house, ws Second s of Myrtle
Fine William, watchman, ws Columbus s of Marion
Fink William, (Gregg & F.) boards at J N Barnes’
Finley Alexander, lock manufacturer, ns Green e of Fourth
Finley D H, bricklayer, es Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Finnegan, Michael, grocer, sw corner Front and Cherry
Finney Bernard, ns Spruce w of Thirteenth
Finney J & W, grocers and ship-chandlers, 81 n Front
Finney John, (J & W F.) 105 Washington-avenue
Finney John & co, solar-candle and lard-oil manufacturers, ns Washington-avenue near Sixteenth
Finney William, (J & W F.) 105 Washington-avenue
Fircher W, grocer, se corner Second and Cedar
Firnkes John, tailor, 154 n First
First - dwelling, ss Carr w of Sixth
First Presbyterian Church, nw corner Fourth and Saint Charles
Fischer Adolph, cabinet-maker, es Jackson n of Marion
Fischer Francis, Arsenal-hotel, es Carondelet-avenue s of Lami
Fischer John, laborer, es Third s of Convent
Fischer William, founder, ns Hempstead e of Ninth
Fischer William, stone-cutter, ws Jackson n of Barry
Fischgens Joseph, brewer, ns Hickory w of Seventh
Fischtenkam George M, grocer, nw corner Second and Hazlo
Fish C H, boarding-house, s’w cor Fifth and Washington-av,
Fish John, plasterer, se coiner Eighth and Biddle
Fishback George, pilot, 185 Green
Fishback Pamelia, milliner, es Fourth n of Fine
Fisher A, bookstore and paper-warehouse, 100 n First
Fisher F, attorney at law, 21 Chesnut
Fisher Isaac, carpenter, se corner Fifth and Market
Fisher James, shoemaker, nw corner Seventh and Morgan
Fisher Rinehart, se corner Tenth and Biddle
Fisher Robert, 100 n First
Fisher William P, (King & F.) 101- Washington-avenue
Fithiam Thomas, steamboat captain, ss Morgan w of Tenth
Fittz Caleb D, upholsterer, dwelling sw cor Fifth and Wash
Fitzgerald Edward, carpenter, Seventh w of Convent-square
Fitzgerald John, boarding-house, 95 n Front
Fitzhough Ezra, laborer, ns Market w of Tenth
Fitzhough William, shoemaker, ns Convent e of Third
Fitzpatrick James, mason, ns Morgan e of Fourteenth
Fitzpatrick John, plasterer, se corner Ninth and Franklin-ay,
Fitzpatrick Wm, mason, ws Carondelet-av. opp. U. S. Arsenal
Fitzsimmons - , bookkeeper, boards at Fifth-ward-house
Fitzwilliam Dennis, laborer, es Fifth s of Green
Fitzwilson Edward, blacksmith, es Jackson n of Barry
Fizgerald Edward, carpenter, es Fifth s of Convent
Flagg E, editor Eve. Gaz, boards at Mr Darrah’s 128 n Fourth
Flanagan William, contractor, ss Market w of Fourteenth
Flandrin Francis, carpenter, ss Poplar e of Second, upstairs
Flatau Isaac, clothier, 40 n Front
Flatau Isaac, clothier, 119 n First
Fleadhoff Ccnrad, tailor, ne corner Miller and Jackson
Fleder Caspar, carpenter, ws Jackson n of Miller
Fleischman Eliza K, widow, es Sixth s of Market
Fleishower George, laborer, ns Poplar w of First
Fleming John, drayman, sw corner Eleventh and Market
Fleming Mark, trader, on Sixth s of Market
Fleming Theodore, ws Eighth s of Market
Flig Balaser, tailor, 9 n Second
Flinn Michael, drayman, ns Green w of Tenth
Flinn Michael, es Fifth s of Convent
Flinn Patrick F, laborer, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Flint John H, tailor, es Seventh s of Wa3h
Flint Nicholas, stone-cutter, ws Jackson n of Miller
Flochmeyer Francis, laborer, nc corner Second and Wood, ups
Flostro Francis, bricklayer, ws Seventh n of Carr, upstairs
Flotron Simon, ss Franklin-avenue w of Ninth
Fluery Araable, corner Sixth and Poplar
Foaly Thomas, 18 Green
Foas John, bricklayer, ns Market w of Eighth
Foerster Albert, shoemaker, es Second s of Spruce
Fogel Michael, potter, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Fogg Ivory, ss Pine w of Third
Foglesong Henry, blacksmith, es Eleventh s of Carr
Foley John & co, livery-stable, 68 n Third
Foley Patrick, laborer, ns Spruce e of First
Foley Thomas, carman, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Follett & Mondinger, blacksmith, ws First s of Elm
Folley John, laborer, es Tenth n of Market
Folley Timothy, es Tenth n of Market
Follis Dorcas, widow, ne corner Second and Hazle
Fontana Dominique, ss Locust w of Third
Forbes A& L, looking-glass and picture-frame manufacturers, 14 n First
Forbes Austin, (A & L F.) 13 n First
Forbes Leonard, (A & L F.) 14n First
FORBES I, surgeon-dentist, 46 n Second Forbes Thomas, stone-cutter, es Seventh s of Carr Force Thomas,
carpenter, es Sixth n of Gratiot
Ford Charles P, blacksmith, nw corner Second and Morgan
Ford Edward, shoemaker, 15 n Fourth
Ford John, secretary Missouri Insurance Company, 8 Vine
Ford Michael, laborer, ns Morgan w of Fourth, upstairs
Foreman Robert, clerk, 53 n Front
Forest George, engineer, ss Franklin-avenue w of Fourteenth
Forest-house, 21 n Fourth
Forester Henry, bookkeeper, 91 Pine
Forester Mrs E(S, Ladies’ Seminary, 91 Pine
Forester Thomas, cooper, ns Plum e of Second
Fornan Eliza, ws Fourth s of Elm
Forrell John, ws Fourth n of Gratiot
Forrest Crawford, wagon-maker, es Thirteenth n of Wesh
Forrester G, brickmaker, ns Randolph w of Twelfth
Forsyth George A, printer, Catholic Cabinet-office
Fortunatus Jacobus, 175 n Third
Fortune James, (Hannar & co.) se corner Third and Green
Fosdick Obediah, turner, ws Ninth n of Wash
Fosdyke Alexandria, drayman, ns Spruce e of Third
Foster A M, bricklayer, ws Eleventh s of Wash
Foster Alexandria, (F. & Temple,) 124 Market
Foster and Temple, merchants, 8 n Front
Foster Benjamin, coal merchant, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Foster Isaac, livery-stable, ws Second s of Cherry
Foster Joseph, carpenter, ws Fourth s of Cerre
Foster Robert, steamboat mate, 3 Saint Charles
Foster Thos, steamboat mate, ne corner Thirteenth and Wash
Fotheringhame Thomas, brewer, 70 Saint Charles
Fouische F, carpenter, se corner Sixth and Washington-av
Foulds William, laborer, ws Ninth nA of Franklin-av
Foulkes & Shaw, tobacco manufacturers, es First s of Elm
Foulkes Christopher, (F. &Shaw) es Third s of Walnut
Fountain Cyrus, tinner, Pine, rear of 36
Fountain Joseph, boarding-house, 102 Green
Fountain Joseph, farrier, ns Morgan w of Sixth
Fourgeaud Victor J, (Masure & F.) es Fifth s of Almond
Fourth Presbyterian Church, se corner Sixth and St Charles
Fowler Benjamin, pilot, 67 Saint Charles
Fowler Robert, riverman, ss Franklin-,av w of Ninth
Fox Conrad, 266 n First
Fox G, shoemaker, 60 Market
Fox John, laborer, es First s of Spruce
Fox Lewis, shoemaker, se corner Tenth and Market
Fox Patrick, laborer, ws Broadway s of Carr
Fox Thomas, drayman, es First s of Spruce
Fox Thomas, laborer, ws First n of Lombard
Fox William, carpenter, ns Randolph w of Twelfth
Frahen Henry, tailor, ss Cedar w of Second
Fraim Archibald, pilot, ss Morgan e of Eleventh
Fraley John W, tinner, 73 n Second
Frame Archbold, pilot, ss Mound w of Ninth
Francis D, (Edwards & F.) ee corner Fourth and Market
Franciscus John L, ne corner Fifth and Rutger
Franklin & Perry, wholesale hardware merchants, 86 n First
Franklin J F, (F. & P.) ws Sixth, first do.or n of Pine
Franklin Tavern, B Burbach, sw corner First and Cherry
Franksen & Wessenhoeft, German book-store, ws Second n of Spruce
Frazer John F, printer, at Reporterroffice
Freeman D B, clerk, ws Fifth s of Carr
Freeman F, carpenter, ss Florida w of First
Freese H H, tailor, 204 n First
Freisleben Julius, yarn manufacturer, ws Second s of Elm
Freligh John S, agency and intelligence-office, 124 n First - dwelling, 252 Franklin avenue
Freman DuBauffay, attorney at law, 47 Pine - dwelling, ss of Poplar w of Third
Frenz Joseph, grocer, es First s of Morgan
Freshowers Catharine, widow, ss Mulberry e of Second
Fressman Thomas, piano-tuner, 87 Olive
Freund Gustavus, saddler, es Fifth s of Gratiot
Freund Mority, carpenter, ne oorner Second and Myrtle
Frieschle Jacob, baker, ns Rutger w of Third
Frodsham James, watchmaker, 37 Second
Frodsham Thomas, watchmaker, 76 green
Front - dwelling, ss Spruce w of Fifth
Frost J P, stage contractor, ns Olive w of Fourth
Frost. John, boards at Glasgow-hoirse
Frothingham G H, grocer, 29 Chesnut - dwelling, ws Seventh s of Saint Charles
Fuget John, (Bodrio & co.) smut-machine manufacturers, Bankalley, es Second s of Pine
Fugett, Benjamin, millwright, nw corner Eighth and Carr
Fugett, John B, carpenter, nw corner Eighth and Carr
Fulks, John, teamster, corner Eighth and Mound
Fullager William, clerk, 58 n Front
Fullenwider, Samuel N, commission merchant, 3 Pine
Fuller Orrin S, clerk, ne corner Sixth and Franklin-avenue
Fulton Brewery, Wainwright & Withnell, ss Almond w of First
Funk Philip, carpenter, es Ninth s of Carr, upstairs
Funkhouser Robert M, (F. & M.) ne corner First and Elm
Funkhouser& Mattox, merchants, ne corner First and Elm
Fur Company, (P. Chouteau, jr, & co.) 18 Washington-avenue
Furlong Nicholas, clerk, ns Rutger w of Third
Furniss W, attorney at law, sw cor First and Olive, upstairs
Fust George, sawyer, ns Franklin-avenue e of Ninth, upstairs
Gabriel Jonathan, carpenter, ns Morgan e of Fifteenth
Gabriella Peter, coffee-house, es Eighth n of Carr
Gaering William, carpenter, w Seventh s of Biddle
Gagnou Lewis, stone-cutter, ws Second s of Plum
Gain Patrick, carman, ws Collins n of Cherry
Gainer John, laborer, ws Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
Galbraith James, clerk at James Robertson’s
Galbraith Peter, shoemaker, ns Mound es of Broadway
Galbraith Samuel, drayman, ss Wash e of Seventh
Galbraith Samuel, nail-cutter, es Eighth s of Wash, on alley
Gale D B, (Greely & G.) ws Fifth s of Elm
Gall Baltzer G, ns Chambers w of Broadway
Gallagher Benjamin, carpenter, ne corner Third and Locust
Gallagher Hugh, (Coons & G.) In Front
Gallagher John, tailor, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Gallaher Patrick, laborer, ws Ninth s of Market
Gallepace Joseph, carpenter, ss Franklin-avenue w Ninth
Gallion Jesse, carpenter, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Gallion Nahum, brick layer, ns Morgan w of Tenth
Gallup George, carpenter, ns Biddle e of Tenth
Galvin Dennis, chandler, se corner Seventh and Gratiot
Gamage A, steamboat mate, ws Thirteenth s of Market
Gamble & Bales, attorneys at law, 21 Chesnut
Gamble A, 125 Chesnut - dw, se corner Seventh and Chesnut
Gamble Hamilton R, (G. & Bates,) 21 Chesnut
Gamble Joseph, clerk U. S. Circuit Court, 21 Chesnut
Gamble Thos, laborer, sw corner Ninth and Franklin-avenue
Gambrel Philip, barkeeper, Battle-row
Gamier Joseph, ss Walnut e of Seventh
Gannelt George, ws Seventh n of Morgan
Gannon James, drayman, es Thirteenth n of Franklin-avenue
Gannon Thomas L, carriage-maker ss Elm w of First
Ganns John C, tailor, es Fourteenth n of Wash, upstairs
Gansen Zepheniah, pedlar, ws Ninth s of Market
Gansevoort George T, riverman, boards at Brady’s
Gantie William, tailor, 7 n First
Gantt T T, attorney at law, sw cor Third and Chesnut, ups.
Ganz Henry, cabinet-maker, ss Cerre e of Ninth
Gardner A M, attorney at law, 33 Pine
Gardner Edward, machinist, ns Morgan w of Sixth
Garesche Alexander J P, assignee in bankruptcy, office and dwelling 86 n Fifth n of Locust
Garesche M L, widow, ws Sixth n of Locust
Garey Charles, grocer, es Broadway s of Hempstead
Garey Jeremiah, ws Ninth s of Labeaume
Garneau Joseph, baker, sw corner Third and Saint Charles
Garraux Ulis, carpenter, ns Morgan e of Fifteenth
Garrett Eliza, milliner, ws Fourth s of Market
Garrett Peter, caulker, es First s of Plum
Garrett Peter, es Fifth n of Convent
Garrison & Brothers, Eagle-foundry, cor Front and Walnut
Garrison A T, brickmaker, boards at Planters’-house
Garrison C K, steamboat captain, es Eighth s of Green
Garrison Daniel R, (G.&Bro’s) es Third s of Poplar
Garrison Lawrence, (G. & Bro’s) es Third s of Poplar
Garrison Oliver, (G.&Bro’s) es Third s of Poplar
Gartland Thomas, tailor, nw cor Seventh and Morgan, upstairs
Garvey C, notary public, 45 Washington-avenue - dwelling, ws Seventh n of Franklin-avenue Garwood Peter,
laborer, es Carondelet s of Rutger
Garvey J, grocer, ss Centre-market - dw, Market w of Eighth
Gassier Nieder, contractor, ss Franklin-avenue w of Thirteenth
Gast John, brewer, es Second s of Wood
Gastine Richard, painter, es Fifth n of Rutger
Gates John, founder, es Seventh ft of Biddle
Gatham Thomas, riverman, se coiner Seventh and Pine
Gaty, M’Cune & Glasby, foundry and engine-shop, 202 n First
Gaty Samuel, (G., M’C. & G.) ws Collins n of Cherry
Gaurno Peter, blacksmith, sw corner Seventh and Wash
Gay Charles, lumberman, es Sixth s of Carr
Gay Edward J, wholesale grocer and commission merchant, 51 n Front - dwelling, 44 n Second
Gay John H, nw corner Fourth and Myrtle
Gay L, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Gay Thomas, 94 Olive
Gayon Peter, coffee-house, se corner Barry and Carondelet
Gearing William, carpenter, Front n of Cherry
Gebhardt Nicolaus, tailor, ns Green w of Fifth, upstairs.
Geering Alonzo, furrier, es Carondelet n of Rutger
Gehike George, grocer, es Second s of Hazel
Gehner & Janssen, merchants, ns Franklin-avenue op. Fourth
Gehner Frank, carpet-weaver, ss Franklin-avenue w of Fourth
Gehner W, (G. & J.) ns Franklin-avenue opposite Fourth
Geis Lewis, carpenter, es Fifth s of Convent
Geisel & Vogel, cabinet-makers, 114 and 116 n First
Geisel Gotlieb, cabinet-maker 114 n First
Geisel St Vogel, cabinet-makers, ws Third n of Olive
Geisner G S, musician, es Fifth s of Convent
Gelman Winthrop, com. merchant, ws Commercial n of Vine
Gener Philip, laborer, ns Biddle w of Sixth
Genestelle C A, merchant, 47 n Fourth
Genhardt George, laborer, ws Jackson s of Barry
Gentry C C, printer, ws Second s of Spruce
Gentry William T, clerk, 95 n First
Gerard John B, livery-stable, ss Locust w of Third
Gerber M, shoemaker, sw corner Second and Poplar
Gerdelmaun Ernst, tailor, es Eleventh n of Carr
Gerdernan H, tavern, sw corner Fifth and Green
Gerlach George, tailor, ws First n of Myrtle
German Methodist Episcopal Church, ss Wash w of Tenth
Gerupp Henry William, druggist, es Carondelet w of Barry
Geyer &. Dayton, pttorneys at law, 48 n Second
Geyer Henry S, (G. & Dayton) 48 n Second
Geyer Joseph, shoemaker, ss Myrtle w of Second
Gheen Hugh, ws Seventh s of Clark-avenue
Gherke Johann, laborer, ws Seventh s of Market
Gholson John, medical student, ss Almond e of Third
Gholson Sarah, ws Fourth s of Market
Gibson Charles T, law student at Spalding & Tiffany’s
Gibson John B, carpenter, es Collins n of Cherry
Gibson Mark, carpenter, es Twelfth n of Franklin-avenue
Gieske Henry, wagon-maker, ws Twelfth n of Gay
Gilbert Charles, chair-painter, ns Morgan w of Fourth
Gilbert Charles, clerk, ns Morgan w of Fifth
Gilbert G L, shoemaker, es Second n of Lombard
Gilbert Henry, carpenter, se corner Eleventh and Morgan
Gilbreth Samuel, nail-cutter, ws Panurge alley s of Carr
Gilkinson John, riverman, es Eleventh n of Carr
Gill Charles, clerk, 56 n First
Gill George H, 56 n First
Gill John J, clerk at Rogers, Field & co.
Gill John, turner, es Twelfth n of Biddle
Gill Thomas, tailor, se corner Eleventh and Washington-avenue
Gilles Francis, ns Green w of Ninth
Gillespie Charles D, (Carr & G.) 103 n First
Gillespie Jas, miniature painter, ne cor Second and Wood, ups.
Gillespie Peter, laborer, ns Market w of Eighth
Gillhouse Anton, carter, es Seventh s of Gratiot
Gilliam John, carter, ns Green w of Ninth
Gilliam Peter, brewer, es Seventh n of Pine
Gilliam Samuel A, bookkeeper at Ray & co.’s
Gilligan James, boarding-house, ss Morgan e of First
Gilmartin Mary, widow, es Fifth n of Convent
Giltar Henry, painter, ss Myrtle e of Third
Given J & co, hardware merchants, 179 n First
Given John, drayman, ss Carr w of Eighth
Given John, G. & co.) 179 n First
Glasby Alban, (G., M’C.& G.) ws Sixth n of Morgan
Glasford George, ss Marion e of Jackson
Glasgow-house, E H Robbins, 41, 43 and 45 Olive
Glasgow James, 127 Chesnut
Glasgow William, jr, es Fourth s of Market
Glasgow William, sr, ws Fourth s of Market
Glasgow’s office, 127 Chesnut
Glass Patrick, wood-sawyer, ns Carr w of Eighth
Glasson George, drayman, ws Eighth n of Morgan, upstairs
Glatt Tobias, butcher, es Carondelet-av. s of Duchouquette
Glazier Daniel, hatter, ss Elm w of Sixth
Glazier Daniel, hatter, ws Fourth s of Almond
Gleeson Michael, tailor, 16 Pine
Gleim Edgar, steamboat captain, boards at J W Johnson’s
Glendy Ephraim, carter, ws Thirteenth n of Morgan
Glenn Hugh, ship-carpenter, north Saint Louis
Glenn Robert, es Twelfth s of Morgan
Glover Henry, saddlery-hardware merchant, 28 n First - dwelling, ws Seventh s of Market
Glover Peter, laborer, es Ninth n of Morgan
Glover Richard, carpenter, ws Eighth n of Clark-avenue
Goble Herman, cooper, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue, ups.
Goddard James, baker,A se corner Tenth and Franklin-avenue
Godfrey Hosea, caulker, ws First s of Florida
Godfrey Isaac, laborer, ns Market w of Ninth
Goebeil Angeline, ne corner Third and Almond
Goebel William, teacher, es Second n of Almond
Goeltz Louis, agent for C Woolf, 125 n Front
Goff A P, clerk at 81 n First
Goff Michael, laborer, es Sixth n of Wash, on alley
Gold John C, confectioner, se corner Second and Green
Gold T R, agent at 122 n First
Golden Michael, riverman, ss Wash e of Sixth
Gomes John, blacksmith, es Seventh n of Morgan
Gonder John, es Ninth s of Green
Goodapple George, laborer, es Tenth n of Carr
Goodapple Michael, laborer, es Tenth n of Carr
Goode G W, attorney at law, 97 Chesnut, upstairs
Goodell & White, dry-goods merchants, 50 Market
Goodfellew Isabel, widow, es Eighth s of Biddle
Goodfellow David, city-police, ws Seventh s of Wash
Goodfellow Joseph, ss Pine w of Fifth
Goodfellow William, drayman, ns Market w of Ninth
Goodman R B & G, drapers and tailors, 40 n First
Goodrich Anderson, riverman, boards about Battle-row
Goodrich J G, bookkeeper at A Farr’s
Goodwin & Murray, tobacconists, 41 n Front
Goodyear W, clerk at 24 n First
Gorbetts Philip, coffee-house, sw corner First and MAullanphy
Gordon James, saw-mill, es Main s of Chambers
Gordon John, mate, ws Fifth-n of Franklin-avenue
Gore Stephen, office 23 n Front - dwelling, Elm w of First
Gore Stpn D, (Helfenstein & G.) com. merchants, 23 n Front
Gorin Gladdin, clerk at Leach’s - dwelling, 272 n Seventh
Gorman P, clerk at J & E Walsh’s, 72 n Front
Gormly Peter, drayman, ss Biddle w of Seventh
Goslin Isaac, plane-maker, se cor Fourteenth and Morgan
Gosmer John W, plane-maker, ws Fifth s of Carr
Gostorfs E B, grocer, Conrad-avenue s of Barry
Gotham Thomas, riverman, se corner Seventh and Pine
Gottschalk Ferdinand, carpenter, es Conrad s of Miller
Goudy Ephraim, shoemaker, ws Third s of Convent
Goudy James, tailor, ss Morgan w of Seventh
Gouin Louis, Mulberry-tavern, es Second n of Lombard
Gould S II, boards at Glasgow-house
Goursac A H, importer of wines and liquors, 59 n Front - dwelling, 12 Chesnut
Gower Ephraim H, engineer, es Third s of Myrtle
Gower Willis, clerk, es Tenth n of Clark-avenue
Grabba George, carpenter, es Ninth n of Carr
Grace & McKinley, attorneys at law, 25 Chesnut
Grace Patrick, grocer, ns Morgan e of Twelfth
Grace Pierce C, (G. & McK.) es Ninth n of Chesnut
Grace William, drayman, es Ninth n of Carr
Gracey & Ferguson, livery-stable, 95 Pine
Gracey Samuel, (G. & F.) 93 Pine
Grady Geo, laborer, nw cor Thirteenth and Franklin-av. ups.
Graeber Charles, shoemaker, es Fifth s of Cerre
Graeter John, beer-house, se corner Second and Mulberry
Graeva Adam, laborer, ws Seventh n of Carr
Graf B, tailor, ns Pine w of Second
Graf Peter, laborer es Thirteenth n of Wash
Grafe Frederick, tailor, es Third n of Olive
Graff Bernard, tailor, ss Franklin-avenue w of Ninth
Graham B, laborer, es Broadway n of Cherry
Graham D W, clerk at Deaver’s
Graham James, carpenter, nw corner Tenth and Morgan
Graham John, tinner, es Ninth n of Saint Charles
Graham Robert, tinner, at Lightrier & co.’s
Graham William, brickmaker, se corner Fifth and Convent
Graive Christian, cabinet-maker, sw cor Second and Almond
Gramann Garritt, laborer, se cor Seventh and Biddle, ups.
Grammar John, pilot, ns Gay e of Fourteenth
Grant David, steamboat captain, ss Morgan w of Tenth
Grant F P, tailor, 23 Locust - dwelling, es Broadway opposite Franklin-avenue
Grant Francis, tailor ss Broadway n of Cherry
Grant John, mason, corner Victor and Carondelet-avenue
Grant S H, attorney at law, es Eleventh s of Market
Grant W A, tailor, 24 Vine
Grant William, es Eighth n of Clark-avenue
Grapevine Frederick, engineer, es Fifth n of Wash
Grapevine William, pilot, ss Poplar e of Second
Grass Christopher, tailor, es Second s of Spruce
Gratz H H, 97 Chesnut
Gratz Michael, laborer, corner Victor and Carondelet-avenue
Graves Thomas, painter and glazier, es Tenth n of Carr
Grawe Christian, cabinet-maker, nw cor Second and Almond
Gray & Lawrence, attorneys at law, 25 Chesnut
Gray Benjamin F, tailor, ws Eleventh s of Carr
Gray Charles, chair-maker, ss Pine w of Second
Gray Edward, engineer, ns Market, on alley, w of Second
Gray Leonard F, merchant-tailor, es Second s of Olive
Gray T, blacksmith, dwelling, ws Ninth s of Franklin-av.
Gray Thomas, blacksmith, ws Second n of Olive - dwelling, ws Tenth n of Morgan
Gray Thomas, steamboat captain, es Seventh s of Pine
Gray William H, editor Price Current, ws Third s of Poplar
Gray William, steamboat captain, es Ninth n of Morgan
Grebe Martin, cabinet-maker, ws Second s of Plum
Greeby Christian, ns Gay e of Fourteenth
Greely & Gale, wh. grocers and com. merchants, 14 n First
Greely C S, (G. & G.) boards at Missouri-hotel
Green A, (Sparr & G..) Virginia-hotel, cor First and Green
Green Alexander N, (Buckingham & G.) 30 Green
Green Cyrus, clerk, ss Franklin-avenue e of Fourteenth
Green James, editor and proprietor of the "St. Louis Daily Summary And Gen. Adv," 15 Olive - dwelling, 148
Green James, laborer, es Broadway s of Biddle
Green Jane, widow, ns Mulberry e of Second
Green John, laborer, ws Twelfth s of Biddle
Green Oliver, rectifier, ss Clark-avenue w of Seventh
Green Thomas, drayman, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Green-tree tavern, es Second s of Myrtle
Green W, merch, 168 n Third - dw, es Thirteenth s of Carr
Green William B, clerk, 57 n Front
Green Z R, boards at Glasgow-house
Greene Isaac T, lumber dealer, es First n of Cherry
Greene Mrs H L, boarding-house, 138 & 140 n First, ups.
Greene T P, attorney at law, sw corner Fourth and Walnut
Greene William W, wharf-master, office 31 Front, ups. - dwelling, ws Fifth s of Myrtle
Greenough B F, oil and lamp store, 61 Market
Greer Isaac, carpenter, ss Franklin-avenue w of Fourth
Greer William, bricklayer, ns Market w of Ninth
Gregan Michael, tavern-keeper, ne cor Second and Morgan
Gregg & Finch, scales manuftrs, sw cor Second and Morgan
Gregg Abram, (G. & Finch,) ss Morgan w of Fifth
Greiling Conrad, baker, ws Second s of Plum
Gresham James, ns Spruce w of First
Gribble Francis, riverman, ne cor Ninth and Washington-av.
Griffin John, boatman, ss Franklin-avenue w of Ninth
Griffin Joseph, laborer, es First s of Spruce
Griffith & Brother, manufacturers and importers of paper-hangings, 63 Market
Griffith Andrew, saddler, ss Walnut w of Third
Griffith Joseph, grocer, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Griffith Robert, [c,.] barber, ss Locust e of Third
Griffith T H, steamboat captain, boards at Mrs R G Wilson’s
Grimes Thomas, butcher, ws Fourth n of Green
Grimes William L, pilot, ss Franklin-avenue w of Fourteenth
Grimsley John J, cljerk, 49 n First
Grimsley Thornton, saddle, harness and trunk manufacturer, 39 n First - dwelling, se corner Fifth and Myrtle
Grist Franklin R, ns Franklin-avenue w of Ninth
Griswold & Pennington, merchants, 6 n Front
Griswold M W, (G. & P.) 6 n Front
Griswold Rev. W, ss Myrtle w of Third
Griswold W R, cabinet-maker, ws Third s of Convent
Groap Isaac, moulder, ws Sixth s of Wash, on alley
Groat William, carpenter, ns Morgan w of Twelfth
Grob Henry, tailor, 12 Pine
Groesback John B, attorney at law, es Second n of Pine
Grolman Christophe, laborer, es Fifth n of Convent
Groneman Frederick, Branch-tavern, 19 n Fourth
Groneman John, clerk, 75 n Second
Groneman John, Times-tavern, 86 Chesnut
Grooms William, ns Chambers w of Broadway
Gros Nicholas, carpenter, es Twelfth sofBiddle
Gross & Betts, boot and shoe store, 113 and 150 n First
Gross J B, shoemaker, 19 Washington-avenue
Grosse Ferdinand, shoemaker, es Thirteenth n of Wash
Grotefend August, tobacconist, sw cor Second and Spruce
Grothaus Gerhard, laborer, ss Plum w of First
Grover - , 49 n First
Grubb John, (Dinn & G.) 6 n First
Gruby Christian, ns Gay e of Fourteenth
Grumley William, boarding-house, es Third n of Locust
Guelberth A, watch and clock-maker and jeweller, 165 n First
Guild & Dorwart, merchants, 4 s First
Guild Albert H, (G. & D.) ss Market w of Ninth
Gunther Henry, shoemaker, ss Elm w of Second
Gunther John S, cabinet-maker, ne cor Second and Wood
Gurnon Sylvester, carpenter, ss Biddle e of Tenth
Gutbrod Augustus, sw corner Jackson and Marion
Gutbrod John, tailor, 14 n Second
Haas Jacob, pedlar, Ws Eighth n of Wash
Haas John, carpet-weaver, ws Fifth s of Wash
Habersham Etheldred, turner, ns Franklin-av. w of Eleventh
Hablenfield Adam, laborer, ss Market w of Tenth
Hackett George G, cigar-makar, ns Green w of Sixth
Hackman C, tailor, es Centre s of Market
Hackman Christian, tailor, es Second n of Pine
Hackman F W, wagon-maker, nw cor Seventh and St Charles
Hackmeyer Adolph, laborer, ns Green w of Fifth
Hackney A H, exchange-broker, 76 n First
Haddington Joseph, ss Green w of Sixth
Hadsell Benoni, laborer, es Seventh n of Biddle
Haeman Anton, drayman, es Third s of Convent
Haenschen J D, lithographic printer - dwelling, es Third s of Convent, on alley
Haescher Bernard, laborer, ws Twelfth s of Spruce
Haffner Daniel, boarding-house, 34 Olive
Hafkemeyer John C, es Third s of Plum
Hagan Edward, riverman, boards at Mrs Sutton’s
Hagan Henry, carpenter, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Hagan John, laborer, ss Walnut e of Ninth, upstairsHagerty Edward, drayman, ns Carr w of Seventh
Hagerty Hugh, blacksmith, ss Morgan e of Third
Haiden Thomas, riverman, boards at New Orleans-house
Haines William, engineer, es Fifth n of Olive
Haitman W W. shoemaker, ss Pine w of Third
Hale E, surgeon-dentist, corner Fourth and Saint Charles
Hale George C, auctioneer and com. merchant, 32 Chesnut, and ne cor Second and Locust - dw, nw corner
Sixth and Walnut
Hale James, shoe-store, 51 n Fourth
Halford Cynthia, seamstress, ns Chesnut w of Fifth
Hall & Bigelow, attorneys at law, 44 Pine
Hall & Witzel, grocers, 5 n Front
Hall C R, ws Sixth n of Pine
Hall D N, 95 Chesnut
Hall Elisha, lumber merchant, 205 n First - dwelling, sw corner Ninth and Carr
Hall George, drayman, es Seventh s of Wash
Hall Henry J, stone-cutter, ns Olive w of Ninth
Hall J H, (Donaldson & H.) ne corner Fifth and Pine
Hall J W, M.D., 115 Chesnut
Hall John, engineer city-waterworks, 225 n Second
Hall Junius, (H. & B.) 44 Pine
Hall P L, clerk, 42 Market
Hall R P, (H. & W.) 5 n Front
Hall Robert, laborer, es Tenth n of Market
Hall William, plane-maker, 27 n First
Halsall & Collett, booksellers and stationers, 119 n First anu 54 n Fourth
Halsall John, (H. & C.) 119 n First
Halteman A, carpenter, es Carondelet s of Marion
HalthauB C L, tobacconist, 54 Green
Ham James, es Sixth s of Carr
Ham Peter N, bookkeeper at A H Hackney’s ‘ Hamath Henry, laborer, es Ninth s of Wash
Hambleton Samuel, (Craig & H.) -boards with Alex. Craig
Hamill Joseph, (S. & J H.) sw corner First ank Walnut
Hamill S & J, grocers, sw corner First and Walnut
Hamill Samuel, (S, & J H.) sw corner First and Walnut
Hamilton Alexander, attorney at law, 25 Chesnut-dwelling, es Fifth n of Morgan
Hamilton H A, deputy clerk Circuit Court
Hamilton J, boarding-house, 226 n Second
Hamilton Robert, cooper, ns Cherry e of Broadway
Hamline Caroline, widow, ss Spruce w of First
Hamman G D, ne corner Twelfth and Franklin-avenue
Hammerman G, keeps N. O. tavern, cor Front and Myrtle
Hammond D M, turner, ss Elm opp. Shot-tower, on alley - dwelling, ns Gratiot w of Ninth
Hammond George A, printer, 47 n First
Hammond J R, lumber merchant, 239 n First
Hammond John T, engraver, 54 n First - dwelling, es Third s of Poplar
Hammond Joseph, collector Republican-office, 47 n First
Hammond W, M.D., U.S.A., ns Washington-av. w of Third
Hammond William, porter, Bank of Missouri
Hammond William, ropemaker, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Hancock John, (Givens & H.) boards at Virginia-hotel
Handfield James, carpenter, es Sixth s of Biddle
Handlin James, mason, es Carondelet s of Lami
Handy Thomas, oabinet-maker, ss Carr e of Eleventh
Haney James, laborer, ns Carr e of Eighth, upstairs
Hannapool John, drayman, ss Mulberry e of Fourth
Hannen Thomas, bricklayer, ns Green w of Ninth
Hanner John, laborer, ss Spruce w of First
Hannon M, (H & co.) se corner Third and Green
Hannon M & co, grocers, se oorner Third and Green
Hanson James H, clerk at Rasin & Hanson’s
Hanson John, founder, ws Tenth n of Carr
Hanson John W, (Rasin& H.) boards at U Rasin’s
Hapgood Lorenzo, (Holmes & H.) 274 Broadway
Happen William, shoemaker, ws Second n of Myrtle
Hapswell Oliver, laborer, ns Green w of Fifth
Hapworth Willoughby, manufacturer, ns Plum e of Third
Harbison Richard, es Fourteenth s of Market
Harden Robert, moulder, ws Sixth n of Carr
Harding Geo, wood-sawyer, es Eleventh n of Morgan, ups.
Harding Lemuel, millwright, ss Florida w of First
Hardy James A, (Boyle & H.) 90 n First
Hardy James L, tailor, es Fifth s of Gratiot
Hardy Patrick H, carpenter, es Fourth s of Spruce, on alley
Hare Thomas, potter, ws Broadway n of Hempstead
Hare William, carpenter, sw corner Sixth and Morgan
Haren E, marked- naster South-Market, es Fifth n of Convent
Haren Edward, notary public, es Fifth opp. South Market
Hargrave Hezekiah, pilot, ss Washington-avenue w of Tenth
Hargrave Joel, pedlar, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue, ups.
Harig F, shoemaker, se corner Seventh and Biddle
Harkman H H, carpenter, es Jackson n of Miller
Harlan Jacob, Front s of Elm
Harlan William A, clerk, 53 n First
Harlock James, baker, es Broadway opposite Franklin-av.
Harm Hannah, widow, ss .Poplar w of Second
Harman Adam, ss Market w of Ninth
Harmes William, boarding-house, ns Morgan w of Fourth
Harnett James, brickmaker, ws Sixteenth s of Market
Harney William S, ns Fourth a of Market
Harold Cornelius, carpenter, ws Eleventh s of Carr
Harold Edward, shoemaker, 70 n Third
Harper, Childs & Carr’s rope-walk, es Carondeletn of Arsenal
Harper Mrs Eliza, ss Pine w of Eighth
Harper William, boarding-house, es First n of Smith
Harralson Robert, painter, ss Mulberry w of First
Harrington Dennis, printer, Republican-office, 47 n First
Harrington H, shoemaker, nw corner Second and Locust
Harrington William, shoemaker, nw cor Second and Locust
Harris Ann, [c] ws Ninth s of Market
Harris H, milliner, 68 Market
Harris Joseph, whitesmith, 74 Green
Harris Mary, widow, ss Morgan w of Fifth
Harris O, port collector, 31 Front, ups.-dw, ss Elm w of Sixth
Harris Robert, [c] riverman, es Second s of Almond
Harris S S, merchant, 162 n Third
Harris Thomas, carrier, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Harris William, carpenter, 57 Market
Harrisch Daniel, shoemaker, se cor Second and Mulberry
Harrischer Ferdinand, (S. & H.) ws Fifth n of Labadie
Harrison James, office 8 Vine - dwelling, es Fourth s of Elm
Harrison John, shoemaker, es Second n of Almond
Harrison Joseph, turner, ws Seventh n of Biddle, on alley
Harrison Peter, laborer, ws Broadway s of Biddle
Harrison Philip, bricklayer, ns Almond w of Second
Harrison Richard, laborer, ns- Green w of Fifth
Harrison Thomas, ss Carr e of Seventh
Harrison W P, mercht, 58 Market-dw, ws Sixth s of Wash
Harrison William, hatter, 105 Green
Harsant & Bachman, carpenters, 231 n of Eleventh
Harsant Thomas, (H. & B.) 231 n Eleventh
Hart James, glass-cutter, es Fifth s of Gratiot
Hart James J, trader, ws Second s of Spruce
Hart John, auctioneer, 156 Market
Hart John, grocer, es Carondelet s of Marion
Hart Lyon, (Emanuel & H.) 122 n First
Hart Oliver A, (Barrett, B, &0 H.) 129 Chesnut
Hart Thomas, painter, ss Morgan e of Third
Hart Thomas, saddler, 39 n First
Hart William, laborer, ws Eighth n of Morgan
HART H D, 70 n Second, manufactures and keeps constantly on hand an extensive stock of cut, pressed, and
plain flint Glass-ware, Lamps and Britannia-ware, embracing every pattern and variety, which they offer at the
most favorable prices - dwelling, sw corner Sixth and Wash
Hartel Charles, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Hartling Henry, wood merchant, ws Jackson n of Barry
Hartly Barney, drayman, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Hartman H, cabinet-maker, ss Washington-av. w of Fourth
Hartman Samuel, moulder, ns Franklin-avenue e of Fifth
Hartshorn William, fur-merchant, 8 s First - dwelling, corner Fifth and Walnut
Hartt Henry A, printer, 22 Olive
Harty Roger, es Tenth n of Market
Harves John D, (late Kimm, Tevis & Harves,) 25 Market
Harvett William A, brickmaker. es Seventh s of Labadie
Harvey David, es Second s of Cedar
Harvey John, ns Hazle w of Second
Harvey T H, snperintendant Indian affairs, 11 n Fourth
Harvey Thomas, porter, 23 Market
Hasie Marcus, grocer, 76 Front - dw, ns Vine w of Third
Haskins Joseph, carpenter, ss Wash w of Eighth
Hastings John, saddler, es Third n of Myrtle
Hastings Robert F, tinner, ns Green w of Ninth
Haswell Thomas, laborer, ss Locust w of Third
Hathaway William, ship-carpenter, ns Smith e of First
Hatteman Albert, carpenter, es Carondelet s of Marion
Hattersby William, engineer, 135 Green
Hatton William, laborer, es Jackson s of Marion
Haug Peter, laborer, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Haupt Jacob, tailor, ss Market w of Ninth
Haus Daniel, carpenter, se corner Seventh and Pine
Haven Joseph, chemist, ws Seventh n of Franklin-avenue
Haven Otis, (Burk & eo.) ws Second s of Olive
Havens Joseph, merchant, corner First and Market
Haverty John, clerk in office of Indian affairs
Havis John, blacksmith, sw corner Third and Myrtle
Hawken J & S, gunsmiths, 33 Washington-avenue
Hawken Jacob, (J & S H.) 33 Washington-avenue
Hawken Samuel, (J & S H.) 37 Washington-avenue
Hawkes Cicero S, pastor Christ church, 132 Chesnut
Hawkins & Sherwood, undertakers, es Second n of Pine
Hawkins H B, (H. & S.) es Second n of Pine
Hawley Benjamin F, manufacturer, ws Seventh s of Wash
Hawley J M, clerk at Planters’-house
Hawthorn A, lumber merchant, 294 n Firs-t
Hawthorn Jacob, agent for Gregory St co,, 81 n First - dwelling, 168 n Sixth
Hay den Elijah, School director, ss Spruce w of First
Hay ward A, ws Eighth n of Pine
Hay wood William, plumber, es Fifth n of Cerre
Hayden Charles S, saddler, 51 Market
Hayden Samuel, porter, ns Green e of Sixth
Haynes Anthony, carpenter, ns Gratiot w of Ninth
Hays George, laborer, sw corner Eighth and Wash
Hayward T G, locksmith, es Ninth n of Washington-avenue
Haywood C, hardware merchant - dw, ns Wash e of Fifth
Hazard Daniel L, clerk, es Seventh s of Walnut
Hazard Peyton R, pilot, es Seventh n of Elm
Hazard William, ws Sixth n of Carr
Hazlet James, merchant, 58 n Fourth
Healy James, painter, es Second n of Pine
Heap George, carpenter, ns Almond w of Third
Heath William, M. D., Ss Morgan e of Fifth
Hedges I A, U. S. hull inspecter, es Sixth n of Franklin-av.
Heeman Frederick, watchman, es Twelfth s of Biddle
Heeman Matthias, laborer, es Fourteenth n of Carr
Heer & Mayer, grocers, se corner Eighth and Franklin-av.
Heer Charles, (H, & M.) se corner Eighth and Franklin-av.
Heerengen E, farrier, es Second n of Lombard, upstairs
Heerman P H, clerk, 28 n Front
Hefferman Michael, charioteer, es Ninth n of Franklin-av,
Heid George, tailor, es Third s of Convent
Heideboch Adolph, cabinet-maker, ns Marion w of Jackson
Heideman Henry, shoemaker, 117 Green
Heideman Hermann, boarding-house, ss Morgan e of Third
Heidland Henry, laborer, es Fourteenth n of Carr
Heidman Augustus, cabinet-maker, ws Fourth n of Morgan
Heidman H W, 100 Pine
Heidman Herman, laborer, ns Convent e of Fifth
Heidorn William, blacksmith, ws Second s of Rutger
Heidtmann Johaun, laborer, es Second s of Lombard
Heil Andreas, porter, ns Lombard w of Second
Heil Edward, ns Carr e of Twelfth
Heilbrun Frederick, butcher, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Heilman Frederick, carter, ns Franklin-avenue w of Fourth
Heilthaus John, blacksmith, ws Eighth s of Wash
Heim Joseph, pedlar, es Sixth s of Wash, on alley
Heincke Frederick, cabinet-maker, ss Morgan e of Third
Heintz Christopher, baker, es Second n of Park-avenue
Heinzelinan Caspar, carman, ws Ninth s of Wash
Heisel Anthony, shoemaker, 46 Chesnut
Heiss George, baker, 189 n First
Heiss Philip, gunsmith, 191 n First
Heisterhagen Henry W, merchant, es First s of Walnut
Heiter Frederick, hatter, 122 n First
Heithaus George, blacksmith, ws Eighth s of Wash
Heitkamp Henry, grocer, ns Franklin-avenue e of Ninth
Heitkamp Henry, grocer, ns Franklin-avenue e of Ninth
Heitkamp Joseph, grocer, es Fifth s of Gratiot
Heitman Charles, carpenter, es Fifth s of Carr
Heitman Charles, carpenter, es Ninth s of Carr
Heldritt E, M.D., drug and chem. store, es Second n of Spruce
Heler Lewis, lock-maker, es Second s of Hazel
Helfenstein & Gore, wh grocers and com. merchts, 23 n Front
Helfenstein Thomas P, (H. & Gore,) ns Elm w of First
Helford Onton, shoemaker, 47 Market
Helgenburg J, military fringe-store, es Second s of Chesnut
Helgenburgh H, coffee-house, n of Rutger, on Carondelet-av.
Hellenkamp Henry, laborer, es Centre s of Market
Heller John, ns Myrtle w of First
Hellrich Leonhart, coffee-house, ws Second n of Myrtle
Helms Charles, [c] riverman, es Carondelet s of Rutger
Helms Gabriel, [c] barber, 20 Chesnut - dwelling, Third between Almond and Poplar
Helms Richard, [c] barber, boards at G Helms’
Helper James, millwright, es Twelfth n of Franklin-avenue
Helstorff Andrew, laborer, es Carondelet s of Barry
Helweg John H, es First s of Biddle
Helweg William H, es First s of Biddle
Hem Jacob, stone-cutter, es Eighth n of Wash
Hemfeld Wilhelm, laborer, nw corner Second and Convent
Hemmingway Sylvester, carpenter, ss Biddle e of Sixth
Hemphill Josiah, laborer, ns Mullanphy e of Second
Hempstead Moses, [c] sw corner Fourteenth and Spruce
Henderson George, merchant, 158 n Third
Henderson John J, attorney at law, 38 Chesuut
Henderson William, ss Franklin-avenue w of Tenth
Hendricks James, es Fifth n of Pine
Hendry Charles F, (H. & co.) boards at David Chambers’
Hendry Charles F & co., saddlery, hardware and leather store, 48 Market
Hendry Peter, laborer, ne corner Second and Vine
Heneburgh George, watchmaker, ws Thirteenth s of Biddle
Hener Johaun, mason, ss Marion e of Jackson
Hengold Frederick, hatter, 122 n First
Henkel Henry, butcher, ss Franklin-av. w of Thirteenth
Henkel Otto, tailor, 40 Chesnut
Henken George, Bremer-tavern, ws Third n of Pine
Henley A, bricklayer, es Edmund s of Hickory
Henri-house, William Kraut, 11 n First
Henry J, M.D., 126 Pine - dw, se cor Seventh and Walnut
Henry Thomas, variety-store, es Broadway opp. Franklin-av.
Hensey P, cooper, 11 Locust
Hensey Patrick, cooper, es First s of Spruce
Hensley Thomas, ss Clark-avenue w of Twelfth
Henson John, coffee-house, ws First n of Florida
Henzen Jacob, laborer, es Fifth s of Green
Henzpeter Albert, saddler, sw corner Second and Elm
Hepburn Samuel C, clerk in surveyor-general’s office
Hequembourg C, watchmaker, 35 n First - dw, 88 n Eighth
Hequembourg T, watchmaker, 35 n First - dwelling, se cor Eighth and Saint Charles
Herald of Religious Liberty, 25 n Fourth, upstairs
Hergett Andrew, beer-house, es Second, opposite Park-av.
Herman & Hook, coffee-house, se corner Third and Morgan
Herman Adolph, varnisher, nw corner Tenth and St. Charles
Herman Anton, drayman, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Herman Frederick, ws Fourth s of Gratiot
Herman Joseph, (H. & H.) se corner Third and Morgan
Herndon James, painter, es Second n of Pine
Herr Frederick, laborer, cs Fifth s of Convent
Herr George G, baker, 231 n First
Herrick S H, commission merchant, 240 n First - dwelling, 170 n Sixth
Herrington E W, halter, ss Poplar e of Fourth
Herrington George, 159 Green
Herron John, ss Hazel w of Second
Herthal Nicholas, tobacconist, se corner First and Walnut
Hertzig Casper, tailor, ws Broadway n of Wash
Hervey George, tinker, ss Plum e of Third
Heslet Monroe, riverman, ns Randolph near Thirteenth
Hess Henry, bookbinder and bandbox maker, 96 n First - dwelling, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Hess Lewis, tailor, ss Morgan e of Fourth - dwelling, ws Twelfth S of Wash
Hesse & Young, grocers, sw corner Ninth and Franklin-av.
Hesse John, carpenter, es Eudemon s of Flimnap
Hesse William, (PL &Y.) sw corner Ninth and Franklin-av.
Hessey William, painter, ws Fourth s of Cerre
Heter Caspar, pedlar, es Twelfth s of Carr
Heuer Henry, barber, cupper and leecher, 44 n Second
Heuerman Adam, tailor, ns Convent w of Third
Hewitt Josephus, saddler, se corner Fifteenth and Market
Heyer John, laborer, ns Gay w of Twelfth, upstairs
Hezlett Henry, laborer, ns Green w of Ninth
Hibbard John, tailor, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Hibbs Henry, laborer, ws Third n of Carondelet, on alley
Hickcox William, riverman, sw cor Seventh and St. Charles
Hickey William, es Eleventh s of Market
Hickman B, barber, [c] 33 Chesnut
Hicks Joseph, riverman, ns Poplar e of Second
Hicks Levi, shoemaker, ns Morgan e of Fourth
Hicks Margaret, widow, ws Third n of Spruce
Hidinger William, wood-sawyer, ss Chouteau e of Fifth
Higby James, jr, carpenter, ss Franklin-avenne w of Tenth
Higby Joseph G, es Eighth n of Carr
Higdon John B, (Ely & H.) sw cor Eighth and St. Charles
Higgins & Mead, book and job printers, 47 Locust, upstairs
Higgins H W, upholsterer, dwelling ws Ninth n of Morgan
Higgins John, carpenter, es Ninth n of Gratiot
Higgins John, laborer, es Second n of Green
Higgins Peter, plasterer, 130 Market, opposite, Court-house
Higgins R S, proprietor People’s Organ - dwelling, es Fifth n of Olive
Hilbert A Z, flour inspector, 41 n First
Hildebrandt A, (A & E H.) 20 n First
Hildebrandt A & E, wh hardware merchants, 20 n First
Hildebrandt E, (A & E H.) 20 n First
Hildenbrand F, laborer, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eighth
Hildenbrand Frederick, carpenter, es Thirteenth s of Wash
Hiler Lewis, locksmith, es Second s of Hazel
Hill & Lockwood, wholesale grocers, 70 n Front
Hill Britton A, (Eager & Hill) boards at Jefferson-house
Hill Christopher, ws Second s of Myrtle
Hill D B, lumber merchant, dw, es Edmund n of Hickory
Hill Hester B, dressmaker, 11 Market, upstairs
Hill James B, (H. & Lockwood) es Seventh s of St. Charles
Hill James, carter, es Sixth s of Cerre
Hill William D, cabinet-maker, ne corner Fourth and Morgan -dwelling, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Hill William, waiter, ss Walnut e of Ninth
Hillenkamp Henry, laborer, es Centre s of Market
Hillian P M, carriage-maker, ns Chesnut w of Second
Hillman Job, drayman, ns Locust w of Third
Himmelwiertz, Christophe, laborer, es Jackson n of Marion
Hinckley Russell, clerk at Wiggins & co.’s
Hindell William, founder, ss Mound e of Ninth
Hindman Moses, laborer, ss Wash, on alley, e of Sixth
Hineman Fabian, cap-maker, es Second s of Plum
Hiner Johann, mason, ss Marion e of Jackson
Hiner William, mason, ss Marion e of Jackson
Hinterschilt John M, tailor, 149 Washington-avenue
Hinton O & co, General Stage-office, basement Planters’- house, se corner
Hinzpeter Albert, saddler, sw corner Second and Elm
Hirt John, coffee-house, 107 n Front
Hite Alpheus, wagon-maker, ws Fourteenth n of Franklin-av.
Hoadley Ira, cabinet-maker, ns Carr w of Seventh, on alley
Hobach John, coffee-house, 92 n Front
Hoban Edward, tinner, ss Market w of Eighth
Hoblitz Jacob, mate, ws Tenth n of Green
Hodgden Morrell, New York hotel, 101 Green
Hodge David, drayman, es Ninth s of Market
Hodgess John, shoemaker, ns Biddle w of Seventh
Hoehle John, shoemaker, ne corner Thirteenth and Carr
Hoeveler Amelia, dressmaker, ws Third n of Elm
Hofaker William, es Second s of Convent
Hoff Hanton, boarding-house, 29 Olive
Hoffman & Campbell, gunsmiths, 65 Locust
Hoffman & Smith, blacksmiths, es Second s of Hazel
Hoffman A, carpet-weaver, es Seventh s of Wash
Hoffman Andrew, ns Washington-avenue w of Fourth
Hoffman Charles, shoemaker, 233 n First
Hoffman Christian, (H. & C.) 65 Locust
Hoffman Frederick, laborer, ws Eighth n of Carr
Hoffman H L, es Fourth s of Poplar
Hoffman John, (Smith & H.) nw cor Twelfth and Randolph
Hoffman John D, (H. & S.) es Second s of Hazel
Hoffman John, wagoner, es Eighth s of Biddle
Hoffman William, hatter, es Second n of Cedar
Hoffmeister Jacob, shoemaker, nw corner Third and Plum
Hoffner Daniel, boarding-house, ss Olive w of First
Hogan Edward, clerk at Wellman & Jones’
Hogan Edward, riverman, boards at Mrs. Sutton’s
Hogan Henry, carpenter, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Hoge Martin, pedlar, ss Green w of Sixth
Hogel John F, es Fourth, opposite Planters’-house
Hogeland Nicholas, ss Green w of Seventh, on alley
Hogmeier C, laborer, nw cor Twelfth and Gay, upstairs
Hohenadel France, cabinet-maker, 12 n Third
Hohhoff Joseph, carpenter, sw corner Twelfth and Randolph
Hohlweg J G, beer-house, nw cor Eighth and Franklin-av.
Hohn Andrew, carpenter, ss Carr e of Twelfth
Hoit T W, clerk at Beach & Eddy’s
Holbrook David L, es Fourth s of Locust
Holbrook Jason, ne corner First and Washington-av, upstairs
Holden Edward, (Powell, B. &.co.) Missouri mill, se corner Eighth and St. Charles
Holden Hiram, riverman, ss Franklin*avenue w of Ninth
Holden John, riverman, ns Franklin-avenue e of Eleventh
Holhud John, laborer, es Eleventh n of Carr
Holland H K, ns Walnut w of Fourth
Holle Anton, shoemaker, 117 Green
Holley Thomas, laborer, ns Green w of Eleventh
Holliday D L, ws Fourth s of Market
Holliday Peter, mason, ns Green w of Fifth
Hollingsworth B S, weigher at Market-street scales - dwelling, ws Poplar e of Second, upstairs
Holman H, clerk in Collector’s-office, under Planters’-house, ss
Holmes & Hopgood, merchants, 274 Broadway
Holmes Charles (H. & H.) 274 Broadway
Holmes Henry, mason, es Broadway n of Hempstead
Holmes James, boards at John Cavender’s
Holmes Nathaniel, attorney at law, 50 Pine
Holmes Reuben, [c] riverman, es Eighth s of Walnut
Holmes Robert, lumber merchant, se corner Fifth and Walnut -dwelling, ss Elm w of Sixth
Holmes Thomas, produce dealer, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Holmes William, (blind,) ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Holroyd Bernard, plasterer, boards-at Alpine-house
Holt & Allen, attorneys at law, 13 Chesnut
Holt, Thomas H, (H. & A.) 13 Chesnut
Holt William J, surgeon dentist, 70 Market, upstairs
Holthaus C L, tobacconist, 54 Green
Holton Alfred B, drayman, ns Randolph e of Thirteenth
Holtzman George, drayman, ns Morgan e of Eleventh
Holtzwart Frederick, ws Fifth s of Park-avenue
Home Tooke James, jeweller, ws Second s of Chssnut
Homer Charles, ws Third s of Vine
Homer Thomas, carpenter, works at Court-house
Homer Thomas J, clerk at Abbott & Peake’s
Homes Thomas, ss Olive w of Sixth
Honey William, gardener, at Smith’s garden
Hood Abner, boot and shoe store, 120 n First
Hoofstetter Gabriel, M.D., se corner Third and Almond
Hook Henry, (Herman & H.) se corner Third and Morgan
Hooper Clark, painter, ws Seventh s of Clark-avenue
Hoover Frederick, laborer, ws Eighth s of Carr
Hope Cotton-factory warehouse, 60 Front
Hopkins & Bascom, bakers, 68 Market
Hopkins Henry, wagoner, es Fourteenth n of Carr
Hopkinson Edward, blacksmith, ws Second s of Almond
Hopley Joseph, riverman, boards at Battle-row
Hoppe John, (Wolff & H.) 27 Market
Horine William, butcher, es Second s of Hazel
Horn Adam, grocer, 143 Chesnut
Horn Charles, cooper, es Third n of Cedar
Horn Franklin, shoemaker, es Third s of Chesnut
Horn Henry, laborer, ws Ninth h of Franklin-avenue
Horn John, drayman, es Third n of Spruce
Horn Richard, drayman, es Third n of Spruce
Horning George, carpenter, ws Eleventh s of Carr
Hornn Johann, laborer, es Carondelet s of Marion
Horrell Thomas, Episcopal clergyman, nw corner Eighth and Washington-avenue
Horry Philip, tailor, ws Second n of Plum
Horst Henry, tailor, ws Ninth n of Gratiot
Hortez Antoine, es Second n of Lombard
Hortez John, cabinet-maker, es Second n of Cedar
Horton John, baker, at S & J Turner’s
Hoskin Philip, charioteer, ws Fifth n of Green
Hostetter Jacob, painter, es Second s of Wood
Hough Daniel, secretary Marine Insurance Company, treasurer of Saint Louis county, and notary public - office,
102 n First - dwelling, 150 Olive
Hough Wesley, laborer, ss Market w of Tenth
Houghton Alexander, carter, es Third s of Spruce
Houston George W, clerk at 23 Market - dwelling, nw corner Fifth and Myrtle
Houston Hiram, hatter, boards at National hotel
Houston John, pilot, ss Olive w of Sixth
Houston William, street-inspector second district - dwelling, 128 Locust
Hovaker PC, 49 n First
Hovis Peter, laborer, ss Mound w of Eighth
How & Clafflin, leather dealers, 142 n First
How John, (H. & C.) ws Fifth n of Wash
How John H, painter, es Eighth s of Franklin-avenue
Howard Jackson, laborer, - Front s of Elm
Howard James, carpenter, es Seventh n of Spruce
Howard Lewis, es Second n of Lombard, upstairs
Howard Matthew, carpenter, es Seventh n of Biddle
Howard Nathaniel, rear of 87 Olive
Howard Patrick, printer, at D Davies’, cor Main and Olive
Howard Samuel, plasterer, ws Twelfth n of Carr
Howe Cheney, M.D., 77 Washington-avenue
Howell John, bricklayer, ws Columbus s of Barry
Howell Marmaduke, stone cutter, ws Columbus n of Barry
Howland Benjamin P, sw corner Fifth and Washington-av.
Howland John, bricklayer, es Fifth s of Gratiot
Hoy Alexander, grate and fender maker, 91 n Second
Hoy John, trader, ns Green w of Tenth
Hoyle George, se corner Fourth and Elm
Hoyle Lawrence, 96 Pine
Hoyt Cyrus G, clerk, corner Fourth and Market
Hoyt S C, produce dealer, ws Broadway n of Morgan - dwelling, ws Eleventh n of Wash
Hubbard & Block, merchants, 18 s Front
Hubbard George, carpenter, es Ninth s ofGreen
Hubbard Julius C, tinner, es Sixth s of Biddle
Hubbard William (H. & B.) boards at Peers’
Hudnell Thomas, merchant, 7 Market
Hudson Eliphaz, bricklayer, boards at Foster’s
Hudson Henry, mason, ns Morgan W of Ninth
Hudson Thomas B, attorney at law, 50 Pine
Huebner F G, teacher, es Eleventh n of Carr
Huey John, laborer, es Fifth n of Convent
Huey John S, bricklayer, ws Collins n of Cherry
Huff S D, carpenter, ws Eleventh n of Green
Huff William, grocer, 6 Green
Hugh Anselm, carpenter, ws Eighth s of Wash
Hughes John, plasterer, ss Market w of Tenth
Hughs Covington, pilot, na Franklin-avenue e of Fourteenth
Hughs Francis J, carpenter, es Ninth n of Gratiot
Hughs H J, carpenter, ws Fifth s of Carr
Hughs John R, shoe manufacturer, 130 and 172 n First
Hughs Matthew, laborer, ss Carr w of Fifth
Hughs Robert T, pilot, ss Franklin-avenue w of Fourteenth
Hugo Daniel, ws Carondelet s of Marion
Hulbert A, Planters’-house
Huling William, boards at Peltier’s
Hull & Cozins, tin and copper-smiths, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Hull Abram C, tin and copper-smith and sheet-iron worker, ne cor Fifth and St. Charles - dw, ws Seventh s of
Hull David, brickmaker, ss Hickory w of Ham
Hull David P, (H. & C.) ws Broadway 11 of Morgan
Hull Jacob, bricklayer, boards at John Hull’s
Hull John, bricklayer, ne corner Eleventh and Franklin-av.
Hull Joseph S, merchant, 20 s First - dwelling, es Second n of Cherry
Hulme Casper, wood-hawler, ws Second n of Cherry
Hulsey Charles, ws Sixth s of Poplar
Hultz Ephraim, shoemaker, ns Locust w of Fourth
Humes John, drayman, ss Locust w of Third
Humphreys James, rope-maker, cor Thirteenth and Market
Humphreys John, upholsterer, boards at James Humphreys’
Humphreys William, rope-maker, ws Twelfth n of Wash
Humyhreys - , plasterer, ne corner Eleventh and Morgan
Hungerford Wm S, lumber merchant, es Sixth n of Morgan
Huninck Frederick, shoemaker, ss Cedar w of Second
Hunsdon Alexander, bookkeeper at Bacon & Hyde’s
Hunstoffel John Adam, laborer, ws First n of Spruce
Hunt Charles, es Eleventh n of Olive
Hunt Daniel B, pilot, es Seventh n of Locust
Hunt Mrs. Wilson P, nw corner Seventh and Olive
Hunt Robert, tanner and currier, es Ninth n of Gratiot
Hunter Charles, clerk, Henri-house
Hunter Edward E, slater, ns Randolph w of Twelfth
Hunter John, carpenter, boards at J Baxter’s
Hunter Rachel, es Fourth n of Chesnut, on alley
Huntsberry & Coffee, wholesale grocers and commission merchants, 22 Washington-avenue
Huntsberry Abraham, (H. and C.) Broadway n of Madison
Hupp S, tailor, 33 Olive
Hurd Arthur, blacksmith, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eighth
Hurdle Walter, laborer, ns Saint Charles w of Seventh
Hurly Patrick, laborer, ss Chesnut w of Ninth
Hurt Mahlon, tailor, ns Hazel w of Second
Husbands A J, carpenter, ws Eleventh s of Wash
Huskisson Seth, riverman, ws Broadway n of Cherry
Hussman Henry, tavern, Front n of Cherry
Hustage H G, gunsmith, ns Franklin-avenue e of Ninth
Huston John S, produce dealer, 224 Broadway
Hutawa Edward, lithographer and civil engineer, 8 s Third
Hutawa Julius, lithographer, 8 s Third
Hutchinson Alonzo, dry-goods merchant, 100 Market
Hutchinson Hannah, widow, es Ninth s of Wash, on alley
Hutchinson Lewis, [c] riverman, es Carondelet s of Soulard
Hutchinson William, tinner, ws Broadway s of Wash
Huth Charles, grocer, se corner Miller and Carondelet
Huttig Charles, chandler, es Second s of Wood
Hutton David, carpenter, ns Gay w of Twelfth
Hutton Eliza, widow, ns Almond w of Second
Hyde Ellen, 38 Olive
Hyde Geo. A, justice and notary public, 41 Washington avenue
Hyde John, blacksmith, ns Poplar w of Third
Hyde Samuel T, (Bacon & H.) 118 Washington-avenue
Hyde William B, clerk at Bacon &. Hyde’s
Hyder Lewis, blacksmith, es Second s of Convent
Hyer Nathaniel, clerk in surveyor-general’s office
Hyland Peter, shoemaker, ns Morgan e of Fourth
Hylton Elijah, lottery-dealer, 99 ½ n Front
Hynman Joseph, laborer, ws Tenth n of-Market
Iaradella J A C, piano-forte teacher, boards at Vine-st.-house
Icenhower Andrew, carpenter, ws Seventh s of Pine
Igelhoff Casper, laborer, es Third n of Almond
Ighe Jacob, carpenter, ws Jackson n of Barry
Ihinpsen Joseph, drayman, ss Lombard w of Second
Ihlendorff Gotfried, blacksmith, ws Thirteenth n of Gay
Ihmhaltz Frederick, shoemaker, ns Marion e of Second
Ihmicker Adam, tailor, ns Barry e of Carondelet
Ijames Moses, riverinan, ns Hazel w of Second
Ilhoff John, laborer, ss Elm w of First
Ilies Thomas, 272 n Seventh
Imer Charles, distiller, es Second s of Wood
Indian Agent’s-office, 11 n Fourth
Indian Queen-house, (Colton & Moulton) 26 and 28 Locust
Ingalls Edward, laborer, ns Mulberry e of Third
Ingles Isaac, shoemaker, ns Cherry w of Second
Ingram Samuel, ns Market w of Eighth
Inlow Jasper, shoemaker, ss Cherry e of Broadway
Inskeep Philip, painter, ws Twelfth n of Gay, upstairs
Inwood George, carpenter, boards at Joseph Bent’s
Iredell G G, barber, 78 Market
Irish Benjamin, M.D., Ws First n of Mound
Irvine Gerard, cabinet-maker, 68 Green
Irvine William, teacher, ss Green w of Third
Irving J T, general agent, 117 Pine
Irwin Benedict, wood-sawyer, es Ninth s of Green
Irwin John W, bookkeeper, at N E Janney’s
Isaacs Robert, carman, ss Washington-avenue w of Eleventh
Ische Henry, scales-maker, at Burchard’s
Isham Bedford, carpenter, ns Wood e of Carondelet-avenue
Isham Parker, laborer, es Twelfth s of Morgan
Ives E H, boatbuilder, Front n of Cherry
Ives Jackson, engineer, ws Collins n of Cherry
Ives Maurice, carriage-maker, ns Morgan w of Sixth
Jabine Charles, ropemaker, ns Franklin-avenue e of Eleventh
Jaccard Louis, watchmaker and jeweller, 45 n Second
Jack Moses, shoemaker, ns Barry e of Jackson
Jacke Ambrose, laborer, ws Eleventh n of Carr >
Jacks Samuel, clothier, 32 and 48 Front - dwelling, es Third n of Pine
Jackson & Toncray, Mound-city coffee-house, 210 Broadway
Jackson A C, tailor, ws Thirteenth n of Wash
Jackson Abraham, laborer, es Columbus s of Barry
Jackson J, gas-manufacturer, dwelling ss Elm w of Second
Jackson John L, printer, 22 Olive Jackson & Maudlebaum, exchange-brokers, 127 n First
Jackson Jonathan H, pilot, nw corner Eleventh and Carr
Jackson Linus, pump and blockmaker, ne corner of First and Cherry; keeps constantly on hand spars, dericks,
oars, capstan bars, ten-pin balls, &c &c - See card at the end of the book.
Jackson M C, (J. & co.) dwelling, Lesperance’s Addition
Jackson M C & co, commission merchants, 83 Front
Jackson Thomas, (J.& T.) 210 Broadway
Jacob H S, chairmaker, ss Myrtle w of First
Jacob John, cabinet-maker, sw corner Second and Cedar
Jacobs & Morris, clothiers, 17 n Front
Jacobs Samuel, tailor, 33 Olive
Jacobson Carle, tailor, es Jackson n of Carroll
Jacobson Frederiok, M.D., Ws Fourth s of Market
Jacoby Ambrose D, clerk in Post-office
Jacoby C, (C & F J.) 33 Market
Jacoby C & F, Saint Louis-house, 33 Market
Jacoby F, (C & F J.) 33 Market
Jacoby L S, German Meth. preacher, ns Carr w of Eleventh
Jaegar Peter, cabinet-maker, es Sixth n of Locust
Jaeger Christopher, tailor, ss Convent w of Third
Jagger Nathaniel, laborer, ns Green ws of Fifth
Jaglin Anton, laborer, ss Choateau-avenue w of Fifth
James Enos, stonecutter, ss Cedar w of Second
James Henry, grocer, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
James Luther, pedlar, es Second s of Hazle
James Samuel, baker, 67 Market
James W C, 26 n First
Jameson David, es Tenth n of Clark-avenue
Jameson Robert, pedlar, es Centre s of Market
Jamison Albert G, (J L & A G J.) 97 Market
Jamison David S, grocer, 79 Market
Jamison J A, clerk at Beach & Eddy’s
Jamison J L & A G. grocers, 97 Market
Jamison James L, (J L & A G J.) 97 Market
Jamison John M, jailor, county jail, corner Sixth and Chesnut
Janney N E & co., wholesale China, Glass and Queensware merchants, and manufacturers of Britannia-ware, 87
n First
Janney N E, (J.& co.) sw corner Eighth and Locust
Janssen D H, (Gehner & J.) ns Franklin-av. opposite Fourth
Janter Michael, M.D., ss Almond w of Fourth
January D A & C C, commission merchants, 84 n Front
Jardel & Brice, grocers, ws Broadway n of Franklin-avenue
Jardel Eleanor, (J. & B.) ws Broadway n of Franklin-avenue
Jarrett Chester, turner, ss Main e of Jackson
Jarves Thomas, coffee-house, ne corner Second and Plum
Jarvis W H, dental surgeon, 39 Chesnut
Jasper Ignatius, mason, es Columbus s of Barry
Jeffers Samuel, policeman, ss Franklin-avenue e of Tenth
Jeffers Washington, blacksmith, se cor Seventh and ft. Charles
Jefferson-house, William Curtis, 50 n Front
Jeffrey Jacob, miller, ws Third n of Myrtle
Jeffrey James, merchant - dwelling, 12 s Sixth
Jehle Joseph, wagon-maker, es Carondelet-avenue s of Miller
Jenkins Martha, es Fourteenth s of Market
Jenkins Nathaniel, sweep, ss Franklin-avenue w of Tenth
Jenks Alfred, cooper, ss Lombard e of Third
Jenning3 Robert, M.D., Ws Collins n of Biddle
Jennings John, clerk, ss Poplar e of Fourth
Jennings R M, M.D., Ss Green w of Third
Jennings William H, (Price & J.) boards at Planters’-house
Jepson Joseph, carpenter, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Jepson Orin, scales-maker, at Burchard’s factory
Jerome William, (Smith & J.) 99 s Fifth
Jesser F L, grocer, se corner Second and Plum
Jester - , carpenter, works at Court-house
Jester Elias, tinner, ws Third s of Mulberry
Jeter Littlebury, carpenter, ss Moore w of Tenth
Jeter Lloyd, carpenter, es Eighth s of Market
Jeter William S, carpenter, boards at L Jeters’
Jewell Ezekiel, trader, es Second s of Almond
Jewell Josiah, blacksmith, ss Poplar w of Second
Job Aaron, laborer, es Seventh s of Wash, on alley
Jobson Andrew, laborer, ws Twelfth n of Gay, upstairs
Jocelyn Theodore, ws Third n of Soulard
Jocham Edgar, blacksmith, ws Sixth s of Gratiot
Johann William, tailor, ws Second s of Hazel
John Diedrick, laborer, es Carondelet-av. s of Emmett
Johns C T L, printer, 65 Chesnut
Johns Christiana, lace-maker, 11 Market, upstairs
Johnson & Manny, merchant-tailors, 27 Chesnut
Johnson Andrew, carpenter, es Eleventh n of Carr
Johnson Ashlon P, (Shore & J.) es Fifth s of Market
Johnson Ashmead, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Johnson B F, tobacconist, 13 s First
Johnson B F, boards at Glasgow-house
Johnson Benjamin, engineer, es Eighth n of Wash
Johnson Bernard, shoemaker, ns Convent e of Fifth
Johnson Charles T, (Bay & co.) boards at Virginia-hotel
Johnson E A, wholesale hardware-merchant, 12 n First
Johnson Geo, M. D., Sw corner Fourth and Market, upstairs
Johnson George, [c] barber, 105 Market
Johnson J B, M.D., 45 Chesnut
Johnson J M, (J. & M.) ne corner Second and Chesnut
Johnson James, carpenter, ns Franklin-av. w of Tenth
Johnson James, riverman, ss Cedar w of Second
Johnson James, sexton Christ church, ss Olive w of Sixth
Johnson John, clerk, boards at William Harper’s
Johnson John F, Planters’-house
Johnson John F, (Cubberly & J.) 108 n First
Johnson John, merchant, es Broadway n of Morgan
Johnson John, riverman, es Third s of Convent
Johnson John S, [c.J barber, 7 s Third
Johnson John, saddler, es Third n of Market
Johnson John W, 155 Market
Johnson Miss Eliza, [c] es Tenth s of Walnut
Johnson Peter, bricklayer, boards at James Orme’s
Johnson Robert, riverman, ws Seventh n of Spruce, on alley
Johnson Thomas, blacksmith, ss Green w of Eighth
Johnson Thomas, butcher, es Twelfth n of Carr
Johnson Thomas, merchant, dwelling ss Plum w of Second
Johnson Thomas, ss Mulberry e of Second
Johnson William, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Johnson William, [c] barber, es Fourth n of Poplar
Johnson Win M, bricklayer, sw cor Ninth and Franklin-av.
Johnson Wm F, saw-filer and grinder, es Fourth n of Morgan
Johnston Julius D, clerk Criminal Court, ns Green e of Tenth
Joice Patrick, ss Market w of Ninth
Joiel Adeline, widow, es Third s of Spruce
Jolly Merryman, trader, ns Hazel w of Second
Jones & Brantner, merchant-tailors, 37 n Fourth
Jones A, carriage-maker, ns Chesnut w of Second
Jones C H. jeweller, es Seventh s of Wash
Jones Edward, saw-mill, es Second n of Brooklyn
Jones Edwin, carriage-trimmer, ns Chesnut w of Second
Jones Emma A, es Broadway n of Big-mound
Jones Enoch, ( Wellman & J.) ss Market w of Eighth
Jones Francis, 31 n Third
Jones James M, (Prosser & J.) es Fifth s of Market
Jones John, carpenter, ws Fourth s of Spruce
Jones John, engineer, es First s of Bates
Jones John, laborer, nw corner Eleventh and Morgan
Jones Jonathan, commercial school teacher, 101 Chesnut, ups.
Jones Levi, blacksmith, 90 and 92 Pine
Jones Lewis, [c] 168 Green
Jones Mrs. Clarissa, 151 Washington-avenue
Jones P H, watchmaker, 34 n First
Jones Richard, (J.&B.) 37 n Fourth
Jones Thomas, clerk, ss Wash e of Seventh
Jones Thomas E, clerk in Post-office
Jones William H, brickmaker, ws Tenth s of Walnut
Jones William, laborer, es Tenth n of Market
Jones William, moulder, ns Franklin-avenue e of Fifth
Jones William, riverman, ss Market w of Moore
Jones William, stone-cutter, nw corner Eleventh and Morgan
Jones Wm A, jeweller and dentist, sw cor Sixth and Biddls
Jordan Joseph, laborer, ws Eleventh s of Carr
Jordan Samuel, shoemaker, ss Hazel w of Second
Jordan Thomas, carpenter, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Joseph John, bricklayer, ws Third n of Rutger
Joseph Lawrence, laborer, nw corner Twelfth and Gay
Joseph Peter, plasterer, ss Biddle e of Tenth
Joseph Sebastian, coffee-house, 89 Front
Joy Alpheus, tailor, ns Green w of Ninth
Joy Benjamin, pattern-maker, 91 Green
Joyce Arnold, pedlar, es Fifth s of Convent, on alley
Joyce John, carpenter, ws Tenth n of Carr
Joyner Abraham, blacksmith, ss Elm, on alley, e of First
Joynes William, wagon-maker, ss Myrtle w of Second
Jucksch Charles Edward, editor German Tribune, 21 Vine - dwelling, ws Carondelet s of Barry
Judan Herman, laborer, es Eleventh n of Wash
Judkins Thomas, teamster, es Fourteenth n of Wash
Judson Andrew, blacksmith, ns Spruce w of Second
Julian Jacob, printer, ws Fifth s of Myrtle
Just J G, shoemaker, ns Myrtle w of First
Justice Abel, cabinet-maker, es Fifth n of Convent
Juter Hered, laborer, ws Eighth s of Carr, on alley
Kabler William A, (McC. & K.) Saint Louis boarding-house, 18 Market
Kaeckell John W, (Lemp & co.) es Second s of Walnnt
Kaehl Josef, laborer, ws Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
Kaem Henry, carpenter, es Fifth s of Convent
Kaemerrer Nicholas, tailor, 9 Market
Kaeser George, pedlar, ws Sixth n of Chesnut
Kaeshafer John, shoemaker, 95 Green
Kagers Herman, baker, es Fifth s of Rutger
Kahl Henry, tailor, es Fourteenth n of Wash
Kahle H G, watchmaker, es Carondelet-avenue s of Barry
Kahman Frederick, laborer, ns Wash e of Ninth
Kahn Jacob, laborer, ws Eleventh n of Gay
Kaiser Adolph, laborer, ws Sixth s of Poplar
Kaiser Joseph A, tobacconist, ne corner First and Myrtle
Kalkmaun B, 212 n Second
Kampe Anton, tailor, ss Biddle w of Ninth
Kampmeyer R, tinner, 45 n First
Kane Daniel, drayman, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Kane Paschal, blacksmith, ws Ninth n of Carr
Kane Richard, carpenter, ns Barry e of Jackson
Kaniff Johann, shoemaker, ws Ninth n of Carr
Kanker Henry, segar-maker, ns Convent w of Third, upstairs
Kapp Henry, wood-sawyer, ns Hazel w of Second
Karlaen Valentine, painter, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eighth
Karrenbrock Barnard, shoemaker, ns Convent e of Fifth
Karst Eloise, ws Seventh n of Pine
Karst Emile, 40 Market
Karst Theobald, dyer, ss Miller e of Columbus
Katlender Henry, laborer, es Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
Katz H C, merchant tailor, 86 Market
Kauderer C, gymnasium, corner Market and Second, upstairs
Kauffmann Christopher, laborer, ns Gay w of Eleventh, upstairs
Kaufhold Caspar, renovator, ws Thirteenth n of Wash
Kaufman Christian, tailor, es Second n of Park-avenue
Kayser Alexander, attorney at law, 57 Pine
Kayser Henry, beer-house, es Second s of Convent
Kayser Henry, city-engineer, ws Fifth s of Poplar
Kearnel John, laborer, ns Carr e of Twelfth
Kearney - , Colonel U. S. Army, se corner Seventh and Elm
Keatting Jason, riverman, ss Carr w of Tenth
Keatting Patrick, collector, nw corner Fifth and Almond
Keck Charles, watchman, es Second n of Lombard
Keck Martin, laborer, ws Jackson n of Barry
Keefe John, nailor, ns Cherry e of Second
Keefe Michael, drayman, 232 n Second
Keefe William, riverman, es Seventh s of Wash, on alley
Keefer John & co, hat and cap store, 148 n First
Keefer Michael, shoemaker, se corner Second and Spruce, ups.
Keefer Peter, baker, se corner Second and Poplar
Keegan Bartholomew, hatter, on Third s of Market
Keek Patrick, laborer, 61 Washington-avenue
Keeler Johnson, trader, es Third s of Hazel
Keemle & Field, publishers of Reveille, 22 and 24 Olive
Keemle Charles, (K. & F.) boards at Glasgow-house
Keenan Hugh, painter, boards at James Tully’s
Keenan Joel, segar-maker, ws Third n of Convent
Keene Laura, widow, dressmaker, ss Morgan w of Fifth
Keene Stephen, stone-cutter, ns Morgan e of Broadway
Keep William, cabinet-maker, ns Spruce e of Fourteenth
Keesacker Elizabeth, boarding-house, 52 Green
Keeselhort John, cabinet-maker, es Sixth
Keho Patrick, ns Green w of Fifth
Kehoe Michael, laborer, ws Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
Keim Lewis, sausage-maker, ws Fourteenth s of Clark-avenue
Keinan Richard, rectifier, ns Elm e of Third
Keiser C A, sw corner Thirteenth and Orange
Keiser John, laborer, es Twelfth s of Wash
Keith & Lockwood, carpenters, rear of 53-n Second
Keith David, bookseller and stationer, 110 Market - dwelling, es Ninth n of Morgan
Keith Quincey A, (Ray & co.) ss Pine w of Eighth
Keith Timothy, (K. & L.) rear of 53 n Second
Keith William, carpenter, es Eighth n of Clark-avenue
Keleher John, laborer, ss Market w of Ninth
Keller Geo, Cathedral-organist, and clerk at Catholic-bookstore, ns Walnut between Second and Third
Keller Jacob, ws Seventh nofBiddle
Keller John Adam, shoemaker, es Second s of Cedar
Keller Joseph, distiller, sw corner Barry and Carondelet-av.
Keller Thomas, ss Morgan w of Seventh
Kellogg Ebenezer, bricklayer, 93 Washington-avenue
Kellogg S N, (Collins & K.) boards at City-hotel
Kellogg Saml, ornamental-plasterer, ss Brooklyn w of Broadway
Kelly Daniel, laborer, es Third nofCouvent
Kelly E, tailor, 140 Green Kelly John, ne corner Green and Eleventh
Kelly Eugene, (E K. & co.) ss Walnut e of Second
Kelly Eugene & co, dry-goods merchants, 52 Market
Kelly Jno, shoemaker, 15 Pine - dw, ne cor Eighth and Walnut
Kelly John, es Seventh s of Spruce
Kelly John, laborer, es Broadway n of Franklin-avenue
Kelly Margaret, widow, es Broadway n of Franklin-avenue
Kelly Peter, grocer, ss Market w of Tenth
Kelly Thomas, wagon-maker, 206 n Second
Kelsh Nicholas, plasterer, ns Cedar w of Second
Kelton W H, cabinet-maker, 32 Olive
Kelwit John H, shoemaker, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Kemp Ezra, laborer, es Carondelet-avenue n of Convent
Kemper Roswell, shoemaker, ws Twelfth n of Carr
Kemph Paul, drayman, ws First s of Mullanphy
Kemptf Conrad, laborer, ns Wash w of Eleventh
Kendall John V, cooper, ws Fifth s of Cerre
Kendler, John, coffee-house, nw corner Ninth and Market
Kennaday Charles, on Fourteenth s of Market
Kennaday David, tailor, ns Morgan e of Broadway
Kennaday George, deputy clerk county-recorder’s-office, boards at Maryland-house nw corner Chesnut and
Kennaday Henry, carpenter, nw corner First and Cedar
Kennaday James, lumber merchant, ws Fifth n of Franklin-av.
Kennaday John, ns Myrtle e of Second
Kennaday Julia Ann, [c] widow, ns Cerre w of Eighth
Kennaday Peter, blacksmith, nw cor Seventh and Morgan, ups.
Kennaday Philip, laborer, sw corner Eleventh and Wash
Kennaday R S, carpenter, ws Carondelet-av. s of Duchouquette
Kennaday Reuben, laborer, ss Walnut w of Fifth
Kennaday Walter, ns Poplar e of First
Kennaday Wm, stone-cutter, nw cor Seventh and Morgan, ups.
Kennerly Augustin, ns Morgan w Sixth
Kennett Ferdinand, commission merchant, 20 n Front - dw, nw corner Fourth and Walnut Kennett Luther M,
president Bank of Missouri - dwelling, ws Sixth s of Saint Charles
Kenney William, jeweller, ws Eighth s of Franklin-avenue
Kenney William, tailor, ns Morgan e of Broadway
Kennon John, pattern-maker, boards at Foundry-house
Kenrick Rt. Rev. P R, D.D., Cathedral ns Walnut w of Second
Kensley John, carpenter, ns Rutger w of Fifth
Kent Henry, tailor, es Tenth n of Green
Kepner Christian, laborer, ns Barry e of Jackson
Kercheval R M V, commission merchant, 8 Locust
Kern John, blacksmith, ws Second s of Spruce
Kerns Joshua, laborer, ns Carr w of Twelfth
Kerr Augustus, sw corner Fifth and Locust
Kerr G A, clerk, 150 and 152 n Third
Kerr Mathew, ws Fifth n of Morgan
Kerr Robert, carpenter, ws First s of Mound
Kershaw M, engraver, 28 n Second
Keshner Henry, cabinet-maker, ns Franklin-av. w of Eighth
Ketchum Solomon P, ns Green w of Sixth
Keuler Frederick, cooper, ns Spruce w of First
Keuogh Daniel, bookseller, ss Locust w of Fourth
Keyes Robert, pilot, es Fifth s of Convent, on alley
Keyser Rufus, bricklayer, ns Morgan e of Twelfth
Kiggin James, quarrier, es Thirteenth n of Franklin-avenue
Kiggin Patrick, contractor, ns Franklin-avenue e of Fourteenth
Kilby G W, tobacconist, es Third s of Spruce
Kile Jonathan, wheelwright, es Jackson s of Barry
Kileher Patrick, draynan, es First n of Mound
Kilgon Thomas, drayman, ws Third s of Poplar
Kilian Peter, shoemaker, ss Cedar w of Second
Killer J A, shoemaker, es Second s of Cedar
Kilpatrick George, drayman, es Eleventh-s of Carr
Kilpatrick Robert, drayman, boards at George Kilpatrick’s
Kilwit John H, shoemaker, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Kimball E B, com. merchant, dw, ws Carondelet-av. s of Barry
Kimball Edward, tailor, ns Carr w of Tenth
Kimball J B, & co, wh dealers in boots and shoes, 186 n First
Kimm Theodore, (successor of Kimm, Tewes & Harves) wholesale dry-goods merchant, 25 Market
Kimmell Singleton H, 19 n Sixth .
Kimraoch Jacob, laborer ss Biddle w of Seventh
Kinck Adolph, laborer, es Centre s of Market
King & Fisher, com. and forwarding merchants, 40 n Front
King & Mortimer, painters, 14 Pine
King Benjamin, planemaker, ws Sixth s of Green
King EmanUel, marblecutter, 18 Chesnut
King- Henry, carpenter, ws Jackson n of Barry
King Henry S, (King & F.) boards at City-hotel
King James, plumber, se corner Eighth and Biddle
King John, carter, es Thirteenth s of Wash upstairs
King Thomas James, (K. & M.) ns Hickory w of Edmund King Rufus S, clerk at 20 n Front
King Wyllys, (Doan, K. & co.) ss Carr, four doors s of Sixth
Kingsberry James, captain U. S. Army ss Locust w of Fifth
Kingsland & Ferguson, iron founders, se cor Second and Cherry
Kingsland & Lightner, iron founders, es Broadway s of Biddle
Kingsland George, stove warehouse, 134 n First - dwelling, sw corner Sixth and Biddle
Kingsland Lawrence, nw corner Broadway and Jefferson
Kingsland LeRoy, (K. & F.) boards at Philip Kingsland’s
Kingsland Phillip, (K. & L.) ws Collins n of Cherry
Kinkead J H, clerk at Beach & Eddy’s
Kinkead James, laborer, 61 Washington-avenue
Kinker John, laborer, ns Franklin-avenue e of Fifth
Kinney H R, grocer, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Kinney Peter, laborer, ss Cherry w of Second, upstairs
Kinsey Labon, shoemaker, es Third s of Lombard
Kinsley John, carpenter, ns Rutger w of Fifth
Kinzel Philip, blacksmith, es Carondelet-avenue s of Miller
Kipp Opus, carter, ws Ninth n of Carr
Kips Frank, tailor, 52 Green
Kirby Llias, trader, boards at Mrs. Smith’s
Kircher Conrad, laborer, ns Eleventh e of Gay
Kirk Josephus, segar-maker, es Eleventh n of Morgan
Kirkman Joseph, drayman, ws Eighth n of Carr
Kirkpatrick John, porter, 21 n Front
Kirn John, laborer, ws Eighth n of Wash
Kister Charles, laborer, corner Twelfth and Wash
Kitchner George, plasterer, es Eighth n of Carr, on alley
Kitz Henry, laborer, es Jackson n of Barry
Kitzmiller William W, clerk at justice Carr’s office
Klanke Henry, mason, ws Eighth s of Carr, on alley
Klass Philip, laborer, es Twelfth n of Carr
Klauber Jacob, carpenter, ws Fourth s of Cerre
Klauber Jacob, jr, carpenter, ws Fourth s of Cerre
Kleekamp Henry, carpenter, ns Walnut w of Tenth
Klein E, wholesale druggist, 3 n Front - dwelling, 103 s First
Klein Joseph, riverman, ws Fifth s of Poplar
Klein M, tailor, ws Seventh s of Wash
Klein Peter, laborer, ws Carondelet-road s of Convent
Klein William, tailor, 34 Olive
Kleinhenn Emanuel, gunsmith, ns Franklin-av. w of Eighth
Kleinmann Jacob, carter, ws Jackson n of Barry
Klete Casper, blacksmith, ss Plum w of Second
Kleves William, riverman, ne corner Eighth and Morgan
Kline George, carpenter, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Klolz Frederick, tailor, ws Twelfth n of Carr
Kloppenburg F, (Shulze & K.) es Third sof Green
Klos P, laborer, ws Twelfth s of Biddle
Klup Jacob, carpenter, wa Carondelet-avenue n of Emmett
Knacht Peter, coffee-house, sw corner First and Myrtle
Knapp & Shea, merchant tailors, 41 n First
Knapp Edward, painter, es Fifth s of Convent.
Knapp George, (Chambers & K.) nw cor Fourth and Green
Knapp John, (K. & S. 41 n First)
Knauber Heinhold, coffee-house, 73 n Front
Kneiss Jacob, laborer, ss Miller e of Jackson
Knichel - not yet
Knight Edward, blacksmith, ss Market w of Tenth
Knight James, blacksmith, ss Saint Charles w of Fifth
Knill John A, carter, ws Jackson s of Marion
Knippenburg Frederick, tailor, ss Morgan w of Fifth
Knispel Charles, ws Third s of Convent
Knoblaugh Adolph, tobacconist, ns Convent e of Fifth
Knoblock John, tailor, ns Morgan e of Eleventh
Knode Peter, nw corner Eleventh and Gay, upstairs
Knoerr Valentine, laborer, ws Third n of Olive
Knopp Adam, teamster, ws Carondelet-avenue s of Marion
Knostmann Caspar, laborer, ws Tenth n of Carr
Knott B J, (Blannerhassett & K.) 74 Chesnut.-dwelling, corner Fifth and Almond
Knott Benj, chandler and starch manfr, ss Almond w of Second
Knott Zephaniah, carpenter, es Second n of Cedar
Knowles Frederick, painter, ns Almond e of Third
Knowlton Zaccheus, trader, ss Locust w of Third
Knox F, M.D., office 40 Pine
Knox John, stone-cutter, ws Third s of Convent
Knox M, produce dealer and com. merchant, ws Commercial n of Vine - dwelling, 126 n Third, opposite
Knox R F, clerk at Milton Knox’s
Knox Reuben, M.D., ns Franklin-avenue w of Ninth
Knox Samuel, attorney at law, 40 Pine
Knox T H, clerk at Gazette-office - dw, es Sixth s of Biddle
Knox T M, attorney at law, 22 Pine
Knudler David, bricklayer, ws Third s of Convent
Kobler Wilhelm, laborer, ns Orange e of Twelfth
Kobr Ludwig, watchmaker, ss Franklin-avenue w of Tenth
Koch Frederick, baker, ss Carr w of Eighth
Koch Henry, watchmaker, ns Myrtle w of Third
Koch John L, laborer, ws Second s of Plum
Koenneck Gerhardt, laborer, ss Biddle w of Ninth
Kohl Bernard, laborer, es Fifth n of Rutger
Kohlmann Johann, es Columbus s of Miller
Kohn & Mandlebaum, merchants, ns Franklin-av. e of Fifth
Kohn Adam, blacksmith, es Ninth s of Green, upstairs
Kohn Joseph, (Abies & K.) ns Vine w of Second
Kohn Marcus, (K. & M.) ns Franklin-avenue e of Fifth
Koke William, painter, ws Third opposite theatre
Kolbach Henry, laborer, ss Biddle e of Eleventh
Koln Henry, ns Morgan w of Fourth, upstairs
Kompf William, butcher, ss Spruce of Twelfth
Konig John, wood-sawyer, ns Carr w of Eleventh
Kopf Rinehart, shoemaker, ns Morgan w of Tenth
Korff Frederick, teamster, ws Eighth s of Wash
Korig Henry, carpenter, se corner Eleventh and Biddle
Korner Adam, barkeeper at White-lamb-tavern
Kornman George, carpenter, es Fifth s of Convent, on alley
Kornmeier Fredk, tailor, ns Franklin-av. w of Eighth, upstairs
Korthon J, Hemburgher’s tavern, ne cor Barry and Carondelet-av
Kortsborn Jacob, butcher, es Second s of Hazle
Koscilowski Napoleon, engineer, ws Tenth s of Market
Koser Charles, grocer, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Kost Jacob, barber, es Second s of Plum
Kottz Caspar, laborer, ns Wash w of Eighth
Koyew Anton, laborer, ss Lombard w ol Second
Kraehe August, grocer, es Second 8 of Lombard
Kraeling Louisa, widow, ss Spruce w of Fourth
Kraft Anthony, cabinet-maker, es Broadway n of Morgan, ups.
Kraft Caspar, laborer, ss Marion e of Jackson
Kraft Heaman, es Second &«f Hazle
Kraft Henry, butcher, es Second s of Convent
Kraher J, French-bootmaker, 14 Pine
Kraher John, blacksmith, 137 Chesnut
Krall Martin, laborer, ns Barry e of Carondelet-aevnue
Kramer Casper, cooper, es Fifth s of Wash, on alley
Kramer Henry, es Tenth n of Carr, on alley
Kramer Herman, clothier, se corner Sixth and Morgan
Kramer Peter, drayman, ns Plum w of First
Kraudler Andrew, St. Louis-tavern, ne corner First and Green
Krause John, mason, ns Poplar e of Second
Kraut William, Henri-house, 11 n Front
Krautz William, carpenter, ss Plum w of Second
Krele Martin, es Fifth n of Convent
Kremer Frederick, ss Green w of Sixth
Kremer John, carter, ws Twelfth s of Spruce
Kremer Joseph, ropemaker, es Fourteenth n of Wash
Kremer Matthias, carter, es Fifth n of Convent
Krenest J B, grocer, se corner Howard and Broadway
Krenz John, laborer, ws Eleventh s of Carr
Krepps Christian, scourer, ws Columbus s of Miller
Kretchmar F, justice of peace, es First s of Myrtle - dwelling, ns Walnut w of Sixth
Kreve Caspar, laborer, es Third s of Convent
Kribbin Charles, attorney at law, 37 Pine
Krider Hiram, cabinet-maker, 51 n Second
Kriegar J Philip, barkeeper at Shades
Krit Peter, laborer, ws First n of Spruce
Kritel Peter, boarding-house, 52 Green
Kroestler Francis, laborer, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Kroft Matthias, musician, es Second s of Poplar
Kroft Michael, mason, ns Myrtle e of First, upstairs
Krug Andrew, clerk, es Second s of Cedar
Krug Fidelle, Rhenish-tavern, es Second n of Green
Krug Henry, laborer, es Ninth s of Carr, upstairs
Krug Lewis, collee-house, sw corner Second and Almond
Kruger Nicholas, laborer, ws Third n of Convent
Krum Hon. J M, office at Court-house - dwelling, 194 Olive
Kruse Ernst, cabinet-maker, ws Third n of Convent, on alley
Kruse Frederick, tailor, 56 Green
Kruse Henry, carpenter, ws Eighth s of Wash
Kruth John C, ragman, ws Carondelet-avenue s of Marion
Kuhlman William, wagon-maker, ws Second s of Spruce
Kunsemuller C & F, merchants, sw corner Fourth and Morgan
Kunz Michael, brewer, ss Carr e of Eighth
Kurlbaum Hiram, es Seventh s of Gratiot
Kurth Fredk, grocer, sw cor Thirteenth and Franklin-avenue
Kyle Robert, tobacconist, dwelling es Fifth n of Morgan
Kyle William, carpenter, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eighth
L’Hussier Louis, merchant, 9 Market - dwelling, nw corner Second and Plum
Labadie Antoine, [c] butcher, ss Elm w of Second, upstairs
Labadie Joseph, butcher, ws Third s of Almond
Labadie Julia, 76 n Third
Labadie Peter, [c] butcher, 79 n Second, upstairs r
Labadie Sylvester, ns Olive w of Fifth
LaBarge Joseph, jr, es Second n of Plum
LaBarge Joseph, ws First n of Cedar
Labausche Francis, ns Cedar w of First
LaBeau John B, gunsmith, ne corner First and Poplar
Labeaume Chaurete, law student at Gamble & Bates’
Labeaume L A, ss Olive w of Second
Labeaume Louis T
Lacaille Julian, clerk at Vaullaine, jr.’s
Lackey A M, (Peixotto & co.) ws Sixth s of Spruce
Lackey Hugh, collector, es Eleventh n of Carr
Lackland B E, attorney at law, 52 n Second
Lackland James R, deputy clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, boards at the corner of First and Locust
Lackland R J, clerk, ns Locust w of Second
Lackley William, carpenter, es Sixth n of Cerre, on alley
Lacock Archibald, laborer, ws Tenth s of Biddle
Ladd J S, printer, 47 n First
Ladew A P, type founder and printer’s warehouse, 49 Locust - dwelling es Fifth n of Morgan
Ladies’ Classical Seminary, M H Patton, 107 Locust
Lafflin M, manufacturer and dealer in gunpowder, 26 n Front
Lafflin Sylvester H, 26 n Front
LaFranee John R, ws Third s of Myrtle
Lague Peter, es Third n of Locust
Lague Peter, porter at 45 n Front
Laidain Mary, boarding-house, 24 Chesnut
Laidy Peter, ws Second n of Convent
Laing Freeman, carpenter, ns Lombard e of Third
Lake John, carpenter, ws Eighth s of Wash
Lamarque B L, wholesale grocer and com. merch, 24 n Front
Lamarque P M C, clerk, 22 n Front
Lamb Charles, laborer, es Ninth n of Market
Lambdin Thomas S, M.D., 200 n First
Lambert Clement, coffee-house, ne corner Second and Lombard
Lambert George, laborer, nw corner Tenth and Carr, upstairs
Lambert George, laborer, ss Morgan e of Fifteenth
Lambert James, [c] riverman, 21 Chesnut
Lambert Wilbur, 6s Clark-avenue w of Seventh, on alley
Lamborn J, attorney at law, ss Pine e of Second
Lammey A J, (Myerle &L.) 79 Chesnut
Lamoureux & Blanchard, merchants, 14 s First
Lamoureux Moses, (L. & B.) nw corner Second and Poplar
Lampet Henry, laborer, ws Eighth n of Wash
Lampkuhl Henry, Madison-house, ns Cherry w of Second
Lancaster Washington, wire-weaver, es Eighth n of Carr
Landers David, carpenter, es Tenth n of Green
Landsman J, bricklayer, ne corner Eleventh and Gay, upstairs
Landwar Casper, tailor, es Third s of Convent
Landwehr Herman, laborer, ws Eighth n of Wash .
Lane & McCabe, physicians, 92 n First
Lane Hardage, (L. & McCabe) nw-corner Fifth and Locust
Lane James S, sw corner Third and Pine
Lane Wm C, M.D., office basement Planters’-house-dwelling, sw corner Fifth and Market
Lang Joseph, shoemaker, es Ninth n of Washington-avenue
Langbien Andreas, shoemaker, ws Twelfth s of Biddle
Langdon Solomon, engineer, es Ninth s of Walnut
Lange John, shoemaker, es Thirteenth n of Wash
Langholm Federick, es Fourteenth s of Market
Langiller F X, merchant, 9 Market
Langley William J, merchant, dwelling, ss Plum w of First
Langlin A, riverman, boards at Peltier’s
Langton J, attorney at law, 39 Pine
Langudh Adam, blacksmith, es Carondelet-avenue s of Emmett
Lanhaus Henry, carter, ws Eighth s of Wash
Lannegan Peter, dray man, ns Spruce w of Twelfth
Lanning Christopher, drayman, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Lanning Luke, laborer, es Tenth n of Market
Lanstrom Hannah, Female Seminary, es Fourth n of Chesnut, opposite the Planters’-house
Lantz Peter, mason, ws Second s of Mulberry
Lapoint Lawrence, ne corner Second and Mulberry
Lapsley Joseph, laborer, ns Myrtle w of Front
Lapsley Thomas, es Second n of Florida
Larkin Thomas H, commission merchant, 59 n Front - dwelling, nw corner Fifth and Chesnut
Laroux Ellen, widow, es Third s of Elm
Laroux Sylvester, es Third s of Elm
Lasby Isral, carpenter, sw corner Eleventh and Wash
Lashey Joel, laborer, ns Orange w of Twelfth
Latoen Peter, carpenter, ws Second s of Lombard
Latresse Edward, ws Third n of Spruce
Latresse Frederick, ws Third n of Spruce
Latresse J, ws Third n of Spruce
Latrice John, painter, ws Sixth s of Poplar
Latz Isidore, tailor, 35 Chesnut
Lauder David, stone-cutter, es Broadway s of Biddle
Laughlin John, ss Myrtle e of First
Laughlin O D, clerk at Winters & Farrington’s
Laughlin Patrick, laborer, se corner Tenth and Chesnut
Laughton John, M.D., 121 Pine
Lauman Frederick, grocer, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eleventh
Laveille Lavina, widow, ne corner Fifth and Myrtle
Lavy John, laborer, 232 n Second
Lawhead Benjamin, blacksmith, ns Green w of Tenth
Lawler Patrick, ss Wash w of Eighth
Lawless J, saddler, 864 Front
Lawless Luke E, attorney at law, 119 Chesnut
Lawrence Charles, ss Walnut w of Fifth
Lawrence Elbridge, (Tucker & L.) boards at Planters’-house
Lawrence Isaac, carpenter, ws Seventh s of O’Fallan
Lawrence William B, at A S Swearengen’s
Lawson Charles, tinner, es Tenth n of Green
Lawson Moses, trader, boards at White-lamb-taverrj
Lawson Thomas, clerk, ns Morgan w of Sixth
Lawson Thomas, plumber, 66 Green
Lawson Thomas, ss Morgan e of Fifteenth
Laycock Peter, saddler, es Twelfth n of Carr
Layman George, carpenter, ns Gay e of Fifteenth
Laytonton Martin, trader, ws Ninth n of Morgan
Lazarus & McNair, real estate agents, 52 n Secon4
Lazarus Moses L, (L.& McN.) 36 Chesnut
Leach Arthur, stone-cutter, 182 Green
Leach John, grocer and dry-goods merchant, 190 and 192 n Third - dwelling, 140 n Sixth
Leach Julius, tailor, 9 Market
Leahy Patrick, laborer, ns Myrtle e of First
Leahy Timothy, laborer, ns Myrtle e of First
Leak John B, rivennan, ws Second n of Vine
Leake EmanueL, mason, nw corner Eleventh and Carr
Leavy Edward, ws Fourth n of Morgan
LeBeau C B, 81 Saint Charles
LeBeau Frederick, fur-trader, es Third s of Myrtle
Lech Wilhelm, ss Franklin-avnue w of Twelfth, upstairs
Leckey Thomas, mason, es Fifth s of Cerre
Lecompte A, saddler, dwelling es Ham s of Chouteau-av.
Lecompte Basil, es First s of Poplar
Lecompte C, widow, ss Mound e of Broadway, upstairs
Lecompte Isadora, es First s of Foplar
Lecompte J G, rivennan, ss Clark av w of Seventh
Leddle William, tailor, es Fifth s of Morgan
Ledenkampf B, wood-sawyer, es Eleventh s of Biddle
LeDuc Joseph, dyer and scourer, 42 Chesnut
LeDuc Louis, 44 Chesnut
Lee Alexander, mason, es Eleventh s of Wash
Lee Catharine, ss Spruce e of Third
Lee Charlotte, widow, boarding-house, 148 n Third
Lee Elliott, se corner First and Poplar
Lee John, boards at William Finney’s
Lee John, carriage-maker, boards at Mansion-house
Lee John, portrait and ornamental painter, 59 Market
Lee John, ws Broadway n of Franklin-avenue
Lee Margaret, ns Market w of Ninth
Lee Richard B, Major U. S. Army, es Sixth n of Pine
Lee Thomas, baker, ns Morgan w of Twelfth
Lee William D, printer, 22 Olive
Lee William F, 102 n First
Leeds Ellis N, bricklayer, 65 n Fourth
Lefevre Antoine, carpenter, ws Third opposite theatre
Leffingwell H W, (McCammant & L.) attorney at law, basement Planters’rhouse
Legle John, laborer, ws Jackson n of Barry
Lehker Ludwig, tailor, es Sixth n of Wash
Lehman J G, tailor, ws Third s of Convent
Leiby John, trader, ws Sixth n of Pine
Leidy T W, steamboat captain, ws Fifth n of Olive
Leinmeyer William H, tailor, ws Eighth s of Wash
Leinmeyer William, laborer, 247 n Second, upstairs
Leiper John, laborer, es Tenth ff of Clark-avenue
Leland Walter, laborer, es Ninth n of Carr
Lemon M, carpenter, se corner Third and Spruce, upstairs
Lemp A, (L. St co.) es Second s of Walnut
Lemp A & co, brewers and vinegar makers, es Second s of Walnut
Lenezey William, tinner, ss Franklin-aveune w of Tenth
Lens Stephen, laborer, es Eleventh s of Biddle
Leonard John B, trader, ws Tenth n of Carr
Leonard Philip, drayman, ws Fifth n of Green
Leonard William, merchant, ns Frankljn-av. w of Broadway
Leonard Zenas, confectioner, ns Carr w of Eleventh
Leonhard August, tinner, ws Sixth n of Chesnut
Leonhard Frederick, fringe-maker, ws Second s of Elm
Leonhart John, saddler, ss Franklin-avenue w of Seventh
Leonhart Peter, shoemaker, es Thirteenth n of Wash
Leopold Jacob, clerk in city engineer’s office
Lepper Philip, laborer, ss Myrtle e of First
Lerow William, riverman, es Eighth n of Wash, upstairs
Leslie and Lord, attorneys at law, 53 Pine
Leslie G C & co, grocers, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Leslie GO, (G C L. & co.) ws Broadway n of Morgan
Leslie M, (L. &. L.) circuit attorney, ws Seventh n of Spruce
Lester Edward, watchmaker, ss Wash w of Eighth
Lester John L, boarding-house, ns Market w of Eighth
Lester John, ss Wash w of Eighth
Lesueur Alexander, merchant, se corner Fourth and Pine
Letcher Isaac A, 166 Market
Letford W, blacksmith, ss Green w of Seventh, on alley
Letstorf Adam, ns Washington-avenue e of Eighth, on alley
Letting Abram, segar-maker, es Second s ofElm
Levi Alexander & Brother, auctioneers, 58 n First
Levi Nathan, (L. & Brother) 58 n First
Levi Solomon J, 87 Olive
Levis Charles, architect, nw corner Sixth and Pine
Levis Eli, laborerj ns Market w of Ninth
Levison David, clothier, 21 n First
Levoy Nelson, carpenter, es Tenth n of Green, upstairs
Levy Charles, tailor, es Second s of Vine
Levy James, laborer, es Ninth n of Carr
Levy Reuben, tailor, es Broadways of Biddle
Levy Samuel, clothier, 61 Olive
Lewellen Charles, es Third s of Elm
Lewis & McCamly, merchants, sw corner Fourth and Olive
Lewis Alexander, es Fifth n of Olive
Lewis Anderson, ns Chesnut w of Second, on alley
Lewis Anthony, 7 n Second
Lewis Augustus H, law-student with J F Darby
Lewis C &. T, clothiers, sw corner First and Green
Lewis C, trader, 65 Olive
Lewis Charles, (C & T L.) se corner Tenth and Carr
Lewis Edward, segar-maker, se cor Seventh and St. Charles
Lewis Evan, Saint Louis billiard’saloon, 20 Vine
Lewis George F, Upholsterer and paper-hanger, 134 n Second
Lewis H, carpenter, 95 Olive
Lewis John R, (L. & McC.) boards at A Boyd’s
Lewzeis William, tinner, 61 n Front
Liberty-hall, D P Dana, ne corner Cherry and Broadway
Licht Michael, tailor, ns Wash w of Eighth
Lichtenstein Joseph V, shoemaker, ss Morgan e of Third
Liddle William, tailor, e"s Fifth s of Morgan
Liebenstein Andreas, wagon-maker, ss Myrtle e of Second
Liebig Philip, shoemaker, es Sixth n of Elm
Lienmeyer & Krenning, merchants, ws Third s of Green
Liggett C M, teacher of Penmanship and Stylography, ne corner Fourth and Chesnut, upstairs; entrance at 101
Chesnut - dwelling, ns Morgan w of Sixth
Lightcap John, cabinet-maker, 76 n Second - dwelling, nw corner Second and Olive
Lightcap William, cabinet-maker, 91 n First
Lightner JH, (L.&co.) boards at the National-hotel
Lightner Joel F, (L. & co.) boards at Virginia-hotel
Lightner Joel F & co, stove and castings dealers, 188 n First
Ligle John, laborer, ws Jackson n of Barry
Lille John, riverman, ws Second s of Cedar
Lilly Joseph, laborer, ns Walnut w of Eighth, upstairs
Limebaugh Christian, tailor, 34 Olive
Limerick John, laborer, ws Second n of Mulberry
Linchey Hugh, carpenter, ss Morgan w of Sixteenth
Lindell Jesse G, ws Eighth s of Morgan
Lindell Nancy, widow, es Broadway n of Green, upstairs
Lindell Peter, es Broadway, near reservoir
Linder William, tailor, 247 n Second, upstairs
Lindman John, laborer, ns Cherry w of Second, upstairs
Lindsey Anson, carpenter, es Second s of Mulberry
Lindsey John, saddler, es Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
Lindsey William, grocer, se corner Fifth and Cerre
Linebaugh Jacob, ashman, ss Convent w of Third, on alley
Lingo William, ws Second s of Mound
Linhoff Henry, clerk, 26 s First
Lining Adolph, shoemaker, ws Second n of Cedar
Linkenmeyer H, ( Angelbeck & L.) sw cor Third and Walnut
Linn J M, wholesale merchant, 163 n First
Linton John, cabinet-maker, es Second n of Mulberry
Linton M L, M. D., office and dwelling ws Sixth n of Green
Lipkner Jacob, laborer, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Lirsch John, tailor, ws Second s of Plum
Lischenstein Harris, clothier, 37 n Front
Lischer Conrad, laborer, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Literary Emporium, 70 Chesnut
Litsgers George, laborer, es Third s of Convent
Little & co, fruit-store, es Fourth n of Pine
Little Freeman, funeral-furnisher, 6 n Second
Little J A, fruit-store, 91 and 93 Chesnut
Little James, (L. & co.) es Fourth n of Pine
Little James, boards at Mrs Dowling’s
Little James, tinner, at 45 n First
Little Jesse, cabinet-maker, se corner Fourth and Walnut
Little John, drayman, es Second s of Hazel
Little Thomas, (L.&co.) es Fourth n of Pine
Littleton J, steamboat captain, sw cor Sixth and St Charles
Littleton Jacob, engineer, ws Fourth s of Spruce, on alley
Littleton M, steamboat captain, ws Sixth n of Morgan
Livesly Jacob, carter, es Second n of Convent
Livingston G T, confectioner, 18 Pine
Livingston Violetta, milliner, 40 Market
Loane Henry, cabinet-maker, es Seventh s of Carr
Loane John, cabinet-maker, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Lock James, [c] cook, 141 Green
Lock Joseph, plasterer, 165 Washington-avenue
Lockerman Philip, es Fifth s of Locust
Lockman Dietrich, 17 Market
Lockman Martin, tailor, ns Hazel w of Second
Lockwood Abram W, (Keith St L.) 53 n Second
Lockwood Isaac, hide and leather dealer, 45 Front
Lockwood Isaac, ws Fourth s of Elm
Lockwood Richard J, (Hill & L.) 70 n Front
Lockwood Samuel, es Fourth n of Pine
Lockwood Samuel, hatter, 88 First
Locust Lafferty James, steamboat captain, se corner Third and Elm
Lodencampf Bernard, wood-sawyer, es Eleventh s ofBiddle
Lodge William, drayman, ns Myrtle e of First
Logan Charles, drayman, ws Broadway n of Wash
Logan Samuel, laborer, ss Walnut e of Ninth
Logan Thomas, carter, es Sixth s of Wash
Logue Bernard, laborer, ns Myrtle w of First
Logue P, es Third n of Locust
Logue Peter, porter, 45 n First
Lohman Gerhard, laborer, ns Franklin-av. e of Fifth, on alley
Lohmeller Thomas, tinner, 61 n First
Lohmeyer H H, tailor, 98 Pine
Lohrman Bernard, blacksmith, ws Sixth s of Wash, on alley
Lokemp John, laborer, es Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
Loker Andrew, carpenter, ws Ninth n of Carr
Lomkhul Henry, Madison-house, ns Cherry w of Second
Loney Timothy, ss Market w of Tenth
Long Henry, pedlar, se corner Thirteenth and Carr
Long John, laborer, es Ninth s of Wash
Long Joseph G, boarding-house, ss Locust w of First
Long William B, clerk at Blaine, Tompkins & Barrett
Longdo Lawrence, carpenter, 241 n Second
Longumare Chas, merchant, 60 n Front - dwelling, es Broadway n of Biddle
Longumare Leon, merchant, 60 n Front - dwelling, es Broadway n of Biddle
Loomis Erastus, trader, ns Carr w of Ninth
Loop Wm, (Brand, Loop & Vance) nw corner First and Elm
Lord C B, (Leslie & L.) boards at Glasgow-house
Lord Charles A, ne corner Fourth and Chesnut
Lorenz John Gotfried, shoemaker, se corner First and Myrtle
Lorenz Johnan, es Second s of Hazel
Loring Charles, es Eighth n of Morgan
Loring H J, hat and cap store, 68 n First
Lothrop David, livery-stable, Front n of Myrtle
Lott C F, M.D., ss Morgan w of Sixth
Lott William B, painter, 33 s Second
Loub Thomas, laborer, ne corner Centre and Market
Loucks Andrew P, baker and confectioner, 117 n Fourth
Loudenslager Philip, laborer, ws Eleventh n of Wash
Loudenzerck William, ws Eleventh n of Carr
Louderbach John, laborer, sw corner Eighth and Wash, ups.
Louderman J C, clothier, 104 and 161 n First
Louderman J H, clerk, i04 n First
Loughery George, es Second s of Hazel
Loughlin O D, clerk at Winters and Farrington’s
Louisiana Tavern, M Gregan, ne corner Second and Morgan
Loutain Pierre, ns Cedar w of First
Love Joseph, bricklayer, es Second s of Convent
Lovell James, butcher, ns Orange w of Twelfth
Lowe Peter, ws Second s of Convent
Lowe William, 24 n Front
Lowrie John, clerk, 35 n Fourth
Lowry Andrew, ws Second n of Hazel
Lowry Robert, quarrier, boards at P McKenna’s
Lowry S, Missouri Exchange, 11 Washington-avenue
Lowry Samuel, City Hall, 172 n Third
Lowry Thomas, baker, at Davis & Murray’s
Lowther Robert, painter, ns Randolph e of Fourteenth
Loyd Daniel, bookbinder, ss of Wash e of Eighth
Lubbing Frederick, ws Twelfth n of Carr
Lucas James H, 123 Chesnut - dw, ws Seventh n of Market
Lucas Samuel, riverman, es Jackson s of Marion
Ludlow Edward, painter, es Tenth n of Market
Ludlow George, bricklayer, ss Carr w of Tenth
Ludlow Samuel, bricklayer, ss Wash w of Eighth
Ludwig Sarah, fortune teller, 63 Olive, opposite theatre
Luft Andrew, laborer, es Fifth s of Convent
Luhring Wilhelm, carpenter, es Second s of Hazel
Luken Peter, laborer, S3 Walnut w of Eighth
Lukens Jacob, confectioner, ss Cedar e of Third
Lukens John, shoemaker, ns Green w of Fifth
Lumley Josephus, blacksmith, ws Second n of Cherry
Lund William, steamboat mate, ws Seventh s of Wash
Lunebrink Wilhelm, ws Fifth n of Green
Lupton Josiah, segar maker, ws Locust w of Third, upstairs
Lupton Wellington, engineer, es Collins n of Cherry
Lurse Diedrick, laborer, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Lurtz Joseph, baker, es Carondelet s of Barry
Lurtz Peter, baker, ss Franklin-avenue w of Thirteenth
Luster Henry, cabinet-maker, es Tenth n of Market
Luthey Franklin, carpenter, boards at Mrs. Smith’s
Luthy James, carpenter, ne’corner Eighth and Washington-av.
Luthy John, M.D., ns Spruce w of First
Lutke Bernard, laborer, es Seventh s of Wash
Lutz Adam, tailor, ws Eighth n of Wash
Lutz Joseph, shoemaker, ns Biddle w of Seventh
Lux John, ws Fourth n of Almond, on alley
Lyceum Hall, 49 n Third
Lyle Alexander L, carpenter, ws Seventh s of Market
Lyman Charles, ws Second s of Lombard
Lyman James, bookkeeper, 101 n First
Lyman Joseph, trader, es Second n of Hazel
Lynch Daniel, baker, ns Morgan w of Sixth
Lynch J C, ws Carondelet-avenue, opposite Arsenal
Lynch John, carpenter, ns Myrtle w of Fifth
Lynch John, carpenter, boards with William Blair
Lynch John, laborer, se corner Fourth and Morgan, upstairs
Lynch L S, (T & L S L.), 211 Broadway
Lynch P & R, produce dealers, 7 s Front
Lynch Peter, (P & R L.) ss Elm w of Sixth
Lynch Robert, (P & R L.) 7 s Front
Lynch William A, cabinet-maker and undertaker, 132 n Third -dwelling, 134 n Third
Lynd Thomas, carpenter, es Second s of Convent
Lyndhurst T, ws Second s of Convent
Lyner Oliver, dyer and scourer, ws Columbus s of Marion
Lyon, Shorb & co, Sligo iron and nail store, 55 n Front
Lyon T (T & L S L.) 211 Broadway
Lyon Timothy & S L, grocers and ink and blacking manufacturers, 211 Broadway
Lyons John H, carpenter, 150 Washington-avenue
Lyons Wilson, riverman, es Second n of Plum
Lyra Herman H, tailor, 43 Saint Charles
Lytle Edward, chandler, es Second s of Poplar
Maaman H H, shoemaker, ns Wash e of Ninth
Maas William, cabinet-maker, es Ninth s of Carr
Macartney George, accountant, es Seventh n of Morgan
Macartney Thomas, constable, es Seventh n of Morgan
Macdonough - , M.D., 59 Pine
Macdonough A R, attorney at law, 61 Pine
Machem Clemson, cooper, ws Second n of Vine
Machenheemer John, soapmaker, es Carondelet-av. s of Barry
Mack William, carpenter, es Seventh s of Wash
Mackall - , surgeon-dentist, 117 Chesnut
Macklin John, provision store, ns Elm w of First
Macklin John, ss Poplar e of Second, upstairs
Mackoy A, 120 n Fourth
Mackoy J&TL, wh. grocers and com. merchants, 49 n Front
Mackoy James, (J & T L M.) 49 n Front
Mackoy T L, (J&TL M.) 49 n Front
Macritfe Peter, 33 n Filth
Madden James, coffee-house, ne corner Second and Spruce
Madden James, laborer, es Seventh s of Wash
Madden John, laborer, es Tenth n of Market
Maddison House, William Lampkuhl, ns Cherry w of Second
Maddox Turner, plasterer, ns Myrtle w of Fifth
Maear Charles, laborer, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Maear Henry, shoemaker, 117 Green
Magehan & Mcllroy, dry-goods merchants, 146 n Third
Magehan D A, (M. & Mel.) Brant’s-row, 146 n Third
Magehan J M, carpenter, es Third s of Spruce
Magger John, plasterer, ns Carr e of Eighth
Magivney & Blakely, livery-stable, ns Franklin-av w of Seventh
Magivney Peter, (M. &B.) ns Franklin-avenue w of Seventh
Magner John, clerk, ws Sixth s of Wash
Magueron Philip, grocer, ne corner Second and Almond
Maguire George, es Second s of Poplar
Maguire James, jr, druggist, ne corner Second and Olive
Maguire Michael, laborer, ws Seventh n of Carr
Magwire John, office Sligo iron store
Maher Patrick, laborer, S3 Market w of Tenth, on alley
Maher Thomas, tavern, se corner Fifth and Green
Maheux Eusebius, confectioner, ws Second s of Spruce
Mahl Philip C, shoemaker, ns Franklin-avenue e of Fifth
Mahn Thomas, laborer, nw corner Tenth and Walnut
Mahoney Edward, plasterer, ss Morgan e of Third
Mahoney Martin, laborer, se corner Seventh and Carr
Mahoney William, boarding-house, ss Morgan e of Third
Maigne John, tinware manufacturer, 4 n First
Malas William, shoemaker, ns Wash e of Ninth
Maley Edward, laborer, ns Franklin-avenue w of Ninth
Mallender James, tailor, 26 Green, upstairs
Mallett Charles, printer, boards with F P Mallett
Mallett Francis, es Fifth s of Convent
Mallett Francis P, painter, 24 Green, upstairs
Malloy William, tailor, 36 Market
Maloy James, laborer, ws Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
Malumby John, laborer, ns Market w of Ninth
Manck Philip, confectioner, ws Sixth n of Chesnut
Mandeville John, laborer, ss Saint Charles e of Sixth
Mandlebaum Frank, (K. & M.) ss Franklin-ave of Fifth
Mandlebaum Samuel, broker, dwelling ws Fifth s of Park-av.
Manheu John, cabinet-maker, ws Sixth s of Cerre
Mann George B, boot and shoe store, 68 Market
Mann John, shoemaker, ws Second s of Convent
Mann Samuel, carpenter, 143 Green
Mann Theophilus, bakgr, es Twelfth s of Biddle
Mann Thomas, printer, boards at 63 Vine
Manning Aaron, ne corner Ninth and Chesnut
Manning Edward, teamster, es Second n of Mulberry
Manning George, laborer, ws First s of Mulberry
Manning Hon. A W, judge Crim. Court, bds at Planters’-house
Manning Laurence, drayman, es Tenth n of Morgan
Manning Mary Ann, boarding-house, ns Morgan w of Second
Manny E A, (Johnson & M.) ne corner Second and Chesnut
Manny Jeremiah D, eity-weigher, 50 n Front
Manny John T, bookkeeper, 50 n Front
Mansen Charles, es Second n of Carr
Mansfield Sampson, hatter, ss Carr e of Seventh
Mansion House, C D Walton, se corner Fourth and Chesnut
Mara Thomas, plasterer, ns Randolph e of Fourteenth
Margasche Conrad, ns Lombard w of First
Marin Joseph, brass-founder, ws Second n of Almond
Marine Insurance Company, 102 n First
Marketers’ Tavern, ss Centre-market
Marlow John, turner and cabinet-maker, dwelling 28 Green
Marquette Henry, plasterer, es Ninth s of Labeaume
Marsden James, gardener, 85 Walnut
Marsh Alfred, crockery-packer, ss Market w of Eighth
Marsh David, clerk, boards at Monroe’s
Marsh H W, tailor, ns Pine w of Third, upstairs
Marsh William, blacking manufacturer, ns Market w of Ninth
Marsh William, job-smith, ws Second n of Olive
Marshall Alexander, M.D., ss Green w of Third
Marthens H. C., M.D, 46 n Second bet Chesnut and Pine streets
Martial Augustin, tailor, ss Mulberry e of First
Martin Archibald, laborer, ss Market w of Tenth
Martin Archibald, teamster, es Seventh s of Gratiot
Martin Charles, clerk at John T Martin’s
Martin E F, (Price & M.) 10 n Front
Martin E, M.D., Rucker’s-row, Fifth near Gratiot
Martin Edwin M, es Seventh .n of Green
Martin Elija, M.D., dwelling es Fifth s of Almond
Martin J, soda-water manufr, se cor Fourteenth and Clark-av.
Martin Jacob, ss Locust w of Fourth
Martin John, bricklayer, ws Eighth s of Franklin-avenue
Martin John T, clothier, 118 n First
Martin Mary, widow, 153 Green
Martin Meredith, M.D., 42 n Seeond
Martin T F, clerk, 68 Chesmit
Masear Charles, tobacconist, wg Third n of Pine
Mashler Valentine, butcher, ws Twelfth s of Biddle
Mason E R, (Taylor & M.) 96 n First
Mason Lewis, grocer, es Twelfth n of Franklin-avenue
Mason Robert, coffee-house, es Third s of Morgan
Mason Willam B, carpenter, ns Mulberry e of Fourth
Massalski Joseph, auctioneer, ns Fourth
Massar W J N, commission merchant, 80 n Front
Massie David, measurer, ns Walnut w of Eighth
Massob Fiorina, widow, ws Fifth s of Rutger
Massot Joseph, es Fourth n of Mulberry
Mast C, cabinet-maker, ne corner Fifth and Convent
Mast Conrad, laborer, ws Ninth n of Carr
Mastall Barnard, miller, ws Second s of Plum
Masure & Fourgeaud, M.D., 30 Pine
Masure P A, (M. & F.) es Fourth n of Cedar
Matlack & Rogers, wh hosiery, glove, and trimmings, 134 n First
Matlack D, (M. & R.) boards at Missouri-hotel
Matlack E, ( M. & P.) carpenter, se cor Ninth and Washington-av
Matlack G, (M. & P.) 198 Washington-avenue
Matlack William L, plasterer, es Seventh s of Carr
Matlacks & Plant, Franklin steam-mill, ns Franklin-av. e of Sixth
Matthews A J, builder, ss Plum w of First
Matthews Alexander, teamster, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Matthews George, carpenter, es Centre s of Market
Matthews John S, shoemaker, 31 Market
Matthews M B, circulating library, 97 n Fourth
Matthews Richard, carter, ws Eighth n of Carr
Matthews Stewart, carpenter, ws Seventh s of Park-avenue
Matthews William, riverman, 149 Green
Matz Daniel, beer-house, 23 Locust
Maully William,. merman, ws Fourth n of Green
Mauntel Frederick, drayman, Front n of Myrtle
Mauro P, principal Female Academy, es Fifth s of Market
Mause John, stone-cutter, boards at William Jones’
Mauzey William, carpenter, ws Eleventh s of Wash
Mawdsley Richard, cork-ma-nufacturer, ws Third n of Rutger
Maxfield Andrew H, Excelsior coffee-house, 69 First
Maxwell H, baker and confectioner, ws Fifth s of Walnut
Maxwell James G, confectioner, 83 n Fourth
Maxwell Samuel, plasterer, es Fourth s of Cedar
Maxwell William, confectioner, 176 n Third
Mayhew William, riverman, ne corner First and Smith
Mays Henry, hatter, ss Washington-avenue w of Tenth
McAdams Thomas, clerk, es Ninth n of Hempstead
McAleer James, coppersmith and tinner, 171 n First
McAllister & co, wh. grocers and com. merchants, 77 n Front
McAllister R C, (McA. & co.) 77 n Front
McAlpin Hugh, mason, ss Biddle w of Eighth
McAnulty Arthur, shoemaker, ss Market w of Fourteenth
McAnulty Bernard, machine-baker, 47i n Front
McAnulty John, ws Fourth s of Cerre
McCabe Edmund, (Lane & McC.) boards at Mrs. Farish’s
McCabe James, laborer, boards at John Tully’s
McCallan James, cabinet-maker, es Sixth n of Gratiot
McCamant & Leffingwell, real estate agents, 43 Pine
McCamant James, (McC. & L.) ne corner Third and Elm
McCamly J P, (Lewis & MeC.) dwelling on Carondelet-av.
McCartin Bernard, laborer, ws Seventh n of Biddle
McCartin Michael, mason, se corner Seventh and Carr
McCartin Patrick, tailor, ns Carr w of Seventh
McCartney Peter, laborer, 142 Green
McCarty Margaret, widow, provision store, 48 n Front
McCarty Timothy, mason, es Twelfth n of Franklin-avenue
McCauley Daniel, trader, ns Morgan e of Broadway
McCausland Alexander, salt merchant, 10 Locust
McCausland John, carpenter, boards at York-house
McCausland Thomas, carpenter, es Tenth n of Morgan
McClallen & Fessenden, dry-goods merchants, 58 n Fourth
McClallen John, (McC. & F.) 58 n Foarth
McClanahan James, drayman, ns Hempstead w of Broadway
McClean Andrew, carpenter, cs Ninth s of Labeaume
McClelland & Kaber, boarding-house, sw cor First and Market, upstairs - entrance, at 18 Market
McClelland John, (McC. & K.) 18 Market
McClure William, butcher, es Tenth n of Morgan
McComber George, clerk at Bacon & Hyde’s
McConkey William, ‘clerk at John T Martin’s
McConn Thomas, carter, ws Eighth n of Morgan
McCord James H, engineer, ss Olive w of Sixth
McCord James, pattern-maker, ns Morgan w of Seventh
McCorkell William, (S O Butler & co.) 54 n Front
McCormack James, carpenter, ss Market w of Eleventh
McCormack James, carpenter, ss Myrtle e of Seventh
McCormack James, laborer, es Ninth s of Wash
McCormack John, carpenter, ss Myrtle e of Seventh
McCormack Joseph, boarding-house, 208 n Second
McCormack Nicholas, laborer, es Seventh s of Wash
McCormick A W, carpenter, sw corner Seventh and Carr
McCortney John H, engine-builder, ns Morgan e of Second
McCovan William, drayman, es Eleventh n of Carr
McCoy James, blacksmith, shop ws Second n of Morgan
McCoy James, merchant, dwelling ne corner Third and Elm
McCoy Owen, laborer, es Fifth s of Convent
McCracken J W, carpenter, boards at George Clay’s
McCracken John S, printer, 61 Market, upstairs
McCracken William, law student, boards at J S McCracken’a
McCreery P R, (Crow & McC.) 99 n Front
McCulloh Chauncy, clerk, boards at R B Fife’s
McCullough David T, assistant jailor
McCummin Andrew, ws Fjfth n of Green
McCune James, laborer, ss Wash e of Seventh
McCune John S, (Gaty, McC. & G.) ws Collins n of Cherry
McCune Peter, laborer, ss Myrtle w of First
McCurdy Alexander, tailor, ns Morgan w of Second
McCutchen William H, saddler, 21 n Third
McDaniel Peter, laborer, ws Broadway n of Wash
McDaniel Samuel, engineer, ws Sixth n of Green
McDaniel Sanford P, clerk, 7G Chesnut
McDermot Francis, stone-cutter, ss Pine w of Fifth
McDermot John F, printer, 47 n Front
McDermot Terrence, clerk at 8 n Front
McDonald A H, clerk at 133 n First
McDonald Edward, carpenter, ws Thirteenth s of Market
McDonald Henryour)’, confectioner, es Seventh s of Wash
McDonald Hugh A J, carpenter, boards at 198 n Fourth
McDonald James, City-garden, corner Eleventh and Market
McDonald John, boards at Philip McDonald’s
McDonald John, trader, ss Walnut w of Fourth
McDonald Paul, laborer, ws Sixth s of Wash
McDonald Philip, ns Green w of Ninth
McDonald Thomas, shoemaker, ss Green w of Third
McDonald Thos, carpenter, boards at D Davies’, 198 n Fourth
McDonough James, captain of City-guard, ws Fifth n of Wash
McDonough James, ns Saint Charles w of Fourth
McDonough Patrick, laborer, 125 Green
McDonough Philip, tailor, ss Morgan w of Fifth
McDoodle Michael, quarrier, ns Grangousier w of Panurge
McDougal George, laborer, ss Locust e of Fifth, upstairs
McDowdell Philip, tailor, ns Cherry w of Second, upstairs
McDowell & Stephens, physicians, 9 n Fourth
McDowell David, carpenter, ss Clark-avenue w of Fifteenth
McDowell J B, M.D., 143 Market
McDowell J N, (McD. & S.) dw, Kemper Medical College
McDowell John, merchant, dwelling ws Fifth n of Olive
McDowell John W, dry-goods merchant, 5 s First
McDuff Joseph, Scotch-violinist, nw corner Eighth and Pine
McElderry George, ws Eighteenth s of Morgan
McElhiney Matthew, shoemaker, ns Mulberry e of Third
McElroy Hugh, mason, ws Third s of Almond
McElthing Patrick, drayman, ws Sixth n of Gratiot
McEmmitt Joseph, ws Eighth n of Morgan
McEnnis J, sexton Catholic grave-yard, es Eighth s of Biddle
McEntire John, ns Almond e of Third
McEvoy John, stone-cutter, 21 Saint Charles
McEvoy Thomas, stone-cutter, ws Eighth n of Morgan
McEwan Joseph, laborer, ns Myrtle e of First
McFaden James, dry-goods merchant, 242 Broadway - dw, es Broadway near Reservoir
McFaden Mason, ss Wash e of Sixth
McFaden Patrick, bricklayer, ss Carr w of Eleventh
McFarland Andrew, shoemaker, ss Morgan w of Third
McFeely Richard, carpenter, ws Seventh n of Biddle
McFerran Patrick, laborer, es Eleventh n of Morgan
McGarr Samuel, plasterer, ns Hazel w of Second
McGean Peter, engineer, 141 Washington-avenue
McGehan John, laborer, ss Hazel w of Second
McGennis Mary, es Seventh s of Gratiot
McGennis Meredith, grocer, ss Market w of Eighth
McGhee Margaret, manteau-maker, ws Fifth s of Walnut
McGill Samuel, laborer, es Ninth s of Market
McGinnis James C, pilot, ss Walnut w of Tenth
McGlinn Edward, laborer, ss Wash w of Eighth
McGoa Margaret, widow, 95 Saint Charles
McGovern Ann, widow, se corner Ninth and Franklin-av.
McGrain Patrick, laborer, ss Myrtle e of First
McGrath Dennis, grocer, se corner Ninth and Green
McGrath James, quarrier, ws Eighth n of Biddle
McGrath Michael, laborer, ws Ninth s of Market
McGrath Patrick, drayman, boards at P Farley’s
McGraw Lewis, mason, es Carondelet-avenue s of Lami
McGraw Michael, mason, es Carondelet-avenue s of Lami
McGregor & Strachan, liquor merchants, 91 n Front
McGrew James, laborer, se corner Ninth and Market
McGrorty James, ws Seventh s of Wash
McGuire Patrick, laborer, es Eleventh n of Saint Charles
McGunnegle G K, president Saint Louis Insurance Company - dwelling, 162 Market
McGurk Thomas, laborer, ss Market e of Tenth
McHenry James, carpenter, ns Morgan w of Seventh
McHose & English, St. Louis Brewery, ws Second s of Hazel
McHose Isaac, (McH. & E.) ws Second s of Hazel
McIlhiney Hugh, laborer, es Tenth n of Morgan
McIlroy D, (Magehan & Mcl.) 146 n Third
McIlvaine John, stone-breaker, boards at White-lamb-tavern
McIndoe & Taylor, Marketers’-tavern, ss Market-square
McInerny Dennis, pedlar, on Sixth 3 of Market
McIntosh Daniel, distiller, boards at A Cockburn’s
McIntyre Duncan, shoemaker, ws Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
McKay & Thompson, wholesale grocers, 71 n Front
McKay H B, (McK. & T.) 71 n Front
McKee Eliza, dressmaker, 6 Saint Charles
McKee Eliza, widow, 6 Saint Charles
McKee Henry, collector sixth-ward, sw cor Mound and First
McKee John, 124 n Fourth
McKee John L, ship-carpenter, ws First s of Howard
McKee Margaret, widow, sw cor Hempstead and Broadway
McKee, Ruth & Flagg, Daily Even. Gazette, 76 n First, ups.
McKee Wm, (McK., R. & F.) ws Seventh nof Franklin-av.
McKelvey James, blacksmith, ss Market w of Ninth
McKenna Isabel, widow, ns Green w of Tenth
McKenna John, bricklayer, boards at Thomas McKenna’s
McKenna Mary Ann, widow, milliner, es Third n of Myrlle
McKenna Patrick, quarrier, nw corner Twelfth and Carr
McKenna Thomas, grocer, ne corner Seventh and Morgan
McKenney B F, justice of peace and notary public, 19 Pine
McKenney Jane, widow, ws Ninth s of Franklin-avenue
McKenzie Alexander, drayman, ss Franklin-avenue e of Tenth
McKenzie J B, brickmaker, boards at R Orme’&
McKenzie Kenneth, es Fifth s of Market
McKeown Patrick, 160 Olive
McKinley Andrew, (Grace & McK.) 25 Chesnut
McKinstry William H, hat and cap manufacturer, 23 Market
McKnight Mary Ann, widow, ne corner Fourth and Myrtle
McKnight William S, county marshal, office at Court-house - dwelling, ws Seventh n of Pine
McKown Captain James C, nw corner Eighth and Morgan
McKown James C, carpenter, ns Green w of Tenth
McKown John D, nw corner Eighth and Morgan
McLane Joseph, laborer, ns Carr w of Ninth
McLaughlin Henry, laborer, es Seventh s of Carr
McLean John, carpet-weaver, ws Tenth s of Morgan
McLean’ Patrick, laborer, ns Wash w of Eighth
McLinn John, shoemaker, es Second n of Vine
McLoud Joseph, riverman, ws Seventh s of Wash
McLynch John, laborer, nw corner Walnut and Tenth
McMahon, John, tavern, 108 n Front
McManus William, bricklayer, es Fourth n of Spruce
McMartin Thomas, M.D., 104 Market
McMillan - , tailor, 69 Chesnut
McMillan Alexander, ss Morgan w of Fourth
McMillan Eliza, widow, ws Seventh s of Carr, upstairs
McMillan John H, street inspector third district, office n Hayscales, upstairs - dwelling, 140 Morgan
McMurray & Dorman, St. Louis iron railing manfrs, 7 n Second
McMurray John D, (McM. & D.) 48 Chesnut
McMurray William A, M.D., ss Green w of Third
McMurtrie William, riverman, nw corner Eighth and Morgan
McMurtry William, tobacconist, 7 s First, upstairs
McNair T J, M.D., office ne corner Fourth and Chesnut
McNair W L F, (Lazarus & McN.) 36 Chesnut
McNally Hugh, laborer, es Second s of Lombard
McNary James, laborer, corner Thirteenth and Spruce
McNary William, carpenter, secofner Thirteenth and Spruce
McNeil John, hat and cap manufacturer, 38 n First
McNeil Joseph, clerk, dwelling se corner Ninth and Pine
McNeil William, engineer, ns Olive w of Ninth
McNeilly Samuel, es Fourth opposite Planters’-house
McNichol Dugald, barber, ss Morgan e of First
McNulty Joseph, drayman, ws Eighth n of Morgan
McNulty Patrick, laborer, es Tenth s Franklin-avenue
McPhail George, drayman, es Tenth n of Green
McPheeters William M, M.D., 46 Chesnut
McPherson Alexander, carpenter, ns Green w of Fourth
McPherson Joseph, carpenter, ns Walnut w of Front
McPherson Joseph, ns Wash w of Eighth
McPherson William M, U. S. circuit and district attorney, 51
McPhetridge 0 A, coppersmith and tinner, 22 s First, upstairs
McQuaid Thomas, shoemaker, ne corner Third and Spruce
McQuillan John, carter, ws First s of Lombard
McShane David, laborer, ns Wash e of Eleventh
McShane Hugh, com. and forwarding merchant, 60 n Front
McSherry Patrick, coppersmith, ss Morgan w of Sixth
McSolley John, stone-cutter, ns Spruce e of Thirteenlh
McSwain John, shoemaker, ws Ninth s of Franklin-avenue
McVey Joseph, laborer, ns Wash w of Eighth
McVickers Thomas, painter, ns Mulberry e of Fourth
McViers William, laborer, ss Washinglon-av. w of Twelfth
Meachem J B, [c] cooper, ws Secund n of Vine
Mead Caroline, ss Franklin-avenue w of Fourth
Mead E, jeweller, 52 n First - dw, ws Seventh s of Walnut
Mead George, confectioner, es Broadway opposite Franklin-av.
Mead T W, (Higgins & M.) printer, ne cor Second and Locust
Mealy Charles, drayman, ss Myrtle e of Seventh
Mealy William, M.D., Ss Green w of Third
MeCandless John B, bookbinder, 144 Carr
Mechanics’ Institute, ws Third s of Chesnut
MeCone Patrick, laborer, ns Bates e of First
MeCurdy Alonzo, riverman, ns Plum e of Second
Meding Leonard, shoemaker, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Meech S W, book and stationery store, 8 n First
Meier Adolphus, (AM & co.) - dwelling, Bellefontaine road
Meier Adolphus & co, hardware merchants, 25 n First, cor First and Chesnut
Meier Caspar, pattern-maker, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Meier Herman, clerk, 25 n First Meier Xavier, shoemaker, 26 Olive
Meier Thomas J, hardware merchant, ne cor Third and Green
Meiers Frederick, blacksmith, ns Franklin-av. e of Seventh
Meinhardt Henry, shoemaker, ns Morgan e of Eleventh
Melling E, painter, ns Cedar near Third
Melling Edward, painter, ws Sixteenth s of Market
Mellins John, shop-keeper, ws Broadway s of Carr
Memler Librand, laborer, ws Fifth s of Spruce
Mengel Henry, trader, ws First n of Plum
Menk Adam, bricklayer, ss Wood e of Second
Menkens & Recordon, watchmaker and jeweller, 22 Market
Menkens A H, (M. & R.) - dwelling, 52 Elm
Menne Henry, tailor, 163 Green
Mensing J F, hairdresser, es Fourth n of Pine
Mentrup Martin, merchant, es Fifth n of Convent
Mercer John, riverman, ss Market w of Eighth
Meredith William, architect and builder, 86 n Fourth
Merrick John, merchant, 9 n Front
Merrick M, M.D., Ill n Front
Merrill Bradbury, brickmaker, ss Hickory w of Ham
Merrill Daniel, bricklayer, es Broadway n of Howard
Merrill Lawson, brickmaker, ns Hickory w of Edmond
Merritt William H, cabinet-maker, es Second n of Vine
Merry Samuel, M.D., Land-office, ns Almond e of First
Mershman Bernard, blacksmith, ws Broadway s of Carr
Mervin Mary Ann, widow, es Tenth n of Green, upstairs
Merz Philip, blacksmith, es Eighth s of Franklin-avenue
Mester Charles, wagoner, ws Eighth s of Wash
Metten Henry, carter, ws Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
Metten Lorens, watchmaker, 90 Morgan
Meyer Bernard, (H. & M.) se cor Eighth and Franklin-av.
Meyer Caspar, (Plitt & M.) ss Gay w of Fourteenth
Meyer Christian, plasterer, ns Poplar w of First
Meyer Christopher, pedlar, es Ninth n of Wash
Meyer Elizabeth, widow, ws Third s of Convent
Meyer Frederick, baker, ns Morgan w of Ninth
Meyer H, drayman, es Fifth s of Cerre
Meyer H H, wheelwright, es Ninth 3 of Wash
Meyer H M. shoemaker, 39 Washington-avenue
Meyer Henry, miller, ns Myrtle e of Second
Meyer J C, leather and findings store, 30 Market
Meyer J C, wood merchant, ws First s of Mound
Meyer Louis A, pedlar, ns Convent, w of Third
Meyers Frederick, carter, es Fourteenth n of Wash
Meyers Mary Ann, widow, 157 Washington-avenue
Michael G B, 45 Market
Michaels Adrian, liquor merchant, 14 .s First
Michaels Edouard, laborer, ss Poplar e of Third
Michaels John, cabinet-maker, shop ss Spruce w of First
Middleton Andrew, painter, w Sixteenth s of Market
Miers Charles, butcher, ss Market w of Ninth
Miith August, shoemaker, ws Fourth s of Cerre
Mikesell John, engineer, 245 n First
Miles William, laborer, ws Ninth s of Market
Millan W L, clerk, 130 n First
Miller Bernard, shoemaker, ns Myrtle vf of Third
Miller C H, 29 Locust
Miller Casper, blacksmith, es Second s of Wood
Miller Charles H, 23 Olive
Miller Charles, saddler, es Second n of Myrtle
Miller David, shoemaker, 58 Green
Miller Fayette, steamboat mate, es Fifth s of Carr
Miller Frederick, cooper, ss Carr e of Ninth
Miller Frederick, laborer, es Ninth n of Wash
Miller George, tinner, 43 n First
Miller H V & E C, painters, 24 Pine
Miller Henry, ropemaker, boards at James Humphrey’s
Miller Hugh, coroner, rear of 131 Green
Miller Jacob, shoemaker, ws Sixth s of Poplar
Miller John, baker, es Second n ofAlmond
Miller John, barber, es Second s of Spruce
Miller John H, painter, 20 Pine - dwelling, ne corner Centre and Clark-avenue
Miller John, laborer, 58 Chesnut
Miller John Z, earpenter, ws Centre s of Market
Miller Joseph, tavern, 101 n Front
Miller Paul, 49 n First
Miller Peter, segar-maker, ws Second s of Plum, upstairs
Miller S & W P, china, glass, and queensware merchants, 98 n First
Miller Samuel, carpenter, 143 Green
Miller Thomas, founder, ss Carr e of Ninth
Miller Thomas, hatter, ns Morgan w of Fourth
Miller W, steamboat captain, ws Broadway n of Franklin-av.
Miller William, blacksmith, es Eighth n of Clark, on alley
Miller William P, (S & W P M.) 98 n First
Miller William, shoemaker, ws Eighth s of Wash
Miller Wm, sexton Centenary church, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Milligan Edward, clerk in Post-office - dwelling, 60 n Sixth
Milligan Elizabeth, widow, ws Sixth n of Morgan
Millikin & Becker, bakers, ns Florida e of Second
Millikin Joseph B, (M. & B.) ns Florida e of Second
Milling Edward, painter, ns Cedar, near Third
Mills A L, 145 Market
Mills Enos F, (Mott & M.) 53 n First
Miltenberger Eugene, (Bogy& M.) 13 Chesnut
Milton John H, carpenter, ns Franklin-av. e of Eleventh
Minard Rev P R, es Fifth s of Wash
Miskell John A, carpenter, es Fourteenth n of Franklin-av.
Missouri Democrat, 20 Pine
Missouri Exchange, 11 Washington-avenue
Missouri Hotel, (Jesse Seymour) corner First and Morgan
Missouri Insurance Company, office 8 Vine, upstairs
Missouri Mill, (Powell, Barlow & co.) 90 Sain» Charles
Missouri Reporter, S. Penn, junior, 35 Locust
Missouri Republican, (Chambers & Knapp) 47 n First
Missourian, (Van Antwerp & Dougherty,) 149 n First
Mitchell D D, ne corner Fourth and Vine
Mitchell Edward, 6 n Third
Mitchell Eunice, widow, es Ninth s of Wash, on alley
Mitchell Francis F, hatter, es Third s of Spruce
Mitchell Helen H, ns Locust w of Second
Mitchell J, clothier, 45 n Front
Mitchell John, tanner, ss Franklin-avenue w of Fourth
Mochedon Frank, merchant, 20 s First
Mochel B, barber, ws Second s of Convent
Mochel Louis, cap-factory, 74 n Front
Moerschal J, tobacconist, ne cor Second and Washington-av.
Moffat J, hide, peltry and fur dealer, 4 Chesnut - dwelling, 64 Saint Charles
Moffat Peter, drayman, es Seventh s of Wash, on alley
Molloy Mrs, 36 Market
Molton J B, (Colton&M.) 26 and 28 Locust
Monastes David H,,blacksmith, es Second s of Almond
Money John, marble polisher, 18 Chesnut
Monroe James, painter, 31 n Second
Monroe John, laborer, ns Labadie w of Fifth
Monroe William G, corner Market and First
Montaigne Joseph, engineer, ne corner Third and Olive
Montaney Louis, grocer - dwelling, nw cor Ninth and Green
Montgomery Alex, com. and forwarding merchant, 87 n Front
Montgomery George, carpenter, 75 Market
Montgomery Josiah, blacksmith, boards at Foundry-house
Montgomery Robt, shoemaker, se cor Tenth and Franklin-av.
Montgomery William, grocer, nw cor Twelfth and Morgan
Moody Matthew, clerk, 7 Market
Mook Jacob, baker, ws First s of Elm
MOON M, merchant, ns Franklin-avenue e of Sixth, adjoining the Franklin steam-mill - keeps constantly for sale
a stock of Dry Goods and Groceries
Mooney Francis A, bookbinder, at Turnbull & Pray’s
Mooney John, laborer, ws Sixth s of Green
Moore Alex C, hair-dresser, se corner Fourth and Morgan
Moore Alexander, es Seventh s of Carr
Moore B, tailor, 48 Green
Moore Benjamin, laborer, ws Fifth n of Green
Moore Enoch, blacksmith, 151 Washington-aVerrue
Moore George H, law student, ws Eleventh s of Wash
Moore James C, tinner, 45 n First
Moore James, maltster, boards at Louisiana tavern
Moore John P, corner Fourteenth and Morgan
Moore John S, (Tiffin & M.) M.D., 73 Vine
Moore John T, white-lead and oil manufacturer - dwelling, es Centre n of Clark-avenue
Moore Johnson, bricklayer, ws Eighth n of Wash
Moore Jonas, butcher, ws Broadway opposite Reservoir
Moore Julia, widow, ws Eleventh’s of Wash
Moore R, merchant-tailor, ns Green w of Third - dwelling, ws Sixth s of Wash
Moore Robert N, ne corner Second ancf Cherry
Moore Robert, plasterer, nw corner Tenth and Walnut
Moore William, boarding house, 8 Green
Moore William, coffee-house, 8 Green
Mootry Patrick, laborer, ss Carr e of Second,
Moraine Antoine, rivennan, ws Third s of Plum
Moran Edward, butcher, es Second s of Hazel
Moray H, carter, es Second s of Mulberry
Morbley Reason, riverman, ns Morgan w of Sixth
Morehead P C, attorney at law, 115 Chesnut
Morel Paschal, grocer, es Carondelet-avenue w of Marion
Moreland H B, (Barnum & M.) City-hotel, cor Third & Vine
Morgan A M, (M., P. &co.) 113 n First
Morgan Calvin, (M., P. & co.) 113 n First
Morgan Francis, stone-cutter, ss Market w of Eighth
Morgan Henry, (Anderson & M.) 59 Saint Charles
Morgan Henry, gunsmith, ns Morgan w of Second
Morgan John G, M.D., basement, se corner of Planters’-house
Morgan John, shoemaker, ss Plum w of First
Morgan John, stone-cutter, ss Market w of Eighth
Morgan, ParkSc co, wholesale dry-goods merchants, 113 n First
Morgan Stephen D, bricklayer, es Twelfth s of Morgan
Morgan T H, (M., P. & co.) es Fifth n of Locust
Morilli Peter, Swiss-house, ne corner Second and Pine
Morisse Julius, clerk, at Thomas F Meier’s
Morn Charles, laborer, ns Plum w of Second
Moroney Joana, widow, ns Spruce w of Second
Morris A, tailor, 41 Olive
Morris David, carpenter, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Morris Henry, grocer, 92 n Front
Morris Israel, general agent, 124 Pine
Morris James, boards at Arsenal-tavern
Morris James, carpenter, ns Morgan w of Ninth
Morris James, carpenter, es Seventh n of Biddle
Morris James P, carpenter, ws Seventh s of Biddle
Morris Lewis, auctioneer, ss Pine w of Eighth
Morris M, clothier, dwelling, ns Olive w of Twelfth
Morris Thomas E, carpenter, ws Collins n of Cherry
Morrison John, laborer, ns Orange w of Twelfth
Morrison Mark, riverman-, ns Poplar e of Second)
Morrison Michael, laborer, ws Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
Morrison Thomas, drayman, es Twelfth s of Morgan
Morrison Thomas E, carpenter, es Eighth s of Green
Morrison Thomas, laborer, es Seventh s of Wash, on alley
Morrison Wm, (Collier & M.) es Fourth n of Saint Charles
Morrison Wm, lumberman, dwelling opposite Smith’s-garden
Morrow Thos, commission merchant, ws Second n of Cherry
Morrow William, lamp-maker, ws First s of Walnut
Morse C P, butcher, ws of Sixteenth s of Market
Mortin T M, M.D., 109 Olive
Morton George, ss Spruce w of Fifth
Morzlup John, laborer, ws Ninth n of Gratiot
Mosbach Alexander, grocer, sw corner Second and Locust
Mosberger Frederick, street-inspector, es Third n of Convent
Moses S Gratz, M.D., 71 Pine
Moses William, (Clamorgan & M.) es Third s of Lombard
Mosier G, draper and tailor, 29 Locust - dwelling, 18 Locust
Mossbacker Matthew, laborer, corner Thirteenth and Wash
Most Conrad, cabinet-maker, ne corner Fifth and Convent
Moszbacker M, dep.-engineer, nw cor Thirteenth and Wash
Mott & Mills, wholesale hardware merchants, 53 n Front
Mott John W, (M. &M.) 53 n First
Motte Francis, laborer, es Third s of Convent
Motz H, carriage-maker, nw corner Tenth and Saint Charles
Moult William J, (Parsons & M.) 190 Olive
Mound City coffee-house, (Jackson & Toncray,) ws Broadway n of Morgan
Mouzey William, carpenter, ws Eleventh s of Wash
Muddleton Andrew, painter, 31 n Second
Muegge & Frederick, oil-cloth manfrs, ws Second n of Myrtle
Muelback Andrew, tailor cs Carondelet-avenue s of Miller
Mueller Agnes, widow, se corner Soulard and Carondelet-av.
Mueller R, (M.& D.) dw se cor Soulard and Carondelet-av.
Mueller Sc. Dietz, bookbinders, 54 Chesnut
Muhford J E, attorney at law, 13 Chesnut
Mulbahy William, boarding-house, 93 n Front
Muldry John, drayman, ws Sixth s of Green
Mulhern Justus, lace merchant, 101 n Fourth
Mulhern Mrs, milliner, 101 n Fourth
Mulholland Roderick, es Seventh s of Spruce
Mullanphy B, attorney at law, ne corner Fifth and Chesnut
Mullarky Andrew, clerk at Hannon & co.’s
Mullen & Mitchell, 123 n First
Mullen James, segar-maker, ns Market ws of Eighth
Muller Frederick, 56 Green
Muller John H, tailor, ws Second n of Hazel
Mulligan Bernard, es Sixth s of Wash
Mulligan John, tinner, 7 Market
Mullikin C, (M.& Sons) ns Elm e of Second
Mullikin C & Sons, merchants, 64 Market
Mullikin J B, (M.& Sons,) boards at C Mullikin’s
Mullikin N B, (M.& Sons,) boards at C Mullikin’s
Mullin Wm J, pub. Catholic Cabinet, ws Second s of Market
Mulloney John, blacksmith, ns Chesnut w of Second
Mulloney Thomas, blacksmith, ns Chesnut w of Second
Mulloy Peter, teamster, ss Market w of Ninth
Mulroy Peter, drayman, ws Sixth n of Pine
Munday Ezra, teacher, 168 Olive w of Sixth
Munday William, es Market w of Tenth
Munford & Dexter, shoemakers, se corner Fifth and Elm
Munford Furman, (M. & D.) ss Elm w of Fourth
Murdock F B, attorney at law, 12 n Second
Murdock John J, (M. & co.) 55 n First
Murdock Moses, laborer, ws Sixth n of Franklin-av. on alley
Murdoek J J & co. auction and corn, merchants, 55 n First
Murphy Daniel, livery-stable, corner Seventh and Morgan
Murphy Denis, 107 Green
Murphy Dennis, boarding-house, 96 n Front
Murphy Edward, laborer, es Seventh s of Wash
Murphy J, wagon-maker, nw corner Seventh and Morgan
Murphy James, laborer, se corner Seventh and Olive
Murphy James, plasterer, es Sixth s of Cerre
Murphy Jeremiah, drayman, ws First n of Poplar
Murphy John, drayman, es Tenth n of Market
Murphy John, laborer, ns Brooklyn w of Broadway
Murphy Michael, hack-driver, es Fourth n of Morgan
Murphy Morris, at Tammany-hall
Murphy Owen, boarding-house, 88 n Front
Murphy Patrick, laborer, ws Centre s of Market
Murphy Peter, laborer, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Murphy Richard, bricklayer, Soulard’s Addition
Murphy Thomas, grocer, ss Market w of Tenth
Murphy Thomas, laborer, ws Ninth s of Market
Murphy William, 46 Market
Murray A, (Goodwin & M.) 42 n Front
Murray Elijah, ship-carpenter, ws Broadway n of Chambers
Murray John D, (Davis & M.) boards at Virginia-hotel
Murray John, saddler, ws Second s of Poplar
Murray Joseph, painter, ws Third n of Convent, on alley
Murray Thomas, mason, ns Morgan e of Eleventh
Murray William, baker, es Fifth s of Green
Murrell J P, cabinet-maker, ws Moore s of Market
Murtfeldt W, draper and tailor, 26 Market
Musick Robert, [c] whitewashes, 105 Green
Mutual Insurance, by Perpetual Insurance Company, office ne corner First and Olive.-John B Camden, President;
N Ranlett, Secretary
Myerly & Lammey, tailors, 79 Chesnut
Myerly Joseph, (M. &L.) 70 Chesnut
Myers David, carpenter, ws Eleventh s of Wash
Myers Edmond, laborer, ws Second s of Myrtle
Myers Eli, ws Third, opposite Cathedral
Myers J M, M.D., corner Third and Pine
Myers J M, liquor merchant, 5 Olive
Myers Jacob, laborer, ws Ninth s of Wash
Myers Joseph, riverman, es Seventh n of Morgan
Myers L, 66 Chesnut
Myers Magdalene, widow, ss Olive w of Sixth
Myers Owen, tailor, ns Green w of Fifth
Myers P P, miller at Franklin steam-mill
Myers William, livery-stable, ss Olive w of Sixth
Myott John, riverman, es Second n of Green
Nabb George W, attorney at law, 52 n Second - dwelling, se corner Second and Pine
Nabb M G, miller, ss Carr e of Seventh Nagle Charles, porter, 93 n Second
Nally Thomas W, carpenter, es Eleventh s of Morgan
Nash Gilbert, (Clark & N.) ws Third n of Green
Nash Lewis, [c] steward, es Third s of Lombard
Nash Tim, jr, wholesale boot and shoe dealer, 129 n First
Nathan H, brickmaker, ws Sixth n of Franklin-av, on alley
National Hotel, 82 Market, A & B J Vancourt
Nead Matthew, drayman, es Eighth s of Wash
Neakamp Henry, laborer, ws Third n of Convent
Needham James, bricklayer, Sixth s of Market
Needham John, clerk, at Webb & Smith’s
Nefi Charles, carpenter, ss Wood e of Second
Neil John, carpenter, ne corner Seventh and Biddle
Neil Thomas, tailor, nw corner Twelfth and Gay, upstairs
Neill Joseph, livery stable, Sixth s of Market
Neimeier J, blacking manufacturer, ss Marion e of Jackson,
Neimeier John, teamster, ss Marion e of Jackson
Neimeyer George, tailor, ws Second s of Convent
Neldenberger Matthias, tailor, es Second s of Myrtle
Nelson Mrs. W H, widow, ws Fourth n of Olive
Nelson T S, attorney at law, 31 Pine - dw, at the Paul-house
Nelson Thomas, pilot, ns Poplar e of Second
Nelson W S, (Case & co.) 38 Green
Nelson William A, es Broadway s of Franklin-avenue
Nevin William R, riverman, se corner Seventh and Wash
New Era newspaper, Charles G Ramsey, sw corner First and Chesnut, upstairs
New York Hotel, M Hodgdon, 101 Green
Newbeck Jacob, laborer, es Seventh s of Gratiot
Newberry E, Literary depot, 97 n Fourth
Newman Frederick, shoemaker, es Second s of Spruce
Newman Jonas, ne corner Broadway and Hempstead
Newmark Joseph, clothier, 32 n First
Newmark L, clothier, 43 n Front
Newton Armstead, [c] es Sixth n of Green
Newton Henry, laborer, ws Ninth n of Gratiot
Nichol James, clerk, ss Carr e of Seventh
Nicholas A, ship carpenter, nw cor Hempstead and Broadway
Nichols Nelson, [c] es Collins n of Cherry
Nichols Thomas V, carpenter, ss Biddle e of Seventh
Nicholson D, fruit store, 127 Green
Nickerson David H, cabinet-maker, boards at J S Dorley’s
Nicolas N, (N. & co.) dwelling ws First s of Market
Nicolet Henry, printer, boards ws Second n of Locust
Nicolet Julien, watchmaker, ne corner Pine and Second
Niebuer B, carpenter, ss Wood e of Second
Niedecker Peter J, saddler, ss Market w of Sixteenth
Niemann Henry, merchant, ns Market w of Fourth
Niemeyer J, bellhanger, ws Seventh s of Green
Niermeyer John H, clerk at A Brockmeyer’s
Nisbet & co, 75 n First
Nisbet Robert N, clerk at Nisbet & co.’s
Nisbet William, (N. & co.) ws Fifth n of Locust
Nivet John B, baker, es First s of Walnut
Noble James, shoemaker, ns Hazel w of Second
Noble John K, engineer, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Noecker B, tailor, 65 Market
Noecker Benjamin, tailor, 65 Market
Noel Barnett, engineer, ns Spruce w of First
Noel Peter, laborer, es Fifth s of Convent
Noerr John, grocer, se corner Eleventh and Carr
Nolle Henry, smoke-pipe maker, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Nolte C & Clement, Broadway-house, es Broadway s of Biddle
Nolte Charles (C & C N.) Broadway-house
Nolte Clement (C & C N.) Broadway-house
Noltman Henry, boiler-makers, ws Sixth s of Wash, on alley
Noonan and Masterson, importers and dealers in china and glassware, 168 n First
Noonan Thomas, wholesale grocer, 94 Green
Norborn Thomas, laborer, ns Green e of Sixth
Nordhoof Bernard, coffee-house, 104 n Front
Norre William, stone-cutter, es Seventh s of Wash
Norris Charles & co, hardware merchants, 97 n First - dw es Broadway n of Biddle
Norris James E, ws Fourth n of Olive
Norris N, 176 n Fourth
Norris Richard, laborer, es Tenth n of Market
North Market coffee-house, ws Third n of Morgan
North William, merchant, 1 n First
Norton Christopher, engineer, nw corner Seventh and Biddle
Norton Patrick, carpenter, es Fifth s of Convent
Norton Thomas, drayman, es Fifth s of Convent
Norton Thomas, laborer, ns Market w of Third, on alley
Noseda C, beer-house, 45 Chesnut
Nourse Samuel, hatter, 70 Market
Novay Peter, trader, ne corner Ninth and Madison
Noyes John T, ns Hickory w of Seventh
Nugent James, carpenter, boards at Mrs. McGoa’s
Nugent Patrick, laborer, ws Market e of Ninth
Null John, mechanic, ns Biddle w of Seventh
Nuss Frederick, ns Convent w of Fifth
Nutman Francis, tailor, es Ninth s of Carr
Nutt John, laborer, ss Morgan w of Second, upstairs
Nutze Adam, laborer, ns Convent w of Second
O’Bierne Thomas, blacksmith, Second s of Convent
O’Blenis R Mc, livery-stable, 52 Chesnut - dw, 19 n Third
O’Brian Cornelius, mason, ws Third s of Myrtle
O’Brian Daniel, grocer, es Broadway s of Cherry
O’Brian Hugh, 132 Green
O’Brian James, drayman, se corner Fifth and Green
O’Brian Joanna, ns Market w of Eighth
O’Brian John, laborer, 232 n Second
O’Brian Lawrence, shoemaker, 27 Olive
O’Brian Matthew, miner, ws Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
O’Brian P, boarding-house, se corner Fourth and Morgan
O’Brian Patrick, boarding-house, 60 Green
O’Brian Patrick, laborer, ss Morgan e of Third
O’Brian Thomas, carter, .ss Chesnut w of Ninth
O’Brian Timothy, drayman, ne corner Fourteenth and Orange
O’Brien Patrick, laborer, ns Chesnut w of Sixth
O’Brien Thomas, laborer, ws Ninth s of Market
O’Connell James, laborer, es First s of Plum
O’Conner James, 75 Chesnut
O’Conner Michael, pedlar, ws Sixth s of Wash
O’Conner Peter, laborer,’ ns Green e of Sixth
O’Conner Simon, drayman, 136 Green
O’Conner W, shoemaker, se cor Eleventh and Washington-av.
O’Connor David, laborer, es Broadway s of Biddle
O’Connor Michael, carter, es Seventh s of Wash, on alley
O’Donnell Jackson, riverman, ws Fifth n of Green
O’Donnell John, laborer, 4 n Third
O’Donnelly Peter, drayman, ss Morgan e of Fifth, on alley.
O’Donoghue Timothy F, bricklayer, ss Market w of Ninth
O’Fallon John, office 35 Locust
O’Flaherty Thos, (McAllister & eo.) ws Seventh- s of Wash
O’Hair Stephen, laborer, ns Washington-av. w of Seventh
O’Hara John, laborer, ss Green w of Eighth
O’Hara Marcus, bell and brass founder, rear of 176 Main
O’Hara William, tailor, 20 Olive
O’Hare Samuel, laborer, nw corner Ninth and Market
O’Herron John, laborer, ss Hazel e of Third
O’Keefe Michael, drayman, 232 n Second
O’Keefe Thomas, shoemaker, ws Second n of Locust
O’Keefe Timothy, carter, ne corner Fifth and Almond
O’Meara Thomas, laborer, ws Fifth n of Green
O’Neil James, shoemaker,. ne corner Eighth and Green
O’Neil John, bricklayer, boards at Benjamin King’s
O’Neil Joseph, bricklayer, boards at Benjamin King’s
O’Neil Mary, widow, se corner Seventh and Chouteau-av.
O’Neil Preston, mason, ws Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
O’Neile Patrick, laborer, ws First s of Mound
O’Rourke John, (J &. M O’R.), ss Spruce w of First
O’Rourke John & Michael, grocers, 88 Front
O’Rourke Michael, (J & M O’R.), 8 s Front
O’Shansey Peter, laborer, ws Second s of Lombard
Oaker Talbot, pedlar, es Fifth s of Convent
Oakes William, carpenter, se corner Third and Poplar
Oakley L, (Stiles & O.) 211 n Front
Oakley Louisa, widow, ss Spruce w of Second
Oates Richard P, shoemaker, ws Fifth n of Green
Oatly Isaac, laborer, ws Ninth s of Wash
Obel Wolfgang, wood-sawyer, ss Carr e of Eleventh
Ober M R, plasterer, ss Almond e of Third
Oberdorff Herman, laborer, Soulard’s Addition
Oberlein Caspar, pedlar, Soulard’s Addition, e of Carondelet
Obermier Frederick, bricklayer, es Jackson s of Barry
Obert Frs, grocer, nw corner Seventh and Washington-av.
Ocheltry John, drayman, es Eleventh n of Morgan
Odard Lewis, laborer, ws Jackson n of Soulard
Odel Elihu, carpenter, es Columbus n of Marion
Oeters Otto, shoemaker, 22 Vine
Offatt Mrs. Eliza, 15 Chesnut
Offerbach Herman, laborer, es Eleventh n of Wash
Ogden H, wholesale grocer and commis. merchant, 4 Olive
Ogden James, plasterer, ws Eighth s of Biddle
Ogden Meredith, (M. &. co.) 88 Franklin-avenue
Ogden Meredith & co, 4 Olive
Ogden Thomas, carter, ws Tenth s of Franklin-avenue
Ogle Mary Ann, widow, es Second s of Plum
Ogle Matthew, bricklayer, ws Eighth s of Carr, on alley
Ohe Caspar Henry, laborer, ss Morgan w of Second, ups.
Ohio Lumber-yard, (A Hawthorn), 294 n First
Ohle Christian, shoemaker, es Second n of Convent
Ohle Frederick, shoemaker, boards at C Ohle’s
Ohlmuller Joseph, baker, ws First s of Elm
Oil-mill and Lead-factory, (Henry T Blow), nw cor Tenth and Clark-avenue
Oldhausen Arthur, printer, at Anzeiger des Westens
Olding John, riverman, ss Carr w of Tenth
Oliphant James, ns Elm e of Third
Oliver Jonas, painter, es Fifth s of Convent, on alley
Ollivant Thomas, potter, ws Broadway n of Hempstead
Olmstead Joseph, boards at Mr. Maloney’s
Olthause Henry, carpenter, ws Sixth n of Chesnut
Omen Peter, laborer, boards at Meager’s
Opel Louis, furrier, ws Eighth s of Wash
Oppelt G A, painter, nw corner Second and Mullanphy
Oppenheim Bernard, laborer, ss Market w of Eighth
Opperman John, laborer, Barry e of Carondelet
Oregon House, (F Komth) sweor Twelfth and Franklin-av.
Orme James, bricklayer, boards at R Orme’s
Orme James, bricklayer, boards at R Orme’s
Orme Robert, bricklayer, es Fourteenth s of Market
Ormsbee Joseph, (Leslie & co.) ws Broadway n of Morgan
Ormsby John, laborer, ss Myrtle e of First
Orr Joseph, clerk at Davis, Tilden & Richards’ - dwelling, ss Spruce e of Second
Orr Joseph, ss Spruce w of First
Orr William, carpenter, Mullanphy-street, es Broadway
Orrick Benjamin, drayman, Carondelet s of Convent
Ort Herman, laborer, ss Barry e of Carondelet
Orthaus Herman, laborer, es Eleventh s of Carr, on alley
Osborn & Daugherty, ws Fourth n of Olive
Osborn Mahlon (O. & D.) ws Fourth n of Olive
Osborn N C, clerk in sheriffs-office
Osborne J D, tobacco merchant, 50 n Front
Osborne John B, clerk at A W Fagin’s
Osburgh John, founder, ws Eighth s of Franklin-avenue
Oscar John, steward, ws Sixth s of Spruce
Osgood Peter, riverman, ws Second s of Hazel
Osterman Henry, tailor, ss Labadie w of Fifth
Ostermeyer Jacob, laborer, ws Tenth n of Green
Ostkampff Diedrich, shoemaker, ss Soulard w of Fifth
Ostrander J E, grocer, nw cor Eleventh and St. Charles-rd.
Otenwelder, blacksmith, nw corner First and Poplar
Ott Christian, grocer, es Second s of Park-avenue
Ott George, butcher, ss Wood e of Second
Ott Samuel, tailor, ws Collins n of Cherry
Ott Samuel, tailor, es First s of Myrtle
Otten John, laborer, es Eleventh n of Wash
Otten John, tailor, 56 Green
Ottermann Johann, laborer, ns Morgan w of Fifth
Ottmann Henry, locksmith, ss Green w of Fifth
Oudard Louis, boarding-house, es First n of Elm
Ouvrey John, blacksmith, ss Plum w of First
Ovens Stephen, blacksmith, ns Morgan w of Ninth
Overheylman William, carpenter, ns Gray w of Twelfth
Overley Jacob, laborer, es Tenth n of Clark-avenue
Overmann Fredk, carpenter, ws Fifth bt Green and Morgan
Overmeyar Adolph, carter, ns Hazel w of Second
Oves J M, clerk at S B Sherer’s
Owen Esrom, 274 n First
Owen Richard, wig-maker, 119 n Fourth
Owens James, porter, 26 n Front
Owens Richard, clerk, es Second s of Walnut
Owens Samuel, laborer, ws Collins n of Cherry
Owens Simeon, segar-maker, ns Cedar e of Second
Owings Jacob, shoemaker, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eighth
Owings James W, es Fifth s of Cerre
Packaberry Thomas, carman, ws Eighth s of Biddle
Packard G H, ss Morgan w of Sixth
Padfield Jacob, [c] porter, ss Carr w of Eighth
Paff John, cooper, ne corner Third and Hazel
Pagaud J M, printer, nw corner Sixth and Olive
Pagaud James H, accountant, nw corner Sixth and Olive
Page D D, 45 s First
Page F W, 43 s First
Page James H, merchant) dwelling es Collins, near reservoir
Page T, merchant, 10 s First - dw, ss Walnut w of Sixth
Paget Bailey, ws Eleventh n of Morgan
Paget John, blacksmith, es Third n of Locust .
Pahlan Barnhard, laborer, es Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Pahner John, sawyer, ws Franklin-avenue e of Ninth
Pallen M, M.D., 121 Locust
Pallies Joseph, cooper, ws Fifth s of Cerre
Palm William, clerk in surveyor-general’s-office, ss Poplar w of Second
Palmer Charles L, bookkeeper, ws Sixth n of Biddle ^
Palmer Israel, ship-carpenter, ws Sixth n of Carr
Palmer John J, variety store, 66 Market
Palmer Joseph, laborer, ss Washington-avenue w of Tenth
Palmer William, pattern-maker, es Twelfth n of Morgan
Papin Alexander, nw corner First and Locust
Papin J L, (Sullivan & co.) es Third s of Poplar
Papin Leo Timothee, clerk at Turnbull & Pray’s
Papin P D, sw corner Second and Pine
Parcel Ninian, trader, ws Second s of Hazel
Park A G, widow, ws Collins n of Cherry
Park Alexis, mason, es Carondelet-road s of Convent
Park Andrew, (Morgan, P. & C.) 113 n First
Park Mill, (H L Hoffman) sw corner Thirteenth and Market
Park-tavern, ( Almstedt & Becker) cor Fourteenth and Market
Parker Aaron, [c] es Collins n of Cherry
Parker D H, clerk, ws Eleventh s of Morgan
Parker Henry, brickmaker, ns Walnut w of Ninth
Parker John M, city register, 94 Washington-avenue
Parker Matthias M, carpenter, ss Gay w of Fourteenth
Parker Nathaniel W, pilot, ns Morgan w of Ninth
Parker Thomas M, pilot, ss Carr e of Ninth
Parkhurst David, cabinet-maker, ws Ninth s of Market
Parkinson Dryden, riverman, ss Plum w of Second
Parkison Josephus, tailor, ns Market w of Ninth
Parkman Charles B, (Aldrech & P.), 57 n Front
Parks & Perry, eating-house, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Parks James, sawyer, ne corner Ninth and Chambers
Parks M M, (P. & P.), ws Broadway n of Morgan
Parks Robert A, carpenter, es Seventh n of Almond
Parks Robert, carpenter, es Seventh s of Spruce
Parmele Ambrose, es First s of Myrtle
Parmly Ralph, ss Myrtle w of First
Parquot Elizabeth, 106 Market
Parry John, bricklayer, ss Pine w of Eighth
Parsons & Moult, wholesale dry-goods merchants, 69 n First
Parsons H F, (P. & M.), ss Olive w of Eighth
Parsons Samuel L, clerk, 129 n First
Parsons Samuel, pork-curer, ns Market w of Twelfth
Paschall N, clerk Court Com. Pleas, dw, ws Fifth n of Cerre
Pasquier Elomise, widow, 121 Olive
Patchell James, drayman, sw corner Seventh and Biddle
Patchen L W, 14 Pine
Paton Charles, engineer, es Tenth n of Green
Patten E B, bookkeeper, 14 n Front
Patterson A, saddler, 39 n First
Patterson John, millwright, es Twelfth s of Wash
Patterson Nathaniel, ws Fourth n of Pine
Patterson Nelson, carpenter, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Patterson William H, nw corner Seventh and Olive
Pattison Ephraim, mason, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Patton H M, ladies’ seminary, nw corner Fourth and Olive
Patton Moses, wheelwright, ns Morgan w of Ninth
Patton Nicholas, carpenter, 156 Green
Patzman P F, shoemaker, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eighth
Paul Edward W, ns Chouteau-avenue .
Paul House, ne corner Second and Walnut
Paul Rene, ns Walnut w of First
Paulding J W, constable, dw es Fourth s of Cedar, on alley
Pauls Ferdinand, razor-grinder, ws Sixth s of Hickory
Pawling William, riverman, ss Market w of Tenth, on alley
Payton - , engineer, es Ninth s of Green
Peabody A, (P. & co.), 6 n Front
Peabody A & co., grocers, 6 n Front
Peake Samuel H, (Abbot & P.), nw corner Fifth and Locust
Peaper Englehart, tailor, ws Third n of Rutger
Pearce Charles, ferryman, ns Hempstead w of Broadway
Pearce David, wholesale dealer in hats and caps, 122 n First
Pearce John F, plumber, ws Third opposite Cathedral
Pearce Lorens, riverman, ss Plum w of First
Pearson G, drayman, sw corner Twelfth and Clark-avenue
Pearson George, drayman, ss Market w of Ninth
Pearson James, engineer, sw corner Eleventh and Morgan
Pease J S, es Fourth n of Cedar
Peash George, painter, 31 n Second
Pechman L, china-merchant, 22 n First
Peck Charles H, carpenter, dwelling ss Morgan w of Tenth
Peck John W, carpenter, boards at C H Peck’s
Peck R B, auctioneer, ws Second s of Myrtle
Peckham George, clerk at James Hazlett’s
Pedley Daniel, bricklayer, boards at White Lamb
Pee &. Brown, bakers, 90 Market
Peebles Ira, drayman, boards at Mehr’s
Peeler Martin, riverman, ns Cherry w of Second, upstairs
Peers Henry, blacksmith, ws Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
Peers P J, ss Walnut e of Second
Peet Burwell, boards at Rhenish-house
Peets Alban, laborer,A ss Locust w of Third, upstairs
Peets S G, boarding-house, 8 n Third
Peixotto & co., merchants, 68 n Fourth
Peixotto DC, (P. & co.), ws Sixth s of Spruce
Pellezaro Peter, agent, ne corner Thirteenth and Wash
Pelloux James, (D’OEnch & P.), ne corner Third and Market
Peltier Eli, boarding-house, 57 s First
Peltier G, Fort Union-tavern, ws Second s of Plum
Peltier Reine, widow, ws Second n of Hazel
Peltz Herman, ws Second n of Hazel
Pembridge Mary Ann, grocer, 181 n First
Pembleton Daniel F, bookkeeper at Rasin & Hanson’s
Pendleton Marcus, carpenter, boards at Boston-house
Pene Adam, laborer, es First s of Chambers
Penn S, jr., editor Missouri Reporter - dw, 192 Fourth
Penn W P, publisher of Reporter, 35 Locust
Penneman - , (Russell & P.,) boards at Vine-street-holel
Penniman Henry, laborer, ns Morgan w of Fourth
Penningroth Louisa, ns Locust w of Third
Pennington J J, M.D., Ws Fifth n of Locust
Pennington John, (Griswold & P.), 6 n Front
Penny & Snyder, blacksmiths, ws Third s of Walnut
Penny Isaac, (P. & S.), boards at Walnut-street-tavern
Penrod Jonathan, pilot, ws Sixth n of Wash
Penwell Jasper, cabinet-maker, boards at Mrs. McGoa’s
Penworth Nicholas, shoemaker, ns Wash w of Eighth
Penzinski Maxamilion, saddler, es Third n of Convent
Peoples’ Daily Organ, R S Higgins, 47 Locust
Perin Moses, carpenter, es Eighth n of Wash
Perkins E P, wall-colorer, 89 Washington-avenue
Perkins Lucinda, es Second n of Cedar
Perkins Luther, carpenter, ss Biddle e of Seventh
Pero Fabian, Minerva coffee-house, es Second s of Plum
Perpetual Insurance Company - office, 77 n First ne corner First and Olive - J B Camden, president; N Ranlett,
Perri John Baptist, ns Spruce w of Front
Perrin Charles, bookkeeper, es Fifth n of Wash
Perrine Leonard, baker, es Carondelet n of Rutger
Perron Peter, laborer, ss Elm w of Second
Perry Alfred, (Parks & P.), ws Broadway n of Morgan
Perry Edward, [c] drayman, ws Third s of Almond
Perry John, nw corner Sixth and Locust
Perry R P, (Franklin & P.), 86 n First
Perry Richard W, painter, 22 Olive
Perschbacher Frederick, ne corner Second and Vine
Perso Bernard, wagon-maker, es Carondelet w of Miller
Peter Jacob, baker, es Sixth n of Chesnut
Peter John, confectioner, basement Planters’-house
Peter John, shoemaker, 11 n Third
Peters Caleb, riverman, ss Spruce e of Thirteenth
Peters John B T, drayman, ws Fifth n of Almond
Peters John, saddler, ss Olive w of Third
Peters L, merchant, 39 n Fourth
Peterson Alexander, jr, (Cook & P.) 71 n First
Peterson Alexander, leather-dealer, ss Carr w of Sixth
Pettes E P, 10 s Front - dw, Walnut bt Sixth and Seventh
Pettingale Thomas, deputy-clerk Circuit Court
Pettit Edward, charioteer, ss Seventh n of Market
Pezzoni Angoline, hair-dresser, 31 Market
Pfaff Henrich, laborer, es Second s of Convent
Pfasker Johann, laborer, ss Carr w of Eleventh
Pfieffer Joseph, watchmaker, es Second n of Almond
Pfieffer William, blacksmith, es Second s of Spruce
Pfiester Stpn, laborer, Soulard’s Addition w of Carondelet-av.
Pfister Frncs Von, bookkeeper at P Chouteau’s, dvv, 182 Olive
Pfund Frederick, es Carondelet s of Soulard
Phelan Michael, coffee-house, 47 n Front
Phelon William, drayman, ne corner Eleventh and Chesnut
Phelps Benjamin, dealer in family medicines, 76 Chesnut
Phelps Nicholas, trader, ss Market w of Ninth
Philibert Adolphus, tailor, es Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
Philibert Augustus, watchmaker, es Sixth n of Franklin av
Philibert Benjamin, carpenter and sashmaker, ns Olive opposite theatre - dwelling, nw corner Fifth
Philibert Joseph, nw corner Fifth and Franklin-avenue
Philip J, tailor, ns Morgan w of Third
Philippi Alexander, grocer, 79 Market
Philips Henry, ws Second w of Elm
Philips J, umbrellas and musical instruments, ws Second s of Pine
Philips Jacob, drayman, nw corner First and Almond
Philips John, carpenter, es Fifth s of Gratiot
Philips John H, painter, nw corner Eighth and Biddle
Philips Miss Matilda, shirt-maker, ss Almond w of Second
Philips Nathaniel, military and music store, 42 Market
Philips William, book and paper warehouse, 58 n First - dw, es Fifth s of Locust
Phillips George W, M.D., 35 Spruce between First and Second
Phipps L, ws Carondelet-avenue s of Lafayette
Phipps Lucius, clerk, es Eighth n pf Olive
Phoenix Engine-house, ws Second beginning of Carondelet-av.
Phoenix Mill, ns Barry w of Seventh
Pickard John, stone-cutter, es Broadway s of Biddle
Picker Fredk, pastor German Lutheran Church, ws Thirteenth near Randolph
Pickering Charles, brass-founder, ws Collins n of Cherry
Picot L, attorney at law, 127 n First, upstairs
Picotte H, ws Second n of Vine
Pidlingmeyer John, blacksmith, ss Plum w of Second
Pidlingmeyer Leonard, wagon-maker, ss Plum w of Second
Pieper Barnhart, laborer, es Carondelet-av. Soulard’s Addition
Pierce Asberry, rivfirman, boards at Harp-tavern
Pierson Arthur, laborer, ss Convent e of Fifth
Piggott A., druggist, 196 n First - dw, ws Sixth n of Morgan
Piggott William, druggist, sw corner Third and Morgan
Pigman Thomas, laborer, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Pignero P, barber, 49 Market
Pigott Mrs. Francis, ws Third opposite cathedral
Piinger Fredk, Lutheran preacher, sw cor Third and Mulberry
Pike William, engineer, es Fifth n of Wash
Pilgram George, ws Ninth n of Carr
Pilkington S B, ns Barry w of Seventh
Pine Adam, laborer, es First s of Chambers
Pine - dwelling, ss Washington-avenue w of Fourth
Pine George W, se corner Sixth and Myrtle
Pinehouse Robt, shoe merchant, ne cor Morgan and Broadway
Pinningroth Louisa, ns Locust w of Third
Piper Christopher, laborer, ws Eighth s Wash
Piper Grafton, tailor, ws Eighth s of Wash
Pitcher John, bricklayer, ws Fifth s of Cerre
Plahto Henry, clothier, 52 n’Front
Plant George, (Matlacks & P.) ns Morgan w of Seventh
Planter’s Tobacco Warehouses, J B Brant, se and ne corners Second and Washington-avenue
Planters’-house, B Stickney, ws Fourth from Chesnut to Pint
Plaster Joseph, engineer, se corner Tenth and Labeaurae
Pleuger Henry, shoemaker, ss Locust w of Third
Plitt & Meyer, confectioners, distillers of essences, and manufacturers of spices and mustard, 258 n Eleventh, cor
of Carr
Plitt Philip, (P. & M.) ne corner Eleventh and Carr
Plock Martin, shoemaker, 11 n Third
Ploger Michael, tailor, ss Cherry w of Third
Plumart Rudolph, blacksmith, ns Hazel w of Second
Plummer Gustavus, shoemaker, es Tenth n of Morgan
Pococke W H, painter, 7 n Fourth
Podex Julius, ns Convent e of Fifth
Podister Antoine, grocer, es Eighth s of Biddle
Poe Harden, carpenter, ss Wash w of Eighth
Poe Lewis, stone-cutter, ws Ninth n of Wash
Poetter G W, music teacher, ss Elm w of Second
Poff John, cooper, ne corner Third and Hazel
Pogue Washington, plasterer, es Broadway n of Cherry
Poinsett Mary, boarding-house, 51 Market
Pole Herod, carter, ws Third n of Convent
Polk T, attorney at law, 55 Pine - dw, ws Sixth n of Morgan
Polkowski E S, 18 n First
Pollies Joseph, cooper, ws Fifth s of Cerre
Pollitz Frederick, Saint Louis-park
Polthoff August, ss Locust w of Third
Polthorf Frederick, tailor, ss Locust w of Third
Pomarede & Courtenay, painters, nw corner Second and Olive
Pomarede Leon, boards at John Lightcap’s
Pomeroy Augustus D, merchant, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Pomeroy Chester W, commission merchant, 24 n Front - dw, ws Sixth n of Wash
Pomeroy George, auctioneer and commission merchant, 70 n
Pond Charles H, architect, es Fifth n of Franklin-avenue
Ponnoy Alexander, ws Twelfth s of Biddle
Poor Andrew, laborer, ss Market w of Ninth
Poorman Henry, carpenter, nw corner Ninth and Green
Pope & West, wholesale grocers, 79 n Front
Pope C A, M.D., 65 Pine Pope Lewis, ns Pine w of Sixth
Pope Josiah, (P. & W.) 79 n Front
Porrear Robert E, painter, ws Fifth s of Carr
Porter Samuel, painter, sw corner Seventh and Carr
Post Luke, carter, es Ninth n of Market Post-office, 87 Chesnut
Poston William, bricklayer, ns Biddle e of Seventh
Potter Mary, widow, ns Poplar w of First
Potter P J, clerk at Diving-bell warehouse, (Casse & co.)
Potter Samuel D, miller, ns Wash w of Seventh
Pottle E L & co, merchants, 12 s First
Pottle E L, (P. & co.) 12 s First
Pottle J W, (P. & co.) 12 s First
Potts Rev. W S, pastor 2d Presbyterian church, 101 Walnut
Potts William, carpenter, es Eleventh s of Wash
Powell & Wilson, wholesale dry-goods merchants, 84 n First
Powell, Barber & co, Missouri mill, se cor Eighth and Saint Charles
Powell Hudson, carpenter, corner Tenth and Hickory
Powell James, shoemaker, 54 Chesnut
Powell Joseph, (P B. & co.) se cor Eighth and St Charles
Powell Larkin, carpenter, es Jackson s of Marion
Powell Peter, ws Sixth s of Market
Powell R W, draper and tailor, 115 Pine
Powell Robert, tailor, es Fourth n of Pine
Powell William, (P. & co.) boards at City-hotel
Powell Willis J, teacher of languages, ws Third n of Olive
Powell Wm & co, wholesale dry-goods merchant, 155 n First
Powellson John, baker at Davis and Murray’s
Power James, 60 Chesnut
Power Philip, laborer, es Eleventh s of Biddle
Power Thomas, laborer, ss Biddle e of Eleventh
Powers Edward, steamboat captain, 172 Olive
Powers James, drayman, es Fifth s of Convent
Powers James, laborer, es Eighth s of Biddle
Powers James, laborer, es Fourteenth s of Market
Powers Michael, grocer, se corner Fourteenth and Market
Powers Peter, carpenter, ss Morgan w of Sixteenth
Powers Valentine, tailor, ws Fifth s of Convent
Powers William, (P & co.) sw corner Fifth and Locust
Powers Wm & co, carriage-maker, sw cor Fifth and Locust
Pozzoni Angoline, hair-dresser, 31 Market
Prather J V, M.D., nw corner Second and Pine
Prather Lloyd, carpenter, es Eighth n of Biddle
Pratt Edwin, fruit-store, es Second n of Olive
Pratt J H, clerk at A Farr’s, junior
Pratt R T, tinner, 141 n First
Pratte & Cabanne, fur-dealers, 22 n Front
Pratte Bernard, (P. & C.) se corner Fifth and Olive
Pray Isaiah, (Turnbull & P.) 136 n First
Preiss & Struwe, merchants, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Preiss Caspar, drayman, ws Eighth s of Carr
Preiss Conrad, drayman, ws Eighth s of Carr
Preiss Henry W, (P. & S.) ss Morgan w of Fourth
Premutta M, grocer, nw corner Second and Cedar
Prentiss R, attorney at law, 96 n First - boards at City-hotel
Presbury & co, exchange brokers, 31 n First
Presbury G G, junior, es Fifth s of Cerre
Presbury G G. senior, boards at G G Presbury, junior’s
Presoott William W, printer, ss Spruce e of Third
Preston C, M.D., boards at National-hotel
Preston Thomas W, attorney at law, 96 n First
Preston Walter, riverman, ns Saint Charles w of Fifth
Price & Jennings, merchants, 22 s First
Price & Martin, grocers and com. merchants, 10 n Front
Price Cornelius, (P. & J.) boards at Planters’-house
Price Enoch, (P. & M.) es Sixth n of Pine
Price Jeremiah, engineer, es First s of Ashley
Priddy Charles D, city marshal, office Old Market
Primeau Louis, se corner Tenth and Labeaume
Primeau Louis, ss Pine w of Sixth
Primeau Paul, es Seventh n of Pine
Primm & Taylor, attorneys at law, 54 n First
Primm Charles, clerk, ss Elm w of Second
Primm Mary, ss Elm w of Second
Primm Wilson, (P. & T.) ws Second s of Almond
Prince Adam, bricklayer, ws Tenth s of Market
Prinner Jacob, es Ninth s of Wash
Pritchard George, founder, ws Tenth n of Carr
Pritchard William H, deputy clerk Court Common Pleas - dwelling, 61 Locust
Pritchard Willis R, founder, es Tenth n of Carr
Pritchett Jesse, saddletree-maker, 39 n First
Pritchett Leeds, cabinet-maker, 76 n Second
Pritchett Samuel, silver-plate polisher, 72 Green
Probasco Peter, laborer, es Twelfth s of Morgan
Probazon William, carpenter, es Fifth s of Convent
Probst Conrad, laborer, ws Ninth s of Wash
Profator Calvin, drayman, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Prohammar Joseph, laborer, ne corner Third and Hazel
Prosser & Jones, drapers and tailors, 17 Vine
Prosser Henry, (P. & J.) 17 Vine
Prosser Thomas, shoemaker, nw corner Fifth and Labadie
Protection Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. - Agency 131 n First, upstairs - Samuel Stagg, agent
Prout H A, M.D., 99 Chesnut
Provenchere F, first-ward collector, ws Second s of Hazel
Provensal Lorenz, ss Cedar w of Second
Provost H N, sw corner Second and Lombard
Prudens Amasa, trader, es Second s of Convent
Prudot Albert, instrument-maker, ws Carondelet s of Barry
Prusneer William, bricklayer, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Pryor Anthony, teamster, es Fifth n of Rutger
Pugh Lawrence, laborer, ss Wash w of Sixth
Pugh Richard, sawyer, ns Franklin-avenue e of Ninth
Pullis C & T R, iron-railing and bank-door manufacturers, ws Sixth s of Green
Pullis T R, boards at C Pullis’
Pullis.Christian, (C & T R P.) es Seventh s of Washington-av.
Pund Thomas, laborer, es Ninth s of Wash
Purdrum F A, clerk, ss Myrtle e of Third
Purdy J J, judge of County Court - dw, es Fourth s of Myrtle
Purfurst Frederick, shoemaker, nw corner Fifth and Labadie
Purs Henry, blacksmith, ws Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
Pursell Adam, carter, ns Myrtle e of First
Purvis Elihu, stone-cutter, ss Randolph w of Twelfth
Purvis G W, architect and builder, corner of Ninth and Saint Charles - dwelling, corner of Eighth and Locust
Purvis John, mason, rear of 35 s Fifth
Pusler Stephen, tailor, sw corner Thirteenth and Wash
Putney E A, teacher, ns Morgan e of Eleventh
Putt Moses, laborer, ss Seventh e of Morgan
Pye Isaiah, hatter - dwelling, rear of 106 n First
Quadras Y & co, tobacconists and commission merchants, 44 n First and 24 n Front
Quarles James, laborer, Moore-street s of Market
Quarmby John, ns Olive w of Third
Quast John M, shoemaker, ns Olive w of Second
Quenner Frederick, carter, ws Carondelet-av. s of Marion
Querl Charles, carpenter, es Thirteenth s of Carr
Quick Jackson, ns Brooklyn w of Broadway
Quigly John, pressman Republican office, 47 n First
Quinette Francis A, carpenter, 126 Washington-avenue
Quinland Daniel, laborer, 142 Green
Quinn Edward, bookbinder, ws Sixth n Pine
Quinn Francis, riverman, ws Sixth n of Biddle
Quinn Patrick, cooper, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Quirk John, laborer, ss Chesnut w of Ninth
Quirk M D, (Snow & co.) 194 n First
Raborg & Shoffner, hide and leather dealers, 13 n Front
Raborg Franklin, (R. & Shoffner,) ws Third s of Poplar
Race Henry, ws Second n of Plum
Racine Poirier, dry-goods merchant, 24 s First
Racine Toussaint, coffee-house, ne corner Second and Poplar
Ragan James, Central-tavern, ss Chesnut w of Third
Ragan John, Central-tavern, ss Chesnut w of Third
Ragan Morris, laborer, es Carondelet s of Emmelt
Rager Aaron, shoemaker, 108 Green
Ragher John, tailor, sw corner Twelfth and Gay
Ragher Patrick, hack-driver, sw cor Ninth and Franklin-av.
Rahmeyer Bernard, drayman, se corner Eleventh and Biddle
Rain Edward, blacksmith, nw corner Sixth and Spruce
Rain Joseph, butcher, es Seventh n of Biddle
Rainbow House, L Gay, 12 Olive
Rakoph Henry A, saddler, ws Second s of Poplar, upstairs
Ralls Henry, tailor, es Third s of Elm
Ralston M M, boarding-house, Front n of Myrtle
Ram pf Adam, laborer, ns Labadie w of Fifth
Ramsey Charles G, proprietor New Era, 24 n First
Ramsey N, commission merchant, 26 n Front
Ramsey Patrick, drayman, ns Cerre w of Fifth
Randall John, clerk, sw corner Sixth and Wash
Randall John M, hatter, ns Carr w of Eighth
Randall McLean, grocer, es Broadway n of Howard
Randolph & Tracy, commission merchants, 22 n First
Randolph B H, (R. & T.) sw corner Walnut and Fourth
Randolph J C F, baker, ne corner Third and Market
Randolph William S, steamboat captain, es Seventh n of Elm
Rankin Robert, boards at Jefferson-house
Rankin William G, clerk at A H Hackney’s
Ranlet N, secretary St. Louis Perpetual Insurance Company - dwelling, es Eighth n of Olive
Rannels Charles S, attorney at law, sw cor First and Olive - b dwelling, ns Walnut w of Eighth
Ranney Nathan, commission merchant, 30 n Front - dwelling, es Fifth s of Myrtle
Ransom D, saddler, 29 n Market
Ransom George, riverman, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Raper John, laborer, ss Cerre w of Fifth
Raplee Uriah, 157 Green
Raser Xavier, gardener, corner Soulard and Decatur
Rasin & Hanson, produce dealers and commission merchants, 26 n Front
Rasin Unit, (R. & H.) es Second n of Pine
Ratineaud J, baker, es Third s of Poplar
Ratineaud M, baker, es Third s of Poplar
Rau Henry, musician, ws Second n of Plum
Raub Uriah, carpenter, boards at Lyle’s on Seventh
Rawle R, boarding house, 165 n Front
Ray Frederick R, (R. & co.) 23 n Third
Ray Lewis E, ws Second n of Plum, upstairs
Ray Peter, riverman, es Eleventh n of Carr
Ray W G & co, wh. grocers and com. merchants, 23 n Third
Ray Winthrop G, (R. & co.) 23 n Third
Raymond A, rear of 51 Locust
Raymond George W, ws Third 8 of Green
Rea Horseley, State tobacco inspector, 56 Saint Charles
Realing John, shoemaker, sw corner Second and Spruce
Reamer Henry, laborer, ws Eighth s of Wash, upstairs
Reardon John, stone-cutter, ns Spruce w of Second
Reardon Michael, drayman, sw corner Eleventh and Morgan
Reber S, attorney at law, 47 Pine
Rechtar & Wese, shoemakers, 35 n Second
Rechter C G, shoemaker, es First n of Myrtle
Rechter John, (R. & W.) 35 n Second
Recordon C, street inspector first district, ws Carondelet-avenue w of Barry
Recordon J, (Menkins & R.) boards at Menkins’
Redding Thomas, Planters’-house
Reebel Charles, sail-maker, ns Franklin-avenue e of Fifth
Reed & Wright, locksmiths, corner Third and Olive
Reed Enoch, ws Sixteenth s of Market .
Reed James A, coppersmith, 45 n First - dwelling, es Sixth s of Saint Charles
Reed Joseph, (R. & R.) rear of 28 Chesnut
Reed Nathaniel, carpenter, ws Tenth s of Franklin-avenue
Reed Samuel, accountant, ws Tenth s of Franklin-avenue
Reed Silas, surveyor-general, 141 Market
Reeder J H, clerk at A D Pomeroy’s
Reeder John, es Fifth n of Olive
Reehl E, chandler, nw corner Sixth and Gratiot
Reeve William, shoemaker, ns Hempstead w of Broadway
Regan Morris, laborer, es Carondelet-avenue s of Emmett
Regor Henry, laborer, ns Chesnut w of Fifth
Reichard F, fancy dry-goods merchant, 76 n Fourth
Reid David, straw-presser, es Fourteenth n of Locust
Reilly J P, coffee-house, 46 n First
Reilly James J, ws Fifth s of Poplar
Reilly Mary, widow, ss Elm w of Second
Reilly P J, trader, se corner Fourteenth and Orange
Reilly Terrence, laborer, ws Eighth s of Franklin-avenue
Reinboldnager Andreas, tailor, 9 n Second
Reinstetter Andrew, cooper, ss Carr e of Tenth
Reinstetter John, laborer, ss Carr e of Tenth
Relck Frank, cabinet-maker, es Ninth n of Carr
Rem Nicholas, carpenter, es Ninth n of Wash
Remmington W H, ws Second s of Biddle
Remmington Wm II, charcoal-dealer, ws Collins s of Biddlc
Renard Adolph, clerk in surveyor-general’s office
Renard Hyacinth, nw corner Second and Locust, (55 Locust)
Renfrew John, foreman in foundry, ws Fifth n of Carr
Renfro William, shoemaker, ns Wash w of Eighth, upstairs
Rengl John, carpenter, ss Marion c of Jackson
Renshaw William, secretary Citizens’ Insurance company - dwelling, ws Thirds of Plum
Renth John, tailor, 28 Pine
Renth William, tailor, 28 Pine
Reporter (Missouri), Shadrach Penn, 35 Locust
Republican (Missouri,) Chambers & Knapp, 47 n First
Resco Henry, laborer, ss of Lombard e of Second
Resec Jacob, wagon-maker, es Second n of Lombard
Retarenkar Frederick, laborer, se corner Eleventh and Biddle
Retinger John George, gardener, sw corner Third and Cedar
Retz Conrad, blacksmith, es Second n of Lombard
Reveille (Saint Louis), Keemle & Field, 22 Olive
Revel Michael, grocer, 90 n Front
Reyburn A M, clerk at John T Martin’s
Reyburn T G, commission merchant and insurance agent, 8 Olive - dwelling, 188 Olive
Reyburn Thomas, M.D., office 57 Locust
Reymond A, rear of 51 Locust
Reynolds B. R, City workhouse, ws Fifth s of Cerre
Reynolds J C, iron and commission merchant, 18 n Front
Reynolds Samuel, painter, ws Tenth n of Carr
Reynolds Thomas, livery-stable, ws Second s of Plum, ups.
Rheinlander Marinus, grocer, ws Second s of Spruce
Rhenish-tavern, Fidelle Kreig, es Second n of Green
Rhode Benjamin, carpenter, ss Market w of Tenth
Rhode Benjamin, carpenter, ss Market w of Tenth
Rhodes Chas R, Taylor & R. attorneys at law, 66 n First
Rhodes Christopher, commission merchant, 26 Front
Rice Barton, lumber-merchant, es Carondelct-avenue
Rice John, 113 n Fourth - coffee-houses, 52 and 64 n Front
Rice John, baker, ns Chesnut w of Fifth
Richards Benjamin, painter, ws Fifth s of Cerre
Richards Ebenezer, (Davis, T &. R.) ss Elm w of Sixth
Richards Frederick, 76 n Fourth
Richards G M, boarding-house, 40 Green
Richards Samuel C, blacksmith, 115 Olive
Richards Wyatt, bricklayer, ws Thirteenth s of Market
Richer, J. H., (Pottle & co.) 12 s First
Richmond R H, superintendent Hinton & co.’s stage line, office basement Planters’-house
Richter E. G. Shoemaker, es First n of Mrytle - dw, corner Third and Maple
Rickerson A., sec. St. Louis Insurance co., 73 n First, ups
Ridder, Conrad, teacher, es Second (illegible)
Riddle, Col. A., lumber merchant, (illegible)
Ridgely & co., lamp, spirit gas, and chemical oil manufacturers, 69 Locust
Ridgely F R, secretary Union Insurance co., 127 n First - dwelling, es Fifth n of Poplar
Ridgely Richard, gas manufacturer, dw, ws Collins n of Cherry
Ridgely Stephen, (R &co.) ws Seventh, one door s of Green
Ridgely Thomas, tailor, sw corner Twelfth and Clark-avenue
Ridgeway Joseph, boards at Z B Curtis’s
Riggin John, hardware merchant, 166 n First - dwelling, se corner Tenth and Carr
Righteous Francis, widow, ws Second s of Convent
Riley Isom, teamster, ns Chambers w of Broadway
Riley John, mason, es Seventh n of Biddle
Riley William, laborer, 104 Green
Rinehart Adolph, clerk in surveyor-general’s office, dwelling, ws Third s of Convent
Rinehart Benjamin, tobacconist, nw corner Tenth and Green
Ringham John B, cook, ns Convent e of Fifth
Ringland Christian, wood merchant, ns Chesnut w of Third
Ripley Joseph A, clerk, ss Green w of Third
Rippey Matthew, lumber merchant, 144 Chesnut
Ripple Louisa, widow, ss Morgan e of Third
Risk T F, attorney at law, 64 Chesnut
Risley Wm, es First s of Myrtle - pork-house 257 s Second
Risque F W, atttorney at law, 38 Chesnut
Rivereau John, M.D., 23 Pine
Rizer Daniel L, street inspector third district, dwelling ns Gay w of Twelfth
Roach John, drayman, ws First n of Poplar
Roach John, rope-spinner, St. George’s Addition
Roach Patrick, plasterer, ns Saint Charles w of Fifth
Roach William, grocer, 2 n Front
Robb J S, printer, foreman Reveille office
Robb William, hatter, 88 n Front
Robbins & Foster, livery-stable, nw corner Second and Green
Robbins C, 117 Chesnut
Robbins George, livery-stable, dw, ws Second n of Cherry
Robbins Nathaniel, grocer, se corner Seventh and Franklin-av.
Roberts & Ashbrook, 39 Locust
Roberts George, foreman planing-machine, es Eighth s of Saint Charles
Roberts George P, carpenter, es Eighth n of Olive
Roberts Henry, carpenter, ns Gay w of Fourteenth
Roberts James W, clerk at W W Thompson & co.’s
Robertson Alexander S, es First n of Washington-avenue
Robertson Gordon, brewer, sw corner Sixth and Biddle
Robertson John, bricklayer, es Eighth n of Morgan
Robertson John, merchant, es Broadway n of Morgan
Robideau Joseph, fur-trader, es First s of Elm
Robinson A S, clerk in Mo. Bank, sw cor Second and Hazel
Robinson Edward, riverman, es Second s of Wood
Robinson George, clerk at Woods, Yeatman & co.’s
Robinson George, clerk, ws Fourth n of Morgan
Robinson J B, M.D., 43 Chesnut
Robinson J P, carpenter, ss Franklin-avenue w of Fourth
Robinson J P, carpenter, boards at C L Casterline’s
Robinson J S, druggist, es Fourth n of Pine
Robinson Jabez, confectioner, ws First s of Walnut
Robinson James, agent, es Seventh s of Wash, on alley
Robinson John, gunsmith, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Robinson John, merchant, dwelling ws Fourth n of Morgan
Robinson John, shoemaker, es Thirteenth n of Franklin-av.
Robinson John, stone-cutter, es Broadway s of Biddle
Robinson John, stone-cutter, ns Olive w of Third
Robinson K, shoemaker, ws Eleventh n of Green
Robinson R&D, leather dealers, 14 s First
Robirds N, steamboat captain, ne corner Eighth and Morgan
Robirds Oby, engineer, ns Franklin-avenue e of Thirteenth
Robyns William, music-teacher, 163 Green
Rock Philip, coffee-house, 31 n Front
Rodier C H, M.D., ws Second s of Hazel
Rodolph John, shoemaker, 96 n Front
Roe John, steamboat captain, ss Morgan w of Sixth
Roff A B, steamboat captain, ws First n of Vine, upstairs
Rogers Charles, (R., F. & co.) 175 n First
Rogers, Field & co., wh. hardware merchants, 175 n First
Rogers J P, Mattack & R. boards at City-hotel
Rogers John, es Fifth s of Cerre
Rogers Patrick, drayman, boards at Mrs. Goa’s
Rogers Patrick, hack-driver, sw cor Ninth and Franklin-av,
Rogers Patrick, M.D., nw corner Morgan and Broadway
Rogers Samuel, (Everest & R.) ss Morgan near Tenth
Rogers Solomon, ne corner First and Smith
Rogers William, riverman, ss Washington-avenue w of Sixth
Rohemberg Adolph, laborer, ss Morgan e of Third
Rohrer J W, druggist, es Fourth n of Pine
Rokohl D, lottery-office, 183 n First
Rokoph Henry A, saddler, ws Second s of Poplar, upstairs
Roling Nicholas, pedlar, es Eleventh s of Carr
Roll Henry, tailor, es Third s of Elm
Romano Joseph, confectioner, es First s of Walnut
Romayn Charles, tailor, es Second s of Myrtle
Romer Charles, saddler, ne corner Second and Wood
Romer Henry, laborer, ws Eighth s of Wash, upstairs
Romin Mrs C W, private boarding-house, 175 n First
Romyn W J, attorney at law, 50 Pine
Roney Michael, laborer, ne corner Tenth and Green
Roper J, gunsmith - dw, ne corner Thirteenth and Randolph
Roschke Edward, tailor, es Thirteenth n of Wash
Rose Edward, M.D., ws Second n of Hazel
Rose Hugh, grocer, ne corner Eighth and Carr
Rose Isaiah D, dealer in peltries, ss Carr e of Seventh
Rose John, tobacconist, 73 Chesnut
Rosenbaum J, shoemaker, 46 Vine
Rosenbeecher Anton, tobacconist, es Second s of Convent
Rosenburg M, surgeon, 158 Green
Rosenfeld John, clothier, 74 n Front
Rosenfelt G, tailor, nw corner Second and Vine, upstairs
Rosengarten H, druggist, ns Franklin-av. w of Broadway
Rosenmuller Frederick, tailor, es Eighth n of Franklin-av.
Rosenmuller John, segar-maker, es Twelfth n of Wash
Roskilly Joseph, plasterer, ws Eleventh s of Morgan
Ross & Cowie, saddlers, 15 n First
Ross Christal, ws Fifth n of Chesnut
Ross Daniel, mason, es Seventh n of Chouteau-avenue
Ross Henry L, boards at Mrs. Ware’s
Ross Jonathan A, miller, 95 Washington-avenu
Ross Joseph, (R. & co.) 15 n First
Ross Mary, ns Pine w of Sixth
Ross Samuel, grocer - dwelling, Eleventh s of Carr
Ross William, stone-cutter, es Ninth s of Wash
Rossiter Lucius T, wholesale dry-goods merchant, 97 n First
Roth Mrs Charlotte, es Third n of Olive
Rothenbuecher J, shoemaker, es Second s of Wood
Rothone , confectioner, es Ninth s of Carr
RothwellW, Baron & R. wholesale druggists, 10 and 12 Vine
Roushkalb Peter, miller, ws Seventh s of Green
Rowan Miss Martha, boarding-house, sw cor Fourth and Elm
Rowland Anthony, es Second s of Hazel
Roy Louis E, ws Second n of Plum
Rubecamf Adam, laborer, es Ninth s of Wash
Ruben John H, blacksmith, es Tenth n of Carr
Rucker Alfred M, 47 n First
Rucker Legrand, livery-stable, es Second s of Green - dwelling, ns Green w of Tenth
Rudolph, Berdram & co, bakers, se corner Eighth and Green
Rudolph Ferdinand, (R., B. & co.) se corner Eighth and Carr
Rudolph John, beer-house, 5 Washington-avenue
Rudolph Wiley, bricklayer, nw corner Eliza and Collins
Rueff Jacob, shoemaker, 10 Locust
Rugg & Williams, commission and wholesale dry-goods merchants, 211 n First
Rugg E K, (R. & W.) 211 n First
Ruggles Abijah, butcher, sw corner Sixteenth and Clark
Ruhl Dewis, blacksmith, es Eleventh n of Gay
Ruland John, clerk Circuit Court - dwelling, ss Franklin avenue w of city limits
Ruland S, dep. clerk Circuit Court, boards at Glasgow-house
Rule William K, es Fifth s of Convent
Ruloch Matthew, laborer, ws Eighth n of Wash
Rulon Joseph, fisherman, 131 Green
Rumford Charles C, brick-maker, es Eleventh s of Carr
Runlet William, ns Cerre ws of Fifth
Rupert John, chandler, es Jackson n of Barry
Russell & Bennett, wh. grocers and com. merchts, 28 n Front
Russell & Penniman, shoe-merchants, 28 Market
Russell Harris, (R. & P.) boards at Vine-street-hotel
Russell Isaiah, pilot, ne corner Fourteen and Franklin-avenue
Russell Reuben, shoe dealer, 28 Market - dwelling, ws Third s of Carondelet, on alley
Russell Samuel, (R. & B.) es Fifth s of Elm
Russell Stofel, es Fifth s of Cerre
Russell Timothy, drayman, ss Green w of Eighth
Russell William, ws Carondelet n of Arsenal
Rust John C, (Meier & co.) ws Fifth n of Chesnut
Ruter John, carpenter, ws Jackson n of Barry
Rutger Joanna M, widow, es Second s of Poplar
Ruth W H, (McKee R. & F.) 166 n Fourth
Rutherfurd A S, fancy dry-goods merchant, 10 n First
Rutherfurd Thos S, merchant, 26 n First - dw, 144 Market
Rutherfurd William, 26 n First
Rutkowski Lewis, clerk, 35 Locust, upstairs
Rutledge W, stone-cutter, es Seventh n of Wash, on alley
Ryan Augustus, locksmith, corner Third and Olive
Ryan James, boarding-house, ns Green e of Third
Ryan John, laborer, nw corner First and Spruce
Ryan Mary, widow, se corner Ninth and Franklin-avenue
Ryan Michael, shoemaker, es Fifth s of Green
Ryan Patrick, ice merchant, 129 Green
Ryan Patrick, ss Morgan w of Fifth
Ryan Richard, drayman, ns Spruce e of Third
Ryan Thomas, bookkeeper, es Third s of Spruce
Ryan Thomas, laborer, ws Ninth n of Carr
Rychlicki John K, clerk in surveyor-general’s office
Sack Augustus, laborer, Front n of Almond
Saelder C, tobacconist, corner Second and Walnut
Saetter John, cabinet-maker, es Ninth s of Carr
Safford M T, (Aldrich & S.) boards at A Gregg’s
Sage Conwell, carpenter, se corner Sixth and Biddle
Sage James, wagon-maker, es Eighth s of Market
Sagner Benedict, shoemaker, ns Locust w of Third
Sail J S, brewer, corner Duchouquette and Carondelet
Saint Louis Dispensary, 103 Pine
Saint Louis Insurance Co.- G R McGunnegle, president; A Ricketson, sec - 73 n First, se cor First and Olive,
Saint Louis Patent Lead-pipe and Sheet-lead works, (W W Thompson) sw corner Front and Spruce
Saint Louis Steam Sugar-refinery, (W H Belcher,) sw corner Front and Spruce
Saint Louis Type-foundry, and printers’ warehouse, (A P Ladew) 47 Locust
Saint Louis University, sw corner Ninth and Morgan
Saler Francis, lumberman, es Third s of Convent
Salisbury Lewis, clerk, 6 n Front
Salisbury P & co, wholesale boot and shoe store, 149 n First -retail, 6 n First
Salisbury Philander, (S. & co.) ss Elm w of Third
Salisbury S S, boards at B P Smith’s, ws Fifth s of Walnut
Salisbury William, es Fourth n of Mulberry
Salloway John, laborer, es Fifth s of Convent
Salvador Anglo, fruit-store, ss Market w of Eleventh
Sampson John, riverman, es Centre s of Market
Samstag John, cabinet-maker, ss Saint Charles w of Fifth
Samuel Mark, 35 Pine
Samuels Gensler, clerk, 15 n Front
Samuels M, grocer, 37 n Front
Samuels S, watchmaker, ns Green w of Third
Sandberg Peter, riverman, 165 Green
Sander George, shoemaker, es Third s of Elm
Sanderson Elias, riverman, es Eighth n of Wash, upstairs
Sands S G, tobacconist, 180 n First - dwelling, 20 Green
Sanford John F, (P Chouteau, jr. & co.) 18 Washington-av.
Sanford Michael, carpenter, ns Cerre w of Fourth
Sanford William, tailor, boards at Cutshaw’s
Sanguinet Charles, teller at Benoist’s - dwelling, sw corner
Sanguinet F P, bookkeeper at Benoist’s
Sarpy John B, (P Chouteau, jr, & co.) 137 Olive
Sass Richard S, clerk, ns Morgan w of Sixth
Sauer Nicholas, tailor, es Twelfth s of Carr
Sauer Rinehart, pedlar, es Second s of Wood, upstairs
Saugrain G R, widow, sw corner Second and Mulberry
Saur Benjamin, laborer, ws Eighth s of Washington-avenue
Scales John, riverman, es Fifth n of Olive
Scales Richard, laborer, es Eighth s of Biddle, on alley
Scanlan Michael, tailor, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Scanlan Timothy, wagon-maker, 204 n Second
Scannel Muhad, porter, ns Spruce e of First
Scannell Timothy, es Second n of Green
Schachler David, es Third n of Convent, upstairs
Schaeffer & Holtz, Mississippi-house, ne cor First and Morgan
Schaeffer Adam, grocer, ws Second n of Pine
Schaeffer Adolph, carter, ns Spruce w of Twelfth
Schaeffer Charles, cabinet-maker, ss Hazel w of Second
Schaeffer Frederick, laborer, ws Twelfth s of Spruce
Schaeffer Henry, carter, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Schaeffer Nicholas, blacksmith, 250 n First
Schaeffer Nicholas, chandler, 255 n First
Schaffer Henry, tailor, ws Seventh n of Biddle
Schamberg Christian, barber, ws Second n of Almond, ups.
Schammer William, painter, ns Saint Charles w of Sixth
Schank John V, livery-stable, 32 Green - dwelling, ws Fourteenth s of Green
Scharits A W, attorney at law, 13 Pine
Schattel Henry, tailor, ns Myrtle w of Third
Schaumbach Philip, carter, es Second s of Wood
Schaumburg A W, 186 n Fourth
Scheer George, blacksmith, ns Chesnut w of Fifth
Scheer Jacob, wagon-maker, 139 Chesnut
Scheets John A, shoemaker, 11 n Third
Scheets John, sawyer, ws Seventh s of Wash
Scheffenberger John, ne corner Centre and Clark-avenue
Scheffman John, tailor, 11 Green
Scheibel George, sugar-refiner, ws Eighth n of Wash
Schemmer Frederick, porter, 27 n Front
Schenk John, tailor, boards with J H Muller
Schentsing Apolle, carpenter, ss Carr e of Eleventh
Scherer Ignace, tailor, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Scherer Peter, carpenter, ss Biddle w of Ninth
Schermann Henry, laborer, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Schermeyer H, wagon-maker, nw cor Twelfth and Franklin-av.
Scherrerr Andrew, es Seventh s of Wash
Schert David, shoemaker, se corner Soulard and Carondelet
Scheuber Frederick, saddler, ws Fifth s of Rutger
Schiffler John, es Carondelet s of Emmett
Schiller Christopher J, tavern, es First s of Spruce
Schiller John, paper-maker, es Second n of Park-avenue
Schilling Charles, tailor, es Fifth s of Convent
Schindler Christian, shoemaker, es Seventh n of Franklin-av.
Schleiger George, laborer, ne corner Twelfth and Carr
Schlenker - , 28 Olive
Schleysick Frederick, shoemaker, ss Locust w of Second
Schlogenhaf John, shoemaker, ws Second s of Poplar
Schlolelberg L F, baker, nw corner Tenth and Market
Schmidt Casper, tailor, ns Morgan w of Fourth, ups
Schmidt Frederick, shoemaker, es Second s of Myrtle
Schmidt Frederick, wood-merchant, es Twelfth n of
Schmidt Golfreid, baker, ns Olive w of Third
Schmidt John, brewer, es Carondelet s of Soulard
Schmidt John, carpenter, es Twelfth s of Biddle
Schmidt Michael, baker, ws First s of Elm
Schmidt Philip, shoemaker, es Sixth n of Elm
Schmoelder Caspar, laborer, ws Second s of Spruce
Schmolder B, intelligence office, 30 n Second
Schnedker Gert, smoke-pipe-maker, es Ninth s of Carr
Schneider F, wagon-maker, nw corner Thirteenth and Wash
Schneider Francis, stone-cutter, es Eighth n of Wash
Schneider George, pedlar, es Fifth n of Convent
Schneider Michael, tailor, es Seventh s of Wash
Schneider Philip, laborer, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Schneideralbers Henry, jr., ns Wash w of Eighth, upstairs
Schneideralbers Henry, ns Wash w of Eighth, upstairs
Schnell J, musical instrument-maker, es Second n of Almond
Schnell John, musician, ns Franklin-avenue e of Eleventh
Schnell John, tailor, sw corner Fifth and Park-avenue
Schnere August, carpenter, es Second s of Wood
Schoenman E L, clerk, boards at Charles Ott’s
Schoenthaler George, butcher, es Second s of Lombard
Schoettler H, Liberty beer-house, Franklin-av. opp. Fourth
Schoff Henry, baker, ns Market w of Twelfth
Schonhoff Henry, tailor, es Ninth s of Carr, on alley
Schott George, ragman, ws Thirteenth s of Carr
Schout Daniel, laborer, Eighth s of Market
Schraeder Andrew, cigar-maker, es Second n of Park-avenue
Schrewer Lewis, carpenter, es Seventh n of Pine
Schrieber Herman, laborer, ne corner Miller and Jackson
Schrieber William, carpenter, se corner Eleventh and Biddle
Schroder W, plough-maker, ss Cherry e of Second
Schroeder H, Liberty beer-house, Franklin-av. opp. Fourth
Schroer Henry, tailor, ws Fifth n of Green
Schroeter Edward, shoemaker, at J R Hughes’
Schuable C A, M.D., es Fourth s of Poplar
Schubarth & Hamchan, cabinet-makers, ws Fifth n of Labadie
Schubarth Philip, (S. & H.) ws Fifth n of Labadie
Schubert Cornelius, painter, ns Myrtle w of Third
Schuetze Godfrey, wholesale druggist, 169 n First
Schule John George, 79 n Third
Schulte Bernard, carter, ns Wash e of Ninth, upstairs
Schultz & Cloppenberg, clock and watchmakers, 155 n Third
Schultz Edward, clerk, es Third n of Convent
Schultz J T, (S. & C.) es Third s of Green
Schultze Henry, saddler, ss Locust w of Fourth
Schumacher Frederick, shoemaker, 42 Olive
Schunhoff John, tobacconist, 96 Market
Schuter Henry, laborer, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Schutz George, shoemaker, 11 n Third
Schwab Lorenz, grocer, ss Franklin-avenue w of Sixth
Schwarting George, cabinet-maker, es Fifth n of Olive
Schwartz Adam, tailor, ns Convent w of Third, upstairs
Schwartz Henry, es Fifth n of Convent
Schween J G L, hatter, se corner Seventh and Myrtle
Schweitzer Henry, shoemaker, ws Sixth s of Hickory
Schwering Christian, type-founder, es Second n of Olive
Schwobp Caspar, cooper, ws Third s of Cedar
Scollay James, painter, sw cor Fifth and Carr
Scollay L, clerk at Planters’-house
Scott Charles J, clerk at 95 n First
Scott Charles, ws Sixth n of Wash
Scott Enoch, inspector weights and measures, office, two doors n of Bank, upstairs - dwelling, es Fifth n of
Scott James B, deputy inspector weights and measures,
Scott James J, tobacconist, ws Fifth n of Wash
Scott Jeremiah, blacksmith, es Fifth s of Green
Scott John, pilot, es Ninth n of Chambers
Scott John R, accountant, ns Locust w of Second
Scott John, silversmith, es Eleventh n of Green
Scott Magdalen, widow, ns Elm w of Fourth
Scott William P, (Tevis", S. & ST.} 95 n First
Scott William W, trunk-maker, ss Walnut w of Third
SCOTT T B, cigar-maker, ss Morgan e of Fourth, keeps constantly on hand a complete variety of Cigars, Snuffs,
and chewing and smoking Tobacco
Scrogham Daniel, brickmaker, ss Market w of Tenth
Scudder Charles, M.D., Ws Sixth s of Morgan
Scurfield John, engineer, 112 Green
Scurfield Margaret, widow, 125 Green
Seabel Henry, es Thirteenth s of Carr
Seaner Emanuel, shoemaker, 36 Olive
Sebold John, laborer, sw corner Twelfth and Gay
Secor James, machinist, es Fourth n of Pine
Sefton George W, painter, ns Gay w of Twelfth
Sefton John, corner Fifteenth and Clark-avenue
Segar G, clothier, 34 n Front
Seidlinger John George, tailor, es Third s of Convent
Seidlitz John, hat-box manufacturer, es Second s of Wood
Selkirk Alexander, bookkeeper, boards at William J Austin’s
Selleck Sands E, carpenter, ns Walnut w of Seventh
Sellers Benjamin, ws Fifth s of Walnut
Sellers Isaiah, ss Pine w of Eighth
Selmeyer Francis, laborer, ns Convent e of Fifth
Seltzer & Brother, tobacconists, 59 n Fourth
Semmelman George, clerk at J Semmelman’s
Semmelman John, merchant, es Broadway n of Morgan
Semmelman Wilhelm, carpenter, es Third s of Convent
Semmelman William, miller, nw corner First and Almond
Semont Elias, se corner Third and Poplar
Semple C, iron-merchant, 16 n Front
Senewald August, cabinet-maker, es Second s of Lombard
Senneker Rudolph, laborer, ws Fourth s of Cerre, upstairs
Sensenderfer J & W, tobacconists, ws First s of Green
Sensenderfer John, (J. & W S.) ws First s of Green
Sensenderfer William, (J. & W S.) ws. First s of Green
Senter Henry, clerk, boards at John Cavender’s
Serfee Antoine, butcher, ss Clark-avenue w of Fourteenth
Settle Thomas G, ws Seventh n of Chesnut
Seventh and Olive Sappington Samuel, bookkeeper at Benoist’s
Seventh and Washington-avenue
Severson B, dry-goods merchant, 178 n Third on Broadway
Sexton Hugh, boards at John Hull’s
Sexton John, carpenter, boards at John Hull’s
Sexton Patrick, laborer, ns Morgan w of First
Seymour Francis, tailor, nw corner Fourth and Poplar
Seymour Jesse, Missouri-hotel, sw cor First and Morgan
Seymour M, merchant, es Broadway opposite Franklin-av.
Shachler David, es Third n of Convent, upstairs
Shackelford Samuel, tinner, 43 n First
Shade John, cabinet-maker, ws Ninth n of Carr
Shafner Geo, (Raborg & S.) ns Chouteau-av. w of Eleventh
Shands Augustus, bricklayer, boards with J G Shands
Shands J G, bricklayer, ns Morgan w of Seventh
Shands John, carpenter, boards with J G Shands
Shands W 0', bricklayer, office 115 Pine - dwelling, es Eighth n of Morgan
Shane James, laborer, es Eighth s of Biddle, on alley
Shane Jeremiah, drayman, es Seventh n of Biddle
Shannon Alfred, (White & S.) ws Seventh s of Carr
Shannon John, grocer, 45 n Front
Shannon John, reporter at "Organ" office
Sharp Benjamin, mason, ns Franklin-av. w of Tenth, upstairs
Sharp John, carpenter, ws Seventh n of Spruce, on alley
Sharp John M, student at law with Crockett & Briggs
Shat Peter, ns Myrtle w of Third
Shaughnessy Joseph, carpenter, ws First n of Poplar
Shaw & co, watchmakers and jewellers, 46 Market
Shaw Andrew, sw corner Third and Locust, upstairs
Shaw B L, (Wood & S.) 41 n First
Shaw E, bookkeeper, 52 n Second
Shaw Hiram, (Foulks & S.) ss Myrtle w of Third
Shaw John, 74 Market
Shaw John G, laborer, ws Columbus s of Jackson
Shaw John, leg manufacturer, 110 Franklin-avenue
Shaw John, mason, es Twelfth n of Carr
Shaw L B, (L B S. & co.) es Fourth s of Elm
Shaw L B & co, wholesale dry-goods merchants, 74 n First
Shaw Michael, plasterer, ws Eighth s of Biddle
Shay Michael, laborer, ws Eighth n of Biddle
Shay Wliliam, millwright, es Seventh s of Wash
Shea James, (Knapp & S.) merchant-tailors, 41 n First
Shearer John, tailor, ns Morgan e of Eleventh
Shearer Shextus, attorney at law, es Ninth n of Pine
Shears Richard, carpenter, ss Barry w of Seventh
Shechan Michael, porter, 44 Pine
Sheets Benjamin, bookkeeper, as Fifth s of Convent
Sheley Herman, carpenter ss Franklin avenue w of Ninth
Shelton J G, draper and tailor, 103 Chesnut
Shelton Willam, stenciller, es. Fourth n of Locust
Shepherd John C, steamboat agent, 242 n Second
Shepley J R, attorney at law, 51 Pine
Shepperd David, brick-layer, 127 Elm
Shepperd Elihu H, 13 n Fourth
Shepperd John B, bricklayer, 127 Elm
Sherbourne Louisa, widow, ws Fourth s of Almond
Sherer S B, shoe-store, nw cor Broadway and Franklin-av.
Sheriff Edwin, tailor, basement Planters’-house
Sheriff’s office, ne corner Fifth and Market
Sherman Conrad, laborer, ss Spruce e of Second
Sherman J W, merchant, es Broadway n of Morgan
Sherwood Lyman, (Hawkins & S.) es Second n of Pine
Shewell George, carpenter, ws Third n of Elm
Shibley John, 100 Olive
Shidy & Decou, hatters, 129 n First
Shidy William, (S. & D.) ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Shields Thomas, stone-cutter, ns Morgan e of Seventh
Shine John, drayman, 61 Washington^avenue
Shipton Jesse, ws Third opposite Cathedral
Shloeger James, shoemaker, nw cor Eighth and Franklin-av.
Shoemaker John, carpenier, boards at Arsenal-hotel
Shook & Renow, carpenters, 150 Green
Shook John, (S. & R.) 154 Green
Shore & Johnson, commission merchants, 49 n Front
Shore & Russell, M.D.’s, 77 Pine
Shore John, (S. & R.) ss Walnut w of Sixth
Shore Thomas, (S. & Johnson,) ss Walnut w of Sixth
Shreve Luther M, (Right & S.) nw corner Second and Pine
Shroeder Charles H, bookkeeper, se cor Fourth and Poplar
Shryer William, butcher, nw corner Fourteenth and Spruce
Shuetter Charles, Foundry-house, 232 n First
Shuldy Henry, laborer, ws Ninth n of Carr
Shuler David, gardener, es Twelfth opposite Spruce
Shulte Frederick, laborer, ws Twelfth s of Spruce
Shulte Joseph, grocer, se corner Howard and Broadway
Shultze Frederick Win, chairmaker, es Moore s of Market
Shumert Peter, tailor, ws Second s of Poplar
Shurlds Henry, cashier Missouri Bank, 141 n First
Shuter B F, queensware merchant, ws Third n of Green
Shuter John, es Sixth s of Wash
Sickles J B, (J B S. & co.) 144 n First
Sickles J B & co, saddlers and saddlery hardware dealers, 144 n First
Sieb Louis cabinet-maker ns Frankin avenue e of Fifth
Siebler Joseph, watch and clockmaker, 31 Olive
Siebs J G, shoemaker, es Carondelet s of Marion
Sigerson John, pork-packer, ns Broadway n of Mound
Sigerson William, ws Broadway n of Mound
Sigler Jacob, ferryman, es First s of Poplar
Signaigo J S & A, coffee-house, ws Third n of Green
Sikes J Hall, merchant-tailor, 16 Locust
Siler N R, hatter, ss Carr e of Seventh
Sill S M, teacher Public School No. 1 - dwelling, ws Third s of Poplar
Silvers G H, surgeon dentist, 70 Market
Simmons E G, clerk, 102 n First
Simmons John, clerk at Anderson & Thompson’s
Simmons R P, M.D., se corner Third and Washington-avenue
Simms James, carpenter, ss Morgan w of Tenth
Simon Joseph, es Broadway s of Cherry
Simonds John, commission merchant, 20 n First - dwelling, corner Market and Ninth
Simonds William, agent Greenough’s lamps, 61 Market
Simons John, blacksmith, ss Franklin-avenue w of Tenth
Simons John, laborer, ws Third s of Convent, on alley
Simons S, (Woodman & co.) ss Myrtle w of Fifth
Simpson Joseph S, ns Spruce w of First
Simpson Martin, ns Morgan e of Broadway
Simpson Robert, city comptroller, nw corner Third and Elm
Simpson S S, farmer, ws Carondelet s of Lafayette
Simpson William, carpenter, es Ninth n of Gratiot
Simpson William, laborer, ws Ninth n of Gratiot
Simpson William M, clerk, 95 n First
Sims J L, M.D., ss Morgan w of Sixth, office 204 Broadway
Singer John, beer-house, nw corner Fourth and Morgan
Singleton Henry, architect and builder, ws Eighth n of Locust
Singleton William R, civil engineer, ws Eighth n of Locust
Sire Joseph A, (P Chouteau, jr, & co.) boards at S Labadie’s
Sisco John, carpenter, es Seventh n of Biddle
Sitgraves William, tailor, es Ninth s of Biddle
Sizen John, ropemaker, ws Twelfth s of Biddle
Skidmore J W, livery-stable, es Third n of Vine
Skillman W D, bookseller and stationer, 55 n Fourth - dwelling, es Fourth n of Franklin-avenue
Skinner Alfred, sw corner Sixth and Spruce
Skinner Philip, ss Pine w of Sixth
Skinner Robert, bricklayer, 6 s Fourth
Skinner W H, bar-keeper, Mansion-house
Slatry Jeremy, laborer, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Slattery John C, butcher, ss Market w of Tenth
Slauvert John F, laborer, ns Carondelet w of Third
Sleigerwolt Frederick, bar-keeper, Saint Louis Park
Slenker Lorenz, shoemaker, 26 Pine
Slevan P & B, wholesale dry-goods merchants, 159 n First
Slevin C, (T & C S.) ws First s of Walnut
Slevin Patrick, (P. & B S.) boards at Vine-street-hotel
Slevin T, (T & C S.) ws First s of Walnut
Slevin T & C, merchants, ws First s of Wash
Sligh John D, carpenter, boards at Foster’s
Sloan Thomas, engineer, 247 n Second, upstairs
Slocum Samuel W, com. and forwarding merchant, 21 n First
Sloper & Rimmer, milliners, 62 Market
Small - , shoemaker, ns Morgan w of Seventh
Smeisser Charles, painter, es Second s of Plum
Smith & Blackwood, wholesale dry-goods merchants, 67 n First
Smith & Bowen, dyers, 48 Pine
Smith & Hoffman, chandlers, nw corner Twelfth and Randolph
Smith & Jerome, clothiers, 9 and 54 n First
Smith A H, shofmanuftr, 17 n First - boards at J Cavender’s
Smith Adam, beer-house, sw corner Second and Myrtle
Smith Alpheus, steam flour and oil mill, sw cor Front and Myrtle
Smith Asa, fruit store, 24 Vine
Smith B W, carpenter, ns Orange w of Twelfth
Smith Bernard, barber, ss Morgan e of Fourteenth
Smith BP, (S. & Jerome,) 9 n First - dwelling, ws Fifth s of Walnut
Smith Brothers &c co, com. and forwarding merchts, 17 n First
Smith C R, clerk, 49 n First Smith John P, wholesale grocer, 54 n First
Smith Charles H, bonnet cleaner and presser, 113 Market
Smith Charles L, (S. & B.) 48 Pine
Smith Charles S, brewer, 146 Washington-av.-dwelling, ns Green w of Sixth
Smith E H, clerk, 22 n First
Smith Edward, clerk, 134 Green
Smith Edward, lace store, 128 Market
Smith Edwin B, M.D., corner of Second and Monroe
Smith-Elias B, attorney at law, Walnut near Fifth
Smith Elizabeth, boarding-house, ws Seventh s of Pine
Smith Francis F, engineer, sw corner Ninth and Chambers
Smith Francis, riverman, sw corner Seventh and Green
Smith Frederick, laborer, es Broadway n of Madison
Smith Frederick, shoemaker, ws Second n of Cedar
Smith Henry, beer-house, ws Second s of Spruce
Smith Henry, carpenter, ws Seventh n of Spruce
Smith Henry R, (Webb & S.) nw corner Vine and Third
Smith Jacob, clerk, 136 Pine
Smith Jacob, county surveyor, 43 Pine - dwelling, se corner Lafayette and Hamtramck
Smith James B, (S. Brothers & Co.) se corner Third and Cedar
Smith James, botanic garden, nw cor Stoddard and Park-av.
Smith John, carpenter, at Smith’s garden
Smith John, carpenter, nw corner Eleventh and Wash
Smith John, farmer, es .Tenth s of Franklin-avenue
Smith John J, captain, ss Gay e of Fifteenth
Smith John, laborer, es Seventh n of Biddle
Smith John, notary public, ws Seventh s of Saint Charles
Smith John, riverman, ws Third s of Almond
Smith John, shoemaker, ws Second n of Cedar
Smith Joseph, carpenter, 76 Saint Charles
Smith Joseph W, teacher, es Seventh n of Biddle
Smith Lawrence, baker, at S & J Turner’s
Smith Leonard, jr, (Dinnies & S.) 45 n First
Smith Levi, ws Tenth s of Franklin-avenue
Smith Mary S, widow, ne corner Seventh and Soulard
Smith Mary, widow, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Smith Nancy E, widow, ws Third s of Grangousier
Smith Peter, ns Spruce w of Fifth
Smith Philip, shoemaker, ws Second s of Poplar
Smith Rev. G, M. E. church, es Fourteenth n of Franklin-av.
Smith Sidney, stone-cutter, ws Eleventh s of Green
Smith Sol, ss Elm w of Fifth
Smith Spencer, teacher, ws Sixth n of Green
Smith T S, [c] barber, 201 n First
Smith William, (Holfman & S.) es Second s of Hazel
Smith William, boarding-house, ws Fifth n of Green
Smith William, bookkeeper, Planters’-house
Smith William, butcher, sw corner Sixteenth and Clark-av.
Smith William C, plasterer, es Eighth n of Olive
Smith William, tailor, ns Lombard e of Second
Smith Wm H, (S. Brothers & co.) se corner Third and Cedar
Smith. Andrew, tobacconist, 23 n Fourth - dwelling, corner
Smithers Bernard, laborer, es Seventh s of Wash
Smyth Isaac S, fifth-ward collector, office 194 n Third
Sneller C H, laborer, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Snethen C C, commission merchant, 18 n Front
Snethen Rev. Nicholas, ws Fifth n of Locust
Snodgrass Isaac, saw-mill, dwelling ns Broadway e of Ninth
Snow R B & co, druggists, 194 n First
Snow R B, (S. & co.) 194 n Third
Snyder F A, printer, Anzeiger des Westens
Snyder George, (Engleman & S.) sw cor Third and Elm
Snyder H M, brass-founder, ns Morgan w of Second
Snyder Jacob, (Penny & S.) boards at Walnut-street-tavern
Snyder Jacob H, comb-maker, es Second n of Myrtle - dwelling, ws Fifth s of Rutger
Solms John B, (Murdoch & co.) 55 n First
Solsman Conrad, carpenter, ss Market w of Ninth
Sommers B, South-market-tavern, es Fifth n of Convent
Sommers Joseph, wagoner, ws Fifth s of Rutger
Sorrells H L, laborer, ss Carr e of Seventh
Soter John, grocer, es Second s of Wood
Soulard Benjamin A, ne corner Seventh and Soulard
Soulard Henry G, sw corner Soulard and Hamtramck
Soulard Julia C, ne corner Seventh and Soulard
Southac & co, importers of china and earthenware, 17 n First
Southac F W, (S. & co.) ws Sixth s of Saint Charles
Southac J, (S. & co.) 17 n First
Southard Morris, baker, es Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
Southwick Daniel H, new house furnishing store, 35 Market - dwelling, 195 Morgan
Southwick J E, clerk at Kimball & co.’s
Southworth William, medical student at Dr. Pallen’s
Sower Gotleib, tailor, sw corner Elm and First
Sower Myer, clerk, nw corner Ninth and Franklin-avenue
Spagni Anthony, tobacco store, basement Planters’-house
Spaht Jacob, grocer, sw corner Second and Cherry
Spalding & Tiffany, attorneys at law, 65 n First
Spalding A, M.D., ws Sixth two doors n of Pine
Spalding Josiah, (S. & T.) 180 Olive
Spalding S F, Tontine billiard-room, 89 n First
Spaman John, saddletree-maker, 39 n First
Sparbrenk Henry, drayman, es Fourteenth n of Wash
Sparhawk G W, inspect, of steamboats, dw, es Eighth s of Green
Sparr & Green, Virginia-hotel, nw corner First and Green
Sparr J H, (S. & G.) nw corner First and Green
Speck Catharine, variety store, ws Second s of Myrtle
Speelman S H, 62 Chesnut
Speer George, engineer, es Centre s of Market
Speilman Samuel H, house-painter, es Eighth s of Market
Spellen Stephen, ws Eleventh n of Green
Spelman John, pattern-maker, ws Tenth n of Carr
Spence Henry, lumber master, dwelling 117 Olive
Spence J A, portrait-painter, 127 n First
Spence Peyton, law student at Geyer & Deyton’s
Spencer Ferdinand, carpenter, nw corner Third and Green
Spencer Lorin, att’y at law, (S. & Bowlin) 77 n First, upstairs
Spencer Theodosia, widow, ws Fifth n of Myrtle
Spennet Rosina, confectioner, ws Broadway n of Franklin-av.
Spennet Vincent, confectioner, ws Broadway n of Franklin-av.
Sperbrinck Bernard, drayman, es Thirteenth s of Carr
Spires Meroe, widow, es Fourth n of Mulberry, on alley
Spock Mrs. A M, milliner, 108 Market
Sponsler George, segar-maker, es Eighth n of Wash
Spore James, painter, 2 n Second - dw, ws Third s of Convent
Sporleder A, tailor, 13 Washington-avenue
Sporleder, Henry, laborer, ns Green e of Second
Spotts G W, carpenter, ns Green w of Ninth
Sprat David, cabinet-maker, sw corner Ninth and Saint Charles
Sprigg J R, clerk in Post-office - dw, ne cor Fifth and Myrtle
Sprigg Jenifer T, chief clerk in surveyor-general’s office
Springer George A, (Starnes & S.) 108 Olive
Springmeyer, Frederick, tailor, 40 Olive
Sprowle & Keys, com. merchants, 74 n First
Spuhler Henry, laborer, ws Second s of Spruce
Spurleder Frederick, carpenter, es Thirteenth s of Carr, ups.
Squire Isaac, carpenter, ws Sixth n of Green
Squire John, clerk, 14 n First
Sriber Henry, drayman, es Fourteenth n of Carr
Stackhouse Samuel, hay-presser, ws Broadway s of Wash
Stagg E, clerk in New Era office
Stagg Henry, agent Protection Insurance Company of Hartford, Connecticut, office 131 n First, upstairs
Stailey Samuel, Commercial Exchange, nw cor Vine and Commercial - dwelling, ss Washington avenue e of Fifth
Stake Singleton J, carpenter, ws Fifth s of Biddle
Staley V, clerk at Republican-office, 47 n First
Stamps John, nw corner Second and Florida
Stamps William, brickmaker, nw corner Second and Florida
Stanford Joshua R, president Citizens’ Insurance Company - dwelling, es First n of Spruce
Stanley Richard, pattern-maker, es Twelfth n of Franklin-av.
Stanley Shelton, engineer, ss Franklin-avenue e of Twelfth
Stansberry & co, brush-makers, 55 Market
Stansberry George L, clerk, ne corner Fourth and Myrtle
Stansberry Ira, saddler, 57 Market
Stark Solon, M.D., 124 Pine - dw, es Eleventh s of Market
Starkey Samuel, shoemaker, ss Chesnut w of Second
Starnes & Springer, wholesale and retail grocers, 39 n Front
Starnes Nathan, (S. & S.) dwelling 130 Locust
State and County Collector’s office, 111 Chesnut
State Tobacco Warehouse, 107 Washington-avenue
Steck Reinhart, baker, es Second s of Wood
Steer J, shoemaker, 95 Market
Steger J S, hair-dresser, 157 n Front
Steideman Henry, wagon-maker, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Steigers Francis, grocer, 112 Market
Stein Jacob, tailor, 9 Market
Stein Joseph, barber, es First s of Walnut
Stein Joseph, tailor, es First s of Walnut
Steinacher, Joseph, saddler, dwelling es Seventh n of Pine
Steiner Christian, tailor, ns Pine w of Second
Steinmueller J, tailor, es First n of Plum
Steits Matthias, butcher, 346 s Second
Steman William, carpenter, ss Morgan w of Seventh
Stemler Peter, miller, ws Fifth s of Convent
Stendt John D, laborer, sw corner Eighth and Wash, upstairs
Stengle John A, shoemaker, es Seventh s of Wash
Steper H, baker, se corner Second and Biddle
Stephens A C, iron and commission merchant, 21 n Front
Stephens Allen, pilot, ws Sixth n of Biddle
Stephens Gideon, ws Seventh s of Wash
Stephens William G, boards with G Stephens
Stephens Wm, stone-cutter, nw corner Seventh and Biddle
Stephenson & Davis, turners, rear of 12 n Third
Stephenson Joseph, carpenter, es Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Stephenson William J, (S. & D.) ss Walnut w of Third
Sterling A W, coffee-house, 46 n First
Sterns Joseph, boarding-house, es Broadway n of Howard
Sterns Reuel, engineer, ss Olive w of Sixth
Sterrett William R, laborer, nw corner Third and Rutger
Steuby John H, tailor, 119 Pine
Steudeman Frederick, blacksmith, es Second n of Myrtle - dwelling, es Fifth n of Gratiot
Steudeman Frederick, wagon-maker, ss Myrtle w of Second
Stevener, Ferdinand, clerk, es Second s of Plum, upstairs
Stevens Chas W, M.D., (McDowell & S.) boards at National hotel
Stevens F M, boards at J S Lane’s
Stevens George, clerk, ss Gay w of Twelfth
Stevens R F, M.D., Ss Morgan e of Sixth
Stevens Richard A, printer, Republican office, 47 n First
Stevens S, constable - dwelling, es Fourteenth s of Market
Stevens William, locksmith, 26 Chesnut
Stevenson Charles, carpenter, ws Seventh s of Carr, upstairs
Stevenson Elizabeth, ss of Walnut e of Fourth
Stewart Chas, carpenter, es Thirteenth n of Franklin-avenue
Stewart James C, city police, es Third s of Spruce
Stewart James, carpenter, 201 n First, upstairs
Stewart John, laborer, es Sixth s of Cerre
Stewart W S, com. merchant, 19 n Front - dw, 192 Olive
Stewart William, pilot, 159 Washington-avenue
Stewart William, riverman, ss Market w of Ninth
Stewart William, silversmith, ws Seventh n of Pine
Stibbs Christopher, ss Morgan e of Sixth
Stickney Benjamin, proprietor Planters’-house, ws Fourth, from Chesnut to Pine
Stiefel Frederick, brewer, es Second s of Lombard
Stighmaer William, tailor, ss Morgan w of Front
Stiles & Oakley, stove dealers, 211 n First
Stiles D L, (S. & O.) 211 n First
Stiles George, 25 Chesnut
Stiles George W, boards at S Thorp’s
Stillinger Daniel, cabinet-maker, ne corner Eighth & Green
Stilwell Edmund, pilot, ns Mullanphy e of Broadway
Stilwell S, gas and lamp store and manufactory, 42 s First
Stine C W, grocer, ne corner Fourth and Olive
Stine J R, 102 Myrtle, between Third and Fourth
Stine J, steamboat captain, ws Fifth s of Washington-avenue
Stine William, brushmaker, es Second s of Chesnut
Stock D, French shoemaker, 55 n Second
Stock Lewis, clerk, 15 Market
Stocker William H, cooper, ss Chesnut e of First
Stoeck John Adam, carpenter, ws Fourth n of Gratiot
Stofel William, market-master, nw corner Third and Myrtle
Stohlman Wm, shoemaker, es Franklin-avenue w of Ninth
Stokes - , 44 Vine
Stokey R E, locksmith, 28 Chesnut
Stoll Hypolite, clerk, ws Fifth s of Poplar
Stolleben Joseph, ropemaker, se corner Thirteenth and Biddle
Stone A J, air-tight stove manufacturer, 184 n First
Stone Abner, (Ridgely & co.), 69 Chesnut
Stone George C, clerk at Allen & Hall’s
Stone J W, clerk, 53 Market
Stone R H, grocer and commission merchant, 11 a Front
Stone William, stocking-weaver, ws Ninth n of Carr
Stoops George, machinist, nw corner Third and Almond
Stoops William, baker, es Fifth s of Convent
Stout B F, (Anson & S.), boards at Planters’-house
Stout J, picture-frame maker, nw corner Third and Market
Stout M & N H, hardware merchants and plane-makers, 96 n First
Stout Moses, (M & N H S.), es Sixth n of Olive
Stout N S, (M & N H S.), es Fifth n of Franklin-avenue
Stout Theodore, plane-maker, 96 n First
Stow L B, sec. to O. Hinton & co., basement Planters’-house
Stowell B, cooper, Front n of Cherry
Strachan & Nicholson, new tea, coffee and sugar warehouse, gen. grocery and liquor store, ne cor Fourth and
Strasser John, boarding-house, es Second n of Myrtle
Stratman Francis, sugar-refiner, ws Eighth n of Wash
Stratton Levi, blacksmith, es Broadway s of Biddle
Street Alfred, clerk, corner First and Locust
Street Andreas, cooper, ws Second s of Rutger
Street R, clothier, 128 and 132 n First - dw, 37 St. Charles
Stretton John, riverman, es Sixth n of Pine
Strieker Henry, carpenter, ws Second s of Carondelet
Strieker John, ropemaker, se corner Twelfth and Biddle
Stringer T, tailor, 94 n First
Strodtman J, boarding-house, 100 n Front
Strohbeck, H H, grocer, es Fifth s of Convent
Strong Henry L, carver, se corner Fourth and Walnut-dw, 78 Saint Charles
Strother R M, steamboat agent, 41 n Front
Stroup George, cooper, ws Fourth s of Cerre
Stroup Thomas, cooper, ss Market w of Fifth
Struwe Henry, (Press & S.) ss Morgan w of Fourth
Stuart A D, paymaster U. S. Army, ws Third n of Pine
Stuart William, carpenter, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Stubbs John, locksmith, nw corner Second and Olive
Stuckler John, beer-house, es Carondelet s of Marion
Stulte Peter, ws Eighth s of Biddle
Stultz M, cabinet-maker, 45 Locust
Stump Jacob, carpenter, ws Fifth s of Convent
Sturwold Wm, ropenuker, se corner Thirteenth and Biddle
Sullivan C D & co., watchmakers, 42 n First
Sullivan C D, (S. & co.,) 42 n First
Sullivan Dennis, laborers, es Tenth n of Market
Sullivan Eleanor, boarding-house, ws First s of Elm
Sullivan Elizabeth, es Third s of Myrtle
Sullivan James, es Third s of Myrtle
Sullivan Jeremiah, ns Saint Charles w of Eighth
Sullivan John, carter, es Seventh s of Labadie
Sullivan Peter, clerk in surveyor-general’s office
Summers Harrison, engineer, ns Gay e of Fifteenth
Sunderland Theodore, founder, ss Wash e of Eighth
Sunderland Theodore, ns Cherry w of Second
Supple James, laborer, ws Centre s of Market
Supple James, porter at Vanlear’s, 12 n Front
Surdam Nathaniel, carpenter, es Second n of Olive
Surveyor-General’s office, 89 Chesnut, upstairs
Suter David, drayman, ws Thirteenth n of Wash
Sutter Michael, Lamb-tavern, se corner First and Almond
Sutton Elizabeth, ss Myrtle e of Seventh
Sutton J C, (Sutton & co.), sw corner Fifth and Gratiot
Sutton J C & co, Hope Mills, sw corner Fifth and Gratiot
Sutton Joseph T, carpenter, nw corner Fifth and Wash
Sutton Mary Ann, widow, es Third s of Myrtle
Suydam J, nw cor Third and Washington-avenue, upstairs
Swain Thomas H, clerk at William Powell & co.’s
Swart Abram M, York-house, sw corner Second and Green
Swearingen A S, (S. & co.), 2 Pine
Swearingen A S & co., com. and forwarding merchs., 2 Pine
Swearingen R S, (S. & co.), sw cor Sixth and Franklin-av.
Sweeny Daniel, laborer, es Ninth n of Wash, upstairs
Sweeny Francis, tailor, ns Orange w of Twelfth
Sweeny James, segar-maker, ns Florida e of Second
Sweet Anthony, carpenter, es Third s of Walnut
Sweetland Jane, widow, boarding-house, es Second n of Vine
Swende r an Michael, basket-maker, es Second n of Lombard
Swisher John A, painter, ws Seventh n of Pine
Switzer A G, (A G S. & co.), 68 n Front
Switzer A G & co, com. and forwarding merchants, 68 n Front
Switzer W N, (A G S. & co.), 68 n Front
Sykes J, M.D., 6 Vine - dwelling, sw cor Fourth and Cerre
Sylvester John, watchmaker, 14 n First
Tabor Joseph, es Broadway n of Cherry, opposite Wash
Taepenbrock J, pedlar, ne corner Ninth and Franklin-avenue
Taeumer John, shoemaker, es Third s of Convent
Taffe Mrs. Bridget, ss Locust w of Third, upstairs
TafTenda W, ship-carpenter, ws Third n of Convent, on alley
Take Charles, laborer, es Twelfth s of Biddle
Take John Henry, laborer, es Ninth n of Wash
Takol John, es Third n of Convent
Talbort S C, machine and file manftr, ws Second s of Morgan
Talbot Samuel, engineer, ss Morgan w of Seventh
Tannehill Sarah, seamstress, 164 Green
Tanner Edwin, builder, 126 Market
Tanton T, (Cuniffe &. co.) drgst, nw cor Broadway and Morgan
Targee T B, auctioneer and commission merchant, 72 n First -dwelling, ws Fourteenth s of Market
Tarlton James, painter, es Eighth n of Carr
Tarver M, attorney at law, 97 Chesnut, upstairs
Tate John E, professor of languages, es Thirteenth n of Wash
Tate John, laborer, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Tatersall Joseph, stone-cutter, ws Tenth s of Carr
Tatum D, commission and forwarding merchant, 42 n Front - dwelling, ss Morgan w of Seventh
Taupa Henry, tavern, ns Franklin-avenue w of Thirteenth
Taylor & Rhodes, attorneys at law, 66 n First
Taylor and Mason, attorneys at law, 96 n First
Taylor Charles L, nw corner Fifth and Elm
Taylor Edward D, clerk, ss Barry w of Seventh
Taylor G, carpenter, ws Second s of Plum, upstairs
Taylor G R, (Primm & T.), 54 n First, upstairs
Taylor George, steamboat captain, sw corner First and Ashley
Taylor H S, overseer workhouse, es Carondelet s of Barry
Taylor Henry, ws Eighth n of Carr
Taylor Isaac W, (T. & M.), ws Collins n of Cherry
Taylor Jeremiah, bricklayer, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Taylor John B, jr, clerk m Post-office
Taylor John D, clerk ws Fourth s of Cerre
Taylor John F, ss Mullanphy e of Broadway
Taylor John, plane-maker, 96 n First
Taylor John R, (T. & Rhodes), 66 n First
Taylor Joseph M, carpenter, ns Morgan w of Ninth
Taylor Levi, tailor, es Second n of Cedar, on alley
Taylor Louisa, es Eighth n of Chesnut
Taylor Moses, justice, sw corner Second and Cedar - dwelling, es Sixth s of Elm, on alley
Taylor Robert, carrier, es Ninth s of Biddle
Taylor T S, (Chouteau & T.), shoe store, es Third n of Pine
Taylor Thomas 14 Chesnut
Taylor Thomas, Ills First
Taylor Thomas, pilot, sw corner Fifth and Elm
Taylor Thomas, ws 6th n of Green
Taylor William, 46 Pine
Taylor William B, auctioneer and commission merchant, 57 n First - dwelling, 17 Chesnut
Taylor William B, 57 n Front
Teel J M, cabinet and chairmaker, nw cor Sixth and Morgan
Tefft Nelson V, riverman, ws First s of Plum
Telkan Herman, laborer, es Pantagruel-alley s of Wash
Temple Adam, laborer, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Temple J H, (Foster and T.), corner Seventh and Walnut
Templeton Rev. Joseph, ws Second n of Chambers
Templeton William, ws Second n of Chambers
Tennison John F, pilot, 148 Pine
Tenny Cyrus F, baker, es Seventh n of Pine
Tenty Christopher, drayman, ws Eleventh s of Wash
Terhat Henry, baker, es Carondelet s of Lafayette
Terrence Daniel, furrier, es Broadway n of Cherry
Terrill Toliver, [c] shoemaker, 56 Chesnut
Terry Gardner, founder, se corner Tenth and Biddle
Tesson Edward P, (T. & Son,) ws Fifth n of Locust
Tesson M & Son, dry-goods merchants, 18 n First
Tesson Michael, (T. & Son), ws Fifth n of Locust
Teutelong, Justus, shoemaker, se corner Front and Morgan
Teutenbcry Francis, baker, 93 Olive
Tevis John C, (T., S. & T.) ws Sixth n of Pine
Tevis, Scott & Tevis, wh. dry-goods merchants, 95 n First
Tewes William C, (late Kimm, T. & H.), 25 Market
Thallman Frederick, manufacturer, ws Eighth s of Wash
Thayer Donaldson, clerk, ns Wash e of Fifth
Thayer William P, clerk, ss Almond e of Third
Theile John G, watchmaker, ns Franklin-avenue w of Ninth
Thiell J C, tin-ware manufacturer, ns Morgan e of Fourth - dwelling, se corner Seventh and Washington-avenue
Thomas & Dean, grocers, 223 Broadway
Thomas and Brewster, land agents, 52 n Second
Thomas B Franklin, attorney at law, 73 Pine
Thomas Charles, painter, es Fifth n of Olive
Thomas Elias, engineer, es Fourth s of Cedar, on alley
Thomas Ezra, bricklayer, ns Biddle e of Sixth
Thomas Isaac B, justice, office ss Cherry e of Broadway
Thomas Isaac, ss Poplar e of ThirdThomas Jacob P, (Black & T.), es Sixth s of Walnut
Thomas James, blacksmith, 200 n Second
Thomas James S, (Benoist & co.) ns Hickory e of Seventh
Thomas M, (T. & B.) - dw, w of city limits h of Franklin-av.
Thomas Sidney, printer, 22 Olive
Thomas William, agent fruit store, ws Second n of Pine
Thomas William, carpenter, ws First s of Ashley
Thompson Alexander P, (McKay & Th.), 71 n Front
Thompson F B, M.D., Ss Green w of Third - dwelling, es Broadway s of Wash
Thompson J A, undertaker, 5 n Second - dwelling, ss Myrtle e of Fourth
Thompson R W, carpenter, ss Walnut e of Sixth, on alley
Thompson William, 46 Pine
Thompson William, painter, 31 n Second
Thompson William W, (WW Thompson & co.), lead-pipe and sheet-lead manufacturer, corner Spruce and Front
- dw, Broadway near Reservoir
Thompson Wm, carpenter, ws Ninth s of Franklin-avenue
Thompson Wm W & co, commission merchants, 39 n Front
Thomson Almon, clerk, boards at T Commons’
Thomson J S, (Anderson St T.) ss Franklin-av. w of Ninth
Thorburn James M, seedsman and florist, 21 Market
Thorburn John, seedsman and florist, es Third s of Morgan
Thornburgh John, riverman, ws Fourth s of Mulberry
Thornburgh Robert, painter, ss Wash e of Seventh
Thorner H F, grocer, nw corner Eighth aud Wash
Thornton John F, carver, es Second n of Vine
Thornton John, ne corner Third and Locust
Thornton Richard, baker, 153 Washington-avenue
Thorp B, blacksmith, es Eighth n of Clark-avenue, on alley
Thorp J L, inspector of beef and pork - dwelling, ws Lombard e of Second
Thorp James, carpenter, ws Sixth n of Biddle
Thorp S, dealer in furs and skins, 16 s First
Thorp Thomas, carpenter, ws Sixth n of Biddle
Thorp William, blacksmith, ne corner Eleventh and Morgan
Thurman William, bricklayer, es Third s of Convent
Tibbe Frederick, tailor, 43 Washington-avenue
Tibbeft Francis, tailor, ss Morgan e of First
Tice Jacob, brickmaker, es Ninth n of Hempstead
Tice John H, clerk, ns Hempstead e of Ninth
Tichnor Charles, Broadway n of Labeaume
Tidcomb John, shoemaker, ss Franklin-avenue w of Tenth
Tiernan N, wagon-maker, sw corner Seventh and Green
Tiernan P, wagon-maker, ss Washington-avenue w of Fourth
Tiffany & Moore, M.D.’s, 73 Vine
Tiffany P Dexter, (Spalding & T.), ws Fifth between Morgan and Franklin-avenue
Tiffin C, (T. & M.), ns Morgan w of Fourth
Tighe William, ws Sixth s of Chouteau-avenue
Tilden John, (Davis, T & R.), 11 and 13 Market
Tilden Richard S, (Burd, T. & B.), 45 n First
Tillett J N, 23 Pine
Tillman & Christy, grocers and com. merchants, 15 n First
Tillman Charles, (T. & C), ws Second s of Elm
Tilton David, Boston-house, 30 n Second and 31 Chesnut
Timberlake, William H, clerk in Post-office
Timmerman & Bohl, grocers, nw corner Fifth and Spruce
Timmerman Francis, boards at F Timmerman’s
Timmerman Frederick, grocer, ne corner Ninth and Market
Timmerman Garrett, cook, ns Market w of Eighth
Timmerman Henry, laborer, es Third s of Lombard
Timmerman J G, (T. &, Bohl), grocer, nw corner Fifth and Spruce
Timmerman John H, boards at F Timmerman’s
Timon James, ws First s of Spruce
Tirmenstein Samuel, tinner, se corner Second and Wood
Tissier Joseph, confectioner and pastry-cook, and importer of wines and liquors, 79 n Third
Tissius H, shoemaker, 62 Locust
Tober George, soapmaker, ss Franklin-avenue e of Eleventh
Todd Albert, attorney at law, 49 Pine
Todd Benoist, [c] drayman, ss Myrtle e of Third
Todd Charles, (G & C T.), 217 n First
Todd G, (G & C T.), 217 n First
Todd G & C, burr-mill-stone manufacturers, 217 n First
Todd Joseph, baker, at S & J Turner’s
Todd Samuel, carpenter, ns Morgan w of Seventh
Toffley Thomas, millwright, 155 Washington avenue
Tolson Daniel, cabinet-maker, ss Convent w of Third
Tomlinson James, shoemaker, ns Market w of Ninth
Tompkins Wm M, (Blaine, T. & B.), ss Walnut w of Sixth
Toneray F L, ( Jackson & T.), 210 Broadway
Tontrop Henry, laborer, ws Seventh n of Carr
Tooke James H, jeweller, ws Second s of Locust
Topee John H, laborer, es Ninth n of Wash
Torick Paschal, ns Mound w of Ninth
Town Smith D, 49 n First
Townsend B F, wire-worker, 23 Washington-avenue - dw, ws Seventh n of Franklin-avenue
Townsend B, wire-worker, 23 Washington-avenue - dwelling, ws Seventh n of Franklin-avenue
Townsend Isaiah, grocer, ne corner Eighth and Morgan - dwelling, ns Gay w of Eleventh
Townsend James B, attorney at law, 38 Chesnut, upstairs
Toy Daniel, shoemaker, es Ninth n of Green
Toyan John L, caulker 247 n Second. r.
Tracy Alfred, general agent and commission merchant, 80 n
Tracy Charles F, (Randolph & T.), ws Fifth s of Market
Tracy Edward, ws Fifth s of Market
Tracy J E, ss Locust w of Fourth
Trainer Arthur, laborer, ws Ninth n of Franklin-avenue
Trainer Michael, 91 Green
Trampa Casper H, laborer, nw corner Ninth and Carr
Trantfetter Conrad, miller, ss Marion es of Jackson
Trask G, cabinet-maker, 114 n Second - dwelling, 76 Vine
Treat Saml, attorney at law, 35 Locust - dwelling, ws Fourth of Poplar
Tribbe Louisa, accoucher, es Fifth n of Wash
Tribbey Elizabeth, milliner and dress-maker, 107 Market
Tronetle Hypolite, clerk, es Third n of Olive
Trowbridge Daniel, merchant, 22 n Fir&t - dwelling, sw corner Sixth and Pine
Trudeau J M F, M.D., nw corner Second and Vine, upstairs, over Arcade Baths
True Jacob, ss Cedar e of Fourth
Tryon Ann Eliza, widow, ws Fourth s of Spruce
Tschirpe A B, druggist, ws Second n of Myrtle
Tuckahoe Tobacco Warehouse, (J Scott), ws Fifth n of Carr
Tucker & Lawrence, commission and forwarding merchants, 51 n Front
Tucker Charles L, (T. K. Lawrence), 99 Washington-avenue
Tucker Edmund, clerk, 19 n First
Tucker Joshua, miller, 95 Washington-avenue
Tucker Nathaniel, shoe store, 19 n First
Tucker Robert, grocer, 46 n Front
Tuercke F H, law student, 42 Chesnut
Tulle William, laborer, es Fifth n of Morgan
Tully James, drayman, se corner Tenth and Chesnut
Tully P, carpenter, ns Franklin-avenue w of Thirteenth
Turk William, carpenter, es Ninth s of Green
Turnbull John, tailor, ss Franklin-avenue w of Fourth
Turnbull St Pray, booksellers and stationers, 136 n First
Turner Edmund, laborer, ss Mound e of Broadway
Turner H A, Western Literary Depot, 53 Market
Turner H S, captain U. S. Army, ws Sixth s of Market
Turner John, (S & J T.), 41 Chesnut
Turner Patrick, carpenter, es Seventh s of Carr
Turner Peter, carpenter, ns Cedar w of Third
Turner S & J, bakers, 32 n Second
Turner Samuel, S & J T.), 41 Chesnut
Turner Thomas, clerk at S & J Turner’s
Turner W H & co., com. and forwarding merchs., 81 n Front
Turner W J, steamboat captain, ws Fifth n of Franklin-av.
Turner William H, ( W H T. & co.), boards at Missouri-hotel
Turner Willirm, carpenter, es Second n of Almond
Tushoy Thomas, drayman, ws Eleventh s of Morgan
Tuston William, carpenter, ss Morgan w of Twelfth
TweedaleThos, (Burchard & T.), boards at M N Burchard’s
Twiford James, shoemaker, ne corner Eighth and Biddle
Twitchell John W, clerk steamboat Missouri, es Eleventh n of Clark-avenue
Twitchell T, engraver, 54 n First, ups.-dw, 139 Green
Twombly William, carpenter, ns Poplar e of Fifth
Tye Michael, quarrier, ws Seventh s of Biddle
Tynan William, chandler, ws First n of Spruce
Uhrig Joseph, 245 n First
Ulrici C, (U. & co.),- ws First s of Spruce
Ulrici C & co, merchants, 26 s First
Ulrici R W, (U. & co.), Second bt Walnut and Market
Underhill George A, ws Fifth n of Chesnut
Underhill Samuel, M.D., Ss Morgan w of Twelfth
Underwood Samuel F, carpenter, ss St. Charles w of Seventh
Ungerman H, wagon-maker, es Eleventh s of Carr, on alley
Union Insurance Company of Saint Louis, 127 n First - Geo. Collier, president, and F L Ridgely, secretary
Unitarian Church, nw corner Fourth and Vine
Usger Henry, mason, ss Franklin-avenue w of Twelfth
Ustick T W, printer, nw corner First and Olive, upstairs - dwelling, 49 n Fifth
Ustick W W, printer, 49 n Fifth
Vacharesas Louis, coffee-house, ws Second s of Cedar
Vail J, M.D., 101 Pine
Vallaire J, merchant - dwelling, ns Pine w of Seventh
Valland William, cabinet-maker, ws Second n of Almond
Vallcau C M, stove, tin and copper-ware dealer, 164 n First
Valle Amide, sw corner Seventh and Gratiot
Valle Neree, (Chouteau & V.), 58 n Front
Van Antwerp, (V A. & D.), n First
Van Antwerp & Dougherty, proprietors Missourian, 168 n Front
Van Epps A W, clerk at Wehb & Smith’s
Van Horn William, engineer, ss Mullanphy e of Broadway
Van Houton Isaac, steamboat captain, ws Collins n of Cherry
Van Studdiford H, M.D., 21 Olive
Vance H J, printer, 24 n First
Vance John, (Brand L. & V.), nw corner First & Elm
Vancourt A, (A & B J V.), sw corner Third and Market
Vancourt A & B J, National-hotel, sw cor Third and Market
Vancourt B J, (A & B J V.), 90 Market, sw corner Third and Market
Vandervort Peter, engineer, ss Wash w of Fifth
Vandeventer J & W, wholesale and retail clothing emporium, 162 n First
Vandeventer P L, (Field & V.), boards at W Vandeventer’s
Vandeventer William, (J & W V.), ws Sixth n of Wash
Vandewater Lewis, clerk, es Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
Vandoren Jacob, clerk, 52 n First
Vandyke Joseph, carpenter, ws Second s of Mound
Vangeyt S, es Ninth s of Green
Vanleer A W, Tennessee iron store, 12 n Front
Vannier James, segar-maker, ns Market w of Eighth
Vanpel Henry, beer-house, ns Morgan w of Third
Vansant Rugel, laborer, ws Eighth n of Carr
Vanzant & Cook, M.D.’s, 68 n First
Vanzant William, (V. & C), ss Market w of Tenth
Vase William, painter, 31 n Second
Vaurdon Sebastian, carpenter,- ws Fifth s of Rutger
Veitch Isaac W K, boards at S H Herrick’s
Verdin James, wagon-maker, ws Fourth n of Almond
Vestuz Joseph, ns Market w of Twelfth
Vetter Ferdinand, gardener, ss Hazel w of Second
Vetter George, shoemaker, ns Morgan w of Fourth
Vigus Gustavus, shoemaker, Central-alley
Villenjer L, clock and watchmaker, ws Second n of Spruce
Vine-Street House, (T V Cannon), ns Vine w of First
Vinton Alfred, agent Sligo iron store, 55 n Front
Vinton O M, confectioner, 54 Market - dwelling, 58 Market
Virden P L S, merchant, 48 Market
Virginia Hotel, (Sporr& Green), nw corner First and Green
Vitalis Louis, M.D., Ws Fifth s of Hickory
Vogel John, (Geisel & V.), 94 n Third
Vogelsang Jacob, carpenter, es Eleventh s of Wash
Vogr E, shoemaker, sw corner Twelfth and Franklin-avenue
Voight B, clerk at 100 n First
Voizot Albert, coffee-house, 62 n First
Volland S F, proprietor Missouri Demokrat, 20 Pine
Von Pfister Francis, (P Chouteau, jr, & co.), 182 Olive
Von Phul Henry, com. merch., 20 n Front - dw, 132 Market
Vonnide Conrad, blacksmith, corner Eighth and Market
Wachner F, laborer, 55 Clark-avenue w of Fourteenth
Wachner Francis, pedlar, es Fifth s of Convent
Wachner John, laborer, es Fifth n of Convent
Wachner Nicholas, laborer, sw corner Fourth and Almond
Wachtel Nicholas, shoemaker, ss Olive w of First
Waddingham William, butcher, ns Mullanphy e of Second
Wade Ann, boarding-house, 136 Market
Wade T B, carpenter at Brewster, B. & H.’s office, Chesnut
Wagner H, carpenter, es Thirteenth n of Franklin-avenue
Wagner Henry C, engineer, ss Cay e of Fifteenth
Wagner Jacob, machinist, ss Franklin-avenue e of Tenth
Wagner Lewis, musician, ws Twelfth s of Biddle
Wagner Louis, cabinet-maker, es Second n of Olive
Wagner William, coffee-house, nw corner Second and Spruce
Wainwright & Withnell, Fulton Brewery, ss Almond w of First
Wainwright Ellis, (W. & W.) ss Almond w of First
Waite John, cooper, ss Plum w of First
Waite W B, carpenter, ns Myrtle w of First
Wakefield Matthew, grocer, es Broadway n of Morgan
Wakeman & co., furnishing store, 92 n First
Wakeman Walter, (W. & co.,) boards at Glasgow-house
Wales O, 118 Washington-avenue
Wales William, baker, ss Franklin-avenue w of Tenth
Walker Charles, grocer, sw corner Twelfth and Morgan
Walker George, clerk, ws Seventh, opposite Elm
Walker Isaac, (T & J W.) 126 n First
Walker J B, attorney at law, 21 Chesnut
Walker J M, carpenter, es Thirteenth n of Franklin-ave»ue
Walker James S, painter, ss Olive w of Sixth
Walker John, carpenter, es Sixth n of Franklin-avenue
Walker L D, clerk in Post-office
Walker Samuel S, bricklayer, ns Market w of Third, on alley
Walker Thomas & Isaac, carpet store, 126 n First
Walker Thomas B, (Elliot & W.) 2 n First
Walker William, carpenter, ns Randolph w of Twelfth
Wall Gerhart, laborer, ns Convent w of Third
Wall Rev. G W, ws Seventh s of Market
Wallace George, ns Chambers w of Broadway
Wallace L C, boards at Vine-street-house
Wallahan, John, grocer, 102 Green
Wallter C F, Lutheran clergyman, ss Mulberry e of Fourth
Walsh E (J & E W.) se corner Sixth and Olive
Walsh J (J & E W.) nw corner Lewis and Florida
Walsh J & E, commission merchants, 72 n Front
Walsh James B, clerk, boards at P Walsh’s
Walsh Lawrence, tailor, 112 Green
Walsh Patrick, ne corner Third and Plum
Walsh Patrick, tailor, ns Market w of Eighth
Walsh Peter A, public administrator - office, 11 Chesnut dwelling, ne corner Third and Plum
Walsh Richard, mason, ne corner Seventh and Biddle
Walsh Thomas, trader, se corner Fourteenth and Orange
Walter Andrew, baker, ns Market w of Twelfth
Walter Frederick P, merchant, es Seventh n of Elm
Walters C, saddler, 109 n First - dw, ws Second s of Poplar
Walters Paul, riverman, es. Second s of Hazel
Walton C D, Mansion-house, 127 n Fourth
Walton George, livery-stable, es Second n of Hazel
Walton Joseph, livery-stable, 33 Saint Charles w of Fifth dwelling, ss Morgan w of Ninth
Walton Robert R, clerk, 45 n First
Wangelin Adolphus, grocer, nw corner Fourth and Almond
Waopner Frank, drayman, es Second n of Park-avenue
Ward D, Globe-tavern, ss Walnut e of First
Ward Joseph, carpenter, ws Thirteenth n of Wash
Ware Edward Y, clerk, corner Seventh and Walnut
Ware M, blacksmith, nw corner Sixth and Spruce
Ware Thomas, carpenter, sw corner Sixth and Myrtle
Warne Thomas S, se corner Seventh and Spruce
Warner Alexander, soapmaker, es Third s of Myrtle
Warner Martin, tailor, ns Locust w of First
Warner S A, carriage-painter, .124 Locust
Warner William, tailor, ss Green w of Third
Warren Charles, carpenter, es Fifth n of Franklin-avenue
Warren Edward, boarding-house, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Warren Horace 157 Green
Warren Luke, boarding-house, 157 Green
Warren Richard, saddler, 39 n First
Warrens Edwd, attorney at law and editor Missouri (German) Demokrat, 20 Pine
Warth & Corthron, merchants, 32 Market
Wartman Peter, grocer, ws Broadway n of Morgan
Washburn E H, 42 Market
Washburn Matthew, carpenter, ns Walnut w of Seventh
Washburn Z D, blacksmith, ns Carr w of Eleventh
Washington Avenue Hotel, (Henry Farmer,) sw corner Commercial and Washington-avenue
Washington G W, civil-engineer, boards at Virginia-hotel
Washington John, [c] boat store, 15 Washington-avenue
Waterman David, bricklayer, corner Biddle and Broadway
Waters George, carpenter, ss Saint diaries w of Fifth
Waters James L, clerk at Von Phul’s
Waters Martin, laborer, es Third s of Convent
Waters Samuel, clerk, ss Poplar w of Second
Waters Samuel, drayman, es Tenth s of Biddle
Waters Samuel T, plasterer, 88 Washington-avenue
Waters Stephen, carpenter, ws Seventh s of Green
Watkins & Chambers, general agents, 95 Chesnut
Watkins B F, (W. & C.) ns Myrtle w of Fifth
Watkins Francis, engineer, ws Thirteenth s of Market
Watkins Frederick G, tobacconist, 45 n First
Watkins James E, tinner, ns Morgan w of Third
Watkins Thomas E, 40 Market
Watkins Thomas, wood merchant, ss Spruce e of Third
Watson & Wirt, attorneys at law, 75 Pine
Watson E Y, M.D., es Fifth n of Pine
Watson Henry F, boards at Thomas Watson’s
Watson John H, (W. & W.) 75 Pine
Watson John, laborer, ss Wash e of Eighth
Watson John S, (W. & Wilgus) ss Walnut w of Fifth
Watson John, tavern, 102 n Front
Watson R D, importer and dealer in china, glass, and queensware, 74 n First - dwelling, ne corner Eighth and
Watson Sarah Ann, widow, se corner First and Myrtle
Watson T, commissioner in bankruptcy, Collins n of Cherry
Watt William L, (Hoffman & Co.) ns Locust w of Second
Watts John, laborer, ss Plum w of First
Watts S A, furnishing-store, 70 Market - dwelling, ws Sixth n of Biddle
Waugh James, (W. & C.) Third s of Hospital
Weaver John, painter, es Seventh n of Saint Charles
Weaver Willis, carpenter, ws Tenth n of Clark-avenue
Webb & Smith, merchants, 51 n Third
Webb A F W, merchant, 137 n First
Webb Frederick, clerk at Webb & Smith’s
Webb Solomon, carpenter, ns Convent e of Fifth
Webb Thomas H, laborer, ws Third n of Market
Webb William G, (W. & S.) ws Sixth n of Carr
Weber A A, tinner, ns Morgan w of Third
Weber Adam, baker, ws Third n of Rutger
Weber Adam, blacksmith, ns Franklin-avenue e of Fifth
Weber Adam, laborer, ss Franklin-avenue w of Twelfth
Weber Emanuel, tailor, ns Market w of Second
Weber Henry, laborer, nw corner Thirteenth and Wash
Weber Mahlon, carpenter, ss Morgan w of Seventh
Weber William, editor Anzeiger des Westens, 42 Pine
Webster Benjamin, carpenter, es Seventh n of Morgan
Weed S R, saddler, ne corner Fourth and Pine
Wegman Matthias, merchant, ns Morgan w of Third
Wehrle Lawrence, watchmaker, es Second s of Hazel
Wehrle V, musical instrument-maker, es Second s of Wood
Wehrman A, baker, es Ninth n of Wash
Weidman Adam, wagon-maker, ns Franklin-av. e of Fifth
Weigler Henry, ws Sixth n of Green
Weiler George, tinner, ws Second s of Plum, upstairs
Weiler Morris, es Second s of Plum, upstairs
Weinheimer J, cabinet-maker, ws Second s of Spruce
Weir David S, carpenter, boards at Harper’s
Weir John, clerk and bookkeeper, ns Wash e of Eighth
Weisenberger Antoine, tailor, ss Market w of Moore
Weismiller Frederick, tailor, ss Morgan w of Seoond
Weiss & Barth, confectioners, 77 Market
Weiss F, beer-house, es Second s of Plum
Weiss Michael, (W. & B.) 77 Market
Weitkamp Bernard, shoemaker, ss Locust w of Fourth
Weizenecker Peter, baker, es Second s of Plum
Welch George S, pilot, ss Pine w of Eighth
Weldon John, riverman, sw corner Ninth and Franklin-av.
Welkenhoff Everhart, shoemaker, ws Third n of Convent
Welker Henry, shoemaker, 39 Washington-avenue
Well W G, teacher of music and dancing, es’Fifth s of Convent
Weller Edwin J, engraver, 146 n First
Welling Henry, tailor, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eighth
Wellington Sarah, widow, es Third s of Myrtle
Welloh George, boarding-house, ns Wash e of Ninth
Wells George, nw corner Tenth and Pine
Wells Henry S, es Fifth n of Morgan
Wells Parken L, laborer, es Tenth n of Market
Wells Samuel, trader, ns Chambers w of Broadway
Welman John T, painter, ss Morgan e of Fourteenth
Welsh John, drayman, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Welsh Lewis, grocer, ne corner Sixth and Green
Welsh Patrick, grocer, ne corner Sixth and Green
Welsh Peter, carpenter, es Eighth n of Biddle
Welsh Richard, shoemaker, es Fourth n of Market
Welsh Robert, laborer, ws Ninth n of Carr
Welsh Thomas, drayman, es Broadway n of Franklin-avenue
Welshen Ernst, cabinet-maker, es Second s of Hazel
Welshuser Cleus, coffee-house, ws First s of Elm
Welta John R, ss Olive, on Theatre alley
Wendover J R, grocer, 270 Broadway
Wenkinberg F, tailor, ss Morgan w of Fourth
Wenta F, wood merchant, ns Hempstead w of Broadway
Wenter John, laborer, es Second n of Cedar,’on alley
Wenzer Lorenz, carpenter and turner, ss Carr w of Eleventh
Werner Frederick, cabinet-maker, 30 and 32 Olive
Werner Mrs. F R, boarding-house, 115 n Second
Wese Charles, (Richter & W.) 33 n Second
Wesley John, riverman, sw corner Fifth and Rutger
Wessel Joseph, porter, 28 Front
Wessel Lewis, tobacconist, ns Convent w of Third
Wessenberg J, segar-maker, es Broadway n of Franklin-av.
Wessenfels Henry, clerk, es Eighth n of Olive
West George W, merchant-tailor, 83 n First - dwelling, ws Sixth s of Spruce
West Isaac L, constable, es Fourteenth s of Market
West John, tailor, ws Seventh s of Green West Otis, (Pope & W.) 79 n Front
West Thomas H, plasterer, and president of the Board of Common School Directors, 135 Olive
Westbrook G W, druggist, 82 n Fourth
Westenhaver Levi, grocer, se corner Centre and Market
Wester John G, tailor, es Washington n of Marion
Westerman Henry, laborer, ws Eighth s of Carr
Westerman J, tailor, ws Carondelet n of Soulard
Westerman Jaeo"b, tailor, ws Carondelet s of Marion
Westerman John H, (Belser & co.) es First n of Locust
Westervelt R M, Venetian blind manuftr, es Third n of Pine
Weston Aaron, music-teacher, boards at J Fogg’s
Weston David, (Whitehill & W.) 146 n Fourth
Weston Franklin, 122 n Third
Wetherell William, boarding-house, 67 Pine
Wetmore Alphonso, justice of the peace, 24 Pine - dwelling, es Fourth s of Cedar
Wetmore Diogenes, justice, boards at A Wetmore’s
Wetmore T P, Notary Public, 24 Pine, boards at A Wetmore’s
Wette Henry, drayman, boards at A Schaeffer’s
Wetter Henry, tailor, es Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
Wetteroth & Deterding, shoemakers, 69 Market
Wetteroth George, blacksmith, ws Sixth n of Chesnut
Wetteroth John P, (W. & D.) 69 Market
Wetterough George, blacksmith, 45 n First
Wetzel Charles, tinner and grocer, es Second n of Cedar
Wetzel O, clerk, 3 n First
Wetzel W Y, (Hall & W.) 5 n Front
Wetzel Z F, clerk, 28 n First, boards at E Brooks
Weyer Moses, wood merchant, ne corner Third and Poplar
Weygand Frederick, tailor, es Second n of Almond
Whealan James, laborer, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Whealan Michael, tailor, es Second n, of Vine
Whealing James, livery-stable - dwelling, es Sixth n of Elm
Wheat Benoni, clerk at Manville Seymour’s
Wheeler & Ellis, commission merchants, 80 n Front
Wheeler Charles, ( W. & E.) 80 n Front
Wheeler Emanuel, [c] 170 Green
Wheeler J, tailor, ws Second n of Poplar
Wheeler William, laborer, es Ninth n of Carr
Wheelock E, agent Root’s cooking-stoves, ns Locust w of First
Whipple Michael, laborer, es First n of Plum
White & Parrot, hair manufacturers, ws Second n of Pine
White & Shannon, Washington mill, ws Seventh n of Wash
White Charles F, saddler, ne corner Fourth and Pine
White E C, merchant, 62 Market - dw, es Fifth n of Olive
White Elizabeth, dressmaker, 162 Green
White Henry, pilot, ns Gay e of Fifteenth
White Henry, tailor, ns Carr e of Ninth
White J H, (J H W. & co.) 63 Locust
White J M, es Fourth n of Myrtle
White Jackson, butcher, opp. city grave-yard s of Convent
White James H, (W. & S.) ws Ninth n of Morgan
White James K, painter, es Eighth n of Olive
White John, finisher, ws Broadway n of Hempstead
White John, finisher at foundry, ss Washington-av. w of Fifth
White John R, painter, 31 n Second
White John, shoemaker, es Eleventh s of Morgan
White Joseph H. & co, lumber dealers, se corner Third and Vine
White-Lead- Factory, H T Blow, nw cor Tenth and Clark-av.
White Nicholas, slater, es Tenth s of Market
White Peyton, butcher, es Eighth n of Clark, on alley
White Samuel, carpenter, ws Sixth s of Biddle
White T J, M.D., ws Third s of Vine
White Uriah, moulder, ws Sixth s of Biddle
White W R, butcher, es Loretta s of Marion
White WH, Fourth, between Market and Walnut
White William A, riverman, ss Spruce e of Fifth
White William, Indian trader, ws Second n of Pine
White William N, merchant, 142 n Third
White William, pilot, ss Gay w of Fourteenth
Whitefoot John B, painter, es Third n of Olive
Whitehead J W, attorney at law - dw, es Fifth s of Convent
Whitehead James, contractor, sw corner Tenth and Biddle
Whitehill John, (W. & W.) 156 n Fourth
Whitehill & Weston, carpenters, ne corner Fourth and Green
Whitehill William B, carpenter, 12 Saint Charles
Whitelaw John B, grocer, 208 Broadway - dwelling, nw cor Sixth and Saint Charles
Whiting A, merchant, 20 s First - dwelling, 93 s First
Whiting William, 26 n First
Whitman Nathan, upholsterer, 206 n First
Whitmore Benjamin, 116 Washington-avenue
Whitmore Henry, (Ball & co.) boards at D L Holbrook’s
Whittaker Alfred, bricklayer, ws Seventh s of Myrtle
Whittaker Anthony, carpenter, ws Ninth s of Chambers
Whittaker John S, attorney at law, 66 Chesnut
Whittemore A O, (H & A O W.) 186 Olive
Whittemore H (H & A O W.) es Fifth n of Franklin-av.
Whittemore H & A O, wholesale dealers in caps and hatter stock, 137 n First
Whittle Edward, laborer, boards at Quarmby’s
Whittle Thomas, laborer, boards at Quarmby’s
Whittlesey C C, attorney at law, 41 Washington-avenue
Wichman H W, dealer in rags, es Second n of Cedar
Wickham Delia, widow, seamstress, ns St Charles w of Fourth
Wickliffe R W, attorney at law, 105 Pine
Wicks Solomon, engineer, ws First s of Ashley
Widgery John, clerk in surveyor-general’s office
Wiebe Augustus, M.p., ns Franklin-avenue opposite Fourth
Wieberts. G J, clerk, 43 n First
Wiedeman Charles, butcher, ss Spruce w of Twelfth
Wiedemeyer Joseph, tailor, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Wiener John E, First-ward house, es Second s of Hazel
Wigand Henry, blacksmith, ss Marion e of Jackson
Wigand Henry, laborer, ws Fifth s of Hickory
Wiggins & co., se corner First and Walnut
Wiggins Edward C, (W.& co.) ss Walnut w of First
Wiggins Samuel B, (W. & co.) ss Walnut w of First
Wiggins. William C, (W. & co.) ss Walnut w of First
Wiinn John, blacksmith, es Broadway n of Cherry
Wilckins William, tailor, es Third n of Convent
Wilcox John, farmer, ws Broadway s of Howard
Wilcox W E, chairmaker, es Second n of Olive
Wilcox W W, ss Myrtle w of Third
Wilcox William L, ns Walnut w of Sixth
Wild Benjamin, carpenter, sw corner Second and Mound
Wilde J C, lithographic printer, es Second s of Chesnut, ups.
Wilder Charles, clerk at A Farr, jr.’s
Wilder George, hatter, ws Third n of Cedar
Wilder George, ws Seventh s of Clark-avenue
Wiley Michael, laborer, es Eighth s of Biddle
Wiley Robert S, es Fourth s of Market
Wiley Woodward, riverman, ws Seventh s of Carr
Wilgus Asa, (A W.& co.) 31 n Second - dwelling, 129 Olive
Wilgus Charles T, (A W. & co.) boards at A Wilgus’s
Wilgus J M, tinware manufacturer, 5 n Second - dwelling, ne corner First and Poplar
Wilkens P„ German Methodist preacher, ws Twelfth n of Carr
Wilkinson J & co., barbers, ns Pine w of First
Wilkinson R J, (W. & co.) ns Vine w of First
Willard Thomas, clerk, 133 n First
Willey Walter, ns Olive w of First
Willi & Blood, merchant-tailors, 72 Chesnut
Willi Samuel, (W. & B.) ws Third s of Market
Williams C, M.D., 144 n Fourth
Williams Columbus, riverman, ws Tenth s of Franklin-avenue
Williams Frederick, laborer, ws Eighth s of Curr
Williams George T, plasterer, ws Ham s of Park-avenue
Williams James, riverman, 158 Market
Williams John, male, ns Marion e of Jackson
Williams M, ns Spruce w of Fint
Williams N L, (Rugg & W.) 211 n First
Williams Richard, laborer, es First s of Spruce
Williams Robert, collector, ns Wash e of Fifth
Williams Roger, dray man, ns Carr w of Seventh
Williams Samuel, carpenter, ns Lombard e of Second
Williams Thos G, plasterer, ss Franklin-av. e of Fourteenth
Williams William, carpenter, ws Third s of Cedar, on alley
Williams Willis L, attorney at law, 76 n First - dwelling, se corner Eighth and Olive
Williamson Alexander, bricklayer, 109 Market
Williamson Alexander, upholsterer, ns Vine w of First
Williamson Hiram. cooper, rear of 53 n Third
Williamson John H, brass-founder, ss Morgan w of Fifth
Williamson Joseph B, clerk at Collins & Kellogg’s
Williamson Mary, dress-maker, 109 Market
Williamson Robert, printer, at Daniel Davies’
Williamson William, carpenter, ws Ninth s of Chambers
Williamson William H, pilot, ss Randolph w of Twelfth
Willot Joseph, plasterer, sw corner Twelfth and Gay
Wilmeyer William, porter, ns Hempstead e of Ninth
Wilmington - , es Fifteenth s of Market
Wilson & Brother, wholesale hardware merchants, 110 n First
Wilson A H, Bridge-sawmill, ns Wood e of Second
Wilson Ann, widow, boarding-house, 220 n Second
Wilson James, drayman, ns Morgan e of Eleventh
Wilson James, riverman, ss Myrtle e of First
Wilson John H, (Powell & Wilson), 84 n First
Wilson Mrs. R G, ne corner Sixth and Morgan
Wilson Samuel, carpenter, es Sixth s of Carr
Wilson Samuel K, (W. & Brother), ss Morgan w of Fifth
Wilson Thomas, printer, ws Second s of Spruce
Wilson William K, ( W. & Brother), 110 n First
Wilson William K, painter, es Eleventh s of Biddle
Wilson William, steamboat engineer, ns Green w of Tenth
WILSON GEORGE, 6 n First - dw, es Third s of Spruce; wholesale and retail dealer in Drugs, Medicines,
Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Perfumery, Window-Glass, and Surgeon’s Instruments
Wiltbank C H, clerk, 84 n First
Wimer John M, ne corner Broadway and Howard
Winchester Boswell, clerk at N Robbins’
Winckelmeyer Julius, clerk at Boschenstein’s
Windmuller Frederick, cabinet-maker, ws Seventh s of Carr
Wineland Andrew, steamboat captain, es Fifth s of Carr
Wing S & co., tin and sheet-iron ware manf’rs, 23 n Second
Wing Sylvanus, (S W. & co.) es First n of Spruce
Winger Peter, ws Carondelet-avenue w of Marion
Wingham George, tinner, 61 n First
Winniford John J, carpenter, es Ninth s of Green
WINRIGHT JOHN, Justice of the Peace and General Conveyancer - office and residence 79 Morgan, between
Second and Third
Winters & Farrington, shoe dealers, 112 n First
Winters J A, (W. & F.) 112 n First
Winters Owen, mason, se corner Ninth and Walnut, upstairs
Wirt Dabney, (Watson and W.) 75 Pine
Wirth William, watchmaker, ws Fifth s of Convent
Wise Henry J, State and County collector, basement Planters’ house, on Chesnut - dwelling, 166 Olive
Wiser Philip, cooper, es Second s of Hazel
Wislezenus Adolphus, M.D., Sw corner Second and Chesnut
Wisman Henry, blacksmith, ns Franklin-avenue e of Fifth
Wisman William, tailor, ws Fourth n of Morgan
Wissing George 13, tailor, es Broadway n of Morgan
Witcher Frederick, clerk in surveyor-general’s office
Withnell J, (Fulton Brewery), ws Carondelet-av. s of Park-av.
Wittig Michael, beer-house, ws Second s of Poplar
Wochner Otto, (Augustin & co.) 3 Market
Wohllen A, widow, Columbian-house, es Second s of Convent
Wolf George, beer-house, ws Second n of Hazel
Wolf Joseph, baker, 34 Green
Wolff & Hoppe, importers of German goods, 27 Market
Wolff Charles & co., stove and hollow ware manufacturers and dealers, 125 n First
Wolff Christopher, clerk at Thorner’s
Wolff Henry, shoemaker, sw corner Eighth and Wash
Wolff John, laborer, es Second n of Park-avenue
Wolff William G, laborer, es Ninth s of Carr
Wolford John,-laborer, ss Wood e of Second
Wolke John H, laborer, es Jackson s of Miller
Wollkoff R, Germ, and Eng. teacher, es Second n of Lombard
Wonderly & Clapp, copper, tin and sheet-iron manufacturers, No. 1 Commercial-alley, rear of 9 Washington
Wonderly Peter, (W. StClapp,) 336 Market
Wood & Creley, merchants, 62 Market
Wood & Shaw, boat-store. 41 n Front
Wood Benjamin, livery-stable, ss Pine w of Second
Wood John G, carpenter, boards at Mansion-house
Wood John, laborer, es Ninth s of Wash
Wood Mary, widow, 155 Green
Wood T, (Ballance & W.) 17 Green
Wood Thomas, (W.&S.) 41 n Front
Wood Thomas, tailor, 43 Green
Wood William M, (W. & C.) 62 Market
Woodbridge H P, importer and dealer in watches, 114 n First
Woodbridge Johnson, carpenter, ws Collins n of Cherry
Woodland T W, M.D., 116 n Fourth
Woodman D, (W.& co.) 3 n Fourth
Woodman D & co., bakers, 3 n Fourth
Woodman Joseph, baker, 79 n Fourth - dwelling, se corner Fifth and Elm
Woodruff A D, attorney at law, 43 Chesnut
Woodruff James E, (E K Woodruff & co., New York, and Hellin & Woodruff, New Orleans,) commission
merchants, 24 n Front, St. Louis, Missouri
Woodruff John C, 73 n Fourth
Woodruff John, moulder, ns St. Charles s of Fifth
Woods, Christy & co., wh. dry goods merchants, 93 n First
Woods Ephraim, rope-spinner, boards at James Humphrey’s
Woods Robert K, (W., Christy & co.), 93 n Front
Woods William S, bookseller and stationer, 110 Market
Woods, Yeatman & co., iron merchants, 86 n Front
Woodson Zecharias, [c] 189 Green
Woodward E K, literary emporium, 70 Chesnut - dwelling, ss Pine w of Second
Woodworth John R, (New York-holel,) 101 Green
Woodworth John, watchman, on alley through block 253
Woolfolk Z T, tobacco inspector, Planters’ warehouse - dwelling, ne corner Tenth and Olive
Wooll G, carver and gilder, 14 n First - dwelling, 89 Olive w of Third
Woolridge John, ship-carpenter, ss Locust w of Third
Woolsey Charles, sugar-refiner, dw, ws Fourth s of Cerre
Worsley John, blacksmith, ws Third n of Rutger
Worthington Daniel, car driver, sw corner Fifth and Wash
Worthington William, cabinet-maker, boards at W C Corley’s
Wortman Henry, grocer, es Second n of Olive
Wortman John, mason, corner Twelfth and Wash
Wortman Philip, laborer, es Fourteenth n of Carr
Wright & Shreve, attornies at law, 43 Pine
Wright Benjamin, (Reed-& W.) nw corner Third and Olive
Wright D S, riverman, 133 Green
Wright Daniel T, carpenter, ss Myrtle w of Fifth
Wright Edward, blacksmith, ss Carr e of Seventh
Wright Ezekiel, ten-pinner, 92 n Front
Wright Henry H, carpenter, ne corner Fifth and Wash
Wright, John, carpenter, ns Orange w of Twelfth
Wright Mary, widow, 186 n Fourth
Wright Richard, portrait painter, es Fifth n of Convent
Wright Sarah, widow, ws Sixth s of Spruce
Wright Thomas, riverman, ws First n of Plum
Wright U, (W. & Shreve,) attorney at law, es Fifth n of Morgan
Wright Wiley, tinner, at Beaky & McAleer’s
Wright William, plasterer, es Ninth n of Morgan
Wuerdeman Amelia, professor and teacher of music, 8 s Third
Wuesthoff Julius, grocer, n s Market e of Third
Wulfing G, merchants, ne corner Sixth and Elm
Wygant Henry, agent Comstock’s medicines, es Second two doors n of Olive
Wyman Edward, teacher, English and Classical High School, corner Fourth and Chesnut - dwelling, 119 Tenth
Xaupi E J, teacher of dancing, ws Twelfth s of Morgan
Yager Balser, laborer, es Tenth n of Carr
Yates Thomas, cotton manufacturer, ss Spruce e of Thirteenth
Yeatman James E, (Y., Woods & co.,) nw cor Front and Green
Yeoman William, es Ninth n of Morgan
Yoeckel Christian, gardener, ne corner Ninth and Wash
Yore Patrick, pilot, 130 Morgan
York House, (A M Swart,) sw corner Second and Green
Yost Henry, farmer, ws Eighth n of Morgan
Young Ann, widow, ns Green w of Ninth
Young Ebenezer, grocer, 5 Market
Young G W, broom-maker, ns Chambers w of Broadway
Young H H, merchant, 41 (old number) Walnut
Young James A, boot and shoe manufacturer and merchant, 194 n Third - dwelling, ss Morgan w of Tenth
Young Jesse, boards at B P Smith’s
Young John N, es Fifth n of Morgan
Young John, saddler, 63 n First
Young Joseph, locksmith, corner Third and Olive
Young L, (Hesse & Y.,) sw corner Ninth and Franklin-av.
Young Philip, engineer, es Eleventh s of Carr
Young Thomas, broom and mat maker, ns convent e of Fifth
Yoxall John, clerk at G & T Lewis
Yule William, merchant tailor, 26 Green
Zancroff John, laborer, ns Franklin-avenue w of Eighth
Zangler Terese, widow, ss Almond e of Third
Zeis Adam, tailor, ws Second n of Locust
Ziebold Jacob, laborer, ws Jackson n of Barry
Ziebold Joseph, ws Third n of Mulberry
Ziefel F, shoemaker, 58 Green
Ziegenhain William, musician, ns Wash e of Ninth
Zierlein Henry L, boarding-house, 5 n Fourth
Zimmerman William, mason, ws Eighth n of Franklin-avenue
Zindell Louis, grocer, ws Thirteenth s of Spruce
Zoeckler George, match-maker, es Fifth n of Convent
Zoeckler Lewis, butcher, ss Wood e of Second
Zoll Conrad A, beer-house, ne corner Twelfth and Franklin-av.
By the present charter, all that district of country contained within the following limits constitutes the city of
Saint Louis, to wit: "Beginning at a point in the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi river, due east of
the south-east corner of Saint George, in Saint Louis County; thence due west to the west line of Second
Carondelet Avenue; thence north with said west line of said Avenue to the north line of Chouteau Avenue;
thence northwardly in a direct line to the mouth of Stoney Creek; thence due east to the middle of the channel of
the Mississippi river; thence southwardly with the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi river to the place
of beginning."
The above described " district of country" is divided into six wards, respectively bounded as follows:
First Ward. - All that part of the city lying south of a line beginning on the Mississippi river at the foot of
Cedar-street; thence running westwardly along Cedar to Fourth; northwardly along Fourth to Cerre; westwardly
along Cerre to Twelfth; northwardly along Twelfth to Randolph; thence westwardly along Randolph-street to the
western line of the city.
Second Ward. - All the territory lying north of the First Ward, and south of a line beginning on the Mississippi at
the foot of Walnut-street; running westwardly along Walnut to Seventh; northwardly along Seventh to Market;
and westwardly along Market to the western line of the city, constitutes the Second Ward.
Third Ward. - All the territory lying north of the Second Ward, and south of a line commencing on the
Mississippi at the foot of Locust; running westward along Locust to Third; south along Third to Olive; and
westwardly along Olive to the city line, constitutes the Third Ward.
Fourth Ward.-The territory lying north of the Third Ward, and south of a line commencing on the Mississippi
river at the foot of Green-street; running westwardly along Green to Eighth; north along Eighth to Morgan; and
westwardly along Morgan to the city limits, constitutes the Fourth Ward.
Fifth Ward. - The territory lying north of the Fourth Ward, and south of a line beginning on the Mississippi at the
foot of Cherry-street J running westwardly along Cherry to Broadway; northwardly along Broadway to Wash;
and westwardly along Wash to the western boundary of the city, constitutes the Fifth Ward.
Sixth Ward. - All the territory within the city limits, lying north of the north boundary line of the Fifth Ward,
constitutes the Sixth Ward.
In all cases, the centres of the several streets above named are the dividing lines between the several wards.
Almond-st., from Front w to Fifth, between Spruce and Poplar
Anna-st., from Front w to Carondelet-av., bt Sidney and Louisa
Arsenal-st., from Carondelet av. w to Second Carondelet-av., between Bent and Southern boundary
Ashley-st., from Front w to First, bt Biddle and O’Fallon
Austin-st., from Twelfth w to Fifteenth, between Randolph and Gratiot
Barry-st., from Kosciusko w to Decatur, between Miller, Park av and Marion
Barton-st., from Front w to Carondelet-av., between Duchouquette and Victor
Bates-st., from Front w to Broadway, between Smith, Columbia and O’Fallon
Bent-st., from Columbus w to western limits, between Lynch and Arsenal
Benton-st., from North First w to western limits, bt Warren and North Market
Biddle-st., from First w to western limits, between O’Fallon and Carr
Boone-st., from Chouteau-av. s to Hickory, between Provenchere and Stoddard-av.
Broadway, from Green n to northern limits, between Collins and Second on the east, and Fifth, Sixth, Seventh,
Eighth and Ninth on the west
Buel-st., from Park-av. s to southern limits, between Decatur and Menard
Calhoun-st., from Fulton westwardly to Linn, between Emmett on the north, and Lesperance and Gravois on the
Carr-st., from First to western limits, bt Biddle and Wash
Carroll-st., from Kosciusko-w to Linn, bt Marion and Soulard
Carondelet-av., from Second sw to Park-av., and from Park av. southwardly to southern limits, between Jackson
on the east, and Seventh and Fulton on the west
Cedar-st., from Second w to Fourth, bt Plum and Mulberry
Centre-st., from Market s to Clark-av., between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
Cerre-st., from Fifth w to Twelfth, between Poplar and Gratiot
Chambers-st., from First w to Fifteenth, between Madison and Webster
Cherry-st., from First w to Broadway, bt Wash and Morgan
Chesnut-st., from First w to Eleventh, bt Market and Pine
Chouteau-av., from Fifth w to city limits, between Gratiot and Poplar on the north, and Hickory on the south
Clark-av., from Seventh w to western limits, between Walnut and Market on the north, and Spruce on the south
Clay-st., from Warren n to Spring, between First and Second
Closey-st., from Park-av. s to Gravois, bt Hamtramck and Linn
Collins-st., from Cherry n to Florida, bt Second and Broadway
Columbia-st., from First w to Broadway, bt Florida and Bates
Columbus-st., from Park-av. s to southern limits, between DeKalb and Jackson
Commercial-st., from Vine n to Washington-av., between Front and First
Congress-st., from Pieotte s to Lami, between Jackson and Carondelet-avenue
Convent-st., from Second wto Fifth, bt Hazel and Rutger
Davis-st., from Broadway w to western limits, between Florida and O’Fallon
Decatur-st., from Park-avenue southwardly to Arsenal, between Fulton and Buel
DeKalb-st., from Soulard southwardly to southern limits, bt Kosciusko and Columbus DeWard-st., from
Lafayette-avenue s to Gravois, between Linn and western limits
Dillon-st, from Chouteau-avenue s to Park-avenue, between Saint Ange-avenue and Grattan Dock-st., from
Front w to western limits, between Harrison and northern limits
Duchouquette-st., from Front wto Carondelet-avenue, between Trudeau and Boston
Easton-st., from Barton southwardly to southern limits, between Jackson and Carondelet-avenue
East Brooklyn-st, from Front w to Broadway, between East Mound and Labeaume
East Mound-st., from Front w to Broadway, bt East Brooklyn and Howard
Eighth-st., from Chouteau n to West Brooklyn, between Seventh and Ninth
Eighteenth-st., from Washington-avenue northwardly, west of Seventeenth
Elm-st., from Front w to Seventh, between Walnut and Myrtle Eleventh-st., from Chouteau avenue northwardly
to nw limits of city
Emmett-st., from Kosciusko w to Linn, between Lafayette on the north, and Lesperance and Calhoun on the
Fifth-st., from Rutger n to Biddle, between Fourth and Sixth
Fifteenth-st., from Chouteau-avenue n to western limits, between
Fourteenth and Sixteenth First-st., from Plum n to northern limits, bt Front and Second Florida-st., from Front w
to Seventh, between Mullanphy and Columbia
Fourth-st., from Convent n to Franklin-aveuue, between Third and Fifth
Fourteenth-st., from Chouteau-avenue n to nw limits, between Thirteenth and Fifteenth
Franklin-av., from Broadway w to western limits, between Morgan and Wash
Front-st., from northern to southern boundary, along the Mississippi river
Fulton-st., from Park-avenue southwardly to Bent, next west of Seventh
Gay-st., from Twelfth w to Fifteenth, between Franklin-avenue and Morgan
Gravois-st., from Rosatti w to western limits, and north of Lesperance
Gratiot-st., from Fourth westward to Tayon-avenue, between Cerre and Chouteau-avenue
Grattan-st., from Chouteau-avenue s to Park-avenue, between Dillon and western limits
Green-st., from Front w to Eleventh, between Washington-avenue and Morgan
Hamtramck-av., from Park-avenue s to Lesperance, between Rosati and Closey
Harrison-st., from Front w to city limits, bt Dock and Palm
Hazel-st., from First w to Fifth, between Lombard and Convent
Hempstead-st., from Broadway w to Ninth, between Labeaume and West Brooklyn
Hickory-st., from Fifth w to city limits, between Chouteau-avenue and Rutger
Howard-st., from Front w to city limits, between Mullanphy and Mound
Jackson-st., from south line of Park-avenue s to Saugrain, between Columbus and Carondelet
Jefferson-st., from Front w to western limits, between Madison and Monroe
Kosoiusko-st., from Miller s to Victor, bt Front and DeKalb
Labadie-st., from Fifth w to Seventh, between Chouteau-avenue and Hickory
Labeaume, from Front w to Tenth, bt Webster and Brooklyn
Lafayette-av., from Kosciusko w to Linn, between Soulard and Emmett
Lafayette-st., from Linn w to city limits, between Park-avenue and Gravois
Lami-s.i, from Columbus w to western limits, between Victor and Trudeau
Lane-st., ‘from Front w to Carondelet-avenue, between Louisa and Bent
Lavcille-st., from Chouteau-avenue to Hickory, between Stoddart and Morton
Lesperance-st., from Front w to western limits, between Emmett and Picotte
Lewis-st., from Biddle n to Florida, between Front and First
Linn-st., from Park-av. s to Trudeau, bt Closey and DeWard
Locust-st., from Front w to western limits, between Olive and Saint Charles
Lombard-st., from Front w to Fifth, bt Mulberry and Hazel
Louisa-st., from Carondelet-av. e to Front, bt Anna and
Lami Lucas-st., from Eleventh w to city limits, bt Market and Olive
Lynch-st., from Carondelet-avenue w to city limits, between Sidney and Bent
Madison-st., from Front w to Sixteenth, between Jefferson and Chambers
Marion-st., from Kosciusko w to Rosatti, bt Barry and Carroll
Market-st., from Front w to western limits, between Chesnut and Lucas, Walnut and Clark
Mason-st., from Front w to First, between Smith and Florida
McGirk-st., from Menard w to Rosatti, bt Lynch and Sidney
Menard-st., from Park-avenue s to southern limits, between Buel and Rosatti
Miller-st., from Carondelet-avenue e to Kosciusko, between Park-avenue and Barry
Monroe-st., from First w to western limits, between Jefferson and North Market
Montgomery-st, from Front w to western limits, between Warren and Spring
Morgan-st., from Front w to western limits, between Franklinavenue and Green
Morrison-av., from Provenchere w to Morton, between Hickory and Rutger
Morton-st., from Chouteau-avenue s to Park-avenue, between Stoddard and Saint Ange
Mulberry-st., from First w to Fourth, bt Cedar and Lombard
Mullanphy-st., from Front w to western limits, between Florida and Howard
Myrtle-st., from Front w to Seventh, between Elm and Spruce Ninth, from Chouteau-avenue n to nw limits,
between Eighth and Eleventh
North Market-st., from First w to western limits, between Monroe and Benton
North Trudeau-st., from Columbus e to DeKalb, between South Trudeau and Duchouquette
O’Fallon-st., from Front w to city limits, bt Davis and Biddle
Olive-st., from Front w to western limits, bt Locust and Pine
Orange-st., from Twelfth w to Fourteenth, between Washington-avenue and Morgan
Palm-st., from Front w to western limits, between Harrison and Wright
Papin-st., from Fifth w to Seventh, bt Gratiot and Chouteau-av.
Park-av., from Carondelet-avenue w to city limits, between Rutger and Barry
Paul-st., from Chouteau-avenue s to Hickory, between Seventh and Provenohere
Picotte-st., from Carondelet-avenue e to Front, between Lesperance and Trudeau
Pine-st., from Front w to Eleventh, between Chesnut and Olive
Plum-st., from First w to Fourth, between Cedar and Poplar
Poplar-st., from Front w to Fourth, between Almond and Plum
Provenchere-st., from Chouteau-avenue s to Park-avenue, between Seventh and Stoddard
Randolph-st., from Twelfth w to Fourteenth, between Poplar and Austin
Rosatti-st., from Park-avenue s to Bent, between Menard and Hamtramck
Rutger-st., from Carondelet-avenue w to Saint Ange, between Hickory and Park-avenue
Russell-st., from Lesperance s to Sidney, between Rosatti and western limits
Saugrain-st., from Carondelet-avenue e to Jackson, between Bent and southern limits
Second-st., from Carondelet n to northern limits, between First and Third and Broadway
Second Carondelet-av., along the western boundary from Chouteau-av. s to se corner of city limits
Seventh-st., from Park-av. n to Howard, bt Sixth and Eighth
Seventeenth-st., from Poplar n to Washington-av., between Sixteenth and western limits
Sidney-st., from Front w to western limits, between Victor and Anna and Lynch
Sixth-st., from Rutger n to Davis, between Fifth and Seventh
Sixteenth-st., from Chouteau-av. n to Howard, between Fifteenth and Seventeenth
Smith-st., from Front w to First, between Bates and Mason
South Trudeau-st., from Columbus s to DeKalb, between North Trudeau and Duchoquette
Spring-st., from Front w to western limits, between Wright and Montgomery
Spruce-st., from Front w to Seventeenth, bt Myrtle and Poplar
Saint Ange-av., from Chouteau-av. s to Linn, between Morton and Dillon
Saint Charles-st., from Third w to western limits, between Locust and Washington-av.
Stoddard-av., from Chouteau-av. s to Park-av., between Boone and Laveille
Tenth-st., from Chouteau-av. n to nw limits, between Ninth and Eleventh
Thirteenth-st., from Poplar n to north-west limits, between Twelfth and Fourteenth
Trudeau-st., west of Carondelet-av., from Carondelet-av. w to western limits, between Lesperance aud Lami
Twelfth-st., from Chouteau-av. n to north-west limits, between Eleventh and Thirteenth
Tayon-av., from Chouteau-av. n to Poplar, between Sixteenth and western limits
Victor-st., from Front w to western limits, bt Sidney and Lami
Vine-st., from Front w to Fourth, between Locust and Washington-av.
Walnut-st., from Front w to Twelfth, bt Market and Elm
Warren-st., from Front w to western limits, between Benton and Montgomery
Wash-st., from- Front w to western limits, between Carr and Franklin-av.
Washington-av., from Front wto city limits, between Vine and Saint Charles on the south, and Green and Orange
on the north
Webster-st., from Front w to Fourteenth, between Columbus and Labeaume
West Brooklyn-st., from Broadway w to Twelfth, north of West Mound
West Monnd-st., from Broadway w to Thirteenth, between West Brooklyn and Howard
Wright-st., from Front w to western limits, between Palm and Spring
Av, avenue; al, alley; bt, between; cor, corner; dw, dwelling; e, east; n, east side; n, north; ns, north side; nw,
north-west; s, south; se, south-east; ss, south side; sw, south-west; w, west; 100, west side; tips, upstairs; wh,
wholesale; [c], for colored persons.
Several professions will occasionally be found abbreviated, for the purpose of avoiding the doubling of a line;
such as Ibrr, for laborer; cab-mkr, for cabinet maker; blksmth, for blacksmith; carp, for carpenter; brkmkr, for
brickmaker; &c, &C.; but the profession intended to be represented by the abbreviation will be so obvious as
hardly to require elucidation.
Note - In the following, the directions are, for the most part, brief, plain, intelligible, and to the point. I have
striven to obtain the proper spoiling of names; and in searching for a name, the inquirer ought to know its proper
spelling. A person, for instance, looking for Commons, ought not to look among the Cummins’s; for Neilson,
among the Nelson’s; for Macdonough, or Mackoy, among the McDonoughs and McCoys; for Walsh among the
Welch’s and Welsh’s, and vice versa, and scores, or hundreds, of other like cases of synonymes as to mere
The cause of censure, in a large mnjority of cases, is attributable solely to the want of a knowledge of the correct
spelling of the name sought for; therefore, you must know how to spell the name, else censure not if you do not
find it; mind this, in part, as you go along.
Observe, that the letters I and J, U and V, are not interchangeably arranged, but I and U take precedence of J and