BeAuTY - Lygon Court
BeAuTY - Lygon Court
Volume 05 Winter 11 { Your guide to Lygon Court } RIHANNA return of the red head Fashion Urban Jungle Shop Talk Meet the Father & Son Team Hair 2011 Season Trends Off Your Back Support our Winter Coat Appeal beauty The fountain of youth Win A Limited edition Hepburn Day Bag One of only 50 created worldwide. MOTHER’S DAY Gifts Galore Health Vitamin D more than skin deep WIN! Limited Edition Mimco Bag MEN’S HEALTH New Clinic for the boys ANKLE BOOTS Season Must-Haves treatment talk Anti Ageing Treatments CONFESSIONS OF A SHOP ASSISTANT MEET OUR RESIDENT SHOPAHOLIC E DITOR’S COMMENTS Lygon Court’s Carolyn Palliardi c April 2011 ontents I love this time of the year, the crisp coolness of the air, the changing and falling leaves and the excitement of rugging up. For some, keeping warm in winter can be a challenge. We, at Lygon Court, support the “Off your Back” coat appeal. That’s why we ask you to donate any coat you no longer need to our charity box located at the court in June.” It will make someone’s winter a lot warmer. I plan to part with one or two of my warm coats that have been sitting in my wardrobe unworn for far too many seasons. I didn’t realise I was a hoarder! Our cover story looks at the return of the redhead and why it’s cool thanks to the likes of Rihanna and Christina Hendricks to be a redhead even if it isn’t natural. Wendy Marzino, Hair Director from Raw Element, talks the latest hair styles and colours. Yes, even here in Carlton we are following the red trend. Fashion Beauty Pg 4-5 Pg 6-16 Fashion Pg 30-31 380 Beauty: The Fountain of Youth Cover Story Rihanna Return of the Redhead Urban Jungle Our Urban Jungle themed shoot takes in all the new fashion stories of the season. You’ll get a feel for the military look which Country Road has done so well. Animal print and faux fur is far from extinct and there is a flashback to the eighties ever so slightly. Pg 49 Enter to WIN a Limited Edition Mimco Bag Our health story examines the role of Vitamin D and why it is so important to make sure your levels are within the healthy range. Now that we are in the cooler months it’s important to keep your levels in check. Pg 44-45 Ankle Boots Season must-haves And we also bring you what is the latest in anti-ageing without having to resort to injections. Lifestyle I do hope you find the time to sit back and relax with a coffee while enjoying 380 Lygon Court. Pg 20-27 Mother’s Day Gifts Galore Carolyn Palliardi Pg 28-29 Shop Talk Pg 17 Treatment Talk Anti-aging Treatments Pg 18-19 Hair 2011 Season Trends Pg 48 Ask Carolyn Carolyn tells you what your friends won’t Health Pg 32-34 Vitamin D More Than Skin Deep Meet the Father & Son team Lygon Court Stockists Fashion Alberto Piazza Shoes 9349 1363 Aurum Design Jewellers 9347 7124 Black Orange 9347 6297 Country Road Carlton 9349 4113 Mimco9347 2012 Ojay Carlton 9349 3144 Silk Lane Boutique 9347 0342 Eco Wear 9349 4009 Beauty Demarte’s Amcal Chemist La Face Beauty Clinic Raw Element - Hair Salon 9347 6310 9349 2116 9347 1347 Lifestyle Borders Carlton Cards On Lygon Cinema Nova Lygon Court 1 Hour Photos Duncan’s Liquor Lygon Court Key Cutting & Shoe Repair Zeks Flowers Bentley the Butler Drycleaners 9348 0222 9349 1881 9349 5201 9347 4792 9347 9850 9347 5536 9347 8880 9348 2205 Health Metropolitan Medical Clinics Carlton Lygon Court Medical Clinic Sexton Chiropractic Mimco Carlton Diego Bootie - Concrete $299.00 9349 1363 9347 6546 9347 3838 Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Prada l’eau Ambree 50ml $150 Lygon Court, 380 Lygon Street Carlton 04 / 380 Magazine / Return Of The Redhead Return Of The Redhead / 380 Magazine / 05 RETURN OF THE REDHEAD Cyber space went into meltdown last year when one of the most daring pop stars in the music industry, Rihanna, stepped out sporting a brand new hair colour – a fiery red. B logs, Twitter and gossip columns were filled with debate over the colour change. It was reported that there were more blogs about her hair colour then her music. Some suggested that it was a ploy to get her new album noticed. Alicia Keys said of Rihanna on her website “My look isn’t plotted, like I’m not going to have red hair because it’s a new record. It has to be genuine not a branding concept.” Branding ploy or not, Rihanna is not a stranger to changing her look. Recently she’s worn her hair curly, straight, cropped and bobbed but the now trademark vibrant red remains. This wasn’t the first time she has changed her style or colour, nor will it be her last but why did this change to a bright red cause so much debate? Famous for her flesh, fashion and boyfriends as well as her music, Rihanna said she changed her colour to something more daring because she’d toned down her outfits for a high end designer look. Online blogs have reported Rihanna as saying: “With my hair, I was ready for something new, something loud, something expressive and something fun.” “I’d had blonde hair and it was so boring for me. Black is still my favourite colour but this time I wanted something edgier because I didn’t like the edgy clothes any more. I guess I had to take the edge to somewhere else – my hair.” Rihanna’s red hair has highlighted a trend that seems to have been gaining momentum – the return of the red-haired siren. Real or not models and actresses have embraced the colour. Nicole Kidman recently returned to her natural hair colour, red, after embracing blonde for years. And other actresses who may have been tempted to bleach their naturally red hair are now finding their natural red tresses in vogue. Here in Australia Prime Minister Julia Gillard, a natural redhead, embraces the ‘ranga’ term aimed at natural Celtic redheads. Aussie actress Isla Fisher, who has film success in Los Angeles after her roles in Wedding Crashers, Confessions of a Shopaholic and most recently in Rango alongside Johnny Depp, hasn’t let her red hair hold her back. Married to Sacha Baron Cohen of Bruno and Borat fame she says has always embraced her natural red tresses. “It was great being a redhead as a kid because I had something to blame my temper on,” Fisher reportedly told People magazine in 2008. American actress Julianne Moore hasn’t found her natural red locks a hindrance either. In fact, Moore’s career looks stronger than ever at the age of 50 with a role in the movie. The Kids Are All Right with a 2011 Oscar nomination. And you don’t have to be a natural redhead to capitalise on the trend. Red Hair Facts and Myths • Less than 4 per cent of the world population has naturally red hair. Most of these exist in the U.K, Republic of Ireland and Australia. • Red hair is a genetic mutation. • The gene for ginger hair was discovered in 1995 and received little attention. • In Denmark it is an honour to have a redheaded child. • In Greek mythology redheads turn into vampires when they die. • Bees are thought to sting redheads more than others. • Redheads don’t turn grey. Their hair turns sandy then white. They lose their colour later than people carrying other hair colours. In the past year actresses Eva Longoria, Hayden Panettiere and Scarlett Johansson have dyed their hair red. Former X Factor judge Sharon Osborne has been a fan of the hue as is super model Karen Elsom whose russet locks were apparently inspired by American actress Christina Hendricks. Most recently, Hendricks known for her role in the television series Mad Men, was named sexiest woman in a poll by women for Esquire magazine in 2010. Hendricks isn’t a natural redhead though it would be hard to tell. She was born a blonde but started dyeing her hair at the age of 10. The red trend has definitely arrived here. “Vibrant red tones are popular but not the Rihanna hues,” says Marziano Hair Director, Raw Element. “It suits most skin tones but it is a brave, high maintenance commitment to make requiring regular salon visits.” After decades of taunts it seems the redhead is finally rising to the fore. Isla Fisher “Once in his life, every man is entitled to fall madly in love with a gorgeous redhead.” Lucille Ball 06 / 380 Magazine / Fashion Fashion / 380 Magazine / 07 URBAN Even if it is a concrete jungle we inhibit rather than a dark forest, fashion this season has the answers. Lurking in the dark you’ll discover street fighting sleek lines reminiscent of the 80s to jungle greens in military form. Don’t take any prisoners and beware the animal! Photography by William Hung, Hair Stylist Wendy Marziano of Raw Element, Make Up by Melonie Santos. Black Orange Twin Set Jeans – Denim $288 Twin Set Sparkle T-Shirt – $247 Twin Set Sparkle Cape – $603 Alberto Piazza Shoes Wonders Leather Heel – Aqua -$196 Mimco Carlton Clutch – $149 Ojay Carlton Chain Trim Tweed Skirt – Grey $79.95 Layered Ruffled Top – Ink $49.95 Leather Bow Detail Gloves – Black $49.95 Mimco Carlton Full Bloom Choker –Silver Mix $369 Full Bloom Cuff –Jet Silver $269 Dandy Satchel – Black $499 Venus Wedge – Black - $299 08 / 380 Magazine / Fashion Black Orange Sarah Bella Faux Fur Jacket – Red $753 Twin Set Jeans – Denim $288 Fashion / 380 Magazine / 09 Ojay Carlton Ruffle Vneck Pocket Dress – Magneta $79.95 Mimco Carlton Frida Kahlo Choker – Jet Gold $149 010 / 380 Magazine / Fashion Fashion / 380 Magazine / 011 Country Road Carlton Detailed Woollen Jacket – Black $349 Skinny Stretch Jeggings – Black $99 Frenanda Ankle Boot –Black $199 Mimco Carlton Weller Bow Choker – Black $179 Black Orange Coven Hexagon Dress – White $419 Mimco Carlton Frida Pouche – Mustard $425 Gangland Pump – Black $349 Orbit Eclipse Neck – Gunmetal $329 Silk Lane Boutique Animal Print Dress $139 Fur Jacket – Brown $299 Mimco Carlton Orbit Eclipse Neck – Gunmetal $329 Galaxy Crystal Ring - Silver Crystal $149 Alberto Piazza Shoes Albano Leather Ankle Boot – $350 012 / 380 Magazine / Fashion Fashion / 380 Magazine / 013 Silk Lane Boutique Satin Fitted Pant – Black $119 Silk Beaded Top – Black $99 Alberto Piazza Shoes Albano Angle Boot – Suede & Leather $495 Country Road Carlton Print Drape Skirt – $149 Long Sleeve Pocket Shirt – $89.95 Bo Panel Heel – $199 Mimco Carlton Frida Kahlo Choker – Jet Gold $269 014 / 380 Magazine / Fashion Black Orange Trelise Cooper Courtney Luv Dress – Blush $861 Fashion / 380 Magazine / 015 08 / /380 016 380Magazine Magazine/ /Fashion Fashion Treatment Talk - Anti Aging / 380 Magazine / 017 BEAUTY – ANTI-AGeING TREATMENTS If you would like to hold back time or simply keep it at bay there is a lot more that can be done other then turning to Botox injections that do nothing to nourish and correct the skin and mostly end up giving you a distorted face. La Face Salon has been treating skin ageing problems for over 15 years and now offer two of the best anti-ageing treatments available. They use VPL (Variable Pulse Light) and botanical face peels to address their clientele’s major concerns of deep lines, sun damage and scarring. Senior Therapist Nicola Morgan says that the VPL machine is the answer to correcting most skin problems. “The light pulse directly enters the skin to fix broken capillaries, fade or remove age spots, help acne and scarring while plumping up the skin so it has less noticeable wrinkles,” says Morgan. If you’ve heard bad reports about lasers, La Face only have their senior therapists who are highly trained doing the procedures. “We are trained and do ongoing training and have done certified courses,” says Morgan. Black Orange Coven Dela Contrast Dress – $632 Alberto Pizza Shoes Albano Suede High Heel Boots – $632 Mimco Carlton Hustler Chain Neck – Silver Mix $249 Ghetto Hoop – Silver $59.95 Galaxy Crystal Ring – Silver/Crystal $149 Before undergoing a recommended three course treatment of the laser the client goes through a thorough consultation to make sure it is appropriate for their use. “The treatments help even pigmentation of the skin and remove broken capillaries. It plumps the skin up and puts the skin into exercise mode as it metabolises the skin cells. It gives a fantastic result under the eyes, on frown lines and deep wrinkles as it plumps them up.” “After treatment the skin keeps responding for months and the results are long lived,” says Morgan. “You pay a little more but the results can been seen.” Before the laser is used, the skin is cleaned and prepped with a cool medical grade gel. Photos are taken so the results can be recorded and eye pads and goggles worn. A typical treatment for broken capillaries on nose and cheeks takes about 15 minutes and for sun damaged skin about 30 minutes. Three treatments are recommended two weeks apart and there must be no direct sunlight allowed on the face for two weeks. Sun block must be worn otherwise skin can blister and become crusty. An alternative to the laser is the botanical skin peel. La Face uses Dr Spiller Herbal Aktiv Peel. It’s an all natural peeling treatment based of dried crushed herbs. The treatment is highly recommended for a special occasion, especially if you want to plump the skin out. It is said to refine the skin and increase the skin’s metabolism. “It’s an amazing treatment in itself. It’s one of my personal favourites as you get fantastic results,” says Morgan. “You manually massage the herbs into the skin controlling just where you want the herbs to go. It’s great for tired skin, under the eyes, jaw line and for lines around the mouth. It gives the skin a big pick up”. After treatment the skin keeps responding for months and the results are long-lived There is also a bigger version of a five-day peel offered for more major skin concerns of pitted and scarred skin, sun damage and deep lines, especially if you have been a smoker. However, there is a bigger down time of five days but the results are worth it according to Morgan. “While this treatment does have down time the results are unbelievable” says Morgan. “People need to be aware that whichever treatment they choose, the skin has gone through change and must be looked after once they’re had the treatment. We recommend products to help them maintain their skin.” Laser Treatments: $380 - $900 Green Peel: $700 La Face Beauty Clinic, Level 1 380 Lygon Street Carlton PH: 93492116 018 / 380 Magazine / Hair: Trends For 2011 HAIR 2011 season trends - a cut above the rest The start of a new decade always heralds change and there is no better place to see this than in current hair trends as they are always evolving and keeping up with the modernist times. 2011’s hair is all about strong cuts and colours. Hair will be edgy, eye-grabbing and if not really short then in the uber-long category. Models and celebrities are the first to lead this change before it filters down to the street. Hungarian supermodel Eniko Mihalit and English supermodel Lily Cole are great examples of this, making big changes with their hair colour this season. Mihalit transformed her brunette colour to a bombshell red and Cole swapped her natural trademark red hair to a very deep brown. So what hair styles can we expect to see that we haven’t already seen? Wendy Marziano, Hair Director, Raw Element recently named in Ozdare Magazine as one of 10 most inspirational women in hair, speaks about what we can expect to see in hair trends for the coming Autumn/Winter. MEN’S HAIR TRENDS Think television series Mad Men and you get the picture. “It’s all about being well groomed with sleek parts, very Cary Grant,” says Marziano. “This very well groomed look uses grooming creams and muds without too much shine. It creates a wet look but don’t use gel. The finish is more soft matt. Sleek is the look we are after here.” WOMEN’S HAIR TRENDS Short: “Short hair is really quite soft and feminine but short, short. We are moving away from the shaving sections,” says Marziano. An example of this look is Michelle Williams. Mid-length: “Hair has a very heavy feel and look without a lot of layers. It consists of heavy square shapes and triangular shaped sections. It is a look of thick volumed hair that is not layered and thinned out. The look comes a bit from the eighties with all the edges. It consists of strong lines,” says Marziano. Long Hair: “This trend has come straight off the catwalk. Hair is worn super long. This extra length is achieved using a lot of hair extensions that look natural. They’re not being used for thickness but to create that extra long length,” says Marziano. Angelina Jolie is a great example of this style. Colour: “The camel colours are big this fashion season and the colours for hair that seem to work best with camel are the coppers, mahoganies, really deep chocolate and reds. These are really vibrant colours, think actress Julianne Moore,” says Marziano. “Blondes this season are moving away from the very light blonde look into the really warm golden tones. We’re using lots of gold, lots of caramel,” says Marziano. Phone: 9347 1347 “Blondes this season are moving away from the very light blonde look into the really warm golden tones...” 020 / 380 Magazine / Gifts Galore Gifts Galore / 380 Magazine / 021 GIFTS GALORE Mimco Carlton Mimco Carlton Fractured Twist Choker – Silver Crystal $269 Tiffany Jewelled Wing Cuff – Crystal Indigo $199 MUMS LOVE MIMCO Mimco Carlton Tiffany Jewelled Wing Ear Crystal Indigo $149.00 Mimco Carlton Mimco Carlton Mimco Carlton Anglaise Loafer – Camel $199 Mini Sequin Cocoon - Stonehenge - $199 Large Turnlock Wallet – Black Patent/Rose Gold $199 Mimco Carlton Mini Metal Button Zip Top Pomergranate Mimco Carlton Duquette Glove - Black Concrete $399 $149 Mimco Carlton Tiffany Jewelled Wing Neck Crystal Indigo $449 Mimco Carlton Latino Moccasin Taupe $199 Mimco Carlton Anglaise Pump - Camel $249 Mimco Carlton Beatnik Wallet - Black $199 022 / 380 Magazine / Gifts Galore Gifts Galore / 380 Magazine / 023 GIFTS GALORE Cards on Lygon Handbag Butler from $19.95 MUMS WILL LOVE GIFTS FROM CARDS ON LYGON Cards on Lygon Cards on Lygon Silver Candlesticks Hobo Shoulder Bag $49.95 pair Cards on Lygon Cozy Cushions $69.95 ea $150 Cards on Lygon Gift Bags from $4.95ea Cards on Lygon Gift Bag from $4.95ea Cards on Lygon Fine Bone China Mugs $19.95 Cards on Lygon Cards on Lygon Suede-like Bag Gift Bag from $5.95ea $36.95 Cards on Lygon Vase $44.95 Roses $5.95/stem Cards on Lygon Mother’s Day Gift Cards from $4.95ea Cards on Lygon Planter Stand $45.00 Roses $5.95ea 024 / 380 Magazine / Gifts Galore SURPRISE MUM THIS MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS GALORE Cards on Lygon Origami Framed Hand Folded Butterflies in 3D Frames $120ea Cards on Lygon Large Origami Framed Hand Folded Butterflies in 3D Frames $169.95 Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Prada l’eau Ambree 50ml $125 Cards on Lygon Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Assorted Paperweights Prada Infusion De Fleur 200ml $29.95ea $220 Cards on Lygon Cushion and Throws from $69.95 ea Jurlique Herbal Recovery Collection $169 Mother’s Day Gift Cards from $3.95 Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Grown Facial Kit $59 In Essence Hand & Nail Pack $27.95 Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Cards on Lygon Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Natio Celebrate Yourself Set $49.95 026 / 380 Magazine / Gifts Galore Gifts Galore / 380 Magazine / 027 GIFTS GALORE MOTHER’S DAY GIFTS SHE WILL LOVE Lygon Court 1 Hour Photos Profile Australia, Circulo Photo Frame 10x15” Avail. in blk. red & white $9.95ea Aurum Design Jewellers Milano Italian Designed Watch ‘slap on watch’ $59.95 Duncan’s Liquor Carlton Snow Grass Sauvignon Blanc $11.99 ea or 2 for $20 Duncan’s Liquor Carlton Penfolds Koonunga Hill 2005 Shiraz Cabernet $28.95 Duncan’s Liquor Carlton Duncan’s Liquor Carlton Veuve Clicquot Brut $65.50 Dunes Chardonnay Pinot Noir $3.99 ea Raw Element GHD – The Midnight Collection Gift Set $299 Lygon Court 1 Hour Photos Aurum Design Jewellers Swatch Watch – Pink $70 Raw Element Profile Australia, Silver Picture Frame 5x7” $20.95 Intense Nutrition Shampoo $36 Lygon Court 1 Hour Photos Alberto Piazza Shoes Albano Patent Clutch Bag Bragbooks - holds 25 photos Avail. in a range of bright colours $356 $13.95 La Face Beauty Clinic Duncan’s Liquor Carlton Gift Vouchers Phone: 9349 2116 email: [email protected] $11.99 Remarkables Pinot Noir 028 / 380 Magazine / Shop Talk Shop Talk / 380 Magazine / 029 MEET THE FATHER & SON TEAM Fresh Water Pearl Bracelet $1,299 Mother of Pearl Necklace $999 Diamond Encrusted Swirl Pendant with Tahitian Black Pearl $1999 (chain additional) One off Designer Rose Gold Tahitian Pearl Ring $1,999 “The look at present is a lot of coloured semiprecious stones in white gold. There is a lot of white gold being used. But our style here in Australia is not necessarily the same as what is happening in Europe. “Pearls are very beautiful and will always be in fashion but now they are becoming more affordable to have a set because of the fresh water pearls. However, there is always the person who wants the $10,000 strand,” says Joseph. They can also make something special for a client or remodel an outdated piece of jewellery. Jewellery making virtually runs through the veins of father and son team Lorenzo and Joseph Roccuzzo of Aurum Jewellery. Both began their careers in their teens and both are passionate about what they do. “Even though I have a lot of problems with my eyes now I still love my job,” says Lorenzo. “I found it very straightforward because of my strong background working in dad’s workshop,” says Joseph. That was nearly two decades ago. From the age of 12 Lorenzo worked for a jeweller in his home town of Ragusa, Sicily, after school and in the holidays. He was 16 when he left Italy in 1964 for Australia with his family. He was expected to go into the family business as a butcher but after six months he realised he still wanted to work with his hands and landed a twoyear apprenticeship with the big jewellery company A.Perelberg & Co in the city. He started his first business as a retailer at the young age of 21. Both Lorenzo and Joseph acknowledge a lot has changed in design since they both began their careers because of computers. Son Joseph grew up in his father’s jewellery manufacturing business and by 14 also worked part-time after school but it wasn’t until he was 18 that he decided to follow in his father’s footsteps. After his VCE he enrolled in a Jewellery Making and Repairing course which entailed the basics of hand-making plates and forging at Collingwood Tafe. “Today a lot of things are aided by computers but when you want to create a beautiful piece it is best to do it by hand the old-fashioned way for the best results,” says Joseph. “You are making something from one piece of metal. That is the difference from the old school and the new school today. Today you are a lot more aided with computers. Some jobs it’s better to do it by hand and some jobs you are better off using the computer. Unfortunately time is money. But I was taught the old school way and it brings me enjoyment.” says Joseph. And, of course, the two men may differ in personal style, but not their commitment to perfection. “To say there is no difference would be a lie but not in technique and workmanship as this must be perfect as there is no room for error. Our approach will always be different as we come from a different background,” says Joseph. Styles also change. To stay up-to-date Joseph acknowledges that he has to keep changing. “Not to keep evolving would mean you become complacent and stale,” says Joseph. He also acknowledges that jewellery is often more personal than fashionable but says there are trends. ‘Jewellery is fashion but it is very personal. It all depends on the way that you wear it and how tasteful and elegant it is,” says Joseph. Lorenzo also says the the prices dictate whether gold or silver is more popular. And as gold is very expensive right now they are working in a lot of silver. “The market dictates what’s in fashion and right now fresh water pearls are making a big impact as they are affordable and look great,” says Lorenzo. You will find a lot of original handmade pieces by the jewellers in their store. “Our clientele comes from all over. When they see something in the window it is an original and they won’t find it anywhere else. This is the key to what we do best. We create something new and it might get replicated once, not 1000 times. It keeps the spirit alive to do something useful. This is what the people in Carlton want,” says Joseph. And sadly, this is where modernisation is catching up with the old jewellery trade as the old-fashion way is dying out and most things will be done by computers in the future. “Today jewellers are more spoiled because they are aided by equipment which makes it easier. In the old days we had to rely on skill. There are not a lot of young jewellers today from the old school. It evolves around time and money and a lot of effort. So a lot of the art is being lost. They don’t know how to do it without a computer. It’s happening everywhere and you can’t avoid that,” says Joseph. The passion is there in my heart, I don’t do this for the money. Shop 12, Lygon Court S/C 380 Lygon Street, Carlton VIC 3053 030 / 380 Magazine / Beauty Beauty / 380 Magazine / 031 La Face Beauty Clinic Beauty THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Jurlique Pad Facial Serum 30ml Grown Facial Serum 25ml $59.00 $89.00 Demarte’s Amcal Chemist These new generation of products makes holding back the signs of time effortless. Eye creams, face moisturisers, serums and masks for all budgets make light work of aging skin addressing wrinkles, dryness and age spots with ingredients such as antioxidants, oxygen and Q10. Akin Anti-Oxidant Day Cream 50ml $37.95 Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Trilogy Replenish Night Cream $53.00 Dr Spillar Bio Night 50ml $205.00 is great for mature skin, tending to dryness. It has thyme extract, aosa algae and Vitamin E to regenerate the skin while you sleep. La Face Beauty Clinic Dr Spillar Oxygen Vital Complex 50ml $175.00 is for irritative skin. It has plant oils enriched with oxygen to have a calming and soothing effect used under your appropriate day/ night cream. Glyco proteins help increase the oxygen absorption in the skin cells. It is also great for oily red skin used on its own. La Face Beauty Clinic La Face Beauty Clinic Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Demarte’s Amcal Chemist Natio Ageless - Face Mask 30ml $18.95 Avene Eluage Rich Cream 30ml $63.95 Kosmea R/H Natural Wonder 50ml $64.95 Natio Ageless Advance Lift Firm Serum $19.95 Dr Spillar Q10 50ml $225.00 Is great for demanding and sensitive skin. It gives oxygen to the skin, helps to alleviate irritative skin, and is also an excellent anti oxidant helping to reduce signs of photo ageing and lines. Skin will visibly look younger and smoother. Skin Ceutical Eye Renewal 30ml $75.00 is a night time line minimising gel to smooth fine lines and reduce the appearance of crow’s feet. Contains 5% AHA. 032 / 380 Magazine / Health Health / 380 Magazine / 033 D VITAMIN MORE THAN SKIN DEEP The role of Vitamin D in the body has been placed under the spotlight recently with research showing that this vitamin we get from the sun does much more than just keep our bones healthy. We get most of our Vitamin D from sunshine, but because you have a suntan in the summer doesn’t mean you can take it for granted that you have enough Vitamin D in your body, especially if you use sun block. The problem is even when it is sunny you might not get enough Vitamin D. A study from the city of Calgary – one of the sunniest places in Canada – showed that nearly the whole town’s population had a vitamin D deficiency and here in Australia one of the sunniest places on earth an osteoporosis study conducted in Geelong last year found over 43 per cent of people had low vitamin D levels during winter. So what does having low levels of this vitamin mean for your health? Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to osteoporosis, increased body fat, unexplained muscle pain, respiratory infections, a depressed sex drive and even a 50 per cent increase in the risk of severe asthma risks. It was first thought that the vitamin’s role was just to help the uptake of calcium into the bones to help prevent osteoporosis. After further studies on the vitamin it is now believed it plays many other important roles. 034 / 380 Magazine / Health Vitamin D just might be your best defence against many ailments including cancer. • It’s been reported that high D levels can lower the rate of all cancers by 77%. • People with the highest levels of vitamin D have a 43% lower rate of heart disease • Women with high vitamin D levels have 20% less bone loss and fractures • People with high vitamin D levels have 20% lower rates of gum disease • People with the most vitamin D have a 55% lower rate of diabetes • Men with high vitamin D levels have less skin cancers • Vitamin D is recognised as a mood enhancer In Australia we have taken the message of not going out in the sun without sunscreen to heart but at what cost? Are we risking the chance of osteoporosis against a melanoma risk? Without adequate sunlight exposure your body can not make vitamin D, which is produced in your skin upon exposure to ultraviolet radiation in sunlight. An adequate amount is considered to be between 15 – 20 minutes a day exposing your arms, legs and face without sunblock. This is best done earlier in the day when there is less risk of sunburn. To boost your vitamin D you can eat more of the foods that contain it or take a good quality supplement. The foods that contain decent amounts of vitamin D are salmon, sardines, beef, eggs, mushrooms, alfalfa and cod liver oil. Milk, cereals and breads can be vitamin D fortified. However, it is virtually impossible to eat all your vitamin D needs. There is a pandemic of low vitamin D in Australia,” says Dr Monica Cooper. “It is important that most people should be routinely tested, especially children and adults of African descent.” “The main way to improve your vitamin D is by spending time outdoors exposed to the sun. Food / 380 Magazine / 017 Supplements of 1000 mg tablets are also available.” Being tested is as simple as a blood test. Your level of 25 hydroxyvitamin D (250 HD) should be at least 80nmol/L, although international research suggests that 125nmol/L is the most effective level for reduced cancer risk. If you need to take a supplement it should be in the form of D3 (cholecalciferol) not D2 (ergocalciferol) which can be toxic. Recent scientific research is mixed on how much to take. Last November the United States Government updated their mandated food labels by the Institute of Medicine to recommend the daily allowance to 600 international units a day (up from the previous 400 IUs) for people aged 1 to 70. Seventy plus they recommended 800 IUs a day. The report sets 4000 IUs as the upper daily limit but not as the amount to strive for. This is far below the 2000 IUs a day that some scientists and health practitioners recommend. 10,000 IUs are considered to be toxic for the kidneys. However if your blood test is a bit low most doctors will suggest a 1,000mg tablet a day. How low your actual levels are may depend on the lab testing of the blood. The deficiency could be in the lab reporting. The test measures the active form of 25 hydroxy vitamin D in the body. Some labs may use 20 nanograms as adequate for bone health while other labs will report vitamin D levels low if below 30ng. Serious deficiency is said to be under 20ngs. It’s best to check with your doctor and ask what your actual results are if they tell you that they are low. If your levels are low you will need to work with your health professional to find out what is right for you. • The Canadian Multicentre Osteoporosis Study, • Pasco,J.A, Henry M.J., Nicholson,G.C.,et al “Vitamin D status of women in the Geelong Osteoporosis Study. • Doctor’s House Call, Al Sears, How I Get My Winter Vitamin D. LYGON COURT MEDICAL CLINIC TEL: 9347 6546 FOOD – Ken’s Oriental Noodle Bar Tucked towards the back of Carlton’s beautiful Lygon Court is Ken’s Oriental Noodle Bar. There’s nothing unusual about the typical Asian noodle bar except that it sits in an area that is traditionally known as ‘Little Italy!’ To survive here, it must be good - and it is. Ken the owner and chef, along with his wife Susie, offer customers exotic tastes of fresh, fragrant and colourful Asian recipes. Asian cuisine can be broken into several regional styles that have roots in the people and cultures of those regions. The major types can roughly be defined as East Asian which encompasses China, Japan and Korea. South Asian which is derived from areas such as Burma, India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan and then the well known Southeast Asia area which gets its influence from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. Southeast Asian is the area that Ken and Susie Huynh are from. Ken is from Malaysia and his wife is from Vietnam and together they combine their knowledge of Asian food to create a successful noodle bar in the heart of Carlton. Meeting and marrying in Australia over 20 years ago, food is what the Huynh’s know best as they have always worked in restaurants but not necessarily together until they decided to open their noodle bar in Carlton. They have made a good team with Ken in the back cooking and Susie serving out front for 10 years. “The people are good here in Carlton,” says Susie. “They like our food.” Movies / 380 Magazine / 037 Juan Diana Joyce Diego Flórez Damrau DiDonato Rossini’s Le Comte Ory Rossini’s vocally dazzling comedy stars bel canto sensation Juan Diego Flórez in the title role of this new Met Premiere production. He vies with mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato, in the ‘trouser role’ of Isolier, for the love of the lonely Countess Adèle, sung by soprano Diana Damrau. Bartlett Sher, director of the Met’s hit productions of ‘The Barber of Seville’ and ‘The Tales of Hoffmann’, describes the world of the opera as, “a place where love is dangerous. People get hurt. That can be very funny and very painful. Rossini captures both – with the most beautiful love music he ever wrote.” Saturday Sunday Tuesday Thursday April 30: 11.30am May 1: 1.00pm May 3: 6.30pm May 5: 11.30am Tickets on sale at the box office and online Cinema Nova, Lygon Court, 380 Lygon Street Carlton Movies Lygon Court is home to Melbourne’s premier arthouse venue, Cinema Nova. Currently featuring 11 screens (with more to arrive in ’11!), Nova showcases numerous exclusive releases, the very best in international cinema and unique special events such as filmmaker Q&As and high-definition theatrical spectaculars. Visit Cinema Nova’s website to find out more. Trophy Wife Coming to Cinema Nova April 21 The Tempest Coming to Cinema Nova April 21 Get Low Coming to Cinema Nova May 12 Set in a colourfully wacky version of 1977, Trophy Wife (French title: Potiche) gives Catherine Deneuve one of her best roles in a decade as a trophy wife-turned-factory boss in this sparkling adaptation of the French play. Deneuve plays Suzanna Pujol, a well-off housewife in thrall to tyrannical husband Robert (Fabrice Luchini). When labour trouble erupts at the provincial umbrella factory that Suzanna’s father founded and Robert has taken hostage and seems determined to run into the ground, Suzanna calls in her former lover and renown communist Babin (Gerard Depardieu) to negotiate with the workers. Directed by François Ozon, who last worked with Deneuve in 8 Women. Award-winning director of stage and screen Julie Taymor returns to the work of William Shakespeare following the stunning Titus with her epic adaptation of The Tempest. Deviating from the original text, Helen Mirren stars as Prospera, a powerful woman usurped by her treacherous brother (Chris Cooper) and sent away with her daughter Miranda. Aided by the faithful spirit Ariel (Ben Whishaw) and unwilling servant Caliban (Djimon Hounsou), Prospera is gifted the chance at sweet revenge when those of her homeland become shipwrecked off her barren island, unaware of its inhabitants. Featuring an all-star cast including David Strathairn as the grieving King Alonso, Alan Cumming as the scheming Sebastian and Russell Brand & Alfred Molina as drunken fools Trinculo and Stephano, Taymor’s lavish production breathes new life into the Bard’s final play. EXCLUSIVE TO CINEMA NOVA Inspired by the true story of Felix “Bush” Breazeale who attracted national attention in 1938 when he announced he was planning a funeral party for himself while he was still alive. Felix (Robert Duvall) is a recluse with a dark reputation, forever gossiped about by the terrified townsfolk of Roane Country, Tennessee. Riding into town with a shotgun and a wad of cash following a long absence, Felix announces to the local priest that he’s interested in paying for a “living funeral party” at which anyone who’s ever heard a story about him can come to tell it. Sensing a big payday, fast-talking funeral home owner Frank Quinn (Bill Murray) enlists his gentlemanly young apprentice, Buddy Robinson (Lucas Black) to win over Felix’s business. What Buddy discovers is that behind Felix’s surreal plan lies a longheld secret involving an acquaintance of Quinn’s, Mattie Darrow (Sissy Spacek), that he wants to get off his chest. 038 / 380 Magazine / Animal Print Animal Print / 380 Magazine / 039 ANIMAL PRINT Silk Lane Animal Print Cardigan $59.99 Animal print is not about to become extinct just yet! It’s been around for a few seasons in dresses, tops and accessories and the good news is it doesn’t look like it’s going to disappear fast! The hottest trend this season the animal print. Pictured here is Rachel Bilson wearing Roberto Cavalli. But the beauty of this look is you don’t have to show so much skin to be fashionable. You can always grab an accessory instead in any animal print and you’ll be right on trend. Black Orange Lucidez Animal Print “Blush” Dress with Belt $364 Ojay Carlton Marle Animal Print Scarf $29.95 Ojay Carlton Leo Print Scarf $39.95 Ojay Carlton Faux Fur Hat $44.95 Aurum Design Jewellers Swatch Watch with Tiger (in gift box) $95 Black Orange Sarah Bella Faux Fur Vest $489 Silk Lane Woolen Animal Print Scarf $49.95 040 / 380 Magazine / Men’s Health MEN’S HEALTH New clinic for the boys Dr George Forgan-Smith would like to see more men take control over their own health by regularly visiting their general practitioner as a preventive tool against illness. “A lot of men are less likely to see their doctor unless something is wrong. Unlike women, who have regular check-ups such as pap smears, men don’t have any,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. “Men have different health care issues to women and sometimes they can feel embarrassed by them which can often be signals of other processes happening,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. “If men would visit their GP without delay many health issues could be prevented and or solved,” he says. “Improving the health of men is an area of mine that I like to work in and as a practitioner I’m developing an initiative to help men address their problems by putting together a space where men are able to come and get a comprehensive health check,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. “The goal of this clinic is to give the best bag for your buck. I’ve gathered from the government a comprehensive program for men. Men can come in for an initial consultation for what they want to achieve such as improved mental and physical health and or weight loss. The government is very keen to do all it can for people to have mental wellbeing,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. “Through the government programs we are able to put our clients in contact with the right people such as psychiatrists, exercise physiologists and dieticians. The government also supports this by offering low out of pocket,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. “At this practice there is a strong feeling that we need to look after the next generation of men,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. Lifestyle factors into many of men’s health issues according to Dr Forgan-Smith and he feels that men need to be encouraged to change their ways to improve their health. He’d like to see more men come into his clinic, especially after the age of 40, when risk factors such as poor diet choices, weight gain and lack of exercise increase the risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Studies show that these illnesses can be prevented with early intervention. “Unfortunately, lifestyle factors into the risk of disease and intervening early can help prevent disease such as diabetes 2 from developing,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. Dr Forgan-Smith believes a lot of health issues can be re-addressed through diet and exercise and is a keen advocate for changes here before medication. “I’m a huge advocate for lifestyle change before medication for many things and use of prescription if something needs to be addressed,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. Dr Forgan-Smith is not only talking the talk but has walked the walk when it comes to health issues for men and being overweight. “I’m a supportive doctor who has been there and lost the weight by changing what I chose to eat and adding exercise into my days which enabled me to get into a healthy weight range. One of the doctors I work with helped me in the right direction and I shed 20kg over a 6 month period. No faddy diets, no crazy weight loss products. I just made better choices when it came to food and added the gradual addition of exercise and movement in my daily routine,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. The good news is that anyone can expect the same level of success if they just make some healthier choices believes Dr Forgan-Smith. “Weight gain doesn’t normally happen quickly. It is usually over years,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. “So therefore the weight loss should be gradual.” “I teach that you need to make minor adjustments to make a big impact and where to focus for maximum benefit,” says Dr Forgan-Smith. Dr Forgan-Smith has been a keen follower of Professor Gary Egger, the man behind the GutBusters campaign 10 years ago and the first men’s weight loss program of its type. Now Dr Forgan-Smith is doing what he can to help men through his practice and weight loss website, On the website men can find support and advice on how to make changes in their lives to support improved health. To book an appointment at Metropolitan Medical Clinic, Level 1, 333 Drummond St, Carlton call 9347 7711. Shopaholic / 380 Magazine / 043 CONFESSIONS OF A SHOP ASSISTANT LYNNE SPRING confesses her shopping habits to 380. Lynne reveals her passion shopping habits. I’ve always liked clothes and shoes. In the 70s I began a career in selling shoes that lasted 12 years and probably fuelled my passion for shoes. I’m a slave to shoes! My husband calls me ‘Imelda’ in reference to the shoe queen Imelda Marcos from the Philippines. When we downsized at home I had to get rid of a lot of them such as beautiful Italian boots and shoes that I had. Now a lot come from India and China and are not like what I had. To keep them protected I still keep them in their boxes. Every season I still buy a pair or two. I was never into the matching handbags even though I like bags I usually have an everyday bag and one for special occasions. COUNTRY ROAD CARLTON Nicolette Boot - Black $299 I’ve been working here at Country Road for 15 years. My family doesn’t understand why I drive across town to work and always say ‘why don’t I work closer to home’ as there is a store much closer to where we live but I’ve always loved Carlton and the store. It has such a relaxed atmosphere and such a great group of women that I can see myself finishing my working life out here. When I started all that time ago they were looking for more mature sales assistants and we had to wear suits. It’s much more relaxed now and I can wear what I like in relation to the label which reflects my style. I always bought Country Road before I worked there. I work in the accessories area. I really love the accessories, especially the scarves, gloves and of course, ankle boots. It’s really nice when someone comes in and says ‘I’d like to have what she’s wearing’ instead of saying ‘I can’t wear that because of my age.’ COUNTRY ROAD CARLTON Frenanda Ankle Boot - Black $199 044 / 380 Magazine / Ankle Boots ANKLE BOOTS Ankle Boots / 380 Magazine / 045 ALBERTO PIAZZA SHOES Maripe Italian Leather Ankle Boot –Taupe $330 ALBERTO PIAZZA SHOES Portuguese Leather Ankle Boot Rubber Heel – Olive $195 Step out in the hottest little accessory for winter, the ankle boot. This short boot comes in all styles, colours and heels. The everyday version is anything but boring and offers a comfortable choice from towering heels. Mimco designs unique accessories collections and their ankle boots are no exception. For strong individuals who are drawn to something different, for women who love to dress up, dream, explore and play…come visit their precious personality filled products in-store or ALBERTO PIAZZA SHOES Maripe Italian Leather Ankle Boot –$320 MIMCO CARLTON Westside Bootie – Khaki $399 ALBERTO PIAZZA SHOES Everybody Leather Ankle Boot – Burgundy $295 MIMCO CARLTON Diego Bootie – Concrete $299 Alberto Piazza Shoes represents the reference point in Melbourne for true “Made in Italy”. Two decades sourcing quality footwear and accessories from various regions of the Italian archipelago has brought innovative European fashion, forefront design and uncompromised quality to its clientele of informed and discerning devotees and this season is no exception with a huge range of Winters hottest accessory - the ankle boot. Visit to view their online collections gallery. ALBERTO PIAZZA SHOES Everybody Leather Ankle Boot – $295 mimco carlton Beatnik Bootie Black – $299 ALBERTO PIAZZA SHOES Maripe Italian Leather Ankle Boot – $320 Sweet Salvation / 380 Magazine / 047 A world of inspiring products waits for you at Cards on Lygon Anything old is new again! Enjoy Affirmations Publishing House’s very latest range. An eclectic collection of brocante from the markets of France, lovely old typography, torn and age worn letters, old postage stamps, pen and ink illustrations - all imperfect with loads of character, carefully woven together to create a unique range of greeting cards including time honoured quotations. OFF YOUR BACK COAT OF ARMS Staying warm during winter can be a challenge for some especially if you don’t have a permanent home or the cost of living doesn’t allow for one of life’s necessities like a good quality warm coat. Thankfully, anyone in need of a warm coat to keep the chill out this winter will be able to request one from the many charities involved with this year’s annual coat drive. The idea for the coat appeal began in 2004 when two women Andy Dinan and Toni Joel, recognised the need of the less fortunate who struggled to keep warm during the colder months and that most of their friends updated their coat seasonally. Operations and Finance Manager, Salvation Army. “ These women have been hugely enterprising and should be congratulated for the ongoing years.” “They may be dealing with the issue of homelessness or family violence where they have grabbed a garbage bag of clothes as they have fled. “In the years 2009 and 2010 after the bush fires we didn’t hold the coat appeal because of the sheer quantity of goods that had been donated. But now the donations have been depleted and the ladies are back with a vengeance.” says Parker. A donation bin for coats only will be placed in Lygon Court from June 1 to June 30. The charities would prefer the coats to be cleaned before being placed in a special charity box that will be available for the month of June. If they’re not then they arrange for them to be cleaned before being handed out. They put two and two together and came up with the idea ‘Off Your Back’ for an annual coat appeal which they now co-ordinate through the Salvation Army, Sacred Heart Mission, St Vincent de Paul and Melbourne City Mission. “It’s always an advantage if they are cleaned before being donated but we do arrange to get them cleaned before being presented. We sort them out and always accept a donation, cleaned or not. There’s hardly a coat donated that’s not presentable,” says Parker. Private schools, businesses and organisations were approached by Dinan and Joel with most coming on board organising their places to donate coats that were no longer wanted to designated drop off points. “One year there was a production of Jesus Christ Superstar and when it was finished they donated the costumes. Within an hour of giving out the coats there was a parade of strange attire walking around the streets. Those who come to us to request coats are usually in dire need.” says Parker. “It started off as something small and in the words from the classic Australian song by Paul Kelly, ‘From Little Things Big Things Grow’, and grow they did,” says Doug Parker, visit Our words will move you. Lygon Court, 380 Lygon Street Carlton “All who receive a coat are very happy to get it”. Coat Appeal donation bin is located in front of Cards On Lygon. A 048 / 380 Magazine / Ask Carolyn SK CAROLYN Lygon Court’s Carolyn Palliardi tells you what your best friends won’t Q Q Q WIN Limited I’m planning on outlaying some serious money on updating my look as I have a big birthday coming up but I don’t know where to start. What do you suggest? If you are talking big dollars then I suggest you start at the head and work your way down to your feet. Firstly, I’d look to see whether your hair colour and cut are dated. I feel this ages you faster than your choice of clothes. Book in for a consultation with a good hair stylist (can recommend Raw Element in the centre) and get an appropriate style for your lifestyle, not what’s trendy right now. Next you should address any skin concerns with a pickme-up facial then look for a fabulous outfit to wear on the night with the right shoe, of course. You’ll feel much younger than what the number on your birthday card says. Edition I like skinny jeans but I’m not sure whether I should buy a pair as I’m over 35. What do you think? Mimco Bag This hasn’t stopped Kate Moss or any other ageing supermodel from wearing what’s fashionable. It all depends on your body shape and attitude. If you look good in a pair, hold your head high and don’t let age hold you back even if your daughter is wearing them too! Limited edition Hepburn Day Bag Is silver or gold jewellery fashionable? Jewellery comes down to personal taste and often your skin tone. Some women love gold but find that sliver looks best on their skin tone. It’s totally up to you and, of course, what’s on offer. Gold is expensive at the moment but if you love it and wear it, then it’s worth it. It will never really go out of date. At present there does seem to be a lot of silver jewellery and fresh water pearls around. One of only 50 created worldwide. Counrty Road Carlton Skinny Stretch Jegging - $99.00 Bl Aurum Design Jewellers Hand Made Silver Link Chain - $649 Send your questions to: [email protected] 9 - $6 ac k 9.00 The Hepburn Day Bag has been inspired by the ‘Siren Call’ 2011 Mimco Collection. Vintage, worn looking soft leather, detachable strap with stunning macramé on the front flap, triple gusset middle compartment and of course completed with heritage Mimco lining. This limited edition day bag is sure to complete any wardrobe this season. to enter go to Entery closes midnight May 30, 2011 Winner drawn May 31, 2011 SINCE 1976 35yrs 386 Lygon Street
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