HATSUNEMIKU Goodsmile BMW got a first
HATSUNEMIKU Goodsmile BMW got a first
2011 AUTOBACS SUPER GT Rd3. SUPER GT INTERNATIONAL SERIES MALAYSIA #4 DRIVER Nobuteru Taniguchi/Taku Bamba HATSUNEMIKU Goodsmile BMW got a first championship by pole to win! The third round that was it SUPER GT series and the only overseas round was held with scorching country Malaysia Sepan circuit. HATSUNEMIKU Goodsmile BMW make to the fourth year of parJcipaJon and the first overseas rounds. We surely acquired the point with Fuji and Okayama. And, we will fight piling up the handicap weight of 28 kilograms by this Sepan. The engineer from Sweden arrives on Friday this Jme, too even the detail of the machine is checked Jll late, and it aims at the victory in the system of thorough. Saturday, June 18 Official pracJce preliminary contest of super-‐lap The weather on Saturday, June 18 on the preliminary contest day is fine.On the course, it is dry. Running of the official pracJce running of 1 hour and 45 minutes was begun from 10:00. Nobuteru Taniguchi first enters the course, and the se]ng of the machine is done. Time of 2 minutes 8 seconds 994 a_erwards was recorded. The Jme of the stand for 8 seconds was only marked.As for our machine, the state did not have any problem at all,and it was ge]ng out smooth run.This preliminary contest adopts the super-‐ lap method as well as the Fuji University associaJon.Ten high ranks of each class the first Jme of the preliminary contest become the super-‐lap advancements. The first Jme of an official preliminary contest started from the mixture running with the GT500 class at 14:15.CondiJon of temperature 34℃ and 47℃ in road temperature. Taku Banba entered the course first. He records Jme of 2 minutes 11 seconds 502 and clears preliminary contest standard Jme. Nobuteru Taniguchi conJnuously enters the course. The feeling of the aeack is checked and it shi_s to the GT300 class single running of ten minutes.He conJnuously recorded the stand the aeack beginning at the beginning for nine seconds for two minutes. And, we finally decided the super-‐lap advancement in 2nd place at Jme of 2 minutes 9 seconds 087. Super Lap is begun at 16:30.The temperature 33℃, 44℃ in road temperature,and the heat conJnue even if becoming this Jme. The aeack starts from the machine that was 10th place in the first Jme of the preliminary contest.Our aeack driver is Nobuteru Taniguchi.Nobuteru Taniguchi who appeared in the ninth warmed up politely,entered first sound MIKU GT project theme of 2011 song "WinningRoad" in BGM,and it entered the aeack lap. He resolutely aeacks it each corner and straight.Any sector Jcks away Jme by running of perfecJon.The aeack is watched keeping one's breath in the pit. He passes the final corner, and it stands up, a straight speed at which it boasts of GT300 top class is passed, and the making the best use of control line is passed.He recorded top Jme of 2 minutes 8 seconds 499 that exceeded the Jme of the machine Jll then. We record the stand for eight only seconds and acquire the pole posiJon that becomes the first in the team.Our team exploded in exultaJon. We aim at Pole to Win like this flow in the final on the discernment day. Sunday, June 19 16:00 final race starts(46Laps) We confirm the final set by free running in the morning.We aim receiving checkers in the top. The preparaJon was solemnly advanced. 16:00 The start progress for the start is done on the grid.It is sJll high with the temperature 34℃ and 43 degrees in the road temperature.The start driver is Nobuteru Taniguchi this Jme. The machine at pole posiJon waits for the appearance a_er it arrives at all car grid, and toward the showing grid, and the Jme of the start is waited for. The rolling start begins finally.The file of each machine also aimed at 250km of in order previous goal,and it started.We have already pulled the distance with following apart from the opening lap. We keep, do the stand to constant for 11 seconds for two minutes by the eighth lap, and pull the following car apart.Nobuteru Taniguchi goes well in Jmes of surroundings repeatedly at the Jme of 12 seconds from 11 a_erwards.Neither the machine nor the Jre have the problem. Each team begins to move around in passing 20 laps by the pit stop of the rouJne. And, it is an expected pit stop in the 26th lap.The second machine of the hand and the margin of about 15 seconds are expanded and the driver changes into Taku Banba because of a perfect running. Quick pit work is done following the driver change, and Taku Banba leaves Black mark on the road and leaves. The order on the screen is the fourth hand by the out lap.The machine of tentaJve the top has not been finished the pit stop of the rouJne yet, and surfaces to the 30th lap in the top again. At this point, gaps with following are about eight seconds.The top checker has come into view. However, the following 11th car catches up.In addiJon, it lost to the baele between GT500 several Jmes at the twining Jme though player Banba kept and kept doing the top. The following gap with the car ..No.11.. shrinks to the 37th lap at 4 seconds 192 by the influence in the 36th lap unJl 1 seconds 629.Taku Bamba resolutely aims at the top checker while straightening the system of the machine. And, baele with the No.11car starts from two remainder laps by Tail to nose.Baele of making the best use of the characterisJc with fast straight speed,catching up in the corner, and pulling Taku Bamba apart straight conJnues.It conJnues to the very last possible moment, and the intense atmosphere flows in baele in the pit.And, more and more last laps. Taku Banba held down the car in the final corner No.11..,and received checkers in the top. The team was wrapped in tears of rejoicing and pleasure at the moment. Our team obtained the SUPER GT the first victory by a perfect result Pole to Win and stood in the top of the podium.The ranking goes up to 2nd place by 34 points. The next round is done in the fourth round in Sportsland SUGO(Miyagi pref). The end goal at which we aim is a series champion. We are united the team and will keep fighJng in the future. COMMENT ■Itsuo Ohhashi supervisor I want to say the reward to everybody first. Thank you for mechanic, an engineer, a manager, a corporate sponsor,and an individual sponsor and two drivers.It is really thanks to everybody to be able to put out the result "Victory" of the high wall that starts the season, makes to the third game,and will come some Jme. The system of the team that had been greatly changed this Jme was a big challenge for us. We were able to have one confidence in direcJonality and the judgment by obtaining the result in which it won the championship.Herea_er, we will make an effort to be obediently pleased with this result now,and to aim at the series champion who is the target. Thank you really. ■Ukyo Katayama SporJng director I am really glad today. The point was piled up well a_er I did joint to this team,and it was possible to win the championship in almost perfect shape here Sepan.I received the impression from them. It was "Ran Nobuteru Taniguchi perfect”and "Ran of did not give up to the last minute by Taku Bamba. " Moreover, the work of the engineer and mechanics of the team was also perfect. I think that it is a great factor to have supplied the Jre that to excel from Yokohama Rubber Co.Ltd.We are standpoints sJll chased.We aim for the top and want to work hard in the future. I wish to express my graJtude also to everybody who always assists. ■Nobuteru Taniguchi First Driver We were able to win the championship in here Malaysia of the third round.Our team greatly restyled it this year.The driver was changed, the machine was changed,and the maintenance garage was almost completely changed with changing. We had a hard Jme in the opening game and the second game, etc.very much though the potenJal of the machine was high.We held a meeJng about an insufficient thing to fight and a necessary thing in the future of the second game of Okayama round. And, the highest result in which it won the championship was able to be obtained as a result of the data engineer's coming from Sweden,and facing the game against Malaysia by a thorough situaJon. I did not think that I was able to win here Sepan.I think that a big factor of this victory is a Jre. Yokohama rubber prepared a wonderful Jre for us.I joined this team, and updated the best result of three years per game in the past.And, I was able to present teamed the victory of the earnest wish and was really good. In the future, I will acquire my champion also who is my earnest wish.This victory is thanks to the team, parJes concerned, the sponsor,and other people.We wish to express our graJtude. However, it is sJll a street point. It is Jme when really pleased takes away the champion. It will run one's best in the future. Please assist, and support it. ■Taku Bamba Second Driver Our being able to win the championship this Jme is really a lot of current thanks to the people. Corporate sponsor, individual sponsor, Yokohama Jre, team,and mechanic. Thank you really for everybody.I come to enter this race with our team in the third year.We faced by the situaJon not to be able to make an excuse this year,and were able to stand high. It is really glad. However, the series champion who is this year's target sJll has a long distance. It works hard to taste further impression being conJnue the impression of this victory in the future at the end of the year. Please conJnue your favors toward assistance in the future. Contact GSR&Studie withTeamUKYO TeamManager Tomomi Takezawa