a brochure with the agenda, conference registration, and
a brochure with the agenda, conference registration, and
2016 LAP 65th ANNUAL CONFERENCE Sunday, September 11 11:30 am Lunch for golf participants 1 pm Golf Scramble Tee Time 4—5 pm Conference Registration Monday, September 12 7 am Registration and Continental Breakfast 8 am Keynote Address: The Power of One The New Rx for Principals: Powerful Relationships Stephen R. Sroka, Ph.D. 9 am Curriculum Showcase/Exhibitor Visits 10:15 am Session 2: 25 Free Brain-Based Learning Strategies to Help Principals Reach, Teach and Protect the Whole Student. 11:30 am POY Awards Luncheon 12:45 pm Curriculum Showcase/Exhibitor Visits 1 p.m. Retirement & Student Loan Forgiveness 1:50 p.m. Exhibitor Door Prizes 2 pm Session 3: Principal to a T: LAP Style Tuesday, September 13 8 am Registration and Continental Breakfast 8:45 am Session 4: Bus. Meeting & Legal Update 9:30 am Governor John Bel Edwards (tentative) 10:30 am Break 10:45 am Education Update/Drawings 11 am State Superintendent John White A detailed agenda will be available on our website, www.laprincipals.org, when complete. If you are a new principal or have never been a member of LAP and would like to join & attend the conference, you can do both: Your Cost: $350 The LAP Annual Conference will begin on Sunday, Sept. 11 with a golf scramble and will conclude on Tuesday, Sept. 13. Registration fees for LAP members will be $175 before Aug. 12 and $200 after that date. Non-member registration fees will be $400. Registration fees include conference gift, continental breakfasts, awards luncheon, sodas/coffee, door prizes, etc. Principals: With your paid registration, you may bring a team from your school (up to 3 persons) to participate on Monday, September 12. Cost per teacher/team member: $75 ea. Name: ___________________________________________________ Position: _________________________________________________ School: __________________________________________________ School Address: ___________________________________________ City/ZIP:________________________ Parish:_________________ Members: Conference Registration Pre-registration: $175 After Aug. 12: $200 Non-Members; $400 New Memberships & Conf. Reg: $350 Teacher/Team Member: $75 Retired Members: $75 Guest Registration: $30 Awards Luncheon School Phone:_______________________________________ Fax No:__________________________________________ E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Guest Registration: $30 Awards Luncheon - Guest’s Name:___________________________________________ Monday: Team Members (up to 3): (1)____________________________ (2)___________________________________ (3)_________________________________________ Mail to: Louisiana Association of Principals 103 Crawford St. Winnfield, LA 71483 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $____________________ CHECKS MUST BE SENT WITH REGISTRATION Joe Rivet Annual Golf Scramble Santa Maria Golf Course, Sunday, September 11 (tee time 1 PM), for Conference attendees & Exhibitors How are teams made: Select your own team of four (4) for this four (4) man/woman scramble event, or indicate an interest and we will make up teams with those who want to play. Teams must be made up of current LAP members (active or retired) or exhibitors that have registered for the conference. Do not send your green fees to the LAP office. Green fees will be paid directly to Santa Maria. Cost: $50 - under 55 yrs. of age; $42 - ages 55 & over. Lunch will be provided by Horace Mann Companies, Educated Financial Solutions. Team members and their average scores: IF YOU PLAN TO PLAY, YOU MUST REGISTER WITH THE LAP OFFICE. 1.____________________________________( ) 2.____________________________________( ) 3.____________________________________( ) 4.____________________________________( ) Cancellation Policy: Refunds or credits will be given only for cancellations made in writing (mail, fax, or e-mail) to Jeanine Ford, [email protected], no later than 10 business days prior to the conference date. Cancellations received within 10 days of the conference may receive a refund, less meal/administrative costs. No refunds will be given for “no shows” or cancellations received on the day of the conference. Dr. Stephen R. Sroka grew up in poverty in a housing project in a single parent family. His third grade report card read, “Parent notified boy is retarded.” In the ninth grade, after being involved in a school fight, he had two hip operations and was told that he may never walk again. He was in a wheel chair for a year. The doctor told him he better start to listen to his teachers. And, as he tells students today, the more he listened, the smarter the teachers became. Education was the only way out of the ghetto for Steve. When he graduated from high school, he worked full-time to get his family off welfare before entering college. He learned how to deal with the challenges of being ADHD and dyslexic. His childhood disabilities and experiences offered unique opportunities that helped him become a better person and educator. Today, Dr. Sroka is an internationally recognized speaker, trainer, author, teacher and educational consultant. Louisiana Association Of Principals The L’auberge has reserved a block of rooms for conference participants for $109 plus tax/ night. Please call 1-866-261-7777 to make your room reservations. When making reservations, please refer to the La. Association of Principals, Group Code RLPA3 in order to receive the conference rate. Rooms must be reserved by August 21, 2016. CALL NOW as rooms are limited. Debra Schum, Executive Director 103 Crawford St. Winnfield, LA 71483 L’auberge Casino Hotel - Baton Rouge CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED 65th Annual Conference September 11-13, 2016 L’Auberge Casino Hotel 777 L’Auberge Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70820
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