Orpington 1st - British Bids


Orpington 1st - British Bids
Let’s Make Our
Town Centre
Better For Business
A Proposal for a Business Improvement District
A great place”
Orpington is a great place to do
business. It’s a friendly, traditional
High Street with a genuine mix of
large and small, independent and
national businesses. In addition to our
wide range of retailers, Orpington has a thriving
café culture, numerous visitor attractions and some
top-notch community facilities. However we are
always looking for new ways to improve business.
In 2007 I helped to form the Orpington Business
Forum, which assists the Council in determining
strategy and developing ideas for the benefit of
the Town Centre. The membership has remained
steady at around 50 businesses, but there is a limit
to what you can do with minimal funds and a group
of volunteers, no matter how dedicated they are.
hat’s why we want to create a
Business Improvement District
(BID) in Orpington. BIDs have
successfully turned round Town
Centres throughout the UK and
North America and we hope to do
the same in Orpington. Our BID will
be called ‘Orpington 1st’ and will
be entirely owned, led and funded
by you, the businesses in the Town
Centre. Its sole purpose will be to
improve the quality of our town,
and to bring more people to it.
In order to set up Orpington 1st
there will be a ballot of businesses
in February 2013. It will ask for a
simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the idea of
a BID in Orpington. This document
will show you why we think a BID in
Orpington is a great idea. I encourage
you to read on and decide for yourself
whether you would like to join us in
shaping the future of our Town Centre.
I urge you to vote YES
for Orpington 1st:
• YES to putting Orpington
First for Customers
• YES to putting Orpington
First for Look and Feel
• YES to putting Orpington
First for Access
• YES to putting Orpington
First for Business
We need your support this coming
February. Working together I know
we can make a difference!
Gary Morris
Orpington 1st BID Working Group
Our Vision
Our vision for Orpington is simple. We want a High Street
that businesses and visitors enjoy spending time in and feel
proud of. We want our Town Centre to be a vibrant and
attractive place, full of opportunities for retail, leisure and
investment, building on Orpington’s existing achievements
and distinct character. We want to attract new customers
with a welcoming destination that has much to offer.
Orpington has fantastic transport links, an established consumer base
within the local community friendly businesses, but unlike Bluewater and
the Glades in Bromley, our two largest regional competitors, we have a
history and sense of community. Consumers will continue to go to those
places for convenience; but they will come to Orpington for our cosmopolitan
mix of independent and national retailers, restaurants, cafés, educational
facilities and seasonal markets.
We have achieved so much in Orpington over the last 5 years, but have
the potential to do much more. With the £2.2 million improvements made
to the High Street in 2010, the relocation and development of the Library,
the College’s investment in its building and the growing number of renowned
eating establishments, we are already making our mark. It is important to
ensure that this journey continues, enhancing Orpington’s charm and
creating new opportunities to inspire the next generation.
There is no one solution to the revival of our high street, nor can any one
person go it alone. As businesses we are the cornerstone of Orpington
and we need to work together. By joining forces as a BID we can breathe
new economic and community life into our town, paving the way for further
revitalisation in the future. We sincerely hope that you will want to be part
of these plans.
BIDs are a proven opportunity
for businesses to take part in
the active management of their
Town Centres. High Streets are
at the heart of communities and
businesses can determine their
town’s needs in this ever changing
market to deliver lasting success”
Jo Johnson, MP for Orpington
Together we can ...
Promote the Town Centre’s history and individuality through a
calendar of events and a range of diverse markets to increase footfall
in Orpington.
Attract new businesses that will extend the retail and leisure offer for
the Town Centre by launching a robust and co-ordinated campaign that
raises the town’s profile and ensures Orpington is seen as a place where
business can thrive.
Improve shoppers’ access to the Town by working with the Council
to address issues such as parking, mapping and signage.
Improve safety and security for those who live, work and visit the Town
Centre by working with the Police to expand and enhance current safety
initiatives such as the safety radio scheme and business watch.
Establish a web presence to allow customers easy access to information
about the shopping, dining and entertainment offer in Orpington.
Enhance the appearance of the town by encouraging landlords to
introduce a programme of ‘pop-up shops’ to occupy vacant units, and
assisting businesses with shop-front improvements.
Represent the business community, providing networking opportunities,
acting as an advocate for business needs and offering a range of support
services and skills training.
Realise cost savings for businesses through collective purchasing and joint
procurement of trade recycling services and business supply services.
Attract further funding from other sources to enhance the contribution
provided by the businesses.
Ensure that all the services provided are additional to those provided
by the Council and will enhance the reputation and profile of Orpington
Town Centre.
First for Customers
Orpington has various outstanding shops and restaurants, as well as visitor
attractions such as the Priory Gardens, but many potential visitors remain
unaware of us.
88% of businesses surveyed felt that increased
promotional activity would improve trading conditions”
Our programme aims to improve Orpington’s image and bring
more people into town through:
A new website for local business
The exciting new Orpington 1st website will allow customers easy access
to information on what they can buy, where they can eat and how they
can be entertained. It will be linked to other established web sites to
increase search engine optimisation.
New investment in Orpington’s loyalty card
We will continue to develop the new Orpington loyalty card scheme
that incentivises shoppers to ‘buy local’, and will explore the option
of introducing a smartphone application.
A campaign to attract new business
We also want to ensure that investors see Orpington as a place to do
business. Orpington 1st will host investor programmes to promote
opportunity sites and vacant units in the Town Centre.
An exciting programme of events
We will promote an annual programme of events in the Town Centre that
will drive increased footfall, bring together local communities and showcase
the range of retail and leisure opportunities that Orpington has to offer.
Regular specialist markets
Orpington 1st will work with the Walnuts Shopping centre to enhance the
market’s offer for the Town Centre, helping to introduce a more varied and
appealing programme. Any revenue generated from these markets will be
reinvested back into the BID.
Safety and security is an
important factor in a town
centre. A BID can help to
fund initiatives to help
businesses, visitors and
shoppers feel more secure”
Stuart Reynolds, Manager of McDonalds
Promoting and marketing
Orpington as a location known
for its vibrant restaurant scene
and café culture will ensure
consumers view the town as a
thriving destination to socialise
and spend time in.”
Jeremy Vane & Karen Alabaster
Owners of Café Panacea, Coffee and Wine Lounge
First for ‘Look & Feel’
We want to improve the physical quality of the Town Centre to make Orpington a
more appealing shopping destination without losing its identity and individuality.
53% of businesses surveyed saw Orpington’s
image as an issue for the Town Centre”
Our programme aims to improve the business environment
in Orpington through:
Measures to tackle vacant shop units
Working with landlords we aim to roll out a programme of ‘pop-up shops’
as well as attractive shop front vinyls.
A shop front improvement scheme
We will work with businesses to improve shop fronts, window displays
and merchandising.
Measures to tackle crime/nuisance behaviour
We will confront anti-social behaviour by working closely with Police and Council
officers, by expanding and enhancing our radio safety scheme and by adopting
CCTV-sharing platforms such as Facewatch – an online crime reporting system
for businesses to report and deter crime by instantly sharing images of suspects
between group members. In time we aim to employ a team of ‘Town Rangers’
who would act as the welcoming face of Orpington to visitors as well as the eyes
and ears of the Town to minimise anti-social behaviour.
Information on forthcoming developments/impacts
We recognise the importance of keeping the business community in
Orpington informed of developments and changes in the Town Centre.
Orpington 1st will produce a monthly printed and electronic newsletter.
A comprehensive plan for the area
We will represent business views and lobby the Council, landlords and other
stakeholders to influence the development of a comprehensive plan for the
Town Centre as part of the new local planning framework.
First for Access
Although work has been undertaken in recent years to improve the public
realm in Orpington, access to the Town Centre continues to be of concern.
Nearl 70% of businesses surveyed identified
availability of parking and traffic congestion as
sues for the Town Centre”
Our programme aims to improve access to and within
Orpington through:
Improved access to car parking
We will work with the Council to improve shopper’s access to car
parking by:
• Providing a comprehensive online map of car parking options
in the Town Centre.
• Improving signage to car parking in the Town Centre, incorporating
the Visual Messaging System.
• Explore the option of introducing free parking periods either
on a regular basis or for special occasions.
Managing the public toilets
We recognise that access to good quality public toilets is important to
those who wish to shop or visit Orpington Town Centre. We will review
the current state and availability of toilets and work with key partners
to ensure that these facilities are clean, safe and accessible to those
who wish to use them.
Better signage/mapping
We will improve the signage and mapping for drivers, cyclists and
pedestrians in the Town Centre.
Sustainable transport
We will promote sustainable travel options, including the possibility
of park and ride bus services, and improve awareness and accessibility
of cycling and walking.
The BID will help to improve
shoppers’ and visitors’ access
to the town centre. The BID will
work with the Council to ensure
mapping and signage are best
positioned to improve the
shopping experience for all”
Tommy Barnshaw, Owner of VTB Mobility
Working together will enable
collective savings and efficiencies
for our businesses, and a BID will
allow us to have one united voice,
advocating on our behalf to make
sure we are all represented to our
best advantage.”
Martin Price, Manager of the Walnuts Shopping Centre
First for Business
In these difficult economic times, you need to know that your BID levy
investment in Orpington 1st can be returned and exceeded by cost savings
and new business development.
Over 65% of businesses surveyed felt collective
purchasing of waste services and other business
services would improve trading conditions”
Our programme aims to improve our members’ profitability
Collective purchasing of waste management
We will roll out our own trade recycling and waste management service.
We estimate that through collective purchasing cost savings could be in
the region of 50%.
Collective purchasing of business services
We will bulk purchase items such as utilities and stationery, again passing
on the savings to our member businesses.
Business networking opportunities and events
We will run regular networking and social events to encourage local
procurement and partnering. We will also develop a bespoke
apprenticeship programme for Orpington businesses, creating
opportunities and providing training to enable our young people
to progress into local jobs.
We will advocate on behalf of businesses, acting as the voice on issues
of importance to you and represent Orpington businesses to the Council,
regional and sub-regional bodies.
Investing in
Orpington’s Future
Orpington 1st BID Budget
Orpington 1st will invest over £1m between 2013 and 2018 on its
programme of improvements. We will aim to draw in a minimum
of £50,000 in extra funding from other sources in the first year,
with a view to increasing this figure throughout the life of the BID.
BID Annual Budget
(figures rounded to nearest £500)
Average Income
BID Levy
Council Grant
Promotions, Events and Markets
Expected Expenditure
Orpington: First for Customers
Loyalty card
Investment campaign
Specialist markets
Orpington: First for ‘Look and Feel’
Vacant unit and shop front initiatives
Radio scheme
Monthly newsletter
Comprehensive plan for the area
Orpington: First for Access
Parking advocacy
Toilet scheme
Maps and visitor information
Sustainable transport initiatives
Orpington: First for Business
Subsidised recycling services
Co-ordinated bulk purchasing
Business networking
Core Operating Costs
Levy collection
Corporate Communications
Management/BID staffing
Questions Answered
A detailed statement of our Business Improvement District (BID)
arrangements is available at orpington1st.co.uk. Here are some
of the key points:
What is Orpington 1st?
Orpington 1st is an unincorporated association with a management committee
of 7 people, mainly drawn from local businesses. You can see their names
and organisations on the back cover. It has been set up to increase the
attractiveness and appeal of Orpington as a commercial destination and
also to promote a possible Business Improvement District (BID).
Why is Orpington 1st running a ballot
in February 2013?
If we are to become a BID, we need to run a ballot of eligible businesses.
The ballot will ask a simple question: ‘Are you in favour of the proposals
for the Orpington 1st Business Improvement District?’. In order for the BID to
come into existence, a simple majority of those voting must vote in favour.
But their votes must also represent a majority of the aggregate rateable value
of the rateable properties that vote. We will be writing to you soon to invite
you to nominate who should vote on your behalf.
Which businesses are eligible to vote in the
BID ballot?
If your business premises falls within the proposed BID area
(see map on page 20) you are eligible to vote in the BID ballot.
How will Orpington 1st be funded?
If the ballot is successful Orpington 1st will be funded by an annual levy of
1.5% of rateable value on all eligible businesses. So if the rateable value
on your business premises is £20,000, you will pay £300p/a, collected in
two instalments.
• Charities and shopping centre tenants will be given a 50% discount
on the levy.
• The BID levy will be collected through the current Business Rates system
but will be the subject of a separate bill.
• The levy will be amended on an annual basis in line with inflation, at
a rate to be agreed by the Orpington 1st board.
• Orpington 1st will be clear and transparent about how it is spending the
money. There will be regularly updated information about income and
expenditure available to all members of the BID.
Why do my business rates not cover this?
Business Rates are collected by Bromley Council and handed over to central
government. Orpington 1st is a privately-funded, business-led initiative. It will
provide services over and above the Council in line with businesses’ desires and
expectations for the area. Every service the BID provides will be additional to
that which the Council provides.
How can I be represented?
If our February 2013 ballot is successful Orpington 1st will be reconstituted as a
new not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. The first AGM will take place
soon after the BID starts its work on 1st April 2013. All businesses that were
eligible to vote, and that pay the levy, may become members of the company.
Any member can stand for election to the board.
A BID will help to raise the
profile and perception of the
town centre, tempting a new
range of shoppers and visitors
into Orpington to experience
the diverse range of shops,
restaurants and leisure
activities available.”
Bayo Oyelese, Manager of Subway
The BID Company will provide an additional mechanism for
businesses to share ideas, collaborate, lobby and work together
for the improvement of the town.
Orpington 1st’s Draft Articles of Association can be found at:
When is it all happening?
November 2012
You will receive official notification of the forthcoming ballot.
January 2013
You will receive your voting pack from Bromley Council.
February 21st 2013
Ballot closes.
April 1st 2013
If the ballot is successful, Orpington 1st
will become a Business Improvement District (BID).
Further detail on Orpington 1st’s Business Improvement District (BID) Proposal is
to be found in a second document ‘Orpington 1st Business Improvement District:
how it will be established, how it will be managed’. This is available on the
Orpington 1st website.
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Priory Gardens
d Ro
Bromley Museum
The Walnuts
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Map image represents an indicative view of the proposed Orpington BID area.
This is a great opportunity to
cement Orpington’s future as a
desirable destination for shoppers
and businesses alike. We can
build on existing achievements
to enhance Orpington’s unique
and distinctive offer to ensure
the town’s vitality.”
Councillor Stephen Carr, Leader of Bromley Council
Orpington 1st Working Group
Gary Morris ............... Printing.com (Chairman)
Guy Woodward ........ calfordseaden (Vice-Chairman)
Chandra Sharma ....... Tangent Office Resources
Bayo Oyelese ............ Subway
Frank Levett .............. Orpington Business Forum
Martin Price .............. Walnuts Shopping Centre
Sam Parrett ............... Bromley College
Cheryl Curr ................ Town Centre Manager
Martin Pinnell ........... Bromley Council
Hannah Jackson........ Bromley Council
orpington1st.co.uk | [email protected] | 01689 870380