sergio vega - Fernelmont


sergio vega - Fernelmont
Mist in the Forest 7G, 2011
Sergio Vega was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1959. He currently lives and
works as both an artist and a professor, in Gainsville, Florida. For the past ten years
Sergio Vega has been developing a project titled "El Paraíso en el Nuevo Mundo"
based on the homonymous book by Antonio de Leon Pinelo written in 1650.
Fascinated by Pinelo's theory locating the Garden of Eden in South America, Vega
took the task of contesting the presumed location of Paradise through a new
interpretation of Pinelo's text. His research led him to a specific location in Mato
Grosso, Brazil. Vega mischievously blends colonialist ideologies, empirical
experiences, and an incisive critique of power and society in order to endlessly
reconsider and explore a paradise in the field of art in which sensory stimulation and
critical discourse are brought together.
Vega has taken part in numerous international exhibitions including The 51st Venice
Biennale, Italy, The 5th Biennal de Lyon, France and in June of 2006 he presented
"Crocodilian Fantasies" at Palais de Tokyo in Paris, his first solo exhibition at a
European museum.
Château de Fernelmont, rue des Combattants 77, 5380 Fernelmont, Belgium |