NEWS - Leisure World Seal Beach
NEWS - Leisure World Seal Beach
Emergency response training will begin free sessions for residents from 8 a.m.noon on Friday, Oct. 2 in Clubhouse 4. Help keep Leisure World flu free by getting a flu shot at the Health Care Center Oct. 9. Page Page FIRE REPORT 12 October 1, 2015 The Official Publication of the Golden Rain Foundation, Seal Beach, CA � 23 And help, Oh God, that all of us will not have died in vain, May tyranny be wiped away to never rise again. —from An Airman’s Plea, written in France, 1944, by Sgt. Frank E. Ockert � —Ruth Osborn, staff photo OCFA firefighters responded to a report of smoke in the attic in Building 218 on Foxburg Road Sept. 25. Two fires in two days spark plea for vigilance in LW by rutH osborn neWs edItOr Two fires in two days were reported in Leisure World last week, prompting Golden Rain Foundation Executive Director Randy Ankeny to issue a plea for vigilance and a warning that people found negligent in causing fires have an extreme liability exposure (see article, below). On Sept. 25, firefighters were called to Mutual 9’s Building 218 on Foxburg Road at about 2:20 p.m. in response to a report of smoke in the attic. Minutes before fire trucks pulled into Foxburg Road, Leisure World Security personnel and GRF Safety and Emergency Coordinator Eloy Gomez ran from door to door evacuating people and pets, including four dogs and a parrot. No one was injured. Residents huddled across the street as firefighters in breathing appartus converged on the building. Smoke was billowing from an attic vent, but no flames were visible. The fire was under control by 2:40 p.m. Capt. Steve Concialdi, Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) spokesman, said officials are investigating the incident. A cause was not immediately available. Smoke damaged several units, and there was slight fire damage in the attic area, according to Security and OCFA reports. See FIRE, page 23 LEGION OF HONOR WORLD WAR II vet William Spurrier (left, kneeling) of Mutual 7 flew 29 combat missions over France in a Marauder medium bomber. He was awarded France’s highest honor last week. Valorous Vet Celebrated by rutH osborn neWs edItOr It’s been 70 years, but the sacrifice of World War II veteran William Spurrier was honored last week when the nation of France bestowed its highest award—the Legion of Honor—on the softspoken 90-year-old. The years have not diminished the patriotism that drove Spurrier to enlist straight out of Poly High in Long Beach. They have only Stand By Your Pan Sgt. William Spurrier, 1945 A 2010 fire in Leisure World, captured from a YouTube video. ranDy anKeny grF eXecutIve dIrectOr by We have been plagued with a cycle of kitchen and cooking related fires. According to the Nation Fire Protection Association, “when it comes to fires in the home, cooking fires are No. 1.” Unattended cooking is the top cause of cooking fires nationally and is the No. 1 cause of fires within our community. In past articles we have shared what to do in the event of a fire. Let’s address the costs and the effect on your life. See PLEA, page 23 INDEX Arts & Leisure ..........9 Classified ...............29 Community ............16 Government .............5 HCC Blood Drive added the beautiful patina of a life well-lived and an enduring legacy that reaches into three generations. In 1943, 19-year-old Spurrier left hearth and home to defend life and liberty as a gunner in a B-26 Marauder medium bomber. He survived 29 combat missions over France before the war ended in 1945. On Sept. 23, Christophe Lemoine, the French consul general in Los Angeles, thanked Spurrier and four other medal recipients for leaving their families “to not only liberate France, but all of Europe.” He pinned the Legion of Honor medal to Spurrier’s chest in a private ceremony attended by about 100 people. It was held aboard the Queen Mary, a fitting location. Spurrier crossed the cold Atlantic from New York to Europe aboard the Queen Mary in December 1944. Spurrier, who lives with his wife, Janet, in Mutual 7, recounted the journey in “WWII Memoir,” a 176-page book he wrote and published at the age of 90. “I had never seen such a huge ship, let alone boarded one,” he wrote. “I found out later there were almost 12,000 troops on this crossing. The ship could carry as many as 15,000.” It took several hours for everyone to board. Then the ship pulled away from the dock, heading unescorted down the Hudson River, sailing past the Statue of Liberty, and into the open sea. “This was a thrill for me, and See MEDAL, page 23 Spurrier with Legion of Honor GRF Fall Festival Give blood Oct. 12 Kick off fall season Oct. 24 The Health Care Center will sponsor a blood drive from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. on Oct. 12 in the HCC conference room. Call Marie Puffpaff at 7956281 to make an appointment or for more information. The American Red Cross is the largest single supplier of blood products in the U.S. Health & Fitness ......6 Obituary .................24 The GRF Fall Festival will be held from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. on Oct. 24 in Clubhouse 6. The Recreation Department will select 10 clubs to compete in a pumpkin carving contest. Registered club representatives should contact Kathy Thayer at 431-6586, ext. 398 or 324, to enter the drawing to select participants. There will be a live band, a magician and a dog costume contest. Food trucks will be available in the parking lot. Perspectives ............4 Puzzle/Games .......28 Religion....................7 SBTV .....................12 Sports & Games ....20 Travel .....................22 2 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS OC Sheriffs Dept. shoots down new scam by Jim Breen Issues/Opinions American Legion Senior Patriots Watch Your Step Editor Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department has asked us to inform readers of a telephone scam that is now being attempted on unsuspecting residents. The calls are coming from individuals misrepresenting themselves as department employees. The caller usually tells the intended victim that a warrant has been issued for their arrest due to failure to appear for jury duty. They are also informed that they must pay a fine or deputies will come to their homes and arrest them. Much like the “Grandma scam,” the caller will instruct the victim to get a money order, conduct a wire transfer, or buy a gift card (usually Green Dot) and send it to “pay the fine.” The Sheriff’s Department or any other government agency will never call to solicit money for fines or solicit warrant information by phone, never ask for money go to homes to collect a fee for a warrant. ••• A home warranty company has been sending bogus bills to residents across the country, and one of them recently landed in the Mutual 8 mailbox of Ivalon Corston. Her bill was $315 for a variety of costs, primarily pool/spa equipment. The sender had her correct name and address, but Corston has never heard of BFG. See WATCH, page 4 Help needed to take surplus clothes to vets Program on assistance dogs to be held Oct.9 Cajun IV, a 14-month-old Golden and Labrador Retriever mix, and Denise Quinn of Canine Companions for Independence, will be guests at the next meeting of Senior Patriots For Peace at 1 p.m. on Oct. 9 in Clubhouse 4. They will present a program about Canine Companions for Independence. The organization trains dogs to be assistance dogs that serve the disabled. CCI is a registered non-profit organization. Quinn has been raising puppies for CCI since 2008, and Cajun is her seventh puppy. She will discuss the various aspects of CCI including raising puppies and the wounded veterans program. A question-and- answer period will follow the presentation. Election of the 2016 board of Cajun IV directors will also be held during the meeting. Ice cream and cookies will be served. All Leisure World residents and guests are invited to attend the free event. Senior Patriots for Peace is an organization dedicated to the promotion of peace. The focus is on issues of world peace, social justice and the environment to nurture a world where people can live healthy and peaceful lives. For more information, call Nancy Goldstein at 896-8604. Calling LW Library? Dial Direct, 598-2431 You are invited to our HEALTH FAIR! SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2015 9:00 AM -12:00 PM Our Annual Health Fair is a great chance for you to get involved in your medical care. We’ll have health screenings from a local hospital as well as other health care information. Bring a friend and enter for a chance to win prizes! Join Us for Giveaways & Raffle Prizes Free Screenings & Services including: Bone Density at The Health Care Center 1661 Golden Rain Road, Seal Beach, CA 90740 For more information call (562) 493-9581 Meet The Health Care Center Staff and Tour our Facilities 1661 Golden Rain Road Seal Beach, CA 90740 Phone (562) 493-9581 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM Accepting new pAtients! the Health care center accepts most insurance plans and cash payment. Open to all residents of Leisure world. For more information, please call (562) 493-9581 Members of the American Legion Leisure World Post 327 requests members to help take clothing left over from the Community Church rummage sale to the homeless veterans base at Cabrillo in west Long Beach. Members will assemble at 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 2 at the alley behind the church or in front of the church for loading. A car/truck caravan will take the clothing to the agency, which is sponsored by U.S. veterans. ••• A new federal law now allows retirees and veterans to salute the United States flag. Traditionally, members of the nation’s veteran’s service organizations have rendered the hand-salute during the national anthem and at events involving the national flag only while wearing their organization’s official headgear. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 contained an amendment to allow outof-uniform service members, military retirees, and veterans to render hand salutes during the hoisting, lowering, or passing of the U.S. flag. A later amendment further authorized hand-salutes during the national anthem by veterans and out-of-uniform military personnel. This was included in the Defense Authorization Act of 2009, which President Bush signed on Oct. 14, 2008. See the full text from the law at For those who want to join the local post, call Cmdr. Jim Hoover at 342-9434 or First Vice Cmdr. Lee Esslinger at 430-2891. Y Service Club Members can help LWers with some light tasks The Leisure World Y Service Club is made up of a group of men and women who assist residents with small chores they can no longer do. Members are not professionals, and do not perform electrical work, plumbing, cleaning or gardening. The club seeks active new members, especially those who can climb ladders and volunteer a few hours a month to help neighbors. For more information and to request assistance, residents can call one of the numbers listed weekly in the classified section of The News, under “free services.” Residents’ needs will then be directed to a member, who will return the call. Members also pick up discarded items for twice-a-year rummage sales. The News 430-0534 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS Open Forum Woman’s Club Cliff Miller Band featured at fall tea meeting Oct. 6, CH2 ‘Moses in Person’ the title of Barnett’s presentation Oct.6 The Open Forum will meet at 10 a.m. on Oct. 6 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. Mark Barnett, club president, will hold an open house and present “Moses in Person.” As Moses, he will give a presentation on how the major religions of Judiasm, Christianity and Islam impact Western Civilization. The club, which is designed to present educational topics to Leisure World residents, meets on the first and third Tuesdays of the month. Everyone is welcome, and there are no membership fees or dues. For more information, call Barnett at 430-2435. OPEN FORUM president Mark Barnett as Moses will conduct the next meeting on Oct. 6. LegionAuxiliary Members make poppies on Wednesdays in CH6 LabTest360 ™ will The District 29 meeting The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 327 is off to a busy start this year. At 10:30 a.m. on Wednesdays in Clubhouse 6, members make poppies for the veterans. Those with an interest in crafts are invited to come and help. For more information, call Cathy Boufford at 598-9361. The Leisure World Investment Forum will meet at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 13, in Clubhouse 3, Room 6. The topic will be “Questions Following a 12 Percent Correction.” It will be hosted by Larry Pino, CTFA, partner and chief investment officer of LPL Financial. The recent market downdraft and related uncertainty in China and emerging markets have led to investor concerns. In response to Standard and Larry Pino Poor’s recent 12-percent correction, the first decline of more than 10 percent since 2011, Pino will address those concerns. The Investment Forum informs residents by presenting monthly discussions on important financial topics and current economic events. Presentations are sponsored by Basdakis Wealth Management Group. LabTest360™ The Leisure World Woman’s Club is planning its first fall tea meeting at 1:30 p.m.on on Tuesday, Oct. 6, in Clubhouse 2. Members will receive their club book and club president Jan Kuhl will lead a discussion of the plans for future events. They will include a free Halloween concert/dance for the LW community on Oct. 29, featuring the Cliff Miller Band, two daytrips, and a free luncheon for members in June. The club will continue its tradition of fundraising and making donations to causes that benefit residents and select charities outside the gates. Elaine Burrows and Janet Cliff Miller Cord will present a $1,000 check she sings Broadway hits and Thousands of medications arejokes. affected by genetics, to Golden West College for a tells scholarship a nursing student Judy Belladella but thefor ones below are so impacted that the will FDAbehastea at thewarnings school. about genetics in the hostess with assistance from drug package After the business meeting, officers in the club’s card party. insert. Please call and ask one of our DNA Testing Donna O’Keefe will introduce Tea and coffee pourers will Consultants for help at: (562) 794-9416. singer and comedian Colette be Janet Tachine, Emily Moubas Hawley. From New York City, saly, and Jan Krehbiel. Risk Assessment Test: Please check each medication you are by currently taking Thousands of medications are affected genetics, or c onsidering f rom t he l ist b elow: but the ones below are so impacted that the FDA has Thousands are insert. affected by gen warnings about geneticsofinmedications the drug package below are Testing so impacted € Diazepam* Please callbut andthe askones one of our Phenytoin DNA Consul-that the FD Dilantin € genetics Plavix* in the drug package warnings about tants for help at: (562) 794-9416. € Primidone Doxepin* insert. Please call and ask one of our DNA Testing € Propafenone* Duloxetine Consultants for helpProtonix* at: (562) 794-9416. € Effexor € Protriptyline* Elavil* € Aciphex* € € Adderall € € Aller-‐Chlor € € Amitriptyline* € € Anafranil* € € Ansaid* € € Aripiprazole* € Provigil* € Escitalopram Please check each medication you are currently € Atomoxetine* € Prozac € Esomeprazole* Please c heck e ach m edication you are currently € Benztropine € Quinidine/ € Evoxac* taking or considering from the list below: or considering the list below: € Bupropion € from Dextromethorphan* € Fanapt* € Buspar € rabeprazole* € Fluoxetine qRazadyne* rabeprazole* q Lopressor* Aciphex*€ Buspirone q Cymbalta € € Flurbiprofen* € Phenytoin €Fluvoxamine* qDiazepam* Luvox* qRisperdal* Razadyne* Adderall€€ Aciphex* Carisoprodol* q Desipramine* € € €€ Adderall € Plavix* qrisperidone* Risperdal* qDilantin Mellaril* Aller-Chlor Carvedilol* q Desyrel € € €Galantamine* q Metoprolol* q risperidone* q Detrol* Amitriptyline* €€ Aller-‐Chlor € Primidone Celebrex* € Robitussin € €Haldol Doxepin* qDuloxetine Modafinil* qRythmol* Robitussin Anafranil* Celecoxib* q Dexedrine € € €Haloperidol €€ Amitriptyline* € Propafenone* q Rythmol* q Dexilant* q Mysoline Ansaid*€€ Celexa* € Sinequan* € Hydrocodone Anafranil* € Protonix* € Effexor qSoma* Sinequan* q Nexium* Aripiprazole* € Cevimeline* q Dexlansoprazole* € € Iloperidone* € Ansaid* € Protriptyline* € Elavil* qStrattera* Soma* q Nolvadex Atomoxetine* q Dextroamphetamine € Chlorpheniramine € € Imipramine* €€ Aripiprazole* € Provigil* €Lexapro qEscitalopram Norpramin* qTamoxifen Strattera* Benztropine Citalopram* q Dextromethorphan € € €€ Atomoxetine* € Prozac qTetrabenazine* Tamoxifen qEsomeprazole* Nortriptyline* Bupropion Clobazam* q Diazepam* € € €Lopressor* qThioridazine* Tetrabenazine* q Dilantin qEvoxac* Nuedexta* Buspar€€ Benztropine € Quinidine/ Clomipramine* € € €Luvox* q Thioridazine* q Onfi* Buspirone q Doxepin* € Clopidogrel* € Tofranil* € Mellaril* € Bupropion € Dextromethorphan* € Fanapt* qFluoxetine Oxycodone qTolterodine* Tofranil* Carisoprodol* Clozapine* q Duloxetine € € €Metoprolol* €€ Buspar € rabeprazole* qTramadol* Tolterodine* q Oxycontin q Effexor Carvedilol* € Clozaril* € € Modafinil* € Buspirone q Elavil* € Razadyne* € Flurbiprofen* qTrazodone Tramadol* q Pamelor* Celebrex* € Codeine* € € Mysoline € Carisoprodol* € Risperdal* qTrilafon* Trazodone qFluvoxamine* Pantoprazole* q Escitalopram € €Nexium* Celecoxib* € Cogentin € Carvedilol* € #3* risperidone* Galantamine* qTylenol Trilafon* q Paroxetine Celexa*€€ q Esomeprazole*€ €Nolvadex Coreg* € q Paxil qUltram* Tylenol Cevimeline* €€ Celebrex* € #3* Robitussin Haldol Coumadin* q Evoxac* € € €Norpramin* q Ultram* q Fanapt* q Perphenazine* Chlorpheniramine Cymbalta € Valium* € €Nortriptyline* €€ Celecoxib* € Rythmol* Haloperidol q Valium* q Fluoxetine q Phenytoin Citalopram* € Desipramine* € Venlafaxine € Nuedexta* € Celexa* € Sinequan* € Hydrocodone qVfend Venlafaxine Plavix* Clobazam* q Flurbiprofen* € € Desyrel € Onfi* q € Cevimeline* € Soma* € Iloperidone* q Primidone qVicodin Vfend q Fluvoxamine* € Clomipramine* € Detrol* € Oxycodone € Chlorpheniramine € Strattera* € Imipramine* q Galantamine* q Propafenone* q Vicodin Clopidogrel* € Dexedrine € Vivactil* € Oxycontin €€ Citalopram* € Tamoxifen Lexapro qVoriconazole Vivactil* q Haldol q Protonix* Clozapine* Dexilant* € € €Pamelor* qWarfarin* Voriconazole q Protriptyline* Clozaril* q Haloperidol € €Pantoprazole* €€ Clobazam* € Tetrabenazine* Lopressor* Dexlansoprazole* € q Provigil* q Warfarin* Codeine* q Hydrocodone €€ Clomipramine* € Thioridazine* Luvox* € €Paroxetine € Wellbutrin q Prozac qXenazine Wellbutrin Cogentin Dextroamphetamine q Iloperidone* € Paxil € € Clopidogrel* € Tofranil* € Mellaril* q Imipramine* q Quinidine/ q Xenazine Coreg* € Dextromethorphan € Clozapine* q Lexapro € Tolterodine* € Metoprolol* q Dextromethorphan* Coumadin* € Clozaril* € Tramadol* €Perphenazine* Modafinil* € FDA Labeled Medications with Risk Assessment Test:Test: Risk Assessment FDA Labeled Medications with Genetic Testing Guidance* Genetic Testing Guidance* q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q q CAP Members will meet on Oct. 5 Children a Priority (CAP) will meet at noon on Oct.5 in Clubhouse 4. CAP is an organization dedicated to helping 11 children’s groups and organizations for children. Hot catered lunches are provided for $10 per person. Tickets may be purchased at the door or by calling Maria Swift at 493-1924. be held at 10 a.m. on Oct. 4 in Midway City. Call Eloise Knoll at 533-0773 regarding car pooling. FDA Labeled Medications with Genetic Testing Guidance* Investment Forum Speaker Pino to discuss markets at Oct.13 meeting 3 € Codeine* € Mysoline € Trazodone *If take you take oor ne more or more f these medications, please please ccall all us for for your FREE *If you one of othese medications, ustoday today your FREE € Cogentin € Trilafon* € Nexium* Pharmacogenetic T est K it! Pharmacogenetic Test Kit! € Coreg* € Tylenol #3* € Nolvadex € Coumadin* € Ultram* € Norpramin* LabTest360™ Pharmacogenetics €• (•562) 794-‐9416 • w (562) 794-9416 • € Cymbalta Pharmacogenetics € Valium* Nortriptyline* € Desipramine* € Venlafaxine € Nuedexta* Medicare approved and covered by most PPO Insurances € Desyrel € Vfend € Onfi* € Detrol* € Vicodin € Oxycodone € Dexedrine € Vivactil* € Oxycontin € Dexilant* € Voriconazole € Pamelor* € Pantoprazole* € Dexlansoprazole* € Warfarin* Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 4 NEWS PERSPECTIVES Perspectives Policy The NEWS can be read on the Internet at Outside The Wall Submissions in each of the following categories may be published at the discretion of the Publications Manager. • Letters to the Editor: Maximum number of words:250. Letters should be typed and delivered to the Golden Rain News by email (preferred), regular mail, deposited in a white GRF drop box, or hand-delivered. Letters must be of general interest to the community and may contain opinions, suggestions, compliments, and complaints without being scurrilous, libelous, defamatory, repetitive or otherwise inappropriate. The names of individual employees,titles, and/or departments will not be permitted in letters that could adversely impact any Foundation employee directly or indirectly. • Member Column: At a maximum 500 words, columns may present an argument or opinion or information about pending issues of concern to the community. Priority to first-time or less frequent writers. Contributor: Restaurant review, theater review or travel journal submissions welcome subject to terms and conditions in the policy unless otherwise noted. Political: Submissions concerning political issues outside of Leisure World and the City of Seal Beach will not be published. 3 out3ofout 4 patients of 4 patients LabTest360™ Risk are atare riskat of risk an of an Assessment CALL NOW: adverse drug event. Adverse Drug Reaction.* Are you one of them? Are you one of them? Adverse drug events are the 4th leading Adverse Reactions are the 4th leading cause of death inDrug America cause of death in America More than 75% of people have detectable More than 75% of people have detectable variations in their DNA that affect how they variations in their DNA that affect how they respondrespond to prescribed medications to prescribed medications •Always Alwaysthe theRIGHT RIGHTMedication Medication Always the RIGHT Dosage • Always the RIGHT Dosage • • by Les H. Cohen, Mutual 15 Legislative Advocate Emeritus/OC Ombudsman Calling for an end to the political tricks that Californians thought ended when they approved Proposition 25 in 2010, Sen. Pat Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) has co-authored Senate Constitutional Amendment (SCA) 10 with Sen. Bob Huff (R-San Dimas). The measure is known as the Budget Accountability and Transparency Act of 2015. In 2010, California voters overwhelmingly Les H. Cohen approved a new law they definitely thought would send lawmakers a clear message: pass a state budget on time or lose your paychecks. SCA 10 is intended to close the loopholes/maneuvers. The need for SCA 10 was recently demonstrated when the senate majority party allegedly misused Proposition 25. The party pushed through a series of new amendments to the state budget called trailer bills after the June 15 constitutional deadline to pass the state budget. SCA 10, amending sections 8 and 12 of Article 1V of the state constitution, may be acted on by the Senate on or after Oct. 12. The measure has 12 senate co-authors and awaits referral by the rules committee. The measure requires a two-thirds vote by both houses of the Legislature and cannot be heard/acted upon until 31 days after it has been introduced. That is unless the house of origin dispenses with that requirement by a roll call vote with three-fourths of the membership concurring. WATCH From page 2 (562) 794-9416 * Bill would close loopholes in ‘no budget, no pay’ law THE BINGO CLUB Hawaiian Gardens “This looks like a scam,”she wrote.”My first name was misspelled and I have never had a BFG warranty. Either it’s a scam or the company is sending bills to the wrong people. Have you been the victim of a scam attempt? Send the details to [email protected] or call 431-6586, ext. 387, Wednesday through Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Calling LW Library? Dial Direct, 598-2431 An Official Golden Rain Foundation Publication Serving the Shareholders of WO T The News is delivered every Thursday to every Leisure World residence. The mailed subscription rate is $2 per issue within the 9/29/15 12:30 PM United States. Opinions expressed in articles, columns continental or letters do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of the Golden Rain Foundation or Board of Directors, members, staff or this publication. The publication of advertisements in The News does not indicate any recommendation or endorsement, nor any opinion of capability or quality of any advertiser’s work. 00 $5MUSWT GINOGS bution 3x4.indd 1 A ts A DR 7 Nigh k e We $400,000 OVER PAID WEEKLY Doug Cox, Publications Manager ext. 384; [email protected] Jim Breen, Issues/Opinions Editor ext. 387; [email protected] Letters to the Editor, general news, health, sports and games, scams, religion (Incl. Tabs) 7 NIGHTS A WEEK! Monday thru Thursday 6 pm to 12 Midnight Friday and Saturday 6 pm to 2 am • Sunday 2 pm to 12 Midnight Doors Open Monday-Saturday 4 pm • Sunday 12 pm 000 MUST PRESENT COUPON • ORIGINAL COUPONS ONLY No photos copies will be honored • Photo ID Required. Good the day before, on or the day after your b-day. 25 Games ● Gift Certificates Now Available ● Tres Amigos Mexican Grill ● Food Service Available ● Free coffee, Ice & Parking Carson St. ● Friendly Staff New ● Security On Site Bingo 405 Fwy Club ● Smoke Free Indoors ● Smoking Patio available for Bingo play 21900 Norwalk Blvd., Hawaiian Gardens 90716 (562) 402-6769 SB / Norwalk Blvd 5 FREE GAMES ● FREE PLAY on your B’Day 605 Fwy THE BINGO CLUB COUPON VALID MONDAY THRU THURSDAY ONLY 6 PM to 11 PM ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER...PER WEEK Leisure World Seal Beach THE BINGO CLUB IS A FUNCTION OF, AND OPERATED BY THE IRVING I. MOSKOWITz FOUNDATION, A NON-PROFIT PUBLIC CHARITABLE ORGANIzATION Ruth Osborn, News & Page 1 Editor ext. 388; [email protected] General news, arts and leisure Cathie Merz, Community Editor ext. 389; [email protected] Community news, travel, government, obituaries, production Stephen Bannon, Production Editor ext. 392; [email protected] Pre-press, online and vision-impaired editions, IT support Karen McElwain, Advertising Sales ext. 393; [email protected] Deadlines: News articles, 4 p.m. Thursday prior to publication week; Classified ads, 2:30 p.m. Monday of publication week Office hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday Phone: (562) 430-0534; after-hours voice mail, (562) 431-6586 Mailing address: P.O. Box 2338, Seal Beach, CA 90740 Delivery address: 13533 Seal Beach Blvd., Amphitheater Building Seal Beach, CA 90740 Dede Martin, Advertising Sales ext. 391; [email protected] Judy Wooten, Classified Advertising Sales ext. 383; [email protected] Advertising, subscriptions, reception Dan Pomeroy, Distributor Eagle Rock Services 2015 VOL.40 NO.38 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS GOVERNMENT Presidents’ Council RECAP PRESIDENTS’ COUNCIL Sept. 3, 2015 Clubhouse 4, Section B The regular monthly meeting of the Presidents’ Council of Seal Beach, Leisure World, was convened at 9 a.m. by President Crandall on Thursday, Sept. 3, in Clubhouse 4, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The following is a recap of the meeting. • Guest speakers – Rudolf Haider, III, M.D. and Diane Gebel, M.S., RN from the Health Care Center told about the Center’s services. • Facilities Manager Gonzalez spoke about demand controllers and preventive maintenance of them. • Guest speaker Councilwoman Massa-Lavitt asked Council members to write to the PUC to complain about Verizon selling to Frontier. • GRF President Winkler reported the GRF is working on its 2016 Budget. • GRF Vice President Damoci announced the Flu Clinic on October 9. • Purchasing Department Manager Rodgers reported that the rope timer to wear around your neck is available again, she would like feedback from people testing the SmartBurners, and Kenmore is the only refrigerator brand being installed now. • Mutual Administration Director Weller discussed the new issue of service animals and emotional support animals not being classified as a “pet.” The GRF attorney is working on making a Bylaws booklet for each Mutual. • Facilities Director Weaver spoke about the grant program for cut down showers, the SCE Multi-Family Energy Efficient Program has run out of funds for now, the SCE transformers are still being worked on, and The City will not issue building permits until they are provided with proof the asbestos abatement is being done. • Executive Director Ankeny said there will be staffing cost increases because more needed employees are being hired to provide better service to the community and fall events may include a hot dog and taco truck, and casinos. • Insurance issues were briefly discussed. • All-electric vehicle charging stations were discussed. Meeting adjourned at 11:02 a.m. Presidents’ Council All GRF members invited to meeting All Leisure World member/shareholder/owners are invited to attend the Presidents’ Council meeting at 9 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 1, in Clubhouse 4. Actual participation will be limited to the Presidents’ and Director’s guests (one per mutual). Suggestions for topics for discussion may be submitted to mutual presidents for consideration. GRF Flags needed to fly over LW Leisure World residents are invited to donate large, casketsized flags to be flown throughout Leisure World. Residents have donated most of the flags now flying in LW as a way of honoring loved ones. To donate flags, bring them with a name and telephone number to the Golden Rain Foundation Recreation Office in Building C. Donors will be notified by mail about when and where their flags will be flown. Golden Rain Foundation Employment Phone Line 562-286-6074 Up-to-date information on all open positions. LW Demos ‘End of Life’ act will be discussed at next meeting The Democratic Club will meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 20, in Clubhouse 4. Stephanie Campbell of Compassion and Choices will talk about California’s End of Life Option Act, a bill that has just been approved by the state legislature and will become law with Gov. Jerry Brown’s signature. Compassion and Choices is a leading non-profit organization committed to helping everyone plan for, and achieve, a good death. The End of Life Option Act ensures that Californians will have death with dignity options and are able to make important end-of-life decisions that are right for them and their families. Campbell will cover the latest information about the new bill and end-of life options. She is also a founding member of the Orange County chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, organized in 2004. Campbell has been active in Democratic Party politics since the mid-’60s, serving terms to the Orange County and state Democratic central committees, and is a certified speaker for the ACLU on religious rights, reproductive rights and gay rights. Everyone is invited to join board members for an informal bring-your-own lunch roundtable discussion between 12:15- 1 p.m. before the formal meeting begins. For more information on the club, call Charlene Haws at 296-8722. The News 430-0534 GRF Committee meetings scheduled Thurs., Oct. 1 Mon., Oct. 5 Mon., Oct. 5 Wed., Oct. 7 Thurs., Oct. 8 Fri., Oct. 9 Mon. Oct. 12 Mon., Oct. 12 Tues., Oct. 13 Tues., Oct. 13 Wed., Oct. 14 Fri., Oct. 16 Presidents’ Council Clubhouse 4 ........................................ 9 a.m. Facilities & Amenities Review Ad Hoc Administration.................................. 10 a.m. Lease/Contract Subcommittee ... 1:30 p.m. Administration Physical Property Committee Administration.................................... 1 p.m. Communications Committee Administration.................................... 1 p.m. Executive Committee Administration.................................... 1 p.m. Moving Rules and Violations Subcommittee Physical Property ............................. 10 a.m. Recreation Committee Administration.................................... 1 p.m. Information Technology Services Committee Administration.................................. 10 a.m. Mutual Administration Committee Administration.................................... 1 p.m. Security, Bus & Traffic Committee Administration.................................... 1 p.m. Roundtable Executive Committee/ Presidents’ Council/Administration . 1 p.m. See COMMITTEES, page 24 Mutual Boards Shareholders invited to meetings Mutual meetings are listed below. Mutual residents are invited to attend the open meetings of their mutual boards as follows: Tuesday, Oct. 6 Tuesday, Oct. 6 Thursday, Oct. 8 Friday, Oct. 9 Monday, Oct. 12 Wednesday, Oct. 14 Thursday, Oct. 15 Thursday, Oct. 15 Mutual 16 Administration.............................9 a.m. Mutual 17 Administration....................... 1:30 p.m. Mutual 12 Administration.............................9 a.m. Mutual 3 Administration.............................9 a.m. Mutual 9 Administration........................9:30 a.m. Mutual 4 Administration ............................9 a.m. Mutual 2 Administration.............................9 a.m. Mutual 11 Clubhouse 3, Room 9 ............ 1:30 p.m. See MUTUALS, page 24 5 6 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 HEALTH & FITNESS NEWS Seniors Keeping Fit Exercise, health classes available each week in LW WEEKLY CLASS – Residents work out at one of the Pilates chair classes led by Lori Rosenthal, a certified instructor. Pilates Pilate classes taught Thursdays in CH6 The Pilates Chair class meets from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursdays in Clubhouse 6, second floor. The fee is $7. Taught by Lori Rosenthal, a certified instructor, classes include a variety of exercises done seated or standing, and may include using rubber balls and bands to provide resistance. Equipment is provided. Practiced with consistency, Pilates improves flexibility and builds strength, while improving physical endurance. The emphasis is on developing a strong core, which will improve coordination and balance. Laughter for Health Senior Meals Laugh program to HCC Oct.14 Bev Bender will bring her “Laughing For The Health of It” program to the Health Care Center at 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 14. Bender says people can laugh their way to better health. She will combine laughing exercises with yoga breathing to feel more The instructor will modify movements to accommodate beginners and those with physical issues. Intensity can be increased over time as the body conditions and adapts to the exercises. For more information, call Susan Hopewell at 430-6044 or Linda Neer at 430-3214. energetic and healthy. She believes that laughter is the miracle drug with only “positive side effects.” Bender is a gerontologist and a certified laugh leader since 2013. For more information, call (951) 334-9730. !"#$%&"'()&*+',-.&/.01 2)&"'3-.4'5)%'2#6-7'89:"07 !"!"#$%&'()*+,-.&#*(/)0*&&!"!(**&,")-.&,*-)/*(.&)+&12 !"3--&4"56(&)+#7("+0*#&"00*8$*,&)+0-7,)+9&:*,);<"(*&= !">".&$?*&#"4*&06;8".#&"#&$?*&0?")+# Seal Beach Community Services, in cooperation with Community Senior Serv, offers weekly hot meals program at the North Seal Beach Community Center, 3333 St. Cloud Dr. The center is open from 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Monday-Friday. Lunch is served weekdays at 11:15 a.m. Arrive by 11 a.m. to check in at the front desk. Reservations are not needed. Sugar-free desserts are offered on request. Suggested donation, $3 for seniors 60 and older, $5 for all others. For more information,call (714) 893-3581. The Los Alamitos senior lunch and bread program offers the same menu from 11:15-11:30 a.m., Monday-Friday, at the Los Alamitos Youth Center, 10909 Oak St. Suggested donation: $3$5 for seniors, $5 for people 59 or younger. For reservations, call 430-1073, ext. 526. The month’s menu is posted on the bulletin boards in each clubhouse. Monday, Oct. 5: Roast turkey with gravy, rosemary smashed potatoes, spinach, cranberry sauce, sugar-free fruited gelatin. Tuesday, Oct.6: Cream of spinach soup, breaded pollack, seasoned orzo, wheat roll and margarine, pineapple chunks. Wednesday, Oct.7: Egg drop soup, Asian chicken salad with red peppers, carrots, broccoli and sesame seeds, Oriential sesame ginger dressing, fresh fruit. Thursday, Oct. 8: Sloppy Joe sandwiches on wheat bun, baked sweet potato fries, Brussels sprouts, fruit for salad. Friday, Oct. 9: Pork salsa verde, Mexican vegetable rice, black beans, tortilla,orange juice. @A D)/"'-".*7-'0.&"'$%::*#"$'E'/%0-'/)&" !"#$%&'(")*$+,"-.(/01""'%1&$23(4(.2&-3+52.(%1&$23 /(6&.1255,(3&7".8(/(9&-"3(/:+"%$&'(52#"23(&;&$'&<'" !"#$%&'&!#()*%#($&'&!+),-. ;<=>?'@A<B=>C> 2)4F'B'G&#F'A'.F/F'B'<HIC':F/F J==J'K)*+"4'L.#4'L).+'M4'7-"'D".*7-'N.&"'N"47"& Parkinson’s Support Group The Leisure World Parkinson’s Support Group will meet at 1:30 p.m., today, Thursday, in Clubhouse 3, Room 6. A guest speaker is scheduled. Light refreshments will be served. For more information, call Sally Steenbergen at 296-5208. Yoga, Meditation, Tai Chi Classes are offered from 9:30-11 a.m. on Saturdays upstairs in Clubhouse 6. Paul Pridanonda teaches students to free the mind and spirit using laughter, thought-sharing and the slow and steady flow of tai chi movements. A meditation for relief, healing and energy ends the class. For more information, call 493-6719. Walking Group The group meets at 6 p.m., Monday, in front of the Amphitheater for a one-hour walk. The activity is not strenuous, but residents should check with their doctors if they have been recently ill. Bad weather will cancel the walk. For more information, call 799-3841. Monday Yoga Classes are offered from 5:30-6:30 p.m. in Clubhouse 4, Section C; fee: $5 per session. For more information, call Pat Castaneda at 225-0273. Yoga Classes are offered Tuesdays at 10 a.m. in the Clubhouse 4 Lobby; Thursdays at 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 1; and Saturdays, 10 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. The fee is $5 per session. For more information, call Connie Adkins at 506-5063. Seniors Keeping Fit Low-impact cardio dance and hand weight classes are held at 6 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays, in Clubhouse 6. Workouts include stretching, aerobic exercises and strength training to exercise DVDs. No fees required. For more information, call (310) 489-2390. Ageless Grace A new anti-aging class is offered from 4:30-5:30 p.m. on Mondays in Clubhouse 6, upstairs. The cost is $5 per class. Kathy Streng leads the class, which consists of 21 movements practiced in a chair for greater stability. The cost is $25 for eight sessions, or $5 a class. For more information, call Streng at (213) 225-6750. Stick, Qigong, Tai Chi Club Stick exercises, qigong and tai chi chih classes are held from 9:15-11 a.m. on Tuesdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. For more information call Joann Mullens at 596-3936. Vini Yoga Therapy With Mat The Friday class with mat meets from 10:30-11:30 a.m in Clubhouse 3, Room 7. All shareholders are welcome. Matthew Spencer is the instructor. Show and flow yoga with instructor Travis Ott-Conn meets Wednesdays from 10:30-11:30 a.m. in Clubhouse 3, Room 6. Bring mats. The cost is $5 per class. For more information, call Patti Endly at 430-7291. Upper Body Strength Class One-hour classes are offered from 11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Clubhouse 6. (Participants do not have to go both days.) The fee is $4 per class, payable at the start of the month, or $5 a class for those who do not attend regularly. Participants engage in warm-ups, light weight lifting, standing yoga poses for balance improvement (no mat needed), moderate aerobic moves and cool-downs. All levels of ability are welcome. For more information, call Dorothy Anderson at 493-0609. Movement for Health-Medical Qigong Qigong classes are held from 9-10 a.m. Thursdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, except the fourth Thursday of the month, when the class is held in Clubhouse 3, Room 9, at the same time. Sessions begin with a meditation tea service. For more information, call Catherine Millot at 760-4549 HLAA Hearing device demo planned A free hands-on hearing assistive technology demonstration will be offered from 10 a.m.-noon on Friday, Oct. 16, at Weingart Senior Center, 5220 Oliva Ave., Lakewood. The Hearing Assistive Technology Committee (HAT) and Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) Long Beach/ Lakewood chapter, provide the event on the third Friday of the month except June, July and August. Sam Moghadam, a hearing instrument specialist will be present to assist with hearing aids. For additional information, call 630-6141 or visit www. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS RELIGION St. Theodore 7 First Christian Church Rev. Rotchford will celebrate Holy Communion Members view film on Olympic hero First Christian Church held a of the church. potluck dinner on Sept. 19 in the Jeanne Morris will read chapel. Those who came brought Sripture from Daniel 9:24-25. entrées, salads and desserts. That will be followed by Jerry The Rev. Lisa Rotchford will After the potluck the congreTester’s solo. be the celebrant for Holy Commugation viewed “Unbroken,” a Pastor Gene Cherryholmes nion on Sunday at St. Theodore documentary on the life of Louis will bring the message “The Time of Canterbury Episcopal Church. Zamperini. of Christ’s Coming” continuing In her sermon she will be He was an Olympic war hero the current series on prophecy. concentrating on the illuminating who survived on a raft for 47 days Prayer and verse-by-verse book of Hebrews in the Bible. with two other crewmen. Bible studies during the week are Reader for the First Lesson Rev. Lisa Rotchford Later, they were sent to a on Tuesdays with Pastor Humes will be Betty Hobbs and for the prisoner of war camp, a true and Thursdays with Pastor Cherpicture (no animals are allowed Second Lesson, Jeannie Brueggestory of survival, resilience and ryholmes, both at 9:30 a.m. in the clubhouses). mann. The Calvary Chapel group, The service will begin at redemption of the human spirit. Prayers of the People will be Elder Jack Frost will hold led by Pastor Phil O’Malley, 10:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse 3 read by Lorna Miller-Kaplan. meets at 6 p.m. on Thursdays. Sunday is also St. Francis Day, lobby, followed by a coffee hour Bible study at 9 a.m. this Sunday followed by fellowship in the Contact Sue Dougherty at and Rev. Rotchford will perform in Room 9. There will be no service of hospitality room at 9:30 with light a blessing of the animals. 430-5170 for information on Those who want to have their morning prayer on Wednesday, refreshments. Wednesday’s home study. Pastor Bruce Humes will pets blessed should bring in a Oct. 7. Hearing enhancements are open worship service at 10:15 available at all church functions. Holy Family Church a.m. with praise, prayer a For more information, call 30/60/90,000 Mile Service Save $20.00 Any and 4 Tire Purchase Jerry Tester scripture reading. The congrega- With the church office at 431-8810 on this coupon only. 5/31/10. tion will join Margaret Humes in Expires • Up to 5 Qts. of 5w/30 Oil • New Oil Filter Mondays, or Fridays Anita Ragole. Not valid with other service offers. TransmissionWednesdays Saver Total cars and light trucks. • Lubrication of Chassis Parts upon Request • Install New Brake Parts hymns of worship.The choir will Most between 9-11 a.m. or leave a mesElder Jack Frost will prescars and other vehicles extra. • The Rotate 4 Tires • Install New Air & New Fuel Filters Fluid sage Exchange Service Rev. Msgr. Brian Coghlan, beloved pastor emeritus of Holy sing “I Go Where You Want Me Foreign Valid at Cypress and both at other times and the call ent Communion service. All are Los Alamitos locations only. • True or monthly Resurface Rotors • Drain/Fill Radiator with 2 Gallons of 50/50 Family Church, died Sept. 24. The Little Flower Guild’s To Go” under the direction of invited, including non-members will be returned. Anti-Freeze (Parts & Labor) • Complete Transmission Fluid Exchage card party scheduled for today, Oct. 1, has been • cancelled. Inspect Hydraulic System • Install New Spark Plugs (1 per Cylinder) Including Torque Converter and All Cooler Lines and parishioners are invited to provide a favor• Instead Set Timingmembers • Adjust Idle Speed Salvation Army • Exchange Fluid in Entire System Unit Fluid Add ite dish for a potluck reception in Clubhouse 2•that willFluid followastheRequired* is Clean • Up to 17 Qts. (Add 1 quarts extra charge) PLATINUM PLUGS & SOME FILTER TYPES funeral Mass to celebrate Msgr. Brian’s life and legacy. • Nationwide Warranty • Inludes Waste Disposal Fee. REQUIRE EXTRA TheMAY Mass will start at 11CHARGE a.m. at Holy Family Church. Bring food to the clubhouse between 10-10:30 a.m. Jill Ayars will greet people at piano. Cherrie Green will bring The Home League of the SalPurchase All are invited to attend the Mass and then proceed to the reception. vation Army will meetAny door. A brief business meeting the devotions. at 7 p.m.Tire on the With this coupon only. is planned and October birthdays Refreshments will be furMonday, Oct. 5, in Clubhouse 4. Expires 5/31/10. *If Applicable. Includes $3 hazardous disposal fee. *If Applicable. With this coupon only. 5/31/10. Not valid be with celebrated. other service offers. will Calling LW Library? nished byExpires Velma Salvagio and An evening of sing-along Special diesel oil and filters extra. With this coupon only. With this coupon only. Expires 5/31/10. Not valid with other service offers. Most cars and light trucks. Expires 5/31/10. Not valid with other service offers. Most cars and light trucks. Foreign cars and Most cars and light trucks. Foreign cars and and Leone ForeignA carshymn and other vehicles extra. sing will be held served by Ann Hause music will be provided by Leanna Most cars and light trucks. Foreign cars and other vehicles extra. extra. Valid at Cypress and both other vehicles extra. Valid at Cypress and both Valid at Cypress and both Dial Direct, 598-2431 other vehicles Valid at Cypress and both Los Alamitos locations only. Los Alamitos locations only. with Barbara Chambers at the Metros. Los Alamitos locations only. Los Alamitos locations only. Sharon. Why Pay Dealer Pricing? $ Any Brake Service Lowest Tire Prices In Town! Any Transmission Service .00 40 OFF 20 OFF 40 OFF $ 20 OFF .00 $ .00 $ .00 Reception for Rev.Msgr Coghlan is today $ 10 Co Ou D O Let 1 Oi $ .00 Sing-along music planned OFF on Oct. 5 in CH4 Includ • Drai Qual • Insta • Tire • Air P Includes and filters Not valid with F Valid at C We Will Beat Any Tire Prices 562-799-1777 562-430-7559 LW Registered Residents 55+ Only Expires: Two weeks from publication CERRITOS AVE. Including: Costco, Walmart, America’s Tire, BigBlvd. O and Philips. 11121 Los Alamitos Over 20 Years Serving the Community 3400 Cerritos Ave. Free Flat Repair LOS ALAMITOS #1 BALL ROAD Super Works Lube, Oil & Filter • Drain, Refill with up to 5 qts. of Quality Valvoline Oil (5W30 wt) • Install New Filter • Tire Rotation • Air Pressure Check • Top off All Fluids • 12 Point Visual Inspection • Conventional oil only 9 $ 99 Expires: Two weeks from publication Save $20.00 Includes $3 Hazardous Disposal Fee. Special Diesel Oil & Filters extra. With this coupon only. Most cars and light trucks. Foreign cars and other LW Residents only. vehicles extra. Valid at Los Alamitos locations only. VALLEY VIEW KATELLA BLOOMFIELD CERRITOS AVE. LOS ALAMITOS BLVD. CHESTNUT KATELLA LOS ALAMITOS #2 VALLEY VIEW BALL ST. CERRITOS AVE. LOS ALAMITOS BLVD. MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:30am - 6:00pm • SATURDAY: 7:30am - 5pm • SUNDAY: 9am - 4pm CYPRESS 714-826-1970 4005 Ball Rd. Lifetime is Back $ 299 99 For Lifetime Alignment Expires: Two weeks from publication LW Residents only. Mon. - Fri. 7:00 am - 6:00 pm Sat. 7:00 am - 5:00 pm Sunday - 9:00 am - 4:00 #1 In Tires! #1 In Service Free LW Shuttle INS ON SEE We Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 8 NEWS Congregation Sholom Redeemer Lutheran Weekly schedule begins on Oct. 2 with Shabbat service Weekend services at Congregation Sholom by Rabbi-Cantor Galit Levy-Slater begin with Shabbat services at 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 2, in the Clubhouse 3 Lobby, followed by an Oneg Shabbat in Room 9. The Saturday service on Oct. 3 will include reading the Torah, beginning at 9:30 a.m. The Kiddush will follow in Room 7, with a discussion of the Torah reading after the Kiddush. A Sukkah (a temporary structure, symbolic of dwelling in the desert) will be set up outside of Clubhouse 3, Room 8. Services for the Simchat Torah (rejoicing in the law) including Yiskor (memorial for loved ones) will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 6, in Clubhouse 3 Room 9. Those unable to attend services may log on to Sim Shalom, an online synagogue at at 4 p.m., Thursday, for a brief Arvit (evening) service. Services can be accessed every afternoon at 4. The service by Rabbi Galit-Levy-Slater is on Thursdays. Sim Shalom’s services can also be accessed from Rabbi LevySlater’s website, Hebrew classes are suspended until after the High Holidays and will resume on Oct. 13. For more information, call 493-2680 or 715-0888. SBCSL Two early services planned Sunday The Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living will meets for services at 9 a.m. and 11 this Sunday. The church is located at 500 Marina Drive, Seal Beach. Everyone is welcome. On Tuesday evenings through Nov. 10, classes on spiritual practices are held from 6:30-9 p.m. The instructor is Annemarie Lovdahl. The cost is $175 plus $45 for a certificate. The 10-week class explores such spiritual practices as meditation, affirmative prayer, chanting, and forgiveness. A foundations class continues on Fridays through Nov. 20. It will be held from 9:30 a.m.-noon. Every Sunday, licensed practitioners are available for a short spiritual mind treatment for anyone in need of someone to confide in. For more information, call 598-3325. Karlton Residential Care *+,-./0$123456$ 789.3:$;/<=4.-4>?@A$B4-43C.,$,35$$ D4-8>0$E-F,.>45$G,>4$,C$;HH8>5,I/4$J>.K4@L !"#$%&"'(")$*"+",*%-+./".$'*"$)"$'*"0$11'&%.23 !"4(5"+6$'."+")*//"+((/((1/&."62"$'*"&'*(/3 7+88".$"9%(0'(("$'*"-/*2"+))$*9+68/"(:$*.;./*1"*/(,%./"0+*/3 !"#$%$&'(%""!) <"1%8/(")*$1"=>"6/.?//&"@+88/2"@%/?"+&9"A&$.. BCDE">3"F+88"G$+9H"4&+:/%1""=%03"IBJCJJJKLE !@%(%."'("+."???35+*8.$&0+*/30$13 Propane Tanks Filled RV’s Welcome ROSSMOOR SHUTTLE SERVICE HOME AUTOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE • SERVICE • REPAIRS RUSS CONKLE 76 SERVICE AUTO REPAIR, TIRES, BATTERIES 12071 Seal Beach Blvd. At Bradbury Rossmoor Shopping Center (562)493-4581 SMOG CHECK $ 29.95* Must Present Coupon MOST CARS EXPIRES 10/31/15 PLUS $8.25 CERF. *1995 & OLDER CARS PLUS $10.00 Starting Problems FREE BATTERY TEST EXPIRES 10/31/15 OIL CHANGE AND FILTER UP TO 5 QTS. MOTOR OIL MUST PRESENT COUPON EXPIRES 10/31/15 MOST CARS No other discount applies 17.76 $ Plus HW Fee & Taxes Pastor Moore will speak on soft, hard hearts SHERI LEMING shown with husband, Gary, will teach Bible study Wednesdays this month at Faith Christian Assembly. Faith Christian Assembly Sheri Leming will teach Bible study For the month of October, Pastor Sheri Leming of Faith Christian Assembly will teach the mid-week Bible study on, “Where is my Sanctuary?” The group will meet in the Garden Room at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays. The Faith Fellowship Group meets at 11 a.m. on Tuesdays in the Garden Room for games and fellowship. Bring lunch. The church is located just outside the St. Andrews gate. To receive a free newsletter and for more information, call 5989010 or visit LW Baptist Church Missionaries to the Marines will visit church on Sunday Members of Leisure World Baptist Church will experience a special day on Sunday when missionaries Gene and Marilyn Smith pay a visit. Missionaries to the Marines at Camp Pendleton, they began their work for Navigators over 30 years ago when he left a career in the Air Force. Their work with the Marines includes Sunday services and spending time in counseling and encouraging them. A long friendship with missionaries Jim and Sue DeVries will be renewed at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 7, in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. The couple worked with OC International for almost 50 years and now leads a program that ministers to missionaries to help and guide them with life decisions. Many that they trained as young people are now retiring. Sunday school meets at 8:40 a.m., followed by the morning service at 9:45. Pastor Rolland Coburn’s Communion Sunday message will be from Genesis 25, titled, “Gathered to His People.” All are welcome. For more information, call 430-2920. Holy Family Church Readings for Sunday church services Holy Family Catholic Church will observe the 27th Sunday in ordinary time on Oct. 4 The Sunday’s readings: First reading: Genesis 2: 1824; second: Hebrews, 2:9-11. The Gospel: Mark 10: 2-16 or Mark 10:2-12. The church celebrates Sunday Mass at 8 a.m., 10 a.m. and noon. The Vigil Mass is 5 p.m. on Saturday; and daily Mass begins at 8:30 a.m., Monday-through Saturday. Confessions are heard from 4-4:45 p.m. Saturdays and eves of holy days and at 7:15 a.m. on first Fridays. ••• To inquire about becoming Catholic, the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), call the parish office at 430-8170. A new group will start soon. ••• Women and Men of Grace, the Parish prayer group, meets from 10:30-11:45 a.m. on Wednesdays in the Church rectory. ••• A Bible discussion group meets from 10-11 a.m. on Tuesdays in the Holy Family rectory. Dr. Scott Hahn’s commentary on the gospel of Mark will be used for discussion. “What Will It Be, Soft or Hard Hearts?” That’s the question that will be asked by Pastor Gil Moore in this Sunday’s sermon at Redeemer Lutheran Church. His Scripture text will be Mark 10:2-12. Greeters will be Pam Smithson and Linda Wilson and Beverly Hansen will be guest organist. Altar flowers will be provided by Jean Ackerman in memory of her husband. A coffee in the fellowship hall follows the service. The congregation will receive new members on Oct. 25 during its reformation festival service. An orientation meeting for those who want to review the fundamentals of the Christian faith will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 15, in the conference room. The Bible class meets at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesdays in the fellowship hall to continue the study of the parables of Jesus. Website for the congregation is available at The Respite Center offers adult day care on Tuesdays and Thursdays. For more information and registration call 596-1209. Community Church Rummage sale set for today and tomorrow Community Church will hold a rummage sale from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. today,Thursday, and Friday, Oct. 2. The sale will includes furniture, housewares, clothing, jewelry, books, holiday and household decorations and art. The patio café will be open to sell coffee and home-baked goodies. The church is grateful for the people of Leisure World who have made donations to the rummage sale. The church enjoys a good partnership with the thousands of shoppers and many volunteers who continue to make the rummage sales a great success. This Sunday is World Communion Sunday. Worship services begin at 9:50 a.m. Pastor Don Roe will preach a sermon titled, “Followers to the Table.” The Scripture reference is Mark 2:13-20. In keeping with the special day, Holy Communion will be served. A coffee fellowship hour will follow the service. Late Paper? If your copy of the Golden Rain News is not delivered by 9 a.m., call 430-0534 between 9 and 10 with your mutual and apartment number. A paper will delivered shortly after 10. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS 9 ARTS & LEISURE LW Coin Club Donate foreign coins for student outreach The Leisure World Coin Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 14 in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. There will be a DVD on the 1794 dollars from the ANA library. Everyone is invited to attend. There will be the 50/50 drawing, a coin raffle, and another drawing for numismatic prizes. New Members and guests receive a small gift for attendance. Members are encouraged to bring coins for the coin auction. Leisure World residents who have foreign coins remaining from their travels are encouraged to donate them to the Coin Club. Members distribute them to students at Oak Middle School as part of the outreach program during National Coin Week. Members share their collections to foster an interest in coin collecting. For more information, call Dennis Nesteby at 445-6561. Dancers & Mixers Early Halloween party is Oct. 6 Ray and The Idols Let the Good Times Roll Spaghetti Sock Hop will feature Ray and the Idols The Let the Good Times Roll Club will host a spaghetti dinner fund raiser at 5 p.m. this Saturday, Oct. 3, in Clubhouse 2. The Spaghetti Sock Hop will feature dancing to the music of Ray and the Idols and Frank Destra’s renowned spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Ray and the Idols are considered one of Southern California’s best rock’n’roll bands. Tickets include a complete Italian dinner followed by a rollicking dance party. This is the club’s annual fund raiser. Admission will be limited to those who have purchased or reserved tickets. “With a lot of hard work by our club members, we can put on this great evening of rock and roll along with a fantastic dinner,” says club president Frank Destra. In addition to paying the band, the funds are used to produce the club’s bi-monthly shows. There will also be a 50/50 drawing. The aroma of spaghetti and meatballs will greet guests when the doors open at 5 p.m. Club members will have the round tables decorated, and dinner will be served starting at 5:30. The live music will be from 6:30-9:30. The main course will be Destra’s homemade spaghetti and meatballs. In addition, there will be salad with ranch or Italian dressing, garlic bread and spumoni for dessert. Bottled water and wine will be provided, and coffee and ice will be available. Guests are welcome to bring other beverages if they prefer. Ray and the Idols is known to many residents from their previous appearances here last January. Everyone who loves 50s and 60s music will enjoy this music for GRF WEEKLY DANCE—The Golden Rain Foundation sponsors a weekly dance on Saturdays from 7-10 p.m. in Clubhouse 1. The Jim Gilman Band will play Oct. 3. dancing and listening. There will be music for line dances, circle dances, slow dances, twists, and every rock ’n’roll step imaginable because Ray and the Idols play all the great songs for dancing. Come enjoy the party, and meet new and old friends. Tickets are $15. Call Frank and Martha Destra at 431-6368 to purchase them. The News 430-0534 The Dancers & Mixers Club will celebrate an early Halloween from 7-9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 6, in Clubhouse 4. Everyone is welcome. Come in costume, and bring favorite beverages and snacks. Partners are not needed as there is some line dancing and a mixer. Live music will be provided by Linda Herman; 50/50 tickets will be sold. Admission is $1 for members and $3 for guests. September’s dance celebrated the club’s anniversary with sandwiches provided by the club. Linda Herman played the music. Grace and Bill Lesher greeted people at the door. Marian and Dave Lufitz, and John Hayes and Linda Herman decorated the hall. For more information, call 431-1257. Enter Laughing Comedy improv class resumes today Mary Galliani, president of Enter Laughing, announced that Enter Laughing classes will resume at 10 a.m., today, Oct. 1, in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. Classes are held on the first and third Thursdays of the month. Enter Laughing is a comedy-improv class open to all. Come and audit the class. For more information, call Galliani at 430-1388. 10 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS LW Dance Clubs, Classes LEISURE WORLD Dixieland Jazz Band Dixieland Jazz Band Free Dixieland Jazz concert is set for Oct. 7 in CH 4 The Leisure World Dixieland Jazz Band will present a free concert of old Dixieland standards at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 7, in Clubhouse 4. At the turn of the 20th century, a new kind of sound was born in New Orleans. It was “good time” music to make people happy. It’s appeal was so immediate that the music soon swept the country and then circled the globe. It was not so much a kind of music as a style of playing, essentially a way of playing the melody with a beat. The band will have parasol paraders marching to that happy beat. People are welcome to join in or dance. There will be coffee available at intermission and a 50/50 drawing. The annual election of officers will be held at the December club meeting and concert, so nominations are in order. Members are needed to volunteer for president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. GRF Movie ‘Ben Hur’ will be shown at 2 on Oct. 4 “Ben Hur,” not rated, will be shown at 2 p.m. on Oct. 4 in Clubhouse 4. Charlton Heston plays Judah Ben-Hur, a proud Jew who runs afoul of ambitious boyhood friend Messala (Stephen Boyd) in this 1959 epic that boasts an unforgettable chariot race and earned 11 Oscars, including Best Picture, Best Actor (Heston) and Best Director (William Wyler). Condemned to life as a slave, Judah swears vengeance against Messala and escapes, later crossing paths with a gentle prophet named Jesus. I SPEAK FLUENT MEDICARE Personal attention is everything, together let’s find a plan that fits your needs. I make house calls . Office hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 9 a.m. till noon at the Health Care Center on Golden Rain Road Joe Koteras (562) 547-2913 Barbara Houck Quilting Bees Barbara Houck to teach quilting class At the request of several residents, the Quilting Bees will be offering a five-week class for beginning quilters starting at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 7, in the lobby of Clubhouse 3. Topics covered include the history of quilting, and basic tools and fabric. Handouts will be provided. The second class will be held Wednesday, Oct. 14, at the same time and place. Topics will include patterns and their names, colors, cutting and sewing. Handouts will be provided. The third class will be a field trip Wednesday, Oct. 21, to M&L Fabrics. The class cover how to select fabrics for particular projects. Classes four and five will be held at 1 p.m. on Oct. 28 and Nov. 4, in the Sewing Room of Clubhouse 3. Members will learn how to use cutting tools, Quilting Bees equipment and become familiar with the sewing machines to start their projects. See QUILTING, page 13 The following is a partial list of dance classes and clubs available weekly in Leisure World: • Ballet: The one-hour class is held at 1:30 p.m. on Saturdays in Clubhouse 6, second floor. No experience is necessary. Men and women, including beginners, are welcome. Wear comfortable clothing. Classes, taught by Mel Lockett, are $3 each. For more information, call Diana Winkler at 493-0139 or Lynn R. Heath at 296-5588. • Dance Club: Calling all zombies to learn the dance steps to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller.” The class will be taught by Jeremy Pierson from 6:30-7:30 p.m. on Wednesdays in Clubhouse 6, Room C, until the Halloween party on Oct. 31 in Clubhouse 4. The cost is $6 per class. A social dance sampler of basics in swing, rumba, cha-cha, tango, salsa, waltz and foxtrot is taught from 6:15-7:15 p.m. on Fridays in Clubhouse 6, Room C, followed by a West Coast Swing class from 7:15-8:15 p.m. The cost is $6 per session. For more information, call Pierson at 999-1269. • Dancing Feet Club: The club hosts ballroom and line dancing from 6-9:30 p.m. every fourth Sunday of the month in Clubhouse 2. A line dance lesson starts at 6 p.m., followed by ballroom dancing from 7-9:30 p.m. Admission is free. People may bring drinks and snacks. There will be 50/50 raffles. For more information, call Ed Bolos at (551) 998-4223. • Flowering Step Line Dance: Free classes are held at 11 a.m. on the first and third Tuesdays in the lobby of Clubhouse 3; and at 10 a.m. on the second and fourth Tuesdays in Clubhouse 2. YoungAh Ko is the instructor. For more information, call (310) 658-0379 or 296-8068. •Fun Exercise Line Dance Club: Intermediate line dance meets from 10:30-11:30 a.m. on Wednesdays in Clubhouse 6, Room C; membership is $10 a year. For information, call Suzanne Ahn, 594-6575. • Grapevine Line Dance: The Grapevine Line Dance class meets from 3-5 p.m. on Thursdays in Clubhouse 6, Room C (beginners, 3-4 p.m.; intermediates, 4-5 p.m.) and from 1-3 p.m. on Fridays in the Clubhouse 3 lobby (beginners, 1-2 p.m.; intermediate-advanced, 2-3 p.m.). Classes are free; people may join any time. Newcomers and dancers who need review should attend the beginners class from 1-2 p.m. on Friday. For more information, call Jack or Aranee Carrigan at 596-8273. • Hui O Hula: Hula lessons are offered at 10 a.m. on Mondays and at 1:15 p.m. on Tuesdays upstairs in Clubhouse 6. For more information, call 252-9676. • International Folk Dance Club: The group meets at 10:30 a.m. on Fridays in the lobby of Clubhouse 3. Learn easy line and circle dances from around the world. Beginners are welcome. • Joyful Line Dance Club: The club meets from 3:30-5 p.m. on Wednesdays in the lobby of Clubhouse 3 and at the same time for practice on Fridays in the Amphitheater. No membership is required. For more information, call Anna Derby at 301-5339. • Kang Nam Line Dance: Korean folk dance is taught by Grace Lee from 9:30-10:45 a.m., followed by Aranee Carrigan teaching line dance from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. in Clubhouse 2. No experience is necessary. To sign up or for more information, call Philip Bak, 431-0321. • Leisure Time Dancers: The club meets Mondays for ballroom dance classes in Clubhouse 6. Learn the waltz at 2 p.m. and the cha-cha, at 3 p.m. Singles and couples are welcome. Dancers rotate, so partners are not required. Cost is $6 for one hour, or $10 for two hours. For more information, call Richard Sharrard at 434-6334. • Leisure World Cloggers: The club meets at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesdays for advanced and intermediate students and at 10:30 a.m. for beginners in the Amphitheater. For more information, call Betty Currie at 598-9974. • Leisure Whirlers Square and Round Dance Club: Halloween will be the theme for the Leisure Whirlers’ party from 6:30-9:30 p.m. tomorrow, Oct. 2, in Clubhouse 4. Bring ghoulish finger-food for the potluck. Pre-rounds will be held from 6:30-7 p.m. Square and round dances will be alternated from 7-9 p.m. The potluck and socializing starts at 9 p.m. after the dancing. Singles and couples are welcome. There will be a singles rotation so everyone can dance. Parties are $6. For more information, call Lenore Velky at 237-2682. • Line Dance: Novice beginners meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays in Clubhouse 6; a beginners class is offered at 10:30 a.m. on Mondays in Clubhouse 1; $3 per class. Barbara Magie is the instructor. • Line Dance: Advanced beginners meet at 10 a.m. on Thursdays in Clubhouse 3, Room 6; $3 per class. • Saturday Morning Dance Club: Learn the salsa or bolero from 9-10 and the bolero or the Peabody from 10-11 on Saturdays in Clubhouse 1. Classes are taught by Candi Davis; dancers rotate, so partners are not required. Sessions are $5 each. • Suede Sole Dancers: The group meets at 6 p.m. on Sundays for a class upstairs in Clubhouse 6. Everyone is welcome. Pat Erickson is the instructor. The club has a dance troupe that performs in the area. For more information, contact Anna Derby, 301-5339. • Tap Dance: The Leisure World Theater Club Tap Dancers meet from 9-10 a.m. on Thursdays on the Amphitheater stage. Some tap or dance experience is helpful but not required. The cost is $5. For information, call instructor Louise Guest, 756-2078. • Velvetones Jazz Club Dance: The band plays dance music at 5:30 p.m. on the first Sunday of the month and at 6 p.m. on the third Friday in Clubhouse 4. • Zumba Club: Instructor Stef Sullivan teaches dance steps inspired by salsa, merengue, cha-cha, raggaeton, Cumbia, Bollywood, jazz, hip-hop and disco. Classes, $3, are held at 5:30 p.m. on Mondays, 8:30 a.m. on Tuesdays, 5 p.m. on Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m. on Thursdays and Fridays, 11 a.m. on Saturdays and 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. Classes are held in Clubhouse 6, except the Thursday class, which meets in Clubhouse 3. For information, call Mary Romero at 431-0082. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS 11 Theater Club Club celebrates birthday of acclaimed LW pianist —Sam Sher, photo ASTRONOMY CLUB—Mike Clairmont, president, and club member Richard Erickson set up the telescope. Astronomy Club THEATER CLUB—The Leisure World Theater Club members surprised Carol Robinson , one of the best-known piano accompanists in LW music circles, with a surprise birthday party at the Sunday Night Ballroom Dance Group. Robinson’s actual birthday is Sept. 24, and she enjoys “being a lady in her 70s.” Robinson is one of those ladies, who helps out wherever she can and always plays the piano with a willing heart and upbeat spirit. LW Opera Club Friends of the Library ‘The Flying Dutchman’ is featured Cookbook sale The Leisure World Opera Club will meet at 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 6, in Clubhouse 3, Room 1. Part I of “The Flying Dutchman” will be shown. Part II will be shown at 1:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 12, at Clubhouse 3, Room 2. Everyone is invited to come and watch the German opera, an early work by Richard Wagner. There will be an introduction and discussion of the opera before it is shown. The club has been working to improve the quality of the equipment. The opera was first performed in 1843. It is based on an old myth of a phantom sailing ship with blood red sails, condemned by a curse to sail eternally, but to land every seven years. During this time, the captain must try to find a woman whose faithful love of the captain will break the curse. No dues or fees are collected. For more information, call Beverly Emus at 296-5586. Stamp & Collectibles Show-and-tell is Oct. 7 in CH 3 The Stamp and Collectibles Club will meet on at 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 7, in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. Members will show their stamps and other collections, including post cards. People do not have to belong to the club to visit. This month, Tony Laspada will bring in four die cast car model replicas of cars he has owned in my past. He will also have stamp-related items to show. People who have stamps to sell or be appraised are welcome to talk to Laspada or call him at 493-9818. Inc. Energy Solutions O.C.’s #1 5-Star VELUX Specialist NEW red owe olar P Introduces the VELUX® Solar-Powered Venting Skylight Quiet • Clean • 5-year Warranty S Replace your Bath & Kitchen 2’x2’ Skylights with a NO W Solar powered venting skylight with rain sensor with $990 tax the 30%* & remote control. No more poles!!! cr (res Fixed only $350. Dual-pane glass keeps the heat out during trictions edit the day. When closed keeps your home warmer than plastic domes, which do not meet the current building code. appl y) #740408 *Cost to replace is $1,415. Approximately $990 with tax credits. is a LW approved company specializing only in skylights. For great service, call: 714-381-5055 See photos on Facebook- Skylights Plus Inc. is under way Due to two large donations of cookbooks, the Friends of the Library bookstore is drastically cutting prices. Buy one cookbook for half price, get a second book free. The bookstore is across the patio from the library and is open Monday-Friday from 9:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. The NEWS can be read on the Internet at Identifying constellations is topic The Astronomy Club will meet at 7 p.m. on Oct. 7 in Clubhouse 3, Room 3. The topic for talk will be “How to Identify Constellations in the Night Sky.” A DVD titled “The Wonders of Our Universe” will be shown. The evening will also feature night viewing through the club’s 10-inch Dobsonian telescope. Coffee and snacks will be available. All are welcome. For more information, call Mike Clairmont, president, at 860-0902. OLLI at CSULB Brain chemistry class to start Oct. 5 Holly Weber, Leisure World resident, will teach a six-week course called Feel Great Again: Understand and Maximize Your Brain Biochemistry at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, CSULB main campus, Room 101. Classes will be held from 1:30-3 p.m. on Mondays from Oct. 5-Nov. 9. Using the research of Eric Braverman, M.D., and others, Weber will cover the four brain types, and the relationship between foods, moods and illnesses. Dr Braverman’s book, “The Edge Effect,” will be used as the text for the course (available on Amazon and at Barnes & Nobel). It has been proven that every person has a dominant brain type. During the course each student will discover her/his dominant brain biochemical and will learn to support that brain type with specific foods and natural supplementation. To register, call 985-8237 or log on to Weber is a registered nurse, certified brain nutritional counselor and psychotherapist. She may be reached for an appointment at 430-8245. Lapidary Club Fusion glass class is Oct. 14 at 9 a.m. The Lapidary Club will host a fusion glass class from 9 a.m.-noon on Wednesday, Oct. 14, in the Clubhouse 4 Lapidary Room. The class will cover making jewelry by fusing glass. This is for beginner and advanced crafters, and is a good way to make something special for a friend or loved one. The class is limited to six people, so each student can have ample time with the teacher. The cost of the class is $10, which includes two large or five small pieces of glass. Sign up for the class at the Lapidary Room. LW Amateur Radio Club The Leisure World Amateur Radio Club will meet at 10 a.m. on Oct. 7 in Clubhouse 3, Room 9. All are welcome to attend. Now Under Same Ownership Seal Beach Chevron Seal West Chevron 4000 Lampson Ave. 2950 Westminster Ave. 562-430-2015 Corner of Lampson/Basswood— Across from Golf Course $19.99* OIL & FILTER CHANGE *Price for most cars, plus $3 hazardous waste fee Up to 5 quarts regular multigrade oil With Coupon • Good through 11/30/15 AUTO SERVICE 562-594-6209 at Seal Beach Boulevard Convenience Store • Hot Food $2.00 Off “The Works” Car Wash With Coupon • Offer expires 11/30/2015 Seal West Chevron 2950 Westminster Ave. CAR WASH Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 12 NEWS Visiting conductor Edwin Outwater LBSO Classical Season The Velvetones Sunday Night Ballroom The Velvetones will play big band dance music Oct. 4 Even though it’s been hot, the calendar shows that fall has arrived. So the Ballroom Dance Group will host an Autumn Splendor dance at 5 p.m. on Oct. 4 in Clubhouse 4. The Velvetones big band, under the direction of Carl Hathaway and featuring vocalists Tess Morales and Tommy Williams, will play music for listening and dancing. Hors d’oeuvres will be available at 5 p.m., with dancing start- CERT Emergency training class to start The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will begin free training sessions for residents from 8 a.m.-noon on Friday, Oct.2 in Clubhouse 4 Section C. The 20-hour course will be taught over five Fridays. Attendance at all five sessions is required to become certified. The program educates people about disaster preparedness for hazards that may impact their area. It also provides training in basic disaster response skills, such as fire, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations. Using the training in the classroom and during exercises, CERT members can assist others in their neighborhood or workplace following and emergency when responders are not immediately available. There is no age limit and Braille student manuals are available. To register, call Eloy Gomez at 431-6586, ext. 356. Dino’s Fine Italian Dining At Affordable Prices Senior Citizen or L.W. Resident Special Every Day, 7 Days A Week! 4:00 - 9:30 P.M. Our Entire Menu Is With Purchase of a Beverage 1/2 Price Excludes Beverages, Salads Desserts, Pizzas, Sandwiches, Appetizers or any other Specials. $3.00 fee to share a meal. 6391 WESTMINSTER AVE.,WESTMINISTER• 714-895-3303 del Wesminister Ave. over 405 Fwy., on left next to Big Lots! ing at 5:30 and dinner served at 6. To make reservations, call Shirlene Chavez, 596-2669, or Marge Archibald, 598-4056, by Friday night. Reservations are required. SBTV-3 Programming The following is the SBTV-3 television schedule for the week. Time Warner broadcasts on Channel 3 (subscribers must have a digital box or digital adapter) and Verizon FIOS subscribers can watch it on Channel 37: Thursday, Oct. 1 4 pm Doo Wop Show 5 pm Silver Age Yoga 5:30 pm Inside Leisure World 6 pm Rock the Board 6:30 pm Around Leisure World Library Tour 7 pm Studio Cafe 8 pm McGaugh PSA: Save Our Seas 8:05 CalRTALunch w Fritz Coleman 9:30 pm The Pier Grand Reopening 1985 11 pm Live at the Ford Friday, Oct. 2 4 pm Manea Dancers 5 pm What’s That 5:30 pm Pulse of the Port 6 pm Calvary Chapel 6:30 pm Silver Fox Car Show 7 pm Inside Leisure World 7:30 pm Ocean Perspectives 8:30 pm Midnight Motion Band 9 pm Studio Cafe 10 pm Live at the Ford 11 pm Cerritos Center Saturday, Oct. 3 4 pm Doo Wop 5 pm CalRTALunch w Fritz Coleman 6:30 pm Inside Leisure World 7 pm Studio Cafe 8 pm LAUSD 11 pm Vintage Vehicles 11:30 pm Cerritos Center Sunday, Oct. 4 4 pm Seal Beach City Council Mtg-Replay 9-28 5:30 pm Pulse of the Port 6 pm Vintage Vehicles 7 pm Ocean Perspectives 7:30 pm Beach TV—Talking Points 8:30pm Inside Leisure World 9 pm Studio Cafe 10 pm Beach TV-Concert Series 11 pm Ocean Perspectives Monday, Oct. 5 4 pm Chair Exercises 5 pm Silver Fox Car Show 5:30 pm Midnight Motion Band 6 pm Studio Cafe 7 pm Seal Beach Planning Commission, live Tuesday, Oct. 6 4 pm Rock the Boat 4:30 pm Doo Wop Amphitheater Show 5:30 pm Around Leisure World Library Tour 7 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: Rich Harbour 8 pm Ocean Perspectives See SBTV, page 15 Bus from LW available for LBSO concert series starting Oct. 10 The Long Beach Symphony opens its Classical season Saturday, Oct. 10. The season will begin with returning conductor Edwin Outwater, who currently leads summer concerts at the San Francisco Symphony and directs Ontario’s Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony. Outwater’s rousing performance in Long Beach last November earned him the repeat invitation. Outwater will be joined onstage by Long Beach Symphony’s Concertmaster, Roger Wilkie who celebrates his 25th anniversary with the orchestra. Wilkie will enliven the elegant Spanish motifs of composer Edouard Lalo’s Symphonie espagnole as soloist in the first half of the program to be followed by the entire exhibition suite in 10 movements composed by Modest Mussorgsky and transcribed for orchestra by Maurice Ravel in 1922. The public is invited to join in pre-concert festivities outdoors on the Plaza of the Long Beach Performing Arts Center Terrace Theater, beginning at 6:30 p.m. with a 35-piece trombone ensemble, food and drinks. Outwater’s pre-concert talk will begin at 7 p.m. in the theater with Roger Wilkie and KUSC personality Rich Caparella. Tickets to the Long Beach Symphony’s Classical concerts start at $20. For more information, or to purchase tickets, visit the Symphony’s website at or call 436-3203. A bus is available from the Leisure World Amphitheater. In 2015-16, six classical performances are scheduled for Oct. 10, Nov. 14, Feb. 6, March 5, April 30 and June 4. To subscribe to the series and make reservations to take the bus at 6 p.m. to Terrace Theater, contact Katrena Rainey, 4363203, ext. 220, as soon as possible. The bus reservations are $75 for the series of six. There is a $16, round trip fee for people who want bus transportation to individual concerts. Rainey will take reservations and answer questions about the series. For bus information, call Jan Berliner, (714) 893-3222 or Dolores Volpe at 799-9310. Centennial Spotlight Taste of Seal Beach starts today The City of Seal Beach will celebrate the 100th year of its founding with a yearlong series of events, culminating Oct. 27 with a city-wide party. The following is a partial list of upcoming events: • Taste of Seal Beach: Oct. 1-31, cards on sale now for $20 Get 2015 TOSB cards at City of Seal Beach Recreation Department, 211 8th Street, second floor, or at the Seal Beach Pier from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Book availability is limited. Get over $200 in food offers from popular Seal Beach restaurants. Proceeds support centennial festivities. All restaurant discounts are valid during October. • Fire Station No. 44 Open House: Oct. 10, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., 8th Street and Central Avenue. See equipment that the Orange County Fire Authority uses to protect and serve Seal Beach. There will be a display of antique engines to include a 1929 American LaFrance and a Crown engine from the early 60s. Everyone is invited; kids will be able to sit in the engine driver’s seat for a photo op. A first aid demonstration will also be given, no charge. • Centennial Gala Dinner-Dance: Oct. 10, 6 p.m. Dance the night away at the Old Ranch Country Club overlooking the lake at the first tee with fellow Seal Beach residents and friends. Tickets must be purchased in advance at the Recreation Department, City Hall, 211 Eighth St., Seal Beach. • Joy Zone Carnival, Oct. 24, 11 a.m.-4 p.m., Main Street and Ocean Avenue. Local street fair will have rides, fun zones, bands, food and face painting. Minimal charge for games and rides. • Fireworks on the Pier: Oct 24, 6:30 p.m. Fireworks to celebrate the centennial will be launched from the pier. Bus service will be available for Leisure World and College Park East residents. The fun begins at dusk, no charge. • City Hall Open House and Birthday Cake: Oct. 27, noon-2 p.m. Come meet City Hall management and staff, see and hear what they do, and join in for the official birthday cake on the city’s official birthday date, no charge. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS 13 Community Sing Anita Ragole to lead sing-along this Monday in CH 1 The Community Sing will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 5, in Clubhouse l. Amateur time is first, so prospective amateurs need to sign in at 6 with the emcee with two copies of sheet music, prepared to sing for three minutes only. Group singing, led by Anita Ragole, begins promptly at 7, and will continue until 7:15, when she will introduce Pat Kogok as her half-time guest. On Sept. 21, Margie St. Clair kicked off amateur time with a piano solo, “Some Enchanted Evening.” That was followed by two solos “September Song” and “Every Time We Say Good-Bye,”sung by Ellen Brannigan and Bruce Dupont. Sally Glausser and Byong Choi did “Hernando’s Hideaway” and “Nearer My God” as solos, followed by Vito Villamor with “Prayer of St. Francis” and Peter Sequeira singing “Silver Lining.” Jazz pianist Ben Berg closed Anita Ragole with a lively “Jenny, Jenny, Jenny!” Accompanying pianists were Barbara McIlhaney and Community Karaoke Bob Barnum celebrated birthday with a night of music last week Music and birthday cake filled the Community Karaoke party celebrating Bob Barnum, who is sometimes a substitute for Walt Bier’s Tuesday practice sessions in Clubhouse 6 from 1-3 p.m. Last week there were 30 performers with two outstanding first-time singers, Charlie Guggino singing “I Wrote the Song” and Paul King doing “Up On The Roof.” Byong Choi had people doing the hula while he sang “Blue Hawaii,” and Joe Sabroso’s “Hernando’s Hideaway” got the audience shouting “Ole!” Lots of peppy songs like “Five Foot Two,” “Return To Sender,” “Breaking Up Is Hard To Do” and more got people tapping their toes. Karaoke regulars Ray Jarris, Bob Barnum, Joe Mesner, Mariza Joaquin, Chris Stevens, Mila Cruz, Leila Claudia and Evelyn Delvillor were among the regulars who entertain. Everyone is welcome each Wednesday in Clubhouse 1 at Bob Barnum 5:30 p.m. Bring snacks and drinks, and enjoy the performers or get in rotation to sing. Sept 26 - Oct 24 Carol Robinson. Group singing was off to a rousing start as Lewis Ward led a fine group of Leisure World singers in a selection of old-time favorites that bounced off the rafters. Then at 7:15, he brought out half-time guest artist, the popular soprano soloist Anita Ragole. Her outstanding program included light operetta favorites: “One Alone” and “The Desert Song.” Her ovation showed great approval for an outstanding performance. The accompanist was Pat Kogok. After Felicia introduced two first timers by leading “How Do You Do New Friends,” Lewis did his wrap-up of group singing and then asked everyone to join in on our closing song, “Kum ba Yah.” Thanks to Joe Sabroso, book lender and stage manager; Barbara McIlhaney, pianist; and Felicia Ward, emcee. QUILT From page 10 They will start with a basic rail fence block, and a nine-patch block, then progress to two enhanced nine-patches called Shoofly block and monkey wrench block during these two classes. Class members are welcome to attend club meetings at 9 a.m. every Wednesday before the class. There will be a short business meeting relating to upcoming events, followed by everyone’s favorite part, show-and-tell. Barbara Houck will teach the class using the philosophy taught by Beverly Carlson for the Coastline Community College class. That class resulted in the formation of the quilting club. The cost dis $25 for the five classes, payable to the Quilting Bees. If class members need help after the classes are complete, the other members of the club are available to answer questions or help with anything they might need. Space is limited. To make reservations, call Houck at 596-6925 or Dee McConnell at 430-8271. Kurios from Cirque du Soleil’s new show Cirque du Soleil Kurios opens Oct. 15 in Orange County Kurios—Cabinet of Curiosities—from Cirque du Soleil’s new touring show will perform under the iconic blue-and-yellow big top at the OC Fair and Event Center Oct. 15-Nov. 29, followed in Los Angeles by Cirque du Soleil’s first visit to Dodger Stadium Dec. 10-Feb. 7. This is an exclusive engagement of Kurios for Southern California. Following Dodger Stadium, the show travels on and does not return under the current touring plan. Tickets range in price from $50-$165 and are available at or by calling 1-877-924-7783. The show premiered in Montréal in April 2014 and is Cirque du Soleil’s 35th production. Since its debut, the critics have called it “a dazzling, hyper-detailed, potent, quixotic and generally fantastic show.” The San Francisco Chronicle said “Kurios is the best Cirque du Soleil show in a long time.” Written and directed by Michel Laprise, “Kurios” is a tale in which time comes to a complete stop, transporting the audience inside a fantasy world where everything is possible. In this realm set in the latter half of the nineteenth century, reality is quite relative indeed as human perception of it is utterly transformed. The name of the show refers to the humble and strange characters that inhabit the Seeker’s Cabinet of Curiosities. In an alternate yet familiar past, in a place where wonders abound for those who trust their imagination, a Seeker discovers that in order to glimpse the marvels that lie just below the surface, people must first learn to close their eyes. In his larger-than-life curio cabinet, the Seeker is convinced that there exists a hidden, invisible world – a place where the craziest ideas and the grandest dreams lie waiting. A collection of other worldly characters suddenly steps into his makeshift mechanical world. When the outlandish, benevolent characters turn his world upside down with a touch of poetry and humor in an attempt to ignite the Seeker’s imagination, his curios jump to life one by one before his very eyes. Cirque du Soleil celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2014 and has entertained nearly 150 million spectators in more than 300 cities on six continents. Cirque du Soleil has close to 4,000 employees, including 1,300 performing artists from close to 50 different countries. For more information about Cirque du Soleil, visit www. Why we offer new patients a $1900 exam, x-ray & cleaning special. (Reg. $292) One of our goals is to discover small dental problems before they become big ones. The American Dental Hygienists’ Association estimates that for every dollar spent on preventive care, $8 to $50 is saved in restorative and emergency procedures. Gilbert S. Unatin, D.D.S. Over 37 Years of Experience and Training American Dental Association California Dental Association Harbor Dental Society ✓ Cosmetic Bonding & Veneers ✓ Crowns & Bridges ✓ Dentures ✓ Periodontics (Gum Disease) ✓ Implants Senior Discounts Available Most Insurance Plans Accepted Including Delta Care USA & Scan. Providing Quality Dental Care to Leisure World Residents Since 1975. Gilbert S. Unatin, D.D.S., INC. 562-494-1014 5021 E. Anaheim St 1900-A St. Andrews Dr. • 430-1054 Leisure World Shopping Center • Seal Beach Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 14 NEWS Treasurer’s Column Rumors…what a destructive thing they can be when stated without the full facts. To take figures out of context and without the full back up data and then state flawed conclusions is irresponsible and damaging to many hardworking, conscientious, and honorable people. Shareholders, I would like to tell you exactly what the facts are. Just today, for example, I initialed a charge to Walmart for dryer vents. Now, if a shareholder were to ask to see the check register and were to see this charge, what should they do or think? The responsible thing would be to ask for the backup paper work and not assume something disreputable. The Purchasing Department lead by the Purchasing Manager is doing a fantastic job by shopping for the best prices available…no matter where that may be. Maybe it’s for library books for the Library, cables and monitors for the ITS Department, dryer vents for Service Maintenance, ping pong balls for Recreation or lunch from Subway for an all-day work session of the Board. Every expenditure disbursed by GRF is signed or initialed by myself, Treasurer and/ or Vice President Carole Damoci. Whether it is a check, credit card or debit card, you will find one or both of our signatures or initials. And, you must know by personal experience, that you cannot purchase items online without a credit card. a. Make Payable to: Enter the name of the vendor / store in the shaded area Two questions were asked of me indirectly. My answers are below: b. Select Company: Select Golden Rain Foundation 1. When did the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors approve the use of a Golden Rain Foundation - DEBIT CARD? July 23, 2013 – BOD meeting. c. Check Total: This amount will calculate once you enter the amounts in the Amount column below. 2. Who was given permission to use the Golden Rain Foundation’s - DEBIT CARD? Executive Director provides permission to staff to use the debit card when appropriate. Purchasing Manager has standing authority to use the card, as many purchases for the GRF are procured online. d. Date of Request: Enter the purchase date e. Drawn on: Select Debit Account Below are the procedures followed. f. Purpose or Explanation: enter a brief description 1. Two debit cards exist. One is in the name of the Purchasing Manager and the other is in the name of the Controller. g. GL Acct #: Enter the budget code and cost center 2. The daily purchase limit is $20,000 for the account. h. Amount: Enter the total purchase amount including sales tax as indicated a. $15,000 for the Purchasing Managers card. on your receipt. b. $5,000 for the Controllers card. i. Indicate on the form: ***DEBIT CARD TRANSACTION – EFT*** 3. Before anyone uses the debit card, the transaction is logged onto the debit card log stating: j. Requested by: Enter the name of the requester a. Date of purchase k. Have an authorized signer approve the check request b. Name of the person using the card and responsible for the charge and all its supporting documentation 5. Fill out a separate check request form for each vendor / store. c. 6. Return the card to the appropriate cardholder immediately after returning to the office. 7. If receipts are smaller than 8 ½ x 11, then staple or tape the receipts to an 8 ½ x 11 piece of paper and then staple the page(s) to the check request. 8. Submit the approved check request with attached receipts to Acctg., and request that he enters the transaction(s) onto the Debit Card log. Vendor name d. Amount of the purchase e. Purchase Order number, if applicable f. 4. Short description of the purchase The debit card log clearly displays the balance of the account and is monitored by the cardholder on a daily basis to ensure sufficient funds are available for the next purchase. 5. The maximum amount of funds maintained in the debit card account is $10,000. 6. Funds are replenished when the balance falls below $2,000. 7. Written procedures for staff define the user’s responsibilities when using the card and are posted on the team site for the card user to reference. 8. The user of the card is required to submit all proper forms and backup showing purchase approvals to an Accounting associate within a 24-hour period. 9. The Accounting associate reviews prior day bank activity from the bank website and matches bank transactions to the supporting documents. 10. The Accounting associate follows up / researches any discrepancies or missing documentation. 11. Once all documentation has been reconciled to the bank transactions, the paperwork is submitted to Accounts Payable. 12. Accounts Payable enters the debit card transaction into the AP system and logs the check numbers onto the debit card log. 13. Debit card transactions are submitted with all other live check AP transactions to be reviewed by the Accounting Supervisor, Controller and Executive Director and then to the authorized bank account signers (Treasurer and other officers of the board). 14. At the end of the month, the debit card checking account is reconciled to the bank statement. The documentation that describes this process flow is shown below. These documents were created and procedures were in place prior to the first debit card transaction in 2013. Failure to adhere to these procedures may result in losing your privilege to use the debit card. Usage of the Debit Card Procedures Two debit cards have been issued and kept in a locked drawer as follows: 1. Purchasing Manager 2. Controller The debit card will be used for: 1. Online orders placed by the Purchasing department 2. Telephone orders placed by the Purchasing department 3. Miscellaneous small purchases by various staff members A working spreadsheet has been created to track activity and to act as a check register. This log is shared by both the Purchasing and Finance departments and is maintained in the following file path: 1. Fill out the log for each transaction (responsibility in parentheses): a. Purchase date (Person initiating the purchase) b. Requester (Person initiating the purchase) Debit Card Instructions c. 1. Obtain the debit card and PIN from either Controller or Purchasing Manager. d. PO Number (Person initiating the purchase) 2. Provide an estimated amount of the charge to the cardholder to be placed on the log. e. Requisition Number (Person initiating the purchase) 3. Use the card to purchase authorized purchases and obtain receipts for all purchases. The card must be used as a debit purchase using the PIN. 4. Fill out a check request form located on the Team Site: f. vendor name (Person initiating the purchase) Description (Person initiating the purchase) g. Parts Cost (Person initiating the purchase) h. Shipping Cost (Person initiating the purchase) See TREASURER, page 15 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS TREASURER From page 14 i. Sales Tax (Person initiating the purchase) j. PO Amount (This is a total of parts, shipping & tax) k. A/P Check Date l. A/P Check # 15 m. A/P Amount n. Debit Date o. Debit Amount p. Deposit Date, Details and Amount are used to log deposits and miscellaneous credits. q. Cleared the bank POs must reference the name of the vendor used for the purchase and indicate “debit card” in the vendor box. Responsibilities: 1. Purchasing Manager – update the spreadsheet for each transaction performed. 2. Purchasing Manager – for each purchase, fill out a check request identifying the following: a. Date of purchase b. Vendor name c. PO number d. Total purchase amount e. Indicate on the form: ***DEBIT CARD – EFT*** 3. Purchasing Manager – e-mail the check request to Accounting and copy Accounts Payable and attach: a. The signed PO b. Confirmation, if applicable c. Invoice, if applicable d. Send the packing / receiving document to the Accounts Payable, when the goods arrive. GARDEN CLUB—Sweetpea Nursery donated plant bowls with stands and other gifts for those with green thumbs. Garden Club Suzanne Szabo was club guest The Leisure World Garden Club started its new year in a big way, thanks to Suzanne Szabo from Sweetpea Nursery. Szabo donated two spectacular plant bowls with stands for door prizes. Each member receives a door prize ticket for attending. Two other people took home the fantastic gifts pictured above. Szabo also donated a large number of plant bowls, rose bushes and numerous other plants. Tickets, $20, for the holiday luncheon in December will be sold at the October and November meetings. The Garden Club meets at 1:30 p.m. every third Monday of the month from September through June in Clubhouse 2. Members are encouraged to bring donations of non-perishable food items for We Care, a nonprofit organization that meets the emergency needs of families and individuals. SBTV From page 12 8:30 pm Studio Cafe 9:30 pm Life and Times in Seal Beach: The Lawhead Brothers 11:30 pm Beach TV-Concert Series Wednesday, Oct. 7 4 pm Manea Dancers 5 pm 5:30 pm 6 pm 6:30 pm Silver Fox Car Show Midnight Motion Band Inside Leisure World Life and Times in Seal Beach: The Lawhead Brothers 7:30 pm Beach TV-Talking Points Bob Altman Folk Dance Club Bob Altman is guest teacher Friday in CH 3 Bob Altman will be guest teacher for the International Folk Dance Club on Oct. 2. He is a popular teacher and dancer in Orange County. The class meets every Friday morning at 10:30 in the lobby of Clubhouse 3. All are welcome to learn and dance country dances from many cultures around the world. Beginners are especially welcome. The News 430-0534 Memory Care coming in November 2015! 4. Accounting – pull the prior day activity from SinglePoint to monitor the daily activity and match bank transactions to the entries on the log. 5. Accounting to follow up with Purchasing Manager on any missing documentation or variances. 6. Accounting to provide the Accounts Payable with the complete A/P package (3a – 3c) when all documentation matches the bank transaction. 7. Accounts Payable enters the debit card transactions into Great Plains and processes EFT payments from the Debit Card checking account. 8. Purchasing Manager – notifies the Controller when the account balance reaches $2,000. 9. Controller performs a book transfer to fund the account when needed. The account balance is funded to $10,000. 10. Accounting – post the book transfer in the acctg. system 11. Accounting reconciles the monthly bank statement to the GL for the debit card checking account. In closing, Vice President, Carole Damoci and myself spend many hours every week signing checks and initializing all debit/credit card expenditures. So when a shareholder accuses GRF of malfeasance, then they are in fact accusing me. I do not sign or authorize any expenditure lightly and I take full responsibility for all disbursements. Please be responsible and think twice before you listen or pass along unfounded rumors. If you have a question regarding any aspect of the disbursement of funds, please give me the courtesy of asking me. My email is [email protected]. We partner to meet your needs at every level. Together, we offer to you • Independent living, assisted living, skilled nursing and memory care. • Platinum Service®, our unique commitment to excellence in resident and guest services • FIT Functional Fitness™, our personalized functional fitness program emphasizing core strength and balance • Life enriching activities and programs • Wellness clinic directed by our Medical Director and Director of Nursing Services that focus on medical, social, mental and spiritual well-being • Respite care, which allows for short-term stay to give you peace of mind knowing that your loved one will be cared for while you take time to care for yourself • Skilled nursing services specializing in wound and post-operative care • Full service rehabilitation 7 days a week Linda Stone Treasurer Golden Rain Foundation 3952 KATELLA AVE LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 562-596-2773 WWW.KATELLASENIORLIVING.COM #300602548 3902 KATELLA AVE LOS ALAMITOS, CA 90720 562-596-5561 WWW.ALAMITOSWEST.COM #060000076 Platinum Service® Communities Managed by The Goodman Group, a leader in senior living and health care for 50 years. 16 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS COMMUNITY Minibus Orientation Learn how to get around LW Cathie Merz, staff photo SUNSHINE CLUB—Anna Derby, president of Sunshine Club, presents a check to Maureen Habel, president of the Golden Age Foundation, to get a bus bench with the club’s name. The proceeds came from a rummage sale held Sept. 10. Sunshine Club The Golden Rain Transportation Department will conduct informational meetings on using the Minibus service from 10-11:30 a.m. and 6-7 p.m. on Oct. 1. in Clubhouse 3, Room 3. The sessions are for shareholders who want to learn about the minibus system routes and timetables. Information on the Golden Rain Access Bus service, the Trader Joe’s/Denny’s shuttle and updated information on the Seal Beach Senior Service to Old Town and the Rossmoor shopping areas will be provided. A special ride-along session, “Learn the Route,” immediately follows the 10 a.m. meeting. Shareholders are invited to ride a Minibus to become better acquainted with the various routes. Information on short-cuts, transfers between routes and how to navigate the time tables will be presented from a “seat-on-the-bus” perspective. This month the transportation staff will preview the “C” route. The ridealong is limited to the first 17 participants and takes one hour. Bus service orientations are held on the first Thursday of every month. For more information, call Fleet Manager Grant Winford at 431-6586, ext. 372. Guest speakers are lined-up for October presentations The Sunshine Club has scheduled a series of guest speakers from the Golden Rain Foundation staff and Leisure World clubs to help people familiarize themselves with the community. The club will host Marsha Gerber, on site real estate agent, Oct. 9; Eloy Gomez, GRF emer- gency coordinator, Oct. 16; Janice Laine and Beverly Bender of the Video Producers Club, Oct. 23; and Diane Gebel, administrator of Health Care Center, Oct. 30. Information on speakers’ topics will be published in upcoming articles in The News. The club hosts classes to help LW Humanist Construction Notices with everyday living in Leisure World from 10 a.m.-noon on Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, (Room 8 on the first Friday). All shareholders are welcome; membership is not required. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Anna Derby at 301-5339. The Physical Property Department alerts LWers of projects currently in progress and asks residents to use extreme caution in these areas and to follow detours or signage associated with the construction of these projects: • Exterior accessibility improvements at the Health Care Center, Pharmacy, and Administration buildings • Perimeter wall replacement between Mutual 15 and Seal Beach Health and Rehabilitation Center • Perimeter wall along Los Alamitos Channel from Mutual 8 to Westminster Avenue • Globe refurbishment at the Main Gate • Roofing Projects in Mutual 1, 2 and 4 • Fire reconstruction in Mutual 11 Building 275 We the People Club President Dave Silva will be speaker Insurance facts Leisure World Humanists will meet at 10 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 4, in Clubhouse 6, Room A. President Dave Silva will share his story about how and when he became a humanist and then open the floor to other members who want to share. A lively discussion is expected. The LW Humanists meet on the first Sunday of every month in Clubhouse 6, Room A, (upstairs) from 10 a.m. to about 11:30 a.m. Afterward, a group usually meets informally for lunch at one of several local spots and all humanists are invited. Humanists celebrate the values of reason, compassion, humanity and hope. Wikipedia describes humanism as a nontheistic life stance in which members look to science instead will be topic at Oct. 7 meeting Dave Silva of religious dogma to understand the world. Where We Live Town hall forum scheduled Oct. 15 The Where We Live Club, a group that seeks to make Leisure World an even better place to live, will sponsor a town hall forum to identify the areas where improvements can be made, and ways to accomplish them. The forum will be held at 6:30 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 15, in Clubhouse 2. The club will consider whether the community’s image needs refreshing, good reasons for changing the community name and other issues facing the community. People are welcome to come and take the opportunity to share their thoughts, ask questions and get involved. Dixie Redfearn, who within the last year became the new editor of the Seal Beach Sun newspaper, is the keynote speaker. She is Dixie Redfearn a graduate of USC and a longtime resident of Seal Beach. She will See EDITOR, page 24 The We the People Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 7, in Clubhouse 2. This month’s topic is “Insurance—What We All Need to Know.” A licensed insurance agent who has over 1,000 insurance policy owners in Leisure World will present information on why shareholders/owners need property/liability insurance and what is the right kind of insurance policy to buy. Some people in the community do not realize the insurance the mutuals have does not cover personal liability or personal property in the event of a fire or other events. Don’t wait until it is too late. Some shareholders have the wrong kind of insurance policy and some don’t have insurance at all. The mutual’s policy has a $50,000 deductible, and if the damage is the fault of the shareholder/owner, he or she may be responsible for paying the $50,000 deductible. The goal is to have the right insurance to cover the full amount that people would be liable for in the event of a fire or other event. Many new shareholder/owners have moved into Leisure World and may want to know more about the community. We the People is a LW club dedicated to providing a forum for exchanging valuable information on issues that affect all shareholder/ owners in the community. People who have subjects that they would like to see presented can submit information in writSee INSURANCE, page 29 GRF Food services offered weekly in LW The Golden Rain Foundation offers the following food service opportunities each week: • Taco Tuesday, Clubhouse 6 parking lot, at 5 p.m. • Pizza Thursday, Clubhouse 6 parking lot, 4-8 p.m., provided by Domino’s. Special orders may be called in to 493-2212 between 10 a.m.-1 p.m. for pickup at the truck. • Farmers Market, Administration parking lot, Sundays, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Community Bingo All invited to bingo Sundays in CH2 Bingo sponsored by different Leisure World clubs is played at 1:30 p.m. on Sundays in Clubhouse 2. The doors open at 1. All LWers are welcome. This week the games will be hosted by the New York Club. The New York Club hosts the first Sunday of the month; Gadabouts, second Sunday; Little Flower Guild, third Sunday; and the American Legion the fourth and fifth Sundays. Complimentary refreshments are served. BINGO is played Sundays in Clubhouse 2. Rainbow Sisters LGBT attorney will speak on Oct. 6 The Rainbow Sisters, formerly the Rainbow Ladies, will meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 6, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2. The meeting will feature a local LGBT attorney who will speak on “Wills and Trusts.” There will be an informative presentation, followed by a question-and-answer session. Guests are welcome. A spaghetti dinner (with vegetable and meat options) will be provided. The meal will include, salad, bread and dessert. Bring beverages. Ice will be provided. Suggested donation is $5. Contact Geneva Potepan at (951) 675-4271 to make reservations. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS Don’t miss out on new $0† benefits for 2016! Choosing a Medicare health plan is an important decision. At SCAN Health Plan, we’ve got you covered. SCAN is a non-profit health plan that has focused exclusively on seniors for almost 40 years. We offer comprehensive Medicare coverage at a very competitive cost. 2016 Benefits for Orange County† Include: $0 $0 $0 Monthly plan premium Doctor/Specialist office visits Inpatient hospital care New for 2016: CALL to find your benefit savings today $0 Tier 1 Preferred Generic drugs 1-800-547-0899 8 a.m. – 8 p.m., 7 days a week, TTY Users: 711 †Benefits listed are for SCAN Classic (HMO) in Orange County only. Other SCAN plan options are available in this county and plan benefits may differ from those listed here. Call SCAN for more information. SCAN Classic (HMO) is an HMO plan with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in SCAN Health Plan depends on contract renewal. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information. Limitations, copayments, and restrictions may apply. Benefits, premiums and/or copayments/coinsurance may change on January 1 of each year. The formulary, pharmacy network, and/or provider network may change at any time. You will receive notice when necessary. Contact SCAN Health Plan for more information. There is no obligation to enroll. This information is available for free in other languages. For more information, contact the plan. Esta información está disponible gratuitamente en otros idiomas. Comuníquese con el plan para obtener más información. Y0057_SCAN_9351_2015F File & Use Accepted 09192015 G9546 09/15 17 18 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS Yiddish Club ‘Bintl Briv’ will be read, discussed The Yiddish Club of Leisure World will meet at 7 p.m. today, Oct. 1, in Clubhouse 3, Room 2, The topic will be “The Bintl Briv,” letters to the editor. Letters from hundreds of Jews immigrants inundated the desk of the “Jewish Daily Forward” in the “green” years. They asked for advice on many subjects. There were trivial, serious, comedic and tragic letters. All of them can serve as a sociological study of the people, their environment and of the times in which they lived. After Yiddish new words and proverbs are introduced by President Yakob Basner, there will be a discussion on the topic and letters of the “Bintl Briv” will be recited. Refreshments will be served after the program. ‘Tis the season for yard sales THE HOT DIGGITY DOGS were happy that their guests were well behaved; guests were kept on leash, no barking, no biting, no fighting over treats. Everyone stayed until sundown enjoying the treats, playing with their new friends, and daydreaming about a new dog park. Italian-American Club Buy-ins for sale at Oct. 7 potluck meeting The Italian-American Club will host a potluck of Italian dishes at the Oct. 7 meeting. Most members signed up with American Latino Election, potluck planned Oct. 2 The American Latino Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Oct. 2 in Clubhouse 4. There will be a potluck, and people will vote in a president and vice president. Members are asked to attend. their special dishes last month. Those who did not sign up should contact Frank Destra. Coffee, sodas and water will be available. Bingo will be played following the meeting and luncheon. The donation for those who do not bring a dish is $8. If anyone has a pizzelle maker they are not using, Martha Destra would like to borrow, or buy one, to try her sister-in-laws pizzelle recipe. The club’s next event will be the Bingo Bash on Nov. 4 in Clubhouse 2. Members can purchase buy-ins at the Oct. 7 meeting for $15. This will guarantee a reserved seat. With over 75 buyins, the 10 main games will pay $100 each. There will be early birds and late birds. The Bingo Bash is the club’s main fund raiser for the club’s Christmas gift to the families of the serviceman stationed at the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Base. All Leisure World residents are welcome to join the ItalianAmerican Club. Dues are $5 per year and $3 if joining after the July meeting. To join, contact Martha Destra, membership chair, at 431-6368. Mutual 7 will host a yard and patio sale from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8. All Mutual 7 shareholders are invited to sell on their patios, front lawns or in their carports. To be on the map, register with Pat Butler at 493-6817. ••• Mutual 14 will host a sidewalk sale from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 8, at the Sunningdale Circle and other locations. Maps will be available at the flag in the circle. Grace Kim, photo KACMA MEMBERS enjoyed at video production of Andre Rieu’s live 2013 concert in Brazil including “Nessun Dorma,” “Ave Maria,” “Radetzky March,” “Amazing Grace” and others during the Sept. 17 meeting. KACMA October schedule has been prepared Proudly Featuring l u f i t u a e B r Now In Ou n o i t a c o New l Since 1971 562.493.3678 10831 Los Alamitos Blvd. Los Alamitos/Rossmoor Leisure World Specialists Hours: Cerritos Ave Mon-sat 9-6 sat 9-5 Closed sunday Florista St License Bonded • Contractors # 347062 LB0010551042 072714 taff S & r e n w O e m Sa The Korean-American Clascic Music Academy meets from 9:3011:30 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursday of the month in Clubhouse 4. The class will listen to chorales by Beethoven, Handel, Mozart, and Verdi on Oct. 8. The Oct. 15 meeting will feature Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 6 (Pathetique) and the first 60 minutes of Verdi’s La Traviata. A music theory lecture by Jung Lee and the second part of Verdi’s La Traviata will be the program on Oct. 22. KACMA welcomes all music lovers. For more information, please call Grace Kim (562) 431-3039, Won Kim (213) 399-0804, or Kathy Park (562) 598-6292. Farmers’ Market Fresh produce arrives in LW on Sundays The Golden Rain Foundation Recreation Department sponsors a farmers market from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. on Sundays in the Administration parking lot. Zed Smyth, deejay and singer, will provide entertainment at the market Sunday, Oct. 4. Smyth sings standards by Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Bobby Darin, Tony Bennett, Glen Campbell and more. In addition to the entertainment, the Crepes Bonaparte truck will be there as well. The market is a popular event with new vendors offering a wide variety of fresh produce along with baked goods, specialty items, lunch selections and musical entertainment each week. Tables are provided under canopies to meet neighbors and enjoy the fare of the day. Cash is accepted by all vendors, with a few accepting credit cards. Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS 19 I am often asked why we sell Zounds® Hearing aids for so much less than other premium brands. Charging less for a superior product is unheard of these days, and as consumers, we are all accustomed to paying more for better quality. The simple truth is that for me, hearing loss is personal. My daughter, Kate, lost most of her hearing as a toddler. Over the years, my wife and I bought a number of high priced hearing aids, searching in vain for the one that would really help our little girl. We witnessed many other children going without, because their families could not afford to provide them. I have also met a number of adults who would not spend “that kind of money” on themselves, and so they purchase cheap amplification devices or go without. This experience has had a major impact on my life and has provided the direction for my company. The goal of Zounds® Hearing is to provide the best quality hearing aids with the most innovative technology at the lowest prices we possibly can. From our talented team of designers and engineers at our corporate offices in Tempe to the dedicated professionals in your local Zounds® Hearing Center, we are all committed to this shared goal. I would like to personally invite you to come in and let our hearing professionals test your hearing free of charge and fit you with a Zounds® hearing aid. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. If you or a loved one are suffering with hearing loss, come in and experience the Zounds® difference. Sincerely, Sam Thomasson Founder and CEO Zounds® Founder and CEO, Sam Thomasson and his daughter, Kate Same Day Fitting - Hear Better In 2 Hours*** 4 4 Programmable Channels Non-Rechargeable Mild to moderate hearing loss 16 HURRY! Offer Expires 10/9/15 395 $ BUY ONE GET ONE per aid* MSRP: $1299 per aid FREE 16 Programmable Channels Based on MSRP (1) FULLY RECHARGEABLE! Never buy batteries again!** FREE Charging Station (2) FREE Remote Control Call today! Appointments are limited. We can pick you up if you need a ride for your hearing exam! Zounds of Seal Beach 2908 Westminster Avenue Seal Beach, CA 90740 214 Locations Coast to Coast! (Near Denny’s) 562-340-4453 *Valid on purchase of Riazo®4. **Zounds® will replace the rechargeable batteries free for the life of the Clareza® aids. ***Not valid for Enza® Custom Hearing Aid. (1) MSRP price of $2,999 per aid, two-for-one pricing or 25% discount on single aid purchase, valid only on Clareza®16 aid. (2)Limit one free remote and charger per customer with purchase of a pair of Clareza® hearing aids. Present this ad at Zounds Hearing Center. Void where prohibited. Not valid with other offers. © 2015 Zounds Hearing, Inc. 20 Scoreboar Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 SPORTS & GAMES Scoreboard Cribbage Club Visiting player wins with a perfect score of 847 Pat Demery, the daughter-inlaw of member Nancy Demery, won all seven games to score a perfect 847 in Cribbage Club play on Sept. 22. Liz Meripol was second with a 845, followed by Jerry Hore, 840; and Peggy McKendrick and Patti Smith, 834. Jim Hass, Joyce Basch and Joe Notrica had six games of 121 for a consolation prize. With no wins, John Loasby also received a consolation prize. New member Jim Hass was welcomed to the club. Members enjoyed cake and ice cream in honor of Kel Kelemen’s birthday. Paula Loucks and Margaret Smith served. Jim Hass provided cookies. The club meets at noon Tuesdays in Clubhouse 1. New players are welcome. To be assured of a table, players should arrive by noon. Seven games are played and end by 3:30 p.m. Partners are not required. Residents who want to learn to play cribbage or need to brush up should call Patti Smith, club president, at 242-4674. She will arrange for lessons one hour before the games begin. Monday Golf McGee has another big day Merle McGee fired a 69 to win then first flight on Sept. 21 in Monday Golf Group play. He also collected a birdie, and had the lowest putts, 29. Second was Jerry Hore with a 71 and a bird, and was closest to the flagstick on the ninth hole. Jim Dickerson was third with 72, followed by Paul Cose, 73; and Bill McKusky, 74. Ron Maddox won the second flight with a 70 and fewest putts, 30. Ed Dragan finished second with 74 and Marvin Ballard third with a 75. A large carryover in the birdie pool for the second flight is still unclaimed. A carryover for closest to the pin on the fourth hole at Willowick is pending. Calling LW Golf Course? Dial Direct, 598-1831 NEWS Nancy Floyd Tournament Poker Club Floyd defeats Mancebo, wins tournament Nancy Floyd beat Darryl Mancebo in the Texas Hold’em Tournament on Sept. 19. It was Floyd’s second win in the last eight years she has been a member of the Tournament Poker club. She lives in Mutual 9, and her hobbies are poker, coin collecting and cards. Third to seventh place finishers were Glenda Saunders, Judy Jasmin, Ken Goettsch, Harry See FLOYD, page 21 Fun Time Pinochle Club winners from Sept. 28: Mary Greytak, 13,140; Nancy Wheeler, 11,980; Diane Van Wasshnova, 11,780; Bonnie Smith, 11,410. Games are played at noon, Mondays, in Clubhouse 1. For more information, call Diane Van Wasshnova at 430-6590. ••• Monday Bridge Club winners from Sept. 28: Beverley Benington, Howard Bleakley, Pauline Fitzsimons. Games begin at noon in Clubhouse 1. All bridge players are invited and should arrive between 11:45-noon, with or without a partner. For more information, call Mary Nell Clark, 296-8570. ••• Jolly Time Pinochle Club winner Sept. 26: Bonnie Freund, 12,700; Maureen Marsh, 10,260; Jean Beasley, 10,220; Joe Capra, 9,660. Games are played from noon-4 p.m. Saturdays in Clubhouse 1. For more information, call Peggy Kaspar at 799-0433. ••• Saturday Social Bunco Club winners Sept. 26: Most buncos: Tie among Isabel Hamilton, Dolores Ruiz and Pat Imbriano. Most wins: Tie between Grace Surprenant and Bobbie Straley. Most babies: RoseMary Sprague. Most losses: Wilma Rojo. Door prize winner: Joyce Crockett . The club’s next meeting is at 1 p.m. on Oct.10 in the Clubhouse 3 lobby. Signups begin at 12:15 p.m. Due to the demand for tables, a 12:30 p.m. arrival is advised. Play begins at 1 p.m. The club meets the second and fourth Saturdays of the month. For more information, call Doris Dack, president, (714) 356-0443. ••• Burning Tree Duplicate Bridge winners Sept. 26: N/S: Robert Mault-Sherry Troeger. E/W winners: Joan Tschirki-Stan Blitz. Winners Sept. 25: N/S: Simone Chottin-Chie Wickham. E/W winners: Joan Tschirki-Verna Burns. Games are played at 12:30 p.m.on Fridays and Saturdays in Clubhouse 1. A 12:15 p.m. arrival is advised. Reservations are required and can be made by calling Jaye Woodington at 799-1089. Also call for cancellations. The club will begin using an electronic scoring system in October or November. Bridgemates system flyers were distributed to players. Players will be required to know their ACBL numbers. For more information, call Betty Scharf at 795-0356. ••• Leisure World Duplicate Bridge Club winners Sept. 24: N/S: First in Strat A: Larry Topper-April Berg; second in Strat A: Larry Slutsky-Phyllis Greenstein; third in Strat A, first in Strats B and C: William Dewell-Nancy Lichter; fourth in Strat A, second in Strat B: Martin Lipman-Alan Olschwang; fifth in Strat A: Stan Blitz-Dorothy Favre; sixth in Strat A: Linda and Dick Stein; third in Strat B, John Hagman-Winifred Warga; second in Strat C: Jack Dampman-George Koehm. E/W: First in Strat A: Hank Dunber-Joyce Henderson; second in Strat A, first in Strat B: Peggi Spring-Monica Gettis; third in Strat A: Gary Paugh-Howard Smith; fourth in Strat A: Sibyl Slutsky-Marilyn McClintock; fifth in Strat A: Judy CarterJohnson-Simone Chottin; sixth in Strat A, second in Strat B, first in Strat C: Stan Johnson-Louise Siefert; second in Strat C: Richard Stammerjohn-Joyce Newton. Overall winners in the pro/am game Sept. 21: 1. Larry Slutsky-Ted Wieber; 2. Bill Power-Eileen Nelson; 3. Judy Carter-Johnson-Chie Wickham; 4. Simone Chottin-Joyce Basch; 5. Norma Krueger-John Hagman; 6. Jeanette Estill-Ellen Kice; 7. Dorothy Favre-Ron Yaffee; 8. Tybie Becker-Mark Singer. Games are played Mondays and Thursdays in the lobby at Clubhouse 3 beginning at 12:30 p.m. Players should arrive by 12:15 p.m. to confirm their reservations or by noon without a reservation or a partner (every effort will be made to locate one). To get help finding a partner or to make or cancel a reservation for Mondays, call Midge Dunagan at 594-9698; for Thursdays, call Cookie Pham at 431-6453. To cancel a reservation on game day or to report running late, call 481-7368 between noon-1 p.m. ••• Friendly Pinochle Club winners. Sept. 24: Julia Troise, 11,580; Oscar Moya, 11,510; Gene Smith, 10,880; Cynthia Choate, 10,640. The club meets from noon-4 p.m. on Thursdays in Clubhouse 1. For more information, call 799-0433. LW Chess Club This week’s puzzle: White mates in two moves. ••• Chess partners are available in Leisure World when the Chess Club meets from 2-8 p.m. on Fridays in Clubhouse 3, Room 7. Beginners are welcome for free lessons. ••• Top winners in September were Ted Vahl, John Mottram See CHESS, page 21 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS Women’s Golf Club Full field of 44 played it cool; Susie Kim gets a hole-in-one The weatherman gave 44 members of the Women’s Golf Club a break last week, providing a cover of clouds and light breeze. Susie Kim attracted some attention by making hole-in-one on No.1. The women played the third week of the President Trophy Tournament, low gross, low net and counting putts: Flight A: Low gross: Bert Thompson, 26 and 12 putts. Low net: Tie between Ann Tran and Sun Lee, 25. Susie Kim: 11 putts. Flight B: Low gross: Yvonne Yim, 30. Low net: Tie between Anne Walshe, Soo Kim and Mona Lewis, 25. Mary Greig: 11 putts. Flight C: Low gross: Tie among Soon Eak Lee, Betty Regalado and Dorothy Favre, 34. Low net: Tie between Joann Lim and Maggie Howe, 26. Betty Regalado: 12 putts. Flight D: Low gross: Tie between Louise Seifert and Dale Quinn, 37. Low net: Barbara Bertoldi, 25. Donna Sprow: 14 putts. FLOYD From page 20 Sera, and Don Saunders. Mike Herman was the dealer. High hand was won by Hank Lincourt with four queens and an ace. Gary Carnes had the second highest hand with four and a 5. The next tournament will be held at noon on Oct. 3 in Clubhouse 6. CHESS From page 20 and Al Geiger. Solution to this week’s puzzle: Ba3 Legion of Honor France gives honor to living WW II veterans Since 2004, the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy, the French government has been awarding limited numbers of the French Legion of Honor, its highest award, to living World War II veterans with honorable service in France during WWII before May 8, 1945. In recent years the number of awards has significantly increased, and the program is now open to all living honorably discharged WWII veterans who can provide proof of service in France. Service must have been on the ground in French territory, air space or territorial waters. The award is not presented posthumously. Those living veterans who have records worthy of consideration must have their documentation submitted to their nearest French Consulate addressed to the attention of Veterans Affairs. As a minimum, the following documentation will be required: • Copy of Honorable Discharge document showing participation in one of the recognized campaigns in France, including Normandy, southern France, northern France, Vosges Mountains, etc. The Ardennes-Alsace and Rhineland campaigns will be considered only if proof of military duty in France can be provided. Just transiting through France to another country would not likely qualify. Naval and Coast Guard veterans serving offshore should provide proof their vessel was in French territory. Aircrew members can provide official records of any missions over France that show their participation. In difficult cases, additional See HONOR, page 23 Call The News 430-0534 Friday Golf Shuffleboard Club Crackshots roll to 13-5 victory The Crackshots defeated the Aces, 13-5, in Shuffleboard Club play on Sept. 18. All-game winners for the Crackshots were Red Ryals, Harold Bernard, and Ellie West. The Shuffling Oldies had the scheduled bye. Practice is held at 2 p.m. on Mondays and 10 a.m. on Wednesdays. Non-members are invited to learn more about the club and play on Fridays during the league season. Bowling Club B.E.G takes over first place B.E.G. moved into first place in the Leisure World Bowling Club standings with an impressive 10-2 record. The team swept Just Lucky with Eric Dodd bowling a 184 and 520 series. Very Striking evened its record by winning three games from the Darn-ettes. Sub Frank Tripoli bowled a 225 and 572 series and Dave Silva a 200 and 544. Danny Bigelow had the high series for Team 2 with a 218-179201 for a 598 series. Teammate Gracie Hasting was high for the ladies with a 199-160-160, a 519 21 series. So Be It won three games from the 3-Niners as Ned Sprow had games of 211 and 196 for a 556 series. Dottie Anderson of Never Give Up had a 473 series. Hore handles damp course, wins with 66 Meadowlark Golf Course was a test for members of the Friday Golf Group in weekly play on Sept. 25. Jerry Hore handled a damp course to card the low net score of 66 and a victory in the first flight. Bill McKusky was second with a 69, followed by Jim Dickerson, 70; and Sam Choi and Paul Cose, tied at 74. Birds were made by Jerry Hore, Jim Dickerson, and Merle McGee. Ron Maddox won the second flight with a 71. Runner-up Tom McCullough was three strokes back, followed by Sang Kim, 76; and Ed Dragan, 89. Closest to the pin winners were Jim Dickerson on the seventh hole and Tom McCullough on No.16. There were no birds in the flight, so a carryover will be played Friday, Oct.2, at Riverview. Planning ahead. A healthy habit. Good health starts with making good decisions.You need to have a doctor and Medicare plan that you know will be there for you. We recognize that one healthcare solution might not be right for everyone. Even when it comes to Medicare, there are options that can be tailored to your specific needs. Attend a complimentary sales meeting and learn about the Medicare options available in your area - all at no cost. Attend a presentation and learn about Medicare Advantage and Part D plans from a licensed insurance agent: Thurs, Oct. 1 2:00 pm Mimi's Café 6670 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Long Beach, CA 90803 Tues, Oct. 6 2:00 pm Hof's Hut 10900 Los Alamitos Blvd. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Mon, Oct. 12 10:30 am Hof's Hut 2147 N. Bellflower Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90815 Tues, Oct. 27 10:00 am Hof's Hut 10900 Los Alamitos Blvd. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Thurs, Oct. 29 2:00 pm Mimi's Café 6670 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. Long Beach, CA 90803 Tues, Nov. 17 2:00 pm Hof's Hut 10900 Los Alamitos Blvd. Los Alamitos, CA 90720 A sales person will be present with information and applications. For accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings call (844) 283-5748 and TTY number 711. Golden Outlook, license #0E97515, is a licensed insurance agency that works with Medicare enrollees to explain Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement Insurance, and Prescription Drug Plan options. & Or, to be connected with a licensed insurance agent, call (866) 868-2510*. A representative from Optum Sales Support Center can connect you with a licensed insurance agent in your area to review your health insurance plan options. Optum Sales Support Center connects Medicare beneficiaries with resources including licensed insurance agents that sell Medicare Advantage and Medicare prescription drug plans. 22 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS TRAVEL Bangkok Shopping spree in Thailand nets 18 filled suitcases by LeiLa CLauDio LW cOntrIbutOr I met up with my girls Julie and Yolanda, my sister Eva and my niece Narra in Bali, Indonesia, to go kamikaze shopping in the underbelly of Bangkok, Thailand. From Bali, it took five hours by plane to get to Bangkok. The taxi took us to Asia Hotel, right in the center of Bangkok. Just outside the hotel is the street food vendors’ market, five minutes away is the money exchange and on the second floor is the skyway train stop that goes all around the city. We left our baggage at the hotel and went to the MBA shopping mall, less than 10 minutes away on foot. MBA is not like the shopping malls in the States. It consists of stalls so tight you can’t even try clothes on, as there’s no room to maneuver. The prices are so cheap that you have to take a chance that the clothes will fit. For dinner, we went outside to the night market and had a feast of steamed clams in chili garlic sauce. So good! Prior to returning to the hotel, I had my fortune told. I’m supposed to live a long life, greater than 85 years; have good health; although not this month, get a new car; and meet a new man. The girls had fun with me on KMIKAZI SHOPPING— LWer Leila Claudio(second from right) joined her daughters Julie(l-r) and Yolanda, and her sister Eva for a shopping trip in Bangkok, Thailand. that one. Let’s see, shall we? On the second floor of the hotel is the access to the BTW skytrain. Our stop is Ratchatewi, we needed to go to Mo Chit (end of the line) to the Chatham weekend market. This was not a sightseeing trip, strictly shopping and nothing else. At night we went to eat at Kuang Seafood Restaurant with two different kinds of crabs and noodles. The “Grab” taxi cost only $3. Coming back to the hotel, Mexican Riviera Final Cabin Close Out from only $399! FREE Beverage Pkg Select Departures 7 nights - Fall Sailings Los Angeles, Cabo, Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta CST 1012894-40 Call arren Travel (562) 493-1223 Fares are cruise only, double occ. subject to availablity. Taxes additional. we heard a continuous wail of ambulances, which unbeknownst to us, was due to the bombing of Erawan Shrine, a Hindu/Buddhist temple, with 27 people dead and over 75 injured. The bombing was on the same street as our hotel, only a kilometer away. I was sick for two days. The weather was so thick and heavy See BANGKOK, page 24 Pala Casino Trip set for Oct. 16 The American Legion, Post 327, will escort a day-trip to Pala Casino on Oct. 16. The cost is $6 with $10 returned upon arrival at the casino. There will be five hours of playtime. The bus leaves at 8:30 a.m from the Clubhouse 4 parking lot. It returns about 5:30 p.m. All are welcome. Call Tony Dodero, 430-5828, for reservations. HEATING & AIR INC. Mini - Splits Single Room starting at $2,700 Two and Three Room TriMini-Splits Heat Pumps 21 Seer (more energy efficient) independent remotes controls Call for price On the Go Miramar Air Show featuring the Blue Angels– Oct. 2, $99, David Nell and Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Avocado Festival on Amtrak Coast Starlight – Oct. 3, $75, David Nell and Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Braille Institute and Guide Dogs of America – Oct. 6, $55, David Nell and Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Holiness & Harmonies Churches, temples, organ recital – Oct. 7, $99 with lunch at San Antonio Winery, David Nell and Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Candlelight Pavilion Theater “Sentimental Journey” – Oct. 10, $109 includes lunch and champagne, David Nell and Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Jeopardy! Tapings – Oct. 13, $49, David Nell and Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. Pauma Casino — Oct. 14, $15; $10 cash in machine, New York Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743; or Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949. Frank Gehry Exhibit at LACMA— Oct. 15, $51, Long Beach City College Senior Studies, 938-3048 or email [email protected]. Pala Casino —Oct. 16, $6, $10 back, American Legion Post 327, Tony Dodero, 430-5828. Julian — Oct. 28, $70, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. African American Museum & Watts Towers—Nov. 12, $45, Long Beach City College Senior Studies, 938-3048 or email slamoureux@ Autry Museum, Civil War— Nov. 17, $75, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Young Americans’ Magic of Christmas— Dec. 11, $75, ChildrenA-Priority, Juanita Townsend, 431-4026. Harbor Light Cruise — Dec. 17, $83, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Harrah’s Rincon — Daily, free, Amphitheater, 7:15-7:30 a.m., (877) 777-2457. Pala Casino — Daily, free, $15 back in slot play, Amphitheater, 8 a.m., (714) 985-9555. Pechanga Casino — Daily, Amphitheater, 8 a.m., free, $10 in EZ Play upon arrival, (951) 770-2579. Overnight Trips California Rail & Sail – Oct. 1-7, David Nell and Good Times Travel, (888) 488-2287. New York, Canada Pilgrimage—Oct. 4-10, Holy Family Church, Sharon Schabert, 296-5557. See ON GO, page 29 Pauma Casino day-trip departs Oct. 14 The New York Club will escort a day-trip to Pauma Casino on Oct. 14. The cost of the trip is $15, with $10 cash returned in the machine. During the trip, bingo is played coming and going and snacks are served. The bus picks up at three locations, Clubhouse 4, 7:15 a.m.; Amphitheater, 7:30; and outside St. Andrew’s Gate, 7:35. For reservations and information, call Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743; or Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949. New Car DireCtory FORD Cerritos Ford 605 North to Cerritos Auto Square, Exit South Street We’re King of LW Customer Service! 562/865-5554 • Call today for a FREE Estimate! All Heat Pumps Sales — Installation — Service Ken Grody Ford 6211 Beach Blvd. @ 5 Fwy Home of THE THINK electric cars Free shuttle service available 714/522-8700 “Your Leisure World Heat Pump Specialist” 9 Times Out of 10 We’ll Beat Anyone’s Price!! HYUNDAI 714-821-7070 6/20/11 8:21 AM Lic. # 945655 Cerritos Hyundai 18818 Studebaker Road Cerritos, CA 90703 Phone: 866-838-2488 LEXUS Lexus of Westminster 13590 Beach Blvd. Easy access just south of 22 Freeway 714/892-6906 Cerritos Lincoln Mercury “Seven Miles from LW in Cerritos Auto Square,” 605 Freeway @ South Street Exit 562/865-5554 • 800/396-2077 TOYOTA Toyota of Huntington Beach 18881 Beach Bl., 2 Blocks from Pacific Ocean. South of 405 Freeway Hablamos Español 714/847-8555 PLEA From page 1 First, imagine your home and the lifetime of memories contained in your home. Now think about all of those cherished items, the mementos, photos, honoraria, and items representing your families, friends and memories. And now you hear someone screaming FIRE! This small word can and will change your life. The simple act of leaving the kitchen in less than five minutes can destroy everything you own. What the fire does not consume, the water to put the fire out and the smoke will ruin forever. Leaving you with what is shown in the picture below: In the past six years the community has been affected by six major fires and numerous minor fire incidents. The primary factor in all fires was us. Unattended cooking represents over 90 percent of all fires. Fire by the numbers • Over $3 million in property damages, personal property loss totaling well over a half-million dollars. Irreplaceable photos and mementos gone forever. • Six months to over one year – this is how long you may be out of your home during the rebuilding. • Only duly permitted building and interior improvements will be covered. Otherwise it will be standard finishes. • $10,000 – the current insurance policy may only pay for up to $10,000 to replace your personal property. • $15,000 – The current policy may only pay for up to $15,000 for housing while your home is being rebuilt. It is noted that this amount will barely cover six months of housing in most cases. Insurance Deductible - $50,000 and the amount that you may be responsible for if the fire was due to your negligence and/or misuse. Liability exposure is extreme if you are found negligent in causing the fire. Let’s all work together and stop this cycle of fires. Never leave the kitchen while cooking and do not let the simple act of preparing a meal turn into a fire like the one in 2010 (see photo, page 1). HONOR From page 21 documents such as unit morning reports that show an individual present for military duty in France could also be helpful. For access to the National Military Archives visit http://www. • If available copies of citations for any decorations earned in France (i.e Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Silver Star, etc). • Copy of a legible photo ID document with legal name and date of birth included (i.e state ID, drivers license, passport, even if expired) • One-page chronological resume of the candidate’s life including military history in France, significant decorations and primary and alternate contact information for the veteran. For veterans living in Leisure World, submit requests to Consulate General of France, ATTN Veterans Affairs, 10390 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite 410, Los Angeles, CA, 90025. – NON-TEXAS VERSION – “Ask me about the AARP Auto & Home Insurance Program from The Hartford.” FIRE Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 From page 1 OCFA red-tagged apartments D and I in Building 218, and yellow-tagged units C, K and L for smoke damage. A second fire was reported at 8:17 a.m. on Sept. 26 at 1771 Sunningdale Road, 49-L, in Mutual 14, according to Security reports. The grandson of a shareholder reported hearing a smoke alarm and saw smoke, prompting him to enter the apartment through an unlocked patio door. An electric stovetop was on fire. A glass dish had been left on a hot burner, according to Security reports. The grandson threw water on the fire and turned off the burner. There were no injuries and the cause was deemed “accidental,” according to the OCFA fire report. “Food was left on the stove with combustibles next to it,” said Concialdi. “You should never have anything combustible near the stove. That includes potholders and paper towels. And don’t store anything in the oven. The oven should be only used for cooking, not for storage or anything else.” He also advised residents to remain in the kitchen while cooking or, if a person is called away, to turn off all appliances before leaving. This is one of several fires that has displaced shareholders since 2010. Among the most notable: • In April 2010, OCFA responded to a structure fire in Mutual 9. That fire was contained to one unit. • In June 2013, fire broke out in Mutual 7, and two units were red-tagged. • In October 2014, two residents were displaced after fire broke out in a Mutual 3 building. • In March 2015, an apartment fire in the 1600 block of Northwood Road in Mutual 11 displaced five people and damaged six units, fire officials said. • On July 16, 2015, an oven fire caused the evacuation of Building 278 on Del Monte Road. The GRF Purchasing Dept. has several fire prevention aids. • Auto-Out is an automatic fire suppressor that can be installed on venthoods. The small cannister will drop powder on the stove top when flames touch it. Auto-Out for the range hood costs $34.15 for a pair; for the microwave, $60.59 per pair. • Fire extinguisher, full size, costs $26.24 each. • Fire Gone, a 16-ounce portable fire extinguisher, is effective on small fires; $7.16 each. HCC Flu Clinic Schedule HCC FLU CLINIC FRIDAY, OCT. 9 CLUBHOUSE 6 The following is the mutual-by-mutual schedule for this year’s flu clinic. Shots are free for patients of the Health Care Center; $35 cash for everyone else. MUTUALS TIME Mutuals 2 and 16 8-8:45a.m. Mutuals 12 and 15 8:45-9:30 a.m. Mutuals 3 and 5 9:30-10:15 a.m. Mutuals 6 and 7 10:15-11 a.m. Mutuals 8 and 9 11-11:45 a.m. Mutuals 4 and 11 11:45-12:30 p.m. Mutuals 1 and 17 12:30-1:15 p.m. Mutuals 10 and 14 1:15-2 p.m. People who miss or otherwise cannot make their appointment times can come between 2-3 p.m. They should bring insurance and GRF ID cards. MEDAL From page 1 I’m sure it was for many others,” he said. The Queen was alone. She did not need Navy escorts to defend against submarine attacks because she was fast and nimble. Her speed was 26 knots, about 30 miles an hour, very fast for ships of the time and much faster than submarines. So it zigzagged across the Atlantic, arriving in Gourock, Scotland, in December 1944. In early 1945, Spurrier landed in a small French village called Bouvincourt, where his combat squadron was attached to the 397th Bomb Group. With characteristic French hospitality, every man was poured a glass of cognac, a fine French brandy. It was an unexpected greeting, like ‘welcome to combat,’” Spurrier wrote. His service was brief but intense. Technical Sgt. William Spurrier was inducted into the U.S. Army Air Corps in July 1943. He flew 29 bombing missions into Germany before the war ended in 1945. He was discharged at Ft. MacArthur, California, in December 1945. His decorations include the Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters, the EAME Campaign Medal, the American Campaign Medal and the World War II Victory Medal. After the war, he completed a bachelor’s of science degree in public administration at the University of Southern California and had a 30-year career with the Long Beach Fire Department, retiring as a deputy chief in 1978. He has three daughters with his first wife, June, now deceased, and two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. He and his wife, Janet, moved to Leisure World about 10 years ago. In an interview Friday, Spurrier said he felt honored to have received the Legion of Honor. “It’s a beautiful medal,’ he said, taking it from its box to admire it. It is the same medal that was bestowed by Francois Hollande, president of France, to three American tourists and an Englishman who tackled an armed man suspected of terrorism on a train in France Aug. 23. “Anyone who qualifies should get it,” Spurrier said. “France started awarding it to World War II veterans in 2000.” Foreign nationals who have served France or the ideals it upholds may receive a distinction from the Legion of Honor. American recipients include generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and Douglas MacArthur, Admiral Michael Mullen, and even, as an institution, the United States Military Academy at West Point. Today there are approximately 93,000 Legion of Honor recipients. American veterans who risked their lives during World War II and who fought on French territory qualify to be decorated as Knights of the Legion of Honor. Veterans must have fought in one of the four main campaigns of the liberation of France: Normandy, Provence, Ardennes, or northern France. The Embassy of France honors U.S. veterans on a frequent basis. To review the qualifications, see story on page 21. GENTLE & PERSONALIZED DENTAL CARE IN LOS ALAMITOS ® Now available in your area! Kathy Brennan KATHERINE A BRENNAN INSURANCE AGY This auto and home insurance is designed exclusively for AARP members – and is now available through your local Hartford independent agent! Call Today for your FREE, no-obligation quote: Kathy Brennan 562-594-8787 KATHERINE A BRENNAN INSURANCE AGY Free Initial Consultation with the Doctor • • • • • Dedicated to Honest & Professional Patient Care Excellent Dental Care for the Entire Family Generous Senior Courtesy • Financing Available Early Morning, Evening & Saturday Hours State-of-the-Art Sterilization Procedures Los Alamitos Dental Care 2999 Westminster Blvd #225 Seal Beach, CA 90740 562-594-8787 [email protected] CA License#OC69869 The AARP Automobile & Homeowners Insurance Program from The Hartford is underwritten by Hartford Fire Insurance Company and its affiliates, One Hartford Plaza, Hartford CT 06155. CA license number 5152. In Washington, the Auto Program is underwritten by Trumbull Insurance Company. The Home Program is underwritten by Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company. AARP does not employ or endorse agents or brokers. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. Paid endorsement. The Hartford pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP membership is required for Program eligibility in most states. Applicants are individually underwritten and some may not qualify. Specific features, credits, and discounts may vary and may not be available in all states in accordance with state filings and applicable law. You have the option of purchasing a policy directly from The Hartford. Your price, however, could vary, and you will not have the advice, counsel or services of your independent agent. 107995 2nd Rev 23 Crowns & Veneers / Dentures & Partials Implants / Teeth Whitening 3551 Farquhar Avenue,Suite 102 Los Alamitos (562) 598-4111 OR (714) 995-6611 Personalized & Caring G ARY D. P RINS , D.D.S. • J OHN B. WALLACE , D.D.S. • J OSHUA A. W INER , D.D.S. • M ICHAEL E. Z ELL , D.D.S. M EMBERS OF ADA, CDA WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO JOIN OUR DENTAL FAMILY copyright © 2003 chrisad NEWS 24 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS Nikkei Club Healthcare seminar set for Oct. 3 The Nikkei Club will conduct a Medicare seminar in Japanese and English at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 3, in Clubhouse 4. Eiichi Yoshitomi will explain the different health care policies and how to apply or switch to another carrier. Though many people have HMO plans, some may want to know more about how to apply for the PPO plans. Nobuyuki Takei from NALC will return to provide more information on the volunteer caregiving program. He will speak in Japanese. A question-and-answer period and individual counseling will follow. Lunch, $7 for members and $8 for nonmembers, will be served about 11:30 a.m. Those who attend the lecture and counseling only will be charged $3. Donations are suggested. COMMITTEES From page 5 Mon., Oct. 19 Tues., Oct. 20 Fri., Oct. 23 Mon., Oct. 26 Tues., Oct. 27 Wed. Oct. 29 Architectural Design Review Committee Administration.................................. 10 a.m. Finance Committee Administration............................... 9:30 a.m. Entertainment Subcommittee Physical Property ............................. 10 a.m. ADRC Work Study Session Physical Property .............................. 1 p.m. GRF Board Clubhouse 4 ...................................... 10 a.m. Document Review Subcommittee Administration.................................... 1 p.m. Puzzle Answers Puzzle pages 28 Crossword Answers Obituaries Space is available for obituaries of residents and former residents. • An “In Memoriam” column is available free of charge. Limited to name, mutual number and date of death. • An obituary with or without photo is available free of charge for the first 250 words. Additional words will be charged at the rate of 20 cents per word. Notices written by the news staff will be free and no more than 250 words. • Notices from mortuaries and non-GRF members will be printed exactly as submitted and charged at the non-member classified advertising rate, $10.45 for the first 12 words and 20 cents for each additional word. • Bordered, decorative obituaries and eulogies are available in any size at the prevailing display advertising rate. • Obituaries may be published as news articles when the person has been a member of the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors, or when, in the opinion of the managing editor, the passing of a person is newsworthy to a sufficiently large number of GRF members. • A “Card of Thanks” section is available in the classified section of the News at the member classified advertising rate, $6.60 for the first 12 words and 20 cents per word thereafter, for persons wanting to express their thanks for help during bereavement, sickness, etc. EDITOR Sudoku Answers From page 16 give her perspective on how Seal Beach has grown and what is available to Leisure Worlders as residents of the city. Other speakers will address beautification, name change and first impressions from new residents. It is important that residents become part of the planning process. Attendees will learn how their voices can make a difference. Everyone is welcome. There will be opportunity for questions and answers. Free refreshments will be provided. For more information, contact the club at [email protected]. ••• Loren M. White 1923-2015 Loren M. White, July 29, 1923- Sept. 23, 2015, died peacefully in his sleep at 92 of age related conditions. He lived a long life, and will be remembered for his kind nature and happy disposition. He had an exceptional ability to connect well with people of all ages and backgrounds. Favorite pastimes included travel, golf and bodysurfing for most of his years. Loren was born in Los Angeles, graduated from Washington High School in 1941, and played football at Los Angeles City College prior to joining the Army in 1942. He served as a lieutenant in the Army Air Corps, and flew many missions while serving as a B-17 bombardier, stationed with the 15th Air Force in Italy. He spent the last 16 months of WW II in a German POW camp (Stalag Luft 1) after his plane was shot down near Salzburg, Austria. Loren was awarded the Purple Heart, the French Legion of Honor, and the Air Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters for his service in WW II. After the war, he married Gloria Vanderzee (1924-2008) in 1948, graduated from USC and became a teacher in the L.A. Unified School District, where he worked for 38 years until retiring in 1989. Loren and Gloria enjoyed a long marriage of more than 59 years prior to Gloria’s passing. The couple resided in Torrance, California, raising four children and later moving to San Marcos, California to enjoy their retirement years. They relocated to Seal Beach Leisure World in 2007 to be closer to family. Loren is survived by his four children and spouses, Tim (Luisa), Vince (Stephanie), Jo Ellen DuRee (Rick), and Steve (Alma), five grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. A Memorial Mass will be held for Loren at St. Bartholomew’s Parish in Long Beach at 11 a.m. on Oct. 9. —paid obituary Obituaries MUTUALS From page 5 Monday, Oct. 19 Tuesday, Oct. 20 Wednesday Oct. 21 The Basic Rules of Sudoku: • There is only one valid solution to each Sudoku puzzle. The only way the puzzle can be considered solved correctly is when all 81 boxes contain numbers and the other Sudoku rules have been followed. • When you start a game of Sudoku, some blocks will be pre-filled for you. You cannot change these numbers in the course of the game. • Each column must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same column of a Sudoku puzzle can be the same. • Each row must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same row of a Sudoku puzzle can be the same. • Each block must contain all of the numbers 1 through 9 and no two numbers in the same block of a Sudoku puzzle can be the same. Jumble Answers Wednesday, Oct. 21 Thursday, Oct. 22 Friday, Oct. 23 Monday, Oct. 26 Wednesday, Oct. 28 Mutual 15 Administration............................ 1 p.m. Mutual 14 Administration............................ 1 p.m. Mutual 5 Administration..............................9 a.m Mutual 7 Administration............................ 1 p.m. Mutual 1 Administration.............................9 a.m. Mutual 6 Administration........................9:30 a.m. Mutual 8 Administration....................... 1:30 p.m. Mutual 10 Administration.............................9 a.m. ••• Coghlan, Brian Patrick, Rev. Msgr. 1934-2015 Beloved priest and cherished friend, the Rev. Msgr. Brian Patrick Coghlan, Mutual 12, died Sept. 24, 2015. He was born Dec. 1, 1934 and ordained May 1, 1963. ••• In Memoriam Lillian Bast 97 Elijah Jackson 19 Tomasa Rodriguez 84 Norbert Schroer 68 Frank Hockley lll Ninfa Maria Carlos Sanchez 78 Philip Joneas 69 Michael Gilman 46 Mary Jones 53 Javier Bueno 63 Kimsan Moun 30 Katherine Meek 80 Raquel Peele 82 Robert Hoffman 27 Maria Ramirez 84 Gloria Lusk 62 Angela Martinez 25 Jerry Lee Wallen 66 Christine Baredian 87 Kwang Sik Shin 63 Families assisted by McKenzie Mortuary, 961-9301 —paid obituary BANGKOK From page 22 you could slice it with a knife. It was hot, but the humidity and smog, plus the cold air conditioning did me in. Finally, I was able to poke my head out. We were supposed to go to the Rat Vai vintage market but didn’t realize it was only open on weekend nights. It was disappointing as we were vintage aficionados. We went to Chinatown instead with its Ali Baba warren of potential treasures. We made a stop at Jim Thompson, a premier silk emporium, and onto the Platinum and Paragon malls (expensive, Beverly Hillsstyle malls). We finished off our adventure with a final dinner at Salt Restaurant, the best restaurant in Bangkok. We decided to ignore the hideous service because the seafood carpaccio is to die for and the “uni,” sea urchin, at $10 a piece was out of this world. We arrived back at the girls’ home with 18 pieces of luggage among the five of us, exhausted but happy to be back in the balmy breezes of Bali. OBITUARIES deadline is 4 p.m., Monday, prior to publication. Call 472-1276 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS 25 Professional & Service Directory JB Room additions Remodeling Skylights Kitchens Bathrooms GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR Countertops Storage closets State Lic. #638079 Washer/Dryer FREE ESTIMATES LW REFERENCES John M. Bergkvist 562 - 433-3052 ITALY SHOES Colee’s Pet Care HGranite CountersH Experienced Dog Walker/Pet Sitter Kitchen Counters • Bath Vanities • Pet taxi • Administer medication • Insured and Bonded • Pet First Aid Certified • Stay overnight on property • Dog walks/exercise, potty breaks, socialization and group exercise • L.W. Resident providing personal service at the lowest price Pride • Quality • Service Cat and other pet services: Call for Free Estimate SWENMAN CO. Feed - clean cage / litter - playtime We offer a variety of services to meet your pet’s individual needs. 714 401 9518 562 • 430 • 2265 St. Lic. 413207 • Seal Beach • Swe001 WATCH REPAIR Watch & & JEWELRY JeWelry repair Ken Peters Insurance Agency, Inc. Fanny & luis (LW residents) the closest State Farm agency to Leisure World, has more than 30 years of experience meeting the insurance needs of the LW community. 562-860-4634 Authorized Dealer 714-530-2300 9918 Garden Grove Blvd 11815 E. South St. Garden Grove, CA 92844 Cerritos, CA 90703 Special Sales for LW Residents FREE Delivery with purchase of 2 or more pairs of shoes Advertise here for $25 per week 12 consecutive weeks, minimum Call 430-0534 56 years experience Watch Batteries—$1000 Most Watches 2904 Westminister Avenue Seal Beach, CA 90740 INDEPENDENT SERVICE Across the street from LW’s south wall, next to Del Taco SpecialiStS 562-431-3933 Lic.# OD15185 Save this coupon Old Coupons are VOID Candice Cox, Ken Peters 24 hour care Assist in daily living Dementia Licensed, Bonded Insured • Minimum 6 hrs a day Monica Daniel CLOCK REPAIRS 562-594-8239 562-799-9934 Everything you need for your Computer (PC or Mac), Cell Phone, TV, Stereo, any electronic device Home Care Professionals “Caring and Comfort for People at Home” • • • • FREE Pick-up & Delivery Let me help you... I will come to you. Call Me... Let’s talk about it Owner Tel/Fax: (310) 952-9830 Mobile: (310) 938-6153 Email: [email protected] Tina Schaffer (562) 755-6199 3868 West Carson St. Suite 300 Torrance, CA 90503 Serving LW residents for 8 years Beyond The Sea Memorial Services When You Want Your Loved Ones Ashes Scattered At Sea Dignified Respectable Private Affordable Call Capt. George Miller (LW Resident) (310) 923-8414 Caregiver Services BLINDS, SHADES & SHUTTERS Licensed & Bonded By Aegean FREE In-Home Consultation (562) 430-2969 3782 Cerritos Ave, Los Alamitos Alpine Specializing in Serving Leisure World Residents We service & install Italy Shoes.indd 1 MITSUBISHI HEAT PUMPS Free Installation Estimates Sales • Repair • Installation Lowest Prices In Town All Work Guaranteed 714-901-0552 Cal. St. Lic. # 719734 12 consecutive weeks, minimum • Provides compassionate and experienced caregivers • Caregivers are employees and covered by Workers’ Comp. • Trusted and affordable services • Hourly or full-time for all kinds of services, including doctor’s appointments A. Shaddow Handyman Services Specializing In Painting 11/13/08 3:42:23 PM Heating & Air Conditioning Advertise here for $25 per week (562) 787-0141 Call 430-0534 • LIVING TRUSTS $49900 SIngLe $669900 MARRIED First Time Clients. Simple Estates. Repair: Skylights & Screens Living Trust & Pour-Over Will Change: Heat Pump filters Home Transferred to Trust Replace: Lighting Fixtures, Power of Attorney Documents Kitchen & Bathroom Pulls, Danandy Pro.indd 1 OTHER SERVICES Door knobs, Electrical Outlets, Danandy 2015.indd 1 + Probate Administration 7/2/15 10:35 AM + Trust Modification Covers & Batteries in smoke alarms + Small Estate Affidavits Clean: Windows inside & out, skylights, + Legal Name Changes Polish Counters Tops, Paint Concrete Service Includes: • Two visits w/Attorney Porches. Insured A Leisure World Resident Over 30 Years Experience FREE & Prompt Estimates Anthony Shaddow 714-365-6179 SBL Ton0001 # Untitled-3 1 • FLAT RATES • AFFORDABLE FEES Web site: 10 Minutes from Leisure World (714) 899-9671 Initial consultation free to establish a trust. Law Offices of Allan M. Soto, Inc. 7960 W. McFadden Ave. • Westminster, CA 92683 Computer Images Plus.indd 1 26 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS Professional & Service Directory Room Additions / All Improvements DEBRA HALVARSON GROH ATTORNEY AT LAW OUR 27th YEAR (562) 430-9380 Complimentary Initial Phone Consultation • LIVING TRUSTS & WILLS • PROBATE, TRUST ADMINISTRATION • LONG TERM CARE & MEDI-CAL PLANNING Family Owned & Operated • PAST PRESIDENT O.C. BAR ELDER LAW SECTION • NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ELDER LAW-MEMBER LW References Available 714-282-0559 Retirement Planning 3020 OLD RANCH PARKWAY, SUITE 300 SEAL BEACH Safe, successful financial solutions. Call for your FREE consultation. 714-625-4000 MEMBER National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. TM Retirement Specialist Valerie Schwait SENIOR RESOURCE Founder and Owner ADVISORS Financial & Insurance Services Valerie Schwait (888) 765-9959 310-717-4855 License #0D64103 Founder & Owner • Financial & Insurance Services Asbestos, Lead-Paint, 674 Ultimo Ave. •Microbial Long Beach, CA 90814 Consulting, Testing, Analysis & Surveys 310-717-4855 Serving OfResident Southern California Leisure All World St. Lic. # 727986 Conservative, Successful Financial Solutions Financial Advisor Call for your FREE consultation License #0D64103 Lenning & Company, Inc., CPAs (562) 594-9729 Leisure World Shopping Center 13924 Seal Beach Boulevard, Suite C **Same location since 1979** a n d Retirement Specialist LOS AL BUILDERS (714) 522-3437 Experience Our Experience Remodeling Leisure World For Over 30 Years Carlos Ayala ISABELLA COHEN Safe, successful financial solutions. Call for your FREE consultation. Conservative, Successful Financial Solutions Call for your FREE consultation Valerie Schwait d r a p e r y DRAPERY• VERTICAL • DRAPERY CLEANING All Free in-home Estimates & Decorator Services are done by Wayne Schumacher, owner WE MANUFACTURE CUSTOM DRAPERIES WE ALSO SELL ALL TYPES OF WINDOW COVERINGS 562/435-6260 BRE#01967223 LIVING TRUSTS ESTATE PLANNING PROBATE CONSERVATORSHIPS 323.547.2130 Financial Advisor License #0D64103 SENIOR RESOURCE ADVISORS Valerie Schwait [email protected] I am a KW REALTOR and a resident in beautiful Leisure World, Seal Beach, CA. I will sell your place using correct pricing, my 10 point marketing plan, max exposure, proper staging, effective negotiating and smooth closing. Founder & Owner Financial & Insurance Services License #0D64103 Financial & Insurance Services Founder and Owner 310-717-4855 310-717-4855 Choose me as your agent and I WILL DO MY VERY BEST FOR YOU! 674 Ultimo Ave. • Long Beach, CA 90814 Leisure World Resident Advertise here for $25 per week D B Handyman Call 430-0534 562-841-3787 c l e a n e r s Family owned and operated since 1950 Retirement Planning House Calls - Free Consultation (562) 280-0999 James E. Foden, Attorney at Law 8/3/15 12:21 PM • Painting • Carpentery • Plumbing upgrades • Senior Living Modifications • Carpet Cleaning • Haul-away • 21 Years Serving LW 12 consecutive weeks, minimum • Alzheimer’s & Dementia • Parkinson’s & stroke • Hospice & Respite Care • Post Surgery Care SB Lic # BRA0002 AWARD WINNING DENTISTRY S I N C E •Financial Planning and Bill Paying • Trust Administration Carnation Draperies [email protected] Sr. Resource Pro.indd 1 Income Tax 1 9 8 4 V WE SPECIALIZE IN... Volterra Dental Comfort. Care. Excellence. (562)596-7484 | 3532 Howard Ave. Suite 200 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE FREE ESTIMATE YOUR 12 Months, No Payments No Interest! Licensed & Insured Lic. # 689923 • Medication Reminders • House Maintenance • Shopping & Errands • Transportation 2/6/14 9:05 AM BATHROOM REMODELING Bathroom Remodeling Acrylic Bath Makeovers Walk in Tubs Tub to Shower Conversion Kitchen Remodeling Tub & Tile Refinishing • Bathing • Incontinence Care • Laundry & Linen Change • Meal Preparation Advertise here for $25 per week 12 consecutive weeks, minimum 877.225.2284 Local #:949.263.1236 www.calbat Call 430-0534 Convert Your Tub to E/Z ACCESS LW References Available Additions Additional Rooms Kitchens Bathrooms Ayala.indd Laundry Rooms Complimentary Appliance of Your Choice ( Not To Exceed $500.00.) Are You Ready For A Home Improvement? We are here to help you. FREE Estimates 5 6 2 •4 3 0•570 6 8/28/15 4:04 PM 1 11/13/08 3:42:23 PM Brightwatch.indd 1 Privately owned, licensed board and care facility for the elderly, situated in Lakewood. We offer loving thoughtful care for older seniors in a family styled home like atmosphere. For more information: DB Handyman.indd 1 3357 Katella Ave. Los Alamitos Lic #921621 (949) 381 - 1792 Untitled-1 1 Or Raise Your Seat Approx. 7 inches For Added Safety Added 3/4 Removed Nu-Kote 562-833-3911 State Lic. #699080 5/11 8/18 Untitled-3 1 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS 27 Professional & Service Directory Vertical Blinds 2” Blinds & Shutters Wholesale Prices Speacilizing in: • Wardrobe Closets • Pull-out Drawers • Extra Cabinets in Kitchens & Bathrooms • Office Furniture & Desks • Bookcases and More Serving Leisure World for 20 Years COAST FACTORY BLINDS 562 493-4228 Free Estimates Open M-F 9-6; Sat 9-5; Sun 10-5 Gordon Gunderson LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS 8 senior men with LW ID 3461 Sausalito St., Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Interior Renovations (562) 596-0559 Contractor’s Lic. #723262 WINDOW • DOOR • SKYLIGHT SWENMAN CO. SWENMAN CO. Roy CallColquhoun Walter 562-596-7383 562430-2265 [email protected] 12 consecutive weeks, minimum Call 430-0534 St. Lic. 413207 • Seal Beach Swe001 Aracelly Santana Life Insurance Specialist Life Insurance / Annuities 3480 Katella Avenue Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 594-1911 Bus. (714) 754-2010 Fax [email protected] Department of Insurance Lic.#0003259 South Coast Family Funeral Services Advertise here for $25 per week In-home care for a .better quality of life. FUNERALS • CREMATIONS • BURIALS GRAVE MONUMENTS • ADVANCED PLANNING Lic.# 629553 Handyman ServiceS Painting Advertise here for $25 per week LW Resident providing personal service at the lowest price. 12 consecutive weeks, minimum We are her to help you through the difficult time arranging end of life services for your loved one. We serve all faiths. Funeral directors Curt Owen and Kathy Deperi 888-607-0772 (562) 434-3775 Flooring Blinds, etc Upgraded Cabinets Refinished Counter-Tops SINCE 1968 562.594.4600 • Laminate Flooring • Custom Drapes • Hardwood Floors • Floor Coverings • Vinyl Planks FREE In-Home Estimates & Show Samples Call (562) 598-4552 or (949) 378-0616 or go online at We Specialize in Senior Cuts 5 Mi Fades and Flat tops n. from Women’s cuts LW also available $ 00 Open 7 Days-A-Week and up " CARPETS & INTERIORS Serving Leisure World Exclusively for Over 25 Years All at Lic. #660872 G. L. Gunderson Custom Carpentry by John Mercurio $79 Crema 5 tion 575 Anton Blvd., Ste. 300, Costa Mesa, CA 92726 • FD# 2233 Call 430-0534 562.653.4480 | Kang’s Construction INC. k_RAH_FranchiseAd_InHome_3.375x2.indd 1 • • • • • 3/2/12 3:29 PM Home Remodeling Room Additions General Carpentry FREE ESTIMATES Licensed & Insured Ad Caption: “In-home care....” Los Alamitos, CA Job # 8112 FY12 Franchise Print Ads Client: Right At Home Publication: newspaper Insertion date: Size: B/W 3.375” x 2” Date: 03.02.12 Prepared by: Bozell/Omaha 562-965-5524 562-804-5087 Fax Approval Slip (date & initial) Proofreader___________________________ Copywriter_____________________________ Art Director____________________________ •Kitchens Creative Director________________________ •Bathrooms Account Service________________________ •Room Additions General Contractor Lic. 997910 John Kang Contractor No Job too Small • Counter Tops • Home Remodel • Patio Enclosures •Flooring Lic.945818 Call for FREE Estimates [email protected] 562•715•3821 Untitled-3 1 11/13/08 3:42:23 PM “Being There For Your Pet When You Can’t” • Experienced • Compassionate • Involved • CPR Certified • Bonded & Insured • Pet Sitting • Dog Walking • Overnight Stays • Pet Taxi • Dog Training 714 • 875 • 0833 [email protected] All Happy Barbers.indd 1 GENE’S CARPET CLEANING Sales — Service — Repair “Your Leisure World Specialists” 5/21/15 2:48 PM 15000off $ Untitled-3 1 New Heat Pump or Air Conditioner Truck-Mounted Steam Cleaning Carpet - Upholstery Free Estimates • Owner Operator No Hidden Costs 562-212-8720 Licensed Insured Bonded All makes and models of Heat Pumps 714-821-7070 Lic. # 945655 28 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 Puzzles & Comics Gasoline Alley Broom-Hilda Sudoku Answers on page 24 NEWS By Jim Scancarelli By Russell Myers 9 To 5 By Harley Schwadron Middletons By Raph Dunagin & Dana Summers The Observer Crossword Puzzle Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS CLASSIFIED SCE Power will be disrupted in Mutuals 4, 6 Southern California Edison (SCE) has scheduled a power outage from 9 a.m.- 4 p.m., Oct. 8, in Mutuals 4 and 6 as part of its continuing equipment upgrades. The buildings that will be affected are Mutual 4, 43-46 and 52, and Mutual 6, 57-59, 62, 64-65, 66-68 and 132-133. Additional buildings in the area may also experience the loss of power during these scheduled outages. The outage times are estimated. Outages may not begin or end at the stated times, and power may be turned on and off more than once during the outage period. For information on the status of the outage, call (888) 759-6056 or visit and reference the outage number 722581. For more information about these outages, contact SCE up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled start time by sending an e-mail to [email protected], or call (855) 683-9067 between 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. ON GO From page 22 Reno— Oct. 11-14, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Las Vegas, Four Queens— Nov. 8-10, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743; Chee Chee Porr, 4305949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Laughlin, Riverside Holiday Party—Dec. 13-16, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Viejas Casino—Jan. 5-6, New York Club, Los Alamitos Seniors’ Club, Phyllis Pierce, 598-3743; Chee Chee Porr, 430-5949; or Verna Burns, 596-1896. Lake Havasu Balloon Festival, Route 66 Tour - Jan. 15-19, Traveling Tigers Club, Joanna Matos (562)760-0906 or [email protected]. Holy Land—Feb. 16-28, Holy Family Church, Claudia Venegas, (714) 414-2038 or [email protected]. INSURANCE From page 16 ing. The format follows an agenda and is not an open forum. Following the presentation there will be time for questions and answers. Refreshments will be served. The meeting will end at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome. News copy deadline is 4 p.m., Thursday, one week prior to the desired publication date. 29 Notice to Readers • Publication of advertisements in the LW News does not indicate an endorsement of any advertiser. • Readers are responsible for verifying claims, licenses, references, etc. • California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and materials) be licensed by Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license number on all advertising. • Any advertiser not including a contractor’s license number can be assumed not to be a licensed contractor and should not perform jobs costing in excess of $500. Verify license numbers and scope of work a contractor is licensed by calling 1-800-321-2752 or at • Before signing any contract or beginning any work, contractors should check with the LW Physical Property Dept. for a complete list of requirements. • Advertisers soliciting to do business in Leisure World must include their Seal Beach Business License numbers or other state license numbers in their ads. • The News will not knowingly publish any advertisement it deems to be untruthful or misleading. Complaints regarding an advertiser must be in writing and signed to be considered ANNOUNCEMENTS AVON Lenora Browning, LW resident. Phone (562) 493-5457. Seal Beach Business License #BRN0001 12/31/15. Lost LOST 8 1/2” x 11” File Folder containing family history information . It was lost after I attended the Genealogy Club in CH 3 - Room 1 on Wednesday, September 9th. If found - Please call Dorothy Kusch at 562-430-1572 Thank you! --------------------------------------------LOST - I-phone 5 in dark leather case in Mutual 5. REWARD, Plz call James 562 430-1836. --------------------------------------------LOST - Cat gray medium long with white markings, male neutered with chip. Very friendly! HOME IMPROVEMENT PENA CONSTRUCTION. Ruben PENA. General Contractor. State Contractor’s License #336991. (562) 430-4216. Room Additions, etc. ----------------------------------------J.C. KRESS CONSTRUCTION, INC. Free estimates/design by LW resident. All improvements - room additions. State Contractor’s License #525989. Call us (714)822-5000 -----------------------------------------JOHN M. BERGKVIST General Building Contractor, State Contractor’s License #638079. Everything from skylights to remodels and room additions. (562) 433-3052. -----------------------------------------Additions & Remodeling, Kitchen & Bath Remodeling, Windows, Tile & Stonework. State Contractor’s License # 393071. OGAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. (562)596-7757 ------------------------------------------(562) 596-0559 LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS Fixer-upper interior renovations, custom upgrades. Pantries, closets, laminate wood crown molding and baseboards, new cabinet doors, interior painting. Contractor’s License #723262. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 The News now accepts credit cards Carpentry CUSTOM CARPENTRY BY JOHN MERCURIO Serving Leisure World exclusively for over 30 years. Wardrobe closets redesigned, roll out drawers for kitchens, bathrooms and closets. Call for appointment (562) 598-4552 or (949) 378-0616, or go on line at Seal Beach Business License #MER0001 Gardening Service FRANK’S GARDENING SERVICE Complete maintenance and landscape. Serving Leisure World since 1978. Planting, clean-ups, fertilization. New lawns, etc. Offering my services to all Mutuals. Honest and reliable. State Contractor’s License #779462. Call (562) 863-7739, 7433832 or (714) 527-1172. --------------------------------------J&J LANDSCAPING & MAINTENANCE Landscaping-plants, lawns, trees, etc. Maintenance of lawns and flower beds. Available for all residential and Mutual projects. Joe (562) 650-1511, Jesse (562) 219-0374 10/8 State Contractor’s License#79003 -----------------------------------------ELECTRIC CAR PADS Installed at your residence. State Contractor’s License # 779462. Call Frank (562)743-3832. Carpet & Service LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Linoleum, laminate, new baseboards, patio carpet. 30 years in LW. Contractor’s License #723262. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Handyman Service GARY’S HANDYMAN SERVICE PROFESSIONAL Painting and Carpentry. Masonry and Tile. Call (562) 596-6013 for appointment. Calls returned daily. Fiberglass or Hardi Backer paneling board installed on patio block walls. Seal Beach Business License #GAR0005. -----------------------------------------JIMMY’S HANDYMAN SERVICE LEISURE WORLD ONLY LICENSED and INSURED Call (562) 596-1337 for work to be done. Calls returned Monday through Friday, daily. No job too small. FREE ESTIMATES Heat pump filters cleaned; clean lint from dryers; vacuum light wells; dead bolt locks installed; entry locks installed; glass door locks and rollers installed; windows and screens washed; skylights washed and repaired, also new domes; hang pictures and mirrors; phone work done; new doorbells installed and repaired. Repair lamps. Seal Beach Business License #JIM0001. ------------------------------------------THE HANDY COUPLE Ted & Jeri Nowell, LW Residents, Honest and reliable (562) 4301104. Seal Beach Business License #NOW0001. -----------------------------------------(562) 596-0559 LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS Fixer-uppers, renovations, custom upgrades. Interior painting, cabinets & entry doors refinished. Laminate floors, new baseboards, crown molding, closets, pantries redesigned, exterior window frames painted white. Contractor’s License #723262 LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 -----------------------------------------Handyman Rick. Assemblies, installations, TV wall mounts, lights, fans, shelving, carpentry, Messages (562) 598-1000. Seal Beach Business License #RIL0001.9/24 -----------------------------------------Richards Handyman Service - Big or small I do it all, give me a call. - Seal Beach Business License #HUG0002. (562) 387-5187. Painting Beauty Services BEL-RICH PAINTING: - Free estimates, small/large jobs. Contractor’s License #705131. (714) 2209702; 1-800-618-2220. ------------------------------------------Miller Painting Company, free estimates, all work guaranteed. (714) 600-4437. Contractor’s License #725681. ------------------------------------------LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Interiors, cabinets. Entry doors, refinished, new baseboards, crown molding, We only use premium paints and primer all woodworks, bathroom and kitchen. References for every street in Leisure World, 35 years in Leisure World. Contractor’s License #723262. In home hair care, serving the men and women of Leisure World for 36 years. Mel (562) 431-4827; cell: (562) 480-9341 License #KC75538 -----------------------------------------Coni’s Mobile Hair Home Service, 31 years. Cosmetology License #KK39075. Cell (714) 315-5363. Seal Beach Business License #LIB0003 -----------------------------------------SHAMPOO SETS/PERMS Yvonne Morales is on vacation until 10-1-2015. Phenix Salon, Suite 118 (near Dollar Tree). 9:00 am -5:00 pm. Call for appointment (714) 855-8465. LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 ------------------------------------------Blue Sky Painting & Construction Insurance, General Building B and Painting C-33 License #632956. (562) 822-5632 or (562)418-0007 -----------------------------------------FRANK KUYS PAINTING Need a living room, bedroom or entire home painted. Enjoy a clean, fresh look. License #552827. Frank (562) 420-7898. Screen Sales, Service & Installation LEISURE WORLD SCREEN SERVICE. For all your screening needs. Ted and Jeri Nowell, LW residents (562) 4301104. Seal Beach Business License #NOW0001. -----------------------------------------PROFESSIONAL MOBILE SCREEN SERVICE New screens, re-screening, screen doors, retractable screens, new and repair. Since 1988. Call today. (562) 493-8720.Contractors License #578194. Skylights, Cleaning, Service & Repair LICENSED and INSURED Skylights washed, lubricated, repair and new domes replaced by JIMMY’S HANDYMAN. Call for appointment. (562) 596-1337. Seal Beach Business License #JIM0001. -----------------------------------------Skylights cleaned and repaired or domes replaced by THE HANDY COUPLE, Ted and Jeri Nowell, LW residents. Licensed and insured. (562) 430-1104. Seal Beach Business License #NOW0001 Wallpaper Removal & Installation Darrell’s Wallpaper Hanging and Removal. Free estimates. Contractor’s License #741588.(714) 906-7046. Window Covering, Sales & Installation Coast Factory Blinds Shutters, Verticals, Wood Blinds, Pleated Shades, all at wholesale prices. Serving LW for 20 years. We don’t just make blinds, we make friends. Free estimates. Contractor’s LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 Blinds, shutters, drapes, sheers valances. 35 years serving LeisureWorld. Contractor’s License 723262 LEISURE WORLD DECORATORS (562) 596-0559 EMPLOYMENT NOTICE I need someone who was successful in suing in Downey small claims court, and received a verdict for money. I will provide you a nominal sum for a valid method that you used to win a money judgement. If multiple plans are submitted, I will accept the one that an attorney (of my choice) will approve. Call Al. (562)799-1220. -----------------------------------------WANTED - Retired electrical engineer to assist with a GREAT INVENTION! (714)917-7811. Bicycle Service & Repairs Bicycle repairs. Free pick up and delivery. We also make house calls for smaller repairs. Local, serving the community for 90 years. Professional, courteous service. Call Kings Bicycles. (562)598-9322. Computers FRUSTRATED (562)755-6199 Everything for your computer (PC or Mac), cell phone, TV, stereo, any electronic device. Tina Schaffer. Seal Beach Business License #CIP0001. ----------------------------------------COMPUTER REPAIR Virus removal System repairs & updates. Tablets, Phones, Computers, TV’s. Wireless setup. PC/MAC. John Fuhrer LW Resident. (562) 733-9193. #CA510324 Leisure World Helping Leisure World Y’s Service Club of the YMCA will assist residents with small non-professional jobs. We change light bulbs, clean air conditioner filters, hang a small picture or mirror, remove or place items on a high shelf, air bicycle tires, etc. Donations gladly accepted. Call week days between 8 am - 5 pm. 562)493-6291 or (562) 430-9966 ----------------------------------------Does your walker need new tennis balls? Delivery and installation provided. Please give your name and phone number. Maria Giegerich (562) 596-9983. ---------------------------------------Leisure World Community Church will pick up objects as large as one man can handle. All pick-ups are on Wednesday between 10 am - .2 pm, call to schedule an appointment (562)431-2503. Home Care & Personal Assistants Readers are urged to ask advertisers for references; call those references; and to verify advertisers’ business license numbers by calling Seal Beach City Hall, 431-2527. -----------------------------------------NANCY’S LW Personal Assistants represents Comfort Keepers “RunAbout” services for errands, in-home care (LW 2-HR minimum), AND Physician-prescribed Certified Professional monitoring/grooming by California certified MANOR Hospice, Inc. Call (562) 596-2019; Seal Beach Business License # GRU0001 -----------------------------------------Marlene’s Personal Services Need a companion? Need a ride? Help with errands? Doctor, airport, cruise lines, shopping, movies, etc. Call me (562) 596-0775. Seal Beach Business License #MEH0001. -----------------------------------------CHRISTIAN HOME HEALTH Services. Experienced, knowledgeable caregivers, honest, assertive, fluent English. Hourly/full-time, doctor’s appointments, errands. Bernadine (562) 310-0280. Bonded/Insured. Seal Beach Business License #BCS0002. 30 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 LIFE CARE SERVICES INC. (562)430-6611 We provide in home care. Live in or hourly. Office - 3535 Farquhar Av Suite 12, Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (949)338-6884. Caregivers screened, bonded and insured. Seal Beach Business license LIF0005 -----------------------------------------Bright Watch Caregivers Exceptional affordable home care. Over 10 years in Leisure World. Bonded and insured. (714) 841 (CARE) -2273. Seal Beach Business License #BRC0002. 7/30/16 -----------------------------------------(562)230-4648 All types and levels of patient care. Meals, appointments, bathing, medications, shopping, laundry, physical therapy assistance, etc. 15 years in LW. Seal Beach Business license #CAM0002 (562) 230-4648 -----------------------------------------Need Caring Caregiver? Meal preparation, baths, shopping, laundry, doctors. Pierre’s Caring Heart (714) 337-6152. Seal Beach Business License RAZ0002. 9/3/15 -----------------------------------------Senior Care Experienced caregivers. Cooking, Cleaning, medications, companions, doctor’s. Experience with dementia. Gloria (949)371-7425. Seal Beach Business License RAZO002. -------------------------------------------------- 1st Call Home Care 866 685-6599 LICENSED & BONDED, all caregivers are employees and covered by workers compensation. Call us for a FREE Consultation. Seal Beach Business License VIL0002. 10/22 -----------------------------------------Experienced caregiver, will care for male or female. Can work hourly, full time, shop, doctors appointments laundry, clean and all other needs. Call Jane (562)370-4544. Seal Beach Business License MAG0010 -----------------------------------------Carmen Cares! Compassionate and sensitive nonmedical experienced caregiver. Personal care, light housekeeping, laundry, run errands, transportation, cooking. Hourly. (562) 287-9349, 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Seal Beach Business License #CAR0011. 9/17 -----------------------------------------RC Home Care I am a retired nurse with over 20 years of direct patient care experience. No case is too big or too small. Reasonable rates. References available on request. Call for complementary evaluation and quote. (714) 658-7454. Seal Beach Business License CHA0006 -----------------------------------------Goldman Nursing Services are caring individuals (CNAs/HHAs/ LVNs/RNs) who are happy to assist you with your personal needs. Licensed and bonded. (714) 5078270. Seal Beach Business License GOL0005. -----------------------------------------Experienced caregiver Leisure World references. $10.00 per hour. Maria Lopez (562) 235-6743. Seal Beach Business License LOP0004. House Cleaning Patricia Housecleaning - weekly, biweekly or monthly, excellent references in Leisure World. Call (562) 397-4659. Seal Beach Business License #LUC0001. -----------------------------------------TONY DO’S MAINTNANCE LW resident. Window washing, carpet, cleaning, general house cleaning, vacancies (complete cleaning for resale) Reasonable prices. Excellent work. Call Tony Do (714) 534-1824, evenings. Seal Beach Business License #TON0002. ----------------------------------------GRACIAN’S HOUSE CLEANING General housecleaning. Excellent references. We do windows! (562) 307-3861. Seal Beach Business License #GRAC0006. PHIL’S CLEANING Phil cleans windows, walls, move-in, move-out, etc. 30 years experience. Seal Beach Business License #ABL0001. (562) 881-2093. MARTHA’S CLEANING Experienced, affordable rates, the best in Leisure World. Call (562)2543581. Seal Beach Business License # MRA0002. -----------------------------------------Magaly’s Cleaning Service. We make your home sparkle! 7 days call anytime! Complete cleaning. Discount for regular customers. Seal Beach Business License S&M0001 (562) 505-1613. Laundry Service FLUFF AND FOLD Econowash/coin laundry free pick up and delivery, $1.00 Per pound 11302 Los Alamitos Blvd, Los Alamitos CA, 90720, next to Vons (714) 280-5666 call or text. Moving & Storage A FRIEND AND A TRUCK Your moving service, any size job. (310)387-2618. CA Carrier #0263644 -----------------------------------------J&D HAUL AWAY AND CLEANUP SERVICE No job too small, fast reliable, great prices. Seal Beach Business License #BRA0002. (562) 841-3787 Notary Notary, Edith Hampton, here in Leisure World (562) 626-8157. Transportation Need a Ride? Irene handles all transportation needs. (562) 431-3679. Seal Beach Business License #NEE0001. -----------------------------------------INEXPENSIVE shuttle service, airports, markets, cruise lines, etc., Seal Beach Business License #ABL0001. (562) 987-1931. MERCHANDISE Autos/Boats/RV’s/ Trailers Wanted WE BUY ANY KIND OF CAR Boat, motorcycle, truck - running or not. We are local - call anytime! We pay cash and remove promptly! We do DMV and Release of liability for you! Bonded/Licensed, since 1985! Call us so we can come out and give you a quote. Local call: (562) 684-0901. Autos/Boats/RV’s/ Trailers for Sale 1995 Plymouth Van, blue, new battery, nearly 203,000 miles. Runs well, $800. or best offer, cash as is. (562) 596-8795. Electric Cars/ Scooters/ Mobile Chairs for Sale Electric Golf Cars, Sales, Parts, Service (714) 292-9124.---------------------------------------------Golden Literider PTC GP 162 motorized wheel chair, never used $1,100. or best offer. (562) 865-8844. ---------------------------------------------Motorized wheel chair -like new - only used a few times (paid over $1500. new ) Asking $499. or best offer. Call or text Nancy at (562)760-3662. ---------------------------------------------Rascal 600U scooter with front carrying rack. Disassembles to fit in a car trunk. Serviced & new battery $800. Call (714)745-1687. ----------------------------------------------Rascal 600U scooter with front carrying rack. Disassembles to fit in a car trunk. Serviced & new battery $800. Call (714)745-1687. ----------------------------------------------- NEWS CLASSIFIED Electric Club Car with/ Curtis Cab 2007 48v white, runs and looks great! (new batteries and brakes 2012) $4200. or best offer. Call Alan at (310) 350-1069. Estate/ Patio/Carport/ Moving Sale In accordance with GRF Policy and Mutual Regulations, no nonresident shopper will be allowed through the Main Gate without having been appropriately authorized by the estate sale holder. • All advertising offering to purchase entire households of goods and furniture (estates) or offering to conduct estate or patio sales for the owner or heir(s), and all advertising announcing such sales, shall contain the name, address and telephone number of the person or business soliciting such purchases or conducting such sales. All advertising for estate or patio sales conducted by the owner or heir(s) shall contain the words “by owner” or “by heir(s). -----------------------------------------Estate Sale - Mutual 5 - 108G, 13541 Wentworth Lane. Friday, October 2, and Saturday, October 3, from 9am- 2pm. Recliner sofa, mission style end tables, dining set with hutch, king bed, oak dresser, mirrored table, oak file cabinet, 22” flat screen TV, Florals, lovely art, collectible plates, Delft, Royal Doulton, Steinbach nutcracker, tea cups, crystal costume jewelry, ladies clothing (L/ XL and Chicos 2), shoes (size 8). Professional roulette wheel, lots of clocks, twin aero bed, sleeping bags, vacuum, luggage, vintage ski potes and so much more! Estate Sales by Docia Drake, 714S14-8232, PO Box 421,Seal Beach Business License ESDOOO1 -----------------------------------------Estate Sale - Mutual 8, Thursday, October l5, and Friday, October 16, from 9am - 2pm. Lovely sale with many items for everyone. China dinner sets, sterling silver flatware, vintage furniture, china dinner sets, sterling silverflatware, vintage furniture, music CDs, vinyi’s. Mens clothing size large, Glinda Davis 714 943-l818, 13010 Nassau Drive, Seal Beach business license GDD0001. Pictures on Craig’s List or vww. ---------------------------------------------Mutual 14 Sunningdale Sidewalk Sale - Thursday , October 8th, 8am - 1pm. Maps will be available at the flagpole showing other sale locations Miscellaneous for Sale Attention: Pipe smokers, I have new tobacco I would like to give away or trade [email protected] -------------------------------------Recliner lift chair, like new $400. (562)865-8844. ---------------------------------------Quality leather recliner and matching love seat, rust color excellent condition $500. for the set (or best offer) (562 673-7094. ----------------------------------------Electric oak free standing fireplace asking $200., Antique oak dresser $135. Wooden tea cart $50., Antique wood side table $100. Decorative lamp $30. All items in excellent condition, will be happy to e-mail photos of the items you are interested in seeing. Call or text Nancy at (562)760-3662 or e-mail at [email protected]. ---------------------------------------Rascal 600U scooter with front carrying rack. Disassembles to fit in a car trunk. Serviced & new battery $800. Call (714)745-1687. . Want to Buy WANTED: Japanese swords and related items. (949)494-1731. ---------------------------------------------WANTED .. . Antiques, Collectables & jewelry Will pay cash.(562) 277-5909 The News 430-0534 REAL ESTATE Leisure World Apts For Sale **PANORAMIC VIEW** Fully expanded 2 bedroom corner unit with best greenbelt view from all windows. One bathroom, unique craft room, sky tube lights, built-in washer/dryer and vacuum cleaner system. Close to parking. Scooter parking pad and awning. Appraised at $280,000. 1240 Oakmont Rd., Mutual 4, Unit 52L. For Sale By Owner. Call John Hritz 818-400-9422 ----------------------------------------LOCATION LOCATION! Gorgeous, central corner unit facing green belt; 2 bedroom/2 bath, big patio. Mutual 15, unit 24C-$410000. To view, please, call or text Isabella Cohen at (323)547.2130. -----------------------------------------BEAUTIFULLY REMODELED Centrally located in Mutual 12 unit 39E, 2 bedroom/1 bath $269000. To view,please call or text Isabella Cohen at 323-547-2130. -----------------------------------------LOCATION! LOCATION! Move-in ready, Very bright and cheery, Expanded to 950’ upgraded carpet thruout, skylights and extra double paned windows. Step down shower and high boy toilet. Large patio, close to the Amphitheater and medical facilities 13601 Cedar Crest #100D. Call Agent: Evie Keller (562)-619-9585. -----------------------------------------------New listing in Sept. for $174,800. My wife wants fast buyer, so changing to $169,800. 1312 Golden Rain Rd #67-J (951)-704-5540. ---------------------------------------------- Need Help? Need Service? See Classified Classified Index Reupholstery Screen Cleaning & Repair Window Cleaning Merchandise Want to Buy Estate/Moving/Patio/Carport Sales Miscellaneous for Sale Electric Cars/Scooters Autos/RVs/Boats/Trailers REAL ESTATE Non-LW Real Estate Carports/Carport Lockers Wanted Carports/Carport Lockers For Rent L.W. Apts. - Want to Rent L.W. Apts.- for Rent L.W. Apts. - Want to Share L.W. Apts. - Want to Buy L.W. Apts. - for Sale No PaperBy 9:00 A.M Call the News 430-0534 Before 10 A.M. State Mutual and Apt. Number Classified Index Announcements Announcements Cards of Thanks Lost & Found Personals Employment Help Wanted Want to Work Remodeling, Decorating, Cleaning & Garden Services Additions & Remodeling Air Conditioning & Heating Brick Work, Masonery, Block Walls Carpentry Carpeting & Flooring Sales & Installation Ceramic Tile Electrical Installation & Repair Handyman Landscaping & Gardening Painting Screens Sales & Installation Skylights Sales & Installation Upholstery & Carpet Cleaning Wallpaper Sales & Hanging Window Sales & Installation Window Coverings Sales & Installation Profssional Services Alterations/Mending/Ironing Appliance, TV, Stereo Service & Repair Beauty Services Bicycle Service & Repair Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning & Repair Drapery Cleaning Financial Services Free Services Furniture Refinishing & Repair Hauling Health Services Housecleaning Legal Services Moving & Storage Postal/Shipping/Packaging Services CALL JOYCE Resident Realtor® Notary Available 596-8656 Coming Soon Mutual 10 Fully expanded corner with many extras. —•••— Mutual 17, 20B $325,000 2-BR, 2-bath. Murphy bed ensemble in guest bedroom. Built-in china cabinet. G IN D N E P —•••— Mutual 15, 2-A —SOLD Mutual 17, 26-B —SOLD Mutual 15, 15-F — SOLD Mutual 9, 232-K—SOLD Mutual 15, 1-C —SOLD Mutual 8, 205-A—SOLD Mutual 15, 29-K—SOLD Mutual 8, 181-A —SOLD Mutual 15, 3-A—SOLD Mutual 15, 6-B—SOLD Unbelievable Real Estate NEWS Susie Allen Mutual 2 Resident (562) 338-3833 BRE #01397720 New Listing Mutual 6, 131H $160,000 1 Bedroom 1 Bath Courtyard Setting Washer/Dryer, Dishwasher Microwave, Glass Cooktop Plantation Shutters Custom Kitchen Cabinets Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 Conrad Rodriquez BRE Lic # 01211458 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Central Air & Heat Freshly Painted Throughout Bathtub Skylights in Kitchen & Bath Large Skylights on Side Patio & Front Patio. V-Shaped greenbelt on right. Large greenbelt to the left. 13926 Seal Beach Blvd. Seal Beach, CA 90740 (562) 242-6162 Guiding The Right 562-225-1123 Suzanne Fekjar You In Direction BRE Lic # 00855939 M12 #59-H: $239,000 Drive-up, Corner Unit, 2/1, Full Expansion, 2 Skylights, Microwave & Dishwasher, Greenbelt Views M15 #14-R: $349,900 Luxurious & Spacious Upstairs Corner Unit, 2/1¾, Stainless Appliances, Granite & Tile, W/D Combo, Views M3 #21-J: $189,900 West Facing, 2/1, New Windows & Entry Door, Mirror Closet Door, Hardwood Floors, W/D Comb, L Patio... M5 #121-D: $159,000 Drive-up, 2/1, Florida Room, Heat pump Split, Dishwasher, Steps to Downtown On-Site Sales Suzanne Susie Allen Mutual 2 Resident Erika Verna Charles Briskey Real Estate Chumley (562) 338-3833 Shapiro 562 BRE Lic # 00855939 Resales Specialist Mut. 17 Resident DRE #01397720 Traveling Notary 562-598-7616 M9 #227-F: $228,000 Drive-up, Corner Unit, 2/1, High Side Expansion, 3 Skylights, Patio, Storage In Escrow Mutual 10, 240I $188,000 Diana Dugan-Flores M14-48K $249,000 Partially expanded 2 bdrm 1 bath. Private patio. Freshly painted. Washer / Dryer. M14-50B $250,000 Partially expanded 2 bdrm 1 bath with greenbelt view. Freshly painted. New laminate flooring. In Escrow M17 #18-B: $325,000 Regency Terrace, Corner Unit, 2/1¾, Ocean Breezes with Greenbelt Views 31 NEW LISTING Basic 2-BDR, 1-bath. Luxuriously upgraded. New windows, granite, laminate flooring. Mutual 2, 27H $195,000 NEW LISTING Move in ready, Fully expanded, Laminate flooring Mutual 14, 28I $198,000 221-3113 Conrad M9 #227-F: $228,000 Sylvester BRE Lic # 01211458 Drive-up, Corner Chumley Unit, 2/1, High Side Expansion, 3 Skylights, Patio, Storage 714 655-6033 M12 #59-H: $239,000 New Drive-up, Corner Unit, 2/1, Full Expansion, 2 Skylights, Microwave & LISTINGS Dishwasher, Greenbelt Views M15 #14-R: $349,900 Luxurious & Spacious Upstairs Corner Mutual 11 – 285I Unit, 2/1¾, Stainless Appliances, $164,000 Granite & Tile, W/D twoCombo, Views Lowest priced Mutual 10, 240I $188,000 PRICE REDUCTION bedroom unit in Drive-up corner,2 central A/C1 Bath Bedroom community! heat, small side patio Central Air & Heat Mutual 14, 24A $230,000 Freshly Painted Throughout Mutual 2 – 8E Bathtub NEW LISTING $209,000 Skylightscorner. in Kitchen & Bath Fully expanded Lovely two-bedroom Drive-up, central AC/heat Large Skylights on unit; All new windows GreatSide built-ins. Patio & Front Patio. Granite counters Mutual 12,V-Shaped 61H $242,000 Nice Greenbelt on the right. Easy Access Large greenbelt to the left. M17 #18-B: $325,000 Wrap-around patio PRICE REDUCTION Coming Soon 1-BDR DRIVE-UP 2/1¾, 1 BedroomRegency 1 Bath Terrace, Corner12Unit, – 8J New paint, new laminateOcean BreezesMutual with Greenbelt Mutual 6 in Courtyard Setting $212,000 Views M1-20L. $165,000 flooring, skylights, walk-in Washer/Dryer Expanded twoshower. Turnkey 2 bdrm 1 bath cutoff corner Dishwasher • Microwave On-Site Sales Team bedroom unit Mutual 5, 126I $139,000 • Glass Cooktop with greenbelt view. Plantation Shutters CHARLES BRISKEY Great location! COMING SOON Kitchen Cabinets FULLY Custom EXPANDED REAL ESTATE, INC. Move-in condition M15-20A. $160,000 Laminate Flooring, New BRE Broker #01237297 Atrium. Great Greenbelt view. Paint, Central A/C Heat, 562-598-1388 Mutual 12 – 67H Beach Blvd., Seal Beach, CA 90740 Freshly painted. Drive-up. 13926 SealWasher/Dryer (Located in the shopping center, behind Carl’s Jr.) $194,900 Mutual 12, 39 F $269,000 Berkshire Hathaway Two-bedroom unit PRICE REDUCTION Fully enclosed patio 2 BDR/ 1 Bath, fully Great location! expanded drive-up, 4 skylights, walk-in closet, Mutual 1 – 7A plantation shutters, $205,000 small entry patio, Very clean expanded Mutual 7, 161I $241,000 two-bedroom corner NEW LISTING unit! Mutual 1, 57G Expanded corner , A/C, Diana FLores.indd 1 Mutual 12 – 8H washerSand OW Rdryer C NE $175,000 Iand big greenbelt. Basic Two-bedroom $259,000 unit Nice “Downtown” 2_BDR/1-BATH BASIC Location! Extra wide courtyard, close to parking. All new. W O Mutual 14 – 23C SCR$189,000 IN7,E158K Mutual $172,000 Two bedroom unit COMING SOON Enclosed patio Fixer, Beautiful Greenbelt W Washer/Dryer, Partially Easy access SCRO IN E Y A D Expanded 1 IN SOLD 5-101F Mutual In Escrow Jimmie Boyd Broker/Realtor LEE PFEIFER Mutual 2 Resident Realtor (562) 430 - 5225 MUTUAL 2, 10 i $279,000 Turnkey, Partly Expanded 2BED/1Bath, Custom Remodel Granite Countertops, Heat Pump All Appliances Stainless Steel Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Stove, Oven, Built-in Microwave Travertine Tile and More! PENDING Mutual 2 58F $199,000 Mutual 11 279i $235,000 CALL FOR SPECIAL BUYER INCENTIVES AND TO VIEW ANY HOME FOR SALE. NEW LISTINGS SOON Basic 2 Bedroom and 2 Bedroom Expanded California Allegiance Inc. BRE 01848562 Susie Allen 2x.indd 1 M-2 #68-B $155,000 Move in ready 2 bed 1 bath RARE Central Air and Heat Newly painted New carpets Low Price for this quality 562 895-2527 Ca BRE 01400803 $235,000 2015 ESCROWS 15-32M 5-105B 1-7H 14-15E 2-37A 11-267J 9-232A 8-181I 6-130L 5-103K 1-46I 17-63B 8-197L 3-26I 2-30C 3-11B 12-43J 3-32L 8-181A 17-53A 8-182E 10-246C 2-59H I SOLD 35 in 2014 I SOLD 60 in 2013 I SOLD 42 in 2012 I SOLD 46 in 2011 I SOLD 41 in 2010 I can sell your’s too! Service Is My Priority! Call ME for a Market Evaluation Mutual 16 - 53D $150,000 Move-in condition One-bedroom unit on lovely greenbelt Mutual 5 - 118I $168,000 Great price on this twobedroom basic unit in “downtown” location Mutual 15 - 31D $325,000 Rare Corner; fantastic Greenbelt Great Potential approx. 1100 sq. ft. of living 562-598-1388 9/29/15 11:27 AM West Fa & Entry Hardwo 32 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS Mr. Hank & Associates Dedicated to Results HELEN Leisure Living Resales The ONLY Full Service LW Real Estate Office!!! Hank (562) 743-8473 Best Buy Fully Expanded Corner Next Week 2-bed, 2-bath, washer/dryer Corner Unit 3 bay windows, 1200 sq. ft. Mutual 4, 79A Best buy corner. Great location to remodel. Mutual 1, 6G Hank 743-8473 Reduced to $365,000 On M.L.S. — Mutual 2, 37E Best 1-BDR expanded unit on large green. Granite counters, washer dryer, PENDING dishwasher, forced A.C./heat. Must see. One-of-a-kind. John Webster SOLD Resident Listing and Resale Specialist Mutual 2, 59L $257,000 New Mutual 2, 21D $153,000 One Bedroom. Large green. Move-in Ready! All offers! Mutual 3, 9G $434,000 TURN-KEY EXPANDED CORNER 2-BDR/1-1/2-bath, Completely upgraded. Washer/dryer, central A.C./heat. Drive-up. Mutual 14, 48D SOLD I NEED LISTINGS! Light and airy, 2 Bedroom 1 Bath corner, partially expanded, east facing. Overlooks a greenbelt. This unit is very quiet, away from the street but close to parking and laundry. Helen Blizzard Mutual 14 Resident (562) 896-1191 OLD S$274,900 Great Location Fully Expanded, New Paint, Laminate Flooring Washer/Dryer, Central Air/Heat Erika is the #1 Agent in LW NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Move in ready. Fully Basic 2-BDR, 1-bath. expanded. Laminate floors Luxuriously upgraded. Mutual 14, 28I $198,000 New windows, granite, laminate flooring. PRICE REDUCTION Mutual 2, 27H $195,000 Drive-up corner, central A/C heat, small side patio Mutual 14, 24A $230,000 FULLY EXPANDED Laminate Flooring, New NEW LISTING Paint, Central A/C heat, Fully expanded corner. Erika Washer/Dryer Drive-up, central AC/heat Mutual 12, 39 F (562) 598-7616 Great built-ins. Mutual 17 Resident Mutual 12, 61H $242,000 $269,000 BEST BUY: Mutual 8, 195J - 2-bedroom basic. Joanie Korman (714) 308-8034 Many extra features. Only $163,500 Mutual 6 Resident NEW: 2-bedroom fully expanded. Move-in ready. Washer/dryer. Drive-up. Mutual 3, 34B Only $177,000 COMING SOON: One-bedroom, fresh paint, new carpet. Move-in ready Susie Allen Mary Chittick Ben Choi For more information: Melinda Curtis 562-375-0084 Leisure List S.B. [email protected] Confidential Realty BRE#01291830 562-294-0789 Need to sell your unit? Time to Downsize? Nearly 100 Units Now Available! Call Me, Let’s Make One Yours! John Webster.indd 1 Clara Fink Barbara Diette-Dobias Robin Gray 9/29/15 3:23 PM Traveling Notary DRE #01225858 Coming Soon Mutual 7, 173-J. Basic 2-Bedroom / 1-bath G IN D N PE Mutual 3 - 9 G Turnkey Expanded Corner Has it all— 2 bdr/1-1/2 bath Central Air & Heat Washer/Dryer Too many upgrades to mention Drive up and very close parking. F1rstTeam® REAL ESTATE 12501 Seal Beach Blvd. #100 Seal Beach, CA 90740 [email protected] Mutual 14, 48 D NG$274,900 Prime Location PENDI— Mutual 15, 43 E G IN$303,000 Basic Atrium PEND— Leisure Living Resales Vickie Van Ert Leah Perrotti 8 Helen Blizzard.indd 1 1900 St. Andrews Dr. , Suite C Seal Beach, CA 90740 Two-Bedrooms Mutual 1 20L $165,000 Corner, greenbelt, skylights Mutual 12 74E Mutual 12 55E $167,000 Wrap around patio, fresh paint, skylights Mutual 8 202H Mutual 2 24D $185,000 Laminate floors, greenbelt, 3 skylights Mutual 12 34C Mutual 7 159E $185,000 Btfl. view, lam, floors, new paint Mutual 5 108L Mutual 10 240I $188,000 Cent. air, 2 large skylights, greenbelt Mutual 15 45B Mutual 12 44B Mutual 2 45K $189,000 Great greenbelt, laminate floors Mutual 6 65I $205,000 High side expan., enclosed patio, drive up Mutual 8 202F Mutual 3 27H $215,000 High side exp., 4 skylights, close parking Mutual 9 233A Mutual 6 54K $215,000 Drive-up, wood lam. floors 3 skylights Mutual 7 148L Mutual 7 166I $220,000 Drive-up, high side exp., skylights, heat pump Mutual 12 11K $225,000 Newer paint and carpet, brick patio, dishwasher Mutual 15 3G $225,000 Ground level, laminate wood, carpet Mutual 2 70H $227,000 Full exp., 2 bay windows, btfl. greenbelt Mutual 8 192B Mutual 10 245H $229,000 Btfl. unit, highside expan. enclosed patio, must see Mutual 9 227E Mutual 8 200E $245,000 Fully expan., possible 3rd bedroom, central air, skylights Mutual 2 277B Mutual 14 50B $250,000 Partial exp., new paint, new flooring Mutual 5 119K Mutual 16 50B $250,000 Full exp., 4 skylights, cent. air, faces south Mutual 1 52C Mutual 15 34H $254,900 Btfl. unit, newly renovated, granite Mutual 3 34G $259,000 Full corner exp., lam. floors, custom cab. Mutual 6 131H Mutual 5 96H $265,000 Full exp., washer/dryer, new cabs., skylights Mutual 1 9H Mutual 14 48K $269,000 Washer/dryer, partial exp., 3 skylights Mutual 4 89D Estee Edwards 562-896-1191 $434,000 Fay Wescott Jim Duncan Manager Suzanne Ahn *Central air/heat *Skylights: kitchen & bathroom. *Built in stainless steel dishwasher *Living room expanded out with large Bay window *Formal dining or reading area off living room *Bay window in 2nd bedroom. * Newer plantation shutters on most windows *White countertops & cabinets. *Sliding door window, for direct access from bedroom to patio. *Upgraded Brick Patio floor, finished patio ceiling with gate, filled in brick fencing on patio, perfect for small pet *2 built in storage areas on patio * No carport views BRE#01976550 Mutual 14 Resident Gloria Hadley 13926 Seal Beach Blvd. Seal Beach, CA 90740 $269,000 $285,000 $299,000 $315,000 $325,000 $375,000 $395,000 $398,000 $499,900 Exp. corner, lam. floors, crown molding Full exp., drive-up, washer/dryer Kawain Payne Full exp., European wood vinyl floors, Corner, downtown, corner patio Atrium, brick patio, cent. air, wood lam. Washer/dryer, 1-3/4 baths, one-of-a-kind Elegant remod., 1 3/4 baths, washer/dryer Gorgeous corner, washer/dryer. 2 baths One-of-a-kind, gorgeous, a must see One-Bedroom $134,000 $140,000 $155,000 $159,900 $159,900 $160,000 $184,000 $187,500 Faces west, tile patio, brown cab White kitchen, faces west lam, floors Expanded bedroom, drive-up, heat pump Expanded, washer/dryer, lam. floors Greenbelt, faces south, 2 heat pumps Washer/dryer, upgraded kitchen cab. Expanded, cent. air, greenbelt Full exp., greenbelt, washer/dryer Kathy Gupton Diana Flores Irv Hart Linda Patton Karen Lee Jong Kim Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS The “Right Team” Robin & Barbara Your Seal Beach Leisure World Real Estate Team New Listing PENDING SALES Mutual 2 - 10-G Mutual 7 - 154-A Mutual 15, 2A Mutual 2 - 29-K Mutual 14 - 3-F Ibex, Artesia 2015 CLOSED SALES Mutual 1 - 20-B Mutual 2 - 6-K Mutual 2 - 14-G Mutual 2 - 53-L Mutual 4 - 48-L Mutual 5 - 90-B Mutual 5 - 125-A Mutual 6 - 128-F Mutual 7 - 154-I Mutual 8 - 180-J Mutual 8 - 204-E Mutual 9 - 211-H Mutual 9 - 228-G Mutual 10 - 253-H Mutual 11 - 276-G Mutual 12 - 8-F Mutual 12 - 11-J Mutual 12 - 34-A Mutual 14 - 53-L Mutual 15 - 13-R Mutual 15 - 17Q Mutual 15 - 23-H Mutual 16 - 52-K Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual Mutual 1 - 69-E 2 - 14-E 2 - 21-J 2 - 66-H 4 - 49-D 5 - 90-B 6 - 128-F 6 - 133-D 8 - 179-K 8 - 180-G 9 - 206-F 9 - 224-K 9 - 233-H 11 - 276-F 11 - 278-G 12 - 10-F 12 - 11-J 14 - 28-G 15- 9-F 15 - 16-L 15 - 22-A 15 - 46-B 17 - 57-A Mutual 4 - 89-D $187,500 One bedroom— Fully expanded on a Mutual 7 -148-L $499,900 GREEN!! Bedroom has a large walk in STUNNING!! This fabulous 2 bed, 2 bath home has everything imaginable closet and ceiling fan. Extra large livfrom bamboo wood floors, imported ing room with dual-paned windows, granite, triple-pane windows, Veloux blinds, A/C, dishwasher, skylight, skylights, central heat/air, w/dryer, scraped ceilings. Bath has a tiled patio, greenbelt all this, and an orig- walk-in shower and extra cabinets and WASHER/DRYER. Light cabinets inal design that no one else has! with light carpet and new light vinyl in Call Robin or Barbara to See ... kitchen and newer Formica counters. Coming Soon Mutual 2-70-H $227,000 Fully expanded and upgraded two bedroom, one bath with gorgeous new laminate flooring throughout, Bay windows to enjoy the GREENBELT view, newly cut down shower with new doors, new kitchen and bathroom counters, Extra large skylight in kitchen that opens, Plus skylights that open in each room. Large walk-in closet in master and freshly painted with scraped ceilings. Beautiful home!!! MORE COMING SOON Mutual 2 - Expanded corner Mutual 2 - Basic Corner on a Courtyard Taking Back-ups PENDING Mutual 12 - 44-B $375,000 ONE-OF-A-KIND! VERY PRETTY 2013 remodeled 2 bed, 2 bath home is one you need to see! Open concept living with stone floors thru-out, granite counters in the kitchen and baths, bowed windows with plantation shutters, French door with cut glass panes, w/dryer, heat-pump, and a huge walk-in closet ... Mutual 9 - 234-A Highside expansion on a very pretty green. Perfect for a remodel or to make your own. 2-bedroom, 1-bath, skylights. Call Robin or Barbara for information. Mutual 7 - 154-A $424,000 READY TO MOVE IN ... Corner unit that is a ONE-OF-A-KIND 2 bed - 2 bath ... entry hall with built-in shelves, BRAND NEW laminate woodlook floors. Remodeled kitchen with granite and an island, a large dining room with a built-in china closet, washer/dryer, central heat/air, and bay windows with seats and storage! Pretty green and drive-up parking. SOLD Less than 1 week Mutual 15 - 34-H $254,900 Looking for a private - beautiful downstairs corner unit with lots of amenities? Renovated less than 3 years ago with granite counters in the kitchen, new counter tops in bathrooms, gorgeous wood look laminate floors, a sun room that is light and bright with dual paned windows that is perfect for that extra indoor space, plus an outdoor patio that will keep you cool on these hot summer days and nights! Mutual 9 - 233-A $398,000 BEAUTIFUL!! Two bed, 2 bath fully expanded corner with a drive-up location! Rebuilt in 2013 this home has wood laminate floors, granite kitchen with a moveable island, central heat/ air, w/dryer, bay windows, plantation shutters, tons of storage, room for 2 or an oversized refrigerator, close parking... A MUST SEE SOLD Less than 2 weeks SOLD Less than 2 weeks Mutual 2 - 29-K $389,000 Rarely on the market! Beautiful 2-bed 2-bath CORNER unit with 3 patios, central heat/air, washer/ Mutual 2 - 10-G $173,000 dryer, bay windows, huge kitchen, 2-bedroo mcorner — drive-up — granite, large living room and dining Priced to sell. Basic—basic—basic. room, lots of storage including attic Don’t miss out on this one!!! Ready to storage. Surrounded by a pretty remodel or just dress up to move in. garden! Be sure to ask for ... Robin & Barbara Robin Gray (562) 209-5605 [email protected] Barbara Diette-Dobias 13926 Seal Beach Blvd., Seal Beach, CA 90740 (Located in the shopping center, behind Carl’s Jr.) (562) 754-5628 [email protected] Check out our website for information about Leisure World Seal Beach 33 34 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS Leisure World ® Specialists Gloria & Kathy “The Gloria Hadley Realtor® 562 884-3594 Sisters “We really are SISTERS!” Mutual 2, 45K $189,000 Charming 2-bedroom on fabulous greenbelt. Skylights in kitchen, bathroom. Laminate flooring. Ceramic tile in kitchen & bathroom. White kitchen, ceiling fan, heat pump, patio storage. Mutual 15, 3G $225,000 2 Bedroom 1-1/2 bath faces east. Beautiful greenbelt. Laminate flooring. Carpet in both bedrooms. Kitchen features off white cabinets. Enclosed patio. Downstairs, close to front gate. Associate Broker Kathy 562 Two-Bedrooms Mutual 2, 24D $185,000 Lovely 2-bedroom on breezy greenbelt. Lshaped patio with Pebble-Tech flooring. Skylights in kitchen, bathroom and side patio. Laminate floors throughout. Mutual 10, 248K $333,000 2-bedroom 1-3/4 bath. Bay window in living room. Custom cabinets, granite counter, dishwasher, microwave, free standing stove. Skylights, Thermo-windows, central heat and air. Mutual 8, 202H $275,000 Elegant 2-bedroom. Facing north, drive up location. Kitchen features newer cabinet doors, tile back splash, attached breakfast bar, added pantry, extra large skylight, dishwasher, builtin microwave. Washer/dryer, cultured marble counter, cut-down shower in bathroom. Thermo windows, many extras. Mutual 3, 24H $269,000 Beautiful 2-way expansion on nice greenbelt. Faces east. Bay windows, laminate floors. Carpet in bedrooms. Kitchen has recessed lighting, ceiling fan & dishwasher. Heat pump, walk-in closet in master, skylights in bathroom & patio. Move-in ready! ” Mutual 15, 45B $325,000 Elegant atrium home. Spacious brick patio. 2-BR with custom built-in bookcase and storage in atrium. Custom desk in living room. Central heat/air, Solartube skylights, white kitchen cabinets, dishwasher. Must see. Mutual 5, 108L $315,000 2-bedroom, den/office/w/storage, 1-bath, corner. Carport close. Heart of “downtown.” Skylights. Spot for an electric cart Gupton 618-9940 Mutual 3, 34G $259,000 Fully expanded corner. Custom kitchen cabinets, upgraded built-in appliances, with dishwasher and microwave. Formal dining room, skylights in kitchen and bath. Open view from living room and master bedroom. Mutual 15, 33H $449,000 Corner atrium, 2-bedroom, 2-bath, south facing on pretty greenbelt. Beautifully remodeled kitchen. All new paint and carpet. Covered patio. Seller is motivated. Mutual 12, 11K $225,000 2-Bedroom with newer paint and carpet. Skylights in dining room, 2nd bedroom and bathroom. Kitchen has white cabinets, smooth top stove, ceiling fan and dishwasher One-Bedrooms Mutual 9, 227E $140,000 Partially expanded 1-bedroom, 1-bath. Drive Mutual 14, 5D $149,999 Mutual 8, 192B $134,900 -up location. Master has slider leading to patio. 1-Bedroom basic faces west on pretty green- Expanded 1-BR with walk-in closet and slider Heat pump, white kitchen cabinets, skylights in belt. Kitchen features brown cabinets and ceil- to patio. Drive-up location, close to downtown kitchen, bath and patio. LW & golf course. Skylights in kitchen and ing fan, lovely tiled patio with skylight. bathroom. Kitchen features built-in microwave, attractive tile back splash, white cabinets and upgraded fixtures. Heat pump/AC in bedroom. Decorative entry door with retractable screen. Mutual 5, 119K $159,900 Expanded 1-bedroom with small den/office. Laminate flooring. Two remote control ceiling fans, nice-sized patio w/ skylight, stackable washer/dryer, dishwasher, bay window, upgraded security door. Of These Mutual 2, 62I $148,000 Charming 1-bedroom on beautiful large greenbelt. Skylights in kitchen, bathroom and patio. Mutual 9, 227B $155,000 Newer carpet, thermo-windows, kitchen feaExpanded 1-bedroom. Drive up location. Skytures dishwasher, built-in microwave & ceiling fan. Heat pump, cut-down shower, patio stor- lights in kitchen/bath/living room. White cabinets, heat pump. age. Washer/dryer. Mutual 1, 52C $164,900 Cozy 1-bedroom, 1-bath. Laminate flooring in living room & bedroom. Cut-down shower, newer paint throughout. Skylights kitchen and bath, 2 heat pumps, white kitchen cabinets, ceiling fan, dishwasher. On huge breezy greenbelt. We can show ALL Leisure World® property Call and let us present our extensive marketing program. Members of M.L.S. Visit Our Website: 13926 Seal Beach Blvd.,Seal Beach, CA 90740 (Behind Carl’s Jr. Susan Wood Real Estate Assistant (562) 315-3447 On-SiteSales OFFICE NEWS Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 The 35 Lic. #01237297 Charles Briskey Real Estate Every Sale We Make Returns Income To The Golden Rain Foundation, and Benefits Every Resident In Each MUTUAL in The Community On - Site Sales Team Verna Chumley Realtor Sylvester Chumley Realtor Dawn Januszka Realtor Marsha Gerber Realtor Tim Kearns Realtor Carolyn McInerney Realtor Suzanne Fekjar Realtor Conrad Rodriquez Realtor We Show ALL Properties For Sale In The Community Notary Available On-Site 562 598-1388 Visit Us at New Listings SOLD MUTUAL 4 – 84E $195,000 Two-bedroom unit in lovely courtyard MUTUAL 12 – 76D $183,500 Two-bedroom Unit Nice location MUTUAL 11 – 285I $164,000 Two-bedroom unit! Open patio! Best two-bedroom price! MUTUAL 1 – 62I $159,000 Fully expanded one-bedroom unit! Light & Bright & Clean! MUTUAL 6 – 139I $259,000 2 Bd Gorgeous Remodel Many Upgrades, Drive Up! MUTUAL 5 – 97A $299,000 Full expansion; 2 bedroom corner; Faces the breeze & green MUTUAL 12 - 8H $172,000 Two-bedroom unit on nice courtyard! Great Mutual 12 location! MUTUAL 14 - 23C $179,000 Two Bedrooms Enclosed Patio. Steps to Golf Course MUTUAL 12 – 34L $226,000 Fully expanded corner unit on lovely greenbelt MUTUAL 1 – 50D $159,000 One-bedroom unit Expanded master bedroom Greenbelt MUTUAL 12 – 67H $194,900 Two-bedroom unit with enclosed patio! Great location! MUTUAL 6 – 139H $198,000 Two-bedroom unit Central location Park in front MUTUAL 3 – 36H $130,000 One-bedroom unit in move-in condition Open patio MUTUAL 1 – 7A $205,000 Expanded 2 bedrooms corner, laminate floors Must See! MUTUAL 5 - 118I $168,000 Two bedroom basic unit Central Location MUTUAL 7-157I $189,000 2 bedrooms, new windows, counters, shutters heat pump MUTUAL 8-196H $224,000 2 bedrooms formal dining expansion! laminate floors MUTUAL 12-59H $239,000 2 bedroom corner, expd., drive up;greenbelt! Walk-in closet MUTUAL 2 – 8E $209,000 Lovely, two bedrooms; New windows; Granite counters MUTUAL 6 – 59D $224,000 Lovely expanded twobedrooms; Open front patio Central location MUTUAL 3-13D $149,000 1 bedroom with greenbelt view Kitchen/Bath Skylights MUTUAL 15 – 31D $325,000 Corner atrium; new paint & carpeting! Great Views!!! MUTUAL 6-61E $249,000 2 bedrooms, 1 bath on large greenbelt; expanded! MUTUAL 16 – 53D $150,000 Lovely move-in condition one-bedroom Great green belt SOLD SOLD MUTUAL 9 – 227F $228,000 Fully expanded corner Easy Access MUTUAL 12 – 10L $205,000 Two-bedroom corner unit Enclosed patio Lovely location MUTUAL 15 – 14R $349,000 Two bedrooms, two baths, Great unit MUTUAL 12 – 8J $219,000 Fully expd., two-bedrooms pleasant location Move-in condition MUTUAL 15 – 13K $209,000 Upstairs two-bedrooms, two-bath facing breeze / balcony MUTUAL 3 – 21J $189,900 Two-bedroom unit All new windows move-in condition Great Market - Now’s The Time To List! 36 Seal Beach Leisure World Golden Rain News/October 1, 2015 NEWS Steve Marsh (714) 624-4126 Leisure World® Seal Beach Listing and Resale Specialist [email protected] BRE # 00361589 - Associate Broker / CRS 12501 Seal Beach Blvd. #100 Seal Beach, CA. 90740 ************************************** Located North of the 405 Freeway In The Rossmoor Shopping Center This Year To Date - I had a total of 60 Leisure World pending and closed sales. I Have Buyers For Yours Too! - Call Me Today For A Free Market Evaluation! 13081 Oak Hills Dr. 223A - Mutual 9 - $280,000 2 bd, 1 ba. fully expanded drive up corner with greenbelt view, wood laminate floor, skylights, double pane windows. MBR has walk-in closet and mirror closet doors 13801 El Dorado Dr 11E - Mutual 3 - $145,000 1 bed, 1 ba. southwest facing with greenbelt view and drive up parking. Blonde wood laminate flooring, skylight, dishwasher, smooth ceilings, full tub, mirrored closet doors 1410 Oakmont Rd 140G - Mutual 6 - $257,500 2 bed 1 bath, fully expanded north east facing drive up corner. Double pane bay windows, greenbelt view, skylights in kitchen and bath. Master bedroom has walk in closet. 13621 Cedar Crest Ln 98K - Mutual 5 - $145,000 Partially expanded north facing 1 bed, 1 ba with great greenbelt view. Dishwasher, microwave, skylight. MBR as a double deep closet. Sliding glass door to patio 1631 Tam O’Shanter 6H - Mutual 12 - $199,900 Fully expanded 1 bed, 1 ¼ bath South West facing. Kit has granite counter tops, skylight, microwave & dishwasher. Washer / dryer combo, bay windows, central heat and air 13100 Oak Hills Dr. 231H - Mutual 9 - $155,000 1 bed, 1 bath, fully expanded bedroom with walk in closet. Double pane windows, heat pump, skylights, laminate flooring and tile patio. Drive up 13451 Saint Andrews 124G Mutual 5 - $279,000 2 bed, 1 bath fully expanded on drive up corner. Washer & Dryer. Central heat & air. New paint and carpet. Double pane windows. Skylights, Large master bedroom with a walk-in closet 13783 Alderwood Ln 23K - Mutual 3 - $145,000 1 bed, 1 ba, with fully expanded bedroom and screened in patio. Crown molding, wood laminate floors, opening skylights, microwave, window shutters, and smooth ceilings I Have Access To The Total Inventory On September 28nd a total of 113 units show as active listing on the CRMLS (this is where Realtors list property for sale). ● 25 - 1 bedroom, 1 bath from $122,800 to $187,500 ● 74 - 2 bedroom, 1 bath from $159,900 to $325,000 ● 14 - 2 bedroom, 2 bath from $225,000 to $499,900 Please give me a call for detailed information on any of these properties