A Winter Wine Tasting - Marlborough Hunt Club


A Winter Wine Tasting - Marlborough Hunt Club
Volume LVI I #1
Marlborough Hunt Club “Tally-Ho”
January 2013
A Winter
Wine Tasting
Another successful wine tasting
was held on Friday, January 18
at the clubhouse. Approximately
40 people including some of our
newer members enjoyed wines
from France, Spain and California. White wines included a
Bougrier Vouvray, a slightly sweet white wine with hints of
peach, a Rothschild Blanc with a grapefruit flavor from the
sauvignon blanc and Semillon grapes, and an Arindo Rueda
Verdejo from Spain that had hints of pineapple. Red wines
included a Red Pony Ranch Pinot Noir from the central coast of
California with hints of strawberry and plum, followed by
Phebus Malbec from Patagonia. This was a medium bodied
wine that reflected the region it came from. Finally, we enjoyed Avenel Cellars Cabernet, a robust red blend with five
Bordeaux varietals. This was definitely a favorite among
certain guests.
For the non-wine drinker, there were plenty of craft style
beers to be had. The beer was so delicious that there is already talk of a spring beer tasting to be held under the pavilion.
Food abounded with many great dishes including barbeque,
meatloaf, dips, deviled eggs, shrimp, desserts and more!
As an extra special treat, Connie Urdal set up a table and was
selling jewelry. She then donated a portion of the proceeds
back to the club! Thanks Connie!
It was a perfect way to spend a Friday evening – with
friends, wine and good food. If you have never attended one
of the wine tastings, you are really missing out. Not only is it
a great time, but it is also a fundraiser – thanks to those that
attended and Connie’s donation, the event cleared approximately $550. By supporting events like these, you make a
difference in the club’s finances and also have a great time.
The Masters of Foxhounds
and the
Board of Governors
of the
Marlborough Hunt Club
Request the pleasure of your company at the
Hunt Ball
Marlborough Hunt Club Clubhouse
Saturday, the Second of March
Two-Thousand and Thirteen
Seven o’clock in the evening
Cocktails, Dinner Buffet
Silent Auction
Black Tie
Scarlet if convenient
The committee has been hard at work to make this year’s hunt
ball a huge success.
Your invitation with the reply card will be forthcoming.
Once again we are asking
you to please make your
yearly donation to The Masters of Foxhounds Association and the Maryland Association for Wildlife conservation. Your contributions of
$35 for MFHA and $25 for MAWC will help tremendously
in the efforts to protect our field sports. If you have not
already done so, please include your contribution of $60
total in your next dues payment. If you did not include
the donation in your yearly payment, please consider
sending it to Box 1250 or giving your check to one of the
Treasures for the
Hunt Ball Silent Auction
Find Something Special to Donate
MAWC was formed in 1976 to promote and protect hunters’ rights, particularly in the legislative and regulatory
arenas. MAWC seeks not only to educate the country
sport community, but also to play a vital role in the formation of the laws and regulations that affect our
sports. MAWC currently has a 20-member board of governors who meet approximately every six weeks, and
over 1,000 members including foxchasing clubs, basseting clubs, coon hunters, and beaglers throughout Maryland. The board of directors encourages all members to
become actively involved in issues that could impact our
field sports.
Contact: Ann Bowie Rice
[email protected]
Email a detailed description of the item(s)
or service you wish to donate. If possible,
include a picture of the item(s). Give me a
call so I can arrange to pick up your silent
auction donation. My home number is:
Rental Rates for the Clubhouse and the Pavilion
are as follows:
Member rate for the clubhouse is $450, non member rate is $1000. The security deposit for the
clubhouse, member or non member is $250.
Member rate for the pavilion is $150, non member
rate is $500. The security deposit for a member is
$150, for a non member is $250.
Please note: your date is not reserved until the
security deposit and contract are returned. The
security deposit will be deposited in addition to
the rental fee. The appropriate reimbursement
will be made after the event.
Your new directory is attached. Please
print and/or save it on your computer.
Upon request it is available in an excel file:
[email protected]
Included In The New Directory Please Note
Carl Buchheister has changed his address:
P.O. Box 225
Sunderland, Maryland 20689
Hal Denton, Chris Ennis and Tjarda Clagett
have resigned.
Your date will not be reserved before the
contract and deposit are received.
The House Committee
Committee Reports: Social Committee: A Shuck and Shoot
was held on November 23 at the pavilion. The event raised
nearly $700. An End of The World party is being coordinated
by George Sliker to be held at the pavilion on December 21. A
wine tasting is scheduled for January 18 at the clubhouse.
House/Grounds: Gil Hill reports that the clubhouse will be in
need of a new roof over the ballroom in the near future. He
will research the project and gather some quotes. An emergency plan is being prepared for the clubhouse in case of loss of
power. The Board discussed use of the clubhouse and pavilion
and what the lease includes. Website: The update is complete
and the site is live again. CafePress: The merchandise available with our logo is selling well. We received our first commission check for $133.83. Hunt Ball: A Ball is planned for
early March. Liz is working on forming a committee and further details.
Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Governors
Of the Marlborough Hunt Club
December 10th, 2012
Present: Rodney Calver, Katherine Cawood, Christy Clagett,
Leo Courtney (Vice-President), Marybeth Gall, Caroline Galleher (Secretary), Leslie Long, Eugene Roberts, Patty Sasscer,
Claire Simpson-Jones (Treasurer) and Liz Yewell (President).
Absent: None
Masters Report: There was a discussion over the size of our
fields exceeding the parking facilities at our various fixtures.
The Masters will work on alternate arrangements, including
encouraging people to carpool to the hunt. Rick Long has offered to make a drag for use on the clubhouse grounds. A joint
meet will be held in March with New Market-Middletown Valley. Closing Hunt is scheduled for March 24. The fixture card
through the end of the season has been distributed to Landowners. One male hound from Marlborough will be bred to a
hound from Golden Bridge. Several of our hounds are due to
be drafted to other hunts
Minutes: The minutes from the previous board meeting were
approved as read.
Secretary’s Report: Three membership applications were approved: Victoria McIntosh proposed for Junior Associate by
Jill Windsor and seconded by Christine Faber; JoAnne Stone
proposed for Hunting by Ann Bowie Rice and seconded by
Diane Treiber; and Lisa Nichols proposed for Hunting by Carl
Buchheister and seconded by Ann Bowie Rice. A new application was reviewed: Sharon Ward proposed for Hunting by Greg
Bush and seconded by Andrea Barnes. The Board voted to
approve a change in membership for Steve Rabbitt from Hunting to Non-Hunting. The membership stands at 64 Hunting, 67
Non-Hunting, 7 Honorary, 12 Absentee, 5 Junior Associates
and no descendant members.
New Business: The Board discussed the option of marketing
the clubhouse to increase usage and rental income. It was suggested that it be offered to a select caterer as their premier location for approved clients only. Leslie Long will prepare some
suggested guidelines based on what other similar sites have for
rules and regulations. Leslie will also prepare a list of recommended caterers to offer the agreement to.
Treasurer’s Report: A Balance Sheet as of 11/30/12 and cash
basis Income Statement for the eleven months ending 11/30/12
were presented to the board. Total revenue year to date of
$186,760.65 consists primarily of member dues of
$116,544.00, social income of $38,252.26, member donations
of $16,693.00, cap fees of $5,172.00 and the balance paid in
January for the 2011 No Roedown Hoedown of $5,000.00.
Total expenses year to date of $178,801.39 resulted in a net
profit year to date of $7,959.26 compared to the $12,358.19
loss for this time last year, a turn-around of $20,317.45. Our
cash balance as of 11/30/12 was $44,436.38 compared to our
cash balance this time last year of $4,910.61. Year to date actual numbers through November and projected numbers for
December compared to the budget for 2012 were presented to
the Board. Total revenue for 2012 is projected to be $32,300
over budget primarily due to member donations and social income. Net social income (income less expenses) is more than
$17,000, better than was budgeted and exceeded the $14,792
net social income for 2011. Total expenses are only slightly
over budget, with a $5,000 decrease for utilities and other expenses partially offsetting increased equipment expenses. The
status of the dues receivables was discussed. Fourth quarter
estimated federal taxes were paid on the $5,000 from the No
Roedown Hoedown. First quarter 2013 dues invoices were
sent out.
A budget committee is being formed to review our current situation and prepare a five year plan.
Next Meeting: The next board meeting will be on Monday,
January 14th at 6:30 PM at the home of Gene Roberts.
For Sale
Barbour Bedale
Wax Cotton Jacket
Men’s, almost brand
new (bought new last
spring), only worn once
or twice.
Jacket has quilted, wool,
zip in liner. Size 44. Too
large for Fred.
A steal at $350.
Call Fred Sasscer at
301-627-5035 or
Hunting Notes
Our January junior hunt on
the 6th at Marys Mount
treated us to a beautiful and
unseasonably warm day.
The first fox was found
along the stream that runs next to Rick Moreland’s
farm. This fox hurried through the woods and into the
soybean fields of Marys Mount, then dashed through
the pines, across the pond field, past the windmill into
the far woods. The whippers-in head him back toward
Marys Mount farm but after a few circles, he evaded
the pack. This fox was last seen strolling across the
fields below the parked trailers heading back into the
ravine near the pond. The second and third fields enjoyed this long view of a fox in no hurry. He seemed to
know that a safe haven was just over the hill. Our next
fox was found on the way back from Essex just below
the Tucker farm. He took off thru the Piazzo farm and
headed to the power line. Again, the staff was able to
turn the fox back into our hunt country where he went
to ground in his den near the branch. The field enjoyed
an excellent potluck breakfast in the comfort of Fendi
Clagett’s home.
Our newest hunting member is
Sharon S. Ward
Husband: Doug
504 Windy Knolls Court
Millersville, MD 21108
H-410 729 7444
0-410 471 6282
C-410 533 7153
Email: [email protected]
Her information is in the new directory.
Our website is now up and running thanks
to a very generous donation. Please log
on: www.marlboroughhuntclub.com
The user names have been changed, so
click on “forgot user name”, then you can
click on “forgot password”. You will be
asked for your email. You will need to use
the email associated with your name in the
directory, then you will be sent your
username and verification code. Copy
them into the boxes provided. You will
then be able to reset your password then
access the “members area”.
Any questions, call Patty Sasscer.
The Kennels on Jan. 13th produced two strong running
fox. The first was viewed by huntsman Jim and the
first field as he swiftly crossed the fallow fields in front
of the Billingsley tenant house. With hounds in hot pursuit, this fox took the pack almost to hunt club road
before Jason got him turned at the nursery behind
George and Maggie’s home. He ran back, full blast thru
the woods, over Ralph’s Ridge then past the Billingsley
office, where he denned in the fox condos on the
hillside below what used to be the Billingsley vineyard.
The next fox was picked up along the Western Branch.
Hounds ran him through the woods then all the way to
the Hill and Cassidy properties where once again, our
invaluable whippers-in got him turned back into the
Silker and Meloy woods where he returned to the thickets along the Branch. Scenting must have been perfect,
which treated the pack and the riders to one of our
most vigorous hunting days.
Editor: Patty Sasscer….301-627-3594
E-mail………[email protected]
Contributing Artist……Barbie Sonnett
Webmasters…Caroline Galleher & Patty Sasscer
At the Morelands fixture on January 20th, we found a
good running fox at the Touchette farm thanks to road
whips Snowie Myers and Nancy Helmly who viewed the
fox as he was crossing the hay fields. It was a swift
run, but short as hounds came to an abrupt stop at the
Rauch tobacco barn, which must have served as a very
nice shelter for this fellow’s den.
Solicitations Welcome !
Please e-mail your articles, classified ads,
news, poems or prose, achievements of yours,
your friends, relatives, children or grandchildren.
And then the frigid cold
and snow set in, causing
DEADLINE for articles: 20th of the month
Please visit our website
The webmasters have recently updated