Christian Stars Estrellas Cristianas


Christian Stars Estrellas Cristianas
Primera Edición
“Obama Care”, which ever name you
wish to call it, poses a series of serious and
challenging questions to the church, Florida society as a whole, and our nation in
regards to government imposed laws and
medical funded abortions in the state of
Florida and the nation. The battleground
for Christian’s centers on using tax payer
dollars to fund abortions and imposing
government mandates to require Christian institutions to provide abortion tools.
Ed. 1 / Vol. 1
We have grown as a society to morally
accept that an unborn child is the equivalent to the removal of a tumor. This provides a slippery slope of reducing the importance of the miracle of human creation
to complete disregard of human life.
First Edition Ed. 1 / Vol. 1
ccording to confirmed statistics
of the Center of Disease Control in the U.S., the holocaust
in World war II pales in comparison to
the statistics governing the execution of
50(million) innocent souls in the past 30
years. It is imperative that to bring light
that an American holocaust is undergoing
as we speak in Florida, without talking
importance away from the World War II
holocaust. Our state ranked number two
in the nation reporting 90,000 legally reported abortions in 2008; now well over
100,000 annually which is second to the
state of New York in the number of reported abortions. The government has
stopped reporting abortions since 2008.
However, continues to fund the largest
abortion provider in the world, Planned
Newspaper Orlando.Tampa
Newspaper Orlando.Tampa
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good
works, and glorify your Father in Heaven: Matthews 5:16
Welcome to Estrellas Cristianas Newspaper. This is the 1st real Christian Newspaper Covering the I-4 corridor from Orlando to Tampa. It will be distributed in
7-eleven stores in Orlando and Tampa, and Churches in both communities. Our editorial format is direct and aggressive supporting Christian views. If you wish to
receive copies, please call (407) 271-1007
• In 2008, approximately 1.21 million
abortions took place in the U.S., down
from an estimated 1.29 million in 2002,
1.31 million in 2000 and 1.36 million in
1996. From 1973 through 2008, nearly 50
million legal abortions have occurred in
the U.S. (AGI).
• In 2008, the highest number of
reported abortions occurred in New York
(124,867), NYC (89,469), Florida (86,817)
and Texas (81,366); the fewest occurred
in Wyoming (≤4), South Dakota (848),
North Dakota (1,386), and Idaho (1,481)
(continued page 6)
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PG. 2
Look for this sign on
The largest Christian Gift and Educational book store in
Central Florida, LONGS, will have that special item that
shows you are thoughtful. With Christmas coming don’t
miss the opportunity to pick the perfect present, books,
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PG. 3
he New York Times has reported
that two churches in Harlem NY,
with predominantly black congregations, where two pastors are gay and
two lesbian pastors have merged to fight
for homosexuality. Their promotion that
God created people gay has downright rejected strongly and firmly by mainstream
churches of most denominations who
maintained that the Bible states, without
confusion, that homosexuality is not only
a sin but an abomination to God.
The new church’s message combines
culturally historic church traditions and
makes its core vision and mission to minister to gay and lesbian people. Amidst
the gay agenda pushed by the current
administration in favor of gay marriages
more churches are becoming “Radically
Inclusive”. These two churches philosophies are upholding a message; which
preaches that Jesus Christ accepted all
people no matter their circumstance; and
“Gay by God”, using the notion that God
created all people in his image, gays and
lesbians included. Once a climate of gay
rights tolerance on the pulpit is created
many of these particular cases may arise
in churches and all types of radical and
extreme postures will take by assault the
pulpits and altars of many churches.
Religion is on both sides in this conflict.
The Roman Catholic Church teaches that
homosexual behavior is a sin, but there
are Catholic priests who secretly bless
gay unions. The battle is actually church
versus church, minister versus minister,
and Scripture versus Scripture. There
are black churches that welcome openly
gay couples, and white churches that do
not. Some Presbyterian churches hire
openly gay clergy members, while others
will not.
(continued page 8)
(Ozier Muhammad/The New York Times: The Rev. Patrick Wooden denounced President Obama’s
stance on same-sex marriage in a sermon on Sunday at his church in Raleigh, N.C., saying it was “in
support of sin.”)
(CBS’s “60 Minutes” dedicated a recent segment to the nearly 1,000 homeless youths living in Seminole County, Fla. There, local schools have provided a variety of programs to help kids through rough times.)
merica has come together in the
mindset of helping during every
world and historic crisis except
for this one: homelessness. Depending on
the national or regional statistics its civilians have chosen not to believe the wavering numbers of reports created to either
justify or discredit the fact that “Over 1
million people are homeless in the United
States. Over 75,000 people are homeless
in Florida.” (a) “The U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
defines the term “homeless” or “homeless
individual or homeless person” as -- (1) an
individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and
adequate nighttime residence; and (2) an
individual who has a primary nighttime
residence that is: A) supervised publicly
or privately operated shelter designed
to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional housing
for the mentally ill); B) an institution that
provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized; or
C) a public or private place not designed
for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodations for human beings.”
“Florida ranks 43rd out of the 50 states
(with 50 being the worst).” According to
this same report the “total number of
homeless children in Florida: 49,886.” (b)
As heart wrenching as these statistics are
regarding the difficult and unacceptable
conditions America’s children are living
it, I’ve been exposed to one couple living
in their vehicles with their baby, another
woman living in her SUV with her three
children, even a senior man contemplating the idea of suicide after living in his
pickup truck for three years, not able to
land a job because of his lack of access to
a shower and clean clothes. In none the
provided examples there are no evident
cases of mental illness or drug addiction
that would show cause of the aforementioned
(continued page 5)
PG. 4
• Medicare part B reinbursement
• Low income subdidy
• Medicaid certification and re-certification
• Foot Stamps
• Temporary cash assistance
• Specials needs programs
• Medicare advantage plans
• Medicare part D
• Other community resources and programs
Reebolso de medicare parte B
Subsidio bajos ingresos
Certificacíon y re-certificacíon para
Estampillas para alimentos
Asistencia financiera temporera
Programa de asistencia para necesidades
Planes de medicare advantage
Medicare parte D
Otros recursos comunitarios y programas disponsibles
n the past decade, the Pornography
industry has increased in growth
through internet websites and
mainstream entertainment. It is comforting to know that although the industry
has increased in how many products may
be on the shelves, the views are still at a
decrease. Sixty four percent of individuals find it unacceptable comparison to the
other thirty one percent.
rality which can increase a trend of sexual
deviance. Of the many thirty one percent,
they would differ in this statement in the
idea that it is harmless to view a video
whether on television or internet web
pages. They may consider this a hobby
and not a crime. It may be a crime if commiting adultery.
In comparison to other issues such as
gay marriage and abortions, pornography
is at an assuring low view rate. It is said
that if it becomes accepted in the nation
and/or community, the other prominent
issues could increase more. It is the idea
that if one issue is accepted, why can’t
the other issues be accepted as well? It
is based on probable opinions that many
would say is unjustified.
Many people may frown upon the idea
of viewing pornography but single individuals are the main people who would
disagree. It is a fact that eighty one percent of Americans reject the idea of polygamy and adulterous behavior in married
spouses. Eighty nine percent of Americans also find it unacceptable for married
men and women having an affair. Some
people even feel that viewing pornography has the same equivilance of an affair.
This nation still respects marital vows.
According to Dr. Richard D. Land of explains that porno
graphy is a way to promote a sexual mo-
According to the Ten Commandments,
it states “Thou shalt not commit adultery”, Pornography would fit under this
category. Every religion, especially Christianity, in America feels that a pornography free culture would be helpful to stop
its seductive blasphemy. It will be helpful
that if this idea is pursued that the thirty
one percent for pornography will hopefully decrease instead of increase. Is Pornography becoming an epidemic? Statistically, seventy three percent of citizens in
the United States would agree.
According to Donna Rice Hughes, President of “Enough is Enough”, states “we
are facing a national crisis that is every
bit as damaging to our citizens and our
culture as oil spill is to the Gulf community.”
For more information visit:
PG. 5
sentiment that they did it to themselves.
Should the just pay for the guilty? This
was a question Abraham asks God in
the book of Genesis chapter 18. Society
tends to stereotype all homeless people
as drug addicts, prostitutes, or mentally
ill individuals. Imagine losing your home
to foreclosure, unemployment or even divorce, you are left with nothing. In the
process of finding somewhere to sleep be
it under a building’s overhang or under a
bridge, you finally cave in to sleep deprivation only to awaken and find what little
you had left is now gone; including your
identification. There’s only one organization focused on helping individuals reacquire the much needed replacements but
you have to stand in line at two or three in
the morning. You see they are limited to
helping a set number of individuals, even
that process takes weeks or even months
if you are from out of state.
It’s no surprise that foreclosures have
been a huge contributor to homelessness.
While foreclosure is a problem on a national level let’s focus on the state of Florida. “There were 26,412 Florida homes
in some stage of foreclosure last month,
according to the RealtyTrac listing firm.
That included 14,768 new filings, an 83
percent increase from May of last year.”
Unemployment is probably the most
tarnished statistics leading to homelessness. Depending on what day of the week
and how much closer you get to elections
these numbers fluctuate inexplicably.
Number of unemployed vs. unemployable
is a much debated percentage. A simple
Google search led me to find that in August 2012 there were 817,637 unemployed
persons in Florida.
With all these facts that are searchable and manipulated there is one fact
that remains constant: this is America,
these are Americans, why are we so easily willing to discredit the reasons that
led to their homeless predicament, but so
eager to help other countries in financial
woes? Does charity not begin at home?
Every morning I awake, I sit up on my
bed, thank God for being so blessed. I proceed to the bathroom to wash up as many
of you do, have breakfast and open my
closet as I wonder what I will wear today.
Does your day also not start this way? If it
does then you are more than blessed and
I encourage you to pack up all those extra
clothes in the back of your closet you no
longer wear; do not throw them into the
white containers you see on your morning
drive, but instead find an institution that
will not sell these clothes to the public.
There are so many people on the streets
who don’t share your blessings. So many
of those who occupy our communities
wonder where their next meal or change
of clean clothes is coming from.
All of Orlando’s homeless shelters
charge an individual a set amount to
spend the night. Whether it’s a dollar to
sleep on their outlined concrete floors or
nine dollars to sleep on a bed infested
with bed bugs, there is a cost to staying
out of the weather. God forbid you found
yourself in a situation where you needed
to stay at any of these shelters, unemployed and no money, how would you be
able to pay for it? What would you need
to do to get out of the twenty-two degree
weather? You walk by a parked car, see
some knick knacks in the back seat you
could probably sell for a few bucks; “my
apologies for the broken window ma’am,
but I needed a warm place to stay and a
hot plate of soup.” Are homeless shelters
perpetuating homelessness and crimes in
your community? Shelters are no more
a place of charity as much as a place of
business. The solution is not more homeless
(continued page 9)
PG. 6
HOLOCAUST continued...
• The 2008 abortion ratios by state
ranged from a low of 59 abortions per
1,000 live births in Idaho (Wyoming had
too few abortions for reliable tabulation)
to a high of 732 abortions per 1,000 live
births in NYC (CDC).
• The annual number of legal induced
abortions in the United States doubled
between 1973 and 1979, and peaked in
1990. There was a slow but steady decline
through the 1990’s. Overall, the number
of annual abortions decreased by 3.7%
between 2000 and 2008, with temporary
spikes in 2002 and 2006 (CDC).
• The US abortion rate is similar to
those of Australia, New Zealand, and
Sweden but higher than those of other
Western European countries (NAF).
• In 1998, the last year for which estimates were made, more than 23% of legal induced abortions were performed in
California (CDC).
• In 2005, the abortion rate in the United States was higher than recent rates
reported for Canada and Western European countries and lower than rates reported for China, Cuba, the majority of
Eastern European countries, and certain
Newly Independent States of the former
Soviet Union (CDC).
• Nearly half of pregnancies among
American women are unintended; about 4
in 10 of these are terminated by abortion.
Twenty-two percent of all U.S. pregnancies end in abortion. (AGI).
• In 2008, 84.3% of all abortions were
performed on unmarried women (CDC).
• Women living with a partner to whom
they are not married account for 25% of
abortions but only about 10% of women in
the population (NAF).
• Women between the ages of 20-24 obtained 33% of all abortions in 2008; women between 25-29 obtained 24% (CDC).
• In 2008, women aged 20-29 years had
the highest abortion rates (29.6 abortions
per 1,000 women aged 20-24 years and
21.6 abortions per 1,000 women aged 2529 years) (CDC).
• 50% of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than 25; women aged
20-24 obtain 33% of all U.S. abortions and
teenagers obtain 17% (AGI).
• In 2008, adolescents under 15 years
obtained .05% of all abortions, but had
the highest abortion ratio, 821 abortions
for every 1,000 live births (CDC).
(continued page 7)
• 47% of women who have abortions
had at least one previous abortion (AGI).
• Black women are more than 4.8 times
more likely than non-Hispanic white
women to have an abortion, and Hispanic
women are 2.7 times as likely (AGI).
• The abortion rate of non-metropolitan women is about half that of women
who live in metropolitan counties (NAF).
• The abortion rate of women with
Medicaid coverage is three times as high
as that of other women (NAF).
• 37% of women obtaining abortions
identify themselves as Protestant, and
28% identify themselves as Catholic
• At current rates, nearly one-third of
American women will have an abortion
• On average, women give at least 3
reasons for choosing abortion: 3/4 say that
having a baby would interfere with work,
school or other responsibilities; about 3/4
say they cannot afford a child; and 1/2 say
they do not want to be a single parent or
are having problems with their husband
or partner (AGI).
• Only 12% of women included a physical problem with their health among reasons for having an abortion (NAF).
• One per cent (of aborting women)
reported that they were the survivors of
rape (NAF).
• 88-92% of all abortions happen during the first trimester, prior to the 13th
week of gestation (AGI/CDC).
• In 2008, 7.3% of all abortions were
performed at 14-20 weeks’ gestation; 1.3%
were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation
• In 2008, 84.6% of abortions were performed by curettage (which includes dilatation and evacuation). Most curettage
abortions are suction procedures (CDC).
• Medical abortions made up approximately 14.6% of all abortions reported
• Ninety-six per cent of the more than
140,000 second-trimester abortions performed annually in the USA are accomplished by the technique of dilation and
evacuation (D&E) (NAF).
PG. 7
• The number of abortion providers
declined by 11% between 1996 and 2000
(from 2,042 to 1,819). It declined another
2% between 2000 and 2005 (from 1,819
to 1,787) It has remained stable between
2005 and 2008 (1,787 to 1,793). (AGI).
• Forty-two percent of providers offer
very early abortions (during the first four
weeks’ gestation) and 95% offer abortion
at eight weeks. Sixty-four percent of providers offer at least some second-trimester abortion services (13 weeks or later),
and 20% offer abortion after 20 weeks.
Eleven percent of all abortion providers
offer abortions past 24 weeks (AGI).
• Most abortions in the USA are provided in freestanding clinics; in 2005, only
(continued page 17)
PG. 8
continued from page 3
Let’s take a drive on Constitution Road
for a moment and take a turn from Theology St. Supreme Court Justice Antonin
Scalia, a “textualist” says that gay rights
are easy cases as opposed to complex.
Scalia applies the words of the Constitution as they were understood by the people that wrote them and adopted them.
“Homosexual sodomy? Come on. For 200
years, it was criminal in every state,” Scalia said.
The issue of gay rights, or more specifically, same sex marriage, has been a big
issue in both campaign platforms. Justices were initially scheduled to discuss
this topic in September; it now appears
that they will not make a decision about
gay marriages until the presidential election, which means arguments will not
take place until the spring. Coincidence?
Think not…
Returning to the subject of theology; there is also another merger called
the Black Gay Straight Alliance. This
is a Church where Rev. Delman Coates
and parishioner of Mount Ennon Baptist Church supports marriage equality.
The current administration evolution on
same-sex marriages has generated a new
breed of African American LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) activists which astonishingly happen to be
straight and Christian.
White House Senior Advisor Valerie
Jarrett and the Rev. Delman Coates of
the 8,000 member Mount Ennon Baptist
Church in Clinton, MD are prominent figures that support the empowering of black
LGBT Americans in helping to eradicate
homophobia and racism. “It’s extremely
important to have straight allies, but especially faith leaders who believe in our
cause” The more people see important
voices in their own communities speaking
out in favor of gay rights and marriage
equality, they realize it’s OK for them to
evolve—just like president Obama did”
said Kimberly Mc Leod the communications director of the National Black Justice Coalition.
When Pastor Delman was asked during an interview in Michigan, what was
his opinion about President Obama was
leading the charge on this topic he answered the following: “I am hugely proud
of President Obama’s leadership. As I’ve
said before, he was elected president
of the United States -- not pastor of the
United States. Religious dogma cannot
and should not influence his policy judgments. What is so sad is that these wedge
issues end up distracting citizens and politicians from more important things, like
health care, education, unnecessary wars
abroad and poverty.
When he was asked if he saw a role
for religious leaders in politics, he answered: “As far as the black church is
concerned, it is time for us to recognize
that we have a long, vibrant history of gay
and lesbian brothers and sisters serving
in our churches. The friendship between
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Bayard
Rustin should serve as an example for all
of us. I believe the role of the majority is
to protect the interests of the minority,
and I pray that my voice will help serve
others -- gay, lesbian, straight and transgendered alike. The doors of heaven are
always open.”
Let’s look at the other side of the coin,
shall we? What are the expressions of
some of the most prominent religious
leaders in regards to gay marriages and
the climate that has developed on the gay
pulpits which have been influenced by
the current government administration?
Here are some quoted reactions from
Black pastors and other religious leaders.
Bishop Harry Jackson, senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in MD, said
“I think the president has
been in this place for awhile
and that he chose this time
because he thought that it
might shift the balance of
power. The timing made me
suspect the motives were
political, coming out of the
North Carolina victory for
the traditional marriage
groups and maybe have
people kind of rally behind
this pro same-sex marriage
Albert Mohler said, “Pres.
Obama’s evolution ends. He
publicly supports same-sex
marriage (again). Even his
friends knew his “evolving”
position was dishonest. Why
did Pres. Obama make his
same-sex marriage statement now? The Washington
Post reports that 1 in 6 of
his most generous fundraisers is openly gay.”
Pastor Jack Graham said,
“At the source of the same
sex marriage issue is the
spiritual emptiness of a nation which has forgotten
God and denied His Word.
Let me appeal to all my pastor friends to clearly and
unequivocally state your
support of Biblical marriage. Don’t sit this one out.”
Bryant Wright, president of
the Southern Baptist Convention, said, “A very sad
day for America when the
President comes out in support of same sex marriage.
No surprise, but deeply
troubling for our future!”
Pastor Michael Youssef
said, “Obama affirms same
sex marriage. Will it be long
before his pastor friends affirm him in his decision???”
Cardinal Timothy Dolan of
New York, president of the
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said, “Obama’s
comments are deeply saddening. I pray for the President every day, and will
continue to pray that he
and his administration act
justly to uphold and protect
marriage as the union of
one man and one woman.
Ralph Reed: “Obama’s announcement is a gift to the
Romney campaign.”
Bob Vander Plaats, head of
The Family Leader, said,
“This will stoke a part of the
religious base even more
against Obama. They were
already fired up to get rid of
Obama. This will only make
them more on fire to get rid
of Obama.
Pastor Jentezen Franklin
said, “Feel a real sadness
for America with the announcement of Gay Marriage support from Pres.
Obama. Bible is clear this is
sin. PRAY!”
Gary Bauer, president of
American Values, said, “The
charade is finally up. We’ve
always known that Barack
Obama supports same-sex
marriage. With every action
he’s taken, from court appointments to his rhetoric,
he’s been preparing the way
to undermine traditional
marriage. “
continued from page 5
PG. 9
shelters; the solution must be programs
that truly end the cycle of homelessness.
not there to judge, you’re there to show
America still cares.
Unfortunately homeless shelters are not
the only ones milking the homeless situation. There are many outreach programs
that promise tax deductions in exchange
for contributions. Be very careful, not everyone who says they are a 501c3 is recognized by the IRS as having tax-exempt
status, a quick search of the IRS website
will reveal whether or not the organization is a fraud. Before you get involved
ask for a copy of their IRS not for profit
confirmation letter with their Federal ID
Are you are among the few who decided
you want to help? What can we do to
help? The problem is so much bigger that
any one of us, this is why all politicians
balk at the homeless epidemic. There is
an old Spanish adage: Drop by drop water will break the stone. Here are a few
things we practice as a group which you
can implement in your local area:
• We refer a large number of people to
their nearest food pantries, most are
stocked by Feeding America. On their
web site they have a pantry locator which
you can enter your zip code and find your
nearest participating pantry and its days
of operation. I’ve referred homeless and
underemployed families alike.
• For those individuals who have lost
their identification refer them to IDignity. A search on the web will provide you a
schedule as to when they are scheduled to
be in your county.
• A small number of homeless individuals
have an income, help them locate affordable housing ask organizations to help in
gathering their first month’s rent, other
complexes might be willing to waive all
or part of their deposit in exchange for a
tax write off from your nonprofit organi-
• Do a collection for the light deposit.
• Contact a Mustard seed partner such as
our organization that will go out and do
the home inspection. The mustard seed
charges an application fee of $75, it’s a
once in a lifetime offer to provide all the
furniture needs, the “client” will be required to show a lease in their name, and
birth certificates for all children in the
household. We have helped many individuals make their new apartments cozy
enough to be called home.
• A lot of Veterans don’t even know they
qualify for benefits, contact the Veteran’s
Administration on their behalf.
• Organize a small group, buy a few
loaves of bread, jars of peanut butter
and jelly a few cases of water. Go hand
out pb&j sandwiches in your community,
don’t be afraid to speak to anyone who
you think might be homeless, most of the
time you will be pleasantly surprised to
find out how grateful they are for this
inexpensive meal you took the trouble to
share with them. DO NOT GO OUT AFTER DARK!!!!
• Gather good, clean unwanted clothes,
label them by size and gender, share them
with the same individuals you are sharing your pb&j sandwiches and bottled water with.
These are but a few simple suggestions.
Obviously how much you help depends on
how much time and resources you can
gather. We have managed to restore individuals into their own apartments, jobs
and in some cases others have returned
to their home state with their families.
We all know that no matter how dysfunctional we perceive our family to be, there
is nobody on this earth who can forgive
and love us like family. In restoring relationships just as in building relationships there is one key requirement: LISTEN. Let them express their frustrations
and anger, remember you’re not there to
judge, you’re there to show America cares.
PG. 10
Gods Chaplains at work... Chaplain Edison and Dora Liberos (Reach In Action Inc),
left, and Chaplain Gus Martinez (Miles of Help Through Christ), right, dedicate their
lives to providing support to homeless throughout Central Florida
(Reach Love in Action International, Dora Liberos President, opens their doors to the
community on Wednesdays to assist those families in need )
(Volunteers organizing clothes drive through the efforts of Miles
of Help Through Christ, President Gus Martinez)
he purpose of this newspaper is to enlighten and
remind Christians that
Christianity is under massive attack around the world and in the
United States.
Publisher/ Editor
Chaplain Danny Ramos
Associate Editor
Chaplain Sharon Ferrer
We have reached a time and
place where anti Christian values
are being financed by the government here at home. Abroad, Extreme Islam is set on destroying
all religion except theirs promoting murder as their tool of influence.
Contributing Editors and
Researchers ORLANDO
Yet, Christians can be the most
powerful group in the U.S. if they
decide to exercise their massive
ability to drive their agenda publicly in a coordinated demonstration of unity regardless of the
church they belong to.
Contributing Editors
Individual pastors hesitate to
take on the lobbyists and promoters of anti Christian belief
systems because of the organized
attack responses that they can
face. Recently, the owner of ChickFil-A voiced his Christian values
and his stores were picketted by
Gay Rights Activists. Individual
Christians responded by showing their support at Chick-Fil-A’s
throughout the country. Christians need to MARCH, they need
to show their strength in the political arena by walking in front
of political offices and demonstrating and asking politians their
positions, and if they are against
Christian values, VOTE THEM
OUT! The day of Christians being
fed to the lions is over, its time for
Christians to eat the lions!
If you wish to respond:
[email protected]
Chaplain Jeanette Rivera
Chaplain Lisa Pietri
Chaplain Gus Martinez
Lisa Perdicaro
Chaplain Marilyn Casabuena
Pastor Gilberto Rodriguez
Pastor Rafael Romero
Design Concept
Chaplain Danny Ramos
Art Directors
Javier Madera
Mariselle Martinez
Stephanie Scofield
Chaplain Jeannette Rivera
Orlando - (407) 271-1007
Chaplain Marilyn Casabuena
Tampa - (813) 843-3942
Submit your events for
our community calendar in
our next edition.
Margaret Iuculano, Founder of Angels for Foster Kids, a non-profit dedicated
to improving the lives of foster children in
Hillsborough County, has a goal to create
an independent living program focused on
children who “age out” of foster care that
will enable them to become self - sufficient
when leaving the child welfare system.
Her inspiration comes from being a foster
child herself living in 15 different homes
before she aged out of the system at age
16. She believes that strong families are
directly related to strong businesses and a
healthy economy. Iuculano and her family
share a strong faith in Christ and hope for
more Christians to be involved and active
in politics. She is running for 2012 Hillsborough county commissioner.
Drive Thru Prayer...
Pastor Gilberto Rodriguez, of Iglesia Vida Victoriosa... Political Do’s and
Don’ts for Churches.
DO’s and DON’Ts for Churches
What Churches May Do:
• Conduct non-partisan voter registration drives.
• Distribute non-partisan voter education materials, such as Christian Coalition voter guides and scorecards.
• Host forums where all viable candidates are allowed to speak.
• Allow candidates and elected officials
to speak at church services.
• Educate members about pending legislation.
• Lobby for legislation and may spend
an unsubstantial amount of its budget
(5% is safe) on direct lobbying activities.
• Pastors (and members) may endorse
candidates in their capacity as private
• Participate fully in political committees that are independent of the church.
What Churches May NOT Do:
Sonrise Worship Center located at
18310 US HWY 41 N, Lutz, FL is a
church who has a mission for outreach.
We believe you have to go outside the four
walls of the church building and minister
to people on their “turf”. We also were
able to give away over 150 back packs
to children who otherwise would not be
able to have the essential basics for the
new school year. On the 3rd Saturday of
each month, they host Drive Thru Prayer
from 9:30 - 11:30 am where you literally
drive through the parking lot, and pray
and leave. You don’t even need to get out
of your car. If you have any questions,
please call at 813.948.7555.
• Endorse candidates directly or indirectly on behalf of the church: http://www.
• Contribute funds or services (such as
mailing lists or office equipment) directly
to candidates or political committees.
• Distribute materials that clearly favor any candidate or party.
• Pay fees for partisan political events
from church funds.
• Allow candidates to solicit funds
while speaking in church.
• Set up a political committee that
would contribute to candidates
PG. 11
Evangelist Marilyn Casabuena [left], Chaplain of “Estrellas Cristianas” visits
nursing homes in Tampa every week to administer to the Elderly. See page 15 for Marilyn’s Commentary. Email her at [email protected]
astor Israel Consuegra arrived in
Tampa to start a new job with his
family to find that the job offered
was no longer available.
(Pastor Israel Consuegra, and Pastor Rafael Romero of Life Church International
1234 S. 82nd Street Tampa, FL 33619)
Without a job it wasn’t long before he
ran out of money and had to move into a
terrible apartment with his wife and 3
kids. Soon, working minimal jobs around
the neighborhood, his car was repossessed
and he found himself riding a bicycle to
and from a local temporary job. One day
on his way home he decided to ride down
a street that he had never taken before.
As he approached the corner he saw a
church with a large circle driveway that
circled a large 2 acre lot. The church was
on the far back of the land. Pastor Israel
knocked on the door and the residing Pastor opened the door. Pastor Israel asked
“do you have a room I can rent to give
bible studies and do you have any work
I can do for you”? The Pastor said “no”
and closed the door. Pastor Israel rode
his bike down the driveway and he heard
a voice “come back”.The pastor of the
Church told him to come back the next
day and told him to cut the lawn of the
2 acre lot and pull all the weeds. Pastor
Israel returned and labored in 95 degree
heat until the job was done. “Come back
again tomorrow” said the pastor of the
Church. Again, Pastor Israel returned for
the meeting expecting that his prayer had
been answered, a room for rent for bible
studies. The Church Pastor sat him down,
and said, “I’m moving back up north with
my family”. He reached in his pocket and
gave Pastor Israel the keys to the church
and said “this church is now yours. There
is no mortgage to pay, the property is paid
in full. This month Pastor Israel began
services joined by Pastor Rafael Romero.
Buying a new car? Go to the best website for new and used cars in Tampa.
PG. 12
To be listed in our Church Directory call (407) 271-1007
Chaplain Lisa Pietri
“I use my community activist skills
to further God’s
work in my community.”
Become a Chaplain
(407) 271-1007
To be listed in our Church Directory call (407) 271-1007
PG. 13
“I’m a Chaplain, I serve
Christ through action
in my community”
Become a Chaplain
Chaplain Jeannette Rivera
(407) 271-1007
PG. 14
To be listed in our Church Directory call (407) 271-1007
Pastor Ralph Romero
“I’m a Pastor and
became a Chaplain to serve beyond the door of
my church”
Become a Chaplain
(407) 271-1007
To be listed in our Church Directory call (407) 271-1007
PG. 15
Chaplain Marilyn Casabuena
“I serve THE LORD in the
Tampa Bay area. Join Us...”
Become a Chaplain
(407) 271-1007
PG. 16
90,000 BEBES
l Holocausto durante la 2da.
Guerra Mundial palidece en comparación a las estadísticas que
gobiernan la ejecución de 50 (millones) de
almas inocentes de acuerdo a estadísticas confirmadas del Centro de Control
de Enfermedades de los Estados Unidos
en los últimos 30 anos. No podemos restarle importancia al Holocausto de la
2da. Guerra Mundial pero de la misma
manera es imperativo el traer a la luz
que un Holocausto Americano está ocurriendo en estos momentos en el estado de
la Florida mientras reportamos esta noticia. Nuestro estado está situado como el
segundo estado de la nación, reportando
una cifra de 90,000 abortos de niños legalmente reportados hasta el 2008; se
presumen más de 100,000 abortos anualmente reportados desde esa fecha hasta
este año, ya que esta administración no
ha presentado estadísticas en los últimos
cuatro años. Sin embargo, continúa asignando fondos al proveedor más grande
de abortos del mundo, la organización
Planned Parenthood.
“Obama Care”, o como usted desee llamarle, posee una serie de serias y desafiantes preguntas para la iglesia, la Florida
y a esta nación en relación con las leyes
impuestas y los abortos pagados con fondos del estado de la Florida y la nación.
La batalla para los centros cristianos es
tener que usar fondos de los impuestos
pagados por los ciudadanos al imponer
mandatos que requieren que instituciones
e iglesias cristianas provean herramientas para facilitar abortos.
Hemos crecido como una sociedad que
moralmente acepta que un niño que no ha
nacido es el equivalente a la remoción de
un tumor. Esto provee una actitud de total indiferencia a la importancia del milagro de la creación humana y un desprecio
y despreocupación por la vida humana.
For Church Delivery of this
Newspaper Call us at:
Orlando - (407) 271-1007
Tampa - (813) 843-3942
PG. 17
l periódico New York Times
reportó que dos iglesias de Harlem NY, donde sus pastores y
congregaciones son predominantemente
afroamericanos y donde sus pastores son
homosexuales y lesbianas se han combinado o unificado para pelear por la homosexualidad. La promoción de que Dios ha
creado a personas homosexuales ha sido
fuertemente rechazada y aplastada por
lo menos por la mayoría de las iglesias
de todas las denominaciones y quienes
mantienen que la biblia establece sin
confusión que la homosexualidad no solamente es pecado sino una abominación.
El mensaje de la nueva iglesia combina
tradiciones de la iglesia afroamericana y
su visión y misión central es la de ministrar a homosexuales y lesbianas. A pesar
de la agenda que ha empujado la actual
administración a favor de los matrimonios
de homosexuáles y lesbianas mas iglesias
están comenzando a ser “radicalmente inclusivas”. Estas dos iglesias mantienen
un mensaje; el cual predica que Jesucristo
acepta a todas las personas no importando sus circunstancias y “homosexual por
Dios” usando la noción de que Dios creó
a todas las personas a su imagen, incluyendo homosexuales y lesbianas. Una vez
se ha creado un clima de tolerancia hacia
los derechos homosexuales en el púlpito
muchos de estos casos particulares se levantaran en las iglesias y toda clase de
posturas radicales extremas tomaran por
asalto los púlpitos y los altares de muchas
Hay religión en las dos caras del conflicto. La iglesia Católica Romana ensena
que el comportamiento homosexual es
pecado. Pero hay sacerdotes católicos
que secretamente bendicen uniones ho-
mosexuales. Actualmente la batalla es
de iglesia contra iglesia, ministro contra
ministro y escritura contra escritura.
Hay iglesias afroamericanas que le
dan abierta bienvenida a parejas homosexuales e iglesia anglosajonas que no
lo hacen. Hay iglesias Presbiterianas y
que emplean miembros clérigos homosexuales mientras otras no lo hacen así. Las
líneas divisorias son en muchas ocasiones
impredecibles. Hay ministros Metodistas que efectúan matrimonios del mismo
sexo, que en desobediencia a desafían
las reglas que comparten con ministros,
que predican que América va en camino a ser otra Sodoma y Gomorra por la
homosexualidad. Líderes en la Iglesia
Metodista Unida han estado debatiendo
si deben ordenar ministros abiertamente
homosexuales por cuatro décadas, y han
votado recientemente para mantener la
prohibición.* (Según informa el New York
Miremos la otra cara de la moneda,
Cuales son algunos de los más prominentes líderes religiosos que están en contra
de estas prácticas de homosexualismo
y lesbianismo en el púlpito y que no favorecen los matrimonies del mismo sexo?
Entre muchos se encuentran el Obispo
Harry Jackson, Pastor General de la iglesia Hope Christian en Maryland, Bryant
Wright, Presidente de la Convención de
la Iglesia Bautista del Sur, el Cardinel
Timothy Dolan, de New York y presidente
de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de
los Estados Unidos, al igual que el Pastor
Jentzen Franklin de la Iglesia Evagelica
Kingdom Connection. Todos estos ministros coincidieron con la misma expresión… “Estos son tiempos difíciles.“
(continued from page 7)
5% occurred in hospitals, down from 22%
in 1980, and only 2% took place in physician’s offices (NAF).
• In 2007, 6 women died as a result of
complications from known legal induced
abortion (CDC).
• The number of deaths attributable to
legal induced abortion was highest before
the 1980s (CDC).
• In 1972 (the year before abortion was
federally legalized), a total of 24 women
died from causes known to be associated
with legal abortions, and 39 died as a result of known illegal abortions (CDC).
• In 2009, the average cost of a nonhospital abortion with local anesthesia at 10
weeks of gestation was $451 (AGI).
• In 2005, 57% of abortion providers,
or 1,026 facilities, provided one or more
types of medical abortions, a 70% increase
from the first half of 2001. At least 10% of
nonhospital abortion providers offer only
medication abortion services (AGI).
• In 2005, an estimated 161,100 early
medication abortions were performed in
nonhospital facilities (AGI).
• Medication abortion accounted for
17% of all abortions in 2008 (AGI).
• Induced abortions usually result
from unintended pregnancies, which often occur despite the use of contraception
• 54% of women having abortions used
a contraceptive method during the month
they became pregnant. Among those
women, 76% of pill users and 49% of condom users reported using the methods inconsistently, while 13% of pill users and
14% of condom users reported correct use
• 8% of women having abortions have
never used a method of birth control
• 9 in 10 women at risk of unintended pregnancy are using a contraceptive
method (AGI).
• Oral contraceptives, the most widely
used reversible method of contraception,
carry failure rates of 6 to 8% in actual
practice (NAF).
• Condom use confers protection
against STIs, but it does not provide toptier protection from pregnancy because of
breakage, slippage, inconsistent use, and
low continuation rates (NAF).
• 40% of minors having an abortion
report that neither of their parents knew
about the abortion (AGI).
• 35 states currently enforce parental
consent or notification laws for minors
seeking an abortion:
IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, MI , MN, MO,
SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WI, WV, and WY.
The Supreme Court ruled that minors
must have the alternative of seeking a
court order authorizing the procedure
PG. 18
from page 11, Marilyn Casabuena
uchos cristianos que vivimos
en la Bahía de Tampa, podemos sentir lo que se está moviendo en el mundo espiritual, donde las
Iglesias están entendiendo que el mandato y la gran comisión del Señor, no es una
sugerencia, o un deseo, ni una oración,
sino más bien una orden dada por nuestro
Señor Jesucristo.
edificio mas grande o mejor. Sí ponemos el
mandato del Señor como prioridad, todo lo
demás vendrá por añadidura, su palabra
dice en Lucas 14:23 Entonces el Señor
dijo al siervo: “Sal a los caminos y por los
vallados y oblígalos a entrar para que se
llene mi casa”. Mateo 20:4 “y a estos les
dijo: “Id también vosotros a la viña, y os
daré lo que sea justo.” y ellos fueron.
Algunas Iglesias en la Bahía de Tampa
han empezado a entender y comprender
que no hay nada, absolutamente nada,
que sea más importante a la Trinidad
Divina, que las almas perdidas!. Su palabra dice en Lucas 19:10 porque el Hijo
del hombre ha venido a buscar y a salvar
lo que se había perdido”. Si nosotros somos sus discípulos, necesitamos ir y hacer
otros discípulos, y sí no estamos cumpliendo con el mandato dado por nuestro
Señor Jesucristo, la pregunta seria. ¿Seremos nosotros los discípulos que el Señor
quiere que seamos? Jesús no nos dijo, “sí
te sientes animado, si no estas tan ocupado, como un favor para mi ¿Crees que
puedas ir por todo el mundo y predicar mi
palabra?. No, El nos dio una orden que
tiene que ser obedecida.
El propósito de Dios para las Iglesias
es que cumplan su comando. El nos dice
en su palabra en Mateo 28:19 Id, pues,
y haced discípulos de todas las naciones,
bautizándolos en el nombre del Padre, del
Hijo y del Espíritu Santo”. El remedio a la
apatía espiritual es ir fuera de las cuatro
paredes y hacer discípulos enseñarles a
obedecer los mandamientos que nos han
sido dados. Esta comisión no fue dada estrictamente a los pastores, evangelistas,
apóstoles, maestros, o profetas. Fue dada
a todos los que seguimos al Señor Jesucristo, sí somos sus discípulos estamos ordenados a ir y hacer discípulos.
Como el cuerpo de Jesucristo muchas
veces nos dejamos distraer y nos dejamos atrapar con cosas que nos alejan de
lo que es realmente el propósito de Dios;
bien sea poniéndole mas atención a la
alabanza, vestir y alimentar al mendigo,
ir al estudio bíblico, escuchar una buena
predica, recoger dinero para comprar un
Como discípulo del Señor Jesucristo
quiero retarte a que si eres una persona
que deseas transformar tu vida, o sí tu
Iglesia no esta cumpliendo con lo que se
le ha sido encomendado, hoy te reto a formar parte de ese ejercito de Iglesias que el
Señor esta preparando con toda autoridad
y con el poder del Espíritu Santo, hacerle
frente al enemigo.
FEBRUARY 23, 2013
Community Service Professionals,
Pastors Chaplains
Call (407) 271-1007 or Request info at
To place your card call:
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PG. 19