Save the date 10.08.2014 QVC Presents “FFANY Shoes on Sale” has donated almost $45 million to benefit breast cancer research and education institutions from coast-to-coast. The 2014 beneficiaries include The Abramson Cancer Center of the University of Pennsylvania E The Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center S The Breast Cancer Research Foundation E H T DA E T V A The Susan F. Smith Center for Women’s Cancers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute The University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center’s Breast Oncology Program The University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute TM QVC FFANY presents SHOES ON SALE Waldorf Astoria New York 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM Cocktail Attire & Fabulous Shoes For additional information contact the Benefit HQ Tel: 212.627.1000 FAX: 212.627.1667 EMAIL: [email protected] 01 N ES ,2 ED The Margie and Robert E. Petersen Breast Cancer Research Program at the John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center W The Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-Jewish Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine 4 The Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences DA Y, O C T O B ER 8 QVC Presents “FFANY Shoes on Sale®” Event Co-Chairs Louise Camuto Creative Director and President of Marketing Vince Camuto Vince Camuto CEO and Chief Creative Officer Camuto Group Jerome Fisher Co-Founder “FFANY Shoes on Sale” Marc Fisher Founder and CEO Marc Fisher Footwear Scott Silverstein Chief Executive Officer The Silverstein Company Michael George President and CEO QVC, Inc. Diane M. Sullivan Chairman, President and CEO Brown Shoe Company Debbie L. Ferree Vice Chairman & Chief Merchandising Officer DSW, Inc. Ronald A. Fromm President & CEO FFANY present The 21st Annual “FFANY SHOES ON SALE®” Kathy Nedorostek Chief Executive Officer Nine West Group join us as we honor EvenING Co-Chairs Julee Butler Vice President, Divisional Merchandise Manager Ladies Shoes Neiman Marcus QVC and the Fashion Footwear Charitable Foundation Doug Howe Executive Vice President, Merchandising and Planning QVC, Inc. Scott Meden Executive Vice President GMM Shoe Division Nordstrom Debbie King Vice President, DMM Women’s Shoes Bloomingdale’s Joseph C. Moore Chairman The Fashion Footwear Charitable Foundation Tracy Margolies SVP GMM Beauty, Contemporary 5F, Footwear & Handbags Bergdorf Goodman Doug Rose Senior Vice President, Marketing QVC, Inc. Joshua Schulman President Bergdorf Goodman Retailer of the Year Gianvito Rossi FFANY Designer of the Year Steve Hill VP of Merchandising Zappos Merchandising, Inc. Physician Chair Armando E. Giuliano, MD Professor and Executive Vice Chair, Surgery, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center Associate Director, Surgical Oncology, Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute Co-Director, Saul and Joyce Brandman Breast Center - A Project of Women’s Guild Linda and Jim Lippman Chair in Surgical Oncology Joseph C. Moore FFANY Jodi Fisher Humanitarian FFANY BOARD OF DIRECTORS Scott Silverstein The Silverstein Company Chairman Alain Baume Vicini America Inc. / Giuseppe Zanotti Jim Issler H.H. Brown Shoe Co., Inc. Vice Chairman Joe Brennan Dillard’s Joseph C. Moore FFANY President Ronald A. Fromm FFANY President Debbie King Bloomingdale’s Treasurer Diane M. Sullivan Brown Shoe Company Secretary Julee Butler Neiman Marcus Greg Connors White Mountain Alex Del Cielo Camuto Group Steve Madden Steve Madden Scott Meden Nordstrom Rick Muskat Deer Stags Concepts, Inc. Tsering Namgyal Chinese Laundry David Neri Belk Debbie L. Ferree DSW, Inc. Chuck Schuyler National Shoe Retailers Association Brian Henke Jimmy Choo USA Inc. Daniel Schwartz Schwartz & Benjamin, Inc. Steve Hill Zappos Merchandising, Inc. Larry Tarica Jimlar Footwear, A Division of LF USA André Assous Vida Shoes International Noel Hord Donald J. Pliner Inc. Rick Ausick Brown Shoe Company Blake Krueger Wolverine World Wide, Inc. Anna Bakst Michael Kors (USA), Inc. Wayne Kulkin Stuart Weitzman The FFANY Board of Directors thanks QVC for twenty years of contributions to “FFANY Shoes on Sale.” QVC, the Q and the Q ribbon logo are registered service marks of ER Marks, Inc. Ivanka Trump Sally field 2014 PSA Spokesperson Special Guest WEDNESday, October 8, 2014 Waldorf Astoria New York 6:00PM 7:30PM 9:00PM Reception & Designer Shoe Salon Program & Dinner “Club FFANY” Dancing & Desserts Dress is Cocktail Attire and Fabulous Shoes Special Pink Benefactors TM QVC FFANY presents SHOES ON SALE Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Waldorf Astoria New York 301 Park Avenue, New York City ❍❍ I am unable to attend, but enclosed is my contribution of $ 6:00PM Reception & Designer Shoe Salon 7:30PM Program & Dinner 9:00PM “Club FFANY” Dancing & Desserts Cocktail Attire & Fabulous Shoes ❍❍ Enclosed is my check in the amount of $ , or charge my credit card ❍❍ Bill me for $ RSVP ❍❍ American Express Tables Please Check: (OR) ❍ MasterCard ❍ Visa Name as it appears on credit card ❍❍ Gala Underwriter Gift at $100,000 Includes one or two priority tables of ten, significant visibility as an Evening Underwriter and special recognition in the dinner’s printed and speaking programs. CARD NUMBER ❍❍ Sponsor Gift at $50,000 Includes a priority table of ten and special recognition in the dinner’s printed and speaking programs. EXP. DATE SIGNATURE ❍❍ Benefactor Gift at $25,000 Includes a preferred table of ten and special recognition in the dinner’s printed and speaking programs. ❍❍ Patron Gift at $15,000 Includes a prime table of ten and listing in the printed program. Name TITLE / COMPANY (if applicable) ❍❍ Friend Gift at $10,000 Includes a table of ten and listing in the printed program. ❍❍ Contributor Gift at $7,500 (limited availability) Includes seating on the Waldorf first tier with a table of ten and listing in the printed program. ❍❍ Supporter Gift at $5,000 (limited availability) Includes seating on the Waldorf second tier with a table of ten and listing in the printed program. individual tickets: ___SEAT(S) at $2,500 per person (includes preferred seating) ADDRESS CITY STATE TELEPHONE FAX ZIP CODE EMAIL CONTACT NAME (if different from above) ___SEAT(S) at $1,000 per person (includes prime seating) ___Shoe Donor Ticket(s) at $750 per person LIST NAME AS IT SHOULD APPEAR ON ALL PRINTED MATERIALS (available to shoe donors only) m I am interested in becoming a shoe donor m QVC on-air or m Designer Shoe Salon at event Please make check payable to: FFCF-Fashion Footwear Charitable Foundation. Contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. The non-deductible portion of each dinner ticket is $300. Name _ _____________________________________________________ Mail to: “FFANY SHOES ON SALE” Benefit HQ Telephone _________________________________________________ On-air and designer salon shoe donors receive complimentary event tickets: • Special Pink Benefactor Shoe Donors ($500,000+, 32 tickets) • Benefactor Shoe Donors ($200,000 - $499,999, 16 tickets) • Double Platinum Shoe Donors ($100,000 - $199,999, 8 tickets) • Platinum Shoe Donors 232 Madison Avenue, Suite 1107 New York, New York 10016 Tel: 212-627-1000 Fax: 212-627-1667 Email: [email protected] ($50,000 - $99,999, 4 tickets) • Shoe of the Day Shoe Donors and Designer Shoe Salon ($20,000 - $49,999, 2 tickets) A copy of the Fashion Footwear Charitable Foundation of New York Inc. (FFCFNY) latest annual report may be obtained, upon request, from FFCFNY, 274 Madison Avenue, Suite 1701, New York, New York 10016, or from the New York State Attorney General’s Charities Bureau, Attn: FOIL Officer, 120 Broadway, New York, New York 10271.
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