PHD Annual Report 2014


PHD Annual Report 2014
Preservation of Human Dignity, PHD
Preserving Dignity
Restoring Hope
Renewing Families
Dear Friends,
One of my greatest pleasures is to sit with
donors and learn the many reasons you support
the work of PHD. Your reasons are often times
similar, but always singular in the way you
honor the women, children, families and teens
we have the privilege of working with each day.
Your generous financial contributions provide
us with ability to continue this work and make
our community a better place.
Please take a moment to read through PHD’s
2014 Annual Report. Some of the highlights
include a substantially stronger financial position; an increase in the
number of counseling hours and utilization of the varied support
services; 8% increase in the number of schools participating in the
Independence Highway® Program.
PHD’s overall demographics remain static with a minor increase in
clients under the age of 21.
Because of you PHD is able to hold the hand of a woman who finds
herself unexpectedly pregnant fearful and alone, because of you PHD
can help to ease the pain of loss for grieving parents, because of you
PHD can calm the anxiety of becoming a mother, because of you
teens can learn the facts about becoming sexually active and the
truth about the consequences.
To quote a famous philosopher, Dr. Seuss “Unless someone like you
cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”
With a grateful heart,
Our Vision
A compassionate community where dignity is preserved, hope is
restored, and lives are empowered and protected one woman, one
child, one family at a time.
Our Mission
Preservation of Human Dignity (PHD) affirms the value of the
lives of women and families facing the issues of pregnancy and
We are dedicated to providing opportunities for hope and growth
through professional counseling, education and integrated
support services to meet the unique practical and emotional
needs of each individual.
PHD empowers adolescents to protect their future goals through
healthy sexuality and relationship education and learning the
power of abstinence.
Professional Counseling Services
In 2014, PHD’s clinical team observed several trends. The number of visits to
the Counseling Center was 3,542. PHD welcomed 276 first time clients and
the total number of client visits, including
the Baby Closet visits was 4,526. The trend
for pregnancy testing decreased from past
years. This is most likely due from the
fact that pregnancy tests are so readily
accessible in grocery and drug stores.
An interesting trend in 2014 is the fact that
the number of clients with serious mental
health needs had increased significantly,
and referrals to community hospitals and
physicians had also increased. Clinical
counseling hours have increased from
2013’s 1,431.5 hours to 2014’s 1,951.06
hours. In 2014, post-pregnancy counseling
hours have increased, and postpartum
depression counseling hours have decreased.
In 2014, 203 clients participated in several PHD’s support groups. The two
most popular groups were the Mom’s Support Group and the A.R.T.S. Program
(Arts Refreshing the Soul). The A.R.T.S. Program is a wonderful interactive
group exploring music and painting with parent and child.
In 2014, Baby Closet volunteers gave PHD 3,923.5 hours of their time. A
total of 15,388 items were collected and distributed to clients. This supportive
service continues to be very important and extremely beneficial to PHD clients.
A continuing trend in 2014 was a decrease in Spanish speaking clients and
an increase of English speaking clients. Fee for service continues, and clients
seeking professional counseling pay by the federal sliding scale measures.
Most clients pay an average of $10 a visit to PHD. PHD does not take private
insurance or Medicaid.
Finally, the 2014 satisfaction surveys were extremely positive. When rating
the Professional Counseling Services, Support Groups, Parenting Classes and
Baby Closet visits, 100% of the clients ranked them as “excellent” or “good.”
When rating the satisfaction level of the client’s first contact with PHD, their
comfort in the waiting room and feeling respected, 99.6 % of the clients marked
“excellent” or “good.”
There were many positive statements in the survey: “Everything offered is of
great help”; “Talking to someone who will just listen and not judge you”; “The
Counseling has been wonderful”; “All is excellent, thanks.”
To conclude, 2014 Clinical accomplishments were as follows: all staff
clinicians were trained in Peri-Natal Mood Disorders Mental Health; Client
numbers increased; all therapists took the DCFS Mandated Reporting
certificate on-line; Professional Clinical Supervision continued and PHD
worked with several wonderful Master Degree Program students from area
From Our Clients
I think PHD is the organization
where every woman should come.
Whatever problem we bring to
PHD we always have a positive
solution. The staff is very
friendly. I look forward to coming
here every time.”
“PHD was my friend with my
first baby and they still are with
my second child. Not just support
for me, but my babies too. They
make me feel that I am not alone.”
“PHD has made me look at getting help differently. I think by
coming here it made me a stronger and wiser person. It made me
realize that you can’t be afraid to ask for help. PHD has truly
helped me, and continues to help me. It is nice to go and talk with
no judgment and be a part of a community that understands the
troubles I am going through.”
Enriching lives through education on healthy sexuality, relationships,
anti-bullying, and positive parenting
PHD’s Motivate Prevention department had a successful 2014-2015 school year.
We reached just over 6,800 adolescents and parents through our Independence
Highway®, and Now We’re Talking!® programs as well as our anti-bully curriculum, The
Friendship Project.
Our presenters taught Motivate Prevention curriculum in schools over a wide geographic
area from South McHenry to North Cook County.
Schools served in 2014 by Motivate Prevention Department
Cary Cary Grove High School
Arlington Heights St. Viator High School
Crystal Lake Prairie Ridge High School and Crystal Lake South High School
Palatine Sundling Junior High, Plum Grove Junior High and Acedemy North
Jacobs High School
Barrington High School
Glenbrook South High School
Johnsburg High School
Vernon Hills
Vernon Hills High School
Motivate Prevention programs are making an impact! We promote abstinence as
the only 100% way to avoid an unplanned pregnancy, broken heart, and/or sexually
transmitted infections. We educate the importance of contraception, if sexually active.
Those that choose to be sexually active are also encouraged to get tested for sexually
transmitted infections anytime they have a new partner, or at least two times per year.
This generation of students is listening to the messages about abstinence and is actually
practicing this more than ever.
Along with helping students understand the consequences of early sexual activity, we
also teach them about setting goals with realistic expectations. This is something we
help to educate parents on as well. The more information that parents and their children
have about healthy sexuality, the more equipped they will be to make better decisions
surrounding this topic. It was a great year for Motivate and we are working hard to top
ourselves in 2015-2016 school year.
“I was thrilled with the program and presenters from PHD this
past semester! Their course on healthy sexuality and relationships
was not only educational but also relevant and fully engaged
our students. The feedback our students gave was tremendously
positive and we look forward to having PHD back in the spring!”
- Joe Benoit, Jacobs High School, PE/Health
From Our Students and Parents
“I think that mostly all you hear
about sex is pregnancy and STI’s,
but now I know there are also
conflicts within yourself you may
have to face.”
“Loved the way you took the
taboo topic of sexuality and
brought it to an easy “nonemotional” place – “Right
on” with so many points and
techniques to help me talk with
my child.”
“I really enjoyed the 4 days of this sex ed presentation. It has opened
my eyes to see what is out there and how to help myself stay healthy
and make healthy choices. I think it really made a lot of kids aware
or what they are doing now, because sex in high school just seems
normal to so many people.”
Financial Statement
Preservation of Human Dignity, Inc.
Statement of Activities
for the Year Ended December 31, 2014
Revenues and Gains:
Special Events
Donated Services
Interest Income
Fee for Service
Direct Mail
Resale shop - gifts in kind
Net assets released restrictions
$68,338 $111,757
42,696 363,783 4,855
12,569 16 92
10,406 121,204 141,835 165 97,307 (97,307)
Total Revenues and Gains
Program Services:
Baby closet
Total Expenses
Increase (Decrease in Net Assets)
Net Assets, Beginning of Year
Net Assets, End of Year
Total Program Services
Supporting Services:
Resale Shop
Total Supporting Services
Our Impact 2014
Clients and Client Visits
Total Number of Clients Total Number of First Time Clients
Total Number of Counseling Visits
Total Number of Baby Closet Visits
Motivate Prevention Programs*
Total Students
Total Schools
Parents Reached
Client Demographics
* Independence Highway®, Now We’re Talking®, The Friendship
Project, Common Sense Parenting®
Under 21
31 and above
Number of Items
Dispensed through PHD’s
Baby and Maternity Closet
Jars of Baby Food
Diapers (dozens)
Baby Clothing (bags)
Formula (cans)
Maternity Outfits
Baby Layettes
Client Demographics
Marital Status:
Number of Services Provided
The Power of Purpose Volunteerism
The Heart of PHD
When the act of serving has a transformative
impact on the person who serves!
Total Number of Volunteers
Total Number of Volunteer Hours
Total Savings to PHD
Under 21
31 and above
Transformation A chance to listen and change
Professional Counseling Visits
Case Management Visits
Support Group Visits
Parenting Class Visits
Postpartum Depression Presentations
Pregnancy Tests Administered
Shaken Baby Syndrome Presentations
Educational Video Viewing
2014 Annual Report Donors
Patricia & Carmen Abbatemarco
Valerie & Steve Abruzzo
Marlene Adamek
Janell K. Adames
Joanne & Michael Adler
Mary Lou & John Albanese
Josh Albrecht
Susan J. Allen
Pam Amatore
Barbara Anderson
Jane E. Anderson
Janet L Anderson
Shaun Anderson
Maria & Paul Anfenson ♥
Diana & David Annin
Connie & Ron Appert
Deb & Richard Armstrong ♥ *
Arlene Kaye Asdel
Kate Azizi
Pat Balduf
Andrew Ballema
John Balster
Kevin Banks
Cindy Barbera-Brelle
Rea Barratt
Kyle Barth
Elizabeth Bauer
Margaret & Ed Bauernfreund ♥ *
Gerri & Richard Baum
Jean & John Bayer
Amy Becker
Carol Bell
Brad Bellew
Ellie & Edward Berge
Michael Bernstein
Patricia & Peter Besser
Carolyn & Matthew Bickel ♥
Marilyn & Kenneth Bieniasz
Pamela & Ronald Biesiada
David B. Bjerke
Elizabeth & James Bock Jr.
Judith & Ed Boduch
Jennifer Bolton
Mary K. Bombera
Donald Bosslet
Barbara L. Bostian
Chris Bozin
Patty & David Branham ♥ *
Joanne Bratta
Donna & John Breit
Frank Brenner
Judith & James Brenner ♥ *
Jackie & John Brenner
Catherine Brodnan
Ann Brody
Renee Brown
Rick Brubaker
Margaret A. Buddingh
Myra & Lawrence Buettner ♥
Ross Bulski
Marjorie & Don Burke
Angela Burrell
Nancy Ann & Raymond Buschmann
Jean & Douglas Bush
Tom Butler
Peggy O. Byrne
Anne & Daniel Campbell *
Gerri Campbell ♥ *
Tracey Cantarutti ♥
Rod Cappiello
Gisela Carlander
Jerry Carlson
Joyce Carlson *
Kristie & Thomas Carlson
Sean Carney
Gabriel Carretto
Peggy Carroccia
Marjorie Carter
Jose Castaneda
Laurel & Robert Castaneda
Eileen & Jeffrey Castles ♥
Ramona & David Cattapan
Annette Chemello
Jerome Cheng
Greg Chinlund
Michelle & Craig Christell *
Diane Christell ♥ *
Lindsey Christensen
Paul Christian
Claudia & Dr. Ciro Cirrincione
Carol & Joel Clark ♥
Terri & Bill Clark ♥
Mary Kay & Tim Coleman
Jeff Corey
Phyllis Costello ♥
Jennifer & Rob Coursey
Pat Covey
Theresa & Scott Crompton
Guy Cunningham
Denise & Robert Curry
Joan & Patrick Cusick ♥
Margaret & Mario Da Ponte
Jackie & Josh Daab
Rosamaria & Edgar Davila
Lynne Decker
Jonathan DeFlorio
Mary & David Demars
Colleen & Jeffrey Dement
Michelle & Liam Dempsey
Marilyn & John Dempsey ♥
Jeanne & Dennis Dessilla
Robert Dew
Angie & Bob Dickey ♥
Mary Sue Didier ♥
Sue Diederich
Dawn & Jason Dietz ♥
2014 Annual Report Donors
Kelly & John Godawski
Jan & Art Goes
Iolanda Goodfellow
Laura Goudreau
Patricia & Michael Graft
Sheryl Grandt *
Alison & James Graunke ♥
Allen Gray
Barbara & Robert Green ♥
Mark Grimsley
Terry & Mike Groot
Elaine & Len Gryn
James Gummerson
Kathleen M. Gummerson
Tammy & Kevin Gummerson
Sheila & Ronald Gummerson
Sheila Gummerson
Nancy & Robert Gunderson
Mary & Rubel Gutierrez
Pauline Guttmann
Judy Dincher ♥ *
Rene Dion
Anthony DiPaolo
Edward DiPaolo
Lorraine Dittrich
Jennifer & Erich Djordjevic
Tahra & Mark Dodson
Meg & Chris Domzalski *
Meg & Dan Donoghue *
Therese & Patrick Donoghue
Joan Dotoli
Patricia & Robert Douglass
Joan Drolet ♥ *
Jan Dubell
Felicia & John Dudek
Colleen & John Duero
Maureen & Christopher Durack ♥ *
Patricia & Bill Durack
Anne & Peter Economos
Kathleen & Dan Edmonds
Michael Egan
Leigh Ehlert
Ingrid & Richard Ehrle
Jo-Ellen & Rudolph Eidam
Ryan Engle
Tara & Philip Engstrom ♥ *
Paul Haas
Robert Haas
Therese Hack *
Sheilya & Thomas Hackett
Jennifer & James Haidu
Maureen & Fred Hall
Nancy Hall
Patricia Hall
Stephanie & Timothy Halloran
Gloria & John Hammer
John Haniotes
Keith Hanson
Yumi & Colin Hara
Jaki & Robert Harding
Lynn Harvey
Ann Hasbach
Amy & Ed Hauth
Susan & Laurence Heckelsmiller
Gail & Richard Heinke ♥ *
Judith Hellgeth ♥
Thomas Helsdingen
Janice Herbst
Jesse Herr
Louise & Robert Heselbarth ♥
Robin Hess
Julie & Tim Hession ♥
Kelly & Robert Higgins
Birdie & Jack Hilbing
Barbara & Paul Hills
Fred Hjertstedt
Colleen & Dave Hogaboom
Debra Holder
Lois Hoppe
Lynne Hoyer
Joyce Hren
David Huber
Denise & Jeffrey Huff
Barbara & John Hughes
Maureen & Brian Husselbee
Jane Huynh *
John Fabian
Michael Fabian
Cheryl & Rich Falbo ♥
Maureen Feck
Sally & John Fedus ♥
Maureen & John Feller
Tony Ferrara
Pat & Bruce Fisher
Denise & Gerald Fitzgerald Jr.
Pat & Vincent Foglia
Jane Fojtik
Dale Ford
Chris Foster
Diane & Richard Fox
Joe Fraczek
Ann & Raymond Franczak
Bill Franklin
Elizabeth & Stephen Fraser
Marilyn & Gerald Freda
Marty Gallagher
Rita Galowich *
Mary Ann & Robert Galvanoni ♥
Rafael Garcia
Yvonne & Bob Gardner *
Helen Gauthier
Claire & Richard Gavigan
Susan & Patrick Geegan
Douglas Geisser
Margie & Dr. Peter Geittman
Tami Gelsosomo
Sally & Peter Gennuso
Elaine & Don Gibson *
Mary Claire Giasenhardt
Lenore Glasscock
2014 Annual Report Donors
Lisa LaBute
Mark Lafferty ♥
Laurabeth & Dr. Frank Lamberta
Eleanor & John Langhenry Jr
Carol & Kurt Laning
Michael Lapetino
Mimi Lappin
Geralyn & Kerry Lavelle ♥
Cathy & Michael Lennon
Carol & Lionel Lenz
Kathy & John Leonard
Rose Lester ♥
Carol & Craig Levin
Martha Lewis
Kathy & Paul Liska
Frank LoCicero
Phyllis & Ed Louis ♥
Gilbert Lowe
Cynthia & Bill Lowery
Dr. Gretchen Ludwig *
Barbara Lueder-Manetti
Karen & Brian Luedtke
Michelle Lukowski
Patricia & Richard Lutz
Carrie & Chuck Lynch
Sharon Lynch *
Kathleen & William Lynch Jr.
Michael Lyons
Aaron Ingle & Lauren Crouch
Cheryl & Hank Ingle *
Amy Jacobson
Esther & Henry Jaime
Nancy & James Jarvis
Jennifer & Garrett Jennings
Christine Jessee
Susan Joaillier
Cyndi & Todd Jobes ♥
Laura & Clarence Johnson
Laura Johnson
Ka Juergens
Patricia & Chris Kalweit
Beverly & Bill Kaman
Renate & Joseph Kampf
Rev. George Kane
Valerie & Fred Keeler
Mary Keller
Martin C. Kelley
Elizabeth Kelly *
Mary T. Kelly
Frances & Charles Kempler
Mary Ann & John Kenesey
Cyril Kennedy
Maureen & Bill Kennelly
Sue & Dr. Bob Kessler
Art Kiebel
Marguerite King
Sue & Richard Kinzig
Jeff Kirkton
Mary Jane & Steve Kirkwood
Olaf Klutke
Shirley & Henry Kmiecik
Katie & Matt Kmiecik
Eric Knight
Penny & Robert Knopik
Dorothy & Virgil Knowland
Christine & Keith Knox
Bonnie & Jack Knudsen
Maureen Koch
Pamela Koenig
Donna & Constantine Kosarecki
Scott Koskowski
Annette Kowalczyk
Debbie Kowalczyk & James Popp ♥ *
Isabelle Kowalski
Denise & Robert Krause
Julie Kriedemann
John Kroll
Clarel & Daniel Krpan
Kenneth Krupp
Charles W. Kucera *
Susan & Raymond Kuper
Judith Kuroski
Lena & David Kushnir
Mary Ellen & Bill Madden *
Sandy & Robert Madsen
Dodie Magnussen
Kenny Malanowski
Meiko & Gerard Maloney
Lynn & Robert Marconi
Betty & Donald Marquardt
Jean & Ronald Marwitz
Kasia & Doug Mastrangeli
Janice & Richard Matusiak
Traci Matysek
Cynthia & Robert Mayo
John Mazur
Katharine & George McAndrews
Mark Mcbroom
Virginia McCaskey *
Jean & Timothy McCue
Joan McEnery
Kathy & Robert McGourty *
Theresa & David McKissack
Kathleen & James McLin
Stephanie & Ed McLoughlin
Julia & Cornelius McManus
Debra & James McNeela
Frances McPartlin
Teresa & Richard Meagher
Marlene & Rob Melzer
Dr. Joan Meyer ♥
Pamela & Jeffrey Miller
Kathleen & Leslie Miller
Stephanie & Richard Miller ♥ *
Michael Minton
Cheri Mirobali
Michael Moehlmann
2014 Annual Report Donors
Maggie Morris
Catherine & John Morrow
Pete Mottet
Vera Muir
Leroy Mulcrone
Abigail & Justin Mullins
Travis Mullins
Michael Mulvhill
Julie & Sen. Matt Murphy ♥
Dawn Napravnik
Lyn & Wally Neuhengen ♥
Ed Nikowitz
Karen & Donald Norman ♥
Mary Jane & Robert Novak
Briley & Corbb O’Connor
Richard O’Hara
Jean & Patrick O’Malley
Karen & Barry O’Neil
Mary Ellen O’Neil
Colleen & John O’Sullivan ♥
Kristan & Michael O’Sullivan
Terence O’Sullivan
Lynn & Walter Oakden
Charlene & Ray Okigawa *
Mark Okigawa & Alexzandra
Matthew Okigawa & Ashley
Laura Olandese
Jackie Olkiewicz
Lynn & Harry Omealia
Katie Osmon
Dwayne Owens
Wyn Panucci
Melanie & Bill Panzella
Bette & Charles Panzer
Cyndi & William Parisi
Sue Ellen & Micharl Patkunas
Mary Ann Pearson
Jan & Ray Pemoller ♥
Yari & Angel Perez
Ruth Pesola ♥
Kathleen & Bruce Pessin
Wayne Peterson
Kathleen & Richard Petit Jr.
Anthony Pizzato
Katherine & Richard Pizzato
Michael Polanski
Grace Portmann ♥
Margaret & John Post *
Marie & Richard Pratt
Karen & Larry Preston
Miriam Preussner
Lynn & Kenneth Priebe
Carrie Procacio
Patricia & Clemence Prusko
Jonathan Putman
Thomas Pyrdek
Eileen Quinn ♥
Rich Rados, Jr.
Barbara & George Raemore
Patricia & Richard Ragone
Barbara Rapp
Anne Reader
Evelyn Rebsamen
Amy & Kevin Reed
Joan & Gunther Reese
Kathleen & Dr. Robert Rein
Matt Reisch
Susan & John Reuter
Gloria Richardson
Mary Jane & Bob Riley ♥
Suzanne & Randolph Rindfleisch
Virginia Rittmaster
Alice & Bruce Roberts
Katherine Robinson
Nanci Staten Robinson ♥
Carolyn & James Rock
Doreen Rodgers *
Moira Roe
Debbie & Leonard Roman ♥
Vukota Romanovic
Cynthia & David Ross
Debra & Robert Ross
Annie & Tavis Rousseau
Dave Ruggio
Ann Marie & Louis Rundio, Jr.
Bernie Rupe
Kathleen & Michael Rusniak
Neil Sakas
Sandra & Bill Salpietro
Diane & Fred Sanders
Diana & Robert Sanders
Anne & Gerard Sapienza
Marietta & Robert Satalino ♥
Lea & Jack Sayles
Eunice & Rev. Gerald Schalk *
Teryl & David Schawk
Nancy Scheuler ♥
Anne & Richard Schick
Marie & John Schickling ♥
Julie & Rick Schildgen
David Schmidt
Sara & John Schmitz
Patricia Schoenberg
William Schooley
Alicia & Bruce Schoumacher
Jeannette & Craig Schuessler ♥
Constance & Frank Schuler
Mary Ellen & Thomas Schuman
Elizabeth Schuttler
Kari Schuttler
Virginia & Dr. Solomon Secemsky ♥
Shirley & George Serena
Al Servos
Cathy & Robert Shanahan *
Ronna & Howard Siegel
Lois Simek ♥
2014 Annual Report Donors
Dino Simon
Kathleen & Robert Simon
Bill Sladek
Amy & Brian Smith
Frederica Smith-Pederson
Henry Smogolski
Margo Snoad
Molly & Gregory Snow
Rita Snyder
Rosanna Soeho
Patricia & Donald Sosnowski *
Sandee Spiekerman
Diana & Thomas Stamborski
Katie Stangel
Mr. & Mrs. James Stanley
Tom Staroske
Adam Stempel
Patricia & Walter Stepek
Jane & Benjamin Stephen *
Shannon & Christopher Stephen
Deborah Stephen
Michele & Ken Stephen
Maggie Stephen ♥ *
Marge Stephen
Robert Stephen
Kim & Jeffrey Stevenson
Matt Stiles
Barbara Sullivan
Asra Syed
Teresa & Stanley Szott
Dale Tadelman
Chad Talley
Judith T. Tammi
Emilie & Geoff Tanner
Dean Taradash
Donna & Greg Tetzlaff
Barbara & Robert Tidball
Mike Tiktilli
Virginia Tolk
Michael G. Tompkins
Amy Tookey
Suzanne & William Toussaint
Pat & William Trecka
Trisha Treml ♥
Anne & Loren Trimble
Heidi & Chester Trocha
Mimi Troy
Robert Tucker
Rob Turley
Joanne Twomey
Lisa Tworek
Jim Uhlin
Brian Utley
Chris Vaia
Ignacio Valero
Marilee & Thomas Van Havermaet
Susan & Jim Vandenbergh
Amy & Mark Vandenbergh
Catherine & Frank Vandy
Jeanne & David Varwig
Jennifer Vergara *
Kenneth Viggiano
Kelly & Raul Villasuso ♥
Catherine & Thomas Vincus *
Krissy Viox
Daniella & Gus Vlahos
Kathleen May & Francis Voight
Jill & Stephen Von Boeckman
Rob Voss
Roxanne & Mark Waclawski
Sheryl & Christopher Wade
Deborah & John Walker
Judy Walker
Melissa Walsh
Nancy Walter
Pat & Frank Wapole
Margie & Dr. Andrew Ward
Linda & Mark Warner
Tina Warr
Mary Warren
Susan & Thomas Watt
Peg & Mike Webb
Paula C. Weglarz ♥
Robert Wehman
Ben Weiss
Marsha & Gregg Werner
Maryl & Bob Weskamp
Rosemary & Philip White ♥
Gloria & David Wicklund
Mary Lou & Thomas Wilhelm ♥
Kathryn & Roy Wilkes
Mary Kay & Dave Williams ♥
Nancy & John Willis
Judith & Keith Wilson
Nancy Wilson
Joy & Rev. Don Wink
Mary Anne & James Wirth
Margaret Wirth
Maryann Wirth
Eddie Wojek ♥ *
Teena & Abbott Wright ♥
Mary & Vincent Wroblewski Jr
Tim Wuhrman ♥
Larry Wurtz
Nathan Wysocki
Lucy & Frank Yester ♥
David Young
Charleen & Roger D. Young *
Dina Yurchanka
Noni & John Zito
Susan Zitzler
Kathleen & Thomas Zweidinger
2014 Annual Report Donors
Businesses & Foundations
Advocate Good Shepherd Hospital
Agio Italian Bistro
Alexian Brothers Healthcare System
Americo Chemical Products
Arete Salon & Spa
Arlington Park
Arrow ECS
Arthur Murray Dance Center
Arthur’s Jewelry
Artistic Cuisine
Austin-Gregg Corporation
Barnaby’s Family Inn
Barrington Bank & Trust Company NA
Barrington Junior Women’s Club Inc
Benihana Inc
Biaggi’s Ristorante Italiano
BMO Harris Bank
Castle Chiropractic
Bob Campbell Photography
Chandelier Boutique
Chet’s Digging
Chicago Zoological Society
Cindyrellas Closet
CL Graphics, Inc
Commonwealth Ventures, LLC
Cooney & Conway
Cornerstone National Bank & Trust
DeSoto House Hotel
Destination Fitness
Didier Farms
DPO Consultants, Inc.
El Torero
Elements Therapeutic Massage
Emmett’s Tavern & Brewing Co.
Evan, Marshall & Pease, PC
Facets of Isis
Fine Points Inc
Fortune Cookie Restaurant
Fox & Hound Tavern
Foxglove Cottage
Fred Astaire Dance Studio
Fund Inc.
Fusion-io Inc.
Gene & Georgette Restaurant
Gianni’s Café
Girl Scout Troop #40634
Golf Nation
Guillaume & Freckman, Inc
Hand & Stone Massage & Facial Spa
Harrington Manor
Henning Brothers Loc-N-Key
Hewlett Packard
Hubbard Street Dance Chicago
JuliaAnne’s Salon & Spa Inc
JW Marriott Chicago Hotel
Kaleidoscope School of Fine Art
Kiwanis Club of Palatine, Inc
Kramer Photographers
LA Tan Palatine
Laugh Out Loud
Lavelle Law Ltd
Law Offices of Robert J. Ross
The Lichner Foundation
Lincolnshire Morningstar Rotary Club
Lou Malnati’s Pizzeria
Maggiano’s Little Italy
Management & Technology
Marriott Theatre
McLin Tours & Travel
Medieval Times
Moretti’s Pizza
Mueller & Co, LLP
Nail City
Nelson Group
Nerium International
Noodles & Company Schaumburg
Noreen Heron & Associates
Northrop Grumman Corporation
Northwest Community Healthcare
Our Lady of the Grove, Council 13448
Palatine Bank & Trust
Palatine Shell Service
Palatine True Value
Palatine-Inverness Crime Stoppers,
Palm Court Restaurant
Perkins Foundation, Harry & Dorothy Peter A. Kics,
Photo’s Hot Dogs
Pinderski & Pinderski LTD
Positive Strokes
Prairie Stone Sports & Wellness
Promark Technology Inc.
Pure Nails
Raue Center for the Arts
Richard Walkers
River North Dance Chicago
Roberts & Pinter, Ltd
Rooney Landscape, Inc
Rotary Club of Palatine
Rowel, Inc
Gary, Maureen, & Jane Sagui
Charitable Fund
Salon Lorrene
Salon MMM, LLC
Salt Creek Park District
Schaumburg Prairie Center for the
Schneider Electric N. America Fdn
Sharon Daniel Salon
Simply Nails Spa
Smile Nails
Smogolski Family 2003 Charitable
Spa Bleu
Spa Vargas
Sri Thai Restaurant
Stella & Dot
Swanson, Martin & Bell, LLP
The Best Salon & Spa
The Edward Jones Office of Dane M
The Langham, Chicago
The Rittmaster Foundation, Inc
United Airlines Foundation
US Trust Bank of America
2014 Annual Report Donors
Victor Construction Co Inc
Village of Inverness
Vittorio de Roma Italian Bistro
Walter E Smithe
Weber Stephen Products LLC
Wintrust Financial Corporation
Women’s Club of Inverness
Woodland Landscape Contractor’s &
Nursery, Inc
X10 Consulting LLC
Yin Yang Pilates & Yoga
Matching Gifts
Allstate Giving Campaign
AON Foundation
AT&T United Way
BMO Harris Bank N.A.
BP Foundation Inc
Bank of America Foundation UW
Truist Altruism Connected
United Way Employee Giving
Christus Victor Lutheran Church
Holy Family Catholic Community
Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church
Our Saviour’s Evangelical Lutheran Church
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
St. Alphonsus Church
St. Anne Catholic Community
St. Edna Parish
St. James Church
St. James Women’s Club
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
St. Thomas Becket Church
In Honor of
James D. Brenner
Jane & Bob Riley
Catherine Vincus
Julia Yurchanka
Community Consolidated School,
District 15
Community High School, District 155
Community High School, District 128
Community High School, District 220
Glenbrook South High School
Maine Township
North Cook Intermediate Service
St. Viator High School
Township High School District 211
Township High School Distict 214
Elk Grove
In Memory of
Lorraine Anderson
Shirley Bayer
Joe Costello
Thomas Dincher
Cy Farwell
Irene Hunnewinkel
Gloria Mehl
Anne Mueller
Joey Reuter
Robert Joseph Weidner
♥ constitutes volunteer status
* constitutes Spirit of Life status
Preservation of Human Dignity, PHD
1610 Colonial Parkway, Inverness, IL 60067
Phone: (847) 359-4919
Fax: (847) 359-4991
Email: [email protected]