1_Interim Report
1_Interim Report
BETTER TRAINING FOR SAFER FOOD C ONTRACT N UMBER 2012 96 06 O N T H E OR G ANIS A TION A ND IM P L EM ENTATI ON OF TR AI NING AC TIVIT I ES ON “A UDIT S YSTEM AND I NTERNAL A UDITING MAINLY FOR EU M EMBER S TATES UNDER THE “B ETTER T RAINING F OR S AFER F OOD ” I NITIATIVE ” I N F O R M AT I O N T O N AT I O N AL C O N T AC T P O I N T S Version Date of submission 1 18/09/2013 2 24/09/2013 Descriptions of modifications Table page 6: Schedule of the sessions has been correctly included A project implemented by with Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 CONTENTS 1. G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N O N T H E T R A I N I N G ..................................................................................... 3 1.1. Objectives ................................................................................................................. 3 1.2. Subjects covered ........................................................................................................ 3 1.3. Programme of the courses ........................................................................................... 4 1.4. Schedule of the sessions .............................................................................................. 6 2. S E L E C T I O N P R O C E S S ........................................................................................................................ 7 2.1. Invited countries ........................................................................................................ 7 2.2. Selection Criteria ........................................................................................................ 7 2.3. Process to be followed ................................................................................................ 8 2.4. Deadlines for registration in training sessions ................................................................. 8 2.5. Applications on the reserve list ..................................................................................... 9 3. O R G A N I S A T I O N O F T H E S E S S I O N S .................................................................................................. 10 3.1. Project Management ..................................................................................................10 3.2. Support provided by the project ..................................................................................11 3.3. Location of the sessions ..............................................................................................11 Madrid, Spain ...............................................................................................................12 Valencia, Spain .............................................................................................................15 Trim, Ireland .................................................................................................................16 Venezia, Italy ................................................................................................................18 Barcelona, Spain ...........................................................................................................20 Bordeaux, France ..........................................................................................................21 Delft, The Netherlands ...................................................................................................23 A N N E X 1 : L I S T O F I N V I T E D C O U N T R I E S P E R S E S S I O N ............................................................................ 25 A N N E X 2 : S C H E D U L E F R O M 2 0 1 3 T O J U N E 2 0 1 4 ................................................................................. 27 A N N E X 3 : T R A I N I N G P R O G R A M M E S ....................................................................................................... 29 A N N E X 4 : R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M : T E M P L A T E .......................................................................................... 47 Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 2 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 1. G EN ER AL I NF OR M ATION O N T HE T R A ININ G 1.1. Objectives The objective of the present programme is to spread the knowledge and best practices for auditing procedures of official controls, ensuring high implementation standards across the European Union. This training programme has been therefore designed to have a consistent approach throughout the Community with regards to the assessment made by the Member States auditing units that will help to have comparable values of the different national audit reports The programme will be divided in two courses, with the aim to give the tools and guidance on the management of audit programmes to promote a harmonized approach for auditing, following the principles and criteria that will create equal playing field for all. The specific objectives of the course on setting-up and implementation of an audit system, either internal or external, course A, are to give the tools and guidance on the design, implementation and management of audit systems, promoting risk based programmes, and ensuring the solid understanding of the key principles of independence, independent scrutiny, objectivity, transparency and effectiveness, promoting the harmonized approach for auditing. The specific objectives of the course on the ability to conduct a detailed audit to verify the effective and suitable implementation of official controls by the relevant control authorities, Course B, are to give the tools and guidance on how to conduct an audit in order to verify the effectiveness of the official controls implemented. 1.2. Subjects covered The subjects covered in Course A – Setting up and implementation of an audit system, are: Introduction to auditing (principles, types, objectives) with particular emphasis on internal auditing; Different options to safeguard the independence of audit systems and auditors for both internal and external audit arrangements; Preparing an audit programme/schedule (annual/rolling), including: - Defining the objectives and scope of an audit programme with particular emphasis on the overall objective of verifying effective implementation of planned arrangements, - suitability of these arrangements in achieving the objectives of Regulation 882/2004 and relevant sectorial legislation; Risk-based programming; - Analysing the control system(s)/ area(s) of responsibility; - Considering different ways of scheduling e.g. combining different types of audit/ audit approaches (technical, systems, compliance); - Determining what should be audited, how and by whom; - Taking into account the different structures involved in official controls (e.g. centralised vs. de-centralised, various levels of competent authorities); Defining the scope objectives and audit criteria of the audits to achieve the overall programme aims; Setting-up of audit teams and auditor selection - Procedures for assessing competence Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 3 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 - Independence, objectivity, bias, conflict of interest - Procedures for avoiding/managing conflict of interest Training of auditors Monitoring and reporting on the audit programme (management information, adjustments etc.) Audit follow-up and preventive & corrective action Transparency and independent scrutiny arrangements Documenting procedures for the above and for individual auditors to follow Relationship between the audit system and other control systems and requirements, (MultiAnnual National Control Plan, annual report) Coordination between other control systems and audit systems The subjects covered in Course B – Ability to conduct a detailed audit, are: Background to internal auditing (principles, types, objectives); How to prepare an audit plan Defining the audit scope and objectives Pre-audit activities (research, desk review, risk based targeting, checklist development etc.) Assigning roles and responsibilities within the audit team Performing the audit Collection of audit evidence, drawing findings and conclusions, with particular emphasis on how to draw conclusions on the effectiveness of implementation and suitability in achieving objectives, and making recommendations (relationship between these steps in the process) Reporting on the audit Audit follow-up (if applicable) 1.3. Programme of the courses The programme of Course A – Setting up and implementation of an audit system has the following structure: Contents programme Course A - Setting up and implementation of an audit system Day 1 Arrival & registration of participants Introduction and presentation of the course Lectures, exercises, practical cases and questions and answers: Day 2 Overview of EU Legislation and supporting guidelines Definitions and general guidance Organisation and structures of internal audit bodies Effectiveness / suitability of the audit process Requirements and considerations in the setting up of an internal audit system Requirements and considerations in the setting up of an internal audit system Independence and independent scrutiny Lectures, exercises, practical cases and questions and answers: Day 3 Systematic approach to the planning, carrying out, follow up and management of audits Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 4 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Contents programme Course A - Setting up and implementation of an audit system Overview of the audit process Planning of audits of official controls based on risks Development of an audit programme including risk based planning Finalising the audit programme Implementation of the audit programme Transparency Lectures, exercises, practical cases and questions and answers: Day 4 Documentation and documented procedures Audit reporting Follow up of audit outcomes Audit review and dissemination of best practice Monitoring and reviewing of the audit process Lectures, exercises, practical cases and questions and answers: Day 5 Conduct a detail audit Summary of topics covered by the training session Conclusions The programme of Course B – Ability to conduct a detailed audit has the following structure: Contents programme Course B - Ability to conduct a detailed audit Day 1 Arrival & registration of participants Introduction and presentation of the course Lectures, exercises, practical cases and questions and answers: Day 2 Overview of EU legislation and supporting guidelines Definitions and general guidance Overview of the Organisation of Internal Audit Systems Types of audit Sequence of audit activities Preparing audit activities - audit plan Preparing audit activities - other arrangements (I) Lectures, exercises, practical cases, role plays and questions and answers: Day 3 Preparing audit activities - other arrangements (II) Conducting the audit: activities Conducting the audit: opening meeting Conducting the audit: carry-out the audit Conducting the audit: on site interviews Conducting the audit: closing meeting (I) Lectures, exercises, practical cases and questions and answers: Day 4 Conducting the audit: closing meeting (II) Preparation and distribution of the audit report (I) Audit conclusions and recommendations Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 5 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Contents programme Course B - Ability to conduct a detailed audit Follow-up of an audit Lectures, exercises, practical cases and questions and answers: Day 5 Findings and conclusions Summary of topics covered by the training session The detailed programmes are available in Annex 3. 1.4. Schedule of the sessions The sessions foreseen for 2013 and mid 2014, are the following: Training session Country Date Partner 1 Course A Session 1 Spain (Madrid) 15-18 October 2013 AENOR 2 Course B Session 1 Spain (Madrid) 12-15 November 2013 AENOR 3 Course A Session 2 Spain (Valencia ) 26-29 November 2013 AINIA 4 Course B Session 2 France (Bordeaux) 17-20 December 2013 AETS 5 Course B Session 3 Ireland (Grange) 4-7 February 2014 AENOR 6 Course A Session 3 Netherlands (Delft) 4-7 March 2014 NVWA 7 Course B Session 4 Ireland (Trim) 22-25 April 2014 AETS 8 Course B Session 5 Spain (Valencia) 20-23 May 2014 AINIA 9 Course B Session 6 Spain (Madrid) 10-13 June 2014 AENOR Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 6 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 2. S ELEC TION P R OC E SS 2.1. Invited countries The programme will support 480 participants: Number of training sessions EU Member States and Candidate countries EFTA and EEA countries ENP, Mediterranean basin countries and other selected Third countries Total participants per training course TOTAL PROGRAMME Course A Course B 5 11 130 292 5 7 15 31 150 330 480 The number of trainees per invited country is available in Annex 1. NCPs are kindly invited to contact the project manager if they require any modification of the list. 2.2. Selection Criteria The selection criteria to participate in COURSE A are: Officers of Competent Authorities, relevant government ministries, inspection services; Ideally staff from Competent Authorities involved or who will be managing the audit requirements of Reg. 882/2004, Art. 4 (6): design, implementation and management of audit systems; Have a working knowledge of relevant feed, food law, animal health and animal welfare rules legislation; Broad experience in the implementation of official control systems according to Regulation (EC) 882/2004; Proficient in the English language; Ability to share their experience. The selection criteria to participate in COURSE B are: Officers of the national competent authority, relevant government ministries, inspection services and official food-testing laboratories; Ideally staff from Competent Authorities involved or willing to be involved in Auditing either as auditors or as technical experts according to Reg. 882/2004, art. 4 (6); Have a working knowledge of feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules and legislation related; Broad experience in practical implementation of official control systems according to Reg. 882/2004; Proficiency in English language; Ability to share their experience. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 7 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 The Project Manager will observe that these criteria are meet. Any doubt with regards to the selection criteria can be addressed to the Project Manager [email protected] 2.3. Process to be followed The management of the participants is a responsibility shared between the NCPs and the Event Managers. Each country has an expected number of participants per event, and the place must be allocated. Should there be vacancies, those should be communicated as soon as possible, in order to reallocate the seat to another country. TASKS OF NCPS The National Contact Points are requested to: Consider the number of participants supported by the project to attend to the sessions, according to the information provided by the Project Manager. Distribute the information to the relevant national institutios and government bodies about the training course Select the participants considering the profile requested to participate, and comply the registration form using the defined template for the training course [AU_Op14_Registration Course]. In the same form, specify the type of course and session. The name of the file created should indicate the number of the session, country and name of the applicant. Send the registration form to the Project Manager and Event Manager in the frame time indicated in section 2.4. Send additional registration forms for the reserve list to the Project Manager ([email protected] ) TASKS OF EVENT MANAGER The Event Manager will: Verify the compliance of the proposed participants with the selection criteria on the basis of the CVs fully completed registration form, Inform NCP accordingly if the application has been accepted. Once the participant has been accepted and communicated to NCP will contact directly the participant in order to make further logistic arrangements and give him further detailed information 2.4. Deadlines for registration in training sessions NCPs are kindly requested to provide the list of trainees for 2013 (main applications and reserve applications) as soon as possible, especially for the first two sessions. Specific datelines are set for applications to the 4 first sessions as shown in the table below: Course / session Location Date Course A Session 1 Spain (Madrid) 15-18 October 2013 1 October 2013 Course B Session 1 Spain (Madrid) 12-15 November 2013 11 October 2013 Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 Deadline for registration 8 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Course / session 03/09/2013 Location Date Deadline for registration Course A Session 2 Spain (Valencia ) 26-29 November 2013 28 October 2013 Course B Session 2 France (Bordeaux) 17-20 December 2013 18 November 2013 Course B Session 3 Ireland (Grange) 4-7 February 2014 16 December 2013 Course A Session 3 Netherlands (Delft) 4-7 March 2014 18 February 2014 Course B Session 4 Ireland (Trim) 22-25 April 2014 7 March 2014 Course B Session 5 Spain (Valencia) 20-23 May 2014 4 April 2014 Course B Session 6 Spain (Madrid) 10-13 June 2014 25 April 2014 The deadline for sessions organized in the second half of 2014 and 2015 will be confirmed in the next version of the information that will be sent to NCPs by June 2014. 2.5. Applications on the reserve list At the request of EAHC, a single reserve list will be established at an early stage of the project for the duration of the programme. Applications on the reserve list for sessions in 2013 must be sent together with the normal registration forms. Applications on the reserve list for sessions in 2014 must be sent as specified below: Courser / session Date Deadline for registration Reserve list - Course A Session 1 15-18 October 2013 1 October 2013 Reserve list - Course B Session 1 12-15 November 2013 11 October 2013 Reserve list - Course A Session 2 26-29 November 2013 28 October 2013 Reserve list - Course B Session 2 17-20 December 2013 18 November 2013 Reserve list - Course B Session 3 4-7 February 2014 Reserve list - Course A Session 3 4-7 March 2014 Reserve list - Course B Session 4 22-25 April 2014 Reserve list - Course B Session 5 20-23 May 2014 Reserve list - Course B Session 6 10-13 June 2014 Reserve list - 2 sessions of Course A and 5 sessions of Course B September 2014 - April 2015 Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 16 December 2013 25 April 2014 9 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 3. O R G ANISATI ON OF THE S ESSIO NS 3.1. Project Management AENOR is consortium with AETS, AINIA, NVWA and FVI, will be in charge of the organization of the 16 training sessions, 5 of course A, and 11 of course B. The general management of the programme is ensured by the Project Manager Mrs. Mónica Zabala ([email protected]) under the supervision of the Project Leader Mr. Francisco Verdera [email protected]. The responsible person for the logistical arrangements of training sessions is as follows: Course / session Location Date Course A Session 1 Spain (Madrid) 15-18 October 2013 Name of the event manager Organizer Mónica SANZO AENOR E-mail address and other relevant contact details Event Manager [email protected] Tel.: +34 914 325 935 Fax: +34 913 104 596 Course B Session 1 Spain (Madrid) 12-15 November 2013 Mónica SANZO / Ignacio ACHA Spain (Valencia ) 26-29 November 2013 Carlos GARCÍA Course B Session 2 France (Bordeaux) 17-20 December 2013 Mélanie DRAL 4-7 February 2014 Mónica SANZO Ireland (Grange) [email protected] Tel.: +34 914 325 935 Fax: +34 913 104 596 Course A Session 2 Course B Session 3 AENOR AINIA [email protected] Tel.: +34 961 366 090 Fax: +34 961 318 008 AETS [email protected] Tel: +33 5 59 72 43 23 Fax: +33 5 59 72 43 24 AENOR [email protected] Tel.: +34 914 325 935 Fax: +34 913 104 596 Course A Session 3 Netherlands (Delft) 4-7 March 2014 Pien van DAEL Course B Session 4 Ireland (Trim) 22-25 April 2014 Niamh O’BRIEN NVWA [email protected] Mob: +31 6 1589 0841 AETS [email protected] Tel: +353 86 835 9693 Audrey FERRAN Tel: +33 5 59 72 43 23 Fax: +33 5 59 72 43 24 Course B Session 5 Spain (Valencia) 20-23 May 2014 Carlos GARCÍA AINIA Course B Session 6 Spain (Madrid) 10-13 June 2014 Mónica SANZO / Ignacio ACHA [email protected] Tel.: +34 961 366 090 Fax: +34 961 318 008 AENOR [email protected] Tel.: +34 914 325 935 Fax: +34 913 104 596 The information of the sessions foreseen from September 2014 to April 2015 will be sent in next communication to NCPs, by June 2014. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 10 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 3.2. Support provided by the project Travel For each supported participant, the project will provide a return flight ticket - in economy class or a return train ticket in first class using the most direct route. For participants from third countries, the project will also reimburse visa costs upon provision of the original receipts by the participants for the incurred expenses. Upon arrival, transfer from the airport or station to the hotel will be arranged by the event managers, as well as the transfer from the training site to the airport on the last day of the training. The project also provides health and repatriation insurance for all the trainees. Accommodation The project will provide full-board accommodation for subsided trainees for the period of the training: on the day prior to the training: room charge (single occupancy) and dinner (depending on the arrival time); from the 1st to the 4rd day of the training: full board accommodation including breakfast, 2 coffee breaks, lunch, dinner and room charge (single occupancy); on the 5th day of the training: breakfast, 1 coffee break and lunch for participants departing before 19:00, dinner and room charge (single occupancy) as required for the participants departing later or the day after the training. Training courses The following costs related to the implementation of the training courses will be covered by the project: Access to fully equipped meeting rooms; Transportation to the training centre; The project will also provide the following material: Stationary (notepad, pen, notepad-holder); A folder including hand-outs of all the lectures; USB key containing all the training material in electronic version; A group photo Prior to each session, detailed information will be displayed on www.foodinfo-europe.com. 3.3. Location of the sessions A total of 7 locations have been identified over 5 different countries. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 11 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Delft, NL Trim, IE Venezia, IT Bordeaux, FR Barcelona, SP Madrid, SP Valencia, SP Madrid, Spain The sessions to be organised by AENOR will be held in Madrid, considering the training needs, the good flight connections and therefore, the advantage of facilitating the participants and tutors comfortable logistic arrangements. Madrid is a beautiful city renowned not only for its monuments, squares and museums, but also for the restaurants and bars which offer the typical Spanish taste. Airport of arrival The international airport of Madrid (Barajas airport) has direct connections to all capital cities of the Member states, EFTA/EEA and Candidate countries and to many other cities around Europe. The airport is 13 km. far from the city centre of Madrid. The first and second training sessions will be organized at the NH Habana Hotel. Accommodation Participants and tutors will be hosted at: NH Habana Hotel Paseo de la Habana, 73 28036 Madrid SPAIN Tel: 00 34 913 984 661 Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 12 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 [email protected] The NH La Habana Hotel has a special location in the heart of the commercial and business district. The hotel boasts easy access to the Madrid-Barajas International Airport. NH La Habana is located within a quick walk from public transportation hubs; a short Metro ride will take the participants to the city's renowned Art Triangle, where they can visit world-class museums such as the Prado and the Reina Sofia. The NH La Habana hotel has 155 quiet rooms, all pleasantly decorated in soft hues and subtle elegance. Training venue The NH La Habana Hotel offers spacious meeting rooms fully equipped with the most outstanding and HiTech devices. Buffet breakfast is served each morning in the hotel’s Breakfast Lounge. Catering services will be also provided by the hotel during coffee-breaks. Delicious and special menus will be served to the participants at the Restaurant during lunch and dinner. During the ninth training session to be organised in Madrid participants will be accommodated at the Gran Versalles Hotel and the session will be implemented at AENOR premises. Accommodation For the training sessions held in Madrid, participants and tutors will be hosted at: Gran Versalles Hotel **** Covarrubias, 4 28010 Madrid SPAIN Tel: 00 34 914 475 700 Fax: 00 34 914 463 987 www.hotelgranversalles.es Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 13 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Hotel Gran Versalles is a very well located hotel in the very heart of Madrid and only10 minutes walk from AENOR headquarters, venue of the training. It is also very convenient for transportation to/from the airport. Training venue The training venue will be in the training centre facilities at AENOR headquarters, with full equipped and comfortable meeting rooms, with capacity to host the group both in plenary session and in separate working groups. AENOR Génova 6. 28004 MADRID - SPAIN Tel : + (34) 914 325 965 Fax: + (34) 913 104 596 [email protected] - www.aenor.es Coffee breaks will be organised in the training centre. Lunches will be alternative selections, both in AENOR and in nearby restaurants. Social event AENOR will propose to do a group visit tour to the Prado Museum, one of the world's leading collections of fine art. The Museum is at a walking distance from the hotel. The group will be accompanied by the event manager and an official guide of the Museum. On the last evening the group will enjoy a walk in the city centre of Madrid and will have a special tapa´s dinner. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 14 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Valencia, Spain The sessions organised by AINIA will take place in Valencia, Spain. Valencia is situated in the centre of the east coast of Spain. It is a cosmopolitan, open plane city, with a population of about one million, making it the third largest city in Spain. This beautiful city is one of Europe's hottest and most fashionable destinations. It's also a major cultural and industrial centre with a European Congress Centre for international business and trade fairs. The centre of town is not very large, so easy to walk around on foot. The old historic centre, with history and the cathedral and Old Quarter are top tourist attractions. The stunning City of Arts and Sciences is at the end of the lovely Turia Gardens. Not far away from the complex is the port and Valencia city beach Airport of arrival The nearest airport is situated 8 km. west of the city, in the city limits of Manises. There are a frequent busservice from the terminal to the city centre, metro line and taxi-service. Accommodation The Barceló Valencia hotel**** is situated right in the centre of the City of Arts and Sciences, opposite the Palacio de las Artes Reina Sofía, a building which was designed by the renowned architect Santiago Calatrava, and situated in one of the most modern and attractive areas of the city of Valencia. This four star hotel allows to enjoy all the leisure and business opportunities that Valencia has to offer. The hotel has spacious rooms for conferences and meetings. And, most importantly, the hotel is only 20 minutes away from the Valencia Trade Fair, the Conference Centre and the city airport. Training venues Valencia offers a perfect scenario for the organisation of Training Sessions and Workshops. The Hotel Barceló Valencia offers modern and functional rooms with a total capacity of 350 people. The ideal space for workshops, incentives, conferences and meetings. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 15 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Ainia, Centro Tecnológico can host Training Sessions and Workshops as well. The Headquarters of ainia are situated in Paterna (Valencia), just 7 kilometers far away from the city center. Daily shuttles are available. The venues include some fully equipped conference rooms, the latest technology, modular spaces, outsidefacing windows offering natural light, wi-fi internet connections and, above all, a professional, experienced team on the management of Trainings and Workshops. Social event Valencia is a city replete with monuments, buildings and unique places that are well worth a visit. It is also the third most important city of Spain which puts it on the first raw of every event that takes places in the country. Business and trade coexist with leisure and culture. It has a rich cultural life with festivals, concerts, shows and exhibitions all year round. Many different cultural event are usually offered to visitors. A complete City Tour to the city center always includes a specific visit to the World Heritage Site “La lonja de la Seda” (the “Silk Exchange”) a late Valencian Gothic style civil building (1482 – 1548), which illustrates the power and wealth of one of the great Mediterranean mercantile cities. Wonderful restaurants offer their “Paella” and other typical Mediterranean cuisine recipes to visitors. “Arroceria Arribar”, located within Port America's Cup in Valencia, totally surrounded by the sea, or Restaurant “99 Nudos”, located inside an old ship within Port America's Cup in Valencia are good examples of the possibilities. Trim, Ireland AENOR and AETS will organise 5 training sessions at the premises of the Knightsbrook Hotel, Spa and Golf Resort. Trim offers high quality services for catering and accommodation, cultural heritage and leisure services, making it the adequate place to hold a stimulating training course. Airport of arrival Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 16 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 The participants will arrive at the Dublin Airport (T1 or T2) and be transferred by shuttle bus to the “Knightsbrook hotel”. A private taxi driver will wait for participants at theirs arrivals with a BTSF sign. The airport transfer may take about 30-40 min as the hotel is appreciatively 50 km far from the airport. Accommodation The Knightsbrook 4 stars hotel is set in 186 acres of rolling parkland. The hotel has 131 deluxe executive rooms and several conference rooms, as well as a bar, a lounge and a restaurant. It also offers a fully equipped health club with swimming pool, a spa, and golf in the picturesque heritage town of Trim County Meath. The hotel offers free internet connection in each room and a WIFI connection at reception. KNIGHTSBROOK Hotel Spa & Golf Resort Dublin Road, Trim, Co. Meath Tel: +353 46 9482100 [email protected] Website: http://www.knightsbrook.com/ The Knightsbrrok Hotel Spa & Golf Resort The hotel is located at 20 minutes walk from Trim city centre and at around 7 km from the FVO premises in Grange. The Location near the FVO would facilitate the participation of FVO observers if needed. Training venues As 5 sessions will be organised in Trim, three of them will be organised at the premises of the Food and Veterinary Office of the European Commission in Grange, and two others at Knightsbrook hotel. At the Knightsbrook hotel, the main venue of the training will be the Barbican Suite conference room The Barbican Suite is the higher level standards of security and comfort and is equipped with latest audiovisual equipment. Wireless internet connection is available in all public areas. The Burban Suite Conference room At the The European Commission Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) premises located in Grange, Dunsany, Co. Meath, Ireland, the training session will be organised in the fully equipped conference room CR1. Coffee breaks will be arranged in a space just across the conference room. A specific space in the canteen will be dedicated to the training group. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 17 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Social event County Meath offers some possibilities for the organisation of social events, such as a walking tour around the Castle and a traditional Irish dinner in Dublin Trim Castle, the largest Anglo-Norman castle in Ireland, was constructed over a thirty year period by Hugh de Lacy and his son Walter. Trim Castle is also famous as the movie Brave heart has been filmed there. Trim castle covers area approximatively 1.5 hectares and from the ramparts there are wonderful views across the medieval town of Trim and the spectacular countryside. A one hour walking tour will be organised with a local guide from the tourism office, just before going to have dinner, one the first evening to facilitate to know each other A traditional Irish dinner will be organised in Dublin, on the last evening as a social event. It will allow participants to discover Dublin, the real atmosphere of an Irish restaurant, listening traditional music and discovering traditional Irish dance. The dinner will be organised at the Arlington Hotel in Dublin, to close the meeting. Lunches and dinner Lunches and first dinner can be taken on site at the Rococo Restaurant. Dinner will be taken outside the restaurant, in the town of Trim and Dublin, on the last evening. For the sessions organised at the FVO, lunches will be organised at the canteen. Venezia, Italy AENOR will organise 1 training sessions in Venice, Italy. Venice is located in the northeast Italy on the Adriatic Sea. It’s one of the most renowned Italian cities, listed in its entirety as World Heritage Site, along with its lagoon. Very touristic and famous by its monuments and channels, it’s frequently considered as being one of Europe's most romantic cities. Airport of arrival The Venice airport – Marco Polo International Airport, named in honor of its famous citizen – has daily connections to a high number of EU cities and is very well located, close to the city. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 18 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Accommodation The consortium proposes to organise the sessions at the Antony Palace Hotel, a 4* hotel located around 1015 minutes from the airport and around 20 minutes from the city center. ANTONY PALACE HOTEL Via Mattei 26 30020 Marcon Venezia Tel. 0415962301 Fax 0415962311 email: [email protected] Training venues The training will be prepared in the hotel Meeting Rooms. The venues are fully equipped, comfortable and modern and also guarantee free Wi-Fi internet connection. One extra room will be settled for the organization of the working groups, in order to give space and quietness to all the groups. Social event During the social event, the participants will have the opportunity to visit the city and its magnificent architectural monuments: Piazza San Marco, Rialto Bridge, churches, palaces along the Canal Grande, etc. On that night dinner will be organized in a typical Italian restaurant, in the city, so that the participants can enjoy a bit of the so well known “dolce fare niente” or take a trip in one of the gondolas. Lunches and dinner Lunches and first dinner can be taken on site at the Rococo Restaurant. Dinner will be taken outside the restaurant, in the town of Trim and Dublin, on the last evening. For the sessions organised at the FVO, lunches will be organised at the canteen. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 19 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Barcelona, Spain Two of the sessions to be organised by AENOR will take place in Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona It is located on the Mediterranean coast between mouths and rivers. It is an important cultural and economic centre in south-western Europe. Airport of arrival The international airport of Barcelona (el Prat airport) has direct connections to all capital cities of the Member states, EFTA/EEA and Candidate countries and to many other cities around Europe. The airport is situated 14 Km South West of the city centre. Accommodation For the training session held in Barcelona, participants and tutors will be hosted at: Ayre Hotel Caspe C/ Caspe, 103, 08013, Barcelona - Spain Tel.: +34 93 2467000 Fax: +34 93 2467001 www.ayrehoteles.com/hotel-caspe/ [email protected] Hotel Ayre Caspe is in the heart of modern Barcelona, the best location for discovering the city and its iconic buildings on Passeig de Gràcia. Training venue The working session will be delivered at the hotel meeting room in fully equipped conference rooms. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 20 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Social event On the last evening of the workshop AENOR will propose to do a walking group visit tour around the city of Barcelona to see the most relevant monuments and to enjoy a nice typical Spanish food in a restaurant near the Port. Bordeaux, France AETS will organise 1 training session at Mercure Bordeaux Centre ****, located in the center town of Bordeaux. The city is very attractive thanks to rich history, vineyards, and the port of Bordeaux. The city is designated a Word Heritage Site by Unesco. The place of Bourse and the miroir d’eau The grand Theater of Bordeaux Airport of arrival Participants and tutors will arrive at Merignac Bordeaux Airport. Transfer to the hotel will be organised by a local private taxi company with a BTSF sign. The airport is appreciatively 30 min far from the hotel by car. Accommodation Participants will be accommodated at Mercure Meriadeck Hotel **** 5 rue Robert Lateulade, 33000 BORDEAUX, FRANCE Tel. (+33)5/56564343 Fax. (+33)5/56965059 [email protected] Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 21 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 The Mercure Bordeaux Centre hotel is located in the central business district of Bordeaux, a short walk from the city monuments and historic areas classed as UNESCO World Heritage sites. This renovated hotel has 194 spacious rooms with air conditioning and Wi-Fi Internet access. The hotel also features a lounge restaurant serving inventive seasonal cuisine. It has 10,764 sq. ft. (1000 m²) of meeting and conference space Training venue The training course will be held in a 150m2 conference room fully equiped with videoprojector, paperboard, and screen. Social Event A Touristic walk in English through the center town of Bordeaux will be organised on the first evening after the training course. The touristic walk includes the discovering of Cathédrale, Bourse, quais, Comédie, Quinconces, Chartrons until the Place of Par1iament, to have a dinner at Le Bistrot D'Eduard. This first social event allow to participants to know better themselves and to be more at ease during the working group. On Thursday evening, a social event will be organised at Château Taillan Medoc, to close the meeting. The Chateau is appreciatively 30 minutes far from the hotel. The travel is organised with a private company by bus. The social event will begin by a visit of the castle, and will be followed by a degustation of wines. The dinner will be organised in the castle. The menu is composed of local meals and wine of the propriety. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 22 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Delft, The Netherlands NVWA will implement two training sessions on Course A in Delft, Rotterdam (The Netherlands), being at the same time the National Competent Authority. Delft is a small city located in the west Netherlands, about halfway between Rotterdam and The Hague. Is one of Holland’s historical centres, fundamentally a University City, coupled with the winding canals with a cultural stimulating environment. Rotterdam Airport is 8 km. from Delft’s town centre, a very convenient easy from all over EU Airport of arrival The participants will arrive at Amsterdam International Airport “Schiphol”. A schuttle service (car or bus) as well as from the train station, will wait for participants at their arrival with a BTSF sign. The airport transfer may take about 50 min as the hotel is appreciatively 70 km far from the airport. Accomodation Participants and tutors will be accommodated at the Westcord Hotel. All participants will be provided a hotel room equipped with a bathroom with shower,, a laptop safe deposit box, coffee and tea facilities, a refrigerator, a television flat screen, air conditioning and free wireless access. Free sauna and fitness facilities. WESTCORD HOTEL Olof Palmestraat 2 | 2616 LM Delft tel: +31 (0)15 88 890 10 fax: +31 (0)15 88 890 11 [email protected] Training venues The participants will attend the tutors’ presentations and working sessions in the facilities of the WestCord Hotel Delft where lunches and coffee breaks will be served. Complimentary wireless Internet access is available throughout the property. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 23 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Contract nº 2012 96 06 - AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 03/09/2013 Social event A social event will be organised around Delft city centre that can be easily reached from the hotel by foot (15 minute walk) or by public transport (bus numbers 80 and 81 stop in front of the hotel). Discover the historical city of Delft with all the touristic hot spots and interesting museum such as the New Church, museum “Prinsenhof”, Delft blue factory 'Porceleyne Fles'/'Royal Delft', nice boutiques and numerous little cafes and restaurants. A summary of the information of training meeting venue and accommodation of the 16 training sessions is included on annex 1. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 24 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 A NNEX 1: L IST OF INVITE D C OUNT R IE S P ER SESSI ON Ye ar Se s s ions Date s 2013 2014 Cours e A Cours e A Cours e B Cours e B Cours e A Cours e B Cours e B Cours e B Cours e B Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion TOTAL TOTAL 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 COURSE COURSE 26-29 12-15 17-20 20-23 A B 15-18 Oct Nov Nov De c 4-7 Mar 4-7 Fe b 22-25 Apr May 10-13 Jun Imple me nting PartneAENOR r Location Madrid AINIA AENOR AETS NVWA AENOR AETS AINIA AENOR Vale ncia Madrid Borde aux De lft Grange Trim Vale ncia Madrid 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Member States Member States 1 Aus tria 1 2 Be lgium 1 3 Croatia* 1 4 Bulgaria 1 5 Cyprus 1 1 1 1 6 Cze ch Re public 1 7 De nmark 1 8 Es tonia 9 Finland TOTAL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 6 5 9 2 4 6 3 4 7 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 8 1 1 1 4 5 1 3 4 5 10 15 14 1 1 1 1 1 10 France 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 11 Ge rmany 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 5 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 8 12 Gre e ce 1 13 Hungary 1 14 Ire land 1 15 Italy 2 16 Latvia 17 Lithuania 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 7 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 5 10 15 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 1 3 3 6 1 1 1 1 18 Luxe mbourg 1 19 Malta 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 3 20 Ne the rlands 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 9 21 Poland 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 10 14 22 Portugal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 9 23 Romania 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 9 24 Slovakia 1 1 1 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 10 14 25 Slove nia 1 26 Spain 2 1 27 Swe de n 1 1 28 UK 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 8 2 2 1 2 1 1 5 8 13 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 2 2 5 Candidate Countries CC 29 FYROM 30 Ice land 1 1 1 1 1 31 Monte gro 31 Se rbia 1 1 32 Turke y Total MS + CC 1 26 1 1 1 25 26 1 1 1 1 1 27 27 26 27 2 3 1 1 1 4 5 28 26 78 160 238 1 1 1 4 2 3 5 3 7 10 EFTA & EEA Countries 33 Norway EFTA & EEA 1 34 Switze rland Total EFTA & EEA 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 25 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Ye ar Se s s ions Date s 2013 2014 Cours e A Cours e A Cours e B Cours e B Cours e A Cours e B Cours e B Cours e B Cours e B Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion Se s s ion TOTAL TOTAL 1 2 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 COURSE COURSE 26-29 12-15 17-20 20-23 A B 15-18 Oct Nov Nov De c 4-7 Mar 4-7 Fe b 22-25 Apr May 10-13 Jun Imple me nting PartneAENOR r Location Madrid AINIA AENOR AETS NVWA AENOR AETS AINIA AENOR Vale ncia Madrid Borde aux De lft Grange Trim Vale ncia Madrid Other Countries TOTAL Other Countries ENP & Med. Basin Countries 35 Egypt 36 Is rae l 1 1 1 37 Le banon 1 38 Bos nia & He rze govina 39 Moldova 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 40 Morocco 1 1 1 1 1 1 41 Jordania 42 Arme nia 1 43 Aze rbaijan 44 Be larus 1 1 45 Ge orgia 1 46 Ukraine 1 1 47 Rus s ia 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 Latin American Countries 47 Arge ntina 1 48 Brazil 1 1 1 1 1 49 Chile Africa 50 South Africa Asia 51 China 1 1 52 India 1 1 1 53 Indone s ia 1 Total Other Countries3 4 3 2 2 3 2 0 3 TOTAL Participants 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Accum. Participants 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 9 2 3 1 1 1 1 13 22 270 26 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 A NNEX 2: S C HED U LE F R OM 2013 T O J UNE 2014 Planning Audits 2012 96 06 YEAR 2013 01/01/2013 JULY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 AUGUST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SEPTEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 OCTOBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CA-Session 1, Madrid (SPAIN) AENOR NOVEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 27 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es CB-Session 1, Madrid (SPAIN) AENOR CA-Session 2, Valencia (SPAIN) AINIA DECEMBER 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CB-Session 2, Bordeaux (FRANCE) AETS AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Planning Audits 2012 96 06 YEAR 2014 01/01/2014 JANUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 FEBRUARY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CB- Session 3, Grange (IRELAND) AENOR MARCH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 CA-Session 3, Delft (NETHERLANDS) NVWA APRIL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CB-Session 4, Trim (IRELAND) AETS MAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 28 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es CB-Session 5, Valencia (SPAIN) AINIA JUNE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CA - Session 6, Madrid (SPAIN) AENOR AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 A NNEX 3: T R AI NI NG P R OG R AM M E S COURSE A: IMPLEMENTATION OF AN AUDIT SYSTEM General objective of the training: To contribute towards a common understanding of the relevant legislation applicable to official controls of feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare. Specific objectives of the training are to: Spread knowledge and best practices on internal audits to ensure compliance with the requirements of article 4 (6) of Regulation 882/2004; Give the tools and guidance on the design, implementation and management of audit systems; Promote risk based audit programmes; Ensure that the participants have a solid understanding of the key principles of independence, independent scrutiny, objectivity, transparency and effectiveness; Promote a harmonized approach for auditing, following the principles and guidelines set out in Decision 2006/677. The trainees profile should have/be: Officers of Competent Authorities, relevant government ministries, inspection services; Ideally staff from Competent Authorities involved or who will be managing the audit requirements of Reg. 882/2004, Art. 4 (6); Have a working knowledge of relevant feed, food law, animal health and animal welfare rules legislation; Broad experience in the implementation of official control systems according to Regulation (EC) 882/2004; Proficient in the English language. General organization of the training program The training will be implemented over a period of 4 working days. The participants will be arriving on Monday afternoon, and will depart on Friday midday. The daily work schedule will be: Monday afternoon, 2h; from Tuesday to Thursday, from 09h00 to 17h30, with 6h30 hours of effective training time, split in two sessions of 3h15 hours in the morning and in the afternoon; and a morning session of 3h on Friday. A break of 30 minutes will be organized in the morning (10h30 to 11h00) and in the afternoon (15h00 to 15h30) each day. Lunch break will be offered from Tuesday to Friday from 12h30 to 13h30 Dinner will be organized from Monday to Thursday. Trainees will be requested to arrive on Monday early afternoon and to depart on the following Friday midday. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 29 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Monday Time Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered 09h00 19h30 Welcome and registration of participants 18h00 19h00 Welcome address To introduce the EAHC project “Audit Systems and internal auditing” and the specific objectives of the training sessions on the development of the ability to implement an audit to the implementation of official controls: Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Introductory remarks Questions and Answers Media: BTSF Video Event Manager Training Coordinator Interactivity Event Manager Delivery of training material, welcome address Presentation of the programme BTSF and the specific training session, tutors and participants To describe the organisation of the course and the training approach to be adopted. 19h00 19h30 Role of FVO missions To introduce the FVO missions in EU Member States. Audits at EU level 19h30 20h00 Questions and answers To listen to trainee’s comments and to answer to their questions regarding the introductory lecture. 20h00 Welcome drink and dinner Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 30 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Training Coordinator AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Tuesday Time 09h00 09h30 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Introduction of the day Introduction of participants Tour de table Mr. John Coady To present the general overview and context of Regulation 882/2004 Lecture Mr. John Coady To introduce the specific requirements of Regulation 882/2004, with particular focus on art 4 (6) Discussion in plenary session Present the activities of the day 09h30 10h00 Overview of EU Legislation and supporting guidelines To outline the main headings on Decision 2006/677 including their purpose and scope To provide examples of how other international standards can support the general principles of Decision 2006/677 10h00 10h30 Definitions and General Guidance To introduction the key definitions used in the Regulation 882/2004, the Decision 2006/677 Lecture 10h30 11h00 Coffee Break & Photo group 11h00 11h30 Organisation and structures of internal audit bodies To present the following topics: Lecture Discussion in plenary session Effectiveness / suitability of the audit process To present the guiding principles: Lecture Examples 11h30 12h15 12h15 12h45 Requirements and considerations in the setting up of an internal audit system Scope and responsibilities of the audit system : Designation of competences and documented system establishing the responsibilities, communications and relations with/between different levels of Competent Authorities (National / Regional Competent Authorities) Compliance with planned arrangements; Effective implementation; Suitability to achieve the overall objectives. Mr. Chris Hagen Discussion in plenary session Mr. Chris Hagen Mrs. Emilie Sloth Discussion in plenary session To present the main considerations to be taken into account in the setting up of an audit system that undertakes the planning, organization and carrying out of this activity. Lecture Mr. Chris Hagen Discussion in plenary session 12h45 13h45 Lunch 13h45 15h00 Exercise on Independence and independent scrutiny To develop a mandate document as required by Sections 5.3 and 5.4 of 677. Exercise Mr. John Coady 15h00 15h30 Independence and Independent scrutiny To present one of the specific guiding principle of the audit process: independence and independent scrutiny. Lecture Mrs. Emilie Sloth 15h30 16h00 Coffee Break Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 31 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Discussion in plenary session AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Tuesday Time 16h00 17h00 20h00 16h45 17h30 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Incorporating Independence and independent scrutiny into an audit system (I) To develop a process demonstrating how the audit body can comply with the requirements of independence and independent scrutiny. Practical Session Mrs. Emilie Sloth Incorporating Independence and independent scrutiny into an audit system (II) To introduce the documents developed by the audit network sub group on independence and independent scrutiny. Lecture Discussion in plenary session Dinner Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 32 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Exercise Mrs. Emilie Sloth AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Wednesday Time 09h00 09h15 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Introduction of the day Summary of previous day’s topics through Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Mr. John Coady To present the objectives of the day 09h15 09h45 09h45 10h30 Systematic Approach to the planning, carrying out, follow up and management of audits To present the specific guiding principle of the audit process, systematic approach, from Section 5.1 of Decision 2006/677 Lecture Overview of the audit process To present the process for planning management and review of the audit system. This will include: Lecture Risk based planning Discussion in plenary session Types of audits / how to classify the audits Developing the audit programme and its scope Roles and responsibilities Resources Management of the audit programme – (diff. management and audit)(resources Mrs. Emilie Sloth Exercise Discussion in plenary session Mr. John Coady Examples 10h30 11h00 Coffee Break 11h00 11h45 Planning of audits of official controls based on risks (A) To plan and audit programme based on risk prioritization Practical Session Exercise Mr. Tom Vanoverschelde 11h45 12h30 Planning of audits of official controls based on risks (B) To introduce the participants to the network document on planning of audit programmes of official controls. Lecture Examples Discussion in plenary session Mr. Tom Vanoverschelde 12h30 13h30 Lunch 13h30 14h15 Development of an audit programme including risk based planning To present the inputs needed to develop and audit programme Lecture Examples Discussion in plenary session Mr. Tom Vanoverschelde 14h15 15h00 Finalising the audit programme To present different perspectives of setting up an audit programme. Examples from different Member States Examples Discussion in plenary session Mr. John Coady Mrs. Emilie Sloth 15h00 15h30 Coffee Break 15h30 16h15 Implementation of the audit programme To further expand the methodology and process to follow for the development of the audit programme: Timing / schedule, competence and evaluation of auditors, selecting the team of auditors, monitoring and reviewing the audit programme Lecture Examples Discussion in plenary session Mr. John Coady Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 33 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Wednesday Time Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor 16h15 16h45 Transparency (I) To present and discuss the importance of another specific guiding principle of the audit process: Transparency, as stated in section 5.2 of Decision 2006/677 Lecture Discussion in plenary session Mrs. Emilie Sloth 16h45 17h30 Transparency (II) To promote transparency in an audit body Practical Session Discussion in plenary session Mrs. Emilie Sloth 20h00 Dinner Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 34 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Thursday Time 09h00 09h15 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Introduction of the day Summary of previous day’s topics through Quizz exercise Mr. John Coady Examples Mr. John Coady Objectives of the day 09h15 09h45 Documentation and documented procedures (I) To assess which parts of the audit activities require further development in the form of specific procedures Discussion in plenary To assess key issues to be considered in the documented procedures To assess the basic contents and elements of an audit report 09h45 10h30 Documentation and documented procedures (II) To elaborate the documented procedures, as required by Section 5.1 of Decision 2006/677 Practical session in working groups Mrs. Dorit Stern Discussion in plenary 10h30 11h00 Coffee Break 11h00 11h30 Documentation and documented procedures (II) (cont.) To elaborate the documented procedures, as required by Section 5.1 of Decision 2006/677. Continuation. Presentation in plenary of working group discussions Presentation by working groups Discussion in plenary Mrs. Dorit Stern 11h30 12h00 Audit Reporting (I) To introduce the requirements of audit reports and follow up of audit outcomes: Presentation Mr. Donal Cousins 12h00 12h30 Practical session in working groups Mr. Donal Cousins structure, drafting, comments from auditee, approval, distribution of the report Audit Reporting (II) To discuss on which should be the headings to be included in the template or structure of an audit report. Discussion in plenary 12h30 13h30 Lunch 13h30 14h00 Audit Reporting (II). (cont.) To discuss on which should be the headings to be included in the template or structure of an audit report. Continuation. Presentation by working groups Discussion in plenary Mr. Donal Cousins 14h00 14h30 Follow up of audit outcome To introduce the requirements to follow up on audit outcomes: Plans, assessing suitability and corrective actions, and close out. Lecture Examples Discussion in plenary session Mrs. Dorit Stern 14h30 15h00 Audit review and dissemination of best practices (I) To analyze the inputs from audit outcomes in the review of audits and feeding of the system with best practices Lecture Examples Discussion in plenary session Mr. Donal Cousins 15h00 15h30 Coffee Break 15h30 16h30 Audit review and dissemination of best practices To work on how to track the audit outcomes : outlines or headings of a system for tracking outcomes Practical session in working groups Mrs. Dorit Stern Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 35 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Thursday Time Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training (II) 16h30 20h00 17h30 Monitoring and reviewing of the audit process Name of responsible tutor Discussion in plenary To monitor and review the PDCA cycle. To present the tools to monitor the implemented systems and the tools to review the adequacy of the implemented controls Dinner Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 36 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Lecture and practical session in working groups Discussion in plenary Mr. Donal Cousins AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Friday Time 08h30 08h45 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Introduction of the day Summary of previous day’s topics through Quizz exercise Mr. John Coady Mrs. Dorit Stern Objectives of the day 08h45 09h00 09h15 10h00 Conduct a detail audit Summary of topics covered by the training session To present the specific process of conducting an individual audit: Audit activities Lecture Examples Audit report Discussion in plenary session Recommendations - action plans Audit follow up To work on the understanding of the main topics covered during the session: WHAT to audit? WHY to audit? FOR WHOM do we audit? BY WHOM audits are carried out? HOW to audit? Group work discussion Presentation in plenary Mrs. Dorit Stern 10h00 10h15 Coffee Break 10h15 11h00 Summary of topics covered by the training session (cont.) Conclusions of working groups assignment Presentation in plenary Mr. John Coady 11h00 11h30 Conclusions To present the conclusions of the session: Overall conclusions Mr. John Coady 11h30 12h00 12h00 13h30 Closing of the Training Next steps Implementation of the audit system Available support Remarks by the trainees & reporting on previous topic discussions Evaluation of the Training Distribution of training certificates Lunch & departure Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 37 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 COURSE B: CONDUCTING AN AUDIT General objective of the training: To contribute towards a common understanding of the relevant legislation applicable to official controls of feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare. Specific objective of the training are to: Spread knowledge and best practices on internal audits to ensure compliance with the requirements of article 4 (6) of Regulation 882/2004; Give the tools and guidance on how to conduct an audit in order to verify the effectiveness of the official controls implemented; Promote a harmonized approach for auditing, following the principles and guidelines set out in Decision 2006/677. The trainees profile should have/be: Officers of the national competent authority, relevant government ministries, inspection services and official food-testing laboratories; Ideally staff from Competent Authorities invo+lved or willing to be involved in Auditing either as auditors or as technical experts according to Reg. 882/2004, art. 4 (6); Have a working knowledge of feed and food law, animal health and animal welfare rules and legislation related; Broad experience in practical implementation of official control systems according to Reg. 882/2004; Proficiency in English language. General organisation of the training program The training will be implemented over a period of 4 working days. The participants will be arriving on Monday afternoon, and will depart on Friday midday. The daily work schedule will be: Monday afternoon, 2h; from Tuesday to Thursday, from 09h00 to 17h30, with 6h30 hours of effective training time, split in two sessions of 3h15 hours in the morning and in the afternoon; and a morning session of 3h on Friday. A break of 30 minutes will be organized in the morning (10h30 to 11h00) and in the afternoon (15h00 to 15h30) each day. Lunch break will be offered from Tuesday to Friday from 12h30 to 13h30. Dinner will be organized from Monday to Thursday. Trainees will be requested to arrive on Monday early afternoon and to depart on the following Friday midday. Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 38 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Monday Time Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered 09h00 19h00 Welcome and registration of participants 18h00 19h00 Welcome address To introduce the EAHC project “Audit Systems and internal auditing” and the specific objectives of the training sessions on the development of the ability to implement an audit to the implementation of official controls: Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Introductory remarks Questions and Answers Media: BTSF Video Event Manager Training Coordinator Delivery of training material, welcome address Presentation of the programme BTSF and the specific training session, tutors and participants To describe the organisation of the course and the training approach to be adopted. 19h00 19h30 Role of FVO missions To introduce the FVO missions in EU Member States. Audits at EU level 19h30 20h00 Questions and answers To listen to trainee’s comments and to answer to their questions regarding the introductory lecture. 20h00 FVO representative Welcome drink and dinner Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 – Food Audits AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 39 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Discussion in plenary Event Manager / Training Coordinator AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Tuesday Time 09h00 09h30 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Introduction of the day Introduction of participants Tour de table Mrs. Isabel Verde To present the general overview and context of Regulation 882/2004 Lecture To introduce the specific requirements of Regulation 882/2004, with particular focus on art 4 (6) Examples Mrs. Susie Hooghiemster To outline the main headings on Decision 2006/677 including their purpose and scope Discussion in plenary session Present the activities of the day 09h30 10h00 Overview of EU Legislation and supporting guidelines To provide examples of how other international standards can support the general principles of Decision 2006/677 10h00 10h30 Definitions and General Guidance 10h30 11h00 Coffee break & Group photo 11h00 11h30 Overview of the Organisation of Internal Audit Systems 11h30 13h00 Types of audit To introduce the key definitions used in the Regulation 882/2004 and in the Decision 2006/677 Lecture Mr. Donal Cousins Discussion in plenary session To present the overview of the audit system, including: Lecture Examples Design and implementation Systematic approach and guiding principles Developing an audit programme Independency and transparency Relationship between the audit programme and the audits Mrs. Susie Hooghiemster Discussion in plenary To present the guiding principles of compliance with planned arrangements, effective implementation and suitability to achieved objective. (6.1., Decision 2006/677) Lecture Mrs. Isabel Verde Exercise Discussion in plenary 13h00 14h00 Lunch 14h00 14h30 Sequence of audit activities To introduce the key steps in an audit process and sequence of audit activities Lecture Discussion in plenary Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 – Food Audits AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 40 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Mr. Donal Cousins AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Tuesday Time 14h30 16h00 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Preparing audit activities / audit plan To introduce the audit plan, how to elaborate it and what elements and considerations should be taken into account: objectives, scope, risks, audit criteria, evidence collection plan, outputs from previous audits. Practical session Mrs. Isabel Verde To introduce other arrangements to be done in the auditing process: allocation of resources: Lecture Discussion in plenary 16h00 16h30 Coffee 16h30 17h30 Preparing audit activities / Other arrangements 20h00 Budget Personnel Logistics, etc. Dinner Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 – Food Audits AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 41 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Exercise Presentation and discussion in plenary session Mr. Donal Cousins AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Wednesday Time 09h00 09h15 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Introduction of the day Summary of previous day’s topics Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Mrs. Isabel Verde Presentation of the objectives of the day 09h15 09h40 Preparing audit activities / Other arrangements To present the outputs from the last session of previous day Working group presentation Mr. Donal Cousins To present an overview of the different audit activities the different phases of the audit performance Lecture Mr. Donal Cousins Examples (cont.) 09h45 10h15 Conducting the audit: activities 10h15 10h30 Conducting the audit: opening meeting 10h30 11h00 Coffee break 11h00 11h45 Conducting the audit: opening meeting (Cont.) Opening meeting On-site document review and interviews Distribution of tasks and responsibilities among the auditing team: chief auditor and the rest of the team Closing meeting Discussion in plenary To conduct an opening meeting: preparation of an opening meeting agenda Practical session Presentation of the activity Exercise To conduct an opening meeting: preparation of an opening meeting agenda (cont.) Working group presentation Plenary discussion to analyse the different situations Mrs. Isabel Verde Mrs. Isabel Verde Discussion in plenary 11h45 12h15 Conducting the audit: carryout the audit To present on site data collection: Presentation / group discussion Facts Collecting and verifying audit evidence Generating audit findings Draft conclusions Identify examples of best practices Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 – Food Audits AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 42 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Mr. Donal Cousins AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Wednesday Time 12h15 13h00 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Conducting the audit: tools and techniques To present the tools and techniques used in an audit: Lecture Examples Mrs. Susie Hooghiemster 13h00 14h00 Lunch 14h00 16h00 Conducting the audit: on site interviews Interview skills Documental review Non-verbal communications Note taking / recording Transactional analysis / neurolinguistic programming Verification Discussion in plenary To conduct an interview with different scenarios Presentation of the findings by trainees: Detection of evidence of compliance and effectiveness Opportunities for improvements Identify best practices Working Groups – role plays Mrs. Susie Hooghiemster Exercises All Tutors Working groups presentations Discussion in plenary 16h00 16h30 Coffee 16h30 17h30 Conducting the audit: closing meeting 20h00 To conduct a closing meeting Working Groups – role plays Discussion about the way audit findings should be reported Presentation of preliminary audit conclusions Exercises Dinner Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 – Food Audits AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 43 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Mrs. Isabel Verde AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Thursday Time 09h00 09h15 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Introduction of the day Summary of previous day’s topics Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Mrs. Isabel Verde Presentation of the objectives of the day 09h10 10h00 Conducting the audit: closing meeting To conduct a closing meeting: conclusion on the closing meeting Working groups presentations Mrs. Isabel Verde Discussion in plenary 10h00 10h30 Preparation and distribution of the audit report (I) 10h30 11h00 Coffee break 11h00 11h45 Preparation and distribution of the audit report (II) To present the: Lecture Examples Contents of the audit report Review, approval and distribution Relationship between the audit report and the audit process Recommendations Drafting conclusions and recommendations Template of audit report Mrs. Ita White Discussion in plenary To define the template of the audit report Working group Mrs. Ita White Examples / Exercises Discussion in plenary 11h45 13h00 Audit conclusions and recommendations 13h00 14h00 Lunch 14h00 14h45 Audit conclusions and recommendations (Cont.) To present how to draft conclusions and recommendations and considerations Working group Mrs. Ita White Examples / Exercises To present how to draft conclusions and recommendations and considerations: presentation by the participants Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 – Food Audits AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 44 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es Working group / discussion in plenary Mrs. Ita White AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Thursday Time 14h45 15h30 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Follow up of an audit (I) To present the respective roles of the audit team and the audited control body Lecture Mrs. Dorit Stern Examples 15h30 16h00 Coffee 16h00 17h30 Follow up of an audit (II) Presentation of corrective actions Execution of proposed actions Supply of evidence Verification in-situ Verification of the effective implementation of corrective actions Audit review and dissemination of best practices Discussion in plenary To evaluate and verify an action plan Working group Mrs. Dorit Stern Exercise Presentation by the working groups Discussion in plenary 20h00 Dinner Friday Time 08h30 08h45 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Introduction of the day Summary of previous day’s topics Group quiz Mrs. Isabel Verde Presentation of the objectives of the last Fiche: (quiz or questionnaire) Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 – Food Audits AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 45 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 Friday Time 08h45 10h00 Title of the session Training Objective / Subjects Covered Method of Training Name of responsible tutor Findings and conclusions of conducting an audit Summary of topics covered by the training session. Lecture Mrs. Ita White 10h00 10h30 Coffee break 10h30 11h15 Findings and conclusions of conducting an audit Have the main topics/concepts/approaches covered during this training session been well understood and shared? How to plan an audit ? How to carry out an audit ? How to detect and qualify audit findings ? How to report audit findings and conclusions ? How to validate and follow up the implementation of the action plan? Summary of topics covered by the training session (cont. ) Working group Exercise Discussion in plenary Mrs. Isabel Verde Mrs. Ita White (Cont.) 11h30 13h00 12h30 14h00 Close up of the session Evaluation of the Training Training coordinator Distribution of training certificates, photos and USB memory sticks Event Manager Cocktail and buffet to close the training course. Airport Transfer of participants Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 – Food Audits AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 46 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 A NNEX 4: R EG IST R ATION F OR M : T E M P LA T E Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 – Food Audits AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 47 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es AU_Inf12_Information to NCPsv2 4. CURRICULUM VITAE 4.1 Education De gre e or Diploma Obtaine d: Choos e from the lis t. From… to… 1 Ins titution (name and country) De gre e or Diploma Obtaine d: Choos e from the lis t. From… to… 2 Ins titution (name and country) De gre e or Diploma Obtaine d: Choos e from the lis t. From… to… Ins titution (name and country) 3 4.2 Language s kills (1=flue nt; 2=working knowle dge , 3=bas ic) Re ading Englis h Spe aking Writing Re ading Othe r: Spe aking ……… Writing 4.3. Ye ars of e xpe rie nce in the fie ld of work: Choos e Choos e Choos e Choos e Choos e Choos e from the from the from the from the from the from the lis t lis t lis t lis t lis t lis t Type he re 4.4. Motivation for participation: 4.5. Profe s s ional Expe rie nce : (late s t pos ition occupie d s tarting by the pre s e nt one ) From… to… Ins titution or Company Pos ition De s cription: De s cribe your main functions and re s pons ibilitie s 1 From… to… Ins titution or Company Pos ition De s cription: De s cribe your main functions and re s pons ibilitie s 2 From… to… Ins titution or Company Pos ition De s cription: De s cribe your main functions and re s pons ibilitie s 3 Contract n° (EAHC) 2012 96 06 – Food Audits AENOR Consortium www.foodinfo-europe.com Génova 6, 28004 Madrid, España Tel + 34 914 32 59 35 48 Fax + (+34) 913 104 596 www.aenor.es