Certificados - Quesos Entrepinares
Certificados - Quesos Entrepinares
C E R T I F I C A T E Herewith the certification body AENOR being an EN 45011-accredited certification body for IFS certification, and having signed an agreement with the IFS owners, confirms that QUESERIAS ENTREPINARES, S.A.U. PI DE ARGALES. CL VÁZQUEZ DE MENCHACA, 9 PARC. 137. 47008 - VALLADOLID for the product category(ies) Category 6: Dairy The production of cured cheese made from sheep´s and goat´s milk and a combination (cow´s, sheep ´s and goat´s). The production of fresh cheese. meets the requirements set out in the International Food Standard (IFS) Version 5, August 2007 at Higher Level Certificate-Register-No.: IFS-2010/0005 Date of the audit: 2011-10-28 Date of issue of the certificate: 2011-12-15 Certificate valid until: 2012-12-14 Next audit to be performed before: 2012-10-23 2011-12-15, Madrid Avelino BRITO Chief Executive Officer The partial reproduction of this document is not permitted. AENOR - Génova, 6 - 28004 MADRID - Phone +34 914 32 60 00 - Telefax + 34 913 10 46 83 Certification body accredited by ENAC (accreditation number 01/C-PR002.073) C E R T I F I C A T E Herewith the certification body AENOR being an EN 45011-accredited certification body for IFS certification, and having signed an agreement with the IFS owners, confirms that QUESERIAS ENTREPINARES, S.A.U. CL ARCAS REALES, 130. 47008 - VALLADOLID for the product category(ies) Category 6: Dairy The cutting-up, slicing, packing and dispatching of cured cheese. The encase and dispatching of fresh cheese meets the requirements set out in the International Food Standard (IFS) Version 5, August 2007 at Higher Level Certificate-Register-No.: IFS-2010/0004 Date of the audit: 2011-10-28 Date of issue of the certificate: 2011-12-15 Certificate valid until: 2012-12-14 Next audit to be performed before: 2012-10-23 2011-12-15, Madrid Avelino BRITO Chief Executive Officer The partial reproduction of this document is not permitted. AENOR - Génova, 6 - 28004 MADRID - Phone +34 914 32 60 00 - Telefax + 34 913 10 46 83 Certification body accredited by ENAC (accreditation number 01/C-PR002.073) C E R T I F I C A T E Herewith the certification body AENOR being an EN 45011-accredited certification body for IFS certification, and having signed an agreement with the IFS owners, confirms that QUESERIAS ENTREPINARES, S.A.U. PQ E. DE VILALBA, 2ª FASE, PARCELA 56 27800 - VILALBA (LUGO) for the product category(ies) Category 6: Dairy The production of cow´s cured cheese. The production of pasteurized cheese (spread cheese cream ). meets the requirements set out in the International Food Standard (IFS) Version 5, August 2007 at Higher Level Certificate-Register-No.: IFS-2012/0006 Date of the audit: 2011-12-22 Date of issue of the certificate: 2012-01-31 Certificate valid until: 2013-01-30 Next audit to be performed before: 2012-12-19 2012-01-31, Madrid Avelino BRITO Chief Executive Officer The partial reproduction of this document is not permitted. AENOR - Génova, 6 - 28004 MADRID - Phone +34 914 32 60 00 - Telefax + 34 913 10 46 83 Certification body accredited by ENAC (accreditation number 01/C-PR002.073) The Spanish Association for Standardisation and Certification (AENOR) certifies that Auditor Nº 079007 QUESERIAS ENTREPINARES, S.A. PI DE ARGALES. CL VÁZQUEZ DE MENCHACA, 9 PARC. 137. 47008 - VALLADOLID Has been evaluated by AENOR (Accreditation No. 01/C-PR002.073) and found to meet the requirements of GLOBAL STANDARD for FOOD SAFETY ISSUE 5: January 2008 SCOPE La producción y maduración de queso de leche de vaca, oveja, cabra y de mezcla. La producción de queso fresco. The production of cured cheese made from cow´s, sheep´s and goat´s milk and a combination of these. The production of fresh cheese. Product Categories Category 7: Dairy, Liquid Egg Achieved Grade Grade B Certificate-Register-No.: BRC-2010/0002 Date of the audit: 2011-06-22 Certificate issue date: 2011-07-28 Re-Audit due date: 2012-06-01 Certificate expiry date: 2012-07-27 General Manager of AENOR Este certificado es propiedad de AENOR. This certificate remains the property of AENOR AENOR - Génova, 6 - 28004 MADRID - Teléfono 914 32 60 00 - Telefax 913 10 46 83 Entidad de certificación acreditada por ENAC con acreditación nº 01/C-PR002.073 Certification body accredited by ENAC (accreditation number 01/C-PR002.073)