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-------------- kids4truth Kids 4 Truth Sunday School Lesson Plan Theme 1: God's Word - The Qible Key Truth: The Bible is the only Book that is God's Word to us. Date Lesson 10/12/2014 10/19/2014 10/26/2014 11/2/2014 11/9/2014 What is the Bible 1 How can we know that the Bible really is the true word of God 2 How did God give the Bible 11/16/2014 Can we be sure that what God's Word teaches is still good and true for us today 11/23/2014 11/30/2014 12/7/2014 12/14/2014 Why do we need the Bible 3 4 5 6 7 Does God's Word ever teach error or falsehood What does the Bible teach Can we really get to know God without What authority His Word does God's Word have over people How does God want us to feel about the Bible 8 9 10 Theme 2: The Greatness of God Key Truth: God is One of a kind and above all in His greatness. 12/21/2014 12/28/2014 Does God reveal in His Word that He is greater than we are 1 What is our great God like 2 1/4/2015 1/11/2015 1/18/2015 Did God ever have a beginning, or will He ever have an end Does the LORD ever give up, get tired, or change in any way 3 4 Does God have a body like human beings do 5 1/25/2015 Howpowerful What does God know 6 7 Where is God 8 Can anyone else come even close to matching God's greatness 9 10 2/1/2015 2/8/2015 2/15/2015 2/22/2015 is God How should you respond to God as you learn more about His greatness Theme 3: The Goodness of God Key Truth: God is loving and above all in His goodness. 3/1/2015 3/8/2015 3/15/2015 3/22/2015 What is our good God like 1 Who gives us all good things 2 How good is God 3 4 3/29/2015 Does God ever lie 4/5/2015 Does God ever sin or do anything in a wrong or sinful way Does God give to everyone good things they do not deserve 4/12/2015 Would God rather punish or forgive 4/19/2015 4/26/2015 5/3/2015 Who is the Source of all true love Does God look the other way when we sin How can you please God, Who is perfectly good 5 6 7 8 9 10 -------~----~~--------------~----~----~----------------------------- t. kids4tr •• _"" Theme 4: The Trinity Key truth: There is only one God, and this one God is three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 5/10/2015 What does it mean when God is called the "Trinity" 1 5/17/2015 HasGod always been a Trinity 2 5/24/2015 Why must we believe that God is one God in three Persons,each of Whom is fully God 3 5/31/2015 Does the Bible teach that there is only one true God 4 Who are the three Personsof the Trinity 5 6/7/2015 Are there any Bible verses that show all three Personsof the Trinity together, doing or being things only 6/14/2015 God could do or be 6 6/21/2015 Does the Bible teach that the Father is God 7 6/28/2015 Does the Bible teach that the Son, JesusChrist, is God 8 7/5/2015 7/12/2015 Does the Bible teach that the Holy Spirit is God 9 How should learning about God as a Trinity cause me to feel 10 Theme 5: God's Creation Key Theme: For His own Glory, in only six days, God created everything out of nothing. 7/19/2015 What is "Creationism" 1 7/26/2015 Who created you, the world, and everything in the world 2 8/2/2015 Was there anything evil or bad about God's original Creation 3 8/9/2015 Why did God create the world and everything in it 4 8/16/2015 How long did it take God to create the world 5 8/23/2015 How did God create the world 6 8/30/2015 How can we really know for sure that everything we see, hear, touch, and smell was created by God 7 What does the creative handiwork of God show us 8 9/13/2015 Did God create all things that exist, both visible and invisible 9 9/20/2015 How should learning the truth about Creation change the way you think about God, the Creator 10 9/6/2015 Theme 6: God's View of You Key truth: Although we are created in God's image, we are all sinful and need God to forgive us. 9/27/2015 How did the first human being get here 1 10/4/2015 What does it mean that humans are "made in the image of God" 2 10/11/2015 Why are human beings the pinnacle, the most glorious part, of all God's Creation 3 10/18/2015 What did God create you to do 4 10/25/2015 When God first created Adam and Eve,what were they like 5 11/1/2015 When Adam disobeyed God in the garden, did it cause everyone born after him to be sinners like him 6 11/8/2015 What is "sin" 7 11/15/2015 What happened after the first sin ("the Fall") 8 11/22/2015 Does God leave all sinners to die in their sin, guilt, and misery 9 11/29/2015 How has Adam's sin affected you 10 .,. kids4truth Theme 7: God's law Key Truth: The Law is a guide that can make us aware of our sins and lead us to faith in Christ. 12/6/2015 According to what Jesus taught, what are the two greatest commandments 12/13/2015 What are the first four of the Ten Commandments 12/20/2015 What are the last six ofthe Ten Commandments 12/27/2015 What do the first four commandments 1/3/2016 What do the last six commandments of all in order as they are given in Exodus 20:3-8 in order as they are given in Exodus 20:12-17 teach you teach you 1/10/2016 Why did God give the Ten Commandments 1/17/2016 Why is it so important 1/24/2016 Can sinners get to heaven by trying really hard to obey all of the Ten Commandments 1/31/2016 2/7/2016 that Jesus Christ obeyed the Ten Commandments perfectly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Does God give us the Law to make us miserable and keep us from being happy 9 What should your attitude toward God be like because He has given the Law 10 Theme 8: Jesus Christ Key Truth: Jesus Christ will forever be all God and all man at the same time. 1 2/14/2016 Who is Jesus Christ 2/21/2016 Who is the only Mediator 2/28/2016 Is Jesus Christ truly God between God and sinners, the only One able to bring us close to God 2 Is Jesus Christ truly human 3 4 3/13/2016 What kind of death did Christ die 5 3/20/2016 Did Jesus rise from the dead 6 3/6/2016 3/27/2016 4/3/2016 What is Jesus Christ doing right now Why is it so important to believe Christ rose from the dead 7 8 4/10/2016 Does Jesus love people 9 4/17/2016 How should these truths about Jesus Christ affect you 10 Theme 9: God's Gift - Salvation Key Truth: Jesus Christ paid for sinners' salvation when He died on the cross. What is "salvation" 1 5/1/2016 In whom alone must we trust to forgive our sins and to make us fit for eternal life with God 2 5/8/2016 What must you do to be saved 3 4 4/24/2016 5/15/2016 What is "faith" 5/22/2016 What is "repentance" 5/29/2016 What is lithe Gospel" Why does God save believing sinners from their sin 5 6 7 6/12/2016 Can anyone ever lose true salvation 8 6/19/2016 How can God justly declare a sinner to be "righteous" 9 6/26/2016 Why do you need Salvation 10 6/5/2016 ~ kids4truth Theme 10: God'sPurposefor His-Children KeyTruth: God'schildren glorify Hisgracewhen their livesfa'ithfully reflect the imageof HisSon. 7/3/2016 7/10/2016 7/17/2016 What is God'smain purposefor Hischildrenwhile they live on Earth What is "sanctification" What are two neededgifts that Godprovidesso that we might be sanctified 1 2 3 7/24/2016 7/31/2016 8/7/2016 8/14/2016 8/21/2016 8/28/2016 Dayby day,asyou changeto resembleChristJesusmore and more, what will Godand others beginto seein your life What doesit meanto "be holy in heart and mind" What doesit meanto "love Godandothers" What doesit meanto lido goodworks" How doesGodchangeand sanctify Hischildrento makethem more holy and more like Christ What shouldbe a Christian'sjoyful goal in sanctification 4 5 6 7 8 9 What shouldbe your attitude toward God'sWord andthe HolySpirit 10 9/4/2016 Theme11: God'sWork Pastand Present KeyTruth: God lovingly and skillfully works in Creationto bring all Hisplansto pass. 9/11/2016 When did Goddecideand planout all the things Hewould do 1 9/18/2016 9/25/2016 Who sustainsand upholdsall things Isthe LORDalwaysin control of all things 2 3 If the LORDistotally in control, but Hestill lets sin go on, doesthat mean Hemust sometimesapproveof 10/2/2016 sin 10/9/2016 What wasthe main way Godmadeknown HisGraceandglory during OldTestamenttimes 4 5 What isthe mainway Godhasbeenmakingknown HisGraceandglory during NewTestamenttimes and 10/16/2016 up until now 10/23/2016 What is lithe family" 6 7 10/30/2016 What is "a church" 11/6/2016 What is "government" 11/13/2016 How doesGodexerciseHisprovidencespeciallyfor the sakeof Hischildren 8 9 10 Theme12: God'sPlanfor the Future KeyTruth: JesusChrist is coming again;we must be ready. 11/20/2016 At the moment a person'sbody dies,where doeshis soulgo 11/27/2016 What is meant by the phrases"the Secondcoming" and lithe Dayof the Lord" 12/4/2016 Will our bodiesever comebackto life oncewe havedied 1 2 3 12/11/2016 What will happenwhen the LordJesusChristreturns to Earth 4 Onthe dayof resurrectionandjudgment, how will Christjudge believers,those sinners who trusted Him 12/18/2016 for salvation 5 Onthe day of resurrectionandjudgment, how will Christjudge unbelievers,those sinners who rejected 12/25/2016 Him as Lordand King 1/1/2017 Will true believersreally be able to perseverein their faith until the end of time 6 7 Ykids4truth 1/15/2017 What is God's ultimate plan for the rest of eternity 8 9 1/22/2017 How should your heart respond to learning these Biblical truths about the future 10 1/8/2017 When will Jesus Christ come back in glory to judge the living ancfthe dead