a pdf file - Yorkship Village
a pdf file - Yorkship Village
Yorkshi (Fairview) Cam TOUR MAP I !: 2 Unit One of A Kind .o''9inal By The Yorkship Village Historic Society of Fairview Working With The Camden City Redevelopment Agency (\ YORKSHIP SQAARE "original construction 1918. Plannql by archilects as focal point. (I') MEMORIAL MONUMENT Installed for WWII veterans in 1946. Plaque for Korean & Viemam Wars. (C, MEMORIAL TREE -Everytetl\ hee, planted in the memories of Mae Shultz - community activist and accomplisher. (D) 3-STORy HOTEL - 1918 - Comer Alabama Road and Yo*ship Square. <EI 2-3 STORY APARTMENT'Building's original construction 1918. $) 2.STORY BASINESS BUILDItrr'G . Original construction 1918. 2nd floor renovated to original by owner. (G) 2829-2839 YORKSHIP RD. Notable porch column architecture. (H' LATHEMN CHARCE Original church built 1924 - on site. church, at location, built 1959. <1, 2805 TUCKAHOE ROAD -PreYorkship Village, era 1900. Q) 2851 TUCKAHOE ROAD Notable original ftame house - 1918. (K) 3001 TUCKAHOE ROAD -site of National Garden Award. (L') NEWEST VILLAGE HOUSE. Built 1991. Sumpter & Niagra Roads. Archite.turally similar to original. {M' BAPTIST CHARCH. Sumpler & Common Roads. Built I918. (N) FIRST SCHOOL HOUSE. 3025, 3027,3029 Essex Road. Built r9t8. l:l <_*il;;# vzzzzzz cWo^o qzzzvTvm ) r" Iu Used until Yorkship School built. (O\ NICHOLAS VIRGILIO -world renowned poet's home at 1092 Niagra Road. (P, WORLD WAR II HOUSAS -Built during and after war for shipyard workers & veteraDs of WWII (Q' AUTO REPAIR BAILDINC. Corner Collings & Tenflessee Rds. Original maintenance garage 1918. (R) YORKSHIP SCHOOL (Fairview) Elementary School - 1920. Addition construcled 1922. (st LC.A.C. SOCIAL CLAB.t250 Collings Road. Founded 1928. Independent Citizens Athletic Club G) r'aANClS X. MCGRAW Memoial monument WWII Medal of Honor Awarded. Fairview resident. - Enter Yorkship Village from either end of Collings Road. Proceed I (Z) and (AA) to 0J), referring to text on the side of the map as you flow you with the one-way streets. This tour can either be accoml Areas where you can find parking are marked on the map with a (l i' '" ""'it'i' 'i )',' N) MALANDRA HALL -End ot Rd. Built in l94l as Union rtufl for New York Shipyard. New Jersey MAE SHULTZ MEMORIAL PARK End of Malandra Hall. Monument dedicated to community achiever. (V) 1775 FARMHOASE SITE. Vicinity of hockey rint, was devastated by fire in 1976. Original Sharp family. (\\) oLD MOVIE HOUSE -12',76 Rd. Built in l9l8 as gymnasium for school. hter serverl Collings as bowling alley, then skaling rink. (x) fiow sroREs -1876-1898 Collings Rd. Original - 1918. N) SAINT IOAN OF AnC -Collings & Alabama. Original church constructcd 1923. Now is a school. Present church at Merrimac Rd. (ZI FAIRVIEW LIBRARY.1503 .",." t., l! <-.. 77ZZZ2 ?m Collings Rd. Original l918 house. NICHOLAS VIRGILIO MEMORIAL Tree planted on library property. (l\A) IS9l COLLINGS ROAD Notable single structure. Built 1918. (BB' 3211 ALABAMA ROAD. original 19l8 construction. Built tbr shipyard management family. (ccl 3157 ATLANTA ROAD Nolable structure. Former home of Judge Angelo Malandra. (DD) 3014 CONSTITAT|ON ROAD Built 1918. Retum oftop po.ch .ail. {EE) METHODIST CHARCH Constructed 1924. Addirions 1940 & 1959. (FF\ 2818.20 CONSTITATION RD. Original 1918 stone architecture. (CG't 2700 - 2900 CONGRESS AD. Not part of odginal village. Note varying architecture - I-ate 1920s-70s. (HH) 2952 CONGRESS ROAD . Original 1918 stucco - renovated 1990. (llt OLYMPIA ROAD -Notable architecturc of this area. qJt AMERICAN LEGION -Postlt Ave. Built 1918. 2992 Mt. Ephraim END OF TOUR Yorkship Square [Point (A)]. Follow the guide map from (A) to lo, to the points marked on the map. Following the guide will lished by vehicle or by walking (or a combination of both). o ). taurants , fart .food atul other inp available on ML Yorkship Village (known as Fairview today) is, historically, the nation's rrsr& d.erally-fundcd planned communit!. yorkship Village was acknowledged ftr'stoicaLy significattt in 1974 by acceptance on tbe Nalional and New lersey Stale Registers of Hisnic Places. During the First World War, fighting ships were constructed in the Nerv York Shipyard at an everincreasing rate. As more and more shipyard workers came into the area to live, a housing shortage developed. The U.S. Government contracted for more housing and assembled Urban Planners to layout the village. These same planners that researched the architecture of Europe and were eager to test their newfound ideas, were put to the task. The concept ofa planned community came from Europe in 1918. The architectural theory was to incorporate the ingredients that made the ideal self-contained cornmunity. Architects also used the experience of studies about the expansion of urban housing and the need to provide a garden environmenL These studies about European architecture were used to plan Yorkship Village as a ganlcn sectian of the ciry. Subsequently, Yorkship Village was the creation of architects that resulted in a newly constructed village, reminiscent of an old English village, that appears to reach back further in history, yet utilizes the innovative planning concepts of that era. Fainiew today looks much as it did when the orig,inal constuction was completed in 1918-1919, As you tour through the town, toke note of some of fue signirtcont architectuml features as indicoted below: (t) Varrlrg sttuctutl llesiga,all und.r tn. lmbrell! 12) ot rh. ColorAf X.rral.l0?., proridins unitiuation of$e villrge- yct pemnring individu.l a.d diiler.nl typ.s ol T||o4tot! cotsnuctiot. r.epine the lillose lo ratun s.aL, G) AtB4gedert o! (4) Mrr'irg sr..n, \5) Tle godet btuiigs to one asothet, an efion ro.ha.g. the no.orooots pamuel lin s of row hom.s lhal *.re comon dui.glb. uE olcone .rio.. ailordins an ever chansing visra br rrav.l.is. efl*t: pla.emedoflrees onpublic and pdval.land: cor,oasrnha..asofslassinthec.nterhh"d. t6) lncl$lon ol.hurches, schools, sloqs, o4nne*s, a hotel, cotuntunitr \1) A lown squa4 (yor*shi, Square,), lhe lNal point ol th. villaSe wnh (g VoOi\g btict\'otl potler$. Crnn$iM . part (rs.d N for tn. sarden pmbably rhe resux of &e bricklayeF showing ofl - this my a ue! Town Hall). and arrLri. /i.As and plann.d stoes rhat bc rcl.vant 6.qaus. lhe sne - the as the lompl.le sillc..rai..d.onnunny. c.nterofatraclion for lh. lillos.B. amhtic. ol wodd wai I qas sig..d on Nov.nb.r II. co.strctionofrhelillas.vasslillalahishpeak).Take.oreof$esablrendsonsoreol&eb;ukhous.srosc.thoindiliduoliz.dbrilkwo*paitmsrhxr,r.s.rin.i.l.s i (9) ANhrecturctndn6: t*o bEdrcon rowhouses. semi d.rsch.d Mo and rhrce bsdroom housis. and struclures buix olsolid biclivalk. Also included.re sru.qo.xterb. oler tireb;.lxnd lran houes, (10) Nolcvorthy is tnc fad tnal $e lars... sinsle (unatlched) hDuses Nortt-Sout[ rltsav & I676. Get Off At Exil I (Collinss*ood. Gloucener Cny). T.ivsl Towads Collingswood ColliDss Rd. Tum ftonKecs se Rd. To Ydklnp SqD&e- t sinel. homes. TXpes of.o.srru.lion vaies vilh mosl w.re inlend.d lor sure isory eaalot$e New YortShiplad. DIRECTIONS TO YORXSEIP VI,I.IGEIFAIRVIDW) frcr larli! on Frop RTE I 30 & S{t. Eobraio Are.: Tu.. on Collings Rd.. Goi.g wes. Tur. Right On Alablna R!. To YorkshiP Squar..