i SetT - Town of Wappinger
i SetT - Town of Wappinger
vII II If I I J i J it AGENDA i I I I 1 i TONN BOARD ItI lOON I OF WAPPINGER OCTOBER 14 1981 I 1 I I 1 SUPERVISOR CALL MEETING TO OEIDER 2 ROLL CALL I I I 1 I II PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG 3 4 ACCEPT Reg ES MINtfl I PETITIONS Rec Jerard Hankin Jospeh re Blooming 28th Oct I 5th e H I g h Conference Replies from Jos James Spratt Compt Supervisor thru August Grove Road Bond I schoal Water system Dave Wood re AUG Rosewood Development Lapar report on meeting with Gunderud requests permission to R E f of Taxes Ct request to resolve matter request refund on taxes for services not received Richard Bickerton re final acceptance of Prim 1 Charlene Hohwart d j Oct Fulton 25th thru Jr and G Kreisberg attend N Y Dev plann gFederation 27th Gene Casa re HOOkups to Town discussion with Bd of bill for repaired leaks Commissioner denial of Speed Limit for Robinson Lane Notice of Public j Notice of Public Hearing for Freshwater Wetlands Maps for Dutchess J H Adams memo re renewal of CATV Franchise 6 COMMITTEE REPORTS 7 RESOWTIONS a Accept I of Primrose i k I Sept etT S Patricia Dratch rose Hill 1 Spec COMMUNICATIONS b c j Hearing from Town of Newburgh Recreation Land Deeds from Klein Alexander All Angels property Authorize Assessor to prepare Benefit Assessment RoIIJ for Sewer and Water Districts and Improvement Areas Rasolutionto set Public Hearing for Conservation Park District Fieldstone arm S vision Hill Rd 1 b I II Bldg 2ng of Primrose Dev I I I J 14th a f 1lJ Sept REPORTS OF OFFICERS Town Justices 5 I c d c 71 8 UNFINISHED BUSINESS 9 NEW BUSINESS II 1 r l 4T1i II I if1 i 10 APJOURNMENT i ii U n i if II Ii i J 11 II II II Ii c I The Regular Meeting was held of 14 October on 1981 at Town Hall County New of Town wappinger village Mill street York 03 at 8 meeting the opened Diehl Board of the Town Dutchess Falls wappingers Supervisor of the P M Present Louis Diehl supervisor Councilman Nicholas Johnson councilwoman B rnice Mills Councilwoman Reilly Janet Councilman Frank Versace Ethel Relyea others asked that to the Allegiance of the The Minutes them before and october the Town Seconded by all the Town stand present of been September sent September of Regular Meeting Town 5th the Town Board to that the Minutes of 1981 and be MRS l for received they september are from August the Seconded moved by the month of Mr was Action Agency requested budget placed now September as 28th submitted unanimously carried September the and the the of the from Town of to the Dutchess explained which amount Administrator the Receiver of and placed on file on received Inc the comptroller Supervisor reports be accepted Jehs from 1981 31 Motion A letter 14 Highway Superintendent September and through August MILLS 1981 hereby approved Building Inspector zoning Hydrant Report Report were and Reilly Mrs were for 1981 14 Clerk Justices Taxes Pledge 28th and october 5th Motion Reports the for their consideration for moved MILLS MRS to Flag Special Meetings having previously by Engineer Lapar Diehl supervisor l Attorney Holden Adams Rudolph the Clerk Town Present Jon of Deputy 2 help 475 50 be them with Unanimously carried County Community their operation inotuded in this the operation and 1982 Moneymaker Father needed was of this Directors to services they A the who would rather of this the than for Weatherization Nutrition Transportation the percentages of how funds the federal remaining low income amount in the 8 from o and and thanked Father Moneymaker the by southern Dutchess their function staff the then introduced He the for supervisor office on then broke down determined was town her reported center and etc obtained were the families office He stamps o Dutchess County Legislature each town from Cochran Jo Mary l government 10 of number the food citizens spent mentioning Energy was money up of senior made apply and County self sufficient people were group do without how explained just these to make Board of programs and provided income residents of Dutchess low pet Qentage the represented The funds Agency what this money fully explain that he stated endeavoring were large and for to present was in the Agency then Mr Diehl and said the finalize the Board would consider speak Attorney present to in subdivision that approval due trees each on to lot story and would at the present chance fact as the to and speak the the development developer could since they were concerns the expense and be action Mr to problem trees the that mail the they other that they there was would be reimbursed had by the were and the Mr Board a each as on that Mr entering or developer the have the Diehl addressed replaced therefore the school busses determined from Board side of from questions the planted would all followed Board Town they listen to comments delivery It side was denied this Board knew his residents the stop the busses hydrants the by Planning the required by private property Versace developer lengthy discussion the roads had not the residents hydrants to of the that meeting spoke access time Associates Grove the to hear like resident on Blooming previous meetings Board a for had been informed the Diehl at the their request acceptance At the Hankin told the Mr the on Mr were presentation his budget Jerard Hankin Mr for repaired even if checked it out and had been it Kreisberg roads all their at town took legal informed by Pollution Control that all Camo of Mail one Diehl knew the Johnson Mr L I requirements see and it Mr Versace with the Town 1 000 but according that that the developer abided often residents the for to Mr that them what would roads than act and meeting solve wanted the motion proposed by tree were situation at the residents but Mrs Reilly with Mr Kreisberg Mr their hands which way the Town to to plant accept the the trees motion and agreed with Mr The following resolution who moved adoption its WHEREAS Diehl was s they Versace wanted roads Mr felt could and rather than wait Reilly a special reaction perhaps then asked to go they problem Mrs negative a come the the for residents majority the Versace withdrew his previous motion roads introduced by to accept the SUPERVISOR DIEHL of Blooming Grove Associates Inc in the Town of Wappinger has offered to dedicate a parcel of land known as Primrose Subdivision and the roads therein namely Blackthorn Loop Primrose Court Aspen Court and Rosewood Court in the Town of Wappinger Dutchess County New York to the Town of Wappinger and owner Gerald they received to the accept the first and then set developer This to 000 offer the to into this later time a 5 developer give time Diehl Mr trees explaining in putting and cost near the up had offered of the to make trees they action developer L the set to raise willing certain away with be Kreisberg planting only trying theirs ignored attorneys Councilmen effort to meet with negotiate to show a on two Mr and the two subdivision meeting report it would s the a the Mr making was that he would be was had as planting let them get and purchase with Board to consider the the far as Board by exception now problem Gunderud the up to the tree the they past moved tree rightfully was preferred from the the developer Versace appreciate Rather and the Mills also agreed Mrs in Board had agreed said Mr Perhaps residents the Town the was the Board to the date to so to settle endeavor l to since regulations of this as only problem remaining explained every effort delivered being was with operable were of certain WHEREAS completion a performance bond of said tions of the Town WHEREAS the roads have been Kreisberg property road of in has accordance Wappinger been posted to guarantee the with the rules and regula and Highway Superintendent hasfoned that these completed to Town Specifications and has the recommended Public Town Roads favorably NOW THEREFORE IT BE of said acceptance Roads that Blackthorn RESOLVED and as for Loop more Primrose Court particularly Aspen Court and Rosewood Court described in a deed from Gerald Kreisberg to the Town of wappinger 1981 are dated August 25th 1981 and one dated October 4th in of as the Town h wappinger by accepted public highways and it is that there is a maintenance bond to roads have been installed in accordance said guarantee with said town s rules and regulations and a surety bond in of the performance bond shall be posted in the the sum of 2 of Town wappinger and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that FURTHER RESOLVED the signing of the said present performance bond shall be released the Town of Wappinger and be returned to maintenance bond the Town Clerk of and be Gerald Kreisberg by FURTHER RESOLVED shall be upon the that it the that Blackthorn LOOp of names Primrose Court the roads Aspen upon acceptance and Court Rosewood Court Seconded Councilman Versace by Roll Call Vote Supervisor Diehl Councilman Johnson Councilwoman Mills Councilwoman Reilly Councilman Versace Resolution 1981 at 7 Town that moved 30 II effort would be made set of the tree the to be Kreisberg representatives Subdivision to discuss by meeting a with Mr P M Board and Seconded i lI Duly Adopted VERSACE MR Aye Aye AVe Abstain Aye resolve Mr Johnson for a this Our asked that the Primrose time every problem letter be properties carried Unanimously directed to Mr subdivisions Gunderud that etc Mr asking Greisberg in 1981 and moment of silence of the town all a Bill Horton Highway Superintendent October 4 of the at which problem Adams Mr Reilly Mrs list of any is involved Hankin 20 October Tuesday residents Motion Mr for for for the who knew him Supervisor Bill s had Diehl asked memory those He was past thirteen years passed a away present devoted and would be I on for a employee missed by 6 The next two the A in roads report the on and Highway Superintendent Mr Snowden from 1 Replace all 2 Expose 3 Clean all Mr Lapar before was L storm meeting of these 20th in attend the Administrator to School and at Ellenville to October 27th JOHNSON the conference 1981 and all Seconded by that Mr Joseph to from the MRS L to a System for the or above the Seconded amount by the Mrs ter wa the town 25th to attend through the 27th charge the was eer and hookup the the to from had been sent Mission 10 days no obligation if on Town to subdivision they Both residents to the wished replied in their part Town Water to seek further previously submitted informal accomplish all hookups additional oollected Carr ed be connected to the Engineer investigate Serenity system there mously unan on Town within that both homes Palma simultaneously in Casa pnovided authorize informal bids bids town the moved and 25th letters registered to contact affirmative MILLS October given permission October be expenses meeting s them hookup from York New Federation Planning Mills Mrs Fulton and Gene directing town would Building Inspector York New Gunderud be at Ellenville legitimate last month the developer Mot At him further action event the by 1981 moved MR they operate properly Gunderud Mr zoning Conference functioning properly if necessary and bill the from received was agreed Kreisberg not that see that added items Primrose Deputy items would be checked out of October Diehl care to were on Pollution Control Came and Mr the of and basins sewers that these Mr request valves hydrant noted the that site with from office s Lapar the items which had been the on Whitten Mr hydrant taps needed take A all Mr meeting a acceptance regarding also Lapar following listed the at the Subdivision which had been acted from Mr received referenced agenda Primrose developer the by the was subdivision to items cost the bond for be three these a two hookups district charge Reilly otion unanimously carried Mr Wood Dave concerning of repair which he felt invoiced to him bdlity and Mr diagram DIEHL moved the tape the Building Inspector that involved in the it to the to him order in detail if aside the responsi how he Board that Town amount assume arrived there from were Gunderud Mr first he had heard the Clerk transcribe and Engineer his to reach the by explained was situation The total neighbor this s report report from to Attorney their review and for He it Town Murin Mr the to review time Wood of the asked the replied was incurred for explaining 94 and Board property said he would then Diehl this and refer after 61 Wood MR with Mr s bill sent he of Mr and would need to expenses neighbor 06 207 was figure and to the unfairly apportioned was payment questions report of the his property for the at that any on due his on wrote lengthy presentation breakdown a work done a gave received leak water a including Park Hill Drive bill he a and present 29 further and all the Town and discussion other parties final determination a i Seconded by Johnson Mr Motion Tape has been transcribed Building Inspector Balducci Mr Lou the Board that he had three photos be present sent original Engineer was the second which would time the contractor discussion informed job that on and Office s Chair clarify everything of the carried Attorney Clerk Town being recognized by Jr at the to the filed in Unanimously and he wished to and Mr said he Diehl would be notified received A response was Dutchess request County Department for the stating that would require the MRS at the MILLS the Town request and present s a lower time warning signs that a speed limit ones sent with his and a is limit no our on to Mr He that recommended on the violators Spratt indicating negative copy be sent Robinson warrant pavement markings deterent to the letter be displeasure previous a and regarding there of Commissioner Spratt of Public Works felt would be moved Board James reduction of this speed installation of roads which he Mr establishment of lane the from to stand the on this County 1 Executive Seconded by Mr Johnson tion Notice of Public Ordinance zoning l a Hearing was on received a amendment proposed from the Town of JOHNSON Seconded by moved to receive and this notice Newburgh Town of Public A notice Environmental MRS REILLY on Tentative the New York to receive State this notice to Mr Adams the current the note This the Town 1982 agreement Franchise Clerk to check her conforms with the JOHNSON moved calendar check Paragraph of this that Seconded for and the JOHNSON placed on Seconded file Board Mrs moved start to and Mr verify Supervisor note to the the the of renewal 3 paragraph that this para letter dates the conformity of asked Adams copy he enclosed with the the meeting renegotiation should Ordinance records Board last contained in was 3 of the Addendum for sent the by cable suggested that the Supervisor on Clerk Town and his a copy Chairman of the cable vision Cortellino Mills Motion MR on Carried renewal of the I Charles by it place Unanimously suggested by the Attorney as letter be Committee and Board at the frame time information Addendum to the graph the 1982 when the in the MR the franchise dates from request explained procedures Carried of Department received and discussed was a the regarding Adams Franchise In response Unanimously Johnson Mr letter from Mr vision file Freshwater Wetlands Motion A on Conservation moved by Seconded Hearing from received was Maps it place Mills Mrs Motion U to the Clerk MR l carried unanimously that Mr Adam1s Unanimously letter be received Carried and file by Mrs Mills Motion unanimously Carried 8 The Planning Board wrote to the Board Town Vorndran Four Lot subdivision informing them that any comments they might have on would appreciate subdivision Mr waiting was Lapar which had previously Board had further Board MR postpone defer action after the Seconded by 4 a he Ayes Mr voted been have read this against favor in office of aquifer for indicated that it being project behooves that in done and not Town has the town to of water resources with that opinion he were trying intended to survey earlier working session water it Reports give the not all and the same always all minutes the Water System has for reason this and which area tests look from reports I this Mr for the money Jensen town wide a testing in his why spend for the he had initiative to have water system the possibility Mr Versace manner in which town Mills noted Mrs ton year which ght however that she how many homes on she complete to research since that of agreed they it report meters was requested her a in from differed with the accomplish Under Committee responded requested plan for and he saw no taken the a asked Mr Hilltop the aquifer the Chair wells DEC and he not expansion to the accomplish anything the that Nay testing which had been would not countered and thirty days motion of the hearings tests wells is opinion for found that The Town has expenditure of the directed to being recognized by sufficient amount of water the I subdivision Board be Versace this matter and s Lapar he has Planning Planning that the Mills Mrs never researched Mr this on and until the Board they preferred approval testing public hearing why he had this the water the Vorndran subdivision on Leif Jensen Versace from approved by the that the they 1981 the report been final any Roll Call Vote Mr for information moved JOHNSON 19 to October prior the regarding had time Her had not had done a did not have submitted at at that further she and a the work shop Board recommendation was I 1 that all of the the L homes have residence home they so owner She resident to have meters complete at this time be taken from it would be presented the to Town business another needed run in and and Reilly of REILLY shelter letter to Fishkill Mr the should that the the of within facilities 1981 Seconded contract the as and to and the Dog Control Officers be Hannigan the is suggested for last months r 0 rlin now has for Barrett found him to providing dog and unless of the date the of the for that Dr the Hannigan shelter dog remainder so of the notified fYV Dr All Barrett Mills Mrs Johnson Gyomai facilities Hannigan Dr Dr these provide Wappinger to Dr inform Dr to moved Town by spoke terminated under the the of are Dog Shelter three days for Mr At Diehl Wappinger further Veterinarian his Dog Control Officers Wappinger Motion l the replacing of Board with these services obligations Town not to close relocated now Supervisor contractual the full officially appoint Town was previously appointed by Town with Veterinarian corrected of the appointed year Since said contract will be deemed provisions is for they facilities within are and to the Mills said Mrs it necessary practical provide report to these monies would report found Fishkill to direct of his circumstances be to her veterinarian outside charge session of the shop Wappinger Wappinger mail default in of felt moved by registered be the forth and Mrs Town however of the work a it would not be who agreed MRS at extra no the on inconvenience no could not say where that Town Hannigan the and veterinarian in to travel back as installed with d be wou Dog Shelter our the be read can completion upon with readouts meters felt there Reilly reported Mrs J working 1981 and meeting Angels nce that Mr Road a request and Committee zoned residential be rezoned NB and intends Diehl obtain contract a Park Mr Unanimously for figure fee for rezoning Hill Drive Johnson a from schedule the 1982 budget from Alberto was explained and the applicant is to use the part front carried referred that the requesting of the to property that it building 0 for After beauty shop a Committee to the that zoning residential review rather than area and moved that as this a opinion use referred within considered be of the request be permitted possibly could the was rezoning Appeals Board of it for a a variance JOHNSON the Ordinance Committee variance with the Seconded by Board the MR and confirm the recommendation of notify Board of zoning on a report including the that this informational only explained but Falls is proceeding Commission He also Mr Diehl to and Mr went to his the Adams chambers Mancini property of that with a of done not for on and Mr that full the it 1981 various Phase I Village decided was Design of action purpose of Wappingers the by should be made of the report be part Board minutes follows Report 14th October 1981 the on submitted the matter of the following report meeting At the request of Judge Roger C Williams before whom is the action commenced by the Town of Wappinger to have from the town the wastes presently stored at the all parties as well a Mancini property as representative of Arnold Phelps Son Inc appeared before him on Tuesday for purposes of reviewing the current afternoon October 13th status of efforts currently being undertaken by Arnold Phelps Son and the Department of Environmental Conservation Inc that to have vaste removed A report was made that the more removed from the premises and that volatile wastes have been are the only waste remaining approximately 700 barrels con several At the present time taining a sludge product the removal alternatives are being considered for of those materials including resale to another processor or relocation of the same to a plant to be operated by Phelps if a permit is obtained from DEC The parties and the court explored various alternatives for possible immediate removal of the remaining wastes I request of Judge Roger Williams at the Diehl for of the and request the last September in wappinger 1st Ward The dated figures to cost Town at the Municipal received was was requested copied and removed Tri carried unanimously various bits of information that available pending on report progress alternates He a performed pertaining work a Reilly Mrs Johnson had meeting for Appeals Motion Mr to file Gyomai Mr but were unable to reach opportunity to that would an agreement as to a mutually removal of the wastes time In the absence of an agreement the court directed that Phelps Son which has informally partici be formally joined to the proceeding pated in the proceedings The court further indicated that after Phelps had had a 15 day acceptable plan within an early permit provide answering the papers to the allegations set 1 I I i Ii I 1 forth in the petition itwou d render a decision in the matter 1 t HAYWARD 54 Market PAKAN ASSOCIATES RUDOLPH E Street 90 East N oUghkeepSie Wappingers 12601 Y LAPAR Main P E P C Street Falls 12590 N Y t 1 I TO ALL COMMISSION MEMBERS iI I FROM RUDOLPH PROJECT TRI C E LAPAR MUNICIPAL SEWER 36 948 PROGRESS DATE OCTOBER IMP I AREA I 0l I NEW YORK COUNTY DUTCHESS SUBJECT 1 P E REPORT 1 SEPTEMBER I 1981 I I 1981 i l I i t 1 WORK 1 Ij PERFORMED i Examination and calculations of Cost Figures I for i r various Alternates 8 including the Town of Wappinger I I in Phase I Design tk I I L It c TRI 14UNICIPAL SEWER STlMATED ANNUAL cas PER PHASE VILLAGE IMP a OVEf 1ENT R wlEOW HO AVERAGE I SYSTEM OF WAPPINGERS FALLS 5c 1st WARD VARIOUS WAPPINGER ALTERNATES CURRENT FLEETWOOD MID POINT SEWER SEWER DISTRICT DI COSTS WAPPINGE m Sp TRICT r TOWN OF POUGHKEEPS IE SEWER DISTRICT R 1 IMP ROCKINGHAM WILDWOOD SEWER SEWER DISTRICT DISTRICT OAKWOOD J S TRI T P tUN1CIPAL tEX1STING S Ev E RS COLLEC DEB7 SER OR 111 14 13 81 158 5 90 65 I 11 CE I RI J I MUNICIP lL M I I 150 OL ECTOR 5 J 56 162 80 93 71 96 80 146 I 10 l I M I rroTAL A NUAL 191 70 176 61 252 24 96 80 236 I 65 l OS I I I i Re eived from Comptroller Town of Wappinger Sept 29 r I 1981 I I l i I iJIi JI ESTIMATr D ANWUJ t 11 CO GE HOMF OWNER Avsrv rEa J I SYSTEM fME f J 1 VILtJ GE OF WAPPINGERS FAt I 4 At 11 t iARD SEWER DISTRICT VARI9US TOWN WAPPINGER QF POUOltKF EPS IE ALTERNf TES PROPOSED COSTS 11 PHASE PHASE 1B PHASE l ILDWOOD WAPPINGER WAPPINGER SEWER S EE R SEWER DISTRICT IMP I 1 SEWERS DEBT 1D WAPPINGER FLEETWOOD SEWER SEWER SEWER DISTRICT IMP i1 DISTRICT I 48 89 EXISTING COLLECTOR 1 PK OAKWOOI STP i 172 IMP MID POINT OAKWOOD STP i TRI MUNICIPAL DEBT SERVICE PHASE IC I 10 63 03 63 03 87 91 87 91 158 2 5 13 81 158 52 41 14 1 7 48 27 1 48 42 1 4 J0 I 90 65 SER 158 5 VICE I I I fRI ltUNICIPAL o r1 0 0 t 144 tO LLEC 8 1 2 65 102 65 J O 2 4 00 42 0 42 0 I i I 42 I I I I TOTAL ANNUAL r 98 RS M COST 8 I I I J I I 4534 346 7 I 366 I 1 49 I 415 91 7 98 I 53 I I I s r l 6S IMi rtBJ PMSE I tri c R O SYSTEM 1 GE VILr OF WAPPINGERS FA 4t 4t 1st WARD TOWN OF SEWER DISTRICT VARIOUS POUGHKEEPSIE WAPPINGER ALTERNATES PROPOSED COSTS PHASE l APPINGER MID S Ehr R niP S IMP DISTRICT OAKWOOD STP 79 05 i 79 95 I 79 05 41 14 EXISTING COLLECTOR 5 E RS DEBT SER 158 2 5 VICE 13 81 SEwr R 3E ER SE1ER ISTRICT DISTRICT nip STP 1 OAKWOOD STP I 51 16 158 52 51 16 II 76 15 76 05 158 52 13 I 0 t 130 M 8e I 130 I 88 jO l 79 88 79 70 70 I COLLECTORS 0 42 M 00 I 4 L 11 42 0 I I 42 00 42 1 I I TOTAL I At NU 419 COST 45 I I l 88 65 i 3 8 6S I I 88 65 1 I I I 42 I 15 I 11 4 00 4 00 206 70 I I L Ii i 1 I I 81 i I 76 I i H n ICIPAL PR I II I rRI POINT ROCKINGHAM ID DISTRICT i1 1G WAPPINGER ER SE SEWER IC IPAL DEBT SERVICE ROCKINGHAM WAPPINGER ER SE EE R DISTRICT 1 OAKWOOD TR I Ht iOOD POINT K FLEE Ti PHASE IF PHASE IE 165 74 293 07 I I I 17 L86 33l 38 l I II i 365 I I 1 I 20 51 1 I c t H ljI I 0 r i M l raI 1 1V MUNICIPAL S 1fER ESTIMATED ANNUAL COST PER AVERAGE j PHASE i IMPROVEMENT HOMEOtiNER I SYSTEM 4 0 il VILV GE OF WAPPINGERS 1st WARD SEWER DISTRICT VARIOUS FALLS TOWN OF POUGHKEEPSIE WAPPINGER ALTERNATES PROPOSED COSTS PHASE 1H WAPPINGER MID POI T SEWER SEWER S DISTRICT DISTRICT IMP 1 PK ROC KINGHAM ER IWOOD FLEE ER SEh DISTRICT OAKWOOD STP TRI MUNIC IPAL DEBT SERVICE 80 17 8 17 158 S2 13 81 13 61 103 61 103 61 42 10 2 4 00 4 10 2 4 384 30 239 59 225 78 66 8 17 8 17 EXISTING COLLLCTOR SE RS DEBT SER 41 14 vrCE TRI MUNICIPAL o M 13 1 61 COLLECTORS o I M TOTAL ANNUAL COST 92 J Or 1 J I j l J TRI MUNICIPAL J 1F P n illl u L O J PHASE VILLAGE SEWER I PROVEMENT pFJL lBlt9 lvMr OW r r 4c R 1 SYSTEt I OF WAPPINGERS FALLS TO N OF POUGHKEEPS IE 1st WARD SE ER DISTRICT VARIOUS WAPPINGER ALTERNATES PROBABLE FUTURE COSTS NO PARTICIPATION IN TRI MUNICIPAL WILDiOOD FLEETWOOD MID POINT WAPPINGER ROC K INGHAM SEWER SEWER SEWER SEWER SEWE R DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT IMP 1 OAKWOOD S DEBT SERVICE UPGRADING OF P 12 39 14 13 81 158 30 11 3 56 18 74 19 76 150 56 16 80 3 72 96 05 41 24 66 55 691 834 T 875 4 PLANT EXISTING COLLECTOR S EiE RS DEBT SER 90 5 65 KlI CE ADDITIONAL 0 M UPGAADED PLANT COLLECTOR3 o 11 146 8 11 M roT I r L ANNUAL OST Re 91 L86 1 043 7 311 38 f eived from Environmcntal Comntro1ler Town of Wappinger constraints not included in his 1981 29 Sept Estimated Cost 68 1 141 5 t The Hill Angels meeting Mr Road was L before placed now title on been tabled the from the All the last for their consideration Board policy on and he had been received to accept the Recreation Land Deeds from Klein the All Angels Hill moved and Alexander Alexander of this deed acceptance VERSACE Klein having property Adams noted that the recommended MR from Recreation Land Deed Road property upon the recommendation of the Attorney Seconded by Johnson Mr Motion The next item Assessment MR regard moved to the and Sewer Districts of the standard Seconded by Benefit Assessment with formula Town a of In the District in setting of the cutoff date of a public hearing Board he still had not received Mr Klein MR VERSACE the necessary Seconded by the its moved to table Mrs this from information U the Water 1982 using September 30 1981 unanimously for a Mr Carried Conservation Park Adams advised from matter until Mr the applicant s Adams received attorney Reilly resolution was o fered by unanimously COUNCILWOMAN Carried MILLS who adoption the WHEREAS requested to remove otherwise treat of ice for Wappinger Attorney following moved of information needed Motion The for Fieldstone Farm Subdivision the s Benefit Mills Mrs matter Town Rolls wappinger Motion l of the preparation the authorize and direct the Assessor to prepare the to the Assessor by Rolls JOHNSON in was carried unanimously and snow Superintendent of Highways has been and to sand or from County roads the purpose of removing the danger Town snow them for by in Dutchess County of the Highway Law the Commissioner of Public Works of Section l35 with Article 6 therefore be it accordance now a be and is herein found necessary at the is perform as the state Commissioner of rate fixed Transportation hourly by for the Winter for the renting and hiring of such equipment RESOLVED authorized Season that the Town such work to Superintendent as 1921 82 Seconded Roll call by vote Councilwoman 5 Ayes 0 Reilly Nays 1 received A report was a backup well at Tall of two wells at ahesame burning of the time MR be for at Tall caused some due changed allow Camo not for Camo fact that Camo firm a by this was on price the pickup of last the Tri the the SD W as and the Seconded News for the and of the be was II parts spare the Hornet on the benefit of those also be the and backup well be included in this asked the Attorney what the the Town had won for Serenity the Mission not put of the the those an metal J ri Municipal against it ad judgment against and he replied unanimously procedure the that JOHNSON an unanimously The meeting adjourned moved to adjourn the an meeting now or March by Mrs carried at 10 30 P M J U Elaine H Town 81 that appeal had been filed seconded L 14 was Carried Republic Bonding Company expect any decision until February MR 10 to size for and it clearly residents of the Town proposition for paper ballot vote the the the on authorized using Carried Versace Mr Versace and he did the how to Town Supervisor would be put in clearly instructing proposition by ad should how to vote Mr Mtg price one election and the Motion Reg pumps installation unanimously before the Municipal project an that guide a Wappinger Project of the one installation of the meeting residents moved MILLS in both wells Pollution Control be contacted for the Mills felt that instructing ad use Johnson Mr proposition MRS the that Motion Mrs of confusion since to the alternate Trees Seconded Since the installation of to pump possibility a the available DIEHL moved asked was prices quoted by well backup regarding Lapar Trees which would there as The out Mr Lapar cautioned Mr mentioned and then might from Clerk Snowden of 1982 Mills II