

Elaine Laurent, Town Clerk and Tuxedo Town Board
1 Temple Drive, Tuxedo, NY 1A987
Mary Yizarry
147 Benjamin Meadow Road, Tuxedo, NY 10987
last sffing, we
time to I
a casl
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Long Term Quality of Life Impacts:
Since it was proposed last spring, we have had time to learn more about many
negative issues surrounding the development of a casj
ours and I would like to point out some of thenoJn
the DEIS.
Throughout several parts of the DEIS that I had time to read there is glowing
speculation (not substantiated) on the long term economic growth
opportunities and improved qualrty of life within the 10 and 20 mile area
surrounding this development.
Although Genting has stated they will concentrate on bringing in highend gamblers from overseas the building diagram shows hundreds of slot
machines on the main floor, screened from, but easily accessed by, the
general public as they enter. Modern "slot" machines are computer
engineered to be able to monitor an individual player's style, ensure that
the longer they play the more they lose, cause players to lose track of
time and money and are highly addictive. Is this what we want for the
Town of Tuxedo and our neighbors?
Although problem gamblers are said to represent about one percent of a
casino's clientele they account for a much larger share of casino revenue.
There is no information in the DEIS about how a problem gambler would
be identified by casino personnel or why they should be. Yet outside
research shows that living close to a casino is a key factor in more
frequent gambling, often leading to problem gambling, addiction, severe
family financial hardship and emotional disruption. This eventually
becomes a community burden. Is this what we want for the Town of
Tuxedo and our neighbors?
The benefits of Casinos are short-term while many of their costs are
long-term and harder to measure. A casino will attract and retain
customers with "perks" food and alcohol but in the long term have been
documented to drive out local established restaurants and other consumer
businesses, to be replaced by gambling related businesses such as pawn
shops and sleazy lending companies. Is this what we want for the
Town of Tuxedo and our neighbors?
Casinos typically hurt property values in host communities. A recent
study by the National Association of Realtors says the impact of a
prospective casino on the local housing market is "unambiguously
negative." Recent research in Massachusetts found that homeowners in a
proposed casino host community would experience from $1,650 to
$3,300 loss in value. Those figures are low when compared to the
reality. Is this what \rye want for the Town of Tuxedo and our
Because of its many deficiencies, I respectfully request the board to return the
DEIS to the applicant, demanding in its place a Revised DEIS that addresses
all of the flaws and failings that have been and will continue to be brought to
light. The board should also postpone issuing a Special Permit that will
advance the project. Finally, I request the Board extend the public comment
period on this document to January 31,2015, at least.
_Thank you
I would also like to protest that I don't know why we are here wasting our time
and energy on an incomplete document. The DEIS does not include the
critical Thruway Interchange upon which this development depends. Until we
learn if an interchange can actually be built, I believe neither our town
government nor its citizens should have been set up to go through this sham of
an exercise.
Research on gambling in American is largely funded by the gambling industry.
Its research focuses overwhelmingly on the individual pathology and
pharmacology of gambling addiction. They say very little about the gaming
industry's methods to lure and keep gamblers in their emporiums and that they
rely on addictive behavior to keep them beyond their capacity to make rational
decisions only to fill the coffers of the casino owners.
In reading a report from the Council on Casinos "Why Casinos Matter"
supported by the Institute for American Values, it seems that a lot of what
we've recently read in various other publications about the down side of this
form of "entertainment" is well documented. Also go to
I recommend this as important reading on the part of the Tuxedo Town Board
before coming to any final decision.