2012 Annual Report - Easter Seals Crossroads


2012 Annual Report - Easter Seals Crossroads
Board of Directors
Stephen D. Orander, Treasurer
Kelly Copes-Anderson, Secretary
Eli Lilly and Company
C. Dawn Neal, Past Chair
Eli Lilly and Company, retired
James J. Vento
Jeffrey A. Hokanson
Easter Seals Crossroads
Michael L. Bogan, MD
Connie Brown, Clarian Health Plans Inc.
William Coleman, Attorney, retired
Frank J. Esposito, JPMorgan Chase
Rebecca Feldman, MD, Eli Lilly and Company, retired
Fran Gale, Gale Force Software
Philip Gutwein II, Faegre Baker Daniels
Sheri Kendall, Column Capital Wealth Management
Chris Landis, WebLink International
C. David Moore, IBM, retired
Anne Murphy, Community Health Network
Scott C. Newman, IUPUI
Marian Pettengill, Marian University, retired
Bryan Seidensticker, Brightpoint
Steve Stevens, Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
Phillip Whistler, Ice Miller LLP
Paula Taylor Whitfield, Eli Lilly and Company
Seth Williams, Roche Diagnostics
Advisory Board
Brett Behrens, Katz, Sapper & Miller
Kristine Bouaichi, Ice Miller LLP
Bryan Bowman, Medivative Technologies, LLC
Abbe Hohmann, Land Services USA
Terry Huser, Huser HomeCare
Milton L. Keys, Sr., Veolia Water Indianapolis, LLC
Ken Kobe, Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
Ed Koschka, ekoschka healthcare advisors, LLC
Vince Kovatch, Katz Sapper & Miller
Barbara Lewis-West, Inside Indiana
Timothy W. Oliver, JPMorgan Chase
Gary Stehle, Sunbelt
Board Chair
Frost Brown Todd LLC
We offer respite care so that families are able to enjoy quality time apart from one another.
Our enrichment programs include summer camps so that children and adolescents enjoy
typical summer experiences having fun, learning and meeting friends.
Children’s Services
As an individual ages or changes ability, we can continue to provide assistance. When a
teenager or young adult needs assistance during school or transitioning from high school
to a work environment, we offer assistive technology, job training, employment options,
Deaf services, behavioral treatment services and driver evaluation and training. Our
programs span a lifetime so that a person of any age can access our services when needed.
First Steps/Early Intervention
Respite Services
Autism Services
Employment Services
Adult Specialty Services
Adult Day Services
When someone says I CAN at Easter Seals Crossroads, we know we have done our jobs.
Deaf Community Services
Assistive Technology Services
Crossroads Industrial Services
Get Involved
Volunteer Services
Volunteer Spotlight
Financial Statistics
Service Statistics
Guild Representative
Judy Beaty
CVA Representative
Theresa Swenson
Medical Director
Chuck Dietzen, MD
Crossroads helps young children and their families with early intervention services so
that children meet their full potential entering kindergarten. School-aged children
benefit from our physical, occupational, speech-language therapy and autism services
so that they can be as independent as possible.
[email protected]
James J. Vento
President / CEO
focus on ability
Easter Seals Crossroads knows the importance of being able to say the words
I CAN proudly and confidently. That is why our dedicated staff work so hard
to make those two words possible for children and adults with disabilities and special
needs in our community. For over 75 years, we have offered services and programs
for individuals to help them address life’s challenges and achieve personal goals.
Sharp Business Systems
First Steps and Early Intervention Services
make the first five years count
As a First Steps provider, Easter Seals Crossroads serves children aged birth
to three years with a diagnosed disability or a developmental delay. Early
intervention services include physical, occupational, speech-language and
developmental therapies.
Families are able to say I CAN help my child reach developmental goals because
of the therapy services available from Easter Seals Crossroads.
Lilliana was born with Trisomy 18 - a genetic disorder that is often associated with
congenital heart problems, developmental disabilities and a high infant mortality
rate with many babies not living beyond their first year. With open heart surgery at
5 months and her first birthday celebration behind her, Lilliana is happily beating the
odds at 16 months old.
Lilliana works with therapists
to develop her skills in feeding,
rolling, sitting, grasping and
pulling. They are seeing great
progress in these areas and
according to Lilliana’s mom,
Rhonda, “We wouldn’t be this
far along without therapy services
from Easter Seals Crossroads.”
Physical, occupational and speech-language therapy services are provided for
children so that they achieve the maximum level of independence possible.
Physical therapy professionals work with children to build muscle strength,
improve coordination, develop mobility and improve balance skills, while
occupational therapists work with children to overcome sensory, motor and
perceptual problems. Speech-language pathologists are dedicated to improving
a child’s ability to communicate through receptive and expressive language skill
development. Augmentative and alternative communication specialists are
speech-language professionals who assist children who are unable to speak or
write well enough for others to understand them.
Because enrichment activities are
so important for a child’s growth
and development, Crossroads offers
a variety of programs designed to
enhance core services. Summer
programs include traditional
summer camp for children CampAbility; outdoor camp
for young people with
autism - Camp R.O.C.K.S!;
bicycle camp for
individuals to learn
to ride a two wheel
bicycle - Lose the
Training Wheels;
and communication
camp for adolescents
with augmentative
devices - Gadget
grow and learn
is an advocacy and awareness campaign to ensure
that children at risk of developmental delays, disabilities or autism receive
intervention services before the age of five. When children with special needs
are diagnosed early and receive necessary services to strengthen their abilities,
they start school with the opportunity to meet their full potential. The Ages
and Stages Questionnaires, an early identification screening tool, is available
free online through generous support from CVS Caremark / Charitable Trust.
The results help parents and caregivers create learning strategies best suited for
their children.
Children’s Services
Respite Services
Easter Seals Crossroads
provides respite programs
made possible through the
Lilly Endowment that
enhance quality of life
for families and program
- a respite Teen Night Out parent
use respite services
A typical respite event at
Easter Seals Crossroads
involves a group
activity or outing
for participants
while parents or
caregivers enjoy
activities of their
own. Parents’ Night Out
events are scheduled weekly
and include the participants’
siblings for the respite event.
make friends at camp
“I am a firm believer that it
takes a village to raise a
child. Thank you for being
part of our village and caring
enough to make a difference
in the life of our child!”
Teen Night Out events and
CHEER events provide activities
and professional care for teenagers
and adults during monthly group
events. One-on-One Respite is
an individualized respite activity
for families who medically qualify.
In addition to respite activities,
Easter Seals Crossroads provides
ParentCare, which is an innovative
concept that offers parents or
caregivers the means to enjoy
an activity — or simply quality
time — while their loved one is
enjoying a respite event.
Easter Seals Crossroads provided respite
services for 3,909 individuals this year.
Autism Services
Autism services include innovative programs that respond to the needs of
families who are living with autism. Crossroads provides therapy services for
children and adolescents; social and enrichment programs, including summer
camps; augmentative communication; behavioral treatment services; respite
services; adaptive technology; transition services for high school students; college
mentoring - PeerXChange; career assessments, job coaching and employment
assistance; driver evaluation and training; and adult day services.
Camp R.O.C.K.S! — an outdoor, overnight
camp for children and adolescents on
the autism spectrum — was held at
Bradford Woods this year with 80
participants during two different
week-long sessions.
find autism services for my family
The Autism Family Resource Center provides information to any family, free of
charge. Support groups are encouraged to use the resource library for meetings;
both Parent and Grandparent Autism Support Groups meet monthly.
Behavioral Treatment Services involve an interdisciplinary team of clinicians
and professionals who work with individuals and their families using a variety
of evidence-based interventions and techniques.
Autism services at Easter Seals Crossroads are designed to grow with an
individual and his/her family. Crossroads strives to maximize independence
and ability by creating an environment where I hope becomes I CAN.
Employment Services
Employment services can include career assessments, computer skills training
courses, resume development sessions and practice interviews. Once a person
is ready to job seek, specialists work with the individual to find an employment
match. If an individual has significant barriers to employment, he/she may
benefit from supported employment services, which include on-the-job training
and on-going support to ensure job retention.
find employment
High school transition services are available through a partnership program
called Project SEARCH / Indiana. Final-year high school students with
significant disabilities can benefit from intensive job immersion at both
Community Hospital North and Community Hospital East. This project is
possible through partnerships with Community Health Network, Indiana
Family and Social Services Administration - Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Services, Indiana Institute on Disability and Community - Indiana University,
Indianapolis Public Schools and MSD Lawrence Township.
work after graduation
Employment staff members assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining and
maintaining employment by partnering with employers to find professional,
skilled, semi-skilled or entry level job matches for qualified candidates.
134 individuals with disabilities
or special needs were successfully
placed into competitive jobs
within the community.
Employers benefit from Easter Seals Crossroads because of the opportunities
to employ qualified candidates dedicated to pursuing careers. Easter Seals
Crossroads meets the needs of both employers and employees so that
everyone is able to say I CAN when it comes to finding the best people for
the right jobs within the community.
Paul is a young man who recently completed Project SEARCH / Indiana,
which is a high school transition program for students with significant
disabilities. Community Health Network — a Project SEARCH partner —
hosts this program at its two hospitals where students complete rotations
to learn valuable job skills.
After his final rotation, Paul was hired at Community Hospital North where
he puts his favorite task — restocking medical carts — to good use in his
part-time position. When he isn’t at work, Paul can often be found in the
Adult Day Services transition program at Easter Seals Crossroads where
he continues to learn important daily living skills.
Adult Day Services
Driving an automobile is a source of independence for many people; driver
evaluation and training professionals at Easter Seals Crossroads understand
this. Specialists work with previous drivers who have multiple medical
conditions or age-related changes, as well as first-time drivers, to help
them achieve the ability to drive safely.
Developed to promote independence and enhance quality of life for participants,
the adult day services program provides a loving and safe environment away
from home. This medically-based, state-licensed program uses individual plans
with varying levels of care to provide social, recreational and therapeutic
activities for individuals with disabilities or frail health.
Specialty programs also include augmentative and alternative communication
for individuals who are unable to speak or write well enough for others to
understand them. Home modification services are available for individuals
who need recommendations for structural home changes to ensure safety
and mobility.
Daily activities include those that increase motivation and self esteem through
creative expression. Exploration of special interests is encouraged through
discussion groups, educational programs, field trips and computer use. When
needed, staff members provide dignified assistance and support with feeding,
bathing and other daily living activities.
As individuals age or change ability,
Easter Seals Crossroads continues
to offer programs so that people
are still able to say I CAN
when it comes to the
challenges of daily living.
92% of previously
licensed drivers
obtained an amended
license allowing them
to continue to drive
with adapted
make choices
Adult Specialty Services
Adults with autism or developmental disabilities can utilize the transitional
skills curriculum that promotes life skills and the goals of independent or semiindependent living and/or employment. Participants are supervised by trained
staff as they work on skills such as cleaning, laundry, cooking, budgeting and
basic community skills.
93% of Adult Day
Services participants
Assistive Technology Services
Crossroads’ Deaf Community Services division provides recognition of and
language accessibility to the Deaf community by acting as the link between the
Deaf and hearing communities.
Assistive technology specialists provide evaluations, training and technical
support to persons with disabilities in work environments, at homes, at
schools and at various other locations throughout Indiana.
Interpreters facilitate communication between Deaf or hard of hearing persons
and hearing individuals and can be scheduled through Deaf Community
Services professionals. In addition, mentoring, professional workshops
and training are offered.
Each year, technology services from Easter Seals Crossroads help hundreds of
individuals successfully utilize assistive or adaptive technology to become more
Individuals who are Deaf or hard of hearing utilize case management services
from a social worker as they relate to advocacy, community education/outreach
and referrals. A community area with computers and video phones for Deaf
individuals is available within the building.
Deaf Community Services
assisted over 444 Deaf or
hard of hearing individuals
with interpreting needs.
Services begin with an evaluation to determine which adaptive technology
will help a person reach a specific goal - such as computer access for a job
accommodation - followed with training to ensure that the recommendation is
a good match for the individual. The support does not end after initial training;
a 24-hour technical assistance telephone line is available for continued guidance.
use technology
Deaf Community Services
The INDATA Project — INDiana Assistive Technology Act — is a federally funded
project designed to increase access and awareness of assistive technology. Easter
Seals Crossroads, in partnership with the State of Indiana Division of Disability
and Rehabilitative Services, offers INDATA services that include public awareness,
information and referral, funding assistance, device demonstrations, device loans
and reutilized equipment.
1,589 equipment loans
were made through our
assistive technology
lending library.
Get Involved
Crossroads Industrial Services provides contract manufacturing, supply chain
management, fabrication, assembly, packaging and recycling services.
There are many events and volunteer activities
throughout the year in which organizations and
businesses participate to support Easter Seals
Located on the east side of Indianapolis in a 68,000 square-foot facility,
Crossroads Industrial Services is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company with
over 80 trained employees who use the latest manufacturing technologies
and processes. Services are fully customizable with a strong commitment
to continuous quality improvement and lean manufacturing.
Holiday Ornament 2011 - Victory
Soldiers and Sailors Monument
The mission at Crossroads Industrial Services is to employ people with
disabilities and to generate revenue for Crossroads’ services for children and
adults. To learn how the division is good for business and good for people, visit
The following customers have worked with Crossroads Industrial Services
during the period from July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012.
Aircom Manufacturing
Air Development
Arrow Container
Department of Defense
Harlan Laboratories
Herff Jones
Metro Plastics Technologies
NSWC Crane Naval
State of Indiana
Von Duprin/Ingersoll Rand
Zoo Fans
Bingo Bonanza 2012
presented by CENTURY 21 Scheetz
Special events and fundraisers that directly
benefited programs and services included:
Golfing FORE!
Ability Ride
Indianapolis Wine Festival
WFYI Spirited Chase
Holiday Ornament Sale
Bingo Bonanza
Business Lunch
Tap N Run
Days of Caring are a means to become
involved with Easter Seals Crossroads. We
greatly appreciate groups and corporations
who choose Crossroads and allow their
employees and members to volunteer for
community service days. Crossroads can
create an activity for an organization with
time to commit, such as a special work day
in the Wellness and Therapy Garden.
with your involvement
Crossroads Industrial Services
Thank you to the following Days of Caring
J.R. Martinez and Ability Award recipient
Jeremiah West at the Business Lunch
presented by Community Health Network
Tap N Run benefiting
Easter Seals Crossroads
Arlington Community High School
FC Tucker
Jameson Camp
Liberty Mutual
United Way
Volunteer Services
Volunteer Spotlight - Teresa Ayres
On-going agency needs also include skills based volunteer opportunities in
all divisions including employment and technology, and individuals also
volunteer at special community events that occur throughout the year.
Volunteers support the mission of Easter Seals Crossroads and assist the agency
in providing services that help our community say I CAN.
Thank you to the following volunteer groups who have worked with
Easter Seals Crossroads from July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012.
Adult Day Services volunteers
CampAbility volunteers
Camp R.O.C.K.S! volunteers
CHEER volunteers
Crossroads Guild
Crossroads Volunteer Association
Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation
Gadget Camp volunteers
Lose the Training Wheels volunteers
Parents’ Night Out volunteers
PeerXChange volunteers
Sertoma Club of North Downtown Indianapolis
Service project volunteers
Skills based volunteers
Teen Night Out volunteers
Young Professionals Group
Teresa became involved with Easter Seals Crossroads as a volunteer several
months ago. With an extensive background in human resources and consulting
work, she found a great need for her services in the Employment Division,
where staff assist individuals with disabilities find employment opportunities.
With Teresa’s knowledge and experience, she is a great asset to people in resume
development and mock interviews, where she is particularly skilled in helping
people highlight their strengths.
Teresa learned of Easter Seals Crossroads when her son — who has a pervasive
developmental disorder — was job seeking after his college graduation.
A strong believer that “parents are often the greatest advocates for children
with special needs,” she thought he might benefit from resources to help him
network and self advocate. While her son quickly became employed, she
wondered how she could help others who “did not seem to fit traditional
employment buckets.” With a new, part-time work schedule, Teresa found
that she had some uncommitted time to volunteer.
make a difference
Much of what is accomplished at Easter Seals Crossroads is enhanced by the
efforts of community volunteers. Individuals volunteer their time and talents
to work directly with children and adults with disabilities or special needs in
a specific program area such as weekly Parents’ Night Out or yearly summer
The staff at Easter Seals Crossroads are thrilled with the assistance that Teresa
provides. With as much as Teresa gives to Easter Seals Crossroads, it is with a
smile that she sums up what she gets in return. “I am so impressed with the great
extent that staff extend to help people. They are wonderful. I have gained faith
and renewal in humanity by being involved with Easter Seals Crossroads.”
Easter Seals Crossroads benefited from 10,733
volunteer hours this year contributed by adults,
students, companies and foundations. This
represents 475 men and women who chose to
help Easter Seals Crossroads emphasize ability.
with community support
Easter Seals Crossroads Donors
Thank you to the following entities for partnering with us during the time period of
July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012.
Thank you to our donors and friends. The following list represents gifts during the
time period of July 1, 2011, through June 30, 2012. Your gifts play a crucial role in
helping children and adults with disabilities in central Indiana achieve independence.
AAA Mudjackers
Ninve Adams/ Trulia
Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield
AON Corporation
Baden Retirement Plan Services
Barnes and Thornburg LLP
Birdview Technologies
Braden Business Systems
Brandt Construction, Inc.
Brickyard Crossing Golf Resort
Broadmoor Country Club
Capri Ristorante
Central Nine Career Center
Centralized Showing Services
CENTURY 21 Scheetz
Chamber of Commerce
Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
Citizens Energy Group
Column Capital Wealth Management
Community Health Network
Comprehensive Computer Support, Inc.
Conner Prairie Interactive History Park
CVS Caremark / Charitable Trust
Dee Signs
Delta Dental of Indiana
Delta Faucet
Easley Winery
Eastgate Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram
Eli Lilly and Company
Faegre Baker Daniels
Fast Signs
Flat 12 Bierwerks
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Harris Bank
Highland Golf & Country Club
Hilton Indianapolis Hotel & Suites
HouseMaster/Alan Peterson
HSA Home Warranty
Huntington National Bank
Huser HomeCare
Ice Miller LLP
Indiana Repertory Theatre
Indiana State Museum
Indianapolis Wine Festival
Indy Body Works
jam active
Janco Lock Service
JPMorgan Chase
Klean-Serv Inc.
Jim Kovach
Langdon Mortgage
Lawyers Title
Michael Leimeister
Lilly Endowment Inc.
Longhorn Steakhouse
Monarch Beverage Company
My-Te Products
Nails II
C. Dawn and Steven Neal
Nicole-Taylor’s Pasta & Market
Northside Knights of Columbus
Nova Home Inspections
Palm Court Design
Premier Events
Rainbow Window Cleaning
Ray’s Trash Services
Realbiz Media
Rental Indy LLC
Rising Star Casino & Resort
The Sagamore Club
Security Home Inspections
Sertoma Club of North Downtown
Indianapolis, Inc.
Sharp Business Systems
Shepherd Insurance
Snow’s Contracting Services
Snow’s Lawncare & Landscaping
Sparkling Image Car Wash
St. Francis Healthcare Foundation
Stone Artisans
Stonegate Mortgage
Summit Construction Co., Inc.
Sun Life Financial
T&H Realty Services, Inc.
Three Wisemen
Tish Flooring
Tube Processing Corporation
Veteran Construction Inc./David Gorsage
Voice Pad
Westgate Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram
WFYI Productions
Zink Distributing
We have carefully reviewed the listings; however, if we made any errors, please accept
our apologies. Contact us at [email protected] or 317.479.3249 with
your corrections.
Gifts of $25,000 and up
Community Health Network
Lilly Endowment Inc.
Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust
United Way Facilities Maintenance Funds
United Way of Central Indiana
Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999
CENTURY 21 Scheetz
C. Dawn and Steven Neal
Nicholas H. Noyes, Jr.,
Memorial Foundation, Inc.
Yager Freedom Foundation
Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999
Central Nine Career Center
Crossroads Guild
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Dahlem
Indianapolis Wine Festival
Johnson County Autism Support Group
Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999
Kelly Copes and Arvie J. Anderson
AON Corporation
Citizens Energy Group
James S. Cunning & Lisa Stone
Eastgate and Westgate
Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Ellett
Frank Esposito
Grace Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Madden
Stephen D. Orander
Rainbow’s End
Amy and N. Clay Robbins
Fern W. Roesch
George and Diane Seybert
Sharp Business Systems
Temple Inland Foundation
Tube Processing Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Vento
David Vignes
Paula Taylor Whitfield
with your support
Easter Seals Crossroads Partners
Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499
Dr. John D. Ayres
Barnes & Thornburg LLP
BMW Constructors, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Bogan
John L. Boss III
Brandt Construction
Vivienne Brazel
Comprehensive Computer Support, Inc.
Connie and Douglas R. Brown
Bryce Mitchell Memorial Golf Tournament
CIBA Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Coleman, Jr.
Column Capital Wealth Management
Crossroads Volunteer Association
Delta Faucet Company
Patricia H. Donnell
Eli Lilly and Company
Faegre Baker Daniels
Drs. Rebecca and Richard Feldman
Dr. Jennifer and Scott Fogo
R. Keith Fox
with your support
Easter Seals Crossroads Donors
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Fran and Richard K. Gale
Marianne Glick
Jeffrey Hokanson
Mike P. Hutson
Ice Miller LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lammers
Lawyers Title
Metro Plastics Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. C. David Moore
Marilyn K. O’Daniel
Ann and Charles Preston
Lesli L. Pringle
Dr. and Mrs. George F. Rapp
Ray’s Trash Service
Rental Indy LLC
Barb and Joe Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Roth
Saint Barnabas Catholic School
Patrick Sandy
Susan and Scott E. Saunders
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce R. Schnaith
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Schuchman
Bryan Seidensticker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Spolnik
Summit Construction Co., Inc.
Theresa Swenson
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Truax
Dr. Michael P. Turberg
Jay Van Tress
Vermeer of Indiana
Westview Hospital Medical Staff
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Whistler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Wilken
Mr. and Mrs. Seth F. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Dempsey
Sherene Donaldson
Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Farias
Warren L. Gorsuch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Huser
Terrence N. Jenkins
Carol Swenson Jue
Sheri Kendall
KH Homecare
Robin King
Joanne E. Kingdon
Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lawler
Bruce A. Lytle
Robert W. Martin
Carter Mathews
MB2 Advertising
Deborah McCarty & Stephen W. Savage
Medivative Technologies
Mr. and Mrs. Martin W. Merkel
My-Te Products
Scott Newman
Mr. and Mrs. David Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Otto
James Pinyerd
Praxis AEC, Inc.
Michael M. Reis
Pam Ribelin
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sandy, Jr.
Anita W. Sherman
Loretta J. Smith
St. Francis Healthcare Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Steele
Michelle Stephens
Jodi Traub
David Wampler
Jane and Richard Warne
Donald E. Weberus
Alan Weems
Jeff West
Barbara West
Gifts of $500 to $999
Steven E. Barnes
Kristine Bouaichi
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bowman
Regan R. Brown
Sherry L. Clapp
Diane Cruz-Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Dick
Epsilon Sigma Alpha Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Hallett
Kathryn and Timothy C. Harris
Joseph D. Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Max E. Hudspeth
Huser HomeCare
Bryan Jackson
Julie A. King
Mr. and Mrs. Steve L. Klepfer
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V. Kobe
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kramer
Marsha Langdon
Dr. David D. MacLaren
Margaret J. McWhirter
Bryan and Cathie Mills
Anne Murphy
David G. Pardo
Curtiss F. Quirin
Autry L. Rabon II
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Radloff
Mr. and Mrs. Ashraff A. Rampersaud
Anne H. Renihan
Barbara Rodeman
Robert Rodenbeck
The Saltsburg Fund: Don W. Buttrey
Steve Stevens
Glenn M. Swisher, Jr.
Kelli L. Webb
Winthrop Supply Company, Inc.
Pam Wise
Gifts of $250 to $499
Linda J. Allanson
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Appel
Ronald W. Bader
Susan Bravard
Chuck Berning
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Boxman
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Carpenter
Kathy S. and Kent A. Carpenter
Philip L. Cochran
Construct Solutions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Cook
Cathy S. Covey
Kim A. DelPrince
Gifts of $100 to $249
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Allen
John T. Althardt
Kathy Amber-Meiser
Carrie Anderson
Rebecca L. Andria
Nancy Ayres
Donna Babbs
Brian Bair
Christopher Baker
Aaron and Lisa Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bassett
Susan Bennett
Brenda Bolton
Brian Brinson
Michael P. Brooks
Patricia A. Camp
Phillip Carmody
Bill Clark
Michael S. Coleman
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Cossell
Hester H. Coward
Dona R. Daniels
Lynn Dimond
Jennifer S. Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Dye
Joseph G. Eaton
Susie Ehman
Essential Architechural Signs, Inc.
Andrea M. Farmer
Dr. William F. Fennema
John Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Furlin
Terra Garvey
Mary Jane Geiger
Jacqueline Geipel
Rita K. Gilbert
Rhonda Glover
Ann Grayson
Dr. Larry Greenbaum & A. Cassia Margolis
David C. Griffin
Stephen Hagen
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Hamernik
Mary K. Hammel
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hammond, III
Jonna and Douglas Hampton
Rosa Hanslits
Craig Harden
Raymond Harding
Alice Hedden
with community support
Easter Seals Crossroads Donors
with your support
Easter Seals Crossroads Tributes
Dennis R. Henderson
Henry County Community Foundation, Inc.
Gordon A. Hobbs
Robert Hoereth
Mike Hoffa
Jeff Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Holt
Wendi Hopewell
Lynn E. Howley
Vernon J. Huddleson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Hyfield
Thomas D. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Jacobsen
Marla D. Keck
Karen L. Kelley
Alison T. Kistner
Mrs. Nancy Kosares
Ed and Jane Koschka
Mr. and Mrs. Dan C. Kraft
Mr. and Mrs. Terrance Kunstek
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Land
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lantz
Cynthia L. Lawrence
Scott Lindenberg
Greg Lyon
Brad Magness
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Maley
Michelle E. Marietta
David Matly
Therese M. Miller
Paul J. Mitchell
Gwyanna Moeller
Pauline Moffat
David Moroknek
Richard Newsome
Kathleen A. O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Oliver
Ruth E. O’Neil
Marcia Partridge
Jill Patris
Marcia Patton
Cindy Payton
Mari T. Peabody
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Peters
Eric R. Peterson
James L. Phillips
Patricia Pickett
Thank you to the following people who
have chosen to make a tribute gift to
Easter Seals Crossroads in honor of or
in memory of a friend or a loved one.
Ted Planje & Lee Lange
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pruitt
Mary Pulley
Amy Ralston
John B. Raughter
Kathryn Lynn Red
Rodney and Denise Retznon
Brian C. Rideout
Christina L. Riley
Jeremy Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Royalty
Joelle and Shayne Samples
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sandy
Lori L. Schaefer
Robert Schnecker
Joshua Schubert
Eric P. Seest
Robert P. Shanahan
Thomas L. Shively
John Showalter
Susan C. Shull
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Spaulding
Karen E. Sprague
Lisa Staley
Clarice W. Stegall
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Strickland
Timothy L. Taschwer
Gwendolyn Tetrick
Elizabeth Toth
Catherine Turner
Lynn Tyler
Mr. and Mrs. John Tynan
John VanderMoon
Mr. and Mrs. Milo R. Vanek
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew N. Vento
Dr. and Mrs. Victor J. Vollrath
H. Thomas Walls
Yvette Weaver
Jonathon Wells
Lisa West
Dan White
Darryl Willoughby
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wise
Bradley Wood
Tracy L. Wright
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Zipes
Memorial Gifts
Memory of Betsy Blakely
Marsha Langdon
Dody Prall
Natalie Stoelting
Kenton and Mary Susott
Memory of Jackson Bucker
Southport 6th Grade Academy
Memory of Paul Burton
Crossroads Guild
Memory of Gert Clancy
Crossroads Guild
Memory of Cleva Duncan
Abigail B. Anderson
Priscilla Flanary
Niki Lynn Girls
Marsha Langdon
Eleanor S. Scott
Memory of Linda Fox
R. Keith Fox
Memory of Wanda Hardin
Kathy Amber-Meiser
R. Keith Fox
Anna Marie House
Patrick Sandy
Susan Saunders
James Vento
Memory of Christopher Holzer
Ann Berry
Memory of Ted Jump
Pony Express Riders of Indiana, Inc.
Memory of Margaret Klepfer
Mr. and Mrs. Steve L. Klepfer
Memory of Scott Larsh
Crossroads Guild
Memory of Helen Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sogard
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Zipes
Memory of Max Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Sogard
Memory of Joseph Maley
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Maley
Memory of Dr. John C. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Allen
Crossroads Guild
Memory of Kevin O’Leary
Sheryl Romer
Memory of Lois Palmer
Marsha Langdon
Memory of Don Peglow
Crossroads Guild
Memory of Lloyd Phillips
Crossroads Guild
Memory of Ron Taylor
Shannon Burney
Sherry Clapp
Katie Harris
Anna Marie House
Karen Kelley
Alicia Nelson
Colleen Renie
Patrick Sandy
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Strickland
Victoria Toney
Mr. and Mrs. Brad W. Weber
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Wildman
Memory of Ray Voelpel
Carolyn M. Geupel
Memory of Jerry Lynn Wingler
Jennifer Alex
Sherry Clapp
RN and CR Crews
Jonna and Douglas Hampton
Katie Harris
John E. Jones
Jill Murat
Old Farm Condominiums Owner’s Association
Barbara Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Springer
Memory of Michael Zoretich, Jr.
Susan Lilek
Julia Metz
with your support
Easter Seals Crossroads Donors
Honor Gifts
Honor of Steve Orander
Sharp Business Systems employees
Honor of Kay Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. Lance Taylor
Honor of Paul and Wanda Sandy
Karen Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sandy
Patrick Sandy
Honor of Patrick Sandy and Karen Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sandy, Jr.
Honor of their Wedding
Joelle and Shayne Samples
Theresa Swenson Children’s Fund
Patricia Beardsley
Gannett Foundation
Carol Swenson Jue
Nancy Kosares
Theresa Swenson
Tom Swenson & Jane Howey
Marnie Wilken
Honor of Jennifer Radloff
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Radloff
Easter Seals Crossroads Financial Statistics
Income Year ending June 30, 2012
Fees for Service*
Federal Grant Revenue
Contract Sales
Community Support
Easter Seals Crossroads Service Statistics
Services by Age
Year ending June 30, 2012
* • First Steps
• Indiana’s Division of Disability
& Rehabilitative Services
• Insurance
• Medicare
• Medicaid
Number of People Served (Year ending June 30, 2012)
Expenses Year ending June 30, 2012
Crossroads Industrial Services
Children’s & Adult Medical Division
Employment Division
Technology Services Division
Deaf Community Services
Program Support Services
Operations & Maintenance
Development & Fundraising
Children’s & Adult Medical Division . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .1,247
Employment Division . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 436
Technology Services Division . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1,776
Crossroads Industrial Services . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 89
Deaf Community Services . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 498
Total of Individuals Served (Unduplicated). .. .. . 4,046
Fulfilling Crossroads’ commitment as a community resource, staff members maintained
several on-going community services and delivered numerous public presentations and
professional development seminars during the year. Topics presented included:
• Assistive Technology
• People First Language
Easter Seals Crossroads is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Ending net assets as of June 30, 2012, were $26,495,274.
Easter Seals Crossroads is an equal opportunity employer and service provider.
• Autism and the Classroom
• Disability Awareness and Advocacy
Community outreach services encompassed:
Interpreting services for Deaf and hard of hearing individuals
Literacy partner activities and events
Information and referrals
Disability and special needs support groups
Used assistive technology, computers and reusable medical equipment
Nonprofit Organization
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