April 2016 - Wenatchee Rock Club


April 2016 - Wenatchee Rock Club
April 2016
The Petrified Digest
President’s Message
Well, April is here; I have tulips blooming in my flower bed and snow fell last week on
the Red Top agate beds! It might be a while before we see our way thru logging roads
of mud in our 4-wheel rigs looking for the buried treasures on Blewett Pass.
Our March meeting had 26 folks show up to see and hear Tom Prang's presentation
about the Tucson gem shows. There were lots of oohs and ahs when he showed pictures of specific rocks and gems on display at the shows. Everyone enjoyed the program, we will be hearing more from Tom in the future. He has some great ideas for our
club to experience.
Saddle Mt. field trip was great. The weather was beautiful, there were 16 members who
went on the adventure, and 12 stayed in the same area finding good stuff. A couple of
rockhounds from Montana were passing thru, so we took them “under our wings” and
they fit right in with our group and had a really good time.
A few reminders: check to see if you have paid your 2016 dues. We would like to get our
membership list complete by the end of April. This month is really busy with the Yakima
rock show the 9th & 10th, and our April meeting on the 15th will have Jackie Cook from
the Colville tribe give a lecture and present the history of local petroglyphs. I hope all of
you will attend to support our interest in new programs for the club to enjoy and the
education it provides for all of us.
Don't forget the Prospectors Gold Show in Cashmere April 23rd & 24th. It's a great gathering of folks interested in gold and rocks. The Gingko club will have four vendors at the
gold show, so come up and say hi. See ya there!
Carol Smith, President
The Petrified Digest
April 2016
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3rd Friday of the Month, 7PM
Douglas County Fire District No. 2
377 Eastmont Avenue
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
Carol Smith
Vice President
Kirk Holman
Marcia Summers
David J. Earhart
Field Trips
Programs & Education
Carol Smith
Shop & Equipment
Bob Witt
Marge Porterfield
Chelan County Fair
Kirk Holman
Richard Condon
Penny Gould
Web Site
Jill Timm
[email protected]
The rock shop is available for all Ginkgo Mineral Society
members. Members pay $2 at the rock shop to use the
facility and tools. Exact change is appreciated!
Please call Carol Smith at 884-3349 if you are planning to
visit the rock shop to make sure someone will be there to
open it. The shop is located at Christy Price's home: 4325
Squilchuck Rd, Wenatchee and is usually open on
Saturdays, 11AM to 2PM.
Directions: from the intersection of Mission & Crawford
Streets at Lincoln Park in Wenatchee, it is 4 miles up
Squilchuck Road. Turn left on Cranmer Road and take an
immediate left onto Christy's long driveway.
Lifetime (20+ yrs)
Dues for 2016 must be paid by the March
2016 meeting!
The Petrified Digest
April 2016
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April Treasurers Report
As of March 31st we have 45 family/single memberships for 2016. If you have forgotten
to send in your dues for this year, please do so ASAP. OR bring your dues to the next
club meeting on Friday, April 15th, 7pm at the fire station.
Our new members, Tom Prang & Julia Pinnix, had a great presentation last month,
showing their trip to Tucson and Quartsite, AZ. Thanks for an eye-popping show!
Also, fifteen of us went to Saddle Mountain on Saturday the 3rd to dig & pick up petrified
wood. What a great day! You should see all the “leaverites” I brought home!
David J. Earhart, Treasurer
Savings Account
Beginning Balance
February Interest
Ending Balance
Checking Account
Beginning Balance
Shop Fees, Membership Dues & Raffle Tickets.
4 Checks
Shop Rent, 80# wheel, Grit & Newsletter printing.
Ending Balance
For Sale, Looking For, Barter or Trade—MEMBER MARKETPLACE
Finished Ellensburg Blue jewelry, prices depend on carats, weight and color, $50 - $645. One rough
found Oct. 2015 is 146 carats, free of fractures & faults, excellent stone @ 15 ct. is worth $2200,
will sell for $1500. Call 509-884-3349
Gingko Club members are welcome to submit their own rock hounding advertisement for buying,
selling or trading rock hounding goods.
Please submit your ad by email to [email protected]. Ads are placed based on a first come,
first serve basis and space availability.
Available at the monthly meetings
Graded 30 Grit
Un-Graded 60/90 Grit,
Graded 220 Grit,
Graded 600 Grit
The Petrified Digest
April 2016
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Ginkgo Minutes March 2016
The meeting was called to order at 7:13pm by President, Carol Smith.
We welcomed one visitor, Paul Camden.
Tom Prang gave a power point presentation on his and Julia’s trip to Tucson, which
was fantastic! So many things to see, including dinosaurs for sale.
James Engley won the raffle and Pat Russell won the door prize.
The minutes were read and approved.
The Treasurer’s report was read the approved.
Fair Committee: Kirk Holman submitted fair book changes to the fair board. There may
be a work party to work on our display area the first part of May.
Old Business: The suggestion box is not being used!
Next Meeting: Talk about petroglyphs by Colville Tribe.
Good of the Order: Yakima Gem & Mineral Show is April 8-10; Field trip to Vantage,
April 16; NCWProspectors Gold Show is April 23 & 24 at Cashmere; trip to Coyote Canyon Mammoth site is May 21; we may be able to have a donation for them.
Respectfully submitted by Secretary, Marcia Summers.
Spring Sayings
“In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt.”.~ Margaret Atwood
Spring shows what God can do with a drab and dirty world. ~ Virgil A. Kraft
The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
You know how it is with an April day.
~ Robert Frost
Spring is nature’s way of saying, "Let’s party!"~ Robin Williams
The Petrified Digest
April 2016
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Stonerose Interpretive Center and Eocene Fossil Site
For the fossil loving rockhound the Stonerose Interpretive Center and Eocene Fossil Site
in Republic, Washington is a great site to visit and dig around looking for those unique
pieces of Earth’s history. You can find impressions of plants, insects, and fish that lived
millions of years ago. The organisms found at Stonerose lived nearly 50 million years ago,
in a time known as the Eocene Epoch.
The site is open to the general public, for a small fee you can dig for the day. Or for the
committed rockhound, yearly and lifetime memberships are available to purchase and
members dig for free. Money raised through memberships, sales, and donations help to
preserve Republic’s unique fossil resource and manage it for the education and enjoyment of all. Members who purchase an annual or lifetime membership receive a variety of
benefits – the best is being invited to the site’s annual “Members Only” dig April 29
through May 1. There are an assortment of activities and festivities planned during the
“Members Only” Weekend, including a barbeque on Saturday night. Throughout the
weekend Stonerose scientists will be in attendance providing information on the site and
the specimens that have been collected.
To preserve and control the quality of the dig site you may only keep up to 3 specimens
per day. A Stonerose staff member will provide information on how to and where to dig
for fossils and will examine your finds when you check out. The Stonerose Interpretive
Center reserves the right to retain any fossils that are of scientific value or significant to
the Stonerose collection, in other words, if you find that rare Glossopteris leaf, it’s likely
the center will keep it for research and display.
If you are interested in membership or just curious about the fossil dig site and admission
prices, visit the Stonerose website at: http://stonerosefossil.org/. The center is open
Wednesday through Sunday, May 4 through May 29. The center will be open 7 days a
week from May 30 through September 4 (closed Labor Day).
Stonerose Interpretive Center is located at 15-1 N. Kean Street,
on the corner of Kean Street and Highway 20 W., across from
the city park in beautiful Republic, Washington. The fossil site
is just a short 2 block walk from the Interpretive Center.
The Petrified Digest
April 2016
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March Field Trip!
Gingko Mineral Society
Saddle Mountain!
The Petrified Digest
April 2016
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And no one got arrested!
Three Month Event Calendar
April Meeting: April 15
Speaker-lecturer Jackie Cook, Colville Confederated Tribes. Subject Petroglyphs.
April Field Trip: Saturday & Sunday, April 9 & 10
Yakima Rock & Mineral Club, Inc., 2016 Annual Gem & Mineral Show – 55th Parade of Gems
Central Washington State Fair Park, 1301 S. Fair Avenue, Modern Living Building, Yakima, WA
April Field Trip: Saturday April 16, Ginkgo Interpretive Center & Gem Shop, 4511 Huntzinger Rd,
Vantage, WA 98950. Viewing of petroglyphs.
May Meeting: May 20
May Program – Info. on Coyote Canyon Mammoth Site, & Richard Previtt will have free giveaway rocks!
June Meeting: June 17
Ginkgo Mineral Society
The Petrified Digest
PO Box 303
Wenatchee WA 98807