March 16, 2015 - Vermilion Parish Police Jury


March 16, 2015 - Vermilion Parish Police Jury
Police Jury Room
March 16, 2015
Abbeville, Louisiana
Minutes of a regular meeting of the Vermilion Parish Police Jury held on March 16, 2015, with President
Mr. Ronald Menard presiding.
The meeting was called to order by President, Mr. Ronald Menard who asked Mr. Kevin Sagrera to
lead the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Following the pledge, Mr. Ronald Darby took a moment to
give prayer and reflection, President Ronald Menard asked for phones, pagers, etc. off or set to silent
mode for the duration of the Police Jury meeting.
The following members were present:
Mr. Dane Hebert
Mr. Errol J. Domingues
Mr. Nathan Granger
Mr. Kevin Sagrera
Mr. Ronald
Mr. Ronald Menard Ex- Officio
Mr. Wayne Touchet
Mr. Pervis Gaspard
Mr. Mark Poche'
Mr. Cloris J. Boudreaux
Mr. Paul Bourgeois
Mr. Sandrus Stelly
Mr. Leon Broussard
Mr. Allen LeMaire
Mr. Keith Fredrick
Mr. Kim Touchet
Mr. Gene Sellers Sr.
Mr. Gary Guidry
President Menard recognized at this time a period for public comment on any agenda item to be
considered from the audience.
No comments were presented or discussed at this time.
President Menard recognized Mr. Jeremiah Bolden- City Marshal 3rd Ward
Juror Mr. Mark Poche' stated that Mr. Jeremiah Bolden-City Marshal 3rd Ward was unavailable to
attend tonight' s meeting.
President Menard read the following announcement.
Received the Annual Report of Activities for 2014 from the Acadiana Resource
Conservation& Development Council, Inc., which will be kept on file.
Upon motion by, Mr. Leon Broussard, duly seconded by Mr. Pervis Gaspard, and unanimously
carried, the Police Jury approved dispensing of the reading of the minutes of the March 2, 2015, regular
meeting, and was accepted as presented.
President Menard considered action to amend the agenda to discuss and consider actions on any new
by Engineering&
Architectural reports.
Ronald Darby, and duly seconded by Mr. Kevin Sagrera, and unanimously
carried, the Police Jury approved to amend the agenda to discuss and consider action on any new items
by the Engineering &
President Menard
Mr. Gene Sellers, Sr.,
Sellers &
Associates, Inc., to present his
business to the Jury.
Mr. Gene Sellers stated that at the last meeting Mr. Errol Domingues requested Sellers' s &
Associates, Inc., to obtain quotes relative to cleaning ditches on Gene Road in Election District No. 8
where there is no Drainage Board, the quotes are as follows:
Vermilion Shell & Limestone Co., Inc.
Miller Construction&
Elite Concrete
$ 10, 880. 00
12, 500. 00
12, 900.00
Upon motion by, Mr. Errol Domingues, duly seconded by Mr. Kevin Sagrera, and unanimously
the Police
quote received
to Vermilion Shell &
Limestone, Inc., in the
amount of$ 10, 880.00, relative to cleaning ditches on Gene Road. Cost to be paid from Road District 4A,
in Election District No. 8.
Mr. Gene Sellers, presented Letters of No Objection for the Police Jury' s consideration.
Upon motion of Mr. Sandrus Stelly, duly seconded by Mr. Cloris Boudreaux, with Mr. Nathan
Granger abstaining, the Police Jury approved a " Letters of No Objection" to Williams Companies, Inc,
for a proposed installation of a steel sheet pile bulkhead and mooring dolphins to restore an existing
bulkhead that provides protection of four natural gas pipelines crossing the Intracoastal Waterway,
located: Section 7, T- 14- S, R-2- E; 14 miles south of Abbeville, 11 miles south of Kaplan on the
Intracoastal Waterway, in Election Districts No. 13.
Upon motion of Mr. Errol Domingues, duly seconded by Mr. Dane Hebert, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury adopted a resolution authorizing the President to execute an Intergovernmental
Cooperative Endeavor Agreement, between the State of Louisiana through the Department of
Transportation and Development and the Vermilion Parish Police Jury, relative to the Road Exchange,
and Right Sizing Project, whereby a portion of State Route La 697 from its junction with State Route La
696 proceeding north and then east approximately 2. 94 miles to its intersection with state route La 343,
and local road known as Gladu Road, from its intersection with state route La 343 proceeding west
approximately 3. 52 miles to its intersection with state route La 700, in Election Districts No. 2.
Upon motion of Mr. Errol Domingues, duly seconded by Mr. Dane Hebert, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury adopted a resolution authorizing the President to execute an Intergovernmental
Cooperative Endeavor Agreement, between the State of Louisiana through the Department of
Transportation and Development and the Vermilion Parish Police Jury, relative to the Road Exchange,
and Right Sizing Project, whereby Segment 1: the portion of State Route La 685 from its northeast
intersection with local road known as Isadore Road at the City of Erath city limits proceeding southwest
then south approximately 5. 04 miles to its intersection with state route La 330, inclusive of the bridge
located approximately 0. 12 mile south west of the intersection with local road known as Isadore Road,
Segment 2: The portion of state route La 685 from its north intersection with state route La 330
proceeding south approximately 2. 00 miles to its terminus and continuation as a local road known as
Aldes Road, Segment 3: State route La 689 in its entirety from its north intersection with state route La
330 proceeding south approximately 0. 50 mile to its junction with state route La 688, Segment 4: State
Route La 688 I its entirety from its west intersection with state route La 689 proceeding east
approximately 1. 38 miles to it junction with state route La 331, inclusive of the bridge located
approximately 0. 58 miles west of the intersection with state route La 331, Segment 5: The portion of
state route La 331 from its north intersection with state route La 330 proceeding south approximately
0. 50 mile to its junction with state route La 688, in Election District No 8.
Mr. Sellers presented Final Plat approval to the Subdivision development identified as Belvedere
Subdivision, in Election District No. 3.
Upon motion by Mr. Nathan Granger, duly seconded by Mr. Ronald Darby, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury granted Final Plat approval to the Subdivision development identified as Belvedere
Subdivision, in Election District No. 3.
Mr. Sellers informed the Jury that they have been working on getting the modification for the Landfill
Permit, relative to the extension of the liner to go higher on the existing Cell and we have requested
approval for additional information on March 11, 2015.
President Ronald Menard
Mr. Kim Touchet,
Primeaux, Touchet, & Associates to
present his business to the Jury.
President Menard
Coastal Protection &
Restoration Committee
Recommendation to be presented.
Mr. Kevin Sagrera asked if there were any changes or amendments to the Coastal Protection &
Restoration Committee Recommendation to be presented.
Upon motion by Mr. Kevin Sagrera, and duly seconded by Mr. Paul Bourgeois, and unanimously
the Police
the Coastal Protection &
Restoration Committee Recommendation as
presented, and the appropriate officials were authorized to carry out the recommendations.
MARCH 11, 2015
It is recommended that the Police Jury approve payment of Invoice No. 251748E08- 1, to Coastal
Protection & Restoration Authority, in the amount of$ 1, 568, 804.00, relative to Intergovernmental
Agreement between CPRA and Vermilion Parish Freshwater Bayou Bank Stabilization.
Respectfully Submitted,
Kevin Sagrera
President Menard recognized the reports of the General Needs Committee Recommendation to be
Mr. Errol Domingues asked if there were any changes or amendments to the General Needs
Committee Recommendation to be presented.
Upon motion by Mr. Errol Domingues, and duly seconded by Mr. Paul Bourgeois, and unanimously
carried, the Police Jury approved the General Needs Committee Recommendation as presented, and the
appropriate officials were authorized to carry out the recommendations.
MARCH 11, 2015
It is recommended that the Police Jury authorize Mr. Paul Moresi, III Legal Counsel to negotiate
with the Plaintiff and her Attorney to possibly settle the matter, relative to Tammy Broussard vs
Vermilion Parish Police Jury.
2. It is recommended that the Police Jury authorize Mr. Paul Moresi, III Legal Counsel to begin
preparing a Law Suit against Mike and Christine Labit, and Crystal and Kendall Duplantis, who
are residents claiming that part of Fore Road is not a public road.
It is recommended that the Police Jury authorize Ms. Linda Duhon, Parish Administrator, to
request that the two ( 2) local Ford vendors accept the 3% mark-up on the purchase of two ( 2)
Ford F- 150, '/ 2 ton pickup trucks, and if not, to purchase through State Contract No. 409958, Line
Item No. 83 for the Parishwide Program, and Line Item No. 85 for the Mosquito Control
Jury authorize Mr. Billy Noegel, Public Works
Director/Mosquito Control Director to acquire quotes, relative to replacing the new HVAC unit at
the Area II Barn.
It is recommended that the Police Jury approve the new Unit Count of 24, 878, relative to
Progressive Waste Solutions of LA, Inc. " Contract for the Collection Transportation and Disposal
Residential/ Commercial at the Solid Waste Facility.
It is
that the Police
the two ( 2)
roads (
Aurelien Road &
Road) as part of the " 2014 Road Improvements", in Election District No 8. Cost to be paid from
Royalty Road Fund.
7. It is recommended that the Police Jury adopt an Ordinance establishing a 25 mph speed limit on
S. Irving Avenue, Kaplan, La, for its entire length, in Election District No. 10.
8. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve Judge Hulin' s request to pay the cost for April 20,
2015 a Special Criminal Fixing and an additional felony docket for the month of October 2015.
9. It is recommended that the Police Jury request Mr. Jeremiah Bolden-City Marshal 3`d Ward, to
attend the next Police Jury meeting relative to salary increase request.
10. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve payment of Invoice No. 1312015, to Morehouse
Parish Sheriff' s Office, in the amount of$73. 17, relative to the housing of inmates.
11. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve payment of invoice dated 02/ 01/ 2015 to Richland
Parish Detention Center Sheriff' s Office, in the amount of $1, 975. 59, relative to the housing of
inmates for the Month of February 2015.
It is further recommended that the Police Jury authorize Legal Counsel to send a letter with the
attached check stating that the Police Jury is not binding itself to any rate by making the payment
for the housing of Vermilion Parish inmates.
12. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve payment of an invoice dated 03/ 02/ 15 to the
Avoyelles Parish Sheriff' s Office, in the amount of$ 121. 95, relative to housing Vermilion Parish
inmates for the
month of
February 2015.
It is further recommended that the Police Jury authorize Legal Counsel to send a letter with the
attached check stating that the Police Jury is not binding itself to any rate by making the payment
for the housing of Vermilion Parish inmates.
13. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve the issuance of an alcoholic liquor permit to Ms.
Rhonda Lougon, dba Rhonda' s Club 91 LLC., located at 205 South First Street, Gueydan, La,
70542, in Election District No. 14.
14. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve the issuance of a temporary liquor permit to the
annual "
Stir the Pot" Louisiana Seafood Cook- off
Festival", to be held on April 10- 12,
2015, at Palmetto Island State Park, Abbeville, LA 70510.
15. It is recommended that the Police Jury to approve payment of Invoice No. 2101129225, to
Progressive Waste Solutions of LA, Inc., in the amount of$ 173, 166. 00 relative to the February
2015 Residential Garbage Service.
16. It is recommended that the Police Jury ratify payment to Mr. Rusty J. Primeaux, in the amount of
1, 114. 38, relative to an accident caused by a Solid Waste employee.
17. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve the Section 5311 Financial Activity Report for the
month of February 2015, as submitted by the Vermilion Council on Aging and direct the Parish
Administrator to submit the report to the Department of Transportation and Development for
reimbursement in accordance with the contract agreement.
18. It is recommended that the Police Jury to approve a 180- day extension of Building Permit No.
30325, issued to Trent Hargrave, for an extension of additional 180- days ( expiring March 26,
2015), relative to Building Permit No. 30325 located at 17719 Dalton Road, Kaplan, La 70548 in
Election District No. 13.
19. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve payment of Invoice No. 24180, to Calcasieu
Mechanical Contractors, Inc. in the amount of$ 58, 500. 00, relative to furnish and install two ( 2)
lock and bar water heaters with pumps and two ( 2 lock and bar storage tanks, for the Vermilion
Parish Law Enforcement Facility.
20. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve payment of the following Ward 8 Cemetery
charges for the period of January 2015 through March 2015, with the costs to be paid from the
Ward 8 Cemetery Fund.
Diana G. Smith - $ 750.00— Record
Cemetery Board Member Quarterly Per Diem
c) Overley Enterprises, LLC—$ 4,200.00— Maintenance of Gueydan Cemetery
d) Roy Fontenot - $ 50. 00 — Gueydan Cemetery Board Member Quarterly Per Diem
e) Hugh Zaunbrecher- $ 50. 00—
Gueydan Cemetery Board Member Quarterly Per Diem
f) Skipper Prejean—$ 720. 00— Maintenance of Broussard Cemetery
g) Overley Enterprises, LLC— $800.00— Maintenance of Shell Beach Cemetery
h) Hansford G. Hair—$ 50. 00— Gueydan Cemetery Board Member Quarterly Per Diem
b) Chad Bertrand - $ 50. 00— Gueydan
21. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve payment of the following Invoices to Sellers &
Associates, Inc., relative to professional services provided:
A) Invoice No. 17533
B) Invoice No. 17534
Vermilion Parish Detention Center
Sheriffs Task Force&
Flood Protection Mitigation Program:
Wind Retrofit Additional Services:
HMGP Administration( Thru
Dated: 02- 22- 15
Courthouse Annex
HMGP Administration Associated with
Grant Program( September 2014-
Amount: $ 1, 556. 25
February 2015)
Dated: 02- 22- 15
Amount: $662. 50
Invoice No. 17535
D) Invoice No. 17536
Restore Act
Restore Act
Coordination/ Application/ Initiation/ Training
Parish Project Prioritization-Mapping of
Parish Priority Projects
Dated: 02- 22- 15
Amount: $ 575. 00
Dated: 02- 22- 15
Cost to be
Amount: $ 1, 631. 25
from General Fund
Cost to be paid from General Fund
F) Invoice No. 17545
Invoice No. 17543
Material for Parish Road Maintenance
Engineers/ Coastal Use Permits
of No
Objection Vermilion Parish,
Contract Period: ( January 1, 2015- June 2015)
Louisiana, (January 2015- Gebruary 2015)
Specifications, Plans out Process, Bid
Dated: 02- 22- 15
Process, Bid Tabulation Results, & Awards
Amount: $ 405. 00
Dated: 02- 22- 15
Cost to be
Amount: $2, 091. 25
from General Fund
Cost to be paid from Parishwide
Invoice No. 17561
H) Invoice No. 17562
Vermilion Parish Solid Waste Plant- Sub- D
Vermilion Parish Solid Waste Plant
Non Compliance
Processing, Recording, & Monitoring
Results for Compliance
December 2014 AR/ GMR; Coordinate Reof
LPDES Discharge
Testing' Leachate Report; resolve
Sampling Issue( December 2014- February
Permit; Prepare Non- Compliance Report/ Letter
LDEQ as Needed( January 2015February 2015)
Dated: 02- 22- 15
Dated: 02- 22- 15
Cost to be paid from 94' Sales Tax
Amount: $5, 600.00
Amount: $67. 00
Cost to be paid from 94' Sales Tax
Invoice No. 17563
Vermilion Parish Solid Waste Plant
Topographic Surveys for Entire Site of
Landfill to Determine Compliance with Permit;
Investigations into Future Expansion of Facilities
to Determine Life of Subtitle D Cells and Type
III Disposal Cells; Permit Modification No. 11;
LDEQ RFI for Permit Modification# 1
Dated: 02- 22- 15
Amount: $3, 975. 25
Cost to be paid from 94' Sales Tax
22. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve payment of the attached bills that were submitted.
23. It is recommended that the Police Jury adopt a policy, relative to " Vermilion Parish Police Jury
Guidelines for use of Commercial Trash Dumpsters by Charitable, Non-Profit Organizations.
24. It is recommended that the Police Jury authorize Mr. Paul Moresi, III Legal Counsel to send Ms.
Roberta Boudreaux, VP Liaison, a copy of Invoices, relative to juvenile detention from the
Intergovernmental Agreement between the Vermilion Parish Police Jury and the City of
25. It is recommended that the Police Jury approved to establish a committee before the October 2015
Elections, to discuss a one ( 1) time rededication of$ 1. 3 million dollars from the funds generated
by the Health Unit Advalorum Tax to possibly build a new Vermilion Parish County Agent
26. It is recommended that the Police Jury approve Mr. Timothy Baudoin, Assistant Treasurer in
view of his six ( 6) month probation period ending, approve a salary adjustment in the amount of
5, 000.00 a year
Respectfully submitted
Mr. Errol Domingues
2015- 0-03
it has been brought to the Police Jury' s attention that a considerable amount
of speeding exists, which is causing very hazardous conditions on S. Irving
Avenue, in Election District No. 10.
Parish Police Jury does hereby impose a 25 mph speed limit on S. Irving
Avenue for its entire length, in Election District No. 10.
BE IT HEREBY FURTHER ORDAINED, that the appropriate speed limit
signs be installed in said area.
BE IT HEREBY FURTHER ORDAINED, that for a first offense, a
of a $
100. 00 fine and/ or a 10 day jail sentence be
imposed at the discretion of the court for the first offense.
BE IT HEREBY FURTHER ORDAINED, that for a second offense, a
maximum penalty of a $ 250.00 fine and/ or a 10 day jail sentence be
imposed at the discretion of the court.
BE IT HEREBY FURTHER ORDAINED, that for a third offense, a
of a $
500.00 fine and/or a 10 day jail sentence be
imposed at the discretion of the court.
BE IT HEREBY FURTHER ORDAINED, that the Vermilion Parish
Sheriff' s Department be and is hereby requested and/or directed to enforce
the speed limit by the use of radar and/ or regular patrolling.
President Menard considered action to amend the agenda to discuss and consider actions on any new
items presented by the Parish Administrator.
Upon motion by Mr. Kevin Sagrera, duly seconded by Mr. Ronald Darby, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury amended the agenda to discuss and consider actions on any new items presented by the
Parish Administrator.
President Ronald Menard recognized Ms. Linda Duhon, Parish Administrator to present her business
to the Jury.
Upon motion by Mr. Pervis Gaspard, duly seconded by Mr. Paul Bourgeois, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury approved entering into a Cooperative Endeavor Agreement between the Vermilion Parish
Police Jury and the Department of Transportation and Development for the donation of approximately
150 cubic yards of reclaimed asphalt pavement ( RAP) from La Hwy 91, for " State Project No
Upon motion by Mr. Cloris Boudreaux, duly seconded by Mr. Dane Hebert, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury approved payment of Invoice No. 1219919, to Thib' s Trailer Inc., in the amount of
8, 125. 00, relative to the purchase of one ( 1) 24 foot Tag-A-Long Trailer for the Public Works Barn
Parishwide. Cost to be paid from Parishwide.
Upon motion by Mr. Kevin Sagrera, duly seconded by Mr. Wayne Touchet, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury approved to close the Permit Department for the three ( 3) day scheduled Louisiana
Floodplain Manager Association' s Conference on April 8, 9, and 10th, 2015, to be held in Houma, La and
prepare a public notice in the Official Journal.
Upon motion by Mr. Paul Bourgeois, duly seconded by Mr. Pervis Gaspard, and unanimously carried,
Associates, Inc., relative to
Jury approved payment of the following Invoice, to Sellers &
the Police
professional services provided:
B) Invoice No. 17596
A) Invoice No. 17589
Parish Line
Boundary Dispute
Iberia/ Vermilion
Study: Research Old
Boundary Dispute&
Data relating to
Met with Vermilion
Iberia Representatives ( Project
Miscellaneous Engineering Services
Engineering Services Regarding Vermilion
Parish/ Lafayette Parish Boundary Dispute
Dated: March 1, 2015
Amount: $2, 404. 00
Cost to be paid from General Fund
For Further Instructions)
Dated: March 1, 2015
Amount: $700. 00
Cost to be paid from General Fund
D) Invoice No. 17600
C) Invoice No. 17597
Engineering Services
Regarding Fore
Road Right- of-Way
2014 Road Improvements
Dated: March 1, 2015
Aristide Roads
Cost to be
2 in
Election District No. 2
Basic Services During Construction
Improvements to Gazette, Aurelier, and
Dated: March 1, 2015
Amount: $ 1, 074. 50
from Sub 4
Design &
Invoice No. 17581
Amount: $20, 361. 00
Cost to be paid from Royalty Road
F) Invoice No. 17582
Vermilion Parish Solid Waste Plant
Vermilion Parish Solid Waste Plant
Annual Certification: Certified Elevation
Solid Waste Refuse Trucks&
Financial Assurances; Closure/ Post-
All Residential&
Closure Costs
December 2014- February 2015)
Disposal Contract of
Commercial Waste
Vermilion Parish&
Dated: March 1, 2015
Administration of Contract: Verify
Amount: $ 382. 50
Number of Units of Residential&
Cost to be
Commercial Users for the Annual
from 94' Sales Tax
Contract Renewal, and Development
Dated: March 1, 2015
Amount: $600. 00
Cost to be
from 94' Sales Tax
Invoice No. 17586
Vermilion Parish Public Works
Building Non-Compliance Reporting
Processing, Recording, & Monitoring
of Test Results for Compliance with
LPDES Discharge Permit; Prepare
Non-Compliance Report/Letter to LDEQ
as needed( August 2014-February 2015)
Dated: March 1, 2015
Amount: $67. 25
Cost to be paid from 76' Sales Tax
Upon motion by Mr. Leon Broussard, duly seconded by Mr. Kevin Sagrera, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury approved payment of the attached bills that were submitted.
Upon motion by Mr. Dane Hebert, duly seconded by Mr. Leon Broussard, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury approved payment of Invoice No. VP 20150305, to Rivers Security LLC, in the amount
of$ 3, 036.75, relative to Armed Security Guard Services at the Vermilion Parish Courthouse ( 02- 20- 15 to
03- 05- 15). Cost to be paid from General Fund.
Upon motion by Mr. Mark Poche, duly seconded by Mr. Wayne Touchet, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury to approve a 180- day extension of Building Permit No. 29707, issued to Mr. Hershel
Budd, for an extension of additional 180- days ( expiring September 16, 2015), relative to Building Permit
No. 29707, located at 4606 Renie Drive, Erath, La 70533 in Election District No. 6.
Ms. Linda Duhon, Parish Administrator announced that Month of March has five ( 5) weeks, and the
next Committee meeting is scheduled for April 1, 2015.
President Menard recognized Mr. Paul Moresi, III, Legal Counsel, to present his business to the
Police Jury at this time.
Mr. Paul Moresi, III, Legal Counsel, requested to go into an Executive Session to discuss Tammy
Broussard vs Vermilion Parish Police Jury.
Upon motion by Mr. Errol Domingues, duly seconded by Mr. Kevin Sagrera, and unanimously
carried, the Police Jury amended the agenda to discuss Tammy Broussard vs Vermilion Parish Police
President Menard stated that at this time they will go into Executive Session to discuss Tammy
Broussard vs Vermilion Parish Police Jury.
Upon motion by Mr. Errol Domingues, duly seconded by Mr. Kevin Sagrera, and unanimously
carried, the Police Jury went into executive session at 6: 04 p.m., to discuss Tammy Broussard vs
Vermilion Parish Police Jury.
Upon motion by Mr. Ronald Darby, duly seconded by Mr. Kevin Sagrera, and unanimously carried,
the Police Jury returned to regular session at 6: 12 p.m.
Mr. Paul Moresi, III Legal Counsel informed the Police Jury that they held the Mediation Session,
relative to Tammy Broussard vs Vermilion Parish Police Jury, and I have some recommendations for the
Jury' s
Mr. Paul Moresi, III Legal Counsel stated that the first ( 1St) recommendation is that in return for
dismissal of all property damage claims, that the Vermilion Parish Police Jury pay the sum of$ 3, 040.09,
to State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company.
Mr. Paul Moresi, III Legal Counsel further
that the
second ( 2')
option is the payment of 2/ 3 of
the Mediation to the Law Office of E. Gregory Voorhies, with the Vermilion Parish Police Jury' s share
being in the amount of$ 1, 413. 33
Mr. Paul Moresi, III Legal Counsel further stated that the plaintiff Tammy Broussard has agreed,
although it will be the plaintiff, her Attorney E. Gregory Voorhies, and the Bankruptcy Trustee, all will
have to agree which is subject to approval of the Bankruptcy Trustee, and the Department of Labor, in the
amount of$ 50, 000.00, which is in full and final settlement of all claims, and they have also requested
that the Vermilion Parish Police Jury pay the Court Cost.
Mr. Paul Moresi, III Legal Counsel stated for the record that the accident occurred in April, 2005.
Upon motion by Mr. Wayne Touchet, duly seconded by Mr. Pervis Gaspard, with Mr. Errol
Domingues, and Mr. Paul Bourgeois abstaining, the Vermilion Police Jury approved to pay State Farm
Mutual Automobile Insurance Company, $ 3, 040. 09, and 2/ 3 of the Mediation cost to the Law Office of
E. Gregory Voorhies, $ 1, 413. 33, and the plaintiff Tammy Broussard' s Attorney E. Gregory Voorhies,
and the Bankruptcy Trustee, all will have to agree which is subject to approval of the Bankruptcy
Trustee, and the Department of Labor, in the amount of$ 50,000. 00, which is in full and final settlement
of all claims, and to approve to pay the Court Cost.
Mr. Paul Moresi, III Legal Counsel stated that after the Jury' s discussion last week relative to road
damage in Election District No. 8, that he pulled a couple of cases because he was curious himself, but if
the Jury would decide whether the road is in one ( 1) area, or in the whole within the whole Parish, the
police Jury would have the legal right to establish load limits assuming the Police Jury would follow the
right procedures.
Upon motion by Mr. Leon Broussard, duly seconded by Mr. Paul Bourgeois, and unanimously
carried, there being no further business to be presented, the meeting was duly adjourned.
Parish Administrator