LZ/M. - Seneca College
LZ/M. - Seneca College
IA'.IUIT'ffi TO RECONDS IAII.AGEEIIT SERWE COTTEGE SIREEI IOROIIIO Pq"EE sERI'ICES - RsY.201e0n0t I0R0rr0,0rTARm xsan 'O POI.EE REFEREIICE CHECI( To ic wod only lo DOIIfiIInTGNIHISAREA rrlt t &. Agem, b dalamlno PROGRAU "COTISB{T TO DISGI.oSURE OF PERSIAT IXFORTAIPilfr &s ruhbllty ol rucced4 cr{lbbe hr en$oynmt mrbr dmcr dstb. 0mluding Apncy bad (AREA COoElTErfPlroNE f (RES.) POSTALC@E OTY REASOI{ TOR REOUEST: EMPI,OYMENT E voIJJNTEERE OTHBRTLEASE SPEctE':nW. YEARSATTHIS €TF ST,,Jo,,,/ t 2/n,no u Cofiarrffiflro fqffiFo&!Srrubr rll&rfufrrdtLttrrlctTpforofibPoloeSd!,hobdebarIc ix*dehfumtonm aporodscott6cl0t$oSofllcs, f any, undsr $€ffeddl,ost,&t TtShtumatonbu-dhghldDytr8S€fliciarpdtotaGhffiMlmhstll!Aoirrcyrqu€lmneG&nnEdBdiDmmhdtldudcetffisthatlho htrnffii, f aralabb, b rqrUed b, tte $encil h ll b corrpbb b oalri0m d 0E $rEElI, d an 4plwrt nautua, tr ft5rhg seet nust be cupbed by a penm adrori|atheASarqbh&brts$orlhsAgeryrcqrheahfurmfmonlladdfla&ldapp*en*os, l, IJ\r:tsr,'\ J t-r'sl^p,- {pdntA0erEilfltbctnarn).CERIIFYTHAT ufft ilany, >eha, I C'Y gCE, >r'r,)e('(: (l1,r€"/a.{ {Agenqnme}: / {&hes€nb6bhclrd!htumrdonlqrte.TDIclnftcflffiflrtt Ss$ccmdcr$r&frrrlcrnn i(,Eu1,,htnntsrcecrrr*BdlprorddedblE ocrfll hdlhedr*suudhfrnmiar bequtdDy6oAgeiEyiccrulo lbGhlod ba0ouftocopfinalorrrdtrnhornqr*amntsdbG$rirdhrfioAgar LZ/M.| h ffi h6 ulablil tu tha poeEon. Ttr€ Atsrc, h.s qEncd lts applcJrl how lbo rreomMfa ot Oa posliloo tdrb b dt tlqtrct tr l/rtd tler0t eilEarfs ,deplBhsrElon hturEton. ad hasqbnhd OR tr a couillond ffibrnc b pGihn hrp+plcmt doorxOTrudntlattrs.rrlcehdldrlnfumrffon,frryhr*U.,$ouf0[rpD!c!nf3collhdldtr{t Sorhmds&eltllatllrrltttcfhtpnftctedect resdb b bc gu,ldd, hhe ODlcant Fb r*ture drdr on rrn W ssltdtlp fn Ogoprhb rbb batl6 b0&, Intoml fld bcal b rt*h h6 Seilie h6 rwabd FlNnrI h tp Pob RtmcB Cltel PrcgIUTr, I udsrbd tld lahmallon Sout an appetrmlon undr tu &drl t&rfi Isl fl !0 tthdo:ct ln my nlrrrce chd ll nqudd by ec f$ocy dor& I abo udadad Eat in dmon b lntoioadon on any nrwiqr m cltargc. l|nl ao ongohg or tnn h ffir.m rdl b! dhda.d [r m, rfi.stcc dt$t IItc Agrloy ttt upltrd b nc tc oooridiour .grhnt rrq Mon rcpomlDtrrl ol llr porbn I rn udhg ltd luu$sy n&h b tr rry.d hr k hr lltt[t /tcf lmcltmbn hftm:&a. ifttg lnhrmlm m fie Pohe REhIEra I lnlsry rs$rest ho ffi. dld Tomb Potca Ssfi{cs b ur&talo e a uurury of my hhrrE[m b pov5o me ufi IuMecbnd nu}bolmy onf $ to me dtheonutaddr€ls $d lFoyihe'E h lt& I abo EorEsntb a qF bdrE ary oI [n sanl dbmo ftat aro h t\a artrrEtsd crffiid lecodb lttiryalq,sHn rphbtrsl by 8E RCIIP b find out il h8re bsr com,ired oland befi gmhd a Padon Ebd h 0p BclErlqh b t}c Oirhd Rpc0r6 Act ll I an sspccfid d beh 0n moo namod h [re cthf,nd ]€collb tr orol Sp qual ofraceo hbdhUroldlo&rhbh€Cr,Ithdtud$edhEspldoruil0rraF((hnBgranbrtorbsrlql, lrlbr$es0dbproU0emeetp*fbconfimhdEcordandfistreodnuy bs pru,trcd by [r comntsshrcrolt6 RCI,F b tlo soEbgEnBd dcamda, rilr my lrn dbcba aI qpartollte hbrlmh0 oontsIsl h thd rmd btE TomhP& aJoqo Pelsdtalhhrmatonontbbm bcolscbdarddbcbsadtrlmrailt$efo&aSattsas.{ct 1IrftmBtdFmfrnof Pl&lrra&tafrffdfrotPttrr,yldirtBCdnhd 86c0,6 Id and wl ba trsd b dhdoc peoutd intumntln mly b fic ap@ upofl rEcsbt of fiE ap$catfs uilat usent Oueslono $onld b6 drchd b: P& RefttoncE Chsd( Hograrrno,(416)&8-7991. Adduongllnbmatarbaboar&t&cnheSenfrSsUobdbdnr.U!0hDoltsooca tquiry. Pos$ue Uentfcatm can only be mffinnd hmogh subo$shn of tl8erprhh PI.EASE HAIID PH}rI YOT'R COUPLEIE ilAXE AIID trAITJTIG AIIORESS il I}IE BOX BEtdI Thbhfrsmllonrryormarnotperhinhtlo$qedoft$ IPilOTMIIENfiBAREA R.v.AHZ05.0i lnstructions for Police Reference Check Program: This Police Reference Check is for students that live in Tgronto only. lf vou,live outside the Toronto arga. vou will be required to set a Police Check from the Police in vour Region. 1. Complete the top portion of the form with your personal information. 2. Complete "Signature of Applicant" and "Date" 3. Complete the BOX at the bottom of the page with your name and the address you want the report sent back to you. 4. Attach a CERTIFIED Cheque or Money order for $15.00, payable to the Toronto Police Services 5. Keep a copy of the certified cheque or money order for your proof of payment 6, MAILTO: Toronto Police Services 40 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2J3 DO NOT BRING YOUR FORM TO THE POLICE STATION to be on paper that is STzX 14. DO NOT SHRINK TO LETTER SIZE PAPER will be returned to you, lf this information is not completed properly, your request will be This form is REQUIRED Any other size returned, delaying receipt of your Police Reference Check.