Aplikasi Pencari Lirik Lagu pada Audio Player Berbasis Mobile


Aplikasi Pencari Lirik Lagu pada Audio Player Berbasis Mobile
Aplikasi Pencari Lirik Lagu pada Audio Player
Berbasis Mobile Platform Android
Artikel Ilmiah
Peneliti :
Eric Megah Perdana 672008310
Michael Bezaleel, S.Kom., M.Cs.
Ramos Somya, S. Kom., M.Cs.
Program Studi Teknik Informatika
Fakultas Teknologi Informasi
Universitas Kristen SatyaWacana
September 2012
Audio player is defined as a media player which functions to play digital audio,
for example audio files. The audio format that is often used is MP3. However,
some of an audio player can only be used to play songs. It does not have a feature
to display the song lyric. This makes the user having difficulties to get the song
lyric while playing the song. According to the problem, it is made an application
of song lyrics searcher on audio player based on Android mobile platform. This
research is using prototype method to develop the application. By this
application, the users can get the song lyrics while playing a song, like karaoke.
Keywords: audio player, song lyric, Android.