

A S k y N e t G l o b a lC o m p a ny
Home Automation
Introduction ........................................................................................ 3
Schematic Summary ......................................................................... 4
Using W Home Pro.............................................................................. 6
Operation ............................................................................................ 8
Receivers .......................................................................................... 11
Interfaces.......................................................................................... 15
Transmitters ..................................................................................... 17
RF Remote Control Devices ............................................................. 20
Repeaters, Filters and Phase Couplers........................................... 21
Accessories ...................................................................................... 23
Practical Examples .......................................................................... 24
Ordering information ....................................................................... 26
W Home Automation introduces W Home Pro, a system that makes wireless home automation available to
everybody. W Home Pro uses both X-10 and A-10 components, which are simple to install in both new and existing
homes and offices. W Home Pro is an alternative to expensive Bus automation systems and thanks to its unique
concept, can be offered as a solution that can satisfy individual consumer requirements at a very attractive price.
How is that possible? W Home Pro products are installed on the existing mains electrical wiring network (240V
a.c.), and the control signals between the W Home Pro Transmitters and Receivers are sent over the same mains
wiring. Therefore in existing homes and offices, demolition and cable chasing work is not necessary and installation
and material costs are greatly reduced. W Home Pro products can be used in conjunction with everyday light and
power switches (including manufacturer’s ‘designer’ models) and thus specialised automation wall switches are not
required, another cost saving.
How does it work?
As mentioned, the W Home Pro series is made up of a mixture of X-10 and A-10 components. X-10 is the name
of the automation protocol in which control signals are sent over the mains 240V electrical power network. A-10
is simply a more advanced version of X-10, which has greater signal strength, higher noise immunity and better
reception. Most A-10 Receivers also support status request and thus are defined as “2-way”. When we talk about
the control signals we will just use the term “X-10 signal” for clarity (even though the signal may be the stronger A-10
W Home Pro makes home automation available to everybody.
By fitting X-10/A-10 Transmitters and Receivers behind switches, behind power points, or within other positions
throughout the installation depending on your needs, X-10 signals are sent over the existing mains wiring network in
the home or building. Because of this, the system is simple to retrofit (not CAT5e cable to be run!), and completely
modular - the W Home Pro system can easily be extended or modified.
X-10/A-10 Receivers are given a unique code during installation. This code is composed of a “house-code” and a
“unit code”. The house code is a letter between A and P, the unit code is a number between 1 and 16. Therefore
there are 256 possible X-10 addresses, more than enough for most installations. A few examples of X-10/A-10
addresses are A1, B6, E14 and P16. However, once the system is installed, the user doesn’t need to remember the
codes, they are simply used within the set-up of the system.
Advantages of W Home Pro
Suitable for both new and existing homes and businesses
No cable chasing and demolition work required
Easy to install
Most products can be installed out of sight
Control options include wall switches (including 3rd party ones), remote control, via PC, Leopard wall mounted
touch-screen, other interfaces or even fully automated if you choose
Is used as a lighting control system that also incorporates appliance control, A/V, irrigation, security, HVAC and
The W Home Universal touch screen remote control device can also control A/V devices, such as your DVD
player and plasma television
Can be operated via PC using the Active Home software
Simple expansion: start with a single sub $200 solution and expand to a full W Home automation system
over time
Schematic Summary
Complete Modular Concept
W Home Pro is both a flexible and highly modular wireless
home automation system. Therefore, with W Home it’s
possible to offer solutions that are tailored to exactly meet
the personal requirements of the client.
The following diagram shows the X-10 and A-10 products
that make up the W Home Pro series, providing a simple
reference to how they interface within the system. A more
concise description of each component is provided in the
product descriptions later in this catalogue.
Switch Receiver (micro module)
Dimmer Receiver (micro module)
DIN dimmer Receiver
DIN switch Receiver
Universal module Receiver
30A Relay Receiver
4 x Relay Receiver
Motor Control Receiver
Sprinkler Control Receiver
Touch Screen Programmable Interface
Computer Interface (Programmable)
RF Transceiver Module
RF Transceiver Module (all house code)
2-Way X-10 Interface
4-Address Transmitter (micro module)
2-Address Transmitter (micro module)
Motion Sensor interface Transmitter
8-Button Transmitter (wall switch)
2-Button Transmitter (wall switch)
Bedroom Timer Transmitter
“Smart” Module Transmitter
Schematic Summary
RF Remote Controls
Universal 8-in-1 Touch Screen Remote
Pocket RF Remote
Repeaters, Filters and Phase Couplers
X-10 Signal Repeater
3-Phase Coupler/Signal Repeater
3-Phase Coupler & Mains Filter Box
DIN Low-pass filter
Band-pass filter
X-10/A-10 Signal Test Transmitter
X-10/A-10 Signal Test Receiver
Using W Home Pro
Using W Home Pro
What can you actually do with the W Home Pro system? This simple question has many answers due to the flexible nature
of the W Home Pro system. There are thousands of individual applications that may be solved using X-10 and A-10
products, but we’ll try to give you the information you need to recognise these applications below.
With the X-10 Computer Interface (incorporating Active Home software) for instance, you can control the automation
Receivers by defining conditions and associating actions. For example, if it is later than 10pm (condition A) and the light
in the hall is turned off (condition B), then the light on the front veranda will automatically go on (action A) and the lights in
the living room will be turned off (action B). This is an example of a simple ‘going to bed’ scenario, similar scenario’s can be
programmed for ‘waking up’, ‘leaving home’ or ‘vacation mode’, all including different conditions and actions.
Using X-10 and A-10 wireless automation products, the W Home Pro system has more to offer than comfort alone. W Home
Pro can also help to create a enhance safety and security, and in addition, can provide extra independence for the elderly
or disabled. In this section, a few of W Home Pro’s unlimited possibilities are explored.
What can be operated by my W Home Pro Transmitters?
Individual lights or lighting groups installed with X-10/A-10 Receiver can be switched or dimmed by any W Home Pro
Transmitter or Interface
With the CM12 Computer Interface, automated lighting points and electrical appliances can be operated direct from
a PC
Individual lighting points, electrical appliances or complete scenarios can be controlled via any touch tone telephone,
including from your mobile
TV, Audio and Video devices (such as your DVD player) can be operated using the URTCH35 touch screen remote
control or Leopard wall mounted touch-screen
What automatic switching operations are possible using W Home Pro?
Each light/appliance with an X-10/A-10 Receiver connected can be independently switched on or off at a pre-selected
time, date, or upon other specific conditions
Lights and appliances can be set to automatically switch on, off or dim at dawn or dusk (or at defined offset times,
e.g. dawn+20min)
W Home Pro can be your irrigation controller, watering your garden according to a programmed routine. But it’s also
smart - the system can be set to skip a watering event if there has already been adequate rainfall
Scenarios/scenes: what are these exactly?
With the W Home Pro programmable interface the residents themselves can pre-select individual switching, dimming and/
or combinations of these two. These are called scenarios. A few examples are given below:
By one touch of a switch on an X-10/A-10 Transmitter, a relaxed atmosphere can be created where the required lighting
effects are set immediately
When leaving home, the “away from home” scenario is triggered from any Transmitter, where various lights and/or
other equipment are shut down. Furthermore, certain lights can be programmed to randomly activate, to create the
impression that the home or business is occupied
By one touch of a Transmitter, a “bed time” scenario is triggered, and the downstairs lighting is switched off, the
stairwell and upstairs hallway lighting is turned on to 40% to enable a pathway to the bedroom before turning off 10
minutes later
A “holiday” scene can be programmed, whereby the normal living circumstances can be simulated and select lights
and other electrical appliances (such as a radio) can be automatically switched on and off at varying times during the
day and night
A shut down scenario can automatic switch off appliances when leaving the home (e.g. forcing the power to the electric
oven off and turning the front veranda lights off after 10 minutes)
W Home Pro can be applied in professional health care projects in combination with products that have specifically been
developed for these applications. In this way, the elderly or disabled people are given the opportunity to stay independent
longer. Various examples include:
The way to the bathroom is automatically lit up when a person gets out of bed at night and automatically switched off
after they go back to bed.
In combination with a community warning system:
Can act as a welfare detector (or activity detector), for instance when no activities in the home have been signalled
in the control room for four hours. The responsible people can then take action
In an emergency, by simply touching a warning device for instance hung around the neck, a communication line
connected to the control room can be activated. The control room can then automatically unlock the front door of the
person concerned to enable supervisor access
What can W Home Pro offer in the area of protection?
With W Home Pro it is possible to create a lived-in look, even when nobody is at home during short or longer periods of
time. This is accomplished by switching on and off, or dimming lighting and other appliances in accordance with preselected scenes. A random switching sequence provides a higher level of security than a fixed sequence.
W Home Pro can also be interfaced to an alarm system, a few benefits including:
When the alarm system is armed, the home’s lights switch on and off at certain intervals to create a lived-in look
In the case of an emergency, all the downstairs lights can be switched on from one switch in the bedroom, via the
triggering of a “panic” scene
When an outdoor movement is detected, the outdoor lighting is turned on and the downstairs lighting may be
configured to activate 20 seconds later
When an alarm condition occurs, the interior and exterior lighting may be configured to flash, in combination with the
audible warning of the alarm system
Using W Home Pro
Can W Home Pro be used for health care applications?
What other special characteristics does W Home Pro possess?
Thanks to the unique operation of W Home Pro’s X-10 and A-10 products, various applications are possible, a few of which
are mentioned below
Lighting located throughout the home or office can be switched on or off by the existing switches, regardless of which
circuit or phase they are connected
Software associated functions and scenario’s can be allocated to X-10/A-10 enabled switches in the home and be
altered. For instance, a switch in a bedroom can be adapted such that it can also operate outdoor lighting without
requiring extra wiring
You can start with just one room automated in the home and then easily extend the system down the track to suit extra
Power points can be temporarily isolated, for instance in the children’s bedroom or to the hot water service during
A switch can be provided with extra ‘time dependent’ functions. For example, when the lounge room light switch is
pressed after 10pm, all the other lights in the room are automatically switched off and at the same time the lights in
the hallway are switched on. When the same switch is pressed at another time, a different scenario may be triggered,
including dimming the lights and automatically starting the ‘play DVD’ scenario
By connecting a Receiver to power points and setting time dependent facilities, the washing machine, dryer or
dishwasher can be switched on such that, they operate during low tariff hours or are isolated when on vacation
The X-10 and A-10 products that make up the W Home
Pro system are very easy to install. Because it uses
the existing 240V mains wiring throughout the home,
specialised network cabling and other associated
costs are not required. To give an insight into how the
system works. A step-by-step explanation of W Home
Pro is given below.
The W Home Pro basics
All the components of the W Home Pro System can be split
up into certain categories: Transmitters, Receivers and
Interfaces. Transmitters send X-10 signals on the mains
power network, Receivers receive these signals and act on
the commands by switching or dimming the attached load.
Interfaces are generally both Transmitters and Receivers,
such as the CM12 Computer Interface or Leopard touch
screen. The Interfaces can receive commands from the
Transmitters, act on this signal (e.g. the signal was a
trigger for a macro stored in the Interface), and then send
out the necessary X-10 signals to fulfil the scenario.
Invisible installation
Often it is desired to install the W Home Pro automation
modules out of sight. Although there are quick and easy
plug-in modules, which remain visible, most of the
W Home Pro products are installed by an electrician
behind switches, power points, in electrical cabinets or in
the ceiling space.
The most popular components of the W Home Pro series
are the new micro modules. Including the DAIX dimmer
and the SAIX switch, these compact design A-10 modules
measure only 45x45x16mm) and can be mounted outof-sight behind power points and switches. The micro
modules connect to a momentary or continuous switch,
easily turning an existing light switch into one that is
W Home Pro enabled. When installed, the micro module
Receiver (and for that matter, other receivers) handle the
load switching and dimming, whilst the existing wall switch
becomes simply a manual control input for the micro
Switching technique (SAIX)
The hybrid switching technology incorporated within the
SAIX micro module Receiver makes it possible for it to
switch a load up to 10A, regardless of whether the load
is resistive1, inductive2, or capacitive3. The switching in
the SAIX Receiver is performed with both a mechanical
relay and a semiconductor component, whereby the risk
of “welding” of the relay contacts closed is a thing of the
past. Furthermore, this design makes it possible to keep
the housing very compact.
Micro Module Transmitters (micro module)
Commands are sent over the whole electrical
wiring network
In order to transmit the commands throughout the home or
building, the X-10 signal is sent on the mains 240V wiring.
When a W Home Pro X-10 signal command is sent, this
command is received by the whole mains network, even if
a module is located on another circuit. The signal will not
normally travel across a different phase unless a phase
coupler is installed, see the CR244 3-phase coupler/
The micro module Transmitters (e.g. DIX1, DIX2) are
mounted behind a wall switch, turning that wall switch into
an X-10 signal transmitter. As they are a transmitter, these
modules do not switch a load so they are perfect to enable
the wall switch to trigger scenarios or to control Receivers
located in remote areas of the home. The micro module
transmitters “translate” an action - e.g. pressing the
momentary or continuous switch, into an X-10 signal that is
then distributed to the W Home Pro Receivers or Interfaces
via the mains power network. Only the specific Receiver
with the correct address reacts to the command. In this
way, it is possible with one button press to select a simple
on/off function or to activate an advanced scenario.
Remote control
As all W Home Pro X-10 and A-10 Receivers are provided
with an address during installation (A1, C12, etc.), meaning
that only the desired Receiver will carry out the particular
command. The X-10 signal is actually a binary signal,
therefore there is no chance that a Receiver will respond
erroneously due to any power line interference.
To operate W Home Pro by remote control, any of the
W Home Pro remote control devices may be used. Control is
achieved from any position in the home due to the fact that
W Home Pro remotes operate using RF (radio frequency)
signals, which travel through walls and ceilings. Obviously, a
remote control is not connected to the mains power network
(which is where the X-10 signals are sent) so an RF Interface
module (TM13 or V572AE) is required, placed in a central
position in the home. Individual lamps, appliances and
scenes can be activated using the remote control device.
e.g. Light bulb or strip heater. 2 e.g. Motors and halogen lighting using conventional transformers.
Energy-saving light bulbs and fluorescent lamps.
In addition to controlling your lighting and devices, the
W Home Pro URTCH35 touch-screen remote can also
operate most types of audio/video devices, such as
your DVD player or plasma television. The URTCH35 is
programmed so that it can be used for almost all IR based
A/V devices and brands, after the associated make and
type code has been programmed. Also, the Leopard wall
mounted touch screen can store IR commands, enabling
the extra feature of controlling A/V equipment within
programmed scenes. Using the Leopard touch screen in
this way, a coming home scenario (which is activated by a
micro module Transmitter at the front door) can turn on the
lighting to your requirements, disarm the alarm panel, AND
send the necessary IR commands to start your CD player
– creating a welcoming ambience to your home.
Pro enabled wall switches, devices can be automatically
switched at various times. Almost all switching operations
can be “translated” into conditions and actions, and can
then be easily programmed in the Computer Interface in
conjunction with the Active Home software, by the installer
or the user.
Computer Interface without computer?
It may sound contradictory, but the W Home Pro Computer
Interface can work within the W Home Pro installation
without being connected to the PC. A computer connected
is needed for programming the individual scenarios and
activating the system from the PC. However, after the
scenarios and other settings have been stored in the
memory of the Computer Interface, the computer can be
disconnected from the Interface.
Operation of consumer appliances
The Computer Interface will still need to be installed in a
power point, due to the fact that the commands are sent
and received via the mains electrical wiring network. Whilst
the Computer Interface doesn’t rely on a PC to operate,
doing so enables the user to monitor the system in ‘realtime’, including the current status of the W Home Pro
W Home Pro system without a Programmable Interface
Programmable Interfaces
There are several Programmable Interfaces within the
W Home Pro range. A Programmable Interface is required
to enable the use of macros and scene’s within the home
or business. These Interfaces are the Leopard touch
screen panel, the Ocelot controller and the Computer
The Leopard touch screen panel mounts on a wall and it
can send and receive X-10 signals, send and respond to
IR commands as well as interface with many other devices.
The Leopard touch screen features a blue and white
display, and considering its advanced features and the
fact that it can be used as the brains behind a complete
W Home Pro installation, it’s one of the most cost effective
home automation controllers on the market. Combined with
Receiver’s installed hidden from view, the Leopard is the
visible element to the installation, adding both a stylish and
functional feature to your home.
The Ocelot controller is similar in features to the Leopard
touch screen, except that it is not a touch-screen. It is
designed to store the home’s programming and to facilitate
macros and scenario’s, but is installed hidden from view.
The Computer Interface has to be connected to a power
point in the home, and is then connected to the COM or
USB port of a PC. The geographic clock in the computer
module makes it possible to carry out operations at
dusk or dawn. By storing macros and scenarios, the
computer module ensures that lighting and devices can
be switched or dimmed in a flexible manner. With W Home
The Programmable Interfaces (Leopard, Ocelot &
Computer Interface) offer additional possibilities for a
W Home Pro installation, but they are not an essential
component. When the user is only interested in controlling
the W Home Pro system using remote control, movement
detectors or via 3rd party interfaces (connected to the
SM10 for example), then a Programmable Interface is not
Manual switching
With most W Home Pro X-10 and A-10 Receivers, it
remains possible to still operate the lighting and electrical
appliances manually. Scenarios and automatic switching
can be overridden at all times by means of the wall
switches. In this way, residents always remain in control of
their W Home Pro system.
Coupling with 3rd party devices
X-10 and A-10 is an open system. Any external outputs of
electrical appliances can be connected to certain W Home
Pro Transmitters. This makes it possible for certain devices
to send X-10 signals, for example an existing alarm system
that activates the lighting when an emergency situation
occurs, or a garage door opener which automatically
triggers the ‘coming home’ scenario when the garage door
opens in the evening.
Suppression filters
To prevent the X-10 signals that are transmitted via the
electrical wiring network from leaving the building, and
possible signals from outside from entering it, X-10/A-10
filters can be fitted. The suppression filter is installed in the
switch board. See FD10.
As the X-10 signals are sent on the 240V mains network,
the range of the signal can sometimes affected by ‘noisy’
devices that put interference onto the power lines. These
‘noisy’ devices can be filtered out using the AF310 noise
filter. Should the range of the X-10 transmission need to
be increased, a component of the W home Pro series is
the SVX10 signal repeater, which when connected to the
electrical wiring will amplify the signal and thus increase
the range.
During what stage of the construction should W Home
Pro be installed?
The W Home Pro X-10 and A-10 modules can be installed
into new and existing homes. Therefore, they can still be
easily installed after the home has been built and is being
lived in. However, the micro modules require a mains
neutral wire, therefore installation is simpler when neutral
wires are run down to the switch locations – which is
common practice anyway.
The X-10/A-10 system is easy to configure and add
to - therefore after the residents have had time to
experiment with their new automation system, tweaking
the programming and adding extra functionality with new
modules is simple.
Installation by a skilled electrical contractor
W Home Pro is an advanced home automation system that
should be installed by a specialist in this field, one who
can iron out any programming problems and other issues
(from ‘noisy’ devices for example). For this purpose,
W Home Pro organises special training courses for
Electrical Contractors and System Integrators.
Installation tools
To be able to install W Home Pro’s X-10 and A-10
components quickly and professionally, it is recommended
that use is also made of the A-10 programming unit
(AT004). This unit can send and receive X-10 signals and
show them in the display. The AT004 also offers the ability
to easily configure some of the more advanced features
contained within the A-10 modules. Additionally, the
strength of the X-10 signal received and any interference
noise levels are measured. In this way, it is possible to test
the electrical wiring network before the system is installed
and to remove any interference by means of a suitable
filter. The X-10/A-10 modules fitted can also be tested
immediately, and therefore the complete system can be
commissioned before the home is handed over to the user.
As the AT004 provides a read-out of the X-10 signal
levels received (amongst other things), for testing range
and any interference levels, it is easier to use when there
are continuous X-10 signals present. For this purpose,
the AT004 can be used in conjunction with an AT001
X-10 signal transmitter, which will transmit X-10 signals
Programming of W Home Pro Receiver modules
Each module is provided with an X-10/A-10 address. In
the micro modules and other A-10 Receivers, the address
is set by putting the module into ‘setup mode’ and by
transmitting commands on the address you wish the
module to respond to. These commands can be sent by
means of any X-10/A-10 Transmitter (basic method), or by
using the A-10 AT004 programming unit (advanced). Most
other X-10 Receiver modules have code wheels, one wheel
for setting the house code (A-P) and another for setting the
unit code (1-16). Once the modules have been provided
with an address, this will not be lost even if a black out
occurs. Consequently, the modules can be provided with
an address in the workshop (saving time on site).
Descriptions of the products mostly applied are given below. For a complete summary refer to pages 27 and 28.
For control of lights and appliances using the W Home Pro X-10/A-10 automation system, each point you would like
automated requires a Receiver. Receivers are provided with an X-10 address during installation, providing the ability to
control each one independently. Depending on the application, there are Receivers suitable for mounting behind wall
switches, behind power points, on DIN rails or in junction boxes.
SAIX Switch Receiver
(micro module)
Product description
The SAIX is both an A-10 Receiver relay switch
and a signal Transmitter, which can be mounted
behind light switches (momentary or continuous),
or fitted behind power points. By fitting a SAIX
module behind a switch, lights and devices can
then be operated via W Home Pro Transmitters and
240V, 10A, suitable for resistive, inductive and
capacitive loads
Can control up to 2 consecutive addresses
Can be included in group commands
Automatic status response is possible
The status is retained after a blackout
(if required)
DAIX10 Dimmer Receiver
The wires of the SAIX module are connected to
either a continuous or momentary switch, making it
possible to operate the load both via the automation
system and manually. The SAIX as a Receiver has
one relay, thus provides the ability to control
one load. However, two switches can be wired
into the SAIX, therefore as a Transmitter the
first switch will transmit an X-10 signal as well
as control the built in relay. When the second
switch is operated, the SAIX will send out an X10 signal which can be used to control another
Receiver module elsewhere in the installation,
or for triggering a scenario (in conjunction with
a suitable Programmable Interface). The SAIX
can also be controlled by W Home Pro X-10 signals
originating from other X-10/A-10 Transmitters,
Interfaces and remote controls.
Installation advice
Active and neutral are required to be connected to
the SAIX
Memory feature allows DAIX10 to switch on to
the last dim level used
Can be set to absolutely lowest dim position
Product description
Status can be retained after a black out
The DAIX10 module is both a dimmable Receiver
and A-10 Transmitter. The DAIX10 can be mounted
behind momentary action light switches, making it
possible to switch and dim the lights via both the
automation system and with the manual control
switches. The momentary switch makes it possible
to control dimming from the switch. Normal wall
switches are easily converted to momentary
switches by simply replacing the actual switch
Soft start and dim provides a relaxed ambience
(micro module)
Suitable for 240V conventional and halogen
lighting, as well as low-voltage lighting using
dimmable coil wound or electronic transformers
(leading or trailing edge)
Responds to ‘ALL LIGHTS ON’ and ‘ALL UNITS
OFF’ commands
Product descriptions
The wires of the DAIX10 module are
wired to momentary action switches. The
DAIX10 can be operated locally (hold
down momentary switch for dimming), and
can also be controlled via X-10 signals
commands originating from other W Home
Pro Transmitters, Interfaces or remote control
devices. Just as with SAIX, manual control
from multiple switches is possible by connecting
extra momentary switches in parallel.
Installation advice
Active and neutral are required to be connected to
the DAIX10.
LD11 DIN Dimmer Receiver
Product description
The LD11 is a DIN rail mounted modular dimming
Receiver that can be mounted in the switch
board or within a suitable enclosure. All lighting
connected to the LD11 can be switched and
dimmed by the W Home Pro Transmitters and
Interfaces, as well as by a local momentary switch
connected to the module.
DIN dimmer
Switches and dims lighting from 60 to 700W
Suitable for 240V conventional and halogen
lighting, as well as low-voltage lighting using
dimmable coil wound or electronic transformers
(leading or trailing edge)
OFF’ commands
AD10 DIN Switch Receiver
Product description
The AD10 is a DIN rail mounted modular switch
Receiver that can be mounted in the switch
board or within a suitable enclosure. All devices
connected to the AD10 can be switched by the
W Home Pro Transmitters and Interfaces, as well
as by a local momentary or continuous switch
connected to the module.
Controls up to 10A resistive loads, 3A motors
and 2000W lamps
Suitable for most lights and appliances,
including strip heaters, exhaust fans and more
UM7206 Universal Module Receiver
Product description
The UM7206 is a universal Receiver module that
has a volt free relay controlled when X-10 signals
are received. The UM7206 Receiver is suitable for
interfacing the W Home Pro system to a wide range
of devices, including garage door openers, security
systems, sprinkler solenoids and thermostats. The
UM7206 also has an optional buzzer, which will
sound when an X-10 ‘on’ signal is received.
Can be controlled manually by means of one
or more momentary light switches, which are
wired into the module
Memory feature allows DAIX10 to switch on to
the last dim level used
Soft start and dim provides a relaxed
The LD11 can be dimmed or switched by
means of X-10 signals originating from
W Home Pro X-10/A-10 Transmitters,
Interfaces or remote control devices.
Installation advice
The unit is mounted on a DIN rail or within a
suitable enclosure.
Can be controlled manually by means of one
or more standard or momentary light switches,
which are wired to the module
OFF’ commands
The AD10 can be switched by means of X-10
signals originating from W Home Pro X-10/A10 Transmitters, Interfaces or remote control
Installation advice
The unit is mounted on a DIN rail or within a
suitable enclosure.
The beeper can be adjusted so that it is used
with or without the switching
Responds to an All Off command
Screw terminals connect to a zero
voltage relay
Max relay load: 5A @ 24V, 100VA
@30Va.c. RMS
The unit receives an X-10 signal and responds
by either a continuous or momentary closure
of its built in relay. Relay is closed after receiving
an X-10 ‘on’ command and in continuous mode is
opened after receiving an X-10 ‘off’ command.
Product description
The RB204 module is an A-10 Receiver module
that has a built in form C relay capable of
switching 30A loads.
All devices connected to the RB204 can be
switched by the W Home Pro Transmitters and
Interfaces, as well as by the manual override
switch on the module
To select 1-16 hours to “Time Out” Relay
(Special Order)
X-10 Signal Compatible
On/Off/Auto Switch on Cover
Terminals inside for connection of
remote override switch
One Form C Electrically Held Relay
Remote ON/OFF Control of
Water Heaters
Remote ON/OFF control of HVAC and Unitary
Equipment • Control High Current Loads
Fail-safe Units “OFF” after power failure (use
N.O. contacts) • Alternate Loads
Fail-safe Units “ON” after power failure (use
N.C. contacts) • Control Parking Lot Lights
RI304 4 x Relay Receiver
Two-way X-10 communication, reports status
when requested
Product description
Responds to “All Lights On”
Responds to “All Units Off”
Remembers last relay state upon
recovery from power loss
Manual ON/OFF override
Easy Push Button Programming to:
Set response to “All Lights On” Command
Set response to “All Units Off” Command
Set response to “All Lights Off” Command
Set response to Status Request
The RI304 is an A-10 enhanced X-10 Receiver
which controls by standard or extended code, four
(4) Form A, 20 amp relays individually. Each relay
has a manual ON/OFF switch and screw terminals
for field connections. The latching relay holds last
state upon power loss.
A-10 component
High Power, switches up to 20A
Suitable for commercial lights and appliances,
including parking lot lights, signage, exterior
lighting and more
Remote ON/OFF control of HVAC and Unitary
Control high current loads
Control parking lot lights
SW10 Motor Control Receiver
Controls 6A, 240V a.c. motors
Product description
Dual-pole relay provides active
power to separate ‘up’ and ‘down’
The SW10 is an X-10 wall mounted motor control
switch that can be used to operate curtain motors,
shutters and A/V equipment lifts – perfect for
home theatre! Once the upper and lower limits
have been programmed, the SW10 can drive your
motors to any position in between by sending X-10
‘dim’ or ‘bright’ signals.
RB204 30A Relay Receiver
The SW10 can be operated manually
from the push button on the front
of the unit as well as in response to
X-10 signals transmitted from other
W Home Pro Transmitters, Interfaces and remote
control devices.
RAIN8 Sprinkler Control Receiver
Product description
The Rain8 is a fully featured, X-10 irrigation
Receiver that can control 8 sprinkler zones. With
the ability to network multiple Rain8’s together, a
maximum of 256 zones are possible. The Rain8
is a perfect addition to the W Home Pro system
when a watering system is required. Using the
W Home Pro Programmable Interface, such as
the Computer Interface, you can create a whole
irrigation schedule triggered by time, dawn/dusk,
or other criteria.
A complete irrigation schedule can be triggered by
the reception of a single X-10 signal. However, with
its dual-mode capability, each individual zone can
also be controlled independently with its own X-10
address preferred.
8-Zone Irrigation controller, driving 24V
Requires XM10 Interface module (not included)
Rain sensor available to halt watering schedule
if there has already been sufficient rainfall
To operate W Home Pro Receivers, Interfaces and Transmitters are required. Interfaces are capable of both transmitting and
receiving signals, for example the Leopard touch-screen can receive X-10 signals which in turn may trigger macros and
scenarios. The Leopard will then transmit the necessary X-10 signals to activate the scenario. Transmitters only send X-10
signals to control Receivers.
When desired, each Receiver can be controlled by more than one Interface or Transmitter. This can be easily accomplished
without having to alter the wiring. All that is required is for the correct address to be transmitted, even when the Receiver
and Interface/Transmitter are located in different circuits or phases. Depending on the application, various Interfaces or
Transmitters may be used. Apart from the inline Interfaces/Transmitters such as the Leopard or micro module Transmitters,
other models are also included in the W Home Pro range, such as the plug-in bedside timer or computer module.
Touch Screen Programmable Interface
Product description
The LP2 Leopard touch screen is a Programmable
Interface which can be programmed as the brains
behind the whole W Home Pro system. Get touch
screen control of all your W Home Pro Receivers
with this elegant, easy-to-use component.
The Leopard has been designed to accommodate
most automation requirements. External ports
are provided for RS-232 communications, RS485 communications, X-10 communications, and
infrared (IR) control. These ports allow the Leopard
to interface with a variety of external devices.
Handles up to 4096 lines of user code. The
program is stored in a non-volatile
memory that will be retained even
after a black out
Simple onscreen programming & PC
programming methods available
QVGA LCD display with 320 x 240
Blue backlight is a Cold Cathode
Fluorescent Lamp (CCFL)
The Leopard can also monitor and control X-10
thermostats, including a temperature display
Fully A-10 compatible
Interfaces and Transmitters
The Leopard touch screen requires an XM10
Interface in order to be able to send and receive
X-10 signals.
CM12 Computer Interface (Programmable)
with Active Home software
Simple connection with PC via serial/USB port
for program changes/live monitoring
Status of the lighting can be read if the PC is
online with the computer interface
Built in clock/calendar
Daylight savings adjustment
Built in geographical clock keeps a
record of dawn and dusk times for the set
geographical position
Easy to program
Product description
The CM12 Computer Module is an X-10
Programmable Interface that can store scenarios
and timers for your W Home Pro installation. The
CM12 has a built in clock/calendar, as well as
memory for scenarios, making it possible to carry
out macros on certain dates and times without the
need to have a computer connected. Scenarios
can be easily added or changed by making use of
the included Active Home software (other software
packages are also available).
The CM12 plugs into a power point for
transmitting to and receiving from other
W Home Pro X-10/A-10 components
Works completely autonomously: built in
memory allows it to be disconnected from the
PC after programming
The CM12 Programmable Computer Interface
can operate autonomously by its own
electronic clock/calendar. Programming the CM12
can be carried out by means of a PC and the
included Active Home software. When connected
to a PC, the CM12 can be directly operated from
via the computer, giving control of your W Home
Pro system from your desk.
USB port requires serial to USB converter
TM13 RF Transceiver Interface
Product description
W Home Pro RF Remote Controls are obviously
not connected to the electrical mains wiring and
thus require an RF Interface, which receives the
RF commands and transmits them as X-10 signals.
With the TM13, it is possible to operate the
W Home Pro installation from the convenience of
anywhere in the home or office, without the use
of wiring. The TM13 RF Interface is connected to
any power point in the home or office, but is best
installed in a position central to the area the remote
controls will be used from. The TM13 RF Interface
also has a built in Appliance Module, enabling you
Enables the W Home Pro remote control
devices to interface to your X-10/A-10 devices
Is simple to install, simply plugs into a
power point
Has a built in appliance module for added
Supports one house code, so 16 X-10
addresses can be supported by one TM13
V572AE RF Transceiver Interface (long
External antenna kit for enhanced reception range
range, all house code)
Customised X-10 address filtering via
configuration software
Product description
Filtering settings are not lost
after power loss
The V572AE RF Transceiver Interface provides an
alternative to the TM13 RF Interface, which can not
only receive all 16 house codes at the same time,
but also provides greater reception range and
more customised control options. As the V572AE
RF Interface receives on all 16 house codes, you
can replace 16 normal TM13 transceivers with a
single V572AE. The V572AE can be configured
with a PC (optional) in order to define which X-10
addresses you would like it to respond to. The
V572AE also requires an XM10 2-way Interface.
An internal 433.92 MHz receiver
detects incoming RF signals
generated by X-10 compatible
RF remote control devices.
The RF signals are then filtered
according to a user defined list of allowed X-10
addresses. The approved commands are then sent
to an XM10 2-way Interface, which then transmits
the X-10 signals on the electrical wiring to W Home
Pro X-10/A-10 Receivers and Interfaces.
Receives all 256 X-10 addresses over the 16
house-codes simultaneously
XM10 2-Way X-10 Interface
Product description
The XM10 is an Interface designed to enable
third–party products such as compatible alarm
systems and other home automation systems to
X-10. The XM10 is also required to enable certain
W Home Pro components such as the Leopard
Touch Screen, Rain8 Irrigation Receiver and
V572AE RF Interface to communicate via X-10.
to connect and control one plug-in appliance. Only
one TM13 RF Interface should be used per house
code in each installation. If you require more than
one TM13, you should consider the V572AE RF
Simply connect the XM10 to a power
point and then connect a suitable RJ12
terminated cable to both the XM10 and
product you wish to interface.
DIX1 4-Address Transmitter (micro module)
Product description
The DIX1 is an A-10 micro module Transmitter
that is wired to momentary (‘bell’ press) switches
(4 max). Each switch connected to the DIX1
effectively becomes an A-10 Transmitter, enabling
it to control your W Home Pro X-10/A-10 Receivers
and Interfaces. The DIX1 is best used to initiate
macros/scenarios or to control W Home Pro
Receivers that are installed a distance away from
the DIX1. The momentary switch enables the DIX1
to transmit dim and bright commands - a sustained
press will send dim or bright commands, a quick
press will send on or off commands. Note, the
DIX1 does not directly control a load, it is an A-10
Transmitter only.
Can control up to 4 X-10 addresses
Is used with momentary (‘bell’ press) switches
in order to enable dim/bright
Supports status request to ensure command
The wires of the DIX1 module are
connected to momentary switches, up to
a maximum of four. Each switch controls
an X-10 address. A quick press of the
momentary switch will transmit an X-10
on or off command (toggle) - a sustained
press will send dim/bright commands
until the switch is released.
Installation advice
Active and neutral wires are required to be
connected to the DIX1
Transmits ON/OFF and DIM/BRIGHT
DIX2 2-Address Transmitter (micro module)
Product description
Sends ON/OFF and DIM commands
Can control up to a maximum of two addresses
Two inputs per address; one for on/bright and
another for off/dim
Can only be applied with momentary
Supports status request to ensure
command reception
The DIX2 is an A-10 micro module Transmitter
that is wired to momentary (‘bell’ press) switches
(4 max). The switches connected to the DIX2
effectively become A-10 Transmitters, enabling
them to control your W Home Pro X-10/A-10
Receivers and Interfaces. The DIX2 is similar
to the DIX1 except that it controls only two
X-10 addresses. However, the DIX2 has two
connections per address, enabling one momentary
switch to be used for on/bright commands and
another to be used for off/dim commands. The
DIX2 works best with 2-way momentary rocker
switches as a momentary press up is used for
on/bright and a momentary press down on the
same switch sends off/dim commands. Note, the
DIX2 does not directly control a load - it is an A-10
Transmitter only.
The wires of the DIX2 module can be
connected to momentary (‘bell’ press)
switches. With one module, a maximum of
two addresses can be controlled by connecting it
to either one 2-way momentary switch, or two 1way momentary switches.
Installation advice
Active and neutral wires are required to be
connected to the DIX2.
AIX12 Motion Sensor interface Transmitter
(micro module)
Product description
The AIX12 is an A-10 Transmitter that is mounted,
for example, behind a standard mains 240V a.c.
PIR motion detector or light sensor. When the
input to the AIX12 is live, it transmits an X-10
signal to any W Home Pro X-10/A-10 Receivers or
Interfaces, which could then automatically switch
lighting points (or appliances) and/or to trigger
scenarios stored in a Programmable Interface.
Operates when connected to, amongst other
units, standard 240V movement detectors or
light sensors.
Sends ON/OFF commands
The output connector of, for instance, a
240V movement detector or light sensor
is connected to the input connector
of the AIX12. Signals from the light
sensor or movement detector activate
the AIX12, which in turn sends an X-10
signal. Macros and scenarios stored in
Programmable Interfaces can also be
triggered by the AIX12.
Installation instructions
Active and neutral wires are required to be
connected to the AIX12.
TK284W 8-button Transmitter (Wall Switch)
2. Control of four address – four on buttons,
four off buttons
Product description
3. Control of three addresses - three
on buttons, three off buttons plus
one ‘All Lights On’ button and one
‘All Lights Off’ button
The TK284 is an 8-button A-10 wall mounted
Transmitter. The LED on the keypad, used for a
guide in configuring, also indicates status. The
TK284W wall Transmitter can be configured to
control any of the 256 X-10 addresses. Button
functions on the eight button transmitters (TK284)
can be configured in five different modes during
the simple configuration setup.
4. Control of three addresses - three
on buttons, three off buttons plus
one ‘All Lights On’ button and one
‘All Units Off’ on button
5. Control of three addresses - three
on buttons, three off buttons plus
one ‘Bright’ and one ‘Dim’ button
Advanced A-10 circuitry, fully X-10 compatible
Easy Push Button Configuring
Can be configured for the following modes:
1. Control of eight addresses – eight on/off
toggle buttons
MT10 Bedroom Timer Transmitter
Product description
The MT10 Bedroom timer Transmitter is a timer
module with the possibility to control W Home
Pro X-10/A-10 Receivers and Interfaces from the
convenience of your bedroom. The MT10 can
be used to trigger scenarios, such as one for
dimly lighting a passageway to the bathroom in
the middle of the night. The MT10 is also ideal
for presence simulation as it can randomly send
commands Receivers, creating the impression
someone is home. The MT10 allows you to
manually control Receivers on the same house
code. ‘All Lights On’ and ‘All Units Off’ buttons
allow you to shut down the house or to turn on
Will accept a label insert (provided) behind the
keys to enable the installer to easily identify
each button with text or icons
Washable membrane keypad
all of the lights with one button press. The MT10
contains a built-in alarm clock, which will also
send an X-10 signal to make sure the coffee is hot
before you get to the kitchen!
Control lights and equipment
from your bedroom
Handy for when going to bed
Wake up to sound, the lights
turned on and the smell of fresh
Timer for 4 separate modules
In stylish silver design
Product description
The SM10 Smart Transmitter is used to interface
the external outputs from a range of devices to
the W Home Pro system. The SM10 has two screw
terminals, when these two terminals are short
circuit (closed), an X-10 ‘On’ command is sent,
with the terminals are open circuit (open) an ‘Off’
command is sent. E.g. You could connect the
SM10 to a reed switch installed on a doorway, in
order to turn on lights and devices (or to trigger
scenarios) when the door is opened.
Provide visual alert that there’s someone at
the door if you’re in the middle of something
noisy, such as using power tools, vacuuming or
listening to music
Trigger a ‘coming home’ scenario when the
motorised garage door opens - turning on
the lights, HVAC and CD player to create a
welcoming atmosphere
Flash internal/external lighting when the alarm
system is sounding
SM10 “Smart” Module Transmitter
RF Remote Control Devices
RF Remote Control Devices
By including W Home Pro RF remote control devices, it’s possible to operate your X-10/A-10 Receivers and Interfaces using
remote control. The benefit of the RF (radio frequency) components is that the signals can travel through walls and ceilings
- therefore the Receiver does not need to be within line-of-sight. W Home Pro RF Remote Control Devices require an RF
Interface (eg TM13, V572AE) in order to send X-10 signals.
URTCH35 Universal 8 in1 Touch
Screen Remote
Product description
The URTCH35 Universal touch-screen remote
allows you to control up to seven of your IR home
theatre devices including your TV, VCR, CD,
SAT, Pay TV and DVD etc., as well as having the
ability to control your W Home Pro X-10/A-10
Receivers and Interfaces. The URTCH35 has
pre-programmed IR commands for thousands
of equipment brands, therefore making it work
with your brand of e.g. CD player is as simple as
entering in the correct code. Should your product
brand not be listed, the URTCH35 also has
learning, enabling it to learn the commands from
your original remote control units. The URTCH35
can store macros, enabling you to store up to 20 IR
commands/X-10 commands into one button press.
This stylish remote control has a built in touchscreen, with a back light for low light conditions.
KR22 Pocket RF Remote
Product description
The KR22 Pocket Remote is a W Home Pro remote
control devices which transmits RF for the control
for up to four X-10 addresses. The KR22 can
transmit on, off, bright and dim commands and
is perfect for keeping on a key ring or in a purse.
For example, you could use the KR22 to trigger a
‘coming home’ macro as you get out of your car,
turning on entry lighting, the HVAC and starting the
CD player.
For X-10/A-10 control, as the URTCH35 is not
itself connected to the electrical wiring, a TM13 or
V572AE RF Interface is required.
Switch on/off, dim your lights whilst
watching TV
Use the All Lights ON command at night if
you hear strange noises, potentially warning
off intruders
Switch on your electric blanket and bedside
lamp before your DVD ends so you may
slide in to a warm bed
Learning capacity: maximum of 320 IR
commands, 40 commands per mode
Macros : 9 macro keys, 20 commands per
macro key
Range : Infrared: 3-8 m, RF : 15-30 m
As the KR22 is not itself connected to the electrical
wiring, a TM13 or V572AE RF Interface is required.
Controls four X-10 addresses, including on,
off, bright and dim control
Range of up to 30 metres, RF signal travels
through walls and ceilings/floors
Small size to keep on key-chain
or purse
As you are now aware, X-10 signals sent by W Home Pro Transmitters and Interfaces are sent over the home or office mains
electrical wiring. In a 3-phase installation, X-10 signals will not jump across phases and thus require a 3-phase coupler.
Also, sometimes in larger installations the X-10 signal may become weak as it travels over long distances and may require a
repeater in order to boost the signal.
Certain appliances connected to your electrical wiring may generate noise onto the power line. This random electrical
interference may interfere with the X-10 command signal transmission, however in these instances we can filter out noise
simply using a noise filter.
SVX10 Signal Amplifier
Product description
The SVX10 is an A-10 signal amplifier that boosts
the strength of the X-10 signal on the phase it is
installed on. The SVX10 is a micro module and can
be mounted within a junction box or connected
in parallel across the active and neutral terminals
behind a light switch or power point.
Amplifies all W Home Pro commands to their
maximum signal strength
CR244 3-Phase Coupler/Signal Repeater
Status LED’s on cover
Can also be used as signal repeater in a one
phase installation.
The CR244 is an A-10 3-phase coupler/Signal
Repeater that allows X-10 signals to be received
on all phases in a 3-phase installation. As well as
coupling the phases, the CR244 also adds to the
reliability of your X-10/A-10 system by boosting the
signal strength of all signals received, including on
the phase the signal is received on.
A-10 technology means repeated signal is
of higher strength than a standard
X-10 signals, effectively converting
an X-10 signal into an A-10 one
Fuse protected
Installation to be performed by a
licensed electrical contractor.
Product description
Repeats the signals A-10/X-10 Transmitters and
Interfaces in the W Home Pro system
Pre installed in IP54 plastic cabinet and designed
to be installed in the main distribution box
HIFS35/3 3-Phase Coupler & Mains
Filter box
Product description
The HIFS35/3 mains filter box is an A-10 product
containing a phase coupler and incoming phase
suppression filters. This one product replaces three
Installation instructions
separate phase filters and one 3-phase
filter to simplify installation. The HIFS35 is a
professional product for those serious about
the creating a perfect platform for their W
Home Pro installations.
Dimensions 220 x 330mm
Repeaters, Filters and Phase Couplers
Repeaters, Filters and Phase Couplers
Repeaters, Filters and Phase Couplers
FD10 DIN Low-pass filter
Product description
The FD10 is a DIN rail mounted filter that installs
on the incoming phase of the home. It filters out
any incoming electrical noise and also prevents
any neighbouring X-10 signals from entering the
installation. One FD10 per phase is required in
multi-phase installations.
Installed at the switch board, the FD10
prevents X-10 signals from leaving/entering the
Filters ‘street noise’ from interfering with your
W Home Pro installation
Can be configured as a passive phase coupler
(Requires one FD10 per phase, active phase
coupler such as CR244 recommended)
Rated 240V/63A
AF310 Band-pass filter
Product description
The AF300 is a Line Isolation Filter which filters out
X-10 signals and any strong electric clutter (‘noise’)
from the device it is wired to. It provides attenuation
at a 40:1 ratio input to output respectively,
preventing the passage of the X-10 signals or 120
kHz electronic noise from the line side (primary)
to the load side (secondary) and vice versa. The
AF300 is used to stop noisy devices from interfering
with the W Home Pro X-10 signals, and can also
stop X-10 signals from entering devices which may
inadvertently filter the signal.
AT001 X-10/A-10 Signal Test Transmitter
Product description
Switch Selectable Signal
A-10 Signal Output or Standard X-10
Signal Output
Switch selectable Type of Transmission
LED Indication of Transmission Status
Factory Tuned for 120 KHz (+/- 1 KHz)
The signal output is selectable, from A-10 (6V peak
to peak) or X-10 (3V peak to peak), using a selector
switch inside the cover on the AT001. A second
switch selects whether the command sent contains
actual commands - which allows signal verification
using an Oscilloscope without turning receivers on
and off (thus causing no disruption to occupants).
Compact Size
AT004 X-10/A-10 Signal test Receiver
Transmitters and Interfaces are installed.
Finally, the complete installation can be
tested upon commissioning, just before it
is handed over to the resident.
The AT001 is an A-10 based test signal transmitter,
which continuously transmits X-10 signals. The
AT001 is used when commissioning the system
and is normally used in conjunction with AT004 test
Product description
The AT004 is an indispensable tool for the
professional installation of W Home Pro
components. With the AT004 unit, the X-10/A-10
modules can be easily programmed. X-10 signals
received by the AT004 are shown in the display,
the readout showing the signal intensity and the
level of any noise interference. Using the AT004,
it’s possible to inspect the electrical wiring network
before the W Home Pro system is installed, enabling
you to choose any required filters and repeaters.
Receiver modules can also be tested at the time of
installation, which is not always the same time the
Easy to read LCD display
Transmits and receives A-10 signals
Makes commands that have been
sent visible
Practical Examples
Practical examples
To help you better understand the features, applications and installation requirements of W Home Pro products, the
following table includes various examples and associated solutions. The overview diagram is shown again below for
quick reference.
W Home Pro overview diagram
General requirements
Creation of mood lighting, together with
operation of TV, video and audio appliances
with just one remote control device.
By choosing the URTCH35 for remote control operations, it is possible
to switch not only the lighting but also most types of A/V equipment.
For controlling the X-10/A-10 Receivers or Interfaces with the
URTCH35, an RF interface (TM13 or V572AE) also must be fitted.
Automatic switching of the lights when no one
is home, to give the impression that the home
is occupied. (With random daily sequences).
All lighting points that are provided with Receivers can be switched and
dimmed at any desired time, by programming the desired scene into a
W Home Pro Programmable Interface.
To trigger a personal lighting scene by one
key press on the remote, for example a
“sleeping” or “relax mode” lighting scenario.
This can be established by programming a Programmable Interface
so that each scenario has an associated ‘trigger address’. The trigger
address can then be activated via remote control or from any other
W Home Pro Transmitter or Interface (e.g. DIX1).
To have the option to control various lights
with one switch and to have the flexibility to
change the associated lights at a later stage
to suit any future requirements.
By fitting switching Transmitters around the home (DIX1 for instance)
and then within a Programmable Interface coupling the addresses to
Receivers connected to the lights, it’s possible to switch all of them.
Furthermore, this can easily be modified at a later date, without having
to change the whole installation.
When approaching the front door, the carport
lighting (a) and the light in the hallway (b)
come on automatically.
Connect an AIX12 Transmitter behind a movement detector in the
carport, which will send an X-10 signal when movement is detected.
The signal is then received by a Programmable Controller which in
turn sends out an ON X-10 signal to the hallway light (b) and carport
light (a). To enable these lights to receive X-10 signals, switching or
dimming Receiver modules (SAIX or DAIX10) are mounted behind the
wall switches (a) and (b) in the hallway.
A DAIX10 micro module Receiver installed behind a momentary wall
switch makes it possible to dim lighting points (c & d) using both this
switch and by remote control.
To be able to switch the table lamps (f) that
are plugged in a wall socket either by remote
control and/or automatically via a scenario.
By installing a switch Receiver (SAIX) behind the power points,
the table lamp (f) can be switched by an X-10 signal sent from a
Transmitter or Interface. The signal can be given with wall switch (f),
by remote control and/or automatically via a scenario. For automatic
switching, a Programmable Interface is required. The above can also
be established in a simpler but less aesthetic way by using the LM12 or
AM12 plug-in modules.
To be able to switch the outdoor lighting (g)
from in the living room or kitchen.
By mounting a switch Receiver (SAIX) behind switch (g), the outdoor
lights can be controlled from the living room. The second address of
the SAIX module behind switch (h) in the kitchen can also be used
to control these lights. This address can easily be changed for other
To be able to switch the lighting in the garden
shed from inside the home, without having to
lay new cables.
Due to the fact that the modules are fed by the electrical wiring, and
the shed already has a power connection, it’s only necessary to fit
a switch Receiver (SAIX) to the garden shed light (m). The light can
then be switched from inside the shed, or from one or more selected
locations in the home, using W Home Pro Interfaces, Transmitters or
Remote Controls.
To have detection of motion result in the
outdoor lighting at the rear of the house (g)
to be switched on and 10 seconds later, the
lights in the living room (c, d & e) as well.
The AIX12 interface behind the movement detector on the rear wall of
the building sends an X-10 signal via the mains wiring when movement
is detected. The outdoor light (g) is then switched on. As the signal may
also be received by Programmable Interfaces, a second action can
be programmed e.g. 10 minutes later the delayed switching-on of the
lighting in the living room can occur (c, d, & e).
To be able to switch the lighting in the garage
(k) with three different wall switches.
By mounting a switch Receiver (SAIX) behind one wall switch and
fitting a switch Transmitter (DIX1, DIX2) with the same addresses to
the other two switches, 3-way switching can be obtained. This multiway switching can be extended by fitting extra switch Transmitters
(DIX1, DIX2), without having to install extra wiring.
To be able to switch on the lights in the living
room (c, d & f) and outdoors (g) automatically
every day at dusk.
By selecting the right geographical position of the residence
programmed in a W Home Programmable Interface, the selected
lights in the living room (c, d & f) can be switched on at dusk. The
geographical clock of the Programmable Interface (eg Leopard,
Computer Interface) will automatically track dusk and dawn, so that the
lights are switched on each day at the correct time. Daylight savings
time is also taken into account.
When entering or leaving the hall, to be able
to switch all the lights in the living room with
one switch.
Install a DIX behind the switch in the hall, which can then send out a
‘All lights on’ or ‘All units off’ command. This will only have the desired
effect if only the lights in living room are set to the same house code.
Alternatively, a Programmable Interface can receive the command
from the DIX and in turn send out the various signals to the lights in the
living room.
To be able to shut down any fans in the
kitchen, bathroom or toilets when leaving the
By fitting a SAIX switch Receiver behind each switch controlling
the fan, all fans can be switched off simultaneously from a switch
programmed to trigger a ‘shut down’ scenario stored within a
Programmable Interface.
Practical Examples
To be able to vary the brightness of the downlights in two window sills (c & d) by means of
a wall switch or remote control.
Ordering information
Ordering information
Switch Receiver (micro module)
Dimmer Receiver (micro module)
DIN dimmer Receiver
DIN switch Receiver
Universal module Receiver
30A Relay Receiver
4 x Relay Receiver
Motor Control Receiver
Sprinkler Control Receiver
Touch Screen Programmable Interface
Computer Interface (Programmable)
RF Transceiver Module
RF Transceiver Module (all house code)
2-Way X-10 Interface
4-Address Transmitter (micro module)
2-Address Transmitter (micro module)
Motion Sensor interface Transmitter
8-Button Transmitter (wall switch)
2-Button Transmitter (wall switch)
Bedroom Timer Transmitter
“Smart” Module Transmitter
RF Remote Controls
Universal 8-in-1 Touch Screen Remote
Pocket RF Remote
Repeaters, Filters and Phase Couplers
X-10 Signal Repeater
3-Phase Coupler/Signal Repeater
3-Phase Coupler & Mains Filter Box
DIN Low-pass filter
Band-pass filter
Ordering information
X-10/A-10 Signal Test Transmitter
X-10/A-10 Signal Test Receiver
Trial Pack
Please ask about our trial packs, which are designed specifically for electricians and installers to get a
hands-on feel of the product . The pack contains a selection of 5 lighting/appliance receiver modules, a
PC interface, software, remote controls and al other components to build a fully operational system.