Guanajuato :: gtoexperience
Guanajuato :: gtoexperience
Call Center: 01-800-8483-486 Buscar información turística Destinations Sleeping & Eating Events Travel packages Experiences Top 300+ Ideas Travel info Las mejores promociones Guanajuato ¡Si Sabe! Pueblos mágicos gtoMICE GtoLife Guanajuato Guanajuato, the historic mining town, covers the surrounding mountains in a kaleidoscope of color... 5 REASO NS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. para visitar Guanajuato Discover legendary places in the streets and squares. Walk in the footsteps of Independence. Celebrate theater, dance, music and art. Watch the city appear and disappear from the underground tunnels. Admire the monumental palaces and mines. Cÿmo Travel INFO LLEGAR Guanajuato, the state capital, invites you to explore its streets, alleys and squares and to take a trip in a cable car. 170,000 people live in this World Heritage City. If you visit, you should come with a good camera, an interest in walking and the curious eyes of a child. 2 9 ºC (+ ) Ver m ás #gtoJAM Dicen sobre Planes gto DEVIAJE A FO NDO por el carácter de una ciudad Immerse yourself in the scenes from history. Discover charming places. Enjoy an evening at the theatre. Go down into the deepest depths of the mining tunnels and ascend to the heavens with the magical music of an organ. Walk down alleys where time seems to have stopped. Enjoy a candlelit dinner in a hidden plaza. Founded in 1557, Guanajuato is one of the most special places in Mexico. The vibrant city of a thousand colors appears and disappears from its underground mining tunnels. Explore the labyrinth of steep streets, cable cars, tunnels and mines. Sit down and relax on a bench in a city square as it comes alive in the evening. Admire palaces, art galleries and allow yourself to be thrilled by the legends that will accompany you along your journey. > Ver más gtoMaps converted by Qué hacer in Guanajuato 19 6 5 50 M o m e n to s Paseos E v e n ts R e c u rs o s tu rís tic o s Vive un instante especial Recorre Guanajuato a tu estilo ¿Necesitas un motivo para ir a Guanajuato? No te lo puedes perder 45 11 89 41 L e isu re S h o p p in g H o te ls R e s ta u ra n ts Elige tu diversión Consiéntete y regala Elige tu hotel Elige qué quieres comer Choose tu experiencia 5 H isto ry C h a n n e l 26 N ig h tlife 20 W ith yo u r fa m ily 11 C u lin ary Mexican history begins in the state of Guanajuato... Every type of atm ospthere: rhythm and light in the streets until dawn... The best activities for little ones and their parents. You're not allowed to get bored!... Fine cuisine. Mexico and the world com bine in Guanajuato... 8 S h o ppin g 1 A ctive to u rism H isto ry C h a n n e l T ra d itio n s Mexican history begins in the state of Guanajuato... Delve into the essence of Guanajuato... Sweet or salty, trendy or old, In a m atter of m inutes, you can here and there. More than just a feel your adrenaline pum p on m em ory... the land, in the water or in the air... 13 Im p o rta n t m o n u m e n ts Mexican art goes beyond the fine arts... converted by Encuentra tu destino en gtoMaps Map Hybrid SHOW ALL Destinations Moments OCVs Shopping Hotels Meeting places Leisure Tourist resources Restaurants Map data ©2014 Google, INEGI Terms of Use Report a map error Follow us on: Facebook Twitter Youtube D es tinatio ns Sleeping & Eating Ev ents Guanajuato San Miguel de Allende León Celaya Dolores Hidalgo Irapuato Northern Guanajuato Pénjamo Salamanca Silao Southern Guanajuato Pueblos mágicos Hotels Restaurants Treasures of Mexico Culinary Excellent Hosts Cultural Sports Culinary Festivals Concerts Photomap Livestreaming Trav el pac k ages Ex perienc es Premium Tours Recorridos History Channel Nightlife Family activities Culinary Important monuments Shopping Traditions Active tourism Circuito del Tequila Circuito del Vino Guestbook To p 300+ Tourist resources Leisure Shopping Storytellers Ideas Learn Walks Tasting and pairing Collect Contemplate Rest Get excited Fall in love Explore Photograph Don't miss a thing Join in the party Newsletter Trav el info Put yourself to the test Cool down Give Taste Get goose bumps Feel good Be a spectactor at a great show Stay up late Fly Authorized guides Getting here and getting around Search for flights Tourism Offices gtoMaps Weather Health and safety Emergency telephone numbers General Information Mobile version Secretaría de Turismo converted by
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