Mind, Brain, and Education


Mind, Brain, and Education
By Christina Hinton, Kurt W. Fischer, and Catherine Glennon
MARCH 2012
Students at the Center explores the role that student-centered approaches can play to deepen learning
and prepare young people to meet the demands and engage the opportunities of the 21st century.
Students at the Center synthesizes existing research on key components of student-centered approaches
to learning. The papers that launch this project renew attention to the importance of engaging each
student in acquiring the skills, knowledge, and expertise needed for success in college and a career.
Student-centered approaches to learning, while recognizing that learning is a social activity, pay particular
attention to the importance of customizing education to respond to each student’s needs and interests,
making use of new tools for doing so.
The broad application of student-centered approaches to learning has much in common with other
education reform movements including closing the achievement gaps and providing equitable access to
a high-quality education, especially for underserved youth. Student-centered approaches also align with
emerging work to attain the promise and meet the demands of the Common Core State Standards.
However, critical and distinct elements of student-centered approaches to learning challenge the current
schooling and education paradigm:
>> Embracing the student’s experience and learning theory as the starting point of education;
>> Harnessing the full range of learning experiences at all times of the day, week, and year;
>> Expanding and reshaping the role of the educator; and
>> Determining progression based upon mastery.
Despite growing interest in student-centered approaches to learning, educators have few places to
which they can turn for a comprehensive accounting of the key components of this emerging field. With
funding from the Nellie Mae Education Foundation, Jobs for the Future asked nine noted research teams
to synthesize existing research in order to build the knowledge base for student-centered approaches to
learning and make the findings more widely available.
The topic of this paper, as with each in the series, was selected to foster a deeper, more cohesive,
research-based understanding of one or more core elements of student-centered approaches to learning.
The authors in this series: synthesize and analyze existing research in their areas; identify what is known
and where gaps remain related to student-centered approaches to learning; and discuss implications,
opportunities, and challenges for education stakeholders who put students at the center. The authors
were asked to consider the above definition of student-centered approaches, but were also encouraged to
add, subtract, or critique it as they wished.
The authors were not asked explicitly to address the Common Core State Standards. Nevertheless,
the research proceeded as discussions of the Common Core were unfolding, and several papers draw
connections with that work. The thinking, learning, and teaching required for all students to reach the
promised outcomes of the Common Core provide a backdrop for this project. The introductory essay looks
across this paper and its companion pieces to lift up the key findings and implications for a new phase in
the country’s quest to raise achievement levels for all young people.
The nine research papers are loosely organized around three major areas of inquiry—learning theory;
applying student-centered approaches; and scaling student-centered learning—although many of the
papers necessarily cross more than one area:
1. LEARNING THEORY: What does foundational and emerging research, particularly in the cognitive and
behavioral sciences, tell us about how students learn and about what motivates them to learn?
Mind, Brain, and Education
Christina Hinton, Kurt W. Fischer, Catherine Glennon
Motivation, Engagement, and Student Voice
Eric Toshalis, Michael J. Nakkula
2. APPLYING STUDENT-CENTERED APPROACHES: How are student-centered approaches to learning
implemented? What is the nature of teaching in student-centered learning environments? How can
students who are underrepresented in postsecondary education be engaged earlier and perform well
in the math and reading activities that scaffold learning? How are advances in technology customizing
curriculum and changing modes of learning to meet the needs of each student?
Teachers at Work—Six Exemplars of Everyday Practice
Barbara Cervone, Kathleen Cushman
Literacy Practices for African-American Male Adolescents
Alfred W. Tatum
Latino/a and Black Students and Mathematics
Rochelle Gutierrez, Sonya E. Irving
Curricular Opportunities in the Digital Age
David H. Rose, Jenna W. Gravel
to increase personalization and with what outcomes for learning? What is the relationship between
assessment and student-centered approaches? What can districts do to support student-centered
approaches to learning?
Personalization in Schools
Susan Yonezawa, Larry McClure, Makeba Jones
Assessing Learning
Heidi Andrade, Kristen Huff, Georgia Brooke
Changing School District Practices
Ben Levin, Amanda Datnow, Nathalie Carrier
A number of distinguished researchers and practitioners serve as advisors to Students at the Center
including Scott Evenbeck, founding president of the New Community College, City University of New
York; Charles Fadel, Visiting Scholar, Harvard Graduate School of Education, MIT ESG/IAP, and Wharton/
Penn CLO; Ronald Ferguson, Senior Lecturer in Education and Public Policy, Harvard Graduate School of
Education and the Harvard Kennedy School; Louis Gomez, Professor and the John D. and Catherine T.
MacArthur Foundation Chair in Digital Media and Learning, Graduate School of Education and Information
Studies, UCLA; Susan Moore Johnson, Professor and the Jerome T. Murphy Professor of Education,
Harvard Graduate School of Education; Jim Liebman, Simon H. Rifkind Professor of Law, Columbia
University School of Law; Miren Uriarte, Professor, College of Public and Community Service, University of
Massachusetts, Boston; and Arthur VanderVeen, Vice President, Business Strategy and Development at
Compass Learning.
To download the papers, introductory essay, executive summaries, and additional resources, please visit
the project website: www.studentsatthecenter.org.
Over the coming months, Jobs for the Future and the Nellie Mae Education Foundation will craft
opportunities to engage a broad audience in the conversation sparked by these papers. We look forward to
building a shared understanding and language with you for this important undertaking.
Nancy Hoffman, Adria Steinberg, Rebecca Wolfe
Jobs for the Future
Jobs for the Future identifies, develops, and promotes education and workforce strategies that expand
opportunity for youth and adults who are struggling to advance in America today. In more than 200
communities across 43 states, JFF improves the pathways leading from high school to college to familysustaining careers.
The Nellie Mae Education Foundation is the largest charitable organization in New England that focuses
exclusively on education. The Foundation supports the promotion and integration of student-centered
approaches to learning at the middle and high school levels across New England. To elevate studentcentered approaches, the Foundation utilizes a strategy that focuses on: developing and enhancing
models of practice; reshaping education policies; increasing the body of evidenced-based knowledge
about student-centered approaches and increasing public understanding and demand for high-quality
educational experiences. The Foundation’s initiative and strategy areas are: District Level Systems
Change; State Level Systems Change; Research and Development; and Public Understanding. Since 1998,
the Foundation has distributed over $110 million in grants.
Christina Hinton, Ed.D., works on issues at the nexus of neuroscience and education at Harvard Graduate
School of Education. Her recent research focuses on the biological basis of empathy and education
for a cosmopolitan ethic of care. She has authored many articles and book chapters on educational
neuroscience, and lectures internationally on implications of neuroscience research for education,
research schools, and education for global awareness.
Kurt W. Fischer, Ph.D., Charles Bigelow Professor of Education and the director of the Mind, Brain,
and Education Program at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, studies cognitive and emotional
development and learning from birth through adulthood, combining analysis of the commonalities
across people with the diversity of pathways of learning and development. He is the author of “Dynamic
Development of Action, Thought, and Emotion” in the Handbook of Child Psychology (Volume 1); Human
Behavior and the Developing Brain; Mind, Brain, and Education in Reading Disorders; and a dozen other
books, as well as over 200 scientific articles.
Catherine Glennon, Ed.M, earned a Master’s degree from the Mind, Brain, and Education program at
the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She is a cognitive development research specialist at HGSE,
researching developmental pathways of perspective taking, complex reasoning, and student engagement.
copyright ©2012 by Jobs for the Future
courtesy of Patrick Hayman
S T U D E N T- C E N T E R E D L E A R N I N G 2
M AT H E M AT I C S I N T H E B R A I N 11
I M P L I C AT I O N S F O R S T U D E N T- C E N T E R E D L E A R N I N G A P P R O A C H E S 17
U n d e r s e r v e d Yo u t h 19
C h a l l e n g e s a n d Fu t u re D i re c t i o n s 19
Active Learning
ecent technological breakthroughs make
neurological mechanism underlying learning. As
research in biology and cognitive science
students learn in both formal and informal contexts,
more relevant for education than ever before.
these experiences shape the physical architecture
Powerful brain imaging tools enable neuroscientists
of their brains (Squire & Kandel 2009). The chapter
to study the learning brain in action for the first
then presents neuroscience research on individual
time. New technologies in genetics allow researchers
differences, which are central to the student-centered
to explore complex gene-environment interactions.
learning concept. Since students have different
Innovative cognitive science methods for analyzing
genetic predispositions and experience continuously
learning enable researchers to track alternative
shapes their brains, each student’s brain has a unique
learning pathways. These and other advancements
profile of strengths and limitations (Fischer & Bidell
have led to a global emergence of the field of mind,
2006). The paper then describes how the brain
brain, and education (Fischer, Immordino-Yang, &
learns certain academic content, including language,
Waber 2007; Fischer et al. 2007; OECD 2007; Stern
literacy, and mathematics. Language learning is
2005). This field aims to synthesize research in
discussed because one in four low-income students
biology, cognitive science, and education to create
is an immigrant (NCSL 2004), and proficiency in
a trans-disciplinary learning science that can inform
the language of instruction strongly influences
education policy and practice.
academic achievement among immigrants (OECD
This paper considers student-centered learning
approaches in light of mind, brain, and education
research.1 Student-centered approaches to learning
comprise a research-based framework for education
that aims to help students from a wide range of
backgrounds master the skills necessary for college
and the 21st-century knowledge economy (JFF 2011).
In particular, it is intended to support underserved
youth who are often excluded from higher education.
The approaches begin with a common set of rigorous
standards. Students can reach these standards
through learning experiences tailored to their needs
and interests, which may include informal learning
outside of school. Students are empowered to take
responsibility for their own learning, with teachers
2003). Literacy and mathematics are core academic
subjects, highly relevant for all students. Research on
how these academic abilities are created in the brain
illustrates how learning experiences shape the brain
and give rise to individual differences. Finally, the
paper explores the fundamental role of emotions in
learning. As part of this, it elucidates the influence of
stress on the brain, which has important implications
for education, especially education of underserved
youth who are under the chronic stress of poverty
(Shonkoff & Phillips 2000). After this mind, brain, and
education research is presented, the paper considers
the implications of this work for student-centered
learning approaches, with a particular focus on using
these approaches to educate underserved youth.
and other professionals as facilitators.
While many student-centered learning approaches
are well grounded in education research, this paper
is the first to consider student-centered learning
from the perspective of trans-disciplinary research
in mind, brain, and education. This paper begins
with a brief description of the student-centered
learning concept. It then discusses research in
mind, brain, and education that is most relevant
to student-centered learning. It first explains the
Jobs for the Future 1
he student-centered learning model aims to
centers to cyberspace. Likewise, educators can
help students from all backgrounds master
include teachers, parents, community members, and
the skills needed for postsecondary education
professionals. The approaches resonate with the
and the 21st-century knowledge economy (JFF 2011).
Nigerian proverb: It takes a village to raise a child.
In this approach, education provides flexible learning
Student learning can—and should—be supported by a
experiences that enable students at various levels
range of adults in multiple contexts. Moreover, with
to build toward mastery of a common set of core
this approach, all learning experiences that build core
skills. A commitment to addressing the individual
skills are formally credited.
needs and goals of each student is at the core of
the model. Therefore, students are empowered to
follow customized learning pathways that meet
their particular needs and interests as they build
their expertise. As students progress, educators
use formative assessment to guide learning and
teaching. Formative assessment involves using
ongoing assessment throughout the learning process
to tailor instruction to meet each student’s current
needs (OECD 2005). Student-centered learning
approaches recognize each student’s emotional needs
as well. Such approaches work to help students build
self-confidence and motivation through learning
In addition, student-centered models call for
advancement upon mastery. Students advance when
they have reached proficiency in particular skills,
rather than when they have accumulated a certain
number of hours in a classroom. Students therefore
do not necessarily progress with their peers in a
cohort. Instead, each student is challenged based on
her or his skill levels and graduates a program when
he or she meets that program’s established standards.
Overall, student-centered learning approaches
compose a flexible system designed to help students
from all backgrounds succeed academically.
experiences that match their abilities and interests,
with the ultimate goal of supporting them to become
self-directed learners.
Another fundamental element of student-centered
learning approaches is that learning can take place
in both formal and informal contexts. Learning is not
restricted to the confines of a traditional classroom
or school hours; rather, it transpires in multiple
dimensions of a student’s life. Learning can occur
in settings ranging from internships to community
Student-centered learning approaches work to help students build selfconfidence and motivation through learning experiences that match their abilities
and interests, with the ultimate goal of supporting them to become self-directed
2 Mind, Brain, and Education: The Students at the Center Series
rguably the most important insight for
Each neuron has three main parts: dendrites; a cell
education from the field of neuroscience is
body; and an axon (Kaczmarek & Levitan 2002) (see
that the brain is highly adaptive, a property
Figure 1). When a student has a learning experience,
called plasticity (Singer 1995; Squire & Kandel
such as looking at a painting in an art museum,
2009). Students’ brains continuously adapt to the
certain neurons are activated. The dendrites of each
environments where they live and work, including
activated neuron receive chemical signals in response
school, home, workplaces, community centers, and
to this experience. Dendrites then relay these signals
so forth. As students learn in these places—mastering
to the cell body, and if the signal is above a certain
reading, playing online chess, or practicing typing—
threshold, it triggers an electrical signal called an
these experiences gradually sculpt the architecture
action potential. The action potential then travels
of the brain. The brain is made up of networks of
along the axon, a long process covered by a fatty
interconnecting nerve cells called neurons and
myelin sheath. When an action potential reaches the
supportive glial cells. Learning experiences are
end of the axon, it prompts the release of chemical
translated into electrical and chemical signals that
signals into the synaptic cleft, a small space between
gradually modify connections among neurons in
neurons. These signals then bind to receptors on
certain areas of the brain. Over time, these changes
the dendrites of downstream neurons. This leads
in neuronal connectivity can aggregate to significant
to the series of intercellular signaling described
reorganization of brain areas involved in certain types
above in these neurons, which in turn stimulates
of learning.
other neurons, and so forth. Therefore, a learning
experience elicits a cascade of signaling among many
neurons in many areas of the brain. In fact, reading
just the words in this sentence activates millions of
neurons in the brain.
Learning experiences modify connections among
neurons in certain areas of the brain, which gradually
reorganize these areas (Squire & Kandel 2009).
Each neuron has many inputs from other neurons.
When students have learning experiences, certain
connections are activated, while others are not. Over
time, connections that are most active relative to
other inputs are strengthened, while those that are
relatively less active are weakened or eliminated
(Hebb 1949; Squire & Kandel 2009). In this way,
Source: Adapted from OECD (2007)
Students’ brains continuously adapt to the environments where they live and
work. As students learn in these places, these experiences gradually sculpt the
architecture of the brain.
Jobs for the Future 3
connections are gradually modified in response to
(Li Voti et al. 2011; McCandliss, Posner, & Givo’n 1997;
learning experiences following a “use it or lose it”
Ostry, et al. 2010; Shtyrov, Nikulin, & Pulvermüller
rule. These experience-dependent changes in the
2010), and learning Braille (Hamilton & Pascual-Leone
efficacy of neuronal connections are thought to be
the biological substrate of memory. Over time, they
aggregate to significant reorganization in certain
brain structures, which reflects learning in domains
associated with those structures.
Eleanor A. Maguire and colleagues (2000) revealed
plasticity in response to learning in the hippocampus.
The hippocampus is an area of the brain known
to play a central role in spatial learning (Maguire,
This plasticity is most well researched in the domain
Burgess, & O’Keefe 1999; Smith & Milner 1981).
of music. Seminal work by Thomas Elbert, Christo
Maguire and colleagues found that London taxi
Pantev, and their colleagues demonstrated that
drivers have an enlarged hippocampus relative to
learning to play the violin leads to changes in the
control subjects who are not taxi drivers (Maguire
organization of certain areas of the cortex, a brain
et al. 2000; Woollett, Spiers, & Maguire 2009).
area involved in many types of learning (Elbert et
Moreover, the degree of hippocampal enlargement
al. 1995; Pantev et al. 1998). Elbert et al. (1995)
is correlated with the amount of time spent as a taxi
showed that the area of the somatosensory cortex
driver, which suggests that the enlargement is as
representing the fingers of the left hand is larger in
result of experience as a taxi driver, rather than a
violinists than in non-musicians. Moreover, this area
preexisting condition that biases certain individuals to
of the brain is also larger for violinists’ left hands
become taxi drivers. As London taxi drivers learn to
than for their right hands. This suggests that this
navigate the twists and turns of the city’s streets, this
area is enlarged as a result of practicing the violin,
presumably strengthens connections among neurons
rather than, for example, a genetic predisposition for
involved in spatial processing in the hippocampus,
a large somatosensory cortex that could predispose
leading to the observed enlargement.
individuals to become violinists. As a student
practices the violin, neuronal connections in the
somatosensory cortex underlying finger dexterity in
the left hand are activated, which strengthens them.
Over time, this likely accounts for the differences in
the somatosensory cortex observed by Elbert and
As students learn—in both formal and informal
contexts—these experiences shape the architecture
of their brains. Therefore, abilities are not fixed
but rather continuously developing. In essence,
the more a student learns in a particular area, the
more intelligent the brain becomes in that area.
This plasticity enables students to overcome many
Learning to play the violin influences the auditory
learning challenges. For example, some students have
cortex as well. Pantev et al. (1998) found that the area
dyslexia, a reading difficulty commonly involving
of the auditory cortex representing musical tones
impaired phonological processing (Lyon, Shaywitz, &
is larger in violinists than in non-musicians. This is
Shaywitz 2003). While this presents a clear learning
true only for tones of the musical scale, not pure
challenge, brain plasticity enables many dyslexic
tones, suggesting that this area became enlarged
students develop alternative neural circuitry to
through musical practice. Moreover, later research
support reading when given appropriate educational
showed that short-term musical training led to
support (Shaywitz 2003). In fact, brain plasticity can
strengthening of neuronal connections in the auditory
enable students to overcome even severe learning
cortex (Pantev et al. 2003). This result supports the
challenges. A case study of a student who had half
notion that as students practice the violin, neuronal
of his brain removed due to severe epilepsy reveals
connections in the auditory cortex are strengthened,
the incredible plasticity of the brain (Immordino-Yang
which eventually leads to large-scale reorganization.
2008). A hemisphere of this student’s brain was
Research has demonstrated this type of plasticity in
removed when he was in preschool, severely impairing
the cortex as a result of other types of learning as
a slew of functions. However, the remaining brain
well, including learning other instruments (Lappe
hemisphere gradually developed to compensate for
et al. 2008; Pantev et al. 2003), motor learning
the missing one to a significant degree. Now in high
(Ungerleider, Doyon, & Karni 2002), language learning
school, this student is cognitively normal, performing
4 Mind, Brain, and Education: The Students at the Center Series
above average in school, maintaining friendships, and
they earned rewards, it led to the expansion of the
is an aspiring artist. Crucially, this student received
areas of the auditory cortex involved in processing
extensive educational support that was tailored to
that information. However, when the same auditory
support his weakness and capitalize on his abilities.
stimulation occurred and monkeys passively heard it,
The educational environment plays a crucial role
it did not lead to changes in the auditory cortex.
in shaping the brain’s abilities and determining
Recent imaging work suggests that cortical plasticity
students’ academic achievement. Education should
is conditional upon active engagement in humans
therefore strive to provide learning experiences that
as well (Ruytjens et al. 2006; Weinberger 2008;
enable students at all levels to build toward mastery
Winer & Schreiner 2011). Complementary research
of a common set of skills, which is a principle of
shows that active engagement is also necessary
student-centered learning approaches. Research
for the strengthening of neuronal connections in
on brain plasticity also indicates that the brain is
the cortex thought to underlie large-scale cortical
learning virtually all of the time, in both formal and
reorganization (Ahissar et al. 1992; Recanzone et
informal contexts (Squire & Kandel 2009; OECD
al. 1993; Recanzone & Wurtz 2000). Taken together,
2007). Education can therefore take advantage of
this research suggests that active engagement is a
nontraditional learning experiences in addition to
prerequisite for the changes in brain circuitry that are
school, such as afterschool enrichment, internships,
thought to underlie learning. In educational terms,
and community programs. This approach is integral
this suggests that passively sitting in a classroom
to student-centered learning, which formally credits
hearing a teacher lecture will not necessarily lead
these types of informal learning experiences.
to learning. Conversely, active engagement with
educational material within or outside of school will
support learning.2
Neuroscience research suggests that active
Related Paper in the Students at the Center Series3
engagement is necessary for learning. The changes
For a more detailed discussion of research on active
engagement and learning theory, see Motivation,
Engagement, and Student Voice, by Eric Toshalis and Michael
J. Nakkula.
in neuronal connections that underlie learning in the
brain do not seem to occur when learning experiences
are not active. In a seminal experiment, Gregg H.
Recanzone and his colleagues (1992) found that when
monkeys actively attended to finger stimulation
because it was relevant to their goals, they learned
the association between the stimulation and their
goals, and the area of the somatosensory cortex
representing the stimulated finger became enlarged.
However, when monkeys received the same finger
stimulation passively, it did not lead to changes in
the somatosensory cortex. Researchers found the
same pattern in plasticity of the auditory cortex
(Reconzone et al. 1993). When monkeys were actively
engaged in learning auditory information because
Education can take advantage of nontraditional learning experiences in addition
to school, such as afterschool enrichment, internships, and community programs.
Jobs for the Future 5
hy do some students whiz through
or not; rather, it points to a more nuanced perspective
chemistry while others struggle? Why
that recognizes that each student has a complex
do certain students show an uncommon
profile of strengths and limitations.
resilience in the face of adversity? Why are some
students passionate about literature and others drawn
to mathematics? These variations are grounded in
individual differences in the brain. Students’ genetic
predispositions interact with learning experiences
to give rise to a wide range of individual differences
(Fischer & Bidell 2006; Hinton & Fischer 2011;
Shonkoff & Phillips 2000; Ridley 2003). Students are
born with certain genetic tendencies. As they interact
with the world around them, these experiences can
reinforce or counteract their genetic inclinations. For
example, a student may have a genetic predisposition
for shyness (Arbelle et al. 2003), yet grow into a
In fact, recent research suggests that it may be a
misnomer to label dyslexia as a disability. Students
with dyslexia have reading difficulty that results
from atypical cortical organization (Shaywitz 2003).
However, recent research suggests that the atypical
cortical organization of dyslexics is also associated
with specific visual talents (Schnepps, Rose, & Fischer
2007). Different brain circuitry underlies the central
and peripheral visual fields. While most students
process visual stimuli most easily in the central visual
field, which is used for reading, dyslexic students
favor the peripheral visual field.
gregarious person despite that because of supportive
It turns out that this difference leads to certain visual
social experiences at home, in school, or in the
talents. Dyslexics are better than non-dyslexics at
integrating information across the visual field and
Since genetics and experience interact to shape
the brain, each student’s brain is unique. Students
have a collection of different abilities, and a student
may struggle in one area, such as mathematics,
and yet thrive in another, such as interpersonal
intelligence (Gardner 1983). Moreover, within each
of these domains, students can have both talents
and limitations. For example, in the musical domain,
students who have perfect pitch typically struggle
with transposing, which is singing a melody in a key
that is different from the one it was written in. Mind,
brain, and education research does not support the
simplistic notion that each student is either intelligent
quickly detecting anomalies or oddities in visual
images (von Karolyi et al. 2003). This is not merely
an interesting laboratory finding—it has real-world
implications. These visual talents give dyslexics
an advantage as astronomers (Schnepps, Rose,
& Fischer 2007). Astronomers need to examine
patterns of stars in the sky, as well as patterns of
waves that come from stars and planets in the sky.
The visual talents of dyslexic astronomers help them
detect black holes, the mysterious places in the sky
with gravitational fields so intense that even light
cannot escape. Detecting black holes requires the
capacity to integrate information across wide areas
of the visual field, which calls upon the peripheral
Students’ genetic predispositions interact with learning experiences to give rise
to a wide range of individual differences.
6 Mind, Brain, and Education: The Students at the Center Series
visual field. Therefore, students with dyslexia do not
Much more research is needed on how to
have a “less intelligent” brain, but rather atypical
accommodate a wide variety of individual differences.
brain organization that brings a specific profile of
Education literature is overwhelmingly based on
disadvantages, which are evident in reading, and
studies of middle-class individuals of European-
talents, such as an enhanced capacity to integrate
American ancestry (Shonkoff & Phillips 2000). Given
information across the visual field.
that instructional methods can be differentially
The standard curriculum and traditional pedagogical
techniques often do not accommodate individual
differences. Research on reading instruction
illuminates the shortcomings of this approach. Most
students in the United States learn to read words,
linking sounds with letters to form words. However,
few students master the skill of learning from text
(Snow, Burns, & Griffin 1998; Snow, Griffin, & Burns
2005). That is, they do not learn to extract meaning
effectively from text they read. This educational
failure means that most students’ brains never
become fully literate. Much of the problem is that
students follow different learning pathways when
learning to read, and the standard curriculum
is structured as if all students follow the same
pathway (Fischer & Bidell 2006; Fischer, Bernstein, &
Immordino-Yang 2007; Knight & Fischer 1992). This
uniform curriculum loses a host of students because it
does not take into account the different ways students
learn or the different languages, cultures, values,
goals, and interests they bring to school (Fischer &
Bidell 2006; Fink & Samuels 2007).
Student achievement arises from an interaction of
a student’s profile with instructional techniques.4
effective for different subgroups, it is problematic
that evidence-based practice is, by and large, based
on evidence from this particular subgroup. Recent
research suggests that studies with this subgroup
are unlikely to generalize to other populations
(Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan 2010). For example, the
degree to which Intelligence Quotient is influenced
by genetics and the environment seems to vary
dramatically depending on students’ socioeconomic
status, which is an indicator of social position that
takes into account their familial income, education
level, and occupations (National Center for
Educational Statistics 2008; Turkheimer et al. 2003).5
In students from high socioeconomic backgrounds,
genetic difference accounts for 70 to 80 percent
of the variation in IQ, with shared environment
accounting for less than 10 percent.6 However, in
students from low socioeconomic backgrounds,
shared environment accounts for about 60 percent,
and genetic variation contributes from 0 to 10
percent. This is likely because there is more variability
in the environments of students from low-income
backgrounds. As another example, there are robust
gender differences in spatial reasoning in students
of high and middle socioeconomic status but not in
For example, research shows that the performance
low-SES students (Levine et al. 2005). More research
of students with a gene that is linked to anxiety can
is needed with subpopulations from low-income and
vary significantly based on instructional technique
minority backgrounds to ensure that instructional
(Kegel et al. 2011). When students with this anxiety-
techniques can be tailored to their needs and
linked gene engage in a computer literacy instruction
program without feedback, they perform lower
than students without this gene. However, when the
program is adjusted to include positive feedback that
motivates and informs students as they work, those
with the anxiety-linked gene have higher outcomes
than those without it. Adjusting instruction to meet
each student’s particular needs can often move
students from failure to proficiency.
Jobs for the Future 7
he brain is genetically primed to acquire
native language instruction, including English Second
language. Noam Chomsky (1959) proposed
Language (ESL) instruction, as early as possible.
that the brain is predisposed to process
certain stimuli according to universal language
rules. Indeed, recent research confirms that there
are brain structures that are genetically specialized
for language (Neville & Bruer 2001). Broca’s area
is involved in a broad range of linguistic functions,
including language production (Bookheimer 2002).
Wernicke’s area plays a key role in semantics
(Bookheimer et al. 1998; Thompson-Schill et al. 1999).
However, although early non-native language
instruction seems to bring certain biological
advantages, it is certainly possible to learn language
throughout the lifespan (Worden, Hinton, & Fischer
2011). If adolescents and adults are immersed in a nonnative language, they can learn it very well, although
particular aspects, such as accent, may never develop
as completely as they could have if the language had
been learned earlier. Additionally, there are individual
Although certain brain structures are biologically
differences such that the degree and duration of
primed for language, experience acts as a catalyst
sensitive periods can vary from one student to the
to initiate the process of language acquisition. There
next. Some individuals are able to master almost all
are sensitive periods in certain areas of the brain
aspects of a non-native language into adulthood.
during which they are most receptive to particular
aspects of language learning (Bruer 2008; Neville &
Bruer 2001; Kuhl 2010). There is a sensitive period for
acquiring the accent of a language, which is learned
most effectively between birth and about 12 years of
age (Neville & Bruer 2001). There is also a sensitive
period for learning the grammar of a language
(Neville & Bruer 2001). If the brain is exposed to a
non-native language between one and three years of
age, grammar is processed by the left hemisphere, as
it is in native speakers. However, when initial exposure
occurs at the ages of 11, 12, or 13 years, corresponding
to early secondary school, brain imaging studies
reveal an alternative processing strategy, involving
both hemispheres. The brain circuits genetically
primed to learn grammar are most plastic early in
life. Therefore, when foreign language exposure
occurs later in life, the brain must rely partially on
other circuits that are not genetically specified for
learning grammar. This may account for the deficits in
grammatical processing often found in students who
were first exposed to non-native language instruction
late in their schooling (Fledge & Fletcher 1992). Given
these sensitive periods, education should begin non-
8 Mind, Brain, and Education: The Students at the Center Series
ultural evolution has vastly outpaced
route theory posits that processing then follows one
biological evolution. Biological evolution
of two complementary pathways. One pathway has an
occurred over billions of years, and
intermediate step of converting letters into sounds,
has endowed the brain with certain genetic
which involves Broca’s area. The other pathway
predispositions, such as the predisposition for
consists of a direct transfer from word to meaning,
language learning. Cultural evolution has taken
and seems to involve the visual word form area
place comparably much more rapidly, over many
(Cohen et al. 2002; Gaillard et al. 2006). Since there
generations (Tomasello 1999). As a result, cultural
are genetically specified language areas in the brain
inventions such as literacy and formal mathematics
and biological constraints on which brain areas will fit
are not built into the genetic blueprint of the brain.
a literacy function well, many of the areas involved in
However, because of the brain’s incredible plasticity,
reading are shared across languages (Dehaene 2009).
it can adapt to create complex networks that can
support this cultural knowledge (Hinton 2011).
However, learning to read in different languages
does produce some differences in the brain network
Literacy is a prime example of this. While the brain is
that supports reading. These differences reflect
genetically primed to learn language, literacy arises
the properties of each language. English has an
through cumulative experience-dependent changes in
inconsistent match between letters and sounds. For
brain architecture (Hinton, Miyamoto, & della Chiesa
example, consider the pronunciation of the letter g
2008; OECD 2007). The brain structures genetically
in the words “girl” and “tough”; the English language
predisposed to support language, including Broca’s
is riddled with these types of inconsistencies.
area and Wernike’s area, are at the core of reading
Therefore, it is most efficient for the brain to read
networks. As a student learns to read, these
English using a combination of phonetic decoding
areas connect with additional areas that were not
and whole-word recognition. Italian, by contrast,
genetically destined for literacy but rather recycled to
has a highly consistent match between letters and
fit this function (Dehaene 2009). There are biological
sounds. As a result, it is most efficient for the brain to
constraints on which areas can be recycled for this
rely primarily on phonetic decoding when reading in
purpose. However, the degree to which certain areas
Italian. Indeed, a seminal study revealed that learning
are involved and the recruitment of supplemental
to read in Italian creates a brain network for reading
areas can vary based on experience. Neuroscientists
that is less heavily dependent upon the visual word
are only just beginning to delineate the complex
form area, which is central to whole-word recognition
networks underlying literacy.
(Paulesu et al. 2001). Italian native readers use this
Neuroscience research to date has focused on reading
at the level of the word. The dual-route theory
provides an overview of what happens in the brain
when an English native reader reads a word (Jobard,
Crivello, & Tzourio-Mazoyer 2003; Levy et al. 2009).
As you look at a word on this page, this stimulus is
first processed by the primary visual cortex. The dual-
brain network even when reading in English, indicating
that the skill of reading has been built somewhat
differently as a result of experience learning to read in
Italian. Further research has established that a similar
brain network is used for reading in other languages,
including Spanish and Hindi, which have a highly
consistent match between letters and sounds as well
(Dasa et al. 2011).
Jobs for the Future 9
Learning to read in non-alphabetic languages
gives rise to a brain network underlying reading
that is similar to that created by learning to read
in alphabetic languages, but partially distinct. The
neural network underlying reading in Chinese native
readers seems to involve both Broca’s area and the
visual word form area, which are both central to
reading in alphabetic languages (Lee et al. 2004; Tan
et al. 2003; Wang et al. 2008). However, the neural
network underlying reading in Chinese native readers
also involves certain brain areas associated with
spatial information processing that are not part of
the reading network of English native readers (Tan et
al. 2003). These spatial areas likely become a part of
the reading network because of the spatial complexity
of Chinese ideograms. Even among non-alphabetic
languages such as Chinese and Japanese, the brain
networks underlying reading are partially distinct
(Matsuo et al. 2010).
Together, research on reading in the brain illustrates
that there are individual differences in reading
networks based on experience learning to read in a
particular language. One implication of this work is
that ESL students are processing written information
in somewhat different ways than native English
speakers so standard reading instruction techniques
may not be the right fit for their needs. More broadly,
it illustrates how the brain is shaped by experience to
give rise to individual differences.
ESL students are processing written information in somewhat different ways than
native English speakers so standard reading instruction techniques may not be
the right fit for their needs.
10 Mind, Brain, and Education: The Students at the Center Series
ike literacy, mathematics is created in the brain
The parietal cortex is likely the site of this genetically
through a synergy of biology and experience
endowed quantitative sense and seems to play a
(Dehaene 2011; Hinton, Miyamoto & della
central role in developing many mathematical skills
Chiesa 2008; OECD 2007). Just as there are brain
(Dehaene 2011). Damage to the parietal cortex has
structures that have been designed through evolution
devastating effects on mathematical abilities. For
for language, there are analogous structures for a
example, patients with parietal damage sometimes
quantitative sense. As students learn mathematics,
cannot answer a question as simple as which number
these structures connect with other brain areas that
falls between 3 and 5. However, they often have
were not genetically destined for number but are
no difficulty solving analogous serial tasks across
sufficiently plastic to be gradually shaped for this
other domains, such as identifying which month falls
function through experience. Therefore, mathematics
between June and August or which musical note is
draw on a complex network of genetically determined
between do and mi. They can also sometimes solve
brain structures and experience-dependent brain
concrete problems that they cannot solve abstractly.
For example, they sometimes know that there are
Recent research has characterized students’
genetically endowed basic quantitative sense (Wynn
two hours between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. but still cannot
subtract 9 from 11 in symbolic notation.
1998; Ferigenson, Dehaene, & Spelke 2004). This
This pattern of results reveals two principles about
quantitative sense includes a concept of one, two,
mathematics in the brain. First, mathematics is
and three. Infants can already precisely discriminate
at least partially dissociable from other cognitive
these quantities from one another and from larger
domains, which supports the notion of multiple
quantities. Moreover, the concept of these numbers
abilities (Gardner 1983). Talents or deficits in
seems to be abstract since they are insensitive
mathematics do not generally predict talents or
to modality, with infants connecting the quality
deficits in other domains. A student may, for example,
of “two-ness” across two sounds and two objects
struggle with mathematics but have excellent
(Izard et al. 2009; Starkey, Spelke, & Gelman 1990).
linguistic abilities. Second, abilities within the
This initial quantitative sense includes the ability to
domain of mathematics can be dissociable from one
approximately discriminate among larger numbers.
another. That is, a talent or weakness in a certain
There is also evidence that this quantitative sense
mathematical skill is not necessarily predictive of
includes intuitions about simple mathematical
ability in another mathematical skill. This casts
operations. Karen Wynn (1992) found that when one
doubt on the validity of tracking students based on
object is placed behind a screen followed by a second
performance of basic mathematics skills, which may
object, infants expect to see two objects when the
not necessarily relate to their abilities in advanced
screen is removed, suggesting that they know that
mathematics skills. In fact, research suggests that
1 plus 1 should equal 2. In addition, Koleen McCrink
higher-level operations rely on partially distinct
and Wynn (2004) found that infants can also perform
neural circuitry; the brain areas underlying algebra
approximate calculations with larger numbers, such
are largely independent of those used in mental
as computing that 5 plus 5 equals about 10. Students
calculation (Hittmair-Delazer, Sailer, & Benke 1995).
therefore have an intuitive inclination to use numbers
to understand the world around them.
Jobs for the Future 11
As students learn mathematics, the parietal cortex
links with other brain areas to give rise to a rich
array of mathematical skills (Dehaene 2011). As in the
case of literacy, which areas are connected depends
partially on experience. Different instructional
methods can result in a different underlying neural
circuit. For example, Margarete Hittmair-Delazer and
colleagues (2005) found that that learning by drill,
which involved learning to associate a specific result
with two operands, was encoded in a different neural
substrate than learning by strategy, which consisted
of applying a sequence of arithmetic operations.
This means that two students may both answer that
15 plus 15 equals 30, but if one student learned this
fact through memorization while the other learned
to calculate this answer using double-digit addition,
the students are using distinct neural circuitries.
Teaching by strategy seems to lead to a more robust
neural encoding of mathematical information than
teaching by drill, resulting in greater accuracy and
transferability. More neuroscience research is needed
to explore how different instructional methods
influence mathematics in the brain.
12 Mind, Brain, and Education: The Students at the Center Series
ver 2,000 years ago, Plato declared, “All
Some of the strongest neuroscience evidence that
learning has an emotional base.” Modern
emotion guides cognition and learning arises from
neuroscientists also argue that emotion
patients with lesions in areas of the brain involved
is fundamental to learning (Damasio 1994, 1998;
in emotion. The case study of Phineas Gage, who
Dalgleish 2004; Grindal, Hinton, & Shonkoff 2011;
had lesions in cortical areas involved in emotion,
Immordino-Yang et al. 2007, 2009; LeDoux 2002;
provides a classic example (Damasio et al. 1994).
Rolla, Hinton, & Shonkoff 2011). In the words of Mary
Before the accident that damaged his brain, Gage
Helen Immordino-Yang and Antonio R. Damasio
was responsible, intelligent, and well liked. After the
(2007), “We feel, therefore we learn.” Emotion
accident, he remained intelligent in the conventional
recruits a complex network of brain regions, many of
sense. However, he was unable to use emotional
which are involved in learning. These areas include
cues to guide his learning and decision making.
the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, amygdala,
As a result, he struggled to distinguish between
hypothalamus, and many others (Dangleish 2004;
successes and mistakes, and his learning and work
Davidson 2003; Lang & Davis 2006; LeDoux 2002;
suffered dramatically. Patients with this type of brain
MacLean 1949; Morgane et al. 2005). When a student
damage can reason logically using factual information
has a learning experience, emotion and cognition
(Saver & Damasio 1991). However, this reasoning
operate seamlessly in the brain.
is insufficient to produce good decisions because,
Emotion acts as a rudder to guide learning. The
emotions students feel during an experience become
salient labels that steer future learning and decision
making. For example, consider the following scenario:
A student decides to skip studying for a science exam
to go to a baseball game. She enjoys the game, but
does not feel particularly strongly about it. Since
without salient emotional tags, various pieces of
information are not weighted properly. As a result,
these individuals tend to make poor choices that
lead them off track from learning goals. The brain
uses emotion to effectively guide learning, tagging
experiences as either positive and worth approaching
or as aversive and worth avoiding.
she did not study for her science exam, she fails
Brain-imaging studies are beginning to elucidate
it. As a result, she is scolded by her parents, feels
the neural substrate of this system. When students
embarrassed to tell the other students her grade, and
encounter a situation, the brain quickly and
bursts into tears whenever she thinks about the exam.
automatically appraises it (Frijda 2006). The
What is this student likely to choose the next time
prefrontal cortex is the site of this appraisal, marking
she decides between studying and going to a sporting
whether the situation brings positive or negative
event? Emotions direct students’ learning processes,
feelings (Davidson & Fox 1989). When events are
helping them gravitate toward positive situations and
positive, the left prefrontal cortex shows more
away from negative ones.
activity, with higher-frequency brain waves. By
Emotions direct students’ learning processes, helping them gravitate toward
positive situations and away from negative ones.
Jobs for the Future 13
Education should give students opportunities to practice setting goals, tracking
progress toward them, adjusting strategies along the way, and assessing
contrast, when events are negative, activation in
affect, and students who are between 13 and 17 years
the prefrontal cortex occurs dominantly in the right.
old demonstrated only half the regulatory control of
The prefrontal cortex is also the seat of executive
adults (Gabrieli 2004).
functioning, which involves goal setting, appropriately
selecting learning strategies, monitoring progress,
and assessing outcomes (Fuster 2008). Therefore,
emotion and executive function are physically
integrated in the brain. The prefrontal cortex is still
maturing in adolescence so executive functioning
skills are still developing (Luna & Sweeney 2004).
Education should therefore support the development
of these skills by giving students opportunities to
practice setting goals, tracking progress toward them,
adjusting strategies along the way, and assessing
Education can support the development of emotional
regulation skills, and this should be a priority as
emotional regulation skills strongly predict academic
achievement (Hinton, Miyamoto, & della Chiesa
2008; OECD 2007). This is particularly important for
students from underprivileged backgrounds: Recent
research suggests that one of the main differences
between disadvantaged students who succeed
in school and those who do not is their ability to
regulate emotions (OECD 2011).
Neuroscience evidence of the fundamental role of
Since cognition and emotion are interrelated in
the brain, individuals can cognitively regulate their
emotions (Luan Phan et al. 2005; Ochsner et al. 2002;
Ochsner et al. 2004; Phillips et al. 2003). For example,
one study shows that individuals can down-regulate
the emotional impact of negative experiences
(Ochsner et al. 2004). This mollifying effect
manifested in both reduced subjective affect and
decreased amygdala activation. Effective strategies
included reinterpretation and depersonalization.
For example, participants reported depicting a
emotion in learning settles long-standing ideological
debates about whether educators should be
responsible for emotional development (Hinton,
Miyamoto, & della Chiesa 2008). If educators are
involved in intellectual development, they are
inherently involved in emotional development as well.
Student-centered learning approaches recognize the
importance of emotion. Such approaches call for each
student to be surrounded by a supportive community
of educators. In addition, these approaches are
designed to increase student motivation.7
sick woman as receiving a life-saving treatment
(reinterpretation) and considered her with the clinical
detachment of patient (depersonalization). The
employment of these regulatory strategies recruited
areas of the prefrontal cortex. Since the prefrontal
cortex is still maturing in childhood and adolescence,
students in primary and secondary school are still
Related Paper in the Students at the Center Series8
For an illustration of the role of emotion in the classroom
and a discussion of the social-emotional aspects of
learning, see “Element 4. Supporting Social and Emotional
Growth and Identity Development” in Teachers at Work—Six
Exemplars of Everyday Practice, by Barbara Cervone and
Kathleen Cushman.
developing their emotional regulation skills (Gabrieli
2004; Luna & Sweeney 2004). In fact, one study
showed that students who are between 8 and 12
years old were virtually unable to reduce negative
Education can support the development of emotional regulation skills, and this
should be a priority as emotional regulation skills strongly predict academic
14 Mind, Brain, and Education: The Students at the Center Series
difference in motivation can help educators adapt
Motivation in the brain is driven by emotion:
emotional needs.11
Individuals are motivated to engage in situations
pedagogy to be congruent with each student’s
with an emotionally positive valence and avoid those
with an emotionally negative valence (Cain & LeDoux
2008; Lang 2010; Lang & Davis 2006; OECD 2007).
Motivation recruits brain areas involved in emotion,
Another emotion that is highly relevant in an
including the prefrontal cortex and amygdala (Robbins
education context is stress. Low levels of stress can
& Everitt 1996). Much more research is needed to
be positive or tolerable and may even contribute
explore the brain mechanisms underlying the complex
to motivation. However, high levels of frequent or
and varied motivations of students in educational
prolonged stress can be toxic to the brain (Grindal,
contexts. Most neuroscience research on motivation
Hinton, & Shonkoff 2011; McEwen & Sapolsky 1995;
to date focuses on animal studies that cannot
Shonkoff & Phillips 2000). Positive stress involves
capture the subjective experience of humans or basic
short-lived stress responses, including brief increases
motivations such as desire for food (Cain & LeDoux
in heart rate or mild changes in stress hormones
2008; Robbins & Everitt 1996). However, there is
such as cortisol. Examples of positive stress include
extensive education psychology research on student
giving a class presentation, feeling challenged by
a mathematics problem, or trying out for a sports
Pioneering work by Carol Dweck (2006) is beginning
team. This kind of stress is a normal part of life,
to connect neuroscience with this established body
and learning to adjust to it is an essential feature of
of education psychology research on motivation.
healthy development. Tolerable stress refers to stress
Extensive research has shown that many students
responses that could affect brain architecture but
hold one of two distinct attitudes toward intelligence
occur for brief periods or in the presence of support
(Dweck 2006).10 In one attitude, called entity,
so that the brain can recover. Tolerable stress can
students treat intelligence as if it is fixed: A student
range from taking a high-stakes exam to experiencing
is either smart or not. In the other attitude, called
the death of a loved one with the support of a parent,
incremental, students believe that intelligence is
teacher, or school psychologist. Toxic stress refers to
achieved: A student can become more intelligent by
strong, frequent, or prolonged activation of the body
working hard to learn. Students with an incremental
stress management system in the absence of support.
theory of intelligence are more likely to persist in the
Toxic stressors include chronic poverty, abuse,
face of challenge and use mistakes as opportunities to
bullying, and trauma without support.
develop understanding.
Toxic stress impacts the physical architecture of the
Dweck (2006) connects these attitudes with brain
brain. It leads to quantifiable changes in areas of the
research. One brain region (frontal) responds strongly
brain that are centrally involved in learning, such
to negative feedback about performance, and another
as the hippocampus, which can result in learning
region (temporal) activates with efforts to correct
problems (McEwen & Sapolsky 1995; Shonkoff &
mistakes in performance. Students with an entity
Phillips 2000). Furthermore, toxic stress can change
attitude show a stronger frontal response to the
the stress system so that it responds at lower
negative feedback they receive when they make a
thresholds (Shonkoff & Phillips 2000). This means
mistake than students with an incremental attitude.
that a situation that would not seem threatening
Brain processes closely follow students’ attitudes
to most students may trigger a stress response in
about learning. Students with an entity attitude react
students who have experienced toxic stress. This
strongly to errors but do not take advantage of the
stress response can interrupt learning. Moreover, it
opportunity to learn more effectively, while students
can manifest in a problematic aggressive attitude that
with an incremental attitude react less strongly to
damages students’ relationships with teachers and
errors and work more effectively to learn from their
mistakes. Understanding these types of individual
Jobs for the Future 15
When students from disadvantaged backgrounds are in high-quality schools, their
cortisol levels decrease throughout the day. The better the school, the more
the cortisol levels decrease. Therefore, a quality learning environment can help
students reach healthy cortisol levels, which lead to better emotional regulation
and more favorable learning outcomes.
Fortunately, recent research shows that supportive
fire as when the student swings the bat himself or
school environments can buffer students’ brains from
herself. Similarly, when a teacher sees a student cry,
the impacts of unhealthy levels of stress (Rappolt-
some of the same neurons in the teacher’s brain
Schlichtmann Ayoub, & Gravel 2009; Rappolt-
fire as when the teacher cries himself or herself.
Schlichtmann et al. 2009; Rappolt-Schlichtmann
This mirror neuron system is thought to be the
& Watamura 2010). Rappolt-Schlichtmann and
neurological basis for empathy and supports bonding
colleagues (2009) studied the level of the stress
and learning.
hormone cortisol in students of low and middle
socioeconomic status. Results reveal that low-SES
students typically come to school with higher levels of
cortisol than their middle-SES counterparts. However,
when students from disadvantaged backgrounds
are in high-quality schools, their cortisol levels
decrease throughout the day. The better the school,
the more the cortisol levels decrease. Therefore, a
quality learning environment can help students reach
healthy cortisol levels, which lead to better emotional
regulation and more favorable learning outcomes
(Mangels 2011; Shonkoff & Phillips 2000; OECD 2007).
This research underscores the need for child-friendly
learning spaces that promote students’ intellectual,
emotional, and physical well-being and shelter
students from toxic stress both during and outside of
regular school hours (UNICEF 2009).
The mirror neuron system biologically primes
students to attune to others and bond with them,
which sustains interactions with adults and peers
that support learning. Adults and more-expert
peers provide scaffolding that enables children and
adolescents to grapple with advanced knowledge,
which leads to richer and more rapid learning than
would be possible through individual exploration
(Vygotsky 1978). For example, as a student struggles
to understand why a wooden block floats in water
despite its large size, a parent can guide the student
toward understanding by strategically suggesting
other objects to test. The bond between the student
and the parent facilitates this interaction, with the
student attuning to the parent and trusting his or her
suggestions. These types of social interactions are
fundamental to learning. Environments that promote
positive relationships and a sense of community
therefore promote learning.12
Learning and emotions take place in an environment
of relationships, and the human brain is primed
for emotional bonding, which supports learning
(Hinton 2011; Hinton & Fischer 2011; ImmordinoYang & Damasio 2007; National Scientific Council
on the Developing Child 2004). The brain is tuned
to experience empathy, which intimately connects
individuals to one another’s experiences. Mirror
neurons fire to simulate others’ experiences (Dobbs
2006). When a student sees a coach swing a baseball
bat, some of the same neurons in the student’s brain
Environments that promote positive relationships and a sense of community
promote learning.
16 Mind, Brain, and Education: The Students at the Center Series
he mind, brain, and education research
Research on brain plasticity also indicates that the
discussed here supports many aspects of a
brain is learning virtually all the time, in both formal
student-centered learning approach. Research
and informal contexts (Squire & Kandel 2009; OECD
on brain plasticity, language learning, literacy, and
2007). Traditional schooling with a teacher standing
mathematics all show that the brain is continually
in front of a classroom is therefore only one of many
shaped by learning experiences (Squire & Kandel
potential learning experiences (OECD 2011). Since
2009; OECD 2007). This underscores that abilities
informal learning also shapes the brain, education can
are not fixed, but rather always developing. Sorting
take advantage of nontraditional learning experiences
students into rigid tracks based on current ability
in addition to school, such as afterschool enrichment,
could therefore deny students in lower tracks the
internships, or community programs. In a student-
learning experiences their brains need to reach their
centered approach to learning, informal education
full potential. By contrast, providing meaningful
experiences with nontraditional educators would be
learning experiences with ongoing guidance can
formally recognized and credited.14
enable students at all levels to build toward mastery
of a common set of skills, which is keeping with a
student-centered learning approach. One powerful
tool for guiding students toward mastery of skills
is formative assessment (OECD 2005).13 Formative
assessment, an integral part of student-centered
learning approaches, involves ongoing assessment
throughout the learning process for the purpose
of shaping teaching and learning. Educators use
formative assessment to tailor instruction to meet
each student’s current needs. In tandem, students use
it to inform how to approach continued learning.
Neuroscience research shows that the changes in the
brain that underlie learning occur when experiences
are active (Recanzone et al. 1992, 1993; Ruytjens
et al. 2006; Weinberger 2008; Winer & Schreiner
2011). With student-centered learning approaches,
students are empowered to engage in active learning
experiences that are relevant to their lives and goals.
When a student is passively sitting in a classroom
where the teacher is presenting decontextualized
information that he or she is not paying attention
to, the brain is not learning. On the other hand, the
brain is learning when a student is actively engaged
in learning relevant knowledge in an informal
Related Paper in the Student at the Center Series
context. Therefore, research on how the brain learns
Assessing Learning, by Heidi Andrade, Kristen Huff, and
Georgia Brooke
is consistent with the student-centered learning
principle of giving credit for mastery of core skills
in formal and informal contexts, rather than giving
credit for mere time spent in a classroom.
Providing meaningful learning experiences with ongoing guidance can enable
students at all levels to build toward mastery of a common set of skills.
Jobs for the Future 17
Mind, brain, and education research on individual
classroom, these students would have difficulties
differences, language learning, literacy, and
accessing mathematical knowledge from printed
mathematics suggests that students learn most
English textbooks and would struggle to demonstrate
effectively through experiences that are tailored
their understanding on paper-and-pencil exams. These
to their needs and interests (Fischer & Bidell 2006;
types of avoidable problems impede learning and
Fischer, Immordino-Yang, & Waber 2007; Hinton &
mask mathematical abilities. If students with limited
Fischer 2011). Historically, education consisted of
English proficiency are given alternative means of
learning a sacred text, such as the Bible, the Koran,
instruction and assessment, such as a computer
or the writings of Confucius (Gardner 2004). This
program that can translate English instructions into
history is evident in the current education system,
their native language, they would not fall behind
which often asks students to memorize information
in mathematics while their language skills were
from textbooks in a rigid way. While content
developing. A student-centered learning approach can
knowledge is important, students best learn this
provide this type of flexibility.
knowledge, as well as more advanced skills, through
active learning experiences in a flexible educational
context. Mind, brain, and education research on
individual differences, language learning, literacy,
and mathematics indicates that students can follow
different learning pathways (Fischer, Immordino-Yang,
Related Paper in the Students at the Center Series16
For a more detailed discussion of how technology facilitates
differentiating instruction and meeting different learning
styles, see Curricular Opportunities in the Digital Age, by
David H. Rose and Jenna W. Gravel.
& Waber 2007). A flexible education system that
differentiates instruction to accommodate individual
differences will therefore meet the needs of a wider
variety of students.15 Technology can provide a
powerful means of differentiating instruction if it
is designed for that pedagogical purpose (Rose &
Meyer 2000, 2002; Wilson et al. 2006). Studentcentered learning approaches allow students to
follow different pathways to core skills and standards.
Students can progress at their own pace through
learning experiences that meet their particular needs
and interests.
Neuroscience research indicates that emotion and
learning are biologically interdependent (Damasio
1994, 1998; Dalgleish 2004; Grindal, Hinton, &
Shonkoff 2011; Immordino-Yang et al. 2007, 2009;
LeDoux 2002; Rolla, Hinton, & Shonkoff 2011). This
scientific evidence that emotion is fundamental to
learning settles long-standing ideological debates
concerning whether educators should be responsible
for emotional development—if educators are
responsible for intellectual development, they are
inherently involved in emotional development as well
Neuroscience research also suggests that each
(Hinton, Miyamoto, & della Chiesa 2008). Students are
student has a unique profile of strengths and
more likely to thrive academically if educators provide
limitations, and a student’s ability in one domain
a positive learning environment, encourage a sense
does not predict his or her ability in another (Gardner
of community, teach emotional regulation strategies,
1983). This underscores the need for multiple
and shelter students from toxic stress. Student-
pathways to core knowledge (Rose & Strangman
centered approaches to learning recognize the central
2007; Rose & Dalton 2009). Without such flexibility,
role of emotion in learning.
difficulties in a certain domain may unnecessarily
interfere with learning in another domain. Consider,
for example, students with limited English proficiency
who are learning mathematics. In a traditional
Student-centered approaches to learning require
students to be self-directed and responsible for their
own learning, which requires executive functioning
skills such as goal setting, planning, and monitoring
This scientific evidence that emotion is fundamental to learning settles longstanding ideological debates concerning whether educators should be responsible
for emotional development—if educators are responsible for intellectual
development, they are inherently involved in emotional development as well.
18 Mind, Brain, and Education: The Students at the Center Series
Student-centered approaches to learning require students to be self-directed and
responsible for their own learning, which requires executive functioning skills
such as goal setting, planning, and monitoring progress.
progress. Since the prefrontal cortex is still maturing
circuitry that is central to learning (Shonkoff &
in adolescence, executive functioning skills are still
Phillips 2000; Rappolt-Schlichtmann et al. 2009).
developing (Luna & Sweeney 2004). Educators can
Since student-centered learning is not confined to
support the development of executive functioning
the traditional school calendar and schedule, it can
skills by explicitly teaching metacognitive skills
provide child-friendly learning spaces that shelter
of “learning how to learn,” including how to set
students from toxic stress when they are away from
appropriate goals, track progress toward them,
school, such as over the summer or after regular
appropriately adjust learning strategies, and
school hours (UNICEF 2009).
accurately assess outcomes (Schoenfeld 1987; White &
Frederiksen 1998). When students first begin learning
these skills, educators can provide a good amount of
targeted support, or scaffolding. Educators can then
gradually remove this scaffolding as students become
more self-directed in their learning.17
Proficiency in the language of instruction strongly
predicts academic achievement among immigrants
(OECD 2003). Neuroscience research indicates that
there are sensitive periods for certain aspects of
language learning early in life (Bruer 2008; Neville
& Bruer 2001; Kuhl 2010). Because of these sensitive
periods, students who receive non-native language
instruction in preschool or primary school have a
biological advantage for mastering certain aspects
Mind, brain, and education research on individual
of that language. Therefore, teaching ESL students
differences suggests that underserved students
the language of instruction as early as possible
may sometimes thrive with different instructional
gives them a biological advantage for learning that
techniques than their middle-class peers (Henrich,
language, which ultimately supports their academic
Heine, & Norenzayan 2010). For example,
achievement. Much more mind, brain, and education
neuroscience research on literacy shows that ESL
research is needed on education of underserved
students are using a somewhat different brain
network for reading than native English readers
(OECD 2007). That suggests that ESL students may
require alternative means of reading instruction.
Many of the practices associated with studentcentered learning provide a flexible framework
for education that can accommodate individual
differences through differentiated instruction.
Research in mind, brain, and education suggests
that student-centered approaches to learning are
consistent with how students learn. However, there
Recent research indicates that a key difference
are major logistical challenges in implementing
between disadvantaged students who succeed in
these approaches. First, student-centered learning
school and those who do not is their emotional skills
approaches call for evidence-based pedagogy. The
(OECD 2011). Resilient disadvantaged students tend
current education system lacks an infrastructure
to have more self-confidence and higher motivation
that supports a sustainable interaction between
than their non-resilient peers. Therefore, using
researchers and practitioners. Without this
an educational approach that nurtures emotional
infrastructure, there is a gap between research and
development is especially important for underserved
practice, and practices are often based on history or
students. In addition, research suggests that students
ideology rather than evidence. A related challenge is
from disadvantaged backgrounds are more likely
that implementing student-centered learning requires
to experience toxic stress, which can disrupt brain
extensive professional development for educators,
Jobs for the Future 19
who would need to be skilled in understanding
Research in mind, brain, and education suggests that
research, using multiple forms of pedagogy,
student-centered learning approaches could to lead
effectively differentiating instruction, carrying
to a more effective and equitable education system,
out formative assessments, and connecting with
but there are many serious logistical challenges that
community members. One solution to both of these
need to be dealt with before such practices can be
challenges is to create research schools, which are
effectively and holistically implemented. In reference
living laboratories where researchers work alongside
to progress in education, Howard Gardner (2004)
teachers to carry out research, train educators, and
notes, “This task may take one hundred years or
disseminate research results (Hinton 2008; Hinton &
more; but as a French military leader once famously
Fischer 2008, 2010).18
remarked when facing an especially daunting task, in
Other challenges of student-centered learning
approaches arise from students following their
own pathways to proficiency, often through
informal learning experiences. How can educators
ensure accountability in a system with permeable
borders between schools, homes, communities,
and professional institutions? How can educators
measure progress toward common standards across
a wide variety of informal learning contexts? How will
educators’ performances be evaluated in a system
that distributes responsibilities among teachers,
parents, community members, and others? In addition
to these accountability issues, students following
different learning pathways bring an even more
troubling challenge: namely, a system that treats
students differently risks creating further inequity.
If the system is not regulated properly, it could lead
to unintentional tracking or widening of the
achievement gap.
Additional challenges involve issues with funding and
political will. For example, it will likely be expensive
to fund professional development programs that
can create teams of educators in various facets of
students’ lives who are capable of differentiating
instruction, supporting emotional regulation skills,
teaching metacognitive skills, and so forth. Moreover,
gaining political will for certain aspects of these
approaches may also be challenging. For example,
students from disadvantaged backgrounds will likely
require more resources to reach a common set of
core standards than students from more privileged
backgrounds. How can educators gain political
support for this unequal distribution of resources?
20 Mind, Brain, and Education: The Students at the Center Series
that case, we had better begin today.”
The purpose of this chapter is not to review all cognitive
For more information, see series paper: Curricular
science or neuroscience research on learning but rather to
Opportunities in the Digital Age, by David H. Rose and Jenna
discuss mind, brain, and education research that is most
W. Gravel. http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/papers/
relevant to student-centered learning approaches, with a
particular focus on neuroscience research.
For an illustration of how teachers can use feedback to
For more information, see “Universal Design for Learning”
motivate students, see “Element 7. Clear, Timely Assessment
in Curricular Opportunities in the Digital Age, by David H. Rose
and Support” in Teachers at Work—Six Exemplars of Everyday
and Jenna W. Gravel. http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/
Practice, by Barbara Cervone and Kathleen Cushman. http://
See series paper: http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/
For more information, see series paper: Motivation,
Engagement, and Student Voice, by Eric Toshalis and Michael
J. Nakkula. http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/papers/
For more information, see series paper: Curricular
Opportunities in the Digital Age, by David H. Rose and Jenna
W. Gravel. http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/papers/
Since Howard Gardner (1987, 2006, 2008) revolutionized our
See series paper: http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/
For examples and a discussion of connecting informal
concept of intelligence, educational researchers understand
learning to schools, see “Element 5. Anywhere, Anytime, and
that intelligence is more multifaceted and dynamic than the
Real-world Learning” in Teachers at Work—Six Exemplars of
notion of IQ suggests. Nonetheless, the considerable difference
Everyday Practice, by Barbara Cervone and Kathleen Cushman.
in genetic and environmental contributions to IQ in different
subgroups is an interesting finding.
Engagement, and Student Voice, by Eric Toshalis and Michael
Shared environment refers to the environmental factors
For more information, see series paper: Motivation,
shared among siblings living in the same household. Other
J. Nakkula. http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/papers/
factors that contribute to variability in IQ include non-shared
environmental factors, those that are different among siblings
living in the same household such as experiences with peers
and random chance.
For more information, see series paper: Motivation,
Engagement, and Student Voice, by Eric Toshalis and Michael
J. Nakkula. http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/papers/
See series paper: http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/
For more information, see: Motivation, Engagement, and
Student Voice, by Eric Toshalis and Michael J. Nakkula.
See series paper: http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/
For examples of how educators scaffold learning and foster
self-directed learners, see Elements 3, 4, and 8 in Teachers at
Work—Six Exemplars of Everyday Practice, by Barbara Cervone
and Kathleen Cushman. http://www.studentsatthecenter.org/
For a detailed discussion of other means of supporting
professional development to foster student-centered
approaches to learning, see “Professional Learning in Studentcentered Environments” in Teachers at Work—Six Exemplars of
Everyday Practice, by Barbara Cervone and Kathleen Cushman.
Jobs for the Future 21
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